#he looks kyoot
sungbyhoon · 3 months
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shima-draws · 5 months
Also hehehe. HEHEHE guess who I managed to get my hands on in OPTC
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anthrophobixx · 5 months
question, as a fellow pokemon enthusiast, what's your favorite pokemon and why? if you can't pick one, give me a few! my favorite are shinx and sylveon :))
OOOOOH I LOVE THIS QUESTION oki so, I have a shitload of favorite pokemon but I have 6 that I really love n those r Sceptile, Hypno, Azumarill, Quagsire, Voltorb n Alolan Raichu :33
Hypno because I have a pokemon universe I made up w ocs n such and he's a MAJOR major character in it (all my favs r in it actually) , but I originally started loving him because of SoulSilver n HeartGold. It was the first pokemon game where your pokemon could follow u around n I would always have Hypno follow me because his text lines were very silly n that's when he started growing on me, but the creepypasta n the fnf mod also boosted my love for him
Sceptile has been my favorite pokemon ever since I was a toddler n if I really had to choose a fav from the 6 I mentioned it would be Sceptile. The anime is what made me start loving the entire evolution line, the angst w him was craaazy. I genuinely cannot express in words how much I adore Sceptile he means a lot 2 me
Azumarill became one of my favs during lockdown. I did a pkmn ruby nuzlocke n she together w Sceptile were absolutely carrying my team and obv I grew attached + rabbits r one or my fav animals so that's a bonus
Quagsire is just Quagsire. It's awesome it's amazing I love him. No idea how or why I started loving him as much as I do today but I do and I would die for him.
Voltorb is silly. I have my pokesona who's partner is a Voltorb n it just follows her around n it's so kyoot, Voltorb is underrated
Alolan Raichu I kinda have a history with. When gen 7 first released n I looked through the Pokedex I just saw it n went "THAT'S THE ONE." n immediately became a fan. The first ever box of Pokemon cards I ever got was Alolan Raichu themed, my mascot on instagram was Alolan Raichu before I changed it to Randy, my first ever alolan pokemon I got (if we don't count the starters) was Alolan Raichu in pokemon ultra moon, it's just been present in my life in one way or another ever since it was first presented n I love it dearly
Okay I think that's all, sorry for the long read I'm. Very insane abt my fav pokemon T_T
SHINX AND SYLVEON R SO BASED, Sylveon is my fav eeveelution after Glaceon it's so gorg I love Sylveon <3
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humannish · 27 days
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he is so kyoot he looks like hes in pajamas i 🖤 ratman 4
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I just wanted to draw Rabbit again. Wearing a very cottagecore hat. I wanted to give him an apron too but it wasn’t working out lol but look at him, he’s so kyoot with his tulip lined hat. And I wanted to draw him in a good mood because I like seeing him in a good mood. I may redraw this or fix this up because I can see a few spots already I can improve but there are several things I’m very pleased with in this. I’ll be drawing more Kirby-oriented stuff tomorrow but I just wanted to share with you guys while I’m in my Pooh Era. Enjoy! I hope you love him as much as I do!
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
A lil sneak peak of the fic I’m writing that has kid Vegas!!
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Suddenly the boy was tackled to the ground. He looked up at whoever did it, who was still on top of him by the way, ready to punch them and maybe do worst. Only to find the boy he met the day before, Vegas. He had a huge grin on his face, and Najih was willing to bet everything he owned that if he had a tail it would be wagging. "You came!" Vegas declared, happiness seeping out of his voice. The grey eyed child frowned slightly "I said I would, I don't like breaking promises" he replied, to which Vegas only giggled, which for some odd reasons sent butterflies to Najih's stomach, before his father picked up from the poor boy.
"Vegas" his father said sternly "don't jump on the poor boy, let him breathe a bit would you?" Vegas only frowned at his dad and started kicking his feet "I don't care! I wanna go play with my friend now!" Najih blinked at that. Were they, friends, now?When did that happen? How do you act as friends? Is it the same as being family? If so he'd much rather not have any friends. But instead of voicing any of his concerns he just stood up and dusted his outfit.
"It's quite alright sir" said Layla as she approached the black hair boy and ruffled his hair lightly "I told Vegas that we would be returning today and he would get to play with my boy, if anything it is my fault" Vegas placed his hands on his hips and raised his head, like he just won a lawsuit or something. "I see" said his father "I suppose the two of them should head off to play now then".
He beamed at his fathers words before rushing up at Najih and grabbing his hand "hear that?!" He exclaimed happily "You and I get to play all day together" the boy said with a giggle. Najih quickly glanced at his mother, who only nodded her head at the child, before smiling slightly at the slightly taller kid -like very slightly, if he hadn't been taught to notice even the smallest detail he wouldn't have realized it- and nodding at him. "Alright then, where do you want to go?" Vegas seemed to stop functioning for a bit as he blinked at his new friend, then he went back to smiling widely before rushing off with Najih still in his hand.
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That’s all you’re getting for now!!
Btw tell me if Vegas is ooc so I can change it o7
OH MY GOD I ALMOST FORGOT TO REPLY IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! Najih’s confusion is so kyoot😭😭 Vegas dragging him along like he’s not gonna force him 2 play kid’s poker or smth LMAO
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beevean · 1 year
top 5 fav NFCV moments and top 5 most hated NFCV moments and top 5 fav NFCV characters and top 5 most hated NFCV characters (I WARNED YOU.)
Isaac forcing Hector to watch Rosaly die was less evil.
Okay. I'll try :)
Top 5 NFCV moments:
5) Carmilla and Hector avoiding the blessed waters moved around by Dracula's castle. Not only it was a dynamic sequence, I admit that Carmilla saying "what the fuck was that" was the only time I legit laughed out loud. The timing was just perfect lmao.
4) Lenore's death. Not only because FUCK YEAH THE BITCH DIED LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO, but it's beautiful, with a gorgeous track, and I like to imagine Lenore killed herself out of fear of becoming like Carmilla, she who wanted to be as human as possible, and not because "wah i don't wanna live like hector". Lenore could have been a good character too if she wasn't used for fetish fuel and rape apologism :)
3) Blue Fangs. By far the rawest, most interesting "CHURCH BAD" scene in the series.
2) Trevor vs. Death. A visual spectacle, and finally, finally the protagonist of the story does something cool and plot-relevant! I also agree that Trevor saying "I love you" to Sypha was just adorable <3
"I'm killing my boy". Lore breaking? Yes. Made Dracula into too much of a woobie? Maybe. Heartwrenching in the context of the show? Absolutely. I am a sucker for McTavish's voice acting, and it is the culmination of Dracula's biggest inner conflict: his virulent hatred for the mankind who took his love from her against the love for his son, and indirectly for Lisa. If only this scene took place in the proper SoTN adaptation...
Top 5 worst moments (how do I choose):
5) The explanation as to why vampires fear crosses. It's Twilight pseudo-science and I can't believe people can take it seriously. It's also emblematic, for me, of how much the series disrespects the religious symbols of the game (that, and ofc the infamous water blessing zombie lol)
4) Everytime Isaac is a dick to Hector. I just hate that guy. He's unpleasantly mean and condescending and we're meant to agree with him when he calls Hector "a simple creature". Go fuck yourself, you Walmart Hector.
3) Dracula and Lisa being brought back and deciding to travel together without telling Alucard anything. bruh. why are we rewarding the dude who slaughtered humans way before lisa even entered the scene. why is lisa okay with what her husband did. why are you breaking the lore like this. why.
2) The Alucard threesome + him pissing on the Japanese not-twins' corpses, for the reasons you said. Pointless, out of nowhere trauma whose resolution was a cheating joke from Greta. bruh
... can I cheat and mention every Lenector scene? Lenore beating Hector up was again torture porn, gratuituously humiliating (dat dick), and only serves to show how cool and stronk Lenore is. Her leashing him up is simply uncomfortable, because it's portrayed as horny and hot instead of being yet another form of torture - Hector seems visibly aroused at points. The sex scene is of course the sex scene. Her humiliating him in front of her sisters is simply gross. The dick jokes are immature and fail at being funny banter. "Oh shush you were having fun" makes me want to stab someone with a plastic spoon, ditto the "parallel" between Hector being lied to by Dracula and Lenore being lied to by Carmilla because oh gosh look how kyoot they are together 🥺 Him protecting her from Isaac is just the last slap in the face towards this character who really deserved better than being torture fetish fuel.
(honorable mention to the "Is this the definition of insanity?" scene, because people keep praising N!Isaac as the character of all time but I only see a brat throwing a tantrum)
Top 5 NFCV characters:
5) Godbrand. The closest thing to a canon Isaac we got, and the only one with a braincell in the joint.
4) Striga. Buff woman who references Berserk <3
3) Trevor. A far cry from his game self, and yes the cliché of the drunkard cynical anti-hero is old, but he never once irritated me. He had a nice arc in S1, a believable tragic backstory, and overall I just felt bad for him when Alucard was a jerk to him.
2) Hector. I love the idea of the character, and he isn't rude or annoying. I was genuinely fascinated by his alien view of the world, and he had potential as an anti-villain without empathy for his fellow humans but still principled, mellow but ruthless when necessary (he did kill his parents after all). The narrative just pisses on him for no good reason.
Sypha. I have nearly nothing bad to say about her lmao. I'm annoyed by her "peeing in a bucket" quote, her moving the Castle on top of the hold was stupid, and she's too OP for my tastes, but she's a genuinely nice girl and her design is so cute and her relationship with Trevor is so adorable <3 best girl. Unironically.
Top 5 most hated NFCV characters:
5) Alucard. ughhhhhhh he's such an arrogant crass jerk! Why does he even have fans! He's ugly to boot!
4) The Japanese not-twins. A complete waste of time, their only narrative purpose was a random threesome, and in their haste to not make the scene incestuous now they're accidentally racist because they look identical despite not being related lol.
3) Isaac. He's flat, rude, contemptuous, full of himself, with a rushed character "arc", never actually regrets his crimes, hypocritical, Islamophobic, with a shoehorned cliché "past slave" backstory, and the narrative won't stop sucking his dick. Hyped to high heavens at the expense of the real Isaac for reasons I do not and never will understand.
2) Carmilla. She's the most shallow, cliché #girlboss you could have written, nothing more than a cartoon villain who wants to conquer the world, and also a stereotypical radfem for no reason. She was irritating in S2, then she peaced out of the story until her death, but not before humiliating canon villain Dracula because I love when OCs get to shittalk about canon characters. I can't believe she unironically said "I'm a queen", fuck off.
Lenore. Do I even need to explain why I despise this manipulative, slimy, smug rapist who gives BDSM a bad name and is shipped with his victim in what is meant to be seen as a cute yet tragic enemies-to-lovers, kindred souls relationship? No words in the English language can convey the sheer resentment I feel for her.
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Me: wants to make another afterlife story but can only have ideas for Lizzie and gets stuck on everyone else.
here have a short story of Raccoon Lizzie and her sorta parent sorta abducted pet
there was an old red brick building.
It once was a popular apartment building, but something happened and soon it wqs abandonned. No story could ever agree on why.
Some said a spirit killed inhabitants. Some said the floors fell through.
All that Humy knew was that it had been so thorougly abandoned that his daughter managed to completly rebuild the interior without anyone even noticing.
Daughter? The villager snorted, as he turned the page, amused at himself. When did the small pink haired raccoon hybrid become his daughter?
Maybe when she first grabbed his sleeve and dragged him away from his group of..
Well he wasnt sure what to call them, but they hadnt been friends.
Or it had been when she started calling him Humy, or more likely it was when she modified his room so he had more room, or when she ran to him, crying after she heard a thunderstorm.
All he knew was that he was now Humy, and his daughter was a pink haired racoon hybrid, who wore big oversized hoodies with racoon inspired hoods, and striped leggings instead of pants. Who’s tail bushes up when she got scared, and often needed broken branches picked out of her hair. And who tried to find a way to understand him, despite him being mute and her illiterate. And who loved his cooking, despite the fact he knew it was absolutely horrible and his famous suspicious soup could probably kill most people.
“HUMY! Im home!” A voice called from downstairs. Humy laughed silently and tapped his foot on the floor, signaling where he was to his daughter
“I found some things that would go great with your stew! And a weird looking apple.” She continued, her voice moving around downstairs, likely going through her chests. Lord only knows how she could find anything in that disorganized mess.
“Also! Some weird hot guy tried to talk to me!”
That made Humy pause. Lizzie was rarely spotted when she was on trash runs.
“Like. He was on fire. It was very warm around him. He called me c.. cuuu.. i dont remember how he pronounced it but it was like.. kyoot?! Kyot? Kyutee? Dont remember. Do you know what that word means Humy?”
The former villager breathed out through their nose heavily, and tapped the floor once.
“You do?! Oh I wish you could tell me what it means. Is it an insult?”
Two taps.
“Well good! If he was insulting me without me knowing that’d be even ruder than just insulting me! I would have to find him and punch him.”
Humy laughed to himself, as the pink haired raccoon hybrid came up to the library. She quickly curled up on Humy’s lap, making him move his book.
“Wake me up when it’s closer to diner time.” She announced, and promptly fell asleep.
Humy smiled, and turned the page again.
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knaivcs · 1 year
He silently mouths the lyrics to the song playing in his ear buds, one of the first singles that he and Vash ever produced. The upcoming set was mostly to promote their latest album, but since the venue was being held for their fan club specifically, doing callbacks to their origins seemed to be a smart touch. Just a little example of how they could 'give back to their fans', as his twin would put it.
Even the choreography he barely remembered, it had been that long since they'd performed this particular track in front of a live audience. A few missteps and fudges with the cues later and Nai sighs roughly, walking over to his smart phone to halt the music player.
It didn't help that his heart simply wasn't in it that day.
Even though he knows it's a terrible idea, he opens up a disposable phone to do a little egosurfing- Though he almost never pays attention to his own fans, only his brother's. He'd always been very protective over Vash and well... old habits die hard, especially when considering how vicious netizens could be over the slightest mistake or social faux pas.
Low and behold, he manages to find some human garbage comparing he and his sibling, claiming that 'Nai has all of the talent of the pair, Vash just gets by on his looks- He's lucky he's cute'.
His grip on the phone tightens, Nai folding his legs beneath him and hovering over the keypad with both thumbs at the ready.
uhm, lol, excuse u? it's really f'd up to compare them liek that... Vash is obvs the better dancer also lol r u even a fan??? ㅇ_O N E way... excited 4 the next fan meetup ★^^★
That seems to quell the flaming for now, more fans stepping up in Vash's defense and crowding out the people making unfair comparisons.
can't wait 4 mai handshake w/ Vashhhh *_* ikr he's sooo kyoot up close!!! omg
He scrolls and refreshes the page a few times just to make sure everything is civil, then shuts the phone again- Setting the numerical lockscreen so no one can see his anonymous commentary.
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torgawl · 2 years
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AAAAA DUCKY!!! he looks so happy looking at himself in the mirror oww that's so kyoot!!! thanks for the duck mail (and serotonin boost), my liege
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fizzysgayassposting · 1 month
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our Matts should have a play date with each other and trade eyes!!!!!! Our Matts should kiss each other and date Mattcest is very cute (I’m a lil freak)
Shelly took Matt’s eye cuz,,,, he actually doesn’t have a reason. It was just Shelly’s birthday and he was feeling festive :3
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Theyre so kyoot.. dunno what Shock collars look like my apologies I tried my best. Mattcest doesn’t seem very weird when u take into consideration that matt is in love with himself anyways >_>
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Their weed play date [can’t afford Good Coke or meth anymore they have to resort to shitty grass pickings off the streets]. Also good for shelly !!! Treating himself on his birthday !!
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shima-draws · 3 years
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sanaz · 3 years
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me rn (and hopefully u as well)
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dis me while talking to 02 line rn
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pidgeunior contnet bcuz i luv them fave!!
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evisconti · 3 years
consider :
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puffstickers-moved · 5 years
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is kyus woah in the sky why is kyus woah in the sky is he abt to blast off
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