#so i’ll be sipping on this a chilling for the time being
vindicated-truth · 2 days
Hyeok downs the drink in one abrupt toss of his head. He slams the glass down harshly, rattling the counter and startling the bartender minding his own business at the other side of the bar.
Beside him, Jeongje glowers at him. “You really must be a favored patron at this bar if you’re not scared of destroying their property like this.” Jeongje frowns at the glass that somehow manages to not shatter at the way Hyeok is gripping it tightly. “Or get kicked out.”
Hyeok ignores him and grabs the expensive whiskey bottle he had just purchased without thinking it through, just for this moment. He refills Jeongje’s glass—technically he is the maknae between them—and as Jeongje warily sips at his own drink, Hyeok runs his hands over his face at the hysterical realization that he’s sharing a moment like this with Park Jeongje, of all people.
His rival to Lee Yuyeon’s heart.
Beside him, Jeongje is watching the amber liquid swirl around the fancy ball-shaped ice, his gaze darting nervously between his own glass and at Hyeok, like a skittish weasel.
It’s beginning to grate on Hyeok’s nerves, and he pours another shot for himself.
Jeongje loudly clears his throat. “So. Do we agree not to tell Yuyeon-ah about this?”
Hyeok squeezes his eyes shut. And there is the crux of the matter, isn’t it.
“Tell me what?”
Both men jump at that familiar, beloved voice. It’s almost comical, the way they both swivel in unison on their seats to see the mutual object of their affections standing behind them, one hand on her hip, staring at them with an arched, perfectly-plucked eyebrow.
The top law graduate of Seoul National University, a force to be reckoned with at Hyeok’s law firm, the ex-girlfriend Jeongje is trying very hard to win back at the same time that Hyeok is trying to win her over—while trying win over her, as they’re currently going head to head in this corporate case where he represents the prosecution, and she represents the defendant.
None of that, however, is what’s making both Jeongje and himself a lot more terrified of her than usual.
Yuyeon narrows her eyes at them as she sets her briefcase on the counter and gracefully slides on the seat beside Hyeok. Normally Hyeok would be thrilled to have her in such close proximity, and would gloat over the way she has chosen his side of the seat to settle on instead of Jeongje’s, but right now, he wishes very much that Jeongje’s the one who’s going to have to deal with—all of this.
After all, Jeongje should have more experience dealing with—all of that.
Yuyeon motions to the bartender. “I’ll have a glass please,” she says sweetly, and Hyeok can see the bartender absolutely melting at the twin powers of her angelic beauty and her formidable presence. “I’ll share in whatever they’re having.” She tilts her head at the bottle of whiskey Hyeok and Jeongje are sharing between them.
She smiles and thanks the bartender for the chilled and iced glass she’s been given. She then turns to Hyeok. “Well?”
Jeongje nudges Hyeok meaningfully. Hyeok swallows and fills Yuyeon’s glass, hoping she doesn’t see how much his hands are shaking.
“Something’s up with the two of you,” Yuyeon declares without preamble as she sips and peers at them over the rim of her glass, and damn it why does this woman whom Hyeok helplessly loves beyond measure have to be so god damned smart?
Jeongje’s forced laugh sounds fake even to Hyeok’s own ears, and it makes him cringe. “Come on, Yuyeon-ah, what makes you say that?”
“Well,” Yuyeon sets her glass down on the counter—gently, primly, completely opposed to how Hyeok nearly broke the countertop earlier. “For one thing, right now the two of you are together.”
Jeongje frowns and straightens in his seat. “How is that supposed to be an issue?”
Yuyeon snorts. “Considering how the two of you constantly try to one-up each other to even tolerate being even in the same room together, let alone sharing a drink like this—” she stares pointedly at the twin glasses they’ve both been nursing for awhile now, “—is enough evidence for suspicion, Your Honor,” she adds playfully, winking at them.
Jeongje, the traitor, looks absolutely charmed, and Hyeok takes advantage of Jeongje’s distraction for his own opening. “Captain Park and I have come to an agreement, you see.”
Jeongje blinks. “We have?”
Hyeok turns to glare at him. “Yes. We have.”
“I see,” Yuyeon says dubiously as she crosses her legs, distracting both men momentarily with the smoothness of her skin peeking from beneath her pencil skirt. “And what agreement might that be?”
“Yes, Prosecutor Kwon,” Jeongje props his chin on his palm and smiles innocently at Hyeok. “What agreement are you talking about?”
Hyeok is sorely tempted to bash the whole bottle of whiskey over the head of this stupid ex of Yuyeon’s. Instead, he pastes on his courtroom-ready smile. “Captain Park and I have agreed to desist this frankly immature rivalry between us.”
Yuyeon’s eyebrows fly to her hairline at the same time that the smile completely drops from Jeongje’s face. “And why exactly,” Jeongje says slowly, his eyes narrowed at Hyeok, “have we come to this agreement?”
Hyeok turns to Yuyeon and clasps his hands in front of him on the countertop. “I believe it was that college girl, Kang Minjeong-ssi, who called both Captain Park and I, and may I quote: ‘A pair of juvenile schoolboys fighting each other over a girl as a stupid trophy’.”
“Because she’s right,” Yuyeon says wryly. “You are. And I’m not.”
“No, Yuyeon-ah,” Hyeok hears Jeongje speak up softly from behind him, and Hyeok knows without a doubt that Jeongje sincerely means it. “You’re not a prize to be won.”
It seems to have startled Yuyeon, her gaze softening in return, and while normally Hyeok would be bitterly seething with jealousy by now at the irreplaceable and unbeatable history between Yuyeon and Jeongje, at the moment Hyeok is inwardly, triumphantly celebrating at how Yuyeon is successfully distracted.
Jeongje seems to have finally caught on too, as he is quick to add, “So that is why Prosecutor Kwon and I have decided to just let you graciously decide who is the better man between both of us.”
Hyeok is about to nod in agreement, when Jeongje just has to purr: “I trust you know who is the more worthy man for you, Yuyeon-ah.”
Hyeok slowly turns to look at Jeongje. I am this close to punching you in the face, he strongly broadcasts his thoughts telepathically.
Jeongje’s smile is radiant. I’d like to see you try to punch a cop, is the telepathic answer.
Yuyeon’s loud gasp pierces through Hyeok’s burgeoning violent thoughts. Both he and Jeongje turn to face her—and they both blink at the way both of Yuyeon’s hands are clasped over her mouth, which has dropped open in shock.
“Oh,” she says like it’s some sort of epiphany, leaving both men entirely nonplussed. “Oh I should have known the two of you seem to hate each other just a little too much.”
Sometimes Hyeok is so starkly reminded of how so far ahead Yuyeon’s brilliant mind works when he can’t catch up to her thoughts like this. It’s both extremely frustrating and wildly attractive in the courtroom. “What?”
Yuyeon smooths her hands over her skirt—and wow okay that is very distracting to Hyeok—as she straightens, her features seemingly overcome with a strange sort of… determination?
“I want you both to know that I will never let this affect your careers,” Yuyeon declares firmly. “Both of you are admirable, respectable men in each of your field of work and I will do my best to protect that.”
Hyeok stares blankly at her. He may not be a bonafide genius like Lee Yuyeon, but he has never considered himself lacking in the brains department either, and normally at this point he’s caught up to her by now. It’s what makes their courtroom banter so enjoyable.
This time, Hyeok is completely, utterly lost.
“What the hell are you talking about, Yuyeon-ah?” Jeongje bursts out from behind him, and for the umpteenth time in this topsy-turvy day, Hyeok finds himself agreeing with Captain Park.
There’s a flash of seemingly well-meaning but confusing sympathy that crosses Yuyeon’s eyes. “I know the laws of our country are still adamantly conservative, but we’re slowly making progress, little by little.” She brightens, her tone turning eager. “Just last month, the South Korean Supreme Court affirmed that same-sex couples are entitled to the same health benefits as heterosexual couples.’
Hyeok stares at her in horror. He can’t even speak.
“Oh my god,” Jeongje breathes out entirely in English, and once again, Hyeok absolutely concurs.
“You can register each other as dependents on your respective health insurances,” Yuyeon is saying, completely misreading the twin looks of shock and utter disgust both Hyeok and Jeongje are sending her way. “I’m pretty sure it’ll be covered by our firm, Hyeok-ah, I’m just not sure with the police force how it works—”
“Yuyeon-ah—” Jeongje helplessly tries to interject.
“—but our country’s actual law enforcement agency can’t deny basic rights to its own citizens, let alone its own policemen—”
Hyeok’s voice is increasingly turning high-pitched in desperation. “Attorney Lee—noona—”
“—regardless, you have my word that I fully support you in your—”
“We’re not the ones who are gay!”
That finally stops Yuyeon in her tracks. Hyeok’s and Jeongje’s twin outbursts finally catch her full attention—as well as those of the few remaining patrons in the bar.
Hyeok scowls at the bartender, who looks way too invested in their conversation. “I’ll pay you an extra huge tip for you to shut the hell up.”
The bartender grins, gives them a thumbs up, and turns his attention back to the same wine glass he’s been cleaning for several minutes now—right when Yuyeon first arrived.
Hyeok glares. “I will also require you to sign an NDA.”
The bartender shrugs and finally walks away—but not too far that he isn’t within earshot.
There’s a loud thunk beside Hyeok, which is the sound of Jeongje’s forehead hitting the counter. “I hate you all,” Jeongje mumbles under his breath, and right now, Hyeok is inclined to agree with him on everything.
Instead of being deterred however, true to her reputation as the woman who can’t be moved in court, Yuyeon is swift to recalibrate. “Then who is?”
Jeongje blearily lifts his head to stare balefully at Yuyeon. “What?”
Yuyeon narrows her eyes. “If the two of you aren’t the ones in a gay relationship—”
“Oh for the love of—Captain Park and I are not dating!” Hyeok yells; he catches the bartender snorting before the man wisely turns his back on them, and god damn that NDA needs to be airtight.
“—then who is?”
For several heartbeats, there is only silence as Yuyeon stares back and forth between Hyeok and Jeongje, silently demanding answers. Hyeok opens his mouth.
“His brother.”
Hyeok’s gaze snaps to Jeongje in utter betrayal as the older man simply points back at him.
Yuyeon’s brows furrow. “You have a brother?”
Hyeok turns helplessly back to Yuyeon, who is now frowning at him with her own expression of mild betrayal. “I didn’t know you had a brother, Hyeok-ah.”
“I don’t!” Hyeok instinctively exclaims, before he’s forced to reconsider his next words carefully when Yuyeon merely folds her arms, wordlessly calling him out on his bullshit. It’s partly why he loves her, after all—she never lets him get away with anything. “I mean, he’s not related to me by blood, but he was my ward for so long when I lived in his house that he might as well have been raised by me.”
Yuyeon tilts her head thoughtfully. “Why were you living in his house?”
“I was his tutor. It’s how I got myself through law school.”
Yuyeon raises her eyebrows. “Tutoring pays that well?”
“It does when it’s for the son of the Deputy Commissioner-General,” Jeongje pipes up, helpfully adding the important detail that Hyeok had been trying very hard to avoid disclosing to Yuyeon.
Hyeok is now reminded all over again of why he absolutely hates Captain Park.
“The son of—” Yuyeon’s eyes are wide. “You mean that brat from Foreign Affairs? Han fucking Joowon?”
Hyeok’s mouth drops open in shock. “You know him?” he says in unison once again with Jeongje, and they turn to each other in alarm.
“Know him?” Yuyeon nearly screeches as she slams her palm on the countertop, making both men jump in their seats; neither of them has ever seen Yuyeon this worked up before. “I’m this close to filing a restraining order on him with how often he barges into my office unannounced! I don’t care if he’s the son of the Deputy Commissioner-General, this is abuse of power!”
Jeongje’s eyes narrow dangerously. “Is he harassing you, Yuyeon-ah?”
Yuyeon rolls her eyes at the unwarranted machismo. “Yes, but not in the way you think. This cheeky little prince keeps demanding for the case files I worked on a few months ago, about the Chinese illegal immigrants working as prostitutes in Gangwon and Busan. Said it was for a voice phishing case Foreign Affairs are investigating, but I know for a fact that this sting operation of his isn’t approved by his higher ups.” Yuyeon flips her hair over her shoulder with a frustrated exhale. “Who does he think he is cutting through all protocol and procedure and expecting people to just hand over his demands like he’s entitled to them?” 
“Ah," Hyeok mumbles meekly, "that does sound exactly like my Joowon-ah." He cowers when Yuyeon throws him a withering glare.
“So this pseudo-brother of yours is gay,” Yuyeon recaps once she’s somewhat calmed down. Of course she hasn’t forgotten the topic—once Yuyeon latches on a piece of information, she doesn’t stop until she finds the answer she’s looking for.
Hyeok wonders if Yuyeon is aware that she has more in common with Joowon than she thinks, but then swiftly realizes she might cut off his balls if he points it out, so he wisely remains silent.
He still wants to have children, after all.
She narrows her eyes at Hyeok. “What does that fresh young master have anything to do with me?”
Hyeok’s throat bobs as he swallows and tries his best to maintain eye contact with Yuyeon. When all else fails—plead the fifth.
Yuyeon’s frown deepens when she’s getting nothing out of Hyeok. Jeongje seems to have finally taken pity on him and gently intervenes. “Prosecutor Kwon and I were just discussing his worries over Lieutenant Han. Considering the kind of work being asked of cops like us, it’s not safe for gay men like Lieutenant Han to be out on his own in the field being exposed to all these bad men who might take advantage of him.”
There’s a crease on Yuyeon’s forehead that appears when she’s thoroughly thinking something through. “I understand how that might be concerning, but—” Yuyeon frowns. “Isn’t that kind of homophobic too? The assumption that just because Lieutenant Han is gay, it means he’s not strong enough to protect himself?”
The look Yuyeon is now directing to both Jeongje and himself is now judgmental and disapproving, and Hyeok can’t help but admire the fact that, for someone she supposedly hates, Yuyeon is still defending Joowon solely on principle.
She really has much more in common with him than she realizes.
“Besides,” Yuyeon is saying, “it’s not as if he’s out there working alone. I’m pretty sure he has a partner.”
Both Hyeok and Jeongje freeze.
Yuyeon is contemplating deeply now. “Come to think of it, since these cases with the Chinese immigrants are happening concurrently in several regions, the jurisdiction now also falls to the Regional Investigation Unit. Which means—”
Yuyeon stops short. Slowly, she meets Jeongje’s gaze. 
“Which means Lieutenant Han’s partner is most likely… from the RIU.”
From his peripheral vision, Hyeok can see the way Jeongje is starting to panic. Plead the fifth, he telegraphs frantically. Plead the fifth!
Yuyeon’s gaze is piercing as she looks back and forth between the two unlikely men forming an alliance against her. Without breaking eye contact, she reaches for her briefcase, rummages swiftly inside, and takes out her phone. She presses the first number on speed dial.
The other line picks up immediately.
“Uri dongsaengie!”
The unmistakable voice of Lee Dongsik rings cheerfully loud on speaker.
“Ne, uri oppa-ya,” Yuyeon drawls, and oh god, Hyeok recognizes that sickeningly-sweet tone on her.
In court, it means that somebody is about to have a very long conviction or pay a very high fine.
Outside of court—it means someone is about to be in very, very big trouble.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this call from my dear sweet lovely twin sister?”
Hyeok and Jeongje look at each other in mutually shared pity. Lee Dongsik is about to get his ass whooped in three… two…
“Oppa,” Yuyeon says slowly, sweetly—menacingly. “Why is it that it’s my courtroom rival and my ex boyfriend who are the first to be informed that my dear sweet lovely twin brother is gay?”
There’s silence at the end of the line for several long moments. Briefly Hyeok considers adding bearing witness to a murder clause in the NDA.
“So,” Dongsik’s tone is suspiciously bright. “Who do I kill first?”
Hah. Never let it be said that Hyeok isn’t smart enough to anticipate moments like this.
“Park Jeongje, preferably,” Yuyeon remarks airily.
“Duly noted, sis.”
“Yah!” Jeongje exclaims. “Where's the loyalty to your best friend? Why don’t you kill Prosecutor Kwon first?”
They hear a snort from the other end of the line. “I’ll leave that for Joowon-ah to deal with.”
Another silence hangs heavily in the air. Yuyeon’s smile turns lethal.
“… I just gave it away, didn’t I.”
Both Jeongje and Hyeok get on their feet as they slowly back away. Of their many, many differences, the one thing they have most in common is how well they know the woman they mutually love.
They know precisely when she’s about to blow.
“When were you gonna TELL ME—!”
“Yuyeon-ah I can explain! Joowon-ah, help me out here—yah, where are you going? I’M ABOUT TO BE MURDERED BY MY OWN TWIN SISTER I NEED A WITNESS—!”
That NDA is going to have a lot of very, very specific clauses.
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ssa-dado · 2 days
3 - A Philosopher and a Lawyer walk into a Cafè
Aaron Hotchner's x bau!fem!reader
Genre: fluff, sapiosexual fluff
Summary: You and Hotch's playful rivalry deepens as you bring him a coffee, sparking witty banter and an unspoken connection. You work together on a complex case involving philosophical murders, impressing each other with your insights. Amid teasing about a fictional romance between Rossi and Gideon, you and Hotch’s bond strengthens, both appreciating the natural rhythm of working together while unknowingly being quietly supported by your mentors. Warnings: Usual graphic CM kind of case, Reader being a Prehistoric Reid, Gissi being so strong they even named a town for them.
Word Count: 4.8k words
Dado's Corner: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Mark my words, they could be helpful in the long run. We might get close to the second stage sooner than you think.
previous part: Early birds
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It was another early morning at the BAU, and you found yourself in the local coffee shop just around the corner from the office. The morning chill clung to your coat as you stepped inside, the familiar hum of the espresso machine and the comforting aroma of fresh coffee filling the air.
You you were eager to finally being able to order your usual - a double espresso - as you found yourself already savouring the taste and smell of it, especially after all those days of being forced to drink the burnt coffee they provided at work. On a whim, decided to grab something for Hotch as well.
He had been beating you to the office every day, and despite your friendly rivalry, you knew the coffee at work was terrible. You imagined Hotch downing that bitter, overbrewed mess every morning, and the thought made you grimace.
"One black coffee, no sugar," you told the barista, after all, Hotch seemed like the kind of man who appreciated perfectly crafted simplicity.
Arriving at the office, you made your way to the bullpen, feeling a small thrill of satisfaction at the thought of catching Hotch off guard. As expected, there he was, already at his desk, his navy suit perfectly pressed, tie in place, and eyes glued to his case file. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, both annoyed and impressed by his consistency.
Hotch glanced up as you approached, a faint look of surprise crossing his features when he noticed the second coffee cup in your hand.
“Morning,” you said casually, setting the coffee on his desk. “Thought you might appreciate something better than the sludge they serve here.”
Hotch looked down at the cup, a hint of gratitude flickering in his eyes before he masked it with his usual composed expression. “Thank you. I’ve been meaning to bring my own, but, well, you know how it is.” He picked up the cup, taking a sip and letting out a satisfied sigh.
He leaned back in his chair, his gaze meeting yours with a wry smile. “So, what’s the excuse this time? You figured you’d never make it here before me, so you’re hedging your bets by blaming your tardiness on stopping for coffee?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Actually, I thought you might need a little recognition for all your hard work. I didn’t think you’d still be going along with this whole rivalry.” You gave him a teasing look, knowing full well that he thrived on the unspoken challenge between you.
Hotch’s smirk softened, his eyes briefly betraying how much he appreciated the gesture. “Well, it’s not every day someone bothers to get me a decent cup of coffee, but you don’t have to go out of your way. Even if I’m not complaining.” He took another sip, savoring the taste that was far superior to the bitter brew he usually endured.
You shrugged, leaning against the edge of his desk. “Consider it my one good deed for the day. But don’t think this means I’m letting you win without a fight.”
Hotch nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching up in amusement. “I appreciate the coffee, but now I owe you. I’ll have to get you a properly made coffee sometime, just to keep us even.”
You raised an eyebrow, leaning closer as if conspiring. “Hotch, you owe me more than just one coffee for the stress you’ve caused me with this little game.”
He met your gaze with a mock-serious expression. “Oh, I’m not causing you stress. You’re the one driving yourself crazy trying to keep up.”
You scoffed playfully, unable to deny that he had a point. But Hotch’s eyes softened slightly, and he added, “But you’re right. I do owe you. In fact, I’ll make you a deal: I’ll buy you one coffee for every day I beat you here, until the day you finally arrive earlier than me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his offer, shaking your head at the sheer audacity. “You’re such a lawyer, you know that? You’re making a deal that actually only benefits you. What’s stopping me from showing up later on purpose just to drain your wallet?”
Hotch’s smirk widened, and he gave a nonchalant shrug. “Maybe that’s the idea. Give you a bigger distraction, make you think about something other than beating me. It works out well for me in the long run.”
You couldn’t help but admire the cleverness of his plan, realizing that if you fell for it, you’d be distracted by the rewards rather than the competition itself. “Wow. I’ve got to hand it to you, Hotch. In the long run, I’d end up showing up later and later, making it even easier for you. Impressive.”
Hotch raised his cup in mock toast, clearly pleased that you saw right through his scheme. “I’m surprised you caught on. I was hoping to pull one over on you for a while longer.”
You leaned back, crossing your arms with a triumphant smile. “You have no idea how good I am at outsmarting lawyers who think they can outsmart me first.”
Hotch chuckled, shaking his head in genuine amusement. “Touché.”
“Deal’s still on, though,” you said, holding out your hand as if to seal it formally. “But don’t think for a second I’m going to change my routine just because you’re bribing me with coffee.”
Hotch took your hand, his grip firm and warm. “Of course not.”
But today, something else was on Hotch’s mind. As you settled in, you noticed Hotch was already deeply absorbed in a case file, the intensity of his focus suggesting he was waiting for something, or someone.
Hotch flipped open the file in front of him, his eyes scanning the pages with a keen intensity. As he read through the details, a faint smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. This case was unlike most he’d worked on recently: it was layered with philosophical references, obscure quotes, and an unsub whose modus operandi seemed to be influenced by complex philosophical ideologies. He knew exactly who would be perfect to consult on this, but rather than asking for help directly, he had something else in mind.
With a subtle shift, Hotch angled the file just enough to leave the corner of a page visible from your desk. It was a deliberate move, calculated to catch your attention. If he knew you - and by now, he did - you wouldn’t be able to resist taking a peek.
He didn’t have to wait long. You settled into your chair and immediately noticed the stray page peeking out from Hotch’s desk. The faint, familiar names and terms you could make out - “Nietzsche,” “existential morality,” “nihilism” - caught your eye. You tried to concentrate on your own files, but curiosity got the better of you. Your gaze kept drifting back to that page.
Simulating a casual stretch, you leaned forward, pretending to adjust something on your desk while sneaking a better look at Hotch’s case. The notes detailed a series of murders where the unsub left behind cryptic quotes from philosophers, each one linked to the specific way the victims were killed. It was more than just a pattern; it was a philosophical puzzle, woven into every aspect of the crime scenes.
You couldn’t suppress the gasp that escaped your lips as the pieces clicked in your mind. “Oh my God,” you muttered, momentarily forgetting where you were.
Hotch glanced up, hiding his satisfaction at your reaction. He had set the bait perfectly, and you had walked right into it. The moment was even more rewarding for him, especially considering your previous bragging about being great at "outsmarting lawyers who think they can outsmart me first", only to now prove that you were, in fact, a little more ordinary than you'd let on. “Something on your mind, Y/N?”
You blinked, realizing you’d been caught. “I- uh, sorry. I couldn’t help but notice... are those quotes from Nietzsche? And Kierkegaard?” You pointed vaguely in the direction of his file, trying not to sound too eager.
Hotch leaned back in his chair, pretending to consider your question. “It seems that way. The unsub is leaving these quotes at the scenes, but the exact reasoning behind his selections is still unclear.”
You moved closer, unable to resist the lure of the philosophical elements woven into the case. “He’s not just picking these at random,” you said, your mind already racing with theories. “Look at this, Nietzsche’s ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ is quoted here, right next to how the victim was killed. He’s making a statement about morality, or the lack of it, in a deeply personal way.”
Hotch nodded, observing the way you immersed yourself in the details. “Go on,” he prompted, genuinely intrigued by your insights.
You flipped through the pages, your fingers tracing the notes. “Nietzsche challenges conventional morality, especially the binary of good and evil. The unsub seems to be echoing that: he’s positioning himself as someone who operates outside the realm of typical moral standards. Each murder isn’t just a killing; it’s a message that he’s transcended normal ethical constraints.”
Hotch watched you intently, his brow furrowing as he processed your explanation. “So he’s justifying his actions through philosophy? Twisting these ideas to fit his narrative?”
You nodded, flipping to another page with a different quote: “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.” You pointed at the crime scene photo beside it. “This victim was restrained, but not in the usual way. It’s almost as if he’s trying to make a point about the nature of becoming what we despise. He’s projecting his internal struggle onto his victims.”
Hotch’s eyes darkened as he absorbed your analysis. “He sees himself as above society’s rules, above good and evil.”
“Exactly,” you replied. “This isn’t just about murder. It’s about the philosophical struggle of defining oneself beyond societal constraints. The unsub doesn’t see himself as evil; he sees himself as someone exploring the limits of human morality.”
Hotch leaned back, clearly impressed. “And what about this one?” He pointed to another crime scene photo. A quote from Kierkegaard was scrawled near the body: “Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.”
You stared at the quote, considering the implications. “Kierkegaard speaks about existential dread and the overwhelming responsibility of true freedom. By leaving this quote, the unsub is hinting at his own struggle with the concept of freedom, how it can be paralyzing, even deadly. His victims aren’t just casualties; they’re expressions of his own inner turmoil about freedom and choice.”
Hotch glanced at you, his expression thoughtful. “So he’s not just a killer, he’s using these murders to explore and express his own philosophical beliefs.”
“Right,” you said, feeling the thrill of the chase. “He’s trying to elevate his crimes to a form of existential art. Each murder is his way of grappling with these big ideas, like a twisted performance meant to provoke thought.”
Hotch studied you, clearly impressed. He’d expected insights, but your depth of understanding went beyond his expectations. “This angle is exactly what we need to get inside his head,” he said quietly.
You smiled, feeling both flattered and invigorated. “I can help. I mean, if you want me to. I’ve studied these philosophies for years: existentialism, nihilism, all of it. I think I can figure out what he’s trying to communicate and why he’s doing it this way.”
Hotch allowed himself another rare smile. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “So this was your idea all along? You knew I’d snoop.”
Hotch shrugged, looking far too pleased with himself. “I had a hunch. And I thought you might enjoy this one.”
The two of you spent the rest of the morning poring over the crime scene photos and quotes, dissecting the unsub’s motivations in a way that felt less like work and more like an intense intellectual duel. At one point, Hotch leaned in, pointing at a particular quote scrawled in blood at one of the scenes: “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”
“He’s obsessed with the idea of chaos and creation,” Hotch said thoughtfully. “He’s not just killing, he’s trying to create something.”
You nodded, your mind racing. “Nietzsche believed that from chaos comes creation: an artist’s need to disrupt the ordinary to bring something extraordinary into existence. The unsub sees himself as a kind of artist, but his canvas is human life. He’s trying to provoke a reaction, make a statement that only he believes in.”
Hotch’s gaze was sharp, but you could see the respect in his eyes. “He’s creating his own twisted masterpiece.”
“Exactly,” you said. “He’s redefining morality in his own terms, using his victims to express his philosophical journey.”
The hours flew by as you and Hotch continued to unravel the unsub’s mindset, bouncing theories off each other with a rhythm that felt natural. You had found a way to speak the same language, not just of profiling but of the deeper, darker corners of human thought.
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As the day wore on, the bullpen filled with the sounds of the rest of the team returning from their work. Rossi passed by your desks, noticing the two of you deeply engaged in discussion.
“Looks like you’ve finally found your match, Hotch,” Rossi said with a smirk. “She’s giving you a run for your money.”
Hotch didn’t look up from the file, but you could see the faintest hint of a smile on his face. “She’s good,” he said simply, but the pride in his voice was unmistakable.
Rossi raised an eyebrow at you, clearly impressed. “Well, don’t let him work you too hard. And Hotch, try not to steal all her ideas.”
You both laughed, knowing that this case had brought you closer as partners, not just colleagues. The connection between you and Hotch had deepened; it wasn’t just about early mornings or the rivalry anymore. It was about understanding each other on a level that few could reach.
“Thanks, Hotch. For letting me dive into this.” You smiled at him as you packed up for the day.
He nodded, his gaze lingering on you for just a moment longer than usual. “I didn’t just let you help. I needed you on this one.”
As you left the office together, the day’s work behind you, you felt the connection you’d built still very much alive. You were learning, growing, and with Hotch by your side, you felt like you could take on anything. And as you drove home that night, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Hotch felt the same way.
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The next morning, you walked into the office with a heavy sigh. The thrill of unofficially working with Hotch on a complex case filled with philosophical nuances had left you buzzing with excitement the night before, but today was a completely different story.
You knew what awaited you: a mountain of paperwork that had absolutely nothing to do with profiling or unraveling the twisted minds of criminals. Instead, it was the mundane side of the job: filing reports, cross-referencing witness statements, and all the bureaucratic tedium that no one warned you about when you signed up to chase unsubs.
As you approached your desk, your mood dipped even further. Sitting squarely in the center was a towering stack of files, the sight of which nearly made you sick. You let out a groan, dropping your bag on the floor and staring at the pile as if you could will it away with sheer force of will.
“Really?” you muttered to yourself, mentally preparing for a long and grueling morning. But as you reached for the first file, something odd caught your eye. The top sheet had been filled out, every line neatly completed in precise handwriting. You frowned, flipping through the next few files only to find the same, each one meticulously filled out, every detail recorded with the same practiced precision. It didn’t take long for you to recognize the writing: slanted slightly to the left, with the occasional sharp flourish, the unmistakable penmanship of a left-handed person.
It was Hotch’s.
Your heart skipped a beat as you rifled through the entire stack, realizing that all the paperwork had been completed. At the bottom of the pile, nestled beneath the last file, was a small note. You picked it up, already smiling as you recognized Hotch’s handwriting.
“Your philosophy degree helped me. Let my prosecutor years be helpful to you.”
You couldn’t suppress the laugh that bubbled up, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over you. He hadn’t just helped you out, he’d done it in a way that perfectly mirrored your new dynamic, a balance of give and take that was starting to feel natural.
You glanced up across your desk, Hotch was of course, engrossed in yet another case file, but you could tell by the way his shoulders were set that he knew exactly what he’d done and was just waiting for you to notice. You grabbed the note, determined to thank him but also to give him a hard time for beating you to the punch once again.
“Hey,” you said. Hotch looked up, and for a moment, the faintest hint of a smile touched his lips. You held up the note, shaking it lightly. “So, when did you decide to moonlight as my personal assistant?”
Hotch leaned back in his chair, his expression carefully neutral, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. “You looked like you had enough on your plate after yesterday,” he said simply. “Figured I could put my old skills to use.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Hotch, this would’ve taken hours. You really didn’t have to do all of this.”
“I know,” he replied, his tone casual but sincere. “But after all the philosophical guidance you gave me yesterday, I thought I’d return the favor. Call it a mutual exchange of expertise.”
You smiled, feeling warmth spread through you. “Well, thank you. Seriously. This is way above and beyond.”
Hotch nodded, but there was a playful edge to his voice when he spoke next. “Hopefully now you don’t hate lawyers as much.”
“Touché,” you said, grinning. “I guess you’ve proven that some lawyers can be... tolerable.”
Hotch gave a mock look of offense. “Tolerable? I’ll take it.” He paused, then added more seriously, “It’s not about winning, you know. At least, not in this line of work. It’s about finding the truth, even if it means doing the boring parts.”
“Yeah, I’m starting to see that” you admitted, still holding the note between your fingers. “Thanks for reminding me.”
You looked over the stack of completed reports, still impressed by how thorough Hotch had been. “Some of this paperwork was from cases I wrapped up a week ago. How did you know all the details? Did you just magically know what to write?”
Hotch leaned back in his chair, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. “What, you think you’re the only one entitled to snoop around your coworkers’ files?!”
You raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. “So you’ve been snooping on me? I thought that was my job.”
Hotch’s smirk widened, and he shrugged casually. “I learned from the best. You think I haven’t noticed you trying to catch a glimpse of my cases all this time?”
You couldn’t suppress the laugh that bubbled up. “I guess that makes us even.”
“Not quite,” he quipped, his tone teasing but his expression still composed. “I’m just better at not getting caught.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the edge of his desk. “Guess I’ll have to up my game then.”
Hotch chuckled, a rare and genuine sound that caught you by surprise. “Good luck with that. But seriously, I figured I’d save you some time. I know how much you the paperwork side of this job isn’t the most entertaining one.”
You nodded, appreciating the gesture more than you could express. “Well, I have to admit, you did a pretty good job... for a snooper.”
“Better than tolerable?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly amused by your earlier choice of words.
“Don’t push it,” you shot back with a grin. “But I’ll give you this: you’re pretty good at reading between the lines, even when it’s not a case file.”
Hotch nodded, his expression softening. “It’s all part of the job. And hey, if you ever need help with the paperwork again, just let me know. I don’t mind putting those old lawyer skills to use, once in a while.”
“Deal,” you said, pushing off his desk and heading back to your own. “But don’t think I’m going to let you get away with this kind of espionage forever.”
Hotch’s eyes sparkled with restrained laughter. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
He was already back to work, his usual intensity in place, but he looked up just long enough to catch your eye and give you a brief, almost imperceptible nod.
You nodded back, smiling. “Jokes apart, thank you, Hotch, really.”
“You’re welcome,” he said finally, his voice softer. “And if you ever feel like helping me out with another case like yesterday’s, just let me know.”
You gave him a playful salute. “Deal. But don’t think I won’t call you out when I catch you snooping through my files next time.”
Hotch’s eyes twinkled with restrained laughter. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
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Meanwhile Gideon leaned against the doorframe of Rossi’s office, watching his old friend sift through a case file with the kind of focused intensity that had made him a legend in the Bureau. But today, Gideon wasn’t there to discuss a case. He had noticed something recently, an unexpected but welcome development among the team, one that involved you and Hotch.
“Got a minute, Dave?” Gideon asked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
Rossi looked up, raising an eyebrow at the unusually cheerful tone. “For you, always. What’s going on?”
Gideon stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He glanced briefly through the blinds, catching sight of you and Hotch at your desks, deep in your usual quiet exchanges. “I’ve been watching Y/N and Hotch,” he began, leaning casually against the desk. “I have to say, I’m impressed. She’s only been here a few weeks, but they’ve already got something… special going on.”
Rossi smirked, setting his file down. “You mean the way she’s got him smiling at eight in the morning? Yeah, I’ve noticed. It’s like watching a miracle unfold.”
Gideon chuckled quietly. “I knew she was something special when I first saw her at the academy, but I didn’t expect her to click with Hotch so fast. They’re both pretty guarded, but when they’re working together... it’s like they’re speaking their own language.”
Rossi nodded thoughtfully, following Gideon’s gaze through the blinds. “They’re a good match. She challenges him in ways the rest of us don’t, and he’s bringing out something in her, too. You know, you were right to pair them up on that first case. You planned this, didn’t you?”
Gideon shrugged, a faint smile playing at his lips. “I had a feeling. Hotch needed someone who could challenge his perspective, shake up his routine a little. And she… well, I knew she’d benefit from his discipline, his way of grounding things when they get too abstract. Plus, I figured if they didn’t kill each other, they’d probably make a great team.”
Rossi leaned back, crossing his arms with a knowing grin. “I guess we both had our little plans, didn’t we? You remember that guy who used to sit at the desk in front of Hotch?”
Gideon raised an eyebrow, surprised by the turn of the conversation. “The one who suddenly had that one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead an undercover operation? That was you?”
Rossi’s grin widened. “Oh, yeah. He was a really good agent, an excellent one actually, but he was never really a fit for teamwork. I saw an opening and might’ve... nudged him in that direction. You kept going on about Y/N back then, about how her expertise in philosophy would be an asset to the BAU. You even gave me this whole rundown of her personality: sharp, quick-witted, not afraid to push back. I knew right then she’d be perfect for Hotch.”
Gideon laughed, shaking his head. “You sneaky son of a... You were setting this up long before she even started.”
Rossi nodded, a twinkle in his eyes. “You convinced me she’d bring something new, but I could see it wasn’t just about adding a fresh perspective. I saw the potential for something more, a partnership that would push both of them. So yeah, I cleared the way a little. Let’s just say the seating arrangements weren’t accidental.”
Gideon pointed a finger at Rossi, his face alight with amusement. “And you call me sly? You practically orchestrated the whole thing.”
Rossi chuckled. “I just gave them the stage. The rest? That’s all them.”
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Meanwhile, outside Rossi’s office, you spotted the two veteran profilers deep in conversation. You couldn’t help but smirk, seeing the perfect chance to tease Hotch about his painfully awkward first attempt to break the ice with you during your first field case together. An interaction so miserable that neither of you ever brought it up again, especially the bizarre conspiracy theory he tried to use as common ground. But you just couldn’t resist bringing back your old inside joke: the running gag that Rossi and Gideon were secretly an item.
You turned to Hotch, who was diligently working on another file, and without saying a word, you nodded your head in the direction of Rossi’s office. He glanced up, following your line of sight, and immediately caught on. With a slight raise of his eyebrow and a smirk playing on his lips, he leaned back in his chair, pretending to stretch but really angling himself to get a better view through the blinds.
“Can’t believe they’re still trying to keep it under wraps,” you whispered, your tone dripping with mock seriousness. “It’s like they think we’re not onto them.”
Hotch chuckled softly, surprised that you were bringing up that old joke again. He kept his voice low so as not to be overheard. “Clearly discussing anniversary plans. I bet Rossi forgot to book the romantic getaway Gideon’s been hinting at for weeks.”
You bit your lip to stifle a laugh, nodding along. “You’d think after all these years, Rossi would know better. Gideon’s a stickler for anniversaries.”
Hotch’s expression was one of pure mischief. “I swear, if Rossi starts another argument about their anniversary dinner being interrupted by Bureau business, I’m not sure even Gideon can save them this time.”
You shook your head, enjoying the playful back-and-forth. “Maybe that’s why Gideon looks so serious. He’s probably rethinking the whole relationship. Can’t be easy dealing with a partner who’s constantly prioritizing work.”
Hotch’s eyes twinkled with amusement as he added, “Gideon’s probably thinking about counseling, he’d better hope Rossi can handle it. You know how he gets about any ‘psychological mumbo jumbo.’”
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Inside Rossi’s office, Gideon continued, unaware of the playful scrutiny from outside. “So, we’re agreed then? We let them work together more often?”
Rossi nodded, smiling at the thought. “Definitely. They’ll keep each other sharp. Besides, it’s fun watching Hotch get flustered.”
Gideon laughed softly. “It’s not just fun, it’s necessary. I think we’re seeing something good here, Dave. They’ve got the makings of a great partnership.”
Back outside, you and Hotch continued your banter as you watched Rossi and Gideon converse through the glass. You turned to Hotch with a mock serious look. “You know, at this point, I’m half expecting them to make a grand announcement at the next briefing.”
Hotch nodded sagely, playing along. “It’ll be the talk of the office. I’m just waiting for the inevitable joint vacation request.”
You both laughed quietly, and for a moment, it was just you two, lost in the absurdity of your ongoing joke. It was moments like these that made the long hours and high stakes of the job more bearable, and as you glanced over at Hotch, you realized just how much you appreciated these little breaks from reality.
Hotch turned back to his work, but not before giving you one last, knowing smile. “You know, if this keeps up, we might have to start planning their wedding.”
You pretended to think about it, grinning. “Oh, I’ve already got the venue in mind. I’m thinking a quaint little spot in the woods, somewhere private, just the two of them.”
Hotch chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re too good at this.”
“And you’re just as bad,” you shot back playfully.
As you both returned to your respective tasks, the bond between you and Hotch felt stronger than ever.
Little did you know, the very pairing that had sparked your inside joke was also the one that had recognized your potential as a duo, quietly cheering you on.
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twinksrepository · 3 days
September prompt 18
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Rating: PG
Pairing: Diavolo X F!Reader
CW: Implied NSFW talk
Word count: Roughly .7K
A/N: Based on the prompt "Run"
Images belong to Solmare.
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As much as you enjoy running, there are times you regret it. Like this evening as you follow the path around the park near RAD and not too far from the usual path you and the brothers take to get to the school from the house of Lamentation. 
Instead of enjoying the chilled air and the music from your headphones in your ears you hear the steady breathing of your running partner. 
When he had first learned you liked to run for an hour every other day after school he decided to join you, and you couldn’t say no. Not with the way Lucifer had been staring you down like he was going to smite you from every level of existence if you gave an answer that was anything less than one hundred percent enthusiastic.
Now tonight as you take a turn, focusing on your long inhales through your nose as you exhale through your mouth you find it harder to pay attention. Between the two of you, the only sounds are your breathing, yet your eyes keep flicking to the demon prince beside you in a t-shirt and a pair of running shorts. 
Seeing him out of his RAD uniform isn’t anything new. It’s the way his skin is damp from the sweat building from his exertion, every time you run under a lamp it’s hard to miss the sheen on his tanned skin. Or the way his shirt is clinging to his body and revealing muscles that are normally hidden behind the layers of fabric that make up the bright red outfit. 
At least the two of you are on your final lap and he seems more focused on the run instead of trying to have a conversation. Something you very much can’t do while your feet are pounding into the ground. 
Seeing the starting point you had used you start to slow your pace, noticing Diavolo dropping back to remain beside you as you both reach the bench you had left your bag at. “I think my legs are on fire.” Panting as you dig around inside the fabric for the two water bottles you had thrown inside, handing one to Diavolo. 
“Ah, thank you!” Taking a sip before motioning with his hands towards the path you had just run on. “Shall we walk for a bit so your legs aren’t as on fire?” 
“Yes, otherwise I won’t be able to move tomorrow.” Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and putting the strap of your bag across your shoulders. As you set off on a leisurely stroll you find your eyes still darting to his form. “I hope I wasn’t too slow for you.” With his longer stride, you are wondering if he had found the pace to be below what he normally runs at. 
“Not at all! I found it rather refreshing.” Letting out a few of those booming laughs of his. “Perhaps I’ll join you more often.” Sending you a smile that has you wishing you were still running so you had an excuse about why your face was warming. 
“I think Barbatos would have something to say about the piles of paperwork you need to do.” Watching him flinch with water in his mouth is hilarious as a small spray bursts past his lips. 
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” 
“Oh, Diavolo” Laughing as you shake your head. “I’ve seen you try to crawl out a window to get away from those piles. I am not being held responsible by your butler for ignoring your duties so you can go run with me.” Not thinking as you blurt out the next part. “You’re too distracting all sweaty anyway.” 
“If that’s the case I can think of other things we can do that are just as good as a run that makes us sweaty.” You jerk to a stop as the burning along your cheeks rises to the tips of your ears as well, it’s hard to ignore what he’s implying. 
“Just keep walking mister.” Feeling your face grow even hotter as he lets out another one of those booming laughs of his, at least he keeps walking. 
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September 2024 Challenge Masterlist
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suashii · 9 months
hi friends :3 i am planning on getting some writing done today! anything you guys are looking forward to this sunday? whatever you get up to, i hope you enjoy the last day of the weekend ❤︎
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breadbrobin · 9 months
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[child of apollo reader, should be gender neutral]
i tried to write a summary but it sucked so: reader is a child of apollo and luke is always hanging around the infirmary with a new injury. you hate it (do you really?)
(this got so out of hand but im so obsessed with luke castellan rn it’s not even funny. like. help.)
warning: like one or two swear words, mentions of injuries and illness, fluff i think
word count: 1.2k
you’d never been a fan of luke castellan. you knew it, he knew it—hell, everyone at camp knew it.
but a little unfriendliness never stopped him.
children of apollo were meant to be warm and kind all the time, but you’d rather die before being happy-go-lucky all the time like your siblings. you’d rather do your job: healing the campers who injured themselves throughout the days at camp. you’d also rather those campers not include luke castellan for once, but not all wishes can come true.
scarcely a day could pass by without luke coming into the infirmary, or coming up to you elsewhere in camp if you weren’t there, with a minor injury that he insisted needed healing immediately.
“i just don’t think i can continue kayaking with a sprained ankle, y/n.”
“what if it was your knees you skinned? wouldn’t you want to get them healed so you could get back to arts and crafts?”
“if my cut finger isn’t healed as soon as possible i’ll have to sit capture the flag out tomorrow! yes, i know it’s a paper cut. that’s not the point!”
he really was ridiculous.
either way, you had to heal him, technically. at your heart, you were a good person. on the surface, you wanted to punch him. give him something to really cry about.
“y/n, your boyfriend’s here again.” one of your sisters, cassidy, called out to you as you checked the stock of bandaids.
you rolled your eyes, not even bothering to correct her. “what this time?”
“i just have the worst headache, doc. it’s killing me.” luke said dramatically, holding his forehead. the small grin on his face didn’t support his statement at all.
you turned around, eyes wide and face serious, but trying not to smirk. “oh no, you might have meningitis! if it’s the worst headache of your life, we should get to you a hospital so they can do a spinal tap and run some tests.”
the grin on his face faltered as you pulled him to a seat. “uh—“
“lie down. don’t move. i’m going to get chiron.”
he gripped your arm. “no, wait, i think—“
“you’ll be fine?” you turned around with raised brows. “yeah, thought so. drink some water, castellan.”
“what? you won’t be able to do sword fighting practise with a headache? big deal.”
“you need to stop coming in here every time you get bored. we’re not an entertainment space.”
“but, i really do have a headache. like. a migraine.”
you stopped and turned back around, dropping the bandages you had been organising. “oh. shit, i’m sorry. hold on.”
cursing yourself internally, you rushed off to get nectar to hopefully help, along with some painkillers and a bottle of chilled water. when you came back, luke was lying on the bed, eyes closed.
“you okay, soldier?” you patted his shoulder gently.
he cracked one eye open and nodded. “kind of.”
you gently pulled him to sit up. “come on. gotta get some meds in you. eat any food today? drink enough water?”
he shook his head as he sipped the nectar, his eyes squinted. “got busy.”
you shot him a disapproving look and he smiled guiltily. “you need to eat or you’ll die. do you want to die?”
he looked up at you with furrowed brows. “you don’t have a very good bedside manner, you know?”
“then why do you keep coming back here?” you went back to organising bandages, busying your hands.
“i like my doctors prettier than they are kind, honestly.”
you froze your movements and looked over at him. luke was smiling slightly. your cheeks weren’t turning red, you told yourself. they weren’t allowed to. “whatever,” you finally said. “take your meds, drink all of that water—sip it, don’t chug—then get some sleep, alright?”
he nodded, taking a sip of the water. “yes, doc. got it.”
you nodded at him firmly and walked off once he’d taken the painkillers, hoping he couldn’t see right through you.
luke hadn’t been to the infirmary in a week, and you were genuinely starting to get concerned.
every free moment you got, you were staring at the door, or out the window, waiting for him to come in with some stupid injury and even more stupid excuse. but he didn’t.
after watching you pace for the seventh time in one morning, cassidy groaned. “just go find him.”
“i’m sure he’s fine.” you said, wringing your hands. “i mean, he’s probably just busy.”
“just go. you’re stressing me out. i can’t get anything done with you filling the room with your nervous energy. go find your boyfriend.”
“luke’s not my boyfriend.”
“i never said who it was.”
“well, it was pretty obvious—“
“just go!” she threw a bandage at your head, effectively forcing you out the door.
you didn’t even know where he was.
camp was huge, so it took you around twenty minutes to find him, he sun glaring into your eyes and likely burning your cheeks. regardless, you were on a mission. finally, you spotted him in the arena. of course.
you watched for a while until he noticed you, standing in the shade with your eyes squinted in the sun and your arms crossed over your chest. he grinned and jogged over.
“hey, doc. what brings you here?” he asked, sheathing his sword.
your eyes followed the precise movement. “why haven’t you been to the infirmary?”
he shrugged. “i haven’t been injured.”
“didn’t stop you before.”
there was a silence.
then he smiled again. “did you miss me?”
your cheeks burned. “no!” you cleared your through awkwardly. “i just… i get… bored. and you… keep the monotony away.”
“you missed me.”
“i did not miss you.”
he leaned closer, rocking back and forth on his feet. “you missed me.”
you glared up at him, but couldn’t fight the tiny smile that forced itself on your lips. you shook your head, pressing your lips together tightly. “nope. didn’t miss you.”
“well,” he shrugged. “guess i don’t need to tell you that i did actually just hurt my hand while training, huh?”
you frowned. “are you aware that consuming as much nectar and ambrosia as you seem to want to will cause you to burn to a crisp?”
“i don’t need godly food if i have you as my doctor.” he smiled cheekily, clenching his fist then wincing. “seriously, though. it hurts.”
“aw, poor baby.” you pouted, leaning forward and placing your hand on his and trying to feel if there was any injury present.
before you could do anything, his fingers had interlocked with yours and he was stepping closer to you.
you looked up at him, heart pounding and cheeks burning. “what are you—“
“i don’t know what we can do for a date around here, but i’d love to take you on one, doc.” he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
you froze, heart fluttering. butterflies danced in your stomach. you found yourself nodding before you could stop yourself, smiling. “okay. yeah. take me on a date, soldier.”
“yeah?” he smiled, squeezing your hand. “great! i’ve been trying to work up the guts to ask you for weeks now. also, can i kiss you?”
“i’ve been trying to pretend i didn’t want you to ask me for weeks.” you said, stepping slightly closer to him. “also… yes.”
his free hand cupped your cheek and his lips pressed to yours, soft and sweet.
you wondered why you ever said you didn’t like him.
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markiemelon · 5 months
hiii, can you do something with jaemin? like a college friends to lovers?
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genre. fluff, crack 🍞
pairings. jaemin x gn!reader
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falling asleep at your friend!jaemin’s place wasn’t your intention.. yet, there you were, knocked out on the couch. you eventually woke up, disoriented and sore, while the smell of burnt toast polluted the air. on the other side of the open room, jaemin stood behind the kitchen counter, preoccupied with scraping char off the bread slices. he perked his head up once he heard you rustling around. “oh. you’re up.”
“what time is it?” you yawned, reaching for your phone, only to find it cold and dead.
“it’s like 10 or something—” his tone was casual, and it threw you off.
“jaemin!” you jumped to your feet. “i had a class at 9!” you continued, “i told you to wake me up if i ever fell asleep here again!” you ran to the bathroom, looking for the toothbrush jaemin got you last time.
his expression became one of shame, like a child being scolded by his mother. “i know, but you just looked so peaceful…”
this isn’t the first time this has happened. more often than not, jaemin invites you to hang out after class.. so you usually find yourself leaving with him to walk to his apartment… you just can’t get enough of him.
once you get there, you hope for a productive afternoon, maybe crank out some assignments. but instead, you end up talking to him all night. you’ll eventually glance at the ungodly hour on the clock, and think, "just 5 more minutes. i'll get going in 5 minutes." 5 minutes turns into 5 hours... and next thing you know, the sun is up, you've slept through all your alarms, and you're grabbing your things to rush out.
“i need to go home-” you pat your hands around the couch, looking for your purse, tossing around the blankets and pillows jaemin put on you while you were asleep.
“wait.” he interjected. “when’s your next class?”
“at 1… but i still have to go home and get dressed...” you sighed, slumping onto the stool at the kitchen island.
“you still have plenty of time to eat breakfast...” jaemin said, nudging over a plate of toast that was grilled to the point of no return.
“jaemin…” you laughed. “im not eating that.” you eyed the dish, and a chill went down your spine. “i’ll just have some cereal.” you helped yourself to his cabinets in a search for a more edible alternative.
sitting across from jaemin at the table, you crunched on your cereal while he picked at his burnt toast… his pride wouldn’t let him throw it out. “so do you wanna come over again later?” he waited for you to chew your food before you replied.
“jaemin, be for real.” you set down your spoon. “i can’t keep coming over on weekdays. i lose track of time and fall asleep.. i can’t keep doing that.”
“why not?” he said, mouth full. “why can’t you fall asleep here?”
“i don’t have my stuff here! no skincare, no clothes…” you counted a finger for each point you listed. “and by the time i wake up, im late, and i still have to go home and get ready...”
“well then.. why not just bring stuff to stay the night.” he cleared his throat. “pack your clothes and skincare and whatever… plus, you already have a toothbrush here.”
“do you want me to stay or something?” you took a sip of juice, eyes peeking over the cup.
“i just like having you around...” he picked at the toast some more, but had yet to actually taste it.
you thought for a moment. “yeah sure.” you shrugged, ignoring the way he just made your heart flutter.
“wait really?” he looked up from his plate.
“i mean… i guess it’s not a problem as long as i bring stuff to stay.” you said, getting up from your seat to go wash your bowl in the sink. jaemin followed right behind you and draped his arms over your shoulders, pulling your back into his chest. “then can you bring stuff to stay longer than 1 night?”
jaemin has always been a pretty affectionate friend, so you didn’t think much of the hug… “maybe i could stay until the weekend..”
“just until the weekend?” he squeezed you a little tighter.
but was he always this clingy?
“na jaemin, when did you get so clingy?”
“well these days, i…” he stopped himself.
“these days, you...?” you hummed, tugging on his arms that were still embracing you, urging for him to finish his sentence. you began swaying side to side ever so slightly. “let’s just stay like this for a minute.” he cooed, catching on to your rhythm, rocking in the silence. he really gave the best hugs. after a moment, he disrupted the stillness of the room. “move in with me.”
hearing him say that so bluntly made your heart drop. flustered, you turned around to face him, his arms now resting on your back. “all of a sudden?” you laughed.
“mm.” he nodded his head to agree, looking at you so endearingly. he gradually inched his face closer to yours, and you didn’t mind.
“yeah?” he answered, just inches away.
“are you trying to kiss me right now?” you teased, as your gaze wandered from his eyes to his lips.
“are you gonna let me?” he teased back. you couldn’t hold back your smile, and he basically took that as confirmation.
he didn’t have to lean in much more before his lips were touching yours. your eyes fluttered as his hands gently met your cheeks, even tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“what are we doing?” you whispered in between breaths.
“just enjoy it.” he reassured you.
and for some reason, his words really put you at ease. in that moment, you couldn’t help but enjoy it. you reconnected your lips, and let yourself fall more in love with your best friend than you already were.
his smile forced him out of the kiss. “so does this mean we can have breakfast together every morning?”
you scoffed at his remark. “maybe if you learn how to cook first…”
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@lovesuhng thanks so much for the request!!!! such a cute idea. hope you like it!!! (reqs always open)
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hynzsn · 3 months
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☆ choi seungcheol x male reader
꩜ .ᐟ fluff
contents: established relationship (boyfriends), playful!cheol, romance, swimming, pool, hotel pool, nighttime, teasing, kissing, underwater kiss, talk about alcoholic drinks (cocktail), cheol being whipped for his boyfriend!
wc: 1.1k
summary: seungcheol is so hyped to be at a fancy hotel with a pool, especially at night when it's all yours. you, his boyfriend, however, is perfectly content to lounge poolside. after some wheedling and puppy-dog eyes, seungcheol gets you into the water. but that's not all he wants - inspired by a certain scene in the bl you binged with him, seungcheol's been dying to try an underwater kiss... and he's not taking no for an answer.
♡︎♡︎♡︎ likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated ♡︎♡︎♡︎
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
the rooftop pool at the hotel glittered, an oasis of turquoise in the concrete jungle. seungcheol, already in his swim trunks, was practically vibrating with excitement. “babe, c’mon! you're taking forever!” he called from the doorway of your hotel room, where you were struggling to get the umbrella thing to stay in your cocktail. “chill, cheollie,” you chuckled, finally succeeding and taking a sip of your drink. “it’s not like the pool’s going anywhere.”
he pouted, leaning against the doorframe. “but i am. and i’m about to yeet myself into that water if you don’t hurry up.” you laughed, grabbing your towel. “okay, okay. i’m coming.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
seungcheol wasted no time cannonballing into the water, he’d been dying to take a dip in the hotel’s ridiculously lavish pool all day, and now under the soft glow of the moon, he was living his best life. you, on the other hand, were perfectly content to admire the view from dry land. you watched from your lounger, a bemused smile on your face, your cocktail glass clutched in one hand as you took occasional sips. “you look like a kid in a candy store, cheol,” you chuckled, leaning back and enjoying the warm summer air.
seungheol paused mid-paddle, his hair a damp curtain around his face. “and you,” he pointed an accusing finger, “look like you’re about to fall asleep on that sunbed.”
“it’s a lounger,” you corrected, though the threat of sleep wasn’t entirely innacurate. the day had been long, filled with sightseeing and indulging in far too much delicious food. he pouted, his usual sunshine grin replaced with something far more dangerous–puppy dog eyes. “babe… join me? pretty please?”
you sighed dramatically, “cheol, you know i’m not exactly a water baby like you.”
he grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “that’s why i’m here to protect you,” he announced, puffing out his chest playfully. “your very own personal lifeguard.” you laughed, shaking your head at his antics. he was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, and yet…you couldn’t deny the pull you felt towards him, towards the pure joy radiating off him like heat from the sun. “fine,” you relented, pushing yourself off the lounger. “but if i turn into a scaly lizard from all this chlorine, you're taking me to the spa."
"deal," he said, holding out his hand. you took it, letting him pull you into the water. the shock of the cool water against your skin took your breath away, and you instinctively clung to seungcheol, who laughed and wrapped his arms around you.
"see? not so bad, is it?" he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple. you shook your head, burying your face in the crook of his neck, trying to hide your blush. "shut up and hold me."
he laughed again, the sound echoing softly in the stillness of the night. he held you close, his warmth a comforting presence against your skin. you relaxed into his embrace, the gentle rocking of the water lulling you into a sense of peace.
“you’re lucky you’re cute,” you mumbled. “cute?” he feigned offense, his grip tightening playfully. “i’ll have you know i’m devastatingly handsome.” you laughed, the sound echoing across the silent pool area “devastatingly cheesy, more like.”
he chuckled, a low rumble that vibrated against your skin. for a moment, you simply floated there, content in the silence, the only sound the gentle splash of water and the steady beat of seungcheol’s heart beneath your ear. then, as if struck by a sudden thought, seungcheol pulled back slightly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “remember that show we watched?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
you raised an eyebrow. “which one? we binge-watch way too many shows, cheol.” he rolled his eyes playfully. “the one with the guys at the pool? and the, you know…” he trailed off, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.
you knew exactly what he was talking about. you’d binged the new bl that came out together a few weeks back, and let’s just say a certain underwater kiss scene had left a lasting impression on your boyfriend.
“don’t even say it,” you warned, though a smile tugged at your lips.
“but babe,” he whined, his lower lip jutting out in a pout that should be illegal. “it’ll be fun! romantic! we can pretend we’re, like, in a movie or something.”
you sighed. trying to resist seungcheol when he was like this was like trying to outrun a hurricane—futile and frankly, a little bit pointless.
“fine,” you conceded, already knowing you were fighting a losing battle. “but if we swallow half the pool, i’m blaming you.” he grinned, his eyes lighting up like a kid on christmas morning. “okayy!”
he leaned down, his lips brushing against yours. “ready?” he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. you took a deep breath, nodding slowly. he grinned, and then, with a gentle push, he pulled you both beneath the surface.
the world went quiet, the sounds of the night replaced by the muffled rush of water. tiny bubbles, like sparkling diamonds, danced upwards as you both opened your eyes, the chlorine stinging slightly but not unpleasantly. seungcheol’s eyes, wide and bright, met yours. he was smiling, a wide, goofy grin that made your heart melt. and then, slowly, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was soft, sweet, and surprisingly breathtaking.
it was clumsy, a little awkward, and absolutely perfect.
seungcheol broke the kiss first, gasping for air and shaking his head like a wet dog, sending droplets of water flying. he grinned, his cheeks flushed and his eyes sparkling, as he watched you emerge beside him. you came up sputtering, hair plastered to your forehead, a mix of laughter and disbelief bubbling out of you. "cheollie!" you shrieked, playfully shoving at his shoulder. “i totally swallowed water, you owe me a drink!"
he chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer, uncaring of the fact that you were both dripping pool water everywhere. "worth it," he declared, pressing a quick kiss to your temple, his smile wider than you'd ever seen it.
you couldn’t help but agree.
maybe, just maybe, being seungcheol’s water baby wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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ahqkas · 4 months
Mattheo with a s/o who can get easily sick. Like she would have a small cough that soon turns into a blown out flu and it always makes him worried. She tells Mattheo that’s it’s normal for her to get sick and he is just like “..I’m shoving vitamin gummies down your throat”. Just pure overprotective Mattheo trying to help her immune system! 💕
TAKING CARE OF YOU ; mattheo riddle
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© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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THE CASTLE WAS CHILLED WITH THE WINTER FROST, the stone walls holding onto the cold and the window were painted with various of pretty ornaments. It was cold, the snow reddening the students’ cheeks wherever they went. Especially your cheeks.
You had started with a small cough, just a tickle in the back of your throat. Within a day, it had escalated into a full blown flu. You were used to it — your immune system had always been weaker than most — but that didn’t mean it was any less miserable.
Huddling in your dormitory, wrapped in layers of warm and cozy blankets, your nose throbbed and your nose ran wildly. The world outside was covered by its own blanket, this one white and gray, making you suffer in the dorm. You could be in the snow if it wasn’t for your stuffy nose. A small, pitiful sneeze escaped you. and you signed, ready to suffer like this for the next week or so.
Mattheo Riddle, your beloved boyfriend, had been keeping a close eye on you since the moment he found out you got ill. His worry was evident on his face with the way his dark eyes lingered more than usually and his brows furrowed, creating frown lines between them. Now, he was sitting on the edge of your bed as he watched you try to drink a cup of hot tea he made the house elves bring you.
“You should have told me it was getting worse,”he muttered, the tone of his voice a mix of irritation and concern.
Offering him a weak smile, you took a sip of the herbal tea, trying not to let out a wince at its taste. It wasn’t really enjoyable but it had the healing effects you desperately needed. “I didn’t want to bother you. Besides, I’m used to it. I always get sick like this.”
The Slytherin’s frown deepened, his expression darkening. “Just because it’s normal for you doesn’t mean it’s okay. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.”
“I’m not alone,” you pointed out to him, reaching for his hand that rested next to your thigh and gave him a squeeze. “I have you.”
The look of worry on his face softened a little bit as he looked down at your intertwined fingers. “That’s right. And I’m going to make sure you get better. No more of this ‘normal’ nonsense. I’m showing those vitamin gummies you own down your throat if I have to.”
You laughed, which quickly turned into a coughing fit. Mattheo’s frown returned before he stood up from the bed, hand reaching towards your nightstand where he knew you kept all the supplies you needed during times like these. He picked up a bottle of vitamin gummies and shook it pointedly in front of your face.
“Open up,” he commanded, already holding out a gummy for you to take.
You rolled your eyes lightly but complied to his demand request, knowing better than to argue with him when he was in worrying mode. He handed you a gummy, making sure you chewed and swallowed it.
“Are you happy now?” you asked, voice muffled by the blanket you had pulled up to your chin as you brought your knees against your chest.
“Not until you’re feeling better. I hate seeing you like this.”
“I hate being like this,” you admitted, sniffing into the warm fabric. “But you’re making it a lot more bearable. Thank you, love.”
He sat back against the edge of the bed, this time closer to you as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Just focus on getting better, okay? I’ll take care of the rest.
For the next few days, Mattheo was relentless in his care. He brought you meals and snacks from the Great Hall, made sure you took your vitamins, and brought you school work you had missed (he started taking notes for you). He checked on you between classes, and when he wasn’t physically with you, he sent you messages through enchanted notes and owls to make sure you were drinking enough fluids and resting.
One evening, after a particularly nasty fit of coughing, you found yourself in tears, frustration and exhaustion taking their toll on you. The Slytherin was there in an instant, pulling you into his arms despite your protests about getting him sick. He couldn’t care less.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he murmured, his voice soothing as he rubbed you back in comforting movements. “You’re going to be okay. I promise.”
You buried your face in his shoulder, grateful for his warmth and comfort. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I hate being like this.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he said, holding you tighter. “I’m here for you, no matter what.”
A kiss to your forehead and his gentle humming were enough to lull you into sleep in your boyfriend’s warm embrace.
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writtenbyjeanofarc · 11 months
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Dark fantasy, yandere, a bit of fluff.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Alucard X You (the reader)
𝖘𝖞𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖘𝖎𝖘: Just a little one-shot scenario between you and affectionate, but yandere Alucard snuggled up in bed. The time takes place after sex. After refusing to cuddle with him, he spirals into a feeling of bloodlust as he gets himself ready to mark you as his.
𝖈𝖜: Blood drinking, if that counts. A bit of dubcon even though there isn’t really smut for this fic, and slight degradation (he calls you his pet).
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊: Hello again, readers. So I’m back with a new fic and despite not uploading for a couple of weeks due to mental health reasons and school, I’m going to post this new fic I made which is a part of a series!
YANDERE PROMPT LIST BY: @writeformesinpie
PROMPT: “I can never get enough of you. I’ll drink you down to the last sip.”
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“A-Alucard….Just five more minutes…please….”
It was about nine o’ clock in the morning when all curtains were closed to prevent sunlight from penetrating through the glass windows.
….And there you were in bed, bare naked with the touch-starved vampire himself, your body shivering at the cold touch of your respective “lover.” Alucard was trying to cuddle you, to which you tried avoiding.
“You’ll take whatever’s been given to you, dear. You must lie with the beast before you who has been craving your touch for as long as a thousand years.”
“There you go again with your silly monologues, Alucard. Just let me be as I sleep, alright? I’m tired. You might as well kill some peasants outside or do your necessary duties for the day….just leave me be-”
A loud sound was heard as Alucard flipped you over.
You couldn’t believe your eyes as Alucard landed on top of you, pinning you down to the king-sized bed as his eyes glowed a bright shade of red. The look on his face intimidated you like a hungry wolf cornering its prey, his lips forming a smug smirk. You wanted to….no, you needed to run to a safe place where you could feel a bit of comfort. The look he’s been giving you was unlike his previous deed of cuddling your smaller figure.
Alucard let out a small chuckle.
“Cat got your tongue, darling? Judging by your current state, there won’t be another time where you’ll refuse my orders.”
“But, Alucard, we’re-” you attempted to protest.
“We’re not what?” Alucard asked, tilting his head. “Not together?” He laughed in retaliation to your bewildered facial expression. Leaning closer to your ear, you felt chills run down your spine as he whispered intimately. “Very well, let me clue you in. Your blood is mine, in fact, your entire being is mine by the time I’ll have myself inside you. Sir Integra has chosen you to become my one and only pet whom I shall swear to protect with my very own life. You are far too fragile to let go. Let this moment consume your soul. Give yourself to me, and don’t look back.”
“Alucard…..please…” you whimpered. “I only agreed to sleep with you because….because…..!!!”
“Such a precious, sensitive little thing.”
His mouth opened wide and bit down aggressively on your neck, drawing blood. You moaned loudly in return, trying to push away Alucard’s huge figure off of you. Your efforts to let yourself free were pointless, as he took advantage of your arms by grabbing your wrists and keeping them in place.
Alucard started to suck the blood out of your neck, leaving bruises and hickeys around it. He surely was doing all this for his own pleasure, so as to leave you aching for more. And boy, were you feeling real good.
“A-Alucard!!! I….I thought…you just wanted…a hug…..”
“Hm? I've changed my mind. From now on, what I want from you is something more sinister, something animalistic and disgusting to the untrained eye. I can never get enough of you, I’ll drink you down to the last sip. I have fallen for you, pet. Show a little gratitude for someone as powerful as I have swallowed their pride just to love and protect you dearly with all my strength.”
“I appreciate it, but….”
“Has your pride gotten the best of you, dear? After we got our freak on the previous night? I bet it didn’t. Just admit how you developed feelings for me.”
“Oh, no! That’s not the case! I-” you stammered.
“Ah, so you still refuse to admit your feelings, hm? Very well, I’ll show you how desperate of a mess you’ll be once I bend you over.”
It was too late. You and Alucard were about to spend the whole morning going at it until night, leaving you with no choice but to spend time with the creature who has lusted for you since Integra has chosen you as his pet.
There was no turning back.
It was about to be a long day.
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redstarwriting · 1 year
bestie | hobie’s version
black cat!fem! reader becoming besties with Hobie
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request?: yes LMAO
request: continuation of my original fic “bestie”
requested by: literally everyone omg
word count: 2.8k
genre: platonic and chaotic
warnings:  language, stealing, monarchy slander, mentions of homelessness, knives, a sword
a/n: ok y’all, i thought of a way to continue this post as a series. maybe i’ll make a ‘bestie’ masterlist? 
The friendship between you and Hobie formed fast. So fast. Faster than Miguel expected, even. You and Hobie literally became best friends immediately. He fucked with your attitude, which you knew already, but when he learned what you do? Best friends. “So, let me get this right, mate, you’re a global superstar—”
“But you steal from the rich—”
“And you give to the poor—”
“Like some kinda famous Robin Hood?”
“Precisely,” you nod and he raises an eyebrow at you. The two of you are chilling in your penthouse apartment in a building that you own. He’s mindlessly strumming on his guitar, looking out at Nueva York from your balcony/rooftop, and questioning you. He thinks you’re cool, but he can’t help but be weary of sitting in such an expensive place. “Love the sentiment, really do, but ain’t bein’ a superstar… counteractive to all ‘at?” you shrug. “The majority of my money goes back to charities. I keep some of it, obviously, but I prefer giving back.” You lean back against a chair. “Besides. I grew up with nothing and basically no one. Feels kinda nice having a place like this.” “I guess, but donthca think buyin’ the ‘ole buildin’ was a bit overkill?” “No, actually. I pay for everything in this building and let homeless kids and teens in need, like me at that age, live in the rest of it free of charge,” you explain, taking a sip of your water. He stops strumming his guitar. “‘Scuse me?” you look over at him to see him staring at you with a look of disbelief in his eyes. You chuckle. “Don’t look so shocked. I like giving back, that’s the least I could do. Besides, I have a soft spot for kids being on the streets like that. No child deserves to suffer like that,” you explain and he shakes his head. As someone who was homeless as a child and well into his teenage years, hearing you say that actually makes him respect you loads more. “You should talk to some of the rich assholes in my world. Talk some sense into ‘em,” he mumbles, and you shake your head. “Rich people are inherently assholes.”
“You’re rich.”
“And I’m inherently an asshole. Self-awareness is key, Hobart,” you say and he rolls his eyes. “Not like ‘em assholes, though. They parade ‘round their wealth, pretendin’ the citizens in the city ain’t dyin’, starvin’… always stickin’ the pigs on us like we ain’t worth nothin’,” he mumbles, and you frown. “They’re lucky they have someone like you to stand up to them,” you say, and he nods. “Bloody right. ’s what I do. But there’s always a new person who gets in the way after I take down the first one,” he sighs, beginning to pick at the strings of his guitar again. You hum in agreeance. “Heard you bashed Norman Osborn’s head in with that guitar.”
“I did. It was bloody brilliant. But ‘en, after ‘im, these new Nazis showed up. Don’t even get me started on the new fuckin’ PM now,” he groans, and you shake your head. “Governments are ass. And I come from a non-monarchy. Can’t even imagine what yours is like,” you mumble and he frowns. “After I got rid of Norman, the new Prime Minister stepped in. Got rid a’ one evil and gave another one a open invitation.”
“At least you got rid of one of them. You’ll get the other one in time.”
“As much as I want ‘at to be true, I got the crown to worry ‘bout. Spewin’ all their rubbish to everyone, distractin’ ‘em all from the real issues goin’ on with their fancy jewels and blood money,” he stopped playing again, using his hands to show his disgust to you. “Jewels, you say? Money?” you smirk, and he rolls his eyes. “Is ‘at all ya got from ‘at, ya bloody klepto,” he asks, and you shrug. “Not all. Large portion. What do you say we fuck with them?” you suggest, and he raises an eyebrow at you. “And ‘ow d’you reckon we do ‘at?”
“Well, I, for one, am partial to the jewels and money you mentioned,” you grin at him, and he cocks his head to the side. “You wanna steal the crown jewels? Mate, I ‘ate to break it to ya but it’s not just one jewel. Or money. It’s a collection of shit.”
“And? You act like I’m a beginner at this shit,” you say, snorting and finishing your water. He smirks. “Serious?”
“Would I ever joke about making rich assholes panic?” you grin, taking your sweatshirt off to reveal your catsuit. You slip on your gloves and wink at him. “Let’s go, mate,” you imitate his accent and he jumps up, opening the portal to his world. “You got a plan?” he asks as the two of you enter, and you shrug. “Not necessarily, but they won’t even know I’m there.”
“Cocky, ain’t we?” Hobie teases and you giggle, shrugging. “I’m good at what I do.” “The jewels are protected. And on display. Dunno ‘ow you plan to get ‘em, but I’m excited to see it ‘appen,” he says as you step foot in his flat. You grin. “I have my ways. I say we hit it when it’s like 2am. Which luckily for us is in… right now, actually.”
“Ain’t this late gonna be expected?”
“Yes. I love a challenge,” you smirk and he shakes his head. “You’re mental.”
“But you like it.”
“Love it. No one ever actually wants to do shit like this with me,” he says and you shake your head. “Can’t imagine why. This is about to be so fun,” you smirk, and he nods, giving you a fist bump. “So just ‘ow are wee expectin’ this to go down? Am I meant to come inside with ya?,” he asks and you shrug. “Didn’t expect you to, honestly. Figured you’d be distracting the cops so I can get in there anyways,” you explain and he nods. “I can do ‘at. If I’m lurkin’ round the guards’ll ‘ave a fit.”
“Your accent gets thicker when you’re home, how is that even possible?” you say your thoughts out loud, and he rolls his eyes. “What is it with all of you and my accent. ’s just the way I talk,” he grumbles, and you laugh. “Because you get so annoyed by it. At least that’s why I do it,” you say, and he shakes his head. “No wonder Miguel ‘ates you.”
“Hey! He doesn’t hate me! He just strongly disapproves of all of my life choices and urges me not to speak to him most of the time,” you feign offense, and Hobie holds his hands up in surrender. “Now, where are these jewels held?” you ask looking out at the city through his window. He looks out, pulling his mask on. “Tower of New London. They moved the most important pieces overseas so the new Queen could ‘ave a second coronation over ‘ere. ‘ave ‘em on display for the public to see. Make money off it,” he explains and you scoff. “That’s fucking stupid. Are you sure they’re real?”
“Oh, yeah. No doubt. Like I said, they love flauntin’ their wealth,” he says, and you grimace. “Gross. Can’t wait to take them,” you say with a smirk. “Need a lift, love?” he asks, holding his arm out for you to grab onto him. “Would love one, mate, thanks for offering.” You wrap your arms around his neck, and he grips onto you. He jumps out of his window, webbing to the New Tower of London which looks a bit out of place in the cityscape belonging to New London, but you can see why they hold the jewels here. “It’s like a small castle,” you mumble, and Hobie nods. “Fuckin’ annoyin’ ‘ow everythin’ ‘as to be so over the top,” he says as the two of you land in an alleyway across the street, hidden in the shadows. You scope out the place. “You weren’t kidding. Guards are everywhere,” you mumble and he nods. You point to a part of the castle that isn’t well-lit, a wall on the side of one of the watch towers. “We can climb that,” you say, and he nods. “Time to go make the wankers freak,” he says, and the two of you sneak over. The two of you scale the wall of the walkway surrounding the main part of the tower undetected, making your way to the wall you pointed out earlier. You use your claws to climb up while Hobie uses his spider powers.
You hoist yourself up onto one of the platforms, ducking down and hiding behind a wall to figure out what your next move is. Hobie was right beside you. “I think… this might be where we part,” you whisper, and he nods. “Don’t die, yeah? Lotta paperwork I don’t feel like doin’,” he says before swinging away to distract the guards. You scoff. You watch as guards run off in the direction he was spotted in and make your move. You run to the wall of the next building, climbing it and hiding from the guards on the top of the roof. You quickly sneak to the other side of the roof, only to see that the middle of the castle is connected to nothing. “So that’s why they call it a fucking tower,” you mumble, scaling down the side of the wall and into the grassy lawn.
You assess the situation. You know there are guards in those watchtowers, but that would probably be the easiest and most efficient way for you to get in. You just need them to be distracted enough for you to run across the lawn and over to one of them. As if on cue, you hear Hobie play a chord. Loudly. You smile to yourself. Perfect.
You sprint across the lawn, being sure to stay as shrouded by shadow as you can, and luckily for you multiple guards are on edge and running to wear the guitar noise came from. You hear them calling Hobie some… choice words and chuckle. He’ll be so happy to know they hate him so much. You quickly start to scale up the watchtower, looking out just in case a guard might see you.
You were in the clear.
You reach the top, quietly peering into the tower, and see a guard looking out of the opposite window. You climb through the window you’re in front of, not making a sound, before sneaking past the guard. You quietly hurry down the stairs, and peer through a large archway. You search for cameras, pulling out your small throwing knives to break them if needed. You spot two, hitting them with deadly correct aim. You scoff, sneaking out and making your way to some large double doors. They’re locked, of course, so you use your claws. You pick the lock, quietly pushing it open and slipping through. Sure enough, your intuition was right, and now you’re in the room with probably billions or trillions of dollars. You glance around to see if there are any guards inside the room. None. Strange. “Come to mama,” you mumble, taking out a vial of chalk dust and blowing it. Yep. Lasers. That’s fine.
You start crawling, flipping, and sliding your way through the lasers, collecting a few gemstones, a staff, an all-gold orb with a crown on it, a giant fucking diamond, and finally, a purple crown endowed with gold and jewels. You collect them one by one, placing them in a bag you have laying where the lasers start. You shake your head. Relying on lasers is never a good idea for people trying to protect their things. For you? Amazing. You sneak back out, closing the door and glancing around. You hear the faint noise of screams and an electric guitar. Hobie’s still got them distracted. Good.
You run up the way you came. This was almost too easy, but then again, you are skilled at what you do. Too bad your dumbass forgot there was a guard up here. “Oi!”
“Oh! Hi, there. If you don’t mind, I’ll just be on my way,” you say, slinking towards a window. Unluckily for you, he pulls out a sword. Though he does have a gun, so… guess it could be worse? “I’m like, totally not telling you that I’d prefer the bullets… but why a sword when you have that?” you say as he takes a swipe at you and you dodge it. He doesn’t respond, and you frown. “I heard you speak earlier, bro. I know you can,” you backflip away from him, tossing the jewels to the side and getting ready to fight. “Seems a little… redundant, you know? Like why even carry a gun if you’re not gonna use it.”
“Pipe down, cow,” he growls as you continue dodging his attacks. “Well, now, that just wasn’t very nice. Clearly, no one has ever raised you to treat women with respect,” you say, using your claws to catch the sword in your hands. His eyes widen as you yank the sword away from him. You kick him in the side of the head, disorienting him before swiping his legs out from underneath him. He falls down, hard, and you stick a loose part of his uniform with his sword into the bricks below him. “Would love to stick around and chat, but I have some jewels to sell.” You wave, picking up your bag and leaping out of the window, using your claws to slide down the wall. You sprint across the lawn, being careful to stay in the shadows, and make your way back out to the wall you and Hobie climbed earlier. You lay low, hoping that Hobie can deduct you’re done and give you a quick getaway, but it’s never that easy. You slide down the wall again, hearing the commotion of the guards starting to race around and search the perimeter, so you stay hidden. You make your way back across the street and into the alley that you and Hobie were in earlier. You send him a quick message on your watch before climbing up one of the buildings.
You watch as across the street chaos ensues. And you smirk to yourself knowing that you have the riches of a family that never deserved them. You hear a familiar voice screaming, “What?! Ya didn’t like the show! I played jus’ for you bloody lot, ’n ‘is is ‘ow ‘m repaid?!”
You shake your head as Hobie lands next to you, pulling you behind the door that leads into the building the two of you are on top of. “We should definitely run,” you say, waving the bag towards him and he nods. “Right,” he says, pulling you into him and webbing away again. You lose the guards, and he quickly ducks into his flat. You roll into the room whereas he lands perfectly, and there’s a silence that falls between the two of you. You turn your head to look at him and give him a big smile. “Think I can return any of this shit to the original owners?”
“What ‘ave you got?” he asks, dumping out the bag. He pulls his mask off, genuine shock on his face. “You got it all?!”
“I told you. I’m good at what I do,” you say, picking up the giant diamond. You gasp. “No fucking way. This is—”
“The Koh-I-Noor,” Hobie laughs, picking up the crown and inspecting it. “Bloody tosser wore this on ‘er ‘ead the other day. Now it’s in my ‘ands,” he smiles, tossing it to the side with no regard for caring for it. You hear the heavy gold thump on the ground and shake your head. “How much you think all this’ll go for?”
“Mate, this shit is priceless. I can’t wait to see the look on Pavitr’s face when we show ‘im you got the Kah-I-Noor,” Hobie shakes his head, and you grin. “Well, let’s get it back to my place, yeah? I can display it and the best part is these assholes here will never find any of it.”
“Lead the way, love.”
You enter through a portal into your home, typing a code into a painting that opens like a door. You allow Hobie to see your treasure room. He’s honestly kind of stunned. You have so many priceless artifacts in here. It’s impressive. “Mate. You are cool as fuck. Jus’ thought ya should know ‘at,” he mumbles, picking up an emerald the size of his head. You chuckle. “I know, Hobie. Now, let’s get this diamond to Pav, shall we?”
As soon as Miguel got the notification that there was disrupt in Hobie’s universe due to someone stealing the Crown Jewels, he had to take a walk.
He was stressed.
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st4rychnine · 6 months
Cheating Spree ★ Suguru Geto
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mature content!
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you can't feel anything anymore; the rain seems to have washed everything away. it soaks through your clothes, chilling you down to the bone, yet you don't care, you can't. you're done caring, you're tired. 
you sigh, finally pausing your long walk to look up at the darkened sky, pouring rain as if it was weeping for you.
then you realize. you're in front of gojo and geto's shared apartment. you gasp, sigh, and think… this was as good a time as any. despite the fact that you're literally a dripping wet mess, you're going to break up with satoru.
when you ring the doorbell, it's suguru that answers.
at a hulking five foot eleven, bulging muscles, obsidian eyes, and unending miles of dark hair, you swear on your life that suguru geto is the most attractive man you'd ever seen. and here he was, standing before you in nothing more than grey sweatpants. 
"you alright? why're you standing in the rain like that; wanna come in?" his voice is low, husky, sexy. you stammer while trying to answer.
"I– is…" you swallow, clear your throat. "Is satoru home? There's… something I'd like to… talk to him about. briefly." it takes everything in you to keep your eyes trained on his.
oh man. when you say the man was built like a Greek God, you meant it. but it was an awful time to thirst over your ex's best friend. even though he was leaning against the door frame without a single care in the world. even though you could clearly see that sexy trail of hair, stretching all the way from his lower abdomen and disappearing into his sweatpants.
holy fuck. 
suguru hums and meets your eyes, amusement dancing in the obsidian depths. then he shakes his head. "nah, I should be asking you that though. earlier, he told me that he was going on some bar date with you, so. unless…” then it dawns on him.
you thought you were behind feelings, but you couldn't stop the small twinge of pain in your chest that your boyfriend was away screwing other girls and lying to his best friend that he was out with you.
it sucked.
you blink at the news, then sigh, resigned. "alright. I'll… be on my way then."
just as you turn around, ready to leave, he stops you with a call of your name. "I don't think you should be out in this weather. come on in. you can stay the night."
you don't have the strength to disagree. 
in about fifteen minutes, you've settled on the couch in one of suguru's old shirts, swathed in blankets with a cup of steaming coffee warming your hands.
suguru's at the kitchen counter, whipping up something small for himself.
the coffee doesn't do it for you. you need something stronger; something to make you forget. "geto? do you happen to have any alcohol on you?”
“uh… I think so. should be somewhere,” he says, opening and closing a few cupboards until he hits the jackpot. he gets out a tall bottle, tinted a dark black, and pops it open. he pours the contents into two glasses, then turns around, hands you one filled with a bromine-coloured liquid.
you accept it gratefully, downing half the glass in a single gulp. 
it's liquid fire, leaving you wincing as it slides down your throat. liquid fire, but it tasted lovely. it had an orange-like flavour with a slightly bitter undertone. "it's nice." you say, and it's true.
suguru smiles. "I know – it's our most expensive." he takes a sip of his drink.  “you can sleep in Satoru's room. I don't think he'll be returning tonight.”
you shake your head, a pang striking your chest. “I'd rather sleep on the sofa.” you say matter-of-factly. 
he hums in response.  “you can take my bed then. i’ll take the sofa.” 
again, you shake your head, insisting on the sofa. the last thing you wanted to do was to make the poor guy uncomfortable. he's already being such a darling, helping out a brokenhearted girl. you didn't want to inconvenience him any further. 
but that's technically what you end up doing because he insists, and you're unable to argue. you down the rest of your drink and hold out your glass for another.
while refilling the glass, Suguru asks, “so… do you want to watch a movie?”
you don't say no.
you end up watching some stupid fucking horror movie, which left you practically trembling against suguru, covering your face and peeking between your fingers.
you hadn't expected it to be this scary. it was a movie that had always been on your to-watch list, and now, you absolutely regret choosing it. it's interesting, but definitely won't leave you with peace of mind for the next few days.
“sorry…” you murmur, voice pitched high and slurred from the alcohol. “I don't do well with horror movies.”
suguru laughs, eyes glued to the screen. “why’d you pick it, then?”
“I don't knowwwww!” you cry, flinching at a scene and covering your eyes. God knows you might share suguru’s bed with him tonight. no, not in that way. “i didn't know it was this scary!”
“it's not even that scary,” he says, still chuckling.
“yeah, maybe to you! we're sharing your bed!” you cling onto his arm, burying your face in his shirt.
“really?” he smirks, and your face burns at the implied meaning. “fine, but you've gotta watch it.”
you shake your head, no.
“please?” suguru asks, trying to pry your hands away from your face. they don't budge. “aw, come on! its only fun if we watch it together!”
“I'm not here to have fun!”
“but you should, regardless of your purpose.” he tries to pry your fingers away from your face, and finally, you give in.
the rest of the movie is spent with you clutching at Suguru for a dear life and screaming, especially when unnecessary. 
by the time the movie is over you're a mess, laughing with tears running down your face. “ne– never again!” you half-sob.
he pats your head. “don't worry, you did good. at least you enjoyed it, yeah?”
you sniff and turn away.
he calls your name. twice. you refuse to answer though, feigning mock anger. although he probably deserves it genuine after forcing you to watch that stupid fucking movie. its your fault though, technically. you shrug and scoff.
Suguru decides in that moment. he's going to fuck you. being honest, he's always wanted to. and now, he's got a chance. he'll take it. oh and, he wanted to piss satoru off. it was well deserved. so once more, he calls you. 
you turn to him, pupils blown wide in the reflected television light, lips wet. damn, he wanted those around his cock.
he shifts closer to you; your lips are almost touching. you have no idea when the energy around the two of you changed.
"you want revenge on Satoru, yeah? well, I've got a plan." he mummurs huskily, his lips brushing yours. 
"wh– what is it?"
"let me fuck you." then he smashes his lips on yours.
the kiss is unlike anything you've ever experienced before – with satoru or otherwise – and, oh boy, you loved it. your lips are pried open, your tongue dancing with his in the most sloppy, lewd kiss you've ever partaken in. 
you know it's wrong. I mean– you're technically cheating on your boyfriend, aren't you?
but even as the thought crosses your mind, you push it away. 
tit for tat.
his hands grip your waist, pulling you even closer to him as the kiss gets even filthier and filthier, then the two of you pull away.
you're left panting and gasping for breath and suguru, well, looks otherwise unaffected. but the growing erection in his grey sweatpants states otherwise.
"you accept?" you swear his voice grows an octave deeper. 
you need him so bad. "ye– yes…" you whisper. "yes sir."
his thumb strokes your cheek, and he presses another kiss to your lips. "I want you to suck my cock for me. would you do that?” he whispers against them. you nod.
your heart beats furiously, head dizzy as you find yourself on your knees. you feel like you're dreaming.
if you are, then it's a good one.
suguru loosens the ropes on his sweatpants and pulls the front down, just enough for his boner to pop out.
it's longer and thicker than anything you've ever seen; not that you'd seen that many anyway. but still. it's length was tremendous – you'd roughly estimated about ten inches, his girth about thee.
all in all, you don't think it'll fit. in your mouth or otherwise.
"you're staring like you're seeing something extraordinary.” suguru smiles
you're about to dish out a mildly disturbed ‘because it is!’ but you hold your tongue and give the tip an experimental lick to stop him, from saying anything else.
then you take a big breath and wet it with your saliva before taking the thing into your mouth. 
the thing is monstrous, the head barely fitting past your lips. you try as possible to keep your teeth away from it, opening your mouth wider than comfortable. tears bead in your eyes, trickling down your cheeks.
you get the head, then the first few inches. you try to work your tongue around it as much as possible; if there was any one thing you learned while with satoru, tongue action was key.
you're less than halfway – about three inches in – and the tip was already poking the back of your throat. you have no idea what to do except keep going. so you take the next two inches. 
the wet suckling noises you make, the tears that stream down your cheeks – they turn suguru on even more, his cock twitching in your mouth. he's literally a grown man, but watching you struggle to get down the sheer length and girth of him is doing things to him. he's a grown man, but he's about to blow his load already. it takes everything in him not to. "fuck– you're doing quite good. you've got a bit more to go."
that certainly gets you going. you squeeze your eyes shut and swallow around him, willing yourself to not choke. you swallow down the next three, whimpering lowly around him. tears prickle at your eyes and trail down your cheeks.
"almost there. come on. thats my girl – fu– yeah?" suguru's voice is audibly strained, his fingers clutching your hair. oh man, he's about to lose it. 
you force yourself down on the last two, your nose finally pressed against his pubes. you tremble, forcing yourself to not choke around it's girth.
you did it! but at what cost?
you open your eyes, looking up at him though your lashes. My guy looks like a Greek god; long black hair sticking to his forehead and the sides of his face and his neck, thick brows furrowed, dark black eyes endless and glossy, and god, he's so fucking fine.
you're dripping through your underwear.
he calls your name in what is almost a moan, gripping your hair in a fist. "shit – fuck, don't look at me like that–"
you hum through a mouthful of dick then shrug. like what?
maintaining eye contact, you pull your head backward, almost choking as his length retracts from your throat. you pull back halfway, then go down again, swallowing the half-length. 
you continue the movements, – retract, then swallow – slow and jerky at first, but eventually, you begin to build a steady pace.
saliva and precum leak out of your mouth, coating his cock with a transparent sheen and suguru groans above you, hands gripping your face as his hips fuck subtly into your mouth.
a mild, salty taste builds at the back of your throat as his precum leaks from the tip of his dick. you use your tongue to pleasure him as much as possible, your jaw aching.
“fuuuuck– agh– shit, that feels good. fuck–” suguru grunts and slips his cock out of your mouth, wetting your cheeks with a mixture of saliva and precum, and smearing your tears.
“wh–” you begin, voice cracking. you clear your throat and start again. “what's wrong?”
“fuck, I'm… if you keep that up, I'm gonna cum.” suguru whispers through breathy pants. 
he's so pretty, you stare for a bit before answering. “that's fine. if you don't cum down my throat, where will you cum?” the alcohol in your blood makes you bolder than usual. 
he makes a sound deep in his throat and slips his cock back into your mouth, gripping the sides of your head and making you take the whole thing fully.
“I'm… I'm gonna fuck your mouth,” he mumbles, strands of dark hair falling over his eyes. slowly, his hips fuck his cock into your mouth, in and out, smearing precum around inside your mouth. 
he gasps lowly with each thrust he makes into your mouth, abdominal muscles tensing as he does so. his eyes are half-lidded, cheeks damp with sweat. 
as the pleasure builds, his hips increase their pace, until his cock is entering and exiting your mouth so fast, you're almost gagging around him. his gasps turn to small groans, his fingers gripping your hair tighter to slam your face into his pubes with each upward thrust he makes.
you can feel how close he is – his cock dripping and twitching in your mouth. you need him to cum, before your jaw cracks open and falls to the floor. so you suck in your cheeks even more, creating a strong vacuum that, from experience, would make Satoru spill instantly. 
it works it's intended effect.
"holy fucking shii–t.” he takes extra care in pronouncing the t. “fuck, keep that up. fuck, im cumming.” he warns, and that, he does.
ropes and ropes of hot salt spill into your mouth, down your throat. you almost choke, try to pull away, but suguru holds you there, letting his cum flow down your throat. it's salty and thick, and more of an acquired taste if anything, but its not completely awful.
Suguru groans deep in his throat with each spurt of him down your throat, his head tilted back, thick hair cascading down his back and sticking to his skin in some places with sweat. his eyes are half closed, cheeks flushed, and jaw locked tight to keep himself from moaning. though your tears, you still can't get over how absolutely beautiful he was.
he holds you there for a good minute, his cum never stopping its flow until it does, and you drag your head back, pulling him out of your mouth.
you cough, splutter. some of his cum exits through your nose and you wince.
“fu–fuck." suguru pants, chest heaving. “fuck, you're an expert.” 
you smile at that. “thanks,” you whisper, voice hoarse.
your skin is flushed, eyes dark and unfocused, a trickle of cum dripping down your jaw. you looked absolutely delectable. suguru could just eat you up.
and he decides he will – you need some loosening up anyways. 
he picks you up, biceps bulging, and you squeal as he all but flings you on the sofa.
before you can think, he's on top of you, lips back on yours, tongue entwined with his. a small moan escapes you, and he groans into your mouth, lips trailing down to your jaw, then your neck. 
“g– get– sugu–ahh! fu–uuh–ck!”
his teeth attack the skin, tongue lapping the fresh bruises as they appear. you know they'll turn an angry colour tomorrow but you can't care. you need him.
his palms trail up the shirt, skimming over your thighs then higher. higher, until–
his thumb brushes your clit and you jolt, body tending under his.
"you're dripping" he mumbles, pushing a thick digit inside you. "just from sucking my dick? fuck." 
you whimper in response.
suguru fucks you with that single finger, pumping it in and out if your drenched pussy. the steady build of pleasure has your legs almost locking around suguru's forearms. 
he adds another finger. That stretches you a bit, and you grit your teeth at the barely-there but still-existent pain. more pumping. the build of pleasure, but faster this time, more intense. your hear the slick, squelching sounds of his fingers in your pussy, and you blush.
his lips are back on yours again, just as insistent. he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and you gasp as he presses his fingers into you harder, thumb working lazy circles on your clit. you squirm.
"ooh, you like that?" suguru grins. you don't answer, biting your lips to keep back moans. he clicks his tongue. “no, baby, don't keep those precious sounds from me, yeah? come on, good girl.” he whispers huskily into your ear, suddenly curling his finger into you and hitting a spot that makes you see stars.
you yelp, back arching off the sofa, a strangled moan being forced out of your throat. 
"ooh! that's it. I need more from you. can you do that?" he doesn't wait for your response. insistently, his fingers curl inside you, massaging that perfect spot deep inside you and, fuck, you can't help the moans and gasps that tumble out of your lips without permission.
you can't help how good it feels, his fingers stretching you open, slick dripping around his fingers. can't help but think how exquisite it would feel if they were his cock instead. 
you squeeze your eyes shut, back arching against the sofa, with suguru very steadily leading you towards the delicious edge of an orgasm.
“fuck– mmmph! geto, I– ahh!” it hits you like a train. your back arches of the sofa, eyes rolling back in your head from the absolute pleasure. your legs tremble. cunt twitching around his fingers and you try your hardest not to scream.
the pleasure was brain numbing; better than anything that you've ever felt, leaving your body spent and sagging into the sofa, eyes barely able to focus on his lovely face.
it takes every bit of suguru’s self control not to fuck you senseless right then, to lose himself in your tight cunt. instead, he presses his lips on yours, lazily exchanging saliva, and kisses down your body – to your navel, and then–
you jolt, a curse ripping through your throat as a hot, open mouthed kiss is placed on your clit. it startles you, but suguru doesn't give any time to recover, licking and sucking at the little nub like his life depends on it. 
“does that feel good? tell me.” suguru murmurs into your skin. 
unable to form words you moan, running fingers through his thick, black hair. 
“Delicious…” suguru murmurs into the moist flesh, the vibrations going straight to your clit. you almost scream.
suguru geto eats pussy like an expert, his tongue worming his way into you, slurping up your juices wetly like he'd been dehydrated for months. he licks flat-tongued stripes up your clit before sucking it into his mouth, basically playing with it on his tongue.
you're losing it, fingers raking through his dark hair, pressing him into you, legs wrapped tight around his head. you're close; you can practically taste it at this point, with your thigh muscles contracting, stomach clenching. and then–
white and static and the most overwhelming flood of pleasure you've ever felt. it rolls over you in thick, heavy waves, weighing you down and making you practically seize. 
you don't know how long it takes for you to come to your senses. 
by the time you do though, you're at the cusp of another orgasm, suguru still working his ministrations on your clit.
you scream at him to stop. it's too much; you're too sensitive! 
your pleas, however, fall on very deaf ears. he doesn't stop, gripping your hips to keep you in place while he continues. he rolls the tender nub around his tongue like he would a lollipop, and, once more, you're seizing on his tongue.
you black out for longer this time. when you come to, you find suguru looking at you with a mix of fascination and awe, his dark eyes glossy with arousal. his entire upper body is drenched, either with sweat or... something else. it's like someone threw a bucket of water at him.
“more.” he groans, voice husky. “give me more of that.”
before you stutter out denial, his lips are back on your lower ones, tongue-fucking you into ecstasy.
from that point on, you lose track of the number of orgasms you've had that night. all you know is that it was definitely not in the single digits. but the time suguru is done making a meal out of you, you, the couch and suguru are drenched with your bodily fluids. you're also a senseless mess, body still trembling, overstimulated.
suguru kisses up your abdomen, tongue lingering on your nipples before he finally comes up to kiss your forehead.
“I need to- I need to fuck you. you'll let me, won't you?” he questions pleadingly, grinding his erection against your cunt. “pl– fuck– please, I can't go to bed like this.” his eyes are soft, pleading and begging for you. and, fuck, you can't deny him.
suguru wonders why he all of a sudden can't control himself around you. why all he can think about is bottoming out in your warm cunt. it's obviously not the first time he's doing this, definitely not the last… but his cock is the hardest it's ever been, his heart thumping against his ribcage. he chalks it up to the excitement of fucking his best friend's (ex) girlfriend. or maybe the alcohol, though he wasn't one to let something like that affect his judgment. 
but fuck it, whatever. the two of you have gone past the point of no return.
“that's my girl.” he smiles, placing another kiss on your forehead. and then your cheek
you feel the tip of him pressed against you. grunting, he tries to push it in, only for it to slip against your wetness, nudging against your clit.
you whimper at the feeling, heart pounding in your chest.
again, he tries pushing his tip inside you, this time guided by a hand against his pulsing member. it slips inside you with ease and you both moan at the intrusion. 
for you, the pleasure is spiked with pain as his fat cock splits you open at the seams, threatening to unravel you. you hiss and whimper at each inch sliding into you, your pussy pushing him out with each contraction around his dick.
“sh- fuck, you're so fucking tight.” he says through gritted teeth, physical exertion making his muscles tense. “you've gotta loosen up, or i might not pull out in time.”
silently, you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you and at the same time making him bottom out. the tip of his cock hits the opening of your cervix and you yelp, pleasure and pain mixing into a hot brew in your stomach and tightening into a cord. 
“...the fuck did that come from?” he groans, voice tight. he rocks his hips into you, gripping your waist tight and hissing. 
you shake your head, unknowing. all you do know is that you need him. right now, as deep inside you as he can go.
had his patience not been worn thin, suguru would have asked you to voice your thoughts. how did it feel? did it hurt? fast or slow? but his cock is so hard and your pussy so tight, his cock might have an aneurysm. he can't even form words to begin with. so he starts with an experimental pace, slow and steady, rocking into you and splitting you open. 
you whine and gasp each time he fully bottoms out into you, the tip of his cock just barely grazing your cervix. the slow pace is exquisite, but you need more. in your current state, you wont accept anything else.
“f– faster, please…” you whine. “harder,”
without hesitation, suguru obliges. for fear of breaking you beyond repair, suguru had started out with a slow, steady pace. however, it seems you didn't want that. and he was grateful. he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep yourself from fucking your pretty pussy senseless.
he does that, hips picking up their pace absolutely fucking the life out of you. the pace he sets makes his hips a blur, his dick reaching places you never knew existed. 
“fuck, you like that? yeah?” 
yeah, you nod as tears spill from your eyes, moans morphing to heavy sobs as the pleasure and slight pain build, heightening to a peak. the cord in your stomach is pulled ridiculously tight, your breathing ragged. 
“fv– fucking– unnghhhhh – ahhhhh—” you say, or rather, try to. it doesn't work out – clearly – your words fucked out of your mouth just as they spill from your lips. 
“trying to say something?” suguru grunts out.
a particularly hard thrust has your barely that there thoughts skittering into nothing with a sharp yelp, back arching off the sofa as you brush dangerously close to your orgasm.
“fuck!–nnn–g–h... fuck– n– m’... m’ gonna cum… shit–” you mumble, eyes rolling back, in your head. your cunt traps suguru in a vice-like grip, your overflowing lubrication the only reason he's able of move properly. he grunts, smashing his lips onto yours and swallowing the sounds coming out of your mouth.
good lord, it feels good. better than anything you've ever had, ever -felt. and holy fuck, you're going to cum. cum yourself unconscious, if you will. it's dangerously close, and you can feel it, creeping up to you, making the edges of your body tingle. it's scary, but feels so good.
“go ahead, doll. come for me, yeah? drench this cock with you.” suguru murmurs in your ear, and suddenly, the orgasm takes hold of you, slamming into you with such force, your back arches violently into suguru’s hold. the cord in your tummy snaps and a scream rips through your throat with the sheer force of the pleasure, and white overtakes your vision before it fades to black.
suguru fucks you through your orgasm, threatening to do you through another. your whole body feels like an exposed nerve, and you don't think you've ever felt as close to death as you do now.
your cunt flutters around his cock, and he hisses as his hold on your hip tightens. fuck, you feel like heaven, your cunt so tight, so wet, so, fucking perfect around him. each time he drags himself out of you, the suction draws him back in, and once he's in, you try to push him back out again. he can't explain why, but that feeling is positively exquisite, and God, he loves it.
“fuck!” he exclaims, face buried in your neck. “fuck, im cumming. fuck, I'm– you’ve… you've gotta tell me where you want it.”
you don't need to think much about the answer. inebriated and incredibly horny, a single word comes to mind. “inside– nnngh!” you breathe, your legs weakly tightening around his waist, drawing him closer to you.
“al– hah!– alright. I'm gonna fuckin’... hah, fuck!” he didn't get to complete his sentence, his muscles stretching taut as a white heat spills inside you.
it's enough to send fireworks exploding behind your tightly closed eyes, your orgasm lighting your body on fire with his cum as the catalyst.
“fuck, ahhhh– you feel so fucking good, hah–” suguru groans as he pours himself into you, teeth clamping down on your shoulder and making you scream. 
he finds his hips rocking into yours once more, fucking you through the aftershocks and overstimulation of both your orgasms.
you shake your head, no. no, no, no more, no! you can't cum any more than you have already or you might die. you shake your head as vigorously as you can, the choked out moans tumbling from your mouth neutralizing your denial.
“fuck, im sorry. one more, yeah? one more, just one more, please,” Suguru whispers breathily into your hair, voice trembling from the pleasure. he can barely breathe, his breath catching his lungs from how good he feels and fuck, its not long before another orgasm creeps up on him, looming over him like a disaster.
and he will be one by the time this is over, he's sure. “fuck, yo– you're g'nna make me cum- again, shit–” 
me too. you think just as you black out for good, chased to unconsciousness by a spill of heat.
you're woken up by a sharp pain in your lower abdomen as you try to change position. you groan, eyes fluttering open, and you find that those hurt too. every single inch of your body hurts, some minor, some major, but it kind of feels like you got into mini car accident. God, and you had an awful sore throat.
at the feel of sheets on your once bare skin, you sit up, realizing that you’re no longer on the couch.
judging from the scent of the room, or the lack thereof, you guess that you’re in suguru’s room. though the sliver of light though the curtains, you can see that it's organised perfectly. 
groaning, you swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up, trying your best to maintain balance, ignoring the burn of your inner thigh and abdominal muscles, then you walk out of the room, to the kitchen.
the room is an assault of light to your poor eyes and you wince, squinting. vaguely, you can see Suguru standing in front of the kitchen stove. whatever he’s cooking up smells pretty good.
“hi, Suguru.” you say, smiling, walking towards him. the warmth in your face freezes as your eyes catch another person in the room. Gojo. he's sitting on a chair by the kitchen island, typing away at his phone. “hi Satoru.”
he looks up, startled, then confused at your dishevelled appearance. you’d forgotten you wouldn't look the best after last night. “oh. I didn't know you were here.” he says.
“she stopped by last night. good morning.” suguru smiles back at  you, handing you a plate of food. “you'll find some painkillers on the side table in my room. you'll probably need them after last night. and tea for your throat.” he says and you blush at the memory and nod. 
Gojo watches the exchange silently, a pale white brow cocked. “what happened last night?” he questions and Suguru throws him what might have been a glare.
in response to Satoru's question, you shrug. “uh, nothing. I stopped by in the rain and asked for some alcohol to keep warm. I ended up taking a bit too much.” you pop a piece of bacon in your mouth.
“and that explains the bruises on your neck?” he asks and you freeze, heart thumping. then you swallow, making yourself remember that Gojo was also a shitty cheater. it cancels out.
he coughs out a laugh, bright blue eyes hardening to sapphires. “bullshit.” he says and turns to suguru. “did you fuck her?”
he shrugs, turning off the stove and sliding a plate of food towards gojo.
“what the fuck, Suguru? why would you do that?” he yells, face paling. “you're my fucking best friend, why the fuck would you fuck my girlfriend?”
“ex girlfriend.” you step in instead, voice bleeding with anger and that shuts Gojo up. “sorry, I forgot you were the only one who could cheat.”
satoru, about to open a drawer to pick up a fork, pauses and turns to look at you with an unreadable expression.
“you thought I wouldn't figure it out? you're very bad at keeping secrets.” another peice of bacon in your mouth. suguru hands you a cup of lemon tea. “I actually stopped by yesterday to break up with you. but it seems you'd told your roommate you'd be out with me. why? when you'd told me that you'd be at home having a games night with suguru.”
“that was the plan, but I stepped out.” gojo says, the ice in his eyes reflecting in his voice.
you flinch, but hold your ground. “stepped out for the whole night?”
“I got caught in the rain.”
“which stopped before I went to bed.” 
a rushed breath of air leaves Suguru's mouth as laughter. you roll your eyes. “more like blacked out.” he says under his breath. Gojo's eyes dart to him, then you.
“I… stayed over at a friend's house.” he says carefully. 
“which friend?” 
he pauses, eyes cloudy with thought. “...you won't know them.”
“we share friendship circles. whoever I haven't met, at least I've heard of.” you drum a nail on the table, patience wearing to the width of papyrus paper. he's wasting time with his lies.
“she's–” he starts, and catches himself. your eyes narrow. “they're not from our circle. I met them at a party. I don't have to tell you about every single person I befriend.”
“befriend and fuck.” 
“I didn't fuck her!” Gojo slams his hand on the table in outrage.
“the used condom back at my apartment. was that me? did I use that? the cum stains on my bed–” you scrunch up your face in disgust. “--that was me, right? I grew a dick overnight. stop lying, it doesn't suit you.”
he doesn't have anything to say in return and neither do you. “I'm breaking up with you.”
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cyyfics · 1 year
Guilty Desperation
Pairing: !Simon Petrikov x GN! Reader
Warning: NSFW! At the end.
Synopsis: Simon, disheveled and manic calls you on the phone asking if he can come over to talk. You didn’t think it would end like this, but you aren’t complaining!
Pronoun stuff: mainly GN, I think the nsfw part is ALSO pretty good at being GN?? If not Lemme know
Note: also guys if I ever reuse the same gif just ignore that cuz there’s not a lot (•__•)
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SFW part
You were doing your normal everyday things, sitting around at your kitchen island sipping from the mug in your hand when you suddenly got a phone call. It wasn’t exactly a good time to be getting a phone call, it was early in the morning and not even the roosters were awake. In fact, despite being morning, it was still eerily dark and chilling outside. You wouldn’t wanna be out at this time of night, that’s for sure.
You picked up your phone hesitantly, eyes scrunched as you tried to figure out who’d be calling you at this late hour and to no one’s surprise, it was Simon Petrikov. You had adapted this lovely friendship with this man for a couple months now, you’d maybe even go as far as to say that the two of you are best friends. “simon? what’re you doing up this late, and why’re you calling me?” your tone didn’t show much concern for the poor man at first.
“I’m sorry, Y/n, I know it’s late.”
You can hear him let out a deep sigh before talking again “do you think I could come over to see you? i- i don’t feel so good r’ now.” he slightly slurred on his words as he spoke on the phone, on most days you’d have thought it was from the drinking but on the phone today it sounded more like he was just tired.
“Sure, whatever you need. I don’t mind.”
You said that as if you weren’t secretly hoping when he had called you that he wanted to come and see you, you didn’t wanna admit to yourself that you liked that man than you wanted to, but it wasn’t hard to see especially with the way you cheered silently after accepting his request.
“Thanks Y/n, just ‘need to see you.” Simon can be heard rustling around a little, and you thought maybe he was walking somewhere. “How long will you be? Should I come get you?” You were a bit worried for him at this time of night, especially with the light fog in the air outside. “I’ll be fine, should only be about a minute or two.” He said to you before you heard a little more rustling.
“Simon, you live maybe thirty minutes away from me. How do you expect to be here that quickly?” You jokingly asked him, twirling a piece of hair around your finger. You didn’t expect the answer you got. “… started walking early, was just hoping you’d be awake.” It had definitely surprised you, you furrowed your eyebrows as you spoke into your phone.
“..really?” You asked with slight disbelief, “yes.. what’s so hard to believe about that?” Simon asked from the other end of the phone “but what if I wasn’t awake??” You questioned the poor man “would’ve waited ‘til you woke up.” Simon answered back. Then he hung up. You were about to call him back and asked why he did that before hearing a knock at your door.
You swung the door open and was met with Simon, the old man looking disheveled and worn out. You took him inside, helping him through the door way as he stumbled a little. “Simon, what’s wrong? You drink too much or something?” You asked him, hands worriedly grasped onto his shoulders. “Didn’t even touch a drop tonight, Y/n, had too much to think about.”
Simon walked past you, making his way to flip onto your couch, face pressed against the cushions. “What’s wrong? Clearly something is up.” You stood by the doorway, crossing your arms and giving the man a certain concerned look. “It’s just- Betty.” Simon let out a huff, he had often came over venting about missing her and stuff so it wasn’t new information for you.
“I understand, you miss her-“ you came up to him to put a comforting hand on his shoulder but he placed a hand on your wrist to halt you for a moment- before letting you. “It- it’s not that.” He lets out a deep sigh before holding onto his head “that’s the thing. It’s not that.” He sounded upset, you were worried for him.
You sat beside him on the couch as he sat up, slowly placing your head on his shoulder to hopefully provide some comfort. “Talk to me.” You encouraged him, moving your hand down to grab at his hand. Squeezing it slightly to comfort him, he sighed before reluctantly giving in and curling his fingers to intertwine with yours.
“I just- I think- no. I know. I like someone else now, but I feel guilty because of Betty.” Simon didn’t like admitting it at all, and you couldn’t blame him one bit. You frowned before wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Simon didn’t hug you back, but he found comfort in your warmth, resting his head on your shoulder as you hugged him.
“Who-“ he cut you off.
“Yes, you. Always been you.” Simon’s voice grew quiet at the end there and it sounded like he was about to cry. You used one of your arms to move up and pet his head with your hand, brushing your fingers through his hair. “I like you too.” You whispered back to him, the air suddenly becoming stagnant.
There was a pause in time as he slowly lifted his head up to look at you, his eyes searching you for any sign of doubt. Like maybe you were just saying that to make him feel better. But he didn’t find any, instead he found you looking at him with eyes full of such love and admiration for him. How had he not seen that look before?
Simon moved his hands up to clutch at your shoulders, pulling you into a hug against him. “I wanna be yours, Simon.” You didn’t wanna say it but you couldn’t help it as it left your mouth, “I do too. But- Betty.” Simon looked to the side as he thought about her guiltily. “Simon, I understand. And you don’t have to rush into anything-“ he cut you off yet again.
“And what if I want to? What if I wanna rush into things with you? Do everything I’ve ever wanted to with you? Take you places, live a whole life with you-“ Simon found himself rambling as he held onto you a little tighter, before softening a little and melting into your arms.
You held him a little closer, “you don’t have to feel guilty Simon, but if you need time..” you started to say “that’s the thing. I don’t have enough time in the world to be without you, I feel so guilty but time and life are constantly fleeting- I wanna be together with you.” Simon started to get teary eyed.
“I want that too.” You spoke up “then say yes. Say you’ll be with me, please.” Simon grabbed at your face gently, making you look up at him. “Yes. Yes, I’ll be together with you.” You couldn’t even control yourself, earlier that day you were fighting your own feelings for him, and now you were literally dating him.
NSFW warnings: humping/rutting idk, I think that’s all that has to go here??
Simon and you looked at each other for a moment, feeling the static in the air. It was like something just sparked in the two of you. Simon leaned down and kissed you, his lips pressed up against yours. They felt slightly chapped, like maybe they’d gotten dry from the cold outside or something.
As he was about to pull away you found yourself grabbing onto his collar, pulling him right back to your lips. Simon was surprised but leaned into your very eager touch, his lips up against yours again. The two of you began to then switch up the intensity, kissing him life your life depended on it. Your hands moved from his collar to tangle in his hair, ripping a soft groan from Simon as the two of you kissed.
Not long after that action, you had felt something uncomfortable pressing up against your hip, you didn’t wanna pull away from the kiss so all you did was slip your hand down to figure out what it was. Simon let out a quiet moan as your hand had evidently brushed over his crotch, so that’s what was rubbing up against you.
Simon desperately pulled you back in for another kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips as his hips rutted slowly against your hand looking for some friction. You didn’t mind giving it to him but at that point you wanted some too, moving your hand away so you could then press yourself up against his hardened crotch.
Your clothed front rubbed up against his, stimulating both of you guys at the same time. It felt messy, it felt hot and slightly uncomfortable, the two of you felt just like silly hormonal teenagers in that moment. Neither of you could stop, desperate hands clinging to each other.
Simons hand grabbed at your waist, pulling you closer as his length rubbed against your sensitive crotch. You were both moaning, kissing each other deeply, not caring about the messiness the two of you were making from the saliva all over each of your mouths and chins.
Eventually Simon ended up cumming first, but his eager self didn’t stop. It felt overstimulating for him but he still wanted to make you feel good too, and not long after you ended up falling apart in his arms too. You let out a soft cry as you came in your pants, the both of you having made an annoying mess. “Damn, now my pants are soiled..” Simon hissed out, hands on his hips as he inspected his now soaked through pants.
“Then take them off.”
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warmblanketwhump · 3 months
cw: brief description of illness-related weight loss and a near-death illness experience
“Where’s B?” A hangs their coat on the hook and kicks off their work boots, moving closer to stand by the stove.
“In bed. Wanted to rest before dinner.” C’s bent over the table, a spread of papers and documents covering the surface.
“Let me guess. They tried to do too much today and wore themselves out.”
“What do you think?” C looks up from the desk, glasses perched on their nose. “I found them dead on their feet in the kitchen, blanket wrapped around their shoulders, trying to do the dishes. Had to practically carry them upstairs.”
It’s not a suprise, but it still makes A’s heart squeeze a bit. A few weeks ago, B had caught a bad cold which turned to pneumonia. For two weeks it had been touch and go, and though B had made it through the worst of the illness had passed, it had still left B weak, gaunt, and pale.
They weren’t bedridden any more, but they tired easily. The dark bruises still painted the skin under their eyes, and they were frequently chilled by the drafty winter air. A could tell they were so much thinner than they used to be, and they shuffled around like it hurt to move.
Yet still, B pushed themselves to do things, and A hated it.
“I’ll go up and check on them, see how they are.”
“Be gentle. You know they don’t like it when you tell them what they ought not to be doing,” C warned.
“Then they ought not to do it,” A called over their shoulders as they headed upstairs.
B’s just waking up when they see A gazing at them from the door, a haunted look on their face.
“Don’t look at me like that.” B shrinks into the covers like a turtle retreating to its shell as A enters the bedroom.
“Like what?” A crosses the room to stir the fire in the stove.
“Like I’ll vanish if the breeze blows too hard.”
“B, you’re hardly more than skin and bones—I think I get to be concerned.”
B reflexively wraps their arms around their midsection, trying not to wince at being able to feel each rib. For weeks, they’d been so nauseous and delirious that all they could manage was a few sips of broth at a time. They were already lean to begin with—now, they could count bones they didn’t realize they had. Everything about them felt frail, shaky, insubstantial—so incredibly weak. They could hardly stand to catch glimpses of themselves in the mirror.
B stiffens as a shiver wracks their body—they can’t seem to stop shivering these days, a side effect of having no insulation and the persistent, low-grade fever the doctor said could remain for months afterward.
B tugs the blanket tighter, willing it to warm their chilled body. “I’ll manage.”
A slowly closes in on B’s bed and takes a seat on the edge, putting a hand on B’s shoulder. B hates the feeling of someone so solid, warm, vital against their own frail body—a reminder of what they’re not. “I know the doctor said not to worry.”
“I’m getting better,” B insists.
“Yes, you are. But the keyword is getting better. And it’s going to take so much longer if you don’t pace yourself.”
B flinches at the words as if A hit them. “I know what I need.”
“I don’t know if you do—“
“See, I knew this would happen.” B’s voice cracks on the words. “You can’t just let me be. You have to tell me what I’m doing wrong, when you don’t know the first thing about what it means to lose your ability to do anything.”
“Because you won’t stop.” A’s voice is tight. “You push yourself and act like nothing happened, like you didn’t almost die—“
“You think I don’t know that?” B’s voice elevates. “You think I don’t feel the effects of what it did to me?”
“You know, but you won’t give yourself the chance to—“
“To hell with what you think you know. It didn’t happen to you—it happened to me!” B jackknifes to a sitting position, unable to hold themselves back.
“And I had to watch it happen!” A’s voice raises a degree, and they shoot off the bed, pacing before whirling back to face B. “You have no idea what it was like to see you half-mad with fever, thrashing about while we held you down and tried to cool you down while you screamed, or to hold you in my arms while you shook and you sobbed because you were so cold, or to hear you fight for every breath and beg the heavens for you to take just one more, all while being terrified you wouldn’t.”
The words hit B square in the chest. They thought you would die. A’s eyes are glassy, and B doesn’t know what to say, how to respond to something like that, and they take a deep breath to center themselves—
—only to be cut off as a coughing fit wracks their frame. They cough so long they see stars, but then they feel it—the warm, solid hand they hate so much on their back, rubbing soothing circles.
They couldn’t shake off the hand if they tried.
After it ends, B slumps back into the nest of pillows, breathing hard, chest aching from the exertion. “I hate this.”
“I know.” A’s whisper is soft. And it should make B mad, A thinking they know anything, but it doesn’t.
They sit in silence for several minutes, the anger fizzling out of both of them.
“Were you really that scared?” B says, when their breath stabilizes enough to speak.
“Yes.” A’s voice is quieter still, and B can catch the glint of the unshed tears in their eyes.
They’re quiet for much longer, and A speaks again.
“I just….I see you, and I just want to make everything okay for you and I can’t,” A says, voice cracking, a tear slipping out that’s quickly wiped away with a sleeve.
“That’s not your job, A. I’m not how I used to be, and I don’t know how to go back or if I even can,” B says, staring at the ceiling. “I can barely catch my breath, I’m always freezing, I look like a skeleton, and I can’t do anything without being exhausted. And it doesn’t make it better when you’re hovering over me, telling me I can’t do things when I already know.”
“I know.” A heaves a sigh. “And I’m sorry. I made it about me and my stuff instead of caring about you and I….I haven’t handled this well. None of it.”
“No, you haven’t.” B can’t stop the snarky retort that sneaks off their lips, and A’s mouth twitches with the faintest of smiles.
“Just…please. Know that we don’t expect you to be up and at it all of a sudden. Or ever. You don’t have to push yourself for our sakes.”
B sighs. “I know. And I’m sorry, scaring you like that.”
A takes in a shaky breath, and for the first time in the dim evening light, B can see that A’s a little rougher around the edges too—sleepless shadows under their eyes, hair that’s mussed and out of place, and a thousand -yard stare that wasn’t there before B got sick.
“Are you okay, A?”
A pauses for a moment. “Sleeping has been…hard. We were up most nights with you, C and I, for a long time, and even when you started getting better…” A shakes their head, as if to clear the cobwebs. “It’s like my body’s always trying to stay alert, in case you…in case something happens.”
B can’t even make a joke about that.
“Sometimes I’ll just…sit at your door and make sure you’re still breathing.”
“Okay, that’s weird.” B chucks a pillow at A, trying to shatter the heaviness around what A just confessed. To their credit, A yelps, and when B laughs, A smiles.
“But also sweet. And a little unhinged. Maybe both.” B says, propping themselves up on their elbows. “So what do you say if we both just give ourselves some time?”
A nods. “Some time.”
“Good.” B slumps down. “Now, that conversation took all the energy reserves I was saving for dinner, so I need another nap. You planning to take one with me, or are you going to watch me in my sleep again?”
“I think I can handle a nap,” A says, allowing themselves to tip over onto the covers.
When dinner time comes, it’s C who finds the pair fast asleep and curled into one another, A’s hand on B’s chest as they breathe the deep, even breaths of sleep.
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mango-sp1ce · 1 year
Dan wipes down the bar as the other bartenders chat behind him. It’s all fleeting conversation, nothing of real note as they clean up and get ready to leave.
Unlike them, Dan just got in for his shift. The graveyard shift, how fitting. Not being one for small talk, he gives a simple grunt as a goodbye when the other workers leave, not even turning his head.
The moment the door clicks shut behind them, he brings his hand under the bar and flicks on the switches. Lights, sound, the whole shebang. His sensitive ears easily pick up on the sound of the door locking, and a different door on a different wall unlocking.
And then he sits, and he waits.
The first hour is quiet. A few goons, a few lesser villains. Condiment King is… an entire issue within himself, but even he didn’t pick much of a fight tonight. If anything, the bar just received its most recent restocking of condiments, courtesy of the king.
Washing a few stray dishes in his free time, Dan glances up when the door opens again and a fresh chill finds its way inside. He rolls his eyes as the villain sits down, before letting his core thrum to action and coil the frost back out the door. The man can keep his little aura, but leave your jacket at the door please. Common courtesy.
He makes momentary eye contact before making the drink without instruction or a word said. Seems frosty isn’t here tonight for small talk. Good.
Right as he slides the drink over, the door opens again to another high end villainous celebrity. The Riddler makes his way in, looking a little worse for wear. He take a close seat and does a little hand motion that only takes Dan a minute to decipher.
When he slides his drink over, the man smiles and laughs. “Got it in one! One of these days I’ll stump ya!” Maybe. It is completely possible. Dans only been recognizing the gestures from different books and video guides he’s been watching.
The two big shot villains get to talking and Dan proceeds to do what he likes the most about this job. The chaotic neutral action of… simply ignoring them. He turns and takes note of inventory instead as they plan whatever it is that they’ve planned.
And then the haunting (not to Dan, but certainly to the people of Gotham) sound of a clown car echoes down the street outside. He’s sure it isn’t an actual clown car, but he’s never really stepped outside to look.
The two men at the bar look at each other before sliding to sit further down. Within minutes of their decision, the main man himself makes his way in.
Dans already got his drink ready before he even sits. But yet again as always, the man chooses to sit right in front of wherever Dans standing at the moment.
“So, bartender, what’s it today?” The madman cackles out, taking the drink and swirling the little umbrella Dan had plopped on top. The umbrella didn’t belong there at all really, but Dan had noticed the way the man favored the little item whenever he got it and figured he may as well put one every time.
“Shocked. Chilled.” Dan responds with a nod towards the drink. The joker makes a thrilled little sound before taking a sip and knocking his head back in a laugh.
It’s not as if the words he just said have any actual meaning. At least, not what they might’ve had before. Jokers got his own thing going on, his own mixes and substances and who knows what else he puts in his drinks. Dan wouldn’t be surprised if the little “surprise” packs the Joker’s goons supplied the bar with were just joker gas in water dissolving form.
“That’s certainly got a spark!” He yells, his eyes as wide as ever. Dan doesn’t say anything, after all; everyone who comes here knows how he feels about small talk.
“So, Danny-boy, I’ve got an offer that you certainly can’t refuse!” The man chuckles, sipping his drink and playing idly with the small umbrella. Dan rolls his eyes.
“Don’t call me that. And shoot.”
“Woah now- I haven’t even loaded my gun!” He jokes. Dan just stares blankly until the man continues. “Always such the party pooper. So Casper, I’ve got a guy who needs a little… break. The usual really, but I want you to do this one with pizazz! How do ya like sequins?”
Dan blinks at him. Once. Twice. And then he dumps a cup of ice onto the man. The man cackles and cackles, like a wheezing hyena, before straightening out.
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.”
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imnotasuperhero · 2 months
To follow the compass (that beats in our chests)
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
A/N: Hello buddies. I honestly don't know how to define this, so let's say it's just an idea I developed in different chunks of free time I had and I decided to just put it out in the open and see if it was good enough considering the astronomical hiatus I've took. This was not proofread.
Let me know your thoughts!
Sipping on the hot, bitter coffee, you relaxed on the park bench enjoying the calmness of the Saturday morning, forcing your mind to stop thinking about the stressful streak you’ve been having for the last few weeks.
And the smile on your lips grew at the realization the cutest puppy came barking and wagging its tail, sitting at your feet as if it was your own.
“Hi, buddy!” You giggled as you scratched on its fur. “Yeah, you’re a good puppy, aren’t you?” 
“Sparky!” A nervous voice called and you couldn’t help the chilling wave running down your spine.
Looking up, you saw the most beautiful woman ever, walking rapidly to you, “Come here, boy,” she kept calling unsuccessfully.
“It’s okay,” you kept on your smile when she was in hearing range while you kept on petting her dog, as if trying to calm her.
“I’m so sorry, he never sprints at strangers. I don’t know what-”
“Hey,” you stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, really.” You guided her to sit on the bench, worried about her state.
Inhaling deeply, her green eyes stared at you with some spark you couldn’t decipher. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to be,” you smiled kindly, sitting by her side. “I’m Y/N,”
“Wanda,” she nodded curtly, her attention on the dog sitting between you two, looking back with curiosity. But before you could comment on some random thing to say, her grunt called your attention.
“Are you okay?” Your attention focused on the woman beside you.
“I'm fine… it's just a small kick,” she rubbed her protruding belly.
“Oh,” you realized just now she was pregnant. “How far are you?” 
“It's pretty early. About to enter the sixth month,” she smiled softly and you could feel her beautiful smile being tattooed on your soul.
“Do you have a name, yet?” You asked curiously.
“I just found out it's a boy on Wednesday, so I still have to decide on a few,”
“There you two are!” a familiar voice made your words die on your lips.
“Pietro?” You stood up with your smile growing its size.
“Hey, Y/N!” The blonde man smiled equally excited as he hugged you tightly.
“Now I know why he seemed so familiar,” you looked at the dog at Pietro’s feet requesting to be petted.
“Now I know why he ran to you out of nowhere,” Wanda chimed in, taking one of the two cups Pietro had. “Thank you,”
Winking at the brunette, Pietro turned his attention to you. “Glad to see you’re feeling better,” his smile never left his face. “I miss you at work,”
“Oh, I bet it’s torture,” you giggled, rolling your eyes.
“It’s true! George is just… too much.”
“Poor Pietro, he can’t manage a teenager,” you mocked him. “I’ll be back on Monday.” You assured.
“But what he can manage is finding a new place for his sister to move into.” The blonde stated with a cheeky smile.
“Wait, what?” Wanda frowned at her brother as if had grown two heads.
“Well, it’s simple math! You’re still looking for a roommate, right?” Pietro looked at you expectantly, waiting for your confirmation. “And you can’t handle living with me anymore. Ouch, by the way,” he turned to his sister. “That means you can move in with-”
“Does she even want me to move in?” Wanda interrupted her brother’s rant, and you felt the pressure as two pairs of eyes set on you.
“As long as you don’t smoke and keep at least the common areas tidy-”
“YES! She accepts the deal.” Pietro grabbed your hand and shook it as if it was a deal.
“There’s a problem, though.” Wanda looked down to where her hand was placed on her belly bump.
“I’m not new to babies. It’s okay by me,” you shrugged and couldn’t help the heat on your face as those green eyes shone with something warm.
That’s how the very next night, you’ve found yourself sliding in bed after a well deserved hot shower, for all the hard work you’ve done helping Wanda move into the empty spare room in your apartment.
But just as you were about to drift into sleep, a chocked scream washed away every bit of sleep you’ve collected through the day.
“Wands?” You entered her dark room, setting your eyes on the sitting form on the bed. Her soft features illuminated by the moonlight.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” she sighed.
“No need to,” you sat beside her on the bed. “Can I help you with something?”
At the tension levitating in the air, you insisted.
“I know I’m a grown up mother-to-be. But can you stay?” 
Getting under the covers, you opened your arms waiting.
“What happens in this room stays in this room,” the brunette joked as she settled half on top of you, and you couldn’t help the soft smile as you felt the extra weight on your side.
“Deal,” you refrained from kissing her head, wrapping your arm around her shoulders instead, allowing sleep to take over you once and for all.
Days and weeks passed, you’ve found yourself enjoying Wanda’s presence around you when neither of you were at work. Even more so when she took over dinner claiming she needed to destress from whatever case she had that day.
But for the last 4 days, Wanda had been assigned the night shift as she had to cover for a colleague and you sank deeper on the couch at the realization that hit you like a train.
So after a few minutes of wallowing in the newfound feeling, you stood up and walked to the kitchen, checking  on the food cooking on the stove.
Inhaling the warm smell you felt your chest inflate with joy. “Yummy,” you smiled as you grabbed the wooden spoon and stirred before tasting the stew. “Double yum.”
Moving to the cupboard you took a plate and stared at it for a second too long, deciding to grab two small containers instead.
As the floor-to-ceiling doors closed behind you, you granted yourself a few seconds to calm down, unbelieving the impulse that brought you here.
“Hi,” you greeted the first nurse you’ve found after the receptionist indicated where the pediatric floor was.
“Hello darling,” the nice old lady smiled at you. “How may I help you?”
“I’m looking for Dr. Maximoff, please.”
After checking on the screen, the big brown eyes looked back at you with a compassionate look. “She’s in surgery right now, but should be done in any minute.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll wait for her,” you faked your best smile, not being a fan of hospitals.
But before you could end up walking away from the stress the place provided you, a tap on your shoulder called your attention.
“Hi,” you smiled brightly as you took off your earphones.
“Hello yourself,” the brunette matched your smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I brought us dinner.”
“Oh, my. You’re the best,” Wanda’s arms wrapped around you and you felt the familiar warmth you’ve got used to. “I definitely need something after that O.R.”
“Was it an emergency?” You asked, following her to what you assumed was the common room.
“Sadly, yes.” Wanda took two water bottles before sitting down at the table. “Remember the girl I told you about yesterday?”
“The one with heart failure?” You took the containers and opened them, filling the room with the warm tasty smell.
“Oh, lord. Looks so good,” Wanda took a bite and smiled. “It is good,” she nodded to herself and you couldn’t help the giggles. “But yes, that one. Turns out she had a clog on her aorta so we had to operate.”
“Poor thing,” you pouted, it was sad to hear some of Wanda’s patients’ medical records. “So now her heart surgery has to wait.”
“At least another day, yes.” She took a mouthful. “What brought you here? And with food?”
“The apartment felt empty and I was bored,” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“You sure it's not the fact you miss me?” Wanda raised her eyebrow.
“Ehh, that’s just details.” You waved it off.
“And here I thought I was special,” the brunette pouted, making you purse your lips to avoid you from smiling.
The next few minutes were spent in a comfortable silence, which wasn’t strange to you both since you easily found quite the comfort in the other’s company. But that bubble popped when Wanda’s pager rang with a nine-eleven call.
“I’m so sorry, Detka.”
“No, don’t worry, duty calls.” You eased her as you took her hands from the picked up forks. “I’ve got it. You go save lives and I’ll see you at home,”
“I’ll make it up to you,” she pecked your lips and stormed off the room, leaving you frozen.
Caressing your lips, you tried to process the day’s unfolding. Where did that come from? Was it just a reflex or was it something she’s wanted to do willingly?
All these questions ran through your mind, slowly indulging the feeling that was hidden in a box, burning madly like a flame that could consume the restraints in any minute. And to be honest, it didn’t scare you, because if anything, all the pent up tension meant there was more in store for you and Wanda than just be friends.
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sim0nril3y · 10 months
Hi dear! I love your Ghost and civilian reader fics. Can I request a lil something for Simon taking care of her when she’s injured or sick? I’m having an awful period right now and would love to read about a worried or overprotective Simon taking care of his girl.
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), established relationship, sick reader, common cold, protective Simon, a couple British references, canon-typical swearing.
It appeared that Simon caught the signs of the beginning of your cold before you had. Seemingly always fluttering around from one task to the other you hardly noticed the way you had begun sniffling, voice a little groggier and even complaining about the non-existent draft running through the house even with the heating on full whack and wearing a few layers to fight the chill.
That night sitting down beside Simon with a tea, he shuffled a bit further away from you and muttered. “You’re getting a cold…” It caught a quick laugh to fall from your lips. “Don’t be silly. I feel fine.”
Those were certainly famous last words, though Simon wasn’t about to point that out to you. Instead, he just allowed you to finally cuddle into his side and mentally prepare himself for the week that you follow, you would be a sneezing, coughing mess with a high temperature, all that whilst knowing that you weren’t going to want to slow down and recover, but Simon would need to convince you regardless.
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As if on cue, the next morning Simon’s alarm began to buzz beside him, looking over to see you shuddering form beside him, even wrapped up in two blankets and the duvet. A low sigh came from him, placing a hand on your shoulder and shaking softly. You certainly looked sickly, your skin was almost tacky and it looked like you had hardly gotten a wink of sleep. “Just wake up long enough to take some medicine, love.” You sniffled and then sneeze. “M’fine-” Your hoarse voice tried to argue.
“Stop being stubborn.” Simon muttered then, carefully adjusting your pillows so that you were perched upright instead of flat down. “Once you’ve had your medicine you can sleep some more.” He informed you, climbing from bed and moving to make you a Lemsip in the kitchen, returning it to you and watching the grimace that spread across your face. You hated these, especially the lemon flavour. “I’ve put some honey in it.” He placed the warm mug into your hands. “It’ll make it more bearable; I promise.”
Reluctantly you took a sip and whined at the taste. “Bloody hot.” You complained, scrunching your nose and sneezing again, Simon's reflexes were quick, hand shootng out to steady your own so no hot drink was spilled. “Need to drink it whilst it’s hot, babe, or else it won’t work as well.” He informed you, beginning to collect forgotten articles of clothes on the ground, watching as you drank down the rest of the drink despite your utter hatred, as if finishing a shot in the club you held the mug up in victory and announced. “Done.”
“Good girl.” Simon hummed, kissing your forehead and slipping the mug from your fingers. “Try and get some rest-” “Can’t… so much t’do…” You sniffled a few times, about to clamber weakly from bed but Simon put a stop to that. “No, you’re staying here. Doctor’s orders.” Pointing a sharp finger down at her. “Oh, are you m’Doctor?” Even now there was a hint of flirtation to your hoarse tone. “Need t’take my temperature?” Rolling your tongue from your mouth playfully.
Simon smirked despite knowing he shouldn’t encourage you. “Oi, behave yourself.” He commanded. For a moment you giggle weakly, your eyes growing heavier and then shaking the tiredness way. “N-no, I’ve got… got to take them parcels to the post office-” “I’ll handle that.” Simon announced with certainty. “The food shop needs to be picked up too-” “Baby, stop.” Cupping your face he gazed into your sickly eyes. “Stop, okay? I’ve got it under control. Just focus on resting and getting better.”
A quiet whine pulled from your lips as you flopped back against the pillows and looked at him with sad eyes. “Tissues are here…” He placed down a packet on the table beside you. “I’ll bring you some snacks when you’re awake later.” Then gazing down into your eyes with so much seriousness. “Try and get some rest, for me.”
“Fine.” You grumbled, sinking lower into the comfortable sheets and watching Simon stalking around the room for another few moments, collecting anymore used clothes he could find that had been thrown aside uselessly and capturing them all into a basket. “Sleep.” Simon commanded, slipping from the door and closing it firmly behind him.
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When you awoke it was hours later, all the chores that needed doing were completed by Simon, even finding enough time to make you some food. He sat beside you whilst you munched sadly. It was clear that the medicine was beginning to wear off, sniffling again more than usual and your features becoming clammy again. “Let’s run you a bath, then I’ll make you another Lemsip, eh?”
You nodded, though it was reluctant, the thought of having to stomach another of them wasn’t one that you were looking forward to. Instead of dwelling, you followed him through to the bathroom, sat aside and waiting for him to run a bath, even using the bubbles that you liked so much, ones he told you were too sweet smelling to want to use, this time he didn’t complain.
There was no denying that Simon was sweeter with you and much softer too. Usually he was full of teasing little comments, pressing your buttons as much as you tested his own. However, it seemed with you full of a cold that he couldn’t stomach taunting you and instead was delicate with you, treating you like you were made of glass which was something you hadn’t realised you’d needed.
“Let’s get you in, babe.” Carefully helping you remove the clothes from your aching body and then guiding you into the comforting depths of the bath. He sat beside and carefully watched your body, trying to wash away the illness from your pores, humming quietly as he made diligent work of it. “You’ll be feeling better soon, baby. Before you know it, you’ll be tearing through the house causing chaos. I promise.”
A throaty laugh came form you then, glazing at him through sore eyes and replying. “Sounds like you miss the normal me, Si~” Glancing down at you as he watched your body with such tender care Simon said. “Hate seeing you like this.” He muttered, leaning in to kiss your shoulder sweetly. “I’d happily take this from you, if I could…”
A frown captured your face. “How about we both be happy and without a cold?” You whined sweetly and he chuckled. “Sounds like a deal, love. Let’s get you better then, hmm?”
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Masterlist | Ask | 22-11-2023
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