#he made me an iced coffee and it’s so yummy
suashii · 9 months
hi friends :3 i am planning on getting some writing done today! anything you guys are looking forward to this sunday? whatever you get up to, i hope you enjoy the last day of the weekend ❤︎
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Stephanie: Let's make some water together! Follow me! First you get your flavor packets!
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Tim: Flavor packets?
Dick: Where's the water?
Jason: How do you make water? What does that even mean? Just go to the faucet.
Stephanie: Silent! Next you get your cup!
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Stephanie: You following me, camera guy?
Tim: There's no camera in here.
Bruce: Just let her do her thing.
Stephanie: Thank you, now you fill the cup with lots of ice!
Stephanie slides over the bucket with ease. She scoops the ice in.
Stephanie: Now we-
Jason: We haven't even gotten to the water part.
Stephanie: I'm at that step! I said silence! Next is the agua. Bottled agua!
Stephanie pulls out a giant bottle of Poland springs water, unscrews the top and pours into the cup. Everyone except Bruce and Damien look on confused.
Stephanie: We toss the bottle-
Alfred, appearing and leaving quickly: In the trash.
Stephanie chuckles nervously and tosses the bottle in the trash and not the floor like she had planned.
Stephanie: Right in the trash, not the ground. All right, we get our flavor packet-
Dick, pointing at the cup shaking: But it's already water. You already made water.
Tim: Still confused on that. The ice is water too so you made more water?
Jason: You're not going to put that sugar in the water are you?
Stephanie, her left eye twitching: Bruce.
Bruce: Shut up until she finishes, children. I will lower your allowances if you speak before she finishes.
Dick: ...
Jason: ...
Tim: I don't even get paid, but whatever.
Stephanie: Thank you. Where was I? Oh, right, flavor packets! One flavor packet? Two flavor packets? No, three! One orange and two purple.
Damien claps in support of Stephanie as she rips open the packets and pours the orange one in first.
Stephanie: Now we do a little stir with our trusty straw.
Stephanie pulls out a hot pink metallic straw.
Tim: I-
Jason slaps his hand over the man's mouth, he wasn't losing that $5,000.
Stephanie: Purple packs. Pour, pour, pour, and I stir a little. Stir, stir. Annnnd, finished!
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Stephanie takes a sip from her metal pink straw. Stephanie nods satisfied. She makes this gesture 👌🏾
Stephanie: Perfect!
Tim, eyes dart to Bruce.
Bruce: You may talk.
Tim: Where's the water? Where's the water! I ask once more...
Tim starts breathing heavy: Where's the water?! Cuz all I see is that you made Kool-Aid!
Stephanie, offended: That's not what I did! It's flavored water.
Tim: It's not even that- Someone else go.
Tim rubs his head frustrated.
Jason: That stopped being water when you put in the "orange and purple packets". Your freaking voice there.
Stephanie: No you are not the type of people that decide to call this not water because I happen to put in flavor packets!
Dick, upset: It's not!
Stephanie: Bruce says it is!
The Wayne boys stare at their father.
Bruce: It's technically still water and it taste good. I'm not going to deny that.
Stephanie: If the Batman agrees with it, then it's officially great!
Damien: Can I try some then?
Stephanie: Of course you can, because I happened to have a second prepared in this fridge.
Stephanie brings out the second "water"
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Damien takes the glass, shrugs and takes a sip.
Damien: Hm... Yummy, flavorful, I like it.
Damien and Bruce clap.
Stephanie: Yes! It's low calorie too.
Dick, holding his head down: You stupid... water has no calories you added calories!
Tim: Is this a thing? Did we miss a stupid thing?!
Jason takes the second glass and chugs it without the straw.
Jason: I will just pretend that it's water, to be nice, but wow that is so sugary!
Stephanie: Excuse me for not wanting to drink plain water which tastes awful sometimes.
Tim, losing his patience: You- I- You- I can't talk. I actually can't talk. I drink coffee, coffee is not just brown water!
Stephanie, rolling her eyes: Well yeah that would be really weird to call it brown water... look who's the idiot now.
She takes a sip from her water while giving the boy a judgemental look
Damien chuckles.
Damien: That's you Tim, she's making fun of you.
Tim: Ha ha I'm leaving now. This was a waste of my time.
Tim leaves.
Dick follows but turns around quickly to say: Also how do you say water tastes bad? It's meant to replenish the body, not have a Kool-Aid flavor! Strange, strange person!
He leaves.
Jason: Hm, well I do drink Gatorade, so I'll give this a shot.
Bruce: She uses a lot of packets, you might find one that you like the most.
Jason: What's yours?
Bruce: Kiwi strawberry I think.
Damien: I want whatever this is.
Stephanie: Welcome to the good side boys.
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clubdionysus · 3 months
[BAD DECISION #49] Stooping
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warnings: a wedding! how delightful! koo in a suit! delicious! our starluvrs subtly matching!! yummy! what an apt time for romance!! hayun >:( a wedding is no place to argue!! and yet..... lol. discussions of noses!! pda??? what is happening?!
notes: just one tonight bc tomorrow you get a lurveeely lil bunch of chapters <3
wc: 10K
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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Jeongguk has always been gentle: with you, with your feelings, with your body. This morning, he seems even more so, almost like he's cautious. 
In all reality, it's just gone six in the morning, and he knows he's waking you before you're fully rested. Feels bad. Is why he's brewing coffee in a French press in the kitchen, ready to wake you up a little. 
Quiet as can be, he's letting you hold onto those final moments – but when he glances over to his room, and finds you wrapped up in his duvet, leant against the doorframe, he knows he's failed.
"Sorry," he whispers. Offers a small smile that you reciprocate, eyes all blurry, face a little puffy. "Did I wake you?"
Shaking your head, you lie. "Think I'm just nervous about today."
"Why?" He grins as he begins to pour the coffee into iced cups – not quite your usual americano, but the closest he can get without leaving his apartment. Isn't dressed for it. Left his shirt in his room, along with everything else except for the Calvin's keeping him decent, and the glitter of yours dappled all over his skin. "It's not like you're the one getting married."
There's a sweetness to his voice, with no annoyance in his posture nor expression when you dump the duvet on the floor. The shirt he'd left in his room is now on your body, and Jeongguk marvels at the sight of you. Hair a little lopsided, your glitter is smudged all over your cheeks, making him smile. He'd picked you up after a shower yesterday, yet you're still covered in it.
"I don't know," you shrug, hopping up on one of the barstools opposite him. "Big day, isn't it?"
A cowlick of hair sticks up from his head, making him look like the sweetest sprout ever known. Cheeks full, his face is a little puffy, too. You both need water far more than you need coffee.
"How so?" He asks, as if he doesn't know.
"'Cause nobody knows you're obsessed with me yet."
Jeongguk's pretty sure they've known for months, now.
"More like you're obsessed with me."
"No," you hum, sitting up a little straighter. "To become obsessed is to lose yourself, and I am not a loser."
"Yeah, you are."
"Am not," you protest, but there's a tranquil smile on your lips.
It's impossible to lose with Jeongguk, you think. Impossible to have him and not consider it a win. A monumental win, at that. A win for yourself. For your heart. Against Hayun, too, but you're trying not to think about her.
Her message sits delivered in your otherwise unused chat feet. Part of you feels like Nabi had encouraged her to send it for the sake of Seoyeon, and while you don't want to be difficult, you also don't feel like peace needs to be made.
See, peace would indicate harmony. No ill feelings – but you know damn well if you have to greet Hayun with anything more than a smile and simple hello, you'll feel like an imposter in your own skin.
Small talk is reserved for the people you care about, not those who destroy people you care about. Doesn't matter how things currently stand. She was awful to your favourite person in the whole entire world. How she treated him just makes no sense to you in any way, shape, or form. He was born to be adored, you think.
You're no saint, and you've had your fair share of disagreements with Jeongguk, but all your arguments have been fundamentally human. Issues borne of miscommunications, or hurt feelings. Unintentional upsets.
What she put him through was cruel. Inhumane.
So no, you won't give her the time of day, and if anyone suggests you do, you'll simply smile and move the conversation along.
Jeongguk's nattering on about the wedding – how he's not sure how to do his hair, so you tell him that he should wear it pushed back.
"You think?" He contemplates, pulling at a strand just above his eyes. Tries his hardest to look up at it.
"Yeah," you nod, knowing that he's not really asking, as such. He wants to be told what to do. Doesn't want to make the decision himself, 'cause he's already a little anxious about the responsibility bestowed upon him as the ring bearer. "You always look really nice with it pushed back."
With a slightly bashful smile, Jeongguk nods. "Okay. Let's go get ready, B."
As Jeongguk's tyres crunch to a halt on the gravel of the driveway, you're a little bit blown away by the grounds of the venue you're in.
A chapel wedding never would have been Yoongi's taste. It's not his style. Likes tradition, hates establishments. He'd found a kindred spirit in Seoyeon; a love for the less than typical. A desire to do things a little bit differently.
A string of Joseon-style Hanok houses sits in acres of sprawling countryside. Though they're obviously newly built, the style is so perfectly in keeping with traditional architecture that you wouldn't be surprised to see the scene in a historical drama.
The oak timbers are varnished, but unpainted; golden beneath the mid-morning sunshine. Lush grasses and shrubbery paint the landscape in the most beautiful hues of green, with dragonflies flittering around in the long spikes. There's a pond nearby, you're certain.
"This place is gorgeous," you say quietly, amazed you haven't ever come across it before – but why would you? Marriage has hardly been near the top of your to-do list, and checking out wedding venues for sport was abandoned the first time Seokjin cheated on you. It hasn't been indulged in since then.
Something about being here, Jeongguk beside you, makes you curious. Maybe there are new places that have opened up.
Seokjin had always been keen on a church wedding whenever you spoke about hypotheticals.
You've never wanted a church wedding.
You wonder what Jeongguk would want; if he'd even want one at all.
"It sure is something," he agrees, as he twists his keys off in the ignition but makes no attempt to get out of the car. "This is just where we're sleeping. There's a pagoda a little further along where the ceremony is happening."
You nod, unsurprised. These are just little dwellings, no matter how beautiful they are. You're sure the pagoda will be far more befitting of a wedding ceremony.
Silence fills the car as the radio cuts out, Jeongguk pulling the keys from the ignition. Neither of you care to fill the space. You're too fixated on the view in front of you.
Jeongguk's distracted too, but not by the view, no matter how pretty it may be.
A hundred and one thoughts run through his mind, but the one he can't seem to shake is how on earth he's gonna survive the day in a state of 'just friends' with you.
Of course, he'll be able to do it. Has done it for months – but fuck, all he wants to do in your presence is hold your hand. Steal kisses. Do things no one would question, if they knew you were together.
But you're still, on a technicality, not.
He's supposed to be sharing a room with Jimin tonight. When the place had been booked, it still hadn't been decided if you'd be sharing with Danbi, but as the months passed, it was blatantly obvious she'd be sharing with Tae.
But Tae was supposed to be with Namjoon, which left two options: either you or Namjoon should stay with Hoseok. At the time, the sensible choice was you should room with Hoseok. That's how the plans had transpired, and are the intended sleeping arrangements for the evening.
And it's been driving Jeongguk mad.
He likes Hoseok. Likes him a lot. Doesn't know him well enough to know that he's mildly repulsed by the idea of ever being intimate with you, because unlike Jeongguk, his boundaries as a friend stop short of sexual attraction. Like a normal friendship should.
He'd rather you weren't rooming with Hoseok, but he's hardly gonna cause an issue out of it.
What he is gonna do, however, is have periodic tantrums about it throughout the day's events. Nothing super obvious. Just a slight pout of his lips, or a furrow of his brows when he thinks about it occasionally.
Much like he is now, when you ask, "Do you know which room is assigned to who?"
"Names are on the doors," he simply says, knowing that's how Seoyeon intended to arrange it.
He thinks he's subtle in his mard. Thinks you're none the wiser. Believes he's good at hiding how he feels about it all.
Or at least he does, until you start laughing, "It's one night, Gguk. You can survive without me for a night."
"No, I don't actually think I can," he replies without missing a beat, decidedly needy in his lack of denial. "In fact, I think I might-"
"You're not gonna die," you smile, reaching across for his hand. He doesn't resist as you pull his knuckles to your lips, pressing a pretty little kiss upon them, then lowering them to your lap. Your clasp is warm. Welcome. Just like home. "It's just a night-"
"Just a night," he echoes, before arguing against you. "Just a night where you're gonna look all fancy and nice and I'm gonna have to know another man is taking you to bed-"
"He's not taking me to bed!"
"Well, then he's a fool."
"Shut up," you laugh, squeezing his hand a little tighter. "Hey, look at me." He doesn't. "Gguk, please."
As much as he wants to stay stroppy, he just can't say no to you. Glances in your direction. Finds his tense posture easing as he takes you in. Chocolate brown, his eyes are so dark you half think they'll swallow you up entirely.
"What?" he pouts.
"You'll survive the night," you assure him. "And Hobes has, like, the biggest crush on Joon."
This is not news to Jeongguk. He has eyes, and has spent time in the presence of them both. Is pretty sure that the crush is mutual. In fact, he's sure of it. Has never known Namjoon with a crush, but he's pretty sure that the way he gets a little tongue-tied around Hoseok is prime example of what it would look like.
"Well then why don't they share?" Jeongguk frowns. He really is petulant when he wants to be.
"'Cause they're normal," you grin. "They have a crush, and they're still pussy-footing around it. They're not like us."
His frown intensifies. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"The birds," you simply state. "Gguk, we were combating intimacy from the get-go. Breaking down barriers. Hobes and Joon will be taking things at a normal pace. If they're into each other, sharing a room will be a big step."
Foolishly, you didn't think Jeongguk's frown could get any deeper.
It does.
It's not because he disagrees with you, not at all. It's just that he wonders if you've fucked it; if you've ruined the sanctity of the early stages of a relationship. You'll never get those special 'firsts' with him. Never have those giggly, girly debriefs with Danbi after sleeping over Jeongguk's for the first time. Won't remember the date of your first kiss (even if it was the early hours of New Years Day, and impossible for you to ever forget).
He knows that staying in the same room isn't a big deal for you two. Knows that sharing a bed is like breathing at this point. Loves the comfort that comes with being with you. Hates that perhaps you don't get that wave of excitement from it because of it being so familiar.
And so he nods. Accepts your words, and decides that maybe sleeping apart will be good for you. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that.
"You're right," he relents. Eases his frown lines as his head tilts back against the headrest. Lazily looking over at you, he squeezes your hand, now. Whispers, "I'll miss you."
He'd probably feel a lot better about it all if he knew that such a simple statement did, in fact, get butterflies swarming in your stomach. There's a sparkle in your eye as you whisper back, "I'll miss you too, Koo."
He grins now. With heavily-lidded eyes and a smirk that screams fuck me, he husks, "Don't call me that, B. You know what it does to me."
"Do I?" You banter back. Flutter your lashes like the dragonflies dancing outside Jeongguk's car. "What does it do, Koo?"
"B," he warns with a smile. "Don't."
"Don't what?" The hand of his that's being held in your lap is lifted. Repositioned; palm opened, then closed down on your chest. Encouraged to squeeze. Held in place by your own hand. He groans. Lets you dictate his movements – of which you very much do.
"Byeol," he whispers, now. "You'll kill me."
"I give you a reason to live," you flirt, because seeing him like this always gets you a little bolder. "No one else is gonna be here for another hour, yet."
"So I know you cum in like 5 seconds flat-"
"Not true."
"-whenever you're touching with my tits."
"We-" he pulls his hand from your grasp and places your hands in your lap. Holds them there. "-Are on a shagging ban."
"But it's a special occasion."
Realistically, you're not vying for a shag. In fact, you'd be quite surprised if you were to end up in bed with Jeongguk at all, today. You're just teasing him. Winding him up because you can. Because you want to. Because it's important that he knows just how much you enjoy him in all capacities.
"You're a menace," he tells you. "A randy little gremlin."
"You love it," you tell him, voice playful.
He doesn't respond. Just gives you a look, that you interpret to mean, of course I fuckin' do.
"C'mon," he eventually sighs, regretful of the fact he has to spend time with people other than you. "Let's get our bags sorted, then you can get ready. I'll go find Yoongs."
There's an effortless nature to the way Jeongguk takes the lead; how diligent he is at getting from A to B. You know it's thanks to his job, and his studies, and the way he's gonna spend the rest of his career organising people and events, but something about it makes your tummy feel all fuzzy.
He's as dependable as the changing seasons; guaranteed. Competent, in the way he takes command of situations. It's not a trait you ever realised you valued until you met him. Had always been the driving force in your relationships. The one with the get-up-and-go attitude. It's nice to let your brain rest when you're with him.
You know his brain is probably going a mile a minute, but you also know that he somehow prefers to live like that.
And while it's true – he needs to be kept busy to keep himself from going insane – he does revel in the way you make him forget his stuggles. Nothing is ever too much trouble when you're within touching distance of him.
By the time you meet him at the rear of his car, Jeongguk has already swung his rucksack over his shoulder and is reaching for your mini-suitcase. Taps your hand away as you try to intercept. Nods towards the garment bags on the backseat, instead.
"Can you grab them?" He asks, voice soft, his lack of verbalised 'please' made up for with his puppy dog eyes.
He would have gotten them himself, but he knows you'd have insisted on doing something. This way, he does the heavy living, and you don't complain. A win-win.
Chatter comes naturally between you both as you make your way up the wavy stone path to the hanok. Set in a horseshoe formation, there's a small water feature in the centre, trickling ever so peacefully.
You're looking at your feet, avoiding the cracks, when you accidentally walk straight into Jeongguk.
"Steady on," he smirks, glancing over his shoulder.
"You don't stop in the middle of the road! Basic highway code," you tell him, certain that it's a universal rule of all roads.
"Okay firstly, this isn't a road-"
"The Romans would disagree."
"The Romans didn't know shit about Korea," Jeongguk laughs. While you know he's correct, you're a little curious as to what other trinkets of knowledge he's got hidden up inside that brain of his. He doesn't strike you as a history buff, but he also didn't strike you as a chess player, either. "But secondly, I was trying to figure something out."
Coming to stand beside him, you follow his line of vision. Tilt your head. Realise exactly what he's looking at: Your names, on the doors of the rooms next to one another. Close, but not close enough for his liking.
"Could always just switch them," he suggests. "Be together."
"Together?" You chirp, as if it's a foreign concept. Play up the idea that maybe it is. "Why would we be together?"
Jeongguk looks down towards you. Smiles. Gives you no verbal response, but you don't really need him to. Is so curiously smitten with your need to downplay how much you mean to one another. He presses a kiss to the side of your head, then heads towards the designated room. Calls back, "So are we still pretending like we're not together?"
"We aren't together," you assure him, smile as wide as the sky is blue. "You haven't asked me yet."
Turning as he reaches the door, his smile makes his lip ring do the thing . "It's a group activity, B. You could always ask me."
He's got a point. You're just as responsible as he is. It's sort of like you're both playing a game of chicken; edging one another closer and closer to the point of no return. Truth be told, in some sadistic, twisted kinda way, you enjoy this back and forth. The certain uncertainty.
It's an inevitable fact of life, at this point. You will be official - but you're both secure in that knowledge and enjoy toying in this slight state of limbo. Makes it fun. Exciting. Dangerous, yet entirely safe.
"Anyway," Jeongguk derails the conversation. Pops your bags by the door of your room, and leaves his door ajar for you to put his suit inside. Pats his pocket to make sure the ring boxes are still there. They are. "You get yourself ready. I'm gonna head over to where Yoongi's staying. Check in with him, make sure everything's okay."
"How far away is it?" You ask, really not knowing much about the site.
"Ten minute walk," Jeongguk says. "Two minute drive, if that. Follow the road we came in on round a little further, and there's another hanok like this, which is where their families are staying," he explains. "The ceremony pavilion is a little beyond that, by the pond, and I'm pretty sure it's where the reception is, too. Can't tell you where the wedding suite is, 'cause I haven't asked, but like... I don't think any of us need to know."
You nod, and let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, you're probably right."
Families and close friends have a place to stay by the reception, but other guests will be staying in the neighbouring village. The sprawling countryside is gorgeous, and lends itself perfectly to the tranquillity of a wedding, but the location is a bit of a pain in the arse to get to. Takes a little commitment. Is perfectly apt for a celebration of Seoyeon and Yoongi's courtship.
Jeongguk leaves you to get ready, but only after he's made sure to kiss you half a dozen times. Knows he won't get the luxury later, so makes the most of it while he still can. Smiles as his lips press down into yours. Giggles, 'cause he can't articulate the way he feels. Tells you to fuck off when you smile at him as he walks away. Walks backwards so that he doesn't have to stop looking at you. Shakes his head, grin as bright as a burning star when you tell him to fuck off, himself.
He thinks about saying he loves you.
Bites down on his bottom lip instead. Presses a kiss to the tips of his fingers and sends it your way as he finally turns around. Leaves you with an aching heart. It's so full that it's weighing down on your ribs in a way you're not used to - and yet you'll take the strain. Like it, even. Never want to lose it.
The rest of your friends slowly begin to trickle in. All arriving within the hour, they're early, too. Are excited for the celebrations.
The room you and Hoseok are in is as you'd expected: pale walls, natural wood, floor mats instead of beds. Traditional internally, just like it is externally, there are no big frills or grand statements.
And there needn't be, for Hoseoks personality fills it with such warmth and colour that it's all you need.
"Oh," he grits his teeth when he sees the dress that you're wearing. "You need to get changed. We can't wear the same dress."
Rolling your eyes, you swat him out of the way of the mirror. He's already in the fitted suit he's wearing, though if anyone else could pull this dress off, then it's Hoseok.
Simple in its structure, the satin sage green dress hits the floor perfectly in line with your heels. A split runs up to your thigh, but it's mostly obscured. The cowl neckline paired with dainty bows on the tops of your shoulders makes it the perfect understated wedding guest dress - pretty, but not asking for too much attention.
A second dress remains in the garment bag, far flashier - sparkly - but upon seeing the location, you want to remain stripped back. Glitter still prevails on your skin like it always does, and your eyes rival the disco balls that you know will be present at the reception, but you have a feeling you'll look a lot more cohesive in photos like this.
After all, this is Seoyeon's day, and she has very specific colours in mind, so you know it must be important. Both dresses got her approval when you'd asked last week, but it's a head vs. heart decision. You'll save the sparkly one for another time.
"Y'know, you clean up well, Hobes," you tell your friend as you smooth the front of your dress down.
"You say that like it's a surprise."
Glancing to meet his cheeky smile in the mirror, you're quietly pleased to have him here with you. Despite how much you genuinely enjoy the company of everyone here (well, nearly everyone), without Danbi and Hoseok, parties are never as much fun. They're your people, you think. Always will be.
But when you think of it, so are the rest of them.
Perhaps none more so than the boy knocking at your door ten minutes before you're supposed to head up towards the ceremony.
"I was just about to head out," Hoseok subtly smiles, realising who it must be. "See you in a bit."
You bid him farewell, then refocus on the mirror in a feeble attempt to look unaffected by Jeongguk's presence as Hoseok welcomes him in. Left alone, Jeongguk tucks inside the door. Shuts it, but doesn't lock it. Just leans against it with his suited shoulder. Wants to break the silence, but struggles to find the words.
There's a silence to the room as he drinks you in; the way the satin of your dress rests against a body he knows better than his own at this point. No words can convey the 90's television static that's sounding in his head right now. Nothing could articulate the way it feels like his heart is melting like butter beneath his ribs; how he feels like he might just die from the sight of you alone.
Turning to face him, you're still preening yourself, obviously a little unsure. Ask, "Watcha think?"
If Jeongguk could think straight, he'd say you're the most gorgeous woman alive.
But he can't, 'cause he's utterly consumed. Says instead, "You'll get told off."
"Told off?" you frown, then worry that someone else is wearing the same dress.
He nods, unaware of your thought process. "The bride is supposed to be the prettiest person at a wedding."
Something about compliments like this from Jeongguk - a little mindless, and feral in his own, sweet way - makes your tummy feel all funny. There's not enough room in the bodice for butterflies, so you roll your eyes. Try to remain composed.
"She is going to be the prettiest person at the wedding," you assure him, then hold your hands out for him to join you in the middle of the room. It takes a second, but he eventually complies. Of course he does. Will do anything you ask of him.
The light brown of his tweed suit looks almost grey. Lends itself perfectly to accents of deep teal and sage alike. Was a strategic choice. Didn't know what colour you'd be wearing, but knew he wanted to look good beside you.
He's without a tie - you knew he would be, thanks to what little he did share with you about his outfit choice - and a few of his upper buttons are loose. The silver of his usual chain sits prettily on his collar bones, hair pushed back, just like you told him to style it.
Hands in yours, Jeongguk takes in the sight of you. Is so pleased to see the dainty silver bird when it usually is.
"You look great," you tell him, 'cause it's important he knows. You never would have chosen the colour of suit he's gone for, but it looks absolutely divine on him. In fact, you're quite pleased you left him to his own styling devices. Rarely ever think his outfit choices are rogue, so you're really not surprised - but you did bring something for him just in case.
Pulling away from his grasp, you reach into the garment bag, and slip a small offcut of fabric from the bottom of your dress that had been saved when you'd have alternations made. Sewn perfectly into the shape of a pocket square, you say nothing as you pull out the white fabric in his breast pocket.
Without interruption, Jeongguk lets you. Watches your hands as you neatly arrange the pocket square. Likes the way the fabric compliments his suit. Loves it, in fact. Would love it even more if he noticed the tiny embroidered star on the material that you've hidden towards the bottom of his pocket. Matching the fabric's colour, the thread is so subtle that you have to know it's there to clock it. A secret declaration: I'm yours.
"Green suits you," Jeongguk eventually says. Gently pushes your hair back over your shoulders. Cups your jaw. Kisses you just as softly as he compliments you.
"Suits you, too," you tell him right back.
"Ready to pretend like we aren't dating for a few hours?" He smirks, knowing you'll find this just as hard as he is.
There's something about his phrasing - the acknowledgement that you are dating - that has you shaking your head. Smiling, like the cat who got the cream. "Not in the slightest."
And there really is no need. Everyone knows. The only people you're deluding are yourselves.
But as you give yourselves one final glance in the mirror, and Jeongguk slaps your ass before he leaves, you're quite content in this denial. Like the bubble that you're living in. Don't want it to burst. Not yet.
You're relieved as you join your group of friends by the water feature, finally seeing what everyone's wearing. It's the reason you had two outfits. Was afraid to clash.
Danbi is in teal - a strapless, figure-hugging number that looks outrageously good on her.
Like you, Nabi is in sage. A little darker in its tone, her dress is far more structured, finishing midway down her calves. You'd be forgiven for thinking she belonged on a runway; enviably tall and impossibly beautiful.
Hayun is the last to join the group, uncharacteristically smiley. Unlike the rest of you, she's opted for a well-tailored pantsuit situation. Deep teal, she looks just as good as she always does, red lips accenting her choice perfectly. One thing is for certain: the photos of everyone together are going to look great.
The men are in classic suits, with little variation. Jeongguk's is the most adventurous by far, and it makes you a little sad you hadn't done anything 'extra'. Kind of resent the fact Hayun's chosen something unique, but have to remind yourself it isn't a competition.
Walking down the twisty gravel road to the pavilion, arm linked with Danbi's, there's a whimsical feel in the air. Giddy happiness. You get to witness true love do its thing right in front of your very eyes, and that is a blessing, you decide.
As you turn the corner, there's a collective silence.
Brilliantly beautiful, the ancient-style pavilion is breathtaking against the backdrop of lush spring mountains. Though cherry blossom season is over, some of the trees are still blossoming; white magnolia accenting the green in the most gorgeous of ways.
Unpainted, the pavilion boasts the natural colour of its timbers, much like the hanoks, and as you spot Yoongi nervously waiting at the end of the aisle, you can't help but smile. There's a strength that comes with pavillions like these, despite their beauty. No place is more apt for them to say their vows.
Though his face lights up when he spots you all approaching, it's not enough to shake the nerves. It's not as if he's got any doubts, nor is he worried about Seoyeon having cold feet. It's just wedding jitters.
As the boys greet him with handshakes, there's a formality between them all that has never existed before. Tearful eyes, tightly shut lips. Smiles, and stuttered laughter. It's all very endearing.
Jeongguk takes a seat on the front row beside Yoongi's family. Needs to be close for his ever-so-important ring-bearing duty. You watch on from the row behind, unable to look at anything other than the back of his head.
For all the beauty of the landscape, and the gorgeous venue, he's still the most breathtaking thing about this place.
Or at least he is, until the pianist begins to play the opening notes of something you don't initially recognise. It's not a traditional choice, but then again not much about Yoongi and Seoyeon's nuptials are. It's around the time you register that it's a rendition of Etta James' At Last that Seoyeon finally comes into view.
A vision in a champagne-coloured tulle dream of a dress, she's every bit the girl of Yoongi's dreams. Whimsical and winsome, she captivates in a way that only she can. Hair loose, her usual plaits remain scattered throughout her dark waves, to match the single plait in Yoongi’s hair. There's something slightly eccentric about Seoyeon, and yet she's entirely down to earth.
Her deep, dark eyes are a little glassy, focused on her husband-to-be. Trying his best not to cry, Yoongi is almost annoyed at himself for being so emotional - but how could he not be?
Breaking tradition once more, Seoyeon's sister, Seobi, walks her down the aisle, much like Yoongi's older brother is his only groomsman. After all, this day is about them, and them alone. They've got everyone they care about watching on, and that's enough. When it comes to the actual wedding, they only want to focus on one another.
As you watch on, you think they made the right choice. There's something incredibly special about how Yoongi and Seoyeon look at one another. A reverence you don't see too often. One that keeps you glancing to the back of Jeongguk's head.
He fidgets, you notice. Gets restless.
You're unaware it's because it's taking everything in him not to turn around and steal a glance in your direction. Doesn't know how to be near you without being close to you. Hates it. Wishes you were by his side.
And yet when the time comes for Jeongguk to pass over the rings, he's smooth. Calm. Collected. Everything he needs to be and more. Doesn't drop them, which is what you'd been fearing more than anything.
A wave of relief flushes over you as he takes his seat once more, his job done.
God, how you wish you were beside him so that you could give his hand a little squeeze. Nothing noticeable. Just a silent well done. Pride; shown in private, but not in secret.
Instead, you're forced to sit with an uncomfortable longing in your chest. A need to be closer to him. It's not a new feeling, per se, but it's definitely one that isn't usually as intense as it is right now. Something's changed.
The feeling is washed away with a roar of congratulations as the newly minted Min's share their first kiss as a wedded couple. Soft, serene smiles are plastered all over their faces from the pandemonium, but the kiss perseveres. It's the first of a lifetime, so they're gonna make it count.
When they finally pull away for air, Seoyeon's hand is raised into the air, Yoongi's hand hooked behind her back as she cheers in pure delight. They really are the perfect tale of compromise, struggle, and fruition. A romance that has endured. 
It's been an honour to witness it - and as Jeongguk silently walks beside you to the reception, you can't help but be glad you're experiencing it with him.
Tables arranged in seating groups of six, you're pleased to find yourself sitting with Danbi. You've been assigned one of the top tables, with Seoyeon's sister and her other half, Dokyeom. Naturally, the remaining spaces go to Jeongguk and Taehyung.
Every bit as ethereal as Seoyeon, Seobi is a little more put together than her sister. She's got the height in her family, and a slightly better poise, but also has a look about her that lets you know she's just as much fun as Seoyeon.
Dokyeom looks like he's been copied and pasted out of the pages of an Italian fashion magazine documenting Milan Fashion Week. With a sharp nose, and just as strong jawline, you're surprised by how much he softens when he smiles - and given that he smiles almost every single time Seobi speaks, it's like having sunshine bottled up and put on your table. He even gives Hoseok a run for his money (but you'll never tell him that).
"So," Seobi says over wine between courses at dinner. Has been ever so chatty and curious about both you and Danbi. Though you're new to her, you're clearly important to Seoyeon - after all, the wedding party isn't that massive. Just their nearest and dearest. She glances towards Jeongguk, who's currently embroiled in some hot topic with Dokyeom. "How long have you guys been together?"
What a great question , you think to yourself, trying not to let the panic on your face show - but your pause sort of gives it away. You glance over to Jeongguk now. It's quick, but not quick enough for Seobi not to notice.
"Oh, unless, you're not?" She laughs a little.
You grit your teeth a little bashfully, then say, "Let me confer quickly."
Squeezing Jeongguk's arm, he's instantly pulled away from the conversation he's in. Hastily apologises to Dokyeom, then looks towards you.
And it's probably just because you're tipsy and this is all so stupid, but you find yourself absolutely enamoured. Grin, as you ask, "How long have we been together?"
Jeongguk pauses. The chatter around you both fades into silence. There's no one else in the room, as far as he's concerned. A smirk lingers on his lips. "Together?"
"Mhmm," you say quietly. "Seobi asked."
He turns now, the room chatter quickly clattering back into his ears. With a small smile on his lips, Jeongguk says to Seobi, "Like, a year. She's been playing hard to get, though."
With that, he dips. Rejoins his conversation. Leaves you with an incredulous look of bewilderment on your face.
"That's a long time to play hard to get, girl," Seobi laughs - but she also knows Jeongguk reasonably well by now. Was around during the Hayun days. Is pretty sure Jeongguk exclusively goes for girls who won't give him an easy win. "I'm impressed."
You know you could deny it. Could say he's making up. That you aren't together.
But it's a nice reality to think he's been yours for that long.
Deflecting the conversation back to her, you get the details on her and Dokyeom; how she actually met him through Jeongguk, and how they've known each other for years. Tells you about their awkward limbo between friendship and relationship, and how it's the best leap of faith she's ever made.
"Didn't believe him at first," she admits. Sips on her wine, and says, "Thought the idiot kept getting his heartbroken, but turned out the girls he was dating kept asking him to choose between me and them."
"And he always chose you?"
She nods. Looks smug, but incredibly sweet about it. Is just proud of the man she gets to call hers. "And he always chose me. He just never told me. Thought I'd figure it out."
It's sort of a blessing to hear that not everyone has the fairytale coming together like Yoongi and Seoyeon, or the slightly less romantic but still incredibly straightforward coupling of Taehyung and Danbi. That maybe your history with Jeongguk will be the making of you, not the downfall.
You almost choke on your wine when Seobi follows up with, "The she-devil given you any grief over it?"
It's now that you realise the most stark difference between Seoyeon and Seobi: their temperaments. While Seoyeon is a peacekeeper, Seobi has no time to entertain people she deems a threat to those she cares about. Knows of Hayun doing one too many shady shenanigans in the past to think that she's good for anything other than drama.
"Given that you don't need me to mention her by name, I'll take that as a yes," Seobi smiles, reading your expression perfectly. Rolls her eyes.
"It's not been so bad," you downplay the gravity of her impact.
"She told Dokyeom he could do better than me, once," she says, the taste of the words bitter in her mouth. Glares ever so briefly in the direction of Hayun's table. "Trust me, I know she's a cow."
"Why on earth would she do that?!" You almost gasp. It's one thing feeling possessive over Jeongguk, but another guy? Who she'd have known was friends with Jeongguk? Seems unreasonable.
"His nose," she says, deadly serious. So serious in fact, that you can't help but laugh - and then so does she. "It's true! She always goes for guys with great noses. I can't fault her. Jeongguk's ain't half bad, but it's got nothing on Dokyeom's."
"I'd beg to differ," you grin, appreciative of Dokyeom's nose, but thinking it can't compare. That's the thing though - of course you're enamoured with Jeongguk's nose just as much as she is with Dokyeom's. Goes with the territory.
"Well, you would," she grins right back. "But that's the thing, you actually give a shit about him. She was just a selfish bint looking for the next good nose."
Beneath the table, you reach out. Both of Jeongguk's elbows are on the table, hands out of the way, so you gently stroke his thigh. Just want to let him know that you're there, and that you do care. Not just about how unbearably sexy that nose of his is, but all of him.
Silently, still engrossed in his conversation, Jeongguk brings one of his hands down. Tucks it beneath the table. Finds yours. Interlocks your fingers together.
Pouting as she observes you both, Seobi is glad Jeongguk has you.
"Look after him," she muses quietly. "Him and his nose."
The night's celebrations proceed exactly as you expect them to; a myriad of champagne and confetti.
You all drink far too much, and dance a little too hard. Hayun is avoided for the most part, but not ignored entirely. You smile during conversations that involve her. Seoyeon is a girlie of peace, so you'll give her exactly that for her special day.
The only downside to a wedding is that the happy couple has to spend so much time entertaining other people. Seoyeon and Yoongi seem to have to constantly greet guests or say goodbye to older family members instead of revelling in one another's company.
In fact, the first time they truly do get a moment alone is when Seoyeon goes to change out of her wedding dress into an evening gown. Takes Yoongi with her, understandably.
Bouquet left on the table, the girls sit around a giggle, all incredibly wine-drunk. Gossiping and enthusing over little stories, there's an ease to it all - even if you are across the table from Hayun.
The boys are busy out on the front lawn. Yoongi had tossed Jeongguk the rest of his wedding cigars as he'd headed up to the bridal suite with Seoyeon. Felt like a shame to waste them. Also suggested that Yoongi wanted something to keep the boys entertained, knowing he'd be gone for a little while.
Toying with the ribbon around the stems of Seoyeon's baby's breath bouquet, Seobi muses, "I wonder which one of us will be next?"
It's her and Dokyeom, guaranteed. You only met them a matter of hours ago, but it seems like the only logical conclusion to draw. Taehyung and Danbi are nowhere near that point yet, and you and Jeongguk are still cosplaying as besties.
"Well if it's not you and Dokyeom," Hayun says a little absent-mindedly, as if she's forgotten whose company she's in. "Then it'll be me and Gguk. We've got that dumb pact of ours to see through."
She laughs, but she's the only one.
Everyone else just kind of looks at you.
"What?" she grins, but doesn't look in your direction. Shrugs, with such carelessness that you know she must be looking to get a rise out of you. There's no reason she'd open herself up for embarrassment like this if she didn't think she could embarrass you even more. Though red might be her colour, she doesn't like to be red in the face. "A pact's a pact, and we're both single. He's always been a man of his word, so why wouldn't he make an honest woman-"
"Yun," Nabi interrupts. Is stern. Looks at her friend, willing her to just keep her mouth shut. Knows that even if you and Jeongguk aren't specifically official, that you aren't exactly single, either. Very much the opposite.
Instead of listening to her, Hayun seems to find this all hilarious. "We could literally do it tomorrow." Her eyes seem so nostalgic that you almost feel bad. "Y'know, we made a cake once. Froze it. Said we'd use it-"
"Seriously, Yun."
"-if we ever got married. It's probably still there in the back of his free-."
"It's not," you finally interrupt. Honestly have no idea if it is in his freeze or not. Fabricate a story, just because you can't bear the thought of her knowing the intricacies of his home better than you do. "Gguk cleared it out ages ago so he could freeze Jimin's pens into an ice block. Said it was nothing special when he tossed it in the bin. Had terrible freezer burn. Clearly didn't care about preserving it. Sorry."
It's entirely plausible, you think, for Jeongguk to do such a thing to Jimin. Wouldn't be surprised if it is the kind of prank played in their apartment.
But just like you have no idea if her claims are legitimate, Hayun has no idea if you're telling the truth or not.
She shrugs. Looks directly at you, now. Smiles. Says, "Maybe he'll pick you as his Best Woman, given how close you guys are."
Hayun is playing entirely dumb to the fact she knows Jeongguk is head over heels for you. Wants to reduce you to nothing more than what you pretend to be: friends .
Part of you wonders if she's baiting you out. Trying to get you to admit it, that you and Jeongguk have been far more than just friends for a while.
The rest of you thinks she's just doing it to upset you.
Absolutely no part of you thinks she's delusional enough to actually believe what she's saying.
"Yeah, maybe," you smile, deciding not to rise to her. Glance over to Nabi. "You'll be maid of honour, right?"
She says nothing, because while yes, she will be Hayun's maid of honour when the time comes, she absolutely knows for certain that it won't be during a marriage between Hayun and Jeongguk, of all people.
"As seriously as I'll take the role of Best Woman, I'm afraid I have to tell you that I won't seduce you," you pout in Nabi's direction, making fun of the best man and maid of honour stereotype. It's not that Nabi isn't gorgeous, or undeserving of someone fawning over her - it's just that you're being petty and want to hit Hayun where it hurts with what you say next. "I mean, I can't fuck the maid of honour and the groom. That'd just be messy."
There's a couple of gasps, and some chortled laughs. Danbi curses, completely taken off guard by the fact you've just openly admitted to fucking Jeongguk.
Realistically, she knows it's more than just fucking. Knows you'll do anything for him. Knows that all of this is just a rouse to wind Hayun up.
"It'll be really cool of you to let me be the Best Woman, though," you insist, focusing back on Hayun, now. "Most girls don't like their partners being friends with exes, let alone invite them to their wedding! Such cool girlie energy from you, Yunnie ."
You're deliberately being patronising and you don't care. She started it. The only people left at the venue are your friends, so there's no worry about a public fall out, even if it is becoming more uncomfortable.
"We all know he only has exes because he couldn't have me," she shrugs, as if she actually believes that. "It's no threat."
You know she means to say ' you're no threat. '
You also know that would be a lie.
"It wasn't meant to be," you smile, just as good at playing faux-friendly as she is. "But he could totally have you, now, with the way you keep throwing yourself on him - yet he couldn't want you less, even if he tried. Funny, that."
A child-like fury sets into Hayun's features. There's no way she's winning this - but you don't exactly want to keep it up, either.
Pushing your chair back, you get to your feet, and smile. Excuse yourself. Head outside to where the scent of cigar smoke lingers in the cool early summer air.
With the changing seasons come the promise of something new. Something unprecedented. You'll never get the days ahead of you ever again. You'll rip them away like numbers in a raffle book, and toss them into a bin. Occasionally you'll get a winner - and when you spot Jeongguk laughing about something, stubbing out his cigar as soon as he sees you appear, you can't help but think this is one of those occasions.
"Hey," you grab his attention, squeezing his arm. "Just gonna run over to the rooms quickly. Want a jacket."
A little vacant in his registering of your words, Jeongguk turns away from the conversation he was in. Thinks nothing of the way he comes to walk alongside you, a hand on the small of your back.
"You don't have to come," you laugh. Had only been telling him so that you could keep him in the loop. Still, it's nice to have him follow you in the way that he does: without question, without request, without reason.
"Wanna," he just shrugs. "Haven't seen you in like, an hour."
"Oh, no," you tease. "How on earth have you coped?"
"Terribly," he admits, sipping on the beer still in his hand that isn't on your back. Passes it over to you. There's an easy silence when you take a sip, beer warm and bitter in your mouth. No need to fill the space where conversations typically are. In fact, it's the first time either of you have had the chance to rest your brains all evening.
Returning the bottle to its original owner, you snake your arm around his waist. Heels off, you'd left them in the reception venue, which is fine - except for when you reach the gravel driveway.
"C'mon," he insists, dopping his posture a little, positioning himself in front of you. "I'll carry you."
"It's fine-"
"Get on," he says, turning back over his shoulder. "It'll be quicker."
Your first attempt at jumping on his back fails. Has you both laughing. Are too drunk to coordinate yourselves properly.
Eventually, though, you land the jump just right. Wrap yourself around his body, and take his beer bottle so he can support your legs. Trust him with your body in the most innocent of ways.
He carries you the entire way without complaint, but as he puts you down outside the hanok rooms, Jeongguk simply says, "You can just borrow my jacket."
There's a curious wonder to the way you look at him, glitter shining under the low lighting of the pathway guides. This far out of the city, it's easy to see the stars - but Jeongguk would argue that it's always this easy whenever he's around you.
Narrowing your eyes, you tilt your head. "Could have offered ten minutes ago. Saved yourself a walk."
He purses his lips. Tries not to smile.
"True," he nods, drawing you closer, nudging his nose up against yours. Whispers against your lips, "But I couldn't have done this."
It's not new, the way Jeongguk's lips sink into yours.
The way he smiles into the feeling? Not new, at all.
The way you pull him closer and giggle between kisses, is again, nothing new.
Nor is the pressure of his lip ring, nor how his tongue strokes against your bottom lip. The way he kisses you is tried and tested; guaranteed to have you both melting into one another's touch.
You're not entirely sure how long it lasts. All you know is that your lips are a little numb, and his are now the colour of your lipstick.
Serene, as you stroke across his bottom lip with your thumb, you wonder how you made it this far with a man who makes you feel as secure as Jeongguk. Quietly hum, "Can I ask you something?"
He nods. "Anything."
And even though you already know the answer, you just have to be sure. Have to know. Aren't sure what you'll do if Jeongguk gives you a different answer than the one you expect.
"The pact... The one with Hayun." Upon hearing your words, Jeongguk frowns. Understands what you're asking immediately. "Is it... Like, will it still happen?"
There's a soft shake to his head. Silence. A deeper frown, and then, "No, Byeol."
"Even if we-"
"Even if we call things off," he cuts you off. Thinks it's vital that you know how serious he is about this. Knows you met him at a time when the answer would have been different, so that it might be hard to believe now. "B, that chapter of my life-" he shrugs. "-It's done. Completely. Entirely."
"Even if you're single at thirty?"
"If I'm single at thirty, it means I've fucked things up with you," he states, swallowing back the uncomfortable feeling that comes with that potential. Looks down, jaw a little tense. Shakes his head, then focuses his hardened gaze in on you again. "I liked telling Seobi we're a couple, earlier. I want that reality. And I also want you to stop second-guessing my intentions, B. You know how I feel about you."
You're silent, now. Hadn't even realised that your insecurities had been tarnishing his vulnerability.
You do believe him. Of course, you do. There's never been a pair of eyes more honest than his.
And maybe it's because he's drunk, and feeling everything a little more intensely, but Jeongguk feels like he simply can't take it any longer. Is in dire need of something more than the 'nothing' you're pretending to be.
But he's got a plan, and a way that he wants to do things, and a handful of more dates until he can do any of that.
So instead, he rests his forehead against yours. Wants to give you his heart, but will settle for his outerwear. Insists, "Wear my jacket, B. Please."
It's a curious way to declare your status as 'his'.
A shared blazer is exactly that. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a way to keep warm - but it's a sacrifice of his own comfort. A display of his desire to provide. Slightly primal, you think, as you wrap yourself in the scent of his cologne and the warmth of his body.
The garment swamps you, but Jeongguk thinks it looks sweet. Likes how undeniable it is that his pocket square matches your dress perfectly, now that it's on you.
And so when you return, Jungook takes the opportunity to dance with you in a way that you really shouldn't dance with a 'friend.'
Palms finding your waist beneath his jacket, the low lighting of the pavilion isn't enough to obscure the intimacy from onlookers. He's holding you close for everyone to see. For speculation to be made. For gossip to spread and for whispers to echo.
And they do.
Nodding across to the pair of you, Yoongi smiles. Leans across to his new wife as they sit together for a breather, and says, "Think they're finally getting their shit together."
Seoyeon can see it in your eyes; the way you look at Jeongguk.
It's the same way she looks at Yoongi.
Glancing across the room, Seoyeon is quick to check if Hayun has clocked what's happening, and frowns when she notices the little bit of agony resting between her friend's impeccably shaped brows. Regret, perhaps.
Seoyeon chooses not to mention it to Yoongi.
Instead, she rests her chin on her shoulder and looks at him. Waits for him to look at her, too. When he does, she smiles. "Do you think they'll go the distance?"
The answer is obvious. She just wants Yoongi's opinion so that she knows how to handle Hayun in the wake of it all. She's still her friend, after all. Still not someone she wants to see hurting.
But Seoyeon also knows there's no way in hell she can let Hayun throw a tantrum and disrupt the fledgeling romance between you and Jeongguk. It wouldn't be fair. Not to anyone.
Yoongi nods. Is quiet when he replies, "I think so."
He continues to watch his wife as her warm eyes focus on the pair of you once more. There's laughter between you both, Jeongguk leaning close to whisper in your ear as you slowly waltz together.
Hand in hand, there's no mistaking how naturally it comes to you both. A warm glow of exposed bulbs paint you both in an orange hue; toasty warm and quite content. The sparkle that's forever on your skin is in your eyes, too. And his. Sort of feels like watching a cosmic calamity take place.
There's something incredibly ordinary about you and Jeongguk. Totally unsurprising. Puzzle pieces correctly slotting into place.
What makes you special is that you're the final pieces of the puzzle. The ones that make it complete; that end the painstaking trials it takes to create the perfect picture.
"Okay, okay," you chuckle, deliberately trying not to draw attention to the conversation you're having. It's nonsense. Makes you feel all warm inside, how joyful it is to be with a person like him. He grips your waist when you laugh. Likes the way it feels. "Next hypothetical: Genie grants you one wish. No money, no bringing anyone back from the dead, no superpowers. What's the wish?"
"What's the point in a wish if I can't get superpowers?!" He protests, quietly and giggly, just like you are.
"The point is that it has to be something you really want."
"I do really want to fly-"
"Then get a plane."
"You're no fun, Byeol," he grins, suggesting that you are, in fact, a lot of fun. "Please let me have superpowers."
"No," you laugh, knowing it's too much of an easy out. "C'mon. Use that brain of yours, babe."
And maybe it's just because you're a little drunk, or maybe it's cause the romantic air of a wedding has your brain a little loopy, but 'babe' almost feels normal. Almost.
The way Jeongguk cocks his brow, but says nothing about it – just accepts the term of endearment – makes you think that maybe it is normal.
Jeongguk would quite like it to be the norm. Finds himself all rather endeared, actually. Wants to kiss you. Knows he shouldn't.
So instead, he tells you, "I wish we were alone."
It's not that he wants to leave, or that he's bored of the celebrations. He's enjoying this dance floor far too much, and still has energy to burn from the sheer amount of cake he practically inhaled after dinner.
It's just that everything is so loud.
But when it's you, and him, in an empty room, Jeongguk's brain switches off. Falls into a natural state of being. It's the only calm he thinks he's ever known. Comfort, in a life that routinely feels uncomfortable.
"Why?" You smile, all tipsy and tepid, as if your heart isn't beating a mile a minute thanks to how risky this feels. It's like you're scared you're gonna get caught – but caught for what? You and Jeongguk are exactly what everyone thinks you are. There's nothing to hide, because it's impossible to keep a chemistry like yours secret.
You're caesium in water; nitrous oxide and carbon disulfide meeting an open flame. Things learned about as kids, but rarely – if ever – seen in adult life.
In fact, there's only one other example of such chemistry in this room, and they're sitting at the top table with freshly polished rings around their fourth fingers.
"You know why," Jeongguk simply says, then decides that simplicity is for idiots. Wants to embellish his words. Fluff them up. Make them stupid and irrational and ever so foolish. Wants to declare, because he thinks declarations are what you deserve. "Just wanna be with you, B. Constantly. It's like I have tinnitus whenever there are other people around, but then I see you and it-"
The word 'stops' is lost in your lips. It's fast and it's fleeting, but it's your own declaration right back to him: I want you, proudly.
Like the dragonflies you'd marvelled at earlier, your lips only flutter against his for a small fraction of time. Just long enough for him to know what magic feels like.
When you pull away, Jeongguk's eyes stay closed, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"What?" you giggle, squeezing the sides of his waist with so much adoration that he thinks he'll melt into your touch. "Am I not allowed to kiss you?"
On a technicality, no. You're not. You'd agreed to let things fly under the radar – but you're both tipsy, and you both hate the idea of other people simply being unaware.
Because you are proud.
You are his.
And you want that red hot pair of eyes on you to know it, too.
To know that he's yours. Him, and his pretty nose.
"It's against the rules," he smiles – then steals one right back.
"When it comes to rules, we always seem to break them," you hum, all serene and docile in the wake of Jeongguk's reciprocation.
That's the thing about you both. Are just handfuls of bad decisions wrapped up with bows and dusted in glitter. So pristinely messy that you wouldn't be out of place in the Tate, or SOMA, or some other gallery Jeongguk hasn't heard of but you know intimately. Displayed somewhere not too far from Tracy Emin's My Bed, or Kang Wonje's Black Star. Entirely human and yet not of this world at all. Will be adored by the masses; and will confuse just as many. An invaluable piece of art that will never be auctioned, 'cause you can't put a price on this. On love.
"It's what they were made for," he promises.
"Well, in that case," you hum, getting on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. You're about to make an incredibly bad decision, and you know it - you're just beyond caring. "I think know a couple more rules we can break."
And the way Jeongguk looks at you would suggest he's past the point of caring, too. 
"Fuck it."
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gucciwins · 2 years
how are firefighter!harry and yn doing this winter?🎄i feel like harry would be constantly worried about yn because it’s so cold. like making sure she has hot water bottles every day when he’s not there to warn her himself. or even they go ice skating hes so worried for her safety. or yns worries when harry gets called out on a join in like blizzard weather :((☃️❄️
I love you, no one has asked about firefighter!harry in the longest time. So thank you so much for allowing to write about him again. enjoy this 1.8k blurb
“Angel, your gloves,” Harry places them in her hand, taking her hot cocoa from her hand as he waits for her to put on her black mittens. 
“The cocoa was keeping me warm,” she mutters. 
Harry shakes his head; he constantly worries about Y/N, but that triples during the winter. She shared how the winter is her least favorite season until it snows, then it’s all she will talk about. He’s sure if he wasn’t around, her poor hands would have been close to falling off from the cold. 
“You made me put on a hat and two extra layers, Harry.” 
He sighs, tugging her to sit on his lap; her purple corduroy puffer covers her face. He moves it to the side, happy to see a smile on her face. “My angel, you know I don’t want you falling sick.”
Y/N lets her hands rest over his shoulder, happy to be wrapped up in his warmth. She lets her hands play with the small curls that peek from the beanie on his head, showcasing his firefighter house. 
“But I’m going to get hot as we skate, H.” 
“Rather you start sweating, firebug, than for you to be cold.” 
She nods, giving in. He’s only watching out for her, and she isn't making it easy. He had even helped her lace up her skates before getting her hot cocoa. She didn’t even have to ask. He knew that she would want one as soon as they arrived because of the aroma, and she never said no to a good warm cup of yumminess. 
“Thank you for looking out for me.” 
The grin on Harry’s face is something that will always fill her with warmth. He leans his head, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Always, angel. Now drink up. We got skating to do.” 
“Will we get donuts after?” 
Harry chuckles, “only if you’re good.” 
She presses kiss after kiss to his cheeks and then his lips, and Harry knows he’d get her anything she wished for.
After their successful ice skating date, where Y/N happens to be more graceful than on her two feet, they went home to coffee and donuts. Y/N loved the shop right by their house; as always, Y/N ate one before exiting the shop. It’s a reason Harry always buys seven instead of six. 
Sundays are their favorite days together because they both have the day off and dedicate it to each other. Sometimes it’s going out, and other times it’s staying at home under the covers watching old seasons of Survivor on their TV. Harry was a big fan, and Y/N was quick to fall down the rabbit hole with him when he played her his favorite season. It’s always their day.
Monday is a work day for both of them, where Y/N goes in for her 12-hour shift at the hospital, and Harry goes to the firehouse for his 24 hours. They might not see each other, but there is a constant string of texts on their phone to show that they are constantly thinking about one another. 
“You sure you don’t want me to drive you, angel?” Harry asks his girlfriend this morning as they both finish getting ready.
She shakes her head as she puts away her mascara. “Promise I’ll drive safe, H.” Y/N drapes her hands around his neck, bringing him down for a kiss he happily leans into. “Plus, I don’t want your hard work to go to waste. I know you cleared the driveway and cleared off the snow on my windshield.” 
“Doesn’t matter to me, angel,” he mutters against her lips. 
Y/N gives him one last peck before pulling away. “It does to me. Plus, how will I get home after my shift if you’re at the fire station?” 
He sighs, giving in, knowing you’re right. “But you’ll call me when you arrive and get home.” 
She smiles; he’s such a worry wart. Not that she blames him, she’s given him many reasons to worry from the moment they met after so many accidents. Yet, since he’s come into her life, there has been none because he’s always a moment away to save her from trouble, whether it’s an overflowing pot on the stove or maintaining the upkeep of her car. 
“I promise.” 
“Thank you.” 
“I love you, Harry.” 
Harry grins, happily showing off the dimples she loves to see. “I love you, too, firebug.” 
Y/N had been inside all day making her rounds with the young patients, ensuring their vitals were good and giving them new activities to have in their room. Most wanted colors and paper to make drawings for nurses and their families to hang around. She did not go out for lunch instead ate pasta that her friend Crystal offered, telling Y/N that she brought an extra plate for her. It also meant she did not see the snowstorm that had been growing since the morning. 
It wasn’t until a patient was rushed in by a father and his daughter coming home from the market that a truck ran into them, the conditions not letting the drivers see the traffic light or any other cars. It was a head-on collision. The father was rushed to emergency surgery while the daughter was sent to have a scan as she only seemed to have a few cuts on her face. The other driver suffered a broken leg and arm; thankfully, no surgery would be needed for him. 
Soon after, the emergency alerts landed across all phones, the beeping loud and insistent as they were warned of the blizzard taking place. Y/N knew she would be safe staying inside the hospital, but her worry increased as she thought of Harry and all the calls they would be getting. She knew he was trained and prepared, but it did not decrease her worry. 
Y/N excused herself, finding a quiet room to give Harry a call knowing that hearing his voice for even a second would calm her. The phone rang, and she knew he was out on a call. 
“H, I-I know you’re out doing your job. I know you promise me that you’ll do your best to stay safe every time, but some things are out of your control. But for me, please come home to me. I promise to stay warm,” she giggles, knowing it’s always his biggest concern about her never dressing appropriately for the weather. “I love you.” 
She hangs up and holds her head high. She’s seen him work and knows he does everything with his heart. At the end of the day, she trusts him and will wait to see him home.
There was a constant flux of patients coming in from injuries or to simply wait out the blizzard. The cafeteria was buzzing, and so was the Emergency room, but Y/N was still aware that her phone had yet to ring but knew that meant he was okay. It was only a few more hours. She could make it through. 
As her shift was ending, the storm was still intense, and she was too nervous to drive home and stayed the night in the hospital instead. She knew she could sleep in one of the cots in the break rooms, but for now, she’d work. Being there meant she was an extra hand to help. There were endless blankets passed around, something she was thankful for was that the power did not go out, meaning the store had not progressed. The news had informed them it would be gone by morning, but for now, she had to swallow her worries and continue to work. It wasn’t until close to the early morning that she sent Harry a final text and tried to rest a few hours before driving herself home. 
“Angel, come on.” Y/N hummed as she felt Harry rubbing her back and felt safe to turn and snuggle closer to his warmth. He laughed, “Come on, let me take you home.” 
Y/N blinked her eyes slowly and was surprised to see Harry sitting next to her, “Harry,” she breathed out. 
“Hi, my angel.” Harry grins as she quickly sits up and throws her hands around him, burying her face in his neck and allowing herself to breathe him in. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” she repeats over and over again. 
“Mhmm…we had a busy night. I’m sorry I couldn’t call.” She shakes her head because it doesn’t matter, not when she has him in her arms. 
“You’re okay.” 
Harry pulls her back, wanting to see his angel’s face. Her eyes are teary, and he feels his heartbreak knowing she was worried for him, but he’s so proud of her because she stayed here instead of bracing the store. He knows she was his strong girl, but tonight she was his brave girl for staying, not trying to brave out the storm. She also did it, he knows to ease his worry. When Harry’s on call, they’re all reminded to leave family and all other concerns behind because, as Lieutenant, he has other lives to worry about, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t take time to think about his love. Y/N was always at the forefront of his mind. She was never something he pushed aside because she was his home. She was who guarded his heart, and knowing that she was okay was enough to ease his beating heart. 
“I’m okay, angel.” He promises her. “Nothing happened. Promise I was careful.” 
“I’m sorry for all the calls and texts,” she looks away bashful, knowing she might have gone overboard.” 
Harry shakes his head, guiding her face gently to look back at him. “You’re okay, angel. I appreciated each text and voicemail. It left me calm knowing you were okay and that you were thinking of me.” 
“Always think of you,” she shares, and Harry coos he really needs to get her home. 
He presses a chaste kiss to her lips, but she follows after him deepening it, and he lets it go for a moment too long before backing up. “Let me drive you home, angel. We can take a warm shower and sleep before our next shifts.”
“The storm?” 
“Long gone,” he promises.
“My car is here.” 
Harry chuckles. She’s always one to worry about every little thing she must have learned from him. “I’ll drive you to work tomorrow.” 
“Okay, H.” 
He helps her up, helping her slip her hoodie on and then zipping up her puffer until she’s all bundled up, ready to brace the cold outside. He knows she’s pouting at all the layers but is thankful Y/N indulges in his small worries. 
“I feel like a marshmallow.” 
“At least you’re a cute marshmallow,” he teases.
“Harry!” She drags out. 
“Let’s go home, firebug. Got some warming up to do.” 
“Hot chocolate?” 
“And kisses?” 
“Lots of them,” he promises. 
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impala-dreamer · 2 years
A Supernatural Story 
~Dean gets a little rough with you, leaving lovely little marks behind so you remember who owns you...~
Dean Winchester x F!Reader, Cas Cameo
1,667 Words
Warnings: NSFW, Dom!Dean, Rough Sex, Slapping, Spanking, Biting, Hickies, Oral, Yummy Stuff. 
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works  ~  Buy Me A Coffee  ~  Feedback is Gold
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Dean’s voice echoed through your head, pushing everything else away. He swept your thoughts into the deepest corners until there was nothing on your mind but his voice and the pleasure he was giving.
“All mine.”
His lips were wet and swollen, sliding across your skin like ice on velvet. His kisses stung, burning into your flesh as he sucked hard at random places, leaving a map of bruises like breadcrumbs down your body.
Shifting over you, he fit his right knee against your naked cunt and pressed upwards, rubbing hard.
A moan fell from your lips and you shuddered. Your voice was weak and heavy, coated with lust.
Dean smirked and fell down, curling himself in on you. He sealed his lips around your left nipple and tugged until your back lifted from the mattress.
“Fuck! Dean!”
“These tits are mine,” he growled, moving over to caress your right tit with his teeth. “All mine.”
The nipple hardened in his mouth and he flicked his tongue over it, sending a jolt of pure, desperate pleasure to your pussy. Your clit throbbed and wetness leaked free, dribbling down onto his knee.
“Yours, yeah… yes!”
His breath was like fire burning your sensitive skin. You gasped as he let your nipple go and the relief of his bite disappearing made you whimper and grind down on his knee.
“So needy…” Dean teased as he moved over an inch to suck a blossom into the side of your tit. Pain sparkled behind your eyes but it soon eased into a delicious throb.
“Yes,” you whined, reaching up to claw at his broad shoulders. “Need you so bad…”
His smile was devious, his eyes dark with desire. He pushed up on his strong arms and hovered above you, leaving enough space between your bodies to send a wave of cool air over your skin. You hissed at the feeling and dug your nails into the back of his neck, desperate to pull him back down.
He resisted and licked his lips, eyeing your body as if he meant to eat you whole. He flashed a smile, tiny canine teeth gleaming like fangs in your eyes. You shivered and pouted, wanting them back on your tits, your throat, anywhere that he pleased.
He clicked his tongue and bent to kiss you, invading your mouth with his heat before you could take another breath. He dropped down, crushing you with full weight and your head began to spin from lack of oxygen.
He breathed into you, saving your life, and your eyes rolled back to pure white.
“This mouth is mine,” he whispered before taking a bite of your bottom lip.
Sucking in a heavy breath, you nodded, giving in completely.
Enthused, he sat back on his knees and grabbed your face between two fingers, puckering your lips painfully. His fingertips dug into the hollow of your cheeks and you went limp, unable to fight him off even if you wanted to.
“It’s mine. You use it to please me.”
Again, you nodded, locked in his grasp.
He let you go with a tiny shove and you settled back onto the pillow. He grabbed your tits, his wide palm nearly eclipsing the entire globe on either side.
“These tits are mine,” he grit, squeezing hard, denting your skin with his fingertips. “They exist for my pleasure.”
Panting, you agreed. “Yes. Yours.”
To drive his point home, he let go and reared back, slapping your tits hard. They bounced and your cried out, startled and flooded with arousal. Each stab of his nails or scrape of his teeth was like a shock straight to your cunt. Every cell inside of you was alive and on fire and you could feel yourself dripping down onto the bed, so wet, so ready for him.
“Please…” You couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop yourself from begging and he didn’t seem to mind.
The tighter you were wound, the harder he teased, the louder you whimpered, the longer he took to toy with you.
The bed creaked as he moved to sit between your legs. He pushed your thighs open with warm, firm hands, and you held your breath, unsure of where he was going or what torment was to come.
His eyes narrowed on your face, watching you melt as he ran his fingers slowly down your body. When he reached your belly, he turned his hand and scratched the rest of the way down, leaving a faint raised line in his wake. The scrape burned but you had no time to dwell on the pain as he shoved a single finger between your pussy lips. Your heart skipped, pulse thudding in your ears as he tapped your clit three times, just enough to make your hips raise up but not enough to push you any further.
“This is mine,” he said, teeth grit and jaw twitching. “All of your pleasure belongs to me.” Again, he tapped your clit and sparks lit behind your eyes. “Every drop of pleasure is mine. All of it.” He swirled his middle finger around the pulsing bud and your muscles tensed.
“Yes,” you whined, barely able to hold still. “All yours. Yes. Please!”
He added another fingers and squeezed on either side of your clit.
Your breath halted, your pussy fluttered around nothing.
“Say it,” he demanded, voice gruff and low. “I own your pleasure.”
The pressure was infuriating and delicious and your mind was quickly becoming nothing more than a blob of pure mush.
You gave in.
“You… you own my pleasure.”
Dean looked like the perfect devil, glaring down at you with his tongue pressed between his front teeth. A tiny smile turned the corners of his plump lips and he rubbed at your clit a little harder.
His command wrapped in and around you like a warm blanket and your body relaxed beneath him.
“You own my- my pleasure. You own my pleasure…”
He was gone in a blink, dropping down and slithering between your thighs. His tongue lashed against your aching clit and you nearly screamed at the heat of it, the quickness of his movements.
You clawed the sheets, rocked your hips against his mouth. “Yours!”
Deftly, he slid two fingers into your cunt and the world disappeared around you. He pumped his wrist and your ears began to ring. He crooked his fingers and your body trembled, fighting against the impending pleasure.
“I own your pleasure.”
You echoed, almost unconsciously. “You own… my pleasure…”
Another flick of his tongue and you broke, cumming hard on his hand and thrusting mindlessly against his face. He grinned and drank you down, lapping at the wetness as it squirted from your body.
“That’s it,” he hissed, “give it to me.”
Your body arched off the bed and he growled, hands grabbing at your hips as he pushed up and away.
He flipped you over easily, moving your limp body like you weighed nothing. Your face sank into the pillow as he tugged on your hips, yanking your ass up high.
“All mine.”
He slapped your ass hard and pushed your knees apart with his own. You struggled to accommodate him, dizzy with lingering orgasm and aching from his attacks.
“This ass is mine.” He squeezed hard and you could almost feel the bruises blooming under his touch.
He pushed into you, sliding his stiff cock through your wetness and rubbing the tip against your clit.
“Fuck!” A fresh wave of arousal spread through you and you wiggled back, begging with your entire being. “Please, Dean!”
His palm cracked against your ass again and you cried out, sure the rest of the motel could hear you through the walls.
As if that were his goal, he spanked you a third time, chuckling as you screamed.
“So loud,” he teased, running his hand swiftly up your spine. “Keep it that way.” When he reached your head, he tugged his fingers through your hair and yanked, forcing your head back as he slammed his cock into you.
The pleasure doubled, nearly knocking you out. He clawed at your back, hooked his fingers into your hips, bit down on your neck, claiming every single inch.
“All mine.”
Drool spilled from your slack lips and your eyes fluttered with every rough thrust of his hips. He grit his teeth and hissed, sweat breaking out across his freckled face and smooth chest.
“So fucking hot, babydoll…”
His pace quickened and you lost control, cumming again and crying into the mattress. Your muffled scream pushed him over the edge and he pulled out, jerking his cock until he covered your ass in his hot cum.
“All mine…”
They were waiting for you in the car, morning sun gleaming off of the windshield and hiding their faces. Dean revved the engine as you approached and Castiel rolled down the passenger side window.
His eyes narrowed as he watched you struggle with the short walk from the room to the Impala. Your legs were shaky, your steps light and careful. He cocked his head as you got into the backseat with a groan and turned around to inquire.
Blue eyes went wide when he saw the marks on your throat and a bit of collarbone not covered by your flannel.
“Y/N… are you alright?”
His voice was high with worry and you smiled softly, shaking your head.
“I’m alright, Cas. All good.”
Dean’s eyes found you in the rearview and your pussy clenched. The angel took a breath, ready to protest, but Dean cleared his throat.
“She’s fine.”
Castiel hummed in understanding, reading the tension around him. Still, his gaze lingered over a particularly dark spot on your pulse and he lifted his hand towards you.
“I could get rid of them if you want.”
Jerking away from his touch, you shook your head quickly and met Dean’s eyes in the mirror again.
“No thanks,” you said. “I like them…”
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sanjoongie · 2 years
FFF~ Day 14 <3
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♡Pairing: Choi San x Reader (f) x Kim Hongjoong ♡Genre: Smut with no plot :) ♡Au: coffee shop ♡Word Count: 2,685 ♡Warnings: this was completely self indulgent because valentine's day *sobs* dom/sub {dom joong/sub reader/dom san}, threesome, spitroasting, penetrative sex with barrier, oral (m recieving), m/f/m orgasm ♡Rated: 18+ MDNI ♡Masterlist link~ | Previous Day~ Edging, CJH  | Next Day~ Size Kink, PSH ♡Dedication~@downtoamagicalland@mejuiithe unholy trinity beta team
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It was valentine's day and your favorite coffee shop was packed. You were pretty sure it had nothing to do with the actual sale or yummy confections decorated in pink and red. It absolutely had to do with the fact that the owners were serving everyone personally.
San had a big heart. Genuinely, he just wanted to serve people yummy food, see them enjoy something small in their lives. His shop was successful, in part due to his enthusiasm for his job but also because you could taste the love for his world in his beverages. 
Hongjoong, his partner in crime who did the baking, smiled widely for you when he saw you enter. He had just finished dropping off some heart shaped cookies that mimicked the heart candies with endearments on them. "Morning, Warm Heart."
You ducked your head in embarrassment and made your way to the counter to order some beverages. You always came here on your way to work to order beverages for yourself and your best friends. It made you happy to know they had something sweet, and sometimes warm, to keep them through the morning at least. San had made it a habit of using his handwriting to scribble the nickname "Warm Heart" on your cup, so that you knew which beverage was yours. He certainly wasn't helping the huge ass crush you had on him.
"Heart!" San yelled as he saw you approach the counter, "I hoped I would see you today! Double points because it's valentine's day! And look!"
San pushed forward a box of croissants with pink icing hearts on them. "Hongjoong filled them with spicy chocolate."
You whipped your head around to stare at Hongjoong who was flushing pink and went back to asking other customers how their orders were. "He didn't have to do that," You mumbled.
San smiled, full of happiness and mischievous energy. "He made them just for you, you know. No one else is going to try these."
You opened your mouth to order when San shook his head. "You don't think I haven't memorized your orders yet?" He pouted excessively, "Heart, you wound me."
"San, don't start with me today!" You waved a finger at him.
San giggled and then went to work. You moved aside to let others queue and you wandered the shop on the pretense of watching San work. His broad shoulders moved as he worked the various machinery to make your order of three beverages. His eyes were focused and his perma-pout never truly left his lips. Your heart skipped a beat and you scolded yourself. 
This infatuation with the coffee store owner and his bakery partner needed to be squashed. They were nice to everyone and the flirting is what made the shop popular. You knew it wasn't real. You just wished your heart knew that too.
"You're not gonna try them?" Hongjoong approached you, looking hopeful.
"I…" Whatever you were going to say died in your throat. Who were you to say no to a man who baked something just for you?
You opened the packaging and bit into one of the croissants. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you moaned loudly. “Oh my god, Hongjoong! This is amazing?”
Hongjoong grinned widely, “The heat is okay?”
“No, this is now officially my new favorite thing,” You proclaimed, your tongue coming out to lick the corner of your lip to capture some of the spicy chocolate that had escaped.
Hongjoong helped you with the chocolate and you froze as you watched him suck on his thumb. Why did you feel like some dumb struck high school girl thinking of an indirect kiss? “Glad you like them.”
“Heart!” San shouted, bringing your attention back to him. He had been frowning before you came up for your drink order. “It’s all ready,” He beamed. 
“I hope you make a lot of money today, San,” You smiled happily, lifting your tray as a salute.
“Wait!” San leaned up over the slight wall of the counter. “Try your drink for me? I made it a bit differently this time.”
You tipped your head in confusion but placed the tray down so you could pull your drink from it. You wrapped your mouth around the straw and sucked. The sugary liquid hit your tongue and you gasped. “Mint?”
San nodded, smiling to himself. “You like it, right?” 
You sucked harder, eagerly drinking it. “Oh my god, the best you’ve made yet, San,” You proclaimed.
San looked satisfied, chin tucked into his chest. “Good. I’m happy to make you happy.”
“Bye, San!” You waved and grabbed the tray of drinks again. “Bye Joong!”
Hongjoong looked unhappy but waved back. You left the coffee shop, and delighted your friends with a valentine’s day delight. You shared your croissants and breezed through the morning until one of them pointed out there was something different written on your cup.
You dismissed it immediately. “It’s San. He always writes that. I don’t even think he remembers my real name, if I’m being honest.”
“Doesn’t know your name but writes his number on the cup?” Your friend said in bewilderment.
“What?!” You snatched up your drink, and low and behold, there was a pouty face drawn nearby with a series of numbers. San had to have written it. 
When you were on your lunch break at work, you immediately dug out your phone and texted the number. 
Heart: San, what is the meaning of this?
San: Can’t a guy give a girl his number?
Your heart was now beating out of your chest. This had to be a daydream. You probably fell asleep on your cubicle desk and were probably drooling right now. 
San: Did I beat Joong Hyung?
Heart: Beat him?
San: You only got my number today, right? ^^
Now you were having a full on panic. You rushed to the box of croissants and on the bottom was a neatly written note. I hope you’ll come back to the shop after hours, we have a surprise for you. Xoxo Hongjoong
You pinched yourself and yelped. Yup, this was definitely real. What the hell???
You desperately began to text San back.
Heart: I’m supposed to come to the shop later???
San: Oh poo, he did get to you.
Heart: I don’t know what this is…
San: please, come to the shop after hours. We’ll explain then
Work couldn't have dragged any slower. You spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what the hell was going on. You really, really, really liked the coffee shop owner. Hongjoong was also a delight to be around. Surely they both didn’t… you shook your head. It was stupid and downright cruel to assume anything. You were just going to have to show up at the coffee shop and find out what’s what.
The coffee shop had its closed sign on the door but when you tentatively rapped your knuckles on the glass door. San banged into the door in a rush to get to you and scared you. He quickly unlocked the door and let you in. 
“You came!” San said softly.
“Of course I did,” You replied, “It’s not every day you get the owners of a coffee shop demanding you see them.”
“Today we aren’t coffee shop owners,” Hongjoong said, sitting at one of the tables and chairs. His arms were crossed and his legs were spread.
“Are you aliens?” You joked.
“We’re men today, Heart,” San murmured at your side.
You swallowed nervously. “Men?”
“It’s valentine’s day today,” San started, “We both like you but we don’t want to fight over you. Will you choose?”
Your eyes went from San to Hongjoong in complete confusion. “Choose?”
“Or,” Hongjoong lifted an eyebrow at you, “Take us both so we don’t have any bruised hearts.”
San smiled mischievously, “Maybe some bruised skin though.”
“Ha ha ha,” You said mirthlessly, “Very funny guys but April Fools isn’t for a few more months.”
San grasped your chin in one hand, soft but firm. “This isn't a joke, Heart. We’re dead serious.”
“San,” You whispered his name, still unsure.
“Let me show you?” He asked, eyes glancing at your lips.
You nodded and then San kissed you. His lips took your bottom lip in between his, slowly and sensually kissing you. His hand curved around your jaw, holding you like you were the most precious thing to him in this world. You blinked consecutively when he released you, a slow, crooked smile spreading across his face. 
Hongjoong stood up from his spot and came over to the other side. “Ready for me next?”
Did you really have to choose? “Guys, I don’t think--” 
“Don’t think then, Heart,” Hongjoong cut you off, “Just let me kiss you.”
You nodded again and then Hongjoong captured your lips with his. Hongjoong’s kiss was full of teeth and tongue and you felt yourself being swallowed up by his passion. San was an ember and Hongjoong was the fire. Your lips chased his when he broke the kiss and he chuckled lowly, satisfied in response.
“So both then,” San said to Hongjoong, who nodded.
San took your hand, linking your fingers together and tugged you towards the back of the cafe where Hongjoong baked. Hongjoong’s hands settled on your hips, walking behind you. Once they found more privacy, all gloves were off. San pulled you against his body as he leaned back against the kitchen island and Hongjoong pressed himself against your back. Hongjoong was placing wet kisses along your shoulder and up your neck. He was sucking harshly and you whined about hickies. San massaged your ass and used your body to thrust up into to get himself harder. “He wants to mark you up, Heart. He wants someone to see that you’re already claimed.”
“Joong!” You scolded him and that’s when Hongjoong bit you in warning.
“Careful, Heart, or I might feel the need to mark you up more.”
You shivered and San giggled. “Give me another kiss, Heart.”
You began to not be aware of whose hands were where or what mouth was doing what. You were just a bundle of nerves as someone played with your tits or shoved their hands under your panties and swirled around your clit. Hongjoong was the hard while San was the soft. Where one coaxed you, the other demanded everything from you. The hot and cold wasn’t something you could deal with. All you could manage was to whimper and whisper their names, feeling pleasure that you knew no one else could outdo now that you had experienced two lovers at one time.
“You’re gonna take us both, Heart,” Hongjoong commanded in a rough voice. Currently, his dick was in between your legs, rubbing on the outside of your cunt, getting covered in your slick. 
You nodded in agreement, eyeing San’s throbbing cock in front of you. “Can I have you in my mouth, Sannie?”
“Joong, I think she’s drooling for my dick,” San teased you.
“I know she’s drooling for mine, but from a different set of lips,” Hongjoong responded in kind.
“I…please? Both of you?”
“I suppose you’ve been good for us,” San grinned.
You heard Hongjoong rip a condom wrapper from behind you and you braced your hands on San’s thighs while Hongjoong penetrated you. Your nails dug into San’s sensitive skin, taking in Hongjoong inch by fucking inch. “You’re doing great, Heart,” Hongjoong murmured from behind you. 
San, in complete contrast, gripped your ponytail by the base and shoved his cock into your mouth. You squealed but you were quickly groaning at the picture of pure sin San was emulating above you. His eyes were hooded and the tip of his tongue was between his lips. “That’s it, Heart, take my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, just like you did the straw this morning.”
Hongjoong rubbed your hips once he bottomed out inside of you. San had already taken to thrusting into your mouth. You could do nothing but roll your eyes to the back of your head and groan as Hongjoong started to fuck you from behind. “You let us know if it’s too much, Heart,” Hongjoong said, sounding strained, “Fuck, this pussy is so tight.”
San laughed in triumph, “This mouth is everything. Heart, you’ll let me fuck your throat right? You can take my dick like that, right?”
“San, your dick is in her mouth right now, how is she supposed to answer you?” Hongjoong demanded.
“Oh,” San smiled goofily. He pulled out of your mouth with a pop. “Is it okay?”
Without San in your mouth, your moans just got louder as Hongjoong fucked you. The angle felt so fucking good that you couldn't focus on San’s question for a few minutes. “J-joong!” You protested.
Hongjoong smiled his own satisfied smile at being able to fuck you dumb and then slowed his pace. “Go ahead, Heart, answer San.”
You whimpered, “San, fuck my throat. Make me gag on your dick and cry. I wanna be a mess for you!”
“Fuck,” San cursed, biting down on his lower lip, “When it put it that way, Heart, how am I supposed to hold back?”
You put a hand on Hongjoong’s, where they still were on your hip and looked back. “Fuck me, Joong? It feels so good.”
“Give me your arms, Heart,” Hongjoong directed softly.
So Hongjoong held onto both your hands, holding your arms back, as he gently bounced you against his pelvis. The smacking noises were echoing in the back kitchen. That left you without any control as San held your head and fucked his dick up into your mouth and throat. Your moans stuttered as Hongjoong hit that spot inside of you that urged on your climax. You had given up trying to time your breathing with San’s thrusts because it soon became a game for him to make you choke and gag.
San came first, coming in your mouth and you swallowed it all. His eyebrows scrunched up and he moaned loudly. He pulled his dick out of your mouth and you watched as it twitched in front of you, still leaking his cum.Then you came, your mouth free to shout Hongjoong’s name as the back of your eyelids were painted with stars. Hongjoong fucked you through your climax, your fluttering pussy walls pushing him over the edge. He gripped your fingers tightly as he buried himself into your hole and came in the condom. His climax was a breathy cry, making you wish you got to see the face that accompanied it. 
You whined as Hongjoong pulled out of you and got rid of the condom. San pulled you up and against his chest. “You were such a good girl for us, Heart,” He complimented you, pushing errant hairs behind your ear. 
“I can’t believe!--” You didn’t have enough air yet to speak fully.
San let out a high pitch laugh. “You’re so fucking cute.”
You blushed, reality coming back to you. You had just fucked your two crushes in the kitchen of your favorite cafe. Who were you???
“Heart?” Hongjoong said your name as a question.
“Yes, Joong?” You responded, leaning your head against San’s shoulder.
“We can do this again, right?” You didn’t see it but San and Hongjoong exchanged a worried glance over your heart.
You nodded into San’s chest. “Like I could live without that again,” You chuckled, “No one could possibly live up to that.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” San said into the crown of your head, placing a fond kiss there.
“Please,” You laughed weakly, “You spoiled me. Drinks, croissants and a threesome? Guess you’ll really have to plan for next time.”
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around you too. “You plan on being around long enough for another Valentine’s Day?” He couldn't help but wonder.
You placed your arms and hands over Hongjoong’s and squeezed back in reassurance. “You’ll never get rid of me now.”
“Good” Hongjoong replied, satisfied with your response. “Because we don’t plan on letting you go anywhere.”
♡Masterlist link~ | Previous Day~ Edging, CJH  | Next Day~ Size Kink, PSH
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nyxindustries · 1 year
1995 | Tony Stark
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Young Tony Stark x Female Reader, x Reader. Tony Stark X Reader.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO INTERACT! Virgin Reader x Tony Stark, Very Soft Tony dom (if you squint) Virgin Tony Stark, Praise kink, slight vanilla sex
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Cuddling with your long term boyfriend, Tony Stark.It's the summer of 1995, the year of flip phones and flannel skirts.
Your arms wrapped around Tony as you just finished watching a romantic comedy film.
"Tony…do you want to go get ice cream?" You asked quietly
"Date night?" He questioned and smiled
"Yeah, Date night, we haven’t don’t that in a while. ``You say and kiss him softly.
Tony and yourself are engaged, at just being 25 and 24 years old. You found each other at a diner, where you were just waitressing and you ended up spilling hot coffee on Tony, two years ago. Now you're here at Tony upper east side brownstone with the television going on.
Until you got up and pressed the button turning the Tv off. Tony walks up and gets your jacket off the coat rack.
You smiled, slipping it on as he helped you with your jacket that matched your black floral dress and leggings with combat boots. Tony simple black pants and over side shirt tucked in as he put on his jacket.
Leaving the house with him as you and Tony began walking, hand in hand. Talking softly during the evening as people pass the both of you trying to get into the ice cream parlor.
"So did you enjoy the film we watched?" Your boyfriend questioned and your thoughts made loops while you thought of the film.
"Oh! It was a lovely movie…but it made me realize a couple of things." You say quietly.
"Oh…like what?" Tony asks and you chuckled softly and you bopped his nose.
"Don’t worry about it, love" you say as you clasp both of Tony's hands, smiling up at him.
"What ice cream are you getting?" He asks
"Mint chocolate chip, with fudge on top and sprinkles!" You say a bit childlike,making Tony laugh at your randomness of ice cream choices and silliness.
"What about you?" You quizzed him gently.
"I’ll get a chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles" he says and you nod as you approach the counter and order Tony’s and your ice cream. Before you took out your card Tony's hand came out of nowhere and handed his card to the cashier.
"Thank you but I had it covered," you spoke and Tony shook his head as then the employee gave your ice creams and you smiled softly taking yours and Tony immediately took a big bite out of it and your mouth hung open and then you just laughed.
“My ice cream,” you say and slightly frown.
“Sorry, here,” he says
Tony offered his ice cream and you took a bite of his ice cream and he smiled at you.
Walking out as you guys walked around eating ice cream together.
"Wanna go to dinner after this?" Tony asked and you stared at him and smiled.
"Yes…but I think we did this backward.." you say wondering off with your thoughts.
"Oh, We most definitely did…but it’s okay," Tony says and laughs as he finishes his ice cream and so did you.
"Where do you want to eat for dinner ?" Tony asked and you shrugged .
"Anywhere, your choice since it was my idea to get ice cream!" You say and Tony nodded as he grabbed your hands as he twirled you walking on the sideway.
"Italian " Tony says and you nod
“Oooooh Yummy! " you say and he smiled as he pulled you in and walked with you.
"Couple block up, the best restaurant there is for Italian food." Tony says as he walks with you.
Walking the next couple blocks and getting into the restaurant, getting seated quickly. Ordering food with Tony and talking casually about how you want to continue school and possibly becoming a nurse and Tony talking about how he wants to continue with his father business.
It was late evening now, Tony and yourself were walking home. Even though you lived with Tony,
You guys never actually took the big step, cuddles and things like that but nothing more even with being engaged. Watching that movie earlier, made you feel and realize that Tony is everything to you and you want to give him everything.
"T-Tony..Remember earlier… I said the movie made me realize a few things…"you say trailing off.
"Y-yeah… what about it?" He asks and you take a deep breath as Tony opens the door to the brownstone.
Walking in, taking off your jacket and looking at Tony.
"Well…you know…I just…uh.." Trailing off and turning red as he eyed you.
"You want to break up, call off the engagement?" He questioned worriedly.
"Oh god, no Tony…I want to take it further…you know… like…what…people…do when they're in love." You say frantically trailing as you turn bright red.
"Oh!….oh…"Tony exclaims in surprise
"Sorry, I didn’t mean… you know…I didn’t mean that…forget it, Tony.." you say and trailed off, ready to walk away.
Tony grabs your hand and you look at him as tears swelled your eyes.
"Hey, it’s okay…I understand…I just thought you wanted to wait until we’re married but it’s okay…I understand…" Tony says trailing.
"It’s just that…I’m a…a virgin…" Tony says trailing off and you nodded with a soft smile as he caressed your face gently.
"Me too, Tony, but I want you… and I want every part of you because I love you, Tony" you say whispering.
"I love you too, do you want to? Are you ready?" He asks and you nod.
"Yes, I’m ready Tony.." you say and he picked you up gently as you kissed him , he kissed back.
Carrying you to the shared bedroom the both of you share. He placed you down gently and you smiled as you kissed him and he kissed back, getting on-top of you.
Tony hands roaming your body as he lifts your dress and takes it off you gently, and you sighed, feeling exposed as you helped Tony get his shirt off.
Kissing you once again as you let Tony trail down with kisses causing you to giggle softly. Tony reached for your leggings as he tugged at them as he looked at them.
"Are you sure you want this? We can stop whenever you want too" Tony says, nodding in response as your breath hitches.
Feeling Tony fingers underneath your leggings and slipping them off, leaving you in your underwear and you started to turn red.
"H-hey…it’s okay…" he says, seeing your red face.
"Listen… have you touched yourself before?" He asks.
"Y-yeah I have…" you say and Tony nodded as he slipped your panties and bra off.
Tony moved up as went to kiss your lips, as you felt his fingers rub your clit.
You gasped softly as Tony began running faster.
A moan escaping your lips as you got surprised by the noise you just made, which made Tony smirk at you.
Feeling his fingers slipping down to your entrance, as you felt one finger slip in, moaning softly as gripped at Tony wrist as he looked up.
"Want me to stop? '' he asked, stopping his fingers, in response you shook your head.
"N-no… go faster please" you moaned quietly as his fingers thrusted faster and you moaned out. Tony felt all your wetness soak his fingers.
"I-I think you're ready." Tony says and you nod as you feel his finger slip out. You whine at the loss of pleasure.
"This is going to hurt a bit…just take a deep breath and let me know if you want to stop” he says
“Okay…it’s okay. You can now” you say taking a deep breathe
“I don’t really know what I’m doing.” Tony chuckled nervously
“It’s okay, we can finger it out together”
Tony slowly pushed in as you gasped, gripping him tightly as your breathing hitched a lot.
Looking him in the eyes as your hand ran through his hair as Tony moved further. Closing your eyes, as you felt pain and Tony comforted you gently.
“It’s okay… we’re both new to this..we can do this together” he says and you nod, pulling him closer as Tony sits there. Giving you time to adjust to him.
Taking a deep breath as you felt the slip into the background.
“Can you try and move, please” you say quietly and Tony nods as he slowly moves and you gasp more, as some of the pain comes back.
“D-do you want me to stop?” He questioned.
“N-no it’s okay…just take it slowly” you said and he nodded as he moved more and the pain slowly faded as you felt pleasure and a knot in your lower stomach.
Moaning softly as Tony still slowly thrusted slowly and at a steady pace.
“T-Tony…faster” you moaned out softly as he leaned down and kissed you softly.
He moved faster and you moaned louder with the shake of your head as you held onto Tony with a smile, as pleasure seemed to engulf you now.
“Tony…I like this…”you say and he smiled.
“Yeah me too” he says as he groans out.
“Go faster, please” you say and he picked the pace a bit , you moaned as he held onto your wrist.
The knot in your stomach become bigger and looser. “T-Tony…I think…I think-“ you say and he’s nods as he began thrusting faster. You held onto him, kissing him passionately.
Your hands running through his hair and his hands roaming your body and massaging your breasts.
“T-Tony… Tony I Think…I’m gonna cum.” You say and he nods
“Yeah me too” he says as he went faster the knot unravelled quickly, a foreign but welcoming feeling overcame as you gripped Tony.
Legs shaking as you came heavily with heavy breathing and loud moaning as Tony pulled out and came on your stomach quickly.
Warm liquid on your stomach as Tony smirked, grabbing a towel quickly and wiping your stomach off softly and you looked up at him.
“I love you Tony” you say quietly and he laid next to you and smiled.
“I love you too Y/n…I love you so much. Why I want to marry you..” he said and giggled softly as you yawned.
Whispering softly as you kissed Tony
“T-thank you for being understanding”
“Of course…I would never want to hurt you” he whispers, kissing your forehead and Tony smiles as he pulls you in close and you fell right to sleep listening to his heartbeat.
Waking up the next morning, not feeling Tony next to you and sitting up as you felt sore. Tony coming in the room, he smiled softly at you.
Sitting on your side of the bed and you looked at him.
“Morning, My love” sleeping still overcoming your voice
“Good morning my Darling, how do you feel?” Tony asks
“Uh…I’m…I’m sore” you say with a soft blush on your face.
“It’s okay, that’s normal…and you were so good last night” he said, praising you and smiling softly.
“I want to go take a shower but I might need help.” You shyly and Tony laughed softly.
“I can do that” he says and you stuck your hands out, Tony grabbed them as he lifted you up off the bed, carrying you to the bathroom.
Giggling softly as he held you, walking to the bathroom as he placed you down on the toilet and started the bath.
“Thank you Tony” you say and he smiled.
“Anything for you” he responded as the tub filled up and he made the tub at a warm comfortable temperature.
Getting up slowly as you stood with Tony helped you with getting into the tub.
Sitting down as Tony grabbed soap as you splashed water against yourself and Tony washed you with soap and you smiled softly as he was gently washing you and your hair.
“Breakfast is all done and I’ll bring it to you in bed while you rest and we can spend the whole day in bed” Tony says and chuckled in agreement.
“Okay…. That sounds wonderful” you say as Tony helped out of the tub , wrapping you in a towel. The soreness slowly went away but not all the way, still tingling.
“Go get dressed and I’ll go get breakfast for you” he says and you go to your closet and get dressed in comfortable home wear.
Laying in bed as you pulled a book
‘ Lady Chatterley's Lover‘. As you waited for Tony to come, which he did moments later after you read a few pages.
Sitting up and placing the book down as Tony smiled, placing the tray on your lap and Tony sat down next to you.
“Hmm…’ Lady Chatterley's Lover’ sounds interesting” Tony says, you nod, drinking some orange juice and digging into the chocolate chip pancakes.
“It’s super interesting, I love it so far”
Tony opened the book as you finished your food and he looked up to you as he grabbed the tray and placed it on the nightstand.
Tony pulled you in, as he placed his head on your lap gently, turning the pages from the beginning.
“ “Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.” “
Tony reading out loud softly to you. You leaned back into the bed and smiled softly as you listened to Tony.
Wonderful…wonderful this is…being in love.
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awmancreeper · 2 years
ミ★Just Say You Love me </3 . 04- Mint Choco Latte
--★ Kai’s friends roast him for not being in a relationship since he was 12. While Y/n tries to avoid getting into a relationship every week. One day Kai spots a familiar girl hiding in a tree finding out she was hiding from her 2nd confession that week. After hearing the university’s IT girl struggles Hyuka comes up with a plan.
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!!Written Parts!!
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“Dude, can you get off your phone?” A voice pulled Kai from his phone “huh?” He looked up to see Soobin waiting for him with his arms crossed “we have customers you know” Soobin told him pointing towards the door that led to the counter “yeah I’ll be right now” he looked back his phone “let me guess y/n posted again” Soobin asked crossing his arms “what no?” Kai said stretching the o in no. “Yeah, sure all I know is y/n still gonna be there when you’re done now let’s go make coffees” Soobin told him pushing him out from the back “okay fine” Kai smiled but once he made it past the door his heart dropped.
There stood y/n with her friends by the counter waiting to be helped. Kai immediately hid behind the center island “dude what are you doing?” Soobin asked watching his friend not so subtly hide from the group of young adults. “Hey!” Yeji called out waving soobin down “one moment miss” soobin said kindly “this is your chance to talk to her” soobin whispered excitedly to Kai who was freaking out “please soobin don’t do this to me” “you’ll be fine; they get the same thing all the time” Soobin smiled at the group friends “my colleague will help you in a sec” soobin looking down at Kai “they’re our boss’s friends you better suck it up” Soobin grabbed a rag to wipe the tables.
‘You got this Hyuka’ He told himself before standing up straight quickly making his way to the cash register; not looking any of them in the eyes. “Hello, what can I get you today?” He asked “our usuals please!” yeji told him smiling “actually! I wanted to try something new” the voice that Kai dredged the most said. “Of course! What would you like” he said looking at the counter but he sees a face come into view “what do you recommend, Kai?” Y/n asked him smiling. He followed her eyes as she stood up straight “I um…” he felt his ears get hot “the iced mint choco latte is my favorite” Kai told her as she put a finger on her lip “sounds yummy I’ll have one of those please” he nodded. He watched y/n as she smiled sweetly at him “oh um anything else?” Kai finally looked at all of them. “Hey, you look familiar?” Yeonjun said standing on the left of y/n “Oh I um…” “you idiot he’s been working here for like forever now!” Yeji told him hitting the side of his head “this close Hwang!” He yelled but all she did was laugh. “That’ll be all” Niki interjected looking extremely unbothered. “Okay that’ll be-“
As Soobin and Kai worked on their drinks he couldn’t help but watch the 4 friends. Yeji laughed with Y/n, Yeonjun took pictures of the girls, while Niki laid back with his hands behind his head; they looked so cool Kai thought. “Order for Yeji!” Kai called out but instead, y/n stood up to retrieve the drinks. “Here you go!” Kai said turning around “wait!” y/n kinda yelled making everyone look at her even Soobin who was cleaning out the machine. A chill run up Y/n’s spine with all eyes on her “I-I can’t tell you here” she whispered, “can I h-have your number?” She asked while Kai felt like his head was gonna explode “my number?” He whispered back “yes please” she didn’t even look him in the eye. Kai quickly grabbed the pen from the cash register scribbling his number on a napkin; giving it to the blushing girl. “Thanks” she grabbed the drinks and left for her table. Kai finally released his breath watching the girl sit down “no way” Soobin said in the background.
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aajjks · 10 days
your morning is quite opposite from jungkook’s. you wake up around 9 o’clock and notice the empty space beside you. a sigh escapes your lips as you roll over to grab your phone and sleepily dial your boyfriend’s number before putting the call of speaker.
“Hi baby!!!” he yells which causes you to laugh into the cold pillows on your bed. even though you can’t see him, you know he’s got a big smile on his face; that bunny smile you love so much.
“oh my God good morning and have you eaten yet?”
“good morning, angel~ not yet. have you?”
jungkook tells you he made himself an omelet before reminding that he’ll be going to visit crystal. “when will you be back?” you ask as you rise from bed and take the phone with you to the bathroom. “I’ll be home by 5 PM definitely!” he happily says which puts a pout on your groggy features. that means no jungkook for an extra 2 hours. “I love youuu and our little one!!!! see you soon, my precious, take care” you sigh. “love you too, jungkook. have a good day”
after hanging up the phone, you start your day by freshening yourself up. once you’re finished, you head to the kitchen and warm up the omelet jungkook made for you with a little note:
hi princess!!
i made you a yummy omelet for breakfast and a granola parfait for snack. got your favorite vegetable stew from that place you really like (it’s in the fridge) and cut up lots of fruit for you. i know how much you love mangoes so i made sure to cut a lot for you. just call me if you need anything and make sure to stay hydrated! and no caffeine!! i know how much you love your iced coffee but i read on a website that it’s not good for the baby. i’ll bring something back for dinner. remember to call me if you need anything and I LOVE YOU!!!
~ JK (aka your hot boyfriend aka your sexy baby daddy)
you can’t help but laugh at the little note jungkook written for you. you wonder how early he got up to prepare your entire meal plan, nevertheless, you appreciate the effort he’s putting in to ensure yours and the baby’s health. it’s all so admirable and just makes you love jungkook ecstatic, goofy self even more.
“hmm…maybe i should call hyejin”
Crystal makes GREAT coffee.
Jungkook loves the way her coffee tastes. She’s like his older sister and he loves and respects her so much.
“Oh crystal, I love this coffee.” He eagerly drinks the hot liquid down and crystal cannot help but laugh at him. “Mhmm so yummy.”
Ahyeon giggles at her uncles cute behavior while Ian rolls his eyes. “Goodness. Take it slow man.” He scoffs but jungkook frankly doesn’t give a fuck.
“Shut up, Hyung?!”
“Aish quit it Ian. Also kookie why didn’t you bring yn with you? I’ve been missing her you know.” Crystal hits him on his chest lightly.
Jungkook finally gulps the last drop of his favorite coffee down and he looks at her as he uses a napkin to wipe his mouth.
Just the mention of your name gets his heart fluttering. “Um she’s been a little sick these days you know.. I’ll bring her with me the next time I came here straight from work anyways.. I miss her…”
Certainly, he’s missing your presence.
“Well my ahyeony uncle loves you.. how do you get so pretty every time I see you?” Jungkook picks her up and kisses her cheek.
He Can’t believe that he’s about to have one of his own soon and he cannot wait to share that news with all of his family, but not right now
“Ahh you know you resemble your uncle more than your father and that’s why you’re so pretty” Ian audibly gasps. “Shut up? My pretty daughter looks exactly like her daddy, if anything you brat, you look like me”
Jungkook laughs out loud.
“Umm crystal noona? If you don’t mind, can you just take ahyeon to her play room? I gotta tell Ian something.. I just need his advice..”
Crystal nods and takes ahyeon from jungkook. Once they’re out of the room, Jungkook begins to tell Ian about everything that happened at the wedding.
“Shit.. I screamed at her so harshly you know.. all because of that sarang bitch.. She doesn’t leave me alone. She really doesn’t. Yn has forgiven me.. but.. I still haven’t been able to forgive myself because of the way I treated her.”
Ian listens, and he feels so bad that you had to go through that, that is until he hears a very familiar name.
A name That he didn’t hear in a long time
“Sarang?? Lee sarang? Wait… your school best friend?!”
“UGH SHE WAS NEVER MY BEST FRIEND!” He reminds his elder brother.
“what do you mean she doesn’t leave you alone??!”
After two hours and telling Ian everything that took place, minus the sexual assault.. jungkook has finally returned home to you
“Oh yn baby I missed you so much.” He’s inhaling your scent as he hugs you, you look so pretty all dressed up for him.
“Crystal noona was asking about you so I said you were sick, but I just wanted to tell them that we’re expecting, but I know that you don’t want that right now…”
He breaks the hug.
“Yn.. when can we tell them?” he looks into your eyes, holding you by the waist, giving you a puppy dog look.
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This week was intense and I was looking forward to some down time, this introvert needs her batteries recharged. K my bff from Seattle is here for a conference. She planned to spend the night Sunday so I’d planned for Sunday to be a social day where we went to the museum and hung out. So last night I was surprised when she texted , very drunk, and wanted to come hang out. I buzzed her in, we had a dance party and then talked intensely - at times sharply - about life. She challenges me like no one else does, and sometimes she’s mean but she’s almost always right. So I yelled at her for seven seconds and then listened.
She spent the night and we got up around 7am for coffee, as she had her conference again today. I settled in for a nap after she left, when she texted to say her nephew and his kids are coming with her tomorrow morning. Ok. At least I have today.
And then got a text from my co-worker S who said “excited to see you later!”
I remembered I’d invited he and his partner over. Ugh. My house is clean but not co-worker clean so I’ve been shopping, cleaning and errand-running for hours.
So I’m showered and prepped, drinking ice tea, grateful that I have a baseline of tidiness now and I really didn’t have to do all of that. I have a yummy breakfast casserole for brunch tomorrow.
*flash forward*
They just left. I made cocktails like a grown up, and we ordered tacos and French fries and talked mad shit about work and life. Me hosting people in my space after so many years of hiding how/where I lived is so important.
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Haiii hello :3 I’m back again with more stsg thoughts !! So,, I feel like we can all recognise that teen stsg are complete and utter losers BUT there are quite a few scenes in the anime that make it obvious that the both of them are capable of being serious to protect people when it’s necessary.. and it made me think of how they would react if you got seriously injured hmmm HMMMMM (this totally isn’t yummy to me because I wanna see feral protective stsg…. Totally…..) or maybe it’s a lil like when Toji told sugu that he killed satoru hhhh … like ur all on a mission together and u get separated somehow and satoru is like “where tf did y/n go 🙁🙁” and whoever they’re fighting comes outta nowhere like “oh I killed th-“ 💥💥💥💥💥💥 ‘n it turns out you’re just a little injured 😭😭 but I feel like they’d be sooo dramatic and worried about you :( and satoru “jokes” that now they won’t be able to leave u alone incase u get injured again…he’s just gonna have to keep an eye on u and protect u forever and ever (he means it) and sugu js goes full mother mode like he’s forcing u to stay in bed, makes you soup, reminds u to take pain meds and listens to every word of advice the doctor gives to help u recover from the injury 💔💔 hrherh I know this wasn’t as long as my usual asks but I thought it was cute and I’ve been thinking about the stupid losers all day… can’t wait to see the sashisu thing uve been working on too !! I love them sooo much I know shoko doesn’t get much love in this fandom :( loser boys (stsg) taking up too much of the spotlight smh…. Move outta the way…. It’s bae shokos turn…. (Joke I still love stsg💔) but she’s my cute tired loser wife with a coffee addiction and I hold her very dear to my heart she’s my princess with a disorder (the disorder is depression) hehe I hope u have a wonderful day/night/whatever time it is for uuu !! — stsg anon !! 💗🌸
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had to go into pixlr to make this r u proud of me…. HEHEH STSG ANON MY SWEETIE my number one supplier of treats <33333 i loveloveloveeee feral protective stsg…. ure so real…… they’re both wolfboys at heart i think .
but ohhhh u always get them perfectly….. toru joking around to lighten to mood (but he’s actually not joking at all) while sugu goes mother hen mode……… :((( they’re both sooo so worried. there’s nothing they wouldn’t do to protect u!!!….. one scenario i keep thinking of is reader falling down a set of stairs or slipping on a patch of ice when it’s cold n slippery outside…. and spraining their ankle… so stsg has to take care of them and they’re both just. Wrecks. bc they feel sooo guilty and they hate seeing u in pain….. i imagine that it’d hit sugu extra hard so toru tries to be more serious and mature than usual to make up for it!! idk i just feel like sugu is especially prone to blaming himself over things like this :((( even if it wasn’t his fault at all…. and he tries to distract himself from the shame by tending to u like a baby chick. makes u food and carries u around the house…. sits u down on his lap and tries to distract u from the way his eyes gloss over w tears bc he can’t stop looking at the cast on ur foot and he just feels so incredibly guilty :((((((((….. sniffle. i wanna hug him.
i got carried away phfkdjkdkf BUT I LOVE YOUUU STSG ANON and i love this concept sm…….. they’re both papabears :((( i feel like satoru gets a lot more serious when you’re injured, while suguru gets more meek than usual…. it’s kind of a reversal of their usual roles but it’s great bc they balance each other out !! :3 like. in the scenario above i feel like satoru might get frustrated bc they told you to be careful not to slip on the ice or whatever but suguru is there to remind him that you’re in pain and that it was an accident :(( and when it’s a more minor injury i think suguru is the one to get slightly condescending bc why would you go out into the rain without a jacket?? /obviously/ you’d catch a cold, dummy. and satoru is there to defend your honour with his life LMAO…… they’re sooo so silly.
ALSOOOO STSG ANON ….. i’m so glad that ure excited for the sashisu fic 😭😭😭 that made me so happy!!! i agree sm, shoko is sooo underrated she’s my little meow meow i love her sm :((
she’s my cute tired loser wife with a coffee addiction and I hold her very dear to my heart she’s my princess with a disorder (the disorder is depression)
YOU’RE SO REALLLLL PDHFJJDJF MY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER <3…. i knew i could trust u stsg anon, she’s SUCH a loser and we don’t talk abt it enough smh. she’s literally soooo similar to stsg like they’re all the same… soft sappy silly little losers…… oh how i love them so <33
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idv-news-boi · 2 years
->Laurence's Journal Entry {Part 2}
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Day 11 {Is this a Mochi..?}
James, I was about to eat that mochi with the American flag decorated on it,,,
I thought Akihiko made it specially for me since I’m American - until i notice the sunglasses and how it just moved...
I ended up yeeting him out of the window,,,- I'm sorry, Uncle Sam,,,! 😭😔
Day 12 {My 12th bonk of the week-}
Got sent off flying back to the manor thanks to Mr. Subedar's soldier punch- Note to self; never blabber with teammates, keep decoding alone,,-
Without this note, i might just often end up staying at the infirmary most of the time- which is not cool,, >:'v
Day 13 {The Grumpy, Artsy Gnome}
James, let me tell you a not-so-secret secret,,, Out of all the artists community in the manor, the Painter is the most grumpier one,,,-
I'm surprised when he requested me to be his model for a painting- Even after bonk my head with his blank canvas itself,,,-
He's actually very good at his field, I won't underestimate that for sure.
Day 14 {Mount Mochi}
Oh gosh Jim,,,, This manor is so weirdly amusing! Some anon just donated a huge pile of mochi's to Akihiko's camera while we're working a the studio-
He doesn't seem confused by such strange patron gift, and seems to be grateful by the sight of yummy delicacies,,,-
Day 15 {I made someone else's Flytrap eat my microphone by accident-} @idvask-hunterfinn
Yes, James, i can't believe a flytrap would be that strange enough to eat metal- i thought it was safe enough to interview it,,,
But at least Mr. Drosera helped me fetched my tool back~ ❤️
I wish I could flirt more with him if only I wasn't on "thin ice" with him,,,,/IH (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Day 16 {Princely,,, So cute}
Prince got worried after i got injured during a match-
I was with Percy who i just broke up(cut connections-) with him after hitting my butt so hard,,, No wonder how I got injured/ih
But anyway, i rest assure anyone that it's hard for me to die,,, even age.
Day 17 {Duo Hunter Match is so fun!!!} @/idv-sinful-deities (bc that kinda feels like I'm spamming if it's a multi-muse blog for me idk why :'3)
James- I played Duo Hunters,,, IT WAS SO FUN??? It was so chaotic-- i also made a friend during the situation,,,, her name is Tae(pinned pic of Tae from the manor's survivor files)
We were giving and high giving for the good work until the hunter was about to get us- good things I saved us with a flare gun I've been saving the entire time,,, haha! x'D
Day 18 {Someone Came Back!} @idv-asktheconsigliere
Hey, James! One of the people who entered the manor before recently came back- I got so excited,,, I even made a breaking news announcement for her! Isn't that sweet? (pinned profile pic of Melissa from the manor's survivor files)
I seem to get along with Melissa surprisingly despite how serious she looks,,, She's so cool though????
Also- i just got tricked by one of the flirt attack asks by an anon who turned out to be her but drunk,,, after all that thinking from Amanda, to Angeline, to Bianca, and-
But anyway! At least I helped her get to her room- nothing has been done besides all the flirting~ 😅
Day 19 {Met Bianca,,, Also having lil Coffee Meetups} @experimental-blueprints
There was a lot of tension at first in our first meeting- i honestly don't really have taste for sassy-pretty girls- but i still invited Bianca anyway- she'll be fun to talk with~ (pinned profile pic of Bianca from the manor's survivor files)
We are now starting to meet up for Sunday coffee talks,,- Well, is mostly me talking as Bianca may look like she's so done with me yet still listens to me,,,- I think I'm in love./IH/hj 🥺
Day 20 {Bromance Marriage}
I proposed Akihiko with a friendship, purple candy ring pop, he said yes despite he doesn't like artificial purple flavored stuff,,-
I hired Eiji as our Preacher at the Red Church in case the building turns out to be hunted- I'll make sure Aki is reminded to bring his camera for that situation-/ih
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garoujo · 1 year
i made the yummiest iced coffee tonight !! it's so good, and i made it in my prettiest cup 😊
i also really need to do my eyebrows, bc they're getting out of control. they're trying to hold hands, which is NOT a vibe. but it's such a hassle to actually do them. i want bachira to do my eyebrows with me :(( he so would. i'm down so bad for him, please i have never loved a fictional character more.
omigieeee i love iced coffee sm it’s so yummy (˶ᐢᗜᐢ˶) in a pretty cup too!!! even better!!! i totes love that for u ^_^ i literally just got mine done + i’m so happy w them ૮꒰ྀི つ˘ `⸝⸝ ꒱ྀིა i feel so much more put together wen my brows are done!!! stop bachi doing ur brows would be so cute . he’d stick his tongue out to concentrate he’s soooo cute <333
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 2 months
Cold as Ice - Chapter 53 - Part 2
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Wren Ridley
It took a few minutes for my car to warm up and for the windshield to defrost.
I wished I had started it up beforehand because now I was so anxious to get back to Landon that my patience was thin.
Once I could see out the windshield, I started back toward my dorm to get changed and brush my teeth.
James was still asleep when I got there, so I was uninterrupted and quickly in and out.
I pulled on the hockey sweatshirt Landon had given me for Christmas before leaving the room.
When I got back in the car, I let Olivia know I was on my way and started toward home.
Mom was instantly at the door when I pulled into the driveway.
She looked at me with worry, placing a hand on my back and guiding me toward the couch.
"Honey, you look exhausted," she said, sitting us both down.
"I'm fine," I assured her, though she didn't look convinced.
"Are you?" she asked, raising her eyebrows in disbelief.
"How's Landon?"
"He has a minor concussion but he'll be okay."
"Thank goodness it's not more serious," she said.
"Listen, your father and I are extremely concerned about Olivia. We cannot in good conscience send her back home."
"What did she say?"
"She told us about her mother starving her and locking her in her room for hours so she couldn't eat," Mom said, her voice low.
"She told us about her father abusing Landon, hitting him, screaming at him, making him run so much until he threw up."
My blood ran ice cold hearing that.
Of course, I knew that his father had been abusive toward him.
He had told me those things bu-t hearing them again, especially after what his father had just done to him made me so angry.
"She's not going back there," I said, letting out a deep breath.
"I have to talk to Landon about the Hanson''s. They're the family that took him in after he left his parents. They'll help."
Three sets of footsteps came scurrying down the stairs and into the living room a moment later.
Olivia immediately threw herself down on the couch next to me and wrapped her arms around me, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Wren," she exclaimed. I slowly moved my arm to go around her and patted her on the back, unsure of what else to do.
"Is Landon really okay?" she asked, looking at me with wide eyes.
"He's alright," I assured her.
"He just needs to rest."
"Can we go see him now?"
"Why don't you eat some breakfast before you go, Olivia?" Mom suggested.
"Leo's making pancakes in the kitchen."
Olivia smiled and stood up from the couch.
"Sounds yummy," she said, walking past me to give my mom a hug.
"Thanks, Vanessa."
Olivia left the living room to meet Fawn, Ava and Dad in the kitchen.
"You look like you need to eat too," Mom said to me after a moment.
"And get some caffeine in you."
"Yeah, I probably should."
The two of us stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen with the others.
My brother, Colt was sitting alone at the kitchen table, headphones in as he watched something on his phone with his plate in front of him.
He looked at me and nodded but that was all the greeting I got.
The three girls sat at the kitchen island, Fawn in the middle of Olivia and Ava.
"You look like you've been hit by a truck," Fawn said to me.
"Rude," Dad commented as he flipped a pancake on the stove.
I sat down across from Fawn, placing my head in my hand.
Mom came over and placed a coffee in front of me, already having made it how I liked it.
Olivia and Ava giggled beside my sister.
"I take it you three are getting along just fine?" I asked, my eyes sweeping over the three of them.
Olivia seemed to fit right in with Fawn and Ava.
The three of them sat close, whispering to each other and giggling.
Olivia seemed at ease despite the stress she was under last night.
It was like the three of them had been friends for years rather than just one night.
"I'm a very good sleepover host, of course we're getting along," Fawn replied, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Your family is actually really cool," Olivia added.
"And Ava, of course."
Dad finished cooking breakfast and gave us each a plate with pancakes on it.
I devoured my plate in a minute, the three girls across from me looking at me like I was some sort of beast.
"You just inhaled that," Ava said with a laugh.
Dad turned away from the counter with his own plate, then looked down at my now empty one.
I shook my head, standing from my seat.
I took the plate and rinsed it off before putting it in the dishwasher.
Then I went to the bathroom and tried to make myself look less like I had been hit by a truck.
The coffee and the food helped a little but I still looked pale and had bags under my eyes.
I splashed cold water on my face and put some through my hair to tame it.
That was about all I could do.
By the time I was done in the bathroom, Olivia was done with breakfast and ready to go.
Fawn had given her some clothes to borrow and she had a bag of her clothes from last night in her hand.
"Ready to go?" she asked with a hopeful smile.
"Yeah, let me just say bye to my parents," I told her.
We each said our goodbyes.
My mother pulled me into a tight hug.
"Drive safe, honey," she said in my ear.
"And be strong. I know you're under a lot of stress right now,but we're here to help."
With that, we left the house.
Olivia threw her clothes in the backseat before getting into the passenger seat.
Her leg with shaking before we even left the driveway.
I decided not to comment on it.
"Thanks for taking me there last night," Olivia said as I started backing out.
"It was nice hanging out with Fawn and Ava and not having to worry about anything I said getting back to my parents."
"Your friends tell your parents what you say?"
"Their parents do," she clarified.
"And Jimmy does apparently."
I nodded.
"And your parents are, like, the best," Olivia continued.
"Yeah, they are," I agreed, tapping my hand on the steering wheel.
"I'm really glad you're with my brother," she said softly, which caused my stomach to twist in pain for a moment.
"We're not..." Olivia put her hand up to stop me.
"You don't have to try to come up with some excuse," she said.
"I knew you two were together, without either of you saying it. You're not good at being subtle."
There was really nothing I could say to that, so I said nothing.
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oliviainjapann · 4 months
May 22- Kyoto Imperial Palace and Kyoto National Museum
Today was a long and exhausting day but still fun! Loryn and I started off by exploring for a breakfast place as I can no longer consume anymore Japanese breakfasts/bentos. We found a really good place that has delicious croissant sandwiches and we took some to go to have during our morning lecture. Loryn got a black iced coffee to look cool. She succeeded. The Kyoto Imperial Palace was very beautiful, and I especially liked the gardens part of it. Our tour guide even pointed out the perfect picture spot of the bridge. It was so hot though and I was in jeans which was not smart but we lived. We then walked/train rode to the Kyoto National Museum. I actually thoroughly enjoyed this museum despite me being not a very museum person. I kind of explored on my own and tried to read as much as I could about each section of the Sesshua special exhibit that was going on for this month. The tapestries and scrolls were so perfect and I was amazed with how many there were on display. Then, we got some yummy ramen at a place near by that was honestly close to Ichiran Ramen level. Loryn, Ryder, Maddie, and I then strutted over to the Kyoto Train Station super excited to go to Hiroshima for the rest of our day. I was ecstatic. We loaded up our suicas with quite a lot of yen, and then just did not go. IYKYK. We will get there eventually. We then went to the Kyoto Aquarium to lift our spirits, but low key that made us even more sad because the animals looked so lonely and unwell. We then grabbed Starbucks and listened to a Spotify jam session during the journey home where we all get to listen to the same songs. We are now relaxing at the hotel and getting ready for the night ahead.
Academic Reflection
In terms of today’s reading, I was very intrigued with how much thought went into the planning of the grounds of the palace. It was clear there was so much intention into every section of the palace, including the buildings as well as the gardens. One thing that stuck with me from the reading today was how originally they wanted the palace to be centered within the capital of Kyoto. However, due to many earthquakes and other destruction, they were forced to build it int he north-west part of the capital. Also, the actual imperial palace is not symmetrical in itself, although there is still so much intention within the entire ground. It was also very interesting to learn about the various social classes within their society as well as how it is represented within the palace itself, with certain buildings being restricted to certain classes.
In terms of my art piece from the Kyoto National Museum, what really stood out to me was Sesshu’s scroll of the Four Seasons. I especially liked the depiction of the Japanese men in robes and hakatas as they were almost cartoon like but still had so much detail within them. I was so intrigued with how Sesshu was known as the “saint of painting” and 6 of his works are considered National Treasures. Although some of the works at the museum were not his, it is so evident that he was the inspiration for themes and brushworks later on. Also, the fact that the tapestry of the waterfall was destroyed in an earthquake and another painter perfectly replicated it shows how dedicated some were to helping Sesshu’s legacy live on. I got masking tape that has Sesshu’s artworks depicted on it, and I’m so excited to use it in my scrapbook!
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40sandfabulousaf · 5 months
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大家好! Once in awhile, Pa asks me to share ice cream and waffles with him, so I took him to a Taipei-inspired cafe which serves waffles made with dark chocolate and chocolate ice cream. As we ate, we discussed current affairs, the war in Gaza and what the global community feels about it. Most countries have been alarmed by the soaring death toll and repeatedly called for a permanent ceasefire. The videos and news reports in this post speak for themselves and show how the rest of the world feels.
Israel is ramping up flows of humanitarian aid into Gaza but efforts have been bumpy. The WCK has begun distributing hot meals of stew and rice to starving Palestinians. On the other hand, aid convoys from Jordan were attacked by Israeli settlers. This resulted in aid convoys having to dump some of their cargo, including food, flour and other critical supplies, meaning, there's less for those in Gaza who desperately need them. Still, it's a start and a bumpy start is better than nothing. We're following this news closely for improvements to humanitarian aid deliveries into the devastated area and whether there're any more Israeli attacks.
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What we're watching even more closely - what appear to be the start of Israeli incursions into Rafah. Already, innocent children have died as a result. Wasn't Israel supposed to evacuate the Palestinians safely before commencing any attack? Why is the US silent about it and why is it continuing to arm Israel when it claimed to be against any attacks on Rafah? Not sorry, I find the Biden administration duplicitous when it repeatedly says one thing and does another. At this point, many of its actions don't match up to its words and it makes the US look like it doesn't walk the talk at all.
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Wednesday was a public holiday and Pa wanted to have lunch together. We visited a Japanese restaurant we hadn't been to. Their specialty is fish, so Pa ordered grilled seabream with rice, miso soup, edamame, wakame and pickles and I chose tonkotsu udon. He finished the entire fish! 😮 I prefer udon to ramen, so the noodles were perfect - highly slurpable and QQ. The lightly salted, milky collagen-filled broth was also good. The pork, whilst yummy, was a tad fatty, but the overall dish was pretty tasty. After that, we washed everything down with local tea for Pa and local coffee for me.
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The global community has been calling for a permanent ceasefire and two-state solution for some time. The parties standing in the way of peace are Israel and countries which continue to arm it. If other nations choose to act on their anger and displeasure, they're only doing so to make their voices heard. A multipolar world is forming even more quickly the more they feel oppressed. And you know what? About bloody time. 下次见!
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