#he really is just allan
dandylion-s · 1 year
Allan is the best because he'd rather be exiled than live in a place decorated by straight men
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scrimblyscrorblo · 3 months
Some Edgar Allen Poe (BSD) Headcanons:
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vampiiric · 4 months
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not sure why i drew this but my day was rough bc im sick and then i smiled while makign this so it looks like they did their job :)
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blousemouse · 6 months
Ik ppl probably have complicated feelings about Lucas and I definitely do too but it's just like. So heartbreaking to me. He loved his brother and was so ready to trust him and believe that he got him back for real. He had a feeling that something wasn't right but he wasn't gonna believe this stranger over his own brother! And now he has to live with the knowledge that Grayson is an AWFUL person and not the brother he knew, and that he's the one that let him get to Jean again. Then while he's still processing this Grayson is gonna die. I really hope there's some redemption for him in book 2 bc I cannot imagine how he's feeling.
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
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Anya zoning out, after Joey decides that Hugh Skinner would be the best co-star to be stuck in a lift with for 24 hours.
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oliverwolfboy · 1 year
Bsd Poe was in the military and you cannot tell me otherwise, I mean come on the man can shoot a sniper where do you think he learned that from? Also irl Poe was in the military so there is some basis other then just him being able to shoot a sniper. Also Poe very obviously has some trauma, I mean come on you’re telling me the man with anxiety and implied depression, who the moment he loses a match against someone else begins to spiral into obsession and revenge plotting doesn’t have at least a little bit of trauma. I swear to god this fandom keeps mischaracterize's Poe as some kind of uwu soft boy, like no he has anxiety that doesn’t make him soft, I swear it’s like the entire fandom is just ignoring the SIX YEARS he spent trying to find the best way to beat ranpo, well that or write it of as him crushing on ranpo, no Poe wanted to beat ranpo to prove himself better, he failed but ranpo acknowledged him as a genius so some of those feelings died down. On that note can we talk about how the fandom doesn’t even treat Poe as a genius and it is infuriating yes he doesn’t do a lot but that’s because he’s constantly being outshined by ranpo, which something the fandom also doesn’t talk about is the fact that Poe is very dependent on ranpo, Poe has no friends other then ranpo so he constantly depends on him emotionally for support or just to feel valued, he gives ranpo anything he asks for and asks for nothing in return and not in a good way. Now this is no critique of ranpoe I love that ship it’s just so irritating to see people present them as if they have no problems at all. In conclusion Poe is very competent and probably was in the military, he just gets overshadowed a lot and misrepresented by fandom
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ilovefredjones · 11 days
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I now think about Pim drinking tea like in S2 Ep 4 all the time and I need all four of them to have tea together immediately, so this came out
(I don’t drink tea but damn do I want them to haha)
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #166
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former-ly-darth · 5 months
Hot take/conspiracy theory
Edgar Allan Poe definitely killed at least one person in his lifetime.
To be clear, if A Tell-Tale Heart had been written by literally anyone other than Poe, I wouldn’t be saying this about them. But Poe inserted himself into a lot of his stories. There was a significant portion of himself in every main-character of every story of his. If anyone else has written A Tell-Tale Heart I would simply say they were a genius, a true master of Gothic Horror. But I don’t trust that Poe did not kill at least one person and get away with it.
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scrimblyscrorblo · 1 month
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I just know there’s in-universe fanfic about him, I just know he writes fanfic too
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Bonus: you know those silly political slashfic you see? Well that but Fitzgerald TT he’s trying not to laugh
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soup-child · 1 year
I just got back from watching the barbie movie with my friends and let me tell you I have some gender feelings about Allan
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swingsetindecember · 1 year
bless allan, he was an mvp
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mikain3d · 3 months
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another rc9gn oc! she’s my other oc Allan’s big sister. will draw her bandmates later
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5hrignold · 5 months
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voydhund · 3 months
i cant draw fullbodies yet but uhh SMILING FRIENDS HEADCANONS GO!!!
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Glep doesn't change at all, he's absolutely perfect as is
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