#he rips his suit jacket off and thanks her as they walk out together
softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Me again! I am once again humbly requesting more of the family law au. Anything you wanna do with the story, I know anything you write will be amazing
Thena looked up as a small body plunked down onto the bench next to her. She looked back at the courtroom door, but the child had appeared from elsewhere. "Hello."
The child sniffled.
She looked around them, but court was in recess, currently. "Where is your guardian?"
The kid shrugged.
She could simply ignore the child. She wasn't a bailiff or authority, she was only in court to close a case of her own, it was signatures in front of the judge. But she recognised the deep hunch in her shoulders and the way her feet kicked idly hanging off the edge of the bench. "I know you have one. Kids aren't allowed to just walk into courtrooms alone."
The kid looked around; she couldn't have been older than twelve. "My parents are talking to a lawyer, but I left."
How did a kid walk out and no one noticed? Thena frowned, "who was watching you?"
"My dad's new wife."
Ah, an unwanted stepmother; Thena angled herself toward the young girl. "Hm, the lawyer speaking with your parents, is he...big?"
She looked up at Thena, her face betraying the vulnerability her body language was trying to hide. "Really big."
Thena couldn't help but smile. There was no more way effective way to describe Gil. "Trust me, he looks scary, but he's actually quite nice."
The girl looked back down at her lap again. "I dunno."
If her parents were speaking with Gil, it was some sort of family issue. Divorce - and to some extent, custody - was her specialty, but Gil handled plenty to do with family settlements and custody issues. He didn't always get to see families on their best day.
Thena rethought her approach. She undid her suit jacket and put her arm up on the back of the bench. "My youngest sister is around your age. She also hates talking."
The girl giggled, just a little. "I don't hate talking."
"Well," Thena paused and shrugged strategically. "Tell me why you're here today."
The kid sighed, seeming even more like Sprite. "My dad's new wife wants us to stay at their new house for his weekends with us. But it's really far away, and they only have one bedroom for me and my sister to share."
As much as she was listening to the child, her mind couldn't help but think that - professionally speaking - it didn't sound suitable for at least one preteen, if not two. "Are you parents discussing this now?--where you and your sister should go, that is?"
She nodded, sniffling again. "They got a little nicer with each other after the divorce. But now all they're doing is yelling again."
Thena bobbed her head slowly to show her understanding. The poor child had been through this already and was now reliving the struggle of an ugly custody hearing. "And do you remember what they were saying?"
The girl made a face, scrunching her small features. "I had to go with my dad's new wife when they started yelling. My sister is still in there, though. They were talking about 'confidence' or something."
So, the sister was older. Even more of a reason that the girls sharing a room would be unfavourable. "Competence--it means they want to know who's the better parent."
She looked up at Thena again, even sadder than before. "I like both my parents. I just don't wanna live an hour away every weekend!"
"Okay, okay, all right, sh," Thena attempted to comfort the girl (which had never been her specialty). She patted her back as the poor thing loudly hiccuped and sniffled up her excess snot. "Can I tell you something?"
Children enjoyed knowing secrets.
The girl nodded.
Thena sighed. It went against all her personal rules against disclosing her personal life, family situation, getting close with people in a professional setting. But she sucked it up, as Sprite would say. "I've had to prove my competence before, when I signed up to take care of my sisters."
"You take care of your sisters?" she asked, although she didn't seem so incredibly astounded.
"One is 16, although it feels like she's turning 20," Thena laughed faintly, and at least the girl smiled. It was the kind of thing a parent would say, much to her dread. But she continued. "I told you the other is around your age, she just turned 13 in the spring."
"How old are you?"
She ignored that question. "I had to prove I could take care of them, like a parent would, although I didn't really know how. But do you know what helped?"
She shook her head.
"Hearing from them," Thena said more gently. It seemed a revelation to the girl that someone might listen to her. "They said they wanted to stay with me. That I would take good care of them, and I swore I would. And I've tried my best, even if I'm not perfect. I get things wrong sometimes, like getting them to school late or forgetting about projects they have."
"What do you do?"
"I try again," she shrugged, and if anything the girl seemed to appreciate her honesty. "Because someone who's going to look after you only wants what's best for you. What's important is if you're safe, and taken care of and comfortable. If you're happy, and doing well in school, or with your friends. The person who's going to take care of you will care about that even if it means you're far away."
Something seemed to dawn on the girl. Although Thena didn't want to sway her opinion any, it would seem her assumption that the husband was not doing his due diligence was correct. Or perhaps the wife was pushing too hard for her new role in his children's lives. Either way, if the girls were best off with their mother, it was more than clear to the client, now.
"Thanks," she smiled at Thena, her shoulders un-hunching faintly. "I'll tell my sister that."
Perhaps the older one could communicate that to the parents. It sounded like the parents were a few precarious steps away from hiring individual lawyers for each of their sides as opposed to using one. But Thena regarded the girl, labelling her 'her client' in her mind. And it was her job to keep her client's best interest at heart.
"There you are!"
Thena looked up, catching Gil jogging over to them. She stood out of habit, holding her coat over her arm. "Mister Gilgamesh."
"Hey," he smiled at her before looking down at the girl. "What's the deal, we turned around and you were gone."
The mother and father immediately began berating the daughter for running off. Thena caught Gil's eye aside from the family. She leaned closer, "my client has some concerns about the pending custody battle."
"Oh," Gil blinked, looking from the girl and back to her. He smiled, showing off the charming and warm temperament that made him so popular, especially with families. "She does, does she?"
They drifted further from the family having their own discussion. Thena eyed Gil, who looked both exhausted and also a whole pot of coffee deep. "How is it?"
He angled himself closer to her and away from the family. "It's getting ugly, and I don't know what I can do to stop it. They're ready to hire their own custody lawyers."
Thena also peeked over at them cautiously. The girl was accepting her berating, although when the father's wife appeared over his shoulder she looked away, taking on a more defensive stance again. She really did remind her of Sprite. "Let the girls talk."
She shifted on her feet. It was Gil's case, and she had no real right to get involved, even if it did cross into her expertise. She whispered, "let the girls speak. If nothing else, it should sway the parents enough for them to come to a decision."
Gil made a face, crossing his arms. It pulled his suit jacket to the point of strain; ridiculously thick arms, he had. "Or it could be the drop that makes the dam burst."
Thena shook her head though. "It won't. Those girls know the best place for themselves, and I believe the parents do too. Let the girls state what they want. The parents will respond to their needs and settle."
He gave her a peculiar look, and she couldn't fault him for it. She usually didn't offer personal perspectives on cases. She worked solely and completely on evidence, maybe sometimes on how a judge might regard something. But she didn't give personal opinions. "How do you know?"
Thena looked at the family again. The father patted both his daughters on the shoulder as the bailiff ushered them back to where they had been discussing things during the recess. She looked at Gil. "I just do."
Gil didn't look at the family again. He focused entirely on her, unfolding his arms, slipping his hands into his pockets and raising an eyebrow slightly. But he nodded, "okay."
"That's it?"
He shrugged, furthering the rumpling of his suit, entirely by his own doing. "I trust you. If you say the family will settle, I believe you. I'll ask for the kids to talk."
She smiled, genuinely relieved at the idea of the young girl's feelings being heard. Maybe there was something to how Gil made all of his cases personal. "I think it will be best for everyone."
"So, uh," Gil finally did just barely glance over his shoulder as they started walking back as well. "What'd you say to her?"
Thena pursed her lips. "Not much of anything, truly. The girl is quite competent for her age. All she needs is to be heard."
Gil chuckled.
"Nothing," he laughed now, furthering her scrutiny. He shrugged, "you're great with kids, which I guess I should have expected."
"I would not say that."
"You just demonstrated it."
"You didn't see it happen."
"You literally have kids."
"I am not a mother," she argued, and it was true, even as a defense of herself. "She's around Sprite's age, and I recall when Sprite first got into her phase of wanting to shout at the world but not wanting anyone to look at her, either."
"See?" Gil gesticulated with his hand before rolling his shoulders to correct his suit jacket (it did not). "You're a natural."
That was not what the courts thought when she was going through her own proceedings a matter of years ago. But she smiled, giving his poor suit jacket a tug here and there to get it to sit right on him again. Why was he so ridiculously well built for a family lawyer? "Your clients await."
He gave her a more grateful smile as she brushed her hand over his lapel. "Thanks--hey, I'll make sure your client gets her fair say."
She waved him off as he went back to his meeting, and then the proceeding hearing. Technically she didn't have any reason to linger--it wasn't her case. But she sat herself down on the bench outside of the main courtroom doors again, pulling out her phone.
Can I go see that new gangster movie with sersi and her friends?
She would never understand Sprite's obsession with foreign, violent gangster action comedies. But she sighed. She had been poised to say no, that she would pick them up from their free roaming at the mall (which she only allowed them when she had court dates anyway). But she resigned herself to her decision.
That's fine, I'm still at court anyway. But don't stuff yourself on movie snacks, you still have to eat at home
With that, she slipped her phone away again, staring ahead at the elevators opposite her bench of solitude. It was silly to wait. She could ask Gil about it later if she was so concerned. It was inappropriate. It wasn't her case.
Then she would think of how Sprite had tearily asked if she and Sersi would be put in some stranger's house. She would think of that little girl who had sat right down next to her, and she thought of Gil, nervously pacing outside before even she had arrived for her earlier hearing time. He had been poring over this case all week.
Maybe she should do something for him if the case went well--and if it didn't go well, in all honesty.
Thanks thee btw can gil come and cook again it was soooo good
Thena swiped the notification away, decidedly ignoring the leading question. It was nothing but entrapment; as sweet as it was that her sisters had grown a fondness for Gilgamesh, she didn't need them reading too much into her relationship with her colleague.
No matter how amazing his lasagne was, and how often she had thought about it in the past week.
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bookuce · 4 months
I Hate You, I Love You (Roman Reigns) -- One Shot
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Summary: It's Date Night for Mariah and Joe, but it doesn't go as planned. Insecurities were revealed. Words went flying, but it's okay. He's going to make her take it all back.
DISCLAIMER: Outside of the OC, I do not own any character mentioned. The real names of wrestlers are used in my writings. In this, Joe is Roman Reigns. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAANKS.
PAIRING: Roman Reigns x Black OC
WARNINGS: Smut, Language, 18+, NSFW
The front door to Mariah and Joe’s home swung open, bouncing off the wall behind it. “Get the fuck away from me.” She hisses, making sure to slam the door behind her. A shoulder stops it, forcing the door to open and hit the wall again. Dinner didn’t go as planned, and the entire drive home, she and him argued. 
“Quit slamming doors in my fucking house, Mariah!” He shouts after her, slamming the door behind him. Mariah marched angrily up the stairs, her fingers fumbling with her earrings. She just wanted to get out of this stupid outfit.
“Fuck you, Joe.” She spat.
“Ay, watch your mouth.” He warns her. Joe would follow her up the stairs, his feet making thunderous sounds with each step he took. She enters the bedroom, walking over to her nightstand. “You’re always blowing things out of proportion.” That pissed her off. She grabs the lamp on the nightstand, sending it hurtling towards him. He dodges it, turning to watch it shatter against the wall.
“Don’t you dare try to flip this on me! I wasn’t the one eye fucking the waitress all night!” She shouts, pointing at him. “I try to do something nice for your ass—for us, and you make me look fucking dumb! You fucking pig! I fucking hate you!” Mariah’s body was shaking with rage, her body hot with anger. She’d clench and unclench her fists while she glared at him. He looks at her, his brows furrowing. He didn’t play any of that hate shit. 
“Girl, are you out of your goddamn mind?” He says, stomping around the bed towards her. His hand reaches out, but she shoves it away. 
“What did I just tell you!” She shouts at him. He reaches for her again, his advances falling short once more. “Get away—.”He snatches her arm up, yanking her towards him. They were now flush against each other, Joe towering over her. His large hand grasped wavy locks before pulling her head back to look at him.
“Say it again.” He growls.
Her heart was racing wildly in her chest thanks to this argument. Emotions were high, and there was a tingle in her throat. Her chest rose and fell with short breaths. She’d lock onto those brown eyes, tears beginning to fill her own. She’d blink quickly, ridding herself of the blurs her tears caused. She’d swallow back the urge to cry, her stare hardening. “I said I hate you—.” Before she could finish that sentence, Joe’s lips were on hers.
She’d press her lips tight together, protesting his kiss. He’d let go of her arm, his hand immediately reaching around to grab a handful of ass. It was his go-to move every time she stonewalled him. She’d let out a moan, allowing her mouth to fill with his tongue. Her mouth began to move against his own, returning his angry kiss. It was impressive how quickly she gave in to him when she was mad. He was a wrecking ball to every strong foundation she had ever built. Slender fingers travel up the lapel of his suit jacket before reaching around to connect at the back of his neck.
Joe’s hands would move from their places in her hair and on her ass, finding the neckline on the back of her dress. His fingers tried to find the zipper, but he would quickly get irritated with the hunt. They’d wrap around the neck, ripping the dress right down the center of her back. His hands would travel along the growing split, exposing her backside. Cold air rushed at her body, quickly raising goosebumps. His left hand traveled back up, now wrapping around the back of her neck. He’d grip it roughly, pulling her back from the kiss. She’d let out a pant at the unexpected motion but sharply gasped when he shoved her body into the comforter on their bed. He releases her neck, his hands pulling her arms back. He’d hold her wrists in one hand.
“Take it back.” He demands.
She lifts her head, her hair now a mess. “I hate you.” She says again. He’d strike her right ass cheek, causing her to yelp. The sensation from the sting traveled up her back, making her arch. “Fuck,” she says under her breath, letting her head drop back into the thick blanket.
“Don’t make me tell you again.” He says, his voice stern. She ignores his warning, remaining quiet. “Oh, now you have nothing to say.” His hand would collide with that cheek again, hitting in the same spot. Riah sinks her teeth into her bottom lip to stop herself from reacting. A red, hand-shaped welt would appear on her skin. “Now, I can do this all night; it’s all up to you.” He boasts, bringing his hand down for a third time.
“God!” She cries out. “I—I take it back!” She moves her hips in an attempt to ease the burn. 
He releases her hands, allowing them to drop to her sides. “Apologize.” He says calmly. Joe shrugs out of his suit jacket, draping it neatly across the bed beside her. He unbuttons the cuffs of his sleeves, folding them up past his elbows. Even though she surrendered, he and she knew he was far from finished. She presses her palms into the soft bedding, slowly pushing herself up.
“I’m sorry.” She breathes. The front of her dress would slip down her arms, exposing her breasts. She peers up from the curtain of messy black hair, her eyes finding her disheveled appearance in the grand mirror against the wall. 
“That’s not good enough for me.” He says, her head dropping at his words. Oh, for fucks sake, she thought. Suddenly, he pulls her head back, causing her to gasp. Her hands reach back for his shirt, barely grasping the fabric. “Say it right. Daddy, I’m sorry. I’ll never say it again. I love you, Daddy. I need you, Daddy. Forgive me, fuck me, Daddy.” He says into her ear, mocking her tone of voice. “That’s what I want to hear.” He confesses. His breath was heavy in her ear, causing her to shiver. She’d move against his crotch, squeezing her legs tight at the arousal she was feeling. She could feel his bulge against her backside and just knew he was aching to free it. She just had to say the words.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” She whimpers.
“Say it again.” He purrs, nodding his head.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“And?” He presses. Joe’s attention now turns to the mirror, a devious smile on his face. He reaches up, pulling the front of her dress down more. 
“I’ll never say it again.” She adds. His large hand cups a breast, massaging it slowly. His thumb would flick her sensitive nipple, causing her to moan. 
“Go on.” He whispers. 
“I love you, Daddy.” She continues, her hips still moving against his. The friction would cause him to give her a moan. Mariah smirked at the reward. 
“I love you.” He replies. His tongue would drag up her neck, flicking her earlobe. If he could, he’d devour her and leave nothing behind. She’d shift her hips once more, the tension in her loins growing by the second.
“I need you, Joe.” She says, opting for his name. He’d drop her back to the bed, and she’d sigh at the relief her neck felt. He’d wedge his knee between her legs, pushing her legs open. “Fuck me.” She breathes. 
“Fuck me what?” He asks. His hands grabbed the tattered dress she wore, ripping it more to expose her lower half to him. She wore no underwear with plans of their evening ending on a good note. Technically, it still was, but the outcome was different now. His hand would find the heat between her legs, his fingers becoming soaked in her wetness. His middle and index would push through her folds, finding her throbbing clit.
“Daddy.” She moans.
“Good girl.” He cooed at her, his fingers massaging the cluster of nerves at her center. She whimpered softly, her hips winding against his hand slowly. “We’re gonna fix that attitude.” He removes his hand from her glistening folds, his hand now having the same shine. He’d bring his hand to his lips, taking both fingers into his mouth. He sucks her fluids off his hand, humming softly at the sweet taste. Riah relaxes into the mattress, sighing softly. 
The unfastening of a belt could be heard behind Mariah, followed by the sound of a zipper. Joe pushed his pants past his hips, his cock flopping out from the confines of his trousers. He’d position himself at her opening before slowly pressing into her. She’d suck in a breath when she felt him insert her, a loud moan shaking her core. “Hush all that up.” He says, teasing her now. His hips move slowly within her, allowing her walls to adjust to him comfortably. “You done ran that mouth too much tonight.” He slams his hips into hers once. 
“F-Fuck.” She stammers. 
“Talking about you hate me.” Slam. “You don’t hate me. You can never hate me.” Slam. “You love me, can’t get enough of me, can’t live without me.” His hands grip her hips. “I don’t hate you either,” He breathes. “But I’ma fuck you like I do.” His hips began to pound into her, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Her hands would feel along the comforter before gathering the fabric by the fistfuls. She pulls it towards her, revealing the black satin sheets beneath the large blanket. 
“J-Joe!” She moans. “Ah, Joe—fuck!” He’d reach down, pulling her head up slightly.
“Look at yourself.” He says, talking about the mirror. Watching him degrade her in the most disgusting of ways only made her more aroused. “Done made me ruin a good dress.”
“I’m sorry,” She whimpers.
“Yeah, you better be.” He groans. “Fuck, Riah.” He lifts a hand to unbutton his shirt. Bit by bit, his shirt would reveal that chest piece she loved to kiss so much. Her fingers now ached to touch it. 
Her legs would begin to tremble with each thrust. Her body became overwhelmed with pleasure. Oh, she was close. “I’m gonna cum!” She chokes out. Her walls begin to clench against him, her legs increasingly getting worse. Suddenly, he pulls out, stripping her of any chance of release. His hand releases her hair, and she drops back into the bed. “Please!” She begs, making him laugh.
“Please!” He mocks her again. “What happened to all that mouth you had earlier, hm? Slamming my doors, breaking my shit.” He tsks at her, his head shaking in disappointment. “Not so tough now, are you?” He flips her onto her back. She’d land with her hands by her head. He grabs the shredded dress, ridding her body of it completely. He balls it up and tosses it to the side.
Mariah covers her face, trying to give herself a moment to compose herself. Her cheeks were hot, her face damp with sweat. Rough fingers wrap around her ankles and pull her to the edge of the bed. She drops her hands from her face, glaring up at Joe. He places both legs on his shoulders. “You can get that look off your face.” He tells her, pressing into her again. Her eyes would close in bliss, a soft sigh leaving her lips. 
Joe begins to lean over her body. The pressure in her abdomen building as he did so. He was folding her in half, and she could only imagine what he had planned. Her legs would slide up his shoulders, crossing at the ankles. His hips would resume their vigorous motions, his cock now pushing up into her G-spot. Her hands would slam the bed three times as she cried out in pleasure at him. “Yes!” She exclaims, pushing her hips up into his. “Oh, God, yes!” Her legs trembled like never before, her toes curling hard. 
“You hate me?” He asks, panting softly.
“No!” She moans.
“Look at me while I’m talking to you.” He growls. She forced her eyes open, meeting those dark eyes she loved terribly. “You love me?” He asks. She nods her head frantically. 
“Yes! I love you, Daddy. I love you so much!” He was once again bringing her close to her climax. The closer she got, the louder her moans became. “I’m—I’m—.”  before she could finish that sentence, he’d stop his hips. She let out a scream of frustration, earning a smug grin from her man. He was edging her into insanity. He moves her legs off his shoulders, now wrapping them around his waist. 
“Simmer down.” He says, reaching up to fix his bun. Oh, this asshole, she thought. Hairs stood wildly on his head, but he slicked them back against his head. 
“Joesph, if you don’t fuck me, I swear to—.” She says, her voice catching in her throat. His hips started moving again, this time extremely slow. This pace did nothing but quickly build her up again. Joe lets out a huff of his own, drawing close to his climax, too.
“No one gets me like this but you.” He tells her. “I don’t give a damn about  anyone but you.” His hips begin to pick up speed again. He leans over her again, his fists pressing into the mattress. “Don’t fucking embarrass me like that again.” He says through clenched teeth. His hips collided with her own, filling the room with loud claps of flesh against flesh.
“I’m sorry.” She apologizes again. “I’m close, God, I’m so close.” She whines. Her walls began to spasm around his length again, but this time he powered through. He could feel his hips starting to tighten, his thrusts now stuttering. He would give her three more pumps before releasing in her. Her body would erupt with tremors with her orgasm, her back arching off the bed. “Thank you,” she breathes. “Thank—.” Joe would turn her head, playfully pushing it into the mattress. She’d swat his hand away, earning a laugh from him. He pulls out, stepping back from between her legs. Pain would shoot up her legs now that she was finally able to rest them. She winces slightly.
Mariah pushes herself onto her elbows, her chest quickly rising and falling. “Clean yourself up.” He says, fixing his pants. She’d scoff gently, watching after him. He was walking toward the door. He needed water.
“You owe me a dress!” She exclaims after him.
“I know.” He replies, halfway down the stairs. 
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Yeah, lmao please tell me what you think. I plan to cry about it later LMAO. This is literally my second time writing smut. I hope this was good @kawaiigladiatorwolf. Your request was random to me and I don't take them really, but I figured I'd give it a try. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not a fan of y/n and find it hard to follow at times, so I did what was comfortable to me!
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musings-of-a-rose · 8 months
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I'm having a Sparks and Benny thought here. Based on this pic. Both of them arrive at home from a Xmas party at Will's. Things got hot really quick.
Note this was supposed to be in your ask box. I messaged ya this thought. My bad! Holiday brain!
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The Party
Pairing: Benny Miller x “Sparks” f!reader
Word Count: 1300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I miss the HELL out of these 2 so please continue to send in anything! Also I’m changing this up to a New Year’s Party because I couldn’t finish it in time for Christmas. And then I was even more late! Thank you for being so patient and waiting!! (This was not beta read)
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Main Masterlist
Light Me Up Masterlist
Benny Miller Masterlist
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“Did we really have to dress all fancy?” Benny whines, rolling his shoulders to shift the suit jacket a little. 
“It’s Will and Makayla’s first New Year’s living together and they wanted to be fancy,” I explain as I knock on the door to Will and Makayla’s place.
“I guess.”
“Plus, it’s my first as Mrs. Miller and I wanted to look pretty.”
Benny’s eyes soften as he looks me, the edges of his gaze darkening. “You’re always gorgeous, Mrs. Miller.” He grips my hips and pulls me to him, releasing one hand to tip my chin up, kissing me softly, the heat slowly warming.
“Get your own porch, asshole.” Will had opened the door and was standing there smirking. 
“You’re right. I’ll just take my wife home then,” Benny pulls me in the direction of his jeep. 
“Nice try. Makayla would kill me if you guys didn’t show up. Come on in.” He opens the door wide and motions for us to enter, fist bumping Benny as he walks past. 
Makayla had gone all out, everything sparkling in silver, gold, and black, like a modern day Gatsby party. People had already arrived and Benny steers me towards Frankie and Monica, Santi off in the corner making out with a girl, whom I shockingly recognize. 
“Is Santi with the same girl he brought to the bar a month ago?” I whisper to Frankie and Monica. 
She nods. “Yeah! I think this one is sticking around, surprisingly enough.”
We chat with them for a bit, Makayla flitting over for a few minutes before being whisked away on a champagne emergency. The music is going, some people getting up to dance. Will recruits Benny to help him with something in the kitchen, so I pull Monica onto the dance floor, whispering to her that we’re going to be menaces to our respective husbands. 
We start dancing to the upbeat song, hands on each others hips as we sway and move to the song, her spinning me around so my back is flush with her front. And that’s when I see him, Benny, emerging from the kitchen and freezing, his eyes on me as I dance. Judging by the light chuckle in my ear from Monica, I’m guessing she caught Frankie’s eye too.
“Wanna torture them some more, Sparks?” She says close to my ear.
“Hell yeah.”
I follow her lead, moving my body as she guides me, our hips moving in tandem as she pulls me closer to her. For good measure, I lift my arm, wrapping it around the back of her head, trying not to giggle when she squeezes just a little too much on my inner hips. And then the song ends, Monica and I laughing as she hugs me.
“That was way too much fun, Sparks.”
“Yeah it was. Did you see their-”
Suddenly, Monica was ripped from my grasp, Frankie’s hand firmly clamped around her upper arm, a smirk and a wink tossed my way from her as he steers her away through the group of people. 
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” Benny had snuck up behind me, his hands now on my hips, his nose nuzzling in my hair as he speaks low in my ear. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was dancing, good sir.”
He chuckles and it makes goosebumps pop up down my arm. “Yeah. Dancing. Sure.” He  makes to pull me away, to find some secluded spot but then Will clanks a spoon on a glass and everyone turns, Benny groaning a little too loud so I elbow him softly in the ribs. 
Will puts his arm around Makayla next to him before speaking. “I just want to thank everyone for coming. We’re so excited to share our first New Year’s Eve with everyone we love and we’ve been working hard- ok. Makayla has been working hard. I just do what she says,” laughing flits around the group as Makayla playfully slaps his chest, leaving her hand on his toned pec. “But seriously. Thank you guys. Here’s to another great year!”
The toast was had, the ball was dropped, the midnight kiss was a little too risque between you and Benny, Will not so covertly throwing an empty Solo cup at Benny’s head. 
“Ugh I’ve been dying to take these shoes off all night!” I groan, kicking my heels off and plopping down in one of our comfy chairs. 
“You looked hot though.”
“That’s the price of fashion. Pain.”
He chuckles as he removes his jacket, revealing that he wore a simple, plain black shirt underneath it, the fabric stretching and pulling as he tosses the jacket on the back of the couch and sits with a sigh. I look over at him, feeling warm watching his movements.
“Did..did you really wear a black t-shirt under your dress jacket?”
Benny looks down at his shirt, his eyebrows pulled together. “Should I not have?”
“No, no. I think it works.”
He brushes his chest and I almost come unglued. “Good.”
“Wanna see what’s under mine?”
His big blue eyes snap to mine. “Fuck yeah I do.”
I get up, standing in front of him as I pull my dress over my head, hearing his sharp intake of breath as I reveal his favorite lingerie set on me, complete with black garter belts.
“You…you had this on the whole time?”
I nod, moving to straddle him. He grips my hips, sliding his hands up to my ribs as he kisses my chest, his mustache tickling my skin causing me to chuckle. But then he grips me tight, standing abruptly and sets me in the chair, draping each of my legs over the arms of the chair. He kneels, his eyes dark and all-consuming as he stares between my legs. 
“Can you buy new underwear?”
“I think so.”
I barely get my reply out before he grips my panties, ripping the part that covers me, tucking the ripped ends up. His large hands squeeze my inner thighs and before I can say anything, his mouth is on me, warm and lapping, my legs trying to squeeze around him. He holds me open, his fingers digging deeper into my skin as I moan his name, electric sparks rolling over me as his tongue changes patterns. One of my hands grips the chair and the other moves to his hair, tugging hard and whining when his growl vibrates me. 
“Oh fuck! Ben, I -” The sounds he pulls from me are loud and grateful, Benny leaving his mouth on me to work me down. But I don’t have time to relax as he stands, pulling me up only to spin me, pushing my upper back down, the sound of a zipper loud in the quiet apartment. He drags himself through the wetness between my thighs before pushing and I slap the chair, trying to find something, anything to grip.
“Can’t believe you were wearing this the whole night and didn’t tell me,” Benny pants behind me, setting a rougher pace just hear the panted whines tumble from my lips. 
My hands scramble, still trying to find purchase as he presses harder, faster, but then he folds himself over me, engulfing me from behind, his large hands sliding down my arms, his fingers lacing with mine, holding my hands as he continues to push in further. I turn my head to the side, feeling myself hurtle towards the edge again as he brushes against that spot at the back of me. 
“Oh fuck, Benny! Please..please!” I come, tightening around him, his breaths panting out across my neck as he buries his face, turning his head slightly to bite my shoulder as he comes, his hips pushing in a few more times as he releases. His bite turns to kisses, nuzzling into my hair before he whispers.
“I love you, Sparks.”
I manage to finally catch my breath. “Don’t you mean Mrs. Miller?”
“Fuck!” He pulls out but stands, picking me up to throw me over his shoulder with a squeal as he stomps down the hallway, spending the next few hours showing me exactly what being called Mrs. Miller does to him.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed  @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol  @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings  
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Could you write Bo x insecure S/O (but like super duper extra fluffy). Idk why but Soft Bo is legit the best and not enough ppl write him like that.
Headcanons or dabbles - anything would be great, I trust that you know best. Anyways, thank you xoxo
Hewos! Hope you like vampires🩵
Bo x plus size fem!y/n
Contains: blood, biting, killing, she/her pronouns used, body shaming (not from Bo), not sure if I like the ending
Welcomed readers: @fluffy-little-demon, @sketchy-rosewitch, @lovely-cryptid
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Bo watched carefully as the new group in town moved through the streets. They were calling out for someone, but wax doesn’t talk back… it never has talked back unless you listen carefully. Still, Bo watched from the shadows in his black suit and tie, his fingers fidgeting with his father’s sun ring. He was busy thinking who was dead, who was art, and who was food.
Then Bo saw her in knee-high jean shorts, bright yellow t-shirt with cute butterflies on it, and a ball cap over her hair. The breeze carried her scent, and it sent shivers down his spine; he found her.
He found his wife.
Reader POV:
As soon as you and your friends entered the House of Wax, a smile crossed formed. Not was the air conditioner running at high to beat the heat, but there was a stair case made out of wax. The art was beautiful and bright, and it was paused in the 70s style.
“Y/n, wait!” You turned your head at Liza. “Look! It’s you!” She and her boyfriend started snickering as she pointed at a pig’s head on the table. “They knew you were coming!”
You hugged yourself as you shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah, funny, Liza.” You move farther into the museum and looked at the waxed bookcase. “All of this is made with wax,” you whispered to yourself.
“Bet you wished it was made outta chocolate!” Marty, Liza’s boyfriend, laughed, his friends joining you.
You bit back your tongue and kept looking at the art and pieces. Under you, the floor creaked and cracked.
“Hear that?” One of his friends whispered, making you pause. “Oh, it’s not an earthquake— it’s just y/n walking around!”
Guess we know what broke the camel’s back.
You spun on your heels and hurried towards the door to find that mechanic—
When you opened the door, you bumped into a strong chest and stumbled back. You looked up to see a man dressed all in black with smoothed back from grease, and you could smell smoke and oil over his clothing, but it had a old country boy feeling to it.
He was startled that you were running out as soon as he was about to lay out his words for you in sugar, that was until Liza shouted, “Look out for Rhino!” Then they laughed you out, pushing past him and took off to the car shop.
He looks between your run and at the group. As much as he wanted to rip out all of their throats with his teeth, he decided against it. Instead, he put his fingers in his mouth. His whistle echoed throughout the building, and it silenced the laughter. Their eyes looked at him as he loosened his tie and pulled down his cuffs. His ocean blue eyes shimmered as they faded to a burning fire red, eyes twitching in anger. How dare they say that about you…
His boots echoed as he walked into the room. He turns, closes the door, and locks it. “Vincent!” Bo snapped, jolting the group’s shoulders. He takes off his jacket and throws his tie. His red eyes burned brighter, a snarl leaving him as he watched the group coward away.
As soon as he saw Vincent, he felt his fangs showing. “Now, we don’ take kindly t’folks like yourself.” As he talked, his boots echoed as he walked towards the group. They looked like cowardly sheep by the way the moved closer together. Bo could’ve laughed at the way the bigger one was trying to protect Liza. “Be a shame, though. To waste good food lik’ yer-selfs.”
“You’re-you’re a—“
“Aw, sweetheart,” Bo hummed, his drawl heavy as he and his brother corner the group. “Vampires lik’ us are rare. So… consider you lucky to see us.”
Vincent placed a hand over the mouth of one three men and lifted his mask. Long, pearly fangs showed before his bit down hard on his neck. Bo smiled as their screams echoed.
Let the games begin.
You were crying in the church next to the waxed statues in the pews. You found out that they were bodies real fast, but you didn’t seem to care much as your cries echoed around the church. You didn’t know how long were you crying in a ball behind the casket. You heard the whispers and murmurs on the tape reply twice already.
Then you hear the door open and boots clicking towards the casket. “Darlin’?” The man called. “Darlin’? Ya in here?” He didn’t wait for you to answer as he rounds the coffin and finds you curled into your lap crying. He frowns and sits next to you. “Now, why is a beautiful creature like you cryin’?”
“I’m-I’m not beautiful,” you cried. “I’m fat and ugly and-and—“
“An’ t’right size to show some lovin’,” he interrupted, saying those words like it’s a fact.
“You’re just saying that to-to be nice,” you sniffled. “You don’t mean it.”
He chuckles and leans back on his mother’s coffin. “Nah, honey. Can’t lie in front of my mama.” You glanced at him, and your eyes grow wide as you saw his hands and neck covered in dried blood. “Mama didn’t raise a liar,” he drawls. “I swear to ya, honeybee,” he glanced at you and flashed you a smile. His white canine s longer than normal… but you weren’t afraid. “I think ya t’prettiest thin’ I’ve ever seen. Shit, ya put ol’ Ms. Ambrose to shame.”
You laughed at his comment and shook your head. “Bet you charm all the ladies.”
“Yeah, I do,” he answers, “but I reckon I found myself an angel righ’ here.”
You look at him up and down. “Are you… flirting?”
“Am I doin’ good?” He leans forward and looks up at the altar. “I hope ‘m doin’ good.” He looks around and sighs softly. “I bet you saw the people…”
“The waxed graves?” You wiped your eyes. “Yeah. But it doesn’t scare me. I just… just needed to cry. Besides,” you lowered your eyes, “I’m a rhino.” Then you rolled your eyes. “And a southern vampire is going to kill me.”
Bo shook his head and moved to be kneeling in front of you. He took both your hands and said, “Darlin’, what do you want?”
“What do I need to give ya?” Bo asked again. “The stars? Moon? Shit, ‘ll give ya my dead-beating heart! Anythin’ just to see ya smile.”
“How about your name?” You asked, feeling how sticky his hands were from blood.
“Bo,” he said, bringing up your hand and kissed it. “Bo Sinclair.”
“Y/n,” you said, smiling. “I’m y/n.” Then your smile fell. “You going to kill me now?”
He shakes his head. “Be a shame if I did.” He stands and offered you help. “Wanna take you home, sugar. Wanna show you off to every person an’ my brothers. You’re just so damn cute an’ beautiful.”
You looked at him and the blood on his chin. “Promise?”
“Cross my heart,” he whispered. You didn’t hesitate as you took his hand. “I’ll treat you so right everyday.”
Your hopeful eyes, your voice… Bo is falling apart for you so fast. “I swear to ya, y/n. Now, come on— Vince’s wanna t’meet ya.”
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imawkwardlysoc · 1 year
i'm about to take you back to church
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Song- Church by Chase Atlantic
Pairing- CEO!Phoenix x female!reader
Warning(s)- 18+, MDNI, mommy kink, fingering, oral sex, aftercare
Summary- Natasha going feral after seeing you in your dress.
Wordcount- 1,129
A/N- Happy pride month y'all and here ya go sluts (loving)!
Looking at the time on the clock on my bedside table, I silently cured myself and finished getting ready. Putting on the last of my makeup, heels, and shoes, I grabbed my clutch and headed down the stairs. Checking myself in the mirror, I smoothed down the velvet blue dress before leaving the house.
“Thanks for waiting,” I thanked Charles, Natasha and I’s driver, as I got into the car.
“It’s no problem,” I saw his reflection in the mirror. “Thankfully she already knows that I’m running late. So speed it?”
“Got it,” he winked and started the car.
On the drive to the venue, I sent a message to Natasha that I was on the way and did one last minute touch-up on my outfit. As we got closer to the venue, I started to play with the diamond tennis bracelet that Natasha got me for our two year anniversary to calm my nerves. Even though we’ve been together for almost four years, going to these events still makes me nervous.
“We’re here,” Charles announced as he pulled up to the venue. “Have a fun time.”
“Oh yes, faking to enjoy business proposals is fun,” I chuckled. “Have a nice evening Charles.”
“You too,” he smiled and I headed out of the car.
Walking up the stairs of the museum, I handed one of the security guards my invite and walked in. Letting out a breath, I walked into the main area and searched for Natasha.
“Looking for Nat aren’t you?” Robert, Natasha’s CCO, asked as he walked up to me with two glasses of champagne in his hand.
“Robert,” I smiled and accepted the flute of champagne from his hand before giving him a kiss on his cheek. “And you are right. How are you though?”
“I’m doing pretty well,” he smiled as we walked to where Natasha was.
On our walk there, we said hello to some of the partner’s Natasha’s company has while making small talk with them. We also caught up with each other since we haven’t seen each other in a while. He’s been busy traveling around the world to make deals while I was busy with teaching while Natasha’s at work.
“Look at who I found,” Robert said as we walked up to Natasha talking to Bradley and Jake.
“Darling,” Natasha smiled when she saw me and placed her drink down to give me a hug and a kiss. “You look great.”
“Thanks,” I smiled as I fixed her jacket. “You don’t look too bad yourself. I love it when you wear suits. It makes you all sexy and dominant.”
“Really?” She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Why don’t we just leave and-”
“Okay, we’re gonna leave before we see a preview of Fifty Shades of Trace,” Bradley announced before the three of them left.
Natasha and I let out a laugh before heading out to the crowd to mingle. Throughout the night, I've mostly been by Natasha's side. Anytime when we were alone, she would try to do some things hoping we could leave early but I stopped her.
“What do I have to do to rip this dress off of you?” Natasha whispered in my ear.
I let out a yawn and looked at Natasha with a slight smirk on my face. Getting the signal, she grabbed her hand and quickly led me towards the exit giving everyone an Irish goodbye. Charles pulled up when we left the building and we got into the car.
“A good evening ladies?” Charles asked us as he drove.
“Yeah, it was a nice evening,” Natasha replied. “Made many deals.”
“Well, you’ll be thanking me while I suffer through another brunch with the wives,” I joked.
“Just order the most expensive thing and put it on my card,” she joked back.
“You really know how to swoon a girl,” I smiled and placed my lips onto hers.
Pulling up to the house, we thanked Charles before leaving the car and heading inside the house. Closing the front door and walking up the stairs, I slowly started to undress myself as Natasha was walking behind me. Putting my jewelry in the little dish on my vanity, I started to take my dress off as Natasha watched me from the corner of her eye as she started to undress herself. Letting my dress fall to the floor, it revealed the lace bra that I was wearing and nothing else.
Laying on our bed, I started to play with myself as she continued to undress herself. I bit the inside of my lip as I rubbed my clit while inserting two other fingers inside my vagina, trying not to let out a moan.
“Oh lord, forgive me for I have sinned.” Natasha removed my fingers and inserted them in her mouth licking them with a grin on her face. “Tasting sweet for Mommy aren’t we? Come on, let out that moan for Mommy.”
Letting out a moan, I let out another one as she inserted her fingers into my vagina making the same motion I previously did. With her free hand, she slid it up my back and unclipped my bra before tossing it to the floor.  I fondled my own breasts as her free hand pulled my hair as she placed kisses down my neck down to my abdomen.
“Let Mommy listen to those whimpers,” Natasha grinned as I whimpered softly. “Let those out.”
My wimpers soon turned into moans as she quickened the pace of her fingers. I looked to see that she was also fingering herself as she fingered me which made me moan more.
“Please,” I moaned. “Nat, I need to-” Another moan hit me before I could even finish my sentence.
“Hold on,” Natasha moaned as she released her fingers out of mine and her vagiana as we orgasmed, letting our discharge go.
Panting, she laid down next to me and pulled me closer to her. I wrapped my legs around her as she softly kissed me as she ran her fingers through my hair. She started to praise me telling me how good I did and checked in if I was okay, which I was by the way.
“So, shower or towel?” She asked.
“Towel, I’m too tired to be in the shower,” I chuckled. “Just had the most mind blowing sex in my life.”
“Alright, stay here,” she winked as she got out of bed.
Laying in bed, I reflected back on what just happened a few minutes ago. Soon she came back with a damp warm towel and wiped me while giving me a kiss. Tossing the towel in the dirty hamper, she got back in bed with me and we cuddled until we fell asleep.
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itsmm4hiii · 2 years
No longer a object - K. Ryuguji Synopsis: an injured Y/n doesn't want help from no man. Yet when push comes to shove she is thankful that he helps her. It's agreed that the two of them will become more than accquantices in the likely future. Pairing: Ken Ryuguji X (female) Reader Warnings: blood, injury, course language
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Women were never subjects more than nothing. They were subjects of men so their bodies could be drastically changed- morphed to suit not their desires but those of men. Their masks of makeup perfectly done for the best performance as women had to be actors to suit the needs of those they called dearly beloved. They were no more than a breathing doll, a sex object for men to prey on as it was always the woman's fault if she showed her shoulders. 
‘Hey you! Are you oka-’ ‘shut up!’ you grunted through gritted teeth,
The sight of blood made you queasy to begin with, your hand placed down pressure upon a stab wound, the feeling of oozing liquid began to feel familiar at this point; if it didn’t drip on your pants or shoes then it left a small trail like breadcrumbs for birds to find. In this case, the thugs that did this to you. The scene was made worse by the blonde boy whose act of heroism kicked in at the wrong time. You weren’t some to ever want male help. Like a zombie, he slowly walked beside you, 
‘God dammit you stubborn bitch, can’t you just let me help you?’ he was agitated, nerves glistened as his knuckles cracked to relieve some of the pent up stress. 
Your eyes rolled, your body began to tense up. Perhaps it was the light headedness but you glared at him. You stopped and stared bounty at the pig headed boy. A strand of blonde hair fell from his tied back hair; you began to sway. 
Your hand didn’t look like yours, as if it was covered in nothing but paint when certain urges become unbearable and intrusive thoughts beat you so you stick your hand in a bucket of paint. 
‘F-fuck…’ you paused, as you felt your body become light as a feather, ‘off…’ 
The banging headache was the first thing you felt, the next was your own face staring back at you. It hung in the picture, captured in the mirror in all its beauty. The smudge of tinted lip bum up the sight of your cheek, mascara clumps your eyelashes together and the last of your face placed against the pillow that did not even belong to  you. 
A patterned jacket laid upon your body, your fingers drew up your body following the curvature until it came to the wound. You let out a soft gasp, it was stitched up not by your own doing but by someone else's. 
‘Hey!’ Your eyes widened, they stung a bit, 
They were glassy from the hit, the small pin droplets of sunlight reflecting off the silver plate holding the filled plate and glass filled with juice. The silver tray was placed down upon the end of the bed, you glared at him. 
‘Fuck off.’ your voice shook, you were thankful you didn’t end up in a gutter yet you could only guess he helped you because of your looks, which happens one to many times. 
His hands flung up, before one dropped into his pocket. He rummaged out before he held it out. The blade hung in his hand, the handle out towards yourself as you snatched it from his grip seeing a soft smile etched on his face. 
He sat down. 
‘If that keeps you trusting me then so be it.’ He muttered etching the silver tray towards you, 
‘Some heroism,’ you grumbled through gritted teeth, 
‘Never seen a women take a knife to the stomach and still tell people to fuck off barely concious.’ he chuckled, 
You slowly ate what was given to you, the cooking wasn’t excellent but it was the thought that counted. You eased back into the pillows,  the back of your hand dragging upon your face gripping the small switchblade. 
‘I got jumped, that's it.’ 
‘Thought women’s only biker gangs just rode their bikes around, didn’t know they got in trouble like that.’ 
Your eyes darted towards him, his fingers wrapped around a small badge ripped from your jacket, you dropped your eyes back to the plate of food. A soft smile on your face, yet your eyes flickered when you felt the bed curve in his weight. 
‘That’s none of your business.’ 
His eyes rolled, and you slowly let the knife slip from your hands to the bedside table. 
‘What’s your name?’ he asked softly, 
‘Y/n L/n,’ 
You could hear a soft chuckle in his voice, ‘I have a feeling that we’re gonna be close friends, you and I.’ 
‘Sure-’ you sarcastically chuckled, you paused and stared at him, ‘I don’t even know your name.’ 
‘Just call me Draken,’
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asexual-spongebob · 6 months
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 28 - The Locket
WHOOO HI MATEYS!!! Sorry i didn’t update for like a week or almost two lol, just wanted to give myself a break. Also sorry abt how short this one is lol. Only 12 chapters left of this fic! (that makes me kinda sad to be honest…)but I’ve got some other stuff planned :) hell, even after this fic is finished I might still write the occasional TWTLTS related one shot.   I also have an au called “Invader Kwazii” which is a Octonauts x Invader Zim AU because those are my current fixations atm.   Once this fic is finished (or maybe even sometime soon) I might make one shots for my “Shellinoir” au. (Which is a AU I based off the SpongeBob episode “Squid Noir”) . I’ve got some in mind
Chapter Text
Peso sleepily opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. Shellington was already awake, “Good mornin’ Peso” he smiled “Good morning, Shellington!” Peso smiled back. 
“Wanna go get some coffee?” Shellington asked, Peso nodded in agreement. 
The two went downstairs, only to see Kwazii and Paani kissing against the refrigerator.
The two pulled away from each other.
“I love you so much, me stupid pancake” Kwazii purred “I love you too, stinky.” Paani said affectionately, Kwazii pretended to be offended. The two then noticed Shellington and Peso standing there.
“Oh uh- hi mateys.” Kwazii said awkwardly Paani looked away from Kwazii and glanced at Peso and Shellington. “Anyway. I gotta go. Me and Selva have to do some important stuff at the beach today. See ya bitches!!!” Paani said, then turning to Kwazii and saying goodbye to him. 
“I LOVE YOU BITCH!!!” Paani shouted as he walked out of the kitchen “I LOVE YOU TOO BITCH!!!” Kwazii shouted back.
 Paani went downstairs to the Launch Bay.
“Kwazii! Paani! There’s a child here!” Shellington scolded, pointing to Sharchini “why does Kwazii always cuss around the Vegimals” Peso frowned “Im sorry… I’ll try not to…” Kwazii apologized with a frown. 
Downstairs, Paani witnessed Dashi and Tweak  playing video games (Dashi was failing horribly.) and the Vegimals playing Judge Judy (or in this case, Judge Tunip.) 
At the beach 
It was a hot, blazing day at the beach. 
Paani was sweating in the sweltering heat. It was only 89 degrees outside but it felt like 100. 
He and Selva were doing some stuff there, Selva was planting some sea grass while Paani was going to get some water samples (and try his best to well… not turn into a merperson while he was at it.) 
Paani watched Selva dig through the sand.
How is she not sweating her ass off? Paani questioned to himself.
Paani ripped off their  jacket and through it on the sand “Hey. Selv. I’m gonna go change.” He said, Selva just nodded and Paani went to beach’s restrooms.
Thank goodness I wore extra deodorant today. 
Selva thought as she was digging through the sand, planting sea grass.
However she stopped. Something saw something had caught her eye. 
Half a locket buried in the sand!
It looked old. It was golden and tarnished. 
“Hey Paani, look what I found!” Selva said, holding the locket in her hand. Paani let out a gasp, they then stumbled towards her. “I’ll be my own uncle! It looks just like the other half we have!” Paani replied.
“Do you mind if I take it with me?” Paani asked “Yeah sure you can!” Selva replied, handing Paani the old, sandy locket.
“Thanks Selva!!” Paani said. 
Paani walked into Shellington’s lab wearing a vintage suit. 
“Hey bitches!!! Selva found the other half of the locket in the Amazon!” Paani boasted, placing the locket on the table.
“It’s the other half!” Shellington beamed, then placing the locket half’s together. 
“Don’t you think we should clean it? It’s a wee bit sandy.” Shellington remarked “Yeah, true.” Paani replied “how do we clean it properly though?” Paani questioned “there’s probably some restoration videos on YouTube. And Dashi knows a thing or two about jewelry. Maybe she can help us out?” Shellington suggested, the others nodded in agreement.
The four walked down the hall to Dashi’s room. “Hey Dashi, how do you wash jewelry?” Shellington asked “You get a small bowl and add some warm water and Dawn Dish soap and leave it soak for a few minutes, then you dry it with a microfiber cloth.” Dashi educated.
“Thanks Dashi!” Shellington smiled, then sprinting to the kitchen, the others following him. 
The Vegimals weren’t in the kitchen, they were sleeping upstairs, getting some well deserved rest.
“Hey, Kwaz. Pass me the dish soap” Shellington said “Here ya go matey!” Kwazii meowed, throwing the dish soap at Shellington.
“Hey! ¡¿Qué coño Kwazii?! You could’ve hurt him!” Peso scolded “Sorry…” Kwazii frowned Shellington then went to the sink and put some warm water and dish soap into the bowl, then placing the locket in the mixture.
“Now we just have to put it the microwave for a few minutes, right?” Kwazii said jokingly “No Kwazii.” Shellington replied with a giggle. 
Paani pulled out his guitar and started playing the jeopardy theme as they waited.
After a few minutes, the locket was clean.
Shellington wiped it off with a microfiber cloth like Dashi had said. 
“Now what do we do?” Shellington questioned, turning to the others. 
“Hm… maybe we should put it with the other stuff?” Kwazii suggested “Yeah that sounds good.” Shellington replied.
Shellington walked back to his lab, he placed the locket in on a table where all of the Edda related stuff was.
“Wow. We sure have discovered a lot.” Peso remarked, Shellington nodded in response.
Peso and Shellington continued to have a conversation. Paani wasn’t paying attention. The only thing that had her attention was the calendar.
Ah shit! Tomorrow’s Valentines Day!
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
what happened after falling?? i wanna see
Writing Fine Line: Fine Line
A/N: thank you lovies for all your support. i can't express to you all how much i love and appreciate you so much!! 💚
SUMMARY: YN and Harry have known each other since 2010 when they were put in a band together called One Direction. Since the band split up, YN and Harry have kept in close contact, may or may not have grown deeper feelings for one another and have continued to help each other create music. After having helped Harry with HS1, he has invited YN back again to Malibu to help make Fine Line. This was how Fine Line was made. (5.2K)
GENRE: harry x 1dbandmember!reader, friends to lovers, slow burn
WARNING: lil angsty, questionable relationship traits
side note: italicized is voice over commentary (I wrote this kind of like the Behind the Album documentary) 
MASTERLIST Previous Song 🎹
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They’ve been teasing each other all night. The short skirt she wore was already getting Harry excited by how it easily swayed every time she walked. Before the show as YN walked with him backstage, she made sure to give him a longer, slower kiss than usual. In return, he made sure to perform a little extra tonight: grinding on his microphone stand slower than usual, running his hands down his body more often, and always sending a smirk her way on the sidelines. 
The adrenaline that was running through his veins once he was off the stage only spiked up higher as they ran hand in hand to his dressing room. 
It’s been like this for the past two years, this on and off, borderline friends-with-benefits-relationship between them. Hiding behind closed doors lies more than just the Harry Styles and YN LN persona that the world likes to perceive. 
It’s where the media don’t get to see the way his mouth clings to hers as he presses her up against the dressing room door. Or the way her fingers tug on the roots of his hair as he kneels in front of her after lifting her onto the vanity, and rips her panties from her hips to dive into her. Or how all of the items of the desk shake and topple over once he’s inside her. And they certainly don’t get to see his ring-covered hand over her mouth, his teeth biting at the skin of his knuckles there, as they both come undone.
“Hey, um, wanna go take a shower with me? Save some water or however that sayin’ goes.” Harry huffs out a chuckle after buttoning up his blue trousers. He waits anxiously for her answer as he watches her fix her hair in the mirror her back was pressed up against not even three minutes ago.
Ready to dismiss her pre-planned schedule, she looks at him through the mirror and gives him a cheeky smile. “I would actually—” 
Three loud knocks on the dressing room door and Jeff’s voice comes out all muffled.
“Wrap it up, Love Birds! Time to head out!”
“Duty calls.” YN says with a small chuckle, making no move to actually leave her spot. She knew she needed to leave a bit earlier than usual due to having to prepare for her own show the next night—hence a quickie rather than heading back to his hotel room for the whole night—but now that she’s being told to so, she just wants Harry to hold her tight and hide them away from the rest of the world.
In a lot of ways, it’s like nothing’s changed since their One Direction days. Being pulled away before anything serious would happen, using their busy schedules as an excuse to not get the chance to fully say  anything that they wanted to.
YN sees the way he hasn’t made any move to leave either, still playing with the glittery cuff of his suit jacket. 
“Still coming to the show tomorrow night?” She asks, putting a hand over his fidgety ones like he always does with her.
“Course.” He gives her a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes as he tries his hardest to not show her how bothered he is. He should truly know better than trying to hide behind a smile in front of her, but he knows she has tells too. By her not teasing him about the front he’s putting up lets him know she’s crouching behind her own brick wall too. 
And like every goodbye since Jamaica, they share a quick kiss before reluctantly forcing themselves to part ways. He truly doesn’t think twice about cupping her jaw to keep her there, turning his head to deepen the kiss. Unlike it was five minutes ago, this kiss isn’t rushed or filled with lust. Instead of pulling on the damp curls on the nape of his neck, her hands rest gently on his hips, thumbs rubbing on the stubborn squishy part of his hip bones. Instead of his fingers encircling around her neck, they softly caress her cheeks.
Sex seemed like the only possible way to have YN as close as he could, as he wanted it, as a means to pretend to live in a world where they’re an official couple.
Three more loud knocks ring from outside the dressing room door break their passionate kiss. 
“YN, it’s time to go!” Jenny, her manager, yells. “Don’t make me pull you out of there myself.”
“Hey, we’re alright yeah?” 
And that’s how it always goes. Whether it be a late night together in a hotel room or a quickie after a show like this, when it’s time to leave each other YN never fails to reassure him that everything is good between them. While it can be a relief to know that despite the back and forth of their romantic relationship they can still hold that closeness of friendship. 
But what has him feeling broken is the fact that she reminds him of that. That no matter how on and off they go from being friends to something more, there is never a moment where they officially cross the fine line of friendship. They stay floating there, never drifting too far off one end to ever put a label on anything.
She uses it as a means of reassurance. So Harry uses this line after these times to convince himself that they’ll be alright for now.
“Always.” He huffs out a smile. He knows she can see right through him but he’s thankful she doesn’t have time to call him out on it.
Now as he watches her exit his dressing room, he repeats her infamous phrase between them to himself. 
“Yeah, we’ll be alright.”
Harry shakes a towel through his hair as he walks from the backyard beach to the kitchen. After last night's antics—and a couple of drinks later—sleep was in no way a possibility. He had spent all afternoon in the water like she would do in the mornings.
Was it a pathetic way to feel some part of her still there? Maybe. 
Did it make him even sadder than he was before? Possibly.
The whole day was just a big mess. When he got in the recording booth, his vocals were all over the place. He couldn’t remember the chords to Falling and started to get frustrated when no one else couldn’t figure it out. And when he tried to move on to a different song, he still couldn’t figure out what Watermelon Sugar needed.
“Wha’s going?” Harry questions as he watches his production team chatting away as they file out the front door.
“Come on, get dressed.” Mitch says, quickly tucking his phone into his back pocket. “Everyone’s gonna head out to that restaurant that’s on the way up here for dinner.”
“M’good mate. Have fun.”
“You don’t wanna come with? It’ll do you so good, man.” Mitch tries to persuade him but only receives a sad shake of his friend’s head.
“M’gonna go work on the album some more. There’s a couple of things I wanna add and fix and all that so...”
Harry can feel that his friend has some hesitancy with leaving and almost wants to reassure Mitch with the classic I’m fine line that everyone knows means the opposite. But he internally releases a sigh of relief when Mitch eventually does leave.
Once he hears the car start and back out the driveway, he tries not to think about how familiar it sounded the night before. Dragging his feet down the hall towards his room, he pauses right outside the room she inhabited during her stay. He’s lost count of the amount of times he’s been standing in this similar position: their stay in Jamaica, her dressing room at the venue she’s performing at, hotel rooms, her yellow house door. 
Always just one door away from being with her, from being home.
He’s about to pull himself away from his spot at the door but he hears some rustling from inside.
Harry pushes the door open the rest of the way to find an empty room and sees nothing that looks out of the ordinary. He thinks he might just need some sleep to help shake off some of the nerves. Especially when he sees YN come out of the connected bathroom, shoving her toiletries in the duffle bag in her hand. Or when she looks up at him with those tantalizing eyes that manage to take his breath away every single time. The same eyes that are now puffy and dark from lack of sleep or crying, probably both. No doubt his look the same. Yeah, he must be dreaming.
“Mitch told me you weren’t gonna be here.” YN wrings out a t-shirt in her hands, now looking everywhere but his eyes. “Sorry, I’ll be out of your hair in a sec. Came to get my things.”
He doesn’t say anything, he wants to more than anything but he can’t seem to get the words out. So instead, he just watches as the woman in front of him moves around the room as she gathers her clothes.
He doesn’t mean to pick a fight with her. Honestly, he’s just happy to be in the same room as her again even if she wants absolutely nothing to do with him right now. So he truly doesn’t know why the first thing that comes out of his mouth is, “Did I not mean anything to you?”
She scoffs, not even looking up at him as she shakes her head.  “M’not gonna answer that.” When she’s met with his silence and lifts her head up to see how uneasy he looks, she can’t help but roll her eyes. “That’s a stupid question and you know it. Of course I do. Harry, you...” YN closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in to try to calm herself from raising her voice. “You mean so much to me.”
“If I mean so much to you then why didn’t you tell me how you felt? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you?” She snaps back, forcefully throwing a pair of shorts into her bag as she’s already getting flustered from being in the same room as him. “Y’know what? Nevermind, I don’t wanna start whatever this is—” YN waves her hands in front of her, “—up again.”
“And what exactly is this? Because it sure as hell isn’t just a friendship and it’s clearly not an official relationship either.” Harry runs a frustrated hand down his face when she purposefully ignores him and continues to go about the room. It’s in these moments where he can’t decide whether her stubbornness is his favorite or the most frustrating thing about her.
He knows that she can leave any time she wants, that he’ll move out of the way and let her walk out the front door if she told him to. So there’s an odd sense of relief knowing that even after she’s zipped up her duffel, she hasn’t moved from her spot next to the bed and continues to avoid his gaze. So he takes the opportunity to say what’s been on his mind for a while now.
“Y’know, I’ll be strong enough to admit that yeah, I was taking advantage of you. Having you here with me, making music with you, being physically and emotionally close to you as we were without putting a label on anything. It wasn’t fair to you, but it wasn’t fair to me either.” He walks over to where she faces the sliding glass doors in the bedroom, looking out to the sun set above the sea line. “YN, you’re my best friend—”
“No, not this again.” YN turns to face him with a sharp tone. “Harry enough—”
“Maybe if you just listened to me—”
“I don’t want to listen to you—”
“Why do you always have to be so stubborn!”
“I don’t want to keep going in this cycle with you!”
“I thought you moved on!”
“Does it look like I’ve bloody moved on?” YN lets out a dry laugh. 
“I love—”
“No. I know what y’going say and don’t. Please don’t say it.” She begs, her voice cracking at the end.
Normally he would respect and honor her plea, especially when her glossy eyes flicker back and forth between his. But he can’t hold it back anymore, he can’t keep it locked inside of him any longer when the words are busting his heart seams open. 
“No, I will say it. I love you. I love everything about you. And I’m going to keep saying it until it gets through that stubborn, little head of yours.” They’re so close to each other now that they can feel each other’s breath fan over their lips. “I love you, YN.”
Without giving himself time to think about it, he cups her jaw in his hand and presses his mouth to hers. He’s missed her so much and the way her lips taste are intoxicating. It isn’t until he feels her hands push against his chest that he takes a step back, both slightly out of breath.
He can’t make out her emotions, her lips parted and eyes wide in an unreadable way. Judging by her silence and the fact that she pushed him away, he knows he’s messed up and possibly made things even worse.
“Sorry. Sorry I shouldn’t have—” He gets cut off by YN gripping the back of his neck, pulling him down to her level to reconnect their lips and pressing her body so close to his that there is no room left between them. 
Harry furrows his eyebrows as he pants into his mouth, already getting unbelievably lost in her. He wastes no time by bending down into her to grip the backs of her thighs, lifting her off the ground to lay them both on the bed.
With every hair pull, every nail digging into their skin, every kiss and gasp is filled with a type of love that can only be expressed by their suppressed emotions finally being released into the open. 
So when Harry finally presses into her, leaving them moaning out into one another’s skin, they know its intentions are not out of a place of lust or a quick need for a release, but out of something both of them longed for and practically dreamt of doing with one another. Something only reserved for the one you plan to spend the rest of your life with. 
It’s not merely sex; YN can feel that it's something more when she doesn’t feel the need to tell him to go faster because the slow movement of his hips are blissfully enough. Or to even think about loosening her hold on his back because having him chest to chest with her, having him so close to her, is something she wants to feel forever.
She knows it’s something way beyond anything she’s ever felt before because it has her whispering out the words that have been locked away in her heart since she was sixteen.
“I-I love you.”
Harry stops all of his movements. He lifts his head from the crook of her neck and pants as he looks down at her wide, scared eyes. YN is both paralized in fear and feels an unbelievably heavy weight being lifted from her chest. She’s said these three little words to him countless times throughout her years of knowing him, but this time, it’s been said in a way that feels both foreign and like she’s been saying it her entire life. Never has she ever meant them in this context, never have the words ever perfectly described what she feels for her best friend. 
She internally begins to panic when he hasn’t said anything yet, not even so much as moved an inch from his position above her. She thinks she might have done something wrong but then he slowly builds his pace back up, going faster than he was before. 
“Again.” He rasps out.
YN gasps, suddenly at a loss for words. The feeling of him against her with her true feelings finally out in the open has her arching her back up, rolling her eyes back and squeezing them shut in pleasure. That is until he grips her jaw roughly in his hand, making her look into his hazy jade eyes, “Tell me again.”
“I love you.” She quickly pants out. “I love you, Harry. So much.” Her words get muffled by him bringing his mouth to hers, swallowing down all her moans and whimpers.
He immediately repeats the words back to her and it’s a broken record, declaring their love for one another over and over again as they continue to get lost in each other.
Harry stirs around on his stomach with his cheek pressed against the pillow. He takes in a deep breath in through his nose as he starts to wake up from his sleepy state of mind. The blinding light coming in from the sliding glass doors let him know that the day has begun itself again.
When his left hand aimlessly moves to the other side of the bed and feels its emptiness, he quickly moves his head in that direction in confusion. He almost begins to panic but is immediately soothed over by the sound of the soft strumming of an acoustic guitar.
“Hey.” YN whispers, pressing the button on her phone to stop recording her voice memo.
“Well this is some reverse deja vu shit.” Harry says, bringing a soft smile to both of their faces as they remember their time in Paris the previous year and what would later turn out to be Cherry.
“Just doing what we do best.” YN sighs, resting her guitar against the bedside table. She lets him pull her back down to him until his body is practically on top of hers.
“And what’s that? Mhm?” He hums, brushing his nose against her cheek so he can kiss her jaw.
“Making songs about our fucked up situation.”
“Oh, is that what this is?”
“Harry?” He lifts his head to fully face her worried expression. “What happened to us?”
He’s a little taken back by her question. He knew that they would have to talk about their current situation eventually, but her question goes farther back than he would like to admit. He would like to say that life happened, they grew up, or just fully put the blame on their management. And for the first time in a long time, no matter how scared he is, he tells her the truth.
“I fell in love with you and never told you about it. I felt like, every time I was with you or wanted to tell you to be mine, I paniced.”
“And I’m as much to blame for pulling myself out of our relationships. Or whatever we were at the time.” YN avoids looking at her love in the eyes and plays with the chain around his neck. “I just...I’ve never really cared about anyone in the way I do with you. And I started to think about that cheesy saying ‘if you love someone, let ‘em go,’ and when I started to picture my life without you in it, it scared me.” She whispers her last words. YN tucks her lips in as her eyes get glossy again.
“It scares me, too.” He reassures her. Even if she didn’t reciprocate his love for her, he would gladly suck it up, put on a smile and be the  friend she needed. Hell, he’s been doing it for almost a decade at this point.
“But...we’re alright now, right?”
“Don't ever say that to me again.” Harry chuckles, knuckling the sleep away from his eyes. When he’s met with a confused furrow of her eyebrows, it occurs to him that she doesn’t know what that phrase has done to him. He nervously clears his throat, “Well, whenever we finished having sex during our on and off phases, you would always say that. That thing of ‘we’ll be alright’ no matter what. And while it was nice to know that through everything our friendship wasn’t ruined, it made me feel like you were okay with us not being officially together. Like you were okay being fuck buddies and nothing more when...when I wanted more.”
“I’ve always wanted more, too. I just was too chicken to say anythin’ because I...I dunno. I thought you didn’t want tha’ too.”
“Couldn’t be farther from the truth.” Harry seals his statement with a kiss and literally melts when she keeps him to her with her soft hands to his cheeks.
“Give me a reason to fall out of love with you.” YN mumbles against his lips.
“I can give you a million.”
“Is this healthy?”
“Probably not. But loving you, and now knowing that you love me in the same way I do you, gives me so much life.”
“How ‘bout we just take things slow this time?” YN nervously suggests. “We’ve always gone in feet first with this kind of stuff and look what happened.” They both let out a light chuckle as they both come to realize the truth behind her words. After leaving their old management and too caught up in the excitement of it all, they went into this romantic relationship with one another that they didn’t even discuss what one another wanted. They knew they wanted each other—and while at the time that seemed like enough—they both failed to realize how they were in a position to fully devote themselves to one another so much to the point where it scared them enough to pull themselves from the relationship and lose who they are as individuals.
“Slow is good.” Harry agrees.
“So...now we’re really alright. Alright?” 
“Alright.” Harry echoes with a smile, bringing his lips down to hers again.
“Alri—” She giggles against his mouth but it turns into a soft sigh when Harry lays them on their sides, a hand gripping the back of her thigh to wrap around his hip.
“Did you Love Birds finally kiss and make—woah!” Harry quickly throws his body on top of YN’s, pulling up the sheets to cover as much of her as he can; he could care less about himself.
“Fuckin’ hell, Jeffery!” Harry yells at his manager who now has his hand over his eyes. All the while YN is laughing into the crook of his neck.
“Oh shit, sorry! Sorry! But I’m happy you guys made up.” Jeff gives a blind thumbs up and stumbles his way out of the room, slamming the door behind him. “Mitch, you bitch why’d you let me go in there!”
The couple can barely make out Mitch’s causal, “I didn’t know they’d be fucking naked,” muffled through the door. 
The couple slightly jumps when more knocks and whistles sound through the other side of the door before hearing the other producers shouting, “Good to have yeh back, YN!”
Harry drops his head on her shoulder with a groan while YN lets out a string of giggles. 
“Come on, let’s get to work.” She pushes at his shoulder to try to get him up but it just makes him let his full body weight on her.
“Really? M’naked on top of yeh and y’wanna start working?”
“Really?” YN mocks back with a sassy shake of her head against the pillow. “Our co-workers just walked in on us and you still wanna stay in here?”
“Eh, so what? They already know.” He playfully shrugs and goes in for a kiss only to be met with her hand.
“Nuh uh. Nope. M’not doing that.” YN giggles, trying to keep his face from hers.
“Just a quickie.” He teases, hands moving to her sides to wiggle his fingers in her ticklish spot just to make her laugh.
So far it’s been a busy few days. Since getting back on the team, there were a lot of things that needed to get done. It was all a game of catch up at this point: add some finishing touches on To Be So Lonely, officially recording and producing Falling, and now onto start working on the song Fine Line. 
YN sits on the electric piano bench inside the recording room. One side of the big studio headphones is pushed back behind her ear. After finishing up her bit with Falling, she tilts her head as an idea comes to mind.
As she waits to do another take, she mindlessly presses her fingers against the keys while she hums out the melody that’s in her head. She plays each note with careful thought as she tries to figure out a new melody. This same melody would later be replicated over various stringed and brass instruments. 
“It started simple with an acoustic guitar YN had and it had a very mellow melody to it that the song begins with. but I wanted to have this big epic outro thing. And it just took shape as this thing where I thought, ‘That’s just like the music I want to make.’ I love strings, I love horns, I love harmonies — so why don’t we just put all of that in there?
The team sits in the living room while they all have lunch. YN sits criss-cross on the floor in front of the couch in between Harry’s legs as she rhythmically strums her guitar to the melody she was playing the morning after making up with Harry. It’s been stuck in her head ever since her and Harry were able to put some lyrics down on paper. 
Put a price on emotion, I'm looking for something to buy
You've got my devotion but man, I can hate you sometimes
I don't want to fight you
And I don't wanna sleep in the dirt
We'll get the drinks in so I'll get to thinking of her
We'll be a fine line 
Since the house was scattered with instruments lying around, Tyler sets down his plate on the floor and plugs in a Casio piano. After wiping his hands on the sides of his jeans, his fingers play the slow melody she did earlier that day.
Test of my patience, There's things that we'll never know
Having helped Harry write the song earlier, she can’t help but join in and sing along to her shared words and emotions.
You sunshine, you temptress, My hand's at risk, I fold
She can’t help her eyes close, furrowing her eyebrows as she sings from a vulnerable place.
Crisp trepidation, I'll try to shake this soon
Spreading you open, Is the only way of knowing you
We'll be a fine line
The couple sings the line over and over again, being reminded of how much they went back and forth, on and off, over and over again to the point of losing track of themselves.
Soon enough, Mitch stands up from his spot on the single couch, plugs in one of electric guitars he brought with him to an amp in the corner of the room and begins to riff some melodies that go well with hers.
“It was always gonna be the last song on the album.” Harry nods to himself. “It felt like it described to me the process of making it and how the album felt in terms of the different kinds of songs on it.” 
“A girl loves her harmonies, what can I say,” YN smirks at the camera. “And once H explained to me what he envisioned for the song to sound like vocally, he really just let me have fun with it. And you know I give him shit for it but his falsetto is just really good. Truly.”
Harry sits in the swiveling chair next to YN’s in the studio. She’s scrolling through the many stacked layers of all the harmonies he just recorded. He points out a couple that he likes and some he wants to tweak. 
He had mentioned to her how all of the layered harmonies is kind of like a reflection of how many layers their relationship has. There’s too much context to just look at where they are now and make a sound decision of what their relationship entails. Their history is long, complicated, but overall full of love.
Harry even suggested having her get in the recording booth to record a couple of harmonies for the we’ll be alright section of the song since it basically became her trademark.
“I had said to her earlier how this song is basically her baby in the way she arranged all of the harmonies together. Other than Watermelon Sugar, this was one of the songs that took a while to finish but the end result is insane. It’s one of my favorites—no I think it is my favorite off the album.” Harry chuckles.
After having a demo version of the various horns and string elements done through a sound effect setting on an electric piano, there’s really no way to describe how it feels to actually hear it live through professional musicians.
Harry has his arm lazily over YN’s shoulder as they stand on the other side of the glass window in the recording studio. As the rest of the production crew is scattered around the room, Sammy Witte, their sound engineer, moves the various sliders around the huge panel in front of him. 
She wipes a happy tear from her cheek before tucking it back into her crossed arms again. The making of this song has been an overwhelming process; from how the song came to be through its meaning, her and Harry still testing out the waters for the future of their romantic relationship status, actually figuring out their emotions through song making, to finally seeing it come into fruition.
Harry notices it and decides not to call her out on it. Instead, he just pulls her in a little closer to his side and a smile tugs on his lips when she wraps an arm around his back.
“So what does it mean to be a fine line?”
YN blows out a raspberry as she adjusts herself in her seat, trying to not make her glance at Harry who’s sitting on the sideline be anything more than subtle. “I mean, my whole philosophy of making music is that it’s really open for interpretation. But I know that’s not the answer y’all wanna hear so I think the song is about how there’s that line between friendship and being something more, right? And you’ve never had the guts to officially cross over it but you’re also not just friends. So being a fine line is being the exception, I think. Yeah.” YN ends with a chuckle, well aware of how her answer is going to be perceived. 
But how can she care about any of the consequences when the love of her life is looking at her with a soft smile on his face.
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolkloree @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonspostss @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @theekyliepage @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish 
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everlesslahote1 · 3 years
“Lash out” ~Paul Lahote imagine.
Hello beautiful people, Before I start I would just like to say welcome back. I am not as active as I once was when I first started writing because I am struggling with inspiration to keep writing but I hope you like what I’m putting out , enjoy though💕.
Paul Lahote x wife!reader.
Summary: Jake made a couple comments that Paul didn’t like, what happens when you have to leave home at 2 AM to calm down your hotheaded husband?
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“What do you mean he lashed out?” y/n tried to get an understanding of as to why It was 2am and her husband still wasn’t home.
“Well one moment it was harsh words then next thing I know him and Jake are in the field in wolf form ready to fight and don’t get me wrong, I’ve have seen Paul angry but not this angry. We need your help y/n” Embry explained to his friend over the phone.
“Yeah cause we don’t know how to calm him down but we know you can.” she heard Seth say.
She could also hear the growling of two wolves in the background and Sam trying to descalate the situation.
“Think you should hurry too, doesn’t look like Paul’s taking to kindly that Sam’s in his way” Embry said making her sigh.
Y/n got out of bed as soon as those words left his mouth, remembering to make a mental note to scold Paul for his poor temper later.
“Just… keep them from ripping each other’s heads off , I’ll be there in 10mins.” She said as she slipped on her slippers and a jacket heading out the door.
And with that the two hung up, Y/n made her way to her jeep that Paul got her for birthday and got in.
Starting it up, she started to think on what made her lover so mad?
I mean yeah sure , Paul had a very very vicious temper and of course he doesn’t like how Jake handles things but to not come home to her? it must’ve been something serious.
Because she knew that Paul would pause any and everything to be next to her, as she would do the same.
They we were stuck together.
As Y/n drove down the road toward Emily’s house she heard another wolf howl.
As she pulled in and rushes to get out the car , she walks around back to see Paul Snarling, Jake trying to back down, & Sam in wolf form.
Sam had changed into his midnight black wolf because Paul was not making this easy.
The rest of the pack were on the porch while Emily & Kim stood in the door way.
“Oh. Thank. god!” Jared shouted as he saw you.
Embry and Seth smacked his head , resulting in Jared just saying a quick ow and rubbing were his pack brothers hit him.
Paul didn’t pay anyone any attention he just tried his hardest to get around Sam to Jacob but it wasn’t working.
Every move that Paul made Sam covered.
That only fustrated y/n because any other time she walks in the room he cuts everything he’s doing gives her his attention.
Call her jelly.
“Paul Nathan Lahote!” She shouted to the 6foot foot.
“Oh shit??” Seth questioned.
“What?” Jared asked his pack brother.
“N-no that’s what Paul thought, I just said it” Seth protested with his hands up.
Paul slowly turned turn to face y/n and the way she was staring at him made him feel like a child in trouble.
Almost like she was the person who could take away his tv privileges.
“Go” Y/n said pointing towards the woods , telling him to change back and he quickly followed suite.
Everyone stood there confused like a deer in headlights , did he really just listen to her so easily ?
The pack didn’t even hear a protest or snarky comment through the mind link either.
Jake and Sam went to a different sides of the woods and changed back also and the rest of the pack went in the house whispering about how Paul basically just got over powered.
Without any force.
Y/n followed not to far behind the pack as she sighed and sat at Emily’s table waiting for Paul.
“I’m sorry hun” she heard Emily say making her look up.
She just gave her a soft smile.
“It’s fine, I just thought his anger was better…”
“Paul has a mind of his own but he hasn’t really gotten mad in a while, this is the first time in months.” Emily repiled.
Y/n just inhaled and exhaled wit a small ‘oof’.
“Don’t doubt him just yet , I’m sure it was a good reason.” Emily said giving y/n a gental rub on her shoulder and joining the pack in the living room.
Soon after Paul , Jacob , and Sam came in , all with a pair of tan shorts.
Paul stood close to the door with his head down while Jake and Sam moved to the living room.
“Sorry to bring you out late y/n.” Jake said passing her.
She just nodded looking back at her lover but he never looked up.
He was disappointed in his self because y/n always told him he has to control his poor temper.
Even helped him keep it a bay but he didn’t this time and he felt bad.
Y/n saw the sadness in her lovers face and softened her gaze on him, maybe she was a little hard on him.
She didn’t even know why he was mad. Maybe he had a good reason like Emily said.
“Come.” Paul heard the soft voice he’s so In love with speak.
He looked up to see y/n with arms open and a soft look on her face.
He quickly rushed into her touch , wrapping his arms around her waist and poking his head in her neck.
Y/n put her arms around his neck and played with the hairs on it.
She knows it calms him and as she expected he relaxed into her touch more and pulled her closer.
“What happened?” Y/n asked finally.
“Jake made a really inappropriate joke about you.” he mumbled quietly but she still heard it.
Y/n pulled away so she could see his face.
“What was it?”
“He said if he would have met you first he would have to wrapped around his finger and I-“ he stopped taking a deep breath.
“I got jealous…” he mumbled putting his head back down.
Y/n made him look at her because what she was about to say she needed him to hear. Clearly.
“You have nothing to be jealous about, he has nothing on my baby. I’m yours, he couldn’t take me even if he tried. Fate said so, the day I became your imprint solidified that. Your everything I want, everything I need. I wouldn’t even let my mom split us up let along a shit talker.” She said grinning a bit thinking back to the years Ms.y/l/n thought Paul was A bad influence.
That was so long ago.
Paul stared into her eyes taking in everything his lover was saying and chuckled a little bit when she called Jacob a shit talker.
Because well… he was.
“I love you and only you, ya hear me?” She said
Paul nodded and y/n place a gental kiss on his lips.
“Wanna say our goodbyes and get home? It’s pretty late.” She questioned.
“Yea I should probably say sorry to Sam, I was a dick.” He said rubbing his neck with one hand and kept y/n’s In the other.
They walked to the living seeing everyone sitting around.
They said your goodbyes to everybody but leaving Jake.
When he got close enough she took her free hand and gripping his short raven black locks, pulling him to her level because she was only 5’7.
“Ah! What the hell y/n!” Jake yelped.
“Next time you purposely pick on my specific wolf, you won’t need to worry about him. It’ll be me that kicks your ass. Got it?” She said pulling it a little bit harder.
“Got it! , got it!” And she finally let go.
Everybody cracked jokes on Jake getting beat up by Paul and his imprint as the couple walks out the house and to y/ns car.
Paul chuckled remembering his very much human girlfriend bullying his 6’8 pack mate, he couldn’t lie. It was badass.
“I’m so glad I married you.” He said softly.
Y/n smiled wildly.
“Me too.” She said starting up the vehicle to go home.

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gingeraleluke · 3 years
𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲
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𝗽𝗮���𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x influencer!fem!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: you and vinnie try to keep your relationship under wraps throughout a wild game of real life among us.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, (it’s among us, so ✨murder✨) anxious reader, pure fluff
𝗔/𝗡: this was requested by @morganwilliams !! i hope i did this request justice!
THIS IS A LONG ONE!! really really hope you guys like it :)
this is based off of james charles’ among us in real life 2 video
whenever someone asked you about your career, you were never a hundred percent sure what to say. “i stand in front of a camera and make shitty jokes for a living” just didn’t have a nice ring to it.
you often found yourself settling on the term influencer, but it was hard to see yourself as someone who influenced people.
sure, you’d talk about things you enjoy doing and maybe sprinkle in some opinions or two, but the idea of you having the power to form someone’s day or perspective on life was draining. you never saw your content as a job, yet it was the only income of money in your life.
the bottom line was, you were grateful for living such a rare and unique lifestyle.
your boyfriend was too.
you weren’t close with a lot of content creators, but you did end up forming a bond with dixie d’amelio and her sister charli.
the three of you got along really well and would film tiktoks whenever you were together. while you already had a following, your view count skyrocketed after being featured on the sisters tiktoks. it was overwhelming, but they helped you through it.
dixie was always there for you whenever you needed a break and someone to lift your spirits, while charli was always there for you when you needed to rant or a shoulder to cry on. the two girls knew you better than most, and when they invited you to join them in a james charles video, you were extremely nervous. even more nervous when they told you that james insisted to have you join.
you wanted to say no, but after them promising you that it would be fun, you decided against it. you had never met james, despite him being close with the sisters, and you were really excited to finally meet him and whoever else would be there.
you were in a groupchat with dixie and charli, the three of you discussing the event. everyone was bringing dates, except james, meaning that there would be eleven people in total if y/n went.
dixie was bringing noah, her boyfriend who you had only talked to through facetime when he called her while you were with her. he seemed nice on the phone and you were sure you’d get along since you were close with dixie. charli told you that she was bringing larray, someone you had never met in real life either. you knew james would be there, obviously, but that was it.
you decided to reach out to james and let him know that you were nervous, but excited to meet him. the two of you chatted through dms and he informed you on who was scheduled to be there. he wanted you to bring a date too. anyone, as long as they were an influencer of some kind, and you immediately thought of your boyfriend. so you texted vinnie, who was down with the idea.
the only people you knew there were dixie, charli, and vinnie. you weren’t good with first impressions and vin knew that.
“i will be there with you the whole time! and it’s gonna be really fun, i know it.” he kisses your temple and rubbed your shoulders. he always had a way with reassuring you.
when you arrived, you were met with a grinning james. he gave you and vinnie hugs before opening the door and letting you in. he wanted the reveal to be a suprise so he lead the two of you to a guest room with suits and accessories laid out on a bed. james was already in gear, a white space suit on his body.
you and vinnie were the last ones to arrive, leaving three colors left to choose from. the rest of the crew mates were waiting in a living room.
“okay, so these are the options left, and we have little accessory thingys to choose from, so i will leave you guys here and you can pick between these and when you are done just meet me at the bottom of the stairs and i’ll introduce you to everyone. okay?” james rambled as you and vinnie looked over at the items left.
“okay, cool. sorry we were late!”
“no, no! don’t be, it’s okay!”
before walking out, he pulled you to the side. “i just wanted to say, dixie told me about you guys and i promise not to say anything about y’all’s relationship, i get it. and don’t worry if something gets caught on film, okay? i can edit it out, just have fun!” you whispered a quick thank you and he gave you another hug before closing the door, leaving you and vinnie to get changed.
“what color do you want?” you asked.
there was brown, black, and pink left.
“i call black!” you reached out and grabbed the suit, holding it up to your body.
“hey, i wanted black!”
“too bad, it’s mine.”
“fuck, i guess i’ll take pink then..”
you ripped off your shirt, leaving you in a bra before zipping up the suit. it was hot as fuck outside and you knew you’d melt if you wore something heavy underneath. you and vinnie made slight eye contact every few seconds, while jumping into your costumes.
“pink looks good on you, babe.” you giggle.
he smiles and picks up a headband with horns on it.
“ooo!” you zipped up the jacket before running over to look at the options. a gasp left your lips once you saw the fuzzy cat ears and you swiftly placed them on your head.
“lovey, look it!” you turn to vinnie with a smile on your face as you point to you cat ears.
“aww.” vinnie coos, wrapping his arms around your back.
“in all serious babe, we need to make sure we keep this under wraps.” you state.
“keep what?”
“oh..” his mouth lowers into a slight frown as he plays with your hair. “yeah, i know.”
“we don’t want to start any drama and i don’t want either of us to get hate, so just… i don’t know- keep your distance today.”
“oh.. okay. i see how it is.” he crosses his arms, a charming expression resting on his face.
“no- not like a big distance! just ya know… try and look platonic.” he simply nods at your words before you both walk down the stairs to meet james.
“ahh!! you look so good, oh my god!” he gushes before leading you two to meet the rest. as you step through the house, voices louder and louder. you were already overwhelmed by the amount of people you could here. you turned a corner and was met with eight people, all sitting around a couch, chatting. lights were set all around them, illuminating the bright colors they wore.
you gulped and felt vinnies hand interlock with yours. he lightly squeezed before letting go, his way of letting you know that he was there.
i hope no one saw that.
after meeting everyone, we all settled down and stood around a table, a black backdrop behind us. you tried to keep some space between you and vinnie and decided not to stand next to him, but to stand next to james and dixie instead. charli stood behind you while vinnie stood behind james. you turned your head to the right and was met with vinnie who was already looking at the back of your head. he was still close by, but far enough to go unnoticed. he smiled at you and you smiled back, before quickly turning around as james started his introduction.
you were too nervous to comprehend fully what he was saying, but snapped out of it once it was time to introduce yourself.
“quen, purple.”
“nas, cyan.”
“dixie, blue!”
“charli, green.”
“y/n, black!”
“james, white.”
“nai, orange.”
“vinnie, pink!”
“larray, red.”
“chase, lime.”
“noah, yellow.”
we cheered before gathering to the table. you and charli both picked the cat ears and gushed over how you guys matched. you tried to act natural, but you’ve never been in such a foreign setting and the fact that you had to keep your relationship with vinnie a secret, didn’t help. the only people who knew you two were dating was charli, dixie, noah and james. everyone else had no idea.
you stayed with charli, chase on the other side of you as you guys waited to get your cards. vinnie was talking to charli about something, so you decided to be brave and spark a conversation with chase.
“so.. was like your first choice?” he looked over at you, a phone in his hand ready to film.
“huh? oh, no, not really.. i didn’t mind though.” you just nodded.
“hey, you and charli match!” he smiled, pointing at your headband with cat ears on it.
“oh, yeah!”
“that’s so cute!” he giggled, looking down at his feet. he shifted forwards in the line.
“yeah.. what do you have?” you reached out to grab whatever was on his head.
“oh, it’s a leaf.” he bent his head down so his hair was on full display, showcasing the headpeice.
“how cute!” vinnie couldn’t help but overhear the conversation. he knew chase was single and that you were his type on paper. he wouldn’t have to worry about him hitting on you, if he knew y’all were dating, but he didn’t.
you nodded, looking down at the table in front of you. you found yourself wanting to continue the conversation with him.
“so, did you- where you in the last one?” he looked into her eyes, “the last james among us video, i mean.” you chuckle awkwardly.
“oh! yeah, no i wasn’t. this is my first time.” you both made eye contact before making your way to the other side of the table and grabbed your cards. you looked up to see vinnie across from you. you gave him a small smile and he looked at you with a straight face. for a quick second, you were sure he was upset with you, but then he sent a sly wink your way, causing you to suppress a chuckle.
charli placed her hand on your shoulder. “you’re gonna be alright, right?”
“yeah! yeah, i think i’ll be okay..” you nodded.
“okay, i’m gonna be here if you need me, just come and find me okay? if you get overwhelmed, let me know and we can talk to james about it.”
“thank you, charli.” you hugged her and she kissed your head.
“now go have fun!” charli made her way outside.
you held your camera before walking towards the back of the house where the asteroids were. you opened your card and showed it to the camera.
“im innocent, y’all!” you exclaimed before looking over your tasks.
1: fix the wires
2: bell grab
3: ball toss
4: puzzle
seems easy enough
“alright, y’all! i don’t know… where the fuck i am.” i walked out of the room and made my way into a hallway. i didn’t notice chase walking behind me until he spoke up.
“where you off to?”
“JESUS! oh my god, you scared the fuck outta me!” you playfully hit his arm before turning around and continuing your way through the house. “i don’t know, honestly. i have to fix the wires though..”
“oh, cool.” he nodded, his camera recording him and the girl walking.
noah started to approach them. “oh hey.”
“oh hey!” chase said.
“hey huddy.”
“hi noah..” you smiled and reached your hand out. noah high fives it before saying a small “hey y/n..” and walking by you and chase. you found the room with the wires and you and chase went your separate ways.
when you entered the room, you were met with a bright pink jumpsuit.
“hey, pretty girl.” he smirked. they were alone, the red light illuminated their faces.
“you are so lucky im holding the camera…”
“what?” he shot her a puzzled look, causing her to stare.
“yeah, ‘oh.’ vinnie, you need to be careful…”
“i know, i know… im sorry. from now on, we barely know eachother.” he placed his hand on his chest and you shot him an uncertain face before nodding and fixing the wires. you both kept your cameras out, making sure to edit this conversation out later.
all of a sudden, a body was reported.
“oh, shit..” vinnie stated. you both looked at eachother in suprise. “someone’s dead!” you walked quickly to the main room. “already??” you asked your camera.
when the couple entered the room, larray walked by and started talking to james who was playing dead on the floor.
“james is dead, you can’t talk to him.” vinnie stated.
“couldnt care less!” larray replied, causing y/n to laugh.
the group started conversing and chase admitted to finding the body.
“okay, you were at the puzzle.. y/n, where were you?”nas asked.
“i was fixing the wires with vinnie.”
stay cool, y/n. stay cool.
“where were you, nas?” you asked.
“i was outside by the vent thing.”
“BY THE VENT THING?!” charli yelled. you immediately started cracking up and grabbed charlis arm to keep yourself steady.
“WHY WERE YOU BY THE VENT?!” you two were cracking up and everyone else started yelling at nas.
“he came up to me, and was trying to kill me!” larray shouted over the noise.
while nas shared his defense, nai cut everyone off.
“should we skip!? should we skip? we have thirty seconds, should we skip or are we voting?” larray stood next to her, nodding his head as everyone decided to skip.
“okay guys…” y/n spoke into the lens, “i have to try not to die, because clearly, there is a murderer on the loose.”
you turned around at the sound of your name being called. charli waddled up behind you in her green suit.
“hi, i’m scared and don’t want to be alone.” she explained looking into her camera, causing you to laugh.
“no, because same! what task do you have?”
charli pulled out her card and you scanned it.
“i have the bell grab too! i think it’s over here.” you pointed as charli followed behind you.
“hi, charli!” noah greeted, walking by you two. you both said hello before finding the bell grab station.
“oo! okay, so i have to jump and try and grab the bell.”
charli went first, starting off in small bounces on the trampoline.
“you’ve got this!”
her hair blew in her face as she laughed breathlessly, reaching her arm out to hit the bell. she kept jumping until you heard a light ring.
“i did it!” she jumped off and wrapped her arms around you, causing you to almost drop your camera. “that was harder, than i thought it’d be!” she was out of breath as she watched you step on the trampoline.
you hit the bell in the first try, charli’s mouth agape. “no way!”
“i can’t believe i did that!” you angled your camera to show the two of you in shock.
charli moved into the house, while you walked to the other side of the backyard to the ball toss.
an emergency meeting was called before you could get there. you and noah entered the meeting last, you both stood to the side of the table. you looked up at your boyfriend who was trying his best to stay cool despite how cute you looked with your hair all messed up from jumping and your cat ears.
“what happened?” vinnie shrugged.
“you called this shit?” quen asked looking at charli.
charli explained that quen reached for her knife while they were alone doing asteroids. the group was now trying to figure out who was lying as the two girls yelled at eachother. dixie walked up to noah, now standing next to you. “do you think charli is lying?”
“i can’t tell..” you said, before slamming your hand on the table. “WAIT! guys, listen.” people continued to talk over you, making vinnie scream ‘shut up’ at the top of his lungs. everyone’s eyes were on vinnie.
“y/n has something to say.”
“thank you! okay, so i almost forgot, me and charli did the bell grab together, and she never tried to kill me, so i don’t think it’s her..”
“right, but you two are close, right? so she wouldn’t kill you.” nas explained.
before you could answer, quen added, “yeah, how do we know you aren’t the imposter? it’s probably you and charli!”
it was time to vote and it was a tie, meaning no one got ejected.
“okay, bitches.” you were out of breath from walking around the house, but you had to make your way to the basketball court. “i still have to do the stinkin ball toss…” your sneakers hitting the ground and the conversations from afar was the only thing you could hear. “so… i see nothing but trees and tiktokers… life is crazy!” you held the camera up and made a fuckboy face before doing the ball toss and making your way back to the house.
“hey guys!” you smiled as larray and nai walked by you, heading towards the station.
“hey, y/n! don’t mind me, just chilling with my bestie!” larray responded.
you looked at your camera with wide eyes before mouthing ‘sus’.
a few minutes later, while you were working on a task, an alarm ran off and it was declared that the round was over and that the imposters won. quen and larray admitted to being the imposters.
“no way!! did you kill nai when i went by you guys?”
“yes, i killed her. i was like ‘oh, fuck, y/n is gonna see us’ so i waited for you to leave!” you all erupted in laughter before being handed your second card.
“let’s see….” you opened the note with your fate on it and sighed contently. “thank god, i don’t want to be imposter!”
1: who’s the imposter challenge
2: ball toss
3: shooting asteroids
charli walked by you as you headed towards the first station. you both said hi before she claimed to be going to security upstairs. you filmed her walking up the stairs before moving the camera back to your face. “not sure if i trust that, but okay.”
you stayed in a fairly large group of people when the alarm went off. charli reported james dead body.
“poor james! he’s died first every time.” you frown at your camera. vinnie walked up behind you and instinctively put his hands on your waist before quickly removing them.
dixie had to leave, so mario replaced her and next to nas. vinnie tried his best to nonchalantly stand beside you.
“i’m skipping..” vinnie mutters, scratching his neck.
“me too.” you nod your head as the majority vote was revealed. most people skipped, meaning no one was ejected.
“hey, boo!” you spotted lil nas dribbling a basketball infront of his tripod.
“hey!” he greeted and gave you a hug. the two of you hit it off before the game started. you both did the ball toss together, his hands on his camera with yours laced in your hair.
“ugh, look at us!”
the light hit the two of you in a way that made you look godly. you both had your arms extended and filmed the lighting on your faces.
“love that!”
“yes… oh my god i would do me. i would do us, honestly.” you both laughed when the alarm went off.
“okay, girl, you can back me up here! i swear, i think it’s quen, because she was looking at me weird as fuck dude..”
“oh my god, make sure you say something during the meeting!”
“i will.” you both walked into the room to see everyone yelling. vinnie stood in the corner, his face soft like a lost puppy. she could tell he was confused.
the group voted out quen who turned out to be innocent and continued their tasks. you spent the next round doing asteroids and were alone the whole time when another meeting was called. nai and charli were exposed as imposters.
“okay, i don’t know what the fuck happened.” you felt someone lightly tap your side and turned to see your boyfriend.
“i have no fucking clue, i was banging my head on the bell.” you bursted out laughing and he shushed you while the group commerced.
“i got that on camera!”
what a weirdo. i love him so much.
“god, if you love me, please don’t give me imposter that is just too much work..” you placed your hands on your knees and took a deep breath before opening the card.
you smirked at the camera and pointed. “i’m a finesser, i swear…”
1: puzzle
2: fixing wires
3: shoveling snowballs
“time to go do the puzzle!” you singsonged before you felt something round knock you in the back. vinnie stood there with a finger to his lips.
“what are you doing? is that a snowball?”
“yeah, i took it from the station, don’t tell james.”
“what do you want?” you giggled. the two of you were alone without any cameras.
“you just look really cute with your cat ears and i wanted a kiss..”
“oh, my god no!”
“you are gonna try and kill me!” you shouted. “no i won’t!” you knew you would regret this if he killed you, but a kiss is a kiss.
“vin, i swear to god, if you kill me-“
“i won’t.” he pressed his lips to yours and you quickly wrapped your legs around him, your fingers pulling lightly on his locks. you broke away from the steamy kiss and picked your camera back up.
“pleasure doing business with ya..” you shook his hand, when an alarm went off.
james and nas found mario’s body and the group interrogated the two. charli handed you a bag of m&ms. “you doing okay?” you smiled and nodded.
what a sweetheart.
they skipped and continued completing their tasks. you popped an m&m into your mouth and began to talk to your camera. “i honestly am so proud of myself for not dying! like, damn… i did that.”
after completing the puzzle, noah’s body was discovered by nai. “okay, it’s definitely y/n and vinnie!” james yelled, everyone’s eyes were on the couple.
“what?! no, why me?”
“no, okay, it’s definitely james. there’s no way- james has died first every round and now that he’s imposter, he’s not dead and goes upstairs with noah, leaves and noah’s dead? that’s not a coincidence, and it’s not nai because i doubt she got it twice in a row, come on.” james started to call vinnie a liar.
“what- why- why, do you think its y/n?” vinnie asked.
“sister y/n was following me at the start of the round!”
james what the fuck.
the group ended up with 4 votes for james, 1 vote for quen, 1 vote for vinnie, and 1 vote for nas.
“it’s definitely vinnie, his girlfriend is just backing him up, i swear.” nas mutters.
did he just call me his girlfriend?
fuck… they are onto us
future james, please don’t use that footage.
“i’m fixing my wires! fixing my wires!” you sang, the tripod standing before you. “fixing these motherfucking wires- okay i’m done.” you walked downstairs and heard a meeting called.
nai was found dead and chase and vinnie were accusing nas and larray.
“i know it’s not me!”
“okay, it’s y/n!”
“what? i just said it’s not me nas, what the fuck!”
the group tied between chase and nas.
“guys this is so fucking stupid! stop tying..” you groaned and heard vinnie shout ‘i agree’ before making your way to the christmas tree to shovel the snowballs.
vinnie walked up behind you and started shoveling with you.
“are you going to kill me?”
“what? no, y/n.. i don’t even have this task.” he giggled, his face turning a crimson shade.
“why are you here than?” smiling up at him but keeping your distance, you felt your knees start to weaken at his smile.
“i just wanted to make sure you aren’t dead.”
as if on cue, an alarm was rung and everyone voted for larray, making nas and james win.
“imposters win!” james squealed.
nas walked up to you and gave you a hug. “bestie, what happened?!”
“sorry, i had to keep them off of me, i was starting to look sus!” everyone started making small talk and you decided to ask him what was on your mind.
“so, who told you about me and vinnie? was it james?”
“what? no, i could just tell. i get that it might be difficult, but you guys are really cute together- honestly.”
he walked away before you could answer and you could feel a smile work it’s way onto your face.
everyone got together to film the outro, y/n standing next to vinnie. while james was talking, she took a deep breath and grabbed the sides of vinnies face, pulling him in for a kiss. nai turned and saw, putting her hand over her mouth in shock. no one else noticed since they were in the back row. when she pulled away he smiled at her, before they regained their composure.
after the cameras turned off, y/n walked up to james who was eating m&ms.
“hey, you are gonna see something in the background of your outro..” james nodded.
“leave it in.”
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
so, SO, Hear me out. This has been stuck in my head for DAYS. Can i request a Sapnap x reader smut, BUT Incubus!Sapnap. My brain is mush. Perhaps reader doesn't believe in demons etc, so they're trying to prove to themselves that these things indeed don't exist by trying to summon a demon, what type of demon? they don't know. Unfortunately(fortunately) for them, the ritual works and Sapnap is summoned. Afab reader with any pronouns, and Dom or switch Sapnap.
i literally love this idea sm. thank you for trusting me with it. [thank you to a friend of mine who helped me w some of the plot elements.] I hope you enjoy and happy reading! xx
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𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓. ⛧ 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐬!𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐩 (18+)
pairing: incubus!sapnap x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (minors dni), mentions of an Ouija board, blood, oral (fm. receiving), smut, domination, choking
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Your fishnets clung to your legs, yet provided little protection against the nipping breeze dragging icy fingers across your skin. You rubbed the arms of your jacket, attempting to generate more warmth as your breath fogged around you. Your friends giggled and kicked at each other, hanging around their shoulders and acting drunker than they actually were. It felt like icicles picked your heart each time you faintly felt like you were enjoying yourself, all because of Him.
His words echoed in your head each time a man approached you, finding yourself nearly too suspicious to believe they wouldn’t end up like He did: cold, distant, and arrogant.
The club had been too loud, in your opinion, but you’d be damned to let one of your friends know. They were focused on finding you a squeeze to preoccupy you while you got over Him. You didn’t need a distraction, you just needed to get rid of the thought of him.
One of your friends grabbed your arm, dragging you down a portion of concrete steps and into a lower-level shop. You briefly caught sight of the neon sign above the door, LOCAL PSYCHIC blinking in bright pink piping to welcome in tourists. You scoffed to yourself as you shrugged through the beaded curtain over the door.
The shop smelled of incense and a potpourri of unfamiliar herbs. A slender woman with long black hair looked up from a magazine, gold eyeliner sparkling in the dim lighting of the store. She watched the group of you carefully as your friends went straight for the Ouija boards in the corner. As you looked over her various shelves of exotic species of crystals, you could feel her eyes burning into your shoulder.
You sighed quietly, grabbing a green hued crystal and approaching her in lieu of your group. “So, this will get rid of my bad juju if I stick it in my bra, right?” You quipped jokingly, making her smuggly grin.
She straightened up, revealing a metal band t-shirt that you couldn’t pronounce the name of, let alone knew. “Gorgeous, you’ll need a fist full of moldavite to cleanse what you’ve got going on,” she jested, voice raspy and surveying. “Give me your hand,” she stated, more than asked. You reluctantly reached for her, her boney ringers cupped your hand, rings catching the candle light beside the cash register.
“Does it say I’ll disappear mysteriously after a boating accident?” You leered, making her bite her lip.
You could practically feel her breath on your skin. She studied your palm closely, wetting her lips. “I think I have something better than moldavite, though,” she quirked before digging her nail into the center, making you hiss. She drew a bit of blood from the wound, placing a business card against the spot. The center of the card oozed the crimson color seeping from the cut. “Call this number when you get home and all your bad juju will clear, my love. Him included,” she whispered. “You don’t believe in demons do you?”
“Of course not,” you answered, your eyes locked on hers as she smiled darkly at you, almost forebodingly. You flipped the card in your hand, a number plastered on one side and “REVERSE YOUR REGRETS,” printed boldly on the other. Your eyebrow perked at her. “What, is this a demon calling card?” You quizzed almost sarcastically.
Her dark, full lips twisted up. “I guess you’ll have to find out.”
Your mouth ran dry as she smirked, fingers brushing against your own as your hand slipped from hers. You found it hard to speak on the bus ride home, or even form sentences while you were crammed between two of your friends as they all sparked chatter about their upcoming finals. One of the main reasons they bought the Ouija board was to ask a ghost to write their history and philosophy theses.
Your apartment was dark and alluringly quiet compared to the night of bright lights and ridiculous EDM you had endured for most of the night. You let your jacket slip to the floor as you switched on a lamp, washing your hands as your mind relayed what the woman from the shop had said. As you dried your hands, your eyes traveled towards the living room, the dark fabric of one of His hoodies peeking out from between the couch and the wall. You bit your tongue, anger flashing into your veins. “Even Him…” you thought, remembering what she had told you.
You grabbed your phone, slinking over to where your jacket was and fishing the card from your pocket. The red smudge of blood almost perfectly split the phone number in half. “You don’t believe in demons do you?”
“No, what kind of respectable adult believes in demons,” you grumbled to yourself, dialing the number. You turned the card over again, eyeing the words as you waited for the call to connect. Instead of ringing normally, three long dial tones sounded over your receiver, sending a shiver down your spine. Dogs of your apartment complex began to bark, sending feral noises of discomfort into the air.
An automated voice began to speak, startling you slightly. “Thank you for your call. Your sacrifice is pure and has been accepted. Congratulations.”
Sacrifice? The line went dead, your power fizzling out as well. You froze, your feet feeling as if your shoes were filled with cement. In an instant, your array of candles sparked to life, brightening the room. Your heart thundered in your chest, unsure of what was happening. Sacrifice?
You held your breath, waiting for what was to come. It seemed as if your apartment had been removed from the city outside, instead an eerie silence settled in the room, making it almost suffocating to be alone.
“Hello, dove,” a dark voice called from behind you, making you jump a foot in the air, chest wheezing from the jump scare. A man smirked at you, resting his chin in his hand as he looked at you. He dominated one of your chairs, his other hand drumming his fingers against the leather. His suit was well tailored, but he wore it rather lazily with his crisp white shirt unbuttoned. He wore dark nail polish, making his fingers appear longer.
His eyes trailed your body, pressing his lips together as you realized how tightly you were clutching your phone and the card. “How did you get in here?” You asked, your voice barely audible.
He stood, straightening the sleeves of his suit jacket. He walked over to you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Your breath was measured, your body drawn to him as if you were an animal in heat. “You summoned me, puppy,” he answered, voice dipping an octave before dragging the card from your fingers. Your skin burned and sparked at his touch. His smell was intoxicatingly enticing, making your mouth water.
He held the card between two fingers, his eyes locking to yours indefinitely. “You even bound yourself to me,” he noted, letting his finger pad draw across the blood stain on the card. “Little minx,” he mumbled.
You swallowed. “What are you?” You managed, words uneven and almost jumbled.
He turned slightly on his heel, circling around you slowly, fingers dragging against the fabric of your shirt before snaking around the back of your throat. His thumb teased against your skin almost as if he was restraining himself from ripping you in half. “They call me Sapnap. Some might categorize me as a demon, but that seems rather exaggerated, don’t you think?” He responded. “I’m here to help you reverse your regrets.”
You inhaled sharply. “What does that mean?”
He chuckled darkly, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “Baby, I’m here to make you feel good again,” he divulged, the heat of his breath skimming against your neck, urging you to submit to him. "I'm here to make you forget all about Him."
In an instant you found yourself pinned beneath him, the sheets on your bed cast aside along with most of your clothes. He watched you sternly as he slipped his jacket off his shoulders, unbuttoning his collared shirt, pupils blown with lust at your hungry appearance.
Sapnap ground his hips against yours, tugging on your thighs to bring you closer to him. Your back arched slightly, fingers digging into the sheets as his lips traveled from your neck to your chest, one of his large hands palming your breast. You stifled a moan, hips bucking against him. He pressed his tongue against your navel, licking a strip against your skin before he was in your ear again. His fingers curled around your waistband. "Uh uh, dove. I wanna hear you."
He leaned back on his knees, teeth nipping at the inside of your thighs as he trailed towards your core. His eyes danced up to yours, briefly gauging your reaction before slipping his finger between the skin of your hips and your lacy undergarments, tugging them down your legs. He pressed open mouth kisses to your thighs once more, teeth grazing the sensitive flesh with a restraint you had half a mind to egg on.
He hooked his arms around your thighs, burying his face where you needed him the most. Your body reacted to the pleasure of his tongue almost instantly, fighting to clamp your legs around his head as your toes curled. Sapnap was taking his time with you, eating you out as if you were his last meal, humming slightly to send vibrations against your nerve endings.
You threaded your fingers through his dark hair, rolling your hips against his mouth and muttering his name. He moved, teeth sinking into your thigh as he pressed his finger into you, making you moan incoherently. You tugged at his hair, earning a groan in pleasure as you noticed him grinding against the mattress. His lips were back on your heat as his finger curled inside of you.
He added another finger, finding your sweet spot almost as if your body had been made for him specifically. With each swirl of his tongue and his moans at the sight of you enjoying the chase of your orgasm, the more the tension began to build within you. He quickened his pace as he watched you pant, coaxing you closer to the edge.
Sapnap moved his head from side to side, flattening his tongue for more friction, pumping his fingers in and out of you. "Cum for me, baby," he commanded, breath hot against your core. You relinquished control of your body, letting your climax rip through your body, leaving you breathless and stunned.
He wore the devil's smile as kissed the inside of your knee, praising you heavily for heeding to his demands. "Good girl," he cooed, voice dark and drawn with lust as he moved to press his lips against your shoulder. "Such a good girl."
His lips traveled beneath your ear, nipping at the skin before pressing his tongue into your mouth, one of his hands holding your chin.
He discarded his pants, spitting in his hand and stroking himself a few times as his eyes burned into yours. He dragged you towards him, gripping onto your hips before driving himself into you. You groaned at the pressure, grinding against his hips and earning a smirk from him. "So needy. Have I not been good to you thus far?" His words dripped with a god complex you had yet to taste.
You whimpered slightly before he rolled his hips against yours. He retracted himself before slowly thrusting into you, watching with pride as you writhed for more of him. "I could kill you, you know?" He stated, thrusting into you harshly, pressing his hands into the mattress on either side of your head.
You chuckled breathlessly, your fingers wrapping around one of his wrists. "You won't," you moaned as he set a pace, digging his hips into yours.
Sapnap's other arm moved, wrapping his hand around your neck and squeezing slightly, as if showing you he could do worse. "Says who?" He provoked, pressing his lips against yours, teeth dragging against your bottom lip, eliciting a moan from deep in your throat.
His thrusts were becoming sloppier, deeper as he buried himself into you. "Me," you answered. He grinned deviously, pinning your knee to your chest and pounding into you, basking in your moans like they were personalized ego boasts. "I can take it," you groaned quietly, enticing him. He tightened his hold on your neck, causing your vision to blur in pleasure as heat rushed through your body, his roughness a perfect catalyst to your cardinal hunger.
"That's right, sweetheart," he grunted, eyes seeming to burn brighter with your submission. "Take it," he mirrored, his pace relentless against you as if testing your limits. He pressed his thumb in your mouth, moaning as your teeth rested against it, tongue darting out against it. You focused on his eyes, trying not to roll your own as your body ached to climax.
You could see the veins in his neck becoming more prominent and he removed his thumb only to grip your jaw in his hand, shoving his tongue into your mouth to lap at your whimpers. His hands moved to pin your forearms to the mattress beside you, his lips melding against yours as the two of you pushed each other to orgasms. You could feel his pleasure coming undone within you, finally acting as the jumping-off point for your second climax.
You panted, hurriedly attempting to catch your breath as he pulled out of you, sighing in pleasure.
He moved to begin dressing, holding your card between his teeth as he buckled his belt around his waist. Your mind blurred in bliss, still riding your high. It didn't really bother you if he left or stayed.
He finished buttoning his shirt as you sat up on your elbows, watching him straighten his appearance. "I'll call on you soon," he stated, tucking the card with your blood on it into his breast pocket.
You quipped an eyebrow at him. "This is a normal thing now?" You questioned, the situation seeming different.
He patted his pocket to gesture to the card. "You're mine, dove. I get you whenever I want," he smirked. He rested his knee on the edge of your bed, leaning down to press his lips against yours possessively.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hi Wendy! Hope you are doing well! (⌒o⌒)
Can I request for a scenario of Haitani brothers (separated or no) when they see you at public, dolled up and eyeing phone nervously, cause your date is really late? Please and thank you!
Stood Up: Ran Haitani/Rindou Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 964
tw: EMOTIONAL (why is this shit so emotional oh my god ugh I'm going to go cry a little)
song recommendation:
Ran Haitani
Seeing your face after ten years did something to Ran that he couldn't articulate in the moment.
Your hair, your eyes, your face - it was all the same. But you looked much more mature, much more seasoned. (And so did he, but who really noticed except him?)
He's seconds away from calling your name when it really settles in: that feeling again. He hadn't felt this way in a long time and now didn't seem like the appropriate time to even unearth those feelings. Should he?
God, who was he kidding? You're still stunning, looking down at your phone in the evening light with those wide eyes he used to adore back in the day. He'd sit on the swings in middle school and just fucking stare at you with a longing he hadn't felt since he'd been introduced to you - or introduced to money.
And that same day on the playground, he'd leaned over to his brother and said,
"That's the one I want."
That feeling... opens up in his chest and he thinks about all the ways he can assuage it. Should he talk to you? Should he ask about your life? Should he tell you about his? Should he--
Ran stops his speeding train of thoughts in its tracks.
The whole reason you two weren't ever in contact was because of jail. Specifically, the crimes that landed him in jail. There was no doubt you'd heard of him, no doubt you knew what he was capable of. Regret stings in his chest.
Why did Ran even think that you would be receptive to anything he had to say? Because he cleaned up nice in a suit and a haircut?
"Ran Haitani?"
His name falling from your lips sounds like a call from heaven. It's a call he can't answer quite yet, though.
"Is that you?"
Did he ever even think about this moment and ask what he would do next? What would he do? What should he do?
Ran mentally chokes himself out, questioning his choice of words as your lips close and then open again, a lone tear coursing down your cheek.
"It's so good to see a familiar face," you croak and both he, himself, and his other self stop to watch the tear slide down your face. Did he do that? Was this his fault? But then your tears don't stop and Ran flinches. Of course, he did. He always made people cry. He'd never seen anything other than disappointment on a woman's face, starting with his mother.
All the money in the world wouldn't make her proud of him.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, but you shake your head, wiping your tears and tucking your phone into your jacket pocket.
"No, no, don't be." You try to laugh a little. "I just got stood up and felt so alone. But then I saw you, and--" You break off in a hiccup, scrubbing at your eyes and sniffing. "Shit, I felt a little less alone, you know?"
"I know what you mean." Ugh, that fucking feeling. It snatches Ran's breath away, tears at his lungs, rips him apart... then sews him back together and sits him upright on the small shelf he's placed himself on to maintain his sanity. "I know exactly what you mean."
Rindou Haitani
He'd been watching you for a while now, tucked into the corner of the high-end establishment as his lips wrapped around the edge of the glass.
You're frantic.
The panic in your mind is evident in the way that you nervously glance at your phone every thirty seconds, tapping the screen as if you'd summon the notification your heart desired. But more than half an hour had passed between the time you walked in and the present moment.
Whoever they were, they weren't coming.
Rinodu is sure you put a lot of effort into the way you look tonight, and he can't help but wonder what you look like underneath it all - underneath the panic, the worry, and the obvious disappointment.
It's too bad.
Rindou isn't the kind to approach women - that's Ran. Ran has confidence and looks. Rindou got the brains. That's all he was afforded when he was born; that and the pleasure of being considered "Ran's Little Brother".
Yeah, if Ran were here, he'd have you cornered like prey and maybe even whispering what he'd do to you in your ear, making you blush hard before disappearing with him.
Rindou wasn't like that. He isn't like that.
He'd rather have you approach him and throw yourself into his arms before allowing himself to drive you crazy in bed - another skill he thieved off of Ran when he wasn't looking.
But the look on your face as your lip quivers and you wave away the waiter with "just another minute" is enough to make Rindou stand up and abandon his table. He wasn't waiting for anyone anyway.
Unlike you.
The waiter walks up to the table again as he approaches, and Rindou smiles at you sweetly, trying to be kind.
"Babe, sorry I'm late," he whispers, sliding into the chair across from you. "It's so hard to find parking and traffic was terrible."
Your quivering lip stills as Rindou slides the menu across the table, lifting his brows and making it clear that he's not here to hurt you, he just wants to make you smile.
It would be a first for him, but as you shakily order a martini and then turn back to the handsome man in front of you with the ghost of a smile on your lips, Rindou knows he's won this round, even though he had to step out of his comfort zone to do it.
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nothinghcppens · 4 years
bad liar - pietro maximoff
Tumblr media
pair: pietro maximoff x female!reader
summary: y/n is the new addition to the avengers, she was introduced to tony stark by nick fury who had heard of her special abilities after she was seen saving a building of people from an attack. when she gets introduced to the team she is taken in immediately, but others seem to not be as keen to get to know her.
warnings: swearing, mentions of trauma
“right, y/n.” tony stark said to you as he led you up the stairs of the avengers tower, “there’s going to be a lot of people here, it might be overwhelming. try not to freak out.”
“i promise you i’ll be fine, it’s them i’m worried about. have you told them what’s wrong with me?” you replied, following behind him. he stopped outside a large foggy glass door.
“there’s nothing wrong with you. these guys are the freaks.” he joked with a slight grin. you rolled your eyes and shook your head. the bearded man, who you had already began to enjoy the company of, placed his hand on your shoulder. “come on kid, let’s make a good first impression.” he pushed open the door and walked in, you stepping in behind him.
the room went silent as the large group of people looked at you. they were sat on the two sofas, a few on the floor. you immediately recognised a few of them, steve rogers and natasha romanoff stood out amongst the crowd, you saw them on the news all the time.
“okay losers, meet y/n y/l/n. she’s our new recruit.” he announced as he clapped his hands together. they all stood up and approached you, you’re eyes widening. you’re eyes scanned the group, now seeing clint barton and sam wilson. standing at the back of the group were a brunette girl and a blonde boy and floating slightly to the left was a red man with a mysterious glowing gem in his head.
“you probably already know steve, natasha, clint and sam.” tony said, gesturing towards them.
“yep, you’re pretty famous round these parts.” you explained, causing laughter from each of them.
“nice to meet you, y/n.” steve greeted, putting out his hand for you to shake.
you glanced at tony before taking his hand and shaking it lightly. “very... formal.” you noted with a grin.
“he’s very traditional.” tony commented, his smile copying yours.
“who’s the red dude?” you asked. the group let out a collective chuckle.
“vision, but the red dude works too.” he said, lowering himself to the ground.
“at the back we have the twins. come on you two, introduce yourselves.” tony called. the two pushed their way to the front, the girl with a smile on her face.
“i’m wanda, very excited to be working with you.” she said. you smiled and looked to the scowling boy next to wanda.
“pietro.” he stated. he was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a tight fitting t-shirt that accentuated his arms and chest. he was very attractive.
“well, can’t please everyone.” you commented, noting his cold demeanour.
they all eventually made their way to the couches again, everyone wanting to get to know you. tony had gave you a coffee and you sat on the carpet with your back against the sofa. wanda and nat joined you on the floor and the rest sat on the leather sofas.
“so, y/n.” nat started, glancing around at the team. “what’s your special talent?”
“i thought you told them?!” you exclaimed at tony.
“i didn’t say that!” he replied, chuckling. you groaned and stood up, ready to showcase your “special talent”.
“i need a volunteer.” you announced with a smirk, “or multiple.” confused looks were shared between the team. “fine. i’ll choose. wanda, steve and mr grumpy over there.” you said, pointing at pietro. he seemed to clearly not like you, so why not annoy him a little.
the three of them stood up and you led them to a clear space in the room. “who wants to go first?” you asked. tony leant back on the char as steve stepped forward, ready for the show. “go on then captain, give me your best shot.” you teased, throwing your arms up in a fighting stance.
a smile grew on his face and he went to throw a punch with his ‘super solider strength’ but you caught his arm and spun him around, pulling his arm behind him. you felt his strength flow through you as you ‘copied’ his powers. your knee flew up and hit his back, causing him to grunt and fall to the floor.
“okay so what? you can fight, there’s plenty of people like that here.” pietro commented with a scoff. his sokovian accent was thick but his english was fantastic.
“fine then, speedy. your turn.” you stated and steve stood up and laughed. “sorry captain, someone had to go first.” he retreated back to the group, taking his seat again. you took a step to the side, now standing in front of pietro who was glaring you down. you beckoned him with your hands and he cracked his neck before starting in a run towards you. you focused your mind on him and you mimicked his powers, running away at his pace. you ended up behind him and he stopped, confused. he turned around and you saw his eyebrows furrow. he ran towards you again but you sped towards him and grabbed his wrist from behind him, preventing him from moving any further.
“what the fuck?” he cursed, looking at you with anger in his eyes.
“aw what? mad that you aren’t the only fast one anymore?” you taunted, a dramatic pout on your face. he scoffed and ripped his hand from your grip, stomping back to the team. “i don’t think he likes me very much.” you could see tony’s amused face from where he sat, he sent you a wink and you turned to face wanda who was buzzing with excitement.
“is he always like that?” you asked, gesturing towards the blonde boy.
“only when he feels intimidated.” she replied, her accent similar to her brother’s.
“you ready?” you questioned.
“always.” she said, her hands glowing red.
you concentrated on her, absorbing her abilities. your hands began to glow the same red as hers and you flicked your hand towards her, lifting her from the floor. she retaliated by thrusting her hand at you, causing you to be thrown against the wall. you pushed yourself up and tossed her across the room where she landed at the team.
“ta-dah!” you said with a dramatic curtsy.
“copying people’s abilities. i like you kid.” sam announced, standing up and helping wanda get to her feet. he walked over to you and clapped his hand on your shoulder, “i think this calls for a celebration. after y/n gets settled in, let’s crack open the drinks!” everyone cheered in agreement.
“we’ll take you to your room.” nat explained with wanda at her side. you were shown to your room where all your belongings had been brought up.
your two new friends helped you choose an outfit for the night and sat with you while you got ready.
“don’t you two need to get ready?” you asked as you applied a thin layer of lip gloss.
“we don’t need to rush, steve and pietro take longer than everyone combined to get ready.” nat replied with a laugh.
the bar area of the tower was lit dimly and was filled with people you had never seen before along with your new team members. music played softly over the chatter of people around the room. you were wearing a black slip dress and heels, getting dressed up wasn’t something you got to do enough. you spot steve, sam and pietro at the bar, fixing your dress you made your way over to them.
“good evening boys.” you greeted, sliding in beside steve. he was wearing a blue button up shirt, sam a white shirt and black suit jacket and pietro was wearing a black shirt a few buttons undone, tucked into black trousers. his platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes stood out against his dark attire. if he wasn’t such a moody brat, you’d maybe appreciate how attractive he was.
“hello, y/n.” sam said with a large smile.
“you look lovely, y/n.” steve complimented.
“thank you cap, shame you’re just a few hundred years too old for me.” you joked, placing your hand on his shoulder. the two let out a laugh and you looked at pietro, his eyes trained on you.
“hey grumpy, enjoying your night?” you asked with your eyebrows raised.
he rolled his eyes, “i was.”
you let out a gasp of shock, placing your hand on your chest. “i’m not entirely sure what i did to piss you off so much, pietro, but can’t you just reign it in for one night? i mean this is my night after all.”
he huffed in response. “is it because i embarrassed you earlier?” you taunted.
“no it’s because i don’t trust you.” he spat.
“ding ding ding! there it is!” you exclaimed. sam cleared his throat, signalling to steve that they should probably leave.
“we’ll go get you a drink kid, don’t go too hard on him.” he said, walking away. steve followed behind him.
“so, why don’t you trust me?” you questioned, leaning against the bar.
“i don’t trust many people.” he explained, taking a sip from his drink. he sat it on the bar before looking back at you.
“what about all them?” you asked, gesturing to the room. you took his glass in your hand and took a sip, seeing his looks of protest. “what? i don’t think they’re actually getting me a drink, they’re just not wanting to stand they’re awkwardly.”
“they saved my life.” he replied.
“so for you to trust me i need to save your life?” you said, turning to face him.
“yup.” he stated, popping the ‘p’. he took his glass back from your hand.
“oh come on.” you groaned, “there’s nothing else i can do? i mean we’re even matching outfits tonight! i think that means we are immediately friends.”
he looked between the two of you, his eyes glancing up and down your body. “he so we are.” he chuckled.
“see! you’re already warming up to me.” you teased, taking his glass again and gulping down the drink.
“you wish.” he replied. you scoffed and gave him the glass back.
“so, what’s sokovia like?” you asked, trying to get to know the mysterious man.
“well now, nonexistent. but from what i remember it was... home. i mean, i only got to experience it for a short amount of time before hydra took us.” he explained.
you sighed, “i heard about that. that sucks. well if it makes you feel any better after my parents found out about my abilities, they locked me up and stopped me from leaving so i couldn’t hurt anyone.”
“really?” he questioned.
“yup.” you replied, mocking the same way he answered earlier. “wow look at us, trauma-bonding. i’m telling you, warming up to me!” you said in a sing-song voice.
“oh shut up.” he laughed.
“is that a laugh i hear brother?” wanda called as she approached them, followed by other members of the team.
“wow kid, you really know how to get people to like you.” tony said.
“i can’t help it. i’m just so charming.” you replied.
the team stayed with you for a long time, everyone talking and laughing. an hour or so passed and everyone had made their way to the couches they found themselves on not long ago. this time you were sat on the couch instead of the floor, the cool leather against your legs. you were sat in the middle of sam and pietro, enjoying watching the team tell stories of their battles. they eventually made their way to the topic of the battle of sokovia that they hid recently been through. you felt pietro tense next to you- he clearly didn’t enjoy hearing about his near-death experience.
“hey, do you want to get some fresh air?” you whispered into his ear. he nodded slightly and you stood up, reaching your hand out for him to grab. you helped him to his feet and announced that you were going to get drinks.
you led him out of the warm room and up to your room which was equipped with a balcony. you pushed open the glass doors and felt the cold, fresh air fill your lungs.
“much better.” you stated, leaning on the railing. “are you okay?” you asked, feeling pietro’s presence behind you.
“i am now. i’m just not ready to talk about it yet.” he explained, “thank you.” he muttered.
“what was that?” you queried, looking over your shoulder at him.
“nothing.” he replied.
“no. i heard a thank you!” you declared.
“nope. you did not!” he exclaimed, his eyes filled with mischief.
“you’re a bad liar.”
since the night of the party, you and pietro have been inseparable. you guys train together, eat meals together and you introduced him to all your favourite films. the rest of the team were sick of seeing you guys with each other. no one could get a minute alone with either of you.
“i can’t believe you hated me when i first arrived.” you said, throwing a piece of popcorn at his hair. you two had been watching the maze runner films, as per your request, and were midway through the scorch trials.
“seriously? it’s been 6 months and you’re still not letting that go?” he joked, throwing it back at you.
“nope. you hated me. just because i ran faster than you.” you bit, a sly grin growing on your face.
“you did not! how dare you y/n!” he growled.
“i did! but since you’re too proud to admit it, let’s try again.” you suggested. he raised his eyebrows.
“are you sure you want to test me, princessa?” he questioned, his nickname for you that had become a recent thing. you absolutely adored it when he spoke sokovian. you adored many things about him, his cheeky comebacks, his sarcastic humour, his laugh, his eyes, okay so a lot of things. you had been pushing down any possible feelings towards him, there was no way he felt the same for you.
“oh i do.” you replied, placing the bowl of popcorn on the table, pausing the film and standing up. he followed suit and walked closely behind you as you led him outside.
“what’re you two up to?” cap asked when you walked past him.
“proving to him that i’m faster.” you answered.
“my money’s on y/n!” clint shouted from the floor above.
“same!” chorused nat, sam and tony.
“wanda?” pietro asked.
“same!” she said, peering over the railing. you let out a large laugh as you saw his shocked expression.
you walked out to the courtyard, the sun beating down on your face. pietro stopped very close behind you, his breath hot on your neck.
“you ready?” he mumbled into your ear. his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
you cleared your throat, “yup.” taking a deep breath you turned around to face him. he was a lot closer than you thought. his blue eyes seemed even more beautiful in the sun. you took his wrist in your hand and felt power flow through you. there are many ways that you could copy people’s powers, most of the time when they are in front of you and are about to use their powers on you, you can just imitate their abilities. but you could also touch them and copy them that way.
“to the bench?” you asked, letting go of him.
“sounds good.” he replied, taking his place next to you,
steve and sam were stood at the door, watching intently at the interaction.
“count us down steve?” you called over your shoulder.
“3...2...” he began.
“you know piet,” you said, looking at him,.
“1!” steve shouted.
“you have really beautiful eyes.” you added as you broke into a fast sprint, blue light trails following behind you. you heard his startled gasp before he ran after you. your plan to distract him had clearly worked and you got a head start. you stopped at the bench and plopped yourself down, a second before pietro.
“you cheated!” he complained.
“no, i played smart.” you protested. you stood up to walk away for dramatic effect but pietro appeared in front of you with a gush of wind.
“no. you cheated.” he said, taking a step closer.
“i didn’t.” you replied, “steve! sure i didn’t cheat?”
“don’t bring me into this kid!” he called back, him and sam leaving you guys alone.
“see, even cap thinks you cheated.” pietro stated.
“i can’t help that you got distracted by my charm.” you teased.
he groaned and suddenly bent down and scooped you up, over his shoulder. “pietro maximoff put me down!” you squealed, hitting your hands off his back. he ignored your protests and ran around, whistling a faint tune.
“piet please!” you begged, laughter straining your voice. he stopped and threw you off his shoulder but before you landed on the ground you grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him down with you. you landed on the grass with a thud and a wheeze as he landed on top of you. he went limp and let all of his weight lie on you.
“get off me!” you shouted, laughing heavily.
“i’m quite comfortable actually.” he said. his voice was muffled from his head being nestled in the crook of your neck. his breath tickled your neck. you brought your hands up and placed them in his hair, tugging him up so he could look at you.
“piet i’m going to kill you. get. up.” you growled. his signature smirk grew on his face, clearly trying to annoy you. your eyes fell to his lips but you blinked quickly and met his eyes. his smile grew even wider, he noticed your glance.
“looks like you’re going to have to kill me. i’m not moving.” he replied.
“god i hate you.” you sighed, rolling your eyes.
“no you don’t.” you said, pushing himself up on his arms so he was now hovering above you.
“yes i do.” you protested, folding your arms across your chest.
“i really don’t think you do.” he replied, lowering himself closer to you slightly.
you forced a frown on to your face and glared up at him, “fuck off.” you muttered.
he gasped, “fuck off? that’s not very nice.”
“you’re not very nice.” you retaliated.
“ouch.” he said, the smile still present on his face.
“can you get up now?” you asked.
“fine.” he replied, getting up and taking your hand. he pulled you up harshly and you crashed into his chest.
“you are pushing my limits today maximoff.” you said, pushing yourself free from his grip. but it’s never that easy with pietro, he grabbed your wrist. “what the fuck is wrong with-“
he stopped you from finishing your sentence by pulling you in and pressing his lips against yours. you immediately melted at his touch. his hands moved to your waist and yours moved round the back of his neck, into his hair. he pulled you closer, you felt his rough stubble brush against your face. you both pulled back, breathing deeply.
“still hate me?” he whispered.
“yup.” you breathed. you let out a laugh.
“now you’re the bad liar.” he said.
“tony! i’ll take that $20!” you heard sam shout. you both looked up to see him standing on a balcony.
“he made the first move? really?!” tony replied. he jogged out next to sam.
“proud of you speedy!” sam called.
“you better watch it bird man, i can be up there and you’ll be over the edge faster than you can blink!”
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
Can you write a smut in which Jaehyun is one of the members boss and y/n is their girlfriend but jaehyun took a liking on her and he became a little too obsessed with her. So he sabotaged the members into making y/n sleeping with him (maybe because she loves her boyfriend too much that she would do anything for him)
Pairing: boss!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: infidelity, fingering, protected sex, spanking, slight degradation?
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: i dialed down the intensity of this request, i'm so sorry, but i'm not too comfortable writing jaehyun like that (sorry!), having said that, obvs 'immoral' things happen (pls remember this is only fiction!)
“I can’t leave anytime soon, sorry Y/N.”
You heaved a deep sigh on the phone with your boyfriend, Mark. It was the fourth day in a row that he had canceled plans with you, citing a busy workload that needed his attention. It was his first ‘real’ job outside of college, and you knew he was trying to make a good impression, but he’d been working there a month now and stayed late almost every day. His boss sounded really demanding, and you couldn’t help but think he was taking advantage of Mark’s eagerness as a recent college graduate.
“Tell Mr. Jeong he’s an ass and that he needs to let you have a life outside of work,” you grumbled, but Mark just laughed humorlessly.
“You tell him that, no one here puts a foot wrong because they’re scared of him.”
You rolled your eyes, hating the idea of a man with that much power, taking advantage of people below him. “Ridiculous,” you scoffed, “he can’t be that scary.”
“You’ve never met Jeong Jaehyun,” Mark replied ominously.
The next day you decided to see for yourself, showing up at Mark’s office unannounced. He was flustered at seeing you there, and when you told him you wanted to meet his boss he got even more panicky, his eyes going comically wide and his mouth opening in shock.
“No!” he protested, putting his hands up in front of you, “no, you can’t do that! It’s not gonna happen!”
“What’s not gonna happen?” A deep voice said from behind him. Mark turned his head slowly, a look of pure terror on his face.
“Oh Mr. Jeong!” he bowed deeply, and you finally got a good look at Mark’s boss. He was tall and slim, his bespoke three piece suit fitting him perfectly. His hair was beautifully coiffed, pulled back with just a strand falling onto his forehead. His face was stern, but when he caught sight of you something flashed across his face, before he settled into a practiced smile.
“Oh, I believe we haven’t met,” he brushed past Mark’s bent figure and extended his hand to you, “I’m Jeong Jaehyun, and you are?”
“Mark’s girlfriend,” you responded drily, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Behind Mr. Jeong, you could see Mark’s panicked face as he waved his arms at you, signaling you to stop. You ignored him.
Mr. Jeong smiled widely, clearly appreciating your boldness. His smile brought out the most delightful dimples, you couldn’t help but notice, and you shook your head trying to fight the attraction to your boyfriend’s boss.
“What brings you here today, Mark’s girlfriend?” he asked cheekily, eyes dancing with amusement.
Mark was now begging, putting his hands together in a pleading gesture, but still you ignored him. “Just wondering what kind of sweatshop you’re running here, Mr. Jeong. You know, everyone working late with no overtime pay…”
He smirked, while behind him Mark slapped a hand onto his forehead. You were aware you were playing with fire, very well risking Mark getting fired, but you couldn’t help it. You’d always been a shit-disturber.
“I’ll tell you what, Mark’s girlfriend, how about we step into my office and discuss this in private?” he was smiling, but there was an edge to his voice and a dark look in his eyes. You shrugged, following behind him to his office while everyone, including Mark, stared at you in fear.
“Close the door,” he commanded with a wave of his hand, and despite your aversion to people telling you what to do, you obeyed him. Something in his tone of voice made you comply without question.
“So you have a problem with how I run things here?” he didn’t turn to you, didn’t look at you, just moved slowly to his desk and took a seat. You swallowed drily, the effect he was having on you both baffling and intense. You were exhilarated by his commanding presence, by the deep baritone of his voice, by the way he was staring at you now, eyes deep and dark and boring into your very soul.
“Perhaps…” you said, somewhat unsure of yourself now.
The corners of his lips turned up into a smirk, probably fully aware of his effect on people. He knew he had you, and he was going to use that to his full advantage.
“Well I should probably fire Mark for that little outburst you had just now, in front of my entire staff,” he tapped his pen on the table, eyebrows furrowing as he regarded you.
“Please don’t,” you whispered, internally shocked and angry with yourself that you were caving to this man. But he had gotten up from his chair, walking towards where you were standing near the door, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he got closer. It was a simple act, just walking, just unbuttoning, but the way he did it sent a thrill down your spine. He stopped maybe a foot away, close enough that the heady scent of his cologne invaded your senses.
“I can’t look like a weak boss,” he said, his voice gruff as he put his hands on his hips and towered over you, clearly trying to be intimidating. “So tell me what you’ll do for me so I won’t fire your boyfriend.”
You didn’t realize it but your chest was heaving, his effect on you so maddening. Despite yourself, your eyes roamed over his body, stopping at the obvious bulge in his pants. You looked away quickly and he smiled devilishly.
“I think I can work with that,” he said seductively, leaning his face close to yours. “I have a proposition for you then, Mark’s girlfriend.”
Your head snapped back to him, eyes going wide as you knew exactly what he was going to propose. “What is it?” you had to ask, hoping he wasn’t going to ask what you think he was going to ask, but worse, hoping that he would.
He leaned close to whisper in your ear. “You let me fuck you right here in my office, and I’ll let your boyfriend keep his job.”
Your entire body shuddered, from the heat of his breath against your ear, from the close proximity of his body, from the proposition that you had hoped, beyond your better judgment, he would offer. He stepped back after he said it, the absence of him leaving a tangible hole, and walked back to his desk, taking a seat. He was calm, cool, completely collected, as if he didn’t just proposition you to have sex with him so your boyfriend wouldn’t get fired.
“What do you say?” he asked breezily, “Do we have a deal?”
You could say no, and Mark would lose his job, but that wouldn’t be the worst of it. You knew Mark wanted to do well at this job, and you knew he would blame you if he lost it since you had made a scene accusing his boss of bad practices. You had put yourself in this situation and there was only one way out.
“Deal,” you nodded, your heart beating faster at what you had just agreed to. Mr. Jeong raised his eyebrows at you, and then broke into a dazzling smile.
“Smart girl,” he hummed, then motioned for you to come to him. You walked towards him, legs moving of their own accord, and when you were close enough he patted his knees. “Sit on my lap.”
You did as you were told, perching lightly on his knees, but he grabbed your waist and pulled you flush against him. You inhaled sharply when you felt his hard bulge rub against your ass.
“Thank you for wearing a skirt today,” he whispered slyly, his hands on your thighs, pushing your skirt up to your hips. You were breathing even more heavily now, your heart beating so fast you thought it would explode out of your chest. When his hands reached your core you held your breath. “Mm,” he hummed, fingers rubbing your slit over your panties, “you’re wet already, baby. Were you thinking of me, or Mark? Be honest, please.”
You started to pant, his fingers applying just enough pressure that it was making you crazy. “You, just you,” was all you could say, your body aching for more.
He tsked, shaking his head at you. “That’s naughty, baby, thinking of another man instead of your boyfriend.”
He was scolding you, but the sound of his voice and the way he made you feel so dirty just made you more aroused, your panties getting wetter by the second. He felt it, and he chuckled.
“You like that, I see? You like being naughty?”
You just nodded, moaning as he applied even more pressure. At the sound of your moan he suddenly shoved your panties aside, fingering your pussy bare.
“Damn, so wet,” he murmured, sliding his fingers up and down your slit, teasing you so deliciously your eyes brimmed with tears.
“Mr. Jeong,” you panted, “please…”
“What do you want, naughty girl? Hm?”
“More,” you whined, and he finally complied, plunging his fingers into your wet hole.
You arched your back, your head falling onto his shoulder as he pumped his fingers inside of you. His fingers were longer than Mark’s, hitting you in that spot that made your toes curl so fast and so easily that you already felt the knot in your stomach forming.
“You gonna come for me, dirty girl, come on another man’s fingers?” His voice was so deep and so husky in your ear that it made you come, your body shaking and thighs coming together to trap his hand. When you were done he pushed you off of him slightly so he could pull his cock out, and since you had your back to him you couldn’t see what he was doing. You heard a plastic packet rip, realizing he was putting a condom on, then he was pulling you back onto him.
“Turn around,” he commanded, “I want to watch your face as I fuck you.”
Your brain was hazy with your orgasm but you would’ve complied either way, and you turned around so you could straddle him, your legs on either side of his hips.
“That’s a good girl,” he hummed, “so naughty, yet so good for me.”
His praise made heat flood your body, and then he was positioning his cock for you to sink down onto it. You took him in, sinking down on him slowly, feeling him stretch you unlike anyone had ever done before. Your breath caught in your throat, your hands gripping his shoulders as you finally took him all the way in.
“Oh fuck,” you cried, biting your lip to keep from screaming as the pleasure from his cock filling you spread throughout your entire body. You started to move your hips, and the feeling of his cock dragging in and out of you made you throw your head back. “Oh fuck,” you repeated it like a mantra, unable to form anything more coherent than that.
“Mm, you’re so good, baby,” he cooed, holding onto your hips as you rode him, “your pussy feels so good. Mark’s a lucky guy.”
You were aware you probably should have felt shame, but the way his cock felt inside you was too good, igniting every pleasure center in your brain. The only thing you could concentrate on was how it felt as his cock spread you apart.
“Your cock feels so good,” you moaned, thighs burning as you chased your high. You gripped harder onto his shoulders as your orgasm started to build, and he watched your face with a look of smug satisfaction.
“You’re gonna come again, baby?” he asked, his hand coming around to smack your ass. You cried out but it also made your pussy clench, and he was clearly delighted with the discovery. “I should’ve known you liked getting spanked, since you’re a naughty girl,” he smirked, smacking your ass even harder. You whimpered, pussy clenching again, and that flipped something inside him. He grabbed a hold of your hips, eyes hooded as he started to rut up into you.
You wanted to scream, his cock hitting so deep and so hard into you it was making you delirious. You put your hand to your mouth, stifling the whimpers that came out instead, your entire body bouncing at the force of his hips thrusting up into you.
“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, his voice rough, “take my cock like the naughty girl you are.”
You came with a soundless scream, your mouth falling open as your fingers dug into his shoulders. Your legs shook as your pussy clenched hard around him, and he groaned but continued to fuck into you.
“Naughty girl, you’re gonna make me come,” he growled, squeezing your hips hard with his hands as he came, with one last thrust that hit you so deep you lost all breath at the feeling. When he was done, he patted your thigh while looking up at you appreciatively.
“That was good, baby. I’m satisfied,” he said with a smile, “I’ll let your boyfriend keep his job.”
You sighed with relief, but the severity of what you’d just done suddenly hit you. Hastily you got off of him, fixing yourself up to look presentable before you stepped out of his office. Taking a deep breath you opened the door, only to catch sight of Mark looking at you expectantly. You smiled at him, trying not to give away what just happened in Mr. Jeong’s office, and gave a thumbs up. Mark broke into a relieved smile, just as Mr. Jeong stepped out of his office, coming to stand beside you.
“Mark, your girlfriend can be very persuasive,” he said casually, looking at you out of the corner of his eye, “because of her, there will be no more unpaid overtime.”
He winked at you before walking back into his office, as all the employees who heard cheered you, Mark coming up to you to give you a big hug.
“You’re awesome, Y/N, thank you so much,” he said, squeezing you in his arms.
Swallowing your guilt, you just smiled back. “I did my best.”
Thanks for 1.4k :)
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Seven minutes in heaven
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Summary: After a party the team (which includes Loki) has another drink. They decide to play seven minutes in heaven. Loki, who you have a crush on, and you are pick. But the whole situations makes you uncomfertable. Luckily, Loki knows a solution.  Word count: 2.252 words Warnings: Smut
The party was dying down a bit. The last guest who wasn’t an official part of the team had just left. Most of the night you spend with Loki, judging the other guests and laughing about the way some of them danced. And the rest you spend laughing with your other teammates. You liked that Loki was a real member of the team now. It took a long time, but he finally fitted in. You were one of the first persons that Loki connected with, and you had developed a crush on him ever since.
Whenever the two of you weren’t together at the party, you couldn’t help but glance in his direction. He was wearing his black suit and he looked way too good in it. Sometimes he would catch you staring at him and you quickly turned your head back to a conversation, you weren’t really listening to. You were hoping he didn’t saw the blush on your face. The only person who knew you liked Loki was Natasha. She wasn’t understanding at first, but once she was okay with Loki, she was pushing you to do something about it. ‘What is the worst thing that could happen if you tell him?’ she always said to you. The worst thing was Loki rejecting you, of course. ‘And what is the best thing that could happen?’ was always her follow-up. That would be Loki returning your feelings.
But even if it was worth a shot, you never could tell him. You were always shy when it came to guys you like. And this was not a guy you liked, this was a God. You were pulled out of your thoughts when Tony clapped in his hands. ‘Guys, afterparty!’ he boomed. The whole team grabbed another drink while sitting on the ridiculous large couch together. You ended up next to Natasha, which was great, but unfortunately Loki was on the other end of the couch. ‘Why haven’t you told him already?’ she asked you. ‘I- I can’t’ you whispered back. She rolled her eyes at you. ‘Let’s play a game’ you heard Tony suggest. Everyone agreed, a game could be fun. That was until you heard Natasha ‘Let’s play 7 minutes in heaven!’ she gave you a subtle wink.
‘What’s that?’ Thor asked. ‘Two people are chosen to spend seven minutes in the closet, and what they do in there is their business’ Tony explained to the people who didn’t know the game. ‘How do we choose?’ Steve asked. Natasha was already writing everyone’s name down on paper and putting it in a bowl. ‘I’ll pick from the bowl’ she said. You didn’t like where this was going. She put her hand in the bowl, playing with the tickets. She pulled the first one out ‘Ah, Y/N!’ she said slightly too happy for your liking. You glared at her, but she just smiled back at you. She pulled another ticket from the bowl ‘Loki’ she said. Everyone else was whoo-ing like a bunch of children and you felt yourself become redder and redder.
Loki looked a bit confused but stood up and walked towards you. He held out his hand. Now it was your turn to look confused. But you took his hand and he led you to the closet. The rest of the team was still snickering on the couch and you tried your hardest to ignore them. This felt really uncomfortable and forced. Loki opened the closet door for you, and you went inside. He closed the door behind him. The two of you were silent, you could still hear the team in the background, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. The closet was pitch black and you barely could see him. ‘Okay, I still don’t understand it. We’re locked in a closet for seven minutes. What are we supposed to do know?’ Loki asked. You didn’t answer him, how could you? You felt a hand on your shoulder and you immediately tensed up. ‘Are you okay?’ he asked you.
‘Ehm.. yeah’ you stammered. You took a deep breath and tried to relax. ‘This game is mostly played by teenagers. You can do whatever you want.’ you explained to him. ‘Alright, and what is it most people do in here?’ he asked. ‘Like I said, it is mostly played by teenagers. So, mostly the just fool around in here’ you answered a bit meekly. ‘I see’ Loki replied. ‘B- but like I said.. ehm.. you can do anything. Talking is also good’ you went on. That was when you heard Tony yell from outside ‘Loki and (Y/N) are awfully quiet, not much talking going on in there’. The rest of the team started whoo-ing again. You were standing in a dark closet with your crush, while the people outside thought you were busy getting it on, people you had to face in the next five minutes. This was the most uncomfortable moment of your life.
Suddenly you felt two hands grabbing your waist, Loki pulled you a bit closer. If you weren’t already tense, you would have tensed up now. ‘Close your eyes’ he said. Even tough it felt like you were going to be sick, you did as he told you. You felt a breeze around you and noticed that the team suddenly got quiet. ‘Open your eyes, love’ Loki told you. When you opened your eyes, you noticed that you were in Loki’s room. The moonlight lit up his room and you could finally see his face. He looked concerned at you. When you realized that the team was practically on the other side of the building you relaxed. Loki let go of your hips, something you hoped he wouldn’t. ‘You looked really uncomfortable, so I teleported us back here. You can leave if you want. Sorry you got stuck with me’ he laughed awkwardly. You furrowed your brow at that last comment. ‘Thanks, but it wasn’t you. Just the team outside made me feel a bit nervous’ you explained.
A smile formed on his face. He was beautiful when he smiled. Loki took a step towards you and put his hands back on your hips. ‘Hmm, in that case I quite like to finish the game’ he said. The most inappropriate thoughts crossed your mind, making you blush hard. ‘I love it when I make you blush’ he whispered in your ear. He grabbed your chin with one of his hands and you felt his lips almost touch yours. ‘May I?’ he asked. ‘Yes’ you whispered, your mind was racing, and you couldn’t believe this was happening. His lightly kissed you and your eyes fluttered shut. He tasted like pepper mint. Now you know why they called the game 7 minutes in heaven, he really felt like heaven. When he pulled away you put your hands behind his neck, pulling him back in. You felt him smile against your lips. The kissing became more heated. His lips felt right against yours and you felt his tongue sliding against them. You opened your mouth and his tongue slid inside of you. It was slowly circling your own tongue and you felt yourself become aroused.
Loki broke the kiss and tensed up a bit. ‘My love, if we continue now I’m not going to be able to stop’ he whispered to you. You looked into his eyes. They were filled with admiration and lust. You saw him clench his jaw, waiting for you to answer. You were ready to let him ravish you, but you loved that he waited until you actually told him that you wanted this too. You put your hands on his chest ‘Loki, don’t stop. I want you’ you told him. As soon as those words left your lips you felt his lips back on yours. He was kissing you passionately. You felt him move you backwards until your legs hid the bed. He put you down gently and crawled on top of you. You pulled his jacket of him and started to work down his buttons. Loki threw his shirt across the room and started to kiss you neck. You could feel his abs through the fabric of your dress and loved the way his back muscles moved beneath your fingertips. He let out a soft moan and you couldn’t help but giggle a bit. You undid his belt and he pulled down his pants. He was only wearing his boxers now, a sight to behold.
He suddenly grabbed your hips and flipped the two of you around. You were straddling his lap and felt his erection clearly against your core. You instinctively rolled your hips, making the God beneath you gasp. ‘Take off your dress’ he told you. You slowly undressed yourself, taking your time. You saw Loki become impatient and loved that you had that effect on him right now. Your dress was on the floor and the only thing you had on was your bra and thong. Loki grabbed your ass while changing in a seating position. He immediately undid your bra clasp and took it off. His tongue found your nipple and he started to circle it, making it hard. His hand found your other nipple, slightly pinching it. When he was satisfied with his work he laid back down. You started to kiss his neck, trailing downwards. You felt his breathing speed up when you got lower and lower. Your hands found the hem of his underwear and you pulled it all the way down. Loki was know laying completely naked underneath you and you took your time appreciating the sight. He rolled his hips making you gasped and fall forward a bit. Your hands were on his chest and your legs opened a bit wider. You could feel his full erection through the fabric of your thong.
You started to ride him slowly. When he wanted to protest that this wasn’t enough, you swallowed his words with a kiss. When you broke the kiss, you heard him growl. His hands found the side of your thong and he easily ripped the fabric. ‘Take me, now’ he said. He grabbed his cock and lined it up with your entrance. You sat down on his cock, slowly taking every inch of him inside of you. Once he was fully inside you started to move your hips. Loki grabbed your hips, guiding your movements. It didn’t take long before the two of you were moaning and panting. One of his hands slid from your hips and found your clit. He started to trace slow circles around it, smirking and mapping every reaction you had. You felt your orgasm build up, when suddenly Loki flipped the two of you around.
He grabbed one of your legs and threw it over his shoulder. The new angle made it able for him to pound deeper inside of you. He quickened his pace and started to play with your clit again. He was watching you intently and grinned widely when you started to moan his name. ‘I will never grow tired of that’ he huskily said to you. ‘Loki.. I’m close’ you panted. ‘Me too, come fore me (Y/N)’ he panted. Loki thrusted two more times when you felt your wall clench around him and an incredible sensation spreading from your core to the rest of your body. You came moaning his name loudly. After a few more thrusts Loki reached his own high. He collapsed on top of you, but after a few seconds supported himself with his arms, not wanting to crush you with his weight. You stroked his hair and he kissed you slowly. ‘I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time’ he said to you. You smiled at him ‘Me too’. Loki got up and handed you a towel to clean yourself up. He gave you a pair of his boxers and a dark green t-shirt. He himself was in a pair of black pyjama pants.  
He laid back in his bed, pulling you against him. He laid on his back with you on his chest, starting to stroke you, and playing with your hair. When you remembered that you were at a party playing 7 minutes of heaven you tensed up. The team surely would be looking for the two of you right now. ‘Something wrong?’ he asked you. ‘Ehm.. aren’t you afraid they come looking? Shouldn’t we go back?’ you said to him. ‘No worry, my love. I left a note saying we were tired of them and that we left’ he said. Your heart fluttered when he called you ‘his love’. You relaxed in his arms ‘Thank you’ you whispered. ‘Anything for you’ he replied. It didn’t take long for you to fell asleep. You barely registered Loki kissing the top of your head, pulling you closer and wishing you a good night.  
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Rich! Bad Boy!Min Yoongi- Try Me
Just wanna say if you see your name used here, I don’t have beef with you okay? I had a random name generator in another tab and just used the first name I saw.
Once again someone doesn’t want me to be great so....this might be the only post today because I....dunno I can’t post when I’m not in a good mood and its been real shitty.
You were practically glued to his side. His arm was tightly wrapped around your waist as he led you across the room. You had perched your designer sunglasses on top of your head to get a clearer look at your surroundings. Why were you wearing sunglasses at night? Because you could, of course.
Your wore a backless floor length gown in one of his favorite colors. He had insisted you wear your fur coat, but you convinced him to let you leave it in the car. You were on full display, not only for him but for anyone else who thought that they had bought the most gorgeous date for the night. That title was forever and always reserved for Min Yoongi’s girl and tonight only proved it more and more. 
He walked with his held held high as if everyone around him was beneath him. His attired screamed ‘try me, bitch’ From his black suit and tie to crisp white dress shirt and shoes that were worth more than someone’s rent for five months. His hair was slicked back and while he didn’t bother to raise his own pair of shades, everyone could see the glare very evident on his face.
You two were the epitome of a power couple, in the most literal sense and everyone respected that.
“Mr. Min! Welcome!” a nervous and frantic looking man rushed up to you. “This must be your beautiful companion for the night.” he bowed repeatedly. So many times that you lost count. He held his hand out for you to take, but you were left to stare awkwardly. You had no idea what to do in that moment. After a second or two you held your hand out, which he shook a bit too aggressively.
Yoongi calmly used his free hand to raise his sunglasses up. “You gettin’ paid to rip my girl’s arm out its socket?”
“Oh! my apologies Mr. Min!” he instantly let your hand go. “I wasn’t aware.”
“You never are.” he scoffed, allowing his shades sit on the top of his head. “Is our table ready or did they send you here to waste our time?”
“You’re fashionably early! Your comrades haven’t arrived yet.” the host stammered. “Follow me!” he practically disappeared through the sea of people. 
“What a tool.” you spoke for the first time since you left the car. “I’ve never seen a bigger kiss-ass in my life.”
“Hm, trust me I’ve met worse. He’s just a dick-rider for the men who really own this place.” He leaned down and spoke into your ear. “Those guys will literally shit on someone else’s table if I tell them to.”
“How riveting.” you rolled your eyes playfully as he led you through the crowd. It was easy for people to get out of your way. One look from your boyfriend and they were hugged the nearest wall or throwing themselves against the various tables set up all over the place. “Remind me again why we’re here?”
“Don’t make that face.” He smirked. “I told you, official business.”
“And we couldn’t do that somewhere less...sleazy?” you scoffed at the old man with five different women on his arm. “Yoongi-”
“It’s only for a few hours.” he assured. “Then after that, we can do whatever you want, okay?”
“You said that last time.” you hid the pout forming on your face.
“You have my word.”
“Or so you say.” you slipped out of his grip. “Until you have more trash take out.” you shook your head as you walked ahead. Yoongi watched you from behind as you walked ahead. Of course you didn’t need him by your side to be considered intimidating. He bit his lip at the idea of ripping that dress off your body when you got back to the hotel. Shit, he might not even manage to keep his hands to himself in the car.
Yoongi joined you at the table. “ You feel like Soju tonight?”
“Depends on if you want me to start fighting or not.” you raised an eyebrow at Yoongi.
“Hm, on second thought how about imported beer.”
“This isn’t date night at your place, dear.” you replied jokingly.
“Hm, you’re right. It’s been a while since we’ve splurged. We can do wine tonight!” he chuckled in reply as you both sat down. Just as you both got settled, you were met by a small crowd. Yoongi’s friends, of course. 
“Oi! Watch how you handle my fucking jacket! It’s worth more than your life.” Namjoon snapped at that host.
“My apologies sir!”
“Yoongi, Y/N. Good to see you.” Seokjin shook Yoongi’s hand firmly. “Sorry we’re late.”
“We just arrived ourselves.” you replied, relaxing as Yoongi wrapped his arm around your waist again. “Yoongi insisted.”
“Of course he did.” Jungkook sat down. “I saw the other women glaring at you.” he laughed. “You sure know how to make an entrance.” he raised your hand to his lips for a short kiss to your knuckles.
“Of course she does. She’s the best looking woman here.” he huffed as if it was obvious. The host quietly bought the selection for the night.
“Wine for the lady, the usual for the rest of us.” Yoongi spoke for the table.
“Yes sir!”
Before anyone else could speak, a woman in a red dress and white fur coat strode up. “Yoongi? Is that you?”
“Meredith....fancy seeing you here.” Yoongi looked less than thrilled.
“Very!” she seemed a little too happy to see him. It was funny because you had never seen nor heard of this woman in your life. “So...I tried to call you.”
She was completely oblivious of you sitting right there and you didn’t like it.
“What are you doing here?” Seokjin annoyedly spoke up as his drink was poured. “If you couldn’t tell, we’re all trying to enjoy ourselves.”
“I just wanted to catch up with an old friend!” she put her hands up in defense. Her eyes suddenly landed on you. “Whose this?” she fixed her face in disgust
“Y/N L/N, who the fuck are you?” you raised an eyebrow. Your posture straightened up as she glared at you. You threw your sunglasses on the table, crossing your arms as you perked up.
“Are you Yoongi’s pet or something?” she put a hand on her hip. “ Guess they’ll let anyone in!”
“Pet? Oh Honey...Even if that were true it would still mean I’m sitting here and your standing there looking stupid....”
“Oh yeah. He’s probably waiting for the perfect moment to get rid of you!”
You held up a single hand to up Yoongi to signify that you didn’t want him to speak. He looked livid, however you didn’t see the point in him wasting his time or energy on this woman. You slowly stood up. The host held your glass of wine with shaky hands, unsure of what to do.
“Thank you.” you grabbed the glass from him. “Run along now.”
“Yes mam!” the scared host scurried off, obviously not wanting any confrontation. 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” Yoongi asked, watching you with weary eyes. You weren’t confrontational so this was a huge surprise.
“Meredith. That is your name, right?” you smiled sweetly. You took a sip from your glass. “Hm...What a darling coat! I bet it goes with anything.”
“Of course it does! It pairs best with red. I bought it in Paris...” she put a hand on her hip as if she was a model. “As you can see.”
“Too bad beautiful gowns and expensive fur doesn’t make the wearer any less cheap than the next bitch.” you instantly shut down the false sense of security you built for the disrespectful woman. 
“Not done yet....” you cleared your throat before speaking again. “ Whore, Pet, Wife ,Girlfriend, whatever you want to call me, go ahead but best believe my place in Yoongi’s life will always hold rank over you, my dear. You weren’t even important enough for him to tell me about you and we’ve been together for four years going on five as of two months from now.” You put your free hand on your hip. “That’s number one.” you laughed gleefully.
“Damn Yoongi, your girl has guts.” Namjoon whispered.
“That’s my babe.” Yoongi sat back and watched you drag Meredith for filth.
“Number Two! Before you try to feed me shit and call it sugar, make sure you take off the tags on your clothes.” You pointed to the obvious department store tag. “Clearance...nice. I also know fake diamonds when I see them, don’t play yourself.”
Nothing was wrong with fake gems, or clearance items...but pretending you were better than everyone else while lying...that wasn’t gonna go down.
The girl had went completely quiet now.
“Three. Last but not least. Get over this whole convoluted ‘I’m better than you’ ideals you follow because the same people you turn your nose up at are the same people who you rely on on a day to day basis. Shiny hair, expensive clothes, and a posse of fake friends who tell you everything you want to hear does not guarantee happiness. Insulting me because it gives you short lived joy does not guarantee happiness. Pretending you actually have any sense of class when it’s obvious you faked your way to the top of social stardom does not guarantee happiness.” you put your wine glass on the table. “So before I proceed to tell you to go fuck yourself and to stay away from me and my BOYFRIEND...any questions?”
Not even five seconds passed and this woman walked off without another word. You didn’t feel bad, not by a long shot. Respect is something that’s earned any ANYONE who didn’t understand that could get a piece of you.
You sat back down next to Yoongi, grabbing your wine again. “Gentlemen, forgive me for that outburst.”
“Damn babe.” Yoongi wrapped his arm around you again. “That was hot.”
“Good because I’m highly fucking livid right now.” you calmly took a sip of your wine. “Who was that woman?” you turned to glare at Yoongi.
“She was an actress who was paid to portray my wife for a business thing I was forced to do.” he shook his head. “Y/N I promise she means nothing to me. It was before we even met.”
“Good. Let another girl talk crazy to me, I’ll kill you both.” you said with a straight face. “Her for thinking she can talk to me any way she wants, and you for keeping things from me. I will cut you deep, sir.”
“Damn I love you.” he bit his lip. He turned your head towards himself to give you a deep kiss. 
As he had promised, he could barely keep his hands off you in the car. The minute the doors had shut, Yoongi had the hem of your dress bunched up in his fist. His lips feverishly laid open mouth kisses along your exposed neck. 
“Yoongi, we shouldn’t do this here.” you whimpered, even though your actions said the completely opposite.
“Why? No one is gonna stop me. They damn sure won’t say shit about it.” Yoongi stopped for a split second to turn a glare to the limo driver, who was trying very hard not to look in the rear view mirror. “PUT THE FUCKING DIVIDER UP.” he barked.
“Yes sir!!”
Yoongi pushed you down onto the seats, causing you to let out a laugh. The divider was put up and you could hear the sound of fabric ripping.
He had tore a rip up your dress.
“Goodbye $3,000 dress.” you huffed.
“More where that came from.” he laughed, which was quickly replaced with a sadistic smile. “Spread your legs, baby.” he pouted. “Daddy wants to finger you”
“In the car-"
 “When we get back to the hotel, I want you naked on that bed.” he growled. “If not, I’ll fucking rip whatever you have left off.”
... (The Hotel)
He couldn’t even keep his hands to himself in the elevator, any part of you he could get his hands on, he touched. By the time you two had gotten back to the room, you were thrown on the bed. Your dress had a huge tear up the leg and the straps were holding up either. Yoongi had discarded every article of clothing except his pants which were hanging low on his hips at this point.
“How do you want me?” he flicked his tongue against his bottom lip, looking you up and down. “I’ll do whatever you want, babe.” He watched as your shy wall was quickly put up and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Baby doesn’t know?”
“Nuh uh.” you hid behind your hands with a shy smile.
“Hm...my hands?”
“hm....nuh uh.” you shook your head again.
“Hm...my mouth then?” he bit his lips, standing right in front of you. “Where was that fire, honey? Come on.” he grabbed your hands. “Want me to eat that pretty pussy, baby?” He gathered the rest of your dress in his fist. “Come here.”
He began kissing up your bare thighs. You shook your legs, biting your lip. You felt him pull your panties down.
“You were so brave for me, sexy girl. Where’s that fighting spirit? Do you want me to eat this sweet little- hmm.” he dragged his tongue up your slit, laying opened mouthed kisses along your pussy. “You’re brave for the outside world but you still need daddy to take care of you, huh?”
“Mhm!” you nodded desperately.
“Baby you taste so fucking good.” he laughed, lashing his tongue against your hot flesh. “You’re moving so much.” he cackled. “Hmm” he dug his nails into your thighs. “You like it when I eat this pussy?” 
“This is mine.” he mumbled against your heat. “This is all mine. Don’t think I’m done with you yet...”
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