ak319 · 4 months
(Gp actress x fem reader)
(Scene# 01)
(your name is Fairoz in the story)
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Aman Dagon, the enigmatic, handsome and alluring actress that everyone drooled on. Who wouldn't? Her tall height, black soft, silky hair that one desired to touch, including her co-stars but her cold and mysterious personality intimidated them not to. She was famous for her villain roles especially the ones in which she was in a historical drama playing a distraught, arcane yet passionate lover oh, and how can we forget her iconic mafia lady role. It was her debut role that caused the wave of enchantment among women and men. People also know about her softer side for the heroines as she always acted gentlewomanly around them. This caused her female fans to fall in love with her more. She was always surrounded by paparazzi and everyone wanted to know more about her personal life. Her family owned many different businesses which she also took care of when she was not busy doing movies or dramas.
People were more than shocked when they found out that she was engaged. It all started when a fan made a TikTok about a ring on her finger that seemed different from her usual style and that she began to wear on more than one occasion. The internet went wild and even though her PR team was ecstatic to see that, they were tired of seeing and trying to control baseless and atrocious articles. It was after a month that the team was finally instructed by Aman to confirm that she was engaged. Aman didn't have any socials, which had made her fans more agitated as they had little source material to do research from. People were already jealous at her wife and few were genuinely happy for her. Even her co-stars were shocked as Aman's behavior didn't give the slightest hint about her engagement.
The real truth was that this marriage was hell, to begin with.
(2 months ago)
"Aman ma'am -- what? I mean didn't we already decided the amount to be 5 million? How come you are changing this now?" The director, Usama looked at Aman stunned.
"Mhmm , so you are saying you can't do it? Is that it?" Her deep voice , although calm , still sent chills down Usama's back. Not to forget her father was quite influential in entertainment industry.
"I am - sorry but yes , the contract had been signed prior , you remember right?."
"Do you know I can buy this company of yours and actually don't want your money . I didn't have any interest in doing this movie too but .....I did not do it for money or any of your shit." Yes , this is how she talked when she was annoyed . Her die hard fans would refuse to believe that she can be this egoistic but she was , and she was good at hiding it as well.
"But you do know if I sue you for forging a fake contract and paying me less , you will loose everything ....not to mentions my fans , they will make sure you can't do shit after this. So , all of this can be avoided if you hand me over , oops , haha. I meant , give me the hand of that girl you brought on set one day to me in marriage."
Mr. Usama nearly fainted right there. The girl she just talked about was her niece who was still in college. He couldn't believe his ears. Marriage of Fairoz to a woman like her, this is ...a nightmare.
"Earth to my favorite director" Aman snapped her slender fingers in front of his face, startling him. " I know it's hard to digest. That's why I will give you some time to decide and discuss this with your family and by that I mean ......a date for our engagement pronto.."
"She is my niece and what you are asking for is---I am sorry but --not possible."
"Not possible? Mhm. it has been forever since I have heard that word. Or you can say I am not used to hearing it ." She paused to let out a sarcastic chuckle. " Let me give you even a better one, I hate when people say it to me." Making the man gulp with her slow steps cornering him, she continued "I don't get what is impossible about a marriage? Isn't that the best thing you can get in your whole life? Me as your niece's wife. Pft. Never knew you to be so ungrateful."
Usama pondered over her words . Maybe she is right. What if she is a bit arrogant , that is a pitfall of being in the industry. 90 percent of people Usama had worked with are like her. If only focusing on the pros momentarily , the proffer doesn't sound terrible. Especially in the long term. Fairoz , if this goes well , may live a fruitful life. Just like her parents wanted and if Aman is proposing herself that must mean that she likes his niece.
Heaving a breath in , the words "I'll have a talk with my family . Sure." flowed from his lips which made the taller woman smirk.
"I am looking forward to a cordial response." Usama very well knew that she definitely won't take anything other than a cordial answer anyways.
Little did Aman know that the girl she was probing after would change her life in ways she hadn't had the slightest inkling about.
Unveil part 2
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hyunjinners · 1 year
✧:・゚The End Justifies The Means → Ahn Jun-ho x reader˚₊· ꒰🌀꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊Although Jun-ho was in danger of defecting, he couldn't help but visit his lover, whom he was afraid he wouldn't be able to see for a long time.
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊Ahn Jun-ho x Fem!reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊fluff, angst (?)
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊some blood, mention of death, maybe some bruises from my baby Jun-ho 🥺🤏 (takes place in season 2)
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊2,1k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊First chapter of the profile! I was a little insecure about posting because English is not my first language, but with the help of a translator, I hope my writing doesn't get so old-fashioned lol ^°^
I finished watching D✰P a while ago and I couldn't help but fall in love with Jun-ho (although I started watching because of another actor, who plays the 'villain')
I tried to leave the chapter with a more Jun-ho perspective, I hope it turned out well. I hope you like the chapter and don't forget to share and say what you think of the chapter. Stick with the chapter and have a good read! 💙🌊
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IT'S been a few days since Jun-ho deserted the army for a greater cause. From the beginning he was aware of the danger he was putting himself in but his head still throbbed every time he…its first and also fails. It cost him his life. A life that could have been saved if not for his carelessness. He thinks about it every day and once he had a thin thread of hope, hoping that he could at least reveal the truth even if he couldn't bring that life back, he couldn't help but grasp the thin, dangerous thread.
He was tired but he wouldn't confess. In addition to working on a plan to reveal the flash drive's catastrophic contents, he was also exhausted from running away whenever he had any chance of getting hold of it. Jun-ho wasn't stupid, he knew how things work and that's why he was cautious and smart in every detail of what he did so as not to be tracked.
However, more than physically tired, he was emotionally and mentally exhausted. He's been through a lot of hard things since he gave you one last hug keeping his promise that he'd be back soon - which was to be expected as they were both aware that not everything is smooth sailing - but he wasn't expecting such a weight to be placed on his shoulders.
He missed you. Every single day. He thought about calling you all the time but his pride got the better of him, thinking he might sound desperate - or maybe the faint feeling that maybe you cared about him too much to the point of making your heart ache. He cared more about you than himself.
And it was this very thought that made him have a slight hesitation at the thought of visiting you. Jun-ho was aware that you knew everything and that you had certainly received a visit from your superiors only to upset you even more. But he needs to see you, feel you. He needed your hug, your words of comfort, your kiss, your way of being. But at the same time that he looked forward to it, he understood that it was risky. But everything good is worth the risk, isn't it?
You were sitting on your apartment floor staring at - or at least trying to - your laptop screen finishing a college essay. It wasn't really working for you, as everything you did, every key you clicked was a thought going through your mind leading you to think of Jun-ho.
You had received a visit from the superiors of Jun-ho, your boyfriend, just over three days ago. You initially wanted to appear strong, not just in front of men, for herself maybe. You really tried, but you couldn't hold back the tears. What if he got hurt? What if I unintentionally hurt other people? What if I can never see him again? These were some of the thoughts that came to mind.
Jun-ho was more than just a childhood sweetheart, more than your boyfriend, he was your soul mate, the perfect being that was specially predestined for you. You didn't believe much in legends or reincarnation, but you knew they were meant to be connected, perhaps by fate, or the red thread that believed to unite you. He was different, unique, perfect. You couldn't live without him and he was aware of that. So what's the point of him doing this to you?
You felt that if he made a misstep you probably wouldn't see each other any time soon. It's been almost two years apart, imagine years being separated by simple and useless bars? Pieces of metal that could destroy relationships for the simple fact of arresting a person who only wanted to reveal the truth that many so-called "superior" feared.
You didn't know about the pen-drive's contents, in fact, almost nobody did. But, if they're not measuring efforts to take power for themselves, even if it might cost Jun-ho's life, so you knew it wasn't anything too nice or light. Definitely a problem. A problem that Jun-ho-your Jun-ho got into because he couldn't stand still when he saw an injustice.
He's always been like that. From childhood, from when you grew up and your father didn't approve of your relationship with him, but he still didn't give up. Because he was stubborn and kind and above all he had a good heart. You love him for small but significant things like that that shape his personality and character. You've always seen it, since when you were just two little beings running around the neighborhood, at the same time, whenever there was a chance, Jun-ho would protect you, even if it sometimes cost him scolding. Always when they did something stupid, he took over, because he wanted to protect you from all the evil in the world. Because he always loved you.
Only now the roles were reversed. And this situation wasn't like when you were a kid, it's just riskier. You wanted to protect him from all harm, from all these evil people who only thought about their own noses and reputation. His heart ached whenever he imagined everything he had gone through so far because of people like that, for all the times - even if hesitantly - he called you because he wasn't feeling well with all the pressure and nagging from his seniors.
Your soul felt that he would look for you just like the nights he called you. And you've just been waiting, be it the doorbell sound or even the phone ringing. 
And like a cue to fate, your doorbell rings. A slight fright invades you, but you don't let go, just getting up towards the door. When she opened it, a tall man had his back turned while wearing a navy blue sweatshirt that covered his head with a hood, preventing anyone from seeing him. He looks frantically up and down the building's hallway, as if expecting someone to suddenly grab him.
"May I help you?" He turns when he hears her voice. It was him. Jun-ho, who had been missing for days. He stares at you for a while, until he raises his finger towards his mouth, asking for silence. He deftly pushes you aside, stepping inside and locking the door behind him. You still stare at him in bewilderment. Not just finally seeing him, of course that was part of it, but he was different.
His hair had grown out a little since I last saw him - he'd shaved it off for the army - he was more robust, his arms were strong and steady, his face had some fresh bruises. You put your hands over your mouth in shock. Her eyes water at the sight of him hurt and tired. He holds out his arms, cradling you in a tight hug.
You reciprocate by squeezing him as if you can no longer see him. She didn't want it to be his last hug, so she held him tight. He didn't seem bothered, on the contrary, he deepened the hug, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. You felt your uneven breathing tickle your neck, but it didn't bother you. I knew he needed this. You needed this, you needed him.
He pushed you away when he felt your jacket wet, not out of annoyance but concern. I didn't want to see you cry, you didn't deserve this. None of that. No one really deserved it. He felt in his skin how much the greed of people who identify themselves as superiors just because of a position or a social position, it can harm people who just want to survive in this difficult world where they fight by their own arm, not stepping on other people to ascend.
He gently runs his fingers - now not as soft as before - pass over her soft skin and now wet from the tears that flowed down through the mixture of feelings that squeezed her chest like longing, anxiety, maybe a little fear. "Don't cry, my love…I'm sorry. I didn't want you to go through this." "Where are you Jun-ho? Do you- do you know how worried I was? I was so, so scared that I would never see you again." You didn't want to sound so desperate, but your voice gave it away. Your face that was now covered by your own hands, rested on his firm chest, which just hugged you again while stroking your hair.
"I'm sorry. Really. I…I'm here now, okay?" He kisses her forehead. He missed her smell, her embrace. The way you cried together and for him.
"Oh Jesus! Look at you, oppa!" Now calmer, you caress Jun-ho's face that was stained with blood in some small cuts, in addition to the slight mixture of green, yellow and purple tones that painted almost imperceptibly in the region of his eye. "Who was the idiot that did this to you? Argh! Come here" you take him to the couch in the living room, running to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and coming back as fast as you can. You disinfect your wounds as carefully as you can, as if your skin is incredibly sensitive. He lets out a low chuckle, watching you in his concentration.
"What is it? Did I hurt you?" You look scared. He cups the right side of his face with his hand, taking advantage of the closeness to place a tender kiss on her lips. "I think it's cute that you're worried about hurting me even though I'm all torn up like that, that's all." You smile toothlessly upon hearing his statement. It was obvious that the situation was concerning but you could still see how hard he was trying to make you comfortable and calm, even though it was a mess outside.
"You'll be fine, won't you?" Her expression changes as she whispers to him, fear apparent in her voice. "I will. I promise you, I will come back to you safe and sound." The ghost of a smile is exposed on her face. "I don't want to ask what's on that flash drive but I'm sure you're doing it for a good reason. I want you to know that you are strong and that you will get through this. I believe and trust you and I know you will do the right thing with the power you have in your hands. Just don't, please leave me. Do what you have to do but…come back to me. I need you." You intertwine your hand in his. Tears form in Jun-ho's eyes causing his voice to crack a little when speaking.
"Thank you for trusting me. I don't deserve your love. I will never leave you, I love you. It's complicated, I don't want you to get involved. Just wait for me." He gets up towards the door, but stops as soon as he hears her announcement.
"...your boss visited me. He asked me to call if you showed up. What should I do?" He turns. A few seconds pass as he just stares back at you.
"Call him."
"You can call. I need to talk to him."
"What if you get caught?"
"I won't, I know what to do." He had a plan, you could feel it. You obey, picking up your cell phone and after dialing the number passing it to him. You didn't know what was coming, and you hated more than anyone else just to watch and not be able to do anything, but everything in your power you would do. By Jun-ho.
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꒷꒦ ⊹ ๑ ❛original by:: @hyunjinners ¡ Like×reblog❜ =͟͟͞♡ ‧ ˚ ₊
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prodbyblush · 2 years
Hii idk if u still do actorxreader fics but since u did a how Dori reacts to getting shipped with reader can I request a Nijiro one if you haven't done it yet? 🙏❤️
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・❥・ requested
→ gn!reader
• the host of the show asked all the guests to hold hands, but for some reason, the camera's were most focused on on yours and nijiro's. • because as everyone just casually held hands like told, you both extended to intertwining fingers. the action alone suddenly made the mc's curious if there is something going on between you two. • but as you two deny the dating claims, one mc joked how you two look like a nice couple. • haha it's nice a joke anymore for nijiro. • now every time he hears someone talk about you or just mention your name in general, butterflies suddenly appear in his stomach. • when asked by fans if the two of you are already dating, he'd simply raise his eyebrows in surprise, smile then shake his head. • he's filming and you're backstage? he'll immediately search for you. • his words and actions aren't in sync at all ahe. • him liking an instagram post that contains your ship name together just adds fuel to the fans' fire. • he's over the moon because instead of seeing his fans hating on you, they're actually loving and accepting you. • always hearts your instagram posts and leaves comments! • working on a movie or drama project together? he'll spam his instagram stories with your face. • like i've said, his words and actions aren't in sync!
TAGS: @retrospacealien @chishiya-of-diamonds @ang3liclov3ly @kenqki @shadowheads-shitshow @lunoxxy @supercoffeeblogs
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mehphoobia · 3 years
You are beautiful
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pairing - Tom Holland (actor) x Reader (college girl)
summary - Y/n is visiting her parents for the first time to Rio, whom she doesn’t know properly because they left her with her aunt when she was young. She is insecure about meeting her parents but she finds comfort in a stranger.
word count- 2.9k or around 3k
warnings - mentions of insecurity and self doubt, no swearing(cause its like my first post so gotta stay ‘pure’)
“Get up Y/N and Claudia…its 8 am already. We are going to be late.” a faint alarm could be heard from the kitchen, two rooms away from your room.
Your parents had been looking forward this vacation for months. With your father working in Rio for the past 7 years and your mother being a full time nurse at a nearby hospital in Rio where your parents lived, you never got a chance to feel how it felt to be with your parents. So naturally with no one to your care, you grew up with your Aunt Cass and your cousin Claudia, around whom your entire world revolved for the past 20 years.
Grumpy, filled with laziness up to the brim Claudia dragged herself to your bed and tortured you to get up. “Just two more minutes. I swear”, you begged as if she was listening. Then came the final blow with a splash of water on your face and then well….its self-explanatory. You both got up, finished through the verbal fight which left Aunt Cass chuckling in the kitchen.
“Aren’t you a tad bit excited to go to Rio, it’s been years since your parents last spent time with you.” Asked Claudia looking at you expression-less face in the mirror while brushing your teeth. “I don’t know Cloud, it’s just that I don’t know how I should feel about it. I am nervous and scared and tired just thinking about how awkward it can get.”
Your parents had last seen you on your 16th birthday, when they showed up at your house. The 16th year where you are neither an adult nor a child, of all those years they could have shown up, it was that year. Your mother had gifted you a manicure set and your father had bought you a hair kit and you absolutely had no idea what to do with it. Little did they know that you were more interested in trekking and photography rather than painting your nails and dyeing your hair? Where other girls chose tight fitting dresses and expensive heels you chose the comfort of sweatshirts: pajamas or jeans and sneakers.
“You will be fine, it’s YOU after all. If I can tolerate you enough to share my room with you then trust me, anyone can put up with you” said Claudia boasting her patience and handing a comb from her dresser. “Why don’t you curse or compliment me one at a time” you snapped annoyingly. But you were grateful for supportive arms around you which calmed you down.
After getting ready, you greeted Aunt Cass with a smile on your face and a stretched good morning as you helped yourself with some toast and orange juice. “Eat well, it’s a long flight after all” said Aunt Cass followed by a “Yes ma’am.”
“Keep your phone charged at all times. Keep calling me after every two hours and did you pack enough clothes to last you a month. I don’t want to hear your mother complaining later about it. Should I pack some extra snacks for you, you will surely not take care for meals and if you skip any your meals throughout the day, I swear you have had it then.” It never ceased to amaze you how multitasking Aunt Cass could be. She is strict, tough and a woman of her words. There was not a single day when you and Claudia had not done your college assignments or homework with Aunt Cass being at home. But at the same time she would sit with you past midnight when both of you cousins stayed awake for you midterms. Maybe that’s why you never missed your parents because you never had a void in your life, Claudia and Aunt Cass had filled it lovingly.
That being said, before you knew it all three of you were in the car and already off for the airport. The entire ride was filled with constant chattering as to how famous and beautiful Rio is and as how will not be able to walk down a street without bumping into a celebrity. However you were lost in your thoughts about living with your parents for a month, about whom you knew nothing and neither did they about you.
After reaching the Leipzig Airport, you waved them goodbye, leaving the loving and proud embrace of Aunt Cass and a cute envious look on Claudia’s face you were all set for Rio.
During the flight:
It was a 15hr flight, with the overthinking and hyperactive person you were there was no possible way you could have had a simple excited flight journey, but there is no harm in wishing one for right? Or so you thought.
When you were boarding the plane you noticed an unusual number of bodyguards outside, literally engulfing the poor person standing in middle. What annoyed you the most was the people who were cheering, because at some point of time it wasn’t cheering anymore, it was a mob attack. After boarding, what greeted you were the over excited air-hostesses which was obviously because ‘the person’ as you painfully learnt through the mob attack. But all you could care at that moment was your seat being a window seat or not, and luckily it was. After putting your hand luggage in the upper compartment (you had three suitcases and one hand luggage) you finally asked a fellow passenger dressed in black hoodie with a mask on his face and skinny jeans as to what exactly was the commotion about and to brief you about the situation. The answer surprised you- it was none other than Tom Holland.
Your mouth was literally in the O shape and eyes wide open. It was the Tom Holland. It was your favorite actor travelling in the same flight with you. That explained the mob attack. The only person that came to you upper floor was your Claudia.
Y/N: TOM HOLLAND is in the flight right now!!!!!! Tom freaking Holland.
Claudia: wwwwhhhhaaatttt!!!???????, damn I knew I should have gone with you. How could you do this to me? Why?
Y/N: I am sorry ok I didn’t know or wait maybe I did. His visit to Leipzig was mentioned in his itinary on his twitter account how could we miss that? We just got lucky man and also I was squashed in the mob attack at the airport.
Claudia: Oh! You mean you got lucky dipshit!? Please tell me you got a picture!
Y/N: no I couldn’t, I hardly knew about him being on the plane I asked someone and I have been freaking out since.
*announcement for switching off electrical devices.*
Y/N: I have to switch off my phone for a while, the flight’s gonna take off.
Claudia: okay, I knew I should have come with you. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!text me soon..love you
Y/N: yeah you should have, I miss you. Love you too.
“Are you a fan too?” asked your neighbor. You look at him with suspicious eyes was he eying your texts? Because if he was, that’s not healthy and it creeped you out.  Even though, “well yes, me and my sister.” You said and hoped the conversation will die out there. He took the answer and you could imagine a small smirk curling upon his face by the wrinkling of his eyes which was adorable. By his physique and posture he looked no older than early twenties. “What about you, are you fan?” you asked, unknowingly and regretted it immediately. “He doesn’t bugger me, so you could say so. How long have you been a fan?” ,“My aunt happened to be watching ‘The Impossible’, when we were younger and we have been crazy about him since. My sister liked him like crazy as to how cute he was but I liked his acting in the movie but ended up liking him too.”
“Very interesting..” something about him was attracting you, maybe his aura, the charming vibes, you didn’t know, but you were just attracted. But something pinned you, his accent, he had a British accent. Unknowingly, when your eyes met, your heart skipped a beat. It’s him. He was sitting right here. He realized your surprised expression and said, ”You can take a picture now” he chuckled and looking directly at you. Your brain on the other hand was still processing the vital information and the very awesome physique with veiny and beautiful hands and captivating eyes. How could you miss his eyes, those beautiful passion filled dark brown eyes.
“uh..um..h hi, I mean hello nice to meet you, I am Y/N”, ”Tom Holland” he said extending a hand not taking his eyes off of you. It amazed you really, how could he despite being an actor maintain such a down to earth personality. The way he talks, listens to you, waits for your reply and him being in the economy class instead of comfortably sitting in the first class seating arrangements. Wait!?Why was he here?. As if he read your mind and a sudden change in your expression from being flustered to confused. “Too many people, I needed to get out of there and breathe by myself for once. No cameras, no media, no stylists….jus… just plain old me. By the way, my manager is my imposter”, he said with a smirk on his face.
“Oh sure, I can understand that, it can get tiring sometimes. The attention being forced on you that you were never used to it. My parents too, in that way, been out of my life since the very year I turned 1 and suddenly they want meet me and want me to stay with them for a month in Rio. I didn’t want to but my aunt convinced me and I couldn’t say no to her. ”, ”You stayed with your aunt your entire life? Didn’t you miss your parents?” his passionate eyes suddenly changed into concern and pity, “yeah, but she means a lot to me, she was there for all my dance ceremonies, each and every one of my birthday’s , my graduation, she means the world to me so does my sister, she is like my pillar, my support , an annoying one at that.” You said smiling on you lap, and you could feel his gaze softening upon yours. ”my parents, uhh…you can never miss something you never had.” You looked at him again, but this time you could feel and see his gaze on you, watching you and never leaving your eyes.
Both you were so lost in each other that you didn’t realize when the flight had taken off and the snacks table breaking your moment. “Oh it’s been so long already since the plane took off, I didn’t realize we even missed the safety instructions”, you both chuckled at that. “Oh man!, you are really beautiful, really” he said running his hand down his locks and realizing that his tone was a bit too loud, and he meant to keep the compliment to himself. “Sorry?” you asked, despite you pretty much heard it when he said it, you wanted to hear it again.
“uhh..i m..mean your teeth are beautiful.” He realized what he said and his expression was like ‘did I really just say that?’. “I mean your smile is beautiful, Not your teeth..oh wait..I mean your teeth are beautiful too but your smi…” you couldn’t hold you laugh anymore looking at him and his cute ‘war’ with himself. “Thank you, I guess, a lot of people say that about me after I got my braces removed.”
“Oh you had braces? Since when?” “around when I was 15, like every girl wanted to look pretty and wanted boys around her ,so me and my sister had braces for the sake of it, not that I cared about me getting a boyfriend, just for fun”. He seemed to have got stuck on one word, “so you got one?”…”got what?” , “a boyfriend I mean?”. His expression changed and yet again you could feel blood rushing to your cheeks, “I always wanted a crazy guy, who could have something similar to my interests, ‘cause I am not like every other girl in the town, I am into trekking and photography and outdoor activities, not just a girl who likes shopping and who always has to be around people so, my specifications are a bit particular, so I have never had a boyfriend.”
“So, no boyfriend, right?” he asked as if that being the only part he was interested in, or who knows may be he actually was.
After a few hours, you realized you had a lot of things in common and the internet was all wrong about his interests and all. It was like meeting a complete different person, a person whom you have known for the longest time as if you have always been together. You were attracted to him and so was he to you, and you could tell that.
“So what are you doing in Germany? Did you have a shoot here?” you didn’t mind asking because he already had mentioned a lot of stuff that he was not supposed to and also his eyes lit up when he was excited to tell you about some stuff anything at all. “uh..yeah we had to film a segment in Berlin and then we decided to take a break, so I around different places and now we are heading towards the Carnival.” “oh Carnival huh? My aunt says its pretty lively. That was like the main reason why I agreed to go Rio. ”
“so don’t mind me asking, but are you going to be awkward around your parents? Like I know you are not very close to them..” he asked you sincerely concerned with his hands slightly brushing off of yours on the handle of the seat. It’s like he wanted to hold your hand because he knew the weight of his question but he felt like you would disintegerate if he did so. You could feel the same pit around your stomach filled with nervousness that you had forgotten about a for couple hours. “I don’t know, it’s complicated, I don’t know anything about them and also they might have certain expectations about me and what do I do if I do not live up to it. I know we haven’t had a very comfortable story build around us but somehow I don’t wanna disappoint them from my side because they don’t know anything about me like the birthday incident I mentioned about. But I simply don’t want to disappoint because I don’t want my mother, who was never there for me, to question my aunt, who has always been there for me” It’s like you pour the entire timeline of your life in front of  Tom and you were scared if he would drift away. “I understand Y/N, but your parents were the ones who planned this trip right?” “yeah they were the ones.” “so that’s it, you know when I have too much on my plate, my manager asks me to take a break and let everything go for sometime. All my meetings and appointments are cancelled because I will ruin them anyway, so there is no point of it. Your situation is kind of similar too, you have had a lot in your life with you parents not being there and now you simply just have to take a break and forget everything for a while because that’s what your aunt wants to you to do.” His hand finally rested upon yours and none of you flinched. It’s as if it’s meant to be.
That being said, you have already arrived in Rio and a beautiful ocean greeted you with open arms and you accepted it with a fresh mind. Tom’s hand still resting over yours and his fingers brushing the upper part of your hand and you look at each other embracing each other’s warmth with your eyes. That’s when you realized that you have fallen for him, not Tom Holland but just him, just Tom.
After the plane landed he was still holding on to you, scared to let go. He was scared to let you go because he cared about you and some fact had gotten him attracted towards you and he was scared to show you his vulnerable side. On the other hand you were scared to let go because you might never see him again. As if he sensed it again, what you were thinking, “I will see you again for sure. Don’t worry.” With a tight squeeze on his hand you let go and say “thank you, I will wait for you.”
“me too.”
You didn’t see him again after departing the flight, he would steal glances out of every opportunity to see you ,lost between the flashes of cameras and cheering, till the last second. The last time you saw him was to murmur something to his manager pointing towards you and that was it, the escalator distanced him from you. But you would still wait..
Outside the gate you could see your parents waiting for you, with Tom’s words in your mind you greeted them with a smile and everything seemed normal, as if they were always with you.
Two weeks later, still no message from Tom.
Claudia bombarded you with messages, when you told her about the entire duration of the flight. You were kind of annoyed with messages cause they were literally somewhere is hundreds. So you decided to ignore her for sometime.
*Ting* some part of you wanted to check that message but the other part of you wanted to go eat pizza because you were really tired from messaging and explaining everything to Claudia over texts. But then you were like *screw it* and you checked the message and…
*unknown number*: I said you were really beautiful Y/N….
A/n- uh..first of all thank you for reading this, cause it like my first post and my first fanfiction so i was a bit skeptical about posting this but fuck it, here it is guys it took me around four hours to complete this and its worth it. 
also if you wanna be tagged in this just let me know!!! *uwu face*
lemme know if you want a part 2 of this, because I will gladly include it with improvement of course, love you ppl...
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thesealishere · 5 years
A Speed Date with Markiplier (Egos)! Actor x Reader (1/12)
“Hello there! Welcome to Speed dating with Markiplier egos!” Seal said, walking up to [Y/N] with a smile. “I’ve got all kinds of fun things planned for you, so feel free to just sit back and relax while I take care of everything!” The woman’s tone was chipper as she slung an arm around them and motioned to the sparsely decorated room they were in.
“Now, we have twelve different egos for you to date! That’s certainly a lot, but fear not! They’ll only last for 20 minutes each and once you’ve gone through them all you can pick your favorite and go on a second date with them for as long as you like!” Or for as long as she could write. “Do you understand?”
“Um... I guess?” [Y/N] shrugged, honestly they didn’t even know how they got there...
“Great! Let’s get started then shall we? Now for the first date I figured we’d start big! Always start with a bang ya know? So I figured we’d do the main favorite, Darkipl-“
“AHEM!” She was interrupted, very rudely.
“What?” She frowned, looking to her left to see that the Actor had somehow gotten in.
“I think I may have misheard, you said you would start with the favorite and then it sounded like you were about to say Darkiplier.” He said with a disbelieving laugh.
“No, that’s what I was saying.” Seal said bluntly and he scoffed.
“The villain does not get to go first and he is certainly NOT the favorite.” Actor certainly seemed offended, [Y/N] took a step closer to Seal. She was the writer so certainly she’d be safe.
“So what I’m hearing is you wanna go first? You just got to go on a whole heist with them! Can’t ya give someone else a chance?” She questioned, but only received a huff. “Ugh, Fine. You get first dibs happy? You only got 20 minutes though and those 20 minutes start...Now.” She said with a snap.
The snap echoed and the two found themselves in a fancy restaurant, at a table in a small corner and waters already waiting for them.
“Pretty swanky place, I bet this is what she was planning for Dark. But you’re with me now so, what do you say we get out of here and find a real adventure?” Actor offered.
[Y/N] Thought it over for a moment before nodding, if this place was meant for a date with Dark then they figured they should go somewhere else.
The two quickly left the restaurant without seeming to draw too much attention and hurriedly walked to try and find something to do in their short time, conveniently finding a small festival.
“Well, looks like she can think of anything. What do you say we go in here huh?” Actor offered and they nodded. He took a hold of their hand and the two looked around the small stalls.
“How easy do you think we could steal this stuff?” [Y/N] joked quietly to the Actor who looked around at the vendors, he figured pretty easily but he saw no need to steal over priced trinkets.
“They would never even know it was gone.” He answered before pulling them away from the shopping centers, they didn’t have long and he wanted to win them something!
They quickly got to the stalls of games, they had 14 minutes left if he counted correctly, surely he could win something!.... He was wrong of course, failing to knock over the bottles no matter how hard he threw the ball.
“I think they super glued them all together.” [Y/N] whispered to him as he scoffed, finally giving up on the game and taking them to a different game. But they all seemed to be rigged against him.
“What kind of cliche date is this supposed to be if I’m not even allowed to win you anything!” Actor ran his hand over his face.
“Well... Why don’t we ride some of the rides? Besides, it doesn’t need to be a cliche date!” They said and he nodded, taking their hand in his again as they made their way to the rides.
The pair decided on a fun house, the other rides looking not that well put together so they didn’t trust them. The house of mirrors part was confusing,each ran into at least one mirror and the titling room wasn’t much better. The two clinging to each other as they tried their best to get through without falling over.
Once they finally got out they felt dizzy and were laughing at each other as they wobbled over to some place to sit.
“Well... We don’t have much longer. Is there anything else you want to do?” [Y/N] asked as Actor placed his hand over theirs , staring up as the sky began to get darker.
“We’re always running around and having to make choices, I think I’d just like to sit with you for a few moments.” He said, letting out a breath as he relaxed against them, their shoulders touching.
“You’re right, it’s nice to just... Sit here for a time.” [Y/N] commented.
“Yeah, especially when the writer really wants you to do something. But it’s not her choice, it’s yours [Y/N] and we’re running out of time.” Actor took a deep breath and tightened his hold on their hand. “Look, you don’t have to go on 11 other dates if you don’t want to. Again, it’s completely up to you. We could.. Just go off somewhere, I’m sure there’s some place we could hide!”
“Actor... Mark, that’s very sweet of you. But she was right, we do need to get the others a shot.” They said, watching as his shoulders sagged.
“Right... Of course. Sorry for assuming that you’d just want to run off with me. It’s fine.” He said and they rolled their eyes, it felt like he was trying to guilt them into it now.
“Hey, we had a good time! It’s not that bad! Who knows! Maybe you’ll get the second date in the end!” They tried to cheer him up, it earned a smile.
“And...” Seal’s voice filled their ears. “Time is up.” Another snap and [Y/N] stood before the woman in the plain room again. “Did you have fun? Did he try to talk you into leaving? Ugh, he’s hard to keep control of.” She rolled her eyes before clapping her hands together, smile back on her face. “Well then! Let’s continue shall we?”
And there is part of on this series! I don’t know why but I really like Actor!Mark being super Meta. Twenty minutes doesn’t sound like a lot of time but trying to fit enough stuff in twenty minutes but also trying not to do too much to get cut off is HARD. The 20 minutes started at the snap and ended when the story Seal interrupted them. I just thought that would be fun, hope y’all like the little addition haha! As always I accept any and all criticisms and feedback! Hope y’all enjoyed this first bit! I’ll see you tomorrow! ~Seal~
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I´m Always Here For You
I´m sorry you´re hurting Becka, hopefully this will make the pain a little better <3
Summary: Reader is sick and Jensen is worried.
This is really short but I hope you´ll still like it.
Masterlist & taglist
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I could feel his eyes on me from the chair beside our bed. I was having a weird pressuring pain in my chest but refused to go to the doctor. “Jensen, please stop looking at me like that.” I mutter. “I can´t help it Y/N, you need to get this checked.” He said concern in his voice. I groaned and tried to take a deep breath which caused a sharp pain in my chest. “It´s probably nothing, I´ll be fine.” Jensen walked over to our bed and sat down pulling me close. “I know you don´t like to get help but please, I´m worried because this doesn´t seem like nothing.” He said placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Please, for me, go see a doctor just to ease my concern.” He plead. I nod slightly. “Fine, but only so you´ll quit ask me.” I say getting up from the bed and putting on some other clothes than my pajamas before going to the doctor. They did an EKG and checked my lungs but said everything was normal and sent me home with some pills that was supposed to ease the pain since the doctor thought it was some strained muscles. After we got back home I took a pill and sat down on the couch with Jensen. “Want to watch a movie?” He asked while gently running a hand through my hair. I simply nodded and he turned on a movie. He kept running his hand through my hair and occasionally placed a kiss on the top of my head. I was feeling my eyelids getting heavy probably from the meds and Jensen´s fingers massaging my scalp. “It´s okay, take a nap Y/N. I´ll be right here when you wake up. I´m always here for you.” He whispered and with a small nod I drifted off to sleep my head resting on Jensen´s chest, breathing in his smell that helped me relax. I couldn´t wait for the pain to stop and just spend time with my caring boyfriend.
Tagging:  @bea789 @beckawinchester  @deansbaekaz2y5 @chelseypaigeake @fernandasvaldi @confusedpotatofairy @a-fangirl-stuff @lifeisforlosers @xpanicatthespnx
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If you are in the Steddie vs Edssy argument, (almost) all ships are welcome here so I don’t want to see any arguments about it on my page.
If you're a Billy stan and come up with excuses for his behaviour (Billy is a great character but a horrible person, tho I do believe he could have had a proper redemption arc if he was around longer. Dacre stans are of course welcome any time.)
If you're a minor posting/promoting smut and/or someone posting/promoting smut about minors (characters or actors)
If you’re homophobic, transphobic, racist (any and all hate is forbidden on this blog)
If you’re so obsessed with Joseph Quinn that you forget he’s a real human being with thoughts and feelings just like everyone else (be respectful to him and other actors/celebs please)
If you post/support actorxreader content, especially if it’s smut (it makes me, and probably the actors, uncomfortable)
If you ship actors together romantically (unless they’re actually a couple)
If you support incest ships
If you’re attacking Grace for simply existing and shipping Edssy
extra stuff under the cut
Things of Note:
I’m never against headcanonning some characters' sexualities if they're not known in cannon but if their sexuality is explicitly stated in canon don’t try and change it (i.e. don’t say robin is straight when the canon says otherwise)
You can have different opinions to me, your opinion is valid
You are valid if you are a Steddie shipper
You are valid if you are a Edssy shipper
I take Chrissy's cannon age as 17 (almost 18) and I think her and Eddie were cute, even if just as friends (but i won’t hate on those who do ship them romantically)
If you send mean asks to my inbox I won’t reply
If you try to start an argument with me about any ships/characters I won’t interact with you
I am a full believer in letting people ship what they want (within reason) for fictional characters
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kittyjoestar · 7 years
little announcement
i’m not going to be writing for deh anymore, i still like the musical but i’m just not really wanting to write for it. yes i feel bad about this but it’s my preference and i hope you guys can understand, other than that please request stuff for newsies+bonnie&clyde, i do write actorxreader but no smut for that(there’s only some actors i do write for), so go ahead and request away!
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precociouscoffee · 6 years
that fucking ‘tom holand partners pronouns’ post is cracking me the fuck up
people realizing the ‘uwu precious boi’ post is actually a ‘oh wait this actually a fake actorxreader fanfic’ is a magical experience
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mintypothos · 7 years
actor x reader is so uncomfortable man... especially when said actor is married or in a relationship, ya know?
oh yeah, I agree. I just have a longstanding appreciation for character x reader or character x self insert oc, you know? It’s not for everyone, but the indulgence is generally harmless. It’s a damn shame that the face of “xreader” and “x oc” in this fandom is rpf.
Back in the day when I was in highschool, I wrote exclusively “canon character x oc”, and because it was 4-8 years ago I had to weather a lot of “self inserts are terrible because mary sues are gross!!”. It sucked, because to me, it was just as legitimate a fanfic as writing normal ships, and even if one disagrees with that statement, it’s still harmless fun. I got to see a lot of fic where the canon male protagonist was changed and overpowered so much he was a self insert in all but name get rave reviews, and fics where female ocs with interesting stories and cool powers have to work so hard to justify every aspect of their character.
Like, to me it feels really shitty that self inserts are being used to write creepy rpf with actors. In recent years there’s been a backlash against the whole attitude of “how dare people write mary sues!!”, that has made it more acceptable to do inserts. But now some writers are giving people a real reason to find the whole idea gross again. I see all the tags and responses in that “lin is a person” post talking about how awful “xreader” is, and it hurts- because given the context, I'm forced to agree. The face of “xreader” in the Hamilton fandom is “actorxreader”. The problem is rpf in general rather than the concept of self inserts, but the version of rpf most people see is the “xreader” variant
basically, rpf writers are giving the self insert genre a shitty name and I’m taking it kind od personally
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My One Wish Part 4
So I´m currently thinking of ending this story here but Idk so if you´d like me to continue on it please let me know one way or another or I´m afraid to tell you there´ll only be one more part to this series for now at least. Thank you for reading.
Warnings: Mention of blood and injuries. Takes place in hospital and an OR.
Read part 1 here part 2 here and part 3 here Part 5 here
~Jensens Pov~
I drove to the hospital as fast as I could but it was difficult with the ongoing traffic. Tears were now streaming down my face and my vision quickly became blurry, I tried to wipe them away but failed since they just kept on coming. I finally arrived at the hospital and hurried inside. I was told to wait in the waiting area until they had information on have Y/N´s surgery was going. All I could do now was to wait and wish she would pull through.
~Meanwhile in the OR~
There was a lot of blood inside Y/N´s chest, as soon as most of it got sucked out by the doctors new came flowing in large amounts. They needed to stop the bleeding now and fast or she´d go into cardiac arrest again. The problem was that the amount of blood made it hard to see were exactly it came from. The blood pressure quickly sunk and a nurse said. “ The blood pressure is dropping, she´s going into cardiac arrest.” The doctor muttered something under her breath and said and a nurse handed her the defibrillator. “Charge it to 200 joules.” I say and are ready to place the defibrillator on her chest. “Ready.” the nurse says. The doctor says clear and gives the shock, nothing happens. “Charge to 200 again.” The doctor says and gives it a new try. The machine telling them she´s still in cardiac arrest keeps on screeching and the line is flat. The doctor still doesn´t give up. “Again!” She says and tries again. This time the screeching stops and the steady beep from the machine is back. “She´s stable again.” A nurse says and the doctor continues to search for the bleeding.
~Time skip 4-5 hours Jensens Pov~
I´ve been close to falling asleep so many times but each time a door opens I´m up on my feet but I´ve been filled with disappointment each time. My head is hanging low since I´m leaning forward over my legs, A door opens once more and a doctor walks out of it. I thought about getting up but don´t want to feel that same disappointment again that´s when I hear the doctor call out my name. “Mr. Ackles?” She says. I look up from the floor and get up to walk over to her. “Yeah that´s me.” I say. My throat is dry and my voice came out hoarse. “Hello my name is Dr. Temperance Monroe. We´ve finished the surgery on Ms. Y/L/N. There was a few complications during the surgery but she´s stable now. A nurse will come and tell you when you can see her, we´ll have to keep her here a couple of days for observation but hopefully not to long.” she said. I couldn´t help it but I hugged her and mumbled thank you over and over. She soon walked away and I waited for about half an hour until a nurse came and lead me to Y/N´s room. She was still asleep but would wake up soon. “Okay Mr. Ackles. Her injuries are as following a fractured arm, and suspected concussion. She suffered from major blood loss during the surgery due to an internal bleeding caused by the accident. The bleeding caused a cardiac arrest during the surgery but hopefully it won´t leave any permanent damage. We´d like to keep her here for at least 4 days to make sure she´s alright after that she´ll be free to go back home. I´ll leave you two alone for a while until she wakes up, if there´s any trouble don´t hesitate to push the help button.” The nurse said. I only nodded and sat down in the chair placed by her bed. I took my hand in hers and all of a sudden the tears began to fall again. I wiped them away.
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 The steady beeping from the machine was one of the few things that made it a little better, the tears came quicker though when I looked her over bruises and cuts almost everywhere on her body. I leaned back into my chair and the steady beeping lulled me to sleep. I woke up by feeling a feathery light pressure to my hand. I opened my eyes looking  down at our hands. Her fingers moved again and soon her eyes opened. They were filled with slight panic and I quickly stood up trying to comfort her. “Y/N/N it´s alright you´re safe. Everything´s fine. You´re in a hospital.” I said with a soft voice. Her heart rate calmed down and the panic in her eyes was gone and instead tears were beginning to form. “I´m sorry if I scared you.” She said her voice hoarse and shaky. “It´s alright sweetheart. All that matters are that you´re alive.” I said kissing the top of her head.
~Time skip a few days later Y/N´s Pov~
I´m back home now and Jensen won´t let me do anything by myself it´s kinda cute though but it annoys me sometimes. I have nightmares about the accident quiet often now, I keep reliving it. Jensen´s there to comfort me and convince me it´s not real those times and that I´m alright. I don´t know if I´ll ever be alright but I can hope. I guess I´ll have to wait and see what happens next....
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