#he may not have all of the information that characters like wwx and lwj and lxc have
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year ago
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Huaisang never has any friends again sorry he has burned every bridge and also murdered some cats on the way
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withthewindinherfootsteps · 6 months ago
I love how so many interpersonal conflict in MDZS aren't caused by simple 'miscommunication' – they're caused by people being too quick to judge things based on rumours or one-sided information, without consideration for the actual evidence behind that.
The soup incident? JZX only believed the guest cultivator's side of things without consideration of JYL's words. 3zun's fate? LXC only considered JGY's side of the story, without considering NMJ's may have some truth to it (because in his mind, JGY had a justifiable reason for all his actions). Sunshot-era Wangxian conflict? LWJ believed the unfounded* narrative he was taught around what guidao does, contrary to what the only source of evidence was saying, and it's this that leads to WWX constructing a barrier between them. Their final confrontation at Nightless City? WWX came to the conclusion that LWJ was against him, hated him too, despite the fact that "any sane person would be able to tell that Lan WangJi’s voice was clearly shaking" (EXR, Chapter 78), due to his mental state at the time.
This same mindset is also leveraged by other people, for varying purposes – whether it be JGS blatantly lying about WWX's words in the hopes people would believe him, or NHS spreading false rumours about the man-eating castles at Xinglu Ridge in order to stop people disturbing the sabre spirits (of course he uses this mindset in his plan to utterly destroy JGY as well, both directly and to contribute to the view NHS is useless). And that mindset also creates the main driving antagonistic force – the rumour-driven mob mentality so present in the world.
I just love how present this theme (the harm of coming to conclusions based on incomplete evidence) is in the novel, even when it's not drawn attention to**!
(more discussion under the cut)
Now, there are obviously other factors to the conflicts above – and in most cases, these reactions are understandable (WWX's misreadings due to his mental state at Nightless City, for one thing, but others, too). For example there was evidence that appeared to be there supporting LWJ's views on guidao: WWX did appear paler, there would definitely have been differences in his health vs the health of those with a working Golden Core, and he was quick to anger and did seem more arrogant than before, even though that was moreso a combination of trauma and constructing an image that meant nobody would look into the matter of his Golden Core too closely. So argubaly, he did weigh the evidence he had, and it just led him to the wrong conclusion! But none of that means this aspect wasn't a major factor in those conflicts – just as it doesn't mean that LWJ didn't instantly disregard the other side of the story (WWX's words), and came to the wrong conclusion partially because of it.
That also doesn't mean the characters can't learn from this or change their conclusion – LWJ comes to accept WWX's words towards the end of WWX's first life, LXC does open up to the potential flaws within JGY when Wangxian raise it, and after he's seen NMJ's corpse, due to receiving strong evidence (the wrong melody and cleanly missing pages in the Collection of Turmoil, for instance). If he only started suspecting JGY after he shows his cards at the Guanyin Temple, he wouldn't have done things like block JGY from the Cloud Recesses, for instance.
(And, a final note: the problem isn't that these characters chose the 'wrong side' of the issue to see it from – their process would still have been flawed even if they came to the right conclusion from its other side. The problem here is that none of them consider both and weigh them up to judge.)
*Regardless of whether you believe guidao has an adverse effect on mental state, and it isn't just trauma – WWX is the inventor of guidao! So any pre-invention speculation about the effects of guidao was, by the word's definition, unfounded... and these teachings were certainly pre-invention! So though I do have an opinion regarding this, it doesn't affect the point.
**Chapter 30 is a good example of when it is: '[LWJ:] “One should not comment without understanding the whole picture.”' (EXR) – but it appears in many of Wangxian's actions throughout the present day section of the novel (especially in regard to teaching the Juniors).
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years ago
man you guys I have just made myself SO MAD about how literally everyone treats lan xichen after jin guangyao's death in the guanyin temple confrontation.
just starting with nhs's abject refusal to be transparent about whether jgy was or was not attempting to attack him from behind:
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then just having to sit here with the growing, dreadful certainty that nhs did something truly heinous to the body of jgy's mother as part of his revenge quest--meng shi, who was a genuinely innocent person:
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and then this final question that he asks himself out loud while the rest of the cast of characters are still hovering around, which no one answers, of course, because no one else can:
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(plot twist: or can they??? put a pin in that for now)
but this is the moment that galls me the most. when lan qiren shows up and sees both lwj and lxc not being their usual peerless jade selves, he rounds on lxc, of course and says this:
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I don't know, lan-xiansheng, what in the fucking world do you think is wrong with your oldest nephew, who you single-handedly raised, maybe read the fucking room for five seconds and figure it out?? "lan xichen's face was full of an unspeakable grief," god this would be a really great moment for lan wangji to come to his brother's side to provide some support of some kind, even if he's not great with these kinds of displays, because lxc cared for lwj throughout his seclusion--oh, wait, what's that? he and wwx have just fucked off entirely??
[edited to add: @leatherbookmark pointed out that lqr’s response here may be a translation issue!! i retract much of my salt about lqr here… but god, lxc is still so devastated. he’s grief-stricken.]
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(lan jingyi knows what's good, don't bring up that guy around lqr)
but uhhhhh sure wangji, your brother is clearly /gestures, like that, go ahead and bail.
this bit from the next chapter is what really grinds my gears tho, because I somehow forgot that wangxian's decision to withhold such crucial information back from lxc during the temple was 1) so fucking overt, and 2) explicitly confirms that they did not want to share information with lxc that would make him feel more sympathetic towards jgy:
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...are you kidding me right now!! "even now I still don't think we should tell him" + "each could only deal with their own troubles... comfort was useless. it'd all be in vain"
/shoves both of you jerks into a mud puddle
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llycaons · 6 months ago
I just recommended a fic I do like but I remember the jc writing being kind of annoying in the sense that the author was like 'haha wwx is SO irresponsible, jc is the sensible one and besties with wq and they both think wwx is annoying!' which is is so fucking annoying and disrespectful of wwx because when has that EVER happened in canon like wwx will ocassionally have fun or goof off but not when it's something serious! he demonstrates very sound judgement when it comes to things that actually matter (which jyl said!!! she knew!!!!) and jc being frustrated that wwx is doing something he doesn't understand usually means that he's being left in the dark, not that he has better judgement or is more sensible than wwx
the CR arrival? yeah he wandered off to get jyl a present but did it really matter. yeah he tried to sneak alcohol in but he went back alone and retrieved the entry passes himself, snd jc also indulged in the alcohol and porn parties so its not like he can judge. the time he snuck off to join lwj on his quest? yeah he didn't tell anyone but he knew what lwj was doing and he knew he needed help and that it was important. spending all his time drinking post-ss? he wasn't being stupid, he was coping with trauma and suddenly not having a purpose anymore. he KNEW what jc wanted from him but he wasn't able to give it. and the fucking wens? people act like jc was 'just doing the smart thing' when it came to the wens but wwx KNEW what he was doing was dangerous and couldn't end well, he was simply making a MORAL decision rather than a political one
the sole example was wwx mocking jl without knowing about his mom which was a serious error on his part and when one of his genuine flaws of EMOTIONAL carelessness comes through, but to his credit he immediately corrected his behavior afterwards. and it really was bad luck THAT was the kid who trapped him. and it's not like jc has any leg to stand on when criticizing his emotional sensitivity to others
and postcanon he's trying to hunt down a cursed sword/solve a mystery like he does do silly things occasionally but he's got like. a purpose and all which he does stick tonwhen he needs to. but also there isn't anything wrong with him just enjoying his life in either of his two lifetimes. like damn jc....why do you hate fun...etc.
like jc doesn't necessarily always make bad decisions, but he is very often working with incomplete information (often bc wwx is intentionally misleading him!) and he never pauses to consider he may not be the best person to make these decisions, but people take his contempt for others and his confidence fully at face value when they really shouldn't. in canon his attitude of 'ugh I'm the only serious one who cares about doing things right and wwx is just a disaster who slacks off all the time' is demonstrably untrue as was proven time and again within the text as a brilliant, compassionate, driven, well-informed, pragmatic, canny, circumspect, untruthful, protective, and morally driven wwx emerges distinct from the careless, out-of-control disaster idiot slacker that jc often treats him as. and like. that fucking matters
edit: of course there's ALSO the theme of jc wanting wwx to sit down and shut up and stop making trouble while wwx is a deeply morally driven anti-authoritarian character who can and does defy jc and other leadership he's supposedly meant to defer to when he feels he has a moral comittment he must honor. the narrative recognizes that wwx's decisions aren't always right, and he does make mistakes, but those mistakes were not 'trying to do the right thing even though jc said it was stupid and pointless' (i.e. offering to help lwj during the indoctrination camp, saving jzx's life in the cave, defecting to pay their joint debt to the wens) and the fact that people genuinely think they are is like. did you understand the story bud. like jc being mad that wwx saved lwj and jzx and thus apparently brought down the wrath of the wens onto LP makes sense to HIM but saving two heirs was the correct political and moral decision and from an objective standpoint they both KNEW the wens were coming for them. if anything jc's judgement is the one that's usually impaired because it's so often clouded by his uncontrollable and tempestuous emotional state. wwx walking his single-plank bridge is an intentional decision he makes with full knowledge of the risk, and it's one that's ultimately proven to be righteous despite the regrets it brings him and the losses he incurs
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lwjsbedtime · 2 years ago
Modern Wangxian AU ft. The Untamed
🌸Abbreviating The Untamed to CQL because it's easier to type.🌸
WY, 23yr old straight man, is obsessed with a drama called CQL. The highlight of his day is forcing his best friend and roommate LZ to sit down and watch each new episode with him. LZ is confused why WY is so into an obviously gay drama, but he's not about to bring it up with him in case it interrupts their precious couch time together. 
It's just...WY keeps comparing their relationship to that of the main characters and he doesn't know what to do. WY doesn't seem to grasp the in-your-face romantic subtext of WWX and LWJ's bond. He's afraid of what his reaction will be when the couple inevitably make a move on one another (yes, he's read the book. Yes, he enjoyed it).
Oblivious to LZ's inner turmoil, WY has been pontificating to anyone that'll listen about how great CQL is, and how much LWJ and WWX are like his roommate and himself - especially LWJ because he's perfect just like LZ, except LZ is even better!
The rest of his colleagues are sick of hearing about it, and JC is ready to strangle him by his necktie if he doesn't actually get some work done instead of 'mooning over his brick-faced boyfriend'.
WY is miffed by JC's nasty comments and relates them back to LZ later that night, as the credits of another episode of CQL scroll past on the tv screen.
Wy: And then he said I'm obsessed with you, and he's surprised you haven't taken a restraining order out on me! Can you believe that ZhanZhan? 
Lz: Mn. WY is not a bother.
Wy: Right! You're my best friend! Who doesn't think their best friend is handsome? 
LZ takes a moment to digest this interesting tidbit of information WY has let slip in his annoyance. Feeling bold, he responds in kind.
Lz: WY is more handsome. 
WY chokes on his soda, spluttering. When he recovers he meets LZ's gaze with a deep blush staining his cheeks.
Wy: See? JC just doesn't understand friendship! Can you believe he accused me of being a useless virgin? As if that has anything to do with how much I like you.
Lz: Mn.
LZ clenches his hands into the rough material of the couch. He's all too aware of WY's sex appeal. He doesn't want to think about all the women he's been with while they're together.
Wy: I mean, I am a virgin, but that doesn't mean anything! I could totally be dating someone right now. Anyone! I just prefer spending time with my best friend. Is that wrong?
WY crosses his arms and looks to LZ. LZ is aware he's being spoken to, but his mind is caught on WY's admission. 
WY is a virgin.
WY chooses him over a potential partner. 
But also, WY is a virgin.
LZ suddenly reaches a new level of understanding. It's as if he's lived his entire life shadowed in darkness and now the sun has alighted upon him, illuminating his surroundings with a near blinding light.
WY isn't an elusive dream he'll never be able to grasp in reality; he's just a little...repressed. Unaware. LZ lets himself hope. He may or may not take to wearing his sluttiest - yet still presentable - clothing when WY is around, hoping to draw a reaction from his roommate. 
WY is distraught, having bumped face-first into a wall thrice this week, stubbed his toe several times, dropped two mugs - full of hot coffee - onto their tiled floor, and spent more minutes than he can count rubbing one out in the shower after sporadically popping a boner several times a day, everyday for the past week. It's been the most hectic seven days of his life, including that one time his appendix burst and his foster mother told him to suck it up and stop trying to ruin JC's graduation with his hysterics.
He's just glad LZ is there to take care of him when he's hurt. LZ, with his toned arms, and delicate collarbones. LZ, who he has discovered recently has the roundest, juiciest arse he's ever bared witness to. LZ, with his rippling six pack, trailing down to his-.
WY trousers tent in the middle of meal prep, causing him to run to the bathroom. As he runs his fingers along himself, he lets out a frustrated cry. He really doesn't know why he's feeling like this.
It all comes to a head the next week, when a new episode of CQL airs.
LZ is seated beside WY, WY's head resting on his shoulder. The intro theme is just ending, fading off into a shot of several young men in hunting garb, preparing to go off into a dense forest. LWJ is standing alone, stringing his bow.
The scene goes on, until LWJ is walking alone in the woods. After a long moment he chances upon WWX rested upon the branch of a tree, blindfolded.
LZ grips into the cushion below him. He knows what's about to happen. This may just be the moment of truth between WY and himself.
WY sighs and snuggles closer to LZ. 
Wy: Why's he just standing there? 
LWJ is indeed rooted in place, gazing up at the peaceful beauty of his WWX. 
Then, he leaps up to the branch where WWX is resting. WWX taunts him, not deigning to remove the strip of fabric obscuring his vision. He looks conflicted, his gaze stormy as his eyes bore into WWX's face, drinking the image of him in. 
He leans in. Holds WWX's wrists in one hand, slamming them against the rough bark of the tree.
WY shifts his legs together slightly. Why is he getting another inexplicable boner right now? He just wants to watch his favourite show with his favourite person in peace! 
On the screen, WWX is still talking, still taunting his unknown assailant. Until LWJ shuts him up with his mouth.
WY turns rigid, his eyes almost popping out of his skull as LWJ takes WWX's lips with his, plunging his tongue deep into his mouth, devouring him. 
WY finds himself unable to look away. His eyes, his mind, his whole being is riveted to the tv screen; to the way LWJ snakes his free arm around WWX's waist, drawing the other man nearer as he plunders his mouth. Without his knowledge, a small whine escapes him.
LZ, nervous but alert, wraps his own arm around WY, holding him close in an effort to soothe his distress. To his immense relief, WY does not pull away, melting into his embrace.
The episode continues with the pair of them sitting like that; silent, leaned against one another.
As the credits roll, WY turns to him, his face red, his eyes wide. 
Wy: I've been telling everyone we're just like them.
His voice is oddly hoarse; shaken.
Lz: Mn.
WY looks apologetic, his big, beautiful eyes shining with concern. 
Wy: LZ, I'm so sorry! Everyone probably thinks I'm harassing you! No wonder JC said-.
He cuts off, his face flaming. LZ draws him near, till WY's head rests once more upon his shoulder.
Lz: I do not mind.
Wy: But they'll think you're gay!
LZ snorts.
Lz: I am.
Wy: Oh.
WY's voice is small. Shy. He nuzzles into LZ's collarbone, as if hiding himself from the world.
Wy: Does it bother you?
LZ frowns.
Lz: Does what bother me?
WY's voice, if possible, grows even quieter.
Wy: Does it bother you that people probably think we're a couple? 
LZ's fingers bite harshly into the side of WY's waist.
"No." he says.
WY is quiet, digesting this fact, as well as basking in how nice it feels to have LZ gripping into him. He wonders briefly if he'll bruise; if LZ's fingers will etch marks into him that will remain even when they part. He feels himself grow hard and pushes the thought away for later. 
The rest of the night proceeds as usual, if in a slightly subdued manner. WY's mind is churning, turning over the way seeing two men kiss made him feel; over how being with LZ makes him feel. LZ gives him space to think, not wanting to push WY one way or the other.
WY lays awake till the early hours, attempting to make sense of the thoughts running 'round his head.
The next day, life returns to normal. Wangxian eat breakfast together, go their separate ways to work, return home in time for dinner, and afterwards watch CQL, snuggled together on their small couch.
Except now, when WY curls up against LZ's side, his heart begins to beat outside his chest, the usual sense of rightness curdling under the weight of a budding realisation. LZ is with him now, but he can be taken away. WY hadn't known, before, that was something he'd have to worry about. But LZ is gorgeous and smart and decidedly not his. He could choose to leave at any moment, and WY would not have the right to question him for it.
The next day passes normally. As does the next. And the next. LZ begins to grow disheartened, thinking that perhaps WY has accepted LZ's sexuality with grace, but feels nothing deeper than friendship for him. WY has stopped comparing him to LWJ and himself to WWX, he cannot help but notice.
On the eve of the eighth night, once more at the end of the latest episode of CQL, WY calls him away to the kitchen.
WY is visibly nervous, mumbling to himself and pacing when he arrives. 
Wy: LZ! I didn't see you there!
Lz: You called me.
WY laughs.
Wy: I did, didn't I?
Lz: Are you alright?
WY is sweating.
Wy: I'm fine. Great, even! I just have to ask you something.
LZ nods in an effort to be encouraging.
WY sucks in a deep breath.
Wy: Okay, so... First of all, I think you're perfect LZ. Like, literally perfect. The best. There's no one better.
LZ can feel his ears heating.
Wy: I want to be with you all the time. You're just so good, so kind. I want to spend all my days beside you. I want to fall asleep by your side and wake up with you next to me. I want to be able to touch you and call you mine; to tell the entire world this LZ is mine and no one else can have him.
He clasps LZ's hand in his, getting down on one knee.
Wy: LZ, I love you. I love you so much. I want to cherish you for the rest of my life. Please, let's get married.
LZ is stunned. What just happened? Is this a dream? A prank? Has he died? Surely WY would not skip the entirety of the courting phase and skip straight to marriage? He- no, that actually does sound like WY.
WY, taking LZ's lack of response as refusal, crumples. Of course, good and precious LZ wouldn't want to waste his time with someone like WY. He's gay, not blind.
As WY's about to slip his hand from his, LZ pulls him to his feet, bringing him forward into a passionate kiss. LZ's mouth works against his, desperate, until the two must part for air.
WY blinks up at him with awe filled eyes.
Wy: Is that a yes?
LZ smiles, taking away WY's remaining breath. 
Lz: Yes.
Wangxian swiftly become known by their peers as the most obnoxious couple to ever live, especially when WY transfers to Lan Corp as his fiance's new secretary. JC claims he's relieved to see him go, but never quite finds a perfect replacement. Every time he's confronted by Wangxian sucking face, he remembers that being free from THAT makes his loss a fair tradeoff. 
At their wedding they play the theme of CQL, the show that helped bring them together. WY and LZ cling to each other and smile.
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grewlikefancyflowers · 3 years ago
The role of homophobia in MDZS
Horribly long post under the cut.
First let’s talk about MXY - this is the first thing we are told regarding his sexuality - ‘Mo XuanYu was homosexual, and had enough nerve to harass the other disciples. The scandal was revealed to the public and, as he had few achievements in terms of cultivation, there were no reasons for him to stay in the clan.’ (Ch.2)
This all seems to suggest that MXY’s sexuality alone was not enough to expel him from the clan - it was that he made advances towards others, and that this information was made public. It is heavily suggested that if MXY had been talented or otherwise favoured, he may have been allowed to stay. In summary, aside from him being gay, there were at least three other factors against him for it to be enough to warrant his expulsion from the Jin Sect, and most relevantly, there were conditions under which he would have ‘gotten away’ with it.
WWX also says to LWJ in Chapter 47, ‘If it was as simple as harassing someone from the same sect, he [MXY] would’ve gotten away with a few scoldings. It wouldn’t have been enough for him to be kicked out.’
And again we see on Dafan Mountain - ‘Mo XuanYu was the LanlingJin Sect’s… Ahem, he used to be a foreign disciple of the Jin Sect. But, because his spiritual powers were low and he didn’t work hard in his studies, and also had that… He harassed a peer and was thrown out of the LanlingJin Sect’ (Ch.10)
His low cultivation skills are brought up first as the reasoning for his expulsion, and it is not said that he was kicked out solely for being gay, but rather that he harassed other disciples. The unnamed person who is speaking here does seem to be uncomfortable directly talking about MXY’s sexuality. But overall, that (and everything else about MXY) is treated as interesting gossip, rather than anything worthy of true condemnation. Compare it to how they reacted to the appearance of WN, who they were ready to kill, and then turned their attention to WWX for summoning him. Being a demonic cultivator is a worse crime than being gay in MDZS, confirmed. Actually, aside from that one guy above, no one has anything to say about MXY’s sexuality at all - they’re more interested in criticising his flute skills, and they have far more of a reaction to LWJ and JC’s dual than the mention of MXY being a cut-sleeve. Overall here, while MXY’s sexuality is regarded as somewhat scandalous, people seem to find it the least interesting thing to happen on that mountain that night, and the only person we see having any particularly negative reaction is JC.
JC is a character we know to be homophobic, expressing this repeatedly throughout the novel - his immediate reaction to hearing about MXY is - ‘Jiang Cheng’s eyebrows twitched. His eyes which stared at Wei WuXian seemed more disgusted than before.’ (Ch.10) We also see him being homophobic about LWJ specifically in chapter 24 - ‘Jiang Cheng smiled menacingly, “It really is quite curious how far he went to protect you, back on Dafan Mountain.” A moment later, he corrected himself, “No. You weren’t necessarily the one whom Lan WangJi was protecting. [...] Maybe he’s familiar with this body that you stole instead.” His words were cruel and sinister. Every sentence seemed well-meaning on the surface, but was actually derogatory.’
We also know that JC during that confrontation on Dafan Mountain was not willing to let ‘MXY’ go - he was already past the point of holding back due to social decorum (having already fought LWJ), there is little he wouldn’t do to to get his hands on WWX - If MDZS society was that homophobic, then JC could easily use that against LWJ in that moment by publicly questioning why he is going so far to defend an openly gay man who has just declared his attraction to him, even going as far as to take him home. JC doesn’t do this, though he has no problem expressing that exact sentiment in private. Clearly, sexuality is not something that can be effectively weaponised like that.
Similarly, at the discussion conference WX attend, JC makes a few underhanded remarks about LWJ and WWX - ‘After a few words of small talk, Jiang Cheng asked, “HanGuang-Jun, I’ve never seen you at Carp Tower’s Discussion Conferences before. Why have you gained the sudden interest?” Neither Lan XiChen nor Lan WangJi replied. Luckily, Jiang Cheng didn’t intend for this to be a serious question in the first place. He had already turned to Wei WuXian, speaking as though he’d spit out a sword and impale the latter anytime he wished to, “If I remember correctly, wasn’t it that you two never took needless personnel with you when travelling out? What’s the situation this time? Once in a blue moon? Now who is this renowned cultivator? Could someone please introduce him to me?” (Ch.47). We can clearly see that he is trying to provoke a reaction from them, with the implicit threat that he knows WWX's real identity. Once again, if JC thought he could use any implication about LWJ’s sexuality or his relationship to ‘MXY’ against them here, he would, he does so later in the ancestral hall, in private.
Additionally, JC's unwillingness to say such things publicly, that he does not hesitate to say in private, seems to indicate that doing so would not actually be that well received.
Another point on Koi Tower, both LWJ and WWX know of MXY’s reputation, and the assumptions people might conclude about LWJ attending with a known gay man, neither of them at any point express any concern over how that would come across. WX are also given one room with one bed to stay in (as described in Ch.47), neither of them express any concern that it seems to have been assumed they are a couple, they not concerned over any backlash from this, nor do they receive any.
Also in chapter 47, Wei Wuxian does have this to say about how he might be perceived at Koi Tower - ‘More than half of the Lanlingjin Sect’s disciples had strange expressions on their faces when they looked at him. He had temporarily forgotten that this was Carp Tower, where Mo XuanYu harassed somebody from his own sect and was kicked out. Who would’ve expected that he’d return with such conspicuity, as if he knew no shame. He even slipped into a highranked seat along with the Two Jades of Lan…’ [...] “Wei WuXian, “Please don’t leave me. There’s probably a lot of people here who know about Mo XuanYu. If somebody decides that they want to talk about the good ol’ days with me, I’ll have to keep on playing the fool and spouting nonsense. Please don’t mind if I end up losing your face.”’
While WWX does express concern specifically over the fact that MXY had harassed someone, rather than just that he was a cut-sleeve, it is sort of hard to separate the two in this instance. However, WWX does say he’d have to ‘play the fool and spout nonsense’ - seeming to indicate that this is more about MXY’s general behaviour, rather than his sexuality specifically. Regardless, the most important point here is that WWX says to LWJ ‘please don’t leave me’ - suggesting that, while in the presence of Hanguang Jun, WWX would be safe from any backlash resulting from MXY’s reputation.
Shortly after, WWX says this ‘“The way that everyone at Carp Tower looks at me is so strange. Just what did Mo XuanYu do?”’ WWX clearly thinks that the reaction to MXY here is far greater than what he did should provoke. This once again suggests that queerness isn’t really regarded as that offensive within MDZS. WWX is actually so curious about what MXY could have done, that he leaves LWJ with the excuse of going to find out, seeking out JL.
Then we have this interaction with JL’s bullies -
‘‘Jin Chan, “Mess around? What’s wrong with teaching a lesson to an indecent disciple of our sect?”
Jin Ling snorted, [...] Have you forgotten who he came with today? You want to teach him a lesson? Why don’t you ask HanGuang-Jun first?”
Hearing the name “HanGuang-Jun”, the boys all seemed nervous. Even if Lan WangJi wasn’t present, nobody dared to claim that they weren’t scared of HanGuang-Jun at all’
Jin Chan, “He shamelessly harassed LianFang-Zun, and you’re still talking in favor of him?”’
Once again, it seems that LWJ’s status protects ‘MXY’ from any real backlash, and we also see that the reason Jin Chan gives for wanting to ‘teach him a lesson’ and calling him ‘indecent’ is that he harassed JGY, not that he is a cut-sleeve. Although, once again, it is sort of hard to separate the two in this instance.
Also relevant, is that WWX says this to JL - ‘That’s right. I’ve fallen for someone else.” [...] “In the past, I couldn’t understand my own heart, but after I met HanGuang-Jun I’m certain.” He took in a deep breath, “I’m already incapable of leaving him. I don’t want anyone else aside from HanGuang-Jun…’ Later on, once WWX’s identity is revealed, he was terribly concerned about LWJ’s reputation being destroyed by fleeing with him, however he is not at all bothered that LWJ being seen as having a romantic relationship with him could affect his reputation. Being an associated of Yiling Laozu worse crime than being gay in MDZS, confirmed.
After having heard the full truth, WWX now concludes that the sole reason for MXY being kicked out, and the reaction to him, was harassing his half-brother - ‘“HanGuang-Jun, you’re here! Did you know? Mo XuanYu was kicked out of Carp Tower because he harassed Jin GuangYao. So that was why everyone looked at me so weirdly!”’ - furthermore suggesting that MXY’s sexuality itself really wasn’t all that scandalous, the other reasons given for his expulsion now coming across more as excuses to cover up the truth.
General reactions to WX/queerness
Sharing a bed
We are told in chapter 92 that WX typically share a bed, it’s only after hearing JC’s derogatory remarks about their relationship that WWX feels awkward about it, suggesting that while WX have been frequenting inns and sleeping in the same bed, no one has at any point expressed a negative or shocked reaction to them doing so. We also see the innkeeper from chapter 91 being completely unfazed - ‘“Young Masters, how many rooms would you like?” [...] The owner promptly answered herself, stating, “One room, right? One room is enough! My rooms here are comfy even for two people. The bed won’t feel cramped.”
When LWJ princess carries WWX in chapter 25
‘Aside from the front-desk worker who spat out a mouthful of water, the other bystanders didn’t act out of the ordinary.’’
Most people don’t react, and I’m not sure the worker’s reaction could definitively be called homophobic, we can’t be certain that they wouldn’t have the same reaction to LWJ carrying a woman like this. Considering societal standards of proper public behaviour, it seems the sight of LWJ carrying anyone like this would be shocking. (See WWX and JC’s reactions to Wen Chao’s PDA at the Wen indoctrination camp)
And we have NHS’s reaction…
‘After taking a closer look at the posture of the two men who entered the room, he gave a blank stare and barely completed his final sentence, “…. I really don’t know.” [...] Lan Wangji looked oblivious as he carried Wei Wuxian into the room and sat him down on a mat. Nie Huaisang looked as though he could not witness this any further, as he immediately opened up his fan and covered his face.
When looking at how NHS and the worker react to this, we should take into account why WWX was against it in the first place - ‘For a grown man to still need to be carried; that looks so bad.”’ Fyy’s, tmwx’s, exr’s, and the official translation, all used the word ‘grown man.’ that, along with the way this is phrased (across all translations) indicates that the reason WWX thinks this would look bad (or, ‘unsightly,’ in the official tl) is because of some notions of masculinity, and not at all to do with how people may perceive their sexuality.
So, we have plenty of indications that the reason for these reactions isn’t to do with any views or assumptions they make about WX’s relationship, and even if we assume that is the case, neither of them express anything resembling the disgust that JC expresses. It may also be the case that, since NHS should already know who WWX is at this point, that he has other reasons for hiding behind his fan.
Phoenix Mountain hunt
WWX throws a flower for LWJ along with the women, he does this in public no one is scandalised or offended by it, except for JC (known homophobe), who feels the need to apologise for WWX’s behaviour. Even when WWX says he did it because he ‘thinks LWJ looks nice,’ no one reacts, and he receives no backlash for this.
Jiang Sect
In the Lotus Seed Pod extra, WWX talks about how handsome LWJ is, saying he is even more attractive than himself, no one seems to regard this as weird.
Wen Ning
WN’s reaction after they have slept together - ‘Wen Ning noticed that his mood wasn’t as usual. He paused what he was doing, “Young Master, did something happen?”
He walked a few steps towards Wei WuXian before suddenly halting, and quickly backing away.
Wei WuXian hesitated in confusion, “What are you doing this time?” Wen Ning seemed as if he was scared, waving his hands, “No, no. Nothing!”
Wei WuXian could tell at first glance that he was feeling embarrassed. Unconsciously, he glanced at himself, and realized he had a few red fingerprints on his wrists, [...] He touched his lips. They were also still slightly swollen. [...] His neck was probably quite a scene as well.
If Wen Ning had any blood on his face, he would’ve been blushing so hard the bleed seeped out.’
WN is embarrassed (and, I think, embarrassed that he incidentally asked WWX about something private), but he’s not scandalised, shocked or disgusted. He’s already seen plenty of interactions between WX with romantic implications before (the kissing figures LWJ drew on the wall, LWJ tying WWX with the forehead ribbon, the boat in yunmeng, etc) - he is overall very unfazed by it.
Likewise, WWX isn’t at all concerned about WN noticing this, he doesn’t try to hide it, he moves on as if nothing is out of the ordinary.
Wen Qing, in chapter 75
‘She wanted to check on Wei WuXian’s injuries, but he got there before she could. She paused with surprise. Lan WangJi was almost embracing Wei WuXian as he held his hand and passed spiritual energy to him.’
Is hard to say what she is surprised by - that the normally uptight and stoic man is holding WWX like this, would her reaction be that different if WX were not the same gender? Either way, it's a pretty mild reaction, it’s certainly not a negative reaction. When WWX pretends to faint later on, and LWJ catches him and is similarly concerned, she has no reaction at all. Later on, when she asks WWX about LWJ, it seems that she suspects there is more to their relationship than WWX is letting on, like WN, she is unfazed by it.
Lan Jingyi
While he does exhibit some homophobic behaviour, unlike JC and JL, LJY has no immediate negative reaction to MXY's sexuality - he neither says or does anything throughout WWX’s whole initial performance to humiliate the Mo family. His first direct interaction with him in chapter 3 is - ‘“Go back, this is not somewhere you should be.” He was trying to chase Wei Wuxian out, but it was said with good intentions. The disciple’s tone was different from the disparaging tone used by the Mo Family servants.’ It’s pretty clear he harbours no real ill feelings towards him. When LJY gets annoyed at him for taking their flag, he calls him a lunatic, but he makes no remark about his sexuality. He doesn’t at any point during the rest of the Mo Manor arc, on Dafan Mountain, nor even outside CR, even when WWX says things like ‘with so many beautiful young men in your sect, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to control myself.”’
There is only one time in MDZS that LJY uses the phrase ‘damn cut-sleeve’ - ‘Lan JingYi seized him furiously, “You damn cut-sleeve! I-i-is he someone you could peek at?!”’ This is specifically in reaction to WWX spying on LWJ in the cold spring, it seems it was this offense against LWJ that angered him enough to actually make this remark towards WWX. It is clearly an impulsive reaction to WWX’s behaviour, LJY hadn’t expressed any negative attitude about his sexuality before this point. TBH, it comes across as if LJY is just repeating some insult that he’s heard before, rather than actually holding any deeply rooted prejudice about it. I’m not saying it's okay but I think it’s pretty dramatic to compare this at all to the homophobia that JC, and even JL, exhibit.
That being said, LJY is frequently rude to WWX throughout the beginning of the novel, though this always seems to be in reaction to WWX’s purposefully outrageous & offensive behaviour, its hard to say if he would have had the same reaction if WWX had just been like, a regular gay dude. LJY also insists that LWJ is not a cut-sleeve when WWX claims he slept with him - ‘“You’re so shameless and brazen! Hanguang Jun isn’t gay. He slept with you?!’ LJY seems to at least partially find this so hard to believe because he thinks that someone like LWJ wouldn’t want to sleep with someone like ‘MXY’ who behaves so improperly. When it becomes very clear that LWJ is in fact gay, LJY doesn’t have trouble accepting it.
Lan Sect
The reaction to WWX pulling off LWJ’s forehead ribbon at the Qishan archery competition - ‘Arm around his younger brother, Lan XiChen talked to the unspeaking Lan WangJi in a low voice. All of the others seemed similarly serious, as though they were facing a powerful enemy. They shook their heads as they spoke, glancing at Wei WuXian with odd, indescribable looks on their faces.
Wei WuXian only heard a few vague terms, such as “accident”, “calm down”, “no need to worry”, “a man”, “the sect rules”, and so on.’
Once again, it is hard to separate how much of this reaction is due to WWX being male, or how much of it is because it's regarded as indecent for anyone to touch the forehead ribbon. It’s also hard to say if we should assume the whole group was scandalised because WWX is a man, or if that ‘a man’ reflects the views of one person. Funny if all these people just know LWJ is gay and that’s why they’d find it more scandalous that he is a man.
Their reaction to ‘MXY’ - ‘Wei Wuxian had already sneakily crept up behind him, and gleefully exclaimed to himself in a loud voice, “Good good good, we can finally descend this mountain and elope!”
The crowd cringed from his words. The older disciples were especially horrified, but some of the younger disciples were somewhat used to this.’
Its not clear how much of their reaction is due to how outlandish WWX’s behaviour is, or if it is because he is a man, the reaction of ‘cringing’ seems to indicate the former rather than the latter. We should also consider how very easy it is to horrify Lan elders, with things like walking too fast or sitting improperly. LWJ appears unaffected by their reaction.
Other than that, we know that WX live happily married in the CR, and when LXC recounts the story of them finding LWJ post-nightless city, he doesn’t say anything to imply that they found it do be particularly shocking or bad that LWJ is in love with a man.
Jin Ling
I don’t think it is at all a coincidence that the two overtly homophobic characters we see in MDZS are related, he not only repeatedly calls WWX a ‘damn cut-sleeve,’ he also refers to it as an ‘incurable disease’, but he does get over it soon enough. Interestingly, he seems to lose all homophobic sentiments towards WWX once he founds out his true identity. This is relevant due to what WWX speculates - ‘The reason he [JL] was disgusted at Mo XuanYu was not only that he was a cut-sleeve, but likely also that the one Mo XuanYu harassed was his own uncle.’ This also makes sense considering JL’s insistence that ‘MXY’ stay away from members of his sect specifically. So, even one of the characters that we see being homophobic the most in MDZS, has other reasons contributing to his attitude.
Some more points, while we see WWX being cautious to publicly use modao, he is not at all afraid of receiving backlash for his 'lunatic cut-sleeve MXY' performance, indicating that it's not something WWX considers likely to happen, or a real threat. Wangxian do also not go to any particular lengths to hide their relationship, flirting with each other in public in chapter 112 & in the Dream Come True extra. They even kiss in the restaurant, although they do hide what they are doing, this can easily be attributed to taboos against pda (again, see the reaction to WC & WLJ in the Wen indoctrination camp).
That being said, while it is pretty clear looking at the evidence above that someone with LWJ's status and reputation could never receive public backlash for such a thing, others without the social protections that high status affords easily could. The obvious example being MXY, who was abused by his family. Additionally, it is his association with LWJ that makes the Jin disciples fearful to attack him during the discussion conference. If LWJ was not someone of high status who did things like carry WWX in Qinghe and make no real effort to hide his sexuality, would people let it slide so easily? Possibly not - we see repeatedly throughout the novel that LWJ can get away with things that would otherwise be regarded as scandalous. Even so, looking at MXY's story in more detail, it is clear that even he wasn't actually treated with condemnation purely for his sexuality.
So, overall, while queerness is not the norm in MDZS, it is clearly not regarded as a strong social taboo either - the reactions we see are varied but more often than not, characters don't seem to find it all that unusual. Reactions such as JC's are presented as outliers.
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vrishchikawrites · 4 years ago
I can't help but dislike lan xichen because he called wei wuxian a mistake. I know he's a good character and he had ever reason to be upset, but something about that conversation just bothers me. I don't know why it does.
​Hm, I get you. I think this is a clear example of a character's actions having a different impact on the reader than on the plot.
Plot-wise, Xichen's reaction is 100% justified. He a worried older brother. He knows LWJ loves WWX and has been rejected by him. He is concerned that LWJ would get his heart broken again. It is an understandable concern. When you look at everything objectively, we have no reason to be angry at LXC for his reaction.
But the readers have just gone through 100 chapters of people just having a go at WWX for every fucking thing, whether it is his fault or not, with not a single apology in sight.
That's why we see many people so unreasonably pissed at LXC.
It is just another thing that WWX has to silently accept. When he was kid, he was called a bastard and abused. That abuse goes unacknowledged. The fall of LP is laid at his feet, he has to deal with it. He pays off his debt and goes through horrifying trauma, that goes unacknowledged too. He faces a lot of injustice and accusations (a lot of times those accusations are baseless and spiteful), he has to accept and brush it aside. He does this again and again. Not a single person acknowledges that it was wrong to put a man through this.
LXC then comes along to say WWX is LWJ's only mistake. WWX again brushes it aside and focuses on important matters. But it has to hurt. WWX loves LWJ at this point. He just as to accept that the entire Lan clan probably thinks the same (with good reason in their eyes but that doesn't change the fact that it will hurt) Then we have LQR at CR post canon asking everyone to stay away from WWX. He brushes it aside. Look, WWX understood that the juniors turned and walked away from him because of LQR's rule and they would meet anyways. But it was still another injustice. Remember this point for me, I will come back to it.
Everything, he just has to deal with and forget. Not one time does anyone acknowledge the shit people just carelessly hurl at WWX and forget about it.
WWX being WWX, he doesn't care and will probably continue to live happily. But he has taken a lot of hits with no resolution from everyone. By this stage, readers have reached saturation point with the amount of BS WWX has to put up with and forgive.
LWJ loves WWX and that is the only saving grace in this entire situation.
LXC is like the last straw off the camel's back, so to speak. This is another careless, hurtful comment flung at WWX in anger and WWX is just made to bear it.
It is natural to be a little pissed at LXC, even if it is unreasonable. After all, LWJ is the only person WWX has in his corner (aside from WN). By calling WWX LWJ's mistake, LXC essentially said WWX didn't deserve even that bit of happiness.
But that is a reader's emotional response to the story. It isn't actually LXC's character at fault. He is being perfectly reasonable given how much information he has.
The fact is, readers are invested in WWX by this point and we're being told -yeah people just fling accusations and abuses at the character we want you to love, no one apologizes for it, even the kind older brother thinks he's trash, but the guy we made you love is just gonna shrug it all off and be happy because that's just him. And you can't be a little bit mad about it.
Lmao, that's a bit of excellent writing but it is also immensely irritating.
Now, onto a more serious observation. WWX is essentially alone and socially isolated at this point. Before his death, he had WQ, WN, and the remnants with him.
Post canon, he only has LWJ and WN and even WN rightfully chooses to live his own life.
We love and trust LWJ but that man has a rock solid support system. A brother, an uncle, a sect, society's respect, status, and wealth.
WWX has none of that. As attached readers, we're asked to trust a beloved character into a family where - one important member thinks WWX is a mistake and the other actively tries to keep him away from other sect members.
Then we're asked to trust that LWJ is all WWX will ever need. I can tell you- in marriage, you need a few people other than your spouse to stay in your corner if there's conflict. Even if the conflict is minor. The situation here is - WWX lacks a support system outside of LWJ. LWJ's family and the society as a whole will consider it ABSOLUTELY HIS FAULT if things go even a little sideways.
That, nonny, is something that people may realize and feel very uncomfortable about. That may be one of the reasons why LXC words hit a little harder. Because of course, the sect leader and brother's first concern is gonna be LWJ if there's an event where LWJ needs protecting from WWX.
But who protects WWX if he, in an unlikely event, needs protecting from LWJ?
(I want to make it clear that I don't consider WWX weak or vulnerable. He can take care of himself even if the entire world turns again him. and he certainly won't face any issues with lwj by his side. But it is a situation that can be a tad troubling if you look too deeply. )
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danhoemei · 3 years ago
What do you think of the reconciliation of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng that is confirmed (post canon) in Lan Wangji's letter?
Tbh I just learnt something new from you anon lmao.
First of all, let's establish the post canon here, as I found that it's from cql. I come from the novel so I had no idea about it.
Although all adaptations spring from the same source, all of them have smaller or bigger differences and divergences. Thus, it's not that easy to say what is "canon" here, e.g. something that happens in the drama doesn't mean that it's canon for the novel as well, and the other way around, and as I've seen so far both are quite different in some aspects, maybe even with a few contradictions.
Another thing is the source of the information. For me the strongest will always be the source material, and additional bits of information from interviews, author's posts etc. can be treated with less weight. I had experiences in other fandoms or media where the author started spewing nonsense out of spite, or literally contradicted what was in the original story, so since then I take additional bits added post-release as a free candy which I can take or not.
Now, coming back to mdzs's adaptations. The manhua and donghua are considerably close to the novel, so I consider the novel as the scroll of truth here. However, when it comes to the drama I kind of think of it as an alternate version with its own rights, and I personally pretty much separate these two. So I'd say that the letter could be treated as canon for cql, but not necessarily for the novel.
So now the question is, do I take this candy? 
Gods in all heavens, heck yes.
Even though I treat all adaptations more or less separate, there are certain parts which I will fiercely headcanon no matter what, in all of them. And one of these things is that yunmeng bros need each other and will gravitate towards each other whether they want it or not. Initially, the main reason could be only jin ling. They love him and care about him, so even if both of them avoided each other they would still have this connection and possibly bump into each other from time to time. Jin ling is the last part of their family who they loved very much, but both of them are also these last bits of it. And it is very clear how strong a family instinct they have. Yunmeng is also wwx's home, where he grew up and what he longed for many times, no matter how much time passed. He would want to come back there from time to time, even if he was thrown away from lotus pier. What about jiang cheng, who threw him out? Even when he shouted at wwx to leave (before the whole golden core revelation), to me it seemed like another thing he spouted in the heat of the moment when his emotions and grievances took reins, as he instantly froze and tried to stop wwx who complied and turned away. So I don't imagine him taking excessive steps to keep wwx away later on, especially after his approach changed quite significantly towards the end, even towards wen ning who he initially hated with every fiber of his being.
And don't get me wrong - I don't see them as sweet bros longing for each other who just need to sit down once and talk and it'll be dandy. They have a ton of issues (mostly on jiang cheng’s side) and unspoken secrets between each other which are not easy to disclose but which hold them back very significantly. Mostly jiang cheng needs to change for this to happen, let his thick as hell walls drop a bit to be less on guard and be more open, and stop constantly hurting others because of his lack of control and toxic coping mechanisms. All that stems from childhood trauma, severe inferiority complex, pathological parents who didn't give him support and love he needed. But not one thing from these justifies his behaviour and how he compensates or lashes out when anything triggers him. Still, in the root of his being is love and care for his family, which could be seen so many times when he made sacrifices in order to protect his loved ones or the whole sect, each time when he's overprotective of jin ling, also each time he helped wwx despite being very vocal about the opposite. He's a contradictory character with tons of issues, which he unfortunately takes out on others.
So their reconciliation in my eyes is not gonna be easy and fast. It's a long and bumpy road, began with a long period of absence from each other's lives, then featuring arguments or clashes, unsaid feelings, secrets, and sacrifices finally spilling (probably in shouting voices and tears). I like to think that with time jiang cheng could mature emotionally and learn to be healthier, not only thanks to being surrounded by people who love him and care for him, but also because maybe those people could open his eyes on his behaviour and teach him a bit. As jin ling grows older, he could get bolder and more confident, and say what he doesn’t like about his uncle’s way of being or treating others. I also like to imagine wwx being more direct in his grievances or reproaches and basically being done with jiang cheng’s bs, because he is now happy, with lwj by his side, and may learn to prioritise himself instead of constantly giving to others and sacrificing himself and his own comfort. If jiang cheng is like that then why should wwx deal with him, if he doesn't feel like it? So what if it's jiang cheng who needs to swallow his pride and finally make the first move, if he actually wants any kind of contact with his brother? Maybe there is a banquet at yunmeng after a long time passes, and he invites wwx. Maybe it doesn’t go so well but later on they still keep bumping into each other and having smaller or bigger conversations, maybe meanwhile jin ling gets involved in something and they collaborate to help him. Bit by bit, I like to think that they both slowly (and finally) learn and understand each other more. And that at some point they'd be like a true and close family, not the one they were - something different, more grown up and mature. That they can travel to each other, have casual conversations and goof around, maybe steal some lotus pods together again, but this time with more mirth and fun than those competitive teenage years way back.
I just... want these two to be happy and there for each other ;__; They lost so much, but they still have each other and I don’t want them to forget that as well, especially when they clearly have so much love and care in them ;___; 
So yes, I am very much into taking the letter as a general canon for me, because this is already what I headcanoned anyway ;d
And just a reminder! This is all my own self indulgent headcanon based on my interpretation of these characters and their relationship (rather from the novel’s perspective, I can’t talk with confidence about the drama). Take what you want from it, or don’t take anything at all. These are stories made for us to enjoy and reflect on, not fight or spread hate over, so go wild with your imagination and headcanons, enjoy and have fun <3
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twolonesomestars · 4 years ago
Japan Trip
This is a compilation post explaining the Japan trip and related theories (along with my own thoughts). Most of the theories in here are well-known. If you know the general gist of the Japan trip, you probably won’t see anything new.
Warning: This is all fake. Don’t take what I say to heart. These are just my random thoughts.
Extremely long post. Please beware.
All my explanations and thoughts will be bracketed and italicized: [like this]. If you would like to just read about the theories, ignore the bracketed and italicized bits.
I suggest reading all of the theories first and creating your own opinion on the trip before reading my commentary, especially if you’re a new fan. (AKA ignore the bracketed & italicized parts for now).
[One last thing before I start (and a test for those who want to read the theories first… ignore this for now): I believe this Japan trip changed their relationship… In that, I believe they began their romantic relationship after this trip. A quick timeline mention: truthfully, their relationship before and during CQL filming isn’t too important for this theory. However, I do believe that there was some sort of confession from WYB at the end of filming, which may have played a role in XZ’s decision to take the trip to Japan. I’ll provide my reasoning later in the post. All my explanations and thoughts are going to be based on these particular assumptions; although, I will try to include rebuttals & explanations based on countering arguments.]
Character Bleed Changed Phone Number
XZ’s 180911 Post + Story
XZ’s 180913 Post & Story XZ’s 181119 Post WYB’s 181119 Post Time Gap WYB’s 190322 Post
Let’s get into it!
180416 - 180823 Filming for CQL
180908 - 180912 XZ’s Japan trip
180913 - XZ posted his 521st Weibo post & 18th Weibo story
181005 - XZ’s Birthday
181119 @ 17:42 - XZ’s Japan trip post
181119 @ 18:47 - WYB’s response post
190322 - WYB’s Rome trip post
Character Bleed
XZ’s reasoning behind his Japan trip in this interview @ 9:31
XZ explicitly says, “I told myself I had to walk out of it.” His reasoning being, “[I had to] leave him there. [I had to] return him to the one he loves.”
You can unpack a lot from that. I got two main things from it:
(“I had to walk out of it”): you can assume that XZ took everything from WWX and made it his own, including, and specifically, WWX’s love for LWJ. Essentially, by the end of filming, XZ himself was in love with LWJ.
(“return him to the one he loves”): XZ separates himself very clearly from WWX. He points out his reasoning to walk it off is him wanting to return WWX to the one he loves… the implication is that he figured out he doesn’t love the one WWX loves.
[The reason I think there was some sort of confession at the end of filming that pushed XZ to take this trip and figure himself out is because he already knew he loved LWJ. I think he may have attributed any romantic feelings he felt towards WYB to the fact that he plays the character he loves. So, if WYB confessed to wanting to pursue a romantic relationship with him, it makes sense that XZ would hesitate. I doubt he’d want to lead WYB on just to later realize all of his feelings were for LWJ and not him. I’m sure XZ would’ve walked off WWX eventually, but I think he did it as quickly as he could to give a certain person (and himself) answers.
Obviously, I don’t know how XZ goes about with his acting, so these are all just random assumptions.]
Changed Phone Number
I’ve gotten a few asks wanting me to clarify and give my opinion on the rumor about XZ changing his number and WYB asking around for it. I’ve heard two versions of this:
The first version has two variations:
XZ changed his number sometime after his DDU appearance in 2017 and before CQL began shooting, and WYB was asking the CQL crew for it.
XZ changed his number during CQL filming sometime, and WYB was asking the CQL crew for it.
The second version is that XZ changed his number before he left to Japan and WYB was asking around for it for months (who he was asking was undefined).
A related rumor I want to note: a fan who was at the airport when XZ was waiting for his flight to Japan supposedly saw him not answering his phone.
Let me clarify the relationship between WeChat & phone numbers:
In WeChat, every registered user gets a WeChat ID. There are three main ways people can add someone: (1) have the person’s WeChat ID (2) have the person’s phone number (3) have access to the person’s QR code. For (1) and (2), the other person must enable the option to be found via WeChat ID or phone number in order for you to find them. You can also choose to not show your phone number at all, so even if someone adds you via (1) or (3), they may still not have access to your number depending on your settings. To sum it up, you do NOT need to know another person’s phone number to message them on WeChat. Practically everyone in China uses WeChat as their main social messaging application… you can send messages (text & voice) and you can call (voice-only & video). People don’t use their actual given numbers to message or call too much (ex. iPhone messaging/ Facetime); phone numbers are typically used when making accounts on various social media apps, online payment, etc.
There’s a pretty well-backed up theory that WYB asked one of his DDU co-hosts (specifically DZW) if he could get XZ’s WeChat ID for him during/ after filming the episode with XNINE. If this theory is true, we can only be sure that he got XZ’s WeChat ID, not that he got his phone number.
If you do want to change your number or WeChat ID (prior to 2020, you could only change your WeChat ID once per account), you can simply go into the WeChat settings and update; this process won’t change your WeChat account and it won’t affect any of your contacts or chat history. If you want to stop receiving messages & calls from someone, you can either block or delete them from your contacts on the app.
I’m pointing all of this out because I’m pretty sure most of XZ’s & WYB’s communication takes place in WeChat. WYB has said in several interviews that he now prefers his phone and wifi access; he’s also said that he can’t go without WeChat now.
[I honestly don’t think this rumor is real. But, out of the two versions, I’d say the first version (either variation) makes more sense than the second version.
I have three reasons for thinking the second version is the most unlikely:
It’d be easier to block the other person for however long you need (and then unblock them or delete them depending on your choice later) rather than going through the hassle of changing your number. Remember when WYB’s phone number got leaked and he had to change it (August 2019)? He asked people to not use his number to log into accounts; he even mentioned that he would need to change all of them, which would be a large hassle. Sure, there could be circumstances where you’d want to change your phone number… but I don’t think this situation is that extreme, especially since it was supposedly at the airport before his trip and before he decided.
I don’t think XZ’s the type of person to leave someone hanging, no matter how much internal turmoil he may be dealing with, and especially not when that someone is close to him. I believe he’d at least inform others that he’ll be out of range and to not message or call him. Not to mention, if he told WYB to not contact him for the next couple of days, I’d like to believe WYB would respect that wish, whether he knew the reason or not. Since I do think that WYB confessed prior to the Japan trip, I believe he knew. But, even if he didn’t, he has integrity and self-respect. He’s going to respect others’ wishes, and even more so if he respects the other person… and he does respect XZ.
The theory specifically points out “months” … WYB literally celebrated XZ’s birthday with him about three weeks after this trip.
As for the first version:
Variation #1 implies that this happened at the start of filming/ bootcamp; it also implies that WYB got XZ’s number after he contacted him on WeChat. One assumption I have is: I don’t think celebrities/ people in the industry exchange phone numbers much, just their WeChat IDs. This is why I don’t think XZ & WYB exchanged numbers when they first met, only their WeChat IDs. As for WYB asking the crew for XZ’s number… if he already had XZ’s previous number, I kinda doubt he’d go around asking others when he could just ask XZ himself.
Variation #2 probably makes the most sense out of all three, and even then it’s a bit of a stretch. This variation implies that it’s a few months into filming, at which point XZ & WYB were extremely close. I doubt he’d be too nervous to ask XZ directly for his new number. The only rebuttal I could think of for this is that perhaps WYB asking around instead of asking XZ himself was him being coquettish.
In the end, this rumor doesn’t make too much sense to me. But take it as you will.]
XZ’s 180911 Post + Story
We know that he kept deleting his Weibo posts before the number could reach *520. (*520 & 521 are both kadian for “I love you” even though 520 is more widely used.)
XZ posted his 520th post on 180911 (right in the middle of his trip). It was an ad for AHC. AHC is the first brand both WYB & XZ shared and spoke for; I believe WYB stopped his spokesperson duties on 180829 & XZ began his on 180907.
XZ posted his 17th story, also on 180911, of him on a ferry during the trip.
[I burst out laughing when I realized he posted an ad for his 520th post. He kept deleting posts to make sure he stayed away from #520; he could’ve easily deleted another post to make the ad his 519th. A lot of solo fans were looking forward to his 520th post being dedicated to them (exhibit 1), and then he did that. Sly as per usual. And the 17th story... leading up to the 18th. I think XZ pretty much knew/ made his choice/ accepted his feelings by this point, which is why he posted like this.]
XZ’s 180913 Post & Story
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XZ posted this video on Weibo on 180913. It was his *521th post & *18th story. (*52118 = “wo ai ni yi bo” A BXG posted about counting XZ’s posts to find these numbers.)
His caption was:
以为在拍照的找🤣... (夏天的风结束了,假期也结束了🌿🌿🎋)
which roughly translates to:
“I thought I was posing for a photo🤣... (The summer wind is over, the holiday is also over 🌿🌿🎋)”
There are several theories about the caption.
the emojis:
The bamboo emoji refers to WYB. In this behind the scenes footage, XZ compares WYB’s face to a bamboo stick.
the words:
XZ is referring to the season ending and the weather in the video where the wind is blowing across his face.
When XZ states that both the summer wind and his holiday are over, he is implying that he has left the character he became that summer (WWX) behind and moving forward.
XZ is referring to the song Summer Wind (夏天的风) by Liu Rui Qi (刘瑞琦). I’m not going to go too deep into this; the lyrics in question are:
夏天的风 我永远记得 清清楚楚地说你爱我 我看见你酷酷的笑容 也有腼腆的时候
roughly translates to
The summer wind, I will always remember [you] saying clearly that you love me. I saw your cool smile [yet] there are times when you are shy.
Interpretations are: (line 1) “summer wind” & “always remember” - XZ is reminiscing on the things that have happened that summer when CQL was filmed. (line 2) “saying clearly… you love me” - a confession from a certain someone… we know of one on camera: “zhan-ge didi ai ni.” (lines 3-4) “cool smile” & “shy” - these adjectives fit a person we know.
[I didn't find out about half of these caption theories until way later, and once I had already formed my opinion on this trip. A lot of it seems like a stretch, but all the theories make some sort of sense. Meh, there’s a lot you can do with a caption, so just take it all in.
Personally, I didn’t pay attention to the caption too much. I knew about the lyrics, but I purposely avoided them precisely because they were lyrics; you can do a lot with them. I finally explored it for this post, and I actually like it a lot; it’s very sweet. I’m still leaning towards the reference being unlikely; however, XZ is very sneaky, so I wouldn’t put it past him. I also knew about the bamboo reference, but I never gave it much thought. I didn’t think that one scene of them joking around was enough to say that he used the emoji to refer to WYB. Though, if it was actually a reference, there’s definitely more to it that we don’t know about. Ultimately, for this one, my decision was based on the basics: the kadian (and later reinforced by the whole AHC ad post).]
XZ’s 181119 Post @ 17:42
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A major theory for this post comes from his caption:
“一些存货... 现代人即将拥有姓名 [’silent giggling’ emoji]... ”
roughly translates to
“some stock [photos]... modern man will soon be named...”
The main focus here is the “modern man.”
Once the behind the scenes footage and interviews began releasing, BXG started noticing how WYB got whenever XZ mentioned LWJ. His facial expressions always changed… immediate frowns. BXG speculated that WYB was trying to show himself as separate from his character, but XZ didn’t take notice. The character LWJ is figuratively and literally from the past; the actor on the other hand is from modern society. Thus, XZ mentioning modern man was taken to be a reference to XZ’s love for the actor alone, not the character.
[To those who have sent asks about the “modern man” quote, I hope this clears it up. My interpretation of it is the same. At the end of the day, XZ most definitely separated the two.]
Another theory for this one is that the horizontal middle row pictures spell out “王一博” going from left to right.
王 (“wáng”)
The lines on the building look like the character
He could’ve meant “look towards,” which is what he’s doing in the picture. It is a different character (“望”), and has a slightly different pronunciation (“wàng”)
He could’ve meant “going in one direction,” referring to the arrow on the sign, which is a different character (“往”), and has a slightly different pronunciation (“wǎng”)
一 (yī)
The image looks like the character
博 (bó)
Another meaning for “博” is “extensive” or “rich” which you can take the design on the outside of the to be
The building is a museum, whose word (“博物馆”) begins with “博”
[For the spelling, my interpretations were all of the #1s. (I’ll explain a little bit more when we get to WYB’s 190322 post.)]
One last theory about this post: BXG then witnessed XZ editing his post in real time to change the position of the first two pictures. There’s a theory that he saw this post (below) from the previous day and changed the positions to match.
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OP talking about the switch here and below.
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[I was so enamored by this theory until I actually went looking for it. The post of WYB’s pictures is from a fan, and while I don’t doubt that they saw more of fans’ posts back then, this one wasn’t tagged or anything. It could easily have been XZ’s artist side popping up. But, maybe XZ was lurking on his private account. Even though it’s one of the more iffy ones, it’s such a cute theory that I actually don’t mind believing it.]
This is a side note and not part of the actual theory: On my search for all things related to this trip, I noticed one of WYB’s posts where he did a similar thing.
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This was in June 2018, so before XZ’s post. Mayhaps inspiration.
WYB’s 181119 Post @ 18:47
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WYB posted exactly *1:05 hours after XZ posted. (*105 = 10/5, XZ’s birthday)
His caption was “冒个泡”
He was using internet slang; it can be vaguely translated to “I am here.” In context, he’s using the slang to refer to him not posting for a long time; he’s ‘showing his presence.’
Notable Things:
He posted the day prior on 181118; it wasn’t an ad, but it wasn’t exactly personal either.
He posted a picture of himself with his DDU brothers during a trip on 181104.
He had not posted a selfie since 181004. (Back then, he updated personal posts once or twice a week, whether it was a selfie or something about his life, such as what show he was watching. The month & a half time gap between personal posts would’ve been unusual.)
The caption & selfie work as a response to XZ’s “modern man will soon be named.”
Another thing fans were intrigued about was the time stamp on the photo, 180525.
WYB never really posts throwbacks, especially with selfies, yet he did one here to a date in the middle of CQL filming. He also usually never adds the date to his photos.
Isn’t it interesting that he captions the post with slang that tells people he’s back from a break, but uses an old photo instead of a new one? If someone’s announcing that they’re coming back from a break (especially a celebrity), wouldn’t it make more sense to post a recent photo rather than an old one (in this case, one from 6 months ago)? And, why even bother including the date in the first place?
[I can’t believe I barely noticed that WYB posted 1:05 hours after XZ. What in the world WYB? I’m losing my mind. It’s down to the damn minute, and their minutes weren’t a “0” or “5” multiple either. I usually try to pass off a lot of things regarding YiZhan (especially kadian) as coincidences, but what even is this? If it wasn’t intentional… What kind of connection do these two share?
Yes, I do think this was WYB’s response. The throwback picture was probably the most telling for me; him including the date he took the photo was like a flashing sign saying: ‘hey look at this date. it’s important.’ And when you add the caption into the mix, it’s taken to another level. I feel the combination of hints in and related to the post is too much and too telling to be coincidental.]
Time Gap
There’s an interesting time gap between the two XZ’s posts (180913 & 181119). There are a few theories about what could’ve happened in those two months. Some of the ones I’ve seen and heard are:
XZ & WYB could’ve been taking that time to tell their parents and settle things with their agencies
XZ & WYB could’ve begun dating exclusively after XZ’s return
Both of these theories imply that everything got settled or made official around 181119.
[I never really thought about the time gap between the posts… mostly because I kept forgetting there even was one. They’re both ridiculously romantic so I don’t doubt that 181119 is something of importance to them. I think it’s especially proving that both of them did a throwback to the same seemingly important time period.]
WYB’s 190322 Post
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This post is pretty similar to XZ’s 181119 throwback post to the Japan trip. The theory for this one is that WYB spelled out “肖战” using the vertical middle row, going from top to bottom.
肖 - The tree looks like the top part of the “肖” character; the branches look like the bottom part of it.
战 - Since WYB placed an image of the entire Roman colosseum (where gladiator battles took place) in the last spot, he may have been alluding to how “战” means “battle” or “fight” (similar to how XZ may have been alluding to the meaning of “博” instead of getting a picture of the character).
WYB filmed the DDU episode on 3/22; I don’t believe there’s another significance to the date.
[WYB spelling out the “肖” using the first two pictures backs up my thinking that XZ spelled out the “王” and “一” characters in his first two pictures. This also leads me to think that both of them alluded to each other’s last character rather than spelling it out in their third pictures.]
[The reason I like this overall theory a lot is because I think the happenings really fit with the things they’ve told us in interviews and suit their personalities. It makes sense to me that XZ would want to take some time to think about it; it makes sense to me that WYB was probably the one who took the first step.
As for the theories about the details… some of them are really out there, but all of them are fun to consider. As usual, take everything with a grain of salt.]
Some of these posts & events have several theories (i.e. XZ’s summer wind caption); they aren’t mutually exclusive… more than one can be true at the same time.
I tried to be as neutral as I could when explaining these theories. I tried to include counters and other possibilities, but I’m sure some bias came out. Just take it all in and take it for what it is.
My intention with this post was to put everything into perspective and give a good timeline. (As well as get everything in one place.) If you’re interested in my thoughts, feel free to go back and read the italicized & bracketed parts (if you hadn’t already).
The following is something I want to say about these theories and the BXG community in general:
Every theory has inconsistencies and exaggerations… that’s what makes it a theory. As long as we discuss things knowing this fact, that’s all that matters. We’re here to have fun, not to prove what’s right or wrong.
I love seeing the various theories everyone in this community puts out, no matter how different or similar they are to the ones I like/ believe in. It’s fun to look into these things with different perspectives. Don’t feel burdened if you believe in a less popular theory. Besides, we will never know anything for sure.
Be kind. And, have a good time.
Once again, this is all fake. I do not personally know XZ & WYB, and I will never know anything about them; this includes the intricacies of whatever relationship they share. So, CPN.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 5 years ago
So one thing I am confused about. I see a lot of takes on how Wwx acted like a gay stereotype in the first few chapters. And this is pointed out as a mark of his homophobia (as in he's homophobic because he thinks that's how a gay person would act). But, from context of the book, it seems to me he's weaponizing what *society* will think a gay man would act like to get out of what he views as a dangerous situation? As in, to me he's deliberately playing up stereotypes... (1/2)
(2/2) to make people uncomfortable and leave him alone. This isn't to say he's not internalized some stuff. Working through those feelings is a major part of the book. But it feels like people seem to be missing the fact that he's using how people are uncomfortable with Mxy as a means to get out of what he sees as a tight situation. Rather like how we get a woman using 'lady problems' as an excuse to make men uncomfortable and leave her alone. Or am I completely of the mark?
Oh anon, dear anon, how did you know I’ve been meaning to write a post about this since I’ve first been introduced to these takes? Have you taken a trip to the dark recesses of my mind lately (or maybe spied on my drafts)? 
Before we get started, I do want to address the fact that the ExR translation, which is generally how international fans first access the novel, uses terms/ways of phrasing things about cut-sleeves that make it seem more connoted than what you can see in the original chinese, thereby colouring how we may perceive WWX’s opinions on cutsleeves (since he is the narrator). If you compare pumpkinpaix’s translation of chapter 2 to that of ExR’s, you may understand what I mean (I personally went and checked the original with my limited chinese skills and pumpkinpaix’s is the most faithful translation imo).
Compare and contrast: 
Pumpkinpaix’s translation: “Thank goodness, this body had not been born with a strange appearance, only strange tastes. Here was a grown man who not only wore a full face of rouge and powder, but wore it in such an ugly fashion!“
ExR scans’ translation: “Fortunately, the body wasn’t born this way—it was only one of the owner’s penchants. He was no-doubt a man, yet he was covered with makeup (not to mention, badly applied makeup). Ugh, how unbearable!“
And another: 
Pumpkinpaix’s translation: “Not only chased, but banished with great shame: for Mo Xuanyu was a cutsleeve who even dared to recklessly molest and harass his peers. With this public scandal, along with the mediocrity of his talent and the insignificance of his cultivation progress, there was no reason to let him stay in the family any longer.
To make matters worse, no one knew what kind of shock he’d suffered, but after he returned, he seemed to have gone completely mad. He had good days and bad—it was as if he had been scared witless. After reading to this point, Wei Wuxian furrowed his brow. Being just a cutsleeve was one thing, but a lunatic as well! No wonder his face was all covered in powder and rouge like an old hanged ghost, and no wonder no one found the bloody array surprising.”
ExR scans’ translation: “On top of that, he was driven back shamefully.Mo XuanYu was homosexual, and had enough nerve to harass the other disciples. The scandal was revealed to the public and, as he had few achievements in terms of cultivation, there were no reasons for him to stay in the clan.Like adding frost to snow, aside from the event itself, when Mo XuanYu returned, he often behaved in a crazy manner, almost as if his life was scared out of him.The story was almost too complex to be put into words. Wei WuXian’s eyebrows twitched.Not only a lunatic, a homosexual lunatic as well. That explained why there were enough rouge and powder on his face to make him look like a hanged ghost, and also why nobody was surprised at the large, bloody array on the ground.”
See how the latter translation makes it seem as if WWX were thinking that being a gay lunatic is worse than being a lunatic, and that him being a ‘gay lunatic’ explains his appearance; whereas, in the former, it appears to be more of a comment about how MXY was perceived by his family as a disgrace, and underlines that the fact he is a “lunatic” explains how ‘usual’ his appearance and the shack’s disarray were to his cousin and his lackeys.
But to address your actual point, I think saying that WWX weaponizes what society think of how a gay would act is still an oversimplification. WWX is in fact weaponizing the very specific nature of MXY’s reputation, which includes him being known to be:
a lunatic
a cutsleeve
a molester/harasser
The fact that people even suggest that this is how WWX views gay people is ludicrous to me because of the context in which it is presented in the novel. WWX is not trying to “pass” as MXY by attempting what he believes to be an authentic performance of being a gay man. WWX, from the get-go, acts in public in ways that are incompatible with what he knows of MXY. When he first gets out of the shack, he acts in ways he knows are contrary to how MXY would have acted. 
“Thinking to recover the face he’d [A-Tong] just lost, he jumped over and, like one would reprimand a dog, waved his hand and scolded, “Shoo, shoo! Go back! What did you come out for!”
Even towards a beggar or a fly, one wouldn’t be more unpleasant. These servants had very likely acted like this towards Mo Xuanyu in the past. After all, he never resisted, so they could be this unscrupulously reckless. Wei Wuxian, with a light kick, knocked A’Tong head over heels, laughing, “Now, who is it you think you’re insulting?”
Finished kicking, he followed the sound of the hubbub, walking towards the east.“ [Chapter 3 ]
Instead, WWX weaponizes MXY’s reputation (the trifecta of lunatic-cutsleeve-harasser) whenever he needs it to either 1) get the information he needs/test a theory, 2) manipulate people into certain actions 3) quickly get out of a sticky situation. Again, it is not meant to be an authentic representation of what he believes to be a gay man: it is a targeted attack with expected results. 
Let’s take for instance the East Hall Scene at Mo Mansion. WWX goes there, and slips into a lunatic persona which, from what we can infer by the Mo Family’s reaction, is not even a close performance of MXY’s “lunacy”. At this point, WWX is trying to test out if publicly humiliating the Mo Family will be enough to fulfill his part of the contract MXY forced upon him. It is the first time he brings up MXY’s being a cutsleeve, and he does so in the process of trying to cause disgrace by implying his cousin might not have had pure intentions towards him. The text makes it clear that he is only doing so to attack the Mo Family’s face, implying unspeakable designs upon MXY by his cousin. 
Unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian spoke again, “Speaking of, he not only shouldn’t have stolen my things, he really shouldn’t have gone to steal them in the middle of the night. Who doesn’t know, this son here likes men! He might not know shame, but I know not to tie my shoes in a melon patch!”
Madam Mo gasped in horror, shouting, “What are you saying in front of your village elders! How  can you have so little face; A’Yuan is your younger cousin!”
When it came to wild displays of atrocious behavior, Wei Wuxian was a master. In the past when he ran wild, he still had to mind appearances for he couldn’t let others accuse him of having no family upbringing, but now since he was a lunatic anyways, what face did he need! He could go straight to making a scene, acting on whatever pleased him. He straightened his neck and stated with righteous confidence, “He clearly knows he’s my younger cousin, and he still didn’t try to avoid arousing suspicion—exactly who has less face?! If you don’t want any, fine, but don’t spoil my innocence! I still want to find a good man!!!” [Chapter 3]
It is also important to remember MXY’s reputation as a molester/harrasser, which WWX leans into at certain points in the novel (for instance when he gets ‘caught’ trying to steal LWJ’s seal to exit the Cloud Recesses and pretends to have been spying on him bathing to try to get kicked out instead). I do not consider that WWX actually believes at face-value the accusations; like LWJ, he is wary of judging without having all the information, having himself suffered groundless accusations (and, surprise surprise, it turns out the accusations were fabricated by JGY! btw, for all the people out there who say MXTX is homophobic because she wrote a gay character who’s a molester...... i am begging you to get some reading comprehension, even store-bought is fine at this point). And if people think MXTX did not mean to emphasize the importance of that reputation, I ask them to please pay attention to what is said before WWZ implies JC is trying to flirt with him/flirts with LWJ later on in the novel (in front, as well, of many of the Juniors). Notice how we are getting the trifecta again?: 
Even after thinking it over multiple times, Jiang Cheng still couldn’t accept the fact [that Zidian had not worked]. He pointed at Wei Wuxian and scowled, “Who on Earth are you?”
Finally, a meddlesome bystander added a word to the conversation. He coughed, “Jiang-zongzhu, you might have not paid attention to these things and thus remained unaware. Mo Xuanyu was part the LanlingJin Sect’s… Ahem, he used to be a foreign disciple of the Jin Sect. But, because his spiritual powers were low and he didn’t work hard in his studies, and also had that… He harassed a peer and was thrown out of the LanlingJin Sect. I’ve also heard that he lost his marbles? In my opinion, he was probably bitter from being unable to cultivate using the correct path and ventured off onto the wrong one.”
Jiang Cheng asked, “That? What do you mean?” 
“That… As in that…” 
Someone couldn’t help but comment, “The cut-sleeve penchant!” 
Jiang Cheng’s eyebrows twitched. His eyes which stared at Wei Wuxian seemed more disgusted than before. [Chapter 9]
The text also makes it clear that WWX is drawing upon more than just “Eww gay!” when he’s weaponizing MXY’s reputation to try to get away from JC and LWJ. He’s also thinking about JC’ inferiority complex and LWJ’s (perceived) serious nature. 
“Then,” Jiang Cheng replied coldly, “why is Lan-er-gongzi going to such great lengths to protect an unimportant person such as him?”
Out of the blue, Wei Wuxian suppressed laughter could be heard.
“Jiang-zongzhu, umm, I’ll feel very troubled if you keep on bothering me like this.”
Jiang Cheng’s eyebrow twitched again. His instincts told him that this person would definitely not say anything pleasant next.
"Thank you for being so enthusiastic, but your thoughts are quite off. Even though I am attracted to men, I don’t like just any type of man, much less follow anyone who waves at me. I’m not interested in men like you.”
Wei Wuxian was purposely trying to disgust him. Jiang Cheng had always hated being defeated when compared with others, no matter how pointless the comparison was. If anyone said that he was not as good as someone else, he’d get angered and not think about anything else until he won against them. As expected, Jiang Cheng’s face darkened.
“Oh, really? Then, may I ask which type you’re interested in?
“Which type?” he replied, “Well, I am very much attracted to people like Hanguang-jun.” 
Lan Wangji could not tolerate this sort of frivolous and foolish joke at all. If he felt disgusted, he would definitely draw a line between them and keep his distance. Disgusting two people at once—this was killing two birds with one stone!” [Chapter 9]
I won’t go through all the examples and moments in the novel (even in forced-voluntary self-isolation it is too much to ask out of me), but I hope my point was illustrated well enough with just these! Thank you again for your ask, it forced me to finally write it all down!
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years ago
I know you'll probably disagree with me, but i rlly hate the Cloud recessess ending. It's just....
Those elders killed wwx. The Lans were 100% ready to murder both at Qiongqi path but also at the siege. They see him as the guy who corrupted their precious jade. They all preach righteousness, but the whole madam Lan thing is iffy at best and i do not believe that everyone there fully believes the rules. Hell, i have a special bone to pick with the " do not gossip" rule, seeing as gossip had been the main info route for women in patriarchal societies.
I just don't think that after wwx killed Lans in the siege they'd be all that willing to forgive him and take him in w open arms. The juniors and kids love him, yes, but people who saw the war....
Not to mention the whole " do not speak to WWX " rule. I've seen ppl say it's a joke but it's On The Wall. It's supposed to be followed. Even if it was intended as a joke - which i don't believe - it's very cruel for someone w rejection and trust issues.
I also hate it from a very personal perspective. I see Wwx as ND, and, as an ND myself, all those rules terrify me. From the no running and the proper posture ones, i can pretty well imagine they forbid stimming. The Lan curfew would fuck anyone with insomnia and there's smth deeply ucked up abt the " do not grieve in excess". I get that they're supossed to be a paragon of the best things at all time, and that LJY is very UnLan like, but for someone w anxiety who CAN'T follow those rules, it would be a nightmare.
...Some points:
First, the Lan elders did not kill WWX, nor did they attack him unfairly. They weren’t looking at him as the man who corrupted LWJ, either, or at least that wasn’t their primary concern (I will never forgive CQL for suggesting they were or it was); they were looking at him as a traitor to the sects who was raising an army to destroy them. Remember, that is the information the Lans had. Every source they had except for LWJ (who the people he would have gone to would have known was biased and who presumably everyone knew had recently been in close contact with WWX where he could have been manipulated or enchanted in some way), sources which included multiple sect leaders (one of whom was WWX’s brother) and LXC’s dear friend, swore up and down that WWX was a major threat, and let’s face it, WWX didn’t do much to dissuade people from thinking that! Acting like the Lans were maliciously targeting WWX is doing them something of a disservice, I’d say. They acted based on the knowledge they had available; note how the Lans are the first to offer WWX their help once they’re given reason to believe he may not be a villain! And even aside from that, saying they killed WWX (and not JGS and JGY’s manipulation or JC’s army) feels a bit like scapegoating, honestly. Of the four sects, the Lans are quite possibly the least responsible for WWX’s death. If it would hurt him to live with or around anyone who held any responsibility for his death his only option would be to live as a hermit, which would be far worse for him. And yeah, the Lans aren’t perfectly righteous all the time and some morally dubious things have been done by Lan sect members; they’re human, after all! Some of them will only be as moral as their sect leader demands they be! That doesn’t mean the sect as a whole is bad, especially with LXC, LQR and LWJ in charge. Certainly I’d say they’re still better than the other sects, all things considered. One ambiguous situation that may or may not have involved some members of the previous generation doing some fucked up shit doesn’t mean WWX would for sure be mistreated! 
As for gossip... there’s a difference between sharing information and gossiping. There’s no evidence that the Lan women are blocked from... y’know, freely communicating and sharing information between themselves. We have no reason to believe they are reliant on gossip. Also they presumably go out night hunting just like the men? Men and women are kept separate in the Cloud Recesses, but I get the sense that that’s more like... school stuff than anything else. The women aren’t exactly locked up, they can be cultivators! The society is still sexist, but that doesn’t mean they’re kept from going out and doing things. And I need to make this clear: there is a fair chance that the rule against gossip saved LWJ’s life, because it kept word of him defending WWX from the sects from spreading to people who would not be willing to let bygones be bygones. Gossip sucks! It hurts people! A lot of this story (and more to the point the suffering of the characters within the story) happens because of gossip! The Lans banning gossip is pretty clearly supposed to be a good thing, I’d say.
And yeah, maybe after WWX killed a bunch of their sect the Lans wouldn’t accept him with open arms as if nothing ever happened! And that’s fair! I can’t imagine where WWX could go where that wouldn’t be the case, unless he and LWJ chose to abandon the cultivation world forever. But you know what else the Lans won’t do? Try to execute him. Or from what we see in the extras even dwell on the past that much. No, the Lans aren’t going to immediately forgive WWX and bring him into the fold without a moment’s hesitation, but you know what? They accept his marriage to LWJ! They let him supervise the juniors on night hunts! They consider him part of their sect! Honestly, that is all WWX can really ask and far more than he’d get from any other sect. There are consequences for what WWX did, even though he wasn’t the villain or necessarily trying to hurt anyone, and frankly people not being entirely comfortable with his presence is very much reasonable.
The “do not speak to WWX” rule may not be a joke, but it’s also pretty clearly not a serious rule. No one takes it seriously. The juniors (the only people WWX really talks to anyway aside from LXC and LWJ) only pay it the minimum lip service of talking to him off the path. WWX himself sure as hell doesn’t care! He clearly finds it pretty damn funny. And I don’t think a guy who has never liked him once again proving he does not like him (in a way that is clearly temporary given how later LQR invites WWX to the Lan family banquet with... reasonable amounts of grace, thereby implicitly accepting him as LWJ’s husband and therefore his own family by marriage) counts as a rejection or a breach of WWX’s trust? Like, LQR has literally always hated WWX. He isn’t preventing WWX and LWJ from spending time together or shutting WWX out of the Cloud Recesses or even making a concentrated effort to keep people from talking to him; he’s venting his frustrations, but if he really intended to block WWX from taking part in life in the Cloud Recesses he would’ve done a hell of a lot more than just make a rule who no one WWX likes follows anyway. It’s a temper tantrum, that’s all, and clearly that’s what WWX takes it as. I mean, if nothing else you can’t ban people from talking to the sect heir’s spouse indefinitely. That’s just not sustainable.
As for the rules... banning people from running in the Cloud Recesses and demanding proper posture during lessons doesn’t suggest to me that they wouldn’t allow stimming? ‘No running’ at least is a common rule... most places. It’s distracting, and can be dangerous. And the rule about sitting properly doesn’t mean “Don’t move at all ever”; it means... well, “sit properly”. Don’t slouch or sprawl across the floor. I see no reason why that wouldn’t preclude means of stimming that wouldn’t be disruptive (and given this is in a classroom environment “not disruptive” is kind of important). I mean, those rules certainly don’t suggest that they’re any worse than other sects, and given this is the sect that has magic music for calming people’s minds if any sect would give allowances for neurodivergence it would be this one. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a song to put people to sleep, or medication that can help; this is a world with magic, after all, and if there’s a song that can put spirits to rest there are probably songs for human medicine and care. And of course there’s an element of conflicting needs; maybe the rules would screw you over, but frankly firmly enforced rules keeping people from running around or sprawling out of their seats would’ve been a godsend for me in school, given how much trouble I had focusing with people making noise around me. At the end of the day, is it guaranteed that the Lans would make allowances for people with needs that conflict with the Lan rules? No. But I’d argue it’s more likely that they would than any other sect. This is ahistorical fantasy ancient China, too; you can only expect so much in the mental health department. Still, a sect that literally invented magic music for calming the mind actually seems like the best choice for people with anxiety and such. There’s a reason why there are multiple fics that essentially set the Lans up as mental health experts in the setting!
Basically, a lot of your arguments seem to be issues that WWX would have in any sect. Unless he wanted to give up on the support of a sect altogether, they’re all things that he would have to work through or come to terms with. And of course... the most important point is that WWX is happy in the Lan sect. The extras make that clear. He has a home, duties that he enjoys performing, the love of his family and the support of his sect. He’s happy. I just... I do not understand why people keep feeling the need to try to make it angsty when the novel makes it clear that he genuinely enjoys his life in Gusu, and more than that that if he ever decided he didn’t enjoy it he could leave at any time. You have to remember that: if WWX wanted to leave... he would. He and LWJ would just go, and only come back occasionally so that LWJ could visit his home. Hell, LWJ would insist on leaving for WWX’s sake. So like... the Lan sect wouldn’t suit everyone, but WWX is quite content there and doesn’t want to leave. He’s happy and free to come and go as he wishes; there really isn’t anything to be concerned about there.
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llycaons · 11 months ago
this post editor is driving me up a fucking wall 😭 here's the last bit of the jc section and then some more (2/2)
flashback wwx wasn't really able to push back against jc given their respective positions in the sect (wwx feeling like an indebted servant who needed to serve the jiangs), but his refusal to take jc's abuse postres is a really significant part of his journey to a happy and healthy life. he still feels guilty about jyl and jzx, but he sets boundaries, he leaves if it's getting to be too much, and he doesn't hesitate to criticize jc. they COULD be close postres, but it would take a lot of work, especially on jc's part given how frequently jc has used his knowledge of wwx (his guilt/grief over jyl, his fear of dogs) to harass and torment him. I just want better for him!! it makes me so upset that authors write a relationship that is objectively going BACK to what was TERRIBLE and acting like it's a happy ending. like wtf!! I thought we moved past this!! wwx is very mature postres and jc simply is not and that's going to inform their dynamic…
behavior: wwx has a mischievous and silly side! he can be juvenile and talkative, and he may flirt to accomplish his goals. he laughs even in serious situations from stress or nerves or to cope, he does joke about his own feelings to avoid confronting them or allowing people to see too deeply into his heart, but but the way fics flanderize him into a nonstop 'gremlin' chatterbox who giggles and flirts all the time drives me up a wall. he has very serious moments of introspection and grief, especially postcanon, and unless it's a very light-hearted story, I think it's important to balance his goofy side with the side that desperately misses or yearns or grieves.but he IS funny and witty too. he quotes literature and poems all the time! most fics don't go as far as to incorporate that, but I think it's important to remember that he is very intelligent, he's very well-read, he's a brilliant academic and inventor, and his mind made connections and crafted theories that nobody in his setting could ever possibly hope to match those tend to be the big ones! some smaller things
he's a little manipulative of his loved ones, depending on the situation
flashback arc he was the vengeful firebrand but postres I just think he's tired. he's actually really chill and forgiving for what they all did to him. he doesn't STOP caring about justice - see yi city - but he's less furious and desperate and frantic, having backup and no longer being in such an impossible position
he liked to roughhouse as a teenager but probably less so as an adult
he understands social cues perfectly well and is extremely intuitive and charismatic. he will do as he's told to prevent humiliation on his sect or to avoid punishment from his abusive authority figures but he doesn't always follow them if he feels strongly enough he shouldn't AND myu isn't there
he obviously adores jyl and is very protective of her, but they're also some of the sillier characters in the show. they goof off together in like a very gentle way. and he acts like a baby with her sometimes because that's the only way he can ask for comfort (from anyone) without being too vulnerable
I don't think wwx would realistically have a relationship with lwj (or anyone) post-BM because anyone who feels his pulse or gets too close could figure out he doesn't have a core
he's a survivalist! he's used to and often prefers to be self-reliant because historically that's the only person he COULD rely on so he only trusts himself, but once lwj starts proving himself he's happy enough to get shelter and food and money lol. I think this transition is uncomfortable for him at times but deep down he does crave safety and a home and security and domesticity, esp postres,
I think postres he's rather nostalgic for CR. despite the rules, he finds it beautiful and his memories there are relatively good. he looked so wistful walking down the paths after waking up in 33/34 (?)
he knows gay people exist and he knows what gay sex is and I feel pretty confident he knows he's into men since flashback arc easily. personally I read him as bi but those categories don't rly exist in the setting so in canonverse there's no wrong sexuality for him to be as long as he's into men
he was very community-focused before the attack on LP! he loved chatting with the vendors and he clearly knew a lot of them personally
he thinks highly of wq but doesn't rly talk about her postres. wen ning he's fond of but in a slightly distant way? authors actually get this one right usually. wen ning gets pushed to the background both in wwx's mind and the narrative. has been there since the BEGINNING but wwx will often forget him or brush him aside in favor of thinking about lwj 😭 he also used him kind of casually as a servant in flashback arc but postres I think he's trying to remind wen ning they're equals.
he actually does have good calligraphy and he's got the lan sect rules memorized! he's also a skilled artist
he may not be a great cook, but he in the flashback he was out hunting birds barehanded for food so he could presumably make it into something edible
kind of a bad teacher? he's good at what he does but he kind of insults the kids and he tells teenagers to get into fights lol. he's not afraid to yell at them. perhaps ironically, he also complains when nobody respects or fears him as the yllz, though he's unhappy when he hears JL and the kids (and jc) hate him :(
in canon he's a little misogynistic calling jin ling 'young mistress' as an insult and all but if it's a modern AU I like to think his strong sense of justice would direct him towards more umm appropriate perspectives
if you're still reading, thank you!! all mistakes are due to the fact that I haven't watched the show in a while, but I'm pretty confident in these readings. just remember he's an extremely nuanced character so you could actually make a lot work for him as long as you link it to something he does in canon and make sure the context all makes sense
hello!! as someone who loves cql wwx, i really love how you defend wwx’s canon characterizarion vs his fanon one. it’s all so good to read like that’s our boy!! so i wanted to ask as someone who wants to write fic from wwx’s pov, do you have any tips or advice? thank you! 💕
hello, anon! thank you! I'm not a writer, but I'm certainly happy to list some things that bother me in fics from a characterization standpoint (1/2)
sense of self-worth: in canon, flashback arc wwx thinks he's hot shit. he is slightly less obnoxious about it postres, but still has a lot of confidence and knows he's an incredibly skilled (and handsome) cultivator. I see a lot of fics where wwx has a super low sense of self-worth - he verbally talks about how he doesn't deserve another chance, how lwj is better than him, how he deserves punishment, etc. and it ends up with lwj needing to constantly reassure him that he's 'good enough' when in reality that's not their dynamic. wwx doesn't want platitudes, he wants tangible emotional and mental support from someone who believes him and has his back and will commit to him even though his reputation is in tatters. he does make enormous sacrifices, but it's less that he doesn't think he's worth anything and more that he considers his moral or familial obligations to be of higher importance. and he does have regrets but postres he truly doesn't want to suffer any more (dying was punishment enough!), and he certainly doesn't think he deserves more. he doesn't like to dwell on the past since it's so painful and he's rather move on but in theory this should wreak havoc on his mental health since he never actually deals with it? this is something canon doesn't explore as much as I'd want it to but I love reading about him coping with the trauma of his entire life after decades of ignoring it.
...and general emotional state wrt lwj: postres his behavior and dynamic with lwj is a little confusing, so honestly I kind of go with whatever the author's interpretation is. personally I see him in the flashback having a big crush, picking up a similar vibe from lwj after a few mishaps and being excited about it, then BAM the war happens, innocence is lost, and he realizes 1. he can't hope to live as a cultivator alongside lwj, ever and 2. lwj will probably reject him for using DC (which...he does), so he takes control and decides to be the one who cuts off that relationship before lwj can, bc having control over the terrible things that happen in his life is that important to him. but ofc they still stay close and I think by BM it's more like "we know how we feel but neither of us can do anything besides what we're doing' and then wwx loses it a bit and can't focus on anything besides the wens and his sister etc. and THEN postres his reluctance to involve himself with lwj is more due to being unsure about how lwj 16 yrs in the future would treat him, his habitual self-reliance and slight mistrust, and a desire to keep lwj safe and his reputation intact. wwx knows that lwj didn't do everything he could have back then, so he's still a little wary until lwj proves himself, AND he's worried lwj will be ruined bc of being associated with the yllz, famously hated mass murderer/heretic
dynamic with jc: hoo boy. I have seen so many authors screw this one up because they're biased towards jc never having done anything wrong, or the yunmeng sibling bond being sacred and unbreakable and or something. people love to write jc being verbally aggressive and even physically abusive to wwx, and wwx being happy because 'it means he cares' or some shit. drives me up a wall. jc is deeply insecure, chronically contemptuous, violently lashes out when angry, and has steeped in bitterness to cope with grief for decades. he has THE most rancid vibes and nobody likes him and wwx is very rightfully sick of his shit, especially postres. and their story is such a crucial example of how the people we're close to can badly hurt us, and the fact that they love us doesn't mean they're not hurting us or that it's okay. the drama softened jc a bit, but canonically to the novel AND the drama, jc and wwx have always had a rocky relationship. recall jc choking him nearly to unconsciousness after the LP attack, for one. the cracks started showing during the wen indoctrination camp, in which wwx wanted to help lwj, his personal friend and another high-ranking sect heir, during the hunt, potentially saving his life, and jc told him repeatedly to leave him behind since he's not family. and jc hunkers down and tries to protect his people alone, while wwx is fundamentally incapable of abandoning people who he could help. this ideological split between them continued through his (mutually agreed-upon) defection from the jiang sect, and came to a head during nightless city. you may recall that jc told wwx to go to hell while wwx was actively in the middle of committing suicide. based on this, the fact that jc then raised jin ling to hate DCers and wwx specifically, the fact that jc tried to immediately kill wwx when he came back, and the fact that he then tortured wwx psychologically using insider knowledge of his fear of dogs, indicates pretty clearly to me that this man is um. not really a safe person for wwx to be around mentally, emotionally, or physically. and wwx himself knows this! he stands up for himself when being tortured, he accuses jc of never changing, he compares jin ling unfavorably to jc, and he complains about jc's juvenile and cruel behavior frequently there are so many jc defenders in this fandom that interpret his behavior and actions as love or trust or simple ignorance, but the fact is that there is a long-established and extremely serious pattern of jc hurting wwx to vent his own anger, frustration, or pain, whether wwx had anything to do with it or not. and ppl talk about him like he's a defenseless victim even when he's a nearly forty-year old sect leader 🤡. not that he hasn't had his own tragedies or his own reasons for acting as he did, and I do see him as a very tragic figure, but the facts are that he's terrible to wwx and wwx knows that, and responds to it. wwx doesn't hate jc but he doesn't want to be hurt by him anymore and after the age of like 15 he would never respond positively to jc treating him like shit. if he was wary around lwj, you can imagine how nervous he is around jc. please, PLEASE if you're writing wwx, don't let this all be forgotten. I do think there's a way for jc and wwx to become close again, and I do think wwx has forgiven jc if not forgotten the hurt he's caused him, but a HUGE part of wwx's journey is finding and staying with someone he loves who's safe, who cares about him and will prioritize him and won't hurt him.
part two coming up!
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zhansww · 4 years ago
Hi. Thank you so much for replying. You gave me so much good information. I respect that you treat XZ and WY like people and not as fictional characters as I see so many people doing. I'm still reluctant to join this side of the fandom because from what I've seen so far, it's a mess. Tell me if I got this right: xfx= solo XZ fans who think WY and his team sabotaged XZ's career so he could be the top actor also hate cp fans because they support both XZ/WY. mtjj= solo WY fans.
Acknowledge that WY could be in love with XZ but think XZ doesn't care about him, hope WY moves on. They don't seem to like cp fans for not ruining XZ/WY's friendship? bjyx=cp fans. Some of them are supporters and, some of them are fetishizers. Want the solo fandoms to combine??? ( I still don't know what V/JK is) But is that the state of things?? Way more complicated than the CQL/MDZS fandom. I am enjoying your blog, your pinned post is the best introduction to the fandom imo. Are there any other analysis type blogs like yours that you could rec? Thank you. ( Sorry for the long ask)
oh my... smh your reluctance to join this part of the fandom makes you so endearing to me. If I wasn't as socially inept as I am, I'd ask you to be friends 🥺 Gonna put this all under a cut~
Let me start with the easiest thing to answer. V and Jk are two members from BTS whose relationship is shockingly real to me. I avoided writing their names or their cp name out cuz I didn't want my pinned post to show up in those searches. Unlike with ggdd, I never got the impression they'd be okay with speculations about them, though. So I don't ever feel the need to analyze or discuss about them. I just quietly believe in and support them.
You got xfx and mtjj right. Xfx is the official fan name for XZ's solo fans. Mtjj is not an official fan name, though, i.e. Yibo or his company never made it official, as far as I know. It stands for motojiejie which means motorcycle sisters, there's also mtgg = motorcycle brothers but you'll mostly see mtjj. Bxg is what ggdd's cp fans are called. It stands for BoXiaoGirls/Guys. It can also stand for baixiangguo which means "passion fruit". And there's a third meaning which I don't know but has something to do with turtles and which is why you're likely to see bxg refer to themselves as turtles. Bjyx is ggdd's main, fanmade cp name. It was coined back in April 2018, after XZ and WYB only just got confirmed as the actors who get to play WWX and LWJ. One of the rules in the bjyx supertopic on weibo is that you can't switch their "roles". And those were solely based on wang/xian but I suppose once fans realized that ggdd is actually real and their dynamic is vastly different from wang/xian, they came up with different cp names for different dynamics. There's also zsww and lsfy. (Sidenote; if I remember correctly, bjyx means “to make your special someone smile”. Zsww means “lord over a district/castle” and lsfy means “chain reaction”) And as far as I know, zsww fans are called little bandits and lsfy fans are called baby lotus. I apologize if me explaining this makes you feel weird in any way (cuz this fandom separation is dumb af) - I just wanna give you any info I have cuz you might come across some of this, at least. Anyway, the most common abbreviations you'll see; bxg = ggdd cp fans and bjyx = ggdd's cp name. There's also bjyxszd 博君一肖是真的 which means "bjyx is real" or bjyxszd 并肩于学山之巅 which means "side by side atop the snowy summit" and is a phrase that bxg use to hide the first phrase in plain sight, so to say.
I don't know what it's called but there's actually also a supertopic on weibo for XZ and WYB solo fans who believe that ggdd is real but are still only solo fans. So truthfully, you can't really generalize that. Some solo fans do believe in ggdd and are supportive but not necessarily openly. I (like to) think most solo fans are just dedicated to their idol and don't care about anything or anyone else and that's it. The rest, though... yeah, those are the obnoxious ones. Who made up ridiculous conspiracy theories about how Yibo and his company are responsible for what happened last February to gg. Or who make up theories about how XZ only got as successful as he is because he copied Yibo. They really want to believe that ggdd aren’t special to each other or that they even hate one another. So they come up with the dumbest bs to e.g. vilify XZ. Like, about a year ago, mtjj got mad at gg cuz they thought he, as dd's boyfriend, must have forced dd to sell one of his motorcycles. When Yibo uses kadian, they think he just does it to bait cp fans. But when XZ uses kadian, he's being the worst, most careless boyfriend and how tf could he put Yibo in danger like that. And yes, I've seen the same hateful mtjj spout such contradictory nonsense. It can be quite hilarious, ngl. I only follow decent solo stans so I truthfully don't know what the newest sh-t is that antis/solos have come up with.
When it comes to bxg... yes, there are a lot of supporters but also way too many who seem to be unable to separate ggdd from novel!wang/xian. They so badly want only bjyx - that dynamic - to be real that they constantly feel the need to "change reality" to make it happen by e.g. misgendering gg, drawing him smaller than dd and/or more feminine, making assumptions about him and his character that are simply untrue but fit their preferred dynamic so they keep spreading those assumptions. They way they view XZ is wrong and beyond disrespectful and yet, they call themselves fans. I genuinely hope you'll never even have to see any thing of the sort. I don't actually know anything about bxg, wanting to combine the solo fandoms xD I guess, ideally that would be desirable but I wonder if that's even possible.
Thank you so much for liking my pinned post... That and a lot of the posts that I linked in it are what I keep hoping may make more people believe in and support ggdd and it makes me so so glad that it could be of use to you! About recs, I could recommend you some twt accounts or on here, gif makers and fanartists that I like and follow but I don't follow any ggdd blogs that make a lot of text posts. And just to be clear, I don't make many text posts myself either. I stay away from rumors (unless they become more than that) and from stalker info and from all the reaching, too. You might find it interesting, I don't know, but me, I see no point, mulling over any and every minute connection between ggdd that may or may not even be real. It gets too invasive or ridiculous imo. I actually also stay away from all that recent behind the scenes footage of ggdd because I highly disapprove of the way it was acquired. I only comment on things about them that I consider reasonable and possibly noteworthy and that preferably come from the men themselves. And occasionally, I gush about how cute and perfect they are together. Sorry I can't be more helpful with this last question >.<
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peekbackstage · 4 years ago
How much of a say the idols/actors might have over projects that they will do? I assume the management has a lot of control in most cases, but I wonder how much they might work together with the idols. E.g. can the idol themselves being forth a project that they are interested and pursue it if they get the management approval? I'm thinking this more with dd, as I've seen rumors of how CQL didn't seem like a logical next step for him but he went after it because he wanted it. I wonder this beyond CQL too, as some of the things he has done seem right up his alley, things that seem like what he'd actually like doing.
Disclaimer: This answer is informed by my experience working in the music industry. Industry standards and practices may vary.
I never worked in film/tv so I can’t comment on how much control actors have over projects. But, in general, with idols, it largely depends on how much power they have within their management company.
For some idols, the amount of power and control they have over their careers is directly in proportion with how successful they are and how much money they make their companies. Now, bear in mind: this isn’t always the case, as some idol companies really don’t give idols very much control at all, regardless of how successful they become - which is why there have been so many lawsuits. 
The following is speculation.  
It is entirely possible that both XZ and WYB have some degree of control over both of their respective careers at this time. XZ has his own studio, which means he can more or less make his own decisions in regards to what companies he works with, what projects he takes on, etc. WYB is currently YH’s breadwinner and his contract is soon coming to an end with them. If YH wants a smidgen of chance of maybe being able to get him to renew, they have to make WYB happy, because artists who are not happy with their companies generally leave to greener pastures and better contract terms. 
Based on the above, it is very likely that WYB actually has more control over his career now than he ever did before, because he can leverage the power of his career against the imminent threat of profit loss (should he choose not to renew.) 
Since WYB wasn’t a huge mega star like he is now before CQL, it is actually unlikely that he had a ton of power over his projects at that point in time. However, because he did have a fairly stable career and fanbase and had already been cast in a few projects, YH may have taken into consideration any requests he may have made or projects he may have expressed some interest in - which is to say he may have had some influence. 
The following is not speculation:
I’m not sure why there is this misconception that WYB had to fight for the role and auditioned three times - that is factually incorrect. It is apparent from a video interview with Yang Xia (CQL’s producer) that she actually passed over WYB’s photo twice, based on image alone, when looking at photographs of potential actors. But, she stated very clearly in the interview that she thought it was very important to actually meet actors in person before casting, and therefore held in-person auditions/screen tests. (Which means that while she passed on his photo, she hadn’t made an actual decision, because she herself stated she had to meet any potential actors before casting.) 
In fact, the way she cast XZ as WWX was by meeting him in person and talking to him about his understanding of WWX. She was impressed with the fact that XZ had a very deep understanding of the character, based on the script, and felt he was best suited for the role after meeting him. 
WYB did have to fly in for the audition, but the moment that he walked into the room, she made her mind up to cast him as LWJ. So he only ever auditioned one time, and won the role by simply walking into the room, haha.
(Edit: I’m not saying WYB didn’t have to take risks or move his schedule around to try to get the role, or that he didn’t go out of his way to audition. I had read in a few places that he auditioned three times for the role, and that simply isn’t the case - he got it the first time cuz he was literally perfect for the role.) 
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grewlikefancyflowers · 3 years ago
As someone who started with CQL and has read parts of the novel and seen parts of the Donghua, though I understand your problems with CQL (god knows that many factors contributed to it being a mess), I do still like that adaptation and think that overall, it’s faithful to the characters.
While yes, they may act ooc in certain parts, but the essence doesn’t change and I personally believe that it’s primarily the lack of reading comprehension and a bizarre need for grey characters readers nowadays have, that has resulted in horrendous and inaccurate interpretations and meta.
No matter what version, reckless or not, it’s obvious that WWX is paying attention and is well aware of the consequences. Only JZX and JYL’s deaths were a surprise and accident, and even then, they both, as much as I’d like to respect the fictional dead too, were actually the reckless parties and paid for it with their lives. WWX is a good, the most moral character in the series (with his only equals being his husband and the new generation they’ve influenced) and smart and powerful. He would be an overpowered Mary sue if his motivations and the consequences of his just actions didn’t end up the way they did. But whether he is that or not, that doesn’t change how spectacular yet clear he is as a character.
Tldr: Adaptations may have made mistakes, but the mischaracterisation of multiple characters is almost entirely on the new and warped ideas in fandom. IMO.
i think you're right in that mischaracterisation generally goes hand in hand with fandom in general. although in mdzs's case it's particularly... egregious
i have to disagree that cql remained faithful to the original characters tho. i'm not just saying this to be a hater, i also started with cql, with no background knowledge of mdzs at all apart from that it's a censored adaption of a bl novel. i also enjoyed cql at the time (although i watched most of it completely wasted during that christmas-new years limbo period lol). anyway, my overall impression of cql was that it was pretty goofy, though more meaningful that it initially appeared, and overall pretty entertaining despite its objectively bad production quality. my friend who introduced me to cql informed me that the LA stayed very faithful to the original story, and the only part it was missing was the romance. lol. anyway so i went into mdzs with that expectation and honestly it wasn't a great reading experience at all. straight away, wwx felt like an entirely different character to cql. he felt very emotionless to me at first (this can probably be partly attributed to the writing style of exr's tl which took a bit of getting used to). my impression of wwx from cql was that he was impulsive, and reckless, and emotionally fragile. actually i found him very frustrating & unlikable for much of cql because he kept fucking stuff up for no reason then genuinely moping abt the consequences. cql portrayed wwx's tragedy as a result of his own actions. cql!lwj just felt like a non-character, he doesn't seem to be able to tell right and wrong for himself (which i would argue is not really a factor of his original characterisation), all he seems to do in cql is react, he doesn't come across as even having his own thoughts and motivations, other than 'rules' and, later, 'wwx'.
anyway, my first read through of mdzs was unfortunately very messy and confusing because (not to mention all the plot differences) i kept trying to reconcile the characters with how they appear in cql, which is impossible, because they are entirely different. i don't really want to talk abt this at length because that would probably require me to rewatch portions of cql (🤢🤢🤢) but main points that i can recall which make cql!wwx so different to wwx are
(ambiguously?) committing suicide (while a-yuan was still alone in the burial mound...?)
not trusting himself, giving lwj his blessing to kill him if it came to that during the defection scene
reckless actions during wen indoctrination camp
using wens as target practice one minute then defending them from abusive jins the next
forcing lwj to drink alcohol in the cr arc
also honourable mention to cql!lwj who told mianmian to go inside with her baby because there was danger but said nothing to her non-cultivator husband. lol.
wwx's defection with the wens is a pretty iconic scene in cql, the fact that both wwx and lwj - why was he trying to stop wwx? - are so ooc does fundamentally change the essence of not only their characters, but the whole story. also there's chief cultivatorji. so much wrong with that.
overall i get the impression that the writers for cql didn't really understand the original characters or story very well. there was probably a lot of spinning wheels and throwing darts going on in their decision making process.
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intoxicatingimmediacy · 4 years ago
Fandom Fic Rec Days - CQL/MDZS
I bring you FIC RECS! ENJOY! And to our beloved writers - THANK YOU! I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for how much joy you bring into the world. 
Under the cut there will be pining, there will be devotion, there will probably (definitely) be kink, and most of all there will be rampant wangxian.
For my first ever fic rec post, these are the first stories I thought of without checking my downloads. Some I read long enough ago that I don’t remember them exactly, but they must've hit me hard enough to recall their names off the top of my head. Some of them are definitely top tier ultimate favourites, but many of those are also missing from this list as I’ve spent the last year in Severe Lockdown feat. Hours Of Ao3 Every Day.
A caveat: I read wide - as in, I enjoy interpretations of the characters that contradict how I experience them in canon, as long as they have internal consistency. For example, in canon WWX doesn't read as self-loathing to me - he’s seethes confidence in his abilities; it's his place in the world that he struggles with - but I thoroughly enjoy fics rooted in self-worth issues. So, YMMV.
In the same vein, I like pure CQL, pure MDZS, and mash-ups, as well as RPF; my squicks are few and far between, my triggers nonexistent, and I have happily eaten many a dead dove. For our yown safety, read the tags.
+ Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground, Teen/39k
"Tell Lan Zhan that I'm weeping uncontrollably," Wei Wuxian says to the juniors. "Tell him I'm truly pitiful and he needs to do everything I say until I'm well again."
Lan Congyi is in the middle of carefully holding his eyelids open to check his pupils, but he still obeys, bless him. "Hanguang-Jun, Senior Wei would like us to tell you that he can't stop crying and he'd like for you to do everything he says until he's better." There's a moment of silence, and then Lan Congyi says to Wei Wuxian, "Hanguang-Jun says he already does everything you tell him."
- Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji find themselves cursed, unable to see or hear each other. They figure things out anyway.
(I remember reading this on a long train ride home over a year ago, so spellbound even after finishing, that I alighted a stop too early.)
+ The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch by aubreyli, Teen/20k
Wei Wuxian’s hand jolts, spilling a drop of wine onto the tabletop. “Love?” he croaks, then clears his throat and tries again. “Lan Zh— uh, Hanguang-jun, in love?”
“Have you not heard the story?” the other young woman asks, looking pitying. “You must, it is a truly heartrending tale of star-crossed romance and mutual pining — go to any storyhouse in town, everyone has been requesting a reading of this book.”
“There’s a book?” Wei Wuxian says blankly.
- In which the junior disciples (namely, Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhen, and a reluctant Lan Sizhui) turn to RPF in an attempt to rehabilitate Wei Wuxian's reputation so that he and Hanguang-jun can get together and get married and live happily ever after. It's… surprisingly effective.
(My original comment, because it’s been too long, I think it’s long overdue a re-read: ‘Pure joy! This made my whole week. My cheeks ache from all the giddy smiling at my screen.’)
+ An Account of His Days by theherocomplex, Teen/3k
Someone, someday, may read it, though what they will gain from doing so is anyone's guess. They will learn he loves Wei Wuxian, but that is no secret. It never was.
(Utterly gorgeous and so very much exactly how I headcanon LWJ's inner life.)
+ (our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering, Explicit/36k
The reboot completes, and Wei Ying’s brain smashes this information together into two mind-shattering thoughts. Number one, he knew very well already, and is now further seared by defined muscles and a mouth-watering tattoo into his every waking moment: Lan Zhan is the hottest fucking person on the planet.
Number two: that guy wasn’t visiting Lan Zhan’s neighbour, he was visiting Lan Zhan, which means:
Lan Zhan fucks.
Lan Zhan fucks.
Lan Zhan fucks.
- Lan Zhan has been Wei Ying's best friend for years. Literally, years. How did he not already know? How has he missed this most important of facts? And more importantly, how is he ever going to get over it?
(My salivating comment upon the first read: ‘Ah I'm so glad I waited until you had finished posting the whole glorious thing so I could inhale it in one delicious go. Not that I did, I had to take a break twice, just so that it'd last longer, so I could live with it in my brain for a few hours more.’)
+ Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association by Ariaste, Mature/114k (as of this post, series not concluded)
Two gremlins, their husbands, and the horrible HOA board. As long as nobody gets arrested for arson or murder, we're gonna call it a win.
(Mainly XiYao, with WangXian secondary, but this one is really about the ridiculously stupendously funny. As in, I discovered new sounds coming from myself, ever escalating levels of snortcackling.)
+ For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm, Explicit/171k
The picture is of Wei Ying, that much is clear. It’s of a lot more of Wei Ying than Lan Zhan is used to seeing. He supposes that, technically, Wei Ying is dressed. It’s a bare technicality, since one of Wei Ying’s hands has rucked up his black tank top practically to his collarbone, showing a long expanse of abdomen and one nipple. Sweat beads on his sternum, catching the light like jewels. His other hand is--Lan Zhan feels his eyes widen, as though unable to look away from a train wreck--on his hip, one thumb tugging down the waistband of a pair of red briefs. Wei Ying is biting his lower lip and looking directly into the camera, sultry, his eyes dark and inviting. His erection is obvious, outlined against the red of the briefs and framed carefully with the hand on his hip. Lan Zhan’s brain goes wildly, screamingly blank.
Or: Lan Zhan accidentally finds his best friend's OnlyFans account and has an ongoing emotional crisis.
(This one has so much, the funny, the painful, the smut, it has such meaty substance to it. I get a craving every few weeks to re-read and it never fails to make my belly go swoop. ‘Just... one of the most satisfying reads EVER.’)
+ Fixtures and Fittings by ella_minnow, Explicit/42k
The client is tall and slim, the padded leather motorcycle jacket he wears adding artificial bulk to his upper body which angles sharply in to slender legs braced wide on either side of the bike. His face is fine-boned and delicate and -
Very, very familiar.
It’s a face that Xiao Zhan has seen daily for the last several months, although never in real life. No, he’s used to seeing it through his kitchen window, twelve feet tall on the billboard that graces the side of the building down the block from his apartment.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It’s Wang Yibo.
(One of my very first loves in this fandom way back when; wonderfully engaging and detailed.)
+ The Scent of Happiness by mrsronweasley, Explicit/49k
He raises his head up at the drinks menu and that's when the guy behind the counter turns around and greets them both with a smile.
Yibo is aware that he's staring, but he just. Can't stop. The guy is tall--taller than Yibo—with long hair tied loosely into a bun. Soft bangs cover his forehead, with longer tendrils framing the most beautiful face Yibo has ever seen on a human person. And Yibo has met a lot of beautiful human people.
(My flailing comment upon first reading: ‘Some moments you had me literally, physically breathless. I kept copypasting exceptionally exquisite sentences out to flail over their particulars but the list got too long. I feel like my ribcage has been cracked open and my heart is bigger after having read your gorgeous words.’ I think I enjoyed it.)
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