#he looks sooooo good. clawing at the walls.
golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (14/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Watching someone sleeping is something that friends do - right? And borrowing a sweater?
Warnings: this is sooooo soft, flirting, a bit angsty (but nothing serious) and a hint to the smutty scene in chapter 13
Word Count: 2.9k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: this is bad and short and I'm sorry. have been struggling mentally this week. love you all. feedback is appreciated.
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The sun shines softly through the bedroom window, warming your face as you snuggle deeper into the covers. You're enveloped in Charles' scent - it's his bedding, after all - and you take a deep breath to feel just a little bit closer to him, even though he's only inches away from you. 
A few minutes after you get into bed, your friend has actually fallen asleep. He has one hand behind his head, while the other is on his bare chest, rising and falling with each breath he takes. His eyes are closed, his thick eyelashes almost touch his cheekbones, and his breathing is calm and deep and so soothing that you could fall asleep just listening to it. 
You turn on your side to get a better look at him, which I'm sure would be pretty strange if he woke up. But as relaxed as he lies there - mouth slightly open and brown strands falling lightly into his forehead - that won't be the case for the next few minutes. 
You can hardly forgive yourself for causing him such worry last night. You promised him that you would let him know as soon as you got home. And even though you weren't actually home, and thus theoretically didn't break your promise, you feel miserable about it. 
You can't imagine how worried he must have been when he walked in the door hours after your last conversation and you were nowhere to be found. For sure, he ran all around the apartment several times to make sure you were indeed not home before he called twelve times. And you slept through every single one of his calls. 
Charles moves next to you, scooting a little closer to the center of the bed and turning onto his side facing you. He has his head nestled on his bent elbow, while his other hand is against his stomach. You notice the many birthmarks speckled on his skin, and you would love to run your finger over them, feel how soft and warm he is. But you would never cross that line in your life without his consent. 
Never would you have expected to find someone like Charles. A man so good, so kind, so unique and compassionate that your heart blossoms and opens to him in his presence, even though after Raphael you swore you would never take another person into your heart so quickly. And yet Charles has broken down the wall you so masterfully and carefully built, clawed his way into your skin, and you pray - almost plead - that he would never disappear from your life again,
Charles breathes in and out deeply and his warm breath gently strokes your face. He looks so peaceful, so young and innocent that you melt as his mouth twists into a faint smile. After last night's worry-filled night, he deserves an undisturbed nap, so you sit up and slip out of bed without waking him.
He seems to notice your absence anyway, because he slides another bit across the soft bed, to be exact, to where you were lying just moments ago, and puts his head in the hollow of the pillow you left there. He takes a deep breath and seems to relax a bit more.
You tiptoe around the bed without taking your eyes off him, reaching for your comforter to carefully spread it over him. Instinctively, he grabs the hem and pulls it up to his chin before tangling his legs in the fabric and exhaling deeply as the warm rays of the sun fall on his face. Apparently, nothing and no one can disturb his sleep.
Quietly, you close the door to the room behind you - not, of course, without catching one last glimpse of your sleeping friend as he turns onto his stomach and now seems to have fallen fully into a deep sleep. His bare back shimmers golden in the sunlight, and as he slides his hand under his pillow, his muscles dance beneath his skin. 
In the living room, you grab your laptop and plop down on the couch. On the home page of your internet browser there are still a few job postings and, just like two days ago, none of them are suitable for you. You're starting to fear that you'll actually have to apply for the dog-sitter position in order to continue living in Monaco, so you take a quick look at the pictures of the cute dogs before frustratedly putting the laptop aside and pulling your knees up to your chest.
You've been aware that finding a decent job would be difficult, but it seems almost impossible. You had already considered just sending a few applications to magazines without them explicitly looking for new photographers, but you already knew the small companies that might hire you from your old job and their treatment of their own employees definitely left something to wish for.
The thought of starting your own business has also crossed your mind, but unfortunately you lack the experience and financial resources to do so. And this aspect is exactly the thing you need to sort out. 
To distract yourself from your hopeless situation, you turn on the TV and press the Netflix button on the remote control. You don't even need to browse through the many movie and series titles before you find something suitable. There's one series that you've already seen several times and still can't get bored of. 
Although the first season with Regé-Jean page and Phoebe Dynevor did a good preliminary work, you find the second one a lot better. Although the protagonists can't stand each other at the beginning, the chemistry between the two is incomparable and electrifying. There's a deep connection that's unparalleled in your own life, and while Anthony Bridgerton can't tear his gaze away from Kate, you can't help but think of Charles sitting next to you in the restaurant, laughing as he shares the tiramisu.
Whatever is between you two - it goes so much deeper than what you want to tell yourself.
If it weren't for your exes, you might have a different relationship. Not as friends who are forced to share an apartment because they have no other choice. But as two people who met somewhere and got along great from the beginning and whose friendship would have developed into something more at some point. They would have had the opportunity to get to know each other better under different circumstances. They would have had a real chance. 
But you are not. You are Y/N with the ex-boyfriend who knows no boundaries, and Charles, who apparently also has problems with his ex-girlfriend. And you have to share an apartment. Your friendship is forced because you have no choice. Because it's more comfortable than not getting along well when you live in such close quarters. 
What happens if you no longer share an apartment? Would you still remain friends? Watch movies and drink wine and cook together? Would you have late night conversations about how important this friendship is to you? Would Charles continue to try so hard to be a good friend because he wants to, not because he has to?
You become painfully aware that your friendship is a means to an end. And that thought breaks your heart. 
The bedroom door opens and a sleepy Charles pads barefoot across the threshold. His hair stands on end and his eyes flicker around the room as if searching for something specific. When you come into his field of vision, knees drawn to your chest, he exhales and rubs the heels of his hands over his eyes and then his chest. 
"Combien de temps ai-je dormi?" how long did I sleep? His voice is raspy and deep and so beautiful. 
You glance at your phone next to you, surprised that it's actually afternoon already. The paused series in front of you also shows you how much time has passed, because apparently you've watched a whole four episodes without really paying attention. 
"A little less than three hours," you reply to him as he plops down next to you on the couch. He scratches the back of his neck before stretching out his arms and resting them on the back of the couch. "How did you sleep?"
He shrugs, running a hand over his beard. "Not so good. Kind of restless, like my body needed the sleep but my brain didn't. Like it hasn't been able to rest, you know?" When you nod, he puts his head back. "I definitely slept better with you last night. How's that going to work out if we don't see each other for four days now?" Means to an end. He looks at you again. "Why did you even let me sleep?"
You tighten your lips into a thin line. "You were apparently up very early this morning and the night was exhausting and I thought you could use a little nap," you counter him. 
He tilts his head, then glances toward the TV. "I just thought we could spend some time together before I leave the day after tomorrow."
You turn a little in his direction. The fact that he wants to spend time with you before you don't see each other for four days makes your heart beat a little faster. But in the interest of your friendship, you ignore the fierce pounding in your chest. 
"There's still time," you say, "The evening is still young. And tomorrow we still have the whole day to do something, too. Those few hours don't really matter, do they?" You smile slightly at him. 
He clasps his hands behind his head. If he had a shirt on, the hem of the sleeves would stretch across his biceps. God, couldn't the man put some clothes on?
"What do you want to do?" He sits up straight. "We could watch a movie, like the second part of Cars." He raises his eyebrows with a grin, and you throw a pillow at him. "Okay, okay. It's okay. We could also cook something or -" Charles is interrupted by the ring of his cell phone. He holds up a finger and answers the call. "Allô?"
You hear someone on the other end of the phone say something, and Charles nearly jumps up from the sofa to sprint to the bedroom. He closes the door behind you, leaving you alone in the living room. 
Is it his ex calling him? Why is she doing this? Hasn't she tormented him enough with whatever happened between them? If she's going to ruin his mood again like she did last night, you'll drive by her place in person - wherever that may be - and give her a piece of your mind. 
When Charles re-enters the living room a few moments later - this time wearing a shirt, even - he doesn't sit down next to you on the couch again, but remains standing in the open doorway. He types something else on his cell phone before lowering his arm and looking at you dejectedly. 
Oh God, it was indeed his ex. 
"That was my boss," he begins, and for a brief moment you breathe a sigh of relief. So you don't have to hurl any profanities at anyone after all. "They moved the meeting up."
"To when?" Your voice is low, because from the way Charles is looking at you, you know for a fact that the schedule change isn't for a few hours. 
The brunette exhales audibly. "'Tomorrow at noon." He moves around the living room, restless, as if he doesn't quite know where to go with himself. Your eyes follow his every step. "So I have to leave from here tomorrow morning around 7. I don't have to pack a bag, I still have a few things on site. I just need to -" He stops in front of you and looks at you sadly. "So we don't have the whole day tomorrow. Just tonight."
You have to swallow. You still think it's right to put some distance between you after dreaming about him that night, and since your friendship of convenience somehow goes deeper than it should. But you didn't expect him to leave so soon. So rushed. Head over heels. 
Your gaze catches Charles' sad look. You're certainly not going to let him drive hours to Italy like that. And like you said, the evening is still young. And even if this friendship is just a means to an end, you'll do whatever you can to get as much out of the time as you can. Savor what little time you're given, down to the last bit. 
If Charles should disappear from your life at some point, at least he should leave behind fond memories. 
"Then we should make the most of it, don't you think?" You get up from the sofa and stand in front of him. You would love to put your hand to his cheek and stroke his skin with your thumbs to comfort him. But you don't. Friends don't do that. 
Charles eyes flicker briefly from yours to your mouth. "And what do you suggest?" His arm twitches as if he's about to move it, but changed his mind at the last moment. He tilts his head before taking a tiny - but noticeable to you - step back.
"You showed me one of your favorite places," you begin, pushing past him into the bedroom. In your closet, you rummage for warm clothes - a thick sweater, plus pants and fuzzy socks - and lay them on the rumpled bed. "I'll show you one of mine now." You turn to him and put your hands on your hips. "But only if you are brave enough, of course."
Charles has to grin. "Are you taking me to a secluded place to kill myself? Or are you really taking me to one of your favorite places?" He crosses his arms in front of his chest, grinning. 
Theatrically, you smack your hand on your chest, "So that's how little you think of me?" You shake your head in mock disappointment. "And I thought we were friends. I was wrong, for better or worse. Sorry. My mistake." You pretend to put the clothes back in the closet until something soft lands on your head. As you carefully pull the fabric off of you and examine it, you see that it's a sweater. You look to Charles. 
"You better put this on. It'll keep you a lot warmer than whatever that was just now." With a nod of his head, he points to the open closet. 
The sweater in your hand is black and has a hood that catches on your head as you slip the garment on. Immediately, you're enveloped in Charles' scent - like you were in your bed just a few hours ago - and the fabric is so warm and soft that you wish you could never put anything else on again. Is that what Charles hugs feel like?
You try not to read too much into the fact that he gave you his own sweater to put on. After all, it's still winter and certainly pretty cold outside. He's probably just worried that you might freeze to death.
"So what are you going to wear?" you ask him as you fix your hair. You feel his gaze on you, causing heat to shoot into your cheeks, but you try to ignore it. 
"Just a second," Charles says, disappearing for a moment before joining you back in the bedroom in a white sweater. "'Ta-dah. It's the same as the one you're wearing. I usually wear it when I'm skiing, but somehow it's so cold outside that any other sweater would be too thin." He pats his shoulder with a grin. "How lucky I am to have those." You toss him off with the pair of socks you just pulled out of the closet. He catches it casually. "Well, that wasn't nice. Is that how you treat your friends?"
You reach for another pair of socks and this time actually hit him in the head. "You think I'm going to take you to some secluded place to kill you!"
"I only said to you what you said to me two days ago," he counters, picking up the socks from the floor to throw them to you. Then he walks up to you and stands close in front of you. "You know very well how much I appreciate your company, Y/N. And you also know that I would go anywhere with you if you asked me to." He grabs one of the laces hanging out of the hood of your sweater and wraps it around his finger. Then he pulls you a little closer to him so that there are only a few inches between your faces. You feel his hot breath on your skin, and his closeness and smell make you dizzy. "So, mon amour." 
At the nickname, images of your dream flicker before your eyes. His lips on your burning skin, his fingers on your heat. I'm yours, mon amour. Forever. You can almost hear him say it. 
"What are you asking for?"
next part
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 4 months
*banging pots and pans together* WHO WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT FIRE GHOUL PUSSY?????
I made this post yesterday about fire ghoul pussy. People liked it, soooo I wrote something. This is unedited, uncut, and messy sooooo enjoy the filth!
Dew’s genitals are described using: tdick, clit, labia, cunt, cock
Swiss isn’t sure what to expect when Dew shyly invites him back to his room after his transition is complete. It’s understandable that Dew would be unfamiliar with his new anatomy after his elemental transition, but the new fire ghoul warns Swiss that he looks a lot different down there. Swiss doesn’t really care, he’s just happy to be able to give Dew a good dicking down.
Dew’s pants come off and he opens his legs. Swiss lays down on his belly to give his usual sloppy head and is greeted with… woah.
Dew’s tentacle is gone, replaced with a pretty tdick that makes Swiss’s mouth water. There are scales and ridges lining his outer labia that are smaller and softer than the ones lining his arms, legs, and tail. Swiss brushes his thumb over them, they’re slick from Dew’s arousal and feel somewhat like snake scales.
Swiss gently parts Dew’s folds and lets out a quiet chuckle. There are ridges, supple and the same dusky red as the head of his clit, along his inner labia, and they look like they continue inward.
“I know it looks weird-“ Dew starts, tail flicking nervously. Swiss digs his claws into Dew’s thigh with a small growl.
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” Swiss rumbles before diving mouth-first into the heaven between Dew’s thighs. He tastes different, more musky and smoky now but with a hint of that previous salty sea air. Swiss’s long tongue tongue unfurls and slides into Dew’s cunt, making Dew gasp and whine happily. His hands weave through Swiss’s locs and pull his face closer.
Swiss hums and flicks his tongue along Dew’s hot and drooling walls. There are ridges inside him now, Swiss realizes, and his dick twitches where it’s pressed between the bed and his stomach. He grinds against the bed slowly, not wanting to blow his load before he gets to fuck Dew.
“Oh- Belial- Swiss-“ Dew gasps. “Ohhhh, right there, yes, baby, fuck, suck my cock just like that, mmmmmh-“
It only takes a few more minutes before Dew tenses up and gushes onto Swiss’s face. Swiss swallows as much as he can before sitting upright with a satisfied grin. Dew’s panting, pretty lips parted and chest heaving, and he drags Swiss down for a kiss.
“Fuck me,” he begs Swiss, and the multighoul is happy to oblige. With the first slide of his cock into that delicious heat, Swiss lets out an embarrassing whimper. Unholy shit, Dew’s so warm inside and he’s got ridges. Dew clenches around him and Swiss sees stars. He ruts into the little fire ghoul like a desperate animal, curses, growls, Ghoulish words, and Dew’s name falling from his lips. Dew digs his claws into Swiss’s back and wraps his legs around his waist.
Swiss cums embarrassingly quickly. He can’t be blamed, he supposes. Dew is hot and silky and dripping and moaning so prettily he just can’t help it. He pulls out and shoots his load onto the little pudge of Dew’s tummy. Dew gives his tdick a few strokes and follows suit with a needy groan of Swiss’s name.
Swiss miiiight be addicted now >_<
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samicakes-exe · 2 years
May I ask when the Jeff fic is gonna get finished?🥺
Ahh! It's finally done and hopefully not too late! ♡♡♡ I hope you enjoy my first fic of 2023!!
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warning: rough rough sex, BIG DEGRADATION STUFF, hair-pulling, it’s hate sex with a murderer sooooo, pain, fat-shaming??, you domming jeff???, use of feminine names and anatomy, unwanted cream pie, nipple biting and sucking, lot of biting, public kinda sex like you could get caught!, overall general nastiness, BARELY EDITED SMUT!
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: around 4k
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Jeff is a little shit- You know it. I know it.
Sooooo He teases the absolute fuck out of you! when you two aren’t fucking or at least making out: he won’t let you hear the end of it-
“You hate me huh?” “You don’t seem to hate me slut.”
People at the mansion would never guess that you two hook up most nights- since both of you are at each other throats insulting each other for everything under the sun.
Something about the insults, the yelling and the hard grip he had on you made you wet. Made you quiver, made you want this man that you hated.
You hated this man but couldn’t truly express that while you were clawing up the counter tops, him behind you rutting into your needy cunt hard.
you both needed this release.
You still hated each other.
Y’all just needed this just this once!!your bodies took ahold of you! This would be the last night of it.
until you two did it again
and again
fine- maybe you liked it more than what you wanted to admit.
ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠!! ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕖’𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕣:
It was early morning in the mansion, and the sun was barely poking its head over the old windowsills; It provided enough light for you to creep through the sleeping house, the only sound was the sharp creaks of the aged wooden floor. The nerves made you walk slower and they didn't truly settle until the pads of your feet touched the almost ice-like tile of the kitchen.
The kitchen was darker than the rest of the house, it was completely devoid of the warm peeks of the sunrise due to the thick curtains. You placed your hand flat on the wall and blindly felt around for seemingly a minute while you stared into the void that was the kitchen currently. Past a certain pattern of bumps: The tip of your finger thumped into the thick light switch, and in a flash, the odd staring contest with the darkness ended.
You beelined straight for the fridge which looked worse for wear. Slenderman doesn't make any unnecessary purchases, it still worked good so why buy a prettier one. Sure, it was tough to get it open but a hefty push from your sleep-riddled arms was just enough for this morning.
The buzzing lightbulb in the fridge made you press your eyes tight together and squeezed the remaining sleep out of them. Once again you were back in the dark, giving your eyes time to adjust from the soft light of the peeking sun and the sickly dim yellow lights above to the now almost heavenly fridge light.
Lucky for you, It only took a second.
And there it was: All of the food in the house currently. The cabinets were pretty bare aside from cleaning products and dishes that weren't either in the dishwasher or being used as makeshift tupper-ware. Standing there and soaking up that light that once blinded you. There were a couple of items your eyes were flicking between; A neat plastic container that held some sort of pasta, a tin foiled-wrapped paper plate mystery, and an unwrapped probably stale mash potatoes from a leftover tv dinner. Absolutely none of it looked particularly appetizing but the grumbling in your stomach didn't at all care, but before you could reach for one of your choices for breakfast your appetite dropped.
"Getting a nice tan, fat-ass?"
The hunger subsided but your stomach filled with the same feeling it always had when you heard that nails on a chalkboard voice of his. Of course, Jeff had to be the only one awake just to spite you when you think the whole house is asleep. You clenched your teeth tight until you felt a slight whirring in your jaw, hopefully, he would fuck off if you didn't respond but that only seemed to spur him on more.
"What are you now, deaf? C'mon toots you know how to say good morning the right way," Jeff's voice still had the sleepiness rasp to it. "Don't ya?"
Honestly, if it wasn't for him being so annoying you would find it quite sexy.
"What's the proper way to say good morning then?" Your voice was also raspy, it was the first thing you said this morning. Too bad that you wasted it on Jeff.
Jeff liked the raspiness more than he would admit, it reminded him of how you tend to scratch up your throat during your guy's screaming matches and how much worse it would get when you were screaming for a different reason. The very thought of a possible fuck made him want to start poking those few buttons he knew.
"Not fucking ignoring me for starters," Jeff smirked against the already scarred smile, making it stretch more. "And giving me a big smile babe."
Your eyes rolled before you even looked back at Jeff. He was leaning against the door frame, his black plaid pajama pants were hanging low on his thin build. The white tank of his was tighter than what you would think, all of it revealed his belly and revealed your favorite part personally: That thick happy trail of his which led to your second favorite part.
You flashed him the most fake smile you could muster, lips stretching against your teeth with how grand you were making it, "Uh-huh."
He couldn't help but smile back before biting his lower lip, Jeff's eyes were glued to your stretched lips. He leaned in closer to you, watching how your lips twitched against the strain "Uh-huh~"
Just as fast as you put that smile on, it dropped into your resting face aside from your lips which were in a slight frown. "Like calling me a fat-ass is such a better way, bleach boy."
It was now his turn for his eyes to roll, "Real mature Toots."
"Oh shove it up your ass Jeff."
Annoyance aside, he was genuinely letting his semi speak for him, and the way you insulted him almost made his semi not a semi anymore. Still, he needed another screaming match to fully get into the mood; deep down, he knew that you needed it too.
"A better way to say good morning to me toots is by sucking my cock."
Your face was stuck in disbelief, your eyes flicked up and down his whole being. You were dumbfounded but when you saw a noticeable bulge in his pajama pants you immediately knew why he was saying this. You let disgust run all over your body, the only thing you wanted in you right now was food and even that was iffy since your appetite was draining by the second while you were with him.
"Really Jeff? As if I'll put that thing in my mouth- won't even reach past my gums." You sneered, looking away from him and towards the empty cabinets, a smirk came across your face.
Jeff rolled his eyes, annoyed but turned on even more now. He came closer to you, now standing in front of you. Towering over you even though he wasn't the tallest guy in the house but here, compared to you he was. He was currently taking up your side view, It made your breath hitched slightly, and the excitement rumbled in a ball in your chest, you felt it every time you breathe.
"You weren't saying that last time doll, you know that." Jeff's sleepiness rasp to his voice was actually sending tingles down your spine, just the excitement of getting into not actually an argument but a bickerment was enough to get over the hatred you had for this man, and get into the pure lust you had instead.
"Who got overwhelmed by my size? screaming about how big it was huh?" Jeff was still teasing you and seemingly his craved smile stretched even wider when he caught your cheeks starting to redden.
He only wants to continue this. wanting to see how red your cheeks would get.
"I saw how your little tummy bulged out when I was absolutely balls deep in you, Doll." Jeff couldn't help but smile more. Now his actual smile was now mocking his carved one.
You couldn't stop the blood rushing to your cheeks causing them to mimick the color now. The redder they got the cockier Jeff got. His ego was inflating and he wouldn't stop until you were naked and squirming underneath him.
"Shut up Jeff. I swear." You murmured, barely able to get it out of your mouth. You swear that the heat from your cheeks was getting in the way of talking, Jeff picked up on this as well and it only pushed him to keep teasing you.
"Come on now can't defend yourself now? Come onnn call me stupid or something sweetface."
Before you could even get a word out he continued.
"See absolutely speechless because of me teasing you? Wow, would never thought that I would see the day that Y/N didn't have anything to say."
He looks proud of himself but a better word for it would be cocky, you thought. He kept going on about his small victory and soon his words snuffed the heat right out of your cheeks. You needed to shut him up somehow before his cockiness also snuffed out your lust. Thankfully, you had just the idea.
You pushed him into the wall, cutting him off in the midst of another boast. You looked up at him with a devilish smirk as you gently pulled up his white tank revealing his lean but toned body, and that happy trail as well. When the shock subsided he immediately got the hint, smirking down at you, while his eyes watched you carefully.
Your hand slid down his pajama pants feeling that same semi he had while you were insulting him. Now you could feel the effect that you always knew you had on him. You, almost at a painstaking pace started to rub his cock. as you started to kiss all over his chest. Sloppy wet kisses, leaving a trail of slight purple bruises as the blood rose to his snow-white skin.
He could only groan softly, keeping his voice hushed because y'all were next to the kitchen door: He couldn't let anyone see him like this, pinned up against the wall, shirt pushed up his chest and you teasing him. He couldn't be seen especially with you. His pride wouldn't possibly let the entire mansion or a single person know that he could stand for a second or even a quick fuck.
The kisses got meaner with time, now biting into his surprisingly soft skin which made it a lot harder for him to conceal his moans and groans.
"Fuck.. Doll." He whined which made you smile against his ribcage. The noise was delicious, and you didn't expect that you would get that from Jeff of all people.
A soft giggle left your lips and was muffled by the bruised flesh currently in your teeth. Your hand that rubbed his semi-to-a-full erection paused its movements as you got an idea that would be rather fun to execute and hopefully get another delicious whine from him.
Your lips left his ribcage and your teeth left their marks in the now red-purple love bruise. Your lips made a trail of now soft and sweet kisses up his chest. No one could tell that you hated this man with how soft you were being in this moment.
You paused when your mouth hovered over his right nipple. Your eyes flicked up to meet his and he looked mostly confused why you stopped kissing him. He liked it despite how rough you were. Little did he know what you had in mind.
"Doll- what are yo-"
You cut him off but wrapped your pretty lips around his nipple and gently sucked on it like he had done to you during past hookups. You ever so slightly let your tongue graze again the hardening pebble.
Pitiful groans came from Jeff's mouth, he was shocked that he could muster up these sounds.
With a wet plop, you stopped sucking, leaving Jeff to scramble to catch his breath and thoughts. When he looked like he had a smidge of it back, you had your two front teeth and bottom teeth around the now reddish pink bud, the color similar to your blush from earlier.
A groan that ended off with a high pitch whine when you started to roll the bud in between your teeth, wriggling your tongue on the top part.
"Fuuuck Duh-Duh... Doll."
That free hand of yours had a similar mind as it went up to his lone nipple gently flicking it and pinching it.
Jeff was a blushing mess, happy that your view was only on his chest cause he would have hated to see your reaction to him like this.
You didn't stop until his right nipple was bright red and slightly puffy.
Jeff reached for your face which had some drool pouring out of your mouth and onto his chest. He absolutely didn't care, pulling you up to his height by your face so he could roughly make out with you. His scarred skin rubbed against yours, tounges smashed together and so did moans. Accidentally bumping teeth when either of you got a little too excited.
You struggled some with the height difference and the way you felt like you were just held up by your neck, so during the make-out, you climbed him like the bean pole he was. He easily helped you: his hands grabbing massive greedy heaps of your thighs, squeezing it hard to start making his own marks on your body.
Drool seeped out from the corners of y'alls mouths.
Finally, he pulled away so your lungs could take gulps of air. He moved to your neck where your pulse was beating the strongest and started biting and sucking: His hands moved to one of his personal favorite body parts of yours: your ass. His hands which looked to be made for piano left imprints.
Your moans filled the kitchen now and weren't the least bit quiet: fuelling him to carry you to the old island in the middle of the kitchen and plopped your bruised ass on the yellowed marble counter.
His greedy mouth traveled down your chest leaving wide 'O' shaped burst blood vessels. You felt your body warming up, you couldn't see all too well, blinded by lust. All that mattered was taking this man in every way y'all saw fit.
Jeff ripped open your shirt, sloppily sucking on your breasts in any way they could fit in his mouth. he didn't care what part he just wanted to suck on them and also for them to be marked since you did one hell of a job on his chest.
"Jefff fuuuck~"
"Now you're moaning my name toots." He said his voice muffled by your marked flesh still halfway in his mouth. "Good." He huffed, his mouth now going lower.
He left a couple marks on your tummy, didn't want to spend too much time there but didn't want to leave it bare. He couldn't wait. He wanted to taste you. To swirl his tongue around in your insides. quite hastily he pulled your underwear down to around your ankles and threw your legs over his shoulders: making you lay your warm naked back against the cold marble which made your nipples hard and that caught his attention.
He flicked his eyes back up to your breasts, taking in the sight before he reached out and grabbed them roughly leaving the same hand-shaped imprints.
His eyes looked wild as ever. the pupil constricted into a pin-point like a parrot who just learned how to say "fuck". Those wild eyes traced your body from your tits down to your pussy, pretty and glistening from all the excitement and fun y'all had earlier. He reached down, gently taking his index finger and rubbing the slit of your cunt. From how he grabbed you earlier you weren't expecting this. How he so delicately touched you as if you were a brittle piece of bone, threatening to snap
You greedily tried to move your hips, trying to push yourself against his hand so you could feel more. The red flush on your face now was out of frustration since he In perfect timing moved his hand so you just missed his fingers by a hair.
"Nuh uh uh toots. Not yet." He said through gritted teeth as if he was straining to hold even himself back from completely devouring you. "I wanna hear something?"
"What Jeff? Whaaat" You whined, now sitting up half-assed.
"I am not-"
"Shut up Doll: You did it before."
"Im not doing it this ti-"
You were cut off by a long moan erupting from your mouth one of Jeff's long fingers slid up inside you, bottoming out easily. the beginning of his palm right against your clit. You were knocked back on your back, legs naturally spreading open for this man which pulled him in closer due to your panties still being around your ankles.
"Please Jeff."
Jeff stood above you, jaw unclenched as now he worked his hand shoving his ring finger in to join his middle one.
"That's all you had to say bitch.. GOD, you're so hot like this." He groaned, pulling back as he lowered himself to be in direct line of sight of your pussy. He moved his hand so his palm wasn't covering your now swollen clit, His natural smile was now ear to ear before he leaned over and started to suck lightly on your clit which sent your hips into wild motions so wild in fact that he had to reach up with his free hand and firmly press it against your belly to keep you still enough while he tasted you.
He worked his fingers into you hard but slow, thrusting into you as if he was fucking you with his cock, his tongue flicking around your clit. he changed his thrusts to the scissoring motion when he noticed you tightening up on him, your pussy throbbing wildly, your moans pleads, and whimpers all in his ears.
He moaned along with you, seemingly getting off to see you getting off. Strangely, you twos emotions were always tied together.
Maybe it was from all practice he had but he genuinely felt you were close, it must've been muscle memory.
His fingers worked rough, sloppily thrusting into you with no real timing or pacing. His tongue and mouth got sloppier and so did his hold on you which meant you could buck all you wanted. You squeezed tighter on his fingers genuinely feeling a big knot in your stomach, only tightening more and more with how more messy Jeff has gotten.
His mouth trailed off, his tongue joining his fingers in your hole while his other hand's fingers rubbed your clit, flicking it back and forth between his index and middle finger.
The muscles in your legs twitched and generally shake as if that would help you hold in the need to come undone under jeff's talented hands and mouth.
The knot only swelled and so did the upcoming scream in your throat. In time, you clasp your hand over your mouth muffling the guttural scream the best you can.
You came and came hard, juices gushing out of your hole and onto Jeff's fingers and waiting mouth. He looked up at you, your whole body flushed a rosy pink. Your mouth agape taking in greedy breaths, boobs bouncing slightly from your chest moving.
"Jesus toots almost drowned me." He grinned, at how annoyed you looked. He straightened up, his chin still dripping with your fluids, he stuck his fingers into your hanging mouth.
"Suck." He ordered, eyes lowering but the smile was still the same.
You closed your mouth around his fingers and gave it gentle sucks, savoring the taste of yourself much to the enjoyment of Jeff. his eyes sparkled when you kept sucking even when he tried to pull them out.
He pulled you by your hips closer to him, his pajama pants barely able to hang on. He barely pulled them down, just enough so that he could take out his cock.
"I know you been wanting this~"
"Shut up Jeff."
"What am I wrong toots?"
"Ye-" A loud moan interrupted you when he shoved himself into your needy cunt, gladly sucking in all of his length.
He joined your choir of moans as being in your tight pussy was enough for his knees almost to buckle. He was hunched over you, god he could swear to a priest that this pussy was the closest thing to heaven he has ever known. He gave only shallow thrusts which were enough for you both to shudder and whine. You from being overly sensitive and him from just edging himself.
"Fuck toots- god!"
He thrust into you hard one time and you both saw stars. Jeff was hunched over you like a lion eating its's meal, his hands found a way towards your hair and pulled it backward, making you stay in an arch position. He gave you more brutal thrusts, knocking every damn thought out of ya.
"Cant fucking think huh doll?" Jeff mocked you for the glazed-over look you had in your eyes. Your tongue hanging out like a puppy-dog.
"Fuck you." your tongue found it's way back into your mouth and hurled that at him.
"You're already doing that sweetheart~" He cooed looking down at your pretty face, which know had more of a glare on it then lust.
He kept the same deep pace with you, looking intently into your eyes.
"Fu-fuck you jeff! I hate you!"
Your pussy squeezed around him almost like it was milking him. His thrusts only grew rougher as his smile grew wider.
"hate me huh? Dont hate me enough not to fuck me~ God you're such a stupid little slut."
The way he was bottoming you out on repeat was making you stammer on your words. "Shut shut shut up-"
"Or else what bitch? Am I the only guy you fuck in the house or just the one that does it the best?'
His index and middle finger went to rub your clit. pressing harder down on it. You couldn't help but to buck your hips again. The knot in your belly finding the loose strings and tying itself up again.
"Jesus christ Jeffery- You're such a fucking asshole- Can't even- make me cum again." You said through gritted teeth, the way you had to suppress moans just to say that drove you insane. And deep down you knew that he was gonna make you cum again by how the knot was quickly tightening up.
"Oh? I can't, news to me bitch." He slow down but still trusted into you hard enough for you not to complain. His hand went off of your clit and onto your belly pressing down on it. He could feel his own cock going in and out.
His other hand loosens up on your hair, allowing you to move a little and you did, propping yourself up on your elbows, looking him right in his cocky face.
"fuck smiles-" You moaned and he laughed.
Your hand went and grabbed his hair pulling him to your lips. The smart way of shutting him up, can't brag if he's busy swirling tongues.
The kiss was hot and heavy and soon you both got sloppier. Jeff with his thrusts and tongue and you with your tongue.
your facades both fell apart and you two wildly fucked into each other. Not thinking about the rivalry, the other people living here, nothing at all but getting each other off.
The knot was unbearabley tight, your thighs twitching like mad around his waist, squeezing him a little tighter. Jeff pushed you flat on your back, now chest to chest with your tongues still locked together. Moans seeping out in between the little breaks in the kiss. You pulled away to fully let out a louder moan and you could feel jeff's hot breaths against your cheek. He smelled of you.
"Jeff... I'm gonna cum."
"Fuck me too."
Jeff got sloppier like how he did when he was fingering you. No rhythm or pacing to it, fucking into you rough. Whatever felt good to him he just did it. Rocking his hips into you at a brutal pace. He lifted himself off of your chest, his hands taking greedy handfuls of your thighs and squeezing hard, matching the brutal way he was fucking you. He was holding you as if you would run away but you did quite the opposite, fucking yourself back against him when he wasn't pulling you against his thrusts.
When you did have your eyes open, you caught glimpses of him staring at you with such an intensity it made your pussy throb. His jaw clenched, eyes crazy but scanning your whole body drinking the view in.
It felt like hours going on like this but a couple more thrusts made you cum, your body seized up, tightening your pussy around him before just gushing all over his pelvis, thoroughly soaking his pajama pants that were loosely hanging around his thighs. Seeing you being sent over the edge was what he needed to come undone, with one last thrust he filled you up to the brim, his legs shaking as he dumped every last drop into you.
He then slouched and laid on your chest, his face resting in the nook of your neck. You both lay there, breathing heavily but in sync. Somehow your hands found their way to his back, your finger drawing invisible circles on his shoulder blade.
When both of ya'lls breathing stopped resembling that of an asthmatic kid who just got done running the mile, Jeff picked his head up. A gentle smile against his carved one.
"i'll make us breakfast, toots."
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Sooooo it might be a little weird but I was thinking about Rick dressing up as Santa for the children in Alexandria...(I blame his beautiful white beard for that idea 👉🏼👈🏼💗) He would be really good in his role and the readers heart is melting while watching him interacting with them 🙈💗
At home, Rick is taking his costume off and one leads to another....I believe you will have a wonderful idea how and why but please please let Rick spank the reader for being a bad girl (oke I'm getting hot rn hihi) and the reader is like: I wanna be a good girl for you.... (I hope it's not confusing but I'm getting carried away with the idea 👉🏼👈🏼💕)
I might have a little praise kink hihi 💗💗💗💗
Love you sweetie 💗💗💗
hey honey! I'm so sorry for taking so long to complete this, I did try around Christmas! I hope you like it, love you!
summary - rick dresses as santa, and it turns you on to no end.
warning - smut, spanking, swearing, creampie, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You didn’t think Rick could get any more amazing, but watching him all decked out in a Santa costume and asking the kids that lined up what they wanted for Christmas made your heart skip a beat. The men in the group had decided that whatever the kids asked for, they’d search high and low for what they wanted. You smiled as your eyes connected with Rick’s, giggling as he gestured you over, the line of kids slowly diminishing. 
You walk over seductively, biting your lip as you feel giddy inside. You bat your eyes bashfully as you stand before Rick, rocking back and forth with your hands behind your back. “Hi, Santa…” 
“Hello, pretty girl. Why don’t you come sit on my lap?” Rick pats his thigh and smiles when you sit there. You feel yourself throb as you feel his body against yours. Even in the apocalypse, this man smells fantastic. “Now, what would you like for Christmas?” You pretend to think, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. His hands rest on your hips, and your core clenches and unclenches around nothing from his grip. 
You rest your hands on his chest, chewing on your bottom lip. “Hmm… I would like to be Santa’s good little girl for Christmas.” You giggle at his shocked look, and you quickly get up and take off running to your house, picking up the pace when you hear him close behind. You throw the door open and squeal when you are grabbed and pushed against a wall. 
“That wasn’t very good of you, darlin’. You need to be punished for being such a bad girl.” Rick growls into your ear. His large hand begins to land on your cheeks, and the slaps echo in the empty house, followed by your moans. “Are you going to be a good girl for Santa or continue to be bad?” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as his hand spanks your dripping cunt, catching your swollen clit with each slap. “My bad girl is so wet.” 
You whine, shaking your head as fat tears build in your eyes. “N–not bad! Wanna be good for you!” You are so lost in your head that you don’t notice Rick taking his throbbing cock out of his red pants and lining it up with your entrance. “F–fuck…” You were lucky you had decided to wear a dress today. Your fingers curled and clawed, trying to grip the wall. “Rick, so full!” You gasp as he pulls your hips closer, grabbing them as he pounds deep into you. 
Rick leans closer, whispering into your ear. His raspy voice sends tingles through your body. “Are you going to my good girl, baby? You feel so good around me, so perfect around me.” His member slides in and out of you, hitting your sweet spot, causing your walls to suck him deeper, pulsating around him. “You feel so good, darlin’. My perfect girl.” 
You whimper, your head falls back and rests against him as your eyes roll into the back of your head, and you cum. Feeling every vein and throb of his cock, you feel like you are floating. Rick pummels himself deeper into you. Grunts and groans escape him, his balls tighten, and he twitches wildly before releasing thick ropes of cum into you. “Good girl.” He leans forward and kisses the back of your head.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. 
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cyber-skeletons · 5 months
6 + 9 + 5 for megatron, 1 + 10 for Optimus, and/or 13 + 4 for both:333
hc game
HI FRIEND!!!!!! Once more you have come to bless us with asks I see <333 Sooooo sorry for how late this is, things got busy and stayed busy
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back
My god. I've seen some HEAVY answers to this one and I love toying around with those, but as for what I actually believe in:
9) What calms them when they are upset. 
When she's angry and frustrated, she likes to destroy things. Sometimes those things are people. As for sadness and fear, I'm running away with my age regression headcannon again and saying that she likes to hide under a weighted blanket and listen to a safe, trusted love one's spark pulse as they rock her. If there's no one she considers safe, she'll play an audio file of some random spark pulse and pretend someone loves her.
5) A cherished personal belonging. 
During the war, she tried to keep no sentimental belongings ("no attachments"), but after, when she's in recovery, she holds onto the first thing given to her as a genuine act of kindness and belief in her goodness. (In IDW, a Rodimus Star; in Earthspark, a "live laugh love" framed photo of her and Dot; etc.)
1) Something this character is truly proud of.
Can it be someone? Because my first thought was "Bumblebee." Yes I'm on the "Dadtimus" hype train, but more than just the simple cuteness I genuinely think Optimus's pride manifests in the lives he manages to guide and protect for the better
10) How they deal with pain. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you just had to hit me with this didn't you. damn. well. The answer is that he ignores it. Optimus is the #1 target of Ratchet's wrath when he comes in with three rust infections and a completely stripped joint because he played the "I'm fine, tend to others first" game for too long. It's to the point of self harm. And mental pain???????? OH, BUDDY. He just meditates on the Matrix until he loses his sense of self and slips into a state of dissociation so deep that he can function again. Sometimes he implodes and has a 2-hour meltdown in his quarters and then he just starts the buildup all over again.
13) What kind of parent they would be. 
Crying weeping foaming at the mouth clawing at the walls shaking like a little dog. Them as parents is. everythign 2 me
Anyway, Megatron is a hot mess. He oscillates wildly between being the "fun dad" and the helicopter parent. Always obsessed with knowing exactly where they are at any given moment, if their surroundings are safe, if he can trust other mechs to so much as look at them... the moment that sparkling emerges, he's unlocked an entirely new level of PTSD. Also, because he grew up with "wire mother" instead of "cloth mother," he's VERY screwed in the head and doesn't know how to give affection at first. He shows his love through acts of service and protection until he finally adjusts enough to hug and cuddle. When their sparkling becomes a teen, that's when he really hits his stride. He handles the rebellious streak and the angst with an almost supernatural grace and shocking empathy and patience.
Optimus meanwhile is a tempering, nurturing force right out of the gate. He is the Snugglemaster, always willing to provide praise and affirmations. However, he is also just as paranoid as Megatron about their safety and is also a helicopter parent. That sparkling is 2000% homeschooled and has next to NO privacy. He absolutely gets cornered by the likes of Elita and Bumblebee staging an intervention that he's going to crush his bitlet if he doesn't open up that iron grasp, and that Megatron needs a counterweight. After that, Optimus absolutely earns those "#1 Dad" mugs, and even gets Megatron to chill tf out. It's the teenage years he has to watch out for. He struggles adjusting to his sparkling's new interests and struggles and he tries but man... it takes him a long time to break out of seeing his little one with Permababy Syndrome.
4) What they would do if they had one month to live. 
Megatron is no holds barred fighting it with all her might. She'll spend the entire month searching for a cure or a solution, she'll struggle and rage and defy it every step of the way, even if it means leaving her loved ones in a time of peace. She will never go gently into that good night. It is her nature to rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Optimus, if he's not going "finally," then he's using that time to give as much closure to others as he can. Making happy memories with loved ones, tying loose ends, building things. He's already written like three separate speeches for this day, a la "when I am gone, do not lament my absence" and "when you look up at the stars, think of one of them as my spark."
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i-t-guy-in-the-sky · 2 months
My wife has joined an online book club, and they only ever seem to read what she terms "spicy books". I have no problem with this, but it does make for some interesting conversations...
Lady #1, reading aloud: "His fingers wrapped around my throat as he pinned me to the wall, his muscular biceps flexing with his every subtle movement.
'You have two choices, you can suck it up, stick to your training and actually stand a chance of winning this fight, or you can die. What's it going to be?'
I licked my lips, his eyes following the movement. I saw his adam's apple bob as he swallowed, the cords of his neck standing to attention.
I swallowed too, his fingers around my neck making the action harder.
'I choose to fight,' I answered.
He smiled then, his fingers releasing their vice like grip. His arm shifted so he could lean in closer, his lips brushing mine as he whispered, 'Good girl.'
Lady #2, groans loudly: God, that's so hot.
Lady #3: I know, that's my favourite part.
Lady #4: I swear, men like him make me feral. Don't you agree, Sel?
Sel: Huh? Oh yeah, totally feral.
Me, looks up from my phone and raises one eyebrow:
Sel, continuing without missing a beat: I'm talking hissing, spitting, clawing, feral. Because if anyone ever touched me like that then had the audacity to call me a good girl-
Me, grinning to myself:
Sel: - he'd better make sure he was up to date on his tetanus shots.
Me, thinks about it for all of a second before every self preservation instinct I possess flies out the window: Good Gi-
Sel, points the finger of death at me: If you value your nuts you'd better stop right there.
Me, blows her a kiss: Whatever you say, my love.
Lady #1, clears her throat: Erm... Yes... Sooooo, what did we think of the world building?
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canonically47 · 1 month
review pls
DCAS ep 19 - review
spoilers !!!! (but you knew that.)
tom saying jake sees the best in people was so fucking funny i'm sorry like we both know He Does Not. even the line was like 'despite his anxieties he..' baby ur literally saying 'despite not seeing the best in people he really does see the best in people' you are so fucking stupid
side note tom is actually an idiot, unironically. not haha himbo idiot just an actual fucking idiot. how is he 30. how is he a fan favorite. HOW IS TOMJAKE A FAN FAVORITE SHIP nonono im not talking about this rn im NOT (claws at my enclosure)
ugh i forgot tomjake is like. a thing. and not a very bad made-up fanon ship. and they're giving them a spin-off. for a sec i allowed myself to exist in a world where ONC made good writing decisions. what a world it was
james being jake's biggest hater was amazing. almost unleashed my inner jake hater. there is still time though, trust
kinda sad to see huntess not hang out with anyone but each other. i was waiting on tess interacting with gabellie or something
gabgrellie save me.... save me gabgrellie............
speaking of ellie she looked so off the entire episode. why did her eyes move like that. am i crazy. she looked so ugly
oh my fucking god they fucking burnt yul's face. that's crazy. grett the woman that you are <333 i might actually draw the prick because he looks cool now
i am also sooooooo glad they're not giving him a half-assed redemption arc. they know he sucks ass. at least we have that
krystal saying "that's the good shit" was the most embarrassing thing ever in fact her entire part before dinner was embarrassing. why did she keep. doing that and saying that. girl why are you interrupting the moment you want to get on camera are you an idiot
also she fell victim to the inconsistency bc tell me why she was bitching and moaning the entire season about 'those that really matter' and being all lpvey dovey about her friends but then derek is like 'trevor :)' and she goes 'why arent u professional' girl.
and derek. man. we all know youre lying genuinely fuck you. 'he matters to me' GIRLLL WHEEENNNNNNNNNNN HAVE YOU SHOWN THAT 😭😭😭
now allow me to be even more not normal
please god PLEASE LET THEM BECOME FRIENDS because if they do i will actually write DSVC fic about jajakeden getting together. i made a promise to myself to never write DSVC fic but if they become friends. i will be so. fucking. annoying.
sooooo glad fiore not only did not pick riya but also GAVE HER THE DISADVANTAGE. JAKE FANS HERE IS HOW WE CAN STILL WIN
why did they bring emily back just to make her a bitch.
there are many things wrong with this ep (like derek existing, and also his lines, and also yul existing,,, and the stuff ive pointed out) but its ONC. i'll throw them a bone ig. i'm okay with what we got, it obviously wasn't a masterpiece and it felt fanservice-y in parts (yk that one post or ask or whatever that says season 1 & 2 DSVC was a show a fandom was built off, but season 3 is a show built off the fandom? yea some scenes reminded me of that. coigh cough krystal mildly breaking the fourth wall.) but i'm glad connor only got like 2 seconds of screentime, fiore and alec got along, and the jajames crumbs oh my.. <3
overall, an 8/10 and if my memory isn't failing me this is probably the best rating since ep 13?? but yea it was a good episode i'm fine with it. im surprised they didnt ruin.everything. bc yk its ONC. so yea!!! yay yippee yay!
i am so glad there are only 2 episodes left . istg if i watch the spin offs or new seasons i need yall to shoot me. and remember how i was talking some time ago about rewatching the entire show after DCAS came out fully? yea no. not doing that. when episode 21 comes out i will be cheering because i will finally put DSVC behind me. i fucking hate this show WE ARE ALMOST FREE!!!!!!!!! CHEERING
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stormyoceans · 26 days
I can't stop listening to the opening of FNoL. It's such an incredible song! I can't remember the last time I didn't skip the opening credits. Those moles on Neil's face! his pleasant voice! (Charles, damn it why don't you sing in all your series!) Xiao Hai's sweet encouraging smile! Their bickering over coffee! Ooooo I'm sooo drowned in this show! But 20 minutes Carl!!!!! Monica thank you for telling me about this series. I feel such an unprecedented surge of love inside me💜🎉
i could not agree with you more about the opening song, it’s just SO GOOD, but to be fair im so in love with the entire soundtrack of this show, i’ve had it on repeat for a whole week and i still haven’t gotten tired of it!!!!! the song neil sings the very first time he meets xiao hai as a kid is probably my favorite rn, just because i ADORE charles’ voice and that scene in episode 2 with the juxtaposition of neil and xiao hai playing it (LITERALLY GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS), but again, all the songs are amazing and i think you really can tell that they took a lot of care in making the music for the series. the other night i actually watched this small featurette about it and i love that they worked so hard on the physicality of the actors while they sing and play the instruments too!!!!!!
the funniest thing is. i honestly still have no idea why this series got me so badly, especially since i have a very complicated relationship with taiwanese BLs and im not particularly into age gaps, but for some reason the dynamic between neil and xiao hai just works SO MUCH for me!!!!!! and im once again reminded how subjective chemistry is because i’ve seen a lot of comments saying that charles and michael don’t really have it, or that they have only a platonic kind of chemistry, meanwhile im sitting here clawing at the curtains and climbing the walls of my apartment every time they look at each other because michael as xiao hai has these moments where he’s giving such ‘you were my sexual awakening and i haven’t had a single chaste thought about you since forever’ energies when he’s around neil, meanwhile charles has clearly gone to the jimmy jitaraphol’s school of looking at your co-star with a love so all consuming and full of adoration and a devotion so palpable and plain to see it drives people to the brink of suicide (IT’S ME IM PEOPLE)
and much to my embarrassment i could actually go on rambling about this show for a few more hours but im shutting up rn because this already got way too long ;;;;;;;; BUT YEAH THE EPISODES BEING SO SHORT REALLY IS THE ONLY NEGATIVE THING ABOUT IT (i wanted to watch episode 5 on company's time but I NEED TO MAKE THOSE 20 MINUTES LAST)
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chaoticaren · 2 months
Daemon Ravus X Reader HCs
(This is my first time writing HCs so cut me some slack)
He's big. Literally. The in game bestiary said nine foot four so I'm going to work with that
Basically just a giant goop covered cat
I feel like he'd purr if you pet his head idk maybe I'm just fantasizing too much I'm lonely ok
Doesn't fit in a regular bathtub or shower. You have to wash him in a car wash. Just saying
Does not take any shit
Will not take any shit
And will shut that shit down (congrats if you got the reference)
I feel like if you made him food and he didn't like it he'd do the idiot sandwich thing but he'd just stare at you and breathe heavily
Would eat a potato raw. No hesitation. But he WILL glare at you the whole time.
He's like a street dog. If you're in a verse or something with other daemons he regularly sneaks out and beats the shit out of all of them and comes home looking all smug.
Expanding on the point above, y'know the swords of iron or red giants in game? How big they are? Yeah he brought one home for you once and now it sits on the wall above his bed like a trophy
Speaking of his bed, king size with several things making it bigger. Like tables the same height at the ends to fit his legs. He is not fitting on a normal bed let me tell you
Don't take his food away from him. Even if it's not food. He will tear your arm off. Or just bite you. He likes biting.
He ate a microwave once. I feel like he'd do that just out of spite
Saw a picture of Noctis on the ground. Proceeded to bite it, tear it to shreds, run it over with your lawnmower, run it over with your car, piss on the pieces, and give the pieces to the birds living in a nearby tree. The birds thought they were worms and ate them and died
Are you struggling to open jars? Ask Ravus to help open them! He'll smash them into pieces and then look at you like you're the one who did it wrong!
If you have a pet Ravus can and will pick a fight with them and promptly lose
Likes to lay in the most inconvenient places and stare up at you like it's your fault.
Managed to lay on the ceiling once. Not clear how.
You know the scene in the first Avengers movie where the Hulk beats the shit out of Loki and slams him around and it's funny for no reason? That's Ravus right there
Alright alright let's get into the actual X Reader stuff right here
Let me tell you something
He likes to hold you and it's amazing because he's so big
It's weird because he's breathing like Darth Vader with autotune in your ear but he's so WARM
Cold? Cuddle with Ravus
Angry? You can hit Ravus all you want and let me tell you something he has 250,000 HP in game you are not hurting him at all he doesn't care
Intruder in the house? Cue Ravus falling down the stairs to go and kill them and their whole bloodline
He's like a dog honestly
He will randomly pick you up and carry you around everywhere whether you want it or not
Got stuck in a washing machine once. Will growl if you bring it up.
He likes to cut food with his sword. He gives you a funny look if you throw it out. But it's not safe to eat because it's covered in whatever kind of goop Ravus is covered in sooooo
NSFW time
Good luck taking him in bed. That dick is as big as you are.
Okay, not that big. It's like...
... 11 inches? We'll say 11 for now because a foot long is just a bit much but I feel like 10 doesn't give him justice
Prefers doggy or missionary or mating press. Something along those lines
Must be on top or he'll crumble into ashes
Prepare for extremely rough sex, because that's all he does
Are you a masochist? No? You are now
Claws you up, but only a little. He doesn't want to hurt you but damn those claws are a bit much
Speaking of his claws he lets you put nail polish on them but only sometimes
When it's all done, you'll find claw marks everywhere. The ceiling, the floor, rooms you weren't even in all day, the neighbors house....
Places that don't make sense. It's not clear how they got there.
For aftercare let me tell you something
Great back scratcher
Will cuddle up to you
But if you both need to be cleaned you're both sitting in front of the sprinkler. Deal with it
That took twenty minutes to write but that was so fun. Holy shit. Ten notes and I'll do this for other characters (Current ideas are daemon Loqi, modern Ravus, daemon Luna, daemon Luna and Ravus, ect ect blah blah blah give me ideas and I'll feed you)
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j2zara · 1 month
ELLIE LADY MACBETH-ING IT UP.....sorry i have now been struck with the Thoughts of lj3 going full macbeth power couple to try and escape their circumstances. i feel feverish. that's SO GOOD janelle. god. fuck. let them have their furtive meetings and their whispered conspiracies and their ocean of history and their deep deep attraction and love and their clashing of tactics and their arguing about methods and their ride-or-die commitment to each other. i LOVE THAT.
LISTEN I know LJ3 going full macbeth power couple to escape LSOP is a long shot i know its wish fulfillment b/c there's never any winning the torment nexus but i also just think it would be so so so so so good. Like the role reversal and the change in their approaches would just be so compelling. At least to me flkewjfa. It's very "i have built a you within me" because like. I joke a lot that like. They would kinda take on each other in LSOP. J3 would go from passive recipient to like. actively hostile. He's always been reckless but this is the most extreme. J4's always going to fight, and she's exhausted ALL her options, so her last resort is to do the macbeth "look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" option. She's tried violence and it doesn't work! Not here! It takes her drive and clarity to i think get J3 to focus instead of just clawing at the walls to feel anything.
But also. J3 can't make it on his own. J4 can't make in her own, but if they worked TOGETHER... Like. J3 doesn't have the pull on Porter—he's disposable, he always has been. If he could do it himself, he would, and not even because he's selfish but just b/c its not something he would ever wish upon Ellie. But J4 doesn't have the tact. J4 has to learn how to smooth talk and manipulate.
And like. Its SOOOOO our blessed LJ3 vs. Their barbarous Jaceporter b/c like. They're trying to escape the torment nexus and in doing so they can never escape the second level of the torment nexus which is BECOMING the torment nexus! J3 submitting himself to be Ellie's second, devoting himself to what is essentially her ascension. Are they equals in this, husband and wife, or has he become the subordinate.
And how does J3 feel about it. Is he ready to support J4 because this is what she wants. Completely and utterly devoted. Maybe he would do anything for her. Believes that she can do this. She can do anything. She deserves this. She is Ellie after all. She's the only person who could do this, who could be worthy of this. Or maybe he has reservations. Maybe he's scared for her. Scared this could go horribly sideways and then he's alone. If it was up to him, could they be a version of Orpheus and Eurydice that can't make it out of the underworld but could build a life together on the stairs?
What would their life even look like if they got what they wanted for her. But also. The one who wants to ascend CAN'T do it alone. Porter always needed a spellcaster. J4 needs j3 to do this. Jace helps Porter seduce Ankarna, J3 helps Ellie seduce Porter. (I could be so good for you. I understand you. I am ready to revere you.)
We have to believe they can make it out of the torment nexus! Even if we know how it goes! We will sing it again and again and again!
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
Hello I am someone who deeply loves The Twins and Enjoys Talking about The Twins. There just...It's hard to make coherent words but I love how similar the two are, there arcs are sort of reflections of each others and I really love that, also If I'm friends with one twin I have to befriend the author, I just need to be close to the both of them. On more coherent meta stuff I find both twins perspectives on wanting to be something else really interesting. I'm trying to tiptoe the best I can around possible spoilers but I really do love them. There good lads.
(cut for spoilers!)
i really love how clearly both tang+dys are like........ HEAVILY damaged by their mother's abuse even on a colony where Everyone Is Family! it's really interesting narratively speaking that even in this supposed-to-be perfect experiment already from the start is like....... someone who's damaged these kids so bad for literally the rest of their lives
like tang's constant desire to basically leave her flesh behind....... fear of addiction yet her own obsession w/science......... fixation on chief engineer as a surrogate mother to the point where she rejects her own brother......... and yet when that brother vanishes she's SO messed up by it so clearly like. she's always looking for some kind of affection+love and yet her own fears+coping mechs make it so hard for her to keep it. ive only dated her once but my friend also did and got a dif ending and we both got dumped so honestly like. if she just dumps u ever time u date. narratively perfect
and then on the other side of the coin is dys and like his Total Rejection of all the ppl around him and like........ his belief esp at the start when u approach him that ur just gonna try and make fun of/hurt him. how in every ending ive had w/him he's become a gardener. his overwhelming desire for connection is sooooo fun esp in conjunction w/how he doesnt think he can ever connect with PEOPLE its so good. i love dys i am cupping him in my palms
i havent gotten them to reconcile yet but my friend was saying smth abt how u have to make......... rex's bar???????????? which requires four pets?????????????????????????? idk man im just squinting but im sure ill get there eventually. not next time tho next time i am unfortunately going full fasc*st kill all the aliens run solely to see what its like
if u wanna come off anon and talk to me in private lmk btw. i am clawing at the walls
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astermacguffin · 3 years
Sorry but I just had another horrible idea. Inspired by this post started by @icefire149
If we rewind the clock a bit, all the way back to Jack in the Box, here's the idea: what if the Box worked?
Like. Genuinely what would happen if the Box worked? Jack stops being a threat so Chuck doesn't even bother with them anymore, thereby preventing all of S15.
BUT. Here's the good part. Cas arrives and is justifiably horrified that they locked up his baby. "I'll release him," he says as he starts running towards the Box. Dean and Sam chase after him.
One thing leads to another, then Cas and Dean are now physically fighting. Cas gets sooooo close to unlocking the Box that Dean panics—he traps Cas with the angel cuffs.
(The important thing here is that Jack can hear the fighting and shouting happening. He knows now that he was tricked, and is now powerless to do anything about it. Powerless to do anything but listen to his father's screams: for him, for being beaten up and cuffed by his loved ones.)
Dean chains Cas to a wall so he can't reach Jack. They lock up the room and return to the library. Sam has done nothing but watch in horror. He immediately resumes his research; the sooner they can fix Jack, the sooner they can let them out again. Dean returns to his bed without even attempting to care for his wounds. (In his head, it's a form of "penance." Maybe some self-flaggelation would ease the guilt.)
Days turn to weeks turn to months.
The first few days were the most horrible: apparently, angelic beings that never tire can scream their agony and pleading all day and night without issue. There's an unspoken agreement between the brothers to not go near That Room as much as possible. (Although Dean sometimes stays in front of the door all night when he thinks he's not suffering enough.)
Eventually the screams simmer down. Somehow the silence of the hallway is worse.
Cas resorts to constant chatter, to constantly telling his son different stories. He will alleviate as much pain and loneliness as he can for Jack and himself. (Unsurprisingly, he avoids stories about the Winchesters.)
The first time someone opens the door is after two weeks. Dean peeks and is shocked by what he sees: there are scrapes and claw marks on the wall where Cas is chained up. Cas' fingers show no wounds, but they are gritty with dirt and blood. Cas has been doing this for a while, showing no progress. He's slumped against the wall defeatedly.
The first thing that Cas says to Dean is: "Make a bigger box."
No questions, no arguing, no pleading. He knows Dean will never release him until they find a way to fix Jack, which might never happen. The one small mercy that he asks is to be locked up with his son so he can be near him all eternity.
Dean says nothing for a while, but eventually nods. He starts building another Box that's big enough to house both Cas and the previous box.
Days turn to weeks turn to months.
Cas is now safely locked up in a bigger Box with Jack. The first box still separates them, but Cas still thinks it's better than being chained to a wall, unable to go near his son.
There is still no meaningful progress in their research. The brothers go through a repeating cycle of hunts, research, and looking for objects or allies powerful enough to do something about their problem. No progress.
Days turn to weeks turn to months.
On their first year, Dean slips into the room to press his ears against the cold metal. He hears their murmurs, and that distinct rumbly low voice that he misses so much. He feels like invading something precious, something personal. He quietly leaves without a word.
Weeks turn to months turn to years.
The brothers successfully avoid any questions (both from friends and enemies) about the angel and his kid by coming up with some cover story about Cas taking Jack to some far dimension to fix his soul. They don't know when they're coming back. Eventually the questions stop. Whether due to politeness for their perceived grief, or due to mere forgetting, they don't know.
The box has been moved into a deeper location in the bunker.
Months turn to years turn to...well.
When the boys eventually die (out of old age or of a hunt, it doesn't matter), they take the secret to their grave. Sam makes sure to cover the box and the room with warnings not to open it at risk of danger. Dean leaves a journal there with pictures, drawings, and stories about the angel and his nephil son.
When someone eventually finds the room and reads their story, they can only wonder how the bunker is not haunted, given the amount of grief soaked up in its walls.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
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ANON THIS WAS SO FUN.  Oh my gosh thank you so much for requesting this 😭
bites like bittersweet | reader x minho | 
Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x lee minho 
Genre: that good good smut 
Tags: aphrodisiac au, switch!minho, switch!reader, mentions of food, oral (m recieving), unprotected sex (stay safe!), degredation, pet names, dirty talk, accidental exhibitionism 
Word count: 2.4k
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“are you kidding me? I can’t believe that you actually spent money on this!! aren’t you just a tiny bit embarrassed?” 
“what? I thought that it would be fun to try!” 
“if this is your way of seducing me, I hate to tell you, but it isn’t going to work.” 
minho threw the chocolate bars back down on the coffee table. he was right;  they looked fake and you knew it. the giant logo on the front stared up at you and your skeptical friend. it was an obscenely large kiss mark with different icons of couples fucking for each flavor. you really should have had better judgement. right in front of you was $36 dollars that you would never be getting back. 
“and you had to get all the flavors?” 
your defeated arms rang themselves above your head. “what?? I wasn’t going to pass up mint, salted caramel and...what’s this called...yeah, cherri amore!” 
“and why is it again that you’re asking me to try these--” minho snatched up the flavor Salted Caramelicious in Milk Chocolate to read the label.  “--proven aphrodisiac and libido boosters?” 
“I dunno!! you were the only one around I guess...?” 
minho flicked up one of his eyebrows in his suspicion. “really? that’s why? I don’t believe you. you’re trying to get in my pants aren’t you?!” 
“no! Why the hell would I want to get in your pants?” 
“hmmm...dare I bring up the locker room incident from a couple summers ago?” sly as ever, minho punched your arm lightly. “i bet that you’ve been dreaming about it ever since then.” 
“-have not!! you’re ridiculous.” you gifted him a punch back, but this one wasn’t nearly as joking. 
minho rubbed at his arm with a dramatic little “ow” on his lips. 
“I’m bored, you don’t have anything else to do, it’s probably a scam and I don’t feel like wasting my $36.” 
for a moment, minho pondered in silence as you dished him out your best puppy-dog eyes. in all your years of friendship, there was nothing that did him in better than the way you could make your eyes glisten. “that should be illegal” he would gripe. 
“Pleeeese?? ~I know that you like mint chocolate~” you waved the bar gratuitously in front of his nose. 
“fine.” he clawed it from your grasp. “i’m sure that it’s gonna be shitty chocolate anyway.” minho’s fingers hastily tore at the little foil edges and wrappings then cracked it in his hand. 
you teased him, “should I get us some wine to go with this chocolate?” 
minho scoffed and popped a couple chunks in his mouth. “fuck, this is so waxy. I hate you for this.” 
to your right, your wall clock ticked on as late as it was into the night. you hadn’t expected yourself to get so sleepy, but you and minho had made up the couch into your usual mess of pillows and blankets that would often accompany movie nights. after a while, the two of you had decided to just let netflix autoplay each episode, not really caring that you weren’t quite watching anymore. 
“--you feeling anything?” you asked minho for the hundredth time. 
“...no; its same answer from the last fifty times that you asked me. like I said, it’s a scam. you were swindled. just admit it.” 
“...I don’t think I’m feeling anything either.” 
“we ate the shitty chocolate, and that was that.” minho huffed. “god, you owe me big time.” 
“isn’t it supposed to take a second to kick in...? isn’t that how these things work?” 
“hell if I know.” 
your friend sighed out the same unimpressed sigh he had been repeating for the last 45 minutes or so. he sat up a little straighter upon his realization. 
“wait...so you’re saying that you want me to get turned on???” 
“ah-no!!! don’t misunderstand!! it’s not that I want you to get turned on, i just want to know if it’s a scam or not. you know...for science?” 
“for science? since when was science a part of all this?” 
“i-it always was!” 
“let’s just...finish watching this episode or two and then you’re leaving, got it?
you nodded, “got it!” 
around your shoulder, minho snaked his arm to rest it gently, leaning you into him just a little. this place had always been your favorite spot. nuzzled into him like this, you could nearly hear his heartbeat in his chest. with the tv droning and the muffled “boom-boom” of his heart, you were drawn to sleep with ease, however, as you drifted, there was something different about the pace in which his heart would usually beat close to you. 
at first, you were woken by the sound of explosions. in the time that minho had promised, “this episode or two,” netflix had already made it’s way to playing a movie. strangely enough, minho hadn’t bothered changing it; it was his least favorite kind: the kind with car chases and missiles and the end of the world. 
secondly, you were awoken by his voice, urgent and shallow. 
“hey. hey. get up. y/n, get your heavy-ass head off me.” 
“wha-what is it? what time is it? what is this?” you rubbed your blurry vision away with your palms. 
“I...” minho choked down a thick gulp. “I-I think that I’m feeling...something...” 
“what?!” your head snapped to look him in his terrified widened eyes. normally he would make fun of the rat’s nest on your head, but this time, his eyes remained unmoving. 
mortified, minho uttered out again, “I feel...something...” 
“something what? spit it out!!” 
“don’t you dare look but...oh god...” your friend choked in an inhale. 
he didn’t need to finish his sentence before your eyes had drifted down to where the spiderman themed blanket covered his lap. sure enough, he tented the fabric in the most obvious way. 
“shit-this is so embarrassing.” minho steadied his breaths then winced “it kinda...hurts.” 
this time, your eyes widened. “hurts?” 
“yeah it does, okay???? don’t fucking rub it in.” 
you found yourself getting defensive, “well what the hell do we do now???” 
“I don’t know!!!” minho yelled into the dark room incredulously. 
“can’t you just...I don’t know...jerk it away??? ” 
“right here???” 
“NO like in the bathroom or something I mean!!!” 
“greaaat, you broke my dick!! and you’re being of no help at all!” 
“well what would you have be do then huh? suck it off for ya right here and now?? would that be sooooo helpful to you??”
in your frustration, you tore spiderman off of his lap, then there it was: in its full glory. 
yes, the locker room incident had lingered on your mind from time to time but.. you certainly didn’t remember it looking like that. 
in your whole life, you never would have guessed that the thought, “thank-you-god for-blessing-us-with-the-invention of-grey-sweatpants” would grace your stream of consciousness but...here you were. 
“m-minho...I-I think that it’s effecting me too.” your eyes ogled his member: lusciously thick and long, practically fighting the pants that kept it in. it bulged in his pants gorgeously and he had even wet himself a little from his leaking pre-cum.
“wow.” you marveled. 
you really don’t know why you had done it, but suddenly the entire room felt much hotter, and taking off your shirt made much more sense so, you did.
“what the hell are you doing?!” minho attempted to pull up a blanket to cover your chest. 
“does it really hurt?” something must have possessed you: your voice had dropped several octaves and you felt yourself breathing out the words with air. 
as soon as he had heard your voice change, it was like he was enchanted. “A-a little. ‘feels really...trapped.” minho ate up the way that your eyes raked over his hard-on. 
“oooh does it?” you used your index and ring finger to walk your hand over to his thigh where you then grabbed at him in starving handfuls. his muscles felt so beautiful in your hands. 
minho whimpered out the whiniest, most desperate little sound that he could manage as his closed eyelids fluttered. there was no way in this world that you could ever imagine him making such a noise, especially from your touch. 
yeah, you might have dreamt about it a couple times or more. 
your hand tranced the outline of his dick on his pants. 
“oh-shit--” minho keened under your touch, jerking his body viciously. 
“god, you’re fucking gorgeous when you’re hard.” the words left your lips unapologetically and by seeing the way that minho practically melted from the compliment, you felt your whole body swell with that same aching pain. 
your hand gave minho’s cock one good hard squeeze and he grunted out so loudly that you were fearful it could have been heard from the next apartment over. shaky breaths trembled from his lips and he rutted into your hand. 
“‘hurts so, so bad.” 
you almost missed it, but single tears fell from both of his eyes. 
“what do you want me to do about it?” 
exasperated, minho threw his head into the crook of your neck, panting, “an-anything. but--I-want your mouth. please...” 
“of course.” you cooed, then snuck your hand under the elastic of his pants, getting another squeeze in. his eyes had glared at your lips long enough, so you decided to grant them their wish. you practically threw your whole weight into him, knocking both of your balances away as you rushed your lips into his. both of your mouths were hot and insatiable: your sloppy kisses were an utter mess: and you had never used so much tongue before in your life. wet kissing sounds filled the space between you both and tangled up with your shameless moans. 
in your own pants, the situation wasn’t much different, but your desire to utterly destroy your needy friend was overwhelming and you could ignore it for a couple seconds more. 
minho rose his hips for you pull his briefs and pants off, then sat back down to display his cock, red, veiny and dripping. your mouth salivated just thinking about how amazing it would feel in your mouth. 
your friend didn’t give you much time to think before he had pulled your head nearer to him, then tapped his tip on your lips. 
“shouldn’t I tease you first? whatever happened to foreplay?” you licked his length up and down. 
“just--I don't care about that, I’m ready now,--fucking--please, please, I’m begging you to take me in your mouth. 
“~ahhhh~ you’re so cute when you beg.” 
minho’s full length was nearly too much for you to handle, but regardless, you swallowed him down using every ounce of your skill. the way that he moaned for you sounded so pathetic and needy, but he only pushed your head down farther. 
“my little cockslut” minho gasped, “taking me in so good with that pretty mouth of yours...you’re so amazing, it’s so...mmph...just like...I always dreamed it would be...” 
he threw his head back to guffaw at himself. “I can’t believe that this is happening.”
“quit talking and let me hear more of those pretty moans of yours.” you demanded of him, switching to jerk him up and down with your hand. your own saliva coated each and every one of your fingers.  
“gonna...make me cum!” minho’s fingers dug into the edge of the sofa. “can-can I?” 
“no.” you answered with a devilish smile. “you’re not gonna let me have any fun?” 
“sorry, sorry...what do you want from me now?” 
you continued jerking him once you had crept your lips up his body, kissing up his chest and stomach. your thumb played with his slit, eliciting even more pre-cum to come dripping out of his adorable tip. you reached his mouth where you let him get a taste. 
just as before, the sofa started feeling too stuffy and warm for you, so your frazzled brain searched the room for the next best place, and there really was only one other. 
“come with me,” you circled minho in your arms, pulling you both down to carpeted floor, taking a couple blankets with you as they tied in your limbs. “fuck me into the ground minho.” 
a fire lit behind minho’s soft brown eyes that you had never seen, and soon he had ridded you of all of your own clothes. 
“oh kitten, there's nothing that I would love to do to you more.” 
for mere moments, yours and minho’s bodies lingered, pressed flush against each other as both of your hips grinded together seeking some kind of relief and your mouths searched for hungry answers. 
“be a good boy for me minho,” you whispered into him, “fuck me so hard I’m dizzy, hmm?” 
“if you insist...” minho buried his head into your neck to bite into the skin, no doubt leaving marks for you later. 
everything reached a certain symphonic climax once he guided himself into your entrance which was nearly twitching to be filled by him. his length and girth stretched you out perfectly, and soon you knew it wouldn’t take too much for him to show you all the stars in the galaxy behind your eyelids. 
he thrust into you with feral sounding grunts, and your back burned a little against the carpet under you. 
“don’t-don’t stop...mmm--” 
body ablaze, the beginnings of your orgasm start to build in your core, begging for more and more. deep inside you, minho grazed your euphoric spot and you moaned out his name with reckless abandon. 
“say it louder for me baby.” your friend would greedily command, adoring the way that his name would bounce off the walls. 
“I’m close, god, minho--” 
had you not been cumming with a searing white heat with minho jerking himself wildly over your stomach, you would have seen chan open the door, pretending to sneak his way in. 
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?” chan threw his arms over his eyes. “...AND IN THE OPEN LIVING ROOM???” 
“ch-chan?” minho threw the blankets over both of your gasping bodies, still recovering from your orgasms of seconds ago. 
“ I...oh my god.” chan shielded his eyes the whole walk to his room. 
“I’m sorry!!” Minho called after him, eyes then falling to his white painting on your stomach. “hmm. that looks kinda nice.” 
later, when you would be cleaning up, chan would discover your litter of half eaten bars of chocolate, then would turn them over to laugh in your face: 
“uhhhh guys...you know that those are a placebo right?” 
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Hey! You know they prompt with the m!companions waking up after spending the night with some and don’t find them in the bed? Could you do that with F!!companions too? No pressure! /gen
Female!FO4 Companions react to Waking Up Alone After Spending the Night with Sole.
Sooooo, thank you so much for asking for this, cuz I had written about half of it, and then totally forgotten about it until I got this ask, so you are awesome!
This is the second installment to this post (M!FO4 Companions with this prompt) and there will be a part with FO3 and FONV companions as well... eventually 😅
I hope you all enjoy! (And I sincerely apologize in advance for the ridiculous length of this thing [Cait's in particular], I don't know what happens, I think I have a problem. But I super appreciate all of you who stick around to read it all, each and every one of you have my heart.)
     A dull ache persisted in Cait's muscles when she stirred beneath the sheets, she scrunched her eyebrows together as her lids rose to reveal the still dark, still disheveled hotel room. What the hell happened last night? The question briefly flashed across her mind before she recalled it. Recalled everything. Cait groaned, stretching out over the mattress, fully prepared to reunite with her lover, to wake you up in the best of ways, to touch you and be with you the way she had been last night.
Fuck. Last night… How the hell had it taken the two of you so long to do that?
Damn trust issues. Can’t they just leave me alone? Look at the good that happens when ya just let me be.
Last night had been the first time you two had been together, the first time the two of you had been intimate, and open, and honest, and real. For the first time in… hell, as long as she could remember, Cait had been her authentic self. Untainted by the venom she had injected into her veins for so long, unaffected by the liquid crutch she frequently relied on to bar her from facing herself. Even her vast insecurities hadn’t been able to touch her amid the bliss of her night with you. Because you had been authentic too, you weren’t trying to impress her, or pressure her, you didn’t pass judgement on her level of experience, didn’t berate her for her roughness, for engaging in your intimate act the only way she knew how, the only way it had ever happened when someone else initiated it, as it had always been for her. She couldn’t understand it herself, the way you’d been so patient with her, had communicated with her through everything, focused on her comfort, and her pleasure… It was so foreign to her, so unfamiliar in comparison to every other person she had been with. The act she had engaged in so many times before almost felt… new.
“Alright, what do ya say, luv? You still sore, or d’ya want to give it another go?” She shifted abruptly, a wicked grin spreading across her face as she turned to your side of the bed, green eyes glittering with ill intent, before surprise washed over them. Crimson brows rose high over the wide emerald orbs and she felt her nostrils flare unwittingly at the sight of your distinct absence.
Instantly, she wished she hadn’t turned to try and look at you. Wished that she could’ve stayed facing away just a little longer, where she could safely revel in the bliss of your night together without any consequences. She could have gazed out over the ruined hotel room, could have blushed uncharacteristically as she relived last night’s… rearrangement of all the furniture in the room. Could have kept imagining you there beside her, just as sore and worn out, but just as ready to see where this would go next. Now though…
Cait at least had the courtesy to glance around the space surrounding her before making any quick judgements, but the room was a fucking small one, and it took all of a moment to see that she was truly alone in it. Not only that, but everything belonging to you was gone too.
Now this. This shit I remember. This is all too familiar.
Normally she would have been relieved to wake up alone. It always meant she could have some peace, that she could wake up on her own terms, without harassment or expectation, without prying hands roughly dragging her from her dreams and slamming her back down into her nightmarish reality. But with you… shit was different. Even more painful than waking up next to someone she feared and despised was waking up without you by her side. The truth was like a flaming brand being pressed mercilessly to her chest, making plain to herself and everyone around her that she was hurt. That you had hurt her. She never thought the day would come.
Cait had come to the realization last night that you might be the only person who’s put her before yourself, who’s done something kind for her, who’s helped her without expecting anything in return. She came to the realization that she trusted you. More than anyone else in her life, more than Tommy, more than her own damn parents; she thought you were the only person who would never hurt her. The fact that she had been wrong made her want to spit. To curse, and fight the darkness that began to claw its way back into her heart. The same darkness you had helped expel in that vault.
She shook her head vigorously. Red hair catching in her damp eyelashes as she ground her teeth together until they ached. She wanted to scream. But dammit, she wasn’t going to let anyone know that this shit bothered her. Wasn't going to let them pity her at the sight of the hot brand you'd left on her heart when she realized you were gone.
No, she wouldn’t scream, wouldn’t let anyone hear the sounds of anguish spilling from her lips. The walls of the hotel room were paper thin, as the two of you had discovered last night after some… complaints had been issued. But Vadim had been a good sport about it. Cait wished she could look back on the memory fondly, but the glow of her euphoria was tainted red and black. An infected wound festering deep in the pit of her stomach, the hollow of her chest, the recesses of her mind.
Cait tore the blankets from her body, the thin material sticking to her sweat-dampened skin as she clambered off the mattress and began to rage around the room, snatching bits of clothing from their places on the floor and furniture. She roughly jerked up her trousers and buttoned up her corset, the action proving to be difficult as her chest expanded with her ragged inhalations. Through her fury-fogged mind, she tried to come up with a plan. Where would she go now that she didn't have you? Surely you wouldn't return to her after this. You'd gotten what you wanted, apparently; and if she was honest, she'd rather never see your face again after you'd done this to her. Made her feel this way. Made her feel filthy, and angry, and foolish, and used. Cait released a verbal sound of disgust as she threw together the last of her things. Shouldering her pack, she prepared to leave the room. Sorry Yefim, I can't be in here another fucking second. You'll have to put the furniture back yourself.
Cait slammed the hotel room door behind her, brows set low, heart pounding audibly against her chest as she loitered in front of the door, thinking about where to go next. What to do next. She couldn’t return to the combat zone, what would Tommy think? What would he say? She didn’t much care, but she didn’t want to find out either. Without Sole, what the hell was there out there for her? A flash of her potential future crossed her consciousness and she briefly saw herself crammed into some seedy corner of a bar somewhere, offering her muscle in return for some meager bits of tin, which she’d more than likely use to buy herself yet another drink at the next dive she found herself in. A vicious cycle, free of ambition, free of fulfillment, free of enjoyment… and yet, that future was more than she had ever expected for herself just a few short months ago. Back then, she would’ve given her left arm for a chance at that life, because at least she would be free. But now… you had changed everything. Helped her get clean, helped her drag herself out of the chasm her parents had forced her to dig herself into from the moment she was old enough to hold a shovel. She had wanted more for her life since meeting you. Had expected more. By your side, she had had more. And now you’d torn that away from her too, and though she wanted with every raging fiber of her being to be able to prove to you, to everyone, that she didn’t need anyone’s help to achieve that sort of life, she knew that, with you gone, reverting back to her old ways was damn near inevitable. Her jaw clenched at the thought, and she bit back a growl at the pain spreading in her chest.
Fuck this. I need a drink.
She let her hand fall from the doorknob to the now empty hotel room and made her way to the liquor counter at the Dugout Inn. Her expression drove away any potential for conversation as she sat at her stool, knocking back her full glass of whiskey. Even Vadim had stayed quiet, his usual bawdy personality remained muted as he poured her another glass and set it on the counter in front of her.
Even the bittersweet taste of her own reckless self-enablement couldn't expel the burning poison that had settled in her gut since her discovery that you had left her alone. And although she didn't have a single fucking clue what she was going to do next, that didn't seem to be what bothered her, as the whiskey began to cloud her mind and her judgement. No, it wasn't what she was going to do, it was what you were going to do. Where would you go without her? Alright, fine, you'd had your way with her, used her for your pleasure and then ran, but where to? And why do I care so damn much? A small voice asked her in the back of her mind. She decided not to grace its inquiry with a conscious answer.
Instead, she rose from her stool, slammed down a handful of caps on the counter, and half expected Vadim to ask where the room payment was, but he just smiled as he slid his hand over the pile of tin and drew it closer to him, to stash it away behind the bar. It didn't matter that Cait had no idea where she was going, she just had to leave this place. The alcohol that was meant to distract her, to numb the throbbing ache in her chest, only seemed to enhance her pain as her over exaggerated emotions surrounding the night the two of you had shared came pouring to the front of her mind. She was pissed. But not at you anymore. Was it herself? Why would she be pissed at herself? It's not like it was her fault you decided to fucking leave… Or...
Cait shook her head vigorously, pausing at the exit into Diamond City as she tried to straighten her crooked thoughts. Was it something I did? Is that why you left? Was I… not good enough? Too good? Too rough? Too unemotional? God, she sounded so whiney and insecure. Felt so insecure, so vulnerable, so guilty, so filthy.
Still trapped in her troubling thoughts, Cait attempted to finally leave the inn, letting the door slam shut behind her as she set off brusquely towards the gate leading out to the Commonwealth. She hardly noticed the body trailing her, splitting off from the crowd in the city center, and following her at an aggressive pace akin to her own. When the hand grasped at her shoulder, she almost turned around swinging, prepared to knock the teeth out of whoever decided it was a decent idea to fucking touch her right now. But her fist stilled in its clenched position beside her body, as her forest eyes widened in surprise at the person standing in front of her.
Instead of swinging her prepared fist directly into your face, she brought up both arms, shoving them forward harshly against your shoulders, forcing you a few feet backwards, likely bruising you in the process.
"Fuck off, Sole." Was all she could manage before she turned away, back towards the gate. What the hell was she supposed to make of this?! You were gone. But now you were here? It doesn't matter now, because you could never take back the way you made her feel when she woke up alone in that dingy fucking hotel room.
"Hey!" She heard you call from behind, but she pressed on, even as your footsteps echoed behind her.
"Cait, wait! Just hold on a second. Where are you going?" Even when words failed you, it seemed the stubbornness she admired so much prevailed, as you gruffly wrenched her to the side, pulling her into the alcove behind the Publick Occurrences building.
"I can explain."
Cait wrenched her arm from your grasp, attempting to turn away, her emerald eyes blazing as they refused to acknowledge you.
"Cait, please. I swear, I was coming right back. I wasn't going to just--" you tried to explain, but she silenced you with her searing look as her head lashed towards you once more.
"I thought I told you to fuck off. Ya can't justify this shite to me, Sole. I know what the hell you were playin’ at. You fucking used me, and if that's all ye kept me round for, then you can just leave me alone. Ye got what ye wanted, didn't ya?” Your mouth hung open as you waited to get a word in, but the redhead continued, a menacingly somber expression creasing the lines of her face, “At least the assholes that used me before did it because I was their slave. You actually had me thinkin' you cared about me.” She said quietly, her gaze falling to the floor as the weight of her realization fell upon her.
“Well, you can forget I was ever even here. I'm done." Her eyes snapped back to yours before she went to turn away from you once again.
You were rendered momentarily speechless by her accusations. You wondered how the hell she couldn't know how you felt about her, especially after last night. You thought you'd made it pretty damn clear.
You didn't speak, you needed to use action now, as she started towards the gate, you reached out your hand, grasping firmly at her upper arm and wrenching her towards you. Into you. And even as she tried to pull away, to tear herself from your firm grip, you pulled her in for a kiss. It was sloppy, your teeth clacked together painfully and your mind began to demand why you'd done it at all, but as you pulled away from it quickly, you knew why. As Cait recovered from the surprise contact, you finally managed to get a few words in.
"I do care about you." You told her, your forceful hold on her arm giving way to a more gentle, but still unyielding, touch. "I wasn't trying to leave you. I had to speak to Arturo about that mod I wanted to get for your shotgun, remember? He said we had to do it before he opened, but you were still asleep. I-- I didn't want to wake you. I was coming right back, Cait. I would never leave you, never use you like that. I'm not like them, I could never-- I just, God, do you really think I could do that to you?" Cait's eyes met your own, the emerald fires in their depths wavering to smoldering coals as she saw the hurt shining in your gaze. Your upturned brows, the concern etched into your features, your soft touch on her arm being pulled away slowly; Cait could see the pain in your every movement, the pain at her accusation, and the pain at realizing what little she thought of herself.
Even just a moment ago, her answer would have been different, but at the desperation in you eyes, your will for her to see the truth behind your words, she couldn't bring herself to say what her mind wanted her to. What, after so many years of abuse and horror and mistrust, it had defaulted to saying in the event that anyone could actually tell her they cared for her. Her mind wanted to deny your confession the same way it denied any kind words that were directed towards her, in order to protect her heart from another brutal beating, but this time, it was her heart that seemed to prevail.
"No." She said softly, "I guess I didn't think ye could do that to me. Can't ya see? That's what made it hurt so damn much. I never thought you'd do that shite to me. And then, when I woke up an you were gone, I just… It just didn’t make any fuckin’ sense." She brought a hand up to wipe at her face, maybe to hide the lower lip that began to tremble at her words. 
Don’t fucking cry. Don’t you even think about it, ya damn baby. Cait tore her hand away, looking to you for some kind of response as she tried to harden her expression once more.
“I’m so sorry, Cait." You told her, taking one of her hands in your own to punctuate everything you had to say, "It’ll never happen again. I swear. I never want to hurt you ever again.”
The brawler felt a lightness in her chest at your words, words that she had never heard anyone say to her before, as you promised something so alien to her ears that she almost thought she had heard you wrong. She felt her heartbeat pick up as her eyes met yours again, the fire all but subdued as the weight of what you’d said sunk in. You promised to never hurt me... She didn’t know what to say, but she had to say something.
“Yeah? Well, it had better not happen again.” You grinned at that, releasing a breath of amusement and relief as Cait's own half-smile played at her lips. “Alright lassie/lad, care fer a drink? I think I might need another after all this.” She pulled her hand from your grasp and encircled your shoulders with her arm as she started off towards the Dugout Inn once again.
“Another?” You asked, brows raised, and the woman beside you just chuckled.
     Goose prickles peppered uncomfortably over Curie’s exposed skin as a chill ran through her body. Being cold was a sensation that she was still quite unused to; however, even from her limited experience, she had to say, she wasn’t a fan. Curie let out a soft whine as she shifted beneath the thin blanket that snaked around her body, reaching out one arm to slide over the mattress in search of you, and your warmth.
“Mon Dieu?” She ventured softly, eyes still half closed as she peered around the hills of fabric upon the mattress. Sitting up, Curie rubbed at her sleep-filled eyes, still groggy from her hours of rest. Yet another human tendency that I must become more accustomed to. Her hands dropped to her lap as she turned her head to either side, eyebrows creasing together in confusion at the realization that she was alone.
“Sole?” She called, her uncertainty making her voice higher than usual. Perhaps you have gone to relieve yourself, as humans often tend to do after sleeping... Curie stretched her arms upwards before gathering the covers around her, effectively cocooning herself atop your bed, and sat waiting for you to return. Her eyes moved slowly as she took in the room around her. She had hardly gotten a good look last night, and before this, she had never been here before. At least, had never been in your room, but from what she could see in the dim light, it was pretty similar to the others. Curie thought that she never would return to Vault 81, considering the amount of time she had spent here, she figured she had had her fill of the place, but when the radiation storm hit, and the vault was the closest shelter you could think of, she couldn’t argue with the logic of the two of you waiting out the storm here. And she was glad she hadn’t tried. If she had insisted on taking shelter elsewhere, who knows what would have happened? You could have developed radiation sickness, or encountered some form of hostilities, or been stuck wandering and searching for shelter elsewhere all night long! But you hadn’t, no, the two of you had instead done other things all night long.
Curie's spine tingled as she noticed her heart skip a beat in her chest, and she felt her eyes crinkle up as she grinned, clutching the bed sheets tightly in her hands at the thought of the night you two had shared. The way your soft, sweet lips had pressed to hers, giving way to a cacophony of glorious, and thrillingly unfamiliar sensations. She recalled a gentleness, a sort of calm before the storm; dipping her toe into a pool of water, before wading in up to her knees, only to delve straight into the swirling, tumbling sea without a second glance back to the shore.
She had wanted, more than anything, to experiment in such a way with you, but she had been so unsure with how to proceed. So, when you had pressed your lips to hers gently in the night, and whispered that you wanted to do with her what she had been dreaming of since she first laid her human eyes upon you, Curie could barely contain her enthusiasm. All she wanted now was to be close to you once more, to discuss all that she had learned last night. About herself, and about you; but not because she wished to document it. No, this was not for research purposes, as she had once thought it would be, for there was nothing clinical about what the two of you had done together. At least, not in Curie’s eyes. To her, it was much, much more than a science. It was a feeling. It was… more, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, but something that made her stomach drop and her heart leap in her chest. Is it… could it be what they call… love?
It felt like hours that Curie was sitting there on the bed, awaiting your return. The time was comparable to the near 200 years she had spent alone on the other side of this very same vault. The synth found herself feeling conflicted about a number of things in this instance. She wasn't sure how she felt about Vault 81 anymore. She thought she couldn't stand the place before; however, last night she wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else in the world, but now, she couldn't wait to leave this place and go out to find you. She felt as though, if she stayed, she would be unable to leave once again, held here in this spot for another couple centuries; and maybe that wouldn't have been so bad if you were here with her, but… That was yet another item on her agenda of conflicting emotions to consider. Here Curie sat, completely alone, feeling as though she may be in love for the first and only time in her existence and you were just… gone. This was arguably the most important discovery she had ever made, and she wanted nothing more than for you to be here to help her make sense of this breakthrough of hers. Curie felt as though she had finally reached the level of inspiration required to achieve something great in the field of science, and it was all because of you. But she was still… confused? She couldn't imagine your reason for leaving, had she done something wrong? She had never done anything like this before, so it wouldn't be entirely surprising if she hadn't been particularly skilled in the acts of intimacy, but she certainly had felt good enough… had you not? Or perhaps this was customary for people to do after their first time being together in such a way? If that was the case, Curie would need an explanation as to why it had to be this way. Why you had to be gone when she felt she needed to be near you so urgently.
At that moment, Curie decided she needed to get out of this room, to look for you, yes, but also to prove to herself that she could, in fact, leave any time that she wished. To prove to herself that she wasn't going to be imprisoned here again. Curie sucked in a breath as she uncovered her bare body and exposed her skin to the chill of the recycled vault air. Quickly, she found her garments, some scattered on the floor, others wrapped in the mess of covers on the bed; and her theory regarding your disappearance was further confirmed as she found none of your own clothes in the places you had left them last night. She released a shaky breath, mumbling incoherently to herself as she often did in stressful situations, as she packed her bag in preparation to leave the vault. When she went to reach for the laser pistol that you had gifted her when she had become a synth, she noticed something that didn't quite add up. Your bag was still near the door… so perhaps, you hadn't left the vault after all? Curie's heart leaped in her chest, and in that next moment, she had dropped her travel bag, and was quickly moving towards the door that led out into the common area of the vault. As the doors slid to a close behind her, Curie's head whipped from side to side, aqua eyes passing over the monochrome hallways as she sought you out, searching for a 111 rather than an 81 among the sea of blue suits. Her eyes came to rest toward the elevator as she heard it grinding downwards, and she started towards it expectantly at the sound, before pausing abruptly when she heard her name being called from behind.
Her head swung back around to see you jogging towards her from the far end of the vault, a flush at your cheeks and a small smile decorating your sweet lips.
"And where are you running off to?” You said as you reached the synth, “You couldn't possibly leave me after--"
"Mon cheri! I was missing you this morning!" Curie's words echoed loudly off the steel walls surrounding the two of you as her excitement forced the words from her mouth at an unreasonable volume for your close proximity. Her relief at seeing you left her utterly unashamed at the blatant enthusiasm she had for your return. So much so, that she was even feeling bold enough to close the space between the two of you, her arms wrapping tightly around you as she buried her head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your comforting and familiar scent. You only just had time to return her embrace before she pulled away, her arms unraveling around your neck as she brought both hands up to caress your face. Her bright eyes seemed to glitter as they peered deeply into your own, her elated expression infectious as her thumbs stroked over your cheeks gently. Curie opened her mouth, as though she were about to speak, but when your gaze fell to rest upon her parted lips, she couldn't help but lean forward until she felt your mouth on her own. The kiss was sweet and soft, expelling Curie's chill as the contact warmed her from the inside out. As you pulled away slowly, still a little baffled by the sudden contact, you opened your eyes in time to notice her fluttering lashes and pink dusted cheekbones as a flustered grin spread onto her face.
"What timing you have, mon amour," she said, eyes still locked to yours, "I so urgently felt the need to speak to you, for I have just made zhe most brilliant discovery!"
     Piper had never had a dream like that before. It had felt so real. It left her flustered and out of breath as she stirred groggily among the blankets in the loft of her Diamond City home. 
She could still feel the warmth of another's skin pressed against hers, taste the salt of sweat on her lips, feel the shuddering jolt of her pleasure shooting up her spine. It all felt so genuine, so memorable, it was as though… No. It couldn’t be… with you? 
As Piper dipped into her post-slumber conscious reality, she felt a distinct soreness in her body that nearly confirmed her sub-conscious assumption. But she had to know for sure. Piper imagined she would have to wrench open her eyes in order to verify her prediction, but as she took a deep breath in through her nose, and your familiar scent, accompanied by the distinct musty smell that happened to permeate the room after such activities occurred made itself known, she couldn’t have kept her eyes closed if she had tried. 
They flew open as an excited squeak escaped her, and she pulled the covers off from where they obstructed her needy hazel-green gaze. 
“Blue?” She tried, speaking quietly, but unable to keep the elation from her voice. “Pssst, hey, you awake yet?” Her hands gathered up the blankets beside her, drawing them away from where she assumed they were covering your sleeping form. But they just kept coming, she pulled and pulled, gathering more fabric between her fingers, spilling the material up over her own body until the mattress was revealed. The empty mattress. She cocked an eyebrow at the sight, a question she silently posed to the barren space where you were meant to be. Where her subconscious and conscious self both had practically guaranteed you would be. Now, the reporter was confused. 
Deciding that this was perhaps not the most ideal angle for exploration, she raised up into a sitting position, flattening her wild hair with one hand as the other kept the covers drawn up around her. 
“Blue?” She questioned a little louder. Maybe you’re downstairs… fixing breakfast? It wouldn’t surprise her. You had always been thoughtful in that way, always seeming to look out for everyone but yourself. Damn that was sexy. Piper couldn’t remember the last person she had felt this way about. Maybe there wasn’t one. No, there really was no one like her Blue; you were the closest friend she’d ever had, you trusted her, you always believed her, believed in her, you spoke to her like a person, like a friend, like someone you genuinely cared about; not like a nosy little reporter, or a pain in your ass, which is how pretty much everyone else in the world decided she was supposed to be talked to. The more she thought about it, the more it became clear to her. There wasn’t anyone like you. It was literally just you, and the fact that you and her had been together in such a way last night? Unbelievable. Incredible, dreamlike, fantastic, and perfect, yes, but completely unbelievable. Wasn’t she too overbearing? Too loud? Too stubborn, and fiery, and hot-headed? 
From the moment she met you, she thought you could only ever see her in a certain way, as the scrappy, over-emotional, noisy reporter who had gotten herself locked out of the damn gate to the damn place that she freaken lived in. You had helped her, sure, and that was amazing, but she thought you’d never want to see her again after the encounter. However, as it turns out, she had been wrong. Mercifully, she had been wrong. Piper had never imagined that you would take her up on her offer to interview you, but when Nat had pulled you through the door, a firm grip locked around your wrist as she dragged you forward, and you had smiled at her, and agreed enthusiastically to answer her questions, she couldn’t help but flash her own silly grin over at you, desperate to try and hold back the joyous little giggle that threatened to escape her lips. 
Even now, still seated upon the bed, Piper smiled to herself as she poured over her memories with you. Everything was so vivid when you were around. Black and white, white and black, the occasional grey and off-white, that was all the reporter ever seemed to see in her life, but with you… everything was vibrant. The world wasn’t quite so corrupt and unforgiving, the people around her weren’t so dismissive, so closed off, even when the weather seemed too cold to bear, the light in your eyes would warm her from the inside out, the sky was never a muted tone when she was with you, it was always a bright cacophony of warm and cool colors that melded together to form a perfect blue. And the brilliance, the dizzying, lucid radiance of the night the two of you had shared had put all other colors she could possibly imagine to shame. 
Her whole body suddenly felt so warm at the sentiment, and she couldn’t stand to be bundled in blankets any longer. She had been too busy wrapped up in her own memories to even register that you hadn’t responded to her calling for you, but she shrugged it off, assuming maybe that she simply hadn’t heard your response. Piper climbed out of bed, letting the covers fall unceremoniously onto the mattress as she quickly grabbed clean clothes from her dresser. She dressed rapidly, the voice in the back of her mind posing a question that her consciousness didn’t want to acknowledge. Instead, she thought about how funny it was that she felt so embarrassed about you potentially seeing her in the nude; since, surely, you had gotten quite the eyeful last night.
But it was dark then! She thought, nodding and chuckling to herself as she prepared to make her way downstairs. At the top, looking downward, Piper paused. Listening for any movement from below, she was almost tempted to call for you again. But something caused her to hesitate. It’s that voice again, the one that wanted to ask… No, I’m not going to think about that.
The reporter forced herself to take the first step, the wood creaking in protest below her feet as she descended to the first floor. The sound was almost like a warning to her, encouraging her to turn back the way she had come, cursing her for taking a step towards the potential disappointment that awaited her at the bottom of the stairs.
Piper tried to seem perky, but her enthusiasm was waning with every moment she spent away from you; and as she peered around the ground floor, she realized that that pesky little question she had tried to push away from her conscious self was finally answered. You were gone.
The woman’s heart sank. Her brain suddenly pelting her with question after question as to why you could have done this. When had you decided that she wasn’t what you wanted? Had she been so horrible that she completely reversed the feelings you told her you had for her? Had you never cared for her in the first place? Had you just lied to get her in bed with you? If that were the case, she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to see you again. No, she was sure it would just end in a shouting match and her potentially trying to tear your pretty eyes from your useless skull. So, she… couldn’t do that, no, people thought she was crazy enough as is. But she is a reporter… and this, what you did to her, the way you made her feel, the way you used her body and toyed with her emotions, that was a crime. She had written about crimes countless times, she could do it again... But would that even be enough to make her feel less... Angry? Hurt? Idiotic?
Argh, she was so furious! With herself, with the situation, with you, but now she wasn’t sure if what she thought was your reason for leaving was even the truth, maybe she was imagining it. What if you were out there somewhere feeling hurt like she was? Or, feeling unheard or, or neglected? She didn’t know why you would be feeling that way, but there’s always two sides to a story, and she had to think that you would have had an at least halfway decent explanation for your actions. 
What about last night though? Didn’t you feel the same way she felt? She didn’t see how you could feel any differently.  
She could only wonder at all of her rhetorical questions that were begging to be answered, but just not by her. Maybe if she found you and requested an interview again… Hmmm.
Piper didn’t know if it would work, didn’t know if she could even find you, if you would agree to an interview at all, but it was a plan, at least; and for her to know the truth of the situation, it was definitely worth a try. 
The reporter thought up her questions as she gathered together her things, trying to come up with inquiries that didn’t seem too one-sided, or confrontational, or passive aggressive; but other thoughts kept interrupting her. At some point, she knew Nat would be home from her friend’s house, she should probably wash the sheets on her mattress, she hadn’t eaten anything yet, there was no food in the house, she still needed to proofread her next story, ugh! This was not what she needed today! You had always been so supportive of her, of the paper, of her taking care of Nat, of… just her in general, her as a person, as a reporter, as a friend, and traveling companion. You had been supportive last night, had let her be vulnerable, and confident in herself, and free of any judgement. You’d made her feel good about herself in a way she never had before. And yet, you fucking left. God, it made her crazy, because she just didn’t understand. It didn’t add up, all of the evidence, the important details at the front of her mind all pointed to a different sort of conclusion. One that ended with you in the dang bed next to her the morning after you had made her feel like she could write an epic poem detailing every blissful feeling you had elicited in her. And she didn’t even write poetry!
By the time her bag was packed, Piper’s stomach was growling, she was tired again, tired and hungry and angry and sad, and every negative base emotion a person could feel. But she forced herself up the couple of steps it took to get to the exit door, reaching out her hand for the doorknob, she prepared to go out and find you. To find you, and then question you. 
In the next instance, the door was pushing her back down the stairs gruffly as it opened directly into her.  
“Ow! Hey!” She said as she was thrown backwards by the impact. Piper gruffly reached up her hands, trying to adjust her hat back onto her head properly as the body in front of her moved through the door. 
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Piper! Are you alright?” 
Piper paused with her hands still over her head, and looked up quickly at the sound of your voice. At first, she thought it had been Nat who decided to beat her with her own door, but, as you stood in the doorway, an apologetic smile on your face, and a shopping bag in your hand, she couldn’t deny the fact that it really was you who had just barged into her. 
You didn’t leave. You weren’t gone. She thought giddily, impulsively throwing her arms around your shoulders in her relief. For just a moment, her questions and anger could wait.
“Aw, Piper, I wasn’t gone that long. But I missed you too.” you giggled at her, drawing your own encumbered arms around her to reciprocate to the best of your abilities, “And I’m glad you forgive me for the concussion I just gave you.” 
“Where were you?” Piper asked, almost aggressively as she pulled away, still standing close enough to keep you trapped between her and the door. 
“I just had to grab some supplies from the mark--”
“And you couldn’t wait until I woke up? Do you know the kind of state you had me in this morning?! Geeze, Blue, you really are clueless sometimes, huh?”
“No! I’m sorry I was gone, but I… Here, I brought home some breakfast. I wanted to surprise you.”
You held up the bag in your hand, showcasing the clear outline of soup containers and the distinct mark of Takahashi. 
“O--oh, well, that was… um, that was really nice of you, Blue. I…”
You just smiled at her and her apologetic expression, beginning your descent past Piper and down the couple of stairs towards the couch where the two of you could enjoy your breakfast.  
“It’s okay Piper. I’m sorry too.” You said looking back at her as you placed the bag down on the coffee table. And your companion just grinned.
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bohemiansweede · 3 years
Versace On The Floor
Pairing Rami Malek & Reader
Warnings 🔞
A/N please like and reblog or leave a comment thank you
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The whole house was empty and quiet when all the guests left
You and Rami had hosted a big birthday party plus celebrating that you just bought your new big house up in The Hills
A lot of people brother and wife, sister, both old friends and actor colleagues had a good time, food, good music and of course drinks
He closed the door after the last guest and returned to you in the big kitchen
You placed the big tray with leftover catering food in the fridge
- Ohh God.. It was good food, right hunnie?
He filled both your glass with more wine
- Yes, it was an amazing party Rami
- It sure was.. Cheers love
You took a sip and smiled at him
- Sooooo.. Did your birthday fill all the boxes?
- Mmm.. No...
- No? What could I do more for you Mr Malek?
- Well...... Mmmm.... Let's see... I could do something for you darling
He kissed your neck, just where he knew you loved it
Immediately your head fell back with a moan
It had been a while since you enjoyed time alone
Your twingirls Thea and Tessa, were now soon 3 years old
After a busy morning showering in kisses, cuddling and of course pancakes in bed they proudly gaved dad their new drawings.
Their bags were packed for the night and they were picked up by your friend Lizzie
The minute they were gone, you missed them, but you had to get ready for the big evening
- Mmm.. Rami, you know what I like
- Uhu.. Do I...
His lips left you burning
He took your hand and with a smile he went to the big living room
With a little flip of his hand he softened down the lights and turned up the volume a bit
"Versace on the floor" by Bruno Mars streamed out from the speakers
He lifted you up a bit and swirled you around
A soft giggle slipped from your lips
His strong arms held you close and you breathed in his maskuline scent
The zipper was pulled down before you even realised it and your new dress dropped on the floor
You just breathed heavily
- Y/N?.. Is this new?
His finger followed your red lace bra
- It is... Mmmm... For you Rami dear
He kissed down your collarbone
- Oh, just this is a gift enough, what am I going to do with a beautiful gift wrapping like this
With a snap your bra was off
He cupped your both breasts in his hands
Slowly twirling your nipples between his fingers
- Ple.. Please Rami
- Please what?.. You don't have to beg me tonight, I'm impatient.. Ohhhh.. shit.. you look divine Mrs Malek
His finger continued down your belly and followed the hem of your panties
Your thighs clenched together and it started to pool inside of you
- Ahhhh R.. Rami
- Mmmmm....
He knew you knees got weak of his touch, so he scooped you up and placed you on the couch
You bounced on the cushions and bit your lip admiring your husband taking off his tie.. slowly..slowly
He swayed his hips a bit to the music and you licked your lips
- Come here
With a big smile you spread your legs
- I have a gift for you
Never before had he jumped out of his clothes that quickly
He almost growled when he landed between your lushius thighs
You lifted your butt so he could pull your underwear down
You saw a glimmer in his eyes when he looked up at you
They locked with yours same time his tounge divided your folds
He smiled mischievously and flicked his tounge fast on your clit
Your hips tried to buck upward, but he pinned you down
As soon as his fingers entered you, your walls fell apart and you came with a primal scream
- Ohhh love.. I have missed this.. Mmm
- Ssshhhh.. Continue!!! OHHH GOD
His middlefinger nudged over your spot like the expert he was, he knew you.. Inside and out
And just as you came the second time, he opened his mouth to collect all your sweet fluid
You almost trapped him with your thighs and scratched his scalp
- AHHHH... SSSSSHHHIT little pussy cat .. Shit.. You have sharp claws
He laughed a little raspy laugh and crawled up kissing, admiring your body all the way up
He placed tiny butterfly kisses on your belly
- Hunnie?
-.. yes?
- I know an other gift you can give me...
- Oh Rami. You want that? Now? Already?
- Omg.. Yes.. YES I do
His eyes got almost teary
He kissed you passionatly, while he entered you
Like you instinctively found your same RHYTHM together, you moved in unison, first slow and deep, then neither of you could hold it any longer
He took your leg and pressed it to his chest so he could come in deeper than before
- Ohhhh.. I'm coming... NOW!!
- Wait for me baby.. Ahhhh...
He kissed you again and held around your ass pumping his cock faster and faster
Not long after you felt his seed flushing deep inside you
He held around you, still remaining inside
- You think it worked right away like last time with our girls?
- Mmm... Maybe.. Ohh.. Maybe next birthday we can serve more pancakes..
- Ohh, I would love that. I love you
Y/N.. So so much
- And I you Rami. Happy Birthday daddy
Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
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magalidragon · 3 years
15, please
Ooooh this one I was really thinking about do we go full fluff or angst or what? Sooooo let us return to a universe that may have been forgotten....Princess Daenerys and her bodyguard Jon (spoiler alert) from my weird mysterious angsty fic bird on a wire. Well in that one he is FORMER and in this one it is set a bit before. Forbidden Love! 💗
Moodboard to come! Enjoy and thank you for the prompt!!
Romantic One Liner Prompts
15. “I’ve missed you so much.”
"Daenerys you look a bit peaky, are you feeling well?"
"I'm fine, mother."  She really needed a drink.  And not the ancient Dornish red they were currently drinking with their meal.  It was the weekly family dinner, something her brother instituted the second he became King, in effort to "foster better familial relationships."  It was basically his way of trying to turn them into as normal a family as possible, when they were anything but that.
She lightly touched her fingertips to her temple, a dull ache forming.  It would rage later, she had no doubt, but for now she could only ignore it and listen to Rhaegar wax on about a dull meeting he had with the Minister of Finance, Willas Tyrell, who was near her age but a bit of a wunderkind in finance and politics.
The empty seat across from her was ignored by Rhaegar, and her mother, and it irked Dany.  Viserys was back in the hospital, not that they would acknowledge it beyond simply saying his doctors thought they had his medications worked out and he would be home soon.  She took a deep breath, crumpling her napkin in her lap.  "You know Muna, I am a bit under the weather, I think I will retire early."
Rhaella glanced away from Rhaegar, who was annoyed she'd interrupted him.  Her mother furrowed her brow, concerned.  "Of course darling, I'll send something to your room later..."
"No thank you, I'm not hungry."  She tossed the napkin onto the chair as she stood, shooting a dark look at Rhaegar, who ignored her and sipped his wine.  "Perhaps it's the weather....or the company."
"Daenerys," Rhaella began, sighing.
She shook her head, rolling her eyes.  "Forget it Muna.  Rhae, always a displeasure."
"Daenerys," he began, but it was their mother who cut him off.
"Rhaegar, please.  I'll not have to fight right now."  It was the Queen Dowager who now looked exhausted and peaky, touching her fingertips to her head.  She waved her hand.  "I will see you later Daenerys, I'll check in on you."
I'm not a child, she wanted to say, but bit her tongue, nodding curtly.  She left the dining room, one of the smaller ones they used solely for family functions-- not that there were any of those beyond weekly dinner-- entering the corridor.
Maegor's Holdfast, where the official family residence happened to be, was free of security during non-working hours, to give the resemblance that they lived in a normal home.  If your home happened to be multiple levels of an ancient castle built by dragonriders.  It was a joke to her, an illusion, something out of a movie.  This is not the home you're looking for, type of thing.
Her heels clicked on the stone floors, barely covered with carpets, chilly in the late evening.  She shivered, an impressive feat given her dragonblood that normally kept her hot, and wondered where her security detail happened to be lurking that evening.  She could call them, if she wanted to go out, but this late they might say no, they couldn't guarantee anything.
Trapped would be a word for it.  Caged, another.  They meant the same thing, but that wasn't it at all.  Daenerys felt like her wings were clipped.  She could flit about and pretend she could fly, but she really couldn't.  Not unless she escaped from under their noses.
She went to her room and picked up one of her dump phones, texting missandei.  A moment later she had the address for a party, should she want to go out.  But she didn't.  She sighed, walking through the big open doors onto her terrace.  Her suite was in a tower, because that's what she wanted as a girl, and overlooked the Blackwater Bay, in the direction of Essos.
Wishing she was at Dragonstone, she closed her eyes, allowing the cool night breeze, salty from the sea, to brush through her hair and across her skin, like a lover's caress, gentle and soft.  On Dragonstone the air might have a burnt, ashy tinge to it, curling your nose, but she loved it.  She missed it.
Her eyelids flickered up, spotting the ships in the harbor, scanning the horizon, to the Dragonpit ruins and then to the Sept of baelor.  She could slip out easily.  Ser Gerold, their Chief of Security, was probably asleep in his bed in the Lord Commander's tower.  Arthur would likely be on duty for Rhaegar well into the night, Barristan was her mother's keeper and then there was Jamie Lannister floating about somewhere.
She named off the Kingsguard in her head, the ones that all had their assignments, some off duty that night, some no doubt in a control room, buzzing in anticipation there might be a plot afoot to kidnap the Princess or assassinate the King.  It had happened once.  Actually, twice, if she included that time Rhaegar's car had flipped on the way to Summerhall.  They said it was an accident, but she knew better.  It was Baratheon supporters.
Her nails dug into the stone, her heart empty, achy.  "Brienne might let me leave," she murmured.  Brienne was their newest guard, she was eager to please.
At her feet, her massive leopard-sized cat Drogon fussed, emerging from wherever he'd been hiding.  He yowled, clawing her feet.  "Is this how you greet me?" she teased, leaning down to lift him up.  She hefted him up and down a couple times, chuckling.  "I think you need a diet, young man."
Drogon yowled, protesting.  She knew he was just saying he was big-boned.  She kissed the top of his head, scratching under his chin.  He clawed into her arm, demanding he be put down, and she obliged lest her arm become a new scratching post for him.  He sauntered his fat butt back into her room and over to the tapestry of the three Targaryens and their dragons, pawing at the edge.
Her lips twitched, heart leaping hopefully, and soon her relief washed over her, the tapestry pushing aside and the secret passageway opening to reveal him.
"Oh," she exclaimed, pushing away from the stone wall, hurrying towards him.  Her arms flung around his neck, embracing him tight, her face buried in his dark curls, inhaling the scent that had been fading from her sheets and the oversized sweatshirt she'd stolen from his apartment, with each passing day.
He gripped her close, his exhale hard enough to knock her earrings aside.  He swayed, with her in his arms, her toes touching the tops of his feet, lifting her slightly off the floor.  "I've missed you so much," he mumbled, voice raspy.
"I've missed you too."
Falling back to her feet, she pushed his hair aside, tucking it behind his ear, fingertips stroking down his recently cropped beard.  Regulations being what they were, he had to make sure it wasn't unkempt, which he sometimes preferred it to be, especially when he was gone for a long time, like he had been.  His eyes crinkled with his warm smile, his own hands mapping her face, both reacquainting with the other, until she could take no more.
She cried out, muffled, kissing him before she could stop herself, fingers digging into the back of his neck, her mouth opening easily under his, desperate.  He held her tight, hands branding her hips, pushing her towards the nearest surface, which happened to be a chaise lounge near the door.
The chaise’s soft silk fabric brushed over the back of her legs when she reclined onto it, pulling him over her, kissing hard and demanding, pouring her happiness at seeing him after so long into the kiss.  He broke it, when the need for air forced them apart, and touched his forehead to hers, whispering.  "I was worried about you, that security breach last week."
It was just a drunk, the Aegon's Hill Academy frat boys daring each other to try to jump the fence, but of course he would see it as a legitimate problem.  "I wasn't even here, I was with Missandei," she murmured.
He frowned, tracing his finger down her nose, thumb skimming her swollen bottom lip.  "I wish you wouldn't do that without me."
"Because you want to party too?" she teased, but she knew what he meant.  He was her protector, her shadow, and she was never fully usafe unless he was near her.
He smirked.  "No, because it's been six months."
"Six months," she sobbed.  She had barely spoken to him, sneaking messages when she could.  She laughed again, rolling her eyes.  "Remind me to tell Lord Commander Hightower to never approve your military leave again."
"Better tell your Minister of War to stop fighting with the Free Folk at the Wall."
Her nose wrinkled; she detested Rhaegar's pick for Minister of War, Lord Tywin Lannister, and only knew he gave ihm that position because it meant he could keep an eye on him.  Better to have him near than across the continent, her brother said.  Dany would prefer he be in jail.
She nuzzled into his chest, needing to hold him, listen to his heart, and reassure herself he was there with her and not traipsing about in the snow thousands and thousands of miles away.  "Will you be back on my detail?" she breathed, her heart stilling as she awaited his reply.
He moved so she could stretch over him, so he could play with her hair, and he nodded. "Aye, I believe so.  Last I heard."
"We have to be more careful, I think Viserys knows."
He stilled his movements.  "He...is he good?"
She shrugged.  "Who knows...they keep medicating him.  Regardless, if he says something...I don't know."
"We'll be more careful."
They couldn't be any more careful at this point.  They hardly looked at each other, every interaction strictly professional.  He was her bodyguard, nothing more, nothing less.  She treated him like she did everyone else.  Little did they know that five years ago, since Captain Jon Snow, reserve Night's Watch, walked into the solar and Ser Arthur introduced him to her as her newest lead bodyguard, she had been hopelessly in love with him.
Well, not exactly five months.  It took some time.  He was annoying the first six months.  Then she started to become friends with him.  They grew close.  Closer.  Until about a year in she'd kissed him, when he'd found her after she'd given him the slip, at a warehouse party in Vaes Dothrak, while they'd been over in Essos for a 'goodwill tour.'
It was wrong.  They both knew it.  They both couldn't stop it.  He'd get reassigned at the least, fired at the most, and she didn't want anything to happen to him.
It was a matter of time.
Someone would find out.
She was sure that this latest assignment of him from reserves to active duty for the last six months might have been a sign.  Except he was a drug, she couldn't stop it.  She loved him and he loved her.  "Jon," she murmured, pressing her nose into the shadow dent between his shoulder and collarbone, idly pressing a kiss against his steady pulse.
"Hmm?"  He pulled lazily at her hair, twisting braids around his fingers.  She could die and be the happiest she'd ever been.
Lifting her face to his, she whispered.  "Make love to me."
He smiled slowly and leaned down, kissing her so tenderly, she thought she might break.  Except she wouldn't, because she was a dragon.  She relaxed against him and he lifted her up, carrying her across the sitting area into her bedroom suite.
Some time later, she lay against him as he slept, and stared out the open doors to the balcony and beyond, the moon full and as silver as her hair, glowing into the darkness over them.  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, ignoring the sound of reality beating at the door, and returned to sleep, where in dreams she could be Daenerys and he could be Jon.
And not the princess and her bodyguard.
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