#he wouldn't have an identity on his old farm
neanderthyall · 1 year
Kaz's backstory makes me sad often because we actually know so little outside of his trauma. It makes sense for his character and arc, that what we know of him, is generally just his pain and primarily his experiences in ketterdam. But what about his home life? Who was his mom? Was kaz the kind of kid to follow jordie around when he was just trying to hang out with his friends? Did him and Jordie even have friends? Neighbors on nearby farms? Who were the nearby adults who may have known of what happened to their father? Did any of them try to help them, or stop Jordie from leaving? Are there people still there who remember the tragedy of the Reitveld family? Does anyone remember them?
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tupperwaretub · 5 months
A male reader who's super cautious around people because their queer identity has been an issue in the past, and so Negan being so explicit and flirty all the time just relentlessly getting on their nerves, and Negan just find it's so funny until he starts to realize how genuine the annoyance is, and just being like. Dude why would you EVER care about what other people think when we all know these people are horrible, and they're wrong about EVERYTHING Else, so they're wrong about you. And then they kiss 😈 (is this too cringe am i cringe bro)
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(A/n): TYSMMM for the request, this is so cute!! ALSO PLEASE KEEP SENDING REQUESTS ANYONE!! I'll write almost anything as long as it's not noncon or fetish. If you're unsure just look at my character list I'll link a list of what i will + wont write for
(Warnings): snarky Negan being himself, harsh language (it's negan duh)
(Summary): Before Negan arrived it was really easy to hide your sexuality, but when he went snooping and found old photos with your ex boyfriend he obviously couldn't keep his mouth shut but it definitely went better than you can expected.
You hid your sexuality even before you got to Alexandria but getting to Alexandria didn't help, the way the older folk looked at Aaron and Eric made you want to curl up and wither away. So you hid yourself, you hid your family pictures, you hid your pictures of friends at pride events and your ex boyfriend in fear of them finding out and shunning you. In your dream world you'd have your family pictures around your house in Alexandria, being able to see the faces of loved ones you'd lost and reminisce on a time before the outbreak but sacrifices have to be made in the new world.
When Negan started showing up you'd only just managed to settle in Alexandria, a lot of those who may of judged you had died and your group from before such as Rick pretty much ran the show around Alexandria now. You weren't at the line up and you hadn't seen Negan kill Abraham or Glenn, you didn't know Abraham well but he seemed nice enough although you never got too close due to an itching bad feeling he was homophobic. Glenn on the other hand you got on with well, being around the same age you both instinctively became close and you'd even considered telling him you were gay but in the end you decided not to, you had known how bad he was at keeping secrets since Hershel's farm when he told Dale about Loris pregnancy and the Hershel families secret zombie collection in the Barn. You feel slightly guilty for not telling him now he's gone though, he would've always had your back.
Less than a week later Negan came banging on the gate, you were counting ammunition and had noticed missing guns but decided it would be best to stay quiet right now. He sends his men to strip peoples houses of mattresses and items he decided he wanted, you're suddenly struck with a horrid feeling of nausea knowing your photos are hidden under your mattress so you run off back to the armory to pretend to check stock.
Around your fourth time checking the stock of guns and ammo Negan bursts in, "Well hey there... Y/n?" You nod. "I believe these are yours sweetheart." He hands you your photos and you swallow hard, you can't tell if you're about to cry or scream. "Don't worry i won't tell a soul, I'm not as bad as prick makes me out to be I wouldn't out someone. Well, assuming you're not out by the way all these photos were hidden under your mattress." You hide the photos in your back pocket and shrug. "I had my men leave your mattress there and maybe we could... You know, in return for my selflessness." He gets close to your face and smirks but backe off when his men enter and you hand them the lists of stock.
The next few time's Negan visits he flirts with you relentlessly, subtle to obvious.
When you saw him walking through the gates this time you sighed knowing it'd just be another day of annoyance, he walks straight up to you and smirks, "hey handsome..." You glare at him.
"Lighten up hon' you don't like a man like me being interested in you?" He laughs to himself and you just look away, almost seething with anger but holding back for Rick's sake. Negan sees your anger and his face shows how hard realisation hit him that you were genuinely annoyed with him and not just playing hard to get.
"Look, you don't have to act all macho to make people think you're not gay. Plus, i don't understand why you're even bothered about people knowing! It's the end of the damn world, laws don't exist anymore if you didn't realise, so if someone makes your life hard over your sexuality do what i do, bash some skulls in." Your eyes soften, while he doesn't exactly have a way with words you do understand his point. "I'm not like you." You respond to him with an ounce of bitterness but he smiles, "no you're not, but you get what I'm gettin' at." His hand brushes yours and you finally look up at him and your eyes lock. "Yeah... Yeah i guess you're right." You mutter and he smiles, his face gets a bit closer to yours. "Loosen up and have a bit of fun doll."
Your lips meet, at first you're unsure and think about pushing him away but his words ring in your head "loosen up and have a little fun" So you pull him closer and the pair of you share a passionate kiss.
Wherever this is going to go, you're sure it'll upset people but you've decided that if you're going to live in a world where you could die any day you'd rather die happy than moping and hiding yourself from others.
(A/n): I hope you liked it! I loved the request, sorry it took so long I've got ridiculous amounts of work to get done so squeezed this in as much as possible!
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kaitsawamura · 4 months
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I am proud to announce I will be joining the initiative created over at @ficsforgaza! They, along with all the other incredibly talented participants, are doing some really great work. Thank you to FFG for creating a tangible way for us to help those suffering in Palestine, even if some of us can't afford to offer monetary assistance <3
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I might open requests in the future but for now, I am accepting proof of donation to sponsor current WIPs only.
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I will label each work individually, but please assume that everything I write will be 18+ MDNI/N*FW at one point or another.
For every $1 donated, I will write 100 words towards your chosen WIP. I.E: If you donate $5, I will write 500 words.
Current Word Count Cap Per One Request: 1000 Words (You can show proof of a larger donation, but this is currently the most words that can be requested per person ☺︎ )
Current Total Word Cap: 500/5000 words (This is currently the point at which I will pause proof of donations until I catch up ☺︎ )
Thank you for reading and respecting my rules!
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East of My Heart (West of My Soul) | Estimated WC: 50K | Current WC: 25.5K | Chapter WC: 5.1K/12K | BNHA Folk Tale AU | Prince!Izuku Midoriya x Reader | 18+ MDNI
Donations Made to Sponsor This WIP: 1
SUMMARY: Your life is one that is abundant with family and the magic in small things.  But when a great white bear comes rumbling at your family’s cottage door one winter’s night, you are obviously taken aback.  Even more so when he speaks to you in a language you can understand and asks for your help.  Come away with him, live with him in the ice castle he calls home for a year and day and release him from the curse that blights him.  You agree to go with him even if as time goes along, it is very apparent that there is more to this polar bear than meets the eye.  There is more to a lot of different things as you learn to love the polar bear as friend and companion during the day but are visited by a mysterious man who insists on sleeping in your bed every night.  Can you last a year and a day to save the bear from this strange enchantment?  Will you learn the true identity of the man you’ve come to care so deeply for?  Will you find yourself (and maybe love) along the way?
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The Farmer and The Wizard | Estimated WC: 50K | Current WC: 3.2K | Chapter WC: 1.2K/3K | JJK Stardew Valley AU | Wizard!Gojo x Farmer!Reader | 18+ MDNI
Donations Made to Sponsor This WIP: 1
SUMMARY: You need a change, a big one. When your estranged grandfather passes away and bequeaths you his farm in a little town just south of the middle of nowhere, you take it as the sign you needed to make a change instead of waiting for one. The farm, while having fallen into a state of disrepair, is just the thing to cure your modern-world ailments. The people are kind and always ready to offer help, if a bit unusual. They have old superstitions, a haunted community center, and a resident wizard. Spoiler alert: those last two on the list take some getting used to. Yes, things are different here but you have a sneaking suspicion that the slow pace and a certain alchemical practitioner are going to remind you that sometimes, all you need is time and a little bit of magic.
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that's just wasteland, baby | Estimated WC: 15K | Current WC: 2.2K | BotW/TotK!Link and Zelda x Reader | 18+ MDNI
SUMMARY: Calamity Ganon has finally been vanquished for good, Link and Zelda have finally managed to break the wheel. But things are not as either of them had hoped they would be. Zelda is soon to be Queen with all the duties of such a position. Link would remain her knight and yet, he is restless. When he hears of the restoration efforts in Lurelin Village, he decides that he must go. He can’t stay cooped up within the castle walls, not after so long in the wild. Zelda and Link are unsure of the new direction their lives are taking but maybe they’ll find that their true north is you.
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a shrike and a thorn | Estimated WC: 3K | Current WC: 1.2K | Priest!Kento Nanami x Congregant!Reader | 18+ MDNI
SUMMARY: You save everyone but who saves you? You don’t know what makes you step foot in that church.  But you do and you spend the next year a dutiful congregant to Father Nanami.  Devoted and kind, he’s exactly the kind of man you would expect to be a priest.  And none of this would be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that you can’t stop thinking about what it would be like to see him lose his religion between your legs.  Unbeknownst to you, the good Father is having the same kind of thoughts.  Will the two of you build a new altar at which you might worship?
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They Say It's Your Birthday | Estimated WC: 3K | Current WC: 1.6K | Pro Hero!Eijiro Kirishima x Reader | 18+ MDNI
SUMMARY: Strangers to lovers (they meet in the club), birthday smut for the Birthday Boy, I've had this in my drafts for literally three years to post on Eiji's birthday.
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The Indomitable Human Spirit | Estimated WC: 2-3K | Current WC: 366 | Modern!Sukuna x Reader | 18+ MDNI
Donations Made to Sponsor This WIP: 1
SUMMARY: No description for this yet either, just wanted to explore the idea of Sukuna putting his claim on you but not in the way you'd think he would, more in like the thing about how a warring alien race comes to earth and is baffled and fascinated by the enduring human spirit.
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Archive of Our Own (I don't update this a lot!)
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All works marked as such belong to Kait of kaitsawamura © 2020-PRESENT. Please do not alter, repost, or copy my content.
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jacksprostate · 9 months
pls more fem fight club... from one of ur biggest fans
It's after fight club, when we've slunk back to our den and Tyler has stuffed me full of factory farmed chicken. I must be wearing my concussion on my face with how crinkled kind her eyes are. She takes me by the hand, we go to the garden to lie shirtless in the blood and guts and hair and shit and stare up at smog.
We lie close, like identical twins. Nursed in the same shitwater house, pummeled into superficial similarities. I know, my face is so blown out by bruising. Hers is no better; you could think we were a mirror. I could be some fucked up funhouse paper jam insomnia copy of Tyler. It would be a success.
"What do you really know of success?" Tyler scoffs, reading my mind.
Tyler says, "You don't know shit."
I don't disagree. I let my hand dig through the soil and mud until I've found a worm. Gently, I let its bristles catch on my skin. It wants to flee.
"You're told, we have it better than ever," Tyler says, and I know she's gearing up for a sermon. "You're told, we can work, and we can divorce, and have our own bank accounts. You and I both know you'll be fought every step of the way, but you can have those things now, isn't that a success?"
She takes the worm from me. Guides it into the unpleasant shape of a knot. Tyler pinches the ends of the worm lightly, pulls. These little cruelties are normally enacted on me, and I'm enraptured.
"If I stop, if I stop crushing and tearing this thing to death, is that a success?" Tyler drops it on my chest, in the valley between my tits. I see the knot is tight enough, some of the worm's organs must be crushed. Annelid internal bleeding.
"Is that good?" Tyler says.
Tyler says, "If you look to our glorious leaders, you will be told you should be overjoyed with getting a restroom into the Senate and the opportunity for the elite women who are part of our oppressive machine to wear pants. You will be told you should look at six women out of a hundred demons as a success. All of this, successes. Dripfed progress."
The common woman, she gets sexual harassment and a portion of the dollar. She gets marital rape exceptions finally struck off the books only in writing. She gets the second shift. She still gets rape and too late abortions and status barely beyond property of her husband and mother of his children.
The worm squirms.
Tyler says, "The House of Representatives still has nothing. They say, we have to be careful, we have to carefully mind the important history of the building as we act so kindly as to accomodate the silly womenfolk. Nevermind the steady light above his head and the subway he uses to get around."
Tyler reaches over, hand brushing my skin as she traces the twitching knot with a finger.
"I say, forget history. Holding onto history gets you little old cabins converted to rental cottages on a huge, private botanical garden with one large porched mansion in the middle. It gets you beloved buildings where even the most privileged women have to walk a block to take a piss, while men enjoy their modern heating and plumbing. It gets you the boot upon your neck. The knot in your spine."
She holds her hands out, spread. Occluded moonlight filters through. Her fingers are streaks of true night.
"If I were a worm," Tyler says, "I wouldn't wait until these hands die to consume them."
She takes the worm back, patiently, slowly unknots it as it writhes. I wonder if it knows those hands are the same ones that tortured it. I wonder if it cares.
"We can't wait for this. We should not expect the hands tying knots all through the world to truly ever undo them."
Forget history. Forget successes. Tyler wants to dismantle the world. Tyler wants to render things so equal that the sins of the past can be forgotten.
"Let's blow up the US Capitol," Tyler says, voice thick as syrup.
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princess-glassred · 15 days
I already have a Reddie Cinderella au but a fuckin Benverly Cinderella au where instead of searching for the girl who fits the slipper, beverly is searching for the boy who wrote the January Embers poem would be sooooo cute.
Poor Bev's just this princess who's being auctioned off by her creepy dad to the highest bidder like she's a hunk of meat. Pretty much every man in her life has given their unfiltered opinion on her and it's made her against marrying anyone (she does want to get married, but the men in the royal court have soured it for her). Her betrothed Tom Rogan is a piece of shit who ""sees her poential"" to be a good queen IF she's got a good man by her side to keep her in check.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the kingdom, is a poor orphaned servant named Ben hanscom. His daddy died serving for the royal gaurd and his mom passed away from an illness a couple years after, leaving him in the care of his step father Mr. Keene, his (slightly) younger step sister Greta and his older step brother Henry. Mr. Keene has Ben slaving away in his apothecary since he's fat and probably wouldn't be useful in snatching up a spouse anytime soon. He's treated like a black sheep, Greta likes getting him into trouble and being a jerk for no reason, while Henry likes to attack him with physical abuse and make jokes about his weight. Ben happens to like cleaning and working for Mr. Keene though, because he's logically minded and good at figuring out how things tecnically work (although its kinda degrading with Henry around to make fun of him all the time). It's worth noting that if Ben wasn't around Henry would probably be in the same situation, considering he's not actually Mr. Keene's son and was just sold to him by his dad for booze money.
Bev and Ben meet when she's pretending to be a maid to sneak away from her father, the only hint that she's even a princess is the palace key she keeps around her neck. She tells Ben her name is "Bevvie" to hide her identity and he buys it. The two become really fast friends after that, routinely visiting each other whenever they can. Ben even introduces her to his one and only friend, Mike the farm boy, and now all of them are kind of buddies. When the ball comes Ben has no interest in meeting princess Beverly (even though he assumes she's a wonderfully nice gal) he just wants to see bevvie again. Mostly because he wrote her a poem and neglected to give it to her before, so he HAS to give it to her at the ball. His step family ruin it though, because Ben's considered an embarassment and they can't have ANYONE interfering with Henry's attemps at marriage and Greta's wannabe socialite career. They rip up the poem right in front of him and it's quite heart breaking.
Just when all is lost though, Ben finds not one, but TWO fairy god parents here to help him. They introduce themselves as Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak, married couple, business men, and expert fairy god parents. They dress in modern clothes, which Ben finds very confusing, especially since 40 year old man in hawaiin shirt is hardly what comes to mind when you think "fairy god parent" but whatever. They seem well meaning enough, although they can't stop bickering for like 2 seconds to actually help. They bring back the poem to prove they're legit and give him all the cinderella fixings. Eddie is a little paranoid about Ben getting home on time though, so he gives him a midnight curfew so he leaves on time. Also Richie calls Ben haystack cause he sleeps in a barn lol.
The ball comes around and the usual stuff happens, Henry and Greta embarrass themselves, Bev hates everything about it, and Ben makes a grand entrance that shocks everyone. Ben is pretty shocked himself, as he realizes he's been friends with the princess all along and freaks tf out. Beverly instantly runs to him to ask where on earth he got that wonderfully designed suit and he mumbles out some bullshit excuse that doesn't really make sense. They fall in love but just as midnight comes around Ben remembers he forgot to give her the poem again! He leaves it behind by accident on the ground when he's running away, and bev's dad picks it up.
He seems interested in knowing who sent it, and for a moment Beverly honestly tells him she doesn't know because she met a lot of suitors last night. He insists they go searching for the guy, comparing hand writing to the post card from house to house. All while Bev just wants to get it over with so she can see Ben again and tell her how she really feels..
Sorry that was so long, i got really into the idea. I know i never make benverly stuff, so i wanted to try it.
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
A Real One for Christmas
Cross posted from AO3
You know, when I said I was ready to return the favor,
I didn't expect it to be like this
Pleaseeee? 🥺🥺🥺
It's just for one Christmas dinner
EVERYONE has their own boyfriend or girlfriend now
And Ma and Pa's been asking when I'm getting together with someone
you're overlooking something here
your best friend knows me
how do we explain that to them?
we just tell them the truth
we met online and hit it off
uh huh
he won't ask questions in front of the family
i think
i can think of a million reasons how this can go wrong
it won't🙂
wow that smiling face is really assuring
that's good ^ _^
another question..
am I supposed to know about your powers?
that's the fun part
if they know you're a 'civilian'
they'll be fighting to hide their powers
and/or tech
thru the whole dinner
you're actually evil
this is me getting back at them
so i'll fly you on the 20th?
i can't fly with you
you need to book me a flight, im in Paris
Or else they'll be suspicious
I'll ask Dad to help get you one
What about HM?
I'll make a prediction here and say that he won't be attacking a few days before christmas
cause he'll do it on christmas
but just in case, I can bring Kaalki or you can fly me
or I can ask Chat to cover for me
see you :3
hey, this makes YOU owe me a favor
but this is your return
this isnt equal to what u did
it is :3
Marinette sighed and flopped on her bed as she threw her phone to her side. Meeting Jon Kent had been both luck and misfortune for her. One day, he was just a cute stranger she met after a boredom-filled night and then the next, they had accidentally found each others' identities when Superboy happened to pass by Paris.
She dragged out a groan. What on earth was Jon even thinking with that charade? They were facing a family of Kryptonians and detectives for crying out loud. 
"What's the matter, Marinette?" Tikki flew in munching on her last cookie crumb. 
"That was a very regretful groan." 
She screamed when she saw her partner's head pop through her open skylight. A pillow was instinctively thrown at Chat, who dodged it effortlessly. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" she glanced warily at her trapdoor, hoping her parents wouldn't come rushing in. 
Chat dropped down on her bed and stretched. "Meowch. Can't I visit my dearest friend every now and then?" 
"I think Marinette has a predicament," Tikki tattled as she nestled on top of Chat's head. 
"Oooh, what predicament? Do share, M'lady." 
Seven pieces of cookies, two more woeful groans and a story later, Chat was laughing out loud. 
"You think this is funny?" Marinette scowled. 
"I'm sorry," Chat wheezed, not at all sounding remorseful. "But you and I have read enough fanfiction to know where this is going." 
"But this is not fanfiction. This is real life." 
"And in real life," the black-clad hero sang, "Jon Kent likes you."  
Marinette scoffed. It wasn't that easy of course. Jon was one charming smile after another, targeting her unsuspecting feelings while not knowing anything.  
"So. . .?" Chat cocked his head.  
"What about Hawkmoth?"  
"Him? I can take care of the city while you're out," he replied. "You go enjoy your little Christmas getaway while I—"  
"Should we exchange our Miraculouses?" Marinette asked her kwami.  
Tikki gave a half shrug, "I don't mind joining Adrien for a while."  
"Yes! Two days with no cheese smell!"  
The flight to America was uneventful, but the car ride to Kents' was. Jon had reminded her before and after her trip that he and Conner were picking her up. She'd lied to him over text, saying that she wasn't nervous at all, but her rapid-beating heart was betraying her.  
And Plagg wouldn't shut up about it. And asking her for a charcuterie board at dinner.  
She could only make a futile attempt to control her heartbeat in the old farm truck with two Superboys.  
"Marinette, was it?" Conner smiled at her through the rearview mirror.  
"Uh . . . Yeah." She squirmed. Jon squeezed her hand. She squirmed some more.  
"By the way, Dad wanted to pick you up instead of Conner but he has dinner duties," Jon explained, "He told me to tell you."  
"It's okay. I'm thankful he paid for the flight and everything."  
"Jon told me you met online," Conner pressed, earning a frown from Jon. "He wouldn't elaborate."  
"We just started off as chat buddies and the next thing I know we were getting closer and he asked me out."  
"Hm that's interesting." A slight smirk popped up on Conner's lips. "Jon's never mentioned you before." 
"This is exactly why," Jon pouted. "You'll scare her off."  
A fake gasp. "Moi? I'm just a guy from Smallville. No one too special."  
"Eyes on the road, Kon. And don't go too fast, this isn't your motorcycle."  
"So how did Lois react when she found out?" 
Marinette saw Jon shudder under his holiday sweater. "She was furious."  
She paled. "Your mom got mad?"  
"I should've seen that coming anyway, because I never told them." Jon raised his hands. "Not your fault, though! Mom's excited to meet you."  
"How exactly did you meet?"  
"Kon. Questions later. Focus on driving, jeez."  
Marinette swallowed. If they had to pull off the act in front of Jon's family, she had to step up. "It's okay, Jon." She touched his arm. "We met in an online chatroom and we've been talking ever since." 
"Tinder? Grindr?"  
"Kon!" Jon's cheeks turned into a deep shade of red. "Can we talk about something else? What about you and Tim? Talk about that."  
"Me and Tim?" Conner smiled widely, almost evilly. "You want to talk about us? Tonight we're going to make lo—"  
"Okay, okay! Not that!" Jon raised his voice. He turned to Marinette. "Sorry."  
She squeezed the side of her bag which was starting to shake from Plagg's giggles. "It's okay. I promise."  
"You shouldn't have come—" 
"Hey, no, we already agreed to this, didn't we?" Marinette smiled shyly. "We're doing this dinner."  
Withholding a smirk, she laughed. "And it's not like I can fly back to France in a minute." 
And to this, Conner's eyes widened as the car swerved sharply to another lane.  
Lois Lane was first to tackle her as soon as she stepped through the front door. She stumbled back a bit, but managed to return the tight hug.  
"Marinette! I'm happy you can make it." She turned her head briefly to the commotion behind her. "I have to apologize—we're not yet done with the preparations."  
Marinette could see half of the Wayne family staring at her curiously from the kitchen. She pretended not to notice as Jon took her coat. "It's alright, Ms. Lane. If there's anything I can help with—"  
"No, you're our guest! You can sit here first and the table will be set in a few minutes." The reporter hurried her to a comfy couch in the living area. "And please, call me Lois."  
"Thank you . . . Lois."  
Jon leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Dad needs me to help with a few things. Will you be okay on your own?"  
She took his hand gently. "Of course. Go."  
He gave her one charming smile before going. At the same time, others came filing in . . .  
. . . And an arrow sailed past her head and into the wall.  
"That is my new—ow!"  
A blue-eyed man snatched the small contraption from the archer, glaring at him pointedly. 
"We have a guest, idiot." Another man strolled into the room.  
Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Marinette made her guesses. Jon had already told her all about them, even going as far as to share their quirks and personalities. Nightwing, Arsenal, Red Hood.  
"I am so sorry!" Roy's eyes went wide. "It was for my . . . Er—archery competition!"  
Jason smacked him.  
"Didn't we already tell you about this?" Dick hissed while pulling out the arrow from the wall.  
Roy mumbled a response that Marinette couldn't make out.  
"Really really sorry for that." Dick turned to her. "Are you hurt anywhere?"  
"I'm good!" Marinette assured before their arguments worsened. "It didn't hit me."  
"Good." Dick glared at Roy again. "I'm Dick, and these are Roy and Jason."  
"It's nice to meet you," she smiled sheepishly.  
"Guys, you're crowding around the poor girl." A woman in a wheelchair entered, and the others gave her space.  
"Hi, I'm Barbara, you can call me Babs." The woman offered a welcoming smile which Marinette returned. At that moment, more people were ushered into the living room, by the Wayne's butler who was brandishing a spatula and muttering about banning them from the kitchen.  
Marinette felt a chill down her spine.  
There, at the corner of her eye, he was staring at her. Calculatingly.  
Crap, he definitely recognizes me.  
She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message to Jon.  
The Kents and Waynes (read: Alfred) didn't disappoint with the food. Marinette realized how hungry she was when she gazed at the dining table.  
"You have to try Ma's apple pie," Jon whispered next to her. "I bet your bakery can't compare."  
"I'll be the judge of that," Marinette rolled her eyes. She settled next to Jon, across from Clark and Lois. Damian was diagonal from her, making it more difficult to avert her gaze.  
After the setting of the table, passing of bowls, picking up of servings, Clark made small talk within the light chatter.  
"So Marinette, what do you like to do?" Clark asked.  
"Art. Designing," she replied, "Helping my parents bake."  
"Oh come on," said Jon, "Marinette is a prodigy. She's been recognized by Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois gave her an offer once."  
"Big names in fashion," Bruce Wayne commented, sending Marinette into a blush, "That's impressive."  
Jon piped up again before she could kick him under the table. "Her designs are amazing. And Jagged Stone regularly commissions her for concert pieces."  
"Wagged Shtone?" 
"Master Timothy, please don't talk while eating."  
"You know Jagged Stone?!" Tim gaped at her after swallowing down his food.  
"Jon's exaggerating." Marinette tucked her hair behind her ear, "It was just a few pieces for his concert."  
"Don't downplay it, Mars, you're talented," Jon smiled gently.  
"Looks like you're very proud of Marinette," said Lois.  
"O—of course I am! She's my girlfriend after all."  
"Well, I'm happy Jon brought a wonderful girl home," Ma Kent beamed, handing Marinette another piece of baked lasagna.  
"Can you get me an autograph from Jagged?" Roy asked.  
"Me first!" Tim cut in.  
"I'd like one too," Kara joined in.  
Marinette laughed nervously, "I'm sure I can get one for everyone." She glanced to her side. "Umm . . . Conner are you okay?"  
He continued rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, someone threw a tree at me too hard while we were collecting firewood."  
An invisible tension (which Marinette purposefully ignored) swept across the room. Beside her, Jon spoke up. "Hey, I said I was sorry!"  
Marinette furrowed her eyebrows, resisting a laugh when she saw the semi-panicked faces of the others. "Jon threw a tree at you?"  
Tim conspicuously kicked Conner's leg below the table.  
"A tree! Yeah!" Conner's eyes widened. "We collect tiny trees for firewood! Really tiny ones!"  
"Oh. . .?"  
"Please ignore him." Tim kicked his boyfriend again. "Mari, tell us about Paris!"  
"Chilly night, huh?" 
Marinette could've sworn she jumped to the ceiling as she yelped at the voice. She'd step out into the front porch to get some air as the families cleaned up after dinner inside. She didn't expect the girl who Damian had brought to come approach her. 
"Yeah, really cold," Marinette saw her breath fog up. She hugged herself, feeling Rachel stare directly at her. 
Rachel had been quiet during dinnertime, but she wasn't a forgettable presence. Marinette knew about her as well (even before she knew about the Kents) because of a mission (more accurately, a snooping errand) assigned to her in the past. 
"Aren't you cold too?" Marinette rubbed her palms together. 
"I do well with the cold," the girl replied. "Damian's been looking at you the whole night." 
Yeah, I noticed that too. 
"Really?" Marinette chuckled nervously, gazing elsewhere. 
"Yes. It seems like he knows you." 
"He must be mistaken . . ." 
"He isn't." Rachel shook her head. "I'm not sure why he's suspicious but I trust you." 
"I can feel that you're good. Lucky even." A light smile was on her lips. "You're good for Jon." 
I thought the smell of cheese would've masked whatever luck Tikki gives me. "Thanks?" 
"I'm coming back inside. You?" 
"Uhh . . . I think I'll stay here for a bit." 
With a nod, Rachel walked back into the warm house. Marinette released a sigh of relief. Confirming that Damian did recognize and remember her brought back memories.  
She wasn't proud of her time in the League, but it wasn't something she can turn her back to either. Especially since she still had to be loyal to its heir. She let out another heavy sigh and— 
"AHH!" In a surge of alarm, Marinette threw whoever was behind her over her shoulder. She was suddenly met with familiar green eyes.  
"Oh . . . Amir . . . I'm so sorry!"  
"It's good to know you still have your reflexes." 
She winced as she helped Damian stand back up. 
"I will go straight to the point. What are you doing here?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"Did my mother send you? Is the League looking for me?" 
Marinette huffed. "Okay, first of all, that is an insult to Lady Talia. If she wanted to see you, she'd do it herself. Not send me to go undercover in a Christmas dinner." 
Damian raised an eyebrow. 
"Secondly, I'm not here for anything but Jon. Because I'm his girlfriend," she emphasized. "It's just a coincidence and I even hoped you wouldn't try to talk to me." 
"So you have no business involving me?"  
"I don't." She glanced warily through the window of the house, wondering if Jon (or any of the Supers) was listening. "Jon is . . . he's really important to me. I like him." 
"Does that mean you know about . . .?"  
"Yeah, all of it." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "But don't tell anyone. Jon and I are waiting to see how long we can mess with them."  
"I see." Damian pursed his lips, putting on an expression that she knew meant that he was thinking deeply. "If Kent hurts you in any way, I have a stock of kryptonite." 
"Uhm . . . Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"  
"No." A tight smile. "I . . . Apologize for misunderstanding. I just haven't seen you since the League fell."  
"I'm just in Paris, Amir." Her shoulders sagged. "Trying to live normally. Sorry I haven't reached out."  
"We should go back inside. You're shivering."  
Marinette followed Damian into the house just as her phone rang. She sucked in a breath, read the message and met Jon's eyes from across the room.  
He immediately went towards her and pulled her to the stairs, yelling, "We'll be in my bedroom, don't listen to us, okay, bye!"  
Jon had offered to take her at first, but she declined to protect their cover. She had taken the Horse Miraculous and rushed back to the Kents' using the space power-up. On a day when she thought Hawkmoth wouldn't strike, he akumatized poor August again. 
Marinette had exchanged Miraculouses with Chat during the battle. She sat on Jon's windowsill in her Cosmobug suit as she caught her breath.  
"I'm really sorry," she breathed out. "Did they ask questions?"  
"They think we're still locked up here so it's okay. How was the battle? Did you get hurt?" Jon scanned her for injuries.  
She held his shoulders. "I'm okay. It was a quick fight but I was worried I wouldn't make it back in time."  
He pulled her into a tight hug, eliciting another blush. "Sorry I made you stressed out."  
"Hey, it's me returning the favor, remember?"  
The first time they had met in person, Superboy was in Paris, encountered an akuma battle and accidentally found her identity. She'd made him promise not to tell anyone about what was happening in the city, but he promised to collect the debt.  
"And I really enjoyed tonight. Everyone was nice." Marinette grinned. "If not a bit too obvious with their identities."  
"Let me guess. Conner and Roy were the most careless."  
She giggled. "No, I saw Bruce pocketing a Batarang and Clark reheating the chicken with his heat vision."  
Jon laughed along with her, still not letting go from the hug. Marinette buried her face on his chest. I wish it would always be like this.  
"I wish it could always be like this," said Jon.  
Her earrings started beeping but she paid them no mind.  
"Like . . . Bringing you over. Spending time together," he mumbled. "but we can't. You're not . . . We're not . . ."  
She swallowed. "Do you want it to be real?"  
He pulled away a little, to look at her properly. "Do you?"  
Marinette bit her lip. It wasn't the best time. It could strain their friendship. We'll never talk again!  
"Yes, I want it to be real," she confessed. "I've . . . I've liked you for a while now." 
His eyes turned bright and the corners of his lips lifted.  "Really? Are you sure? Because I was scared you won't feel the same and I made it weird . . ."  
Her arms looped around his neck as she mirrored the elated look. "Nope." Her lips lightly touched his cheek. "I like you a lot, Jon."  
He was practically buzzing with excitement, which made her want to laugh. "Really? Like really, really?" He held her more tightly. "You want to be my real girlfriend?"  
"Of course I do—"  
The door clicked open. "MARINETTE! WE GOT YOU PRESENTS—!"  
A wave of light flashed and Marinette felt her transformation wear off and a drowsy Tikki floating at her side. Conner, Tim, Dick and Kara were staring slack-jawed at them, crowded around the door.  
Jon helped her down the windowsill. "Umm, we can explain?"  
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 173
Chapter 173: "Prisoners"
My immense dislike towards Peter often leads me to making fun of him, but he ain't a cute kid. I dunno any child his age (however old he is here) to look that happy with wearing a full suit. Normal children would complain.
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I know Norman isn't related to the James at all, but I still enjoy how so many people joke or theorize about it solely based on how he took on the WM persona and how similar they look at a first glance. Not just by the hair and outfit either, but even their actions, like you can't look at this panel and not be reminded of that one panel of Norman from ch126. It's so memorable that I don't even have to place it here to compare the two because of how identical it is to James here.
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Imagine if James never found that old document. The world would continue on suffering under the farm system rules forever and we wouldn't even have our story. Maybe. Ray would probably still question his existence and the world whether or not James hides clues in the books in the GF library. It would certainly be more difficult for the kids to survive outside the farm though without using the pen for guidance, if they could manage the escape in the first place.
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Peter, for once in your life, can you please just act like a normal child? Who hears of someone sacrificing others for their own gain and thinks, "oh, they're brilliant! I wanna be just like them!" I really hate how Julius pushing aside his personal feelings in order to change the world and stop the fighting sounds so similar to what Emma did with making the new promise, but our girl would certainly never betray her family and friends to achieve that better world!
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This poor man. It's as if his entire purpose in life is crashing down around him.
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As heartbreaking as this scene of James' death is, I can't feel sorry for Peter in this moment. The dude labeled James as a traitor and gave the order to the other Ratri men to go kill him, so I can't imagine why the boy is wailing so hard for something he caused to happen. He could've at least tried to talk to James about the situation, maybe find some common ground that the two of them could agree upon that would apply to both their ideals on how to run the clan and farm systems, but nope. Death be upon ye. The fact that Peter gets up and walks away shortly after rubs me the wrong way too. If he was truly upset about his brother's death, surely he would've taken his body somewhere else to do a proper burial instead of just leave him there. Peter mentions at the start of this chapter that he respected James more than anyone, but this sure as hell ain't the proper way to show it.
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Local fool having an existential crisis. Sure the Ratri clan was bound to play the part as the mediators between both worlds, but one couldn't honestly believe that was the correct way to do things. It's surprising the promise lasted a thousand years before someone had the nerve to stand up and say, ya know, living this way just ain't right.
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Peter isn't wrong, unfortunately. Humans can really be so terrible. The world we're personally living in is far from perfect.
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One of the rare deaths when the corners of my mouth are tugged upwards. It's fine. No one really wanted Peter to join the kids in the human world anyway.
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Favorite panel/moment:
James' smile. That's all.
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joannerowling · 1 year
Entirely blaming @denmark-street for being possessed by Daiyu's ghost last night (spoilers beneath, for context i'm only at chapter 30, yes i'm aware many of you have already finished the book! this is mostly to sort my thoughts out, but feel free to look and have a chuckle if you already know the end :p)
ok so:
I'm 100% sure and was before last night's convo with denmark and ssdc that there's at least *one* person, possibly more, aiding in Mazu and Jonathan's "true spirit" tricks. These conveniently only happen on Church ground (temple in London, Chapman Farm so far), suggesting the newest buildings have mechanisms worked into their construction. With Mazu being revealed as "trained" or at the very least interested early on in magic via her uncle, this is basically confirmed in my book.
That being said, *before* the buildings were built it would have been much harder to pull convincing tricks, even with the commune being exhausted and hungry and psychologically abused at all time. This suggests the presence of at least one "magician's assistant" - oldest trick in the world is to have an accomplice in the crowd of onlookers to divert attention, or to pull strings unseen.
(Now… denmark suggested that Daiyu's body might never have been found because her death was faked and that theory is so enticing to me ngl. She appears to people so often, especially compared to the other "prophets", wouldn't this be the perfect explanation as to why? If she's alive and acting as a ghost (maybe actually believing herself to be one?), she WOULD be a very useful "magician assistant" for Mazu and Wace. Juridically untraceable, since she's officially dead, able to haunt the cult's escapees to the point they'd kill themselves by appearing at night in Chapman Farm or to stand in people's windows. It doesn't help that Mazu and Wace had a good motive to make Daiyu "disappear" - Graves's inheritance, which would have gone to Daiyu, who would have been taken by the Graves's family after the DNA test confirmed she was his child.
It does sound a tad too far-fetched for the Strike books, which are usually grounded - immediate practical questions arise such as: how would Daiyu escape notice? Maybe she lives abroad most of the time, but she'd still be recognised sooner or later. By the time the story takes place, she'd be 27 or 28, a far cry from the 7 years old girl who drowned, which is both useful to use a fake identity, but would make her ghosting harder and harder to pull as years go by… Although, the last sighting of Daiyu we hear of is in 2006-7, when Flora Brewster was sure she'd seen her after talking about the UHC to a journalist. With proper make-up and her targets being already out of her mind and scared of her, i'd say it's possible for a 17 yo Daiyu to have convincingly haunted Flora. Wasn't she described as a tall child?)
Other things:
"Pigs". I really don't think that what Mazu did to Abigail and co is what Kevin was referring to when he wrote it on his wall. He would have been what, 3 or 4 in 1995? I just think there's more to this.
(… Man-eating pigs. I've said it.)
Andersen was either one of the Aylmerton's pedophiliac crew who escaped prosecution like Coates (i'm very inclined to think so or that he was at least fine with all the "free love" going on), murdered, or both. I'm leaning both atm. He was there since the very beginning so he knew a lot, and Wace and Mazu probably found it inconvenient. I think Wace is a sadist who would greatly enjoy invoking Andersen's memory and using him in his motivational speeches (either as an example to follow or not follow, we already have two versions), knowing full well that he got rid of him.
The one person's death i believe was genuine suicide was Graves's. It would kinda cheapen the fear that Will will do the same if forcibly liberated, if it weren't.
Lin, Deirdre's child, is the kid Robin saw, which i suspect will come up soon enough (she's the right age, has blonde hair like Deirdre and "dark blue eyes" like Wace: it's a match).
I don't think Deirdre was "expelled" because she wrote she was raped by Wace in her journal. Even if she did write it, the UHC just doesn't let people go that easily. At the same time, i don't know what she could have done/seen that would convince Wace and Mazu to let her go instead of just killing her. It's not like they're not capable - Flora said she witnessed someone being killed. That would have been when she was at Chapman Farm, between 2002 and 2007. Could be either MCB (the "golden prophet") or, if she's dead, Deirdre.
Cherie's name might actually be Cheryl like Abigail thought she remembered, and it's why Strike and Robin can't find her.
Not many thoughts about Jordan-the-teenager. I think Paul will be a dead end - Sheila said "he wasn't right", so possibly mentally ill, his testimony might be useless… but might also not be (it's Strike after all, the disabled often play a crucial role). It's just that we already have so many characters testifying, i wonder if one more wouldn't make things too easy for Strike and his seems to easiest to chuck out.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Do you think all of these reveals about Misraaks's backstory are... a bit much? All we knew before was he was a vandal during the reef wars who met Sjur, then became our ally. The splicer stuff was a cool reveal, albeit surprising (and what did he do with his old helmet?), but this most recent reveal feels almost retconesque? Just wondering your thoughts!
I saw the comments that it could be an issue with his timeline since he's depicted as a ruthless captain, but when he's found by Sjur, he's just a vandal.
I hope Bungie addresses this, but it's also pretty clear to me that Mithrax at one point stopped using the relic. We don't know why and how and when (yet), but he must've abandoned the pirating ways at some point and by doing so, he would've been demoted. A demotion for Eliksni means less ether and less ether means they lose their size. So him going from captain to vandal isn't really a retcon.
Another thing to remember is that we're talking many hundreds of years (at minimum) of a timespan in his story. Mithrax had plenty of time to grow up, take over as a captain, do the bad stuff, stop, get a demotion and eventually end up with the Awoken. I think the timespan is the most crucial here and people tend to forget that we have no definitive information about how much time it's been, other than vaguely several hundred for sure. There's definitely enough time for Mithrax to have had such a rich history before our time.
However, I would definitely like to know more and get an official explanation from Mithrax himself. All this so far has been told by Eramis and I would love if Mithrax sat us down and told us himself.
Survivor's Epitaph from Splicer reads a lot differently now with all of this in mind:
"There was a ship," Mithrax eventually replied. "It may have been soldiers. Civilians. I do not know." He looked away from the Traveler as he spoke. "I led a boarding party onto it. We slaughtered any who resisted and rounded up those who surrendered."
Shaxx turned to look at Mithrax, a wordless question in his faceless mask.
"We argued what to do with the prisoners. Some suggested we keep them as warning-trophies. Others said to barter with them." Mithrax looked away, shoulders sagged. "But I was young. Impatient." He closed his eyes. "I opened the airlock. It seemed the simplest solution."
This definitely hinted, even back then, that at some point in his life, Mithrax had a significant position of power among the Eliksni. He led a boarding party and he was the one who had the power to decide what to do with prisoners.
But yeah, either way, I hope we get more clarifying lore about his past. They obviously haven't forgotten that he found his daughter in a wreck (he mentioned it in a voice line) and that he spent time with the Awoken (Eido's name) so I wouldn't say they're retconning anything. But it would be great if he told us more about his past just so we can get a better grasp on when all of these things happened.
As for his old helmet, no clue. His mother is shown wearing an identical one in the cutscene, so he either inherited hers or had an identical one made, and he later abandoned it before coming to the Last City for, perhaps, peace keeping reasons. Him wearing the old helmet while he was hiding in the basement on the Farm was fine, but coming to the City with it was something he perhaps saw as too much for those that might recognise it (both humans and Eliksni). But again, I would love to see some official lore on that so we don't have to extrapolate.
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amemoire · 10 months
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My too long ramble about Scara in a long winded attempt to touch on my thoughts of Ei in relation to him. Mostly because while some of fandom likes to draw up modern AUs and the like in which she's a good mom to him, this just isn't my belief for a few reasons. That isn't to say that I will shove my opinions onto others, and I would welcome anyone that does write her and want to plot out nicer terms for them, but I also don't want anyone to fight me on what's been my view for a long time now. This is just something that I hold to my own portrayal.
First of all, one of the primary things in Scara's character is the fact that he views Ei as more than his creator. He views her as his MOTHER, even to this day. Something made clear in his story when his voice literally breaks on the word as he holds back tears. But to Ei he was a CREATION. A proof of concept. A failed prototype. He was always intended to be taken apart. The only reason he wasn't is because she took pity on his tears. He somehow bore a conscience— he was a little too HUMAN. And because of this, it did occur to her that it may be wrong to end his life like that. So she sealed away his power and placed him on another island instead.
She sent him away without anything more than the clothes on his back and that golden feather. Locked in Shakkei Pavillion where if he woke, she thought he may leave and lead his own life. Except he didn't. He stayed here for days on end until being found because he wasn't told he could even leave.
He had no explanation for why he was being " tossed away " and quite literally no knowledge of the world. He was a prototype— why would he need to know anything more than necessary for initial testing ? He was clueless to its laws and how it functioned. And while the point of this was to give him his best chance apart from Ei and the Gnosis, how was he supposed to know any of this when he wasn't told ? He didn't even have a name. There's a line in Polumnia Omnia that I'll never stop thinking about and that is the singular Japanese line.
" ごやのすゑなぞながられ ". " Why did you throw me away on the fifth night? "
This is referring to an old Japanese custom to name a child on the SEVENTH NIGHT of their birth. So now we know how close he was to the exact time where he would've been given a name— a sense of purpose and being and an identity of his own. He wouldn't have been aware of this tradition at the time as he was quite literally a newborn, but came to learn of it in the near future and thus resented his abandonment all the more. But again, I don't believe he would've gotten a name even if Ei had kept him. He was ALWAYS intended to be dismantled before then.
Instead, it was the villagers of Tatarasuna that gave him something close enough to a name and taught him everything he needed to know. The laws of the land, how to cook, clean, farm, sew, dance, etc. etc. He caught on tremendously and in time became even better than his teachers in some rights. But most importantly, they taught him what it was to be human. The only thing they hadn't taught him about was human mortality itself. Which is why I believe he viewed the kid's passing as a betrayal despite it being something that couldn't be helped. Because he was still a stranger to the concept of death. Yes, people had died during the events of Tatarasuna, but those were by other means. UNNATURAL means and by other peoples' hands. He likely never even saw the bodies himself. But his friend had died of some natural sickness. And this body he did see.
We know from Ei telling us herself that she was aware of everything going on in Inazuma during the AQ and specifically the involvement of the Fatui and simply chose to let things happen. I don't bring this up to say that she knew what he was going through in his early years, but rather that she knew of his involvement during the AQ. By extension, we could probably say she's also aware of his role regarding the fall of the Raiden Gokaden. And again, she did nothing. Even after everything is resolved, she doesn't mention him and she doesn't seek him out. Granted, we do know why. She states in now unavailable voice lines that she doesn't wish to control him. So this is why he's allowed to do virtually whatever he pleases.
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Yae similarly confirms just how hands-off Ei wishes to be. To the point that she won't even fight him despite all the trouble he caused for the nation. The fact that Yae would kill her " son " in secret and without remorse is a separate matter I won't get into. ( Though it makes me wonder if Ei would even be sad if this were to have happened with how casually Yae says this ). But it does speak for how even she doesn't view him as Ei's kid but still just a creation. Still just a puppet. Heck, she doesn't even call him by " he " like she does at the end of the AQ but by " IT ".
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All that said, going back to the matter of AUs and Ei's ability to be a mother, it leads me to believe that at best she would have other people raise him. ( Nannies, house staff, maybe homeschool teachers ). And at worst she would be a neglectful parent. She's just too busy to do it herself and probably doesn't even know where she'd start. Without a doubt, he would have to take mandatory lessons and classes that keep to their culture and tradition, but otherwise she isn't too privy to what he does or likes. She wouldn't bother getting involved in anything unless it happened that he had failing grades or was getting in trouble. Additionally, because of her allowing him to do whatever he wants in canon, she may even become one of those parents that covers up the trouble their kids cause. Their relationship is quite strained as a result and while he would still regard her as his mother, he wouldn't regard her as someone who loves or cares about him, much less understands him.
But he does crave to be loved. Best shown by the feather being present in his Wanderer design.
The fact that he still carries it with him shows that it STILL means something to him. Even more importantly, it shows that he's held onto it all these centuries and will continue to do so despite never receiving any insight to Ei's true intentions and despite all memory of himself being literally written out of history. Because that feather was the one kindness he KNOWS she afforded him. It was a symbol that offered him protection by showing his relation to the Shogun, and it was a token that allowed him to request an audience with her. Though it failed him in the end, he still kept it. The only gift he ever received from his mother. One he will continue to hold close.
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stupidfateheadcanons · 10 months
Which servants do you think would play Mobile Games? (like Gacha, Idol games, Candy Crush, Fruit Ninja)
Gachas and Gacha-Adjacents
(don't spend money on gacha)
Tomoe Gozen
Despite being a #gamer, she wouldn't play most mobile games due to them, generally speaking, having pretty unskilled gameplay (unless some piece of canon I'm not remembering smites me down.) However, given all the hyper-intense Arknights blogging I've seen, Tomoe would be entranced by crunching numbers and solving her little military puzzles with her units. Also, she'd be into catgirls, and whatever the hell the Doctor has got going on with that scientist woman who hates them.
tries all of them. even the bad ones. ...especially the bad ones.
has one of those AI Waifu apps.
Fusehime, Okita, Ushiwakamaru
Touken Ranbu players (the sword boy game). Ushiwakamaru nerds out about the history of the swords, Fusehime is a #collector, and Okita just likes the simple gameplay of mowing down people with her prettyboy units. Nobunaga also plays, trying to piss Okita off with her luck in forging boys, but Okita genuinely loves the low-rarity units so it's only half-way effective.
Shuten plays a gacha game where all of the waifus are humanizations of alcohol. She's spent well over a thousand dollars trying to get Aged Red Wine, who's a milf that looks like Raikou. Don't question why.
Plays one of the more lore-heavy gacha games. Whales for her favorites and writes intense meta posts. She's very insistent that this is just the natural course of things.
Isn't huge into gachas generally, but he'll pick up whatever game has a Jeanne expy (or, because he considers Saber-faces to be 'Jeanne faces', Saber expies) to roll for the girl in question, max levels her, and then drops the game.
They play Obey Me and other Shall We Date games to debate over the best boys.
Gets invested in one hot girl in one game and her money is gone. The girl in question has glasses and a turtleneck like Medusa's casual form.
Plays gacha games with ranking and pvp elements like Epic Seven to lord his units over the plebs. Is also a pull streamer. A lot of his clips go viral, and the atmosphere of his streams are very fun.
Other Phone Games
Downloads one of those 'We're under fucking attack!' games. Nero is the woman in the ad.
A daily wordle girlie. Shares her scores on Servantgram with Sherlock.
Plays Angry Birds on her break.
Miss Crane and Phantom
Idol games. They're friends over it.
Nero and Elizabeth
They compete in rhythm games to get higher scores than each other.
Plays mobile fortnite on her bed.
Chloe and Emiya also play, but Emiya gets dumpstered by the other two.
Plays Stardew on her phone. Likes showing other Servants and her Master her farm layout and progress.
The Paladins
Collectively have an old iPhone 8 that still has flappy bird on it that they pass around. It's beaten to shit but still kicking.
Paul Bunyan
Needs to use the largest I-Pad ever, but she plays pretty basic Facebook-esque games like Candy Crush. In her Alt form, she posts game scores for likes.
Jetpack Joyride and the Hello Kitty games.
Author Servants
Hans gets them all into phone scrabble. They keep getting collectively mad at Shakespeare because he cheats and tries to make new words.
anderson voice: dumas that word is not allowed in scrabble
dumas: but it's a word in FRENCH
Ptolomey dominates
Among Us
The child servants generally play Among Us together, once it gets popular in Chaldea.
Jack: Loves to be the imposter because murder is fun! Pretty bad at keeping her identity hidden, though. LOVES the little hats.
Nursery Rhyme: Sees it as a game of Hide and Seek. Fails at being the imposter and doing tasks.
Jalter Lily: Does tasks, is decent at being the imposter. A generalist.
Voyager: Very good at doing tasks. Hates being the imposter.
Erice: Terrible at Among Us, but wants to play to hang out with Voyager. She gets really upset about losing, though. This genuinely affects her self-confidence.
Mephistopheles: Plays with the children. Pretends to be the imposter even if he's not.
Douman: Also plays with the children. Generally pretty wretched to Meph, but is a good and fun player otherwise. Hams up being the evil villain when they're shot out of the air-lock.
Pokemon Go
Da Vinci Lily with Goredolf
Erice with Voyager
Iskander with the very specific intention of conquering the world and catching a Pokemon in every city he conquers. Waver cannot keep up with him, so Iskander would -- in the hypothetical world-conquering scenario -- get one of those phone holders and drive the car real slow to help him catch Pokemon.
Guda is a shiny hunter.
Carmilla gets all the dogs, eventually branching out into other Dark types (with the occasional cute animal.) Defends her team's gym with a massively overpowered Houndoom.
Bakin has a full dog team
Rakou has a teddiursa she named Kintoki. Kintoki would catch Raikou a Raikou. Gotta do things for your momma!
Michi teaches Izou how to use a phone so he can have his little Pokemon.
Sei plays with the girl gang (Suzuka, Nobbu, Okita, etc. Murasaki is dragged along too.)
Honorable Mentions
Beni Enma
Doesn't play phone games, but does have a DS and 10,000 hours in the cooking mama games and their offshoots collectively.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Unwanted Mate - Chapter 2 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Calvin Frey
"Look," Benjamin smiled up at me, holding out his small fisted hand.
I looked at him from where I was stacking the pile of wood I'd chopped up to add to the pile already by the shed.
There wouldn't be much yard work to do until winter passed and our small garden had died from the cold but Benjamin still found a way to get himself covered from head to toe in dirt.
My pup opened his hand and I yelped, shuffling back.
Benjamin burst with laughter having found my reaction hysterical.
"No playing with bugs," I scolded, reaching out to him, before thinking better of it.
"Put it down."
"I found it," he pouted, closing his fist back around the fuzzy brown wood spider.
He was holding it so tightly I wondered if he'd crushed the thing.
"Let it go," my voice went down an octave, my eyes leveling on his.
Benjamin huffed but squatted down to let the spider run into the grass.
"Bye bye, Mr. Spidey."
"Lets get some of this wood inside," I told him, holding out a small piece I knew he could carry.
Benjamin was excited to help and waited patiently as I filled my arms up with wood before leading the way to the house.
They were calling for snow and I needed to get enough inside and cover the rest outside with tarp to keep the wood dry.
It looked like my week off of work would be spent snowed in with my pup.
The only problem I had with that, was keeping the old farm house warm.
Benjamin followed me into the house and to the living room where I piled up the wood beside the wood stove.
He added his single piece to the pile, smiling proudly up at me.
He had dirt smudge on his cheek and the knees of his jeans were damp with mud.
It wasn't an unusual sight and I knew better than to clean him up until bedtime.
We headed back outside where I pulled the tarp over the wood pile and placed a few heavier pieces on top to secure it while he watched.
That is, until he was distracted.
I'd just stopped Benjamin from chasing after another spider when the sound of tires on gravel reached me.
It was a clear indication that someone was coming to visit.
Torin most likely, wanting to steal my pup for a few hours.
Hopefully he'll cut back on that when he has his own pup to look after.
It was still strange knowing that would be his reality soon enough.
Benjamin chased after me as we walked around the house to see the car parked in front.
It wasn't my brother's cherry red Prius and I was sure I'd never seen anyone in the pack driving the white KIA Optima before.
"I'm carrying it."
"No, I am."
"But I cooked it."
"It was my idea."
My eyes shifted to the two small blonds making their way up the path to the front porch.
They were tugging on a glass dish, fighting over who was carrying it.
Clearing my throat, I watched with amusement as they jumped and nearly dropped what they were fighting over.
Both of the identical twins turned to me, their eyes wide with fright.
They were dressed in matching white winter coats, dark jeans and white snow boots as if prepared for a blizzard.
It was a comical sight, especially knowing they're wolves and aren't affected by the cold like humans are.
"Calvin Darling, looking as handsome as ever," the twin on my right, charmed.
I knew it was Nathan with the way he blatantly looked me over, his plump bottom lip getting trapped between his teeth.
"Hello," Tatum spoke softly in his usual bashful manner.
I hadn't seen them since the family dinner I had no choice but to sit through.
Saying goodbye was brief that night as they looked up at me so obviously hoping I'd ask them to come home with me.
I didn't and had rushed away before I could see their forlorn expressions.
That was three days ago.
Now they stared up at me, eager for my attention.
Scratching at the back of my neck, I glanced down at Benjamin who was hiding behind my leg and peaking around at the twins.
"Would you like to come in?" I finally asked.
They nodded quickly and I picked up my pup, passing them to get into the house.
"We brought homemade macaroni," Tatum blurted.
"Torin mentioned it was Benji's favorite."
He held out the glass dish nervously, his cheeks already pink.
"Benjamin," I corrected gruffly, making him take a step back.
Why the hell was Torin telling them things about my pup?
Nathan stepped in front of his twin protectively, his eyes narrowing on me.
"Your brother also told us that you can't cook for a lick."
He unzipped his winter coat, revealing a white turtleneck.
"So Tate's gonna be a doll and heat that on up for us and we're gonna have lunch... together."
Nathan smiled, daring me to argue with him.
Not knowing what else to do, I led the way into the kitchen.
It was one of the few rooms that had been renovated before moving in.
The cabinets and counters were white like the walls, the countertops a dark wood that matched the floor.
The room was bright, the open windows allowing natural light in.
The only color was the soft yellow curtains.
Tatum seemed to love it.
He rushed to put down his dish and look over everything, checking every cabinet and drawer.
He didn't seem to agree with the contents in my fridge.
There wasn't much besides juice for Benjamin and easy snacks I didn't have to do much to prepare.
Usually Torin made us dinner that lasted a few days or we'd pick up some food in town.
Nathan tossed his coat over the back of one of the chairs to the dining table before walking to his twin and directing him out of his own coat.
Tatum wore the same white turtleneck under.
"The news said there's going to be twenty four inches of snow," Nathan explained.
"We don't get a lot of snow in Alabama."
"Alabama, that explains the accents," I murmured, absentmindedly.
"What was that, Sweetie?" Nathan asked, turning from where he was handing Tatum the macaroni.
"We went shopping this morning to get everything we'd need for the bad weather," he went on, not caring what I'd said.
"I remember, we were seventeen, the last time it snowed a lot back home," Tatum filled in, closing the oven.
"How old are you two?" I asked.
From their looks, I'd guess they'd only just turned eighteen.
Tatum's cheeks tinted pink and Nathan chuckled before answering.
"We'll turn twenty three, this summer."
My brows lifted in surprise and I put Benjamin down onto one of the chairs.
He refused to sit though, standing up and holding onto my brown jacket.
He was watching the twins as if confused about something.
"Your brother told us all about you and your pup," Nathan gushed.
"You're twenty five, you work in construction but you're supposed to be the pack Beta, you don't like kiwi cause the skin makes your lips itch..." he counted off on his fingers, proud that he'd been gossiping with Torin.
Tatum realized I wasn't impressed and placed his hand over his twin's mouth.
"We... we've just been real excited," Tatum said sweetly.
"But we'd prefer to learn about you, ourselves."
Nathan nodded and pushed Tatum's hand away from his mouth.
"We'd like to spend time with you and Benjamin."
I didn't respond to that.
Didn't know how to really.
The thought of rejecting them was still heavy on my mind and I knew it'd be best to do it while it was still fresh.
Benjamin and I are just fine on our own.
We don't need the trouble that will no doubt come with these two.
It didn't take long for the macaroni and cheese to heat up and Tatum got down plates like he'd done it plenty of times before.
"What's it going to be, apple juice or fruit punch?" Nathan asked, the question directed towards Benjamin.
My pup shyly responded that he wanted apple juice.
He finally sat down when Tatum brought over a plastic plate filled with extra cheesy macaroni.
"Careful," Tatum warned softly.
"It's hot... so blow before biting."
Benjamin heeded the warning, hesitantly picking up his fork and blowing.
I brushed back his hair and took a seat beside him.
Tatum sat a plate in front of me and Nathan sat down our drinks.
The twins stood back and watched.
Benjamin was digging in already and I took a bite, humming my approval.
It was good... really good.
The twins were beaming.
"I boiled the water," Nathan blurted out.
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Al smiled. “I would like that pumpkin.” Gabby put Al on top of her gut and walked around the mansion. “This is the living room. Back there is the kitchen.” She continued walking. “This is my room.” Al saw the dimly lit room. Various black veils hung on windows along with gothic furniture. “Hmm no gargoyles?” Al questioned. Gabby huffed, “Mom said it would be too much.” Al patted her gut like he would pat his kid’s head. “I’ll talk with mom. Nothing is too good for my precious pumpkin.”
“This is Sherry’s room.” A little gymnastics and various circus sets along with a cozy bed full of stuffed animals. “Huh I imagined it with a bit more pink.” “I was surprised too, turns out she has good color coordination.”
“This is Amy’s room.” It was almost identical to Al’s back in the castle. Various tables for potions and magic. Book shelves for various journals and texts. Even the tile was the same. Except the bed which was for Amy’s size. “Huh, just like her old man.” “Yeah she’s really a mini you… well except she’s like 15x your size and has boobs that could put dairy farms out of business.”
"Oh, and she can even absorb people into them? Heh, have you seen her do it? It's kind of creepy but actually really cool." She cleared her throat. "The others forms have their own domain too, they probably wouldn't mind you visiting. You can do that later though." She stared down at him, jiggling her gut some. "Ready to see mom's room?"
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blazefire2012 · 2 years
Do you have hc about Hancock?? :D
I feel so honored to get this ask becuase im just all in my feels and hyperfixation right now and not by any means an actual fallout blog so here's these few headcanons that I threw together from my personal fics. If anything is confusing, let me know and I'll explain it better 😅
• In his line "Hey. Rads over here. Not for the softskinned", he says softskinned instead of anything like "smoothskin" becuase its, well, a slur in the context some ghouls say it, and also because he is consittered a new age ghoul and doesn't see the need to use such a word to describe someone if it has such negativity attached to it. Especially since it's only been a decade or so since he's been a ghoul.
• Because of his friendship with MacCready and hearing Mac's second hand stories from his Vault 101 friend back in the capital wasteland, he knows all too well of Vault-Tecs experiments in the different vaults. So when he meets the Sole Survivor and finds out what happened to them, he has even more of a reason to hate the company, a personal reason even.
• He LOVES pda in front of people like Pre-BB Danse, X6-88, etc, just to watch them squirm.
• You can pry this from my cold, dead hands, but you can still see a glimer of his concept art blue eyes under the blacked out part from a specific angle in specific lighting. He doesn't notice it until someone who he trusts enough to get that close tells him. He gets a bit warm and fuzzy but doesn't know why.
• (I read that Fahrenheit isn't his daughter in Canon, just in coding terms, so imma run with it) Even though Fahrenheit isn't his daughter he treats her as such. They met when she was young and he took care of her, basically saving her life. So out of loyalty and to repay a debt he constantly tells her doesn't exist, she took up the job of body guard. That and he taught her to play chess as a kid to get her mind off of bad things and that's why when she first meets Sole, she constantly makes chess references.
• He hates the irony that his new identity first name is also John. As much as he wants to forget his old life and name, it's still a bigger annoyance in his mind than he'd like.
• Becuase of being a ghoul, he's a lot warmer than youd think. So much so, sometimes sleeping in a settlement that has cats, he would wake up with one or more on his chest asleep with him.
• He used to hang out in the dinner above Diamond City, the one you have to parkour up to in-game, and do chems in secret away from everyone.
• (This may be something from my personal game becuase as soon as I sent him to a settlement, he started farming without me telling him to do so) He would work at the farm in Diamond city to get money for his chems.
• Loves loves loves leading people on when they think he's an older ghoul and ask what life was like prior to the bombs. "I'm telling you man, deathclaws used to be tiny. Teenage boys would keep them as pets. Feed 'em those little fish from the can. Their bites? Wouldn't even pierce the skin!"
• Even though he "gets around", he is so very touch starved. Like a close friend or significant other hugging him, touching his hands, straightening his clothes, even stealing his hat, he just melts on the inside.
• He knows Nick from his time in Diamond City. Loved to annoy the old synth as a kid and consitters Nick one of his only friends growing up.
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rayne-storm · 2 years
Diners and Identities
AUgust 6 - Blind Date
Fandom: DC
Summary: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Superman/Batman
Alfred and the Kents, old friends who keep few to no secrets, decide that their respective sons would make each other happy. Secret identities are revealed, and coworkers may become something more.
"You already know who I am. Who are you?"
Clark is slightly taken aback by the presumption. Of course he does know who the man is: the richest man in Gotham, whose wealth rivals even Lex Luthor. He's half-tempted to lie, though, pretend to be the clueless farmboy the socialite seems to think he is, but he doesn't trust that the man won't know about the articles he's written. Mr. Wayne seems the type to know every instant he's in a paper or other publication, for better or worse.
"Clark Kent. Of Smallville. I live in Metropolis now. I'm a reporter."
Bruce Wayne isn't sure he believes him, that such a town exists. Or that the man's intentions are purely decent. But he does trust Alfred, and if the butler says this is a good man, with good family, he'll put forth a good faith effort.
There is something familiar about him, it may be the jawline, similar to one he knows all too well, from his… private work.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Clark Kent of Smallville. I trust your parents didn't tell you anything about me? My butler certainly wanted this to be a mystery for me."
Clark chuckles at that, a warm sound that settles in Bruce's gut, and he files that physiological reaction away to be explored later.
"Not a thing, just that you're a good sort, despite what the gossip and tabloids might say."
"So more than I was told," Bruce counters with a grin, and Clark can't help smiling in kind.
The billionaire is handsome, obviously, anyone with eyes could see that, but there is something… almost sincere in it. Definitely more honest that Clark has ever seen in a tall handsome man. Something about the man is familiar. It might be the shoulders, remind him him so dimly of a dark and brooding someone he works with all too often.
"Well, I'm happy to meet you too, Mr. Wayne."
"Please," Bruce says with a grimace, "call me Bruce. This is a date, not some kind of business deal."
Though all of his dates prior to this felt like that. People only went out with Bruce Wayne if there was something to gain from it, from fame, money, to more physical desires. This country boy? There's something painfully kind and honest about him.
Clark smiled and shrugs good-naturedly.
"Bruce, then. I'm glad you came, either way. You're… you're sure you're okay being out in public with me?"
Bruce raises an eyebrow.
"Why shouldn't I be? You some kind of notorious criminal?"
"N-no! No, sir. Just… a man."
"Well, I could ask you the same. You okay being seen in public on a date with a notorious playboy?"
Clark blushes, and yep, another physiological reaction to study later.
"No, I've never been… picky. Not that way."
"Neither have I, despite my reputation."
Things settle, then, a comfortable quiet as they order drinks at the little diner selected for them by their mutual benefactors. It's a quaint place, but nice. Comfortable. Importantly, located outside of both Gotham and Metropolis.
"So, Clark, how do you like Metropolis? Seems so sunny and bright compared to my home town."
Bruce is only teasing. Mostly. 
"It's nice. A little busier than I like, but I was raised on a farm in nowhere so anywhere too densely populated gives me the heebies."
Sure, it could be the super-hearing, the sensory overload, the crime… but he wouldn't trade it away either. Not when he could do so much good.
"I can understand that. I mean, I've never been the country type, but, I get wanting to get away from it."
Bruce had done plenty of running from the urban lifestyle, yet he always came back.
"Well, look, we already have something in common. Our folks'll be thrilled, won't they?"
Bruce laughs at that. Clark's right. It's something. Something more real, too, than Bruce tends to find in dates, who are either rich or pretending to be.
"So, Clark, I have to ask. Hobbies?"
"Oh, I do a lot of volunteer work. It always sounds bad when I say that, but it's true. Mostly humanitarian, any time I'm not at work."
It's true enough. Being Superman is almost a full-time job on its own.
"I understand the feeling. When I'm not at board meetings or public events, I like to give back where I can."
Batman doesn't have time for any normal hobbies, like reading or fishing, after all.
"That's nice. I think it's underrated, actually doing things to benefit the community that aren't just throwing spare change at problems. Makes me feel… more worthy of the blessings I have," Clark murmurs, with a smile that no longer reaches his eyes. Interesting.
"I get that too. People like to remind me I was born into more money than most will ever see in their lifetimes. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't actually do something good with it, or with my time."
It's honest. More honest that the handsome man across from him might know.
Clark opens his mouth but he gets interrupted by a shriek, bloodcurdling and awful, and both men are instantly alert, reflexes propelling them up and forward with seemingly superhuman speed.
There's a gunshot, and a demand that everyone get on the ground. Clark and Bruce barely note that neither obeys, making their ways behind the counter. As the man passes by, Clark is the first to make it over the bar and pin him, and-
And Bruce knows that grip, knows that frankly inhuman agility, and as the gun clatters to the floor he knows that Superman - of all people - knows his movements as he takes and instinctively destroys the weapon.
Clark supposes it's a decent confirmation that the hero he's been crushing on is single. And interested in men.
And Bruce can't help a wry grin. "You know, I should have known Alfred would set me up with you. He's been asking too many questions about our work relationship," he mutters.
"I, um, yeah…"
Not that his parents were ever in the dark about his feelings towards the Bat.
"I won't tell if you won't," Bruce offers.
"I feel like Diana will know anyways."
"Eh, I trust her to keep it quiet too."
Clark can't help relax at that, even as he hands the perp off to a police officer.
Bruce offers a hand, and Clark takes it. It's warm.
"So, looks like dinner's a bust. Sorry about that. Figures trouble would follow us like this."
Clark nods, rubbing his head 
"I think you should come back to my place. We might be able to eat in peace. I happen to know Alfred has Robin out camping tonight…"
Oh. Bruce Wayne, Batman, was offering…?
"Or if you want to call it a night, that's okay too. I won't-"
"No, I'd like that."
Bruce wasn't expecting that, and the surprise must be evident on his face because Clark - Superman - is grinning.
"You're more expressive than I thought you'd be under that mask," he says softly, head leaning towards Bruce's conspiratorially.
"Yeah, yeah, you're just as much of a goody-goody as I thought you'd be," Bruce counters.
Clark laughs again, bright, warm, butterfly-inducing. 
"Sure, in public…" he says, and oh, that gives Bruce a little bit of a shudder that he can't school away either.
"So, how fast do you think we can get back to Wayne Manor?" Clark asks, clearly relishing the reactions he's getting.
As they make their way back, both men can't help thinking that it was a good idea to come out tonight.
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pilvimarja · 3 years
So. Season 4.
I haven't really had a chance to talk about my feelings about it after my chaotic liveblog thread, but I think it's pretty obvious that I really loved it and I just have to highlight some of my favorite things:
First things first: Daniel's hottest season confirmed! Some of those joggers leggings looked like they were painted on him! 👀
It was also Johnny's DILFiest season and the season of Dad Bod Billy! He looked extra big and beefy with a hint of squish and I feel so blessed for it 🥵
The Amanda & Tory storyline! In Rosa Macchio's immortal words: I LOVED. I was so happy that they took Amanda out of the dealership and gave her a connection with someone outside of her family unit.
Minimal scenes in LaRusso Auto!
Daniel barely wore a suit and tie this season and the handful of times when he was forced to change out of his slutty athleisure, the suits actually fit him.
The LaRusso vs Lawrence rematch. They're so dumb and emotionally regressed at that point, but damn if that fight wasn't a great bit of fan service. Though Daniel attempting to use the paralyzing move on Johnny had me going :((((((( I guess it just showed how off-balance and affected by Silver's return Daniel was.
All the parallels, callbacks and references! This show has always been great at them, but they felt extra well-done in this season. I was especially emotional about the surprising similarities between Johnny and Mr. Miyagi.
I've never been that invested in the teenage characters, but this season Eli, Tory, Robby, Sam and Miguel were among my favorite characters.
Johnny's step dad energy with Sam! I've wanted to see those two bond for so long and they did it beautifully. I'm especially emotional about the tournament.
I see myself more as a Daniel stan, but Johnny really had my heart this season ❤ I love one (1) emotionally stunted himbo.
Terry Silver and his slowburn descent into madness! It's no secret that I'm not that into TKK3 version of him, but Cobra Kai Terry? Absolutely fascinating to me. And a great performance from TIG.
Another slowburn I loved is the relationship between Johnny and Daniel. Yeah, it's absolutely frustrating at times, because they've been doing this song and dance for four seasons (though it's only been one year in the CK universe, right?) and I wanted to knock their stubborn heads together, but I also...wouldn't have it any other way? Sure, I want them to get therapy and stay in that beautiful domesticity of family dinners and hockey dates, but somehow this messy Ross and Rachel-esque back and forth still felt more like them (at this point in their lives), in my opinion.
Because season 4 really drove home that both Daniel and Johnny still have a lot of personal issues. I loved seeing Daniel spiral the moment Terry Silver walked back into his life. He frustrated me, sure, but the reasons behind his behavior are such good fic and meta fodder. And then you also have Johnny with his identity crisis (he's 100% all man, okay???), all the insecurities about Miguel, and him falling off the wagon again in the most painful scene this show has ever done 😭 Johnny's tear-stained face will haunt me forever.
This was also Johnny and Daniel's h0rniest season!!! Checking each other out, the Buttercup & Farm Boy vibes Daniel brought to his training of Johnny, the 80s p0rn vibes Johnny brought to his training of Daniel, the slice of domestic life, bickering like an old married couple (or like two preschoolers who maybe kind of like each other but would rather pull each other's pigtails), the "couple-on-the-brink-of-divorce-who-still-want-each-other" vibes. Yeah that was some good shit. And that reconciliation in the final episode? That goes straight to Romantic Gestures hall of fame. The Lawrusso fandom truly dined like royalty 👑
There's a lot more, but these were the true highlights for me. I could do a list of things that didn't work for me (because there were things I didn't like), but eh, I don't feel like it. Plus I have to go and break my back shoveling snow again, because this stupid weather just won't give us a break 😬
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