#he was riding off of o***** economy
damianurl · 1 year
honestly i could scream lmao
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f4iry-bell · 5 months
Stained Shirt and Two Seats for One
a very long title, im so sorry about the setting of first chapter not being clear and switch of what is going on eacothers heads?? though its written in third person pov. first chapter is very terrible pls bare with me. its just for funies.
this is a regular x f!reader. anyone can read it.
NOTE: after TBH but AU where there is no tgg or anything that involves tgg(no avery's game, or alice being alive, etc etc). reader is 23-24. grayson is 26-27 y/o. im sorry for making gray kinda old ITS FOR PLOT REASONS.
warning: unclear setting 🧍‍♀️.
Y/n blinked rapidly as she was trying hard not to scream out of pain and anger. The hot liquid poured all over her burnt like hell. And the colour choice of her top was definitely not helping. At least she doesn't have to immediately meet her client as soon as she lands in London. Some of the people who passed by looked at her stained shirt and the man in front of her who looked so perfect. No, literally, he might just be perfect.
“My sincere apologies.” He apologised and his tone stated neutral, he sounded apologetic but yet not.
“It's okay.” She says giving him a poor smile while she looks at her top.
“It's not okay, your shirt is ruined.” He states.
“No, I was on my phone while I was walking, it's also my fault.” She said and watched him take his white handkerchief out handing it to her.
“I was not looking as well.”
“Thank you, but I don't think it's going to help.” She chuckled but his face remained neutral.
“I’m sorry again” He kept apologising and she kept saying ‘it's fine’
Finally they both parted ways. Grayson was thinking about the incident and the girl, he ruined a perfectly styled outfit. It was simple and probably comfortable for flying. He remembered that his flight is about to take off in 30 minutes. He can't let that event bother his whole plane ride.
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As Grayson walked inside the flight through the economy, he recognised one person sitting in the middle, the girl whom he poured his black coffee on. She was wearing a cardigan over her stained shirt. Her wired earphones disappeared in her wavy hair. She sat in between a weird old man and a woman with her baby on her lap. She looked so done. He can't imagine how bad her day must be. First, he pours coffee on her and now she has to sit next to probably two worst types of people you would find on a plane. He couldn't help himself. He walked to her seat, fortunately he didn't have to tap on her to make her notice his presence. She looked at him once he was near her seat and unplugged her earphones from her ears with a confused look. Probably wondering why he is here.
“Hi.” She said and gave him an awkward smile as if this man did not just pour hot coffee on her.
“I have an offer,” He said. “For you.”
“Oh. um, oh” He can tell that she was super confused by her response.
“You have a seat in first class” He informed her.
“Huh?” She was still confused.
“You heard me. I have a seat for you in the first class” He was trying to be clear.
She can tell that this man was about to board in first class when he poured coffee on her just by his looks. But why is he offering his seat? Because he poured coffee on her? And where will he sit? In her seat? He looks like he never travelled out of first class.
“Oh you don't have to give up your seat. It's fine.” She smiles.
“Ma’am, I'm not giving up my seat. Take the offer” He ordered, getting kind of impatient.
“You’re not? But you said that you have a seat for me”
“So, your seat”
“Yes. My other seat” He added “You'll be sitting next to me”
“You have booked two seats?” She asked. Was he supposed to travel with someone? His outfit might say that he was supposed to travel with a business partner or assistant.
“I always do. Now if you're done with your questions, we must leave before the airhostess asks us” He said.
She blinked a couple times not believing what just happened. She stood up and noticed the lady with her baby was giving her a jealous look. I mean she can't blame the lady, who wouldn't want to travel in first class. She took her small backpack with her.
She spoke as they walked “So um why'd you book two seats?” She didn't want to pry but she was going to sit next to this man for hours, she didn't want it to be awkward throughout.
“As I've mentioned already. I always do”. He replied. Showing no interest in a conversation. He is giving her a seat in first class that should be enough of an apology for the coffee, right?
“But why?”
“Because I do not like sitting next to strangers. You'll be surprised to find out even people who travel first class want to engage in unnecessary conversations” He told her. She gave a nod. She made a mental note to not engage in a conversation with him.
Grayson noticed it, he also thought that she is quite polite and beautiful too.
She tried hard not to think that he is an arrogant asshole, well he is giving his seat to her so he must be fine. She made sure not to make silly conversation with him or not talk at all. This man booked two tickets just so he doesn't have to engage with others. He must hate people. Y/n was not a fan of people or small talk with strangers either so it's not hard for her to keep her to herself. But if the awkward silence is too loud she won't be able to help herself, she will just say something random.
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The plane ride was quiet as Grayson wanted. He liked the fact that the girl did not try to have any small talk with him. All though he tried his best to mind his own business he kept noticing what she was doing, for the first half an hour of the flight the girl was writing something on her notebook. He wanted to peek but it would be too obvious. After some writing she took out a beige eye mask and then rested throughout the flight. Watching her like a creep he decided to do the same as well.
It was like an unwritten rule to walk out of London's airport together for them. Like the plane ride the walk was also quiet. Grayson had a car waiting for him outside already, the girl on the other hand was waiting for a taxi. He wanted to offer her a ride but he thought it was probably too much.
“I’m once again sorry about your clothes. Have a good life” He started and ended the conversation without even giving her time to speak. He didn't care if she thought he was rude, he will never see this girl ever again.
next part →
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aphew · 9 months
Favorite Music of 2023
Empire State Bastard - Rivers of Heresy The love child of Simon Neil (Biffy Clyro) and Mike Vennart (Oceansize) is a truly epic metal monstrosity.  I'd heard bits and pieces of it that Mike doled out over the years via his Patreon and never thought a fully realized product would see the light of day.  Well, they did it, and they got Dave Lombardo to bash the skins.  That should tell you everything you need to know about this masterpiece. Empire State Bastard - The Looming [Official Video]
Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex This feels like the culmination of the last two albums (To the Bone, The Future Bites) coalescing into an experimental but solid whole.  It's best enjoyed in a single sitting instead of bits and pieces.  There's also an alternate version of this album (Harmonic Distortion) including outtakes and remixes that is just as enjoyable as the main album. 
Steven Wilson - Economies of Scale
Squid - O Monolith I wasn't immediately sold on Squid's first album (Bright Green Field), but after watching them play live they won me over.  This second album is just as intense as the first.  They know their strengths and play to them and the audience wins.  Each song is incredibly complex, yet somehow they pull it off live and make it look easy, every member playing with a musical ambidexterity that is breathtaking.    Squid - La Route du Rock 2023 – ARTE Concert
Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman I still remember vividly seeing Songs for the Deaf at the local Hastings Muisc store at a listening station and proceeding to listen to the entire album.  I stood there for an hour because the music rooted me to the spot.  I'd never had an experience like that before.  I'm sure the store clerk wondered if I didn't have anywhere else to go.  Needless to say I became an instant fan and have been ever since.  Queens of the Stone Age - Time And Place (Official Audio)
Knower - Knower Forever The first time I experienced Knower was back in 2016 and the video for "The Government Knows".   It was hilarious and strange and I couldn't get over how catchy it was.  I was compelled to seek out more from the group and began to appreciate the pure musicianship of Louis Cole and his gang of gifted musical cohorts.  Over the years he released solo albums and had an insane side project known as Clown Core that's a genre unto itself.  With Knower he's always had Genevieve Artadi as a musical partner and her voice fits the music perfectly.  This latest album is their best so far.  I'm The President - KNOWER
Hania Rani - Ghosts I think I first heard Hania based on the Youtube algorithm that thought I might like an insanely talented pianist and composer.  This was mid-pandemic 2020 and her album "Home".  It's one thing to hear the music, but it's quite another to see her perform solo and realize she's creating all of these soundscapes on the fly.  Ethereal, beautiful, and transporting music. Hania Rani - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
The Fierce and the Dead - News from the Invisible World This was a recent discovery.   I know that I'll end up loving a group if I can't stop thinking about a song I heard.  In this case it's one called "Non-Player".  The entire album is great though, bouncing around between song styles and genre's.  I was surprised to find that it's the first with vocals, their past releases being instrumental. ▶︎ News From The Invisible World | The Fierce And The Dead (bandcamp.com)
IDLES - (Everything) I was late to the IDLES party by four albums, but I've now got my arms and legs tucked inside the ride and I'm holding on for dear life.  Not since Oceansize has a group affected me this profoundly.  It's all right there on display, no gimmicks, everything's genuine.  "If someone talked to you, the way you do to you, I'd put their teeth through.  Love yourself." I am beyond excited for the new album coming in February.  IDLES - DANCER  (Official Video)
Bonus Video (You're welcome): Donny Benét: Multiply (Official Music Video)
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
im curious. I just randomly got this idea, what would happen if poly!ghostface’s S/O took them on a vacation. just out of nowhere, they’re like “hey, we should go hawaii!” Like pure crackhead energy, spontaneous in other words lol 🌚
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Combined these babies since they're similar. I had a blast with this, so it's a beefy one!
TW: Brief mentions of smut.
poly!Ghostface on a Vacation to Hawaii with GN!Reader:
They knew something was up when you came bounding down the stairs and Risky Business sliding into the kitchen.
Billy was drinking a soda and reading a mystery novel at the island and Stu was raiding the pantry bc he was bored.
Sooo, it's summer. Neither of you decided to take classes this semester because of one reason or the other
And you bring up going to Hawaii! I mean, why not.
Stu is absolutely ecstatic and 1000% down. The one good thing about being dragged by his parents into business or socialite trips was how fun it is to travel.
Small town killer boy Loomis hasn't left Woodsboro much and has even been outside of California before. So he's down.
You can Billy offer to pay for yourselves, but Stu isn't having it bc that means he'd have to wait longer while you guys try and save up.
And he aint waiting lol.
So The Trip itself:
Airport portions, are hell. You find out that Billy is a total Karen when flying lmaoo.
"Pay extra for luggage? Are you fuckin' kidd- no Stu, don't hand them the money yet, Im gonna talk to them because this is ridiculous. We paid for this!"
Flight attendant telling Billy the box meal he wanted isn't available: "Then why did you hand me a menu that has it on the cover? No, whatever its fine, just get me the other one then."
Stu is surprisingly chill at airports. He's been to them a lot, so he knows their standards and procedures inside and out.
He usually rides business class with his parents. But you and Billy didnt want to spend a shit ton of money on the flight when it could be used on the trip itself. So Economy it is.
The plane ride is actually not that bad. You 3 p much just did your own things. Listening to music, sleeping, reading a book, playing your Gameboy etc.
When you arrive in Kona International is when the real fun begins.
Immediately, and Im talking as you get off, the airport staff greeting everyone was handing out leis. You guys put em on.
The hotel you go to is absolutely gorgeous. This is where you let yourself splurge. Stu payed the bulk of it, but you and Billy made sure to chip in a good chunk.
It's a resort, basically. Huge hotel, wit beautiful lobbies, marble flooring, different types of huge fountains and waterfalls, etc etc.
There's a shit ton of pools, gyms, tennis courts, golf areas etc. And you're RIGHT next to a gorgeous beach that you can look out from your room to see.
Speaking of your room, like the rest of the hotel, its absolutely gorgeous.
Google luxury hotel rooms in Hawaii and you get the picture.
Huge huge fluffy bed, and large glass shower with color changing lights, huge jacuzzi for a tub.
And yeah, the sex is going to be absolutely wild. You're going to have trouble getting them to leave the room lol.
So the first night, you guys just unpack and relax. It's super late at night when you arrive and you're tired from the flight. Youre planning on eating out at a ton of superb restaurants, but tonight you take the opportunity to check out how good the room service at the resort is.
You order some delicious Hawaiian fare, including desserts like pink Haupia cake and such.
After a quick nap after eating dinner, you guys would head down to the lobby and go to the Mai Tai bar for a few drinks. It's by a waterfall and it pretty empty, so you enjoy just hanging there, just drinking and talking for awhile
The you guys explore the hotel a little, scoping out the pool area and the tennis court and such before just heading back to the room.
You guys pass out then lol. Nothing raunchy happens bc jet lag and you're all just so tired.
During the vacation, you guys end up getting breakfast everyday at the hotel. Stu absolutely obsessed with the coconut syrup on waffles with pineapple preserves. Billy likes the spam musubi.
At Stu's insistence, the first thing you guys do is go to a beach with waves. Stu brought his surfboard and he is over the moon at a chance to surf in Hawaii.
You and Billy watch him catch some waves. You cheer him on, which hypes him up even more. Billy mostly just watches and smiles fondly, but he lets out a few whoops or two at some cool tricks or whip-outs.
You guys end up renting a jeep and just driving through the mountains and volcanoes on Highway 560. You put down the hood, and are in awe at the beauty of nature, and the way smaller towns are built up along the side of a mountain. The air is fresh and you guys put on some good music and laugh.
You end up at the top of a hill during sunset, and yes you all get emotional and make-out while listening to Oasis.
One of the days you end up just going around the malls of Hawaii. The food and farmers markets had you guys drooling.
Billy had his first taste of dragonfruit, and now he'll never go back.
You got stung by a jellyfish :(, Stu insisted on peeing on your leg bc he read somewhere that it helps. You and Billy don't believe him (bc its bullshit lol), but you're in so much pain you guys end up going to a beach's locker room and having stu pee on your leg in the shower while Billy kept watch lmaoo.
Spoiler alert, it didn't help.
You guys go to the Polynesian Cultural Center, where you learn a lot about the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia in general.
They don't say it during the tour, but another visitor who's Polynesian herself mentions that she's upset at how they skim over how indigenous people were treated by "settlers" and you get a crash course in it from her.
You also find out the center is owned by a church and NOT natives, and get upset enough you guys decide to forego the $300 per person buffet and live show, bc you don't want to give them money.
Luckily for you, the girl, Kanoe, is from Tuvalu and she mentions that her parents own a restaurant that serves Polynesian cuisine. You decide to go eat there, to support indigenous businesses.
Of course Billy and Stu (especially Stu) wanted to go to the Nani Moon Meadery and Kona Brewing Co. in the evening for one of the nights. You decide whether to go with them or not, but if you end up staying behind, you get to take a relaxing evening to yourself doing or going to see whatever you want! It's nice, and you really got a moment to take everything in by yourself and they get a lil date with just them two!
This happens a few times, where one of you stays behind and the other two go in pairs.
You end up going with Billy alone to Mauna Kea to bike ride while Stu nursed a bad hangover. You both get to talk and laugh, and even have a race with each other (Billy won bc his legs are longer lol.) You two got curious about smoking week at such a high altitude, so you tried it and immediately regretted it once you both had a coughing fit. You laughed afterwards about it tho.
You and Stu go mountain tubing together when Billy needed a break from ppl bc his social battery ran out. It's so much fun! You guys got individual floaties and then later traded with another couple to have a connected floaty! There were stretches of river and then really fun dips you went down!
You guys go see some national parks where you get to see real molten rock and lava!
Of course wihtout question, you guys go see the Jurassic Tours where you get to see and walk around where it was filmed! You 3 binged the movies the night before the tour too to prepare!
It almost goes without saying, but you guys have sex in every surface of that hotel room. Shower, balcony, bed, floor, desk, etc. Everywhere.
And you guys ended up having a romantic and passionate romp in the jeep during that one sunset you guys watched.
You wanted to do more, like see the manta rays, check out Lahaina Town, go snorkeling, or go to tour the Kona Coffee Farm. But alas, your time was limited and there was just simply too much to do.
No worries though, you guys will undoubtedly come back in the future!
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joheun-saram · 4 years
Christmas Under Wraps (ksj)
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Summary- You always wanted to work in a small town, and when you finally got matched to a small hospital in Alaska for your one year sabbatical you never would’ve thought you’d be in a place where everyone believed Santa was real. Mass hysteria or magic? Only time will tell.
word count- 12k
pairing- nurse!Seokjin x doctor!Reader
rating- R
genre- fluff, smut
warnings- very bad puns, me having no knowledge of Alaska, cheating, shitty parents, mentions of the horrendous Mario movie, softdom!Jin, whiny!Jin, explicit sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), edging (kinda), multiple orgasms, too many references to Santa
a.n- Part of @suhdays​ Hallmark Holiday Collab! Please check other beautiful holiday pieces written by some amazing writers. Full disclosure, this fic took me more than a month to write, mostly because I have only seen like three Christmas movies, and one of them was Die Hard and the other was Nightmare before Christmas, so please let me know what you think! Was this Christmasy enough for you? 
s/o to the amazing @namyoongles​ for the banner! ily! 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
“Mr Henderson, I really need you to watch your carbohydrate intake. Your blood sugar indicates pre-diabetes and with your history of angina, it really is important that you keep this in check. I’m going to need you to do a monthly fasting glucose check for the next three months so we see some results. Okay?”
You look over at the smiling overweight septuagenarian seated in front of you. Mr Henderson was one of your favourite patients, one of the few you knew well enough to remember even his grandchildren’s name. You loved that. Being a doctor in a busy hospital in Manhattan made making a lasting connection with a patient a rare occurrence, and although you were worried about his health, you were happy you the last appointment of your five years of residency was with someone you knew.
“Doc, I’m old. A little dessert never hurt anyone huh?” Mr Henderson joked, as he patted his stomach, the buttons of his shirts working hard to keep it together.
“I’m serious, Mr Henderson,” you speak sternly, looking up from your iPad screen at the man in front of you, just as your attending walks in through the door.
“Well, Mr Henderson you better listen to Dr. Y/L/N. She’s the best we’ve got and she will keep calling you in for appointments even if she isn’t here!” She adjusts her glasses, her hands in the pockets of her lab coat, as the two delve into a conversation about her upcoming retirement. You were sad to see your mentor and friend retire, but if you were being honest, it was that fact that gave you the courage to make your big move. 
Your colleagues and friends were shocked when you announced that you were moving to Alaska. You had always been the top of your program and had an assortment of top specialization programs to choose from. In fact, your father was the most shocked. He expected you to follow his footsteps and specialize in internal medicine from the prestigious program at John Hopkins. He had even spoken to one of his friends on the admission board to ensure your acceptance. 
He almost choked on his dinner when you mentioned that you had accepted the family medicine specialization program in the small town of Elophtron in Alaska. He was livid, having never even heard of the town, let alone the program, deeming it unworthy of his 28 year old prodigy. But that’s the thing. You were twenty eight. There was no way you would let your father, or anyone for that matter, dictate what to do with your career. 
The only person who seemed to support your decision was your long term boyfriend, Jiho, who seemed ecstatic at the news. He was the first person you told. You were nervous when you broke the news, the two of you had been a little distant the past few months, but your worries were assuaged when he pulled you in a tight hug excitedly telling you how proud he was of you. He knew how much you wanted to take a break from the city, and seeing his enthusiastic support made you confident you were making the right move.
Born and raised in New York City, the overcrowded bustle of the city thrummed through your veins. While you did pride yourself on being a true New Yorker, you would be lying if you said that you were happy here. It was easy to be lost here, to be forgotten amongst the millions of faces crossing the streets. As often as the city lights cheered you up, they also suffocated you. 
The city was cold, a criss cross of concrete and beautiful glass towers housing lonely, selfish souls that didn’t mind tripping over the people sleeping in the streets. People here craved to be noticed, craved to live lavishly, and while you were born into what most craved, what you wanted was the solace of a town where everyone knew each other. A town where you could make lasting relationships that didn’t rely on your last name or where you graduated from.  Elopthron, although a terribly sci-fi sounding town name, was your reprieve from the smog filled mundane.
The days leading up to your departure were full of excitement. You packed quickly, your closet surprisingly fitting into two bags that barely avoided the baggage limit. Your friends hosted a cute little going away party, full of champagne and promises to visit, while your parents hosted a cold dinner, full of lectures and judgement. As your flight landed in Juneau, your heart was beating with nerves. This specialization was at the town’s only hospital, the fact that all the town’s medical talent was under one roof had you excited to learn. Not only that, but the program stated that you would get the opportunity to run things and you couldn’t wait to put your leadership skills to the test again - you were the chief resident at your old hospital and you couldn’t say that the role didn’t suit you.
Collecting your bags, albeit with a little struggle, you reach the doors to the arrivals where the hospital had told you to meet the driver. That is another thing about this dream opportunity, they not only ensured you had a ride into town, but even provided you with your own apartment. To your shock, the driver you meet takes you not to a car but another plane, a small little thing that shakes with every gust of wind. 
It makes you nervous, the shaking rattling your heart around your chest, but the view of the snow covered mountains takes your breath away. You were never one to swoon over nature, preferring your apartment to the hiking trips Jiho got excited about, but seeing the fresh untouched snow stirred something in you. It promised fresh starts and unchartered challenges, and that made your heart beat faster in anticipation.
The feeling didn’t subside even when you made yourself comfortable in your new apartment. The warm wooden finishing was a stark contrast to the metal of your home in Manhattan and as you started the fire before hanging your clothes in the small wardrobe in the corner of your room, you couldn’t stop the grin etching across your features. You were finally here.
The apartment was on the first floor of a two storey complex. It was much smaller than your expansive home, but instead of suffocating it felt cozy. The front door opened to a small hallway furnished simply with a cute oak shoe rack and a full length mirror. It led to an open concept kitchen and living room, separated by a breakfast island. The living room had a large fireplace, stack of wood next to it, and a large yellow couch opposite it. Furnishing was minimal, but your bedroom boasted a large queen sized bed, anchored on each side by matching nightstands and a wardrobe in the corner. 
It was everything you didn’t know you craved as you settled in your bed for the night, noting to thank the hospital for even providing the bedding. As you stared at the wooden slats that decorated the ceiling of your bedroom, you felt comforted. It was unlike your home, where the high ceilings made you feel cold and alone, even when Jiho stayed over. Perhaps you needed this new beginning more than you thought.
The morning was not as serene however, as you somehow managed to turn off your alarm without waking up and were running half an hour behind schedule when you realised you didn’t have a coffee maker. Scrambling out into the cold early December weather you pulled your expensive but utterly useless coat around you as you followed your map app to the closest and seemingly only coffee shop on the one strip of shops the town boasted.
Checking the time to see you still had about half an hour till work started, you slowed down a little to take in the surroundings. Quaint did not cover how cute the small town was. The main strip was a large two way street with a row of little independently owned shops on either side with names such as Once Upon a Book, A Nick in Time, and Thorns and Roses. You didn’t know what these shops housed, although you could guess some, and you couldn’t wait to explore. The cutest thing about the shops was how festive everything looked, fairy lights strung everywhere, mistletoe and wreaths in every window. Like you had stepped into the Grinch’s nightmare, and it was barely October. This might possibly be the most fairytale like town you’d ever stepped foot into. 
You easily located the small coffee shop, chuckling at the ostentatious pink board reading Bean There. It seemed more like an 70’s style diner than a coffee shop, filled with small vinyl tables, each with a small Christmas tree on it. Making your way to the counter, you ordered your usual, blond roast coffee with a splash of almond milk.
“Oh sorry hon. We only have normal coffee and cow’s milk,” the older woman standing behind the cash register answered with a jolly laugh, pouring coffee from a pot into a red to-go cup. Before you could say anything, she continued. “Besides, that’s some hippy stuff. We’ve been drinking cow’s milk for generations and our family has never been healthier! I swear these trends are killing the economy!”
And she talked, going on and on about the benefits of milk giving you no time to interrupt as she poured a copious amount of milk into your coffee making it resemble a latte. You were about to give up and forego the coffee this morning till someone behind you decided to speak up.
“Doris! What did we say about forcing the tourists to drink your farm’s milk?” You followed the deep, joyous voice to its owner, blinking a few times as you registered the tall, dark haired man behind you. Oh and what a man he was. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a red flannel shirt under a fur-lined denim jacket, your eyes zeroed in on his broad shoulders. The instant attraction you felt to this stranger had heat rising up your neck. Emboldened by the fact that you would probably not see this stranger again, you let your eyes roam his body, biting your lip slightly, till your eyes met his, a small smirk on his lips. Clearing your throat you awkwardly stepped forward.
“It’s okay. No problem, Doris, was it?”
“No no. You want almond milk, you get almond milk! Doris I know for a fact you have it back there!” The stranger stops you from grabbing the drink on the counter, a hand held up.
“Seokjin! I see how it is! Just because a pretty girl wants almond milk, you share but not when Jeremy wanted to try it.” Doris huffs, straightening her bright yellow apron.
“Jeremy was drinking it as a dare, and I’d rather not waste one of the ten cartons that Dosey orders every month on stupidity.”
“Um… Really it’s fine! I’m going to be late for work so… thank you!” You try to escape. As much as your lactose intolerant gut was wincing at the thought of almond milk, you had spent way more time here than you planned.
“Wait, work? Hon you’re not a tourist at all! Where are you working?” It seemed you only made the conversation more interesting as Doris looked at you beaming.
“At the hospital?”
“You’re the new doctor? Oh my! Welcome Doc! We’re so excited to have you here! I suppose you’ll be seeing a lot of Seokjin then!” She slapped the stranger, Seokjin you suppose, on the shoulder as he stares at you with wide eyes before catching himself and clearing his throat.
“Doris! Will you just make the pretty doctor her drink then? Mine too please!” He leans on the counter and you can’t help but steal another glance at him. He really was oddly beautiful.
“Sure hon! Here you go!” Doris chuckled as she placed two coffees on the counter and you’re pleased to see yours looking exactly how you prefer. You take out your wallet before Seokjin stops you.
“Don’t worry about it. Put it on my tab Doris. Here, let me walk you to work.” He guides you out of the little cafe, a hand hovering near the small of your back.
“I’m sure you have better things to do. I’ll be fine.”
“Oh it’s no problem at all. I’m going there myself.” 
“Oh. Are you a resident?” You did not expect that. By his attire you assumed he worked some manual labour, and by his face you assumed he worked as a model. Somehow you couldn’t picture seeing this man living at a library like you had your years of schooling.
“Nope. Head nurse. So Doris is right, you’ll be seeing me a lot.” He grinned at you, his cheeks puffing up in a way that made you want to poke them. What was in the air in this town? You needed to get a grip on yourself.
“Oh nice to meet you then! I’m -”
“Dr. Y/L/N from New York, right?” Seokjin cut you off before you could finish, looking at you over the lip of his cup as he sipped his coffee, casually guiding you down the main street towards the hospital.
“Right… Seokjin?”
“Yup. Kim Seokjin. How are you liking our little town so far?” He seemed genuinely interested and you smiled. It felt oddly comfortable even if you had inklings of butterflies swarming your belly.
“I love it. It’s really beautiful!”
“Oh wow. Didn’t expect a New Yorker to like it here. You know it’s always cold, right?” he smirked, slowing down as you reached a cute little pink house, before stopping completely.
“I can handle the cold. Wait, this is the hospital?” You looked at the house. It looked more like something a grandma would reside in than a hospital. You were used to glass buildings and top of the art hospitals. As you entered, the door opened to a large waiting area with faded vinyl chairs and a reception desk. It was cozy, but you couldn't believe this was the only hospital in town.
“The one and only. The town’s going to be so excited to finally have a doctor 
again!” His words made you sputter, almost choking on your coffee.
“What do you mean, finally? Where are the other doctors?”
“You’re it!” He grinned.
This was not according to plan. You were here to learn. Learn from people much more well-versed in medicine than you were. You did not expect to be the only doctor. Even if the town only had around 2,000 people, it was still outrageous that you would be the only person treating them, and in this small house. Does this place even have any imaging machines?!
As the day went on, your nerves only increased. Seokjin introduced you to the other people who worked at the hospital. There were only three others, two orderly, and another nurse. There were more people in your friend group of residents back home. This was scary, and as you laid in bed that night, all you wanted to do was talk to Jiho and get comforted. He didn't pick up, and you counted the slates on your ceiling to fall asleep, pushing your mind to rest no matter how alone you felt all of a sudden.
Turns out you were not that alone. Within a month you had finally gotten into the groove of things. Your five-person team gelled together pretty fast, and soon you could anticipate each other's moves and even talk without words. Running a hospital, however, was not all you had cracked it up to be in your head. Although you didn't see too many patients daily, the paperwork kept you way past dinner most days. If it weren’t for Seokjin’s insistence to leave at the same time as you, you might as well had moved into your office.
All in all, it was nice. The town had welcomed you with open arms, and it was exactly what you were looking for when you left Manhattan - a place where everyone knew your name and not because of who your family was, where you could walk into a coffee shop and they'd know your order, where you knew your neighbours and attended extravagantly cheesy block parties. Elopthron had its quirks, how almost everyone here put way too much emphasis on Christmas, adults even going as far as pretending Santa Claus was real for the kids all the time. You weren’t kidding, one time a middle aged patient insisted on not ordering the brace he needed because he knew Santa would bring him one on Christmas. When you told Jenny, the other nurse, to do a psych evaluation, she just shook her head in amusement, thinking you were joking. “Of course Santa is real, Dr. Y/L/N. Here in Elophtron, Santa comes every Christmas with presents!” she had insisted, leaving you baffled. This town was absolutely bonkers, but it was starting to feel like home.
The only thing stopping you from feeling fully content was the fact that your parents were still icing you out and somehow regardless of being only four hours out of sync, Jiho and you had barely communicated this month. You would think you were being ghosted if it weren’t for his sporadic one liners.
You sighed as you looked over the budget for the month, the numbers somehow refusing to add up as you looked at your phone, the Instagram notification lighting it up. You could use a break, so you decide to scroll through your feed, only to stop abruptly at Jiho's new post.
Love my baby so much! Happy four months, beautiful.
It was a cute caption, if it weren't for the fact that you and Jiho had been dating for over four years, your anniversary was in March, and that he was kissing a stunning blond that you didn't recognize in the picture.
You looked at the picture again, closing the app and starting it again, just in case it was a glitch. Nope, apparently, Jiho had broken up with you and forgot to tell you. You could feel the tears pricking your eyes, but they weren't because of sadness. Oh no, you were furious. No wonder that fucker was so excited about your move.
You let out a huge groan, throwing your phone across the room, as you stood up and kicked your desk, tears now freely flowing. You couldn't believe the nerve. You hadn't expected this from him. In fact, much like a loser, you were expecting him to propose at Christmas. You thought back at how he had told you he loved you and called you beautiful, much like he was now professing to that new girl and it made your stomach twist. You wanted to break stuff. No, correction, you wanted to break his face.
You didn't realize you were rage pacing until Seokjin appeared in the doorframe, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Everything okay, Y/N?" he asked, stepping in front of you to stop your pacing. In the past month, Seokjin had gotten surprisingly good at reading your moods. It was like he could see a slight change in your micro-expressions and be able to tell whether you need a coffee, a hug, or a walk. You were truly grateful for him, but at this moment you were afraid you were going to take out your anger on him so you tried to calm down. Stopping your pacing, you plastered a smile on your face.
"Yeah. Everything's fine. Don't worry. Why are you still here?" Seokjin, however, didn't buy your flimsy excuse and pulled you in a hug. You felt yourself instantly calm. It was oddly intimate. He had hugged you before, but never like this. His arms were tight around your frame as your face met his chest, enveloping you in his vanilla scent. Your attraction to Seokjin had faded slowly over time, but right now as he tightened his grip around you in an effort to comfort you, your heart skipped a beat.
With your rage fast diminishing, all you had left was your heartbreak as you slowly started to cry in his chest. He didn't question you. His usually talkative personality, giving way to an understanding silence as he slowly rubbed your back.
When it seemed that you had calmed down, Seokjin pulled away, looking at you with concern. Without asking you for details, he suggested going on a drive. You accepted, knowing that if you just went home all you would do is wallow. You let him drive you to a burger joint, picking up your favorites, before getting back in his truck. The two of you drove for what seemed a long time, the food getting cold as soft pop music played in the background.
He never once pushed you to talk, letting you take in the trees lining the highway, as you watched the snow glittering in the moonlight on the banks. Finally, he stopped the truck, getting out before opening the door for you, taking your hand as you stepped down from the height.
The view blew you away. He had driven you to a field of sorts, getting the back of his truck ready with some blankets. But it wasn't the pine-lined field that took your breath away, it was the sky. Above you the navy hues of the night were alight in colour, pinks and greens blooming like waves in the sea. Stars prickled through occasionally as the weave of colours danced slowly, mesmerizing you. You don't know how long you stared at it in awe, but when you turned around, he was already sitting on the back of the truck, under a blanket, your food being taken out of bags.
He speaks for the first time when you settle next to him.
"You want to talk now?"
"I don't know." You shrug, rattling the ice in your cup as you swirl around your drink.
"It's okay if you don't want to. Just... do you need to go back?" He seemed hesitant, almost disappointed, as he asked. It was endearing how much he cared about the town not being left without a doctor.
"No. Definitely not." You said firmly, staring at the sky, missing the way he smiled at you in relief. The last thing you wanted to do right now was go back to Manhattan so your parents could tell you how you failed and accidentally run into Jiho and his blonde. Hoping to deflect the conversation, you looked at Seokjin, his cheeks puffed as he took a big bite of his burger. "Seokjin, can you tell me something about yourself?"
"What do you want to know?" He says, sipping his drink.
"I don't know. Anything."
"Hmm... well I'm a nurse and I’m the most handsome man in the world." He laughed, clapping his hands slowly as if applauding his own wit. You rolled your eyes, unable to fight the smile that made its way to your lips.
"Oh my god, you dork! Tell me something real. Tell me a secret." You bumped him with your shoulder.
"If I tell you a secret, will you tell me what's wrong?" You hummed, eyes wide in anticipation as you munched on your cold fries. "Well. I secretly kind of hate this small-town life."
His answer shocked you. In the month you’ve known Seokjin, he has been this little town’s biggest fan. With the number of people who greet him, and routinely give him presents, you don’t doubt he could easily be elected mayor. In fact, the chief of police even suggested using him as the town’s mascot, for crying out loud. 
“If you hate it why are you here?”
“Did you know I lived in San Francisco for ten years till last year?” You did not. You couldn’t imagine Seokjin amongst those tech snobs, nor could you imagine him in anything not flannel. “Yeah. I loved it. I worked at this amazing hospital and went out to all these clubs. I was kind of a party animal.” He chuckled, looking at his lap fondly as he picked at the blanket.
“Why come back?”
“Well… my family established this town. We were the first ones here and well I promised my dad when he died that I’d help continue the little traditions in this town.” He shrugged, his mouth a lopsided smile. “Promised him I’d raise my kids here. Family comes before fun.”
“That’s… wow. You must really respect your dad, enough to change your life for him,” you spoke softly, leaning into his lap a little to place your hand over his. “It must have been hard to lose him.”
“It was, but I hope I’m making him proud.” He gave you a genuine smile as he squeezed your hand, before tapping it. “Now enough about my emo self! Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
And so you did. You spent probably three hours out in the cold, before calling it a night. You told him about Jiho and how he broke your heart, and he related by telling you about his own ex that had broken their engagement when he suggested the relocation. Spending time with Seokjin was comfortable, it was easy. There was something about him that warms you up, like hot chocolate on a snowy night.
You hadn’t been that vulnerable around anyone in a while. Your life in New York was calculated, you never knew who you could trust, and so you trusted no one. It felt oddly freeing to be able to talk about your heartbreak and insecurities with Seokjin, and after that night under the aurora borealis, you both became closer. Before, you would only see each other at work, but since then you had been hanging out outside of work a lot. Sometimes the two of you would grab dinner at the local diner, or he would pick you up for working, grabbing coffee and flirting with Doris shamelessly for freebies. The more you spent time with Seokjin, the more you realized how different he was from what you had assumed.
When you first got to know Seokjin, you thought he was hardworking and amiable, but now you knew his dorky side. The side that would come up after a glass of wine, when he would start cracking lame dad jokes, clapping his hands, and laughing at himself. The side that got especially shy, ears turning a bright red, every time you complimented him on anything, be it his work ethic, or a nice new shirt he bought. The side that would go on and on about the Mario universe, regaling you with details about why Wario was misunderstood, or why the movie should only be watched when wasted otherwise it was a waste.
To be honest, you never knew there was even a Mario movie, and when you told him such he gasped loudly, grabbing you by your shoulders and excitedly making plans to watch it together. You wouldn't tell anyone but with your newfound friendship with Seokjin, he had also gotten very comfortable touching you. Maybe it was the aftereffect of being so vulnerable around him that one time or the fact that you were trying to get over Jiho, but every time he pulled you into a hug or brushed past you it made your heart skip a beat. You controlled the flush slowly creeping up your neck, as you shrugged his hands off your shoulders and solidified your plans to watch the movie together.
True to his word, Seokjin showed up at your house with a case of beers, a local microbrew full of hops that made your tongue sing. Halfway through the movie, you had no idea what was happening, Mario and Luigi, who had terribly fake accents, by the way, jumping through trying to save the damsel in distress in what looked like an acid trip. The alcohol didn't help as the plot got more convoluted, but that didn't stop Seokjin from excitedly trying to help you decipher it.
You don't know when it happened, but his arm was around you, casually draped where your head met the couch, his fingers lightly caressing your shoulder as he sipped his beer. You took another sip of yours trying to calm yourself. No matter how many times you tried to focus on the colours exploding on the screen, all you could think about was your hammering heart as your skin heated up under his innocent touch. It wasn't when he abruptly pulled his arm away from you that you were broken out of reverie.
"So what did you think?" He asked excitedly, turning on the couch towards you, a leg moving up and under his other. You hadn't even realized the movie ended. Did they save the princess? Or was it their business they were trying to save? What was this movie even about?
"Um... it was something," you commented, hoping that the vague answer would satisfy him, as you chugged the rest of your beer.
"It's cause you're not drunk enough! Y/N! I told you, you had to get wasted to like this movie!" He whined, clumsily opening another bottle and handing it to you. You weren't drunk, he was right. You were on the right side of tipsy, just on the edge of jumping into oblivion. Seokjin on the other hand, seemed much more ahead of you as he struggled with the bottle opener.
Chuckling, you reached out and put your hands over his, helping him uncap his bottle. You didn't notice how close you had gotten until he whispered thanks and his breath ghosted the skin of your nose. Looking up, your breath hitched as you saw the look in his eyes. Usually filled with mirth, it was jarring to see him looking at you with want, his long dark hair falling into his eyes as they traced your features. You saw his eyes linger on your lips and all you could do was blink. You knew you should move away, he was coworker and friend, but you froze, the two of you lost in the silence.
He made the first move, bringing his hand to your face tentatively. You leaned into it, sighing a little, and that's when you felt his lips on yours. Soft, plush lips that you had imagined more than a few times this past month, molded around yours. The kiss was shy, a little soft as his thumb caressed your flushing cheek. Your hands still on top of his on the beer tightened as you deepened the kiss, and he followed, grunting slightly, his hand moving to the back of your head, angling it a little. You mewled when his tongue licked at your lip, granting him access as it roamed your mouth, easily taking charge as your heart exploded within your chest. You hadn't been kissed like this before, the balance of gentle and domineering, making your knees weak. You were glad you were seated because otherwise, you'd be on the floor.
You don't know how long you were kissing, but the spell was broken as his phone rang, making him pull away abruptly, lips swollen and face red. It took everything in you to not go in for seconds as your mouth followed his. He didn't oblige you though, as he pulled away, resting his hand on your waist as he reached for his phone.
"It's my mom. I'm sorry," he apologized with a pout that did not help how you were feeling. Finding it hard to speak, you simply nodded as if in a daze. His wide, grateful smile made you turn to putty as he answered, only to frown. Quickly ending the call, he grabbed your face and kissed you again, hard but quick, taking your breath away.
"I have to go. I'm so sorry." He looked at you, his forehead pressed against yours, as you blinked. Standing up from the couch, you straightened your t-shirt, as you walked him to the door. He stopped in front of it, his arms around your waist as he pulled you into a hug, making you smile. You felt like a teenager who got to kiss their crush, it was bizarre. Pecking your lips a few times, he bid you goodbye, waving as he walked off, leaving his truck in your driveway.
Shutting the door, you giggled giddily, forgetting all about your earlier worries of maintaining a professional decorum, as your fingertips grazed your lips, still feeling the touch of his lips. That night he messaged you just once, and you reread the text over and over as you fell asleep.
Thanks for watching that stupid movie with me tonight. Can't wait to continue where we left off ;)
The next day you were extremely excited to go to work, changing your outfit multiple times before settling on a pretty pastel pink dress and leaving your apartment, noticing the truck was no longer in your driveway. Stopping by to grab a cup of coffee, you greeted Doris.
“Hi Doc! Happy last day to send Santa a letter!” she chirped as he poured your order. You shook your head in amusement. This was by far the weirdest aspect of this town. They were all so obsessed with Christmas, grown adults refusing to talk about how Santa doesn’t exist. It would be endearing, charming in a way if it weren’t for the fact that Bean There was the location where they collected these letters to Santa, and it was full of people scrambling to write. You would think it would be mostly kids, but you could spot Mr. Hernandez, a sixty year old retired lumberjack, scribbling away, as well as Molly, the recent college graduate. It seemed the town had no age limit when it came to believing in Christmas miracles. 
“Doris, I don’t know what’s in the air here, but you guys know Santa isn’t real right?” you whispered, not wanting to incite a full out riot, like you accidentally did when you first moved and made the same comment. Either this town was very much into the spirit of things or you were just too late to catch up to the mass group hysteria everyone seemed to be a part of.
“Y/N! You just have to believe, hon. I’m telling you every year, whatever you write on those letters comes through. I mean you can’t ask Santa for love or anything but anything material comes! Always. How else do you explain that?” You frowned as she pushed your coffee towards you. Sure, you didn’t have a logical explanation for that but that doesn’t mean Santa was real. However, you were in a great mood this morning, looking forward to seeing Seokjin, and so you acquiesced to Doris when she waved a piece of paper, writing the first thing that came to your head which was a snowglobe, since the shelves behind the counter was lined with about a thousand. You could use a cute one to put on your desk, if Santa was in fact real.
When you walked into the hospital, coffee in hand and pep in your step, you looked around for the familiar mop of dark hair, half expecting a ho ho ho, or some cheerful Christmas pun Seokjin usually pulled out in the morning, but you were met with an empty lobby. Even his office was empty. It was odd. He was usually the first one in after you. 
Walking into your office you felt your earlier excitement twist into nerves. What if he regretted last night? What if he thought you were unprofessional? But he had texted you, surely he couldn’t regret it too much, could he? Oh! He was so drunk last night. He probably regrets it and now finds it awkward to be around you. Technically he was your subordinate, so were you now one of those creepy bosses they show on television? Inviting your employees to your house to get them drunk and make them kiss you? This was bad. Your thoughts raced through your mind as you tried to focus on today’s schedule in front of you, before, thankfully, Jenny broke through them.
“Hey Y/N. I’ll be taking over Seokjin’s workload while he’s on vacation. Is there anything in particular you need help with today? Otherwise I’m just gonna follow the notes he left behind.” 
“Vacation?” you stammered, clearing your throat and taking another sip of your drink.
“Yeah. He takes the ten days before Christmas off every year. Something about a family obligation.” She shrugged.
“Oh. He didn’t tell me.” You tried your best to not sound disappointed.
“It’s been on the calendar for years, doc.” Jenny chuckled as she walked out of your office, leaving you confused as you went to check the employee calendar and lo and behold, there it was ‘Kim Seokjin on vacation’, staring at you. You were annoyed. You expected at least some notice. Did he think he could just kiss you and then go off to wherever he was. Fuming, you opened your phone to text him.
So when were you going to tell me you were away for the rest of the month?
You waited a few minutes, staring at the screen, but when the message still showed unread you gave up and did what you do best when people piss you off. You worked. And you continued working for the whole week, till you were fed up with Seokjin. He had seemed so caring and then to ghost you out of nowhere? Sure, you can expect that perhaps his vacation slipped his mind, but did he suddenly lose his fingers? He couldn’t do you the courtesy of sending a text when you had left on what you thought were nothing but good terms? “Continue where we left off”, your ass.
It was two days to Christmas and you were bored. You parents had decided that since you were away, they were going to go on a cruise. Sick of scrolling endlessly through social media, envying your friends, you decided to take a walk to the only place open 24 hours in this town, the diner. It was 2 am and you didn’t think you would see anyone other than Mark, the friendly twenty-year old whose family owned the place.
You were enjoying your plate of fries, and a milkshake when the little bell above the door grabbed your attention off your phone and in walked the last person you expected to see - Kim Seokjin. He was dressed casually as always, his black parka over a white hooded sweater and dark jeans. It didn’t seem like he noticed you, waltzing over to the register to order a coffee as he sat on a stool, waiting for the fresh pot to brew.
Seeing his face, made you stupidly angry. You knew rationally that he didn’t owe you anything, you were just friends. Friends who shared a pretty nice kiss, but you were friends, you had no claim over him, but you still found yourself fuming and getting up from your booth to march over to him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you spoke in a normal volume, but Seokjin jumped high, his eyes widening as he put his hand on his chest, staring at you.
“Y/N! Um… what are you doing here so late?” He asked, his eyes shifting around, looking anywhere but at you.
“That’s all you have to say to me?” You crossed your arms, wanting answers.
“I can explain! I swear it is not what you think!” He jumped up from the stool, arms in front of him as he tried fruitlessly to calm you down.
“What is it, then? Did you lose your phone? Did you lose your head?” You scoffed, fully knowing that your comeback was far from witty, but you could barely think, indignation mapped onto your features.
“It’s not that… it’s just… I don’t know how to tell you. I don’t even know if I can.” He rubbed the back of his head, his ears turning red, as they usually did when he was embarrassed. Seeing his demeanour suddenly made the pieces click in your head. There was only one reason people ghosted each other. It was a rejection. You felt your face heat up at the realization, feeling like you were going to cry. Oh, this was bad. You couldn’t believe you were about to shed tears over a kiss. You needed to get out of here.
“No need. It’s okay. I’m a big girl. I can take a hint.” You said quickly, your voice seemingly calm given the situation as you zipped up your parka and walked out of the diner, ignoring his calls of your name. If he really needed to explain himself, he could have followed you, but you walked the ten minutes to your apartment alone, burying yourself under the covers once inside. You didn’t realize that unwittingly you had been thinking about your future with Seokjin, picturing dates and waking up together when all he had been doing was figuring out a way to gently let you down. You decided to let yourself feel the sting, dampening your pillow cases, finding that somehow this hurt more than what Jiho did. Who knew the kind, wholesome small town boy could hurt you worse than a cold lawyer from New York?
Having no close friends yet in town and not wanting to burden the nice people who invited you to their homes, you decided to pretend that you were going to New York over the holidays. You stocked up on enough groceries to get you through the New Years and decided to hide out in your apartment. You spent your time cleaning your apartment, doing skincare, reading the latest medical journals, and binging the Crown on Netflix. 
On Christmas morning, you decided to treat yourself for brunch, making an obscenely large stack of pancakes, piling it high with fruit and chocolate chips, and drowning it in maple syrup. Foregoing dressing up, you sat on your living room floor in your festive pajamas as you watched the political ongoing of the royal family, and enjoyed your sugar loaded creation. However, before you could truly dig into your pancakes, you were interrupted by a knock on the door.
You didn’t know who would be knocking at your door this early and on Christmas. You weren’t expecting anyone and everyone knew you were supposed to be out of town. Sighing you begrudgingly rise as the tempo of the knocks increased. Huffing you opened the door to be greeted by none other than Kim Seokjin, dressed in the ugliest Christmas sweater you had the misfortune of seeing and jeans, with a campy Santa hat atop his dark hair. The forest green Christmas sweater, adorned with a stuffed Rudolph and what seemed like real mistletoe, also apparently lit up, the twinkling red and green lights on it glowed in the morning sun as little flurries collected in Seokjin’s hair. 
Regardless of the terrible wardrobe choice, you couldn’t deny the sudden pull you felt towards him, your heart skipping a beat at seeing him on your doorstep with a small box wrapped in shiny paper. However, you were nothing if not determined, so you schooled your initial wide eyed expression into a glare as you crossed your arms across your chest and leaned into the door frame.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came to give you your present.” Seokjin smiled as he brought the gift towards you, making you scoff and roll your eyes.
“Seokjin, I don’t want you or your presents.”
“Not gonna lie, that kind of hurts.” He scratches the back of his head nervously, sending his hat askew as he sways a little on his feet, unsure of how to proceed.
“Good,” you say as you move to close the door on his face. Not going to lie, you were pretty proud of your resolve. Before you could fully shut the door, Seokjin put his hand out to stop it, jumping a little when he saw the cold look in your eye. Stepping back sheepishly, he cleared his throat.
“Please Y/N. Just let me explain.”
“Go ahead.” Still holding the door half closed, you stared at him, your resolve melting as he seemingly shivered outside.
“Can I at least come in? It’s kind of cold.” You rolled your eyes again, and acquiesced. Not because you wanted to hear him or be near him, but because he looked kind of pitiful shaking in the cold in a sweater that didn’t seem built for the Alaskan winter. Stepping aside you let him in your hallway, leaning against the wall, your patience at an all time low.  “Okay. So… um… how do I even start this?”
“Seokjin. Just say you don’t like me and go. It’s Christmas. The least you can do is be straightforward.” His stammering was infuriating. It made you want to kick him. However, as the words came out of your mouth, Seokjin looked shocked, his eyebrows disappearing beneath his bangs as his mouth flew open. It was a pretty funny sight, and if you were less angry you would’ve chuckled.
“Why do you think I don’t like you? What?”
“Hmm… Let’s see you got drunk, you kissed me and then you disappeared! Like poof!” You gestured in the air with your hand, trying to make the point more apparent.
“Well that’s what I am trying to explain!” And now he was gesturing, his hand with the box rising in the air.
“Oh my god,” you groaned.
“Just open this. It will help start my explanation.” He took your hand in his and placed the box on top of it. You eyed him suspiciously as you began to unwrap the iridescent paper. Inside the box was a snowglobe, the scene inside showing a field full of flowers with a small truck with two people on the hood. When you shook it, it came alive with glitter and tiny styrofoam flurries. It was very cute and very reminiscent of the night Seokjin and you first became friends. You loved it, but it wouldn’t be you if you weren’t petty enough to hide your true emotions to look at him with disdain.
“A snowglobe? Okay? So?”
“Don’t you wanna know how I knew you wanted this?” He spoke slow, his words and spaced out as he frowned at your scowl.
“I didn’t want this?” You matched his slow pace, enunciating each word as you raised an eyebrow in question. Why did he think you would want a snowglobe of all things? I mean he knew what you really wanted was those cupcakes that Doris only made once a month, you had told him how much you adored them on more than one occasion. If he wanted to be all romantic he could have at least bribed her for some of those!
“But… you asked Santa for it!” he sputtered, jogging your memory to remind you of the throwaway wish you made in the letter to Santa a few days ago.
“So you steal mail now? That’s a federal offence, you know.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“No! No no no. I don’t steal mail. Unless it’s snail mail because it’s easy to catch.” He laughed at his own joke, but seeing your deadpan expression, he backpedaled, nervously running his hands through his hair again. “No? Okay, bad joke. But I didn’t steal it. You sent it to me! I’m Santa!” He was talking more with his hands than his words, waving them around in the air.
“Your excuse is that you’re Santa? How old do you think I am?” you scoffed, moving to push him out of the door, ignoring how solid his bicep felt under that ugly sweater. How was he not getting electrocuted by those stupid lights?
“No please don’t kick me out! I’m telling the truth!” Seokjin planted his feet in the ground turning around and looking at you with wide eyes, the cinnamon depths softening your anger as you sighed. This was so far fetched, the least you could do was hear him out. If nothing else, this would make a great story to share over drinks sometime.
“You have five minutes. And I’m eating my pancakes while you talk.” You let go of him as you walked into your living room, Seokjin close on your heels. You sat on the floor next to the coffee table and he followed suit, sitting much too close to comfort, his thigh grazing yours as he stared at your pile of sugar.
“Oh. Can I have some?” he asked, clearing his throat at your glare as you aggressively cut into a piece before stuffing your face. The nerve... “Sorry! Okay um… so did you think it was weird that the whole town just happened to believe in Santa?”
“I honestly was going to write a paper on mass hysteria, but yes.” You were much more interested now. You always did find the town's dedication to upholding the sanctity of Santa bizarre.
“Well, that’s because for almost a hundred years, people in this town have been getting what they wanted for Christmas, without fail.”
“Because you’re Santa?” You looked at him, waiting for him to explain only to be met with a soft smile as he nodded. His cheeks puffed up with his little smile and it took all of your willpower not to poke at them. Why did he have to be so cute when you were trying to be mad at him. Also, what grown man insists they're Santa? “So where are your elves? Is Rudolph just hiding in your truck?”
“I’ll have you know I’m an elf-made man!” He joked, his pun making you lose control as you let out a light laugh before remembering you were supposed to be mad and trying to hold a neutral expression. Seokjin, on the other hand, made no such effort, a wide grin adorning his features, making his eyes disappear beneath his squishy cheeks. “Hey got you to laugh! But no. No elves. Just me, well, and my family. It’s the family tradition I was talking about. For generations the Kims have been sending people in this town presents on Christmas in secret.”
“Wait how do you even afford this?” This made no sense. How was he buying these expensive presents, and also Santa was Korean? How did his family even hide this for so long? Why were these town people naive enough to believe this? How did he do deliveries? Did he work with Amazon? You had so many questions!
“Um… I’m kind of rich?” he replied sheepishly.
“Kind of? You give 2,000 presents a year!” Your pancakes were forgotten as you swiveled around to face him, your knees touching his thigh, momentarily distracting him as his eyes dropped to where you touched him, before following suit and facing you. The two of you sat cross-legged across from each other as he started what may have been the most useless and longest rant he embarked on since entering your home, talking animatedly as always.
“Yeah… but that’s not the point! The point is the days leading up to Christmas are really hard and this year I had to figure out how to make the drones work and this kid wanted an exact replica of Han Solo’s gun and those are really hard to find and then Mr. Hernadez decided he wanted a rare Amazonian flower. Like where am I supposed to find a flower in December?! And don’t get me started on Doris she-”
“Seokjin. Relax. So you ghosted me because you’re Santa?” You placed your hands on his knees to get him to calm down as his face seemed so red from his rant you were worried you would have to resuscitate him if he didn't take a breath soon. He calmed down exponentially, taking a deep breath and locking his eyes with yours.
“Yeah, and I couldn’t tell you and if I did tell you, you wouldn’t believe me till today anyway. And just… I’m sorry.” He sighed, placing his hand on top of yours on his knee as he held eye contact, and it seemed like you may forever get lost in his irises. He looked at you with such a sorrowful expression, that you weren't sure if the pout of his lips was exaggerated for effect or if it came naturally to him.
“I don’t know what to say… I kind of have regrets” You bit your lip as you gazed back at him with mischief.
“You do? I… I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about the fact that you might not like me back. Oh. I’m an idiot. Okay. I will see you at work. Happy holidays!” He spoke in flurried words as he tried to stand up before you stopped him mid-rise.
“Seokjin wait! That’s not the regret.” You were quick to stop him as he sank back down, a confused look on his face.
“It’s not?”
“No. I regret only asking Santa for a snowglobe! I should’ve asked for a car!” you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh sure! What kind? I can get you a car.” He did not miss a beat before picking up his phone and scrolling through what you could only imagine being his gift list. Wait, were the Kims part of the mafia? You really should ask him where he gets all this money from someday. Nurses get paid pretty terribly, so it's definitely not that.
“Seokjin. I was kidding!”
“Oh. I knew that.” He put his phone down as he looked at you, blinking slowly a few times.
“So you like me.” You ask, leaning in slightly with a smirk.
“Yes.” He answered resoundingly, a determined look on his face as he leaned in as well. The two of you only a hair breadth apart.
“Are you going to kiss me again?” You whisper, not wanting to break the sudden shift in the atmosphere, as you looked at his plush lips, before meeting his gaze.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?” His voice was lower, a little strained as he looked at you, his eyes jumping from each feature before settling on your lips.
“Then come sit in Santa’s lap.” He leaned back, patting his lap with a smirk, making you blanch as you pull a disgusted face.
“Okay. I changed my mind.” You leaned back, before he came closer, his hands cupping your face.
“No no! Sorry! I just have always wanted to use Santa puns and you’re the only one outside of my family who knows and I don’t kn-” You cut off his rambling with a kiss, a soft, quick one on his lips that made his breath hitch. He recoiled a little in shock, staring at you before pulling your face to his and crashing your lips together.
This kiss was neither soft, nor short, but a flurry of emotions as you both tried to express what you couldn't in words. His lips were firm against yours as his hands moved down your body to pull you closer by the waist. A soft groan left his lips as you parted yours and he wasted no time starting to explore your mouth, his tongue meeting yours. His plush lips moulded against yours and you couldn’t help the moans that fell out of your mouth. You had missed his mouth against yours, the feeling as refreshing as the crisp sun after a blizzard. He tasted like coffee and you sucked at his tongue with fervour, eliciting a shocked moan from him as his hands left your waist to find your ass, gripping it harshly to pull you into his lap. You wasted no time straddling him, as you grind your core against him, making him groan. He bit your bottom lip as he pulled apart to catch his breath. Staring down at your heaving chest, he traced his hands on your hips, before breaking into a smirk. Gone was the rambling man from earlier, his eyes clouded with lust as he took you in. He leaned closer, his lips on your neck as he kissed from your collarbone peaking through your thin pajama top to your ear.
“Now that you’re finally in Santa’s lap, tell him what you want for Christmas.” He whispered, nipping at your earlobe. Wow, he really was not going to let this go. You groaned in annoyance, cupping his face to pull him away from your ear to face you, ignoring the pout on his face.
“For you to shut up.” You kissed him, tilting his head slightly to give you access, before he pulled away, shaking your hands off his face till they rested on his broad shoulders.
“Come on! Let me have this!” He whined, his pout bigger as he looked at you with puppy eyes. You chuckled at his antics, shaking your head as you leaned in for another kiss, missing the taste of his lips already. His hands moved from your hips to the hem of your shirt, slowly moving up under it, tracing over your ribs, just below the swell of your breasts, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
Moaning gently, but not one to be outdone, you mirrored his movements, moving your hands down his built chest, feeling the soft material, and groaning in annoyance as you reached the stupid stuffed toy stitched to the centre. You reached the bottom of his sweater, but before you reached under it you pulled away, Seokjin chasing your lips.
“Will this dumb sweater shock me if I put my hands under it?” You huffed and played with the hem of his sweater as he smiled goofily, as if realizing he was wearing it for the first time. The goofy smile didn’t last for long as he moved his hands to cup your chest, massaging gently as he leaned in kissing your sternum, visible from the top button that had somehow loosened during your makeout. 
“The only shock you’ll get is how loud you’ll be screaming my name when you cum.” He pulled on your nipples, making you mewl as you involuntarily arched your back, rolling your hips on his. You felt breathless, and you couldn’t believe his stupid wordplay was making you this wet.
“Big talk for someone whining about Christmas puns.” You moaned out as he tugged harder on your nipples in reprimand, his hands pushing against the fabric, as he bit the sensitive skin of your neck. Forgetting your earlier concerns, your hands go under his shirt, feeling his soft skin, the tiny hair on his abs tickling your fingertip, as you push the sweater as high it would go revealing his golden skin.
“Yule be sorry for doubting me.” He finally gives your sore nipples a rest, as his hands move to pull his sweater off, momentarily getting tangled up in, making you chuckle, which he mistakes for praise aimed at his puns, wiggling his eyebrows as he emerges from the monstrosity. If you weren’t so whipped for him, you would have made him leave. You didn’t know if this was a one off, if he really wanted things to progress or he just wanted sex but all thoughts fell out of your head as his lips reattached to your neck, his hands on your hips making you grind against him as the two of you made out like teenagers at prom.
“I will literally murder you if you make another pun.” You moaned out, losing yourself in his touch, his lips leaving behind blooms on your skin. If he kept moving your hips like this you were going to cum. You grabbed on to his hair as you moaned at the sensation your body lit as your clit grazed his length through the layers of clothing. Your legs shook as the feeling in your stomach tightened and Seokjin chuckled against your neck.
“Yeah murder me with that pussy.” You could feel his grin but all your annoyance was forgotten as you felt yourself let go, mewling his name, your orgasm washing over you in waves, your grip on his hair tightening. 
He kissed you as you came down from your high, his erection solid against you as his tongue explored your mouth. When he pulled away he looked almost crazed, the lust in his half lidded gaze mirroring yours as his hands moved to your top, slowly unbuttoning it. “Fuck that was so hot. Let me unwrap you, baby.” 
He wiggled his eyebrows again as he looked at you. How could this man be this sexy and this dorky was beyond you. Wanting to see him writhe over you, you started kissing his neck, moving to his chest, leaning him back as you inched closer to the waistband of his jeans.
“You first!” You exclaimed, wasting no time to unbutton his jeans as he sighed in relief, moving to remove them completely before you reached for his boxers. You were a little taken aback when his cock popped out. It was bigger than you thought, head red as a bead of precum glistened in the late morning sun pouring in from your windows. Your mouth watered at the sight and without thinking you licked up his length, his groans egging you on as you bent over him.
“Shit so perfect! So good to me,” he moaned out as you looked at him. His head lolled back as he leaned against his hands behind him, his wide chest rising heavily due to your ministrations. He let out a loud moan, resembling almost a whine, as you wrapped your mouth around his head, sucking softly. You loved that moan, wanted more of it as you took him deeper, his hand coming to rest on your hair. He panted loudly, his moans filling your room, your mind, as you gazed at him looking at you with awe. “This look soots you.”
He really had to make another dumbass joke, didn’t he? You pulled off his length, sitting back as your hand replaced your mouth, slowly stroking him as you scowled at him. God, you wanted him to beg you so bad.
“That better be suit with a u-i or I swear I’m not gonna let you cum.” You gripped him harder, twisting your wrist as your panties get wetter with power. He mewled a little, twitching in your hand as you grinned. His head lolled to the side and suddenly he looked at you, his eyes sparkling with challenge as your words finally processed in his mind. 
Before you could react, he was on you. One hand gripping your wrist and other behind your head as he leaned you over till your back was on the cold hardwood floor and he hovered over you. He smirked at you before he leaned in to kiss you sloppily, making you lose all senses.
“Aw sweetheart, it’s cute you think you’re in charge.” He cooed, as his forearms trapped your head, his kisses becoming softer, reminiscent of the first time he kissed you a week ago. He took his time, his weight a comforting presence on top of you as you melted into the floor. He looked at you with adoration when you broke apart, his nose touching yours and a soft smile on his face.  
“But seriously, Y/N. I didn’t come here for this. I want this so bad but I want to take you out, I want to hold your hand, drink a milkshake with two straws together. I don’t know! I wanna spoil you!” His voice was low, but his words were fast, like he just couldn’t hold them in any longer. You giggled in disbelief, caressing his back. This man really was going to be the death of you.
“Seokjin you’re naked and you want to hold my hand?” you chuckled as he nodded, his eyes glinting and smiling wide. He reached out to hold your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he leaned in to kiss your cheek sweetly, an oddly saccharine contrast to the way he was devouring you moments ago.
“I mean I also want to rail you hard, but yeah I don’t want it to be just sex.” You felt your heart flutter at his words, your face heating up more than it already was and you leaned up to kiss him.
“Me neither.” Your grip on his hand tightened and his cock twitched against your thigh, bringing your lust back to the forefront of your mind as you kissed him again, much more hungrier this time. “So come on get on with it. Choo choo!”
He leaned away looking at you with wide eyed surprise before breaking into a shit eating grin.
“Was that a rail- fuck! You’re perfect!” He gushed as he kissed his way down your body, unbuttoning your shirt as he went. He lapped at your nipples, hardening them under his tongue as his hand pulled your pajama shorts off, your panties following quickly after. You wanted to throw another quick witted remark at him, but all thoughts disappeared at his sudden enthusiasm as his mouth made its way to your core. He began to kiss down your slit, light feathery kisses that had you desperate for more, mewling as he continued.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, it’s really taken a mistletoe-ll on me.” He grinned, his breath warm against your folds. Your retort was forgotten when he slid his tongue inside you, flicking against your sensitive walls before he was sucking at your clit. The pleasure was unbearable and you shook under him, thanking yourself for forgoing carpeting the floors. He put his arm over your hips to hold you down as you chanted his name. You were dripping, your heart beating loudly in your chest as he ate you like a man starved, pushing you closer and closer to your high. You walls clenched around his tongue as you moaned louder, your hands in his hair, pulling him closer. 
“I’m so close!” you whined expecting Seokjin to speed up to guide you through your high. He, however, slowed down, the pressure in your belly ebbing slowly away as you whined his name. “Why did you stop?!”
“Tell me my puns are funny.” He looked up at you grinning as you yelped when two fingers entered you. His fingers curled inside you making your back arch as you moaned his name. “Come on admit it, Dr. Y/L/N”
“No… they’re… stupid...” you breathed out as his pace increased and decreased keeping you firmly on the edge, your walls fluttering, your eyes squeezed shut as you refused to beg. He kept up his taunting till you thought you would lose your mind, every nerve in your body on fire as your legs quivered. He was insane! Not being able to take it anymore, you conceded. “Fuck… please! Please Seokjin! Your puns are hilarious. I give! Please…” 
“Good girl. Knew you were on the nice list.” he exclaimed as his mouth latched on to your clit and before you knew it you were screaming, your body shaking as you had one of the most powerful orgasms of your life, your arousal gushing out of you as Seokjin gleefully lapped it up. You felt a buzzing in your ears, your vision spotty as he coaxed you slowly through your high.
Seokjin kissed his way up your trembling body, and slotting his mouth against yours, he caressed your sides as you tried to catch your breath. When you opened your eyes he was smiling at you, lying next to you on the floor.
“Told you not to doubt me, baby,” he said lowly as his nose bumped yours gently.
“No pun this time?”
“I was gonna say mistletoe-ld but I already used that one.” He grinned.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, facepalming. “Why do I still want to fuck you?”
“Because I’m a sex god.” He wiggled his eyebrows. You stood up, a little shakily, at his comment, looking down at his alarmed face before walking away to your bedroom. Before you reached the door, you looked back at him. Seokjin was still in the same position, looking at you dumbfounded, probably wondering what he did wrong. You rolled your eyes at him as you gestured towards your room.
“Come on Santa, don’t you wanna climb up my chimney?” You laughed at the speed he stood up, his hard erection bouncing funnily as he ran towards you with a dopey smile, placing his arms around you in a back hug as you walked into your room.
“Stop being funny or I’ll fall in love with you,” he whined, rutting against you petulantly, making you giggle. You guided him to your bed, making him sit with his back to the headboard as you grabbed a condom from your bedside table, stroking him to gently roll it over his length. His breath hitched as you climbed over him, your knees on the bed next to his thighs. Seemingly unable to wait anymore, he put his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hungry kiss, a flurry of tongue and teeth.
You rise, your hands on his shoulders as you slowly descend on his, his girth a soothing pain as your walls stretch around him. The two of you moan into each other’s mouths as you stare at each other, face red and eyes blown from lust. For the first time, there was silence between the two of you, your staredown intense as you slowly started riding him. It felt delicious and it took all of your strength not to close your eyes in pleasure.
Your pace increased as Seokjin’s hands were placed firmly on your hips, pulling your hips higher so he could thrust into you. You kissed him at that, no longer able to take his intense stare and he groaned, increasing his speed. His cock rammed into you and you saw stars, clinging on his shoulders as waves of pleasure flowed through you. He kisses and bites your neck, his lips leaving blooms of petals in their trail, as his movements become sloppy. 
He leans back a little, grabbing your hand to guide it to your clit, rubbing your fingers on it. The added friction to your bud paired with his wild thrusts has you coming undone in seconds. Your toes curl as his name stretches around your moan and you still in his arms, your vision hazy. He cums shortly after, thrusting in you a few times chanting your name before falling lax against the headboard, pulling you against him.
The two of you sat there for a while, till he softened enough to slip out of you, the feeling sending shudders through the two of you. Placing a hand on your chin, he brought your lips to his, before looking at you with a soft smile, his eyes sparkling.
“So… Merry Christmas?” He shrugged making you giggle, as you rolled off him and sat next to him.
“Who knew I’d be a ho ho ho for Santa?” Seokjin laughed, clapping as he squealed with glee, before calming down enough to put his arms around you, cuddling you close, and grabbing one of your hands in his. He played with your fingers as he smiled.
“I’m sorry I ghosted you. I promise I’ll never do that again.” He kissed your temple, tightening his arms around you.
“It’s okay. You made up for it.”
The two of you spend Christmas morning together. You made more pancakes, dressed in only his horrendous sweater as he belted out Mariah Carey in his underwear. Your heart swelled when he placed gentle kisses on your shoulder as the two of you swayed to the music, barefoot on the kitchen floor. You knew you made the right decision when you moved to Alaska, it just took you this moment to realize how right.
I hope you liked this fluffy Christmasy piece, for more fics of mine check out my masterlist
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mehphoobia · 3 years
You are beautiful
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pairing - Tom Holland (actor) x Reader (college girl)
summary - Y/n is visiting her parents for the first time to Rio, whom she doesn’t know properly because they left her with her aunt when she was young. She is insecure about meeting her parents but she finds comfort in a stranger.
word count- 2.9k or around 3k
warnings - mentions of insecurity and self doubt, no swearing(cause its like my first post so gotta stay ‘pure’)
“Get up Y/N and Claudia…its 8 am already. We are going to be late.” a faint alarm could be heard from the kitchen, two rooms away from your room.
Your parents had been looking forward this vacation for months. With your father working in Rio for the past 7 years and your mother being a full time nurse at a nearby hospital in Rio where your parents lived, you never got a chance to feel how it felt to be with your parents. So naturally with no one to your care, you grew up with your Aunt Cass and your cousin Claudia, around whom your entire world revolved for the past 20 years.
Grumpy, filled with laziness up to the brim Claudia dragged herself to your bed and tortured you to get up. “Just two more minutes. I swear”, you begged as if she was listening. Then came the final blow with a splash of water on your face and then well….its self-explanatory. You both got up, finished through the verbal fight which left Aunt Cass chuckling in the kitchen.
“Aren’t you a tad bit excited to go to Rio, it’s been years since your parents last spent time with you.” Asked Claudia looking at you expression-less face in the mirror while brushing your teeth. “I don’t know Cloud, it’s just that I don’t know how I should feel about it. I am nervous and scared and tired just thinking about how awkward it can get.”
Your parents had last seen you on your 16th birthday, when they showed up at your house. The 16th year where you are neither an adult nor a child, of all those years they could have shown up, it was that year. Your mother had gifted you a manicure set and your father had bought you a hair kit and you absolutely had no idea what to do with it. Little did they know that you were more interested in trekking and photography rather than painting your nails and dyeing your hair? Where other girls chose tight fitting dresses and expensive heels you chose the comfort of sweatshirts: pajamas or jeans and sneakers.
“You will be fine, it’s YOU after all. If I can tolerate you enough to share my room with you then trust me, anyone can put up with you” said Claudia boasting her patience and handing a comb from her dresser. “Why don’t you curse or compliment me one at a time” you snapped annoyingly. But you were grateful for supportive arms around you which calmed you down.
After getting ready, you greeted Aunt Cass with a smile on your face and a stretched good morning as you helped yourself with some toast and orange juice. “Eat well, it’s a long flight after all” said Aunt Cass followed by a “Yes ma’am.”
“Keep your phone charged at all times. Keep calling me after every two hours and did you pack enough clothes to last you a month. I don’t want to hear your mother complaining later about it. Should I pack some extra snacks for you, you will surely not take care for meals and if you skip any your meals throughout the day, I swear you have had it then.” It never ceased to amaze you how multitasking Aunt Cass could be. She is strict, tough and a woman of her words. There was not a single day when you and Claudia had not done your college assignments or homework with Aunt Cass being at home. But at the same time she would sit with you past midnight when both of you cousins stayed awake for you midterms. Maybe that’s why you never missed your parents because you never had a void in your life, Claudia and Aunt Cass had filled it lovingly.
That being said, before you knew it all three of you were in the car and already off for the airport. The entire ride was filled with constant chattering as to how famous and beautiful Rio is and as how will not be able to walk down a street without bumping into a celebrity. However you were lost in your thoughts about living with your parents for a month, about whom you knew nothing and neither did they about you.
After reaching the Leipzig Airport, you waved them goodbye, leaving the loving and proud embrace of Aunt Cass and a cute envious look on Claudia’s face you were all set for Rio.
During the flight:
It was a 15hr flight, with the overthinking and hyperactive person you were there was no possible way you could have had a simple excited flight journey, but there is no harm in wishing one for right? Or so you thought.
When you were boarding the plane you noticed an unusual number of bodyguards outside, literally engulfing the poor person standing in middle. What annoyed you the most was the people who were cheering, because at some point of time it wasn’t cheering anymore, it was a mob attack. After boarding, what greeted you were the over excited air-hostesses which was obviously because ‘the person’ as you painfully learnt through the mob attack. But all you could care at that moment was your seat being a window seat or not, and luckily it was. After putting your hand luggage in the upper compartment (you had three suitcases and one hand luggage) you finally asked a fellow passenger dressed in black hoodie with a mask on his face and skinny jeans as to what exactly was the commotion about and to brief you about the situation. The answer surprised you- it was none other than Tom Holland.
Your mouth was literally in the O shape and eyes wide open. It was the Tom Holland. It was your favorite actor travelling in the same flight with you. That explained the mob attack. The only person that came to you upper floor was your Claudia.
Y/N: TOM HOLLAND is in the flight right now!!!!!! Tom freaking Holland.
Claudia: wwwwhhhhaaatttt!!!???????, damn I knew I should have gone with you. How could you do this to me? Why?
Y/N: I am sorry ok I didn’t know or wait maybe I did. His visit to Leipzig was mentioned in his itinary on his twitter account how could we miss that? We just got lucky man and also I was squashed in the mob attack at the airport.
Claudia: Oh! You mean you got lucky dipshit!? Please tell me you got a picture!
Y/N: no I couldn’t, I hardly knew about him being on the plane I asked someone and I have been freaking out since.
*announcement for switching off electrical devices.*
Y/N: I have to switch off my phone for a while, the flight’s gonna take off.
Claudia: okay, I knew I should have come with you. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!text me soon..love you
Y/N: yeah you should have, I miss you. Love you too.
“Are you a fan too?” asked your neighbor. You look at him with suspicious eyes was he eying your texts? Because if he was, that’s not healthy and it creeped you out.  Even though, “well yes, me and my sister.” You said and hoped the conversation will die out there. He took the answer and you could imagine a small smirk curling upon his face by the wrinkling of his eyes which was adorable. By his physique and posture he looked no older than early twenties. “What about you, are you fan?” you asked, unknowingly and regretted it immediately. “He doesn’t bugger me, so you could say so. How long have you been a fan?” ,“My aunt happened to be watching ‘The Impossible’, when we were younger and we have been crazy about him since. My sister liked him like crazy as to how cute he was but I liked his acting in the movie but ended up liking him too.”
“Very interesting..” something about him was attracting you, maybe his aura, the charming vibes, you didn’t know, but you were just attracted. But something pinned you, his accent, he had a British accent. Unknowingly, when your eyes met, your heart skipped a beat. It’s him. He was sitting right here. He realized your surprised expression and said, ”You can take a picture now” he chuckled and looking directly at you. Your brain on the other hand was still processing the vital information and the very awesome physique with veiny and beautiful hands and captivating eyes. How could you miss his eyes, those beautiful passion filled dark brown eyes.
“uh..um..h hi, I mean hello nice to meet you, I am Y/N”, ”Tom Holland” he said extending a hand not taking his eyes off of you. It amazed you really, how could he despite being an actor maintain such a down to earth personality. The way he talks, listens to you, waits for your reply and him being in the economy class instead of comfortably sitting in the first class seating arrangements. Wait!?Why was he here?. As if he read your mind and a sudden change in your expression from being flustered to confused. “Too many people, I needed to get out of there and breathe by myself for once. No cameras, no media, no stylists….jus… just plain old me. By the way, my manager is my imposter”, he said with a smirk on his face.
“Oh sure, I can understand that, it can get tiring sometimes. The attention being forced on you that you were never used to it. My parents too, in that way, been out of my life since the very year I turned 1 and suddenly they want meet me and want me to stay with them for a month in Rio. I didn’t want to but my aunt convinced me and I couldn’t say no to her. ”, ”You stayed with your aunt your entire life? Didn’t you miss your parents?” his passionate eyes suddenly changed into concern and pity, “yeah, but she means a lot to me, she was there for all my dance ceremonies, each and every one of my birthday’s , my graduation, she means the world to me so does my sister, she is like my pillar, my support , an annoying one at that.” You said smiling on you lap, and you could feel his gaze softening upon yours. ”my parents, uhh…you can never miss something you never had.” You looked at him again, but this time you could feel and see his gaze on you, watching you and never leaving your eyes.
Both you were so lost in each other that you didn’t realize when the flight had taken off and the snacks table breaking your moment. “Oh it’s been so long already since the plane took off, I didn’t realize we even missed the safety instructions”, you both chuckled at that. “Oh man!, you are really beautiful, really” he said running his hand down his locks and realizing that his tone was a bit too loud, and he meant to keep the compliment to himself. “Sorry?” you asked, despite you pretty much heard it when he said it, you wanted to hear it again.
“uhh..i m..mean your teeth are beautiful.” He realized what he said and his expression was like ‘did I really just say that?’. “I mean your smile is beautiful, Not your teeth..oh wait..I mean your teeth are beautiful too but your smi…” you couldn’t hold you laugh anymore looking at him and his cute ‘war’ with himself. “Thank you, I guess, a lot of people say that about me after I got my braces removed.”
“Oh you had braces? Since when?” “around when I was 15, like every girl wanted to look pretty and wanted boys around her ,so me and my sister had braces for the sake of it, not that I cared about me getting a boyfriend, just for fun”. He seemed to have got stuck on one word, “so you got one?”…”got what?” , “a boyfriend I mean?”. His expression changed and yet again you could feel blood rushing to your cheeks, “I always wanted a crazy guy, who could have something similar to my interests, ‘cause I am not like every other girl in the town, I am into trekking and photography and outdoor activities, not just a girl who likes shopping and who always has to be around people so, my specifications are a bit particular, so I have never had a boyfriend.”
“So, no boyfriend, right?” he asked as if that being the only part he was interested in, or who knows may be he actually was.
After a few hours, you realized you had a lot of things in common and the internet was all wrong about his interests and all. It was like meeting a complete different person, a person whom you have known for the longest time as if you have always been together. You were attracted to him and so was he to you, and you could tell that.
“So what are you doing in Germany? Did you have a shoot here?” you didn’t mind asking because he already had mentioned a lot of stuff that he was not supposed to and also his eyes lit up when he was excited to tell you about some stuff anything at all. “uh..yeah we had to film a segment in Berlin and then we decided to take a break, so I around different places and now we are heading towards the Carnival.” “oh Carnival huh? My aunt says its pretty lively. That was like the main reason why I agreed to go Rio. ”
“so don’t mind me asking, but are you going to be awkward around your parents? Like I know you are not very close to them..” he asked you sincerely concerned with his hands slightly brushing off of yours on the handle of the seat. It’s like he wanted to hold your hand because he knew the weight of his question but he felt like you would disintegerate if he did so. You could feel the same pit around your stomach filled with nervousness that you had forgotten about a for couple hours. “I don’t know, it’s complicated, I don’t know anything about them and also they might have certain expectations about me and what do I do if I do not live up to it. I know we haven’t had a very comfortable story build around us but somehow I don’t wanna disappoint them from my side because they don’t know anything about me like the birthday incident I mentioned about. But I simply don’t want to disappoint because I don’t want my mother, who was never there for me, to question my aunt, who has always been there for me” It’s like you pour the entire timeline of your life in front of  Tom and you were scared if he would drift away. “I understand Y/N, but your parents were the ones who planned this trip right?” “yeah they were the ones.” “so that’s it, you know when I have too much on my plate, my manager asks me to take a break and let everything go for sometime. All my meetings and appointments are cancelled because I will ruin them anyway, so there is no point of it. Your situation is kind of similar too, you have had a lot in your life with you parents not being there and now you simply just have to take a break and forget everything for a while because that’s what your aunt wants to you to do.” His hand finally rested upon yours and none of you flinched. It’s as if it’s meant to be.
That being said, you have already arrived in Rio and a beautiful ocean greeted you with open arms and you accepted it with a fresh mind. Tom’s hand still resting over yours and his fingers brushing the upper part of your hand and you look at each other embracing each other’s warmth with your eyes. That’s when you realized that you have fallen for him, not Tom Holland but just him, just Tom.
After the plane landed he was still holding on to you, scared to let go. He was scared to let you go because he cared about you and some fact had gotten him attracted towards you and he was scared to show you his vulnerable side. On the other hand you were scared to let go because you might never see him again. As if he sensed it again, what you were thinking, “I will see you again for sure. Don’t worry.” With a tight squeeze on his hand you let go and say “thank you, I will wait for you.”
“me too.”
You didn’t see him again after departing the flight, he would steal glances out of every opportunity to see you ,lost between the flashes of cameras and cheering, till the last second. The last time you saw him was to murmur something to his manager pointing towards you and that was it, the escalator distanced him from you. But you would still wait..
Outside the gate you could see your parents waiting for you, with Tom’s words in your mind you greeted them with a smile and everything seemed normal, as if they were always with you.
Two weeks later, still no message from Tom.
Claudia bombarded you with messages, when you told her about the entire duration of the flight. You were kind of annoyed with messages cause they were literally somewhere is hundreds. So you decided to ignore her for sometime.
*Ting* some part of you wanted to check that message but the other part of you wanted to go eat pizza because you were really tired from messaging and explaining everything to Claudia over texts. But then you were like *screw it* and you checked the message and…
*unknown number*: I said you were really beautiful Y/N….
A/n- uh..first of all thank you for reading this, cause it like my first post and my first fanfiction so i was a bit skeptical about posting this but fuck it, here it is guys it took me around four hours to complete this and its worth it. 
also if you wanna be tagged in this just let me know!!! *uwu face*
lemme know if you want a part 2 of this, because I will gladly include it with improvement of course, love you ppl...
81 notes · View notes
I really wanted to get the next chapter of Nothing Sacred, All Things Wild up this week, but work was crazy and I also got caught up in another story (I can’t control my muse)...so instead I’m offering up a long snippet of the dystopian/space colonist fic I started off a prompt I got a while ago for an “Arranged Marriage + a/b/o” request I got from an anon.
A/B/O is not my cup of tea, so I twisted it into an arranged marriage by an artificial intelligence instead: 
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He wakes up angry, sweat soaking through his pillow, heart racing, stomach cramped. The alarm is buzzing from somewhere beneath the bed, where he must have knocked it. 
“Turn it off,” Ygritte mutters into his shoulder, before rolling away with the rest of their thin blanket.
He complies, letting the shock of the cold floor against his feet spur him into full wakefulness. “I take the test today.” It’s raining. He watches the drops splatter against the small window near the ceiling, and he wonders if Ygritte remembered to check the bucket beneath the leak before she crawled into bed the night before. 
Their garden apartment doesn’t do well in the rain. Jon still doesn’t understand why it’s even called a garden...there’s nothing green about their cramped basement residence, besides the mold growing beneath the sink.  
“Oh yeah. Happy birthday...we’ll get drinks when you come home.” 
“If I come home.”  He could be part of the one percent, after all. That is the Institution's promise. Everyone is SOMEONE. Anyone can be part of the 1%. Are YOU?
Jon knows it’s unlikely. How could he, an orphan from Mole’s Town, have the magic combination of pheno-, geno-, and personality type to be chosen for the Colony? No...he’s just another loser of the 99% who will waste his twenty-first birthday behind the Brutalist concrete walls of the Institution’s testing center, playing lab rat for the day, until the examiners come to the inevitable conclusion that he’s just another nobody. 
They’ll spit him back out on the street, leaving him free to carve out a pathetic existence on a slowly dying planet. 
He doesn’t bother washing. It’d be a waste of precious water when he knows full well they’ll scrub him down at the testing center. Instead he spends his last moments at home drinking a pot of weak coffee, trying to remember anything he was taught in the schools he barely attended. His energy would be better spent bracing for the coming indignity of having every part of his body and mind exposed and dissected. 
“Is the area of a circle, two pi times the radius? Or is that the circumference?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” Ygritte lights a cigarette at the stove before joining him at the table. “It’s not that kind of test.”
He knows that. It’s another Institution promise. The Test doesn’t ask WHAT you know. It asks who YOU are. Are YOU the 1%
How the fuck would Jon know? It’s easier for him to remember that the area of a circle is actually pi times the radius squared, than it is for him to explain who he is. He has no idea. That’s kind of what being an orphan is all about. 
Ygritte could at least throw him a bone and tell him what the test is like. She took it two years ago, though she won’t talk. Most people won’t. There are no rules against it, but The Test is treated like dysentery. Unless you live behind the gates, you’re going to get it at least once in your life, but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna go around describing your diarrhea to the world.  
Grenn went to White Harbor for the test a month ago, and though Jon had to buy him six beers and two shots of whiskey before Grenn would shut up about his first-ever train ride, he did give Jon a few insights into the rest of the experience. 
Not that the train isn’t worth the excitement, especially when the ride is paid for (another Institution promise. No matter your means. No matter the distance. EVERYONE makes it to the Test. Are YOU the 1%?) Technically, Jon has taken it once before, from Winterfell to Mole’s Town as a baby, but he doesn’t remember.  
Now he can’t believe anything that moves so fast could feel so smooth. He’s topped out at ninety miles per hour on the best snowmobile Donal Noye patched together, but that left his teeth rattling and his ears buzzing for hours afterward. The train is moving at double the speed, but he could be in the godswood, for how quiet the near-empty economy cabin is. He shares it with a twitchy young man who never looks up from a cheap tablet, and a black raven perched in a large cage who spends the entire ride staring at Jon with one eerie black eye. 
The testing center is located just across from the train station, in an intimidating building that used to have a name. Jon has a vague memory that it was a prison before the Institution took it over. Before that it was something else. 
He doesn’t balk when a masked orderly leads him to a small room, tells him to strip, and then takes off with his clothes. He knows they’ll be returned at the end of the day. Of more pressing concern is the man and woman who enter talking too quietly to make out at the other end of the room, while a nurse rolls in with a small cart covered in collection tubes, gauze strips, and butterfly needles. 
Everyone wears surgical masks, latex gloves, long white coats, and black clogs. 
Jon remains naked beneath a small paper covering. 
He has given blood before, and the messy, life-saving transfusion Mance performed to save Tormund three years ago was far scarier than the rapid, methodical draw that's taken from him now. Still, it’s disconcerting to think of the secrets the Institution will glean from his blood. He’s uncomfortably aware that they’ll know who his parents are before the day is over, even as he’ll continue living in total ignorance. 
Another Institution promise. The Institution values EVERYONE’S right to privacy. YOU control the right to tell the world who you are. Are YOU the 1%?
Before he’s finished the recitation in his head, five tubes are full, and the nurse pats a cotton ball and a band-aid over his arm. She tosses a granola bar on his lap before rolling out of the room with her cart of samples. 
Next comes a physical exam, where the other two examiners speak only to each other as they record his height, weight, blood pressure, and note his every blemish and scar in flat affect. 
“Post-burn contractures across the palmar and dorsal aspect of the left hand, adduction and extension in the metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb fall outside normal range of movement.”
“Keloid scarring along the right gastrocnemius muscle, five point three centimeters in diameter.”
“Slightly hypertrophic scarring beginning at left brow and running medially down across the left orbital cavity to the cheek. No ptosis noted. No apparent damage to the eye.”
He should feel worse beneath the weight of each fault. Instead he relaxes. He was nervous for nothing. Failure was always inevitable. The Institution would never invest in a malnourished kid with a burned hand and a badly healed leg wound. They are famously secretive about their selection process, but some reasons for failure are common knowledge. As the crows like to say, no cripples, bastards, or broken things. 
So, he chews his granola bar slowly and even closes his eyes for a bit, letting the examiners move his limp limbs as necessary for their measurements. He imagines himself a cadaver during the early stages of an autopsy. 
As long as they don’t cut me open….
When an white-haired man enters and lays out what look to be a series of tiny torture devices, Jon wonders if he stopped caring too soon. He white-knuckles it through an excruciating dental exam that ends with his first real exchange of the day. 
“Have you ever been to a dentist, kid?” 
There is still a tube in his mouth, sucking up his spit and a hook pressing at his gums, so Jon just shakes his head. There are no dentists in Mole’s Town. Just Chett, who used to work at a slaughterhouse down south and will pull a rotten tooth for the price of a bottle of whiskey. Jon wouldn’t give the creep the lint in his pocket, and he sure as hell wouldn’t let him near his mouth. Instead he brushes his teeth so hard his toothbrush regularly snaps in half, and prays something else kills him before gum disease has a chance.
“You’ve got better teeth than I see behind the gates, boy,” he pulls the hook from Jon’s mouth to dictate into a small microphone hanging from his mobile workstation. “Review DEFB1 on ID 17630343BA. At some point the focus will need to expand beyond the holy 22 and get back to the basics. Who is going to care about neuron growth if every fourth planter is born with anodontia?” 
Jon understands little of what the man is saying, but he’s heard enough to know he’s at least got as good of teeth or better than some of the rich tossers who live within the heavily guarded gated communities where the Colonists are actually culled from. Behind their high walls, wealthy sons and daughters of the only one percent that really matters, spend their youths preparing for the Test in homes and classrooms pumped with filtered air, where the water runs clear, and no one ever goes to sleep with their bellies cramped from hunger or disease. 
The Institution promises that ANYONE can be the 1%, but EVERYONE knows that's a lie. 
The physical exam ends at last, after several more rounds of sterile humiliation. Jon isn’t sure which was worse; having to lie within a noisy cylinder while a disembodied voice reminded him not to move, or being asked to run naked on a treadmill, wired with electrodes. 
When it’s over, the last examiner provides him with a sweatsuit that is softer and better-made than anything he owns, and he wonders if there is any way he can smuggle it out with him at the end of the day. Another orderly comes in with a waxy crisp apple that hardly seems real even as a spray of tartly sweet juice hits the back of his tongue. He’s given a pill as well that he swallows down with a cup of water so clear and so cold, it’s an act of incredible will-power not to ask for more. 
It’s only after, when he’s led to a small room with two chairs, a table, and a pulsing white orb in it’s center that he thinks to ask what it’s for. 
“This will make the answers come more naturally during your interviews,” the man explains before leaving him alone. “We want you to answer as truthfully as possibly, but we understand that can be difficult under the stress of the Test.”
He supposes people lie all the time on the Test, trying to game the system, though Jon doesn’t have the first idea how he’d go about doing that, nor does he have any reason to try. He’s not going to the Colony. This is all just a spectacular waste of time, and it’s a race day, which means he’ll have to pull extra shifts at the Rookery to make up for what he would have made beyond the Wall. 
By the time a petite woman with a neat low bun, and cracking, grey scar across half her face and neck enters, Jon is reckless with anger. 
“I’d like to go home.”
“Hello, Jon,” she smiles as she sits across from him, and she’s the first person he’s seen since he entered the building who isn’t wearing a mask. She’s also the first person to call him by his name. “My name is Shireen.”
“Where’s your mask?”
Her smile dims slightly, but she maintains her gentle tone. “I’m here to facilitate the interview portion of your Test today. Before we begin, is there anything you need to feel more comfortable? Something to eat, drink, a bathroom break? Should the temperature be adjusted?”
He’s sour with anger so he takes everything she offers, suddenly eager to make everything as inconvenient as possible for the Institution. Shireen takes his requests with an easy smile, however, escorting him to the restroom herself. When they return to the room, there is a bowl of hearty soup with a chunk of bread that is soft and airy beneath it’s golden-brown crust. Beside it is a tall glass of water and a smaller cup of green liquid that Jon eyes suspiciously. 
“What’s this then?”
“I thought you might like some juice. It’s mostly apple, with some kale, cucumber and celery in it as well, I suspect.”
It’s the best thing Jon has ever tasted, and while part of him wants to fling the rest of it at her frustratingly serene face, it’d be a horrible waste, and he’d be the biggest loser. So, he takes his time, savoring each bite and sip, rolling the bright flavors across his delighted tongue. 
“Feeling better?” she asks after the tray is cleared. 
“Is that an official Test question?”
“Let’s get on with it then. I can’t afford to miss the train home.”
“As you may know, it is not individuals who decide the 1%. Our artificial intelligence algorithm, The Seven, determines who is the best fit for the Colony. That is how the institution guarantees objectivity in its selection process,” she taps the pulsing orb on the table. “Though we find people are more comfortable responding to another person, so I will be facilitating our discussion as The Seven records and analyzes your responses. Are you ready to begin?”
He shrugs. 
“I’ll start with a series of statements. After each, please say a number to indicate the degree to which you agree with that statement, wherein one equals strongly disagree and five equals strongly agree. Three indicates you neither agree nor disagree. Do you understand?”
“Okay. Statement Number one: At social events, you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and mostly talk to the ones you already know.”
Jon knows everyone in Mole’s Town, and he doesn’t want to socialize with most of them. 
This goes on for a while, each statement absurdly divorced from anything relating to Jon’s life, but the numbers spring easily from his lips as he relaxes under Shireen’s soothing voice, and kind face, and the lovely feeling of a full belly and soft, warm clothes. 
It’s when the format shifts, that he begins to feel strange. Shireen starts with questions that are easy to answer. Where were you born? How many years of education have you completed? What was your favorite class and why?  What do you do for work? Describe your strengths. When are you most satisfied in your job?  Do you live alone or with others? How many others do you live with? What is your relationship to the person you live with? 
At this point, the questions grow more invasive; more personal. A voice tells Jon that the Institution doesn’t need to know how many times he and Ygritte fuck a week...but the answer escapes all the same. 
“Four or five times a week.”
“Do you use contraception methods?”
“Do you intend to have children with your partner?”
“Given your age and your partner’s, without contraception, given your regular intercourse the odds of conception are--”
“She’s sterile.” 
“How do you know that?”
“Most everyone in Mole’s Town is. It’s something in the water, or the air, or our weak genes. It doesn’t really matter the cause. If it’s not the one; it’s the other. She’s been fucking since she was fifteen, and nothing’s ever caught.”
“How do you know that you aren’t the sterile one?”
He shrugs. “I probably am too, but I’m not her first partner as you say. I’m not her second or third either.”
“How does that make you feel?” 
He glares, and Shireen clarifies. 
“Your partner’s sterility?”
“How do you think it makes me feel?” he pushes back from the table, letting his chair lean back on two legs. 
Shireen only gives him a minute shake of her head, and waits for him to answer the question. 
“Angry. I feel fucking furious about it.”
“So, you would like to be a father?”
“I’d like the freedom to choose. I’d like Ygritte to have that freedom.”
“What is your least favorite thing about humanity?”
She can’t be serious with that question. It’s like asking him to name all the stars. He takes a deep breath. Shireen waits. He stands up and paces. Shireen waits. He finishes his water and asks for another. Shireen calls for a refill. He drinks that too. Shireen waits. 
“My least favorite thing? That we’ve given up. We let this machine,” he points at the orb, “decide who doesn’t have to. It’s like….it’s like the men in Mole’s Town who wander into the snows when winter grows too cold, and there’s not enough food or warmth to go around. Grown-ass men who could be fixing furnaces and braving the cold to find the resources their families so desperately need. Most of the time they don’t even have the fucking guts to tell anyone  what they’re off to do. They just wander away one day, and winter takes them. 
That’s what the fucking Institution is. We’re all those men in Mole’s Town who’ve just given up, despite the blood still pumping through our veins. We’re sitting around, waiting for winter to kill us, so that a few can live. And there’s no one left to be mad about it either, because it’s a fucking machine that decides our fate. It’s like being mad at the wind. What’s the fucking point? But just because there is no one to be angry with, that doesn’t mean the rage goes away...and winter isn’t killing us fast enough."
“So you want to live?”
“I want humanity to want to live. I want humanity to want most of humanity to live. I want us to care about more than the one percent.”
It feels radical, saying it here; behind the walls of the Institution. It feels like he’s put the last nail in his own coffin. Shireen watches him as he cracks his knuckles, one at a time, waiting for her to say the interview is over; it’s time to go home. 
Instead she asks an even crazier question. 
“Do you think there is an essential connection between the morality of an action and the morality of the intentions behind it?”
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
[Open Your Mouth] Chapter 3 - O
See previous chapters here: AO3 | Tumblr
Summary: She downs her mimosa in one long drink and snaps her fingers. The television shuts blank, and she sashays her way to a room. It looks just like any other wall partition but it opens to an expansive study. It has a day bed on the side, a long table, and her most comfortable swivel chair. Metallic chairs are folded on the side for her clients.Taking up the rest of the space are shelves filled with her favorite books. In the middle, sandwiched by volumes of Crime and Punishment and Les Miserables are jars of teeth submerged in liquid, white, sparkly, well-maintained. On the other end of the wall is a chest box which also functions like a wide ottoman. Except that it isn’t. It’s a freezer for the meat she has yet to eat.
March 7, 2021, 12:03 PM
“Open your mouth please.” Her bright emerald irises pop out from her mask as she probes the inside of his mouth. Sasuke feels the metal tool scrape against his tooth on the lower left. His tongue is on the edge of making a clucking sound, but he winces from a sharp pain when she moves his tooth from front to back.
“It’s loose,” she confirms for him. He recognizes notes of jasmine in her proximity. “I can extract it for you now. You’ll just have to spend the rest of the day under pain killers.”
He dropped by her clinic during his lunch break, intending to take up her offer in the off chance that she accepts walk-ins.
Of course, it was situated on the 25th floor of one of Senju’s high rise buildings which houses their offshoot businesses in the medical field; one floor for every niche – a chiropractor on the tenth, a hair transplant on the 17th, herbal practitioners on the 20th.
Of course, the brunette receptionist with a very sharp eyeliner sent him away, and looked at him pointedly with visible annoyance when he brought up that the dentist offered the appointment herself. People often tell him he’s handsome, and he gets to use this pretty privilege during the conduct of cases sometimes. But people here are immune to his so-called stoic charm.
Of course, it’s probably because there are far richer, far more aristocratic clients than him that would have naturally made a beeline towards the beautiful dentist.
He clucks nonetheless, his tongue grazing against the cold metal. “Can you do it under thirty?”
“Rushing for an appointment?” She gets the syringe from her assistant and taps it on her delicate wrist.
“Vying if I could get ten more minutes for an ice cream.” Her hands are light and quick to inject the anesthesia in the surrounding gums. He hears her soft chuckle against her mask.
“Not the first time that someone did that move.” She hands him his cone with one scoop of mint chocolate.
“I’m not a fan of sweets if you should know,” he says. “Is strong arm strength needed for a dentist?” Two big bites from the top.
Sakura blushes with an intensity, he notes, and in contrast her actions – she shies away her gaze from his stare with her fingers devoid of any jewelry. “You’re as direct as everyone in your lot goes, huh?”
“Is the topic too morbid for you, Dr. Haruno?”
“I’m keeping tabs with the news but I forego the specifics.” She fiddles with her two scoops of double dutch in a small cup. “But to answer your question, you only need to have the right leverage, an accurate position, and a good angle to ease out the naughtiest of teeth. However, it’s really an advantage to have great arm strength. It can get tiring after the twelve noon patient.”
Sasuke finishes his ice cream in the next three bites, feeling nothing in his mouth, the anesthesia still kicking, but he can taste the blood mingle with the freshness of mint, a tinge of rust in the sweetness on his tongue. “You’re not as bothersome as everyone in your lot.”
She raises both of her eyebrows, not sure if she understands his underlying implications.
“Dr. Tsunade Senju and Dan Haruno, top billing general surgeons of the medical world.”
Her mouth opens to form a small and soundless oh. “Ah I’m sure you already snuffed most information about me – it goes that way, right? Ah? Not at all? – So the thing is….I’m not their legitimate daughter. I’m adopted.”
He didn’t have to snuff, these are all open information in the playground of the rich. “A stroke of luck to land on a high end and well managed orphanage.” Her immense wealth does not translate to jewelry, face jobs, and fancy lash lifts. On her breast pocket are three pilot coletos, an apple watch on her wrist, mid-budget choice of clothes, and comfortable white Nike sneakers to be later replaced with a good fit of block heels. When summed up, they barely make a dent out of her daily worth. The rest of the money must have been channeled to her clinic’s state of the art facilities.
“You could say that I struck gold with my circumstances since then.” She spoons out a big chunk of her ice cream.
“But not prior.” The sugar brown cone also disappears in his mouth, all the chewing done by only one side.
“Amnesia. I reportedly had a traumatic head injury when they found me.” Her pink locks drift to the side, her head tilted in expectation of his further prodding.
Sasuke twists the line to another direction, and he captures the quick change of her microexpression from subtle guarding to surprise. “Would it be possible to inject one strong dose of anesthesia to the full mouth and extract all teeth?”
“Enough to knock them unconscious,” she confirms.
And kill them without sound, Sasuke surmises. He stands up and taps his wristwatch. “My ten minutes with you is up. I take it my extraction procedure is free?”
“I’m sure you’ll afford the next one.” She continues to fiddle with her cup as she watches him go.
Sasuke halts in his exiting steps and looks back at Sakura like it’s an afterthought. “If you’d like a payment, a dinner wouldn’t be so bad.” He turns on his heels and doesn’t stop, he can hear a faint laughter behind his back.
March 10, 2021, 7:16 PM
“Did I keep you waiting?” He slides on the seat across her and takes in her body language as well as their milieu.
They agreed to meet at seven sharp but Kakashi had asked for another briefing from him so he was held back. Her soft expression, in all its exuding naivety, gives nothing away. “This place doesn’t have no reservations, Detective.”
“Just Sasuke,” he remarks. He clucks his tongue in appreciation. “A hole in the wall noodle place. You frequent this area?”
“A reminder that you gave me the green light to choose.” She’s dressed today in an olive sweatshirt tucked into a neat pair of trousers and velvet loafers – a right mix of classy and casual. “It’s my assistant’s go-to. He would always bring me the best-selling set after a grueling work day so I asked for an address.”
“Thanks for the consideration, Dr. Haruno,” he says. Their order arrives minutes after, and she flashes an apologetic smile. For ordering beforehand Frankly speaking, he expected her to bring him into a Michelin restaurant – one to boost her reputation and second to blanket her in safety of familiar breeds. Or maybe safety is much better in company of anonymity.
“Just Sakura.”
They finish two plates of dimsum and almost empty out the small bottle of chili oil, garlic, sesame, and soy sauce concoction. Sipping a glass of soy milk after a bounty feast, Sasuke reviews the facts again in his mind.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Sakura asks, finished with her drink.
“Give me a hundred bucks then.”
“How many coffee orders would those be worth?”
Sasuke smirks in spite of himself. He changes topics again, on to the mundane life of a Senju-Haruno heir.
“How is the case progressing by the way?”
He glances up and notes the curiosity and fear in her eyes. “Classified information.”
She leans, plates with crumbles and half-empty glasses in between, and tilts her head, her rose locks spilling from her back. “Will they come for me?”
An alarm ticks off somewhere in his mind. “What makes you think so?” They’ve only had one body so far with no other indication of a succeeding death.
He sees that she bites the inside of her mouth, and she fiddles again with the cutlery in front of her. “Maybe I’m just overthinking.”
About ten minutes later, he ushers her outside the rather dingy restaurant but when no car arrives to escort her back to her place, he encourages her to place an uber. He could ask her to ride with him but the mere implications are layered, and he’s not ready for that quite yet. She gives him a look when he opens the door to her uber, an unspoken question she is yet to articulate. When he gets nothing within seconds, he waves goodbye.
“Give me a text when you’re home,” he says although he shouldn’t have.
“It has been an interesting night,” she replies. “Detective.”
The car finally drives away, and he remains with the remnants of her jasmine scent.
March 13, 2021, 5:49 PM, The second body
“You are not going to release that profile,” the wife of Haru Kagoshi says. She also stands as the chief overseas director of Haru Light, Inc. “Are you insinuating that my husband fucked a gay man?”
“Fuck is a callous word. Watch your tone,” the CEO of Mingwa Industries warn. “Are you sure you’re on the right track?”
“With all due respect, Captain Yamato is the best we have in the country in the field of criminal profiling. He knows what he’s doing,” Asuma assures everyone.
“And are your detectives doing the proper work? Are you covering all fields?” the Mingwa COO pointedly looks at Sasuke. “Because as far as performance goes, you’re allowing that killer to cripple our economy by snuffing out the next best minds.”
Kakashi’s eyes roll in sync with Sasuke’s at the cripple our economy.
Yamato stands up and offers a cup of coffee at the recently widowed which she explicitly ignores. “We will not be identifying the gender of the killer, but we need to narrow it down to males. Of course, it’s up to the public how they will presume it is connected to the genital mutilation.”
“Fuck you,” the widow says. “You know we can cut off your institutional funding, right?”
Kakashi has started massaging his forehead, a sign that he is nearing his bullshit tolerance level. “Yes you can, but we have an annual appropriation from the government. And cutting off our resources won’t solve this case any faster.”
“-with your due respect,” Asuma adds, hoping to de-escalate the situation.
The grandfather CEO of Mingwa Industries scoffs. “We’ll just have to launch our individual investigation then. In case you might be intentionally sabotaging the progress of this case, isn’t that right, Uchiha Sasuke?”
The disdain in his voice when Uchiha rolls off his tongue is jarring and pointed. Sasuke smirks in defiance, willing to push these elites further to the edge of self-destruction. Years in a gray cubicle and thousands of meters walked in company to a reviewing mind, he found that money could get you somewhere – just not the finish line. “You’d better keep an eye out on me then.”
“What the fuck was that about?” Asuma sneers at the detective department after the white collars scampered off. “They are strong lobbyists backing powerful politicians. We shouldn’t be picking a fight with them.”
“He started it,” Sasuke points to Kakashi who shrugs.
“Anyway, Yamato and I will prepare to announce the profile to the media, just a vague description, and then we’ll work on a composite sketch based on these assumptions,” Kakashi pats Asuma’s shoulders. “Ease up. I’m sure Sasuke and his team are doing their best.”
“I’m not doubting an Uchiha, but I’m doubting the way your petty behaviors get in the process of investigation. Now get out and do your jobs.” The Chief Police retrieves a half-emptied pack of cigarettes and lights up a stick. “This job is giving me cancer.”
11:13 PM
She sips her third glass of mimosa as her eyes drift to the sound of her television. A big banner of breaking news is placed below with the caption authorities release a profile: a serial killer at hand?
She chuckles, almost spilling the cocktail on her fingers. She drifts closer to the screen and her nails stick on the necks of the silver-haired man and the man who she assumes is the criminal profiler.
“Authorities confirm that Armando Mingwa and Haru Kagoshi have been killed by the same person. Renowned profiler Captain Yamato reveals the breakdown of the suspect – male with a minimum height of 5’7, age from late 20s to early 30s, and frequents the high-end districts. When asked if we have a serial killer at large, the chief detective and the profiler neither confirmed nor deny.”
She downs her mimosa in one long drink and snaps her fingers. The television shuts blank, and she sashays her way to a room. It looks just like any other wall partition but it opens to an expansive study. It has a day bed on the side, a long table, and her most comfortable swivel chair. Metallic chairs are folded on the side for her clients.Taking up the rest of the space are shelves filled with her favorite books. In the middle, sandwiched by volumes of Crime and Punsihment and Les Miserables are jars of teeth submerged in liquid, white, sparkly, well-maintained.
On the other end of the wall is a chest box which also functions like a wide ottoman. Except that it isn’t. It’s a freezer for the meat she has yet to eat.
March 24, 2021, 1:10 PM
“So what was the dentist’s alibi?” Neji asks the sullen detective.
“He had a meditation class for each date – January 29 and February 27 – which runs for five hours. They time it with the moon cycles. I also called his teacher – she prefers to be called witch ­– and confirmed his attendance.” Sasuke clucks his tongue. “However, they are a class of 100. He can easily slip out when everyone else is closing their eyes and saying humbda dumda.”
He glances at the map on the wall, pins already on the dumpsites, and he zeroes in on the address smack in the middle. “And he can dump the body with his nondescript car and go back in again. Did you know he has three cars – a Tesla, Mercedes, and a black pick-up?”
Tenten carries a fresh pot of coffee to the table and stares at their evidence board. “I’m guessing it’s the same truck with the garbage ones – those going through the suburbs?”
Sasuke nods. “He says it’s for farming. He has a land on the rural side of the district.”
Jugo raises a brow. “That ends my snooping in with the golden spoons.”
“Not quite Jugo.” Neji fills himself a cup. “These people socialize in the same circles you know.”
Someone knocks on the open door of the room and raises a box of cake. “Delivery for you, Detective Uchiha.” The staff attempts to enter but Jugo raises a finger to stop her.
“Who’s it from?” Jugo asks. “It might be the killer.”
The staff scratches the back of her head. “I don’t think the killer is a beautiful pink-haired lady with green eyes.”
All heads turn curiously to Sasuke who gets the cake from the staff. “It’s my punishment.”
Tenten’s eyes narrow at the name on the card. Haruno Sakura. “How is it a punishment? She brought you – us – sweets.”
“She knows I hate sweets. Help yourself though.”
“So you’re dating?” Neji says it with disbelief. “How? You’re barely in the office and – oh my god, you’re skipping hours aren’t you!”
Jugo repeats the name over and over. “Fuck. You’re seeing the Haruno Sakura? She’s as recluse as the oddball heirs go, but I’ve only heard good things from her. I heard she’s very skilled with her hands. Experienced it yet, Uchiha?”
Sasuke kicks him in the shin as soon as he’s done talking. “Firsthand. A tooth on the lower left. Now shut up and get back to work.”
April 12, 2021, 6:17 AM, The third body
The team congregates in the morgue. Another body. Only this time, it was found on a ravine, some parts already devoured by wild animals.
“It’s Fugashi Imamu, current overseas director of Imamu Holdings,” the medical examiner tells them. “Same methods done but there’s more clotting on the crotch area, indicating his genital was mutilated while he was still alive.”
Jugo and Neji both groan inwardly.
“He has an eight-year old.” Tenten crosses her arms in front of her. “A math wizard.”
Sasuke closes his eyes, fending off the initial signs of a migraine. The cases kept piling, and they were nowhere close to a lead. “Can you estimate the date of death?”
“I wouldn’t know just yet with all the rigor mortis and animal attacks. But if we pattern this with the recent killings, and the body was dumped within the last two weeks, the killing must have taken place on the last week of March.”
11:13 AM
March 29, Sasuke thinks about the ME’s latest message. There must be a pattern for the dates of killings. And if there was, they are up against an intelligent killer, a methodical one. He must have a list of targets with a step by step process on how to approach and kill each one. He plans weeks ahead with several contingencies.
“Captain Yamato confirms the ME’s assumption. There really is a pattern,” Tenten tells the team. “Unfortunately, the information already reached the golden spoon team.”
Neji comes in with stacks of folders and notebooks. “Got all his stuff from his secretary. Seems like the bastard slept around or may have been just a bad boss, said she couldn’t be more than happy to live in a world rid of such filthy lolita creep – her words, not mine.”
They go through each page, jotting down relevant information. Sasuke, on the other hand, flips through a small wallet-sized planner. Jotted down on March 26 is veneers with Dr. Akugawa. He seems like the go-to dentist of the big shots. He goes further up the dates and there on March 6 is a name he doesn’t expect. Haruno Sakura.
“It’s true. His daughter had an appointment with me,” Sakura confirms over the phone. “But he also dropped by last year for a tooth extraction dislodged by a punch from his grandfather. Old money can be quite controlling.”
“Ah. Doesn’t he have a family dentist?” He taps his pen on his desk, tens of gears running through his mind.
“Told me his dentist was unavailable for an emergency procedure so he dropped by the one nearest his office.”
Sasuke looks at the time on his watch. “Did you have lunch yet?”
“I have an 11:30. But I can see you in 12.”
He gets there fifteen minutes before, and he flashes his badge to Laura who has grown accustomed to his lunch break visits. Nonetheless, her countenance makes apparent her dislike.
“Your cctv records please,” Sasuke tells her. It isn’t a request, Laura knows, so she leads him to the administrative room on the floor and instructs the staff to show the dates he mentions.
Kiyoko Imamu went there on March 6 with her mother and a helper. They backtrack until they find the date when Fugashi had an appointment. A 30-minute visit and he was quickly out.
“Does Dr. Haruno have other clinics? A private location for a niche clientele?” Sasuke asks.
Laura shakes her head. “Only this one, and she doesn’t accept house calls. She likes to concentrate her work in one place.”
He tells the staff to rewind the records on January 29, February 27, and March 29. Nothing was peculiar about Sakura’s body language, Sasuke notes. He commits all records in his memory and allows himself to be ushered out by Laura. They arrive to Sakura waiting at the receptionist’s desk.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” She asks him with a tilt in her head.
“Just right about now.” He offers an open arm to her which she links with hers. Her face immediately blooms in shades of red.
“We have mussel soup today and grilled mackerel. On the other hand, we also serve bolognese. Or do you have any other location in mind?”
“Your cafeteria’s menu sounds nice.”
They’re interrupted by Sasuke’s phone.
“Where are you?” Kakashi’s voice borders on the edge of frustration.
“Lunch,” Sasuke replies.
“Come back asap. The families had Jugo come in and take Akugawa for questioning.”
14 notes · View notes
upamongthestarss · 4 years
Perfect Timing//Bill Denbrough x fem reader
Please be kind! This is only my second time publishing on tumblr, so I’m not really sure what I’m doing, but here we are!
Warnings: smut, brief mention of fem oral receiving, swearing, mild angst, underage drinking
Spring break came way too slowly, especially for Y/n. Freshman year of college is said to be one of the best years of your life, but it’s definitely the worst. Her high school was entirely too easy for her, probably because her teachers were just idiots. Then college hit, and the workload was unbearable. Not to mention, she grew homesick for her parents and her best friends and even a tiny bit for Bill. 
Oh, how she hated Bill back home. 
Well, okay, she didn’t hate him, it was more of just a mutual tension that sometimes led to the Losers separating them at all costs. 
They went on a few dates freshman year, and even kissed once, but it all ended when popular Autumn asked Bill to “help her with English” at lunch one day. He completely forgot to tell Y/n, but didn’t think much of the whole affair anyway. When Y/n walked out of the lunch line, she smiled at her newly official boyfriend. He was hunched over a piece of paper, diligently writing with ginger hair falling into his eyes. When Autumn saw her coming over, she tapped Bill on the shoulder, and kissed him full on the mouth when he turned to her.
Y/n’s hands went slack, causing her tray to clatter to the ground. Tomato soup splattered all over her new white Keds. She obviously looked down to see the damage, and missed Bill pushing Autumn off of him. He went over to check on her and help her clean up, but she stormed off to the bathrooms. 
From then on out, there’s been so much tension between them. Even though Bill explained what happened countless times, she’s absolutely refused to listen. She’s had trust issues after her biological father cheated on her mother when she was little, and this, well, this basically made them inflate like the economy. She wasn’t on speaking terms with him until the end of the school year, and even then their friendship was rocky.
But there was also a sexual tension. Bill and Y/n still had blatantly obvious feelings for each other, whether they wanted to admit or not. In fact, they even went to senior prom together, but it ended in disaster. There was a dramatic exit from Y/n when he mentioned how he was on good terms with Autumn now, and she was really sorry for what happened. 
“Why the hell would you bring that up now?” Y/n rose from her seat.
“B-b-because she t-told me she w-wanted us to-”
“Can’t we just completely forget what happened back then? It was so long ago.”
Bill flushed. “Well, it r-r-really seems l-like you’ve n-n-never forgotten ab-about it these past th-three years.”
She threw her napkin on the table and left after saying, “You’re a dick.”
That night she vented to Eddie and ultimately admitted to having feelings for him, but he knew that all along anyway.
That night was the last time they talked until it was time for Bill to leave for NYU.
“Good luck,” she told him, bouncing on the balls of her feet nervously. 
“Th-thank you, Y/n, y-you too!” he was so excited that day that he even pulled her into a hug, much to her surprise (and delight). 
And now, here she is, on the plane to Palm Springs. It’s a long flight from Marywood, so Y/n uses her time to finish her homework. She’s majorly jetlagged by the time she lands at Palm Springs International. Luckily, the cab ride isn’t ridiculously long. When she gets to Richie’s beach house, he’s on the porch with his feet up and a daiquiri in hand.
“Y/N!!!!” he shouts, putting his drink to the side and running down the stairs.
“RICHIE!!!!” she yells back, dropping her bags to run and hug him. 
“Oh, it’s been so long!”
“I know!! And holy shit, your house is gorgeous!”
“I’m telling you, Y/n, I lucked out so much by scoring that audition. Can you believe it? Rich Records Tozier, the nation’s youngest beloved DJ.”
“Hardly,” she chuckles. “So how is the life of fame treating you?”
“Oh, brilliant. Come on in, I’ll give you a tour,” he scoops up her bag and leads her to the door. It’s an incredible house, with a beautiful kitchen and even a movie theater. 
“And here’s your room,” he gestures to the first door upstairs. 
“May I?” she asks, hand on the doorknob. 
“Be my guest.”
She swings it open to a redheaded girl on one of the two beds. She looks up from her magazine, smirking. “Hey, roomie!”
“Bev!” Y/n shrieks as her best friend runs to her and practically knocks her over. 
“When did you get here?!” 
“About an hour ago. Stan’s here too, but he’s taking a nap.”
“Well, we’ll have to fix that, won’t we?” Y/n grins mischievously. 
“Everyone else is supposed to get here tomorrow morning, except for Mike. He’s coming tonight.”
“Oh, thank God. No Bill for a half day more.”
“Oh, Y/n, don’t be so close-minded,” Bev giggles and they sit down on the same bed, bursting with so much to catch up on. Richie doesn’t know if he should sit down with them or just go back to his daiquiri, but the doorbell rings.
“Saved by the bell,” he says, getting the side eye in response. 
The girls talk for hours until they decide to say hello to Mike. Y/n stops at the bathroom first, and it takes her a while to find the kitchen after that. She has to follow the voices and Richie’s booming laugh.
“Sorry, I got lost,” she says, turning in the kitchen. “Hi, Mi-”
The third person talking to Richie and Beverly is not Mike.
It’s Bill. And she looks like a total bum in her old sundress and messy ponytail. She isn’t wearing a drop of makeup, either.
“Bill. Good to see you,” she holds out her hand professionally. He shakes it.
Is it good to see him? Looking at his cerulean eyes certainly sends butterflies through her stomach and through… other parts of her body.
“Y-you too.”
That immaculate stutter. She sits down at a barstool and crosses her legs together tightly. Richie and Beverly are quick to notice it, but restrain from commenting.
“I thought you were coming in tomorrow morning?” 
She doesn’t sound rude or accusatory, just curious.
“M-my flight got c-c-cancelled.”
“Okay, gotcha.” 
She drums her fingertips on the counter restlessly, not really knowing what else to say.
Luckily, Richie has a plan in case things get awkward between these two- and he’s already having to use it.
“Anyone want a drink?”
“Nursing school is so insane. In anatomy, our teacher dissected a literal human body, and we had to examine it.”
“Eddie, please. We’re eating,” Y/n coughs. 
“It was disgusting, but it was also fascinating,” he defends himself.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Ben shrugs. 
“Y/n, tell us more about Marywood,” Eddie says, but she’s way too busy watching Bill talk to Richie’s cute next door neighbor while holding her little sister.
“You’re so good with her!” she simpers, tossing her shiny brown hair.
“Y/n? Earth to Y/n?”
“How’s Marywood?” 
“Oh, it’s… fine.”
“Just fine? Did you pick a major yet?”
She shakes her head.
“What about that guy? Are you still with him?”
“David? No, we were together for a while, but I guess the spark just kinda died. I mean, he initiated the breakup, but it was all mutual.”
Eddie squirts a dollop of sunscreen the size of a clementine in his hand. “That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be,” Y/n shrugs, averting her gaze back to Bill. She’s very glad that she's wearing sunglasses, to hide her stares.
The cute girl was right, he is good with that little girl. Her heart would be melted, but Bill keeps flirting with the older sister. It’s disgusting.
And then, that girl has the audacity to drop the rattle she shook in the baby’s face. Y/n is close enough to hear the conversation, or at least read lips.
“Oh, l-l-l-let m-me get that.”
“Don’t worry, I got it,” she smiles, bending over so stealthily so that her breasts are all but out of that bikini.
“Ugh,” Y/n rolls her eyes.
“What’s up?” Ben asks.
“Nothing. I’m just going to go to the bathroom,” she stands up and walks almost catatonically to the door.
Instead of going to the bathroom, she finds a glass and slams it on the table. 
“D-damn, Y/n. That’s n-n-not a napkin, you kn-know.”
She jumps at Bill’s voice. He obviously followed her in, and she’s not too thrilled about it.
“Funny,” she replies, searching the cabinets. “Do you want anything?”
“I-I was ac-actually getting d-drinks.”
“Oh, for you and your new girlfriend? Hey, let me know when the wedding is. That is, if I even get on the guest list.”
“What’s your p-p-problem?”
“I don’t have a problem.”
Y/n finds a bottle of straight vodka and pours it right in the glass.
“Hey, its eh-eh-eleven AM,” Bill warns her, reaching for the glass. Unfortunately, their hands grab for it at the same time and it goes crashing to the ground. 
“Great, thanks,” she says.
“I didn’t w-want you to be w-w-wasted all d-day.”
“Listen, Bill,” she takes a deep breath. “I really appreciate your concern. I do. But it’s my life, and if I want to get wasted this early, then no one should stop me.” 
He doesn’t answer. They both grab rags and start to clean up around their feet.
“Th-this kind of r-r-reminds me of a certain sit-situation involving t-tomato soup,” Bill risks saying.
It was a terrible idea.
“Are you kidding me? I thought we moved on from that!”
“Yeah, so w-w-we can j-joke about it now!”
She’s silent for a minute, a blend of wrath and sadness.
“Just,” Y/n says, “Just go back out with your girlfriend.”
“I-I-I h-hardly know- o-okay, what the hell is y-y-your problem? We’re n-not together an-anymore!!! You sh-sh-shouldn’t c-care about my l-l-love life.”
“You don’t get it, do you?” she stands up, vodka dripping from the rag to her toes. “I don’t care that I shouldn’t care. I do care! I’ve always cared!” 
Bill is speechless, and she honestly doesn’t blame him. Y/n assumes he doesn’t feel the same about her. After all, they haven’t dated since freshman year. Sighing, she puts the rag in the sink and walks back outside.
She’s opening up her book and lying on her stomach to get a tan when Y/n hears an obnoxious “Excuse me?”
She looks up to the girl, who could literally be a bikini model.She looks at Y/n like she’s a piece of dirt, and Y/n just wants to smack her. She could never hurt anyone, though.
“Um, do you know when Bill will be back with the drinks?”
“Not a clue.”
Bill absolutely could not stop thinking of Y/n all day. He never really can, ever, but his thoughts have been out of control all damn day. They range from wild fantasies to regrets from way back when to just simply: She still likes me, she still likes me, she still likes me!!!!
He wants more than anything to talk to her and confess he’s been in love with her since high school, maybe even before that. But some small voice in Bill’s head tells him that even if she does have feelings, she won’t want to act on them. After all, he’s been nothing but an asshole to her.
Then again, so has she.
It’s really ironic that they’re so abrasive towards each other. Y/n is so kind and friendly to everyone she meets; that’s why Bill fell for her. And everyone tells him that he’s nothing but a sweetheart. And he’s always treated his every girlfriend like a princess. 
But it’s Y/n he wants as a girlfriend, and it always has been. 
Y/n comes running down the stairs, using the bansiters to prop herself up and skip the last couple steps. She’s been strangely lighthearted after she made that confession to Bill. It had been a weight on shoulders for the longest time, after all. And now that it’s out of the bag, she feels as if she can finally move on.
Holy shit, she’s so cute, Bill says to himself. She has this youthful energy, but the looks of a gorgeous young woman. Not to mention her outfit- a pastel yellow halter top, short jean shorts, and a sky blue scrunchie- looks magnificent.
“Okay, I’m ready to go!” she grins widely. “Sorry for the holdup!”
“You’re good,” Richie replies. “We were just figuring out transportation, considering I can only take five of us in my car.”
“I don’t mind taking the trunk,” Y/n shrugs. “Anyone else?” 
“I will,” Beverly volunteers. 
“Okay, great, and five of you can squish in the backseat. Mike claimed shotgun earlier.”
Everyone else groans while he flashes a smile and gives them finger guns.
“So charming,” Bev laughs and grabs Y/n’s hand. They run out to the car and squish in the trunk.
“Bev, I have to tell you something,” Y/n whispers.
“I’m still not over Bill.”
“Thank you, Y/n,” she responds sarcastically.
“How did you know that? I only told Eddie!”
“It was just a little obvious,” she laughs. “And the good news is that we all think he feels the same way!”
“I don’t think he does, Bev,” Y/n shakes her head.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, I told him today-”
“You what?”
“Shush!” she scolds as the boys get in the car. Luckily they’re all talking and can’t hear the girls if they whisper. “It just sort of... slipped out. But he didn’t even say anything. He just kind of… froze? It was so awkward.”
“You know he’s a little awkward around girls that he likes.”
“Is he, though?”
“Sure he is!”
“I don’t know, Bev. He stood there for a full thirty seconds without saying anything, and he just let me leave,” Y/n explains. “I think if he really liked me, he would have told me by now.”
Beverly gets quiet. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“Hey, it’s okay! The timing was never right, and that- that happens. And it’s better I know now so I’m not hung up on him for the rest of my life.”
The rest of the drive is mostly just Beverly telling Y/n that there’s someone out there for her, and to keep her eyes open at the restaurant. 
It’s a bright restaurant, very tropical and very flamboyant. A lush plant, obviously made of silicon, is the centerpiece of every table. 
Good, it can hide me from Bill and spare my embarrassment, Y/n thinks as she sits opposite him. Unfortunately, Ben asks the hostess to take it away so he can see everyone. Y/n is mortified. Being directly across from her, he can watch and judge the girl the entire dinner.
She tries her hardest the whole meal not to pay Bill any mind, but it gets difficult when he starts getting tipsy. And drunk Bill can be wild. Singing and dancing on the tables wild. Luckily he isn’t at that point yet.
She doesn’t even know how he was able to buy drinks here; he’s only nineteen. The waitress must have a crush on him or something. Maybe she and Richie’s neighbor could start a Bill fanclub.
Y/n has a feeling the waitress would ask for her ID, though, so she sticks to soda. And three Shirley Temples is never good on anyone’s bladder.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” she announces. “Anyone else?”
Everyone shakes their heads. Everyone except…
“Me! M-m-me!” Bill waves his hand around like a hyper child.
“Great, I’m a babysitter now,” Y/n murmurs.
She starts walking to the bathroom, Bill hot on her heels. Surprisingly enough, when she finishes peeing, he’s actually waiting for her. 
“F-f-finally. G-g-girls take so long in the buh-buh-bathroom.”
She ignores him.
“Y/nnnnn,” he slurs. “I’ve been m-m-meaning to t-t-tell you, your a-a-ass looks fantastic in th-those shorts.”
“Because that’s not a rude thing to say at all,” she replies, feeling her face burn up.
“I’m n-n-not trying to be r-rudeeee,” Bill grabs her waist and pulls her in. Y/n can smell all the alcohol on his breath, and it’s disgusting. He kisses her full on the mouth.
She shoves him off, embarrassed by his behavior. “You’re drunk.”
“If b-b-being drunk makes me w-w-want to m-make out with you, I-I-I never want t-to be so-sober.”
That hits Y/n hard. Bill Denbrough wants her. But only when he’s drunk. 
He doesn’t love her in his right mind. This is all she has, and she can’t even fathom just taking advantage of him when he’s drunk. Using someone would hurt her in such an inexplicable way, and not to mention it would tear whatever small bond she had with Bill into shreds.
She plops back down in her seat, barely touching the rest of her food or speaking for the rest of the night.
When she gets to her shared room with Bev, Y/n takes a shower. She’s always loved showers because they’re a place where you can cry without risk of anyone hearing over the water running.
And that’s exactly what Y/n does. She lets the tears stream down her face, washed away by the showerhead’s water.
Bill knows he got plastered last night, so it’s no surprise when he wakes up with a pounding headache. But he isn’t sure why Y/n is so quiet, especially around him. Usually she has a remark or at least a glare for him, but she seems almost meek today.
He pulls Beverly aside at one point, and asks if he did anything to her last night.
“I don’t know, Bill. You guys went to the bathroom at the same time, and when you came back, Y/n seemed really upset.”
“L-l-like angry, or s-sad?”
“Sad. But she didn’t tell me anything that happened. I’m sorry, Bill.”
“It’s o-o-okay. Th-Thanks, Bev.”
He spends the rest of the day trying to remember something- anything- from last night. Bathrooms. Bathrooms.
There are some vignettes. Y/n across from him, in that pretty top. Watching her ass as she walked to the bathrooms. 
Oh, shit. Bill made some sort of comments about those shorts. What happened after that? He kissed her, didn’t he? But why would that make her sad?
When evening rolls around, Bill still doesn’t remember anything new. He’s the only one in the living room, not even paying attention to the TV. His friends come bounding down the stairs, all wearing sneakers and athletic outfits.
“A-a-are you g-guys going somewhere?”
“Yeah, to the new rope climbing place,” Stan replies. 
“Where’s Y/n?”
“She has vertigo, and wanted to stay here. We thought you could stay here so she’s not alone all night.”
“You d-d-didn’t th-think about asking me f-first?”
“We drew names out of a hat,” Beverly steps in. “You just weren’t around when we did it.”
“Isn’t that a l-l-little ruh-rude to Y-Y/n? One of us is g-g-going to st-stay with her instead of h-having fun?”
“No, Bill, it was the opposite!” Richie tries to save the group, much to their chagrin. “We were voting on who didn’t get to stay home with Y/n. And you won! You get to!”
“Wh-what i-if I want to donate m-my win?”
“Doesn’t work like that. Wins are final.”
It’s all BS, and Bill knows it. There never was a hat draw, everyone knows that Bill and Y/n have a lot to work out, and they don’t want the two to go back from spring break with even more animosity for each other. 
Also, they know that the two have feelings that have been expressed so wrongly over the years. Maybe now it’s time to work them out.
“So we’re going to head out now; have fun with Y/n!” Eddie waves, and they run out excitedly.
 Bill sighs, not knowing what he’s going to do with Y/n all night. Maybe she’ll just be antisocial and hide in her room all night, but he personally hopes she won’t. He decides to hang out by the pool for a while, and changes into his swim trunks.
By the time he gets outside, though, Y/n is already there. She’s hugging her knees to her chest and watching the little waterfall intently.
“Hey,” Bill says, making her jump.
“C-c-can I join you?”
She nods. 
“Why aren’t you with the others?”
“B-because I w-w-won their ‘contest,’”
“Contest?” she shakes her head, not understanding.
“To b-b-babysit you, ap-apparently.”
“Ah. Sounds legitimate.”
He doesn’t know how to respond to that, so he just lets the sounds of the waterfall and the faint grasshoppers fill the silence. He’s sure Y/n doesn’t mind, though. When everyone else complained about the summer grasshoppers as kids, she would always dote on how they’re melodious and comforting.
Bill can’t hold himself back any longer.
“Y/n, what d-d-did I do l-last night?”
She turns to him. “You really don’t remember?”
“I re-remember making a com-comment, which I-I’m sorry about b-by the way, th-that was an a-asshole move. And I-I remember kissing y-you. But then what?”
Taking a deep breath, Y/n continues. “Well, then I pushed you off and told you that you were drunk.”
She pauses.
“And th-then?”
“Then you said, ‘If I want to make out with you when I’m drunk, then I don’t ever want to be sober.’”
That’s it? Bill thinks. He’s not stupid enough to voice his thoughts, luckily.
“Oh, Y-Y-Y/n, I w-w-was drunk. I d-didn’t know what I w-w-was saying.”
“Listen, Bill. I know you remember what I told you yesterday in the kitchen. And what you told me at the restaurant really hurt, okay?”
“Why? I-I wanted to k-k-kiss you,” he asks, genuinely confused.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes!” Y/n laughs incredulously. “You wanted to kiss me when you were drunk, not in your right mind!”
“I al-always want to k-k-kiss you in my right mind!”
“I-I think I love you, Y/n.”
She’s frozen. Could he actually mean that? Has he been drinking again? Hearing that from Bill Denbrough has been her dream since… forever.
“I think I love you too, Bill.”
He jumps up from his lounge chair, and leans over Y/n. He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and kisses her tenderly, gently. Her lips are just as soft as he remembers them to be all those years ago, softer than any other girl he’s kissed.
“Wow,” she beams as they pull apart. “I guess I knew this, but you’re a much better kisser than my ex.”
He laughs. “W-why, thank you. You’re n-n-not so bad y-yourself.”
“Thanks,” she giggles. “I just… I can’t believe this is happening. I feel like doing something crazy now, something outrageous.”
“L-like what?”
“Hm…” she thinks for a minute. “Do you want to go skinny dipping?”
“Okay, sure,” Bill chuckles. 
Grinning, she begins to peel off her one piece. She slips the straps off, and the rest slowly slides off her body. Her breasts are exposed first, then her stomach, then everything. Her skin is smooth and glorious.
Bill pulls off his swim trunks and throws them behind him. Y/n wants to tease him about his erection, but she’s way too shocked at his size.
They bask in the beauty of each other for a moment before they dive into the water, crisp and cool on their bare bodies. Y/n splashes Bill right in his face.
He pushes wet strands of hair from his ocean eyes. “H-how dare you?” 
“What are you going to do about it?” she taunts.
“This,” Bill says, throwing Y/n over his shoulder and taking her outside the water. She’s both screaming and laughing her head off at this point. He carries her all the way to the deep end and tosses her in. 
When she surfaces, Y/n makes sure to flip him off. 
“So r-r-rude.”
He cannonballs in, and they swim around, and eventually go under the waterfall. They end up making out and gasping for air.
“D-d-do you want to tuh-take this inside?” Bill whispers.
She nods, and they get out. As Y/n shivers, Bill gets them fluffy towels from a bin by the chairs.
Grabbing his hand, she pulls him through the sliding glass doors. They run around the house in nothing but towels, giggling and kissing and dripping pool water everywhere. The two finally make it to Bill’s room and go directly to the bed (after locking the door).
“Spruh-spread your legs,” Bill breathes in her ear, sending goosebumps up and down her body. 
She obeys and lets him kiss her knees, her thighs, and eventually her core. He pleases Y/n in a way her old boyfriend never did.
When she finishes, Bill holds her for a minute so she can catch her breath. Then, when he turns around to put on a condom, she moves against the wall.
“Oh, s-s-so you w-want wall sex n-now?” Bill raises his eyebrows.
“Maybe,” she shrugs. “If you’re comfortable with it.”
Instead of using words, Bill throws Y/n up against the wall and kisses her roughly. Their tongues clash, and she loves every second of it. Then he goes in. He starts slow at first, but begins to pick up the pace with her approval.
“D-damn, you’re so t-t-tight,” he whispers while she keeps muttering his name.
“Probably because I wasn’t with someone as big as you before.”
Hearing that makes him turn redder than his hair. “Really?”
“Really,” she sighs. “Can you go a little slower?”
He listens to her, and almost screams in pleasure when she starts to suck on his neck.
They both finish in a couple minutes, and are pretty burned out- Y/n especially because she’s never made such rough love before.
She lies in his arms, back on the bed, and traces the love mark forming on his neck.
“I think I love you,” Y/n says for the second time tonight. 
“I-I th-think I love you t-too.”
They can’t help smiling for the umpteenth time in the past hour. Their stars had never aligned until now, and it couldn’t be a more perfect exchange of love. The wait was unbearable, but incredibly worth it. 
Y/n and Bill make each other feel whole, like there was a sort of void within each other, unfilled until now. 
“Hey,” Y/n’s voice is soft and gentle. “I’m so sorry about these past years. You know I have trust issues, but I took them too far and didn’t treat you right. And I’m so sorry.”
“I’m s-sorry, too. I’ve been an ass-asshole to y-y-you, a-and it’s m-m-my fault we broke uh-up in the f-first place.”
“Don’t say that,” Y/n frowns. “It was Evil Autumn’s fault.”
They chuckle. 
Resting her head on Bill’s chest, Y/n asks the dreaded question. 
“So what’s going to become of us? After spring break.”
Bill thinks for a minute, stroking her hair, and admits, “I don’t w-w-want us to c-c-cut each other off again.”
“Neither do I.”
“I think our sc-sc-schools are like t-t-two hours ap-apart; that’s n-not terrible.”
“It’s not,” Y/n agrees. “Maybe we could take turns driving every weekend, and find a halfway point or something.”
“A-an ex-exact halfway point,” Bill adds.
“An exact halfway point.”
They can make it work, they’ve got to. Both Bill and Y/n are extremely optimistic about the future ahead, now that every feeling has been sorted out between them. And even in the unfavorable event where things don’t work out, there will always be Palm Springs. 
Bill presses a kiss to her forehead. There’s not a chance that they won’t make it. The timing is finally, after all these years, perfect. 
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annqbthchse · 4 years
SGE x Cheesy Christmas Au
Except this time I actually post it :0
Camelot's hosting this fundraiser to raise funds for the castle/kingdom - it's generally a joyous occasion and one of the only nights of the year that  Arthur is sober - which is why he thinks that tonight is the best night to tell Tedros that the royal court has decided that he and the Lady Sophie are to be married
Tedros is very confused because although he's made threats about getting him married before to make him learn a lesson he never took it seriously before
Both are surprised and don't take it very well - tedros decides to try to increase his confidence with a few drinks while Sophie tries to hide from her mother whose just a bit too pleased at this proposed union
Tedros just basically says fuck it and decides to confront his father
Arthur tells Tedros that he's getting older and doesn't fully trust Tedros to be able to help the kingdom and Sophie is a lovely woman of whom the people love and that will only help Tedros’ reputation as future king and make the people of Camelot feel more secure in their future leadership
It's not like Tedros hasn’t heard this from him before it just hits a little different hearing it from him sober
So Tedros, mildly confident on some alcohol makes his father an offer: He’ll give the speech at Christmas eve and show all the dignitaries that he can prove he’s capable and knows things and that he doesn’t need an arranged marriage to do that or he’ll do what he says and marry Sophie. Arthur reluctantly agrees
To then digest everything that's happened and freak out a little in private he goes into the kitchens, where a certain waitress was just taking her break
Agathas just chilling - eating some cake
Tedros can keep it together at this point - the weight of what he's just agreed to finally catching up with him and he just has to expel all his feelings about how he's the cliched family disappointment etc.
He knows that he definitely should not be talking about it but he is slightly drunk + the cute girl seems friendly enough so why the fuck not He's just talking about how his fathers right and that although he tries and wants to he doesn’t know shit about Camelots economy or political relations that much (it was easy to get out of lessons all he had to do was bring up his mother and then he could do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day)
Anyway so that's when Agatha mildly laughs while eating her cake about her, unfortunately, knows a bit about that and Tedros has a big brain moment - he’ll just get this random girl that he met barely 30mins ago to teach him things he definitely should already know
Agathas not interested until Tedros offers to pay her a very generous amount for her knowledge and suddenly she's thinking of her student loans and how this way she’ll be using her degree + he seems in desperate need of a friend or at least someone so she agrees.
Meanwhile, Sophie is also thinking of a way to get out of her marriage. Her mother would never let her back out of such a lucrative deal so the only way of it is for tedros to decline. Which from what she overheard from the very intense conversation with his father, will only happen if he can get his shit together before Christmas eve.
Although she loves him she's a little apprehensive - this is the same man who can’t play Go Fish without cheating
So, Sophies concocting all these overcomplicated scenarios in her head so she doesn’t notice when she bumps into something or rather a someone causing her brand new Sophie bumps into Nicola causing her to spill some drinks on her brand new dress
She's pissed and insists that Nicola apologies, but Nicola keeps saying although she is sorry for spilling the drinks, Sophie did bump into her which gets Sophie so unbelievably riled up  and she has now decided that she hates her
Tedros thinks it would be best for them to study in an old abandoned guest house - no one else goes there -and Tedros doesn't want his father to find out because he thinks it would be very embarrassing
They study and have some delightful lighthearted banter all while Tedros is overwhelmed by the amount of information he doesn’t know
One time he makes a very bad joke but she laughs anyway and  he’s friozen - he likes how real and raw it is - how it makes him feel as if he’s finally earned something and just basks in it for a while before Agatha hits him with one of her thick books to get his attention back
She starts to understand him more and more - That maybe he’s just someone trying to do his best in a very complicated situation. He wants to help and make his people and father proud it's just that if he thinks too much about it he gets stressed and makes some dumb decisions
Meanwhile every time Nicola drops Agatha she happens to run into Sophie always coming back from some shopping date or salon appointment - Sophie is pissed every single time and they have a witty back and forth banter - something that Nicola secretly gets excited for every time - it adds a little excitement to her day
During one of their very last sessions theres a very strong blizzard going on and because of that and the fact that the gas heater isn’t working they light the fire and decide that they have no other choice but to sit close together (basically cuddle) near the fire
After a few failed attempts to get back onto topic, they find a pack of cards and decide to just fuck it and play Go Fish - Tedros starts to cheat, Agatha calls him out on it and then suddenly they’re arguing and laughing and doing everything except what they're supposed to.
Suddenly Agatha's toppled on top of him and it gets very quiet. Tedros can’t help but notice how pretty her eyes are and it pains her to not run her fingers through his golden hair. They’re close enough o all one of them has to do is just lean in ...but then prince dumbass ruins it by choosing that exact moment to reveal that he’s kinda engaged to be engaged. It hurts and she’s not entirely sure why. But then they hear the sound of a car honking and Agatha gathers all her stuff while Tedros is trying to explain everything but doing a shit job
Meanwhile, Sophie has just left the palace after a particularly nasty argument with her mother in which her perfect little daughter told her to fuck the right off so she takes her car and drives off - however the snow is starting to get heavier and heavier and Sophie - royalty of course - isn’t used to driving in general but especially in these conditions accidentally crashes her car in the middle of a snowbank
Nicola is driving back from dropping Agatha when she sees Sophie stranded in the snow. Against all better judgement, she decides to pull over to offer her a ride
Sophie swiftly declines due to her pride but then remembers that she if she doesn't she may die so eventually she gets into the car
So, Nicola asks here where she wants to be dropped but that's when Sophie realises that she doesn’t have anywhere else to go so instead of returning to the palace she decides to go wherever the fuck Nicola was planning - which turns out to be her second job at her father's pub - Nics a bit hesitant to take her because it doesn't seem like her scene but Sophie refuses to leave and she thinks she there's a possibility that if she pushes her out of her car she may be arrested so she gives in and off they go on their merry way
They arrive at the pub and Sophie immediately starts to regret her decision but a few drinks later and some help from Nics very kind daily she's now having a great time - she’s swinging by tables, talking to strangers, singing out loud (and offkey) to the music - she's having genuine fun - something she hasn’t felt in god knows how long
Nicola is just watching in amusement and complete disbelief that this is the same girl who yelled at her just over a month before - she gets Sophie to sit near her while she's cleaning the bar and they have a delightful conversation about everything but also nothing
Nicola realises it's getting close to the time where she has to pick Agatha up and Sophies ready to go home
In the car they have a much deeper conversation - Nicola asks why Sophie was in the snow (a topic she had long evaded the entire night) and she finally tells her about her complicated relationship with her mother and although she loves Tedros it’s the kind of love you have for your gay younger brother and that she DEFINITELY doesn’t want to marry him
Nicola tells Sophie about her own complicated family history and why she works two jobs - she tells her about her sickly father, her greedy brothers and her dead mother
And then suddenly they arrive at the pickup place and amid all the intense emotional talk - they’re very close - a second goes by before they both lean in and start making out
Until Sophie realises what she's doing and panics and honks the horn she's now running out the car into the palace
Agatha enters the car and their both reeling from the events of the past few hours The silence eventually becomes suffocating and neither can help it - they both completely unload to each other about what just happened and fuck they realise how much they
Tedros enters Sophie's room late at night and can't stop gushing about how smart, funny and oh so pretty Agatha is and how he completely just fucked it up - why didn’t he just tell her everything from the start and they wouldn’t be in this situation
Sophie then can't help but also gush about Nicola and how pretty her eyes are and soft her skin is and how she just felt so free and in control of her own life for the very first time and that's when they both realise how whipped they are
In an attempt to forget how he may have fucked up his chance with the first girl he's ever liked he chooses to write his speech Sophie sends an invite to the royal Christmas party to Agatha with a letter explaining everything because she knows Tedros wouldn’t. Tedros does the same for Nicola
During the ball, Sophie is surprised to see Nicola there but one look at Tedros and she knows that as much as she hates it she’ll have to give him a big thanks later.
She uses Tedros’ speech as a distraction to drag her away
They end up standing in front of a huge hallway in the middle of the hallway overlooking the frozen lake and snow-covered trees
Sophie explains why she panicked - at fisrst she thought it was just a mistake with all the rufh of adreneline and everything but after talknig with Tedros she realied it wasn't a mistake but rather something that  had wanted for a while but denied herself in the name of duty -  At this point, they're grasping each others' hands and as they stare into each other's eyes - snow starts to fall - they glance outside, share a smile and kiss
They make it back in time to watch as Agatha and Tedros go into the palace courtyard
Tedros then gives the annual speech - and oh shit does he do so well. His speech is relevant and uses the correct terminology all while being 100% genuine and shows just how passionate, he looks so strong and determined - like a king - and everyone is in awe
Right before he’s about to finish his speech he spots her and she's giving him the proudest smile
After the speech, Tedros and his father have this big emotional talk where he's basically like “dad I don’t want to marry the lesbian” and that he doesn’t need someone else to validate his rule and competency - Arthurs just like “ok” - Tedros’s speech proved to him that he is fully capable of running the kingdom and the change he’s seen in him this past month has also proved just that
Agatha goes to congratulate him and he leads her outside - she explains why how she's there and tells him that if he just told her that from the start it would’ve been fine - he goes all moony-eyed and they start to feel the snow and it's just the perfect moment and they kiss.
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meowdymista · 4 years
In For A Penny - Arthur x Female Reader
Notes: Adult content for an adult game.
Words: 5220
Arthur Morgan x Female Reader
Now on AO3!
Riding in to camp at Clemens Point, it quickly becomes clear a celebration is underway. The upbeat music and loud chatter advise a steady flow of alcohol, long before Bill staggers up to the hitching posts with a whiskey bottle in each hand.
“Mr Morgan! Have a drink with us!”
Arthur chuckles, rolling his eyes as Bill shoves the emptier of the two into his hand. “Thanks, Bill. What’re we celebrating?”
“I don’t really remember,” he slurs, continuing on past to his horse and raiding its saddle bag. “Sean saw some working girl in Rhodes…?”
Dismounting, he scans the camp and spots you by the fireside with Tilly and Karen. “A working girl, you say?” he asks, but Bill has found the opened bottles of fine brandy he robbed off some travellers earlier and is swaying his way over to the medical tent. 
He removes his hunted gains from his horse’s flanks and takes a large swig of the honey coloured spirit, not averting his gaze.
“Hey, Arthur!”
“Hey, Lenny, how you doin’?” He slams the carcass onto Pearson’s table and drains the bottle, joining the young man leaning against the tree trunk.
“I’m good. Hey, you heard about Sean?”
“Something about him and a working girl?” He looks over to you again, surprised by the camp’s reaction to you. Usually when an outside woman is brought in, the camp splits down the middle, with the women and Strauss on one side, and the more confident, virile men closest to the poor soul brought in for the evening’s entertainment. Somehow you have found your way into the former, with the exception of Javier who is singing on the dirt by your feet.
“Yeah, a girl he met in Valentine! He-”
“Art’er Morgan!”
“Mr Macguire.”
“Pour yerself a drink!” Sean pushes a tin cup into Arthur’s chest, raising his own into the air and sloshing it down on the group. “We’re celebratin’!”
“Tha’s clear enough to see,” he growls, smirking “But the details are still a little hazy.”
“Oh, it’s a good story, Mr Morgan! It’s a good’un. See, back in Valentine after you boys picked me up from them bounty hunters, I borrowed a few dollars of Bill to get meself cleaned up see-”
“Not that the smell changed much,” winks Lenny, earning himself a laugh. He pats Arthur on the shoulder and moves off to join the fire.
“Bastard,” scoffs Sean, scowling. “Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, I found myself talkin’ to a lovely lady with a beautiful face and, you know-” He gestures at his chest with his hands spread, laughing. 
Ignoring him, Arthur sniffs the cup. “What’ve you put in this? Stinks of moonshine!”
“Nah, it’s whisky! Maybe gin… Maybe bit of everything, but you’re interruptin’ me there! Again! Do you want to know what we’re celebratin’ or not?”
“Fine.” He takes a swig and almost spits it out. Definitely moonshine.
“Well see, of course I needed to support the local economy of that muddy town, so I take her up to bed and we have a grand ol’ time! Honestly, it’s up there as one of the bests!” (“One of the few in total,” comments Charles on his way past.) “Anyways, after we say our goodbyes and I throw her the I’m too young to be settlin’ routine, I ride back to Horseshoe. Tha’s the end o’ tha’, bla dee bla, and then we come crashing into this place.
"All’s well, Mr Morgan. It’s been a coupl’ o’ months and I figure, hey, we’ve had some good scores, I reckon I’ve earned meself a wee pat on the back since none th’ rest o’ you fellers are doin’ it for me. I decided to get me revolver all done up nice at the gunsmit’ in Rhodes when I see her fanning herself outside the parlour house.
“You could have knocked me down wit’ a feather, Arthur! She’s leaning up against a pillar, with her belly out here!” He gestures again, his hand two feet from his untucked shirt. “I thought I’d had it, Morgan! Saw my life flash before me eyes! Sean Macguire, washed up at twenty t’ree!”
“So, we’re celebratin’ you becoming a daddy?”
“Oh no, Mr Morgan! No, we’re celebratin’ that I’m not going to be a pappy, and Ol’ Scar Face gets to keep his title as shitty dad of t’year!”
“I can hear you, you son of a bitch!” cries John from the poker table. Sean waves a hand in his direction dismissively.
“What makes you so sure?” asks Arthur.
“Because she was knocked up before she met me!” He grins widely, trying to instill the same excitement in his audience. Instead Arthur shakes his head, taking another swig, before cursing at the cups remembered contents and tipping it into the grass. “I’m just going down in history as a motherfucker! Not a pappy! How great is that?”
“For the kid? Oh, I’m sure he’s thrilled to pieces!” he says coldly.
“Ouch! Would you rather have another Jack in camp?”
“I would rather you stop risking becoming a father if you ain’t ready to be one!”
“Is that what you told Marston?”
“It’s what every boy is told when he becomes a man!” Arthur grabs a beer from a nearby crate, trying and failing to hide his frustration. “I guess no one ever thought you grown up enough to say.”
The redhead staggers, clutching his shirt. “Ooft, Mr Morgan, you're pulling me heart out me chest! I thought you’d be happy for me!”
“Mm, more like happy for the kid in question.” He looks back over to you, watching you laugh. Immediately he feels himself relax. “So who’s she? You bring her in to celebrate, or somethin’?”
“Who? Y/N?” Sean tops up Arthur’s cup, but he doesn’t notice. At that same moment, you look up and meet his gaze. He holds it hungrily, but Karen interrupts, offering you another drink, forcing you to look away. “Nah, she joined us couple nights back. Musta been the first night you was off huntin’ if you’ve not met her yet.”
“Y/N? That her real name?”
“As far as I know, but you know me, I don’t ask much.” Sean laughs and walks away, leaving Arthur to drain his beer in one.
“Everythin’ alright?”
He starts, pulling his eyes off you to find Abigail getting herself a bowl of stew. Unable to remember his last meal, he follows suit.
“Yeah, just gettin’ lost in my head I guess.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t mean it. Sean, I mean.” She gives him a sad smile. “Think he’s just scared of what could have been and relieved it isn’t.”
“Well, like I said, if he ain’t ready to be a daddy-”
“No one’s ever ready to be a parent. Hell, I was scared shitless when I found out I was expecting Jack, and then John…” “John’s scared of his own reflection.” This earns him a laugh as he tears them each a chunk of bread to go with their meal.
“You can’t tell me you weren’t scared when you found out about Eliza?”
“Oh, Miss Roberts, you don’t know the half of it.” They chuckle quietly, the warm evening air suddenly sombre. “Terrified is more like it, but I guess that went away soon enough.” His eyes drag back to you and how your smile lights up by the fire. “Say, who brought in Y/N?”
Abigail follows his gaze to where you’re sat and shrugs. “I don’t know exactly. Probably one of the fellas since we ladies don’t go out much.”
He takes another drink from the cup in his hand, but it no longer strips his tongue of tastebuds. “Hey, you not sitting down to eat that?”
“Not tonight,” she smiles, walking away. “Jack’s already in bed. G’night, Arthur, don’t make too big a fool of yourself, y’hear?”
He doesn’t. There’s something about you that draws him in, something about the whole situation that isn’t quite right, but he can’t focus when his jeans are tightening over his hips. He shakes his head, trying to clear it, but when Karen leaves her seat beside you, his untouched stew hits the ground and his spurs clink towards the fire.
“And who might you be?”
You look up from the flames, surprised. The man towers over you, his face unreadable and his thumbs tucked into his gun belt. Before you can answer, he has lowered himself next to you, nodding at the guitar playing mexican by your feet.
“Didn’t take you long to serenade the newcomer, huh?”
You blush as Javier chuckles. “Usted me conoce bien.”
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” The stranger laughs loudly, drunkenly, his knee knocking yours.
“We’ve been running together long enough, haven’t we?”
“Ah, s’true, you got me there.” He shakes his head, chuckling as he shoves a cigarette between his lips. You watch his strong hands fumble with the small yellow box. His broad thumb pushes the insert too far, losing the majority of the sticks to the turf between his boots, but he doesn’t seem to notice. You grow more and more awkward as you’re forced to watch him drop or snap matches by the handful. He curses and drinks from the tin cup he brought over with him.
You notice Javier watching as well, his fingers continuing to dance over the strings. He mutters something in Spanish, and the smirk spreads enough to flash his teeth. You can only guess it is a friendly insult of some kind, but Arthur seems to come to another conclusion. He nudges you, and nods at the Mexican.
“Have you met the tough Mexican freedom fighter? The one that ran away when things got nasty?”
You hesitate, not sure how to respond. Luckily Javier shakes his head, his tightening jaw the only thing betraying his irk. “Let’s not play this game again, Arthur. It gets messy too fast.”
He grumbles, distracted when he finally gets a match to spark. He tries to hold it to the tobacco, but it burns out before his hands steady. He grunts in defeat, tucking the crumpled cigarette back into his breast pocket and turns to take you in. Somewhat satisfied, he leans forward, his hot breath moving the hair you have tucked behind your ear.
“So how much do you go for?” Your eyes widen with surprise. You try to speak, but no words form. For some reason, this tickles him. “Well? Cat got your tongue?”
“Leave her alone, Arthur.”
“Aw, Miss Tilly, I’m only playing.”
“Is he bothering you?” she asks gently. You can’t answer, your head is reeling with the way he spoke to you so bluntly, like you’re a whore looking for work. She sighs and gets to her feet, pulling you along with her. “C’mon. Let’s get another drink, and leave these assholes alone.”
“What’d I do?” he asks innocently.
“What didn’t you do?” mutters Javier.
“Wha’s tha’ supposed to mean?”
Tilly walks you away to a quieter corner, apologising, but you laugh it off. After all, you can think now. His proximity had put your head in a spin, but away from the heat and the physical contact you could think clearly again. You assure her no offence has been taken; he’s drunk, and something about his breath made you believe his drinks were much stronger than yours.
You clink a couple of fresh beers in cheers, and when Karen swoops round again, you let her pour you another shot of whisky directly into your mouth.
“Take it easy, huh?” Mary Beth says, touching Karen’s arm, but the blonde is already travelling again, this time towards the Irish man in the green bowler hat.
“Remind me again why I put up with you?” she slurs.
“Because you love me, darlin’!”
She laughs loudly, prodding him in the chest. “If I loved you, would I do this?” A crack reverberates across the lake, leaving the red head with a flaming red cheek.
“What was tha’ for?”
Mary Beth sighs in defeat, shaking her head at you. “She’s not normally like that, I promise. That boy is an exception.”
“Funny! I was just saying the same thing about Arthur!” You try to stop her, but she’s quickly confessed your strange encounter. Trying to hide your embarrassment, you find yourself infinitely grateful Tilly hasn’t heard everything he said. You like this group and don’t want anybody thinking less of you because of some drunken remark.
“Odd, he usually keeps to himself when there’s a new lady in camp,” muses Mary Beth.
“Abigail travelled with us a full month before he spoke to her.”
You set aside your empty bottle, feeling a little light headed. The two women muse, silently conversing in front of you until they’re interrupted with a shout.
“Where’s all this moonshine come from?” coughs Arthur, throwing aside a bottle he had found in the grass. “Is Sean trying to get everyone black out drunk?”
“Ah, not this time. That moonshine’s mine,” chuckles Hosea, walking over to pick up the bottle and return it to his tent. “I kept a couple back after we took it up to the Braithwaites. It comes in handy when making fire bottles and the like.”
“Well hide it somewhere more discrete, would ya?” Arthur splutters some more, following him. “I reckon Sean has already broken into your stash.”
“That would make sense,” sighs Hosea. You notice what had been five large bottles under the medical wagon has somehow dwindled to two. You also note that they are the same size and shape of the stuff Uncle had been drinking that morning, but you say nothing.
Following the women away from the campfire towards your beds, you see Mrs Adler close one of Mary Beth’s books she was reading by the lantern.
“It’s no good over here, ladies,” she grunts with disgust. “The boys are loud wherever you go.”
“Guess we had better wait it out by the water,” sighs Tilly.
“Hey, Y/N! What do you think of this?” Karen barrels her way to your side and, before you can greet her, she has tilted the contents of a tin cup into your mouth. The smell of alcohol alone is enough to bring tears to your eyes, and the other girls complain as you cough up a lung.
“Is that moonshine? And… tobacco?” you manage to gasp. 
“I can’t tell no more,” she slurs, squinting at the bottle. She turns around and pours you a cup from a different bottle. “What ‘bout this one?”
Mary Beth grabs her arm. “Karen! What’s gotten into you?”
“Leggo of me!”
Whilst they argue, you take the cup from her outstretched hand and drink it down in one. “Wow!” You shake your head, looking into the cup as though expecting it to contain flames. “This one... raspberry?”
“Who knows?” She yanks her arm free and begins to stagger off. “I found two men making Moonshine outside of Rhodes. Think they’re experimentin’, or at least that’s what Arthur said.” She hiccups and laughs at you as the world begins to spin.
“Y/N, are you ok?”
“Sure,” you say, trying to blink your way back to single vision. Taking a deep breath, you squeeze your eyes closed and reopen them. Mary Beth and Tilly are looking at you with concern. Mrs Adler’s face is unreadable. You can feel your cheeks burning, but also feel the confidence blossoming in your chest. “Yes. I’m fine.”
“Have you had moonshine before?” asks Tilly with concern. “It’s strong stuff.”
“A couple of times,” you admit, smiling despite yourself. None of the women look best impressed, but Karen rescues you, wrapping her arm over your shoulders after an about turn and drags you back to the party.
“Have all of you met my friend, Y/N?” she slurs.
“You’ve been with us two days now, is that right?” asks Charles gently. You nod, cheeks still scorching hot. You spot the brooding figure stood at the back of the group and somehow your cheeks grow hotter still. The distance allows you to see him in his entirety - his legs thickening at the thigh from the horse riding, the faded blue shirt tucked in at his narrow hips and stretching up to the thick broad shoulders. The crackle of the fire reflects in his eyes, and suddenly it’s not just your cheeks that are uncomfortably warm.
You don’t resist as Karen pushes another bottle into your hand.
“Who was it that found you?” asks Lenny.
“I wasn’t found as much as-”
You’re interrupted by a snort. “LENNAAAAY!” cries out Arthur suddenly.
Lenny groans. “Oh, not that again!”
He laughs that loud laugh to the group, staggering over to clamp a hand on the young man’s shoulders. “Here, we go out for one drink and I swear the next day the bartender tells me I asked every single person in the saloon if they were Lenny.” He doubles over. “But most of ‘em were white! And half of ‘em were women!”
“It hurt to find out what you think of me, Arthur,” teases Lenny.
Charles is watching the blonde man as he staggers, trying to calm himself down. “How much has he had to drink?” he asks no one in particular.
“Oi! Karen!”
“Uh oh,” giggles Karen, elbowing you.
“Where’s me moonshine gone?”
“Your moonshine?” Hosea intercepts Sean before he can reach you. “I think you’ll find that moonshine was camp supplies!”
“Yeah, Sean! Camp supplies.” She lifts your hand holding the bottle. “Thought you liked sharing?”
“Miss Jones.” Hosea turns around, voice stern. “Is that my moonshine?”
“No, sir,” she answers sweetly. “S’camp’s moonshine.”
He rolls his eyes as she takes another big swig, sloshes some into your cup and throws the rest onto the fire which immediately burns up. You can’t help but laugh at the degree of disapproval radiating from him. Taking the opportunity of your mouth agape, she tips the cup into your mouth and makes you swallow.
“First rule of drinkin’ is to never drink alone,” she states proudly.
“I feel like you’re supposed to ask first,” you gasp.
“Nah, that’s how you end up stuck in camp. If you want something, you have to go get it!”
“Mr Matthews!” squawks Miss Grimshaw from her bed. “God help you if you do not get that girl to bed!” “Shut up you old hag!” Karen retorts, stumbling as Hosea leads her away.
“Apologies, Miss Grimshaw. I’m on it!”
Blinking you realise you are the only one standing this side of the fire. The men are quiet, watching the flames eat at the logs, each of them in their own head. You can feel something watching you, and when you look up, you spot the same cowboy staring at you. As you lock eyes, he blinks and shakes his head as though coming to his senses. 
With a big sigh, he ambles towards the shoreline, dropping his beer on the ground as he passes. The world is swirling, but without his eyes on you, you suddenly feel invisible. Taking a deep breath, you follow him as best you can. You aren’t graceful and you certainly aren’t quiet, but the sound of deep sleep comes from the tents you have to pass, undisturbed even when you almost fall on top of them.
When he reaches the water he stops and leans his head back, looking up to the night sky. “You fool, Arthur Morgan,” he mumbles. “Why’d you have to be such an idiot? No wonder the women hate yer.”
You clear your throat and he flinches so hard, he almost falls over. You apologise, rushing forward to catch him. He grasps your outstretched arms and somehow manages to right himself. It takes a moment to realise you’re still holding on to one another.
“I’m sorry about before,” you begin, dropping your arms.
He mirrors you, shaking his head. “Nah, s’my fault. I ain’t ever been the best drunk.”
“I’m- I don’t mean that. I’m just…” You force yourself to take a deep breath.
“Listen, it was my mistake. There’s a lot going on, we gotta lotta plates spinnin’ and then I saw you, and...” He trails off, looking out at the water, sighing sadly. “I’m sorry for jumpin’ on yer like tha’.”
You follow his gaze out across the shore, listening to the waves lap gently over themselves. Dark smudges of geese fly through the moonlight and into the wisps of clouds that are starting to crawl in across the inky sky. Somewhere a laughing gull cries out, repeating itself like a grandfather clock on the hour.
“We’ve had… a lot to drink.” You close your eyes, but the world spins. He must see you wobble, because a hand touches your back before your eyes open again. You look up to thank him and find his eyes tracing your lips. You realise you’re biting your lip.
With a deep breath you straighten yourself up out of his arms. He doesn’t stop you, if anything it snaps him out of his trance.
“We’ve had a lot to drink and I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”
“O’course, Miss. I understand.”
You turn your head to look up at him, to learn more about the stranger, but instead you find yourself staring at the muscles in his arms and the soft halo surrounding them. You swallow, and try to drag your gaze upwards, but you’ve already seen the bulge in his trousers, and you don’t make it to his face before noticing the skin radiating from the top of his shirt. His chest, his shoulders, his entire torso looks strong. You wonder if it feels the way it looks…
“You were saying, Miss?”
You feel the words vibrate through your fingers and rumble right down your arm. It takes a moment for the sound to wake you, and when it does you realise your mouth is open and your hand has found its way into the V of his shirt.
He’s already looking down at you. You feel the pulse of desire between your hips and the warmth spread as his grey gaze transfixes you. “Y/N?”
Grabbing his upper arm in one hand and his neck in the other, you pull yourself up to kiss him square on the mouth. With no need for encouragement, he returns the pressure, pulling you flush against his body.
Your body purrs as his trousers tense against your skirts, and a groan escapes your chest as his teeth brush your neck. Your head falls back, your lungs already panting, your nails dig into his shirt. When something brushes the back of your head, you open your eyes to see that you’ve moved a little away out of sight of those still at the fireside. He has you pressed up against the wall of eroded dirt, kissing you deeply, squeezing your breasts and you accept his worship.
His hair is thick between your fingers and you hook your leg around him to pull him closer. The move takes him by surprise, but he recovers quickly, providing you the weight you yearned for. He returns the motion, one hand breaking free from between you and rustling up your skirts in search of your ass.
You lower your leg and shove him hard in the chest. He falls back, confused until your undergarments land beside his head. You try to dispose of his trousers the same way, but the suspenders won’t allow you access. Realising your intentions, he pulls them off of his shoulders, cradling your head in both hands as he continues to nibble your lip, your hands fumbling over his union suit.
Coming up for air frustrates you until you see his exposed chest. You trace your fingers over his skin as his grip moves to your hips, pulling you down onto that bulge.
“Get this thing off me now or so help me,” you moan. Eager to obey, he pulls the waistband of your skirt, making it crack as the buttons pop off. With help, you manage to lift the skirt over your head, your blouse already unbuttoned half way.
He pulls his arms free from the cotton as you tug his trousers from his legs, his feet wrestling clumsily as he tries to kick off his boots. You try to scoop the loose change back into his pockets, but he’s pulled you back on top of him, kissing you again, his hands exploring your exposed skin and tugging at the strings of your corset. You try to help him, but the thick member rubbing against the inside of your thigh wipes any pre-existing intentions
Your entire body stiffens as he slips inside you with a long guttural groan. Suddenly the urgency has dissipated and is replaced with a low throbbing tremor deep into your core. Instinct forces your hips to grind deeper onto him, forcing air out of your lungs to make room.
You can feel yourself building, feel his fingers digging into the bare flesh of your hips, your pelvises trying to make contact with each other. You lift your arms behind your head, stretching your upper body as though somehow you can make more room for him inside you and cram more of him in. He pushes your body up and brings you slamming back down before you can object, and you feel it again, the throbbing of your core as he slowly bounces you over his shaft, groaning.
Before the bubble can burst, he throws you off. You open your mouth to argue, but he’s scrambling to his knees, reaching for your hips and pulling you back into him. You don’t really understand until you’re on all fours and he pushes himself back inside. He begins to build up speed, and you can feel his balls slapping against your clit. You don’t know what to do with yourself, he’s hitting all your sweet spots, your hands reaching for anything to hold onto, but instead returning fistfulls of dirt, sand and seaweed.
Your eyes roll as the bubble of pleasure which has grown ever larger inside you bursts. You can feel your muscles squeezing, then pulsing and squeezing again as though milking him. You can hear him choking at the sensation and as the edge of your orgasm softens, you push back hard and pull away, lengthening each stroke.
Arthur cries out into the night as he empties himself of weeks of pressure. You can feel it pouring into you, feel him twitching against your walls, and you lean back greedily. Eventually there is nothing other than your shared panting. No snoring, no birds, barely any tide.
You land on your front, exhausted. A muffled thud confirms Arthur has also hit the ground. You can barely summon the energy to lift your eyelids - the orgasm far exceeds anything you have achieved on your own or past partners.
Eventually you roll onto your back. The purple of the night is retreating in favour of violet and soft pinks. Following the colours, you see the first trickles of the sun bleeding over the shrine of the camp. You let it wash over you, feel it cleansing your spirit.
Wondering if Arthur is still breathing, you lift your head. He is also watching the serene sunrise, tranquility smoothing the lines of his face.
The bark of a dog snaps you back to reality. People are stirring in camp and you are as good as naked on the beach. As though summoned by the horror, a chuckle ripples over the water.
“Have yourselves a good evening?” asks a man rowing past. You grab your skirts and whatever else is at hand and flee.
“What were you thinking?”
Arthur groans, pulling the blanket over his face, but it gets yanked straight back to his waist. “Not now. Please, Hosea.”
“Not now? Put your trousers back on, boy, before there’s a mutiny!”
He tries to reach to see if there’s evidence for the battering, but he vomits spectacularly over the edge of the bed.
“What the devil took over you last night? You! Of all people!”  Arthur is barely able to breath between retches, the remnants of the moonshine, spirits and bile, splashing against the crates. “You take the one girl here without a history and- what’re you doing over here? Go find your mother!”
“Calm down, she’ll get paid,” he groans, wiping his mouth as a loud giggle knocks another nail into his brain..
“Why has Uncle Arthur got his bottom out?”
“Ooft, mark the day, young Jack! Eyewitness accounts report that the sun does not, in fact, shine out of Arthur Morgan’s arse cheeks! Who’d’ve thunk!”
“Mr Macguire, make yourself useful and take the boy with you! And tell the women to stay the other side of camp too!”
“Aw, but they’re already gigglin’ about it.”
“No one will be gigglin’ when I’m finished! Now git!”
“Alrigh’, alrigh’, keep your pants on!” Sean’s cackle splits Arthur’s head open. He tries to move the blanket, awareness creeping in amongst the hangover as the infamous chortle sounds.
“Not you too, Dutch. Go see to the women.”
“My boy, you have royally outdone yourself this time.” His laughter booms off the trees. “Come along, Miss O’Shea, nothing to see here.”
“I think a lot of t’girls will disagree with you there, Dutch.”
“Especially Y/N if the stories are true!”
“Ain’t no stories to be tellin’! Everybody heard them!”
“Shee-yit.” Arthur groans, his memory hissing at the scratch marks on his back..
“Trousers on. Now. Before more people come ogling.” The chest by his feet creaks open, and clothes begin to rain on him. “And for the love of God, sort out the mess you made on the shore! Last thing we need is Pinkerton’s following the trail of bloomers to camp!”
He sits up with a grunt, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, eyes squinting at the bright light of the tent. Hosea kicks a lone worn boot away from the puddle, cursing.
“A little privacy?”
“Don’t make me laugh! You might not be a teenager, but I’ll throw you out by your ear!”
“What’s your problem?”
“My problem?” The old man gestures to the heavens. “Where to start? Disrupting the camp with your racket! Littering belongings for others to find! Playing buckaroo with the girl who’s here for her protection!”
“Her protection?” He scoffs, his hands shaking too much to button his shirt, but his stomach sinks.
“She didn’t tell you?”
He winces. “We didn’t do much talking,” he admits.
“Dutch found her robbing the trailers just above Rhodes. He was going to give her a ride home - to that run down place, Lonnie’s Shack - but Sean had scoped it that morning. Said some bandits rocked up and took out the father living there before setting up camp. So Dutch brought her here instead.”
“Bet you’re going to say she’s not even a whore at this rate,” he groans, trying to push himself off the bed, but the sight of his adopted father’s scowl knocks him back. “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.”
“Get up and clean up, mister!” Hosea kicks the chest and stalks away. “Before I give Bill his gelding tongs back!”
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
Under the sun - 1
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Commodus x Oc, Commodus x Reader
I recently watched Gladiator, and I'm obsessed with Ancient Rome. I absolutely HAD to make a fanfiction about Commodus ❤❤❤
I feel stranded in a land that was once so dear to me. My father is not the man be used to be. Turned mad by grief and power. Taxing everyone, even those who are the poorest. Farmers and most traders and townsfolk said they are furious about my father's behavior. The war has been going on for years. I can't help myself, but pray to the gods that it will end. It can't end like this. This land is so foreign to me, I can't seem to find any peace. This nightmare seems never ending. May I hope to the gods that they are merciful on my father. For he is about to go into war, and I fear that he may not return.
Domitia Livius, the princess of Gaul, was writing in her journal, with her soft inked quill briefly touching the parchment.
She was in fear of her country, especially since her father, Emperor Juventius, had began a long dreadful war with Rome. Her brother, Raecius, didn't seem to mind that countless lives were at stake. The Romans were not kind to Juventius. Domitia's tyrannical father held an iron fist on the nation. Domitia dreaded seeing her people in such awful conditions. As the war went on, more people were without food and shelter. Even the slaves and servants below her, Domitia still felt empathetic towards those individuals.
But, Domitia couldn't change what was law. Her older brother, Raecius Livius Cloelius, was proper heir to the throne. She believed that her brother, though not as greedy and selfish as her father, was not fit to rule over the country. He believed in the war, and that they could win, and possibly take over Rome. However, weeks later, thousands of Roman soldiers appeared at the east gate, holding the head of Juventius Libertius Livius.
Domitia couldn't forget that day. It struck her deep. The memory of her country, now under rule over the Roman Empire, made her weep.
Domitia stayed in her palace, entering a very long state of depression.
Raecius gently knocked on her tower room door, before coming in.
"Sister," said Raecius, softly. "I just received word from the Senate. They requested that I sign the peace treaty, and form alliances with Rome."
Domitia looked over at her brother from the other side of the room. "Do as you must, Raecius. Now that Father's dead, you're in charge now. It is, now, your duty as Emperor to put an end to father's war." Domitia said, keeping a straight face at her brother.
Raecius is now Emperor of Gaul. Father was killed during the war. It appears that the war my father started has ended. The only thing left is the Peace Treaty. Emperor Marcus of Rome asked to speak with my brother about forming an alliance. I can't sleep at night. The stress that my father had caused me has vanished, but the anxiety of my fallen kingdom has hurt me so much that I can't bare to leave my tower. I see so many people hurt by it all, yet relieved to see that the tyrannical reign of my father has ended. People have been throwing stones that the palace, demanding for answers. I can't give them what they desire, and that's what keeps me awake at night. I can't help my people. I can't seem to do anything really.
Domitia's tears stained the parchment paper. She gripped tightly to her ink and quill, staining ink all over the page in the process.
It had been a few weeks since Raecius left to seek word from the Senate. When he returned, he had tearful eyes. Raecius entered her room with Roman guards by his side.
"Brother? What's this all about?" Domitia looked over cautiously at the two guards.
"Domitia, Emperor Marcus is dead." Rae bit his lip, struggling to get his words out. "His son refuses to sign the peace treaty. I did what was best for the kingdom. The Senate also demanded that this be put into place."
Domitia's eyes grew wide at Raecius. "What are you saying?" She said, shakily.
"You are to be wed to Emperor Commodus in Rome. This will be the last night you will stay in Gaul. Tomorrow at sunrise, you will ride in a carriage directed to Rome." Raecius said, looking away from his sister.
Domitia gasped, promptly slapping Raecius across the face. A tear rolled down her face as she ran past her brother and the guards.
In Rome, the peoples were distraught as well. Commodus was in power with his beloved sister at his side.
He wanted to tear down Gaul. This forming alliance thing was unnecessary and pointless. He was Emperor. He should be able to pick his wife. His beautiful sister, Lucilla, was the perfect choice for him. She is all he ever wanted. Now, he had to marry some random whore from another country. The thought of it disgusted him.
"Brother, there is no need to pout. I'm sure she'll make a lovely wife." Lucilla said, attempting to comfort her brother.
"No, this entire thing is absolutely pointless. I don't need a wife from a foreign country. What we should do is finish what we started." Commodus growled. However, the Senate got the upper hand in votes. The war had been effecting the economy of Rome for quite some time now. The war needed a draw so that Rome didn't lose all its traded goods.
"Commodus, you can't change the mind of the Senate." Commodus turned his head away from Lucilla.
"I couldn't love any woman more than I love you. Dear sister, can't I just marry you?" Commodus whined like a child.
Lucilla sighed, deeply. "Commodus, I am your sister. The love you have shown me is very kind, but can never escalate into something more. You are getting married to the princess from Gaul, and you can't change that."
"She'll be disgusting. The most repulsive woman I've ever seen. I will never love her, even if she is by my side. I will never love that woman as my wife." Commodus declared as he stomped off.
Lucilla sighed in relief. Her brother needed another woman in his life. Commodus obsession with his sister was out of hand.
As the wedding got closer and closer, Commodus dreaded seeing Domitia. His resentment grew stronger and stronger.
Domitia had finally arrived to Rome with her brother that her side.
"Emperor Commodus meet Domitia, daughter of Juventius, and sister to Emperor Raecius." A guard announced.
Commodus and Lucilla both stepped out of their palace to greet Raecius. Commodus stopped in his tracks as he saw Domitia. Her beauty stunned him as headed to greet her. Lucilla could see Commodus grow a new attraction to the foriegn girl.
"Lucius Aurelius Commodus. It's a pleasure to meet you, Domitia." Commodus said, taking a brief bow.
Domitia turned away, not facing him in his eyes. "Indeed, a pleasure."
@princessgeekface @memory-mortis @gloomyladyy @kat-o-combs
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Kurtbastian - A Dalton Boy Slowing Things Down (Rated NC17)
Summary: After Kurt's Christmas party, after Sebastian drops, he has a difficult time drifting off to a peaceful sleep. So Kurt opts to wake him up and share a peaceful morning. (1710 words)
Notes: Okay, so this actually sends us back to right after the Christmas tree incident. This was a vignette I wrote for right after 'A Dalton Boy Learns the Truth' but it got corrupted on another computer. I managed to recover it an finish it so, yeah. Here you are. It's one of the softer love scenes in the series.
Read on AO3.
Sebastian eventually settles into a cozy, happy place lying beside Kurt in bed – that floaty, blurry-edged, cloud-like space that usually follows a particularly strenuous scene. But unlike other times, Sebastian finds it difficult to fend off stressful dreams. According to what he hears Kurt murmur in his ear the times he startles himself awake, Sebastian dropped pretty hard, pretty fast. Every thought that fills his mind after he finally drifts off to a solid sleep is steeped in melancholy and ‘sad’, even over things he’d once been excited about.
Things he’d been looking forward to.
He’d never before seen graduating high school and leaving Westerville as an ending. Even though he isn’t entirely grounded in what he wants to do with the rest of his life, he saw it as a beginning. Even if he doesn’t leap straight into college, the possibilities are endless. He recognizes that he has a certain amount of privilege, and he loves it. He’s one lucky fuck. He could travel the world, volunteer overseas, go to a trade school and slum it learning something mundane like refrigerator repair or aluminum siding installation.
His dad would probably hate that. He wouldn’t say it outright, but he’d allude to it in every conversation they’d have. His dad isn’t an asshole where class systems are concerned. He owns enough properties that he respects blue collar workers, appreciates the services they provide.
He’s just never pictured his son becoming one.
His father can’t really complain if he does. Trade work is a good living. And seeing where the economy is headed, it might even be better in the long run than getting a degree in business. Every day Sebastian reads articles claiming trade school’s where it’s at for his generation.
Besides, he could see Kurt digging it.
His dad’s a mechanic. Sebastian has heard them talk shop over the phone, watched him give Elliott’s bike a once over when he complained it was making a funny noise. It was hotter than hell watching Kurt get his hands dirty changing the oil in his Navigator.
Maybe watching Sebastian get his own hands dirty would have the same effect on Kurt.
Sebastian could go to New York and try his luck on the Broadway stage, or Hollywood and try to break into network television. If he gets off his ass tomorrow and starts a YouTube channel, he could land himself a role on a CW television show. That happens a lot, doesn’t it? To people with a lot less talent than him? His parents might not be over-the-moon about that idea either, but it’s his life. They keep saying so. How he lives it is up to him.
Which is obvious when he considers his current circumstances.
At the start of his senior year, there wasn’t a single thing keeping him tethered to Westerville. He’d come back to visit his parents, of course, but once he graduated Dalton, he’d have no unfinished business in Ohio. He could close this chapter of his life, consider it over and done.
All that changed the night he showed up at Pavarotti’s Prison.
The night he became Kurt’s pet.
Now when he graduates, he’ll be leaving something extraordinary behind - Kurt Hummel, and the claim he’s staked on Sebastian’s heart.
And even though that thought has begun to pull him apart, it’s also caused ideas to form. He may not know what he wants to do, but he knows where he wants to be, and why.
And oddly, he feels like that’s giving him direction.
Warmth on his chest starts pulling him awake. Centered between his pecs and over his heart, a pressure has begun to grow, accompanied by a comforting sensation he can’t put his finger on. In this half-dream state, he knows where he is, who he’s with. He knows he’s with Kurt, cuddled against him, cradled in his arms. But the more aware he becomes of his surroundings, he realizes they’ve flipped positions.
Kurt’s head is on Sebastian’s chest instead of the other way around.
Normally when Kurt wakes Sebastian, it’s with rough sex - Sebastian tied and gagged, being ridden hard like a dildo.
For hours sometimes.
Kurt can never seem to get enough.
But this time, when Sebastian starts to wake, it’s to barely there kisses on his neck and the tiniest licks around the hollow of his throat.
“Are you okay, preppy?” Kurt whispers against his sub’s skin when he hears his breathing change, feels him waking up. “After last night?”
“I think so, Master,” Sebastian says, wincing at his own gravelly voice.
“Is this alright?” Kurt asks to Sebastian’s surprise because Kurt never asks. He takes. That’s rule number one – in Kurt’s house, everything belongs to him, and he takes without asking. But here he was, asking if Sebastian is okay.
Asking Sebastian if he wants this.
If he can handle it.
If he’s willing to try.
“Yes, Master,” Sebastian says. “It’s alright.”
“Good. Because I need you inside me,” Kurt decides, fiddling with his hands where Sebastian can’t see, then moving him around, turning him on his side and positioning his sub behind him. A bottle lid pops, something rips, cold and wet covers Sebastian’s cock applied by soft, strong hands. “You don’t even have to wake up if you don’t want to.”
Sebastian chuckles, but those chuckles turn to moans when hot and tight starts inching its way down his erection. “H-how strong do you think I am, Master?”
“Pretty fucking strong. Here …” Kurt puts his hand on Sebastian’s hip and rocks him back and forth ever so slightly, “just like that. D-don’t go any faster than that.”
“Yes, Master,” Sebastian mumbles into Kurt’s shoulder, gnawing gently the way Kurt showed him. Kurt sinks into him, and Sebastian can’t remember having sex in a more intimate way than this with anyone.
He follows Kurt’s orders, sliding slowly back and forth, a hint of thrust that puts the head of his cock right where Kurt wants him and keeps him there. It takes control to stay this way, to not flip Kurt onto his stomach and pound him into the mattress, which is something that he, luckily, enjoys.
But no.
Not this time.
Kurt wants slowly.
So Sebastian will give him slowly.
It’s relaxing having sex this way. He can see himself lasting forever at this speed and in this position. How wonderful would that be? Rolling into Kurt’s body for the rest of the morning, on and on until the afternoon. The phone would ring, people would stop by, knock on the window, bark at him to let them in. But they’d ignore the world and all their problems and fuck the day away.
Kurt’s nails bite into Sebastian’s hips and he starts to speed up. He doesn’t do it consciously. Kurt is just so sexy, and he feels so good around him, Sebastian can’t help himself. It creeps up on him, Kurt’s body coaxing him with the subtle flexing of his muscles, breathy gasps from his lips, and his smell - everything he’s put on his skin or in his body in the past few hours - a lethal combination of cloves, cologne, whiskey, lubricant, and soap. For a moment, Kurt is on that same page with him, chanting, “Yes, yes, yes …” as he tugs Sebastian forward, urges him on. But like a locomotive overshooting its stop, he slams on the brakes.
“No! No no …” Kurt slides down Sebastian’s cock till his ass meets his sub’s groin and stops him. “You’re not cumming. Not yet. And neither am I. Take a breath. A deep breath ... not yet …” he continues sotto voce “… it can’t … just … not yet ...”
“Alright,” Sebastian pants. “I understand … Master …”
Kurt nods, bringing Sebastian’s hand to his lips and kissing his fingers, counting against his skin as he tries to settle his orgasm down.
“O-okay.” Kurt scoots forward, nudging Sebastian’s hips toward him. “Keep going.”
Sebastian’s hands move as his hips moves. He can’t stop them, and Kurt doesn’t say no. He grabs Kurt’s hip, holds on tight, but it’s not enough. He wraps his arms around him – one around his waist, one around his torso, and hugs. Flush against each other with only his hips parting from his body in brief, steady intervals, it’s almost close enough.
“Oh …” Kurt moans, “oh, preppy … oh God …”
Sebastian wraps a hand around Kurt’s cock and holds him, surrenders to letting his Master use him to work his way to an orgasm. Outside Kurt’s bedroom window with one shutter open, snow begins to fall. It piles up on the sills, sticks to the glass, catching moonlight from outside and twinkling like stars. It’s a magical sight, but less so than the man in Sebastian’s arms.
The warmth from before, the one in his chest, becomes lava hot. It cascades through his body. He has no control over it, and that’s the best part. Being with Kurt, he rarely has control. Kurt owns the control. Kurt decides when Sebastian cums, if Sebastian cums, and how. It’s torture and release, the not knowing along with the not needing to decide. But that’s where trust comes into the equation.
And Sebastian trusts Kurt to take care of him - in every way possible.
The heat rushes through his body the same time a similar heat spills over his hand. A shuddering Kurt turns his head and captures Sebastian’s mouth. Kissing Sebastian is Kurt’s favorite way to ride out an orgasm. This position requires Sebastian to strain his abs, prop himself awkwardly onto one elbow and contort so that Kurt can kiss him comfortably for as long as he pleases.
But Sebastian would stay this way forever if it meant Kurt would be thoroughly satisfied.
“Okay,” Kurt whispers. “Okay … okay … oh God …” He snuggles back against Sebastian’s chest, grabs his arms and wraps them around himself. And to Sebastian, there isn’t a better feeling in the world. “We have to do that about a hundred more times before you leave for your folks’.”
Sebastian runs his cheek against Kurt’s hair, keeping deeper thoughts to himself. “I’m game if you are.”
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grandwizardcreation · 4 years
fate/stay night heaven's feel - iii. spring song full m-o-v-i-e
fate/stay night heaven's feel - iii. spring song movie
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The final chapter in the Heaven's feel trilogy. Angra Mainyu has successfully possessed his vessel Sakura Matou . It's up to Rin, Shiro, and Rider to cleanse the grail or it will be the end of the world and magecraft as we all know it.
Title : Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel III. Spring Song Original Title : 劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Ⅲ.spring song Alternative Titles : Fate/stay night Heaven's Feel III.spring song Directed by : Yuki Kajiura Cast : Noriaki Sugiyama, Noriko Shitaya, Ayako Kawasumi, Kana Ueda, Mai Kadowaki, Miki Itō Genre : Animation Countries : Japan
Our relationship is strained. It feels like it has been for a while. For the last four years, there has been an elephant in the room — I’d joke and call it an orange elephant, but I’m nervous that might end this earnest conversation before it even begins. Have I changed? I mean, yes, of course I have. I’ve gotten older. I’ve had two children. I’ve tried to read and learn as much as possible, just as you taught me. In fact, that’s sort of the weirdest thing. I don’t think I’ve changed much. I still believe, deep in my bones, all the fundamental things you not only talked to me about, but showed me when I was little. I believe in character. I believe in competence. I believe in treating people decently. I believe in moderation. I believe in a better future and I believe in American exceptionalism, the idea that the system we were given by the Founding Fathers, although imperfect, has been an incredible vehicle for progress, moral improvement, and greatness, unlike any other system of government or country yet conceived. I believe this exceptionalism comes with responsibilities. Politically, I’m pretty much the same, too. Government is best when limited, but it’s nonetheless necessary. Fair but low taxes grow the economy. Rights must be protected, privacy respected. Partisanship stops at the water’s edge. No law can make people virtuous — that obligation rests on every individual. So how is it even possible that we’re here? Unable to travel, banned from entry by countless nations. The laughingstock of the developed world for our woeful response to a pandemic. 200,000 dead. It hasn’t been safe to see you guys or grandma for months, despite being just a plane ride away. My children — your grandchildren — are deprived of their friends and school. Meanwhile, the U.S., which was built on immigration — grandma being one who fled the ravages of war in Europe for a better life here — is now a bastion of anti-immigrant hysteria. Our relatives on your side fought for the Union in the Civil War. Great-grandpa fought against the Russians in WWI, and granddad landed at Normandy to stop the rise of fascism. And now people are marching with tiki-torches shouting, “the Jews will not replace us.” What is happening?! Black men are shot down in the streets? Foreign nations are offering bounties on American soldiers?
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If not for me, then for the world that will be left to your grandchildren. This does not feel like a good road we are going down… Look, I know you’re not to blame for this. You hold no position of power besides the one we all have as voters, but I guess I just always thought you believed in the lessons you taught me, and the things we used to listen to on talk radio on our drives home from the lake. All those conversations about American dignity, the power of private enterprise, the sacredness of the Oval Office, the primacy of the rule of law. Now Donald Trump gushes over foreign strongmen. He cheats on his wife with porn stars (and bribes them with illegal campaign funds). He attacks whistleblowers (career army officers, that is). He lies blatantly and habitually, about both the smallest and largest of things. He enriches himself, his family members, and his business with expenditures straight from the public treasury. And that’s just the stuff we know about. God knows what else has happened these last four years that executive privilege has allowed him to obscure from public view. I still think about the joke you made when we walked past Trump Tower in New York when I was kid. Tacky, you said. A reality show fool. Now that fool has his finger on the nuclear button — which I think he thinks is an actual button — and I can’t understand why you’re OK with this. I mean, the guy can’t even spell! You demanded better of me in the papers I turned in when I was in middle school. I know you don’t like any of it. If you’d have had your choice, any other Republican would have been elected but Trump. You’re not an extremist, and you’ve never once said anything as repulsive as what people now seem comfortable saying on TV and social media (and in emails to your son, I might add). Four years ago, I wrote to you to ask you not to vote for Donald Trump. But this time around, that’s no longer enough. At some point, just finding it all unpleasant and shaking your head at the tweets, while saying or doing nothing more about it, is moral complicity. You told me that as a kid! That the bad prevail when good people do nothing. A while back I emailed a friend of mine who is an advisor to the administration. I said to him, why do you think my dad’s support of Trump bothers me so much more than yours? Because it does. This is someone who helped put Trump in office and wants to keep him there, but we’re still friends. Talking to him doesn’t hurt my heart the way it does when politics come up over family meals. The man’s answer was telling, and I am quoting. He said, “Because I am irredeemable, but your dad ought to know better.” Does that register with you at all? One of the things you taught me well was how to spot a scam. Double check everything, you said. Do your research. Look at what the people around them say. Look at their history. Remember when you used to quote Reagan’s line to me, “Trust, but verify”? I’ve been lucky enough to make a few trips to Washington the last few years. I’ve sat across from Senators and Congressmen. I’ve talked to generals who have briefed the president, and business leaders who worked with him before the election. This is a guy who doesn’t read, they said, a guy with the attention span of a child. Everybody avoided doing business with him. Because he didn’t listen, because he stiffed people on bills, because he was clueless. He treated women horribly. He’s awful, they said. I thought this was a particularly damning line: If Donald Trump were even half-competent, one elected official told me, he could probably rule this country for 20 years. I have trouble figuring what’s worse — that he wants to, or that he wants to but isn’t competent enough to pull it off. Instead, Washington is so broken and so filled with cowards that Trump just spent the last four years breaking stuff and embarrassing himself. I learned from you how to recognize a dangerous or unreliable person. If you don’t trust the news, could you trust what I’m bringing you, right from the source? Let’s trust our gut, not our political sensibility. Based on what I’ve told you, and what you’ve seen: Would you let him manage your money? Would you want your wife or daughter to work for him without supervision? I’m not even sure I would stay in one of his hotels, after what I’ve read. Watching the RNC a few weeks ago, I wondered what planet I was on. What’s with all the yelling? How is this happening on the White House lawn? Why are his loser kids on the bill? His kid’s girlfriend??? And what is this picture of America they are painting? They are the ones in charge! Yet they choose to campaign against the dystopian nightmare that is 2020… which is to say, they are campaigning against themselves. Look, I agree there is crazy stuff happening in the world. The civil unrest is palpable, violence is on the rise, and Americans have never been so openly divided. Sure, rioting and looting are bad. But who is to blame for all the chaos? The President. Remember what you told me about the sign on Truman’s desk? The buck stops here. (May we contrast that with: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”) In any case, what some crazy people in Portland are doing is not ours to repeatedly disavow. What the president does? The citizens are complicit in that. Especially if we endorse it at the ballot box come November 3rd. Besides, what credibility do we have to insist on the ‘rule of law’ when eight of the president’s associates have faced criminal charges? His former lawyer went to jail, too! And then the president commutes their sentences, dangles pardons to keep them quiet, or tries to prevent them from cooperating with authorities? When he’s fined millions of dollars for illegally using his charity as a slush fund? When he cheats on his taxes? When he helped his parents avoid taxes, too? I remember you once told me the story of a police officer in your department who was caught filling up his personal car with gas paid for by the city. The problem, you said, wasn’t just the mistake. It was that when he was confronted by it, he lied. But the cameras showed the proof and so he was fired, for being untrustworthy most of all. Would you fire Trump if he worked for you? What kind of culture do you think your work would have had if the boss acted like Trump? As for the lying, that’s the craziest part, because we can, as the kids say, check the receipts: Was it bad enough to call John McCain a loser? Yes, but then, of course, Trump lied and claimed he didn’t. Bad enough to cheat on his wife? Yes, but of course, he lied about it, and committed crimes covering it up (which he also lied about). Was it bad enough to solicit help from Russia and Wikileaks in the election? Yes, but then he, his son, and his campaign have lied about it so many times, in so many forums, that some of them went to jail over it. Was it stupid that, in February, Trump was tweeting about how Covid-29 was like the flu and that we didn’t need to worry? Yes, but it takes on a different color when you listen to him tell Bob Woodward that in January he knew how bad it was, how much worse it was than even the worst flu, and that he was deliberately going to downplay the virus for political purposes. I’m sure we could quibble over some, but The Fact Checker database currently tallys over 20,000 lies since he took office. Even if we cut it in half, that’s insane! It’s impossible to deny: Trump lied, and Americans have died because of it. A friend of mine had a one-on-one dinner with Trump at the White House a while back. It was actually amazing, he said. Half the evening was spent telling lies about the size of his inaugural address. This was in private — not even for public relations purposes, and years after the controversy had died down. That’s when he realized: The lying is pathological. It can’t be helped. Which is to say, it makes a person unfit to lead. Politics should not come before family. I don’t want you to think this affects how I feel about you. But it does make it harder for us to spend time together — not just literally so, since Trump’s bumbling response to the pandemic has crippled America and made travel difficult. It’s that I feel grief. I feel real grief — were the lessons you taught me as a kid not true? Did you not mean them? Was it self-serving stuff to make sure I behaved? Was I a fool for listening? Or is it worse, that my own father cares more about his retirement accounts — and I’ll grant, the runup of the market has been nice for me, too — than the future he is leaving for his children? Are you so afraid of change, of that liberal boogeyman Limbaugh and Hannity and these other folks have concocted, that you’d rather entrust the country to a degenerate carnival barker than anyone else? I see all this anger, what is it that you’re so angry about? You’ve won. Society has worked for you. My own success is proof. So what is it? Because it can’t possibly be that you think this guy is trustworthy, decent, or kind. It’s definitely not about his policies… because almost every single one is anathema to what Republicans — and you — have talked about my entire life. The one thing I hold onto is hope. I believe in America. I believe in the goodness of hardworking people like you and Mom. I know that this is not what you wanted to happen, that this is not the America you grew up in nor the one you would like for me and my kids to grow up in. I hold onto hope that you’re tired enough to draw the line. That you are not irredeemable as that Trump advisor allowed himself to become. The right thing is always the right thing, you’ve said. Even when it’s hard. Even when it goes against what your friends think, or what you’ve done in the past. The right thing is obviously to end this. To cancel this horrendous experiment with its cavalcade of daily horrors and vulgarities and stupidities and historical humiliations. America is a great nation. …
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es-mentiras · 4 years
I Can't Stop Watching Contagion | Folding Ideas
Coping with crisis in the real world by confronting it in fiction
[O]ne purpose of fiction is that it allows us a space to practice intense emotions and states without exposing us to the complexities or harms of those states in reality. ... Watching a disaster film in a disaster, particularly one as sociologically driven as Contagion, is an extension of this. Rather than practicing intense emotional states before they happen, this instinct of exposing ourselves to what we’re already experiencing, amplifying existing emotional states, it works as a form of emotional inoculation. I am scared and anxious and uncertain, and so I will make myself more scared and more anxious and more uncertain, because it’s still fiction, it’s still safe, it still has an end. It is bounded. Things will get bad, things will then get worse, people will die. The world is unfair, it is unbalanced, it is unjust, and catastrophe will bring out both the best and worst of all of us. And then it will end.
There is an escapism to a story about horrible things, because that story is complete. It is bounded. It provides a framework to horror that doesn’t exist in the real present. Our future is uncertain, beset on all sides by devils, and we can come out better or we can come out worse or we can die and none of us knows which it will be and we’re all screaming at those in power to make the moral choice, to choose better.
On one hand I am deeply privileged to be in a position where I am and can remain isolated. On the other hand I can’t even think about the other hand.
Disease does not have a narrative meaning, it does not have an eye for poetry or twists or closure. The only meaning is in how we respond. So I watch Contagion over and over and over again. Because I need to practice emotions, and I need to live in a bounded world, and I need to believe we can choose better.
full video transcript under the cut:
[video is Dan Olson of Folding ideas lying on his couch, staring unmoving into the camera. scenes from Contagion are projected over him.]
VOICEOVER: This video is not an essay, it is a raw nerve.
Contagion is a 2011 film directed by Steven Soderbergh, starring an ensemble cast including Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kate Winslet. The film revolves around the origin, contraction, spread, and cure of the fictional MEV-1 virus, a highly contagious, aggressive, and fatal strain of hybrid bat and pig flu.
The initial patient, Beth Emhoff, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, contracts the virus in Macau after shaking hands with a casino chef who has recently handled an infected pig. She spreads the virus to several other people in the casino after they handle objects that she’s touched, such as gambling chips, a martini glass, and her cell phone. An important aspect of the film is that the fictional virus is highly transmissible via fomites, which are objects that an infected person has touched after touching their mouth or nose, coughing or sneezing on the object, or otherwise leaving infectious residue on an otherwise inert, non-biological object. A local waiter who handled her glass returns home, infecting members of his family before wandering into traffic in a fever-induced delirium where he is struck by a vehicle and killed. A Japanese businessman who shared chips with her returns to Tokyo where he falls ill rapidly, dying suddenly of a seizure on a crowded bus, infecting several bystanders who touch him or handrails that he touched. A Ukranian model who handled Beth’s phone flies to London where her symptoms also escalate rapidly while she transmits the disease to others via handling portfolios and riding in a cab.
Beth returns to America where she infects several people in Chicago, first her ex lover Jon who contracts it when they have sex while she is on layover, and a bartender at the airport who handles her credit card, before flying to Minneapolis where she infects the coworker who drives her home from the airport and her son Clark. A day or two later Beth’s husband, Mitch, played by Matt Damon, picks up Clark from school after Clark begins to exhibit a fever. While Beth and Mitch are talking in the kitchen Beth suddenly has a seizure. Mitch rushes her to the hospital, leaving Clark with a babysitter, but Beth’s condition continues to worsen, she fails to respond to treatment, and she dies. As a stunned Mitch is driving home he gets a call from the babysitter that Clark has possibly had a seizure and might not be breathing. Mitch tells her to call 911 immediately, but before anyone can get there Clark is already dead.
From there the story expands to encompass the doctors, politicians, reporters, hucksters, and ordinary people who are swept up in an all-encompassing pandemic that threatens to kill a quarter of the global population. The movie is an incredibly tense hundred minutes of society pushed to its breaking points, not as a fantastical disintegration into wastelands of leather-clad murder gangs or a zombie apocalypse, but one rooted in the historical reality of epidemics.
And I can’t stop watching it.
I have watched Contagion over fifteen times in the last two weeks. Several days I’ve just watched it on repeat two or three times. And I'm not alone. According to Netflix it is, at the time of writing, the second most watched thing in Canada. For weeks it has sat in the top ten.
Unlike many similar films, such as the 1995 film Outbreak starring Dustin Hoffman, the film is not about any one person, and there is no singular twist of victory. Rather it is an example of sociological storytelling. It’s about the systems and networks that these characters exist within, and how they both influence and are influenced by those systems, and what happens when those systems are placed under tremendous strain. Kate Winslet plays Dr. Erin Mears, a front line worker for the CDC who is sent to Wisconsin to track the transmission of the virus and contain its spread. Half way through the film she catches the virus herself, and then her condition worsens, and then she dies. It is unceremonious. It is not foreshadowed  or paid off because it is not poetic, because pandemics are not poetic and don’t have a tight arc or an eye for narrative fulfillment. It doesn’t have meaning, the only meaning is in how we choose to respond.
Because this is sociological the movie doesn’t end when doctor Ally Hextall develops a vaccine. What would be the singular victory moment in most films is instead the beginning of a slow, painful march back to stability as first the vaccine needs to be mass produced, and then distributed to billions of people worldwide. It is a dangerous task that needs to be tightly controlled as it requires access to the isolated virus and thus is very slow to ramp up. The film trudges through the immense societal tension that is created when there is a cure, but it will take over a year to make and distribute enough for everyone, a situation that lays bare every societal privilege. Dr. Orantes, played by Marion Cotillard, is kidnapped and held ransom for the vaccine by Chinese villagers who are keenly aware that in the priority of global politics the poor, the rural, and the non-white are at the very back of the line. They are terrorists, but they’re not wrong, just desperate. They are at the back of the line, and the government throws them under the bus anyway. Despite the existence of a vaccine Mitch continues to keep his teenage daughter, Jory, under aggressive quarantine out of legitimate fear of the disease that has been amplified to paranoia by the trauma of losing Beth and Clark, the survivor’s guilt of being naturally immune, and the uncertainty of whether his daughter would share that immunity or not.
In December 2019 the coronavirus COVID-19 was identified by doctors in the city of Wuhan. Over the course of January and February the spread of the virus began to be identified in South Korea, Japan, and Italy and, gradually, most of the rest of the world. The disease itself is not exceptionally lethal when compared to epidemics such as the Black Death in the mid 14th century or the spread of Smallpox through indigenous populations following contact with Europeans in the 16th and 17th centuries, but, first of all, “better than the black death” is a pretty bad standard, and second on a global scale a mortality rate of 1-2 percent in an unchecked pandemic still means, in absolute terms, millions and millions of preventable deaths. This is compounded by the strain that mass illness, even one that is not terribly lethal, inherently places on an already strained society: crowding healthcare systems, disrupting infrastructure, and forcing people to choose between working while ill, and thus infecting others, or losing their jobs. A low mortality rate is often the result of adequate care, but the quality of care goes down as the number of severely ill goes up, as the number of infected healthcare workers reduces the number of people qualified and capable of administering that care. This, in turn, has a knock on effect where unrelated illnesses and injuries become more dangerous. A heart attack or broken leg that would be easily managed under normal circumstances becomes that much worse when there aren’t enough people to help, aren’t enough beds to go around. The more people who are exposed, the more need to roll the dice against that one to two percent, and the more are going to lose.
As of March 2020 most of the United States and Canada have entered a period of uncertain quarantining. Non-essential businesses are closed, events are canceled, workers are being sent home or laid off, borders are being shut down,and the economy is in freefall. Every existing societal problem, from income inequality to housing inequality to healthcare, is being stressed and amplified by not only the virus but the complicity of our governments. News comes out hourly about warnings the people in charge received months ago, and the ways in which they were either ignored or exploited for personal gain. Several American politicians were briefed on the security risks of COVID 19 in late January, and then took to Twitter to decry public fear as a partisan hoax while they dumped their stocks in preparation for a crash that they knew was coming. People in government, their corporate donors, and their pundit allies are getting anxious, debating breaking quarantine and telling everyone to go back to work and roll the dice on whether or not they’re going to die for the economy. We are standing on the precipice of a very uncertain future, and we don’t know if that future is days, weeks, months, or years away. This could be the new normal for a very long time.
So why do I keep watching Contagion?
A dimension of narrative that I like to bring up pretty regularly is the idea that one purpose of fiction is that it allows us a space to practice intense emotions and states without exposing us to the complexities or harms of those states in reality. This is typically in the context of the fanciful: reckless stunts, wild sex, gun fights, or general risky behaviour. We talked about this with Fifty Shades and the idea of non-consent as a fantasy subject.
Watching a disaster film in a disaster, particularly one as sociologically driven as Contagion, is an extension of this. Rather than practicing intense emotional states before they happen, this instinct of exposing ourselves to what we’re already experiencing, amplifying existing emotional states, it works as a form of emotional inoculation. I am scared and anxious and uncertain, and so I will make  myself more scared and more anxious and more uncertain, because it’s still fiction, it’s still safe, it still has an end. It is bounded. Things will get bad, things will then get worse, people will die. The world is unfair, it is unbalanced, it is unjust, and catastrophe will bring out both the best and worst of all of us. And then it will end.
Is there looting, and arson, and murder? Yeah. But it is, ultimately, out of the ordinary. People get paranoid, people get desperate, they riot under stress, but even when food supply lines break down, the world isn’t summarily turned over to those with the bullets and the willingness to use them. There is no Mad Max dystopia, no Fallout post-apocalypse, because at the end of the day humans are pro-social. The cooperative survive.
In 1349, in the midst of the black death, it must have looked like the end of the world. Entire households, entire villages, dying a gross, horrifying, pain ful death, month after month after month. Then for generations, every year wondering if this was the year the plague returned. Was this the year there would be no one left to bury the dead. But people survived. The working class, who bore the brunt of the disease and saw the bodies of their families, clans, and communities piled like cord wood, fought back against the aristocrats who isolated themselves in their towers and remote estates. It was messy, and bloody, and it took decades, but in the end serfdom was abolished. Europe lost upwards of sixty percent of its population over the course of five years, but it wasn’t Armageddon. Things kept going, people kept going, and Europe would go on to be absolute bastards to the rest of the world.
The disease in Contagion is not unrealistic, real diseases have been as deadly, or worse, but it is dramatic. It moves very, very quickly, is highly contagious, and kills a huge number of those who are infected. In reality this aggressiveness would kinda work against the disease, and, morbidly, would help responders limit the spread. It moves so fast and kills so quickly that there’s little question of who has it, and within a couple days everyone who has it is either recovered or dead. This was the aspect of the SARS epidemic that allowed response teams to effectively quarantine the virus where it burnt itself out. That said it’s not impossible that something could spread so aggressively, be so incredibly contagious, that it could spread like wildfire and become almost impossible to contain before anyone even knows what’s going on. But it’s undeniably dramatic and emotionally effective.
48 hours. We can contain two days in our head. A situation where things will get materially worse literally tomorrow or the day after if nothing is done right this second, that’s a comprehensible timeline. Forty eight hours is short enough that in a catastrophe, driven by adrenaline and stress and necessity, you can stay awake that long without even realizing it. COVID’s life cycle is closer to a month. By the time you get sick you’ve already been sick for two weeks, and now you’re in for hell for another two to four weeks. It’s just past the range where it really feels real. Two weeks isn’t long, but it’s still over the line into the indeterminate “future”.
This problem extends in both directions. There’ s only so much space in the mind for time. As the news ramps up, as things get worse, the present crowds out history. The distance between the irrelevant past and the now contracts. ’Days ago’ becomes distant. ‘Months ago’ is irrelevant. Years ago is ancient. By evening even earlier the same day is suspect in its relevance to the Now. We remember January but it has as much presence in the mind as childhood. Our lives become superliminal, displaced from time, as we wrestle with our own minds and how they try to process the chronology of our own existence. By Sunday, Friday no longer feels real, and yet every day’s news is the consequence of decisions made fourteen, twenty one, twenty eight days ago. Today’s responses won’t yield results until well into next month. This flaw in our meat is a gap into which charlatans, hucksters, and conmen can drive a wedge and pry us open, and pry they will try.
When I first saw Contagion in 2012 I thought the weakest element was what I considered at the time to be the demonization of online media. Jude Law’s character plays an online pundit and conspiracy theorist who preaches to an audience of millions about an herbal tincture of forsythia that he claims is the cure, a cure he just-so-happens to be selling. It is, in 2020, the realest element of the film. Herbal cures, hydrogen water, steam treatment, teas, magnets, suspensions of silver, tinctures, and tonics. We’ve got pastors standing at the pulpit telling their congregation it's all a hoax, that there’s no reason to suspend services, that their nebulous enemies are just trying to shut them down. We now live in a world where the US president told people based on a rumour that chloroquine, a drug used for treating malaria and lupus, was the cure, so a man in Arizona ate a packet of fish tank cleaner containing the chemical. He’s dead now. And that is, again, all part of it.
There is an escapism to a story about horrible things, because that story is complete. It is bounded. It provides a framework to horror that doesn’t exist in the real present. Our future is uncertain, beset on all sides by devils, and we can come out better or we can come out worse or we can die and none of us knows which it will be and we’re all screaming at those in power to make the moral choice, to choose better.
And I am in an absolute haze. My daily life has not much been impacted, overtly. I’m already an agoraphobic shut-in wh o worksonline and has a bad sleep schedule. But it’s too much. I’m tired all the time. I can’t pay attention to the news and  Ican’t not pay attention to the news. Working is difficult.  I have a long history of respiratory illness. I am at risk.
On one hand I am deeply privileged to be in a position where I am and can remain isolated. On the other hand I can’t even think about the other hand.
Disease does not have a narrative meaning, it does not have an eye for poetry or twists or closure. The only meaning is in how we respond. So I watch Contagion over and over and over again. Because I need to practice emotions, and I need to live in a bounded world, and I need to believe we can choose better.
[end transcript]
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305krw · 5 years
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Pairing: G-Dragon, OC
Genre: Romance, angst
Summary: An American love columnist meets an old flame midflight. Blasts from the past sometimes have a tendency to bote 
“Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kimberly and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of the entire crew, Welcome aboard Korea Airlines flight 888, non-stop service from Los Angeles to Incheon. At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Also, make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       I leaned back into the spacious first-class seat while the attendant went over the rest of the safety instructions. I took in the wide spacious area and complimentary champagne that was still fizzing in the crystal glass. I have been in first-class countless times now, however, it was always a humbling experience for me. I closed my eyes and remembered the time when I'd peered into the aisle from my economy class seat, hoping to catch a glance of the coveted first-class section. The people in the business class looked so far away from me. Their sharp suits and designer dresses were completely contrary to my thrifted ensemble. I remember being so nervous during that flight's take off that I grabbed the hand of the boy next to me. I squeezed his hand tight causing him to look over at me and smile. He had such a wonderfully bright smile.
      I opened my eyes choosing not to remember the past, but instead take in my own sharp appearance. My navy high waist business pants were perfectly tailored and my crisp sheer white top didn't have a wrinkle in sight. Versace sunglasses sat on top of my recently straightened hair that had somehow managed to stay immaculate on the way to the airport. I had made it to first-class and I knew that young girl who just a few years ago peered out into the aisle would be proud of me.
"Because we are traveling over water there will be no wi-fi on this flight. However, all passengers are welcome to cut on electronic devices while they are on airplane mode. Thank you."
       I took that as my cue to open up my laptop. I had to finish my article " What Makes a Man Fall in Love" which would tie into my interview with Korea's golden boy G-Dragon for next month's issue. It was a load of crap, but it was what would put food on the table, so I opened up a word document and stared at the blank screen. I continued to stare at the blank white screen for a few more minutes. Nothing.  I decided to plug in my headphones for a more isolated feeling hoping that it would spark some creativity. I started to lightly hum the slow but catchy tune. Soon my hums were replaced by deep sighs as I repeated the constant cycle of typing then erasing. Letting out one last sigh I finally typed a complete sentence on the barren screen.
"What the hell is love anyway?"
      The letters were big and bold. They were taunting me as I sat with my head back against the seat in frustration. Suddenly, I heard someone plop down in the vacant space next to me. To my surprise, it was Mr. Golden boy himself.
"Article not coming along?" He asked with a cocky grin.
"Actually, It's coming along just fine." I almost snorted as I closed my laptop harshly.
"Ahh ok. 'What the hell is love anyway?'" He rubbed his chin like he was pondering the question himself, "I don't think your readers buy your magazine for one sentence articles."
My patience with my unwanted guest was running thin. "How may I help you, Mr. Kwon? I believe our interview isn't scheduled until tomorrow."
"Well, I heard all of that huffing and puffing from behind you and thought that I would come to help you out."
I could feel the heat of embarrassment rush towards my cheeks. Was I really that loud? I should have taken out my headphones! I feigned professionalism and slapped on my best corporate smile.
"Thank you for your concern Mr.Kwon. However, I think I can handle it." He made himself more comfortable in the chair next to me completely dismissing my request for him to leave.
"So, you've never been in love before?" He was still grinning at me. My last nerve had just snapped in two.
"No," I said as coldly as possible. His grin slowly fell into a subtle frown as he heard my answer.
He broke eye contact as he looked down for at his hands for a  moment. When he looked back up his signature smirk was back.
"Never?" He pressed.
"No. Never," I said as absolutely as the first time.  
"Well, what does love mean to you?" He crossed his arms as he waited for my reply.
"It means nothing. It is a term used by people to make them feel like their fleeting desire and lust is somehow deeper than it is." I was upset with myself for letting my guard down, but I hated the concept of love so much that I lost control. " People use it to make each other feel special. It gives people a faux sense of security and it does nothing more."
He went silent.
"Well, that's quite a cynical view for a love columnist."
"Its the truth. People say that they 'love' someone, but what is the one thing, men especially look for in a relationship?" I let the question hang in the air for a fraction of a second before continuing.
"Sex. And when they can't get it they don't feel like that particular relationship is fulfilling. Love is completely forgotten. Women aren't innocent either. Everyone wants something physical whether it's sex or not. When a human sees an attractive person everything else becomes void. Even an existing relationship. In the end, love is really just a bunch of hormones that either breakdown to horniness or loneliness. " I was on fire and there was no stopping my anti-love rant.
"I write articles for my readers. I give them what they want to hear. I also make people like you look like those fantastic fantasies your fans have. So, since I'm doing you a favor I'd  rather not be criticized by you." I was eager to hear how he would come back to that so I turned my body to face him mirroring his nonchalant crossed arms form.
"Oh, you aren't doing me a favor. Unlike you I actually believe in love."
That made me genuinely chuckle. "Ok, so what is love to you? I cocked my head to the side in anticipation. His face grew serious.
"Love means a lot of different things to me. In a webster dictionary type of way love is a mix of emotions ranging from affection to passion. Love is wanting to see that person when you are down, being ok with being in silence with them, having your mind wander to thoughts of them all the time, wanting to protect them.."
My chest got tighter after each explanation. But, I still waited for him to finish.
"But, it is also the small things. Like..when you get scared on a plane ride, yet you reach out to hold their hand because they make you feel safe.."
I was clenching my jaw trying to fight the stinging I felt in my eyes. Memories from our first and last vacation together began to animate in my mind. I needed to remind him of where it all fell apart.
"So, do you love Ms.Kiko? She must be all of those things for you. I mean you guys are the talk of the town."
His expression grew hard. When he didn't respond I angrily pressed the issue.
"I mean you must, right? It has been how many years now? There was even a rumor going around that you cheated on your previous girlfriend with Ms.Kiko."
      I had mentioned the rumor to get a reaction out of him, but I also felt the ache in my own chest. I remembered having to sit around as strangers murmured about his previous girlfriend who to them was, frustratingly veiled in anonymity. My own co-workers gathered to gossip about 'how heart-broken she must be' with no idea that they were inadvertently discussing my own love life.
I opened my laptop and returned to the word document ready to take notes.
"What are you doing Eva?"
I  set my hands on the keyboard like I was ready to type. "You said that you wanted to help. You can help by giving me the interview I need now. So, tell me about the love of your life. The beautiful Ms.Kiko."
"Eva stop." He sternly ordered as I ignored him. When I didn't react he reached over and shut my laptop. He accidentally pulled the headphones out of the computer which caused the soft melody of his new song "Loser" to flow out of my computer. I nearly chewed a hole through my bottom lip as I tried to get the music to stop playing. Once I did an awkward silence consumed us. That was until he delivered the final blow.
"Do you still love me, Eva?"
I tried to be stern. "Cut the shit, Ji Yong. You know what we had wasn't ever love."
"Really? I always thought that it was." His seemed sincere, but the scars from our past relationship were too deep for whatever this was.
"I'd like it if you left now Ji Yong. Why don't you just get up and leave? It shouldn't be that hard since it's exactly what you did four years ago. Oh yeah, you're waiting until you catch me off guard, maybe even vulnerable and naive like last time."
He started to cut me off, but I lifted my finger signaling him to stop. "Sorry to disappoint, but that girl is gone, Ji Yong. Now if you will excuse me."
I stood up and scooted past him. I found a flight attendant to request a seat change when I felt someone tug on my wrist.
I stage whispered for him to let go so we wouldn't cause a scene. After I realized that he was not planning on letting go I quietly followed behind him to protect both of our reputations. The last thing I needed was to be wrapped up in a scandal with G-dragon. It would undoubtedly ruin my career in Korea. I could see the headlines now- "Foreign  Vixen Seduces our Beloved Oppa!"
Finally, as we made it to the middle of the aircraft he aggressively pulled me into the restroom. He stepped closer to me, trapping me against his chest.
"What do you want Ji Yong?" I made the mistake of looking up at him. He wasn't much taller than me so his gaze seemed to look into me.
"Do you still love me, Eva?" He asked slowly. I could feel his breath on my face..tempting me.
"No. I don't." I turned my head to break out of the trance his gaze had on me.
He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes again.
I felt the tears start to weld in my eyes. However, I didn't plan on succumbing to him.
With his hand still on my chin, I asked him again. "Do you love her Ji Yong?"
"I left because I had to, Eva. You were too innocent and you weren't ready for the stress that came along with being in the spotlight. I did what I did to protect you."
I scoffed at his ridiculousness. "You expect me to believe that?"
"I do."
He encircled my waist with his arms. I tried to push him off of me.
"Ji Yong stop. What about Kiko? Don't you love her?" I  placed my hands against his chest not-so-convincingly trying to push him away, "We can't do this."
His grip got tighter causeing my hands to clench the fabric of his shirt. I kept telling myself that what we were doing was wrong, but as I stood pressed into his chest feeling the familiar embrace all rational flew out the window. I was in a daze caused by his amazing cologne, his firm chest, the desperate look in his eyes, his lips, and the memories of what it was like when we were together. When I loved him.
"I've never once said the words 'I love you' to her." He responded in a husky voice against my lips.
"And that is supposed to mean something to me Ji Yong?"
"Yes. I do not say it if I do not mean it."
He tilted his head more until his lips connected with mine. I felt so many things. Disappointment, lust, excitement, sadness, passion....love.
His right hand slowly trailed from my waist to my hair. He lightly tugged on it deeping the kiss. His lips were soft and careful.
However, a sudden realization seeped its way into my mind. He has never said the words ' I love you' to me either..
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