#he isn't immune to what everyone likes or dislikes and it's always on point.
Not What We Bargained For
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PART 1 of 2
|| PART 2 ||
<< Request >> "If it's possible, could you make a story about harry hating you and you didn't know why and then one day you have to share a hotel room with him and you find him jacking off in bed!?! Smut obviously and a fluff ending please?" @pandisasterthatlived
Summary: Harry dislikes YN. She dislikes him. As long as they avoid each other, they can manage to be in the same office. But an unexpected work trip creates more tension than anticipated.
A/N: This was fun to write! I've been wanting to do an enemies to lovers story and this was the perfect way for me to dip my toes into that trope. Hopefully you enjoy it. Might do a pt. 2 later?
>> Warnings: some explicit language, workplace rivalry & jealousy, sexual tension, self-pleasure, oral (male receiving), mild fingering, unprotected penetration
She isn't supposed to be here.
Harry is cursing Doug for his weak immune system, which is currently being attacked by the flu. He should've sucked it up, this is too important. Of course, that's a selfish thought, and Harry knows that, but he can't stop it from popping into his head ever since he was told that YN will be the one to take Doug's place.
He can't stand her. He basically hasn't since the beginning. When she first walked into the office, it seemed like she would be a pleasant presence to have around, another pleasant person to work with. But he was wrong.
Right off the bat, she is rude, and ignores Harry if there happens to be a moment that they are near each other, which he tries to avoid as much as possible. He is one of the top associates. It would only help her career if she was willing to work with him. She doesn't seem to care about anyone else's ideas, she just presents her own as soon as a question is asked in a meeting, and she is constantly taking assignments that could be covered by anyone else. She just comes across as so arrogant, and it does nothing but annoy him at this point.
Why would he want to work with someone like that? To work with an outside hire who thought she was better than everyone else as soon as she got tnere? He wouldn't. He doesn't. And he can't stand the fact that he is being forced to work with her now. He can't stand her.
"Have you gone over the presentation? Read the notes?"
"Yes, Styles. I have. I am prepared."
She will have to prove that in the meeting. However, he doesn't really want to give her much of a chance to do so. This was his assignment. He deserves to present it. He deserves the credit and recognition.
"Just so you know, I'm taking the lead on this."
"I figured as much."
"Good." He responds. "I'm glad we're on the same page."
She sighs and out of the corner of his eye, he catches YN rolling hers.
"If you don't think you can handle it-"
"Seriously? I've done this plenty of times before. This isn't my first presentation!" She snaps back, taking him a little by surprise. He's never heard her raise her voice, but then again he isn't around her much to hear it.
"Sure. But I won't need much help, yeah?"
"Whatever. Fine by me." She responds, crossing her arms and staring out the window.
He rolls his eyes at the way she is pouting. She obviously can't handle that she isn't in charge of this assignment. It serves her right, always trying to one-up everyone else and not being a team player. This is a taste of her own medicine.
"I can pretty much close this deal on my own."
"What our company is presenting to you is an opportunity to grow your business with-"
"Growth, Ms. YLN? Can you guarantee growth?"
"Well, yes-"
"Thank you, Ms. YLN…" Harry clenches his jaw in her direction. "Mr. Tills, the data speaks for itself. What Downings & Co. can guarantee is that your business is worth the risk for the company. And if you consider the ramifications of a drastic change in the financial climate, I believe it is worth the risk for your business to let Downings & Co. oversee things."
Harry glares right at YN as soon as the other members in the meeting are distracted in conversation with each other.
How dare she? This was his presentation. He was the lead and she had no right to add anything else. In fact, she caused doubt and more questions to be raised. He just hopes that she has not ruined his chance to acquire this client.
"Let us have a moment to converse, if you don't mind." Mr. Tills requests.
"Of course." Harry agrees, gathering all of his notes and throwing another quick glare in YN's direction.
They both walk out of the conference room and take a seat just outside.
"What the hell was that?" He scolds.
"Excuse me?"
"You did not need to add anything to the pitch, YN! I had it under control." He begins to raise his voice, taking a deep breath as he notices the receptionist's quick glance in his direction.
"I was just trying to help."
"I told you that I don't need your help."
Although she is quiet, he can hear her scoff, and her body turns to face him.
"You know what, Styles?" She whispers, her eyes scanning the lobby to be certain that no one else is in earshot. "Fuck you."
"What?" He replies, his brow furrowing deep at her astonishing statement, especially in this professional setting.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I said fuck you."
"Me?" He pulls his lips in and does a scan of their surroundings too. "I had this. It was going perfectly, until you caused them to question the growth of their company."
"You weren't doing as well as you think." She quietly chuckles.
"Oh, because you think you can do everything better than anyone else?"
"No…" She huffs. "Because I saw what they-"
"I don't want to hear it, YN. You better hope we don't-... I don't… lose this deal now."
She turns her body away from his and they sit in silence, waiting for the board's decision to be made.
A few minutes later, the conference room door opens and the pair are motioned back inside.
"Mr. Styles and Ms. YLN, we have considered all you have proposed and have agreed to take up the offer."
Harry manages to keep his composure and continue with professionalism.
"Fantastic. I believe that this will be a very beneficial partnership, Mr. Tills."
Another meeting is set up for tomorrow to go over and sign paperwork, so the job is finished for tonight, and they both head back to the hotel.
As the silverware clanks against their plates at the hotel restaurant, the silence feels refreshing to Harry. At least he doesn't have to hear her speak or engage in any kind of awkward conversation.
He whines to himself as he hears YN suddenly clear her throat. He's not surprised she can't keep her mouth shut, or her opinions to herself.
"Look, I really tho-"
"Honestly, I'm not in the mood to talk about it. Yeah?" He interrupts. "I'm just glad it worked out in the end."
"Yeah." She responds. "Now you can celebrate."
"No." He shakes his head.
"Wait, what? You're not gonna celebrate because… why? Because you thought I was going to ruin everything for you? Even though I didn't…"
He wants to argue with her so badly. This is not all about her, as she makes everything out to be. But they are in public, and he is not about to make a scene. So, he decides to bite his tongue and give her a quick honest answer as politely as he can. He lowers his fork, wipes his hand on his napkin, and clasps his hands in his lap.
"No." He reiterates. "I don't celebrate 'til the deal is fully done."
"But we-... I mean, you…"
"I wait 'til everything is official. Signatures and stamps and all that shit."
"Oh." She sits up straighter in her chair.
"What?" He asks sternly.
"Nothing." She pulls her lips inward and drops her gaze. It might be the first time Harry has ever seen her look like this. She almost looks insecure.
"What?" He asks again.
"I just…" She shrugs, gaze still downward. Her new demeanor is completely throwing him off. "I celebrate too early, compared to the 'Styles way'... I guess."
Harry returns his hands to his utensils, shoving a large fork full of his dinner into his mouth.
"That's 'cause you're too cocky." He mumbles, enjoying the fact that his food is muffling his words.
"What's that?" She asks, leaning closer to potentially make out the statement she hopes he will reiterate.
"I said… I said that I guess I'm too cocky." He lies, starting to clench his teeth as he notices that her reaction is giving away that she agrees.
"Well…" She shrugs. "We have our own ways of doing things."
"Certainly do." He replies, beginning to see her shoulders relax a bit, but he quickly straightens up and pushes his plate to the side. "I'm finished."
"Oh! Okay. I'm almost done too." She replies, stabbing as much food as she can with her fork.
"No, please, don't rush." He holds his hand up to reassure her that she doesn't need to hurry, hoping she will listen so that there isn't an awkward elevator ride and walk back to the room. He shudders at the odd thought of how that scene would look to others. As if they were a couple. "M'just gonna take a shower. I'll see you back in the room."
"Right." She nods. "See you back there then."
With a shirt and sweats on, and a towel drying his hair, Harry walks out of the bathroom and almost collides into YN.
"Bloody hell!" He blurts out.
This obviously wasn't the original plan. Harry was supposed to be sharing a room with Doug, someone he would most likely have been spending time with at the bar, being wingman to each other whenever someone caught their eye.
But Doug isn't here, it's YN instead, and because the universe seems to hate Harry, the company wasn't able to find her a separate room.
"Oh shit!" She responds, taking a few more steps away from him. "I just got back. I didn't realize you were right there."
He is thankful he didn't risk it and walk out in a towel, or how he usually walks around. Naked.
She places her jacket and bag next to her suitcase, and sits on her bed to remove her heels.
"Stupid fucking things." She states, tossing them to the side and massaging her feet. "Is the bathroom free now?"
He simply nods and she swiftly grabs some clothes, heading straight in there and closing the door.
While he hears the water running, Harry sends a quick, scolding text to Doug, and puts an alarm on his phone.
He puts it down on the nightstand and turns his lamp off before he brings his hands up underneath his head.
His eyes close, and he replays the meeting in his head. He critiques himself on the areas he could have improved, still mentally patting himself on the back for the win, and clenches his jaw as he remembers YN's interruption. One thing pops in his mind that he didn't think anything of before. It was the look of embarrassment on her face when he glared at her. He attributes it to the fact that she couldn't handle a bruise to her ego, but he can't seem to shake the small feeling that it may have actually been genuine.
The bathroom door suddenly swings open, with the scent of lavender and vanilla floating through the air as she returns her work outfit to her suitcase. He subtly opens his eyes, curious to see what YN looks like in a normal setting. Well, in a 'not-the-office' setting.
Harry can't help but notice the way her wet hair falls down and frames her face, no longer being confined into a ponytail. He notices the freckles on her cheeks that are usually hidden by her makeup. He also notices how smooth her bare skin looks, now that it's showing off as a cotton shirt and shorts sit nicely on her body.
He had already admitted to himself, on the first day they met, that she was attractive. She has always looked presentable and professional, and attractive. But this is different. He has never seen her look so natural, there's no reason he would have, and he is taken back by how much he likes seeing her this way.
He is brought out of his thoughts as soon as he hears the creaking of her bed. She turns off the lamp closest to her, but with the city lights peeking through the small opening of the curtains, he can just make out her silhouette.
"Goodnight." She softly speaks.
"Yeah. Goodnight." He replies, turning away onto his side and letting his mind wander as he drifts off to sleep.
Harry wakes up and notices that the sliver of the window he can see still displays a dark sky. He checks the bedside clock to confirm that he has only been asleep for a few hours. He is annoyed that he has randomly woken up, but more so than that, he is annoyed that he has woken up with his dick stiff and throbbing.
He's a man, this has obviously happened to him before, but tonight's is painfully desperate for some relief and he knows he will not be able to return to sleep without taking care of himself.
He turns over to evaluate YN's current position and finds her asleep, facing the other wall. He begins to weigh his options, but his hand uncontrollably makes its way down to the bulge in his sweats, and it feels too good to discontinue those motions.
He glances back over to YN, letting out a heavy breath to test her ability to stay in slumber. When she doesn't react, he slides his hand into his briefs and continues to palm himself, breathing out heavily at the touch.
It feels too good, and he is desperate for relief. He needs it now. He can be quiet, and can stop if he suspects she is waking up. Plus, the risk of getting caught is surprisingly making this all the more enticing for him right now.
He brings his hand out of his pants, pulling them down to free his throbbing dick from its confines, and spits in his hands for some lubrication.
As he checks on YN's position once again, becoming more aroused at the sight of an attractive woman laying there, he begins to stroke himself. The immediate pleasure that his motions create cause him to bite his lower lip and buck up his hips. His thumb rubs over his tip and he can feel himself leaking already. He manages to pull his other lip inward just in time to muffle a moan, and he begins to thrust his hips up to the rhythm of his strokes.
But as good as it feels, he can't seem to get himself over the edge. He spits in his hand for more lubrication and pumps faster, and an uncontrollable, but quiet, moan is released from his lips.
"Come on…" He whispers, tilting his head back further against the pillow and squeezing his eyes shut even tighter.
"Can't close the deal?"
"Shit!" Harry immediately stops stroking himself and his free hand flies up to slap his face.
This is just perfect. Not only does he need release from such an intense erection, but now the one person he can't stand has caught him in the act. Everything about this moment is painful.
He turns his head and peeks through his fingers, just making out her figure and her face staring back at him.
"I… fuck… I…" He stumbles, his ego fading and being overshadowed by embarrassment.
"Need some help?" She chuckles. "I can help."
"Oh fuck off, you're not making this any better for me." He states, an intense blush raging in his cheeks as the intense erection rages within his grasp.
"I could make it better. If you want me to."
"You're not serious! Are you?" He asks, astonished by what he thinks, and also sort of hopes, that she is offering.
"Well, if you can't do the job yourself…" She laughs. "I might as well take the lead on this."
He groans, aching for release.
She shrugs. "It's funny how you didn't need my help earlier in the meeting, but now you clearly do."
"It's not funny." He frowns as he experiences her arrogance yet again.
"It's just too damn bad I don't have the right skills for the job." She adds.
His frown turns into a smirk, actually delighted by her teasing nature. "I can sense your sarcasm."
She shakes her head, looking his body up and down as he lays there on the bed.
"And I can sense your desperation."
Harry clears the lump in his throat. He knows she is being witty, giving him the same back talk that he's given her, but god he thinks it's sexy. Saying she'll help him cum almost makes him explode right there, but he suddenly realizes that he wants what she is offering. Wants and desperately needs at this point.
"I'm very good." She chuckles. "But if you don't think you can handle it-"
"I can!" He interrupts. "I want to."
YN crawls her way onto his bed and closer to him, making her way to lay over his legs, as his breathing picks up its pace.
She gets positioned over his tip and flickers her gaze up to him as she bites her lower lip. He squirms as he lays there, desperate for her to please him.
Her gaze drops down to his dick, and she grabs ahold of his base as her smooth tongue glides up his length. He moans out, not meaning to make so much noise, but the way it feels against his skin sends him into a tizzy already.
"Oh my god."
She licks up one more time, before pushing her lips around him and taking his dick in her mouth. From the feeling alone, one hand jolts down and entangles in her hair, causing her to hum against him.
"Fuck, it feels good." He admits. And it does. It feels better than he would've thought. She takes him in so easily, her soft lips sliding around him as his dick enters between them.
She suddenly pulls off of him and sits back on her knees, pumping him slowly with her hand.
"You know, you're a major asshole to me."
His gaze immediately shoots down to meet hers.
"Umm…" he begins to pant, his dick twitching in her grasp and his heart racing at her statement.
"I haven't done anything to deserve that." She frowns.
He would assume she is furious, except he notices the way her teeth are digging into her bottom lip. Instinct wants him to argue, but his body wants him to shut up so she will continue the pleasuring she is giving him. His body wins over.
"No." He replies, his strong palms moving down to grab onto the part of her knees that are just within reach. "You haven't."
"And you haven't really done anything to deserve this…" She proclaims, squeezing her hand just enough around him to cause a buck up of his hips.
"No, I… haven't…" He breathes out.
"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page."
She quickly drops herself back down and wastes no time taking his dick back into her pretty little mouth.
The sensation flows over him and he throws his head back into the pillow.
"Fuck." He whispers.
The way she begins to use her mouth is as if she knows what he needs. She swirls her tongue exactly how he likes it, and moves her hand to cup his balls, which causes one hand to grab onto her hair again as the other grips onto the pillow underneath his head.
"YN… you're…" He grunts. "Fuck, you're good at this."
Once again, she hums against him, and the vibration ignites his body. It feels so good for him, and he feels his body tensing. He wants to last longer, but with his hand having started things off, and her amazing oral skills, he knows he cannot hold back much longer.
"Shit!" He growls.
"Hm?" She hums, her eyes snapping up to his as her mouth continues to do its work.
"I usually… last longer." He growls. "But m'bout to cum."
By the look in her eyes, he can tell she is smiling around his dick, and his body bucks up.
"Where… can I…" He tries to breathe out.
YN gives his balls a subtle squeeze and moves her hand on top of the one grabbing her hair. She stops her motions, stabilizing herself with her hands on his thighs, and he begins to thrust.
"Oh my god." He moans out.
He continues to pump in and out, as she effortlessly takes him as deep as he can go. It's perfect. She whines out, and his eyes shoot down to her in concern, but he sees her eyes closed. She isn't resisting. She isn't uncomfortable. She's enjoying it, and that sends him over the edge.
His movements get sloppy and his entire body clenches. He squeezes his eyes shut and bites his lower lip as his release rapidly spills down her throat.
He slows down his pace and hears her whimper as she keeps her mouth surrounding him, massaging his thighs as he works through the sensational orgasm coursing through him.
As he finishes giving her every last drop, he releases the hand grasping her hair, and she sits back up onto her knees.
"Fuck." He pants, eyes still squeezed shut. "That was..."
"Outstanding?" She chuckles, and he opens his eyes to see a wide grin displayed on her plump-lipped face, instantly matching it with his own. Usually her arrogance would annoy the hell out of him, but she has every right to be. It really was outstanding.
"Yeah." He nods.
She begins to move around his body, but he gently grabs her wrists and pulls her closer, causing her to straddle his waist.
"What are you doing?" She gasps, propping herself up with her hands on his chest.
"What if I told you… that I want to flip you over right now and give you a good fuck?"
Her mouth drops open slightly. "What?"
Harry's eyes take in her body. She's still wearing her cotton shirt and shorts, and he is so tempted to see what's underneath. He begins to softly glide his palms against her thighs, running them over her hips and up to her waist.
Her breath hitches and he smirks.
"You did something for me…"
"I did it out of necessity…"
"Really? It's not part of your job description to wrap those pretty pink lips around my dick and suck me off."
"Well, it was a lot of work." She smirks, causing his own breath to hitch at her quick wit. He's finding her sexier by the minute.
"Well, you have one satisfied customer."
"Of course I do! That was some of my best work. I knew you'd like it." She smirks again, causing him to grab tighter on her waist and she lets out a sweet subtle gasp. He can tell she is pretending to resist, because by the heat he can feel between her legs, he knows she wants it, and it makes him want it even more.
"I fucking loved it."
His hands dip under her shirt after seeing her smile, and he is enticed by the smoothness of her skin. Without warning, she grabs the hem of her shirt and swiftly pulls it over her head, tossing it to the side.
Harry licks his lips at the sight of her beautiful body, his eyes taking in every inch of the smooth skin. Never in a million years did he think he'd ever be watching her half naked body as it slowly begins to grind on him.
His gaze moves up to her lips. Those pretty, plump lips that were just taking him in and pleasuring him moments ago.
He can't help himself, wanting to know what they feel and taste like, so he pulls her down on top of him, their chests flush with each other.
One palm reaches around to the back of her head, and there is absolutely no resistant as he smashes their lips together. They do taste good, just as he thought.
An arm wraps around her waist and he swiftly rolls over, keeping their lips together as he hovers over her.
His index finger runs down her body and teases the hem of her panties. She bites her lower lip and he slips his hand inside, running it over her center.
"You're already so wet." He whispers, leaning down and placing another kiss on her lips. He smirks when she responds with a whimper, as he swipes his fingers along her folds once more.
He begins to circle her clit and she moans out, causing a twitch in his dick at the sound.
"Oh my god."
He plays with it one more time, then slides his fingers inside of her and curls them up. She moans again, bucking up her hips as he pumps his digits in and out.
"Fuck, YN, I need to be inside you." He exclaims, with a low and deep exhale. "I need my dick inside of you."
"Please." She whines. "I need it too."
He chuckles at her pleas. He has to admit, he likes seeing her like this- squirming at his touch, yearning for more of him, laying there exposed underneath him.
"You were so cocky before, YN. Now… it looks like you're the one who needs the help…"
"Come on, Harry, please!" She proclaims.
That's the first time she has called him 'Harry' and suddenly a rush of euphoria washes over him. It was such a beautiful sound. The desire to hear, see, and feel more from her begins to overwhelm him.
He sits back and grabs the sides of her panties, slowly removing them from her legs. It's a thong. A sexy, little thong. He's glad he didn't know that she was wearing this during the meeting, because he would've been dazed by the thought, and he's confident he will be distracted tomorrow thinking about another one sitting right down the middle of her ass cheeks.
Another twitch of his dick brings him back to the physical activities, so he quickly removes his sweats and briefs.
He teases his tip at her entrance, coating himself with her wetness before pushing himself in.
It feels good. Being inside her feels really good, and he immediately begins thrusting, as if he is smothering his dick with the feeling of her tight, coated walls.
She lets out a strong whine and he is instantly snapped out of the bliss.
"Shit. Y'alright?" He asks, keeping his voice tender with concern.
"Yeah." She pants. "It's just… I knew you were big, since my mouth was just on you, but… I just need a second… to get used to it this way."
The compliment leaving her lips makes his dick twitch yet again, and he adjusts himself so he can slowly, steadily slide in and out of her.
"That better?" He asks, gazing into her eyes to gauge her level of comfort.
"Yes." She nods in response. "And I want you deeper."
"Yeah?" He smirks. "Want my dick to fill you up?"
"Yes!" She moans, her chest moving quickly with each of his movements.
He pushes her knees closer to her chest as he begins to thrust in deeper.
"Yeah." She moans again, the sound inflating every part of his ego. He actually likes knowing he's pleasing her more than he thought he would. More than be usually does during sex. "Just like that, Harry. Oh my god."
"You're so fucking tight, YN. You're squeezing around me perfectly."
"It feels so good." She whimpers.
"How good? Tell me how good I'm making you feel."
"So good, Harry!" She moans, locking her eyes on his as the praise spills out of her mouth. "You're making me feel so good!"
"What else will make you feel good, baby?"
"Faster." She bites her lip for a moment. "Faster and harder."
Her request sends shivers down his spine. She wants it all and he is so intoxicated by her that he's ready to give it all to her.
"Fuck, YN." He grunts, feeling her straighten her legs to rest on his shoulders. "Fuck I'll do it all for you."
He grabs onto her thighs and begins to pound into her.
"Oh god, Harry!"
"Mmm. So fucking good."
He gives everything he has with each thrust in, pulling out quickly so he can do it all again.
He looks back down at her and feels the indescribable desire to be closer. He wants to feel every inch of her.
He maneuvers his hands between her legs and lowers himself down, resting one forearm on the side of her head, as he uses the opposite to hold onto the back of her thigh.
Both of her hands reach around and tangle themselves in his curls. As he continues his deep, hard, fast thrusts, his breath quickens at the intense desire to take her completely.
"God, I want to ravish you." He admits, unsure how his confession will be perceived.
"I can't guarantee I won't scratch and bite…" She replies, causing his hand to instinctually grab tighter onto the back of her thigh.
"But I can guarantee you'll cum."
His lips swiftly move to her neck, sucking every spot he comes in contact with, not worried about the marks that might show during tomorrow's meeting.
She grabs his shoulders and runs her nails down his back, shooting a sensation through his entire body. Once again, it's as if she knows exactly what he wants, likes, and needs.
He kisses back up her neck to her lips again, parting them with his tongue and gliding his in.
Their tongues move in synchronization, as his hands roam her body. His fingers meet with her nipple, and the high-pitched whimper that leaves her lips is enough to encourage him to play with it.
She squirms and moans, causing him to remove his lips from hers and join his hand. His tongue immediately licks her nipple, and a pleasure-filled shriek echoes through the entire room. His palm grabs her breast and provides a better vantage point to suck all around the breast.
Her breaths and whimpers are all he can hear as he moves over every inch of her smooth skin, and gives everything his dick can provide her.
"Ohhh. Harry, I'm…"
"Tell me." He grunts into her ear.
"I'm gonna cum."
"Cum… YN, I wanna…" He grunts again as his movements get sloppy. "I wanna feel it!"
He props her leg on his shoulder and brings that hand up to her jaw, pressing his lips firmly against hers again.
She lets out a vibrant moan, one that could set every fiber of his body ablaze.
"Oh my god, Harry!"
"Yes. Fuck yes."
Her hands run up and grip his hair, tugging on it as her body squirms beneath him.
"H-... Har… oh god!"
Her hips suddenly buck up, getting him as deep as he can go before she drops down onto the bed after one last, beautiful moan of his name.
"I'm close, baby, I can… in you?"
"Fuck I'm gonna give you… all of it."
"I want all of it." She whispers.
With that, he spills into her once again, reducing his thrusts as he melts down on top of her, kissing her neck as they both work through their orgasms together.
"Harry, that was…"
"Outstanding?" He chuckles against her skin and she breathes out a laugh of her own.
"Yeah. Outstanding."
He rolls off, leaving them both laying on their backs in bliss, and trying to catch their breath.
"You can, umm, stay in my bed tonight… if you want."
She rolls onto her side and props herself up on her elbow.
"Mr. Styles wants to cuddle?" She giggles.
The sassy, yet sexy expression on her face causes a blush to cover his.
"Forget it." He responds, embarrassment filling him as the reality, and original cause, of what happened reenters his mind.
She scoots closer, running one hand through his tossled hair, then cupping his cheek as she places a gentle kiss on his lips.
He can't fully comprehend what he's feeling, definitely not in any coherent matter at the moment, but he melts at her touch. Then he melts more as she looks into his eyes with the sweetest gaze.
"You want to be big spoon or little spoon, Harry?"
Harry is pulled out of his sleep to the sound of beeping and YN calling his name.
"What?" He asks.
"Can you turn off your fucking alarm?"
"M'sorry." He fumbles around on the nightstand next to him, barely opening his eyes enough to silence his phone.
"Thank you!" She sternly exclaims.
He finally blinks his eyes open to find YN laying in the other bed, hands covering her face and she begins to blink her eyes open. He frowns, not remembering when she left his bed, and a little confused as to why.
"Well good morning to you too." He chuckles, propping his head up on his hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Uh, happy that this deal will be done and that I can go back home…"
"Well, yeah." He chuckles again. "But, I mean, how are you feeling about last night?"
She twists her head in his direction and gives him an unsettling frown.
"Dinner was fine."
"Right…" He dramatically rolls his eyes.
"I had a good sleep… if that's what you mean..?"
His heart sinks and stomach twists into knots, as she raises up and gets off her bed, walking towards her suitcase and grabbing her toiletry bag.
Does she regret it? Was she actually disappointed? Or is she just that heartless? She can't be. Not the way she was treating him last night. That definitely wasn't heartless.
"Right, but-"
He scoots closer to the edge of the bed and his hip slides over a large damp spot on his sheets. He looks down and feels around for a clue as to what it is and why she is suddenly acting a little cold towards him.
He examines the bed, the room, and her figure as she heads towards the bathroom.
He suddenly realizes what's going on, and his heart stops as he buries his face in his pillow.
She is in her bed. She is wearing her cotton shirt and shorts. He is wearing his briefs and sweats, and there's a damp spot on his bed.
They didn't have sex.
He looks up to catch one last glimpse of her before she walks into the other room, and his stomach drops.
Nope, they didn't have sex.
He just had a wet dream.
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loyalhorror · 1 year
uhh, the ask emoji fandom thing but whichever ones you want to answer for RDR, Black Sails, and Sandman, with a bonus side question of have you done any of the Manderville quest stuff in ff14
OUGH. marxz i am so fond of you (not just for sending this ask i prommy). let's see.
Have you done any of the Manderville quest stuff in ff14?
I DEFINITELY HAVE but I don't remember it at all... maybe @notjusthespongenextdoor can tell me what the fuck I did sdlfksndfkjg it was so long ago
👿Least favorite character
RDR: hmmm I can't really think of anyone I genuinely dislike as a character, at least within the main 'cast'? obviously everybody fucking hates Micah but I love him as a character even if I think in some respects he's sort of WAY too obvious as a villain in a way that makes some gang members look like idiots for allowing him to stay... but then on the other hand I think that's kind of the point + it's proof of how much control Dutch has over everyone. HANDWAVES.
BS: Fucking Vane. I don't like the shit he did in-universe to Max (though I will accept that that was a poorly written plotline in general... or at the very least one that made it just really hard to empathise with anyone responsible afterwards) AND I feel that his redemption arc was kind of "eh". But mostly I think fandom kind of burnt me out on him because I just don't get the hype around him.
SM: hmm it probably depends on what version we're talking about... I don't really like show!Lyta (whereas I love comics!Lyta) but I think that's just because like. The acting and writing in the show isn't always Great(TM). I can't think of anyone where I just HATE them when they're onscreen or anything in either version... with the show I don't like the scenes with Desire+Despair but that's because their dynamic creeps me out as someone who is VERY squicked by codependent sibling relationships in media, I love both characters individually.
WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. In the show it's definitely Joha.nna Constantine I'm sorry I just. Do not like the actress much to begin with. I also don't really like what they did with Constantine's gender-swapped design, so to speak - she doesn't look like Constantine at all aside from the trenchcoat. They couldn't make her a cocky blonde gal (preferably with short hair, give me butch sapphic Constantine or else)? I know they were probably going off what they wanted from the acting rather than anything appearance-based, and it's better to have a good actor who looks different than a bad one who matches the comics version, but. GESTURES. I wish it'd been ANY other actress skldfndkjfng. I'm picky with my cocky English people. The wrong vibe can turn it rancid.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
RDR: HMM good question. it used to be Dutch (yeah yeah I know) but nowadays I have no idea, once a character becomes my blorbo/I start writing them longterm I tend to lose whatever 'crush' I had on them... BS: [head in hands] it's hal gates. i am not immune to fat old men. i want him to [REDACTED] S: HM depends on the day and it depends on which character(s) I'm relating to the most on a personal level. Tends to rotate between Dream, Lucien(ne), and lately, Hob.
💐Comfort character
RDR: John my beloved... BS: Somehow it's Silver, but that's mostly because of what I've written with my friend Seras over the past several years with him + Seras' Horst. S: Dream, most of the time. Sometimes it's the Corinthian (specifically pre-runaway era Corinthian) but not often.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
RDR: Abigail... I feel so fucking bad for her in so many different ways. Not in a "John was sooo shitty omg" way (though he WAS a dick) but just like, man, what a tragedy of a life. BS: MAX. The s1 abuse arc was awful in a thousand different ways but primarily I just don't think it was sensitively written at all. It's not necessarily that I think they shouldn't have included it, but holy FUCK the like... implications that it leaves about every other character who stood back and allowed that to happen or was otherwise complicit in it is uhhh. Not great. S: Dream but also not at all because I think the tragedy of his story is my favourite thing about it. Like Abigail, it's "he deserved better if we look at it in-universe but from a narrative standpoint the agony is so fucking tasty and I wouldn't change it at all".
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fullmtal · 3 years
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I like to imagine on special holidays that Edward while loathe to bring any trace of Resembool (out of protection) beyond basic details to Central ? He specifically either early or late canon goes with his little brother laden because I also headcanon Granny Pinako STUFFS him with country cooking for the journey? He is a country boy after all, to carry with the rest of his luggage laden with books, his ‘travelogue’ (alchemical codes / notes no one but he can read they’re so damn complicated) and just goes out awkwardly asking if anyone wants  / needs some leftovers to take home / stock the pantry. It’s his silent and roundabout way of asking if anyone wants fried apples, some pie, though you really have to do equivalent exchange on the pie because Edward isn’t one to really share food, he eats like a horse --- no really you’re risking your life -
-- it’s different on the holidays. His mother always made it grander and funner than anything he ever dreamed, -- when all they needed was her smiling in the snowy months -- didn’t have to be religious, he made it plain to her early on he wasn’t interested, as was Al, who tends to follow Edward’s lead, much in one instance (that red night) to a deference that cost them both before we see him gradually break away from being constantly following his big brother’s lead / opinions / insight as much as he roasts him, Alphonse trusts his big brother to make good choices because no one knows how unselfish his heart is but him when it really, usually, always matters. Or good. Even if Edward tries to bury it, a good person can’t hide their light so they say. And Edward’s is blinding as much as he muffles it because he doesn’t think he deserves it annnd that’s a whole can of another analysis.
So it isn’t uncommon if Fuery or Hawkeye or hell, including Mustang (who probably in the weirdest form of affection, gets every time his favorite dish of leftovers which is absolutely delicious) all this food. While the Rockbells have no love for the military, they have to place their trust in Mustang and his crew to a POINT, for having Ed and Al under their watch and after Armstrong comes along the first time in canon they go back to Resembool to fix their broken bodies and Al gets put in the sheep cargo hold? I headcanon that Armstrong is Pinako’s favorite because he’s a sweetheart how can you hate him? so he gets all the sweets and goodies and Edward almost dies from a hug / quickly bolts before Major Armstrong can scoop him in his arms and cry.
Basically the entire team gets the best food in the form of leftovers you could imagine, and Ed tries to brush it off but he isn’t for once, fooling anyone unlike Alphonse, more blatant in his affection for them and the Hughes family, post Maes’ death and prior, ( yes they visit with loads of delicious food and a few toys they made with alchemy for Elicia ) unlike his guarded, naturally wary brother. He has to be. He’s the oldest, and he has to make sure the people they’re surrounded by are semi-safe or Edward will beat them sideways if Al doesn’t for looking at his baby brother wrong.
It isn’t Trisha’s - Rockbell holidays, Christmas, Halloween, etc. But Ed will admit there’s some kind of weird warmth in feeling for once, as a kid who long died and broke too hard, almost young, in these festivities. 
Some say even that the Fullmetal Alchemist smiles more; a pep in his short step and a swing in his braid. Safe to say be it Gracia, Maes, Elicia, or Armstrong, Brosh, Ross and Mustang’s crew, no one goes hungry on the holidays if the Elrics are involved.
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
shiggy with a chubby partner | shigaraki tomura
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synopsis ↬ headcanons of shiggy's love for his chubby significant other
warnings ↬ swearing, 18+ suggestive themes, this is seperated into different section, use of 'girl' here and there, some mention of self-esteem issues but you can skip over it if you don't want to read it
pairing ↬ chubbychaser!shiggy x chubby!fem!reader
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hi, welcome to my tedtalk. today i will be presenting why shigaraki tomura would love to have a chubby/plus-size partner. this isn't to make up lies, shiggy likes his girls chubby and that's final. once i started thinking, it all made sense...
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Tomura has a thing for chubby girls who are immune to his quirk, you can't change my mind. I think he's someone who has always been cautious of touching other people because of his quirk and probably doesn't want to harm people he cares about.
So, if he learns he can't make you decay, he would go crazy over you. Feeling your skin against his fingertips becomes his drug, he'll do it all the time. I think he is someone who doesn't care about what his partner looks like because he has his own insecurities with his body. He follows the principle "don't judge a book by its cover".
Shiggy wouldn't care if you have acne, stretch marks, freckles, blemishes, or eczema — this guy does not care. He's very accepting of people regardless of their appearance. I think he would be a place of comfort if you ever had any insecurities. He knows the right words to say and make you feel better because of his own experiences.
Shiggy knows the feeling of not fitting in or having the world against him. Look at the people in the League of Villians. Although I'm not completely familiar with some of their backstories, I know that Toga had to repress part of her identity and quirk in order to appease her parents. Touya is similar to Shiggy in the sense that they both had fathers who neglected them emotionally in order to fulfill their own agendas. Jin was alone and rejected by society to the point where he turned to clones of himself in order to fill his void.
Shiggy invited them into a space where they wouldn't need to worry about the opinions of others. They were free to be whoever they wanted without worrying about judgment. There is no way that he wouldn't accept his partner or ostracize her insecurities as flaws.
He craves touch, physical communication, and being loved. Remember when All For One helped him during his origin story? Society rejected him solely based on his appearance, people ignored a helpless child. The first thing AFO offered him was a helping hand and a hug after being outcasted by everyone. This guy craves touch; he wants to touch and be touched by someone.
Let's return to my point about why he'll like chubby girls and people immune to his quirk. Shiggy does not care about your size; the more, the better. It's not even perverted, he just wants to feel your flesh between his fingers. Does he care that you're bigger than him? No, there's more for him to hold.
Being able to fully touch someone without worrying about his quirk is something that I think he would enjoy. He won't even need to wear his stupid gloves; he could get off on the feeling of his palm massaging your squishy thighs.
Shiggy is in love with your tummy and your arms. He doesn't know why you always insisted on wearing long-sleeves or baggy clothing when he was around, but he doesn't push too much. It's your body and your choice, he's okay with it as long as you are.
It wasn't until one summer day when he saw you with a dark hoodie on while you were sweating bullets. Now, he's concerned. He asks why you're wearing that when it's scorching outside and you confess to him about your insecurities. You're worried he might dislike your stretch marks and hate showing your arms too much. Shiggy's staring at you like "...have you seen my skin?"
When you two are alone, he manages to convince you to wear something lighter and show off your arms. Shiggy can't help but want to touch and caress your body, peppering kisses along your arms and shoulders until you relax. He gives you constant affirmations that your body is stunning; Shiggy will do anything to build up your confidence and teach you not to care about what others think. He'll dust anybody that says mean stuff to you, the most overprotective boyfriend.
You might be too scared to let him see your stretch marks but he's so infatuated by them, not in a bad way. He'll trace along the marks and lines before asking why you're insecure about them; Shiggy thinks they look like waves along your skin, each one is so unique.
Shiggy can't help but be the bigger spoon when you guys cuddle, he just loves having your body close to him. His arm is always safely wrapped around your tummy as he inhales your scent and drifts to sleep. Shiggy loves to knead your skin and sides whenever you cuddle, it always reminds him that you won't decay.
He always uses your chest as a pillow; in fact, you'll probably turn into his own personal pillow, he literally can't sleep without you. When he's playing games or watching TV, he loves to rest his head in your lap or chest while you braid his hair.
Shiggy loves to give and receive hugs. Whenever he hugs you, his arms will engulf you in his embrace as he plants kisses along your forehead, cheeks, and neck. Please give him lots of hugs back, his survival depends on physical affection. He loves your cheeks so much, it's his favorite place besides your lips. He'll give them so many pinches, although they sting. Nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck whenever he's sad or just wants attention.
Shiggy is so observant of your behavior and mood, it's scary. He might not act so considerate to others, but with you, he's your servant. This man depends on your love and affection so much that he'd sulk any time you were mad at him. He loves buying you gifts, especially clothes and things that go with any hobbies you have.
At first, you're a bit skeptical when you see him come home with bags from the mall. When you try them on, they fit perfect — this guy has been memorizing your sizes, where you buy clothes, and your favorite style.
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!! !!
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 is a chest man, you can't change my mind. Whether you have none or big ol' bitties, he doesn’t care. Somehow his hands always find themselves to your chest, they’re his stress relievers. He’s so heavy on nipple play; it doesn’t matter where he is, his hands always manage to slip under your shirt and graze along your hardened buds. Decays your bra and shirt because they’re always in the way — you’re immune to his quirk but not your clothes…
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 might not have experience — you were probably his first — but any position that gives him control and let’s him get a nice view of your body is best. Traditional missionary, c0wg1rl, mating press, divide and conquer.
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 doesn’t care, he just wants to feel your flesh in his palms. Just wants something to wrap his fingers around, grab. Something tells me he would love choking, to be choked and to choke. Loves to grab your chest for support as he’s pounding on top of you. He will literally get off from watching your body jiggle with each of his thrusts.
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 loves to hold down your thighs, pressing them firmly and close to your tummy while his tongue plays with your swollen clit. His hands glide upwards across your thick thighs, caressing your tummy as he moans into your heat at the taste.
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 is obsessed with you skin, simply because he can touch, feel, and grasp it — I know I’ve said this already, but I really NEED to emphasize. Shiggy is obsessed with fingering… just the feeling of your gummy tight walls clenching around his fingers drives him crazy.
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thank you for reading my presentation/rant. have a wonderful day
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jonnyparable · 3 years
Cottage Hills : Redemption, Part XI
Room at the Table
The smell of Louis' Fried Catfish hangs heavy in the air. Filling Gotz's cozy cabin with the aroma of a good hearty meal on the way. Louis is cooking up a storm in Gotz's simple but usable kitchen, while Gotz and Won chat at the table over some booze.
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"A toast to Won! Savior of the bees! Thank you for coming by today, this meal isn't much, but eat to your heart's content!"
It has been a long time since Won has been welcome at a table like this. With good company, good food and drink, the chilly wind of the autumn evening outside, the warm fire blazing before them, crackling merrily.
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They chat easily and casually during dinner. Louis is excitable, eccentric and effusive. He talks about his work and about bees. Gotz is gruff, quiet and pensive, but has a deep, booming laugh. His tiny home seems so happy, and full of simple love. But as he and Gotz chat by the fire, Won will soon learn things weren't always this way.
"Thank you Gotz, for welcoming me into your home."
"You're my guest. Don't mention it. Everyone is welcome here!"
"..... Even someone like me?"
"The Goddess seems to think so. Mysterious are the ways of the Goddess after all....Years ago, I lost my family to the woods. They had gone in with me, but then we got lost in a blizzard.... They never made it out of the woods, only I did."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know... I lost my mother years ago... But to me, it feels like it just happened. I suppose I've not even really come to grips with it... I've just been trying so hard to redeem myself and be accepted, I've not really sat down to think about what's happened...what I've lost."
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"Sometimes, you just have to let things take their natural course, y'know? All of us deal with loss differently. When my family died, I blamed the Goddess. Blamed myself. I closed off. Kept to myself, drank... I think if my wife and daughter had seen me that way, they would have been... sad. But then at my lowest point, Louis appeared one day, and helped me get back on my feet.
People walk in and out of our lives as the Goddess sees fit, for all kinds of reasons. The Goddess brought you here. In time, people will see that."
Won looks into the fire wordlessly, just nodding lightly. But his sad eyes belie the deep brokenness within. Gotz places a firm grip on his shoulder, snapping him out of his stupor.
"Won. For what it's worth, I think your mother would be proud of you if she saw you now. You're forging your own path, and finding your way again. Maybe you shouldn't think about what you've lost, but what you've gained. A new home...Anyway, come back here whenever you want, Won. There's always room at the table here."
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All Wined Up
Over at Duke's winery, Gray has come over after closing hours to meet with Duke, like they've been doing almost every night for the past week. In Duke, Gray has found someone who doesn't tell him to cheer up, to not be sad, or to not be angry, to just not feel. Duke dislikes this whole arrangement with Won as much as Gray, and in Gray, he in turn has found an eager audience for his conspiracy theories ; That Won is secretly planning some form of revenge and needs to be dealt with.
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They come to commiserate. And perhaps they have been enabling been other's darker impulses. But have these late nights drinking and ranting really been healthy in helping Gray cope? Tonight, they drink more of Duke's wine, and after the confrontation with Harris the day before, Gray has been on edge. More so than usual. After several drinks, Gray starts getting agitated.
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"Yea, you're right! Harris was out of line. But like I said, it's not their fault.... I think they've all been enchanted! Somehow you and I are just immune to the spell! Maybe it's the wine! How else do you explain their sudden change of heart? We've got to do something Gray!"
"I don't care about Harris. Won is still out there. Happy. Free. Meanwhile Zack never got to live the life he wanted. Why did he have to die? Why!? Everytime I think about it, I feel so angry... So helpless!"
"Anger is good, Gray. See, everyone else just forgot! Zack gave his life for them, but now everyone just wants to forgive his killer. It's sorcery, I tell you! Gray, it's not right!"
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"Yea! You're right about that, Duke! We have to do something! Sitting here talking about it isn't going to do anything!"
"Yea I know but do what? We tried to scare him off at the Apothecary but Harris stopped us. Won's enchantment is too powerful..."
Gray gets up. He's never been a strong drinker, and it's clear he's now drunk. He wobbles a little, and grabs a nearby shelf.
"Why is the winery spinning Duke?? Anyway, come, Duke! We go to the source of the sorcery!"
"The source! Yes! Wait, the source? Where is that?"
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They stumble out of the winery, both men clearly intoxicated. Leading each other into more trouble.
"Won lives in the woods outside town doesn't he? We find him there and *hiccup* I dunno, we push him off a cliff or something! I don't care, one way or another, I'll make him leave tonight!"
"A cliff! It's perfect! Cliffs are very cliff-like! He'll never see it coming, hey wait for me, Gray!"
Duke grabs a lantern and follows after Gray.
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They both head into the woods, looking for Won's castle, drunk, lost and alone.
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siriusanotherside · 3 years
I really don't know what's your opinion on Danganronpa 3 is, but I always found the "Monokuma's Gloomy Sunday"/the suicide video pretty interesting. Also, if Makoto isn't immune to its effects, it's impossible for me to think that Utsuro could resist it (But I guess the Divine Luck can try to make sure that he doesn't see it)
Ohh DR3. I enjoyed some parts, I disliked some parts, in the end, I was pretty ok with it, and interested in its concepts/potencial.
And, like, I thought too that it had interesting concepts and interesting potencial, but the need to make it into a 24 episode anime as well as to add fighting scenes, (and a HUGE ASS CAST) made the plot move at a break neck speed and not really properly utilize some of it's concepts to its full potencial. So yeah, i can probably explain in detail if you want, but i am not going to do so here in order to not derail from the ask.
Anyway, back into the ask. Oh!! Thats interesting.
So yes! I do think that since it is something connected to the brain/eyes it might be impossible to resist. And so Divine Luck would either, depending on what he wants, make him avoid seeing the video (idk by blackouts/the screen exploding/etc) or make someone snap him out of it (like Juzo did with Naegi) either intentionally or by accident.
(warning /trigger warning: talking about the despair suicide video here on out, as well as it might affect Utsuro. It is in regards on how the video would twist his thoughts/guilty much like it happened in DR3 with Naegi)
I think one of the most interesting things about thinking on Utsuro getting affected by the video would be what it would show to him.
The video seemed to make people feel absolutely guilty of themselves due to past events, to the point where it broke their psyche and made them go towards suicide. (I wonder if in Ruruka case, it would be both past mistakes and the knowledge that Izayoi would have survived if she hadnt killed him)
So in this case it would be interesting to think on what it could possibly show to someone like Utsuro. He is already suicidal, and numb, so what kind of things would the video prey on?
I think would probably prey on his thoughts of the meaningless and loneliness. As well as the thought of no one ever being interested in him for him. I wonder too if it would twist his acts of kindness into "look people are all awful/evil/greedy, look at how everyone you helped abandoned you" (always omitting that there are people who do care for him and are thankful (ex: Akane) and want to repay said kindness)
One of the aspects i am unsure on how it would tackle, would it be the guilty aspect. Since like, most horrible things that happened to him/around him, were result from other people choices/actions (ex: his parents). So like, what it would twist his guilty to?
I can think on two paths of thought:
> Either as he not helping enough people, only saving a few lifes. In a "how could you? you could have changed the world for better and yet stayed aimeless how much life could you have saved" kind of line.
> "Look at you so lucky, and yet you turn to hurt other people for the ills inflicted on you. How could you use people like that? Dont you feel nothing treating them as a tool... the same way you were treated as?" kind of line.
Either way, it would be really damaging. I think divine luck would probably try to snap him out as fast as possible out of it.
Like, because a single thought of "i want this to stop, help me" would have made Divine Luck snap him out of it, so the moment the video truly hurted him, i think his will would be shaken and make the Divine Luck protect him.
Although the damage made by the video (emotionally) would definitely cause some emotional scars.
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