#he wanted his little sister's approval 😢
cheryl-williams · 1 year
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ash showing cheryl the necklace he got for linda is something that can be so personal
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reashot · 2 years
Sorry it take this long, but Anon requested to see Christmas themed Lancaster and by God they're going to get one:
Under the Mistletoe 💏
To celebrate Christmas. Both team RWBY and JNPR decide to have a get-together and for the venue they decides to have it in JNPR dorm room.
Yang: Let's start this party with a Yang!
Everyone: Yang!
Pyrrha: Wow Yang! How do you get all this stuffs for the Christmas party?
Yang: Well. Let's just say it's a donation from an anonymous donor...
Cuts into Junior's club.
A gruesome scene unfolds inside of a nightclub. Bodies of suit wearing mooks littered the dance floor and their Boss, Junior can be seen sitting in the counter nursing his wounds by pouring himself a stiff one.
Goon: Boss... Why the heck do that blonde beast came here and stole our stuffs?
Junior: Shut up...
Back in JNPR dorm room.
Yang: Anyway... How about a drink? Non alcoholic of course.
Pyrrha: I'll take two. Thank you.
While bringing two drinks across the room Pyrrha passes many of the friends she made in Beacon.
Nora: Ren-ren let's dance!
Ren: Sure Nora.
Weiss: So, Blake... How is it like being a Faunus?
Blake: How is it like being me?
Weiss: Look! I'm trying to strike a conversation, okay? And it's hard when you know I said something to you that can't be taken back.
Blake: I know that Weiss. Baby step, okay.
Weiss: Baby step.
Ruby: Jaune did you watch _syberSamurai last stream? 😁
Jaune: I did, Ruby. Man she almost lost the match 4-1 but in the last minutes she turned it around and ended up winning against impossible odd.
Ruby: Ikr. She's so awesome. 😆
Pyrrha: Hmm. What are you two talking about?
Jaune: Oh. Pyrrha. We're just talking about video games. That's all.
Pyrrha: ... I see. Oh and Jaune I brought a drink for you.
Jaune: Oh thank you Pyrrha... *Walked just few centi away to be perfectly below the mistletoe*
Yang: Ah! Both Vomit Boy and P-Money are under the mistletoe so according to the rule they must kiss.
Pyrrha: Wow. Do you want to kiss me Jaune?
Jaune: Is that even a question? Of course.
Both Jaune and Pyrrha kiss to the cheers and approval of everyone watching. Everyone except for Ruby who sees it differently.
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Yang: Woohoo! 30 second kiss. That's your longest one to date. And don't think I didn't see you slipping your tongue there Pyrrha. You horny fox. You.
Ruby: Give me a drink Yang!!! 😫
Yang: Eh, sure. *pours one out for her little sister*
Ruby: Another! 😠
Yang: K. *pours another*
Ruby: More! 😡
Yang: Ruby this is Non-Alcoholic. You can't get drunk from this.
Ruby: Maybe I just like to drink! You ever think about that? 🤬
Yang: Rubs... If you are upset about something you can tell me all about it. I'm your big sister after all.
Ruby: I don't want to talk about it... 😢
Yang: It's about Jaune kissing Pyrrha isn't it?
Ruby: Why don't he like me? I also want to kiss him using my tongue too. 😭
Yang: Oh Ruby... Tell you what go up to him right now and I'll help you out.
Ruby: How? 😞
Yang: Look just trust your sister, okay.
Ruby: He-hey Jaune... How's it hanging. 😟
Jaune: What is it Ruby. Do you want to talk more about other stuffs?
Ruby: Uh... Uhm... Eh... I mean. I want to... 😵
Unbeknownst to the two of them. A mistletoe silently glides above them and landing perfectly above the two dorks's head. The mistletoe is being guided by Yang by using a long stick. No doubt she prepares them beforehand for some sort of prank.
Yang: Oh no, a mistletoe somehow got above Jaune and Ruby. How did that happened? Tee-hee. Anyway you know the rules and so do I.
Ruby: C-can I kiss you too Jaune?
Jaune: R-Ruby I...
Pyrrha: Go for it Jaune.
Nora: Yeah! Go for it!
Blake: (Oh Brothers they're going to do it. Finally.)
Jaune: Okay here goes...
Ruby: 😚
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Jaune : There Ruby, how do you like it?
Ruby: 😶
Jaune: Ruby?
Ruby suddenly tackles Jaune to his bed. And proceeds to mount him. The suddennes took everyone by surprise.
Jaune: Ruby what's gotten into you?
Ruby: 🥵🥵🥵 Everyone! Please evacuate to a safe six miles radius. Or else will I not be responsible for what will happen next 🥵🥵🥵
Jaune: Eep!
Yang: Ah hell nah! I'm still way too hot and sexy to be an aunt.
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Love and Shame: Boyhood
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Twelfth Chapter of Chuuya Nakahara’s journey through parenthood
A.N: Post Time Skip, Kazue is six years old. Last chapter before the end, 29 April is Chuuya’s birthday so I’m going to post it that day, I’m so sad this is coming to an end 😢
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Chuuya was immersed in paperworks when his phone rang, "Love I'm working, did something happen?", you hum "I think we have to go to school, something happened with Kazue and the director personally called me", unfortunately you weren't new to convocations, Kazue despite his calm attitude, since kindergarten had always problems establishing relationship with the classmates. After an accident with his ability everyone was afraid to stay near him so they  excluded him. Kazue wasn't bothered by these actions and being extremely rational, just like you, decided to focus on plays or activities by himself. He learnt to read when he was 4 years old, he was quite a phenomenon, people wanted to know him better but at the same time they were afraid of him. 20 minutes later you arrive at primary school and you find a part of the building collapsed, Chuuya arrives after some minutes and follows you concerned "What happened?", the time to say it and you see your daughter running, crying desperately "Daddy, i-it isn't Kazue's fault, my c-classmates tried to hurt me  and seeing I couldn't do anything Kazue acted to stop" Chuuya's eyes wide seeing in her arm a little burn, as soon you noticed it, you hold your daughter to calm her crying "Shhh it's ok princess, nothing will happen to you or Kazue. We're going to resolve everything!" your daughter hides in your shoulder and continues to cry, Chuuya completely raged starts to walk creating crevices on the ground "Love, Chu, calm down. I know this is cruel but we have to behave for their sake, we can't destroy the school and give them possibility to attack us. I'll talk with them, stay calm please! For us!" Chuuya faces you completely insane and try to breath to calm down "I'll leave this to you, but if anything shitty happens I will intervene, remember!". Meanwhile you arrive in front of the director's studio and you see your son sitting in the bench outside the office, swinging his legs almost calm "Hey bud? Everything is fine? Akiko told us, don't worry they're not going to do anything to you ok?" Kazue turns to his father and unmovedly says "Dad, I know. I recorded everything with the clock uncle Dazai gave me, I stepped in when I was sure they were doing something incorrect. But I couldn't control my ability and I destroyed the hall" Chuuya hums and says "Don't worry, it happens when you're angry. You were great, now give me the clock, we're going to defend us!" Chuuya says caressing his hairs.
 After the little talk, Akiko takes her father's hand and Kazue follows you, "We're here to talk with the director!" you say coldly, the secretary half crosses your gaze and says "Ah yes, the Nakahara's. The Director is waiting for you!" so you enter the door and see a gruff man with grey hairs greets you "Thank you for coming so quickly despite your busy schedule. Well, I'd like to talk to you with your children to know perfectly their version" you nodd and take your husband fist trying to calm him down "Kazue, Akiko tell the director everything and remember: no lies. We're here to resolve the situation right Director?" he hums approving your diplomacy, Kazue intervenes after you "My sister was in the hall playing with her classmates and I was going to the toilet, but suddenly a group of her classmates arrived and started yanking her, they said to show her ability to see if she was strong as everyone said, but she refused. Some of them blocked her and the strongest one used his ability and started to burn her clothes and arm. I acted before the things could get worse, but I was a bit overwhelmed and couldn't control myself. Fortunately I told everyone to get away to not hurt them, but one of them didn't want to escape and tried to attack me but I attacked to make him loose senses. I know that it isn't correct to use the ability at school but the..." Akiko blocks her brother and says "It wasn't the first time they bothered me, I already told it to the teacher but she said that it wasn't true because I just wanted everyone's attention" Chuuya hearing these words couldn't control himself but before starting to talk, the director intervenes "Kazue I know that you're a polite boy, but you know that rules are rules. You hurted someone and destroyed a lot of school's properties. Ms and Mr Nakahara, we can't ignore this matter even if it's the first time your son do this" hearing this you couldn't control yourself and Chuuya huffs and says "School's properties? The fucking school's properties? My daughter was armed and no one is talking about it just because she's here with us. She could be at the hospital if her brother didn't do anything. What kind of fucking rules punishes someone who uses his ability to defend people but it doesn't punish who used it to attack her!" The director afraid by the Chuuya's rage attack retreat with the seat and stutters "B-but Mr Nakahara, the school properties!" at that moment you couldn't stand the director's avidity and shout "The school's properties! Again school's properties, children are hurted here and the only thing you're caring is money. Then we'll give you even more money that you required for reparations, but we want to talk with the classmate who started everything and with their parents. And the teacher? What kind of teacher you hired for my children's education? She didn't believe our daughter just because of stupid appearance! This is outrageous, she must know her students and yet you're here trying to attack them just for a bunch of money!" Chuuya nodds  and taking Kazue's clock says "I don't like to threat people outside of my job, but if this is the situation then I show you this! This object recorded everything and if you're not doing the right thing, we're going to publish this story everywhere and you can say goodbye to your money. What do you think about it Mr Director?" and then put a hand on the desk, facing him directly "Ok ok, stay calm! We don't want problem here! Caution for the damages is welcome and if you want we can arrange a meeting with the other family next week!" the director says wiping the sweat from the forehead, Chuuya nearing his face more and chrushing a punch on the desk says "No, you call them now!". Half an hour passes and the family arrives with the boy who attacked Akiko, Chuuya looking at him says "You were together since kindergarten, do you remember me?" he says cross eyeing him and his parents, the boy nodds and bowes his head. Everyone at school know yours and Chuuya's occupation, even his parents, but they always acted as if they weren't afraid of you. This time wasn't the same, viewing everyone, from you to your children eyeing them with hatred and rage, they knew their son crossed the line. "O-our son passed out for your crazy son, w-what do you want to do about it? He even destroyed the building! He's uncontrollable!" his father's stutters, but his wife as soon as she sees your face, understands and bowes her head and that of her son, "We're really sorry for this, our son is devious and we know really well about his attitude since he does it even with his little sister. Apologize Akira!" the boy starts to cry and says "I was just jealous of them, I wanted their attention and they always ignored me!" at that point you start to laugh sensing that the boy didn't know how to approach your children since he was afraid of Kazue's coldness, Akiko, on the other hand, simply ignored him because Chuuya's told her to avoid boys because he was jealous of her and he didn't accept his precious daughter, to be ruined by a smelly boy. Whispering to Chuuya what the boy really meant, he gasps and taking the checkbook, says "This is for the damages, regarding the rest, you're invited for an afternoon at our house, this is the adress!" Chuuya says giving a card to their parents. The boy unbelievably watch at you and you smile saying "Ahh don't worry, we don't harm anyone as everyone says. You're welcome to train with us and remember, you can't use your ability to hurt others but to help. Akiko, Kazue now make peace and remember to play together, tomorrow at school. Because everyone is going at school right Director?" the gruff man nodds afraid to see Chuuya destroying everything and says "Ok. But since everyone expect Akiko, went against the rules they're going to take care of the bunnies for 2 months every morning and afternoon" you smile watching your son and the puffy boy and say "It's reasonable, they have to learn how to control themselves. Right Kazue?" your son nodds and taking your hand and Akiko's, he says "I want to go home and play together with Hermes" Chuuya regains composure and smiling to his son he says "Sure bud, today I'm free of charge just for you. Director, let me know if you need anything else, I hope everything is resolved now!" the director reassure again and even the boy and their parents say "Thank you for your understanting, we can arrange something for this or next weekend if you want to." Nodding to the mother and smiling you say goodbye and as soon you cross the door with your family you hear "They're something else, I know why everyone respect and is afraid of them. We're sorry for everything director, nothing like this will happen again, it was our fault" you smile and turning to your husband he kisses you and says "Now everyone knows what means to have the Nakahara as enemy! Let's go tonight we're going to play!" and he takes his daughter in his arms "You were so brave Red Princess! I'm proud of you, and Kazue we love you! Don't be afraid of your power and remember that we support and believe in you!" Kazue nodds tighting the grip on your hand and Akiko kisses Chuuya's cheek. A perfect family picture!
@thevertebraedeity​ @sxxvibes-blog​
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