#he puts on a front but bro hes actually so lost
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toiletclown · 10 hours ago
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.
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spencer agnew x f!reader
fluff <3 word count: 6354
summary: being best friends with spencer agnew was the greatest gift the universe ever gave you. you don't have anyone else in your life who keeps up with you like he does. which is why the flirty banter between you two is so fun, right? it's silly. it doesn't mean anything. right??
(basically the you wanna kiss me so bad x that's so gross get tf away from me freak bestie to lovers trope. or whatever. i don't know. love u.)
“Spencer, ew!” You yelled from across the Board AF table. You were in the middle of a Moose Master shoot, and it had very quickly turned to chaos – as usual. Luckily, Moose Master shoot days meant a long, long lunch after wrap to recuperate the massive amount of energy you lost after screaming and laughing like a banshee for an hour. 
“What, you don't think that’s funny?” Spencer shot back. He was using his freshly-pulled Echo Master card on you, because of course he was. “I'm the one in charge here! You're my echo and you have to say baaaabe if I say it.” He dragged out the word, a whiny cadence, then crossed his arms in front of his chest. Cute, he was attempting to put his foot down.
“I’m not doing that, Spencer!” You crossed your arms right back. Two could play at this game.
Being best friends with Spencer Agnew was the greatest gift the universe ever gave you.
Courtney, Chanse, and Angela were just whipping their heads back and forth, following the banter from each side of the table.
“Alex!” Spencer called out, a last ditch effort.
Alex laughed from off-camera. “Sorry, Y/N. He has the card, he makes the rule.”
“Judas!” You hissed. 
Everyone was laughing at this point, and despite your bickering, you were over the moon. You loved your job, and all your friends. 
“What’s wrong, babe?” He winked at you, and you pretended to gag.
“Babe, nothing is wrong,” You deadpanned. You didn't use the same inflection as Spencer, wondering if he would try to argue that that counted as a penalty.
“Penalty card! Pull a penalty card!” Spencer’s face was filled with childlike glee. Bastard, of course he would pull that shit. Although, you selfishly loved seeing his face light up like this. You loved seeing him happy. 
“For what?” Courtney asked, no malice in her voice – they were enjoying the show.
“No answering questions!” Spencer yelled, thinking he pulled one over on you.
But really, Courtney pulled one over on him. “Penalty card, pull a penalty card, Spence!” You mocked him, rubbing it in his face.
“Bro, you want to kiss me so bad right now,” Spencer made several kissy noises at you.
“Do we still have a yeet bucket available?” You begged, tipping your head back and rolling your eyes.
“Do we?” Spencer asked you, remembering the rule that got him yet another “bummer, this is your penalty card to keep!” card. It was first to seven, and he was at six. You, however, were at four.
The game went on and on, you echoing Spencer’s babe, incessantly. You finally missed one and took your penalty card, but you had lasted several rounds of play and were still proud of yourself. However, if this was a bummer card, you would lose.
You hold the penalty card face down, attempting to build suspense. “Can I have a drumroll?”
Spencer immediately began tapping his fingers on the table.
You squealed. “Lucky day! Hmm, who shall I give this to…” You held the card up to your face, tapping it against your chin as though in deep thought.
Everyone started shouting names. Courtney called for Spencer. Spencer called for Angela. Angela called for Chanse. Chanse called for Spencer, too.
You shot the card across the table to Spencer, and it hit him in the face. “Oops! Sorry, I’m a bad shot,” you shrugged, knowing he wouldn’t actually care.
“I gave you a drumroll!” He yelped, incensed that you would do this to him, knowing he was one card away from being out.
“Sorry, babe, it wasn’t the right tempo.”
You and Spencer decided on Homestate for lunch, sitting in your car in the Smoffice parking lot, bent every which way to be comfy and facing each other in the small car.
You loved having time alone with Spencer, and you refused to think deeper into why. You weren’t that extroverted in your real life. It was easy to be extroverted on camera, especially when your best friends in the entire universe are there with you, making you double over in laughter, egging you on to take a joke further.
The past few times you’ve been one-on-one with Spencer, you had gotten a bit nervous right beforehand. You’ve never, in all your years of friendship with Spencer, felt nervous before seeing him. And you were choosing to blame one Courtney Ruth Miller for this.
“Spencer’s thirst trap edits on TikTok,” Courtney giggled.
Shayne breaks into that high-pitched laughter that only Courtney brought out of him, and Amanda was laughing in either disbelief or agreement. Actually, it was probably both.
“No, I don’t save them,” Courtney clarified. “But I send–I send them to him.” 
“Check this out, dude,” Shayne said in his frat bro voice.
“And also me, why don’t I check it out again?” Courtney laughed again.
“Also, where did I save that? Hmm…” Amanda added.
The room devolved into a fit of giggles.
Courtney left out a small part of the story. You were usually the one that sent the edits to her.
You wouldn’t say that you had a crush on Spencer. Or that you even had feelings for him that weren't platonic. But sometimes, late in bed, scrolling on TikTok, your for you page would really be for you and put a thirst trap edit of your best friend on your feed. Sometimes, once you sent a video to Court, your algorithm would pick up on it and put a bunch of edits in a row. You’d watch them all, sending half of them to Courtney, fawning over how pretty he was.
You didn’t have feelings for Spencer, you just had eyes that worked. You knew he was beautiful, with his wild, curly hair, his glasses, his humor. Everything about him was attractive to you. He was extremely funny, never took a joke too far, and respected your boundaries. These were all desirable traits, normal things to find attractive in another person.
But, when you watched that Smosh Mouth episode, and dared to look at the comments, your stomach started burning.
The spencer thirst edits is so real, courtney
I also send my friends spencer thirst edits <3
Spencer thirst trap enjoyers rise up !!
You couldn’t place the emotion that was rising inside you, swallowing you. You weren’t dumb, you knew that other people saw those edits. You once saw one with over 20k likes, clearly Spencer being attractive wasn’t a hot take. And it wasn’t – he was objectively hot in looks alone, right? But knowing him personally, well, that only endeared you to him more. 
Jealousy. You felt… jealous. You had pinpointed the emotion that was skyrocketing your body temperature, but you needed to pinpoint the reason now. Why do you feel jealous? What is there to be jealous of? He’s not yours. 
You had had a bit of an anxiety attack over it all when you woke up this morning. You let it all fade away once you got to the office, but sitting in your tiny car, cramped up next to Spencer… the confusion, the jealousy, it was all rearing its head once more.
“You good, babe?” Spencer asked, followed by a large bite of quesadilla.
For some reason, the pet name – despite its frequency in conservation with Spencer – burned you just a little more.
You moved your food to the side, no longer hungry. “Yeah, Spence. I’m okay.” But your voice was tight, and you knew it gave you away. Spencer always knew.
“Y/N, you know you’re a shit liar.” He tossed a crumpled up napkin at you, his way of encouraging you to open up. 
You let out a laugh, weakly. “Shut up.”
Spencer tapped your leg, prompting you to meet his eyes. “Hey. Please? Let me help my best friend,” he said, and the platonic tone he used made you want to shrivel up and pass away. His best friend. That was all you were, all you would ever be. You thought you had made peace with this sentiment, years and years ago. You thought this was a thing you understood, a thing that was an unspoken agreement. 
But maybe it wasn’t. “I don’t think I want to talk about it just yet. Let me process a bit more, and you’ll be the first one to know.” You held out your right pinky, silently asking for a pinky swear.
Spencer smiled, a beautiful sight in the afternoon sun, and linked his pinky with yours. You both leaned in, kissing your respective thumbs to signify the pinky swear was official. It was something you had done for so many years at this point, that the motion was entirely subconscious. 
You pulled away with more force than was necessary, but if Spencer noticed, he took mercy and he didn’t question you. “Let’s talk about you!” You blurted out, desperately trying to redirect the conversation. “How are the apps treating you?” You said ‘apps’ with a certain sense of disdain, meant to come off as a joke but coming out more truthful than you meant.
You’re not sure why this was your best choice for “redirecting the conversation”. Because whatever he was going to say wasn’t going to be any easier to hear.
“Oh, I deleted ‘em.” 
Eyes wide, you leaned forward again, your body constantly stuck in a gravitational pull towards him. “What? When? Why?”
“Who, what, when, where, why, and how?” He mocked you, and you made a big show of rolling your eyes.
“You’re so dramatic, Y/N. I love it.” He said. 
So, you did what you always did. “I might be dramatic but I’m always right.” You loved your friendship with Spencer, because he was the only one that pushed you hard enough. You loved to volley insults back and forth, and to have someone keep up with you when you’re really in the groove. Here you were, starting up your game. A back and forth of barbs with frightening frequency, always on the same page. Spencer never had a problem keeping that insane pace with you. It almost seemed like you were the one running, and he was on a leisurely stroll right behind you, never struggling to keep up with you. Always right there.
“Best friend my ass, why didn’t you tell me!” It was a rhetorical question, and you didn’t need or want an answer to it. You were afraid of what his reasoning would be. 
What if he met someone?
He didn’t seem to pick up on your internal battle. “I don’t know, we haven’t really hung out lately.” His voice was suddenly a lot lower, an air of sadness in his tone. “I feel like this is the first time I’ve had you to myself in a month.” 
Your heart skipped a beat, just for a moment, at that. You decided to push your luck.
“Had me to yourself, eh?” You winked at him, “And you say that I want to kiss you so bad.” You leaned back again, letting the space between you and Spencer return to a normal, friendly, platonic amount. 
To his credit, Spencer was usually the one that made the suggestive jokes. Then, you would shut him down immediately. You would call him disgusting, say he could only have you in his dreams, make a small dick joke, something. That was how the bit went. But you were surprised to see how dumbfounded he looked.
“Sorry I stole your bit,” you exhaled, a bit breathless at the way he was looking at you. Like you were always surprising him, and that he loved it. Like he could maybe love you.
Your phone’s alarm went off, signaling it was time to go back inside. You didn’t have another shoot today, but Spencer had a livestream. Maybe you’d sit in, but you’d more than likely go for a walk to try and get rid of this negative, nervous, jealous energy.
Spencer groaned, and you laughed. “What?”
“I just wanted more time with you is all,” he started, measuring your reaction. When you raised an eyebrow, he pushed his luck. He leaned over the console, right up to your face. Your lips were merely an inch apart, a soft, warm kiss just a small distance away. You stayed silent, and you stayed still. 
A beat.
He looked down at your lips.
Another beat.
“Wanted to see how bothered I could get you,” he whispers, and as he speaks he loses his balance for a second. Your lips brush for the quickest moment. It wasn’t a kiss, not really, just a slight touch. Lips to lips, but no pressure. No romance. 
Somehow, you both managed to keep your faces straight.
Then, Spencer pulled away, agonizingly slow, tantalizingly slow. You didn’t breathe for a moment. It felt like recess again, like you had just run around too hard for too long and now your little lungs couldn’t fill up all the way. 
You forced yourself to stay silent. He smiled again, a wickedly beautiful thing. Then he left you in your car, a raging fire fueled further with every one of his antics.
After three full minutes of deep breathing exercises, you finally reentered the office. As soon as the door came to a close behind you, Alex came sprinting up to you, scaring you a little with their sense of urgency.
They came to a stop right in front of you, and after doubling over trying to catch his breath, he finally spoke. “Angela got sick after lunch,” Another quick breath, “can you come do the livestream with Spencer in her place?” 
All that fucking nervous energy came flooding back in, thousandfold. Those deep breathing exercises were useless. All for naught.
Alex was desperate, and despite your current problem, you loved him. And Spencer. And Smosh. Fuck it.
“Yeah, of course I can. Is there anything planned?” You said, following behind them when they rejoiced and started heading for the stage.
They laugh, which makes you laugh, only his was genuine and yours was nervous and obvious.
“Oh, no, what?” You asked, another nervous chuckle coming out of you.
You had reached the door to the stage, and when you walked in you watched as Spencer rattled on about – you listened a bit closer – Family Guy? What the hell, sure. Alex probably told him to start the stream and keep it going while they grabbed someone to cover.
You’d like to think you were Alex’s first choice. You knew that you and Spencer had incredible chemistry on camera, which was only because you had incredible chemistry for real. There was a not insignificant amount of the fanbase that shipped you two. Sometimes, if your TikTok FYP didn’t serve you Spencer thirst traps, it served you edits of the two of you flirting. Compilation videos of moments you shared on camera would come up in your YouTube suggestions. And you watched them all. All the way to the end.
And that never really made much sense, now did it? Why watch these videos speculating on the romantic nature of the friendship you cherished so dearly? You wanted it to be just friendship. That’s what you’ve wanted for nearly ten years now.
And now, all of the sudden, it really was starting to feel like ‘friends’ wasn’t enough. Like you wanted more, and you wanted it bad.
You walked over to the livestream setup, making a loud whooping noise to announce your arrival. “Big dick daddy’s back in town baby!” You said, for some fucking reason. While you were doing your breathing exercises in your car, you were also on Twitter. Clearly the brain rot was influencing you. Or it was the gas leak.
You went with that.
“Whoa, coming in hot, eh?” Spencer said, looking up at you while you fiddled with the headphones before sitting in the comfy little swivel chair next to him.
His eyes were full of love, but you knew that was just because you were saving his ass right now.
That was all. You couldn’t indulge yourself in the possibility of it being more. 
You just realized, as you nestled into the chair next to him, that you and Spencer hadn’t done a solo stream together yet. You were in a few of the group livestreams together, when there were four or five cast members involved. But you had yet to do one this… intimate. You shuddered mentally at that word.
“I’m here with Mr. Spencer Agnew, sir, can you tell us what we’ll be doing today?” You asked Spencer, holding your fist up like you had a microphone in. You leaned closer and shoved your hand in his face.
He laughed, and if you actually did have a mic in your hands, the audio would have peaked from the sheer sound of it. You didn’t think your bit was that funny, but you appreciated his enthusiasm.
Spencer played into all your bits. You were always thankful for that. You were never made to feel like your joke was going to bomb. He put his mouth right up close to the ‘mic’ you were holding, and he wrapped his hand around yours like he was trying to steady the ‘microphone’ himself. You threw your head back, giddy.
“Well, Mr. Big Dick Daddy, today we have a FNAF livestream! Super excited to be here, super excited that you are here, because I know how much you hate jumpscares.”
“Alex! You fuck!” You screamed in his general direction. That was why they had laughed when you asked them what was planned.
Spencer snickered, then added a dramatic gasp. “Hey! I was the one who decided that we were playing FNAF, don’t give them all the credit!”
“The only thing I’m going to give you credit for is giving me a heart murmur at such a young age, dickwad.” You crossed your arms in defiance, then bumped shoulders with Spencer to make sure he knew you were okay. “You play, please?” You asked, timid, picking up the controller. “I’ll watch. Please?”
Spencer couldn’t deny you much. He’d proven time and again that despite the way you both spoke to each other, your best friend had a soft spot for you. He gave you a reassuring smile, grabbing the controller from your hands. Just out of frame, one of his hands landed on your knee, a sign of safety, a hint of comfort. You instantly found yourself calming down, despite knowing you were about to get wrecked in the chat for your reactions to the jumpscares.
You looked over at chat for the first time since you sat down, and a blush started forming. The monitor displaying the chat was just off to your left side, and you were able to eye it surreptitiously. 
fuck they are SO cute
shayne and courtney truthers turned to spencer and y/n truthers WAKE UP!! it’s our time!!
the way she’s leaning into him goddddddddd ME AND WHO?
between the shourtney lore we’ve been getting and now these two, i’m going to explode
they act just how me and my now wife acted before we made the leap from friends to lovers. i have faith !!
The last comment stood out to you the most. So much so, that you didn’t realize you didn't answer Spencer’s question. The chat was flying, the comment you committed to memory long gone.
“Sorry, I zoned out. That Homestate was so good, I think I need a nap now.” You decided to acknowledge it while still deflecting. 
Spencer chuckled. He was swapping through the cameras in the game at warp speed, click, click, click. Click, click, click. You didn’t know how he even processed what he was looking at, or for. “You didn’t even finish it, how are you this tired?” 
“If I remember correctly, I was interrupted.” You shot a fiery look at him, pushing him. This was a livestream, nothing could just be cut out of it. He had to be careful. You wanted to see if he would be.
“You want to kiss me soooooo bad, Y/N.” To anyone else, that retort was normal. He’d said it to you on camera about a hundred times. Hell, he said it a few hours ago. But he was pushing back. Teetering dangerously on the line of caution.
You were trying to figure out if you should just push both of you over the edge, sending each other tumbling into madness. But you also wondered if you should pull him back by the sleeve of his stupid hoodie. “Maybe, maybe not,” was what you settled on. 
Chat exploded again, you could see the feed rapidly updating in your periphery. For your own sanity, you decided not to actually try and read anything being said.
“Oh, ew!” Spencer shouted. Your look of confusion, borderline a look of hurt, sends him spiraling and he hurries to explain. “You always say something mean to me when I flirt with you, I figured I’d return the favor this time.” He ended his declaration with a wink. Spencer wasn’t being mean, he was giving you a dose of your own medicine.
Fuck the cliff, fuck any sort of ground you’ve ever stood on. You were free falling, hurtling at record speed, mere moments away from going splat! all over the comically large bullseye painted below. It was the best adrenaline rush you’d ever experienced. All-encompassing, consuming, hungry.
“Ohhhh,” you said, like you just got the joke. “Okay, let’s go again. I’m ready this time!”
Spencer continued playing the game, focus never breaking because this was everyday for you. Neither of you had an on-camera persona when you were next to each other. It was just your friendship. The things you said off-camera, you said just as loud on-camera.
You watched as his thumbs flew around on the controller, flipping through the cameras, shutting the doors. No major jumpscares yet, but the knowledge that they would come was still in the back of your mind.
His hands were nice. Not too big, his fingers stopping not far above the tips of yours when you would hold your hands up to each other’s. You were both big on physical affection, so that was often. They were extremely dextrous, watching him type on a mechanical keyboard felt near-religious. The way they sped around, key-to-key, no effort needed, no concentration, no looking at the keyboard. 
He finally spoke again. “I’m waiting for you to do your line, babe.”
Spencer was on the brink of the danger zone. He didn’t call you babe on camera that often, as though he wanted to keep that for just the two of you, as often as possible. When he did, it was either a whisper – low enough the editor would have to add in an on-screen caption – or in a mocking manner like today’s Moose Master.
“Shit, sorry. Okay.” You did a few speech and breathing exercises, rapidly moving from noise to noise, just to make him laugh. “If I remember correctly, I was interrupted.”
“You want to kiss me so bad, babe. You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
Your head turned to him at Mach 1. Not necessarily because of his words, but because of how nonchalantly he spoke them. Like you didn’t have at least 5,000 eyes on you right now. Like you weren’t livestreaming, on the internet, for everyone and their fucking mother to see.
Like you weren’t having your heart ripped out on a live feed. 
The universe decided to throw you a bone, but it was unfortunately in the form of a jumpscare. It had you screeching, knees pulled up to your chest in your chair, both hands suddenly gripping Spencer’s hoodie. Your heart rate was through the roof, and anything you felt a minute ago was gone, replaced only with this new strain of adrenaline and a little bit of fear.
“Fuck!” You yelled one last time, your string of expletives sure to get clipped and bleeped to death for TikTok. “Sometimes I try to play this game and I remember that literal children can play this. This shit scares me at my big age, and my little cousins are telling me all about the fucking lore like it’s fun!”
“It is fun!” Spencer cut in, defending Scott Cawthon’s honor. The game was still on the ‘game over’ screen, and he was making no moves to jump back in. He wanted to make sure you were okay to continue, and you loved him more for it. He was so thoughtful, you wanted to throw up.
“No, no, the game is fun, please don’t attack me, chat!” You said through a fit of laughter. “I like the game, I promise. I can watch Spence play it, but I can’t ever play it myself because I simply freak out at everything. It’s embarrassing!”
“It’s cute.” Spencer restarted the night, since you had lightly tapped his knee to let him know you were okay to keep going. But now that he said that, you weren’t as sure. He was going to be the death of you, and he was likely going to enjoy it. Sadist.
After a few small jumpscares, another big one came in the form of Foxy. You yelped, again, shutting your eyes and grabbing onto Spencer’s hoodie for the second time in less than twenty minutes. “I told you that you would give me an irregular heart beat, but I think you just want me to die on camera.” 
“Hey,” Spencer said, voice soft and serious while not being too vulnerable. You were being watched after all. “Don’t say that.”
You kissed his cheek, deciding that nothing fucking mattered anymore. So what, you were in love with your best friend. It’s okay that he doesn’t think of you that way, because at least he’s in your life. You might as well do some fan service. Have some fun. 
“Sorry, babe.” Your head found his shoulder, curled up into him. Far too intimate for a Five Nights at Freddy’s let’s play livestream, far too intimate for ‘friends’. But Spencer just readjusted to wrap his arm around you, reuniting his hand with the controller once you wiggled around a little to get comfortable. It was a tight fit, but it wasn’t a bad one. It was comfy. You’d played video games like this with Spencer before, though usually you were in a dark living room, illuminated only by the TV screen as you watched him play Fortnite or Resident Evil or as you played Stardew co-op together. Never like this, cameras and microphones and viewers. But it felt nice, that he wanted to love you so loudly, despite you just being friends.
Ian called you into a meeting room two minutes after the livestream ended. Both of you, actually.
“Ian? What’s going on?” You asked, feeling panicked.
Ian sat down and let out a breath, contemplating his word choice. “Okay, so,” he paused, once again trying to figure out his wording. “So, I just have to ask, because I’m your boss, and because this is unfortunately a ‘business’ –” he added air quotes around the word ‘business’, which made you and Spencer chuckle, “Are the two of you in a relationship?”
You were genuinely too stunned to speak. You looked at Spencer, who was already looking at you. Because of course he was. Because of course Ian’s asking this question. Because why aren’t you dating? Why have you been wasting all these years as ��just friends’ when you’ve both clearly been in love with each other this whole time? You finally broke the silence.
“Not that I’m aware of?” It was a cop out, but you needed to talk to Spencer one-on-one. This wasn’t a conversation to have in front of your boss. “You?”
Spencer slowly shook his head before looking at Ian once more. “Yeah, no, not as far as I know.”
Ian sighed. “And you would be one hundred percent honest if this changed?”
“Yes, Dad. If me and Spencer decide to start making out, we will ask for your consent first. Sorry, Dad.” You said, trying to ease the tension in the room. It was making you claustrophobic.
Thankfully, Ian and Spencer laughed. “Yeah, sorry Y/N’s Dad. We promise to ask you first. Please make sure you do not have Slack alerts silenced at any time.”
After some laughs, Ian stood back up and wrapped you and Spencer in a hug. Once he pulled back, he whispered, “Please tell me first so I can win the office bet.” And then, he was gone.
“Office bet?” You asked, turning to Spencer in confusion. 
He shrugged, “I’m not sure.”
“Okay. Well, can you come over tonight? I think I want to talk to you about that thing from earlier. I think I’ve processed enough.” You smiled at him, baiting him in.
“Well, I was supposed to hang with Alex tonight, but they’ll understand.” Spencer grabbed your hand, linking your fingers loosely. “I’ll see you tonight, babe.” 
And then you were alone.
With a lot of thinking to do.
You had agreed that Spencer would be at your place at 9pm. It was currently 8:45pm and you were on the verge of passing out from stress. You’d been doing laps around your apartment for an hour, and you’d never been so happy to be on the bottom floor. You cannot imagine being someone’s upstair’s neighbor right now. 
You paced once more, repeating the cycle. Kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, on and on forever. Luckily, Spencer was always a little early. He knocked on your door at 8:50pm.
You rushed over, but waited a second before opening the door. You didn’t want to seem too eager. This likely was going to be an extremely emotional conversation. What if you came off desperate?
Once you had paused for what felt like a normal amount of time, you opened the door to Spencer’s beautiful smile. “Hey, babe,” he greeted.
He nodded towards the entrance, “Can I… come in?”
Oh, right. You were still fully blocking the way. “Oh, sorry, of course!” You laughed, stepping to the side. “Entrée!” You were acting like a fool, but you were nervous as hell. You deserved some slack.
As he entered, you could tell he showered before coming over. You could smell his body wash and his cologne. And it… excited you. You loved the way he smelled, which is why you were constantly stealing his hoodies. 
You followed him through your kitchen and into your living room, sitting down next to him on the sofa. Instinctively, you curled right up to him. Though, as soon as you actually noticed this, you pulled back and put a bit of space between the two of you. You can’t be cuddling him when you’re planning to have a heavy conversation about feelings.
Spencer cleared his throat, and you finally met his eyes. “Is everything okay?” He reached a hand out, and you graciously accepted it. You needed a little grounding right now.
Without your consent, tears started pouring out of you, but you did your best to get your words out. “Yeah. Yeah, Spence, everything is okay,” you let out a laugh, and even though it sounded sad due to your state, it was a happy laugh. “Everything is great. I just, um, I just have a question. And it might be silly, but I want you to be honest.” You were thanking the universe that you got everything out without choking. Your tears were still falling, but luckily they were mostly silent.
“Of course, Y/N. What’s up? You’re starting to scare me a bit.” His thumb was rubbing at your hand, a featherlight touch that was so comforting, you could start sobbing all over again.
“Um, Spencer, are we in love?” You were sheepish, admittedly. It was a strange question to ask, and you were terrified at what his answer could be. It seemed like any answer was going to hurt, whether it was a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.
Spencer started blushing, and sputtered a bit before saying, “Uh, are we in love? Like you and me?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re saying it like it’s impossible!” Even though that thought should hurt, a stab wound with the knife ripped out to make sure you keep bleeding, it didn’t. Because it wasn’t impossible, it was the reality, and you knew that.
“I-I mean, fuck, Y/N. Yeah, I’m definitely in love with you. I just didn’t know it was a mutual thing.” Spencer was getting teary-eyed now, and you just wanted to hold him.
So you did. You climbed into his lap, straddling him. Not in a sexual way, in a, I-need-to-be-close-to-you-right-now way. In a way that brought both of you comfort and peace. You hugged him as tight as you could. “I’m sorry, Spencer. I’m sorry it took me so long to understand.”
Spencer was hugging you just as hard, and when he laughed you felt the vibrations blossom in your chest, too. What a beautiful thing, physical touch. 
“It’s okay, babe. I was okay with waiting,” Spencer was softing running his hands through your hair now. “I knew I was going to have to wait – you’re fucking oblivious.”
You pulled back with a gasp, “Hey!”
“Baby, it’s been nearly ten years. I’ve been flirting with you excessively and loudly in videos with millions of views for years.” Spencer’s eyes were shining again, and you let yourself get lost in them for a moment. 
“I watch YouTube compilations of us flirting!” You blurted out, again, for some fucking reason. What the hell was going on with you today? 
Spencer’s laugh was boisterous, and it shook both of you. You were laughing just as hard. “Hey, I do, too. One time someone on Twitter caught me liking a fancam of us. I’m secretly very happy likes are private now.” 
“Wait, am I your girlfriend now?”
“Do you want to be my girlfriend now?”
You shook your head, “That is not how you’re asking me out, Spencer Agnew.”
He laughed, “My bad, let me start over. Y/N, baaaabe? Will you be my girlfriend? FInally? After ten agonizing years? Please?”
“Oh, my god, Spencer, that one was bad, too!” Your laughs were slightly betraying you, however.
“Baby, please, be my girl. Please?”
You broke out in a feverish blush, and put your head on his shoulder. “Yeah,” you laughed, “Yeah, I will.”
Spencer pressed a soft kiss to your head. “Sorry, what was that?”
You pulled back to look him in the eyes. You grabbed his chin with both of your hands so you could really drive your point home. “Yes, Spencer. I’ll be your girl.”
“Thank fucking god, can I kiss you now?” He was borderline panting now.
“Anytime, babe.”
And he did. He kissed you hard, and he kissed you soft. He was rough, and he was slow. He was everything, all at once, and it was dizzying and intoxicating in the best fucking way.
You weren’t sure how long you both sat there kissing, but it was well into the morning. You woke up in the middle of night, legs tangled with Spencer’s. You had both fallen asleep on your couch, and you were sprawled out across Spencer’s sleeping body. He was snoring very faintly, which was fucking adorable.
You fumbled around in the low light for your phone, checking the time. It was 2:04am. You also had a message from Ian.
I’ll have the HR forms on your desk in the morning. Love you both <3
Damn him.
You woke Spencer up after you had gotten up to pee. After a few minutes of attempting to get him to stand up, you both migrated to the bedroom. Under the covers, you both cuddled up to each other instantly. He sleepily kissed your forehead and wished you a good night. It was the most peaceful sleep of your life.
When your alarm went off a mere four hours later, you both were tempted to ignore it. Unfortunately, you both had extremely busy days to tend to. You showed Spencer Ian’s text, which he laughed at. “I hate him.”
You snorted, “Same.” Despite this, you shot him a text.
I’ll bring my favorite pen to sign them with. We’ll be a little late this morning. Busy night :)
“Oh, don’t tell Ian that, please.” Spencer laid back against the pillow with his arm over his eyes, always the drama queen.
Ian’s reply came in, Please respect my boundaries of not discussing my employee’s sex lives. Love you both.
You laughed at his semi-contradiction. You won’t talk to your employees about personal shit but you’ll tell them you love them. Okay, Dad.
You then sat your phone down, and cuddled back up with Spencer. Just for another quick moment. “Five more minutes of this? Then we can get ready.”
“Yeah, I’ll steal something from cast wardrobe today. And I’m sure one of my hoodies is in your car.”
You gaped at the accusation, “Ugh! You don’t know that.”
“Y/N, I saw my grey Legacy hoodie in there yesterday.” He smiled at you, and you loved that he paid attention to you like this. You knew that that hoodie was in there. But it was in the backseat under a number of random items, because you were trying to conceal it. But he saw it anyway, because he sees you. And you were beyond thankful for that.
“Yeah, yeah.”
You both laid in silence, just breathing each other in. This was nice. You could get used to this. You were excited to have this part of Spencer, this side of him that’s just for you. The one that’s extremely soft and caring, but still extremely hilarious. The side that’s so understanding, so observant, so loving. 
Maybe loving Spencer Agnew was the greatest gift the universe ever gave you.
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luminologism · 2 months ago
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"it would do you well to direct me to your leader, lest you anger the empire of the moon and her children."
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solxamber · 26 days ago
Trash Novel Chronicles: My Knight is Too Loyal || Sebek Zigvolt
You wake up as the villainess in a novel that had to be written as a joke. The heroine is trying to ruin your life, but if you refuse to acknowledge her, then it’s not happening. Right? …Right??
It doesn't help that your knight, Sebek, is annoyingly endearing.
Series Masterlist
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You were finally done.
After a grueling week of unpacking, assembling furniture that came with instructions written in an eldritch language, and resisting the urge to commit arson when you realized your kitchen had exactly one electrical outlet, your new apartment was finally livable. Spacious, well-lit, and with an actual window that didn’t face another building? A true luxury.
With a sigh of contentment, you set your trusty roomba loose to clean up the dust bunnies while you kicked back with your favorite pastime—reading an absolutely garbage webnovel.
This particular one had come highly recommended in the “so bad it’s good” category, and hoo boy, did it deliver.
The plot, as far as you could tell, was this:
Prince Malleus (overpowered second male lead) was best friends with the villainess (actually cool).
Sebek, loyal knight, was also sworn to protect the villainess. He liked her. They were childhood friends. He was ride or die for her.
Enter the heroine, who spawned out of nowhere, latched onto Malleus, and immediately decided that she needed Sebek’s loyalty so she could get closer to him.
She then proceeded to sabotage the villainess at every turn, and somehow no one thought this was weird.
The villainess, kept fighting back—until she got poisoned on Sebek’s watch.
Sebek, devastated, exiled himself in disgrace.
And then the Duke of the North (where did he come from???) married the heroine.
You had to put your phone down because you were WHEEZING.
How. HOW???
How was this woman out here killing the prince's best friend and still pulling a wedding out of it?? Who was writing this? Why did Sebek go into self-imposed exile when the obvious answer was to punt the heroine into the sun???
You wiped a tear from your eye, clutching your stomach. "Exiled himself in disgrace—oh my god, bro, what are you doing—"
Feeling the desperate need for a snack to recover from this literary war crime, you got up and made your way to the kitchen.
At that moment, your roomba—your once-trusted ally in the battle against dust—made a choice.
It bumped into the precariously stacked pile of moving boxes you had yet to sort through.
You turned just in time to see your doom.
A full avalanche of books, kitchenware, and your entire collection of novelty mugs came crashing down on you.
Your last thought before the world faded to black?
"Should’ve never trusted a roomba."
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There were several ways you expected to wake up. A soft ray of sunlight filtering through your curtains? Sure. The soothing sound of birds chirping? Ideal. Maybe even a hangover if past-you made bad decisions? Understandable.
What you did not expect was to be jolted out of unconsciousness by the auditory equivalent of an angry airhorn.
“Sebek,” another voice interrupted, eerily calm in comparison. “It will be fine.”
Like. The Sebek?
Your eyes snapped open like a possessed doll in a horror movie, and standing in front of you were none other than—drumroll please—Malleus Draconia and Sebek Zigvolt, looking like they had been ripped straight out of that godawful webnovel.
Sebek was vibrating with fury, looking a split second away from detonating like a nuclear warhead. Malleus, meanwhile, seemed vaguely relieved that you were awake.
Your brain struggled to reboot.
You looked down. Fancy dress? Check. Lace gloves? Check. Suspiciously villainous vibes? Check.
Oh no.
You were the villainess.
Malleus, in his infinite patience, took your absolutely deranged expression as a cue to explain, “The heroine tripped you, and you lost consciousness.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
You covered your face with your hands. “So now I have to deal with that dumbass?”
Sebek immediately whipped out his glove, preparing to slap someone into another dimension. “THIS INSOLENCE CANNOT STAND. I SHALL CHALLENGE HER TO A DUEL AND—”
“Sebek, no.”
“Sebek. Put the glove down.”
“Sebek. No.”
Malleus, amused, simply observed as if watching an entertaining stage play. Probably because his solution would be to turn the heroine into a very apologetic pile of ashes.
Sebek begrudgingly reabsorbed his rage (for now), but he was still seething.
Malleus, after ensuring you were probably not about to die, excused himself and left the room. Sebek remained, arms crossed, radiating enough protective energy to function as a personal bodyguard and a security alarm.
You sighed, rubbing your temples. “Sebek, from now on, I’m just going to ignore her.”
Sebek visibly short-circuited.
“You—you're just going to let this blatant disrespect slide???”
He looked like he had been personally betrayed by the laws of honor and decency, but after a long moment, he reluctantly agreed. Probably because you had the final say in this.
As soon as he left the room, you immediately face-planted into your pillow and let out the most guttural, despairing scream of your life.
Then, with great suffering, you dragged yourself up, because it was officially time to make a game plan to survive this absolute trash novel.
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You did not want to go to this tea party.
In fact, if given the choice between enduring this or being launched via medieval trebuchet into the ocean, you would’ve chosen the ocean. At least drowning would’ve been fast.
But no. Your father insisted.
Something about “maintaining your standing,” and “showing the nobility that you are still strong,” and “not letting some lowborn upstart make a fool of you.”
As if the heroine had any power over you besides the supernatural ability to generate plot conveniences. As if you weren’t already suffering enough in this stupid novel, trying to survive a romance plotline with all the grace of a cat thrown into a bathtub.
And thus, you found yourself seated at an expensive table, sipping lukewarm tea, pretending to be interested in whatever the hell the noble ladies were talking about while resisting the urge to flip the entire table over and walk out.
To make matters worse, Sebek was having an existential crisis.
Not that he’d admit it, of course. But the way he was standing, practically vibrating with tension, scanning the tea party like a very aggressive meerkat—yeah. It was bad.
Sebek was on edge.
At any given moment, his gaze would dart from one thing to another, as if expecting a chandelier to drop on your head, a poisoned biscuit to be slipped onto your plate, or a rogue assassin to emerge from the hedges wielding a butter knife.
You finally had enough.
Turning toward him, you gripped his shoulders. Firmly.
His eyes snapped to you.
“Buddy.” You gave him a little shake. “Friend. You need to chill.”
Shake, shake. “Sebek. Chill.”
Sebek blinked. For the first time in history, he shut his mouth.
And then—oddly enough—you saw pink.
Like, an actual blush. A faint, barely-there dusting of color across his cheeks, the kind you’d associate with a lovestruck noble maiden, not a half-fae knight who could probably break your spine with his bare hands.
For a moment, you wondered if he was overheating. Should you dunk him in ice water?
But miraculously, Sebek actually calmed down.
At least, he stopped looking like he was about to tackle a waiter for breathing too close to you. That was progress.
And just when you thought you could finally coast through the rest of this miserable tea party in peace—
You saw her.
The Heroine.
She was across the garden, standing under a carefully curated arrangement of roses, twirling a delicate teacup in her dainty hands, looking exactly as picturesque as a main character should.
And she was batting her eyelashes at Sebek.
Like a lot.
Like some kind of malfunctioning Victorian doll trying to send Morse code with her eyelids.
Sebek, for his part, was slowly backing away. It was clear he wanted nothing to do with her.
Unfortunately, his retreat only seemed to embolden the heroine further. As if she had mistaken his disgust for shyness.
Sebek Zigzagged.
She Zigzagged.
Sebek took a sharp left.
She matched him, too fast, like an NPC with broken pathing.
And that’s when you decided enough was enough.
With the most subtle movement possible, you lifted a hand and motioned for him to come to you.
Sebek sprinted.
Like, full-speed, knocking over at least one butler in the process sprinted. By the time he reached you, he was breathing hard, eyes wide like he had just escaped something truly horrifying.
“Sebek,” you said, voice casual, “Stick by my side.”
"UNDERSTOOD," he immediately responded, standing directly next to you like a sentient stone wall.
And thus began the worst tea party of the heroine’s life.
For months, the heroine had followed the same battle strategy.
She’d make small, calculated jabs at you—little insults hidden under layers of fake concern, “Oh, you look rather pale today, are you unwell?” or “That color looks so… unique on you! Not many would be bold enough to wear it!”
The old villainess would always take the bait.
She’d snap back, argue, cause a scene. And in the process, the heroine would look like the poor, innocent victim just trying her best to be kind.
But you?
You ignored her.
And that? That was unacceptable.
The first attempt was a comment about your shoes.
She tilted her head, voice sickly sweet. “Oh, those shoes are… interesting. Are they custom-made?”
You blinked.
That was it. Just blinked.
Nothing more.
Then, without breaking eye contact, you turned to Sebek and pointed at the cake.
"Sebek, do you want some cake?"
The heroine twitched.
The second attempt was a jab at your hair.
She giggled, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, voice dripping with faux innocence. “Oh dear, your hair looks a little tangled today! Perhaps you should try this new serum I discovered—”
You did not react.
Instead, you casually picked up a sugar cube, inspected it like it was the most fascinating thing in existence, and dropped it into your tea.
Then you slowly turned away.
Like she was scenery.
Like she was part of the background.
The heroine’s eye twitched.
Then came the third and final straw.
She physically stood in your path.
Like, full-on NPC blocking a hallway in a video game levels of obstructive.
Wanting you to react.
You did not.
You simply stepped to the left and walked around her.
As if she were a particularly annoying potted plant.
That was it.
That was the moment.
The moment she realized you were not playing her game.
And she SNAPPED.
In a last-ditch effort, she actually grabbed at your dress like a cranky toddler in a tantrum. Unfortunately for her, you were faster.
With all the grace of a trained assassin, you sidestepped her so effortlessly that she nearly tripped forward. For one horrifying second, she flailed—arms windmilling—before catching herself.
Then, with a furious huff, she turned bright red, grabbed her skirts, and stormed out of the tea party.
Absolutely. Defeated.
The entire garden was dead silent.
Then, softly, Sebek cleared his throat.
“…Does this mean I can have another slice of cake?”
You took a victorious sip of your tea.
+1 point for you.
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This was a mistake. A grave, sweaty mistake.
Sebek, in all his knightly wisdom, had decided that you needed to learn self-defense. That was fine in theory. In practice?
You were dying.
It had started simple—stance, grip, footwork. Except your stance was wobbly, your grip was weak, and your footwork consisted of tripping over absolutely nothing .
Sebek, ever the determined instructor, refused to give up on you.
“Again!” he barked, adjusting your posture for the hundredth time. “You must hold the blade firmly!”
You tried. You really did. But the moment he stepped back, the sword dipped dangerously in your grasp like it was actively trying to escape you.
Sebek sighed through his nose. “You need to engage your core!”
“Sebek,” you panted, struggling to lift the sword back up. “I have a core. It just doesn’t want to engage.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose like a disappointed tutor watching their pupil fail basic math.
You half-heartedly swung the sword. It wobbled like a particularly useless noodle.
Sebek looked physically pained.
After several more embarrassing attempts—including a particularly tragic one where you almost dropped the sword on your own foot—you finally gave up.
You collapsed onto the ground, dramatically splaying out in the dirt like a knight who had perished not in battle, but in sheer spiritual defeat.
“I can’t do this,” you groaned, flopping an arm over your face. “I’m not built for the knight life.”
Sebek’s shadow loomed over you, exasperated. “You’re giving up already?”
“Unacceptable. A true warrior never surrenders!”
“Well, I’m not a warrior, Sebek. I am a delicate aristocrat. My hobbies include drinking tea and not getting stabbed.”
Sebek crossed his arms, preparing to argue—but before he could launch into a speech about honor and duty and the sacred art of not dying, you simply muttered:
“That’s why you have to be my knight forever.”
The complaints instantly stopped.
Sebek didn’t say a word.
You assumed he had accepted your logic.
You didn’t see the way his back straightened slightly, or the way his expression softened into something oddly pleased. You definitely didn’t catch the way a smug, satisfied little smile flickered across his face—like a knight who had just secured his lifelong oath without even trying.
Instead, you remained on the ground, still dramatically sprawled out, waiting for him to launch into another lecture.
But nothing came.
“Hmph.” He turned, suddenly far too content to argue. “If that is the case, then I suppose there’s no need to force you into training.”
You squinted up at him. “Wait. That’s it? You’re giving up?”
“I am merely accepting my duty,” he said smoothly. “After all, a knight must always protect their charge.”
You stared.
Sebek was never this agreeable.
But, ultimately, you were too tired to question it.
With a sigh of relief, you let yourself fully relax into the grass, already looking forward to a nap.
Meanwhile, Sebek stood guard over you, looking far too smug for someone who had just lost an argument.
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This was supposed to be a normal afternoon.
A nice, quiet, peaceful moment of watching Sebek ride his horse like he was leading an army into battle while Silver sat on his, perfectly relaxed, looking like the human embodiment of a soft exhale.
Meanwhile, to your right, Malleus and Lilia were having a debate that was growing increasingly unhinged.
"I'm telling you, Malleus," Lilia said with the confidence of a man who had never once been stopped from committing a crime. "If you want someone, you simply steal them away! That’s romance!"
Malleus, who had the power to obliterate reality with a flick of his wrist, rubbed his temples like a deeply tired office worker. "Lilia, that is not romance. That is abduction."
Lilia waved him off like he was swatting at a fly. "Semantics."
You turned your head just in time to see Malleus pinching the bridge of his nose, which was deeply funny because what did he even have to be stressed about? He was practically untouchable. And yet, somehow, Lilia was succeeding in emotionally exhausting him.
You had no idea how to contribute to this conversation, so you simply accepted that your afternoon would be full of crimes against logic.
But then Lilia’s sharp, ancient gaze zeroed in on you like a sniper locking onto a target.
"So," he said smoothly, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Have you decided who you'll take to the ball?"
You blinked.
The ball? Oh. Right. That was a thing.
You mulled it over for a second, tapping your fingers against your knee.
Logically, Sebek was already glued to your side at all times. He was practically your own personal security alarm, complete with flashing lights, blaring sirens, and the sheer, undying volume of a man who had never whispered in his entire life.
Taking him would be easy.
"I'll probably take Sebek," you said casually.
There was a beat of silence.
Lilia’s smile widened.
Not just any smile. A knowing smile. The kind that said, I have seen civilizations rise and fall, and yet nothing amuses me more than whatever is about to happen next.
Malleus, previously neutral, now looked deeply, deeply intrigued.
You squinted at them. "Why are you both looking at me like I'm a stray dog that just solved a math problem?"
Before you could demand answers, Sebek and Silver came back.
And Lilia—menace incarnate—immediately turned to Sebek and declared, with the utmost delight:
"Sebek! You've been chosen as their escort for the ball!"
Silver looked politely interested. Sebek—
Sebek crashed.
Like he hit an invisible wall.
For a second, he just stood there, expression frozen in a mix of shock, honor, and the sheer terror of being handed a social situation he wasn’t prepared for.
Then, in a grand act of buffering, he stiffened, clenched his fists, and proclaimed with all the force of a man declaring war:
And then—before you could so much as blink—he turned on his heel and stomped off, as if he had just been given an urgent mission from Malleus himself.
The moment he was gone, you turned back to the three remaining culprits—only to find all of them looking at you like you were the underdog in a sports movie who had just pulled off a game-winning shot.
Lilia’s grin was downright diabolical.
Malleus was observing you like a scientist who had just discovered a new species.
Silver nodded, as if he had been let in on a joke you weren’t privy to.
Your eye twitched. "Okay. WHAT."
Lilia clapped you on the back like a proud father. "Oh, don’t mind us," he said airily. "We’re simply excited to see how this unfolds!"
Malleus inclined his head. "Indeed. It will be most… fascinating."
Silver hummed in agreement, eyes twinkling with something dangerously close to amusement.
You stared.
Sebek was still stomping off in the distance, probably preparing himself for battle against an imaginary threat.
Meanwhile, these three looked like they had just bet on a winning horse.
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You were so bored.
As someone who had once lived in the glorious era of internet, memes, and instant entertainment, being isekai’d into a medieval fantasy novel was actual hell.
Your choices for passing the time were:
Sitting at a tea party listening to Lady Whatever gossip about how her second cousin’s neighbor allegedly married his horse (scandalous).
Shopping, which involved pretending to care about embroidery while avoiding getting guilt-tripped into buying a hat the size of a carriage wheel.
But today? Today was different.
There was a theater performance. And you were going.
Sebek, of course, was accompanying you, because you weren’t allowed to go anywhere without your personal security system.
The two of you arrived, found your seats, and settled in as the play began.
It was a forbidden romance between a noblewoman and her loyal knight.
You squinted.
That was it? That was the forbidden part?
What, was it slightly inconvenient for them to date? Were they going to act like this was the most tragic love story of all time when the biggest obstacle was mild disapproval?
You were expecting a real problem—an ancient family feud, a cursed bloodline, maybe even a dragon kidnapping someone for fun.
But no. It was just a noble and her knight, staring deeply into each other’s eyes while the orchestra swelled dramatically.
You side-eyed Sebek, about to make a snide comment.
And that’s when you noticed. Sebek was sweating.
His jaw was clenched. His hands were gripping the arms of his seat like the very concept of upholstery had personally insulted him.
And most importantly?
He was actively avoiding looking at you.
On stage, the knight fell to one knee, passionately declaring, “My lady, I have sworn to protect you—but in truth, my heart has belonged to you from the moment we met.”
Sebek’s grip on his seat tightened.
You turned back to the stage, more confused now.
The noblewoman gasped, placing a delicate hand on her chest. “Sir Knight, I—!”
Cue dramatic embrace. Cue Sebek looking like he was experiencing an existential crisis in real time.
For the next twenty minutes, Sebek refused to so much as glance in your direction.
The show ended with a completely unnecessary death scene (the knight got stabbed protecting the noblewoman from a bandit with the world’s worst aim), and as soon as the curtains fell, Sebek practically launched himself out of his seat.
You walked out together, the evening air cool against your skin.
Sebek, still refusing to look at you, was marching forward with the kind of stiff, overly formal movements that meant his brain was short-circuiting.
You raised an eyebrow. "Are you good?"
"I am perfectly fine," he said, a little too quickly.
You shrugged, brushing it off. Sebek being Sebek. He was always like this.
You didn’t notice how his hands twitched at his sides.
Or how, for one painfully fleeting moment during the play, he had imagined what it would be like—just once—to take your hand, without the excuse of duty.
But only Sebek and the dark theater would ever know that.
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Festivals were supposed to be fun.
Supposed to be.
But for Sebek, this was nothing short of a battlefield.
The night had started normally enough. Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you had all arrived together, the festival in full swing around you. Lanterns glowed softly in the trees, music played from all corners of the square, and the air was thick with the smell of food—grilled meats, sweet pastries, roasted nuts. It was the perfect evening for a carefree stroll.
And then, suspiciously quickly, things took a turn.
“Ah,” Lilia suddenly said, snapping his fingers. “I just remembered—I must go investigate the historical significance of festival games.”
Silver, who had been mid-bite into a fried pastry, blinked. “What?”
Lilia was already gone.
Malleus nodded sagely. “Indeed, I must also depart. There are… matters of great importance I must attend to.”
You stared at him. “You’re about to go stare at gargoyles, aren’t you?”
Malleus did not dignify this with an answer.
Then came Silver’s turn. He at least tried to make it convincing.
“I, um—” He paused, brain clearly short-circuiting. “I have to—”
Sebek, ever the loyal soldier, stepped forward. “SILVER, WHEREVER YOU GO, WE SHALL—”
Silver immediately put a hand on Sebek’s shoulder. “No. You both stay.”
Sebek froze.
Suspicion bloomed in his sharp green eyes. “Why?”
Silver looked at you. Then back at Sebek. Then at you again. And then—like a father setting his son off into the world—he simply patted Sebek’s shoulder and said, “Have fun.”
Then he left.
Just like that, you and Sebek were alone.
You turned to Sebek, shrugged, and grabbed his hand. “Alright then! Let’s go have fun.”
Sebek ascended into a new state of panic.
One: You Held His Hand.
His hand.
Which was now holding your hand.
He was a knight. A protector. His hand had wielded swords, raised shields, sworn loyalty—
His hand had never done this.
“W-Wait, I—!”
You, completely oblivious to the fact that you were literally ruining him, simply smiled. “Come on, let’s get food first!”
And just like that, he was dragged into the festival.
Two: You Fed Him.
Sebek had prepared for many things in life.
Betrayal? Yes. Combat? Absolutely. The burden of responsibility? Without question.
But he had not prepared for you pressing a warm pastry into his hands and saying, “Try this! It’s really good.”
He stared at it like it was an enemy.
“I—this is unnecessary! I should be watching for threats, not—”
Then you, with absolutely zero hesitation, took a bite from your own pastry, hummed thoughtfully, and then just—just held it up to his mouth.
Sebek froze.
“…What,” he said, voice dangerously unstable, “are you doing?”
“Letting you try mine.”
This was wrong. You were a noble, he was your knight. His duty was to protect you, not to—to—
To have feelings.
To want things.
But you were still holding the pastry up, completely unaware of the sheer war happening in his mind.
So, with the slow hesitation of a man walking into a death trap, Sebek leaned down and took a small, precise bite.
…It was delicious.
…This was still unacceptable.
“See?” you said brightly, taking another bite yourself. “Tastes better when you share.”
Sebek almost dropped dead on the spot.
Three: The Smile.
Oh, that smile.
You were leading him from stall to stall, still holding his hand, still treating this like a perfectly normal outing and not the absolute nightmare it was for his fragile, suffering heart.
And every time you turned back to him—every time you laughed at something ridiculous, or smiled when he grumbled about stall vendors trying to scam you, or simply looked at him with that casual, easy warmth—
Something in him broke.
Not in a bad way. But absolutely in a way that would jeopardize his purpose. In the way that made him want to 1v1 the entire world just to make sure you always smiled like that.
Sebek was not meant for this.
He was a knight. A warrior. A protector.
He was not meant to look at you and wish, with every inch of his being, that he could hold your hand not because of duty, but because you wanted him to.
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The ball was going well.
Which, frankly, was a miracle.
You were three glasses of wine in, the music was pleasant, and—most importantly—there was no heroine in sight.
Malleus was at peace, sipping his drink like an ancient dragon who had finally hoarded enough gold. Lilia was across the room, very seriously trying to convince a noble to invest in bat jousting (“Picture it, my dear baron—tiny suits of armor, high-speed aerial combat, think of the prestige!”). Silver was half-asleep at the table, so still that he was practically furniture.
And Sebek? Sebek was eating with the sheer intensity of a man who had never been allowed to sit and enjoy a meal in his life.
You were basking in the rare moment of peace when—
She arrived.
The heroine waltzed in, all curls and delicate elegance, scanning the room like she owned the place.
Immediately, you activated Ignore Mode.
But then—
Then she spoke.
“I challenge you!”
You blinked.
Challenge me to what? A duel? A political debate? A staring contest??
And then, with the smuggest expression known to man, she stepped aside to reveal her new(?) knight. You choked on your drink.
Because her knight—
Looked like Sebek.
Like, exactly like Sebek.
Same height, same build, suspiciously similar armor—but the worst part?
His hair was green.
Like she had dyed it.
You nearly dropped your wine.
You turned to Sebek.
Then to knockoff Sebek.
Then to Malleus—who was so absorbed in his perfect night that he hadn’t even registered the incoming disaster.
Then back to fake Sebek.
Sebek, who had been peacefully eating his steak, suddenly froze.
“WHAT IN THE GREAT SEVEN—” His chair scraped across the floor as he stood, eyes wide with pure fury.
The heroine beamed. “My knight will prove his superiority over yours! A true battle of skill and honor!”
You were still stuck on the hair.
Fake Sebek smirked, folding his arms. “A knight should be willing to make sacrifices for his lady.”
Sebek looked ready to commit several war crimes.
“This is an INSULT!” He stepped forward, eyes blazing, voice booming. “YOU THINK YOU CAN MATCH ME WITH A PALE IMITATION?! I—”
Oh, hell no.
You had already suffered through so much stupidity in this world. You were not about to let Sebek engage in a battle of the bootlegs just because the heroine had gone completely off the rails.
You grabbed Sebek’s arm.
He whipped around like an enraged storm god. “MY LADY, I MUST—”
“No,” you said flatly. “Not worth it.”
“She dares—”
“Sebek. Please.”
His jaw locked. He looked like he wanted to argue. Like he needed to argue. But then you let out a long, exhausted sigh and said,
“Just dance with me instead.”
Sebek stopped breathing.
The entire ballroom faded. The heroine? Gone. Bootleg Sebek? Who? The audience of nosy nobles? Irrelevant.
All that mattered was that you—the person he had sworn to protect, the one he had dedicated his entire being to—had just asked him to dance.
He swallowed thickly. “O-Of course.”
And so, you took his hand and led him to the ballroom floor.
Sebek was stiff at first, like he was concentrating too hard on being perfect, but as the music swelled, he relaxed into the rhythm, his movements smoother, more natural.
And as he guided you across the floor, one hand firm at your waist, the other clasping yours, Sebek couldn’t help but stare.
You were laughing softly, still tipsy, the golden chandeliers casting a warm glow on your skin. The silk of your gown shimmered as you moved, and your smile—
Gods. Your smile.
Sebek knew, without a doubt, that he would do anything to keep it on your face.
And you?
You had no idea.
Because to you, this was just a dance.
But to Sebek—
You looked like a dream come true.
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It was finally here. The moment where, according to the absolute literary war crime that was this novel, you were supposed to get poisoned, collapse dramatically, and set off a chain reaction that would end with Sebek exiling himself like a tragic Shakespearean protagonist.
Except this time?
You knew it was coming.
And you were about to flip the script so hard the author would feel it in whatever dimension they were in.
The heroine, as predictable as ever, had invited you to yet another tea party—probably hoping that by the time the poison kicked in, she'd have a perfect view of your untimely demise. You, of course, had accepted with a sweet smile and a mind full of schemes.
Now, seated at a pristine garden table with floral arrangements worth more than some small villages, you watched as she made her move. It was almost laughable how obvious she was. Her eyes flickered towards the maid as your tea was poured, the subtle anticipation in her expression so transparent you were honestly a little embarrassed for her.
You daintily lifted the cup, swirling the tea, inhaling its floral scent. Then, you pretended to take a sip.
Then, you threw yourself into the most dramatic, gut-wrenching, Oscar-worthy performance of your life.
Your body convulsed. Your hand flew to your throat. You gasped, choked, wheezed like a dying fish, and flung your arms out as if desperately grasping at the heavens themselves. You knocked over a plate. A fork clattered to the ground. A lesser noble screamed.
And then, with the grace of a Victorian woman in a corset two sizes too small, you collapsed onto the ground, limbs twitching for good measure.
Chaos erupted.
Ladies shrieked. Servants scrambled. One elderly duke fainted in the background. Even you were impressed. If this world had award shows, you would’ve already been giving an acceptance speech.
And then.
You heard it.
A chair screeching against stone. The heavy, unmistakable clang of armor.
Oh, no.
You had made a critical miscalculation.
Sebek, who had been standing behind you the entire time. Sebek, who had just witnessed his charge collapse in agony.
Sebek, who was now standing over the heroine with his sword at her throat.
The entire tea party came to a screeching halt.
The heroine was frozen in terror, because Sebek wasn’t just angry—he was absolutely seething. His hands were steady, his grip unwavering, but the rage in his eyes? The barely-restrained fury crackling in the air around him? That was the look of a man seconds away from turning this entire tea party into a medieval execution.
“How dare you,” Sebek growled, his voice low and deadly, “I swear upon my honor—you will not leave this garden alive.”
You were so close to victory. So close. But no. No, Sebek had to go and initiate an actual murder.
The heroine, pale as a ghost, opened her mouth—probably to sob out some terrible excuse—but Sebek applied just the tiniest bit of pressure with his blade. A thin line of blood beaded at her neck.
The heroine whimpered.
Sebek narrowed his eyes.
Oh, he was fully committed to this.
Then, from your position on the ground, you made a small choking noise.
Sebek snapped around so fast he nearly decapitated her anyway.
His fury instantly shifted into sheer, unfiltered panic.
“My lady—!” He abandoned the heroine entirely, dropping to his knees and scooping you up into his arms as if you were seconds from death. "Stay with me!" His voice wavered, as if sheer willpower alone could force you to keep breathing. "You will not die here, I swear it!"
Okay. Maybe you should have accounted for this.
Before you could get a word in, Sebek scooped you up like a sack of potatoes and booked it inside.
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The moment he deposited you onto a chaise lounge like a damsel in distress, you sat up and gave him your best sheepish grin.
“Sebek, I—”
But Sebek did not look relieved.
Sebek looked furious.
"You mean to tell me," he began, his voice escalating, "THAT WAS A LIE?!"
You winced. “Sebek, I—”
"You were NEVER in danger?! NEVER TRULY POISONED?!" His entire body was vibrating. "YOU—"
His voice kept rising.
He was pacing now, movements erratic, his heavy boots thudding against the floor. His breathing was uneven. His hands were shaking.
Gods. Gods, you felt bad.
Before he could work himself into an early grave, you grabbed his face and pulled him close.
"Sebek," you said firmly. "Breathe."
His breath hitched.
You could feel the tension in his jaw, the way his entire being was still radiating panic and betrayal.
Slowly, his breathing evened out. His hands, still clenched at his sides, relaxed.
"I'm sorry," you murmured, thumbs brushing lightly against his cheeks. "I should have told you."
Sebek swallowed hard, staring at you like he had just walked through hell itself.
"I could never bear to lose you." His voice was raw, barely above a whisper.
And then, as if exhaling the weight of the entire world, he bowed his head slightly and said, “Forgive me for my insolence.”
Before you could even process what that meant—
His lips were on yours.
Soft, hesitant, yet utterly consuming.
It lasted one perfect moment—
And then reality kicked in.
Sebek stiffened. His eyes snapped open.
And then.
Sebek fled.
Out the door.
Down the hall.
Possibly into another plane of existence.
You sat there, dazed, stunned, blushing so hard you were about to burst into flames.
You were losing your mind.
Malleus, on the other hand, was having the time of his life.
He sat there, sipping his tea with the serene patience of a man who had definitely seen this coming, while you paced back and forth in front of him, unraveling like a badly-knitted sweater.
"It was just stress!" you declared, throwing your hands in the air. "Right? I mean, high emotions, near-death experience, classic knightly panic—textbook impulse decision!"
Malleus hummed, his expression one of deep, profound amusement. "Oh?"
You pointed at him like you had just presented irrefutable evidence in a murder trial. "YES. Right?! That has to be it!"
Malleus took a slow sip of his tea. "Or…"
You froze.
Malleus paused dramatically—like he was a host on some medieval reality show about to drop a major plot twist—then said, "Perhaps he has feelings for you."
You made a noise. A noise that had never existed before, somewhere between a gasp, a wheeze, and the sound of a tea kettle violently exploding.
Malleus raised an eyebrow, watching as your soul actively left your body.
"That’s—" You flailed. Actually flailed. "That’s absurd!"
Malleus nodded sagely. "Yes. Very absurd." He took another sip of tea, his tone so dry you nearly threw something at him.
You began pacing again, hands on your head, thoughts spiraling into the abyss.
"Maybe—maybe he thinks he has feelings for me," you reasoned, grasping at straws like your life depended on it. "But really, it’s just—devotion! Yes! Classic knightly devotion! It’s not romantic, it’s duty! He admires me, respects me, honors me—"
"—Kissed you."
You choked.
Malleus was smirking now. He was actually enjoying this.
"Okay, but," you continued, desperately trying to dig yourself out of the emotional pit you had fallen into, "what if—what if it was just a slip-up? A moment of weakness? What if he didn’t mean it—?"
Malleus tilted his head. "Then why did he run away? Why did he not apologize?"
You stopped dead in your tracks.
Oh, shit.
Because he did run away. Full speed. Maximum acceleration. Like a man who had just realized what he had done and could not face the consequences.
Your hands slowly lowered from your head.
Malleus set his teacup down with a soft clink. "I would say that is not the behavior of a man who does not have feelings for someone."
You sat down in the nearest chair, staring into the void.
Malleus observed you with quiet satisfaction.
The way you were actively short-circuiting before his eyes? The absolute catastrophic mental gymnastics you were performing to deny the obvious?
Oh, yes.
This was better than theater.
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Meanwhile, Sebek was also suffering.
And Lilia was having the best day of his life.
Sebek was pacing, marching back and forth across the room like he was preparing for battle, arms gesturing wildly as he ranted to no one in particular.
"I—I do not—I cannot—" His voice cracked slightly before he squared his shoulders, forcing himself into a state of denial so powerful it could deflect magic. "IT WAS MERELY A MOMENT OF TEMPORARY EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY!"
Lilia, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, was vibrating. His hands were clasped in front of his mouth, his entire body shaking as he barely contained his laughter. His eyes gleamed with pure, unfiltered joy.
"Ah, young love," he sighed dramatically, swaying slightly as if overcome by emotion. "So passionate! So tumultuous!" He clutched his chest. "So full of suffering!"
Sebek whirled around, offended to his very core.
"It is NOT love!" he practically roared, and Silver, who had been trying to stay calm, rubbed his temples like a tired therapist dealing with a particularly stubborn client.
"Sebek," Silver said, voice steady, soothing, rational. "You kissed her."
Sebek's eye twitched.
"It was an accident!"
Silver raised an eyebrow. "How do you accidentally kiss someone?"
"Mmhm~" Lilia hummed, practically swaying with delight.
Sebek turned to him, pointing like he was about to declare war. "STOP—STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!"
"Like what?" Lilia grinned. "Like I just witnessed the most entertaining thing to happen in centuries?"
Lilia cackled.
Sebek turned back to Silver, desperate for support, but Silver was already shaking his head.
"Sebek," Silver said patiently. "You’re in love."
Sebek physically recoiled. His entire soul left his body for a second before it returned, but not before his brain short-circuited.
"Yes," Silver said simply.
"Preposterous!" Sebek thundered, arms flailing again. "I am a knight! Her protector! I have sworn my loyalty to her! I would give my LIFE for her—!"
"Yes," Silver interrupted, nodding. "Because you love her."
Sebek froze.
His mouth opened. Then closed.
Then opened again.
Nothing came out.
Lilia, who was practically incandescent with joy, clasped his hands together and leaned in, eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Oh my," Lilia purred. "He's realizing it."
Sebek visibly malfunctioned.
His arms tensed, his jaw clenched, his brain clearly trying to override the obvious conclusion with pure willpower alone.
And then, because he had absolutely no idea what to do with himself—
Sebek turned on his heel and sprinted out of the room at full speed.
Lilia howled with laughter, throwing himself back onto the couch.
Silver simply sighed, rubbing his temples again. "You know he's going to deny this for at least another week, right?"
"Oh, let him struggle~" Lilia giggled, delighted beyond words. "This is better than theater."
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The heroine was losing her goddamn mind.
This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. She was the main character. She was supposed to triumph over adversity! She was supposed to defeat her rival, claim her rightful place at Malleus’s side, and bask in the admiration of high society as they all realized how special and wonderful she was!
And yet—
You, the person who was supposed to be her greatest adversary, her foil, her dramatic counterpart—
Did. Not. Care.
Every time she tried to one-up you, every time she schemed and plotted and prepared some devastating social maneuver to put you in your place—
You ignored her.
Not even with thinly veiled contempt. Not with cold, calculated disdain. No.
You ignored her like you would ignore a particularly unimpressive rock on the side of the road.
Like a piece of furniture. Like she was a background character in her own goddamn story.
She had thrown everything at you.
She had made subtle barbs about your outfits—Oh, what a… bold choice of color. Not everyone could pull that off.
You had simply nodded and thanked her before returning to making googly eyes at your knight.
She had gone out of her way to outshine you at every event—grander gowns, more dramatic entrances, carefully curated conversations that should have drawn everyone’s attention to her.
You barely registered that she was there.
She had even dyed her own knight’s hair green for fuck’s sake.
And you had just—
Ignored it.
You hadn’t even looked surprised. No scandalized gasp, no pointed glances, no passive-aggressive remark about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery.
The absolute indifference nearly sent her into a breakdown right then and there.
But still—still—she had held out hope.
Because there was one final, tried-and-true method to defeat a villainess.
A noblewoman’s tea party. A carefully laced cup. A gasp, a choke, a dramatic collapse.
It was foolproof.
Except you had pretended to drink it.
She hadn’t even noticed at first. She had simply sipped her tea, waiting for your inevitable demise—only to watch you pull off an Oscar worthy performance.
And now?
Now the entirety of high society hated her.
Not because they actually cared about you, no—
But because attempting to poison someone at a social gathering was just so terribly gauche.
It was uncivilized. It was desperate. It was cringe.
And worse?
She had failed.
One noblewoman had sighed, shaking her head. “Poisoning your rival? How utterly common. If she were going to do it, the least she could’ve done was be subtle.”
Another had tsked, “Imagine—spending all that effort trying to destroy someone only for them to sit back and make googly eyes at their knight instead.”
That one nearly made her explode.
Because that? That was the worst part.
Through all of this, you weren’t even fighting back.
You weren’t scheming. You weren’t plotting revenge. You weren’t even paying attention to her anymore.
You were too busy pining over Sebek.
At first, she thought it was coincidence. A weird little side note in this battle.
But no.
She saw it everywhere now.
You, brushing your hand against his as he held a door open for you. You, laughing at something he said in that ridiculous, overly loud voice. You, looking at him like he was the most precious thing in existence while he continued to act like a knight-shaped golden retriever with too many feelings.
It was infuriating.
And now, after everything, after all the time and energy and sanity she had lost trying to make you engage, she woke up one morning and realized—
She had lost.
Not in some grand, cinematic battle of wits. Not in an explosive confrontation.
She had lost in the most humiliating way possible.
Because you never even considered her a threat to begin with.
She had spent all this time clawing her way to the top of a rivalry that only existed in her own head.
And the person she had chosen as her nemesis had treated her with the same level of importance as a salad garnish.
It was over.
She was done.
She picked up a pen, wrote a letter, and signed it with the exhausted resignation of a woman who had fully accepted defeat.
I give up. I’m leaving. Enjoy your ridiculous romance with your ridiculous knight.
Then, without any fanfare, she packed her things, walked out of her estate, and left the country.
And you?
You didn’t even notice until a servant handed you the letter over breakfast.
You blinked at it, took a bite of toast, and read the whole thing while casually sipping your tea.
Then you folded it neatly, set it aside, and promptly forgot about it.
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Sebek Zigvolt was avoiding you.
Not in the dramatic, storming-off, I-shall-never-speak-to-you-again way that some lovesick noble might after a scandalous incident at a ball. No, that would have been too easy.
Instead, he had apparently decided that the most rational way to handle his predicament was to maintain a perfect six-foot gap between the two of you at all times.
Like some sort of ridiculous, self-imposed restraining order.
You noticed it immediately, of course, because how could you not?
The first morning, you stepped into the drawing room, still slightly groggy from waking up, and found Sebek already there, standing so rigidly that he looked like he had been installed into the floorboards.
“Good morning, Sebek.”
Sebek, a man who had never once in his life failed to respond to you immediately, took a full three seconds to react, his head snapping toward you like a marionette whose strings had been yanked too hard.
“MY LADY!” he barked, far too loud for this early in the morning. “GOOD MORNING TO YOU AS WELL!”
Then, before you could say another word, he pivoted sharply and took three steps back.
Three big, deliberate, backward steps.
And then?
He stared past you.
Not at you. Past you.
Like he had suddenly developed an intense fascination with the wall.
And this? This continued.
For three. Entire. Days.
At breakfast, he sat exactly six feet away from your chair and stabbed his eggs with the precision and fury of a man attempting to exorcise a demon from his plate.
At social events, he positioned himself like some tragically lovesick ghost, haunting the edge of the room with a tormented expression, still very much guarding you but now also acting like being within arm’s reach might cause him to spontaneously combust.
Even in casual conversations, if you took a step forward?
Sebek took a step back.
And the worst part?
He was so obvious about it.
Like, if he was actually trying to be subtle, you could at least pretend it wasn’t happening. But no, this man was out here moving like an NPC whose pathfinding AI was breaking.
By the third day, you had reached your limit.
You had tolerated his weird little knightly existential crisis long enough.
So, that morning, when you saw him standing—once again—exactly six feet away, rigid as a lamppost, pointedly pretending that the tree outside the window was the most interesting thing he had ever seen in his life, you snapped.
No response.
You took a step forward.
Sebek immediately took a step back.
You took another step.
Sebek tried to escape.
Absolutely not.
With all the swiftness of a person completely done with this nonsense, you closed the gap, stepping right into his space, and before he could even think about scrambling backward like some flustered fawn, you grabbed his face and squished his stupid, handsome, stubborn cheeks between your hands.
Sebek made an absolutely incomprehensible noise.
He was spluttering. Stammering. Eyes darting around wildly like he was searching for an escape route despite the fact that you were holding his actual face.
“Sebek,” you said, exasperated, thumbs pressing into his cheeks as he failed spectacularly to regain any of his usual knightly composure. “Do you like me?”
Sebek, in his infinite, ridiculous wisdom, chose the absolute worst possible response.
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and then, with the patience of someone trying to explain basic math to a particularly dense brick wall, you groaned, “Sebek, we are not in a play. Do you like me or not!?”
Sebek made a noise somewhere between a strangled honk and a dying animal.
His entire face turned so red that for a moment, you were genuinely concerned that he might be about to pass out.
He nodded.
It was tiny, barely perceptible, like he was afraid saying it too loudly would cause the heavens to smite him on the spot, but it was there.
And that was all you needed.
Before he could start raving about duty or oaths or whatever dramatic monologue he was preparing, you surged forward and kissed him.
Sebek froze.
Completely, entirely, utterly still.
For half a second, you worried that you had broken him.
But then—
Sebek kissed you back.
With the fervor of a man who had been waiting his entire life for this exact moment.
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It took thirty full minutes to convince Sebek that you were, in fact, not in a tragic, forbidden love story.
Ten minutes of him pacing, ranting about duty and propriety, gripping the air like an overdramatic stage actor monologuing in the rain.
Thirty minutes of you, standing there, patiently waiting for his brain to catch up to reality.
"Sebek," you said for the fifteenth time, arms crossed, exasperated but fond. "We are not in a Shakespearean tragedy."
Sebek opened his mouth to argue, paused, frowned, then slowly closed it.
You could see the war happening inside him. His knightly instincts were screaming about honor and responsibility, while the part of him that had just kissed you—twice now—was standing in the corner, sweating profusely.
He inhaled deeply, squared his shoulders, and nodded.
"...Very well," he said, stiffly, as if forcing himself to accept that the universe had, in fact, allowed him to be happy.
You smirked and reached for his hand. "Great. Now come on, we’re late."
Sebek made a dying noise when you intertwined your fingers with his.
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When you arrived, Malleus, Lilia, and Silver were already gathered in the garden, basking in the afternoon sun.
The moment you and Sebek showed up—hand in hand—Lilia's entire face lit up.
"Ah-ha!" Lilia cried, delighted, spinning toward the others with a mischievous flourish. "Pay up!"
Malleus sighed, deeply, as if betrayed by fate itself. Silver grunted, reaching into his pocket.
And then, right in front of you, the two of them handed Lilia actual money.
You blinked. “Wait. What just happened?”
Lilia grinned, tucking his winnings away. “Oh, just a little wager~”
You narrowed your eyes. "What kind of wager?"
Lilia, positively glowing with mischief, said, "I bet that you two would get together sooner rather than later."
Malleus, looking far too composed for someone who had just lost a bet, adjusted his sleeves and said, "I, on the other hand, estimated that it would take at least another year."
Silver sighed. "I thought it’d take two."
Sebek was mortified.
"YOU GAMBLED ON OUR HONOR?!" he thundered, appalled, offended, visibly vibrating.
Lilia cackled. “Oh, relax, dear boy! I was simply invested in your happiness!"
Sebek looked like he wanted to die.
So, naturally, you turned toward him, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek.
Sebek stopped yelling immediately.
You could physically see the protest die in his throat. His entire body locked up, his ears turned red, and his eyes darted away as if you had just knocked the ability to argue right out of him.
Malleus, entirely too amused, hummed. “Curious. That seems to be an effective method of silencing him.”
Lilia beamed. “Oh, I love this development.”
Silver, utterly exhausted, rubbed his temple. "I don't even know why I bother at this point."
You just laughed, perfectly content, sitting beside your knight and the people you loved.
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Can't believe this is the 15th part already!
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racew1nn3rs · 7 months ago
─ 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘷. (𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴) 🐅
⤷ summary: spain and canada. lando's rizz is negative, mission is failed. plus, mclaren pr is about to fuck shit up 🗣️
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liked by ynusername, zbrownceo, and 42,908 others
mclaren spain you were forgettable at best 😔 on to the next one
18,980 others
user1 y/n don't insult your team on the team account challenge
mclaren is it really an insult if it's true
user2 we got a lando photo but at what cost
user3 lando fans can never win here
mclaren why you would ever choose to be a lando fan to begin with is beyond me
user2 you're so right queen i'm sorry
user2 fuck both of y'all honestly
user4 at least mclaren fans can always count on content, even if we can't expect results 😭
user5 lando and y/n in their friendship era, how the fuck did we get here
landonorris you're posting me now? oh you want me so bad 🥴
mclaren sending this to hr immediately
user6 damn she logged into both accounts just to make sure he heard her ass 💀 double homicide
user7 oscar fans i can't even tell if we won or lost
user8 we didn't get a face pic but... we didn't get whatever the fuck the 3rd slide is
landonorris guys pLEASE
landonorris i won't post it she says... it's just for me she says
landonorris going dark, no one call me
user9 was anyone going to anyways 💀
oscarpiastri i'll pay you 20 dollars if you don't ever do this to me
mclaren 🤝
mclaren i mean you were never the target but now you will be if i don't get my money!!!!
oscarpiastri oh ok
lilyzneimer i have pictures you can you use if you need bb <3
oscarpiastri WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON
zbrownceo Very funny Y/n! Keep up the good work 👍
mclaren Thanks boss! (:
landonorris ZAK WHY
user11 zak is so supportive now, wait until he sees her comments 💀
zbrownceo I have seen her comments! Very funny! 👍
user11 blink twice zak, we can help you
maxverstappen1 This is the highlight of my week, thank you Y/n!
mclaren hey max verstappen of redbull racing! not sure if you heard but you did win the grand prix this weekend
maxverstappen1 No i know, this is just definitely better.
ynusername where's my photo credits 🫵
mclaren my bad bbg 😍
user12 nurse she got out again
oscarpiastri we'll win next time!!
mclaren who told you that 🤨
oscarpiastri the voices in my head
logansargeant you hold on bro, we'll find your meds soon
user13 i think moto moto likes you ahh image
user14 i need to shrink him and put him in my pocket and keep him there
user15 which one?
user14 lando
landonorris nuh uh, pick again
maxfewtrell you can't post pictures without consent mate
mclaren i didn't??
landonorris i didn't consent.
mclaren who are you gonna believe max? me? or the solid concrete evidence in front of you
user16 he looks like he can do some crazy tricks on a trampoline
landonorris this is the only comment about myself that hasnt made me viscerally angry
oscarpiastri unfortunately i feel the opposite
user17 lany/n at it again
user18 literally what the fuck do you mean
user17 if you dont get it, i can't explain it to you
user18 okay cryptic ass, fuck you 🙄
user19 they're in love guys, just wait and see
user20 yall just love saying stupid shit on this page huh
user19 i hate getting accused of some shit i actually do 😡 like yeah i do love that but who told you
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user20 op be so fr right now
user21 everytime one of these illiterate f1 drivers pulls one of the hottest women on earth a fairty dies
user21 *fairy
user22 fairty
user21 you shut the fuck up 🫵
user23 people when coworkers are seen together at their place of work
user24 do you hug your coworkers and follow them like a lost puppy when you could be on a break
user23 wtf no
user25 history will say they were just colleagues 😔
opeightywon this shit is a national tragedy
user26 every time i see a post like this i think about the fact that she has probably seen this and i shiver
user27 honestly praying on their downfall
opeightywon wtf
user28 lando fans be normal challenge
user27 idgaf about that white man, she's just too hot for him 😕
opeightywon oh yeah real
user29 i need another youtube video where they stare at each other longingly again asap or i fear i may start having withdrawal symptoms
user30 another hot girl lost to an average white man's swagless looks and cringe fail personality i feel sick
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liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, and 44,786 others
mclaren not our best results in canada but we improved i guess 🙄 but on a much better, more exciting note: NEW MCLAREN YOUTUBE CHALLENGE OUT GO GO GO GO
user31 my crops are watered, my skin is clear, my funds are tripled
mclaren all me 😮‍💨
user32 "yay challenge video" we all cry in unison
user34 and it's good quality too 🤩 what did we do to deserve this
mclaren you don't, but oscar bought me coffee all weekend
oscarpiastri yes i bribed her, i feel no shame
user35 lando's back in the dog house bro, he's back to no face pics
user36 but look at his beautiful brown eyes
mclaren babe they're greenish blue with the TINIEST bit of brown 💀
user37 how long you gotta stare at a man's eyes to know the exact paint blend 🫵
lilyzneimer insert comical heart eyes here
mclaren flirting with your man 🤢 on MY cellular device
lilyzneimer my bad bb, he doesn't mean anything to me anyways 🥴
oscarpiastri ok what the fuck
mclaren check dms 🤲
danielricciardo thanks love you're the best
landonorris LOVE??? LMAOOOO
user39 bro is losing the dgaf war MISERABLY
user40 the way lando is staring at her the whole time she's behind the camera 😫 oh he's not even down bad, bro's down under
landonorris can i get the camera settings
mclaren has anyone ever told you how good you are at photography?? i'm not saying that, i'm just asking 😀
landonorris oKAY fuck you.
user41 the way she doesn't even pretend to care about the results
landonorris i know 🙄
mclaren i know p13 is nawttt talking back to me right now
landonorris y'all are some fake ass fans fr
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8:57 PM.
Y/n stared at the flashing numbers on the digital clock in the boardroom and huffed quietly. The table in front of her was covered in a mix of shredded mozzarella cheese and vibrant, red pizza sauce. Flour with evidence of handprints and bits of pizza dough decorated the wood and the woman internally sighed at the thought of clean up. Eventually she would have to get back to work.
Lando was on his phone across the table from her, and she fought the urge to stare at him. Oscar had left a while ago, having an earlier flight than them out of Canada. Lando and her had made the executive decision to stay and finish the pizza the two men had made during the "not my hands" YouTube challenge. It was messy, and didn't fully resemble a proper pizza, but it tasted good enough if not a little bit burnt. The two had been sitting in a comfortable silence for the time being while they ate.
In the time Y/n had gotten to know the British man, both on and off the track, she found herself warming up to him considerably. He was kinder than she gave him credit for at the beginning of the season, and far funnier. She could see now that more often than not he spoke without thinking or having any consideration, and maybe he was more than a little bit arrogant, but he also felt things deeply and cared passionately.
Before she could think about what she was doing, Lando's eyes met hers and he smirked. Y/n's face burned but she rolled her eyes at him and took another bite of their burnt pizza. Her ears caught the sound of him placing his phone on the table, and when she looked up again he was leaning his body across the table and toward her instead.
"What are you staring at? Hm?" He teased and she scoffed.
"You," she started and took another bite of her pizza, "have pizza sauce all over your face, you idiot. And I'm just thinking, not sure if you're familiar with the concept." He grabbed a napkin quickly and began wiping rapidly at his chin and mouth, and even his nose. She couldn't help but laugh loudly. There was nothing on his face. He was perfect actually. Unfortunately.
"Did I get it? Why didn't you tell me sooner, traitor!" She doubled over but nodded anyways.
"What are you thinking about?" he questioned as he settled back down.
"Just the season, you and Oscar," she muttered.
"Me? Thinking of little ol' me when I'm right here in front of you," she rolled her eyes with a groan.
"You have selective hearing Lando," he laughed and nodded.
"Well what have you thought about it? The season I mean. And myself of course, don't care much what you think about Osc," he leaned on his hand and stared at her intently. Y/n couldn't help that being stared at by Lando felt a little bit like being ocean, being pulled and pushed by the moon's gravity. Her brain didn't work properly around him.
Or maybe I'm just really dramatic and he's just hot, she thought miserably, Probably the latter.
"I just think maybe you and me got off on the wrong foot," she said as she fumbled with the lid of her water bottle, "and I think that maybe I enjoy this job a lot more than I thought I would." The comments seemed to sober Lando's mood up slightly.
Maybe I shouldn't have been truthful. Maybe it shouldn't have been that serious.
"What did you think of me?" He asked quietly. "When you met me I mean."
"Do you want me to be honest?" He looked at her quizzically.
"Of course I want you to be honest Y/n, or I wouldn't have asked."
"I thought you were kind of an asshole," she whispered and he laughed.
"So the beef was real for you," he smiled slightly and she let her face fall gently into her hands.
"Yeah," she breathed out a laugh, "yeah maybe a little."
"Doesn't seem like a little," he goaded and she shot him a glare.
"Okay Lord Lando, maybe more than a little," he pointed at her triumphantly.
"AHA! So it was the instagram comment. I thought you knew I was kidding," A loud groan filled the room as she smacked her head on the table. Lando's giggling could probably be heard down the hall but Y/n found she didn't care all that much anymore.
"It wasn't just the instagram comment," she defended weakly. There was a brief silence as Lando stared into space and shook his head.
"Wow... I can't believe you were actually mad at me and I just didn't know."
"It wasn't that big of a deal I guess, I just felt like you didn't really take me seriously."
"Well I mean you're not a very serious person," Y/n's heart fell to her stomach.
"What?" She asked, staring at him. She couldn't have heard him right.
"Well it's just that you're not very serious are you? Like since I met you, it's never felt like you were a serious sort of person." He added as if that was some sort of defense.
As if that isn't more hurtful.
"You're not like Zak or Andrea, or really anyone else here you know? You're just you, you're different. It was hard to be serious with you here because that's just who you are." He continued.
God just shut up, please for the love of God just shut up.
"This is my place of work Lando," she muttered bitterly. "I mean do you hear yourself." His eyes widened and he put his hands out placatingly. Like she was some sort of rabid animal he needed to calm down.
"No no no," he muttered quickly and stood up to round the table, "that's not what I meant Y/n, you know that."
"Stop Lando, just stop," she said as she began to clear off the table.
Why did she expect him to be different. What made her think he could've changed.
"You made it perfectly clear what you mean. What you think of me and of my work, my career" she spit out, swiping everything on the table into the trash. They hadn't finished eating the pizza and now it was in the bin, but Lando didn't deserve to eat the pizza she helped him make. He didn't deserve to be here at all. He wasn't her friend, he was her coworker and nothing else. It was better she accept that now.
"You misunderstood what I said," he grabbed her arm to stop her from cleaning and she whipped it out of his grasp.
"Stop Lando," she said raising her voice. She knew her eyes were teary but she didn't care. She knew her face was red with embarrassment and her hands were shaking with the force of her humiliation but she didn't care. Lando Norris could go fuck himself.
He looked at her in shock and winced as he saw her face. She steeled herself. She had never cried over a man before, why would she do it now.
"You need to leave, you have a flight in the morning," she said emotionlessly. "And I have to clean so I can go home." He tried to speak and she put her hand up, stepping away from him.
"Get out please, you're in my way," she said and his brows scrunched. He was angry? Good, so was she.
"I'm in your way?" He asked incredulously, as if she didn't have any reason to be upset. "You're not even going to hear me out?" He scoffed.
"No Lando, I don't have time for this. I have a job to do and you're in my way," she said emphasizing the words as if speaking to a child. His face fell. He looked angry.
"Whatever Y/n. What fucking ever," he muttered, grabbing his bag and storming out. Y/n waited. Footsteps in the hallways continued until a far off door slammed.
Y/n wilted like an unwatered plant as tears began to fall.
So much for friends.
She knew deep down she was hurt about much more than just friendship.
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this is the second to last chapter of part one! i hope you enjoy! please feel free to comment and send requests, i'm excited to hear your thoughts <3
𝙩𝙖𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
@lemon-lav @slutforpopculture @m4rt10ne @urfavsgf @sadsierra2 @96jnie @sltwins @poppyflower-22 @alliumiae @livelovesports @liberty-barnes @the-holy-trinity-l @iliwyss @awritingtree @redpool @elliotts1one @velentine @chaoticmessneutralplease @5sospenguinqueen @charizznorizz @2pagenumb @mxdi0 @cwiphswmwasohmm @tremendousstarlighttragedy @lnspipedrm @itseightbeats @tinycoffeeroom @woozarts @personwhoisther @a-beaverhausen @love-simon @annabellelee @ravisinghs-wife @chezmardybum @greantii @weekendlusting @monserelates @sapphiccloud @halleest @deamus-liv @gigigreens @morenofilm @laneyspaulding19 @lanireadss @dear-fifi @moldyshorts1997 @oliviarodrigostan13 @eugene-emt-roe @ilivbullyingjeongin @im-a-ghost666
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yuff7e · 8 months ago
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ tanjiro, inosuke, & zenitsu bf headcanons !! gender neutral reader
the cuties song -> www.spotify.com
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ tanjiro !!
- literally the cutest ever.
- he’s soso respectful and genuine
- if you want a boy that will genuinely listen to you and how you feel about certain things, get a tanjiro.
- he deserves sm love and he’d definitely put you in his top priorities while also making sure you weren’t getting hurt in the process !!
- he’s a big fan of physical touch, so if you’re also training to be a hashira don’t be surprised when everytime he passes you he brushes his hand up against yours. (HES SO CUTE IMA EAT HIM)
- WILL defend you.
- like if someone’s talking bad about you he’s walking right up to them with no fear
- of course, he isn’t aggressive so he would handle the situation calmly
- “why are you saying that about [name]-sama? did they do something to you?”
- will purposely choose you each time they get to pick who they want to train with, and will get a little jelly if u don’t pick him
- but it’s fine !! as long as he sees you happy he’s happy.
- you’re one of the people he trusts with nezuko during the daytime, and will let you carry her box if you ask
- he enjoys seeing you and his sister spending time together, he feels like you’re genuinely apart of his family
- he finds comfort in you when he’s missing his family, and isn’t ashamed to cry or show his true emotions infront of you
- he likes it when you hang out with inosuke and zenitsu too, but gets a little embarrassed if they act weird.
- like, if zenitsu starts flirting with you or inosuke starts screaming like a grizzly bear
- he knows you wouldn’t judge him though, he just wishes his friends acted cooler around you !! because … you’re so cool !!
- “i want to be with you forever, [name]-chan.”
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ inosuke !!
- ohh boy, you got this man’s attention.
- if you seriously got him to like you and date you, you’re the one and you don’t have a choice
- you’re definitely his top priority besides defeating muzan
- like genuinely you’re right up there, you’re over his basic needs like eating and sleeping
- he can get a little flustered if you’re a fan of physical touch and decide to touch him in front of tanjiro or zenitsu
- but he secretly loves it, although he’d never tell you that !! (just kidding, he absolutely would but would make you swear to never tell anyone)
- WILL flex infront of you during training, especially his arm and back muscles. since he’s so flexible he’d show that off too
- “hey babe check this out!” (cue him spinning on his head, crashing into 4 different hashiras and getting in trouble)
- he’d have those moments where he’d just stare at you and gawk, not even in a weird way but genuinely just because he likes you so much
- like you’re so attractive !! and nice !! and… amazing !!
- if you were as flexible and strong as him just know he’d be picking you and training everyday and not hold back
- like he’d throw you over his head and if you lost he’d laugh at you, but if you win and knock him over your head he’d be head over heels
- he loves it when you beat him, which sounds crazy considering the fact inosuke is a pretty sore loser .. but when it comes to you and seeing how strong you are he’s so impressed
- that was one of the main reasons he started to like you
- you’re basically his idol, and that MEANS SOMETHIMG BRO !!!! RAAHGG !!
- i think his love language would be gift giving, hes definitely showing up to the demon corps with a pretty rock he found and putting it on your nightstand and wait for you to notice
- “inosuke! did you get me this?”
- “no”
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ zenitsu !!
- such a flirt we already know this
- but, he’s also extremely respectful
- he has pretty bad self control but if he genuinely likes you and who you are instead of just what you look like he’s actually a great guy
- he’s the definition of if he wanted to he would
- like, if you’re sad he’d get you 3 bouquets of roses and the other 3 would be outside because he couldn’t carry them all
- “zenitsuu!! you didn’t have to do that!!”
- “if it’s for my lady/man i’d do anything!!”
- his love language is love in any form
- physical touch, gift giving, words of affirmation
- but omg does this boy needs words of affirmation
- there’s a big part of him that feels unworthy of your love, like - you seriously love him? no way.
- will wake up with a HUGE smile on his face every morning with you being the first thing on his mind
- would beg to share a room with you alone, not for anything weird (although zenitsu is lowkey so weird) he genuinely doesn’t want his friends to see you sleeping (╥﹏╥)
- he gets so jelly over every single thing, like - why do inosuke and tanjiro get to see you sleeping?! in your purest form!! ahhhhh!!
- would pick you every time during training and if you pick someone else he’s begging you to train with him until you finally give in and train with him
- if not and you’re adamant on training with somebody else he’s giving that person a death stare the whole time, no exceptions
- unless you tell him to stop, he’ll try - but he can’t help himself… you’re just so amazing
- he always talks to you about yalls future together and will actually get emotional as he speaks, holding onto your hands as he speaks about how yall are going to have 5 kids and a big house
- “i love you so much [name]-chan!!! i want you to marry me!!!”
yay that’s it !! thx for reading guys :3 i might do the other hashiras next, but if anyone has any demon slayer requests PLEASE send them in, demon slayer is one of my biggest interests right now and i will go OFF while writing for you guys !! send em in !!
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l0s3rd0wnt0wn · 27 days ago
the black reader likes physical contact...except with the batfam (alfred doesn't count)
So real dude
The reader loves hugs, kisses, and any type of affection; they're kind of touch-starved due to being neglected. At first, the reader doesn't know how to deal with a hug; their body just tenses, and it looks like someone hugging a tall tree until they finally accept the affection.
If the reader is working on a mod and, out of nowhere, Bart shows up to give them a kiss on the cheek, they'll fumble.
If Conner kisses the reader's dreadlocks at a gala, they will start speaking gibberish. Or sometimes, in public, he'll kiss the back of your neck, and you'll fold like a lawn chair.
A tight hug from Cassandra when you're having a bad day just feels right. Her strong muscles squeezing you just makes you blush.
But when the Batfam interacts with the reader, the reader is so uncomfortable; it's like getting a hug or kiss from a relative you've never met. Bruce gives you a small kiss on the cheek in front of the paparazzi, and you wipe it off, giving him a glare. The press might think it's a cute little thing kids do, but in reality, you're just disgusted. Sometimes he'll pick you up like someone would their cat, except you're a tall teenager and not a cat; your feet will be two inches off the ground, and you'll be frowning the entire time. Bruce thinks it's cute, but to you, he's damaging your pride.
If big bro Dicky wants to cuddle while watching a movie, you can't say no because "no" means nothing to him. So you're sitting there in the most uncomfortable position, watching some stupid romance. You're going to go crazy by the time the movie is over, and if he falls asleep mid-movie and you try to escape, he will wake up, and you'll get flashes banged by those blue eyes. You have no choice but to stay.
Jason is the type to treat you like a house cat, ruffling your dreads, scratching underneath your chin, fussing over you. Ever since he died, he felt guilty about not giving you any affection when he was younger, so he tried to make up for lost time. Although there was no time to speak, and the way you cringe at his touch, he just thinks of it as you're just not used to this kind of stuff, and he'll make sure to fix that.
Tim is a whole other can of worms. You could be chilling in the living room playing God of War Ragnarok, and if you get stuck on a puzzle, don't worry; Timmy is here to your rescue. He'll put you on his lap and start playing the whole game for you, treating you like a little kid who knows nothing of gaming. He'll bury his face into your neck, and if you jump at the touch, he'll just think you're shy when you're actually trying not to punch him.
Damian, the worst; he demands affection right this instant. Usually, little kids are like, "uppies!" But Damian is like, "Dearest sibling, I would like uppies," which is so weird. You pick him up just to see his little legs tangle; it makes you feel superior. Then, the worst part is cuddling with all of Damian's pets. If you think cuddling with Grayson is bad, just imagine Titus, a 200-pound Great Dane, next to a 140-pound boy laying on your stomach—you're suffering!
Stephanie is really light, so it feels like you're holding a couple of grapes; but if you move just a little, she'll grip you like a vice. Cass and Duke will tag-team you with hugs and kisses; escape is impossible. Try to run away; they'll drag you back and hold you even tighter and stronger. I think you'll pop a shoulder.
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mymindisneverhere · 2 months ago
Other Side
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summary: Kelvin tries to break you out of your shell… unaware of who would actually come out.
warnings: 18+ SMUT, MDNI!, shy black fem!reader (kinda), small mention of depression, oral sex, fingering, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names. (Forgive me if I forgot any)
(a/n: I licked the screen a few times when I came across this picture but that’s not important. 🫢)
“Kelvin!” He heard his name being called from across the room causing him to snap his head in the direction of the voice. 
“Yo!” Kelvin said, pointing to his long time friend Aaron. He made his way through the crowd of people on the dance floor until he reached his friend. “What’s up bro? It’s good to see you.” 
“You as well bro!” The London native spoke over the loud music. Aaron and Kelvin slapped hands and pulled each other into the universal bro hug before falling into conversation. “You didn’t get lost did you?”
“Nah, I mean the sign is big as hell on the front of the building.” Kelvin said. “But man, I can’t believe you actually came out and came to a club at that.”
“It’s my girls birthday tonight bro, she begged me to drive her and her friends around for the day.” Aaron said.
“I was about to say, she must’ve dragged your ass out the house cause ain’t no way you came on your own.” Kelvin joked, receiving an annoyed look from Aaron. 
“Whatever man.” He said, returning his attention to the dance floor where his girlfriend stood with one of her best friends.
Kelvin stood next to Aaron, eyeing the crowd as he nodded his head to the music blasting throughout the club. The men stood against the wall chatting about the atmosphere in the late night lounge, ordering drinks and speaking to some friends that passed by occasionally. 
Kelvin continued sipping on the alcoholic beverage as his eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on you. He slowly lowered the cup from his lips as he watched you make your way to the dance floor. Your beauty had him stuck in a trance.  
Your beautiful brown skin glowed under the blue and pink lighting that flashed from the ceiling. You wore a white halter top and matching mini skirt that hugged your hips just right and put your legs on full display. Your thick thighs glistened from the body shimmer you wore as you took steps across the floor. Your strapped heels elongated your legs causing you to appear much taller than you actually were. 
Kelvin stared at you as you joined your two best friends on the dance floor. You hugged your best friend Tati before finally pulling Jamie, the birthday girl, into a warm embrace. He watched as Jamie whispered to you, causing you both to turn and look up at the two men that were already eyeing you guys. You all waved, mainly to speak to Aaron but Kelvin waved back so caught up in the trance you had unintentionally lured him into. You all turned back around and fell back into the beat of the music but Kelvin kept his eyes on you. 
“Bro, who is that?” Kelvin asked, tapping Aaron on the shoulder. 
Aaron frowned and followed Kelvin’s eyes that were still glued to you. “Who? Y/N?” 
“All white with the legs? Her name is Y/N?” Kelvin asked. 
“Yeah man, that’s Jamie’s best friend.” Aaron said. He looked down at Kelvin and noticed the look of awe on his face, practically drooling as his mouth hung open. “Take a picture man, it’ll last longer.” 
Kelvin smacked his lips, finally taking his eyes off you and cutting them at Aaron. 
“Relax bro, she’s not one to date.” Aaron started, “She’s super shy, very quiet. She barely says two words to me when she comes over to visit Jamie. She’s extremely introverted.”
“So?” Kelvin asked, shrugging his shoulders. “What does that mean?”  
“She probably won’t talk to you because you’re always on 10 no matter where you are.” 
Kelvin paused and looked over at Aaron. “That never stopped you from hanging with me.” 
“I tolerate you, there’s a difference.” Aaron joked, before taking a sip of his beverage. 
“Wow, okay.” Kelvin said, playfully rolling his eyes up to the ceiling. “I bet I can get her to talk to me, everyone loves me.”
Aaron’s eyebrows raised as he stopped himself from uttering another smart remark to his friend. “Whatever you say man.” 
Kelvin and Aaron continued going back and forth, betting on whether or not Kelvin would be able to have a full conversation with you. After a long argument, the two men decided to bet only $100 if Kelvin could get you to talk to him before the night was over. 
“Where are y’all going after this?” 
“Dinner at Grand Lux.” 
“Perfect, we’ll chat over dinner, I’ll pay for her food.” Kelvin said. “I’ll even offer to take her home cause I’m a gentleman.”
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You danced with your girls as the three of you stood a few feet away from the DJ booth. You all moved your hips to the beat, flipping your hair over your shoulders and hyping each other up one at a time. It took you a few minutes to get comfortable on the dance floor. All it had taken was the DJ playing your favorite song “Where Them Girls At by Megan Thee Stallion” and you were falling into your own rhythm with your friends being your personal hype girls. 
“Okay Y/N, it’s about time you popped out girl!” Tati yelled over the loud music. 
“I know right!” Jamie said. “She’s finally having a good time after keeping herself in the house, hiding out from the world.” 
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, laughing at your friends. 
Tati looked over where Aaron stood with Kelvin and her eyes almost jumped out of her head. “How the hell did you manage to get Grandpa out of the house?” Tati asked, still dancing to the music. 
“I told him if he did this favor for me then I’d do one for him all night.” Jamie responded with a smirk on her face. 
You and Tati rolled your eyes, instantly catching onto exactly what Jamie had been referring to. 
“I don’t wanna start nothing but his friend has been starin’ at Y/N since she walked in.” Tati said, looking over at Chelsea. 
“He’s still staring as we speak.” Jaime said. 
You all turned to look over to see him staring. The two men waved at you once more which caused you to quickly turn your attention back to your friends. 
“I’m not interested.” You said, trying to hide yourself from his gaze. 
“Come on Y/N, it’s been forever since the breakup.” Jamie said. “Plus he’s super cool, he has a beautiful smile and he is funny as hell, just your type! He and Aaron have been friends for years, I think you should talk to him.”
“I’m good Jamie, besides it’s your night. I didn’t come out looking for a man.” You said, trying to take the attention off of you and revert it back to the birthday girl. 
Tati and Jamie exchanged a knowing look between one another but decided to leave the situation alone. After you found out about your ex-boyfriend cheating on you with an old friend, you slowly sank into a deep depression. You stopped going out, stopped answering phone calls and stopped caring about how you looked or what you wore. What was only supposed to be a few months of recovery from the break up, ended up being an entire year of hiding out. 
However, thanks to your friends Jamie and Tati, you were slowly coming back to yourself. Although you weren’t the life of the party type of girl, you always managed to have a good time when you were with them. You were shy, you were reserved, and sometimes a bit reluctant when it came to going after the things that you wanted. But somehow, you’d always find yourself neglecting your shyness and converting to your “alter ego”. 
Jamie was well aware of your ability to let loose but because it rarely occurred you guys never spoke about it. Jamie had been the only person to know about your “other side” until you introduced that part of you to your now ex-boyfriend. Due to the fact that he’d taken advantage of you, completely betraying your trust and acting as if you meant nothing to him, this made you never want to introduce that part of herself to anyone ever again… especially a man. 
“Aaron’s outside waiting for us. We’re heading downtown to Grand Lux after we leave here.” Jamie announced to the two of you. 
You both nodded and made your way to the bathroom holding hands as you broke through the crowd of people. Each of you took a look in the mirror before applying another layer of gloss, fluffing your hair and entering the stalls to finish your business. 
You stood in the stall and took a few deep breaths attempting to mentally prepare yourself for dinner at Grand Lux. Your nerves were getting the best of you. You had managed to avoid men, not even giving them the smallest of conversation. But you knew that there would be no ending the night without interacting with Kelvin. 
‘God please don’t let him sit next to me. He is too damn fine.’ You thought to yourself. 
“Y/N you alright in there?” Tati said, banging on the stall door. 
“Yeah, I was just checking my phone.” You replied, raising your foot to flush the toilet. 
You stepped out of the stall and made your way to the sink to wash your hands. You took one last look at yourself in the mirror and turned to Jamie. After running down the route to the restaurant and approximately how long it’ll take to get there, the three of you were all set and ready to go. 
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“What took you all so long?” Aaron asked, staring down at Jamie. 
“Girl stuff.” She replied as she took his hand and stepped into the all black truck, taking a seat directly behind his chair. 
Aaron stood and helped you and Tati into the truck as well before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat. 
“Babe, where’s Kelvin?” Jamie asked. 
“He’s going to meet us there.” Aaron responded, putting the car in drive and pulling out of the club's parking lot. 
The three of you fell into conversation completely ignoring the fact that Aaron was upfront, able to hear every word. 
“You’re not nervous are you?” 
“No it’s just that-“ You began, “It’s been so long, too long, since I’ve even looked at a guy. I don’t think I’m ready to entertain someone right now.” 
“Look, nobody is saying you have to take him seriously or get with him to see if he’s husband material.” Tati said. 
“Right!” Jamie agreed. “Just have a little fun with him. There’ll already be a friend there for Tati and now there’s a friend for you.” 
You looked between the two girls unsure of what to say next. You were contemplating on whether or not you should take their advice or continue to avoid men who showed any interest in you. Letting out a breath, you sat back in your seat and nodded, deciding to take one for the team. 
“He's a pretty cool guy.” Aaron casually stated, interrupting you guys’ conversation. The three of you snapped your heads in his direction, completely confused on why he was even entering the conversation to begin with. 
“Sorry.” He said, looking into the rear view mirror quickly before returning his eyes to the road. 
“He is a cool guy though.” Jamie said, turning to you. “Trust me, you’ll have fun.” 
‘They’re right, just have fun. Nothing serious.’ You thought. 
“Okay, let’s see how the night goes.” You  finally said, causing your friends to both squeal in excitement. 
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You all sat around a large table enjoying your meals and joining in conversations. Jaime sat next to Aaron who sat next to Kelvin who sat next to you…  who had been picking over your food since it arrived at the table. Your nerves wouldn’t allow you to even take a nibble of the pasta that sat in front of you. 
Kelvin had tried his hardest to get you to engage in conversation but it wasn’t going too well. Your short responses never left room for the conversation to go any further, eventually leading to an awkward silence after each attempt. 
“Ow!” You yelped, reaching down to rub your knee after you felt a sharp heel kick you. 
“You okay?” Kelvin asked, looking over at you in concern. 
You looked up at Tati who was staring at you with wide eyes. You frowned as you watched Tatis lips move without sound. 
“Say something!” Tati mouthed, moving her lips in exaggeration to be sure you understood her. 
“Yeah I’m fine, just moving too much I guess.” You responded with a nervous chuckle. “I didn’t scare you did I?” 
“Nah, of course not.” Kelvin stated. “It’s okay though, I’m always bumping into stuff.
Kelvin’s attempt at easing the embarrassment he saw in your face had worked as a small smile crept onto your face. 
“So how was it starring in such a classic film?” You asked, looking over at him. You could see the shock in his face before it quickly washed away. He couldn’t believe you were actually asking him a question after thirty minutes of him playing 21 questions with you. 
“Man it was so much, let me tell you about it.” Kelvin instantly fell deep into the story of how it felt to be working with some of the most talented people in the industry. You were so caught up in his storytelling, you didn’t notice the waiter place a tall martini next to your water that had gone untouched. You could see Jamie’s hand waving at you from the corner of your eye. 
“I got you a drink!” She whispered, trying her hardest not to interrupt your talk with Kelvin. 
Leaning up from the table, you reached over to grab the drink and began taking small sips from the glass. After a few more minutes of engaging in conversation, and another martini, you were feeling the effects of the alcohol. The more Kelvin spoke, the more it was hard to focus on his eyes because his lips were catching your attention with every word he said. Your eyes slightly fell low as they landed on his lips and then back onto his eyes. The expression in your face didn’t go unnoticed as Kelvin slowly stopped talking, watching your eyes dart slowly back and forth between his mouth and his eyes. 
You weren’t doing this on purpose but it was something about you and your liquor that just brought out that other side of you. You could feel a slight throbbing between your legs as he slowly pressed his back against his chair. He was slightly matching your energy, unsure if he was doing too much or if he was even in control of what he was doing. It was as if the more he stared at you, the less power he had over his own body. 
”Why did you stop talking?” You asked, genuinely confused as to why he became so silent. 
“Uh, I don’t even know.” He said, sitting up straight and snatching his eyes off of you. He looked down at his plate and then back over to you before quickly tearing them from your gaze again and looking elsewhere. You placed your elbow onto the table and rested your chin in your hand.
“I would love to hear the rest if you’re still interested in telling me about it.” Your voice had become a bit calm, almost too calm. Kelvin was struggling with keeping his eyes on yours, your gaze was too intense for him. He had sensed the shift in your energy and was completely taken aback by the effect it was having on him. 
“Uh yeah, sure. I- uh,” He started, pushing himself further into the table, trying to hide what was happening below his waist. Kelvin was few seconds too late, seeing as though you had already noticed the slight bulge in his pants. You licked your lips as the images of him fucking your throat invading your thoughts. 
“Y/N, we’re getting ready to leave. You coming?” Jamie asked, raising her brows hoping you would say…
”Actually, Kelvin’s gonna take me home.” You said, before looking at him. “You’re okay with that right?”
”Yeah, for sure.” He nodded quickly, still refusing to meet your eyes. 
“Okay girl, you two be safe!” Tati winked at you, hinting at your drive home and any other activities that may take place between you and Kelvin. 
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The ride to your apartment was silent, mainly because Kelvin was at a loss for words. He was excited to talk to you, he had looked forward to it since he laid eyes on you at the club but for some reason he was feeling too many things that would contradict his claim at being a gentleman.
The same trance he was in at the club had managed to creep back up on him. Only it had been more intense, a bit more than he could handle. Having you close up, staring into his soul was damn near hypnotizing. He wasn’t a man who shied away from anything but you had him feeling nervous to look over at you, afraid he might fall into the trance all while driving. He didn’t wanna fall victim to your eyes once again.  
”You know, I was nervous to talk to you at first.” You said, looking over at him as he drove.
”Really?” He asked. “Why is that?”
”It’s just been a while since I’ve talked to a guy.” You turned your body toward him causing him to look out the corner of his eye. “Something as simple as casual conversation seemed like too much to handle but you're really easy to talk to.”
”That’s good to hear, I’m glad I could ease some of the tension.” He said, smiling slightly. 
“Can I ease yours?” You could tell this question caught him off guard as you felt your body jerk against the seatbelt. He had accidentally pressed the break a bit too hard, making you both lean forward a bit. 
“Sorry.” He laughed nervously, quickly looking over at you then back to the road. “I’m not feeling any tension right now.”
”I can see it.” You said, dropping your eyes to his crotch before returning them back to his face. 
“I mean but I’d like to think of myself as a gentleman. I just met you, you just met me.” Kelvin was babbling, panicking at your sudden change in demeanor. You had managed to go from timid to down right audacious, completely catching him off guard. He didn't know what to think at this moment, let alone what to say. You smirked to yourself, enjoying the power you were having over him. You had been so hung up on saving the other side of you for someone special, completely neglecting the fact that you deserved a good time as well. Who said you couldn’t let that other part of you come out and play for just one night? 
“Can you multitask?” You asked, sitting up in the passenger seat. 
“Uh, yeah. Why?” Kelvin said, shifting his gaze between you and the road. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he tried to imagine what you were about to do. 
You smirked before undoing your seatbelt and sitting up on your knees, lightly leaning over the armrest. Kelvin’s eyes cut to the corners as he watched you reach for his belt. The sound of the buckle jiggling was the only sound in the car as you worked on pulling his dick out of his pants. 
“You don’t wanna um- wait until um- the car is parked?” Kelvin asked nervously, still struggling to keep his eyes on the road. 
You pulled at the waist of pants until his dick sprang up. You bit down on your lip as you looked down at it. It was exactly what you expected, thick and veiny. You bent down and wrapped your lips around the head earning a sigh of satisfaction from Kelvin. Quickly coating the head with your saliva, you leaned down even further to take in more of him. He reached over to run his hand down your ass, pressing his fingers against the wet spot in your panties. 
You bobbed your head up and down, feeling his legs underneath you jump a bit. He was having a hard time keeping his speed consistent. Each time you took all of him in he’d press the gas harder, causing your body to rock a bit from the jerk of the car. 
“Fuck!” He spat, slapping your ass before running his fingers down your center. Moving as quickly as he could without interrupting his driving, he hooked a finger underneath your thong and pulled it around your ass cheek. 
Lifting up a bit, you moaned in excitement already knowing what he was going to do. 
“I thought you were a gentleman?” You asked playfully. 
“I am.” He responded. 
Kelvin dipped a finger into your folds, biting down on his lip at how wet you were. You were so tight around his finger, he could only imagine how good you were gonna feel around his dick. 
You took him back into your mouth, slurping and sucking while he fingered you. You wrapped your hand around the base of his dick and ran your tongue along the underside, focusing most of your attention on the head. You noticed how his breathing changed when you did this, listening carefully as he took in a sharp breath. 
Finally catching a red light, he gently pressed his foot against the break and snatched his hand from the wheel. You yelped lightly as you felt his hand against the back of your neck, pushing your head up and down on his dick. He sat back and rested his head against the driver's seat, cursing from the narrow feeling of your throat. 
He pushed two fingers into your pussy and rolled his wrist, pushing them back and forth into you. His fingers matched the pace of his hand on your neck. A groan left his lips as he heard the sounds your pussy was making, wet and creamy from the taste of him along your tongue. 
So caught up in the scene before him, he sat up quickly when he heard a car behind him honk their horn. He placed his hand back onto the steering wheel and pressed the gas. 
“I’m fucking you up when we get to your house.” He said, removing his fingers from your pussy and slapping your ass a few more times. 
“You promise?” 
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You assumed the position on your queen size bed, all fours with your ass in the air. You rocked your hips a bit making your ass jiggle as Kelvin stood behind you eyeing you with low eyes. You were both completely undressed, only space and opportunity standing between the two of you. Kelvin stood just a few feet from the bed, dick standing at full attention as he licked his lips in anticipation.  
“You gonna stare at my ass all night or you gonna fuck me up like you said?” You smirked, looking over your shoulder at him. 
He walked up to you and placed a hand on your back as he positioned himself right at your entrance. Slowly thrusting his hips forward, he pushed his dick into you cursing underneath his breath at how tight you were. You both shut your eyes, taking in the feeling of one another. He was so thick, stretching you just right with every inch. You pussy fluttered a bit, trying to adjust to his girth.  
“So fucking tight.” He said, gripping both sides of your hips. 
Without hesitation, he thrusted in and out of you, staring down at your ass as it jiggled from impact. Your hands dug into the sheets, gripping them tightly as your body rocked with each stroke he gave you. You coated his dick so well, the creaminess pushing to the base with every thrust. 
“Look at that shit.” He said, slapping your ass to watch it jiggle even more. “You hear that pussy baby?”
“Yes!” You let out in an exaggerated breath. You could hardly focus on his words. Your eyes were barely open as you surrendered to the pleasure he brought you. You felt his hand creep up your back and grip onto your neck. In a quick motion, he pressed your face into the mattress, slamming his hips into yours repeatedly. 
The only sounds in the room were your loud moans, the gushy noise coming for your pussy and his skin slapping against yours. You felt your walls begin to ache around him, a release threatening to escape your hole. 
“Ohh fuucck.” You whined, your words getting lost in the sheets your face was buried in. 
“I feel that shit coming.” Kelvin was already catching on to your reflexes. He could feel your walls contract around his dick as you grew wetter with every stroke. “Cum on that dick baby.” 
“Fuck yes! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” You yelled, encouraging him to fall even deeper into you. 
He lifted a leg onto the bed, never ending the rhythm that was sending you into a frenzy. His balls slapped against your clit, working you over twice more than before. The creaminess that dripped from your hole accompanied by the pressure from his heavy balls kept you from coming down so soon. 
You were already feeling another climax building. The sensitivity from your clit alone made it easy for your orgasm to seep through. Your eyes rolled into your head as your grip on the sheets tightened. 
“Daddy, I’m cummin’ again!” You cried through gritted teeth. Your tone was a mixture of pleading with him and begging for more. You wanted him to let up a bit to give you time to bounce back from the first orgasm but at the same time it felt too good to let go of. Your body shook underneath him as he squeezed your hips, holding you in place to prevent you from running. 
“You wanted me to fuck you up right?” He asked, taunting you all while you were cumming. 
“Yes!” You yelled. 
“Take this dick then.” 
You bit down on the sheets, moaning loudly as he continued fucking you. You weren’t a fan of tapping out but damn you just needed a few seconds to catch your breath. But he wasn’t granting you that anytime soon. He was fucking you like he had something to prove. Yes he was a gentleman but he also knew how to make you weep in more ways than one. 
The more he thrusted into you, the more you ran from his strokes, eventually ending up flat on your stomach. He pulled out of you and climbed on to the bed, laying on his side right next to you. He placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him, pressing your back against his chest. 
“Put that dick back in.” He said, his lips slightly brushing against your ear lobe. 
You reached down and grabbed his dick, rubbing the tip through your slippery folds. You were trying to use this time to recoup and come back into reality. You could hear the sticky sounds your pussy was making each time you ran his dick in between your lips, loving how much he had managed to get you to make a mess in such a small amount of time. 
“Stop playing with me.” He spat, slapping your ass aggressively. 
You moaned from the slight pain and finally positioned his tip right at your entrance, pushing his dick back into you. He grabbed onto your leg, placing his hand into the bend of your knee as he thrusted into with full force. His other arm snaked under your neck and yanked your head back. He rocked his hips back and forth, lifting your leg more and more with each thrust. 
“Why that pussy so wet for me mama?” He spoke directly into your ear as he stared down at you. Your eyebrows were curled, mouth agape while his dick slid in and out of you. 
“I don’t… I-“ You tried to get it out but gave up just as soon as you started. 
He reached down and placed his fingers on your clit, rubbing it in circles. His dick pressed against your G-spot repeatedly while his fingers toyed it from the outside. Your body grew weaker as you fought the urge to hold it in any longer. 
“Feel. So. Good.” You moaned breathlessly in a rhythm with his strokes. Your hand gripped onto his arm that had a firm hold around your neck. 
“Fuck, I’m about to cum in this pussy.” He moaned. 
Kelvin closed his eyes as he pressed his lips to the side of your face. His breath lightly brushed against your jaw as you felt it increase. His fingers continued playing with your clit, feeling your pussy cream on his dick. The way you were taking him in, so wet and gushy, made it hard for him to last any longer than he wanted to. You could feel his dick jump inside of you, instantly pulling another orgasm out of you on the spot. 
“I’m cummin’!” You cried out. 
“I’m cummin’ with you baby.” He said, grabbing onto your leg. He gave a few more powerful strokes until you felt the warmth of his seed fill you. 
You both laid in place, chests rising as you fought to catch your breath. You blinked slowly, feeling your body slip into a well deserved slumber before Kelvin placed a kiss on your neck and lightly tapped your thigh. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me just yet baby, I wanna spend the rest of my night with you before I go.” He said, bringing you out of a sleepy fog. 
(Please excuse any mistakes! 🩵)
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weirdmarioenemies · 21 days ago
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Name: Brolder
Debut: Super Mario 3D World
This is Brolder. What is it brolder than? I don't know, to be honest. But to make it up to Brolder, I made its name up there bolder than usual. I hope it likes it!
Brolder is one of those hexagonal-scale-patterned boulders that I'm not completely sure exist. I've only seen them in videos the game. Do they exist? If so, please tell me! I'm being lowered into a vat of acid and my kooky captor will only let me go if I get this question right!
But honestly, I don't really care. I keep finding myself lost in Brolder's beautiful eyes! They are just like the 👀 eyes emoji. Just like the emoji, Brolder's eyes convey that it is Lookin', and it is Lookin' over that way. Such wide-eyed innocence... or, I guess, tall-eyed innocence! A lot of extra distance for its eyelids to cover with each blink. Put your Pokewalker on a Brolder's eyelid! Gaming Tip!
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But enough about eyes. Brolder is a spherical boulder, and that means it rolls! And actually I take it back! More about the eyes! That poor thing is going to roll right over its own eyes. Yeowch! Ok, now you can spray me with water if I mention the eyes again. But don't worry. I am not done discussing Brolder's moist biological functions.
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Look at this guy on the map screen. Bro thinks he's a location. Well, he is, because he is a Blockade level! Sadly classified as World 4-A rather than World 4-Brolder, but ah well. No one actually cares that much about that. Not even me! I'm ok with it. I'm reasonable.
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When jumped upon, Brolders retract their eyes and limbs, but look at that above it... sweat! These rocks can sweat! Awesome? I think Brolders travel outside of the volcanic regions to drink water, just so they can sweat it out when picked up, in hopes that their captor will go "eww" and drop them.
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Perhaps my favorite part of Brolder, however, are its arms! Its very yellow arms. QUITE a bit like SpongeBob arms! That's probably why I once saw a Miiverse post of the Brolder stamp edited to have Spunch features. As you can see, I never forgot that post! The arms also remind me very much of plastic toy parts, as if they would have a peg to stick into a hole on Brolder's side. Wouldn't it make sense for the arms to be made of lava or something? That would probably go so hard.
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And what do you know! Boss Brolder, the boss of the Brolders, the broldest of them all, has lava arms! And it indeed goes hard. His whole design goes hard, really! His fiery glowing eyes, his shining rock shell, his CRYSTALS... what brold fashion choices! He looks really genuinely cool, and that makes it even funnier to see the regular Brolders in front of him. His goofy bodyguards who get thrown at his face to defeat him. But he keeps them around, because he cares. He has a warm heart, but don't touch it, because it's made of magma! Much safer to touch someone's flesh heart instead, but be sure to always ask first!
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yuoniz · 7 months ago
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synopsis . tubatu as beabadoobee songs
투바투 : txt x gnr ☁️ 1.1K — fluff ❨ warnings ❩ suggestive, profanity, txt down bad losers yes! 𓍼 note — repost again but who really cares┆(bookshelf)
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as glue song
if you guys were in a relationship, you would basically be in a relationship w this song
this songs just embodies yeonjun
this man would fall in love pretty quickly if you knew the right ways to make his heart flutter
he would still feel like he came back from his first date w you after you both go on dates.
bros go to line would be "where are you rn?"
like even if you just called him 5 mins ago that you're coming to his house he would still text you
or if you just left the dorm
you would literally be stuck to him by the glue (😆😆)
he can't even find the right words to express what he feels for you
theres so much he wants to express because I see him as a very expressive person
its the little things he does that show how much he loves you
putting his hand against the top of a cabinet so when you bring your head up it would hit the edge
allowing you to use him as a makeshift chair at anytime
this man will never say no to you
if you want something, he'd simply just nod his head
if you want boba, he'd kiss your forehead and leave the apartment after saying 'I love you'
he's seriously so whipped for you plss
"have I ever told you how pretty you look?"
"jun, you said that five times this morning."
other members are under the cut !
as livelong
this song is so soobin coded idc
he would learn so much with being in a relationship with you
it would be one of those quiet times you both would spend together
you would be reading a book, resting on his lap
he would be massaging you head, stroking his fingers through your hair
and he would be lost in your eyes fixated on the book you were engrossed in
and he knew he was in love with you
everytime he sees you see would have so many thoughts running around his head and he would just make some weird noise whenever you ask him a question because he has so much to say
"did you listen to this song, bin? I love it sm."
no because you're the partner he wants to grow old with
like he can't name a more beautiful person other than you
bro is so in love its actually concerning
and you would be to
thats how you both were
you both learn so much from each other through conversations, heated arguments, anything
and at the end of the day, you both were molded for each other
thats how yall were
"If we both had children should we call them soobeans?"
as apple cider
plsss this song was dedicated to beomgyu
he would never express his feelings like
its giving friends to lovers with mutual pining, but half of the time its beomgyu acting like he hates you, denying his feelings but actually he's so in love with you.
he just doesn't know it yet
because why does he always hold your hand when you walk together in public?
oh so you wont get lost
ok so why does he call you "honey" in front of other people
so they won't bother you
like... ok bff
the deluder is deluding
"I don't even like you that much. Wait, I do, fuck"
plss he'd be so awkward asking you out
"idk maybe if you wanna go out to watch or movie or something idk."
he'd blush so hard when you say yes
and when you both date
it would still be the same expect yall are dating HELPP
the way yall would bicker 80% of the time and then make out the other 20% of the time
its so cute to see him all flustered when you compliment him
"you are soo in love with me, gyu."
as you're here that's the thing
he'd want a simple relationship
he doesn't want to overcomplicate things
hell he'd even just want a no-label relationship
I so believe that this man is a "career>relationship"
sorry terry 😕
he'd want it to be lowkey
but when it's just the two of you, he's so???
no because why does he glitch everytime he sees you??
he feels so safe when you're just simply there
like you srsly got him wrapped around your finger
"tyun, I'm sorry I cant come tomorrow. Plus, what would happen if I'm not there."
"You're not there, that's the thing."
he falls a bit too hard whenever he sees you
and you're sick of this no-label relationship
you want it to be more than just this
and you know he wants it too
so after months of contemplating
you confronted him
and he couldn't imagine his life without you
so without saying anything
he just kissed you
he loves you too much to let go of you
he's never felt this b4, but he liked it
"I know I don't say it. that much, but..."
"it's okay tyun, I do too."
as art class
he's someone who would have a massive crush on someone (you) and he would think they won't like him back
he would be the first one to realise if you got a new haircut
or if you changed your perfume
he has a great memory when it comes to you.
He'd be so attentive when he listens to you
he would remember the little things like
"there's no way you got me this."
"you said you liked it when we were at the park."
you'd notice his cute gestures
and you realised he liked you
you made him feel like his heart was an art class
he'd feel so wild yet it be in the calmest moments you both would have
he likes you so much, he doesn't know what to do
he's the type of person to feel so much and he actually doesn't know what to do
so you ask him if he wanted to go out
everything around you both froze, to him
he'd just stand there and nod
even after its a few months after you both start dating
he'd still be so utterly in love with you
he'd just wanted to be with you, doing nothing
if only you could read his mind.
"you looked so pretty today, not the you didn't look pretty yesterday or any other days! you actually look pretty everyday-"
"kai if you wanna kiss, just say so."
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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎designer yuoniz ! do not copy, repost, translate any of my works
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brodygold · 2 months ago
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Boyfriend, BROfriend
Asher sulked as he laid back on the couch, too upset to notice the television was displaying static. His girlfriend had just dumped him that morning and his best friend Thorn was completely MIA. He'd gone to investigate the local sports legends, the "Gold Troopers" or something like that. Thorn often lived up to his name, being a thorn in Asher's side, but he still wanted his support in these rough times. Asher had invited him over to rant about chicks like they usually did after a breakup but he hadn't even read the damn message. He'd already drunk several cans of cheap beer waiting for the guy and was starting to feel the buzz.
Asher was pulled out of his buzzed state (well, slightly at least) with a knock on his door. "Finally," he thought, "took the asshole long enough to get here." He threw himself off the couch and walked over to the front door.
Opening it, Asher could tell something was a bit off. Thorn's usual wild and spiky hair was tamed, giving him a sporty look.
"What's with the hair, man? Where's your wild side?"
Thorn let out a little laugh. "Oh, don't worry about that, bro. I still have my wild side. Just trying something new."
Asher looked Thorn up and down. Nothing else seemed off about him. Besides maybe him saying "bro." He still had that characteristic smirk on his face, and the leather jacket on him screamed "punk." He was too drunk for this.
"If you say so, man. Get in here so we can gripe about Maya."
"Thanks, bro. I got just the thing for you actually." He held up his hand, holding a golden DVD. "One of my new bros gave me something to help you get over your ex."
Asher looked at him suspiciously, his hands in his jean pockets. "What's a movie gonna do for me?"
"Trust me, bro. He showed it to me when I met him and it's almost life-changing in a way."
"If you say so. Can you put it in? I'm a bit drunk."
"Sure thing bro."
Thorn put the disc into the player, turning the TV off the static. In its place was a shiny golden spiral, drawing Asher in instantly. The gold swirled in his eyes, mixed with a bit of white and brown. Images of naked women appeared in the background behind it.
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Asher lost himself in the spiral, staring at it mindlessly. His mind went completely blank. All he could do was stare at the spiral. Stare, and obey.
Thorn removed his leather jacket, revealing a shiny golden soccer jersey underneath with "Trey" on the back. He smirked looking at Ashter's blank stare. "That's it bro, just stare at the pretty spiral. You'll be a true bro soon."
Ashtor reached down into his jeans and started stroking, just as the spiral commanded him to. As he continued, his clothes started changing. His black t-shirt glowed gold, transforming into a shiny gold soccer jersey with his true name on the back. His jeans turned into a set of golden shorts, giving him more room to stroke as he pulled them down further. His wild and crazy hair got tapered down into a classy, sporty look that matched Trey's.
Ashton's mind was being rewritten at the same time, his old self going into his balls with every stroke. His name change was solidified first, the first piece of his new identity. The images of women changed into men stroking themselves just like he was, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He found himself admiring their forms and their strokes, eyeing the big packages. Thoughts of being with women and loving their bodies head to toe vanished completely. Only men would satisfy him now.
Trey leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Ashton could feel himself blush as he continued stroking. Memories of being with Trey as boyfriends, serving the Golden Army together both on and off the field. They sure knew how to party together in the locker room...
"Cum for me, babe"
The spiral finally ended as Ashton came, spurting his old self out onto the floor in front of him. Trey would be sure to clean that up later.
"Come on babe. We have practice in 30 minutes!"
Ashton looked up at his boyfriend and smiled. "Sure thing babe. Let's get going. But first..." He walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling a sinister smile.
"How about a quick round 2?"
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niklauskzak · 4 months ago
looks around* lowers voice*
Mikey finding his s/o toys and he gets jealous that his s/o is using them instead of using him and then his s/o uses the toys on mikey to show him how good they feel
*takes the request slowly and puts it in his pocket* Got ya pookie...
Warning → +18
(all characters are +18 so don't start saying shit in the comments, English is not my first language, still trying to figure out how to make good shit so please be patient)
Nasty (nasty)
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"Where's it?" He asked you, searching for your phone now that he convinced you to order some pizza because my boy Mikey is always hungry.
"I think it's in my bedroom!" You were in the kitchen looking for something to drink with the pizza just to find out you're running out of soda's, quickly, you took your wallet and your keys, put your shoes on and walked out of your apartment but before that you turned around to notify him you're gonna be back soon.
"Gonna go out to buy more soda, I'll be back in a minute!" He simply responded with a "okay!" And you make your way out to the street while he was still fighting against his own demons because the poor boy couldn't find the phone.
"If I were a phone...where would I hide?...." Bro's gonna fry his brain if he keeps thinking that hard, after what feels like for ever (two minutes) he noticed that he hasn't searched for the phone in your closet!
So here's our beautiful boy, sitting on the floor, looking at everything he found in a not so well hidden box... At first he felt a bit disappointed with himself... Why would you have toys? He wasn't enough to satisfy you? Is he doing something wrong? But then something else kicked in... Jealousy, how's gonna make you feel good a piece of plastic? Nonsense! He now was a bit angry at you for hiding this type of things from him... Didn't you trust him enough to talk about all this stuff?
By the time you came back with the soda, you found him on the couch, arms crossed on front of his plastron, something wasn't okay...
"Mikey? Hey! I'm b-back... Is everything okay?" You asked worried since he didn't even turn to greet ya like if it has been years without seeing you (puppy behaviour?)
"how long?" He asked, finally turning around to face you "how long what?" You asked as you put the soda in the coffee table "how long have you been hiding from me the fact that I don't satisfy you enough?" He sounded offended... Or maybe he was just being dramatic "Mikey...what are you talking about-" "I found EVERYTHING!"
So now you're the one frying your brain trying to find out what got him in this really bad mood "er....?" "THE TOYS!"... Nothing actually happened, you just stared at him for a moment before laughing out loud, when you finally managed to calm down you explained it to him "Mikey I only have those toys for when i feel so needy but you can't come over, there's no toys in this world who could actually make me feel as good as you do" smiling warmly, you sat by his side, ona thing got to other and what at first were lovely tiny kisses ended up with hungry and desperate ones...
The things only grew hotter till one idea came to your mind "wanna try them out?" And that's how we ended this way, Mikey moaning out loud (in my hc Mikey it's really vocal) while you press the vibrator directly in his cloaca, this poor boy has been begging you for permission to drop his cock out "be a good boy and wait" you whispered softly to him, after what feels like for ever "p-please ! I- I can't -" his legs started to shake, he wouldn't last much longer "okay".
Now all erect in his full glory, his cock twitched at the feeling of the vibrations of your toy (you're gonna be the death of this dude), Mikey felt out of breath as you press the toy right on the head of his dick, his hands resting at his sides as he did his best to not throw the toy away and take you right there, right now. At this point our poor boy was babbling and so lost in his own arousal, his hips bucking up, whimpering desperately, all sweaty "I- mmmgonna- ah!" That's the last words he said before his orgasm hits him hard and rough, tears forming on his eyes as his body trembles from the overstimulation.
"So, you like it?" Pulling the toy away from him "iksndm...mskjnhbf" you chuckled playfully "I would take that as a yes" you said before giving him a tiny lovely kiss on his cheek
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Be honest guys did I ate with this one? 👀💧
(me reading all the shit I just wrote↓)
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levenlike11 · 2 years ago
a little lovesick satoru drabble after that horrible suna one, i really hope this is better.
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"oh god, here he comes." shoko sighs as gojo is nearing you, geto following close behind. you look over your shoulder and quickly turn back when you see the white haired, extremely annoying male.
"y/n-channn!!" gojo sings and throws himself on you, giving you not an inch of space to breathe with how he pushes his head and hair on your nose.
"hello satoru," you push him but fail to make him move so you pull his hair.
"OUCH! why would you do that to meee!?" gojo whines and stands up, turning around to look at geto who's grinning, amused by the situation.
"don't laugh at me! i'm suffering here." he pouts and shoko lets out the laugh she had been holding in.
"it couldn't have possibly hurt that much. stop overreacting." you say which only seems to make him sadder.
"now you announce me a drama queen, how will my heart ever recover?" he raises his hand to cover his face dramatically, contradicting himself. he never misses to give you an oscar worthy acting, so talented they would hire him to play in a shakespeare theater if he applied.
"you'll be fine." you mutter and open your book again, mumbling a curse under your breath when you realise you lost the page you were on.
"see, now i have to go through all the book to find my page." you sigh but gojo doesn't seem to care, still busy whining about how rude you are towards him.
"you never act this way with shoko, or geto. he's much less handsome than me- no offense bro." he turns at geto, who doesn't seem to mind the comment enough to argue back. it's just gojo and his usual dramatic-ness after all.
"because shoko is my best friend and geto is a really nice guy, who is definitely more handsome than you by the way." satoru quite literally throws himself on the ground after hearing those words come out of your mouth.
"i'd rather die than hear those words again coming from the love of my life." he closes his eyes. he looks like the people playing dead to fool a bear.
"i told you to stop calling me that, and it's the truth, he's much much more handsome, and cool, and strong.." you start counting but gojo cuts you off.
"i'm gojo satoru, mind you! the one with six eyes and stuff you know. i'm literally the coolest and the strongest."
"this is why they don't like you back." shoko chuckles and you sigh, putting your book down again. he doesn't look like he'll let you read at all.
"gojo-" "satoru, please. i want my love to call me by my name." "i am not your love, satoru, please leave me alone. i already told you i don't like you." he has called you a sadist multiple times. even 'the cruelest person on earth'.
"you do, actually." he smirks, "you looooove me. how could you not?"
"i currently do not feel anything positive towards you. i might start hating you if you don't get up soon." you'd be surprised how quickly he gets up after that.
"no, please don't! we still have to marry and buy a house with pets and raise kids together-" he gets on his knees and hugs your legs in front of him.
"slow down satoru, we don't even date yet." you laugh at this antics. he's the most stubborn person you've ever met, dedicated to get you to like him romantically. it's not like you really hate him, you sometimes even think you might like him back. just a little bit. but it's fun seeing him like this, so desperate for you. (it makes you feel nice.)
"yet?!" he springs up, grinning from ear to ear. "so we might date in the future?"
"not if you keep doing this."
"what if i take you out to dinner?" you act like you're thinking about it.
"maybe if you also take me to the bookstore later and buy me ice cream."
"GETO, DID YOU HEAR Y/N? we might go on a date!" he jumps on geto, hugging him tight. shoko and you are practically dying of laughter at this point.
"get off of me." geto pushes him away but also smiling, seeing how excited satoru is and happy since two of his close friends are finally about to get together. he's also glad he doesn't have to suffer while watching these moments on first row with shoko. (they don't know it'll be much worse and annoying after you start dating though.)
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☆ hope you enjoyed reading! please feel more than free to leave feedback and have a great day/night!🫶🏻
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amoristt · 1 month ago
trust i seek, and i find in you | pt3
part 1 (x) . part 2 (x)
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「 ✦ seong gi-hun / reader ✦ 」
tags: sfw // lots of death ment, angstttt bro, like so much, sad gi-hun </3, a/n: sorry for the super shorter chapter next one is the finale <3 ik im changing the events of the actual show but let me live i needed a bridge to the finale!!!!!!!!! ugh i so sad its almost done already
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All the mattresses had disappeared. 
All but two. 
The dormitory feels impossibly large, now. The piggy bank dangles from the ceiling with banded paper threatening to spill over the edges, mounting at the brims, hanging fat and heavy. You refuse to look at it, so it laughs at you instead. Taunts you. There may as well have been blood, bone, and souls stirring about in that tank, the money tainted with the lives of your friends, the lives of the struggling. 
There was no prize. Not anymore. 
You’d almost paired with Gi-hun for the marbles game. His hands had found you, wrapped around your arm the moment that voice overhead announced that the game would be played in pairs. His hands on you were like fish to water- knowing, promising. Housing. But then in the distance as the timer closed in you saw Il-nam crouched on his own, watching blurry bodies skate him by, seeking stronger, seeking better. You saw the former version of yourself in all of them. 
If there was a moment you’d be acutely aware of how much Gi-hun had changed you, this would be it. 
You'd spent your entire life waiting for something, someone, worth changing for.
So when Gi-hun turned towards you, those eyes full of empathetic guilt, you already knew what coming. Beat him to it, infact. 
“It’s okay. I’ll see you after, yeah?” You’d murmured despite the way this heavy weight had settled in your chest. Worry, anxiety, all because you would have to be without. 
He kissed your forehead in thanks. You lingered on it for much too long.
“You will.”
And then he was gone, reaching a hand out to to the old man and bringing him to his wobbly feet. Gi-hun was special like that. Always giving and never taking. Not even when he deserved it. You like to think he'd learned from his previous lifestyle, to be the hand that provided, and not the hand that stole.
There was a quick grasp to your hand and low and behold, 212 filled your vision. A much less pleasant view. Her shrill voice brought an ache to your temples, a burn to your skin where she grasped you tight. Sure, you needed a partner, and she knew that. Must have watched your interaction with Gi-hun like a damn vulture and swooped in the second there was room. 
There was a moment when she'd looked at you like you were her saving grace, and for just a second, you'd wondered if maybe all this exterior roughness was just a front. But then, she had to go and ruin it with her words once again.
“Who needs men anyways,” She’d harped. “If he wants to die with that old guy, so be it, huh?”
You ripped yourself away from her like you’d been scalded. She didn’t know the first thing about either of them, and you’d be damned if you would ever put your lives in the hands of hers. Even if you saw yourself in her. Even if she was just trying to survive.
But it was so hard to pity her when those comments seemed to always fill your mouth with bitter. You sought elsewhere.
And you found it- in player 068. He seemed normal enough, albeit noticeably standoffish, moving through the motions with a blank stare, enough determination on those features to bring you comfort- to fail you would be to fail himself. You remembered this sense of unease going into a new challenge blind and relying on a total stranger. 
You remembered how you nearly lost what little breakfast you were provided on the dirt floor when the game was announced. This wasn’t teams- it was rivalry. A versus match. 
Images of your friends flashed through your racing mind. You swore you would have a heart attack.
Ali and Sang-woo. Sae-Byeok and Yi-Jeong. 
Gi-hun and Il-nam.
You were crying before your own game even started. 068 didn’t question it, but you could see the way he studied you, unsure of you. Wondering just what you were doing crying in front of a fellow competitor playing games for your lives. Grief struck you before you even knew who to cry over. 
The initial impression you’d had of him was almost dead on- he was determined. But he wasn’t so closed off as you had thought him to be, that stoic face and even tone masking a much warmer person underneath. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to ask him his name. He didn’t ask you yours, either. 
It was hard to focus on the game. Every turn a step closer to death. Every gunshot the reminder that you may never see your friends again. But, round by round, you managed. When he was on his last marble, you cried even harder. If you from just a week ago, leery eyed, shifty handed and as selfish as the dark over light, you wouldn’t understand the depth of your own sorrow. You’d won, after all. Wiped a player off the board to propel yourself, your life, your wants over his. You’d surely have been proud of yourself.
But now, you just feel like a fucking monster.
To be loved, is to be changed.
To be changed, is to suffer.
You were always good at these types of games. You thought, maybe, by letting him choose the game, it would make the pill easier to gag down. You found, however, it really didn't. From the very second the games started, when he’d made his choice and it was one you were highly familiar with, guilt had already begun to stockpile up in the warehouses of your heart. Box after box. Taking up space, filling you to the brim. 
“I used to play this with my mom,” He’d said, mind escaping to a better time even if just a moment when he’d picked. “I got pretty good at it.”
You wished he hadn’t said that. It was all you could think about when he, with shaking hands and a pale to his face, handed over his last marble. Crestfallen, hopeless. The image of him as a spirited child and soft hands playing marbles with a faceless mother made you sick to your stomach.
You said something you didn’t think would ever see the daylight of your lips. 
“I’m sorry.”
And he, with slumped shoulders and his head hung low. “I know.”
You were escorted away, and you knew deep in the bowels of your heart that you were going to hear that gunshot in your dreams. Following you, watching you. Haunting you for the rest of your life. 
However long that was, anyways. 
The room you were led to was large and bathed in pure white, absent of anything particularly eye catching. There were already people standing about, some with their heads held high, others struggling with the weight of guilt so heavy it threatened to crush you all under its umbrella. Sang-woo’s eyes found you before anyone else's, his expression strained, his red-lined eyes betraying his all-business exterior. It made it hard to breathe. 
Sae-Byeok shared the sentiment. Distant, far away. Trying to figure out how to cope now bearing the hands of cruelty towards someone worth caring about. 
Then, you saw him. Gi-hun. And his angular cheeks are soaked with tears. When his eyes meet yours, a lance of relief has you letting out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, but there’s no room for much else. Grief burrowed and dug it’s way in, seized the joy and ate it whole. Il-nam’s passing wasn’t an easy loss to digest. Partly because the old man had meant something to you. Mostly because Gi-hun would never forgive himself. He’d left a piece of himself lying on that dirt, counting marbles and talking with his gganbu. 
You crept to his side and took his hand in your own. All he could offer was a squeeze in return.
You could still see 068 behind your eyes. How he hadn’t been angry with you, how he watched you walk away before dropping to the ground. Never to return home, never to be found. The walls felt like they were both growing larger and also closing in. You were struggling to grapple with it all. 
Gi-hun was still back there with the old man as you were all escorted back to the dormitories where they passed out measly potatoes and water. Still back there when you’d all sat among the beds now found far and few between, picking at your meals with your bellies full on remorse. 
Gi-hun couldn’t bring himself to eat. Sae-Byeok struggled to get past the second bite. You yourself just found it easier to roll the potato around in your hands, balancing the weight of it, wondering if you could ever be forgiven. Gi-hun’s knee bumped against yours, a reminder that he was still there, even if his expression was as blank as a canvas. You needn’t ask to understand what he was thinking about, lost in it. 
“Don’t make a big deal out of it, they were just people you’d met here.” Sand-woo had said, almost finished with his meager meal. Talking to himself, justifying himself, but everyone could feel it- Ali’s absence was like a solar eclipse. You followed his line of sight to 069, sitting in a heap of desolation on one of the only mattresses left. Sang-woo swallowed hard. “That man’s partner was his wife.”
You breath left you like a ghost as you took in the sight of the poor man, struck and swimming with grief. 
Gi-hun cried that night. Though it was silent, muted tears gathering at the point of his jaw before soaking into his tracksuit, you could feel his shoulder trembling with each inaudible sob. He trembled apart in your hold and you tucked him into yourself, cradled his body and kissed his forehead just as he'd taught you as if it would heal him. His fingers found you in the darkness and held tight, just as needing as how you clutched him. Your heart ached, seismic pains ringing from every nerve in your body, drawing you in despair. 
Every time you dozed off, you swore you could hear a gunshot cutting through the humidity of turmoil. You swore you’d see 068’d face. 
Maybe if you hadn’t met Gi-hun, you’d have taken all of this mess in stride like 101. You hated him- despised his cruelty and his jeers, but ultimately he went to sleep that night with a full stomach and dreaming of fat stacks of bloodied cash. Meanwhile, you stared at the ceiling and barely registered the way your stomach growled at you. It felt just. Perhaps if you’d sought help elsewhere that first day, you could sleep. 
But, you didn’t. So now, you endured. 
069’s cries did not go unnoticed, either, from his bed now entirely too cold to withstand.
It was tough to imagine the suffering, the pure guilt so true and down to it’s very root that it grew it’s sprawling limbs of misery and woe into every crevice. Under every stone, over the sky, from the tip of his nose to the soles of his heavy feet. The human body was not designed to bear such suffering. It curled in itself, emptied itself of all things good. Hollowed from the inside out. 
So much so, that when you’d found out the next morning that the man had taken his own life, you weren’t sure how there was anything left of himself to hang. 
How you take anymore of this? When there was already so little left. 
That day, you discovered that the pits of rock bottom were merely roadblocks. 
The glass bridge took everything. Taught you that even when you believed your cup had run dry of tears, there would never be an end to the bottomless waterfalls in your eyes. There would never be a suffering so consuming and total that it would simply stop there. 
Everyone had died except you and Gi-hun. 
The finalists. 
The piggy bank grinned with teeth and malice. Reminded you of what you had done. What you had witnessed, and how you had survived off the backs of your former competitors. 
You were fed and suited. Given a real meal, something you'd have fought tooth and nail for nail for back home. It tasted like despair. 
All you could see were the fleeting images of Sang-woo crashing through the glass in his desperate attempt to cross the bridge and leap to the platform as the timer ticked away the seconds of his lifespan. He’d tried to grab the bars as he went, fingers slipping off the metal and sending him plummeting to the ground. You, Sae-Byeok, and Gi-hun barely managed to jump to safety as the bridge combusted into fireworks of glass and shards, showering your fallen friend meters down below. 
You think a piece of Gi-hun fell with him. You think Gi-huns left pieces of himself everywhere, now. Back with Il-nam lying sprawled in the dirt, down in the bellows of the pit with Sang-woo mangled and broken. You’re not entirely sure how whole you are anymore, either. 
When the guards lead the way out, you had to take Gi-hun’s hand in your own just to get him moving. 
Sae-Byeok didn’t survive the walk back to the dorms after your pointless meals. One moment, she was there. Quiet as always, somber. Maybe if you’d have known she was bleeding out, you could have done something. The next moment, she was dropping like a stone, and she bled, and bled, and bled. 
There wasn’t much to remember after that. Just a blur of outcries and the desperate, pleading demands that they save her. You’d both pounded on the doors, wrenching at the knobs, begging for them to do something until you were both blue in the face and sliding down the door in exhaustion. 
No one answered, and the lights flickered out down to the same minute second as they always had. 
With no one other than Gi-hun at your side, there wasn’t reason to concern yourself with watching each other's backs. You don’t think either of you had the energy for it even if you had, running empty tanks and affliction. All you found yourself able to do was lay beside him and beg God for a different way. A different path. Anything other than the way you were headed. You’d be different, this time, you promised. You’d do right. No more stealing, or cheating, or fighting for just the scraps at the end of the table. You wouldn’t take this life for granted any longer if he just please saved you both. Pull your sorry souls from the fire and let you start anew.
His arms are wrapped around you and his face inches away. Now, truer than ever, there was nothing but him. 
Gi-hun's voice is soft. “We will both leave here. I promise you."
The red lights of the surveillance cameras blink from every corner in the darkness. 
You tried to believe him over all else.
“I’m scared.” You whispered. He kisses the top of your head. An all healing ailment. Your lower lip quivers. 
So, he kisses your nose. And then your cheek. The corner of your mouth. You found the sides of his face in the darkness like you’d done it your entire life, and you press your lips against his. His hands splay over your back, and he drags you in.
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perksofbeingpoet · 9 months ago
CHARLIE: trying WAY too hard to be everyone's airport crush. has to be dragged out of the liquor section of the duty free shop ("but the vodka is so CHEAP"). plays a game of "trying to sneak as many metal objects past the security check as possible". when he gets a pat down he keeps wiggling his eyebrows and saying some variant of "wow no you're wayy too old for me" to the security guy (who's probably considering quitting his job). is secretly terrified of flying but tries not to let it show (grips neil's hand so hard it hurts when they take off)
TODD: literally a ball of pure anxiety in the beginning of it. SO scared he overpacked, he's constantly talking about what if his suitcase is too heavy and he has to empty it out and everyone in the queue will be watching him and GOD HE HATES AIRPORTS. calms down a bit after the security check (totally panics about what if he accidentally put a gun down his pants or something and doesn't remember), and then just chills in the perfume area of the duty free shop, trying all the scents. buys loads of snacks because you never know if the place you're going to has the good ones. tries not to think about the possibility of the plane crashing. likes watching the clouds.
NEIL: A literal kid. Is the one who ACTUALLY overpacked, and runs around with his suitcase (he'd totally sit down on it and ride it around if that was socially acceptable). spends like an hour in the shops and is suddenly convinced he needs to buy a lot of unnecessary stuff. BUT goes into airport dad mode as soon as he needs to, he has all the tickets and keeps reminding everyone of having their passports ready, he knows the gate number etc. takes the lead and gets them to the plane safely.
KNOX: has like an hour long "in case i die on the plane" video ready for chris, and they have a long phone call to say good bye (interrupted when charlie gets into a fight with a security guard - "c'mon dude, who's side are you on, the government?? like being a small little guy in power??" "Sir I'm going to repeat it one more time, I need you to take off that belt please."). if knox wasn't dating chris, he'd totally be looking at all the cute girls at the airport for like two seconds and trying to telepathically tell them they're cute (relatable, not gonna lie). Is so polite and charming to all the staff that it's on the verge of being funny, Pittsie teasing him about really being the perfect son in law. Honestly just a very chilled flyer, he has fun.
PITTS: has even more fun. has like an extra bag full of snacks that everyone makes fun of and then obviously wants some of later (pittsie gives them some because he's a bro, but they have to swear that he's the best and will get the front seat of every car they'll ride). TOTALLY has one of those inflatable neck cushions. the security guy comments on how tall he is mainly to make conversation, but pittsie is still proud of it (i think i mentioned my headcanons about pitts' relationships with his height? or did i never publish them?) and smiles for the next minute. reads the on-flight magazine. super excited at take off, he's like LET'S GOOOO while todd and charlie are on the verge of crying. freaks out about omg I forgot my passport (neil took it from him one second ago). fun facts about planes!!
MEEKS: the chillest. tries to calm todd down by telling him statistics and all that about the narrow chances of dying on a plane until charlie snaps and is like SHUT UP OH MY GOD ("'kay sir" 🫡😳). nerds out about planes with pittsie! has WAY too many tags on his bags in case they get lost. tells really bad airport puns that pittsie thinks are HILARIOUS. spends the wait by just sitting in a café and drinking way too much coffee. ONLY buys one teeny tiny little bag of m&ms and then eats like half of pittsies snacks. sits more comfortably than pitts because his legs are shorter and don't get cramped and DEFINITELY teases him about it like 'hmm i don't know what you mean, there's plenty of leg room!"
CAMERON: really excited for the flight, loves the whole experience. printed out everything twice just in case!! all his liquid items are in these little plastic bags that no one ever uses (or maybe y'all are just better than me). eats SO much beforehand to save money because the airport prices are ridiculous. runs to the gate like three times to check it hasn't been changed. has the craziest methods to keep his ears from popping.
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deanscherrypie420 · 8 months ago
pookie i just read ur latest hotch fic bro pls write more for him i beg 😭🙏
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A/N: Your wish is my command <3 I hope you enjoy it! This one is more wholesome so let me know if you want something more spicyyyy-
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Reader Y/N, Jack Hotchner, BAU team
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner X Reader
Warnings: Jack is lost at the beginning and Hotch saves them ,but just a lot of fluff after. (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: You didn't expect your day to begin with finding a lost kid, but it wasn't exactly a bad start...
Y/N was enjoying a morning walk, the beautiful scenery of the park relaxing her. It was a crisp day, a cool breeze gently brushing through the leaves.
Suddenly, a young boy - maybe around the age of six or seven - ran up to her, a worried glint in his eyes. "I can't find my dad," He murmured, looking around and scratching his neck.
"Oh, uhm, okay. Do you need help finding him?" Y/N asked, a nervous panic bubbling up within her. The boy nodded frantically, picking at his nails.
She took a deep breath, realizing that she needed to stay calm to keep him calm. "Okay, I can do that. What's your name, sweetheart?" She questioned as she crouched down, meeting him at eye level.
He allowed her to take his hands, holding them carefully. "Jack. My dad was with me, but then I walked off and he was gone." She nodded along as he spoke, making sure he understood she was listening.
"Alright, Jack, why don't we walk around and look for him, okay?" She offered, and he nodded again, already studying the area around him. They walked around for a minute, Jack calling out for his dad every few seconds.
A man walked up to them, a small smile on his lips. "Hey, buddy. We were lookin' everywhere for you." He ignored her presence, only focusing on the boy. She instinctively pulled him back a bit, hunching over a bit to speak to him better.
"Do you know him, Jack?" She asked him and Jack shook his head. The man cut in, now reaching out to grab the boy. "I'm his dad's friend. Come on, Jake."
She pulled him behind her back, shielding him with her body. "No, I think he should stay with me." She started walking backwards, Jack stumbling back with her. She was holding his wrist - maybe a little too tight - not letting the man get closer.
He kept walking towards them, insisting he take Jack with him. Out of the blue, a man jogged over and stepped in front of her. He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and flipped it open.
"Agent Hotchner, FBI. Can we help you?" He nearly spat at the man, staring down at him with a cold gaze. The guy stepped back, clearing his throat and raising his hands. He mumbled something incoherent as he stormed off.
"Daddy!" Jack beamed, running out from behind her and hugging the agent. He wrapped an arm around him and smiled, planting his hand on top of his head. "Hey, buddy. You okay?"
Jack nodded and pointed at the young woman. "She helped me from the bad guy, daddy." He explained and she let out a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put him in danger. I was just trying to help."
The man smiled and stuck his hand out. "I'm Aaron, thank you for looking out for him." She accepted his handshake and smiled, still a bit hesitant. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. And of course, I'm glad you found him."
She gave an awkward wave and turned to walk away, but Aaron cleared his throat. "Hey, actually, do you want to hang out with us for a bit?" He offered, and she noticed how Jack's face lit up. She let out an airy laugh and shrugged.
"Sure, why not."
They had spent the day talking and playing with Jack. He was a bit shy at first, but once they started tossing a soccer ball around he came out of his shell completely.
After soccer, Jack heard an ice-cream truck and begged his dad to get some. He agreed, and he paid for all of them to get popsicles. When Jack went to go run around - both of them now keeping a watchful eye - she insisted she pay him back.
"It's just ice-cream, Y/N. You don't have to worry about it." He chuckled, throwing the sticks into the trash. Her cheeks were a bit flushed, unreasonably embarrassed about the situation. "Are you sure? I mean - we just met." She argued, and his smile grew.
"Yeah, but a favor for a new friend doesn't hurt." He flashed a grin at her and she bit her lip, a laugh slipping out. "Okay, okay. I surrender." She joked, and they continued on with casual conversation, moving to sit down on a bench.
Out of curiosity, she asked about his job and she was dumbfounded. He explained cases they've worked on and briefly explained some of his co-workers.
"Wow! That sounds horrible!' She snorted, non-stop giggling as he told her about an average work day. He couldn't help but laugh along with her, her radiant smile becoming contagious.
"It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but it's nice being able to help people." He explained and she nodded, her laughter subsiding. They continued to chat about it, and she lit up with excitement when he mentioned a case she knew.
"I listened to that on a podcast! You solved that?" She beamed, and he nodded, finding her joy adorable. "Yeah, it was a challenge." He added, and they compared what they knew about it.
She quickly cleared her throat and nudged him with her knee when she noticed Jack running up to them. He rambled about a cool bug that he saw for a bit before Aaron's phone rang. He excused himself and took the call.
He came back and Jack was noticeably bummed, and she had a guess as to why. "I have to go, we just got a case." He sighed, and she nodded, standing up to give him a hug goodbye.
"It was nice hanging out with you. If you want, we can exchange numbers and maybe... hang out again?" She prodded, and Jack nodded rapidly, making both of them chuckle.
"Of course, I'd love to."
Emily and David were chatting by JJ's desk, waiting for her to return with snacks. They were planning to watch a movie in the conference room with the rest of the team. It was their day off and they felt like they earned it.
Emily glanced over when she noticed a young woman looking around, appearing to be lost. She had a visitors badge clipped onto her shirt. Both the agents noted that she looked nice, as if she was going out.
"New agent?" Rossi asked, and Emily shook her head. "No, she might be here to see Strauss, or Garcia because of that seminar thing she did." He raised his brows and flattened his lips, a nonverbal sign of agreement.
Emily walked over to her, gently tapping her shoulder. "Hi, are you here to see someone?" She asked and Y/N looked up at her, an awkward smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, actually. Uhm, is Aaron here?"
The agent's eyes widened, now reciprocating her smile. "Yeah, his room is up-" She started but was cut off by Aaron's door swinging open. "Hey, Y/N!" He had a huge grin on his face, waving her over.
She gave a quick goodbye to the agent in front of her before happily speeding up the stares, quickly getting engulfed in a tight bear hug. "Aaron! I missed you!"
He ruffled her hair and invited her into his office, now leaving them behind closed doors. JJ was now in the room, jaw nearly on the floor. "Did you guys see that?" She asked, and both Rossi and Emily nodded, confusion evident on all of their faces.
Shortly after, Derek, Penelope and Spencer all walked in, arguing over what movie the group should watch. Spencer raised a brow when he noticed the hushed conversation between the trio in front of them. "What are you guys whispering about?"
After explaining the situation to the rest of the gang, everyone was coming up with their own theories. "Wait, what about movie night?" Garcia gasped, and Morgan chuckled. "Babygirl, seriously?"
Aaron and Y/N stepped out of his office, laughing and whispering to each other. The two made their way down the stairs, seemingly oblivious to the group not too far away.
Aaron's alarm went off on his phone and he reached into his pocket. "I'll meet you by the elevator," He stated, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She nodded and left the room, the glass door blurring her a bit as she walked away.
He turned and now realized the group that had been staring him down. He took a minute to think of what to say, shrugging and rubbing his jaw.
"Sorry guys, I have my own movie date planned." He admitted, quickly making his way out of the room. "Don't worry, you guys will get to meet her another time, shes the best." He added with a smile, something the team didn't often see.
Once the two disappeared down the elevator, Spencer scoffed in amusement. "He smiled" David nodded, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Love is in the air."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you want a part two - of like when they're at the movies-
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sturniololuvz · 27 days ago
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“A Day in the Life of the Sturniolos (and Their Tiny Tornado)”
Sturniolos x sister reader
warnings : none
Morning Wake-Up Call
The sun was just starting to shine through the blinds of the Sturniolo household, but one particular four-year-old was still deep in dreamland. While the triplets were already up and moving, their little sister, Y/N, was not ready to start her day.
Chris sighed dramatically as he stood outside her bedroom door. “Alright, who’s waking her up today?”
“Not it,” Nick said immediately, shoving a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.
Matt groaned. “Dude, I did it yesterday. It’s your turn, Chris.”
Chris rolled his eyes but stepped into Y/N’s room anyway. As expected, she was completely knocked out, curled up under her favorite blanket, hugging a stuffed animal that was almost as big as her.
Chris knelt beside her and gently shook her arm. “Y/N, time to wake up.”
Y/N groaned and turned her face deeper into the pillow. “Nooo, weave me ‘lone, Chwis…”
Chris smirked, pulling the blanket off her slowly. “C’mon, you gotta get up. It’s breakfast time.”
“Nick made pancakes,” Chris bribed.
One of Y/N’s eyes peeked open. “Pancakes?”
She groaned but finally sat up, rubbing her tiny fists against her eyes. “Fine.”
Chris scooped her up and carried her downstairs, where Matt and Nick were already at the table.
“Look who finally woke up,” Matt teased.
Nick slid a small plate in front of her. “One stack of pancakes, extra syrup, and cut into tiny pieces. Just how the princess likes it.”
Y/N giggled sleepily. “Tank you, Nickie.”
Chris sat beside her, pouring himself some juice. “Alright, what’s on the agenda today?”
Nick shrugged. “Y/N’s probably gonna want to play after this.”
Y/N nodded quickly, stuffing her face with a bite of pancake. “I wanna play supewhewoes!”
Matt groaned. “Oh God, last time we played that, she punched me in the stomach ‘cause I was the ‘bad guy.’”
Chris snorted. “Yeah, maybe let her win this time.”
Y/N grinned mischievously. “I gonna fight da bad guys!”
Morning Playtime
After breakfast, the triplets followed Y/N into the living room, where she immediately started throwing couch pillows around.
“Alright, Y/N,” Chris said, ducking as she tossed another pillow. “What’s the mission today?”
“We gotta save da teddy beaws!” she declared, pointing to her stuffed animals trapped under a pile of blankets.
Nick gasped dramatically. “Oh no! Who took them?”
Y/N put her hands on her hips. “Da evil pillow monster!”
Matt sighed. “Why do I feel like I’m the pillow monster?”
Y/N giggled and grabbed one of the couch pillows, holding it over her head. “I gonna fight you, Mattie!”
Chris smirked. “RIP, dude.”
“Wait, wait, wait—” Matt started, but it was too late. Y/N launched the pillow at him, hitting him square in the chest.
Nick lost it, laughing so hard he almost fell off the couch. “Bro, you just got bodied by a four-year-old.”
Matt groaned. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s just save the teddy bears before she actually knocks me out.”
Lunchtime & Nap Struggles
After an hour of saving stuffed animals and fighting imaginary villains, the triplets finally convinced Y/N to take a break for lunch.
Chris placed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of her. “Here ya go, kid.”
Y/N pouted. “I wanted dino nuggies…”
Nick ruffled her hair. “We’ll have those for dinner. Eat your sandwich first, bub.”
She let out a dramatic sigh but took a tiny bite. “Fine…”
Matt watched her struggle to keep her eyes open between bites. “Alright, after this, nap time.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open. “NOOO!”
Chris smirked. “Yes.”
“NOOO, I NOT TIRED!” she whined, crossing her arms.
Nick raised an eyebrow. “Really? Then why were you just falling asleep at the table?”
Y/N gasped as if he had just exposed her darkest secret. “I WAS NOT!”
Matt shook his head. “Alright, c’mon, kiddo. You either take a nap or you turn into a grumpy gremlin.”
Chris leaned in. “You kinda are when you don’t sleep.”
Y/N stuck her tongue out at him, but her little head was already nodding forward.
Nick sighed, standing up. “Alright, let’s go, nap time.”
But before she could protest more, Matt picked her up, and within seconds, she was out cold on his shoulder.
Chris smirked. “Told you she was tired.”
Afternoon Chaos & an Argument
An hour later, Y/N woke up much happier and ready to cause chaos.
“Mattieee,” she whined, climbing onto his lap. “I wanna pway!”
“Alright, alright, what do you wanna do?”
Before Y/N could answer, Nick and Matt started bickering over something dumb.
“Dude, I literally just said—”
“No, you don’t listen—”
Chris groaned. “Are you guys seriously arguing right now?”
“STOP FIWHTIN’!” Y/N yelled, stomping her tiny foot.
Matt and Nick immediately froze.
Nick sighed. “Sorry, Y/N.”
Matt ruffled her hair. “Yeah, sorry, munchkin.”
Chris smirked. “Man, she really shut you guys up quick.”
Dinner, Bath, and Bedtime Battles
For dinner, the triplets made Y/N’s favorite—dino nuggets and mac & cheese.
Chris placed the plate in front of her. “There ya go, kid. Feast like the dinosaur queen you are.”
Y/N gasped. “DA DINOS ARE BACK?!”
Nick laughed. “They never left, dude.”
Matt sat beside her, watching as she grabbed a nugget and made it ‘walk’ across the table. “RAWR, I eat da mac & cheese!” she announced before dunking the nugget into the cheese and taking a big bite.
Chris smirked. “That was aggressive.”
“I’m a dino. Dinos awe ‘gessive.”
Nick shook his head with a smile. “You got me there.”
After dinner, bath time was the next battle.
“Y/N, let’s go,” Matt said, holding her tiny pajamas in his hand.
Chris crossed his arms. “You just played for like two hours.”
Nick sighed, walking over and picking her up. “C’mon, stinkbug. You’re getting in the bath before we need a hazmat team.”
Y/N giggled but still tried to escape, kicking her feet. “NOOO, NICKIE, NO BAF!”
Matt followed behind. “If you don’t take a bath, you’ll be smelly.”
Y/N gasped, eyes wide. “I NOT SMAWEY!”
Chris smirked. “Then prove it. Take a bath.”
Y/N groaned dramatically. “Fine…”
Once she was in the tub, she turned it into a whole ocean adventure, splashing water everywhere.
“Y/N, dude—” Chris blocked his face from the water. “Are you trying to drown us?”
“It’s a big wave!” she giggled, kicking her feet.
By the time they got her washed and dried, everyone was soaked.
Nick ran a hand through his wet hair. “Bro, I feel like I just swam laps at a water park.”
Matt sighed. “Let’s just get her in pajamas before she tries to jump back in.”
The Final Battle: Bedtime
Once Y/N was dressed, the hardest part of the day arrived—getting her to sleep.
Chris carried her to her bed. “Alright, kiddo, bedtime.”
Nick raised an eyebrow. “Dude, it’s late.”
Matt rubbed his face. “Y/N…”
Y/N wiggled under the blankets. “I NOT TIWED!”
Chris sighed. “You say that every night, and every night, you pass out within five minutes.”
Nick smirked. “Wanna bet?”
Y/N crossed her arms. “I bet a miwwion bucks!”
Matt chuckled. “You don’t even have a million bucks.”
“I do in my imagination.”
Chris shook his head, pulling the blanket over her. “Alright, whatever you say, boss. Now close your eyes.”
Y/N huffed dramatically but finally settled into the pillow.
“Goodnight, stinker,” Nick whispered, brushing some hair from her face.
“Night, Nickie…”
Matt and Chris leaned down, kissing her forehead. “Goodnight, troublemaker.”
“Night, Mattie… night, Chwis…”
The triplets turned off the light and tiptoed out.
As soon as they closed the door, Chris smirked. “Three… two… one…”
Nick grinned. “Out like a light.”
Matt stretched. “Dude, I don’t know how she fights bedtime so hard every night.”
Chris sighed. “She’s four, man. Chaos is her job.”
Nick chuckled. “And we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And with that, the house finally fell silent—until tomorrow, when the chaos would start all over again.
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