#he said yes but you didn’t hear that from me
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 days ago
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Pairing: Joaquin x Reader // Word Count: 2,061
Summary: So what if you were a little possessive? No one got hurt. (fun fact: the biting story is a true story)
Your relationship with Joaquin was no secret.
You two didn’t necessarily shove it down everyone’s throats, but you didn’t hide anything either. You arrived at most trainings together, sat next to and against each other, went to lunch together, left together. The only time you were really apart was when he went on a mission with Sam and you went with your recon team.
You noticed the new set of eyes in the training center one day. You were doing your planned solidcore routine while Joaquin did weights on the other side of the center.
You saw her when you took a break between exercises. You sat flat on the machine’s pad and breathed deeply, glancing around the relatively empty center. You and Joaquin were there, as part of your usual schedule, along with Nat and Yelena sparring in the far corner. Kate was doing some yoga routine with the blonde that was actively staring at Joaquin, who was oblivious as he began a set of lat pulldowns.
You stared at your boyfriend for a moment as well. Admittedly, the blonde had a fair excuse to stare, and she was new. Or you hadn’t met her at least. Maybe she didn’t know.
You pushed a headphone aside, ready to snap at her, when Kate smacked her friend’s arm. You could barely hear her say to pay attention and that he was taken. Kate met your eyes a moment later and she offered you a thumbs up with a nod, a not-so-subtle confirmation that she had your back.
You smiled at her as you chuckled. Replacing your headphones, you went back to suffering through solidcore.
Later that week, in a more packed training center, Joaquin’s newest fan was watching him again. You two were jogging the track and conversating, and he decided to show off and jog backwards. You caught the woman over his shoulder and you fixed a glare in her direction. Her eyes met yours and she changed from basically undressing Joaquin in her head to daring you to stop her.
“Hello?” He waved a hand in front of your face and your attention slid back to him. “What was that?” He was smirking slightly.
“Nothing.” You shrugged. “You’re gonna fall.”
“I’m not gonna fall.”
“You’re gonna fall.”
“I’m not gon-“ He began before nearly tripping over his own feet.
His arms flailed slightly and you caught him, which caused you to stumble with him. You couldn’t help the laugh as he righted and you two resumed your easy pace.
“Don’t tell Sam.” He said quickly.
“I already saw!” Sam called from the other side of the track.
Joaquin groaned in embarrassment and you nudged him slightly with your elbow. He frowned dramatically at you and you giggled before jerking your chin, daring him to keep up as you increased your stride.
By the end of that week, his watcher had built up some courage.
You were at the cubbies near the door, rifling through your bag for your sparring gloves. Joaquin was leaning against the wall near the cubbies, casually mentioning how he had his already and you were putting your session behind. You mocked him quietly as you dumped the contents of your bag on the floor.
“You set me up.” You blamed him.
“Me?” He laughed. “I’d never do such a thing.”
“Yes you would, because you know I can kick your ass.”
He sighed dramatically and knelt beside you to help you look. You filtered through your scattered items while he checked the zippered pockets. He was the one to find them, which only added on to his guilt in your mind, and you shoved everything back away.
He offered you his hand to get up and you made a show of your reluctance as you took it. He laughed, pulled you to his chest, and kept you close with an arm over your shoulders.
She wasn’t there when you two began your session. You would’ve felt those baby blue eyes following. By the time you were taking a break, she was there, lingering at the edge of the sparring area. She pretended to be focused on her own workout  when Joaquin glanced in her direction but she didn’t hide her blatant stare when you looked at her.
You didn’t give a warning before storming over. You knelt to be at her level and she propped herself up on her elbows. She opened her mouth but you cut her off.
“Funny how you think I don’t notice the way you undress him with your eyes almost everyday.” You said flatly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She rolled her eyes.
“Look at the floor. Or the ceiling. Or anyone else in this place. Just keep your eyes off him.” You forced a smile that was anything but friendly. “Got it?”
“I’m so scared.” She said sarcastically, craning her neck to see around you.
“Listen. I can only be nice about this for so long. Some fights you’re not gonna win. And him?” You nodded towards him once. “No way.”
“May the best woman win then.” She shrugged and returned to her sit ups.
You kicked her braced feet away before heading back to Joaquin, earning a muttered “bitch” as you left. His brows furrowed but you waved him off. With a new anger in your veins, you knew you’d hit someone you shouldn’t soon, which made the next portion of your sparring more intense than necessary.
You were both covered in sweat by the time you were done. You had also both removed your shirts by then. Your muscles were burning with the effort and you assumed Joaquin’s were too, but by the way he was talking your ear off you wouldn’t have guessed.
“You’re pretty chatty.” You teased with a grin.
“You wouldn’t let me get a word in over there!” He sounded offended as he threw a hand towards the sparring area. “Anytime I tried to talk, you pounced.”
“I pounced?” You laughed. “What am I, a cat?”
“A feral one.” He muttered and you smacked his arm before you both laughed. “Definitely feral.”
“If I was feral, I’d bite.”
“You do!”
“I do not!”
“Didn’t you bite a kid in second grade?”
You whirled to face him and jabbed a finger into his chest. “You know good and well that I had a good reason!” You defended.
His hands went up in surrender but the grin was still plastered on his face.
“I felt threatened.”
“And biting was the only answer?” He tried and failed to keep his laughter contained.
“Yes! I was playing my own game, he tried to make me the prisoner in his war game with some other kid. You don’t put your arm-“
“Around someone’s neck and not expect to get bit.” He finished and you glared lightly at him. “At least you didn’t get suspended.”
“I cried in the principal’s office because I was scared of getting in trouble.” You deadpanned. “I don’t think I ever apologized to the kid, though.”
“And you still went on that field trip.” He shook his head, clicking his tongue. “I’m so disappointed in you, Y/N/N.”
“Oh no, whatever will I do now?” You dramatically put your hands to your heart.
“Just don’t bite me.” He shrugged, which earned another smack to his arm.
“I left my water. Grab my bag?” You began backing away towards the sparring corner.
“Yeah.” He nodded and went towards your cubby.
As you were grabbing your bottle, Kate and Yelena were stepping into the square. Kate waved enthusiastically at you and Yelena held a fist towards you. You bumped your own against hers and smiled towards Kate.
“How’s it going?” You asked. “Feeling stronger?”
“Today’s the day.” Kate nodded firmly.
“Ha!” Yelena responded loudly and you turned. “You think you’ll beat me?”
“Okay, you say that like it’s a joke.” Kate frowned.
“Was it not?” Yelena laughed. “C’mon, Kate Bishop.”
“Why do you still do that? Stop saying my name like that!” Kate urgently whispered.
“I don’t know, Lena. She might.” You added. You gave Kate a once over glance and then nodded slightly. “Yeah, I think she actually has biceps now.”
“See?” Kate threw an arm towards you. “Wait a second.” She furrowed her brows.
“Staying to find out?” Yelena asked, bouncing side to side on the balls of her feet.
“No, Joaquin and I are gonna try to catch a movie.” You nodded towards where you left your boyfriend. “Just came back for my water.”
“Oh!” Kate announced. “That reminds me…”
“You’re stalling.” Yelena complained.
“It’s important!” Kate insisted then turned to you again. “Sorry about before. I tried to tell her.”
“The new girl?”
She nodded, almost looking embarrassed, but you shrugged.
“I told her today in the nicest way I could to back off.” You waved a dismissive hand.
“What if she didn’t get the memo?” Yelena asked, focusing on something over your shoulder.
“Oh shit…” Kate looked at the same thing behind you.
“What are you two-“ You mumbled and turned to see for yourself. “Oh.”
You crossed your arms and watched for a moment. Joaquin was sitting on the floor with the new girl kneeling beside him. They were involved in some sort of conversation and you were just glad he had put his shirt back on. She exaggerated a laugh and he was confused for a second. Apparently, what he said hadn’t been that funny.
“I think you should start planning your friend’s funeral, Kate Bishop.” Yelena said flatly as the blonde reached out and put her hand on Joaquin’s forearm.
“No, it’s…” You began.
You knew Joaquin. You knew his mannerisms and body language better than anyone. He didn’t care to be talking to this girl, not in the way she was trying to talk to him. He had his phone in one hand and judging by the way he kept looking down at it, he would’ve rather been scrolling than talking to her.
“You’re better than me.” Kate offered. “Two warnings and she still acts like that? Friend or not, I’d slap the hell outta her.” She laughed slightly.
Her other hand landed on his forearm and her other moved to his upper arm. Your brows rose and as if that expression sent a signal, Joaquin looked over towards you with wide eyes.
“Pray for her.” Kate said simply as you took long strides to get back to Joaquin.
He stood as you got closer and she bounced up beside him. She stepped closer, one of her hands on his shoulder and the other reached for his hand.
“Ready to go?” You made a point of only speaking to and looking at Joaquin.
“Yeah.” He sighed in relief and shifted to get away from her touch. “We leave now, we’ll have enough time to shower first.”
“Did you get the tickets already?”
“I thought you were going to stick around and spot me.” The blonde pouted.
“I’ve got ‘em.” Joaquin answered. “And your bag, m’lady.” He bowed slightly as he offered you your bag.
You laughed slightly and slung the strap over your shoulder.
“But Joaquin!” She cried, grabbing his hand with both of hers. He immediately pulled away and she pursed her bottom lip in another pout.
“He already said he’s busy.” You snapped. “Go see if Kate or Yel have time to babysit.”
“I didn’t realize you were his mommy.” She said sarcastically.
You turned to face her fully but Joaquin pulled on your bag to force you back a step. He tapped his knuckles against your thigh and you shifted your weight closer to him.
“Seriously.” You threatened. “Get your hands off my man.”
“I’m gonna kill her.” You ground your teeth and looked to Joaquin.
Quickly, he put his arm around your shoulders and guided you out the doors. She called after him but you lifted your hand to give her the middle finger. After a string of curses were directed at you, Joaquin closed his hand over yours with a laugh.
“Told you.” Joaquin said proudly as he opened the passenger door for you.
“Told me what?” You raised a brow.
“Feral.” He grinned.
You opened your mouth to argue then closed it. Maybe he was right, at least where he was concerned.
Feral. Possessive. Protective. Same thing, right?
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enigmaris · 3 days ago
Lois writes the article. The Justice League freaks out. Investigations are done, meetings are held. In the mean time, a suspected connection between ghosts and the lazurus pits means that there is a very specific person who wants a one on one with Phantom even though all of the heroes agreed to not approach phantom until the anti ecto acts are gone. Jason never follows the rules anyway:
“Daniel Phantom, do not even think about it.”
Her tone of voice made every bone in his body yearn to turn invisible immediately, Lois jumped up trying to catch him. Danny grinned and got ready to fly away, a game of tag would keep Lois from questioning him! Right before Danny’s plan could commence, the sound of Lois's phone ringing cut it off. Danny froze as Lois pulled out her phone and looked at the screen.
“It’s Batman. Wonder what he could possibly need.”
Danny let himself fly all the way to the ceiling, until his back was pushed up against it. He looked down as Lois answered her phone, helpfully putting it on speaker.
“You’re on speaker Bats, what can Lois Lane and her plucky new intern do for you?”
“Intern?” A voice Danny didn’t know answered back. “I thought Superman was the only one for you. I guess you move fast, Lois.”
“Nightwing.” Lois said. “What are you doing calling from Batman’s phone?”
“If B didn’t want me to use his phone, he should have called you himself. You know how he is, Lois. Won’t ever ask for help unless he’s about to die and not even then.” Nightwing snarked back. “Gotham’s got a bit of a supernatural concern that I think I need a consult from your intern for.”
Danny tilted his head, not moving closer to Lois when she looked up at him.
“What sort of concern? I’ll pass along your message if it's interesting enough. My intern’s got enough on his plate getting me coffee to watch after you birds.”
“Fair enough.” Nightwing allowed. “We think one of our own is ecto-contaminated. To be entirely fair we all might be a bit, not that we’ve gotten our hands on a GIW scanner. The real concern is with Red Hood though. I know your report said that ecto-contamination is harmless but Red Hood has had some interesting side effects since he took a bath in some glowing green goop.”
“A bath?” Danny asked, his voice echoing out from the ceiling.
There was a pause on the other end of the call before Nightwing spoke again.
“Yes. A bath. Do the words Lazurus Pit mean anything to you, Miss Lane’s Intern?”
“Never heard of it.” Danny said, trying not to let himself sound ashamed by it. “But I don’t like the name. Sounds spooky.”
“Aren’t you a spook?”
“Different kind of spook.” Danny defended.
“Well. We think it might actually be the same sort of spook actually. The Lazurus Pits are pools of glowing green liquid, no one knows where they came from. There are a dozen or so dotted around the planet. If a sick or dying person goes into it, they are healed sometimes with side effects. If a healthy person goes in, they die.” Nightwing said. “Sometimes if people go into, they don’t come out again.”
Danny... might actually know what those are. Huh.
“What kind of side effects?”
"Homicidal rage. Memory loss. Temporary increased strength. Glowing eyes.”
“Okay. And how long has Red Hood being dealing with this?”
“On and off for about five years.” Nightwing answered.
“I might actually know what’s going on.” Danny said. “But I’d have to see him. I’m not like a ghost doctor or anything, but if it's what I think it is, then I can fix it for sure.”
“Fix it?” Another voice from the phone asked.
Danny could hear a scuffle over the phone as two people wrestled for it. He exchanged looks with Lois until the second voice seemed to get the phone under his control completely.
“What do you mean by fix it?” the second voice demanded.
“Erm. Who is this?”
“Red Hood. Who the fuck else?”
“I don’t know who has access to Batman’s phone dude, chill.”
“Don’t tell me to chill. Tell me what you mean by fix it.”
"Dude. I have ice powers I absolutely can tell you to chill.” Danny shot back making Lois snort.
"Start. Talking.”
“He wasn’t kidding about the anger issues huh?” Danny asked Lois instead of answering. Danny grinned when he heard a growl over the phone. “Look. Red Hood. I don’t know if it is what I think it is. I need to see you in person before I can tell you anymore. Do you know how many glowing green goops there are in the universe?”
“Do you?” Nightwing asked, voice muffled as he was further from the phone. Danny listened as Red Hood told Nightwing to ‘shut the fuck up’ with a hiss.
"I’ll send Lane an address in Gotham. Meet me there in an hour.” Red Hood instructed.
“How do you know I’m free in an hour? I’m a busy intern you know. You’re not being very polite.”
Danny could hear the teeth grinding on the other end. He grinned as Red Hood took in a deep breath through his nose.
“Can we please meet in an hour?” Red Hood asked.
“Yeah sure. I’ll fly by.”
“Now what do we say to people who do nice things for us?” Lois asked. “Especially poor lowly interns who have an entire branch of the government hunting them?”
“Would you like me to blow up a GIW base for you?” Red Hood asked.
"Hood no!” Nightwing shouted.
“Hood yes.” Hood said.
The two vigilantes started arguing with each other, so Lois just rolled her eyes and ended the call.
If Lois Lane had a nickle for every time she had to help an overpowered boy from the midwest with the power of journalism, she'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but its weird that its happened twice.
Danny watched as Lois pulled out her phone and pulled up a recording app.
“What are you doing?”
“You came to a journalist and are surprised to get an interview?” She asked him, her tone clearly joking. “What you’ve given me here is great kid, but newspaper clippings and copies of federal laws don’t get the public’s attention. I need a story, Phantom’s the story.”
“I’m not Phantom.”
Lois looked at him, less than impressed. Slowly, she turned the screen of her computer until it was visible to both of them. There, in full clarity, was a front-page story from his hometown newspaper. ‘Danny Phantom saves Bus Full of Children!’ and there was a picture of him in his ghost form, his face crystal clear on her screen.
"Phantom’s a ghost. I’m just a dumb kid.” Danny tried again.
Lois pinched the bridge of her nose with her right hand and muttered to herself.
“Why do all you midwestern boys have the same schtick?”
“I’m sorry?” Danny said, unsure if he should be apologizing or not.
“Changing your last name from Fenton to Phantom does not a secret identity make kid. It might work for most civilians, but anyone familiar with the hero game will clock you from a mile away.”
“I’m not Phantom.”
“Sure, kid. But I’m sure you have a way for me to interview him, right? Because I want to talk to him before I do anything else about your town.”
Danny hugged himself and looked down at his knees.
“Is it really that bad?”
“Not the worst I’ve seen. Wonder Woman’s is paper thin. I'm pretty sure most people in DC know who she is outside of the cape and just don’t say anything because she scares them.”
Danny snorted involuntarily at that, looking back up at the woman.
“What’s going on in your town, Phantom? Why come to a journalist and not the Justice League?”
“The Anti-Ecto Acts got passed like a year ago. They state that only being that produces or contains ectoplasm above a certain amount is considered non-sapient and is to be turned over to the government for disposal.” Danny said. “I put the whole thing in there for you to read, but it's long. Amity Park has a lot of ectoplasm in it. It's seeped into the air and water. Normal human people have it in them now. At first, those agents were just firing at me whenever I finished a ghost fight. I could deal with that. Their aim is terrible anyway. But then they figured out that humans can become contaminated with ectoplasm. They decided that meant the entire town was under their jurisdiction. They've decided that means that no one in town counts as human anymore, that we don’t have rights, that they’re doing us a favor by not just exterminating the entire town like the law says.”
Danny leaned forward, putting his hands on the desk in front of Lois Lane. He looked right into her bright eyes and spoke seriously.
“When it was just ghosts under attack, I didn’t think anyone would care. I’ve tried calling the Justice League for help, but they’ve brushed me off. People need to know what’s happening. Anyone can become ecto-contaminated. You just have to be in the right place at the wrong time. It’s not right what’s happening to Amity, Miss Lane. I came to you because if anyone could get the world to listen, to believe, then it's got to be you.”
And Lois Lane smiled. It was a proud, eager smile. The kind of smile Danny had seen on Sam right after she convinced the school to serve a vegan lunch. He barely held back from shivering.
“Well then, Mr. Phantom.” Lois said, before tapping onto the recording app on her phone and starting a recording. “Let’s begin.”
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rafesbuzzcutseason · 12 hours ago
chasing city lights
chapter 22 - every word
synopsis: you move to new york to start fresh, hoping to find comfort in the city’s atmosphere. that’s when you meet sarah cameron, where she takes you to a concert and you catch sight of the lead band member, rafe cameron. it only takes a moment for you to realize you’re captivated by him. as sarah helps you navigate your new life in the city, you start to get pulled deeper into rafe's world—the music, the fame, the chaos. the more you get to know him, the more you realise that rafe is not just the rock star he seems to be. he’s wrestling with his own demons, and the last thing he needs is someone like you getting close.
cw: language, angst, sorry this is more fic i had to get it out
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you had just settled down for the evening, having spent the day with kie you were feeling happy and ready to unwind for bed, until you heard a knock on your door.
a wave of panic rushed over you, as the knocking only increased in desperation.
you got up and looked out the window, just to see:
what the fuck was he doing here.
you stood there, frozen in your position with your heart hammering in your chest.
another knock. louder this time.
“y/n, please open the door.”
your fingers twitched at your sides, reaching for the door knob.
how fucking dare he show up here after everything?
you yanked the door open so fast he took a step back, eyes widening slightly at your appearance.
you looked good, and from the way his gaze flickered over you, you knew he saw it too.
“what the fuck do you want, rafe?”
his jaw tensed, hands clenching into fists at his sides. “y/n." he exhaled sharply, running a hand through his messy hair. “can we just—can we talk? please?”
“talk?” you scoffed, crossing your arms. "now you want to talk? after you've seen me doing good?"
rafe’s eyes darkened, his whole body tensing. “y/n, it’s not what you think.”
you shook your head, letting out a laugh. “it never is, is it?”
his jaw twitched, struggling to keep his composure. he wasn't expecting you to be angry. “that picture—”
“don’t.” you held up a hand. “i don’t want to hear it.”
he stepped closer, his voice dropping. “it’s not what it looked like.”
you let out a sharp breath, forcing yourself to meet his sad gaze. “you think that changes anything?” your voice wavered, but you steadied it. “you didn’t call, rafe. you didn’t text. not once.”
his lips parted like he wanted to argue, "you broke up with me. what was i supposed to do?"
“you let me sit in that heartbreak alone,” you whispered, voice laced with so much anger it nearly scared you. “you didn't even try. and then i wake up to you kissing another girl?"
rafe shook his head quickly. “i was drunk, y/n-"
“no.” you clenched your jaw, gripping the door like it was the only thing keeping you steady. “let me finish. you don’t get to show up here and act like you give a shit. you don't get to release this fucking song like it'll win me back."
his eyes searched yours, something breaking in his expression. “i do give a shit,” he said, voice softer now, almost desperate. “i still- that song, i meant every word.”
“no.” you stepped back, “i don’t want to hear it.” tears threatening to spill. "you didn't even fight for me." you whispered.
rafe's heart dropped at that, he took another step forward, his voice, desperate. “y/n, please. i messed up. i know i did. but you have to believe me, that song, that was real. we were real. everything you think happened, didn't happen. i only ever wanted you, only ever loved you. fuck, still love you.”
your chest ached, like he was physically pulling at the wound he left in you. part of you wanted to believe it. but another part, the part that still felt the sting of betrayal, the part that had spent weeks crying over him, knew better.
“i don’t care.” the lie tasted bitter on your tongue.
his face fell those words punching him in the stomach. “yes, you do.”
you swallowed, you couldn't look at him. “you let me go.”
his lips parted, but no words came out. he tried to step closer, take your hand in his. you almost let him.
tears started to well up in rafe's eyes, and the sight made you want to break.
"why did you kiss her rafe? did i mean that little?" you questioned, voice shaking.
"no y/n, that isn't it." he started.
"then what is it?"
"i was so drunk."
"i know you were, i've already told you that isn't an excuse." anger burning inside you again.
"no y/n, i kissed her because-" his breath catching in his throat.
"spit it out rafe." your frustration rising.
"i thought it was you."
and just like that, the anger disappeared.
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
a/n: i'm not done breaking your hearts just yet
taglist: @hoefordrewstarkey @marleymarleymarleymarley @bee-43 @cherryhoneybabe @skye-44 @drewrry @drewrry  @yesterdaysproblemm @dylsdaily @rafeysworldim19 @valyrianflower @kaiparkerwifes@judesgfirl@4urvalidation@chillgal135 @drewstarkeyslover@yesshewrites1@amterasuu@babykhloutofthisworld@blushmimi  @moonywhisp3rs @rafeysworldim19 @marleymarleymarleymarley@sabrina-carpenter-stan-account@vcnillafairy@bambii1i @sammyrenae68 @kittenjujusblog @bambii1i @thesunflowersociety @wtfdudesblog @voidangxls @jjmaybankmylovee @munsoncultedits @emmiesummers @darlingstarkey @sassyvillaintrophy  @pogueprincesa @stylestarkey @sodapopwaldor @hannaa20002000 @stelleduarte @davinashifts333
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ficsilike-reblogged · 2 days ago
Shelter - 2
Summary: You save Soap's life. Yours continues to go off the rails. Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley/F!Reader Warnings For This Chapter: Canon typical violence, panic attack, my continued attempt to write Soap and Ghost's accents, military inaccuracies, more canon divergence, Soft!Simon. MINORS DNI A/N: I truly cannot believe how sweet you guys were about the first chapter. Thank you so much for being so kind! I apologize for the wait. I was almost done with this chapter when I decided I hated it and scrapped all of it and started over. I also finished another draft of my novel! Busy times. This is definitely more of a slow burn romance and I'm thinking it'll be around 10 or so chapters.
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Well, at least you were out of the hospital room. It wasn’t far from the hospital room, but the horrendously beige room down the hall had a television and a few chairs you could sink into and a small kitchen that always seemed to be stocked with snacks in neat boxes on the counter. Were they good snacks? Not really. But you weren’t about to complain when it was a break from the nutrient dense and flavorless food they’d been shoveling down your throat the last handful of days.
Coronation Street was playing on the television as you soaked a plain biscuit in your tea. This was probably a breakroom of some sort, cleared out of anything that you could have possibly used to communicate with the outside world and you were pretty sure the blinking light in the corner was a camera to make sure you weren’t going to do anything ridiculous. Like climb out a window.
You just wanted out of that stupid room with its uncomfortable bed and terrible pillow and beeping machines.
The biscuit crumbled in half when you tried to remove it and you stared at your tea for a stretched moment as the soap opera continued to drone on. Dammit. You shoved the rest of the biscuit into your mouth and then sipped on the tea for a moment before digging out the remnants of the biscuit with your spoon. Not your proudest moment.
You were pulled from your sad cup of tea and entertainment by the door opening and Soap walking in, arm still in his matching sling.
“Why am I hearing about ye not taking yer pain killers?” He asked instead of a greeting. You found that Soap did that. He barged right into things. No slow starts for him. It would be endearing if this were any other situation.
And just like you not saying anything to Ghost about your sister and why she wouldn’t be found in any intel about you, you wouldn’t give Soap a straight answer either. You were not going to take any of those pain killers if you didn’t feel like you needed them. You knew… Well, that didn’t matter right now. “Are they telling you my medical history? I don’t think that’s legal on either side of the pond.”
He frowned. The big Scot frowned and you almost laughed with how it made him look like a puppy. “Don’t ye need it? Ye were shot.”
“I’m aware of that. Trust me.” You turned and grabbed at the sleeve of biscuits, knowing it was a blatant change of topic. “These are awful, by the way.”
Soap snatched them out of your hand and scowled at them. “These are shite. Why’d ye do that to yerself?” He then pivoted and rummaged through the cabinets you weren’t brave enough to open and then set down a pack of shortbreads in a fancy looking tin which he popped open with one hand (you tried not to be jealous about that particular skill). “That’ll be the only thing going near yer tea.”
The shortbread was delicious and you wordlessly made another cup of tea for yourself and a cup of coffee for Soap. You were prouder than you wanted to admit to hear you guessed correctly when you said he looked like he preferred coffee and prouder still when you dug some out of the cabinet and made it just the way he said he liked it as he settled on the lumpy couch beside you to watch the rest of the episode. He knew what was going on better than you and regaled you with the storylines long since finished and convoluted family ties of the characters. It was nice. Soap was…nice.
He had finished his coffee by the time the episode ended and scooped up your mug on his way toward the breakroom’s tiny kitchenette and set them both in the sink. He turned back toward you, bright blue eyes scanning your face for something. He had a casual set to his shoulders, even with the sling, but you knew the look of a smart man trying to pick his words carefully. Soap honestly reminded you, just a little bit, of a guy you went to highschool with, who looked the part of loveable idiot but eventually went to an ivy league school on a football scholarship. He was currently a doctor, knee deep in cancer research, if those annoying alumni emails had any truth to them.
“Just say what you need to say. I’m sure I can handle it.”
The corner of Soap’s mouth twitched like he was trying not to smile. “I wanted to let ye know that yer intel was good.”
You just nodded. That would explain why you hadn’t seen the other three lately. They had been sent to Kastovia. “That mean I can go home?”
Soap sighed and your heart shriveled a bit more. “No, lass. I’m sorry.”
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Someone had left a calendar in the breakroom. You had tried to keep track of the days that had slipped by, but you just wanted to be sure. You counted on your fingers how many days you thought had passed, but the pain killers the first few days after the tunnel had made everything hazy. You worried your bottom lip with the blunt edge of your teeth as you flipped through the next month and dragged your finger down to the day you knew Kirby was due.
Just a few short weeks. That’s all you had. You needed to be there. You needed to be back in time. You’d promised Kirby you would be. You’d never broken a promise to your younger sister and you didn’t want to start now. Those stupid, useless tears stung at your eyes again and blurred the calendar dates. “Fuck.” You wiped at your eyes, trying to keep them from falling before anyone saw, before you felt more useless and trapped than you already did.
Another episode of Coronation Street was playing, a hum at the back of your mind, but it started to mutate and grow until it was a screech. You needed to get to Kirby. They had what they needed from you. You would sign anything they wanted, change your name, dye your hair, live off the grid. But you needed to see Kirby.
You promised.
The door opened easily and you strode out into the hallway. Did you know where you were going? Not really but you just needed to leave. You could figure out the rest later. After all, Kirby always said you landed on your feet. It was time you proved her right. You turned down another hall and yelped when a meaty hand clapped on your uninjured shoulder. You turned, tamping down the urge to throw an elbow and snarled as you realized it was only Soap and his ridiculous blue eyes.
“What’re ye doing?”
“I’m leaving. I have to go.” Your heart thudded painfully as you turned, slipping out from his grip. The edges of your vision started to blur and you hated that you knew what this meant. It had been years since you felt like this—but this situation hadn’t exactly been great for your mental health.
Each beat of your heart hurt.
“Ye cannae do that, lass. Ye know that.”
“I’m leaving.” You turned again to leave and grunted when he pulled at the back of your shirt. “Let go of me.”
You turned and tugged your shirt free, letting the snarl curl your mouth as your vision continued to tunnel.
“I’m leaving!”
What happened next was not your finest moment but you’d also been through worse. Soap reached for you again and after you pulled out of his grip once more, he lowered his shoulder and ran at you, hauling you up and over. His arm anchored you down, a weight across your back as his shoulder dug into your stomach. You didn’t even freeze as he turned, presumably to bring you back to the breakroom. Your arm pushed out of its sling and you wrapped your hands around one of his thighs and let his next step help pull you from his grip. Heat lanced across your shoulder as you wiggled against the grip until you yanked your legs free and kicked them above his head and over your own until your heels hit the ground. And then you were throwing yourself forward and dashing down the hallway. Out. You needed to get out. You needed to leave. Every breath burned a little more and-
The tile was cool against your cheek but Soap’s arms were a heavy firebrand as they banded around your waist. “Calm down. Calm down fer me.”
You thrashed against his hold as he stood but he didn’t seem to care and it wasn’t like you were a match to those dumb, hulking muscles. But still, your memory was hazy as he dragged you back to the breakroom and shoved a shortbread into your hand.
“Now, I’ll talk to someone. But ye cannae do that. Ye understand?”
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By the time Simon arrived back on home soil, they’d moved her and Soap to a different part of the base. A hall of barracks that had been recently constructed but not yet assigned to a different squadron had been a good place to hide away their injured sergeant and American informant. Laswell had informed Price of the move and then sent along a video in lieu of an explanation.
Simon wasn’t entirely sure how many times he watched her claw and wiggle her way out of Johnny’s grip but Price did eventually take the phone away from him. (But not before Simon sent himself a copy.) She was wily. Strong. Stubborn.
Even when she had tears smeared across her face.
It was easy for Simon to claim one of the rooms as his own—it had always been better for Simon to be on base anyway. His flat in Manchester never felt like home. Just an expensive place to rest his head when he was ordered to take his mandated leave. Knowing the others were down the hall was more comfortable than any sort of high priced pillow anyway.
The mission had been successful. And a shitshow. The second, and larger, cache of gas in Kastovia had been exactly where her intel had said it would be in a barren steel plant. But the handful of missiles had been an unexpected find. As had the small militia that awaited them. While they had been easily dealt with, one of them managed to set off what Simon could only describe as a failsafe to take out the entire plant and the surrounding area. The gas dissipated quickly but not before it had caused extensive damage. Makarov wanted them dead. And he wanted her dead, too, if the picture one of his men had pinned up beside a map of different caches and routes to take over borders was any indication. It was upside down and some artist had taken it upon themselves to scratch out her eyes and draw an obvious axe buried in her neck. Charming. There were a few smaller pictures beside it but he didn’t get a clear look at them.
The explosion meant they didn’t have more than the one picture Gaz took of the map and Simon’s lungs burned a bit every time he took a breath. Nik had been quick in the exfil but still cut it close. Too close. And it grated on his every nerve that Makarov hadn’t been there. Still in the wind.
Simon had been told to visit the medbay before going to bed—Laswell was supposed to be arriving tomorrow for a debrief—but he thought that was more of a suggestion than an order. He’d dropped his bag on the floor and rinsed off before lumbering into the small bed, letting the standard-issue sheets scratch at his skin. It felt like coming home. And he watched the video again, feeling a strange smile push at his mouth.
He could bother Johnny about her ability to get away from him in the morning.
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The doctor whose name you couldn’t be bothered to remember told you to start physical therapy. And, just your luck, Soap had been told to do the same. If he was wary of you because of your outburst, he didn’t show it at all. He would smile at you, eyes crinkling, over his coffee whenever you opened your door at the crack of dawn. A tea would be in his other hands and ready for you. It was a nice routine as more days continued to slip by.
You’d stretch and grumble about the slowly fading pain in your shoulder and Soap would do the same. At least you didn’t need to use the sling anymore. But this was, pathetically, probably the closest you’d had to a friend. He’d talk and talk and talk. About his mom and sisters up in a small town outside Glasgow. About the dog he had as a kid—“Boots was the best dog a boy could have, lass, lemme tell ye.” About anything that seemed to pop into his head as the sun would intermittently peek out from behind the low hanging clouds to splash warmth across the dead grass beneath your sneakers. You counted it as a win that they let you outside. It was behind a fence with razor wire at the top, but a win is a win. Mostly. Maybe they were seeing if they could actually trust you outside those beige walls.
You’d swallow nails if it meant you could be at Kirby’s side when she needed you.
One of the more ridiculous exercises the doctor had you and Soap do was passing a yoga ball between one another—of course, you had to move your arms a certain way to get the right stretch or whatever, but it all felt a little silly, even with the twinge growing more pronounced with each pass. Hands on top and on bottom, twist so they’re on the side, hand to Soap. He’d repeat.
“This feels very stupid.”
“Aye. But they’re watchin’ so we’d best play nice.”
The yoga ball nearly slipped from your suddenly-slick fingers. “What do you mean?” You’d heard a bit of thudding from the empty room next to yours last night but thought it was a faulty air unit. Was there someone else here?
“They got back last night. Give ‘em a chance to settle before they say hello, aye?” Soap’s blue eyes sparked with mirth and you might have shoved the ball back at him a little harder than necessary. He just laughed at you.
You chanced a glance at the rectangular windows cut into the metal building, close to the sharp edge of the roof. He was probably just being funny, but now you couldn’t fight the feeling of someone watching you. And why did your mind conjure Ghost’s ridiculous mask?
He hadn’t said much after you had told him you weren’t going to pour your heart out to him. But he’d continued to stare until he and the others left for Kastovia without a word. One guy who’d found you “mysterious” while you were in undergrad thought that he could figure you out and stared, too. Thought that his attempt at a psychology degree would unravel all…well, all of you. He gave up after a couple of months. Ghost didn’t seem the type to give up. But that still didn’t mean that you were going to tell him anything.
You threw another glance toward the window and the yoga ball hit you in the face.
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Simon stared down at the inhaler. This was stupid. The doc had hurriedly explained that being exposed to the gas during the explosion had done a number on Simon’s lungs. At least he wasn’t Price who’d hit his head on his way out and was told he’d had a concussion and also needed the inhaler. Gaz had been the only one who’d managed to get out mostly unscathed aside from needing a butterfly bandage for a cut over his eye.
His next breath burned and Simon finally shook the damn scrap of plastic and took a puff just as he heard the back door open. He stood and watched Johnny and the woman trudge out into the dead grass, carrying a few bits of equipment, including a yoga ball, craning his head just enough to see them through the high window. And well, if he stood on the small desk chair to watch, who would know?
He couldn’t hear them but he watched her throw a few glances toward the window. And then Johnny hit her in the face with the yoga ball. She promptly slingshotted one of the resistance bands at his head in retaliation.
The debrief later that morning with Laswell had gone as expected: More intel was good. Makarov not being spotted was bad. They needed time to heal. Farah and Alex would investigate possible gas caches just within Urzikstan’s borders.
The picture Gaz managed to grab was helpful and did verify a majority of the intel they had already. But it did mean that Makarov’s network was larger than they had ever thought. One of Laswell’s contacts had enhanced the slightly blurry picture and Simon recognized each of the 141’s faces, pinned to the board, too. They were targets just as much as she was. Small bits of paper stemmed from Price, Soap, and Kyle’s pictures and Simon knew what they represented even without the fancy tech trying to make it clearer. They were hunting for weak spots. Family. Friends.
They needed to leave. Keep low. Hide. Simon hated it. He hated that the others had families on the line and he could do nothing but take a few puffs of his stupid inhaler and wait. These were men who’d become his brothers-in-arms and their families were at risk. He knew what it was like to lose.
Price’s hacking cough basically ended the debrief and Laswell said she needed to make some calls, disappearing to another part of the base and Price griped as Kyle urged him to go back to medical. Johnny said he was going to start packing.
Simon walked away as Price continued to grumble and walked down the small hallway toward the bunk rooms and–
Simon paused just for a moment, straining his ears as he pushed further down the hallway. With how the mission had gone, he couldn’t rule out that someone had attempted to get onto base and finish the job the gas couldn’t. There were security gates and checkpoints, of course. The high fences. And this part of the base was underdeveloped for now. But having a traitor in the midst wasn’t something Simon could write off.
“Fuck,” came an annoyed voice.
The tension slipped from his shoulders as he pushed open the nearest door.
Sitting in a chair in front of the mirror atop the tiny dresser, she was picking at her stitches with a pair of needle nose pliers. A small pile of the twists sat atop the dresser—apparently she’d been at this for a while. Simon walked in, watching as she leaned closer to the mirror, trying to see the stitches across her shoulder better as she plucked at them. She’d jammed her tongue between her teeth and the strap of her thin top had been tugged down. A book, probably pilfered from the breakroom, was open beside her.
(Simon stared. Just for a little.)
The pliers fell from her hands and bounced off the dresser before hitting the floor. That had been the sound he’d heard.
“Need a ‘and?”
She let out what he could only describe as a squeak as she turned toward him, hurling the book at his head as the pliers slipped from her other hand. He caught it without letting loose the laugh he felt growing.
“Jesus Christ! How long have you been standing there? Don’t you knock?”
“Heard something. Thought something bad ‘appened.” Not a lie. He tossed the book onto the bed. He watched her mouth curl at the edges and Simon wasn’t sure if she was going to yell at him or laugh.
“Right.” She stared at him for a little longer before bending down to grab the pliers again. She settled in front of the mirror again and stared at the remaining stitches. At least the ones she could see. Simon had a clear view of the mess of stitches on her back. She’d never reach those.
She stared back at him in the mirror. The grip she had on the pliers was tight and grew tighter when he stepped closer. But he still easily pulled the tool from her hand and then reached down to turn her chair around to face him.
“What’re you doing?” She asked as he started to untwist the next stitch.
“I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“Doin’ it anyway.”
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Well, fuck.
You could do very little except stare at Ghost as he undid each of the stitches. You weren’t stupid enough to tell him to fuck off. What he was doing was nice. You couldn’t deny that but why the hell was he doing it? He was even bigger from this angle as he loomed over you. But he was being gentle with you, so gentle. And silent. Maybe it would be better if he talked to you through it all or said anything at all, but he was…quiet.
And so were you.
Until the door opened again and Gaz came in, gun drawn. You had pivoted back toward the door, only for a moment before Ghost let out a short, sharp breath from behind his mask and nudged you back into position. You still managed to see Gaz holster his weapon with a smile on his face, perfect teeth glinting in the low light. “All good here, LT?”
He grunted but didn’t turn to look at his teammate. You chanced a look up at Simon to see him still singularly focused on your stitches. His dark eyes didn’t stray from them even though you were sure he could feel you looking at him.
By the time he reached down to turn your chair again, letting him start on your back, you found yourself liking how quiet he was. Small talk had never been your forte and you surmised that it wasn’t high on Ghost’s list of skills either.
When his thumb pressed into your spine, covered by the harsh fabric of his gloves, you tried not to shiver as you let him move you so he could see the stitches better. And he removed those, too.
It was when his finger trailed against the new scar on your back, barely a whisper of a touch, that you couldn’t stop it. God, you really were pathetic. When he moved the strap of your shirt back up your shoulder, you managed to bite the next one back. “Thanks,” you said, the word uneven and warbled. “You going to help Soap take out his, too?” You weren’t sure if you were being sarcastic or not.
The way Ghost tilted his head made you think he wasn’t sure, either. “Cap did ‘is already. Looks like shit.”
And you laughed.
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The nondescript SUV rocked slightly side to side as it tore down the road. Gaz seemed hellbent on getting wherever you were headed quickly. There had been some good-natured ribbing about not letting Ghost drive. They seemed to like each other, a good camaraderie between them that seemed as easy as breathing. But you guessed that would probably happen in their line of work. Defying death together usually did that. Price, however, did seem at least a little put out about not being the driver.
And you were stuck at the back of the SUV, listening to them talk amongst each other. To his credit, Soap and Gaz both tried to involve you in the conversation. They would ask what you had been doing in London, if you’d ever been outside the city, if your shoulder was giving you trouble. It was nice.
They were still nice.
You didn’t really understand why they were trying so hard but you weren’t about to ask. Especially not now when you had a black bag over your head. They didn’t really trust you but it had been a weird kindness when you’d felt Ghost buckle you in and place a light blanket over your lap before you’d departed. It was probably a silent order to go the fuck to sleep seeing as you hadn’t been sleeping well since you’d hastily weened yourself off the most intense pain killers. It didn’t help that you’d been shuffled outside right after midnight and told to get in the back of the vehicle without much fanfare. And you knew better than to argue.
You had a bag over your head and were heading to an unknown destination. The power dynamics didn’t exactly scream trustworthy. They kept you alive, that was true. But they didn’t trust you. Funny.
You leaned your head back against the seat and sighed, the fabric rustled against your mouth. It was a strange feeling. Weirdly comforting, like when you’d push your face into the pillow and scream when you were a child, desperate for an outlet.
“I can see why you like the mask,” you muttered.
Hm. You said that out loud. Well, too late to take it back now. “I said I see why you like the mask.”
“She’s bloody insane,” Gaz whispered. But you liked to think he was smiling while he said it.
“Maybe Ghost’ll lend ye one of his? Ye two could match.”
There was an answering smack and “och, what was that for, LT?” before the blanket was adjusted over your lap.
“Go to sleep.”
You smiled beneath the bag. And, knowing you had nothing better to do…you went to sleep with Ghost’s low rumbling echoing in your ears.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think!
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noosayog · 1 day ago
Sitting at the bar, alone, is far from Atsumu’s ideal Friday night. 
But Bokuto’s busy, Shoyo has a date, and Omi, well… he didn’t even bother to make an excuse. Some friends they are, especially when he’s going through a breakup. 
It does get better, minorly, when you, a pretty stranger, decide to sit in the stool directly to his left. Never mind that the bar is full and the seat next to his is the only free spot.
You’re pretty, dressed in something casual, yet memorable. He’s content to simply sit beside you, fantasizing scenarios in which he charmingly and successfully gets you to join him for a drink and dinner soon, when he hears you. 
“So how’s your night going?” 
You giggle lightly. He feels his face flush a shade deeper. 
“Articulate, aren’t you?” 
Atsumu chokes out an awkward chuckle. “I’m usually better than this.” 
“Yeah?” You lean further in, propping your chin on your hand. 
A moment of silence. Your smile drops. Oh, you’re definitely about to turn to your left and try your luck with the other guy sitting on that side. 
“Ok, whatever,” you say. “I’m just gonna come out and ask. Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Uh, no. I’m actually going through a-”
You hold a hand up. “I don’t really wanna hear details. So you’re single? Not seeing someone? Not trying to see someone?” 
“Cool. Wanna make out with me? No strings attached, of course.” 
“You’re not really doing too hot convincing me that your normal is better than this. Make out.” You gesture, lips puckered. “With me. Just looking for a little fun tonight, you know?” 
Yes, he does want to make out with the pretty girl sitting next to him, so charming, he thinks he might’ve fallen in love. But instead, what he says is- 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean it’s not really my things to hook up with someone right when I meet them and I’m going through a fresh breakup…” 
You sit back up, swiveling your stool so you’re facing the bar now. “No worries. I don’t wanna pressure someone who’s not down. Have a good night then.” 
You turn back to your book, which he didn’t even notice was there. A sip of your drink, knife to the conversation. 
Atsumu probably spends a good while racking his head for a way to restart the connection when he hears you order another drink. He keeps his head down, discreetly eavesdropping as you flirt with the bartender. 
The bartender rests both arms on the bar to lean closer to you, clearly bewitched. Not that Atsumu doesn’t understand but doesn’t this guy have a job to do? He makes a mental note to write a bad google review later. 
“So…” the bartender croons, “I heard your proposition for Blondie over there.” 
Excuse him? He’s sitting right here still! 
“If he’s not interested-”
“Who said I’m not!” 
Both sets of eyes whip toward him. 
“Bro, we both heard you say-” 
“Okay, so can’t a guy make a mistake?” He turns to you, voice accusatory. “Guys say things when we’re nervous. I’m nervous, okay? I’ve never been asked to make out with some like you,” he gestures up and down. “I am so interested in making out with you.” 
You blink once, twice, before turning to the bartender. “I think I’m done drinking for the night.” 
You turn toward him. 
“Put my drinks on blondie’s tab. He’s closing out now.” 
Atsumu hardly remembers throwing a couple of bills on the table before you grab his hand, trailing after your tinkling laughter. 
“- and that’s how I met your mother.” 
“No way she asked you, of all people, at that bar to make out with you.” 
”Seems kinda farfetched, Atsumu…” 
The MSBY team is gathered in your living room, your one year old son babbling on Atsumu’s lap. 
“Hey! No swear words around my son.” 
His teammates roll their eyes. 
“You’re so full of it. No way that story-”
“What are you guys talking about?” You enter the room with a handful of beers. 
“How you and Atsumu met.” 
“Oh, you mean how I asked him to make out with me?” 
“No fucking shot!” 
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coquitokisses · 3 days ago
Oh, baby! | Dean Winchester
Pairings: Dean Winchester x female!reader
Summary: reader had a one night stand with Dean and they find out she’s pregnant
Word count: 1.4k
A/n: I gotta be honest, this is from a fanfic lmao, which is supposed to be a crossover of Teen Wolf and Supernatural, but I haven’t published it yet and I’ve been wanting to write something about Dean for a whileee so I decided to just edit this lil thing I had and post it here cuz why not?
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“Hey, Cas, you’re back.” You smile sweetly at him once you saw him as you made your way to the library to help Sam with research
“Hi, y/n.” He replied with a small smile that soon turned into a confused frown
You noticed. “Everything okay?”
“How do you feel?” He asks
“I’m fine.” You replied, not understanding his sudden worry
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Cas, why? What’s wrong?” You questioned feeling a little alarmed by the way he was asking
“It’s just that I feel another presence.” He said
“Another presence?” Sam took his eyes off the laptop to look at Castiel
“What do you mean another presence?” Dean’s voice was soon heard throughout the library
“Is it bad?” You ask
“No,” Castiel shook his head. “It’s inside you.”
“Inside me?!” You were so confused right now “But what is it? Is it bad?”
“Is she okay?” Sam asked somewhat worried after hearing Castiel’s words
“She’s fine,” he replied and then looked at you “Can I?” he raised his hand
You nodded giving him permission to do whatever he had to do. Castiel put a hand on your forehead and then began to lower it down your body, but without actually touching it, until it reached your belly.
“Can I?” he looked at you, you just nodded
He placed his hand on your belly and that’s when he realized what was the presence he was feeling.
“It’s a baby,” he said, removing his hand
You almost choked. “I’m sorry, WHAT?!”
“A.. baby?” Sam was dumbfounded
“Wait, wait, are you sure?” Dean looked at Castiel
“Very sure,” the angel nodded
“It can’t be...” you put one of you hands on you chest. “Oh my God..”
“Are you really sure?” Dean asked again
“Yes, Dean, I am one hundred percent sure that I feel a baby’s presence.” Castiel snapped back
“This isn’t happening.” Dean ran his hands over his face “This is.. this is simply not happening.”
“Please don’t tell me you guys…” Sam looked at you both
“Sam, just shut up for a minute, okay?” Dean replied
“I- I need to get some air.” You muttered as you walked backwards like three steps and then turned around heading to the stairs
“Y/n wait!” Sam called out but you ignored him
You got out of the bunker and you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down and not have a panic attack.
“This can’t be real..” you murmured to yourself
You raised your hands to your belly and you’re just standing there in shock.
Of course you wanted a family, but you knew that it was probably not going to happen due to the fact that you’re a hunter and you’ve been hunting basically your whole life. You knew how your life was gonna end. And you made your peace with that. Kinda.
Worst thing about all of this is the fact that Dean is the one who got you pregnant. You two used to hate each other, but throughout the years, you’ve learned to tolerate each other and well, you’ve basically been working with them since they had to deal with the angels pretty much.
He’s always had a crush on you and you knew it, but it wasn’t really that serious. He usually just flirted with you and most of the time you just ignored him.
Until a few weeks ago, while you guys were finishing up a case that Sam decided to let you two handle so you could work on your communication and your anger issues, because the week before that, you have to admit that you were both butting heads every five minutes, and it was driving Sam insane. So he sent you both to deal with a vampire case in Wyoming and with a little assignment to work on your issues and stop behaving like kids. His words.
And you did worked your issues out. You just didn’t think it was gonna be by having sex, but hey, you weren’t complaining at all. He was perfect. And it was the best night you’ve ever had in a while.
And here are the results of that hook up.
It’s clear to say that neither of you are prepared, mentally nor physically prepared to have a kid.
And besides, how were you gonna raise a kid together if you can’t even get along for more than two days?
You got on your car and decided to go for a ride, just to clear your head. And while you were at it, you bought like two boxes of pregnancy tests just to be one thousand percent sure and because you would believe it more once you see it yourself.
You got something to eat after that and decided to use the bathroom at a gas station so you could take the pregnancy tests.
While you waited on the results, you were walking around in the small bathroom, thinking what the hell you were gonna do.
After a few minutes of talking to yourself internally, you decided to take a look at the four pregnancy tests.
“Oh god..” you muttered under your breath seeing the plus sign on the tests
After a while of just driving around, you finally decided to get back to the bunker. Once you open the door, Dean’s head turned to look at you immediately.
“Where were you?” He asked, leaving the book he was reading on the table
“I was getting rid of the little creature,” you replied
“Y/n.” Dean gave your a stern look
“I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes. “I went for a ride and to get something to eat, anything else you want to know?”
You walked to where he was and put your hand inside the pocket of your jacket.
“In case you thought Castiel was lying...” you took the pregnancy tests out of your jacket pocket and placed them on the table. “It’s quite real.”
Dean looked at the tests in front of him realizing that this was really happening. He did believe Cas, but seeing the positive pregnancy tests, definitely made his mind finally fall into the acceptance that this was real. Very real.
Dean sighed. “Look, I know you’re not completely happy with this situation, believe me, I’m not either, but..-
“But we already did it and now we have to take responsibility, I know,” you said taking off your jacket “What I’m still trying to figure out is how you and I are going to raise a baby”
“I don’t know either.” He sighed
“This wasn’t supposed to happen” you pulled out a chair so you could sit and then you brought your hands to you face
“I know...” Dean said in a soft voice and leaned a little so he could look at you. “Hey,” he gently took you by the wrists, removing your hands from your face. “You’re not going to be alone, I’m not going for a pack of cigarettes and never come back.”
That made you laugh a little. “I know you won’t.”
“I’m just.. scared.” He admitted “Scared to raise a kid, scared that I might turn out like my dad and I don’t want that..”
“You’re not going to be like your father, Dean.” You said softly “And I’m scared too, like, I’m gonna be carrying a baby inside of me for the next nine months, I’m terrified that I won’t be a good mom.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
You smiled a little. “That’s kinda comforting.”
“I think we can make it work if we make the effort.”
“We hate each other.” You roll your eyes
He scoffs. “Speak for yourself, I don’t hate you, sweetheart, like, at all.”
You chuckle. “Don’t lie to yourself, you only wanted to get in my pants.” You joked
“Well yeah, but I don’t hate you.” He shrugged
“I don’t hate you either, you’re just.. very annoying.” You said
“You are too.”
You roll your eyes. “Right.”
“In all seriousness,” he started saying “I think we should give it a try.” He looked into your eyes “And you know, we would also be getting out of this life and finally getting a normal one.”
“That does sound nice.” You nodded
“It’s up to you, babe.” He said
You could see in his eyes that he was dead serious about this. He wanted this. He wanted to give it a try with you.
And after a few seconds of thinking, you finally responded.
“Let’s do it then.” You said and he smiled “But we’re not getting married.”
“I’m fine with that.” He said with a shrug which made you smile
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main masterlist
A/n: I think I can make this into a small series, should I? 👀
Likes, comments and reblogs will be appreciated! <3
divider creds @hyuneskkami
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reids-princess · 2 days ago
۶ৎ She said yes Spencer Reid
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Hold onto This for me .
⤷ ─────In which The moment “Spencer.” gets back to you, he wasn’t going to let anything—not work, not fear, not uncertainty—stand in the way of his future with you.
The ring took forever to find on Pinterest but it’s so pretty in what I imagine for elegant look . 
I hope you enjoyed this as much as the last one please consider re blogging in liking your motivation keeps me going . 
Fiancé!Spencer Reid x fem!reader (fiancé) 1.5K x cute comfort overwhelmed moments anxiety fluff x Author notes I had fun writing this one I enjoyed writing it hope you like reading it
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Some girls may adore diamonds, but Spencer knew you preferred pearls. Choosing the perfect ring wasn't easy for him.
He visited a few different stores, searching for something that would suit you—a ring that reflected your personality,’ elegant, sweet, loving, and caring.
He thought about how your face would light up when he asked you to be his, how overjoyed he would be to call you his wife. It was about finding something as beautiful as you were.
Then he found it. It was at the last store he visited. He pointed it out in a glass display case, surrounded by a few other rings.
He told the jeweler that was the one he wanted. Spencer could already picture how your face would light up when he proposed. He could see that ring on your tiny hand. Your hands were smaller than his, but to him, they were perfect.
Now ⤷ ───── "Your" POV.
You couldn’t believe that just over an hour ago, you saw Spence pull out the velvet box from his cardigan pocket. Inside it was the ring, resting in the palm of your hand, your heart racing. You wanted to say yes, but he left before hearing your answer.
The ring was beautiful, sitting in the palm of your hand. You couldn’t believe Spencer had proposed to you. You had wanted him to for a while, and you had always imagined it in your head—his mom would be there, your mom, your twin brother and sister, and their families.
He would be down on one knee, asking for your hand. Tonight, though, tonight was just as perfect—the two of you alone, before Hotch called him in for another case.
Your phone rang, breaking through the whirlwind of your thoughts. Reaching for it, you saw it was Hotch. Wait, what's going on? You answered quickly, your heart racing.
"Hotch, is everything okay?" you asked, trying to steady your voice.
"I... I can't explain right now," Hotch said, his tone firm but not without concern. "Just come down to the BAU. Please."
"Hotch, please, tell me everything is okay," you pleaded, your pulse quickening. But before you could say more, the line went dead. He’d hung up.
Hotch had known about Spencer's proposal and that he hadn’t gotten his answer. So, with his usual practicality, Hotch thought it would be best if you came down to the BAU headquarters to give Spencer your answer—whatever that answer may be.
You slid the ring onto your left hand, your fingers trembling as you grabbed your jacket, keys, and purse. Panic was starting to creep in. What if I lose him? No.
You couldn’t think like that. He’s fine, he’s gotta be. It’s Spencer, you reminded yourself, trying to steady your breathing.
As you rushed out the door, your mind raced, a knot forming in your stomach. I can't lose him… I can’t lose him now.
You slid into the driver’s side of the SUV, quickly buckling up. You adjusted your seat, trying to make yourself comfortable. Being short definitely didn’t have its advantages when it came to driving, but you couldn’t focus on that right now. Your mind was elsewhere, racing with thoughts of Spencer, and you had to get to him.
You started the engine and headed down the two streets from yours and Spencer’s shared apartment. Your hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as your mind raced, each moment feeling heavier than the last.
When you finally came to a stop and turned into the parking lot of the BAU headquarters, your heart was pounding. You took a deep breath before stepping out of the SUV, trying to steady yourself.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you walked into the building, startling you for a moment. You quickly pulled it out,
seeing a message from Garcia.’
"Lover boy proposed to you? And left without getting the answer? So, what are you gonna say?"
The words hit you like a wave, and for a second, you froze in place. You knew Garcia’s playful tone, but the weight of her message only deepened the anxiety already churning inside you.
You walked into the building, your nerves flaring with each step. The officer at the front desk gave you a warm smile when you showed your visitor’s pass. "You’re here to see Dr. Spencer Reid, right?" he asked, already knowing the answer. It felt surreal, but you nodded, showing him your visitors pass , your heart both racing and aching at the thought of him.
You walked into the elevator, your hands trembling as you pressed the button for Level 6. Your heart raced. I just need to know he’s okay. Once I know he’s alright, I’ll say yes, you thought to yourself, trying to calm your nerves. The elevator felt like it was moving slower than usual, and every second felt like a lifetime.
When the doors finally opened, you stepped out into the bullpen. The BAU team was gathered around Spencer, and his eyes immediately found yours. As soon as you walked in, his gaze locked onto you, never leaving.
"Spence, you’re okay?" You said, your voice shaky as you looked at him, trying to make sense of everything.
You stepped into the bullpen, your eyes immediately finding Hotch. "Hotch called me," you explained, your heart still racing. "He asked me to come down to the BAU…
Spencer stepped toward you, his expression full of regret. "I should’ve waited," he said, his voice thick with frustration. "I should’ve stayed to hear your answer. It’s been driving me crazy." His eyes were filled with a mixture of guilt and longing, the weight of his words hanging in the air.
You could see it in his face—he wasn’t just worried about the proposal. He was worried about you and the uncertainty that had built between you both in the last hour. His vulnerability was something he rarely showed, and it only made your heart ache.
He pulled you in and wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close. "Spence," you murmured, feeling a little bashful under his gaze. "They’re,” watching me, aren't they?”
He smiled softly, his eyes warm with affection. "Are you gonna leave lover boy hanging?" Derek chimed in from across the room, his teasing tone light, but you could feel the warmth in his words.
You giggled softly, a sound Spencer adored. He couldn’t help but smile even wider, his heart swelling at the sound of your laughter. It was one of the little things that meant the world to him. You looked up at him shyly, but his gaze was soft, full of love and patience.
You slowly showed Spencer your hand, the ring now resting delicately on your finger—the same ring he had proposed with. The weight of the moment hit you, and your heart swelled.
"Does this mean it's a yes?" Garcia chimed in from behind, her voice full of excitement and a hint of teasing.
You smiled, your chest tightening with joy and relief. "Yes," you replied, your voice soft but steady. "I will marry you, Dr. Spencer Reid."
Spencer’s face lit up with pure happiness, and before you could even take another breath, he swept you into his arms. He spun you around, your laughter echoing through the room, before gently dropping you to his waist, holding you tight. Without another word, he kissed you, his lips pressing against yours with all the passion, love, and relief that had built up between the two of you.
I may do a part three .. as a request I did part two I hope it lives up to your expectations.
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damimami1994 · 2 days ago
GIRRRLL this is going to be a long one so get ready ✍🏼
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First of all I want to kiss your beautiful brain because the way you write for Old Man Logan is just AHHHH!! (meaning oh so great lol)
The tension between these two from the moment it started is so exciting and electric. I absolutely loved how the reader pushed his buttons and never let down from what she wanted and knew what he wanted too. It was driving him crazy and I was EATING IT UUUPP!!
“Your touch and proximity ignites something primal in him, something he thought long extinguished. Logan can feel pure want, need, surge through his veins and lick flames along his skin.”
“He feels alive. Every cell in his body hums beneath your touch, the constant aches and pains temporarily erased. You're a balm to his very soul, smoothing the ever deepening cracks and making him feel whole.”
^COME ON!! This man needs this and craves it so bad, the way you describe his feelings is fabulous.
Lub the two quotes below make me absolutely feral!!!!
“ ”Last chance,” he husks, his breath fanning across your lips. “Last chance to stop before I ruin you.” ”
“A sinful smile spreads across your face. “Oh, Logan,” you coo, “who says I’m not going to ruin you?” “
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When you teased this earlier I knew I was in for a ride and now that I know the whole thing I’m like YEESS because he was ruined the moment he stepped in to the house (well really when he decided to pull over)
The angst you created while they were apart but coming back together was divine because she always knew he would come back and as time passed it showed their love building even if they weren’t always together, they didn’t need to because they just knew. 🥹🥹
I loved too how he thought she was a mutant because of how intuitive she felt with him and I’m like hello Logan she loves you and accepts you!! I wanted to shake him so many times like man look with your eyes but he will always think he’s undeserving and she’s there to prove him wrong!! Speaking of undeserving when he tries to push her away again, I loved how fierce she was and didn’t let him get away with it
“You let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “God, for someone with heightened senses, you’re blind to what’s right in front of you.” “
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^OoOo!!! Yes reader tell him what he needs to hear since he wants to run away and push you out (even though afterwards I’d love him forever because come on lol) Sassy Charles too was the best 🤣 it just kept going with the trash talk Logan needed to hear lol
The porch light being the guiding light through the relationship was such a beautiful way to show their love. It was simple yet had so much meaning. She was never going to quit on him and he was always going to come back even if he didn’t feel deserving of it 😭❤️ Was this your run on thing you talked about having?
*one more note is this was one of my favorite things she said to him explaining how she just feels him and she says
“ "This undeniable pull, an invisible string that connects me to you and it tug, tug, tugs, until...there you are." “
Ohhh to have that with someone especially Logan is a dream because no matter the angst, heart ache, they’d always end up together, in love 😭
Thank you for the happy ending too because I couldn’t not DEAL if they didn’t get it!! Amazing job Lub 👏🏼💐
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Come A Long, Long Way
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SYNOPSIS: His days are long and his nights are longer. He comes to you during those hours when the rest of the world stills, lured in by something almost like fate. 
PAIRING: Old Man Logan x fem!reader 
WC: 12.2k
WARNINGS: smut 18+, mdni; angst; swearing; non-explicit mentions of wounds, scars and healing; gratuitous sexual tension; mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption; dirty talk; frottage; nipple play; surprise appearance by Charles; oral (f receiving); fingering; unprotected p in v; sex with feelings; cowgirl; mating press; creampie; brief mentions of Laura; happy ending because I said so
A/N: The idea for this story came to me through a song--My Fair Lady by Kaleo. I was struck by this verse: I'm weary from my travels // I've come a long, long way // I haven't felt a woman // Since last that I was here // Oh, won't you bring me whisky // And run your fingers through my hair? // Oh, won't you whisper sweet words // Oh, so softly in my ear? I thought, "Wow, that's so Old Man Logan" and this is what I birthed from that. This may be one of my favorite things I've ever written, and I sincerely hope you think so too. Huge, huge thank you to @yxtkiwiyxt for betaing this for me and making the final draft what it is; you helped end this in such a beautiful way. Thank you to @saradika for the use of her graphics. And as always, I hope you enjoy this and any likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
He shouldn’t care about the car pulled over on the side of the road, hazard lights blinking as the rain pours down. 
For three days, Logan’s entertained a rowdy bachelorette party, chauffeuring them from bar to bar, dinner to dinner. The scent of cheap perfume and desperation still linger inside the limo, the drunken, whispered advances still burn against his skin. 
He’s tired. Exhausted down to his very marrow and he wants nothing more than to crawl onto his sagging mattress and steal whatever amount of sleep his shattered mind will give him. 
So, no. He shouldn’t care about the car. 
But he finds himself easing off the gas, the limo starting to slow as he nears. He feels drawn, like a month to a flame, as if some unseen force has wound itself around his sternum and is pulling him forward. 
Pulling him to you. 
As the limo approaches, he spots you crouched down by the front left tire, struggling with a lug wrench, the tool slipping in your rain-soaked fingers. He can almost hear the curses spilling from your lips as you glance up and look towards where he’s sitting. 
Logan knows you can’t see him, not well anyway with the headlights shining directly upon you and the rain pouring down in sheets, but he swears you find his gaze, your eyes seeming to pierce down directly to his soul. He feels the flutter of something deep in his chest and he feels exposed, like a raw wound that hasn’t quite healed. 
For a moment, he hesitates, and wonders if you’re a siren, out here in your element to lure him to his death. Then your gaze drops and the thought dissolves but only just. Before he can talk himself out of it, Logan’s throwing the car in park and opening the door. 
The rain is frigid, the cold biting at his skin as the downpour soaks him down to the bone. You glance up at him as he approaches, your fingers loosening around the wench but still keeping it firmly in your grasp. Straightening up, you push wet strands of hair out of your face, your fingers trembling from the cold. 
“Need a lift?”
He doesn’t know why he asks. What he should do is swap out the old tire for the spare and let you go on your way. But those eyes of yours are piercing him again, the hook you’ve sunk deep in his sinew pulling taut once more and Logan feels compelled to take you home. 
For a few moments, you continue to silently assess him, your gaze flitting between your car, the limo behind him and back to his now soaked frame. Then, you stand and open the driver’s side door, tossing in the wrench and pulling your purse close to your chest. You follow him to the limo and climb into the backseat as Logan slips back in behind the wheel. 
He glances back at you through the rearview mirror, watching as you lean back into the seat, your wet clothes clinging to every curve of your body. Which is another thing he shouldn’t care about and yet…
Clearing his throat, he turns up the heat. “Where you headed?”
“North. About twenty miles or so.”
Logan nods and shifts the car into drive, heading back down the road as the rain continues to come down. Several minutes pass in silence, save for the rhythmic thump of the windshield wipers. Finally, your voice breaks through the silence, soft and lilting. 
“Got a name?”
“Who’s asking?”
A half smile tugs at your lips as you slide from the seat and slip into the row directly behind the partition. Logan can feel the damp of your skin as you lean into his space, the scent of rain flooding his nostrils almost intoxicating. You say your name and wait for him to respond in kind.
“Logan,” he answers, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
“Life hasn’t been kind to you, has it, Logan?” you ask, his name dripping from your lips like honey and just as sweet.
Logan stiffens, his grip tightening on the wheel as your words cut through the night. There’s no pity in your tone, which he’s silently grateful for, but an unsettling mixture of curiosity and understanding.
At the best of times, he doesn’t like anyone trying to scratch below the surface, to worm themselves into all the soft and vulnerable bits he tries so desperately to hide away. Now that he’s older and feeling every bit of his age, the weight of his bones threatening to drag him down with each step, he likes it even less.
“It’s not kind to anyone,” he answers, turning his head just enough to glance sideways at you. 
You tilt your head slightly, a wordless noise humming in your throat. “Maybe,” you concede, voice soft, like you’re mulling over his words. “Except your life has carved itself into you a little more than most.”
He wants to be annoyed, to slam his foot on the brake and send the limo careening into reverse back towards your broken down car. But something stirs in him, thrumming in time with the pulse beating in his veins—a spark of irritation mixed with that pull that’s been gnawing at him since he first saw you. 
“You a therapist or somethin’?”
You chuckle softly, the sound low and intimate, as you lean back into the seat, finally putting some space between you. “No. Just intuitive.”
“Yeah?” He looks up at you through the rearview mirror with a scowl. “Intuit less. Just tell me where I’m goin’.”
A soft, chiding “tsk” falls from your lips and you shake your head, but Logan doesn’t miss the smile playing on your lips. You give him directions to your house and for moment you both sit in silence but the air remains heavy with unspoken tension. 
Logan pulls off the highway, beginning to wind through the smaller streets of the town as he gets closer to your place. The thought of this ride ending, of you leaving this car, both thrill and disappoint him. 
“You believe in fate?”
The question cuts through the silence, pulling Logan’s focus back to you. He glances at you briefly, your expression thoughtful as you wait for him to answer. 
“No,” he finally says, voice flat. 
A soft hum escapes your throat. “Unsurprising. But don’t you think, Logan,” you begin, leaning back into his space, “that maybe fate is what brought us together?”
You have that knowing look in your eye again, a sly smile tugging at your lips. As if you’re in on some cosmic secret he’s not privy to. It unnerves him. 
But it intrigues him, too. 
“I think a broken down car brought us together.”
“Or maybe life decided to be kind to you,” you challenge. “To bring me to you.”
Logan turns into a quiet subdivision as your words rattle around in his brain. The rain has mostly subsided, but is still falling in a gentle drizzle as he pulls up in front of your house, a single porch light illuminated in welcome. It looks small, yet homey, the kind of place he could have seen himself in once if life had been kinder to him. 
“You should come in,” you say as you gather your belongings. “Get out of those wet clothes.”
Your eyes meet his again through the review mirror, a mischievous glint in your gaze and an even more sinful smile on your lips. 
It’s been a while since he’s been with anyone. The thrill of finding a partner for the night having lost its luster around the time his bones started to ache. More often than not, his sexual escapades involve his own calloused hands and memories from when he was a younger man. 
“Think about it,” you offer as you open the door and slip out of the limo. “Door’ll be open.” 
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Logan sits, hands gripping the steering wheel, contemplating whether or not to follow you into the house.
Your offer is tantalizing, ripe for the picking, and the baser part of himself wants to accept—follow you into sin. You’ve already injected yourself into his veins, he might as well see the high through. 
The rational part of his brain knows he should leave, throw the limo in reverse and tail it back to the life he’s carved out for himself in the desert. Experience has hardened him, left him unable to, or maybe unwilling to, open himself to others. He doesn’t need whatever it is you think you can offer him, no matter how alluring and sweet your words may be. 
The weight of his wet clothes against his skin begins to feel almost suffocating and with a low curse under his breath, Logan steps from the limo and follows the path you took up the porch and into the house.
A trail of water leads from the front door to a small laundry room just off the foyer and then damp footprints lead deeper into the house. He can hear the low rumble of a dryer as he steps further into the space, the squeak of his shoes against the hardwood doing nothing to hide his approach. 
Logan finds you in the kitchen, lights dimmed low, standing in only a pair of mismatched underwear, the damp fabric barely concealing what’s underneath as you gently swirl a glass of whiskey. A second, untouched glass sits next to your hip on the counter. 
“You seem like a whiskey man,” you say, your smile curving around the glass as you take a slow sip. “Did I get it right?”
Stopping in the doorway, he flexes his hands at his sides, and wills himself to move—forward, backward, he’s not quite sure. The muted light catches along your curves, the damp sheen of your skin enticing, the dark outline of your nipples and curls between your thighs acting like a beacon. Logan can feel himself hardening against his slacks. 
He can smell you—bright and earthy and wholly intoxicating. Your heartbeat echoes in his ears, quick, but steady, betraying no fear. 
“If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it by now,” you say and he has half a thought to wonder if you can read his mind. 
A sly smile spreads across your face as his eyes finally meet yours, a knowing edge to your expression that further sets him off balance. 
“What’s happenin’ here?” Logan finally rasps, his voice low and rough. 
You give a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders as you grab the glass next to you and take a step towards him, your movements slow yet deliberate. He doesn’t move, rooted to the spot as you approach him. 
“That’s up to you,” you reply, handing him the glass. “You can get out of those wet clothes and enjoy this whiskey with me, or,” you pause to step closer, “you can walk back out that door and pretend like you weren’t curious about what’s waiting for you here.”
Logan’s fingers grip the glass in his hands just a little too tight as you stare up at him, holding his gaze a beat longer than necessary. You’re challenging him, daring him to act, and he knows the minute he breaks, he’s done for. He won’t be able to stop. 
You risk another step closer, leaving barely a breadth of space between you. He can feel the heat radiating off your body, can smell the rain on your skin, as your closeness overwhelms his senses. He wants to drown in you. 
“What’s it gonna be?” you ask in a whisper, your fingers trailing along the edge of his belt buckle. 
Your touch and proximity ignites something primal in him, something he thought long extinguished. Logan can feel pure want, need, surge through his veins and lick flames along his skin. His free hand moves on instinct, wrapping around your wrist, halting your teasing fingers before they venture any further. His restraint is hanging by a thread, fraying and threatening to snap.
“You sure this is what you want?” His voice is low, all gravel and grit as he stares down at you, his eyes darkened by a hunger begging to be fed.
Your lips curve into a slow, knowing smile as you press yourself fully against him, soft and warm. Rising up onto the balls of your feet, you drop your gaze to his lips before flicking your eyes back up to his and ghosting your mouth along his jawline. “Stay with me,” you whisper, sliding your hand up his chest. “Just this once.”
Logan’s restraint snaps. The glass tumbles from his hand, shattering against the floor, but neither of you seem to notice. His hand moves to the small of your back, wanting to press you impossibly closer as his lips crash into yours, hot and demanding. 
You respond in kind, a whimper dying in your throat as your fingers tangle in his damp hair, urging him closer. A growl tumbles from his lips as he trails his mouth down your neck, nipping and tasting as he goes, his tongue finding your pulse point and sucking. His hands roam freely, his calloused fingers sliding over your smooth flesh, palming your hips and gripping you as if you’re the only thing grounding him to earth.
He feels alive. Every cell in his body hums beneath your touch, the constant aches and pains temporarily erased. You’re a balm to his very soul, smoothing the ever deepening cracks and making him feel whole. 
You gasp as he nips at a spot just below your ear and he smirks against your skin, the sound spurring him on. “Tell me where your room is, or I’m fuckin’ you right here on the table,” he husks, his voice thick with desire, breath fanning over the shell of your ear.
Pulling back just enough to meet his gaze, your lips swollen and eyes dark, you reach for his hand and wordlessly lead him past the living room and down the small hallway to your room. Once inside, he pulls you back towards him, mouth slanting back over yours, stealing the very air from your lungs. 
His cock is almost painfully hard as he walks you towards the bed, only pulling his mouth away from yours as your knees hit the edge of the mattress. Instead of sitting back on the bed, you reach for the buttons on his shirt, easing them open before sliding the fabric from his shoulders. There’s an eagerness to your movements, your fingers fumbling with his belt buckle as he sheds his undershirt and tosses it somewhere behind him. 
Logan watches with a hooded gaze, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, as you shove his pants down his legs, barely getting them past his knees before you’re reaching for the waistband of his boxers.
His fingers curl around your wrist, halting your movements and you gaze up at him, licking your lips. “Slow down, sweetheart,” he murmurs, a smirk tugging at his lips. “We have all night.”
A shiver runs through you and then his mouth is on you again, hungry and all-consuming. He drinks you in like a man parched, lips and teeth mapping the curve of your jaw, the solid edge of your collarbone as your pretty little moans and gasps fill the air. You tilt your head back and offer yourself to him, your hands grasping at his shoulders, fingers digging into the muscle to keep him close.
His hands are rough against your skin as he slides them up your sides, tracing the soft, damp skin below the band of your bra. Unfastening the clasps, he trails the fabric down your arms, his eyes darkening as he finally takes in your bare breasts.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his voice dripping with raw want.
Any final restraint he has evaporates and he kicks the last of his clothes off before tightening his hands around your waist and setting you down on the bed. Logan steals the gasp from your mouth as his body covers yours, easing himself between your thighs and thrusting once against your clothed cunt.
He cups your jaw, thumb stroking over your bottom lip, pulling it down just enough to wet the skin. “Last chance,” he husks, his breath fanning across your lips. “Last chance to stop before I ruin you.” 
Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging just hard enough to elicit a growl, his teeth bared. A sinful smile spreads across your face. “Oh, Logan,” you coo, “who says I’m not going to ruin you?”
Logan lets out a deep, guttural sound, something between a growl and a groan before he slots his mouth back over yours and follows you into temptation.  
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“Figured you’d try and sneak out.”
Logan whirls around at the sound of your voice, claws slowly unsheathing from between his knuckles. Blood wells up from the wounds, dripping between his fingers as he finds you dressed in an oversized shirt, the hem just concealing the edge of your panties. Your expression belies no fear as you take in the metal jutting out between his skin, your eyes alight with an acceptance he’s not use to. 
Fear, disgust, repulsion, but rarely acceptance. 
Slowly, he retracts his claws as you move further into the kitchen, stopping at the sink to grab and moisten a washcloth before coming to stand in front of him. Logan instinctively pulls away from your touch, but you’re undeterred, taking his hands in yours and wiping the blood away from his skin. Your movements are gentle, taking care to avoid the still healing slits.
Washed of blood, you finally glance up at him. “You can stay, you know.”
“I’m not the stayin’ kind, sweetheart,” he mutters.
One of those slow, knowing smiles tugs at your lips as you release his hands and Logan actually mourns the loss. “We’ll see,” you say with a shrug, stepping back just enough to put space between you. “I don’t think fate is done with us yet.”
Your words hang in the air like smoke, curling around him and pressing into his skin. He wants to argue, the words burning on his tongue, but he doesn’t. Because despite his earlier claims that he didn’t believe in fate, he can’t deny the unnatural pull you have on him. A pull Logan doesn’t necessarily dislike.
At his silence, you lean up and press the faintest of kisses to the corner of his jaw. “I’ll leave the light on for you,” you whisper into his skin.
It’s then he knows—he won’t be able to stay away. 
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Logan shows up at your door again two weeks later. 
He’s been driving around some bigwig CEO, chauffeuring him from conference to conference during the day and dropping him off at random hotels during the night. When he gives Logan the address to tonight’s hotel, Logan knows instantly he’s in trouble. Just his luck the hotel is in your town. 
Pulling off the freeway, he feels that familiar tug behind his ribs. His hands itch with the want, the need, to turn the wheel towards you instead of the address on his GPS. Since that night, you’ve haunted him, your face showing up in his dreams, waking with the sensation of your softness burning into his skin. 
Logan knows he could stay at the hotel or sleep in the back of the limo like he’s done so many times before. But as he slowly inhales at his cigar and waits for Mr. CEO to stop fingering his mistress in the back seat and get the fuck out, the need to be near you only grows stronger. 
And damned if he knows why. 
He doesn’t need a relationship, or whatever the hell this is. Enough of him has been spread to others, for better or worse, and he’s already worn thin. The last remnants of any family he has are hanging off a very precarious ledge and he can’t bear the heartache of more loss if he opens himself to you. 
But as much as Logan keeps telling himself he’s closed off, fortified against anything new, he can feel himself bleeding through the cracks. 
By the time he finally turns down your street, it’s well past a respectable visiting hour. Most houses are dark for the night, but not yours. The front porch light illuminates just like it did two weeks ago and the dim lights of the kitchen shine through the pulled blinds. You’re up and a frisson of anticipation shoots through him. 
He parks the limo and stamps out the cigar before walking up your driveway. As he approaches the door, he hesitates. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. While your final words to him were open ended, did that give him the right to just show up in the middle of the night? 
You open the door as he contemplates and when his gaze finally focuses on you, he relaxes. A well worn robe is tied around your waist, your hair tied up in a messy bun, your face cleaned of makeup and yet you’re more alluring to him than you were that night in the rain. 
“I don’t know why I’m here,” he confesses, stepping just a bit closer towards you. 
A slow, soft smile spreads across your face. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually,” you reply. You open the door to allow him entrance and he steps in after you. 
Logan follows you into the kitchen, where you already have a glass of whiskey ready for him. Handing him the glass, you nod your head towards the living room. “Come. Relax for a bit.”
He follows you into he living room, the single lamp casting a soft glow within the space. You settle onto the sectional, tucking your legs beneath you and turning yourself towards him as he joins you. For a moment, neither of you speak, but the silence isn’t awkward—it’s comfortable, like it always is around you. 
“You look tired,” you say, finally breaking the quiet. Your voice is soft, a sense of familiarity laced in with your words, as if you understand the magnitude of his fatigue.
Logan huffs as he swirls the whiskey in his glass, watching the amber liquid catch the light. “Honey, I’m always tired,” he replies. “Comes with the territory.”
You give a small hum, your head tilting to the side as you assess him. “You’re in pain, too.”
Logan freezes at your words, his eyes flicking up to your face. His gaze locks with yours, sharp and guarded, like you’ve peeled back a layer he wasn’t ready to expose. And yet, you’ve been doing this since the beginning. Finding the cracks in his facade and wedging yourself in until the gap widens, uncovering the raw nerves underneath.
“What makes you say that?” he asks, his tone challenging.
You gaze remains steady and calm, holding a softness that unnerves him more than the question itself. “Because it’s written all over you,” you say simply. “I see it in your scars, in the way your hands are always clenched, as if steeling yourself against a blow that’ll never come.”
Logan exhales a low, humorless laugh before taking a long sip of whiskey, relishing the burn as it slides down his throat. “Don’t even notice it anymore,” he lies, shifting in his seat. 
Your mouth tugs into a gentle frown as you shift, crawling closer to where he sits. You pluck the glass from his fingers, swallowing down the rest of the whiskey before setting it on the coffee table. Logan watches as you swing your legs over his lap, your robe riding up to reveal the smooth expanse of your thighs. 
The weight of you against his lap sends a rush of arousal down his spine and he can feel his cock stir in his slacks. If you notice, you ignore it, instead reaching for a small bottle of lotion on the end table and squeezing a dollop into your palm. You rub your hands together twice before reaching for his right hand. 
Your thumbs dig into the meat of his palm, a low groan slipping from his throat before he can stop himself. You bite your lip, but Logan can see the sly smile beneath. 
“You help take care of everyone else,” you begin, rubbing the lotion further into his calloused palms. “Who helps care for you?”
Logan feels flayed open, that pull that spins him into your orbit only growing stronger as you see down to his very soul. Caliban swore you weren’t a mutant but Logan still couldn’t shake the idea that you were something more. 
“What are you?” he asks, his eyes tracing the lines of your face, watching you concentrate on his hand. 
You slide your fingers along the pink, puffy lines between his knuckles, a slow hiss escaping between his teeth as you massage the tender flesh. He wonders if you know how sensitive his skin is now, how each time his claws come out it hurts just a little bit more than the last time. 
“I’m human,” you reply, positioning his hand to focus on the back, tracing the fine scars there. “Same as you.”
“I ain’t human.”
Your eyes flick to his as you drop his right hand and reach for his left. “You’re human where it counts,” you say, beginning to massage his hand. 
Logan scoffs. “Yeah? And where’s that?”
You release his hand and place your palm in the center of his chest, your fingers splayed over his heart. “In here.”
He swallows hard, his gaze dropping to where your fingers are resting against him. You touch him like you’re unafraid, undeterred by the metal in his bones and the sometimes primal rage that courses through his blood. His killed—for the sake of war, self preservation, and for reasons not so innocent—but you can somehow still see past that, to some soft part of him that still lingers. 
Logan itches to touch you, to pull you closer and—
“You can touch me,” you say, as if pulling the thought from his head. “I like when you touch me.”
Logan slides his palms up your thighs and around your hips, pulling you flush against his lap, your clothed center pressing against the fly of his slacks. He doesn’t miss the gasp that falls from your lips or the shift of your hips as you try and press closer. 
That thrum of aliveness begins to churn in his veins as he slowly unties the sash of your robe, allowing the fabric to fall to the side. You’re bare underneath and Logan can’t help but lean forward and press a kiss to the center of your chest. 
“You dress like this jus’ for me?” he asks, dragging his lips towards your breast and pulling a nipple into his mouth, working into a taut peak beneath his tongue.
Your fingers wind themselves into his hair, holding him close. “Yes,” you breathe, a whimper falling from your lips as he moves to your other breast. “Only for you.”
A surge of possessiveness rushes through his veins and Logan can feel the prickle between his knuckles, his claws threatening to unsheathe at the thought of you with another man. Instead, he doubles his focus onto you, his beard scraping against your skin as he licks a hot stripe across your nipple. “Damn right, only for me,” he growls. 
You shift your hips in response, seeking more friction against the hard length of his cock pressing against you. Logan groans, his fingers digging deeper into the flesh of your hips, urging you to move against him. The soft, wet heat of your cunt through the thin fabric of your panties and his slacks sets his control on a razors edge. 
Logan leans back slightly to lock eyes with you, your pupils blown wide with want, your skin flushed with desire. You find his gaze, hazy with pleasure, but focused and then you smile at him, bottom lip pinned between your teeth. 
“And you, Logan,” you whisper, your hands sliding down the column of his neck, “you’re only for me.” 
That hook you’ve lodged in him sinks deeper and he’s too far gone to care. The mystery behind your presence in his life is one he’s willing to spend the rest of his days unraveling so long as you stay right here, continuing to bewitch him with the beauty of your soul. 
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Your allure was more potent than any pheromone, more intoxicating than any aphrodisiac. In his waking moments, Logan found his thoughts drifting to you more often than not and the frequency between his visits grew shorter and shorter until he found himself lured into your embrace almost every night. 
He was good at lying to himself, writing off these visits as nothing more than comfort—the need to find warmth in a world that so seldom offered him that luxury. But that lie grew bitter, warped in the liminal space between midnight and dawn where you stripped him down to his very bones, saw through the gruff and grit he wrapped himself in. Saw him as something more than the sum of his sins. 
Logan couldn’t hide from you and he didn’t know if he wanted to. Those carefully crafted walls that surrounded him cracked and crumbled, turning to dust at his feet. In that mysterious way of yours, you always knew what he needed—a warm meal; your tender, healing touch as you helped him stitch the worst of his wounds; the soft, pliant feel of your skin on his as you kissed him deep, the kind of kiss that burned like wildfire and whiskey.
God help him as your gravity pulled him in closer, your orbits circling tighter and tighter, destined for an inevitable crash. 
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“What am I to you?”
Those five words root him where he stands, flaying him down to his very marrow. Logan should have expected this question, should have known that eventually you’d ask. 
He wants to tell you the truth, speak those words that burn against his tongue, begging to be said.
He wants to tell you of his need to find you when the days are long and the nights are longer. When the weariness he feels in his bones aches more than usual and seems to bleed into his very soul. 
When he needs to feel something more than the hollowness that seems to grow inside his chest. The slow carving away of his humanity that’s been scraping closer and closer to emptiness for years. 
When he needs to be wrapped in warmth and set afire by something almost like love. Like home. 
But he says none of this as he gazes over at you sitting at the kitchen table, one knee pulled up to your chest. You look small sitting there, vulnerable in a way he hasn’t seen before. 
And instead, he remains silent, praying you’ll let the conversation slide. But he knows better. 
You glance up at him, your gaze piercing straight through the heart of him and then you devastate him with three simple words. 
“I love you.”
The air punches from his lungs and for a moment it feels like he’s forgotten how to breathe. Your words tear through him, cutting deeper than any knife, and his hands curl into fists as you slice him open. 
“Don’t,” Logan rasps, his voice rough, barely more than whisper. He avoids your eyes, knowing that if he looks and sees the sincerity in your gaze, it’ll be his undoing. “Don’t say that.”
“Why not?” Your voice cracks with emotion as you push away from the table, your arms wrapping around yourself. “What about those words can’t you hear?”
His jaw clenches and for every step you take closer him, he takes a half step back, as if he’s trying to distance himself from the truth beginning to swirl between you. You can’t love him. Loving someone has brought him nothing but misery and pain, loss and suffering and he’ll be damned if he drags you down that road. 
So, instead he lies, the words bitter in his mouth. 
“This ain’t love, sweatheart,” he says, gesturing between the two of you, “This is fuckin’.”
You inhale sharply between your teeth and your expression twists into disbelief, the beginning of tears welling in your eyes. “Fucking?” you bite back, your voice trembling but still firm. “You think after all these months that this is just fucking?”
Logan doesn’t answer. And he doesn’t move. He simply stands there, jaw clenched so tightly he could shatter bones. He can’t say yes. If he does that, if he voices that lie into existence, he’ll have to spend the rest of his days remembering the look in your eyes right now—destroyed. 
Your breath starts to shudder as you continue to step closer towards him. And he can feel you, warm and comforting, even though you shake with barely contained anger. “Look me in the eye and tell me that’s all this is,” you demand, your voice thick with emotion. “Tell me that when you come to me in the middle of the night, broken down, bloody and bruised, it’s just fucking. Tell me that when I touch you, hold you, love you, that it means nothing.” 
He remain silent. 
You let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “God, for someone with heightened senses, you’re blind to what’s right in front of you.” Your trembling voice matches the shake to your hands, your fury pouring off you in waves. “You really are a coward, aren’t you?”
Logan nostrils flare at the insult and he can feel the prickle of his claws between his knuckles. He knows his rage isn’t with you, but himself. And yet he can still feel his lips curl into a snarl. “You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” he growls. 
“Oh, fuck you, Logan,” you seethe, your voice now raw, pain bleeding through every syllable. “You can’t even look me in the eye when you lie.”
His jaw clenches impossibly harder and he swears he can taste bone. Then, he finally meets your gaze head on, eyes flashing. “You think this ends well between us? You think I get to have somethin’ like this? Like you?” Logan’s voice cracks in a way that he loathes. “I can’t—”
The crack of your palm against his face is deafening. He barely moves from the impact, but emotionally you’ve landed him on his ass. Your eyes are wide as you stare up at him, unblinking.
Logan stands there, immobile, as he processes the sting of your slap. It doesn’t hurt, not physically. It’s the fact that you did it, the fact that you’re standing in front of him, chest heaving from the effort of your breathing as if you just ripped yourself open for him.
“Get out of my house,” you seethe, your voice softer than before, deflated.
Your words shouldn’t sting as much as they do. They shouldn’t wreck him and make him feel like he’s been ripped apart limb from limb. He should relish them, the push, the shove. He should revel in the confirmation that you’re finally seeing him for what he truly is—something undeserving of all the warmth and love you’ve given him. A stray animal that never should have been fed.
Logan swallows, his throat tight as he gives you a small nod. And then he does the only thing he knows how to do. 
He turns. And he walks.
His legs feel like lead, each step a feat and his brain is screaming at him to turn around. To fight. To beg. To plead. To say something, anything. 
But he doesn’t.
Logan exits the house, the front door slamming shut behind him. As he steps off the front step, the porch light above him clicks off, plunging the house into darkness. Your guiding light is gone, lost in the storm of his destruction.
Of all the wounds he’s ever taken, of all the scars that mar his skin, nothing has ever bled quite like this.
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Charles watches with sharp eyes as Logan enters the old water tank and shuts the door behind him. The older man is in his wheelchair, tending to his plants as Logan walks around the place, picking up random bits of trash and the tray from breakfast. 
A soft “tsk” falls from Charles’ lips and echos in the small space. “Will you ever learn, Logan?” Charles’ voice seems tired, weary. 
Logan pauses and looks over at him, irritation already prickling along his skin. “Stay outta my head,” he snaps, slamming the tray down on a nearby table. 
He doesn’t need this, doesn’t want Charles sifting through his mind, seeing those pieces of you he so deeply cherishes. Pieces he doesn’t deserve. Pieces he doesn’t know if he’ll ever have within his grasp again. 
“She loves you,” Charles continues, seeming to ignore his request. 
Logan strides over to where Charles is sitting, unable to keep the ire from boiling over. He wants to sweep all the plants to the floor, destroy the one creative outlet Charles has, retaliate for the way he presses into the fresh bruises on his mind. “I’m begging you, just—”
Charles lifts the spray bottle beside him and directs the spray in Logan’s face, showering him in a fine mist of water. Logan freezes, water dripping from his face as his lips tighten in a thin line. He grits his teeth, an ache already blooming in his jaw. 
“What the fuck was that for?” he growls. 
“Are you a cat?” Charles asks, lowering the bottle. “No? Then stop being such a pussy.”
Logan stares at Charles, the vulgarity of the of man’s words leaving him temporarily speechless. He scrubs a hand down his face, wiping the rest of the water off with the sleeve of his shirt, scowl deepening. 
“You’re pushin’ it,” Logan warns. 
Charles simply smirks, finally setting the bottle down on the table. “Someone should. God knows you won’t push yourself. Not when it comes to matters of the heart.”
Logan sucks in a sharp breath and steps back from Charles, sitting down on the bed across from him. The old metal springs groan beneath his weight. He wants a bottle of whiskey, to quiet the thoughts in his head, at least temporarily, and fall into a drunken stupor. Anything but flaying open his feelings, especially his feelings about you. 
“What are you so afraid of?” Charles asks gently. “That she’ll see all your broken pieces?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Charles raises his eyebrow. “No? Logan, she’s already seen them. She knows what you are and she’s still here.”
“That’s not the point!” Logan roars, his voice echoing off the metal walls. His breathing comes out in short gasps and he knows he needs to rein himself in. Not only for himself but for Charles. It doesn’t take much to trigger a seizure these days and he doesn’t need the stress of this conversation to become a catalyst. 
Charles remains quiet, expression calm and Logan hangs his head, his voice softening into something raw. “It’s not about what she knows. It’s about who, about what, I am. I don’t deserve her.”
Bracing his elbows on his legs, Charles leans forward, a sympathetic smile tugging at his lips. “She knows all that, Logan. And she chooses you. Every night you come to her, she chooses you. How can you not see that?”
Logan doesn’t respond, but the weight of Charles’ words hang heavy against his shoulders. He looks down at his hands, seeing the callouses and crisscrossing scars. His body is a physical map of violence, each faded pink line a story of pain, regret and death. 
But you’ve never seen them that way. You’ve only ever looked at them with reverence, traced your fingertips along each one and wondered about their stories. Made him feel whole instead of broken and used. 
“You have a choice to make, Logan,” Charles says, interrupting the silence. “Let her in…or keep running. Don’t make her choose for you.” 
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For days, Logan’s mind is plagued by replays of his last moments with you and his conversation with Charles. His already sleepless nights are further tormented by dreams of you, the devastated expression on your face haunting him.
The memory of your face, the crack in your usually steadfast voice, the tremor in your hand after you struck him. They all play in a nauseating loop in his brain, punishing him in a way he’s never felt before.
His life reverts to autopilot—drink, fight, drive, but nothing quells the gnawing ache in his chest. He couldn’t stay in the smelting plant with both Caliban and Charles staring at him, watching his every move as if he were a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Charles was running out of medications, a few days supply left at most, and Logan knew he was better off leaving Charles in Caliban’s care than his own.
Now, he sits on the edge of a dingy motel bed, the scent of cheap whiskey and cigar smoke clinging to his clothes. His eyes are dry and heavy with exhaustion and his skin is itching with that familiar want to be near you. It started as an annoying tug, but has now grown into a maddening want.
He knows he should ignore it. But he was never that strong.
Before he can talk himself out of it, convince himself that this is an astronomically stupid fucking idea, he’s on his feet, keys in hand and driving down those lonely roads towards you.
It’s late when he reaches your house, like it usually is, and he half expects the porch light to remain dark, a cold, bleak reminder of how badly he’s fucked up. Instead, he finds that single porch light illuminated, shining like a beacon of hope. Logan walks up onto the porch, but you don’t open the door like you’ve done so many times before. 
He contemplates leaving, turning around and getting back in the car and drinking himself into a semblance of sleep. But then he hears you, your heartbeat echoing beyond the wooden frame, as steady and as comforting as it’s always been. Logan pauses, wondering if he should try the knob and come inside—if you’ll even let him.
If you even should.
With a sigh, he lowers himself to the ground, his joints aching in protest as he rests his back against the door. “I’m not good at this,” he finally says, hoping you’re listening. “I’ve been alive for too long. Seen too much shit.” Logan pauses, his words burning in his throat. “I’ve lost too many people.”
He hears you shift behind him, your head thudding softly against the door as you listen. His relief is almost palpable knowing you’re there, that you’re at least willing to listen to him. Leaning back, Logan closes his eyes and exhales a heavy breath. “The only way I know how to keep people safe is to push ‘em away. And I need to keep you safe.”
The words feel foreign leaving his mouth, as if they’re uncovering a truth he’s long kept secret. He feels exposed in a way he’s not used to, raw and honest, and the truth of his words burns. Logan can still hear you on the other side of the door, your breathing slow and steady, yet laced with something—hesitation, maybe, or hurt. It makes his chest ache in a new and unfamiliar way. 
“I’m tired,” he continues, his voice softer. “I’m so fuckin’ tired, sweetheart. Tired of fightin’ when all I want—” Logan swallows hard. “All I want is you.”
The porch light hums above him, the night is alive with the chirping of crickets, but the silence that follows is almost deafening. 
Logan doesn’t deserve you, he knows that. You should turn him away, tell him to leave, to kick him back to the desert to lick his wounds alone. He doesn’t know how to be someone’s partner, their lover. He’s not sure if he ever has, really, too hung up on all the ways he paints himself as a bad man. Someone unworthy. 
Except with you, he finds himself wanting to fight. To prove he’s not as hard and unyielding as the metal bones inside him. That somewhere deep inside him there still lingers warmth and affection and the capacity to love. 
He’s bracing himself for the worst when he hears the faint sounds of the lock turning. The door creaks open and he shifts to look up at you. One of your well used blankets is wrapped around your shoulders, your hair tousled from sleep and your eyes are red and wet with unshed tears. Logan’s heart thuds heavily in his chest as you stand there and he turns to face you, pushing up onto his knees. Your expression is carefully masked, betraying little of your underlying emotions, and he carefully crawls forward, testing the waters of how close you’ll let him get.
His knees ache as he kneels on the hard concrete, but he’d crawl through glass if you asked him to. Slowly, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to him as he nuzzles his face into the softness and warmth of your belly. Your comforting scent floods his senses as he waits for your anger, your rejection.
Instead, you sigh, a long pent up breath released in a steady exhale and your fingers sink into the disheveled hair at the nape of his neck, holding him close to you. “You’re an asshole,” you finally say, though your tone lacks any venom or spite.
Logan feels it then, the tension slowly easing from your body as you allow him to sink further into your frame. His heart lurches his chest, the faintest flicker of hope fluttering against his ribs.
“Yes,” he mumbles into your shirt.
“You hurt me.”
He pulls back as you gently push at his shoulders and sink down to the ground in front of him. But you don’t push him away any further and instead, lace your fingers through his. “I should tell you to fuck off,” you continue, your eyes focused on where you’re touching him. “But I can’t.”
His voice comes out in a whisper. “Why?”
Your eyes meet his and your gaze pierces straight through his soul. “You know why.”
And he does. In truth, he thinks he’s always known, long before you ever spoke those three little words out loud. Words so simple, yet so profound. Words he rarely speaks, while others casually toss them around. Words he has rarely felt, but with you feel as natural as breathing, as the sun rising in east.
Words he’s still afraid to say, despite everything, despite every cell in his body screaming at him.
You look at him like you know, because of course you do. You’ve always known him, in that uncanny way of yours since he first saw you standing in the rain. So instead of ire or disappointment at his lack of response, you simply squeeze his hand, grounding him to your reality. 
“You don’t have to say it,” you whisper, your voice soft and steady. “Not yet.”
Logan looks at you, his brows furrowed. He can’t fathom what he’s done in this life to deserve you, your patience, your unwavering belief in him. “You make it hard not to,” he finally rasps, his voice rough and uneven. “Love you, I mean.”
The admission hangs heavy in the air, raw and jagged, much like him. It’s close to what you want to hear, but not quite. And yet he sees something warm and bright blossom on your face. 
You lean in, raising your free hand to lightly trace the curve of his jaw, scratching at the scruff there. “You’re a man of action, Logan,” you say, pressing in closer, your breath mingling with his. “Wanna show me instead?”
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This—this is a language he’s fluent in. 
Using his lips, tongue, hands and cock to write on your body all the words he cannot say. He’s mastered your shape, the way your hips curve beneath his palm, the softness of your belly and breasts, the heat between your thighs stoked hotter only by him. He knows exactly where to press, where to nip and suck and tease to elicit all those pretty little moans and gasps of pleasure. 
Logan’s already drawn one orgasm out of you, his fingers still thrusting against you as you ride out your high, your thighs shuddering against his forearm. You’re flushed and breathy as you reach for him, urging him up from between your thighs.  
You pull him close, fingers sinking into his hair as you lick into his mouth, not caring that your slick still stains his beard and lingers against his tongue. He swallows your gasp as he knocks your knees apart and slots himself between your legs, his cock heavy against your belly. 
He wants you. In all the ways he can think of and not just like this, naked and pliant beneath him. He wants your sleepily whispered hellos each morning and your softly murmured goodnights each evening. He wants the warm, weighty press of your body against his as you sit on the couch beside him sipping whiskey. 
He wants, he wants, he wants. 
As his kisses grow more fervent, you grow impatient and push at his chest, urging him back. “Lie back,” you command softly, your breath damp against his lips, “Let me take care of you.”
He wants to protest, deny you this request. This is supposed to be about you, about using his body to show you all the things his words can’t say. He’d spend the whole night between your thighs, using his mouth, tongue and fingers to worship if you’d let him. But there’s something in your gaze that forces him to comply and he gives in, rolling onto his back. 
You straddle his thighs, your slick cunt sliding along the length of his cock. Logan groans and his hands reach for your hips, fingertips digging into your flesh as he encourages you to move. “This is s’pose to be about you,” he husks as you slowly begin to rock your hips back and forth. 
“Oh, it is,” you answer, licking your lips as you brace your hands on his chest. “Who else can get you hard and needy beneath them?”
A low growl escapes from his throat. “No one.”
A wicked smile curls at your lips as you drag your heat along him, the blunt head of his cock nudging your clit with every slow, deliberate rock of your hips. The sensation has his control unraveling and he slides his hands along your thighs to palm the curve of your ass. 
You press into his touch, continuing to roll your hips as you lean forward to press an open mouthed kiss to the corner of his jaw. “You see,” you murmur, “this is for me.”
Reaching between your bodies, you grasp him in your hand and line him up. Slowly, almost tortuously slow, you sink down on his cock, taking him inch by inch until he’s fully sheathed inside of you. A sharp inhale escapes him as your warm, tight walls surround him and Logan knows this feels different. 
This isn’t merely fucking anymore, the melding of flesh for the pure sake of pleasure, of briefly escaping the nightmare of his life, of finding solace in sin. You’ve somehow managed to bleed yourself into him, to wrap yourself around his heart. 
You feel as if you’re a part of him, lodged deep between his ribs and that if he were to try to remove you, he’d kill himself in the process. A part of him knows this feeling has always been there, back when you first entered his limo. The feeling threatens to choke him, to fill his love soaked lungs until all he can breathe is you. 
He loves you. 
Pure and unfiltered and it terrifies him. 
“I—fuck, I,” he chokes out, the words caught in his throat. “I feel—”
Your hands run over his chest, up along his collarbones, your fingers blazing a trail over his skin. “I know, Logan,” you whisper, your hips rocking languidly against his. 
He grips your thighs, almost tight enough to bruise, helping guide your movements, but also prove to himself you’re real. Logan’s chest heaves as he watches you ride him, your hips rocking harder, faster, dragging moans out of both of you. You lean back just enough to change the angle, driving him deeper and he bucks his hips, meeting your thrusts with a force that has you crying out his name.
And yet it’s not enough. He needs to wrap himself around you, twine his fingers through your hair and hold your mouth to his until he’s completely consumed you. His hands slide up your back towards your waist and he pulls you down against him, mouth hot and insistent against your neck as he continues to fuck up into you. 
In one fluid motion, Logan grips your thighs and flips you onto your back, pinning you beneath him, cock still sheathed deep within your cunt. You arch beneath him as he sets a brutal, devastating pace, the raw intensity of his movements stealing short, gasps breaths from your lips with each thrust. A shiver ripples through you as he draws a nipple into his mouth, his name tumbling from you like a prayer.
“Fuck, there it is,” he growls. “I love all those little sounds you make.”
His choice of word isn’t lost on either of you and your eyes meet his as your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving faint red crescents as you cling to him. “Logan,” you gasp, your voice trembling as he hits that soft spot deep inside you. “More.”
“You want more?” he rasps, gripping your thighs and pulling them higher around his waist. The new angle has you crying out, the sound echoing in the room as he continues to slam into you with a force that has the bed creaking beneath you.
“Ah, fuck, yes,” you moan, your head tipping back. 
Logan takes advantage of your offering, his lips and teeth marking a path down your neck, his beard scraping against your skin in a way that’s sure to leave a burn come the morning. There’s a possessiveness to his touch, a need to claim you, to prove to you that this is all he needs—your embrace, your warmth, your love.
“You’re so fuckin’ good to me,” he growls against your skin, his hand sliding down between your bodies and finding where you’re joined. He can feel himself pounding into you, your combined arousal coating his fingers as he finds your clit and begins to rub in tight circles. “So goddamn perfect. You were made for me, sweetheart, you know that?”
Your cunt flutters around him and he knows you’re close, your thrusts against him growing erratic. He feels his own impending release, but he needs you to come first, needs to feel you shatter against him. His fingers press more firmly against your clit and with a breathy moan, your body tenses, back arching off the bed as your orgasm crashes into you.
“That’s it,” Logan groans, his own thrusts faltering as he feels you tighten around him, pulling him in deeper. “Look at you, comin’ so pretty for me.” He slows just enough to prolong your release, his thrusts deliberate as he draws out every ounces of pleasure until you’re trembling beneath him. 
It’s overwhelming—the sensation of you beneath him, around him; the cling of your fingers to his shoulders; the warm, damp breath against his neck; the absolute perfection of this moment right now. In all his years on this earth, he’s never experienced anything like this. The desire to completely consume someone, body and soul, and be consumed return. He wants his dying breath to be your name.
Something inside of Logan snaps, and as you try and catch your breath as you come down from your high, he presses your legs higher, folding you beneath him in a way that has his cock pressing deeper than before. The change has you whimpering and he looks down to find your expression as wrecked as he feels. He pauses his thrusts just long enough to grasp both your wrists and pin them above your head before he picks up his pace again, fucking into you with an almost ruthless intensity.
“I love you,” he growls, his thrusts growing erratic, his control quickly unraveling with every whimper and cry of his name. “God, I fucking love you.”
For a few moments, he doesn’t even realized what he’s said. Then he looks down at you, your gaze trained on his face and that soft, knowing smile of yours on your lips. “Logan,” you gasp, “I know. I’ve always known.”
Logan lets out a rough, shuddering breath, his entire body trembling with the weight of his confession. Any response he has dies in his throat as he presses his forehead to yours, his entire body wound tight. He’s so fucking close, can feel his orgasm coiling hot and tight in his gut, but it’s more than your warm heat drawing him in—it’s everything. 
“Tell me,” he grits out, his hips chasing, chasing, chasing that release.
You lean up as much as you can with your hands still pinned above you and lick an open mouthed kiss against his lips. “I love you, Logan.”
And that’s all it takes. He groans into your mouth as he finally lets go, his body tensing as his release crashes into him. He spills himself deep inside you, shallowly thrusting into your cunt as his rhythm slows.
Logan releases your hands, and for a long moment, there’s only the sound of heavy breathing, of heartbeats slowing, the two of you tangled in the aftermath.
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Logan’s restless and unable to sleep despite your smaller frame tucked alongside him, the weight of your head resting against his chest. From his periphery, he can see his phone illuminating with unread texts, no doubt from Caliban urging his return. Charles has been deteriorating faster than Logan cares to admit, his mind gone more often than not, raving about new mutants. He needs drugs faster than Logan can procure them.
His mind churns, the reality of the outside world looming closer and he contemplates slipping from your grasp when you shift, curling yourself further into him. You don’t speak, not yet, but he can tell you’re alert, floating somewhere in that space between sleep and full wakefulness. Your fingers start to move of their own accord, the gentle pressure of your fingertips tracing over an old scar along his ribs, mapping out an old battle he no longer remembers. 
Beside him, his phone buzzes again and Logan sighs.
“Sounds important,” you murmur, voice thick with sleep.
He wants to keep ignoring it, stay wrapped in the quiet cocoon you’ve thrown around him, but Logan knows he can’t. It’s a cruel reminder of the chaos that plagues him beyond the sanctuary of your embrace. 
“You can go to him, Logan,” you continue, fingers never stopping their slow path along his skin. “I know you’ll be back.”
“How,” he starts, licking his dry lips, “how do you always know?”
Logan’s asked versions of this question before. You’ve always brushed him off, given a coy answer and steered the conversation towards something else. For a moment, he thinks tonight will be the same.
But then you answer.
“I can feel you,” you answer softly, your breath warm and damp against his skin. “I just—” You pause and turn to look up at him and then disentangle yourself from his embrace. “Stand up,” you urge, nudging at his side until he complies.
He blinks at you in confusion, but you just smile at him, soft and sleepy, and gently cup the side of his face. “Now, close your eyes.”
Logan does as he’s told, chasing after your touch as you step back from him, settling somewhere beyond him on the bed. “I’m going to move and you tell me where I am.”
The soft rustle of bedsheets follows and then, stillness. You’re quiet, but he can sense you, just off to his right, but too far away to touch. “My right, but farther back in the room.”
You move again, keeping your movements light. Again, he pinpoints you, this time towards his left, closer, but still too far away to grasp. “Left.”
A final movement, this time even closer, your proximity flooding his senses, sending a rush of warmth down his spine. Logan reaches out, finding the curve of your hips, hands tucking underneath the shirt you had slipped on earlier in the night, splaying his palms against your back. He opens his eyes and meets your gaze, alive in the predawn glow.
“How did you know?” you ask, looping your arms around his neck.
Understanding dawns on him, the answer so simple, yet so profound. Pinpointing where you were had nothing to do with his heightened senses and everything to do with just you—the way you’ve molded yourself to him like a second skin. “I could feel you,” he answers. “I could—I just knew.”
You lean forward, pressing the lightest of kisses against the corner of his mouth. Logan sighs into your mouth, his eyes fluttering close as you press your forehead to his. “It’s like that,” you whisper. “This undeniable pull, an invisible string that connects me to you and it tug, tug, tugs, until…there you are.”
His phone continues to buzz, growing more insistent as the soft blues and grays of the morning bleed into more golden hues. With a reluctance you both feel, Logan peels himself away, finally answering the phone with an irritation he doesn’t bother hiding. 
You watch him go, standing on the porch with the light casting a halo around your head. Your smile is gentle, but stained with worry and yet you remain stoic, the steady pillar holding up the fractured remains of his life.
As he drives away, he catches one last look at you in the rearview mirror and he’ll spend the next few months wishing he told you—he feels you too. 
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The last one hundred miles have dragged on for eons, the road before him stretching into an almost infinite distance. Logan finds himself darting his eyes towards the dashboard clock, growing increasingly frustrated when the numbers move only a few minutes at a time, the slow passage of time seeming to taunt him. 
It’s been months since he saw you last, though no fault of his own. His memories are hazy—a swirling fog of confusion, pain and burning fever. He’s not even sure how he survived, whether it was modern medicine or sheer stubbornness. Or something more. 
You believe in fate?
Your words echo in his mind, soft and sweet, and he feels a familiar pang of longing in his chest. 
Fate or not, something kept a spark alive in him, pulsing through his veins with each sluggish beat as he slowly and painfully healed. His wounds are still pink and tender to the touch, more of his skin marred by death and destruction. 
As he turns into your subdivision, the night quiet, a cold, creeping anxiety snakes along his spine. What if you’ve given up on him? Figured this last absence was the real deal, all his idle promises of staying away finally coming to fruition. 
But as Logan drives down your street, he sees it—the single porch light illuminating in the night. Acting like the beacon it’s always been, leading him safely to land. 
To you. 
Logan pulls into the driveway and shifts the truck into park. Turning in his seat, he glances back towards the young girl curled up on the backseat. Laura’s face is relaxed in sleep, her hands tucked protectively under her chin. She fell asleep several hours ago, the soft rhythm of the tires against pavement lulling her to sleep. 
Logan’s been many things in his life. Son, brother, fighter, friend. Lover. He never thought he’d add father to that list. While he can’t quite find it in him to call himself that just yet—even though Laura readily and easily calls him dad—he no longer denies the protectiveness he feels towards her.
Easing the door to the truck open, Logan steps out and gently shuts it behind him, loathe to disturb her just yet. 
Here he is showing up at your door like he always has—late, quiet, and carrying a heavy weight he feels only he can shoulder. His hand is poised to knock, knuckles clenched, but he pauses, unsure if he even has the right to be here. 
But then there you are, the front door opening to reveal your tired but relieved face, months of worry etched into your skin, your eyes already brimming with unshed tears. 
“Logan,” you breathe, pulling him gently by the wrist and leading him inside. You don’t ask why he’s there. He suspects you already know. 
The air inside the house is just as he remembers. Warm and inviting and laced with the faint, comforting smell of you. Logan inhales deeply, letting the scent settle somewhere in the parts of him that still feel alive, that thrum with the memory of your touch. 
Your fingers still linger against his wrist and he can feel the heat radiating from your body, but you’re not close enough. And yet, he’s afraid to reach out, pull you into his arms. Afraid of the pity or obligation you’ll feel to comfort him, to allay all his fears.
As if reading his thoughts, you gently cup the side of his face, your nails scratching along his jaw. Logan flinches slightly, his body so used to pain these past months he’s almost forgotten the tenderness of your touch. But he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he closes his eyes, a ragged breath falling from his lips and his head dips forward. 
“C’mere,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
For a moment, he doesn’t move, but then he slides his arms along your back, pulling you against him. You feel real and solid and alive pressed this close. Never one for overt physical touch, Logan’s surprised by how much he missed this—the simple act of just holding you. Burying his face in the crook of your neck, he inhales deeply, his breath warm and damp against your skin. 
He doesn’t say anything, unsure where to even begin. The weight of his grief, his weariness, feels heavier than any burden he’s ever shouldered before and it’s almost desperate the way he clings to you. Like you’re the only thing tethering him to the earth. If you were to let go, he’d fall apart. 
Logan doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he feels the hot trail of tears against his cheeks. You run your fingers through his hair, murmuring soft reassurances as you hold him. 
“I couldn’t feel you, Logan,” you whisper into his neck. “Several days of just…nothing. I thought that—”
The words lodge themselves in your throat, but he knows what they are just the same. 
He pulls back just enough to look at you, your eyes glistening with tears that match the ones rolling down his weathered face. Your expression is marred with pain, raw and unfiltered, but also with a bright flicker of relief. 
“I’m sorry,” he rasps, voice rough with emotion. “I got dragged into some bad fuckin’ shit. I almost…we—”
You quiet him with a soft brush of your fingers against his lips. “It’s okay, Logan,” you whisper. “Tell me about it later. I’m just happy you’re home.”
Logan gaze softens at your words, but guilt gnaws at him. He doesn’t deserve this—your unwavering faith in him, the patience you’ve shown him, the light you’ve been in his dark, endless nights. But here you are, giving him everything he’s never asked for but so desperately craved. 
“C’mon,” you murmur, dragging him from his thoughts, “Let’s get you settled.”
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It’s well past two in the morning by the time Logan finally carries Laura into the house, tucking her comfortably into the guest bedroom. Turning from the bed, he finds you there, leaning against the doorframe. You reach for him, in that soft, gentle way you always do, and lead him into your bedroom. 
He doesn’t protest when you sit him down at the edge of the bed and begin undressing him. Kneeling before him, you unlace his boots and peel off his socks, setting them aside. With a slight press to his knees, you force his legs wider, slotting yourself between them. 
Despite the late hour, the weariness and fatigue tugging at his bones, Logan feels his cock twitch as your fingers brush underneath the hem of his shirt. 
It’s been so long since he’s felt you. 
He dreamt of you, in those fevered moments where he didn’t know where one part of his body began or ended. When his entire existence had been boiled down to raw nerves and sluggishly knitting flesh. Through the haze of pain, he wondered if he’d ever feel your kiss again, feel the frantic press of your fingers into his shoulders, feel the warm, wet heat of your cunt stretching around him. 
You toss the shirt aside and he can feel your gaze lingering over the new scars, the pink, raised lines of flesh that are still healing. With a reverence he’s not worthy of, you trace your fingertips along the three jagged scars from where X-24 had ripped into him. 
“What happened to you?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper as you move to trace more of his scars. 
Logan tells you then about Pierce and the Reavers, about Laura and the other mutant children. His throat grows tight as he continues, relaying the loss of Caliban, Charles and the Munsons, and the final confrontation between himself and his clone. 
He tells you how Laura saved him. How her and the other children brought him to safety over the Canadian border. How he spent the next months fighting with every fiber of his being to knit himself whole. 
For you. 
You lean into him as he looks away, jaw tightening as he tries to shove down the memories of everything he’s lost. Your touch is light against his face as you trace the angle of his jaw, and reach up to press the lightest of kisses against his lips. 
Logan exhales into your mouth as you kiss him again, soft and tender and warm. You seem to breathe him in, imbue life into his weary flesh and reignite the spark he’s kept alive for you. 
He wants to do more—to pull you into his arms, to taste you, to fuck into you until he can’t breathe. But exhaustion pulls heavily on his bones, threatening to sink him. 
Logan knows you can feel his hesitancy because you keep kissing him softly, punctuating each press of your lips with whispered reassurance. Your fingers card through his hair as you lean back. “Just let me hold you?” 
Your voice cracks at your request and Logan can only nod, unable to deny you. You help him shuffle out of his pants before coaxing him further into the bed. He moves slowly and he knows you don’t miss the creaking of his joints, the soft groan of discomfort. 
Coming to rest on his side, you tuck into him, throwing a leg over his hips and pulling him close. He sighs into your touch, the weight of the last few months pressing just a little bit less as you press a kiss to the hollow of his throat. 
“Don’t leave me,” you whisper into his skin, soft and damp. 
Logan feels his heart clench at your words. He’s hurt you. He knows that. Not just inadvertently with his most recent disappearance, but all the other times, too. Those times when he ran, afraid of what your words and touch meant. Afraid to accept what you’ve always so freely given. 
His hand slips under the hem of your shirt, fingers splaying across your back. “You kept the light on,” he husks, unable to keep the break out of his voice.”
Your lips quirk into a soft smile. “I always will, Logan.”
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crowsofdarkness · 1 day ago
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Steve has a special request for his birthday.
18+ CW's below the cut(public sex, slight knife play, oral with female receiving, spanking, unprotected pinv, use of "sir", reader is bound.)
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Steve only wanted one thing for his birthday. Me, on my knees, in the middle of the woods behind the Avengers Compound. Everyone thought he was Mr. Shy Guy; quiet and reserved. 
But I knew different. I knew the darkness that lived inside of Steve. Which is why we were here outside in the woods, while I was on my hands and knees naked for him and my arms were bound behind my back. Steve loomed in his full Captain America suit. 
His hands held my hips with a bruising force, halting me up slightly so my pussy was directly in line with those luscious lips. Since my hands were bound behind my back, my body folded awkwardly but I dared not to complain.
“So pretty and wet, all for me,” Steve mused with a flick of his tongue over my clit. 
“Oh god,” I moaned, pressing my pussy closer to his mouth. 
I needed more of him. Desperately. 
A swift smack to my ass echoed in the woods causing me to cry out. “No god here, Doll. Just you and me.”
All at once, his mouth devoured my pussy, tongue fucking me for a few beats before his teeth grazed over the overly sensitive bud of my clit. He’d been working me up since the second we stepped foot in the woods, so all it took was his face between my legs for a few seconds before my release rushed out of me with a howl of euphoria. I cried out while writing against his face, making his grip on my hips tighten as he licked and sucked me through my orgasm. 
“I fucking love the way you taste,” a gentle kiss to my over stimulated clit. 
I was breathless, ready to fall into a heap in the ground, but Steve had other plans. 
“Are you ready for my cock now, doll?” 
All I could do was nod which didn’t seem to please him because he landed another smack to my ass. 
“Try that again,” he snarled. 
Oh, right. 
“Yes sir,” I squeaked out. 
“Good fucking girl,” he crooned before sinking himself deep inside of me. 
It was an adjustment to have him fit in between my walls. His cock was much larger and it was always an adjustment so he had to pull himself out before sinking in slowly a few times until I was fully open for him. 
“You take my cock so well, doll. Like you were made for me,” he said while snapping his hips against my ass. 
The only noises that lingered in the air of the woods was our shared panting, skin on skin, and me writing in the crunchy leaves. Every time Steve would piston his cock into me, my body would shift up half an inch. He let out a low growl and wrapped an arm around my midsection. He hoisted us up so he was kneeling and I was speared open on his cock. The new angle made stars dance in the edge of my vision and I rested my head against his shoulder. I felt the rough material of his suit scratch against the bareness of my back as he lifted me up and down on him. 
“I love the way you fuck,” Steve sank he teeth into my neck and I cried out. 
Suddenly, a cold bite of metal was pressed against the spot he bit down and I froze in his grasp.
The knife he brought, the one we frequently used during sex, was pressed against my neck.
“I need you to be quiet. I can’t have people hearing how pretty you sound,” he grunted when his cock swelled inside of me. 
He was close. 
With the knife pressed into my throat, I rolled my hips against him, trying to bring him closer to the edge because I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. The second he slipped himself inside of me, my second orgasm was building. I was so far gone in the aura of him, desperate for that release, I hadn’t realized the tip of the blade pressed a bit too hard into my skin, drawing the smallest of blood. 
Steve changed our position again, once more being face down on the ground as his entire body laid against mine, his pace almost ruthless and erratic. A curse fell from his lips and then something soft brushed against my back. 
“I’m going to fill up that pretty little cunt, doll.” 
I lifted my head to try and get a peek at him, wanting to taste those lips I loved so much, but Steve let out a noise of disappointment and shoved my face into the ground, causing me to take in a mouth of dirt. 
But I didn’t care because my second orgasm of the night ripped me in half when the head of his cock hit that spot which made my vision blur. He pumped himself a few more times until his cock twitched just as he let out a low whine, coating the inside of my walls. 
“Best. Birthday. Ever,” his voice was muffled by my hair as he buried his face into it. 
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nosyrobin · 2 days ago
The Gray Side
Yandere!Batboys Highschool AU
Prologue | Riding pays
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Previous… on the Yandere!batboys.
You reached your locker, opening it and putting your phone and other things in it. As you go to close it, you feel strong arms wrapped around you. You let out yelp, a low chuckle reaches your ear before you sighed and turned to face the culprit.
Dick Grayson.
Present time. Date: Wednesday, 7th, 20XX. Time: 7:30 am.
Dick chuckles, tightening his arms around you. Feeling his breath on your neck made you shiver, you gave him an unimpressed look as Grayson could only smile at you with those different shade of blue eyes than his brother.
“Hey [nickname]! I’m so glad you came to school this time.” He says with a sickly cheery tone. You swore you could his arms crush your stomach more which made you let out a sound of discomfort.
“Y..yeah…I feel better this time.” Dick nods as he lets you go. “Yknow, you gave me and the others a scare.” A frown is slapped onto his face with crossed arms, leaning against the lockers by yours. You looked down with narrowed eyes, biting your lips as Dick continues to talk.
“Damian felt sad, he kept whining about you. But the most whiner of them all was Tim. You hurt their feelings.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“But you did.”
You slammed your locker, harshly which gained attention by a few students walking by. Dick could only stare at you, leaning his head down to make eye contact with your fallen head.
His neat hair falling into his face as he stares you down.
“Why do you hate us? What did we do to you cutie…?” Dick puts a hand on your shoulder, the touch may seem gentle to people from afar. But his grip said other wise. His fingers dug into your shoulder, making you wince as you try to pull from him.
“I-I don’t hate you guys! Okay?? I forgive Tim and Damian, okay?!” You said quickly as the time had passed to 7:45. You needed 5 more minutes for class to start and the halls to be crowded. Fast.
Dick’s soft eyes seemed to darken hearing your frantic speech.
“You’re not just saying that cause you don’t wanna be in trouble…. are you cutie?” You shake your head no. “No! No! I love you guys! Honestly, you guys are the best thing to happen to me.” And like a switch, Dick smiles like a lovesick child and lets go of your shoulder. You held back a sigh of relief and took a deep exhale.
You’re definitely gonna have a bruise later.
Dick gives you a bear hug, swaying you both left and right. “That’s so sweet of you! But what’s more sweet is just you in general.” His eyes lower onto you. You could only stare bewildered before a girl came over and tapped Dick’s shoulder.
“Hey, are you Dick Wayne-Grayson?” Dick raises a brow and lets you go to face the girl. “Yes?” The girl squeals and pulls out her notebook and a pen. “I think you’re so hot! I just wanted to get your—” “Sorry, can’t. I’m kinda busy with someone.”
The girl raises a brow and lean to look behind him and point. “Who?”
Dick turns around to see you running as you skidded across the hall and down a corner. He curses under his breath with a slight clenched jaw before immediately putting a mask on and smiling at the girl. Putting his charm on as he grabs the pen.
“Nevermind. Must’ve been… the wind.”
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Panting, the bell rang entered computer science class. There kids walked passed you as if you just started doing the chicken dance on the cafe table. You did some awkward waves before clearing your throat. You wish you could kill yourself as of now, mostly because….
One of the Wayne brothers are here, except that he’s kinda cool?
Because, you hate this class and had to take it graduate for your senior year. So you’re doing it now so you can graduate and check it off your list. PLUS YOU DONT KNOW SHIT!
You groaned mentally and sat down on a chair. Laying your head down on your arms and closing your eyes, you can just hope to fall asleep during this whole class.
Finally feeling relax, you actually started to feel yourself slip into dreamland. Your body slumping more, your mind at peace. Feel the waves crash against your body, feel the sound started to disperse.
And feel the hand that hit your shoulder.
You jolted up to see a boy with neat fringe hair cut, and nerdish glasses. He looked at you with softness, his hand lifting up to wave at you. You swore you could see a small bit of blush on his pale cheeks. There stood the Wayne brother of this class.
Tim Drake.
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Taglist: @roryroro @elect1z @lil-isha @no-bishes @darkfaethedestroyer @nightblanc @cxcilla @winter-world @cim0nnin @yl90 @enjisthings @gwyneveire @ashleeytrx @nightwinglover101 @exactlynumberonekryptonite @caffeinatedvigilantewriter @red-phantom-0 @iriseros00 @zenyyyluvyuu @xen-blank @obsessedwithromance @loafersrs @devils-blackrose @not-herexo @nyxisdark @chiarasworldd @apelepikozume @bookwarm0-0 @daffy-the-duck @holyfishbailiffpeanut @kaylp-godly @cheriecelestial @helloitsmeeeeeee @khalinda-ev @vodkaredbullsblog @another-one-writer @tenswife @that-creepy-girl-000 @childofman12 @1jieka @d1nne @alishii @tsuniio @melvin333 @lillian-morningstar @gentlemonstersworld
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adrienneleclerc · 18 hours ago
Hello! You could make a Fanfic where Toto Wolff's daughter begs her father to make a contract for her boyfriend (Carlos Sainz) in the Mercedes team so that he doesn't go to Williams 💗
Yes! And I’ll be using one of my favorite Hannah Montana quotes because Y/N will DEFINITELY be a Daddy’s Girl.
Pretty Please
Summary: Y/N Wolff is dating Carlos Sainz and is unhappy to hear that Carlos is thinking about signing with Williams.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors, Williams hate
A/N: any hate towards Williams are things I have heard other people say. I’m also trying to get through ALL my requests so bear with me, please.
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You were chilling with Carlos when he received a call. He kissed yourcheek and excused himself to take the call in another room. A few minutes have passed and Carlos walked back in with a smile.
“What’s got you all smiley?” You asked him.
“I got an offer from Williams to be their driver for the 2025 season.” Carlos said. You were in shock, however, remembering how James Vowels had a history of getting rid of their second drivers before the season finishes, thinking about Nicholas and Logan. You don’t want the same thing to happen to Carlos. But Carlos is a good driver, he knows what he’s doing.
“That’s great, babe, I’m so happy for you.” You hugged him after you said it.
In front of Carlos, you act very supportive of his decision, but in reality, you’re thinking about how you could convince your dad to sign Carlos. Carlos dropped you off at home, and when you opened the door, your mom was cooking food while your dad and brother were watching TV.
“Sweetheart, you’re just in time for dinner, have a seat. Toto, Jack, you guys too.” Your mom said. You put your things in your room, washed your hands, and sat down for dinner. “How was lunch with Carlos?”
“It was good, he’s recently got an offer to join Williams.” You said.
“That’s good, he’s a talented driver, he deserves to be in the new season.” Your dad commented.
“I like Carlos! He lets me play with his dogs.” Your brother jack said.
“Yeah, he’s talented all right, definitely too talented to drive for Williams.” You said, your dad doesn’t even have to look up from his plate to know you’re giving him puppy dog eyes, he can hear the begging tone in your voice.
“Ah no, nope, I already have a driver in mind for 2025, i can’t sign Carlos.” he said, getting up to get a beer, you followed him.
“How many ‘pretty’s do I have to put in front of the word ‘please’ for you to make Carlos a contract? Pretty, pretty…” You said training behind him. "Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please, daddy, please!" You begged, stepping in front of the fridge before he had the chance to open it.
"Woah!" Your father exclaimed, putting his hands up as if he was surprised.
"Does that mean you'll sign him?" You asked hopefully
"No, it means you can stop. I already have Kimi Antonelli lined up to join Mercedes, you know this.” Your father said, moving you to open the fridge and get himself a beer.
"Dad, come on! It’s better for Kimi to have one more year in Formula 2, you know how everyone treated Logan, they all said he wasn’t ready to join F1. Kimi is just a kid, one more year until he can join and Carlos will join Audi in 2026.” You said.
“Charles Leclerc also did one year of F2.” Toto argued.
“But he didn’t join Ferrari right away, dad. He was in Sauber first before joining Ferrari. Wouldn’t it be better for kimi to go to Williams to get more F1 experience before joining Mercedes?” You asked your dad.
“I’ll think about it.” He said and you frowned.
“I’m not Jack’s age anymore, dad. I know ‘I’ll think about it’ means ‘ain’t gonna happen but nice try.’” You said, crossing your arms.
“I’ll think about it. But can we finish dinner first, please.” Toto said and you nodded.
It’s been a week since your conversation with your dad and you were losing hope until you saw Carlos and your dad talking. They shook hands, you decided to approach them,
“What’s going on here?” You asked, standing beside Carlos.
“You are looking at Mercedes’s new driver.” Carlos said, hugging you. You were in shock but hugged him back.
“Really? Omg, Im so happy for you!” You exclaimed, your father winked at you and you mouthed him a thank you.
“Took a lot of convincing though.” Toto joked.
“The contract is really good, I read it over three times, and signed today.” Carlos said.
“That’s great, how about we go out to celebrate? My treat.” You offered and Carlos nodded. You guys walked away and just when your father was out of earshot, Carlos whispered thank you in your ear. “For what?”
“I know you talked to your dad about me.” Carlos said,
“Are you mad?” You asked.
“Max that my girlfriend loves me so much she’ll convince her dad to write me up a contract? I know you were just looking out for me.” Carlos said.
“Well yeah, i Don’t really like how James treats his second drivers, I did not want you getting that treatment at all.” You pouted. Carlos kissed your pout away.
“I Love you so much.” Carlos said.
“I love you too.” You said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it!
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kendracii · 2 days ago
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Type b!
summary: Spencer Reid thrives on order, but your world is anything but. Amidst the chaos of coffee cups and lipstick-marked books, playful banter turns into quiet affection, reminding him that some messes are worth keeping. who: spencer reid x messy!reader w/c: 612! (short story)
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Your bathroom was a mess of half-empty makeup bottles, open palettes, and a precariously balanced cup of coffee resting dangerously close to the edge of the sink. You were standing on your tiptoes, forearms braced against the counter, carefully applying mascara in the small smudged mirror you’d thrifted months ago.
From the other room, you could hear Spencer rummaging through the remnants of what had once been a clean apartment floor. His voice carried through the space, laced with amused exasperation.
“It’s like you seek chaos.”
You rolled your eyes at your reflection. “It’s really not that bad!”
“You say that as if I haven’t just discovered an entire archaeological dig site of dried-out markers and nearly empty paint bottles.”
You grinned, dragging the mascara wand through your lashes one last time before stepping back to admire your work. “I call it artistic organization.”
“I call it a safety hazard,” Spencer retorted from the living room.
You ignored him, turning to dab a bit of highlighter onto your cheekbones. Just as you reached for your coffee, you heard Spencer let out a horrified gasp.
“I don’t even want to know how long this coffee mug has been here.”
Before you could defend yourself, he tapped it with his knuckle and sent it clattering into the sink. He stood there for a moment, as if contemplating his life choices, before sighing deeply.
“Seriously,” he continued, turning back to survey the mess, “do you know how many bacteria are transmitted when you wipe your nose on your sleeve? I told you—”
You emerged from the bathroom, arms crossed. “An estimated 40,000,” you recited, cutting him off. “You’ve told me a million times.”
Spencer gave you a pointed look. “And yet you still do it. It’s a wonder you’re not sick more often.”
“Maybe I have a superior immune system,” you quipped, smirking.
Spencer huffed but didn’t dignify that with a response. Instead, his gaze drifted downward, and he frowned. “Is this the book I bought you? Why is it on the floor? I thought you liked it.”
“I do—that’s why it’s over there,” you said, plopping onto the couch beside him. “And look.” You lifted the book, flipping to the pages you’d marked. “I annotated my favorite quotes.”
Spencer reached for it, and his brow furrowed as he examined the markings. “Is this… lipstick?”
You beamed. “Yes! It was the closest thing I had.”
He let out a long, suffering sigh, rubbing his temple. “We need another session on how we treat our literature, ma’am.”
Ignoring his exasperation, you leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. When you pulled away, a faint pink lipstick mark lingered on his skin, mirroring the smudges on the book’s cover.
Spencer blinked, momentarily stunned into silence.
Shaking his head, he pulled you down beside him onto the now semi-decluttered couch. “You are a menace.”
You grinned. “This quote reminded me of us.”
You cleared your throat and read aloud:
"What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life—to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?" — George Eliot, Adam Bede
Spencer let out a slow breath. His fingers lightly traced over the words on the page, and for a moment, he just stared at you—like you were something rare and important.
“Fine,” he murmured, pressing a lingering kiss to the nape of your neck. “I can’t stay mad when you quote Adam Bede at me.”
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tsukisangel · 11 hours ago
gossiping with kenma
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relationship ꕤ kenma x reader!
cw/tags ꕤ bokuaka mentions, fluff, gossip about friends!
wc ꕤ 636!
a/n: short lil thing while i write my new tsuki x reader fic! super super inspired by a post written by keijicentric! go follow them fr i love seeing their lil drabbles on my feed it's so fun!! @keijicentric i hope you like it and i hope this was okay lol as soon as i read that post i got inspired to write this
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you rushed through your apartment, tossing your things on the couch and knocking quickly on your boyfriend’s office door. as soon as he said it was okay to come in, you slammed the door open, grinning excitedly at him. he glanced at you for a second and raised a brow. “what’s up?” he asked. you noticed behind him he was streaming, but he had turned the camera off. 
“you need to mute!” you exclaimed.
“uh, i’m in the middle of a game. can it wait until it’s over?” he asked. you quickly shook your head and he sighed. “hold on, chat.” he muted his microphone, moving one side of his headphones off his ear so he could hear you. the chat was going wild. of course, they were all wondering what was going on and what you could possibly have to say. was it good? was it bad? there were a lot of people asking if you were pregnant or if you guys had gotten married.
little did they know, it was gossip, about you and kenma’s mutual friends. “guess what i heard from kuroo at work today?!” you exclaimed.
“what?” he asked.
you took a deep breath. “akaashi asked bokuto out!” 
he raised a brow. “no. what?” he asked. “i always thought it’d be the other way around.”
“i know!” you grinned wide, sitting on his lap and getting comfortable to tell him everything. “apparently, akaashi had this whole thing planned. he got bokuto to read a book.” kenma snorted. “it was a short manga, but a book nonetheless!”
“he can’t even read a news article without falling asleep.” kenma chuckled.
“but he read it, for akaashi.” you smiled. “which is super romantic! anyway, kuroo said the book had two owls. it was a gray owl and a brown owl. it was about the owls and their story, obviously akaashi and bokuto. bokuto didn’t catch on until the last page, when the brown owl said, um,” you furrowed your brows.
“don’t tell me you forgot.” kenma sighed at you.
“no! i got it! it’s on the tip of my tongue!” he rolled his eyes and you smacked his arm. “oh! so, the brown owl says, while the owls are sitting on a tree branch i think, ‘bokuto-san, i’m in love with you’, and kuroo was told by akaashi that bokuto gave him a look with the widest eyes he’d ever seen!”
“wait, they were together while reading?” kenma asked. he had finished his game and was gently caressing your hands as the two of you gossiped about your friends.
“how do you think he finished it?” you asked.
“right.” kenma chuckled. “carry on.” 
“oh, so, that i love you page was the last page and it was this big drawing, and the owl representing bokuto had an empty speech bubble.” you grinned. “this is the best part!” you squealed. kenma nodded. “so, bokuto had looked up at akaashi with super wide eyes, then he put the book down, leaving akaashi confused of course, went and grabbed a pen, and then wrote in all capital letters, ‘i love you akaashi!’” you squealed once more, and kenma raised his brows. 
“i can’t believe he was smart enough to fill it on.” kenma joked.
“i know! it was so perfect.” you groaned.
“like when i had that game made for you when i proposed?” he asked.
you grinned. “yes!” you said happily. “it was exactly like that!” you hugged him tight. “that’s all.” you kissed his cheek and got off of his lap. “i have to shower.” you unmuted his stream. “bye, chat! have fun! don’t bully him too much!” you sang, and hummed as you walked out, closing the door.
he chuckled, turning his camera on. “don’t ask.” he said to the stream. “none of your business.”
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previous work (hq boys take you to a party) | next work
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 2 days ago
You’re Jealous? (Dean Winchester)
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Description: Dean gets jealous of Jack
Word Count: 823
He glared at Jack, who took an interest in his wife, as he made her laugh about god knows what. Y/N was younger than Dean and that had always been an insecurity for him. He was looking at the reason why. Y/N was 30 and he was 40, Jack looked to be in his 20’s but that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t realize that Jack would be better for her.
Jack could protect her a lot more than Dean could but he would never admit that out loud. He would just glare anytime that Jack talked to Y/N. Y/N hadn’t noticed Dean being shallow towards Jack, so she hadn’t questioned him. Sam was out at the store so it’s not like he could notice, nor did he ever, Cas was oblivious to the whole thing and sat confused with Y/N and Jack as they talked. It took one glance at Dean to see the glare upon his face but he wasn’t sure who it was towards. “Dean, are you okay?” He asked, pulling all the attention on him.
It would be nice if Cas could have walked over here and asked instead of calling attention to it. Y/N looked over at her husband who looked almost embarrassed by being called out. “Dean?” She questioned softly. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her, “What?” He asked. “Cas asked if you were okay.” “Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” But Y/N knew better. That was his way of trying to lie. Y/N sighed and excused herself from the table and went over to him. She pulled on his arm to get him to stand up before leading him to the bedroom. He smirked thinking that they were about to have sex but his smirk dropped when she turned to him with a concerned look.
“Dean, what’s going on?” She asked, softly. “I’m fine.” He tried to lie but as his wife she caught on. “Dean, I know when you’re lying.” She told him and he sighed, there was no way out of this. She took his hands, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” She gave him a small smile and he sighed in defeat. “It’s Jack.” She looked confused, “What did Jack do?” She asked, letting go of his hands and sitting on the bed. “He keeps making you laugh.” Y/N’s confused face kept on until she realized what he meant. She stood up from the bed, “Dean, are you really jealous of Jack?” She asked like it was the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard. “I-” “You, Dean Winchester, the sexiest man to ever live, are jealous?” She asked. He smirked at her words and walked closer to her, “That what you really think?” He asked seductively and she sighed.
She pushed him away and he looked confused. “Yes Dean but that does not mean we should have sex right now.” She told him. “Why not?” She looked at him like he was stupid, “Dean, this is an issue you have and it needs to be resolved.” He went to talk but she held up a finger, “Without sex.” He sighed, “I’m not jealous of Jack.” “Yes you are. Big deal that he makes me laugh, Dean.” She yelled. Dean hoped that Cas and Jack couldn’t hear them. “Only I should be making you laugh like that.” She rolled her eyes, “Gosh Dean, you sound like a teenager.” She said before sitting back on the bed.
“Why do you care so much about him making me laugh?” She asked him. He sat down next to her, “He’s young and can protect you better than I can.” She turned to him, “What?” “You heard me.” “Dean, I don’t care that he’s closer in age to me or that he can protect me better.” “So you agree that he can protect you better?” She nearly growled at him, “No, you think that but I don’t care. I love you, Dean, not him. I married you.” She said to him.
He looked down feeling stupid for this whole thing. He’s supposed to protect her and be a good husband, not a jealous and insecure one. “Hey.” He looked up at her, “It’s okay that you felt that way, it’s normal. But next time talk to me and don’t try to lie.” She tells him and he nods. She smiles and pulls him into a kiss. He kisses back softly and pulls her into his lap. She pulls away and chuckles, “We can’t have sex right now with those two in the living room. They will hear.” She tells him. He shrugged, “You think I care?” She laughs and gets off him. “No.” She says and leaves the room. Jack and Cas were playing Uno and acting like they didn’t hear the conversation. Dean walks out and looks at the two, “Dean, you have no reason to be jealous.” Jack says.
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blackamethyst2004 · 9 hours ago
Can’t Focus
Sylus x MC
Tags: Dry humping, teasing, needy!Sylus, oral (Male Receiving), marking, biting, rough, under the desk, size play, sex during phone call, handjob, missionary, backshots, choking, bratty mc, fingering, pet names, praise, raw, creampie, some fluff.
Sylus was always busy, always making calls, doing meet ups. Or working on something, meaning he hadn’t had time to text or call you back, which frustrated you. He would sometimes promise to stay with you for the week. And then disappear when you fall asleep. For days at a time. Today you decided you were going to go to the N109 zone, Sylus was slightly surprised but let you in knowing if he didn’t it would make the problem bigger than it was. After he ate with you he disappeared into his office, you could hear him on a business phone call.
You crossed your arms when he was deep in the conversation. Making sure everything was in order, you quietly pushed open his office door and closed it behind you, he eyes looked at you, as he adjusted in his chair, he continued his conversation, as he inched closer and closer. You tried to get his attention but it was no use, so you decided to do something that he couldn’t ignore. You walked over sliding your hand across his chest and back, before you climbed into his lap, you usually found yourself sitting in his lap during these long calls. You wrapped your arms around his resting your head into his chest. The more he talked the more and more his attention locked on you, especially when you would slightly adjust how you sat on him, his heart rate sky rocketed when you rocked your hips, his hand grabbing your ass, and holding you still, he shot you a glare out of the side of his eyes, his crimson eyes glowing with a hint of dominance. He leaned down and whispered into your ear to where only you could hear the rasp of his voice.
“Careful Kitten you’re gonna get me in trouble.”
He said. Before returning to his conversation with the man on the phone. Displeased with his lack of attention, you began to roll your hips against him again, the undeniable tent of his erection pressing against your core, Sylus nails dug Into your hip as he let out a silent huff, his breathing picking up, with a smirk, you placed your finger over Your lips as you slowly crawled off of him, sitting on your knees in between his thighs, you slid your hand up his leg and slightly under his shirt with a gasp, he grabbed your hand, oh my he was so warm, so sensitive to your touch.
“Yes I’m fine, sorry, just dropped something.”
Sylus said. He back slightly arching off the chair as I began to leave open mouthed kisses on his stomach, tracing my tongue against his abs. His breaths began to come out in uneven pants, as you unbuttoned his pants, your hand rubbing against his arousal, he looked down at you as your kisses and tongue drug down to his vline. You stopped for a moment. Waiting for him to get deeper into the conversation before licking the precum off of the head of his cock. He jolted a slight growl rumbling through his chest, as you pushing his throbbing erection into your mouth. You were slow, torturing him like he had tortured you by leaving you alone for that long.
“Mr Sylus are you sure you’re alright.”
The man said on the other side of the phone, Sylus looked down at you his eyes full of a dark desire, a need as his free hand slid into your hair, thrusting his cock down your throat, you let out a slightly whimper from his size pushing into your mouth all at once.
“I just…” he panted, throwing his head back as he moved his hand from my hair pulling his shirt up above his abs. “Spilled some hot tea on me, huff.”
He lied. With a quiet groan he thrusted into my mouth with reckless abandon while holding his tongue so the man on the other side of the phone couldn’t hear him. As the call went on you roughly sucked him off, his balls clenched as he forced your head all the way down again. With a moan he couldn’t quite hide fast enough, he squirted warm cum down your throat your eyes watered as he rode out his orgasm.
“I’ll call you back.”
He said before quickly ending the call, you were in trouble now, you pulled his length out of your mouth panting as you cleaned up the excess cum thumbing the sticky substance into your mouth, he panted for a bit, as he grabbed your wrist pulling you up, before you knew it, he stood up grabbing you roughly.
“Was this your way of getting my attention…”
He said his voice raspy and rough, with one movement he turned you around pushing you over hus desk your eyes facing the mirror. You looked at yourself. As his rough hands began to explore your body, his hand slid up your stomach before squeezing your breast, and sliding up to your neck as you let out a needy whimper, his hand gently squeezed your neck before turning your head enough to capture your lips in a punishing kiss.
“You could have messed up that deal for me…what would you have done if I took you on the phone….”
He asked through kisses, as his lips trailed to your shoulder blades, kissing the weak spots. Before he bit down on your neck. You let out a pained moan, as his hand slid to your blouse tugging it open exposing your breasts to the cool air.
“Or is that what you wanted.”
He said, as he bit your earlobe. He moved his hand down sliding it into your panties as he rubbed your clit then slid a single finger into your folds, you panted your slick heat coating his finger. He let out a hum.
“You’re so wet…please can I take you.”
He said. Pushing me against the desk his erection pressing against your ass. You let out a moan and nodded, with that he hooked his finger over your soaked panties, tugging them to the side as he slid his erection against your folds. Slowly pumping his head in and out, splitting your folds slowly, with each wince of pain you made, he let your folds clench his cock, slowly and eagerly pushing himself deeper. One agonizing inch at a time, when he was almost fully in. Your walls clenched around. Shit not yet, he hasn’t even done it all yet, your back arched as you coated what half of his cock he hadn’t pulled out with a sloppy climax.
“You’re so sensitive sweetie…”
He said pulling out as your climax began to drip onto the floor. He scoffed, as he placed on hand on the side of you caging you between the desk and him once more.
“I just can’t hold back anymore.”
He said roughly, as your felt his head line up with your folds. Before he roughly thrusted into you burying into you to the hilt, the inches he hadn’t yet eased into your now filling you. You let out a pleasured cry your eyes watering. He panted.
“Relax you can handle it.”
He growled, as he began to thrust in and out of you, slowly at first, his eyes locking on your back as he began to kiss done it. Leaving marks along it. He couldn’t help himself, his hand snaked to your mouth, covering it as he roughly pounded into you, the sound of skin loudly slapping against skin as your let out loud muffled moans.
Your whimpered, he gripped your hips, pounding into you. One hand over your mouth still.
“Shh. You’re doing great. Don’t wake up Luke and Kieran…”
He praised. His voice coming out hoarse and beastly, as he threw his head back pounding into your roughly until you felt like your skin would go raw from his ruthless attack. You began gripped the desk, this is punishment, you knew it. But god it felt so damn good. Your loans came out as weak whimpers as he pounded you senseless, making you come undone time after time, you let out a cry as you came all over him for the third time. He chuckled as you bit down on his hand. Your legs were weak and shaking at this point. His thrusts got sloppier and sloppier as he let out a groan. As his hands gripped your hips his body jerking.
“So close-“
He panted with a few more slow and lazy thrusts. He squirted cum into your womb filling it to the brim. He fell against your back panting. As you milked his cock, for a moment your caught your breath, before Sylus pulled out of you, cum dripping to the ground.
“Look, you made me dirty the carpet…”
He said. You looked down at the mess. You panted again shaking you head as your body shook, limp over the desk. He gently wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and laying you on the couch in his office, giving your a few gentle kisses as he helped you fix you clothes, was he not tired. How long could he go? He pulled a blanket over you, kissing your cheek.
“Rest, I’ll take care of you everything…”
He said. He fixed his clothes, before he began to walk away, you grabbed his arm, as he let out a sigh.
“Wait…don’t leave me….you always leave me.”
You complained. He rose a brow. Before he moved to your sitting Down your head innocently laying on his lap.
“Is this what this was about. You were upset I was busy?”
He asked, gently rubbing your back as you latched onto him like a sleepy koala. You looked down. He let out an arrogant chuckle.
“Sweetie. If you don’t want me to leave, then tell me not to leave….ill stay whenever you need me to…”
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clockwayswrites · 2 days ago
Annalise&Tim, Magenta, Solstice, wood fire @roanawayspoons
Annalise is an OC from my fic City Pigeons Bleed Green who showed up briefly. This is an AU where she came to Bruce right away and lived. Uh, sorry that Tim is only dubiously present... but this got in my head.
“Hello, Bruce,” Annalise called from the sitting room that she favored. It was a slightly smaller one than the family room that the would gather in, but she always said that she liked how cozy and warm it was. The Manor, as old as it was, did tend to have a chill to it that would linger in the colder months.
Bruce generally dealt with the permanent cold by wearing warm, turtleneck sweaters and Dick simply never seemed to get cold. Helena liked to steal Bruce’s sweaters, for all that they came pooled around her feet. Annalise, though, seemed to struggle with getting warm with her poor circulation. (Bruce also harbored a fear that the complications around Helena’s birth had caused permanent harm to Annalise, such as the constant fatigue that she seemed to suffer.)
The warm, golden light of the fire spilled out of the half open door to the room and it felt like coming home to step into it. He leaned against the door frame with a smile “Hello, Lise.”
“Alright day at work?” she asked as she stuck her needle in the cross-stitch that she she had been working on.
There was a fifty-fifty chance that it contained a cuss that would make Alfred tsk at her.
“Mm, holiday bonuses went out today, so everyone was in a good mood.”
“Oh, I imagine,” she said with a smile.
The kid—more a pile of blankets and flash of black hair than anything else—who was asleep against her leg shifted. She carded her delicately painted nails through their hair.
“Is one of our sick?”
Annalise hummed in confirmation. “Poor thing was chilled to the bone.”
“B! You’re home!” Dick called.
Bruce barely had time to swing around and catch him as he flung himself over the edge of the stare rail and at Bruce’s chest. At sixteen Dick was big enough to make Bruce have to brace himself to catch him. One of these days, Bruce knew he was going to get hurt doing this (but that would hardly stop him, not when his oldest still wanted hugs).
“Hey chum,” Bruce said as he swung Dick around and into the room and set him down. Not Dick who was sick then, which would save the manor a lot of whining. “How was your last day of school?”
“Super boring. We didn’t even do anything! I don’t know why we had to go!” Dick said in a rush.
“He also got, and ate, several candy canes,” Annalise added with a little smile.
“Also that,” Dick agreed.
Bruce tried not to laugh. “Well then it wasn’t all bad, was it. Did you save one for your sister?”
“I did, but she got even more than me! Not that she ate all of them, she’s saving them,” Dick said, like it was the most ridiculous thing that he had ever heard.
“Well, if she’s not feeling we—”
Bruce swung just in time to catch his daughter, who of course had also taken to flinging herself at him ever since Dick had started training her in gymnastics this year. The catch was a little fumbled as Bruce spun back to the room and whoever it was that was sleeping on the couch.
“Timothy Drake from next door,” his wife explained softly and with a little smile on her face that Bruce knew spelled trouble for him. Her fingers were still carding through the child’s hair. “Did you know that he’s all alone over in that monstrosity of a house? Poor baby walked over here, in the cold, completely drenched because a pipe had burst in the kitchen. It burst because the heat had gone out and his parents wouldn’t answer his calls about needing their approval for a new furnace. In December. He wanted to know if we had a wrench so that he could shut the water main off.”
Purposefully, Bruce relaxed his hold on Helena so that he didn’t squeeze her too hard at hearing all that. “I see.”
“Yes,” Annalise said. “So I brought him inside, made sure he got warm, and then we had some tea and cookies. I don’t intend to send him back to that house.”
“Of course not, it’s freezing.”
“…I’ll call our lawyers up then.”
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