#he was already terrified of turning out like clay
isa-belle1367 · 1 month
Just your friendly reminder that during ac3, they had started leaving Desmond in the animus for up to 3 days at a time, possibly longer. They also didn't tell him he was going to be spending extended time in the animus until AFTER the time had already passed, and not only that, they told him in an email. Not even to his face, through a goddamn email.
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sir-davey · 17 days
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King Saul’s evil spirit, also known as the Ruach Ra’ah
I want to show some of the characters from my Saul retelling, The Book of Saul, and one of the major ones that take part of Saul’s life is Ze’ev, who is King Saul’s evil spirit but personified as a spirit always taking the form of a wolf in Saul’s visions.
I have yet to properly introduce him, but I will now lol.
I draw him frequently with Saul and I have a lot planned for him. He’s his own character instead of simply being the vaguely mentioned evil spirit that attacks Saul in the Bible lol. In the story, there’s some heavy lore that Ze’ev carries, and when he first actively interacts with Saul (right after being rejected as king), he becomes Saul’s conscience, and a guide, as he twists truths for his own benefit and amusement.
To summarize Ze’ev’s character, Ze’ev can be interpreted in many ways. He is basically the essence of Saul’s subconscious containing his deepest fears and regrets. Saul’s mentality will be reflected on Ze’ev who guides Saul, seeking truths he desperately yearns for, through 7 seven visions. No matter how hard Saul tries, he cannot escape the spirit always appearing before him. And also, those 7 visions are basically Saul’s hell with different truths revealed to him. Ze’ev finds so much joy in watching him suffer, yet he is able to have Saul always running back to him for help. Ze’ev knows very well that Saul has absolutely no one to turn to as he takes advantage of his helplessness.
As for Ze’ev’s appearance, he is usually a wolf, and there are two reasons why Ze’ev appears as a wolf. One being the tribe symbol for Benjamin, the tribe Saul’s from, which is represented with a wolf, and in the past I had called Ze’ev the “Wolf of Benjamin”, but I ended up changing his name lol. But the second reason resonates with Saul more deeply, where in the story, Saul is terrified of wolves due to traumatic experiences with them, and it comes off basically as a phobia Saul has (I believe the phobia for wolves is called “lupophobia”, that’s what Saul would have oof). But ironically, Saul is from Benjamin, and he’d be surrounded by wolf symbols as a benjaminite king ruling the place. And plus, Ze’ev is almost always a wolf, and if you recall what I’ve said, Ze’ev is the essence of Saul’s mind made up of his darkest fears and regrets while appearing in Saul’s visions.
I could literally go on and on about the evil spirit Ze’ev, but I would be crossing spoiler territory if I do loll.
But some small things about him: Ze’ev shapeshifts a lot, and his form is always moving in place. And he has a HUGE tail that constantly flows.
But lastly, this one means a lot to me lmaoo, but hear me out on this. When it comes to Ze’ev’s voice, I usually either have him speak with both a male and a female voice that intermingles at the same time (for reference, it’s just like Satan’s voice from that creepy Mark Twain clay animation movie. Look it up if you’re curious lol). Or, Ze’ev speaks as a distorted version of Saul’s voice.
Butttt, I can’t help but headcanon his voice as Will Wood when it comes to visualizing him in my head. Ze’ev sings as well (he sometimes sings to lure Saul), and whenever he sings, all I can hear is Will Wood. Ack, Will Wood!!! 🔥 And I know I’m being biased because I LOVE Will Wood (pls if you’re a Will Wood fan you gotta let me know 😭). But outside of the book, I imagine Ze’ev’s voice as Will Wood’s lolllll.
I already have a bunch of Saul and Ze’ev animatics planned, but if I do make an animatic/animation with Ze’ev, it’s going to be a Will Wood song.
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blippymilk · 8 months
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Dirt Bike Racer Fem! Reader x Brozone (+ Poppy)
(TYSM for all the love, request, and followers guys!! The little comments y’all be putting on your request and under my post make me wanna tear up a lil bit 🤧)
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John Dory:
- Finds it incredibly hot that you’re a (famous) dirt bike racer
- Didn’t know you were a female at first until you took off your helmet and revealed your (GORGEOUS) self
- Never thought he had a chance with you tbh :(
- But then realizes HE’S JOHN DORY, THE LEADER, J.D and gets the courage to ask you out (however that story ends up is up to you)
- When you guys finally end up together his heart is content
- Although sometimes he feels that he has to go beyond his expectations because his girlfriend is literally a dirt bike racer!
- So yes his ego is hurt a little bit (but he’ll never stop loving you so don’t even worry)
- He would love to take your motorcycle for a ride all day
- And if he doesn’t know how to ride one yet (which I doubt) he will (put his ego aside and) ask for lessons (don’t tell anyone though)
- Definitely getting matching cycles
- Kinda thinks you’re a walking hazard/danger sign at first
- But Bruce believes the heart wants what the heart wants and it wanted you
- Has to get used to the loud noises your motorcycle makes when you take off anywhere, but eventually gets over it
- Loves riding on the motercycle with you after a couple months
- Has you under a oath to never speak about the time he tried to take it for a ride by himself with zero experience (🫢)
- Makes sure the keys (or anything that the lock can be picked with) for the motorcycle are always out of reach if you decide to have kids
- Doesn’t mind you taking the kids for a ride (but they have to be 10 or older 😢)
- Definitely wears a shirt that says ‘My wife is a famous dirt bike racer, how about you?’
- You definitely bring out the fun in him (and he hates that at first)
- You met him during his serious boy Clay get up so at first he didn’t take you too seriosuly
- But when he learns it’s ok to loosen up, he found himself falling for you (he been loved you, he’s just embracing it now)
- Wants to be on your motorcycle more than you do
- Definitely already knew how to ride one (he was fun boy Clay soooo)
- Teach him all the crazy tricks in the book, he’ll end up mastering them all
- Please convince this man to wear a helmet cause if you don’t , he’s not even touching one
- Screaming all types of things while on the bike
- It’s a little weird with Floyd
- Like he loves and supports the fact that you’re a dirt bike racer but he doesn’t think about it too much (at least for the first part of the relationship)
- Secretly terrified of the roaring of your engine behind his calm smile
- You didn’t realize he was either until one day he walked into your garage and you started it up, causing him to completely fall onto his back
“Oh my gosh Floyd are you ok?
“Yea bab- yeah I’m fine…”
- Unlike the other boys, you have to convince him to ride on your bike
- Sit him in front of you so he’s convinced you won’t leave him behind :(
-Eventually he learns to enjoy it to some degree (still prefers the car tho if you know what I mean)
- Attends every event you have with the biggest “____’s #1 FAN!” sign anyone there can bring, and please don’t let him find out if someone is trying to show him up 😭
- Ok let’s be honest if you met him during his first Trolls movie phase, he would actually despise you (at least at first)😭
- The nerve he’d think you’d have to turn on your loud engine while the village could possibly be hunted down by bergens
- After the first movie events and knowing everyone’s fine and well, he starts to show some interest
- You may or may not catch him at one or two or all of your events
- He can’t decide if he wants to ride your bike or not
- Like you’ll offer to take him for a ride and every time he’s just like:
“Well- like…um- ye- well actually, wait no, actually…maybe- well…”
- It’s to the point where if you want him to go with you, you’re gonna need to snatch him on and put the helmet on his head
- Since he’s one of the few trolls that knows about the internet, he made a fan account for you where he uploads all your clips, and makes sweet commentary and deletes all hate comments and possibly comments “____ is better” on fan accounts for any opposing riders
- You might have to run away from this girl at first
- Begs to ride your bike before you’re even together
- And when she is with you like Bruce she feels the need to take it upon herself to try and ride the bike
- Let’s just say she enjoyed your physical attention and the way you kissed her “boo-boo’s” afterwards
- So by the time she heals you’ve learned to take Poppy for frequent rides
- Has no shame in asking for lessons at all
- Definitely asks you to take, her, and Viva for a joyride
- Let’s the whole pop village know that her girlfriend is a famous dirt bike rider (as if they don’t already know 💀)
“Oh you’re boyfriend’s a baker? That’s crazy cause my girlfriends a dirt bike racer!”
“No way she’s a CEO? Mine ride’s a dirt bike, and she’s well know!”
“You’re girlfriends a top secret spy for the biggest agents in the world? That’s insane, my girlfriend rides a dirt bike!”
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eugeneplace · 5 months
Did you guys know that there's people who ship poly Kismet?!
Because I didn't and now I can't stop thinking about it
I had to do this, otherwise I was going to explode
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There's Coal, Ablaze/Branch kid, he's the oldest with eleven (They had him when they were very young). Red hair and a Mix of blue and lilac. Inherited the glitter freckles.
No one expected Ablaze's Rock genes to give the kid fangs but they did. He looks a lot like Clay but has a very JD personality.
Fun fact: Trickee gave him permission to get his hears pierced even though the others said no
Then we have Bang! Boom/Branch child (Boom thought that name was funny). Dark purple hair (I am one of those who believe that the rainbow hair is dyed) and shining green. Not a glitter troll but has a lot of freckles.
Very bock smart like Clay and got Floyd looks and shyness. I'm a sucker for Branch having a mad scientist child. So she is your typical genius but socially inept character!
... "She" is totally growing to be a they/them
Not so fun fact: The village kids nicknamed her vampire
Twig is from Trickee/Branch. Hey! One of his kids needed to have Branch's attitude. Dark blue hair and warm orange, to contrast his coldness.
The brain of the team and moral compass of his older siblings.
The Jonh Dory resemblance is going to be terrifying to Bruce and Clay in the movie. Especially because the kid looks at you as if he were disappointed in being related and as if he despised every decision you have made in your life...
He's actually very sweet, don't worry!
Jacaranda is Hype/Branch baby, they wanted a blue themed name.
She is just three (omg same age as Branch when his brothers left) but has already proven to be an entity of chaos.
Her puppy dog eyes get her older siblings out of trouble
And oh boy! If these kids get in trouble...
(Version without color 'cause I liked how it turned out)
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vorezone-act8 · 4 months
Inside your mouth I cannot see
safe vore fic. sorry if you realize what these characters are from lmao (owen is an oc stand in for the player but) warnings: emeto, body dysphoria/dysmorphia, mentions of actual cannib.alism/"h.ard vore" but it doesnt actually happen, suicidal ideation somewhat, suggestive implications unrelated to the vore
Owen couldn't keep this up for much longer. 
He'd been running from "Uthman" for twenty minutes at this rate. He couldn't claim to be in good shape, either, even before this happened; he'd barely slept since he got here, and he'd already been walking for ages. This place was awful labyrinthine for a place of work.
He was wont to give out eventually.
And so he did, a momentary falter of his footing resulting in him being tackled to the ground, vision spotting from the impact his head made with the floor.
"Owen," the thing mumbles. No—even like this, Uthman wasn't a thing. He was a person; a person who would feel terrible about this when he woke up. "Need them. Your organs." His breathing is ragged.
Fighting to keep consciousness, Owen writhes in his grasp, but it's no use. Instead, he tries to reason, "You don't want this; you’re going to feel horrible, later. Uthman, wake up, please—"
Uthman's hands, pinning the other man to the ground by his wrists, tremble. His eyes focus again for a moment, practically drawing his own blood by how hard he's biting his lip. "Trying." Tears prick at his eyes, despite the grin his face has contorted into. It's pained. “I’m sorry.”
He's not sure why he wants to tell him that it's okay, to comfort him, as he finally slips into darkness.
Uthman is fighting himself. He's just lucid enough to resist the hunger for a few more moments, but it's impossible. It hurts—and the only thing that will make it stop is if he sates it, or he’s knocked out. But Owen wasn’t able to do the latter. He has to hold off, just for a few more moments. He won’t forgive himself if—
He half-doubles over in pain on the other’s unconscious form, yelping like the animal he is. His stomach feels as though it’s trying to digest itself.
The opposing instincts of the desire to protect him from further harm and to consume him, thus stopping the pain, converge into overwhelming mixed signals that freeze him in place. In inaction. A momentary blessing.
But unfortunately, it results in a bizarre compromise.
The Devil's mouth experimentally opens, and he shoves Owen's head inside. It fits alarmingly well. The clay making up the flesh makes it disgustingly flexible, too. Impossible. It shouldn't be able to fit a man inside. But it can.
Even screaming inside, the hunger is now beginning to cloud his horror. He can taste Owen’s blood, which he can’t stop himself from licking off his chin. The animal in him wants to finish the job. Wants to be full. It's been starving for so long. 
The human is terrified.
But this is the only conclusion The Devil can come to that will satisfy both instincts. Swallowed whole, instead of torn to shreds. No longer hungry, but Owen might survive if Uthman snaps out of this state fast enough.
All it takes is a swallow to bring his shoulders into his throat, then another for his torso, then his legs—
A purr rises in his middle as his poor friend's form settles into it, arms wrapping around him in a lovesick fondness. He curls up on the floor around his stomach, like an animal at rest.
Lucid again for a moment, Uthman is wracked by a sob as his bleary eyes grow heavy against his will. It's too late.
Uthman wakes up nauseous, and aching all over—from falling asleep on the floor, apparently. He groans as he sits up, aching back popping. Eyes squinting from residual exhaustion, he scans the room. He doesn't know how he got here, or why.
Confusion quickly turns into alarm.
The last thing he remembers is being with Owen. Where is he? Did they split up? What would cause a lapse in memory like—
He notices a splatter of human blood right beside him.
Panic rises in his core.
"Mr. Webb?" He calls out urgently, fearing the worst. "Owen??" He attempts to stand up—but his stomach lurches unnaturally at the sudden movement, as if bloated.
His blood runs cold. The lingering taste of metal in his mouth—
He retches, but nothing comes up. He buries his face in his hands—both of which he doesn’t want to be his own, especially right now. But they are. This monster is you. You killed and ate that poor man. Didn’t you?
Hot wet tears deface his disgusting visage even further, as they should. He curls in on himself, no, around what was left of the friend he didn’t deserve. “I’m so sorry,” his monotone cracks. “I-I knew I should have stayed away—I’m so selfish. I’m sorry, Owen.” 
He really is selfish. Owen will never get to see his children again, nor will he get to go home. All for what? Because he was just so desperate for human connection that he couldn’t just help from the sidelines, when this man’s family was on the line—when he knows how dangerous he is? Boo fucking hoo.
He shudders violently as he gags. It’s painful.
That man is dead, and
His ringing ears almost don’t catch the sound. Not until it’s repeated, louder: “Uthman! Hello?” It’s Owen’s voice, oddly muffled. Eyes blurry but wide, he once overs the room in disbelief. “Owen?” His voice trembles. He doesn’t see anything. “Where are you?”
“I don’... know,” the man tiredly answers, then poses a question of his own: “It’s too dark to tell. Were you… crying?” 
A shuddering breath is taken in. He scans the room again. “I was worried I… killed you. I’m glad I didn’t. Are you hurt? Do you recall anything? You sound tired, so I’m assuming you were unconscious.” 
There’s a beat of silence.
“...I remember you… knocking me over. Hit my head, must have conked out. I don’t hurt anywhere else, though. Guess you… left me alone?” He seems to be just as confused. 
It’s starting to concern him how clearly he can hear Owen’s voice, despite neither of them knowing where he is.
“I should check you for a concussion,” Uthman thinks aloud. “Can you move?”
Immediately afterwards, a wave of nausea hits him as he feels—something move, inside of what, unmistakably, must be his stomach. Realization hits him like a truck, but as a literal doctor, he finds it hard to accept that this is possible for him to do. They should both be dead. 
Well… if he were human, that is. Right.
“...I’m cramped. Can’t really tell.” Owen’s voice is alarmingly lacking any fear about the situation he’s in. Even without knowing what Uthman has realized, being trapped in a cramped space you can’t see is terrifying. Maybe he does have a concussion. “Wet, also.”
“Owen,” Uthman starts, trying to keep his voice level. He nearly tries to make eye contact with his stomach, but averts his eyes out of shame. “I think I know where you are.” He sucks in a breath. “...For some reason, in that state, I just…” The words are hard to get out of his mouth, because he can hardly believe them. 
“Swallowed you whole. Instead of something more immediately lethal.”
There isn’t a response for a moment. 
Then, wordless, panicked thrashing against his internals. There it is. The fight or flight response kicking in. He grits his teeth in pain, instinctively clutching at his middle, as if to make it stop. He releases his grip near immediately, not wanting to hurt Owen any further. It’s like nothing he’s ever felt before—and it’s terribly nauseating. 
Maybe that’s a good thing, vomiting would be welcome to this situation. But—
“...Y-you shouldn’t care, but just in case you do, that does hurt,” he clarifies.
It stops quickly. “Sorry,” Owen apologizes. His voice grows quieter. “...I was scared.”
“No, it’s—it’s completely understandable.” Uthman sighs heavily as his muscles relax. “I mean, anyone would be afraid if they were… literally eaten by a monster.” His eyes unfocus, staring into nothing. He really is one, isn’t he?
“...Don’t… call yourself that,” Owen manages, shifting himself around in an attempt to get more comfortable. Uthman cringes at this horrendously invasive feeling. This is, quite possibly, the worst way to have to confront his non-human biology. He almost tuned out what Owen said.
“It’s true, though. A human, and most other animals, physically could not do this.” He grips his wrist as it trembles. “But that’s not important—I need to get you out of there. Our digestive systems aren’t designed to handle this much, so you should be fine for a while, but I’m not going to wait around for you to get hurt, and I’m sure you don’t want to, either.”
There’s a beat, as if Owen were thinking on what to say, for whatever reason. Uthman finds the answer pretty cut and dry, so this strikes him as odd. His passenger settles with a, “...Fair.”
Uthman pinches the bridge of his nose, sucking in another breath through his teeth. “Yes.” He moves to stand up—but hesitates. “...Uh. I’m going to get up. Alright?” There’s a noise of acknowledgement from inside, so he takes that as his go-ahead. Legs trembling slightly, he uses a nearby wall to stand to his feet…. hooves, rather. Right. He hates this.
It shouldn’t be as easy to walk as it is. He hates that Owen is like nothing more than a little added weight to his body. That’s an entire person. You can hardly even notice that he’s there.
…It’s hard for him to calm his spiraling thoughts with this situation. 
Thankfully, Owen breaks the silence: “What are you, uh… going to do? Try to throw up, right?” …Maybe not so thankfully. This is another thought rabbithole to go down. At least it’s a more helpful one to go on.
“Well…” Uthman has to think about the logistics of this. He was able to get Owen down, so he should be able to come back up. But the space is so tight he doesn’t trust he won’t suffocate within, or that he won’t choke on him, this time. Actually, is there even enough oxygen in his stomach for Owen to begin with? Is it not a concussion, but a lack of air?
His head is spinning with concerning questions and possibilities.
“...I think I’m just going to cut you out.”
“HUH?” Owen barks in alarm. “Just throw up! You’re a doctor, you know sometimes you just gotta throw up—”
“I’m not scared to throw up!” He blurts, feeling the skin beneath the fur on his face flush. “I’m worried you’re going to suffocate. It’ll make me feel better if I just… surgically remove you.”
“Have you ever even performed surgery on yourself? What if you mess up? You could cut me.” Owen strategically doesn’t mention that he’s actually more concerned about Uthman hurting himself, because he knows that he doesn’t care about his own wellbeing right now.
It works. Uthman groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “...Okay, good point. Maybe I should just… try. But I’m not sure… where would be an appropriate location. The floors here are all hard.” God, this is embarrassing. “I guess I’ll head back to my office. There’s pillows and stuff…” He sighs. 
Just as he was about to start moving again, he feels some sort of pressure from within. He can’t help but look down, as much as he really doesn’t want to, and thus confront this reality in its entirety. It’s repetitive, it recedes and presses in again a few times.
“It’s really not that bad. Take your time to get there.”
…He realizes it must be Owen’s hand, patting him.
His face grows hot. He doesn’t like that it felt nice, and especially not that his stomach responds with a growl. No, no, no, you don’t like this. “D-don’t tell me that,” he chides, trying to keep himself composed. “It’s not okay, and I don’t want to think that it’s okay. My instincts might kick in again, and then they might not let you go. I won’t forgive myself if I…”
Pat, pat. “You’re more freaked out about this than I am, Uth. Breathe.”
“You SHOULD be freaked out!” He explodes, all of his emotions finally breaking the surface and spilling. “What if I killed you? What if I DO kill you by waiting too long? Your kids need you, and—and I…” I need you. I’m so selfish. God. 
His breath shudders as he continues, “...When I get you out of there, I think you shouldn’t even talk to me from a distance—I’m more of a danger to you than any help, at this rate. I’m not to be trusted. I have selfish intentions. I want this.”
“No!” Owen moves suddenly with his exclamation, causing Uthman to wince. “God damn it, Uthman, you’ve helped me more than anyone else down here! I don’t care that you lose control now and then—honestly, I don’t even mind if you do end up killing me. I’d prefer that over anything else doing it!”
That takes him out of it. His eyes open wide in horror. “...What? Owen, you—you wouldn’t just let me kill you, would you?”
“Of course not! I just—well…” Owen sighs, and Uthman can tell that he’s curling into himself, receding away the farthest he can in the little space he has. He tries not to notice how much he can feel this, implying that the walls of his stomach are squeezing around him. “...You heard Stinger. I’ve… probably already failed my kids. I don’t care what happens to me, I just… want you to be there.”
Now he’s really concerned. He pushes the welling warmth in his chest, much too literal, aside. “...You haven’t given up, have you? Stinger’s full of it. Even if he isn’t, you should still try, you know.”
“I was supposed to be comforting you, stupid.” 
Uthman laughs a little at that. “...It worked, I think.” 
He becomes aware again of the present situation and urgently starts walking, thankfully recognizing a nearby hallway as a reference point for the distance to his office. “I’m such a hypocrite, I said we shouldn’t wait but I drew this out longer by stopping to argue with you,” he hums, allowing himself to find a little amusement in this. 
As he walks, he notices how much the movement jostles Owen’s weight around, as though he were lugging him around in a bag. That can’t be pleasant. Cursing himself internally, he places a hand on his belly to keep it as still as he can. 
Pat, pat. Owen’s hand meets his, seeming to have caught on.
His face screws up in embarrassment, heat returning to his cheeks. ————————————————
Owen is expelled harmlessly out onto Uthman’s makeshift bed. It’s a lot less warm out here, but he prefers having his full range of motion, which he immediately uses to sit up and stretch his back out with a pop.
He looks up to poor Uthman above him, coughing still. “Uuugh,” he groans, wiping at his mouth. “You okay?” Owen asks gently.
The mascot blinks, then narrows his eyes at him. He clears his throat, composing himself. “I should be asking you that. I wasn’t the one that was nearly eaten alive.” He takes off his labcoat, using it to methodically dry off the other man in place of a towel. 
…Oh, yeah, he’d gotten so used to it in the past… 30 minutes? That he forgot he was absolutely drenched in spit and whatever else.
He crosses his arms, just letting it happen.
“If you had a concussion, it seems to have cleared up. I should check you for burns, though,” Uthman comments idly as he works.
“You gonna undress me?” Owen immediately regrets saying that, shutting his mouth from saying anything further at practically mach 5.
Uthman stops. Even with the fur covering his face, Owen can spot that hint of teal to his cheeks underneath. Actually, it was probably long present. “No, but I was going to ask you to remove them. Even besides possible injuries, your clothes are… probably ruined.” He looks away ashamedly. “I have a change of clothes in here.”
Owen chuckles awkwardly. “...Sorry, didn’t mean it like that.” He sort of did. “I appreciate it, but are you sure you don’t need them?”
“...They… don’t fit anymore, anyways,” Uthman bemoans as he continues to dab at any remaining saliva. Owen frowns sympathetically.
Uthman finds nothing out of the ordinary after checking his skin, which is a relief, but also puzzling. Is the acid in a Gi.vanium-based digestive system that weak? Thank god for that design flaw.
The both of them find themselves hit with exhaustion after Owen gets changed and everything settles down, and Uthman… frustratingly hungry, with his stomach no longer full.
A distressing element about his body’s cravings is that they’re not supposed to happen at all. He has no biological need for food. But like a phantom limb, he still experiences the ghost of getting hungry from his memories as a human. 
He wishes it was just that, and that it didn’t manifest in animalistic, predatory instincts.
Having nothing else, he settles on a few granola bars, offering some to Owen, as well. He has to look away from him as he eats.
Uthman tries to convince Owen to go sleep somewhere else tonight, but isn’t able to—he’d have to risk running into another dangerous Case, or collapsing from exhaustion. There’s nowhere else to go. Begrudgingly, he allows it.
They settle into their separate makeshift beds. But… neither of them can sleep, despite how tired they are from the scare of the earlier situation.
“...Hey,” Owen pipes up after a while.
“Mmm?” Uthman barely manages to vocalize.
“...Could I sleep with you?” 
His eyes shoot right open, and he sits up. “What?? I’m sorry, I know you probably got used to it, but I could have killed you earlier, and I’m nervous even about this proximity.”
“I’m just cold,” Owen clarifies, embarrassedly. He feels like a little kid asking to get into their parent’s bed, and he’s a 40 year old man. “...And you’re warm. But I’ll deal.”
…Right. The temperature is low in here to kill germs, like a doctor’s office. He has no way of changing it. Naturally, being drenched probably made him chilly, too—
He sighs. “...Fine. I kind of owe this to you after that, I don’t want you to freeze.” He pulls up his blankets and gestures him over. Owen crawls in and settles next to him, unable to help nuzzling into his fur, sighing as he feels the other’s warmth wash over him. “...Thank you,” he mumbles.
Uthman tenses up. There’s those butterflies in his stomach again… oh, no, that’s physical, actually. It’s growling. His face flushes, turning his head away with a distressed grimace. He’s certain that he heard that. “Do you see what I mean? You really shouldn’t trust me.”
“It’s not a big deal—I mean, maybe you’ll just do that instead of trying to, uh, eat my pancreas, next time,” Owen jokes. Uthman really doesn’t find it funny. He wraps his arms around him, though, selfishly pulling him closer. He paradoxically relaxes, despite his heart beating out of his chest. “...Well, if it happens again, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
Owen sticks his tongue out mockingly at him. “Well, it was actually kind of nice, just so you know.” 
Uthman makes a strangled noise at that, hiding his face with his arm. “Please don’t say that.” Owen laughs.
They stop bickering and fall asleep soon after.
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scrubbinn · 3 months
Slime HRT 4 Months: Sunset & Sunrise
Content warning: Dark tone, Family trauma
 I'm writing this a bit sooner than I thought. I don't actually want to write this out, but everyone keeps telling me I'll feel better if I express my feelings. To be honest to myself, I really hope that's the case, I could really use a pick-me-up. 
So I ended up talking with my family. Telling them everything. Not like I could hide it anymore, now that my hair is made of goo. I guess I can write about that first. Might be nice for a bit to just think about myself. I woke up last Sunday to find my hair a lot heavier than normal, it was already pretty gooey, with strands of hair sticking together or just kinda always being wet. It also felt a lot more rough than before, I could find split ends everywhere, everyday. That night though, the change in my body sped into overdrive. I woke up to find some of my hair giving way and sticking to my pillow. It's really weird, like those sandy soaps made of a bunch of spheres. It made it feel like I was wearing a pile of clay on my head. It also suds up super fast. Just a bit of water and my hair turns into a perm of soap bubbles. It doesn't have a smell but it gave me an idea. Plucking some lavender I was growing outside, I stuck some in my hair, after a couple hours my house flooded with the scent of that purple plant. I definitely put too much in, way too overpowering. Still, it's super cool to be able to change my scent. so now I've been looking into soap making recipes, after all, might as well take advantage of it.
But with every upside, there's a bunch of downsides too. Nothing physical of course, well besides the fact there's no way I could pass off sandy sky-blue sludge as normal hair no matter how many hats I put on, and Sundays just happen to be the day that my family likes to get together for brunch. I still haven't told them, I just couldn't. They wouldn't get it. I knew they wouldn't get it. So I made the decision to call my mother, to let her know I was feeling sick and I couldn’t make it. That's all it was supposed to be, just that. But when that phone call was about to end, when she told me she loved me I…
Everything spilled out at that point. It felt like it wasn't even me talking, I just had to sit there trapped in this wrong, wrong, wrong body as words and emotions poured out of my mouth that I didn't have a faucet to turn off. I don’t really even remember what I said, but I know what I told her, what I was doing, the pain I was going through, and the plea for forgiveness. She didn’t speak, not for a while at least. Then I heard it. The three words I didn’t want to hear, before she even spoke I could feel myself mentally barricading myself away from the inevitable blast my psyche was about to receive. “Are you sure?” 
Are you sure?? ARE YOU SURE?! What did that even mean??? Am I sure of what I’m doing? Am I sure everything will go alright? Am I sure I want to smash every mirror that gets near me? No. I knew what she was asking. It was all of them. It was every question. Are you sure it’s safe? Are you sure you can handle the harassment? Are you sure you want to hurt me and the people around you because of this? Maybe that last one isn’t fair to her. I don’t know. It felt like she said it.
I remember that night, when I told my mother I was trans. I was still living with her at that time. She asked the same question, and I told her yes. We talked for a while after that as I explained more of it to her, but when I climbed up to my bedroom, and when I looked back, her face was in her hands, and she had started to cry. She later admitted to me that she was terrified of possible persecution and the hate I’d get by simply existing. But that image was still stuck in my head, I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. I don’t expect to ever forgive it, and I could tell as I sat in my bed, holding my medication close, she had her head in her hands, holding back tears as she told me she loved me. I just apologized, I don’t know what for. I just felt like I had to. I said that I loved her, she said it again, and I hung up.
I spent the next few hours dissociating in my bed. Simply trying to stop thinking about how badly that all went. Bottling up every emotion I could get my hands on while the others I couldn’t reach in time became tears. It also turns out that goo for hair is really hard to maintain when under a lot of stress. When I came to, most of my hair had fallen onto my bed sheets. Spent way too much time scrubbing it out the scent of lavender. I don’t think I can stand that scent anymore. At least my new hair regrew quickly during my tea break. I don’t really know if writing all this helped. Maybe I’ll just have to sleep on it.
After I cleaned myself up, I spent the rest of the day ignoring my mental health. I just sat on my computer staring at a bunch of games I didn't want to play, and a bunch of videos I didn't want to watch. I sorta just stared at my monitor until I realized I had gotten around ten notifications from friends asking if I was doing alright. My girlfriend had messaged me before the phone call with my mother, and after not receiving a message for six hours, she started to get worried. She practically forced me into a voice call and wanted to make sure I was doing alright, I lied and said I was, she didn't believe me and didn't pry further. We talked for a while until I brought up the phone call on my own. Then she told me she loved me, and said she'd be there for me always. She stayed with me the entire time, as I started crying again, and she let me cry, waited patiently, and then asked if I wanted to watch some silly videos. I really did. Sometimes it's really hard to remember there's still people that do care about you. I'm sure my mother cares in her own way, even if she's not aware how much it messed me up. I don't know how things will go in the future, if there's going to be even more pain. But I think I'll be ok, at the very least there are people who can pick me up when I can't keep running, people who will slow down and walk with me. I'll be ok, I'm gonna run to see what the future holds.
Update: So, I'm not really sure how to say this. Writing about yesterday really helped me out so maybe today will help as well. I was working my shift today, construction work, and my legs suddenly gave out under me while I was carrying a heavy frame. It was like my bones just bent, and I couldn't stand up right. I basically got flattened but there weren't any serious injuries Or anything. My bones weren't broken, no bad cuts, just what's definitely going to be a lot of bruising. I got forced to take some extended medical leave. Paid of course, but I guess this means the next few months are just going to be focused on my changes while I wait around in bed. Which is good, I could use a change of pace.
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Mention list: @a-shramp
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sticktopia · 3 days
Happy Accidents (RocketPrincess AU)
When a drunken one-night stand leaves Mango with an accidental pregnancy, he has to figure out how to keep his secret safe. Turns out, it's easier said than done when the baby's other parent is literally his boss.
⚠️Warning: Mpreg⚠️
Chapter 4
It had been a few days since Mango’d been to work. Today was his first day back. He was kinda nervous. But he’d been taking the medication. He should be normal enough to get through the day without being suspicious.
Mango stepped into the building casually. He walked to his office with no issues whatsoever. It seemed Clay kept her promise. Good. The last thing he needed was-
“CONGRATULATIONS!!!!” Mango yelped as he fell backwards on his butt. He winced before looking up. His office was full of both familiar and unfamiliar faces; some belonged to his underlings, others were the mercenaries, and some were the medical staff. Mango stared at them all with wide and confused eyes.
“Wh-what-“ Smith stepped forward and offered Mango a hand. Mango took his hand and was hoisted up. “I-I-I don’t-“
“You’re pregnant Mango! This is something that needs to be celebrated!!!” A nurse said as she pulled Mango into the room.
“Coral!” Smith followed the pair into the room. Upon entry, everyone swarmed Mango with “congratulations” and “we’re so happy for you!” Mango gripped the strap of his bag, trying to keep his breath steady.
“P-pregnant? N-no y-you’re mis-“
“It’s no mistake! We saw it!” Another nurse said, stepping forward excitedly. She gripped Mango’s hands and excitedly hugged him. “This is so exciting! No one in a high-up position has ever been pregnant before!”
“Wh-where did you hear I was pregnant? I-I’m not!” Mango said, trying to keep his calm.
“We saw it! In the report! You’re pregnant!” Mango buried his face in his hands. No one was supposed to know he was pregnant till he felt more comfortable about it. Well, there go all the plans he had.
“Coral, Venus. Stop harassing the man.” Smith said sternly. Primal then grabbed the two nurses by the back of their shirts.
“I think you two need to leave.” She said before tossing the two out.
“I believe all of you must leave now.” Hazard said sternly.
“And if ya don’t.” Ballista turned their face into a gun. “We start blastin’.”
The room was immediately cleared out within minutes. Mango stood in the middle of the room hugging himself as the gang of highly skilled mercenaries exited. Well, except for Smith. He ,instead, approached Mango.
“Hey. You ok Mango?” The head agent asked, placing a gentle, yet caring, hand on his shoulder. Mango tensed and sniffled a bit.
“Y-ya know… I really didn’t want anyone to know yet…” Mango admitted. “I-I’m still… still trying to process it all myself… I, I guess the whole company knows now huh?”
“Unfortunately. News like this spreads like wildfire. You and I both know this.” Smith said softly. Mango sniffled and wiped away a stray tear.
“Stupid hormones.” Mango sniffled as he pulled away from the agent. Smith’s hand hovered in place before slowly, hesitantly, lowering.
“Do you want to go-“
“No!” Mango snapped, turning back to the agent. “No. I’m not going back home! I’ve already been gone for three days! That’s three days too long!”
As Mango rambled, he took off his bag and started pulling out the blueprints and papers. Smith stood and watched as Mango threw himself into his work. It was impressive how fast Mango was able to shake off the initial shock, but it still worried Smith. He approached the slightly shorter stick, his hands placing themselves on Mango’s shoulders once again.
“Mango!” Mango looked up at Smith with glossy eyes. Smith’s eyes softened as he saw the stress and fear in his friend’s eyes. With a sigh, the head agent stepped around the desk and pulled the distressed technician into his embrace. Mango stiffened before relaxing and embracing the pseudo hollow as well. Mango trembled in his embrace, terrified and stressed.
“I-I didn’t want this! I-I-I just-I wanted to keep it quiet! I didn’t need the whole company knowing that I was pregnant!!! It’s embarrassing!!!” Mango sobbed. Smith held his friend tightly. The stick was clearly in a lot of distress. He figures it must’ve taken a lot of courage for the expecting stick to even get in the car to get to work this morning. Smith stood silent, rubbing Mango’s back and holding him tight. After a few more moments of this, Mango suddenly pulled away.
“I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to do that.” Mango sniffled, wiping his tears.
“Hey hey, it’s ok Mango. I’m your friend.” Smith chuckled as he approached the technician once more. “I’m gonna be here for you no matter what you know.”
“Really?” Mango sniffled, turning to face the other stick. Smith smiled and nodded.
“Promise it. And I don’t break my promises.” Smith said, taking his sunglasses off. Mango sniffled and smiled a bit.
“Yeah… Th-thanks… Pivot.” Mango said, looking away.
“Oh Ho Ho.” Pivot leaned into Mango a bit. “Using my first name without a threat? That’s a first. Am I gonna be hearing that more?”
“Shut up.” Mango softly chuckled as he stepped away from the agent. “I have work to do. Get outta here.”
“Alright alright I’m going.” Pivot chuckled as he walked out. Just before the agent left the technician’s office, he paused and looked back over his shoulder. Watching Mango work for a moment.
“If anyone starts harassing you,” Mango looked up, watching as Smith spoke. “Call me and I’ll come running.”
“Oh my creators you’re such a nerd.” Mango playfully scoffed. Pivot simply chuckled before placing his glasses on his face and exiting the office.
Everywhere Mango went for the next few days, he felt like there were eyes on him. Everyone was staring at him, whispering about him. 
“He banged the boss.”
“He’s pregnant with the boss’ child.”
“What a slut.”
“No wonder he rose through the ranks so fast.”
Mango tried to keep his cool. Acting like he heard nothing. Like he wasn’t pregnant and nobody had anything to say. But his knees shook with every step, threatening to buckle as he put his weight on each leg. 
“M-Mr Tango!” The sound of the voice jolted Mango from his thoughts. The stick whirled around to face a younger looking stick.
“I heard that you were expecting! Is this true?!” They excitedly asked. Mango stiffened for a sec before relaxing. Or, doing his best to look relaxed.
“I’m not expecting. Whatever you’re hearing from others is a lie.” Mango stated. He walked by the stick, but they followed him.
“You know, it’s nothing to be ashamed of if you are pregnant. It’s just, every employee who got pregnant working with Rocket Corp quit their jobs! You’ve been head technician for only a few months now. Are you really going to give such a title up for a baby?” Mango paused and turned to the stick.
“Look kid. I’m not going to give up my position for anything. This is the best paying job I’ve ever had and I refuse to lose it. Something like pregnancy won’t make me quit.” Mango said sternly. The stick smirked as Mango finished his statement. That confused Mango greatly.
“What? What are you smirking about?” Mango demanded. The stick chuckled and hummed.
“Oh nothing. But you totally just admitted that you were pregnant.” They teased. Mango’s face dropped in horror as he thought about what he said.
“I-I didn’t say I was pregnant! You’re putting words in my mouth!” The stick laughed as they poked Mango. Mango smacked their hand away with irritation.
“Stop it.” Mango growled.
“You totally are pregnant. According to everyone here, you’re normally so calm and patient and like a dad. But here you are. Snippy and short fused. Plus, the face you made when I said you told on yourself was all the confirmation I needed.” The stick smirked. Mango was close to truly snapping when a hand was suddenly placed on the stick’s shoulder. The stick turned around, their smirk quickly falling as they saw who it was.
It was Victim. And they were PISSED.
“Excuse me intern. I would appreciate it if you DID NOT harass my head technician.” Victim said with a very irritated smile.
“O-oh! M-Mx Victim! I was-“
“I do not care what you were doing. Now if you excuse us, we have a meeting to attend.” Victim said as they tightly gripped the intern’s shoulder. The intern winced before Victim released them and walked by.
“Come Mr Mango.” Vic simply said. Mango glanced back at the snooty intern before following his boss. If Mango was being honest, he didn’t want to follow Vic around. It made his stomach churn. He felt lightheaded and clammy; gross.
“I will have to fire that intern. I will not stand such toxic behavior in my workplace.” Victim scoffed as they readjusted their tie. Mango just awkwardly shifted behind the boss. He really was starting to feel sick now.
“Mr Mango.” Mango’s breath was caught in his throat as he nearly bumped into the hollow head.
“Y-yes sir?”
“Are you alright? You seem to be much more unfocused than you normally are.” Vic said as they pressed the button on an elevator. Mango gulped and rubbed his arm.
“I-it’s nothing. Rumors are rumors after all.” Mango said as the two entered the elevator.
“That is but a fact. Rumors are not to be believed unless the person the rumor is about steps up to say something. Their word makes it final.” Vic hummed as they pressed a button, the door closed and the elevator began to rise. Mango sighed and rubbed his face. If he was going to see this through, his boss should at least know.
“Well… the rumor is true…” Mango muttered. Vic glanced up at the head technician with their eyes, studying Mango’s face and body language. They hummed and nodded.
“Ah. So it is true then.”
“Well, no one was really supposed to know. But I guess we have some nosey nurses on our hands.”
“Hm. I will have to fire them.”
“What?! You don’t-“
“Sharing a patient’s information without consent is illegal, you know. And if they are so quick to share something as simple as a positive pregnancy, who knows what else they will share about our company if they were to get their hands on such information.” Mango hummed as he thought about it. From what he was aware of, that was quite true.
“So, do you think there’s something you can do about the rumors?” Mango nervously asked.
“Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do. Rumors abide by no rules. No matter how hard you try to enforce them.” Victim said apologetically. Mango simply hummed in acknowledgement, unsure of what else to say. Unfortunately, Victim didn’t have anything more to say either. Causing the elevator to become uncomfortably quiet. The silence continued to make Mango queasy. Mango inhaled softly and wiped his lip. This anxiety was going to kill him. He needed to say something! But what was it that he could say without sounding weird?
As Mango cycled through things he could talk about in his head, the only options that showed were remembering that night or telling him the baby is his. Mango gagged on his anxiety. He leaned on the back wall to try and keep himself upright. Vic noticed the motion and half turned to the technician.
“Are you alright Mr Mango? Is the elevator making you feel sick?”
“A-a bit.” Mango groaned. “M-motion sickness.”
Vic was about to speak when the elevator stopped and the door opened. Mango immediately dashed out the door and to the nearest bathroom. If he was going to blow chunks, he wasn’t going to do it in the hallway for everyone and anyone to see.
Mango made it to the toilet just in time. He coughed and choked on the anxiety. His head spun as his heart raced. This stress was not good for Mango whatsoever. Once he was done, the orange stick exited the bathroom; only to see Victim standing there.
“Are you well Mr Mango?” Victim quietly asked. Mango glanced up and down the hall, checking to see if anyone was approaching.
“Just, normal symptoms. Nothing I can’t handle.” Mango said, looking away from the hollowhead.
“Hm. If this does continue to be an issue for you, I could send you on paternity leave.” Victim says.
“Well, that is something I needed to ask you about.” Mango said as he and the boss continued their way to the board room. “Since I’m the head of technology, I was hoping to be let on paternity leave before the pregnancy starts showing.”
“To keep your secret?”
“More or less for safety. I mean, I don’t think working around explosives and chemicals while pregnant is very safe.” Vic hummed and nodded in consideration.
“Yes. That sounds about right.” Vic says as the pair stepped up to the board room. “We shall continue this conversation later. Right now, we must meet with the other members.”
Chapter 3-(Chapter 4)-Chapter5
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draco-after-dark · 6 months
Hmm imagine if feral Jd came early and started to raise branch (like eldest)
Imagine in the troll village (14yr) branch was getting resources and came across Jd (he is feral that time) , then branch started training him, even giving him a saddle so he could ride him.
Then trolls 1 came(nobody knew feral had wings cause he never really used them, and I headcanon that his fur-cape is his wing accessories that branch gave him. )
At the creek betrayal) branch tried suffocating creek with the help of feral until the snack pack moved them aside
-time skip to the end
The time feral finally showed his wings was when they started singing "just dance" the snack pack and the other trolls were surprised by his wings when he started flying with his glow pattern. After that they started questioning branch about the wings
-trolls 2 the missing scenes are the same-
Escaping lonesome flats
As chomper was biting branch feral started to unfold his wings and show his glow pattern, they were all surprised by the glow that they didn't realize feral cutting off the mustache, and they officially escaped lonesome flats
At the rock village, feral was too busy looking at all the trolls he didn't realize that branch turned into a rock troll, once he realize he tried to save him but ended up turning into a rock troll
When poppy started singing he knew this was his time, he flew up to the middle and started glowing as they were singing.
-Trolls 3-
Feral sneaks out of the village in an attempt to find floyd once he got to the bottle he started using his claws that unfortunately didn't work. He told branch about this(in the middle of the wedding) and that's when poppy realized they were brozone.
Jd couldn't sing cause he still doesn't know the normal language so he just joined them in the song, Clay and Spruce realized that Jd wasn't really talking but decided to question them after saving floyd
(Bruce, Clay and poppy got captured when they got into a reunion with floyd cause they were too late to escape to the vents)
When Branch started singing "better place" feral got out his wings and flew with Branch on his back while singing, Bruce, clay and floyd were surprised by this but they joined in the song (the family harmony still work just like in your au)
This is basically a "what if Branch found feral" version, it's just a random shit that came to my mind while doing my exams... I'm bad at writing stories or something so it's okay if u judge my awful writing skills 👌 I mostly got this idea from httyd, I'm just too obsessed with your feral au😀 I just realized this sounds like a mix of feral and eldest😭
Don't mind my spelling I was in a rush coz I'm writing this on my exam(I'm online class)
I mean considering I'm Friends with the Eldest & Youngest creator it wouldn't be that weird to merge the two stories into something. We already made a Fusion design of Eldest and Feral. Their name is Fetch. Honestly surprised we haven't done it already but to be fair the only Au I work on is my Feral JD au so. *shrugs* Also not sure if you want like my input on the "What if Branch and JD reunited earlier" or not but here my take on the idea.
It would defiantly be interesting having Branch and JD interact so early on. Both Grey and scared of the world. Branch being more terrified then JD since he's been living out in the woods and already had his fair share of critter encounters by this point. I don't think Branch and JD would recognize each other right away. It's already been ten years by this point and they both look very different from what the other remembers. Both of them being grey would sort of peak the others interest but also knowing Branch and his habit for spiraling into the worse case scenario. He would probably think if he stays grey he's going to turn feral like the other grey troll he keeps encountering. JD would be the first to realize who Branch is when one day the two get close enough that JD recognizes the green leafy vest Branch is wearing as Floyd's. That would cause JD to try and steal it back from Branch until Branch yells.
"Let GO! It's all I have left of my brothers!"
JD would immediately stop and just start really looking at Branch. Sniffing him too. Nether of them know the others name because JD can't talk and Branch just always stayed silent anytime they encountered each other. Eventually JD pulls out Branch's old glasses from the band days and gently places them on his head. They both probably cry and share and big hug after that.
First movie would defiantly be interesting given the future plans I have for my au. I don't know if i would change much second movie wise. You'll just have to wait for the rock saga for that info.
I like the third movie ideas. Especially the bit about Clay and Bruce being confused as hell by JD being basically silent. Specially because of how loud and talkative he was when they were all trolling's.
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rainbowcaleb · 1 month
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A snippet sneak peek at the upcoming fic final chapter update (as voted by you!)! This one is to the theme of goofy Nein.
{thank you @quinn-of-aebradore for the lovely header you gifted me!}
“Caduceus, is that story true?” Essek cut across the noise with his simple question. They all turned to look back at Caduceus.
There was a grin fighting against the placid look on his face. “Who’s to say?” 
Jester let out a peal of laughter. “Oh my gosh, Deucey, I didn’t know you had it in you! Being around the Traveler tonight really rubbed off on you.” She slapped him on the back like a proud parent. 
“I’m keeping my eye on you.” Beau looked around the group. “All of you. I got fists for the first person to show signs of possession.” 
“Hopefully that will be very unnecessary.” Caleb sighed. “Certainly feels like we’ve already had that trial and came out only mostly intact.”
Veth peered at Caduceus. “I like my hot bod too much to hand it over to some pile of earth.”
“Bleh.” Jester stuck out her tongue. “I’m gonna have nightmares about being a clay creature now.” She raised her arms in front of her, jerking them like a puppet. “I’d be so scary.”
“Terrifying.” Fjord agreed, although his joking tone seemed to have a drop of sincerity in it.
“Would I be scary?” Yasha pointed to herself.
“You’re the tallest, so yes.” Veth nodded.
Beau started to say something but Jester suddenly threw her arms up.
“Oh!” Her eyes were round.
Fjord was so startled at her outburst he almost slid off the bench. “What is it?” He said urgently, hand going to his belt.
“Incoming Traveler announcement!” She pressed a finger to her mouth in concentration as she listened. Then she laughed. “Ooh, he’s really planned for everything. Okay! Well, gosh, there’s an orgy happening in the big central hut for any who wish to join. Clothes optional.”
“It's an orgy, I hope clothes are optional.” Beau muttered.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Killing Me Softly Part Two: A Stay of Execution - Alexander 'Tig' Trager x Reader
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Tagging: @mortal--soul @yourwinchesterbros @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @nessamc @ritasantosworld @bl4ckt00thgr1n @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond @the-wandering-lunatic @lexondeck @keyweegirlie @theplacewhereallthedemonsgo
Killing Me Softly Series:
Part One: Livid - You and Tig are at an impasse
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You don’t call him, and he doesn’t call you. Tig figures this is the way it dies. Not with a bang like he expected but with a silence so oppressive it strangles the life out of the only healthy relationship he’s ever known.
There’s no leeway from either side. As much as he doesn’t want to, he understands your point of view.
Luann had given you back your sanity after what Omar Ghanezi had done to you. She was the one that had found you, scrubbing your skin raw in one of the shower stalls at Cara Cara. You’d been freelancing for the three Ghanezi brothers because Cara Cara was just getting it’s footing, and Luann couldn’t give you enough hours to pay the rent. She was the one that patched you up in the aftermath, tending to the physical wounds and the ones that scarred your fucking soul because you couldn’t just forget shit like that. She had been the one to talk you down, when you had a 22. Calibre pressed to your temple because Omar Ghanezi had come at you again and this time it had ended with three bullets in his chest and one in his head. She’d been the one to give you an alibi, to help you bury his body on the outskirts of Charming.
Luann Delaney, the woman who had given you back your life, who’d lost her own in a fucking ditch at the edge of the road with her head caved in and her skirt hiked up because Georgie Caruso didn’t want the competition.
Tig didn’t like it any more than you did. She was an ally to the club, a partner in Cara Cara and Ottos’s old lady. She deserved better than this, but his hands were tied on the matter and until Clay gave the order, there was nothing he could do.
Now that Tig isn’t seeing you, he has a lot more free time on his hands and he throws himself into making all of the minuscule adjustments to his bike, that he’s been putting off. It’s exhausting and it’s time consuming, but it feels good to work with his hands, to focus on something that doesn’t make his heart feel like it’s shattering into a million pieces.
There’s always been something about the way you enter the room that alters the air space, Tig doesn’t know what it is but it usually makes him feel just a little lighter, puts a bounce in his step. When he glances over his shoulder and sees you standing there in the doorway of his garage, he feels something inside of him die because he knows that this is the end and despite everything, he’s not prepared for it. He turns his attention back to the bike, but his hearts not in it anymore, his fingers fumble on the spanner and his focus wavers.
The scent of your perfume floods him, that soothing lavender with the soft citrus undertone, it flushes through his system, igniting all of his nerve endings because his mind might know what’s happening, but his body is already responding to you the way it always does. He startles when he feels you wrap your arms around his waist, the weight of your cheek in between his shoulder blades and the softness of your curves hugging him.  
He sets down the wrench, his oil-stained palms coming to rest over yours, his fingers settling within the grooves of your knuckles. He doesn’t want to turn around because he’s too terrified of breaking the spell, of snapping the fragile connection that seems to be wavering in between the two of you.
“When Luann died it was one of the worst days of my life.” You tell him, your voice muffled by the fabric of his overalls. “It felt like someone had taken a hammer to my world and smashed all of those pieces that I worked so hard trying to put back together again.”
Tig knows, he was there that night that Unser came to tell you. He’d held you as you fell apart, tears staining his kutte as he cradled you close. He’d felt each and every one of those violent sobs as they wracked your body.
“I wasn’t thinking the other night.” You confess, closing your eyes and exhaling deeply. “I heard he was back in the country, and it was like I was back there again in that moment and all of that rage…” You trailed off, searching for the words but finding them inadequate. “I know I don’t need to explain it to you.”
“No.” he says finally, inclining his head in your direction. “You don’t.”
“You didn’t deserve the shit I gave you. I know you were protecting me, from jail, from the club, from Clay…” The weight of it hangs in the air between the two of you, because in that time apart you realised Tig doesn’t want to stop you completing your goal, he just wants you to do it safety.
“His time is coming.” Tig promises as he turns to face you. His hands cup your face, his calloused thumbs ghosting over the blush of your cheeks. He smells like motor oil and eucalyptus, a combination that somehow draws you in. “It’s a stay of execution, not a pardon.”
“I know.” You tell him, the edges of your mouth twitching up into a cryptic grin. “And I have some ideas on how to make his life as miserable as possible in the meantime.”
This is what he loves about you, the balance of darkness and the light, the fact that they co-exist in the same space, one complimenting the other. You’re resilient and clever, always thinking outside of the box. Tig knows you’ve found a way around the conundrum that you’ve been facing, something that doesn’t result in you ending up dead or behind bars.
“My beautiful feral girl.” He smiles, lips brushing over the corner of your mouth as he whispers against your skin. “Come inside and tell me all about it.”
Love Tig? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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rosegoldenatlas · 6 months
The Last Man Standing
He knew what it was like to be the last one standing. He knew it all too well. He knew the feeling of the world crashing down onto your shoulders because the sky had nobody else to fall onto. He hated the memory of being the last man standing. Of watching everyone else fall and disappear and knowing it was his fault. He was always the one who would brush it off and pretend it was all fine. And he was the last man standing because of it. He was the one who pretended it was all fake and he survived because of it. He survived even as his legacy and his kingdom fell to ashes and smoke, he survived as the oceans drained and the world caved in. He became the last man standing because he was ignorant.
And maybe that's why he always stayed in his ignorant bliss. He stayed in his own bubble of fake happiness and ignorance and distractions. Maybe that's why when he was thrown into these death games he immediately faded back into his old ways of pretending. Of covering his problems with intricate builds and. His old solution of smiling and looking the other way when he felt the sky weigh a little heavier on his shoulders.
Maybe that's why he stopped trying to survive. For fear of being the last man standing once again. For fear of watching all that be made be destroyed and all he loved to die. For fear of being alone all over again.
But if all still happened just like it did before. His pets, his Army of companions died and he looked the other way. His wife fell victim to his own ignorance and terrified craze and she left too. And he would be alone. And all he loved died. So he made stupid mistakes he knew would end up badly. He went crazy before he could watch all he built crumble like before. And he let himself believe it was over. He had died before he watched that final step.
But then he was thrown into the cycle again and again. Each time he would try to break the cycle before the last step. He couldn't be the last man standing. Not again. Not all over again. It couldn't be like Mezalea. When had he begun to call it by name again? No mind it doesn't matter. He was turning his gaze aside again and he knew he shouldn't be ignorant like this. He knew but he couldn't help it.
The cycle repeated but then it went out of order. The ship burnt and he was losing his intricate facade an his distraction before he was losing his companions and that wasnt how it was supposed to go. After his castl- after his ship not his castle the palace was gone he should really move on from this cycle. But he can't. He had to keep some sense of normalcy. Something to keep him sane. So he finished the cycle himself and made the world burn after his facade did. Like it was supposed to. For a moment that time- for just a moment he nearly let the cycle complete. He nearly was the last man standing and he couldn't do that again. So he made an ignorant half thought out plan like always. And he burnt before the cycle could continue.
The fourth time the cycle was running it was so much more familiar than before. He could die and die and he still had time they all had time before the world caved in and he needed to be gone before that happened. So he made his facades and his creations and watched them die. He made companions and watched them go. But he was still here and he needed to leave. So he made his ignorant stupid decision an left.
So now he stood with a new book in hand. He had a clear choice. He could live to watch I all break watch it all burn again. His wife and friend were already gone. He wasn't going to make more companions. He couldn't handle it if he had to watch it all burn again. His home, his facade, his distraction to keep him insanity was made from stone and clay. But he knew better than to think that would stop it from crumbling.
He had allies this time, he couldn't lose them before he left. He would break. So he made his stupid decision and ran at Scott. He always did this. He knew it was stupid. But he couldn't do this again.
Maybe next time I'll be strong enough to be the last man standing. He always thought. Maybe next time I'll be strong enough to stay and stop being ignorant. Maybe next time I'll be strong enough to hold the sky on my shoulders alone again
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persephonescottage · 2 years
Honey & Wine | 01.
Pairing: Billy RussoxFem!Reader
Summary: Pony wakes up to a home just not hers.
Warning: References to sexual situations, swearing, obsessive thoughts. Although this chapter might not include it, this fic will include kidnapping, stalking, somnophilia, CNC (between two consenting adults), knife play, age gap, dub con, Stockholm syndrome, gaslighting and other triggers I will include as we go along, please only read if you’re 18+. If any of this warnings trigger you please don’t read.
A/N: Here it is! Thank you to everyone that still wanted to know about my silly little characters and thank you for choosing to read this. This is a sequel to Pony and I’m excited to give this two a proper ending. PS. Billy is back at it!
The smell of the sea you remember from growing up in California present as soon as you open your eyes to the white room you’re laying in.
Warm sun rays fill it as linen curtains fly around with the breeze that comes in through a pair of french doors.
Your hair lays on cream colored pillows embroidered with blue threads and your body is tangled in sheets that smell like lavender. There’s a bouquet of pink peonies on a vase on the night stand right next to a water filled carafe.
Where the hell are you?
The adrenaline in your body interjects you out of the bed and you run to the doors to look outside. The sea is right there, just passing a small patio with bugambilia bushes and a small table round up with two chairs.
The waves crashing against the colorfully tiled concrete ledge that separates you from the sea. 
You touch your body slightly, moving your arms, lifting your legs. Nothing hurts and you’re not injured, in fact you feel quite rested apart from the strange sweet taste in your mouth.
You’re barefoot but you don’t care, you walk in a trance letting your naked feet touch the warmth of the terracotta clay floors outside as you reach the ledge, the cotton camisole you wear sticking to your body. 
The sun is shinning bright.
You’ve never seen such a shade of blue.
“What are you doing?”
You hear his concerned voice behind you and you suddenly remember. Your trashed apartment, you kneeling on the floor fighting a panic attack as Billy Russo dragged you out through the emergency stairs of the building in John Street.
Everything went dark after that.
“You scared me.” You say, your hand on your chest as you turn around to face him.
His hair is tousled and he is wearing a grey linen shirt and some shorts, a white kitchen towel over his shoulder. His cheeks pink in a sun kissed look and you panic.
How long have you been here if he already has a tan?
“Step away from the ledge Pony.”
“I’m not gonna jump.” You assure him baffled, because its the truth, but also because your instinct says you have to be on his good side.
“Get back inside then.” He looks slightly relieved but you know he’s still has his suspicions “I’m making breakfast.”
“Wait. Where are we?”
“Where you wanted us to be my love.” He smiles.
“We’re in Santorini, come on inside, I’m making omelettes.”
With that he disappears into the house that you can now see from the outside. Irregular white walls that seem brighter with the sun rays, slight touches of the same blue you saw on your bed sheets, the wood frames of the doors that lead inside.
How long have you been asleep?
Is anybody else here with you?
But most importantly. 
Are you free to go?
He went inside and you could run, you tell yourself checking for a door out of the home, but all you can see is the sea surrounding you. If you wanted out you would have to go in.
But, do you want out?
You let your naked feet touch the rustic tiles on the inside of the home, the walls are decorated with colorful art and it’s fully furnished. You hope he had someone decorate it before you arrived and not that you’ve been unconscious long enough for him to do all of this.
“You hungry?” His tone is so casual, so domestic, that it terrifies you. 
The house smells like chives and fresh cream and you can hear the sizzling sound of the skillet where he is cooking over classical music that plays quietly on a vintage radio. You stare at him while he works, without the fancy suits and the sleeked back hair, he looks slightly boyish.
Or maybe you were just so used to the edge of the Blackbird mask.
“Sit sweetheart it’s almost done. You want some wine?”
“What time is it?”
“It’s always five o clock in Santorini babe!” He laughs so carefree and you try your best to smile.
You’re fighting yourself to not look alert but you’re not that great of an actress and you’re sure you look like a scared little mouse when he comes near you and guides you to the dinning table.
You would lie to yourself if you said the feeling of his hand on your lower back didn’t make your heart skip a beat.
“How are you feeling doll? Dizzy? Nauseous?”
“Not really.”
“Perfect.” His smile warm again “Hungry?”
You shrug but you sit down on the table anyway.
You see him get back into the kitchen and come back with a couple plates. There’s fresh fruit, eggs, coffee, toast, everything looks delicious and your hand automatically goes for the coffee mug, taking a much needed sip.
He wouldn’t poison you would he?
“Now that you’re up, I was thinking we could go down to the beach.”
“Now that I’m up?” You question him but all he does is keep eating, as if you had said nothing.
“You need the fresh air and I-“
“Why are here?” You cut him off bluntly. “What happened to me?”
“You were asleep for a while.” He dismisses it.
“Define a while.”
“Couple days.”
And he says that so nonchalantly?
“What’s going on here Billy?”
“Jesus, so many questions, eat your breakfast we’ll talk later.”
“No. Let’s talk now.”
You see him put his fork down and you get tense. He doesn’t look as angry as much as he looks frustrated but his dark eyes look up to you and that always triggers feelings in you. 
Sometimes sexy sometimes scary, but always feelings.
“We’re in Greece, just you and me, that’s what’s going on.”
“So like a holiday?” You want to believe.
“Not exactly.”
You can feel him going around your questions, dodging the real explanation and you think if you weren’t on the other side of the world without rhyme or reason you could find it cute.
“Billy?” You talk slower this time warning him “Why are we in Santorini?”
“This is what you were working three jobs for. Isn’t it?” He’s smiling now “You wanted a house in Greece.”
“Yes but not-“
“Not with me?” He laughs, his eyebrows raised in surprise “Well that’s a nice thanks for the place  Pony! By the way it’s under your name. The new one of course.”
You look at him perplexed and he catches on.
“If I found out you killed your ex anyone can. Just wanted you to be safe.”
His words make your face burn. 
He talks about your crime in such a casual manner, a secret that closed you up like a clam for years. You fled California, you shut yourself from the world and focused all your time and energy on running away, and he speaks of it as a stumble on the road.
You don’t think you can eat anything at the moment as your stomach churns with memories of your crime and you see him finish his plate, reading your face and taking yours to the kitchen as well.
There’s this familiar dynamic going on but you’re not sure if it’s safe yet. He acts as if you’ve lived together longer.
Coming back to the dinning room you see him swirl a glass of red wine on his hand and he bends down to peck your cheek on his way to the patio.
“Get yourself ready for the beach honey. The fresh air will help your head.” It’s half a sweet request and half a command and you know you can’t argue with it when you stand and walk behind him to the patio down the hall where you walked in.
As soon as he steps out the breeze playing with his now longer hair he calls out for you after he’s pulled out and sat on one of the chairs around the glass table.
“Hey Pony?”
“Yeah?” You find your voice quiet and shy.
“Why Greece?”
“I love Mamma Mia.” Is all you say before walking to the direction of your bedroom, his loud laugh following you through the doors.
It did sound ridiculous now that you said it out loud.
You find strange how the bedroom feels so much like you decorated it and you have mixed feelings when you keep finding objects of your old apartment scattered around in the decor.
Your makeup sits in the vanity, along with your perfume bottles, vintage iron brush and handheld mirror, your skincare tucked in a cabinet of the bathroom, your art on the walls and certain pieces of your clothing hang in the closet. 
You recognize those pieces as the ones in the polaroid pictures you once had to show to the police when he left them on your nightstand in Brooklyn, when you didn’t even know he existed in the first place.
So this is why all your place was trashed.
He could’ve done it in a more organized way, you think.
You go through the drawers of your dresser finding everything inside. They’re all full with clothing in your size, accessories exactly to your taste and you eye the shoe rack on the wall that has all kinds of designer on it.
You even reach the lingerie drawers and scoff when you find all dainty lace and bows in there.
After he kidnapped you? 
Not gonna happen sir!
There’s a couple of bathing suits there and you’re relieved they’re not so revealing but you still put a light short dress on top of a one piece red one and a large hat that hangs behind your door.
How did he manage this? To create this environment where you feel so immediately at home, where you find everything naturally and everything is to your exact taste?
The waves keep crashing outside of your window and you wonder what would happen if you refused to go to the beach. 
You can hear Gianna’s voice in your head. You’re in Greece with New York’s hottest bachelor, he got you a full new wardrobe and wants to take you to the beach, and you’re nervous?
She would be so disappointed but you’re just not sure how much freedom you’ll have in this paradise.
Maybe you should start by asking for your passport.
“Ready sweetheart?” He calls for you again and you sigh.
You did kinda want to see the beach, you’d think of escaping later.
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thanks-obillma · 1 year
songs on my td playlist that make me feel emotions again aka a chance to rant about my intricate headcanons for their adult lives
bad idea from waitress
both Mal and Zoey because they're way more similar than they'd ever admit
more shippy than I personally headcanon
"I know what's right for me, it's the only thing (I've ever) (I've never) done."
Mal knowing that the system will be safe and happy with Zoey and Cam but pulling away anyways to satisfy his need to be in absolute control to feel safe
(he knows he's being selfish) (he doesn't care) (he's the protector, he's the hero) (he's the villain) (he'll keep them all safe) (he's hurting them for his own sake) (he can't stop) (he's got everything under absolute control) (he's terrible) (he's the best thing that ever happened to them) (like it or not)
*slaps roof* this bad boy can fit so much cognitive dissonance in him, I love him
she's not a person anymore, she's a ghost, a shape a piece of clay for everyone to shove in their gaps, she's a stand in and a crutch and nothing and nobody and she's only the praise everyone else gives her, she doesn't even exist, she's a ghost she can't leave she's a terrible person for being a person she's not a person and this isn't a problem no she's being good so good and everyone loves her she's a person she has a body (she's just a shell)
and then it just goes straight into:
"what if I never see myself ever be anything more than what I've already become"
hoo boy
they can grow so much (they will grow so much) but god they can't see it right now they don't even know where to look how can they ever get there if the future is just wind in their hands
jealousy jealousy
once again Mal and Zoey
she doesn't exist outside other people, of course she struggles with being jealous of everyone somehow
she's jealous of their personhood, but that's too abstract so it's just their looks and accomplishments and belongings and life
and him? why him? why did it have to be him what did he ever do to deserve this? look at them. they're happy why the hell do they get to be happy??
I think he's jealous of Mike (I have a whole nother ramble locked and loaded for that) so the bridge is all his
anyways I think they should bond over being jealous of everyone and everything and Zoey should get to be bitter and embrace being an outcast a little more, you don't have to be perfect girly
keep an eye on dan-- abba
haunting sorta song about parenting separately
and Vito and Anne Maria are already my designated abba bitches sooo
they get kids but Vito's part of the system and the others have their own things going on so he's really only out a day and a half or so a week
so Anne Maria is basically raising the kids by herself with him as unreliable back up
(she's got a good support system and she wanted kids regardless of whether she had a coparent or not so it works for them pretty well but like angst potential here)
(I'll post more details about the kids later)
Vito strikes me as the type of guy to want a couple kids running around but he's also terrified of having kids because look how they (the system) turned out, how can he break that huge of a chain?he cries a lot the first time he holds his daughter because he finally got his dream and it's so fragile in his hands
(he's a great parent, he does good. she's a great parent, she does good. they do good, they do it.)
they all get their happy endings. they fight tooth and nail for it and they get it.
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noirandchocolate · 2 years
Time for funny comment roundup for Round 1B! There were LOTS of really good thoughtful responses about who would win, too. I wish I could reblog everyone but it'd be such a flood, omg.
Match 1, Vetinari vs. Willikins
Is it funnier if Willikins wins? Yes. Is Willikins one terrifying son of a bitch? Also yes. But Havelock Vetinari is the most terrifying son of a bitch of them all.
They would casually hold common household objects at each other while giving pointed glances for half an hour.
I do see this as being as close a fight as Vetinari would ever see. Because Willikins hides in plain sight in a very similar way. I 100% see them comparing notes afterwards though. About tactics and about Sir Samuel. Much to his chagrin.
Match 2, Adora Belle vs. Pump
Close call but Mr. Pump's gonna get grounded for two weeks after this, probably.
He's already grounded he's made of clay.
--@purpledemoncat and @thestuffed-alligator
Gotta go with Mr. Pump on this one, because while Spike is determined and kind of mean, and also knows a lot about golems, all Mr. Pump has to do is pick her up and hold her until she has a nic fit and gives in.
Match 3, Nanny vs. Cheery
Nanny's gonna win just because she'll set Cheery up with one of her kids and assimilate her into the Ogg family.
I definitely see Nanny winning here. But that's just the precursor to a truly epic Girls' Night Out organized by Nanny. So everyone wins in the end. Until the truly epic hangover kicks in.
Gytha Ogg could make anyone give up from sheer bashfulness. She would get through her song about the wizard's staff and Cheery would give up out of embarrassment.
Match 4, Lu-Tze vs. Otto
Lu-Tze taps into his years of camouflage and sweeping prowess that Otto arrives for the fight and doesn't even realise Lu-Tze is there. Then when he turns to leave Lu-Tze is stood directly in front of him and Otto suddenly remembers he had been hit 60 times.
I think I have to go with Lu-Tze. I fully believe Otto is capable of killing very nearly anybody or anything. But he's trying so hard to be good these days. He's trying so hard to be just a Silly Little Guy. So he wouldn't put the real effort in. And though the fight would be long and increasingly ridiculous he'd inevitably lose like Elmer Fudd vs Bugs Bunny.
Otto is unhinged and undeathly strong but I think Lu-Tze would carry this one. Possibly by winning before Otto was even born.
Otto would lose immediately. He'd want to get a pre-match photo to commemorate the occasion and immediately disintegrate himself again. Lu-Tze would take a moment to sweep him into an aesthetically pleasing design before reconstructing him.
Match 5, Ridcully vs. Polly
Read this description of the fight by @genreral-systems-vehicle, it's great.
On one hand, Polly is military, with all the (trial by fire) training and surviving by the skin of your teeth that entails. Ridcully on the other hand was able to fuck up the UU's tendency towards murder based on promotion and is very in favor of aggressive friendly conflict. In the end I voted Ridcully because a man who can stomach wow wow sauce like that is not to be trifled with.
Cmon people, being the most competent wizard is not a high bar as wizards are inherently incompetent. Polly on the other hand is hypercompetent and has zero chill and no shame. The gall who can impress Vimes in sheer audacity clearly has the upper hand.
Match 6, Jason vs. Carrot
But Carrot wouldn't just win. He'd make Jason feel like losing was a kind of winning, and leave everyone starry-eyed in their support of Jason. ...while very definitely, very straightforwardly, outright winning.
I think they should have a wrestling match. In oil. For charity. I think they'd have fun and become friends. Nanny is selling the tickets.
I feel like Carrot would be more of a disciplined fighter and Jason wouldn't hesitate to fight dirty but also it's Carrot he's like the tallest human in the disc.
Match 7, Angua vs. Rincewind
I think Angua would put up a damn good effort, being a pursuit predator and all, but I think Rincewind would fall into a well and emerge in Ankh-Morpork circa -2812 The Year of the Scurrilous Sea Urchin and he'd have a whole new set of problems.
--@purpledemoncat (I screamed.)
Now, obviously Rincewind is no match for Angua physically, but I think we can all agree that the correct storyline for him being in a tournament would be to accidentally win while attempting to get himself disqualified.
I think that because it's a Fight Angua would win. Meanwhile if she had to actually Arrest Rincewind for something she would never ever succeed. He's the Roadrunner beep beep.
Match 8, Agnes vs. Jackrum
Jackrum. Agnes would scream really loud and big but then Jackrum will be like "Hahaha I lost my ear drums IN THE WAR!" and do a flying kick.
I really wanted to say Agnes just cause vibes but the Jackrum picture looks like it's about to stab me personally for considering that option so uh. Jackrum I guess.
--@violetren (this literally made me start wheezing)
Agnes vs Jackrum--Jackrum would win easy peasy. Perdita vs Jackrum though would get really messy REALLY quick. But all that said Jackrum lives in the trenches he lives in the pit he's coming out of this one on top. NOthing is too low to stoop for him, no trick is too underhanded.
Can't wait to see what y'all have to say about Round 2! XD
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brainyxbat · 3 months
Chapter 13: Operation Utopia Commences! The Terrifying Bananagators, and Mr. Prince
(episode 107/108)
While the bad news of the king disappearing in Alubarna was occuring, Vivi and the crew were still trapped in Raindinners. "Just what are you planning to do to Alabasta?!" Vivi demanded, after Crocodile laughed evilly.
"Would you like to know the type of people I look down on most of all? Hypocrites who treasure the so-called "happiness of the people.""
"You intend to kill my father?! As if you could ever do that!"
"There's no need to shout." Crocodile raised his golden hook. "I have no such intention. He's not even worth killing. I'm going to let Cobra taste humiliation far crueler than death."
"Crueler than death?" Usopp repeated warily.
Crocodile chuckled at Vivi's menacing glare. "That's no way for a princess of a kingdom to look."
"What other kinds of princesses are there?" Venus snarked.
"Shut up!" Nami clasped her hand over her mouth.
"I'll ask one more time! Just is Operation Utopia?! Tell me!" Vivi demanded.
"Now, now. Do you realize where you stand in this situation?"
"Answer the question!"
"You're a valiant princess. But very well; the operation has already begun. I'll tell you about my plan to end this country. About Operation Utopia..."
Back in Nanohana, Cobra was found, yet was acting out of character. Little did the frantic citizens know, it was Bon Clay impersonating the great king, and spinning lies.
The crew glared angrily, as Crocodile laughed evilly, and pridefully. "What a horrifying plan," Nami remarked.
"Well? Do you like it? The operation you once participated in has now blossomed. If you listen closely, you could probably hear the howls of Alabasta. And they all think the same thing: "Protect Alabasta. Protect Alabasta. Protect Alabasta.""
"Stop it!" Vivi screamed tearfully. "How can you be so cruel?!"
He chuckled in response. "Isn't it just heartrending? Love for the kingdom will be what destroys the kingdom."
After letting out a huge, enraged battle cry, Luffy tried to free himself by pulling the cage bars away, and trying to squeeze through, only to be weakened again. But he refused to give up. "Is he stupid?" Smoker snarked to Zoro. "Did he not hear what I said?"
"He's definitely stupid," Zoro smirked after a brief pause, "But that's also why he's our captain."
"Crocodile!" Luffy kept trying to wedge his head through the bars. "I will kick your ass..." He weakened once again.
"So many moves I've made to make it this far," Crocodile remarked with a smirk towards Vivi, "The sabotage to instigate the citizens. Directing the royal army's misconduct. Have you any idea why I'd go to such lengths to attain this country?"
"As if I'd understand anything inside your rotten head!"
"You really are a bad-mouthed princess."
Now even more furious, she tried to lash out, but due to her wrists being tied together behind her back, she ended up falling on her side. "Vivi!" Usopp exclaimed in concern.
"Now, now. What are you trying to do, Ms. Wednesday?"
"Stop you!" Vivi scooted herself on the floor in determination. "I'm going to stop you! There's still time! If I can just get to Alubarna east of here... if I can get there before the rebel army, I may be able to stop them!" She glared at a chuckling Crocodile. "I absolutely refuse to let you have your way!"
Luffy stood on his feet with a menacing glare. "Vivi!"
As the rebel army was heading to Alubarna, and the royal army prepared to counter them, things took a turn in the Raindinners basement. "What a coincidence," Crocodile remarked, as Vivi scooted herself behind his back, "We're just about to head to Alubarna too. If you'd like to come with us, then do so." The crew, plus Smoker, was unmoved. "Or... would you rather save these people?"
Vivi was surprised when he held up a silver key. "That's-!"
"They key to this cell?! Give it here!" Luffy demanded.
Instead, it was dropped down; after some struggling, Vivi managed to loosen the ropes on her wrists, only for a trapdoor to open under the key, as Luffy gaped in shock. "A hole?!" She exclaimed.
It descended to the floor of the aquarium, catching the eye of one occupant. "It won't be too long, before their fight to the death begins," Crocodile said, "Even if you hurried to Alubarna from here, who knows if you'd make it in time?" He turned away, his coat swishing behind him. "To stop the rebellion, you'd need to leave at once, Ms. Wednesday. Or will you save these people instead? Though it doesn't help that I accidentally dropped the key below the floor, into the bananagators' den."
""Accidentally", my ass!" Venus snapped, but was shut up by Zoro.
Vivi looked down, and gasped. "A bananagator!"
"Bananagator?" Luffy looked on in confusion, before spotting the creature; it was a giant, green alligator with a banana-shaped growth on its head. "Whoa! What's that?! There's an alligator growing from that banana!"
"W-what is that insanely huge alligator?!" Nami exclaimed.
"This room is underwater?!" Usopp added. Outside the room were multiple gators swimming all around them.
"What a weird banana!"
"You idiot! Look closer!" The sniper ordered the captain. "It's an alligator with a banana growing out of it! It's a weird gator!"
Luffy was on alert when Vivi cried out in despair. "Hey! What happened, Vivi?!"
"A bananagator swallowed the key to your cell!"
"What?! Chase it, and make it spit it out!"
"I can't! Bananagators are so ferocious, that they even prey on Sea Kings! Get near one, and you'll be eaten in one bite!"
Crocodile smirked pridefully. "I apologize for clumsily dropping the key. Plus there's no telling which one swallowed it."
"What?!" Luffy exclaimed.
"I can't believe this guy!" Nami glared furiously.
"Damn!" Zoro prepared to draw a sword. "If we could just get out of here, I could handle those reptiles!"
"You're so dumb, Zoro!" Luffy looked back at him. "We can't get out, because they key got eaten!"
"I know that!"
Crocodile began approaching a curtained door. "Well, then." At a snap of his fingers, the door began slowly opening. "We must be going a little earlier than you. Also, this room will be destroyed automatically in one hour's time. This secret underground room I've used as Baroque Works' president is no longer of use. It will soon fill with water, and be submerged in Rainbase's lake." His gaze stuck on Vivi. "One million innocent citizens, or a mere five pirates with no future? Only one choice can be saved, though the odds are low for both. Your feelings are your ante, Ms. Wednesday. Do you like gambling?" He chuckled evilly. "With so many fools in this country, this was such an easy job. The juvenile rebels, and the old man digging in Yuba, for example."
"W-what?!" Luffy turned to him. "You mean the dry old guy?!"
"A foolish old man who keeps pecking away every day at an oasis that's long dead. He keeps at it, despite the constant sandstorms."
"Why you-!" He glared angrily.
"Tell me, Straw Hat Luffy. Do you think sandstorms can strike towns perfectly time after time?"
His breath hitched at the question. "What are you saying?" Vivi glared.
Crocodile's expression answered it for Luffy enough. "You did it?!"
"Bastard!" Venus shouted.
Vivi glared menacingly, as Toto's words supporting her father ran through her mind. "I-I'll kill you!" Crocodile simply left without a word; Ms. All Sunday glanced back at them silently, before leaving with him.
Just then, another trapdoor opened; this time, water began gushing out like a geyser! "Water's leaking in!" Usopp exclaimed, before another trapdoor opened with the same results. "The whole room's gonna be flooded if we don't do something! Vivi! Help! Do something! I don't want only an hour to live!"
"Quit freaking out," Zoro calmly ordered.
"Are you crazy, Zoro?! How can I not freak out at a time like this?! We're gonna die if we don't do something! Don't you understand?!"
"The kingdom of my friends, you say?!" Vivi seethed, as her weapon was ready. "I doubt you really plan on giving anything back! You plan to take my life too, before I reach Alubarna! I know full well that nothing will end, unless I beat you! You don't even know anything about this country's people, history, way of life; you don't know anything about it!" She prepared to attack with her peacock slashers, but let them drop to the floor, as her emotions got the best of her.
"Vivi!" Luffy gained her attention. "Do something! Get us out of here!"
"Luffy-san..." She cried.
Crocodile and Ms. All Sunday stopped in the clear hallway. "Finally starting to beg for your life, Straw Hat Luffy?" He taunted. "But it's only natural. Everyone is afraid of dying."
"If we..." Luffy glared furiously. "If we die, then who's going to kick your ass?!"
As Vivi and the crew looked on in surprise, Crocodile turned back with a smirk. "Don't flatter yourself, small fry."
"You're the small fry!"
At a snap of his fingers, another trapdoor opened; this time, a bananagator came crawling inside! "Well, this is your chance to abandon them, Ms. Wednesday. If you wish to stop the rebellion, that is."
Vivi looked on in fear, as the colossal creature towered over her, and the cage; it was large enough to nearly take up the whole room. "It's so big!"
"Alright! Beat it, Vivi!" Luffy urged.
"That's crazy talk!" Usopp scolded. "It's too huge! Vivi! Run! You can't beat it! But help us!"
"You're the one who's talking crazy!" Luffy retorted.
"Wait!" Nami interrupted the argument. "Look out the windows!"
Usopp gasped in horror at the other gators watching the room, their intentions clear. "They're all waiting for their turn!"
"We're pretty much being treated as food!" Zoro remarked.
"We're all gonna be in their stomachs in an hour?!" Usopp cried.
Vivi glared when the gator growled down at her, and prepared her weapon. "Peacock Str-!" She was suddenly pushed away, before the gator took a bite out of the staircase.
"I-it's fast!" Usopp gaped. "It took a chomp out of the stone stairs in an instant! What a jaw!"
It turned back to Vivi, and sent her flying with a whip of its tail. "Vivi!" Luffy exclaimed.
"Damn!" Usopp panicked. "These monsters are unstoppable!"
"Oww..." She tried to regain her bearings, as it loomed back over her.
"Vivi! Run!" Luffy urged.
"Get up!" Nami added.
"Vivi!" Usopp shouted. "It's gonna eat you!"
Just then, as it began closing in, it was stopped by a dial tone from a Transponder Snail. "Someone's calling," Ms. All Sunday remarked, and took out her snail. "What?"
"Hello? Hello? Can you guys hear me?"
"Yes, I hear you. You're a Millions, yes?"
"Hey, does this thing work? I've never used a Mini-Transponder Snail before."
"Yes, everything is fine. You can talk just as you are."
"What do you want?" The crew listened on curiously.
"Hurry, and state your business!" Crocodile ordered. "What happened?!"
"Oh, I've heard that voice before." There was a pause. "Heya. You've called the Damn Restaurant."
"The Damn Restaurant?"
"Oh, it sounds like you remember me. That's great."
"I'm certain we have all five Straw Hat pirates inside that cell," Crocodile remarked, after Mr. 3 was clueless about the conversation in Little Garden, "All that's left is their pet. Does this mean there are still others?"
"Hey, did you hear that?" Usopp whispered.
""Damn Restaurant"?" Nami repeated. "Could it be?!"
"Wait, Luffy!" Usopp stopped his shout just in time. "The enemy doesn't know about him! He was in his room when Mr. 2 showed up, so they never met!"
"Sanji-san!" Vivi whispered. "That's right! Sanji-san, and Tony-kun are still outside!"
"Just who are you?" Crocodile asked threateningly.
"Me? I'm... Mr. Prince."
"I see. Mr. Prince; where are you?"
"'Fraid I can't say! If I did, you'd come get rid of me. Though, setting aside whether or not you can get rid of me, I'm not so stupid as to give up information so easily. Unlike you, Mr. 0."
"Prince!" Usopp suddenly screeched. "Help! We've been caught! There's no time!"
"Come rescue me!" Luffy shouted.
"Mr. Prince! Help me!" Usopp cried.
"Sounds like my crew's right by your side. In that case, I'm gonna-" A concerning sound rang out, cutting him off.
"Troublesome bastard! Hello?" They heard a now unfamiliar voice. "We've caught him! What should we do with this strange man?!"
"Sanji-san," Vivi breathed fearfully, "No..."
"Where are you? Tell me!"
"T-the front gate of a casino in Rainbase named Raindinners!"
Not good! "That useless moron!" Zoro griped, as a screaming Usopp spun in circles. "That bastard better be alive!"
"Sanji!" Luffy shouted.
"Our hope," Nami cried.
Crocodile chuckled after hanging up. "This is great." He straightened up, and turned to the other end of the hall. "Let's go to the front gate."
"Is that wise?" Ms. All Sunday asked. "The Millions still don't know who their boss is."
"I won't be going as their boss. Aside from the Number agents, no one knows who you and I are. What's so strange about Crocodile, the owner of this casino, going to see what has happened in front of his building?"
In the room, Vivi backed to the stone stairs, where they were missing, and tried to make a run for it, still being pursued. "Vivi!" Luffy exclaimed, as she started climbing up to where the stairs were still intact. "What are you doing, Vivi?!"
"There's still time before this room fills up with water! I'm going outside to get help!"
"Yeah!" Usopp agreed. "There's no way he kicked the bucket just now! If Vivi can just free him!"
"And Chopper's outside too!" Nami recalled. "We might have a chance!"
She had managed to reach the top, when a streak of sand came shooting right at her. "Look out, Vivi!"Luffy called out, but she was knocked right back down by Crocodile's hook, rendered unconscious. "Vivi!"
"Enough of your nonsense!" He brought his hook back to his arm.
The crew began to panic when the water began rising to be like a large puddle. "Vivi! Wake up! Vivi!" Luffy urged.
"The gator's coming!" Usopp pulled at the bars. "Vivi!"
Crocodile looked on from the stairs with Ms. All Sunday. "If you love your friends that much, you can all die here together. The water will soon turn this into their feeding ground, and submerge the entire room. I'll drag your cheeky Mr. Prince here too, if you'd like! Hopefully you don't mind corpses!" With an evil laugh, he left with her.
"Damn it!" Luffy raged.
"T-they've always been there to help me all this time," She pushed herself up, "I refuse to just let them die." The gator tried to eat her up, but was recoiled by her slashers. While it was distracted, she used it as leverage to jump up the stairs, and run out.
"Yes!" Nami smiled with relief. "She got away!" The gator took another bite, with her narrowly dodging, before the windows shattered. "The water's broken though the glass!"
"Now we got less than 20 minutes, until this room's submerged!" Usopp fussed.
"Vivi!" Luffy called out. "You alright?!"
She looked down at them from the stairs. "Everyone! Hang in there a little longer! I will bring back help! I promise I won't abandon you!"
"Yeah!" Luffy and Usopp replied together with determination, through the latter's fear. "We're counting on you, Vivi!" With that, she ran down the hall.
"What in the world is this?" Crocodile looked on at the taken-down agents scattered before him.
"Including the employees just done in by Pell the Falcon, it looks like all the Millions in this town have been wiped out," Ms. All Sunday remarked.
"What happened?! Hey!" He kicked one man to roll on his back.
"A-a man named Mr. Prince..."
"I thought you caught him? Where did he go?!"
"He just now headed to the south part of town."
"Just now?" His eyes widened at a blue-robed figure disappearing behind a building. "Him?! Small fry. Don't think you can escape me."
"Why not forget about him?" Ms. All Sunday suggested.
"Quiet. I've always killed everyone who's made a mockery of me!" With that, he began flying off, his lower half turning into sand.
Just as Vivi entered the casino, it began shaking roughly. "Whoa! An earthquake?!" The patrons stood around in concern, not noticing Vivi sneaking out.
"This is bad! The bridge into Raindinners has collapsed!"
"Just out of the blue?! What's going on?! What caused it?!"
Ms. All Sunday watched silently through the panic. "Hey! What's going on?!"
"Now we can't get back to town!"
"Aren't there any boats?!"
"What's going on?!"
Vivi looked on nervously, while keeping her face concealed. "The bridge fell! Oh no! I can't go outside now?!" She began running through the crowd.
"It's not about not going outside." She stopped at the familiar voice by a slot machine. "It's about keeping Baroque Works from coming back in. It's all part of the plan." She cautiously turned around ; it was Sanji, in his trademark suit! "Chopper's running around town as a decoy as we speak." He put out his cigarette on the machine. "We gotta hurry." He stood from the bench. "The rebellion's begun too."
Vivi smiled with relief. "Sanji-san!"
He was now wearing thin, yellow shades. "Think you could tell me where they are, Princess?"
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The Little Details
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I got lightheaded today eating a delicious fruit pie, because for one terrible moment, it looks just like the texture of an injury one of my critters had. (She's doing well and healing <3)
So, needless to say, it inspired this little Crosshair drabble.
You're standing in the kitchen, flour on the counter, on your face, in your hair, and generally disheveled as you stir a large spoon in a big bowl of mashed fruit. The men are off exploring town with their little sister, keeping her entertained and no doubt enjoying the chance to relax, themselves.
In your attempts to be as tidy as possible for a quick clean-up before they get back, you've... Managed to make quite the mess. You stir the jumbled blend of berries and fruit together, the dark red and purple berries quickly overtaking all the colors, turning the rainbow slowly into an even pulp.
It's taking ages though, and your arm and shoulders are getting very tired from using the spoon. You've always done this by hand, so you never bothered to invest in a pestle.
You glance at teh window, noting the first sun is just starting to set. The men should be back soon.
You stare at the uneven, chunky mixture, then quickly clean the spoon off, scraping it clean with the pads of your fingers. You smash your palms into the mix and squeeze, and begin knuckle-kneading-grabby-smashing the fruits into a pulp.
The change in pace and the ease on your arms is immediate, and you grin widely, thinking in delight how you'll be able to surprise Omega and the boys when they come back. You think you'll be able to get it in the oven fast enough, they can question the scent when they come back.
Hunter will probably know exactly what it is, of course, but you think the Sarge will play along for Omega's sake, if not his brothers'.
You humm to yourself as you knead the mixture, already zoned in what you're doing, occasionally cleaning the bigger chunks that get stuck to your arms off to add them to the active mixing area.
A mug shatters on the floor behind you, and something cold splashes against your ankles. Your reaction is immediate as you spin around, heart stuck in your throat, only to find Crosshair staring at you like he's seen a ghost.
You reacted so fast, that you actually catch the last bit of his toothpick's journey to the floor, where it lands without a splash in a thin puddle of coffee. It covers the floor of your kitchen in an impressive splatter strewn with the wreckage of one of the clay cups you served at breakfast this morning.
You had no idea the sniper was still home, he'd been so quiet. You don't think he left with the others and came back -- he may walk with nearly unnatural silence to his steps, but there is no hiding the rusty groan of your entryway door sliding open.
"Are-- Are you okay?" you blurt as you nearly move to rush over to him, your instincts screaming at you that something is wrong and he needs help, except nothing seems to be wrong, and you can't figure out what is so terrifying about your kitchen that he's...
Stars, he's shaking. He's not wearing his full set of armor, just his blacks and part of the leg plates, so it is far more visible than it would have been otherwise. You forget your hesitation, deftly walking around the shattered pottery without having to think overmuch about it, not caring about the coffee getting on your bare feet.
Crosshair's mouth is open like he wants to speak, but he just keeps staring at you with those tortured, panicked eyes. Like he's not certain if he should believe that the things around him are safe. Like he's questioning if you're real.
You want to reach up to touch him, provide some physical form of grounding comfort, because he looks like he's parsecs away from you and wherever that place he's gone is, it's not good. But your hands are covered in goop--
Long fingers wrap around your elbows, just above the fruit stains, with a deliberate strength that startles you into speechlessness as his thumbs hook over the inner bend. He's breathing shallowly, in short, sharp breaths that barely make it past his parted lips.
"Crosshair, what's wron--?"
"You're not hurt?" he says it like he's just seen you get shot dead in front of him, then miraculously come back to life, and something in the way his raspy voice asks that question has a knife twisting in your gut as your heart squeezes painfully.
"No--?" You gasp as the realization hits you. "I'm-- I'm making pie filling, with fruit," you explain breathlessly. You hold your hands up as best you can, the bits of fruit obvious this close up. Crosshair tucks his chin fractionally to stare down at them, his grip on you tightening a fraction.
It's just shy of painful, but you barely even notice.
"I'm okay, I'm not hurt," you assure him gently, repeating it over again until he's finally meeting your gaze with those lost, coppery gems.
"Don't... Don't tell them," he says abruptly, voice hoarse. "About this."
You smile as gently as you can, the only way you know how to face such sharp anxiety, hoping to sooth its jagged edges.
"About what?" you ask quietly, and watch the relief flood his eyes before he lets go of you as quickly as he'd latched on, and takes an awkward step back.
You expect him to leave, but to your surprise, Crosshair immediately turns to work, asking you where the towels and dustpan are as he already knows you don't own any cleaning droids to delegate the task to. You almost tell him that no, it's alright, you'll take care of things--
--but he needs this, you realize; something to do, a task to focus on. So you tell him where they are as you quickly wash your arms and hands off. By the time he's done cleaning up all the bits of pottery, you're discreetly pouring the less-than-perfectly-mashed pie filling into the deep, round crust.
You don't try to be fancy with the top, you get the dough on as fast as possible without being sloppy, and neatly slide it into the oven.
When you turn around, Crosshair is just standing up from the newly cleaned floor. He tosses the used rags into the laundry basket sitting in your hallway, something the men have no doubt seen you do several times during their stay.
"Hey," you say softly. It immediately catches his attention. "If you want to talk, or if you just want company in the silence, I can do either," you invite.
Crosshair fixes you with a long, measured look, then glances away. Before he fully turns to leave the kitchen, his head dips once in a brief, but deliberate, nod you know he knows you saw.
For the rest of their stay, every now and then, you find yourself in the sudden company of the quiet sniper. Particularly when his brothers are being boisterous, as you act like a peaceful shield from their antics. They're too polite risk bothering their host, even Wrecker, who really likes your cooking. Crosshair doesn't say a word, not even a greeting, but he never has to. You smile every time he shows up, a silent invitation, and the edges of his face soften.
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