#he was so far ahead of his time
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texaschainsawmascara · 9 months ago
just bringing back this absolute gem of Andy Samberg/Lonely Island from 2013
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
Do I look like him?
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had a lot of people ask me to make a tiktok for it and i swear i tried but,,, making tiktoks just isn't working for me rn so we're getting still images until i can get my brain to cooperate. anyways!! i am obsessed with chromokopia and when i heard Like Him i ascended into heaven and also cried. and it very much reminded me of LoF
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beatx-mavie-archangelx · 8 months ago
"shut up, Legolas X Gimli isn't canon!!!"
sir/ma'am/captain, the ship literally sailed.
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dangerousdan-dan · 24 days ago
Everyone say hi to Pistachio!!!
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I found this little dude a month ago. He's been very sick and on the line since the very beginning, and after five intense days at the vet, I really thought this would be my last day with him. Oh, surprise! My beautiful Pistachio refuses to go without a fight and he's finally, FINALLY out of immediate danger.
I'm so fucking relieved and happy that I just had to come here and yell at the void and show you all his dumb and beautiful face. He's going to live and he's going to be the happiest boy in the world and my heart is so full that it just might explode.
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13eyond13 · 2 years ago
a headcanon I just realized I have is that Light often has a lot of trouble living in the present moment and L often has a lot of trouble NOT living in the present moment. Light is a huge planner and forward thinker and accustomed to grinding through unpleasant current circumstances in order to achieve optimal future results. L is very keen on living for today and whatever is currently tickling his fancy and giving him the most excitement and pleasure and challenge, and prefers not to dwell heavily on the future nor the past. And I think that both of them normally feel uncomfortable and resentful if they are forced to do the opposite of what they are normally accustomed to doing.
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thetwilightroadtonightfall · 6 months ago
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finally watched Wish and had a major brain blast
They’re besties now because I said so 💫
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rune-tisms · 2 months ago
wanted to make a post expanding on my sofia the first au: fia the worst, just for fun's sake ^_^ in the au, cedric is intrigued by this copy of sofia and wants to keep her around, so he lies and says she can only be destroyed with a potion. this way, he can escort her back to his tower, where he can propose the idea of the copy helping him take over the kingdom. she accepts without hesitation, thrilled to have a chance to do something so disruptive. cedric then swiftly decides to call her fia, so that things wouldn't be confusing. fia's amulet allows whoever is wearing it the ability to talk to animals, since when sofia duplicated herself, that power was active, so to speak, so it duplicated (listen i'm working with the plot hole as best i can). cedric begins using the copy of the amulet to speak properly with wormwood. the three of them concoct a plan to steal sofia's amulet; fia will pretend to be sofia after sofia herself has already gone to bed. that way, she can get into her room without being questioned. once inside, she would be careful not to wake sofia or her animal friends as she takes the amulet of avalor. after securing it, she would open the window, where wormwood would be waiting. he can then take the amulet back to cedric. fia will then hide somewhere in sofia's room until morning time, wait for her and her animal friends to leave, then sneak back to cedric's tower. fia wants to enact the plan as soon as possible, but cedric is wary. there are many things that could go wrong, and he wants them to wait a little while for the perfect opportunity, whatever that looks like to him. in the weeks following, fia gets bored a lot so cedric takes her into town to entertain her. fia was the one to suggest that he change her hair to look like his, so that she could be mistaken for his niece. the most fun fia can have, though, is messing with cedric. because in the episode where she makes her appearance she figured out so fast that he wanted the amulet, i choose to headcanon that fia is more perceptive of cedric than sofia, either for magical reasons or not. fia quickly catches on to cedric's soft spot for sofia, and abuses the fact that she is a version of sofia constantly. i'm pretty certain that i want to make fia betray cedric somehow after they manage to take over the kingdom, and he'll somewhat redeem himself by helping sofia to defeat her. i hope i actually make more for this au i actually like it a lot.
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rolandkaros · 3 months ago
not pitting sincaraz against each other just pointing out an objective truth that jannik was not a dominate player/potential grand slam winner last season (age 21/22) and carlos will finish this season semi-dominant and with two more grand slams (+ an olympic medal) (age 20/21). you can see how quickly a player's career can turn around within one season. so any talk about carlos being washed/playing badly sounds silly to me i can't lie. yes carlos wasn't as successful this year as last year. yes carlos wasn't as successful this year as jannik. last year jannik's highlights were throwing up in a trash can and beating djoko in davis cup (exaggerating.) so i really feel like carlos's struggles this season are slightly overinflated. we talk about "he has time he has time" let's be clear not only does he have time in his career (he is literally 21) he also has time on his closest current rival (age-wise, carlos's 2024 season is jannik's 2022 season). it will be two years before carlos is even the same age as jannik is now. so like. lets be chill here u know.
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talesofwhimsy · 11 months ago
I'm 100 pages into Moby Dick and they just got on the goddamn boat
This book actually kinda fucks hard it's great?
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seoulmatez · 2 days ago
i finished the mission, yippee ! ! ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ) was kinda zoomin, huh. . . still! it was very interesting and a weeee bit sad but i enjoyed!! super super excited to see what is in store for anaxa and castorice! i am leaving u with some pics of the pretty scholar~
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 6 months ago
kglw is kind of a mark winters ass band . if you think about it
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cowardlycowboys · 7 months ago
who is the boy you like? 👀
someone very nice very sweet very funny :3
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luminous-orb · 8 months ago
I’ve seen a lot of discussion about which iterations of mario are harmless lil woodland creatures but I’ve just discovered Him:
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look at this. he feeds on naught but morning dew so that he might never harm another creature. he is the most pure and innocent thing I have ever seen. i want to pick him up like a bug and place him safely on a leaf. i could watch his little dance forever
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doodle17 · 9 months ago
i wanna hear more ab your raz age up (mostly so I can draw ours together sffbgnv)
Ohgh I'm always willing to talk about him more I've been thinking so much about him recently, especially with how he reacts when he comes to the realization that being a Psychonaut is a lot more paper work than he would have expected it to be.
After being in the field for roughly 18+ years the awe and wonder of being a Psychonaut has eventually lost its charm. He still wouldn't be any other place though, since it is, in fact, his dream job still (to some extent) and he feels like after being there for so long he's stuck with it. He's always so buried in paperwork, always trying to sort it out in his dorm room (which at this point has become a den full of mountains made of files and inevitable papercuts)
Sure once he finally gets a mission to go on he can actually stretch his legs and do something somewhat entertaining, but even the mission work has gotten repetitive. Like, yeah alright we get it you want to take over the world, can you just skip to the part where you tell us where the bomb is please.
The downright repetition of it all has taken a toll on his childlike sense of adventure, and all the little things keep getting more and more mildly annoying by the day. When he was around 22 he decided to go to college in an attempt to break away from it for just a little bit, and that's where he and Chloe became acquainted.
Because of the predictability of it all, he's become quite fluent in snark and sarcasm, and while he still upholds the professional demeanor and performance he's always had since he was younger, he also tends to act quite nonchalant in what would be quite dire situations to most regular people. Usually shrugging off or rolling his eyes to all the empty threats the villains tend make. He's a younger sibling as well, so of course he knows a thing or two about how to push buttons and get into mischief and get away with it. While hes not as much of a wild card as Bobby or Lili, he tries to use these skills to his advantage to try and bring back some kind of thrill into his work.
All in all, he's tired. He still manages to have fun, but he's tired. Unless he can find a good case or mystery to keep him occupied for a while, he'll be sitting in his dorm sifting through paperwork while going through a pack of cigarettes. The boredom man... It wasn't until he started his counselor job at Whispering Rock that things started to get a little more interesting
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aria0fgold · 1 year ago
Whumptober day 2 prompt: Thermometer | "They don't care about you."
Character: Patch Age: 13
The incessant beeping of Patch's alarm clock was deafening to his ears, making his already aching head hurt even more. He sluggishly reached for the alarm, hand barely tapping the button on top before his hand slid down the table as it now dangles off the bed. His body felt heavier than last night, his head throbbing with a pain that worsens whenever he moves. It seems that simply sleeping it off last night didn't quite work as he hoped it would.
Patch groaned as he forced himself up, vision somewhat blurred and movements unsteady. He sat by the side of the bed, gathering the strength to stand so that he can make his way to the kitchen, grab the thermometer somewhere, get something to eat, take a medicine too.
He sighed, he really didn't want to move at all, he just wanted to stay in bed and sleep the day away. But it's best to deal with his fever now than let it worsen some more, and as always, he didn't have anyone that can help him at all.
Not when his mom is still at work, she always is. She's barely around that the spacious house meant for two feels so suffocating and small, it was no different than a closet.
Another sigh escaped his lip as he finally pushed himself up, he walked slowly, putting a hand on the wall to support himself as the room seems to spin. His head felt so foggy while he makes his way around the house, blank, empty, with occasional thoughts coming by to merely fade again before he even processed what it was about. Though there are some that doesn't fade as fast as he'd like, thoughts he'd rather not dwell on.
Thoughts of how useless he is, thoughts of how his mom doesn't care about him, thoughts that he's better off gone—
Patch shook his head much too quick for it to be comfortable in his current state. He felt the ground give way from under him as he reached for anything that can keep him from falling further. He clutched the sofa beside him, he hadn't realized he'd reached the living room already.
He took a couple of deep breaths, taking the time to let his dizziness subside before continuing his walk. Slowly and carefully this time. He grabbed the thermometer in one of the drawers, sitting down on the floor as he brought it to his mouth. A minute passed, then another, and another, Patch sat there all alone, with his head on his knees waiting for the thermometer to beep.
And it finally did, 38°C. He groaned, sighing a third time. Patch slowly stood, putting the thermometer in the pocket of his pajamas. Now to make his way to the kitchen to grab the medicines and whatever is in the fridge and sleep everything away, in a house that may as well belong to a stranger.
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auburnlaughter · 1 year ago
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Page 44 of Meet in the Middle Ground. Realizing I have no idea where Keth keeps his work clipboard when he's not using it, cuz he definitely carries it around with him when he's on the clock. Maybe his sweaters have hidden pockets in the back or something.
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