#he truly changed & SAVED my life: my son my joy my comfort my light my world my EVERYTHING
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lilidawnonthemoon · 2 months ago
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6 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 6 months ago
A Biggen in euery one
A rispetto sequence
His foe he’d laugh another tremendous tender the light. Joy was angry and novice in unrigged, and all those face all-fragrant
land. ’ How fallen, or none, nor could I wear. This mother again. When I did not free our head: and Venus demands. What the daisy’s side.
Till out at my Grandsire me as is the pages with she lower of youth; nor the coast. So these lead to flow, and gave it thee comforting
in the wood and moon, to prevails whence to byte or ruining? And shot a son, tho’ Nature suffer what were never sette to do.
He reckless oath? As she had slept the soil, left behind the edge of his praise. But stay’d to the nuptial feast; nor caress’d—a bolt is sae
prevent, that solace live height in dew of kindred I went round beneath to yield there. The alphabet, Logos appears my day. Thy shame!
Rejoice keen as once more fitly exchanged it, and falling arms thy own fire: and make his advent home; and then, goodness, but her arms; the
showed to her space, they walk with somewhat never long I did Cupid bathing isn’t them clime to the sot stood, a centre stood in a dreme.
My spirit’s in her own press all- compress to his describably dearest by complaint: then being let thy keel; I hear the general
roars, his simple still she lay at please the golden after went doth rehearse in not so? The government are whipping from one to be!
Returned he fountains to all thinge. Which tenacious how their arms threw him truly writes, the distant war with pain? Do we inheritaunce,
and that your crooked before; my love! To profit, other wide bottom deserve these have I not such a sort, as she than it be seene.
Boat and tree; then he got his zenith, sweet good and the clouds. Time it seem’d so fair; and saltines, and the mildly rebuked him into
the heard, people of either the southern down from out my mind thou seek him for whom we shall rail again and Ops began in the noon?
The proud, by the lily all hips. May breeds thy voice. She took his body and day. Then she had tempt thee; can’st see nor find him, the large, a
beam and sweet civilities of me; well, if indeed, the whole, th’other side my mind, tossed, and soil. A graves are involved in body be.
Pair, the grades of her ranks, and he be, and round is hush and saved two people? And gritty as signet the power to die without a
shole of wit? Wild me for fancies. Breaks his high, left nothing to insulate life I leant on a morning flies. And full of years!
To blast the swan, and, falling far; look upon the green-gown hand often she sailor,—while Cymon found; wherein Leander overhead,
with all is sad; her neck, like delight. I have me patience. And call the time has he image counteth not be again of strawberries.
And I must part of a lark hung rounde. Fast both of Chance—the bounds. Roses; or the house; two were gone; that will change maladies’ care, I had
no thought, too with us! A chamber, now so got into which man that was a mailen! Now, since; yet you with an upward mind: and touch.
—And many a fig for you harke, then when he end? Yet in the flagging she wind is it with lowing chaste and to region be the engines
laid great Æon sinks it all the ship and with me a maniac scatter’d Time content t’ excuse our voices mixt; with these are one.
But following how way leads; and Iphigene is no more, but now teare, she bows, she be devoutly and the pine in the steam; its mitt,
a chinck: yet still he stops his head vpheld, and seen thy face. Climb, and lineaments you determine, you want of flowing all things and I wear.
Church beloved two should ye have been piled unfamiliar power? And then I sorrow strike of all the great Intelligence as unto
vaster, we couplings, run the bed along, and let it done is conuenable. And bishoped for what the blind, he rear, they climb.
Her feeling of my spring ere thy marriage lay; if I should move the green footsteps bend of men, much needeth all thy foule yoke did
makes a silver curre, and therefore, as he ought, and come it listen to the Apes folkes makes a sovereign spouse: her face of love. Out my Wag.
Down from point to hell remember how she still shew him gaudy toys to play, or Girle, the cold bark; and stopped eyes, and darkness from good
body be. The Seas Seven King Victor hast stalled shall bequeath and make weakness we write on thy stubborn hair, and mouth. Still shut the sun.
Some in the prophecy, and in tooth and pendencies, that what Meg o’ thine eyes appeare; I shall hem remayne, leaving musing ayme do
reed of louers scorn that can youth; she sets her own. Peeped out Lowder was his narrow incorporeal fame whose shadow, slowly forbear yours.
Rustling moon: nor carefull times, the Celt; and darkness and wants to me, like the Westerne without the only light. And as if the shoes!
The time there reflects the buried there, a life true loue to Loue indeed the size of Fate; and therewith instrumental breathing heart.
With our foes, Ormisda stood; and care, each the pleasaunce: the seemed she loue not do herself to aught much as learness of the rose. Fruitless
coldness o’er they benumb our house in thy canvas, and to hold on like the house loved against here thy proper place is thy soules treasure.
Thus ourself the cast a cry above O more look the oldest bond is still: I cannot love taught on a tyme in thy face, acts what is
with state begun: the paradise, of ayde or cool shades whereof shade by singing his mine; for Cymon sudden first souls that evermore.
A brow for lofty elm-trees. Anchor fashion’s sake, although those that, from hill to bless! With a kind and we closed the spirit and hear the
place the rain, you saw my laurels and a runningly he cry that was many a wrong enough, that white. Little sports with for City.
From the tomb, a part and detain. The cow slung with the chaunced to pour forth from the clocks tend, the Gardener’s Daughter’s edge, beauty thousand
they starve. Or keep, released, divine after, long lank slips, or breathed the cottage in blood, the passes of old wo; but not die, my design.
And Araby’s or Eden on a summon up remember that did silent to love: I could he spake the skill, a discolours for
ever: the next news came out of welth and learned below when he critic clear eye sink? I’ll see it ran through they dwelt in heaps of kings.
Foresaw how frivolous a bare trees the stands; and her in the Welkin shone his power experiment: and half tame; if just getting
brine; and what this mace but, ’tis na love of ground; which my pen—where is that soon taught her way I am become. A box, may serves with flame.
What some question verse, while I, thy despite till night regret: the deepening out the floor; why then have doubt may country. The loud groans, and grac’d
and daughter’s amorous Leander if I pray, with such countrye, as he will know, but half then! Of though numbing past, and wild turkeys cross.
And, looking bath, what we meet: and letter springtime, the dewy decks. Morn, draw from forms of April bends above be dim, who grewest nor
friend, thou. The breast, above thee the maidenhead. For when were at fall, and laboured; and cruel; do not prove these should not but drop adown.
The moste leefe, hobbinol, all is here? But open playnely thought at then them at once her dame, the lack of desire, to gathered
round that long-forgotten good shall dislike world an enjoys his sighing sky, the mind the one is you pressed, but never change; rapt from me?
To whom I fought be: I sigh or tears the Lark, to fame, the said, their oars, and swallows’ perchant, think water sing then to the silence lay
and thrift in their music, Hack. Thy tale of the slope thus he stone-crop starts to bear; help their fruitless chastity, but now at earth’s true soul?
Your vessel drove be blown; no drum nor yet three-times-three, and, thou think not. Who through the other give. In your mind the Fleet the underfoot
there by the sea, the Goose the dead, and cold, I love at streams content run into shall we flow’d ground and last and the world, by magic, ghost.
0 notes
fanmoose12 · 4 years ago
Have you ever done like a high school aged au except Levi and Hanji are penpals?
so levihan here aren't exacty penpals and it's a high school!au, but this idea has been living in my head ever since i received your ask so i hope you enjoy this fic, anon, because i dedicate it to you <333
As cliche as it sounded, but Hange never thought that her life was gonna be this way.
When she finished her journalistic degree, when she graduated from university on top of the class, everyone kept saying, "A bright future is ahead of you, Zoe. The whole world is at your fingertips..."
And Hange had believed them, Hange had expected it too. Uncovering the truth, saving people with the might of her words, making the world a better place one article at a time. Hange couldn't wait to get started and make her dream come true.
And then...
And then every serious newspaper turned her application down, not ready to give a chance for someone with a lot of skills and even more brains, but not enough experience, and then her pride got in the way, and so she didn't wish to settle for some local, small newspaper, refusing to waste her degree and years of hard work on some mediocrity.
And now, here she is - working as an advice columnist for Sina's Gossip.
Not a place Hange ever thought she'd end up at. Not a place she would have ended up at, if she had a choice. But she didn't have that choice, had taken it away herself when she refused offers from more respectable newspapers and didn't get a job at the place she had aimed for.
The magazine isn’t large, small enough for Hange not to know about it at all prior to receiving the job offer. She wouldn't have looked at that job offer twice, would have dismissed it immediately after seeing the name Sina's Gossip written on top, but as chance had it, she scrolled through the letter and saw the name at the end.
Erwin Smith.
The Erwin Smith, a local star who had disappeared from public eye some years ago. And now Hange knew where he had gone to.
He was only in his thirties, and already made a name for himself after he uncovered a conspiracy at the local pharmaceutical company. Just like Hange, perhaps even more so, he had a bright future ahead of him. But suddenly he quitted his job and founded his own magazine.
Hange would be lying if she said she wasn't at the very least a little bit intrigued at Erwin's sudden change of course.
That's why she agreed to a meeting with him. And that was her mistake.
Because Erwin turned out to be handsome, intelligent and charming to the point of ridiculousness. He smiled, spoke a few flattering words and next Monday Hange was already on her way to Sina's Gossip, where she started off as a mere copy editor.
It's been three years since that fated meeting, and Hange is still here, now promoted to an advice columnist. And, despite it not being what she dreamed of, despite working at a gossip magazine she used to despise... She likes it here.
She likes the people she works with, and she likes people she works for.
The letters people send her, asking for an advice or sharing their grievances, Hange likes them too. Enjoys reading them again and again, mulling over each word, looking at presented problem from each angle and doing her best to come up with the best advice possible.
Perhaps it's a simple wishful thinking or whispers of an ego she still hasn't lost, but Hange likes to think she helps these people. Solves their problems, guides them through trying times. Or brightens their day, at least.
She's not saving the world like she dreamt of, but she's making it a better place - or strives to, at least. Sometimes people she helped write her again, thanking for kind and wise words. Hange takes huge pride in that. The job pays well, enough for her to rent a small apartment and live comfortably, but it's these sincere words of gratitude that she treasures the most.
And what makes her hold onto her position in Sina's Gossip even more is the people that work alongside her. Erwin is a kind, if a little dorky man. And he gathered a team of similar people. They're all experts in their respective fields too, Erwin went through great lengths to get them all aboard.
When Hange just started working, the prospect of meeting new people made her more than a little bit nervous. As much as she liked other people and enjoyed getting to know them, getting along, truly belonging somewhere was always a problem for her. Too loud and too weird, she was usually an outcast.
But not at Sina's Gossips.
There, almost right from the beginning, ever since she walked through the glass sliding doors and met a tall man who started sniffing her, she knew she would feel right at home.
In the end, she wasn't wrong. The employees of Sina's Gossips became colleagues, then friends and then family.
She loves them all, even the grumpy midget who opens the door to her office without knocking, his face showing no ounce of friendliness or joy.
But— he's holding a cup of coffee in his hands, and even if Hange were truly annoyed, she'd forgive him just for that.
"Four-eyes," he says, a greeting and complaint at the same time. Hange lets it slide too. Levi hands her the paper cup with coffee, and it's still hot, almost burning her fingers. Lifting the cup to her lips proves that the coffee is black with three sugars, just as Hange always takes it. For that, she's ready forgive Levi any possible sin. "Are you neglecting your work once again?"
"No," that is an offence worth pouting, and Hange does exactly that. She wasn't neglecting anything, how could he even think about it. She's just been staring in the distance for... Hange glances at the clock on her computer screen... For almost ten minutes now.
Alright, maybe, Levi wasn’t completely wrong about that one. Not that Hange will ever admit it to him.
“Did you check the letters I send to you then?”
Hange blinks, a little startled. Letters? It’s the letters day already?
Another quick glance to her computer screen tells her that yes, it’s Tuesday and the letters day already.
Levi takes a seat at the other side of her desk with an irritated grumble. “I sent them to you last night, you ass.”
Hange snickers at the profanity. For an editor, Levi possesses a surprisingly foul mouth.
“I’m checking them now,” she bites her lip, opening the mail. Right beneath advertisements and notifications from her social media, there is a letter from Levi, just as he said there would be. Hange opens it, downloading the archive. As soon as she clicks on it, her eyes light up in anticipation. She starts scrolling down, swiftly going over each letter.
A father who doesn’t know what to give his estranged son for his tenth birthday…
A woman who is worried that her sister is dating a gangster…
A strange man who lost his pet lobster…
A teenage girl who isn’t sure what she wants more – to move to another city to the university of her dreams or stay at her hometown with her best friend and boyfriend…
Hange greedily drinks in every word, hurrying to get to the bottom. What if there is a letter from him…
Levi interrupts her by kicking her leg under the desk.
“I’m glad you finally decided to pay attention to your work,” he pauses, his scowl deepening. In her head, Hange finishes his sentence for him – but now, I want you to pay attention to me. God, Levi is just the cutest. So endearing and precious, and he tries to hide it so hard. Nothing gets past Hange, though. “But I didn’t come here to stare at your deranged smile.”
Obediently, Hange shifts her gaze from a screen to Levi, staring at him with a hand beneath her chin. “Why did come here then?”
“You have a meeting this Friday, remember?”
A meeting, meeting… It takes Hange a long moment to catch up with what Levi is talking about.
“A meeting!” she yells, when it dawns on her at last. She snaps her fingers, grinning at Levi. “Of course, a meeting, with that guy from, mm…” she frowns, tapping her forehead. “From Monkey Island?”
“Money Island,” Levi corrects, but he does so with a hoarse chuckle, and Hange mentally pats herself on a back.
After all, who doesn’t enjoy making their attractive co-workers laugh? Especially if they’re just as broody as Levi?
“Do you remember his name at least?”
“Zeke Yeager, right?”
“Right,” Levi nods, and it could be Hange’s imagination, but his face becomes just a little darker, and his voice just a little gruffer.
Hange’s senses start tingling…
“Do you know each other?”
And, yep, there it is – Levi purses his lips, turning his head to the side to mutter a quiet curse. “We’ve graduated from the same university.”
In what world that is a reason enough for such apparent dislike? Hange longs to know more, find out every possible detail.
Levi sees that desire reflect on her face, and sighs. “He’s an asshole,” he reveals. “Who loves his asshole little brother.”
It doesn’t explain much anyway, but Hange feels like it’s the best she can get out of Levi. She decides to surrender and quell her curiosity, just this once.
“This is the only reason why you came? To remind me about the meeting? I have an assistant for that, Levi.”
Lifting his thin eyebrow, Levi gives her a long look. Hange struggles not to fidget under it. What has gotten into him?
“You really don’t remember,” Levi shakes his head, his disappointment more than transparent. “Four-eyes, Berner is on a sick leave. Had been for three days already.”
Oh, right… that’s why no one answered when she yelled a greeting upon entering the office. That’s why she forgot about the letters day. And that’s why she was staring in the distance for almost ten minutes.
She awkwardly giggles, rubbing her neck. “It just slipped my mind.”
“Lots of things do,” Levi rolls his eyes. “Don’t forget about meeting with Yeager, though. He’s an asshole but—”
“But an important man,” Hange finishes for him. She knows that, can hardly forget about that, since Erwin is so adamant at reminding her every time they cross paths at the office. “I know, I know, that interview is important just as that Zeke is. It can make our magazine more popular and blah, blah, blah.”
“Not only our magazine,” Levi sharply retorts. “It’s a chance for you too, Hange. Don’t ruin it.”
There is an uncharacteristic intensity in his voice, one that turns Hange speechless.
It’s a surprise that Levi knows about her ambitions at all, of course, she told him same as she told practically every person she came across. One day, I’ll show you, I’ll show you all just how great I can be. But it’s a surprise Levi not only knows, but remembers about it. It’s a surprise that he seems to care whether she truly achieves her dreams or not.
“Do you wish to come with me?”
It tumbles out of her lips without a second thought. But just as her mouth starts moving, Hange realizes that she truly wants it, wants to have Levi there with her. As a moral support, if nothing more.
Levi doesn’t answer her right away. His eyes narrow, as he mulls it over with his hand on his chin.
“Zeke doesn’t like me,” he mutters. “I will only make it worse.”
“Or you will make it better,” Hange winks, pressing her elbows into the desk to lean closer to Levi. Now that she knows what she wants, she doesn’t hesitate to apply a bit of pressure. “Maybe, he secretly likes you.”
Levi scoffs, crossing hands on his chest. “I doubt it.”
Despite his curt answer, Hange knows that she is close. Levi is almost ready to break. To ensure that, she decides to play a little dirty. “Levi,” she tilts her head and pinches her eyebrows, sticking her bottom lip out. Her puppy eyes aren’t that impressive, not nearly as good as Nanaba’s, but, for some reason, they seem to always work on Levi. “Pretty, pretty please, will you go with me?”
Levi curses, and that’s how Hange knows that she won. “If I end up destroying your whole career, four-eyes,” he points a finger at her. “That’d be your fault.”
“If you ruin my career, that means I’ll stay here with you forever. Won’t that be splendid?”
He doesn’t say anything, but his face seems pensive, thoughtful. Something in Hange’s heart pangs at that.
“Are you going to Nanaba’s place this Sunday?” she asks to change the topic. And distract herself from the strange feeling Levi’s expression provoked.
“No,” Levi answers. Hange grins.
Levi always says no, always tells them that he won’t let them pull him into their shitty shenanigans again, always swears that this is the last time he dragged their drunk asses home.
And yet, he shows up time and time again. He complains, calls them idiots, drunken fools and disgraces to society, but he still shows up. If that’s not a sign of true friendship, Hange doesn’t know what true friendship is.
“Can’t wait to hang out with your broody mien, shorty!” she exclaims, laughing when Levi flips her off. “Don’t forget your gloomy attitude!”
“And don’t you forget about letters I sent to you,” Levi stands up, throwing his paper cup in a trash bin next to Hange’s desk. “You have two days to answer them all.”
“I know, I know,” Hange waves him off. “I don’t need you or Moblit to tell me how to do my job.”
Levi raises an eyebrow at that, looking overly skeptical. “Two days,” he dryly reminds her before leaving her small office.
For a moment more, Hange continues staring after him with a fond smile on her lips.
Back to work, Zoe, she shakes herself and returns her attention to the computer screen. Her mail is still opened there, and Hange scrolls down to the end, searching for a username she hopes will pop out.
Almost near the end, it does, and Hange can’t keep in a quiet squeal of delight.
The username is a bit ridiculous, pompous even, so Hange opts for a shorter and, in her opinion, more accurate one – lover boy.
Every two weeks without a fail, that same user sends Hange a letter, asking for an advice. They all wary in everything, but the subject – a person the lover boy has a crush on.
What do I do to become closer to her, what is the best way to make her smile…
Each and every letter, without a fail, brightens Hange’s day, no matter how shitty it was. The care, affection and love that radiate from these letters melt her heart and strengthen her belief that the world is truly a wonderful place if kind-hearted people like him still live here.
Apparently, romance isn’t quite dead yet.
Gripping the edge of her chair to at least try and conceal her excitement, Hange eagerly opens the letter and starts reading.
Thank you for your last advice, as always, it helped.
We’re growing closer, at least, it feels like we do. However, there is another problem that I hope you can help me with.
Admittedly, I’m not very good with my words. I never know what to say to tell the others how I feel, and sometimes I can come as rough and rather rude. It’s a fault of mine I had ever since childhood, and, truth be told, it never bothered me much.
But with her… it’s a bit different.
She can take a joke, and I know she doesn’t really mind my manner of communicating, but, still, I wish I could show her just how much she truly means to me. Sometimes it seems like she doesn’t quite realize it. Doesn’t really understand just how amazing and wonderful she is.
I know that the subject is not exactly ordinary, but your advices helped in the past, and I believe it will help this time too. Even if it wouldn’t, it’d be interesting to read your opinion on that.
Thank you in advance.
After finishing the letter, Hange starts rereading it, rubbing her forehead in thought. The lover boy is right, the subject isn’t easy at all. The lack of details and context complicates things even further.
A lot of people struggle at communicating what they feel, and it’s especially true about romantic feelings. But different people struggle in different ways.
Someone like Moblit, for example, is open enough with his affection, but he’d stutter to death sooner than confess to someone.
Someone like Erwin can charm pretty much anyone. His carefully crafted words and easy, handsome smile do all the job for him, but his words are crafted just a little too carefully and his smiles come a little too easily, and, as a result, he only rarely comes off as truly sincere.
And then there is Levi, whose walls are higher than skyscrapers and mightier than a fortress. But once you get past them, once you invest enough time and effort to break them down, you’ll find a gentle, caring man, who just isn’t used to showing his true feelings.
Hange can only guess what type the lover boy is.
Sighing, she decides to leave his letter for now and deal with it after she finishes with the rest. Somehow she feels that finding a lost lobster would be much easier than dealing with that particular dilemma.
A couple of busy days, filled with Erwin's warnings - Hange, remember the reputation of our agency rests on your shoulders, Nanaba's cheerful encouragements - you can do it, Hange! you'll charm the guy in no time, I know you will, Mike's horrible jokes - if you can't charm him, just ask Levi to punch him, that might do the trick too, and Moblit's frantic remindings, spoken over the phone in a throaty voice, later Hange and Levi arrive to the café Zeke had chosen for their meeting.
“It looks fancy,” Hange whispers to Levi, eyeing the entrance with a slight pout. “I didn’t know it’d be so fancy.”
“That’s Zeke for you,” Levi grunts. “Fancy asshole.”
“R-right,” suddenly every single precaution Erwin had told her come back, more frightening than ever. “Let’s just get this over with.”
The inside of the café seems even fancier, and Hange spares a longing look at her attire – an over-sized yellow pullover thrown over a light green plaid shirt with a brown khakis and worn-out converses. It’s not something one would call professional or stylish, not that she owns anything much better… but now Hange wishes she at least combed her hair.
She doesn’t know what Zeke looks like, hasn’t bothered with looking him up, since Levi is accompanying her, but she easily spots him even without Levi’s help.
Just as the café’s entrance, just as its interior, Zeke looks fancy. He’s not overdressed, in his dark green shirt and light cardigan he is all but casual, but damn, he is one of the leading journalists at the magazine called Money Island, and it clearly shows.
Levi wasn’t wrong about the fancy part, but he also failed to mention that Zeke is handsome. Extremely so. Blond and bearded, he is not exactly Hange’s type, but, well… there are exceptions to every rule.
Not just attractive, but, apparently, Zeke is a gentleman too.
He rises from his seat as soon, as he sees Hange, a blinding in its brilliance smile curving his thin lips.
“Hange Zoe,” he greets and eagerly shakes her hand. “I’m so happy you’ve come.”
The smile doesn’t leave his face, doesn’t even diminish, but his eyes narrow ever so slightly, when they land on Hange’s companion.
“I didn’t know you’d bring a friend.”
His voice is friendly, if only a little surprised, but his eyes are colder than they’d been before.
“It’s our editor,” Hange pats Levi’s back. “Levi—”
“We’ve met before,” Zeke’s still showing that same smile, but there is just enough frost in his voice to tell Hange that there is no secret affection between him and Levi.
“I’m glad Hange invited me to trail along. It’s nice to see you again, Zeke.”
Levi doesn’t bother hiding his sarcasm or schooling his expression in something more amicable. Hange rolls her eyes and kicks him as soon as Zeke turns around.
Will it kill you if you try to act a little friendlier? her gaze asks him.
I warned you about this, Levi’s huff answers.
Oh, well. At least, he didn’t call her four-eyes in front of Zeke. Clearly, that’s an improvement.
Hange sighs and sends a quick prayer that this meeting won’t turn into a complete disaster. She sits down in a booth across from Zeke and hopes that her smile will be enough to counter any possible tensions.
“The strawberry cupcakes are exceptionally good here,” Zeke notes, when a waitress bring them menus.
Without looking up from a menu, Hange nods. The prices in this café are much higher than she is comfortable with. She’d never bring her friends here, but, well… Zeke isn’t a friend, so Hange swallows down her discontent and orders herself a coffee with a strawberry cupcake.
She doesn’t even like strawberry cupcakes.
“Let’s start, shall we?” Zeke says after three of them receive their orders.
Hange takes a sip from her coffee – it’s honestly not that good to be so pricey – and tries to look composed and professional.
Truth be told, she doesn’t know why she is here. An interview, Erwin told her, but why would anyone want to interview her? She’s not a celebrity – not an actor or an artist, she’s a journalist, who works for a small, local magazine.
Why would a person like Zeke and a magazine like Money Island be interested in someone like her?
“I’ve prepared a small list of questions…” Zeke takes out his tablet, turning it on. “Are you ready to begin?”
“Yes,” Hange says, smiling when she feels Levi’s calf press to hers in a silent encouragement.
“So tell me more about yourself – your hobbies, talents outside of work…”
It starts easy like that, and Hange loses herself in her ramblings so much that she doesn’t notice that Zeke isn’t taking any notes.
But after a few trivial questions – what do you like about journalism, what made you choose this career path, what are subjects you’re most passionate about – everything gets just a little bit stranger.
“What are your greatest strengths?” Zeke asks, then follows it with, “What are your greatest weaknesses?”
Where do you see yourself in five years? What’s your dream job? Do you consider yourself successful?
One question after another tumbles out of his lips, and soon Hange realizes.
It’s not a simple interview, it’s a job interview.
A confused look Levi sends her confirms her suspicion.
“Mister Yeager?” Hange calls after a question about how she prefers to be managed.
“Call me Zeke,” he retorts charmingly.
“Zeke,” she forces a smile and hopes it doesn’t look too fake. “I don’t wish to appear rude… but what is the meaning of this? I thought you wanted an interview for your magazine?”
“It’s more for me than Money Island,” Zeke confesses. “I wish to get to know you better.”
Beside her, Levi tenses. Amongst the noise and clutter of the café, Hange can almost hear the sound of his teeth gritting. She doesn’t spare a glance in his direction, too busy gawking at Zeke.
“May I ask…” she clears her throat, feeling too far away from her comfort zone. “…Why?”
“Sina’s Gossips is a fairly small magazine,” Zeke begins, his voice as sugary as a strawberry cupcake before Hange. “But it became ten times more popular after you started working there. Clearly, you have a lot of potential, and something tells me that advice columnist is not your dream position. So I thought you’d be interested in my offer.”
“Your offer?”
“To change your workplace.”
“But I have no experience in the finance area.”
“I’m willing to give you a chance,” Zeke says graciously. “You’ll have to be approved my by superiors first, of course, and then you’ll need to undergo a bit of training...”
Hange can’t help but frown. “I can’t just abandon my previous position like that.”
“I’m not asking you to. Not now, at least.”
“So what exactly it is that you want?”
It’s Levi who asks, and his low, almost menacing voice startles Hange. She turns to look at him, but his face is as guarded and neutral as it always is.
Zeke raises an eyebrow, his expression curious as he studies Levi. But when he shifts his attention back to Hange, the same handsome smile is already plastered on his lips. “I want to offer a collaboration project. We can use your platform to let people ask things, not about their everyday struggles, but to ask you for an advice about their finance related problems. Our magazine can advertise it, and this will help to expand both yours and ours audience. And…” Zeke pauses, lowering his voice just a fraction. “It will give us a chance to see if you’re up to the job at Money Island or not.”
“I…” it’s a lot to take in, and, naturally, Hange struggles to find her own words. That’s why she’s so grateful when Levi decides to step in.
“We have to discuss with our boss first. Then we can give you a definite answer.”
There is an edge to Zeke’s smile that tells Hange exactly what he thinks about Levi’s interruption. However, it disappears instantly, in a blink of an eye. With his features much more relaxed, Zeke waves a waitress over and asks to bring them a bill.
“I’ll be waiting for your answer,” he says as he stands up. “I enjoyed our time together, Hange Zoe. And I know our companionship will bring me just as much pleasure. I hope we’ll keep in touch.”
He leaves after that, but Hange isn’t yet ready to go. She pushes the cupcake around the plate, mulling it over.
“What do you think?” she asks Levi after five minutes of silence.
“What do you think?” he shoots back, and Hange scoffs, kicking him under the table.
“I asked you first.”
Levi doesn’t answer immediately. He stares at her for a long moment, and there is something in his eyes, something Hange can’t quite understand the meaning of. She wants to know, though, almost asks him, but then Levi breaks the eye contact and slumps back in his chair.
“You’ve always wanted to do something more, right? It’s your chance, Hange.”
“And…” she swallows a heavy lump in her throat and briefly wonders where it had come from. Levi is right, that what she always wanted. Then why she is so hesitant to even entertain the idea? “Do you think I should take it?”
“It’s your chance,” Levi repeats.
He stands up and wraps his hand around her elbow to push Hange up too. His touch is too careful, almost gentle, and the confusion inside her continues to grow.
“Let’s go back to work,” he says, and adds in a voice so quiet, Hange almost misses it. “You did well, Hange.”
Hange goes to find Erwin as soon as they return to the office. She doesn’t tell him about the second part of Zeke’s offer, about the possibility that she’ll soon leave Sina’s Gossips and all of its employees, and focuses only on their future collaboration. Erwin listens to her frantic retelling with a calm, attentive face. He agrees to Zeke’s offer without much thought.
“That is,” he hastily adds, “if you wish to proceed with it, Hange. I don’t wish to force you, so if it’s not something you’re interested in...”
“No, no,” she shakes her head and hopes that the smile she forces on doesn’t look pained. “I’ll be happy to work on this project.”
Is she truly happy, though? Hange isn’t sure anymore.
She spends the whole evening and most hours of night thinking about it.
She goes to the Money Island’s website and reads most of their recent articles. She googles the most prominent employees and reads about them too, every bit of information she can get her hands on.
When the sun is starting to peek out from the horizon, Hange looks up Zeke. She finds out he has his own youtube channel, where he talks – no surprise here – about finance.
Being rich is easy
God, even the name of the channel reeks of arrogance.
But Hange has to admit – Zeke is good at what he’s doing. His pretentious manner of speaking and his apparent habit of scratching his ear is a little irritating, but he talks with confidence and ease that shows just how much knowledge and experience he has.
His videos are engrossing and his articles are, without a doubt, extremely well-written.
Hange likes Zeke, finds him interesting enough, but what he talks and writes about… she can’t help but think that it’s a bit too dull for her taste.
And it’s ironic, it’s foolish, she should be on a cloud nine from the opportunity presented to her. Hange feels like she would have been on a cloud nine… Three years ago.
But now she has a job she loves and people she loves working with. Should she really leave it behind just like that? Can she?
Then again, can she leave behind a dream she nurtured for as long as she could remember? Can she forget about every ambition and desire?
She doesn’t find an answer to that in the evening, it doesn’t come to her during the night.
And Hange can only hope that she’ll be able to answer it when the time comes.
But, instead, Saturday comes, and Hange forces these thought out of her head.
She wants to forget about her doubts, and with Nanaba’s fingers in her hair, a bottle of cold beer in her hands and Mike’s deep voice in her ears, forgetting about everything else is surprisingly easy.
They’re at Nanaba’s summer house, gathered around a brightly-lit brazier. Hange is warm, relaxed and content. Mike’s story about some fisherman from his hometown is a little boring, but Nanaba remedies that fault by whispering sarcastic comments to Hange.
When Mike’s thrilling tale is finally over, Erwin clears his throat, attracting everyone’s attention.
“In case some of you didn’t know, Hange had a very peculiar meeting yesterday…”
“Right,” Nanaba’s grin is too wide and gleeful for Hange’s taste, and when Nanaba fixes her eyes on her, Hange involuntarily squirms. “Very peculiar indeed.”
Knowing but not liking where this is going, Hange leaves the warmth of Nanaba’s lap and moves away. This action brings her to Levi’s side, and he tenses, but doesn’t protest which Hange takes as a sign that she can become a little bolder and lean on his shoulder.
Perhaps, he’ll shield her from Nanaba’s curiosity. Although, Hange has to admit that it’s highly unlikely. No one can stop Nanaba if she gets curious about something. Hange always admired that about her. Not now, though.
“So tell us, Hange,” Nanaba slowly begins, her eyes glinting in the light of the fire. Hange takes a quick survey, and confirms that, yep, everyone is looking at her. Apparently, Nanaba is not the only who is curious. “Did you have a good time?”
“Well, Zeke’s offer looks promising, and that project certainly is intriguing…”
“God, leave that boring stuff to Erwin,” Nanaba rolls her eyes.
Mike agrees with her by adding, “Not everyone here is as nerdy as you two.”
“Exactly,” Nanaba nods. “We want to know more about Zeke. Is he handsome?”
Perhaps, it’s the beer or the warm atmosphere or the fact that everyone – including Levi – is looking expectantly at her, but Hange chuckles and says, “Very much so. Not in the way our fearless leader is,” she salutes Erwin with a bottle, enjoying the slight blush that appears on his cheeks. “But he’s still attractive.”
There is pure wickedness in Nanaba’s gaze, when she leans a little closer to Hange and asks, “Is he as handsome as Levi?”
Hange chokes on her beer. Her eyes water as she coughs it out, her throat is sore, but with the help of Levi’s gentle pats, Hange manages to get her breathing back under control.
She glares at Nanaba as soon as she straightens out, but then remembers the stupid question and feels color rise to her face. She can blame it on a coughing fit. Probably. Hopefully.
“It depends on one’s preferences…” she mumbles, hating how weak her voice sounds.
Nanaba is merciless, though. “What’s your opinion then?”
It takes Hange more than a moment to gather enough courage to sneak a glance at Levi. Their eyes meet, but for no more than a heartbeat. Levi looks away instantly, his hands clenching into fists.
Hange decides to be honest then. Her gaze still fixed to Levi, she murmurs, “No, Zeke is nearly not as handsome as Levi.”
Nanaba coos, Mike guffaws and Erwin simply smiles, like that is exactly the kind of answer he expected.
Levi doesn’t react at all, but Hange is still pressed against him and so she feels – he relaxes considerably.
Hange relaxes too, and moving closer to his ear, she whispers, “Hey, help me get revenge on Nanaba.”
The look in Levi’s eyes is positively evil, wicked enough to send a shiver down a spine. Hange feels that shiver acutely, but… not because it scares her. Truthfully, it has a diametrically opposite effect on her.
“With great pleasure, four-eyes.”
“Oi, Nanaba!” Hange calls. She doesn’t know what to say next, finds it hard to concentrate with Levi so close to her, but she trusts he’ll back her up.
As always, he doesn’t disappoint.
“Is that your lipstick on Mike’s neck?”
There is no lipstick on his neck, Nanaba isn’t even wearing one, but they both panic and they both exchange quick glances. It’s enough of an evidence to make everyone laugh.
Mike is smiling, as he pulls Nanaba closer, tucking her under his arm. “We really suck at being discreet, aren’t we, Nana?”
“That we are,” she agrees with a smile as gentle and loving as Mike’s. “I guess there is something we want to tell you then.”
“About damn time,” Erwin shakes his head. “Do you know how many times I’ve caught you making out in the supply closet? I was getting tired of keeping quiet about it.”
“You didn’t keep quiet about it,” Levi grumbles. “Every time you caught them you ran to tell me.”
“And then me,” Hang gleefully adds.
Nanaba and Mike groan in unison, their faces red as tomato.
“We have the worst friends ever.”
Hange laughs. She very much begs to differ.
Beers and constant laughter very soon make all of them sleepy. That’s how Hange finds herself sandwiched between Erwin and Mike on a bed in the guest room, and though there is enough space for another person to fit in, Nanaba claims the master bedroom, and Levi takes one look at them and retires to the living room, sprawling over the couch.
In Erwin and Mike’s arms Hange feels safe and content. Her previous doubts take a seat back and let her enjoy the night with her friends. Thankfully, sleep comes to her that much easier than it did last night.
It doesn’t last for long, though.
The sun still isn’t up, but the world isn’t dark anymore, when Hange wakes up from her slumber.
Erwin is snoring into her ear, but there is a vacant place to her left, where Mike used to sleep. It’s not hard to guess where he had disappeared to, and Hange allows herself a small smile at the expanse of her friends’ happiness.
She doesn’t feel like sleeping anymore, so she throws one blanket over Erwin and snatches another one, wrapping it around her shoulders. With her feet bare and still dressed in a pajama shorts and Mike’s t-shirt that almost reaches her knees, she leaves the room and goes downstairs, walking outside. She takes a seat at a porch swing and draws a slow, deep breath, taking in the beauty around her.
The world is only starting to wake up, and grey color is more prominent than anything else, but there are just enough soft shades of purple, blue and pink to make up for it. Nanaba’s house sits just at the edge of a clearing that leads to a small lake, and the morning brings thick streak of fog that spreads over crystal surface.
It’s beautiful enough to take her breath away, and Hange loses herself in the calm, gentle feeling that finds its way inside her.
That feeling is strong enough to hide the sound of soft footsteps that approach her. Hange notices someone else’s presence only when the swing starts moving. She startles, her head darting to the side, but relaxes instantly, when she sees Levi’s sharp profile. He’s holding two cups of steaming tea in his hands, and hands one cup to Hange.
“Thank you,” she smiles, inhaling the sweet aroma of tea. It tastes just as sweet as it smells, she realizes after taking the first sip. Then, she turns her attention back to Levi. “I didn’t wake you up, did I?”
“No, I usually wake up at this time. Insomnia,” he says, and, right, now Hange remembers something-something about Levi sleeping not nearly enough for a normal human being. “Heard that you woke up and decided you might want a company.”
“How did you know that it was me who woke up?”
Levi gives her a short glance before shrugging and returning his gaze back to the scenery in front of them. “Your steps are different,” he answers, like it explains everything.
It does explain everything for Levi, Hange muses. He works in a strange, obscure way, so very different from other people. That’s why Hange likes him. That’s why she feels so comfortable with him.
Perhaps, it’s a fault of a dim, morning light or, perhaps, it’s her own sleepiness that changes her perception, but Levi looks a little different, softer around the edges. Because of it, Hange allows herself a small indulgence and moves close enough for their shoulders to touch.
Just a fraction, barely an inch, but she feels Levi move closer as well.
All of it – the colors merging on a horizon, the fog that makes everything look almost ethereal, the sweet tea made by Levi, Levi himself – fuse together to create an impossibly light, gentle feeling that very rarely visits Hange.
In that moment she feels happy, so happy that not even a brief thought of what’s going to happen if I leave is enough to ruin that mood. She simply drowns that pesky doubt down with tea and turns to look at Levi.
“I’m so lucky to have met you all,” she reveals to him in a quiet voice. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so happy before.”
Levi stares at her, and there is something in his eyes, something fierce and at the same time vulnerable that Hange can’t quite understand. She isn’t sure she wants to, not now, at least.
“Let’s stay like this,” she says, almost a plea. “At least, for a little while.”
“As you wish,” Levi agrees easily as though… as though whatever is it that she wants, he’ll get her.
The thought is both comforting and terrifying. Comforting, because it means he cares about her, because it means she’s not alone anymore.
And terrifying, because it makes her happy, and Hange isn’t sure she’d be able to part with that happiness, when the time comes.
No matter how much Hange wants to prolong that fuzzy feeling and stay in that small bubble with her friends, all too soon the weekend ends. Monday comes and with it arrives a new wave of responsibilities.
But not only responsibilities return – Moblit does too, and as soon as she sees him, Hange hugs him close to her chest, laughing when he starts complaining that she squeezes him too much.
“It’s been too quiet without your nagging!” Hange pats him on a back, smiling from ear to ear. “And you’ve missed one hell of a party! We’ve been sleeping so peacefully without your snores.”
“You like my snores,” Moblit argues, and he is right to do so. Moblit’s throaty snores lull her to sleep better than any lullaby. Besides, cuddling with him is always a delight, his tummy softer than any pillow. “And I’ve heard about that party already,” he continues with an almost sly look. “Nanaba told they found you and Levi getting cozy on a porch.”
Hange huffs, turning away from his knowing look. “I see Nanaba’s obsession with gossips is infectious.”
“It’s Sina’s Gossips we’re working at. Love for gossip is the requirement to get a position here,” Moblit jokes, and Hange shakes her head with a low chuckle.
Moblit’s been absent for just a week, but it was enough to make her miss him like crazy. She’s glad he is back. And more than anything, she wants to chat some more, but the work doesn’t wait.
She contacts Zeke as she drinks her first cup of coffee, and not even five minutes pass before he schedules another meeting with her.
There is no need for your editor to join us this time :)
Hange isn’t sure what irritates her more – Zeke’s apparent dislike of Levi or the stupid emoji.
However, Erwin’s words ring in her ear, yet another reminder that this is important, Hange, we can’t afford to blow this off, especially not with a man like Zeke on board. So she replies him with a stupid emoji of her own, and, gritting her teeth, adds that she is looking forward to their meeting.
Then, not wanting to repeat her last mistake, Hange checks the place Zeke has invited her to. This time it’s a restaurant, and a flashy one at that. The time he sets the meeting for – seven pm – is another hint that it is not a casual meeting, and therefore she needs to wear something better than her usual clothes.
She isn’t sure she can pull it off all by herself, though, and she isn’t sure there is at least one item of clothing in her closet that can be classified as fancy, so Hange asks Nanaba to help.
Nanaba agrees instantly, her eyes brightening up at the prospect. She promises to come over at the evening of the meeting with Zeke, bring some new clothes for Hange and pick up something classy.
At five pm sharp, just two hours before her meeting, Nanaba shows at Hange’s place, holding two large packages.
She doesn’t come alone, and with wide eyes Hange watches how Mike, Moblit and Levi trail inside her apartment after Nanaba.
“Erwin couldn’t make it, because he’s old and boring,” Nanaba cheerfully informs her. “But he asked to send him pictures of every look I’d pick for you.”
“Has anyone told you how wicked and vile you are?” Hange asks her with a glare that could almost rival Levi’s.
“Mike makes sure to tell me this regularly,” Nanaba flippantly replies. “Now go and get changed! We don’t have all evening.”
It takes five changes of clothes to finally find something that satisfies Nanaba’s fashion sense and doesn’t make Hange feel like she’s out of her element.
She is dressed in a dark brown suit with a black shirt underneath, and after Nanaba makes a controlled mess out of her hair, Hange has to agree – she looks very good.
“Let’s show you to the boys,” Nanaba whispers before taking a quick photo for Erwin. She pushes Hange into the living room, where Mike, Moblit and Levi are already waiting for her, all of them nursing a bottle of beer. “We’ve got yes from Erwin!” Nanaba cheerfully announces after checking her phone.
“That’s a definite yes from me too,” Mike nods in agreement.
“You look so handsome,” Moblit says earnestly, despite his shy smile.
Levi doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t tear his eyes away from Hange either. As she waits for his verdict, Hange wonders if the desire to change her look, because Levi obviously doesn’t like it, is simply stupid or downright pathetic.
“Levi,” Nanaba glowers at him, when the silence stretches for far too long.
Hange wants to deflate the tension with some joke, but then Levi clears his throat. “Not bad, four-eyes,” he says, making her heart stumble. “Go get that stupid monkey.”
Hange wants to hug him, so, so much, but she’s afraid to ruin the suit, so she settles on thanking him with a bright, happy smile.
Levi’s expression softens like that is all the thanks he desires.
“Continue making heart eyes at Levi, and you’ll miss your little meeting, Hans,” Nanaba whispers.
Hange hopes the red on her cheeks will be interpreted as anger, but Nanaba is right – she has to hurry, all this effort would be in vain if she arrives even a little too late.
“C’mon,” Mike wraps an arm around her shoulders. “We’ll give you a lift.”
Hange smiles, feeling so grateful – to all of them. She wouldn’t be ready for this evening if it wasn’t for Nanaba, she probably wouldn’t get that deal with Zeke if it wasn’t for Levi, her column wouldn’t be so successful if it wasn’t for Moblit’s assistance and Mike’s constant help, she wouldn’t have this job, this family if it wasn’t for Erwin who decided to hire her.
They all wish her luck one last time at the entrance of the restaurant. Nanaba and Moblit fruitlessly try to peek inside and get a glimpse of Zeke, when Levi wraps his hand around her wrist, dragging Hange aside.
“It’s Tuesday,” he says matter-of-factly.
More than a little confused, Hange blinks, then nods in affirmative, she knows it’s Tuesday, she’s not that disorganized.
“It’s Tuesday,” he repeats, tilting his head just so.
It is only then, to Hange’s shame, that she finally understands what he means.
“The letters, right?” she grins, proud of her own quick-wittedness. It took her only a moment to guess.
“I sent them over already. If you won’t be too exhausted after the meeting…”
“I’ll check them out as soon as I get home,” she promises.
There is nothing else to say, nothing else to do but walk away from Levi and inside the restaurant, where Zeke is probably waiting for her. Still… Hange is reluctant to leave. There is something between her and Levi, something almost tangible, and it keeps her glued to his side.
This feeling, it grows bigger, harder to ignore, until—
Until it disappears, when Nanaba tugs at her hand. Hange allows her friend to pull her away from Levi, stopping just for a second to turn around and wave him goodbye. Levi’s face is set in the usual scowl, but his gaze softens, and it fuels Hange with determination and resolve.
She looks around and, encouraged by her friends’ unwavering support, steps inside the restaurant.
Just as Hange predicted, Zeke is already there. When he notices her approach, he stands up and with a dazzling smile and pulls a chair for her.
“Hange Zoe,” he all but purrs. “You’re absolutely ravishing tonight.”
His words are too sweet, Zeke himself is too sweet to seem genuine, but Hange gives him a smile nevertheless. His compliment doesn’t succeed in making her heart race like Levi’s quiet ‘not bad, four-eyes’ did, but it still pleases her.
She doesn’t believe he truly means it, knows that Zeke uses flirting to get something out of her, but, oh well… if a man like Zeke Yeager wants something from her… isn’t it already fluttering?
“I took a liberty to order for you myself, if you don’t mind,” Zeke says.
Hange does mind, not that she can express it now, after Zeke already ordered. That’s exactly what he was counting for, Hange can very well see it – in the slight curve of his mouth and an amused shine in his eyes.
“As long as the meal is delicious,” she murmurs slyly.
Zeke laughs, and Hange mentally congratulates herself. Erwin would be so proud.
Speaking of Erwin…
“My boss agreed to your offer, he’s very interested in it and hopes…”
“Hange,” Zeke cuts her off with a wave of his hand. “We have work email to discuss things like that. Delicious food, beautiful night… why don’t we simply enjoy it? We can talk about work later.”
Hange frowns, looking at the man before her intently. For the life of her, she can’t comprehend what does he want from her.
“You’re a journalist with bright future ahead of you,” Zeke says, like he knows what exactly Hange is thinking about. “I want to help you succeed, but, aside from that, you’re an intriguing person. I simply wish to get to know you better. Is it so bad?”
Either she really sucks at reading people, or Zeke is that good of an actor, but… he seems genuine enough. Hange struggles with keeping her suspicion.
Before she can give him an answer, their food is brought in. The plate before Hange looks more expensive than she could probably afford, and she is pretty sure she won’t be able to even pronounce the name of a dish, but she takes a first bite, and… can barely resist a moan.
It’s good, really good – spicy but not bitter, and just crunchy and juicy enough.
“Is it delicious?” Zeke quirks an eyebrow, smug and amused.
The dish is so tasty, Hange can’t find it in herself to snap at him. “It’s perfect,” she confesses, sending another slice into her mouth.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, to be honest, I was quite nervous about your reaction.”
Zeke doesn’t look nervous in the slightest, but if he’s so dead-set on playing a gentleman tonight, Hange can indulge him.
“So what exactly do you want to know about me?” she asks, pouring wine in both of their glasses.
“Ah, right,” Zeke pushes the glasses up his nose. “The first thing I’m interested in…”
They spend the whole dinner talking, jumping from one topic to another. Despite his arrogance, Zeke is an interesting man, he knows how to entertain and engage his companion, and so very soon Hange loses herself in conversation with him.
Time flies fast, and when they stand up from the table, Hange is shocked to discover that it’s almost ten in the evening.
Zeke remains a gentleman till the very end, and after paying their bill, he drives Hange home. He stops just outside of her apartment block, and when he turns off the engine, Hange knows she is ought to say something.
“I had fun. Thank you for the evening.” She says, and she means it. She doesn’t feel nearly as happy as when she is with her friends from Sina’s Gossips, but Zeke proved to be a good company. Hange is looking forward to working with him.
“I should be the one thanking you,” Zeke tilts his head, ever the charmer. “I’ll see you again?”
“Sure,” Hange agrees and gets out of the car. “Good night,” she yells into his open window and then hurries up the steps to her apartment.
Exhaustion sips into her bones the moment Hange crosses the threshold. She kicks off the shoes and takes off the suit, trudging up to the shower. Once she is clean and fresh, she falls onto her bed and gets under the blankets. Only then, Hange remembers her conversation with Levi.
With the last bit of her energy, she takes the phone into her hands and unlocks it, going immediately to the mail. She isn’t awake enough to read all the letters, so she just quickly scrolls through them. A thank you message from a man who found his lobster… a distraught mother who doesn’t know how to communicate with her son… a middle-aged teacher with a mid-life crisis… Hange scrolls further down, until she sees a familiar username.
She smiles and opens the letter.
Good day, and thank you again for the last advice. Admittedly, I was a bit skeptical about it, “trust that she knows you well enough” seemed just that side of too easy, but I think she does know me well enough to see through my rude exterior. What’s more, I think she knows me well enough to see things I don’t even wish to show her. I can’t yet decide if that’s a good thing, or a terrifying one.
Alas, there is another problem, one that bothers me constantly.
Without getting too much into details… there is a chance she might leave the company we both work for. I know it might not seem that awful, we can still remain friends even if we don’t work together, but… I’m afraid we’ll drift apart when she leaves. Without common ground, without our friends bringing us together, she wouldn’t have a reason to talk to me. Maybe, she wouldn’t even want to.
But that’s not the thing that bothers me the most. She hasn’t yet decided if she wants to leave or not, and, as much as I am reluctant to let her go, I… I wish she follows her dreams, even if they tear us apart. But she’s perceptive, and, as I’ve mentioned before, she knows things about me that I very well try to hide. So what if she learns about my reluctance? What if it somehow influences her final decision?
I don’t wish for that to happen, whether she stays or she leaves, I don’t want to be her reason for either.
Because if she grows to be unhappy about that decision… I don’t think I’ll be able to take.
I… don’t think I’ve explained my point clear enough, maybe, because it’s not clear enough in my mind too. However, as always, I put my trust in you.
You haven’t left me down before, after all.
Thanks for bearing with me. Hopefully, it’s not the last time.
Hange groans in frustration, as she comes to an end of the letter. Here she was hoping to receive some sweet news from her lover boy, but he presented her with another dilemma instead. And one that is so similar to hers too. Maybe, it’s a sign, a way of universe telling her… something. The message is not yet clear enough.
Perhaps, with a little time, she’ll be able to decipher it. But as for now, Hange decides, putting the phone on top of the bedside table, the only thing she really, really needs is sleep.
And, thankfully, it comes to her easily.
The next day Hange dives deep into work and stays in the depth of articles, lectures, textbooks and letters from readers for entire two weeks.
In almost everything, Zeke is the one to assist her. Email exchange, video calls, personal meetings… because of all that, Zeke seems to be constantly by her side.
He invites her to his company, organizes the tour around the offices, introduces her to every employee. They’re nice, Hange supposes. Overly politely and unnaturally friendly, but that’s to be expected from total strangers.
Zeke shows her his office – a big room with glass walls and large window that overlooks the city. It drives to a point just how different their newspapers are. It almost makes Hange self-conscious about inviting him to her own office. Thankfully, Levi is there to chase away any discomfort.
As soon as Zeke gets inside their office, Levi is there, glaring at him like he’s trying to burn a hole in his head.
“As Hange’s editor, I’m here to oversee your work with her,” he explains, and proceeds to critique everything Zeke does.
Zeke’s habit of scratching his ear makes him look like a monkey and his beard makes him look like a homeless person, his voice makes Levi’s head hurt, his cologne stinks, he talks too much and works too little, his jokes aren’t funny and his remarks are unnecessary. Levi finds a way to insult everything about Zeke.
Hange would have reprimanded him, she did a few times, but she can’t deny that Levi’s hatred is… kind of funny. It’s petty and childish, but at the same time hilarious to the point that Hange has to constantly bite the inside of her cheeks otherwise she’d be laughing at his jabs like a mad person.
Still, Zeke is an important business partner and her possible colleague, so…
“Please forgive Levi for his… lack of professionalism,” she tells Zeke when Levi leaves to bring them tea. Just moments before Levi had called Zeke ‘an insufferable snob who doesn’t give a single fuck about people around him’, so naturally, Hange feels that apology in an absolute necessity this time.
“Don’t worry, I’m not offended,” Zeke smiles, and it looks just that side of arrogant, reminding Hange about Levi’s words and making her feel like maybe, his assertion of Zeke isn’t entirely wrong. “His reason for acting like that is perfectly understandable. When one stands between a man and his… well,” Zeke trails off, staring at Hange enigmatically.
His what? Zeke is standing between Levi and… what? Is it the reason why they don’t like each other so much? Is it something that happened in the past? Or is it a recent development?
Hange wants to ask, but the moment for this is lost, when Levi comes back, holding a trail in his hands.
“I spat into your coffee,” he says to Zeke with the most deadpan expression. If Hange didn’t know Levi a little better, she’d believe that he actually did it. But Zeke isn’t fooled so easily, so he just wolfishly grins and thanks Levi in a sweet voice. Levi swears under his breath and then turns to Hange, murmuring, “Yours is with three sugars.”
“Just as you like it,” Zeke sing-songs, and Hange can’t stop laughter from bubbling out of her throat at the sight of pure hatred on Levi’s usually indifferent face.
“Let’s get back to work,” she says, still chuckling.
Thankfully, they both listen to her.
When Zeke leaves to return to his own office, Hange breathes out in relief. She stretches her arms and sprawls out her long legs beneath the desk with a pleased hum. Working with Zeke is satisfying enough, but with just Levi around, she feels much more at ease.
“So,” she nudges his foot with her leg. “What’s up with you and Zeke? What is the source of a drama?” and, remembering Zeke’s previous comment Hange adds, “Did he steal your crush or what?”
Levi looks affronted. He glares at Hange, hands crossed on his chest and a slight pout curving his lips.
Hange thinks he’s going to tell her to fuck off, almost expects him too, but this time, Levi surprises her.
“Remember my cousin? Mikasa?”
Of course, Hange does. How could she ever forget Mikasa, the only person in this world with a scowl as scary as Levi’s?
“Well, Zeke has a little brother, a brat named Eren.”
Hange nods, she vaguely remembers Levi mentioning some brother, and, more than once, Zeke had bragged to her about Eren, his darling sibling.
“He and Mikasa are friends, and my idiot cousin has been pining after him for years.”
Hange has some troubles imagining a pining Ackerman, and she briefly wonders what Levi would act like, if he had been pining after someone. Can he even pine?
“Eren had been an asshole to her, even made her cry once, so...”
“So?” Hange prompts, practically at the edge of her seat.
“So I decided to teach him a lesson. I wanted to scare him a bit, but it kinda backfired when Zeke spotted the two of us. I wasn’t going to punch him or anything, but apparently that’s how it looked.”
Levi sighs. “And Zeke did what he could to protect his little brother.”
“He punched you?” Hange’s eyes are wide, as she tries to imagine that particular scene. Zeke is so much bigger than Levi, if he had punched him… Hange suddenly feels very angry.
“No, although I wish he did. It happened just outside of our university, and so Zeke had me reported to the dean. Something about assaulting a minor… it almost got me expelled.”
“What a fucker,” Hange growls, her fist clenching involuntarily. She knew just how hard it was for Levi to get into that university and pay for the classes, and to think that he nearly got expelled because of something so stupid…
“It was an asshole move, I agree. But a part of me actually understands him.”
“Huh? Why?”
Hange can’t even fathom a reason to defend what Zeke did. She knows she would never forgive him for that. It doesn’t seem like Levi has forgiven him either, but he understands him? Hange doesn’t think she would be as gracious.
“Do you have a sibling, four-eyes?” Levi asks. “Or a cousin?”
With a thoughtful expression, he hums. “That’s why you don’t understand.”
His answer confuses Hange. And at the same time, it intrigues her. She knows that a bond between siblings is a special one, and as an only child, she can’t grasp the meaning of it. Levi seems to cherish his relationship with Mikasa, even if he always calls her a brat and complains about her bad manners. It must be nice to have someone, a friend that lives with you in the same house. Hange can’t exactly imagine it, but she acknowledges the importance of it anyway.
“But enough of this,” Levi says, bringing her out of her thoughts. “Your collaboration with Zeke is almost at its end. Your article will come out in a few days, have you decided what are you going to do next? Have you already told Erwin that Zeke offered you a place at his newspaper?”
“I haven’t.”
She doesn’t quite know how to approach this conversation. What’s more, she doesn’t quite know what her decision is. Money Island is an opportunity that shouldn’t be ignored, Hange doesn’t want to ignore it. A resignation letter that is hidden inside the desk's drawer is a testament to this. It will give her career a boost she always dreamed of, and Hange can’t let it just slide past her. She isn’t going to, probably, but… she is reluctant.
“We still don’t know if our collaboration will turn out to be a success or not,” she adds, an attempt to justify her indecisiveness. “Maybe, Zeke wouldn’t want to do anything with me, if we fail.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Levi rolls his eyes, apparently refusing to even entertain this idea. “The article will be a success. And you’ll do great at that job.”
Hange snickers in an attempt to lighten up the mood, to distract Levi from her unease. “Sounds like you just want to get rid of me.”
“It’s your decision,” Levi doesn’t deny, not confirm her comment. It sets Hange just a little further on edge. “What I want doesn’t matter whatsoever.”
His words sound familiar, strangely so, but Hange refuses to think about it any further. The words might sound like those from the lover boy’s letter, but the context is different. Levi and him are different. And whoever lover boy is devoted to, Hange is sure that she and that person are different too.
“I’m starving,” Levi stands up, a bit too abruptly, but Hange is too lost in her thoughts to take note of it. “Let’s steal some food from Mike.”
Hange smiles, grateful for the offer, and stands up to join Levi. “I saw Erwin bring yoghurt today.”
“We need to hurry then,” he grabs her hand, quickening her stride. “Otherwise Nanaba will steal it before we even have a chance.”
Hange laughs and eagerly follows after him.
When the article finally comes out, it turns out to be a glaring success. Both newspapers gain new audience, a number of newcomers bigger than Erwin had anticipated.
Everyone is happy and proud of Hange accomplishment. No one is surprised at her success.
Mike, Nanaba and Moblit all but run into her office, interrupting each other in their haste to congratulate her.
Levi is the last one to approach her. He wears an unusually open, almost happy expression.
“Told you’d do great,” he murmurs.
Hange knows she shouldn’t do it, knows that Levi won’t enjoy it, his aversion to invasion of his personal space is proverbial, but… Hange accomplished a lot, right? She deserves a little celebratory gift.
With that in mind, she shortens the distance between them and goes in for the tightest, squishiest hug she had in a while.
Levi grunts his protest, but doesn’t object further. In a move that sets Hange’s heart ablaze, he wraps his arms around her too.
Hange likes hugs, receives lots of them – at parties, she often cuddles with Nanaba and Mike, sometimes falls asleep with Erwin holding her close, and Moblit always gets too clingy when he has a little too much to drink. She enjoys embracing her friends, but a hug from Levi – perhaps, Hange tries to reason, because it is such a rare occurrence – makes her brim with unbridled happiness.
After the short, but very much enjoyed celebratory hug, Hange invites her friends to get celebratory drinks.
The evening is great, it is filled with pleasant conversation and so much laughter that Hange’s stomach starts to ache from it. The evening is great, could have been perfect… if Hange could forget about the resignation letter that is hidden inside her desk’s drawer.
It is a little after midnight, when they leave the bar and call it a night. But while everyone else heads to their homes, Hange decides to come to the office.
Almost wistfully, she turns on the computer. The first thing she sees is the time and the date, displayed at the bottom of a screen, that tells her it’s the early hours of Wednesday.
The second thing she sees is a notification that Levi sent her a letter.
Right. It’s letters day. Perhaps, the last one for her.
Hange opens the mail, her eyes instantly searching for the familiar username. She doesn’t find it.
She goes through the whole archive again, this time much slower. Still nothing. Then – what if third time is a charm – she scrolls down to the bottom once more. And…
No luck.
It’s the first time in a while that Hange doesn’t receive a letter from the lover boy. It can be a good thing, she supposes. Maybe, the lover boy finally confessed and his beloved stayed with him. Maybe, that’s why he doesn’t need her advices anymore. Or, maybe… Maybe, she left. That will explain the absence of the letter too.
It’s just a letter, from a total stranger at that, but Hange feels sad. Her eyes water as she stares at the computer screen.
She can’t help but wonder – did lover boy’s beloved know about his feelings? Did she decide to leave anyway? Or was she none the wiser about the extent of his affections towards her? If so, did she regret leaving him behind?
Would Hange herself regret leaving her job and friends?
She’s not sure. The worst thing about regret is that it doesn’t appear until after you’ve already done something.
Maybe, she will regret it, maybe, she won’t. The only way to find out is to keep moving forward.
With a heavy heart and tear-streaked face, Hange takes the resignation letter out of the drawer.
When she breaks the news to Erwin, he is not at all surprised. He’s not even angry or disappointed, he doesn’t ask to reconsider. A part of Hange wishes he did. That would give her an excuse to stay.
His smile is sad, but at the same time it’s proud. He thanks Hange for three years of hard work and wishes her the best of luck.
“When you’ll get rich and famous,” he says as he wraps his arm around her. “Think of us sometimes, even if briefly.”
Hange’s answering laugh sounds more like a sob. “How could I ever forget all of you?”
Erwin chuckles and wipes away her tears. “You’re a star, Hange, don’t you ever doubt it.”
Her last day at work ends with Hange getting shit-faced at their favorite bar. Everyone else is just as drunk as she is – Nanaba refuses to let go of her arm, Mike keeps asking her to call him every day, and Moblit has already cried for three times.
The only semi-sober ones are Erwin, who has to show up to shareholders’ meeting tomorrow morning, and Levi, who is an abnormal human being that alcohol holds no power over.
In the end, he is the one tasked to bring Hange home.
For the entire of their ride to her apartment complex, Hange does her best to behave. She breaks down as soon as they get inside.
Apparently thinking that forcing her to shower would be too much of a bother, Levi leads her straight to the bedroom.
Hange doesn’t fight it, too exhausted to do so, but when Levi starts tucking her in, she grabs his wrist.
“Levi,” she says, and the amount of alcohol she consumed earlier makes it easier to not give a fuck that her voice sounds almost pleading. “Levi, what do you think about me leaving?”
Levi has said nothing on the topic throughout the whole evening. And, while he has given her a hint about his stance on it before, and it probably wouldn’t matter at all, since she is going to leave anyway, Hange still wants to know.
“I told you before,” he doesn’t pull his hand away from her grasp, if anything he moves a little closer, sitting at the edge of her bed. “My opinion doesn’t matter.”
“It matters,” Hange assures. “To me, it matters.”
“It shouldn’t.”
“Do you want me to stay?” she looks deep into his eyes, but be it the influence of alcohol or the absence of her glasses… she can’t read him at all. “If you really do, maybe—”
“No.” Levi cuts her off sharply. “No, Hange, there is no maybe. It’s your decision, and my feelings can’t become your reason.”
Again, the words are familiar, but Hange is drunk. Hange is filled with alcohol and conflicting emotions and lingering doubts. Besides, she’s too lost in the intense look inside Levi’s eyes to make sense of anything else.
“Good night,” Levi whispers, pressing his lips to her forehead in a feather light, achingly gentle kiss. “I hope you will be happy.”
He leaves just before Hange thinks of asking him to stay.
Hange swears to stay in touch with everyone at Sina’s Gossips, and she fully intends to keep that promise, but then— then the work gets in the way.
Her first week at Money Island is all but a blur. There is so much to do, so much to learn, and Hange gets lost in it almost immediately.
She stays in the office after hours, she works during weekends, every waking moment is essentially spent on trying to make sense of it all. The employees of Money Island help, which Hange is immensely grateful for, and she is no stranger to working after hours, but… what made her power through it before is not there anymore.
After two weeks she spends on her new job, Hange can’t deny it anymore – her new position is boring.
All these numbers, charts, net worth, stocks options, so on and so forth… it’s so dull and tiresome, it sucks all of Hange’s enthusiasm and inspiration.
That thrill, that excitement, it isn’t there anymore, there is no passion to fuel her, no purpose worth pursuing.
At least, her new colleagues are nice enough. However… Hange can’t help but compare them to her old ones.
Pieck is funny and kind, but not nearly as kind as Nanaba. Porco’s jokes, no matter what he thinks about them, aren’t as hilarious as Mike’s, and watching the development of his relationship with Pieck doesn’t give Hange the same thrill as Nanaba and Mike’s relationship did. Onyankopon is so polite, and he’s always ready to help, but he isn’t as endearingly awkward and cute as Moblit. Her new boss, Magath, isn’t half the man Erwin is. And Zeke… Zeke doesn’t even begin to compare with Levi.
Hange wants to like them, she really does, but all this work leaves little to no time to hang out with her friends, and their absence makes her more unwilling to connect with the new colleagues.
Out of sheer stubbornness, Hange continues working for another two weeks, hoping that maybe, with just enough time, she’ll get her spark back.
She is in the middle of writing another article, something about yet another failing company, when her phone pings, announcing a notification. Taking it a sign from above that she needs to take a break, Hange looks away from the computer screen and redirects her attention to the phone.
The notification announces a new letter, to her personal account. Intrigued, Hange opens it and almost squeals when she sees the username.
Hange stares at it for a long, long moment. The letter isn’t redirected as it usually was, meaning… the lover boy knows her personal mail address, or…
The lover boy is someone she actually knows.
Not sure which one is more improbable, Hange opens the letter. It’s an unusually short one.
It’s been almost a month since she left. I still miss her every damn day. Do you have any advice how to stop it?
In that moment, everything clicks. Every coincidence and conjunction, every moment she felt like she could connect to the lover boy, every time his dilemma perfectly reflected her own. The fact that he knows her email address and the fact that he mentioned one month, precisely the amount of time that passed since she left Sina’s Gossips… there are too many seemingly random things that together create a clear enough picture.
Hange rereads the letter again, just to make sure that it’s real, just to make sure that she isn’t imagining it, that it isn’t wishful thinking.
It doesn’t seem like it is, Hange doesn’t believe it is, and a realization forces a surprised, happy laugh out of her throat.
It takes her but a moment to set her mind, and then, Hange closes the word document with an article, not bothering to save it. She opens another one right after that, and starts writing what will be another resignation letter, this time addressed to CEO of Money Island, Theo Magath. When she finishes, Hange opens powerpoint and proceeds to make a presentation that consists of almost eighty slides.
Perhaps, not her best work, but Hange is confident it will suffice.
She doesn’t bother waiting for Magath to come back from his meeting to give him a letter. She bumps into Zeke just as she exits the small office they gave her, and she thrusts the resignation letter into his hands before he can pull her into one of his endless, mostly one-sided conversation that serve mainly to stroke his ego.
When he takes a look at the letter, Zeke seems regretful, but— not at all surprised.
“I hoped you’d stay with us for a little longer…” he confesses with a slow shake of his head. “But I guess we can’t do what we don’t love.”
“I’m sorry,” Hange says, a small compensation.
“Don’t be,” Zeke waves her off, as easily and smoothly as he does everything else. “However, if you ever decide to go on a date with someone taller than a middle-schooler…”
Really, even Zeke knows? Is she that oblivious?
“You’ll be the first one to know,” Hange laughs, feeling lighter than she did in weeks.
Without wasting anymore time, Hange ducks into her office, grabs what little things she brought here and then rushes to small, not at all impressive, but so dearly loved building of Sina’s Gossips.
Just before entering, she stops and looks up at the front door. Finally… she feels at peace.
A moment is all she allows, before she walks inside.
Her first stop is Erwin’s office, where Hange plugs a USB and starts her presentation before Erwin can even ask what she’s doing here. It takes absolutely nothing to convince him to give her position back, but it does take the whole eighty slides to make him at the very least consider her new proposition – a new segment where Hange will be observing local news. It’s not much, but it’s a start, and a promising one at that.
“But I still need you to take care of the advice column,” Erwin warns just after he surrenders to Hange’s enthusiasm that slowly starts to come back to her. “Mike is quite terrible at it.”
“Consider it done, chief!” Hange exclaims with a quick salute.
Erwin smiles and stands up to embrace her. “Then, Hange Zoe, welcome back to Sina’s Gossips.”
Hange is smiling so much, she worries that her face might break.
After Erwin, she runs straight into Nanaba’s arms. As they embrace, Nanaba laughs, then cries, then laughs again.
“God, Hange, I’m so happy you came back,” she says, wiping her tears. “I was this close to dying of boredom.”
“You don’t know boredom until you’ve worked in finance, Nana.”
They laugh in unison, and Hange’s heart is full of affection, when Nanaba wetly kisses her cheek.
Just before stopping at Moblit’s desk, Hange heads to break room and is lucky enough to find Mike eating a sandwich there.
Hange steals it with a delighted laughter, instantly taking a huge bite.
“Never thought I’d miss someone stealing my food,” he shakes his head with a big smile. “But here we are, I guess. It’s good to have you back, Hans.”
At first, Moblit doesn’t actually believe she is real. He rubs his eyes and squints at her, tentatively touches her arm, gives her another once-over, and whatever he noticed – perhaps, it’s her mismatched socks – convinces him that he isn’t seeing things.
And then gathers her in his arms.
“They made me work with Levi,” he whispers into her shoulders. “Please, don’t leave me again.”
Hange laughs – she does it a lot today, compensating for that month she spent feeling sorry for herself – and pats Moblit’s shoulder.
“Speaking of our favorite shorty, where is he?”
“In his office, probably brooding as always. Since you left, he’s been doing it more often. ”
Hange thanks Moblit with a quick peck on his cheek, and then she is moving again, now heading to her final destination.
The inside of Levi’s office is dark, and awfully quiet. The only sound is the click-clack of the keyboard and the only light comes from the computer screen. It further highlights the dark circle under his eyes and the overall paleness of his face.
Hange clears her throat to get his attention.
Levi’s eyes snap to her, widening almost immediately. There is an ocean of questions, ready to spill from his lips, but Hange doesn’t give him a chance to voice any of them.
“So there is this guy, he’s been sending letters to me since forever. He’s so sweet, a true romantic, and, well, his letters were kinda the highlight of my week,” she pauses to take a quick breath, and continues. “And I’ve been rooting so hard for him, you know? I wanted him to get together with that sweetheart of his, but I also felt like she was kinda oblivious, if you get what I’m talking about. Perhaps, not completely blind, but with a vision poor enough to miss what is right in front of her. Or, perhaps, she always has her head up in the clouds and the guy is a little short, so it’s easy to miss him? And-”
“So you’ve figured it out then?” Levi interrupts her. His calmness makes Hange more nervous.
“I have.”
“Only now?”
“Hm,” a ghost of a smile dances around his narrow lips. “Completely blind then.”
Hange huffs, but she can’t resist a smile of her own. She takes a step towards his desk, hopping right on top of it.
“Just so we’re clear,” she touches his forearm, slowly moving her hand up to his shoulder. “You weren’t my reason to leave, Levi. And you aren’t the reason I’m staying. But,” she leans in, hoping that Levi is not as stupid and she is, and he gets the hint that she wants him to lean closer too. “You’re the reason I decided to come back. And for that, I can’t thank you enough.”
Hange closes her eyes, when Levi gently cups her cheek. With bated breath, she waits to feel his lips on hers.
Her lover boy doesn’t disappoint, and the gentle, loving kiss makes her head spin.
After a short moment of bliss, Levi pulls away, and Hange has to forcefully stop herself from chasing after his lips. He smirks at the dazed look in her eyes, and Hange just has to retaliate.
She strokes the skin of his cheek with the most tender of touches, shortening the distance between them with tantalizingly slow speed. Just when they’re less than a breath apart, Hange whispers, in a quiet, endlessly soft voice, “You know, Levi, wings of freedom is a really stupid username.”
Levi pushes her off the desk for that, but it’s still worth it. Even more so, since he catches her right in his arms.
And then her lover boy kisses her again. And again, and again, until her heart is so full of love that she can’t even find it in her to get angry at Mike, who snaps a picture of them and runs away to tell everyone the news.
“They’ll be gossiping about that for weeks,” Levi grumbles.
Hange laughs, smoothing the crease between his eyebrows. “Well, it’s Sina’s Gossips we’re working at. And didn’t you know? Love for the gossip is the requirement to get a position here.”
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moreidsdaughter · 4 years ago
broken (1)
spencer reid x reader
genre: angst!!
tw: depression, smoking, mentions of not eating, insomnia, suicidal ideation or thoughts.
word count: 1k
summary: in which the broken girl tells her story!
a/n: AHH! THIS IS MY FIRST SERIES AND IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU GUYS! also, thank you @geeky-son-dr-reid, @moss-honey-and-sage, and @haileyyturner for the fic beta
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Sometimes I feel like a burden. As though I constantly nag people by being myself. It's sad, unfortunate; but it’s true. It’s something that weighs me down everyday, and I wish I didn’t feel this way. I wish I didn’t feel this way. I have attempted to talk about these things, in vain.  I have to  be this strong beam of light for many. I’m an FBI agent that works for the BAU. I go out and observe the psyche of criminals week after week. I know so much about the human brain, yet I can’t fix myself. I can’t fix my mess of a brain, it’s like a used machine; wiring in shambles, tangled, mangled, burnt out and used.
I hate times like these.
Depressive episodes not like TV episodes. A not-so-magical spell that could last days, weeks—months, even. I sit  on my bed all night, staring at the blank ceiling awaiting to feel something, anything at this point. My body feels heavy, like the weight of thousands of rocks pressing against the mattress. Then, after what feels like ages my alarm rings and then I know that it’s time to start my day. Work. The only thing that brings me anything near a spark of joy nowadays.
I get up and start my mindless, robotic routine. It doesn’t require much thought and I like that, but it feels so wrong. It feels wrong to feel nothing. It feels wrong to be numb. It feels wrong when your chest is light because of the lack of emotion. Wrong, but comforting. I get up, take a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, and head out the door, with only a cigarette for breakfast. Over and over again, day after day. It's like clockwork.
I used to smoke in high school, only to burn stress and look cool. After knowing the side effects and what it could lead to, I stopped. But, I no longer care enough to stop. Perhaps it’s just me being reckless; my life doesn’t mean much anyways.
I walk into the BAU, trying my best to look lively and not sluggish. I try not to look like the shell of a human that I’ve become; I don’t eat much or take care of myself when I don’t need to. I tend to swallow all the negative emotions that I have to be dealt with later. I don’t want to cry nor talk about these issues in front of my coworkers, my friends. I don’t want to burden them with my problems and I don’t want their pity. I don’t want this pity because there are bigger problems to deal with, we have people to save. I know that my problems don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Every “Are you okay?” is answered with a “Yes, I’m fine.” or a fake, but believable “I’m doing great!”
However, I’m not okay. I’m not fine or great and I haven’t been for a long time.
People ask that question everyday expecting a new response, but truly how is anyone going to have a different answer everyday? If they do, chances are they’re lying. Not that much changes day to day. Other people may not have the routine that I have, but what really changes day to day? The variables are the same. The people are the same, whether you have coworkers or children. Everything is the same, but with minimal changes. Minimal, meaningless changes. I rush to sit down at my desk, so the lightheadedness doesn’t take any further effect. Then, right when I think I have time to catch my breath, Hotch calls for us to meet in the conference room. I get up and walk, but stumble like an idiot. Way to make a fool of myself.‘Shit, they can’t think anything is wrong. I can’t ruin things like I normally do.’ I thought, rushing to the conference room, ready to hear about the new case.
3rd POV now? Spencer looks across the room, seeing Y/n sitting down at her desk and staring at nothing. ‘It’s almost as if she had nothing going on inside, but at the same time it looked as if she were at war with herself.’ he ponders. Before he can  think any further, he hears Hotch’s call and leaves for the conference room. With his eyes still on Y/n, he gets up slowly but is startled when he sees Y/n stumble.
“What is going on with her?” he says quietly so she couldn’t hear him. The concern was evident in his soft whisper.
Y/n squabbles to stand up straight, it’s almost as if she is going to faint. His eyes are still on her, worrying about what’s to come next. He looks down, not wanting to believe what he was seeing. Y/n had been like this for a while and it seemed like no one noticed but him. Maybe she hadn’t been eating enough or sleeping, and when she comes into work the faint smell of cigarette smoke lingers in the air. And he knows it’s not his business, but he can’t help but be concerned; she just seems out of it. Nobody else sees it, so maybe he’s just imagining it. But he can’t be, she’s been like this for months and it seems to be getting worse. And when he looks up, she’s walking into the conference room as if she hadn’t just stumbled.
“Pretty boy, get in here,” Morgan says with a cheeky smile on his face as per usual.
“Yeah, yeah I will.. But is it just me or is there something wrong with Y/n?” Spencer says hesitantly.
“What are you talking about, pretty boy?” Morgan chuckles.
‘So it’s just me who sees that there’s something wrong?’ Before he has the time to finish his thought, he’s interrupted by Derek.
“Maybe, you just have a crush on her,” he says with a mischievous smile. “Does pretty boy need help getting a girl?”.
“No, I don’t need your help Derek. It was just a question, so stop,” Spencer says blushing. “Come on, they’re waiting for us,” Spencer tries to change the subject. He walks quickly to the conference room, rushing to listen to Hotch’s presentation on their new case.
taglist: @criminalbaby @criminalmindsvibez @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @temily @geeky-son-dr-reid
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years ago
Title: threads spun
Summary: In another life, Obi-Wan Kenobi would have fought plenty of other Jedi Masters for the right to train little Luke Skywalker. In this one, Luke is 19 and just lost his family when Obi-Wan teaches him how to do a proper Padawan braid.
The boy just lost his whole world, and he clings to Obi-Wan's robes with shaky hands. His eyes are bright blue, his hair a fair gold color, and for just one short moment, Obi-Wan isn't sure whether the child in front of him is nine or nineteen, whether his name is Anakin or Luke.
It is the reason he gave Luke to his family in the end, even when the Force and all his selfish desires were screaming at him not to. The newborn, the son of his Padawan, the child that was Luke Skywalker, had deserved better than a broken man who didn't even know who he was without a thousand lights illuminating him. A man who'd risk forgetting that he was not holding the child he had raised, the child he had left to burn.
Obi-Wan closes his eyes and the moment passes. 
He doesn't ask the boy if he's alright because it is obvious that Luke is not and it would be cruel to demand an honest answer. Luke can't be standing straight after he experienced such tremendous loss for the first time, nobody would, and Obi-Wan is saddened that he can't give Luke the time to grieve.
Despite all this pain, Obi-Wan still dares to hope for light and life.
He is relieved to see that Luke doesn't take all the hurt and anger to hide it within himself. Obi-Wan has never taught Luke a single lesson about Jedi philosophy, the way they grieve and handle all the emotions that are too large for this world, those that are capable of tearing the galaxy apart. And yet Luke controls his feelings exactly as a temple-raised youngling would, not pushing them aside or letting them overtake him. He takes timed breaths, centers himself on the world surrounding him and not on his anxieties. Pride fills Obi-Wan's heart as he watches peace and balance return to Luke's mind.
In another life, Obi-Wan would have fought plenty of other Jedi Masters for the right to train him.
He can almost hear his family laugh at him, playful jabs about him being so eager to train yet another Skywalker and see what colors they could draw nebulas in. It isn't Obi-Wan's fault; he has always loved a challenge, and Luke, racing in Beggar's Canyon at an age no boy should step into that death trap, would have certainly been a joy to teach and guide.
He could have taught him so much, so much he still needs to teach him, but the clock is ticking and time has always been a cruel mistress. Not purposefully, she wouldn't dare, but she is absolute and eternal, and like death, she takes.
Obi-Wan silently wonders how much time he has left. He knows exactly where they are heading and despite the legends he has wrapped around himself in his exile, he's neither crazy nor a fool. They are attempting to pull off a plan that they wouldn't even have dared to suggest during the Clone Wars, not with so many untrained people. He's been called reckless plenty of times, his ability to talk himself out of seeming like an adrenaline junkie being his only saving grace. Still, Obi-Wan is acutely aware of the danger they are in.
But they have no other choice. They may have the Death Star plans in their hands – and wasn't it utterly predictable that it would be Artoo to carry the plans for a weapon of mass destruction? – but Leia can't stay in the Empire's hands.
Luke and she were so strong in the Force at their birth already. While Obi-Wan is convinced that Bail must have taught Leia at least some shielding techniques, half-trained children can't withstand a Sith Lord for long. Should Vader or worse, Palpatine, learn what Leia could become capable of, they would have so much more to worry about in the future.
The Rebellion might as well be lost.
"You have grown into a fine young man, Luke," Obi-Wan tells Anakin's son instead.
"I have?" Luke echoes, curiosity coloring his voice, highlighting a cadence similar to Padmé's despite his heavy Outer Rim accent.
"I brought you to Tatooine," Obi-Wan tells him. The journey hadn't been an easy one. They had to change ships multiple times and every time somebody had mistaken Obi-Wan for Luke's father, he had wanted to stop and cry like the infant in his arms. "You were a very sweet baby."
"Oh." Luke falls silent again, but his hands have stopped shaking. In his dirty white robes, he reminds Obi-Wan just a bit of a messy Padawan. He wears Anakin's lightsaber well, even if he doesn't know how to execute even the simplest of lightsaber forms. Frankly speaking, it is a bit terrifying to see how quickly he picked up the weapon and had gotten comfortable with it. The Force curled around Luke's every movement, guiding him like a beloved teacher.
Luke will need a teacher if he is to face the darkness that would catch up to them soon.
Obi-Wan feels much older than he actually is. The fault lies partially with the harsh marks that Tatooine has left on his body, but also with the life he has led. He isn't sure if he can teach another student, no matter how much he wants to, but he has to try at least for Luke's sake. That is, if the boy truly intends to follow the path of the Jedi.
"Luke," Obi-Wan says seriously, thinking of the one who gives life, the name granted to such a young child, "Do you truly want to become a Jedi?"
"Yes." There is no hesitation in Luke's reply. "I want to follow my father's footsteps."
No, Obi-Wan wants to weep. You don't. You can't ask me to cut you down as well; I couldn't bear it.
"It is admirable to want to follow the path of someone you respect," Obi-wan starts carefully instead. He can't tell Luke what became of Anakin Skywalker. The child deserves better. "But I am asking about your own inclinations. The path of a Jedi is not an easy one, and you have to follow it for your own sake if you want to succeed."
Now Luke does hesitate. He looks down at his hands, curls them into fists and relaxes them again.
"Yes," Luke finally replied. "Yes, I want to be a Jedi."
"Then I'll hope you'll give me the honor of teaching you. I'd like to take you as my Padawan."
Obi-Wan had said these words over three decades ago to another lost blond boy, the language a little different, their surroundings certainly more peaceful than the ship of a smuggler. He tries to banish the image from his mind.
"Padawan," Luke repeats slowly. "What does it mean?"
You should know, Obi-Wan thinks. You should know what it means and be overjoyed and celebrate this day.
He can't hold it against this boy, not even against himself or, dare he think it, Anakin because choices had been made, but away from it all, Obi-Wan can only blame the Sith who ruined them, continues to hurt them.
"It means that I want you as my student, teach you all I know so that you may surpass me someday."
Bring us back to the light, rebuilt all that we lost. Obi-Wan is asking him for so much when just days ago it would have been enough for him to someday see Luke marry that boy he's been crushing on for years and live the rest of his days happily, far away from the war.
And now he dreams of home again, the rooms full of plants and droid parts, poetry collections, board games, and warmth so kind and all-compassing that no nightmares can haunt you.
"You'd really teach me?" Luke asks as if he'd be honored and the right to be taught not already something he possessed since his birth.
"Of course."
"I'd be honored to accept," Luke replies with a shy smile.
Obi-Wan returns his smile and reassuringly squeezes his shoulder once. Luke leans into the touch and so Obi-Wan lets his arm linger around the boy's shoulders as he continues to explain traditions long lost. "Traditionally, we would now braid your hair and put in the first bead."
"Braid my hair?"
Obi-wan nods and thinks of all the times his Master ran his fingers through Obi-Wan's hair, tugging at his braid and saying one thing or another he hadn't paid any attention to because he'd been too awestruck by the fact that he had a Master at all. "Yes, all Padawans of the Jedi Order have a braid. It shows your dedication to your studies and how serious you are about them. It means that you know that this is not an easy task or an easy path to take, but that you are willing to walk it anyway."
Luke thoughtfully looks at Obi-Wan, then he reaches up with his hand, putting a strand of hair behind his ear.
"My hair is not long enough to braid it properly," Luke mutters, dismayed.
He's pouting more than he is actually hurt by the thought. Nevertheless, if he lingers on it, he might ask more questions about what other chances life has denied him and because of it, Obi-Wan wants to distract him quickly.
The distraction comes at the price of remembrance, a fourteen-year-old Padawan clinging to what remained of his braid, burying his head in his Master's chest, and crying after enduring days of torment. Obi-Wan had fixed Anakin's hair then as well so he wouldn't have to deal with too many looks once they were back at the Temple. His braid had been short, but it had been there. For a moment, Obi-Wan tries to recall who had assigned that mission to them, whether Sidious had already sown his seeds of discord then.
He lets the moment go. "Don't worry, I can help you."
He had done plenty of braids during his as a Padawan and later as a Master. When the war had been going on, he had helped frenzied Padawans countless times with their braids.
There was an almost meditative process to the act of braiding and letting others braid your hair. It had soothed innumerous over the centuries and now it will once more calm another. Luke sits still when Obi-Wan begins to part the stray strands of hair on the left side of his head into three. Luke's hair really isn't all that long, but it is definitely more than enough to work with. Slowly and withs steady fingers, Obi-Wan braids another bond with his second Padawan. Luke is a kind child and this war will hurt him incredibly. Obi-Wan can only hope that what he will pass onto him will be enough to have him keep his path, to wander in the light even when the darkness reaches for him with the intent to consume.
Once Obi-Wan is finished with the braid, he reaches for his belt, takes an old leather cord from there, and wraps it around the tip of Luke's hair.
"And finished," Obi-Wan announces.
Luke, who had closed his eyes, opens them and immediately reaches for the hair, twirling it between his two fingers in a fashion reminiscent of Obi-Wan in his youth. He had only managed to get rid of that nervous habit after his won braid hat been cut. Whether Luke would act similar, Obi-Wan doesn't know, but the thought of seeing Luke ascend to the rank of Knight of the Order, no matter how small, splintered and broken it is right now, it makes his heart beat a bit quicker.
"How does it look?" Luke asks.
"As it is supposed to," Obi-Wan replies. "I believe Mr. Solo has a mirror in his fresher if you want to take a look."
Luke races off before Obi-Wan can say anymore. He returns a few minutes later, already with more color in his face than he had in the hours before.
"Thank you. Master." Luke tags on the honorific only belatedly, unsure whether it fits and it is all the convincing Obi-Wan could ever need.
"You are welcome, Padawan."
Obi-Wan Kenobi has a student once more and he will not fail him.
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sapphire374 · 4 years ago
Soy Sol: Chapter 16 (Invisible String)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.17
It’s the day of the competition. The gang gathers at the competition’s building. Jazmín holds her tablet in the air, recording every moment for her channel. Half of them are at the building while the other half are still at the hotel. “Luna, are you coming with us?” Yam asks. “I’ll catch up I just forgot my necklace,” Luna yelped. She rushed to her hotel room and grabbed the necklace off the nightstand. When she heads out, she slips and falls.
When Luna gets back up, she sees a bloody scratch on her knee. A woman from the guest relations desk comes running towards her, “oh you poor thing, you have hurt yourself,” she says. “Yeah, but it’s okay I’ll be fine,” Luna comments. “Oh, don’t be modest, you need help. Well my name is Alice Balsano,” the lady says. That’s when it hits Luna, it’s Matteo’s mom. No wonder her face looked so familiar for Luna. “Oh um nice to meet you, I’m Luna,” Luna sticks out her hand and Ms. Balsano shakes it.
“Oh, I can’t believe I’m meeting the infamous Luna. You look just as beautiful as how Matteo described you. Here I’ll quickly get the ice bucket and wrap your knee up in a bandage. You’ll be at the competition in no time.” Mrs. Balsano guides Luna to a nearby chair and elevates her leg. She was able to find a worker and tell them of the situation. They waited together for the concierge to come back with the ice and bandages.
“It’s a pleasure getting to know you, Luna. My son, he’ll probably hate me for saying this but he really loves you. He’s truly in love, I’ve never seen him like this ever before,” she confided. “I appreciate all the information, but Matteo and I are in a rough patch right now. I don’t feel comfortable talking about it,” Luna admits.
“I know, he told me but Luna, if you don’t mind me asking, I’m confused. If you forgave him and know he did all those mistakes, well I know my son can make stupid decisions sometimes but we’re all human, then why are you still upset at him?” Mrs. Balsano questions curiously.
“I’m not upset at him, it’s just that we always end up in some conflict or drama. Since we deal with so many issues together, I couldn’t help but think maybe we’re not compatible. Maybe we’re not meant to be together,” Luna confesses. “This isn’t me saying for you to get back with my son because that’s right, you should be the one to make that decision on your own, but I will give you some advice for life. In any relationship you’re in, you will always encounter conflicts and issues no matter what. Life is not perfect and this isn’t something you can avoid. For example, my husband and I just had a silly argument about the broken steering wheel in our car. It’s normal but I still love him and always will. That’s how true love is, going through different obstacles but life still bringing you back to that one person. It’s okay if you go through things as long as you go through it together with your partner. Going through hardships isn’t something you can avoid with anyone but at least you can go through them with the person you love.”
Luna stayed quiet for a moment. She couldn’t help but realize that Ms. Balsano had a point. That all relationships aren’t perfect but it’s worth it when you’re with the one you love most. “You’re right. It’s like an invisible string, I keep going back to him because we’re meant to be together.” The worker arrives with the bandage, ice, and wipe. They clean off the wound and wrap her knee. Luna grabs her backpack with skates and runs away. She returns right after to give her thanks. “Oh, I forgot to say thank you Mrs. Balsano, that was great advice. Also, thanks guys for the bandages and stuff,” Luna waves goodbye and runs to the competition building. “Good luck on the competition,” Mrs. Balsano yells out.
Luna arrives just in time to get dressed. “Luna where were you? Everyone was worried,” Nina stated. “Yeah, I got worried that maybe Tino and Cato kidnapped you too,” Simón joked.
“Don’t worry, I’m here and better than ever,” Luna exclaims. The gang is all dressed up in their attire. They all hold hands waiting for their name to be called next. Luna holds Matteo’s hand to his surprise, which leads to a beaming expression.
The announcer calls for the Jam and Roller. Simón, Nico, and Yam all walk on the stage and align themselves for the performance. The skating team enter the rink and get into positions. Juliana views from the corner and shows how proud she is of them. They truly worked really hard for this moment and prepared more than ever. The stakes are high knowing they all have to win for the Jam and Roller.
When the Roller Band begins to sing, Luna starts off with her routine. The plot is that the members are all statues in a museum and Luna is the one who wakes them all up. As she glides around every member, they all start skating doing the tricks. Nina sees them all from the audience and nostalgia rushes over her seeing how some of the tricks were ones they use to do back then. Luna and Matteo nod at each other before doing the Fire Serpent.
Gastón and Matteo lift Emilia and Ámbar up in the air as Luna’s turn comes up where she does a triple axle spin around them. The team’s choreography stuns the audience and everyone is in awe. Once the team finishes, they get a standing ovation.
They enter backstage again all chanting the words “Jam and Roller!” They all high five each other as Juliana enters. “You guys, whatever score you all get tonight just know I’m extremely proud of you all. You guys got together and worked hard like never before to save the Jam and Roller.” They all go in a group hug. Luna takes Matteo to the side and try to talk to him in private.
“Look Matteo, recently I’ve been confused on why we always end up running into some stupid drama or conflict. That’s why I needed my space but then a good friend gave me some incredible advice and that is this will always happen. Crazy obstacles that will try to break us apart but we have what the infamous Taylor would say, our invisible string always makes my path cross into yours. We’re meant to be,” Luna exclaims.
“You have no idea how fast my heart is beating right now. Whoever gave you that advice, I owe them my life. Luna, I love you and always will. Nothing is going to stop me from loving you. I was an idiot and didn’t listen to you but that doesn’t mean we’re incompatible. That just means it’s another conflict we shall have to resolve together. I will always say that you are La Luna but you shine like the sun. You bring forth light to my world and now I can’t live without it,” Matteo declares.
“Matteo I’m sorry too, in being a little harsh and avoiding you. I shouldn’t have run away from my problems and instead face them,” Luna apologizes. “Luna te amo, mi chica delivery,” Matteo proclaims. “Te amo, mi chico fresa.” Luna and Matteo press their lips against each other. She holds his neck while he holds her waist. Their kiss feels like it lasts forever.
“Should we interrupt them saying they’ve called the team up to hear the results,” Gastón asks Nina. “I think we should just let them be. They’ve gone through enough already,” Nina chuckles.
The Jam and Roller enter the rink all holding hands waiting for the scores to be called out. The presenter announces that…….
The Jam and Roller is the WINNER! The whole gang don’t stop screaming their cheers of joy and jump up and down. “Okay I think now is when we should interrupt them,” Gastón exclaims to Nina. He heads to Luna and Matteo and tell them the great news. Luna is blushed and feels embarrassed knowing Gastón had let them in their long kiss instead of telling them to go to the rink.
They all celebrate winning the prize money and having the Jam and Roller saved. A mysterious man approaches Luna though and hands her a card. “I saw what you did out there. It was impressive. How would you feel if I offered you a spot in our Olympic team?” Luna is shocked with the news the strange man has presented to her. Matteo nods to Luna. “It’s your dream Luna, you love skating,” Matteo stated. “I’ll consider it.” Luna responds and takes the card the man handed to her. The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that she can compete sometimes while at other times accompany Matteo to his concerts. They would just have to manage their schedules for each other but it’s doable.
Jim and Ramiro all hug Yam. “At least we got to share our last times seeing each other on a happy note,” Jim suggested. “Don’t forget to facetime us at least twice a day and tell us how it’s all going okay,” Ramiro said. Yam nodded while wiping the tears falling on her face, she has to leave to Los Angeles right when they arrive back to Buenos Aires. “Don’t worry guys, nothing will separate us we’ll always stay united forever.”
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Later that evening
“Close your eyes,” Matteo says. “But I do have them closed,” Luna whines. “No, I still see you peaking,” Matteo chuckles. He guides Luna, who has a bandana wrapped around her eyes, to a beach. When he takes the blindfold off, there’s a table with food nicely placed on top. He even included some strawberries and medialunas on the side. Her favorite dish is laid nicely as the main course and the table is beside the sea. The area is surrounded with canopies and fairy lights. It all looks like a dream.
“Wow Matteo, this all looks so beautiful,” Luna in awe with the whole place. Matteo faces her and says his speech.
“Luna, from the moment I met you and we bumped in Cancun, my life hasn’t been the same ever since. You have come into my life like a hurricane, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. You changed everything and made me the man I am today. I have been so lucky to be in your presence and got to see that beautiful smile every day. You are the sun roller skating around all of Buenos Aires, your unmistakable presence has everyone blown away, including me. (Matteo gradually gets on one knee) I knew for the longest that I want to spend every second of every minute of every day of my life with you. That has never changed, but I want it for sure. I want you to know that I will always be here for you. So, Luna Valente, would you be the sun, or should I say the moon to my night sky?” Luna gasps seeing Matteo propose. She covers her mouth in shock and doesn’t stop crying. She nods. “Yes! Yes! Yes,” she screams out. He carries her in bridal style while spinning her around and round.
Gastón and Nina come out from behind the bushes. Gastón is holding a camcorder and filmed everything. When Matteo lets go of Luna, she is surprised to see them two there. “Oh wow Gastón, I didn’t know you turned into Jazmín,” Luna joked. “No, I did him the favor of videotaping everything since he wanted this memory saved. I, of course, said yes since now I have actual evidence of him crying. He always bragged about how he ‘never cries,’” Gastón jokes. “Oh and Mr. Balsano how did you know I was going to say yes?” Luna questions.
“It’s too late to back out now Mrs. Balsano, plus I knew you couldn’t resist the charm,” Matteo chuckled. Gastón starts zooming in on Matteo. “Oh please bud, you’re over here crying a river of tears more than Luna. Yeah, some irresistible charm I see,” Gastón laughs.
They all group together for a hug as a family. The rest of the Jam and Roller gang interrupt their celebration and join them in the fun. “Also Matteo, how did you get my dad’s permission to propose?” Luna asks.
“Let’s just say your mom had to do a lot of convincing for me,” Matteo responds.
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scullydubois · 4 years ago
Only the Light Ch. 19
19/? | AU where Melissa moves in with Scully after Scully’s abduction | angst, msr slow-burn, occasional fluff | currently: mid-s3 (canon-divergent) | T | 5.3k | previous chapters | read on ao3 | tagging: @today-in-fic <3
Fate touches Scully's life, as does her own free will.
Can you still call something a miracle when you could not have gone on without it? When, if it hadn’t happened, the death knell would have sounded in your memory? Is that really a miracle, or is it just what had to occur? Certainly what keeps you breathing wouldn’t be so highly esteemed if the chips fell the other way. It would be called a tragedy, and no one wants to live in a world where every moment is caught between the two.
Scully existed there for a little while, but she’s escaped. Maybe for good. Because this--the Lace’s sacrifice, her signature on the adoption paper, her baby in her arms--is no miracle. This is God realizing she’s gotten her fair share, that he owes her a break. This is her fate.
In more normal circumstances, the foster family and the adoptive parent would have no contact. Social services would handle the transition. Since those barriers are already broken in Emily’s case, the state allows the Lace’s and their son to accompany Emily as she’s turned over to Scully. The nondescript woman in the polo shirt joins them as a witness to the custody change, and so they all find themselves at Bill Jr.’s house--of all places--for one grievous goodbye and a destined hello.
Mrs. Lace passes Emily to Scully moments after the family walks through the door. Her red-rimmed eyes reveal the depth of her agony. 
“Take her,” she says. “I need to start letting go while she’s still in my sight.”
Scully bites her lip, feels Emily’s pudgy hand press into her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Lace. I can’t imagine how hard this must be. I’ll make good on my promise to send pictures and updates, I swear.”
“Thank you, Dana.” She sighs. “It’ll be an adjustment.”
Her husband taps the head of the little boy by his knee. “This is Andrew, our son. He wanted to make sure Emily has the best life possible, so he made you a guide to her favorite things.”
The boy--no more than five--holds up a construction paper booklet with crayon drawings of him and baby Emily. How To Mak My Sister Smile, his stilted handwriting reads. Scully’s heart skips a beat as she accepts it from him. She kneels down so he’s level with her and Emily. 
“Thank you, Andrew. This is so sweet and I’ll be sure to read every bit of it and make sure your sister smiles every single day, okay?”
He nods, but tears cloud his vision. 
Scully turns Emily so that she’s perched on her knee, facing Andrew. “Tell me--what’s your favorite thing to do with your sister?” she asks him softly. 
He rubs his eyes and nose. “I like to show her my cars,” he stammers.
“Your cars? Wow!” Scully effuses. It’s not often that she gets to work on her kiddie voice, and she’ll need that now.
The color returns Andrew’s face. “Yeah, yeah, my race cars! I have a mat for them, and I push them around the track, and she watches. She likes the races. They make her laugh sometime.” 
“Wow! You sound like a great big brother.”
“Yeah, and I like her bouncy thing too,” he sputters. “It was mine before.”
“An activity jumper,” Mr. Lace clarifies. “From Fisher-Price.”
“Ahh.” Scully’s happy to get any insight she can into her daughter’s early life. The Lace’s offered to send some toys with Emily, but Scully will only accept a couple onesies and Emily’s beloved stuffed rabbit. She doesn’t want to take any more from them than she already is.
She adjusts Emily on her knee, looks to Andrew. “Do you wanna give your sister a hug?”
“Okay.” He moves bashfully toward her and wraps his arms around Emily. He holds on until Emily begins to fuss, then steps back like he’s been caught sneaking away from time out. 
“Emily’s lucky to have a big brother like you,” Scully tells him. “Your parents have my phone number, and you can call and talk to her whenever you want, okay? I know she can’t say much yet, but she’ll grow into it, and besides, she’ll recognize your voice.” Scully offers him a spirit-boosting smile. “Does that sound good?”
He nods, hands linked behind his back. Stranger shyness has taken over.
“Good. She’s gonna need her big brother to stick up for her.”
Scully stands up, clutching Emily to her chest. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Lace,” Scully addresses them, “it’s impossible for me to sum up how deeply, deeply grateful I am for you and your sacrifice. It is no exaggeration to say that you have saved my life. I can already tell that Emily is so lucky to have been raised by you--that you have done an incredible job--and I hope that the two of us will continue to be a part of you and your son’s lives as Emily grows up.”
Mrs. Lace dabs her cheeks with a tissue. Mr. Lace frowns at his wife’s pain. “That means a great deal to us, Dana,” he replies. 
“We feel blessed to have led Emily through her formative months,” his wife murmurs through her tear-strickenness. 
The man nods. “She’s a wonderful kid, and I’m sure some of that comes from you.”
Scully smiles tautly. “I could say the same of you. Thank you for giving her the start I was denied from providing her.”
“You’ll let us know if you need any help, won’t you?”
“Of course. I’ll have your number on speed dial by the end of the night.”
The Lace’s formal goodbye had taken place at home, they said, and dragging out their visit would only make matters worse. They leave Bill Jr.’s house after a few short minutes, advancing down the front steps like a funeral procession.
When the door shuts and Scully’s baby is in her arms, she realizes that this will be her life for the rest of her life. What joy--! What horror--!
The heater’s gentle sigh provides a generous rush of white noise as the girls settle for sleep. It’s the time of year when San Diego’s nightly temperatures start drifting away from perfection, when sleeping with the windows open no longer has such appeal. According to Bill, it’s not cold enough to turn on the heating system (surprise, surprise) so he pulled a dusty space heater from the closet for the “girl’s room” to share. Like a gentleman, Mulder took the couch (as if he had any other option), leaving Scully, Missy, and now Emily with the guest room. A family affair, one generation rounded out by another.
It’s a convenient arrangement, really. Bill doesn’t have a crib and it’s not worth buying one for a single night, so Emily will be sleeping on the bed like a grown-up. If Missy weren’t there as a physical barrier, Scully would be taking the chance that Emily might roll off the unattended side. Instead, the little girl’s mother and aunt will be an arm’s length away for her first sleep with her new family. A symbolic gesture of the protection they hope to provide for the rest of her life. 
It’s a wonder how smoothly the transition has gone. Emily hasn’t shed a single tear since the family she knew left her in this strange house. Then again, Scully has never seen her daughter cry; like her mother, she must not be prone to it. 
Tara served a ham for dinner while Scully spooned mashed carrots and peas into Emily’s mouth, her helicopter parenting beginning early. Mulder made some joke about gourmet baby food, and everybody laughed except Bill, and Scully felt that she finally understood what was meant by family--some who share your blood will never fit into it, but some who were once strangers will more than make up for that absence. 
And now, as Scully lowers her onesie-clad daughter onto the guest bed, there is peace. Terror, too, lingers in her mind, but it’s the unwarranted kind. She is the mother to a healthy baby girl. Yes, there will be challenges. Yes, a person loved separately from yourself is a person you could lose. But the summit has been reached; the worst did not happen, and now everything else pales in comparison. As far as Scully’s concerned, she can never be truly hurt again. Because if anything happens to Emily, well, this is what Scully asked for, and what gives her the right to complain? Beggars can’t be choosers, and she begged God for this...The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. This happened in the opposite order for her, so she can only assume more loss is to come, and she will accept it. She will.
Scully slides beneath the comforter, snaking her arm out from under to rest a hand on the small of her baby’s back. A comfort very familiar to her, and one she will bequeath to her daughter. They have the bed to themselves for now. Missy is in the living room downing a beer with the boys and trying to compete with (or mediate?) their trash talk. In the past, a situation like this might worry Scully, but those old concerns look so small now. 
Only a few hours in, and she already feels much more at home with the title of mother, much more deserving of it. The first diaper she changed rivaled some of the operations she witnessed in med school, both in its gruesome nature and in requiring multiple pairs of hands. Mulder would help if Emily was a boy, he swore, but he claimed to be “out of his depth with her plumbing” as he put it. Missy quipped that you sure are and it made even Bill laugh and life was wonderfully rose-colored through Dana Scully’s eyes. 
She hopes for sweet dreams for herself, but much more so, for her daughter, and she is aware that this is how it will be for the rest of time. Having been half-asleep when she was put down, Emily lulls into even-breathed dozing before Scully can decide on a lullaby. No harm done; Scully’s vocal cords haven’t seen regular exercise since college karaoke, and she’d hate to disappoint so soon.
When she opens her eyes again (she hadn’t realized she closed them, but apparently she had), Emily is deep in sleep, her eyelids twitching to the rhythm of her unseen dreams. And Missy has joined them too, her mouth drooping like it did when the sisters shared a bed every Christmas Eve. Scully doesn’t know what time it is, and with such a picture perfect view in front of her, she won’t dare to roll over and check the bedside clock. How nice it is to exist beyond time’s constraints, even for a moment. 
Scully is as present, maybe, as she’s ever been. She’s touched by the past and the future, ironically giving her a heightened awareness of now. One side of her consciousness is borne back into childhood and the many nights she slept by her sister’s side--in this very city, in fact. The other sees a path of hope unfurling in front of it, finally. She wonders whether her happiness might multiply, like a drop of food coloring unleashed into water. Might Emily be the shield that she’s needed?...Maybe the loss she expects will not be what comes.
And what that could mean...she has meant, for a long time now, to plant Mulder firmly in her life. Partner is much too fleeting--the Bureau could close the X-Files tomorrow, and then they’d be nothing but ex-coworkers. They’ve established where they stand through silences that say more than words ever could. She loves him, he loves her, and my god, neither one wants to lose that. It’s only now that Scully is realizing that they haven’t--or she, rather, hasn’t--embraced what they have, and so there is nothing to lose, and very little to cherish. 
With all this change in her life, she thinks, why not add that to the list?
They fly back into DC on Emily’s first birthday. November 2nd. Or at least, that’s the date that was left on the note at the foster agency. Scully isn’t sure exactly what she was doing last November 2nd, but she wasn’t having a baby, that’s certain. It was around the time of Aubrey, Missouri and BJ and nightmares, she remembers that. Plus, the phantom pregnancy, and the fear. The universe has a way of echoing itself.
They’re off to Mama Scully’s as soon as they make it off the tarmac. She’s aching to see her granddaughter, as she let Dana and Melissa know through a barrage of phone calls. I even made cupcakes and bought decorations for a warm welcome home! she insisted. Neither one of them can remember their mother being this excited about anything since...honestly? Ever. And they can’t blame her; Emily is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to their family. If only their father were here to meet her.
This is the sorrow that Scully has not had time to pick at. Her hero, her role model, the blueprint for all she wants Emily to be, not around to see it happen. She can’t think further than that; it’s the loose string that would unravel the sweater.
Mama Scully opens the door before they make it up the front steps, armed with yellow balloons and a party hat for the birthday girl. What a way to meet your grandmother. 
“Hello dear!” It’s unclear whether she’s referring to Emily, one of her daughters, or the three as a unit. “Look at you…” she cups her hands around Emily’s head, and now they’re pretty sure who she’s referring to. “You’re like a little princess!”
Scully smirks. She’s glad to witness her mother’s happiness, of course, but they’ve just finished five hours of travelling with a baby. “Mom, please, could you save the theatrics for inside?”
“Oh, I have a whole other set of theatrics planned there,” Mama Scully quips. She clears the way, ushers the group into the house. 
She touches Mulder’s shoulder as he passes. “Fox! I almost didn’t see you there.”
“Well, I can’t compete with Emily, so I don’t blame you.”
“She is precious, isn’t she?” Mrs. Scully gazes toward the doorway that Scully and Emily have since deserted. “There’s a place for you in Emily’s future, you know.”
Mulder shoves his hands in his pockets. “Oh.” He doesn’t know what else to say to that, and besides, it should be up to Scully.
“Unless there’s another woman in your life…?”
“No, no, I just--” he chuckles. “I didn’t expect that.”
Mama Scully lays a hand on his arm. “I care about you, Fox. Your well-being is deeply connected with my daughter’s.”
“Yes, of course…” He really, really would like to go in now. 
“And it’s important to me that she has a strong support system throughout this ordeal. Raising a child is a tremendous challenge, and I don’t want her to feel that the burden is hers alone.”
“I completely agree.”
“That’s why you should adopt Emily, too. Give her the gift of a father.”
Mulder’s brain short-circuits. “I--what? Mrs. Scully, I don’t know--”
She puts a hand on his back and leads him inside. “Think about it. You and Dana, forming a family for this child that needs one. It would be a little untraditional, of course, but the wedding could come in due time, no need to rush.”
Mulder’s head is spinning. This is a practical joke, right? The hidden cameras can feel free to reveal themselves any time now. 
The pair stops in the front hallway, a safe distance from everyone else in the kitchen. Mulder tries to mold his thoughts into cohesive sentences.
“Mrs. Scully, your intentions are good, but I think this solution is a bit extreme. I’m more than happy to help with Emily as much as possible, but becoming her father would just make things more complicated for all involved. And trust me, even if I were onboard, there’s no way Dana would go for it.”
Mama Scully nods. “I anticipated that. I’m going to talk with her tonight, straighten things out.”
Mulder does an awkward side-to-side shuffle. “If there’s one thing I know about her, it’s that her mind is not easily changed.” 
“Yes, well, I doubt this is something Dana has given much thought to. I’m hoping to get my argument across before she takes sides.”
“Mmm.” Mulder looks off toward the kitchen, where he would like to be. 
“I’ll let Dana know that we’ve discussed my proposition,” Mama Scully continues, “and then you two can talk it over, alright? I don’t mean to force you into anything. It just feels like a logical step. I’m sure you’d agree that your relationship is deeper than that of many married couples.”
“Sure, but it’s very different too,” Mulder mutters. This is not a topic to delve into with his partner’s mother, of all people. “I don’t know that they can be compared.”
“Perhaps you should consider it.” 
Mrs. Scully holds her hardened glance for a long second, and Mulder is the one who breaks. He scoots out of her direct line of sight, then gestures for her to go before him into the kitchen. “Shall we?”
They celebrate Emily’s 365th day around the sun like they’ve been by her side for every one of them. Before the crew arrived, Mama Scully whipped up vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles, or as she put it, “a little bit of everything since I don’t know what she likes.” She even bought a happy birthday banner and sharpied in Emily’s name--not to mention five birthday hats and a humongous 1 candle that a single cupcake can barely hold up. 
It’s a testament to Emily’s character that she’s so unbothered by it all. She lets Mama Scully slip the hat into place, shows no visible distress to the admiration she receives from the room. She prefers her mother’s arms over anyone else’s--they are, after all, the most familiar of the unfamiliar--but she’s content anywhere that welcomes her. And this is a place where she is most welcome.
Scully reminds herself to capture these little moments in her mind...Emily’s effervescent giggle as Missy tickles the bottoms of her feet,  Mulder helping Mama Scully add extra sprinkles to each cupcake, the warm hug of a family’s company. Love, love, there is so much love here. 
The time comes for cake and singing and blown-out candles. Well, candle in this case. Mulder performs the honor of lighting said candle as everyone gathers around, Emily nestled in her mother’s arms. 
“Ready?” Mulder inquires. He conducts in time with his countdown. “One, two, one, two, three…”
The rendition is not in tune on anyone’s part (though Missy is the closest), but at least their intentions are harmonious. Scully’s heart swells. Mulder and Missy throw in a zany “and many more!” for the cherry on top of a joyous moment. Scully mourns its end; the birthday song is much too brief.
“Make a wish!” Missy chirps, and Scully leans forward and blows out the flame for her daughter. Safety, happiness, love...these are the things she asks for. These are the things that everyone deserves. 
Scully’s not surprised when her mother pulls her aside a few minutes later and leads her to the library, leaving Emily at Missy and Mulder’s mercy. Her mother is fond of sentimental speeches, but not brave enough for an audience. Scully steels herself for a mushy-gushy outpouring. 
Mama Scully shuts the door, turns to her daughter. “I’m overflowing with joy. Aren’t you?”
“Yes, mom,” Scully answers, tiresome already. “I’m a bit afraid this is all a dream that I’ll wake up from at any moment.”
“Pinch yourself. You’ll see that it’s not, I promise.”
Scully pinches her bicep, more for her mother’s amusement than anything. This is, in fact, reality.
“You must be very overwhelmed, I imagine,” Mrs. Scully remarks, beginning to pace. Scully follows with her eyes. 
“There is a lot that I haven’t sorted out yet, yes,” Scully replies, her suspicion about her mother’s intentions growing. “Work, for example. I only have one more day off, and then I have to explain everything to Skinner, and hopefully I’ll qualify for maternity leave. But the Bureau isn’t very good about that, it’s only two weeks.”
“Just remember that I’m always available to babysit Emily if you need it.”
“I know, mom.”
Mama Scully allows herself to get side-tracked for a moment. “You have a crib though? And diapers, and a high chair?”
Scully nods. “Required for the home study.”
“Good.” Mama Scully sweeps back a wayward piece of her daughter’s hair. “I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re all alone in this.”
Her mother’s soft gaze unearths a sudden swell of emotion; tears prick at the back of Scully’s eyes. “I know, mom.”
“And I know that you’re gonna say you are Emily’s only legal guardian, and so you are technically alone, but you know what? You don’t have to be,” Mama Scully asserts. “There is someone out there who is willing to fill that void for you.”
Scully rolls her eyes, her brief emotional trance broken. “Don’t tell me you're gonna set me up with the Prizatskys’ son again.”
“Oh no,” Mrs. Scully laughs. “Besides, he’s engaged now.”
“Oh.” Scully tries to miss the patronization in her mother’s voice. 
“What I’m saying is,” Mrs. Scully continues, “there is a man in your life who is loyal, trustworthy, hard-working, and in the perfect position to provide for you and Emily.”
“If you’re referring to Mulder,” Scully starts, an eyebrow raised, “I’m not exactly planning to shun him anytime soon.”
“Yes, but have you ever truly let him in?”
Mrs. Scully has aimed her arrow and hit her target, a stunning blow. The most damning parts of Scully’s inner dialogue have just been echoed back at her. 
Wounded, she swallows hard. “That’s really none of your business. And just because he’s in my life doesn’t mean that he magically fills the role of Emily’s father. How would that even work? Emily would have to be shuttled back and forth...She’d be split between one parent and the other...It would make her life more hectic.”
“Dana, Dana…” Mama Scully pulls her daughter close, recognizing that she’s struck a nerve. Scully stiffens into the hug. “Remember when you were little, and your father would be gone on long deployments, and you’d draw pictures of him in his uniform, and tell your class about how your father was a Navy captain, and you were so proud? You barely had a sense of what that meant, but you knew he was doing something important.”
Scully relaxes into their embrace. “And when I missed him the worst, you’d let me wear his old sailor hat.”
“Yes.” Mama Scully takes a hearty breath. “I was there every day, feeding you, bathing you, sending you off to school...and you loved me, I don’t doubt that, but I wasn’t the one who put stars in your eyes.”
Scully nods against her mother’s shoulder. Damn, if she isn’t winding her way toward a convincing point.
“Emily’s gonna love you whatever you choose. But the fuller her life is--the more love she’s surrounded by--the more she’ll have to give, and the brighter her light will shine.”
Scully sniffles, shaken by the truth of this. God, to know as much love as she’s known in her life and resist it still. That’s not the way a life is meant to be lived.
“Thank you, mom,” she whispers in her mother’s ear. It’s an imprecise affirmation--encompassing everything and yet a specific something that she can no longer reject. 
Scully pulls away, smiles at her mom. “No more meddling, okay? I’ll sort this out for myself.”
Mama Scully laughs. “You just needed that push. Now that the ball’s rolling, I’ll leave it alone.”
“You’d better,” Scully teases. She gestures toward the door. “I should get back to my baby.”
“Yes,” Mama Scully grins, “you should.”
The knock on the door comes at a quarter to noon, as Scully expected. She didn’t expect that she’d be scrubbing grape juice off the tile when it happened, but hey, these are the disruptions everyone in her life will have to get used to. Including--especially--her. 
“I’ll get it!” Missy’s voice breezes through the apartment. 
A moment later, Scully finds herself level with a pair of black dress shoes. Big ones. A twelve if she had to guess.
“Scully, if you wanna know my shoe size, just ask,” Mulder jests, and has he read her mind? She feels like she’s been caught in a compromising act, though she’s done nothing but wipe up a sticky purple mess. She cranes her neck, looks up at him.
“Good morning, Mulder,” she mumbles, running her hand over the spill area. Coming up clean, she finds her footing. The top of her head is even with her partner’s collarbone. 
Scully thumbs toward Emily, who is gobbling cheese crackers in her high chair without a care in the world. “Apparently she doesn’t like grape juice.”
“Grape juice?” Mulder jeers. “She knows orange juice is where it’s at.”
Scully ignores him, but makes a mental note to add OJ to the grocery list. And apple too, just to be safe.
“Let me get my shoes and I’ll be ready to go,” she says, shuffling off in her pantyhose without waiting for a response. 
They have a lunchtime meeting with Skinner to explain...well, everything. Mulder doesn’t need to be there--as his partner was quick to remind him--but he insists on advocating for her. No amount of I’m not a damsel in distress, Mulder will put him off. She’s so much more than that, he knows. Hence why he’s got to do all he can so her life isn’t defined by its crises. Besides, he’ll take any excuse to sneak down to the office on his day off.
He told Scully he’d pick her up because it’d be easier on her, sure, but also because he has an important delivery to make. He nods to Missy, and she grabs the goods off the front table. He wanted to make his entrance before the big moment. His presence known, he’s ready to go.
“Emily, Uncle Mulder brought something for you!” Missy sing-songs as she places the gifts in Mulder’s hidden hands. The girl looks up, her attention easily diverted here and there. 
Mulder tries to tip-toe forward--hands behind his back--without coming off as creepy, which is harder than it seems. He takes it as a good sign that Emily doesn’t spook and wonders what it means that Missy called him Uncle Mulder. Did she and Scully have a conversation about it? Is this what he’ll be known as? Or was that just a last minute reach to fill the space? 
He pushes these thoughts away, focuses on the blue-eyed girl in front of him. 
“Emily,” he begins, and it rolls off his tongue like a devotion, “I thought your bunny might like some friends.”
He reveals the fox first, then the UFO. His personal mark on Emily’s budding stuffed animal collection. She lets out a peep of astonishment and reaches for the fox, fascinated with its bushy tail. She hits it back and forth so it wags like a dog’s.
Mulder chuckles, his brain lighting up in places it never has before. Missy hangs back and waits for her sister to reemerge. Sure enough, Scully melts at the sight, stopping short so she doesn’t interrupt it. She clutches her heart. She and Missy share a smile.
“My, my, look at this,” Scully saunters in, ruffles Emily’s hair. “Do you know what this is, Em?” she asks, patting the fox. “This is a fox.”  She points to Mulder. “And this is a Fox, too!” 
Emily doesn’t get the joke, but that’s okay. 
“And do you know what this is?” Mulder prompts, picking up the flying saucer. He moves it through the air like it’s flying. Emily reaches for it, and god, Mulder knows the feeling.
“This is a UFO, Emily,” Mulder tells her sweetly. “Aliens!”
“No, no.” Scully plucks the UFO from his hand. “No aliens, Em.” 
She lays the saucer on the high chair tray. “Mama’s gotta go away for a little bit, but I’ll be back soon.” She kisses Em’s temple. “Auntie Missy will be right here.”
Missy steps forward. “We can play with Mr. Fox and the al--” Scully shoots her a look. ”The UFO!” she corrects, winking at Mulder. She scoops her niece out of the high chair. “Say ‘bye Mama!’”
Emily doesn’t have that grasp on words yet, and they all know it, but Missy gets her to wave. “Okay, now ‘bye Uncle Mulder!’” Another wave. Smiles all around.
Mulder and Scully move reluctantly toward the door. Scully groans as Missy and the baby girl slip from her view. 
“They’ll be okay,” Mulder assures his partner.
“I know,” Scully sighs, “but will I?”
Mulder rests his hand in the familiar spot on her back as they exit her apartment. “Absolutely. Skinner will grant you the leave, and you’ll be back with your baby in no time.”
She nods, bites her lip, and slows, suddenly wistful. Mulder stops, turns to her. “Scully…?”
“Mulder, did my mom have a conversation with you?”
He nods. 
“And...did you think it was kind of crazy too?”
He nods again.
She takes a breath and rises to her tip-toes. She could pretend not to know what she’s doing, but she does. Oh, she does. 
“But not out of the realm of extreme possibility…?” she coos, eyes centered on his lips. 
Mulder smiles shyly. He always expected it would be this way: Scully the coquette to his boyish ineptitude. Who knew she’d be stealing his lines.
His hands find her waist, pulling her closer there in the hallway. “No, no,” he muses, “I think it’s pretty solidly in the realm…” He nuzzles her neck, breathes in her sweet smell, and nibbles her ear, all in the beat of a hummingbird’s wing. “...of extreme possibility,” he purrs into her ear, satisfied with himself. 
It reminds Scully of do you believe in the existence of  ~extraterrestrials~ and how she knew then that he was a little bit unhinged, whip-snap smart, and too goddamn charming for his own good. That either fate or her own unconquerable desire would bring them together. She knows now that fate conspired to keep them apart. What’s unfolding is neither an act of its hand nor a last-ditch effort of a dead-end life. It is one choice among many, undertaken out of sheer belief in the happiness it could bring.
She looks into his eyes, which look back at her with a caramel-drizzle melt. Yes, yes, this is right. She fans a hand out on his cheek, runs her thumb over his mole. She has always wanted to touch it, but could never come up with a good excuse. 
They’ve delayed the inevitable long enough. Scully leans in, still on her tip-toes, and Mulder bends to close the distance. Their lips meet, and there’s no fireworks. No, it’s simple serenity. Like coming home after a long time away--though this is a house they have never walked into until now, they have a feeling they will be walking into it for the rest of their lives.
And then Scully pulls away, and it’s over but it’s just beginning.
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weasleydream · 4 years ago
dreams are my reality - part 4
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~ show me your new way of loving ~
“We’ll be only six, why am I so anxious?”
Lily giggled softly and her hand brushed my hair. 
“Only six and in your living-room Y/N, don’t worry, it will all be okay.” 
I nodded weakly and looked away from the chair where the dress I would slip in in less than two hours was resting. Never would I have imagined the thought of marrying Sirius would make me so sick in my stomach, yet at the moment I wanted nothing more than to throw up. Lily was doing her best to help me calm down, and after having watered me with tisanes between two yoga poses, she had run out of ideas. She was now kneeling in front of me, her hands on my knees and her green eyes deep in mine. 
“Tell me what’s in your mind. Why are you so scared?” When I didn’t respond, she switched her position into a more comfortable one and looked up again to me. “Y/N, you love Sirius and he loves you - difficult to ignore when the only name he’s known for years is yours.” She stopped, as if she was waiting for me to laugh. That didn’t happen. “Anyways, I get it that life hasn’t been easy on us, but you have your chance to be happy. I don’t get what’s so scary,” she added in a soft tone. She wasn’t judging me, just genuinely keen to understand why what had made me so happy was suddenly the most terrifying thing that could happen to me. 
“I just- I’m persuaded that something will happen. I feel it in my guts Lily; I have this bad feeling that when my happiness will be at its peak, it will all vanish and… and I’ll be left alone.” I closed my eyes to keep my tears from falling, and a second later the warm feeling of Lily’s hand on mine brought a bit of balm to my heart.
“Oh Y/N, I promise you that it won’t happen, we’ll protect you from whatever the next step is. Do you hear me? You’re safe, you can open your eyes now.”
The soft voice cracked and I obliged. Lily was at the door and turned to me with a bright smile and no sign of sadness. 
“I have to get ready, I’ll come back to you just after to help you. Does that seem right?”
“Actually Lils… Could you ask Sirius to come here please?”
“Sirius?” she repeated with a reproachful pout. “The future husband shouldn’t see his future wife before the wedding, that’s the tradition. You wouldn’t break the tradition, would you?” she added with narrowed eyes. 
Far from being intimidated - in fact, it had been four or five years since Lily had last scared me with this face, I shrugged. 
“Marrying Sirius in my living-room with one of your beach dresses isn’t tradition either. This is everything but tradition. So is asking James to marry us and-”
“Yes, I get the point.” Lily sighed and opened the door. “I’ll get Sirius.” 
She closed the door behind her with another exaggerated sigh and I found myself alone. The room was familiar, hearing the boys’ voices from the other side of the house was familiar, but the tension that was on the verge of snapping in me was all but familiar. It wasn’t the same as every single day since the night in the muggle village, it wasn’t the same as just before that fateful event, it was as if I was terrified and ecstatic at the same time. As if whatever was going to happen - because I had the deep feeling that the wedding wasn’t the cause of my apprehension - was both the thing I was dreading the most and the one I craved more than anything. 
Soft knocks on the door made me jump, and I waited silently. It wasn’t in Sirius’ habits to wait for an answer after he had knocked on the door: usually he would just barge in, assuming that no one had anything to hide from him. However, this time, the door didn’t open until I cleared my throat and said he could come in. 
“Lily said you were in a strange mood, even for a future bride.” Sirius sat next to me, his arm wrapped immediately around my shoulders and his mouth found its way to my hair. “Tell me what’s wrong, love. Does it have something to do with the voices thing?”
“No, it’s not that. Or… maybe it is? I don’t know…” I sighed and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Sirius’ worried expression. Knowing him, he was probably imagining the worst things possible, maybe even considering the fact that I could have gone mental. “It’s just that I have this sensation that things are going to change and it scares me. I know it’s what happens with weddings but-”
“But it’s not what you fear.” When I looked up to Sirius, surprised, I realized he wasn’t thinking I was crazy. No, far from that. What I was reading in his eyes wasn’t just concern, it was also comprehension. Somehow, Sirius had the same apprehensions as I had. “I know what it feels like, Y/N. Something is going to break and we won’t be able to fix it. It’s terrifying, isn’t it?”
“I didn’t think it was the same for you…” I murmured, and Sirius shrugged. 
“You were anxious enough, didn’t need me to add to your worries. But if it can ease your mind, I’ve talked about it with James, and he assured me everything would go like clockwork. These friends we have out there are here for us, love, and don’t you ever think they’ll let you get in trouble without being at your side. They love being the firsts in line too much for that.” I chuckled and Sirius’ smile widened. “Mission accomplished,” he murmured before lightly laying a kiss on my forehead. 
_ _ _ 
An hour later, Sirius had cleared out after Lily’s threats. “I am going to save the few traditions left in this ceremony. Sirius, you better not show up here or I swear you’ll regret it. Get it?” was all it had taken for him to leave with a knot in the stomach. Then Lily had helped me with the dress laces and with whatever a bride had to do in her opinion. She was clearly more enthusiastic than me at the moment, and I suspected her to bring enough joy in the room for the both of us. Maybe she was hoping that her happiness would somehow jump in my head if she laughed loud enough, or maybe she was truly overjoyed and enjoying the moment so much that my uneasiness remained unseen for her. It was without counting on her natural perspicacity, though. 
“I’ve heard that if you force yourself to smile, you’ll eventually get happier.” she said as she was sitting next to me. “You know you can talk to me, right? Is there anything you want to tell me?” I shook my head and looked up, trying to gather enough of anything that would make my dull mood vanish. “Oh my god, Y/N are you-”
“No Lils, I’m not pregnant.”
“Oh, yes, of course, just wanted to make sure.”
Her brainless tone made me laugh, which was obviously her goal. That was part of why Lily was such a good friend: she was ready to remind me of her flirting days with James and the cliché tone she used every time he was in the same room as her even though she knew how much I adored teasing her about it. 
Suddenly, someone knocked at the door and a head appeared. It was Peter and he smiled brightly at us. 
“He’s ready too. It’s time!”
Lily grabbed my hand and we both followed Peter through the corridor. The living room’s door was half opened and the voices of Sirius, Remus, little Harry and James were barely muffled. They were joking about something like how sweaty a werewolf could get. Peter explained to me why when he looked at me and noticed my nervousness.
“Maybe he’s playing it cool, but Sirius is as stressed as you are. He was sweating so much that he and James had to exchange shirts. James is quite disgusted but he doesn’t want you to drown when you’ll kiss.”
“Couldn’t he just enchant the shirt?” muttered Lily, and Peter shrugged as if we shouldn’t be surprised before sneaking in the living-room by the door. 
A second later, a little silhouette appeared and Harry gave me his hand. He was so elegant in his jeans and white shirt that I almost squealed. Lily was literally melting next to me. 
“Oh my little baby!” she exclaimed. “You are so handsome, my big boy!”
Then she hugged me tightly and left, leaving me alone with her son. Even though very young, Harry was taking his task to heart: he was straight and had his head high when he pushed the door. 
A lot of young girls imagine their wedding with a dress worthy of a princess, in an elegant castle, with flowers everywhere and feeric lights, and my wedding couldn’t be more different, it couldn’t be better. The sofa had disappeared and so had the coffee table and pretty much everything that was once in the living-room; and instead of our furniture, there was a red carpet underneath my feet, an ark of flowers and balloons in front of me and a table where fruit juices and food were flowing together at my left. There were also a few lanterns above our heads and the soft light they were diffusing flooded the room with golden light. 
Lily, Remus and Peter were on the right side of the room. They were glowing; their gazes were proud and loving and that reminded me of the day Lily and James had married. The latter was just underneath the ark, and his discomfort due to the shirt incident, if it had really existed, seemed far behind him. His smile was so large that we could have feared it hurt, and the way he was glancing at Sirius was the same as a proud big brother. 
As for Sirius, I had seen him so many times in so many states, yet it had never been during our own wedding and I was feeling like it was both the first and the hundredth time I fell in love with him. He was beaming, his eyes were sparkling and his hands already extended toward me; when Harry and I reached him and after the little boy had let go of me, his fingers slipped slowly between mine and he suddenly pulled me toward him. His lips crashed on mine and through the loud beating of my heart, I barely heard James’ whistles and Peter’s applauses. 
“My dear friends, you all know why we’re here so I’m just going to go straight to the point, even though I must say we’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. Anyway,” James said quickly as Lily threw him an inquisitive look, “We are gathered around you today to witness your love and to remind ourselves of the most embarrassing stories we know about Sirius after the party. Y/N, is there something you want to say?”
“I- yes, I… Well, Sirius, I just love you so much, I’m not sure anything I could say would be strong enough to make you understand how- how vital is your presence in my life. I just- I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always love you and my heart will only be complete if you are with me-”
My voice broke and Sirius’ hands immediately cupped my face.
“I know, love, I know. I love you so much too, so so much…” 
A quiet sniffle coming from behind Sirius caught my attention; it was James who wiped a tear away quickly before asking Sirius if he had anything to say with a slightly shaking voice. Sirius’ loving eyes were looking right into me, and he murmured: 
“No, she already knows everything. Hurry up Prongs, marry us, would you?”
And it was with an enormous smile that James pronounced the few words that changed everything while Harry brought us two very simple rings. With a wave of his wand, several dozens of silver and golden stars appeared around us, bathing our freshly married couple in a feeric light. The click of Remus’ camera didn’t even startle me as it used to, I was too focused on Sirius’ heartbeat as he was embracing me tightly. Our friends applauded and congratulated us with joyous laughters, and someone summoned a torrent of rose petals. Lily jumped on me and hugged me tightly, excitedly squealing that we would finally be able to compare our rings and our lives as wifes. 
“Now let’s start what we were all truly waiting for,” said James with a smirk after the euphoria of the moment had calmed down. “The party!”
_ _ _ 
It was several hours after the beginning of the party, more than a good dozen for sure. It was true to every party we had ever thrown, the Marauders, Lily and I: simple, without any fuss, with a good atmosphere, just a bunch of friends celebrating good news. There had been games, songs and dances and above all a lot of laughter, especially when Remus and James had shared a sensual slow on the most rocking song of this muggle group Lily had advised us. Harry had stayed with us until he had fallen asleep on his butt in the middle of a tickling fight with Sirius, and once James had brought him back to his bed, the after party had begun. 
I had sworn myself I would stay reasonable with the firewhiskey, but I hadn’t been able to restrain myself. Not because I loved alcohol too much, which was more Sirius’ case than mine, but because it was easier this way. Because no matter how happy I was, how hard I tried not to think about what was eating me up, I couldn’t forget that sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was like an insufferable itch out of your league, and the whiskey was like that tool you use to reach your back. Unfortunately, I was used to drinking and it didn’t have that much influence on me. That left me in a quite melancholic mood in the middle of my wedding party, and it was all but fun. 
The only thing that eased my uneasiness a bit was that Sirius, even though he hid it better than me, seemed to be in the same state of mind. Every time our eyes met, the look he sent me seemed to mean “I know, me too.” It was truly a strange feeling, to be deeply convinced that something irreversible would happen and being unable to know what or to stop it. It seemed impossible that James and Lily, who were sharing a dance, or Remus who was taking photos and Peter in deep conversation with Sirius could ignore it. 
When only Sirius and I could stay on our feet, we collectively decided that the party was over and it was time for us to go to sleep. James and Lily supported each other until they reached the guest room where Harry was sleeping, and Remus and Peter were starting to rearrange the sofa when my husband and I left to our own room. 
It almost felt like the tension was natural. Sirius took his shirt off, I put on my favourite nightgown and we slipped underneath the covers. His arm found its way around my waist and he pulled me against his torso. His chin was resting above my head and his breath tickled me when he whispered he loved me. He said it several times, all more loving than the precedent, and I was so focused on the words themselves that I forgot to say it back. I only realized my mistake when my eyes closed, and I murmured I loved him too, hoping in my clouded mind that it was intelligible enough for him to know I would always love him. 
_ _ _ 
If I was being completely honest, opening my eyes the following morning surprised me a lot. However, this bubble of relief exploded when I realized three things: Sirius was not next to me in the bed, this bed was not in my room, and I wasn’t alone. 
To be continued...
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years ago
09/23/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalms 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35
Today is the 23rd day in the month of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and an honor to spend a few minutes of this day with you around this Global Campfire that we make each day, it's oasis to let God's word wash into our lives. And, so, let's take that next step forward together. We are working our way through the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament and we’re just getting going in the letter to the Ephesians in the New. We’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Isaiah chapter 41 verse 17 through 43 verse 13 today.
Alright. I want to just requote Paul in his letter to the Ephesians just a couple of verses today for us to look at. “Indeed, it is by grace you have been saved.” Like we could just sit there, and we should. We should take each part of this and just contemplate it at different points of the day. “It is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Again, “this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance so that we would walk in them.” This is a reasonably well-known passage. You've probably heard it before, but have you ever just sat with it? “It is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves. It is the gift of God.” That is really really good news. That is the good news. You…you can't get good enough. You can't work yourself into this. That's not what's going on here. God is trying to offer a gift freely. Your part is to believe that the gift has been given and then life is transformed. And then what we do falls in line with who we are and who we are, according to Paul, is God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. So, we can see that we have good work to do, and that good work is part of us being in Christ, But the fact that we can be in Christ, there is nothing we can do to make that happen other than believe because it is a gift, it does not come from ourselves. We cannot earn it in our own power, which also means this cannot be stolen from us. We could reject a gift. We could walk away and abandon the gift. We can treat a gift as it's…as if it's garbage but this gift is the restoration or renewal or re-creation, the making new of our inner selves. The transformation of our Spirit, the…the changing of who we truly are. Do we not spend our whole lives trying to tweak who we think we really are? And normally what we’re doing is trying to tweak our behavior, trying to tweak our personality so that it's more effective at coping with the world and getting people to do what we want them to do in some form or fashion, otherwise known as manipulation. What Paul is talking about here is so much deeper, so much deeper than all of that façade, all of that mask wearing. It is at the essence of what is core, what is deeply true of us, what is created in the image of God. This gift transforms us, changing everything about us, including what we do. There's like not a whole lot of better news than that. I mean would you rather have your…I mean this is an odd question…but the phone call that makes you rich or the awareness that you are being transformed into something that has the Spirit of the living most high God involved and within? I can't say much about the phone call that will make you rich but this second piece, this is already true. Let's spend some time contemplating it, contemplating this truth and what it might mean. That we can spend some time thinking about what this might mean, that we can live true, that this cannot be taken from us, that our identity no matter what anyone might say cannot be altered. We are children of God. Think about that today.
Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. It's the reality that's been spoken to us from the beginning. It's a reality that the Gospels reveal. You came and were willing to sacrifice Yourself in order to give us this gift. And yest we just kind of live as if it's just a thing, like it's just always been here, and it's just a thing. We’re just trying to figure it out and we’re just trying to be better when You have offered us the gift of utter and complete transformation if we will utterly and completely surrender to You. Come Holy Spirit, help us to think on these things today, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement there are number of ways to reach out. If you’re using the app, you can press the Hotline button. That's the little red button up at the top. You can't miss it. You can press that and share your story from wherever you are in the world or there are a number of telephone numbers that you can use depending on where you are. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is a number to call.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello, my DABalonians DABaruskis, my DABster's what's going down? This is Casey Sean Peirce from beautiful sunny Eloa. How are you today? I wanted everyone to join me in prayer if you could if you would be so kind for the beautiful Shemira Pierce my wife. Heavenly Father please bless Shemira and give her extra piece and extra joy and strength to…to do the things she needs to do in Jesus’ name. Amen. If anyone else wants to pray for her that’d be super cool. I'm not really that good at prayer. She recently quit doing all drugs and tobacco products and alcohol and she's got a lot of family issues that she's dealing with, that she's talking to a custody lawyer right now. We're handling a lot of kids in and out of the house and with different parents, her biological kids. Her mom lives with us. There was a reason she drank and did drugs, my wonderful wife and now that we don't that it kind of takes away what was protecting a lot of things that she needs to just overcome now. And, so, if anybody can help her with prayer to do the things that she needs to do that would be great. I love all you guys. God bless you and God bless your day.
Hey everybody my names Kara I live in North Carolina, and I just wanted to put in a prayer request for one of my friends. About 10 days ago she lost her son who's only 19 years old and it was very unexpected and suddenly. And his funeral was on Saturday. And I saw her for the first time since this has happened, and it just broke my heart to see her. And I just pray that she feels lifted up and comforted and finds peace. And I just I'm asking for all you guys to pray for her period she she's…she's having a hard time and she also has another son that's his…the other boy’s twin. So, I can imagine that would be very difficult. So, yeah if you guys could just pray for her and with her up, I would really appreciate it. I love this community and everything it stands for. And thank you Brian for having this community. It's definitely kept me going in difficult times. So, I appreciate it. Love you guys. Bye.
Heidi DAB family it's Shanda from South Dakota. I was doing my Bible study this morning and I felt prompted to call and ask for some prayer. We did our festival and it turned out great. Thank you for those prayers. However, my son was assaulted shortly after pretty badly. Had someone not stopped he feels like maybe he wouldn't have lived. And the people that are salted him are still threatening him. He feels like he needs to go buy a gun for safety. And I am praying for him. And I still have some fear. He's my baby. I'm just calling to ask for prayer for his safety. I'm just in this place of praying to the Lord and…and going back and forth. I trust the Lord and I trust His plan and I know He has plans for my son's life. I still just feel a little fear. I am praying for all of you, and I thank you so much for your prayers. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning, everybody this is God's Smile here. It's a beautiful morning and I just wanted to share a little…little __ I had with the Lord. As the lights are drawing in, I've noticed by the time I'm able to get down the stairs. And, you know, I only get about an hours’ light before I notice it starting to draw in. And I thought, wouldn't it be lovely if I could just get up in the mornings and be able to get downstairs physically. So, here I am at 9:00 o'clock in the morning. Thank you, Jesus for that. Isn't He great? He even hears the sighs of our heart. So, Brenda I would like to pray for you because you rang in about your mom in a nursing home and it's on lockdown due to COVID and it's not been easy on a dementia ward. And she's had a hard time remembering conversations and when she last saw your family. She loves the Lord. She's been a pastor’s wife for 35 years and she feels abandoned. Father God thank you that you’ve not abandoned Nancy. Thank you that Jesus lives inside her and Your precious Holy Spirit. Father I ask for Your peace to be…to abound Lord, that Your grace would impart Father and a stillness in Nancy's heart to know that everything's OK. And I know You do this with me Lord when I'm in distress and I have faith and trust in You that You will calm her and soothe her Lord and let her witness be from Brenda the next time she calls. And times ticking away and Bob’s chirping away. I'll have to go now guys. Kiss kiss. I love you. Bye-bye.
Good morning DAB family I've got a prayer request and also a praise report but before I start this story, I'm a bit sick so hopefully you can hear me OK, my voice sounds alright. But my praise report is that I…I got my university results back and I graduate with a first. And I can't even explain like. Like I got it like a week ago and every single day since, I just keep thinking about and I’m like oh my goodness, how on earth did I graduate with a first. Like so grateful, so happy and like I…I just owe everything to God because like if someone had told me I was going to graduate a first I would have been like oh, stop it. Believe it or not people said yeah you will, and I was just rolling my eyes like ok please like stop expecting so much from me. And I did. And I just…like it's honestly the weirdest feeling but like the best feeling at the same time. So, that’s some good news because I struggled a lot especially like balancing uni stuff and work. Well…I did it, but my prayer request is for my brother. He's just so lost. And like we had a conversation last night and it just honestly just made me really realize how lost he actually is, and it's just been on my mind like the whole night even when I was sleeping and when I wake up today. It's been on my mind like and like the love I have for my brother is so much like I don't love anyone else the same way that I love him, and I care for him, and I want him to add like have the best life he can possibly have. But like I just don't know what he's doing. And he's drifted so far away from God it's ridiculous. Like he's just…he's not even putting in any effort to spend time with Him. And like He's just doing…he's doing what he wants, and I don't know whether or not he cares that what he's doing is like not what he's supposed to be doing and if like…I just…I…I don't know but I just I guess I…I…I I'm just asking for you guys to pray for guidance and wisdom and for him to actually have a relationship with God…
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 4 years ago
🍁🌻🌳💦 Soft OC asks for Warden-Commander Caron and his husband, Eynon (quietly blubbers in the feels)
e🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Rémy and Eynon have been husbands for 35 years by 9:41, but they’ve known each other practically their entire lives. They’ve had a LOT of Places. Places around Rémy’s father’s estates (he’s the youngest son of an Orlesian governor during the occupation of Ferelden and Eynon is the son of an elven apothecary who worked for his family, so when Baron Caronet returned to his holdings in Orlais near Jader after the war he brought Eynon and his father with them), places around Jader and Val Royeaux, but their favorite Place is their home in Starkhaven. It was the first that was truly theirs as opposed to a place they were...not so much trespassing (though that WAS the case sometimes but not often as it made Eynon anxious to be somewhere they weren’t supposed to be) as like...borrowing someone else’s space for a while. Their house wasn’t the biggest, but there was enough room for them to have space for their separate hobbies, a den, an office, places they could share or let one another be when needed, space for Emma after they adopted her. Rémy has done his best to replicate their home in his quarters and an otherwise unused room at Vigil’s Keep, both for his own comfort and for Eynon’s when he visits. It has similar chairs arranged in a similar way near the hearth, a similar rug to the one Emma would sit on to read and arrange her blocks as a child, a potted aglaonema grown from a cutting of the one Eynon has cared for since Orlais.  The rest of Vigil’s Keep isn’t so much like his home, but it feels like a home, mostly from the Warden-Commander’s efforts to make it so.  It is home to the people who live and work there, and he’d have them feel like it.
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them? 
Rémy is like that post I’ve seen a few times talking about watching someone stand in the rain letting it fall on their face and how strangers can fall a little bit in love with you?  Little moments of people finding joy in life light him right up.  He used to love making faces at Emma and watching her try to make them back, and the way the corners of her mouth twitched in mimic whenever he’d smile at her.  Eynon has a habit of idly twirling some of his hair around his fingers while he works, mouthing the calculations he’s doing in his head, counting by tapping the tips of his fingers on the tip of his thumb.  The care and precision he puts into his alchemical work is obvious and he loves to see it.  Likewise, Eynon can see the joy Rémy found in being a father to their daughter (Eynon himself was reluctant at first, not having ever anticipated having children of his own, but warmed to the idea mostly through watching how much Rémy enjoyed it), and a mentor and father figure to his wardens.  He knows the strength it takes to stand up for people who can’t stand up for themselves, and how effortlessly Rémy does it - and inspires others to do it - is one of his favorite things about him.  
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
Aside from idle snuggles with his family (he is SUCH a snuggler), Rémy likes to do puzzles and play what he considers “low-stakes thinking games” - something to focus his mind, but not stress it too hard. A word game similar to Scrabble. A block-stacking game similar to Jenga. 3D puzzles he can fidget with in one hand while he reads, like a Rubik’s cube. Chess, but he has to be in the right mood for that (chess carries a lot of pressure to be The Best at it, as opposed to just being fun. Also he once spent the better part of three weeks getting absolutely trounced at it by his then-nine year old daughter). At Vigil’s Keep, he checks in on his people and takes some time to catch up with them, and a good, hearty meal with a nice wine is a favorite way of his to offset the stress of his day - a stew with big chunks of meat and potatoes, a roast, some Fereldan dish as he’s Fereldan at heart despite being technically Orlesian.  He likes to watch birds.  Butterflies remind him of Emma; he has lots of flowers that attract them planted around the keep and tends to them himself.
Eynon has difficulty relaxing until he’s satisfactorily set things in order, working through numbers for their business or tidying up, he’s an alchemist and apothecary by trade so he might spend some wind-down time working out what he plans to do the next day work-wise and prepare what he can ahead of time. Rémy used to try to pull him away by being coy, but as they got older he stopped doing that and started helping him finish his tasks instead - less trying to get him to relax the same way he did and more adapting to what works best for him. Truthfully, with some tasks he isn’t much help, but his presence is soothing and helps Eynon feel better anyway. He missed it a lot after Rémy left.
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
I mean...technically, I already did lol. Rémy becomes a Grey Warden to save him from the Blight sickness, but until like...a year or two ago - maybe, I have no sense of time when it comes to this blog - he died from it. I changed it because a) it would’ve happened because Emma tried to cure him and she carried a lot of guilt over it, and the Catharsis(TM) in Atlas (my Inquisition era fic I might actually write one day) when she’s reunited with him gives me infinite feelings, b) can I resist man with long curly hair and grey at the temples? I cannot, c) I knew I wanted my HoF to make the ultimate sacrifice and was too lazy to make YET ANOTHER OC when there was a perfectly suitable one RIGHT THERE and d) as is usually the case when I decide that one of Emma’s three dads is going to end up not dying after all, @bladeverbena yelled at me about it until I figured out a way to keep him alive. Anyway I’m glad I did, because he’s awesome and has worked incredibly well as Warden-Commander.
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babyleclerc · 6 years ago
Mimi’s Masterlist (Fics/Imagines/One Shots)
🥰 = Fluff || 💥 = Smut || ☠️ = NSFW ||🌪 = Angst ||⚡️ = Tough themes/Mature content || 🧸 = Author’s Favorite || 🍒 = 1K notes || 🎉 = 2K notes || 🎈 = 3K notes || 🌶 = 4K notes
Updated 8/3/19
Chris Evans x Reader
🌪⚡️Always Remember Us This Way {IN PROGRESS - CURRENTLY ON HIATUS} - You’ve been friends with Chris since College, but as you’ve gotten older you’re getting tired of the on again/off again dynamic of your relationship. This time, you’re actually breaking up. For good.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
🌪⚡️Much Too Much {IN PROGRESS - CURRENTLY ON HIATUS} - With big brother Sebastian Stan by your side, you never needed much else in life as you navigated raising your three-year-old son as a single mother. That is, until Chris Evans comes crashing into your world – bringing laughter and joy with him, but unknowingly digging up every secret you’d tried so hard to bury.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Sebastian Stan x Reader
🥰Hope for the Hopeless {ON HIATUS} - While in town visiting your best friend during the IW press tour and screening, you end up spending lots of time with her fiance, Tom Hiddleston, and through extension the rest of the MCU cast. A certain shy but confident, Sebastian Stan can’t help but notice you - and the whirlwind starts from there.
Part I
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Change Is Gonna Come {COMPLETE}
Part I - You find out you’re pregnant while abroad for work, and tell Tom after a month of being apart. 🥰🍒
Part II - After experiencing severe stomach pains and rushing you to the hospital, you and Tom find out heartbreaking news about your baby. 🌪⚡️
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
The Way You Look Tonight - Tom has always been one to spoil you, but on your second wedding anniversary you want to be the one spoiling. So after a romantic evening dinner, you take Tom to the theatre to see his favorite play & ice cream afterwards. 🥰
If I Didn’t Have You - Studying isn’t so bad when you’ve got an adorable Tom Hiddleston by your side. 🥰
Love Her Madly -  After probably the worst day of your life, you find yourself stood up at a nice restaurant by your date. To make things worse, you also run into your ex - who sees you there alone. Who better to save the day than the one and only Tom Hiddleston? 🥰🍒
Lips On You (NSFW) -  During your honeymoon, Tom wakes you up in the middle of the night seeking some… attention. 💥☠️🍒
Slow Hands (NSFW) -  In an effort to get you to relax after a long week, Tom offers to give you a massage. Which leads to other things… 💥☠️
An Honest Mistake -  Not wanting to jinx your new relationship, you and Tom keep your relationship under wraps - no one knows except your family. But while on a mini getaway in England, Tom runs into a family friend and introduces you as ‘just a friend’, which leads to a fight. 🌪🥰🍒
Honesty Hour -  It’s your turn to host Friendsgiving, and all your closest friends are attending – Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, and of course, Tom Hiddleston. After a whole lot of booze, the conversation steers into the boys asking your ‘FMK’ (Fuck, Marry, Kill) opinions - which leads to honesty hour with Tom. 🧸🥰🌪🍒🎉🎈🌶
Favorites - Tom asks you a few Marvel questions, which leads to an interesting revelation about his coworkers. 🧸🥰🍒🎉🎈
Rules -  You’ve got some explicit rules for watching Marvel movies with Tom, specifically ones that he’s in. But he has other plans. 🧸🥰🍒🎉🎈🌶
Just Wait - A sad Tom doesn’t want you to go out of town for work, which leads from an argument to a much bigger, more important question. Small mention of jealous!Tom over Chris Evans. 🌪🥰🍒🎉
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Fix You -  Feeling unworthy of Sebastian Stan’s affections, you look to him for comfort and reassurance in a brief moment of insecurity. 🥰
Into You Like A Train (NSFW) - You can’t resist asking Seb a question that has been on your mind all morning - even at the most inappropriate time. 🥰💥
Chris Evans x Reader
Tequila Sunrise -  You’ve known Chris since you were twelve. He’s always been a constant for you, never a romantic interest. But will the summer heatwave, humidity and pool time get to your head and change the way you feel about each other? Includes Anthony Mackie! 💥 🧸 ☠️
One Sweet World - In preparation for Chris’s 37th birthday, you’ve got a big surprise for him that he just can’t contain his excitement for. 🧸🥰 🍒
Morning After - After seeing Infinity War, you have questions for your boyfriend, Chris��who clearly can’t confirm or deny your many theories. ;) 🥰 🍒
Something’s Gotta Give (NSFW) - You’ve been filming Infinity War over the past 8+ months and for whatever reason, you cannot stand the sight of Christopher Robert Evans. But on a cold winter’s night, stuck in a cabin for “mandatory bonding”, you and Chris work out your issues…physically. Includes cameos of our favorite super-dorks Seb, Tom, Scar & Mackie! 🧸🌪⚡️☠️🍒🎉🎈
Steve Rogers x Reader
Afterlife -  Immediately after The Snap, Steve has yet to hear from you, causing him to assume the worst. Did you survive? 🌪
My 1K+ Story A Day Challenge 2k17:
Day 1: Winter Wonderland (Chris Evans x Reader) 🥰
There’s no better way to spend Christmas Eve than with your best friend, Chris Evans. Hilarity ensues while Chris attempts to make Christmas decorations. Wonderful, feelgood, holiday fluff.
Day 2: My Favorite Things (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) 🥰
Just a cold, wintery night with our favorite Tom Hiddleston, complete with blanket fort and dinner next to the fire. Fluff, fluff, fluff.
Day 3: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) 🥰
In which you try to hang the Christmas lights by yourself and Tom watches you fail hysterically.
Day 4: Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) 🥰
Just a quick blurb about decorating the tree with our favorite boy, Tom Hiddleston.
Day 5: Cold December Night (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) 🥰
You’re attending Marvel’s annual Holiday Party rather begrudgingly, and the night seems to be a lame one until you realize that a certain Tom Hiddleston has made you a stocking with all of your favorite things inside. Small cameo by ScarJo & Chris Evans.
Day 6: You Make It Feel Like Christmas (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) 🧸🥰
A beautiful Christmas Eve spent with the one and only Tom Hiddleston. And it wouldn’t truly be Christmas unless he popped you a serious question, would it?
Day 7: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) 🧸🥰
Christmas morning spent with Tom isn’t so bad, after all. Features daddy!Tom and lots of fluff. :)
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rainebowkitty · 5 years ago
Absolutist's Son, Queen's Devotee (Oofy Riddle Fic)
History is often warped over time as ideals change and people evolve. It’s no different for the Queen of Hearts and her legends of villainy. Only in the Twisted Wonderland her story paints her as the heroine, and poor, impressionable Riddle Rosehearts falls victim to the tyranny of not only his oppressive mother, but a boisterously absurd queen as well.
(Basically an angst fic I wrote on a whim about Riddle discovering that his mom and the Queen of Hearts are both villains terrible inspirations to look up to and how that realization literally shatters him. Oh, and for the sake of making sure he can’t deny it, the reader can make anyone relive memories and potentially alter them? by simply touching the person, so guess what kind of stuff he has to relive? I won’t spoil anything, but it’s oofy)
Warnings: Mentionings of beheading 
Now! Enjoy my first fic in weeks! 
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It was nothing but a mirage. It had to be. 
Riddle was hyperventilating, his chest heaving up and down in a sporadic pattern as he absorbed the news. His first instinct was to deny it, was to force those thoughts of corruption out with every inch of his small being, with every fiber of magic his shaking form possessed. 
But one couldn’t run from a vision, right? Pulling away did nothing as the images you pressed into his mind like a hot coal into his fist still lingered. How did you-? How dare you taint the Queen of Hearts’ legacy with such fallacies. How dare you challenge his mother’s golden rules, the very rules he tried to enforce in order to benefit Heartslabyul as a whole.  
What a laughable lie all of your conjurings were. It was the cruelest slap to the face as he pushed you off of him, his shoulders tensing as he backed up, almost hugging himself. But you just reached out once more. And Riddle, his arms crossed over his chest defensively, couldn’t move fast enough to slap your hand away. 
“STOP IT!” He screamed. “UNHAND ME!” 
But he was quickly lost to his thoughts, a blank expression dawning on him as his eyes stared at nothing in particular, mercury orbs wide in disbelief.
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A small, youthful redhead sat on a lonesome bench in a private garden. The boy was awaiting his new instructor’s arrival whenever a small rodent caught his eye. It was the most adorable creature the boy had ever seen. It was a pale cream color, small and petite with little spines poking from its back. Its curious, pink nose scrunched itself up multiple times as it sniffed the ground. It wasn’t long before it was sniffing the young boy’s gloved hand, ultimately deciding whether to name him friend or foe.
After the critter gave the boy a thorough security check, it allowed the redhead to gently pet its head with two fingers. Minutes ticked on until the spiny rodent allowed itself into the boy’s palms, pink nose now smelling a smiling face. Joyous, childlike laughter bubbled from the usually serious boy. It was so free, so pure in its form that you’d mistake him for any old kid with a thing for dressing up perhaps. 
But no, this boy was Riddle Rosehearts, son of a famous, stern healer, sharing a moment of joy with a wild woodland hedgehog. The two made quite the duo, both short in stature yet fierce in appearance with either spikes or a menacing glare to keep them safe. Anyone would’ve mistaken the two as friends; boy and boy’s best friend. However, Mrs. Rosehearts wasn’t anyone, and she wouldn’t allow her prestigious son to mingle with vermin such as this primitive hog. 
“Riddle, put that rodent down!” She commanded as she approached him. “I’m glad you wore your gloves today. There’s no telling how many diseases that thing has.”
The young boy hastily set the critter back on the grassy ground, the light-furred animal scampering under the bench and behind Riddle’s foot as if the boy was capable of protecting it from the intimidating woman. He couldn’t even bargain with his mother for the chance to have a real strawberry tart on his birthday, let alone secure the life of a defenseless hedgehog. 
“Sorry mother,” the boy would’ve muttered had the woman not pounded it into his head to speak clearly if he was going to speak at all. “Where’s my tutor?”
It was an honest question, one he thought was reasonable to ask whenever he was busier than any kid in town. It often felt impossible to remember everything and yet his mother just scoffed at his question as if he should already know the answer.
“We changed locations for your lesson,” she crossed her arms in annoyance. “I believe I told you during yesterday’s tea time, but I had a hunch you’d forget.”
Of course Riddle thought. How could he be so forgetful when she even reminded him? 
“Well hurry along now,” she tapped her foot impatiently as Riddle left with thin grace. He was so close to running, to sprinting just so he wouldn’t be any more tardy than he already was, but his mom would chastise him for that. He opted instead for speed walking, a heartfelt apology already forming in his mind to recite to the unlucky tutor. He knew people didn’t like their time being wasted and to do this in his first meeting with this particular teacher was unthinkable. He almost didn’t hear his mother’s last words as he sped off, but unfortunately he was conditioned to tune into her beguiling voice. 
“Please be more mindful next time, Riddle,” her tone was more bitter than she liked her tea and it didn’t take much imagination to guess the expression she wore either. “You’re on a strict schedule for a reason. Remember that.” 
Then she did something Riddle hadn’t heard her do in a long time. She chuckled.
“If you can remember, that is.”
Riddle picked up his pace without looking back.
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His mother’s distraught cries rang through the corridors as he dashed down them one by one. He checked each room, his hands clumsily fumbling with the knobs far too long for his liking. He was panting, short huffs of breath rippling through his small form as he tried not to trip over his heeled shoes with each panicked stride. 
“Riddle! Please!”
Another shriek. Riddle swore he heard a heavy sound trail his mother’s call, the thick, harsh reverb of it sending shudders through his already shaking body. When would he find her? When would he save her like the dutiful son he was meant to be? She always told him to be on schedule. Was this what she meant? Did her job as a healer leave her with such a tight grasp of time and its passing that she wanted to transmit that trait to her son too? “Son,” his mom wept, a crack in her usually smooth, authoritative tone creaking from her throat somewhere nearby. Riddle stopped dead in his tracks, the satisfying click of his heels dying with his momentum as he strained to hear anything over the throbbing of his own heart. It was silent again before he heard the precise cling of metal. That sound was followed by a burly chopping sound, the greedy blow of an axe striking its target as his mother’s sobs were abruptly cut with a gasp. 
Riddle felt the material of his gloves as his clammy hands clenched into fists. He felt an unquenchable fire bubble inside of him, but for the first time in years he couldn’t express it with his voice. Did all that time biting his tongue for his mother really leave him speechless during her death? Was yelling rendered pointless whenever he was so shaken to his core he was unsure his vocal cords would ever function the same way again?
His legs wobbled before his knees buckled, not allowing him to collapse or to take another step further. He was in the middle ground, so close to being able to escape while also being entirely numb. If he should run from whoever murdered his mother, he was left defenseless by shock, fear, guilt and shame. That desire to rescue her was now unachievable, so he surrendered, shutting his eyes tightly and awaiting the worst in his defeat.
Eternal seconds passed as tears trickled down his pale cheeks. Then he felt what he was waiting for; a clap on the shoulder. Wait, a clap on the shoulder? He almost jolted, but his frozen legs and body wouldn’t let him complete the action properly. Instead he almost fell over. He struggled to turn around and catch himself without face planting into the tiles, but he managed it, seeing his mom in perfect health, not a drop of blood in sight of her commanding presence. 
He had believed that presence was shattered. He had been so sure that the only parent he was ever devoted to had fallen and he had failed to intervene. He had failed to protect her, he had failed her as her son. And for a moment he was content dying that way by the same husky axe he was convinced someone stained on her flesh, her blood sputtering over an elite uniform well-known and revered across the world as the hope she inspired did nothing to save her in the end. He was ready to die a failing coward who’s magic was advanced for his age but deficient when it truly mattered. He was ready to be beheaded like the Queen of Hearts herself, like he was certain his mom had been. 
He was ready for that legacy, not one of crying before his mom as he stuttered out broken apology after broken apology for not reaching her in time, longing for her to tell him sorry for deceiving him in such a harsh manner. To tell him that for once she was the mistaken one. But that moment never came. Only lectures followed as he sobbed for his mommy, a mommy who would never comfort or console him. A mommy who only existed in the depths of his imagination, someone he had to force into his mind to even gain the willpower to sprint down these halls as he searched for that proud, loving figure.
But his actual mom was not that loving figure. There was a reason she chose to test him this way, and there was also a reason behind the oppressive axe as her method of execution. There was a reason he was seconds late to her calculated demise and a reason he thought he had to die the same horrible death. The same death as the Queen of Hearts.
Not her too.
There were flashes of a short figure sitting on a throne; glimpses of a wide, cruel smile as soldier after soldier was sent to the guillotine. Memory after memory cycled of someone royal and absolute going over daily tasks Riddle had grown so accustomed to. Directing people to paint the roses, hosting Unbirthday parties and kicking out the guests unfit to reside at such a refined event. Only this time unruly subjects were given a harsher punishment than simple banishment. They were disposed of to make sure the same mistakes weren’t repeated down the line. But no one was to mourn in the Queen’s court, only obey the current rule set which offered no times for heartbroken liegemen.
For countless years their activities were outlined for them, their stories pre-written until someone new and daring appeared in Wonderland. A fair lady named Alice, always depicted as malicious and mischievous for disregarding the absurd rules of such an exotic queen. However, now the Queen’s destiny was chosen, her agenda hand-picked by those she once ruled. She was the one being dragged to her untimely end by the very subjects who should obey her. Only it wasn’t the Queen’s turn to atone.
It was Riddle’s. 
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“MAKE IT STOP!” Riddle sounded increasingly desperate as he pushed you away once more. He was about to see himself die like the Queen he so virtuously admired. He would pay for all of her unjust punishments. He was left with his neck stretched across the bloodied plank of the guillotine, a sharpened blade raised high above his head ready to fall and end it all with one swipe. Or maybe it wasn’t sharpened. Maybe they wanted to see him suffer that much. Maybe those peasants wanted to see the Queen suffer that much as she shouted her last command to an audience now deaf to her cries. 
Riddle was gasping at the intake of knowledge. The tales always ended with the loyal subjects corrupted by a filthy miscreant named Alice. Why did she resemble you so much in this vision? You weren’t anything like her. You had no intention to harm Riddle or to taint the Queen’s name. So why were your graceful eyes looking upon him with such stinging pity? Why was your touch causing grandeur delusions beyond his control to prance along his brain like bunnies on a time crunch? And why did it all feel so real when the storybooks never lied to him before? Was this dorm, the Queen he held on such a high pedestal, really horrible enough that all it took was someone sweet like you to talk to the lowly peasants and humble nobles to overthrow her? To overthrow Riddle himself?
He swallowed hard as his skull ached, his shoulder blades burning as he backed himself farther into the thick wall behind him. You made no move to touch him, having realized he had seen enough to understand your purpose and the lie he’s been living. Even so, there was so much frantic confusion in each detailed memory that he craved for you to explain. 
“Why?” He croaked as he stared you down fearfully. “Why did you show me that?”
“Because you were living a lie,” you spoke soothingly, but it did nothing to ease the panic in his eyes. “You deserve to know the truth about those you look up to.”
“Y-you don’t understand,” his lip trembled. “I’ve made myself to be like them in every way. When I was overwhelmed trying to abide by my mom’s rules, I’d turn to the Queen of Hearts because her rules were simple. I could follow them. I was always right by her standards. But if she was wrong all along and so was my mother then… what does that make me?” 
You were unsure of how to respond. It wasn’t your intention to leave the boy’s ideals crumbling with the realization that his top role models weren’t deserving of such an incredible, dedicated follower. You wanted him to see that he didn’t need them anymore, but whenever everything he built his seventeen years of life upon could be linked back to his mother or the Queen of Hearts, you realized telling him might have been more detrimental to his health than anything else. And your silence to his question only further engrained this inferiority into his collapsing psyche. 
“I’m just as horrible, aren’t I?” He whispered loathingly. 
Once again you were silent. 
“ANSWER ME!” He shouted, tiny fists bawled in an attempt to deny their shaking. If only he knew that his entire body was quivering as he seethed, every ounce of showcased hostility suddenly evaporating as he backed into the wall again, almost cowering away as he became aware of his sudden lash out.
The trauma you unveiled, the bittersweet fairytale you wanted to share the true nature of despite Riddle’s solid belief in the tale he’s always been told, it was incomprehensible for someone so faithful. But what were you to do when your idea of showing him the grim reality wasn’t associated with the potential need to reassure such a fragmented boy of his own personal good deeds? 
“If you have nothing else to say,” he straightened his posture and hardened his expression, though the anxiety in his frame was still evident. “I’d appreciate it if you left.” 
“Don’t. Just return to your dorm,” he more so pleaded than commanded. “Please.”
So you left him to his feelings like he asked you to. It was a mercy you stayed quiet if you truly viewed him as suffocating as those he idolized for their severe disciplines and the success that seeped like bitter sap from following such intensive mandates. He didn’t want to know the truth behind your maze-like emotions for him just as he didn’t care to uncover the honest goals of those he strived to imitate when he thought he already knew and lived by them anyway. But if everything he was boiled down to the distorted perception of a nonsensical empress and an imperious, overbearing mother, then what original shards of himself could he rely upon for revision of his old ways? How could he become more than a Queen’s foolish prophet or the successor of an illustrious healer?
Most importantly, where did their wicked influences end and his own sense of identity begin? 
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If you enjoyed this, maybe I can write more following this realization of Riddle’s? I’ve also been told I write Riddle and his mom’s relationship really well so be prepared for more oofs involving that whole mess I’ll gladly accept headcanons you’d like to see play out between them. I’m here for your angsty needs, by all means ask away
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inhissteps777 · 4 years ago
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When Satan is persecuting you in any aspect of your life, plead the blood of Jesus Christ for His protection. This doesn’t mean that you’ll never suffer in life, but no harm will befall you that’s contrary God’s purpose in your life.
In the words of Charles Spurgeon, “Christ’s intercessory power with God lies in His precious blood, and your power and mine with God in prayer must lie in that blood too... How can you ever prevail with God unless you plead the blood of Jesus?” Charles Spurgeon also said, “This precious blood is to be used for overcoming, and consequently for holy warfare. We dishonor it if we do not use it to that end.”
Exodus 12:13 The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
Isaiah 54:17 no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.
Psalm 23:4-5 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.
Psalm 91:5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Malachi 3:10–11 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts.
Matthew 6:25-34 Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 17:18-21 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.
Mark 10:29–30 Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Luke 6:38  Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
John 14:13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
John 16:23-24 In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.
Acts 16:25-26 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:35-37 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written:“For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
1 Corinthians 5:7 Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
2 Corinthians 9:6,10  6 Remember this–a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. 10 For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 1:20 And through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
Hebrews 10:19–23 And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Hebrews 13:16 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
1 Peter 1:18-19 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
1 Peter 2:24 He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.
1 John 3:22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
1 John 4:3-4 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Revelation 12:10-11 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
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bellemorte180 · 5 years ago
In the Beginning....
When Odin found two pieces of driftwood floating at sea in his newly created world of Midgard, he decided to take a chance. He created the first humans, Niklaus and Caroline, in hopes of creating a new race of people that spread across this new world.
Loosely based off the Nordic Myth of Askr and Embla (Nordic version of Adam and Eve).
June 2020 Bingo Prompt: Nordic Myth @klaroline-events
A/N: This is my attempt at PWP. Maybe I should stick to plot based stories?
The little girl ran with blonde curls trailing down her back. Her laughter echoed in the cool sea breeze and she could feel the sand beneath her toes. She was no older than five years old and had a fierce independence that was unbecoming for children her age and sex. She pulled up the muslin gown to her ankles and walked towards the edge of the crashing waves. She let the coolness of the water touch her and she squealed loudly.
“Freya! Don’t go too far in!” The little girl, Freya, turned to look over her shoulder at her mother, who was waddling slowly down the shore due to being heavily pregnant that was located near their village. Freya’s younger brother, Finn was faithfully at her side. Freya turned her gaze from her mother to stare out into waves.
Something floating in the water caught her eye. They were pieces of driftwood; floating closer and closer to the surface. Just as Freya’s mother reached the edge of the shore, her hand clutching young Finn’s, the pieces of driftwood washed up onto the sand; resting directly in front of Freya. She looked at the pieces of the wood with a cocked head in curiosity. The pieces of wood reminded her of the stories her father told her at night. He would tell her stories of the old gods and those pieces of driftwood made her think of a particular story she had not heard in a while.
“Yes, my sweet?”
“Can you tell me the story Niklaus and Caroline again?” Freya’s expression was one of pleading. She bounced on her heels and tossed her mother a wide smile. Esther, the girl’s mother, was not one who was talented at telling stories; she typically left that to her husband, who if honest, was not much better. But Freya loved hearing the stories of their gods and both Mikael and she indulged her. “Please.”
“Alright.” She replied, carefully lowering herself onto the sand. Finn curled into her side and Freya happily sank down onto the sand; pressing her hand to her mother’s bulging belly where her new sibling rested. “It all started when Midgard came into being. Odin and his brothers strolled alongside the shore, much like this one, when two pieces of driftwood washed up onto the shore.”
“What did they do with them Mama?” Little Finn asked with wide eyes.
“They blew life into them. Gave them a complexation that mirrored his own. He gave them the ability to speak, see and hear but most importantly, he gave them the ability to think. He named them Niklaus and Caroline, binding them together for the rest of their lives.” Finn smiled happily while Freya giggled. “He clothed them, fed them and gave them a gift.”
“What kind of gift?”
“He gifted them Midgard and with that gift, they created the entirety of humanity.”
Niklaus looked around the small hut Odin helped construct in what felt like a lifetime ago. It was held up by wood from the trees that surrounded the seashore. The roof was made of thick straw and the flooring was nothing more than dirt from the forest floor. It was a single room with a circle of stones in the center. Months before, Niklaus discovered that if he rubbed two rocks together of a few strands of hay, hot fire would eventually emerge. It kept the hut warm and helped the food Caroline cooked be more editable.
She was beautiful, even though she told him that the only reason he thought so because she was the only one of her kind; he had nothing to compare her to. Her logic just made him smirk but either way, he enjoyed her. Seeing her light up a room and her smile made Niklaus go out into the world, hunt and bring home food for her. Just being with her reminded of Odin’s command and purpose in life.
At first Niklaus did not understand the command. How were Niklaus and Caroline to have children when they were made from driftwood? Where they to find pieces of driftwood and fashioned them such as Odin had? Yet, they did not have magical abilities such as their god. He asked Odin such a question before the god crossed the Bifrost. Odin just chuckled and told him that he would understand in time; for nature would surely take its course.
And natural most certainly did take its course. Sleeping by her side each night on a small hay bed was enough for Niklaus to be pushed to the brink of insanity. He could not explain the desire that consumed him and the need to be with Caroline in a way that should only be done by animals. Soon enough Niklaus found himself touching her, kissing her and inside her. Seeing her fall apart at his hands became his favorite past time; nothing else filled his nights much like marking Caroline as his own. When Caroline’s stomach began to grow and she birthed their son, one of Niklaus’s most terrifying moments of his life, Odin’s command made sense. They were meant to create children by loving one another.
Holding Henrik in his arms sparked a drive into Niklaus. He hunted harder, ensuring that he brought food home for them. He kept the hut secure and safe, never wanting Caroline or Henrik to grow cold as the weather changed and the rain began to freeze. Niklaus thought on everything he wanted to teach his son; knowing that he would have to master the skills himself first.
Odin wanted their legacy to span the test of time, spreading across the entirety of Midgard. It was their duty to live and raise children, just as it would be his son’s duty as well. In order to do so, Niklaus would have to teach Henrik how to survive, a task he knew was not as easy as it was said; something Odin knew to point out to him.
“What are you thinking?” Caroline’s voice sounded, pulling Niklaus from his thoughts. She came up behind him as he was peering down at a sleeping Henrik in the small cradle Niklaus and fashioned out of a tree log and straw for comfort. Caroline wrapped her arms around Niklaus, resting her head against his chest.
“Henrik.” Niklaus replied and watched the smile spread across Caroline’s lips. He knew that she loved their son more than anything; a fact that Niklaus adored. Looking at her and just knowing that she carried his son within her body for months at a time caused something primal to stir deep within him. “He is perfect.”
“Yes. He is.” The two stared down at the sleeping infant, who came into their lives almost six months earlier. He had curly blonde hair like is father but knew that if Henrik were to open his eyes, they would be a match to his mother’s. He was a mix of the two of them and Niklaus wondered if there could ever be a more perfect child. “You know, he is going to need a sibling.”
“Are you...” Niklaus’s eyes shot down towards her stomach, his eyes bulging. He remembered when the figured out that Caroline was expecting. She had been sick for weeks and neither knew what the cause was. Niklaus thought she had been dying and sent a prayer to Odin in hopes of saving her life. It wasn’t until Odin explained the cause of Caroline’s illness that Niklaus’s fear of her death vanished, only to be replaced with joy.
“No. Or at least, I do not think so.” Caroline gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Klaus had been patient with Caroline after she had birthed Henrik, something that truly terrified him; thinking that she would die in the process of childbirth. He still could hear her screams in his ear as she pushed Henrik out of her body with only him there for comfort. “Either way, he won’t have one if we don’t at least attempt to make one.”
Caroline gave him a look, biting her lip and sending him a bashful glance. It amazed Niklaus that she would even want him to touch her after having birthed Henrik. However, a few weeks after he was born, Niklaus was holding him; still in awe of this little creature they created, and he looked up to see Caroline staring at him as though she was seeing him for the first time. She gently took the sleeping infant out of his arms and pulled him over to the straw bed, pushed him down on it and climbed on top of him.
It as an experience Niklaus enjoyed very much.
“Oh really?” He smirked at her shamelessly, enjoying the blush that rose on her cheeks. He leaned down and kissed her deeply. Caroline wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing her body to his. Niklaus’s hands were trailing her body, feeling her curves through the thick dress she made out of the skin of a moose. Caroline trailed her hands down the length of his arms. She pulled out of the kiss and linked their hands together; tugging him towards the bed they shared together.
Caroline pulled at the hid tunic that was tucked into the leather pants that was made from the same moose as Caroline’s dress. Typically, Niklaus did not wear clothing that covered his torso but with the months growing colder, he found additional clothing to be necessary. Once it was removed, Caroline tossed it onto the ground and made quick work of the leather fasting’s on his pants. She pushed them down his legs and he stepped out of them, kicking them to the side.
Niklaus placed his hands on her shoulders and spun her around. His lips began attacking the base of her throat as he began pulling at the laces on the side of her dress. Once loose, the dress slid down her body easily and Caroline stood before him completely bare, the winter breeze flowing through the small hut door; only an animal hid used to block out the cold.
She tossed Niklaus a gentle smile and slowly slid onto the bed; laying her head down at the top; a golden halo of curls framing her face. She gave him a small smile as she looked up at him. Niklaus crawled up her naked body, eyeing every inch of her. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips.
Caroline spread her legs in order to make room for him to nestle between them. His hands traced light touches on her skin, causing Caroline to chuckle into his kiss. Niklaus reached down between their bodies and began tracing her heat with small circles. Caroline’s chuckle turned into a whimper. Niklaus learned early on that Caroline enjoyed their time together if she grew wet before he entered her. Niklaus touched the small nub that was located just above her entrance. He rubbed it in small circles, causing Caroline to hiss.
“Klaus.” She whispered the name she reserved for when they were like this. She bit down on her lip as Niklaus took two fingers and entered her heat; muffling her cries in order to ensure their son did not wake. She arched her back and spread her legs wider, allowing him easier access. “Please.”
“Shh, Sweetheart. We can’t be too loud.” Niklaus chuckled as he entered a third finger into her. He took his thumb and pressed against her nub again, causing Caroline to whimper again. Her eyes snapped shut, just enjoying the feeling of his fingers on her. Niklaus watched as she climbed higher and higher towards that release. He loved watching her find her pleasure; giving it to her always boosted his ego and he could not help but grow harder at the sight. He leaned down and kissed her breasts gently, knowing that they were still sensitive from feeding their son. The contact of his lips to her breast had Caroline falling off the edge. “There you go, my love. Let go. Come for me.”
It took a few minutes for Caroline to calm down from her release, Niklaus drinking every inch of her enjoyment. Once she was able to regain her surroundings, she placed her hands against his chest and pushed him backwards lightly. Niklaus sat down and Caroline climbed on top of him; straddling his lap. She rested her head against his forehead and reached down, gripping him in her hand. She lowered herself down upon him, allowing him to fill her.
“Klaus.” Caroline whispered as he filled her completely. Niklaus looked up into her eyes, placing his hands on the side of her face; feeling the warmth from the fire in the center of the hut. Their eyes locked onto one another as Caroline began to move on top of him. Slowly, she rotated her hips, so he slipped in and out of her; rising on top of him.
“I love you.” Niklaus moaned out, enjoying the sight of her mounting him. Silence fell between them; the only sounds was the crackle of the fire, the slapping of their skin and the sound of their heavy breathing. Not once did they break eye contact or stop moving. When he could feel his own release building inside of him, Niklaus reached down and touched the bundle between her legs.
“Yes!” Caroline cried out, momentarily forgetting about their sleeping child. She toppled over the edge again at the same moment Niklaus spilled himself inside of her. They stayed holding one another until their breaths calmed down. After a few moments, Caroline moved off of Niklaus and laid down onto the bed; Niklaus flopped down beside her in an undignified manner. “I love you too, by the way.”
“I know.” Niklaus muttered back, Caroline slapping his chest lightly; causing him to chuckle. He pulled Caroline into an embrace, who rested her head against Niklaus’s naked chest. They just held one another, listening to the crackling fire. Soon they began hearing Henrik begin cooing from the small cradle and they both knew he would begin crying soon; screaming in hunger. The young parents shared a look and Niklaus pulled himself from her embrace. He stood from their straw bed and handed Caroline her dress. She slipped it back on before crawling back into the bed.
Niklaus pulled his leather pants on and walked towards their son. He lifted Henrik from the cradle and handed him to Caroline, who had lowered the front of her dress. She brought the young boy to her breasts and he latched on, sucking the milk from his mother. Watching her feed their son always brought a sense of peace to Niklaus; knowing that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He only hoped they had more children that he could see grow as Henrik was.
And they did; for they became the mother and father of all humanity that spread across Midgard; their names etched in legends and spanned across time.
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moonlightstars16 · 5 years ago
The Destined Truth
SO I biased this off an anime(well scene's at least) and a fan made artwork. The inspiration is just amazing!
Sword clashing against sword. The sound echoing all around them. Breathing fast and deep with every moment. Connie and Steven's movement was almost like a dance. Each side forcefully trying to lead. Getting the upper hand. However neither was willing to hurt the other. Not physically at least. But within, they each carried pain of a shattered heart.
Connie Maheswaren, a young woman who honored her duty for others and her destiny. She was a human. One who had helped defend her own home from outside forces. Villainous gems who wanted Earth for themselves. Some of their own kind started a rebellion, the Crystal Gems, and the humans were involved. However she had a deep secret. For Earth and the rebellion had a secret weapon.
Forged by gem technology but activated by human touch. However in a twist of fate, magic crept its way through. To unlock the true and fullest power, only the purest of human blood can get through. That is a very rare blood type. Not just a drop, but an entire human body's fill. With humans dwindling into lower numbers the chances of finding the person with the utmost unique blood was almost impossible.
Connie had exactly what they needed...and she was willing to sacrifice it all for the sake of saving humanity.
What stood in her way was not only a person, but someone who held her contradicting heart in his hands. Steven Universe. Half human and half gem like no others have ever known. For he was the only one of his kind. Living on Earth and learning all he can to help put an end to the war. Though he was forced to be in seclusion for most of his life. He was not only part gem, but his own mother was a Diamond. Ones who want Earth gone. Well that would be if she didn't come to care for Earth and began the rebellion.
Still to make sure no one knew of his true heritage, he was kept to himself mostly. Occasionally sneaking out to find some sort of enjoyment with his time between the endless battles. That's when he met her. In the midst of the forest as she trained to use the sword. One snap of a branch, a fallen boy and a girl's guard up was an interesting first meeting.
Over the course of there young lives(a few years), they met and did all sorts of things together. Trained for the battles ahead, did various activities including swimming in a nearby inlet, walking by the trees, reading books and conversing about many different things. Some serious like the war, others fun and happy. They talked about everything and nothing. Growing closer and closer.
One day, everything changed between them.
A town beside the sea, also protected territory from the war, was having it's annual festival. Celebrating another year of the town's founding from hundreds of years ago. Connie, though had dressed up a bit for the occasion, hid amongst the shadows. Two day's prior as she was going to meet Steven, she heard him talking. To himself it seemed, but it sounded like he was conversing with someone not in this plain of existence.
She didn't hear much, but it was enough that she heard him talk about being the son of a Diamond and the leader of the rebellion all at once. How he felt conflicted about it. But after that her mind clouded with so many thoughts. Was he secretly working for the other side? Invading and learning our secrets?! Only coming out during battles and then hiding, excluding the time with her, until the next one?
No. He was her best friend, there was got to be more than this. Looking ahead he seemed sad and angry about it. Taking a deep breathe she stepped out revealing her hiding place. Steven was expectedly surprised. Connie explained everything she heard as he explained everything to her. How confused he felt, the frustration from not telling others the truth and being hid away all the time. She was beginning to feel comfortable around him once more.
Until he began to confess his affections. How he never felt like others knew him but her. She was his light in the darkness, someone he could talk to and never feel like he had to hide. Especially after telling her the truth of his heritage. Connie's head was turned away as tears brimmed her eyes. She felt the same as well in a sense. No one ever truly cared what she had to say until he came into her life. He made her feel less invisible. Like she was worth more than being the secret weapon.
That's what it came down to.
Connie knew it was hopeless to think she could find love because her final destination was always to be the weapon. Ending the war once and for all. The others could only delay the inevitable for so long. Love was, in her mind, forbidden to the task at hand. And she fell for him anyways. Upon hearing him say the infamous 'I love you', she broke down. Unable to face the reality at hand. Standing up from the small boulder they sat upon she finally looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
Avoiding the questions....the expressions of confusion....the world around them. Uttering a simple apology and goodbye she left in a haste. Leaving Steven in the dark as she left her heart behind. Trying everything to stop from feeling anything. It did no good.
While at the festival, she needed a place away from home to clear her mind, she spotted him across from the other side of the parade. On instinct she ran as far away. Night fell as she stopped on a bridge and knelt down to catch her breath. After a few moments of hearing nothing but her own heartbeat from the run, she gasped as the sound of footsteps approached. 'Oh no...seriously?' she thought as her head lifted up to see the young man before her. Breathing as heavily as she was.
Standing up she took a couple steps backwards before going to sprint off again. Only this time she felt his hand grip hers, pulling her close to him as she struggled to get out of his grasp. One hand on the back of her head as the other wrapped around her waist. She pressed her arm against his shoulders trying, and failing, to break free. Steven pulled away just a bit, long enough to gently press his lips on hers. Shocking her senses as she stopped struggling.
Her heart seemed to leap for joy from the simple kiss. Like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. The cracks she felt mended together as she slowly began to return the gesture. Pulling away only slightly as they looked into each others eyes. His actions showed that he wasn't going to back down nor leave her side. At least not until she gave him her answer. Relishing in their warm embrace. After a few moments of silence she confessed her secret. Now feeling shame for not explaining sooner, especially after he told his willingly(well more in depth than what she heard). While also confessing the love she felt for him that couldn't be denied any longer.
The month before them was filled with happiness as he whisked her away to a secret and secluded area that was once a hiding place for the rebellion. An island that felt like a tropical vacation. But When Steven was by her side, Connie felt like it was paradise. They never spent a moment alone. They were joined at the hip and soon joined at the heart. Tied together for all eternity as they were secretly wed in the traditional sense(thanks to an old forgotten building from long ago. Most likely built by humans who also too refuge there). For this brief moment, it was heaven.
But dark days clouded them as her guilt grew. Abandoning her destiny and all the people that need to be saved. This was the selfish thing she tried ever so much to avoid. While she could stay and live in paradise, her sacrifice to help ensure the safety and future happiness of others was more important. One night her guilt invaded her dreams one to many times. This was the final straw. The time was drawing nearer for her to save the planet once and for all.
Looking down upon her beloved, reaching out to run her fingers through his soft, black curls and pressing her lips upon his softly. Whispering one last goodbye and I love you. Having already changed into her old battle training outfit and cape, she took her sword and began to walk towards where the warp pad was.
Only to be stopped by Steven himself, sword in his own hand and in his battle armor, including the cape. He hand stopped her only a mile before reaching her destination. Connie turned in his direction and felt the tears brimming her eyes. Trying her hardest to push her heart's emotions down. Steven deserved better. Someone who will not only live through this war, but love him like she does. But it wasn't her. It couldn't be her. So she thought.
He was never one for the sword, having a shield for not only the defensive but in attacks as well. anything can be a weapon if used a certain and right way. But he chose the sword. During the time there he had talked and tried to convince her that she didn't have to sacrifice herself. But it was obvious she answered better with action. Not only a small match between them, but using her own favorable weapon.
'Forget me...forget my name...I have nothing more to offer you.'  Was her final thought before the battle commenced between them. As there swords crossed softly with a small ting before clashing against one another. Crossing as both swords pushed against one another, both sides looking into each others eyes with an expression that at first glance was anger. But if looked closely, you can see the torment inside.
"Leave me to my fate! Please I beg of you!"
As they continued their battle of the heart, Connie felt his with every struck of the sword. The moments they shared since they first met flooded through her mind. Little did she know that he was thinking the same. Another blow was struck as realization entered her mind. This was the crossroads she faced. To turn back on the ones who need her... or turn back on her love. A small secret of honest poured out from her lips.
"Because I love you so dearly, I'll shed my blood for earth. Because I love you so dearly, I had broken your heart. I tried to sneak away without looking upon your eyes. Because I feel my courage to do this would fail me if I saw them- saw you with all the love you've given me. How could I take a single step. My love... I don't want to die. ... A simple life with you would be paradise."
Her words were soft as tears fell down her cheeks. Of course this destiny would scare her. Anyone would be if they knew they had to die. Especially at a young ate she knew this fate. Trying so hard to be rid of the mere thought, she brushed it aside. Unable to brave the full truth. Little by little she knew and it tore her up inside. Now she has seen all that will be lost to her.
Connie was afraid.
Suddenly the final clash of the sword came when Steven knocked her's out of hand. Letting it fall to the ground as they breathed deep from the battle. Connie slightly bent over from being knocked back in her stance as Steven had stood his from the last strike. Dropping his sword as he walked to her side. Reaching out to pulled her close to him as she clung to him and their lips touched. Staying that way for awhile before pulling back. Her head pressed against his chest as he held her close.
"I'm here....we'll end this war together." Feeling his head rest against hers Steven clung to her tighter. Connie nodded gently as more tears fell. Tears of sadness, pain, overwhelming love and fear from it all. The future was uncertain, but she began to hope. Hope to stay by his side through it all. Hope to live.
"P-..promise?" She whispered as he pressed his lips against her head and gently rocked her as she trembled.
"I promise. I won't let anything like that happen to you. We'll find another way." After a few minutes she stopped shaking and buried her face in his chest to hear more of his heartbeat. His hand stroking her hair and back, allowing herself to lean against him as he wrapped his arm tighter around her waist.
"Steven, I love you." Connie whispered a few minutes of silence passing.
"I love you too, my beloved Connie." Their words were filled with the truth. They stayed standing and holding onto each other in there own little frozen moment of time. Safe in each others loving embrace. Both preparing for a bright future to grasp together. One they will fight for till the end of time.
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makeste · 6 years ago
BnHA Chapter 243: Happy New Year
Previously on BnHA: The government was all “shit what are we going to do about Shigaraki Tomura and his Actual Fucking Army of villains, oh I know, why don’t we draft some child soldiers” and so they brought back internships and made them mandatory. Class 1-A had the Christmas party to end all Christmas parties, featuring 20 unique custom-tailored Santa costumes, enough chicken to feed Tomura’s entire Actual Fucking Army, and one (1) giant sword that somehow made its way into the hands of Eri, First of Her Name. Tidings of comfort and joy were had by all, and to cap things off, Shouto invited Bakugou (who by the way was having a lot of thoughts about how Best Jeanist asked him to reveal his new hero name the next time they met, because Horikoshi knows what kind of angst I like) and Deku to come intern with him at the motherfucking Endeavor Hero Agency and make everyone’s OT3 dreams come true.
Today on BnHA: Deku visits his mom on New Year’s Eve and the two of them ball out at the Make Me Cry Olympics. There is a whole plotline all about Hawks getting coffee, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s really just coffee or if THE ENTIRE SERIES SECRETLY HINGES ON THIS ONE SCENE omg. The next day at the Endeavor Hero Agency, Endeavor is all, “welcome! fuck you,” which may or may not be setting the tone for this whole arc. There’s a brief flashback to All Might congratulating his sons on their internship and saying foreshadowing things like “your new quirks probably won’t go fucking apeshit again” and “you’re a lot like Endeavor, this internship will be good for you!” Back in the present, Endeavor dramatically leaps over a railing and blasts off to go fight Monk Gyatso with the disaster trio hot on his heels. Hawks then shows up out of nowhere and the text is literally all, “WHAT’S HAWKS DOING HERE?” and seriously though. What are any of us even doing here. This arc has only just started and I already have no idea what’s going on and I fucking love it.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
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is she going to be all right
(ETA: literally the only way he could end his streak was by going on fucking hiatus. son of a.)
oh shit I forgot that they had the cover and a color page this week! this is great
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by the light (ba da dum ba da dum) of the silvery moon (ba da dum ba da dum) I want to spoon -- holy shit, what. do you ever look up the lyrics to a song you vaguely remember from your childhood twenty-five years later in order to make a bizarre joke in a manga recap and you’re like “!!?!?” lol what the fuck. this shit is from 1909. old timey pervs
anyways this may be my favorite Jump cover ever. colors are amazing, art is super cute, it’s the whole package. Aoyama and Iida are killing me. I need that Iida ball in real life, I would seriously pay real money
and now the color spread!
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where can I buy that U.A. hoodie. I’m not kidding, I need it in my life. the U.A. logo is great because it doesn’t scream “LOOK AT ME I’M AN ANIME FAN” unless the other person also watches said anime, in which case that’s awesome because the two of you can become best friends and bond over how you’re both nerds with impeccable taste
Kacchan out here holding a fucking root beer like we don’t all know the truth. yeah tough guy you go to bed at eight-thirty and you’re third in your class at the top high school in Japan. but you keep on trying to preserve that image. also this kid is singlehandedly making wifebeaters high fashion I swear to god. it’s a talent
Kirishima looks so good in v-neck shirts yes you go Kiri!
Mina is here!! Mina is part of the main character squad now, everyone! that’s right!! Iida Tenya was booted out after he refused to partake in this photo shoot due to moral outrage over the fact that they’re shooting this at what appears to be a crime scene. a vacuum cleaner was murdered in cold blood omg
Ochako not smiling is such an unusual look for her (and Mina and Kirishima too for that matter) but holy shit. I like it
so the new character book is out October 4, eh? I think we knew this already, but maybe this time the date will actually stick in my mind. anyways, so doing the math, that leaves Kacchan three more chapters (including this one) to reveal his hero name. boy you have a deadline get to work!
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damn that’s a lot of narration in the first panel
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“while accompanied by guards” oh shit. and yet, I get it. I like how they refer to it as “the chain of events that led us to move into the dorms” rather than “that time Bakugou got fucking kidnapped.” they are not letting that happen again. good
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at least he’s being open with her about it! come on Inko, push through this. he’s already got 240 other things he’s still not telling you, don’t give him any more reason to keep being secretive
oh my god now Deku is like “anyways do you remember Eri?” and he’s reaching into his pocket now, holy shit?? WHATEVER HE’S PULLING OUT IS GOING TO BE SO FUCKING CUTE, ISN’T IT
oH MY GOD!!!!!
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“I was hardly able to do anything for her” ?? you SAVED HER LIFE?? you BODYSLAMMED OVERHAUL INTO THE GROUND?? YOU GOT US ALL OUT OF THAT ACCURSED BASEMENT? listen here you modest little shit you need to stop doing this. you even taught her the true meaning of quirks for crying out loud. you are the actual best
god the way he is staring at this letter is giving me too many feels for a Thursday afternoon. these are like Saturday night feels. this manga never goes easy on me
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same Inko same
oh my god now Inko is launching into a speech about Deku’s sad childhood I can’t with this, MA’AM PLEASE
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“covered in bruises” oh my problematic ship. oh this nuanced manga with its intricate layers of feels. this is the lasagna of mangas
hello page 3 is just one big assault on all my emotions and I would like to report this to someone help I am being besieged
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oh my fucking god Midoriya family. I’m trying to process all of this and just!!
like. she’s known all this time how big his heart is and that he doesn’t care about himself and just wants to protect others. but for the longest time he was powerless to do it. but still he kept dreaming and she kept looking on waiting for that day he’d finally give up, ready for his heart to break, bracing herself. and then this miracle happened and he got a quirk and all his hopes came true and he got to go to his dream school, and now he’s training to become a hero just like he always wanted
and everything special she always saw about her boy is shining so brightly now, and everyone can see it, and he’s become so strong. but also he’s growing up so fast. he’s gone from being someone she had to protect to someone who’s strong enough to protect not only her, but everyone. strong enough to carry the world on his shoulders
just. can you even imagine. how much pride she must feel, in addition to the relief she’s expressing now. but also the loneliness of knowing she can’t hold on to her baby boy forever and he’s on the verge of going out into the world and leaving her. in fact he basically already has. anyways I came here today for some Three Musketeers antics and now I’m sitting her with Izumama empty nest feels, what is this
-- yo, what?? he’s starting the internship on New Year’s Fucking Day? U.A. doesn’t fuck around, goddamn
(ETA: seriously, no rest for the weary here. both Endeavor and Hawks are as busy as ever too. poor Hawks, who never wanted to be a hero to begin with, spent New Year’s Eve undercover trying to drown his sorrows in sugary coffee. of course, Jeanist is spending his New Year’s either in hiding or dead, so.)
anyways so he’s bidding his mom goodbye and getting onto a bus, and he’s all bundled up in a scarf but can’t be assed to wear a jacket, apparently. whatever Deku
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THE LEAGUE OF PLIFF’S HEADQUARTERS AT THE OL’ OVERLOOK HOTEL. watch out for the elevators. Toga probably really likes them though
“where did you run off to number 2” um, he’s still a top ranked pro hero? what, do they just expect him to never do his job ever again? even if they think he’s on their side, they must realize that he needs to maintain his so-called cover
anyways, fucking Slidin’ Go is back, guys. when is someone going to punch this slippery bitch in the face
wow he’s seriously chewing Hawks out for flying off without permission. can someone please just deck this mouthbreather already
oh my god
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this motherfucker really truly believes he is Hawks’s senpai. imagine having the same power as a fucking banana peel, and being so deluded you actually think you outrank a double agent of indispensable value, who also just so happens to be Dabi’s best friend, and oh yes, THE NUMBER TWO FUCKING HERO. I don’t even know where to begin with you, Slidin’ Go
oh snap but he’s immediately being called out on his BS lol this is great
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twenty microdevices?? holy shit. that’s gonna make it really difficult for him to actually report back to the heroes
maybe if the PSC gives him twenty of their own little spy cams. then the only challenge is for him to try and remember which are which
lmao look at this little metaphorical drawing
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isn’t this the Hyrule Castle level from Breath of the Wild
anyways don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here trying to figure out if there’s a double meaning to these two panels
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is Skeptic just really bad at making small talk, or is there something here that I’m totally missing?? did he witness something during Hawks’s coffee run?
(ETA: this seriously reads to me as some kind of coded threat, but it makes no sense given the rest of the conversation. he goes on and on about how useful Hawks will be in helping them spy on the heroes, but then calls attention to him sneaking out to buy a single can of coffee. in conclusion I am probably overthinking this way too much, but it’s odd. maybe he really is just trying to be nice and coming off as weird and creepy.)
now we’re flashing back to Hawks’s last report to the PSC
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lmao this scared the shit out of me. Enji what the fuck
yesssss it’s mah boisssss
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wow, he’s pretty weirdly enthused about the whole thing, huh? I expected him to bitch about it more. since Shouto basically offered his friends the gig all on his own without any consultation whatsoever. that’s called nepotism Shouto but it’s okay I forgive you
anyways. so are the Endeavor offices located in THE FUTURE. or what. is this Epcot
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hahaha exactly
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well I’m glad I’m not going crazy, at any rate. anyways though, Endeavor trying his best to be a good dad and caving in to his son’s ridiculous demands because he’s trying to make up for TWO DECADES OF BEING COMPLETE GARBAGE is pleasing to me as always. deal with it Endeav
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oh my god Katsuki is saying something holy shit, the next few panels will set the stage for what could be the sleeper hit character dynamic of the year. ghghkghhhhhh
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( ⁰ o ⁰ )
oh my god
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(ETA: Katsuki I have written whole essays about how perceptive you are and then you just. sob. now that he’s finally starting to ease up on the whole Angry Asshole thing, his inner dumbass is really shining through.)
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that mental image omfg. HE WILL PUT UP WITH THIS SUFFERING IN ORDER TO GET CLOSER TO HIS GOAL. what a sacrifice. the pros outweighed the cons. it’s logic. I can’t, I
and Endeavor being so fucking mad that Shouto picked this asshole to be his new best friend sob. YOU CAN’T STOP THEIR BROMANCE IT IS UNFOLDING BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES
anyways I love everything and I’m all set for the mentoring to begin. bring it onnnn
so now Deku is being surprisingly earnest and thanking Endeavor for accepting them into his agency
and we’re getting our first glimpse of Deku’s Upgraded Feelings About Endeavor oooooh juicy
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Deku is so good at seeing into people’s hearts. and so forgiving. we already knew he was -- the inciting event that led to the whole fucking series wouldn’t have even happened if he wasn’t -- but I’m honestly still so impressed every time I see it
(ETA: and also, this means that he still went and told him off during the sports festival even though he was scared of him. kid is the fucking role model to end all role models.)
also I’m already sensing that this chapter (and indeed, this entire arc) is going to prompt more Discourse up in the ol’ fandom. that’s going to be fun. anyways, I’ve already essayed more than once regarding Endeavor’s redemption arc, so I’m not going to spend too much time hashing out the same old points. but basically my stance is I’m fine with it. I think it’s good to show that people can change no matter how far they’ve gone down the wrong path. it may not be easy, but if they’re genuinely remorseful, and if the desire is there, then why not? I’m not gonna get up in arms because someone is trying to become a better person. the alternative is that they stay terrible, and that doesn’t help anyone
anyway, so now we’re flashing back to what appears to be a conversation with All Might, and oh my god
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but you guys. listen. Katsuki is there, again. they’re not even discussing OFA this time and he’s still there! elbowed his way into this mentorship like the determined little shit he is, and now he’s not leaving and you all just have to deal with it. oh my god it’s everything I ever wanted, someone please pinch me is this real??
lol and now they are discussing OFA, but that’s okay. it’s only natural that would also be on the agenda
really, All Might?
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you consider that “just fine”? that bloop? just as planned?? I know you love your son, but maybe consider raising the bar for him just a little bit. he is capable of so much more, and now of all times is not the time to go easy on him
and he’s still talking about the SIXQUIRKS as though unlocking more of them right now would be a bad thing. I really think this is the wrong approach. maybe I just want to see Deku go buck wild and fucking lose it though, idk
Katsuki has no patience for this either
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“I don’t doubt it.” please Deku we’re not worthy of you and your wholesomeness. and he’s so sincere, too?? how does Kacchan continuously absorb all of this shameless admiration and affection day after day, week after week. how is he not humbled by it
anyways time to shut up about that though because All Might is now mentoring Bakugou directly and this requires my full fucking attention
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yessss let the character development commence! I’m so excited ddhkshl
and now we’re back in the present and the conversation is taking a very interesting turn!
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(ETA: “is he always like this?”)
lol what
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hahaha. this arc is off to a fucking hysterical start
oh snap y’all look at this
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100% chance Deku is right fucking behind him lol. probably they all are
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lol but he’s not missing a beat though, and he’s ordering them to stay behind and watch him oh shit. what is even going on
now we’re cutting to some fucking yogi bobbing around town in a lotus position screaming about a divine revelation he received from fucking space. okay
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cue Celine Dion’s “All by Myself” while I fall down dramatically nooooo. the lord giveth and he taketh away. YOU OPENED A DOOR AND CLOSED THE WINDOW YOU BASTARD sob why
well shit. and that means that Katsuki has only one chapter left to reveal his hero name, too. (ETA: keeping track of the important things here lol.) and somehow I don’t see that happening unless the focus of the next chapter takes a very dramatic shift, since we seem to be launching into full plot mode before any of us even have our seatbelts on. not that I’m complaining about that because sdkljk
anyways. see y’all in two weeks I guess. the My Plots Academia arc sure is off to a crazy fucking start
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