#he was so proud how she got all the clues together on the phone and him going “that's my girl” sended me
allmyandroids · 4 months
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azulpitlane · 7 months
got love stuck part 3 please i’m begging it’s so good i need it
out of the woods I ln4
pairing: lando norris x reader, exbf! mason mount x reader summary: in which lando has to communicate his insecurities but is he too late? notes: ask and you shall receive, this one took a while cause I had it all written out then I hated it and started over😇but this is the last part!! i loved making this thank u for being so supportive considering part one was my first ever post!! now send some requests hehe part one, part two, masterlist
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lando i fucked up, its too late
danny ric what do you mean its too late?
lando i texted her and no response she went to dinner with mason tonight they're probably still together right now
danny ric okay so you're jumping into conclusions AGAIN you have to have some faith in her mate and stop assuming the worst
lando she was with her ex after our breakup what am I suppose to do?
danny ric communicate, you muppet you can't just give up after one try
lando okay okay you're right, i was overthinking im booking the next flight to london
danny ric um i was thinking maybe a phone call?
lando too late, already booked it
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dailymail Trouble in paradise? Singer Y/n Y/l/n and F1 driver Lando Norris reunited in London today. Onlookers claim the two were having a heated conversation about their relationship and it is unclear whether the two are currently together or not. Was this argument result of Y/l/n's infidelity? The singer was spotted twice within this month with ex boyfriend, Mason Mount. Read more on the singer's relationship timeline with Mount and Norris in our article linked in the bio.
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user yes lets just make assumptions that y/n is a cheater based on nothing🙄
user if lando took her back ill be so mad. shes so toxic
user you have no idea what shes like in real life? you're just basing your opinion on some stupid tabloid that constantly spreads misinformation on her
user this doesn't even look like a heated argument to me?? y'all be doing too much
user please let this be just a friendly conversation and her and mason got back together☹️
user its been a year, I think its time to move on from that relationship user yup!! shes clearly moved on y'all need to do it too user her relationship with lando has been messy from the start, she never had to deal with this drama with mason that's all im sayin
user this page is obsessed with y/n!! leave my girl aloneeee
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liked by landonorris, masonmount and 5,283,239 others
yourusername out of the woods out now.
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selenagomez on repeat already💙 liked by yourusername
user HAS TO BE LANDO user praying its mase but I have a feeling its lando☹️
user the way these lyrics can apply to both mason or lando so we have no clue who its about🧍‍♀️
user and they both liked aghhhh!!!!
danielricciardo amazing song, so so proud liked by yourusername
francisca.cgomes can't stop listening im obsessed😍 liked by yourusername
user okay danny and the wags are all commenting this is a good sign for us lando and y/n defenders
alexandrasaintmleux you're so talented I love it!! liked by yourusername
user y/n dropping this after being seen with lando again, I think its time for us mason defenders to retire :(
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 920,482 others
landonorris want you for worse or for better, would wait forever and ever tagged yourusername
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yourusername and that's how it works💙
user these are definitely song lyrics AHHHH user landos listened to the new album omfsgnks user new album is gonna be mix of love and breakup songs with the drama methinks
maxfewtrell sap
user careful lando, once a cheater always a cheater
user where is the proof of her cheating?? there literally is none user they literally broke up after she was seen with mason user give up this narrative already!! her and lando are clearly happy together so who cares
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 7,284,234 others
yourusername these past few weeks have felt like a crazy, emotional train wreck but there's nobody else I would've rather done it with than my best friend and lover💙 i usually never address anything like this but there are somethings that aren't easy to shake off especially when it comes to my relationship and my loyalty being questioned. there has never been somebody who has been so perfect for me and i would never trade this love for anybody elses. i could go on and on about it but i find it easier to communicate through music.
my new album is out tonight at midnight, it is a collection of songs written from last year to now. interpret the songs as you like but just know there is only one person im in love with right now.
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user she just nicely told all mason x y/n supporters to stfu
user not only that but she beat the cheater allegations🙏
user "would never trade this love for anybody elses" IMCRYIN
landonorris love you so so much, dont know what I would do without you
yourusername lan love u more🥹 user AWWW user nobody can be a mason x y/n fan after this cause they are too cute
landonorris this album is amazing, im so incredibly proud of you and everything you've been through liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 very excited for this one liked by yourusername
masonmount this was very well said, congrats on the new album!! liked by yourusername
user OMG? user in their besties era omdfsnkln user I knew they were just friends through all this!!!
user okay officially retiring the mason x y/n agenda..it was a good run
user def the end of an era but our girl is happy🫶
user now that the drama is over can we focus on how good this album is gonna be
user fr the drought is officially over
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liked by landonorris, yourbff and 3,232,325 others
yourusername the love for my new album has been insane, thank you guys so much!! so many records broken just on the first day of the release and i couldn't have done it without you guys💙
now it is time to hibernate for a little bit and spend some much needed time off with my loved ones so this is a lil goodbye... for now!
see ya later
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user gave us some lando content before dipping, thank u mother
user she took 'I know places we won't be found' to a whole different level because nobody can find out where theyre vacationing
user good!! they need some privacy after this messy drama
landonorris got you all to myself now
maxfewtrell gross yourusername perv
kellypiquet ❤️‍🩹 liked by yourusername
user but will we see you at the paddock next season🥹
yourusername ofc!! catch me rooting for my babyyy
user what a crazy era. hopefully well get some performances and lando supporting after this break
landonorris will be front row at every show user wag and rockstar's bf. try not to say parents challenge omg user can't wait for the content of them supporting each other at races and concerts ahhh
yourbff pls dont make me an auntie soon im too young
yourusername okay im officially logging off.
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tags: @jayrami3 @whoselly @roseseraj @saturnbloom77@landowecanbewc
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mvltisstuff · 10 months
could you please write ANYTHING for steven! no one writes for him and i love your writing!
would love a friends to lovers story but im working with crumbs so anything will do
you are in love - s.c
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summary: request
steven conklin x reader
a/n: he looks so cute in this gif i’m crying 🩷 i hope you enjoy this, one of my fav tropes :))
the years had passed by so fast, each one leaving lost confessions in the dust. y/n would always regret it, but then new years came around and she promised herself she would say something. then year one passed, and year two.
she didn’t say anything to steven. she only gave small hints and signs, but he never really saw any of them. little did y/n know was that he was doing the same, sending her little messages with his mind and he broke every time she didn’t notice. it was pure oblivion, neither of them seeing the pure love they had for each other.
they lived as friends for too long. the runs on the beach, the bakery trips, the boardwalk dates were still friendly engagements. it was the complete opposite of what they wanted.
y/n had no idea how steven was missing it, even being valedictorian. he was the first to stand up at her sport games, or any of her activities that she did good at. he’d always have the most loving beam on his face when she showed him a good grade she got on a test. and she was the first one on her feet at his graduation.
she helped him practice his speech all the time, over the phone and even some long weekends in person. y/n was always there for steven, through the good times and the bad. when he achieved his goal, or when he lost susannah. she held him while he cried, listened to every agonizing word that left his mouth. he has no clue how to thank her for any of that, as she was the only consistent support system in his life, the constant source of love that he could never be derived of.
she drove hours to his school, sitting right in the audience with his family as he walked up to the podium. each word of his speech left with such grace, being delivered with his class in a mature way. the moment the last word in the paper left his mouth, she was on her feet, clapping her hands together and getting his attention first. his eyes wandered to her, the most alluring smile illuminating the room he was in. he was surrounded by classmates and their families, but suddenly, he and y/n became the only people there. he stepped down, accepting his diploma and making his way out after the graduation ceremony.
y/n pushed through the crowd of people in their blue gowns and caps, trying to find the only one who mattered to her. as she twisted and turned around the people, seeing no one that was remotely close to steven. he noticed her from far away, pulling away from an embrace with his mother and sister, seeing y/n trying to shuffle through the crowds.
his feet started moving toward her before he could even think straight. he just saw her gorgeous face, the one he just wants to love out of the silence. she finally landed her eyes on him, seeing the diploma being handed off to laurel. she started stepping quicker toward him, but it still felt like slow motion.
her heels clicked on the ground outside, trying to contain the wide smile she had on her lips. she was preparing to be there for steven after his graduation, but only as a friend. she so badly wanted more, but she pushed through their friendship with what seemed like ease.
when they finally reached, he pulled her into his arms, lifting her legs off the ground and her knees bent. y/n wrapped her arms around him, softly squealing in his ear about how proud she was, and that his speech was perfect. she started to blabber on about how amazing he is, moments away from spilling her whole heart out on the floor.
he giggles at her words flying out of her mouth at an insane speed, placing his hands on her shoulder and stealing her from her own mind.
“steven, you don’t even understand how good that was!” she rants in the most adorable way. “i don’t know how else to say how proud of you i am!”
“y/n, listen,” he grins, lifting her chin up to look at him, who stands tall over her.
“i’m sorry! i just needed you to know how amazing you are.”
he can only manage to smile back, tilting his head a bit at her. “can i talk now?” he asks, jokingly, as she quiets down to let him talk.
“i just wanted to say, that i’m leaving the stupid steven in high school,” he begins, leaving y/n’s brows and nose to scrunch up.
he places his two fingers back on the tip of her chin, lifting it closer to his face and planting his lips on hers. it felt so natural, as if they could’ve been doing it for years. y/n simply let it happen, the moment she’d been praying for finally happening.
his soft, warm lips touched against her own, the faint taste of mint gum on lips and the strength of his cologne. a weight was lifted off stevens shoulders as he deepened the kiss, the same load being swiped off y/n’s.
when they finally fell back down to earth, y/n smiled against stevens lips, the sweet grin only making him further infatuated with her.
“you’re the only one i want, y/n,” he says. “i can’t hide it anymore.”
“don’t ever hide it again,” y/n replies, reaching up on her toes to peck his lips again. the firework had finally been ignited, and burst beautifully in the brightest colors in the sky.
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discotitsposts · 3 months
born to die
reader is secretly best friends with a famous singer
bau x reader
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set in season 7 so 2012
“Have you guys heard about that new singer, Lana Del Rey?” JJ asked the team while waiting for the brief of the new case on the jet. Hotch and Rossi had taken up conversation in the corner leaving the younger team members some quality time. Derek shakes his head. You smile to yourself. Lana was actually a stage name and her real name was Elizabeth and she had been one of your best friends ever since you had met her in the seventh grade during an incident in Lake Placid.
The team didn’t know that though. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell them. It’s just that the topic had never come up before so you didn’t reveal it. You were very mysterious to them. Honestly you were just private.
Emily smiles, “Yes!! Her album is called ‘Born To Die’ it’s so good!”
Morgan tells you that he’s going to listen to it. He puts his headphones on and closes his eyes. He starts singing ‘Summertime Sadness’ out loud. Spencer looks around confused. Not being kept up on pop culture he had no clue who she was. You explain to him Lana’s vibe is very vintage and her voice is beautiful, which is why people love her. You, having heard her early music when she first started, are very excited about her newfound popularity.
“I heard she’s playing a show in New York soon, wanna go?” JJ asks Emily when the jet lands
“I’d love to!! Who else wants to go?” Emily looks around at everyone. Morgan raises his hand and says, “I’m in!”
They look at you and Spencer.
“How about you guys?” JJ asks with a big grin. Spencer stammers trying to think of an excuse when you say, “I can get the tickets for us. I have an in at the arena.” They nod excitedly. Spencer, being quite fond of you, nods.
“I’ll go. It might be fun.” He smiles at you. Hotch and Rossi were listening in and tell you they would like to join. You smile at them and shoot off a text to your so called contact at the arena. The performer herself.
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You smile and put your phone down.
After the case, you’re all back on the jet.
“Hey you got a ticket for Penelope right, I called her and she said she would die to go.” Morgan asks you.
“Of course! Couldn’t leave her out.” You didn’t tell them you didn’t need to buy tickets.
When you get back to the BAU Penelope runs in.
“We’re actually going!! I’m so excited!! What should I wear!” She asks you.
“Whatever’s comfortable!” You respond while folding your sweater up and putting it in your bag.
“Hey do you know what section we’ll be in?” Emily asks looking up from her phone.
“Right up front.”
Everyone’s jaws drop. “You got us all front rows?” JJ asks. You nod.
Day of the show
You and the girls had gotten ready together in your hotel room. Rossi had ordered a limousine for everyone.
“Where are the tickets?” JJ asks when you get to the ticket station and the man holds his hand out to check for your tickets.
“Oh we don’t need tickets.” You laugh and look for a security guard. You motion everyone to follow you. They look at each other in confusion but follow you. You tell Ed the security guard your name and he tells you all to follow him. He brings you to a backstage room.
“Are we MEETING HER?” Penelope, JJ, Morgan, and Emily jump around screaming.
Lana walks in and everyone damn near passes out. She looks absolutely beautiful. She’s wearing a white dress with her hair big and heavy makeup. She spots you and grins.
“Hi! I’m so glad to see you!” She runs to you and gives you a big hug.
“I’m so proud of you! Look where you’re performing! How do you feel?” You ask.
“I know it’s so crazy. I’m feeling a huge adrenaline rush,” She smiles fiddling with her hands. “Maybe some nerves too.”
“Well you’re going to do amazing. Just think of it as the bar you used to play at and I’m gonna be right there cheering you on!” The whole team is watching you interact with her in such awe.
“Alright, I’m going on soon. Ed, can you take them to their row? Have fun everyone!” She squeezes your hands and waves at everyone as she walks to the door. She blows you a kiss and you blow one back and shake your hips. A secret handshake you guys made up.
Emily smacks your arm gently. “Why didn’t you tell us you’re friends with a singer who’s been all over the radio lately?”
“You didn’t ask me.” Their faces drop. They hadn’t asked you much of anything when you’d first joined. Everyone was nice they just hadn’t spoken to you about your personal life much. Therefore you hadn’t told them anything.
“Know anyone else famous?” JJ asks jokingly as if you might secretly be friends with a whole bunch of A-list celebrities.
“Ever hear of Taylor Swift?” She was also a good friend of yours. You show everyone a picture you had taken with a Tay a few weeks ago when you had gone to dinner with her. JJ almost faints.
The show was a blast and you all had fun. She played everything from Born To Die and her latest release, Paradise. You had even noticed Spencer seemed to like the song, Diet Mountain Dew. He had been tapping his fingers rhythmically to the beat. Lizzy had pointed at you and smiled and waved to you all during the show. Her voice live is so beautiful. After, you had all hung out with Lana and went to dinner with her and everyone was spilling with questions for her. You were laughing for hours with everyone.
“I heard Britney Spears is playing at a stadium nearby tomorrow.” Penelope winds some more spaghetti on her fork with Rossi giving her a disapproving look at the improper way she wound her pasta.
“Oh yeah. For ‘Femme Fatale’ she invited me to that. I might go. Who wants to join?” You speak as if you’re just asking them if they want to get coffee. Leaving everyone wondering how the hell you know all these people.
Needless to say, after that everyone asked you a lot more about yourself.
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
Heyyy I’m the one who req the Instagram ff and I loved it so muchhhhhh and I want to ask for another but where it’s like a mix of an actual ff but also an Instagram ff? So here’s my prompt: Mick and Reader are both going through tough times regarding their dads because Michael isn’t doing well and readers dad passed away when she was in her mid teens. She and him are best friends because of her dads connection to his dad and they grew up in close proximity. She comes to all his races (can u do it so that mick is racing for Mercedes instead of George??????) and she is his biggest supporter. After a lot of time, Mick confesses to reader because he’s liked her for a long time and reader agrees to date and they make like a soft reveal on Instagram! Thank youuuu Elllll
𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆𝒔
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➪Interesting plot, I like it!
➪Again, I'm pretty new to instagram fics, so I hope I succeeded in bringing your vision to life.
➪Wasn’t completely sure what you meant by “mix”, but I hope this is what you meant!
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Things to note:
❥I took some inspo from “Daddy Issues“ by TNBHD
❥You’re a famous ballerina, daughter of a famous lawyer and business man, Erik Klum (name is made up btw.)
❥You and Mick are 2 years apart
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Pairing: Mick Schumacher x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of daddy issues
Word Count: 4.1k+
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“𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒐.”
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Euripides once said, “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.” The saying might've been true, but you never got to experience it for yourself. You never saw him grow old. Your dear father never got to see his sweet little girl grow old either. You missed him every single day.
Your father, Erik Klum, was a famous lawyer, who handled Michael Schumacher’s monetary belongings. That's how you got to meet Mick Schumacher. The famous Formula One driver's son. The two of you practically grew up together. His mother, Corinna, was like a mother to you. Your own died when she gave birth to you. Mick and Gina were like your siblings. They were near your age, so the three of you had no problem getting along.
Your father did his best to provide for you. He funded your dream. Ballet. Your mother was a ballerina who travelled the world to perform. That was how she met your father. He also funded any extracurriculars you had time for along with whatever pampering he believed you needed. He wasn't a mother, so he never really had a clue about what a daughter would want, but he always tried his best. Corinna was there to help him out at times, which you also appreciated more than anything.
When you were coming into your pre-teens, you were sent to a ballet boarding school. Your father had set aside enough cash to get you there, as it was a part of your dream to be just like your mother.
At the airport, everyone came to say goodbye to you. You were moving all the way to France to pursue your ballet. Mick and Gina both cried, but Michael assured them it’d be alright. Your father only cried tears of joy. The way he saw your mother in you made his heart give out. You didn’t think the last thing you’d ever hear him say was,
“You look just like her. I’m so proud of you, my little girl.”
You spent the first couple of years training hard and working your way up the ranks at the academy. The process was halted, however, when you’d gotten a phone call from your father followed by a message.
You couldn’t believe what you were reading. Michael was in a coma. Your father explained it’d happened due to a ski accident. He’d booked you a ticket home so that you could go visit. After all, Michael was like a second father to you.
When you got there, you saw the immense grief etched on everyone’s faces. It happened so suddenly. Nobody had seen it coming. Your heart ached, but you knew it was nothing compared to what Mick and Gina were feeling. The three of you hugged and cried for the most part of that day. You stayed for two more days, grieving with everyone before you inevitably had to go back to France.
You managed to keep your composure whilst at the academy. With the updates you’d get from Mick and Gina, you were reassured. Some time passed, and you’d heard that Michael was out of his coma. It sent a huge wave of relief and helped ease your mind when you were alone. You’d been prone to panic and anxiety attacks.
A couple of more years flew by, and you suddenly got a phone call from Mick. He never really called without texting you first, because he knew you had a strict schedule. Luckily, you had your phone when he called.
“Hello?” You heard from the other end of the line.
“Hey, Mickie, what’s with the sudden call?” You asked.
“You have to get home right now. I’ll explain when you get here. We bought you a ticket, your flight leaves early tomorrow.” You felt anxious. Fear started eating away at your feet, making its way up your legs to your stomach and to your throat.
“Okay,” you croaked. The line disconnected and you immediately ran off to administration to tell them you had a family emergency and had to go home for a while. They gave you two weeks, which in retrospect, wouldn’t be enough for what was to come.
When you came to the airport, you realized your father wasn’t in sight. It was just Corinna, Mick, and Gina. Your heart sank. Had something happened to your father? Your head started pounding.
“Hi darling,” said Corinna and tried to keep her composure.
“My dad… where is he?” You asked with a shaky voice, scared of what her response would be. Much to your dread, your suspicions were confirmed,
“I’m sorry, my sweet girl. I’m so sorry.” She didn’t even have the heart to tell you the words. He was gone. You broke down. Mick and Gina looked absolutely devastated for you. Your only driving force was gone. You were all alone. You couldn’t think straight. All you did on the car ride home was cry out to your father. You couldn’t believe that he was gone. It didn’t seem real to you.
When Corinna pulled into the lot of their place, soon to be yours as well, you got out with the help of Mick. Your head was too cloudy to walk by yourself. You could barely form a coherent sentence.
The funeral was the worst part. You watched as they sank your father’s mahogany coffin into the ground.
“Papa! No! Please don’t leave me, papa!” You screamed as you fell to your knees. You couldn’t take it. You never got to say goodbye to him. You never had the chance to say a few final words to him. He’d been taken from you without warning.
Mick and Gina helped you through the first two weeks, as you had to go back. Since you weren’t an adult yet, your aunt had gained custody of you, and you had to move from Switzerland to Germany. Moving away from all you’d ever known was tough on top of the death of your beloved father.
Years passed by at the academy, and you were a full-fledged Ballerina. You performed in various theatres and at famous events. You’d become somewhat of a household name in ballet. Many called you a prodigy, which you were. Your upbringing was based around ballet.
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You'd still kept in contact with the two Schumacher siblings during all the years you spent in France and Germany. You visited them sometimes for minor holidays, which always lifted your spirits.
Mick had started a career in racing, just like his father. He told you that he'd earned a seat at Mercedes. You had come to his races before. Several times, in fact, when he was with Haas. You were beyond ecstatic when you heard he'd earned a place in a dominant car for the new season. Next to Lewis Hamilton, no less.
You wore one of Mick’s shirts when he came out of the shower. His hair was dripping onto his chest, and he had a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Hey, you should wear one of my new Mercedes shirts to the race today,” suggested Mick. For a while, you’d had growing feelings for Mick, and coming to all his races only made him admire you that much more. He’d come to your performances as well, and it always made you happy to see him amongst the huge audience you normally had.
“Hmm, maybe. Won’t people be suspicious though? I mean, I’d look like your…” you trailed off, hoping he’d finish off.
“No, don’t worry about it! Everyone already knows you’re like a sister to me,” He chuckled and threw you one of his shirts. It had 47 on the back of it. Your heart stung briefly when he said that you were like a sister to him.
The Australian Grand Prix was a strike of luck for you, as your performance was in the same city. You were performing in Her Majesty’s Theatre later that day. You’d practiced ever since you heard about the gig.
“You should wear one of my leotards for my performance tonight. It’s only fair!” You joked, watching as he laughed along with you. Domestic moments like this were what had made you fall in love in the first place. You travelled with him constantly. It was hard to not catch any feelings. You could only wish for him to one day feel the same.
“You’re coming to my dad’s 50th birthday luncheon next week, right? Gina said she’d come. Corinna too,” you asked. There was no race the following weekend, so he agreed to come with no hesitation. You always baked a cake on your father’s birthdays to celebrate for yourself. Sometimes Mick was there to join you. This time was different. It wasn’t just baking a cake and singing a gentle birthday song for your father. You wanted to go all in. He deserved it.
“Klum… I don’t want you to overwork yourself with the luncheon, okay? Let me help you.” Mick was always really considerate of you, which was enough to make your heart melt into a bowl of soup. You wanted nothing more than to spend every single birthday of your dad’s with him.
“Mickie… you know how much it means to me. 50 is a special number. That’s you know… halfway.” You mumbled the last part, but it was loud enough for Mick to hear it.
“I know, I know. If you really think you can do it on your own, of course, I’ll let you. I’m just saying, if you need help; I’m here for you.” You nodded and smiled at him. He gave you a warm smile back. It felt like it hugged you.
“We should probably hurry up, though. We have to be there in time.” Mick quickly found some boxers and other articles of clothes to wear for the day. The two of you were used to seeing each other without any clothes on. It felt natural. Yet, your cheeks were still dusted pink. Whilst he got into his clothes, you found a skirt to go with his shirt. It was barely visible due to the oversized shirt, but you wore it anyway. With the outfit, you wore a pair of white satin high heels you’d been gifted by Jimmy Choo. Because you were wearing his shirt, Mick had coordinated his outfit to match yours. You knew the media would try to gossip about it, but in all honesty— you wanted them to.
When the two of you arrived at the paddock, cameras were already everywhere and ready to snap photos of you and Mick in matching outfits. The paparazzi were ruthless. Anything to get the latest inside scoop. Even though you were used to the attention, you hated having your private life revealed. It was the main reason you never told a soul where you lived. Only the Schumachers, your aunt, and some of the drivers knew. You had a long-time friend from the academy who also knew because she often came over to your place to take care of it whilst you were gone.
Luckily, behind you was Lewis. He got all of the attention with his fashion statement. You adored his sense of fashion, and so did the media.
“Viel Glück, Mickie,” you said when Mick got into the car. You gave him a hug and stepped aside for the engineers and strategists. You were incredibly proud of Mick for landing a place with the silver arrows.
It was lights out and you saw all the cars race almost as if they were synchronized. It reminded you of some of the dances you’d done in the past. Before you mostly did solos, anyway.
You watched as Mick went from P13 and worked his way up to P1. You couldn’t even believe your eyes. It was incredible. With only a few laps left, he was able to fend off the driver behind him and go on to finish on pole. Everyone went to the celebration and when Mick came over to hug all his coworkers, he saw you in the midst and pulled you in for a big hug.
“This is for Erik and my dad. I did it!” Out of excitement, he kissed your forehead harshly and went on to hug the rest of the crew. Though the kiss didn’t have any meaning other than that of Mick’s elated state, it meant the world to you.
The interviewer was none other than Nico Rosberg. He came up to Mick and asked a couple of questions about the competition and whatnot, before moving on to ask about you. Mick was a bit surprised, but he answered with what media training he’d been through.
“I think Klum and I both have a lot in common and we grew up together, so I see her as a little sister. She’s very supportive of me.” It was a perfect response in his mind.
“This is your first win, you must be very excited!” Said Rosberg.
“Naturally. I’m dedicating it to Erik Klum and my father. They are both such important people to me and have shaped me into becoming the man I am today. Well, the man who just won this race.” It was sentimental and all the tabloids would be sure to latch onto that.
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A week later, you were out shopping for ingredients with Mick. You'd spent the night before decorating your house. Apparently, you hadn't been discreet enough.
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sportsgossipc Ballerina Y/n Klum spotted grocery shopping with Formula One driver Mick for Erik Klum’s death anniversary. Are they cosying up together with a celebration?
user1 Is it just me or is this sort of disrespectful to “gossip about”
user2I was about to say the same thing…
user3 This is wrong… Erik died in January. It's for his birthday probably
user4 Leave them alone lol they already got so much shit to handle
user5 First of all: it’s Erik’s birthday. Second of all: If it were his death anniversary, why would you make it into a gossip story??? Third of all: “cosying up together with a celebration”? What is that supposed to mean?
When you came home and went to post a happy birthday post for your dad, you saw a dm from your friend. It showed you and Mick shopping. The photo itself wasn't upsetting in particular. No, the caption is what got you. Mick walked up behind you to see what you were doing. When his eyes locked with the screen, he was shocked.
“They have no right,” said Mick and hugged your waist. You tried to not let it bother you too much and instead posted a story about it, followed by a birthday post for your father.
y/nklum posted a new story, mickschumacher posted a new story
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Liked by mickschumacher and 233,754 others
y/nklum You would be 50 today. I miss you every day. I know it’s been a while, but I will always mark my calendar on this day. Thank you for everything you’ve sacrificed and done for me, happy birthday papa❤️
mickschumacher Happy birthday, Erik❤️
ginaschumacher ❤️❤️❤️
You put your phone aside and started cooking. Gina and Corinna were going to arrive precisely at noon, so you had a good 3 hours to finish everything. You ended up letting Mick help you, as you realized there were way too many things to do.
As time passed, you got the food ready and the guests arrived. Everyone sat down by the table you had in your dining room. Next to you, you’d placed a nice portrait of your father. Before eating, a birthday song was sung in his honour.
“This is amazing, kids. You know what you’re doing!” Corinna complimented your cooking. Your usual meal was hotel food or restaurant food, but if there was one thing you could do well; it was cook. Your father had taught you from a young age, and the academy also required you to start cooking your own meals as you grew older.
“Thank you so much, Corinna, I’m glad you like it.” You smiled. Corinna was more of a mother to you than your aunt. You barely ever saw her even though you had to move all of your stuff over to her place. You spent most holidays with the Schumachers when you weren’t in France. After France, you got a house close to your second family.
“That reminds me! I found your father’s old wedding band in our storage. I figured you’d want it.” Corinna gave you a small box which contained the ring. You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. It was a beautiful gold ring with a tiny diamond in it. You hugged it and thanked her for it.
After everyone went home, you were left with Mick. He offered to clean everything so that you could take a breather outside on your patio.
After he’d finished cleaning, he met you outside. You sat on a wooden porch swing. Before taking a seat next to you, he admired how the sunset hit your face perfectly. You were beautiful. Your legs were crossed over each other and the way your face lit up when you saw him… he could barely contain his feelings for you.
“He was a great man.” Mick finally took that seat next to you.
“I miss him.”
“It’s only natural. I miss him too,” he replied calmly.
“I want him to know how I’m doing,” you whispered, trying not to cry any more than you’d already done.
“He knows. Trust me, he does.”
“Do you think he’s disappointed? Because I can’t sleep alone? Because I can’t sleep without having nightmares of him?” You leaned into Mick’s chest, hearing his heartbeat.
“Not at all. I think he’s proud of the incredible woman you’ve grown up to be.” He rubbed your back and pulled you closer to him.
“Will you stay with me forever?” You asked.
“Of course, Schatz.” Your heart started beating fast. It was the first time he’d ever called you a pet name. Usually, he resorted to your name, a nickname, or your last name. You acted as if you hadn’t heard it so that it wouldn’t create any embarrassing tension between you.
“I’m sorry. I’m being clingy and needy, aren’t I?” You sighed and looked up at the setting sun.
“Never, Liebling. I know that you’ve got daddy issues because I do too.” Hearing him say the actual term out loud made you want to bury your face in his chest and cry until you no longer had any tears left.
“My dad is still… well, you know.”
“Yeah… it must be horrible. I don’t know how it feels, but I’m always here for you.” You snuggled into him.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I had lost him that day. You’re really strong. You should know that. I will always be by your side,” Mick spoke softly.
“If you were mine, I would run away and hide from all of this fame and attention with you. We could enjoy our lives to the fullest extent.” You felt like your heart had stopped. You pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes,
“If I was yours?”
“I tried to keep it to myself… I know you probably don’t feel the same way. I’m an older brother to you, right?” He said with a hint of regret in his voice. You immediately cupped his face with both of your hands,
“You have no idea how happy I am right now.”
“You feel the same way?”
“Of course, I do! I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” You smiled.
“I’ve loved you since you first took off to the academy. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you.” He pulled you over his lap and hugged you tightly as if you were a fragile little thing.
“I love you, Schatz.”
“I love you too, Mickie.”
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A few months had passed before the two of you agreed to go public with your relationship. The timing was perfect because you attended the last race of the season. The two of you still had your reservations about going public, so you played a little game with your fans to see if they could figure it out from subtle pictures. Of course, many of the drivers knew a few weeks after it’d happened, but you’d asked them not to tell.
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Liked by mickschumacherand 355,860 others
y/nklum Came to the show with flowers and carried my heels home for me after❤️
lewishamilton Show was great, keep it up!
landonorris I fell asleep but the parts I saw were amazing👍
y/nklum Why am I not surprised😒
charlesleclerc I know, I'm such a gentleman
y/nklum Hmmm🤔
user2 crying rn
user3 my parasocial relationship is quaking💔
user4 It's Charles😭👍
user5 How do you know?
user4 Didn't you see the comment he made? It's definitely him💀
user5 Oh💀😭
user6 what in the soft launch-
user8 What abt Mick😭💔
user9 He said several times he sees her as a sister💀
user8 Could be lying🤷
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Liked by y/nklum and 538,924 others
mickschumacher Watched another amazing performance❤️ Had to leave early to prepare for a date though…
charlesleclerc Cool, wish I was that flexible😅
y/nklum Thanks💖
user1 Mick???? Soft launching???? Under a y/n post???? This makes no sense
user2 Wait is he referring to y/n or someone else wtf
user3 I thought y/n was dating Charles💀
user4 Bro everyone thought that
user3 Isn’t she though?
user4 Personally I think she is but idk
user5 Why is Mick soft launching at the same time as y/n😭
user6 Lmao he went to a friend’s performance and ditched it for a date💀
user7 rip y/n
user8 Charles is there for her though🥹❤️
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Liked by mickschumacherand 379,688 others
y/nklum Thank you to the random stranger who offered to take a picture of me and him together❤️
landonorris That random stranger was me🙄
y/nklum No, you were the third wheel
user1 Nah that definitely doesn’t look like Charles
user2 Nvm that ain’t Charles unless he dyed his hair💀
user3 isn’t that Mick😭
user4 It looks a lot like Mick. I think it is him…
user5 But didn’t Mick say that he left her performance to go on a date?
user4 No, he said he left early to go PREPARE for a date. It could’ve been a date with her.
user6 I love the subtle Lando slander for no reason😭🙏
user7 If Mick posts something like this, we’ll know what’s going on and who’s dating who💀
mickschumacher and y/nklum
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Liked by landonorrisand 836,190 others
y/nvettel Spending our 6-month anniversary skiing ⛷️ Happy 6 months, Mickie❤️❤️❤️
mickschumacher Happy 6 months, Liebling, I love you❤️
y/nklum I love you more❤️
landonorris Should’ve invited me when I actually wanted to third wheel smh
y/nklum Go skiing with Carlos
charlesleclerc Finally I don’t have to keep quiet about it anymore
y/nklum You came close to revealing it one too many times
lewishamilton Enjoy your vacation guys, congrats🙌
user2 Jeez okay we get it💀
user3 I really thought it was Charles lmao
user4 I always thought they looked good together🙏
user5 childhood friends and now dating? This is the sweetest🥹❤️
user6 I can’t wait for the wedding pics
user7 They better get married
user8 Lando in the comments again😭😭😭
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You thought back to when it all started, as you sat in the ski resort’s outdoor hot tub. It was just you and Mick in a hotel room, both hoping the other felt the same way.
You knew that your father would be proud. You’d fallen in love with a respectable man. A man that he got to meet and know before he passed. A man that you could call home because you could be in any hotel and still feel at home as long as you were with him. With Mick.
You also knew that if you ever were to have children, you and Mick would be sure to tell them all about their grandfathers. How one was a former world champion, and how the other was an unbeatable lawyer. They were both heroes. You’d convinced yourself. You could convince a couple of toddlers.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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acciocriativity · 10 months
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(Pictures are not mine, credits to the rightful owners)
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Ateez Masterlist
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Requested from anon!
Thank you so much for the request, dear anon 💕 Since the idea is that I choose the prompts, I inspired myself to create ones based on yours. Hope you love it anyway 💖
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"No, I'm telling you, I've seen the way she looks at you", San has been bothering him all morning, because Wooyoung was feeling defeated.
Wooyoung was, at least most of the time, a cheerful person. It came naturally to him. His friends at school expected that from him. He was their happy pill they would say and he was proud of it... but it's impossible to be positive, when you are so damn dense!
"I don't know San-ie, maybe we should give up on the mission".
This is not the Wooyoung he knows, it was the only thing on San's mind at the moment. Something must had happened for him to be sulking around like this and San would figure it out as if his life depend on it.
"Listen, let me try something and after that, you can do as you want, just pick up the phone when I call, okay?", San said in such a serious and determinate tone that Wooyoung couldn't say no.
You came into his life, their lives, out of nowhere. One day, it was the three of them, San, Yeosang and Wooyoung, then the next day there was you sitting with them at lunch being bombarded with questions by Wooyoung.
San was soo confused at first, because sure, they were known as friendly people, Yeosang being the shiest and quiest, but they kept to their own group most of the time. It was rare to find someone that would fit in with them the way that you did.
Wooyoung adored you, trully, but after everything that he tried already, you still didn't have a single clue about his feelings. It made him anxious and a tiny bit insecure, maybe you just did not like him back...
"Don't!", San whispered to Wooyoung as they got into class. "I know this expression, whatever it is, it's not true.
He asked you out on a date. It was quite straight forward to be honest, how can he be more direct than that?
Your answer?
"Sure, where do you want to go?", there was that smile on your face that showed him you thought he meant in a friendly way.
Maybe he wasn't that straight forward then. The both of you went out together a lot for the past month already, but without a name to it. A name he desperately wanted to put on it.
"Hum, maybe that café that opened last week?", you didn't know him enough to notice his smile was forced yet, he was way to good at faking it.
He decided to pull out every trick he knew of. By the end of the week following his first failed plan, he clingied to you like a koala, more than he already did!
While you thought he was adorable and sweet, cuddling to you at every chance and staying by your side whenever you four were walking to class... You missed your personal space a little. You felt what it was like to be Yeosang for the first time, it wasn't a easy job to be that loved all day every day.
Still, how can you ask to that pretty face to give you some space? You could imagine it the kicked puppy face he'd make and that only already broke your heart.
"Wooyoung-ah", you said as you stood together side by side, waiting for the others to meet you at the front of the school.
He looked up from where he was. Chin on your shoulder, hands around your waist as he sway you both to a song he just came up with. His eyes shined in adoration, his smile contagious as he waited for your answer.
His skin was glowing... No, he was glowing that day for some reason. His whole demeanor screamed happiness since 7:30 A.M.
"Did something good happened today?"
It did. Someone asked him if you guys were dating. He had to go to the bathroom to regain some control over his body.
"Just you".
There he was again.
He always been quite flirty, but the past week it only increased. You didn't know what to do with yourself in this situation, you were always caught off guard and your mind came up with a million scenarios to explain this behavior. None of them left you happy though.
"You are impossible, aren't you?", you laughed it off, like you've been doing. You felt like you have to do it to protect yourself and the friend group you barely got into.
In San's humble opinion, Wooyoung was doing everything wrong. He was way too lost in his feelings to realize that it wasn't how direct and how obvious he could be, it was about you.
You and Wooyoung somehow were like twins, your energy matched in a way no one saw coming. You were the smart kid in class in their minds for the first half of the school year. You're quiet, but kind hearted and smart. Everyone thought the same until Wooyoung decided enough is enough.
He saw bits and pieces of your personality and being the direct man he's always been, he decided right then and there to get to know you more.
But that also meant you also weren't happy 24/7, you struggled a lot too and you could be as insecure as everyone else, even with your cheerful personality shinning through.
San could it see it looking from the outside, you're scared of falling for Wooyoung or maybe you already fell deep into it and couldn't be sure if he was serious about his attempts. He didn't know which one, but he knows he has to do something about it.
"Why don't you talk to him?", his tone wasn't judgmental and his eyes were kind as he sat by your side.
"I want to, but what if he's just being, you know, Wooyoung", you didn't need to explain it further.
San let out a snort, he couldn't help himself as he smiled.
There was a ultimate truth in this, you didn't know Wooyoung for long. You didn't see him go through the lowest up to the highest point in his life. You showed up in a high and since then, Wooyoung has been flying higher and higher because of you.
"He's not like this, you know... I'm mean, he is but he's been so much happier and energized since you came along", he said as he looked forward.
This words stayed with you for a long time, but there was still something missing. Something you wanted to see for yourself and Wooyoung didn't give it to you yet.
So you asked to meet up with him in hopes of seeing it.
"I know what you've been trying to do, you know? You're not discreet, Wooyoung-ie".
He was stunned. Was he getting rejected right now?
The bright smile in his face faded in front of you and you hated it the sight. Your instinct was to grab his hands in yours.
"I just wanted to see it for myself, Yeosang said you looked at me like Winnie the pooh looked at some honey", the smile in your lips only grew as you repeated the words.
Wooyoung was baffled, embarrassed and feeling a little betrayed, because at the end of the day he knew it was true.
"I just wanted more than words", you whispered as you saw it for yourself the effect you had on him. "But don't get me wrong, you are usually good with those".
You laughed as you intertwined your hands in his.
"Honey, you're blushing like a tomato right now", you thought he was blushing even more because of your teasing, but he wasn't.
He wouldn't ever tell you how much he loved the petname though.
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cod-dump · 1 year
Chilling with my twin brother and now all I can think of is Gaz having a twin sister, or even Price, maybe Nik, but definitely Gaz.
Just whichever one it was still being super close with her. They've been best friends their whole lives despite being very different people. Being able to have silent conversations with each other, totally freaking the others out. Whoever it is getting a random moment of "I need to call my sister" or "hey, I haven't spoken to her in a little while, something tells me I should let her know I miss her and love her and that everything's okay" only for her to tell them that she was having a bad day and really needed it.
If it's Gaz to have a twin sister (which seems the most likely tbh), everyone is a little shocked when one day Gaz is pacing in Price's office in a panic (I see Gaz as being pretty empathetic). Price looks somewhat concerned, but also tired at this point, and Gaz is clearly struggling to get in contact with someone. He's practically in tears by the time his twin sister answers, all confused and sounding sick. He tearfully explains he had what they call a "twin-tuition" moment and thought something was very wrong. She has to assure him that she was indeed sick, but that she's fine and it's just pneumonia, she just went to the doctor and has medication, she's fine. He ends up just having a moment over the phone with her, partly because he was anxious, partly the sleep-deprivation, and another part being homesick (ie mostly missing his sister). That's how they all learn about his twin sister, and then they never hear the end of it from him.
He's always telling them about everything she's doing. How he's so incredibly proud of her; she followed her dreams and became a schoolteacher and is beloved by her students. She's still single, and Gaz is heartbroken for her. He truly sees all the good in his sister, how amazing she is, and he's borderline distraught she doesn't believe anyone could ever love her. He's her number one supporter in everything she does, and she supports him. She may randomly call him in a panic similar to Gaz's earlier one because she somehow knew he got injured during their last mission. She had such a severe panic attack when he was dangling out of the helicopter in that one scene despite having no clue what was happening. She had a feeling it had to do with Kyle, but didn't get a chance to call him until several days later. She tried several times to call him over the span of those days, and both were in tears by the time he was able to answer/call her back.
When they finally meet her, she's clearly his sister (they look like siblings, but no one would ever guess twins). She's a lot shorter, lot more reserved and much more soft spoken. She's not very sarcastic, mostly just an absolute sweetheart. But then, they spend more time together and they're all shocked by how 'mean' she can be to him. They'll bicker and insult each other like there's no tomorrow, but then immediately ask the other what they want for lunch or how is momma doing? Sometimes, Price will get verbal whiplash from listening to their conversations with how back and forth they can be, but there's never any malice, they each seem to know where the limit is without ever having said anything about it.
This is 100% a self-insert, but it's so personal to me, and I just wish to see one of these guys have a good, healthy relationship with a sister, and based on personal experience, having a twin is one of the best ways to have that. Price is like the only other one that I would die if I read something where he had a twin sister, and the idea of Nik having a twin sister is hilarious, but honestly? Gaz with a twin sister makes me want to cry, it's perfect.
Being home and spending time with my twin has made me really emotionally about this whole concept. He's not able to work right now due to health issues and so we're the only ones at home during the day. Him having health issues has made me really emotional (I'm the empath in this duo) so this idea is just brain-rotting me worse
Like I am so fucking close to writing a short story where Gaz has a twin sister because holy fuck I am close to tears
You should definitely write a story if you're up to it!! I really like this!
I had written awhile ago about Gaz having a sister because he just seems like the type to have a sister (I don't know how to explain it). Him being a protective brother, willing fight anyone for his sister, very protective when she's dating someone but he's not overbearing about it because he trusts her judgement. Can imagine Soap flirting with her in a joking manner and Gaz almost beats the shit out of him because he knows Soap, he knows this man is a heart breaker and there's no way in hell he's letting him around his sister.
Like, 141 really adores Gaz's sister after things settle and they get to know her. Soap flirts but it's playful and Gaz isn't trying to kill him for it because he knows Soap won't try anything. Gaz's sister actually really gets along with Ghost because she's a teacher and Ghost's reminds her of a troubled kid so she really gets him and they bond quickly. Like, she of course loves Gaz and spends 80% of her time with him while with 141, but she also spends time with Ghost and Gaz doesn't like to be the jealous type but he is jealous watching his sister bond with Ghost. But he also is happy to see Ghost open up to someone and he can see Ghost light up when she walks over to him.
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animehideout · 6 months
Quick question, may I request? If not, just ignore this<3
💙Random recommended song💙
I already mentioned this in my latest post but anyway, I did an optional homework and got the best grade and in the beginning I felt lowly about my work but after getting the grade I felt so much better about it and myself too.
The problem is that lately I started to get into writing again but can't find the time suddenly. Aaaaand I wanted to kind of celebrate this (I mean that the teacher seemed to like my poem) even tho it isn't a big deal but feels like it and oh God I feel like a lil child :')
Sooo may I request a Magumi x reader fluff, where the reader and Megumi are just chilling together when the reader get a notification saying she got a good grade and they get so emotional that they try to hold back tears, but Megumi senses the sudden change and ask if they are alright? The reader trying the brush it off that "Oh it's nothing special or worth mentioning, just got the best grade on the optional homework we got. Can't believe the teacher liked my poem..." 'Poem-?' Megumi thinks as he heard the last words. He maybe didn't even have a clue that the reader was into poetry and/or that they wrote any, so by hearing this he wanted to read it, but overthinking a bit, he decided on not asking them, even though maybe he should have. But it's late, he waited till they fell asleep and then quietly got up from bed to go and look for their exercise book and read it. After he read it, he puts the book on the reader's desk or somewhere else, not minding to put it back to it's actual place because he plans on telling them his opinion, how much they likes it as well and je would be interested in seeing more of their work. Maybeeee the reader confesses that they've been into poetry for a time now and shows Megumi all of the poems they've written while telling Meg' why they like some of their poems and why they have a few problems with some, then there's Megumi reading them with intrest. Maybe Megumi having a soft spot for poetry IDK BUT NOW I JUST REALIZED THAT BY WRITING THIS REQUEST I COULD HAVE EASILY JUST WRITE THE FANFIC ALREADY TT My bad :')
Anyway, catching up with your lates Gojo posts soon!
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Huggie :3🎀
Megumi Fushiguro X Poet /Artistic Reader
Synopsis: Megumi discovers his partner's talent in writing poems.
a/n: Thank you @megan016 for this request, also CONGRATS for getting the best grade, you did great sweetheart and I'm proud of you 💗. Also I can't wait to read more of your poems and the translated ver. Keep it up. I hope you like this little oneshot tho♡.
Check @megan016 poem here ( I liked it and I had to share it, you are so talented 💌 )
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As the soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, you sat in your boyfriend's arms, Megumi. Engrossed in the movie that was displayed in front of you. The atmosphere was light, filled with soft hums as Megumi played with your hair. The rainy weather outside, added to the coziness.
Suddenly, you phone chimed with a notification. Curious, you picked it up, unlocking it to reveal a message from your school,
{ Dear Y/N, Congratulations, your poem received the best grade. We appreciate your hard work. }.
Your eyes scanned the words, a wave of joy and surprise washed over you even though it was an optional homework the fact that your poem that came from your creativity, that each line you wrote carried within it a deeper feeling and meaning got a proper appreciation from your teacher was able to bring you to happy tears.
Your heart swelled with happiness while clutching your phone tightly, Megumi sensed how your body tensed between his arms.
"Love, is everything okay?" he asked.
Realizing that you haven't told him yet about your passion for poetry, you tried to hide your excitement and brush it off,
"Oh, y-yes I'm fine! it's nothing, just my poem got the best grade in class! Can't believe my teacher actually liked it hehe.." you chuckled awkwardly, trying to act normal as if you weren't holding back your tears from how delighted and proud you were.
"Poem?!" Thought Megumi to himself "I didn't know she's into poetry"
"But yeah– it's nothing special, not a big deal tho, it was just an optional homework" you added bringing him back to reality
"Oh.. I see you did great love congrats" said Megumi kissing the top of your head.
He senses how you were avoiding talking about your poem, so he respected it and just congratulated you he was completely oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions you were suppressing he thought you really wasn't that excited. Deep down, Megumi couldn't brush away the curiosity that grew inside of him, he was interested in reading books, poems and articles so having a partner that happened to write poems excited him to the core.
As the night proceeded, you dozed off beside him. Closing your eyelids, swimming in Dreamland. Sleeping nice and sound, feeling protected with the warm presence of Megumi. He watched you as you slept next to him, smiling to himself as your whole hand cutely held his index finger. Your hand size difference has always brought a smile on his face.
Suddenly, his eyes widened when he remembered about the poem, his eyes scanned the room and finally fell on your exercise book that was innocently put on your desk. Too intrigued by the unexpected revelation of your poetic talent, he couldn't resist the urge to delve into your world of words.
Trying to not disturb your beauty slumber he tiptoed to your desk, gently opening the book , carefully flipping the pages until he found your poem of 14 stanzas.
He was too excited to read it, to read between the lines and analyze the deeper meaning it held. Line after line, he found himself utterly captivated by the beauty of your expressions, the smart choice of words, adjectives and the Poetic elegance that adorned your stanzas. It left him completely speechless, realizing that the love of his life is indeed talented and creative.
"And she said it's not a big deal??" he muttered to himself as his eyes shifted back on your sleeping figure.
He wanted to flip the pages to read more of your writings, to check your other copy books but he resisted that urge, respecting your privacy and deciding to wait till morning to ask you properly about your passion for poetry.
He laid down next to you, eager for tomorrow to discuss with you what now happened to be a mutual passion; while you were interested in writing poems, Megumi was interested in reading, them showing that both of you complete each other.
His arms pulled you closer to his body holding you,
"I'm proud of you my love" he said before dozing off.
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, your eyelids fluttered into consciousness. Megumi was already awake, laying on his back, one arm behind his head as his eyes were fixated on the ceiling. As he felt you shifting beside him his gaze turned to you, greeting you with a warm smile.
"Hey sleepyhead, want to tell me about those poems of yours? I had no idea you're poetic genius!!" he exclaimed softly,
You were still half awake, taken by surprise you quickly got into a sitting position,
"You read them??" you asked.
"Not all of them!! only that one in your exercise book! Now I know why it got the best grade" he said enthusiastically.
It was rare for you to see Megumi full of energy early in the morning, so you couldn't help but smile from how much he was interested in your poems. Encouraged by his genuine reaction you started to open up, confessing that you've been into poetry for a while now.
"So? want to show me the rest?" he asked.
Without saying anything, you jumped out of bed. The cold floor touching your bare feet sent shivers down your spine. You quickly grabbed your notebooks and ran back to bed, getting under the warm blanket next to Megumi again, you got closer to him.
"Here they are" you said with a smile.
Anticipating his reactions every time he read one of your poems, the way he read the lines you wrote with passion and care warmed your heart, as if what you write was meant for him to read. The curious expressions drawn on his face whenever he tried to guess the real meaning of your words made you giggle.
After reading most of your poems he engulfed you into a big hug,
"Those poems are amazing Y/n!! I can't wait for more from you. So tell me what inspires you the most? what is your motivation?" he asked too immersed to know more.
A blush painted your cheeks and with a shy smile you answered "Y-you! You do inspire some verses"
"Guess I'm a muse now" he teased playfully trying to hide the fact that he got shy as well.
"Exactly" you giggled.
"What are the difficulties you face while writing though?"
"Most of the time me trying to channel my feelings into words, sometimes certain feelings that I want to write about can't be described by simple words so that's quite a challenge and it takes a lot of effort or sometimes I struggle with motivation even though I do have a lot of accumulated ideas that are waiting to be written" you explained.
You spent the morning cuddled up in your soft bed, sharing ideas and soft random kisses every now and then, exchanging soft touches. Sitting between Megumi's legs as he held your notebooks and continued to loudly read the rest of your poems.
"I love this one Y/n !! Wait is it about us??"
Megumi was too happy to be in that specific moment with you; the moment that definitely inspired you to write another poem that will carry those feelings between both of you forever.
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ourtearsofrain · 3 months
Paper Rings (D.R.W/S.F.K)
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Summary: When Danny wants to propose to Sam, he turns to his brothers for help, wanting the evening to be perfect.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Genre: fluff, almost hurt/comfort, other than that no clue, way too long to be drabble but there’s no smut or angst or anything
Word Count: 6.5 k
Warnings: language? But what’s new with them, anxiety from worrying about how the proposal will go.
A/N: I would highly recommend reading Save a Horse and Ride a Cowboy as well as their previous fics, as this is a continuation of their stories within this Universe.
4:38 pm
Those fucking bastards. Never on time a goddamn day in their lives. Danny sits in the living room of his and Sam’s apartment, his heart hammering, fingers twisting together in his lap and leg bouncing as the anxious knot in his stomach tightens as the minutes tick by. They were supposed to get here 38 fucking minutes ago. Where the fuck are they?
He checks his phone. Nothing. A minute later he checks again. Nothing. Fuck. After what feels like an eternity, a loud knock at his door yanks him from his frustrations, and he all but runs across the room to answer it. Jake and Josh stand at the center of the group, caught up in a heated, but hopefully lighthearted argument, with their partners sharing knowing exasperated looks over the twins’ heads.
Danny’s too frustrated to even care about possibly interrupting whatever argument they were having, cutting them off with a sharp, “You’re late.” He steps to the side as the group walks in, the twins talking over each other with various excuses as their boyfriends simply apologize and express that they tried to get them out of the house on time. “It’s whatever, I guess. At least you’re here now.” Danny sighs as he turns, walking away from them towards the living room and hoping they will follow. They do, and each pair takes a seat on the various chairs and couches occupying the space as Danny paces nervously across the room.
Austin is the first one to point out the nervous energy radiating from his friend, speaking over the noise of Jake and Josh trying to finish their argument from before. “Daniel, you alright? What’s goin’ on? And where’s Sam?” The twins promptly end their side argument as they also take in the state of their friend as well as the lack of their brother, causing their eyebrows to crease in unison.
“Yeah, why’d you ask us to come over? And why isn’t Sam here.” Josh questions.
Danny pauses his movements, coming to a stop in front of the other boys. His hands twist and stretch the hair tie around his wrist, needing to find some outlet for his anxiety. “He’s with Ronnie, she wouldn’t tell me what excuse she used to get him there, but I won’t question it since its working.”
It’s now Jake’s turn to question Danny. “Ok, cut to the chase. What did you need to talk to us about without Sam being present? You’re starting to make me worry.”
“I-” Danny starts, his nerves cutting him off and causing him to take a deep breath before continuing. “I need your guys’ help.”
Josh gasps dramatically, his hand flying to his heart in surprise. “I knew it!”
Danny feels like he’s been punched in the gut, his anxieties growing louder and louder in his head. If Josh figured it out so fast, Sammy could have too. Shit what if he knows and this was all for nothing.
Luckily for him, Josh continues, never missing the opportunity to make a shitty joke that often left the rest of them rolling their eyes. “You got him pregnant, didn’t you? What did I tell you two crazy kids about wrapping it before tapping it.” He shakes his head in mock disappointment before continuing, “Are you guys keeping it?” Josh is too focused on Danny (and too proud of his joke) to see Jake launching a pillow at him from the opposite end of the couch until it hits him hard on the side of his head.
“What the fuck man??” He yells as Austin wordlessly takes the pillow from him to prevent any retaliation.
“Could you be serious for one fucking second, Joshua? I don’t know about you, but I would love to hear what Danny has to say.”
Josh’s head drops slightly, now recognizing this may not be the time or place for his jokes depending on the conversation at hand. “You’re right, Jake. I’m sorry Danny.”
Danny removes his hand from where it had been placed on his temple in an attempt to slowly massage the stress and tension from his head. “It’s fine. Anyways, I need your help.” All four boys sit in tense silence as they wait for the other shoe to drop, each of them curious and worried about what had Danny so worked up like this.
“I’m going to propose to Sam.” The room is silent for a few seconds as they process what Danny had just said. Eventually, Josh shoots out of his seat, jumping up and down as he whoops in celebration.
“THAT’S FUCKING FANTASTIC OH MY GOD FINALLY!” He tackles the taller man in a massive hug, almost tipping the pair over as Danny stumbles to regain his balance before looking over to Jake to see him slowly standing from the couch with a wide grin on his face. When Josh finally let’s go of Danny, it’s Jake’s turn to embrace the other man, still enthusiastic but not enough to almost send them to the floor as Josh had.
“I’m so fucking happy for you, Danny. Couldn’t ask for a better man to take our annoying kid brother off our hands. I thought we were gonna be stuck with him forever.”
Danny lets out a deep breath as he laughs, beyond relieved at the reactions he recieved from the twins. After them, Austin and Sebastian take their turns congratulating him, each word of affirmation lifting a small weight off Danny’s shoulders until the anxiety he had previously felt is almost fully gone.
“So, what do you need our help with, hun?” Sebastian questions, voicing what the others had been thinking.
“Ok so, I want to propose to him at Bradley’s, in the spot we had our first kiss. But I want to be alone with him when I do it, but I don’t want him to suspect anything leading up to that.” Danny sighs, the frustrations formerly plaguing his mind resurfacing as he attempts to explain what little semblance of a “plan” he had. “I don’t know, that’s all I got. Do you guys have any ideas of how I could pull that off?”
A broad grin breaks out on Sebastian’s face, having already put together an entire evening for him and Sam in mere seconds in his head. “Oh, I got the perfect idea, kid.”
One week later
“Alright people, settle the fuck down y’all!” Sebastian shouts over the many loud side conversations occurring between all the drag performers as they wait for their monthly meeting to begin. They do as he asks, wrapping up their various conversations and turning their attention to Sebastian.
“Thank you. Imma keep this short and sweet and to the point, now. As y’all know, our usual club we perform at is undergoing renovations, so next month’s show is gonna be at Bradley’s Honkey Tonk.” A few excited whispers pass through the crowd, the performers knowing that they always got the most tips when they had shows there. “Our next, and last, order of business is the theme. Now the votes are in from y’all, and the theme with the most votes was Money, Money, Money. Now, I’ve already called that ABBA song but when y’all are ready to claim yours, put your name and song down in the group chat so I can start organizin’ the set.”
He looks at the small crowd, eyeing them to see if he could sense any unspoken queries. “If y’all aint got any questions, y’all’re free to leave.” Many chairs skid across the floor as they pull their phones out, already typing out the songs they wanted in the group chat and excitedly discussing group numbers and outfits with each other as each small group slowly made their way towards the exit.
Josh elbows Sam in the side in his haste to claim his song, frantically typing his message into the chat and hitting send with a satisfied grin, seeing that no one else had taken his song choice yet. He slips his phone back into his pocket before turning towards Sam. “Ready to go?”
His question snaps Sam out of his thoughts. “Oh- uh actually I wanted to talk to Sebastian about my song really quick. Don’t wait up, I’m meeting Danny down the street for lunch so I can just walk there.”
“Alright, have fun.” Josh says with a smile, turning and making his way towards the door with the rest of the crowd.
Sam approaches Sebastian, quietly waiting as he begins scribbling down who had taken what song so far in his notebook. He finishes, letting out a deep sigh before finally looking up. “Oh- hey, kid! Didn’t see ya there. What’s up?”
“I uh-” He starts, nerves getting the best of him as he looks down, his fingers picking at his cuticles as he gathers his courage. “I need help. Picking a song and… and with something else.”
A look of concern passes over Sebastian’s face, not used to seeing the usually confident Sam so sheepish. “Of course, I gotchu Sam. What’s up?”
“I- I want to propose to Danny. After the show, considering it’s where we had our first kiss. I just, I don’t really know how to do it. And I want to do a song that sort of hints at it, but not so much so that he knows it’s happening before I actually do it. And my brothers can’t know, I don’t want them to accidentally spoil the surprise.” He looks at Sebastian hopefully, feeling vulnerable and anxious as he asks this of him. “Do you think… do you think you can help me?”
Sebastian’s face splits open in a wide smile as he makes his way towards Sam, pulling him into a tight hug before he responds. “Of course, I got the perfect idea, kid.”
Three weeks later, Danny finds himself back at Bradley’s Honkey Tonk, seated next to Jake and Austin as they wait for the show to start. Jake’s voice across the bar table snaps him out of his anxious daze, and Danny looks over to see a concerned look painted across Jake’s features. “Hey man, you alright? You look a little pale.”
Danny takes a deep breath, having to remind himself to breathe as his nerves send him spiraling. He nods slightly before reaching for his glass of water and taking a large gulp of it. “Yeah, just nervous.”
He brings his hand to the pocket of his black jeans, checking to make sure the box holding Sam’s ring was still there for the 15th time that night. The knots in his stomach slightly loosen when he feels the outline of the box safe and snug within the fabric. As much as Danny was worrying about Sam’s reaction, he knew deep down he would love the ring; the second he had seen it, he knew it was so perfectly fitting for Sam. It had pansies engraved around the band, Sam’s favorite flower (and “coincidentally”, Danny’s star sign flower), the detailing dark black against the shine of the white gold.
“Everythin’ll work out just fine, Daniel. Your plan’s solid as it gets, and I’ll be damned if Sam says no to you." Austin brings his hand to Danny’s shoulder, offering him a small pat of encouragement before Jake joins in on relieving his worries.
“Exactly, we all know the plan, everything will work out. And I’ve known Sam for his entire life, I can’t think of one reason he would say no to you.” Danny offers a small smile at both boys, his nerves slowly dissipating from their words of encouragement. A distraction from any remaining nerves is provided when Sirena takes the small stage, mic in hand, and the crowd begins to quiet their side conversations in anticipation.
“How’re we feelin’ out there tonight?” She enthusiastically questions into the mic. She’s met with a loud roar of cheers and applause, as always joined by a few stray wolf whistles. She grins at the crowd’s obvious excitement, giving them a moment before continuing. “Fantastic! Just what I like to hear. I am your host tonight, Sirena de Lune, thank y’all for comin’ out tonight! And let’s make sure to give a big thank you to Bradley’s for hostin’ us tonight!”
The crowd erupts once more in appreciation of the owners allowing them to use their space for the night. “Now before we start our performances off for the night, I just have two things to say. First, consent is fucking sexy! If you don’t want extra attention or interaction from a performer, just throw your arms up into an ‘X’ and they’ll respect that. Consent also goes two ways, so make sure to not touch a performer without them initiatin’ that interaction. Lastly, tip your motherfuckin’ performers! Especially for tonight cause our theme is ‘Money, Money, Money’, so I better see some tips in the air for our amazing artists tonight! With that, I’ll introduce you to our first performer of the night, give it up for Elle Fernanda!”
The crowd nearly drowns out the upbeat intro of Material Girl with their applause as Josh sashays towards the stage. With his already unruly hair teased and donning bright pink lipstick, he looks like he walked straight out of the 80’s. Austin’s eyes linger for a moment on the short hem of his sequined, deep pink bodycon dress before they trail down his legs clad in fishnets, the stage lights catching on the small rhinestones scattered across the fabric, and down to his platform glittery heels, not once tripping over the various cords and steps in his journey towards the stage. His arms, neck, and ears are weighed down under as many pieces of flashy jewelry as he could fit, sending small beams of rainbow light around the room.
Jake snorts from his place beside him. “He looks like a fucking disco ball.” Both Danny and Austin smile at his comment, keeping their eyes on the performer as he teases the audience with the instrumental intro. He drops low down into a squat, grabbing more bedazzled bracelets from the stage floor before standing slowly, pushing his ass out towards the crowd. Finally, he turns around to face the audience as the first verse starts.
“Some boys kiss me,
Some boys hug me,
I think they’re ok.
If they don’t give me proper credit,
I just walk away.”
He makes his way off the stage, taking careful steps down so as not to trip in his heels. He motions along with the song, dropping low and bringing his hands together as if in prayer.
“They can beg and they can plead,
But they can’t see the light (that’s right).
‘Cause the boy with cold hard cash
Is always Mister Right.”
Working his way through the crowd slowly, he turns as he snatches tips from outreached hands, lip syncing in practiced perfection. He makes his way towards Austin, ignoring his tip and pulling him off his seat when he reaches him, placing his pink gloved hands on his hips as he still securely holds his fists full of bills.
“Some boys romance,
Some boys slow dance.”
Josh sways them both to the beat, once again teasing the crowd (and mostly Austin) by intentionally over-exaggerating his hip movements and pushing his ass out.
“That’s alright with me.
If they can’t raise my interest then I
Have to let them be.”
With that, Josh taps the tip of Austin’s nose with his finger, offering a wink before snatching his tip and turning to make his way back to the stage. Austin takes his seat again with a lovesick grin on his face as he watches his boyfriend weave through the crowd.
“Some boys try and some boys lie
But I don’t let them play.”
Josh reaches the stage, taking a large step onto it and turning to face the crowd as he raises his hands above his head.
“Only boys that save their pennies
Make my rainy day.”
He throws his tips in the air, and they flutter down around him as if they were droplets of rain. For the rest of the song, Josh continues spinning his way through the crowd, enthusiastically interacting with every patron he came upon whether they tipped him or not. As the song comes towards its end, he finds himself back on stage, gesturing dramatically as he uses his theater experience (and personal experience with Austin) to flash his biggest doe eyes flirtatiously at the crowd as a more “calm” part of the song plays.
“A material, a material, a material, a material world.”
His energetic energy is back as just quick as he had put it on to play up that part as he sways his body on stage, dropping down to a squat sideways from the crowd as the last few beats of the song play. He suddenly tips back, falling on his back dramatically and cocking one leg in the air as his arms sprawl around his head, perfectly timed with the last beat of the song.
The crowd erupts, their applause deafening with a few stray wolf whistles (most of which belonging to Jake and Austin) as Josh stands, blowing kisses to the crowd before exiting the stage, leaving the stagehands to quickly retrieve his fallen tips for him.
“Thank you, Elle, for that sensual performance.” Sirena says into the mic with a wink. She introduces the next few drag performers, one after the other, one of them being Shimmer performing to Rich Girl. Sparrow takes the stage after Shimmer’s tips have been collected, and all three boys seated at their table immediately know that it’s Sirena’s turn next. After a brief introduction, Sparrow jumps off stage as the intro to Sirena’s song starts.
Donning a different outfit than she had at the beginning of the show, Jake recognizes it instantly, not even needing to listen to the intro to know what performance she was about to give. Wearing simple converse, black overalls over a flowy light blue blouse, a light brown wavy wig with the front strands tied at the back of her head, and minimal makeup (for a drag queen, of course), she’s instantly recognizable as Donna from Mamma Mia!
Her face is set in serious frustration as Maryl Streep’s voice begins singing over the speakers.
“I work all night, I work all day
To pay the bills I have to pay.
Ain’t it sad?
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me,
That’s too bad.”
Her eyes lock on Jake as she steps off stage, slowly singing her way through the song as she weaves through the crowd towards him.
“In my dreams I have a plan:
If I got me a wealthy man,”
Her left hand comes up to his face as she slowly trails the back of it down his left cheek. She turns, her back leaning against him and keeping her hand on the side of his face, applying the slightest amount of pressure to get him to turn his head towards her.
“I wouldn’t have to work at all, I’d fool around and have a ball…”
Just as Jake’s lips are about to brush her own, she slips the tip from his hand and struts away from him, continuing her play of frustration to fully embody the show. She continues this energy throughout the performance, heavily interacting with the crowd as she collects handfuls upon handfuls of tips. When the song ends, the stage lights cut out on beat, sending her into darkness before they flash on again and an appreciative smile replaces the scowl she had donned for the performance. Sparrow hands her the mic again as the crowd applauds her, impressed at how accurate her act had been.
Once again, she introduces the next few performers; names that Jake, Danny, and Austin had grown familiar with from their partners’ involvements with the drag community. Faebelle and Sparrow give an animated duo rendition of Partners in Crime until, at last, she breaks the sad news of the show’s imminent end.
“Now I hate to remind y’all, but the night must come to an end at one point or another. Please give a warm welcome to our last performer of the night, Callie Bungah!” A familiar pop-ey intro begins and Jake instantly knows that Sebastian had helped Sam pick his song. He struts up onto the stage with a bounce in his step as he waits for his cue to sing.
Danny’s first though is: oh my god he looks so cute, when he takes in the image of Sam, wearing a wavy blond wig with the front strands dyed blue, a white turtleneck tank top, a long, flowy, baby blue skirt, and light pink go go boots decorated with red hearts.
“The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met.”
He points to Jake and then Josh, watching his performance from the standing group of kings and queens in the corner, drawing a laugh from both.
“Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet.
Now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed.”
Sam keeps his eyes on Danny for most of the performance, yet intentionally avoids the area around him until a little over a minute is left in the song. The song calms down just as he reaches him, all instruments except the piano and guitar playing softly in the background.
Suddenly he’s reaching into the pocket of his skirt, pulling out a small piece of paper in the shape of a ring, carefully folded to have an origami heart. He holds it out towards him, lip syncing to the words as Danny extends his hand with a smile, allowing Sam to slip it onto his right ring finger.
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings.
Uh huh, that’s right.”
Despite his cool outwards appearance and the grin gracing his features, Danny’s mind is racing in worry. Shit. Does Sam know? Did one of the twins tell him? They would never… would they? His internal panic is silenced momentarily by the lovestruck look on Sam’s face, his hand coming up to hold the side of the other man’s face, who brings his own hand up to rest on it.
“You’re the one I want.
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
Uh huh.
Darling, you’re the one I want.”
He offers one last small smile to the other man before turning to make his way back to the stage, grabbing the last of the tips from outstretched hands on his way. As the song begins to fade out, he walks towards the group of other performers, weaving through them and “hiding” behind a couple as he lip syncs with his head next to theirs, before he exits the room through the performers door as the song finally fades to silence.
The quiet is short lived as the crowd quickly shows the last performance a round of applause for the night. Sirena takes the stage once more, calling up each performer in order, for one last show of support to each artist. The crowd cheers equally as loud for each, and each time one of their partners is brought up, Jake, Danny, and Austin let out shrill wolf whistles and whoops.
“Once again, thank y’all for comin’ out to support us tonight. Big thank you to our tech crew and to Bradley for lettin’ us hijack his bar for the night! We’ll see y’all at the next show!”
Jake, Danny, and Austin patiently wait for their partners to finish taking pictures with the other patrons before they make their way towards them, the group of performers slowly dispersing back to their green room to get undressed for the night. By the time they reach the stage, there’s only a few patrons left in the building as groups file out the door and into the night. Josh is the first to spot them from his spot on the edge of the stage as Sebastian and Sam are caught up in a quiet conversation to the side. “So, what’d you guys think?”
Austin wraps his arms around the other man’s waist, lifting him up and spinning him a few times before gently placing him back on his feet next to him. He stoops to plant a kiss to his lips before answering. “Fuckin’ amazing, darlin’. You are drop dead gorgeous, if I do say so myself.”
Josh laughs, lightly placing his hand on Austin’s chest as he looks up at him. “Mmmm you flatter me. But thank you, love.”
Drawn to the show Austin and Josh had just put on, Sebastian and Sam make their way towards the group smiling. “You trying to turn Sammy boy into a Swiftie, Seb?” Jake says with a grin.
“Maybe, maybe. He put on a damn good show though, don’t ya think, Danny?” At his name, Danny’s trance is broken, his eyes having been glued on Sam since his performance began and he turns to look between Sebastian and Sam.
“Mhm, you all did fantastic. As usual of course. Love the pockets, baby.” Sam’s face lights up at the observation, immediately sticking his hands into the pockets of his skirt and slightly turning back and forth to flare it as he looked down happily.
“Thank you, Daniel. I love them too. All skirts should have pockets in my opinion.”
“I’ll second that!” Sebastian interjects with a laugh. “Alright, I don’t know bout y’all but I’m dyin’ do get outta this wig so imma go change. Y’all comin’?”
“You don’t have to ask me twice; these heels are killing me.” Josh says as he tentatively transfers his weight between each foot.
Sam grimaces in agreement. “Same here.”
“We’ll be here waitin’ for y’all when you’re done.” Austin says as the other three file back towards the green room. The remaining boys make their way towards a table, taking their seats as they wait for their boyfriends. Both Austin and Jake notice Danny’s anxiety creeping up on him, his leg bouncing wildly under the table as he fiddled with the paper ring still on his finger. “You alright, Daniel?”
His gaze shoots up to Austin, finding a slightly concerned look on his face. “Mhm, yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just nervous. Do you guys… do you guys think he knows? That I’m going to propose. With the song he picked and all it’s just… too much of a coincidence.”
Jake shakes his head, offering a small smile to Danny. “I know Sam, and I know Seb. Sam definitely didn’t even know where to start for a song choice and Sebastian gave him an idea. That’s like, one of his favorite songs. I swear I hear it at least once a week.” He finishes with a laugh.
Danny lets out a deep breath, slightly relieved from the information. “Ok, yeah, ok. He doesn’t know, it’s just a coincidence that will be something to laugh at later.”
Once again, Jake pats his shoulder in encouragement. “Exactly. Just breathe, don’t think about it too much. And I mean, it’s Sam we’re talking about. He’s so in love with you, I think he’d say yes even if you passed out with the ring in your fingers. Its honestly gross sometimes.” This brings a smile to Danny’s face, easing the tension in his mind and body as he realizes what Jake said was probably true. They sit in silence for the rest of the wait, content with listening to the music playing quietly over the speakers.
Just as planned with Sebastian and Josh, Sam is the first to come back out. Now wearing loose black jeans, comfortable slip ons, and a sweater he definitely stole from Danny, he makes his way towards the group and his boyfriend stands to meet him. Sam drops his bag on the floor near his feet, immediately following their after-performance routine of Sam melting into Danny’s arms as the taller man gently rubs his back. Austin and Jake share a knowing look that goes unseen by both Sam and Danny, and Jake is the first to speak, clearing his throat before standing.
“Seb just texted me that he needs help with some bags so, I’m gonna go do that.” Austin follows suit, the pair already beginning to make their way towards the performer’s door.
“And imma go make sure Josh can still walk, those heels were tall as hell and I don’t need him stumblin’ around and possibly hurting himself.” Austin jokes.
“Probably for the best, see you guys later.” Sam mumbles, his face tucked into Danny’s neck. They leave the room without another word, both men shooting Danny a smile and thumbs up behind Sam’s back before disappearing in search of their boyfriends. The pair stand in comfortable silence for a few minutes before a song both were very familiar with begins playing. Sam removes his face from Danny’s skin, looking up at him with a small smile.
Danny returns it, cocking an eyebrow at him in question. “Wanna dance? It is our song after all.”
“Lead the way, Daniel. Just nothing too crazy, my feet sill hurt.”
Danny laughs, beginning to lead Sam towards an empty spot between tables, intentionally finding the place where they first danced together to the song so long before. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t sweep you off your feet this time.” Sam’s hands find their way to Danny’s back, beginning to slowly sway along to the song as his head comes to a rest on his shoulder. Danny brings his head down to rest against Sam’s as he closes his eyes and tries to breathe through his nerves.
“Any place is better,
Starting from zero, we got nothing to lose.
Maybe we’ll make something,
Me, myself, I got nothing to prove.”
They slowly dance through the song in silence, with Danny hoping the other man can’t feel his racing heartbeat from where their chests met.
“And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder.
And I, I, I had a feeling that I belonged.
I, I, I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone.
You got a fast car,
Is it fast enough, so you can fly away?
You still gotta make a decision,
Leave tonight, or live and die this way.”
The song comes to an end, and the pair momentarily break away from each other, just enough for Sam to look up at Danny while still being wrapped in his warm embrace. He looks around for a moment, taking in his surroundings before looking back up to see Danny watching him with so much love behind his eyes that it almost knocked the wind out of him. “Is this?” He starts. “Is this where we first danced to that song?”
Danny grins down at Sam, his heart soaring that he also remembered where exactly they first danced with each other. “Mhm, it is.”
“If I didn’t know any better, Wagner, I’d think you had something big planned.” Sam half-jokes.
“Maybe I do, Kiszka.” Sam cocks a questioning eyebrow at him, both men staring down the other to see who would speak first. Danny takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves and muster up the courage to start, knowing that once he said that first word, the rest would come to him as easy as breathing. His hands trail from Sam’s back, down his arms, and finally stop with the others hands in his own as he takes one final deep breath.
“Sam…” he starts. “I think, no, I know that I’ve been in love with you since the eighth grade. And I… I’m gonna keep loving you for as long as I’m on this Earth, and even after that too.”
Sam’s breath catches in his throat as tears begin to well in his eyes. Oh my god, is he about to-? This can’t be happening.
Danny continues, tears beginning to brim in his own eyes at the sight of Sam hanging onto his every word. “You are my best friend and… and I couldn’t ask for a better person to share the rest of my life with.” Danny reaches for his pocket, his shaking hands somehow grasping the small box as he lowers to one knee. With Sam’s hands now free, they come up to cover his mouth in surprise, looking down at his boyfriend in adoration. Danny clicks the box open, holding it out as he finishes the question he had been wanting to ask Sam since they first got together. “So, Samuel Kiszka, will you do me the greatest honor by marrying me?”
While Danny had thought he had prepared himself for any possible answer or reaction, what he’s met with is somehow not one of them as Sam bursts out in laughter, his tears making streaks down his face as he sinks to his knees in front of Danny. He barely notices the look of extreme confusion painted across Danny’s face through his tears and laughter as he reaches for his own pocket, pulling out a small box and opening it to reveal a simple, yet gorgeous ring; a silver band with a singular stripe of black inlay around its center, a triangular cut diamond set into the middle. As the gears turn in Danny’s head, he joins Sam as they kneel together laughing through their tears.
Sam’s the first one to catch his breath enough to speak, bringing his hand not holding the ring up to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “And I thought I was gonna be the only one proposing tonight.” He laughs out. “I thought I was being so sly with the hint of Paper Rings.”
“I fucking knew there was something behind that! Jake tried to tell me otherwise that it was just a coincidence and that Sebastian helped you pick your song.”
“I mean Jake’s not half-wrong; Sebastian did help me, he was in on this.”
Danny’s jaw drops. “No fucking way, he was in on my plan too. Sneaky bastard.” He says with no real malice in his tone. They gaze at each other as their laughs die out, both shaking their heads at their friends’ role in both of their plans. “So, you haven’t answered me.” Danny says with a smile. “Will you marry me, Sammy?”
“Of fucking course, is that even a question?” Is all he gets out before tackling Danny, toppling them both backwards onto the floor in a bone crushing embrace. They stay this way for a few moments, letting their tears fall and dry on their cheeks before they both get back onto their knees, each placing a ring on the other’s finger. Sam admires his ring with a grin before his gaze rests on his fiancé once more. “My favorite, pansies.”
“I know.” Danny says with a matching grin before gently grabbing Sam’s chin and bringing his lips to his own. The kiss is slow and passionate, filled with all the unsaid words of how much the other meant to them. They break apart eventually, their foreheads resting against one another with their eyes closed as they take the moment in.
Sam is the first to notice the song had once again changed to something he recognized. He leans back, gazing at Danny with all the love he could muster into once single look.
“But I must admit it,
That I would marry you in an instant.
Damn your wife,
I’d be your mistress just to have you around.”
“You know, I almost thought you were gonna propose to me that night, when you sang it to me in the car.”
Danny laughs at his words. “Baby, we had been dating for three months at that point. I know we’re in a gay relationship, but we aren’t that stereotypical.”
He receives a lighthearted swat to his shoulder as Sam tries, and fails, to hide his smile. “I know, I know! But I mean, we’ve known each other since sixth grade and had already talked about how we’d been in love with each other for years. Like I said I almost thought you were gonna propose.”
Danny takes Sam’s hands in his own once more. “Well, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long.”
Sam offers him gentle squeeze. “I’d wait for you forever, Danny.” Their tender moment is broken by a loud yell, their heads whipping towards the source to see Josh standing with the performer’s door cracked open as he yelled back at the others waiting silently around the corner.
“I THINK HE FUCKING SAID YES!” They all begin filing out, grins wide across their faces as Danny and Sam get to their feet.
“Yeah, think we could gather that ourselves, Josh.” Jake says in a sarcastic voice as he shakes his head at his brother. He aims his question at Sam, next. “You said yes, right?”
“We both did.” Danny says with a grin as he holds his left hand up for the others to see. Everyone but Sebastian’s eyes go wide as their jaws drop.
“You both proposed?!” Josh exclaims, rushing towards the pair to tackle them in a tight hug.
“We did, and it turns out, Sebastian was in on both of our plans and didn’t say jack shit.” Josh, Jake, and Austin turn on Sebastian who only holds his hands up in defense.
“Listen, y’all both told me not to tell no one so I didn’t. Worked out mighty fine in the end anyways.” While Jake pouts at Sebastian for not telling him, Josh rounds on Sam instead.
“You told Sebastian but not Jake or I???”
“Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t want you guys to accidentally spoil it.”
“You can make it up by making me best man at the wedding.”
This brings Jake’s attention back to Sam and Danny, his eyebrows furrowing. “Who the fuck said you get to be best man?”
Austin speaks up, having gotten good at diffusing twin banter over the course of his and Josh’s relationship. “Alright boys, that’s enough. I’m sure Daniel and Sam have a lot to plan before they even think about that so let’s just get back to bein’ happy for them, alright?”  With their attention turned back to their engagement, each boy takes turn hugging Sam and Danny, congratulating them both. Jake is the last to hug Danny, squeezing him tight before patting his back.
“You’ve always been a brother to Josh and I, but now it’ll be legal. I’m so fucking happy for you, man.”
“Thank you, Jake.”
“I hate to break up this moment, but we better leave before they kick us out.” Sebastian half-jokes. The others voice their agreements, grabbing their bags as they slowly make their way towards the door.
“So, who’s taking whose last name?” Josh says as soon as the cool night air hits their skin. Danny and Sam exchange a look, not having had that conversation yet due to the interruption of the others.
“I don’t know, Daniel Kiszka has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it, Sammy?”
Sam intertwines his fingers with Danny’s, leaning into him as they walk. “Hmmmm, it does. But so does Samuel Wagner.”
“I guess y’all have another thing to figure out before you can even get to the question of best man.”
Material Girl- Madonna
Rich Girl- Gwen Stefani
Money, Money, Money- Meryl Streep, Julie Walters & Christine Baranski
Partners in Crime- Set It Off
Paper Rings- Taylor Swift
Fast Car- Luke Combs
Cleopatra- The Lumineers
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm
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urne-buriall · 11 months
so I remember the outage at Kate in this update the first time around. she's a nurse and should know better than to tell John what Dean said, especially when Dean is stuck in this very isolated place with him. and that's all true, she should know
but we don't know how exactly the conversation started. there's just one clue for us: Dean's been working in the barn for some time before he decides to pick up the phone and call Cas. he hasn't heard the phone ring, or he might wonder about the line being in use
this tells us that John called Kate, not the other way around
the rest below a cut because it's what I think, but it's not in the text for a few reasons, and as is my calling, it just makes things complicated with no black or white resolution
John called Kate. not because he knows anything has gone on, just to have a chat. his kid just stormed out and it's time to work on his other family, where he can start fresh. (Sam called it in his last scene. he's astute that way.) but this means Kate's plan to take some time and think about everything she just learned goes out the window. not ready to talk to John, she probably tried to get off the line, but he needled. picked up there was something off and tried to ask if there was some issue between them (with Sam walking out, a statement of failure on John's part, he's not gonna play the loser twice in a row)
not wanting to draw attention to the fact that there IS an issue, maybe she thought she could be clever. confirm the truth of the surprising things Dean told her. maybe she started by asking about Sam, thinking she'll catch John in a lie. and oh, Sam, he's gone back to school, yeah, they start early there. has John said how proud he is of that kid, how he could get into any college in the world from here? and Adam will be a smart one like Sam, no doubt about it, and go to a smartypants school too, or whatever school Kate wants him in. it's hard when the kids are far from home but at least Dean's stayed close by and John's always got him for the farm, he's invaluable for that
and this is. not what she expected. during her visit, they seemed like such a put-together household, which is what John is reflecting now. which is not what Dean said over the phone. and I think she's still cautious, but now she's confused, and she tries asking another canny question but she slips up. it wouldn't take much to trigger John's suspicion, and he has one goal, which is: don't lose Kate
and he says he can tell something's the matter and she tries to say there isn't and that's when we get into the kind of back and forth where John is playing to his strength. hell, he'd even offer to hang up and give her some time, but in a way that now she's the one apologizing (just like Dean apologizes in another scene, when he isn't the one who should be saying sorry). and when he asks what's changed she admits she had a strange call from Dean and she doesn't know what to make of it. she still doesn't intend to say anything about the content of that call, but John knows enough. he knows what to ask, what to plant, what to make her question Dean's motives until she is revealing more and he's twisting up her doubts and reflecting them back and insisting Dean's story doesn't add up, which, maybe it doesn't? and this is confusing, upsetting, she doesn't know which way is up, and John is just so certain. has an explanation for everything
by the time the call is ending she's just agreeing with everything John's saying because he's shot down every single other point so efficiently that it seems there's no purpose in searching for exhausting counterarguments with him. and she's confused and defeated. and once she hangs up, she knows less than when she started. she doesn't know if the sick feeling in her stomach is worry that Dean was telling the truth and she's just betrayed him or if it's the distaste of Adam having a half-brother, one he's met and adores, who's a sociopath that would make up anything to keep her away. she's stuck between two realities because she knows someone is lying to her very well but can't tell which one
she doesn't speak to John again, letting his calls go to voicemail. if she thinks about making a tip, she doesn't know who it will help or hurt. a week after this, she gets a call from Dean at a different number. she is partly relieved to hear his voice because she's been concerned she got it all wrong, but also unsure at the start of whether she'll be hearing another fabulation to keep her away
Dean's not looking for sympathy or an apology or any of that. he's not calling to accuse her or even tell her directly of her role in that final fight. he just says that he wanted her to know he's pressing charges with the police, here's the case number and this is Jody's extension, and that if Kate and Adam would like to set up no-contact orders it wouldn't be a bad idea and they could piggy-back off Dean's case. he's applying to be Sam's legal guardian, and he doesn't have a fixed place to stay yet but here's where to write or call. that if it's alright with Kate, he'd like to stay in touch with Adam, even if what they share is a rotten dad
she knows, then. she puts the pieces together and I think that guilt plagues her. she apologizes, desperately apologizes and tries to explain, and Dean goes quiet. then says he knows what his dad is like. he always believed John too. it's not an "I forgive you" but it's a sense of commiseration. he wouldn't wish John on anybody, and everything that happened was done by John, not her
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marithlizard · 9 days
First impressions of Helluva Boss s2e9, "Apology Tour"
Is it weird that I feel even more reluctant to hit play this time? I knew what was waiting in Full Moon and how much it would hurt. Whatever emotional sharks are swimming in s2e9, they have bigger teeth.
Beautiful garden, is this still in the palace or is Stolas on vacation? He certainly seemed to be shutting up the palace last episode.
Annnd here comes Blitz over the wall with apology attempt #1. Prediction: It will be sincere but quickly turn into defensive anger when it's not accepted, and he will dig himself even deeper.
…oh no. He's pretending everything is normal instead
it is not, Blitz
it's really not
Maybe the way the plants are trying to eat you should be a clue
"I want to feel like I'm earning my way to earth". Well, isn't that interesting. Huh.
I've always known Blitz was proud - he's never bragged to anyone about his access to a prince of Hell, or tried to use it in any way. (Stolas would have gladly made a phone call to get Loona her appointment sooner, if nothing else.) I can certainly believe he doesn't want charity.
But that's not at all what the problem is here and you know it
The change in expression from aggressive confident seduction (Blitz do you realize you sound exactly like Chaz) to "you don't want me?"
Never play poker, hon. When you tap your claws together like that it means "oh shit I fucked up how can I make them stop being mad".
"So how about you respect that." Stolas, this man has never drunk a glass of Respect Boundary Juice in his life. He catcalls boundaries from street corners and does not call them back in the morning.
Wait. Verosika can't possibly know about the full moon breakup. She must have invited Stolas because of Ozzie's? And who else will be at this party?? Will Fizz be at this party? It'd be understandable if he still needs to vent from the years of bitter anger, but… I really hope he doesn't show.
Oh shit Barbie will be at this party.
How many relationships, romantic and otherwise, did Blitz fuck up but not care about enough to keep in his special photo gallery? Could be a lot. At least the sinners IMP has killed won't be at a human world party.
No, Stolas, Blitz doesn't really think that's the reason. He's just very very good at lying. His entire life has been a circus performance for unimpressed audiences. You're looking at a grownup version of the little boy with worm horse.
"So what are you doing here then?" YES GOOD STOLAS GET HIS ASS beautiful shot there. I feel like a sportsball commentator.
sigh I know I predicted you would dig yourself deeper, Blitz, but did you have to use a power drill?
I'm proud of Stolas for so clearly and honestly saying what he wants and doesn't want. It'd be so understandable to go straight to "Fuck off and never contact me again", but he's not doing that because he understands his own heart.
Oooh oooh OOH they're finally talking about Striker!
Shit. Blitz keeps letting his real emotions show on his face for a few seconds and then turning up the Dragon Driller X000 even more to dig himself still deeper. I got nothing this time, buddy. That "love ballads" fakeout was indefensibly nasty.
I like the angry tail-lashing with sound effects, though. This might be the angriest we've ever seen any imp be.
"I can sorry more people, everyone but you!" I was right? "Apology Tour" really is going to be Blitz going around to apologize to people he's wronged? But, uh, I did think it would be more sincere repentance and less of a fuck-you gesture.
Well. Stolas 500, Blitz 0 is the final score for THAT conversation.
Is Blitz going to go to the anti-Blitzo party in order to resentfully and insincerely apologize to the attendees? That is one of the worst ideas I've EVER heard.
Oh no he's got a list! YES APOLOGIZE TO MOXXIE
MARTHA! Blitz is actually putting the people he killed on this list?? Like, he recognizes that it was wrong in some way? huh.
a gift basket
a "sorry we killed you" gift basket
my mind is leaping straight past the absurdity into the math how many gift baskets can you afford Blitz oh no wait, he probably just stole a whole shop of them from the human world.
In which case take it Martha, when will you ever get to eat Earth food again?
I take it all back, Mrs. Mayberry and Martha shacking up is the funniest thing I've seen all year. Everyone's mood is improved all round, good job Blitz.
But that list ought to be nineteen pages long at minimum, you just wrote down a dozen easy ones because this is a performative gesture to make yourself feel better
And the DHORK agents get a little card with a horsey! Guess they didn't rate a gift basket. (I like how distinctly different the new Asmodean crystal portals are, and how easy it seems to be for Blitzo to use them. Guess it is an upgrade after all.)
Jesse the hot bouncer? That IS low-hanging fruit, you probably weren't even the rudest person he dealt with that night.
What on earth are these "funny" texts you've been sending Stolas? Not exactly A-list material wait are you actually typing out a genuine apology?
Nope, not sending it. Not ready yet.
Loo Loo Land's still in ruins. I thought we saw them rebuilding it in "Exes and Ohs", but maybe Mammon changed his mind.
Can't deal with Moxxie, there must be someone really easy to apologize to - I know, corpses!
pfft I would've liked to see him give a little speech at the Hollys.
Yeah, the cherubs deserved that. And now we've run out of excuses to avoid the party.
That's the first time we've ever seen anyone comment on Blitz's scars. I'm just glad he didn't kill them.
Quite a well-attended party, I can see making that decor was very cathartic for you Verosika. Stolas out of place and unhappy - I wonder what he expected? Lovely costume, though, I like that much better than the royal romper.
Verosika looks different when out of her glamorous work getups, doesn't she? More like a relatable person.
Hey, there's a sack of some sort of party supplies from Bee! I guess she and Vortex have no reason to care about Loona's "dad guy" more than in passing.
(You know, for an animation helmed by someone who gets constantly attacked for being fatphobic and never drawing body diversity, I see a far number of hot larger bodies in this episode. Just saying.)
"Sorry for fucking your mom, though I thought it was your dad" - Standup comedians wish they could think up lines as awful as what Blitzo throws off the cuff.
I really thought a lot of the images from the trailer must be hallucinations or dream sequences. But no, Blitz just finally realized that he is in a room full of people who would love to kill him slowly as a party game, and took cover. It's amazing he made it across the room without being recognized.
BWHAHAHA IT'S DENNIS. Who I really should feel bad for. He didn't do anything.
Wow, that is - not a musical style I expected from Stolas. But Blitz needs to hear this and lord knows Stolas needs to sing his heart out to a sympathetic audience for once.
I got too caught up to remember to comment for a bit, but they are talking! I didn't think they would get this far!
Look at those fingers- that's not the "how can I get out of trouble" tell, that's - I don't know what, something more honest. Blitz cares, it's obvious he does, he doesn't want Stolas to be hurting like this and yet he can't make himself say the words Stolas says he wants to hear.
And - that's a good thing? This isn't a romcom, if he said those things right now neither of them would really be able to believe it. And despite his jealousy, Blitz doesn't try to stop Stolas from going off to dance with someone else. He lets him go, he doesn't make a scene, and now I think he's going to go apologize to Verosika. For real, even.
Good job, Blitz. First really right move you've made all episode.
Verosika overheard their conversation, at least enough to know about the apology tour?
sigh Well, I guess he always does have have to try his circus act first. It's so much safer than sincerity.
Oof. That's why he bailed? That's all? Nothing about him wanting kids, or her drinking, or sexual incompatibility. Just him being afraid of commitment. And he couldn't even just dump her, judging by her song at Ozzie's; it must have been a drawn-out thing of him becoming less responsive over time and then running away with her wallet.
At least some self-reflection is happening. And jealousy! While I'm very glad that Verosika stopped him, I'm also glad to know that Blitz thinks of Stolas as his bird.
She served him the piece with his own heart on it. 9000 points for style, Verosika. I hope you find the right demon for you.
I think Wally is just there to sell merch and not because he also feels personally victimized.
HAH her song haunting him on the radio is perfect.
Stolas's dance partner is in the credits as ""Better than Blitzo" Guy" pfft. (at least I assume that's him)
Conclusion: 10/10, ending on a more hopeful note than I expected. I'm so glad they didn't do a B plot this time; it would've been really jarring, and the silly apologies sequence gave us enough of a breather between the heavy scenes.
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cherryleehernandez · 1 year
Hello!! I saw that your requests were open. I wanted to ask for a Hunter x F! Reader? I just wanna read something kinda heart-wrenching lol. I don't mind the plot too much but if you could please write a really angsty and then fluffy one-shot that would be very very cool! Thank you! <3
Hunter had been kinda distant lately, it was…weird. He’s usually been very social in the past but something’s wrong.
Y/n tried talking to him about it but he would just brush it off. “I’m ok, just tired is all.” “There’s no need to worry about me!” “I’m fine.” He gave so many excuses but none of them were believable.
So Y/n took matters into her own hands, she went digging for clues. She needed to know what was wrong, and she was gonna find out.
On her search for answers she found Hunters journal, which she’d promised to never read, but this was important. Who knows what he’s planning? He could get hurt, or worse. She looked around to make sure no one was looking and then started to read.
“March 8th xxxx,
"I’m leaving, I can’t stay here. I don’t understand why everyone is so nice to me, I’ve done terrible things to all of them! It’ll only hurt them again if I stay, and I think I’ve done enough damage. After dinner tomorrow I’ll leave when everyone’s gone to bed. I can’t pretend like everything is ok anymore.”
So that’s it.
He’s just gonna leave? Wait… it’s the 9th! Shit-
She scrambled to call grab her phone to call him, hoping he’ll pick up the phone. She dialed the number with her fingers crossed.
“Pick up hunter…please.”
After a while of ringing they thought it was gonna go to voicemail, but he eventually picked up.
“Hello?” His grumbled voice answered.
"Where are you?!" y/n practically screeched. She then heard Hunter sigh on the other end, probably trying to get himself to talk. He has a funny habit of not talking when he's upset.
"Oh, so you saw my note huh?" He said trying to cover up how shaken he is with a chuckle.
"Yeah! I saw your note. Now, where are you?" y/n demanded from him.
"I- I'm by the lake, I just..." He stammered.
"You have nothing to make excuses for, I'll be there soon." She said calmly hanging up the phone. 'that ridiculous boy' she thought to herself as she got ready to leave.
It didn’t take long to get there, but she was nervous the whole time. Sure she was all calm earlier but now she's afraid to say the wrong thing? What if she says something that makes him wanna leave even more?
y/n was almost there when she heard sniffling. 'It's Hunter' she thought as she sprinted to where she heard him. She was almost there when she tripped and fell on a rock. As y/n was getting up she heard a half laugh half cry above her, she looked up to see Hunter holding out a hand.
she clasped their hands together as he pulled her up into him. y/n's arms flew around him, holding him close. Afraid that if she loosened her grip for even a moment he would slip through her fingers.
"How could you leave!" she cried, hot tears pooling in her eyes.
"I... can't forget all the terrible things I did, even if it was because of Belos I still did them! and I hurt a lot of people. I don't deserve to be with all of you, especially you y/n." Hunter admitted as the two of you cried in each other's arms
"I wish you would've talked to someone about how you were feeling. but you told me now, I'm proud of you Hunter. I want you to know that I think you deserve to stay with us, I want you to. id be heartbroken if you left." y/n said with enough conviction to shake the whole iles
"Really?" Hunter questioned as he leaned back to look at her, looking for anything that told him she wasn't being sincere.
"Really." she said with a smile.
They looked at each other for a while before Hunter leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek, only then to bury his face in Y/n's chest out of embarrassment. It'll be a long time before Hunter truly forgives himself, but until then he has people who love him by his side.
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tangerinenotions95 · 2 years
So Much For Normal - A Seth Clearwater FanFic (Chapter 5)
"Oh my gosh Y/N, what happened to you?" Nessies worried voice called to me as she sat down at our usual lunch table.
"I was actually just about to tell the others" I laughed.
"A deer ran out in front of me last night when I was driving and I skidded off the road a bit when I had to brake suddenly" I explained while peeling an orange for myself.
"What? Should you even be in school today?" Rachel asked me, "Guys I'm okay, It was just a bump" I tried reassuring them.
"So that's why your jeep looked filthy today?" Casey exclaimed as if all the clues were finally adding up, I laughed at this, "Yeah when I swerved my tire got stuck in the mud and when I revved my engine trying to get out it threw more mud all over it" I explained.
"Wait, how did you get out then?" Mara asked eyeing me curiously. I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of Seth, "Eh I got some help from a local" I told them as if it was nothing.
"Oh who? I know basically everyone" Ness asked looking at me.
"Eh" I stammered nervously, "Seth Clearwater" I told her as I watched a large smile spread across her face, "Well that makes sense, he is the nicest person ever" She said like a proud best friend.
"Not bad on the eye either" Casey nudged me causing me to roll my eyes, "Down boy" I told him causing us all to laugh. I then went into detail about my encounter with the sweetest guy ever, I left out the intense staring part though.
"Wait, he drove you home" Rachel shouted so loud that everyone at the surrounding tables looked at her.
"Yes, it wasn't a big deal" I told them, "He just thought I could have a concussion" I played it off with a shrug but Renesmees face looked at me as if she knew it was a bigger deal than I was letting on.
"How cute" Mara winked at me, "Okay changing subject now" I told them with a laugh.
It was the last class of the day, maths, my worst subject. I wasn't even paying attention, I was sitting in the back scribbling all over my notebook not hearing a word that Mr. Reynolds was saying.
After what seemed like forever the final bell finally rang, I looked at Nessie who looked at me in relief, I laughed and started to gather my stuff.
The page of my notebook was filled with my usual doodle, ancient runes, spell formulas things that would look like gibberish to normal people but too me they meant unlimited possibilities. In the centre of the page there was a new drawing, eyes, a pair of them to be exact, I must have drawn them without realising and when I looked more closely at them I knew straight away who they belonged too.]
Shocked at myself I snapped my book close, why was Seth on my mind wince last night, he was practically a stranger after all.
I walked out of class with Nessies but I felt distracted, I kept thinking about yesterday and why I felt so comfotable with Seth.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Ness asked looking at me, concern on her face.
"Yeah I'm good, sorry" I told her with a smile so she wouldn't be as worried. I was grabbing things out of my locker while the others were standing behind me waiting when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
I closed my locker and took out the phone as I turned around. 
1 new message from: Superman
I felt my heart beat pick up as I read the notification.We were walking out of school together, I was so wrapped up in my phone that I had no clue what my friends were talking about as I opened and read the text message:
'Hey Y/N,
Do you wanna hang out later?'
How did that boy make my knees tremble with only seven simple words.
"What are you smiling at?" I heard Mara teasing me as we stopped in the parking lot to say goodbye.
"Nothing" I told her defensively, whoops.
"Mm Hm" She replied with a knowing tone in her voice. 
"Can't a girl just smile?" I asked offended, they all looked at each other.
"Most of the time yes" Mara started, "but that right there is a smile brought on by a boy" Rachel said finishing her sentence and pointing at my face. I swatted her hand away.
Next thing I know my phone is gone from my hand and in Casey's instead, I try to get it back but he is way too tall.
"Oh looks like someone has a date" He exclaimed, the rest of the girls gathered around him and were all reading the screen on my phone, I sighed in defeat.
After a lot of jeering and laughing and making fun of me they finally gave in and handed me back my phone, "I wish I had a strong and handsome superhero in my life" Casey sighed.
"Oh shut up" I told him laughing, eventually getting a chance to text Seth back, "We want to hear all about your 'date' tomorrow" Mara said.
"No need, Jacob will tell me all before that" She laughed running off in his direction. I shook my head in disbelief and hopped into my jeep returning my attention back to my phone,
'Sounds great.
When and where?'
I started the jeep and headed home, by the time I got inside I had a reply,
'La Push beach six'
I looked at my watch, it was now half four so I had time to try and get my emotions in check. I couldn't help but wonder if this is actually a date or maybe just hanging out as friends? Oh who am I kidding, he probably doesn't even like me as more than friends I thought to myself sighing.
I grabbed something to eat and went upstairs to change into warmer clothes, It was Autumn after all. I wrapped myself up in a jacket and scarf and took my hair our of a ponytail and let it hang loose just above my shoulders.
I went back downstairs and wrote our a note for my dad and Clara letting them know that I'm gone out for the evening. I went outside once again and locked the door behind me, it had gotten noticeably more cold out. I hopped in the jeep and let it heat up for a few minutes before pulling out and driving towards the beach.
I had never been to the beach but I had a good idea where it was, after about fifteen minutes I arrived and pulled up. I hopped out and pulled my scarf tighter around my neck, a gust of wind blowing my hair around my face. I was trying to tame it when I heard a familiar chuckle behind me.
I turned around and couldn't help the grin that appeared on my face when I faced him. 
"How are you not freezing?" I asked him as we walked along the beach, he was wearing a green hoodie, khaki shorts and a pair of converse.
"What can I say, I'm extremely warm blooded" He answered sending a goofy grin in my direction as I rolled my eyes playfully.
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twilightofthe · 2 years
Leia for the mobile prompt thing ^^
ooooh yay more prompts! cool cool!
character prompts from this post
What does your blorbo's phone/laptop/car/backpack look like?
Ok so as Anakin and Padmé's kid (in a modern!AU, I'm assuming she would be, though of course Bail and Breha are still a very active part of her life), Leia knows both sides of the "planned obsolescence of technology" vs. "we live in a capitalist society means taking part in capitalism" debate very well. Her middle ground is a Galaxy, newest model. Don't get on her ass about it for whatever reason unless you want a list of five different tech regulatory bills you can call your senators about.
She's got a screen protector over it, but it's got a few tiny crack marks from it hitting the floor when Chewie flipped the table during game night/it flying out of her hands when she was having an argument involving Intense Hand Waving/she hands it to Luke sometimes and that means getting it back with Mystery Scratches he swears he doesn't know where they came from
The case is some kind of fancy artsy red leather design she found on Etsy. She figured the leather padding on the outside meant it was impact-safe enough, though the aforementioned crack marks prove her not quite right.
Her lockscreen is a casual photo they asked a nice waiter to take of her Luke Han Lando and Chewie out for dinner somewhere.
Homescreen is of this really good aesthetic sunset photo she took that she's honestly really proud of because despite her general good aim, she's not a very good photographer, though she's not telling anyone it was taken from the roof of an abandoned 7/11 and the gas station sign is just barely cropped out of the pic
Her apps aren't organized by anything, but she doesn't have all too many apps to begin with. She does also have five email apps like her mother before her though.
Since this is a Galaxy phone, Leia's got the fake-handwriting font. She accidentally got it stuck that way but then got used to it before she could figure out how to turn it off, so now she has to keep her phone like that and she hates it because that's Unprofessional(TM).
I'm unfortunately an apple bitch so I can't say what type of laptop she has specifically, just that it's one of the newer nicer PC models, maybe some kind of Windows? Like the ones with the touch screens or something
Her screen isn't cracked, but the corner lip of the keyboard is permanently bent ever so slightly because long story short Han whacked someone in the head with it once. It also drives her kind of nuts, but the laptop still works just fine and she has no clue how the fuck someone would fix it, so she just tolerates her laptop case not fitting quite right and is only passive aggressive to Han about it every fifth time she opens it up :)
Laptop shell case itself is plain clear and professional, she doesn't need anything fancy.
Her laptop background is probably one of her favorite art pieces. Not entirely sure what that would be, but I'm thinking of this one specific piece where there are two dancers dancing together with a golden background and the woman is in a pretty red dress.
Okay so Leia was REALLY proud to save up entirely her own money as a late teen/young adult for her first car, because that meant she wouldn't have to share the Demonic Prius with Luke anymore. She wouldn't let anyone help her out monetarily and ended up driving a shitty, shitty old Jeep she found from some random guy with Anakin's help for years lol.
Like, even when she did have money from real grownup jobs, she was still fond of the Jeep and had been through a lot in it, so she kept it as long as she could, kept it clean on the outside and inside best she could even though one window didn't go down, the AC worked half the time, and it had a permanent stench of gasoline
Of course another reason she doesn't end up really considering getting a nicer car is because only a few years after she gets the Jeep she and Luke meet Han, proud owner of the Flame Paint Job Seven Different Weed Compartments Bee's Nest In The Ceiling Catflap Cut Out Of The Back Door So You Can Throw Things At Cops Winnebago From Hell, and there is literally no way to look remotely normal when you're next to That, so she just. gives in, doesn't even try, and unless she's driving herself to work, she lets Han ferry her around in the Falcon anywhere else she needs to be.
Eh, probs the least interesting one.
Leia's got a reliable black canvas and leather backpack that fits her laptop, umbrella, water/iced coffee, and whatever book she's bringing with her
She's not really a bag person, likes to add pockets to all of her clothes, so she travels light in terms of carrying things.
She steals bags from Padmé if she wants to go fancier though
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dragondemoness · 2 years
And will have a part 4 then the phantom and Jack arrives in Okinawa Jack got full of wonder and curiosity then he saw the sea for the very first time then arrived in the beach Jack get a floater and just relax in the water and also accidentally turn a fish into a huge popsicle then discover in Okinawa have a jail Jack got scared because that jail was really scary then that voice say Sophia was worthless he got angry and yell together with mona ryuji during that time Jack was friends with Sophia
This got so long holy crap-
Our Little Buddy- Ryuji Sakamato x Reader Part Four
After clearing Hyodo's Jail, the Phantom Thieves took off to Okinawa.
Hearing how excited everyone was to go made Jack Sakamato (Last Name) curious and excited. After all, he hadn't seen much of the world beyond Sapporo, and he couldn't wait to see it.
Upon arriving in Okinawa, Jack was practically bouncing off the walls.
He couldn't wait to see the wonderful city you guys had raved so much about.
Though he was pretty sad that he couldn't be seen with other people around, but you made sure to keep his mask with you.
You and Ryuji bought him some gifts from the gift shops, and he loved them.
And you and Ryuji brought him to the beach, where he had the time of his life.
He made sand castles with Yusuke, sat and watched the ocean with Morgana, and hung out in the ocean with you and Ryuji.
Although, while he was floating in the ocean, he accidentally froze a fish and turned it into a popsicle.
"Hee! Whoops, ho! I didn't mean to, hee!"
But you and Ryuji laughed it off.
"It's okay, little buddy. We know."
He also had a nice laugh when Yusuke buried Zenkichi in the sand, and ran away when he got pissed off.
Then, he joined the Phantom Thieves and had a nice meal with everyone.
That was the best day of Jack Sakamato (Last Name)'s life.
Unfortunately, it all came to an end when the zombified townspeople began to hunt them all down.
The Phantom Thieves escaped to the lab you found earlier, and Sophia discovered there was a Jail there.
So you entered the Jail, and it was horrifying.
Everything was in ruins, and the whole place had this scary vibe.
Jack was hiding behind you and Ryuji similar to how Makoto was hiding behind Joker.
So you and Ryuji made sure to hold his hands as you explored the Jail.
So together, you explored the creepy Jail
You listened to the tapes, and tried to figure out what was up with this Jail just like the others
When Sophie took off running out of nowhere, Jack got worried and followed her, prompting you, Ryuji and the Phantom Thieves to go after them
When you finally caught up to them, they were in a dark, empty room
Then you heard a voice, eerily similar to Sophie's
Jack watched her reactions as the disembodied voice called her worthless
Seeing her so sad made him sad as well, and furious at whatever meanie decided to put her down
And without thinking, he exploded
"Hee, the only worthless person I see here is you, ho!"
You, Ryuji, Sophie and the Phantom Thieves watched him in shock
"Hee, nobody talks about my friends like that, ho! What's your problem, hee?!"
And Ryuji joined him as well
Listening to his outburst shocked you, but you knew why he reacted that way, considering his past
And Mona joined in, and so did you
"Yeah, where do you get off on talking to Sophie like that?! She's the farthest possible thing from worthless! She's smart, she's kind, and she's loyal. That's more than you'll ever be!"
Sophie watched you all in surprise
She hadn't expected you all to get so angry
Jack took her hand and gave her a comforting smile
Sophie smiled back at him, and you and Ryuji exchanged a proud smile
So together, you fought the Lockkeeper and exited the Jail
After the whole ordeal, you and the Phantom Thieves went through all the stuff in the lab, trying to look for clues.
You didn't find much, but Futaba did find a  USB with a list of names. 
Jack asked Joker to see his phone so he could talk to Sophia, so Joker handed him his phone while he looked around.
"Hey there, Jack Sakamato (Last Name). Did you need something?"
"Hee, are you feeling okay, ho?"
Sophia let out a questioning hum.
"What do you mean?"
"Hee, after yesterday, when that awful voice said all those things to you, ho. Jack wanted to make sure you were okay."
Sophia smiled at him.
"Yes, I'm feeling much better now. And thank you for standing up for me. You are a great friend, Jack."
Jack smiled widely and handed the phone back to Joker. 
After that was over, the Phantom Thieves made plans to head off to Kyushu while Zenkichi headed back to Kyoto.
While the Phantom Thieves were talking, Jack wandered off a little.
As he walked around, he noticed Zenkichi by the docks.
And he heard a very interesting conversation between Zenkichi and his commissioner.
As it turns out, the man only made the deal with the Phantom Thieves to turn them in to the police.
Jack felt betrayed. This whole time, he thought of Zenkichi as a friend, and even though he gave him a hard time and called him "Gramps" like everyone else, he was still fond of the old man.
But knowing he was planning to harm his family, his dads, made the old man lose the little guy's trust completely.
Enraged, Jack stomped up to him.
As Zenkichi was putting his phone away, he noticed him.
"Oh! Hey, little guy. You startled me."
"Hee... Jack overheard everything, ho."
Zenkichi's eyes widened.
"Y-You did?"
"Hee, yeah! Jack knows what you're planning, ho!"
Zenkichi nervously held up his hands.
"Look, little guy, you don't understand. I just-"
"Hee, save it! You're a liar and a traitor, ho! Jack doesn't want your excuses, ho! And you'd best believe that if you do anything to hurt Jack's dads, hee, he'll freeze you into an ice statue, ho!"
Zenkichi stared at him in shock. Jack shot him an icy haha glare before leaving to join back with the Phantom Thieves.
Jack didn't mention anything about Zenkichi, and just talked casually with you and Ryuji.
He hoped the old man wouldn't go through with his original idea, but working under Mariko Hyodo had taught him not to trust someone too much.
Well, unless it was his dads.
So, he decided to mention it later.
For now, he would go along with the plan and stick with his dads.
They protected him, and he'll protect them from anyone, even the old man.
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sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 262
Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox
Another day, another night I fucked around to much to watch more than one show before going to bed
“Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”
Plot Description: an assortment of hunters gather to commemorate a fallen brother, but Sam and Dean soon realize that a demon has come to kill them all
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I don’t know. I don’t even understand when this is supposed to take place. I’m piecing together that it’s before Dean was born but the only thing they did to make Mary look younger is put her hair in braids. I swear there’s a whole other actress who plays young Mary, but….k, so it was about how Mary influenced this kid and he grew up to be a hunter and then died. Yeah. I wouldn’t become a hunter. That is not the life for me
Please let this be a running joke this season. PLEASE let Dean tell EVERYONE “oh, yeah. Just to catch up since the last time we saw each other? I killed Hitler” it WILL hit every time. Omg he’s so proud
(Ok I had to go back a few seconds because I couldn’t believe Sam said what he said to Jody. I’m now gathering that Dean HAS been telling everyone who knows them this so I’m not surprised when) Sam really just aired out his brother’s hentai habits to Jody. Dean’s very grateful that phone rang omg
Ohhhhh, Jody, you LIKED him. You liked Asa
(Weird question, are Cas and Crowley just…hanging around Cleveland still?? Are we gonna hear from them again??)
Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. This guy who’s asking Sam about having been possessed by Lucifer is such obvious “this is the demon who’s here to kill everyone” bait, like it’s TOO obvious. But because this IS supernatural, it actually could be him
And then sometimes…you know, you could be wrong because a hunter just died and that guy was still in the room with everyone else. I did say he was TOO obvious
Oh, Mary’s here now!
Oh…the amount of parental troubles in this house has shot through the roof. Like, on so many fronts. Jody, who’s a bit of a surrogate mom to the boys (even though she’s not that much older than them. Yeah, the actress who plays her is only 9 years older than Jensen) has chastised Dean for not telling her Mary’s back but also is now thinking about if she had the chance to have her husband and son back…at her kind of boyfriend’s wake. Then there’s just the awkwardness between Mary and Dean. Not to mention Mary and Asa’s mom, who’s mad at Mary because she’s the reason Asa didn’t grow up to be an astronaut…but if Mary hadn’t saved him from that werewolf all those years ago, he wouldn’t have grown up at all. It’s not Mary’s fault she left an impression on this kid she saved. She had no idea
Fascinating that they’ll still say w****go but will refer to a First Nations girl as that (this episode takes place in Canada)
Oh, so EVERYBODY’s getting possessed tonight. This demon’s body hopping like there’s no tomorrow. Ah shit, they just killed off the obvious bait guy
Mmmmmmm, not trusting whoever got a hold of the angel blade…this is like watching Clue (1985) but way less funny
The thought to make a large devil’s trap for everyone to stand in is a good TEMPORARY idea, but it’s not a permanent solution unless you all plan to die there
THIS must have been a fun scene for Kim Rhodes. Any time someone gets to play a fun chaotic demon after being a no nonsense character….ooo, I just love that for them. She is just airing EVERYONE’S laundry here.
Wait…Asa’s friend killed him????? (It was an accident, but it’s the coverup that reallyyyyyy sucks about it)
Ohhhhhh nooooooooo, when Billie got Dean back in the house she said he’d owe her one………she meant Maryyyyyyy because Mary’s not supposed to be heeeeeere
Ok, she’s not going yet…but also…she’s not going with Sam and Dean yet either
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