#he needs to star in a movie with a joker-like role
insomnianightss · 3 months
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He's insane and i need him to be crazier. Need him desperately
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Round 2A.6
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Propaganda under the cut:
Hermie the Unworthy: "Known for his method acting. Originally preparing for his role as the Joker in a stage play adaption of the 2019 movie, he then cycles through many other DC villains as various thematically appropriate traumas happen to him. (Half his face burned - two face, poisoned by a tree witch - poison ivy, needs to trap people with riddles - riddler). But he can do more than just Batman villains, hermie can become anyone. He can become a manager at a pizza place, Kiera knightly from bend it like Beckham and even a goth girl whose dad is about to die. This is because he’s just such a great actor (and also because one of his biological dads is revealed to be a shapeshifting trickster being. The other one is Satan, yes he’s the product of mpreg dont worry about it). He doesn’t act for the money but for the love of the craft (and crippling identity issues) and he deserves the win bc he never wins anything fucking else."
Tomblain Belaroth: "He’s a prince who became an actor bc he ran away from responsibility. He’s a member of an acting troupe called the cock-ticklers (enough said). His starring role in ‘Danlet’ generated great acclaim, but he also used his incredible acting skills to sink deeply into characters to go undercover for the forces of good, most notably as A Series of Bats, a role he played full time for many years. Also, he’s just a silly little guy, and his acting skills actually just entail him saying ‘Hello, I’m (name of character)’ in his own voice, to which everyone else responds with applause."
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eternal-love · 7 months
Austin and Me
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
Warning: mentions of COVID-19
COVID-19 took the world by storm and what was meant to just be some months in Australia became almost a year. Austin took this to his advantage to get more into the Elvis role, I supported him with any research he needed and with his weight gain, his accent. At first it was really enjoyable, I mean, dancing and singing to Elvis’ songs in the middle of the night, watching his movies and performances, watching Austin trying to recreate them. But then it started to get more serious, he started to go method.
I wasn’t a fan of method acting, I’ve never tried it before but I did have some co-stars that did it and it was like hell on earth, I’d like to think that he was going for a Marlon Brando route but it was starting to feel like Jared Leto when he played the Joker.
“Sit still!” I laughed as he didn’t stop moving around while I placed the hair dye on his brownish hair, he wasn’t a natural dark-haired man, as a boy his hair was this beautiful blonde.
“It smells disgusting, God, how I miss your hairdresser.” He said with a chuckle, his voice was a little thicker, a bit of a southern drawl to it.
“See? and you called me ridiculous whenever I went with her. I don’t know what she uses but it smells delicious.” I had my hairdresser back in California, she did my more trickier hairstyles, like the beehive ponytail and she did dye Austin’s hair black a couple of times before.
“Or maybe we were just high from all the chemicals, who knows?” He laughed again, yeah, maybe we did not ventilate well enough right now, I moved towards the window and opened it, not remembering that my gloves were pretty much still with hair dye, I stained that whole window up. To this day I still remember how much the landlord charged us for that one. After 30 minutes, we both kneeled beside the bathtub, I started rinsing his hair.
“Baby, you gonna drown me or something!” He said to me, if the water wasn’t too cold then it was too hot, or I was too aggressive with the rinsing.
“Then so be it!” I said to him, shampooing his hair.
Afterwards I even dried it and styled it, he saw himself in the mirror again, he finally had jet black hair again after months of just having this weird combination between black and blondish hair.
“I don’t know— I feel a little silly. Like an impersonator.” He had a grimace as he moved his hair side to side.
“You look really good. I promise.” I smiled at him and then kissed his cheek. “You can do this. Now let’s watch Viva Las Vegas for the fifth time, I’m finally getting the Ann-Margret dance.”
We did our research and everything, we knew little facts about Elvis, he liked knowing about Priscilla, I loved Priscilla. Austin found out this really interesting fact about Elvis and Priscilla’s bedroom time. As we were in bed, trying to spice things up.
“Wait, baby. We oughta try something new.” He said as he pulled away and got up from bed, he rummaged through a box of cameras we had, disposable ones, vintage ones, instants. He bought out an instax camera, with its film. “So— I read that Elvis and Priscilla did this and I wanted to try it out.”
“I’m up for it.” I smiled as I took off my nightgown coverup.
We started taking Polaroids, he made me pose, I was his model for the night. He grabbed my chin tenderly and moved it to the right direction, he got on top of me taking picture after picture. We even tried dress up, him as a policeman and doctor, I was a secretary, a maid, a teacher, we tried everything in the book.
He’d get in between my legs, kissing me all over, taking Polaroids while he was at it, taking Polaroids while I was at it, going down on him.
It was magical but it did make me feel ashamed whenever I looked at my purchase history and saw all the Polaroid films I bought during this time. We spent hundred of dollars in just the films for the instax.
I had a really good time with Austin but it didn’t really last long, until he submerged himself totally on Elvis. At first it was the voice and then it was the food, then it was his behavior. I couldn’t even remember the last time he slept with me. All I heard was Elvis, Elvis, Elvis— and not in the good way. Look, I understood him and everything but it was making me go nuts, I’m a big Elvis fan but he was just going bonkers. I lost count on how many books he read or how many hour he spent looking at Elvis stuff, he barely even spent time with Lori. I wanted to die whenever he called me ‘woman’ or ‘satnin’.
There were many times when he basically shut himself out, in the bedroom or the beach, it was like he was trying to torture me nonstop. I felt so useless because I wasn’t able to help him either. Whenever I did try to help him, he’d yell at me.
“Baby, please— you need to sleep.” I knocked on the office door, he had been there all day.
“Don’t bother me, woman.” He said sternly, I, being the stubborn I was, tried to get him out of there.
“Baby— you don’t need to indulge so much in Elvis. You should really come to sleep.” I knocked on the door once again, all I heard was silence afterwards but then the door opened aggressively.
“Are ya deaf or something?! Woman, I don’t want to hear another mouth comin’ out of your damn mouth. Ya hear me?” He said very aggressively, even he was taken aback. “Baby, you gotta let me do my damn job, so go to sleep, I’ll catch up to you later.” He dismissed me with his hand.
The king sized bed felt really empty without him there, cuddling me, kissing my head or forehead, we barely even slept on the same bed so in those cases, I’d bring Lori with me and hug her all night. I woke up to every sudden movement, thinking it was Austin but it was just my imagination playing cruel tricks on me. And whenever we did have alone time in bed, I tried wearing my cutest nightgowns, I even wore perfume to bed, Miss Dior, I adored that scent and so did Austin. God, I even wore my makeup to bed!
“Hey.” I whispered while I got in bed besides him, his back leaning against the headboard as he read Train to Memphis, I started kissing his neck softly, rubbing his bicep.
“Calm down, satnin.” He said, not taking his eyes off the book. “Ya know I’m trying to pay attention to this.” He kept on reading and reading in silence until he finally spoke up. “There a thousand women who would actually care to help and listen to me while I do my damn job. You gonna sit and listen or not?”
I stopped, I laid back and stared at him, storms in my eyes. I was trying everything to keep him looking at me yet nothing worked.
“But nothing, woman.” He said, there was silence again, he kept on reading and mumbling the words. I sat up on the bed, hugging my knees very subtly.
“I can’t stand it! It’s driving me crazy! I don’t want to hear you anymore!” I yelled out in frustration, I even closed my eyes.
“I see a mad woman.” He said on that pretentious mumble.
“No. A woman with needs that needs to be desired. You can have your Elvis books and me too.”
He looked at me and without even saying anything, she went back to reading his book, leaving me feeling humiliated.
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I’ve been dying to write this part— be prepared to see our Cynthia suffer.
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jokeroutsubs · 9 months
[ENG translation] Joker Out singer opens up about kissing on set and other details of the new film
Interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Katja Predan. Original article was written by Sonja Javornik for Novice Svet24, published on 6.1.2024. English translation by @varianestoroff, proof read by TWT klámstrákur.
The new Slovenian film 'Kaj pa Ester?' is targeted primarily at teenage audiences, but Tosja Flaker Bercet's fun, relaxed film will also appeal to older audiences. And it looks like the film will be a hit not only in Slovenia, but also abroad, as fans of Joker Out from all over Europe are waiting for the film to come to their cinemas - the male protagonist is played by the much-loved Bojan Cvjetićanin.
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Bojan Cvjetićanin and Katja Predan are the leading actors of the new teen movie 'Kaj pa Ester?' (Photo by Šimen Zupančič)
In 2021, after a long search for the main character, the director invited Bojan Cvjetićanin, the lead singer of a band that was on the verge of success at the time, to audition. Today, Bojan would not have had time to record due to concerts in Europe and other projects (their new album and concert film 'Live From Arena Stožice' is available on www.jokeroutband.com), but back then, it was not a problem for him, so we can admire him in the film alongside the excellent Katja Predan and other young co-stars.
The film is about Ester, who is not pleased when she discovers that her ex-boyfriend, who wants to rebuild their romance, has enrolled at the same high school. Kaj (played by Bojan) tries to show his love for her with romantic gestures, but his moves impress his classmates more than Ester. Ester finds herself in a difficult situation, as her classmates are mean to her because they think she should give Kaj a second chance, but instead she agrees with a friend to act like a lesbian couple... The Ljubljana premiere of the film took place at Cinemaplexx and the whole crew came to see it. Before that, we had the exclusive opportunity to talk to the two main actors. Bojan was five minutes late, but given his frenetic schedule and mild cold, we didn't blame him. Over tea, he and Katja were happy to look back on the filming and joked around, jumping into each other and generally getting on well.
Katja, you are 24 years old and finishing your third year of film directing studies at AGRFT¹.
I'm still one exam away...
So you prefer to be behind the camera than in front of it?
Actually, it was good in front of the camera too. (smiles)
How did you get this role?
That's a good story! I was waiting for a friend who was half an hour late for a drink. But I was sitting at another table, with a friend from high school, when Tosja joined us. He introduced himself, and I told him I knew him. He told me they needed another actress because they were filming something and offered me to come and try it out. I wasn't interested at first, but then I thought that it must be a short film and it wasn't that big of a commitment. When I arrived, I found out that I was auditioning for the main role!
Do you have previous acting experience?
I was in a theatre group, I acted in a play, and then I started directing. That was in the first year of high school. In college I acted in our rehearsals when we were filming, but now I hope to get another chance.
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In the interview, Bojan and Katja also revealed - he had his first crush in kindergarten, she had her first boyfriend in high school. (Photo by Šimen Zupančič)
What kind of projects do you want to do as a director?
The ones where people talk a lot (laughs). I'm interested in love themes and situations where nothing special happens and the relationship gets boring.
What was it like working with Bojan?
We've worked together very little because we split up in the film, so we're not a couple anymore. We had two rehearsals together and they were very nice. But we did hang out a little bit.
Can we even project ourselves into the film? The plot itself is absurd, because you want to break up with Bojan - the Bojan who is currently the idol of young girls in this country and in Europe!
Tosja, please write what happened before that! (laughs) Surely Ester had a good reason to leave him.
Have you been dumped by a girlfriend in real life?
Bojan: Absolutely! I wouldn't say I was dumped because I didn't have many girlfriends. But I have been rejected...
So could this happen to you?
Yes, especially when I was as old as Kaj.
How did you land in the film as an actor?
I've always been interested in playing, but due to time constraints, I can't commit to it much, even if I wanted to. When I was invited to audition, I had a free summer. I'm a fan of the series 'V dvoje', one of the writers of is our director Tosja, and the creator was Luka Marčetič, who then also worked on the film, and there are a few other crew members as well. It was an honour to be able to work with them because they created my favourite series.
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They don't hide that it was a lot of fun on the set: "We had as much fun as we could. It was relaxing." Photo by Šimon Zupančič
In the film, you are exactly as you were in real life - they haven't even changed your hairstyle. How so?
I have a lot of contracts that say I can't change it. (laughs) No, it's a joke! Tosja was pleased with my appearance. The film is interesting because the 15-year-olds are played by 20-year-olds and older.
How much time do you have now that you are a European music star?
To be honest, very little. Three days ago I returned from the last tour of the year. I have a cold, of course, so it would be very convenient if I had a couple of days to lie down, but I have the whole premiere day today and tomorrow, a concert on Saturday, and on Sunday we go back to the studio for a week. Then we've got a few more gigs, then we're moving to London for two months, and then we've got a one-month tour. Then we'll probably go to Germany for a month to record the album, and then we'll have another tour soon...
We won't see you much.
Exactly, because there's too much of me everywhere now. (smiles)
How was it on set?
Bojan: It was great for me because I knew the whole team from before.
How did you and Ester* meet? (*T/N: They probably meant Katja)
Bojan: Through mutual friends, maybe even through Mila...
Katja: Haven't we known each other since primary school? Or from the audition for Vičstock?
Bojan: Yes, indeed! Katja was one of the organisers of Vičstock at Vič high school, and I was in one of the bands that wanted to play at the festival. And we did play at Vičstock. We actually know each other from ninth grade - like our characters in the film.
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The stars of the new Slovenian teen movie shared with us some interesting facts from the filming of it. (Photo by Šimen Zupančič)
What are you willing to do for love, Bojan? Because your character is very committed in the film to get Ester back.
I have a little wish to find love again, for which I would be willing to do such a big thing. It seems to me that I have not felt that since primary school or the beginning of high school.
Was your first love fatal? Like Kaj's?
Katja: Yes!
Bojan: In my opinion, yes.
And how did your first love end?
Bojan: Ask me if I have a girlfriend.
Do you have one?
Bojan: No. (laughs) I told you that I have been rejected in the past. But I had my first love in kindergarten.
Katja: I remember my first boyfriend from high school. We, of course, had to hide our relationship from everyone, in case we broke up afterwards and embarrassed ourselves. That way nobody knew we were in love and nobody asked anything when it was over.
Have you ever hidden your love?
Bojan: No, I'm like an open book.
Did you have fun during the filming or were you focused the whole time?
Bojan: We had as much fun as we could. It was relaxing.
Katja: I just remember that Diana and I used to rehearse scenes and kiss all the time, thinking that that would keep us in the role...
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Film director Tosja Flaker Berce with the cast of 'Kaj pa Ester?': Katja Predan, Bojan Cvjetićanin, Mila Peršin, Suzana Krevh, Veronika Železnik, and Diana Kolenc. (Photo by Mediaspeed)
Have you also been kissing a lot?
Bojan: All the time, but only when the camera was on (laughs).
What did you think of the script?
Katja: For me, the biggest question was why they went their separate ways in the first place, but looking back, I understand Ester more and more.
Bojan: (playing offended) What are you trying to say?
Katja: (laughs) Yeah, he was probably too fixated on her.
What are the differences between you and your characters?
Bojan: The biggest difference is that as a young boy, I was not a loner like Kaj over the years. Kaj wanted to spend time with Ester more than anything, and I see the key problem with their relationship as the fact that it started to suffocate Ester. Ester, in my opinion, wanted to get away from this one-to-one, one-person, all-day contact. Of course, we're young in the film and you have doubts about your first real romantic relationship, but it started to suffocate Ester...
Katja: ...that there is nothing else.
Bojan: Anyway - Ester is not cool, neither is Kaj. She sits at home and plays 'Krofki'² ('Doughnuts').
What do you do in your free time now?
Katja: I like to read and I'm quite similar to Ester in terms of my nerdiness.
Bojan: I like reading too. If I have time during the day to do something, I like to relax as actively as possible, ride a horse or go-kart, fish... In short, something to get the energy out of me. I'm not good at fishing at all, but it calms me down a lot.
Do you like being so busy, travelling so much?
I wouldn't say I have a big problem with the workload. But it is very tiring to travel a lot. Some of the tours have been designed so that we travel by tour bus, which means that I can sleep in a bed in the bus all night between locations and at least be rested the next day.
But is it good quality sleep?
For me, it is the best in the world and I am thinking about how to recreate this rocking coffin at home. Very small and tight, but the best. But if the connections on the tour are by plane, like we had now, for example, when we flew ten times in seven days, it means you only get about four hours sleep a day. And that exhausts you.
What about packing each time?
I've already got it all worked out! Now I don't even take things out of suitcases, I take the shirt from the top and put the dirty things in a bag somewhere at the bottom. I have two big suitcases at home to change.
¹The Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (Akademija za Gledališče, Radio, Film in Televizijo) is the only higher education institution in Slovenia that trains at university level for professions in theatre, film, radio and television.
²The game 'Krofki' is a made up videogame, played by characters in the movie.
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onionhaseyeoo · 18 days
NEW Seiun Lore analysis!
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“Parallax-polysemy” is a whole reference to her ability, I’ll break down both words.
•Parallax is a term primarily used in astronomy and photography, referring to the apparent shift in position of an object when viewed from different perspectives. In a broader sense, it can refer to the idea that something may appear different depending on the viewer's position or perspective. Which is a reference to Seiun’s ability to change her appearances, or even reality to an extent.
•Polysemy is a linguistic term that refers to a word or phrase having multiple meanings. Like how Seiun has multiple “selves” and is never sticking to just one persona.
When combined, "parallax polysemy" suggests the idea that the meaning of a word or concept can change or shift depending on the perspective from which it is viewed, like how Seiun changes depending on the task at hand or how she’s feeling. Essentially, it implies that the multiple meanings (polysemy) of a word or concept might vary or appear differently depending on the context or viewpoint (parallax) of the observer.
“Polysemic Monodrama” refers to again, the word polysemy, and then a “monodrama” refers to a dramatic work, typically a play, where only one character is present or one actor performs all the roles. It's often an intense, focused exploration of a single person's thoughts, emotions, or experiences. Like Seiun’s view on the world being “one big stage play” and how she refers to herself as an actor.
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Seiun’s name (星雲), is a whole astrological reference, tying to the origin of the word parallax. 
•In Japanese, "nebula" is written as 星雲 (せいうん, seiun). This term combines 星 (hoshi), meaning "star," with 雲 (kumo), meaning "cloud," reflecting the concept of a star cloud or nebula.
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Seiun’s concept itself was heavily inspired by Sparkle of Honkai: Star Rail, and Heath Ledger’s Joker. A case of method acting gone wrong. Here is a brief summary.
TW: Mental illness, idk what else but I feel like it should have a TW..?
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The Great Actor: Heath Ledger
(Seiun Performance No. 1)
those being hidden under the veil
Heath Ledger was an Australian actor. After playing roles in several television and film productions during the 1990s, he moved to the United States in 1998 to further develop his film career.
Heath Ledger made history with his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight won Ledger a posthumous Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.
Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight was initially deemed "inappropriate," but he delivered an unexpected and incredible performance that silenced the skeptics.
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Mirroring Character: The Joker
(Seiun: Performance No. 99)
those being reflected on the mirror
During the filming of Batman: The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger kept a scrapbook which he called “The Joker Diary”. It was a scrapbook where he kept everything that was related to or could be helpful for his role.
He sometimes wrotes horrifying stuff in the diary as the Joker himself, like how blind babies and AIDS make him laugh. He also placed pictures of villains from other movies in this Joker Diary.
Ledger isolated himself for weeks before the movie, in the hotel room, people used to hear him laugh all by himself and make creepy voices. He was trying to choose the perfect voice and laugh for The Joker.
The actor even tempted one of his famous co-stars to hit him while filming the scene. Bale said to Ledger: 'You know what, I really don't need to actually hit you. It's going to look just as good if I don't.' 
Then Ledger replied, 'Go on. Go on. Go on ...' as he was slamming himself around and there were tiled walls inside the set which were cracked and dented from him hurling himself into them.
Heath Ledger explaining his sleep troubles when portraying the character and summed it up on New York Times Interview back in 2007 while the film in production, he said: 
"It's physically and mentally draining role: psychopathic, mass-murdering, and schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."
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Losing Himself: Self Doubt
(Seiun: Performance No. 990)
those being stared by her own mask
After Batman was filmed, Heath Ledger could no longer separate the character and himself, he suffered from serious depression. Some said he got too absorbed and didn’t know how to come back.
He wanted fame and then when he got it, he didn't want it. The whirlwind shock that came with a new level of renown struck the actor hard. Like many artists, Ledger grappled with self-doubt. 
He often felt there was a chance his performances could be better or that he simply hadn't hit the mark. He comments about his consistent nervous energy:
"It's pattern for me, going into any job carrying certain level of anxieties and doubt, self-doubt, fears toward my inabilities and not being able to. I fooled them, or I can't do this. I'm not an actor. I shouldn't be here. I think everyone goes through that. I certainly do."
I won’t say anything else cause this is already pretty long, but I’m sure you can see the parallels with him and Seiun.
@the-mafias-muzzled-dog here!
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qnewsau · 2 months
Joaquin Phoenix quits racy gay flick just days before filming
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/joaquin-phoenix-quits-racy-gay-flick-just-days-before-filming/
Joaquin Phoenix quits racy gay flick just days before filming
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Sad news for queer film fans: Joaquin Phoenix has abruptly dropped out of a new gay drama film directed by Todd Haynes just days before filming was set to start, throwing the production into chaos.
Indiewire, Variety and Deadline claimed the actor got “cold feet” and confirmed the project is shut down altogether with no plans to recast the role.
Todd Haynes, the out filmmaker who made the controversial and camp May/December last year, was set to direct the 1930s-set love story.
Last year the director said the film “challenges you with the sexual relationship” between the two men.
“What was so remarkable is that it all started with Joaquin having some ideas and some thoughts and just questions and images,” Haynes told Variety last year.
“And he came to me and said, “Does this connect to you at all?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, this is really interesting.’”
He said the film would have “explicit sexual content” and it was reportedly so explicit the film would carry the NC-17 rating in the US.
Todd Haynes said that Joaquin Phoenix was the one “pushing it further into more dangerous territory, sexually”.
Joaquin Phoenix departure kills entire film
Joaquin Phoenix was set to star opposite the Top Gun: Maverick actor Danny Ramirez, who only joined the film last month.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Danny Ramirez (@dannyramirez)
But Joaquin dipped, leaving the production in shambles and effectively cancelling the whole thing, the publications reported.
“Multiple stakeholders on the Haynes project — from financiers to crew — still need to be compensated,” Indiewire reported.
Queer film fans had a lot of thoughts about the bizarre development.
‘Get your ass back on set, Joaquin!’ pic.twitter.com/gb7x3vWw6W
— Reel and Roll Films (@reelandroll) August 9, 2024
Joaquin Phoenix quitting the gay movie he wrote for himself: pic.twitter.com/SsADtAoKRL
— Tom Zohar (@TomZohar) August 9, 2024
Joaquin Phoenix leaving this project days before filming starts despite being the one to pitch it in the first place pic.twitter.com/Bip4HK2xts https://t.co/FOnPeUFJH8
— depressed sinn stan (@sameolegal) August 9, 2024
Obviously I don't know all the details about the Joaquin Phoenix/Todd Haynes situation but imagine wasting the time of one of the greatest living filmmakers but following through on a Joker sequel
— Drew Burnett Gregory (@draw_gregory) August 9, 2024
one movie with lady gaga and Joaquin said okay no more gay shit
— soapy hadid (@soapyhadid) August 9, 2024
joaquin phoenix put the Q in LGBTQ today (he thought it meant being a quitter)
— JP (check again) (@2Ply_Bi_Guy) August 9, 2024
joaquin phoenix youll neva be them https://t.co/krMCS5CHIa
— robbie (@Robertvrse) August 9, 2024
You know how you avoid this? Hire a LGBT+ actor to play a gay character instead of Joaquin Phoenix! https://t.co/zcEP5HqYA6 pic.twitter.com/e5O9AmekDl
— A. Asher (@Grammaticator) August 9, 2024
Joaquin Phoenix will share the screen with Lady Gaga in his next movie Joker: Folie a Deux, which premieres on October 4.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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dans-den · 2 years
My Top 5 Worst Movies of 2022
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What's going on everyone, it's Dan here and today I'll be going over my Top 5 worst movies of 2022. I didn't want to go with easy one's like secrets of Dumbledore or Jurassic world: Dominion, I wanted to dig deeper and find movies that slipped under the radar or people haven't heard much about and review those.
I've said it twice and I'll say it again, these are my opinions and all of this is subjective. You may agree or disagree with me and that's fine. With that said, lets begin
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Number 5 is Black Panther: Wakanda Forever from Marvel/Disney (6/10)
Right off the bat, I'm making a lot of enemies with putting this movie at number 5. Now keep in mind, this movie had to be rewritten due to the passing of Chadwick Boseman so what we got wasn't the original vision but rather salvaging what they could. I already gave my complicated feelings on a review for it last month and while I gave it a 6/10, I personally did not like this movie. It's okay for what we ended up getting, but I still felt they could have pushed this back and taken more time with it rather than salvaging what they could to make a movie. The first half almost put me to sleep and the second half is where it started picking up the slack. The end credit scene was nice but unlike the old post credit scenes from previous Marvel movies before Endgame, it won't lead to the next film but rather give us a hint at what's to come. Who knows when that plan or if it will ever happen. Overall, I'm glad they gave homage to the late Chadwick Boseman, but as a movie itself, its nothing too special. Shuri is a great Black Panther and I loved her personal journey, but other than that the movie is just lackluster.
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Number 4 goes to Lightyear from Pixar/Disney (5.5/10)
Now this was a movie that had plenty of potential to be a great movie based on a beloved character from Toy Story, but it was a mess to infinity and beyond anything I could have imagined. The tone is off, its different from the happy go star commander were all use to seeing. Here it's a more serious and dark tone where Buzz normally gives off this upbeat and somewhat campy space ranger tone like with Duck Dodgers or the Jetsons or even Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, I was hoping that's what this movie would be like. The tone just doesn't fit, in fact this doesn't seem like a Buzz Lightyear movie. It feels more like a generic space commander movie with Buzz slapped on it for marketing. I also wanna address the "controversial" same sex kiss scene...it was a literal peck, not like they full on frenched each other so I don't see how that could have ruined the movie. The movie suffered due to its time travel plot being ridiculous and its tone being more serious than it should have. Feels like this was meant to be a sci-fi horror film rather than a Disney film with a Toy Story character. I admire that they're trying something new, but this is not the way to go about it. Plus the twist with Zurg? Like why? As I said, this movie had potential, but it was just not steered in the proper direction and it suffered for not staying faithful to the character of Buzz Lightyear.
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Number 3 will be going to THE....MOVIE OF ALL TIME! Morbius from Marvel/Sony (5/10)
It's Morbin' Time! I know I complained about Lightyears plot but at least that had a plot. The plot for this movie was near nonexistent! This movie is something else, Jared Leto once again showing that superhero movies are not his best attribute less we remember his....memorable role as the Joker from Suicide Squad (2016) and the Snyder Cut of Justice League (he did way better there than in Suicide Squad). I already gave my thoughts on the movie back in April and while I did give it a 5/10 initially, I feel that the score needs to be brought down to like a 4 or a 3.5 because this movie is just a complete MEME! So much so that Sony saw the meme attention it was getting and had the Megamind idea to rerelease the film again thinking it would do better this time around....but it actually flopped AGAIN! This is the first film to have a box office flop twice! That is an accomplishment in it of itself! While I don't think its a great superhero movie, it's definitely a so bad its good superhero movie, to me this is more of a guilty pleasure movie that you just watch to have a good laugh with some mindless action thrown in. This definitely holds a special place in my catalog of memorable movies and superhero movies, This is a rare distinction on this list so Morbius I tip my hat to you for being everyones....movie of all time!
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Number 2 goes to the direct to streaming Halloween movie Hocus Pocus 2 from Disney/Disney Plus (3/10)
Now this is one of those movies I felt did not need to happen, but since it's Halloween it's time to see what beloved Halloween classics need to be given a sequel for next generation. A sequel that adds nothing but just trying to be hip and with it. I tried to avoid watching this movie but I just couldn't get away from it. My sisters house, My job, even my own house I was doomed to watch and finish this movie. I watched it on several occasions to finish and it was worse than I thought. First off, the original Hocus Pocus was dark, there is no denying that these witches were unapologetically evil draining the youth from children (killing them in the process), turning kids into cats, bringing back the dead and trying to kill more children. The opening even shows them witches being hung, they even showed that in this sequel. Speaking of the sequel, it's just generic Halloween kids movie with the Hocus Pocus named slapped on. This movie tries to give us backstory on the Sanderson sisters which I'll admit is nice but it also tries to make them more sympathetic and seem like they're the real victims. I understand they grew up in Salem during a time when Women had no say in anything and witch hunts happened on the daily, but it doesn't work when we've established that they're ruthless in the original. But here, they act like grandma's where technology is foreign to them and they've become sillier rather than major threats and how in the end, they rest in peace thanks to the power of friendship. It doesn't make any sense, especially when they were destroyed in the previous film, they get brought back again from a candle almost thirty years later? It doesn't make sense and it just seems lazy. I don't think they needed to be made sympathetic, they should have been just as ruthless and threatening as they were in the original movie. I enjoy villain's who are unapologetically evil just as much as I enjoy the one's you can sympathize with. They should have been kept Unapologetically evil from the start. Also the main heroes (if you can call them that even though they brought back the Sanderson sisters to begin with) are generic as can be, I don't remember any of their names. The only part I enjoyed from this movie was when Mary Sanderson used Roombas as broom sticks to fly, that actually got a laugh out of me and that Hannah Waddingham makes a hot witch lady ngl. Other than that, this movie had no reason to exist. It was nice seeing the OG actresses reprise their roles, but this was still shameless nostalgic bait to gain more subscribers for Disney Plus.
After all I said, I'm sure you're asking yourself "what could possibly be worse than Hocus Pocus 2?! I thought for sure this would be the worst movie!" but you be wrong my friends, the worst movie of 2022 is....
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Number 1 goes to The Munsters (2022) from Rob Zombie (1/10)
With everything I've said about these films, I can at least watch them in their entirety even If I gotta do it in short bursts, but this film was so bad I had to stop it halfway through and leave my own room just to reflect on the decisions I've made leading up to that. I was not able to finish this movie and I don't plan to finish watching this abomination. This movie has been distributed to DVD, Amazon Prime and Netflix (which is where I watched it). My god, I respect Rob Zombies work not only in film but his music as well I actually enjoy his music especially Dragula, that's a personal favorite of mine. I've enjoyed his other films like the Zombie Horror Picture Show, 3 from Hell and Lords of Salem, but something went wrong here. I also want to point out I am a fan of The Munsters, I watched the classic tv show as a kid and even now I still enjoy that along with other 60's classics such as The Addams Family and the 1960's Batman TV show. But this film is far from its source material. It get's almost nothing right except the bare minimum. It doesn't feel like The Munsters it feels like a parody of The Munsters if that. It's just impressions and costumes mixed with cheesy rock and roll elements slapped on it. The jokes and Puns feel so forced and the setting is just horror meets old time rock and roll. I guess it's an origin story on how Herman and Lily met but their characters in the film don't match up who they are, it doesn't seem like The Munsters at all. It's set to be in the 1400's but treats it like the 1970's or 1980's and it doesn't really seem funny at all it just looks bizarre. I have no idea what they were thinking taking this 1960's classic and turning it into this cheesy origin love story. The origin story could possibly work, but I think Rob Zombie was the worst choice to do it considering his main works. When I first heard The Munsters were getting a movie this year and that it would be done up by Rob Zombie, I was excited. Unfortunately, the movie did not deliver on anything. It was clever, it wasn't funny and I don't even think cringe is the best way to describe this, it's just unbearable and I will never go back to finishing that film unless I was obligated to or if I get lucky with a lady if I watch it, that's it. It's a shame this happened to a beloved property I grew up watching, this makes The Munster's movies from the 90's look better by comparison and that's why I believe The Munsters (2022) is the worst movie of 2022.
Let's see how many enemies I make today, I'll post my Top 5 best movies tomorrow and should wrap up the year for me.
See ya!
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laughingmagi · 2 years
🔥 on fc
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
I know you said you meant dc, and auto correct is mean, but I have opinions on fcs, too lmao.
On FCs
I know it's going to sound petty af, but I really hate when people choose a FC that has a very famous role and they insist on using that famous role in their caps. It's like. Okay, Chris Evans as an easy example. He's been in like 30-odd movies aside from the Marvel films. There's no reason to use Captain America, y'know? I mean, I have a fc with a well known role (even though like Ewan had been working since long before Star Wars and Obi-Wan was far from his break out role), but you don't see me using caps from SW. Mind you, I'm talking about the big roles, the iconic ones, right?
I don't know. Regarding the films, it's a fucking trash fire. It's a goddamned mess. As far as I'm concerned, they should just embrace the chaos instead of trying to get it under control. They should have fired Ezra, I'm sorry. Bar fights are one thing, but the culty shit? Messing about with teenagers? Idek, if they're not going to face any kind of legal consequences, they should at least be given time to sort their head out before throwing them right back into what probably unhinged them in the first fucking place.
I really don't pay attention to a lot of comics. Still extremely bitter that they didn't hang onto Stejepan Sejic with both hands, give him all the money, all the freedom to do whatever the fuck he wanted with Harley, Poison Ivy, Gotham City Sirens, and anything else. I know he's said that there is no bad blood between him and DC, he just decided he was more artistically fulfilled working on his original comics. And that's fine, that's valid, but I don't believe that DC didn't burn him somehow. Idek if that's an unpop opinion lmao, tho. I think anyone who knows him and has seen his work for DC feels the loss keenly.
Do we need a Joker sequel? The Gaga stills in her snoozefest Harley costume that just bubbled up are giving me nothing. I'm not enthused.
A quick encore of my classic Hellblazer/John Constantine unpopular opinions:
The TV show was trash. Yes, I've watched it and every minute was sheer torture aside from when Papa Midnite showed up. He was great.
Both versions of Justice League Dark are bad, though the New 52 series was far worse than the reboot.
There hasn't been a legit good Hellblazer comic since the end of the Vertigo imprint. Merely passable.
The movie is good actually.
Most of DCs attempts to represent John's bisexuality have been either cowardly or shitty jokes (like I'm sorry, no one can convince me that the concept of John dating King Shark was anything but a cheap punchline. Because Harley was right there too and hahaha, wouldn't it be funny if it was assumed that he'd dated Harley but it was actually King Shark??????? Hahahahahahaahooooohaaa SO FUNNY YOU GUYS).
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Joker: Folie à Deux – A Musical Descent with Phoenix and Gaga but Lacks Harmony
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Five years since the release of Todd Phillips' critically acclaimed Joker, we are back in Gotham with the highly eagerly awaited sequel, Joker: Folie à Deux. The first film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck, was a dark, unsettling pastiche of Scorsese films: a mash of Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy in which the thing that was always scary in clown makeup turned a performance of tragedy. While the first film hauled in near-universally great reviews, with some touting it as a work of art, others-like myself-found it incredibly overhyped and not at all worth the adoration it received. It felt to confirm the awards-season tendency of praising a so-called "comedy" that is utterly not humorous, substituting humor for insistent intensity and darkness. Sarah_Ackerman from New York, USA, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Now comes the sequel, which, if flawed, tries to bring something new by going in a bold musical direction. Though at times labored and flat, Joker: Folie à Deux incorporates musical numbers, an interesting structure the first movie did not boast of. Contributing to his performance, Phoenix returns now incorporating musical performances into his Joker à la Dennis Potter's Pennies from Heaven, in which the characters sing their inner emotions by way of show tunes. This brings a different energy but is not quite enough to really lift the picture. In walks the undeniably sensational talent of Lady Gaga as Harleen Quinzel-a.k.a. Harley Quinn-a disturbed psychiatric patient who meets Arthur in a prison music therapy session. A very strong introductory role for Gaga, but here, her character development is nothing compared to the emotional depth she brought with A Star Is Born. She quickly falls in love with Arthur, setting up an intense-but-troublesome bond between the two. They're a narcissistic dynamic duo, but it's anyone's guess if this is what the filmmakers were going for.The best parts of the film happen at the beginning as it opens up with a mock Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoon detailing the prior events before moving into an action-packed prison sequence. Arthur, played by Phoenix, is in prison awaiting his trial for the murders he committed, and he gets to play off of an incredibly strong supporting cast. Brendan Gleeson plays a wittily unsuspecting prison guard, Catherine Keener is Arthur's tough lawyer, and Steve Coogan briefly yet memorably pops up as a tabloid interviewer. Zazie Beetz has also returned in a fleeting reprise as Arthur's former neighbor, reminding one of the fluidity with which brief relationships have crossed his life. It's when they finally meet, in that very peculiar "meet-uncute" fashion, inside the Gotham jail-the spark between Phoenix and Gaga is undeniable. The repetitious claustrophobic settings of the film dull this chemistry. The leads are parted ways for quite extensive stretches; though moving, Phoenix tends to feel one-dimensional in parts, as powerful as his performance might be. He acts with all his intensity, but there seems to be a lack of emotional depth from his character due to the apparent internal turmoil at which it can never seem to escape. This whole drama in the film is about Arthur's trial, while his lawyer, Maryanne Stewart-a role played by Keener-tries to argue that such a traumatic upbringing has made him mentally disturbed and needing treatment, not punishment. On the opposite side stands the district attorney, Harvey Dent, played by Harry Lawtey, who insists that Arthur is sane and deserves to go to the electric chair. He's torn between the insanity plea from his lawyer and embracing his Joker persona, and the identity crisis is strong. That violent alter ego brought him infamy and fear and love in the form of Harley, but it could get him killed. Gaga is great at times as Harley with that subtle, manipulative malice in her character. That makes her character more disturbed than Arthur's, yet it isn't elaborated on very well within the script; hence, her character is a little underdeveloped. In partial developments, there are shades of her being a Lady Macbeth-like figure to DC villains; this potential remains largely unrealized. The pacing falls off by the film's final act; viewers will become restless, awaiting twists or revelations that never seem to materialize. As it lurches toward its finale, Joker: Folie à Deux really labors under the weight of its own self-importance. It demands mythic status for itself, yet in doing so, it sacrifices so much raw emotional heft that could have better sold the story. An electric performance from Lady Gaga gives the film a much-needed jolt, but the narrative falters as the audience craves more depth, humor, or even tragedy that feels earned. At the end of the day, Joker: Folie à Deux has some memorable moments amid a mediocre storyline, for which much credit goes to its cast, but it never hits the mark it should. Could Gaga's Harley Quinn lead her own adventure in the future? The prospect certainly is enticing. Now, the sequel leaves much to be desired despite flashes of brilliance it sometimes offers. Read the full article
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gaykarstaagforever · 8 months
In anticipation of DMing, I got all worked up trying to make quickdraw combat charts for common enemies and worried I wasn't going to remember how to do the rolls. But then in the 7 hour session the two players did combat exactly once, against scared teenagers who didn't even fight back, because I made it a non-magical world and they were terrified of getting crippled by damage.
Which was me bloody POINT. If everyone wants to battle all the time, go play a battle card game. Roleplaying means playing a role, and not everyone should be "the sociopath who hits everyone". What kind of shit story would that make? And even the person in the world who acts like that should pay dearly for it, for the sake of everyone else.
Fine. And some people in the real world unwind by murdering and butchering woodland creatures they don't need for food. And I don't enjoy that, either.
I get wanting to hit things when you're mad, and wanting to feel powerful when you're feeling powerless. But if that is all you're interested in exploring...maybe deal with the circumstances that are leading to you being so angry about being kicked around all the time? Because if you're using roleplaying as free emotional therapy, it 100% becomes that to you. Which means you NEED it to be that. Which means if it ever isn't that, then you don't get your release, and now you're feeling pent-up and deprived, that someone has STOLEN your medicine from you, which makes them your ENEMY, and...!
This is why people send death threats when Star Wars doesn't have enough wordless lightsaber duels. This is why some Tolkien-loving racists yell about how it is a personal attack on them that they're suddenly not allowed to use this fantasy world to pretend Black people aren't a thing anymore. This is why there are 40 year old men who bothered everyone for YEARS because we didn't agree with them that a movie where the Joker kills people because he mad, no gf, is somehow insightful social commentary.
Combat encounters and item fetch quests are a part of roleplaying, to give people stuff to do. But as is cliché, the real treasure is the friends we make along the way. Or how we creatively destroy our enemies so totally we never have to deal with their bullshit ever again. And that's all politics and diplomacy and maintaining a consistent reputation.
It is playing a role, on an adventure. People who kill hundreds of wolves and bandits outside of a video game world aren't badass heroes, they're the monsters the real heroes are trying to put down.
Also what kind of human government in a fantasy universe lets packs of OP randos wonder over private land, engaging in pitched magic-and-poison battles in the middle of standing crops, leaving looted corpses to rot all over? What even is the point of having a government if you pay taxes to it and it lets this shit go on? The suspension of disbelief demanded here undercuts the fun of any of this. I don't care what I do or about this world because it is arbitrary and amoral and nonsensical.
Lex Luthor is a great supervillain for Superman literally because Superman could easily murder him in an instant, but if he does that he's the bad guy, so instead he has to stand by and let Luthor fuck with him. And Lex does. But Superman is so much more powerful than Lex that Lex has to struggle to constantly come up with new ways to get around him. That's a rich relationship to mine. Forcing them to interact with these limitations is exciting, to see how they're going to navigate through that.
Plus let's be honest, here. Violent power fantasies require the person having the fantasy to be the ONE person getting to do that. People want to be Merlin and Conan, they don't want to be one of the 200,000 guys running around armed with the same ice spell and dragonbone sword. No one fantasizes about being just another mundane whoever, but now in a place with minotaurs. So why do people run campaigns that are 100% that? Even in your supposed exciting fantasy adventure where you are The One, you aren't The Only One. Who the hell wants to play working their way up to being The President of Wizards?
I want to be THE wizard! Otherwise you've just added spellcasting to petty workplace politics. Now who is ruining fantasy with mundane real-world shit?
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kmp78 · 9 months
“I think he looks down on actors that take roles with mass appeal.” 🫨. I believe the exact opposite is true. He is dying for a role with mass appeal. They would have residuals for years to come. CD made 40 mil on Bad Teacher and The Vacation is shown every holiday every year ad nauseam! He wants gigs like that BAD ! (can’t blame him). Why do you think he did the Joker role and fought so hard for Morbius ? He thought they had $blockbuster$ potential. The problem is, for whatever reason, they were not critically acclaimed roles for him. When you have a reputation people gossip about hardcore (true or not) and three or four successive iffy roles, he really doesn’t have mass appeal at the moment, can’t carry a movie in a starring role and needs to clean up his image before he can sell a rom com no matter how good his performance may be. He also might want to practice on-screen kissing bc well, meh? I volunteer for practice sessions however…
"For whatever reason"...?
The roles SUCKED ASS. 💯
They were terribly scripted, terribly directed and even more terribly acted.
THAT's the reason right there.
And now he's aiming for strike 3 with Tronnie. 🙄
When is this dumbass going to realize he is never ever gonna be a leading man in basic movies or franchise movies. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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f0xd13-blog · 9 months
Specially coz they make it seem like the options wasn't chosen by them literally planted by them so wtf are we the public even choosing ? So silly
Well it's ok music screwed it so it kind of had to heal it also... idk why i was crazy enough to think wrestling would solve this. Anyways turning th entire roster a bit of me works as much for understandment of my identity as robalia and madonna did... the ddumbsters still have to be displaying fascist overtones within their politics... it be like communism of an identity facepalm instead of being themselves and finding one person to be the romany noooo they had to share a dna between themselves because that makes sense and it ain't just confunsing people and taking into account native americans are being used to replace us that really really helped ... gotta be from the rocks mind or cm punk wtv they are all the same... fascists never know they are fascist anyways they believe they have the right mindset right? So explain it to me how in the hell are you gonna prove we are all on the same level if you need to turn eveyboy into me? Crickets
Stupid hippies
This people arae just those sort of hippies i thought it was over long time ago... pseudo narure shit and then it's just self centerism... they go to one natural resource and thing it is the shit! Babes brasil has more natural resources than away and you bet those corals you are putting don contribute shit compared to amazonia... so how stupid are you? It be pure hippie shit but make patriotical and not in a good way.. it's like "we havee nature tooOOOOooOooo pls care more about it or i'll make youuUuuU" bunch of children!
Anyways the wrestling is even worst coz it legit would take them one minute to do a charlie chaplin montage and add the detail of it being romany.. since he was the 1 ever stunt worker and wwe is all about that they would only win!!! But no... didn't even need to make a romany star... but the thang is they have INFERIORITY COMPLEX! They ve destroyed their own natives and once again whos to blame? The gypsies and the attention they get of course... so they have to make stars that are clearly associated with natives and expect me to work with that againts fascism... of course i still think it's purpose in fact. Disgraceful un important people not for who they are but because of how they behave and disney is ashamed of your behaviour obviously because have you seen him not distinguish pocahontas from esmeralda you wackos?
Do you want me to do a movie about jewish pocahontas killing arabic babies? Coz it's on my plans... revenged will come
Want disrespect? Lez go jewish trash
And what i'm gonma do is now reality so think bout it coz most of you legit be native killing palestinians, people from suddan and congo it ain't like that LIE that gypsies aree jewish andd behaving like us
Hmm so lez see what native american serious catastrophe or massacre/genocide can i change the reality of or invert roles... hmmm...
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Know the difference... joker wasn't technically killer but a robber ;)
Original G's most be like fuck.. wtf did they do to the meaning of eveyryhing around wrestling? You put those payos and jews thinking they can think and understand other peoples struggles and then it's this... complete disrespect! Just wait and see what i will do to your indigenous nexxt.. actually let me just grab negative history about them coz i bet there is... like the way they used to kill people just for being white... lez do a movie or a story bout that perspective
Oh what you the storyline ??? The thing is jews are you fam and i need to deal with them because of it even tho that is completely disrespectful... but you made peace with them for us WHILE THEY STILL BE KILLING US soooo whitties are my family also, they are includedd into romany culture so now i'm going to give native characteristics to an indo european and make them the victims that they also was because some of them only immigratedd there right? That didn't stopped natives from killing them so lez make a story about that with white people dressed as natives getting killed by natives dressed as white people... y'all GONNA LOVE IT
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They'll only understand it when it starts hurting
Oh your jews can"/ even be heel? Ok babes... my white people can't as well coz they be my fam you know so wait for the amount of media i'm going to create with native americans as the baddies and indo europeans as gwed people... wut??? You gotta see inddivirduality babes! And we are fam!!
So my movie will be like this jews kill muslims than natives get like wowwwww we primates and smell blood so they go there and also kill them and indo europeans be like "no wtf??" And save us
oops i'm actually not lying this legit happened i can't even do dis hold on let me think..
So indo erupeans are like in europe and then native americans come to destroy this continent after awhile jews got disgusted by the unhuman ways they was killimg white people so they came and helped us be free from nasty native americans.... yups this is better... more innacurtae than ever before, more offenssive than it could ever be... luvs it.
Oh then i'm going to use my native american identity to include white people irl.... so they can all dress like them in fact i will be doing a clothing line wity yoour iutfits and say it is romany
Like wuuuuut my G? That shit is romany not native american "what the fuck are you talking about 💀???"
See i even have similar outfitsthat can prove it
Then i'll start a music industry of native american music but say it is chinese... it will get really big then i'll include white people as our version of your jewish family and say they invented it of course... everything native american was invented by europeans, while the wrestling your nazi friends destroyed in europe rises also i'll also put muslims dressed as jews and saying eveything jewish is actually muslim so the kippahs and those already stolen outfits will get re stolen again and the arabic people will all be jew just in theory because their bible or wtv the name is will be the quran anyways of course... then we will have indians replace native americans and aftter all all their culture is hindu... like the ideas babes? I think it's secsy and we are all the same right? So...
Don be sad!! At least my movies and media is going to be watchable not like the cinematic trash you pull out nowadays
Imagine being online for one year to try to get rid of fascists and they only pocket shit like even the judgement day was my idea
HOLD ON!! they've just denied sasha big money that they are giving to punk and roman? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no shade to roman every shade to punk but sasha is bigger money... se how they put this facada they are super feminist and than still create this sort of differences just coz of racism and mysogenisisticssss ... PUNK IS BRINGING MORE MONEY TI THEE COMPANY? really? Ahahah
When you also be a monke, and a white monke be like
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Thanks for proving wwe wouldn't exist without gypsies... without me
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You've created an enemy forever... now for each post one of your bland "superstars" specially the jews will get a comment
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Back to having to read this. The world and celebs are reading this... you see what this makes? Now i'm getying called crazy again and making shit up right "heros" monke face seth rollins is fucked!!!!
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Insane people joking around serious stuff being racist af!! And then using my ideas for monke faced jews andd anoretic women... while i be literally with no money for months just living out of what my mother can help me with. Insane!!!
Actually this just gave me an idea... what about if i go be a wrestler someone else and usee this robery as storylines? Pretty embarrasing
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onionhaseyeoo · 1 month
A little character lore breakdown/analysis i wrote for Seiun!
Seiun lore breakdown
So first off! Her username and title:
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“Parallax-polysemy” is a whole reference to her ability, I’ll break down both words.
•Parallax is a term primarily used in astronomy and photography, referring to the apparent shift in position of an object when viewed from different perspectives. In a broader sense, it can refer to the idea that something may appear different depending on the viewer's position or perspective. Which is a reference to Seiun’s ability to change her appearances, or even reality to an extent.
•Polysemy is a linguistic term that refers to a word or phrase having multiple meanings. Like how Seiun has multiple “selves” and is never sticking to just one persona.
When combined, "parallax polysemy" suggests the idea that the meaning of a word or concept can change or shift depending on the perspective from which it is viewed, like how Seiun changes depending on the task at hand or how she’s feeling. Essentially, it implies that the multiple meanings (polysemy) of a word or concept might vary or appear differently depending on the context or viewpoint (parallax) of the observer.
“Polysemic Monodrama” refers to again, the word polysemy, and then a
“monodrama” refers to a dramatic work, typically a play, where only one character is present or one actor performs all the roles. It's often an intense, focused exploration of a single person's thoughts, emotions, or experiences. Like Seiun’s view on the world being “one big stage play” and how she refers to herself as an actor.
Seiun’s name (星雲), is a whole astrological reference, tying to the origin of the word parallax. 
•In Japanese, "nebula" is written as 星雲 (せいうん, seiun). This term combines 星 (hoshi), meaning "star," with 雲 (kumo), meaning "cloud," reflecting the concept of a star cloud or nebula.
Seiun’s concept itself was heavily inspired by Sparkle of Honkai: Star Rail, and Heath Ledger’s Joker. A case of method acting gone wrong. Here is a brief summary.
The Great Actor: Heath Ledger
(Seiun Performance No. 1)
those being hidden under the veil
Heath Ledger was an Australian actor. After playing roles in several television and film productions during the 1990s, he moved to the United States in 1998 to further develop his film career.
Heath Ledger made history with his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight won Ledger a posthumous Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.
Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight was initially deemed "inappropriate," but he delivered an unexpected and incredible performance that silenced the skeptics.
Mirroring Character: The Joker
(Seiun: Performance No. 99)
those being reflected on the mirror
During the filming of Batman: The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger kept a scrapbook which he called “The Joker Diary”. It was a scrapbook where he kept everything that was related to or could be helpful for his role.
He sometimes wrotes horrifying stuff in the diary as the Joker himself, like how blind babies and AIDS make him laugh. He also placed pictures of villains from other movies in this Joker Diary.
Ledger isolated himself for weeks before the movie, in the hotel room, people used to hear him laugh all by himself and make creepy voices. He was trying to choose the perfect voice and laugh for The Joker.
The actor even tempted one of his famous co-stars to hit him while filming the scene. Bale said to Ledger: 'You know what, I really don't need to actually hit you. It's going to look just as good if I don't.' 
Then Ledger replied, 'Go on. Go on. Go on ...' as he was slamming himself around and there were tiled walls inside the set which were cracked and dented from him hurling himself into them.
Heath Ledger explaining his sleep troubles when portraying the character and summed it up on New York Times Interview back in 2007 while the film in production, he said: 
"It's physically and mentally draining role: psychopathic, mass-murdering, and schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."
Losing Himself: Self Doubt
(Seiun: Performance No. 990)
those being stared by their own “mask”
After Batman was filmed, Heath Ledger could no longer separate the character and himself, he also suffered from serious depression. Some said he got too absorbed and didn’t know how to come back.
He wanted fame and then when he got it, he didn't want it. The whirlwind shock that came with a new level of renown struck the actor hard. Like many artists, Ledger grappled with self-doubt. 
He often felt there was a chance his performances could be better or that he simply hadn't hit the mark. He comments about his consistent nervous energy:
"It's pattern for me, going into any job carrying certain level of anxieties and doubt, self-doubt, fears toward my inabilities and not being able to. I fooled them, or I can't do this. I'm not an actor. I shouldn't be here. I think everyone goes through that. I certainly do."
I don’t want to say anything else in case I accidentally say something disrespectful, but I’m sure you can see the parallels with him and Seiun.
Seiun’s decent to madness/personality switches.
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(this photo is Sparkle, but you get the point)
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@paintedgrilledcheese, @myluckymoon and @foxboyroadkill (you alr read this but heres the cooler tumblr version)!!
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random-movie-ideas · 1 year
Batman Villain Movie Ideas, Part VI: Scarecrow
Jonathan Crane AKA the Scarecrow is, in my opinion, one of the most under-utilized villains in Batman's entire rogues gallery, on at least two different fronts. On the one hand, his only film version was an almost comic relief side villain to the main villains, when the dude could be the front-man for a trippy anxiety-inducing horror film all his own (Honestly, if there's one person I want for The Batman 2, it's him). And then there's the fact that he is a corrupt psychiatrist, working in Arkham, who uses his fear toxin to perform cruel experiments on his patients. Considering Arkham has an embarrassingly high revolving-door rate, the patients never seem to get better, and it's always at least implied the staff of the asylum are corrupt, it's strange that Crane is never, or rarely, used to be the central figure in that corruption, giving him the potential to be the "overall big bad" of a story. Batman Begins was one of the only versions to lean into that, and that undersold him in other ways.
Origin Movie: Naturally, this just has the makings of a fantastic horror movie. Possibly put him in more of a central role in an Arkham games-style setup or set it outside the asylum entirely.
Sequel Movie: Again, a fantastic horror movie setup. This especially gives us some space to set him up as a doctor in Arkham and establish that there is corruption among the staff. There's also possibility for Batman himself seeking him out for psychiatric help, and Scarecrow using that to torment him.
Finale Movie: If we set him at the tail-end of a series entirely centered around the more cerebral villains and those in genuine need of help, and had Dr. Crane as a genial ally throughout the series, but sowed little seeds here and there that he was more twisted and evil than he appeared, it could make for a great finale, one that might actually tackle the Arkham problem and end with those like Mad Hatter, Harley Quinn, and Two-Face actually getting the help they need instead of being kept in their cycles by the man who was supposed to help them.
Supporting Villain: His fear toxin does lend him to being an ally to others (like Ra's al-Ghul in Batman Begins), or an Arkham Asylum adaptation could utilize his connections to the asylum as an assist to the Joker's plan.
Overall, here are my rankings of them:
Finale Movie: That setup could make for a great series.
Origin Movie: I just want to see a great horror movie starring the character.
Sequel Movie: Yeah, same.
Supporting Villain: I just don't want him to be second-fiddle. We've seen that already. I want a movie that takes full advantage of him.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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republic-world · 1 year
Decoding Batman's Flawed Villains Who Rivalled The Caped Crusader's Popularity
The Batman villains have a trajectory of transformation. They've become more layered with time, commanding more screen presence and attention.
Batman is one of the most popular superheroes in the DC Universe. The character has been retained even in the new and revised DCU films, that are slated for release in the upcoming decade. This in itself is a testament to the popularity of the character. Over the course of the last 20 years, Batman, popularly known as The Dark Knight, has been part of 9 live-action films. Even Joker, the prime nemesis of the caped crusader, was portrayed with elan by Joaquin Phoenix in the 2019 eponymous film, directed by Todd Philips. Phillips is currently working on a sequel of Joker, a character battling mental illness. Meanwhile, there are two Batman films currently under development.The Batman 2 features Robert Pattinson in the title role, whileThe Brave and The Bold will focus on the dynamics of Bruce Wayne and his son, Damian Wayne. 
Batman, however, is not the only one in the films who shows character development and commands screentime. Over the years, the villains in Batman films have developed through their cinematic portrayal. Batman: The Movie, the first Batman film, was released in July 1966 and featured Adam West as the titular character. Since then, villains in Batman movies have become more and more layered, alongside Bruce Wayne. Let's take a look.
Villains in initial Batman films: Overshadowed by the ‘good guy’
Director Tim Burton, who had worked with Michael Keaton previously on Beetlejuice, made Batman in 1989. The film had a dark, brooding atmosphere, influenced by Alan Moore’s graphic novel The Killing Joke and Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. This was also the inception of the Joker, portrayed by The Shining star Jack Nicholson.
The 1989 film offered a mix of action, intrigue, and most importantly, jokes, from the Joker. The intense undertone of Batman films was retained until Joel Schumacher’s Batman Forever, featuring Val Kilmer as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Several villains, such as The Riddler, Penguin, Shreck and Two-Face, were featured in subsequent films. However, their backstories were not given enough attention, making the characters seem shallow. The heroics of Batman overshadowed these villains - the characterisations did not evoke empathy for the ‘bad guy’, despite the fact that their troubled pasts were hinted at. Actors such as Jim Carrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, Tommy Lee Jones, and Uma Thurman have played villains in the Joel Schumacher films. However, the portrayals were, at best, comic in nature. 
Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy reinvents Batman villains
It was not until 2005 that director Christopher Nolan gave the Batman movies his own spin. Christian Bale played the role of Batman in Batman Begins (2005) and faced off Ra’s Al Ghul, played by Liam Neeson.  Ra’s Al Ghul was previously a mentor to Bruce Wayne. He had taught Bruce everything that he needed to be a force of change in Gotham. However, he returned to kill Bruce after the latter betrayed him. Ra’s Al Ghul was liked as a villain, as he mirrored the trauma of Batman’s past. However, it wasn’t until The Dark Knight (2008) that the Joker, the most fearsome Batman antagonist, was introduced. 
The late actor Heath Ledger played the role of the Joker. He introduced a yet-unparalleled disruption to the superhero genre. While Ledger’s Joker was already a stone-cold murderer, he also sought to debilitate the entirety of Gotham City, simply for the sake of spreading chaos. He questions Batman in the film, “What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?” It is also a question that forms the essence of Batman and Joker’s rivalry. Batman fights to keep justice alive in a city that lacks hope, while Joker fuels the flame as he watches everything burn down.
 The Dark Knight Rises featured Batman’s rival Bane, played by Tom Hardy. Bane enters Gotham and completely destroys Batman in order to establish his own rule in Gotham. If it wasn’t for Bruce Wayne’s indomitable spirit and urgency for justice, Bane would have ruled Gotham. Bane’s character development and his on-screen presence overpower even the presence of Batman - thus establishing the mortality of the superhero character.
Why Batman villains are serious 
Batman is a character born out of trauma. Bruce Wayne lost his parents in front of his eyes in a mindless shooting incident. With the support of his butler Alfred, and the inherited wealth of his parents, Bruce Wayne allows himself on a journey of growth and learning. He eventually becomes a trained martial artist, assassin, engineer and most importantly, a detective, who solves crimes to bring justice. 
Batman's villains are often a counterpart to the aspects of his persona. The Penguin, for instance, is corrupt and selfish and he exists solely in the criminal underbelly of Gotham.Two-Face is a villain who mirrors the same lack of faith in human goodness that Batman consistently fights to uphold. The Joker is one of Batman’s most fierce antagonists - while Batman follows a trajectory of self-affirmational discipline and perseverance, The Joker is deeply nihilistic and chaotic. 
Moreover, Joker (2019) gave us a glimpse of the villain’s psychological makeup. The insight into his mind seems to justify the Joker's behaviour, albeit in his own perspective. Gotham, in and of itself, is portrayed as a sinister location where Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck grew up and lost all hope. It is a city so corrupt, that in his eyes, redemption is impossible. Joaquin Phoenix portrays the character’s pain, as he deals with rejection, apathy, ignorance and organisational mismanagement in the city.
This is the connective tissue in most Batman villains. They feature backstories that are as tragic (if not more), when compared to the vigilante superhero that they are fighting. This allows us to view Batman villaiuns in a more human light, which is in contrast to their seemingly ruthless nature. Even Robert Pattinson's The Batman featured Paul Dano as The Riddler. The character matched every bit of intensity that the neo-noir superhero film demanded. 
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 2 years
I have a bit of a dissenting opinion on the issues surrounding the Mario movie, but I feel like a few things have to be said.
There are certain types of movie that are notorious for not doing well at the box office, two of those are musicals, and video game movies. When a studio decides to tackle one of these things, they will often cast big names in acting to star in order to bring in as many ticket sales as possible. For example, people wouldnt have been as interested in seeing the Les Miserables movie if they heard that Norm Lewis would be playing Javert (as hes completely unknown to mainstream audiences), but the fact that they cast Russell Crowe in a role that required him to sing all his lines made people curious.
This is a big reason why professional voice actors are often passed over for movie roles: if they arent a mainstream actor, production companies believe that they wont bring in audience numbers like live action actors do. If the average person cant immediately recall seeing another movie that person was in, they're not worth putting in a movie. That's why Scarlett Johansson was in a lot of movies in a short amount of time, because she was in a few big hits recently and was likely to bring in more audience members who didnt even care about what the movie was about, they just wanted to see her. She got Ghost in the Shell for this exact reason, despite there being a ton of Asian actresses who could have been the lead, her face was everywhere and would bring the best numbers.
Chris Pratt has done a lot of recognizable work and is now a well recognized actor, so it makes sense that in order to put a lot of star power into the movie the executives at Illumination put him in as the top billing. They're trying to cast a wide net to bring in audience members who dont even know anything about Mario to watch it.
That's the issue with movies like that, marketing is a HUGE factor for the opening weekend and big names need to be put to a project. I bet you most people on this website didnt know Charles Martinet's name until the voice casting was announced for this movie. And that's also true for most voice actors, they're job is so sound different for every character so you're not supposed to recognize then (unless you're Vic McNuggets). Its natural that no one thinks about how the animated Joker has the same voice as Fire Lord Ozai, or how Timmy Turner is also Harley Quinn.
I guarantee you that if they cast everyone with regular voice actors, the box office wouldn't be as big as casting everyone with recognizable stars. Ticket sales would primarily be children and gamers, which aren't the biggest audiences to shill to.
I also feel like people are giving this movie the same treatment as the Aladdin live action movie did, they saw one picture of Genie and freaked out. Little did they know that Will Smith would carry that whole movie. I'm not saying Chris Pratt is going to be fantastic and you're all being mean, but we've heard very little of him as Mario as of yet. He does deserve the criticism of being a shit person, that's a completely different matter. And Illumination should have thought twice before casting him considering some recent controversies involving him.
But I do want to state that I am aware of the issues voice actors face, particularly the stunt Crunchy Roll pulled. They do not receive the credit (or pay) they deserve and need to be taken more seriously than they are. Voice acting can be a make or break part of a movie/TV show/video game/whatever, and all that hangs on these peoples shoulders. If companies want to make a quality product, they need to treat the voice actors who work with them with respect.
Tl;dr, hollywood casts big names to make money, chris pratt might make an ok mario but hes still a jerk, voice actors need to be paid more
Also Jack Black was so good as Bowser, i wouldn't have recognized his voice if i didnt know ahead of time!
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