#he was surprised i knew about the studio haha
cordspaghetti · 11 months
guy next to me on the airplane recognized my mcr back patch and was like oh hey i’m friends with the guy who recorded their first album. and i was like oh like at nada?? and he was like YES he owns nada! and told me about how he’s still doing tons of stuff for the scene and also about some bands he personally got to hang out with while they were recording there. pretty cool !!
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acrosstheujiverse · 2 months
dynamics of an introverted couple
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【🔎】 description: scenarios you have with your introverted boyfriend, woozi, as an introvert yourself. 【🖇️】 pairing: introvert!woozi x introvert!reader. 【💿】 genre: FLUFF!! 【🧺】 tags: butterflies in your stomach, x1000 cute.
📬 — author’s note!my first official post! haha. it MAY take a while for me to actually have the courage and confidence to post my aus, but i hope you will be patient with me ^-^
thank you ♡ enjoy reading this.
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your love story wouldn’t be one of love at first sight. no. instead, it would go under the slow-burn genre of romance. a friends-to-lovers slow burn.
in the few instances where jihoon would be outside and hang out with his small circle of close friends, he would be introduced to you. by courtesy of seungcheol.
you and jihoon’s first meeting was somewhat formal, with a few jokes and questions to break the ice, courtesy of soonyoung. it would take the two of you more hangout sessions to actually feel comfortable in each other’s presence.
jihoon would be the first to fall; he wouldn’t admit it to you, but he started to be interested with everything you said, and he would care about you. more than in a friendly way.
when hit with the growing feeling of being in love with you, jihoon would try to keep it to himself. he would be too shy to confess his feelings.
as the two of you walked after having finished yet another hangout session with your friends, you would be the one who confessed to him. in the many hangouts you had, you knew jihoon already; he was not the type to actually express his feelings. he wouldn’t be the one confessing, and he wouldn’t have the courage to actually risk your friendship.
you and jihoon wouldn’t have many fights.
when you two DO have fights, it’s because of a lack of communication. you suppress your feelings, whereas jihoon expresses himself with harsh words, pushing people away and isolating himself in his studio. (it’s due to his hectic work schedule and lack of sleep that he struggles to manage his stress.)
you both learned the hard way why communication—communicating your feelings—is an important part of any relationship.
both of you have slowly become vulnerable to each other. through face-to-face conversations or through text, whichever makes you both comfortable.
“not everyone is comfortable talking about their emotions and vulnerabilities, and that’s okay. but please don’t push people out without first telling them how you feel about the topic (that you’re uncomfortable and would like to not talk about it). if they’re truly concerned about you, they would understand the boundary you just put up and drop the topic.”
this relationship would be LOWKEY—i mean on the down DOWN-low. to the point where the only time you publicly show your guy’s relationship would be after like 5+ years of dating. (it’s THAT lowkey.)
it wouldn’t be surprising to many if you both decided to announce your relationship once you were both engaged.
even though he doesn’t have that much dating experience… jihoon would be the romantic type. he doesn’t show it, but he has seen different types of media—from shows to animes—to KNOW how to be romantic towards his partner. he wouldn’t be the over-the-top kind of romantic, but he would surprise you in the simplest but sweetest of ways. like randomly giving you flowers (if you’re allergic, it’s fake flowers) out of nowhere just because he felt like it, or (leaning to something more of his forte) dedicating a song he’s been writing to you—a melodic and nostalgic feeling to it.
for you and jihoon, it’s the little things that count. simple but never boring.
both you and jihoon liked the privacy and intimacy of your relationship.
you two are liberated from the social convention of broadcasting your guy’s relationship to the public. you two can be in love without the prying eyes of the public.
sleeping in on weekends would be the norm for both of you because you’re both sleep-deprived.
groggily waking up to sight of jihoon’s cute sleeping face, you honestly can’t be more grateful for his existence and presence in your life.
you can’t help but lightly pinch at the sight of jihoon’s squishy cheeks. he would slowly and slightly open his eyes, his nose scrunching from the sensation. he gives you a lazy smile and a soft peck at the tip of your nose.
“g’morning love.”
[it was in fact the afternoon, but who could correct this fatigued guy?]
although your love for each other may not be as obvious as most relationships are, it is the kind of love that you’re glad to be going home to.
a quiet love that speaks languages that only you two understand.
— fin.
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jyoongim · 7 months
May I please request some Alastor fluff where he and reader are married in Hell, but he later finds out reader was actually married in her life before and now he keeps asking about her old husband and keeps trying to out-do him even though reader never really compared the two before?
"Oh he brought you flowers? That's nice. *Magically poofs up a whole a garden behind the hotel* I can do better though."
Obviously burning with jealousy like how dare reader get married to someone else beside him. Like ye, he died about a whole century before reader was even born but that's beside the point.
Bonus if said husband shows up later in hotel and he and reader aren't really romantically involved anymore but are good friends but Al's eye still twitches in annoyance whenever he's around.
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Never mention that there was once another man in your life besides Alastor.
You were sitting in the lounge with Angel chatting. He had made a dirty joke on how you had ‘Mr. Fancy Talk’ wrapped around your finger. “What yer got a thing for older men toot?” He laughed. You glared playfully at him, admitting that you had been married to an older man when you were living. This led to you talking about your first husband.
”Wait so you tellin me that another guy got the goods before Fancypants? Ha!” You blushed, rolling your eyes. “No no I mean YES but it wasn’t a great marriage”
You gushed at how great of a husband Alastor, how attentive and caring he was towards your needs. Your first husband was a great man, but you were young when you married him and the only thing he was concerned about was you keeping the house clean, cooking, and work. 
Your decent to Hell was a result of your marriage. You had felt like you weren’t the best wife and your husband didn’t really spend time with you. It really took a toll on your emotional and mental being. But you held no ill will towards the man you once married.
With Alastor you THRIVED. He made you feel loved ironic ain’t it and tended to all of your needs. Alastor gave you anything you desired.
So you thought nothing of it when you woke up to flowers and breakfast. Alastor greeted you with a soft kiss as you rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes. “Why good morning my dear! I do hope you had pleasant dreams” he beamed, setting the breakfast tray on your lap. You blinked in surprise and smiled “Oh Al you didn’t have to. I could have cooked breakfast” you said, happily opening your mouth as he fed you some fluffy pancakes.
Alastor hummed “Nonsense! You should be pampered my dear and as your HUSBAND it is my job to make sure you don’t work yourself to the bone”
You hadn’t thought anything of it.
Alastor was full of surprises and such a gentleman.
So you went about your week.
But you knew when something was bothering your husband.
”baby…what’s this?” You asked Alastor confused as you walked around your new studio. Your little nook that you dedicated to painting,writing, and other little hobbies was now a full room with a view of a newly placed garden.
Alastor just smiled “I thought you could use a bit more place. Isn’t this better? Now you can enjoy the scenery and not be crammed in a stuffy corner”
You still thought nothing of it.
until….a letter came for you in the mail.
Your ex-husband had seen an advertisement of the hotel. He saw that you were managing it and wanted to swing by to see how you were doing.
You were weary to tell Alastor, but when you told him, he just smiled at you ”Then we’ll just have to put on a good show then wont we dear?”
A show indeed.
A knock at the door reached your ears and you opened it to reveal your ex-husband. You gave him a smile and welcomed him inside.
He enveloped you into a hug, twirling you around “Well I be damned! Thought the papers were lyin’ how ya been doll?”
The lights flickered.
You laughed “Well better than the living haha. So what brings you by what have you been up too?” You ushered him to sit on the couch.
He filled you in on how he died and what he had been doing in Hell the last few decades.
You tried to catch your breathe from laughing. “So wait? You’re telling me that the whole thing was a scam? Hahahaha” 
He chuckled “Yea I should have known better. You would have slapped me straight”
You nodded in agreement still giggling. He looked around “sooo a hotel for redeeming souls….how you come up with that?”
You excitedly showed him around as you briefly explained that you were just a simple manager. Helping the Princess of Hell with her dream of helping sinners who wanted to see the pearly gates.
”Actually it was my husband’s idea” You smiled.
The man gawked “Y-Ya got married again?”
You nodded happily and taking a moment “He’s here actually i can introduce-” You bumped into something…someone.
You chirped happily “Ah Alastor! I was just coming to find you”
Alastor looked the sinner over.  He was NOT impressed at all.
THAT is what you were married to before? Oh honey
You definitely leveled up.
”Alastor this is *ex-husband name*” “*ex-husband name* this is Alastor”
Your ex-husband extended his hand “How’d ya do?”
Alastor gave him a sharp smile, taking his hand “Pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure” he swiftly shook his hand and swiped his hand after on his jacket Alastor baby PLEASE
Your ex-husband swung a arm around your shoulders, grinning “doll face here was telling me about your fine establishment here. I am truly happy she has someone to take care of her. You truly found a gem here sir”
Alastor’s eye twitched.
In a smooth motion, Alastor grabbed your hand, pulling you to his side, looping your arm in his, giving a tight smile “I couldn’t agree more”
He walked you back into the lobby, you ex following.
”MY wife told me a lot about you. I must admit I am shocked at how much you lack” Alastor eyes narrowed on the man.
The man sweatdropped, laughing nervously “Yea I admit I wasn’t the best husband but I did care about her”
You cooed, happy your ex could admit his wrongs but still thought of you in a good light.
Alastor hummed “Surely not the best” he feigned looking at his claws.
You talked for a bit more before your ex stood up to leave.
”Well it was nice to see you but i should really get going doll”
You pouted “No its way too late, why don’t you stay we have plenty of room.”
Alastor was quick to object “now now my dear if the man NEEDS to go we shouldn’t try to stop him. He probably has better things to do” he narrowed his eyes at your ex.
Get out
”He right doll, But ill be sure to stop by again…it was nice seeing you again.”
You gave him a hug which made Alastor growled and waved him off. You closed the door and turned back to your husband with a smile. You were happy that he was on his best behavior. You had feared he would eat the man.
You sighed, wrapping your arms around his waist, giggling
”You know you’re the best man I’ve ever met right Al” you pressed a kiss to his lips.
He hummed, lanky arms wrapped around your waist, kissing you back
 “How about we head upstairs and I show you why I am the best”
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mirisss · 1 year
SKZ reaction to their gf being an ACE idol
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Stray Kids OT8 x Afab! Reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.6k
Warnings: talking about giving up, food, 
Thank you for the request! I wrote a bit more than just the reaction, but I hope you still like it!
Please reblog!
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Third person POV
(Y/n) met Stray Kids when they all joined JYPE as she too was a trainee under the label. (Y/n) quickly became close with all the members and they all got along very well. Sooner rather than later they all fell in love with each other and entered a poly relationship about 2 years after SKZ made their debut. (Y/n) was still waiting to debut and almost became hopeless after waiting for so long and not getting a chance. Even though the nine of them had known each other for a few years, the SKZ members hadn’t seen (Y/n) sing, rap, or dance, in a long time. They had probably only seen her perform once or twice before they debuted. 
Stray Kids were preparing for their next comeback which meant that they didn’t have too much time to hang out with (Y/n). So one day when they were going to be at JYPE the entire day, (Y/n) decided to join them and spend some time with them while they were practicing. This then resulted in the boys wanting (Y/n) to join them when dancing and let’s just say, SKZ was not ready for (Y/n)’s skills. 
“(Y/n)! It’s been so long, I missed you so much, I felt like I was gonna die if I didn’t see you soon,” Han said as he rushed to give (Y/n) a hug as she stepped inside the dance studio. “Ji, we literally saw each other two days ago,” “I know, it’s been so long,” “Haha, okay drama-king, I’ve missed you too,” After everyone had a chance to hug (Y/n) she went over to sit down on the couch in the corner of the room while the boys began warming up to practice the choreo to their dance. 
As (Y/n) was observing the members dancing as well as trying to sing/rap their parts to see if any dance moves made it harder to sing or rap at the same time. (Y/n) quickly got the feeling of the song and she became captivated with everything. Not too long after the boys had taken a little water break, they ended up finding a problem. 
“Because we have this like body roll here I find it hard to actually get the right note because I can’t support it fully,” Seungmin said, Lee Know tried out the move on his own, his face full of concentration. “Could you try doing it like this?” Lee Know showed an example of another version of the move, followed by Seungmin trying it out but still struggling a little. (Y/n) was thinking it through and she came up with an idea of what they could possibly do but she had to try it out herself first. 
“Could you play the track to that part? I might have an idea for how it could be executed, but I have to try it first,” They all turned to (Y/n), a little surprised. Of course, they knew that she was a trainee and had been for a while but it had been so long since they last saw (Y/n) doing anything idol-like. “Yeah, sure, hold on,” Chan ran over to the phone and fixed the music. As soon as it played (Y/n) began dancing, executing every single dance move to perfection while also rapping along to Han’s part to smoothly transition into the vocal part belonging to Seungmin. Stray Kids were shocked at how good (Y/n) was dancing, rapping, and singing. And also with how quickly she had memorized the dance and everything. (Y/n) continued dancing, singing, and rapping until the song ended. The boys cheered and fanboyed over how good she was. 
“(Y/n)! WHAT? WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL US YOU WERE THIS GOOD? THINK OF ALL THE COLLABS WE COULD HAVE DONE?” Changbin was freaking out and shaking (Y/n) as he hugged her. All of them looked so proud as they lovingly gazed at (Y/n). “Thank you, guys, but isn’t it kind of difficult to collaborate with someone who hasn’t debuted?” As (Y/n) reminded them of the fact that she was still a trainee they all looked a bit sad and disappointed. “Yeah, it would be difficult. You haven’t heard anything about your debut?” Chan asked after he told everyone to take a break to eat something. “No, not since last year when I was told that it wasn’t the right time to debut a soloist and they don’t seem to want me in a group so I’m getting a bit hopeless,” “Don’t be, it will be fine. Everything will work out, trust me, I waited a long time too,” Chan enveloped (Y/n) in a warm hug, Felix soon joined in, followed by the rest of them. 
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(Not my gifs) ↑ how they react to (Y/n)
After they had taken a break to eat some lunch, they got back in the studio, This time (Y/n) joined them while dancing and the nine of them had some fun messing around with the dance and singing and rapping. Just enjoying their time together. Once the day was over, Chan asked Changbin to stay behind with him while the others went home. “What’s up, hyung?” “(Y/n) is way too talented to just be a trainee, she’s giving up Binnie. We can’t let that happen,” “What can we do, though? We can’t do more than try to encourage her,” “Yes we can, I’m sure that the company is doubting if she can become a soloist that will be popular, especially since the age of new groups and soloists keeps going down. So they don’t know if it’s worth debuting her, spending a lot of money on her songs and everything. So, what if 3racha writes her debut song? We are in-house producers, it will be way cheaper, our stays will support her if we write her songs, and I’m sure STAY will fall in love with (Y/n) if they’re only given a chance to hear and see her,” “That’s true, STAY would love her, and a lot of other people too, we can at least try to help her,”
As soon as the two came home they spoke with Han too, explaining their plan. 3racha has some power within the company and they knew that they could gain the support of the company if they were persuasive enough. The three sat down in Chan’s room where he had his mini-studio, brainstorming concepts and genres that would fit their girlfriend. They worked all night to have a rough draft to show the company in the morning. At the meeting, 3racha played it cool at first, just speaking about their comeback. Once the meeting was coming to an end, Chan raised his hand saying there was a special topic he wished to discuss. The staff gave him the floor, allowing him to speak up. He told them about seeing (Y/n) perform their song the other day and how he thinks JYPE is wasting her potential by not debuting her which is why 3racha had written 5 tracks for (Y/n) that could be used for her debut mini-album. The staff was a bit taken aback but listened to what the idols/producers had to say. The staff accepted the feedback and said that they would bring it with them to the staff meeting this afternoon and see what everyone had to say. 
The next day, (Y/n) stormed into the dance studio where SKZ was dancing, walking up to Chan with a slightly irritated look on her face. “What did you do?” “What do you mean?” “Did you force JYPE to debut me?” “What? No?” “I was told that my debut date has been set and my songs are pretty much finished, thanks to 3racha for producing them,” “Yeah? That’s true, We did write some songs for you and talked with the company but we didn’t threaten them or anything, we just said that they’re wasting your potential and that if it would help we have 5 tracks written for you,” “So, they’re actually debuting me for my talent?” “Of course, they are, Look we wrote those songs because we wanted to help you. The company seemed like they would wait forever and we didn’t want you to give up. And we know that if STAY sees that we were involved in the songs, they will support you, and if they just give you a chance they’ll fall in love with you,” “Thank you,” (Y/n) began crying, she was finally making her debut, all thanks to her lovely boyfriends who believed in her when she didn’t believe in herself. “And once you’ve debuted, we can collab!” “Yeah!” 
“I love you guys,” “We love you too!” “Congratulations on debuting!” Not too long after (Y/n) made her debut, the entire industry was talking about her as she took the stage like a pro. The way she danced, rapped, and sang, people were going crazy wondering if she really was a rookie or not. And when a collab stage came out with (Y/n) and Han everyone in the industry, staff, idols, and fans alike, was mind-blown. STAYs and (Y/n)’s fans were all saying this was a collab of the ACES, The two idols were incredible and people said that they had such chemistry too. Articles were written about the “ACES of JYPE,” 
(Not my gif) ↓ SKZ's reaction to (Y/n)’s debut (except, Hyunjin didn’t look scared/disgusted)
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diddybok · 1 year
finding a present you got them.
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all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in anyway represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
➩genre(s): fluff, boyfriend!stray kids
➩warnings: swearing, violence (not bad i promise), suggestiveness
➩wc: 4.2k (4,200) each varies from 330-700 words!
➩author’s note: isn’t it funny how you’re reading this and it not actually happening to you? come my love, let us hold hands whilst we cry and be delusional.
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You decided to visit Chris at work. You had bought him a present that you think he would really appreciate. Greeting the staff members, you made your way up to his studio and entered the code to get in.
You always loved seeing him hard at work, it was just something about how he concentrates so deeply on a song that was so sexy to you.
You walked in and placed your bag and some food you got him on the sofa. He had his headphones in so you gently wrapped your arms across his shoulders and placed a kiss on his cheek. He instantly paused what he was working on and took off his headphones.
“Hey baby what are you doing here?” He asks excitedly as he brings you to sit on his lap. He doesn’t let you reply straight away as he draws your face closer to his to kiss you lovingly.
“I have a surprise for you.” You say softly.
“Is that so?” He says raising an eyebrow at you. He pats the side of your thigh as you get up and run to your bag and pull out the gift box you have.
You make your way back over to him, but you miss the almost sorry look he gives you before it lightens up again.
You hand it to him to open and he does, careful not to make a mess of the wrapping paper. As the item is revealed he gasps.
“Wait woah, I wasn’t expecting these! Baby thank you so much oh my gosh!” He gleams.
“You like them?” You ask as you watch him pull the new noise cancelling headphones out of the box.
“Like them? Babe I love them. Thank you so much!” He says pulling you onto his lap to place kisses all over your cheeks.
“There’s more waiting for you at home.” You say laughing at how cute he looks trying his new headphones on.
“Is it the new joggers you got me?” He says admiring his newest addition to his studio.
It was as if the DJ had just scratched the record and the waitstaff just dropped flutes of champagne. It hadn’t dawned on Chris what he had just said until he looked at you and the smile fell from his face and the reality of what he just said settled in.
“Oh fuck. I meant what is it? Haha.” He awkwardly laughs to try and cover up his mistake. It was too late though as your arms had begun their journey to cross over your chest and your bottom lip en route to stick out.
“No don’t do that.” Chris says now mirroring your pout. “I promise that was a mistake. I wasn’t going to tell you that I saw you wrapping up my gifts. You looked too cute and happy to ruin the surprise.” He explains trying to pry your arms open. Lucky for him you weren’t putting up much of a fight and he wraps your arms around his neck and carries you over to sit on the sofa.
“You deserve an Oscar for that performance” You mumble. He chuckles lightly and sways you gently.
“I do don’t I?” He agrees, but it earns a sharp glance his way and he quickly apologises.
“Well since you knew I was going to give you those. Can you be surprised when I say I also brought you dinner?” You ask.
“That I didn’t actually know so let’s eat together. Then I’ll treat you to whatever dessert you want as an apology”. At that your face broke it’s annoyed exterior and you both smiled.
He may have known what you got him but at least he tried to act like he didn’t. Honestly, who could ask for a better boyfriend?
You’re laying on your bed on your stomach scrolling through TikTok’s. Your ‘For You’ page has been filled with loads of videos that have been making you laugh, some getting a snort out of you.
“Uh oh seems we have a little piglet that has entered the house.” Minho says jumping on your legs and straddling your thighs.
“Rude and disrespectful. Though these are really funny videos.” You say humming with laughter. Minho starts making a beat, slapping your butt cheeks and giving them a squeeze here and there.
You would act surprised, but his infatuation with people’s bums are something that should be studied. But by STAY, not you. If you come across one more video of him attacking the boys’ butts you will start to side eye him.
He continues his impromptu song-making session as you continue to scroll. Doongie strolls in and jumps up on the bed, curling up by Minho’s pillow. Resting his little head to sleep to the sound of ‘drums’, he is startled by your eruption of laughter.
“Shh you woke Doongie. What are you even watching that’s so funny?” Minho says now laying fully on top of your back leaning his head around yours to see your phone.
You go to turn and explain to him what the video was, but a strong scent filled your senses. A scent you have smelt before, but certainly not on him.
“Min, babe, I like your cologne. Is it new?” You question carefully.
“Yep! I was looking for your nail file in your bag and found a wrapped present addressed to me. So I obviously opened it. I smell good don’t I? I’ve been receiving a lot of compliments from it today. Thank you by the way.” He says dismissively, giving your cheek a quick peck.
“How long ago did you find it?” You say trying to seem unbothered.
“Hmm, maybe a week?”
You choke slightly. So all that panicking thinking you had lost this really expensive cologne was for nothing. Because your boyfriend had found it and was getting all the compliments from your present to him.
You turn around the best you can underneath him, your phone to one side replaying the video over and over again. He looks down at you with a cheeky smile.
“Not cool.” You say.
“Oh come on, I’m sorry. I couldn’t pretend I hadn’t seen it though. Does it make it better that today was the only day I had worn it?” Minho says in between planting kisses all over your face.
“Forgive me? I know of some ways I can make it up to you. Ways that will need for me to reapply it once I’m finished.” He purrs winking at you.
You turn your head to stop him from seeing the way you blushed at his words. He gently grabs your chin and turns your head to face him again.
“I think you squeezing your thighs together is a yes hmm kitten?” He whispers against your lips. Unable to control your breathing, you groan and run your fingers through his hair.
“Doongie, please leave. I don’t want you to see just how I am going to show my forgiveness to Y/n.” He says directing that at the orange fur ball but smirking at you.
It seems Doongie got the message because he swiftly exited the room. Just as long as you both don’t overrun and miss his and his sibling’s dinner time like last time!
Changbin walked in the house and threw his gym bag in the utility room to unpack later. He had finished early at the studio today so he thought to get his gym session in earlier today and surprise you.
However, there was no sign of you anywhere. He went to your shared bedroom and that’s when he heard the shower on and your lovely attempt at singing one of their songs.
Deciding he would very much like to join you in the shower, he goes to the wardrobe to grab a clean towel. Something had caught his eye, a bright red bag at the bottom of the wardrobe tucked away in the corner.
His interest piqued, he pulls the bag out and brings it over to the window to see it better in the light.
Inspecting the gym bag he smiles knowing this was all you, but then he finds ‘Chang-been getting swole!’ written down the side. He lets out a roar of a laugh clearly amused by your choice of word play.
It seems he was laughing for so long and very loudly that he didn’t hear the shower turn off and you call out his name.
You come racing in to find him bent over laughing wiping stray tears. Changbin immediately stops laughing when he feels a sting on his backside. He turns around looking at you incredulously, holding the cheek you just attacked.
“Should’ve named it ‘Chang-been caked up’ that shit jiggle.” You tease, wrapping your towel tighter around you.
“How. Dare. You. Smack my butt and then say it jiggles.” Changbin says eyes wide. Momentarily looking at you in your towel, but then back up to your face.
“How dare you laugh at the present I was going to give you?” You fire back. “Plus I couldn’t help myself, it’s just so juicy.”
“Yah!” he says before chasing you around the house. You had better hope you run and hide quickly if you still want to keep your backside!
“Babe?” Hyunjin pokes his head around the corner of the kitchen looking for your whereabouts. He was in the studio finishing a painting before he heard you scramble in. Usually greeting him with a kiss, he hadn’t seen you. That was an hour ago.
Trying his luck upstairs again, he sees the door to his studio is shut. That’s strange, I could’ve sworn I had left it open? He slowly approaches the door, placing the side of his head on the door to listen for any sign of you inside. Nothing.
He swings open the door and sees crumpled wrapping paper thrown all over the room. However what catches his eye is the mahogany wooden box, open to reveal the most finely crafted paint brush set.
He makes his way over to admire the collection, gently picking up and inspecting each brush before setting it back down in its designated spot in the box.
He quickly tiptoes out of the studio, making sure he left everything as he found it. As he was walking down the stairs with a wide grin on his face, he runs straight into you.
He jumps back all dramatic whilst you stand there staring at him with one eyebrow raised, a lollipop in your mouth.
“What’re you doing?” You question, folding your arms.
“What, no kiss hello? What flavour lollipop is that?” Hyunjin asks not giving you time to answer as he snatches it out your mouth and puts it in his.
“Yum strawberry, imagine that?” He releases the sweet with a ‘pop’ and places one arm on the wall. “Well I mean it is red so one could only assume. Though nowadays watermelon sweets are red so it could be tricky to decipher which is which. Then again you could just read the label-”
You groan overzealously which halts his rambling. You drop your arms and head in defeat and lackadaisically wander around him to the kitchen.
“What?” He says right on your tail. “Did you want the lollipop back? I mean you can have it if you want, but it’s kinda tasty.”
You shut him up with your lips on his. His eyes are wide as he looks at you quizzically.
“I hope you enjoy them my love” You say rolling your eyes as you caress his cheek.
Hyunjin bashfully looks at you and places the lollipop to your lips. You part them willingly to let the sweet treat in and immediately you are lifted off the ground and spun in the air.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” He exclaims as he spins you causing you to laugh. He places you down gently, removes the lollipop from your mouth and places a soft kiss on your lips. “I love you sweetheart.”
Jisung was playing games on your phone and singing some of their unreleased music as you were in the kitchen cooking.
He was about to get ready to belt the next line when a notification caught his attention.
‘Your Dior Order Confirmation…’
He may have gotten excited and clicked on it considering you were both talking about some Dior sunglasses the other day.
What had surprised him though, was the style that was seemingly what you had bought, looked a lot like the ones he had on his wish list. Matter of fact, he is certain they are the correct ones.
“Hey Ji, dinner’s almost ready!” You yell from the kitchen. He gets up hurriedly and makes his way into the kitchen, getting plates from the cupboard.
Though he tries, he can’t contain the excitement that is clearly showing on his face.
“What’s got you smiling so brightly? Did you complete a hard level of Wordscapes?” You ask plating the food.
You look around the empty apartment. “Yes you, ain’t no one else in this place.”
Jisung is still gleaming as he makes his way around you, getting glasses and filling them up with your respective choice of drink. As he goes to walk past you again, you carefully stop him, placing your hand on his chest.
“Ji…what did you do?” You ask him slowly.
“Nothing! I just love you so much. You are the best ever and I’m going to marry you someday.” He says smiling down at you. You smile softly and place a loving kiss on his lips.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
Your belly was fully after finishing your dinner. Jisung had washed up and insisted you both have ice cream for dessert. Though you felt you were about to explode.
As he was digging around in the freezer, you checked your phone for any messages. As you unlocked it, you were surprised to see the page it was left on.
You put two and two together instantly and couldn’t stop the rumble of laughter. He really did remind you of a toddler in many ways. It did bum you out sadly that you couldn’t surprise him fully with his gift, but it’s okay.
His mood was much more jovial since he had read that email and you found it unbelievably cute. Now here he was stuffing his cheeks with ice cream. You called his name to see the full ‘quokka face’ in action. Big eyes, raised eyebrows and big puffy cheeks. You leaned in and kissed his lips, they were cold and tasted like chocolate. You wiped the edge of his mouth with your thumb and sucked off some of the creamy goodness.
“I love you and your inability to hide anything from me” You chuckle. He tilts his head and swallows what was left in his mouth.
“Why would I hide anything from my baby?” He asks genuinely confused.
“I know you read the email.”
He starts shaking his head apologetically and mumbling incoherent apologies. “I really am sorry, I didn’t mean to look at it, but I was just playing the game and then it popped down on the screen and then I got excited because we were talking about it the other day. I’m sorry!” He rambles.
“It’s okay JiJi” You laugh watching him scramble to put the bowl once full with ice cream down and cuddle up with you.
“When I said I was going to marry you, it wasn’t because you buy me things, but because I really do want to spend my life with you. You take such good care of me when I sometimes don’t.” He confirms.
“I know, I would never think you would marry me for my money because you’re obviously not doing well for yourself huh” You joke.
“Ha ha real funny”
“Okay okay, I love you and your wallet Ji.” You tease kissing his forehead before snuggling up to him.
“Fifi and the flowertots~” You sing around your shared apartment looking for your boyfriend. You went into his gaming room and was shocked to see he wasn’t there gaming or building lego sets. You take a look at the office chair he has and remember all the conversations about him complaining about his neck and his back.
You sigh softly and continue down the hall to the kitchen, humming along to the song of choice you use to call your boyfriend.
It certainly wasn’t a lovely day as what you saw stopped you dead in your tracks. It had been a while since Felix baked, but that wasn’t what surprised you.
It was the ginormous chef’s hat he was wearing. The one that you had bought as a set with his-
“Oh hi doll, ‘m making brownies!” He exclaims facing you with flour on his cheeks. You look down at the apron he’s wearing.
‘Don’t brown nose me for my brownies >:(’ it reads. His eyes follow yours and he looks down at his apron.
“Oh yeah, I really liked it and I couldn’t wait to bake with my new attire. So…I put it on and started baking.” He sheepishly admits, bringing his fingers to his neck.
You run over to him, unable to deny how cute he looks in his gift and pull him into a warm embrace.
“You know you look really cute right now. That’s the only thing from stopping me being mad at you for unpacking my gift and wearing it without me giving it to you.” You giggle.
“Cute? I don’t know, I think I wanna look sexy in this.” He says cupping your face with both hands and pretending to think.
“That’s an easy solution to fix. Clothes off. Apron and hat on.” You propose. You see a faint colouring of pink adorn his honey freckled cheeks.
“Oh. I mean. Well yeah sure.” He chokes out. You smile and bring his lips down to meet yours. He smiles into the kiss and releases with a sigh of content.
“Hey Lix”
“Don’t ruin my surprise again.” You say smiling.
“Don’t worry doll I won’t! You can have some freshly baked brownies as a sorry.” He clears his throat. “Then maybe we can test the whole, just apron on thing.” Felix lowly speaks.
“I would say you would make me a very happy person if you did both” You smile and kiss him once more before moving to sit at the island and patiently wait for your brownies.
Lucky for you, he thinks that’s his only gift. It’s going to be hard work lugging a gaming chair to his gaming room without him noticing!
You fumble with the keys in your hand trying to unlock the front door. Why you thought you could carry your bags, some food shopping and takeout all in one trip you don’t know. Yet here you are cursing at some metal for not getting in the hole.
Suddenly the door opens and your fingers breathe, the weight being lifted off of them. You walk inside and close the door quickly. Careful to not let all the heat from the house escape outside.
“Thanks minnie” You sigh as you kick your shoes off and join him as he unloads the shopping.
You wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his back, enjoying the warmth he emits.
“This hoodie is so soft, I am definitely stealing it for a day” You say rubbing your cheek against it.
“Aht Aht! Stop rubbing up on my hoodie. You’re not stealing this one, this one is special.” Seungmin says turning round to embrace you properly and place a kiss on your forehead.
“Why?” You say as you step out of his embrace slightly and look at his new hoodie.
“You gotta be shitting me.”
“The food smells so good, I’ll plate it up. You go find something for us to watch” He says ignoring your last words and grabbing the food containers.
“You’re wearing it!”
“Sight is such a spectacular thing to have. I’m lucky we are both blessed to see” He nonchalantly states.
“Why can’t you be a normal boyfriend and wait for me to surprise you with a gift instead of you surprising me by wearing it?” You say lightly slapping his arm to which he fails to hide his smile as he tries to avoid the onslaught of hits.
“‘Cause then I would have to pretend to not know that you got me a gift. I always know as soon as I see you looking at the labels of my hoodies or asking the boys what clothes I’ve been looking at recently. It’s cute.” He smiles kissing the pout off of your lip.
“Thank you baby I love it. Now let’s go eat.” He says kissing you one more time before tapping your butt to send you off to the living room.
One day you’ll be able to surprise him with a gift. Just not any time soon.
You and Jeongin are walking hand in hand down the street, running errands and aimlessly browsing in stores. One of your errands was to pick up your ring that you had got replenished.
“I’ll be right back, ‘m just gonna get my ring. You can go in the clothes store and I’ll meet you in there?” You say giving a slight squeeze to his hand.
“You sure? I don’t mind waiting.” He says looking at all of the jewellery in the store before settling back to your eyes.
“Yeah I wont be long, plus I’ll know what section to find you in anyways” You reassure.
Jeongin nods once before squeezing your hands three times. ‘I love you’ he says through the action and you quickly respond, giggling to yourself.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
Getting your ring back took longer than expected. So much longer that when you went to find Jeongin in the store you knew he’d be at, he was already waiting outside of it sat on a bench nearby.
He had a big bag of clothes and shoes that he said he would show you once you were home. He said he ‘Couldn’t help himself’ and ‘You weren’t there to monitor him’. To which you just rolled your eyes in response.
Now you’re sat on the sofa as he gives you a fashion show, which you are thoroughly enjoying.
“And for the last outfit, drumroll please” He announces around the corner. You start to tap the armrest of the sofa to mimic drums which cues his entrance.
The smile that once adorned your face fell all the way to your knees as you stared at his outfit open mouthed in shock.
“That is not a ‘he’s so sexy I want to rip those clothes off of him’ look.” Jeongin says freezing in place at your reaction.
“What did I do?” He says mildly panicking.
You quickly rush to your bedroom and pull out a ginormous gift box from underneath the bed. You run back in and practically throw it in his arms.
“Woah! You got me a big gif-”
“Shut up and open it.” You interject. He looks at you taken aback before quickly doing as you say.
He reads the little note you left on top. ‘Thought you would look good in this <3’. He coos before he looks further inside the box.
He pulled out the shirt and held it up in front of him. He clears his throat and lays it on the back of the sofa. He then pulls the jeans out the box and places them below the shirt. Laying the outfit out in full, his face goes pale. He looks back in the box to see a pair of shoes.
“What the actual fuck is going on in Beyoncé’s planet earth right now?” He speaks solemnly.
You look down at his outfit and then to the sofa, then back to him. You had literally bought every piece of clothing, including the shoes, for him and was planning to gift it to him.
Without intention, you both put up your fists and start to circle around each other.
“Who are you, imposter?” You threaten, bucking up.
“Me? You’re the one that’s in my head apparently. How did you know I would get this exact outfit.” He retorts.
You go to throw a punch, but he ducks out the way just in time. He stumbles slightly and you use that as the opportunity to strike him in the stomach.
“OW!” He screams. You feign gasp and step back.
“Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to actually hit you!” You lie. He huddles over sputtering and pretending to die. You crouch down besides his body and get close to his face.
“You ever pull some freaky shit like that again, I will send your ass to Area 51. Trust.” You whisper before placing a kiss on the side of his head.
“Oh and I’m keeping the outfit for myself!” You say grabbing the clothes and putting them in your room.
Jeongin sits up and starts uncontrollably laughing to himself. He grabs his phone and starts a group facetime with the boys.
“You will never believe what just happened.”
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
726 notes · View notes
httpknjoon · 1 year
(re)starting over again | kth; 10.5
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plot | Your four-year relationship with Taehyung was going well and strong. Until he was involved in a car accident, resulting to him losing some memories. By some, it means everything that happened five years ago. Things he remember? His friends, his bakeshop, and his ex girlfriend from the past. With that, you tried to keep up, restarting over again.
words | 3.5k
genres | fluff, angst, amnesia au
pairing | taehyung x reader
warning/s | -
note | more angst haha I swear rainbows and sunshine are coming soon. icymi, I made a spotify playlist for this series! it gets updated every time I write for mc and taehyung. expect it to be angsty haha! anyways, enjoy reading this one. let me know y'all's thoughts.
main masterlist | series masterlist
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“Are you sure about this?”
Gail, your supervisor, looked at you while holding the paper you gave her just minutes ago. Your heart beats heavier and louder as you stood in front of her. Gail was never a terrifying supervisor to you. She was always considerate. But this thing that you’re doing right now is still nail-biting. You came to work early today just so you can talk to her. No one knew about your plan except you. 
“Yes,” you replied, unconsciously fiddling with the fabric of your scrub pants.
She stared at you for what felt like a minute. You cannot even read what’s going on in her head. Her eyes wore no emotions and her lips formed a thin line. She moved her sight to the paper again. You felt like you needed to say something.
You cleared your throat, “I’m sorry if it seemed too soon.”
“Oh, it’s fine. We all know two weeks is the minimum time for notices like this.” Finally, her lips broke into a small smile, easing you for a little, as she looks at you again. “May I ask your reason for making this decision?”
You didn’t hesitate on telling your true reason, “I need to take a break and a new environment due to recent circumstances.”
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That was two days ago. Gail approved your resignation letter after that exchange and was supportive of your decision. She said you can come to her anytime if you need a recommendation letter for your next employer. Your two-week notice began that same day without anyone– even Jisoo or Julia– knowing. You don’t want to disturb Jisoo because she’s already stressed enough with her wedding.
“You coming home?” Julia asked as you two get your bags on your lockers. 
You two just finished your graveyard shift at seven o clock. You just had a twelve-hour shift but you’re still off to somewhere.
You shook your head, “Not yet. I’m taking a train to Incheon.” 
Her head tilted in your direction, “What? Why? That’s like an hour's ride from here.”
“I’ll be checking this studio apartment unit I saw online,” you answered like it’s not a big deal.
Her eyes widened almost instantly, “You’re moving?!”
You quietly nod your head to her surprised question. A hint of excitement was also obvious in her tone.
“That’s far! Have you told Jisoo yet?”
“How about Taehyung? Is he going to travel from there to his shop every day? And the house–”
“I still haven’t talked to him about it.” you cut her off calmly before she can ask anything else.
Julia was quick to understand what you meant. Your lips formed into a small, sad smile after saying that. Julia just waved her hand back when you waved yours as you bid goodbye. She instantly knew that moving to a new place isn’t the only life-changing choice you’re making in your life right now.
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It was a couple of days before Jisoo and Namjoon’s special day, exactly three days in your two-week notice. Raindrops just happened to visit every night you have a late night shift. You didn’t notice the weather until you heard the roars of thunder while you were in the shower. 
You were busy the whole day in your room. Just cleaning up, feeling like a robot, numbly working so much but eating less. You only had a late breakfast. Taehyung made you buttermilk waffles with fruits, leaving it in a Tupperware on your kitchen counter. You ate and made sure to leave no dishes in the sink. Like a ghost, that’s how you liked to describe your recent presence in your shared home.
You find yourself busy since morning, removing photos in the frames you displayed before and folding some of your clothes from your closet to your luggage. Then, you prepared for your eight-hour shift. Just five minutes past ten in the evening, you walked out of your room ready to go.
You saw Taehyung sitting on one of the chairs on your kitchen counter. A thin sheet of smoke from the cup on the table showed he was drinking tea. 
“Hi.” you greeted him shortly.
The shorter your response is, the smaller the chances of small talk, you thought. 
“I packed you some light snacks there. Just some granola and fruits. Also, yogurt.”  
You want to feel something. The joy and giddiness you always have when Taehyung does nice things for you, pre and post-accident. Something that will make your day and shifts your mood. But you almost felt nothing now.
“It’s raining hard tonight,” he mumbled, looking outside the small window in your kitchen.
“It is.”
You tried to busy yourself with putting the snacks he prepared in your bag, not even looking up at him. Not until he said,
“Can I walk you to the stop?” 
Finally, you looked at him. He cannot assume if you’re surprised based on your expression because your face remained blank. No emotions at all.
He continued, ”I just want to make sure you’ll get to work safely.”
“Okay.” Whatever you say.
“You know, you don’t have to do any of this.” You were just looking ahead as you resumed, “You’re not obligated to do anything with me.”
“I wanted to do this.” He replied.
You knew he was looking in your direction through your peripheral vision. As much as you wanted to believe his sincerity, you don’t want to get your hopes high. He was just being nice. That’s it.
Before you go, he handed you another extra umbrella. No one said a single word. You sat away from the windows, just at the back of the bus. Because you knew damn well that you might feel guilty if you see Taehyung frozen on the same spot, waiting for your bus to leave.
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“Wake her up. I’ll take out our stuff.”
Jimin unfastened his seatbelt after parking the car. Taehyung turned his head back to your direction. You have been sleeping throughout the whole night and none of them bothered to wake you up when they had a quick stopover since they knew you came from an overnight shift earlier. He got off his seat, gently closing the passenger door.
“YN….” he softly calls for your name.
It took him two more calls before you hummed and moved on to your seat. Your eyes were still closed as you respond to him, still half-asleep,
“We’re here…”
Slowly, your eyes opened. You blink a couple times before rubbing your eyes as you sat back properly. Slightly confused, you looked around. He watched as you slowly get back to your senses and realize that you have arrive at the event venue.
“Oh…” you said under your breath. You ran your hand on your dress to smoothen out the tiny wrinkles. Unexpectedly, you turned to Taehyung, “How do I look? Did my hair–”
“Lovely,” he murmured.
For a moment there, you thought you heard a small beat inside your chest. You stare at each other’s eyes and the first thing you sense was familiarity. Then, longing. Then, abruptly, you looked away. Taehyung wasn’t sure if your eyes began glistening before you blinked away. He was about to ask when Jimin spoke outside the car,
“Is she awake? Let’s go. The rehearsal is starting soon, we still have to get these bags in the hotel.”
Thank God, you found a slight relief. Taehyung moved out of your way to let you get out of the car. Minutes later, you, Taehyung, and Jimin are walking to the entrance of the hotel when someone greeted you.
“Oh, my god. Hi!”
Yoonji, Jisoo’s cousin and also one of the bridesmaids, greeted you on your way into the small hotel meant for guests. He recognized her as one of the girls who brought you home after Jisoo’s bachelorette party. You two hugged for a quick second while she smiled politely at Taehyung and Jimin, who introduced himself.
“You can just go tell the receptionist your names. Then, they will say what’s your room number,” she instructed in a little hurry. “The rehearsal will be starting in a few minutes!”
She was pulled by another woman, who you assume is Jisoo’s other relative. You followed what she said and the receptionist was pleasant when she asked for your names. After that, she handed out two keys.
“Room 23 is for Mr. Park. Room 27 is for Ms. YN and Mr. Kim.” Kath, the said receptionist, said.
Your jaw almost dropped while Taehyung froze. Jimin, who stood between you two, immediately noticed your silent reactions. He took the initiative to ask,
“Uhm… May we request another room?”
Kath shook her head, “I’m sorry, sir. But the Kims were the ones who arranged everyone’s rooms.”
You cleared your throat as your brain began processing again, “But do you guys have other available rooms that we can pay for?” 
“We’re currently fully booked, miss. We assume the Kims already booked enough rooms for their relatives and other important guests. So we had our further rooms booked for other visiting guests in town.”
After squeezing your eyes shut while listening to her explanation, you just forced a smile, “Okay, we understand. Thank you.”
Your rooms were on the upper floor and there were only stairs. Taehyung offered to carry your small luggage for you but you declined. Both men could not tell if you were pissed as you kept a straight face until you and Taehyung stood in front of the twenty-seventh room. He unlocked the door for you two.
You unconsciously let out a heavy sigh as you and Taehyung scanned the whole room with your eyes. The room was not that… spacious. But it has what a guest needs. A king-sized bed, closet, own bathroom, a table and a chair, and flat-screen television mounted on the wall for entertainment. Plus, a big window with big curtains. 
“You know, maybe I can just go to Jimin’s,” Taehyung, who’s standing behind you, suggested.
But you looked at him, “Do you want to?”
“What?” he blinked, maybe he misheard it.
“Do you want to go there? I mean, this is a king-sized bed. I’m fine sharing it, less hassle. We can put a divider or something.” you recommended, pointing to the bed.
“Are you okay with that?”
You nod, “Yeah. Are you?”
“Okay.” Taehyungs nods too.
“Okay,” you whispered.
It was silent again after that. The atmosphere was weird and maybe suffocating. You are starting to hate this kind of air every time you’re with him. It’s encouraging the decisions you’ve been thinking about lately. Breaking the ice, you looked up at him.
“Uhm, we should go. The rehearsal’s starting soon.”
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“Thank you for helping make tomorrow the perfect day for us.” 
The wedding rehearsals earlier were quick as it was not that complicated. Everyone was later invited to the rehearsal dinner. Your seats were pre-arranged. So of course, you two sat next to each other. 
Jisoo was in the middle of her dinner toast when Taehyung took a glance at you. Your sights were focused on the couple who stood in the middle of the event. Your lips formed into a relieved smile as your eyes brighten.
"Tonight, we appreciate you, the people we treasure the most. We toast to having the best wedding team ever!"
Everyone raised their glasses of wine and champagne and took a sip from their drinks. Then, everyone began talking to someone while enjoying the rest of the dinner. Everyone around you and Taehyung is having fun conversations. Even Jimin, who is now talking to some guests. After stealing another glance in your direction, he thought of making a conversation with you.
“I’ve never seen Namjoon that happy,” he mumbled as he looked at his friend.
Unexpectedly, you responded, looking at the couple, “So is Jisoo. Look at their smiles.” 
“How did they meet?” he asked.
“Oh, it’s a really good meet-cute.” you chuckled, shoulders visibly relaxing. 
Then, you began talking about the beginning of your friends’ love story. You were proud as you shared that you were present when they first met. And after days of getting blank stares and rejections from you, Taehyung can see a genuine smile on your face again. He can listen to more of your stories if that is what it takes for you two to be okay again.
The conversation plays out until you and Taehyung decided to get out of the event since guests began going too. From Jisoo and Namjoon’s meet-cute, the topic jumped to how you had a couple of double dates with them. You were enjoying telling stories that you almost forgot about that gloomy feeling you’d been having in you for days now until Taehyung asked another question while you two stroll your way back to your shared room.
“Maybe we could do that again with them?”
You turned your head at him, raising an eyebrow, “What?”
“Double dates. It seemed like we had fun with them,” he replied, hands in his pockets as he smiled softly.
Then, once again, these heavyweights slowly landed on your shoulders and you can feel something breaking inside of you, making you clutch your palm on the skirt of your dress. Taehyung quicking took notice of you pausing and looking at him with lips slightly parted and the joy in your eyes faded, worrying him.
“Hey? You okay?” he asked gently, looking at you.
With that, you snapped out of your trance and nods, “Yeah, sorry.”
God! Get ahold of yourself. You remind yourself. You remembered your things packed back at home and the resignation you signed days ago. You already had a plan and this sudden idea from Taehyung should not change any of it. Unconsciously, you let out a sigh. Taehyung’s heart beats faster.
“Did I say anything wrong?
“Oh, no.” you forced a smile as you took steps with him to the stairs. You let out an awkward chuckle, “I just don’t think we can do double dates anytime soon.”
“Ah, yeah.” he went along.
And it’s silent all over again. But this time, there was this air between you two. You both can feel that someone wants to say something to another. But, both of you two can’t. With every step closer to your room, the air gets thinner and thinner. And when you stood outside your door,
It shattered.
“Can we talk?”
“Can I talk to you?”
Both you and Taehyung said at the same time. You two were staring at each other when you said that. And when you two realized what happened, you looked away with an airy chuckle. You opened the door and he followed inside.
“So… are we going to talk here or outside?” Taehyung spoke when he saw you opening the curtains, letting the fresh air get into the room.
“Uhm, here’s fine,” you replied before inhaling again on the small balcony.
The original plan was to let Taehyung know about your plans after this event. But you just can’t keep it anymore. Especially after you reacted with Taehyung offering ideas like double date again. Taehyung wanted to wait too and he was willing. But he felt he needed to say what he wants now. It might help your relationship at the moment.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You sat on the soft mattress of the bed. Taehyung took a seat on the chair next to the table, just a few feet away from you. He watched as you bit your lip, looking down. You fiddled with your fingers and he can see your chest heave. You were visibly nervous and it makes him wonder what are going to say. 
He nods at you to continue and you did, “I was just going to ask if I can go first.”
“Sure,” he answered, leaning back in the chair.
“Okay. Thank you,” you said every word with the heaviest sigh since you find your heart pounding like crazy just now. 
With all the will in your body, you focused your sight on the man in front of you. His hair was pushed back and the first two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned. His eyes gaze back at yours, you wished you can just communicate with him through this since it might be easier. But you can’t. And within seconds, you can feel the tears at the edge of your blurring sight.
“Taehyung…I… Uhm…” you stuttered when you see a flicker of concern in his eyes. But you continued, “I’m leaving.”
He just stared after you said that. Then, you read the confusion on his face, “What?”
You gulped, “I’m leaving this… arrangement … or whatever this is called. Us. I’m leaving us.”
Your hands shake while waiting for a reaction from him when you said that. But you cannot read his face anymore so you went on.
“I’m moving out of the house. I already looked for an apartment. I know, the house is our shared property. We can talk about the whole splitting thing when I–”
“Are we breaking up?” Taehyung finally said something. His eyebrows were scrunched and his eyes were surprised. But his tone was in between shock and sadness. And maybe mad. You cannot tell.
“Is there even any relationship to break?” 
That was the first thing that came into your mind and you barely thought about it as you said it. You matched his tone. Now, it feels like you two were overwhelmed with emotions and the silence that followed after your question helped to at least make you calm a little. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, is not off his peak of emotions. But he was quiet. He doesn’t know what to feel. He cannot tell what he’s been feeling. Even after what happened these past few days, he didn’t expect to hear this from you. 
“You don’t know me, Taehyung. I’m basically a stranger to you and I’m more than grateful to you for at least letting me take care of you after the accident. But it’s not your obligation to be with me just because I was your girlfriend. The last thing that I want is to force you to stay committed–”
You were ready to end the conversation just like that. But Taehyung cut you off,
“What if I want to? What if I want to be with you now?”
You didn’t sound happy. Because you’re not. Taehyung sensed it, you felt quite the opposite when he said that. Still, you stumbled with words.
“Wh– No! N-No, you don’t.”
“I do,” he said like you were challenging him to say it.
You remained unhappy and let out a firm, “No.”
“I do. Why do you keep–”
“Because that would just make me feel shit! You only want me now because you learned what happened between you and Lily!”
Taehyung’s mouth immediately ran dry. For the first time ever since the accident, you raised your voice at him. It’s like watching a volcano explode. Warm drops of tears flow down your cheeks. Your lips were quivering as you continued. Your shoulder shakes as you continued,
“You can’t just choose me like that! That’s fucking unfair! I– I’ve been feeling nothing but awful and lonely for the longest time. I can’t even sleep without having a nightmare about that night! And now that I’m trying to do something for myself, you’re telling me you want to be with me? Right after talking to your ex behind my back? The ex that you originally remembered as your girlfriend? Taehyung, that’s just so fucking unfair.”
You remained seated on the bed but your hand was clutching on the sheet under you. Your voice became weaker as you reached the last sentence. Wiping your tears, you cleared your throat,
“If you want me now, that would make me feel like someone you just kept around as a second choice. You know?”
Hearing that, Taehyung instinctively shakes his head, “No, it’s not like that–”
“But that’s how I feel right now,” you confessed in a sad whisper. “And I’m scared that the longer I try to keep this relationship, the higher the chance I’ll lose myself in the process.”
That was another confession. After countless talks and reflection with yourself and your close friends, you knew that sooner or later you have to go for your own. It just took you long to accept it and take a step. You were hopeful then.
It took some minutes for someone to say something again. There was like a big question in the room with you, asking, what’s next. Taehyung who remained speechless in the same chair, just watched you quietly. While you got up from the bed and reached for your phone and room keys. 
“Five years was a lot to be missed and forgotten, Taehyung. I just think that if we go on our separate ways, you can focus on exploring what you lost without the pressure of being committed to me. And I can try to focus on myself again.”
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mayiwritesomething · 5 months
Echoplex (One-Shot)
This is a oneshot from LIAUN Series (Masterlist here)
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Wordcount: 2,3k
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Warnings: +18 MDNI, SMUT, teasing, sex (p in v, no protection), oral sex, cursing words, etc.
A/N: I wrote this a while ago while writing the chapters of love is an unfamiliar name (still 2 more chapters to go), i didn’t like it at first but anyway i decided to give it a chance haha. Considering the upcoming chapter 8 will be quite sad, let smooth things with a smut one 😜
Btw it fits somewhere between chapters 6 and 7 but can be read as a one shot on it’s own.
You jetted off to LA on Monday night. Since you and Pedro hadn't met before your departure, you kept exchanging messages. Back at home in your satin sleep dress, feeling gorgeous, you decided to send him a selfie lounging on your sofa with the caption: Movie night. Wish you were here 💔
Almost immediately, you heard the notification sound. It was Pedro. His response was, "Don't you tease me like that baby." Smiling and feeling a rush of heat, you replied with a picture in front of the mirror, the dress slipping from your arms, revealing the curves of your breasts, and the caption, "Or what? Gonna make me pay? 😇"
Forgetting that Pedro preferred calling over texting, you were surprised when he video-called as you returned to the sofa. He was eager to see you, and you wanted him right then and there.
"Oh my god... this looks perfect on you," he said mischievously, then added, "It makes me wonder so much about what's underneath it—why the fuck do you do this?"
"Well, I can show you if you want," you replied with a naughty smile.
"I do, baby... I really do want to see—fuck," his smile faded. "Baby, I have to answer this; it's my manager. I'll be right back."
"Okay," you muttered, frustration taking over as you sank back onto the sofa, scrolling through your Mubi main screen.
Ten minutes turned into twenty, but there was still no call from Pedro. You decided to watch Bowie's Labyrinth, a movie that always made you feel at home.
Nearly two hours later, Pedro finally called, his excitement palpable through the phone. "I've got a fantastic project opportunity," he exclaimed while you listened, intrigued and staring at the screen. "Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, baby. I had to sort a few things out."
"It's alright," you replied, feeling drowsy. "I understand we can't ignore a manager's call."
"Well, the good news is I can make it up to you in person," he teased, causing you to melt a little inside. "Are you free on Thursday?"
"I'll be working on some mixes in my studio, but you're welcome to stop by. I’ve seen you working much more than I’d like; now you can watch me do my thing," you said with a smile.
"I'd love to," he responded eagerly. His enthusiasm was endearing, and you couldn't help but bite your lower lip in anticipation; you couldn’t wait to see him in person.
On Thursday morning, anxiety enveloped you as you meticulously organized your home, ensuring everything was precisely in place. Seeking distraction, you headed to the studio on the other side of your yard to begin mixing a song you were producing. A few hours later, Pedro arrived, bringing your favorite coffee in a thermal cup along with a pack of peanut butter M&Ms.
Engrossed in conversation throughout your mixing session, you were captivated by Pedro's curiosity and respect for your work. You knew that for someone not directly involved in music production, watching someone tinker with synthesizers and create sounds could be quite boring.
"You're like some kind of witch with this whole hocus pocus thing," he marveled, seated in front of you.
Walking over to him, clad in a tank top and sweatpants, your inner music nerd emerged as you explained, "It's not that complicated; I just piece things together and tweak transitions. I'm not sure if it's good yet; I'll have Tim take a look tomorrow."
Pedro rose, drawing nearer to you, his hands gently tracing your face. "Sometimes, a simple 'thank you' is enough when receiving a compliment babe," he whispered, planting a kiss on your forehead, leaving you feeling a bit sheepish.
"I'm sorry, thank you," you murmured.
"No need to apologize, mami," he reassured, cupping your face to kiss you tenderly. Chuckling at the new nickname, you kissed him slowly, feeling the desire building as he lifted you onto the wooden part of the mixing table. Craving his touch, you pulled him closer, kissing his neck and sensing his longing for you as well. While trying to position you on the table and removing his shirt, his hands accidentally slipped, nudging some buttons.
"Careful, man! This is some expensive shit," you cautioned between kisses as your hands fumbled.
"Sorry," he responded, stepping back. "Don't be mad at me, but I'd love to fuck you right here on this table, like right now." You felt a surge of conflicting desires—a battle between primal urges and rational thoughts raging in your mind. Drawing nearer to kiss you again, you reciprocated, feeling his intensity.
"I want you to fuck me now," you confessed, beginning to remove your top.
"Leave it," he instructed, laying you back on the table, as your primal instincts won this round. "Let's not rush," he whispered in your ear, kissing your neck, as you moaned softly, feeling him between your legs, yearning to shed your clothes.
In a frenzy, you attempted to reach for his pants, but he firmly grasped your hands and gently guided them back to the table.
"Come on," you pleaded in exasperation between kisses as he began to trail kisses along your collarbone, slipping a hand under your top to caress the softness of your breast. Sitting before him, his warm touch in the air-conditioned room momentarily stole your breath, causing you to gasp silently.
"We have no neighbors now, baby. I want to hear you; I know I haven't seen everything yet," he murmured, locking eyes with you as his hand continued to tease beneath your top. Your attempts to remove it were thwarted once more. "I told you to leave it," he gently reminded you, guiding your hands back to the table, leaving you burning with frustration inside.
"Seriously? This isn't some master and servant kinda shit," you snapped, annoyed.
"You can have your revenge next time," he whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your skin as he gently removed his hand from under the top and adjusted it on you, the fabric showing how stimulated you were. "These are your words, not mine." He said it ironically.
Frustrated and conceding defeat, you seethed, "I fuckin hate you," while he chuckled, slipping a hand inside your pants and teasing you slowly. Involuntarily, you parted your legs, moaning softly and closing your eyes as he continued to explore.
"Are you sure of that?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on you. "Cause your body is telling me otherwise... Or are you wet like this all the time?" You could see how he was enjoying his little torture session.
"Stop—ah—stop fucking teasing me," you protested, feeling a mix of pleasure and anger.
"One word is missing, baby. Where are your manners?" His voice dripped with lust as his touch alternated between pleasure and torment.
"Please," you mumbled, trying to resist the urge to give in completely.
"I know you can do it a bit louder; I almost didn't catch that," he taunted, quickening his movements before abruptly stopping, holding your jaw with his other hand. You couldn’t think straight anymore.
"Please... PLEASE… PLEASE DON'T STOP," you cried out of sudden, your hand gripping his arm as you bit your lower lip, urging him to continue. "Please, Pedro—please, baby, don't stop," you pleaded, a mixture of desperation and desire in your voice.
“I didn’t see that coming this fast,” he said, still holding your jaw with one hand, then kissing you as you moaned, grinding on him. Surprised and aroused by your response, he resumed his ministrations, and as the pleasure intensified, you could only whisper, "It feels so good... it feels so good—please," your plea trailing off. "Just like that—please keep going like that, baby," you urged, locking eyes with him as you kept moaning adrift in the moment.
"It's so beautiful to see you swallowing this pride of yours and begging like that," he remarked, cupping your face tenderly. "I'd do anything for you—fuck, you’re so wet—I want to hear you scream for me," he whispered in your ear, his words causing you to melt in his arms.
"You could start by letting me do what I want," you protested, a hint of playfulness in your tone. “What about that?”
"Today there's no negotiation," he laughed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Really?" This time, you drew him closer and whispered, "Not even if I ask you nicely…”Taking his hand from inside your pants and gently sucking his fingers. “Please?”
Once again, he maintained control better than you. "Not today, baby," he reassured, planting kisses along your neck and holding your face tenderly. "Just lay down," he instructed, gently guiding you onto the table and slowly taking your pants off, though you felt a pang of worry as your knee knocked against something. As you settled into a comfortable position, a sudden intrusive thought crossed your mind: There goes a $10,000 synth.
Letting the tought aside, you longed for his touch as he focused on taking you to new heights, his attention focused between your tights. Gripping his hair, you let go of any concerns about the noise of your pleasure filling the room as you were fully immersed in the moment with him. It was just the two of you, lost in pleasure, clearly enjoying the experience.
As you finally screamed his name and struggled to maintain your balance, he crawled closer, pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss so you could taste yourself. He was so caught up in his own pleasure in between your legs that he didn't even notice you slipping off your top, the last piece of clothing remaining.
Drawing you closer, he whispered, "You're so perfect," his words a mix of adoration and desire as he gazed upon your exposed body, then kissing it as you tried to hold him closer. You wanted to feel him inside.
"Tell me something I don't know," you chuckled playfully.
"Your humility brings tears to my eyes," he teased, planting kisses on your breasts. Your hands roamed freely over his body, eliciting goosebumps from feeling him as he teased you before giving you what you wanted. Returning to kiss you, the sensation of him finally being inside you was fenomenal. Suddenly, your hand accidentally hit a button, causing a burst of bass sound that startled both of you, leading to shared laughter.
"I'm pretty sure I broke something this time," you fretted, concerned about the unexpected noise.
"Wanna go down?" he suggested, worried, ensuring he kept you close. You nodded in agreement, indicating the armchair where he had been seated.
Taking a seat, he maintained eye contact with you, holding you close. The desire burning in his eyes was a sight to behold as you gently pushed him back and cupped his face, a smile playing on your lips. "I want you inside again," you whispered almost inaudibly, your words filled with longing.
"Babe, please," he murmured in response as you trailed your fingers over his lips, settling on top of him to ensure you could move and fully feel him.
The way he gripped your hips left you with no control over your own movements; he was once again in charge after the brief moment of stillness you both shared. Your hands clung tightly to his back as one of his hands guided your hair gently, not forcefully, exposing your neck as you ground against him, feeling every inch filling you. Even the fact that he was controlling your movements didn’t bother you this time.
You wouldn’t let him know this easily, but he knew what he was doing. You loved to feel how harder he would grip you each time you moaned. His laughter ringing out, asking, "Does it feel good?" at every curse word that escaped your lips. How lovely he kissed your body, muttering “es tan rica” while hitting you firm but slowly. The way he touched you. How In those moments of almost silent, heavy breathing, your eyes locked in a wordless understanding as you both discovered the perfect rhythm.
The pleasure building within brought you to tears as you reached your climax. Right after hearing his voice calling out your name as he held you close tightly in his own moment of release, which felt so warm inside of you, a mix of cries, laughter, and trembling filled the room. Struggling to kiss him back, you felt his heavy breathing and sensed his shaking body as he rested his head against your chest, muttering words you couldn't quite make out.
Seeing his smile, you returned it, both of you trying to catch your breath in the aftermath. He tenderly kissed your chin as you held him close, both of you sweaty despite the air conditioner running. Without a word, you simply gazed into each other's eyes for a while, sharing smiles and kisses.
"If we keep this up, we could compete in Iron Man," you remarked with a chuckle.
"Sure," he agreed, clearly out of breath.
"You should quit smoking, old man," you teased, laughing. He shot you a playful yet judgmental look in response. "Don't give me that look; I’m aware of my glass ceiling," you defended yourself, a playful glint in your eyes.
“You destroyed me,” he laughed while kissing your breast, his beard tickling you and causing you to chuckle.
“Want to take a shower?” You asked shyly.
“Yes, we made a mess.” He adjusted your hair and kissed you, pulling you as close as he could.
“Consider yourself lucky because I’ve never had sex here,” you laughed.
“I’ll help you tidy things up,” he said, trying to be useful, “and we can check if everything is working because if it’s not, I—” You sensed his anxiety.
“Well, it’s nothing I can’t afford,” you said, kissing him. He just gave you a surprised look. “All I want is to have a shower and another round, if you’re up to it,” you teased.
“I think I can handle another one,” he smiled back at you.
"So, what are we waiting for?”
I can't believe that life's so complex
When I just want to sit here and watch you undress
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
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gucciwins · 2 years
an ex brings stories and mistrust
Word count: 3440
A/N: you asked for angst for some reason so here it is. i am so happy to know you still love bel and harry as much as i do. 🤍
Warnings: angst, jealousy, ex-boyfriend
read love on tour series 
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“I’m going out tonight,” you tell Harry as you steal a sip of his coffee. You love the smell but can never find yourself enjoying a full cup.
“Done being a homebody,” he teases.
You roll your eyes; after being home in London for a few days, you’ve been enjoying staying in your house but also at Harry’s. It was larger than yours, yet it felt cozy because he was here.
“Haha, a few friends are in the city and want to grab dinner, maybe karaoke,” you share, “what we do after is still up in the air.”
“You can always sing one of mine,” as he takes a blueberry out of her hand.
“Mhm…too bad I already have my song.”
“It’s a classic. You sing ‘you’re so vain’ perfectly every time. Always leaves me in awe.”
You feel your face warm up at his compliments. There had been a lot of begging for him to get you to sing in front of his friends one night. It helped. Most of them were a few tequila shots in. Although it is something Mitch brings every time you see him suggesting new songs, you should try to karaoke for them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, H.”
Harry frowns, wanting to spend more time with you this morning, but he knows you have a fitting for a red carpet. You’re working with an upcoming designer Sarai told you about,  a Hispanic designer with beautiful looks incorporating designs from their culture. You just had to work with them; of course, they were happy to agree.
“Send me photos, please,” he mutters against your lips.
You go to pull away, but Harry holds your waist, deepening the kiss wanting to give you something that would hopefully want to make you stay home, although he knew it was a losing battle. You pull away breathless, a smile breaking out as you see Harry’s puffy pink lips.
“I love you, H.”
“Te amo, Bel.”
There was no studio today, and Harry decided to use the day to catch up on reading a few books Bel had recommended he got two chapters in when he was inspired to grab his journal to write these lyrics before they escaped him. Harry wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he felt his phone ring, he dropped his pen thinking it was Bel but to his surprise saw it was Naomi, your best friend.
“Hi Naomi,” he greets.
“Hiya H, where’s our girl? She’s ignoring my calls,” Naomi asks, straight to the point.
“She had a fitting and was going out tonight.”
“Did she? Say with who?”
“Oh, friends in the city. Don’t think she gave me any names.”
Harry peeked at the time on his phone and saw it was close to six pm. The day honestly had gotten away from him. He would need to cook himself dinner.
“Heard Dylan was in the city.” Harry frowns, hearing Sarai whisper to Naomi.
“Dylan O'Brien,” Naomi tells him, “a good friend.”
“Who’s still in love with her,” Sarai inputs.
Harry hears Naomi shush Sarai,” sorry they’ve been drinking.”
“Why would Dylan be in love with Bel?” Harry had never been more confused. He knew you saw Dylan as a good friend; you would go as far as saying he was one of your closest friends in the industry.
Naomi sighed, knowing they messed up.
“It’s not–shit. H, you have to understand this was years ago.”
“What was?”
“Dylan and Bel dated,” she confesses.
And Harry feels his heart drop.
How did he not know this? How could you not share this information with him?
“Listen, it was after their first film together. It was never made public and is something she really doesn’t share. She broke up with Dylan because he was ready to get serious and take it to the next step, and she felt she wasn’t there. He was heartbroken after, but he was always supporting her.”
“He didn’t want to break up, did he?”
Naomi sighed, “no, he fought her on it, but she was set on her decision.”
“Did she love him?”
“Naomi, please!”
“Of course she did. But it’s different, H. You have to believe me. She loves you. I’ve never seen her this happy or in love, and I’ve known her all her life. You make her shine. She’s one hundred percent herself when she’s with you.”
Naomi sharing this brings him a bit of comfort, but he’s left with the question of why you hadn’t told him Dylan was an ex. He was sure there were no secrets between each other, but now he wasn’t so sure. Harry shared about his past heartbreaks and his hand in breaking hearts. You had shared little, telling him that you had two serious relationships that were not worth talking about because you had all wanted something different.
“I don’t get why she wouldn’t tell me.”
“She doesn’t dwindle in the past. Think she’s lived there long enough.”
Harry sighs because he understands, in a way, he doesn’t know what it is like to be alone for years or not to have a loved one to seek out for comfort to share childhood memories with, but he has been faced with loss and knows how hard it can be. He does not understand why she’d keep her relationship with Dylan a secret. It’s as if there was something more she wasn’t telling him.
“I’m going to ask her about it,” Harry tells Naomi.
He hears her sigh, “I’d be surprised if you didn’t.”
“Bye, Naomi.”
“Harry, please be kind. I know this isn’t the easiest way to find something out, but don’t react when you’re speaking with her,”
He sighs, knowing she’s right. Harry doesn’t know what would have happened if he found out through you, but for now, he had to feel his emotions, and he’d talk about this news when you came home to him tonight.
“Of course.”
The phone drops against the cushion on his couch. There’s too much on his mind for him to rest in peace. Harry decides to meditate as the best way to work through his clouded mind. It works for some time until he feels the urge to check his phone, so he leans across where he let it fall, his eyes bugging out to see how late it had turned and you had yet to turn up. He didn’t mean to bother you when you were out, but he was concerned because, for the past few days, you’ve been coming home to him.
He sighs in relief when he hears your cheery voice after the second ring.
“Hi baby,” he breathes out. “Are you coming back here tonight?”
You sigh, coming out low. “Sorry, H. We came back to my place with some friends. You’re welcome to come,” you offer, feeling bad about making him wait for you when you could have texted him earlier in the evening.
“Hurry back. We’re going to lose,” Harry hears Dylan call for you.
Harry tenses, forgetting that you had even asked him a question. “H?”
“No, uh, early morning tomorrow,” he lies.
“Lunch tomorrow, then?” You counter. “Vinny’s?”
“I’ll be at our table,” he promises.
Harry heads to bed with a heavy heart but is thankful he will see you tomorrow.
He had arrived early, wanting to have your food ready for when you arrived. You always loved eating the same meal here, the ravioli with butternut squash filling. It was good, and Harry always ended up stealing a bit or two from you when you claimed he needed to try it.
As he waited for you, he was trying to decide how to approach the topic or wondered if Naomi had already sent her a warning. A few minutes later, a large commotion in front of the restaurant caught his attention. There are people gathered around, and he catches a glimpse of your face making him quick to leave his seat and go help you with the crowd. To his surprise, Dylan helped part the crowd and guided you inside with a hand on the small of your back. The group stayed outside as Harry watched you turn to hug Dylan in gratitude. You stood there speaking with him before Dylan shook his head, leaning in to give you a kiss on your cheek. Harry was confused. You showed up with him, and even more that you managed to catch the attention of a crowd.
“Hey,” you greet him with a breathless grin.
“You alright?” He checks in.
“Saw that,” you breathe out. “It was fine. Dylan was there to help.”
Harry hums in response, trying to think what he wants to say.
“Did you order?”
“Should be here in a few minutes.”
You drop the menu, flashing him a huge smile. “You’re an angel, H.”
He sits silently, letting you start to tell him about your day when he interrupts your story about Sally burning pancakes last night. “Why did you show up with Dylan?”
You frown, leaning back a bit as he surprised you with the sudden question. “He stayed the night, and I had let Emerson borrow my car for the day, and I had forgotten, and he offered.”
“You stayed with him alone!” Harry exclaims.
“No, Sally, Nina, Saoirse, Tom, and even Sarah stopped by last night for game night.”
Harry huffs, “you could have called me.”
You grimace, “he was heading this way, and you had a meeting this morning.”
“And the paparazzi just so happened to know you were headed here.”
You frown, not liking what he was insinuating. “H, what are you saying?”
He shrugs, taking a drink of his water.
“Do you think Dylan called the paparazzi?” You sound surprised he’d accuse your friend of this.
“We’ve eaten here how many times?” He reminds you, not once have you had a run-in with paparazzi. “Funny he offers you a ride, and you’re conveniently papped together.”
You sit back in your seat, not sure what he meant. He’s been papped out from time to time, sometimes with you and sometimes when he’s out with other friends. There’s this world you live in, and how easy it is to get lost in your own world behind closed doors. Forgetting that others around you will do anything to get a glimpse inside.
“Harry, come on.”
He shakes his head, “forget it.”
After that, lunch is tense, little to no conversation is had, no matter how much you try. He checks his phone more often, making you fall silent. It’s the quietest meal you’ve had, and it makes you upset not knowing what you did wrong. Harry finished his meal before you but didn’t rush you. Not feeling comfortable continuing to eat, you decide you’re finished placing your napkin on top and offering him a small smile. He asks for the check, and soon you’re off, following Harry to his car, wondering if he’s going to take you home or back to his place.
You don’t dare ask.
It’s not until he takes a left turn instead of a right do you sit back in relief, knowing he still wants you around. Even if it is only to sit in silence.
He parks the car. You sit there together in silence, not sure where you stand. You reach out to squeeze his hand to comfort you and let out a breath of relief when he lets you.
“Come on, I’ll make us some tea.”
You’re not sure what conversation awaits you inside, but it’s Harry, and you know together, you can work through anything.
Harry is quiet as he lets the kettle warm up. You set your bag on the couch before following after him. You can see he’s tense as he grabs two mugs from the cabinets.
“Need any help?” You offer itching to do something.
“I got it.”
You sit there waiting patiently because you know Harry will bring it up soon. He can only hold something in for so long before he pops, and you know you won’t have to wait long.
Harry pours a cup of chamomile tea into a floral mug you painted when you did a ceramics class together during the holidays. It was his favorite, which is why it resided in his home and not yours.
“I know,” he whispers, breaking the silence you were in.
You stare at him, confused, unsure of what he is referring to. He knows what?
“Sorry, H? I don't know what you mean.”
Harry pushes away his mug before turning to look at you. His eyes look lost and hurt, and you want to fix that; you’re just not sure you know how to.
His frown deepens, “I know—I know about him.”
Harry says him with so much distaste that you’re not sure what he’s referring to. “H,”
“Dylan—that you dated Dylan,” he breathes out, and your face falls in surprise. Harry takes in your reaction and knows Naomi wasn’t lying that you dated Dylan and didn’t bother to tell Harry he was an ex, only claiming he was a close friend.
“Harry,” you whisper, hoping he’ll let you explain.
“You told me he was a friend.”
“He is.”
Harry scoffs, “you can’t be friends with your ex, not when they’re still in love with you.”
You can’t believe he would say throw that in your face when he’s notorious for being friendly with his exes and having them out for shows. Instead of arguing, you allow yourself to take a deep breath and remain seated, hoping he’ll let you explain.
“Can I tell you about this past relationship, so you’re not only running on what you’ve heard?”
“Are you insinuating your friends are lying?” He bites back.
Naomi and Sarai are the only ones that know, besides a few close friends of his. You’re not upset with them. It must have been an accident. You don’t even want to know, but you want to talk this out with Harry.
“Dylan worked on my first movie with me, and I was so scared. He was nice and had a few movies and shows under his belt already. Our chemistry read had gone well, and it’s how I booked the role, but he was my friend first. Nothing happened during filming. I would have never allowed for that to happen on my first Hollywood movie.” You pause because you hadn’t thought back to that time in years when you were full of nerves and not sure how people would accept you as a lead, especially next to an already well-loved actor with a growing fan base by the day. Dylan was a friend, and it wasn’t until after filming wrapped did he ask you on a date. It was complicated, but Harry deserved the truth.
“We wrapped and went our separate ways. He called to check in, and we got to talking. He asked me on a date, and I accepted. He understood how I didn’t want this to be on every magazine when I was growing my name, and he was the star of Teen Wolf. It would have labeled me his girlfriend before I could make a name for myself.” You watch Harry. No emotions cross his face as he listens to you. “We dated close to a year when he wanted to go public and be my date to red carpets. I liked what we had; it was intimate and private, no need to give ourselves away to the public. It’s when we stopped seeing eye to eye. By the time our movie was set to release, we had broken up. Press interviews were hard, but we made it through. Dylan promised he’d be my friend, and he has been.”
Harry stares at you, and you have no idea what he’s thinking. You know you made a mistake by never sharing about Dylan or your other ex, but it’s trivial. The exes in your life didn’t define you and felt pointless to talk about when your last relationship was years before Harry.
“You broke his heart?” Is the first thing Harry asks.
You shrug, “we wanted different things. We were both so young.”
“Did anything ever happen after you broke up?” You freeze, and Harry picks up on your hesitation. “What happened?”
“He was going through a breakup, and I was in New York at the time. I reached out and offered my support. We ordered takeout and talked about how he was doing. One thing led to another,” you run a hand through your hair, feeling overwhelmed. “We agreed it meant nothing.”
Harry couldn’t believe how deep your relationship ran with him. How, even years later, you sought each other out. There’s one question that plagues his mind. “Did he know your family?”
You frown, of course he did, and the confirmation you know will hurt Harry in a way you never wanted. “He met them when I brought my grandparents to tour set on the first film.”
Harry’s face crumbles right in front of you. “He has a part of you I’ll never have,” Harry confesses.
You feel a bit of your heartbreak because you know your family would have loved Harry. Your Abuelo would have dragged him into the kitchen to help, and your Abuela would have taught him all her favorite songs until he could play them back for her.
“I know, I know. You think I don’t know that.” You don’t want to cry. You can’t. “You think I don’t think about it constantly how my family would have loved you, and I never got the chance to introduce them to you. I won’t get to introduce them to anyone important to me, and it kills me, Harry. That’s a pain I carry every day.”
There’s a crack in Harry’s anger, and you know he wants to reach out to hug you, but he stops himself. There’s so much left to say; instead, he lets his anger control him.
“You’ve called him in front of me!” He accuses thinking of the time during tour you sat and congratulated him on his recent film.
“He’s a friend. That’s all he has been for years.” You’re going in circles. It’s like Harry won’t hear a word you’re saying.
Harry scoffs, “not when you’re both single, it seems.”
You shake your head, “you don’t get to be mad about this. It was all before you!”
“Who’s to say he won’t come running when you break my heart, and you’re searching for comfort,” he throws at you knowing the words would hurt, and they do, making cracks in your heart that had never been there before.
“I don’t want to break your heart, Harry,” you soften your voice, pleading for him to listen to you. “I love you. You’re it for me.”
“Then why did you keep him a secret!” Harry screams. “If you loved me, you would have told me. I thought I knew everything about you.” He shakes his head, no longer able to look at you. “It’s clear you don’t trust me.”
“But I do,” your voice cracks as you fail to contain your tears.
“You don’t not as much as I thought you did. I told you about my exes and how I hurt them but also how they hurt me. You know how hard that conversation was for me.” Harry’s eyes are stormy. It’s a look you don’t recognize, and you know you put that dark look there. “I want to be alone.”
“H,” your voice wobbles.
“You need to leave. I want to be alone.”
Instantly you feel your walls rise. You’ve been in this situation before.
“Harry, if you tell me to leave, I won’t be coming back. We’ve had a similar conversation just like this.”
You see Harry freeze taking in your words. “I love you, Bel. I do,” his voice breaks. “I don’t want you to leave me, but I want to be alone. You hurt me, I know you didn’t mean to, but I need this time to process.”
You sigh, backing down. There’s no use in fighting. You walk out, taking out the key that rested next to your shark charm on your key set and placing it next to the empty pink vase missing the flowers you were supposed to pick together tomorrow at the farmer’s market. “Don’t think I deserve this or have your trust to keep it.”
And with that, you walk out the door, leaving your heart with him.
You hadn’t lost him, but it felt like you had.
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don't worry there will be a part two...but i'll let you sit with this for now
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-on-route-66 @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @lechairr @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @harryspirate @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thurhomish @thelovecayon @shawnieeboyy @dontworrysunflower @a-strange-familiar​ @caramello-styles​
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fantastical-euphoria · 6 months
steve clark headcanons because I CAN OKAY
1. he’d be the type of bf to constantly be taking candid photographs of you, even the ones you hate, he’ll be like “no, let’s keep it, i like it”
2. he’d def wanna teach you how to play the guitar but he’d be very patient with you, and understanding, and flexible. and he’d laugh all quietly and cutely when you goof up, like when you strum a chord wrong or you accidentally strum something that sounds just plain horrible
3. his hands would feel *SO* soft!
3. you’d have a giant bookshelf in your living room
4. you’d watch lots of old hollywood/classic b&w movies late at night. i don’t really eat popcorn so he’d eat all the popcorn, and phil would occasionally crash but steve would always let him in ofc
5. he’d definitely have his private battles but he’d never want to burden you with them, so he’d keep them all to himself and wouldn’t reveal too much about them with you. even though you’d reinforce the point time and time again that you’ve always appreciated a guy who’s sensitive and vulnerable, and isn’t afraid to act that way around you, and that it was brave of him for doing so, it’s commendable. as much as you pushed for the truth you knew that you didn’t wanna hear it. and he would know this as well. (sorry that got deep let’s lighten up some!)
6. around you, he gets easily flustered and he would blush a lot. you’d find that adorable ofc.
7. but he’d be super creative at coming up with subtle romantic gestures and forms of affection. surprise hugs from behind, mumbling drunkedly into your neck “i missed you baby,” pecks on cheek, hand written notes and letters, the lot.
8. non-stop hand holding. did i mention the touch of his hand would be the softest sh*t you ever felt in your life?
9. super duper cuddly when drunk. super duper touchy feely with you when drunk. and he feeds off your energy super easily, esp if you’re one who parties hard and likes to have a good time always!
10. but he likes it best when the two of you are all alone, no one else around to bug or bother or distract him or you. he’ll want to grab your face and kiss you. he’ll never want to let go.
11. he respects your privacy and will almost never bring you up in interviews, even if prompted to (around his bandmates, well that was a different story). he’d much rather talk about his music. but you’re constantly on his mind. he doesn’t get easily distracted, but he’s always looking forward to coming home and seeing you whenever he’s in studio or on the road. and he makes certain to phone you whenever possible.
12. you guys will own a dog cause why not, i’m thinking a golden retriever or a lap dog of sorts.
13. he’ll always express interest in anything and everything you show him, no matter how silly or stupid or trivial or ridiculous it is. i feel like he’d be appreciative of the little things, idk. this is something that i hc steve perry doing as well!
14. in the modern era, you’d be coming up with playlists for each other, he would lecture you on all the classic guitar riffs recorded in the history books. and you’d be fascinated by exactly how much he knows (cause his knowledge would get pretty extensive i feel haha) and you’d just have this purely flabbergasted look on your face, and he’d laugh at that and apologize for overwhelming you. (but irl i actually know a lot about music as well, i feel like we’d both be huge music history nerds haha)
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lake-archive · 4 months
Surprise Party!
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AO3 Link - A Shared Love Between Our Posse Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Ramuda Amemura, Gentaro Yumeno, Dice Arisugawa, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing: Fling Posse x Ann
Words: 1,448
If someone knew how to catch them literally off guard… Ramuda was the man for the job. No, really, he knew exactly how to keep Ann at bay every single time. And there was nothing they could really do about it. He would decide things almost on a whim or at the very last second. That or his questions were… Out of nowhere. But at that time it was… A little weird. In fact it had been something which they heard of him for a while.
“Ann–Chan! Your birthday was on the 2nd June, right?”
“Great! I’ll keep it in mind!”
And ever since then it had been radio silence for the rest of the week. They checked up a few times, sending him a message which always got the same answer. “I’m fine~” but not much more than that. At least he was still alive, yeah, but… This had not been like him. Something was up.
And it got even weirder when Gentaro and Dice both had similar responses, just in their own way of phrasing it.
“Your birthday is soon, isn't it?  … Ah right, the second of next month. Very well.”
“Hey Ann, ya got time on the 2nd? I remembered that it’s your day! I mean your birthday! Haha! Better make room for us, will ya?”
Seriously, they didn’t even know what was up with any of that, let alone what to make of it. This was all just bizarre to them. Had they done something wrong? No, there was nothing off with those messages outside of being short. That’s pretty much it. And yet they were still not sure what to make of any of this. This time things were a little… Mysterious dare they say. Or… Wait no, wrong word. It’s not that. Rather… Were the three up to something or just busy? They couldn’t tell yet they tried to figure it out. But whenever trying to look for them or sneak to the usual spots the trio hung out at there was nothing. 
Though they soon felt silly about it all the same. ‘Maybe I should just leave them be and have their time alone. That’s only fair.’ It had shot through their mind pretty much right away and there they decided to leave it be. They didn’t mind to begin with… Yet they could have been open about it. 
But things would soon take a different turn. In fact they had today, very early in the morning…
‘Yahoo Ann–Chan~ Do you have some time today?’ A text from  Ramuda, pretty much out of nowhere. They stared at it for a few seconds yet soon responded. 
‘Yeah. Why do you ask?’
‘Hehe~ Then come to the studio in the afternoon. Pretty please~?’
‘The studio? Well… Sure. Did something happen?’
‘Hmm… Yeah, you could say that. It’s pretty important!’
‘Shouldn’t I come right away then?’
‘No no! 4 pm is early enough! It’s nothing life threatening or anything like that!’
‘If you say so… Alright, I will see you there.’
‘Great! Thank you~’
It had left them a little confused and yet there was not much they could do either way. They had informed Eli about this who told them to go on ahead. “Oh, but make sure you’re home later this evening.” He had added however.
“Uh… Why?”
“You didn’t forget the date today, did you?”
“The da— Ah, second of June… Wait how—”
“Ole told me. Anyways, be back. Guess you can bring the guys too if you want… But if they stay over you find out how you squeeze them into your room, got it?”
“I don’t think they— Actually… Maybe Dice would… But sure, I’ll let them know.”
If there would even be time for that…
In any case, soon enough they had arrived at the studio, as told. They knocked yet no response, no ‘coming in’ or anything like that. It was just silent. It had them worried though maybe that was also an understatement. Their hand first hesitated though only for a second. If something serious had been going on and something had happened then… No, they had to do something about this! 
So, from one moment to the next, they decided to slam the door open right then and there, wanting to shout something from the top of their lungs. However, all they got out was “Ramuda! A—” Yet they were silenced in an instant by feeling a pair of arms trapping them from the back. Not just that but another set of arms had them soon trapped from the front, cornering them and making them unable to move. And then, before knowing it, they heard: “1… 2…” before the lights suddenly turned on and two voices said rather loudly, right into their ears: “Happy Birthday~!”
Ann had barely any time to process this. They felt how flustered they had been and only then did they look around. The studio was occupied with not much but enough to indicate that some type of event had been going on. The coffee table had been filled with snacks and drinks as well as a cake right in the middle. Not just that but there had been some decorations. Not just that but there seems to be hiding something in the backroom… 
To top it all off two guys had been clinging onto them. Judging from the size as well as the oversized jacket they saw thanks to the sleeves the one in the back was Dice. He had pressed them somewhat tightly against him, making them not just take in his scent but also feel his chest clearly.
As for the front… One looked down and they spotted Ramuda right then and there, holding onto them while having leaned his head against their chest, even looking up with a wide smile. The belt tail he had may as well be wagging non stop as well given his awfully wide smile. “So? How is that for a surprise?” He even asked with that grin on his face. 
“Th… That… Uhm…” They stuttered, turning their gaze a little sideways. Ah, this was—
“Told ya! They’re speechless!” Dice added ever so confidently, then freeing them only a little yet only to ruffle through their hair. “Ain’t I right Ann?”
“The two of thee art just overwhelming them.” A third voice would add with a sigh, someone approaching from the side. One turn there and… Yeah, Gentaro. Yet unlike the other two he seemed to stare somewhat seriously, at least for a short moment. “Art thou trying to give them a heart attack?”
“Aww, you’re no fun~ It was just a sudden surprise~” Ramuda countered while nuzzling more against Ann’s chest, getting very comfortable. “Right?”
“Ya bet’cha!” Dice agreed, not stopping to move his hand in their hair. They had to be red beyond belief now. This was embarrassing! And yet they didn’t get a word out, only being trapped at this very moment.
“What would one do with the two of thee?” The brown haired male sighed, shaking his head for a moment. Yet then his expression shifted finally, a small yet warm smile finally on his lips. “It cannot be changed now. Where are my own manners? A happy birthday to you Ann.”
“Uh… Th… Thanks…” They responded, only calming down somewhat finally. This was all overwhelming when having come in but once things started to settle… They started to feel more and more comfortable. Though it was a little sudden. Having a surprise, today of all days… Honestly, they expected this to be like any other day but this… Was quite nice. “Uhm… Can you two let go now?”
“No, a bit longer! I missed this…” Ramuda only mumbled, sounding a little needy however. “It’s been too long without Ann–Chan cuddles.”
“It has only been a few days.” Gentaro decided to throw in but… He was alone on this. Because not even Dice seemed to agree.
“Dude, that can be a lot. ‘sides, I missed holdin’ ‘em too.” He admitted before leaning in closer as well, trapping the one in question yet again. 
“Hah… How cruel, being left out like this.” The third sighed but then added: “Alright, I shall wait my turn. At least I can have them all to myself for that time~”
“Wait what!?” Though it had only been Ann yelling this because the other two were occupied with them. Not like they got an answer to begin with, given the smile they received, a smile lasting the entire time the other two were nuzzling and cuddling against them.
Looks like today is going to be a long day either way, isn’t it?
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Number 5 with a Bullet - June 13th -21st
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read on AO3 | tumblr masterpost
Writer recounts the first two weeks of Eddie and Apologetic Weapons being in the studio - big shoutout to my bestie @hersweetrevenge for helping me name the band <3
general contents/warnings for this fic: angst, fluff, smut (MDNI), 20+ year age gap, past substance abuse issues, past sex work, multiple kinks specific warnings for these entries: sex dream, bondage, being watched, degradation, masturbation
1,927 words
@rebel-blue @wolvesandvampires @toxicanonymity @cordelium @persephone-of-roleplay dm me or reply to this post to be added to my tag list 💕
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transcript below the cut
13 June
Yesterday was Apologetic Weapons’ first day in the studio! Thank fuck the schedule was so empty and they were ready to come in. It would’ve been torture to have to wait three months or schedule them at one of the studios separate from the offices. 
The shirt I wore was basically lingerie, haha. I love working somewhere with no real dress code. And maybe I put a ton of lotion on so my tattoos would be nice and bright and shiny, and maybe I spent longer on my hair and makeup than usual too. I felt kind of silly — I’m not a fucking Rock of Love contestant lol — but what was the alternative? NOT have my tits out to meet Eddie Munson?? I would never forgive myself.
When he came out of the elevator I caught myself holding my breath. I can’t even remember the last time I was starstruck, I don’t think it’s happened since I was an intern. When Rina was my first supervisor and I’d barely started at the label, she told me “Forget everything you think you know about famous people. Just think of them like any other stranger.” I kept repeating it to myself, he’s just like any other stranger. Just an extremely hot older stranger. I know how to handle those. 
Somehow he’s even better looking in person. Like he has THE most beautiful eyes and feathery lashes. And like, I knew that! But seeing it IRL is something else. I called him Mr. Munson and he got all offended and had this big exaggerated reaction to it. He was like “PLEASE! Call me Eddie.” Ugh, yes sir. Whatever you say.
While I was showing him around he lingered behind me a couple times. I was like, omg is he checking me out? He was very subtle but no one fools me, haha. So I made sure to find an excuse to bend over to double check and he SO was. My heart was racing and I was soaked, then and now again writing about it. I mean, I dressed extra hot on purpose, but in my wildest dreams I didn’t think it would work! When I told him my name, he repeated it and made sure to address me by it a couple times, like he was really committing it to memory. 
He and the boys ran kinda late and I was just sitting at my desk reading when they came out. I guess I forgot to tell him that I don’t get to leave until they do, Eddie was so surprised I was still there, and he apologized profusely for keeping me late. I was like it’s so not a big deal, but he insisted on walking me to my car!!
And he said “What is this? 90’s Le Baron?” And I told him it’s a 92 Acclaim, and then we both said “they shared a body” at the same time! Oh my fucking god. He laughed and said “I knew you would drive something cool.” Cannot express in words how it felt driving home in a car that Eddie Munson thinks is cool.
Then this morning the phone was ringing as I was getting off the elevator and I had to run to catch it in time. It was Eddie. He asked me for my coffee order and I was like you do not have to get me anything and he was like, no, I kept you late, let me make it up to you. So I told him what I wanted but I was like you so don’t have to get me anything and he said “Sweetheart, I’m getting you coffee, and you can’t convince me otherwise,” and fucking hung up so I couldn’t protest any more! When he came in he had coffee for the AW boys and his production assistants too, so it wasn’t just for me, but I still couldn’t believe I was included. Usually producers just forget I’m there if they don’t need me. And that’s fine, they’re focused on their job, and I’m focused on mine. But Eddie fucking Munson remembered me. Eddie fucking Munson brought me a latte.
18 June
Ugh, I really want to talk to someone about Eddie. Not that there’s that much to talk about. Disappointingly little, in fact. But I’ve had this policy for years — I don’t mention who’s in the studio or how it’s going until I see that project getting press. I’m not under NDA with Apologetic Weapons, and I know if it’s a secret-secret I’ll be asked to sign something. But even without the paperwork, it just seems uncouth to blab about everyone I put on the schedule. I’m kind of scared to, honestly, even after all this time. Maybe it’s irrational, but I would feel so fucking stupid if I was the one who fucked something up by letting the cat out of the bag. I haven’t even told my mom I met Eddie even though she loves Corroded Coffin. She’s not exactly running a leaks Twitter, but you know…
Based on Monday and Tuesday, I would’ve thought there’d be a lot more going on between us by now. I’m not even sure if he’s flirting with me or just weirdly nice. I’m still figuring out how to take him. I THINK he’s flirting but idk… He’s acting shy, like he doesn’t know he’s HIM. It’s disarming, I feel totally off my game.
Every day he comes in early and waits for the boys in the lobby instead of in the studio, leaning on my desk. He’s been asking me where I’m from, how long I’ve worked at the label, super basic questions honestly. But he’s asking the same way he repeated my name —  like he really wants to know and remember. Since I’m kinda floundering, I’m just following Rina’s advice, trying to get to know him like I know nothing about him.
And, even though I’m a lifelong CC fan, I really don’t. I spent my formative years glued to MTV and VH1 (and Fuse, when we could afford extra channels), so I saw all the messy coverage of him in the 00’s. I always wanted him to do a reality show, like Ozzy and Gene Simmons did, but I never watched or read anything about him outside of whatever was airing when I got home from school. So I’ve learned a lot about him. Apparently his hometown is a backwater shithole, so we have that in common. He was held back a couple of times in school and was finally a month away from graduation when CC got signed (by mailing their demo to labels! That actually used to work, haha). He wanted to finish since he was so close. He would’ve been the first in his family to ever do it. But the label was like you go to the studio or you lose your shot, so he fucking went. He’s super proud to have gone to college in his 50’s. It was so sweet when he was telling me how much it meant to him, like I couldn’t help but feel proud of him too. 
Anyway I’ve just been wearing my skimpy little outfits and trying to match his energy, keeping it coy enough for plausible deniability. I always dress this way, I was just being polite. Just in case I’m wrong about him being into me. We’ll see how this week goes.
21 June
I had a dream about Eddie last night. 
When he comes into work and puts his hands on my desk and he’s got all those big ass rings and heavy chain bracelets on and his nail polish is chipping and he’s drumming something idly on the countertop… I always want him to touch me so fucking bad. I fell asleep thinking about his hands and squeezing my thighs together.
He was on Cribs when he was married to Paige Peterson (wife number 2, his longest marriage), and they had this super luxurious Rococo-inspired bedroom, but it wasn’t pastel like Rococo usually is, it was dark purple. They had this huge four post bed with curtains, and a mirror on the ceiling. I used to fantasize about that bedroom when I lived in teeny tiny dorms and that shitty crumbling punk house. 
In my dream we were in that bedroom, and he had me tied to the bed posts by my wrists and ankles. The room was full of paparazzi and they were all dressed like it was the 50’s, with big flashbulbs on their cameras that kept going off and blinding me. 
Eddie was edging me with his fingers and he was being so mean, making fun of me for begging and struggling against the restraints, laughing and telling the paps to make sure they got good photos of how pathetic I looked, and saying I was gonna be on the cover of all the magazines for the whole world to see. Of course, just as he switched to praising me and was gonna let me cum, I fucking woke up. 
I wasted a ton of time masturbating totally fruitlessly, and I was almost late. I KNOW when I wake up from a sex dream, real life never compares and I can’t fucking cum, but I had to try anyway. I didn’t want to be super frustrated and have to be around him all day, but that’s exactly what happened. 
He left for lunch today to give the boys alone time to work out a riff or something, and when he came back he put his hands on the desk and his nails were freshly painted and his rings and bracelets clinked on the counter and I thought I was going to fucking combust. I was literally hot and bothered, I felt like I was gonna start sweating, so I held my hair up off the back of my neck without thinking and he saw my fucking Corroded Coffin tattoo. 
He was like “Well, hello. What is that?” and gestured for me to turn around so he could really see it. I said, “That is my oldest tattoo.” And he said “let me guess, it’s… five years old,” totally underestimating on purpose. I said “try fifteen,” and he said “wait, I’m sorry, you’ve been alive long enough to have a fifteen year old tattoo?” So I said “Well, it wasn’t legal for me to get a tattoo, but it WAS legal for me to drive myself there… with a licensed driver twenty one or older in the front seat.” 
I could see him estimating in his head and then he said “Well, it looks a lot better than my illegal tattoos did when they were fifteen. Now all of me is ancient and my tattoos all look like shit.” FINALLY! He was pulling a trick I used to see men do all the time. It’s so simple I don’t think they even do it on purpose, but I’m onto them, haha, and I was onto him, sneakily trying to assess how taboo I think the age gap is. So I said “Shut up, you’re not even that old! 50 is the new 40. And I think your tattoos look great! A little dated for sure, but, you know…”
It was like the air between us totally changed, and he laughed and smiled this Cheshire Cat smile and then he just… went down the hallway to the studio. 
UGH. My vibrator has a lot of work to do tonight. 
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marlenafortuna · 8 months
Podcast Punishing - C.S
Warnings‼️ public teasing, spanking, blowjob
A/n: this is my first time writing anything in general haha. Let me know how I did
Summary: You decide to tease Chris, your boyfriend, a little during your featuring in the triplets podcast.
I think the amount of times I asked my amazing boyfriend, Chris, to be in him and his brothers podcast, is uncountable.
The problem was though, me and Chris weren’t public the first 7 months of our relationship. Crazy, right?
Well Chris was very known to be scared of relationships and commitment, and suddenly announcing he was committed and in a relationship was somewhat difficult for us.
Well, the day has finally come, me and Chris made our relationship official about 3 months ago. And honestly, I don’t know how the fans have taken it.
From what I’ve heard from Chris the fans took it very well, atleast that’s what he told me.
I don’t know nor do I care.
Anyway, it’s 3 months after we made it public, and now I’m sitting in the studio ready to film the podcast.
The problem was tho, both me and Chris woke up extremely horny this morning. But I don’t know if it’s gonna be a problem.
The podcast started, they asked me a couple questions about life, Chris, and some other things.
But I start getting bored and I notice Chris like.. adjusting himself??
Did I really make Chris hard just from talking?
Seeing as I was sitting next to Chris, I decided to tease him a little, by palming him through his pants, which seemed to work.
Chris was fighting for his life not to moan or to make it any obvious that I was teasing them. But I was done with him being so stubborn.
So, I pulled down his pants and started jerking him off. I know it may sound weird, and it was, not gonna lie. But it was fun
Chris was angry, and it was obvious. Jaw clenched and muscles tense by the time we walked out of the podcast studio.
“Chris what the fuck is up?!” Nick asks, clearly confused by his brothers behavior.
“Nothing I’m fine.” responds a very clearly mad Chris. “Let’s go to my room, love” he says to me.
I know I’m gonna get punished for this, and I’m so looking forward to it.
We walk down to his room, and when I shut the door, he immediately slams me up towards it and pins my hands over my head.
“Do you really think you can just sit and tease me during a podcast and expect me to not react to it? Get on the bed, your clothes better be gone by the time I’m back” Chris demands through gritted teeth. I say nothing. I walk over to me and Chris’ shared bed and start stripping, slightly turned on by this situation.
“I’m back, love.” Chris says as I’m laying on the bed. Head on the headboard with my right leg tucked up, naked. “Kinda expected to come back to you touching yourself”
I say nothing, because he rambles on.
“You’ve been bad. What do bad girls get in return?” Chris asks me, a smirk on his face.
“T-they get punished, right?” I ask, uncertainty in my voice, but I’m still confident I’m right.
“Mhm that’s right love, you’re so smart. Do you remember your safe word baby?” He grins
“Mhm” I nod.
Chris slapped my left cheek.
“I need words baby, I thought you knew this”
“Now what is your safe word” he demands me to tell him.
“Red. My safe word is red.” I reply, getting impatient.
“That’s good ma” he smiles.
Why did he make me go over our safe word? What the hell does he have planned?
He flips me over and ties my hands to the headboard with his belt.
“Alright, I did some thinking, and I think your punishment should be spanking. 25 on each cheek. How’s that sound ma?” He suggests, not wanting to make it too much for me.
“Mhm, sounds good Chris.” I reply, genuinely okay with it.
“Alright ma, I do have one request tho. You’re gonna count them all, and you’re not fucking cumming. Understood?”
I agree, with words this time.
Slap. “1” I gasp, slightly surprised.
Slap. “2” a little harder this time.
Slap. “3” ouch.
“50” I count, my ass stinging and burning from how harsh Chris’ slaps were. I cant say i didn’t enjoy it though.
“That’s my good girl, ma, now get on your knees for me.” He unties the belt while saying.
I get on my knees in front of his crotch, his pants slightly falling down from the removed belt he used for my hands.
I start pulling down his pants, palming him over his boxers.
“Stop fucking teasing me and get to work” he grunts, not liking my teasing.
I pull down his boxers along with the rest of his pants, and he steps out of them while I start slowly stroking his cock.
“Mmmmmh fuck” he moans out in relief, I understand that though, his cock was as angry red at the tip, throbbing and leaking precum. He looked almost in pain.
I start putting my tongue flat on the base of his shaft, slowly moving upwards and putting his tip in my mouth and sucking on it.
The noises he was making had me dripping everywhere on the floor. His noises were a mix of whimpers and moans, I LOVED it.
I start bopping my head on his cock, going up and down in a fast pace.
“Oh fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck so good ma.” He moans out. That has to be my favorite sound ever.
After a minute or two he pulls my head away, I look up at him in confusion.
“Sorry love, wanted to spare my cum for that pretty pussy instead” he says with a slight smirk, his eyes dark of lust and need.
“Get on the bed” he demands, and I oblige.
I lie down, legs spread, my arousal dripping just for him. He look at my glistening folds for a moment.
“So wet just for me ma? Damn I’m gonna destroy you.”
Part 2 will maybe occur.
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MERRY ROSE : ......
SEARLE : ......
PHOTOGRAPHER : Okay, Searle-kun, let's try a different pose. This time try to bring more attention to your clothes.
SEARLE : Hmm? You mean like this~?
PHOTOGRAPHER : Yes, yes! That's good!
SEARLE : Hehehe, I did it~♪!
I stand at the edge of the studio with Link, watching as the three of them pose for the camera.
EMMA : They all look so good. Each of them has this unique flair that just catches your eye.
LINK : I'm honestly really surprised, too. Who knew choosing these three would be the right decision?
We were working on a project to boost awareness of the Magic Line. Right now, Link was in the process of taking promotional photos for a "certain program" he had planned to increase its popularity.
EMMA : Making a special program with a "Meister" theme was a stroke of genius. Where did you even come up with the idea?
LINK : I wanted to make sure it would be a subject that everyone would be interested in.
LINK : "What kind of work do Meisters actually do?"
LINK : "You always look so busy."
LINK : "I want to know more about your personal life."
LINK : These are the kind of questions I get in my comments' section every day.
EMMA : It's true that many people admire the "Meisters", but there are not many people who get a chance to see what you actually do.
EMMA : (...I think this program will be a good chance to show the public what being a Meister is all about.)
PHOTOGRAPHER : Okay! Let's take a break!
GUI / SEARLE / MERRY ROSE : Yes...! / Yes! / Okay!
PHOTOGRAPHER : Link, can we check the film roll so far?
LINK : Okay☆! I'm on my way!
As Link heads towards the cameraman, Searle heads my way, taking Link's place by my side.
SEARLE : Hey, Emma-Kun, did you see me modeling out there~?
EMMA : Of course. You did a great job, Searle!
EMMA : You guys were in perfect sync! It was so cool!
SEARLE : Hehe~♪ Your praise makes me really happy, Emma~. So, okay, let's try this: Can you put your hands up?
SEARLE : High five for doing such a great job! Way to go!
EMMA : Haha, yay!
SEARLE : Hey, hey, you should model with us next time, Emma. You will, won't ya?
EMMA : Haha! That would be difficult to do when the stars of the show are supposed to be Searle-kun and his Meister friends.
MERRY ROSE : Searle, don't you think you're always a little too forward with Emma-kun?
SEARLE : Yes! I love Emma~!
GUI : Well, it's nice that they get along so well. Everyone needs such good friends!
MERRY ROSE : I guess that's true. Though I don't know if he's a friend or an overly enthusiastic puppy.
SEARLE : I'm not a dog! Do you see my ears or tail sticking out, you don't, do you~?
MERRY ROSE : It's just a metaphor. You don't have to spin around to show me.
EMMA : Looks like that's a wrap on the group photo shoot. Tomorrow you're going to split up for your solo shoots.
EMMA : We'll do interviews and photos for the individual booklets, and those will be used as part of the ad campaign. The next time we'll all be together like this I think will be for the broadcast itself?
GUI : I'm excited to tell people about all my Magic Tools, but I'm not sure how I feel doing an interview about me personally...
GUI : Ugh, I'm getting really nervous now...
MERRY ROSE : It's not like you're performing for royalty. You don't need to be so nervous, do you?
SEARLE : Hey, you're going to be with me tomorrow as well, right?
EMMA : Yes. I'm gonna be supporting you the whole way through.
EMMA : Wow! You always catch me by surprise when you hug me like that!
SEARLE : Hehehe~♪ I'm so happy to be working with Emma-kun again. I'll do my best, so keep your eye on me, okay~?
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chrissypoox2 · 2 years
R U N A W A Y 🖤 Chapter 2
Pairing: Bangchan x Female reader
Genre: Fluff 
Word Count: 1,088 
a/n: So ive deiced to turn this into a 4 chapter series buut i actually odnt know how im gonna end iy anyways enjoy. (This chapter might seem weird because im switching up the plot a bit, from what the orginal is supposed to be) 
TW: Alcoholism
You wake up in the morning feeling next to you. Chan had already left for work, and even though he said this weekend was his weekend off he still left to go to the studio. He was a determined person when it came to getting things done. Which was no surprise. You get out of bed and head to the washroom to ready yourself for the long day ahead. You're still thinking about the little runaway date and want to make sure everything is perfect for when the date is official. 
Sometime next week should be good. He is on holiday break all week so the date could last longer than just one day. 
You got on your computer and worked on the date for almost 4 hours before you finished the draft plan from the date. Looking up venues and restaurants and budgeting with whatever you got from your job was a tedious task. Your phone rings and when you look it's Chan. You pick up your phone and answer.
"Hey babe, what are you up to right now." Chan started conversations where he was all sweet and then ended up asking you to bring things to the studio for him. He is sweet regardless but he does go the extra mile to butter you up.
"Nothing much just playing games. Why? Do you need me to bring you something?" You knew Chan forgot something why else would he call you?
"Haha no I didn't forget anything I genuinely just wanted to check up on you"
Awwwee how sweet, but there has to be a catch this 
"Oh okay, well I'm fine. How are things at the studio?"
"The studio?" Chan sounded a bit confused by your remark.
"Yeah isn't that where you went? That's why you left early this morning? I assumed you were just at the studio working on music?"
"No actually the others and I are in Busan right now for a promotional, I just wanted to call to also tell you I won't be back home till tomorrow morning. So you don't have to worry about dinner tonight just make sure you eat and sleep well k?"
"Oooh okay, don't worry about me I'll be okay."
"Alright call me if you need anything. love you" 
"Will do, I love you too. Bye." You hang up the phone and get up to eat something, at the pace you working at you could get this done by the afternoon and pick up a couple of quick and easy commissions to do for some extra change. 
You continue your day as normal after finishing the date and also setting the budget. You're on your way to a babysitting commission, but it's on the part of the town that you are not familiar with. You look down at your phone and continue to follow the route. You look up with it saying that you've arrived and the house looks sketchy, but you're getting $75 for watching the kids for only 2hrs, it was a good deal and one that you couldn't easily pass up on. You knock on the door and some old guy who recks of alcohol opens. 
"y/n?" the man looks at you squinting his eyes and chugging down a beer. 
"Yes! Hello Sir, I'm here to babysit-" The man rolls his eyes and interrupts.
"Yeah, I know, come inside please." You walk in hesitantly and the man continues to give you instructions.
"I'll be out for 2 hours the kids are sleeping but when they get up there is food in the fridge in containers with their names on it. Our dog is in the backyard and isn't allowed in the house. He leaves a weird smell. If you need anything my number is on the fridge door. If my wife gets home don't leave her here with the kids. She needs her sleep after a long day of work. Also here.." the man hands you half of the payment while standing there. 
"Here is the first half, I'll give you the rest when I get back. Have fun." and with that, the man left. You didn't wanna assume where he might've been off to, but when you continued into the house it was messy and he was so worried about the dog leaving a smell, the house smelled bad already. You wanted to go the extra mile even if they didn't tip you for it and clean up the house just a bit. 
an hour had passed by and you got the smell out of the carpet, the dishes were clean, and you lit a couple of candles you found and organized the bookshelves and the Cds. The kids' toys were all neatly packed away. You even did some yardwork too just for the heck of it. Then the door opened and you had assumed it was the wife. You walked to the door to greet whoever came but you were met with a strange man. 
"Hey you, do you know where the owner of the house went? Tall dude, black hair that's up the ear length, he has a mole on his right cheek?" You weren't sure what to say, so you didn't say anything, you just nodded no. The man looked disappointed but left after standing there for a couple of seconds he left. As soon as he left you went and locked the door, and with that, you locked all other points of entry. 
They better give me more than $75
The wife came home and the kids woke up, you played some games with them to keep them occupied and cooked some popcorn so they could enjoy their movie. It made you wonder what married life would be like with Chan. It would be wonderful for sure.
The father came home and gave you the money with a $50 tip for cleaning and handling the strange man and told you not to worry about it when you brought it up. The next commission was also babysitting but it was in a completely other part of town. 
It was about 9 pm when you finished your commissions. You did a total of 5 commissions and were able to make $700, which would be more than enough for your trip on top of what you're already putting in. 
You finally get home and you are so exhausted that you fall asleep as soon as you touch the couch. 
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Our Skyy2 - The Eclipse
Prefacing this by saying that The Eclipse episodes are pretty much the entire reason I was so excited about Our Skyy2 but I didn't even watch the preview because I didn't want to get any expectations. Literally the only thing that I want is for Akk and Aye to keep their teasing dynamic from the original, and so far it looks to be the case.
I expect that whatever happens will be a bit ridiculous, but that's perfectly fine by me. These two can use a little ridiculous after all the tears of The Eclipse.
Aw did Aye forget Akk's birthday for real or is he just teasing him? Honestly either way I think it's adorable how sappy Akk is in love, haha. Poor pouty baby who just wants to celebrate his birthday with his boyfriend.
You know, product placement used to annoy me, but now I kind of love it?
Call me a sap (it's true). but I probably would watch an entire hour or two of Akk and Aye just being silly.
Confession: I have negative interest in Thua and Kan. They weren't my favorites to begin with and I never did quite manage to forgive Thua for outing Akk in front of the whole school. *shrugs*
These extended fantasy sequences are cracking me up.
This kind of petty fighting between Akk and Aye is kind of exactly what I wanted, tbh. I also kinda love Akk being dramatic over the birthday thing. I always knew he had it in him. :)
AAAAH NO I don't trust guitars and BL. Oh NO are they going to sing their feelings? Oh no Aye is going to sing his feelings for Akk on his birthday isn't he (seriously does anyone really think he forgot I will raise my hands to it if I'm wrong and he really did, but I don't currently buy it for a second)? One of these days I really am going to do a giant post about this trope - I have e feeling I am going to have to keep adding things to the compilation.
Pfft of course Akk would think Aye would keep following him around for attention after they got together. And really, Akk's anger is so easy to get going and he's so much fun when he's ranting I'm not surprised Aye does it on purpose.
It really is so nice to see this much smiling out of everyone.
This short should just be called "Relationship Issues: The Film"
Okay I really really liked the scene between Wat, Kan, and Akk. They're sweet together. I really like how they encourage each other, especially poor Wat, whose family just does not get him.
I must say I enjoy how touchy feely Akk and Aye are.
AAAH CALLED IT. WHY. WHY must they sing their feelings. WHY.
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Oh, right. I forgot Khaotung can sing. And they went with a clear studio arrangement over raw singing which lbr, is often not great (sorry Between Us I actually do love that scene but NOT for the singing)
Akk crying and Aye wiping his tears is so cute, so are the demands for kisses . They are so cute, oh my goodness. I don't even care I just love them. I don't think I've stopped smiling once this whole time.
AW I really loved these two eps. It's so good to see everyone again, especially Akk and Aye, and to see them so happy together. I've already said it, but I love this ridiculous kind of relationship drama for them. They've earned a little light. or a lot.
Totally worth it.
Also as an aside, really love the song they sing. I haven't found it on spotify yet but the second it gets there I'm downloading.
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vampstel · 2 years
Haha don't mind me being up at 8PM to ask more about Lawrence and Rei, maybe more or less specific? 1. How would They React if Charlie got hurt by someone, Both bystander and upstander? 2. How was Allen's Reaction to Rei's Relationship? 3. How would they react to a hug? 4. Who were Rei and Lawrence Inspired By? 5. (If you believe in Zodiac Signs) What are Their Zodiac Signs? 6. Following Question, What is their Birthstones? 7. What is their Sexual Orientation and Gender? - Dreamist :D
Good LORD Rei and Lawrence would both be furious. If they see it happen right in front of their eyes, they're definitely intervening. If they didn't see it happen and Charlie just comes home bruised, they're both going to comfort him and ask him what happened. Either way, whoever hurt Charlie is gonna get in a ton of trouble. Rei and Lawrence are terrifying when they're mad so god bless the person who hurt their baby...
Allen was so happy for Rei!! And he wasn't surprised to see he got together with Lawrence. The moment Allen step foot in the studio and saw them interacting, he just knew. The gay detector was going off LOL
Rei loves hugs!! His main love language is physical touch and he always hugs his friends whenever he can. Lawrence, on the other hand, isn't a fan of physical touch. He only likes being hugged if it's a loved one hugging him. So it's either he gets mad or he gets surprised and melts into the hug. They're both good huggers though. Rei's hugs are very comforting while Lawrence's makes you feel secure and safe
I had a lot of inspirations for Rei... He was mostly inspired by Furuta and Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul. Lawrence was inspired by a BATIM character (you can guess who very easily) as well as Alucard from Castlevania. They're both also inspired by me, Lawrence especially
Rei's a Cancer and Lawrence is a Capricorn. I think their signs suit them well but I'm not that well versed in Zodiacs
Rei's birthstone is pearl while Lawrence's is garnet. I could be wrong though... Rei's birth month has a lot of stones...
Rei's gay and trans-FTM. Lawrence is biromantic demisexual and cisgender male.
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