#he wouldnt want their chaos on board his...
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thejediandthemandalorian · 9 months ago
Obi-Wan: You two knuckle heads aren't gonna last two seconds on the Negotiator.
Anakin: oh yeah? We'll see about that
*Anakin and Ahsoka board the ship*
Cody: Out of the ship, fellas.
*Anakin and Ahsoka leave the ship and the Cody flies it away*
Anakin: how many seconds was that?
Obi-Wan: 12.
Anakin and Ahsoka: IN YOUR FACE!
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finitevoid · 11 months ago
d3 script doctor
ben and mal are being pressured to get married after they turn 18 because it would endear the other royals in auradon to the idea of the fact that the isle kids can be rehabilitated; mal being such a success in rehabilitation that the king marries her is a big deal. however shes not really being prepared sufficiently for the political side of things, just the appearance stuff. so when shes in the war room with beast belle & fg, they start really unsubtly pressuring her.
wouldnt it be safer if the barrier was shut forever? we're in danger right now. Mal. Mal, what do you think .?
and she chooses to close the barrier because if its a choice between her gang's safety vs. a bunch of random people on the isle, shes going to choose her gang no contest. ben throws a HUGE hissy fit and completely loses his mind. im talking yelling, maybe a little crying. this is his dream and hes the king but hes being strongarmed into this decision; beast belle & fg are using mal as their scapegoat, like look, shes from the isle and she agrees. and ben should say something like, shes from the isle, of course she agrees.
ben stays with mal instead of turning into a beast for some reason. when the core 4 meet up with the sea 3 hes the one playing peacemaker while evie giggles cutely in the back about shrimps and chaos. evie is the first to come around to his peacemaking however, shes totally on board to work with the sea 3 but everytime she sidles up to be on ben's peacemaking side she has to school her expression into a not-laugh. she claps her hands like a youth counselor and suggests icebreaker games just to see the looks on everyones faces at the sheer ridiculousness of it. shes fucking with everyone
instead of coralling the sea 3, the core 4 slide back into old isle ways. theyre meaner, louder, brasher. when the sea 3 start stealing stuff the only reason jay fights it is because he doesnt like harry and he wants him to suffer. instead of being surprised at gil's delight, jay is nostalgic and charmed, and shows him more things that he wouldnt know about. carlos threatens to bite someone. etc
hannah is the girl's dorms RA
instead of just saving audrey's life the plan is to save her from death and then throw her on the isle (a fun foil to FG and beast creating the isle! yay). but the big blowout fight she had with her gang and uma pushes mal to see past her own selfishness. so she very publically drops her political clout persona, stands up for the isle, and when beast and belle try to stop her, she stomps on their metaphorical toes and tells them to shut up.
FG doesnt give up her wand, but the core 4 know without having to be told to chase and corner her into giving it up. (i think carlos should do this). jay is the one who presents her with the wand. then they stand in a line and break the barrier
the final shots are a lingering, contemplative scene in which the core 4 agree that they'll protect people from the violence that will be razed down by the newly freed isle residents, and then, lAst one to the hideouts a rotten apple!!!!!!!!!!!!! running off into the sunset
everything else can stay the same
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macdenlover · 2 years ago
the parasocial relationship ive fallen into with these 3 middle aged men combined with my autism super powers of pattern recognition has given me profound (and maybe delusional, who knows) insight into their minds and realistically here’s where i think they all land on macdennis.
i think charlie is the most on board with it but in a casual wouldnt-that-be-pretty-funny way and i think his biggest gripe with it would be them eventually running out of ways to make it fit the comedy of the show once the initial chaos of it dies down. rob is probably the most into taking on the sheer newness of exploring a relationship dynamic like that but he’s also very analytical and his gripe would be whether or not it would stray too far from the premise of the show and he’d possibly be worried about it turning into a “gay show” because of the ratio. and now for my most controversial take yet i think glenn is the least on board with macdennis especially when it comes to making dennis canonically queer. i get the vibes that he would think making dennis bisexual or whatever would send the wrong message because having a character as despicable and as “sexually deviant” as dennis be ACTUALLY gay would come across as them vilifying queer people. which rob would then push back against saying there’s bad people out there who just Happen to be gay there’s nothing wrong with putting that on television. (i’m starting to suspect glenn not being there is the reason they were able to push the envelope so much with them in s13-14.) I think they’ve had serious in depth conversations about their relationship and their plan has been to just keep postponing it until they figure out if they want to proceed with it later or just let it fizzle out into nothing. it’s definitely not at the forefront of their minds when they make the show but it’s back there somewhere for sure. the biggest hurdle i think they’re getting to especially this far into the show is deciding how heavily they want to lean into the commentary/satire aspect and how much they want to lean into the characters and their personal motivations— because a lot of the time the two blend together really well but with something like macdennis, as funny as it may be, it would require them to either lose the satire, have the relationship be unintentionally read as satire in a way that comes across as homophobic, or they’d have to find some way to incorporate satire into that storyline in way that’s successful AND true to their sense of humor AND would deflect from them being gay (like making fun of traditional couple tropes? idk). i think at some point they’re gonna hit “fuck it” and finally pull the trigger but that’s gonna be when the show has nothing left to lose. as for s16 im predicting there’s gonna be some significant macden moments but i don’t think it’s actually going canon yet.
again these are just my thoughts if you think im totally off i’d love to know
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powpowchaos · 2 years ago
HelLo OmGg!! I just found you but I'm legit in love w your art!!!
Is there anything you'd like to ramble about ur pirate au??? I wanna listen and eat your content up/pos/nf
Hello hello!!! Thanks sm for being interested~ Ill share some little ideas/things about this universe and AU since I dont want to go too wild with TPATMOS Comic. So ill ramble on little ideas that most likely wont show up~ So be ready for some hot spam text:
World: -The world is mostly fantasy based. If I were to make it 'accurate' to pirate history, and how they live. it wouldnt be all that fun. So the world is made up on DnD fantasy type logic. Magic, Myths, Enchantments, Curses, Gods of all kinds. All of that exist in this AU. -So its just fantasy pirate setting. Shadow's Ship: -Originally Named The Ark ( not sure if it would be renamed or kept the same ) -Shadows ship is unique even in this fantasy setting. His ship is powered by a chaos emerald that is hidden away in his quarters. -The emerald sits in the middle of something similar to an orrery. -The emerald powers his ship heavily. Such as keeping lights on, and fires going. It steers his ship without needing much wind if commanded to do so. But most importantly, the most unique thing the emerald can do is lift hip ship into the air. Air ships are just as common as sea ships, but one that can do both is rare or at least 'expensive' material wise. -Shadows Ship is large, he has his ship full to the brim with loyal crew members, it very much is like a small community. But a pirate community so its still semi rowdy. Shadow: -Hes made quite the name for himself out at sea. -Shadows main target when pirating is army ships and actually anyone brave enough to pick a fight with his ship. If they shot first- its only plight to send a reply back. -Shadow isnt fond of having his ship in the sky. the only reason he leaves the sea are for the following: 1: the ships underside needs to be cleaned. 2: avoiding a fleet of army vessels that could be an overwhelming match / rivals who teamed up and arnt worth his time. 3: secret for now.
-Shadow only ever shows mercy to those he deems worthy of it. children, the sick, and ones in mental distress. those are the ones that often get a pass. The most he does is leave them at the next island that clearly has some kind of civilization. other than that he wont lend anymore. Surprisingly the only reason he allowed sonic to stay was because he has a kid brother. -Rouge absolutely calls bullshit. Claiming shadow 'has a thing for blue' his reply if they were alone would be hinting to her being correct. Shadows ex boyfriend being a darker shade of blue with red eyes and goes by the name metal...
-shadow is 100% gay in this AU.
-Shadow has a cat that wonders the ship. Everyone adores Cathulhu. A calico little thing. Sonic: -Sonic was fished out of a ship wreak along with tails, and if it werent for them being brothers he would probably be tossed back into the wreak he was fished out from.
-Sonic being saved is rare, since shadow would toss enemies overboard and this being a rare occasion. everyone MUST be useful in some way. sonic is assigned to basically be something similar to a maid on the ship. getting the worst jobs.
-Sonic eventually starts to prove himself as useful, and having tails around improving a lot of the strange tech on board also helped sway the crew on letting the two stay.
-In the comic currently sonic has been on board for a little over 3 months. His stay is much longer than anyone else they ever fished out from the ocean. Its very much accepted that blue is here to stay.
-Sonic thinks the captain sure is handsome too bad he can be a buzzkill sometimes. Other characters: -Rouge: She actually has a bar on board. she also is the only one besides shadow who has her own quarters. Shadow says she has the larger room since she enjoys to splurge. -Omega: Hes not a robot but he is a wondering soul bound to a set of armor. I guess the best visual example would be Al from full metal alchemist lol
/// I-- Have more but ill have to keep those ramblings for after i finish drawing out the comic!
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starboundsingularities · 2 years ago
Question 1: Imagine if Dimentio and Reformed Discord became friends. What do you think would they do together?
Q2: Imagine if Reformed Dimentio and Evil/Past Discord became friends. What do you think would they do together?
Q3: Imagine if Reformed Dimentio and Reformed Discord became friends. What do you think would they do together?
Q4: Imagine if Dimentio and Past/Evil Discord became friends. What do you think would they do together?
gosh its super hard to imagine a reformed dimentio for me tbh and i feel like NONE of these would end super well but i feel like in any scenario where they arent BOTH reformed the world would end somehow. if anything though i feel like a reformed discord would be more likely to fight against dimentio than a reformed dimentio would be to fight against discord cuz dimentios goal is ultimately to destroy all worlds n create perfect new ones where discords goal is just kind of like. chaos and mayhem. and a reformed dimentio could enjoy chaos and mayhem but a reformed discord would probably not super enjoy the void lol a reformed dimentio would probably still be on board with discords brand of evil though bc even though it would be a reformed dimentio hed be reformed from like. completely destroy all worlds and recreate them however he wants as opposed to discord having been reformed from cause chaos and destruction so i feel like even a reformed dimentio would be like ok yeah this is fun. i love chocolate milk rain if they were both reformed i wouldnt let them in a room with each other because it would be mayhem bc even reformed theyd both be super chaotic and you KNOW theyre gonna aim that at someone. the kind of guys to put a harmonica in a vacuum. i can honestly. almost see discord fighting against dimentio in the scenario where neither are reformed in a way of like "hey you cant destroy the world im using this. i taught the grass how to scream you cant just destroy that" like not out of like the goodness of his heart but because if the world gets destroyed he cant rlly mess around with it anymore?? and also cuz like if all worlds got destroyed that probably includes him lol i kinda answered more as generic interactions than outright friendship i think for outright friendship it would end bad lol. either the world ends (void), the world ends (chaos), or the world doesnt really END but it also like never gets a break i also havent watched mlp in like years except i did watch a little but i didnt get to season 2 so i absolutely dont have a super fresh memory of discord i just know hes like. the original chaos entity. the very first one (this is a joke i know some other guy existed first probably) didnt discord have some like pocket dimension or something?? in one episode?? do you think theyd visit each others dimensions. theyd be like oh no my friends coming over i totally forgot 2 clean my dimension. except i feel like dimensions probably dont really get super dusty and messy if yr not using them. idk im not the dimension expert thats a different guy lol
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
Manager!Seijoh Part 4
(i originally planned to write the other schools for the manager scenario like theyre already in my drafts with plans and partly written out but like seijoh is my TOP PRIORITY (sorry pls dont hate me) BC THEY ARE MY BOIS)
also, most of my ask box is all for a kyoken ending and kyoken fluff and aoba johsai fluff and im quaking bc this is spurring me to create more aoba johsai imagines and my love for the other schools is just like being overshadowed by our little plant babies :’)
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request: Im the anon who mentioned the chaos about the dating and can I say I love it!!! 🙏🙏 i kinda have this hc for the boys that they fight whenever they go on bus rides, just because they want yn to sit next to them. But she usually sits next to the calmer members?? The reason the boys fight?? She may or may not have fallen asleep a few times, her head on kyo/iwa shoulder. 🥺🥺
(bruh im so soft for iwa and kyo like my best bois and i must write them out IMMEDIATELY bc theyre so uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!)
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oh dear
bus rides,,,,, yep here we go
the team is usually peaceful and civil w each other (minus iwa literally beating oiks up but thats irrelevant information)
like they dont really have fights or have any arguments bc they meet up every saturday to talk about the week and if anybody had any concerns or anything they were mad about since it was like a family meeting
but boy oh boy
when you entered this family,,, arguments and misunderstandings happened once a week
‘no! y/n-chan said she was going to go shopping with me!’
‘um, she already agreed to go to to the arcade w me’
‘wait, she told me we were going to go visit that cafe!’
yes you agreed to do those things w them but you never assigned a date
your attention was something that these boys were always wanting since they only see you during club hours and practices
their jealousy gets really ugly sometimes and the two first years actually get all smug about it 
‘hm, y/n, we still up for studying later?’
you ruffled his hair and smiled up at him
‘yep! we need to set an alarm though or else i’d end up staying after 1 in the morning again’
‘great. cant wait’
kunimi rarely shows any emotion towards his senpais but they couldnt miss the smug smirk that made oikawa grip the volleyball and mattsun holding him back
god hes such a little shite
everyone knows that the first years have a upperhand than them bc of your same grade so the upperclassmen were much more sensitive to spending time with you outside of practice
and they liked to spend that time wisely
when the time for away games come, you weren’t that worried about it
i mean,, why would you when boarding the bus is going to be so early in the morning at like 4 in the morning and theyd be sleeping the whole time so you get peace and quiet
in fact, you were looking forward!
but nope!
jesus took the wheel and said no
instead, you were watching the team members shouting and yelling at each other at the asscrack of dawn
say sike rn
the 2 coaches were actually not there yet so they werent able to help you and whip the boys to order so here you were, bleary eyed and clearly still tired, sighing and rolling your eyes at the fight
now you might be asking me, ‘author-chan, why are they fighting so hard for something as simple as a bus ride?’
well, my young grasshoppers, this is not just a simple bus ride
you are infamous in the team to be a sleeper
no matter what form of transportation, bus, car, any surface, you found yourself in dream land
yall i wish i was like that
the sleep paralysis demon beside my bed says otherwise
they freak out and fight over even a simple touch of affection from you, do you really think they wouldnt fight tooth and nail to being your pillow and freely watching your adorable sleeping face?
these men are fighting as if they were fighting something serious like a world war
lmao with how intensely theyre fighting, it practically is
but there were two players who actually didnt care either way since they only wanted you to be the most comfortable and they werent exactly the most squishiest members
in fact, they were basically all muscle and probably not the most comfortable
totally not my bias talking or anything
so it was no surprise when they didnt get themselves involved
iwa was already done w them and goes in the bus because mom deserves a nap
naturally, kyo follows the leader and boards the bus after him, leaving the others to fight it out in the school parking lot
you were happy that they were too distracted that they wouldnt notice you sneaking away into the bus and you were slightly disappointed that out of all the seats, kyo had to sit in the one-seater by the front
so you immediately went over to the other person, who was iwa-san, and he was just settling in, pulling out his teal blanket
you blinked at him when he caught you stare but he gently smiled before opening the blanket
‘i was never a fan of window seats anyways’
you happily bounced over to him and you placed your bag at the overhead compartment bc seijoh is bougee and can afford everything before you climbed over him to the seat next to the window
iwaizumi tried to make you as comfortable as he can so he kept the seat divider thing yanno what im talking about? between you
but his eyes widened when you casually pulled it up and snuggled closer to him
youve done this before so he opened his right arm for you to cuddle closer but he was still surprised 
you just closed your eyes with a smile as you pulled the blanket to your chin and practically glomped yourself to iwa
ugh im so jealous of you!!!!!!!!!!
‘hmmmm, youre so warm iwa-san. youre like,,,,, jacob from twilight’
his eyebrow quirked and he smiled, wrapping his arm around you and tightly holding you close
‘oh? the werewolf?’
he felt your head nod
‘mhm. so warm, and strong, yet so gentle and soft’
by now, both your legs were already swung over his lap and head on his chest as you sat sideways
his fingers traced circles around your middle as his other hand was fiddling with your fingers
‘didnt he like mark a little girl?’
‘iwa-san dont talk about that!’
his laugh grumbled his chest and you giggled, trying to become even closer towards his naturally warm chest and inhale his scent
lavender mixed with peppermint
it was such an odd combination from the people you knew and you were immediately drawn to it
thats why you usually wore his jacket rather than your own
he always gets confused as to where it is but you steal it and watch him look for it
you didnt hear that from me though
it didnt take a long time for you to fall asleep and by the time the 2 coaches finally arrived and yelled at the players, they were already late
‘oikawa, i thought youd handle this properly!’
oiks whimpered from the coach’s scolding but apologized then pushed everyone in
the sight in front of them made them both boil in jealousy and squeal in uwus
you, the softest and sweetest and kindest little flower human being, being cuddled up to iwaizumi, the brute and bara arms and the ultra macho strong man, who had his head on top of you
even though they knew you were a heavy sleeper and iwa slept like a rock, they still quieted down and silently walked over to their seats, hissing and shushing at anyone who even made the slightest bit of noise
rustle of the bags?
seat creaking as they sit down?
they only let this slide bc your sleeping face was just so cute and they didnt have the heart to wake you up
and also face the wrath of titan iwa and be thrown into the atlantic ocean like oikawa did one time
when you finally arrived at the stadium, they waited for a rough 10 minutes just to figure out how to wake you up
they didnt want to wake up iwa first and have him yell at them but they didnt want to wake you up first either
but kyo didnt understand the dilemma and instead just goes to the back where yall were at and he goes to the seat behind you so he could reach you easily and tickles your cheek
the team is just like 👁️👄👁️
your nose scrunches at this tingling sensation until it continues so you open your eyes and finds kyo just smiling down at you
oiks is literally shaking bc he could see the smallest smile on kyo’s face
‘wake up’
with his gruff voice, it sounded like he was ordering you around but you knew he couldnt help it and blinked tiredly at him, giving him a smile of your own
‘hm, hi kyo-san’
you winced at the sudden appearance of the sunlight and that made you fully wake up before flinched at the eyes of the other players
‘hello, everyone’
you said slowly and you sat up, noticing iwa still sleeping
oiks held his breath bc hes been friends w iwa since he was still a baby and he knows that its like waking up a sleeping dragon
‘wait y/n-chan-’
but you didnt listen and poked his nose
‘iwa-san? iwa-san, we’re here’
you cooed and the poking made his eyes flutter open and with his head still tilted to the side, he swore he saw an angel by the way the sunlight hit the back of your head giving you a smiling angel effect
hm, i could get used to seeing this when i wake up
you grinned and when he finally stretched, you sat up stright, waiting for iwa to get up so you could slide out
but kyo was an impatient little bean and just hoisted you out of there and towards him behind the seat
‘come on. i got your bag’
he mumbled and you nodded, letting him hold your hand
lmao wait i forgot the time this is set
this is set during the 2nd inter-high okay? okay
oiks was still complaining at kyo and iwa hogging you but you didnt listen and continued walking towards the entrance, glancing around at the other teams
as usual, oiks and iwa were walking to the front bc yanno, captain and vice-captain, while you and kyo walked at the back, mainly bc you didnt want any player to stray off like kindaichi did last time and look for him for hours
kyo gripped your hand and you turned your head to look at him to see his eyes glaring at anything
you chuckled which made him look down at you, the glare slowly disappearing
‘hm, kyo-san, you should really invest in contacts. it doesnt matter if wearing glasses makes you feel like a nerd bc you still need it to see’
he scrunched his nose when you scolded him and he was about to retort when him and the team caught the whisperings of the nearby teams
‘oh my god, seijoh and the beautiful manager’
‘how old is she? i hope shes at least a second year’
‘ngh id tap that’
‘is he her boyfriend? if so, the competition isnt that hard then’
kyo growled and was about to lunge at the yellow jacketed boy but you held him back, also worriedly looking at your boys
‘seijoh, down’
you ordered and they shrunk back, opting to just glaring heatedly at the other teams
you could still feel kyo shaking at rage to them sexualizing you but your hands squeezing him and the other hand rubbing his arm helped him control it
‘dont make a scene, kyo-san. its your first competition since your suspension, right? and you love volleyball so please keep it in. i can protect myself’
you whispered but he let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and continuing to glare at everyone as if he was asserting dominance
‘if they touch you-’
‘ill kick them between the legs, i know. you told me already’
you teased and he hummed in agreement
when they played, they were at ease bc the two coaches were there and they were also protective of you like their own so they wouldnt have to worry about someone to go after you
as they were warming up for the second game, you had to quickly fill up their water bottles bc they were already tired and dehydrated so you needed to fill them up
and they were all busy and you didnt want to bother them and you were going to be quick anyways so you just took the case of bottles and ran to the nearby water fountain
you were hurriedly filling them up and at your last bottle, you were about to cap it when you felt a presence behind you
he stood close and his arms snaked around your waist but you hurriedly tightened the lid and whacked him at the head with the heavy bottle
you continuously hit him and kicked him between the legs before hitting him again
you shouted and iwa and kyo were watching from the end of the hallway, panting from running so fast since they heard your shouts
okay a little flashback,
kyo was watching you from his perepharal vision and when he went up to spike, he took his eyes off of you for ONE DAMN SECOND and you nyoomed out of there
when he didnt see you anywhere, he wildly looked around and this caught the attention of the vice-captain
‘oi! kyotani! whats wrong?’
‘y/n. where is she?’
they took off running and the team was just like what
then they heard shouts and kyo knew it was you
his mad dog senses
hehe get it
he as about to tackle the guy but he saw you beat him with a water bottle and eventually taking another bottle and kicking him and hitting him with the two waters
the player cowered and scrambled to get away bc wow this girl was psycho
um no sir, she was protecting herself from hormonal testosterone filled children like you
maybe it was because the last time you were touched without consent was when you got bullied but you were definitely fighting harder and more aggressive at protecting yourself
you turned around and the rage from your eyes disappeared when you saw the two boys there
‘hey iwa-san! kyo-san! sorry, i needed to fill the water bottles!’
you grinned and placed the bottles back to the case before lugging it up
my god their eyes were shining
yep, thats my girl
when their games were over for the day, they made their way to the exit where the bus was at and you and kyo stayed behind again
you caught the eye of the guy and his team and you and kyo glared at him, both wearing a sadistic smile
kyo even went up to him and the team shrunk leaving the guy standing there in fear at the look on his face
‘listen, i dont like it when my baby girl gets touched by filthy shite like you. so do it again, and ill chop those damn fingers of yours, got it?’
lmao he’ll come for your ankles
the guy just nodded in fear while his team were cowering at the back
you chuckled and pulled kyo to go bc as much as you liked watching this, you needed to go to the bus to go home
‘cmon, kyo, i want to go. im getting a headache from the smell of garbage’
he shifted his gaze to you and sent you a soft smile
‘okay. lets go’
hah you thought it ends there?
kyo is a dramatic little shite so he made a show of grabbing your waist and kissing your temple before flashing them a finger
oiks was tapping his foot impatiently at the bus and when you and kyo emerged from the entrace, he was about to snatch you up but kyo stood in front of you
he said and didnt say anything else as he pulled you to the bus and into a two seater where you sat at the window again and he sat on the outside
‘hah? you want to sit next to me, kyo-san?’
you teased but he flushed red, hurriedly hiding in your neck
you laughed and brought a hand up to caress his nape
he mumbled and you pursed your lips to hide the squeal
‘youre so cute, kyo-san’
‘not cute’
‘very cute’
kyoken got away from your neck and went to hit the captain 
oikawa screamed
a/n: my first week of school was so weird bc we only have like 2 days and the other days are just free days bc we havent really done anything except talk about our classes but im just hating this system like ugh i actually want to go to school bc ya girl is going to a tech school and this 2-day a week is not the vibe
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years ago
Egg hatching story rough copy (small adharan ship invade California, gets raided by soldiers and loses like 20 something eggs) (Town that protag lives in is clled Blythe its on the cali-arizona border)(futuristic 1930’s setting where the gret depression happens 2004)“Look what i got at work hun!” Damn. Lucia groaned inwardly at her husbands voice as she straightened in her chair, her leg ached.. The dolt was always bringing home odd trinkets that while looking interesting or pleasing,were often dangerous. The loud tap-tap-tap of footsteps sounded at her door before being swung open. And a large milky colored orb was shoved into her view, Lucia fought the urge to glower at the exuberant man before her. “what  did you bring home this time Todd?”“A jewel or somethin’, i think thats what ‘boss said anyways” He bounced the sphere in his palms. she pinched the bridge of her nose and tilted her head back, causing long auburn wisps to fall away from her face.This ‘jewel’ was clearly an egg of some sort.It looked like it was laid by a barn owl, if a bit large and transparent-looking.“ Todd where did you get this ‘jewel’?” He handed her the egg as he spoke “ well me n the boss were patrolling and found ‘nother Adharan wreck just inside Cali borders.Had all these white jewels inside of it“  Lucia mm-hmm’d as she absentmindedly prodding at the egg, must be adharan then. “I picked this one cuz it was the biggest,” she couldnt hear him outside of the observational monologue in her head.Todd fidgeted during the pause, “ jus’ thought id get a pretty thing for my pretty lady”. The taller woman snapped to attention in time to tell todd that he did a good job and whatnot, she liked todd of course but he was a bit scatterbrained when it came to random objects beyond the skyline.{timeskip mayhaps idk}The orb filled with white fire pulsated and squirmed, just itching at the opportunity to be released from its hazy prison.Lucia’s eyes, often glazed over with utter unconcern, were alive with a calculated mischief.in her boredom with house-wifery Lucia had chosen to incubate the spawn of her peoples greatest enemy,on Terra,in her house,on the shag carpet.It had to be a crime, a felony of unimaginable extent,that carpet was pretty expensive.But Lucia didn’t care. She was tired of the same dreaded, monotonous routine that she had been dutifully following like the good little housewife that she was.     The good little wife that she had been.Lucia wanted to raise one to these insectoid beasts, just to see what chaos she could create. Spurred on by some unknown force,the egg burst open with a squelch. Lucia would have gagged had she cared.High pitched scraping sound greeted her. she grimaced as a fat grub rolled across the carpet onto hardwood.It wriggled and endulated,it looked mostly the same as the egg. just oblong and with a pair of snapping mandibles that clicked continously.Lucia studied the larvae curiously, she eyes flickered to the corkboad with pinned bugs and arthropods.  The board had a section for hornets, brood included.Lucia smiled, she remembered the days when she would blowoff etteqiuette classes to hunt down hornet nests. She would become trancelike, she wouldnt destroy them like the other children, no,she would sit politely and just, watch.The uniformity mesmerized her, not a single wing nor antennae was out of line. Every single hornet in that hive knew their job and were content with it.Lucia jolted  as the clicking, writhing larvae found its way to her chair and dragged its jaws against her wooden leg. Had she been another woman, she woud have probably screamed in abject horror, but lucia didnt see this gesture as a threat or danger. Her work in the field so many years ago had taught her that this grub was just hungry and was telling her so in the perfect, matter-of-fact way that insects always did.Lucia reached for the cute littleporcelain bowl beside her, a wedding gift from todd’s sister i think. She took a spoon and scooped up a viscous glob of protein powder and various ground up animal bits.“If its gonna grow big it will have to eat as such.” Lucia mumbled to no one in particular.\{timeskip part 2}{ perspective change???}Todd hummed a tune he didnt remember the words to as he changed out of his uniform.He was getting ready to go home after a long shift, lost in his thoughts of nothingness.“Man those adherans are more tenacious than a coon going after a crawdad!” it was his fellow recruits chattering.“Jared of course they are theyre invaders for a reason,and I know you didnt have that stupid accent an hour ago” Todd chuckled as Second-Liutenant McReady smacked Jared on the bck of his head lightly.“You jus cant stand fun ‘round here can ya Nic? You allergic to it or somethin’?” Jared griped in a voice similar to an italian mob-boss as they walked away,bickering becoming quieter but Jared’s over-the-top accents becoming sillier.Instead of catching up with Jared and Nic, Todd hurried to pack up so he could get home to his pregnant wife.{perspective change yet again-}“Yep, i uh, gave birth right at home” Lucia avoided eye contact with Todd, she had wanted to see how far she could go with this little experiment,and pretended to be pregnant while the egg went unhatched.She forgot to include her lack of lying ability as a variable in her calculations.Todd looked at her,then at the baby-sized larvae in his arms,then at her,back at the bug with no expression. Cold sweat beaded at Lucia’s brow, feeling very stupid she was tempted to come clean-The grub wiggled at Lucia in a manner that could only be described as laughing.damn bug.“well , uh, look I-” Her uncomfortable attempt at being honest was cut short as Todd’s face broke out into the single most excited smile on Terra,”He’s got your eyes!”“Wh- Uh yes ‘he’ sure does!” The thin lady quietly huffed a sigh of relief,“Why did you air quote “he”-” Todd began, Lucia quickly snatched up the larvae and wrapped it in a fluffy blanket.The bug spawn gurgled ungratefully.“Dont you have any manners? I just gave birth to a gru- child,i meant child” Todd quickly backed down sheepishly. “Ah uh go rest then ill take care of dinner” he was most certainly going to burn water, but it the thought that counts. After some time and once Lucia was certain her husband was clueless she allowed him to feed the squirming bug.”Soo.. Whats his name? Cuz i was thinkin’ something like Toddlleton or toddy,its like Teddy but i added-” She stuck out her index finger to shush him, she hadnt thought this far ahead, but she sure as hell wasnt going to name her larvae ‘Toddy’. “Uhm..” her eyes anded on her framed copy of Solstice Daily, dated on her birthday, “S-Sol?”{timeskip, Sol’s perspective)“Theres my boy!all ready for his first day of senior year! :D” Sol was yanked into a big bear hug from jis father, “clkclk chhk wubwok” Sol chittered in annoyance, Todd relented and put him down. Lucia glanced over her coffee mug at the two, mostly indisbelief, she had kept this ruse goin for 17 and a half years now. Sol was almost six feet tall now, half a foot taller than his ‘father’, large insectoid eyes protruded from his triangularly angled head, long antennae drooped downwards animatedly and he continued clicking. He had two sets of arms for the love of Moth Jesus. Lucia pondered her next lies.Sol trudged towards Blythe Highschool, anxiously jostling his backpack.He was just barely walking through a little forested shortcut when he heard the clicking and rustling from the bushes, {oh no, what if its an Adharan? Im too pretty to die!!} Sol panic clicked rapidly as the ruslting grew louder. Throwing up his arms in defense of his face, Sol awaited imminent demise.…Nothing happened, for two, maybe three seconds.{what.what are you doing in broad daylight?? Are you trying to get killed?} a new chittering noise interuppted Sol’s dramatic death scenario, a very irritated one at that. Sol lowered his arms just enough to peek at the newcomer, but, he couldnt see anything?? {Where are you? I cant see-} Sol gasped {Are you invisible? A ghost?!} A heavy and disgruntled sigh was heard before a chitinous black hand was waved in his face,causeing him to jump. {no im just short, cool it with the screeching beanstalk} 
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diamondcitydarlin · 4 years ago
wait your tags… wouldnt it be just the most romantic and poetic thing if mobius fell in love w a loki in his past life and the TVA stepped in because loki felt loved and appreciated and therefore wasnt the villain they wanted him to be, since that seems to be the theme of the other lokis who turned good. they wanted to change/didnt feel alone anymore and reset that loki. They took mobius in cause they knew he would be useful in capturing the most common variant, since he managed to find and fall for one
I love it!!! My sort of vague idea was just that they had met at some point and it triggered Mobius' original Nexus event- I had only thought to go as far as Loki giving him a nudge out the door to do something spontaneous BUT I REALLY LIKE THE IDEA OF A PAST, FORGOTTEN ROMANCE BETWEEN THEM!! Absolutely on board with that, as I'm 100% sure they are soulmates that defy both time and dimensions. In every reality, there is a Mobius that found a Loki. And vice-versa.
But maybe there's something in their connection that both fuels and defies the sacred timeline. Maybe there's some benefit to keeping them going in circles, loops with one another over and over again. Hmm.
Things I will address in Chaos Theory...if you fancy. Little shameless self-promo there.
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mk-tozier · 4 years ago
@softbumble asked: I was wanting a smut with Richie x quiet reader where the reader is acting like a brat and Richie decides to teach them some manners.
17-18 years old or whatever age you want idc lmao
I’m sorry if this is bad or not what you wanted, I’m also gonna be kinda slow on requests, I’m trying the best as i can. Also sorry if its short or kinda rushed I’ve been kinda busy!
It’s kinda bad and very repetitive. Thats on me tho cuz its rushed. Again sorry if this is not what you had in mind. I was also writing this with the IQ of 2 because my brain was not working after taking a 1 hour and a half science test and then a math test right after so please excuse the absolute chaos this writing is.
warnings: smut, language, slight choking, degrading, teasing, fingering, overstimulation, idk man’, unedited as hell
I sat in Bill’s living room, next to Richie, sitting on the couch. An hour before me and Richie were at home, fingers tangled in each others hair, He trailed kisses down my neck, leaving hickeys and love bites on my neck as he played with the waistband of my underwear, teasing me and rubbing my clit through it. Then we got a call from Bill asking to hangout and Richie being Richie said we’ll go and left me unsatisfied. So now i was stuck on the couch, bored and horny. “why do you look so upset y/n, did something happen?” Ben asks. “No I’m just tired, thats all.” i said sweetly, but shooting Richie a glare. He smirked, before looking back at the tv which was playing some movie that i had no interest in. Bill and Stan were setting things up, getting snacks from the kitchen, board games from the closet, getting things together. I wasn’t exactly sure what we were doing but we were waiting for them to finish up.
Stan came into the living room, placing a bowl of chips onto the table. “Heyy stanny boyyyyyyyyyyy” I giggled, i have no idea why but i made myself laugh. “hey Y/n” He smiled. “you’re my twin” i say. “how so?” he asks, seeming genuinely interested in what i had to say. “We’re both quiet, sassy, funny” i stop to send Stan a wink at the word ‘funny’ “and cool people” I smile brightly. “i agree” he shakes his head, smiling. I look over to see a annoyed Richie. Hes very easy to make jealous, thats whats fun about him. Stan walked out of the room to continue helping Bill. “flirting with another guy” Richie muttered to himself, in a growl. I put my hand on Richies thigh. He looked over at me. “what’re you doing?” he growls again. “nothing” i shrug. I lay my head on his shoulder.
time skip
i layed with Richie comfortablely, My hand still on his thigh. The boys finished setting everything up, putting on ‘The Goonies’. I moved my hand higher up Richies thigh, closer to his manhood. I looked up at him, Richies jaw clenched. “Richieeee” i whined into his ear. “what?” he replies. “i need youuuu.” i whine again, kissing his neck. “wait until we get home” he mutters. “but i need you now” i brush my hand against his clothed dick, feeling it harden a bit. “baby pleaseee” “I said wait until we get home” Richie growls into my ear. I huff but listen to him, keeping my hand on his thigh. He moves my hand off his thigh and onto the couch. I huff again, annoyed, hes being no fun. I wait a few minutes before putting my hand back on his thigh. “princess, stop it” he whispers into my ear. I ignore him, moving my hand closer to his manhood. “if you dont stop I’ll have to punish you” he growls. I stop moving my hand, leaving it directly on his hard-on. Richie keeps his eyes on the tv, jaw clenched and anger in his eyes. Just what i wanted. I began to palm Richie through his joggers, causing his breath to hitch. He grabbed my wrist, moving it away from my pants. “I just remembered i told my parents that I’d have Y/n over for dinner, they love her so they insist in inviting her to dinners. they’ll kill me if I’m late so we gotta go” Richie says to the losers, they nod understanding. He pulls me through the living room and out the door, shutting it behind him. “what the fuck was that?!?” Richie growls. He gets on his bike, i get on the back, wrapping my arms around him. “answer me” “its your fault, you said we could go to Bill’s, maybe if you werent such a tease then i wouldnt of done what i did” I snap back. “Acting like a brat now, are we?” he says, pedalling faster
When we arrived to the house Richie threw his bike to the ground on his front lawn, he dragged me inside, the door unlocked. Richie pushed me against the wall, attacking my neck. “Made me lie to the losers because you were so needy” He mumbled against my neck. “Needy slut can’t even wait until we get home” Richie says before beginning to suck and lick at my soft spot. I moan from the unexpected contact. “you like that? hmm?”  i nod my head. Richie trails down my neck, kissing my cleavage, his hands roam under my shirt. “Rich, not here” i gasp. “Its my house, we can fuck wheverever the hell i want” He grumbled. Richie picks me up, walking up the stairs, continuing to attack my neck with hickies. He pushes open his bedroom door, kicking it closed when we enter the room, throwing me on the bed. Richie quickly takes off his shirt, throwing it somewhere, revealing his pale skin and skinny frame. He walks over to the bed, getting on top of me, arms on both sides of my body. Richie takes off my shirt, throwing it behind him. He kisses around my bra and down my stomach, kissing the skin right before my shorts/skirt, leaving hickies along the way, getting closer to where i needed him the most. “Rich, please” I whine. “please what? Use your words” “i need you, please” i whine again. “bad girls dont get what they want, beg for it.” He growls into my ear, the raspiness of his voice and the lust in his eyes made me want him more, a wetness pooling in my underwear. Richie unclasped my bra, attacking my breasts, licking and sucking at one nipple as he fondled with the other breast. “please Richie, i need you inside me so bad, your fingers, your tongue, anything, i just need you. so, so, so bad Rich” I beg. “such a needy slut, you’ll use anything to get off, won’t you? so desperate for my cock, huh” Richie kisses down my stomach, removing my shorts/skirt. “you’re so wet for me. you’re my little whore, just begging for my cock.I barely touched you and you’re all riled up?”  Richie smirks.  
He puts his thumb on my clit, rubbing me through my underwear, i moan, satisfaction running through me. Richie rubbed my clit slowly, applying pressure. “please Rich, please i need you inside of me.” I whine. “Such a impatient needy slut, can’t wait to feel my fingers inside of you, falling apart just from a little touch” He pulls down my underwear slightly, blowing air onto my clit. “such a little whore, all soaked” Richie pushes one finger into me, thrusting slowly, i moan loudly, before biting my lip. “faster Rich please” i let out quickly. He speeds up his pace, lifting himself to my lips. Richie connects his lips with mine, kissing me softly, sometimes he can’t help himself and he’ll kiss me softly or passionately, he’ll never admit it but he has a soft spot. Richie curls his finger, hitting a different angle, causing me to moan into the kiss. “you like that? hmm?“ I nod my head moaning, my hips buck, the familiar pit in my stomach growing, i clenched around his finger. Richie enters another finger, thrusting quickly. My hips buck again, i moan loudly, letting my hands go to his hair, tugging. “fuck, rich im gonna cum” i whine, clenching around his fingers. I feel my release pulsing through me. Richie pulls his fingers out, i whine, annoyed. “riiich” “Bad girls dont get to cum” He says before licking his fingers. “you always taste so good princess” Richie connects my lips with his once again, shoving his tongue in my mouth, sucking on my bottom lip. He pulls away, lowering himself. Richie licks a stripe up my pussy unexpectedly. “Rich!” i squeal. He swirls his tongue around my clit and down to my slit. Richie licks my clit slowly, holding my thighs. I bite my lip, holding back the sounds. He begins speeding up the pace, drawing little circles on my thighs with his fingers.
Richie starts licking slower before sucking on my clit, i cover my mouth, whining. Richie sits up, grabbing my hand. “let me hear you, dont cover your mouth. i want everyone to hear what a slut you are, let them know that you’re mine” He says before lowering himself, beginning to suck on my clit again. “Rich! Fuck!” i gasp, causing him to suck on my clit faster, i could feel the pit in my stomach growing already. My hips bucked into his mouth, i tugged on his hair. “Richieee baby im close” i groaned. He sucked faster, licking at my clit, swirling and moving his tongue. My hips bucked again as i let out an aspirated moan. “I’m gonna cum, fuck” i moaned, Richie pulled away quickly. “Riiiich.” I whine. “I told you, bad girls dont get to cum” he leans over me, arms on both sides of me again. “Maybe next time you’ll learn your lesson, flirting with Stan and acting like a brat? You had it coming” Richie whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “Needy slut” He mumbles. He connects our lips once again, my hands travel to his hair, playing with it. Richie grinds against my heat, groaning into the kiss,his hard on rubbing me through his joggers. “Rich i need you, please. I know I’m a bad girl, please i learned my lesson, I’ll behave i promise”
“Yeah? You want this cock? Huh?” “Yes. Please richie.” “Good girl, begging for me so well. You’re gonna behave?” “Yes i will.  i promise rich. I’ll be patient and i wont flirt with anyone, I’m yours and only yours” Richie groans. He gets off the bed, taking offf his joggers, his dick clearly showing through his boxers, is it up, helping him remove them. “Eager brat” Richie chuckles, he crawls onto the bed, pushing me onto my back. He looks up at me, his tip nearing my entrance. I nod, letting him know to go ahead. Richie slowly enters me, groaning, his precum leaking into my entrance. “So wet and warm for me” he groans. “Rich” i plead. Richie starts to thrust into me slowly, i moan, finally getting the pleasure i wanted. “Can Stanley fuck you this good? Huh?” Richie picks up the pace. I shake my head, whining. “Does his dick fill you up like this?” “N-no only you do.” I gasp. “Who’s are you?” He thrusts faster, groaning. “I’m yours Rich, only yours.” Richie groans again, he leans over, sucking on my neck, leaving dark purple bruises. My back arches and i moan loudly. He hovers over me again. “You’re mine” his words made the pit in my stomach grow, Richie puts his hand around my neck, making me moan. “You like that? You like when i choke you like the little toy you are.” He growls. I whimper, nodding my head. “You like using my hand as a necklace, hm? You like when i use you as my little sex toy?” Richie groans, i moan, his words sending me over the edge, my hips start bucking as i clench around him. “Are you gonna cum, princess?” I nod my head “yes richie. I’m gonna cum, please let me cum” I whimper again. “Go ahead doll, cum for me, cum all over my cock. I wanna see you” He whispers into my ear, completely sending me over the edge, making me cum harshly, my vision blurred from all the pleasure hitting me. “AH! RICH!” Richie chuckles,  kissing my cheek. His fast pace continues, the grip on my neck loosening a bit. “Rich.” I whimper. “You wanted my dick, you’re getting it. You’re gonna take it until i cum, is that alright?” I nod, moaning from overstimulation. “You like that baby? You like how I’m using you as my little cocksleeve?” He groans into my ear. I nod, whining. Richies thrusts start to falter, getting sloppier. I can feel my high coming back, the pit in my stomach starting again. My hips buck again, clenching around Rich. He groans, making me clench around his dick more. “B-Baby you close again?” He says, shutting his eyes. “Mhm” “cum again for me. I’m here, its okay.” He thrusts rougher into me, his head falling back in pleasure. I whine, his pleasure sending me over the edge, cumming. Richie groans, his dick twitching inside of me. “I’m close. Shit. You fuck so good princess, taking my dick so well.” “You’re so good rich, filling my up with your big dick.” I whine, he groans, cumming in me, stopping his thrusts.
Richie pants, i run my fingers through his hair. “You did so well doll” He flashes me his signature goofy grin. Richie looked down. “That was hot.” He chuckles, i smile admiring his features. “I love you Rich.” I whisper, barely audible. Richies head snaps up, his cheeks red. “Y-you what? Did i hear that r-right. Y-you love me?” His face softens, he smiles slightly. “I love you too Doll.” Richie plants a small sweet kiss on my lips, he pulls out. “You need a bath princess?” He asks. “That’d be nice.” I say softly. “C’mon I’ll go set up the bath”
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bridgyrose · 4 years ago
Ruby smiled as she watched Penny from a distance. Her fingers went to the chip she held in her pocket, slowly moving it around. This wasnt a course of action she wanted to take, but she had to make sure she succeeded. Especially since Ironwood wasnt going to-
“As of right now, the kingdom of Atlas will be under martial law. A few dangerous criminals are wandering the streets and until they have been dealt with, a curfew will be in place. Anyone who violates it will be placed under arrest. As well, the election for the newest council opening will be postponed until these criminals are in custody. Thank you.” 
Ruby hesitated for a moment as she heard Ironwood’s voice play his message through Mantle, not quite sure how she felt about it. Sure, she had the intention of pushing him in that direction already, however this was too soon. Her eyes stayed on Penny, watching the distraught girl. She rushed up to her as a sabyr took advantage of the opening. “Penny!” 
Penny quickly turned, watching as Ruby sliced the grimm in half. “You cannott be here.” 
Ruby sighed and sheathed her scythe, keeping her back towards Penny. “I know you dont have any reason to believe me, but Salem is the only way we can see salvation. Ozma, Ironwood… they’re just going to lead us… lead you to ruin.” 
Penny looked up to the screens on the buildings, listening to the message play once again. “I… I do not understand why the General would want to do this, but I am sure he has his reasons.” 
“Why dont you look around and see for yourself why he would.” Ruby finally turned to face Penny, motioning to everything behind her. “Mantle is on the brink of chaos. He’s been choking the entire city of all it’s resources. First with the embargo, then by taking what should’ve been going to the walls… havent you seen it yourself? He uses you as a tool! As a weapon! He doesnt care about anyone but himself!” 
Penny went quiet as she started looking around Mantle. Riots had died down now that the grimm were swarming the city, but Ruby did have a point. There were buildings that were still on the verge of collapse from previous grimm attacks, the holes in the walls were starting to get bigger, even the Happy Huntresses only saw Penny as Ironwood’s attack dog, not the protector of Mantle she was trying to be. 
Penny sighed and readied her weapons. “I… I have to defend Mantle, no matter what. I do not know what to believe anymore, and I want to trust you, but after finding out that you are with Salem…” 
Ruby let out a heavy sigh, putting her scythe onto her back. “I was hoping it wouldnt come down to this.” 
Penny was about to ask what Ruby meant until she felt herself being pushed into a building from the force of Ruby’s semblance. Brick and stone fell around her and Ruby as she got up, using her swords to keep herself safe. She looked at Ruby once more, watching her walk closer, keeping a hand on the hilt of her scythe. She glared and rushed at her, swords at the ready. 
Ruby quickly pulled her scythe off her back, trying to keep up with Penny’s fighting. “Please, Penny, you have to listen-” 
“Not until you give me Ruby back!” Penny slammed a sword against Ruby’s gut, knocking her to the ground. “I do not know who you are, but the real Ruby would never side with someone who wants to hurt others.” 
“Then maybe you never knew the real me.” Ruby picked herself up, quickly rushing to her scythe, only to see a few swords pierce the ground between her and her weapon. 
Penny flew up into the air, holding a couple swords over Ruby. “You know this is not right.” 
Ruby sighed and looked at Penny, keeping her ground. “You’re the one on the wrong side.” She readied herself as she watched the swords come closer to her, closing her eyes and looking away. Then she heard a scream.
Penny dropped to the ground, motionless as a bit of electricity ran across her body. Watts shook his head as he walked past the android. “I see you needed my help after all.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit, rolling her eyes. “I had her where I wanted her.” 
“And you were about to get skewered. Now hurry up, we’re meeting Tyrian in the tundra.” 
“Tyrian?” Ruby walked over to Penny, opening up a panel on her back before placing the chip on a circuit board. “I thought he was going to Vacuo.” 
“There’s been a change of plans.” Watts paused as he watched a few grimm fly overhead, the clouds starting to darken. “Seems like all of our plans are changing.” 
“So, what now?” 
“We make sure Atlas is ready for Salem.” 
Ruby nodded and walked away from Penny, taking a look over her shoulder. “Maybe now she’ll understand.” 
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spectral-honey · 4 years ago
/DSMP rp
Anyway the fact that the thing most important to Tommy is tubbo and the thing that's most important to techno is anarchy made it inevitable that they would end up on opposite sides
Unless tubbo stopped being the president I don't think there was any way for them to really be allies
So I don't think either "betrayed" the other. Techno has always been totally transparent with his motives, but I think Tommy has been too-- he made it clear he didn't want to destroy lmanburg, only that he would help cause some minor chaos. He never thought that tubbo would keep his disk from him once he had the other. He was angry at tubbo, but he still told techno over and over that he didn't want to hurt tubbo.
Tommys unwillingness to hear anything he doesn't like isn't new, but I am kinda surprised that techno also wouldnt acknowledge that Tommys ultimate loyalty was with tubbo. When he very obviously brushed past details while talking to Tommy it seemed like he knew to do it because he knew Tommy wouldn't fully be on board with him. It makes sense that he would still be hurt by it, but I think it's odd he was surprised.
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hedwigsimagines · 6 years ago
Bon voyage - Malta
There was the tiniest air of sadness when it was revealed that they would be making another series of bon voyage. Don't get me wrong, the boys were all so excited and grateful when they were given the chance to go to malta but once those feelings settled they realised that they would be apart from us for their entire break. All the talks you and V had about how you would go to the beach and teach him how to paddleboard could no longer happen as you’d be in different countries. Mine and Jin's plan of just being in each others company was also out the window. None of us were dating but we were such a huge part of each other lives that it would be hard to say goodbye for even the length of a trip. What the boys didn't know however was that their director had pulled us to one side to have a chat. He was well aware of this issue and wanted this trip to be as memorable for the members as possible since they didn't get breaks often. He offered us an earlier flight into malta as a surprise to the boys on the condition that we weren't filmed. Even though the Army loved us, it was in the best interest of us and the boys to keep hidden, which we totally understood considering some fans were too protective over them. Trying to hide our excitement we said our ‘sad’ goodbyes to everyone two days before they were due to leave. Though V insisted you stay with them until the very last second you remained strong and pretended that you needed to give them time to pack.
 In reality, me and you rushed to our apartment just down the road to pack for our flight in less than 24 hours.  It upset me to see Jin slightly tear up saying goodbye and you couldnt help but get a pang in your chest when V pouted at your goodbyes. Over the months we had spent together it was no secret that we had gotten closest with V and Jin. Everyone around us would mistake us as couples but none of us agreed despite all your and v feelings for each other and jin and mine. We kept our act up even as we boarded the plane, getting the directors to keep the boys busy so that they wouldnt question why we didnt reply straight away due to being on the plane. Though we were best friends we had our separate music and did our own thing to occupied on the journey.  I slept for the most part and you read or binged Netflix. Malta heat hit us straight away and it sunk in where we were. It took everything not to post a pic or Snapchat for fear one of the 7 would see it. They would be joining us in just over 24 hours so we made our way to the hotel to unpack. The flight really took a toll on us and we didn't really want to venture out without the guys so we opted for a girly evening with malta take out, loud music, face masks, the lot! Picking the rooms was a challenge. There were four rooms (one isn't shown in the episode as it would have given away that we were there). 
As we were settled in with a plate of food my phone lights up with a skype call…from Jin. Me and you both panic because there was no way we could let it just ring (they would get suspicious) but we clearly weren't in our house. You quickly run out of the room and come back with a massive duvet. You throw it over our heads and tell me to answer the call. All the boys are huddled around Jin, staring into the screen with our darkened faces visible. When Rm questions our setting you calmly explain that we had made a fort and that we were currently in it. The duvet covered any evidence that we were elsewhere and they seemed to believe us, though at one point a malta ad for skincare blasts loudly from the tv and I had to make a dive for the remote. They just wanted to check on us before they slept ready for their flight and we assured them that we were both perfectly okay. You kept looking at V who had a glum expression on his face. You knew that he had to join later on the trip and you wish you could be there to comfort him as he dealt with family problems. J-hope asked what presents we wanted from malta and we played along, asking for shells and loads of pictures. Jk promised to get us all matching malta tops and Jimin said he would try to smuggle malta food through the borders. Everyone eventually and regretfully said goodbye, leaving suga with Jin's phone as he went to the toilet. He makes sure no one is in the room before bringing the camera closer to him and whispering “I know where you really are”. The look on our faces makes him laugh and he says quickly that since the crew weren't inside the BTS house 24/7, they needed someone on the inside to make sure none of the other members found out. He reassured us that no one else knew and goes back to a normal conversation just as Jin walks in to get his phone back. We’ve had a tad to drink and it's gone straight to our eyes so we leave the call and head off to bed. We put everything in room 4 for the time being and sleep there until the boys arrive. The next morning we are up bright and early to get some food to stock up the fridges. The boys get an allowance for things like food and everything but we don't have a budget, so we decided to help them out on things we were certain they wouldn't consider buying like washing up liquid and shampoo. We also travel to a big outlet for a few more clothes since we don't anticipate the heat of malta and knew that dragging 7 males around a shopping centre would be absolute chaos.  ————TIME SKIP ————
We get the news that the boys have touched down in malta and try to think of a plan to surprise them. Since V isn't with them, you decide to save your ‘surprising’ for when he arrives, meaning that you come up with a simple way to surprise the other lot. You call suga secretly when you know he’s away from the others and tell him to get Jin into room number two where I’ll be hiding and waiting. Rushing around, we clean the house up so that it's not obvious someone is already there and when we hear the sounds of voices outside the hotel we get into position. I hide in room two and you wait on the porch out of sight. In our places, we hear the boys enter and their voices echo around the large living room. We’ve been with them so much that we can tell that its j-hope who leaps up the stairs and jimin that follows with lighter steps. They inspect every single room except from room 4 which they are told is the staff's room and off-limits which they respect. Suga lingers a little longer in each room to see if he can spot either of us but even he can't see any trace of us. After they have excitedly run around the whole house, they gather in the front room to decide on who sleeps where. When you know the coast is clear you sneak into the kitchen and boil the kettle. None of the boys seem to notice the sound from the front room and you get ready for your surprise. You wait a few moments then in your most casual voice ever you call out “who else wants a tea?”. The boys freeze in their places. They were used to you calling that back at home but there was no way that they all imagined it in their heads at the same time. None of them move, they are actually a bit scared that it could be a ghost. When no one replies to you, you smirk knowing how scared they must be. Since no one wants to check the kitchen for ghosts Jk decides to reply as a joke “ Me please?”. When you shout back an “okay!” Everyone in the room loses their shit. J-hope jumps into Jks arms while jimin, who is sat closest to the kitchen stares motionless at the source of the voice. Rm is counting staff and tells everyone that it's not a staff member as they are all present. After a couple more minutes you give in , too excited to keep the secret and walk calmly into the living room. “one or two sugars?” you ask calmly and everyone roars in surprise. J-hope and Rm run up and tackle you into a hug. Jk claps in pure surprise while suga laughs hysterically.
 No one can really formulate a sentence other than “What, how, why?” as they stare at you in disbelief. J-hope clings to his chest and in fake annoyance tells you that he legit thought he was talking to a ghost. You perch a seat next to him and giving a knowing look to suga who explains he was in on it. Among all of this, jin looks around as though searching for something or someone. You put on your acting head again (you’re surprisingly good) and look sadly at him. “Faith really did want to come,” you say comfortingly “But there were too many things going on”. He smiles kinda sadly but insists that he understands, after all you’re there and that's amazing! They try and get you to tell the story of how you got to malta but, knowing that you cant without mentioning me, you suggest they pick rooms now and you can talk over dinner. You also make them swear not to tell V and they all pinky promise. Jin is a bit quiet and you lot all try to get him to perk up. Suga tells him that maybe room number two is the best option for him so that he can stay up later in peace to skype me at night. It seems to have worked since he takes the bait and chooses room number two. I've been hiding in the wardrobe for a little over an hour now and you’ve had to come in with some cut up apple so that I don't die in the heat of the cupboard. As Jin sits on his bed with his back facing me I quietly creep up behind him and put my hands over his eyes. He obviously thinks my hands are jimins and lets down his guard for a brief moment to tell “jimin” that he wished I was there. It's only when i let go of his eyes that he turns around and his jaw hits the floor. He looks at me then to the, now open, wardrobe with bits of apple inside, then back to me before engulfing me in a huge bear hug. He is totally silent and we stay there for a while in a big ole hug. RM comes in to check on Jin and when he sees me he shouts “NO WAY!”. You hear this and gather that I've come out of hiding so a hint that the boys should go to Rm.
 For the second time, the guys are dumbfounded and super excited. Jimin slings an arm around you playfully and ruffles your hair with his hand (He is the ONLY one that can just about get away with this for you). Jk joins in with mine and jins hug and tips the three of us over on the bed which creates a massive bundle with everyone. We all sit up, now all on the double bed overlapping limbs and i notice Jin secretly wipe a few tears from his eye but his smile tells me those are happy tears. We stay on the bed for the whole story of how we ended up in Malta and tell them that room 4 was actually our room. Suga makes a joke about how I may as well move my stuff to room 2 with Jin and you stay in room 4 to share with V which makes the three of us (excluding V obviously) blush slightly. But Jin says its a great idea and I can't help but grin that the male i have feels for actually wants to share a room with me. They are filled in on the rules that we are not to be filmed as best as possible for safety reasons and that the editing team is good enough for us to still join in and be edited out later on. No one has really noticed that time has passed so drastically until Rm, whose shoulder you are leaned on, looks out the window to see the Sun beginning to ever so slightly set. It triggers a wave of hunger in all of us and as we get up and stretch, we divide jobs up in order to make dinner. With it still being light outside you , Jimin , Jk and Suga go and explore a bit and get some fresh air while me , j-hope ,Jin and RM go in another direction to get food for later.
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SO I made up a whole Tae story for my best friend and wanted to share it with you so if you want another part feel free to ask! Writing isn't my strong point so its more of a casual story ? 
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survivormetaverse · 4 years ago
Episode 13 - "I'm on the side with the biggest threats to win this game" ~Josh
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This last round went well!! We got Jay out (rip Corn Tribe💔 tho fr fr it died shortly after merge probs) and I'm still in the game :D We love to see an actual numbers majority now bless 🙏🏽 I hope I go soon 😅 Ingary my beloved is suffering a bit (ty/sorry Dyl 💖) I can't see that happening though bc Colin seems to find me and Amy as his best allies and would use his idol on us so RIP me tbh, typical that the game I'd like to lose earlyish in is the one I go to FTC 😂 tho if I went with Amy and Colin I do think one of them would win (with the double agenting and chaos idle-ing and they're both p social), I'm just good at taking the information we have and planning to ensure we have the best possible outcomes at tribal (which is SO much easier now that we have a numbers majority My Gosh!!!). I love sudoku puzzles but the thing is I'm used to playing on apps or online where it's easier to play kinda methodically, also the height of my sudoku phase was like, last year where I could complete an easy one avg. 10 minutes best time 7 minutes, these two with my 10% DA took 50 minutes, so take off 10% and it's 45 minutes, divide by two and it took me 22.5 minutes per puzzle. Yeah no I don't think I'm gonna win 😂😂 oh well, thanks Raf for letting me do them tonight though, you probably wanted to get to bed but tomorrow I have work and then my driver's license exam (!!!) and then movie night so I really don't have time to 😅😅 but hey! I dont have a second part to that✨ Time isn't real so wish me luck on my driving test now retroactively so that the positive vibes flowing backward through chronos (aka "linear" time) will ensure that when you read this I will already have my license❤️. xoxo, gossip girl
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honestly having more numbers done for you in a sudoku puzzle is just making me more confused
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math challenges during pride month is pure homophobia
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Congrats to jared for guaranteeing himself f5 for winning today 😭 and here I thought I did well with 40 minutes. I don't think he would play his idol on jodi but I don't know with this invisible round. Apparently Jodi is telling people I have the idol from phantom aka the one colin has, which is a problem if they are trying to flush it. I guess I'm a threat even though probably only dennis in the jury isn'taf at me lol. Colin has an idea to get votes on him then idol and us two vote Josh out but I really think they are going to be voting me based on how quiet it is and how many other alliances there are lol. There's the three with Josh and Jared and Colin because Josh doesn't want me at the end. See I knew he didn't like me lol. So I'm here trying to think of I need to play something or give it away and be voted out lol or just keep it and be out. My thought was to use the steal a vote so then no one would know it was me who had it but I kind of think I might need that next round of say jodi wins then jared idols. At f5 it could be me colin and jared all idoling if none of us make a move lol. Anyway I think I'm on shaky ground this go and idk why haha I'm there are much bigger threats that a no social person who flipped and wasn't even bonded with the jury lol. Here's hoping colin elle and I stay strong. And I can get second to colin. That would be fun lol but lots of game left. And I'm still at disney. This is going to be a stressful day.
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I hate invisible rounds. too much is going on. and literally no one is online to talk it out personally, i want Josh out this round. I think if I wait until final 4 to cut him, he'd be bitter at me in particular. Plus, he's not in my endgame plans. I want to have an easy win, and that means putting Elle and Jared next to me in ftc. the most obvious thing to do is split between Jodi and Anastasia, and I think that's happening because it's simple and no one else is around to dispute it. Amy is still my closest ally and I can trust her, so I told her that I want to take out Josh. i don't think the two are close so it was easy to get her on board. There's an option of me ENSURING he goes by playing my idol for whoever Jared and Jodi is voting for, but I don't want to do that. so my plan is to also have Jodi vote Josh with us, so it's 3-3-1. Either Jared idols Jodi and Josh leaves, or it's a revote and Josh still leaves god I'm just so worried and nervous. If I were to get blindsided, this is the round to do it. but I don't see anyone stepping up to actually pull the trigger, except maybe Jodi. I wanna make it to the end so badly. i've been playing orgs for too damn long, I need a win. please please please let me survive this round
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So I'm coming to the realization that at least 2 people on my side have idols and theres still a hidden steal a vote that Elle might have. So I'm on the side with the biggest threats to win this game so it's time to make a move. Jared said that he'll be willing to play his idol to save Jodi so that means that it's time to flush these idols out of the game. The plan is for 2 of us to vote for Colin and the other to vote either Elle or Amy. My original alliance is splitting vote between Jodi and Anastasia with me, Elle and Anastasia voting Jodi and Colin and Amy voting for Anastasia as our contingency plan. However, Jodi warned me that Colin was saying my name to her this morning so he might try to pull some snake shit. But im hopeful that Jared plays the idol for Jodi and somehow Colin doesn't play his so it'll be a tie between him and Anastasia.
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So I have immunity and I have been a little inactive but its ok because Jodi has kept me up with whats going on. Jodi tells me that they are splitting the vote on me. Which is good because I am safe lol. Anyways but I talked to Colin and Amy and I wonder if they really do trust me now. I did vote with them twice. So I told them that I was scared that I was getting voted and they said they wouldnt vote me. So sweet. I also talked to Josh and all of them are saying Jodi to vote. But Jodi is getting an idol played on her Im pretty sure so unless one of them suspects that we are lying about Jared winning immunity, one of them is going home this round.
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Dear Colin: We do not want to vote you out. We simply want to flush your idol. I seriously hope you are still here after tonight. You know what? This round has been insane. I'm obviously on the bottom, ready to get voted out. I wanted immunity so bad. But instead of crying, I created a beautiful plan that I hope comes to fruition. Anastasia won immunity. My game move this round is multilayered. First step is to create immunity for 3 people: me, Anastasia, Jared. We told everybody that Jared had won immunity, and that he may or may not idol for me. This is perfect because if they vote for me, they'll have their votes negated, same with splitting them on Anastasia. They'll completely avoid voting for Jared to avoid their vote not being counted. Next step: flush idols. Josh approached me last night and he wanted to work with me and Jared to flush out idols from Elle, Amy, Colin. Originally before he even came to me, I had wanted to do a 2-2 on Amy and Colin and tell him it's between Elle and Amy, but he actually said that he wants to do a 1-1-1 on those 3 to guarantee either idols being flushed or we get our pick of who goes. Josh doesn't know that Anastasia is with us too, but it's sorted. Colin wants to vote out Josh here, but everybody wants to vote out me. He came to me and Jared to vote Josh, and hope that they (Colin, Amy, Josh, Elle, Anastasia) split the vote on me and Anastasia. However, since the split was (Elle, Josh, Anastasia) vote me, and (Colin, Amy) vote Anastasia, the vote split no longer works since Colin is voting for Josh and Amy wants to vote me. Essentially, it's a 4-3 Me to Josh in Colin's eyes, and he wants to get a vote thrown so that it could at least tie 3-3. Me, Jared, Anastasia have decided before even Colin and Josh approached us that we wanted to do a 2-1 on Colin and Amy or something, so the fact that Josh approached us is perfect. How are we countering advantages? 1. Idols Jared has one idol, and there's only 2 idols between Elle, Amy and Colin. By throwing votes on all 3, we either guarantee somebody flushes an idol, or we guarantee somebody gets idoled out 2. Floating advantage from hunt 5 From the wording, it's either an idol nullfier or steal a vote. I'm voting for Elle here just in case it's a steal a vote, so that at least Amy is still open for a revote in case Colin idols. (I'm hedging my bets that Elle has it not Amy) 3. Idol Nullifier In this case, I go if Colin idols, and I will just…not forgive Faffy for putting both a chaos idol and an idol nullifier in a game and those be the two ways I go. Let's just hope this isn't what hunt 5 is. The final plan should yield 2 votes Colin, 2 votes Jodi, 1 vote Josh, 1 vote Elle, 1 vote Amy. In a revote, we save Me > Josh > Elle > Amy > Colin. This vote is for the win. This will be my game winning move. Creating immunity for 3 people, flushing idols, picking who goes. Let's. Freaking Go. 
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So idr what I said before but Anastasia suggested to Amy that we needed to split votes and wanted to split some on me LOL so now we're putting 3 on her, possibly 4 if Josh comes online in the next 9 minutes✨ Never a smart plan for the latest addition to suggest voting off older allies, but oh well. One day we'll work together well, Anastasia 💖 one day 😂 But anyway! I really hope Colin and Amy make it to FTC, rooting for them🥳
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Masterful plays and manipulations this round. Is getting her way. Best round of the game for her by far. The most impressive thing by far was giving three people immunity by a little lying.
Josh: The person who ratted out his side first. Made a huge move that might just save him. Taking out Colin here is perfect for him as it would give him a lot to say at FTC. He’s playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers and Jodi is playing 6D chess. I think he will make it very far in this game even if people don’t necessarily want him at FTC.
Jared: Has the potential to do more. Just doing what Jodi tells him to do.
Anastasia: Playing the middle like a smooth criminal. She is letting others do her dirty work for her. She is using her ally in Jodi to have those connections outside her alliance. However, she is in danger of being seen as expendable very soon.
Colin: Is getting blindsided tonight. Power has gone to his head and has made him unable to perceive who is actually with him. Assumes people will just magically work with him. Too concerned with keeping his idol. He has become, in essence, the new Jodi.
Amy: Colin’s lackey. Has no idea what is going on and will probably continue to have no idea.
Elle: Completely out of the loop this round
So Jodi’s plan is currently to do a 2-1-1 between Colin, Amy, and Elle. Jodi, Jared, and Josh will each vote one of them. Then Anastasia will vote Colin. On the other side, Colin plans to vote Josh while Elle is voting Jodi because she’s being kept out of the loop by everyone. And Amy is at Disney World.
2 votes Colin
1 vote Josh
1 vote Elle
1 vote Amy
1 vote Jodi (nullified by Jared’s idol)
1 vote Anastasia (nullified by immunity)
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breastmiilk · 7 years ago
Heyy so i've been a long time fan of your writing and aus and a sort of long time follower of your blog. I just wanted to ask your opinions on infinity war? Because even as a major marvel fan i felt like this movie had a lot of lost potential and in the end wasn't as good as fan reactions have made it out to be? Also while i do love tony what made me slightly annoyed by him in this film is his lack of ability to think clearly and just panicking anytime asked for an opinion or plan?(1/2)
(2/2) and i just felt like it’s wrong the way peter has to fear disappointing him at every turn and just that kind of pressure being placed on him? so yeah just looking for some friendly opinions if this is rude just ignore it. Thank you! (oh also i think i missed when steve called tony the best defender? i cannot for the life of me remember where he says it? thank you for any help!!)
ajsdhjsdsfj anon!! 
xDD okay hi, um, idk why youre looking to me for counsel lol im not qualified enough for this, im just a marvel geek but hmm lets see. im one of those fans that really enjoyed the movie?? oop. sorry yeah, i really really loved it for what it was, at least i can tell you why; 
1) the villain. marvel has a way of getting me invested in their villains or at least getting me to like them even when theyre hurting the ppl i love. i enjoyed thanos a lot–he was an actual threat (terrifying grapes be terrifying), he wasnt even really pursuing the avengers (only fought them because they were stopping him from achieving his goal) and also i love villains that are morally grey/dark-grey. as far as thanos was concerned he was doing the right thing and so he continued with his plans, these pesky mortals can just *smacks them down* 
2) the fighting. you can tell when The Russo Brothers directed a film because the action scenes are always on point *flash back to the fights in winter soldier + civil war* so for the fights alone i was really pumped for that. and they delivered, as tense as i was during most of the fight scenes, i still enjoyed them (esp when people teamed up with their powers/put them to good use: e.g. peter + strange’s portals)
3) the character interactions. i loved the interactions they managed to put in despite the whole Thanos Be Among Us looming threat thing, they checked most of my boxes for those anyway (i.e tony + strange, starlord being starlord, drax being drax, rocket + bucky’s arm, etc.) these little things were what i was actually excited for and i got them so why would i be displeased?? lol
4) flow and character control. with a bunch of characters running around in one film from different universes its easy to become a train wreck and while they were even set in the different countries and planets the story and plot flowed into each other smoothly and it didnt feel like they just shoved a bunch of random supers into one movie just because they could, but have no idea what to do with them (no shade justice league, no shade). Also bearing in mind that these superheroes come from different mcu series with different directors yet they still stayed in character + within their abilities was really relieving to see, it didnt feel like different directors manipulating the characters 
5) SOME. OF. THOSE. SCENES. just the scenes in the movie itself made the movie epic for me?? like when we first experience the flying donut and the whole city is in mayhem (i got chills) or when thor crashed into the gotg’s ship or the fight with peter/tony/gotg/thanos, like. there wasnt a time in the movie at all where i was bored or uninterested in the ‘narrative’ i was like yes please give me more. 
6) when i was waiting to see iw i didnt even study plot i was just theorizing over who would die and if thanos tortured loki into the Invasion of New York lol so honestly anything that would have happened in this movie would have blown my mind, but even then if it was crap i would have called it out (*cough* thor dark world, avengers age of ultron)
7) its just the first part. i feel like this movie is nothing compared to the epicness thatll happen in part 2 “first we’ll break your hearts, then we’ll blow your mind”. this was like set up to the Real battle you know? and i can safely say none of us are ready, but bring it 2019.
honestly, i enjoyed this movie a lot. i loved the plot, the action, the interactions, the pain and the suffering lol just all of it was phenomenal for me, but theres always difference in opinions and thats okay too but for me this was by a long shot nothing at all like a bad movie; i laughed, i cried, i was in suspense, and i want to see it again honestly thats two thumbs up for me. 
(also i didnt find tony was panicking like all the time? the dude straight up was like chillin with pepper–okay bruce came out of a portal, weird–theres a wizard *follows him into portal*–ughhh call steve?? i hate all of you–chaos in the city, lemme just help this lady up real quick–dammit squidward, hulks not working so imma just *nanotech*–wow im trapped on this ship and probably gonna die so okay guys heres the plan, oh wait peter has a better one lemme hear it *actually listens to peter AND strange eventually too like, he was pretty chill to me lmao) 
and peter doesnt fear disappointing tony in a severe way; because he doesnt even listen to him half the time LOL yeah tonys his idol, he wanted to make a good impression in homecoming (you wouldnt want to disappoint anyone you love/respect) but like generally peter and tony are cool–their relationship/interactions arent powered by peter wanting to be ‘good enough’ lol he IS good enough, just that sometimes IronDad wants him to be safe and Peter’s like hell naw, imma fight this baddie real quick and you’ll just have to get over the fact that i snuck on board the ship lmao. its a very do first, ask later thing that all teens do–i dig it.
But yeah like i said, maybe the fandom got something from the show you didnt, maybe we saw everything in a different way idk my dude–we just came to have a good time and cry and stuff, because i guess thats what marvel fans do lol. hope that helped you with your own feelings about it ?? at the end of the day, its just a movie (HAHA yeah right) and im not a critic or an expert, just a marvel fan sobbing in misery and anguish–but like,,,the good kind.
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survivoraqualand · 4 years ago
EPISODE 8: All The Men In This Game Are Frustrating
After their dramatic first merge Council, the players were tasked with testing their loyalty and relationships even further in a paired-up immunity challenge called Prisoner’s Dilemma. Each randomly assigned pair went on call with the hosts and had to decide privately whether to trust their partner or betray them. If both trusted each other, they’d both get a Hotel visit; if only one trusted, the one who betrayed would win two visits; and if both chose to betray, they’d get nothing. Despite the strategic rifts between many players, nearly all of them chose to trust each other in this challenge - the only ones who betrayed were Rose and Jessica, disqualifying each other from getting a reward.
Because that wasn’t enough drama, the immunity challenge was Touchy Subjects. The person who overwhelmingly got the most positive answers from the team was Jenna, who also won immunity to help make that target on her back even prettier. Jessica got most of the more negative answers, Linus got a bit of a Fabio edit, MJ was named the person who never shut up (and promptly proved that point in the team chat), and Logan was named a master pie-eater.
Meanwhile, there were several more visits to the once-again-renovated Transcontinental Hotel, where the “???” elevator button was replaced with a “!!!” button that when unlocked with the correct passcode would take players to a hidden shrine room where they received a clue that told them they must transform pearls into shells. The only ones who made real progress with this discovery this round were the alliance of Jenna, Marg, and Logan, who managed to get through the door and figured out how to convert two out of the five pearls they needed to make something else happen, though mostly by accident.
At Sea Council, the vote was shuffled around several times, with every single eligible person having their name thrown out at some point. The initial consensus was to do a split vote between Katie and Jess, but MJ, unhappy with this plan, decided to go rogue and attempt a blindside of Marg - which would have worked had Linus not spilled the beans to Jenna, causing their alliance to become frustrated with MJ and decide to all vote for Jess. Marg played their idol for Logan, unaware that the opposing votes were actually on them, but Jessica ended up going home in a 5-3 vote.
Okay all I know right now is that somehow Katie, linden, and jess found out about the 3-3-3 vote. Mj told Jess about the extra vote on Linus which why would he do that if he wasn't trying to work with her? Someone voted Linus and wont own up to it. I told Linus to throw his vote on Jess cause i was worried about his extra vote incase his idol thing didn't work (which he did tell me about). I thought it'd be 4-4-2-1 so i am confused? Jess told me she katie got the idol from the monster, I know katie gave hers to jess last round so that's a lie. Jess told me everyone said they were planning on voting me this next round if I don't win immunity. Logan hold he never told that to Jess at all? The only person I can think that would vote Linus would be Mj but why not own up to it? I am overall very confused still but I am glad Linden left. It's all a they said they said type of vibe which makes things a lot harder. I haven't ~fully lied to anyone because I was confused on the vote and I did hope Linden would go... I'm sure it'll catch up to me I just hope I can be a ghost.
Last round was all over the place! I finally used my hotel tickets and I found an idol which is great. Then, despite telling Logan and Marg basically every thought that occurs in my head in this game, I hear from MJ that they are all planning to split the vote between me and Linden because people think we're a trio with Katie. I personally think this is a horrible move because Linus literally lies to every single person all day and I give Marg/Logan a lot of intel but?? Okay! So I asked MJ to please not vote for me and vote for Linus instead and he said sure. He also told me Linus has a penalty vote so even if everyone else votes for me, I won't go home because it will tie. We're thinking it's going to be 5 Linus - 3 Linden - 2 Me (and 1 Katie, but that didn't really matter). I give Katie the idol just in case I get voted out because I'd rather it stay with her! Unfortunately, Linus also had an advantage that he played and then he was safe. I originally told Katie not to play the idol on me and let's just risk it but she did so now I am still in the game and Linden is out :( 
I don't really know where to go from here because there isn't much else I can do to convince people I'm really not playing that hard slash at all. I usually only show up for ~an hour a day, talk to everyone, say yes to whatever the first plan I hear is and then that's it but for some reason people are convinced I'm the player to beat??? I told Jenna that if she tries to vote me again she will regret it FOREVER. Okay I didn't say that but I did say if I leave she is definitely out next because everyone is threatened by her. She doesn't know who voted Linus and I'm not telling her either! 
I suspect nearly everyone will trust in this reward challenge. Jessica, Katie, Rose, and MJ are the only ones who it would benefit to not trust, and even then there’s pros and cons. Jessica and Katie probably feel a bit cornered after last round, I don’t know if I actually think they are or not, but they would have reason to feel that way and think advantages are their best path forward. MJ and Rose by extension have reason to think that they are going to be betrayed, so it would be defensive 
I also think MJ is a bit more sneaky than he’ll probably get credit for due to his inactivity, but as early as that schoolyard pick for teams he was telling Logan about a girls alliance and trying to game the ceto’s to go for girls. I’ve seen players like him before, and although he isn’t socially doing a ton, I suspect he is very invested in the hotel, probably has advantages already and would like to push for more. 
I could see Logan doing some jumping around alliance wise, but it would be showing his hand too much if he burnt trust for a mere reward. Marg and Jenna both have reason to want the other to like them right now, so it would likely hurt either of them to betray. 
I’d say odds are 
Trust Jenna (90%) Marg (90%) Logan (75%) Linus (100%) (just since I know what I did) Rose (60%) (rose should betray, but I think since she’s pretty inact she might trust just so no one holds a grudge against her and it allows her to go as far as possible). Betray MJ (70%) Jessica (75%) Katie (60%) (Katie tries to present an appearance of siding with whoever she is talking to even if what she’s saying makes no sense for them to believe her, so she could do that here).
First name = the musician Genus = whatever the plant is? Appendage = wings (from the crow costume) I feel like genus has to be referring to Nelumbo nucifera even though that also refers to the lotus which granted another visit but a genus name isn't provided anywhere else in the hotel 
I think I have to inspect the sheet music at that piano like maybe a name is written on the back of it or something from the bulletin board: "It's covered in a variety of colorful sticky notes, mostly with illegible words. You can make out some of them, though, including "If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended," "F5 is the good stuff," "nelumbo nucifera," "new schedule next week," the word "RETURN" over & over, and a crude drawing of a whale." 
F5 = vending machine = ceto idol presumably seeing as u wouldnt give it to me at the time nelumbo nucifera = the lotus flower in the garden that granted another visit AND POTENTIALLY the "genus" name needed for the !!! code new schedule next week = idfk i really dont. return = see above whale drawing = see above
I talked to Jenna about this but I think F5 = Ceto idol Metal box = Proteus idol 11 pearls = sapphire idol DUNNO = 50/50 coin = found by rhea and transferred to linus Releasing the monster = one idol per team = played by jess and linden ??? = idol claimed to be found by jess but i think this is the one katie played on jess at the merge vote !!! has to be a new idol so i think the ceto idol and the proteus idol are both still in play and i think marg has the f5 one 
idk who has the proteus idol could be anyone rlly
One day I will win touchy subjects by saying someone's name for every answer.... that day is not today!
I am again not really sure what to do this vote. Marg told me Logan wanted MJ out but Logan didn't mention that to me at all. MJ said he'd want Logan or Marg out but I said this round doesn't make sense for that. So MJ suggested doing a split vote and just not telling Linus, Marg, or Logan, which doesn't make a ton of sense to me either. Also why would MJ wanna do that unless he either 1. actually thought Marg or Logan voted Linus last time or 2. he has his own plan somehow?? Logan said he's worried I'm gonna be blindsided next vote which is fun. Jess and Katie told me they wouldn't vote for me if I don't vote for them this round and part of me wants to take them up on that???? But I don't see MJ working with Marg so a blindside would really have to come from Linus and Rose going with MJ or Marg. Or Logan doing it which I would hope he's not lying to me so i don't know. 
Marg is honestly playing a really good game and I could see them being the one who voted Linus last time just to cause chaos. And as far as I can tell Linus and Rose like Marg as well because they were both saying they trust Marg. Marg is worried about Logan supposedly and Logan is worried about Marg blindsiding me supposedly as well? I'm still not sure what MJ's end goal is. I got the most likely to win and biggest hero thing for touchy subjects which isn't great. And I won again which is fine but all those are more reason for people to want me out. I don't know how to explain to Marg I don't really care if I win since I've won before... Part of me thinks I should just become a ghost because that way I can help people and not worry about the vote... but it's hard cause I don't rly wanna vote out MJ or even Katie and that would force me to do that whereas if i'm just gone I wouldn't have to worry about it. I don't really want Katie to go this round, partially because she's literally getting surgery and it feels bad to vote for her when she's not even here to save herself. 
MJ wants to get out Jess with the split vote supposedly, which I do kinda believe him? But it makes me wonder why he doesn't want Katie out. Does he have some end game plan with her?? Also MJ shared a watch tower clue with me to figure out the new !!! room in the game and I got in but can't figure out the rest. I told MJ about it and I also told Marg which I'm not sure was the right move or not now but i don't know. Marg told me we shouldn't tell Logan incase Logan tells Jess but I think I'm going to now because I don't know who I should trust and if I made the wrong call on MJ or Marg I might as well risk making the wrong one on Logan too. No ones really online and I think the hard part is I don't know what Rose or Linus are thinking long term so i don't know if they'd wanna get me out or not. Anyway I'm sure I have too many confessionals but whatever! I think I'll probably tell Marg and Logan about MJ splitting the vote and see if I can convince them to let me do it with him so for next vote they have a reason to get him out and he would hopefully tell me his plan so I can keep them updated as well. I don't know if they'll go for it though I think they'll want Katie out even more.
stan jenna :)
This game has my favourite idol system ever! I love Ari and Josh and all the creativity that went into this game. 
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survivorbehemoth · 5 years ago
Episode #9: “i hope that i'm out of the pickle and eating the... pickle” - Daisy
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how i feel about merge: https://66.media.tumblr.com/68a1cf13a1ea5ca8ec0c6c8a044f92ad/fdb9160ed3342b6d-08/s500x750/a71a511c4f332aba10424d15b5e074bc9bbe5e0d.gifv
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Click HERE to watch Szymon’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Chips’ Video!
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Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
Click HERE to view Szymon’s Trust Rankings!
Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Video! Click HERE to watch another of Rob’s Videos!
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So here is my i guess merge confessional! LOOK WHAT I DID! I MADE THE MERGE HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Voting cindi out last round was very sad but very needed, i think she was looking to have fun and cause chaos but i need some stability in my life rn, crackhead seamus has not came out yet and he can’t yet LMAO. so what happened is as soon as we merged Szymon approached me and wanted to call, and pretty much went on a rant about how annoying Rob is and how everyones so far up his ass, and that HE HAS THE IDOL!!!! And that Szymon wants me daisy and jules to start working together which i was like OH I LIKE THIS. Going into merge i wanted to reconnect with rob, and then keep my alliances with daisy and gage and try and just use them as shields to get into deep merge and then start causing shit.
In terms of my thoughts on everyone…. Gage i am very torn about. Because he is the person i am closest to on a personal level but i think game wise he just is rlly desperate to not lose. I offered him a f2 on our last tribe which i do intend on keeping my word on, but then as soon as we merge i just felt kinda off about him? And he formed a new alliance with Szymon Rob and Conor and didnt say nothing to me or tried to include me. Szymon leaked it tho and so im like oh ok i see i see. I think he is trying to have his hand in everyones cookie jar, but knowing he wants everything is off putting from an ally stance. But also last night he opened up a bit with me and i think he genuinely does wanna work with me, just perhaps not with Daisy. so i am trying to figure out like what is the right move with Gage, is he someone who can actually commit? and will he defend me if people like rob or conor suggest voting me? idk, but i hope he would.
Daisy: my relationship with Daisy is really strong. I think we have a lot in common personally and game wise we mesh really well. Coming in from embb10 i wasnt sure how we would work together but so far so good. everyday she makes me laugh and i want to keep working with her. Supposedly people are painting us two as a duo but i also think if people targeted us they would choose Daisy over me at this point which means i can embrace and keep working with her however openly i wish. Daisy i think also wants to more so work with Szymon and Jules which is fine by me. I think us 3/4 can work really well, it’s just about finding the right time to possibly take a shot at someone.
Szymon: i wasnt sure how i felt about Szymon at the beginning. Sometimes i thought he was annoying, other times i just thought he was being himself which i sometimes just dont vibe with. But him being really honest about his opinions with people shows that he actually is someone i can work with. i am a blunt person and when others are willing to throw mud too, it means we can work well together. I think he is very eager to vote out Rob and also doesnt want to work with Gage which i’m not 100% sure what my plan is yet regarding both.
Rob: rob is a big threat but only because he is so blatantly talking to everyone. dont get me wrong Rob is a great guy, but he isn’t a great ally just because he talks to me. I also know that he has the idol and clearly I aint the top of his ally list since he didnt include me in the one with gage szymon and conor and he also didnt tell me about his idol. Also every inactive person talking to him is not good bc i dont want his farmer ass to let his sheep target me. I think Rob may go home very early and he wont even see it coming.
chips/brandan: we arent working together. that’s about it.
Conor: we became a bit closer during the swap but i certainly wouldnt say he is an ally. more like a neutral friend. i think conor plans on working with gage/rob/szymon. which doesnt include me. But i dont think he has many other connections such as with dylan or daisy or jules. so im not sure how much he’ll be doing anytime soon.
Lovelis: he seems pretty inactive. itll be interesting to see if i can use our pre-established friendship to kinda pull him in and work with him but i also dont know who he plans on working with or doing. very nice and everyone agrees when he is on he is fun to talk to, its just about activity levels and trying to see if he actually is here to play or not.
Dylan: I LIKE DYLAN. BUT HE ALSO LEFT ME ON READ FOR LIKE 16 HOURS NOW LMAO. He was super fun to talk to on our tribe game night, and then in pms but then he kinda ghosted me but continued to talk in the tribe chat. granted i got rlly sloppy drunk last night so when he was free to talk more i wasnt ;/ So ill be interested to see if we can keep vibing, im defnitely open to working with him bc he seems like he would be fun to strategize and work with, but we aren’t necessarily at that point yet.
Jules: juuuules!!!!! amazing, fantastic, the best. but also not the most active. im interested in working with her and i think she appreciates me being crazy and i appreciate her being crazy too. also she is the main reason i won this challenge SOOOOOO. I think me szymon and daisy have a great opportunity to work with her and form a tight 4 if thats the path we choose to go down. Jules is here for fun and to socialize with people and i think some people are off putted by that but i thinks its fine, i just hope we have fun doing crazy stuff together and not against one another :D
SO I WON IMMUNITY! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE WHICH IS KINDA EMBARRASING SINCE I ONLY ASKED 2 PEOPLE FOR THEIR WORDS, AND THEN DAISY/JULES/SZYMON GAVE ME THE REST. Honk honk i love sharing, this is what communism is all about! But being immune first is kinda a great thing because it really puts you in a firm spot and allows/forces people to strategize with you. since i am unsure if i can attend tribal/live night it also provides some much needed security early on. i am hoping chips goes home at this first tribal which seemingly everyone is on board with. And then id prefer brandan or lovelis to go in live night. But i think Szymon and Daisy will want to vote for Rob. I am not sure if i want to take that shot yet because it might hurt my chances of working with Gage, but also leaves several more inactive people in. if i was confident people like lovelis and brandan would follow rob out the door that would be one thing, but i think it would make people like conor/gage possibly start targeting szymon/daisy/myself and that isnt a good thing. especially if we can wait to f9, and have 5 directly on rob and he goes home and then theres less potential for us getting outvoted
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Dylan G’s Video!
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I know I have been sending only really text confessionals right now and I am REALLY sorry about that, since pretty much a lot of my life has FINALLY FUCKING CLEARED UP I can actually start doing them, butttt since I'm a procrastinator on all sense of the word I'm just gonna type something here and be done with it okay?
Anyways, MERRRRGGGEE! I am fucking SHOCKED that I have made it this far. Keep in mind I really don't think that I would have had any issues getting to the merge keep in mind. Other than the shit I was going through early game and then with some other stuff I feel relatively blessed to be here. I made some connections on my swapped tribe which helped me stay around, and then afterwards I pretty much like... I'm here! I wanted to try and win as many challenges as I could just to help me get by, but then again I'm not the most TALKATIVE person in the world so whatever, I'm planning on fixing that now.
ANYWAYS going into live night I am worried. I was playing three games at once including this WHILE working and BEFORE I got COVID so that was.... okay that wasn't really that fun but still WHATEVER I TRIED GURL OKAY? And from the looks of it the first round should be easy with a relative chips boot which I am fine with. The second round though? That's where the primary issue lies. The only name I heard relative to that is potentially lovealis which I am down with. I got Jules who is a Brandan STAN, my Coco loco alliance with daisy/szymon, and other connections I have made with people like rob. Since after Chips leaves we're in the Final 10 during live night that's easier for my mental sanity. and with me/daisy/szymon/rob/jules, that is already HALF the votes. So I feel... good.
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I did not succeed at the social queen immunity.
A social queen i am not.
I was told the vote would be me... so I packed my bags.
Then... a LONG time later they want to blindside Rob. I say okay, I'm down knowing I trust no one so trying to hold on to my smallest sliver of hope that this isn't an elaborate lie.
Then we get live round! If I make it that far I'm ready to party!
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Click HERE to watch Gage’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Final Words
Rob is voted out 6-3-1. He becomes the first member of our jury. We then have LIVE NIGHT! At live night, Lovelis goes home 9-1 and becomes the second member of our jury.
Watch the Cast Assessment for this Episode and last Episode below:
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