#he was the last one I thought would show up in the gayest of all shows
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year ago
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greeen-bean · 2 months ago
Day One:
First annotation I made was "AHHHH LETS FUKING GOOOO"... So
I always loved how they (Francis specifically) addresses the aftermath of the fire from solitaire because that was basically all I was thinking about, peoples work still being in there, having to change schools, etc, etc
Also love that it starts with Carys - She haunts the narrative so well <3<3<3
This book is sooooooo 2016 and I cant figure out if that a good or bad thing - its a time capsule
I cannot wait for Francis' world to crumble around her ahhhhhh she's so mentally ill bbg its okayyyy
I am going to come out and speak my truth! I do not know how to pronounce Francis' last name. When I first read the book the dyslexia kicked in and I read it as "Janiver" (Jan-i-ver) and when I finally realised I was wrong it had stuck
Under the "I felt fine because I was born for this" I wrote "Frowen?" and stand by it
I drew a heart around Daniels name the first time it was mentioned, just encase there was any confusion on who my favourite character is
LOVE Francis' mum!!! like the old people in IWBFT I love the parent mentions in this
Francis mentions people thinking she's Spanish for being mixed race and doing Spanish GCSE and I wrote "Bilingual/Bisexual queen" but I did/do not know how to spell bilingual so I wrote "Bilingwil" and again, I stand by it
Aled and Francis are SOULMATES your honour - the way she talks about the narrator having a soft voice that got her hooked on the show GOD they're in loovvvveeee
Francis is out to get Daniel!! Grabbing him, someone who is actively not her friend, so hard it hurts to then tease them with interesting information about you that seeming they would not care less about only to not even tell them when they ask, diabolical!! I love them
I am dan, dan is me (bar all the smart people shit) like he lives in my head and says my thought
ALEDDDDDDDD - I love love love how Aled in introduced in this book like ahhhh it sets him up so perfectly to then show who he really is (More on this in a different post)
the idea that everyone who knows Daniel knows of Aled because they are "inseparable" drives me crazy (in a good way) because it kinda probably unintentionally shows the differences of how they view their relationship (more in a separate post)
Francis: And you said yes [to saying the speech]? Aled: Yes F: Why? D: Because he's a turnip A: Yes ONE OF MY FAVE LINES YGIUIOKJBHVGCTDR^TUHJH
The seeds of Aled having to do things from some unknown pressure - its COOKING
Francis' mums switch up from being worried to telling Francis to do the universe city thing after finding out she wasn't going to do it, BAMF BEHAVIOUR
"I always wished I had a hobby" Girl what was that whole last chapter about then????
Have soooo many thoughts about Francis putting all her worth into her academic success specifically as someone who was not good at school, but again, separate post
the seeds of Francis becoming self aware whooooo
Oh the autism of it all (about being worried of being exceled socially from people you don't even like -but really all of it)
Francis says the gayest shit - just wait till she's talking about Carys
Loooovvveeeeeee Raine actually so much
AHHHHhh the perseption Francis has on Aled and Daniels relationship it !!!!! im !!!!!!! INSANE COO COO CRAZY INSANE
Did Francis know she was bi when she met Carys? Cuz if she didn't...babe i have news for you
"The sun silhouetted her like she was a heavenly apparition" Uhu.....uhu....sure
Okay right! Carys' vice it described (again, its very gay to take this much note of a persons voice, Francis) as "posh London Made in Chelsea accents" so then WHY does Aled have a Welsh accent in the Nick and Charlie audiobook?!?!!? WHERE DID IT COME FROM!??!?!?! (I know he's Welsh but he grew up in fucking Kent stfu)
Computer with a sad face mention whoooooo
Aled is soooooo messy for how he acts around Francis - not to victim blame but DUDE what were you expecting to happen
Dan being like "oh... Francis... I didn't know you were here..." after making eye contact with her is CRAZy - Francis is right what is his damage
Daniel/Francis beef will ALWAYS be famous to me
Again, Aled, I do fear this is actually all your fault
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sebastianravkin · 1 year ago
Another Book Recommendation for 2024
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Seems obvious and possibly pointless for the Tumblr audience, but hear me out.
CONTENT WARNING: mention of dark moments in LGBTQ+ history.  If you would like to avoid, skip Point #1.
The below notes reflect a discussion concerning the book Good Omens I had with a group of my undergraduate interns over a couple of lunches last semester.  Given that they all loved the show, I had assumed they had all read the book.  Not all of them had, and for those that did, their knowledge of when the book was originally published and an understanding of its historical context was surprisingly limited.  I thought that others may be interested in these points, and so am sharing them here.  
1) *SKIP TO AVOID CONTENT WARNING* To understand the impact of Good Omens when it was published in 1990 on the LGBTQIA+ community, it helps to understand the cultural environment at the time of its publishing, at least in the United States. 
The book came out towards the end of the height of the AIDS epidemic (1981 - early 90s).  I can not stress enough how terrifying this was for the LGBTQIA+ community to live through.  People were afraid - of dying, of watching loved ones die, of being separated from their loved ones as they died, of being ostracized, of being denied medical help, of being attacked and beaten.  While there was a short fluorescence of nominal acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community during the 1970s, the societal response to the AIDS epidemic was a huge step backwards.  People became cruel(er), whether out of fear or ignorance or opportunity.
Good Omens came quietly onto the scene during this time, providing an alternate universe in which a gay-presenting angel (and his gender-fluid demon friend) could live in a world without the AIDS crisis.  At the same time, this angel did live in fear of his world literally ending, and really would like to have just gotten back to his comfy chair and his Regency silver snuffboxes.  Escapism reading at its best, really.
In addition, the book was published in 1990, so before many of the cultural moments that helped lead to social change but are now taken for granted.  Such as . . . .
-Freddie Mercury died of AIDS in November 1991 (which, by the way, means there was a very short window of time where people were reading Good Omens while he was still alive).
-Sir Elton John came out in 1992
-“Don’t ask, don’t tell” became official policy of the U.S. Military in 1993 (finally repealed in 2011)
-the establishment of LGBTQIA+ centers on college campuses surged in the mid-1990s
-Ellen came out on her show in 1997
-Will and Grace first aired in 1998
-Matthew Shepard was murdered in 1998 (the Federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act bearing his name was not passed until 2007). 
2) The book is queer coded for 1990.  As queer coded as the show is for current times. 
I have heard multiple comments from GenZ students along the lines of ‘there is nothing queer about the book’, and I have read commentary that Neil Gaiman caved to fan pressure in modernizing the script for the show. But I have also heard comments from GenX peers, including one of whom said “it was the gayest book I read in the 90s”. I have highlighted 15 passages in my teaching copy of the book that would have been queer-coded in 1990, 12 of which would go unnoticed today as far as I can tell based on discussions with many of my Millennial and GenZ students. 
It is important to keep in mind that the vocabulary of the 1980s and 90s relating to the LGBTQIA+ community was exceedingly limited; Mr. Gaiman and Sir Pratchett worked within this limited vocabulary, and were working within the stereotypes of the times, to portray Crowley and Aziraphale. And readers are meant to love them. Possibly more importantly, the derogatory comments concerning Aziraphale come from unlikable characters, and so the reader not only ends up feeling defensive of the angel but also does not want to be associated with those who hold negative opinions of him. I can think of few better ways to create social change. 
In terms of the show adaptation, whenever I watch a movie or show based on a book, my first concern is whether or not the adaptation makes me feel the way the book did. I am not an artist, so I do not know how one translates the written to the visual and I do not envy those attempting to do so.  But I do know that successful adaptations are almost never a one-to-one translation. What I can say in this context is that, to me, the show does feel like the book in terms of its themes, its humor, its timely social commentary. So whyever and however Mr. Gaiman updated it, I would argue it was successful. 
3) It is my understanding that Good Omens is the first book written by cisgendered heterosexual males for a general audience that portrays a gay-presenting character and a gender-fluid character as main characters in a positive light that does not end in a tragic way.  This is huge.  This is Captain Kirk and Uhuru’s kiss huge. 
Historically, LGBTQIA+ people rarely get positive representation in mainstream media. Rather, LGBTQIA+ characters in literature were often portrayed as villains in early writing, and are often used as comedic relief in more recent work. When there is a sympathetic main character, their story usually ends in tragedy. While tragic stories are very much a reality for many LGBTQIA+ people, it is incredibly important to also have stories that do not end in heartbreak or death.  And it is also incredibly important for LGBTQIA+ characters to be part of the norm in main stream story telling as this leads to broader social acceptance. Good Omens provided LGBTQIA+ readers with a sense of belonging in the greater world, while ‘normalizing’ the happy existence of LGBTQIA+ people to a broader readership.  This type of representation, presented by heterosexual white cisgendered male authors (at the top of the power structure in 1990) is a key moment in the slow but steady grind leading to social change.
In summary, read the book. Whether you are a fan of the show or not, and regardless of your generation, this book has a lot going for it. Above and beyond its importance to the LGBTQIA+ community, the book includes broader commentary on religion, good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and identity in general. The menacing humor of Gaiman and the loving satire of Pratchett is a combination that is unequaled. The book is funny, thought-provoking, well-written, and has a lot of great characters above and beyond a particular angel and demon (who are only in about 1/3 of the book).  And as you read it, understand its historical context, and love it for the role it played in getting us to this cultural point in time.
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yurisorcerer · 7 months ago
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Two immediate thoughts here. 1. A good chunk of this episode is the gayest thing I've seen in an anime that's not technically about wlw romance in years. 2. It's so, so funny that the obvious solution to the Aqua/Akane/Kana "love triangle" is polyamory but all 3 of them have way too many issues to make that ever work. (Also mainstream fiction just Doesn't Ever Do That because life is pain. Also they're all in showbiz so that's another obstacle there.)
I love that this episode, in a fundamentally similar way to the last one, is less about the play itself and more about the psychology of the characters of Akane and Kana. To an extent, "it's about the psychology of these characters, not their performances themselves" is the whole show and at least most good examples of anime about the arts in general, but it's *really* pronounced here. Almost the entire episode is from Akane's perspective from the point that she shows up, and this is especially obvious with her flashbacks to her childhood meeting with Kana.
In a lesser series, something like this would come off as really contrived. You mean to tell me that Akane was taken with the quality of Kana's acting at such a young age? That she just happened to meet her while doing auditions? That when the real Kana inevitably doesn't live up to Akane's idealized image of her (boy that whole relationship is a WHOLE thing on its own), there just happens to be a honkin huge billboard of Kana outside staring her down?
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The unreliable narrator card is obvious, but this is so clearly a depiction of how Akane remembers all of this rather than what actually happened per se. I love it, I love how it leads Akane to delve deeper into the psychological side of acting, and I love her speech about how the Kana she loved was an overpowering, selfish actress.
Let's dive into that little monologue actually, because I think it's really telling not just about Akane but about Oshi no Ko in general. The specific phrasing she uses to convey what she wants out of Kana---or at least how it's translated---is "acting that devours everyone around you."
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This is something Oshi no Ko is kind of obsessed with. Charisma, talent, star power, as this almost supernatural force that bends the world around it. This is something it shares in common with like, a very small handful of other anime I've ever seen, most prominently Revue Starlight which I think is more similar to Oshi no Ko than fans of either would ever care to admit, but it's such a perfect conveyance of the feeling of being swept up by someone who is just that talented. That's what Akane wants out of Kana, and she is so frustrated that she's not getting it, and she kind of has a breakdown near the end of the episode because she fears she might be in the wrong for wanting it. She worries that she's just coming off as a showboat.
But the funny thing is, she isn't! Kana's general reticence to really stand out is hurting her! This is a fact that Kana herself doesn't even seem entirely cognizant of despite how obvious it is to everyone else. (Including Aqua, who only joins the proceedings at the very end here. There's a grim irony in how good he is at spotting everyone else's issues but how bad he is at understanding his own.) Akane frames it as Kana having been "squashed down by the adults around her" which is a real thing that happens to kids who excel in ways that aren't necessarily expedient to the adults around them. It has a resonance beyond the world of show business that Oshi no Ko takes place in, and I think that's part of what makes this whole ongoing arc so effective. We will presumably get more into Kana's head next episode (and Aqua's, since he's part of this too and there's still the whole "deliberately triggering himself as acting trick" thing to deal with), i can't wait.
Also! I must say I love how dreamlike the back half of this episode feels. There are huge swathes of it where it's not really clear if what we're seeing is the actual play, something backstage, or some kind of idealized thought-space that combines the two. I hope they keep leaning into that, it's fantastic.
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rosescore245 · 3 months ago
the tags you added to the gay rights red memes on my art blog made me cackle, your takes on him are so right and you should say it
Aaa thank you!!! Red has lowkey been a kin of mine since I first read the manga when I was like. 6. And now that I am almost 12 years older than I was then, I Have Thoughts.
I am using this ask as an excuse to blabber about Red btw, because I always have Opinions and I Think I Am Right because that's how most opinions work
(I'm so so sorry in advance it keeps getting longer. and more retrospective and a little symbolic. whoops. got too silly)
(Like 3 or 4 sentences out of this entire thing allude to Red being Attracted To Blue and tbh Green and Vio too, and there are like 2 mentions of Vio and Shadow being Gay As Hell. this did not become crazy shippy. But what is a ship but the way that characters are intertwined by their actions and being, when one's every action is to keep another happy and safe, is there any need for the words I Love You? I think not. So I guess with that logic this entire thing is one big makeout session, the fourth gayest thing, below "situationship where you're beaten with hammers", "toxic doomed yaoi", and "literal gay sex" lmao)
Red genuinely intrigues me so much and I love to look at him, study him like a bug.
The Link at the beginning of the manga showed so many traits, but I wouldn't quite say any Fully Aligned with who Red presented as. We saw Green's determination and drive, Blue's frustration and quickness to believe others are doubting his abilities, and arguably Vio's foresight in the way Link brought a flower from the Outer Kingdom to bring to Zelda, knowing it would lift her spirits. That's something that kinda holds hands with Red's behavior, but absolutely nowhere before pulling the sword does Link show that naivete and whimsy that made Red, well, Red!
Then Link splits, and they're all different. Green and Blue are the Most like Link, Green a little more so, and Vio hadn't been incredibly off with his smugness and high opinion of himself. Red, however, from the beginning, seemed just a little Out of Place. Green brings up working in a team out of Necessity, not because he likes it that much, and while Blue and Vio openly disliked the idea, Red simply states, well, a fact; "I've never been on a team before!"
He doesn't say Quite how he feels about it, which I think is Telling. He's feeling out the situation, even if just a little, and he's trying to adjust accordingly. He's Adaptable (and gay /silly) and notices during that first little battle that they are NOT working together. So he knows they Need to Work Together, and he knows that they Are Not Doing That.
He gives them someone to protect. I think like 90% of what he does is exactly how he feels, just cranked up a good bit, but he realizes that they need a center. It's not perfect, but it works Okay, at least for a while, and he's happy with it. I don't think he wanted to team up, either, because literally none of the other three Really did. If 3/4 of a guy start gagging at the idea of Working With People, the chances of that last part doing the same is pretty high.
He definitely latched onto the others, Vio and Blue more than Green, and I frankly think he admired Blue the most. It became less necessity and more "I want us to stay together."
It's not perfect, it never would be on such short notice. Blue's temper is insane, Green seems to doubt himself, Vio literally wants to be anywhere else all the time, and Red's trying to give them a shared goal of Not Letting Him Die.
Red's lesson from being split up kind of...doesn't make sense to me, personally. The lesson he said ("I learned I can't rely on others to protect me all the time!") seems flimsy. The situation he was put in, Kakariko and the Fire and the Thief, doesn't FIT that lesson. Not quite. Sure, he was alone there, but that was the case for ALL OF THEM (except Vio and Shadow making out in the trees), he wasn't special for that. I honestly, wholeheartedly believed Red learned a different lesson, and he felt like he couldn't Say It.
He learned he doesn't always know what's right. He saw a kid in trouble, and his morality told him to protect the child, as the son of the captain of the royal guard. He did so because it is in his moral compass, and he paid for it. He chose to try and trust the kid again because of his kind nature and soft spot for children, and, again, it BIT HIM. He tried to do what HE THOUGHT was RIGHT, and things kept getting WORSE for him. He learned that trying to hold the group together the way he was, the "right way" in his mind, wasn't going to make things better.
So he eases out of that role little by little, not too quick upon reuniting with Blue and eventually Green. By the time they're in the Tower of Winds with Vio on their side again, Red is still like chest deep in the role he made for himself.
Their father appears, and he's terrified because he's caught between moralities, I think. He must protect the ones he cares about the most, but when both blades are held by hands he knows so well, it's tearing him apart.
He genuinely cares about the other three. When he was grasped and in danger and Blue saved him before he could even think about it, I think it was one of the most Real versions of him that compelled him to act SO GAY. "My blue hero!" GIRL PLEASE.
Shadow sacrifices himself, and Red looks almost Blank about it. He doesn't understand, not fully. It's not sinking in, the sacrifice made. He is meant to protect and care for and hold Link together, to be a foundation of good deeds. Red is Link's Morality, and Link's Morals are very ideal.
In the Ideal Situation, Shadow wouldn't need to die. Because he's atoned and chosen light, then Hylia should have let him live in that light. But as the glittering shards of the shade float away, that's not what happened. It wasn't RIGHT, it wasn't how it should have gone. Like Blue, who kept lashing out, though much more self-aware, Red hadn't done a 180 upon learning his lesson. What was right, even if it didn't always Fix Things, was RIGHT, and the goddesses were meant to be RIGHT.
And the end wasn't right, either. They grew and changed so, so much, shouldn't they have a happy ending? But he understands a little better, now, and knows that what he thinks is right might not be what is right to the goddesses, so he's resigned, if not emotional.
He may have gotten a chance to show he cared, but as Blue wiped his tears and told him they were all just going to be closer than ever, he never got to SAY how much he cared.
Shaken, changed, and unresolved, they plunge the sword into the pedestal, and Red's story ends.
I have no idea how much of this made sense, but these are my biggest thoughts whenever I read through the manga. If Blue and Vio are the two plates, and Green is the main part of the scale, then Red is the thing binding Blue to Green to Vio, allowing their differences to weigh and be judged. Red is what connects them, it's what he'd been trying to do from the beginning.
Everything he did was to try and keep them together, because the stories always taught the lesson that the hero with the strength of four fought to the end as one. Even if he didn't personally like it, it was how it was supposed to go.
And that's one thing he was sure he was right about as it all blended together.
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olliegolliegee · 4 months ago
1. ideal date location?
2. favorite mlm song?
3. what makes you feel loved?
4. are you single or taken?
5. how many crushes have you had?
6. what's your type?
7. do you develop crushes quickly?
8. best show or movie for a date night at home?
9. what are your favorite flowers?
10. what would you give as a gift on an anniversary?
11. what's your favorite album?
12. what's your love language?
13. what are some pet names that make you blush?
14. do you read fanfiction?
15. any fictional crushes?
16. loud boys or quiet boys?
17. any characters you headcanon as mlm?
18. what's your comfort food?
19. last song you listened to?
20. best compliment you ever received?
21. kiss on the lips, cheek or forehead?
22. scalp massage or back massage?
23. any celebrity crushes?
24. what's your guilty pleasure?
25. do you like PDA?
26. how do you prefer to be comforted?
27. favorite way to express affection?
28. big spoon or little spoon?
29. fav love language?
this one spot on a trail in my area. a bunch of rocks on an cliffy thing next to the trail. that sounds perfect. laying down or sitting on or hopping across the rocks, under the open sky, hiking up and down and putting flowers in your hair
not sure if it's aaaaaactually an mlm song but "good old fashioned lover boy" by queen. my goofy answer is "lookin good" by dixon dallas
being sought out. that's how i feel i know that i'm actually valued
idk man i don't count
i don't even know if i have one. i always end up crushing on friends tho
really depends. sometimes it's an "OH SHIT THEY'RE REALLY COOL UHM wait shit this is a crush" and sometimes it's a really, really slow realization with a hell of a lot of denial
something fun that we both love. OOH maybe princess bride!! quote at each other, smile, laugh
any and all flowers are amazing. i will also take a bouquet of random branches and leaves and shit (honestly that's better)
something small that's really something they'd like. searching the local little antique store for cute little things would be pretty great. also deeeeefinitely a cheesy date night
ARGHHHHH uhhhhhm i've gotta say, stadium arcadium by red hot chili peppers has a really special place in my heart
quality time and physical touch, i think
god, i really don't know yet. gonna have to find out
yeah. im on tumblr ofc i do
luka couffaine. AAAAAAAAA HE'S SO SWEET. a relationship with him would be the absolute healthiest relationship ever and i am HERE FOR IT. and he wants to be a luthier. MY STRINGY LITTLE HEART IS SCREEECHING RN
both are great, but usually loud boys. like damn, ask for what you need. make them goofy ass comments with me. YELL WITH ME
saying this because a new kotlc book came out but. cmon bro ravioli is canon. alvar is the gayest. also entirely ship fedex (we got the best ship names)
annie's mac n cheese
gonna guess "ophelia" by the lumineers? don't remember what songs were playing on the radio or in the cvs
having someone who i thought didn't like me send me a card in residential saying she thought i was really cool and wanted to be friends with me. she even printed out and sent pictures of goat statues she found and thought of me. for my birthday she gave me a trip to house of bagels, which is where we had our first real conversation. all the little things she do make me feel so valued, she's amazing and thoughtful. still gotta figure out how to actually text her, my computer's acting up
lips :)
i mean. does stravinsky count. THE FUCKING SWEETEST DUDE WITH THE BEST MUSIC
watching american housewife. it's like one of those shitty tv shows but it's actually really good. it's awesome. dude why is it so good it makes me smile and it has a happy loving marriage it nearly makes me wanna cry
some. hand holding, arm around shoulders, all of that is amazing. kind of uncomfortable with anything long and overly intimate. most i'd be comfortable with is a quick kiss towards the sides of wherever we are
saying happy, sappy, genuine things and seeing them starting to actually believe what i say
both. either. both
physical touch and quality time
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toomuchzozo · 1 year ago
The Miraculous AU, Season 3
We’ve finally made it to Season 3. I imagined Season 3 of the Miraculous AU being the last, but I’d also like to include every Miraculous being used at least once. This season would be subtitled “Cursed Object War” in reference to “Infinity War.” It would take a few months after A Heist With Ladybug.
I wanted to break this into two posts, but I think putting them all together will be better in the long run. The Season 3 villain is a villainess who was trapped in the Guardians’ tower and escaped during the confusion of the Guardians suddenly coming back.
This season 3 premiere is probably the most fleshed-out plot I’ve written for the Miraculous AU besides the first four chapters. This series premiere features references to Sanders Sides, a webshow by Thomas Sanders.
Thomas arrives in Los Angeles and looks for some props he’ll need for his show (that he couldn’t bring on the plane.) He knows he needs a full-body mirror and finds a thrift shop selling one. The cashier of the thrift shop is the villainess I mentioned earlier (her name will be revealed later.) Thomas buys the mirror and takes it back to his hotel room.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the gayest of them all?” Thomas joked, looking into the prop mirror.
However, after staring into the mirror, Thomas feels some sort of pull to it.
Thomas reached out for the mirror, despite almost everything in his body telling him not to. When he placed his hand on the glass, a bright light filled the room… And six figures stood in his place.
Later, Mark and Jack are walking around Los Angeles. They run into Patton, one of Thomas’s Sides. They get to talking to him and…
I have energy, Jack thought, but this guy has dad energy. His energy level far exceeds even my own!
Even after all his talking, Patton hasn’t introduced himself yet. For Mark and Jack, he seems familiar…
“The name’s Patton!” His eternal smile dropped slightly…to a grin. “I think you have me confused with someone else, but I’m looking for him too. He kind of looks like me, but he might be even more handsome~” Mark didn’t have to guess who Patton was looking for, but he joked, “Does this person have a name starting with ‘T-H’ and ending with ‘Sanders’?” “If you use his full name, yes!” Mark gets away from Jack and Patton for a minute to talk with Tikki. “This feels like an Akuma doing this, but it can’t be!” Tikki exclaimed. “Master Fu would’ve told us if anything happened to the Butterfly Miraculous, so this must be something new. What…did you fight before the Akumas came along?” Mark wondered why he never asked that question before, since once upon a time, all the Miraculous were on the side of good. “Just…threats that required a superhero’s touch whenever they came along.” The Kwami shrugged. “Most of them were supernatural, but we helped with other big threats when we were needed.”
When he gets back to Jack and Patton, Mark asks if Patton or Thomas have met any strange people or found any strange objects. Patton tells Mark and Jack about the mirror.
“I was trying my hardest to tell Thomas not to touch that mirror because it looked spooky, but before I could stop him… I was there, and Thomas wasn’t.” Patton sighed, wishing he could’ve done more.
Mark and Jack decide it’s time for Ladybug and Chat Noir to return, but they can’t just leave Patton here. The two heroes pull Patton into an alleyway to decide whether they can trust Patton with their secret identities.
“Hey, are you good at keepin’ secrets?” Jack asked. Patton frowned for the first time. “Uh…not at all.” “Then cover yer eyes!” Jack told Patton. “I would, but my name doesn’t have any~” Mark groaned and put Patton’s own hands up to his eyes. Mark told him, “Now stay like that until we say you can open your eyes.” Mark and Jack manage to transform by just whispering the activation phrases. Ladybug and Chat Noir ask Patton who they should be looking for next. Patton mentions Virgil first. “Maybe we should start by findin’ this Virgil,” Chat Noir said. “I’m right here,” someone said behind all of them. Chat Noir and Ladybug jumped at the sudden voice and Patton yelped. The two heroes turned to see someone who looked a lot like Patton…if he decided to go completely emo. He had hair in his face and shadows under his eyes. He wore a ragged hoodie with purple patches and had a noticeable slouch.
Ladybug and Chat Noir ask for Virgil’s side of the story, just to make sure Patton and Virgil’s stories are similar. Sure enough, they are: Thomas touched a mirror, and the Sides appeared from it.
“I really wish Thomas listened to me and didn’t touch that mirror.” Virgil sighed. "Things were better when I was just Thomas's habitual worry. No body, no other feelings to deal with..."
Ladybug and Chat Noir are about to ask Patton and Virgil about the others when suddenly:
“Virgil! Patton!” Someone ran up to the two and grabbed them around the shoulders. Virgil and Patton both looked a little frightened by him. He looked like Virgil and Patton but distinctly “normal.” He wore a brown leather jacket and a white shirt with a black collar. “Thank goodness you’re okay. I’ve been looking all over for you!” “You must be Thomas,” Ladybug assumed. Thomas nodded, smirking. “That’s my name - don’t wear it out.” Then he took notice of the heroes’ appearance. “You know, I’d heard stories about superheroes around LA, but I didn’t think they were real.” “I’m Ladybug, and this is Chat Noir,” Ladybug greeted. “We, uh, thought this problem was Akuma-related since we haven’t seen an Akuma in a while. Patton mentioned something about a mirror?” Thomas nodded, frowning. “Yeah. I touched this mirror I got from this thrift shop and then I felt…empty. Before I could stop them, my Sides just…ran off. I think the mirror was gonna split me up according to my personality, but I already do that for my show, heh.” “Sorry, but we haven’t seen your show. How many Sides are there?” Ladybug asked. “Six so far. Morality, Logic, Creativity, Dark Creativity, Anxiety, and Deceit. I think Deceit might be the hardest one to catch, though. In the show, he disguises himself as my other Sides sometimes.” “That could be a problem, but let’s find the others first,” Chat Noir suggested. Thomas also suggested, “I can take Patton and Virgil back to my hotel room if you think they won’t help with--” “We can help Ladybug and Chat Noir,” Virgil interrupted Thomas, looking slightly ticked off. “You can go back to your hotel room and rest until we find the others.” “Wow, okay, no need to get snappy with me, Virgil.” Thomas looked defensive. “But then again, I’m not sure how helpful I’ll be anyway. I’ll go back to my room and try to get ready for the show. Just be back before then.”
Thomas leaves for the hotel room. Ladybug and Chat Noir wonder which Side to look for next. Patton chooses Logic.
Virgil explained, “That’s Logan. He kind of looks like a teacher with his nerdy glasses and tie, likes Crofter’s jam, and he sometimes yells—" “FALSEHOOD!” Virgil clicked his tongue and pointed in the direction of the noise. “That.”
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Patton, and Virgil follow the noise and find Logan in a heated debate with someone. The four either help Logan win the debate or “help” Logan lose the debate, depending on where they stand. After the debate is over, they get Logan to focus on the matter at hand. They ask Logan where the other Sides might be.
Chat Noir realized, “Hey, you’re a smart guy. Do you know where Deceit might be?” “Actually, he goes by Janus,” Logan clarified. “I don’t know why Thomas would tell you otherwise…”
None of the Sides can think of where Janus could be, so they go after Roman and Remus next. As “twin brother” Sides, there’s a likelihood they will be together. They find them prepared to spar in the park.
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at the two combatants: one was dressed in a white prince outfit with a red sash across his left shoulder. He had gold shoulder pads and a shield symbol on both arms. He held a katana tightly in his right hand. The other looked like a distorted mirror of the first. There was a white streak through his hair and a curled moustache the first lacked. His “prince” outfit was black and green, perfectly contrasting the first. He also wielded a mace in his left hand. Logan explained, “The one in white is Roman, and the one in black is Remus.” Virgil looked at Roman and Remus, and then at Ladybug and Chat Noir. He commented, “You know, if Chat Noir was evil, you guys would look a lot like Princey and the Duke over there.” Ladybug frowned as he watched the “brothers” fight. “I don’t see it.” But Chat Noir did - it didn’t help he’d been Akumatized and fought Ladybug before, even though those memories were a blur. Chat said, “That doesn’t help. We need to turn the fight in Roman’s favor and snatch Remus while he’s distracted.” “It should be easy. We outnumber the Duke five to one,” Logan pointed out.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Patton, Logan, and Virgil help Roman fight against Remus. Chat manages to hit Remus’s middle.
“GAH! SON OF A B*TCH!” Remus shouted. Chat looked confused at the strange bleep noise. “Did you just…censor yourself?” Remus’s eyes widened and he smiled as he realized where he was. “Wait, I’m in the real world now! I can swear for real! SON OF A—” Patton covered his ears from the string of curses coming from Remus’s mouth. All the Sides were fazed, but Ladybug and Chat Noir weren’t. I mean, they cursed in their videos all the time.
Then, Chat pins Remus with his staff.
Remus groaned as Chat pinned him down with his staff. Wait…now the Duke was moaning. Then he moaned out, “Harder, daddy~” Chat made a face of disgust, and a groan followed.
Soon, Remus is captured. The Sides, Ladybug, and Chat Noir go back to Thomas’s hotel room. It’s getting close to showtime, and they still haven’t found Janus.
“Where do you think this Janus would be?” Ladybug asked. "If you know where to look, Janus isn't that hard to find." Then, Virgil glowered at Thomas. "Isn't that right, 'Thomas'?" Thomas put on a knowing, evil smirk, and everyone reacted: Virgil just seethed, Patton and Roman looked spooked, Logan’s eyes widened, Remus giggled, (add other Dark Sides?) but Ladybug and Chat looked confused. “Thomas” chuckled, “Oh, Virgil, I didn’t expect you’d be the first one to figure it out again.” “Um…I’m lost. Figure out what?” Chat asked. Virgil answered, “That’s not Thomas.” Before the Sides, Ladybug, and Chat Noir’s eyes, the air around Thomas blurred, like a blur effect being used in real life. When their view sharpened again, a figure who looked like Thomas stood. His face almost resembled Thomas’s, if you could overlook the left half was covered in snake scales and had a slitted eye. He wore a bowler hat with clothes that probably wouldn’t look out of place in 19th-century London. Almost all of what he wore was yellow, giving him a clear motif. Now able to see clearly, Ladybug said the truth: “So you’re Janus.” “Who’s she? Never heard of her~” he quipped. Roman groaned, “Can’t you at least get new material? Then again, Creativity’s someone else’s job.” “What was your plan, anyway?” Virgil asked. “Get everyone in this hotel room together, and when we least expect it…kill us?” “You would kill us, Janus!?” Patton looked shocked, even though he knew Janus wasn’t the most moral Side. “HA!” Remus blurted out. “He wasn’t gonna kill all of us, idiots- just you, Roman, and Logan. You know, ‘the good guys.’” Chat asked, “Is that true?” After trying so hard to keep his plans under wraps, Janus could only look at everyone in the room awkwardly as he tried to come up with an answer. “…No…?” “He doesn’t usually tell the truth,” Logan told Ladybug and Chat Noir. “So he was going to kill us, to leave Thomas’s remaining personality at its very worst.”
Ladybug and Chat Noir get ready to fight Janus and Remus, when suddenly:
Janus sprouted another pair of arms, then a third pair of arms. It was now his six arms against the six of them...until Remus managed to escape his binds. He snapped right through them with the four black octopus tentacles sticking out from his back. He said to Chat and Ladybug, “Looks like someone forgot to mention to you guys we’re shapeshifters. Until I saw Janus doing it, I kinda forgot myself~!” Roman said, “We can defeat Janus and Remus together! We outnumber them by headcount, and you have my sword!” He drew his katana from his belt. “And my positivity!” Patton added. “And my strategy,” Logan added. Then, the Sides and the heroes looked at Virgil. He groaned, “Okay, I guess I contribute something to the team, but I’ve been put on the spot and can’t think of it!” “And I guess you guys can shapeshift like the Dark Sides?” Ladybug asked. “You’re all Sides, so…” “I think Ladybug has a point.” Patton grunted as his body convulsed.
Patton transforms into his frog form from "Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux."
Lily Pad-ton: “No more Mr. Nice Sides!”
The Light Sides, Ladybug, and Chat Noir fight against the Dark Sides. Someone manages to push Remus into the mirror.
“HEY!” Chat shouted, getting Janus’s attention. “BILL CIPHER KNOCK-OFF!”
Chat Noir pushes Janus into the mirror, but not before Janus gives a cryptic warning:
“Remember Mark: snakes have a way of shedding their sk—” Chat pushed Janus through the mirror before he could finish his warning. Chat Noir looked to Ladybug and said, “What? Look, that was an ominous message, but do you really believe th’ lying Side knows what’s goin’ on?”
The Light Sides go into the mirror. Ladybug and Chat Noir pull Thomas out. The heroes consider breaking the mirror, but Thomas doesn’t want to make a mess of shards in his hotel room. Then Ladybug remembers he has to purify the mirror, and does so. The next day, Thomas tries to return the mirror, but he finds the thrift shop is gone. He leaves the mirror at the empty storefront, but as soon as he leaves, someone else grabs it…
Episode 2 starts with a more detailed explanation of the Cursed.
Master Fu: “Cursed Objects are much stronger than Akumas. They can create emotions where there are none, and drive a sane person mad.” Mark: “Thomas didn’t have an emotional response to the mirror, though. However, he did say he felt a pull to it. So the Cursed Objects manipulate thoughts and feelings.”
Episode 3, Gang of Grumps – the Grumps are re-Akumatized (or rather, Cursed) into their previous forms after Suzy tries to do something nice for Mark, since she knows he’s trying to maintain work-life balance as Ladybug. The other Grumps don’t know what’s going on, but Suzy insists on helping him. A mysterious woman (the villainess) gives all the Grumps matching friendship bracelets after insisting it’ll help them – she even gives a spare for Mark to wear.
After Mark rejects them, they turn into their Akumatized forms: KittyKatGaming, Starbomber, Weathidor, Animator, and the Music Master.
Ladybug manages to convince KittyKatGaming to de-Akumatize/throw off the curse, and she throws the bracelet away. Ladybug purifies it and then asks for Suzy’s help as Queen Bee.
Once Queen Bee uses Venom on Weathidor, Ladybug purifies Brian. Without their most powerful Akuma/Cursed, the Gang of Grumps quickly dissolves. Back to normal, the Grumps console Mark. Then Suzy talks to Mark alone about what’s really going on. She says she hates to keep secrets from the rest of the Grumps – especially her husband – but hopes that they’ll get alter egos soon too. The episode ends on Mark and Suzy hugging.
Episode 4, Detective Abe – This episode takes place during the filming of In Space with Markiplier. They are filming the noir scenes when Mick Lauer comes in dressed as Detective Abe. However, he’s supposed to not be wearing a hat in this scene. Mark and the rest of the cast and crew start to hear a film noir monologue. Mark realizes somehow, Mick’s hat has become a Cursed Object.
Mark screamed, “Everyone scatter!” and the crew obeyed. He ran with them. Behind them, with a FWOOM, a bubble of monochrome-colored energy appeared.
The Cursed Object turns everything in a certain area film-noir-themed. Mark transforms into Ladybug and calls Master Fu. Master Fu arrives with the additional Miraculous. Ladybug chooses the Monkey Miraculous and gives it to Amy. She uses Confusion to screw with Detective Abe; suddenly the world is covered in polka dots and everyone’s wearing Ladybug’s mask. Ladybug uses this distraction to grab Abe’s hat and purifies the Cursed Object.
Mark asks Mick what happened. Mick says he was given a new outfit by a wardrobe assistant he’d never seen before. Mark wonders if this is the same person who gave Thomas the mirror and the Grumps the friendship bracelets.
Episode 5, Furious Fu – This episode is like the original “Furious Fu” episode. However, instead of involving an amnesiac Fu being Akumatized, a still-Miraculous-Master Fu buys a cursed paintbrush from the villainess. Su-Han still shows up and brings Fu’s status into question, especially when he finds out the Miraculous are spending a long time away from the Mother Box. Fu stands up to Su-Han when he comes looking for him. However, this allows Fu to become Cursed, channeling his anger into his transformation into Furious Fu.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and maybe some of the other Miraculous users help to save the day. This helps to convince Su-Han that Fu made the right choice in picking Miraculous users. However, he still doubts if Fu should keep the Mother Box. He’ll be keeping an eye on Fu and the Los Angeles Miraculous users.
At the end of the (or beginning of the next) episode, Fu has a conversation with Su-Han. He tells him he thinks someone is targeting the Miraculous with cursed objects. He describes the woman who gave him the paintbrush and Su-Han can think of only one person: a woman called Huli, the Fox. She was a former student to the Celestial Guardians, much like Fu, but the Guardians saw her lust for the Miraculous’s power. They banished her from the temple, but she managed to sneak her way back in, bringing cursed objects with her. After defeating her, they sealed her in a prison cell she could not escape from. When the temple came back in “A Heist with Ladybug,” she escaped during the chaos. Su-Han warns Fu that she will be hard to defeat, even with the Miraculous’s help, so he will do all he can to get the other Celestial Guardians to come here.
Before Su-Han leaves, Fu asks his opinion: because he’s worried Huli may find out he’s the current Guardian, he asks if Su-Han thinks Mark would make a good guardian. The episode/scene ends before we hear Su-Han’s response.
Episode 6, Holidaze – Huli creates a Cursed that puts people in the mood to vacation/party instead of doing their jobs. That includes the heroes. Ladybug gives the Snake Miraculous to Ninja Brian and tells him the plan.
Ladybug: “Brian, have you ever seen Doctor Strange?”
Ninja Viper traps Holidaze in a “I’ve come to bargain” scenario and wears them down after dozens of five-minute time loops.
Ninja Viper: “Your vacation time is running out. I’ve made sure of it.” Holidaze: “You cannot do this forever.” Ninja Viper: “Just try and stop me.”
Ninja Viper is exhausted afterwards and knows he’ll never be able to pull that off again.
Throughout this season, there are gaps in the episode numbers. Currently, there are no episodes 7-11, 14-18, 20, 22, and 24.
Episode 12, Blue Wail VS Plastic-themed Cursed - This episode is a mix of “Crocoduel” and “King Plastic.” It’s also a sequel to the “Age of Akumas” episode Blue Wail. The aquarium tour guide refuses to let the aquarium be supported by a manufacturer she knows is harming the ocean. Not only does it borrow the dueling Akumas/Cursed from “Crocoduel,” but this AU’s version of Purple Tigress makes her debut here.
Episode 13 – Suzy is captured by a Cursed, and her twin sister Jean must take Queen Bee’s place. Huli suspects Suzy is Queen Bee from the encounter with her during "Gang of Grumps," so she sends a Cursed to target her specifically. Luckily, she doesn’t have the Bee Miraculous on her at the time. Ladybug retrieves the Miraculous and gives it to Jean. He explains what she needs to do to protect Suzy’s identity. Jean accepts and becomes Queen Bee for the rest of the episode.
Episode 19 – A Cursed that can multiply shows up. Would probably be less like “Megaleech” and more like “Sapotis.” Ladybug gives Ross the Mouse Miraculous, thinking his ability to focus on multiple projects at once will be a benefit to him using it. Ross insists on the name Rat King, despite Mullo’s insistence that she is a mouse.
Ladybug: “Why do you want to be known as ‘Rat King’?” Rat King: “Look, Ladybug, you came to me. You know who I am. So you must know I give off rat energy.”
Episode 21 – A Cursed captures Mark, so Ethan takes up the Ladybug Miraculous. He gives himself the name Scarab Boy. When he meets up with Chat Noir, he assures him that Mark is still alive, just captured.
Episode 23, Party Crasher – Remember the previous episode, Gang of Grumps, and how it ended with the foreshadowing that more Grumps would become heroes? And then they become heroes in the following episodes? Well, it all comes to a head in this episode.
This version of “Party Crasher” is a party hosted by the Grumps, to be a little more gender-neutral. I haven’t pinned down who Party Crasher is, but probably someone with a tie to the Grumps.
The Grumps all become heroes: Suzy becomes Queen Bee, Barry becomes Storm Dragon, Brian becomes Ninja Viper, Ross becomes Rat King, and Danny becomes Bunnyx. But Arin doesn’t have a Miraculous yet. Master Fu, who has managed to sneak into the party, gives Arin the Pig Miraculous. He uses Gift to show Party Crasher what he really wants: to enjoy a party with the rest of the Grumps. Mister Pig promises Party Crasher will get what he wants if he rejects the Curse and lets everyone go. Party Crasher does so, and he enjoys the party with the rest of the Grumps.
Episode 25, Heart Hunter - As the name implies, I would like to do my own take on the “Heart Hunter” episode, based on an early synopsis that stated Heart Hunter would be a two-headed dog. Of course, this serves as a distraction for the real threat Huli is about to unleash. Ladybug tries to meet up with Master Fu, but Huli and the Ladybug copy she made in Episode 21 capture the real Ladybug.
Huli traps Mark in the cursed mirror. Ladybug, Darkiplier, Warfstache and “The Engineer” (from In Space With Markiplier) come out of the mirror. Basing this off Sanders Sides, Ladybug represents Mark’s morality, Warfstache represents Mark’s creativity, “The Engineer” represents Mark’s logic, and Darkiplier represents the parts of Mark’s personality that he’s tried to hide. Huli and the Ladybug copy leave Mark’s Sides alone, but not before trapping all of them in the mirror.
Mark: “Well, do you have any ideas, guys…?” The other Sides looked at each other. None of them looked confident; not the smug Darkiplier, nor the heroic Ladybug, nor the bombastic Warfstache. And the Engineer… Mark didn’t even know that Side of himself existed until today, so he had no way to read him.
The Ladybug copy strings the other Miraculous Heroes along somehow. Master Fu becomes Jade Turtle to defend himself and the Mother Box.
At some point, Chat Noir sees the truth and realizes Mark’s been replaced with a Ladybug imposter. First, the Ladybug copy can’t purify Cursed items, and the Ladybug copy ONLY copies Ladybug – he can’t de-transform into Mark. Master Fu gives Chat a choice of Miraculous, and he chooses the Rooster Miraculous. Chat Noir finds the real Mark trapped in the cursed mirror and forms a plan to get him out. Meanwhile, Huli takes the Fox and Bee Miraculouses for herself.
Episode 26, Queen Fox - Chat Noir figures out what’s going on and finds the mirror. He feels he can’t just destroy it, lest he destroy Mark. So, he decides to give Jesse Cox the Rooster Miraculous.
Chat Noir: “Ya can’t give yerself a power a Kwami has, or something that’s a ‘wish.’ Ya can’t just say ‘I wish Mark and his Sides were out of the mirror.’”
Jesse gives himself the power to get people out of places they’re permanently stuck. He uses this power to get Mark and his Sides from the mirror safely.
Chat Noir: “We need all the help we can get to defeat Queen Fox.”
Mark, his Sides, Jesse, and Chat Noir join the fight against Queen Fox and the Ladybug copy. Side!Ladybug gives Mark a copy of his yo-yo to fight with. The Engineer fights with his tools. Warfstache fights with a (relatively harmless confetti-launching) gun and a butterfly knife. Darkiplier uses his powers, cane, and hand-to-hand combat to fight.
During the fight, Master Fu gives control of the Mother Box to Mark, to keep it out of Queen Fox’s hands. With all of them working together, they beat Queen Fox and the Ladybug copy. After the battle, Mark’s Sides must go back to the mirror.
��Please, Mark, before I go back…” The Engineer took Mark’s hand. “I want a name.” Mark thought hard. What would be a good name for an Engineer, besides his own? He could only think of the Engineer from Team Fortress 2. He had a name, right? What was his name…? “Dell,” Mark finally answered. “Dell…” The Engineer smiled. “I like that.”
Due to the battle, Mark’s identity is exposed through his Sides. It would be hard not to link him to the Ladybug Miraculous now. Tearfully, everyone has their Miraculous taken back, and Su-Han takes back the Mother Box.
Su-Han: “This may have been Fu’s last wish, but your identity has been exposed, as both a Holder and a Guardian.”
“That’s true…” Mark sighed. “I respect your authority, Su-Han. Take the Miraculous back to the Guardians, where they’ll be safe.” Mark allows Su-Han to take his memories, but Su-Han allows Mark to keep his memories. He also offers Mark the chance to study under the Guardians. Mark decides that maybe it would best to go back to a normal life…for now. However, Su-Han leaves the offer open to all the Los Angeles heroes.
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hermanunworthy · 2 years ago
im a bit late bc i was at work all day but time for ep37 reactions!! i cant believe its already here
- now ive heard everyone talking about the intro i bet its gonna be a rickroll or some shit
- hermie mention in the intro im so calm and cool and chill about this /j
- WILL CAMPOS U ABSOLUTE MADMAN. i already knew he was gonna find a way around using revivify but THAT WAS WILD
- are people gonna start drawing normal w that piece of jewelry now. bc i wanna. i already like drawing him w bracelets
- oh god what is beths fact gonna be.
- "i just keep meeting all the right people at all the wrong times" BETH MAY U ARE EVIL. THE PLOT OF THIS EPISODE HASNT EVEN STARTED AND IM ALREADY EMO
- NICKY BETTER FUCKING SHOW UP im curious to see what they actually decided on for the reason for him not being there last episode
- HERMIE WAS REMEMBERED giggles and kicks my feet
- were getting terris reaction rn i cant believe this is happening
- IM starting to feel sick godddd
- i bet im gonna see art of the lincoln and taylor piggyback ride hehe
- "theres my girl" STFUUUUUU
- "just wake him up" I. HATE. THIS EPSIODE
- "whoooa shit thats fucked up!" anthony burch i know u are just so incredibly pleased w urself.
- there was never a more obvious lie than willy saying hell revive terry
- beth is out for fucking blood this episode. god she is so good at making the audience feel for her characters
- halfway through the episode now. cant wait to see what could possibly go wrong next!!
- i love whenever anthony allows a fun rulebreaking idea to work
- rons status remains a mystery....
- "we could do a whole scene w just hermie and all the other ones" u joke matt but i enjoy every scene w hermie no matter how unnecessary and drawn out
- as always linc and taylor are such a funny iconic duo
- i just realized WE STILL HAVENT SEEN NICKY!!! GODDAMN!!!
- "the gayest fucking mecha of all time" swiftli fans do u like the new ship name /j
- ig i cannot deny it anymore swiftli is practically canon atp
- i thought nicky got all his limbs back?? did anthony just forget
- btw ive probably been waking up my whole house w how hard im laughing over swiftli this episode
- "so what are u gonna do, ur gonna kill me?" as i said before. i hate this episode.
- i just had such a weird thought/prediction. but i will hold my tongue. bc the last time i said something like this it came true and i do not want this to come true
- "i love u and i hate that u made me love u when u are who u are and u knew it." I WISH U COULD SEE MY FUCKING FACE RN. HOLYYY SHIT THATS DEVASTATING
- oh. my. good. lord.
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dead-twink-storage · 2 years ago
Dumb moments in time
More story time bullshit from my college days. Got invited out to go to a gay bar by a whirlwind trainwreck goth girl I was friends with a girl of constant tall tales and many adventures and her obnoxious aspiring drag queen friend;
her boyfriend ditched on going with us probably because gay clubs and being around her drag friend was a bit too faggy for his liking. After her and I got all retro goth’d up and her drag friend did the most piss poor make up smear job I had ever saw we went into the communal patio area of her rundown roach motel apartment where some middle aged white trash poverty wage man was drinking beer alone after his long shift on one of those old metal patio tables that had been over painted with so much white paint over the years that you could tear off balls of just clumpy paint.
So the three of us sit down to pre-drink and of course we strike up a conversation with him so it’s two goths explaining yea we’re goth into the music and all that; short, sweet, and easy for a layman to wrap their head around. The drag gay with us? Proceeds to go into the entire rundown of every last bit of drag drama from his show with the guy who has no idea what the fuck an alaskan thunderfuck is but he doesn’t want to be rude so he just tries to tune it out and focus on the bottom of his coors’ light bottle after what felt like an eternity of watching this poor blue collar white trash dude try to understand what hunty and slay means we finally fucking leave for the club.
We get to the club, doorman lets us in after the typical ID check and all that and immediately upon entering I see one of my brother’s exes hanging out with her friends watching the drag queens do their awful attempts at Britney Spears and Lady Gaga performances. Realizing I was not going to hear any music I could stomach I b-lined it for the bar where the girl behind the bar managed to put together 3 Amaretto sours, one for my fellow goth and two for myself by this time her Drag friend was far off trying to interact with the drag performers trying to get his foot in the door. Some chatting about random stuff with the bartender, my friend, at one point even my brother's ex and a few more drinks in I needed to find a washroom. Upper floor was filled no spare room and no urinals so was directed downstairs.
 On my way down I would end up cornered in a dark small stairwell down by some guy twice my age trying to press against me much to my distaste, after some drunken scowls on my part and insistence to fuck off I would elbow and knee my way out of his grasp absolutely livid and pissed a thousand violent thoughts coming and going all while the fucking shittiest gayest pop music was playing only making it even more unbearable. I would take a minute to calm myself and continue my descent down this dark grey black painted stairwell.
When I got to the basement and went forward I saw the second lower bar; the bear den, a bunch of fat hairy, large gay men shooting dagger eyes and sneering faces that some make up wearing goth twink faggot would dare tread in their part of the club. Bartender down there was kind enough to direct me to the washroom where I would proceed into what was the most vile looking washroom I ever set foot in, imagine the washroom from SAW 1 imagine broken stall doors, non functioning toilets, and enough grime, filth, and used condoms that you would be at ground zero if airborne AIDs was a thing. I made my stay down there short, trying to use as much paper towel to keep myself from having to make proper physical contact with anything in there. I would finally ascend out of whatever the fuck I interrupted down there.
Not long after I return to the surface we are hanging out on the patio chatting with some other patrons having a good time when some yuppie homos twice the age of my friend and I start laying into us for wearing goth fashion “in the current year” because it’s so outdated and not in fashion anymore or whatever. We ignored the first barrage of comments but they kept nagging and insulting us thinking they were being oh so catty and witty. Well the thing about trailer park goth girls who may or may no be using hard drugs is there is little in the way of fucks to give so it wasn’t long before she would go on the offensive calling them every homophobic slur she had in her repertoire after the most impressive linking of slurs and them fucking imploding in anger and crying to the doorman we got kicked out including her drag friend who was pure collateral damage in our little verbal scuffle we managed to talk the doorman into letting us hangout infront of the club until her boyfriend came to get her.
So there we are outside the club fence chatting to each other about whatever it was we were chatting about while her friend was leaning over the fence to keep talking to the queens. The guys who got us kicked out left and gloated and acted like they won some great victory and weren’t fucking overgrown school kids who cried foul.  After sometime and phone calls her boyfriend finally arrived they went off to do meth, the drag gay went home, and I would try to find a public washroom to strip off all the baby bat eyeliner, black lipstick, and nail polish before heading home with results as equally disastrous as what I had just been through.
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mistress-chan · 1 year ago
Its weebsday my dudes
Sorry about missing last Weeb Wednesday, started a new position at my job and life was crazy, but it got me thinking about jobs and long story short I thought of isekai because this devil is not just a part timer. I am not a fan of most isekai, even though one of my favorite stories is an isekai (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There) I did want to talk about an isekai I did like. Also because it is Weeb Wednesday it has to involve gay magical girls, okay that might not be the rules but the world just needs more gay magical girls. I mean technically one is magical(ish) but does travel through time and there is something about time traveling lesbians.
Anyway the anime I am wanting to bring up is Shokei Shōjo no Ikiru Michi (The Executioner and Her Way of Life) which I loved because it started out as your normal power fantasy isekai where some guy gets summoned to a fantasy world and turns out he has a magical ability that gives him incredible power. Now, in your average isekai the hero would:
Meet up with a priestess, ⭕ like he does
She shows him how to use his ability, ⭕ like she does
They go on an adventure. ❌ wrong.
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Nope, turns out the priestess was not your normal member of the clergy but an executioner who was sent out to kill anyone who ended up getting isekai'd.
So the “main character” gets murked halfway into the first episode and all the nerds got upset on MAL (MyAnimeList) and review bombed the episode because they “killed the main character.” From then on it follows the story of the priestess Menou as she tries to kill other “lost ones” but turns out that is harder than you think, mainly because the one she has to kill is just a normal Japanese school girl, Akari, but falls in love with Menou and can turn back time (yep a time traveling lesbian). Throw in her assistant Momo who also has a crush on Menou and Ashuna the warrior princess who has a thing for both Momo and Menou and you get the gayest anime in the spring of 2022 that did not involve golf (yes golf). It is not really a polycule but damn close. Unfortunately it looks to be just one season but the light novel is better than the anime in my opinion. 
Oh and last thing, just to twist the knife the last episode showed the corpse of the “main character” being used as a component in a spell so he is double dead.
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thirdeyesherry · 1 year ago
I just need to verbalise these thoughts I have in regards to the ofmd s2 finale, so don't mind me and be on your way.
My fear going into the last episode was that there were A LOT of loose ends to tie up and 25 minutes would never be able to do that. We got 28, if that counts for anything. But the thing is that this was a 2-3 episode plot put into one. It was rushed, because clearly they didn't want to leave anything hanging. I'm very grateful for that. I blame max for the bad pacing, but I am also a bit let down about the things set up that never fully got explored the way they deserved. When it comes to other things, they're not even properly set up. They just happen because there is no time to set them up. Izzy getting his makeup on for example. There would have been so much fun to see a more proper set up for that. That the makeup and singing would resolve something that had been set up properly prior to it. Now instead it's just a part of his self discovery that we get tidbits of through the season. I'm not complaining about it, just saying it deserved to get explored more. That would have been so nice.
I don't agree with the people who are mad at Izzy's death though. It was not greatly executred, as all in that episode is rushed, but his death did not come from nowhere. I do wish it'd have been more of a sacrifical death, instead of him just straight up getting shot and then just not saying anything about it. His death is just an accident and feel somehow amateurish, misunderstand me correctly. They could have made a point of his death being caused by him not being as quick with his wooden leg or something. But this just happens. I'm curious to see how many seconds actually pass between him getting shot and him being buried. So rushed man. But to blame Djenks for falling into the "kill your gays" trope for killing Izzy... dude? Are you right in the head? Every fucking character in this show is queer, they wouldn't be able to kill a single fucking character if that was true. Which is part of the beauty of it. They didn't kill off the queer, they killed off a character. We have come to a point in time where a show can kill the queer without it being a trope. Also, if we're being honest here... Izzy is one of the least queer coded characters on the show. Some will disagree with me on that, especially the more unhinged izzy stans, but let me just point out that no one got mad at Lucious being killed in the last season because it was in some way homophobic. And Lucious if quite literally the gayest of the bunch (as in the closest to the stereotype). It's not "bury your gays" just because a queer character dies. That's not the endgoal here, to never have queer characters die. It's to get to a point where it's not a trope, one you can see from miles ahead. "Oh, there's a gay guy in this war movie, he's gonna die." "Oh look, she got a girlfriend but she'll probably be dead by the end of the season." Like do you see the difference?
I'm rambling now so I'll just stop because I got to ramble about the things my brain couldn't let go.
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rebeccadumaurier · 1 year ago
thoughts on bungou stray dogs season 5
woo, that was a fun binge-watch! ok, my (not spoiler free) thoughts:
this was a good season, really really good. i'm really impressed by asagiri's ability to keep us guessing and to play off old story patterns while also developing new ones—characterization's very consistent but also keeps developing in fresh and interesting directions. pacing's less wack than s3 (where fyodor appeared in like 3 episodes), the plot develops at a solid pace, the themes are really interesting
this was the gayest season i have seen so far and i've been letting this stupid show queerbait me for 6 years now, so that's saying something. fukichi and fukuzawa simultaneously have the energy of messily divorced exes, pining repressed best friends, and happily married couple all at once. if i was mori i'd be jealous (but it's mori so he's not, though i do appreciate mori/fukuzawa as a foil to fukichi/fukuzawa).
i'm not really the biggest fan of raising the stakes continuously overall, like i really don't think media needs to go like season 1. save my friend season 2. save my home season 3. save the world or some shit, it's fine to have similar magnitude of stakes throughout. but it's cool that asagiri's got the ambition to tackle some lofty questions—in particular i think nikolai's own struggle to determine his free will compared to fukichi's desire to strip free will from humanity in exchange for world peace is interesting.
i have never been particularly taken by fyodor, or fyodor's relationship with dazai, or fyodor's relationship with nikolai. but this season has finally caused me to cave and admit he's great. he's hilarious, he's a great foil to dazai (their weird 4D chess frenemyship is excellent, i understand why people ship them now), his dialogue is top tier and i fucking lost it when he faked having a split personality to the character with split hair because he (rightly) figured sigma would fall for it. like yes DRAG HIM
speaking of split haired characters, i miss Q, who had a lot of potential to add some more chaos to the mix and who i generally want to see more of (his fucked up gender energy and his being a lovehatechild of dazai and chuuya is so entertaining)
i'm...actually a bit disappointed that dazai did not actually let chuuya die, although i do like the direction asagiri took—in "double black," we saw chuuya place his trust in dazai, and it paid off. this time around, dazai placed his trust in chuuya—literally let him put a loaded gun to his head!!—and it paid off (and also chuuya got his revenge for dazai taking too long to nullify corruption last time, you know he had fun with those extra bullets).
i really enjoy that asagiri shows time and time again just how much these two trust each other, but at the same time, i think their relationship could actually be stress tested more—like, i genuinely wanted to see dazai placed into a real "pick chuuya or the ADA" situation! i want to see dazai and chuuya actually on opposite sides, not in truces or working together or whatnot, and i suspect that this will happen in the show's last arc—it's eventually going to circle back to ADA vs. PM, just like the beginning. TL:DR; i'm an insane dazai/chuuya shipper and the chokehold they have on me is so humiliating that i just don't talk about it 99% of the time. if i loved you less i would be able to talk about it more.
although i did 100% call him being OK with killing chuuya as BS, because there is no goddamn way dazai's last words to chuuya would ever be as mild and cliche as "we didn't really get along, but sometimes we understood each other." that man has been practicing dramatic monologues in his head daily for the last seven years. when he does deliver that monologue it's going to fucking SERVE
speaking of being taken in by fyodor: fine fine I GET THE DAZAI/CHUUYA X FYODOR/NIKOLAI PARALLELS NOW OKAY. not that i denied them before but we were really getting bashed over the head with it in the prison break episodes. being queerbaited by this show is better than a lot of actual media gay couples but it still hurts like a bitch.
i continue to want to wring atsushi's neck lol. akutagawa has never really been my fave or anything, but his character development is clearly progressing much faster (and i really really respect it) and our narrator still can't fucking form an opinion without one of his friends to guide him!! kyouka and lucy please ditch him and date each other instead. the lack of kyouka in this season was CRIMINAL.
i kind of ship kenji and tetchou now...i know the show is pushing tetchou and jouno but jouno is just so fucking MEAN and tetchou deserves someone who doesn't judge him for his quirks okay :(
tachihara biggest glow up of any character since the beginning of this show. the character development i didnt know i wanted
this season did a lot more work to humanize the hunting dogs (esp. the non-tachihara ones) and i enjoyed that a lot. teruko's role in the finale, killing the man she loved most because fukuzawa couldn't, absolutely murdered me. i think it's such a good step in her character arc as she has to figure out who she wants to be without him. also i appreciate that she's a badass female character who isn't a weirdly sexualized girlboss and is also a weirdo
aya and bram is truly one of the most bizarre pairs in this show and there are a lot of bizarre pairs, so that's saying something. i legitimately feel like asagiri picked some names out of a hat or spun a wheel for this or something. but i am excited for bram to figure out what he wants after spending forever being enslaved to others, and hope that this involves listening to the radio all day with a 10-year-old girl. the way children are portrayed in BSD as these incredibly vulnerable and impressionable people worthy of love and protection sincerely fucks me up so bad
loose ends: where is the help me note from? i assumed dazai wrote it, but i doubt it, and i also doubt he just left sigma to die. we still don't know what fyodor's ability is, which makes me nervous, since he is ALLEGEDLY dead. i wonder if it's nikolai's (frankly he does legitimately seem like the type to have split personality issues). i'm worried the antidote isn't an actual antidote, and we obviously haven't seen the end of nikolai. there's an actually comical amount of power in bram's hands now. mori's been fairly quiet this season, and there's no way he didn't plan a way for himself to benefit from the carnage. that man is a vulture, he exploits starving orphans off the street! and he sent in chuuya to save the ADA's ass twice and let akutagawa disappear for 2+ weeks! this man was just negotiating to have yosano join the mafia, you can't tell me he didn't get something for himself out of this.
honestly i kind of just want this shit with the hunting dogs and the decay of angels to end and to stop worrying about world domination so we can go back to the ADA battling yokohama's villain of the week, like man the tension has just been building nonstop. give the ADA a coffee break. 😭��
ranpo fans are truly getting their time lately huh. we are winninggggg
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shslskaterboy · 2 years ago
Those are all such good ships!!! I also love aro/ace Togami. I feel like he'd be grey-romantic so when he felt romantic feelings for Naegi he was like "... What IS this" (like fuckinf miles edgeworth with his unnecessary feelings line ahdkshdnd)
Would you tell me more about your komahina thoughts? :3c 💜
YES I was born ready to talk more about it, so long as you’re ready for yet another essay question (also love a good wrightworth around these parts)
One of the things that originally hooked me into Komahina was the level of in-game context and subtext surrounding them. Picture this: you are Hajime, you wake up on the beach with some willowy pretty-boy standing over you, he then proceeds to befriend you and show you around. He’s a little weird but whatever; it’s quirky, he’s cute, what’s the harm in that? Then mans decides to go fully off the deep end in ch1, which is where you’d think that love story ends because WHY would you stick around after that? But what does Hajime do instead? He spends the next 60+ hours of gameplay being decidedly un-normal about his crazy boyfriend (we’ve all seen ch3 play out, that was some of the gayest shit I’ve ever seen)
The thing that really gets me is that at first glance they seem so opposite, Hajime is surly, he’s snarky, he’s kind of a bitch (love him for that), and Nagito is a little more upbeat, he’s friendly, he’s light hearted, and even after the betrayal of ch1 he’s still weirdly optimistic in his own way. But upon further reflection of both their characters going forward, they seem to have more in common than initially imagined. Nagito is more brooding and Hajime is more hopeful than I would’ve given them credit for at least, and it turns out they’re a lot more complimentary to each other than just contrasting.
All things considered, I think what really makes it for me is how snarky they are with each other. In a non-despair world it is the pinnacle of banter; Komaeda is such a smartass, Hinata is such a tsundere, they both think they’re right all the time but neither of them ever are, they definitely spend all their time together judging other people, and when they’re alone they’re having the softest sweetest moments imaginable (which Hajime gets so flustered over, bless his heart)
It just feels like they have all the right similarities and differences, like they were scientifically formulated to be the otp for me. I know in-game subtext isn’t the be all end all for shipping (saiouma arguably doesn’t have much romantic subtext outside of FTEs and love hotel yet I still love them) but there’s something about Komahina that is so meant to be. I liked my chilli and chocolate analogy from the last ask cuz they’re a little spicy, a little bitter, but they work wonders despite it all.
They come from similar walks of life, they have similar views on Talent and how that plays a role in society and their lives, they would both truly do The Most for talent, and because of this they understand each other each other in a way none of the other ultimates possibly could.
They are meant to be your honour, they are in love, and that’s all I have to say on that
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bengiyo · 2 years ago
The Eclipse Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
There's so much BL happening that I don't exactly remember where we are. I know we're waiting on a phishing attempt, there's a protest coming, Neo and Khaotung gave the gayest lovesick expressions I've seen in a while, and Akk almost had a swimming mishap last episode before shivering through an underwater kiss.
Mes is here. This must be the past.
Smash cut to the burning effigy and then don't play the whole intro? Shit's going down today!
This headmaster just did the shoulder touch to Chadok and promised some nebulous reward. Just how far up the chain does this go?
It's interesting seeing how the adults are navigating this. Some demand the students conform for the sake of the majority, whereas Sani tries to deflect and defer the matter.
Finally. Some of the other students have had enough and are siding with the World Remembers.
A terrified Thua was able to vocalize his fear directly to Kan, and Kan is finally able to offer him comfort at school.
I love how Thua suspects that Kan is using Bruce Wayne to talk to him and leans into that illusion to push Kan. Admitting he has feelings for Bruce Wayne has me leaning all the way in. Kan gives an encouraging response, but we'll see if he can give Thua what he's asking for.
Ayan and Akk have a great dynamic when they aren't picking at each other.
Aw yes, we're pulling out the earbuds for shared listening. This is one of my favorite tropes.
I also like Ayan teasing him for stealing glances. It's time to play the entirety of the I See You album by the xx I think
I am just floored by Khaotung and First every week. The way he shifts as Ayan says, "I get you. When I first found out, it was difficult, too," sent me through the roof. Akk's response of, "You can't like a bad person like me," broke me. How many queers who've had to closet themselves and act as agents of the oppressors feel like this? How do we help them? I went to a school not dissimilar from these boys. I've been Akk.
Akk's smile when he finally agrees to the relationship with Ayan is absolutely incredible. First is just SO GOOD.
Oh, Ayan. He let Akk rest for a moment before pulling him in to cuddle.
Ooh a seme wall lean. Interesting that we're using this after Ayan has gotten Akk to agree that they're dating, and is getting him more comfortable admitting that he likes Ayan and misses his presence. I do worry about them getting caught at school though. Akk believes he needs this scholarship if he's going to succeed and make his family proud.
Interesting use of queer gender politics to tease Akk into kissing him. Ayan completely tickled at getting the response he hoped for is fantastic. My circle and I always play around like this as well.
Kan's smirk at this lame explanation for their clandestine getaway is the kind of queer friend group content BL has been missing.
Thailand loves basketball if BL is to be believed. I'm okay with this show using basketball to flirt.
Ayan pulling Akk away from the protest is good for him, but I wonder where Ayan's feelings lie when it comes to the gang and their protest. He seems friendly with them, but he's clearly more concerned with his own beef with Suppalo than there's.
I'm very proud of Kan and Thua for coming to support the protest. It matters for both of them stepping up as students invested in the school structures to side with the queer people who don't fit in and are being bullied.
Oh my goodness this beach scene with Kan and Thua is everything. Kan asking if Thua can be with someone as messed up as him. Thua wanting clarity on the kiss. It's giving, "If you had ever stolen a kiss from someone, how would you give it back?"
Oh that was actually perfect for them as a confirmation kiss. They're both still awkward, so the quick kiss into an offered hug is a good choice.
Ah, public shaming of an individual. The favored tool of terrible educators. Calling on his relationship with Mrs was a gross move.
Akk is breaking, and this probably looks too similar to what happened to Dika.
I haven't been this relieved that someone responded to a hug in a long time. I hope Akk can hold on to Ayan and pull himself out of this spiral.
I think it's time Ayan told Akk his full story.
Oh good. I was worried Akk would run from Ayan. Breaking down and realizing he'd been misled to hate his favorite teacher is heartbreaking.
Passing on the necklace is a big deal. I just finished 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, so I'm definitely not okay about significant momentos being passed along.
Ayan is still so smart. Akk asked how Dika died, clearly asking about grim particulars. Ayan diverted that right away towards the lead enforcement agents of this harsh system.
Oh boy I am excited about next week. Looks like we might be setting up for an Episode 12 denouement!
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 years ago
Fics Written In 2016 (2) Masterlist
Links last checked: January 24th, 2025
part one
A Wizard's Misgivings (ao3) - jilliancares
Summary: Dan Howell’s entire family has been in Slytherin, and there’s no doubt he’s supposed to end up there too. Phil Lester does’t exactly know what to do when he finds himself liking boys, so he’s usually just horrendously mean to them.
Adphant Calendar (ao3) - Phantje
Summary: Dan works in a small and cosy café in London. He loves his work but even more so, he loves Christmas.
Phil works in a big and anonymous bank in London. He hates his works and is annoyed to see anyone happy at Christmas. Dan and Phil's paths meet, bringing two men of very different character together. Before they spend Christmas together there is a lot to learn about each other, a task they both willingly complete.
Close Your Eyes and I'll Kiss You (Tomorrow I'll Miss You) (ao3) - SimplyUndead
Summary: Summertime was the best time, if you asked either Dan Howell or Phil Lester. It was sunshine, catching waves, and no worries. When their paths cross, however, that all changes, and before either of them notices, summer becomes much more.
Closer - kattdan
Summary: Dan can’t sleep, having another crisis and Phil is the only one who can make him feel better.
Do You Believe in Magic? - doomedhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil live in a world where magic exists. They’ve grown up together in a same small town and have learned to hate each other. One day a ‘witch’ casts a spell on them to make them switch bodies with each other. They spell can’t be undone until they learn to get along.
Emergency Substitute (ao3) - parentaladvisorybullshitcontent
Summary: “You could always charm Phil for us,” Jack suggests. “Throw him off his game.”
“Right, yeah,” Dan says sarcastically. “Midway through the match I’ll just Summon his broom to me and he'll fall off and then Gryffindor’ll automatically win.”
“I didn’t mean that kind of charm,” Jack says, under his breath.
In which Dan is roped into playing Quidditch when all he really wants is a quiet life. And for Phil to never leave Hogwarts.
Failure by Design (ao3) - botanistlester
Summary: Being friends with benefits doesn’t work, the movies and media showing that they always fall in love. After starting their friends with benefits arrangement, Dan and Phil are expecting to fall in love, but they aren’t disappointed when it doesn’t happen. They are content, and that’s all that matters.
gay fairies (ao3) - moonythejedi395
Summary: Everyone knew of Phil Lester's deep hatred for Dan Howell. Everyone knew that Dan Howell was the gayest gay man to ever gay. Everyone assumed that Phil hated Dan because Dan would not stop hitting on Phil, and everyone agreed that even they would be irritated by that much flirting, however everyone did not know or even guess that Phil Lester really hated Dan Howell so much because Phil actually wanted to make out with him.
glitter glue and pastel hearts (ao3) - moonythejedi395
Summary: A boy with a broken heart, who never learned to confess his thoughts to anyone but the moon, meets sunshine in the form of a boy in pastel pink shoes. In dreary England, all light is pale and fleeting, but the sun shines from his smile and his eyes, and the boy's broken heart is mended, put back together with glitter glue. In the end, the one winning in the situation will of course be Mrs. Howell, who shipped it before they even met.
Grand Theft Autumn - gorgeousdan
Summary: Get this, okay? It’s 2009 and Dan is actually making out with Phil Lester
i’ll take you on a ride - tbfhlmao
Summary: phil plays football and thinks his pastel boyfriend looks good in his varsity jacket, so dan rides him in it.
I've Only Got Eyes for You (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: “You’re a wait person at a strip club and I can’t even focus on the strippers anymore because of you.”
Featuring Phil going to a strip club for his 30th birthday and Dan as a very amused waiter.
Just Like Mud (ao3) - blueberryphancakes
Summary: “So you’re upset because you saw me…polishing the banister.” “Jesus fucking Christ.” “Is that another euphemism or are you just mad at me?”
Koi No Yokan (ao3) - cold_cereal
Summary: Phil proposes to Dan.
Let Me Be Your Call Boy (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrosepetals), embarrassing_myself
Summary: After coming out as gay to his friends on his birthday, the last thing Dan is expecting is to be gifted a call boy as a present, let alone one that’s been paid for for the entire night. Allowing Phil to show him the ropes is his first mistake, paying him to come back every week is his second, and using him to convince his parents he really is gay is his third. As a successful lawyer, the money isn’t the problem - falling in love is.
Lioness - phinalphantasy7
Summary: Phil makes a video that changes his world (later known as PINOF).  You've seen the video; here is the story behind it, told by one who was there.
Little Moments (ao3) - ReederJoe
Summary: When Dan Howell breaks his ankle, he's forced to let Phil take care of him. An accidental kiss brings them closer than ever before, but sometimes, the silver lining is too heavy for the clouds.
Lover Boy (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Phil is the shy new kid at school, taken under the wing of Dan’s group of friends. The two develop crushes on one another, but a secret from the past threatens to jeopardise everything before it even begins.
Matte (ao3) - theshyauthor
Summary: Phil brings home a cat boy named Dan with matted fur and wary eyes on a Wednesday. 
Nobody, Not Even the Rain (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: (TW) Dan is fine. It's what he's told himself all along. Even though it hurts when he has sex with his boyfriend, even though he shakes for no reason at all; he's fine. He's happy. But when he meets Phil, he learns about respect, trust, and how a relationship is truly supposed to be like. Most of all, he learns that maybe he's not doing so well after all.
Put That Camcorder Away or So Help Me God (ao3) - phandomestic
Summary: What if Dan and Phil weren't able to meet in person because a zombie apocalypse broke out a week before? Flash forward seven years, Dan has gone rogue with some rough edges and is separated from his group when he comes across his once-senpai, now-facetious Phil Lester in the ruins of Manchester. As Dan soon finds, Phil, bless his heart, is not very attentive to the life-or-death situation.
Regrets Almost Made (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan ends up coming out to Phil not in the way he would have preferred.
Ride With the Moon in the Dead of Night (ao3) - Cadensauruss
Summary: A 2009!fic where Dan's a vampire and Phil's a werewolf, and it's a full moon, and their nocturnal instincts come out to play.
Ruff & Tumble - lesteresce
Summary: Dan moves into his new apartment for the dog park downstairs – little does he know that the town comes with more than just fluffy tails.  
AU where Phil has a dog and Dan almost doesn’t know if he likes the dog or the boy more.
Short Skirts and Candy Kisses (ao3) - tahliaisnotonfire
Summary: The boy had chestnut coloured hair and matching brown eyes, golden skin and pink succulent lips. His cheekbones were strongly put together and his jawline was at the perfect angle, complementing the boy’s features nicely. Phil couldn’t believe someone like this actually existed. The boy was young and his appearance seemed even more tempting as he was sucking on a lollipop. A fucking lollipop.
Also known as that AU where Phil works in a library and Dan wanders in one day wearing a short skirt looking for a book and Phil just can’t stay low-key.
Shut Your Mouth and Listen Closely (ao3) - SimplyUndead
Summary: Dan is mute with an unfortunate past. Phil is a nice boy with a warm heart and love to give.
syzygy (ao3) - dantiloquent
Summary: Phil Lester, an amateur photographer trapped in a monotonous life, is the last person to see Toby Stanford's killer before they disappear into London's crowds. He decides to keep that a secret - alongside the photos of them he has stashed away in his backpack. In a matter of hours, he is flung into a new life: one of clues and murders and lies. In a world swarming with surveillance, it's a battle against time and the police. But Phil will find this killer, and he'll get his story - or will he? Sometimes, not even a camera can capture exactly what is living beneath the surface.
The Blind Boy (ao3) - jilliancares
Summary: Dan Howell liked to think of his entire life as a series of tragic accidents. Because really, how many people can say that they managed to become blind and obtain a supposedly Cute Boy’s hate all in the span of one year? And Phil Lester has not had the best school life, so in order to avoid bullying or a bad reputation, he refuses to take shit from anyone at this new school. Even if that someone just so happens to be blind.
The Crash - placingglaciers
Summary: It’s another sleepless night for Phil only that Dan comes along and they end up shopping at like, 1 A.M. at a twenty-four hour superstore. It’s a bit of a disaster.
The Heat Of The Water And The Heat Of Our Souls (ao3) - kuwuromi (aphrodeity)
Summary: Dan and Phil have been best friends for as long as either of them can remember. One night in a jacuzzi changes the entire dynamic of their relationship, starting with some fond memories of the past.
The Prince & The Wolf (ao3) - serendipitys
Summary: Let me tell you about the tale of how a boy who had flowers growing in his soul fell in love with a boy who had thorns trapping his.
Too Young For the Golden Age (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan, Phil swears, is the best thing that's ever happened to him. Living here in this flat with his best friend, someone who's so similar yet so wildly different to him is the best case scenario. He's never had to worry about not getting along with his roommate, and even his family loves Dan. This dynamic they have is too perfect for Phil to shatter, no matter how much he'd like to.
So he bites his tongue. He bites his tongue and he holds back and plays absently with the frayed strings on his sweatshirt, tries to make himself push these emotions far, far down inside of him.
Two Doors Down (ao3) - danfanciesphil
Summary: Dan drums in the dead of night to dispel the quiet. Phil can hear him from two doors down.
We'll Never Be Royals (Extended) (ao3) - phanimist
Summary: royalty au where phil's the kind handsome prince and dan's a poor commoner who dreams of becoming world class musician. phil's parents hold a ball so he can meet his suitors, but he ends up falling for the pianist instead.
winter winds litter london with lonely hearts (ao3) - danlester (isaacmclahey)
Summary: theatre au where dan is on stage with a main part for the first time & is super excited, but one thing he isn't happy about is the fact it takes 45 mins to do his make up (made better by the distracting - but kinda cute - make up artist with the pokémon tattoo)
You’re Too Much - the-phan-nebula
Summary: Everything Dan knows about friendship is turned upside down when he moves to a new town and meets Phil Lester, a charming, funny, and friendly boy who seems like he owns the world. New friends can show you new things, and Phil shows him things he never thought he’d see, from bathroom anxiety attacks to his first drink and dance at a high school party. But as their friendship develops, Dan begins to feel things that quite honestly terrify him, and everything about Phil becomes overwhelming. Everything becomes too much.
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cyanwormonastring · 3 years ago
Heartstopper Playlist!
Guess what LGBTQ+ community, it's officially the last day of pride month. But fear not, for I have created a (very detailed) playlist for Heartstopper, mainly based around the characters! I'm also interested in making playlists specific characters would listen to put that might take a while to make. So without further ado, here is the list of songs that will be in this playlist, currently titled "gay rugby lads"
NOTE: this post will constantly be revised with the addition of more songs, and trust me, there will be a lot of new additions
(mostly) specific reasoning ->
Dance Wiv Me - Dizzee Rascal: when i heard this song initially, i thought "oh this is what a rugby lad would listen to" but now i also think *shakes head* *nods*
Stupid for You - Waterparks: a cheesy love song, but more specifically focused on the line "you're yellow, i'm natural blue" because the show has a yellow-and-blue theme
Hug All Ur Friends - Cavetown: idk how to explain this one it's kinda just heartstopper energy
Settle Down - Ricky Montgomery: "I wanna settle down with you/I wanna complain about my day with you" TRY AND TELL ME THIS ISN'T LITERALLY EVERY COUPLE IN HEARTSTOPPER. GO AHEAD.
Can't Take My Eyes off You - Frankie Valli: Look at the title. Look at it. Ok good.
Fool - Frankie Cosmos: "I thought we could eat bread/I thought we could talk" Nick talking to Charlie because he's so utterly in love with him
It’s Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Think It Must Be Love - Fall Out Boy: "Why can you read me like no one else?/I hide behind these words/But I'm coming out/I wish I kept them behind my tongue/I hide behind these words/But I'm coming out" literally the gayest song ever just go listen to it
Fruit Roll Ups - Waterparks: "I don't wana leave my house 'cause in here I'm the ruler/With my refrigerater full of pacific cooler/But for you I'd brave all the traffic outside/The way you brave all the bullshit I hold inside" PEAK INTROVERT (charlie) MADLY IN LOVE WITH HIS BF (nick)
Crushcrushcrush - Paramore: "I noticed your eyes are always glued to me" just look at the way literally ANY of the couples look at each other (also the "let's be more than this" being repeated multiple times throughout the song)
Television/So Far So Good - Rex Orange County: "What the fuck is a girlfriend? Imma need advice" wow a song that's not specifically about nick and charlie! this reminds me more of tao being too shy to shoot his shot with elle, but eventually doing so, and actually being in a happy relationship (see also: "i need insurance on my emotions, i can't get hurt again" because if that ain't tao i don't know what is)
Le Velo Pour Deux - The Brobecks: (no song lyrics here just listen to the whole song at this point) IMAGINE. THE PARIS GANG BEING VAMPIRES IN LOVE IN THE LATE 1800s OR EARLY 1900s?? AND THEM ALL BEING ON TANDEM BIKES??
Love At First Sight - The Brobecks: a cute little love song :)
Out Of My League - Fitz and The Tantrums: charlie totally thinks nick is out of his league
Looking Out for You - Joy Again: "It's just the way you're glancing at me/Something about you just makes me feel guilty for liking you" charlie feels bad about having a crush on nick, thinking he's the straightest dude alive (also i put this song on pretty much every playlist i have)
Favorite Record - Fall Out Boy: i think it would be very cute to have a scene of nick and charlie spinning in their rooms to their favorite songs
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane: it *can* be interpreted in many ways but generally i would like to see it as a couple going to a place that they have special memories, and i think that's beautiful
Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny: "But when he loves me I feel like I'm floating" LITERALLY NICK, CHARLIE, AND ELLE
Sofia - Clairo: a sapphic love song for tara and darcy
My Heart Is Buried In Venice: can't go wrong with ricky montgomery, man
space girl - Frances Forever: I think this song perfectly describes Darcy and Tara's relationship
Smile - Lily Allen: Charlie totally feels this way about Ben after realizing he's a bitch
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones) - Will Wood and the Tapeworms: Charlie's eating disorder (anorexia) is the general theme of this song
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood: nick is bi and that's reason enough to put this here
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood: Nick literally has daddy issues
Body - Mother Mother: Charlie feels insecure in his skin
Body Terror Song - AJJ: Same as Body
7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) - Fall Out Boy: Charlie telling Tao he's "not that desperate" for a rugby lad
It's Only Sex - Car Seat Headrest: basically what Charlie is going through in chapter 7
in the comics/show ->
Telephone - Waterparks: in the show
girls - girl in red: in the show
cute little love songs :) ->
Sugar Rush - Addison Grace
Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
Kiss Goodnight - iDKHOW
Clusterhug - iDKHOW
Always - Panic! At The Disco
Sweet Tooth - Cavetown
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
All My Loving - The Beatles
I Will - The Beatles
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