#he was really like ‘time to get rid of this cherished item of ours for a ten second prank!!’
gaycrittercentral · 2 years
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I just realized it’s Valentine’s Day and that’s a good excuse for sammack so here’s a little sketch teehee. The devotion is strong with this one
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darkmindsotome · 3 years
Soap and Sun
Title: Soap and Sun
Fandom: Love365 Masquerade Kiss
Pairing:  Yazuru Shiba x MC
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Word count: 3,464
Warning: NSFW Smut
Written by: darkmindsotome
Summary: When a long awaited date threatens to derail under the summer sun a spur of the moment idea triggers an even steamer time together than planned.
Tagging @voltage-vixen​ as requested. Prompt #9: Car Wash Featuring the MC/LI as the Sponge
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When I thought of summer in London, I hadn’t thought of much else other than spending some quality time with my boyfriend.
He’d been playing the part of visiting lecturer at his old alma mater, Oxford University. His curriculum was well thought out and methodical, just like the man himself. Every time I was been able to catch one it was like attending a sell-out concert. I was always blown away by how he could turn a baffling topic into something easier to understand. In the end, you were never left feeling like you were stupid and it was amazing to watch him in his element. A true genius craftsman with genuine love and passion for his work.
Still, I would have liked to have seen him a bit more than I currently was. Silently chastising myself for the selfishness of that thought I tried to push it aside. I was once more in England and as per our agreement, we were on a date. That alone was enough to re-energise me.
It wasn’t much but we had decided to go for a drive in one of his cherished Bugattis. The sleek lines of it cut through the English countryside like a hot knife through butter. This was the kind of escape he liked. It wasn’t any more rushed than he wanted it to be. Just him, the open road, and his car. I watched with relief from the passenger seat as I could see the layers of stress and fatigue melt away from him.
“Are you sure this is all you wanted to do?” He had his usual blank poker face on as he asked. The only thing giving away how sceptical he was, was his tone.
“Yeah. I enjoy spending time with you Yuzu. I don’t really mind what we are doing as long as we can be together.” The answer came quickly to me and I enjoyed the brief moment where I could see his stoic mask slip and get a glimpse under it.
“You can be very direct at times.” He sighed.
“Does it bother you?” I didn’t candy coat things when talking to him. I had tried that when were first became an item and found out the hard way that subtle approaches would not be to anyone’s benefit in this relationship.
“No.” There was a faint smile on his face whether he was aware of it or not.
A comfortable silence fell over the interior of the car as it twisted and turned down roads that were becoming increasingly more rural and isolated.
“Where are we going anyway?” I decided to break the silence and ask as it had been about twenty minutes now and there was still no clue as to where Yuzu had planned on taking me. When I suggested just going for a drive and he had agreed, I thought he would have a destination in mind, not just aimlessly driving around the rural backroads of England for the afternoon.
“You’ll see when we get there.” I watched his dashing profile my eyes naturally falling to the strong hands the gripped the leather wheel. Those slightly rough calloused fingers I adored and missed so much, flexing against the wheel I was suddenly jealous of. Averting my eyes back to the passing scenery I tried to push away the ideas that would send me into dangerous waters.
Tall old trees lit up with the sun produced a mottled canopy of light as Yuzuru expertly drove his car through a nearly completely hidden entrance from the main road onto a small dirt track. For a car not designed to be an off-roader, the ride was still smooth. I found myself wondering if that was a testament to the Italian engineering or his driving. A smile came naturally to my face and I couldn’t stop it. Before I met Yuzuru the idea of engineering, cars, driving… any of it would have been far from my mind. Now the ideas came to me easily. He really had changed me.
“What is it? You have a grin on your face.” He frowned.
“Am I not allowed to be happy when I’m with you.” I teased watching as his expression relaxed once more.
“As long as it’s only with me. We’re here.”
He stopped the car in a clearing that was right next to the three S’s old school hideout. The shabby little cottage stood there in the overgrown garden looking like something from a fairytale. It was just as I remembered it the first time I saw it with him.
“What happened to ‘no girls allowed'?” I couldn’t help but ask, surprised by his choice of destination.
“You would rather go somewhere else?” He still had the keys to the car in one hand and the handle of the door in the other. He was looking at me with those dark eyes scanning me like code on a screen.
“No, it’s just why here?” I didn’t really have a location for our date in mind I had decided to leave it up to him. That didn’t mean I wasn’t a little shocked by his choice.
“I wanted to show you something. You remember that old failed power supply?” His hand fell from the door allowing it to partly close on us both in the vehicle.  
“The hyrdo—” I started to answer only to be cut off.
“Hydraulic turbine.” For some reason, he looked bashful. A man who didn’t show much emotion was looking at me with a faint blush making my heart skip in my chest. “I got it working and I thought- I wanted you to be the first to see it.”
“Really?!” I was stunned.
“I’ve never known someone to get so happy over such things.” He chuckled.
I had assumed he would be showing his success to his two best friends before me. I was perhaps a little too excited to find something where I topped the list of people ahead of Kazuomi or Kei when it came to Yuzuru and his work.
“You’re one to talk Mr Space Screws.” I tried to distract from my over the top reaction by childishly reminding him of when he got so passionately attached to something it nearly ruined a date.
“True. Come on it's over here.” My childish retort didn’t work. He didn’t react to it at all and simply nodded accepting what I said as the facts they were and exited the car leaving me to scramble behind him to catch up.
A small waterway near the rear of the cottage was sparkling in the sunlight. The fresh clear water was turning the fossil-like shell structure I had seen on my last visit. Watching it spinning it looked even more amazing than before.
What once could have been little more than a garden sculpture was now functioning. Scooping up water and cascading it between its two halves speeding it up and pushing it out in a strong even flow.
“I can’t believe you got it to work.” I was mesmerised watching the two halves turning the craftsmanship of the original I had seen had been adjusted to something more streamlined and very much in keeping with the minimalist nature of its creator.
“It wasn’t easy. The stream here isn’t very large so I had to calculate the flow rate and adjust the design to accommodate it. Amping up the flow inside the device allows for more energy to be produced and stored so power is produced. Then there was customising the old generator for the cottage to take the charge and convert it for use.” He was explaining and becoming the animated Yuzu I remembered. He was a man typically of few words but give him a topic he loved then his passion would allow him to ramble on for hours.
“It’s wonderful.” The words barely left my mouth before the spinning shells in front of us gave an ear-piercing shriek and ground to a halt. “What happened?”
“I think one of the bolts might have slipped its casing. Or maybe…” Yuzuru was already moving from my side towards his creation before pausing to look back at me his posture slumping as he mentally chastised himself for losing focus on our date. “Sorry, I-”
“It’s fine. You want me to go make a cup of coffee while you figure it out?”
With my reassurance that I accepted his desire to correct the problem he nodded and fell silent. It might not be how I wanted the day to play out but this was the man I loved and it wasn’t like we weren’t together. Draping his jacket over a nearby branch as he bent over his invention inspecting it.
His passion came with an extreme immersive focus. It was one of the things I found endearing about him. How he showed me glimpses of himself where his guard dropped. This was Yuzu in his element. The kid in the candy store. I went inside the cottage removing the door key from its hiding spot under a planter.
Time ticked by the hours of the sun passing with every stroke of the hand on the clock. It might be a part of him I was used to by now but it didn’t mean that I wasn’t a little bored. Exercising to kill time in this heat was not my idea of fun. Still, my body felt kind of itchy wanting to move. I was washing up the cups when my eyes fell on the Bugatti parked outside and I had an idea.
Yuzuru normally paid a valet to clean it. Maintaining its showroom condition was something of a source of pride to him as an owner. It couldn’t hurt to give it a little wipe down myself right? I could get rid of the dust on it and cool off in the process.
The lukewarm water swayed in the bucket as I carried it outside. I had found a new sponge and even some car shampoo in a cupboard. It was several years old but it was going to be better than trying to use dish soap.
I hooked my hair up high at the back and pinned it there with a couple of chopsticks I found in a draw in the kitchen. I’d already abandoned my dress in favour of a pair of shorts and a t-shirt I found in Yuzu’s old bedroom. I had to pull the drawstring at the waist to get the shorts to fit and the shirt was massive. Rolling the hem, I knotted it at the back turning it into a makeshift crop top. Happy with the adjustments to my wardrobe I plunged my hands into the bucket and got to work.
The soap lathered quickly oozing between my fingers as I squished the sponge and carried it over to the car.
It took some time but the turbine was once more turning freely and working. He frowned as he looked at his watch, thankful for its water resistance and realising how much time had passed. This was supposed to be a date and here he was once more lost in his own world. As he walked back to the cottage, he only hoped Mc hadn’t gotten so bored with him that she’d left.
Musing over the fact that he wouldn’t blame her if that was the case he stumbled upon a rare sight and his heart skipped such a beat it felt like it had landed in his throat. Mc dressed in his old school gym gear, his car and one of the most dazzling impromptu foam parties he’d ever thank a God for providing.
For all the fact it wasn’t the first time I’d ever washed a car before I still forgot how hard it was to reach all the parts of the roof. No matter how hard I stretched I kept coming in contact with the side of the wet soapy Bugatti and not actually reaching the missing points on the roof with my outstretched hand and sponge.
It wasn’t until a hand enveloped mine taking the sponge from it that I even noticed Yuzu was back.
“What are you doing?” His question felt absurd so I decided to joke.
“Hunting elephants.” I tried to turn only to find myself pinned to the side of the car by him. His tall frame easily overpowering me. “I’ll ask you the same what are you doing?”
“I thought you were trying to tempt me. I’m just playing along.” His mouth was hovering near my ear and the grip on my hip was flexing like his hands had done before on the steering wheel. Large strong hands began kneading at my body like it was pasta dough.
Shamelessly I went limp against him. The weather was too hot for me to bother thinking of fighting back as usual. Our little games of cat and mouse we both enjoyed was a distant idea for another day. I let his hand travel further round to the ties at my waist, those skilled fingers loosening the shorts with ease.
All the time I remained “helplessly” pinned to the car by his body and his other hand sliding up my arm and pulling the chopsticks from my hair letting it tumble free.
“So compliant. That’s not like you at all.” He gave a dark chuckle that sent a chill down my spine. I couldn’t let that go and turned to give him a piece of my mind.
“I’ll have you know I--” Words died the instant I met that dry ice gaze. His dark eyes were an inky black reflecting only me and all hope I had of putting up a front with him melted in that passionate heat.
“You what?” He held me frozen in place that smirk on his lips felt very like him at a time like this. Yuzu always became a tease when things were taking a steamy turn. “You know you missed several spots?”
He pulled back his heat leaving me feeling the cool, dampness of the clothes I was standing in. I felt my body betray me with a whimper I barely silenced.
“I can’t reach all of it.” I knew I was pouting but right now this had been the closest contact we had had in a while and I was far from wanting to play coy. “Can you help me?”
Holding out the sponge to him I gave it a squeeze letting the suds run across my skin and smiled watching his adam’s apple bob under that thin infuriating turtleneck of his. Without a word he pulled his top off exposing that mass of well-toned muscle and lean physique, he worked hard to maintain with his demanding job. It was my turn for my throat to go dry as he took the sponge and loaded it with soapy water from the bucket.
“Come here.” His command had me moving automatically and I watched him slap the wet sponge on the bonnet of the car. “Take it.” I did as I was told only to feel my body pulled back by my hips. “I said take it.”
“I’m trying but you’re not helping.” My complaint was indignant but still playful. His hands were running over my thighs delving into the fabric of the shorts from below pushing them higher exposing more of my legs to the world.
“I can’t help until I see where you need my help.” His breath was like a vapour at this point. His body was burning up and I could feel the pressure of his desire against me. My grip on the sponge grew limp all I wanted was to be with him now the car be damned. “What giving up before the job is done? That isn’t like you.”
“Mmm, Yuzu.” I ignored how in control he was and was willing to blame the heat of the day for the fire swelling inside me and how I rubbed my ass purposely against him. It was an invitation he was all too willing to answer.
In a flash, my arms were pushed high over my head the water of the sponge ran in a river over the bonnet soaking through my shirt between my breasts. His hands removed the shorts and underwear in one fast motion like he was removing a band-aid. Even with the lack of breeze outside, I shuddered at the exposure.
With one hand reaching down to burry his fingers inside me he used the other to reach up over me taking the sponge and pushing it around me. The wet sounds from me and the squelch of the sponge in my ears had me squirming under him. The different places the water touched on my skin felt like he was running his tongue all over me and I arched my body into his firm chest as he covered me.
“I don’t think this is going to cut it.” He denounced the sponge. holding it high over my back and squeezing it dry over my exposed skin before tossing it from the car and flipped me over. My body felt limp in the heat but I managed to remove the painful knot of the wet fabric at my back and hitch myself up a little higher on the car so I was at a better angle.
He let out an appreciative guttural moan that sounded far more animalistic than usual.
“You like cleaning the car then huh?” I teased with what was left of my composure.
Yuzu moved to between my thighs soundlessly and dragged his hot tongue in a long slow swipe through my folds. I tilted my head back blinded by the bright sun and in total disbelief that we were even doing this. When had I become so into sex that this was my life? Did I care? I glanced down and was met with his eyes staring at me from over my pubic mound. He sucked on that bundle of nerves and gave me a little nip on the inside of my thigh.
“What are you thinking?” He asked as he played with his fingers inside me. Scissoring them moving both fast and slow.
“Y-you. I was t-t-thinking about you Yuzu.”
My reply had him smiling and he then removed his hand and grabbed both my ankles dragging me down the slippery metal towards him.
“You know one of the best things about cleaning a car?” I was stunned speechless. There was something devilish about him that I didn’t see often. He was always passionate with an endless sex drive but this was new. He leaned over me his face in front of mine blocking out the sun making it hard to see him. “It’s the getting it dirty to start with.”
Before my eyes could adjust to see him clearly I felt a familiar suffocating pressure from below as he filled me up with his length. With every roll of his hips, it had me bouncing against the bonnet. The water trapped under me foamed with the fabric of my shirt and moved me around in unpredictable ways. The even rhythm from him coupled with my body's unrulily movements thanks to the lubrication of the soap on the car had me reaching the edge faster than normal.
“Ah! Yuzu… I … I’m so close.”
He seemed to speed up and target all the parts of my body he knew I liked. Thanks to the clinging shirt, my nipples were clearly visible and found their way into his mouth where he nipped at them with his teeth. He used his mouth to cover the exposed patches of my torso playing a game of hide and seek with the wet fabric driving my mind further to oblivion.
Right when I thought I was going to reach my limit, he stopped. He left himself inside me but refused to move. I mewed and looked up at him. He was panting, sweat dripping over him. I tried to move my own hips to get more but he just remained still looking at me.
“Yuzu?” I was confused. Why had he stopped?
“I love you Mc.” His confession was quiet but touched my heart as clearly as if he had screamed it.
“I love you too Yuzu.”
“I know.” He picked up the movement as if he had never stopped. The devilish smile on his face replaced by an erotic pleasure mask that had my own heart soaring.
Under the summer sky in an isolated part of the English countryside, we connected over and over again. Our cries and moans melting into the nature surrounding us. Our love and passion driving us forward burning hotter than the sun long after it had set.
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1 to 30 (yes, all the questions)
What did you dream about last night?
“I was shipwrecked on an island with my friends and there was a cookie shortage. I staged a mutiny to get the cookies and lost, so they put me in the handshaking room where I had to shake hands with men who had really sweaty palms until I apologised.”
What is your favorite color?
“Well, obviously it’s pink,” she said, gesturing to the plethora of green items currently surrounding her.
Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
“The sun. Freckle me up, baby!”
Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
“Of course! Can’t tell you what I wished though, it hasn’t come true yet.”
Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.
“The first Scooby-Doo movie, every single time.”
When’s the last time you felt like you were floating?
“Like three days ago. Iridessa made some brownies. They were potent.” @iridessa-sol
What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?
“The future, I guess? Like... what my house is going to look like, or my wedding. And I think I daydream about my friends a lot too.”
Do you believe in guardian angels?
“I think I did at some point. If they exist, mine has fucked off a few years ago.”
What’s a smell that reminds you of home?
“Lavender and Honey.”
What is something (or someone) you’re in love with?
“James! I love him. Probably too much, to be honest. It’ll probably kill me.”
Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness.
Tina has to think about it through the fog of all the not-great feelings she has had over the last few months. “James and me were in the kitchen. I think it was last Sunday. He was making that really nice casserole that I like, and I was sitting on the counter while the kettle boiled for our tea. He was mixing the stock in the pot and humming to himself. He just looked really... content? And then he caught me staring because I let the water over boil, and he gave me a kiss, and let me try the sauce and it was just really nice... He’s turning me into a sap.” @magicaljameshook
Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.
“Freshly Laundered Linen by Boom Forest.”
What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?
“Like clothing-wise? Short dress, short-shorts underneath, grass-stained knees and a daisy chain on my head.”
Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
“Uh... The day me and Peter and the Lost Boys finished building the treehouse. We all carved our names at the foot of the tree, and made a pact. Which... well, you can guess how that pact is going. I don’t really feel like talking about old memories right now. You can ask them about it instead.”
Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year.
Once again, sifting through the fog. “I’ll be honest, everything that has happened since I got engaged last Christmas is a bit of a blur and I can’t remember if things happened last year or this year. Oh! James and me started doing some wedding planning! That’s been exciting.”
Where do you feel most at home?
“I don’t really know anymore... I guess I should say James’ house, but... his house is too big, and it doesn’t really feel like my home. It’s his, and I just sort of sleep in it. I feel home when I’m with him, but that’s not really a where. I feel pretty at home in my apartment, but I’m giving up my lease soon, and I’m hardly there now. I can’t say the Lost Boy’s treehouse, can I? I’m not allowed there anymore. The trees kind of feel like home too, by extension. I don’t know! I don’t know.”
What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
“I have a teapot of important keepsakes in my kitchen that I’ve kept since I moved into my apartment. I have my first friendship bracelet that I made for me and Peter in there, it was the first thing I put in, but my wrist is too fat for it now. And James’ mom’s ring, the one he used when we did that fake proposal game, before I liked him. I should probably get rid of that, his mom is horrible. But it’s pretty, and it was the first thing he ever gave me...”
Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random?
“Oh, for sure they meanings! I don’t know what my cookie mutiny dream meant, but it for sure meant something!”
Do you believe in love at first sight?
“Only when it comes to teapots.”
What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
“A few summers ago, someone spiked my drink at a festival and I got really sick. Well, I say sick, I had a, like... I don’t know, a depressive episode or something stupid like that and it lasted way too long. Anyway, James was the only one that really checked up on me, even though I had been really horrible to him not long before. He ran me a bath and made me something to eat, and made sure I was okay.  “
Do you believe in mermaids?
“Uh, yes. Because they are real, and they will sing you down into the murky depths to your death.”
What do you like most about nature?
“Nothing brings you back to being a little kid like nature does. The smell of fresh cut grass, the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, or feel of the air as a big summer storm is rolling in over the hills. It just reminds me of coming home with dirt on my dress and grass stains on my knees after playing outside with the Lost Boys all day.”
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
“I’m a Leo! Google says we are lively, fun, loyal, and honest which I think definitely describes me, right?” *snorts* “It also says Leos want deep devotion, focused attention at the proper times, and experience. That sounds about right.”
Are you more of a hopeless romantic or realist?
“I think everyone would be quick to disagree if I said realist.“
What’s a song that gives off good vibes anytime you listen to it?
“What I Like About You by Lillix (the superior version, just saying).”
Do you usually remember your dreams?
“If they’re really weird, then yeah.“
Have you ever written a love letter?
“Oh God, no! What am I? A sap?”
Name a book you don’t mind reading over and over.
“I don’t think I’ve ever read a book all the way through ever in my entire life.”
Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have?
“Teapots! Broken ones, old ones, new ones. Bring me your teapots! I like fixing them. I also collect trinkets and shiny things and anything glittery. I also like playing with make-up and skin care, and drinking tea on the front step (that’s a hobby, right?) and making moodboards!”
What do you do to feel at peace?
“Fixing teapots. You can’t be angry when you’re trying to fix something or it just gets worse...”
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thecluelessredhead · 4 years
Sunset Curve: A Hollywood Legacy
Summary: Sunset Curve, the greatest new band of the ‘90s, was supposed to die. One fatal decision to change it all. One fatal decision was never made. 
Put simply it’s an AU in which Luke, Alex, and Reggie never died.
Word Count: 2912
Chapter 1 of ???
Additional notes at the bottom.
Chapter One
“Okay, well, I’m thinking we fuel up before the show,” the lead singer was saying. “I’m thinking street dogs.” He looked at each of his bandmates in turn, and waited eagerly for their approval. The boys didn’t respond immediately, for their rhythm guitarist had caused a distraction by leaping off the stage and walking suavely up to a woman wiping down the table, who had been cheering moments earlier. “Hey, Bobby, where you going?” The other three band members exchanged a knowing glance, but gladly followed their friend down the stage stairs and to where the girl stood, a slight smirk on her face. 
“I’m good,” the one walking away called back to the singer. Then, he turned to face the woman, and plastered a coy smile. “Vegetarian,” he said to her, placing his hands on the table she was wiping down. “I could never hurt an animal.”
The woman didn’t respond directly to him, but instead addressed his approaching bandmates. “You guys were really good,’ she gushed. 
“Thank you.” Luke accepted the compliment with a shy but proud grin. 
“I see a lot of bands,” the girl went on. “Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it.” Something in her face told the boys that she didn’t say these things to just anyone. 
“Yeah, that’s what we do this for,” the lead singer said, stepping into his confidence. “I’m Luke, by the way.” Luke was the shortest of the group, and his face seemed to hold a constant expression of flirtation beneath his chestnut hair, which wasn’t entirely untrue.
“Hi, I’m Reggie.” It was the bass player who had spoken, and he was beaming. He had deep brown hair, a slender build, and a look of blissful oblivion. He put in his two cents quickly, and got out of the way. 
“Alex,” was all the drummer said, for he wasn’t interested in the girl. He was the biggest of the group and his blond hair was hidden under a black backwards hat. When he had ceased speaking, he put his hands back into his pockets and resumed slouching next to Reggie.
“Bobby,” the self pronounced vegetarian announced, trying to draw attention back to himself. He had a deep, soothing voice, and hair parted perfectly down the middle. He may have been counted out of Sunset Curve’s value, but that would’ve been erroneous. 
“Nice meeting you guys,” the waitress answered, and though her voice was kind, a hint of mockery and sarcasm could’ve been detected. If so, it only made the boys like her more. “I’m Rose.” 
“Oh, uh, here’s our demo.” Reggie offered her a black CD, with a practiced smirk. “And a T-shirt, size beautiful.” Rose accepted both items with a simper that matched Reggie’s. Alex merely groaned at Reggie’s smarmy efforts. 
Rose ignored him as she held the shirt up to her torso and examined it. It was a plain white garment, with the words Sunset Curve written in black across the front. “Thanks.” She beamed, and this time it was genuine. “I’ll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one,” she joked, throwing the shirt over her shoulder.
“Oh, good call! Whenever they get wet, they just kinda… fall apart in your hands,” Alex informed her, making an awkward visual with his fingers. He trailed off, clearly feeling awkward about his addition to the conversation, though no one really noticed his discomfort. His hands returned to his pockets.
On that note, Bobby was eager to get rid of them. “Don’t you guys have to go get hot dogs?” 
Hot dogs was something that the band members had yet to agree to. Luke turned and looked expectantly at his friends, who seemed to think. 
Reggie was the one who spoke up. “Actually, my older sister Carla is in town for the show. I was going to go meet her.” Luke nodded, and turned to face Alex for his opinion. 
Alex looked uncomfortable now that the spotlight was on him. He took his hands out of his pockets and rubbed them together nervously. “I was actually kinda hoping to get a little time to breathe before the show.” He didn’t like admitting this to anyone, especially not someone he had just met. His hands quickly returned to his pockets and he looked down at the ground.
“Oh, cool,” Luke said, turning in a quarter circle so that he faced Rose again, even though he didn’t plan on speaking to her again that night. Now that all three bandmates had abandoned him, what did that leave for him to do? Luke, now slightly upset at being left alone just before a life changing night, pushed Bobby aside and leaned toward Rose. “He had a hamburger for lunch.” Alex, Reggie, and Rose giggled as Luke walked away, basking in the light of a successful joke. Bobby groaned at being out done by Luke once again. 
Luke, Alex, and Reggie all left together through a side door, leaving Bobby to pick up the pieces of his failed flirting practices. 
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Luke exclaimed happily as they strolled into the alley.
“The smell of Sunset Boulevard?” Alex asked, wrinkling his nose, and looked around, as if searching for the source of the constant odour. 
Luke stopped walking to look into Alex’s green eyes. “No.” He laughed and gave Alex a playful shove. “It’s what that girl said in there tonight.” Luke kicked up puddles and spoke as if the event hadn’t just happened. “About our music, all right?” He turned to look at Alex again. “It’s like an energy. It connects us with people. They can feel us when we play.” He stopped walking again as the group reached the end of the alley. He pulled his bandmates into his arms. “I want that connection with everybody.”
“Then, we’re going to need more T-shirts,” Reggie said, taking the serious edge off of Luke's monologue. Luke laughed and looked back and forth between Alex and Reggie. 
It came to a point where the three had to go their separate ways, and they said their goodbyes, despite the fact that what Luke had said held true and they would always be connected to one another. 
Luke walked alone down the sidewalk, past crowds already lining up to come to see the show. While he walked, he thought. At first, his thoughts were directed toward Reggie, and he wondered how someone who had such a difficult time at home could be so happy and think so simply all the time. He wondered if Alex still thought about Luke in the way Luke thought about Alex. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that particular inquiry. Luke pondered about what Bobby thought about, for he was the one person Luke could never truly get to. Never really read. 
Luke forced himself to push these thoughts aside, and think only of the show. This was to be the night of his life, and he decided to cherish his last few moments before his world was wound upside down. So, he dragged his mind to nothingness, and continued on his search for something to do. 
Alex was having just as hard a time as Luke. He had yet to calm his nerves, and was getting discouraged, which always led nowhere good. The night was cooling off quickly and darkening at twice that rate. Alex stood on a street corner waiting as patiently as he could for the light to turn. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms and returned them to his pockets in a vain attempt to warm up. Traffic was bad. Cars roared across the boulevard, headlights blaring, and for one wild moment, Alex feared one would veer off the road and hit him. He would soon discover that that was the very least of his worries. 
Alex felt ridiculous, being off on his own when the band’s biggest performance was rearing its head like a serpent before him. He sucked in a deep breath, and the air seemed to harden in his lungs.. He looked once more at the traffic as he turned to head back to the Orpheum, and wallow. 
His final glance was one that saved a life. 
A figure was flying too fast into the street on a skateboard. The being pushed off the asphalt with his right foot, and a grin was visible on his face as he pushed the limits of death. Cars blew their horns,and slammed on the brakes. Alex’s fears were almost realized as vehicles swerved to avoid the daredevil. The man giggled and turned on his skateboard to cross the boulevard again. Alex’s heart stopped in his chest, but the cars didn’t. 
In one moment of complete insanity, the drummer lunged took two long strides and lunged across the street, snatching the skater in a flying tackle. The two of them hit the pavement and rolled, knocking people out of the way. Alex felt his back hit a wall, the boy still wrapped in his arms, and he opened his eyes. They were met by a mop of glossy, luxurious, brown hair. Alex didn’t have long to look however, because as soon as they stopped rolling, the figure fought to free himself from Alex’s clutches. Alex relinquished his hold wordlessly and allowed the man to wriggle away. The boy leapt to his feet and grabbed his skateboard from where it lay on the sidewalk a few feet away to examine it. 
“Aww, you dinged my board!” he whined, without looking up at Alex. 
Alex stood up, suddenly very heated. “Dinged your board? Dude, I saved your life!” The boy looked up at him, as if realizing for the first time that Alex had rescued him. Upon meeting his eyes, his head cocked to one side, and he studied Alex’s face carefully. The boy took in Alex’s handsome features, and made an unconscious decision to give the guy a chance. He smirked slightly at the scrunch in Alex’s eyebrows, and hitched up his skateboard in his left hand. 
He reached up with his other hand to pull off his helmet while he spoke. “Yeah. yeah, thanks. I guess it’s about time that I learned-” He stopped speaked, and bent his neck to shake out his hair. He whipped his head back up, and Alex’s eyes caught each one of that man’s features as if his movements were in slow motion. “-skating in traffic is bad,” he finished, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ears. Alex made a frustrated mental note that the boy had the handsomest of ears. The boy’s brown eyes were scrutinizing him, and he realized his mouth was hanging open. The boy seemed to take his silence and flustered face to mean he was upset, and pursed his lips. “Hey,” he said gently. “Thanks.” Even if the words were weak, the sentiment was solid and powerful. 
“Yeah.” Alex nodded, regaining his composure. “It was nothing.” He stuck out his hand. 
“Sure, it was,” the boy said, lazily accepting Alex’s honesty, taking hand and shaking it. 
“I’m, uh, Alex.” He grinned.
“Cool, I’m Willie.”
Willie. The name stuck in Alex’s brain, and it was as if at that moment, the six letters were being engraved in his head, so that he would never forget. They had stopped shaking hands, but had yet to let go. Alex’s hand was the first to fall. 
“So, do you often make stupid choices?” Alex asked. Now that his initial shock of seeing the boy had gone, his miffed attitude was returning. 
“Yes,” Willie answered, defensively. “Do you often save lives?”
“No,” Alex replied, melting again under the boy’s warm gaze. 
“Who are you?” Willie looked around unexpectedly, as if searching for some mysterious answer. “Some sort of hero?”
Alex blushed hard, blood rushing to his cheeks and drawing his eyes toward his nose. Willie noticed, and reddened as well. “No. No, not a hero. Just a drummer.”
“Ahhh!” Willie smiled, and began to walk away, expecting Alex to follow. Alex, however, remained still, his head turned slightly as he watched Willie go, his feet seemingly glued to the concrete. It didn’t take Willie much time to realize his new acquaintance wasn’t with him, and he turned back. “You coming or what?”
Alex was certain that the blood rising in his face was becoming permanent. “Um, no. No, I don’t think I will.” He shuffled his feet nervously, and Willie attentive caught onto that fidget.
“Why not?” he asked, taking two uncommonly long strides back to Alex. He was close, and looked up into the taller boy’s large green eyes, with a curiosity and concern that was not to be expected from someone as reckless as him. 
“I have a gig tonight. Yeah, my, uh, my band’s playing the Orpheum. Well it’s not my band. I’m in the band, but uh-“ Alex cut himself off. Willie was grinning. 
“The Orpheum, huh?” He nodded slowly, as if coming up with a clever scheme. “So, why aren’t you there?”
Alex chewed on the inside of his cheek and thought about how to answer that question. He decided on the truth, in the hopes that Willie would be appreciative of it either way. “I wanted some air. This is kind of a big night for us. Like, life changing.”
Willie’s eyes crinkled like he was pondering these words. He seemed to understand what Alex was saying, despite never being in such a situation himself. “Can I stop by? Cheer you on?” he inquired, nudging Alex gently with his elbow, and biting his lip in a suppressed smile, which only made Alex blush again.
“You don’t have a ticket,” he pointed out.
Willie shrugged, as if the rules were just a formality. “Please. I’ll find a way in.” 
Alex opened his mouth to protest, but Willie cut him off by holding up a single finger. 
“I’ll see you there.” He grinned, slipped on his helmet, dropped his skateboard, and skated away, leaving Alex both nervous and flustered.
Reggie was standing patiently outside of the airport, waiting for Carla. Standing is a bit of a stretch. Reggie seemed to live in a constant state of movement, and right now, he was walking dreamily in circles and kicking up puddles just for the heck of it. He was beginning to get a few funny looks, being a seventeen year old boy, standing outside an airport, splashing through rainwater, but Reggie didn’t want to go inside. He didn’t like airport security, because taking off his shoes made him uncomfortable, and he always got lost. So, both he and Carla decided it was best for him to remain outside while she got all of her affairs in order. 
“Reggie,” a voice asked, and he knew it was her. He whirled around, throwing water in a perfect ring around his legs. Reggie didn’t say anything as he approached his sister, only spread his arms and went into her welcoming ones. She then stepped away from him and held him at an arm's distance to look at him. She looked proud of him. 
“Hey!” Reggie exclaimed finally. “How was your flight?” 
Carla shrugged, mostly wanted to hear more from Reggie. “Fine.” 
Reggie stooped down, and eagerly took one of her bags from the ground where she had set them to embrace him. “And how’s college?” he pressed.
“Oh, you know,” Carla said evasively. Reggie laughed and shook his head, and Carla had to give in to his boyish excitement. His joy was contagious. “Okay, well my classes are great,” she began as they started to walk. “I got this great internship working for one of the most incredible professors there. She thinks like me, and understands the changes we need to be making to the modern education system.” Reggie waited eagerly for more. “And I’ve been hanging out with this one girl, who I swear is the most brilliant and funny human being I’ve ever met. And you know how I feel about hyperboles.”
“They're useless. Say what you mean,” Reggie repeated what his sister had been drilling into his head since he had learned the meaning of the word. 
“Exactly.” Carla beamed at him.
“Can I meet her?” Reggie pleaded. Carla elbowed him in the kidney, and he wasn’t entirely sure why, so he dropped the subject. 
“No, tell me about you! How’s the band? How are the guys?” she asked. 
“They’re great. Can’t wait to see you again. You’re coming to the show right?”
They had arrived at the Peters’ house. 
“Of course!” Carla promised. Reggie grinned goofily. Neither went inside the house, and Carla asked the question both had been dancing around for the entirety of their short walk. “How are Mom and Dad?”
Reggie’s grin faded. “The same. Most nights, I don’t come home. But they don’t notice.”
“I’m sorry I left you with that,” Carla said, and she looked like she meant it. 
Reggie avoided her gaze. “It’s okay. You had a chance to get out. And I’ve got the band.”
Carla nodded. “You should’ve had me.”
“Shall we go in?” Reggie asked, determined to change the subject.
“If we must,” Carla answered, throwing her head back in a regal way, linking arms with her brother and turning to face the house, which from the outside look peaceful. 
Together, feeding off each other’s bravery, the pair approached the front door.
Notes: Thanks for making it this far. I’m not on Ao3 or any of that, so this is what you get. Next chapter will definitely be longer, I just really wanted to get this first one out in the open, so bear with me and be kind. Also, I felt like this was very heavy on Willex, but I hope you enjoyed the theory that I creaed with them. Also, sorry the first part is like, just the show. The title and summary make me cringe, too, feel free to disregard that. Reblogs are appreciated, and hope you enjoyed!
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Hollow Feeling
Title: Hollow feeling
Pairing: TobiSaku
Rating: G
Summary: Tobirama felt hollow. It was supposed to be simple, but the best laid plans go up in smoke due to emerald eyes. Now his reflects on this hollow feeling.
Words: 1024
Also posted on AO3
 He held the bottle in his hand, picking at the label. The willow tree drawn in pencil was split in two. The love birds literally torn apart.  It was some hipster beer made with flowers. His brother,  being the plant enthusiast he is, picked it out. He didn’t care for the floral notes he tasted in the drink. He wanted something to burn as it went down his throat and settled itself in his stomach. The thought of liquor filling him helped to rid him of the hollow feeling in his chest.
 Tobirama watched as different people filtered in and out of the bar. Hashirama was to his side talking to Mito and Madara. Izuna was by the stage hitting on a group of college students, he had no shame. He should be listening to what they had to say, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. This meeting wasn’t really a business transaction. It was just for show. The deal was going to go through. That hollow feeling filled him again.
 Everything just went to shit. He was supposed to go to the town and figure out how much to offer the inhabitants to get them to vacate their homes. The Uchiha-Senju group wanted to build a state of the art research center. The town lay on the outskirts of Konoha and served as the perfect location. The people were just names on a piece of paper...or so he thought.
 He remembers spending time in the town. Seeing the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They didn’t have a rush like in the inner city, but the electricity could be felt in the air. He took stock of the library, church, schools, and other businesses. It was when he came across the local clinic that everything was turned upside down.
 Emerald and soft pink disrupted his life. He had it all planned out, just for it to be shot to hell. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The picnics in the park by the lake. Walking around the small festival to welcome in spring. The stolen kisses between her patients and then the nights. When he tried to look back at his most cherished memories the liquor turned to ash in his mouth. He shouldn’t have spent so long in that town. Logic should have won the battle over his heart. But time and time again he found himself leaving every Friday night from the office to spend his weekends with her.
 The last time he saw her was not a rainy day. To mock him it was one of the most beautiful summer days. That Friday night there was a slight cold front so the heat and humidity weren’t stifling. He got to her home early to make her a special dinner. She got home early. A million emotions filtered through her eyes as she looked at him. When he went to kiss her, she pulled away.
 She soon found out who he was and what he represented.
     It’s true isn’t it. You are just going to destroy everything my family has built. My family’s last name isn’t Senju or Uchiha so it doesn’t matter, right?  
 Before he knew it words were said, items were thrown, and he was nursing a broken nose. All the tact he usually had went out the window with her.
 Hashirama’s laugh brought him out of his wallowing. Tobirama just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the next few months away.
 A flash of pink caught his eye. She was there ordering a drink. They locked eyes and time stood still. His heart pounded in his chest, it brought him comfort knowing it was still there. However, at the same time he cursed the pain he felt.
 “Tobirama...can we talk?” He wanted to weep when he heard her voice. It wasn’t laced with the malice like it was at their last meeting. He didn’t know what she would say to him. He was the man tearing down her childhood home. He was the one flattening the clinic her grandfather built from the ground up. That small town was the hard work of her family.
 Tobirama could only nod in reply. He followed Sakura as she led him outside.
 “Sakura, I’m...I...I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I tried to stop it after getting to know you and the town.” She just stared at him. Then he saw a piece of paper in her hand.
 “I said things I am not proud of at our last meeting Tobi.” She looked down at the ground. All he wanted to do was have her in his arms again, but he hesitated.
 “Could we start over?” Those big emerald eyes looked up at him. His heart was going to jump out of his chest. He was supposed to be the cold and calculating brother. Yet, here he stood feeling all the emotions in those eyes.
 “Do you really want to start over? After everything.” He couldn’t cling to the ounce of hope she was giving him.
 “You don’t know?” Tobirama was confused and she looked at him. “Don’t know what?”
 “Your brother adjusted the contract. He actually offered to help fund a new clinic and to help with the research I am working on.” Tobirama was speechless. His feet moved faster than his brain could process. The smell of vanilla and mint overwhelmed his senses as he kissed her. She didn’t pull away. Instead she deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her nails digging into his scalp as she grabbed his hair.
 He needed to come up for air. Breaking the kiss made her whimper, both of them were breathing heavily.
 “Is that the contract?” He continued to hold her close fearing she would disappear.
 “I contract of sorts, but not the contract you think. I want a different agreement binding the two of us together.” This woman was always a step ahead. He matched her sly smile.
 “You know I am supposed to be the one to propose.” Her laugh filled the void that had consumed him for far too long.
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willowknee · 4 years
Forever is a long time - WillNE
Title: Forever is a long time  People: WillNE x reader Word count: 1,549 Warnings: n/a Songs to listen to: n/a  Prompt/request: Anon requested: Hi! Please can I request a really fluffy Will one shot? It can be anything I just need more cute Will haha 😂 A/N: I hope this is okay! I tried to make it as fluffy as I could, but it didn’t quite turn out how I wanted it. 
Will was someone who you had never expected to be the romantic type, sure he flirted with you a lot and sent you cute messages in the morning for you to wake up to but he was very secretive when it came to relationships, it took your friends nearly a full year to figure out that you two had far crossed the line from being just friends. But despite Will’s preference to keep everything between you two, he was one of the softest and sweetest boys you had ever had the pleasure of loving.
Opening your eyes on a particularly frosty Wednesday, you take in your surroundings, beige wallpaper, a desk full of recording equipment and two strong arms wrapped protectively around you. Will. You smile and turn around to face him and was pleasantly surprised to find out that he was already wide awake and had recently showered, his gorgeous brown locks still slightly damp and a few strands sticking to his forehead.
“Mornin’ love,” he says softly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face and gently tucks it behind your ear.
“Morning handsome,” you reply just as softly, leaning into his touch, closing your eyes.
“Nuh huh, I’ll be having none of that, you need to get up we have things to do,” Will shakes you awake, his voice normal volume and he laughs loudly when you let out a groan and try to bury yourself under the covers which he rudely pulls away from you.
“Will it’s my day off! What could we possibly need to do at half ten in the morning? Its lie-in day!” You complain.
“Hush woman, just get your pretty ass out of bed and get a shower because quite frankly, you stink,” he says playfully, but pulls you out of bed and pushes you in the direction of the bathroom.
“I need clothes, William,” you chide, trying to turn around.
“They’re already in there, now stop fighting me before I Batista bomb you to assert my alpha male dominance,” 
He wasn’t joking.
“Fine, if you want to get rid of me that much, jeez,” you chuckle before stepping into the bathroom and locking the door in an ultimate power move.
Walking towards the shower you start it up before waiting for it to warm up, as you stand and wait you notice a bag on the toilet seat lid, you peek inside and find brand new lingerie and pyjamas that you had been eyeing up in the store about a week ago. 
“Oh Will,” you sigh happily.
You take your time in the shower, deep conditioning your hair and shaving, exfoliating the whole works. After drying off and moisturising, you slip into the new clothes and brush your teeth, smiling the whole time. How cute was he? He always noticed the small things, you hadn’t even told him that you wanted them, but he still noticed and bought the exact same pair in your size in secret so he could surprise you.
Walking out the bathroom you go on the hunt for your boyfriend before finding him in the kitchen. He was surrounded by burnt food and messy pans and he looks up from his phone sheepishly.
“Okay so phase two didn’t exactly go to plan, normally I’m alright at cooking but the one day I need it to go well I just get done dirty, therefore as substitution, our Maccies breakfast is currently being picked up and will be here within the hour, so let’s move to phase three!” He exclaims.
You laugh at how adorable he was.
“First, we clean, you know it will be on my mind otherwise,” 
He nods and you two make quick work of throwing away the burnt food and rinsing the bowls and pans before putting them in the dishwasher. Once you were done, Will races you to the front room. The first thing you notice is how many sheets, blankets and pillows were on the sofa. 
“Uh, Will? Are you having a sleepover?” you question, confused.
“Nope, we’re building a fort!” 
You both have a blast building the fort, a couple of arguments about pillow arrangements, but you hear a knock at the door and you kick Will out of the semi-built fort so he can go collect your food while you finish up building.
“Bob the builder has nothing on you, ay love?” Will jokes to which you just poke your tongue out at him in response.
You both climb into the fort and Will sets out your food while you turn on the TV and turn on Disney plus. Will groans as you scroll through the selection of tv shows and films before you stop at a childhood classic. Phineas and Ferb. Will shakes his head with a smile at your choice but stays quiet nonetheless as you both get comfortable and dig into your food. 
The whole day was spent in the fort, around 5 in the evening Will began to frequently get up and disappear before returning with a smile. You didn’t question him, you just let him get on with it because you were sure that you would find out soon enough. 
A couple of hours later Will calls your name, you pause your game which you had switched to out of boredom of watching things without actively participating in it and you follow the sound of Will’s voice to the dining room. 
The table was properly laid out, decorated with a lit candle and a few rose petals which made your heart skip. Two glasses of what looked like wine had been poured and the plates were full of chicken dippers and potato smileys, which made you grin widely. It was a nostalgic meal that you always raved to Will about, you used to eat it all the time as a kid, a meal that reminded you of home. 
You walk over to Will and plant a soft and slow kiss to his lips, your heart was pounding hard and your chest felt tight, you were so in love with this man, you couldn’t imagine a life without him. 
He leads you to your seat and tucks you in before sitting opposite you, you both raise your glass in cheers and you take a sip to find out it wasn’t wine, after all, it was Vimto. Nostalgia level 100. The entire time you were sat at the table was full of flirting and playful banter, reminiscing about times you’ve spent together alone and with friends, peeling with laughter as you bring up embarrassing memories, this was well and truly perfect.
“There’s one more thing to end the day with,” Will says, walking off before returning with a neatly wrapped gift and an envelope. “Happy birthday, Gorgeous,” 
You feel your eyes begin to water, in all honesty, you had forgotten about your birthday, it just wasn’t something you celebrated to the point where on occasion you forget about it completely. You pick up the envelope and open it carefully, reading the card more tears appear as you fall deeper in love with the man before you who was looking sheepish. 
To the love of my life,
It’s your big day! No, I’m not proposing, when your man starts wracking in as much as Alex then I’ll consider buying you a ring, but until then, I just want to say Happy Birthday! And I want to tell you that you are the most gorgeous, kind and talented person I have ever known and I’m glad I get to call you mine. While I may not show you off a lot, that’s just simply because I don’t want to share you, I don’t want others to see the smile you wear when I make you happy, because that smile is mine, it’s my prize and it gives me something to look forward to and work for on a daily basis.
I love you, Y/N, and I want you to be mine forever.
Love, Big Boy Will. 
You laugh, tears streaming down your face and you look up to Will with the biggest smile you think you could ever wear.
“Will, I-”
“Open the present,”
You nod and pull the box closer, inside was another box, this one made out of wood that was delicately decorated. It was beautiful. 
“It’s beautiful Will,” you say, putting it on the table before you.
“Look inside it, Dummy,” 
Unlocking the clasps you open the lid and look inside, taking in all the little items and smiling more. 
“It’s all the things I’ve collected over the three years I’ve had the pleasure of knowing you, I cherish all of them because they’re all little pieces that make us… well, us,”
The piece of cardboard they put around the Starbucks cups so you don’t burn your fingers, he had both of yours with your names on from your first date together, he has the photobooth strips from your cousin’s wedding that you asked him to go with you so you didn’t look like a loner, it was all there.
“I love you, Y/N, and I will for a very long time,”
“Well, forever is a long time,” you smirk at him.
He smiles back with a little laugh. “Then forever it is.”
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ijwrff · 5 years
Day 2-Presents (Erik)
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This will be difficult. You glanced around the mall, racking your mind for any information about your best friend and boyfriend Erik in order to find the perfect present. He always carried around the handkerchief his mother left him, but what could compete with that? You shake your head, walking into the nearest store and hoping that window shopping would at the very least give you some ideas. 
It did not. He likes his clothes and isn’t picky with them, so clothing was out of the way. With that in mind, you ignore the clothing stores to find something more appropriate. Erik was never one for video games, they were too stressful on him. Sometimes even if he was only watching you or the others playing he would get stressed all the same. 
After over three hours of mindlessly searching you were about to give up. Something caught your eye, and you were unsure why. What was so special about this item? In all, it wasn’t flashy. It wasn’t intriguing, and rather ordinary. Maybe...that was why. It was ordinary, but you could work with that. Erik wasn’t a flashy man, he appreciated the little things in life...like this. Only a small dent in your wallet and it was all yours! It was worth it knowing you had gotten the perfect present from the one that meant so much to you. 
It wasn’t difficult to hide it from him, despite your shared residency as the gift itself was relatively small. He was also not the kind of person to look through your things, he had too much respect for you to do something like that. Now, finding the perfect box small enough for it was slightly more difficult. You would have expected it to come in a box, but perhaps because of where you bought it from, it only came in a small brand bag. 
The largest problem was that it was incomplete on it’s own. Unfortunately...you had to speak with a man that made you furious. You had to speak to Erik’s father in order to get what was missing from what would soon be the perfect present. He barely gave you word of acknowledgement, stating he was too busy for...whatever you intended to do, so he left you alone for the most part. He allowed you access to any room but his own, telling you “see yourself out” when you were finished. It was one of the most challenging things you had to do in your life to keep your snide comments about his parenting and attitude to yourself. But you managed. Now all that was left was wrapping the gift and presenting it to Erik on Christmas. 
You weren’t the most experienced in wrapping, but you gave it your best shot. If you were being honest, you knew Erik would love whatever you gave him no matter the packaging. Despite this, you wanted to show you put a lot of thought and effort into the gift, even down to the little details like wrapping. You wrote a cute note stating how much you loved him on a card to pin to the present with a small bow, and waiting for the holiday in question to arrive. 
Keeping the gift itself from him may have been easy...but keeping something from him was much more difficult. He had long gathered you were getting a present for him for Christmas, and anxiously pestered you about what it could be. He would ask what it was, or for hints, before reeling back and apologizing for bothering you about it so much. He was an anxious mess most of the time, but if that wasn’t one of the most endearing things you had ever seen then all be damned. 
Normally he was a light sleeper, constantly anxious and aware of his surroundings, so chances are he would wake up before you, only to cuddle closer until you were ready to wake up on your own. You had tried telling him he was more than welcome to wake you up whenever he couldn't sleep so you could stay up with him, or help him to get back to resting himself, but he adamantly refused saying he was used to it. The morning of Christmas, this was not the case. 
You awoke to Erik carefully nudging you, planting a quick kiss on your cheek before going back to gently nudging your side in an attempt to rouse you from sleep. 
“Um...can you please get up? It’s...um it’s Christmas and...and you said we can wake up early...and...and…” As he struggled for his words, you rolled over, glancing up at him with tired eyes, and a loving smile.
“I did say that...just give me a second to wake up and we can do exactly that.” Vision still blurry, you yawned, rolling back over to look at the clock.
It was midnight. 
Trying and failing to hide your smile at the childish act of waking someone up at midnight on a holiday was just...so cute for him. He was undoubtedly looking forward to this and planned on spending the entire day, all 24 hours of it, enjoying it to its fullest.
You hummed in thought, Erik anxiously waiting for your response, knowing you had seen the time. You wouldn’t get mad at him would you? Or be upset with him for waking you up so early?
“Hun, you get really anxious when your tired. Are you sure you don’t want to get some sleep for our big day?” You knew if he got the both of you up now, it was far more likely that he would pass out from an anxiety attack than being able to have a stress free Holiday together. 
Erik let out a small whine, something he usually did when he understood what you were saying was for the best, but was too scared to protest with his own thoughts. Knowing he wanted to stay up that badly, you figured you’d attempt a compromise. 
“How about this darling, we go open one present each, and then get some sleep before we go out and do what we planned okay?” You made sure to look over, as he often didn’t speak his mind, causing the only way to see his true feelings or intentions was in the look on his face. 
His adorable face which absolutely lit up at the idea of finding out what you had gotten him. It was...too cute to resist. Especially when he nodded feverently and carefully stepped out of the bed, putting his hands over yours in an attempt to “pull” you out of bed. It was more of a “guide” rather than “pull,” but you understood that he wanted to go now. 
You shook your head and smiled at how sweet he always was. Getting up, you let him lead you to the living room as if you had never been there a day in your life. The both of you had discussed leaving your presents under your small, makeshift tree the night before so you would be better able to get them first thing in the morning. 
He let go of your hand only to grab the present he knew was his. He looked up to you from his place, kneeling in front of the tree with a sparkle in his eyes. 
You smiled and nodded, showing it was alright to open his present first before sitting down next to him. It could be nerve racking waiting for him to open the present, you worked hard both on and for it in order to make it as perfect as possible. He may say he liked it...but what if he just did it out of courtesy? 
All thoughts and insecurities were erased when he pulled out the simple, but beautiful locket you bought for him. He glanced over to you briefly before smiling and opening the locket itself. It took less than a second for him to burst into...hopefully happy tears. 
Inside on the right was a baby picture of Erik being held by his late mother. You knew how much she cherished him, and in turn became a major role in Erik’s life. On the left was a picture you managed to sneak in for your first kiss. If he had known you were taking one, you doubted he would have allowed it, given how timid he is. 
You were about to ask if he enjoyed his present before he flung himself at you, effectively knocking you both to the ground in the process. With a smile, you rubbed his back and held him close, allowing him to get up in his own time. 
With a few sniffles, he sat up and backed himself off you, “I’m sorry! I could have hurt you, or maybe you didn’t want a hug at that time, or I could have broken the locket, or-” you cut him off with a quick kiss. As you have gathered over your time together, it is the quickest and most efficient way to rid him of his insecurities. 
“I love you, okay? Moreso, I trust you. If you ever did something I didn’t enjoy I would put a stop to it. I trust you enough for that. More than anything.” His words came to a halt as he smiled, accepting your words. He had come so far in his mental health in the time you were together. You planned to do everything to keep it that way. 
“I figured...you could have two of the people that mean the most to you close to your heart at all times. If you were ever in a place that you needed me but I wasn’t physically there...you could open it and remember I’m always with you. And I know your mother would want you to be reassured just the same.” 
He took in your words, inching closer in his own way of asking if he could hug or kiss you again. You nodded, and he resumed the position he was in before. He was so stressed, that you know how much he enjoyed having his back rubbed. 
“I’m always going to be with you, and protect you. You know that right?” 
You felt him nod into your neck, with a large smile on his face as he muttered something into the skin there. 
“Hm? What was that.” 
Erik sat up, looking down at you with the smile you loved the most. It was the smile only for you. One without insecurities and fear. 
“I...I said I’m going to protect you too.”
If your heart hadn’t melted before, it certainly did now. You mirrored his smile, reaching up to place your hand on his cheek.
“I know you will Erik...I know you will.”
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wendellwetzel4-blog · 4 years
Online Casino Gambling - A Straightforward Guide To Gamble On The World-Wide-Web
Banking choices that players have. Another way to examine an korea online casino casino's legitimacy is to find out the number of banking alternatives it has. You would be astonished to know that there are a number of casinos that provide only a limited established of possibilities for banking. There are two possible causes for this lack. The 1st one particular has some thing to do with the casino not staying ready to meet up with the wanted requirements that some banking firms, normally huge and set up, have like that in Neteller, Click2Pay and a lot more. It could be that these companies feel that denied online casinos do not have plenty of of what it takes to become far more stable. One more attainable motive is that these casinos have been not equipped to make a deal with as several banking corporations as it really should because of some limits. Most newcomers to baccarat comply with this as if it was 1 of the ten commandments. This will cause several some others to continue to be away from this method. But, you shouldn't. If feasible, guess with the banker each time achievable. Do this and the odds will function in your favour. Most expert baccarat players emphasize that there is no process that will tremendously affect the consequence of a hand since the outcome is out of absolutely everyone's handle when the cards are dealt. Of program, you can aid yourself by seeking for designs and generating very good selections on which bet to place. In simple fact, it's in all probability ideal to focus on enjoying your time at the baccarat desk as a substitute of worrying about how to master baccarat. About tax when you get rid of, they show it as itemized deductions and will be deducted to your winnings. So it would be substantially far better if you will take care of your taxes and keep them on keep track of. Shown beneath "other miscellaneous deductions", you are in a position to deduct up to the sum you have declared in your overall winnings. Make sure you be reminded that you are not permitted or you can't demonstrate a gambling tax loss. For illustration, if you have declared $5,000 in your winnings, you can also declare $5,000 in your itemized deductions underneath losses. Just make it sure that you will not exceed to the sum that you have just lately declared. Before becoming fooled into believing you can make fast tens of millions making use of a gambling program, believe of a simple coin toss. You can very easily utilize a mathematical technique to tossing a coin and predicting the outcome of no matter whether it will land on heads or tails. It's the exact same ideology powering the query: If you toss a coin nine occasions with the final result currently being tails each time, the math or odds notify us that the tenth time must end result in heads. Have you ever experimented with it? Contemplate it an experiment of kinds and see if you can forecast the consequence every single time the coin falls. Most experienced baccarat players emphasize that there is no system that will significantly korea online casino have an impact on the outcome of a hand considering that the outcome is out of absolutely everyone's handle once the playing cards are dealt. Of training course, you can enable on your own by looking for designs and building fantastic choices on which bet to position. In truth, it's probably ideal to concentrate on savoring your time at the baccarat desk instead of stressing about how to learn baccarat. Most knowledgeable baccarat players emphasize that there is no technique that will tremendously have an effect on the consequence of a hand because the end result is out of everyone's management when the playing cards are dealt. Of study course, you can help on your own by wanting for patterns and building excellent selections on which wager to location. In simple fact, it's most likely very best to focus on enjoying your time at the baccarat desk as an alternative of worrying about how to grasp baccarat. Most experienced baccarat gamers emphasize that there is no technique that will korea online casino greatly have an effect on the result of a hand given that the end result is out of absolutely everyone's handle when the playing cards are dealt. Of study course, you can assist by yourself by looking for patterns and If you cherished this post and you would like to acquire much more data about 카지노사이트추천 kindly go to our own web site. generating excellent selections on which guess to position. In actuality, it's most likely finest to focus on making the most of your time at the baccarat desk as an alternative of stressing about how to grasp baccarat. In scenario a participant online baccarat has a rely a lot less than eight or 9 he may get 1 additional card or stand. The rule is that getting 6 or 7 the participant must stand and attract on four or considerably less. Captain Cooks Casino has been recognized online given that 1999. The online games are in English, they shell out in US pounds, and they have an total payout rate of 97.fifty eight%25. They have 83 video games offered. Do not turn out to be overconfident, it will fouls you down. The really worst matter that can happen to you is to earn too large way too quickly. If you do expertise successful too rapidly, do not toss your warning to air. Be certain to keep your warning and gamble with your head, as an alternative of your thoughts.
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Emergency Vet: Offering Full Care To Your Beloved Pet
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Like people, your family pet might additionally call for immediate therapy in case of any type of uncommon incident which injures him literally. This is understood just recently when I had to take my precious pup morning to a veterinarian near my residence. It was a number of months back when throughout the weekend we went out with our pet dog for a long drive and also as my pet has a routine of maintaining his face out of the window to delight in the amazing breeze and also viewing commuters he got something inhaled in his eye. As we did not discover any kind of adjustment or sign of discomfort or uneasiness on his face we did not pay any type of attention towards him as well as went straight right into our bed for sleeping.
But, the following morning had something unfavorable created something intolerable and horrible for us, and also just some pet dog enthusiasts can recognize my circumstance. What will be your reaction if your morning when you see the swelling on the eye of your pet, entirely covering his eye and decreases of blood coming from his eye? Certainly, without wasting a second you will certainly hurry to the vet that is close to your home to get him dealt with at the earliest. Thank to God, we do not have to battle much in searching for an emergency situation veterinarian in our region to obtain my pet dog dealt with on time.
Anyways, the above pointed out incidence is simply a picture when animal lovers like me as well as you may really feel the need for some immediate vet to get rid of our cherished pet dogs. There are various factors when you might require their services as an example, if while going out with you for getting any kind of grocery item at the walking range of your home he might get injured by some lorry, he could ingest something which challenges his breathing capillary, he may have eaten something abnormal which he begins throwing up restlessly etc.
As a general method, all veterinary clinics are open during the particular hours of the day, yet remarkably there are lots of centers that have team that works throughout the day in changes. Moving ahead with these clinics have even their veterinarian van which on demand can reach even at your location as well as begin looking after the wellness of your family pet without wasting any kind of single moment. These vans are equipped with the needed devices that is practical in supplying needed treatment to your animal that is useful in using him immediate leisure from his problem.
Sadly, if you are unable to locate any one of the veterinary clinics using emergency services after that because situation you can also call your veterinarian as well as seek his guidance or gather details concerning the center from where you can obtain your pet treated on an urgent basis.
A reputed emergency situation veterinarian will quickly look after your pet dog as soon as you get to there as well as will certainly start providing him the required treatment that is handy in supplying relaxation from his trouble. The worth discussing function of the solutions provided by emergency situation vets is that they are well versed with the behavior of animals as well as a result they have the ability to understand the severity of the matter and as opposed to carrying out any kind of type of other examinations they straight begin their treatment. Additionally, they additionally recognize your accessory with your animal, and also therefore together with offering necessary treatment they additionally maintain you urging regarding his condition and also keep your spirits high.
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pastryseungs · 4 years
Happy Old Year (2019)
Dir. Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
Minimalism: an art movement that began in post–World War II Western art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s
KonMari Method: encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. (source: https://shop.konmari.com/pages/about)
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“we have to choose what’s really best for ourselves.”
Happy Old Year is a movie about Jean (Aokbab Chutimon) and her plans to declutter her home and make the house minimalistic after returning home from Sweden. after her friend, Pink (Patcha Kitchaicharoen) stumbled upon an old CD that she gave Jean back then as a gift, Jean returns all the stuff that her friends from college gave her as gifts or simply lended her. Jean then stumbles upon an ex-boyfriend’s belongings, and starts reminiscing about the past again. the movie ends with a new home for Jean, her brother Jay (Thirawat Ngosawang), and her mother (Apasiri Chantrasmi).
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this movie gives me nostalgia and i don’t know why? like, it reminds me of all the memories of the people and the fun times we had back then and how i took all of that for granted. should’ve enjoyed and made the most of it, maybe i’ll feel a little better when i think about it. but eh, these memories make us learn and help us try and improve ourselves
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i honestly thought that Jean and Aim (Sunny Suwanmethanont) were going to get back together again after they meet. sadly, it isn’t really that easy for adults to do so, given the circumstances. Jean was just.. emotionally off? i don’t know how its specifically called but she puts up this strong, not-easy-to-break-down front in front of her old friends. it was honestly so sad when she “explained” to Pink why she had to throw the gift away.
of course, its normal that we have to declutter at some point and throw away our things when they’re not functional anymore. but come on, did she have to do that to her friend? if someone were to throw away a gift i gave them, i’d be so offended and sad too. but then again, we’re not really entirely responsible for someone’s feelings. BUT ALSO, its somehow an unwritten rule that we keep that gift and use it.. until its not usable/functional anymore. i don’t know where i’m going with this but let’s show the people who gave us gifts that we’re thankful and content with what they’ve given us.
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moving on, its so sad how Jean’s mother hasn’t moved on from their father. it was so sad how the piano was the last memory she had of him- he’s not dead, just divorced, and Jean just sold it off to an antique collector. honestly, she could’ve continued using it and still make it look minimalistic. but also, it could be her way to make her brother and her mother move on, since it looks like there were a lot of problems caused by him, which caused a lot of emotional distress on Jean.
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personally, its fitting that we get rid of the things that hurt us and that we stray away and cut ties from the people that cause us distress. what Jean did to Aim was just so sad though. like she was literally using the KonMari method on her life also, which was frustrating !! during the movie, i was semi-frustrated because i was wondering why she just let it all go so easily. i’d like to do the same, but i’m such a memory hoarder that it’ll be hard for me. clearly, Aim still loved Jean, and decided that maybe getting rid of all his memories of Jean would also help him move on, sadly, it feels like Jean still has feelings for him too, but decides not to act on it since.. KonMari method?
anyways, other than the nostalgic feel this film has. its actually so sad how much we change as we get older. from what i’ve watched, it seems like as we get older, we lose this sense of seeking for fun and enjoyment, to try and experience new things and instead just accept he fact that we’re indeed getting older and its something that we can’t really control. personally, it would be best if we kept enjoying life and romanticize it a little, kind of like a coming of age film.
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i used to want to be like Jean, to get rid of the things i don’t need, to cut ties with the people that have hurt me in the past, but doing so is just so hard. because we still have good memories of this person or this object, which leads us to thinking, “it looks okay, this still might be useful in the future.” or “things might get better, i’ll keep this for now.” and end up keeping it, only to stumble upon it a few months later and realize that it doesn’t really have any use anymore.
in conclusion, i really liked this one! we may make bad decisions sometimes and it’ll take a long time before we even realize it, but it teaches us a lesson to do better next time. i think this movie also teaches us to let go of the things that hurt us but also keep the things that we love and cherish.
also, look! a list! its the one in the film heheh
How to Dump:
Step 1: Set your goals and find inspiration.
Step 2: Don’t reminisce the past.
Step 3: Don’t feel too much.
Step 4: Don’t waver. Be heartless.
Step 5: Don’t add more things.
Step 6: Don’t look back.
thanks for reading !! :)
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writingonthemoon · 5 years
Old Clothes Part 4
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Word Count: ≈ 2116
Warnings: Mentions of death, murder, fear of failure
Author's Note: Okay, so I accidentally started previously that Odette first Burned when she was nine.  That was incorrect as she was much younger.  Also, this isn’t exactly what I wanted for this part, but I think it sets up my plans for the next part nicely.
Old clothes are always a little strange.  Someone once loved them—cherished them—and now they’re nothing more than a mask.  The quality vanishes with the donation bin.  Dresses for the rich are now for the poor and those for the poor are falling to pieces.  Those stitched by mothers have a different energy about them.  The love that holds the fabric together never quite fades and it always remains soft, even after the countless storms and attacks of nature.  The items warmed your soul whenever they were held and the rush of emotions was overwhelming in the most brilliant way possible.  My sister missed the opportunity for that feeling.
     My mother used to make my clothes for me. She would buy the fabrics and spend an entire Sunday making me a new outfit. They were my favourite things in all the world. We only kept one when we first left. It was the one I was wearing, but it wasn't the same when it was handed down to Clara. Ashes had woven their way into the seams and the smell of fire lingered no matter what we would do. The warmth of love carried the burning of a fire. Delicate lace that lined the edges were rough with hardened emotions.
      I sighed and motioned for my audience to sit down. Jack and Davey pulled chairs out from my table, still staying quite close. Albert grabbed a seat for Crutchie and himself, while Buttons plopped himself on the ground with his legs crossed. "Before I say anything else, you have to promise you won't tell anyone. Not a soul. I shouldn't be telling you any of this since it puts more people than just me in danger, but I think you deserve to know. Promise." I made eye contact with every one of them and they all nodded in reply. "Great. Fantastic. Brilliant." I ran my hand through my hair once again.
     "I was born in London, I believe, in 1791. My father's name is—was James and my mother's name was Lilijah. At least, that's what their names were while I was growing up. The Burn existed long before I was born, probably back when the first monarchies began. It was never meant to be a way of life. The Burn... it was always a safety procedure, a cautionary plan if you will.
     "Say everything goes wrong. You're being framed for murder or are being chased by the police or mafia or it's anything else that's basically the end of the world for you. Well, in my family, that's the end of the world for whomever you were. Then, you are reborn, so to speak.
     "It's simple enough, really. Everything you once owned, your clothes, books, anything that could identify you, would be taken out to an empty space. There, you set a match to it, lighting everything ablaze and erasing all evidence of you ever existing. It worked exceptionally well when I was little since towns and cities were so spread out and people just died suddenly, but people would notice if you just disappeared since there were so few people living in the area. Today, it's easy to vanish, but harder to locate a burn spot.
     "Once the ashes lay at your feet, you build yourself again. New name, new place, new story. Of course, this plan wasn't meant for frequent use. So you have to get creative sometimes. I can't even tell you how many people I've become. My name is Odette Davenport, though. It's the one thing I've always known. I don't know my birthday, where I'm truly from, how I prefer my tea or if I even like tea. At this point, Odette is just another character I'm to play before I move on from this place."
     My gaze met the ground as I paused, not knowing how to go on. Two of these boys were related to me. They have a right to know, but should they? Who knew how many times Clara and Elijah had Burned before settling down and washing the ash from their nailbeds. Did they even share the family shame with anyone or was it the secret that killed them? No, they should know. They should know why.
     Jesse. No, he's not Jesse. Jesse is gone now, he doesn't matter. This one does. He's different, better than Jesse. In his eyes, I'm a person. A real person who feels the same as others do and thinks the same thoughts. I'm just older, suffering a long-lasting curse, just as he is. His leg was the poison that was crawling through his body and killing him slowly. The water rushed through my veins, stripping away any sign of illness or death, keeping me alive. How I wished I could switch with him, feel sickness and pain and worry about mortality instead of harbouring the fear of my past coming up behind me and pushing me over the edge, only to fall forever.
      Jack and Davey must think I'm insane with my tale. That or they're calling into question what they knew about life and the universe.  Perhaps it was both at once.  The two need not be here, listening to my woes, yet they sit in anticipation, awaiting my next breath.  But why?  This has no consequence upon their lives.  I’m merely a single person in a list of thousands that they’ve met just in a day.  Compared to the years they would exist, it’s an interaction that means most nothing.  Yet they are content with sitting and giving me their attention as if I were the Queen during a time of war.  An odd comparison since my actions would lead me down a far less noble path where I would abdicate the throne and flee the country.
     "I was four when I first Burned.  I had accidentally stolen food and my parents feared the worst.  We weren't living in a town known for forgiveness.  We packed up in the middle of the night, brought everything out to the field.  I still feel the scorching heat on my face sometimes, when I’m at my lowest.  The smell of burning memories in one you never think you'll know, but you’ll never forget it either.  We kept very few things from my first life.  My grandmother's ring," I held up my hand to show off the flat gold front with worn initials carved into the front, "some money, the clothes we were wearing, and our names." There was a small gasp from Buttons and Albert.  The family trait for worry and fear of failure seemed to run deeper than I thought.
     "My brother Elijah Burned when he was five and Clara was only one at the time.  Once again, it was all my fault.  My mind escaped me and I wandered to follow it.  I was only ten and they shouldn’t have blamed me for what I came across." I huffed and shook my head, clearing the daunting image from my brain, "It was a body, what I found.  I...They thought I killed him.  Me, a ten-year-old, killed a fully grown man.  I was going to be arrested, put on death row, for something I didn’t do.  So we Burned.  After that, it became frequent.  The five of us carried matches on our person just in case we had to leave in a hurry.  We no longer controlled the burn.  It controlled us."
     "Wait, you was four when youse did this?" I nodded to Jack, confirming the answer he knew, "But you was just a kid!  That ain’t right!"
     "I lived in different times, Jack.  Very different times.  I was British in America not eight years after the War for Independence.  They would do anything to get rid of us.  It was like we were a plague when we wanted out of England the same way they did." I glanced out the dingy window, seeing the onset twilight, "Oh god, I best be going." I pushed myself off the table I was perched on, "Thank you for the supplies to fix myself up and I guess for listening to part of my life story." My mouth met the cheeks of each boy in thanks, something I had picked up in my travels.  I started backing out of the room when Crutchie’s face caught my eye.  He was crestfallen, the corners of his mouth turning down as he sighed and kicked lightly at the ground.  I couldn't just leave like this.  Not after what I had told them all.  But I needed to. "Do one of you think you could walk me to my hotel?  It is quite dark and I don’t want to be in any danger."
     Before anyone could respond, Jack stepped forward, "I'll take ya.  I know dese streets betta than anyone else." He led me out the Lodging House as I waved at the boys in a final goodbye.  I uttered the address of my temporary arrangements and we stalked the streets in silence, becoming long shadows that extend for miles around sharp corners.  I watched Jack more than the path ahead of me, trying to piece together the mystery I wanted to know.  He and Davey... what was it about them?
     "You know, if ya wanna look at me, starin' like that ain't too covert."
     "Davey," Jack's posture straightened and I could tell his breaths were shallowing, "there's something about him you like, isn't there.  More than just a friend perhaps."
      "I don't know what youse talkin' 'bout.  Dave is one a my best friends," I saw the slight fall in his expression, turning to sadness and bitterness, "Why would there be anything else to 'im that I like?  It's not like I'll just listen to him go on hours 'bout nothin'.  And it ain't his pretty eyes or soft hair or anything.  Definitely not." He shook his head and met my gaze, a pleading look on his face.  Nobody could know.  Even if Jack couldn't help himself when it came to talking about his counterpart, no one could know.
     "Definitely not." I winked at him and we chuckled.  A quiet followed afterwards until Jack broke the invisible barrier
     "You ain't gonna leave us, right?  Not yet?"
     I stared him dead in the eye, ready to avoid making the real decision, "Of course not.  There’s still so much you all don't know yet."
     "Great.  I think Al and Buttons really enjoy having you here.  Crutch too.  He doesn't trust many too much.  There's only a few of us he’s real close to.  Somethin' about you is different.  I could see it in his face.  I think he really likes ya." I blushed at the thought of Crutchie liking me.  It wasn't a concept that was foreign to me, but I didn't expect it from this boy after hearing I was immortal.
      The middle-class building loomed above us, beckoning me towards the room I had booked, "I guess this is me." I shrugged and thanked Jack for walking me.  he stole a hug before running back into the night.  My fingers found my hair as I entered the building, climbing the stairs.  The room I had booked was tiny, a single bed crammed against the wall and a trunk placed at the end.   A window was across from the door, leading to the fire escape, and there was a cracked mirror mounted by a closet that would fit only a child.
     My fingers found their way around the room, collecting my things as my mind ran around the world, searching for a place to run to.  The checklist was losing empty boxes and the panic inside me wasn't reflected on the outside. This was normal.  My footsteps were almost nonexistent as I floated out of the room and to the empty bathroom shared by all the guests on my floor.  The lock flicked shut at my will and I carefully stacked my items within the confines of the bathtub.  I opened the window to filter the air into the black night.
     But the boys.  I couldn't do this to them.  My family.  Crutchie.  It wasn't fair that I was leaving them in the dark, no idea of the end or middle of the story.  then again, life was never fair either.  Certainly not this one.  The moment I started this, it went downhill.  I studied the pile across from me, spinning the historic ring around my finger.  My hand found the box in my pocket.  A snap of the wrist later and my face was illuminated with the soft glow of the burning match. Ashes were always the beginning, but what was the end?
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askamydaily · 6 years
Does it Spark Joy?
There are many ways to get rid of things. But ... where to stash Marie Kondo?
Amy Dickinson
Jan 6, 2019
(Excerpted from my memoir “Strangers Tend to Tell Me Things”)
There is a book that promises a pathway for people to tunnel their way out when they are buried beneath their stuff. It is called the life‐changing magic of tidying up, by Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo (the title of the book, which is all in lowercase, suggests that upper-case letters themselves are quite untidy). 
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Flummoxed and feeling overwhelmed by the tide of acquired possessions in which I was drowning, I purchased the book, like millions of other people, and dove into its tidying secrets. The author describes her lonely childhood, when she, at the age of five, first started her campaign to make the world tidier. 
As I read this biographical account of her life and the evolution of her extreme tidying technique, it occurred to me that what Marie Kondo was really describing was her own lifelong struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 
She describes skipping recess at school, where, instead of playing outside with her peers, she spent her time rearranging the books in her classroom. Garbage bags were her best and constant companions as she tamped down her anxiety by filling them in her quest for tidy perfection. As soon she had perfected her own space (“perfection” is an important concept for her), she moved on to her friends’ rooms and the storage lockers at school. Marie Kondo strikes me as a very strange person. I do not want to be like her. I also do not want to be like the ruthless and tidy monsters who follow her technique and roll their socks and stack their clothes sideways in drawers and who throw so much away. 
One useful takeaway for me from this book was the question the author suggests everyone ask themselves when looking to release the grip of 
possessions: “Does it spark joy?” Going through my mother’s things, I was able to apply this question, but I was surprised at how often an item sparked not joy but extreme sadness. Finding my mother’s briefcase, placed in a drawer beneath her typewriter, made me light-headed with grief. Both items were tangible reminders of how hard my mother had worked and how important working was to her. 
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Jane typed her way into college and a career as a professor. During my visits over the years, whenever I saw her leather briefcase full of student papers, I felt tremendous pride in what she had done. I decided 
to keep both things, but I also promised myself that I would somehow box and bag my sadness, and that each day I would take at least one box or bag for donation (unlike Marie Kondo, who seems to pitch a lot away, I’m not big on sending things to the land ll). 
My old friend Kirk traveled from Maine to help me sell some of my mother’s collection of bureaus, chairs, plant stands, bone-china cups and saucers, pails, baskets, picture frames, and assorted tinware. Kirk and Jane were close friends; the three of us shared a taste and sensibility about things, and we also loved and cherished stuff. He and I often laughed over Jane’s aphorism, “my stuff never lets me down.” (People, she implied, often did.) Kirk helped me to sort, tag, and price items for a yard sale. We had some business at our sale during the day and then left unsold furniture by the side of the road. 
In Freeville, you can set something by the side of the road in the morning, and it will be gone by the afternoon. 
I had furnished much of my Main Street house with (almost) perfectly good used furniture I’d found roadside. 
I liked the idea that my things were landing in others’ homes. But there was one category of my and my mother’s possessions that stumped me: spindly chairs that were broken and couldn’t be repaired and other pieces of furniture that I simply didn’t like but couldn’t seem to part with. This included a small pine chest with a broken bottom drawer that my former husband and I bought at an antique store in 1985. 
I had taken this pine chest from house to house as I had moved to London and back, and then around the country with my many moves. The chest had started to develop a burdensome emotional stink. I felt it was too old and fine to give away, leave by the side of the road, or take to the dump. Emily wasn’t interested in having it. I didn’t want to spend money repairing it, and I didn’t want to see it anymore. I wanted to lose it, along with all of my painful associations of early married life with my ex-husband, which the chest seemed to unleash. It most definitely did not spark joy. 
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My confusion over what to do with the pine chest led to a decision that some people might find distasteful but that worked for me. This is how I dealt with the never-ending suck of continuously rearranging the broken deck chairs on my emotional Titanic: 
I decided to burn some shit in the yard. 
I live in a place where many people heat their homes with wood, so out- door burning is an acceptable practice. I looked up the local statute and learned that in Freeville, burning is permitted but must be confined to a fire pit. Coincidentally, our daughter Clare had given me a small portable metal fire pit for Christmas. I decided that I would start the New Year with a personal burn. 
New Year’s Day was cold and snowy. Perfect. I wanted my burn to be at a time when my neighbors’ windows would be closed so the smoke didn’t bother anyone. I started the fire with a tiny bit of newspaper (featuring my advice column—I liked that symbolism) and a twig-style plant stand that had started life as a tripod but was now a bipod. 
I watched the plant stand go up in smoke until it was no more. Knowing that it wouldn’t languish in the dump or outside a hoarder’s trailer made me feel good. I moved on to my mother’s collection of broken chairs. One by one, I fed them into the flames and stood in the snow, enjoying both the heat from the flame and the feeling of lightness that accompanied it. Soon enough I started to feel a Marie Kondo–like need to rid myself of other things. 
Throughout the winter, I conducted burns—of broken bookshelves and two-legged stools, sprung baskets, the stripped frames of once-wicker tables, and a heavy twig-style porch chair that I had given to my mother but was so uncomfortable to sit on it actually inspired contempt. 
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Yes—I burned the small pine chest. I burned extra copies of the programs from my mother’s funeral, along with the cardboard box they came in. I burned duplicate photographs of arty still lifes that I had taken in college and copies of Farm Life magazine from the 1950s. 
When I was done, I spread the ashes on the winter-dormant bed of my mother’s back garden. I was free. I was tempted to also burn Marie Kondo’s book, but even I cannot burn a book. Instead, I donated it to the library’s book sale. I imagine the book changing hands and continuing to inspire or disgust people until it, too, lands in a garbage bag and is finally discarded forever by someone for whom it does not spark joy. 
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invisible-painter · 6 years
Life Through My Eyes - A Cats Tale PT. 1
My sister just died.  Morbid way to start I know.  Stick with me here will you. She was a beautiful creature.  Eyes of wonderment something we both shared. One olive green the other as blue as the sky. Her hair was white and it flowed with grace.  She loved a bit more openly than I ever did. Heart on her sleeve at times, others as fierce as a fire. Nonetheless she was loved by those around her.
We often left our home to wander the neighborhood.  She did her own thing as I did mine. Nothing much to think as we left, just something we did to pass the time.  Haha, I remember times I would come home covered in dirt like I’ve been living in the streets. Meanwhile she would be clean and proper as a lady walking through the door. I lived my days rough as a pauper would, but I knew I could always come home at the end of the day. If I decided a night out was in need, the door would open for me in the morning.  We were never given the opportunity to come and go as we please with the exception of a literal open door. Well we were cats after all, we didn’t have thumbs.
She died as awkward as one could.  Crushed at her center by a garage door.  Slow motion almost. Though I did not witness this tragedy, I heard it explained a few times by others around me.  I came home to find my male caretaker sad and slightly distraught. The female caretaker was more straightforward. She did express concern, however she was a bit more frank.  I understand. Some people just deal with things differently.
I was sad of course.  Who wouldn’t be, she was the only immediate family I knew. The caretakers decided it be best to bury her out back by another “brother” taken in by these people.  I never knew his story. I just know that the male caretaker was always solemn when his name came up in discussion and that his resting place was behind house in which we all lived. I was cherished as much she was to these folks.  I took peace in knowing that they actually cared, they allowed me to be what I wanted to be. Free.
They always accepted me with open arms. Sometimes their family would visit during the day.  Food and family was often a weekend affair. I stayed out on these days occasionally making an appearance.  The place sometimes got too hectic for my taste. Little groping hands, the loudness and “larger than life aura” of these people.  I did like it though, sometimes, when I lingered, I would get some good food, and showered in some welcomed affection.
I slowly realized that as time started to move on since my sister’s passing that visiting of family was starting to diminish.  The visits would maybe happen once a month to none. Whereas, the family would come over almost every weekend. I don’t know if that was due to my sister being gone or a shift in the winds.  Change was imminent and I was just there to bear witness to its effects. A mere bystander, or so I thought, not thinking that I would soon be affected by its touch.
I often went on with my daily routine as I always did.  Go out for a stroll, see what’s going on around town, checked in a few places, and came home.  To me, nothing had really changed; with the exception that I was a little more lonely without the company of my sister.  I, before when she was alive, think just knowing she was around at home made me feel more at ease when I was there. We didn’t hang out a whole lot together, just sort of had this unspoken bond. Occasionally we would leave home at the same time.  But that was about the extent of that. As awkward as it may sound we were content, with our situation and with each other.
I reflected on the current situation less visits from the caretakers family, and my sister gone; this place, in my opinion, was falling apart.  I had nowhere else to go, so I stayed. Nothing much to it really. The compassion from my caretakers did not change, they still cared and cherished my company and I theirs.
    Rose was her name. I would see her only a handful of times.  We shared a kindness for each other. She knew what her limits were around me as I did with her.  I would stop by and sit by her and bask in her affection. Though I always cut it short. I had other places to be, maybe food to eat or out to catch up on a few things in the neighborhood.  She never questioned me, not like anyone else did. She sometimes tried hard to get my attention I teased. I would walk close only to stay just out of her reach.
    “Come here...” Rose would plead.  “Come here little one…” she would reach out her right hand and rub her index finger and thumb together, like they do when they talk about ‘money.’ as I would walk a few steps closer I could see in her eyes the happiness that her calling was working.  I’d stop, turn around, and walk away. I always got a small laugh at her reactions, I couldn’t stop myself. “No? Okay then, see you round” she would say, or “nevermind then” or something of the sort. Always something a little sarcastic but not heartbroken that I had not succumbed to her call.
    When I would give in, Rose was the best.  She wasn’t rough, never tried to force me to stay, when I was done or decided it was time to leave I did just that. I walked away.  I always tried my best to get her as dirty as possible, another reaction of hers was that of discontent of the condition of her clothing as she left on any day of her visits. Haha, what can I say, I had white hair too, like my sister, though it was much shorter and harder to get rid of once it entwined into the fabric of any material. She always wore darker items and it showed every single time she was around. She'd always look for a roller or tape to try to rid my fur, but was never able to find anything to help in her anguish.
I would always smell a dogs odeur on her. Of course, a dog.  I’m not discontent with the beasts, in fact we had one living here too. Rocky, he was about 60, his age was showing, a little round in the middle but as timid as could be.  Black and brown fur with some white peeking through on his muzzle to show his true age. Though he was a great guy, usually stuck to himself, unless of course, there was food present.  He was as lazy as they come. None of us usually got in each other's way, just cohabitate together. We were well fed and cared for. When anyone was injured or sick, our caretakers would just about jump and take us in to get treatment.  
… To be continued...
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Marijuana about The Santa Cruz Mountains Dubbed The Best
Natures Relief CBD Medical Cannabis: This is perfect for controlling the pain, however it doesn't really deal with why you're getting the item. There is also the legal issue than me depending where you live. In the United States, you may not be so lucky to get this given that the US Federal government views because illegal, however in Canada, can probably receive this type treatment. George Washington's family (on both sides) had been in the colonies for in the very 2 versions. He considered himself a Virginian, however, his loyalties were a concern . King of Britain. He was Spanish. He was a soldier in the British armed service. I tell the kids to close their gaping mouths and think on your minute. I remind students that we're talking of a time period before the particular. We look at our map once more ,. I remind them that everyone who lived the particular 13 colonies were not citizens of the united states but were citizens of British colonies and were loyal towards King.
One by one, opponents ignored the patients in the gallery in addition to their pain playing the fear card again and again about dire consequences of cannabidiol and child custody, driving, firearm possession, employers, etc., as if every group must be accommodated before any very ill probably. Rather than cannabis, opponents repeatedly used the term "dope." I'm wondering if once they have a tooth filled or some need for prescription pain meds if they ask the clerk in the pharmacy cherished dope is ready yet. The Hemp Plant was grown at Mount Vernon so some folks in order to think GW knew something about vessel. I think the plant was more than likely utilized for rope. Many times, yeast infections can be caused by food trapped in the lower bowels. This environment is really begging to have yeast infection to come up with. To get rid of a scenario, demand to package on more fiber. Reduced by turbines . eating more green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and soups. Also, try eating oatmeal or supplement with shakes with flaxseed or Hemp Legal added as part of. Mike: Another thing to consider is if you drink fresh juiced vegetables at the same that that on your table honey or sweetener definitely will stabilize the blood sugar effect within a big, big way. Lesson: Being self-employed is a financial roller-coaster ride. Have financial reserves in place before then your business so may can repay what you owe until begin making an income. And, when come up short of cash, try negotiation to your suppliers or vendors regarding favorable payment terms.
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kawaiibobatea-blog · 6 years
Chapter 06: Faith
It had only been a couple minutes since Grillby and Sans had entered the smoking house making sure to leave the door open to start airing it out. Grillby went into the kitchen, seeing through the thick smokescreen like it wasn’t even there. All the while, Sans was internally cringing at the loud beeping emitting through the empty home by the smoke alarm. It was reminding him to uninstall it for when this happened again. The sound continued to grate on his nonexistent nerves even while Grillby grabbed a trash bag and held it open awaiting charred items. One after another, items that had once been a part of their daily life were tossed behind him and landed with a clank inside of the trash bag. Sans was just about to throw a blackened baking pan behind him but was stopped by the warm voice.
“… right.”
Sans glanced out of the corner of his sockets, Grillby was tying the drawstring in multiple knots. Bulges from multiple pans and pots poked the polyethylene of the bag begging for a release from their constraints. He had just been tossing everything that had been blackened, charred, or even had a smoke smell-he had been through this situation enough to know that the smell was daunting to get out, if it ever came out-that he hadn’t realized how much he was truly getting rid of. When Grillby opened another garbage bag behind him, he looked at the counters. All black. Some renovations were going to have to be made. Almost everything in the whole kitchen was black and smelled of smoke. This was probably the worst that this has ever been.
“It’ll be fine.” Grillby tried to assure, but his friend’s crackling voice did nothing to sate his worry or his slight depression. He knew that his brother didn’t mean any harm and he wasn’t truly mad at his brother, he never could be. It was still depressing though to watch his best friend leave with almost all his and Paps’ kitchen items to throw them away.
A couple hours had passed and Grillby and Sans had almost successfully cleared every piece of charred belongings from the home. The trashcans outside were miserably full leaving the living room and kitchen a little barren. Sans could already hear his favorite pen scratching against job applications to raise some money to refill their home. He took a deep breath and closed his sockets-trying to drown out that agonizing beep. Priorities. Getting all of this out was priority-and tossed another baking sheet into the trash bag Grillby was holding open. All the bowls that had been in the living room had to be thrown away which meant he would owe his friends some money or replacements. The smoke from the fire had billowed out and into the air. Sans knelt and opened the small drawer at the bottom of the oven leading to more storage space for their pans along with the many metal utensils that Papyrus liked to keep there much to Sans’ chagrin. He had hoped that these had escaped the smoke and fire’s dangerous heat, but no such luck.
“troublesome fire…” Sans muttered and heard an aggravated crackle from behind him. “excluding present company, of course.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Sans wasn’t afraid of much in life, but Grillbs was one thing that terrified him. It wasn’t that his LV was high, neither was his EXP… but Grillby had something even more terrifying at his disposal; he could tell him-and be serious-about making him pay back his tab. He wouldn’t be able to pay it back even if he worked the rest of his long, long monster life. He would also have a hard time getting a decent paying job since some places were still discriminating against monsters working for them.
“heh, sorry grillbs.”
By the time they got back to the front of the house, the smoke had completely cleared. It was nice to see his house again. Sans was just about to speak when the fire alarm gave another beep, like it was desperate for attention. With a gold flash in his eye and a quick ball of blue fire, the fire alarm had given its last shriek of warning with a large explosion. Out of the corner of his socket, he saw Jason flinch backwards so hard he almost fell. If she hadn’t been there to grab his arm, he might have. Shockingly enough, Fall didn’t even seem phased at him using such intense magic without warning. Many humans still wanted at least a few seconds warning before using any level of magic. Then again, there was just something about Jason that didn’t set right with him. It wasn’t because he was her boyfriend either. Just with the way he side-longed some glances at the monsters, and at Fall. He found himself not liking it. Of course, Grillby had told him before that he had been wrong with people… which was true.
“BROTHER, I AM SORRY FOR RUINING OUR PARTY… MAYBE I’M NOT THE GREAT PAPYRUS AFTER ALL…” If Sans had any blood in his body, it would’ve turned cold. There wasn’t much going on in Sans’ life, however, his docile life with his brother was the thing he cherished the most. Papyrus was always smiling and fun-loving. He was able to make everyone happy without even trying with his cheerful voice and oblivious nature. It was soul breaking to see Papyrus’ shoulders slump in defeat and his smile fade.
“c’mon paps, you know that’s not true.” Sans said and shrugged his shoulders. He trudged over to his younger brother, smirking when he met socket contact with his only family. “things happen, hell, you know that i’ve done some stupid things before. we all have off days, today just happened to be yours.” Seconds felt like hours when Papyrus didn’t answer him right away. What felt like an eternity later, he lifted his head up and the smile had returned with full force,
“YOU’RE RIGHT SANS! TODAY WAS JUST AN “OFF DAY”!” Papyrus complimented and put his hands on his hips and watched as Sans nodded, taking out his comb and running it across his skull absentmindedly before returning it to his shorts pocket. “WELL, NOW THAT OUR HOSUE IS UNABLE TO BE USED FOR THE PARTY, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?”
Sans glanced over at the group of people that were with them; the monsters didn’t seem too bothered with the cold. Fall however, even though she was trying to hide it, was shivering. How could he forget to at least let her inside? After all, she wasn’t really dressed well for this occasion. “c’mon, let’s head back inside. it must be cold out here for you.”
“N-No, I’m alright. Don’t worry…” Fall said, her cheeks red. Sans wondered offhandedly if it was from the cold or a blush at being found out that she had been lying. He settled with both.
“hm, too late kid.” Sans muttered under his breath and walked in with the rest of his friends, having Undyne close the door behind the group and ignoring the sigh that came from a tad bit behind him. With a glance at the clock, he noted that it was too early to call it a night, and Paps would be upset if he pooped out. It was only around nine thirty, but he was so exhausted.
“My bar is closed, but if desired, I can open it up and continue the party there.” Grillby adjusted his glasses, the fire crackling as he did so.
“OH DARLING! THAT’S PERFECT!” Mettaton gushed, clasping his hands together.
“YES! IT IS A VERY GOOD IDEA.” Papyrus agreed, his smile even brighter than it had been earlier.
Sans glanced out of the corner of his eye, seeing Fall fiddling with a stray thread on his jacket that she was still wearing. He had been so focused on restoring the house to the best of his abilities he had forgotten. He raised a brow bone and continued to watch her, digging her toe into the carpet. The monsters were chattering among themselves, setting the plan in stone that the party would continue at Grillby’s. “go on ahead, i’ll meet you there.” Sans said and scratched the back of his cranium.
“WE SHALL WAIT IN ANTICIPATION FOR YOUR ARRIVAL!” Papyrus complimented and ran out with some of their friends, the others following close behind.
When Fall glanced at the door and started to head out, he grabbed her wrist. She went rigid and he couldn’t help but think that she was worried about hanging out with a bunch of monsters. Many humans had been like that, even all these years later: they’d pretend they were okay with monsters and want to co-exist with them, but when one touched them or got too close they would revert to their discriminatory ways. Aggravated that he was letting it get to him, he let her wrist go with no words.
“Um…” Fall began, still looking down at the floor. “It’s a walk to Grillby’s and… I don’t have any… pants on…” A tomato red blush covered her face, reaching to the tips of her ears. A small blue blush of his own dusted his cheeks and he scratched at the back of his ivory dome again.
how could i forget that?
Clearing his throat, he glanced at the stairs, “hey, fall, follow me.” He said, seeing her not even hesitate in following him. How could he have been so rude in thinking that Fall was like those other humans he had encountered? He would have to apologize to her later and take whatever punishment she would deem adequate to group her in with those discriminatory humans. Hell, maybe he was a bit of the same way as those humans. He didn’t like that thought though. Thankfully, his door had been closed so his room remained untouched by the smoky smell of the fire. Among the mess in his room, her costume still laid perfectly neat on his sheet-less bed. “hey, kid, putting that back on isn’t going to help you with the cold.”
“Well that’s true,” She agreed holding the costume in her hand with her other on the zipper of his jacket. “Either way, it’s not like I can just keep these clothes.”
Sans was too busy sifting through his messy closet to answer her, not that there was anything to say. He may be lazy and somewhat nihilistic, but even he wasn’t soulless enough to let her make the trip to Grillby’s in just a T-shirt and a jacket. If they teleported, it would knock out all of the walking, but at the same time being at the party in a bar may be a little awkward for her. A smile came to his face when he held up the piece of fabric he was looking for,
“Basket ball shorts?” Fall asked.
“yeah, put these on. i don’t really have much variety in the clothes department, but, something is better than nothing right kid?”
This time, it was her turn to not respond. She held the shorts in her hands, the blush still on her face. How in the world did she have enough gumption to give him her phone number when she was standing here blushing at everything he did or said? Maybe he would ask her about that later, if he remembered. “i’ll wait outside.” He left and closed the door behind him. She hadn’t been phased seeing him decimate his smoke alarm with magic, but randomly teleporting may have been too much for the already frazzled girl. A few moments later, she came out with the shorts on and the drawstring tightened to make sure that they stayed on her hips. She had taken off the jacket and held it out to him, which he declined. “monsters aren’t as prone to the elements as you humans are.” He informed. “so keep it, i’ll get it back from you later.” Shoving his hands in his own shorts, he smirked when she was donned in his jacket again. “y’know, i wondered a lot of the time what i would look like as a girl, but with you dressed like that, i can get a pretty good idea.”
“H-Hey!” Fall said and zipped up the jacket.
“it’s a compliment kid.”
With Fall in tow, he walked towards the door and had a phalange over the light switch. “did you want to walk, or we could-“
“Do that teleport thing you do?”
“y-yeah… how-“
“Well, you’ve been coming to my store for a few years, sometimes you would use your magic outside of the store to get back home quicker.” Fall admitted, playing with the same thread she had been previously. “I don’t mind going that way… as long as it’s not too hard on you.”
“alright.” Sans went over and touched the small of her back. “i need close contact to bring you with.” In truth, he didn’t know how close one needed to be. She was the first person he had tried it with other than... He knew it would work, there was no questions about that. He just wanted to make sure that it would be okay for her to be this close to him. When she didn’t protest, he took a step forward and brought them both in the void between this part of the world and the next. They came out right in front of Grillby’s. Fall staggered a bit and grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt for stabilization.
“S-Sorry…” She stammered but gripped on tighter.
“no need to be sorry, kid. the first person i took with me puked when we-for lack of a better word-landed.” “O-Oh…” Fall blinked, and her grip loosened on his shirt enough to where she could stand up on her own. “Maybe it’s something humans have to get used to.”
“hm, maybe.” Sans guided her into the bar by the small of her back.
By the time they got in the bar, everything and everyone was in full force. Grillby was behind the counter serving drinks and food to his friends, continuously shining his favorite glass. Out of the corner of his socket, he saw Papyrus and Undyne sitting in a booth with Alphys. Jason and…the girl… were sitting at the bar awaiting some food. Muffet was helping to serve the food that all the friends were ordering while Mettaton was providing entertainment in the form of singing and dancing while Napstablook was playing music for them. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.
“SANS! YOU MADE IT!” Papyrus exclaimed when he noticed the party of two that had come into the bar. He hopped up out of his seat, onto the table and jumped to the floor in front of them. All the while Sans had his hands in his pockets. It was perfectly normal to watch his brother climb onto things he wasn’t supposed to. “WE WERE BEGINNING TO WONDER WHERE YOU WERE. OH! SMALL HUMAN! YOU’RE WEARING SANS’ CLOTHES.”
“she didn’t have any, so i let her borrow some of mine.”
“SHE LOOKS LIKE THE HUMAN GIRL VERSION OF YOU!” Papyrus said and smiled brightly at Fall who had been taken aback by his very robust compliment. “IT LOOKS VERY GOOD ON YOU!”
“T-Thank you Papyrus.”
“OF COURSE, SMALL HUMAN! ANY FRIEND OF SANS’ IS A FRIEND OF MINE! NOW IF YOU’LL EXCUSE ME, I’M TRYING TO SOLVE THIS WEEKS PUZZLE IN THE PAPER ALPHYS BROUGHT.” With another hop onto his table, he sat back down on his side of the booth, intently training his sockets on the words in front of him. Sans shrugged his shoulders and went to the bar, taking a seat and helping her onto his.
“What puzzle is he trying to solve?”
“the horoscope.”
“yep.” Sans looked at Fall with his ever-present smile. “grillbs, can i get a burger for the lady here and an order of fries for me?”
Without a word, Grillby headed towards the back to cook their orders after setting a bottle of ketchup down in front of him. It wouldn’t take too long, after all, a flame elemental monster could control the fire in his kitchen better than any human stove or oven could. That’s part of the reason why he liked coming to Grillby’s, other than to spend time with his best friend. The food was always cooked exactly how you liked it, even if you didn’t tell him. Sans was focused on the sounds around him, sipping on the ketchup Grillby had left him. The smell of the food was wafting from the kitchen via the small gap at the bottom of the door. No doubt, the food would be done soon. He could already taste the food that would be sat in front of him. The fries would be worth the headache of throwing away a lot of the kitchen appliances.
“Um… Sans?”
“hm?” He swallowed the ketchup that was in his mouth and turned the barstool, hearing the all too familiar creak.
“How did you know to order me a burger?”
“when we were at my house, i saw you eyeing it with everything you are.” He couldn’t help but chuckle when Fall blushed a deep red. “no need to be so embarrassed about it. grillbs food is the best.” As if on cue, Grillby came out and sat the plates down in front of them, putting another bottle of ketchup on the counter. “aw, and i didn’t even have to ask.”
“Not for you.” Grillby said and pointed a thumb at Fall’s burger.
“fine. you win.” Sans held up his hands in defeat.
“Can I get you anything else, Miss?” Grillby politely asked.
always a charmer.
“Um, can I have a bit of alcohol?” Fall was meek about it. Why? This was a bar, order all the alcohol you want. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
“Of course, it isn’t too much trouble.” Grillby assured. “What would you like?”
“Um… I-I’m not too good with names. So just whatever you think would be good.”
“As you wish.”
Sans watched Grillby work at lightning speed, popping a fry into his mouth every now and again. It was nice to hear everyone laughing when just a few minutes ago it was full of sadness at almost catching their home on fire. He was worried that it was going to ruin their night, but of course, he should’ve known better. When it comes to Papyrus, no one can stay sad around him, so he ends up making everyone have a good time. The drink that he sat down in front of Fall was bright, colorful, and smelled nice. Her eyes widened, and she picked up the glass and looked at it.
“Wow! It’s so pretty…”
“well kid,” Sans saw motion out of the corner of his socket near the other end of the bar. “alcohol isn’t meant to just look pretty. taste it.”
“Right. Right.” She took a small sip from the straw that he had placed in the blue-green color show in a cup. “Ooh! Wow… This is really good.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
The more time that passed, the more Fall drank. The more that Fall drank, the more she would talk. The more that she would talk, the more she would get embarrassed; wash, rinse, and repeat until she was now the staggering mess next to him. She was on her third burger and fifth order of fries. She could really pack away some food. He was glad that she was eating that much bread and stuff that way she wouldn’t get sick. He had learned from her that it was a common thing for humans to do; surprisingly, it was recommended. It had been strange to him when they first arrived on the surface, but now it seemed obvious and normal. Papyrus was slamming his hand down on the table, excited that he had solved another puzzle in the Junior Jumble book that Sans had bought for him.
“Well, Frisk, are you ready to go?” Sans heard Jason from the other side of the bar.
“Yeah, it’s getting late and I’m pretty tired.”
Sans didn’t really care where they went or what they did and continued watching Grillby and a drunk Fall continue their very weird conversation on how Grillby could touch things without getting burnt. Now her inquisitiveness had went to his clothes. However, one thing that sent his attention the humans’ way was what Jason had whispered to her.
“Next time, can you not invite me to parties like these? It gets really uncomfortable with all these monsters around.”
“Jason, stop that.” She had whispered back. Sans wasn’t really too shook about it, considering there were so many humans that still weren’t accepting and from the way that he had been acting through the night, it wasn’t a shock. What came next though…
“What? You can’t tell me it’s not weird. Especially that tall skeleton. Why does everyone try to kiss up to him? They’re all making it sound like he can cook and he’s talented but he’s not. He’s weird and a terrible cook. I mean he almost burned his own house down.”
The pinpricks for pupils that he had disappeared leaving nothing but black sockets devoid of any positive emotion. No one around, but Grillby seemed to notice. He didn’t ask but gave Sans a curious glance that did not get a anything in return.
“No, Paps can’t cook, but he makes up for it with spirit and determination. He doesn’t let anything falter his spirit and he’s a good skeleton.” She commented, defending Paps. It wasn’t like Sans didn’t expect her to defend Papyrus, but that she continued to walk out with Jason washed away her defense like it hadn’t even happened.
“Whatever, it sounds to me like he’s just pathetic.”
Sans squeezed the ketchup bottle, listening to the air escape the nozzle at the top. Just as the jingle of the bell sounded through the store signifying their leave, Sans teleported outside and stood in front of them earning an alarmed sound from Jason and a confused one from her. His eyes held no emotion but loathing and anger.
“S-Sans?” The girl commented, seeing the expression on his face.
“stay out of this.” Sans ordered, his tone deepening a little bit. “this is between me and him.”
“What? You and me don’t have any business.”
“Sans… You-“
“quiet.” Sans commanded, and she listened. “you have a problem with my brother, huh?”
“i’m waiting.”
“W-Well n- ah!” Jason yelled when Sans threw a bone in his direction scraping against the side of his face. “What are you doing?”
“Sans, stop!”
“monsters are pathetic huh?” Sans questioned, shooting a smaller bone his way, not intending to hit him. “papyrus has more heart than some of you humans ever will.” Papyrus was his weak spot. All their friends knew it, when something was said or done against his brother, all thoughts or morals went out the window. With a snap of his finger, he was surrounded by four Gaster Blasters, all pointing towards Jason. A tug on his sleeve, prevented another attack.
“I said ‘stop’!” Sans’ sharp glare looked down at his sleeve and saw his old friend attached to it for dear life.
“defending someone like him, huh? heh, figured as much. all you humans stick together.” His words were filled with venom as he flung his arm, sending the girl a few feet away from him on her butt. His attention turned from the girl back to the cowering Jason. His smile turned more into a smirk and he snapped his phalanges, making the blasters disappear. “be thankful you have that girl with you.”
“W-What? Why? What does Frisk have to do with this?” Jason asked, falling to his knees his legs being unable to keep him standing anymore. He screamed out when he was pulled towards Sans, nose to nose hole.
“’cause buddy, without her,” Sans chuckled humorlessly, his sockets searing holes into Jason’s eyes. Their gaze was so intense it felt like time had stopped. “Y o u ‘ d  b e  d e a d  w h e r e  y o u  s t a n d.” With a flick of his wrist, Jason was sent further away, and a pained grunt escaped his lips upon impact. He knew that he didn’t break the human’s bones, he would’ve been able to tell. He sure was going to have one hell of a bruise there, that was for sure. He shoved his hands back in his pockets, having his back turned to the scene he had created between him and the two humans. He heard the girl get up and head towards where her boyfriend lay, “. . . don’t let me catch either of you around my brother again.”
The girl sounded like she was about to cry with her small, pitiful voice. “B-But, Sans… I-“ He turned and looked at the girl, his sockets still black with anger.
“E i t h e r  o f  y o u.” His tone of finality shut her up in just a split second. He left both humans outside. He couldn’t believe it. She had defended him… Jason… the one who had insulted his brother. Humans really stuck together, even in these times. That must’ve been the reason that she wanted to leave the Underground. She just wanted to go back to the humans… They had been friends for years… At least he thought so. He wanted to believe it, but maybe it would be better if they hadn’t been… then it wouldn’t hurt this bad. Even if she didn’t explicitly agree with Jason, she wanted him to not hurt Jason. Why? He could only imagine how that would’ve hurt Papyrus if he had really heard it. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know. He had lost all faith in Jason (not that he had much to begin with), he lost hope in humans, he lost faith in Frisk.
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keii · 7 years
I had such an intense and kind of fucked up dream last night. It was actually about Rein and it seemed as if I was watching a movie, so I decided to write it down LMAO. I’m pretty sure my dream was triggered from this movie I was watching last night-- Anyway ya idk I thought it was interesting how accurate dream Rein was lool.
He was acting undercover, pretending to be the “new” guy in this whole arms or drug deal (don’t remember tbh). They had to travel a lot, meeting with different clients to see who would offer the best deal. Some clients would try to be less diplomatic and try to kill them, but luckily Rein was there to prevent that. Each time, winning over the enemy’s trust little by little. The leader of this operation, who was this beautiful woman, favored him, whereas her trusted bodyguard didn’t like Rein AT ALL. It was a bit rocky at first, he got into fights with the bodyguard and Rein won. There was one deal where Rein saved the body guard’s life. He then learned that the guard and the leader knew each other ever since they were young. The guard told Rein that the leader meant everything to him and that he hoped Rein would learn to cherish her as well. Eventually they treated him like family and trusted Rein with their lives. As time progressed, the leader called Rein into her suite after they finished another stressful meeting with a client. There she told him that she was fond of Rein, where he cooly replies, “I’m fond of you as well.” She laughs and rephrased what she meant as she walked closer to him. Rein watches her closely— there she stops right in front of him. She stares at his face and inquired about all his scars, where did he get them, how— were there more located on his body? Rein only laughed and answered none of her questions except the last. He slowly lifted up his shirt, casting it aside to reveal his scar ridden torso. The leader’s eyes widen in surprise, not expecting so much. She used her fingers to trace along the long wounds across his chest, traveling down past his abdomen and following below his navel. Right before she could venture any further, Rein caught her hand, startling her. She looked up and was met with his glowing eyes. The corner of his lips curled into a sly grin, parting his lips slightly, he said in a deep voice, “Don’t go any further, or you might regret it.” He warned her. She noticed how sharp his fangs were, and it all just added to this newfound excitement. Her fingers danced slightly above his zipper, teasing him slightly, “I never regret any of my decisions.” Rein breathed in deeply, lifting his hand to brush away some of her hair that covered her face. He noticed there was a scar beneath her eye and he leaned in, kissing it. Pulling back slightly, he kissed a different area of her face, always making sure to avoid her lips. He traveled further down her neck, biting down, bruising her porcelain skin. It wasn’t the first time he slept with the enemy. It made him sick actually— but in a strange way it gave him satisfaction knowing he has them in such a vulnerable state, wrapped around his fingers. She called out his name between panted breathes as she dug her nails deep into his back, causing him to hiss in a mix of pleasure and pain. He quickly grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand while using his other hand to wrap around her neck. He gripped tighter and tighter, but not enough to fully choke her. Her face was flushed red and he leaned in closer, whispering in her ear with a deep voice saying, “I could kill you right now if I wanted to.” He watched the expression of her face changed, there was fear, but she did and said nothing for him to stop. In fact, he felt the walls around him tighten, catching him off guard for a moment. He loosened his grip and distanced himself where he lifted her legs above his shoulders. Her face in the beginning when he had first met her was cold and powerful. She had no mercy when it comes to the lives of others, regardless if they were innocent or not, young or old— it didn’t matter to her. Each life she took, Rein could only watch with his hands behind his back, nails digging so hard into his skin, enough that he bled. And now here she was, every move he made was his to control. He positioned her how he wants her to be positioned. He told her when she could look at him if he wanted to. He ordered her to get on all fours, ass up and to take it without any complaints... and she did. She repeated his name over and over that he got sick of hearing it. He told her to shut up and how she can only make a noise if he allowed it. In front of her men, Rein gave her the respect to be in control, but behind closed doors, she begged for him. His expression was cold one night as he watched her moaned in pleasure. The way her brows curled upwards, beads of sweat running down her flushed face— every detail he hated. She told him she was about to climax and he took it as a signal to go harder. Pathetic. It was the morning of the meeting with the last client. Rein was already awake, watching the sun rise out from the balcony. He blew out smoke, taking the cigarette out from between his lips to tap the ashes away. He felt small hands wrap around his waist and he turned around to see the leader. He put out his cigarette and pulled her closer to him as they watched the sunrise together. “Today’s the day.” She said. “Today’s the day.” He repeated after her. There was a moment of silence before she cleared her throat. “I was thinking...” she started, “After... this whole deal is over, maybe I should retire.” “Retire?” Rein asked, one of his brows raising slightly. He actually didn’t care. She nodded and looked at him, “Yes, I’d like to retire and live a cozy life. Somewhere peaceful with someone I love... I want you to be the one to share it with me.” It was quiet again and they stared at each other. Her face was soft, there was a glow to her skin and a shine to her eyes when she said that. There was a strange feeling in his heart that twisted him inside, and the way she was looking at him right now made it seem as if she was innocent... pure. Her lips looked so inviting. Not once at the start of their fucked up relationship did he kiss her on her lips. For some reason, at that moment he wondered how it would taste. He held her chin with his hand, lifting her head slightly as he began to lean down. Maybe... Just this once he’ll have a taste of the forbidden fruit. His lips stopped when the moment was interrupted with a loud knock on the door, telling them that they they’ll be heading to the rendezvous point in an hour. Rein regained his senses and pulled back. There was a slight disappointed look on her face as she walked away to get ready. Rein only turned away and gripped hard onto the railings of the balcony. Letting out a deep sigh in frustration, he thought, “What the hell was I thinking?” If he had kissed her at that moment, he really believed that he might have fallen in love. It wouldn’t even be real. None of it was real. It was only a cheap imitation— a sick illusion. God, was he pathetic. The two parties met inside a docked shipped. Both making sure that each one had their respective items of trade... the leader with the drugs/weapons and the other with the promised payment. The other leader smiled, content with the deal and he held out his hand for the agreement. She smiled and took his hand... but at that moment, she pulled out a blade she had hiding up her sleeve and slit his throat. Blood flowed out of the deep gash with eyes staring at her with disbelief. Her men quickly took care of the rest of the enemy and she walked over, picking up both her case and the case full of money. “Alright boys, you know the usual.” She told them. Rein walked up to her, “What happened to retirement? Wasn’t that supposed to be the client you made a deal with?” She only laughed, placing a bloodied hand on Rein’s cheek. “My dear, we have only just begun. I have received a message from our provider that we have double the amount that I could sell. So I can hold off the retirement a little bit longer. I hope you can as well. Now, if you could, help the boys get rid of the bodies and after you’re done, meet up with me in my yacht so we can get cleaned up.” Rein watched her leave and he went back to the other men. There was a smile on his face and when asked why he was grinning, he simply said, “My job here is done.” They were all confused, and Rein pulled out a mysterious sword from beneath his coat and unsheathed it, revealing a blade that looked completely different from what the scabbard was shaped like. The men were startled and like lightning, Rein disappeared and from the corner of the room, they saw him slice off one of their heads cleanly. He kicked the decapitated head towards the direction of the other men and laughed. “Come.” He said. Bullets slipped passed him, knives were swung, but never cut him. There were a few lucky hits here and there, but those were short lived. One by one, they fell. He was faced with the bodyguard, the only true threat to him. He wasn’t a human, but a Mayari (a different race in my story) and they were always tough to kill. Rein provoked the guard, questioning what the Mayari felt towards their leader. “Did you love her?” Rein asked, “Or are you obsessed with her?” Rein knew the answer already. It wasn’t a secret. He knew the guard stood outside their hotel door, listening in on the conversations Rein and the leader would have... and much more. He just wanted to see how angry he could make the guard. Despite the Mayari becoming more dangerous the angrier he got, he was also a lot more reckless. With a stab right through the Mayari’s heart, Rein had only one more target to go. He made his way to the leader’s yacht. She wasn’t in the room, but then he noticed her clothes sprawled across the floor and realized she was in the bathroom. Before entering, he found her phone and slipped it in his pocket.
Rein opened the door, seeing that she was in the bathtub, back towards him. The lights were off, but candlelights surrounded her, the fresh aroma of jasmine along with the rose petals scattered in the tub filled Rein’s senses. He let his footsteps be heard and she turned around, “Oh, you made it—“ her voice stopped upon seeing how bloody he was, “Rein?” He said nothing and she gave him a nervous smile, “W-Was there a surprise attack?” He grinned and he slipped off his coat, revealing his blood stained sword, sitting on the edge of the tub as he looked down at her. “No.” He placed his hand in the water, the blood spreading across the surface. There was a defending silence between them, she quickly opened her mouth to scream for her bodyguard, but Rein covered her mouth with his still bloodied hand. “Shh...” He hushed, “For you, my love, I’ll make it quick.” Tears streamed down her face and he pulled his hand back. “Who do you work for? I can pay you more! You know I can!” She started listing out names of other underground leaders and he laughed, tracing the bloodied blade up her throat. “I don’t work for any of them.” He told her.
Her eyes widen in realization, “You’re an A-Axil agent aren’t you?” He smiled. “Why Rein? I loved you! We treated you like family!” She said through her sobs. Rein hushed her again, calming her, slightly pulling his blade back and leaned in. He kissed her gently, stroking her cheek, wiping her tears away. The taste of iron filled his mouth and he pulled back. It was bitter, but warm. Sweet, but so tooth achingly rotten. The kiss was bittersweet. That was the word to describe this. The blade he held went through her abdomen. She stared at him with betrayed eyes. The last thing he heard him say was “I already have a family.” And everything went dark.
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