#he is the son of Poseidon! ;w;
blackhardtt · 3 months
!! Parent death tw. / slavery tw. !! Roderick was born to a peasant woman in a small coastal village, a place where the sea's salty embrace was a daily companion and the wind carried tales of distant lands. His mother, Eveline, was a kind-hearted and resilient woman, known for her gentle touch and unwavering spirit. She worked tirelessly, mending nets and gathering shellfish to provide for her only son. Her beauty and grace did not go unnoticed by the gods, and during one of his rare visits to the mortal realm, Poseidon, god of the sea, became enchanted by her. Their union was brief but intense, a divine moment that brought Roderick into existence. Despite his celestial heritage, his early years were marked by struggle. The villagers, unaware of Roderick's divine parentage, whispered about the boy with the deep blue eyes that seemed to hold the ocean's depths. They saw him as a blessing to his mother, though life in the village was anything but easy. One fateful night, the tranquility of their village was shattered by a brutal raid. Marauders, seeking riches and slaves, descended upon the coastal settlement with merciless fury. Eveline, in a desperate attempt to protect her son, hid Roderick beneath the floorboards of their modest home. She fought fiercely, her love for her son fueling her defiance, but she was ultimately overpowered. Roderick, only seven years old, watched in silent horror through the cracks as his mother was struck down, her life extinguished before his eyes. The raiders found Roderick shortly after. He was dragged from his hiding place, kicking and screaming, his small fists useless against the hardened warriors. Bound and chained, he was sold into slavery, his mother's lifeless body left behind, a haunting memory that would scar his heart forever. For years, Roderick endured the brutality of slavery. His tasks were grueling, his masters cruel. He was beaten for the smallest mistakes, starved when he couldn't meet the impossible demands. Yet, through it all, his spirit remained unbroken. He clung to the memories of his mother's love and the stories she told him about the sea and the gods who dwelled within its depths. It was during a particularly harsh winter that Roderick decided to escape. The decision was born out of desperation and a burning desire for freedom. One stormy night, under the cover of darkness, he slipped away from his captors. They pursued him relentlessly, cornering him on the edge of a cliff that overlooked the tumultuous ocean below. With nowhere to run and the sea crashing violently against the rocks, Roderick felt a profound sense of despair. He was just a boy, but the years of suffering had forged a resilience within him. As his captors closed in, something deep within him stirred. The wind howled around him, and the waves seemed to reach out, beckoning. Roderick leaped from the cliff in sheer desperation, surrendering himself to the sea's embrace. Instead of the cold, crushing depths he expected, he felt a warm, powerful surge. The waves rose up, cradling him gently and lifting him above the water. It was as if the ocean itself recognized him, acknowledging his lineage. For the first time, Roderick felt an undeniable connection to his divine father, Poseidon. The realization of his heritage was both a revelation and a burden. He was no longer just a slave boy but the son of a god with powers he had yet to understand. The sea had claimed him, offering him not only escape but a new beginning. As the waves carried him away from his pursuers, Roderick vowed to honor his mother's memory and harness the gifts bestowed upon him to forge his own destiny, one that would be written in the annals of both mortals and gods.
Roderick retains his tall, imposing figure (7'5"), but the trials of his early life are etched into his features. His eyes, a stormy sea green (his father's eyes.), reflect the depth of his sorrow and determination. His black hair, shimmering with the reflection of ocean waves, often falls into his eyes, obscuring the intensity of his gaze. Though hardened by years of labor, his skin glows faintly when he uses his powers, a subtle reminder of his divine origin.
Electrokinesis: Roderick can summon and control lightning, a gift inherited from his father’s control over storms.
Hydrokinesis: His ability to manipulate water has been enhanced, allowing him to summon massive waves, create water constructs, and even breathe underwater indefinitely.
Weather Manipulation: Roderick can influence and control weather patterns, creating storms, calming seas, and summoning rain at will.
Wind Manipulation: He can control and manipulate the wind, enhancing his speed, creating barriers, and even flying short distances.
Tidal Control: His command over tides is now near absolute, enabling him to create and dissipate tidal waves and control ocean currents with precision.
Earthquake Generation: Inherited from Poseidon's dominion over earthquakes, Roderick can cause tremors and quakes, though he uses this power sparingly due to its destructive potential.
Marine Telepathy: Roderick can communicate with all marine life, understanding their thoughts and feelings. This allows him to call upon sea creatures for assistance and to ensure the protection of marine ecosystems.
Aqua Healing: Roderick can heal injuries and ailments by using water, either by submerging the affected area or by channeling water’s purifying properties. This ability can also be used to heal others, making him a vital ally in battles and crises.
Cryokinesis: He has the ability to manipulate ice, creating ice constructs, freezing water, and forming ice barriers. This power adds a versatile edge to his combat abilities and defensive tactics.
Sonar Sense: Roderick possesses an advanced echolocation ability, similar to that of dolphins and whales. This power allows him to navigate and detect objects or creatures in murky waters or complete darkness, making him nearly impossible to ambush.
Enhanced Strength and Durability: As a demigod, Roderick has superhuman strength and resilience, allowing him to lift massive objects, withstand extreme pressures, and survive attacks that would be fatal to ordinary mortals.
Shape-shifting: Roderick can transform into various sea creatures, gaining their abilities and characteristics. This power provides versatility in combat and exploration, allowing him to blend into different environments or escape dangerous situations.
Storm Surge: A powerful attack that combines his control over water and lightning, creating devastating storms and tidal waves that can decimate fleets and fortifications. This ability is Roderick's ultimate weapon, showcasing the full extent of his divine power.
Oceanic Camouflage: Roderick can blend seamlessly with water, becoming nearly invisible. This power makes him an expert in stealth, able to approach enemies undetected or evade pursuers with ease.
Geokinesis: Expanding his control over earthquakes, Roderick can manipulate the earth and rock, creating fissures, raising barriers, and shaping terrain to his advantage. This power is particularly useful in both combat and creating defensive structures.
Water Vision: Roderick can see through water with perfect clarity, regardless of depth, murkiness, or darkness. This ability allows him to spot dangers, hidden treasures, or pathways in the ocean depths that others would miss.
Weather Divination: He has the ability to predict weather patterns with incredible accuracy, allowing him to foresee storms, calm seas, or changing tides well in advance. This power helps him plan his journeys and protect those under his care from natural disasters.
Hydraulic Blast: Roderick can unleash concentrated blasts of water with immense force, capable of knocking down walls, capsizing ships, or incapacitating foes. This power is both a formidable attack and a versatile tool for manipulation of the environment.
Coral Creation: He can summon and manipulate coral, creating barriers, weapons, or even intricate structures. This power allows him to shape the battlefield or craft beautiful underwater habitats that serve as sanctuaries for marine life.
Roderick's playful and teasing nature is tempered by the sorrow of his past. He carries a deep sense of responsibility and a fierce determination to protect the weak and oppressed, inspired by his own suffering. His moral flexibility remains, but it is now guided by a strong sense of justice and empathy. He values personal freedom and independence, and his bond with the sea is both a source of comfort and a reminder of his heritage.
After discovering his divine heritage, Roderick embarks on a journey to master his powers and understand his place in the world. He is driven by the memory of his mother and the desire to honor her by helping those in need. His path is fraught with danger as he faces mythical creatures, ancient sea gods, and other demigods, each challenging him to grow and embrace his destiny.
Roderick's adventures lead him to protect coastal villages from monstrous threats, overthrow corrupt leaders, and mediate conflicts among sea deities. His bond with the ocean deepens, and he becomes a guardian of the seas, earning the respect of both mortals and gods.
Poseidon: Roderick’s relationship with his father is complex. While he respects Poseidon's power and wisdom, he struggles with the expectations placed upon him and the pain of his mother's death. Poseidon sees great potential in Roderick but is wary of his son's rebellious streak. Yet, Roderick is furious at him for not saving him or his mother. He never understands why. If they can't mettle with human lives, how dare he create human life!
Blackjack: The raccoon remains Roderick's loyal companion, now endowed with a longer lifespan and the ability to communicate with Roderick through their bond. Blackjack provides a source of comfort and a reminder of the simpler times in his life.
Other Demigods and Sea Deities: Roderick forms alliances and rivalries with other children of gods, learning from them and sometimes clashing over their differing views on power and responsibility.
Ultimate Goal:
Roderick aims to find a balance between his mortal and divine natures, seeking to honor his mother's legacy while fulfilling his father's expectations. He dreams of a world where the seas are safe and thriving, and he is recognized not just as a powerful demigod but as a protector and champion of the ocean. His journey is one of redemption, healing, and the pursuit of a better future for all who depend on the sea.
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sierice · 9 months
ep 4 of the show was actually craaaazy imagine athena getting downright embarrassed in at the weekly family mail opening meeting because your 12 year old daughter was an accomplice in playing the biggest screw you to the gods in forever and then there's poseidon whose son was the one who CAME UP w the idea and he's like my parenting MY parenting im so proud of him. im going to help him on his quest right now actually. why is he falling.
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leaawrites · 1 month
Read to me
Percy Jackson x fem!reader
Summary: in a world full of monsters, Percy just wants to protect his girlfriend.
Warnings: mentions of rainstorms, mentions of threats, self doubt, angst, fluff
Wordcount: 0.8k
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The night started off with soft rain falling from the sky on the top of the beach house. Montauk. It started quiet and not threatening. Being the Son of Poseidon it shouldn’t make him lay away at night in fear of the storm outside, right? He shouldn’t fear it. But since the dreams got heavier and he finally had something - someone to lose, it felt all a bit more threatening. His life was now not only weighting him down - threatening him - but also her. The girl in his arms that was unaware of everything that happened during summer.
He felt bad for not spending the holiday with her, but she also couldn’t accompany him. Being left to wonder what he was doing there. She knew Grover already and she listened to Percy talk about his friends there - like Annabeth, a girl he mentioned one time too much in her opinion (but she would never actually say that to him) or Tyson. She knew about the lake that was there and capture the flag, but everything else was a mystery to her.
“Why are you still awake?” Y/n asked, waking up in the middle of the night from her boyfriend shaking in fear of a lightning and thunder.
It wasn’t the first time they have slept in the same bed, often doing sleepovers on the weekends. And it definitely wasn’t the first time she woke up because of him. But when she asked for the reason it was always the same.
“Just a bad dream,” Percy muttered, rubbing her arm gently to assure her that it was all fine.
“Percy,” she said, pushing him further than before. Mostly she would just let it go, nod and give him a kiss before snuggling back into his side and fall asleep again. Assuring him that he was safe was her. But he feared that she wasn’t safe with him.
“What are you dreaming about?”
The questioned lingered on her mind for longer already but she finally spoke the words. She needed answers. Not just lame excuses as to why he had scratches down his skin or why he always carried a pen with him when he never even used it.
She needed answers and he knew that, but could he give them to her so easily without putting her in danger? He couldn’t, so what would he give her? What could he give her?
“You,” he answered. Y/n looked at him confused, leaning on her arms to look at him properly. Her fingers moving through his hair. “It’s always you and it never ends good. I don’t want whatever happens in my mind happen in reality too.”
“It won’t,” she assured him, laying her head in the crook of his neck, planting small kisses on his skin.
“What if it will?” He couldn’t keep the possibility of it all away from his mind. He couldn’t block out the pictures he saw when closing his eyes.
“They’re just dreams, Percy,” she said again.
“Maybe they’re not,” he argued back.
“Dreams can’t hurt you.” She took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. “I’m here. I’m fine. And as long as I’m with you I will be.”
Silence filled the room. She was right, partially. As long as she was with him nothing would happen to her. He was able to protect her, fight whatever would threaten her.
“Can you read to me?”
Y/n looked at him surprised but nodded nonetheless. Climbing out from under the covers to grab the book, which she would be reading to him whenever he asked, from her bag. The Odyssey. She was confused and taken back when he asked her the first time, taking the book from her shelve and telling her about his interest for Greek Mythology. That was the first night he stayed over at hers. Listening to her read the words written on the pages for him to better understand them.
Saving herself from the cold again by laying back down next to him, Percy rested his head on her chest like he always did. Her hand found it’s way into his hair and gently playing with a few strands. Percy would ask some questions about who was who again sometimes, making her giggle in embarrassment when she didn’t know herself and then they would try and recite which characters they still knew had which part in the story.
The thunder still followed the bright streak of light closely behind but it got less and when she felt him finally relax against her fully and she turned off the light all which was left was soft rain. Kissing the top of his head, she closed her own eyes, falling back into a deep slumber surrounded with her own dreams of him.
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hii, do you think you could write a Percy x daughter of Dionysus reader headcannons? Where reader is close with her dad and is an all-year camper ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of dionysus
pairing percy jackson x dionysus!reader
warnings you have a bad relationship w ur mortal parent sorry (briefly mentioned)
on the radio . . . grapejuice (harry styles)
an in pollux we trust 🫡 also beckengard are alive in this (the crowd cheers 🥳), they have phones
Since you’re Dionysus’ favourite daughter, it was only natural you and Percy would meet at a party
You’d heard a lot about the boy from the amount of complaining your father would do. Whenever Dionysus entered his children’s cabin in a bad mood, you knew he was about to yap about the bane of his existence, Perry Jameson
You, however, had nothing against Percy. You’d spoken to each other a few times and from what you could gather, he was really friendly, just awfully sarcastic
You wanted to get to know him more, though. You couldn’t help it, you were curious. And he’s really hot, especially when he’s on lifeguard duty at the beach and when he’s helping the younger kids train
So when your half-brother Pollux pitches the idea of throwing a party, simply because life was getting pretty dry at the time, you made sure Percy was the first on the list of invitees. This had earned you a teasing glance from Pollux, but you brushed it off. You didn’t like Percy, he was just super cute and nice so you wanted to be his friend, duh!
However, unbeknownst to you, the gears in your brother’s head were turning. He knew Percy at least thought you were really pretty (as he should), since he’d overheard one of his friends talking about it a while back. He also knew you thought Percy’s really handsome. Finally, he is his father’s son, which means he loves nothing more than to have a little fun
Pollux saved Percy’s invite for last. He made his way over to Poseidon’s cabin, a grin on his face as he knocked on the door
“Hey Pollux, is everything okay?” Percy asked, drying his wet hair as he looked down at the boy, who simply handed him an envelope sealed shut with burgundy wax in the shape of a cluster of grapes
Confused, Percy opened it, reading through the card, which was designed by you. While Percy was distracted, Pollux pulled his ultimate move, “y’know, Y/N requested for me to invite you herself. I don’t know why, but you must be pretty important to her!”
His words had their desired result. You see, Pollux decided to use the element of surprise to his advantage - so he could see Percy’s unveiled reactions and, from there, be able to confirm his feelings about you
Immediately, Percy’s head shot up, his face turning a bright shade of pink as he said, “I’ll be there! 11PM, right?”
“Yep! I’ll tell Y/N you’re coming, she’ll be so delighted! You should try speaking to her alone at the party, I think she wants to tell you something.”
Gods, he was such a genius
For the rest of the day, you noticed your brother was acting awfully strange. When confronted, he simply started talking about how excited he was for this party and how he thinks it’ll be the best one yet
So you brushed his behaviour off. You weren’t going to shame him for that, especially because you were excited too. You loved a good party, but this would be the first time Percy attended one
Butterflies fluttered around in your stomach as you decorated your cabin, really hoping he’d like it. Okay, maybe you lied about not liking Percy like that. Truth is, you’d been harbouring a crush on him for a couple months now, the only thing stopping you from doing anything about it being your father
It wasn’t even because he’s a literal God. You genuinely love and have a lot of respect for the guy. Sure, he tended to be a little grumpy and rude with other kids at camp, but he was the best parent you could ask for
Your mortal parent wasn’t the nicest, so after two years of only spending the summer at camp, you began staying year-round, not wanting to deal with them anymore. It was hard at first, especially because they hadn’t cared to wonder where you were, but your father was there for you through it all
He’d had a soft spot for you ever since you were a baby, and was absolutely crushed when Zeus told him to keep his distance or else he’d regret it. When you showed up at camp all those years later, Dionysus felt complete. His sweet girl came back to him
Of course, he wouldn’t voice those thoughts, but you knew how he felt
He loved you so much, how could you go and date the one demigod he couldn’t stand?
Still, the heart wants what it wants, and you couldn't help but feel yourself gravitate towards Percy whenever he happened to be around
Soon enough, it was night time and while your father and Chiron were asleep in the big house, demigods from all cabins snuck out to attend your party.
Thanks to the Hecate kids, there was a sound muffling charm on your cabin, preventing anyone from hearing the loud music and other happenstances of the party
Every time you greeted someone, you prayed the next would be Percy. Pollux said he was coming, and while your brother liked to have fun, he wasn’t one to lie. Did Percy change his mind? Did he think your cabin was the lamest of the lame and therefore unworthy of his presence?
While you spiralled from inside your cabin, Percy spiralled from outside it (power couple in the making). He tried very hard to look handsome but at the same time like he didn’t put that much effort into his appearance, despite having spent hours picking out the right outfit and ruffling his hair just right
Just as he was about to knock on your cabin door, you burst out of it, bumping right into him
“I’m sorry, party’s ins–” you mumbled, the words dying in your throat once you noticed who you bumped into, “oh… hi Percy!” You greeted the boy, flattening your clothes and hoping you didn’t look awful (you looked MAJESTIC trust)
At the mere sight of you, Percy felt his ears turn red and struggled to get his words out, but in the end managed to say, “hi Y/N, what’re you doing out here?”
You sighed and sat on the steps leading up to cabin 12, and Percy sat next to you, giving you a tender smile. Smiling back, you said, “I just needed a little bit of air. More people showed up than I thought would,” that was true - you didn’t expect that many people to leave their cabins past curfew, but you didn’t care about that. However, you weren’t about to tell Percy you left the party because you were a little disappointed he didn’t show up
“Well, you guys do throw the best parties. Sometimes I can’t believe Mr D has this side hidden somewhere in him too,” Percy said, looking up at the night sky with you. Then, after a moment of silence passed between you, “your brother said you wanted to talk to me?”
Your head shot down at this, surprised, “he did?” You fought the urge to roll your eyes, knowing you should’ve expected this from Pollux
“Yeah… he said you invited me personally, and that there’s something you wanted to tell me?” He asked, his voice going up an octave around the end when he realised you had no idea what he was talking about, making his statement sound more like a question
You couldn’t hate your brother for this. You knew he had good intentions, and in the end, you did get some alone time with Percy, so it wasn’t too bad
Your eyes darted all over the place as you said, “oh! Well, I just think you’re really cool and kinda really want to be your friend. I know dad doesn’t like you that much, but I don’t share his opinion.”
After that, the tension between the two of you ebbed away, and a beautiful friendship began
To say your father was disappointed in your choice of company was an understatement. When he saw you and Percy together for the first time, he spoke to you as soon as he got the chance, ranting about how ‘Pierre Johnson’ is a no-good loser and how you should have higher standards
However, he tolerated it once he realised you weren’t going to stop being friends with Percy. He loved you more than he hated Percy, and besides, it's not like you were dating him, right?
Unfortunately, you really wished you were. Before befriending Percy, your crush on him was just because you thought he was nice and cute, you weren’t fully in love with him just yet
But now you knew more, like how he always slept with four pillows (two on each side, one under his head, one to hug) or how he had a small tattoo of a trident on his left ankle (which his mom lost her mind over when he showed her) or how contrary to popular belief amongst other people at camp, he hated the Little Mermaid (it was too unrealistic, especially in its depiction of his half-brother Triton)
You were absolutely infatuated with him
Percy really liked you too. Every day he spent with you made him feel as if he were on cloud nine, but he wanted more than games of Uno (Pollux would join because you need 3 people and also because he’s waiting for the day you let go of the cards and just kiss already) and late afternoon swims. He wanted to be able to hold your hand in public, declaring his love for you to the world
Honestly, you both could tell you felt the same about each other. You also could tell you had the exact same reason for not doing anything about said feelings - Dionysus
You considered yourselves grateful he didn’t send Percy straight to Tartarus just for being your friend, and knew that eventually becoming best friends was pushing it. Dating definitely wouldn’t slide
It wasn’t until Percy was hanging out with a certain friend of his from the Hermes cabin that he realised he didn’t care what your father decreed
Sighing, Percy lay on his old bed in the Hermes cabin, Travis Stoll sitting on the bed across him. After spending his first couple days at camp in cabin 11, Percy quickly befriended the Stoll brothers, who were always hospitable towards him back when he was new
Even after he moved out of the Hermes cabin, they remained friends, Travis and Connor telling Percy he could stay at their cabin again whenever he needed
“Look, I get it, Mr D’s super scary, but you’re also super in love with Y/N, which I think outweighs his scariness,” Travis told a moping Percy. You see, earlier that day, some guy from the Apollo cabin had come up to the two of you with the intention of taking you out on a date. Luckily, you politely declined, but he was just one of many potential suitors
What if eventually you found the perfect guy? One not only that you’d love, but that Dionysus would approve of?
The thought of that alone was what brought Percy to cabin 11, humbly asking Travis for some advice
“It does! But she wouldn’t wanna disappoint her dad, and I wouldn’t want her to lose him over me, y’know? Her relationship with her mortal parent’s already not the best, she can’t lose her immortal one too.”
The two sat in silence as Travis played with the whiteboard marker in his hand, which he was using to write a pros and cons list of Percy asking you out. He added ‘Mr D might hate her’ to the cons side, making the two equal
Just as they were about to continue their discussion, Travis’ girlfriend Katie walked in, a basket of freshly picked apples in her hand
“Trav, you’ve got to try these!” She exclaimed, her eyes glittering as she gave Travis an apple. The boy bit into it, his eyes widening in excitement once he realised what his girlfriend had done
“Oh my Gods Katie you did it!” He said once he’d finished chewing, littering her face with kisses, which made flowers bloom in her auburn hair. Percy simply sat in confusion, considering leaving and continuing this another day
Just as he was about to get up, Travis said something which stopped him. With Katie on his lap, he said, “see, Percy? There’s no way I could let Demeter stop me from dating my sweet girl.” (clawing at the bars of my enclosure as I write this)
Travis was right. No punishment Dionysus could possibly think of would make dating you not worth it
While Percy was with Travis, you were with the cabin counsellors of cabins 9 and 10, iconic couple Charlie Beckendorf and Silena Beauregard
Silena has been a very good friend of yours for years, seeing as she was the one who was there for you the most when you first came to camp, treating you like a little sister
So, naturally, when you have an issue in the love department, you go to her. This was one of those times
Being asked out by that Apollo kid made you realise something very important - you’d never fall for anyone the way you fell for Percy. Even a God would pale in comparison to his beauty and charm
That left you with two options: date Percy (and suffer your father’s wrath in the process) or live the rest of your life knowing he felt the same but doing nothing about it, simply settling for some other guy
You decided to settle this once and for all. You had to make a choice, and it would be right here, with Silena and Charlie
“I mean… you seem to really love Percy, babe. You don’t even have to say anything, I can tell,” Silena told you, running her fingers through her hair and giving you a kind smile
“He really likes you too,” Charlie piped in, “tells me about it all the time. Please date him, I’ve gotten sick of hearing about your twinkling eyes and magnetic aura.” His girlfriend laughed at this, leaning her head on his shoulder
You knew they were right. There was no way you could live the rest of your life with Percy being just your friend. But were you willing to lose your dad in the process?
Noticing the serious look on your face, Silena got up and came to sit next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, “this is really hard, Y/N, trust me, we get it. When I was the first not to complete the rite of passage, I was really scared mom would punish me in one way or another - but she didn’t, and we’re happy now. The Gods rarely ever show it, but deep down, they do love their kids. We can all see how Mr D loves you, he’ll be able to deal with Percy as his son-in-law for your sake.”
You couldn’t believe you didn’t realise it sooner. Your father loves you. Why would he make your life miserable over dating Percy?
Thanking the couple, you ran to cabin 3, knowing what you had to do
Meanwhile, Percy was heading to your cabin. He would’ve missed you sitting at the steps of his if you hadn’t yelled his name, your hair all over the place as you ran towards him
“Percy I have to–”
“Y/N there’s something you should–”
The two of you spoke at the same time. Looking into each other’s eyes, you knew you were thinking the same thing. Immediately, Percy pulled you into his cabin, not waiting for a second before slamming his lips onto yours
And that’s how you began dating. Well, secretly. Only Travis and Katie, Silena and Charlie and Pollux knew about your relationship. You two were still too nervous to break it to your dad, and the others were all sworn to secrecy
Even though you couldn’t be too affectionate in front of others, being in a relationship with Percy was the best thing you ever experienced. He was so sweet and doting, always keeping an eye on you public and being physically incapable of letting go of you in private
Out of everyone who knew, your brother was the most excited about your relationship, always yapping about how if it weren’t for him you two wouldn’t even have become friends, let alone lovers
He was also the one to bring your little secret to an end
You see, Dionysus liked to check on his kids often. If it were up to him, you’d be living in the big house with him, but the other Gods saw that as unfair, so you were stuck in cabin 12
After being gone on Godly duties for a week, he’d come back to camp with you at the forefront of his mind. He couldn’t help but have a feeling you were hiding something important from him. He was sure it wasn’t anything, since you’re his pride and joy, but he decided to check anyway
When the door to his cabin opened, Dionysus was greeted by none other than his son, Pollux, who was very happy to see him. They sat and made small talk for a little bit - mostly about school and other mortal things Dionysus couldn’t keep up with - before he asked about your whereabouts
“Y/N? Oh, she’s in her room!” Pollux said, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth once he realised what he said. Yes, you were in your bedroom, but you weren’t alone. Percy also happened to be in your bedroom, and Pollux knew all too well what you and Percy liked to do in your bedroom (SAFE FOR WORK THINGS ONLY!!!!!)
He was about to take it all back, but it was too late. Immediately, Dionysus teleported into your room, where you were making out with Percy
By the time Pollux had gotten there, Percy was glued to the wall by a bunch of vines that were sprouting from the ground
“Let him go, dad!” You yelled, tears welling in your eyes as you clawed at said vines, “I’m sorry, I’ll break up with him if you want me to, just please don’t hurt him!” When Dionysus saw the pain in your eyes, he knew he’d made a terrible mistake. Taking a deep breath, he released Percy from the vines
Dionysus watched as you hugged Percy tightly, sobbing into his chest. His heart ached as he thought about your words: you’d break with him if he wanted you to. He never wanted his daughter to feel like she couldn’t love who she wanted because of him
“I’m… sorry, Y/N. I acted rashly,” he began, hesitant as he wiped the tears off of your face, “I don’t want you to love someone just to please me, I want you to love someone you love, and if that happens to be Pietro… then so be it.”
Ok now this is fr the longest backstory I’ve ever written sorry ab that
You guys dethrone Beckengard sorry… Y/N and Percy new CHB iconic couple
Percy loves dating you because you never fail to be fun and interesting!! His cabin used to be so boring and lonely but it erupts with life now that you stay there half the time
Dionysus tries to get to know Percy. He’s the bane of his existence but he’s also his precious girl’s boyfriend so he has to learn more about him. Percy walks into his cabin one day to find a cluster of red grapes and a cluster of green grapes sitting on his bed with a note that says “which do you like more?”
Secretly though Dionysus LOVES Percy. He’s your #1 fan and won’t hesitate to defend you against anyone who dares to utter an insult about you
Sally loves you so much too. She adopts you immediately and showers you with affection whenever she can. She also gives Percy gifts to give you whenever he goes back to camp LOL
Percy walks in with four suitcases and you’re like “why did you pack so much you know you can keep some clothes with me if you want” and he goes “no actually these three are for you from mom”
He’s surprisingly good at planning parties. Always thinks of the most creative themes and the cutest colour schemes!!!
You feel a little insulted because how is a son of Poseidon almost better than you at your own thing ?!?! But it’s okay because you love him :)
As a child of Dionysus, you are also a theatre kid, so naturally you make Percy watch all your favourite musicals
He didn’t care for Hamilton before but he watched it once with you and now you hear him belting Non-stop in the shower
You guys always recreate the “Alexander? “Aaron Burr, sir” part from that song 😭 and tons of other cute scenes from other musicals (I’m not a huge musical girlie sorry)
Percy’s so dedicated to getting them all right!!! You’re always re-filming parts because they aren’t good enough (his voice cracked a little at one point)
He chooses romantic scenes to recreate on purpose thinking he’s being slick but you’re not an idiot LOL
Also yes Pollux is the cameraman
OMG you totally do the part in Take a Break with Phillip’s poem with Pollux as Phillip
(All these videos get saved for your future kids by the way in case you were wondering)
Speaking of your brother dearest, he and Percy get along SO well. A little too well for your liking. They’re always ganging up on you when you play Uno or Just Dance or something like that
Pollux is obsessed with Percy. He loves you, but he’s always wanted an older male figure to look up to and that’s Percy to him!! They always have bro days together or whatever <3
One time you walked into Percy’s cabin only to find them asleep together on the couch and it was the cutest thing ever. You immediately took a picture, sending it to Sally and Dionysus (please don’t ask me to elaborate on how or why Dionysus has a phone) and then setting it as your phone wallpaper
Also Percy loves saying corny stuff like “you make me drunk in love” and other alcohol-based pickup lines just because of who your dad is LOL
You can’t even cringe because your love for him is so strong it cancelled out cringe culture (as it should!)
Overall you are all one big happy family and it’s the cutest thing EVER. The Aphrodite cabin are always making edits of the two of you because somehow they have pictures and videos from when you were still just pining?!?
You guys watch them late at night and laugh until you come across an angsty one with the “from strangers to friends… friends into lovers… and strangers again” audio and all of a sudden you’re crying and swearing on the river Styx to never break up
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bunny584 · 5 months
For I Have Sinned
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“Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God’ For God cannot be tempted by evil.” James 1:13.
But Father Geto can be. 
Newly appointed Chaplain of the Noble Court, Suguru is a reformed sinner. Sanctity, discipline and celibacy are commandments of his choosing. A devout servant of the Lord. Armored with the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shield of Faith. 
This should be sufficient enough to withstand temptation. 
Pairing: Geto x Female reader 
C/W: Religious themes, dark romance, eventual filth. 18+. MDNI. 
A/N: Holy hell. Anon, you sick, twisted genius. You, the puppeteer. Me, the puppet who writes. This one — this story might be the one. Frothing at the mouth to know what you guys think. Going on AO3 for sure. I haven’t decided if I will keep this long fic series here, but since it was an anon ask its only right to honor them with the first chapter.��
Art credit: @ potchi_jpg on X
Music: Garden Kisses x Giveon (this was on a manic repeat for at least an hour. It wrote the chapter. I implore you to listen and levitate like I did).
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CHAPTER I. Hello, Duchess.
Andesite. Dacite. Schist. 
Suguru takes a mental note of the rock formations whizzing by just before he spears the Aegean Sea. Tailwind force trailing his feet in an elegant whirl.
Eh, mediocre landing. He’s out of practice. 
It’s true. Seminary did not allow for too much idle time in between biblical studies. Devil’s playground, and such. 
And it’s not in his nature to half-ass any life endeavor, whatever it may be. 
Suguru deftly levels out in the welcoming waves. Loose-limbed and fluid. Choosing to hover below her surface for a few moments longer. The tail end of his thick, singular French braid undulating behind him.
His body flows in tandem with the current. Swimming deep enough to scatter a pool of Fagri. He instinctively captures one in his large hand — not quite as out-of-touch as he thought. 
‘Make it to shore! If Poseidon calls, don’t answer Him, son!’
The gentle fisherman called out each time Suguru dove off their vessel. Still two or three, sometimes up to five miles from the coast, he’d plunge into the waters. Regardless of her mood, Suguru craved to be surrounded by her embrace. 
To be baptized by her tide. 
Showered with her salt of the earth. 
A dampened smile blooms across Suguru’s terse lips. Oxygen bubbles float about, from the muffled chuckle escaping him. 
His father’s voice rings between his ears. A little less clearly, nowadays. 
He always dove deeper than his fellow seafarers. Without the restraints of gear or protective equipment. Unnaturally comfortable in an element more labile than human nature. 
Suguru’s father mused about his Stormborn boy’s true lineage. 
‘Everyday, I prayed for you. Begged for you. And the God of the Ocean delivered a precious gift. Don’t return to His storms too soon.’
Fond memories, a little yellowed now. Callouses from those days have faded. 
Suguru is a different man. Born again. In a new country. With a new home, a new purpose. 
Even still, it’s comforting to know the world is 70% water, 30% land. And the Great Majority has always welcomed him with open arms.
No matter the iteration of his life, he’ll always find a home at Sea.
“Father Geto!”
Suguru begins his ascent. He is still by the cliff edge. Not nearly far enough for the Sirens to beckon. 
“Chaplain! Are you out there?”
Not even the saltwater penetrates his ears like this melody. 
An ethereal crescendo. With all the grace and beauty of a summer swan. Light enough to lull stoic men to a peaceful, permanent, slumber. 
More alluring. More disorienting than the songs at sea he’s heard and resisted. Potent enough to drown a warship. 
Who is calling for him?
Suguru chases the lethal sound. Careful pauses at each depth-level. To avoid returning to Poseidon’s storms too soon, as his father would say. 
“Father Geto!” 
Ahh, a voice he recognizes. His alter boy, Noel, at the peak.
Helios is kind, today. Because the Sun kisses Suguru as he breaks the surface. If the Ocean is his home, the Sun is certainly his lover. 
“What is it, Noel?” He calls in between strides to the volcanic edge.
“You have a visitor!” A tremble to Noel’s tone. Suguru cant help the low chuckle that leaves him.
Adolescents are always so anxious. Nervous about the most inconsequential, meaningless things. He was once the same. 
Who could be visiting? His schedule is supposed to be cleared today. 
Suguru laments leaving his clothing at the peak of the cliffside. Tossing a glance over his left shoulder - memories of his past life tattooed in various symbols. His back, covered in a sprawling trident. 
A permanent stain from the life he lived before this. It’s unbecoming of a priest to be seen this way. 
Latching onto the unforgiving rocky edges, Suguru scales the steep terrain in long steps and short holds. Serrated earth digs into his damp palms with each grasp.
He savors the pain. It’s familiar. An indication that he’s spent some time in the only other place he finds unfettered peace. 
“Noel, my schedule was cleared. Who could be—“
“Pardon my intrusion, Father Geto.” You seep into Suguru’s sentence, effectively answering his question. 
Suguru nearly falls backward off the ledge he just set foot on.
Rumors about your beauty pollenated the compound for weeks. Anxiously anticipating your arrival. Hushed voices between maidens. Whispers within the walls of parlors. Bellowing gossip between court officials. 
All the words, all the speculations roll around Suguru’s skull. Louder than glass shattering in an empty room. 
They were wrong. 
Not even a tenth of the truth can be found in the frivolous ‘she’s a beauty’, ‘what a pretty face’ and comments of the like taking root in the compound. 
No, no. 
You were sculpted by every single Deity Suguru has ever studied.  
Because the One he has chosen to worship couldn’t have possibly crafted you alone. 
The good Lord is simply without the means.
Suguru will have to repent for that blasphemous thought later. 
…but God granted him eyesight, no? 
Eyes that can see underwater with the same clarity as a cloudless day. He trusts his eyes more than any part of his body. 
And they aren’t deceiving him. 
Flushed and turned away, Suguru takes a moment to soak you in, while patting himself dry. Maybe taking a little extra time to step into his khaki slacks and white button up. 
His wind pipe threatens to spasm with each sip of you he takes. 
Exquisite woman. 
You could convert a non believer in an instant. 
The gentle slope of your nose, those warmed soft, high cheeks deserve to be cherished in a museum. 
That dress. 
The tailor must’ve sewn it to your body in real time. Rolling hills and dips of your feminine curves. So quick to surrender to the ride your frame is taking him on. 
Suguru could fall to his knees and praise the Gods right here and now for their attention to detail. 
“Duchess? I’m embarrassed. Forgive my attire, I wasn’t expecting visitors today.”
Still damp but fully clothed, Suguru walks forward with a steady hand outstretched. Intentionally skipping eye contact with Noel, who would’ve interpreted the glance as anger. The boy is practically vibrating in his periphery. 
Concerned about possibly making a mistake, sure. But if Suguru were still a betting man, he’d bet your presence is driving Noel’s rattled nerves. 
“I’m the one who should be asking for forgiveness!” Unveiling your face to him with a gorgeous smile, you offer a delicate hand that drowns in his. 
To call it just a gorgeous smile makes him no better than the rumor mill and its grave underestimation. 
The air around him is sliced to a fraction of what it was. Suddenly gossamer thin and inadequate. 
You are breathtaking. 
“Please.” A deceptively even tone and casual wave of his hand. You wouldn’t know that words taste like sandpaper. 
“How can I serve you, Duchess?” 
“You do not have to address me as such, Father. I’m not wed, yet!”
Bunny lines along your nose deepen when you laugh. Heat scorches Suguru’s ears and you both are presently under shade. 
Do. Not. Covet.
“It’s all the same.” With a restrained smile, Suguru peels his eyes away from yours. 
Resting them on his rectory in the distance. He gestures his hands forward. Noel scrambles ahead of you two, undoubtedly to go tidy the chapel (that is already spotless). 
“You’re quite the swimmer.” 
You could assassinate him, you know. 
With that voice of yours. The way it stuns his senses. Far more dangerous now that it isn’t dampened by unrelenting waves. 
Suguru is a strong swimmer. He knows it. Noel knows it. The whole court knows it. Great Whites know it. 
So why is his spine unraveling at its seams when you say it? 
Why is his heart knocking against his sternum like it’s on the run from something? 
From someone, rather. 
“Mmm.” Suguru hums through closed lips. 
Unable to acknowledge the compliment with decorum. He opts for diversion instead. 
“Duchess, if I may. What prompted your visit to the chapel? How can I serve you?” 
The two of you take lazy strides along the cobblestone path. You ogle at a white rose bush that Suguru is particularly fond of. 
“I was touring the compound and noticed the garden surrounding the Church.” 
A distracted response, while nestling your nose in a pretty bloom. Sun rays fanning your face as if to showcase that you’re God’s favorite. A biblical example of how flowers should be enjoyed.
Is it just the roses? Or are you this beautiful no matter the plant?  
“Ahh. Come, then.” 
You’re being indulgent, Suguru. 
Maybe so. But the Chapel Grounds are his domain. The greenery lives and breathes under his fingertips. He adamantly refused a groundskeeper for the garden. Taking pride in nurturing its needy existence. 
Second only to his eyes, Suguru trusts his hands fully. They’re intelligent. Fast. Expansive. 
Definitive. Firm when the situation calls for it, yet gentle. Quick to learn. 
He’s never gotten a shortage of compliments on his hands—
“Wisteria!” You torpedo through Suguru’s rapidly disintegrating spiral. And he couldn’t be more grateful. 
Regaining a shred of control, he leads you under the oak archway. Draped in curtains of Wisteria. The billowing lilac petals sway romantically in the sea breeze. 
Your lips hang open in a pretty, shocked ‘Oh.’ Eyes wide, gazing up at him in wonder. Adoration woven into those beautiful features slams hot and heavy into his lower abdomen. Remnant embers warming below his belt line. 
Suguru coughs to reset his over-sensitive senses. A futile gesture because you knock him right back down to his knees. 
“Oh, Father…..please?” A soft plea rolls through the slit in your lips. Pulling his eyes down to your pout.
The rock formation Suguru took note of earlier suddenly materializes in his throat. You coated his honorific in a new tone. Breathy and desperate. As if he is the only person who could satisfy your needs. 
His skin is half a degree away from melting clear off his skeleton under those big, warm eyes of yours. 
“Specify your request, Duchess.”
Both hands jam into his pockets so he can dig his nails into his thighs unnoticed. The searing pain tethering him to this dimension. 
A deep rose blooms over your cheeks. Realizing you hadn’t actually asked him a question before begging. 
So, prettily. 
“May I please tend to your garden? It’s…I’m far from home and gardening brings me so much joy. Please, Father Geto—“
His agreement comes well before Suguru is ready. Or, thought it through. 
Should a noble woman be seen doing tasks as menial as gardening? 
Should you be seen without your fiancée on his grounds? 
What will you look like? 
Kneeling over a bed of sunflowers? 
Kneading the soil with your delicate, small hands—
“How can I thank you?” Your lips curl into an intoxicating smile. And Suguru no longer has the capacity to be in your presence. 
“No need, stay as long as you like. I have to take my leave.”
Suguru offers a curt wave and terse smile before spinning on his heel. Leaving you, a work of art, beneath the masterpiece that is his arc of wisteria. 
He barrels down the Chapel corridors at light speed. The pews, confessional, meeting rooms whirl by his periphery in a drunken haze.
Cold water. Cold water. 
The wooden bathroom door creaks and wails beneath his harsh touch. Suguru fumbles with the two-level lock.
He nearly strips down naked. The fire incinerating him from within is unbearable. If there were scissors within grasp he would’ve cut his braid completely off. Because even the familiar sway of his waist length mane along his back is too much. 
You are too much.
Suguru’s fingers unravel his braid and reposition his locks into a tight bun. Off the damp skin along his neck. 
Your voice echoes from Suguru’s incapacitated brain down to his drooling cock. Icy water splashes against face. 
Suguru’s length has been weeping since you first revealed your face to him. Twitching and thrashing with every single word that came out of that pretty, sinful mouth. He’s never been so grateful that today he chose to swim with compression gear, rather than his usual bared skin. 
Are you doing this on purpose?
Wide eyed and demure. But with a voice more beautiful than any siren that has tried to lure him to his watery grave. 
Is this a test?
Suguru’s fingers desperately grasp the golden cross around his neck. Digging the symbol into his palm. 
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners…” He starts. Ignited, smoldering violet eyes staring back at him are unrecognizable. 
They are not of God. 
They are dark. 
Lust filled. 
“Now. And…and at the hour of our death.” Words slip through his gritted teeth. His other hand grips the sink edge. 
‘May I please tend to your Garden?’
“God. Please.” Suguru is the one pleading. To anyone above.
For self-control. For reprieve from the shape of your lips when you beg. His cock bucks against his inner thigh. Demanding attention to the ache between his legs. 
Are you Eve? 
Have you come to destroy his Eden?
Your delectable mounds barely hidden beneath that fucking dress as the Apple?
“Holy…Holy Mary, Mother of God…pray for us sinners.” His vice grip around the cross tightens. Babbling words he hopes can provide him with some restraint, some clarity.
They don’t.
Because his other hand now hovers over the pulsating bulge in his slacks. His manhood starved. Especially having been deprived of touch. Of warmth for longer than Suguru remembers.
“Holy…Mary…fuck.” Blasphemy rolling off his tongue. 
Scorching heat radiating from his hovering palm pierces his clothing. Encasing his cock like a warmed blanket. Enticing him like the soft sex of a woman. Every single muscle is under wire tension. Forcing space between his need and his hand. 
His hands. Don’t forsake him now. He trusts his hands. 
“Father Geto? Are you alright?” Noel’s call from the other side of the door startles Suguru still.
“I’m—“ Suguru clears his dry throat “I’m alright, Noel. What do you need?”
“I saw you run in here and—“
“I’m okay.” Suguru replies, more softly this time. The boy is almost too tender-hearted for his own good.
He doesn’t miss the small sigh of relief. 
“I left your updated schedule on your desk.” 
“And what would I do without you?”
Suguru can almost hear Noel smiling across the barrier. Gleefully padding away. Completely unaware that his presence was the saving grace from disgracing himself. 
Another splash of cold water on his face and multiple deep breaths later, Suguru finally gains enough composure to emerge. 
Curious about the updates to his schedule, he strides to his office. A leather folder awaits with his itinerary.
Saturday: 0800 - 1000- Youth lecture 
Saturday: 1800 - 2000 - Evening mass
Sunday: 0700 - 0900 - Morning mass
Sunday: 1300 - 1400 - Pre-Marital Counseling [CONFIDENTIAL] 
“High court, then.” Suguru muses to himself. Pulling out the envelope with a matching demarcation. Meant for his eyes only. Should the seal be broken en route to the recipient the offender could be sentenced to death for treason. 
And at this moment, Suguru finds that fate less painful than the spear currently piercing his lungs.
His eyes burn into the names written at the bottom of the page.
The Duke Ahriman  & The Duchess-to-Be.
Chapter II
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E/N: Hello from [redacted]. I am literally losing my shite. I’m already in love with the plot before it has even fully materialized. And prince-of-the-sea-Suguru? This headcannon has me in a chokehold I fear. Thank you for reading 💋
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jnkgrnde · 8 months
— flaws and all, clarisse la rue, pjo
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summary — in which, clarisse is feeling insecure about herself after a meeting with her dad. you want her to know you love her, flaws and all.
pairings — clarisse x black!fem!reader (daughter of poseidon)
authors note — this was stolen from a miles fic i had sitting in the drafts lmao. this is a short one cs i didn’t know where i was going w this 😭
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the doors to your cabin slammed open, a frustrated and teary eyes clarisse walking through them. the blue in your cabin glimmered in the light that she cut through as she made her way to you.
“hey, hey, what’s wrong?” you asked her. you were quick to get up before she could make it to your bed and stopped her. she frantically searched your eyes, her racing heart starting to slow down.
“do you love me?” you blinked. “of course i do— where is this coming from?” you questioned. tears were on the verge of falling from her eyes, so you led her to your bed.
“he- he came..” clarisse choked out. she sniffled, “he said he was disappointed in me. said he should’ve had a son.” you could hear your heart shatter into pieces like hers probably did when she heard her father say that.
you couldn’t stand ares. whenever someone brought him up, clarisse tensed up. he’d always degraded her, breaking her down into nothing. it was a large part of why she is the way she is.
“oh, baby.” you put your hand on the back of her head and let her cry into your neck. usually, she’d bottle this up and take her frustration out in sparring, but this was different. you whispered sweet nothings into her ear as you rubbed her back, kissing the side of her head.
“would you have loved me better if i was a son?”
“i love you, as you are, sweet girl. you know that,” you told her. “i’d burn the world for you.” she hummed.
“and you know how we have those plans, y’know, maybe after all this, when we grow older, we can leave him behind. you’ll have me. you might deal with him occasionally, and if you do, i’ll be here.” you promised.
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percyluvr · 7 months
helloooooo!!!! can i request a percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader headcanons?? it would be pretty interesting to see hera having a child tbh
thank you if you do 💛
percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of hera
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when he first met you he was kinda worried bc he has beef with hera
but he's also confused bc wasn't she not supposed to have kids??
he expected you to be just like your mom
and you lowkey were
but you were a bit less.. uptight
but at the same time, u cant really blame her, her husband literally cheats on her so much
i think u'd be so caring to him and he would love it SO MUCH
since hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, u would lowk take care of him like hes ur son
but like not in a weird way
u just care ab him so much that u baby him all the time
since both of ur cabins are always empty except for each other, u have sleepovers all the time
u have a pretty close relationship w ur mom, esp because ur her only demigod kid
percy isnt really jealous per say, bc he's decently close w poseidon, but like
he wishes he was that close with him
hera visits u in ur dreams a LOT bc she just loves u a lot
zeus is mad but she dgaf cuz ur her only daughter
and only kid
so obviously she's protective
esp when u tell her that u and percy r dating
shes at camp the next day asking u to introduce her to him
which ur like "mom pls y'all have already met"
and shes like "yes, but never when he was ur bf"
so u just go along w it bc u love her
they're lowk beefing bc she doesnt want u to get hurt
but as time goes on she realizes how much percy loves u and cares abt u
and she thinks ur the cutest couple ever
she is ready for yall to get married bc shes gonna throw the most extravagant and perfect wedding
and shes so excited esp bc ur the only kid she's going to be able to do this for
have i mentioned that she loves u a lot?
yk how in like house of hades and i think chalice of the gods when percy looks at annabeth and is js like "i cant wait to marry her and have kids"
yeah, hes like that but 300000x
and he's so excited bc he knows that ur gonna be SUCH a good mom
people always think ur weak bc ur mom "lets herself get cheated on"
or whatever dumbass shit they be saying
but u prove them wrong
mothers r fr the most powerful people in the UNIVERSE
and ur basically a mother bc u take care of everyone at camp
ur always at the infirmary helping the apollo kids bc its just in ur nature to love taking care of people
and percy always comes in with even the smallest little injuries
and it just warms ur heart to know that he wants to come see u even when ur working
u take care of the little baby pegasi too omg
gn thats so cute
imagine if blackjack had a lil baby pegasi and u took care of it
and percy is just like
ur so sweet to them even if theyre "just horses"
it makes him so excited to have kids w u
whenever u see a little kid
or like a younger camper
u always tell him that u cant wait to go to new rome uni and then get married and have kids w him
the two of u are just so excited for the future with each other fr
i just think the two of u would be taking care of the pegasi and u would fall asleep in the hay after staying up talking
big surprise for the kids that have riding lessons that morning...
yall werent embarrassed tho cuz u have no shame fr
well, u have shame
percy has none
not the point.
everyone at camp sorta sees u as a mother and they always come to u
lowk camp therapist
bc they NEED one real bad
but it doesnt bother u bc u love to help them
ur always trying to fix problems at camp
and its very upsetting for you when you cant, and percy is always there to comfort u
ur lowk a meddler like ur mom
but its okay bc ur just worried about ur friends
i think that u would maybe have some soothing powers kinda like a hypnos kid, where u can like calm people down or put them to sleep
i also think that percy would suffer from panic attacks after his nightmares
so after he has a nightmare, you're there and if you can't soothe him with your words you just use ur powers
u can't stand to see him like that
it just upsets you so much
percy is so grateful for ur powers, but hes even more grateful for you
i think ur a lot more relaxed than most people at camp
and u dont really see the point in doing dangerous things for fun
which is different for percy, but he really does like it
he likes that he can just go to you and ask to relax and ur always down for that
its a change of pace that is definitely welcome and necessary in his life
ur definitely more of a rational thinker than him, so u stop him from doing some pretty stupid things
but u would never stop him from having fun
or doing thing that are important to him
ur relationship is lowk the blue print
yall just take care of each other fr
and ur like an old married couple which u two get teased ab
but u dont care
cuz u cant wait to get married lol!
a/n: this was a vv interesting request to write and i honestly loved imagining what a child of hera would be like so thank u for the req!
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Whoops! I forgot to add an emoji, sorry!
I'm the anon who made the Record of Ragnarok request regarding a goddess of fortune and luck s/o. I'd like to be called 🐢 anon, please.
RoR w/ Goddess of Fortune + Luck! S/O
Characters: Poseidon, Qin Shi Huang, and Hades Requester: 🐢Anon A/N: This was a nice thing to write, each of them have their own story, which basically never happens anymore, lol. Anyways, hope you like this! And have a sparkling rest of your days/nights! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of death, insinuated assault, SWEARING in Poseidon's part, murder, blood, and slight description of death (tiny gore warning) ⚠️
Disclaimer: The Reader is a FEMALE and based on Yaoshi (HSR)
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╚═════ Poseidon ══════════════════════════════╝
🔱 You were his beauty to his beast. While that might not be physical on his behalf, his emotionless and cold demeanor made everyone, including his own family, believe him to be a devil in an angel's skin
🔱 On average, you would visit your believers in your temple, waving each ahead before gifting them with luck and a small fortune every time. But, as your reputation grew, so did your follower's egos
🔱 Poseidon was pissed when he found out one of your long-time followers had a son whom was trying to get into your pants so you would gift him with an unbelievable fortune and unbelieving amounts of luck just for being 'yours'
🔱 He decided to visit your temple one day, stabbing his trident into the stone flooring as he walked, alerting all that surrounded the area, and making them bow in respect to the God of the Sea. Poseidon just scoffed and kept walking, not giving any human any glance, they, in his eyes, did not deserve a perfect being like himself's attention
🔱 As he strode through, he found Aphrodite and Heracles outside of your temple, watching over the many children in the surrounding garden. They smiled as they caught Poseidon walking, as he just asked for your location
"Y/N went to her chambers with this guy... I think he said his name was... Dolion?"
"Yes, that was his name Heracles. They've been gone for about 10 minutes, I was about to send Heracles to check on them, but since you're here!"
🔱 Poseidon nodded and walked to your chambers, his trident making the same clack noise as he heard a man yelling at someone, which made your husband furrow his brows slightly as he listened in
"Get out of here, Dolion."
"Oh go fuck yourself, you whore! Just manipulating my emotions like that?! Making me feel such a strong connection just for you to take it away because you're married to that bastard, Poseidon?! How could you?!"
"Dolion. I will not tell you again. Get the fuck out."
"Don't tell me you never felt the connection with me, Goddess of Fortune and Luck? Come on, Y/N."
"You have no right to call me by that name. Do not make me kill you where you stand."
🔱 The sound of you screaming made Poseidon burst in the room, his trident pushing against the male's neck as you fell to the ground, your long hair pooling around your small frame on the ground
"You have five second to apologize, worm."
"Who the fuck are you?!"
"Seriously, man! Who are you?!"
"Oh for the love of Olympus. Answer me!"
🔱 You closed your eyes as Poseidon stabbed the man's neck, plunging his trident's three tips into the stone wall and causing blood to begin drip down the body of the now-deceased young male
🔱 Standing up and listening to your chain-wrapped foot hit the ground as you hugged Poseidon from behind, your grip tightening around his stomach, making him look back at you and breath out, providing your ears with the familiar echo of his breathing. He then grabbed your arm and wrapped his own around your midsection, keeping you in a protective grasp
"Thank you, 'Seidon."
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╚═════ Qin Shi Huang ═══════════════════════════╝
👑 Qin Shi Huang knew that you and him being in a relationship was bound to start some kind of controversy within the Einherjar, as they distrusted pretty much any God they came across. Yep, that means they distrusted Buddha for quite a while
👑 You merely sat up with the rest of the fighters as Qin fought, and you smiled gently as Hades walked in, causing Leonidas to look at you with narrowed eyes
"What are you smiling at, Goddess?"
👑 Chuckling at his animosity, you reached outwards, pointing towards the tall, white-haired God of the Dead before speaking up again
"That man caused many issues between me and my old human friend, Tamaki. Honestly, seeing such an enemy fight against my husband is a fight I cannot tear my eyes from for a second."
👑 Kojiro smiled as you spoke, looking back down at the Emperor. He then looked at you and asked you how you had met the royal and gotten into a relationship, after all, being a Goddess of such a high-caliber in the Shinto Pantheon must have been hard to deal with a human
"It's quite the detailed story. But if you wish to know so badly, Sasaki, I shall tell you the shortened version."
👑 The others adjusted their positions to listen to you, curiosity spread through their tough and chiseled forms as you began to speak, recanting your love story with your husband
"One night, I had decided to take a walk through a garden, but this garden was owned by the Emperor's family. It was there that I noticed a young man walking around, a blindfold over his eyes, much to my confusion at the time. I walked to the man and asked him if he could see and needed assistance, the man, whom I later learned to be Qin Shi Huang, had merely waved me off with a smile before asking if I needed help since he never saw me around the building."
"Wait- he can see through that thing?" Buddha asked.
"Correct, Buddha. But, after I left, I had given him a peony and a orchid. The peony, in Chinese culture, stands for good fortune, while the orchid stands for wealth and fortune. I began to come by nearly weekly, which allowed us to grow closely before he proposed and we married. I revealed my identity as a divine being a mere few days before he proposed, so imagine my shock when he asked for my hand in marriage!"
👑 The others chuckled as you finished your story, allowing you to look back down as your husband readied his form for the fight. You allowed a single tear to fall down from your eye, but before it hit the ground, you picked it up and tossed it onto the ground, making a four-leaf clover pop up from the flooring. Grabbing it, you blew it to your husband, in your own, silent way to wish him luck in the battle for Humanity's safety
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╚═════ Hades ════════════════════════════════╝
💀 As you pat the young deity's head, your husband watched from a distance. You had been bonding with Zeus' family a lot more after the birth of Ares, his youngest brother's oldest son, and after Hermes' birth, you had just doubled down on your Auntie-responsibilities, even as the two aged
💀 Hades smiled as you looked at the middle of Zeus' boys, using your magic to tie tiny golden fabric-strands onto his body, around the arm like a bow for Hermes, he lightly adjusted it to his style while you smiled and pat his head lightly
💀 Laughing as you saw Ares began to mess around with his father, Zeus, as he tried making a speech as if he was going to lead another army to battle, you gave one of the most beautiful smiles in Olympus
💀 Hermes then told you he needed to go visit with his mother, you nodded and allowed him to go speak to Hera. You then clasped your hands in front of your hips and walked towards your husband, stopping by his side and laying your head on his shoulder
"Good afternoon, my love."
"Good afternoon, my King of the Netherworld."
💀 Chuckling and laying his head on your own, Hades smiled gently. He could feel your welcoming and warm aura pulse through his own cold and noble one, and it was a feeling he didn't want to let go of anytime soon
"Aunt Y/N, Uncle Hades! It's good to see you both!" A voice rung out, snapping both you and Hades out of your peaceful moment.
💀 Looking back up, you saw two of your three nephews. Heracles and Ares walked up and shook their Uncle's hand while they hugged you delicately, making sure they didn't accidentally damage any of the golden accessories that dawned your figure
"It's good to see you both as well. How has training been?" Hades asked.
"Alright. Dad almost destroyed the arena last week, though." Ares answered while Heracles nodded with a tired expression.
"Well that sounds like fun, calming your father down and all." You teased, making the three guys smile and chuckle at the thought of Zeus acting like a child in need of discipline from his parents.
"Y/N!" Aphrodite yelled out, waving you over to her and her nymphs.
💀 You peered back at your husband, who just nodded and kissed your forehead, allowing you to walk over to your old friend. Aphrodite was excited about something, and he knew you were naturally a curious being
"You really love her, don't you, Uncle?" Heracles asked.
"That I do. That I do..."
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brodieland · 6 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 he's not just a man, mom.. ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Athena!Reader Synopsis: Reader has a special bond with both Luke and her godly mother, so when Luke joins Kronos, her head starts spinning in confusion on what to do anymore Warning(s): angst. and uh swears ig Word Count: 4314 A/N: I was inspired from a Tumblr post that was inspired from that one Gilmore girls scene😛😛 the post, I mixed in some show and book moments, sometimes just can't decide what hit harder. love them both💔 ugh why did I yap?? Part 2
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You and Luke were perfect for one another. Like two pieces to the same puzzles. You were childhood sweethearts and everyone knew it. If you told yourself a couple months ago what had happened, you would've laughed so hard your lungs might've collapsed. This was not a happy ending, though it could've been.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥౨ৎ
It was an average summer evening at camp half-blood. Normally you'd be busy helping Annabeth prepare for capture the flag, but she insisted on doing it herself. She always thought it would help prove herself more and more to your mother, Athena. You and your mom are quite close, you both talk a lot. You make sure to tell Annabeth that she already has faith in her, but she still feels the need to do this, maybe it'll help her get the quest she's been dreaming of.
Since you're close with your mother, Athena also knows of your long-lasting relationship with Luke, the Hermes head counselor. At first she didn't approve, she thought her daughter could do better than a son of the god of thieves, but she knew she couldn't change it so she let it go. Well sorta, she always gives a slight diss about it every now and then.
Now it was the day of capture the flag, and you had the newcomer Percy Jackson on your team. Annabeth whisked him away as part of her plan while you and Luke fended off the rest of red team. And for the fourth year in a row, your team won at capture the flag. You and Luke were celebrating with the rest of Athena and Hermes cabin, when you heard yelling from behind you.
"What is wrong with you?!" You turned around to see that a cut up and bleeding Percy was yelling at Annabeth for pushing him into the water. As he stood up, you and everyone around you noticed that his cuts began to heal, but before you could question it a symbol appeared above his head. A trident.
"Poseidon," announced Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."
All the campers in the surrounding area stood in shock, but congratulated Percy non the less. You stood there with a big smile, happy he was claimed after spending the entire day before being somewhat of a, well, failure at all camp activities.
"Luke! Percy got claimed isn't that amazing-" You turned to look at your boyfriend, but didn't see him smiling the way everyone else was. His expression seemed different. It was a look of curiosity beyond him being a child of the big three, more as if Luke seemed.. upset? He had a grudging smile hanging off his lips, you were confused but shrugged it off.
The next day at around 10AM you were sitting with Annabeth as she raves to you about how she's finally found the one. And by the one, she means that Percy ended up picking her to go on the quest with him. Annabeth goes on telling you about the quest, about how she has to recover Zeus' lightning bolt before the solstice in a week, she sounds excited but you can tell she's nervous.
Your conversation was interrupted by a knock at your door. You turned and saw your handsome boyfriend, Luke, coming to pick you up.
"Mind if I steal her away for a little?" Luke asked as he smiled at your little sister. She just sighed.
"Fine, bring her back at a reasonable time though. Last time you brought her home at 2AM half the cabin woke up." You and Luke started laughing.
"Annie you were the only one awake," you leaned forward and kissed the top of her head, "I'll be back soon to say goodbye." And the two of you were off.
Whenever the both of you had free time like this you two would head off to the strawberry fields. There aren't always many campers by the fields at once, so you and Luke would just grab and bunch and walk around through the forest before they noticed the missing strawberries. Most campers don't go there for the fear of monsters, but with Luke being the best sword fighter this camp has ever seen in years, you liked your odds. You guys decided to sit by where Percy had gotten claimed the day before, the sound of the ocean is just so calming.
"The Demeter kids really know what there doing with these strawberries," Luke groaned as he took a bite out of one of them.
"I think its in there job description," you both just chuckled and continued enjoying not just the strawberries but each others company. Not many opportunities for being alone lately. Then you remembered the look on Luke's face when Percy got claimed. Why wasn't he happy for him after all the time he spent helping him get claimed just the day before?
"Hey Luke, can I ask you something?" You yourself weren't sure if you should bring it up, but something in your gut was telling you too.
"Of course, you can ask me anything."
"Well, yesterday when Percy got claimed, how did you feel about it?"
"Hmm? I was happy for him, sucks he's gonna have to stay in that cabin all alone though. Why do you ask?"
"Yeah.. well I don't know when I turned to you, you just seemed kind of upset?"
"What? Why would I be upset?" Luke started smiling like you were crazy. Hey, maybe you were just seeing things.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy. Oh what would my mother think of her legacy losing her marbles," you giggled to yourself and turned to Luke, he was laughing but it felt like the mention of your mom hit a nerve. He knows she isn't his biggest fan so that's probably it. You both moved on and continued like normally till the lunch bell went off, which was your sign to start heading back. You both split up and sat at your cabins table with this rest of your siblings.
"Hey Annie," you greeted as you sat in the seat next Annabeth.
"Hey your back," she smiled. "I'm leaving after lunch."
"Better make this lunch count, you're probably not gonna have so many good ones out on the road," you joked. You're not really joking though. You remember back on the times when you and Luke were on the road with barely enough to eat, not fun times. You stopped thinking about it and continued to send your last moments with your dear sister before she goes off her on her dangerous quest. Please gods, mom, let her come back safe. You both finished up and walked over to your cabin and helped her finish packing up.
"I gotta go pick up Percy now."
"I'm coming with you? I'm spending all the time I can with you before Percy and Grover take you away from meee." Annabeth just rolled her eyes at you (you could still see her smile though) as you both walked over to the Poseidon cabin. When you walked in you saw Luke talking with Percy. He was giving him something.
"Hey Percy, watchu got there?" You asked as you leaned on the door frame.
"Some.. converse? Pretty cool.." He looked to Luke to see if he got it right, you just smiled knowing what the shoes really were.
"Maia," Luke said, and the shoes grew some wings.
"Yup, pretty cool shoes." Luke smirked and the two boys stood up and started walking toward the door. Percy stood next to Annabeth and you leaned in and gave them both a hug.
"Come back safe you two," you looked Percy up and down, "no funny business either."
"Haha very funny, we're not like you and Luke," Annabeth rolled her eyes, AGAIN.
"Roll your eyes at me again and they'll get stuck like that." Percy decided to stay silent, which you thought was funny. And just like that, they were off.
You pretended to wipe a tear from your eye, "They grow up so fast," You turned to Luke who was smiling down at you. You couldn't help yourself and just threw your arms around him and kissed him.
As you days went on, you still had that nagging feeling in your gut that something was off. But this time you just decided to ignore it. Questioning Luke got you no where so maybe you were just overthinking it.
The night before the trio was supposed to return, you were instantly pulled into a dream. You were standing back in the spot that you and Luke went to regularly by the water. Except it wasn't any normal dream, it was a demigod dream. And how did you know? You were currently standing next to your mother, Athena.
"Hey mom." You waved, she just nodded back.
"Hello Y/N."
"Soo.. what's up?" Normally you wouldn't be shocked of her appearing in a dream, but this time she had an extra amount of seriousness clouding her features as she continued to stare at the ocean.
"That Luke of yours, he seems off doesn't he?" You wanted to deny it, but you knew she was right. You couldn't help but just nod. "You get your instincts from me you know. I'd take it as disrespect for you to not trust them."
"But mom, I don't even know what it is that's bothering me. What am I supposed to do? Question him from a look I'm not even sure was on his face?"
"If you're not sure, why's it still bothering you?" You went silent, she was right. Mother knows best.
"You've never liked him, is that it?" You accused.
"Excuse me but this isn't a matter of me liking your little boyfriend, it's a matter of whats at stake right now. You saw the look on his face when that forbidden kid was revealed. And what was with that gift, hmm?" Athena was saying so much yet so little at the same time. This is one of the few times you've felt so useless, and it just had to be in front of your mother.
"I-" You looked down at your feet, ".. mom can't you just give me a clue, just once can you help me out here."
"You know us gods can't interfere," she stared daggers at you, and you started getting nervous, more than you already were at least. "I know you're smarter than this" It suddenly dawned on you what she was accusing Luke of, but you know he wouldn't do that, right?
You looked back at her, "He wouldn't."
"You really believe that?" You faltered for a moment.
"Of.. of course I do." Your mom just closed her eyes and shook her head.
"I thought you were smarted than this. I can't believe this boy has left you so blind." And with that, Athena and the setting around you started to disappear. You tried reaching out, trying to say that you are smart, but everything went black.
You shot up from your bed in a cold sweat, you were panting heavily. You turned over to check your alarm.
You looked around to see everyone still asleep. You knew you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so you just went to go take a shower, wash off all the sweat and think. When you hopped in you just stood there under the water. You couldn't shake the conversation you had with your mother. Luke hadn't left you blind. You've known him for years, you knew him better than anyone. Especially better than Athena.
You got out and got ready for the day. This was the day Annabeth, Percy, and Grover were supposed to return. You tried to think on that instead, the positive. You hoped it was positive at least. It was now around 7:30AM, yes you took that long getting ready, what about it? You had a lot of thinking to do in the shower, and cool enough this was also the time Luke wakes up. You made your way to the Hermes cabin, watching the early birds, or Apollo cabin, sit around making haikus (every now and then they'd make a good one).
You snuck your way into the Hermes cabin, seeing everyone was still asleep. You tip-toed over to your boyfriends bed and kneeled down beside his bed, faces leveled together.
"Hey," you started to softly shake him awake, "Luke wake up." You made sure to whisper so no one around would also wake up. Luke started to stir awake. He softly groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening then. "Hey there gorgeous," you winked.
He chuckled and whispered back, "Hey beautiful." Morning voice is actually so hot. Luke sat up and pulled you up and into bed with him. You tried not giggle too loud as you snuggled closer to him. You were so close you were breathing in his scent. And there it was again, your gut feeling telling you something was wrong. After that conversation with your mom the feeling just got even worse.
"Luke," you laid on you stomach directly next to Luke, who was laying on his back, "aren't you excited? Percy, Annabeth and Grover come back today." You smiled, and so did Luke, but his smile didn't reach his eyes the way they normally do. What's up with him?
"Yup, excited to see them again." Morning voice didn't sound as hot when he didn't sound that happy to see them as he said he was.
"You don't sound that excited."
"Luke are you hiding something?" He shifted for a split second, like he wasn't expecting such a question.
"From you? No, never." You felt uneasy, but what could you even do at this point. You can't go ballistic over an instinct.
"Fine, but you should really brush your teeth."
"You woke me up?"
You just laughed and got up from Luke's bed as he left to go get ready, and brush his teeth from that deadly breathe of his. When he walked out the bathroom in his classic orange camp Half-Blood t-shirt, you knew it was time to head out for breakfast.
As the day went on, you were anticipating the arrival of your fellow campers, mostly your sister. You loved her dearly and missed having her around. Despite her being a few years younger, she was one of your best friends. And finally she was back, and without hesitation you ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.
"Annie, you're safe!" You hugged her tightly as you both swung side to side.
"You crushing me," She groaned and you pulled away holding by the shoulders.
"You survived the underworld, you can survive my hugs." You looked around then noticed something. "Wait, where's Percy?" Annabeth looked a little worried.
"We found the master bolt despite it being past deadline. Percy went to give it back alone."
"Kids ballsy," you scoffed. "Or he has a massive death wish." Annabeth laughed softly but you could tell she was nervous. "Hey you guys made it this far, he'll be fine." She just nodded and looked up and you.
"So, wanna hear about the quest?"
"Uh, duh? And don't think mom didn't tell me about the tunnel of love." Annabeth tried looking at you with her intimidating face that read 'shut up or else' but it doesn't work out very well when she's blushing. "She said and I quote 'get your sister away from that reckless water boy'," you quoted while waving around your finger, Annabeth just groaned loudly and walked off with you laughing as you followed behind her.
Annabeth started explaining the story. Clarisse was the lightning thief? Ares covering for her would make sense but you don't know, something didn't add up.
"Yeah we called Chiron but Luke answered, he said he'd tell Chiron about it." Why didn't you know about this? And you knew Chiron definitely didn't either, so what the hell? You were cut from your thoughts when you heard cheering outside. You and Annabeth ran outside and saw Percy walking back to camp. You turned and saw Annabeth eyes go wide and run up to Percy, you saw her whisper something but didn't think much of it and went over to Luke, who was also watching the scene.
"Isn't it cool he made it back" You asked Luke.
"Amazing." Percy and Annabeth were now walking by you two, gesturing for you to follow them, which you did. As you looked over to Luke.
"Why didn't you tell me the Lightning thief was Clarisse." He swallowed.
"Oh, just slipped my mind." And he flashed you that smile of his, it doesn't looked as genuine any more. And now you four were standing in an empty Hermes cabin conspiring. You just zoned out of the conversation. Mom, please, this is the first time I wished you were wrong. Don't hold it against me.
Luke disappeared for a little bit, and to our understanding it was to inform Chiron of who the thief really was. Then, he disappeared with Percy into the woods. You were a little nervous, Luke made a new sword, Backbiter, made of both celestial bronze and steel. Hopefully there sparring would be fine.
Oh how wrong you were.
While alone in your cabin, you were organizing the mess of books when you saw Luke rushing through the doors.
"Luke are you okay, why the rush?"
"We need to talk." You were confused, but weirdly felt sweat a single drop of sweat fall from the back of your neck.
"Of course, whats up?" You said as you slid the last book onto the bookshelf and turned toward Luke.
"Remember our quest together, all that darkness and the monsters growing stronger. Don't you think all this is useless. How we're just pawns for the gods in this silly game they should've been over thrown from years ago-" Luke was rambling.
"Luke.. slow down. What are you saying? What do you mean over thrown?"
"I mean, the only reason their still around is for us, and even then they still don't treat us with the respect we deserve."
"Luke, that's our parents you're talking about. They're trying their best."
“That’s supposed to make me love them? They're killing the world and don't even seem to care. We need to start over, that's what he's been telling me in my dreams."
"Luke, what the hell are you talking about, whose 'he?'"
"Kronos." Your eyes widened, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. this couldn't be true.
"Luke, he's brainwashing you."
"No he's not. He's opening my eyes to the truth. In all the time I've been here, my dad sent me on one quest, a quest that's already been done. And I come back with this!" He angrily pointed at the scar on his face. "And all I got was pity. That's when he started speaking to me. That's where I got the ideas."
Your mouth went dry and your knees started to wobble, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. "You.. you stole the master bolt and Hades' helm, didn't you."
"And it was so easy, the gods are so full of themselves they wouldn't ever believe that someone would steal from them. And ares wouldn't have been easier to turn on my side." You didn't even recognize the man standing in front of you anymore.
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"Well, I can't continue keeping secrets from my dear girlfriend. I'm here to take you with me. Your beautiful brain is the last piece I need."
You wanted to cry. The thought was tempting. You saw how kids got ignored, how the unclaimed flooded the Hermes cabin, how most kids never hear from their parents, and how kids of minor gods don't even have cabins. You loved Luke with all your heart, you didn't want to leave him. You knew your choice.
"Luke, this is wrong. You have to know you can't just over throw the gods. They are your family."
"You're the brainwashed one here Y/N, you have to be if you can't see I'm right." He turned for the door, but you caught his wrist.
"You can't start a war like this. So many people will lose their lives." You were pleading with him. He turned to face you.
"It's the only way the gods notice, I have to go now. Last chance, are you coming with me or not." Tears were threatening to escape your eyes.
"You know I can't. I can't betray my mother." Tears were falling from your eyes, and you saw one fall from Luke's as well. He leaned and kissed you deeply and pulled away.
"Then this is goodbye." He rushed out your cabin and left you in tears. That was the last kiss you'd ever have with him. He was so gone and you didn't think you could bring him back. And that's when Annabeth came running and yelling.
"Percy's in the infirmary close to death, hurry!"
And so you wiped your tears and hurried. And there he was, a greenish grayish color with a lump on his hand.
"What the hell happened to him?" You asked worriedly.
"Looks like a pit scorpion bite, we won't know more till he wakes up." Chiron said.
Annabeth turned over to Chiron, "So did you interrogate Clarisse?"
"And why would I do that?" Chiron asked.
"What are you talking about, didn't Luke tell you she's the lightning thief?" Annabeth said.
"No he didn't," they both turned to you, looking more confused than ever. "He didn't snitch on Clarisse because it wasn't her. Luke's working for Kronos." You voice was cracking and Annabeth and Chiron both exchanged looks of worry.
"Here we are again." Percy said. Annabeth turned around and called him an idiot, ah. Young love. You feel bitter now but whatever.
"Percy. Explain everything now." And he did. He explained Luke's plan, the same one he explained to you, and how he said Percy couldn't be there and had the pit scorpion sting him. You then explained how he tried to recruit you and was now gone to who knows where. It went silent.
"I need to be alone." You excused yourself and went running to your cabin. The second you made it to your ned you collapsed and you immediately sobbing. This was Luke, your Luke, and now suddenly he was working with Kronos?? You just couldn't believe it.
As weeks went on, you became worse. You can never bring yourself to leave your bed unless absolutely necessary. Your friends and family around you started getting worried, they tried so much but nothing seems to work. At camp, you were the sweet older sister people came to for advice, now you were the girl who could barely say three or more words at a time. It got harder when Annabeth left, normally when she's gone the head counselor job would be handed to you. Of course, now that can't happen in your state. You're losing sleep and couldn't be bothered to make your self look presentable.
After about three months, you put yourself to sleep and you were pulled right back into a dream. You were standing in your special spot with Luke, and how bad you wanted to wake up but you couldn't. It was your mother who brought you back here.
"He's never coming back you know." You could barely cry, your eyes were dry. You stood there without saying anything. "I knew I never trusted him."
"Yeah because you always have to be right about everything don't you?"
"You better watch how you speak to me." Athena glared down at you, normally you'd be scared but you couldn't care less right now.
"Why, whats the point? Why are you even here? To what, rub it in my face that you were right about Luke?"
"I'm here to talk some sense into you. You're a daughter of Athena, you should be thinking with your brain, not your emotions. Yet that's the problem, you're not thinking clearly. Your ruining yourself over some guy."
"Mom," your voice was cracking. "please."
"Please what? You're grown enough to know right from wrong. Luke was just a man, nothing more nothing less." And somehow, some tears started to flow.
"No he wasn't," your voice was barely higher than a whisper.
"Speak up, you know how I feel about mumbling."
"He was more than just a man, mother," you were just barely yelling.
"Oh really, what are you saying to me? That a man who can so easily betray the gods and everything you stand for is the man for you? The love of your life? The man you would've married and had a family with?" Athena's words dripped with condescension, and it made your blood boil.
"You know what, yeah. He is, or was, or whatever. And I don't care what you have to say about it. Any future advice you have? Keep it." You were now yelling.
"Watch yourself, you might regret this. No daughter of mine will speak to me like this."
"No mother treats her daughter like her emotions don't matter, you just see me as another pawn to do your bidding. Get me out of this stupid fucking dream. NOW!" You demanded.
Athena looked at you with a face you couldn't decipher, before letting you go. The dream went black and you shot up awake just like the last time. Athena opened your eyes, just not in the way she hoped. What you knew? She didn't care about your emotions, just your ability to carry out her duties. Luke was right, and it pained you. You didn't know what to do, or who to stand with anymore.
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penny-anna · 9 months
OK in advance of tonight's other episode, couple of thoughts on the Percy Jackson tv show's adaptational choices:
i haven't actually seen anyone flag this one up yet (it's a fairly subtle change and i know a lot of ppl haven't read the first book in like 15 years so maybe everyone just forgot?) but in the book the reveal that Percy's mother is still alive drops a lot later in the narrative. book!Percy heads out on his quest fully intending to bring her back from the dead. which imo is a stronger narrative beat & it makes the reveal that she's still alive and he was right to think he could rescue her that much more satisfying.
on reflection agree w the comments i've seen re the other kids should have knelt to Percy after he was claimed. actually saw complaints about this before reading the book so was surprised at how fleeting a moment it was but it really does serve to accentuate both what a big deal a Forbidden Child is and that Percy is an outsider even at Camp Halfblood
as per previous post yes it is explicitly stated in the book that Chiron suspect Percy was the son of Poseidon and i think omitting that was a mistake given the number of ppl i've seen picking up on it
in 2 minds about the omission of the hellhound bcos it is a pretty important plot beat and a cool scene but i can see why they wouldn't want to do a CGI monster fight that was technically extraneous
ALSO Annabeth having mistakenly concluded that Percy was a child of Zeus was a good character beat in terms of her being smart enough to figure out he was a forbidden child but not infallible. and maybe also biased due to her previous relationship w Thalia.
that said i enjoyed her shoving Percy in a lake too much to really complain.
changes i think are for the better:
i think having sending Medusa's head to Olympus have actual Consequences was a good move 👍 unless im missing something due to not having read the rest of the series. i was surprised reading the book that in spite of Percy getting warned not to do it there wasn't any fall out.
i don't think the scene w Percy petrifying one of the furies was in the book either? cool moment!
PLUS having Athena be petty enough to pull that shit was like. very on point for a Greek god flkghfdkj
really enjoyed Echidna getting introduced earlier. amped up the tension in a big way AND kept me on my toes, i was there like ohh is this a different monster? are they moving her fight scene to the train? what's going to happen here - OH NO
Echidna bringing up that the gods and the 'monsters' are all a single family was also 👌great scene all round
likewise Percy & Annabeth BOTH trying to sacrifice themselves for the group loved that. don't think this was necessarily an improvement as the book scene was good in a different way but really good moment
*slow hand clap* consensus!!
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rustic-space-fiddle · 7 months
Things I love about EPIC: The Musical
Greek mythology hehehehehhehe (my weakness)
Little Ajax
The slightly different styles in each segment but the overarching cohesiveness
The crew singing choral vocals for Odysseus
POLITES *screaming crying throwing up*
The crew introducing Eurylochus but Odysseus introducing Polites
Odysseus’s ‘Ha ha HA Haaaaa!” What a smug lil $h!*
His whole description of Athena ~ fanboy energy
“Bestest of friends(?)!” “Okay chill kid” ”okay :D”
Polites definitely almost knocking himself out with lotus before Odysseus definitely takes it away like “oh honey no”
I’m not a musically intelligent person so forgive me but the way the “take from you like you took from me / gift from you and a gift from me” sounds just makes my brain so happy
If music is math then that is definitely some solid well done math
“Nooooooobody, noooooooooobody, noo~ooOOOOOOOOOOOOH~bodyyyyyy”
“My brothers-!” yall I’m gonna freakin cry
The visceral death sounds when the club comes out
Polyphemus’s voice slowing like a giant robot powering down to show him falling asleep
The sound slowly fading in as Odysseus takes in the death around him (I imagine he’s looking at the remains of Polites)
The sound Athena makes whenever she appears or disappears (NOTICE SHE DOESNT MAKE THAT SOUND WHEN SHE LEAVES FOR THE LAST TIME! just empty wind…)
“The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them.” UGH BEAUTIFUL
The growl in “REMEMBER ME.”
Ship sounds!
The entirety of “My Goodbye”. It’s just such a good argument song and I love it so much.
Odysseus’s angry “HEY.” when Athena basically blames the death of his friends on his kindness.
The fact that Odysseus isn’t afraid to absolutely WRECK Athena verbally? She has definitely killed and turned people into spiders for less
You can tell he felt a little bad about it and that she actually was kinda hurt by it too (silence is a heckuva tool)
“Aim for the island in the sky” oh yeah I’m listening to a Greek myth wHEEEZE
Eurylochus slowly getting on Odysseus’s nerves till he literally has to pull him aside and tell him to stfu
No but actually Eurylochus is not being a real one rn he is not being helpful
The wind god ( *0v0*)
“Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?” WOW OKAY DANG
“Ruthlessness is mercy—DIE.”
The crew calling for their captain as they’re taken by the sea
THE AUDACITY OF POSEIDON TO REMIND ODYSSEUS OF HIS OWN WORD—“when does a ripple become a tidal wave/ when does a man become a monster”—DURING THIS CRISIS. WHAT A PETTY JERK (do it again)
Eurylochus try to confess and Odysseus refusing to let him. There three reasons I think this is: 1) he doesn’t know why he wants to confess but he literally does not have time for his #2 to be having a moment rn. 2) he knows what Eurylochus did and is choosing to keep him quiet because he needs the crew not to dwell on this/he’s trying not to punch him in the face. 3) he knows what he did and he’s saying “stfu” as a way of forgiveness. All of these are great options imo
“We couldn’t resist!” “What was it?” “A woman!” “…w h a t. -_-“ my man is fed up rn
Hermes’s insane laugh !!!! LOVE
Hermes’s entire song
Rhyming “Be hurt” with “beat her” BRAIN SO HAPPY
Someofthamagic~ BRAIN SO HAPPY AGH
The fight between Odysseus and Circe~ so evenly matched! Wits, power, but she beat him! She beat him even though he didn’t cave.
“I dug the root up w my bare hands!” “Hermes gave it to you didn’t he” “…okay fine yes but rGARDLESS—“
The fact that Odysseus calls Penelope his power
Circe’s empathetic sigh because she’s not a monster, she’s a protector, and her heart has been touched by Odysseus’s earnestness and love for his wife and for his brothers
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gettinshiggywithit · 7 months
ok so I saw your post abt wanting to write for pjo but you don't know what and you've only read the books so I figured I'd send a request or sum. now idk if you do headcannons cause I haven't followed you for long, but headcannons abt a relationship with percy? 🍓
🌊Dating Percy Jackson~ (HCs)🌊
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Summary: what’s it like dating the son of poseidon and resident blue-enthusiast
Pairing: percy x gn!reader (i think I kept it pretty gender neutral!)
Genre: fluff
T/W: none
A/N: Hi nonny! I hope you like this! Thank you for the request and for getting me out of my writing slump! Pls lmk what you think of it if you feel like it and until next time ciao!
Warning! Not proof read🥹🙏apologies 🥹
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I think its a given that percy is the epitome of boyfriend material
I mean the man literally gave up immortality for annabeth!
But this isnt about annabeth,this is about you!
So for the sake of this post let’s assume you both met the same way!
The moment percy saw you he was entranced!
It was a normal day of practice and he was out in the practice pavilion to try his hand at archery(this was when he was still unclaimed)
He was struggling to even hit the target when he turned his head to talk to his instructor from the apollo cabin,only to see you sparring with the camp’s best swordsman,luke castellan!
You were expertly dodging and blocking his advances and while luke seemed to be getting frustrated,you looked smug and excited almost. It was then that perch jackson developed a hugee crush on you
Over the next few days he made attempts to talk to and interact with you,he joined you at the campfire and during these little interactions was when he realised you weren’t just pretty,you had a personality as bright as the sun and your sense of humour was elite!
When he got claimed you helped him accept it and even though you were still unclaimed it really helped him. You listened to him when he needed a friend and helped him see the brighter side of things.
And over time even you seemed to fall for him, i mean what wasnt to love,he was funny,sweet,supportive; everything a girl could ask for!
So when you confessed to him during a sparring session after having just beaten him,he was both confused and overjoyed!
You helped him up and he confessed to feeling the same.and as you both got older,your bond grew stronger.sure there were little hiccups along the way but you always made it work.
Percy noticed everything about you, your little quirks, your little gestures; everything
He was the first to notice when you were feeling even a little bit down and he always had your favorite snacks on hand for when you needed cheering up!
He always took you down to the beach or near the river,exploring both in his little protective bubble was the coolest,most awesome thing you’d ever experienced and even though you felt scared at times,he’d hold you close and not let go until you were on dry land.
Making blue food together in the off season and spending time at his and his mum’s apartment was heavenly,especially your home didn’t exactly feel like a home in the first place.
Sally loved you! She always teased the two of you when you curled up on the couch to watch movies and was just happy her son found someone.
During quests he always had your back but also knew you were perfectly capable on your own,i mean you practically taught him how to sparr yourself!
Through the losses and the gains,the battles and the hardship,you stayed together and helped eachother grow.
You loved him with all your heart and he the same. He was loyal to fault and would never judge or criticize you,if he did it was merely constructive criticism,nothing to belittle you or make you feel insignificant.
He helped you through your moments of insecurity and made you feel whole,like you were worth his love and like you were perfect the way you were.
In conclusion,being in love with percy Jackson means, unlimited support and love and a companion for life🫶
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!j
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little-cereal-draws · 4 months
@nonbinarylocalcryptid has put this au in my head so here are some headcanons for Odysseus adopting Astyanax instead of killing him
When Odysseus finally gets home, Astyanax is ten and Telemachus is twenty, about to turn twenty one
Astyanax is incredibly furiously jealous of Telemachus. He doesn’t know who this guy is or why Odysseus is so obsessed with him. He isn’t used to having to share his dad’s attention
He tries to come up w ways of getting Odysseus to focus only on him but he’s never successful. Either he gets in trouble for doing smth bad or he tries to start a game and it gets turned into a whole family activity
He gives up after a few weeks and sulks by himself exploring the palace and city. Odysseus eventually finds him and they have some much needed one on one time. Astyanax is ecstatic
Telemachus is incredibly furiously jealous of Astyanax. He doesn’t know who this kid is or why Odysseus is so obsessed with him. He isn’t used to having to share his dad’s attention
Him and Odysseus are trying to make up for lost time and Astyanax keeps bursting in and being super annoying. He’s so glad every time Odysseus shoos him away. He desperately needs this one on one time
Astyanax isn’t sure abt Penelope. She’s very nice, makes an effort to connect to him, and Odysseus hasn’t stopped raving abt her for as long as he can remember. But hearing abt someone in a story is different from actually meeting them. She a total stranger. He warms up to her after a while but for the first month or so, he’s very shy and apprehensive around her
He doesn’t consider her his mom tho, only Odysseus’ wife. He used to think calypso was his mom (she would be the first woman he would be old enough to remember and they lived w her for most of his life) but now he’s content to not have a mom. He only needs his dad anyway
After about a year or so, both Astyanax and Telemachus begrudgingly accept that they’ll have to share Odysseus. They’re both not thrilled abt it but they’re not angry anymore either
Telemachus is a self sufficient adult at this point and spends a lot of time doing his own thing. He’ll go on trips, go hunting, attend his parents’ court, try to woo maidens, debate policy and philosophy w the advisors (which can get pretty complicated when his parents join; his dad especially loves having battles of wits), etc
Astyanax is a preteen and very curious abt what Telemachus is getting up to and what the adult life of a prince is like. He followed him secretly at first but quickly got found out. Telemachus thought it was kinda weird at first but then was a little flattered
He started letting Astyanax accompany him (to an extent. Long trips and wooing maidens are off limits lol). But he’ll take him to court, on quick trips, to his fighting lessons, to intellectual debates, etc.
Penelope isn’t so sure but Odysseus is adamant that learning by experience is just as valuable as structured lessons and they should just be happy that they’re finally getting along lol
The only part he has a problem w is the trips. He’s already anxious when Telemachus leaves on his own but when he takes Astyanax too… The thought of potentially losing both his sons, them taking years to return, or them being harassed by the gods eats him alive. It’s terrible to watch. He doesn’t eat, barely sleeps, doesn’t do any work. The only thing he does is sit by the door to the palace and wait for them to come back. Not even Penelope can soothe him
It’s worse when they go on a boat. Even if they’re only taking a one day trip to the city next over, he’s literally shaking w stress. Instead of sitting by the door, he’ll sit in Poseidon’s temple and do nothing but pray for their safe passage, not stopping at all for food or sleep
Telemachus has offered to leave Astyanax so he feels a bit better but he insists that he’s fine. It’s more important that the two of them bond, form good relations w their neighbors that will benefit them when they’re the king, and become more worldly. He’s fine. He swears it. He’s fine
Telemachus has taught Astyanax how to shoot a bow, how to track animals, how to identify plants, and how to basically do anything that doesn’t involve living on a boat lol
They’ll spar too. Astyanax is much better than Telemachus was at his age and Telemachus is a little jealous abt it. If he didn’t win anyway bc he’s bigger and stronger, he definitely would be angry
It’s weird tho bc he’ll be like “how did you learn that move? It was super advanced." And Astyanax will just casually be like “dad taught me after we fought a harpy.” And Telemachus is reminded that this kid has spent more time w his dad than he has. He never got to have his dad teach him how to fight but this other kid did. It’s not fair. He pushes it deep down and ignores it
Astyanax is aware of what happened to his biological family. Odysseus told him when he was eight. He was a teary mess, barely able to get the story out, but Astyanax wasn’t distraught like Odysseus expected. Astyanax was quiet for a long time, thinking, then went off on his own for a while but by the time it was night, he seemed to have moved pass it
He didn’t remember that family so he wasn’t very upset. He definitely thought it was messed up that he was taken in by the enemy that killed his whole family and destroyed his city but Odysseus was nice and it beat being killed too so he wasn’t complaining
Sometimes he’ll lay awake and wonder what his life would’ve been like if he had grown up in Troy tho. How his biological dad would’ve raised him. How different his life would’ve been if he hadn’t been constantly moving around and fighting for his life. As a kid, he can’t even begin to imagine what that would feel like bc he’s never known it. But by the time he’s grown, it’s different
Telemachus is on the throne now; Odysseus retired and just hangs around now. There are rumors that he's gone mad and even tho it's 100% false, he does nothing to stop the rumors bc he thinks it's funny and likes to mess w ppl
Astyanax is in his mid to late twenties now and he's feeling like he doesn't belong in Ithaca. He looks different from the rest of his family, he's got a much darker and complicated past than most of them, and every time they talk abt war in the court he can't help but get angry and closed off
Tho to Telemachus' credit he's a very fair king and does his best to avoid war and getting involved in other people's wars. That's how he lost his dad for so long and he's not making Ithaca go through smth like that again
Astyanax decides that he needs to see Troy. What's left of it, any new civilizations that replaced it, anything he can find. He's a little worried about the trip across the sea but figures if he did it once before, he can do it again
There's nothing when he gets there. Most of the wood has rotted and the ground is black and charred. He can walk the Greek camp based off the burnt fire pits, the tent peg holes in the earth, and the rotted outlines of the thick wall. The field in between the camp and Troy is littered with swords, spears, arrows, shields, and the occasional chariot wheel. Troy is a ghost town. The only thing left are the great walls. The inside is baren and empty
When he returns, he's furious. His "dad" destroyed his entire civilization. Except for him, no mercy was shown. It was a horrible, monstrous thing to do. (He's forgotten the memory of how much Odysseus cried telling him what he did)
He goes off on Odysseus. Odysseus is partly resigned (he knew this day was coming and he’s in the wrong) but he’s still a stubborn ass who resorts to violence instead of talking things out so the fight gets pretty explosive. It stays an argument but only just barely
They both have swords in their hands when Telemachus comes in. He tries to talk them down and pretends he doesn’t know what the fight is abt even tho the whole palace can hear them yelling
Astyanax asks for Odysseus to be executed, banished, or otherwise punished in someway. Telemachus won’t do it. Astyanax is furious that he’s not taking his side. Telemachus didn’t see what he saw. He didn’t lose his whole family and get kidnapped by the man who murdered them. He has no idea how it feels to have your whole world flipped on its head
Astyanax debates fighting both Odysseus and Telemachus but decides against it. He storms out, gets on a boat, and goes back to Troy. He wanders around there for a while until he finds a civilization to join
Years go by. Odysseus dies, Telemachus has his own kids and grandkids. His hair is starting to go gray. Then one day a messenger runs in announcing the approach of a foreign army
Telemachus runs out to see the threat and a fleet of twelve boats is abt to enter Ithaca’s harbor. At the prow of the biggest one is Astyanax, torch in hand. He’s going to burn Ithaca like they burnt Troy
The prophecy is fulfilled
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phykios · 3 months
Kiss Me Where You Bruise Me Percy Jackson is fated to die on his twenty-first birthday, after a lifetime of battling monsters. Annabeth Chase is doing her hardest not to get attached, but towards the end of the war, emotions are running high, and she can only resist her feelings--and his kiss--for so long. (Aged up/stretchy canon au of PJO, rated E for smut) read on ao3
Annabeth could sense the dark mood which smothered the camp even from all the way inside the attic of the Big House. With an angry huff, she slammed her heavy book shut, a cloud of dust bursting from the pages, before sliding it back on the shelf. Wasn’t like she was going to get any work done now, anyway. 
Sure enough, her suspicions were confirmed as soon as she came down the ladder, and was nearly bowled over by Will Solace as he half-dragged, half-carried Charlie Beckendorf to the infirmary. “Sorry,” she said, scooching back against the wall. “Rough quest?” 
Beckendorf, to his credit, flashed a smile at her. “Nah,” he croaked, “walk in the park.” 
Beneath his hand, which was pressed to his side, a red stain slowly grew on the orange fabric. She raised an eyebrow.
“It’s better than it looks,” Beckendorf protested as Will forced him down onto an infirmary bed. “Honest!” 
Will snorted. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.” 
“You just did.” 
“Tell me what happened,” Annabeth said, pointedly. She did not have time for banter.
Beckendorf hissed as Will pulled his shirt back, revealing three long, thin, wet stripes. “Remember how we said it was supposed to be a recon mission?” 
Oh for gods’ sake–“What did he do this time?” 
“In his defense, this time it was my fault.” 
She stared at him.
“I’m sure.” 
“It actually was my fault this time–I accidentally tripped a wire, and then our recon turned into a–”
“A shit-show?” 
He swallowed his gasp as Will pressed on the claw marks on his body. “Something like that.” 
Annabeth pinched the bridge of her nose. “And let me guess. Instead of retreating, and salvaging the recon as much as he could, Percy decided that the best course of action would be to try and wipe the camp out, so the enemy wouldn’t know their location had been compromised.” 
“...Well, yeah.” 
“And did he?” 
“Of course.” 
“All of them this time?” 
His silence spoke volumes. 
She sighed again, headache already beginning to manifest. “And where is he now?” 
“Where do you think?” 
“You,” said Will, gently shoving Annabeth towards the door, “out. This could get messy.” 
Annabeth had a strong stomach, but Beckendorf was turning green, and since Will hadn’t asked for support, it was probably something he could handle on his own. In any case, she did not want to be in the line of fire if something went sideways. 
Besides, she had a son of Poseidon to find. 
Not that he was hard to find. He was exactly where he always was. 
The arena was empty, save him. That was not in and of itself surprising. General swordsmanship class had been indefinitely suspended as of last summer, so the kids had to get in their practice whenever they could, with whomever was around. And most of the camp was too smart to go toe-to-toe with their best fighter whenever he got into one of his moods. Even his flock of obsessive, simpering groupies were missing, instead of peeking around the corner to watch him as he worked, giggling between their fingers, putting the collective gossip machine of Ten to shame.
She heard him before she saw him, the smack of metal on straw punctuated with a grunt, or a growl. He looked as if he hadn’t even showered or changed after returning to camp, just dumped Beck at the infirmary and made a beeline for the arena, armor and all. Typical. Gone was the sweet, if sarcastic boy who had welcomed her to camp, and in his place was a scowling, broody, capital-W-warrior. 
Recently, he had really begun to lean into something of a role here at camp–the prophecy child, the son of Poseidon. He walked around with an albatross so heavy around his neck, you could almost see the slump in his shoulders. He sat with his back turned to the rest of the camp at mealtimes, picking at his food, often leaving with a huff halfway through. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen him at a sing-along, or a capture-the-flag game, or even just hanging around the camp, playing basketball and shooting the shit. 
No, he had chosen to devote himself entirely to the war effort. Which, fine, whatever, it wasn’t like they couldn’t use it. She wanted to do the same thing, but she had siblings to look after. But he practically lived in the arena, training constantly. The piles of laundry and trash never moved, always the same shape and size from week to week–some of the other counselors were beginning to think that he slept there, too. 
While the demigod in question was engrossed with mutilating the straw dummy like it had insulted his mother, Annabeth chose to take a seat on the bleachers instead, and wait until he had tired himself out enough for him to take a break. She had made the mistake of interrupting him during a set before, and would like to walk away from this without his sword in her face. 
The minutes stretched on, and he kept slashing. She was sure that he had registered her presence at some point. But he kept on fighting. 
Annabeth sighed, resting her head on her knees. 
Even after all this time, after all the quests they had done together, he could still confuse the living crap out of her. 
Percy Jackson. The strongest demigod of his age. And he knew it. Which was half the problem. 
He had been at camp longer than anyone else here. Annabeth, who had arrived at fourteen, escorted by a satyr who had picked her up in Richmond, had been as awed as anyone when she first heard about him. And who wouldn’t be? He had gutted the Minotaur with its own horn at age ten. He had bested Luke Castellan in swordsmanship at twelve. Annabeth hadn’t been there when he and Thalia had been placed on opposite capture-the-flag teams, but she’d heard about it afterwards–and had seen the overturned trees around the flooded creek. 
Despite the rumors, their first meeting had been thoroughly unimpressive. After all the talk of his talent and his prowess and his preference for being alone, she had clocked him, not entirely incorrectly, as mostly bark and very little bite, using his power and his sarcasm to keep people at bay. But she was able to match him snark for snark, and in no time at all, they were fast friends, a bond only made stronger by the life-threatening quests they had undertaken together. 
She’d seen him at his best–training with the pegasi, commanding a great war ship through a dangerous sea, holding aloft a blue flag after successfully executing her flawless capture-the-flag plan. And she’d seen him at his worst–shivering after holding the sky, squeaking incessantly as a guinea pig, tied to Procrustes’ mattress. He’d faced more monsters than anyone else at camp. Probably more than any other demigod in a long, long time. And it had made him… well, not pig-headed, not really. Percy was, at his core, too humble to be truly arrogant. 
But something had definitely changed over the last few years. He had become sullen, withdrawn, quicker to anger. Then one night, he would show up at the campfire, and it would be like nothing had changed. Like the sweet kid had become a kind leader, offering encouragement to his peers and comfort to the younger ones. And then the next morning, he would saunter out of his cabin, hair a mess, a glazed, satisfied look in his eyes, and all of Cabin Ten would be abuzz, trying to piece together what had happened. 
Then by lunch, he’d be in a bad mood once again. And on and on and on. 
Twenty years old and a living legend, with the weight of the cosmos on your shoulders. Annabeth could sympathize. But she couldn’t even imagine.
How could he walk around with that weight all the time? 
A hoarse yell and a clang snapped her out of her thoughts, and she lifted her head to a familiar scene.
Percy stood, fists clenched, shoulders tight, over what was left of the dummy, now sliced and diced into stringy bits, no more useful than a pile of pegasus hay. His sword–not his precious Riptide, oh no, just one of their few good training weapons left–was on the other side of the arena, its blade bent nearly at a forty-five degree angle. Annabeth stood up, hands on her hips. “Hey! Seaweed brain!”
He turned to face her. She could see the arrogant arch of his brow from across the room.
“Easy on the equipment!” She stomped down the steps, resisting the urge to shoulder check him as she went to get the sword. “We only have so many of these.” 
Percy shrugged. “And how is that my problem?” 
“I thought you were supposed to be good at this.” She picked up the weapon, examining the bent blade. Oof. That was ugly. “Not damaging the weapons is rule number two.” 
He only shrugged again, turning away to kick the remains of the dummy into something of a pile. Annabeth felt her eye twitch. “Again, how is that my problem? Just get someone from Nine to deal with it.” 
“And who do you think is going to fix this?” She asked, brandishing it at his back. “Jake? He’s busy with the warship? Nyssa? Supply run. And now Beck’s not in any kind of shape to do anything–”
Whirling around, he bared his teeth at her. “Don’t,” he hissed, “bring him up.” 
“Oh, I’m gonna.” Gripping the leather so hard it hurt, she stepped toward him. “Easy in and out,  you said. No fights. No attention. Just stealth. And now, I’ve got Beckendorf in the infirmary, just barely keeping his guts from falling out.” 
“I got us out of there,” he said, “and I took care of the monsters. That’s all that matters.” 
“That’s all that matters?” She was aware, distantly, that she was only a few steps away from yelling at him. Already. They’d barely started talking. Something about him just drove her fucking crazy. “Are you serious?” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, General Chase,” he mocked, rolling his eyes at her. “I’ll just do all my missions solo from now on. No more dead weight.” 
Anger rose from her stomach, hot and ugly. “Is that a joke?” she repeated. “Those are our friends that are getting hurt trying to keep you from doing something stupid!”
His jaw rounded out, stubborn. “I didn’t ask for him to do that. I don’t need your help.”
“We’re fighting a war, Percy,” she said. “We have to help each other. That’s what it means to be on the same team.”
“I don’t care about your stupid team.”
“That’s why you’re in here, breaking our last good weapons? Because you don’t care?” 
“Look,” he nearly spat, drawing himself up to his full height, looking down at her. “I have one job –to be the hero of the prophecy. To defeat Kronos. Everything else–that’s your business, not mine.” 
And then he turned. To walk away. From her. 
He didn’t get more than ten steps before Annabeth had hurled the sword at him. It bounced off his armor, harmlessly, but it got his attention. 
“Hey! You could have–”
“Hurt you?” She marched up to him, poking him in the chest with her finger. It had about as much effect as the sword. “How? You’re the big hero, after all. You’re untouchable!” And then she shoved him. 
He stumbled back, tripping over his foot before righting himself. “I’m not–”
“Not what? Not the hero?” She shoved him again, but he was ready this time. “That’s funny. You’ve only been preparing for it your entire life, right? That’s why we’re all here, isn’t it?” 
“Every quest, every monster, every fight, they’ve all been so you can have your precious glory,” she snarled. “You and your destiny! Doesn’t matter how many of us get hurt in the process, does it, as long as you get to be remembered–”
“That’s not fair–” He started, face coloring with indignation. 
But she wouldn't hear it. Sick of his face and his attitude and his destiny, she moved to shove him one more time–and he grabbed her wrist. 
“Don’t,” he warned, voice as hard as a crashing wave, “do that again.” 
His gaze bored down on her, and she stood as firmly as stone against it. She could feel his heartbeat through the press of his fingers on her wrist. 
“Or what?” she asked. “Next time it’ll be me instead of Beckendorf?” 
His eyes widened, then narrowed, and with a snarl, he released her arm, uncapping his sword in one smooth, clean move. 
This, Annabeth understood. She and Percy weren’t always on the same page, but this? She could work with this. 
In response, she drew her knife. 
Percy didn’t even wait before launching himself at her. 
His opening salvo had all the force of a tsunami crashing to shore, and if Annabeth had been any slower, it would have slammed into her, knocking her off her feet. She side-stepped it easily, following it up with a quick jab to his center. He dodged it, of course. They had sparred with each other too often to not recognize the other’s signature moves. 
Usually, when he got like this, it took someone on his level to knock some sense back into him. Thalia was best at it, but wasn’t around enough to be reliable. Nico worked in a pinch, though there was enough bad blood between them that parts of camp tended to get leveled by the end of it. If it was an emergency, Clarisse could step in and hold him off for long enough until he tired himself out. 
But no one else was here. It was just Annabeth. 
Fortunately for her, she’d had almost her whole life to study Percy Jackson. 
He lunged, and in a move that Luke Castellan had taught them both, she feinted out of the way at the last second, before diving in towards him behind the reach of his blade, where she grabbed his arm, and flipped him over her shoulder. He landed with a satisfying thud, the breath knocked out of him.
There. “Now, are you going to–” 
He swiped wildly at her feet, and she jumped back. 
Swifter than she thought he could be, he scrambled to his feet. He advanced on her, bringing his sword down in an overhead arc, which she handily blocked. “Please,” she scoffed, light on her feet as she shifted to his side. “I know how you fight. I know you.” 
Eyes narrowed, he twisted, bringing his sword down towards her leg, where her blade was already waiting. Block, block, block, each ringing clang of their weapons sounded in a rhythm Cabin Seven would be proud of as Annabeth fended them all off. Because she did know him. He might drive her crazy, he might hiss and growl and glare, but they had fought alongside each other too long to not know each other, down to their cores. 
Of course, that meant that he knew her, too. And he knew very well that her fatal flaw was pride. 
So sure of herself, she hadn’t noticed that he had steadily closed the distance between them. With a flash of bared teeth, right in her face, he caught her wrist in his left hand, pinning her in place. “You don’t know a thing about me,” he hissed. 
In the dim light of the arena, his already sharp features sharpened even further, eyes glinting with fury. Mouth open, he was panting, his shoulders heaving with the effort of having to keep up with her. Good. 
“You’re right,” she said, knifelike. “Maybe I don’t know you. Because I always thought you considered us your friends, instead of just your cannon-fodder!” 
He roared, shoving her forward, and she skidded across the grass, nearly tripping over her feet. Distantly, she noted that her wrist was throbbing. 
Percy swung his sword, building up his energy, and holding it aloft, he charged towards her, every inch of him radiating near-deadly intent. 
There was no way she could block this strike. 
So she decided to take a page out of Percy’s book. 
Dropping her knife, she charged right back at him, aiming low. 
She caught him around the middle, and their opposite forces sent them both tumbling to the ground. They rolled, limbs flailing as they fought for the upper hand, like two waves crashing into each other. 
But he wouldn’t be taken off guard a second time. Using the new momentum, he rolled so he was on top of her, his big hands pinning her wrists to the ground. Annabeth fought like a woman possessed–a soft grunt from above indicating that she got in a good hit or two–but he was simply too strong for her to throw him off. 
“I guess you really don’t know me at all,” he spat. His lip had split at some point, a single drop of dark blood lingering at the swell of it. “Because anyone I consider to be my friend would know that I would never think that.” 
“Could have fooled me,” she growled, pulling her legs up behind him. If she could just get the right leverage, maybe she could twist them and–
Anticipating her move, he shimmied down, dropping his hips over her thighs. She tried to lift her arm–to punch him or shove him or something–but he slammed them back down towards the ground. 
She wasn’t going anywhere. And he knew it.
But she had one last secret weapon. 
“At least you bothered to bring him back with you,” she said, unkindly–and a little undeservedly, if she was being honest. “If I had been on that mission instead of Beck, would you have left me behind?” 
“Never,” he swore. “I would never.” 
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” 
Percy glared at her, with all the fury of a volcano. She swallowed, worried, for a moment, that she had gone too far. That it was actually true. That maybe he could leave her behind, especially after everything she just said. That maybe she really didn’t know him after all. 
And then he did something that she wasn’t expecting. In retrospect, though, she shouldn’t have been surprised. She had done the same thing to him, after all.  
He kissed her. 
Turns out, he had a secret weapon, too. 
His mouth was hot on top of hers, the bead of blood from his lips falling to her tongue. She gasped, and he invited himself in further, his hand coming up to cup her face. Freeing her arms.  
She could have pushed him off. Told him to go kick rocks. Instead, she buried her hands in his hair, and brought him closer. 
How long they lay there, making out, she didn’t know. All she knew was that it was entirely too short–one moment, he licked at her lips, pressing her further into the dirt, and she whined, high in her throat, and in the next, he was standing a respectable distance away, hands over his mouth, eyes wild. Annabeth blinked, momentarily stunned. Had she hallucinated the whole thing? 
“I–” he stammered, uncharacteristically nervous. “I–I’m sorry, I–” 
Annabeth scrambled upright. Oh no he fucking didn’t– “Don’t you fucking dare–don’t you run away again.”
From the way he had put his weight on his back foot, he was about to do just that. “Excuse me?” he asked, gaping at her. 
“You heard me.” 
“Me? Run away?”
“Yes, you,” she said, gripping the grass hard enough to rip. “You’re a coward, Percy Jackson.” Here he was. Kissing her, and running off again. Last time, it had been to Calypso and Ogygia. Who might he choose over Annabeth now. Or maybe he’d choose a new god or goddess, perhaps. Romance Thetis or fuck Ganymede while Annabeth trained for his war. And pined away for his kiss. 
“Go fuck yourself,” he said, wiping the blood from his split lip, made wet and shiny with her spit. 
She threw a piece of grass at him, like it would do something. “Fuck me yourself” she snarled, blood racing hot. Not Calypso or Thetis or Ganymede or Aphrodite, but her, who was here and desperate and was fated to be screwed up forever by his kiss. By the memory of his hand, cupping her cheek, of his hair between her fingers, of his blood in her mouth. 
The grass, predictably, did nothing. But her words, apparently, did. 
He turned to stare at her, two sword lengths apart. Both of their weapons were on the ground now. But it felt like they were up and at the ready, pointed at each other’s chests. Because what else could this tense, coiled feeling in her stomach be? 
His chest heaved from exertion, a faint sheen of sweat gathered at the line of his thick, black hair, and she couldn’t help herself from tracing a drop as it ran over his brow, to his nose, to his lips, and finally his tongue, poking out from his lips to lick it up. A swell of jealousy rose in her, her tongue pressing against the back of her teeth, like it was trying to get to him. She clenched her jaw and looked away, digging her nails into the dirt floor to try to anchor her back to earth. 
“...What did you say?” 
“Nothing,” she muttered. “You won. Whatever.” 
In the corner of her vision, she saw his hand, outstretched and extended, and she took it, allowing him to pull her up off the ground. His long fingers, perfect for curling around the hilt of a sword, wrapped around her palm, his thumb inadvertently swiping over the bruise where he had grabbed her, and she suppressed a wince. 
“You okay?” 
Not well enough, it seemed. “Fine.” 
His hand in hers, he brought it to his face, inspecting the purple spot. She could feel his breath on her fingers, so soft and gentle, an unexpected counterpoint to his firm, steady grip. “I’m sorry,” he said, unable to meet her eyes. 
“It’s okay.” It didn’t actually hurt that bad. It’d probably be gone by tomorrow morning. 
He stared at her for a long moment, his eyes dark and stormy. Looking into her own, their hands still clasped together.
And then he leaned forward and she met him halfway.
The last time anyone had ever kissed Annabeth Chase was at a party after the Harvard-Yale game her freshman year, before she’d decided she had to take a leave of absence to be a full-time demigod. (Even her dad agreed that if the world ended, there would not be a lot of use for BS in Architecture. But neither of them were happy about it.) The guy had smelled like beer, and had half his face painted crimson. She’d also been a little drunk. Mostly because the tequila shots her roommate had provided had ended up stronger than camp strawberry wine, which had always been her go to drink of choice. Before that had been Noah from her freshman seminar. Which had been one long exercise in disappointment. After disappointment. After disappointment. 
He pulled away, breaking off with a quiet gasp. “Did you mean what you said?” he asked.
“What?” She had said a lot of things. And her brain was a little bit scrambled from the kiss. 
“You told me to…” He trailed off, flushing. Then, like he was about to face a monster, she saw him swallow, square his shoulders, and look her in the eye again. “About fucking you.” 
She blinked. “What?” And this wasn’t happening. She could not be interpreting this correctly. Percy Jackson, hero of Olympus, greatest demigod alive, who could have any mortal and likely any immortal woman he wanted–Percy Jackson, who was going to die in just over a month, on his twenty-first birthday–was not asking her this. 
“You told me to fuck you,” he said, unflinching, having apparently gathered his strength. “Do you mean it?”
There had to be a way to save face with this. To not come off as one of his little groupies. To not set herself up for the inevitable heartbreak at the end of the summer. 
She could deflect quickly, accuse him of spending too much time at camp if he didn’t know a simple figure of speech. Make a joke about him being too forward. Make a joke about his dad and him being too easy. Ask if he was just worried about dying a virgin. (A stupid thought. He was too handsome, too powerful, too good to not have girls around camp throwing themselves at him. She’d seen it. And he was kind, and sweet, and good. But he wasn’t that good.)
She was the smartest person in the camp. She could get out of this. She was the smartest person at camp. She knew it meant men like Percy Jackson didn’t want to sleep with her. 
But from behind his stormy gaze was something else–desperation, from a young man doomed to die. He needed this… and maybe she did, too. 
She nodded. “Yes. I do.” 
He blinked, like he was taking a moment to process what she had said. “Okay. Come on, then.”  Turning, he led her away from the arena, never letting go of her hand. 
Outside, darkness was settling in. She thought he might be taking her to the infirmary, which she thought was a little bit extra for what was a minor bruise at best, but he took them in a different direction. She could have pulled away, kicked him in the balls, or flipped him into the dirt again. But she didn’t. 
Together, they made their way in silence to the halo of cabins, their shadows stretching and melting across the grass in the last few rays of daylight. Annabeth’s slowly deteriorating rational brain couldn’t even spare a thought to worry about someone possibly seeing them–though, apparently, that wasn’t an issue at all tonight, as Camp was practically deserted, almost deafening in its silence. In lieu of chatter and sword clangs and laughter, there were owls, the gentle waves on the beach, and her heartbeat, loud enough to drown it all out. 
Still holding her hand, he led her to his cabin, making quick work of unlocking the door. Most of the cabins didn’t have locks, but she knew there had been a few… incidents… of kids hoping to filch a souvenir from the mysterious lair of Percy Jackson. After the third decoy pen had disappeared, Beck had pitched in to help. 
But a lair it was not. It looked exactly like it had the last time she’d been there–a pile of laundry here, scattered candy wrappers there, the Minotaur horn still proudly displayed on the wall, gleaming darkly in the low light. Annabeth hadn’t been inside n months, ever since the last inspection ended up with her stubbing her toe no less than three times on a couple of loose nails which Percy had sworn up and down hadn’t been there five minutes ago, but she would have remembered seeing the giant fountain which now stood in the corner of the room. So it must have been new. 
“Redecorated recently?” she said, intending it to be a little harsher than it came out. 
“Gift from dad,” he replied, closing the door behind them. 
“Oh.” She could have guessed. The water pouring out must have been warm, a spray of mist ringing the edge of the basin, but she shivered anyway. 
The hand which had held hers moved to her arm now, gently turning her to face him. The fight was over. The walk back to the cabins wasn’t exactly difficult. And yet, he was still breathing hard. Like he just couldn’t catch it. 
The cabin was warm, sweet but not suffocating, but for a moment, she was thrown back to a dark cavern in the heart of a volcano, searing heat all around her, his t-shirt in her grip, her mouth against his. Her pulse skipped a beat as he brought his hand up to her hair, threading his fingers through her curls, and then he kissed her again. 
But “kiss” wasn’t really strong enough to describe what he was doing to her. 
In one moment, he held her like she was made of glass, and in the next, he had her crushed to his chest, lips pressed against her own. His arm had snaked around her waist, firm like iron, and somehow he had managed to slip his even firmer thigh between her own.
Wiggling a hand between their bodies, she gripped his shoulder, using the leverage to pull her mouth away, catching her breath. “Well,” she chuckled, a little light-headed, “someone’s excited–”
He cut her off, capturing her lips again, pulling her even tighter to him. His mouth felt hotter than any volcano. The hand in her hair pulled, ever so slightly, a calculated move to open her mouth so he could properly plunder it with his tongue. Clever. She didn’t think he’d had it in him. 
She could appreciate a good strategy. But she wouldn’t be taken down so quickly. 
The hand in her hair drifted sideways, gently turning her head so he could move his attack to her neck. And as she stood there, wrapped up in his embrace, she realized that she had made a grave miscalculation. 
Percy Jackson was not, apparently, worried he would die a virgin. He knew exactly what he was doing. Even when he pulled back, cradling her jaw, his thigh between hers the only thing keeping her from following. “Tell me again,” he said. “One more time.”
She blinked, uncomprehendingly. “Excuse me?” 
“Do you want to do this?” 
“You’re really asking that with your knee on my crotch?” 
At least he had the decency to blush, peach dusting the tips of his ears. “It’s like with the fighting. I’m asking because I’ve been told I can get a little… intense.” 
A sickly feeling went through her stomach, sharp as a knife. “By who?” 
Stone-faced, he looked away, his jaw snapping shut. 
Names and faces of potential culprits flashed through her mind: Drew, Katie, Miranda. All potential candidates. But if they had managed to bag Percy Jackson, everyone at camp would have heard about it before breakfast. There was Rachel, obviously, even if she didn’t want to admit it. But if it had been her, he would have been more embarrassed. He knew how Annabeth felt about her. 
Then she remembered–he had been missing for a month after he exploded the mountain. Lost beyond the reach of mortals. And when he had returned, he was different. Older, somehow, and maybe sadder. Like something had been lost. 
He released her, and she shivered at the sudden touch of air against her skin. “Go ahead and hop in the shower,” he said. “I’ll lock up and join you in a minute.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “We are a little smelly from earlier.” 
On cue, the stench of cooling sweat hit her all at once, and she blushed. 
Percy snorted, then kissed her cheek. “Go on,” he said. “I’ll just be a second.” And off he went, picking up a spare shirt and a couple of candy wrappers. How thoughtful of him. 
Showering was thoughtful, too, but it also seemed pretty silly to her. Like, they were only going to get sweatier in just a little bit, so what was even the point? 
Still, she had to admit, it was a nice shower. She was always fighting with her cabin mates for shower times, and they had instituted a strict, five-minute limit on water usage. Perks of living by yourself, she supposed–unlimited access to the bathroom. 
And perks of living in Cabin Three, apparently–the shower turned on immediately, a wave of gentle, consistent pressure which already started pumping out warm water. Had he paid his cyclops brother to gut the plumbing and redo the whole thing? 
Spoiled, supercilious ass.
Shoes and socks kicked off and haphazardly discarded in the corner, she stripped off her camp shirt and shorts, piling them on top of the closed toilet seat, before hesitating as she went to remove her bra. Which was stupid. How was she supposed to shower and have sex with someone while wearing her underwear? And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to take it off, her fingers stayed by some invisible force as they rested on the straps. On the other side of the wall, she could hear Percy humming to himself, tuneless, his footsteps soft against the wooden floor. 
She was being stupid. 
She swallowed her pride, and shucked off her bra and underwear, laying them gently across the rest of her clothes. 
The water ran hot, pleasantly so, steam filling the bathroom and fogging the shower. Shaking out her hair from its wispy, half-undone ponytail, she decided against letting it run free, putting it back up in a bun instead. She still had a day or two left in her shampoo rotation, no need to mess with it now. 
She sighed as she stepped in, the water pummeling her stiff shoulders, forcing them to relax, and she considered the merits of using what she presumed to be Percy’s soap, which rested on the corner shelf. Picking it up the bar, she sniffed it, carefully. Instead of gross boy smell, she got whiffs of salt, lavender, and sandalwood. It was nice. 
“You can use my soap if you want.” 
Only her many years of battle training kept her from jumping, slipping on the wet floor, and banging her head on the wall as she went down. As it was, she only flinched–barely–whipping her head around to glare at him. 
Of course, her carefully constructed insult withered away in her mouth as she got her first look at his naked body. His perfectly formed, perfectly shaped body. Fuck. Look at him. What the fuck. 
His lips twitched, like he was trying not to smile. For a moment, she was stunned. When was the last time she had seen him without a scowl? “Can I come in?” 
“S–” she coughed, dryly, and he raised an eyebrow. Cracking her head open might have been preferable. “Sure. Yeah. Your shower.” 
And he slipped into the shower with her. 
“May I?” he said, holding his hand out. 
She stared, uncomprehending, until he flicked his eyes to the soap. Wordlessly, she handed it over. 
“Turn around,” he murmured. “I’ll do your back.” 
And wordlessly, she did. 
His hands were the same temperature as the water, but she still flinched as he put them on her, one on her shoulder and one on her hip. “Easy,” he said, and she hated the way his tone made her flush. 
Slowly, carefully, he began to wash her with his soap. His hands skimmed over her skin, hypnotic, and despite her best efforts, she relaxed even further. She didn’t even jump when he stepped closer to her, his warm breath softly puffing against her neck, then the press of his lips to her ear even softer. She sighed, and he hummed, kissing the spot again. 
Annabeth stood there, submitting to Percy’s attentions, and her nerves slipped away with the water. It wasn’t very long until she was fully leaning into him, her back pressed right up against his firm chest, his hands wandering over her hips and thighs and stomach. Distantly, she recognized the brilliance of the soap trick–it was an easy way for him to get his hands on her, and boy was it working. 
And boy was she not bothered by it.
“So,” she asked, after a while, “is this a thing for you?”
He hummed, a wordless question. 
“Washing people. Is it a kink?” 
He snorted. “Hardly. We’re just sweaty.” 
“So it’s the shower, then.” 
This time, he actually laughed. “I’m not a shower sex person, no.” 
She turned her head to look at him, frowning. “Seriously?” 
Shrugging, he drew the bar of soap behind her ear, and she had to clench her teeth to stop herself from moaning. “Most of my previous partners aren’t much for showering.”
Wait, what? “Are you sneaking off to some hippy commune on off days?” She couldn’t help but ask.
“Nah, too much effort. The lake’s right there.” 
“...You’ve lost me.” 
He shot her a look, slanted, eyebrow raised.
She frowned, mind racing. He hadn’t slept with anyone from camp. He didn’t go off into the mortal world. The lake was right there. Who would… Oh. “The naiads? Really?” 
“Who else am I going to hook up with here? If I slept with another camper, everyone would hear about it by breakfast the next morning.” 
And yet, here she was, in the shower of Cabin Three. Clearly, he didn’t mind the gossip if it was about her. Heat pooled in her stomach, zipping through her veins. 
“I guess that makes sense,” she said, turning back to face forward. She couldn’t look at his bare chest for too long without getting weak in the knees. She couldn’t think about his perfect body pressed up against the inhumanly beautiful water spirits without wanting to be sick. “They always were incorrigible flirts.” 
“Yeah, well.” His hand now clean, he began wiping the soap off her body, taking care to cover every dip and curve. “I don’t really think it was me they were interested in.” 
She swallowed, her stomach twinging unpleasantly. 
The naiads were incorrigible flirts, with everyone, but they were especially aggressive with Percy. Even when he was a boy, she would always spy them blowing him kisses from under the water, or spot them leaving him little gifts of braided duckweed crowns outside his cabin, or at his table in the dining pavilion. That a flirtation might escalate to something… more… didn’t exactly surprise her. 
But it did piss her off. 
And the thought of Percy, handsome, kind Percy, in the hands of an inhumanly beautiful spirit… well that just pissed her off more. 
Lost in her thoughts and the feeling of his hands, it took her a minute to put together just what his fingers were tracking on her stomach, which twinged again, for an entirely different reason. 
“What’s wrong?” Percy asked. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” she ground out, cheeks hot. “It’s nothing.” 
She felt his breathing, measured his calm, and could almost hear his incredulity when he asked, “You’re not ashamed of your scars, are you?” 
Annabeth could almost picture the furrow in his brow as he parsed her words. She could turn around to see it, too, if she wanted, but she found herself frozen in place, held still by the trace of his fingertips over the white, jagged lines which hadn’t come from a weapon or claw. 
“The stretch marks?” he asked, after a moment. “Seriously?” 
“You literally just told me that you like to hook up with the naiads,” she grumbled, her attempt at crossing her arms aborted by the fact that they were trapped under Percy’s. “Excuse me for being a normal girl with body issues.” 
“What for?” 
She turned back to look at him. His face was just as she had pictured it. “Seriously?” she echoed. 
“Seriously. You’re…” He trailed off, still frowning, but she could see the wheels turning in his head. At least he was thinking about what to say, rather than just blurting out some silly, basic, uninspired ‘beautiful’ and calling it a day. 
When he didn’t follow up, she wondered if he had something critical to say instead.
But no, he only turned her around, pressing her up against him once again. Cupping her face, he leaned down, pressing another deep kiss into her, and she couldn’t help but lean into it, too, wrapping her arms about his neck, standing up on her toes. His hands, now free to roam, covered as much ground as they could, stroking her neck, her back, her sides, and lower, and lower. Warm hands moved from her shoulder blades to her ass, cupping the swell of it, holding her there. Waiting. 
For what? Should she jump into his arms? She wouldn’t necessarily mind that. Was he an “up against the wall” kind of guy? How would that have worked underwater, anyway? 
He broke away from her mouth, panting, and he gasped, “You think too much.” 
Without realizing it, she had been rendered breathless as well. Too well, maybe. She wasn’t thinking at all, at the moment. “What?”
“I can feel your brain working.” He kissed her again, one hand traveling back up to her hip, and she actually whimpered into his mouth. “It’s one of my favorite things about you.” 
Ah. “So I’m all brains, no beauty, then?” 
He pulled back, frowning again. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“It’s not exactly an insult,” she said, leaning up for another kiss. And it wasn’t. The long-simmering tensions between Six and Ten were common knowledge. Athena’s children prioritized one over the other, and it wasn’t the one that would put her in league with the pretty water spirits. 
He let her, but not for very long. “You’re both.”
“It’s really okay–” 
“It’s really not.” He kissed her this time, and hard. Harder than before, Her toes curled, and suddenly she was very grateful for the hand on her ass which didn’t let her fall. “You’ve always been both.” 
Her response was quashed by his tongue in her mouth, swallowed up by the nip of his teeth on her lips, snuffed out by the squeeze of his hand on her hip. 
“You,” kiss, bite, gasp, “are,” he moved to her jaw, then her neck, then her shoulder, planting hot kisses on each inch of skin, hotter than the water which pooled around their feet, “beautiful.” 
“Okay,” she said, fighting through the moan which threatened to burst from her chest, “now you’re laying it on a bit thick.” 
His only response was to drag his teeth across her jugular, soothing the trail of fire with his tongue. He kissed across the line of her collarbone, his lips pressing hot burns into her skin, and she shuddered as he reached her sternum. His hands traveled up her sides, but she had no time to mourn the loss, especially as his fingers came to rest just beneath her breasts. 
Flicking his eyes, wine-dark, up to hers, he rested his mouth just above her skin, one eyebrow raised, a silent question, seeking confirmation. Even the hot puffs of air over her chest were enough to make her tremble, and she had to bite her tongue to keep her eyes from fluttering closed. 
“Seriously,” she said, latching onto the last bits of sanity she had left, “you’ve already got me naked in your shower. You don’t have to flatter me into your bed. I know I’m not as hot as your immortal harem, it’s fine.” 
It was. And she was almost comfortable with that. She might have been, if it were all a question of abstractions, and not the knowledge that whatever sweet words he whispered, Percy Jackson would, inevitably, compare her to them. She might have been, if she could ever hope to measure up to them. 
Annabeth was only a mortal. How could she ever compare to such inhuman beauty? 
“Stop that.” His thumbs, ever so slightly, tilted up towards her breasts. 
“Stop what?” 
“Comparing yourself to them.” Lowering his head, his eyes never left hers, as deep and inexorable as a whirlpool. “Especially when this is so much better.” 
And he brought down his lips and teeth around a nipple. 
She jumped–into him, and he smirked. 
He kept her pinned there for a while, groping and grasping at her, and all the while, he feasted himself upon her. There was no other word for it. He covered every inch of skin with his mouth, moving from breast to breast and shoulder to shoulder, dragging his tongue over her, hot enough to burn. She let her head fall back, making room for his hungry mouth which peppered kisses up and down her neck.
So close to him, she felt his dark chuckle vibrate into her bones, skittering down her spine, scratching that most perfect itch, and she groaned, her hips stuttering as she faltered. Thank the gods for his leg, her shaking knees only stabilized by the thrust of his firm thigh between hers. He brought his hands around, roughly grasping her other breast, and she nearly jumped again. “W–what–” A squeeze, hot and hungry, and her thighs trembled. “What are you talking about?” 
In lieu of an answer, he bit her again. His teeth clamped over the pulse point in her neck, and he sucked. Hard. 
Someone should have informed Annabeth’s body that the neck wasn’t an erogenous zone, but it clearly hadn’t gotten the message–with every suck, every nip, every burning press of his lips, the ache between her legs only grew hotter and hotter. She clutched him to her, digging her fingers into the muscle of his shoulder, and felt his laugh all the way into her blood. 
Eventually, he released her, with one final swipe of his tongue across the newly growing bruise. “Gods,” he hissed, staring at her neck. “Look at you.” 
She swallowed, feeling the throb of her broken skin almost inside of her. A good, omen, hopefully. 
“Your neck.” He dipped down to kiss it again, before moving south. “Your skin.” His hand ghosted beneath the swell of her breast, fingertips leaving burning trails. “Look.” 
She did. She couldn’t not. 
The hot steam of the shower had turned her skin pink. Old scar tissue, years of mostly victorious battles, criss-crossed her body, the lines now nearly white. Percy traced them with his fingers, kissed his way across the map of her body, from breast to stomach to hips. “Perfect,” he murmured, getting down on his knees. 
Flushing, as hot as the water, Annabeth looked up at the ceiling, lip between her teeth. She couldn’t look at him. Not like that. Not with his eyes shining, dark and hungry. Not with the way his hands cradled her hips, firmly but gently. 
And then, he smacked her ass. 
She yelped, hopping up onto her toes. “The hell–!”
“I’ve wanted to do that forever,” he said, that slanted grin making her melt. “I always wondered what color you’d turn if I spanked you.” He flicked his gaze up at her, eyes so blown out they were nearly black, and he smacked her again. And again. “Oh yeah,” he grinned. “That’s a nice red.” 
Presumably, her face was just as red as her ass was now. “Good for you.” 
Good for her, too. 
“Annabeth,” he called from below. “Look at me.” 
Her eyes fluttered open, and she did. He knelt before her, and she saw his hands along her thighs, his mouth parted, lips and tongue wet–and his cock. Hard. Red. Painfully at attention.
“You don’t know how much I thought about you,” he murmured, taking one leg and draping it over his shoulder. “How I used to dream about you.” He pressed a kiss to her thigh, and Annabeth, embarrassingly, moaned, a long, deep, drawn-out thing, which only served to make him grin. “About this.” 
It was impossible to mistake his intentions here. He had telegraphed it every step of the way. And yet, even with him on his knees, his mouth between her legs, and hunger in his eyes, it still surprised her when he put his tongue to her cunt. 
She gripped his hair, spine bending, and felt his lips curve against her skin. 
Okay. Definitely not a virgin. 
Hot breath puffed against her thigh, and he dragged the flat of his tongue over her folds, wet, slow, and obscene, over and over again, so loud she could hear it, even over the roar of the shower. One hand came up to brace her against him, splayed out over the small of her back, while the other dug crescents into her skin, little sparks stoking the fire ever hotter. 
Annabeth had given head maybe once or twice, but she’d never gotten it. She’d endured a few finger fumbles from less-than-skilled practitioners in the heat of the moment, and decided that she didn’t want their faces anywhere near her vagina. And to hear it from the girls around camp, a lot of guys, both mortal and demigod, weren’t exactly enthusiastic about the whole cunnilingus thing. 
Not so with Percy. He knelt beneath her, sturdy as a statue, his onslaught against her showing no signs of stopping. Before long, he had abandoned the flat of his tongue, trading wide coverage for a more concentrated area of attack. As smoothly as he used his sword, he slid his tongue between the folds of her cunt, the sharp edge opening her up, little by little, the point flickering along her clit, sending tiny shocks all up into her. 
Blood roared in her ears, fighting with the heavy spray of water, the wet smack of his lips, the rhythmic grunts of pleasure she only realized came from her when he pulled back, grinning up at her, and said only one word: “Louder.” 
Suddenly she was very grateful for the sounds of the shower spray. 
She was even more grateful when he moved from merely licking along the seam of her cunt to sticking his tongue right inside it. A moan broke through her throat, punching out of her almost painfully, and she curled over Percy’s head, gripping his hair even tighter, which only had the added effect of pushing her hips further into his mouth. 
Seizing on the sudden change in her center of gravity, he readjusted her leg to put more weight on his shoulder, freeing up the hand on her back for a much more important task–slipping his finger inside of her. 
“Fuck,” she moaned, clenching around the thick slide of it. “Percy.” 
His smirk burned against her thigh, and he pulled her even closer, locking her into his embrace, lips and tongue and teeth and hand sending her ever closer towards the edge at an alarming rate. Annabeth had never gotten so close to orgasm with anyone so quickly before in her life. 
Hell, she’d never gotten so close to orgasm so quickly, period. 
She wanted to tell him to stop, or slow down. If this was to be their only night together, then she wanted to enjoy it, not fumble through as quickly as possible. Rhythmically, she flexed her fingers in his thick hair, attempting to hold on to the few functional brain cells she had so she could tell him something fun and sexy, like, Why the rush, or It’s not a race, until he pressed the mound of his palm up against her clit, and her brain shorted out entirely. 
And when he licked it, wrapping his lips around and sucking, it was all over. 
She came, hard, curling over his head, moaning so wantonly it would make Eros blush. If Percy hadn’t been beneath her, holding her trembling body, she might have fallen over entirely. She must have missed a few seconds, because suddenly, Percy had slithered out from under her, and had gathered her up in his arms again, kissing her so fiercely she could taste herself on him. 
“Annabeth,” he moaned, his breath as hot as his hands. She could feel him against her, as hard as bronze. 
She would have responded, if he hadn’t rendered her completely useless. Her tongue felt numb in her mouth, battered by his, a slick, wet, heavy onslaught that she never wanted to end. A siege she desperately hoped would never be broken. 
Eventually, though, after she had been kissed thoroughly stupid, he let up, pulling back more than two inches away from her face. “Okay?” he ground out, his voice rough and gravelly, wrecked like he was the one who had been doing the screaming. 
“Hng,” she responded, eloquently. 
It was only the smallest shred of lingering pride which let her walk out of that shower on her own two feet, rather than have Percy carry her to his bed, like she was some kind of blushing bride. The thought brought her, a bit cruelly, back into herself, and she shivered in a way that had nothing to do with the sudden absence of the warm water as Percy shut off the shower. “Okay?” he asked again, his hand on her waist, and she nodded, swallowing at the feel of gooseflesh which ran through her body. 
She nodded, running her tongue over her lips, a pleasant spark bursting inside her as she watched his eyes track it. “I thought,” she said, the taunt lightly undercut by the audible sigh in her voice, “that you were going to fuck me.” 
His eyes darkened, trench-deep, and he moved his hand to entwine it with hers, entirely too gentle for the way he growled out his next words: “If you wanted a good fucking, all you had to do was ask.” 
“Isn’t that why you dragged me into your lair?” she asked, leading him to the bed. She needed to sit down or her legs might give out. “To give me a good fucking?” 
Before she could sit down, though, he pulled her to him again, fastening his lips to her neck. “I think,” he whispered into her skin, “that you should ask me for it.” 
“You heard me.” And then he nipped at her jugular, lightly, and she gasped, twitching in his arms. “Ask me to fuck you.” 
“Percy–” she tried, half-heartedly, to squirm out of his embrace, but he wouldn’t budge. 
“Mm?” He licked her ear, and she squeaked. “What was that?” 
Annabeth pushed at his chest. 
In response, he blew a raspberry on her. 
Shrieking, she managed to twist her way out of his arms, and shoved him lightly onto the bed. Percy made it easier, laughing too hard to hold onto her. “Asshole.” 
He leaned back, resting on his elbows, a smooth, fluid motion, the dim lights of his cabin casting his chest and stomach in sinful shadow. “Aw, let me have my fun,” he chuckled. “First time I tried that on a naiad, she thought it was some kind of mysterious, human wedding rite.” 
Something in Annabeth’s chest grew hot. She wasn’t sure what was worse–the reminder that Percy had slept with the naiads, the idea that he had tried something human with them and they had misunderstood it, or the use of the w-word. Wedding. She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “How would you like it if someone sprang that on you?” 
He grinned, sharklike. “I think I’d like that very much.” 
It hit her, then, what position they’d ended up in. Sprawled out before her, Percy had let his legs fall open, a twitch away from bracketing her between them. And there, staring her in the face, was his cock. Hard. Pointed at her. 
She swallowed, her mouth filling with saliva. Which was a new experience. 
Nothing about her previous sexual encounters had ever inspired her to try fellatio before. She’d given a couple of handjobs, sure, but this was uncharted territory. In theory, the idea had always sounded… decidedly unappealing. Penises were gross, as were often the guys attached to them.
But there was Percy’s cock. It didn’t look gross at all. 
It looked perfect, and purple, and so, so fucking pretty.
Only the creak of her knees as she knelt down was able to snap her out of her trance. She wasn’t exactly the most graceful person–she guessed she should be thankful she had managed to get down here without collapsing in an embarrassing heap. She tried not to picture the naiads, creatures of otherworldly grace and poise, slithering down to kneel before their lord’s son. 
And then she realized his cock was at eye-level, and all other thoughts went out the window. 
“Hey.” Percy’s hand was on her cheek, and he tilted her face towards him. His eyes were soft as he looked at her, the heat of the moment not quite as intense as before. “You don’t have to,” he said, even as his fingers skated beneath her chin. His thumb hovered before her lips, twitching. 
“You don’t want me to?” She asked. Experimentally, she flicked out her tongue, making contact. 
“I… don’t know how to answer that question,” he said, hoarse. 
“You don’t?” She looked again to his cock, and breathed on his thumb, her breath as hot and wet as she could make it. 
It twitched. He hissed, like he had been shocked. 
In response, she laughed, deep in her throat. “Seems like you just did.” 
And then, in what might have been the most brazen thing she had ever done, including inviting the son of Poseidon to fuck her out of nowhere, she reached forward, and took his thumb into her mouth. She drew her tongue against the skin, licking the clean taste of him, and hollowed her cheeks in an exaggerated suck. 
Spots of red appeared on his cheeks, and his jaw dropped open. “Gods,” he growled, a tone of voice she had never heard out of his mouth before. Something deep inside her pulsed, and she decided to do it again. 
“Gods,” he said again, eyes as black as a sea storm. 
Dragging her tongue along the line of his thumb, she let her eyes flutter close, lips curling as she heard him groan, wrecked like a ship on shore. 
“Gods,” he said a third time, his fingers delicately cradling her face, and a thrill went through her. “The fucking mouth on you.”
Releasing his thumb with an obscene pop, she pressed forward, ready to put that mouth to use. And she wanted to. She wanted to hear her name as it spilled from his lips, in choked, bitten-off gasps, or long, loud moans. She wanted to send his eyes rolling, to have him tangle his fingers in her hair, bending over her as she brought him to ever higher heights. She wanted to make him feel as amazing, as wanted, as he did for her. 
But he had other ideas, evidently. “C’mere,” he murmured, pulling her back up to him. He wasted no time, kissing her senseless, occupying her mouth in other ways. Hungry hands gripped at her hips, her tits, her chin and her cheeks, and she just let it all happen. 
Well, almost. “I thought,” she said, panting just a little, “you wanted me to–”
He cut her off with a kiss. “Not tonight,” he said, softly, before going back for more. 
But she pulled back, confused. “What do you mean?” Tonight was all they had. He was going to die soon. She’d never get the chance to suck his dick if not tonight. She’d never get the chance to do anything else with him if not tonight.
Slowly, achingly tender, he tucked a curl behind her ear, all passion deserting him for the moment. “I don’t…” he swallowed, then, suddenly shy, before bringing her in closer, enveloping her in an embrace. 
After a second of shock, she returned it, wrapping her arms around him. Even with a girl naked and in his lap, perched on top of his hard cock, nevertheless he held her far more gently than she ever imagined he could be capable of. He buried his nose in her neck, his breath hot against her skin, and if she hadn’t been so close, she never would have heard his next words. 
“I don’t want you like that,” he said, barely audible. 
She was proud of how little her voice betrayed the sudden, cold shock that came over her, like she had been dumped in the lake. “Oh.” 
“No, I mean–” He shook his head, nose against her skin. “Not at my feet.” 
Not at–...ah. Of course. The naiads. 
I don’t really think it was me they were interested in.
She pressed her lips to his hair, already bone dry even after their shower. “Okay,” she promised. “Okay, I won’t.” 
He nodded into her neck, and just held her for a little while longer. 
“Besides,” he said, after a moment. “I like this just fine.” 
She tilted her head back, giving him more access. “Like what?” 
“You.” Kiss. “Here.” Another, lower on her neck. “Smelling like me.” 
Cheeks red, she let him pepper kisses all over her skin, fingertips tapping scattered rhythms against his shoulders. Any time she tried to pull away, he dug his fingers in deeper, hands tightening about her waist, a quick nip to her neck to keep her in place, and she just let him. Let him explore her body like the seas they sailed through and the labyrinths they’d traversed together. His hands traced a path from top to bottom, from neck to spine to stomach to clit, as sure and confident as though he had Ariadne’s thread, and she couldn’t help but sigh at every burning touch and scorching kiss. With every stroke and every bite, he pulled a moan from her, playing her as skillfully as any musician. 
“That’s it,” he growled, leaning down to kiss between her breasts. “Don’t hold back–I want to hear your moans.” 
Oh, he did, did he? 
Tipping her head back so she could look down her nose at him, she met his eyes, and shut her jaw with an audible clack. 
He raised an eyebrow at her. 
Annabeth raised hers back, a silent challenge.
“Oh, we’re being shy now, are we? What happened to the girl who basically fellated my thumb?” He bent his head towards her breast, grazing his teeth across the skin, running his tongue around her nipple. 
She had to chew on her lips to keep her mouth shut. A squeak still managed to escape, but he had just given a sharp bite to her nipple, so she thought that was allowed. Soothed by the swipe of a tongue, Annabeth swallowed her moans as best she could, which meant that it had to come out in other ways. She tightened her legs around his, squirming on top of his lap, gratified by the hiss that came from beneath. 
Grinning, Percy took up the cause with vigor, slipping his fingers inside of her. 
Was she so turned on it hurt? Yes. Was it getting harder and harder to keep her noises in? Absolutely. But she wasn’t going to sit there and just take what he was giving her. She wasn’t one of the simpering naiads who only treated him as an extension of his father. 
She was Annabeth, and she refused to make it easy for him. 
And judging from the gleeful glint in his eyes, he was certainly enjoying it. 
In one smooth motion, he turned them over, laying her down on his bed. She grabbed him before he could pull back, bringing him down with her for another blisteringly hot kiss, and he went with no resistance to speak of. Not content to confine her hands to his hair, she let them wander all over the expanse of his body, paying him back in kind as much as she could. His arms, his shoulders, his back, his ass–oh dear gods, his ass, how in any of the nine realms could anyone have an ass that perfect–until eventually, she reached his cock, which jumped as she wrapped her fingers around it, giving it a few slow, languid pumps. In her arms, he shuddered, moaning so deep in his chest she felt it vibrate through her body. He shifted, and his hips accidentally rocked up against hers in the most perfect angle. 
It was enough to break her self-imposed silence, and she gasped, sharp and broken. 
When he did it again, she realized it was no accident. 
“You motherf–”
Percy kissed the curse out of her mouth, leaving her breathless. Like a man possessed, he threw himself back down onto her body, kissing and licking and sucking and touching a path towards her cunt, and she was almost paralyzed at the pleasure of it all. 
When he reached her stomach, she finally had collected enough oxygen to ask, “So, how am I doing?” 
He lifted his head, blinking at her uncomprehendingly. “Huh?” 
“In bed. How am I doing? How do I measure up to the nai–”
A bite, and she gasped. “What did I say about comparing yourself to them?” he asked, and followed it up with another bite, this time on her thigh. “It's really not fair to them.”
“What?” she gasped. She almost hadn’t heard him over the ringing in her ears.  
He pulled back, and looked up at her. And she felt more then watched as one of his sword calloused fingers moved to trace along her knee, where she had a scar. It wasn’t a battle scar. Not even from training. When she had been little, she’d fallen down while ice skating and ended up cutting her knee on a branch resting on the lake. 
“Have you ever had sex with a nature spirit?” 
She blinked at him, the gears furiously turning in her head at this break in sensation. Annabeth was a person who could count her sexual experiences on one hand, and reached a peak exactly none of those times. It was fairly well known that water and plant spirits tended towards women, especially around camp. Though she might have been closer to bi than straight, Percy Jackson didn’t know that. She didn’t exactly want to share all of this with him, either. So she shook her head. 
He sat a little further back, which was not really the action she wanted him to do, but she was more desperate for him to explain than she was to complain. 
“They’re so perfect,” was the only answer he gave her, looking at her face, and then back at the scar on her knee, brushing it with his fingers, and then petting a little lower down her leg. 
With an unsexy twist to her stomach, she realized he was looking at the leg hair. “Sorry.” 
He looked up at her again, frowning, before placing a kiss on the scar. “You’re not listening,” he said again. “They’re perfect. They’re some sort of weird ideal. Everything is smooth and perfect, like it was carved from marble based on some platonic ideal of a woman.”
“Because that’s so reassuring.” 
Percy placed another kiss on her thigh. “And fucking marble is like fucking anything platonically.” He sighed, just the barest shade of world-weariness peeking out from behind his careful facade. “There's nothing there. Not really. No flaw. No evidence of fighting. No humanity.” He grasped at her thigh, where another set of stretch marks lay. “They can't have anything like this. Because they can’t grow and change. “ He smirked at her, and the world settled back into balance a little. “Their asses certainly don’t turn red when I give them a good smack.” 
You could probably power a small country with the heat coming off her face. She should talk to Jake about developing a new, renewable energy source out of this. But still, something nagged at her. 
Apparently, he could tell. “What’s wrong?” he asked, frowning.
“I know you’ve…” She swallowed around the sudden lump in her throat, blocking the words from coming out. 
He sat back on his haunches, hands gently resting above her knees. “What is it?” 
Some kind of understanding flickered in his eyes, and he pulled his hands back. “Okay. We don’t have to do anything–” 
“Percy.” She shot her hand out and grabbed his before he could get too far away. “That’s not what I want.” 
“Look, if you’re feeling weird about this, we can stop right now–” 
Shaking her vehemently, she tugged on his arm to bring him back to her, but he wouldn’t budge. “I’m not feeling weird, I promise. I mean,” she tilted her head, considering, “I am, but not about–about you.”  
He softened, just a hair. “Then what is it?” 
Sighing, she looked down at his hand, twining their fingers together. “You’ve done this a lot, right?” 
A pause. “Well, yeah. I mean, mostly with the naiads. But yeah. I’ve… done it a few times,” he said, sheepish. 
“Okay, well, I haven’t.”
His eyes widened. “Never?” 
“Not never,” she clarified. “Maybe once or twice. But never with someone I actually…” 
The air grew tense, like a wave about to hit. Percy spoke, hushed, like they were in a temple, instead of his bed. “Someone you actually…?” 
Swallowing again, she flicked her eyes back up to him. He was still, like a shark, poised and ready to strike. In the dim light, he looked even more handsome, his black hair thrown into disarray by her fingers, his lips swollen and kiss-bruised, his thumb gently stroking against her palm. 
“Someone I actually like,” she finished, barely more than a puff of hair. 
His eyes fluttered closed, and he bent over, laying his head on her stomach. “You don’t even know,” he said into her skin, voice strained almost to breaking. “You don’t even know what you do to me, do you?” 
Before she could even begin to parse what he had just said, he returned to his earlier task of learning her body with his mouth, but with a renewed vigor. Or maybe a new frenzy would be a better way to put it. He held her hips firmly with his hands, shoving them down every time she so much as twitched as he attacked her cunt with lips, teeth, and tongue, feasting on her like she was his last meal. Overcome by this sudden onslaught, she could do little more than hang on for dear life, fisting her hands in his sheets, and soon, she found herself racing perilously close to the edge again. 
“Per–” she gasped as he sucked on her, “Percy, I–” 
But he would not be stopped. Fastening his lips to her labia, he lavished stroke upon stroke upon her, his nose bumping up against her clit in a way that made stars burst in her eyes, and then, all of a sudden, she had tipped over the cliff. 
The cabins were supposed to be pretty soundproofed, but there was no way the whole camp didn’t just hear her scream like that. Hopefully they thought it was just a harpy or something. 
Panting, almost dizzy, she lay there, attempting to gather her bearings, while Percy kissed his way back up her body, stopping at every waymark he had left on her skin, each bite and nip and freckle, pulling her down from the heavens until she fell back into her body, trembling from the force of her orgasm. There was something in her ear, and it took her a few extra seconds to put together that Percy was speaking to her. 
“You’re so amazing, so beautiful, so hot,” he babbled, kissing up and down her neck, “you are the most amazing woman, I can’t believe I finally get to have this, gods, Annabeth–” 
Turning her head with only a little difficulty, she cut him off, her lips apparently proving too tempting for him to not kiss. 
She couldn’t stand hearing those words coming out of his mouth. Not from someone who, in just a month, would in all likelihood be–
His knuckles brushed over her sensitive clit, and she jumped, about to refuse, because she simply could not handle a third mind-bending fingering tonight, but he just grunted in apology. Instead of his hands, then, she felt the soft, smooth tip of his cock, bumping up against her opening. She shivered, breath stuttering in her chest. “Please,” she mumbled, “please, please, please–” 
He slipped in, a smooth, agonizing motion, which sent her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, fingers digging into the skin, and it took her a moment to realize that the high, keening sound she heard was coming from her. 
His arms pulled her in even tighter, and with a sigh, he began to move. 
Annabeth had had sex before. Both times before had been lackluster, uninspiring events, where the guy had clearly learned all of his techniques from porn, jackhammering away at her vagina without really knowing what he was doing. She figured being with Percy, with his long and storied history, would probably make for a much more notable experience. But she was completely unprepared for just how much better it could be. 
He rocked her like the tide, a slow, steady, insistent movement which set her nerves sparking from top to bottom. Pleasure lapped at her from every side, washing over her in waves, while Percy’s body kept her anchored, one hand against her back, the other curling about her neck. She could feel as he dug his knees into the mattress, could feel the corded muscles in his thighs as he moved in her, traced the shifting muscles of his back with her fingertips, and she couldn’t help but let out a long, broken moan. “Percy,” she gasped, “I–I–oh–” 
He didn’t respond, only kissed the corner of her lips, open-mouthed and sloppy. Then he pulled away, and she almost whined at the loss of contact. 
“So, how is it?” He asked her, with barely more than a puff of air. 
“What?” She had no idea what he could mean. Why was he asking her questions at a time like this, if the answer was anything other than “more”?
He grinned. “Having sex with someone you actually like?”
She rolled her eyes. Or she would have, if he hadn’t given her a particularly satisfying thrust that made her legs twitch. It was hard to think straight, because, really, it was amazing, but she shot back anyway, “How is it having sex with someone actually human?”
“I told you,” he said, and his grin dropped, just a little, “you are so much better than a thousand naiads together could hope to be.” He let out a breath, and then grasped her torso, and with a force she definitely knew he had but hadn’t seen outside of the training grounds, rolled them over, leaving her on top. A position she’d never tried before. “And now,” he said, twirling a curl around his finger, “I want to see it from a different angle.”
Momentarily, she was overcome by the sudden shift in sensation. Under him, it hadn’t been bad, of course, but compared to the fingering of a lifetime, it hadn’t quite measured up as of yet. Now, she needed a second to get used to the feeling of him inside of her all over again. From this vantage point, he seemed bigger somehow, filling her every nook and cranny, the intensity crashing on her like a wave. 
Below her, he smirked, somehow reading her mind. “Good?”
Well, if he wanted to be like that, fine. She could wipe that stupid grin off his face. 
Her own face was bright red, she was sure, but she was determined not to lose this rematch. What was the point of core workouts and leg days anyways if she never put them to some use?
Gritting her teeth, she tightened her legs around him, pleased at the stutter in his breath. She rose up, hissing at the slick slide of his cock inside her, the drag of sparks which shot up through her spine, and her fingers trembled on his shoulders as she lowered herself back down. Then she did it again. And again. And again. Beneath her, Percy’s chest moved with the controlled force of his breath, his hands flexing on her hips. Biting her lip, she shifted forward an inch–and cried out as the new angle made it so he pressed up against a spot which made her eyes cross.
“Oh, gods,” he groaned, head thrown back. “Oh, fuck–Annabeth, gods.” 
She liked that. She liked that very much. 
And this, she thought as she began to ride him. She liked this very much, too. 
Over and over, she struck down on that spot inside her, and eventually, she couldn’t stay silent. Each thrust down startled a moan out of her, climbing higher and higher until you could practically keep time with it. Percy writhed below her, panting, his stomach flexing rhythmically, until he could no longer stand it and surged up, crushing her to his chest, and set about to fucking her. 
His cock stabbed up into her at the same, torturous pace, making her see stars, her moans swallowed up by the press of his mouth on hers. She could feel the muscles of his strong arms bulging, burning like brands across her back. Tearing his lips away, he kissed a meandering path to her ear, and asked, mumbling, “Is this–unh–is this good? Is this what you wanted?” 
“Yes,” she gasped, jolting as he nibbled on her earlobe. “Yes, Percy!” 
“Tell me.”
“Fuck, it’s so good–ah…” 
“Tell me you want me–please.” He kissed her jaw, slurring the word into her skin, the movement of his hips sloppier and sloppier.
There was no cockiness in his tone, no jokes. No self-satisfied smugness. Only desperation. A desperation to please her. 
“I–want–Percy–touch me–”
And like a seasoned sailor navigating the stars, his fingers found her clit–and she was done. 
Boneless, she flopped in his arms, her arms around his neck the only thing keeping her from toppling off him as he chased the last of his pleasure within her. With a broken, wrecked noise, he squeezed her impossibly tighter, his hips stuttering beneath her as he buried his face into her shoulder, gasping for air. He shook, his body seizing around her and in her, and she couldn’t help but echo his cry at it, the current of feeling dragging her back down into the depths. Submerged in it, surrounded by it, she clutched at his shoulders, riding the last lingering shockwaves of electric pleasure that skittered through her body. 
Slowly, agonizingly, he relaxed around her, a gradual release of pressure. But he didn’t release her, falling back instead with her still in his arms. 
“Damn.” She felt him more than heard him, a soft sigh which vibrated under his sternum and into her. “Damn.” 
She grunted in agreement. 
Time slipped away as she lay there, sprawled out on the bed of his body, resting her head on his chest, keeping the minutes only by the furious pounding of his heart against her ear as it slowed down, as they both came down from the skies together. Apparently unable to keep his hands off her even after sex, he twirled her hair around his finger, the gentle tug keeping her grounded. It could have been hours until she managed to scrape together the energy to raise her head to look at him. He was looking at her, a soft, shiny glow behind his eyes. “That was nice,” she said, hoarse. 
The corner of his lips quirked up. “Oh yeah? We should do this again sometime.” 
Laughter bubbled up out of her, and he followed suit, the movement jostling her body. “Ugh,” she winced, gently pulling off of him. “I’m going to feel that in the morning.” 
“In a good way or a bad way?” 
She flopped down beside him, sending him a grin. “I’ll let you decide.” 
“Come back,” he pouted. “I want to cuddle.” 
“Never would have pegged you for a cuddler.” She shifted into him with little hesitation, humming as his hands took up residence in her hair again. “Doesn’t that kind of ruin your heartbreaker reputation?” 
“I love cuddling.” He brushed his knee up against hers, sliding his arm beneath her head. “And I don’t get to nearly as often as I would like.” 
“Naiads aren’t big on post-coital snuggles?” The thought made her inexplicably happy. 
“Imagine trying to cuddle a person-shaped jellyfish.” 
She frowned. “Wriggly? Squishy?” 
“Hard to hold. The sea doesn’t like to be restrained, you know.” 
“Or the lake, in this case.” 
He huffed a laugh. “I guess.” 
She could have responded, but there wasn’t much she could say that wasn’t horribly rude to the water spirits, so she let them fall into companionable silence instead. And it was companionable. Percy gently carded his fingers through her hair, and she drew aimless patterns on his chest with her finger, lines and angles which slowly formed themselves into letters: alpha, nu, alpha, beta, epsilon–
Percy stilled beneath her. “Oh, shit.” 
“What? What is it?” 
He sat bolt upright, staring down at her. “You don’t…” he swallowed, color rising to his face. “You don’t happen to be on birth control, do you?” 
“...Excuse me?” 
Groaning, he fell back, hands over his face. “We didn’t use any protection.”
“...Oh, shit.” You know, she did feel damper than usual down there. 
Without thinking, she snaked a hand down, swiping a finger through herself, and brought it back up, observing. 
Yup. That was definitely semen. 
She was pretty sure Will had some Plan B squirreled away somewhere in their stores. 
Suddenly, she was very aware of Percy looking at her. 
Studiously ignoring his gaze, she popped her finger in her mouth, licking it clean, and he made a noise like he had been stabbed. 
“Di immortales,” he wheezed. “You’re trying to kill me.” 
Pleasure stirred in her, purring like a cat, but she decided to ignore it. For now. “So, are you always this lax with protection with the naiads, too? Are we going to see an influx of little Percys in nine months?” 
“There better not be.” 
“Would a condom even work with a naiad?” she wondered aloud, more to herself than anything, but Percy shook his head. 
“It wouldn’t. But there won’t be any mini-mes running around.” 
“How do you know?” 
He gulped, audibly. “I, uh… I made them swear not to have my children.” 
Raising an eyebrow, she shot him a look. “You made them promise? Really?” Like that would do anything. Nature spirits were flighty and impulsive by nature. So kind of like demigods, really. 
“No, I mean…” His gaze turned up, suddenly very interested in the wooden ceiling beams. “I made them swear on the Styx.” 
“Yeah. I didn’t–I didn’t want…” He trailed off. Annabeth’s mind rushed to fill in the blanks. The responsibility? The burden? The hope? “I didn’t want to leave someone behind. Who didn’t know their father.”
Annabeth couldn’t respond. Her heartbeats ticked by like seconds, counting down to his birthday. 
He coughed. “Um, yeah.” 
“And–and also, I wouldn’t want them to use any potential kid of mine as a bargaining chip, either. You would not believe how complex undersea politics can get.”
A bargaining chip? “For what?”
He shrugged. “Power. Bragging rights. Marriage.”
Her brain short-circuited. “Is… that something you want?”
He looked at her for several long moments. “Not with a Naiad from the camp lake who settled for Poseidon’s son when she would rather fuck Poseidon instead.” He looked at her. And somehow there was more to it than when he had been inside her. “But I’m not opposed. To the concept of marriage. In general.”
She couldn’t–she couldn’t think about that. “Well, clearly that’s not what I’m here for.”
He raised a dark eyebrow, the edges of his devil-may-care smirk pulling on his lips. “Oh?”
“Come on,” she said, lightly shoving him. “You think I’d be interested in marrying you?” 
The words dropped between them, as heavy as a stone in water. 
She cleared her throat. “I mean, I didn’t fuck you to have your baby, either.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“I mean, I don’t want to fuck or marry your dad!”
“I think your mom would disown you if you did.” 
“Stop being a seaweed brain,” she said, “I’m trying to say something nice.”
“By all means.” He was smirking again. Right this second, maybe it wasn’t annoying, maybe it made him look roguish and handsome.
“I like you. And not because you're the son of Poseidon. But because you’re Percy Jackson.”
It was true that the power he held, the strength and skill, flowed from the same source as his father. But it wasn’t Percy’s ability to control the waves that enchanted her. It was that he had that power, and he used it. But he also helped little twelve year old campers with sword stances, and made messy evil eye charms in the arts and crafts tent to give to homesick kids. He could be both.
And that gentleness, that caring nature, was not something she saw reflected in Poseidon.
“Oh.” He said again, but he looked a little less cocksure, “So… what…”
“I mean… It's not like all that power isn’t hot. But lots of people have power. You know when to use it,” she said. “And when to be kind. Or take a step back.” Or let her have her say. Let her offer her opinion, and then take it into consideration. It was so much hotter than just having strength.
He grinned, slanted and shit-eating, even if it was a little shaky. “Hotter, really?”
Fuck, she hadn’t meant to say that part out loud.
“Really,” she said, trying to keep the embarrassment off her face. At this point, it was probably already too late, though.
Apparently satisfied, he let the topic drop, sparing her the humiliation of explaining herself further. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty tired, and it’s getting pretty late…” He trailed off, meaningfully.
Oh. Well. She supposed that was her cue. Sitting up, she swung her legs over the side, only for Percy to reach out and grab her hand. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To my cabin? You just said it was late–”
“I was trying to imply that you should stay. Here.” He turned those eyes on her, brimming with equal amounts hope and apprehension. “With me.” 
Oh. That was… “That’s against the rules,” she said, carefully. Guarded. Gauging.
“...Yeah.” His shoulders slumped almost imperceptibly. “Yeah, I guess it is.” 
Still. “...Maybe we could… meet up tomorrow? I mean,” she forced a laugh, “I still owe you a blowjob, right?” 
For a long, drawn out moment, he didn’t answer her, only rubbing his thumb against the side of her palm. And then, softly, muted, like he was speaking underwater, he said, “Right. Yeah. We can–we can meet up tomorrow.” 
He didn’t sound very confident. But he let her go all the same.
In short order, she had slipped into the bathroom, quickly re-dressing herself, and now lingered at the door to his cabin, wondering how best to say goodbye. It seemed as though he hadn’t moved at all, still lounging nude on his sheets, his perfect bronzed form exposed to the open air, arms drawn up and behind his head, his brooding gaze fixed firmly somewhere above him. “Well,” she said, entirely out of words. “Good night.” 
She waited a heartbeat more, then slipped out the door, shutting it quietly behind her. 
They’d see each other tomorrow. They’d both agreed to it. 
If she had her way, they’d see each other every day for the rest of their lives. But they didn’t have the rest of their lives. She only had until the end of the war. Only the rest of his life.
Eyes suddenly hot, she swiped at them furiously, and began making her way back to her cabin. 
Tomorrow, then. She’d make tomorrow count. 
…And she would make sure to stop by the infirmary tomorrow morning, too.
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papermatisse · 4 months
Lost and Found || B.BH
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♔ pairing: dionysus!byun baekhyun x f!ariadne!reader
♔ genre: angst, one-shot, fluff
♔ word count: 3.5k
♔ warnings: abandonment, murder
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♔ abstract: Love comes with all kinds of sacrifices, and after everything she'd sacrificed for her own hopeful romance, all she really wanted was a lover to live with for the rest of her mortal existence. Though the universe—and for that matter the gods who inhabit it—has a cruel sense of humor.
♔ author's note: I've been thinking of writing a Greek mythology story for all of the exos (ot8 [minus Chen, the nation's husband and father]). I have a few plans already, though this one felt the easiest and quickest to execute cause I really wanted to test out and fix my link/tag issue on here 😔
for context, here's a rough synopsis of the Theseus story: the king of Crete angered Poseidon who cursed the queen into woohooing with the king's bull, thus creating a minotaur named Asterion. mortified by this creation, they banished him into a maze and alienated him as if he were nothing, thus creating the bloodthirsty monster he was. the king's son went to Athens bc they themselves had a minotaur problem, but their minotaur wound up killing him. the king of Crete blamed the king of Athens and after some altercations, it resulted in an annual tradition of sending a select few Athenians to serve as tribute and be eaten by Asterion. one of these tributes was Theseus, son of the king of Athens, and he actually defeated the Athenian minotaur. to help him in defeating Asterion, the Crete king's daughter, Ariadne, gave Theseus yarn so he'd be able to navigate the maze, which helped him in killing Asterion. afterwards, they sailed to Naxos, where he abandoned her. interpretations vary of course, but most involve Dionysus marrying Ariadne afterwards bc he fell in love w her.
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Nestled within the Aegean Sea, lost amongst the plethora of islands which dotted the cerulean expanse of the ocean, lays the idyllic yet ever forlorn island of Naxos. Viridescent fields of crops and greenery encompass the entirety of the island, sloped along the verdant hills which make up its landscape. The only obstruction to its rolling plains was that of its mountain at the very heart of the island, as well as the sandy beaches which encircled it all in a protective ring of golden grains.
Upon first arrival, it had seemed nothing short of picturesque—perhaps even going so far as being the most beautiful sight she'd ever observed in her rather dull and sheltered life thus far. The warmth of the sand which greeted her once she'd hopped off the boat felt like the welcoming embrace of a new start, the fine grains sinking beneath her every step as if accommodating to her new presence. The seas lapped against the shores as if reaching out to her, waving—both metaphorically and literally—like it were greeting an old friend. And the winds which carried with it the strong aroma of sea salt and petrichor encompassed her being in a cool and refreshing embrace, nearly cementing the thought that circulated in her head of what a perfectly quaint and romantic escape Naxos was for her and her lover to settle in and establish their new lives together.
At least that's how it had all felt no more than a day ago. It was astounding how much could change upon settling down to rest after the strenuous voyage to Naxos. A mere daytime nap, meant to simply reinvigorate her, had suddenly turned her whole world upside down, because upon opening her eyes, her lover, with whom she'd risked her entire life in order to save, had all but vanished: him, his boat, and by extension, her heart along with him. She couldn't even see a single speck of him remaining on the horizon, and the thought that he had left her the moment she'd fallen asleep felt ever more disparaging.
Now, she sat along the shore. The sands, cooled with the setting sun, cradled her dejected form. The cacophony of waves crashing against the island served to drown out her cries. And the winds, which had grown significantly weaker as the day waned, brushed against her face as if to gently wipe away her tears. Naxos, with its surreal beauty and tender acceptance, had become no more a prison prompted by her own circumstances just as her accomodations had been on Crete. Exchanging one pitiful excuse of a home for another, though now she was utterly alone.
And all she could do was cry to herself. Cry over her foolishness to have risked everything for a boy she'd fallen for so rashly. Cry over her imminent future and the dread of the unknown which lay in waiting for her. Cry over the abandonment and outright rejection from someone she once believed to be her soulmate.
What a miserable life she led.
What a tragic course of events she followed.
What an absolutely pathetic human being she was.
And how utterly vexing it was that she could not even wallow in her own self-pity by her lonesome for very long.
Her body seemed to register the foreign voice before her mind had, as she slowly turned her tear stricken face towards the newcomer. Though once her eyes met those of the familiar deity, now standing a mere few feet away from her, she quickly turned back to her original position, staring out at the sea. By now, the harsh line of the horizon had become ingrained into her corneas, remaining in her vision even when her eyes were closed, yet she continued to stare forward, hoping to find a stray boat somewhere in the distance. Hoping to see her beloved rushing back to her as if his initial departure was nothing more than an accident. Hoping to fall back into his arms and forget the worries incessantly plaguing her mind.
Though once more, these desires went unanswered, and instead, she was met by this ever so gentle touch skimming carefully over her back.
“(y/n), look at me.”
The demand hadn't held much of an authoritative tone, more so that of an insistent plea, one where she could faintly discern the shreds of desperation laced in between. Yet she remained as is, eyes trained on the ocean, waiting. She thought by ignoring him, he'd leave her alone. Allow her to grieve in peace without his mischief and revelric tendencies. Let her sulk in her misfortune without being reminded of her affiliation with him. Yet he could not even spare her this one luxury.
Instead, in her periphery, she found him crouching onto the sand beside her, seating himself in a way so he could remain attached to her side. The heavy weight of his gaze lingered upon her, even as she attempted to ignore his presence as a whole. Though he seemed none the wiser to her efforts, or perhaps he merely couldn't care less what she thought of him—not that she's out right proclaimed her opinion of said god, but from mere context clues given their history together, she was sure he had a general understanding of where she stands with him.
It had been a few years since she first met Baekhyun. A rather untimely meeting with the god of wine and revelry, one marked by unrequited affections which has since plagued her every waking moment. She had never processed how burdensome it could become to be the apple of one's eye, especially if that particular person was a deity of Baekhyun's caliber, and one she felt nothing towards. And even now as she tends to a broken heart, abandoned on a remote island in the middle of nowhere with no means of escape, she still couldn't conceal the discomfort she felt in Baekhyun's presence, knowing fully well of his affections and how he had been waiting for her answer to his proposal.
Though unlike all the other times he’s randomly materialized before her, usually wreaking of that sickly sweet aroma of wine and teasing her relentlessly until she was pleading for him to leave her be, he sat there calmly and quietly, waiting for her to acknowledge him. It was a peculiar shift in his modus operandi, one that did not go by unnoticed by (y/n), yet even with the silence he granted her, she couldn't bear to speak to him as she usually would.
Humiliation silently lingered in the air even before she could say anything. She didn't know what she'd tell Baekhyun had he pestered her in his usual manner. The last thing on her mind was telling the man who proposed to her—with whom she'd essentially left unanswered—that the man she intended on running away with forever had all but left her stranded on an island to die in solitude. Though somehow, there was a small inkling in her that felt like Baekhyun already knew. And perhaps a smaller, more hopeful part of her believed he was here not to torment her, but rather to check up on her, ensure she was fairing well.
Hesitantly, her eyes strayed from where they'd been zeroed in along the horizon, sparing Baekhyun a small and brief glance.
It was odd. His eyes seemed duller now, a more muted umber tone devoid of that trademark glint he usually dons when running amok. He usually always bore this confident, bordering on cocky, grin that seemed all too pleased with himself and his shenanigans, yet now his lips were naturally downturned, perhaps the first time she's ever seen his mouth in its natural resting position. Even his scent was more subdued, and she was able to pick up the rich undertones of grapes usually concealed by his alcoholic carousing. His gaze was dropped, steadily trained on her hands laying in her lap, and the undivided attention only prompted more discomfort on her part as she fiddled with the fabric of her dress.
She had half a mind to ask him if he was okay, momentarily forgetting her own plight once she saw the shift in demeanor of Baekhyun. Though the silence that encompassed them prompted her own wariness in approaching the subject.
And so they remained as is, the sun now meeting the horizon, igniting the sky into a mural of warm, fiery hues. As the sun continued to set, it dyed the blue depth of the waters into a color akin to wine with its deep and rich crimson shade.
Without realizing it, her mind had begun wandering back to Baekhyun, curious as to why he remained by her side even as she ignored him. And though she didn't know for how long she'd strayed with these thoughts, she did know it was his presence alone that managed to briefly distract her from her current situation.
“Why are you here?” (y/n) asked, voice gravelly from misuse. For a moment, she was met with silence, the ocean serving as white noise to fill the void. But as she dared another glance his way, she saw his somber countenance. It was a foreign expression to be gracing his face, and she found herself intrigued by the furrow of his brow as he remained lost in thought.
“I went to visit you on Crete…” He finally responded, the timbre of his voice lowering with raw solemnity. “I know how you get with the annual tributes, so I wanted to be there for you.”
She shied away at this, never fully processing how Baekhyun's sporadic appearances coincided with certain times. And it was true. Every year as the Athenian tributes arrived on Crete, she distanced herself until after these events were done and over with. Though as she now recollected memories from recent years, she began putting together Baekhyun's arrivals were never truly as spontaneous as she first made them out to be.
He was always there whenever she was at her lowest. She thought it was intentional as a way of tormenting her when she's at rock bottom, but as he continued speaking, a pit of remorse began accumulating within her heart.
“Instead, I was met with… chaos. Carnage. Disorder.” He paused, turning his head in a direction she could only assume was where Crete faced. “Asterion was dead. A tribute had escaped. And the princess had all but disappeared.”
At his final statement, (y/n) stared down in shame. She knew there would be repercussions for her actions, but she thought she'd have been long gone at this point. Too far away to even spare a moment of regret for having abandoned her family and her kingdom. Yet it all came back to bite her. Her brother, cursed and estranged as he was, had been killed. Theseus, her lover who she assisted the entire way through, had been the one to kill him. And she, princess of Crete, had run off in the midst of this mayhem.
“I'm sorry…” (y/n) whispered, voice strained as she fought back tears. “I'm so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't bear to see more death. Every single year without fail they'd send these Athenians off to die by my brother's hands. And we'd just have to sit there and watch. Watch as they all lost themselves to the labyrinth. And Asterion would…”
As if having finally broken the floodgates, tears began streaming down her face without fail. The tragic life of her brother, born a monster and treated as such. And even if she had never interacted with him, even as she witnessed his bloodshed year after year, the knowledge of his death being instigated by her own involvement was debilitating enough to ground her back into reality.
The gravity of her predicament began to settle in. Sitting on an island, hopelessly waiting for a guy she had only just met and was ready to run away with forever. The realization that he used her for his own benefit, exploited her blind affections towards him only to then leave her for dead. He had probably already returned to Athens, assumed the role of hero who killed the minotaur of Crete—as well as that of their princess. And she sat there, longing for him for hours at a time, seated beside Dionysus himself. The absurdity of it all was almost laughable, and she'd probably be doing just that if it weren't for the overwhelming humiliation she felt coiled and festering within her.
“I helped him…” She confessed aloud. “I gave him the thread so he wouldn't get lost in the maze. I was the one who helped him defeat Asterion. I was the one who helped him escape. It was all my doing. And he left me here as repayment.”
Before she could continue, Baekhyun had suddenly shifted from his position, arms wrapping around her tightly and dragging her into his embrace. Any other time, she'd probably have swatted at him whilst yelling profanities, all while he laughed in delight at her hostility.
Yet now his touch didn't feel repulsive.
She could feel his warmth fully encompassing her, shielding her from the outside world. His hands clung to her body as if afraid she'd slip away from him at any moment. And now closer to him than ever before, she could smell his true aroma past the wine. An almost woodsy scent, just as warm as he was. Fruits and earth and nature as a whole. Faintly, she could smell the ocean intermingling with his scent.
It was so peculiar the way that distinct saltiness had first felt like a refreshing start to a new life, though shifted into an overwhelming and paralyzing apprehension that infested every aspect of her being. Though now, in Baekhyun's protective arms, it felt comforting. As if he himself dispelled it and this island of any and all of its negativity that consumed her.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the tension from her body had melted away. The sound of his heartbeat coinciding with that of the calm waves was like a melodious harmony that transcended her into a state of utter tranquility. His breathing lulled her away from the worries that tormented her heart, and she finally felt at peace.
“Did you love him?” Baekhyun asked. His tone was more inquisitive than anything else. There were no hidden intentions with his question, and although hesitant to admit it aloud to him, for fear of hurting him, (y/n) felt at ease with telling Baekhyun the truth he sought.
“Yes,” she responded quietly. “But I regret it. I regret it all.”
“Don't.” His grip tightened around her, pressing his forehead against the top of her head. “You shouldn't regret the love you give people. Don't let this foolish boy disparage you from expressing yourself to your fullest potential.”
(y/n) remained quiet, surprised by the turn of the events, though still listening intently to Baekhyun's words.
“I've always held such deep admiration towards you. From the moment I met you till now. I could see the way you loved so genuinely and fully. And I thought it was beautiful. I thought you were beautiful. You shouldn't grieve over an unrequited love. Loss serves as a reminder of the love we once felt, and the remorse we feel further exemplifies that. Your love is something so wonderful. Something I adore greatly.”
As he spoke, his warmth seemed to intensify. Filled with familiarity and security, coaxing her further into his embrace until she buried herself into the crook of his neck. He held her as if she were everything he had ever asked for. His touch was like ambrosia and nectar, the sweetest of prose to ever be professed, a safety like no other.
“I find myself wanting to be inconvenienced by you. I want to have you distracting me by lingering in my thoughts. I want to take time out of my day just to see you. I want to love you, even if you don't love me.”
At this, a sob slipped past her lips, and she clung onto him harder. Away from it all, everything inside her felt tumultuous and heightened. All of the emotions she'd been bottling up for years seemed to overflow in Baekhyun's presence alone. Her heart ached with grief, remorse, hatred, anger, defeat. Yet it also sang like never before, healing itself from years of anguish and torment.
And after the cathartic intervention came to a conclusion, faces marred by dried tears and eyes reddened with strain, a peaceful serenity had settled over the two. By now, the sun had long set. The cool of the night had begun penetrating the warmth of their embrace. The sand beneath them no longer retained the heat of the afternoon sun. The oceans were calm and still. The winds now settled into a gentle breeze. The world was asleep, silent in every regard. The day had ended and (y/n) had made it out alive, no doubt due to Baekhyun's influence.
Panic begin settling in her as he shifted, rising to his feet and pulling her up with him. Though when she met his gaze, loving and sweet and attentive, she began to settle once more. His hands held her own, thumbs softly brushing over her knuckles, all the while maintaining his sight on her face.
“What would you like to do?” He asked. “I can build you a palace here on Naxos, away from the cruelties of the world and the people who inhabit it.” His smile grew wider, bearing that familiar wickedness whenever he was up to no good. “I could overthrow the monarchy of Crete and reinstate you as its sole sovereign, allow you to redeem yourself and your honor, perhaps even reestablish Crete as a just and fair kingdom.” Both options were tempting, neither having any inherent consequences as long as Baekhyun held sway in their components. And she could tell Baekhyun had more to say, but she quickly intercepted before he could propose another offer.
“I want to be with you.” Baekhyun blinked at this, chuckling as if she were telling a joke.
“I will be there. You can't get rid of me that easily.”
“No.” Her hands slipped from his, reaching forth to cup his cheeks and bring him closer. “I choose you, Baekhyun.”
She pressed her lips against his own, soft and delicate. He seemed stunned for a moment, his body moving subconsciously for the first second or two, but once he had fully processed where he was and what was happening, Baekhyun began reciprocating. He kissed back just as earnestly, his hands reaching up to hold onto her wrists as he poured every ounce of his adoration into her. And (y/n) couldn't help but think how perfect it was.
She'd always thought love at first sight was perhaps the most romantic of gestures one could have. The act of finding your soulmate from a single encounter seemed so otherworldly and unmatched. Yet here in this moment with Baekhyun's body pressed against her own as he drew impossibly closer to her, his hands softly wandering in an attempt to map her form into his memory, she found this very moment to be the epitome of what love should be. A gradual fall into love. In a way, she can reminisce on growth and development, reflect on what was not there and how it came to be.
One of his hands had wandered to her hair, gently carding his fingers through the strands, and the other drew patterns on her waist, amorphous shapes that each portrayed his unspoken love for her. She thought back on every encounter she had with him. Every laugh he coaxed out of her even as she tried to hide away from the world. The bittersweet smiles he gave her every time she rejected or delayed his proposal. His neverending determination and devotion, even when facing adversities like herself. And with each revelation, each tender kiss from Baekhyun, her heart seemed to swell with love for him and him alone.
Once more, he was the one to pull away first, perhaps more in control of his long-standing affections than her, yet he didn't draw too far from her. Just far enough for him to look over her countenance with a lovestruck expression of his own. His eyes glistened with this saccharine-like joy, crinkling at the corners with his sweet smile dedicated to her. And she found herself smiling back, an uncontrollable jubilance bubbling in her as she reveled in his affections.
“Come then,” he spoke softly, hands returning back to hers. He brought one up to his lips, pressing one final kiss to her fingers. “Let's go home.”
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percyluvr · 3 months
Hiii,i love your blog and your writing sm and that’s why i wanted to be brava and make a request!If you like the idea,can you please write a Percy imagine were reader is the daughter of Thetis(the water nymph/goddess and mother of Achilles)and she is the one that helps Percy with his water powers?Like they bond over that and fall in love with each other?Thank you very much!🩵🩵
percy jackson x daughter of thetis!reader summary: percy meets a nereid; the rest is history wc: 2524 note: thank you so much for reading my works, i'm vv glad u love my blog & i hope i could do this request justice. i wasn't exactly sure if her kid would be a demigod or a nymph, so i thought because i haven't really seen any fics w a nymph!reader, i would get a lil creative w it! i do know that achilles was considered a demigod, but i figured maybe her female children would be nereids(?)
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Percy had been claimed as a son of Poseidon about a month ago at this point, and he was desperately trying to understand his powers. When he was claimed, he assumed that it would be easy to harness the power of the sea, since, well, his dad was the literal God of the Sea. Unfortunately, it was not coming as naturally as he had hoped and assumed it would, and so he now found himself swimming in the sea near Camp Half-Blood, searching for someone or something to help him get a leash on his powers.
He tried contacting his dad, to no avail; now aimlessly swimming. The only thing that had truly come natural to him was the ability to breathe under water, which was helpful now, since he didn't have to keep coming up to the surface for breath and could now just focus on finding help.
It'd been about 2 hours of just what others would consider mind-numbing swimming, but Percy enjoyed it anyhow.
He eventually found himself face to face with a young girl whom he would consider one of, if not the most beautiful person he'd ever come across. Though he was a son of Poseidon, Percy swears that he found it increasingly difficult to breathe. The longer he looked at you, the more and more aware he was that he was underwater, and all he could think was 'I'm a son of Poseidon and I'm going to drown, and because somehow it can get more embarrassing than that, I'm going to drown in front of a beautiful girl and she's probably going to laugh and I'm never even going to get to know her name or hear her voice, which is probably the most heavenly thing anyone would ever get a chance to hear and-'
His thoughts are broken when he hears you speak, and somehow your voice sounds even more heavenly than he had assumed it would be.
"Hello, Perseus," you say, smiling, and Percy thinks that his heart might just burst into a million little pieces that will eventually drift out into the water surrounding the two of you.
"Hey, hi, um," he struggles to assemble his thoughts into a coherent sentence.
"Take your time, Perseus. You will not run out of breath, as I believe you thought you would just a few seconds ago," you speak, fighting the urge to giggle at the silly boy that has found his way to your home.
"Um, first, you can just call me Percy, if you want. Second, I know I won't, I was just, uh, distracted for a second. And third, I'm here because, embarrassingly enough, apparently the fact that I'm the son of Poseidon doesn't matter to this water, which will not do anything I want it to unless I'm in a life or death situation, which does happen to occur quite often, so really I'd probably be fine, but I would sort of like to be able to have the comfort of knowing that I can actually use these cool powers that every tells me I have," he rambles. "Sorry, that was kind of a lot," he concludes.
"Do not worry, I followed along quite easily, actually. Anyhow, if you require assistance with your endeavors, I am here to aide you. When I'm not busy helping your father at the castle, that is," you offer.
"Really? I mean I was hoping you would say that, but I wasn't sure you would. But yeah, I'll take you up on that, thanks," he flashes you a smile.
"Wonderful. Feel free to stop by or call my name into the water, and I'll hear it and come to you if I'm able."
"Right, uh, not to be rude, but uh, what's your name?"
"Ah, right, I forget how you demi-gods don't bother to learn the names of the Nereids anymore."
When you tell him your name, you believe you see his eyes glisten in adoration, unless, of course, you're making that all up in your head because the boy in front of you is way cuter than you had ever imagined when you had just heard his name being thrown around by the gossiping Nereids around the palace.
"Well, then, Percy, you should be on your way. I have things to be doing now."
"Right, bye then. Thanks for, y'know, offering to teach me pretty much everything," he says bashfully.
"Of course." He begins to swim away and all you are left with the ability to do is wave as he slowly gets farther and farther away.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
It'd been not even a week since Percy had been, in his descriptions to his friends at camp, blessed by your presence, and though the two of you had barely become acquaintances, he found himself missing the sound of your voice and the odd, in his opinion, outdated way that you spoke.
This type of yearning for a person's presence is not the type of yearning he feels for his mother, Sally, and so, this feeling is quite new to Percy. Of course, as a teenage boy, he doesn't know how else to manage this intense feeling, so immediately he goes to the beach and calls your name into the water.
"Hello, Percy, I can't say I'm surprised that you're this eager to harness the power of the sea. I was also very invigorated when I first learned of what was possible once at one with the sea."
"Am I not already one with the sea? My dad is literally the God and King of the sea. And are you not also one with the sea from birth? Aren't Nereides water spirits or whatever?"
"Ah, Percy, you misunderstand. You are not born one with the sea, even as a Nereid. You must prove to the sea that you are not afraid of it, and that you will not take advantage of it. It may takes days, or weeks, but I suspect that you will do just fine."
"And how exactly am I supposed to prove that?"
"You will see," you said cryptically, and before Percy could object to this statement, you were gone, and he was staring out into the clear blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.
"Jeez, when someone offers to teach you, you would think they would actually teach you something and not just say some weird cryptic stuff and then disappear," he grumbles to no one in particular.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
Of course, you were correct in your assumption that Percy would quickly prove to the sea that he could be trusted to harbor its power. He manages to form a ball of water the size of a fist before losing focus, leaving the water to splash back down and become one with the sea again.
However, he was not discouraged, and in his invigorated state, he calls out for you without even realizing it.
"Hello, Perseus. I see that I was correct," you said, a bit smugly, Percy must say.
"Yeah, yeah. Will you actually teach me now?"
"Indeed. I wanted to be sure that you were competent enough for my help, so I do apologize for how ominous my words were."
"You're all good. I do have a question though, and feel free to try to drown me if this is rude."
"Do proceed with your inquiry." At that, Percy nearly bursts out laughing at how much you sounded like an office e-mail from someone's annoyed boss, but managed to somehow keep composure.
"Uh, why do you talk like.. I don't know, so formal. Aren't you my age?"
"I do apologize. I do believe you are older than me, which may come as a surprise to you. But to answer your main question, I talk so 'formal' because that is simply how everyone at the palace speaks. I suppose we do not have much contact with anyone outside of the ocean, and so we have not picked up on all of the latest dialects and ways of speaking."
"Well, I guess that makes sense then, my bad."
"Do not worry."
"So, uh, do I get to learn more about 'harnessing the power of the ocean' or whatever now?"
"I suppose now would be as good a time as any."
"Cool, cool, where do we start?"
You lift your fist into the air, a large section of water rising into the air and forming into the shape of a large sea turtle, forming into different animals as you rotate your hand in the air.
"Are you able to do that? Even a basic animal shape would be fine, but if not, we must begin, well, at the beginning."
"Oh, man," he grumbled
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
It'd been a few months of you popping in a few days a week to assist Percy with his ambitions, and he was finally able to wield the power of the sea like he once hoped he would be able.
However, September was rapidly approaching and Percy would soon have to return to school, meaning he would not get to see you nearly as often, which certainly put a damper on what was already a terrible week leading up to the start of the wretched school year.
And so, he resolved that the two of you would talk every day until he had to leave. He didn't care that he had progressed past the point of needing your help anymore, he just wanted to be in your presence for however much longer possible.
It was nearly instinct at this point for Percy to call your name out into the sea, and he was not one to fight it.
"Good to see you, Percy. But as I'm sure you're fully aware, you do not need my tutoring anymore. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but I do believe that you've even surpassed me, and that doesn't come as a surprise," you praise.
"I don't know about that, but I am pretty cool now," he says jokingly.
You smile. "But uh, I didn't call you for practice, I just thought that, uh, that maybe we could just hang out, y'know? I mean you did help me a lot, so I figure why not give you some company outside of all those old people or whatever back at the palace," Percy admits.
"That doesn't sound horrible. You are quite interesting, I would like to get to know you more as well. And yes, I could use some time away from my fellow Nereids at the palace," you sheepishly say.
"That's what I thought. Hey, by the way, you never told me who your parents were. You know who my dad and mom are, but I don't know either of yours."
"Ah, my mother is a bit more obscure nowadays, as she's not one of the Goddesses that the Greeks traditionally worship as they do the Olympians. She is a water nymph, but also a Goddess, and unfortunately is no longer worshipped in the same proportion as she was in Ancient Greece," you sadly explain.
"Huh, that's pretty cool. I mean, not the part that she's not really worshipped anymore, but the part of her being a nymph and a Goddess. Um, anyways, do you ever talk to my dad?"
"Occasionally, your father will ask me to accompany him or to do various tasks. He is a kind man, I do like his presence, if that is what you were trying to get at."
"That's good. I've only talked to him a few times, but I figured he was a nice guy," Percy grins, "Do you ever get to talk to your mom?"
"Yes, my mother, Thetis, and I are quite close. She lives in the palace with me."
"Wow, I'll be honest, I'm kinda jealous. I mean, I think my dad is cool, and I know he's like a big shot Olympian and whatever, but I think it'd be nice if we could actually talk in person and bond or whatever," he admits.
"Yes, I understand. It must be hard, but for the majority of the year, you have your mother, yes? Or are you a year-round camper?"
"Yeah, you're right. I do have my mom for most of the year, so it's worth it. She's the best," he cheers up at the mention of his mother.
"I figured you would say that. She raised you well. You are much kinder than some of the campers here, but I suppose that is not their fault."
"Nah, it's not. It is what it is sometimes."
You nod, and the conversation flows smoothly on.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
Today was the last day that Percy would be at camp, since his mother was picking him up later that day after lunch.
He decided that since he only had a few hours left at camp for the summer, he would spend them with the person he now considered one of his closest friends, even though he'd only really known you for a few months at this point.
When he called your name, you appeared almost instantly.
"Hey, Percy," you said, grinning.
"Switching up the greeting today?"
"I suppose since today was your last day here, I would start trying to speak like you and perhaps by the time you came back from school, I would speak more 'naturally,' as you put it."
"Huh, the way you talk doesn't actually bother me, y'know."
"That may be true, but I would like to learn to speak more modernly anyhow."
"If you want to, go for it. But uh, I thought maybe we could do that thing, it's called like, Iris messaging or something? With the drachmas? Then we could keep in touch while I'm at school, too," Percy says nervously.
"That does sound like a good idea. Now that we're friends, I think it would be optimal that we spoke frequently and updated each other on our lives. Good thinking."
He chuckled. "Good, good. I, uh, also wanted to say that... well, I think you're really pretty, and I thought maybe next summer, we could, uh, maybe go on a date or something. I don't know if you feel the same way, but if you do and you do want to, that would be pretty cool," he rambles, interrupted by the foreign feeling of your lips on his.
After a few moments, you detach your mouth from his. "Was that, uh, alright?" You quietly ask.
"Yeah, jeez, that was way better than alright. That was perfect," he says, a deep red adorning his cheeks.
"That is excellent to hear," you say, smiling wider than you'd ever in your life.
"Well, I need to go to lunch, and uh, then my mom is picking me up. I'll Iris message you as soon as I get home, okay? So make sure you're ready."
"See you tonight, Percy," you happily state, dissolving back into the water as quickly as you had appeared.
He stares into the beautiful clear water for a bit before he walks away, unaware that you had appeared again and were watching him walk away, a look of adoration decorating your features.
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