#he knows terry can fight him he knows he can beat him he knows that first hand but. he didn't care
anon-sect · 5 months
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Pic source: Tumblr account @7ef6
Miles, Terry and Will had been roommates for at least several years. One thing they had in common, was that all three were big fans of the Dragonball Z universe and avid players of Xenoverse 2. As all three were highly competitive, they were all trying to prove who was the best at the game.
Terry came up with a bet that the one who loses first in a free for all has to be socks for one of the other two for thirty days. The one who beats both opponents gets to wear the one that lost first. Miles and Will agreed to the conditions as well. Terry only made that the bet, because he played the game a little more than the others and thought he would definitely win.
Terry found himself the first one being defeated while using Majin Buu. Miles and Will paused the game to gloat a little since Terry was the one who made the bet. Terry placed his TF Phone down for one of them to pick up once the winner was decided.
Will end up winning their fatal three-way fight using his favorite character, Vegeta, super Saiyan blue form. Terry wanted to back out initially, but a bet was a bet. He had to see it through despite that he was predicting that he would be using his device on one of them.
Will picked up the device and made the settings. "It's only for a month. I am sure you can survive my feet for that long." He spoke laughing while he flashed it at Terry. Terry vanished and in his place on the couch was a brand-new pair of white socks. He picked up the socks and tried them on his bare feet. "These new socks feel great." He said to Miles, not even acknowledging Terry. Terry was a pair of socks for the next thirty days. There was no need to acknowledge his socks. "He or it really feels that good?" Miles asked. He too decided to not acknowledge the sock's former form. "Yup, I think I will wear my new socks every day. I really want to see if this pair can survive my feet without getting a hole in them for the next thirty days. Normally, I have a hole in my sock after two weeks. Maybe this pair might be different." He laughed as both he and Miles started up another game.
Terry instantly knew his bet was a terrible idea. Will's feet had a slight odor to them, but not horribly bad yet. He was just an object on his roommate's feet. The fact that neither of them acknowledged him made his new existence feel even worse. Yet hearing that his socks has a hole in it after two weeks scared him. If he develops a hole, it would be nearly impossible to transform him back to normal. He would be forever trapped as a pair of socks. He mentally pleaded for Will to turn him back to normal before a hole could even develop, but he was a pair of socks with no voice or even movement. The only motion he would get is by his owner's feet. He just hoped that he would be durable enough to serve the thirty days.
Will had put his new socks through so much. He literally wore him every day. He wore his new socks to the gym, and every workout session. He wore him to work and just simply hanging out. He slept with his new socks on. The only time he didn't wear them was to bathe, jerk off in them on occasion or as a cum rag. A tiny hole had developed on the sixteenth day of wearing his socks, but they were his possession for thirty days and he was going to keep true to the bet. When it was finally day 30, he took off his socks. He found Terry's human setting and flashed the socks, but nothing happened. He tried it again, yet still nothing happened. He asked Miles what the problem could be, but he didn't know either. They found the manual in Terry's room. There was a warning. If you become clothing, make sure you don't get torn or ruined or you might be forever trapped as that object. Transforming back to human might be impossible. Looking at the large hole in one of the socks, Will realized that Terry was forever trapped this way. He put the socks back on. He felt slightly sorry for what his feet had done to his former roommate, but he did say that socks usually don't survive his feet unharmed. This seemed to be true for even human transformed socks. He decided he would keep his new socks. If they get torn too bad, he could always keep them as his favorite cum rag.
Terry's mind was completely gone by the end of the 30 days. He tried to hold on, but once the hole started to develop, it started to unravel his mind. He lost all sense of free will in his mind. He was just a dumb sock slave serving his master's feet. His only pleasure was being worn by his master. He even forgets that he was once human. He loved being used and worn by his Master Will, even though his existence was one of pain every time being worn and sometime reek of foul foot odor. As long as his master was fine using him, he loved his life of being just socks.
Will was completely unaware of his feet had done a number to his roommate over the course of the 30 days. HIs feet had completely destroyed his mind and turned his former roommate into a dumb sock slave. Even if he could transform him back, Terry would be down at his feet begging to be close to him. Now his fate was sealed, to forever be owned by his former roommate as just an object on his feet.
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months
Considering what Batman did in Gotham war with Jason
A fanfic exploring how everyone (especially Jason) of his children starts genuinely fearing him
Because it is canon that there are more situations where he hit and beat Richard then there are off him hugging him in the comics
He did his hardest to push Tim away he literally tried to kill Jason and then he just mentally broke him because he thought that it was the only way to make him stop being a criminal
He was straight up unsupportive towards Damian and even though he knows that Damian has no idea what a normal life is and how he isn’t allowed to kill anybody because he genuinely has no idea how to navigate society but instead of therapy he just gets berated for something he doesn’t fully understand (and while I don’t excuse his behavior or actions if he was given help like even Richard himself was enough to somewhat help him out at how to actually do things without violence a therapist could probably do much more for him but Richard already shows that just basic support was good enough for a start)
Like considering how he maybe loves them but his own mental health is so bad that the constantly hurts everyone around him
He should not even be near them if he truly loves anyone of them (except if he got psychological treatment and even then he should for the love and happiness of his kids just stay as far away as physically possible)
Batman is a mess and not equipped to raise children let alone vigilantes
he himself isn’t copping well enough to help anyone he is emotionally unstable and has lots of issues but he at least has a nanny who will take care of him when he is neglecting himself but Alfred can’t do everything for everyone and Bruce himself can’t help his family and later Alfred dies anyway making Bruce's kids dependent on him
But Bruce has no idea how to do anything for them (it is not in his range of abilities to play an actual parental role that doesn’t just mean give the kid a home over their head and food)
And while I love his character a lot over the years he is losing his path of justice more and more there are more situations of genuine concern then ever before
It just makes him seem so much more human than ever before
Because no human can live a live of vigilantism without getting more mentally ill over their whole career
After all the military discharges soldiers who are unfit for duty because of mental or physical limitations and problems
It is for their own sake but Bruce wants to fight that fight for as long as he lives
And he is dragging in more and more innocent children into his war against crime
At some point it will be to much like how Jason was killed then brought back wrong
Or Richard snapping and beating him for what he did to his brother who will never be able to fully recover from something that traumatic
Tim already knows that without robin Batman will become a monster even without crossing the line of killing
And then did everything physically possible to stop him from his self destruction
But Batman is made to self destruct there is no way he won’t break at some point (seeing as he already is breaking apart and in Batman beyond he is totally and utterly alone till Terry joins in
A fanfic exploring what would have happened if he was hurt by Nightwing after what he did to Jason is an interesting opportunity to explore
But because at the end of the day everyone knows that Batman is needed they are forced to let him live but they also know that he will actually truly snap if they are not there for him
So everyone starts living at the mansion and in fear of angering him (because there is no Alfred anymore to stop him)
They do everything to keep Jason away from him but they can’t move away anymore because Bruce disapproves at it
And Richard forces himself to interact as much as possible with him so that he focuses on him instead of his younger siblings
But the most important thing is to make sure that he doesn’t find out about their fear of him because they all know that this will make him truly upset (and by now they will never try to even play with fire anymore)
But also he is forced to raise everyone by himself
Has to make sure that Jason feels comfortable enough not to feel adrenaline because that is another problem altogether (which is hard when he immediately starts crying when being in the same room as Bruce)
Has to shield everyone from Bruce because nobody feels safe anymore
And on top of that make food and do chores (as the only good enough cook in the family and Jason no longer being able to do so) and teach the others how to do their chores despite them all being disasters at it (because no Alfred anymore)
And to somehow make it even worse he has to somehow convince Bruce to take care of himself while also trying to not make him any more upset
Then after a few years into that dynamic Bruce and past Bruce swap bodies
And while the whole league of the past and the past Batman immediately think future Bruce is an imposter because he behaves differently from how Batman would they simply tie him up beat him up
Past Bruce is surprised that everyone is at home and speaking to him and just assumes that it’s a good week but quickly realizes that something is wrong like how his entire family is going out of his way except for Dick how he seems extremely nervous about everything he says
How everyone is doing their best to keep Jason away from him
Main While the whole family assume he is having a good week and under no circumstances should they ever try to upset him in any way which is hard when he is constantly seeking them out and asking about Jason
By the point he realized what happens
He proceeds to go and beat up his future self and get therapy because he absolutely hates how everyone is afraid of him
That is not how Batman should ever be seen Batman is a sign of hope for the city not a monster hell bend on hurting criminals
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
mickey milkovich x nude, radiohead
i don’t think that anybody can disagree that 1x07 is the episode where we learn the most about mickey milkovich. no, i don’t mean he showed any development or anything like that, but we learned something about him that made him significant for the rest of the show. something that never leaves, something that is important to him. in 1x07, we learn that mickey milkovich is gay, and we learn that he is willing to sleep with ian gallagher (even when his father and sister are in the house).
in 1x06, mickey kind of has an interaction with ian that we later see and are like, “yeah, he’s totally gay”, but back then it wasn’t stated that mickey was gay. mickey steals shit from the kash and grab, and he tells ian, “you know where i live if you have a problem” kind of instigating that ian should come over.
but in 1x07, mickey has stolen the gun from the kash and grab, and ian goes to mickey’s house equipped with a tyre iron, ready to take it back.
the “i want the gun back, mickey” scene needs no introduction or explanation. we all know what happened. we all watched in awe as mickey stood over ian and both of their breaths evened out and they made contact and… bam! they’re getting undressed, just like that.
later on, we are no stranger to gallavich and fighting then fucking. it’s something many people know them for, the fact that they’ll literally beat the shit out of each other and then immediately get on each other. but here, it was supposed to be for shock value because shameless utilizes shock value. to those who didn’t know gallavich was going to happen, watching mickey, the thug who had literally just attempted murder on ian, undress and fuck ian was surprising. later on, we can understand why it happened, but we were supposed to be shocked.
so, here’s where nude by radiohead comes in.
terry wakes up from a nap and goes to take a piss in mickey’s room (there’s a bathroom in there, he isn’t just pissing in it, lol). in there, ian and mickey are naked under mickey’s covers. around them, we see a poster of a woman and we also see a drawing mickey made that says “fuck love”.
so when terry comes out of the bathroom and looks at them both, he doesn’t do what season 3 terry does, he simply says “put some clothes on, you two look like a couple of fags!” and it’s a comical scene because, what the fuck, terry, aren’t you a homophobic murderer? you woke up to grunts and crashes coming from mickey’s room, then when you came in he and another boy are naked in his bed… what do you think they were doing?
so when mickey does put some clothes on, he puts on a radiohead shirt.
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the shirt says “you’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking” and those are the last lyrics of the radiohead song “nude”.
so for those who haven’t listened to the song, here’s my analysis of why this song is associated with mickey milkovich and how it ends up foreshadowing his entire character for the next four seasons.
“don’t get any big ideas
they’re not gonna happen”
literally this scene. mickey caves and gives ian the gun back because lets be honest, it was really just bait. ian leans in to kiss him, and mickey has a look in his eyes where you can tell he wants to, but he can’t. he built this wall up years ago and he’s already cursing himself for letting it come down. terry instructed him to get dressed, and he puts on this shirt. and he’s trying to put this carefully constructed mask back on but he’s struggling. and so, he pushes ian away, “kiss me and i’ll cut your fucking tounge out”. there’s no malice in his tone, it’s a threat, but it isn’t threatening.
“you paint yourself white
and fill up with noise
but there'll be something missing”
mickey hiding in the closet, marrying svetlana, being a father to yevgeny, trying to act like the perfect son of terry. he still has this mask on and he tries to hide who he is but alas, he can’t. he loves ian too much and when he gets married and pushes him away, he’s still gay and in love.
“now that you found it
it’s gone”
upon being married, he tells ian that they can still bang. maybe being married to a woman makes him feel a bit more secure because although he despises it and it’s crushing him, he can keep his whole “king of the southside” thing. now that he’s married and unhappy, terry’s satisfied, and that’s all that matters- well, at one point it was. so he tells ian that they can still fuck, but suddenly, ian isn’t as eager and easy as he once was, and he leaves. he’s gone.
“now that you feel it
you don't
you’ve gone off the rails”
he’s out, he’s with ian, he has ian. things are supposed to be fine- but they’re not. ian’s unstable and has been hospitalized, and mickey breaks. he gets shitfaced and cuts his cheek and cries into ian’s jacket. that wall he once built up? the chest he puffed up, the posters he hung, the tattoos he got, they all mean nothing. it’s all gone. the wall and mask are gone, he’s more fragile than he once was. ian’s broken and it’s simultaneously breaking him too.
“so don't get any big ideas
they're not gonna happen”
this line is so mickey in s5, s6, s7, and s10. ian calling him and mickey running to see ian. he has hope. but no, ian breaks up with him, mickey is arrested, and when ian visits he desperately wants ian back. he tattoos ian’s name on his chest, specifically over his heart, and he practically pleads for ian to stay. then, mickey and ian are fleeing to mexico, and for a second, he has hope again. he fantasizes about he and ian at the beach, ian’s freckled skin being sunburnt, them swimming in the ocean together. for once, he can imagine his dreams being true. but they aren’t. he and ian are getting their marriage license, but ian’s hand wavers over the dotted line and he gives mickey that look and mickey breaks (…ian’s leg. lol). he keeps getting his hopes up and everytime he scolds himself for it because he just ends up hopeless.
then finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for,
“you'll go to hell
for what your dirty mind
is thinking”
it’s in the 1x07 scene i’m talking about. terry instructs mickey to get dressed, he does, and he puts on a shirt that says this. and in that shirt, he seems odd. the confidence we see him have in 1x03 is no longer there. he doesn’t necessarily look vulnerable, but he isn’t the mickey he pretends to be. he caves and returns the gun, which was just bait for ian to come anyway, and he refuses to make eye contact with ian, but when he does, it’s almost coy? he’s ashamed. he’s thinking of things he know would get him killed and he hates himself for it. terry will end him if he finds out, and yes, he has the posters, the reputation, the persona, the tattoos, the guns, etc. but in the end, it’s all an act, and we can see it. the way he licks his lips, the way his eyes won’t focus, his body language says so much.
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freyyzu · 1 year
All Cove wants is to see you happy, and all Baxter wants is to reassure him that he was going to do exactly that.
a/n; takes place some time during step 4 when your friends throw you another surprise party and you're off talking to someone else. i just think the two most important men in mc's life should interact a little more. implied step 3 ending on a bad note.
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The twinkle of the fairy lights that hang from every wall of the first floor is mesmerizing. It's simple decoration, easy to put up, easy to get down, but beautiful all the same. The soft glow it emits puts Baxter at ease; even more so when accompanied by the sight of your smiling face.
His heart skips a beat when you glance over in his direction, your eyes meeting for the briefest moments. You discreetly wave at him, trying your best to not interrupt whatever story Terry is going on about, and he gives you a wave of his own back. He doesn't even try to fight the smile that tugs at his lips.
It was such a straightforward interaction, one that lasted all but three seconds, but just that was enough for him to feel the butterflies in his stomach lurch into a frenzy.
He's so enthralled by you, in fact, that he doesn't even notice the sound of someone making their way closer to him until they're already speaking.
"Uhm, how... how are you enjoying the party?" It's an expected question coming from an unexpected source.
Baxter turns to face the new presence by his side, more than a little surprised. Out of all the people here, Cove Holden would be the last person he expected to initiate a conversation, but the appearance isn't unwelcomed. Far from it.
"It's been fun," he says with full sincerity.
Despite the sparse decorations and only handful of people here, Baxter would say with his full heart that this is the best party he's ever been to. Surrounded by people who really care for him, those who took the time out of their day to surprise him even after all the stunts he's pulled. "Thank you for your part in this. I deeply appreciate it."
"Oh," Cove sputters, apparently flustered by the earnestness. "It's no problem. I'm... glad you're enjoying yourself."
Baxter smiles knowingly, "is there something on your mind?"
The taller male doesn't answer, but he fixes his gaze on a particular person across the room, still intently listening to Terry's story. Miranda and Xavier have joined them by this point.
'Ah.' his expression softens. "Are you worried about them?"
"Of course I am," he replies. Any hesitation in his voice from before lost within those four words. His hands clench and loosen by his sides a few times and he glances down at his feet, as if debating whether or not it was okay to say the next words.
You had forgiven Baxter a long time ago, that was a fact, but Cove couldn't forget your dejected expression or how many false smiles you wore to assure everyone you weren't hurt that summer.
Baxter waits quietly. He doesn't know exactly what your best friend intends to say, but from his fidgeting alone, he could garner a guess. Eventually though, he does break the silence. "I won't hurt them."
Cove looks over to your boyfriend, unable to keep the doubt from his expression. He trusts you, he wants you to be happy, that's all he ever wants for you; but that's even more of a reason for him to be wary. Baxter had broken your heart once, and he never wants to see that happen again.
"Can you promise that?"
There's a pause, and then a shake of a head from the black color haired man and Cove feels his heart nearly sink. "I'm not like you. I haven't known them my entire life. I'm just someone who showed up to the doorstep of your neighborhood one summer and then left."
There's a gleam in his brown eyes that make them seem to sparkle even more than the lights decorated around the room. "We'll have arguments, we'll get into fights," his voice lowers, "but I hope I can learn from those mistakes. That I'll make a better decision the next time." He turns to face Cove. "I can promise that."
Cove swallows the lump in his throat. He had come here to talk to Baxter, but in the end he ended up not being able to say anything at all. Though, maybe that was okay too. Whatever the lead up was, he heard what he needed to hear.
"Thank you," he says.
Baxter's face lights up at those words, eyes widening with boyish glee, before reverting back to his more well-known smirk. "No, thank you for coming over and chatting with me. I'm thankful we got to have this time together."
"Aha," Cove chuckles awkwardly now that the air has cleared. "But uh, Baxter?" He calls, wanting to get just one last word in.
"You... should take care of yourself, too." And with that final statement, he steps forward to join your group.
Baxter blinks once.
He takes a moment to reign in his shock. Did Cove Holden of all people just give him some encouragement? He chuckles, straightening up as he spots you splitting from the circle to make your way over to his side.
This week has been full of surprises.
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adorethedistance · 2 years
Thought of You - Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, PDA
Words: 1386
Requested: hi!! can you please write something with trevor zegras where he is extra clingy after a long roadie? thanks sm!! 💗💗
A/n: This got a little heated at the end and I didn’t intend to do that lol whoops.
“Y/NNNNN!!!” I hear Trevor bellow outside as he bangs on the front door to my apartment.
“Give me a second,” I squeak as I clamber off the couch to answer the door. The cold tile under my feet is a shock that goes forgotten as soon as I see my boyfriend’s face for the first time in two weeks. “It’s almost midnight you’re gonna wake my neighbors.”
“I don’t care! I need everyone to know hOW MUCH I LOVE THIS GIRL, RIGHT HERE!”
“Get inside before you get me evicted,” I scold him, although I’m unable to keep myself from smiling. Once he practically slams the door behind us, Trevor smothers me with the biggest hug, unintentionally lifting me slightly off the ground for a moment.
“Oh my god, Trevor!”
“I missed you so fucking much, baby.”
“I missed you too, I-hmm,” I hum in surprise when he grabs my jaw in his right hand and kisses me with as much as passion as a lifetime could possess. The kiss is sloppy and desperate, it reminds me of the time we had sex the back of his BMW. When he pulls away he looks in my eyes and simply melts. Sweet relief doesn’t even begin to describe the way his gaze drinks me in. If this feeling could be contained and replicated, it would be the most catasrophic epidemic known to mankind.
“How was your trip?” I ask as if we haven’t facetimed everyday since he’s been gone.
“I mean we won three and lost three so,” he shrugs like it’s no big deal but I know how he mentally beats himself up for bad losses.
Trevor then smiles flirtatiously, reaching down to grab my hand in his and place a kiss on the surface of each joint. He leads us over to the couch and flops down looking around the room with furrowed brows.
“Where’s the big costco throw blanket you got?”
“Right behind you, dork. I thought you ran hot anyways?”
“Well, yeah, I do, but I know you don’t.” My heart soars at his thoughtfulness and I’m overcome with happiness. I blink back into the moment and sit on the couch directly next to Trevor. His arm is draped over the seatback of the small sofa as I lean into him, resting my head on his chest. He unfolds the blanket to cover my bare legs and then takes my left hand in his right once more. He absentmindedly traces shapes and paths over the surface of my skin, occasionally stopping to maintain unconditional contact.
“Did I already tell you about when Mason and I went out after playing Colorado and he asked a girl for her number and she said no?”
“Oh… Did I tell you about when Gibby dropped his stick during practice?”
“What about Terry’s fight-”
“Is there anything I didn’t tell you?”
“Maybe if you didn’t talk so much I could say yes, but for now, probably not.” I lift my head to look up at Trevor and he scrunches his face in annoyance. He falls quiet once again for a short moment before taking a big breath.
“I guess I’m out of- oh no wait there is something I haven’t told you!”
“Enlighten me,” I sit up and face Trevor completely, blinking slowly and attentively.
“Everywhere I went, I thought of you.”
“Well that’s not new information-”
“Let me finish! Everywhere I went, I thought of you because… music!”
“When I was away, I went to a ton of different places and all of them had music of some kind. And, I don’t know, just… hearing all these songs about love, I thought of you…” His hand stops tracing patterns on mine. He’s frozen, uncharacteristically silent. I can see the cogs turning in his mind as he’s trying to wrap his head around something unknown. “I thought of you…” he repeats to himself in a whisper.
“Hey,” I say, softly trying to get his attention without breaking the moment entirely. “I love you.”
More silence.
Trevor scans my face for a moment before declaring, “I’m gonna marry you.” The statement is so vulnerable it catches me off guard and all I can do is laugh. Trevor begins laughing with me, realizing how absurd that sounds because I’m missing the context of his internal thought process. “I’m serious, Y/n. I want to marry you some day.” I develop an endeared smile and place a kiss on his cheek bone. He kisses mine as well and then wraps both arms around me to hug me securely. His arms feel so sturdy around me and he smells like cedarwood, like home. I hold him close for a moment before he speaks again.
“What the fuck, dude. Have you never had your heart broken?” The question catches me off guard once more and I burst out laughing before pulling away just enough to see his face.
“Why do you ask?”
“You just hug with so much love. I’m surprised no one’s broken your heart yet.”
“I’ve had my share of heartbreak, but that doesn’t mean you get to add to the collection.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Trevor quickly pecks my forehead before singing a very off key rendition of “Don’t go breaking my heart” to himself. I let him get through the chorus before I decide I’ve had enough, and bring him in for a kiss.
“Not that I don’t love your singing but maybe don’t quit your day job.”
“I’m gonna quit hockey and become a singer full time just to annoy you,” Trevor says as he stops hugging me. He grabs me by my hips and nudges me gently, indicating he wants me on his lap. I comply.
“Oh my god, please don’t.”
“I’m the next Taylor Swift, dude.” Trevor unintentionally laughs at how ridiculous he sounds and I straddle him gently.
“I highly doubt that.” He rests both hands on either side of my hips, slowly inching the right one forward so he can grab my ass. The gesture is subconcious judging by the gleam in his eyes as he takes in my form.
“You don’t know how much musical talent I have!”
“I know how much hockey talent you have and your luck has gotta run out somewhere, so…”
“Follow your dreams until they annoy your girlfriend, that’s the saying, right?”
“Yeah, you nailed that.” When I finish my statement we stare at each other for a moment before breaking into gradual fits of laughter. Any other night and we probably wouldn’t think twice about what we’ve been saying, but seeing him after so long makes the both of us giddy inside. Trevor compulsively leans forward to kiss my cheek then rest on the back of the couch again. I chase after him, leaning in to close the gap between us. My lips are on his once again tonight and the kiss is far more heated this time. His tongue grazes my bottom lip before gently sucking it into his own mouth. I sigh into the kiss. Too many nights alone with a vibe will never do these make out sessions justice.
Trevor grips my hips harder as he deepens the kiss, running his large hands down the sides of my thighs. The action ignites a wave of chills over the surface of my skin and I shiver a tiny bit as an outlet. I reach up to hold my hands behind his head, gripping the tufts of hair on the back of his neck. Trevor hums into my mouth a groan of desire and lust. The pads of his thumbs are rough against my bare legs, and the sensation is replaced when I notice he’s run his hands higher on my legs to disappear under the hem of my sleep shorts. I bite down on his lower lip and Trevor takes it as a sign that he can get rougher with the kiss. The feeling of his lips against mine consumes my every thought as I get lost in his touch, his scent, his kiss.
“Do you want to take this to the bedroom?” Trevor asks, his voice low and gravelly in my ear. I look at him and nod yes seriously but enthusiastically.
“I missed you…”
“I need you.”
A/n: hope you enjoyed reading and my requests are still open if anyone has something they’d like to submit!
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thepupperino · 4 months
Kiss 47 pretty pls? 🙏
Hi I’m so sorry it took me forever to think of something for this one!!
TW for brief homophobic language.
47. …out of spite
The sun beats down on them in true Chicago summer fashion, and Mickey regrets wearing this black t-shirt.
Liam insisted they get there early so they could have a good spot for the parade—“I’m little; I won’t be able to see if we’re in the back.”
Ian followed up with a comment about how Mickey wouldn’t be able to see either, and Mickey responded with a well-deserved punch to the arm.
The parade’s due to start any time now, and the protesters know it too. Mickey hears chants of “God hates homos” and sees the oversized picket signs appear on the corner.
He remembers coming to one of these things with Terry when he was a little kid. They didn’t bring any signs, but Terry taught him how to pick a victim and deliver a beatdown.
Mickey feels his skin grow hot in response and he clenches his jaw. Ian looks past him at the protestors and slings his arm around Mickey’s shoulders. “Ignore ‘em,” he says. “Nothing we haven’t heard before.”
“But there’s kids here, man,” Mickey replies, gesturing toward Liam and Franny.
Ian presses a kiss to the top of his head, which draws the attention of the protestors. They jeer and shout, and Mickey clenches his fists, ready for a fight.
“You’re going to hell!” a man shouts, raising his sign in the air. Mickey tries to ignore him like Ian said, but the man and his friends continue. As Mickey stares at them, the leader seems to morph into Terry. Seething with rage, he pulls Ian down for a long, sloppy kiss, his middle finger raised toward the protestors defiantly.
You can prompt me too!
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kof-fatalfury-daily · 2 months
"Stray Dog, Stray Wolf" a Fatal Fury novel by Akihiko Ureshino
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In 2008, Akihiko Ureshino (same guy who wrote KOF's official novels) wrote a 27-chapter official Fatal Fury novel called "Stray Dog, Stray Wolf."
The novel ties loose ends at the end of Fatal Fury, following Geese's death. The main characters are Terry, Rock and Billy, and supporting characters include Laurence Blood, Duck King and Wolfgang Krauser (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT, KRAUSER, ALIVE.)
It was published digitally in Japan straight to readers' mobile phones making it EXTREMELY hard to find years later. Fans who saved the text refuse to share it, making it very rare.
But good news! Someone got his hands on the novel and is currently sharing it in English. This is a must-read for people who enjoy delving deeper into Fatal Fury's lore.
The first chapter is... *chef kiss*
Don't believe me?? Take a look:
Clearing his throat, Duck looked at Rock again.
The band-aid on his nose was the least of his problems. He also had a cut on his lip, and one black eye. It was clear that someone had given him a brutal beating. Duck suddenly understood why Bob mentioned a panda.
“Did you get into an argument with some other brat?”
“A street fight, not an argument,” muttered Rock, still looking down.
“Ohh, you sure know how to talk back.”
It wasn’t something a kid that wasn’t even ten years old would say. Duck grinned, because in Rock’s tone he could perceive his dissatisfaction, and the fact that Rock was trying to act beyond his age.
“Then, who was your opponent? Judging by your face, he gave you a royal beating.”
“I lost to Terry…,” Rock said, covering the bruise on his eye.
Duck pondered the answer for a second before a shocking realization spread all over his face.
“What!? You mean you tried to fight against Terry?”
“…” Rock nodded, dejected.
Duck smacked the side of his neatly shaven head, frowning.
“That’s not a street fight, then. That’s actually child ab###,” he muttered.
“You’re wrong. I challenged him. I told him to not hold back and fight for real because I could take it.”
“Are you serious?”
Duck had heard that Terry was teaching martial arts to Rock, who despite being a young kid showed great potential.
But no matter the potential, an adult shouldn’t be going all out on a kid who was barely six or seven years old. Even young Rock should have known that much.
But still, Rock had decided to face Terry head-on, and had probably decided to be beaten up by him.
That was Duck’s best guess as to what was going on inside the head of that young boy, who had been born to misfortune.
The full chapters are available 👉 HERE.
This man is doing God's work. Support him if you can!
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redwiccanrobin · 1 year
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More Gallavich meta? Yes.
In season three Mickey states that not everyone gets to blurt out how they feel. It’s an indication that he’s never been able to express his emotions. He grew up in a very unhealthy household with a father who didn’t think twice about beating him. He most likely hid away the feelings that Terry saw as invaluable. There’s a chance that whenever Mickey would express those emotions, Terry would proceed to punish him for it. That gave Mickey a message; hide what you’re truly feeling.
Ian was probably the first person to make Mickey feel safe. But habits are hard to break. He still tried everything in his power to keep his true feelings shining through. He would make a sarcastic jab. He would shut down any type of conversation that could lead to a deeper connection. But Ian is Ian. He makes those around him feel comfortable and like they can trust him. Mickey fell into that.
Throughout the seasons we see more and more of Mickey letting his walls come down. We see him do things such as letting others see there are tears in his eyes. Such a small thing yet, with Terry, something he probably never thought would be possible. This shift happened when he and Ian officially became a couple. Because he felt loved, protected. He probably never thought he’d want to be protected.
In the scene from those pictures, he’s expressing his feelings. He’s uncomfortable with living on the West Side. Having lived his whole life in chaos, the peace overwhelms him. Instead of going in for a fight, Ian sits and listens. He validates Mickey’s feelings, coming to compromises that both will be content with. There was no blowup. There was no screaming. There was just a calm communication. Living with Terry, that definitely wasn’t something that happened a lot. Yet, here it did. Ian shower Mickey how much he loved him. Offered to move back to the Southside because he doesn’t want Mickey to be uncomfortable. And after the conversation is dealt with, Ian pulls him in, jokes with him, kisses him, embraces him. Rather than be scolded or attacked for voicing how he feels, Mickey’s met with this love. A playful one at that. And he knows he’ll be okay, he knows that he can say how he feels. He’s no longer that boy who was hiding being in love, who was being forced to marry a woman he didn’t love. Now, he can live knowing that there’s someone who loves him and wants the best for him.
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golden28s · 11 months
Acts of service is in a very obvious way Mickey's love language so that's probably why it feels like Ian barely did anything similar to that, because Mickey's grand gestures were obvious and loud but Ian had his grand gestures with him too.
Those grand but subtle gestures start in s1, he makes sure Mickey has enough money when he's in juvie, he even "threatens" Kash for it. In his own way, he protects Mickey. But it continues in s2 when Frank sees them and Ian tries to talk to him, he's desperately trying to protect Mickey again and make sure he doesn't go back to juvie. He tries, he tries to keep the secret that they were until that point for Mickey's safety even if he wants more, even he thinks they have nothing to be ashamed of. He does it anyway because that will keep Mickey safe and next to him too.
In s3, he tries to "rescue" Mickey from a forced marriage, from his dad. In his head, he's doing that. In his head, with his words and going there, he's helping Mickey. He, once again, desperately wants Mickey to see that he can get out there, that he can leave that behind and Ian would help him. He goes to that wedding thinking he can save Mickey from something he doesn't deserve, from something that is hurting him, that keeps him locked in a too dark closet. He wants to be Mickey's freedom but it doesn't work, Mickey's too scared and when you think about it maybe they were trying to protect each other. In s4, he's the only person that has Mickey's back when he comes out. He's there ready to fight Terry if that means there's going to be some type of justice for the hell Mickey had to go through because of him. He fights for Mickey and with Mickey, they share anger and hatred. And he's there to kiss Mickey's head when everything's over, he's there to hold him in the aftermath.
In s5, he breaks up with Mickey. And it might sound crazy but in Ian's mind that's an act of service, that's a grand gesture because he views himself as someone hurtful, destructive and he's pushing Mickey away so he doesn't get hurt, so he survives the destruction. He breaks up with him so he doesn't have to carry the responsibility that Ian feels he is, the chore that in his mind he is. He takes that weight off Mickey's shoulders and begs him to run away, he's not broken and that means that his destructive and hurtful nature can't be fixed, it's part of him and he doesn't want that for Mickey. He's protecting him, again. He's making sure Mickey is safe, again. Then, in s7 he's doing this too. He gives all his money to Mickey, he drives with him to the Mexican border and makes sure he crosses it safe and sound. It doesn't matter when he decided that he couldn't do it, the whole time he's making sure Mickey has a plan, and money and a real possibility of succeeding. And he doesn't wanna leave until he knows Mickey crossed that border, until he knows Mickey's safe again.
In s10, he tries to stay with Mickey in prison. He's willing to throw away his parole for him, to stay with him. The only reason why that doesn't happen it's because Mickey doesn't think he deserves those type of sacrifice and he doesn't let Ian do it, he doesn't belong there and Mickey won't let him be stuck in prison. Mickey thinks Ian deserves so much better than that, than risking that much for him so he doesn't let him sacrifice his freedom because he deserves it, because Ian was once the freedom he didn't have. But Ian wanted, Ian wanted to that so badly. In s10 too, Ian hears Byron talking about Mickey (we all know what he said) and he literally beats the shit out of him, it's like he's defending his honor.
Like I said Ian's acts of service seem more subtle because Mickey's are all these grand gesture. There's also the fact that Mickey doesn't feel worthy of those gesture, of those sacrifices so he doesn't let Ian risk anything. But they're there, Ian would do anything for Mickey too.
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uncpanda · 1 year
Found Out
AN: The Law and Order SVU and Batman crossover no one, absolutely no one asked for, but I still wrote. Cause I can ;)
Warnings: Mentions of serial killers. Nothing graphic.
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
For being some of the smartest, most intelligent, detectives in the world, the superheros in your life are fairly oblivious. And on some level you’re really thankful for that. It allows you the freedom to do your job without their henpecking. 
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On the opposite side of the spectrum, the people you work with, your second family, are some of the kindest, most intelligent, and hardworking detectives you’ve ever met, but they’re also oblivious to the fact that you’re married to a billionaire. 
You had never really meant to keep the worlds separate. It had started off innocent enough, you’d joined NYPD as a beat cop while Bruce was out studying to become the Bat. And when he got home you’d spent every spare minute helping him. Between that and the company he’d been too exhausted to ask anything other than a few questions about your job. He knew you worked for a large organization in NYC and that was it. He trusted you. And the boys were just as oblivious as their father. The only person who knew was Alfred. He’d been the once to come to your graduation from the academy while Bruce was still away. 
On the flip side, your SVU family knew very little about your home life. They knew you were married, they knew you had kids, but they didn’t know how many. After all, you’d only had the two pregnancies; Terry and Matt had both been big but welcome surprises. Then again ALL of your boys were surprises. And you had perfected your technique of avoiding the paparazzi for both SVU and Gotham High Society. 
Honestly, in your mind, there was no reason at all for your two worlds to meld. When you were at home, you took care of your family; when you were at work you tried really hard not to think of them, because despite crime fighting, you didn’t want them anywhere near these types of crimes. 
Of course, nothing lasts forever, but you figure twenty years is a good run, especially when Bruce is driving Dick away for his desire to be a cop. You watch them go back and forth for hours, before you finally step in. There are groans from the other boys about stopping the fight while Cass just grins, and you ignore all of them. 
“You’re going to stop this right now Bruce Wayne.” 
His eyes are hard, his jaw is set, “You don’t understand Y/N.” 
Out of the corner of your eye you watch Alfred roll his eyes in exasperation, “I understand better than anyone here.” 
His hands go to his hips, and you know he’s about to dig a very deep hole for himself, “Sweetheart, I love you, and I know you work the computers from time to time, but this is different. There are guns involved and he’d have to work inside the system.” 
“You can’t do both; there’s too much to hide.” 
You smile sweetly at him, “I don’t know, I’ve been doing both for the past twenty years. Then again, I suppose it might be different for me since I just worked the computers for a while.” 
He blinks at you, and you know he’s connecting the dots. You ignore him, and turn to your oldest, his eyes wide, “While I understand you wanting to do Bludhaven, if you want to do NYPD, we can drive into the city together. Let me know, I have more than a few favors I can call in.” 
Tim is the first to voice the statement, “You’re a cop?” 
You shrug, “First grade detective, but I’m taking the sergeants exam in a few weeks.” 
Jason stares at you, “Seriously? Are you joking right now?” 
“I joined when I was twenty. I’d finished college early thanks to AP classes, went in as a beat cop, and after five years I became a detective. I’ve been working at SVU for the past fifteen years. They’re like my family away from home.”  
You can tell there are more questions, but no one seems brave enough to ask them. You start to head out of the room, when Bruce asks, “Why did you hide it?” 
You pause and turn to him, “I didn’t. You just never asked.” 
As you leave you hear Alfred ask, “Would you like a shovel for the hole you’re digging sir, or should I just make up the couch for you?” 
You go  wait in your room, and lie down on the bed. A few minutes later Bruce comes in, and you look at each other. His brow is furrowed, eventually he asks, “Why didn’t you tell me? How could I not have known?” 
You smile at him, “I didn’t want you to know Bruce. I was on my own path, and I knew you would worry. At the start I told myself I would tell you eventually, but. . . you were so involved with Batman and you were doing so much good . . . I didn’t want to add to your stress. You were barely sleeping three hours a night at that point. 
“Then we Dick, and I considered telling you but he needed us to focus on him, and after a while it became easier to excuse it. It became my secret identity. Are you mad?” 
He lets out a laugh, “I dress up as a bat, and fight crime as a vigilante. I don’t think I can be mad. I think I’m worried.”
“Us drifting apart, not knowing you?” 
You shrug, “I’m me Bruce. I just also happen to be a cop. I see a lot of bad stuff, everyday. The last thing I want when I come home is to talk about it. Same as you guys. When I’m home I want to be happy, but if you want to know I’ll tell you on one condition.” 
He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, after a moment he asks, “What’s the condition?” 
“You can’t involve Batman. NYPD is not Gotham PD.” 
He nods after a minute. The two of you spend the night talking, you tell him about some close calls, you tell him about the one life you’d been forced to take, you tell him about your frustration. You tell him about Liv and Elliot, and how Elliot leaving crushed Liv, but she rose from the ashes to become a lieutenant. You tell him about Munch and Cragen, both of whom have retired. You tell him about Finn, Rollins, Amaro, Carisi, Dodds and Barba. It’s nearly six in the morning by the time you’re finished. 
“And that’s the majority of it.” 
You’re both lying on the bed staring at each other. Bruce has been largely silent, he’d skipped patrol, and only asked a few questions. A part of you wonders when his anger will hit; it doesn’t. Instead he says, “I am so freaking proud of you,” and then he kisses you. And you can’t help but think, that in a normal marriage, a normal family, this would have been a big deal, it would have broken them. In your family though? It’s another day. 
You call out of work that day to catch up on sleep and spend the day with your family. The boys come up with a bunch of reasons as to why they should have realized you were a cop. 
“You work really weird hours.” 
“You never wore heels to work.” 
“You never wore dresses either, come to think of it?” 
“Is this why we own a penthouse in NYC?” 
Jason is the one who asks, “Where do you keep your gun? I thought those weren’t allowed in the house?”
“You don’t need to worry about it. It’s locked up.” Logically, you know each of your boys knows how to use a gun, mainly for the purpose of knowing how to disarm someone holding a gun. You still don’t want them anywhere near it. For that reason, it’s kept in a DNA safe in Alfred’s room. 
When you go back to work the next day, you have your gun and badge on your hip. All of the men in your life focus on it. Bruce corners you in the kitchen as you’re pouring coffee into a travel mug and whispers, “You look sexy as hell with the badge.” 
You laugh, and then you kiss him. You’re the one who drops Cass, Tim, Damian, Terry, and Matt off at school. Jason is in college, and he drives himself. Dick is still contemplating his options. 
The fact that your family knows makes things a lot easier a few weeks later when Carl Rudnick and Greggory Yates escape from prison. You can hear the worry in Bruce’s voice, when he begs you to be safe and not do anything risky. You snort at that and he chuckles, “I know, I’m a hypocrite, but I’m your hypocrite.” You roll your eyes, because the big doofus, is in fact, yours. You also know he’s keeping a close watch on the man hunt. 
Three days later Rudnick is back in custody, but Yates is still on the run, back to Chicago you’re pretty sure. You’ve gotten maybe five hours of sleep total in those days? You’re exhausted, but you have reports to fill out, and Chief Dodds, the commissioner and a whole bunch of brass are hanging around. 
You’re in hour three of doing paperwork, when you hear whispers. Your eyes flicker up to find your husband smiling at  you from across the room. He’s holding a doggy bag full of food, he’s dressed in a suit that costs thousands of dollars, and you know that people recognize him. 
Finn leans forward, “What the hell is Bruce Wayne doing here?” 
You hear Carisi whisper, “Maybe he’s dating Leiu?” 
You can’t help it, you burst out laughing, because you sometimes forget it’s not common knowledge that Bruce is married, despite the ring on his finger. You avoid galas with the best of them after all. You call it the Batman tax; Bruce can fight crime and you don’t have to show up to stuffy dinner parties.  
Bruce smiles at the laughter, before approaching your desk, he settles into the chair next to your desk. “Really? No pictures of me or the kids?” 
You scoff, “Work stays at work, home stays at home.” 
He frowns, “I’m getting you pictures.” 
You don’t argue with him, “What are you doing here?” 
“I brought you food. Alfred and I figured you hadn’t eaten.” 
“I haven’t had anything outside of vending machine junk in days.” 
He scoffs, “What happened to taking care of ourselves?” 
You shrug, “I’ve been hunting serial killers.” 
His face goes serious, “But you’re okay?” 
“As okay as I can be. They got a few more people, our sergeant took a bullet to the shoulder, Rudnick is back in prison, but Yates is headed only God knows where.” 
His fingers twitch, and you know he’s itching to do something, but he can’t. He can’t get involved in this too. He has all of Gotham to worry about and thanks to the league, sometimes he has to worry about the world. 
He lets out a breath, “Can I join you while you eat?” 
“Yes. You can catch me up on the goings at home.” You lead him past your shocked colleagues, and a room full of shocked officials in Liv’s office and to the breakroom. While you eat, Bruce assures you that the boys are fine, but Damian apparently butchered the hedges again. Clark was apparently being a pain in his ass too. The man of steel wanted your family to come to Kansas for Thanksgiving. 
“I’ll probably have to work, use that as an excuse.” 
Bruce grins, “This job has perks.” 
You lean forward and peck his lips, “Lots of them.” 
When you’re finished you stand up to leave and there is a room watching the two of you. You sigh, and Bruce mutters, “It’s good to know the vultures remain consistent.” 
Chief Dodds is about to step forward and ask a question when you step towards Olivia, “Bruce this Liv. She’s saved my ass more than once over the years. Liv, this is my husband Bruce, remember I talked about him?” 
She grins, “Yes, but you failed to mention he was Bruce Wayne.” 
You feign nonchalance, “Did I? Hmmm.” 
Bruce smiles, it’s the one that has everyone jumping to meet his every need, the one that says he’s as innocent as a choir boy, and he would be your best friend if you let him. You smirk at him while he shakes Liv’s hand, “Thanks for watching her back. The boys and I appreciate it.” 
That’s when Finn steps forward, “That right, you guys have a huge family, right?” 
Bruce’s brow furrows in fake concentration, “We have Dick who is twenty, Jason is eighteen, Cass is Fifteen, Tim is fourteen, Damian is ten, Terry is six, and Matt is four.” He looks at you, “How’d I do?” 
“Perfect score.” 
“We have a full house, but it’s nice.” 
You nod, “Let me walk you out.” 
You make sure Bruce gets to his car, you kiss him, and promise you’ll be home by morning. Once he’s gone you head back up to find everyone waiting on you, it’s Finn who declares, “You have some explaining to do.” 
You sigh, life was easier when no one knew anything. 
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Today I have done a lot of thinking about fictional charachters because...well my day has beeen horrible and its been better than thinking about that.
I saw a clip of shameless S1 where Mickey is dirty and unclean and I remember how a lot of people have said maybe he didn't really care until Ian came along or started to try for Ian. And sure, that may be part of it, but in my experience, there are so many other reasons people are unclean for, and I think a few would apply to Mickey.
1. I think part of the reasons he is reguarly covered in dirt is that being dirty tends to hide or blend in bruises. It is not going to work completely but enough to make people wonder if that is dirt or a bruise, or if they are seeing it properly. I imagine Terry wasn't light handed in beatings, and the kids were expected to cover for it. While teenage Mickey could say he was in a fight younger Mickey would have easily used that just some days old dirt excuse.
2. Lack of hot water or just water in his house. I don't think paying the bills on time was high on Terry's list either, and we know the house was basically a dump. It wouldnt surprise me if they reguarly had no hot water or if they did it run out quickly with the old water heater and you did not want to be the one causing Terry to have a cold shower. Or he saved the hot water for Mandy because he knows she actually really cares about her appearance and being clean
3. As a reason not to have to be with girls. In his first episode, Karen mentions that maybe Mickey is coming to find her to ask her out again and then says basically says along the lines of "I wouldn't because he smells like shit.' Being unclean and dirty means girls are less likely to want to go out with him, so he can ask the girls who he knows will say no then have it be that they are a b***ch who said no, or she don't know what she missing. He comes out of looking like her really doesn't care he got turned down but still leaves the impression his into girls. It is like a protective layer
4. I think caring about your appearance and the way you're dressed is something Mickey's dad would find pansy. Which Ugh, Terry is the worst.
5. I don't think some people really understand how vulnerable being naked in a place you dont feel safe in is. I feel like if Terry is mad, drunk, or just desires it, he would be more than happy to come for you. Being naked and unprepared is not a fun thought. So Mickey saves his showers for when he is sure his alone becauze like hell he is trusting that flimsy lock on the door (if there even is one cause Svetlana just walks in with a hammer on Ian)
Sure maybe once Ian comes along that is more incentive to be clean and presentable but I think he really starts to be clean is season 4 onwards where he knows and admits how much Ian means to him and that he loves him, no longer has go pretend to be into girls (his out or he has the excuse of his married) but also when his dad is in jail and maybe the bills are getting paid, maybe he feels safer in the house.
I just hate the common thinking of, that person is unclean because they don't care. That is rarely the real reason in my experience.
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astaraels · 8 months
You don’t get how bad I need your fem!gallavich headcanons 😭😭 (that being said pls - with no pressure - share some 🙏🙏🙏)
OKAY DON'T WORRY I'VE GOT A LOT OF THEM TO SHARE WITH YOU I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME GOOD WLW FEM!GALLAVICH FEELS (these may be a little all over the place but just roll with me here okay? okay here we go)
to start with, Ian is a nickname for Lillian, Mickey is a nickname for Mykhaila (Ukrainian feminine form of Mikhailo)—they'd still go by Ian and Mickey, because if Lip can be a nickname for Phillip then all bets are fucking off :p
technically all of this started with my brain going "lesbian gallavich with hella self image issues" because they don't feel like they can measure up to their "prettier" sister (Mandy and Fiona) but both of them thinking the other is gorgeous as hell. Mickey being kind of a femme/butch (which is why she's the one who calls the shots with her brothers, she's the tomboy compared to Mandy), and Ian wanting to be all pretty and femme but doesn't think there's a point to it because money and also she doesn't think highly of herself
things would be way different for them both as lesbians—Ian would definitely still be the forgotten middle child, although she and Lip would still be Fiona's backup ("you two are my rocks") because I refuse to believe that girl Ian wouldn't be just as committed to ROTC and fitness as canon Ian. She'd be able to kick anyone's ass any day of the week. I think she'd really look up to Lip and ofc he'd love Ian as his little sister but like, with the same kind of condescending vibe he gives Fiona and Debbie? Although maybe since they're practically twins his misogyny toward Ian wouldn't be as blatant.
she'd still be taller than him (tallest Gallagher no matter what!) and have long red hair that she just throws back in a bun or ponytail all military style. I can't see her having short hair just because short cuts can be a lot to maintain, better just to let it grow and keep it pulled back. (I know, I've thought way too much about the little stuff lol)
Mickey would be very punk. With an undercut and all kinds of piercings. Mandy gets more attention from boys but Mickey does get her share, although of course she's like blegh. She'd rather be kicking ass and taking names and proving to her dad that she's just as good at being a fuckin Milkovich as Iggy and Colin—she's got more brains than both of them combined and she's smart as a whip when it comes to doing math, as well as where scamming people is concerned. Terry would begrudgingly acknowledge this but never misses a chance to put her down because she's just another dumb bitch. Only serves to make Mickey more determined to show what she can do, though, and her brothers and cousins are no match for her when it comes to scrappy back alley fighting. She climbed to the top of the heap early on and punches out anyone who tries to take her on.
Ian absolutely falls in the lesbian stereotype of wearing flannel constantly. I feel like she would want to do girly sorts of things but like, doesn't feel she'd measure up to Fiona or other girls so she just sticks with "comfortable" as her main fashion staple. Her and Debbie probably share a room too, although as I said above, she's still super close with Lip. Debbie would ADORE her big sister, would look up to and admire Ian because they've got so much in common—it might even be that she finds Ian's lesbian porn and that's how she knows about it ("penetration isn't required for sex to occur").
I'm not sure how they'd meet in this au but it would still probably involve Mickey chasing Ian around trying to beat her up lmao. my original thought was maybe like, either Mickey chased after Ian because of something Lip did in a reverse of canon, or Mandy thought Ian was talking shit about her. Regardless, the idea of 5'1" Mickey chasing after 5'9" Ian is hilarious especially because I feel like Ian would end up being almost six foot tall by the time she's done with puberty.
even once Ian and Mandy end up being bffs (there'd definitely be some miscommunication, but Ian doesn't wanna get murdered by the Milkovich siblings, so she manages to clear the air with Mandy when she can get away from Mickey and their brothers), Ian probably wouldn't tell Mandy she's gay, gotta keep that shit on lock. So once they're besties she's gotta endure all the boy talk and be like oh haha yeah totally…but at some point Mandy would figure it out, probably because she's not dumb and also Ian "play what cool" Gallagher is not as subtle as she thinks she is. But Mandy, other than asking if Ian has the hots for her ("you're beautiful, but I like you better as my friend"), is actually pretty chill and realizes she doesn't actually mind hanging out with a lesbo. Yes, Ian and Mandy and Mickey would use all the derogatory slurs that get used towards lesbians, although Ian is used to the casual homophobia and Mickey is the most homophobic gay ever (I feel like she'd definitely call herself a fag and a dyke once she gets more comfortable in her identity).
idk how the whole grooming thing with Kash and Ned would transfer over—maybe Ned would be some rich lesbian cougar who wants a kept girl or something. But that's unfortunately a big part of Ian's character, the middle kid who's the only one to be physically abused (and yeah, Frank would still hit Ian, boy or girl), and is desperate for any kind of affection so attaches to anyone who gives it. Kash might be a (seemingly) meek wife to some bruiser of a husband who's short and has small dog syndrome, and that makes her sympathetic in Ian's eyes, thus making it easier for her to take advantage of Ian. I try not to think about Kash too much but it is an important part of Ian's self-image
I'm gonna talk about s3 in its own post because I have some Thoughts and Ideas for some changes to make things interesting :p
season 4 would be really even more depressing because I think that when Ian is manic (there'd be no running away to the army because she couldn't use Lip's identity; instead she'd go straight her sugar mama and from there calls Monica when things get too wild) she'd end up getting pimped out by Monica to really gross straight dudes—not that there aren't creeper lesbians who like younger women, but in general it'd be easier for her to find a job stripping at a regular club (lesbian bars don't seem to have the same opportunities as a straight bar or a men's gay bar do wrt making money). Poor Lip and Debbie finding her in the skimpiest outfit, worse than anything Fiona ever had to wear for a job, with way too much makeup on and dollar bills tucked in her underwear, coked out as hell, skinny enough you can see her hipbones, brain and mouth going about 300 miles a minute...ugh.
But Mickey coming and bringing her home safe and sound <3 beating up the skeevy guys trying to roofie her <33 watching over Ian while she sleeps <333
In a happier train of thought, I love the idea that Mickey really likes Ian's long hair and plays with it when she's not really thinking and Ian gets all 😍😍😍 because it means Mickey might like her omg. Mickey has a partial undercut and Ian loves the texture of the shaved part of her hair. Tells her not to let it grow back out and everything.
Mickey having to stand on her tiptoes to kiss her stupidly tall gf ("You're too tall, Red" "Complain all you want, Mick, you know you like it”). Mickey likes getting manhandled but only by Ian—anyone else tries it and they're losing a hand. But Ian shoves her against a wall and does her whole cocky, smug, looming thing and Mickey can't help but melt in her arms (not that she'd let Ian know about it, not at first; gotta make Gallagher work for that shit. Just cause she's a fag doesn't mean that she's anyone's bitch!).
I also like to think that Ian would try the super femme thing in s4 era and Mickey, once out, would be a little more comfortable being more butch, but they both come off as a mix? I just love the idea of fem!gallavich playing with gender stuff in that very specific lesbian relationship with gender—on one of Mickey's more butch days Ian jokes and calling Mickey her boyfriend and Mickey being like oh
personally I feel like Mickey in her dyke era (s5) is an absolute pint-sized powerhouse, and still an absolute fashion icon because those cut-off vests? the tank tops? perfection🤌🏻
most of my thoughts are of early gallavich because I think things would go much differently since Sammi can't call the MPs on Ian in this au, but lemme just say that there's some fun stuff I'll be adding in another ask to add to the DRAMA
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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sugar-omi · 1 year
(And to clarify just in case not like with Jeremy during step 2 where the mc can push him or hit him once or smth I mean like full on fight fight)
I just like to imagine everyone’s in the principals office and MC mom’s are all concerned and angry with MC cause they just beat up their classmate but then they’re like “Well they hit Cove first I was just returning the favour” and moms immediately FLIP cause why is the other kid just getting away with bullying why is their kid the only one getting punished?????
and when they finally get home n your parents stop fretting over you, cove is all fidgety and when it's time to change any bandage, no matter how small, or add ointment to a bruise, he's all "wait! let.. let me help you" when you go to ask your mom's for help w it
and he's all gentle, but he looks sad so you ask what's wrong
"I just hate seeing you hurt"
taking coves face into your hands, squishing his cheeks, "I'd do it all over again. and I'd beat them up even more for even looking at you, I'd jump em even before they hit you if I could've."
cove is teary eyed n crying a bit prbly
"don't ever feel bad if I get into a fight. if it's for you, I'd get into 10 fights! no, a thousand!" you throw your arms wide in the air at that. "no one can touch you like that without getting fucked up twice as bad. so stop fretting okay" you smile and cove cries a fucking river bc you have a bandaid on your cheek, and your knuckles are still flushed/inflamed and have a scrape from missing one of your punches
"you're an idiot.." cove laughs, still crying
"ya know you love me, holden." you smile, wiping his tears.
he nods, "yeah, I do"
and you're stunned bc he just confessed???? omg???
and cove kisses your shocked face, you slap a hand on your cheek bc "KISS?"
n cove just laughs at your expression bc you're so surprised n it's so fuckin cute
so after that sometimes, during your suspension cove will give you a kiss on the cheek for defending his honor if you ask<333 (or don't, he'll do it one more time or so unless you ask him to stop ofc)
if anyone tries to fuck w him after, they're fucked once again
cove does try to keep you outta fights but I mean... if you do turn around n jump em, he won't stop you
giving very much Heather's "fight for me" but you're not deranged like JD
also Liz teases yall bc cove does admit that he loved watching you jump em LMAO
your friends would also be concerned, randy n Terri especially bc they saw it but they'd be like "FUCK YEAH!!!"
no one fucks w cove either while you're gone, OMG GOING TO PICK COVE UP EVERY DAY
the teachers are like "You're suspended you can't be here!!"
like I'm not here for you I'm here for HIM, n you ride off together laughing bc everyone is whispering but fuck em 👐👐👐👐
pls this is making me wanna zoom n like go crazy omg my head is spinning I love this sm
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
okay so i made a post (here) kind of about this a while ago, but here’s a full analysis on ian and mickey’s relationship and their struggles with abandonment and commitment issues:
as the seasons went on, one of the things made most clear about mickey milkovich, was his love language, acts of service. the way that mickey views love is that loving somebody is doing grand gestures to keep them with you. throughout the entire show, this is made clear, for example: robbing a man’s house for ian then kissing him (overcoming a huge fear of his), getting terry off of ian so that he would get more hurt than ian would, kissing ian in public, coming out for ian and getting the living shit beat out of him, (almost) murdering ian’s half-sister for calling the military police on him, snitching on a huge cartel and getting himself thrown back in prison for ian, attempting to escape prison again for ian, and eventually, faking marrying ian’s sister so that he could marry ian.
however, ian isn’t the same as mickey in that way. does ian love mickey? fuck yeah. but is ian as willing to do as much crazy shit in the name of love as mickey is? not really. it’s not that ian doesn’t love mickey or doesn’t risk a ton for mickey, because he does, he just loves mickey in a different way.
so, since mickey views love as doing grand gestures that could possibly risk everything in your life, he has a hard time understanding that people can love people in different ways that don’t involve a lot of danger. so when ian doesn’t go to mexico and doesn’t sign the marriage license, mickey feels as if ian doesn’t love him. his thought process is kind of just like i’ve done so much for ian, i’ve done everything to keep us together, but he still can’t commit, and that hurts mickey! it’s so obvious that he feels that way in 10x08 when ian says, “i wanna know how you feel!” and mickey just looks beyond pissed and hurt. and in the next episode, ian tries to explain himself, but mickey says, “no, you’re just saying that you don’t love me enough now”. to an extent, he understands that he and ian have different minds that work in very different ways, but he can’t grasp the thought of ian not signing those papers, because to him that’s a grand gesture, and a grand gesture = loving somebody.
but the reason that ian doesn’t sign the papers isn’t because he doesn’t love mickey, it’s because he’s afraid to commit. debbie tells him that he’s scared of commitment, and ian tells mickey himself that the reason he’s scared is because of his parents. and truly, it makes sense. from what we’ve seen of frank and monica, it’s been stated that they’ve been married many times; and ever since season 4 the show has made a point of showing ian’s fear of becoming his mother. and historically throughout shameless ian hasn’t had the best romantic history. he’s been with so many men that he tells a nurse that he doesn’t even know how many, we’ve seen him with men old enough to be his father- possibly even grandfather, and every single of age boyfriend (including mickey, sorry) has treated him like actual dog shit at one point. it makes sense that he’s afraid. he grew up seeing his parents fight with each other and leave each other (and their children) and then seeing his sister get into toxic relationships with men who, in ian’s words, weren’t very nice to her. his view on love is warped, and yes, he does love mickey, but loving mickey scares ian, and believe me, it scares mickey, too.
the real explanation to most of ian and mickey’s conflicts throughout the show is that ian has commitment issues and mickey has abandonment issues. they both grew up gay in abusive households on the south side, and loved each other regardless, but it was hard for them, and always will be hard.
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