#he is still a dork tho. even at the end of the series
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forgetful-nerd · 1 year ago
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Season 1 Leo is such a silly little guy. Which is so jarring to see after watching the end of the series.
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absolutebl · 4 months ago
This Week in BL - Many Tiny Idiots, Some Irreverent Hotness & an Engagement
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Oct 2024 Week 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Fourever You (Thai Thurs YT) ep 4 of 16 - OK so Hill has really been trying to pick him up from the beginning? I don’t understand why there’s any doubt around girls at all. He Gay everyone. Why is Tatch (2 Moons Ambassador) the only seme in Thai BL history allowed to actually just say "I don’t date women.”
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Why is that so hard?
This show is definitely frustrating me, but I must admit that it’s the one I look forward to the most each week.
Love Sick 2024 (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 15 - I am now only watching the uncut version, and I gotta say it makes all the difference. Please don’t watch the cut version of this show if you can possibly help it. It’s like cliff's notes of cliff's notes. I love the tiny side couple of tough kid + the dork of the music club. Ah the beach sequence. Condenced WAY DOWN, I see. We lost one of the most iconic lines in all BL but i think everything is improved by how much tighter the plot is in the remake (6 episodes became 1!). So I’m enjoying it. Weirdly, I'm not sure I would be enjoying it, if I hadn’t seen the original.
Is anyone watching this on iQIYI who hasn't seen the original? Just out of curiosity. Tell me how it's going for you, would ya? 
I'm doing a face-off style watch along of this new version versus the original 2014-2015 version.
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Kidnap (Fri YT) ep 8 of 12 - I don’t entirely get it. They were apart for approximately 11 minutes. I would’ve thought GMMTV would’ve drawn it out for longer and more angst. Smiley face kiss was cute, but the star of this ep was that gorgeous pale blue waffle sweater on Q. What a great color for Leng! 
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Jack & Joker (Thai Mon IQIYI) ep 7 of 12 - I do like that we’re seeing an honest exploration of poverty and hopelessness. I’m not sure how I feel about it inside my BL, tho I’m willing to persavere for this pair.
Battle of the Writers (Sun YT) ep 12 end - Someone said recently "just imagine what TutorYim could do with an actual script." And you know what? I agree. Because they sure as shit haven’t gotten one yet. And it’s getting quite frustrating. I’m having JaFirst flashbacks. Frankly, 2024 has been a year of unmitigated BL nonsense narratives. And I’m tired of it. I know it’s bog standard for the genre, but it feels like there’s been more than normal faff this year.
An incredibly convoluted, disjointed, and badly-paced drama that is about(?) some writers writing a thing and some boys who knew each other when they were kids, lots of pretty sexy times, and not much else. The visuals are gorgeous, the side couples are overly appealing (with little to no screen time), the dubbing and sound is absurdly bad, and the fantasy novel (play within a play) makes no sense whatsoever while also managing to be the show that we all actually wanted to see instead of what we were given. 6/10 
In conclusion, I have no interest in attempting to understand or revisit this show, and I certainly wouldn’t recommend it, but if you have nothing better to do…… the sex is good (frankly I have exes that satisfy all the same criteria). So there it is: this show is like a bad but still hot ex.  
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Every You Every Me (Thai Mon Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - Nice to see Fiat in something again. Namping is very angel baby.  This episode made me think that this pair would do a great Thai remake of Love Tractor, and now that’s pretty much all I want in life. I enjoyed wardrobe in this episode. It looks like we get the same characters next week. Cool. 
Bad Guy My Boss (Thai Sun Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - I guess everyone is messy slutty bisexual in this show? Do I care? Not even slightly. BLabies, I don’t think I’m gonna make it. I might have to drop this one.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
See Your Love (Taiwan Weds Gaga) ep 1-2 of 13 - I adore it, what a wonderful meet cute. I love a Taiwanese BL that starts with a gratuitous kidnapping, some chasing, and a bit of a fight sequence. We in OLD fashioned territory. 
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Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 5 of ? - I continue to enjoy it very much.
My Damn Business (Korea Sat YT) eps 4 of 7 - Oh! Is the sleazy boss gonna turn out to be actually a sleazy player? That would be an interesting twist.
Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 3 of 8 - I’m really not a big fan of my pain coming from Korea. I’m getting a whiff of To My Star 2 from this one. And that does not make me happy. I know: high quality high angst yada yada blah blah blah. But also unnecessary pain? No thank you. 
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First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) ep 12 end - Of course, I love the part where Reese and Orca spoke each other’s languages.
Had this been produced a mere 3 or 4 years ago, I would’ve been quite enamored. But by comparison to what we’ve been getting, this is a lackluster offering. A has-been musician and a much younger composer meet, fall in love, and attempt to rectify his stalled musical career. Cute side couple of a Thai popstar + his Korean manager. Everyone is very fine and it was a fine show. I wasn’t disappointed, but I wasn’t impressed either. 8/10 
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Love is Like a Poison AKA Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Japan Tues Netflix?) 6 of 10 eps - It was a fun little confession and climax, there was crying, and a bridge kiss (been a while) all of this appeals to me even if they are tiny idiots (in the immortal words of @heretherebedork )
Eccentric Romance (Korea Weds Viki) eps 5-6 of 12 - More tiny idiot boyfriends who don’t realize they’re boyfriends. That’s it, that’s all that’s happening. Ostensibly there’s some kind of murder. But it seems to be acting more like set dressing than plot.
It's airing but...
The Hidden Moon (Sat WeTV) 10 eps - Supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) by Violet Rain (I Feel You Linger). A man is hired to write an article about an old mansion. He sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, falls in love with one of them. Was substantially recast. I loved IFYLITA except the ending so I think I'll let this one run it's course you can tell me if it's work tracking down... if they managed to land it. I have my doubts.
In case you missed it
Mew & Tul legit engaged.
Love in the Big City (Korea Viki) 8ep - Vicki dropped them all at once which means I did what I do under such circumstances and skipped to watch the final episode. (I am well aware that this makes me a monster. ) Anygay, that told me that I’m not gonna be bothering to watch the series. Now y'all can tell me how amazing it is and what I’ve missed and blah blah blah. But I’m comfortable with my choice. It’s ICRY 2.0 + HIV. And I’m not willing to play its literatti game. At some point I might watch it on fast-forward for the sex scenes, but I’m not at that point yet. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Still Coming:
10/27 Perfect 10 Liners (Thai Sun YouTube?) 24 eps! - New directing yet another university BL with engineers + their mentees. Based on a Jittirain novel. with a massive cast and massive run time. We will be watching this until APRIL of 2025!
ForceBook playing the same old characters = enemies to lovers tsunder/sunshine jock/nerd thing.
PerthChimonSanta are doing the cohabitation cool guy/dork trope.
JuniorMark are doing popular sunshine meets lonely sad boy (the only interesting pair IMHO).
I think Blue Canvas of Youthful Days has started on iQIYI but I only get it on Viki and that doesn't drop for a few days, plus...... CBL......? Not sure I'll report on this one unless it's really good.
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From Uncle Unknown which is truly terrible but this was so SO funny. I'm still chuckling when I think about it.
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The first representation of shipping in a BL that I actually enjoyed. Also Dat's clear approval of being shipped didn't hurt. (Judge)
(lask week)
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in its infinite wisdom doesn't like too many at-ings.
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And when I say this, I don't basically talk about Lilith's not existing rushed character arc (srsly, that woman was literally evil a few episodes ago but suddenly became Luz's goofy cool aunt without any development???)
Or it's not about the show neglecting characters like Raine, Darius and of course, Gus... (The show was just too busy with giving Hunter & Amity too much screen time than they actually needed tho)
NO, it's not about those things... yet (But really, we should talk about it all sometime)
Today's topic is how characters act differently than the way they're introduced. So, let's start without wasting any more time!
1-) Alador Blight
It's strongly hinted in the show that Alador was forced to work overtime because of Odalia. And from Odalia's perspective, it had 2 benefits for her.
1-) Obviously the more Alador worked, the more money they would gain. And since Odalia is a greedy and superficial b!tch, there's nothing she would enjoy more than money.
2-) The absolute control of her kids. Since Alador was tired and sleep-deprived all the time, he had no energy left to take care of his kids or even himself. Which caused him to neglect Edric, Emira and Amity, much to Amity's annoyance.
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And with Alador being absent in their life; Edric, Emira and Amity were in Odalia's mercy. And because there's no other parent around, the poor kids were forced to live up to their mother's extremely high expectations and tried to please her all the time.
And it's also hinted that Odalia favored Edric and Emira and gave them some extra privileges due to their physical similarity to her (yes, I'm talking about green hair). And she subtly encouraged Edric and Emira to mock and bully Amity. So it's safe to say that Odalia was the one who created their sibling rivalry in the first place.
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(tho let's be honest, "But teacher I'm in love with a dictionary!" & "I'm studying dork arts!" will always be iconic😂)
And it all makes sense, because isolating victims is a very common tactic of abusers, especially the control freaks like Odalia. Leaving Alador exhausted all the time, favoring her golden twins and treating Amity like a scapegoat worked well for her.
But hold up!
I said Alador, then why am I talking about Odalia?
There's nothing wrong in the way her character is written. She was a b!tch from the start and was still a b!tch at the end.
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HOWEVER, there's this big issue...
It's said in the show that Alador loved his kids and wanted to spend more time with them. That's why he was a threat for Odalia's authority.
But the Alador we know from "Understanding Willow" wasn't like that all.
Not only his appearance, but his whole attitude was different as well. He was seen to be strict and controlling towards Amity as much as his wife. So why did Odalia feel the need to keep him busy then if he shared the same ruthless attitude with her??
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Because at this point, it's no longer about Alador or Odalia, it's about the show. Just check out these pictures. These are the storyboard pictures with dialogues that has been cut from the show (probably in order to make Alador look softer in the process)
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The show changed Alador's character drastically for... literally no reason? When he made his first real appearance, I was like "Hold up- this doesn't look like the big bad guy I was expecting" But it wasn't a nice surprise for me. Because it's never revealed why the series changed his character entirely. It didn't make any sense.
And in "Watching and Dreaming", we've seen Alador's epilogue design. And he had a somewhat clean appearance. Which hints that he had a nasty appearance earlier due to working overtime, but since he was free of Odalia's pressure now, he could spend more time on his personal appearance.
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But the thing is, in "Understand Willow", he already had a clean and formal appearance (at least he seemed so from his silhouette). So it still leaves a question mark in the head why Odalia made him work overtime anyway.
And as I mentioned, the storyboard Alador was much colder and scarier too, just look at Amity's face.
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Even the storyboards were like that. So at this point, I have no explanation for Alador's character change (No, I don't call it character development because there was no development)
Alador isn't the only example of this sudden character changes that makes no sense. Hunter, Collector and Lilith are other examples for this (I'll be analyzing them soon) But so far, this is all I say for Alador for now.
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simplyender · 1 year ago
Aaaaaa thank you @fellhellion for tagging me in a get to know u better meme!!! :D!!!!
Three ships: Oh gosh, I'm not much of a shipper, but when I do, I ship HARD.
Entrapdak (Entrapta/Hordak) - Where do I even begin? They're perfect for eachother, the truest sunshine/grumpy ship, evil scientists in love, Entrapta teaching Hordak to have his own identity and that imperfrction is beautiful!! Hordak being somebody Entrapta can really connect to, that understands what she's saying and wants to hear more!! They love being around eachother so much, no wonder Hordak committed fratricide/deicide/patricide for her! Also the height difference and him being a monster and she's a human and just aaaaaaa I KNOW imperfection is beautiful but DAMN is this ship just perfect!!!!
Huntlow (Hunter/Willow) - If I had a nickel for every time I somehow ended up shipping a het-passing ship between a pathetic, menacing-at-first but-really-just-an-angsty-dork clone with an abusive creator with a strong and intelligent woman that struggles with vulnerablity and being othered and has pigtails in a show where the main ship isn't het, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice! Their dynamic makes me so happy!! I love their characters!! They're so cute together!!
Trobed (Troy/Abed) - Fuck it. Trobed time. Can be an OTP AND a BROTP!! I don't even know what to say these guys were made for eachother and I will forever be upset about them being separated. Community movie please just bring them back together again I'm begging. Troys got homing pigeon DNA now he must be compelled to come back PLEASE.
Honorable mention: Brett and Reagan, BROTP. The actual best platonic soulmates I've ever seen. I miss u Inside Job.
First Ever Ship: The furthest back I can remember is Maxie/Courtney (AKA AuthorityShipping) from Pokemon, lol.
Last Song: Blame It On The Goose from the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off soundtrack. It's unreasonably resonant. I love it. Gideon/Gordon doesn't deserve something so beautiful sounding but boy did he get it anyway.
Last Movie: X-men United. MAN was that a blast.
Currently Reading: To Kill a Mockingbird, Mallard: How The 'Blue Streak' Broke the World Steam Speed Record, and The Necromancer: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel (In Hebrew). I read multiple books at once bc my attention span is weak, which really does not mesh well with being very a slow reader.
Currently Watching: I'm not actually really...In the middle of any series right now? I just finished Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, and I still need to finish catching up on What We Do in the Shadows, as well as Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Haven't watched in forever tho hence why I don't feel they count?
Currently Consuming: I had chummus and shawarma for lunch not too long ago:)
Currently Craving: I am in a constant, endless state of craving a very good steak. Some day I will be able to afford one...Some day.
Tagging @abelle25125 @tangledbeast @spacemiddenzz
i feel really awkward tagging people in these haha, but either way, no pressure.
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noones-untruly · 1 year ago
I just watched the 2nd episode of Castlevania: Nocturne and ran to write this post, cuz I really wanna share some thoughts and see if I can predict what's happening. And also I'd like to share my opinion on the characters, ofc.
So, beware of the spoilers ahead!
We'll start with the characters:
First up, the main hero, Richter Belmont: I don't like him. In a way he's annoying and too... pompous I'd say. Like there's too much pathos for 2 episodes and I feel like it's just his bare minimum. But he still got this tiny bit of Trevor's rizz, which makes him bearable. So I'd say 5/10. We'll see how he'll turn out, cuz I didn't really like Trevor Belmont either.
The second, Maria Renard. I love her. I didn't like her appearance much, but absolutely adore her personality. And I love that she calls Richter "a wanker". Also I like that she looks very innocent, but behaves like the last bitch to survive. Gods please let her be Richter's cousin, I will not survive that romance.
Then, Annette. I don't know if I like her yet. She she has a nice appearance, which I like, but she's very impulsive and a bit too pompous. I think she'll go great with Belmont boy, two idiots for the life.
Edouard and Jacque. Why both? BECAUSE I LIKE THEM BOTH VERY MUCH BUT SOMEONE DECIDED TO KILL THEM OFF. WHY DO THE CHARACTERS I LIKE THE MOST ALWAYS HAVE TO DIE THE FIRST??? I mean Edouard will most definitely exist for the majority of the series in his new appearance, cuz it was a very good monster design to just toss away... But still!!! My Jacques!! Why have a bbg appearance and then die?? Can he at least have some kind of role like Edouard?? Please??? Ugh, I know it won't happen. Fuck that. But 9/10 for them both. Jacques, you will be missed.
Tera Renard. I kinda like her, but she seems a bit too much of a saint. A bit boring to my taste tbh. I think she'll be Maria's trauma or smth like that. Either she's gonna be turned into a vampire just like her sister and Maria will have to kill her, or she'll be brutally murdered in front of her daughter. Also, Maria is weirdly similar to Tera's sister in appearance, so bonus points for the plot twist if she's actually not Tera's daughter, but a niece. Overall 7/10, for potential.
Abbot. The second I saw this man, I was like "hm, something is off about him" and the moment he opened his mouth I was "ah, so you are working with vampires" and at the end of the 2nd episode I just went "yep, told ya." I do like his design tho. Very dilf. Tho I don't like religion and being an Abbot makes him less attractive. He also seems like an arsehole, so 6/10.
On the vampire list I'll be talking only about one vampire, cuz all the others haven't had enough of screen time, so they'll have to wait.
So. Olrox. He looks hot. Like really really really hot. I maybe have a thing for murderous twinky vampires. Maybe. Also he's... ominous. He kinda gives off Alucard's vibes of a misunderstood guy who lost something/someone he loved, but not in a babygirl style. It's more maniacal style. Like he can have a redemption arc, but I doubt it. He's a bastard and I love it. Not a babygirl tho. But hot. Very hot. Bet he tastes like a handful of black pepper mixed with chilli flakes. 9/10 for being too mysterious and doing weird shit like leaving Richter alive saying "I'll kill you too. But not today". Why not?? That's illogical, my guy. The kid is dangerous! He is traumatized thanks to you and he's a descendant of a famous vampire hunting family, are you nuts?? Just kill the kid, you dork! It's save you a lot of trouble later, I promise. But whatever, ig...
And that's it for now. I'll update my thoughts later on, cuz for sure I'll have something to say
UPD, after ep 3: so Olrox is now 10/10. No I will not elaborate. Also I ship him with Mizrak. On that I also will not elaborate. The 3rd episode speaks for itself.
And also Edouard. I like him even more.
UPD, after ep 4: I'll just paste here the thoughts I had during the episode.
- Tera, girl, face it, the Abbot is a creep, he is helping vampire.
- I'm very fucking surprised that Richard is the reasonable one in the trio. Did not expect it from him. He gains an extra point for that. Still a pompous jerk tho.
- Mizrak, I'm so sorry to inform you, but there are many gods and you probably just got fucked by one of them.
- Orlox, your booty is very nice and delicious but it distracts me from the plot, please wear some pants.
- Bruh, some of the monsters are unnecessary sexy.
- What is going on between the Abbot and Tera?? Why'd he defend Maria?? Is he her...??
- You know what, I'd like to have the same amount of self-confidence and luck to think I can take a few higher vampires and then actually take 'em. In fight, ofc.
- Yeah, I definitely like that Aztec ancient relic called Olrox, the fucker is smooth
UPD, after ep 5: once again, these are my thoughts during watching.
- There's something wrong about Olrox, I can smell it. Can he walk in the sunlight?? Why is he playing a double game???
- Damn, Drolta, you're also a relic?? Wow.
- Bruh, I was right, that fuckshit of a priest is Maria's father. How unfortunate. Poor girl.
- Richter, dear, you eat the food that was bought for you by some rando in a tavern. It's a way to get kidnapped.
- Random old man in the tavern that bought Richter a dinner, do I know you from somewhere?? I think, you're supposed to be dead by now... But it could be that I'm mistaken.
UPD, after ep 6: my thoughts are
- Is it me or is this bbeg (big bad evil girl) is... bland? Like everything about her is bland. Oh you hate sun and shit, you want terror and be a tyrant, for everyone to kneel before you- blah-blab-blah. I'm unpressed. Your sidekick is cooler. She even looks bland. Why would an ancient vampire, who lived in Egypt be a fucking generic white bitch? Red hear? Why do you style it like Syndrome from the Incredibles?? Bruh, girl, 2/10. Carmilla was so much better.
- lmao, the Belmont grandpa is such a Belmont. Exactly like Trevor.
- Boy, what the fuck?? HUH?! DO I ACTUALLY LIKE HIM NOW??! Bruh, Richter Belmont 8/10 now, wow
UPD, after ep 7:
- I have a feeling that Olryx will kill that fake goddess.
- This vampiric Messiah starts to annoy me a bit too much. She's maniac.
- Maria, you stupid or what?? WHY'D YOU GO IN THERE?!
- Why in the fuck would Maria care about her father?? I don't believe it. She didn't know him, she resented him for hating the revolution, she cannot suddenly start to care for him. That's a plot hole.
UPD, after the last episode. Finally.
- you sure that Drolta is a vampire? She seems more like a demon to me.
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years ago
Alright it's almost Hispanic Heritage month again yall. Here's a list of Animated characters that I, a Latina, cried over when I found out they were Latin American
For clarification, "Found out" means, having no previous knowledge of said characters and within the context of the show/movie they are confirmed Latin American.
(From the perspective of a Costa Rican 🇨🇷 specifically)
The entire Madgrial Family (Encanto)
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The moment I saw the teaser trailer for Encanto I started crying. I was so BEYOND EXCITED to see real, true, positive beautiful Latin American representation in a Disney movie. I'm not even Colombian but seeing something like this become so popular made me so happy. Being able to fully understand "Dos Orugitas" in Spanish just hits so different, its not the same in English. It's such a beautiful step for Latin American representation, and I'm so excited to see what comes next for us. (Still holding out for my Latina Disney princess tho. And no, Elena doesn't count) I've also been told I look just like Mirabel and seeing a character that looks like me in a Disney movie just made my heart soar.
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
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Bruh a bisexual Latina with mommy issues AND she's bilingual??? She's just like me fr.
Lance McClain (V*ltron Legendary Defender)
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He was my absolute favorite character in V*ltron and I will NEVER forgive them for ruining his arc and making him sad forever. He deserved a happy ending. He's NOT "just a boy from Cuba", he's so important and lovely.
Miles Morales (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
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I'm not a comic book reader, so Into the Spiderverse was the first time I met Miles. Finding out he was Afro Latino made me heart soar. He's a sweet boy, such a good character in the movie, and definitely deserved the Oscar. Can't wait for the sequel.
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia)
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Claire is literally such a badass. She's amazing, an amazing character, her story with Jim is beautiful. Love it when she's speaks Spanish. 10/10 character (Watch Tales of Arcadia it's really good)
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)
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King of my heart. Wholesome dork. Voiced by Lin Manuel Miranda.
Gosalyn Mallard (Ducktales 2017)
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What I literal icon. I really really REALLY hope that the rumored Darkwing Duck reboot uses the DT 2017 versions of the DW characters cause this Gosalyn is a QUEEN
Hector Nieves Aka: Hi-Five (Glitch Techs)
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Glitch techs was such a cute show it deserved to keep running. Screw Nickelodeon for canceling it just as it was starting to get interesting. Anyway this dork is adorable. Bilingual gamer king.
Troy Sandoval (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
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Hi this cutie patootie is a literal king. He and Benson are so cute together. (GO WATCH KIPO AND THE AGE OF WONDERBEASTS ON NETFLIX I PROMISE YOU'LL LOVE IT)
Honorable Mentions:
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(From top to bottom, left to right. Tumblr only allows 10 images at a time so I had to combine them)
• Señor Hueso and Capitan Piel, who together make the icon Don Suave (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2018):
I literally laugh my ass off whenever I watch the episode "Hidden City Job" and they do the whole Don Suave bit. Like it's so over the top yet accurate to telenovela characters that I can't help but laugh every time. When they first introduced Capitan Piel, I instantly laughed so hard before they even translated it because they did the whole Skin and Bones bit and I just thought it was so clever. 10/10 duo I'd love to see more of them. (GO WATCH ROTTMNT PLEASE THEY NEED ALL THE SUPPORT THEY CAN GET IF THEY WANT A SEASON 3)
• Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
People were giving Vivziepop shit accusing her of making Vaggie the "angry Latina stereotype) and I couldn't disagree more. Vaggie is perfectly fine as a character, and I can't wait to see what they do with her in the official Hazbin Hotel series!!
• Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Phineas and Ferb was the first fandoms I was ever in, and Isabella holds such a special place in my heart. Love her to pieces
• Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Svtfoe was also one of the first fandoms I was in, so seeing one of the leads be portrayed as Mexican made 12 year old me so happy.
• Miguel Rivera (Coco)
Coco is such a beautiful movie, and I ONLY watch it in Spanish. Miguel is such a sweet and special boy, he really brought the joy of music back into his family.
• Soos (Jesus) Alzamirano Ramirez
Gravity Falls was ALSO one of the first fandoms I was in (PnF, GF, and Svtfoe were my main 3 for a time), and finding out this loveable goof was Latino made me really happy
• Princess Elena Castillo Flores
Now she may not be an official Disney princess (she doesn't meet all the requirements to be part of the franchise) but that doesn't mean she isn't excellent representation for young children. Although the show doesn't represent one specific Latin American country/culture, the show does have bits and pieces of many different LatAm cultures, and even some indigenous inspiration here and there with all the mythology aspects. It isn't perfect, but I do still appreciate Elena's presence in Disney.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month everyone!!!
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connoisseursdecomfort · 2 years ago
Blind guesses on next chapter
Warning: Just a series of brainstorming.
1. I think Yuri would be forced to have a better relationship with Loid, because A. I think it’s still kinda too early for Twilight to have his cover blown (not very sure about Yor’s cover though, although Yuri becomes absolutely brainless when it comes to Yor. Yuri’s cover is most likely to be blown. At least the Garden might know. Hey, Yuri might even be recruited, god knows.) B. If Yuri knows Anya “knows”, Anya would probably use this as leverage, and yes, even Anya is tired of Yuri’s shit. C. Yuri would probably realise how much Yor cares for this little girl - I think his focus was purely on Loid. But now hee would see his younger self in Anya. And (I hope) he realises by protecting Anya or even this new family of Yor’s, he IS protecting Yor in a sense. D. Yor would be SO UPSET (mostly about Anya bing kidnapped but if she discovers that Yuri’s a secret police? heh.) that even Yuri knows he should shut up.
2. A lot of people have discussed how it will solidify the friendship between the Eden 5. I very much agree with them. I think Edo intentionally wrote that “he is not an uggo; he’s just a piece of shit” line, just to reverse it entirely at the end, when Anya realises Damian is just the ultimate tsundere pretending to be a piece of shit pretending to be an uggo.
3. What excites me is this would most probably push Twilight and Yor closer to each other. Just because they would have to console each other during and after this crisis. Hopefully this is also the moment Twilight understands that he could not leave Anya and even Yor behind. I think either Yor and Twilight would realise this is love (most probably Yor tho cuz Twilight is soooooo bad at feelings). Or this is just my Twiyor brain speaking. 
4. Don’t think Anya’s abilities would be discovered because she’s the most adorable dork and too dumb to be a six-year-old while secretly she’s a super smart 4-year-old. Damian would probably think she could read minds, and then she would make an Anya face and you know, Damian would just forget about everything.
5. You know what? This could be a great Twilight x Bond arc, as Bond nervously tries to push and pull Twilight towards where the school buses are while Twilight is wondering why today’s training is extra hard.
6. If Yuri have his cover blown, it probably means we are getting Yor and Yuri backstories. On the other hand, “the Red Circus is funded in part by foreign interests”. Cue Anya’s talent in classical/ancient languages. Yep, we could get another glimpse of Anya’s past. (Anya’s past is most probably endgame of the whole series, so I think it would just be bread crumbs, or, well, pieces of broken hearts.)
Edit: 7. Who would like to bet Becky has tonnes of mini weapons with her. I mean, she has a tank.
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titenoute · 2 years ago
I loved your TMNT '03 art and had to check you out! (Great work on all your fandoms BTW <3) I think one things I like about the 03' series was how they dealt with anger. Not just Raph's either. No, we see Leo, Don, and even Mikey get angry & enraged. But the most stark difference is how they react to anger. With enemies? They are getting beat or dying. But Raph & Leo may take out some of their anger on their family. Don & Mikey don't violently act out to family, even when mad.
Aw shucks thank you !
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Also .... I do agree that overall, all the boys tends to have some anger management issues in the show and that there are some patterns....But I don't think they're *that* violent to each other ? Honestly the first time I watched the 2003 show, I thought the 'angry one' was Raphael, like everyone else. He is at first glance, the one the most ready to throw hands on a whim. At first glance. I'm currently re-watching the show (I might vlog about it who knows) and I do observe some …Let's say 'anger' in all the boys. Idk how this went over my head, but 2003 Leonardo a hot headed guy. Like... Holy shit kid CHILL. No wonder him and Raph tend to snark at each other often. Yet I wouldn't say that Raph or Leo have that much of a tendency to be physically violent to their other family members. Yes, there is that one time where Raph almost sent Mikey to his grave the hospital, but that's... Pretty obvious that's not something Raph lived well. He never went to that point again in 2003 and Leo never went there. Raph sometimes does still playfully swat Mikey (which doesn't makes it ok but it is a classic big brother dick move) but it doesn't get beyond that, unless when they are training. And beside the playfull shove there and there, I have never seen 2003 Raph or Leo angrily attack Don. I Cannot imagine Raph or Leo being absolute dicks to Don in 2003 tbh. (That's...More of a 2012 thing.) And when Raph and Leo do fight over something, it's not that often physical, and rarely bc the two are angry. Mostly, one is being a major dumbass because he is angry and the other points it out. For example : In season 1 for 2003, Leo was miffed coz Splinter told him Katanas weren't superior weapons, though the lesson here was mostly : 'don't get cocky kid'. Leo learns later but is he PISSED at first. Raph sasses him on being a hothead….Just like him. "Dude that's MY thing, what even ? lol "
( On that note, I initially didn't realize how much of a brat Leo was in 2003, I always thought he was a stuck up and thought he was boring. BOI was I wrong. I love this absolute dork. ) So yeah, they butt heads sometimes... ...But they are not in the level that their 2007 movie counterparts were capable of. For those who don't know, Raph and Leo have a pretty severe fight. It's not exactly explicit, but at the end of said altercation, it's kind of hinted that this was much heavier than what the ones they were used to. (I wouldn't call that an almost murder tho, unlike a lot of people said at the time.) On that note, hate it or like it, but that movie is probably responsible for starting the whole era of Raph and Leo clashing HARD that we all thought was the natural status quo for a while. (And tbh I am GLAD Rise got us out of that. I don't think it's a bad trope, but it was getting old. Xp)
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otp-holic · 4 years ago
Will this be the night? (ALSO IN A03)
A random piece of online advertising unleashes some movie memories of a Summer afternoon in 1932
1.5 Ks Fanfic + Pictures Inside. Part of the Never let us lose what we have gained series (AO3) Silly drabble born from my love of classic movies... that ended up not having anything to do with classic movies.
Poster for Cary Grant's Retrospective. Printed paper 2025.
A poster for the upcoming month long celebration of the movies of Cary Grant to be held in Brooklyn.
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Bucky is not expecting a vivid memory of the past to jump at him from a piece of online location-targeted promotion popping on his phone as he and Steve are wandering around the neighborhood on a random Friday.
But the 21st century works in mysterious ways and Google is kindly inviting him to check “Cary Grant: A Celebration”, a month-long chronological retrospective of all his movies taking place at a nearby hipster cinema starting… in half an hour.
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He beams as a long string of memories of the both of them in different afternoons and movies plays in his head; how they counted the cents for the admission price, and how Bucky learned to sneak into the movie every time that did not add up to two full tickets.
“Buck, you’ve been smiling at your phone in silence for a whole minute,” Steve interrupts his daydreaming. “Should I be jealous? Worried?”
“Sorry,” he answers, still smiling about the memories. “I think I’m leaving you for Google, they see inside my one hundred years old soul; But I might give you another chance if you don’t mind a change of plans for the afternoon.”
“Lead the way, but can you give me some heads up?” Steve chuckles, more than used to Bucky’s ways.
He takes Steve’s hand to direct them towards the movie theatre and thinks about how much information he wants to share.
Although he is the one who still relies on the comfort of 30s and 40s movies whereas Steve keeps getting bolder with his options, Steve has always loved Cary Grant and Bucky thinks he’s going to appreciate his choice since this particular movie has a history (sad history, maybe) for them, so he debates on whether to tell him or not.
“We are going to the movies. But the real ones, not that shit on Netflix you keep choosing,” he settles for half-disclosure.
“Damn, mister life in black and white strikes again. Embrace the 21st century, Barnes, I think you’ll like it!”, Steve laughs.
“Hey, I embrace it more than you do! At least I look the part of a mid-thirties man from it instead of a fifty-year-old hiding in fucking khakis. Albeit a very hot one, I’ll give you that.”
They both laugh. It’s not the first time these remarks fly between them and having a routine, running jokes, and running pet peeves is very soothing after everything they have gone through.
They’re getting closer to the cinema now, and Bucky can already see the Billboard announcing the retrospective and a small queue forming upfront. He takes a side look at Steve to see if he has noticed and he can certainly tell that his curiosity has peaked.
“Surprise! Call it a win-win, it might be up my alley, but you used to love Cary Grant movies,” Bucky smiles as they reach their place in the queue and glance at the program for the afternoon.
‘This is the Night (1932)’, the poster says, ‘Cary Grant's feature film debut on the big screen’
Bucky is deep in nostalgia, remembering a summer day of 32 when they were waiting in line for the same film and how the evening turned out, but when he looks in search of his partner’s reaction, it’s not what he expected at all.
“Steve, you ok?” he asks, worried at seeing Steve frozen in place.
Steve nods. His whole face is deep red, but at least he is responsive. He looks ashamed and Bucky is shifting from worried to curious.
“Jesus, this movie,…” he chuckles now.
“You seem to remember, then. I thought you might.”
It was not a happy memory: Steve had felt really ill halfway through, looking white as a sheet of paper and about to die on Bucky. They had to leave the unfinished movie and run home, as per Steve’s request. But as far as Bucky remembers, nothing to be ashamed of.
“Why are you acting weird? Oh my god, Steven, are you allergic to this movie?”
The silence before Steve answers is a little too long and the queue moves forward.
“Shit, this is not easy to say and I’m sorry in advance.”
“Duly noted, but could you try to explain? I’m lost and I didn’t expect a full-on confession of something to be sorry about when I decided to follow Google’s intelligent advice to an unfinished movie. I just thought it was a good excuse for a change of plans. And kind of closure.”
Steve takes a breath and starts talking.
“I wasn’t honest with you, Buck. Back then…” he stops, searching for words, nervously musing on his beard. “Ah, I cannot believe this hasn’t come up at some point, but there it goes. I absolutely lied to you that day: I wasn’t sick or half dying and I am very very guilty of using my poor health to run away from that place and that movie, but I did the only thingI could think of.”
Bucky is at a loss for words, he’s still deciding if he is angry, curious, or somewhere in between.
“But… but you were feverish and white as a ghost and you said you had palpitations!”
Steve seems to think for a moment again and the bastard laughs so loud they get a curious look from the people behind. And taking advantage of the queue moving up again, he gets really really close to Bucky who honestly thinks he’s going to try to kiss himself out of the situation since it’s a bulletproof strategy.
But he doesn’t: He goes for Bucky’s ear instead, and whispers.
“I had a boner like you wouldn’t believe.”
Bucky gasps loudly totally taken aback while Steve takes a step back and looks at him in the eye more amused and hungry than ashamed, but still blushing.
“But hey, not all lies! I was somehow sick. And pale since my blood was… otherwise occupied. And I was barely 14!”
Bucky laughs at the dork. His dork. But the information is still making its way into his brain.
“Oh my God,” he exclaims as it starts to settle, “You piece of shit, you pulled the poor sick child card when you were just plain horny. I was worried to my bones as we run to your home. Shame on you Rogers!”
“Me? It was your fucking fault! Yours and Cary Grant’s and your stupid grins and stupid chins, those clefts!” he’s screaming in whispers so Steve Rogers’ teenage boner doesn’t make it to the news, but he’s talking as if he was pronouncing an important speech to the UN, “What was a 14-year-old in the fucking 30s popping one upon seeing an actor who kind of looked like a very tall version of his very male best friend to do?”
He is about to say something, but Steve literally covers his mouth with one hand giving Bucky no other option but to stick his tongue and lick the palm.
“Gross, Buck. I’m not done!”, he dries his hand on Buckys’ shirt before he goes on. “I’m not done because as I was still processing all that, you kept brushing your goddamned hand with mine when you went for popcorn! Over and over and over. It was torture. I have palpitations now just thinking about it.”
Bucky full-on laughs. One of those real ones that come more and more lately and that he honestly thought he would never get to experience again.
They have reached the box office, so he doesn’t push it further. For now.
“Two tickets for `This is the Night´, please.” Bucky smiles at the box-office guy. “He is paying, tho. I paid last time we tried to see this one and he didn’t have the decency to stay until the end.”
He actually feels like a teen as Steve takes his hand into the theatre, as he very intentionally buys popcorn to share, and as they start full-on making out on their seats during the commercials once the lights are out.
“Wanna know another secret, Buck?” Steve whispers a few minutes later, eyes on the starting movie as he brushes Bucky’s hand with intention over the popcorn bucket. His flustered face and recently kissed lips bathed by dancing lights and shadows coming from the screen. “It’s a good thing we were already together in ‘38 when “Bringing up baby” came out because I was able to plan ahead and lure you into that memorable window fuck at our old apartment before the show, or we would have totally missed one of our favorite movies, too.”
Bucky hates Steve with the force of the universe. Or maybe not, but he’s not playing clean.
“Raincheck on the movie?” he manages to whisper back as he drives Steve’s hand to his already noticeable hard-on. Two can play this game.
“Oh, poor Buck. Do you have palpitations” Steve chuckles, lips wet on Bucky’s ear and gripping harder on his bulge instead of letting go. “Was that the memory of the window fuck? Or all the making out? Tell me so I don’t do it again.”
“You are a punk, Steve Rogers,” Bucky answers before standing up to leave, closely followed by a smiling Steve.
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Argh, sorry for deleting and uploading again, but i had technical issues with this.... so here it goes again. I need to free myself from this one!
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lothrilzul · 2 years ago
2022 brought loads of new interesting stuff and content in my life. I won’t talk about the war special military operation going on next door because I’m not here to be stressed out.
Behold, lots of exclamation marks
2022 started slowly with Fallout on eco burner. My love for Paladin Danse is forever and unrelenting.
Book of Boba Fett! Ming-Na! Loved her in ER, Universe and Stargate, and now as Fennec. Extra cameo at the end!
Obi-wan Kenobi! Ewan McGregor, stellar as ever. My first platonic love, still going strong. Shame he didn’t get enough recognition for his portrayal in the early 2000′s and I’m glad the fans could reach both him and Hayden at last. It was so good so see them in their roles again. The last episode hurt so much it was so good.
Then in August we decided to finally finish Divinity Original Sin 2 with my Hubbo. That meant starting a new character, because we forgot like everything. 
Then I learned there was romance in D:OS2. That lead to a quick spiral with Ifan ben-Mezd. I already liked his character since the first time we played, at first I picked him as follower, second time I mained him, and now I picked him again, but accidentally triggered a romance dialogue and rolled with it. I’m glad I did. So worth it. I was robbed 4 years of Wolf Husband content.
Then I finally caught up with House of the Dragon. I started binging it the week the last episode came out because there was no way I’d wait that many weeks. I loved the structure of the series and how it knew exactly how much to serve. The experience felt like I’m watching fanfic. (Obi-wan, too, btw.) I didn’t really like either side, both the greens and blacks have good and bad people. And I know how it ends. However I understand their problems and see why they do what they do. I’m still not a fan of either Daemon or Rhaenyra, but for some inexplicable reason I imprinted on damned Aemond. I didn’t want to like him. I also adore Halaena. And let’s not forget Harwin Strong, the daddest dad to ever dad. And Rhaenys. True queen.
My new debilitating love for Ifan naturally led to a cursory search on AO3 for Ifan content. It’s scarce. So I read what was up my alley and decided to trying my hand at writing one. I think it’s 50% done now at 20k-ish words.
Also, I found a multifandom fic with some Dragon Age characters along with Ifan. Namely Alistair and Blackwall. Then I got Blackwall recommended if I liked Ifan. (I don’t dare tag you friend but you know it’s you.)
So, I asked Hubbo to get me Dragon Age. I was dreading to start, the whole religious aspect was a bit much for me. But I decided to dredge through the intrigue for the romances and story. TBH I knew some elements of the story, because I watched Hubbo play a few years back, but I never really cared. I remembered Morrigan because he romanced her. I was also very much spoiled throughout the story so it was really time to get a coherent experience.
Naturally, I started with Origins. I was pre-conditioned to go for Alistair and I am glad I did. He’s such a dork. I love him so much. Couldn’t harden him or make him king. My Cousland stayed with him until other orders came from above. At that point, I knew I would do anything to keep Alistair safe. Even break my own heart later.
I decided to go for Zevran next game. Maybe Morrigan, once, but I need the perfect character for that.
Then, Awakening. I was glad I could keep my Warden from Origins, so Cousland rolled into her new arling only for me to be shocked in the first quest. Hubbo never played this. I didn’t knew Anders was there. Nor did I know who Justice was. I had second-hand Corypheus flashbacks from the Architect. Like, vibez.
I loved every Warden recruit! (except Oghren. I didn’t like him in Origins, but he was not much better here) Especially Nathaniel Howe! I grew fond of my arch enemy’s son rather quickly. He was the only one I maxed out I think because I ran out of game. Anders was close second tho. Shame I found Sigrun last.
Naturally, next step was Dragon Age 2. I burned through Kirkwall in a week. It was a blast. Heh. I wanted to romance Fenris, but I decided to go for Anders because then I would have an easier time in Here Lies the Abyss. Or so I thought. My purple Hawke grew on me. Her relationship with Anders grew on me. It was always supposed to be a slightly pro-mage playthrough, but at the end I decided to go all in. Hawke has had enough. And I knew I’d be in a pit of despair soon.
I also made sure to max Fenris out, because I need the best friend.
So, here comes Inquisition. I’m only, what, eight years late. I set out to romance Blackwall, because, recommendation. First experience was underwhelming, but he worked his way up quickly. I’m not finished with the game or the romance yet, I didn’t even travel to the Winter Palace yet. But I kissed the sad bear enough for him to say he could get used to it. Good, do that. (I’m not at his personal revelation part yet.)
I did Here Lies the Abyss. I was like, I need to tear this band-aid off ASAP. I saved Alistair and left Alma behind, as I previously planned, but man... I wouldn’t want to be near Anders when he hears about it. The game really served me with a below-the-belt-punch for that decision by Varric’s tale. I cried like 4 different times after it and it was only 5 days ago. I’m broken. It was supposed to be my expendable Hawke. It was supposed to be least resistance. 
Oh, yeah. Varric. I grew rather fond of my charismatic friend and I’m damn broken I made him hurt like that. 
Cassandra is my bestie. Dorian is close too. And I adore Crem. He’s the best.
Later playthroughs I want to see Cullen’s romance, and possibly either Solas or Cassandra. Or Dorian. But that’s like 5 games. Whole lotta time.
I think that’s it? Quite a list, I always thought there’s nothing new this year can bring, but here I am with like 5 new boyfriends and 2 new heartbreaks. At minimum.
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years ago
Before and After Rituals
a/n: hi I hope yall like Imma make this a series with the schools so      mauh <3
pairings: karasuno x reader
warning: I’m pretty sure this is all clean if not feel free to say something. 
summary: the boy’s before and after game things that they do with you
seijoh || nekoma || fukurodani || shiratorizawa
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Daichi Sawamura
the night before a game you always go over to his house with some meat buns and either stay for a while or spend the night
he always holds onto you in some way
it calms him down 
its not anything big but it gives him a good sense of peace and quiet before chaos
after his game you always wait for him outside the gym, win or lose
he goes with his team back to the school and you meet him there too
you either go to his house or yours and one of you spends the night just to calm down his head
you always get snacks and even if he tells you to not get to much junk you always get to much and he doesn’t stop you
if he won then you talk about the next match and his thoughts on the team
he’ll also spin you around when he sees you outside the gym
idk he loves doing it
if he lost than he’ll start on things he needs to do better on and you’ll try and cheer him up with some corny jokes and kithes.
Sugawara Koshi
all the morning before the game you two are attached at the hip. 
everyone is just used to you “sneaking” onto the bus to drive with them
in reality him trying and failing horribly to cover you with his jacket and coach just giving up on it
constant quiet giggles at first as you try and calm his nerves
then around the end its more quiet and serious as he focuses a little more
after the game he naps on you the whole way home
if he wins you get to listen to his rambling about some idea he had on signals he could use or a set up he wants to try
he could literally talk for hours on what he was thinking wall watching and playing its so adorable
if he loses then theres a aura of sadness in the bus and if its bad enough he’ll muffle his small sniffs into your shoulder
that hasn’t happen except for date tech and sejioh though and your happy for that
you always sleep over after the game
Asahi Azumane
before the game welcome to teddy bear time
noya constant teasing for a week straight since the big dork is constantly on you freaking out
normally its not to bad and a lot of it is just of how scare he is that his spikes will get blocked a lot and the comments he’s sure to receive about his looks when he gets there
when game day does come you always kiss his cheek and hold his face to tell him good luck
def earning gags from tssuki but you didn’t hear it from me
after the game its like teddy bear time x10
win or lose you get a new weighted blanket for a couple of days
if he wins its a more happy blanket yes but he’s so exhausted that he just falls asleep on you the minute you meet him at his house after they left for the bus
plus a bunch of random ‘holy crap wait i did that?!”’s to himself throughout the day
if he loses he cries a little, blaming himself for the entire thing
you always tell him that its not his fault and that he did his best
he’s honestly so pessimistic the night after and your one it telling him that he needs to remember how it feels but not let it bring him down
you bring him up with those comments and he’s so grateful for it
Nishinoya Yuu
every time the day before a game he likes to go somewhere with you
weather it be the park, the arcade, an ice cream shop
a freaking pet shop (yes you almost got a pet that day)
he finds it relaxing to see you having a nice time with him and every time he always makes sure its a place to make you smile
after the game he’s a koala on you, win or lose
the only real difference is happy koala or sad koala
happy koala is randomly kissing you and laughing, nuzzling into you while Tanaka either gags or whines about how single he feels
sad koala is sniffling into your shoulder and clinging to you even more if its possible, hes pretty quiet too so you know hes waiting until you get home to talk about everything
course after that mini pout session hes all fighting and ready to see that team again and win
either one also ends with a cuddle movie night until like 2am
also unrelated but like he’s so freaking hot when he receives so always tell him that
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
ok ok this boy omg 
so before the game its MAJOR sucking up to you
literally after a while you’ll get more used to it and get what kinds of attention he wants but like at first its just a lot of complements and stares and draping
literally ennoshita is stretched so thin the week before hand by it all
no one even understands why he’s sucking up to you other than him, you (after a little), and ennoshita
he just wants you to return the energy
after the game all depends on winning or loosing
if the win he will always, without fail, kiss you like a million times all over your face when he sees you next
does not matter if its outside the gym or if its when he gets back to the school or what
every time
if they lose, well you now have a very sad puppy on your hands
mentally during a game he’s like no one you’ve never met but when he gets home and has sometime to think its all a bunch of ‘i could have done better’ and ‘i should have done better’ s
you are constantly reassuring him thats he’ll do it next time and that its not his fault
but win or lose yall’s main thing is a movie and snack night
after that he’s really to go the next morning and beat up some volleyballs lol
Ennoshita Chikara
lol he’s the most chill i think
before the match he’s really calm
bb doesn’t think he’s gunna play but like he’s ready
honestly though the biggest switch is that he’s an even bigger cuddle bug than before
like he keeps it together at school but hangouts? coming over?
better have gone to the bathroom before cause you’re not moving for the next couple hours
it’s like it calms him down after practice enough to think over what he needs to work on
after the game is the same no matter win or lose
every.single.time. he will always have a sit down with you to talk about what happened during the game
like quick nap, the meeting, then off to your house to go over the pros and cons on the game
he always has the moments when he thinks he’s not worth it to be put in the game but you always just ruffle his hair and tell him thats the furtherest from truth he could get
Kageyama Tobio
sorry anyways
so before a game he gets kinda quiet
normally he likes to chat about stuff that went on in practice or how hinata pissed him off that day while yall are sprawled on his couch
but he gets quiet the week before and just has that look on his face
you know the look
the ‘grumble grumble’ one
you always poke between his eyebrows and poke at him to make sure he doesn’t go to far into his thoughts
the night before its like a switch flips and hes muttering to himself like crazy on something he might be able to do with his sets
after a game is another win or lose situation
winning means you get little kid mode kageyama
literally his eyes sparkle at everything he enjoys afterward
rewatching his match
anything you freaking do, all that
plus napping, a lot of napping
losing is sad to watch
he sort of goes back a few steps in the social department and goes robot mode
you both will camp out on his couch, his head buried in your lap or shoulder
if its bad enough he cries a little
you always sleep over no matter what
Hinata Shoyo
alright this boy before the game is normally fairly daily ngl
you get normal bouncy sunshine that will follow you anywhere and everywhere all the time
but the night before you get meditation mode where he sets out his game stuff and sits there for like half an hour
first time this happened you got scared for him cause he never sits still that long
now though you just sorta hang on his bed watching him cause its cute
after the game is the biggest depending there is out of the rest
if he wins he is bouncing of the walls after a little nap
when you finally get him home he’ll have you throw the ball back and forth for like an hour before you call it and make him lay down or eat or something
if he loses its like he lost all his energy for a little while
he tries to fall asleep but cant due to a replay of something he did wrong
you always run your hand through his hair and try to calm him down
calm down as in cheer up not energy
at least until someone says something (usually tanaka) that gets him on another energy high to beat them next time
you always sleep over though it just happens so often that it became normal
Tssukishima Kei
before is fairly normal im ngl
he doesn’t do to much out of the ordinary
I like to think he’s a heck tone more affectionate in private 
his before game time isn’t anything special though 
he does come with you to the store to get snacks with yamaguchi more often tho so
thats something
after a game is really calm and slow
once again I think he’s a lot more affectionate in private so you lay on him while hes on his phone to calm down
half the time its calming you down since you were freaking out more than him
but same difference
this is what happens win or lose though
like if they lose and he tried he might lay on you instead but its normally just like that
honestly thinking of him being more affectionate in private just makes me fall for him ahhhhhh hate this but anyways
Tadashi Yamaguchi
this boy good lord
so before a game he literally shaking 
like he was fine the whole week but the day before he’s slowly freaking out more and more
tssuki will laugh at him while your trying your best to talk him out of his up coming panic attack that might come
a good light smack on his back and a cheek kiss is good enough to get him distracted fro thinking to much though
after a game is always the same thing unless he screwed up a serve really bad
you two always go to the store and gets some snacks and them go to his house and just talk about anything ad everything
if he wins its normally about the game but when he loses you bring up random things to cheer him up
if he messed up he’ll get quiet and just lay on you for hours
but you know that if you can get something about his amazing improvement he’ll eventually brighten up
bb just wants some love (that doesn’t mean you don’t smack him upside the head when he makes fun of someone tho 
a/n: im sorry for not doing  kinoshita and narita i dont know them good enough since im not that far into season four to write for them. plus i think ennoshita is oc but thats ok i think
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absolutebl · 3 years ago
Can I tap on the wellspring knowledge of your BL encyclopedia levels of sageness? I'm honestly a little bit stomped, discombobulated, mystified.
Whyever do I seem to grow onto Why R U? as much as it would seem I somehow do?
Or maybe I should rephrase the question:
What ingredients does Why R U? juggle around with to somehow cook up its dish the way it does?
I really just watched this out of silly completism after Make it Right (which I didn't even really like all that much). Coming from there I expected a sort of globmess in terms of narrative and pacing, and... kind of got that served as expected? And as I watched it there were frowns, eyerolls, speed ups, cheek twitches over too much music inserts (whatever is the deal with that random guy on the stage before Saifah and Zon have theirs which is at least plot relevant?) a good deal of "this is somehow really dumb, DUMB", irritating fujoshi cutouts (Zol was okay in the end tho), too much cheese overdosing, too much spice overdosing, too much suffering sob story melodrama and me wrestling with somehow being viciously faceblind to every single character until about very late stretches of the series and also just wondering why I was still on it. Watching it the first time round was not really fun. It was patience taxing. I got the first little lol maybe in the last 3 minutes of the main series. And then a week passed and another and some more and somehow there's a whole bunch of recurring twitches calling for rewatches. (Which also have now been satisfied beyond the excuse of "maybe it's just that I feel a little bit bad about meanly trashing over it in my head like I did when I didn't even watch it that attentively.") That's a clear indicator I actually like something. Probably a lot.
I just have a tricky time putting my finger on why. I found some, but they hardly seem to justify a show crush in dimensions like this. If I try to ask my rationale it much rather comes up with more reasons why I shouldn't be liking this. It's pretty loud about elements that go against my established personal taste (as I am aware of right now, e.g. I know it's famed for its depiction of High Heat with good chemistry, but I don't like High Heat all that much.... or at least I thought I didn't....?) And objectively, it's not like it's a sort of every frame is a painting piece of work with very good direction production values, narratively the pace is all over the place at times as well. (I also still don't quite get what the third pair was good for. Establishing Zol as this world's creator-goddess of sorts with the power to enforce ships? And then Zon taking up the conclusion narrative is even literally kicking them out of relevancy when he says that this tale was just about the four of them?)
A bizarre case on a mystery level like this drops about once or twice per decade and typically also takes about as much time to be fully unriddled. Or at least the last two ones did. But going through some of your tropes collection posts I found some more hints pointing to... probably newly found soft spots for narrative and visual tropes?
So basically, is there more worthy of note than what I already found out to check out for verification? Just what does the show seem to be doing so right?
The preliminary list of candidates I made out so far:
Eyes emoting
vs. full body dramaturgy (You did that post on Saint's physicality, but it kind of feels like both of the two main pairs keep contrasting more crass bolder movements against loads of eyeing around...?)
A touch of meta and tropey self-awareness. (I really like the manga of Zettai BL and Bad Buddy's last line was a riot for me.)
Mild Tsundere x Dork x Overwhelmed disaster handfuls notoriously busy with having a few freakouts
Like loads of "What is thiiiiiis" or "How did it wind up being like this???" exasperation. (This is totally me with this show.)
Paired with a character that has the uberhuman ability to handle them without winding up needing therapy for babysitting burnout (Saifah, what's your secret?)
Enemies to Lovers, but the former is more like attraction misconstrued as irritation
excessive amounts of pillow hugs in all sorts of flavors
excessive amounts of shoulder leans
notorious amounts of puff your cheeks up
run away in a flight response and get caught again (maybe? It does suspiciously show up in Utskushii Kare and Bad Buddy too...)
bob your chin over x (although I am not entirely sure if it's this or if it's because Zon uses it to make Saifah stop his guitar zippery already. Anything that makes them put that damned guitar away might be more welcome for cheers than I was aware of so far)
Miscommunication, but they actually sit there and try wringing that needd talk out from pretty much the beginning all the time, so it's more down to characters speaking different languages rather than all being idiots too awkward to even open their mouths.
The teased knows how to turn things around to tease back, even more viciously if needed (This suspiciously also shows up in Bad Buddy)
probably this means vice dynamics?
Although SaifahZon kinda are adorkable, too
picturesque piggyback rides? Maybe? cocks head left and right and right back
All About Show Crushes 
Honestly Why R U? is such a mess.
But I'm the same as you. On first watch I was like... I don't know... but the chemistry is good. I actively disliked Siafah Zon tho. Like I watched a bit in the first few eps and then skipped their part. I think I didn't do an actual watch of their story until the reshoot extras came out and even now they are just a bit to cheesy cringe for me.
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I think your list is pretty exhaustive. But there is one more thing...
sometimes we like a thing because we like a thing. 
like there is no really good reason for it and we (especially me, and apparently you) can hunt about and try to explain it, or can gravitate to one spectacular reason (I fell like this is me and color rush) but sometimes it defies explanation. 
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For me one of those is Oxygen, objectively there isn’t a whole lot to recommend it (I mean it’s fine but for the amount of times I’ve rewatched it, fine is not a sufficient moniker). I just LOVE that show.  
I think trying to figure out a show crush is like trying to figure out a person crush. Odd and possibly eventually tempered by persistent exposure. 
Sometimes it’s not about the show’s internal chemistry and narrative qualities or filming or anything, it’s about your chemistry WITH that show. 
After all you two are in a relationship (bit one sided, but that’s part of what crush means, unrequited). 
And sometimes it’ll last and sometimes it wont. 
This is kinda and odd place to go but follow me here:
one of things we don’t talk about or really acknowledge enough is that we can have friendship and/or plutonic crushes on other people. People you don’t necessarily want to bone or romance, but you do just really LOVE spending time with. 
I realized this recently with one of my besties. She’s basically MY person. We couldn’t live together but we have been literally trapped in a safe room together for 8 hours and never stopped talking (or enjoying each other’s company). 20 years strong and I still have a crush on her. I mean 20 years makes this an oversimplification about our relationship, but you get what I mean? 
Similarly, I think sometimes we just find shows and were like: oh this is MY show, in the same way. No so much that it was made for me, but that I jive with it more then, objectively, I should. 
You’re a food analogy person, so maybe that’s an easier way to think about it. This kind of crushing can be like a particular dish. 
Tom Kha in its iterations has been my favorite biggest comfort food my whole life. I can’t imagine anyone not liking it. I can analyze and explain why it is the greatest, most complex, and sophisticated combination of flavors ever plopped into a bowl, but I know there are people who don’t like coconut and others for whom it is too sour or too spicy. 
It’s about how my taste is perfectly meshed with that soup.
That said, I am currently experiencing deep crush on khao soi and an even deeper one on sundubu jjigae, so... yeah I’m fickle. 
Seriously tho, if you’re into Korean food sundubu jjigae is like the neglected child no one knows about. I like the super spicy veg version with lots of mushrooms. Fuck it’s so good. 
Well that devolved quickly. I must be hungry. 
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paintedkinzy-88 · 3 years ago
Haha, sorry it's me again. I have another question. Soo, uhh what are the personalities for Nightmare's gang like. I don't think I have wrote them right, and I have tried to find more about them and their personalities and quirks in your series but I came back a little blank. Sorry to ask this but could you explain a little about them. Haha sorry again.
Man, I’m pretty sure I have them written wrong too lmao. Though I guess the only times they show up much in Winged Multiverse is during a fight, so they’re a bit more serious there.
It really depends on who they’re around! Like, people that are trusted (like each other), they’re a little more loose and chaotic. Specifically Cross and Horror. This later extends to the other Sanses in meetings, or even just joking threats/comments during a fight with the good Sanses. Before Ink and Nightmare settled on a truce, it was definitely a little more tense.
But, generally how I see them in most of my writing (I’ll put a cut here so this isn’t outrageously long):
Cross: I write him a little more stoic than usual, kinda playing into how he is in Underverse. Straight faced, quiet, observant, the perfect soldier. But, of course, he relaxes around the right company! He probably gets into trouble with Dust and Killer, more mellow around Dream or Nightmare, passes jokes around between peeps like Classic, Red, Comet, Lust, etc etc. He’s got a serious front when on duty, but still a bit of a dork in his free time. (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Also XChara’s still a thing but not necessarily in a bad way. He’s pretty chill and doesn’t show up often, but when he does it’s usually for friendly banter. Just love the kiddo too much to banish him lmao.
Killer: flirty bastard. Makes a lot of suggestive jokes or comments no matter who’s around. He can get more pissy or serious if things are looking bad, but otherwise just jokes and teases everyone. Probably not the best to go to for emotional help tho, he’s kinda trash at that. He’s also the most chaotic and doesn’t really care about getting in trouble (not anymore, at least. Noots has eased up since they joined). Fairly protective of his friends/family, and will hurt people (physically or emotionally) who hurt them.
Dust: I always saw him as the most “Sans” outta everyone (puns, lazy, observant, mildly creepy and all knowing), but also probably the most quiet (besides Cross). When he does talk, it’s usually sarcastic, or (if he doesn’t like the person) to throw all those insecurities he’s noticed in their face. Kinda a follower, probably talks to “himself” a lot. If he’s having a bad day, he’ll usually isolate in his room so he doesn’t end up hurting someone he’s not supposed to, but that’s fine cuz he keeps busy with his poisons and chemistry shizz.
Horror: definition of “scary dog that’s actually a puppy when he likes you” but in a barely noticeable way. He tends to act a bit creepy and unsettling no matter what, kinda staring people down or making vaguely gruesome comments. Most of it is just for fun (like in WM using his boney wings like spider legs more because it freaks people out than anything) but some of the spaced out staring is a result of the head injury. But, once he likes you, he’s gonna be dead set on making sure you’re well fed. If he feels like he has to apologize for something, it’s more likely he’ll bring food than actually say anything. Sometimes he’ll bring snacks to meetings for everyone to ease his own anxieties.
Sometimes a cuddle bug?? Not so much in WM. Winged Horror more just let’s people hang off of him than actually seeks it out.
Idk if you needed Noots and Error, but if you do I’m willing to continue this XD
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years ago
sports promoter!kuroo + taking care of his pregnant wife
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anon:  Hi ur farmer kita and atsumu x pregnant reader fics were so good and heartwarming is it alright to ask for a kuroo one 👉👈
i think i got this request right after releasing the atsumu one and i’m so glad you guys have been liking it so far! these have been super fun to write and i like having that mix of fluff and crack in these hc’s. SO YEAH I’M SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS KUROO ONE I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT TOO !!
i feel like kuroo would be the type to fall for someone he’s known for quite some time because he likes that sense of familiarity with another person
the two of you had been good friends in high school and admittedly, you also had a crush on him because who didn’t
sadly, the two of you lost touch a bit when you entered different universities BUT you had a fateful run-in at the MSBY Jackals vs. Schweiden Adlers game
you were there as a journalist and you couldn’t mistake that familiar bedhead for anyone else so you just had to come over and say hi
meanwhile, kuroo couldn’t take his eyes off you, especially seeing how beautiful you look now
after you conducted your interviews, kuroo decided to straight-up ask if you were free later that evening and you were. he took you out to a nice restaurant and the two of you were able to catch up
from then on, the two of you meet quite often, most especially at work because you were a journalist for a sports news channel
kuroo isn’t the type to beat around the bush so he ended up asking you out on an official date to which you said yes
he is the SWEETEST boyfriend. be prepared for lots of text messages filled with every heart emoji you can think of and him just dropping in randomly while you’re at work to give you hug or a kiss
despite how busy he is, kuroo loves making time for dates with you, whether it’s eating dinner together or catching a movie 
you love the fact that even though he’s grown up, kuroo is still pretty much the same science-loving dork you fell for in high school
some of your at-home dates involve the two of you eating popcorn and watching the newest science documentary series on national geographic and discovery channel
idk why but i feel like kuroo is super into River Monsters and Shark Week and you find it cute how you can hear his little squeals of excitement while sitting on his lap
i feel like kuroo isn’t really the type of guy who thinks that marriage is an absolute must. as long as you guys love each other he’s down with living with you forever
and then he finds out that marriage has tax benefits and he’s like ‘guess i gotta put a ring on it’ 
 jk it’s also because he loves you
*whispers* but tax benefits tho
kuroo is gonna be SUPER EXTRA about proposing to you. i’m talking dinner at a fancy restaurant, a trip to the rooftop, then he’ll have a fireworks display with the words ‘will you marry me?’ written across the sky (actually idk if this is illegal but lets pretend it isn’t)
now y’all are engaged
kuroo is honestly the best at wedding planning. he probably likes it more than you and he already has a pinterest board of wedding inspo and everything
he loves sending and showing you wedding cake ideas and even napkin folds so you have to rein him in a bit because kuroo gets excited really easily
you guys have a classic wedding but for the reception kuroo probably begged for you to have a nerdy theme. eventually you went with space exploration and kuroo showed up wearing a spacesuit
he also had a special dance number specifically prepared for you and he even got bokuto, akaashi, lev and kenma into it and it was amazing 
was the number ‘i want it that way’ by the backstreet boys? yes
immediately after getting married, kuroo brings up the subject of having kids because he’s always wanted to have a family of his own and kids to raise
plus he knows you’ll be a GREAT mom
expect his ‘wanna have sex ;)’ texts to turn into ‘are you ovulating rn?’ texts kuroo pls stop this is embarassing
also i personally feel that even though kuroo is a science geek he also got into astrology because that’s what the kids are doing these days
you try to surprise him with birthday sex but then he’s all ‘y/n, if you get pregnant this month our baby is going to be a cancer and i don’t want that’ 
i hate u cancers, myself included
after choosing a due date zodiac sign for your baby, kuroo is ready to have a baby with you
when you find out you’re pregnant kuroo was actually at work but he ditched whatever he was doing and took a bus all the way home to see you 
one of his favorite things to do is talk to your baby and caress your little bump and kuroo will talk about ANYTHING: the weather, how his day was, how beautiful you look every day, the new River Monsters episode
you: kuroo, please that’s the fifth time you’ve told our baby that catfish swallowing a man whole story
kuroo: you’re right. should i tell them the piranha story instead?
i just know that kuroo would be the type to film a video of the two of you all throughout your nine months of pregnancy to show the baby
it’s honestly so cute how excited he gets whenever he’s filming himself
kuroo: hey baby! it’s your dad, talking to you from the past. by that time, there will be flying cars--
you, from the other room: THERE WON’T BE
kuroo: okay, hoverboards tho
he loves taking pictures of you and putting them in a little album for the memories. sometimes he’ll even show it to his friends or people at work (you have to tell him to stop tho because most of the pics are of you napping on the couch with junk food around you)
since he wants to be super prepared, kuroo would make sure that he takes time off work when your due date rolls around
when you feel your first contraction kuroo’s already there carrying you to the door and calling a taxi at the same time
he’s yelling out too many encouragements for you to focus on your breathing so you have to tell him to shut up for two minutes
i think kuroo would actually want to be in the delivery room to hold your hand and make sure everything’s okay and yell even more encouragements
except all his encouragements are related to volleyball
kuroo: give it one more good serve y/n!!
kuroo’s the first one to hold your baby while you were still resting after the labor. he’s even there help the nurses give your child a bath
when a nurse comes up offering to put your child in the nursery kuroo’s all 🥺🥺but i wanna hold them  🥺🥺
when you wake up in the hospital room kuroo immediately rushes over to you with your child in his arms
kuroo: look y/n, it’s our child
you can tell that he’s very emotional 
kuroo’s hugging the both of you real close and smiling at his little family 
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @tpwkatsumu @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr
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strayinvelvet · 4 years ago
still at it
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work is starting to pile and you kind of expected your boyfriend to support you, not annoy you
pairing: han jisung x reader
genre: fluff, implied enemies-to-lovers
wc: 1.3k
warning: swearing :(
a/n: happy hearts day, cuties! part of @districtninewriters​ dear skz, with love. this took so long mainly because of the recent news, yea. i’m so nervous about this i really hope i did the prompt and project some justice. phew (っ^▿^)💨. enjoyyy (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
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“You’re insufferable.”
You rolled your eyes at the neon yellow post-it note placed on your office desk. It’s still early in the morning and you have a long eventful day ahead of you which is why you tried to get to work as early as possible. 
The busy days have officially started for your company.  Your partner company is planning to launch a new collection in their fast-growing fashion brand in Berlin and your company, being the most sought out marketing team in the industry, is tasked to implement the most appropriate marketing and advertising plan for the collection. Even the people working for you are already on their desks working on what they are assigned to do. Some are having coffee while some are already writing papers that are nearing their deadline. In conclusion, everybody looked busy and none of them looked suspicious enough to be part of this very eye catching note thing.
Rolling your eyes once again, you sat at your table and picked up the surprise note. Truthfully, even at first glance, you already know the person behind it. How could you forget this one of a kind handwriting, the one you so hated to see back when you were in high school. Han Jisung. That little shit is still going at it.
You folded it in half before placing it in between the pages of your planner. As if on cue, your secretary knocked on your office door asking for permission to enter. As soon as she entered your office, she immediately briefed you of your schedule for today. Meetings, briefings and scheduling of future meetings and partnerships. Exciting. You’re starting to regret all of your life choices.
“Oh and by the way, is this yours?” she showed another yellow note, “this was stuck on your office door.” You sighed. Just how many of these did he make? “Leave it on my table and then meet me at the meeting hall for the first meeting,” you gestured towards your table. “Will do.” with that, she left you to do your own stuff. 
“And annoying.”
Yep, he’s one of the decisions you’re starting to regret (maybe not but you like exaggerating). You’re not gonna lie, at this time of the year, you expected little notes that would inspire you, make your heart sing love songs, or rush the blood to your cheeks. These notes, however,  only made your blood boil. You swore that when you see him once you’re back from Berlin, he’s going to get it. You kept the note the same way you did to the previous ones. Goodness, if only he wasn’t a major player of your partner company. 
You reached for your phone and dialed his phone number and true enough he answered just after two rings, “Are you fucking for real?”
You heard him laugh at the other line before asking your question, “Shouldn’t you be planning our marketing strategy?”
“I am and your lovely notes are helping me big time, seriously. And shouldn’t you be working on the collection’s designs instead of this bullshit?”
“Hey, I am currently approving those that are outstanding. I’m not like you who-”
You know he’s gonna bully you, you just know. So, you quickly ended the call before anymore bullshit comes out of his mouth. With your nth eye roll for the day, you stood up to attend your first agenda.
Hours passed and the series of formal business stuff is starting to get to you. Your butt is sore from sitting all day, plus your muscles are in dire need of a stretch. The last meeting of the day has just been adjourned minutes ago and you and your secretary are taking your time to breathe in your office. "Miss Y/n, your trip to Berlin is in two days. Have you packed?” well until your secretary went to business mode real quick. 
“Kim, please, give me a minute,” you laughed but answered her question nonetheless, “Yes, I have and oh, can you try to squeeze in my schedule for the first four days so I could have the last two to myself?”
“That would drain you,” she answered confusingly. She’s not wrong, tho. You contemplated for a while but honestly, you wanted to explore Berlin too and you can’t do that by sitting in a meeting room for a week. “Better than seeing Berlin through a floor-to-ceiling window glass pane.”
Kim nodded, "I will update your schedule. Maybe you should bring your boyfriend over," she suggested which also suggests that she doesn’t know who the notes are from. “It’s a business trip, Kim. And I don’t know if i should agree or disagree with that.”
You both laughed lightly before Kim left you to fix your schedule per your request. You, on the other hand, are willing to give everything just to lay on your bed or have a warm shower. Whatever door is nearer to your entrance. So you left as fast as you arrived at this building just to feel the comfort of your home.
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The apartment you were greeted with is not the same apartment you left. You left yours with unfolded clothes everywhere, full trash bin and sink and a disorganized living room. You tend to be messy when you’re ridiculously busy. But this, the place in front of you, is like a whole different scene. Every corner is squeaky clean from the shoe organizer to the kitchen. The apartment lights are also set to dim with candle lights and all but enough to see everything. Soon after, the smell of delicious food wafted through your nose. 
The hints are giving you an idea of what is going on.
You went to the kitchen only to see a romantic dinner set up complete with those fancy utensils, fancy food, candles and wine, and of course, a yellow note.
“But i’m willing to suffer for you. Happy valentines, baby”
This dork, you thought while smiling like a goof (which you tried to hide). 
“Han Jisung!” you called him. His head peeped through the doors of your bedroom with a big grin on his face. “Were you surprised?”
You couldn’t contain the smile anymore and so you let it out, “come here.” You gestured to him to come over with your arms hanging in the air as if waiting for him to come nearer so you could wrap it around his neck. He came out with a bouquet of fresh daisies in his hand which he had to place on top of the dining table in order to accept your cuddle invitation. Jisung kissed your forehead before securely wrapping his arms on your waist. “Did you like it?”
“Aside from being partly annoyed, yes actually,” you tightened your arms around his neck so you could pull him down to give him a proper kiss. This wasn’t part of your relaxation plan but you are glad to welcome him in your routine, as always. The kiss was starting to get heated when you pulled away from him and loosened your grip, making him look at you with a questioning gaze.
“Thank you for cleaning my apartment and all this.”
“Anything for you, my love,” he kissed your cheek, “and I also did almost half of your work in Berlin so you could relax a little,” then he kissed your other cheek. For some reason, he has to accompany each of his sentences with a kiss. But nevertheless, it still made you giggle. “I’m not thanking you for the notes, though- wait, am i really insufferable?” You looked at him like you’ve just been betrayed. Out of all people, he had the audacity to tell you you’re the insufferable one?
He smiled, “no baby,” he pecked your lips before continuing, “ you just annoy me sometimes.”
“So you just had to annoy me first?” you asked with a smirk forming on your lips.
He shrugged, “guess I’m still at it.” This time, he accompanied his replies with a brush to your stray hair with his fingers just so he could look at you properly. You squished his chubby cheeks together, forming a pout in his already adorable face.
“Yeah,” you pecked the pout you forced, “I guess we’re still at it.”
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yayyy omg this may or may not be from an e2l au that is currently sitting in my drafts hmm 
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hiddennerdworld · 4 years ago
Homesick (pt 4) with Hanta Sero
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Note: This is a long one 😅 sorry I just love him. This is probably the last one of the ‘series’. I hope to do some more fluffy stuff like it tho. Also, I absolutely adore the idea of Latin Sero but didn’t know how to write it in, so we’re just gonna pretend lmao. And sorry for the abrupt ending. Still hope you enjoy it :) (I added a little reference to one of my favorite songs too ;) )
The best place to just sit in think is outside staring at the stars. That happened to be exactly where you were. On the roof of the dorms just looking at the stars while you’re laying on the ground. It was a beautiful fall night with a little breeze and the smell of autumn in the air. The sky was crystal clear and you could see tons of stars twinkling back to you. Most may find this a relaxing situation to be in, but you were definitely not relaxed. You had this little pit in your stomach ever since you moved into the dorms and couldn’t quite describe what it was. Being outside was better than just lying in bed, at least here there’s a beautiful view, but its presence was still lingering. While fighting with yourself on whether you should try to think it through or try to ignore the feeling, you heard the roof door opened. You quickly sit up and look over to see Sero.
“Oh, hey Y/N!” He said while rubbing the back of his neck not sure what to say at first. But after looking around for a bit, he collected himself and stepped forward. “Sorry I wasn’t expecting to see anyone up here. I definitely wasn’t expecting to see such a beautiful babe such as yourself.” He said jokingly and started moving his eyebrows.
You couldn’t help but blush and giggle at his goofy nature. You always did. Whenever you would be hanging out with your close friend Mina and her friends, you laughed at Sero’s jokes everytime. Even if they were bad, there’s just something about the smiley boy.
“Yea? Well, what were expecting then, pretty boy?” You also found it easy to banter with Sero. It could be awkward at times but it never mattered.
“Just an empty roof and a starry sky, but it looks like tonight I get an extra treat. Can I sit with you?” You nodded and then he took a seat next to you. “What’re you doing up? I thought everyone turned in for the night.”
“Ah, you may have thought that, but you see I’m not like everyone else. My brain doesn’t allow me to sleep. At least recently.” You said while pointing at your head.
“Can I ask why’s that?” He asked softly.
You shrug. “I honestly don’t know. I’ve just had weird vibes ever since we moved in.”
Sero lit up and said “Dude, I totally know what you mean!” He then calmed down and continued, “Sorry, I just thought I was the only one. It’s just so different ya know?” He asked lying down to look at the stars and you did the same.
“Different from living at home? Yea I know exactly what you’re talking about. I thought it would be a lot more normal.”
“I didn’t know what to think really. I was excited about getting to see my friends everyday. Believe me I still am, but a part of me is missing. I actually came up here to swing around. Maybe get rid of this empty feeling.”
You turn towards him “Really?”
He looks back at you and nods. “Yep, but this is much more relaxing don’t ya think?” He said as he looked back up at the beautiful night sky. You hummed in agreement. The both of you just sat in silence for a bit until Sero broke it with telling you about his family. He told you about how he would watch soccer and baseball with his dad and telenovelas with his mom. You told him about how you and your siblings would play Mario Kart.
You guys kept going for who knows how long. Laying on the cold, hard concrete ground, but didn’t pay any mind to it. You were both to busy laughing and being deeply ingrained in conversation. Time had been frozen and the weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay like that for long. As the night went on, it the temperature dropped a lot. You had your arms wrapped around you, but didn’t really notice. However, Sero did notice and didn’t like the idea of you being cold. He sat up and asked “Hey, why don’t we go back to my dorm and we can get more comfortable?”
You quirked your eyebrow at him.
He just laughed and replied, “Not like that, but it’s funny to see that’s where your mind went. I just meant we can continue to chill in a place where it is not so chill so maybe you can warm up. I’ll take the hammock and you can lay down on my bed if you want.” You agreed and went to his room.
It was a challenge to stay quiet on the way there. You didn’t want to wake your friends at such a late hour BUT you and Sero found everything 100 times funnier when you had to remain quiet. The walk consisted of you two giving each other looks, snickering, and then shushing each other. It just looped until you eventually got to his dorm. The fun didn’t stop there though. Once you got to his dorm, you tried multiple times to get into his hammock and fell out each time causing the two of you to cry laughing. Was it sleep deprivation or just the way you two made each other? Both, the answer is both.
Soon though you both calmed down. You got comfortable in his bed, already wearing your PJs from earlier. And Sero was swaying in the hammock while his music played quietly in the background. You guys continued to talk and talk. At times you got deep and others you would talk about complete nonsense. However, you both started to slowly drift off at around 4 in the morning, not even processing what the other was saying. So you decided to call it a night.
“I can’t even keep my eyes open anymore. I should probably go back to my dorm. Goodnight, Sero.” You said in a hushed tone while slowly getting out of bed.
“No, you don’t gotta go. Just stay in the bed. It’s late and I don’t wanna make you walk allllll the way back to your place.” He totally sounded out of it. There was a sleepiness in his voice.
“I think I can manage the walk down the hallway and then to my bed. I don’t wanna make you sleep in the hammock.” You said but you weren’t even sitting up yet. Just propping yourself up on your elbow as you continued to lay in bed.
“Pfff don’t worry about it,” Sero said using his hand to swat away your concern. “I have slept in this baby more times than I can count. I probably can’t even get out of it at this point anyway. Just stay here and we can make it a fun sleepover night.”
You went back to getting comfortable in his bed. “Well if you put it like that. For real though, if you get uncomfortable let me know. There’s plenty of room here if you’re okay sharing.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Sweets. Sleep well, Y/N”
The next morning you woke up in a strange place. It took you a few seconds to remember you had fallen asleep in Sero’s room when you inhaled the scent of the incense he had in his room. It was weird not being in your room. It was even weirder was that you felt a weight on your side. You turn to look over and see Sero holding onto you. You never thought he would actually take you up on your offer. Seeing him there made your heart warm and a pink blush rushed to your cheeks.
As you were about to go back to the position you were in Sero stirred awake and moved back a little, not knowing that he decided to get so close in his sleep. It leaves you with a little disappointment, but you’re still happy just being around him. “Good morning, hun.” He said in the middle of stretching and yawning. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty great thanks to you. I definitely wouldn’t have gotten much sleep if you weren’t so sweet and let me talk your ears off.”
A little smile grew on his face. “Hey, I can’t take all the credit. You did the same for me. If you weren’t here I’d just be talking to a wall and they’re no fun.”
His smirk grew head hearing you giggle at his jokes. “Yea last night was pretty fun, wasn’t it?”
“Yea, it was,” Sero said and then sighed while flipping over to look at the ceiling. He rested his head on his hand and had his other arm lying across his stomach. He seemed tense. On the outside, he looked totally relaxed still because that’s just how he is, but you can tell something is off.
“You alright?” You asked leaning closer to see his face.
He sat there for a sec thinking. “Yea, yea it’s just... last night got me thinking.” He paused again seemingly trying to find what he wanted to say. You just looked at him with kind eyes ready to hear him out. “Y/N, I really like you.” He turned to you then scoffed, “Well I mean I haven’t really been hiding it from you, but I’ve never said it straight up either. To be honest, I wasn’t sure about it. I just thought it was a little crush and I didn’t wanna scare you off because we were just becoming friends and just moved into the dorms.” He placed his hand on yours, making you blush, and then continued. “But last night was the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I’m not depressed all the time or anything, it’s just different with you. I didn’t want it to end, which is why I asked you to stay. I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same. I don’t wanna weird you out, but I think you do. Things between us are just so natural and I’ve never felt awkward with you. You must feel it too, right?” He finished his speech staring at you with pleading eyes.
“Sero, I-“
“Oh no!” He flipped over and covered his face “I knew it! I’m so s-“
You just grabbed his face and turned it towards you. “Will you let me finish, you dork? Of course, I feel it too. It’s weird but you’re the closest friend I’ve had since we got to UA, hell maybe the closest friend I’ve had in a long time, even though we haven’t been talking for long. You make me really happy, so yeah I like you too, Sero.”
“Really?!” You nodded in response and his shocked face turned into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on him, which is saying a lot. He grabbed you and you let out a little yelp. He pulled you on top of him and gave you a big hug. “You have no idea how happy I am.” He said as he rested his head on yours.
“I think I do. I can see it all over your face.” You said as you looked up and squished his cheeks.
Sero grabbed your hands of his face and intertwined his fingers with yours. “Yea but I still don’t think you reeeeally know. Could I show you?” He asked as he slowly brought his hand to cup your cheek, running his thumb across your bottom lip.
You managed to whisper a “yes please” and were then met with his lips on yours. The kiss was gentle and sweet. It took a second but you guys both melted into the kiss, cherishing the moment together. It only lasted a few seconds but it left you with more butterflies in your stomach then you’ve ever felt before. You both pulled away and looked each other in the eyes leading you to giggle and hide your face in his chest. His arms returned to your waist and gave you a small kiss on the top of your head. “So I guess you know now.”
BONUS: You were suddenly awoken by running muffled footsteps and a banging on the door. Mina swings Sero’s door open and wakes you guys up from your nap.
“Hey, Sero have you seen Y/N? It’s like noon and I can’t find-“ her eyes bounce between you and him snuggling in bed.
“Oh.” She giggles and winces. “My bad! I didn’t know there was something goin on. I’ll leave you too it.” She said as she back up slowly and then dashes down the hall “GUYS YOU’RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!!” You hear her voice and footsteps fade as she rushes to tell everyone.
Sero scoffed and flung his tape to close the door. Then he returned to cuddling you. You guys had some sleeping to catch up on.
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