#he was so far ahead of his time
texaschainsawmascara · 4 months
just bringing back this absolute gem of Andy Samberg/Lonely Island from 2013
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"shut up, Legolas X Gimli isn't canon!!!"
sir/ma'am/captain, the ship literally sailed.
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spookyjarchivist · 2 years
while i do have a soft spot for “hobbits age slower than humans so 33 for them is our physical 18” i rlly dont think that’s how it is bc they get to about the same age as humans before death by old age, i also really dont think we appreciate enough a few things about what this means narratively and thematically
tolkien really said no child soldiers, no 20-something year old soldiers, they’re not really adults yet, they barely know anything of the world we’re sending them to die for it and that’s not okay, not when there are other options
he also addresses this with the hobbits specifically, frodo and bilbo are 50 when they go on their journeys, FIFTY, and we can see that they handle them differently than the others. while bilbo changes afterwards, it’s not in a coming of age like we would see if 50 really was the equivalent of ~27, he just accepts a part of himself he’s been suppressing for years, for him it’s accepting that getting older and being an adult doesn’t restrict you from the excitement and opportunities of youth. similarly frodo doesn’t change much either outside of his ptsd, all of his change is trauma, not maturity
now sam and merry are both past the age of majority, but they still grow into themselves in a way bilbo and frodo do not, they mature
but pippin, sweet beautiful pippin grows the most out of all of them. he’s the most childish, always running after his cousins and you can tell he’s not even 30, this is HIS coming of age story, before this journey he’s known nothing of true responsibilities, but by the end he’s ready for when he eventually has to take over as thain of the shire
and i think that this is a really beautiful way of saying something that has started to get really popular in the last few years
instead of being terrified of that big 30, we should be excited for it, we should embrace it wholeheartedly, because it’s the time when we’ve finally started ironing out the last of the kinks in being an adult, we’re growing into our responsibilities and and we can start learning how to cultivate that balance of responsibility and excitement and FUN that makes life living instead of surviving
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13eyond13 · 1 year
a headcanon I just realized I have is that Light often has a lot of trouble living in the present moment and L often has a lot of trouble NOT living in the present moment. Light is a huge planner and forward thinker and accustomed to grinding through unpleasant current circumstances in order to achieve optimal future results. L is very keen on living for today and whatever is currently tickling his fancy and giving him the most excitement and pleasure and challenge, and prefers not to dwell heavily on the future nor the past. And I think that both of them normally feel uncomfortable and resentful if they are forced to do the opposite of what they are normally accustomed to doing.
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finally watched Wish and had a major brain blast
They’re besties now because I said so 💫
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talesofwhimsy · 5 months
I'm 100 pages into Moby Dick and they just got on the goddamn boat
This book actually kinda fucks hard it's great?
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kglw is kind of a mark winters ass band . if you think about it
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sastielsfandom · 1 month
So many people do things out of obligation they can't believe the lengths people go out of love.
#and they think people can't tell when they're simply an obligation#people think i have ulterior motives or some obligation to my siblings with how I'm overprotective and care for them so much#when it's just love#and they think I'm blind to their ulterior motives when i know I'm being used so they can look like a better person#i know the difference because i know what it is to be loved#my mom is far from perfect but she knows that and doesn't strive for perfection#she strives to better herself#if not for herself then at least for her kids#she doesn't say the perfect things all the time but you can tell she's trying#which is a lot better than someone who says they care but never shows it#my mom always asked a week ahead what i wanted for breakfast lunch and dinner for my birthday#and would emphasize to think about myself and not others and what they'd like#and if i wanted a cake or something different#i can't recall if i chose my dinner this year#my sister bought me donuts after asking what dessert I wanted#and my dad got me a chocolate cake after i told him a week before how I hated chocolate and cake#and got told by his gf that I was rude for not cutting the cake when the only ones there to celebrate with were my younger siblings#my older sister was at work and no one else ate with us#all day i kept thinking i just wish I was with my mom and all my younger siblings#it didn't feel like a celebration it felt like a performance that he didn't even care about#bc he realized he didn't have to put on a performance for anyone#love is not a performance and about looking good in front of others#something he knows nothing about
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cowardlycowboys · 1 month
who is the boy you like? 👀
someone very nice very sweet very funny :3
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luminous-orb · 2 months
I’ve seen a lot of discussion about which iterations of mario are harmless lil woodland creatures but I’ve just discovered Him:
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look at this. he feeds on naught but morning dew so that he might never harm another creature. he is the most pure and innocent thing I have ever seen. i want to pick him up like a bug and place him safely on a leaf. i could watch his little dance forever
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angryborzois · 3 months
well that was something
#angryborzois rambles#holy shit this is a long story#basically as a class we all went to this historic place on the top of a mountain (we had to do a long hike to get up there)#and a friend and i decided to stay afterward to mess around#my friend wanted to reenact kny scenes so i was like ok lets do it (shh we're idiots with zero brain cells)#and the place was pretty cool to hang out in soo why not#but soon it started thundering in the distance so we decided to start heading down the mountain#it was all shits and laughs until we made it down the mountain (tho we heard a weird noise once and got scared bc what if its a boar)#once down the mountain we had to navigate the woods around the area to get to the station#it was a very long route and on top of that it started pouring heavily#and anyway we walked for a long ass time in the rain when we encountered a suspicious person#it didnt help that before we saw this guy we saw a poster for a wanted criminal in the area#the guy was way ahead of us but we sensed bad vibes from him so we tried to let him walk ahead but he just...waited for us??#(he was in the direction we needed to go)#for a couple minutes we tried to trail way behind him but every time we stopped to let him walk on he would suddenly stop and stall#after a while we completely stopped for a few minutes to observe and in response he hid in the bushes?? so we decided something was def up#we were very alarmed and we quietly snuck out of his view and then ran for it#i genuinely worried that maybe we were gonna get killed in these woods#we backtracked a little and took a different path that went in the direction we needed to go#i was a little concerned because at one point the path had an intersection that merged with the first path we were in#but i didnt want to risk cutting through pure woods and i wanted to be at the very least on an animal trail than anything so no choice ig#and so we quietly snuck past the intersection but thankfully no one was around#a few minutes after that we heard a weird radio voice?? so we freaked out and ran the rest (prob unrelated but u can never be too sure)#and after a while of pure stress we made it out of the woods and to civilization#i was drenched but oh boy i was so happy#my friend and i agreed though that it was fucked up that we had to be more scared of a human than the wilderness#but everything after that was fine#im honestly glad it was pouring though because i think it helped cover the sounds of us getting away#well tbh i have a feeling he prob saw us get away but just didnt bother chasing bc the paths were muddy as hell and he was kinda far#but yeah that was def smthing
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doodle17 · 3 months
i wanna hear more ab your raz age up (mostly so I can draw ours together sffbgnv)
Ohgh I'm always willing to talk about him more I've been thinking so much about him recently, especially with how he reacts when he comes to the realization that being a Psychonaut is a lot more paper work than he would have expected it to be.
After being in the field for roughly 18+ years the awe and wonder of being a Psychonaut has eventually lost its charm. He still wouldn't be any other place though, since it is, in fact, his dream job still (to some extent) and he feels like after being there for so long he's stuck with it. He's always so buried in paperwork, always trying to sort it out in his dorm room (which at this point has become a den full of mountains made of files and inevitable papercuts)
Sure once he finally gets a mission to go on he can actually stretch his legs and do something somewhat entertaining, but even the mission work has gotten repetitive. Like, yeah alright we get it you want to take over the world, can you just skip to the part where you tell us where the bomb is please.
The downright repetition of it all has taken a toll on his childlike sense of adventure, and all the little things keep getting more and more mildly annoying by the day. When he was around 22 he decided to go to college in an attempt to break away from it for just a little bit, and that's where he and Chloe became acquainted.
Because of the predictability of it all, he's become quite fluent in snark and sarcasm, and while he still upholds the professional demeanor and performance he's always had since he was younger, he also tends to act quite nonchalant in what would be quite dire situations to most regular people. Usually shrugging off or rolling his eyes to all the empty threats the villains tend make. He's a younger sibling as well, so of course he knows a thing or two about how to push buttons and get into mischief and get away with it. While hes not as much of a wild card as Bobby or Lili, he tries to use these skills to his advantage to try and bring back some kind of thrill into his work.
All in all, he's tired. He still manages to have fun, but he's tired. Unless he can find a good case or mystery to keep him occupied for a while, he'll be sitting in his dorm sifting through paperwork while going through a pack of cigarettes. The boredom man... It wasn't until he started his counselor job at Whispering Rock that things started to get a little more interesting
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neverendingford · 5 months
#tag talk#fuck. I might just be a straight woman.#like. I like men. and the more I transition the more I vibe with binary womanhood.#sure I don't like getting shoved into restrictive femininity. but I vibe with womanhood as separate from femininity.#anyway. I might be straight. and In ten years it's very possible that being trans becomes a much less huge part of my life#because it will stop being something that I do and something that I wish for and simply something that I am#yeah yeah whatever hi my name is Reggie and I like men#I just. as much as I don't like certain restrictive gender roles I find myself slotting very comfortably into others#and I realize that my idea of gender and their roles was very much shaped by my female role models growing up#and a lot of the disconnect and distress when growing up was due to not being able to follow the path everyone else did.#all my girl friends were growing up into women and I was stuck on the man track.#and being gay was the closest I could get to being myself#but I'm closer than I've ever been before to being able to live my truth as myself#still not gonna shave my legs unless it's sometime in the future for a very specific event.#I like them fuzzy. they make me feel cool.#I like having some cultural masculinity still. I just don't want to be defined by it#talking about my binary trans experience is always a little weird because I'm aware of how binary I'm describing things#and I get that if my words were used to describe someone else's experience it might end up sounding hella transphobic#but these words are for me. they're my experience. they're my life not someone else's.#and this is how my identity works.#it's like how feminism protects the right of trad wives to be trad wives.#we just gotta recognize that just because one woman wants to be the designated dishwasher not every woman feels that way.#anyway. I might be dating a guy by this time next week. he's cool so far and we kinda got match-made by a mutual friend#we watched Redline tonight and it's hella good#he's really cool but I feel like I've got something to provide and to bring to the relationship. so we're still on peer-level I think.#which is new. usually I'm way ahead of the other person. maybe my fault for fishing in the bad fish barrel#the emotionally damaged and burdened fish barrel.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
Listen, some of us would actually like to get through our eternally-growing reading lists, and if someone was like, "Hey, do you want to get reincarnated and get all of your memories back," I would simply say yes.
rip to Essek Thelyss and all of his concerns about dunamancy or whatever but I'm built different.
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daincrediblegg · 7 months
Truly devastating to want to jump into an AU for your canon x oc/si ship when you haven’t even scratched the surface of your main fic for them yet 😪
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aria0fgold · 1 year
Whumptober day 2 prompt: Thermometer | "They don't care about you."
Character: Patch Age: 13
The incessant beeping of Patch's alarm clock was deafening to his ears, making his already aching head hurt even more. He sluggishly reached for the alarm, hand barely tapping the button on top before his hand slid down the table as it now dangles off the bed. His body felt heavier than last night, his head throbbing with a pain that worsens whenever he moves. It seems that simply sleeping it off last night didn't quite work as he hoped it would.
Patch groaned as he forced himself up, vision somewhat blurred and movements unsteady. He sat by the side of the bed, gathering the strength to stand so that he can make his way to the kitchen, grab the thermometer somewhere, get something to eat, take a medicine too.
He sighed, he really didn't want to move at all, he just wanted to stay in bed and sleep the day away. But it's best to deal with his fever now than let it worsen some more, and as always, he didn't have anyone that can help him at all.
Not when his mom is still at work, she always is. She's barely around that the spacious house meant for two feels so suffocating and small, it was no different than a closet.
Another sigh escaped his lip as he finally pushed himself up, he walked slowly, putting a hand on the wall to support himself as the room seems to spin. His head felt so foggy while he makes his way around the house, blank, empty, with occasional thoughts coming by to merely fade again before he even processed what it was about. Though there are some that doesn't fade as fast as he'd like, thoughts he'd rather not dwell on.
Thoughts of how useless he is, thoughts of how his mom doesn't care about him, thoughts that he's better off gone—
Patch shook his head much too quick for it to be comfortable in his current state. He felt the ground give way from under him as he reached for anything that can keep him from falling further. He clutched the sofa beside him, he hadn't realized he'd reached the living room already.
He took a couple of deep breaths, taking the time to let his dizziness subside before continuing his walk. Slowly and carefully this time. He grabbed the thermometer in one of the drawers, sitting down on the floor as he brought it to his mouth. A minute passed, then another, and another, Patch sat there all alone, with his head on his knees waiting for the thermometer to beep.
And it finally did, 38°C. He groaned, sighing a third time. Patch slowly stood, putting the thermometer in the pocket of his pajamas. Now to make his way to the kitchen to grab the medicines and whatever is in the fridge and sleep everything away, in a house that may as well belong to a stranger.
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