#he is simply always ready to fight like all the time
nina-ya · 11 hours
A/N: Zoro version lets goooooooooo i have some other characters planned for this as well so yeah!! Pairing: Zoro x reader CW: none WC: ~600 Other Versions: Luffy Zoro (more to come) • masterlist • ko-fi • discord server •
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Loving Zoro is loving someone who is a warrior and a dreamer. His ambitions burn brightly, and he is always chasing that final goal of becoming the world's greatest swordsman, and yet he never forgets about you. He’s that one person who you can count on to stay by your side and protect you throughout the night. His sleeping body is always ready to jump into action, at least more than usual, all so you can sleep soundly. He’s always there, watching over you even when you don’t fully realize it, ensuring you’re safe in a world that’s anything but. 
Loving Zoro is loving someone who is not afraid to be himself. He can be rough around the edges and sometimes abrasive, but there’s something nice about his honesty. He will never pretend to be something that he is not, and he will never expect you to either. He is simple, and straightforward, someone that you can lean on when everything in the complex world feels uncertain. 
Loving Zoro is enjoying the comfortable silence that always falls between you. No words are needed to feel close to him. You can sit beside him for hours simply watching him sharpen his swords, and feel more connected to him in that moment than anyone else. There’s always a peacefulness in his presence and you can’t help but cherish it. 
But Loving Zoro is also learning how to navigate those tall and tough walls he puts up. He’s not one to easily express his feelings, especially when it comes to love, and he’s much less likely to admit when he is hurting. His pride is very strong and sometimes loving him means giving him the space to figure things out independently. However, don’t confuse this with meaning he doesn’t need you. He won’t always say it, but you know he needs you when he leans onto you after a long tough day, or when he opts to have you tend to his wounds rather than Chopper. It’s his way of saying ‘i need you’ without having to utter a single word.
It’s understanding that he doesn't often declare his love for you through words, but he shows it in the way that he is always there. It shows in the way that he will train until his body refuses to continue, but he still takes the time to check on you. It is in the way that he will offer you the last of his water, even when he is thirsty himself. It is in the way that he is always by your side, promising protection in his presence alone.
Loving Zoro is knowing that he will fight for you with every fiber of his being, but he also expects you to be able to fight for yourself, not just on the battlefield. He respects strength, both physically and in character. He admires you when you stand your ground, even if he may disagree with the topic at hand. And no matter what, he will push you to be the best version of yourself because he believes in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. 
Loving Zoro is loving a man whose passions mirror the intensity of his discipline. It’s watching him train for countless hours on end in the birds' nest, sweat dripping down his body as he pushes himself to his limits and beyond, and just feeling in awe at the sheer determination that drives him. But it’s also those moments where he lets his guard down for you, when he leans in close, forehead resting against yours, and you can feel the depths of his emotions.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 days
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"Hey, Yata, did you know? Scepter 4 members live in dormitories."
That happened when he was eating with Totsuka at the bar counter. Totsuka suddenly said something as if he had always had an idea.
"What is this all of a sudden? I know... that guy told me."
Yata replied with a loud pout.
One day, half of the luggage suddenly disappeared from the room the two had been living in since the end of high school, and then moved into the Scepter 4 dorm, a statement that made him question his sanity. Was this the trick of the cat ears and earthworms?! He thought afterward as he stomped his feet.
Soon after, Yata also left that room. Every time he went to bed, he would notice the emptiness above his head and couldn’t help but feel nauseous.
"So, since it’s a dorm, does it have a dining room or something?"
"Eh? I don't know..."
"I wonder if he's eating enough food. You know, Fushimi is a picky eater, so I don't think there's much proper set menu in the cafeteria. What do you think, Yata?"
"I don't know! Why do I have to worry about the traitor's food?!"
When Totsuka continued to talk insensitively, Yata got angry and slammed his fist on the counter. The plate bounced off and the cup fell over, flooding the counter with water. Fortunately, Kusanagi wasn't there, so he was saved from punishment.
Totsuka looked surprised and took a step back. Feeling awkward, Yata looked down and pulled both fists, including the spoon in his right hand, out from under the counter.
He kicked the empty loft from below dozens of times above his head and fell headfirst onto his bed, clutching his legs and saying, "It hurts!" He yelled at himself... He just couldn't control his anger. He went crazy for a while, venting his anger outside of himself, but when he felt empty and stopped, something suddenly rose up in his throat and he felt an incomprehensible feeling of regret. Although he said he was sorry, he didn't know exactly what he was sorry for. However, for Yata, it was nothing more than a feeling of regret.
He regretted it. He grabbed a pillow and pressed it hard against his face, gritting his teeth so hard that his mouth cut and regretting it no matter what.
"Ah, if that guy changes his mind and apologizes, and says he wants to go back, we'll bow to Mikoto-san together. He's not the type to bow to anyone, so I'll bow to him, and if Mikoto-san doesn't feel satisfied unless he hit Saruhiko, then he'll hit me along with him."
"Well, if King really hits you, will Yata die?! Are you okay?!"
Totsuka was surprised at how over the top he was, so he flinched and said, "Ugh!" For Yata, coming into contact with Suoh's suspicions is scarier than any ghost story or horror movie.
"I... Still, I'm ready. I won't let Saruhiko get beaten up alone."
His voice was hoarse. However, he clenched his fist tighter, stared at the counter, and finished his sentence.
"Yeah, well, I think it's manly to be prepared for that, but isn't it a little one-sided? I wonder if that's what Fushimi wants."
"...? What do you mean? Don't say things like you already know them..."
He felt strangely angry and glared at him. Totsuka had a calm smile on his face as always.
"This is what King and the Blue King look like."
Then, he suddenly started talking again.
"It's not like they're just fighting each other like you think, Yata. Well, it seems like there's a lot going on in Fushimi's position, and it would be nice if we could talk someday... Even... If I say this now, Yata, you still don't get it, right?"
When he laughed at Yata, who asked indignantly, "Are you making fun of me?" Totsuka raised his hands in surrender and said, "Sorry, sorry."
"Well, remember what I said someday, somewhere. Even if I'm not there at that time."
"Hey, please don't say things like you're going to die someday. That brings bad luck."
When he said that in a particularly grumpy manner, Totsuka simply smiled.
No Blood, No Bone, No Ash!
No Blood, No Bone, No Ash!
No Blood, No Bone, No Ash!
As he excitedly waved his fists in the air, stamped his foot, and raised his voice, his surroundings became warm. Yata looked left and right with teary eyes.
He didn't know where they came from, but before he knew it, sparks were dancing all over the area.
It wasn't that... there was light. All around him, his friends were shaking their fists and chanting the same words in unison, and from each of their bodies light was born, like little lives separating. As if calling out to one another, the light gathered, dyeing the white landscape red as it rose into the sky covered in snow clouds.
When he looked at his chest, he saw that the mark on his body was also exuding a soft red light.
Another light was born from within him and he let himself be carried away by the light of his companions.
He felt that Suoh's flame still resided deep within the mark that remained on his body. The flame filled his body with a gentle warmth. It was as if the fierce anger that Suoh had held within him as a wild king was dissipating and beginning to crumble.
Following the light, Yata raised his tear-soaked face.
"No Blood, No Bone, No Ash! No Blood, No Bone, No Ash...!!"
He held the spot tightly and let out a loud voice as if to let go of the emotions welling up within him.
Looking up from there, he saw a line of armored vehicles with blue markings stopping on the railing of the bridge that connects Gakuenjima and the mainland. He saw a light gently floating above the bridge, moving away from the group of lights of his companions.
Fushimi was holding the same place as Yata with his hand, looking up at the sky with a strange expression on his face, as if he had lost some of his poison.
(Oh, shit...)
Yata cursed in his heart.
Why is he remembering that now? Totsuka-san, did he know he would leave one day? Was he talking about this moment?
Now that he can't do that again, he realized that he should have taken the plunge and asked Suoh what the Blue King meant to him.
He wanted to ask Totsuka what he really meant when he suddenly said something like that and said that Yata still didn't understand, but now that he can't do that again, he realized.
It's annoying for Yata to admit that, but if there's something that can help him, it's...
He's alive. They can still meet as many times as they want, express their doubts and anger, and try to talk.
"No Blood, No Bone, No Ash! No Blood, No... Idiot Monkey! No Ash!"
He doesn't know if he heard the insults mixed with his anger, but Fushimi glared at him.
The two exchanged glances on and off the bridge.
As everyone continued to chant in unison, Yata glared at Fushimi without taking his eyes off. He raised his voice even louder, intending to smash him into the bridge. He kept screaming even when his voice was hoarse, he pounded the ground even when he couldn't feel his legs anymore, and he kept swinging his fists even when he couldn't lift his arms.
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cheesus-doodles · 3 days
i was thinking about a fluffy sleepover with bf kazutora…he’s so cute
happy birthday tory!! also no kazutora bday goods??
With BFF Kazutora, even if he isn't yandere (in my opinion, that would be a miracle in itself), think extremely, extremely clingy. But let's say it froze in hell and this is normal non-yandere BFF Kazutora.
12 years past Kazutora would be absolutely delighted by your suggestion of a sleepover at your place. Yes sure, he had been in your bedroom multiple times before, this boy has even napped and cuddled with you previously. It's not even his first sleepover - you're his bestfriend, no doubt Kazutora has already spent countless nights over at your place, be it whether he just doesn't want to go home or for convenience.
When he turns up with snacks, you already have his set of favorite matching PJs ready for him to change into after he showers (of course you do), and there's definitely some kind of routine the two of you always follow when it comes to sleepovers.
First off, shower and change. Then right after, it's TV time. Always TV time.
The two of you will line an area of the floor of your room with pillows and plushies to make a comfy fort, following which you will put on whatever show it is you want to watch. You get to watch one show, and then Kazutora gets to pick one, and the two of you would be happy to eat snacks and sip on hot chocolate in silence. This Toman delinquent will always swear up and down that the hot chocolate you make is unbeatable, so every sleepover now includes one (1) mandatory cup (if not he will cry and say you hate him).
After that, if there is homework to be done for the next day, you will usually work with Tory to get that sorted out. But be it whether there is or isn't, during this time is usually when you two start chatting about whatever it is that happened during the day. Neither you nor Kazutora ever keep secrets from each other, so even though you disapprove of him getting into fights, the yellow and black haired boy will still tell you about all the fights he got into that day, and in return, you will tell him about your classes and the freshest classroom gossip.
Finally, the last step before actually going to sleep always has to be pillow fight. It will always start out of nowhere, with sometimes you ambushing Kazutora with a whack to the back of his head as he is returning to your room from the bathroom, and other times Tory taking it upon himself to end homework time prematurely by smothering you with a giant plush.
And you two don't pull any punches when it comes to pillow fights. Free-for-all, the two of you hurling plushies and pillows at each other from across the room, giggling and laughing as you tried to dodge the missile aimed straight for you from the other and vice versa.
Kazutora always sleeps in your bed. This boy won't be sleeping anywhere else but right next to you in the same bed. Suggesting other alternatives will only earn you the kicked puppy look and a huge crying tantrum if the former doesn't work, the whole yard. Contrary to popular belief, this boy is actually super fussy about where he sleeps, the type of bed and pillows he likes etc, everything you, as his bestfriend, would already know.
So you always makes sure to fluff up his pillow, tuck him in and give him a kiss on his forehead before you snuggle in yourself, and the minutes left before you fall asleep would be spent reassuring this poor boy that yes you really were his bestfriend, and that no, you didn't plan on breaking this friendship ever. Because even if the two of you have been friends for years on end and been through thick and thin together, Kazutora is just simply to insecure to ever believe anyone would want to stick by him.
And this boy can grip. Clamps on to you in his sleep and absolutely will not let go whatsoever, so if he hasn't woken by the time you need to head to school, you can forget about it.
12 years Timeskip Kazutora is a lot more mentally stable and confident in his relationships, but that doesn't mean that he is any less attached at the hip when it comes to you. Still loves sleepovers as much as he did as a kid, and takes every opportunity to do so whenever your schedule permits (because let's be real, you were the more responsible of the two and had a real, grown-up job). Sometimes its arranged, sometimes its impromptu when Kazutora feels the urge to, and he would just roll up and stroll in like he owns the place, if he didn't already all but move in with you.
Any sleepover still follows the same exact steps as twelve years prior, and he still has a favorite set of sleepover PJs that matches with yours. Though you were usually more than happy to accommodate your Tory, he isn't exactly the person with the best habits, and you sometimes find yourself having to take the next day off work because you had a sudden sleepover sprung on you.
A walking radiator who prefers to sleep shirtless, still loves to snuggle with you and his sleep habit of clamping on to you and never letting go has not let up, which is one of the main reasons you try to dodge weekday sleepovers. Kazutora is the ultimate enabler though, encouraging you to take the time off and spend the time with him, and usually has to be disciplined with a (loving) smack to the back of his head.
Still will cry if he doesn't get his hot chocolate or you don't tuck him in and kiss him on the forehead, so this boy never really did grow up much.
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echosong971 · 11 months
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love his dorky lil power stance
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
smack, smack — gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: special thanks to the beautiful @stinkyme for inspiring me to actually write this and for fangirling over the idea with me <3
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gojo satoru, like any dad, got his fair share of ‘bullying’ from his daughter, his 5 months old baby.
some dads get peed on, others get their hair pulled, and others get their nose bitten on the daily. it's a little something to make them suffer a bit like the mothers had to during the pregnancy.
your husband, however, is always getting smacked in the face whenever he has his blindfold on, and I mean harshly smacked in the face and unforgiving scratching.
the first time it happened was when he was going to school. he was ready, uniform on and everything, but he simply had to say goodbye to his two girls.
skipping to your shared bedroom, he placed two big smooches on your face. then, after much of pulling him off you, he went to smooch his little girl. a big unmatched grin was on his face as he looked down at her in her crib.
he picked her up, cooing softly at her, “what a pretty girl, just as pretty as your mama, huh?”
satoru then laid her gently against his chest and started rocking her softly, while humming. after a while, he felt her stir a little in his arms. she sleepily looks up at him, and he smiles down at her, “good morning, baby—“
now, your daughter was used to seeing her dad without the blindfold. she was used to getting met by her dad's bright blue eyes.
so when a strange unknown man was holding her up instead of her papa, she started wailing and screaming, repeatedly smacking him in the face.
whenever her little—strong—hand landed on the blindfold, she would try to pull it off with all her baby might. you scrambled out of your bed at the loud screeches and screams of both your husband and your daughter.
you saw how satoru was desperately trying to, as gently as possible, make her release her grip. you stumbled on your words, before yelling, “your blindfold! take off your blindfold off!”
“I! am! trying!” he yelps as she continues slapping the hell out of his face.
you hurry and take his blindfold off, swiftly throwing it to the side. he started rocking her, smiling despite the red marks and scratches all over his handsome face, “it’s me, daddy! you see me?”
almost magically, your daughter calmed down in an instant with the occasional hiccup from her previous crying. he smiled, “there you go; that’s my girl.”
she gently made grabby hands at him, and he quickly pulled her back into his chest. your daughter instantly snuggled into his shoulder and hid her face in his neck.
you stared at him for a moment, “well, at least we know that she bloody hates that blindfold.”
it honestly kind of adds up.
you remember the many times that your daughter was generally distressed or fussy and instantly calmed down when she saw her dad’s eyes. you also remember that one time your daughter was actually zoning out while looking at satoru’s eyes, her own safe place.
satoru chuckles with a shrug, “I have you as my savior, anyway.”
“you can’t always count on me to be the one to save you from our daughter’s monstrously strong grip.”
and he can’t.
no one is brave enough to try and to fight back a baby, let alone the strongest sorcerer’s baby.
that attack happens way more than satoru would like. for example, whenever you’re busy, he takes his little princess to the school with him. in general, everyone helps in taking care of the little angel (devil in some cases).
however, god forbid she sees satoru coming back from a mission with his blindfold on.
it took some time for your husband to learn his lesson and immediately take his blindfold off before he entered the school. until then, he was prone to his daughter’s crazy strong hand smacking his face till his entire face is painted red and not the cute kind.
satoru never believed in his students to save him, except for yuuji. the first time it happened around the students, most of them were either laughing or speechless.
yuuji did try to save his sensei from his smacking machine of a daughter, but ended up getting smacked himself.
your husband did hope that, maybe, nanami’s heart would soften, and he would finally help him.
nanami’s heart did soften, just not for satoru. instead, your daughter now has a special soft spot in nanami’s heart, as he did in hers, but that isn’t our topic for today.
the amount of times you would enter the room to find nanami chuckling or smiling at your husband getting beaten to a pulp by your baby. satoru could be sobbing, “nanami, please! save me!”
and nanami would simply smile—sadistically—and hum, “I don’t think I will.”
you’re pretty sure that nanami believes this is god’s way of punishing your husband for all the mischief he caused.
ignoring that, it grips your heart how satoru’s face would brighten up the moment he saw you. he would run up to you, giving you the baby to calm her down while he gives his face a rest.
and your little girl was smiling and giving you her version of cheek kisses.
your husband recovered quickly though, and took her back, his blindfold finally off. he doesn’t do it without pecking your lips though, “my savior.”     
then he gets lost in his own world with his little girl, and their laughs and giggles filled the room. her hands were gently holding her dad’s face as she squeals, and satoru’s heart soars as he forgets about his beating from a moment ago.
now, that doesn’t mean that his dear students don’t make fun of him for always losing against his little girl. during one of the recent teasings, he simply huffed, “you never tried the grip of a baby! tell them, yuuji!”
yuuji shudders as he remembers how long the slap mark lasted, “she is one hell of a strong baby.”
it’s one thing for panda and nobara to laugh, it’s another for megumi and maki to do so as well. your husband’s ego simply couldn’t take it anymore. he took his baby in his arms and gathered the baby bags, sparing one last glance at his ‘bullies’.
and so your husband dramatically exits the room, “I need my wife! I can’t with you people anymore!”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1 @sad-darksoul @ko-fi-heart @pumpkindudeishere @suyaaachin
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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iwassupremacy · 4 months
A lady’s pleasure
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Jacaerys Valeryon x fem!reader
Summary: For Jace Sex was always just duty. Get naked, be careful but quick and produce an heir. But when Aegon once again provokes him by saying his nephew was unable to please his wife it bothered him. Perhaps his uncle was right? It never occurred to him to please you or himself for that matter. Now he’s determined to learn.
Warnings: husband!jace x wife!reader, nipple play, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), fingering
Please let me know if I missed anything
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“You must certainly know how to make your lovely wife feel good. After all you are the crown prince, Jacaerys Valeryon. You must have her quivering and singing underneath you.”
“Aegon, stop it at once!” Alicent Hightower urged her oldest son with a firm voice.
“With what reason? Should he feel as if I am mocking him then it could only be because I am false. Am I false, nephew?”
Jace could only stare and listen to his uncle making cruel jokes right in his face. His hands were angrily balled into fists but he remained silence.
Denying Aegon the pleasure of starting a fight about his performance in the bedroom in front of their family and worse you.
You stayed just as quiet and unreadable as he himself did and for an unknown reason it made Jace feel insecure. Did he know how to make his wife feel good? How to please her needs? Or even his own?
For him the act of it was only ever a way of making a family and producing heirs. Participating in its activity purely out of desire never occurred to him for many reasons.
For once he was terribly afraid of fathering any bastard children since he very much knew how it could feel like.
Besides he saw in Aegon how the needless pleasures and suspensions of its houses could turn a man into a beast.
But he was also an unwanted participant of a conversation between his mother and ser Harwin Strong when he was a child and realised how incredibly unfair it was for women to be the only gender having to save themselves.
For those reasons and others he kept to himself. Besides he rarely felt the need to anyway.
“Jacaerys, my apologies. I sincerely hope, you are not taking any of his unfounded claims to heart. You must be aware of how he can get” she looked away from him and at her son instead “when he is drowning in his cups.” she now angrily frowned.
Jace only sighed. “Do not worry. You might remember that I grew up around his nagging. Therefore I am quite used to this behaviour of his.”
Later when the young prince and his family arrived back at Dragonstone he accompanied you to your chambers.
“See me tonight, my prince? I am in no mood to sleep alone these days.” You whispered, putting your hands on his face in a comforting manner.
It was rather obvious that you felt quite compassionate towards him after such an exhausting feast.
Jace smiled lightly and nodded. He felt grateful for having you. And if you were honest you were very grateful for having him as well.
“Let me quickly inform my mother and the guards about my presence in your chambers for the night and once it’s done and I am ready for bed time I will be with you, my lady.”
You bit your lower lip at the tingling feeling in your stomach. He had a way of making you feel like this.
“And stop addressing me as your prince, please. I am not saying I do not enjoy it or that it is not true, I am only reminding you that you are not obligated to refer to me in such formalities. Call me your husband or by my birth name.”
You girlishly giggled. “But you are addressing me as your lady as well, my prince.” No matter how many times he reminded you of this you simply liked teasing him.
“These two are not the same at all to me. But I shall refer to you differently if you wish it.” He smiled.
“Yes please, I wish it. And I will wait for you tonight, husband.”
Jace took a deep breath as he entered the throne room and found who he was looking for. His mother’s husband and his great uncle.
“Daemon.” He called across the room.
“Jacaerys. What brings you here at this late hour?”
The young man came to a halt his face turning a bright red giving his intent right away. Daemon still awaited for Rhaenyras son to voice it.
“I am here about the matters I was so” he swallowed thickly “rudely tormented about this afternoon.”
“Boy, do not let it get to your head. You are more a man than Alicents son could ever be. Both of then in fact.“ Daemon was quick to push Jaces pride.
“I appreciate the compliment. But I have to admit that I fear my uncle might have had a point. Though I do not desire to be anything like him I have to admit I don’t know much about“ he paused “a womans body.”
“So you came to me to ask for advice on these affairs?”
“I am afraid so.”
You were comfortably sitting in your bed waiting for your husband in the light of your many candles while reading a book about Aegon the conqueror and his sisters.
He was taking suspiciously long for simply informing his guards about his stay at your chambers but you let him be since even a gentleman like your husband was were allowed to have a wounded pride.
You carefully manoeuvred your body out of the huge bed which was nice and warm but felt a little lonely by yourself.
Your night gown was of a light blue and thin which was not an unconscious decision. You liked to be a little cold at night so you had a reason to ask for your husband’s embrace.
You carefully approached the big door of your room. You only wanted to peak. Maybe you could spot him coming for you down the hallway.
And just as you reached for the handle of your wooden door it opened and you were met with the dark brown eyes of your husband.
“Jacaerys~” you let out.
“My love” he whispered “I am terribly sorry to had you waiting for me too long. There were some urgent issues I had to discuss with Prince Daemon.”
This new nickname send shivers down your spine and for a second you could only stare at him before regaining confidence.
“It is quite alright. Come on in. I have warmed the bed for us.”
You took his hand in yours and lead him to the bed. Once you were there both of you stood on opposite sides of it. You couldn’t help but notice his staring. Especially of your upper region.
“Are you tired yet, my love?” He sheepishly asked.
“Not quite. Is there something you want to discuss with me, husband?” You innocently wondered resting your body with your hands on the bed and stretching your face in his direction, subconsciously biting your lips.
“First lesson, boy. Get her excited for it first.”
He only chuckled at that which made your stomach tingle again. “The way you’re asking me is almost tempting, my love.”
He did the same as you pushing his face and upper body in your direction until you could feel his warm breath fan over your face.
For several minutes the two of you just looked at each other from opposite sides of your bed and even though you didn’t say or do anything and he didn’t either your breath heaved.
The silence got interrupted by his chuckling again and then he touched your cheek with his right hand.
“Have I ever told you how incredibly beautiful you are?” he whispered to your lips. And then, only lightly and almost unnoticeable, he bit it. Barely scraping your lower lip with his teeth.
Your breath hitched. “You- you have. On our wedding night.”
“I remember. Almost two moons ago. I should have told you every single day since then and I shall tell you every single day from now on.” He pecked your cheek. “Come, my love. Lay down.”
You did as he asked you, crawling into the middle of the bed and lying down on your back. His stares burning in your skin.
This was so different from what you knew. So far you only ever got into bed, shared a kiss and did what had to be done.
Of course he was gentle and looked after your well being but it was still always quick and a little uncomfortable.
But this? This was exciting. This made you feel things. New things.
Once you were comfortable Jace climbed on top of you, settling between your legs.
He smiled at you brushing the strands of hair out of your face. “Are you alright?“
You brushed through his wild curls as well and muttered “of course.“
He leaned down to you his breath fanning your face once again. “Good. Tell me if anything changes.”
He leaned down to you and kissed you tenderly, his plush lips pressing against yours. Carefully you returned his gesture but he didn’t stop there as usual.
Suddenly you could feel his tongue brushing over your lips which made you tremble and remove yourself from him. “What-“
He didn’t let you finish. “Do you trust me, my love?” You quickly nodded your head.
“I shall lead you then. I have waisted far too many weeks keeping you dissatisfied. I plan on making up for my mistakes tonight.” He whispered to your ear.
“You don’t have to, dear husband. I am happy as is.” You whispered back.
“I most certainly have to. Let me do this please. I no longer desire to be mocked by my uncle and feel he is right. I shall have you quivering and singing underneath me.”
You couldn’t help but whimper at that.
“Second lesson. Worship her body. I mean kiss her, touch her, feel her up. Not only down under but everywhere. Even her tits. Especially her tits.“
“Call me Jace, my love. Everybody does so.” He breathed down your throat and kissed the lobe of your ear.
He started to scatter kisses all over your shoulder and the bending of your neck as well, going lower and lower.
Driven by the desperate need to hold onto something your hands went up into his hair and slightly pulled at his unkempt curls.
Your body was now acting on its own needs and without realising you threw your head back and pushed your hips up against him.
As a reaction to the friction he received from your movement Jace unwillingly bit into the softness of your cleavage.
You let out a surprised hiss and pulled on his hair even harder.
You lightly pulled his head back until he was looking at you through lewd eyes. Your pupils were slightly dilated and your eyes blown wide with wanton which only made him grin boyishly.
“Fuck. My apologies, my love. Seems like you will have to wear dresses with a rather high neckline for some time. I left quite the mark there.“ he chuckled.
Your walls clamped, your slick gushing out. You had never before seen him like this let alone heard him swear so freely.
Without a second thought you pulled him down again and kissed his lips. Once again he was licking your lower lip but this time you didn’t pull away,
Instead you opened your mouth granting him entry.
His tongue found yours quickly, circling and sucking it. It practically had you rolling your hips and this time Jace pushed back, accommodating his rhythm to yours until the two of you were mindlessly grinding against each other while your tongues were almost doing the same.
One of his hands was resting next to your head, holding your face while he held his weight up on his arm. The other hand was brushing your sensitive skin with his fingertips, sometimes tickling a little.
Until this hand finally had a purpose when it wandered straight to your breast. Your mounds were hardened, peaking through the thin layer of clothing
Jace tested the waters by only gingerly pinching one of them. When you broke the kiss to push your head back into the pillow and softly moan he immediately twisted and pinched a little harder which resulted in your eyes squinting and your hips stuttering.
Jace bit his swollen lip and groaned at the sight before him. How could he have possibly missed out on this up to now?
He let go of your breast and stopped his movements all together. Your eyes opened and when you saw him grinning down at you with a raised brow, you blushed and tried to look away.
But he didn’t let you and instead used his now free hand to grab your chin and make you look at him.
His stare was stern and intense and you were struggling with holding it but you didn’t look away this time.
“I would like to undress you now if that is okay with you.“ he said while caressing your skin and hair.
You nodded. You always liked your husband, even back when he was only one of many suitors you long preferred him over anybody else but this night might just make you fall in love with him.
“Yes, Jacaerys, it is more than okay for me.“
His hands let go of you as he sat up on his knees to balance himself and they now grabbed the inside of your thighs which made you gasp and close them.
You looked at him through apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry, my prince.”
He raised his brows. “Do not apologise or call me your prince. What is the matter, my love? It is not as if I have never touched or seen what hides between your thighs before.“
You blushed and looked away. “I know you have. But this- this is so… different-“ you stuttered quietly.
“How so?“ he wondered and you just knew he was being ignorant. He knew, he only wanted you to tell him.
You whined, pouting a little and looking back at him through innocent eyes but when he did not budge you sighed.
“Because this is more intense. More intimate.“ your face was burning up so much you had no desire to know how you looked like right now.
For Jace on the other hand you looked really adorable right now. He chuckled, freeing you from your suffering. “I see. Shall I undress first then?“
You only nodded and looked him up and down which made you realise something you payed no attention to so far. He was still wearing what he wore to the feast.
“You’re not wearing anything fitting for the bed.“ you noticed, brushing over his tunic.
“I was not planning on wearing anything when I sleep over at your chambers tonight, my love.“
Your breath instantly hitched. He was panning for this?
Carefully you tucked at his tunic. “Take it off. Jace~ please.”
He only slowly started to unbuckle the belt around his waist, unbuttoning his tunic even slower.
You whined. “Stop being a tease~ please.”
He smirked and got out of bed and up entirely brushing his tunic off his shoulders.
You sat up and stared at him through blown eyes. It was not as if you had never seen his body before but you had never mustered him so extensively.
His skin was tanned and his shoulders broad. His chest was beautifully shaped and there was a little line of hair going down to where his sex was.
Your eyes wandered up to his meeting his intense stare once again and it made a shiver run down your spine.
Jaces big hands went to his trousers and just as before he removed them tauntingly slow.
You whined again, this time louder. “I told you not to be a tease!”
Without another word he let his trousers fall to the ground and your eyes automatically shot down again. He was simply perfect.
It was standing up, touching Jace’s stomach. Tip colored in a dark red color and leaking and it made you feel almost proud.
Naked and as the gods formed him Jace stood before your bed still staring down at your small frame.
Your legs were angled up, your knees touching your chest while you rested all of your weight on your palms.
“You cannot tell me what to do or not do, dear wife. I am your husband after all.” He reminded you, getting your attention again and though you knew he didn’t mean it, you frowned, feeling sorry.
Without another word he nakedly climbed on the bed, crawling towards you.
Once he was face to face with you smiled again as he did too.
“So I” he kissed your forehead “can only tell you what to do.”
Your eyes closed at the touch of his lips with your head. “What shall I do, my love?” you whispered, your hand touching his chest, caressing his defined muscles.
Jace groaned at you using this nickname as well and your touch and harshly pressed his lips against yours.
Again your hand went in his hair straight away, brushing it out of his face, clinging to it.
He moaned to your lips. “I love it when you do that. Keep your hands in my hair, love. Do not remove them, no matter what.”
“Third lesson. Use your tongue on her, boy. Eat her cunt like a man starved. Women do love that.“
Finally he took your night gown in his hands and pulled it over your head in a swift movement.
Without shame he starred at you, his hands squeezing your breast which made you whimper and lay back down.
“I should have appreciated your body much sooner. Only ever doing what was necessary. My poor, poor lady wife. Must have felt so frustrated and unsatisfied.”
He openly mocked you and all you could get out was a pathetic whimper.
“All of it will end tonight.” he whispered in your ear, biting the lope.
Without realizing your thighs spread wider at his action and you pulled his hair. “Jace~”
Jacaerys looked down at your legs, biting his lips and smirking at your subconscious reaction. “You are the most perfect woman I have ever laid eyes upon. I dare even say the most perfect human.”
“Jacaerys, please.” You pleadingly looked at him through blown eyes. “T-touch me.”
Your face became of a deep red color but you still held his intense stare. You couldn’t quite believe what you had just asked of him. No woman of your class should ever beg for such lewd doings.
Or even desire them at all.
Jace could do nothing but chuckle at your embarrassed face and take it in his hand “Where do you desire my touch the most, my love?”
“Perhaps” he whispered “here?” His thumb lightly brushed over your bottom lip.
“Or maybe” his fingertips tickled your neck and down your shoulder to your hand “here?”
Softly he took your hand in his.
And then suddenly not so soft anymore he pinned it over your head, down onto the mattress which made you yelp in shock.
“Perhaps you don’t even want me to touch you with my hands at all? Would you rather I use my mouth, my love?”
Your eyebrows knitted and right when you wanted to ask him about the meaning behind his questions his mouth went straight down to your breast.
Your back arched when you gasped and tried to pull his head away with your hand that had remained in his hair.
“Oh~” you sighed, having no other choice than finally relaxing at his touch when he didn’t move away.
He licked and bit your mound, sometimes even sucking as if he were a babe.
Oddly enough it felt amazing and you couldn’t stop arching into him and letting out shallow breaths.
“Fuck~ so sensitive here, my love. Perhaps someday I could make you cum just by paying attention to your tits.”
You gasped at his vulgarity, it made you shiver and pull his head up to look at him. “Fuck~ never stop pushing and pulling my hair.”
You giggled girlishly and brushed through his wild curls. “I would never.”
Quickly he got back to his work but this time switched sides, paying attention to your other mound until your loud breathing turned into whining from all the soreness.
Once again he switched sides, teasing and testing you and never touching down were you needed him most.
Not even when you started to push your hips up, desperately trying to get some friction. “Jace~ enough, please. ‘m s-so sore.”
He detached himself and stared for a few seconds as if in awe, lightly biting it one last time, making you whimper.
Without another word he spread your legs as far as he could to comfortably settling between them and kissed his way from your stomach down.
Every once in a while he bit your skin which had you squirming in anticipation. He certainly knew how to take his time.
When he finally was eye level with your core, he didn’t came to a halt and instead started to kiss down your inner thighs as well.
“Jace~ my love, please. Please do not do this to me. You are being mean. I- I need your touch. Please.”
You panted, trying to pull him up by his hair, not caring about any decency anymore.
“So impatient. Do you not want me to enjoy this as well as you?” He said, his hot breath hitting your wetness while talking, making you gasp.
You quickly nodded “Yes, of course I want you to enjoy yourself.”
“Very well.” He mumbled, distracted by the sight in front of his eyes. “But I won’t make you wait any longer.”
He sticked out his tongue, flattening it and then took a long lick up your cunt, now having eye contact with you.
“Oh~ Gods~“ you moaned, arching your back. “What-“
“I need you to relax, my love. I promise you will like it.” he murmured against your core. His hot breath making you shudder.
“I- I already liked it. It was only much of an sur- OH” he experimentally sucked on your little bundle of nerves he so far had barely touched before, rudely interrupting you and making you yelp.
Your hand that was still im his hair gripped it tightly, making him groan in the process. The vibration of it got you to clench your thighs around his head.
“Respectfully. You talk too much.” he murmured once again. “Simply enjoy.”
You pathetically whimpered, not mustering any more than a nod. He could only smile at that.
He licked with his tongue again, circling your clitoris with it. Your breath fastened, free hand desperately searching for something to hold onto as well.
Silently Jace took it in his, squeezing lightly. He didn’t part from your core though, still feasting on you as if you were his most favorite meal.
You imagined your slick to be smeared across his chin and lips by now and it made you embarrassed and excited all the same.
Suddenly grabbed your thighs, putting your legs on his shoulders, your feet touching his back. His hands now holding your hips.
Your again free hand went up, fisting the cover of the cushion. His tongue was now flicking your bud in a fast motion.
You couldn’t help but stretch your lower half in the air, putting it right in his face. “Jace~”
His name left your lips like a prayer. Whispered, moaned, whined and whimpered. Your eyes wandered down, meeting his intense stare.
And then one of his hands left your hip, brushing the inside of your thigh. While he was still sucking at you, two of his fingers were now prodding at your entrance.
You gasped “Jacaerys- what-“ but he again interrupted you this time by pushing his fingers in, your walls welcoming them.
“So wet and warm. Tell me how you are feeling, my love.” He now parted from you, messily cleaning his face with the back of his other hand.
All the while his fingers were moving slowly in and out of you, making it hard to answer properly. “Good~ oh I~ I feel good.”
His previous cleaning was to no use when he simply chuckled and dived right back in getting back to work immediately.
It was as if he could not get enough of it.
“Fourth lesson, the most important one, you cannot and will not enter her before she isn’t as slick as a snail. Best if you have her finish at least once before you even attempt to your own pleasure.”
His fingers were moving at a rapid pace now, keeping a steady rhythm with his tongue, making you wonder if it wasn’t tiring for his muscles.
But you couldn’t really worry about that, your head being to full of Jace. His scent, his body against yours, his hair tingling your thighs.
Out of reflex you brushed it out of his face, his wild curls stickig to his forehead and neck.
Suddenly your entire body tightened when he hit a special spot inside of you. You moaned loudly “Jace~ stop it.”
But he didn’t. Instead he looked at you through thick lashes, fingers curling and massage said spot, mouth sucking.
“Jacaerys. Please~ hah” you were now trying to crawl away from him, his hand moving across your stomach, pinning your hip down as good as he could.
“I feel weird. Let us take a break OH GODS” your legs practically suffocated him, squeezing his head. Again he did not stop, still looking at you.
You were wondering if perhaps he was searching for any actual discomfort on your part, because even though you were begging him to stop you also felt you might cry if he actually did.
A strange sensation was building up inside you, stomach tingling, muscles tightening and most importantly your core was almost itching.
It felt as if you needed to get rid of this itch, grinding up on him to soothe the feeling.
“Your cunt is clenching so much, I have trouble believing you want me to stop.” Jace whispered against your core.
You couldn’t even answer, only violently shaking your head and welcoming the relieving feeling that washed over you.
You were whining so loud, you wondered if everyone could hear but you did not care. The only thing you cared about was him. Between your legs. Making you feel things you had never felt before.
And then it was all over. Your back arched one last time, thighs squeezing your husband incredibly tight. A wave of pleasure washing from your head down through your body to your tows.
Pretty much immediately it was all too much. His touch was now burning and you were practically pushing his head away.
“S’ too much.” You slurred. Your eyes were heavy, as was your breathing. Your legs now felt sore and weak.
Carefully Jace took them in his hands, removing them from his shoulders. He gently put them down on the mattress, coming up to you.
When he was eye level with you, he took in your figure. You seemed quite overwhelmed, one hand still very loose in his hair, which he also carefully removed, holding it in his hands.
Your other arm was hanging over your forehead and closed eyes. Your face was flushed and Jace couldn’t help but grin.
“How are you feeling, my love?” he whispered, pecking your lips. Weakly you returned his favor.
“Quite well I think.” you laughed breathlessly. “Tank you.”
Jace could only chuckle at you for thanking him. “Feels good, does it not? Have I never had you do that before?” he asked, a frown adorning his face.
Your face was flushed, cheeks red and breath still heavy. “Do what?”
He shaked his head the tiniest bit almost unnoticeable. “Finish. Have I never had you finish before?”
“I- I am unsure of it. So far I was not told a woman could even do that, my love.” you admitted lowering your arm and looking at him “Is that offensive to you?”
“No! Gods no. It should be to you. I have been ignoring your needs.”
“I was not aware I had those needs, Jace. Do not beat you up on it. I beg you.” You lifted your head up, looking in his saddened eyes.
“Which was my fault. I should have introduced you to all the good sides of a marriage. I failed. My uncle-“
“Your uncle is a drunken fool.” You interrupted his doubting “I doubt he has ever done to any Lady what you have done for me tonight. He has a loud mouth, I believe most of his talk is untrue.”
One of your hands brushed through his hair, stroking his cheek while the other held your weight up.
“Besides I decide whether or not you are a good husband and I decide that you are. I am content, I am happy, Jacaerys, I am pleased.”
Slowly you got fully up, pushing him down by his chest, swinging a leg over him and putting your weight on his thighs.
“What exactly are you doing?” your husband wondered, his hands automatically grabbing your hips.
Without answering you took his sex in your hand and slowly stroked it. “Ohh~ oh gods. What-“
“I am returning the favor, my love.”
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babyleostuff · 4 months
things they unconsciously do for you | ot13
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[☁️] seungcheol
protecting you
choi seungcheol is a protector through and through (you could say that sometimes he’s a tad too protective, but it’s simply because he loves you so much and he would most likely end up with a meltdown if he saw you hurt). covering sharp corners, walking on the outside of the pavement, holding your hand in big crowds, cutting the meat for you - doing all of these things is like second nature for cheol. he never thinks about doing them, like “oh, they dropped their spoon, maybe i should cover the table corner so they don’t bump their head”. no no. he just does it, simple as that. and good luck to the person that tries to make you uncomfortable or invade your personal space because well… choi seungcheol will fight them
[☁️] jeonghan
wrapping you up with a scarf/ putting on beanie 
jeonghan, as someone who gets cold easily, is very vary around the people around him being cold as well. he’s always more than happy to share some of his body heat with someone else, especially because hugging means more warmth. when it comes to you, though, there is no way you’re getting out of the house without a thick scarf and a beanie. it doesn’t matter if you get easily cold or not, jeonghan does not let you out of the house before you’re properly bundled up. the first thing he grabs when you’re getting ready to go out is your/ his scarf and a beanie, and he dresses you up like a mom dresses up a child, but there’s nothing you can do about it. and if you come to the practice room without anything wrapped around your neck, jeonghan is quick to change that, as he pulls out his own scarf to give it to you.
[☁️] joshua
ordering for you
sometimes being social - even if it’s just ordering food - can be overwhelming, and shua understands that completely. he never judges you for it, he could never, and that alone makes you feel so much better. he never minds it when you cling to his arm, standing beside him while he’s ordering coffee, or when you point to the food on the menu so he could tell the waiter what you want to eat. sometimes he doesn’t even has to ask you what you want to order because he knows you so well by now that he can guess what type of boba you’re craving that day or which type of pasta you want to get. 
[☁️] jun
brushing your hair 
jun likes his silent acts of service, brushing your hair being one of them. whether it be after you wake up, or after a shower, jun finds brushing your hair to be very calming, so it’s also a way for him to distress and spend some time with you as well. sometimes you sit in silence, sometimes you talk about your days, but it’s always so intimate without being sexual, and there’s something beautiful about that. and he adores looking at your sleepy reflection in the mirror, your eyes closing on their own, as he gently runs a brush through your hair, making sure not to pull too harshly.
[☁️] hoshi
carrying your bag 
it doesn’t matter what colour it is, if it’s a tote bag or a small baguette one - hoshi is going to carry it, like the gentleman he is. for one, he figures it must be uncomfortable and tiresome to carry a bag around all the damn time, also he doesn’t want you to strain your shoulders too much, so whenever he’s around he is going to be the one to carry it. and he always makes sure before you go out that you have all of your necessities packed in case you forgot something too. also, as much as he’s easy to distract, when he holds your bag at parties he turns on his bodyguard mode, protecting that bag like his life depends on it, clutching it closely to his body (will glare if someone dares to step too close to it).
[☁️] wonwoo
taking of your glasses after you’ve fallen asleep 
as a person who wears glasses himself he knows how annoying and uncomfortable it is to fall asleep with your glasses on (not to mention that they can break too), so this is as natural as breathing for him. he probably has a couple of photos in his camera roll of you asleep with your glasses on, but sometimes you look too adorable for him not to take a quick picture for him to coo over later. he always gently takes them off as not to wake you up, and places a kiss on your forehead, before putting your glasses away so they wouldn’t break on accident.
[☁️] woozi
(i don’t really know how to name this?) 
woozi is an insanely attentive man, which is one of the reasons why he’s so great at those silent acts of service that make your heart flutter so much. he picks up the smallest things - like shifts in your mood when you’re upset or feeling a bit down, and while at the beginning of your relationship he was a bit awkward with that since he wasn’t really sure how to help you, now he knows exactly what you need. it’s not even that he has to think about holding your hand or hugging you, or just simply sitting next to you - it’s almost like his body gravitates towards you on its own, like it knows you need him by his side in that moment. you could argue that it’s the bare minimum (which it is), but with jihoon it’s so natural, like i hope you get what i’m trying to say - but the way he’s always there right by your side when you need him without having to mention that you’re not feeling that well is everything you could ever ask for. 
[☁️] dk
holding your hand in big crowds 
all seokmin wants is for you to be happy, loved, and safe. grabbing your hand when you’re in big crowds is a no brainer for him, it’s like his hand moves by itself, finding yours, and intertwining your fingers. he never lets go, not before he’s sure you’re safe with a smaller amount of people around you, where you wouldn’t get lost or swarmed by the crowd, and even then he usually keeps on holding your hand. and if you get stuck in a big crowd, like during a concert or a festival, he often pulls you to his chest, and puts his arms securely around you, so he’s sure no one will bump into you or step on your foot.
[☁️] mingyu
cooking for you 
mingyu loves cooking and eating, that much we know. but what he loves more is cooking for you. to be honest, making food for you has always been something obvious for mingyu, from the very beginning of your relationship, and he never saw it as a chore or something he felt obligated to do. preparing breakfasts on your days off, making you lunch for work/school, cooking dinner for your at home dates - it brings him so much joy because not only does he get to do what he loves, but it also reassures him that you’re eating well and not skipping any meals (whenever he finds out you skip meals you end up with a very sulky and low key angry kim mingyu).
[☁️] minghao
buying you clothes
it’s not that he doesn’t like your style or thinks you’re bad at choosing your outfits, on the contrary - during the first stages of your relationship he payed a lot of attention to what you liked to wear, and for which types of clothes you went for, so that he could spoil you with clothes and accessories you liked, making sure you’d be comfortable in them and feeling 100% you. now, whenever he saw something he knew you’d like he immediately bought it, with no second thoughts. it’s kind of comforting to know that your significant other knows you so well that they know exactly what you’d like or what would draw your attention if you were shopping yourself.
[☁️] seungkwan 
singing/ humming you to sleep 
it’s not like he lays down and automatically starts singing, but he does that whenever he sees you need it. sometimes it’s singing, sometimes it’s only humming, but it’s like his body just knows you need something to soothe your mind to fall asleep. whenever he feels you shuffling around, tossing and turning, unable to find a comfy position - he gently grabs you by your waist, and pulls you a bit closer to him, and starts singing/humming. he doesn’t think much about doing it, it’s like an automatic response because one of the most heartbreaking sights for boo is seeing you unable to rest, unable to get your well deserved sleep.
[☁️] vernon
refilling your snacks drawer 
there’s just something about vernon and him noticing all of those small things about you, and what you love. and one thing you definitely love is him and your snacks. he noticed early in your relationship that you had a drawer in your kitchen dedicated solemnly to your favourite snacks, but also how bad you were at refilling it. thus, he took it upon himself to refill it so you could always have something to munch on, and with time it became such a habit of his that he stopped paying attention that he was actually doing it. whenever he was doing grocery it was obvious to him that the first aisle he had to go to was the snacks aisle so he could pick up all of your favourites. 
[☁️] dino
refilling your water bottle 
another very attentive man with acts of service as his love language. whether you’re actually good at keeping track of how much you drink, or if you don’t pay much attention to it - chan always re-fills your water bottle for you (he was probably the one to buy it in the first place, choosing a colour to match your aesthetic). he knows how important it is to drink proper amounts of water throughout the day, so making sure you drink sufficient amount of it is as natural as brushing his teeth for him. whenever you’re studying/ working he comes into your room, grabs your water bottle and re-fills it. same as when you’re getting for school/work in the morning - he fills it with water, and puts it back in your bag (sometimes he sticks a note to it as well, with a cute “i love you” message).
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei
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jyoongim · 8 months
I have a brainrot to share and maybe it's a request idk but I feel like I have to preface this by saying I swear I have normal non-horny alastor thoughts he's just really taking up so much space in the brain rn.
Anywaaay, can you imagine Alastor with an extremely cautious darling? He wants her soul to keep her tied to him forever but no matter how good his offer is, reader turns him down and Alastor is just like sick of the rejections and the scheming so he's just gonna stoop to some other ungentlemanly methods.
And the night starts off as their normal fuckery in the sheets but Alastor starts denying them their climax and as reader gets more and more desperate Alastor proposes the deal again. Sell him your soul or he's just gonna pull out and go to sleep and he'll never let you finish ever again. and just
i swear i swear im normal i swear im not always like this 😭😭😭
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Themes: rough sex, orgasm denial, alastor being a little shit, dealmaking, hair pulling, pet names, plot if you look hard enough, soul possessing
Title: Deal of a Lifetime
Alastor had always made it known that you were his.
It took you a while to figure it out from the subtle lingering touches to the way he acted. No matter how much time you had spent with the Radio Demon, you were still wary of him.
its not like you could help it through. 
Does were naturally skittish anyway.
And when it came the smiling demon, you had every right to be cautious.
Tonight Alastor made plans for the two of you to go out on a date for dinner.
You finished preening your hair and rushed to the lobby to meet Alastor.
”O-okay I’m ready. Sorry if i took so long” you said nervously as you approached the tall red demon, a blush bleeding into your cheeks as Alastor let out a low whistle as he took your hand and spun you around.
”my my Darling, what a pretty Doe I have” he purred, kissing your hands.
Your nerves were going haywire, fighting your instinct to back away you smiled “so what do you have planned tonight?”
what do you have planned tonight? Alastor grin widened at the thought as he watched you happily look at the menu.
How pretty you were in your black dress. Gloved hands excitedly tapping the menu. A bright look in your eye as you honed in on what might be your dinner.
You even wore the necklace he had gifted you.
Alastor was content with the looks you got as you strolled around with him.
you were his and everyone knew.
But you weren’t his officially.
At least in his way.
For years, Alastor had offered you a deal; Be his. In body, mind, and soul.
He wanted you by his side forever and a deal would solidify that.
But each and every time, you rejected the notion.
”I dont need to make a deal to be yours Alastor” was always your answer.
And quite frankly, he was getting sick of it.
But he was nothing if not resourceful. After all, how else do you capture a Doe?
Make them drop their guard.
The two of you chatted and ate to your hearts content.
When the waiter suggested dessert, Alastor simply declined, stating he had other ideas sending you a wink.
Back at the hotel, Alastor whisked you away to his bedroom.
Once the door was closed, he pounced; lips on yours and claws tearing at your dress.
You were flustered and aroused. Your hands massaged at his undercut as he laid you on your back on the bed.
His lips trailed your neck, sharp teeth nipping at your flesh, causing you to gasp.
He hummed as he kissed your torso, tweaking and sucking at your nipples.
His claws dipped to your pantie, finding them soaked.
He chuckled “such a needy Doe” he tore off your panties to toy with your puffy clit and circle your slit.
You tugged his hair to bring his lips back to yours and moaned in his mouth as a finger dipped into your cunt.
Satisfied with how you began grinding into his hand, he discarded his pants and his heavy cock slapped against your mound.
You panted breathlessly as he teased his cock along your slit. You hooked a leg around his waist and threw your head back as he sunk into you.
Soft thrusts opened you to allow him deeper into the warm canal.
You arched as he steadily picked up his pace.
Your nightly rendezvous with the demon always made you feel exhilarated.
Alastor was very attentive to you. Always knew what made you tick.
He knew your body better than anything, so when he saw those pretty eyes flutter and how you cried out in pleasure, he knew how to handle you.
Your cunt was clinging to him with each thrust he gave you.
The sound of him sinking into your warm depth was music to his ears.
”On your knees dear” he said, patting your thighs.
Happliy, you turned over and lowered yourself into a deep arch, presenting him with your adorable ass and wet cunt.
Alastor admired you.
how submissive you were.
He growled as he lowered his weight on you and guided his cock by to his haven.
You gasped, feeling a hand wrap your hair into a fist, pulling your face up out the pillows “You sound so lovely doe, i wanna hear those tunes of yours”
His thrusts were hard, jolting your body as he rutted into you.
Subconsciously, you tried to meet his thrusts, whining as he hit that spot that has you seeing hearts.
”A-Al-Alastor i-I’m gonna…” you moaned feeling your cunt be wrecked.
Your insides tingled with the telltale signs of your orgasm.
But your sweet release was ripped from you when Alastor slowed his pace.
You tried to wiggle your hips against him, to seek that explosive pleasure.
Alastor was having none of that.
”Not yet darling” 
over and over he teased you right to that delicious edge, just to rip from you.
You were sobbing, ears flat to your skull as your cunt fluttered from your orgasm being denied.
You reached for him, whether for a anchor or a silent plea, you didn’t know.
You whimpered “Alastor please!”
His smile creased his cheeks, feigning a concerned tone “What ever the matter my dear Doe?”
He started thrusting into you, relishing in the soppy squish and how deep he was able to sink into you.
”Please please let me cum. I can’t..I-Ill do anything!”
A harsh thrust made you squeal
You nodded, a moan ripping from your throat as he teased your throbbing clit.
”Then be mine. Submit your entire self to me my sweet doe. I already your sweet body and heart, but give me your soul. Let me own your very essence. Grant me that darling and ill grant you the sweet relief you so desperately crave” 
your insides clenched as he kissed your shoulder, beginning to pound into your soft cunt.
”or i empty myself inside this sweet cunt of your myDoe and you’ll never be granted a taste of my cock every again”
His lips at your ear, “your choice so what do you say Mon Cher?”
his hips grinded his cock into.
”Do we have a deal?”
You cried out, feeling your orgasm teetering “yes! Yes!Yes! YES! Please Alastor! Alastor just let me cum please please”
You felt your ring finger burn as he chuckled deeply
”why of course sweet Doe, cum for me”
A high pitched scream racked the walls as your orgasm clashed into, sending you in a babbling mess.
Alastor rode out your orgasm as he thrusted into you, before emptying himself inside you.
You shook as he wrapped you in his arms, bringing your hand to his lips.
A shiny gold ring adorned your hand.
He pressed a kiss to it and then an affectionate kiss to your forehead.
”Sweet sweet doe, my sweet Doe, all mine” 
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ridingthatd · 9 months
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-ˏ͛⑅ itadorixfem!reader, gojoxfem!reader, heavy smut, masturbation, kinky, filthy, pervert, stroking cock with panties ⑅ˏ͛-
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itadori yuji. here he was standing cock rock hard as he stares at non other then his sorcerer mrs. y/n panties. yuji has always had a huge fat crush on you. he can't count how many times he had to beat his fat cock at night to the thought of you. how many times he had to excuse himself to the toilet just because of his ragging hard on.
"here take it as a gift for completing the task I gave you" gojo saturo cheekly says. grinning from ear to ear as he hands his student the panties of non other then his lover.
"what are you-" itadoris cock twitch in his pants when gojo place the panties on his palm- it was wet. it was wet. it was wet. yuji repeats in his mind, not believing what's happening. did you squirt in these panties? was it your pussy who made this mess?
he gulps nervously as he glance at gojo who was still smirking at him. clearly amused by his student reaction. oh this is going to be fun, he thought.
" you don't need to be suspicious about it, it's simply a gift for your good work" saturo speaks out while laughing, waving at the boy as he makes his way out.
itadori finally breaks, groaning as he palm his painfully hard cock and bring your red panties to his nose sniffing the scent of your pussy in. his eyes roll back as his hips twitch. fuck- fuck- fuck, he's going to cum in his pants just at the scent of you. unzipping his pants, he pull his fat cock out, whining as he touch his red sensitive tip ready to explode and ruin your little panties.
"fuck! fuck! I'm going to ruin your fucking panties" itadori moans into ceiling as he spit into your panties and place them on his leaking cock, clearly lost in pleasure to give a fuck if someone finds him this way. his cock twitch, throb, the fabric of your panties is drenched with his spit and cum.
your pussy was in those panties. your pussy was in those panties. he keeps repeating to himself till white liquid squirt out of his cock, shooting directly into the panties that was wrapped around his dick. tears of pleasure slip down his face, his thighs giving out from how the force of his shaking.
he lays down trembling, the only thing on his mind was that he had to complete all his tasks so he can receive more of these gifts from gojo saturo.
itadori yuji. itadori stands at gojos office like last time, but he was nervous chewing on his lips as he thinks about whats going to happen. will he give him another gift for completing his mission? or will he mock him?
his thoughts were caught of once he hears the door of the office open then close, revealing gojo, who was clearly as excited as itadori was to see him. he makes his way toward his desk before speaking out.
"so? mission done" he questions already knowing the answer, itadori nodes to nervous to even speak a word. gojo hums as he place his hand into his pocket. "I guess it's time for your gift" his words make itadori stiffen, cock already hard- excited on what kind of gift he's going to get this time.
gojo remove his hand from his pocket revealing the special gift- your red bra. it was a matching set with the panties. itadori fights of a whimper that was about to slip past his lips as he stare at the big bra- your breasts were always so huge, so plumpy. they looked so soft. he just wanted to suck, knead, grope, squeeze them. he wanted to have a taste of those hard nipples of yours that popped out of your shirt whenever you didn't wear a bra.
his cock starts leaking, so eager to have a hold of your bra. his minds running a million thoughts- thoughts about filthy things he's going to do with this bra just like he did with the panties. he was a pervert. a pervert who slept every night with the new gift of his. licking, sucking on your panties every night. sniffing it before he leaves his room to go on a mission.
gojo grins, he was excited- so excited to see where this is going to go. oh little y/n, oh if you knew how much of a pervert your favorite student is.
and gojo promise that soon enough you will see this side of your student yourself.
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walpu · 7 months
pre-relationship stage with them
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characters - Gepard, Aventurine notes- gn!reader, pining, light angst but mostly fluffy, a bit of hurt/comfort. I love blonde preservation men okay. no beta we die like the economy in my country
Poor poor Geppie.
He pines so much. Treats his love for you like a tender flower. Even his feelings for you is something so precious to him, he's happy to simply be in love with a person like yourself.
I feel like this poor man willd try so much to do everything for you without giving away how deeply he cares and how intense his feelings are.
"Aw, lil' Geppie, you care about y/n so much!"
"I- I do not. I mean, of course I do! But- There's nothing surprising about it. After all, it's my duty as a Captain to care about every citizen. And, of course, it's my duty as a friend to care about y/n.
Sure, Gepard. Sure.
He would never say something like this to your face though. After all, he simply can't lie to you.
Oh but how he adores you. His face literally lights up when he sees you, the most gentle smile blooms on his face when he watches you doing even the most trivial task.
Tries to act like his usual self around you but it's pretty evident to everyone that you're his weak spot.
Would gently scold you if you would ever put yourself in danger or break any rules.
If you would get seriously hurt would actually lose his mind. Would blame himself even if the situation has nothing to do with him. Beats himself up, asks for your forgiveness and does his best to help you.
Despite the popular belief that he would prioritize his work over his beloved, I don't think it's true. Sure, he takes his duties seriously, but he would always find time for you. Would make sure to see you at least two times a weak, would answer your texts and calls. If you need him, would certainly be right by your side. Even if it means he would have to work overtime later.
Tease him a bit and he's all red. Doesn't try to stop you though, secretly adores your attention.
Would be oblivious to the fact that you like him back. Like. Really dense about it.
He's just so used to giving, to protecting, he simply doesn't expect anything in return. He has silently accepted the fact that you may never love him back, but he will be there for you regardless of it, no matter what.
Plus, he feels like he may not be the one for you. Like you need someone who doesn't have to constantly put their life in danger, who can always be by your side, who won't break your heart. Because he's painfully aware that each fight may actually be his last. That he may not come back to you.
Speaking of that. He would make sure to say a proper goodbye to you before every battle or expedition. Nothing too sappy or depressing, he doesn't want to make you worry, after all. Would probably tell you to take care of yourself, to sleep well and to eat healthy food lol. He really just wants to make sure that he got to see you before heading straight into the battle.
If you're a Silvermane guard as well, would restrict himself even more, not wanting to use his position or to be pushy. However, would still be worried sick, even more so. Would still talk to you before every battle, asking almost begging you to be careful.
Loves giving you head pats.
Generally the goodest boy. Just make sure to make the first move because otherwise he would be satisfied with just being your loyal puppy.
Good lord.
This man is such a mess.
Be ready for a mindfuck but not because he's manipulative towards you or something like that but because there's so many layers of trauma in him.
You have to be patient with him okay.
I feel like pre-relationship stage would be so confusing to him. He had flings in the past, okay? Short ones, meaningless. Something to distress, to feel another person's touch, to feel some sort of connection, no matter how shallow it is. He knew he uses those people and that those people use him in return. Not once he asked them to be gentle or caring.
But with you it's so different. Doesn't matter if your relationship started sexually and developed into something more or if it was mostly platonic/slow since the beginning. He still feels something. And he's not sure if he likes it.
Sometimes it feels so good to be seen, to be addressed as a person, not just as a tool. But sometimes it scares him. After all, this man hasn't been vulnerable with anyone for a long, long time.
I'm sorry but I feel like he would try to pull away from you a bit after realizing how much you actually mean to him.
Oh but he will crumble if you reach out to him, okay? He simply can't ditch you like that, not when you see him for him and want him for him.
Even if it's scary.
Would slowly relax around you. Don't expect him to open up easily but still, the more time you spend together, the more his cocky mask will slip away.
Will randomly and out of the blue tell you small details about his past. You two may walk down the street together and he will see something that reminds him of Sigonia so he will share this memory with you.
It may be the smallest thing but it means a lot to him that you listen. Even this tiny moments of vulnerability are hard for him.
On the more positive note, he's so fun to be around. Would tease you and cling to you all of the time. If you tease him back, he would pretend to be offended but would actually enjoy the playful banter a lot.
Just don't tease him too much about him becoming more and more clingy with each passing day.
Spoils you rotten. New clothes, jewelry, watches, shoes, anything you may want or need. He still can't quite get rid of this idea that you have to be convenient for someone to be valuable. It's not like he's trying to buy your love but... Maybe subconsciously he does. Once again, be patient. This man is so used to the fact that all of his alliances are build on mutual benefit that it's still hard to accept that you're really here for him.
Spoiler even when he will feel more stable in your relationship and his mindset will turn more healthy, gift giving will still remain one of his love languages.
Just like Gepard, would care greatly about your safety. He may be careless about his own life but never with yours.
Loves, loves, loves physical contact. As I said before, gets very clingy, putting his arm over your shoulder or tugging on your sleeve. If he's feeling down, would crawl to you side and subtly brush his shoulder against yours or lean to your side. He may still have his confident smile but those small gestures show that he wants you to be the one holding him this time.
Invades your personal space a lot actually. Texts you constantly too lmao.
LOVES SILLY NICKNAMES. Would call you his dearest darling in the sweetest voice during the most inappropriate time and then laugh at your reaction. Would settle for something more casual like "baby" when he's not trying to be a pain in the ass. Still tries to play it off as something teasing. Deep down yearns to call you this without having to pretend that this is just a playful banter between two friends.
Oh and he would dance around the topic of dating, throwing hints but never having the courage to ask openly. So good luck with him.
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James isn't usually violent but he'll fight anyone who bad mouths his girlfriend.
Genre: Fluff, Short-ish? around 1,000 words
Warnings: mentions of a physical violence, descriptions of injuries and blood, insults, swearing
You were surprised when a drunk fifth year boy ran up to you in the middle of your study session with Remus saying your boyfriend had just beaten the shit out of someone at a party you'd asked him not to go to.
It was being hosted by some grimy, good-for-nothing, Slytherins that always found ways to get under James's skin. But, he never listened to you when it came to those things.
You storm into his dorm, eyelids tired from staying up in the library, and Remus follows you. "James Potter!" You exclaim firmly as you look around the room.
Sirius is leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, while James sits on his bed. He's half laying on the headboard as he massages his palms. He's wearing an obnoxious black blazer with thick red lining, dark pants, and a white chemise with a loosened maroon tie. He looks handsome and ridiculous at the same time.
Your eyes lower to his hands and see his knuckles bruised as red as his clothes and when he sees you, he grins drunkenly. "Y/n!" He slurs as he sits up and his brown hair falls dramatically over his forehead.
"What did you do?" You ask, moving to sit next to him on the bed.
"You're so pretty." He mutters and he leans in to cup your cheeks and kisses them sloppily. Sirius chuckles as you push James away.
"You smell like beer."
"Yes, because I drank beer, love."
"What happened?" You ask Sirius this time as James falls back onto the headboard and smirks like an idiot.
Sirius just raises his arms as if he's innocent and drags Remus out of the room with him. As soon as the door closes, James attaches himself to your waist and you sigh. You forget how incredibly clingy he is when he's drunk.
You look at the small bruise on James's cheek as he rests his head near your stomach. You also forget how hot-headed he can be.
James sees you looking and says, "You should see the other guy," as if that makes it better.
"James. What happened." You repeat but find yourself running one of your hands in his hair as he turns onto his back and lays his head in your lap.
"Nothing." He mumbles stubbornly.
You roll your eyes and gently press your thumb onto his bruise and James winces. He shuts his eyes and opens one of them as he looks at your annoyed expression.
"I hate Slytherins." He says plainly.
"I hate some Slytherins." He mumbles a quick "most" under his breath but you ignore him and simply wait for a better explanation.
"You know the blond one? Weird nose. Punchable face?" He rambles, slurring his words a little, and you nod. "Well he was following me around all night, the little wanker."
"I told you not to go." You point out.
"Being such an annoying little shit. I was already ready to knock him out." He continues and you listen to him as you play with his curls, "And then he mentioned you." James's voice lowers.
"Yeah." His jaw tightens.
"What did he say about me?" You ask curiously and James looks up at you. Clumsily, he reaches up to caress your cheek and his eyes soften adoringly.
"Don't you worry about that, my darling. I made him regret it." James grins and you feel a warmth spread across your chest.
"You don't have to fight people for me, Jamie." You say softly.
"Of course I do, I — "James drops his hand as his eyes jump around your face. He pauses a moment and he seems to have lost his previous thought, "Merlin, you're so gorgeous."
"Thanks, honey." You whisper and lean down to kiss his forehead, "But James, please be careful if you want to get into fights. I don't want anyone ruining that pretty face of yours." You kiss the tip of his nose.
"I'm always careful, Y/n." James sits up and he looks quite serious, "You should really see the other guy." He insists.
And he's right. The next morning, you and James walk into Transfigurations hand in hand. You had wrapped a small bandage around his knuckles and applied muggle soothing cream on the bruise near his eye.
You like pampering him the muggle way, the way your parents pampered you, and you love that he lets you.
Since James cleaned up nicely, he's grinning cockily and whispers in your ear, "Over there."
You look towards where he means and your eyes widen. A blond Slytherin is glaring at you and James, his fists shaking. He has a black eye, a swollen bruise on his cheekbone, and his lip is split open and barely healed. He obviously hasn't gone to the hospital wing.
"James!" You whisper back to your boyfriend, "How hard did you hit him?"
"Hard enough that your name will never leave his filthy mouth ever again." James says proudly as Remus and Sirius walk towards you both.
"Morning." Remus yawns.
"That piece of shit sure looks handsome this morning." Sirius remarks, slappingJames on the back. James returns the gesture as he laughs.
"Sirius!" You hiss, feeling slightly bad.
James kisses your cheek, "Relax, love. If he snitches I'll have to tell the Headmaster what he called you and I'm bloody persistent when it comes to demanding discipline for tossers like him."
You decide to relax a little.
You've known James and his friends for more than six years now and you've had to grow used to them getting into fights, or simple squabbles, with other students. Plus, you also know James is never violent for no reason. Whatever the Slytherin said must have been bad enough for him to lose his cool.
"My knight in shining armor." You tease and smile at him as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.
"Always." He presses a quick kiss to your lips as Sirius and Remus pretend to gag and you giggle.
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lunarmoves · 9 months
"can i have a kiss?"
you abruptly choke on the sip of water you'd been taking, your free hand coming up to cover your mouth as you cough roughly and loudly into your palm. it's enough to make your throat ache, and you barely register a large hand patting you on your back as you do your best to clear your windpipe.
"pardon?" you eventually force out, voice scratchy as you look up at sun through watering eyes. "what did you say?"
sun's head tilts to the side slightly. it's difficult to parse out what he's thinking with those blank eyes of his. "can i have a kiss?" he repeats for you in the same tone and inflection—light and casual like he's simply asking about the weather.
you blink owlishly at him, then glance around the empty daycare. maybe as an excuse to not look at him. everything was cleaned swiftly today, leaving you with some free time before you had to clock out. you just hadn't expected it to be spent like this, however. you clear your throat and look back at sun. his fingers curl and uncurl at his sides, barely noticeable had he not been standing stock still.
"...what's brought this on?" you ask after a short moment of silence. you're stalling, you know, but you're genuinely curious.
his head tilts the other way, a quiet click coming from his face plate. and then—like he hadn't just been standing before you, still as a statue—he jolts back into an amiable sway.
"oh, you know!" he gushes out, clasping his hands together and making the bells attached to his ribbons jingle with the motion. "we just see the way parents kiss their children at the door! and, well, those kids love to play house a lot too, you see. it's difficult not to notice it when it happens all the time! we are simply..." he trails off, as though searching for the right word. "...intrigued."
"right..." you're not quite buying what he's trying to say. hell, your ears are likely still tinged red from the initial embarrassment of his question. "you give kisses to the kids all the time, though," you point out. they aren't kisses so much as they are little taps of his static smile to their boo-boos or foreheads when they ask. you only know they're intended as kisses because sun lets out an exaggerated mwah every time.
sun only looks at you, something tense along the line of his thin shoulders. you wait, in the silence of the too large daycare, as he seems to ruminate upon something. and when he speaks, it makes something curl tightly in the deepest pit of your stomach.
"that's different," he replies quietly. a pin drops in the far distance.
your tongue suddenly feels too thick for your mouth and you swallow before you reply. "how so?" you find yourself asking. you... you don't quite understand. or maybe you don't want to. maybe you're looking for an answer you're not quite prepared to hear yet. maybe you are ready and you just don't realize it yet.
"they're not you." it's said simply—like saying the sky is blue or grass is green. your lips purse together. you refuse to admit how that makes you feel—how it makes something hot flood throughout your body.
"...there are cameras," you say weakly, trying to fight down the flush crawling up your neck and into your cheeks. was this really happening? was he really asking you this? it's just a kiss, you scold yourself. you're overreacting. he's a robot—it's not like it means anything to him. right? "i'm on shift. i could get fired." it doesn't matter if it's a friendly little peck—anything seen like that with a robot on cameras after the daycare has closed will be detrimental to your career.
"don't you worry your silly little head about that!" sun waves a hand in dismissal, his eyes upturned slightly into white crescents. there's a curve to his smile that you're only minutely wary of. "we've taken care of it!" ...whatever that means. you eye one of the cameras positioned near the ceiling of the daycare, the small red light on it frozen. you... aren't going to question that. you internally sigh.
sun's always curious—always pushing boundaries. always seeing how far he can go with you before you take a step back.
it seems like you'd taken too long to respond. sun closes the small distance between the two of you with a single, long stride, standing before you in a way that makes you crane your head up. your personal space is wiped out in an instant. he bends down until his face is mere inches above yours. and then he waits.
"don't be shy!" he tells you brightly, fingers flexing by his sides. one of his rays twitches atomically. "put 'er right here!" his face plate spins slightly as an indicator.
he's really not leaving you much room for choice here. you huff at his persistence, giving him a small roll of your eyes. and with a deep breath to help ground yourself—keep your head clear and look at this all from an objective standpoint (robot, he's a robot, he's curious, it doesn't mean anything)—you eventually raise yourself up on your tippy toes.
a kiss—as small and feathery as a wisp of wind on a cool, fall day—is pressed delicately to the plating of his forehead. the metal is cool under your touch, a contrast against the warmth of your skin. you don't let yourself linger, dropping back down onto your heels as you clear your throat and force yourself to look at him. he's still watching you—with that too large smile and too squinted eyes.
"there you go," you force out as casually as you can. there's something swarming in your gut and you're not sure if it's a good thing or not. "happy?"
sun's rays spin around once, but he doesn't move away. his smile stretches wider—thinner like a blade. and when he speaks, there's a faint depth to his voice that makes you think of the way moon speaks.
"you missed." he bends down closer to you, the shadows of his lithe form casting themselves across your face. he lifts a hand to tap once against the metal of his smile and the sound seems to echo through the daycare. you stare up at him with wide eyes, a cool prickle making its way down your spine. sun's face plate makes another sharp click. "do it again."
you mouth opens, then closes, until you finally muster up the will to let out a little laugh—albeit a slightly shaky one.
"c'mon, dude, i gave you a kiss." you let out another chuckle and find yourself leaning back just a tad. "i should head out now anyways, it's getting lat—"
before you can even finish your sentence, sun's hands dart out to grip you tightly on your upper arms. trapping you within his hold as he draws you closer. you're forced to look up at him, all tense lines and twitching metallic parts.
"you misunderstand, friend." sun grins wider, the gleam of his teeth sharp in the daycare's lighting. you take the smallest step back. "i wasn't asking."
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clawsdevour · 16 days
*،Ꮺ ࣪ kuroo husband hcs
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wc: 0.6k content warning: post-time skip, fluff, MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN..., not proofread
˚. ꢾ𓍢ִ໋
-Kuroo, the type of husband to oversleep a lot. Sometimes you'd have to wake him up because his alarm won't stop ringing but you don't mind it. You like to just watch him sleep peacefully knowing how hard he works and he appreciates it when you let him sleep just a tad bit longer while you got breakfast ready for him.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to sneak up behind you whenever you're cooking and start to attack you with tickles. He loves hearing you laugh so hard while playfully shouting at him to stop, to counteract his attack you both end up in a tickle fight that quickly comes to an end when you both smell something burning...
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love little cozy date nights at home. He loves the private intimate tension in the atmosphere whenever the ambient light hits right with you at his side. He'd enjoy playing little board games with you while your guys' favorite show playing in the back while you exchange giggles.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love doing cheesy little couple things in public. For instance, sharing an ice cream sundae. He would love to just spoon-feed you while you're happily eating it. Kuroo would also just love having your hand in his all the time. He loves knowing that you're always there by giving you a little squeeze.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love doing late night errand runs with you. If you're walking to the convenience store and there's absolutely no one in your path, he'd for sure establish a race to the store and start sprinting even though he knows you won't race him. Of course, he's going to run back to you when he's already halfway there and say he won.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to go and absolutely dissolve in your arms the moment he comes back from work. He loves knowing that you're always there for him like how he is for you. After a warm bath, his favorite thing to do is just lay in your arms with his face nestling in the crook of your neck eventually drifting off to sleep.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to let you play with his bed head hair. The most he really does for it is probably just a trim, so whenever you ask him if you can touch his hair he doesn't really mind at all. In fact he actually likes when you're just stroking through his messy hair with your fingers, it's like a free scalp massage by the one he loves the most.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love spending slow evenings with you. Doesn't matter if you're just lounging on the couch with your head in his lap laughing at a movie. Kuroo just simply loves being in your presence, especially when it's almost the end of the day where he gets to have these little unwinding moments with you.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to have Bokuto and Kenma hype him up right after he bought your engagement ring. Rejection ran circles through his mind so many times after he purchased it. Kuroo was so nervous and his hands definitely got so sweaty that when he was fiddling with the box in his pocket, it almost slipped out right before he distracted you to look behind.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love the idea of having a few kids running around the house. He can see his future bright and clear with you standing right in the middle of it and of course, your little minions swarming around you both. He's also SUCH a girl's dad fight me I dare you.
masterlist here
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cvnt4him · 3 months
Reader who got hit w a bunny quirk during a mission w izu please smuttt I love yew💋
I love you too bbg💕
This is actually like a great idea and I had the EXACT same one except izuku was the bunny. Yeah this one is way fucking better.
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"don't be amused, it's just the news! This just in; we have more details about pro heros deku and y/n's fight with the new and upcoming villain; sphinx. A local has given us amateur footage of y/n getting blasted with sphinx's quirk! They have the ability to turn others and themselves into animals! Y/n has been out of the hero scene for a while, as far as we know with the information her close friend and partner deku has given us, she's going to be out of hero work for a while, they haven't found a cure or much of a loophole with sphinx's quirk. Next in a cat stuck in a tre---"
You shut the TV off with a groan of annoyance. Why hadn't this gone away yet? You've been like this for a week. A long, miserable, insufferable, week. You weren't alone, even if you wanted to be, izuku wouldn't let you. He felt guilty, he felt as if you were like this because of him. During your fight together he pushed you out of the way when a flying car had come your way, you'd known nothing about the villain upon fighting them. Izuku however, knew everything about the villain, he pulled his mask up before the fight even began.
Izuku always got in a certain head space when fighting whether it be a measly robber, or a very experienced and high tech villain. He always made sure he was ready and that morning could take him out of this state. He just wishes he had warned you beforehand of what the villain was capable of.
You look at your reflection in the black TV screen with a frown. You hated the way you looked. Two fluffy bunny ears standing tall before falling to either side of your face. Izuku walks into your room going completely unnoticed, he spoke and sat down your cup of water but his words falling into deaf ears.
His voice nothing above a whisper, sitting beside you while patting your head lightly. People always shipped you two due to the way he treated you, don't get me wrong hes nice to everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from. People just liked to do stupid shit in their free time so you never really took it to heart, mostly because izuku always avoided and shut down all questions that surfaced about you two during interviews. Saying he only saw you as a friend.
You turn to him slowly your sad eyes staring up at him. He sighs while giving you a sad look back, putting your foreheads together. He hadn't left your side at all besides when he and to work, but he made sure to come right back to your apartment to assure that you were alright. It's not like you were sick or anything because you weren't. You could walk, talk, shower, cook, and do everything just fine, but he insisted you do nothing he felt far too guilty to even allow you to lift a finger. He once apologized for you telling him you thought about cooking on your own.
He whispers an "I'm sorry" while your heads are together, you simply chuckle and try to smile. Your quirk had been disabled due to being transformed. There's always a loophole in quirks so why hasn't anyone found one for sphinx's quirk? It was weighing on you far too heavily for either of your liking. Izukus heart ached for you to get better, he hated seeing you like this, all sad and unable to do anything for yourself. You can but for some odd reason he thinks you can't do you just let him take care of you.
Izuku pulls away, putting his fingers in your hair and scratching your scalp, the soothing motion making you sigh and lay your head on his shoulder. He hums with a smile that didn't meet his eyes, he grabs the remote from you and puts on a movie, grabbing your cup of water to ensure that you are hydrated.
You both had fallen asleep on each other, his head on top of yours while you laid on his shoulder. You got up and stretched making him get more comfortable and turn his head to lay on a pillow beside him. You looked at him closely, admiring each and every freckle that littered his cheeks and slightly down his neck his chest moving up and down in a smooth rhythm. He looked so peaceful not having to worry and feel guilty for your current state. Your body moved on it's own, one of your hands moving to his chest rubbing up and down his body. He was very toned, you knew this you could practically see it through his new skin tight suit. It hugged his body deliciously.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, his shirt was slightly raised and scrunched up ending just above his v line, the way it looked like it was sculpted by gods. He looked like a Greek god himself. His body was fucking hot.
Your tail wiggled and twitched against the bed light noise coming from the way it moved. You bit your lip lightly while looking down where his shorts hugged his waist. Your eyes kept trailing down his figure landing on where a tent in his shorts sat. He was completely flaccid yet his thick cock made a very visible print. Fuck this was really turning you on, he was completely unconscious and unaware of how you were fucking him with your eyes. Your hand moved down to his dick print and gently rubbed over it making him take a deep breath and breathe out slowly, you noticed this and continued your movements while staring at his face, a pink hue forming onto his baby-like cheeks.
You watched as he gulped and turned his head in your direction with a breathy and quick sigh, he was getting bothered by how you teased his semi erect cock. His brows slightly furrowed while you stopped your hands movements completely, his cock twitched against your hand making your eyes shoot down to his cock, seeing it fully erect and leaking slightly against his thin shorts. God this was such a sight, it was so fucking hot and lewd, you felt guilty for getting him all hot and bothered but seeing the way his cock twitched and bobbed up and down for your touch was hypnotizing.
Without thinking you hopped onto his lap you weight sitting on top of him making him shift under you, that was almost enough to snap you out of whatever trance he put you in but the way he put his hands on your thighs and rubbed them out you right back into the daze you never got out of.
Your tail wiggled against his thigh as you slowly grind into him, rubbing your clothes pussy against his clothed cock in a slow yet rough manner. a moan accidentally slipped out of your mouth when his cock rubbed against your clit in the best way.
You panted lightly as the grind of your hips started to quicken in pace, you dug your hips down into his to feel his cock press against you. A noise left his throat as he gripped your waist tightly, his grasp bruising your skin while pushing you down more into him. You didn't think about the fact that he might've woken up due to your moans and the way you moved helplessly on top of him. He rubbed his cock up into you to feel that light friction that had him dizzy.
You grabbed onto his shoulders and rode him like you were actually riding his cock. The thought alone of actually getting to ride his cock getting you to that building release. He moaned deeply before his eyes slightly opened and peered up at you, you were too busy in your own haze to acknowledge the way he looked at you, your fucked out face contorting in such a pretty way.
He couldn't believe you were using him while he was asleep, riding his clothed cock for all that it's worth. He bit his lip and flipped the both of you, a scream ripping right out of you as you look up at him with wide scared eyes. He could only look down at you with lust filled ones. His emerald orbs looking at every feature that painted your body, the way your thighs looked more plump because of your shorts. Your boobs spilling out the top of your tank top. You looked so good and the way you looked at him with those scree and glossy eyes went straight to his aching cock. He was so ready to split you in half on his thick cock, he knew you'd have a struggle but it'd be worth it just to be inside of you. He'd wait as long as he'd have to just to feel your pussy squeeze around his cock.
No words were said as he went in to kiss you, lightly pressing his dry but soft lips against yours. A moan left you as your tail wiggled underneath you, you were so horny and you could feel the way it ate you alive from the inside out, you were so close to crying from how much it burned inside of you.
"please.. please fuck me, I need it."
You whispered up to him with a raspy voice, whining as your eyes moved down to his cock, it looked like it was going to burst out of his shorts with the way it stood up proudly.
He smirked at you with lidded eyes while he kissed you neck, you closed your eyes and fell into the soft kisses being planted on your sensitive neck, he moved his kisses up to your bunny ears blowing on them lighting, the soft feeling of it all making your pussy throb and a whimper leave you lips.
He chuckled lowly to himself as he flipped you over into your stomach. He pressed his chest and his hard cock against your ass cheek as he whispered in your ear.
"using me while I sleep? naughty thing. poor bunny, must need it badly, hm?"
You nodded your head aggressively while rubbing your ass against his hard on, earning a low groan from the muscular man above you.his weight on you felt so good and it wasn't even sexual at all.
He slipped your shorts and underwear down in one swift move, he pulled his own down as he teased your dripping hole, slipping his engorged cock head in and out of your lips. Your eyes roll as you lift your ass in the air and wiggle against his cock. he's surprised by this, a chuckle leaving him while he pulls you back by your ears, a squeak leaving you while he slaps your ass.
"you're so fucking needy huh? this sopping wet cunny of yours dripping around my cock, hm?"
You nod again, not being able to speak due to your throat getting rather dry. He hums and slips his cock in halfway before taking it out quickly, this went on for about 5 minutes, the torture was so funny to him yet painful for you. You felt as if you were going to die, the heat forming inside of you burned badly. You needed release, finally being def up with his teasing, the second he tried to do it again you slammed your ass back onto him taking his cock fully, a choked moan leaving his pink lips.
He groaned loudly while lying his head on your shoulder with a smile, he was out of breath from you taking his cock fully. He chuckled against your skin while kissing it, he bit harshly on the skin of your shoulder making you scream while he thrusted vigorously into your soaked pussy, the squelching noises clouding his mind while he moaned into your ear and grabbed onto your bunny ears. The sensitive muscle being pulled painfully hard went straight to your throbbing cunt, the way he slammed his hips into you and hit that spot repeatedly was just enough to make you cum, but he knew you were going to by the way you started squeezing his cock for all he was worth, milking him and slicking his cock up with your fluid.
“A-Agh fuck don’t stop- don’t fuckin stop.”
You command him while throwing your ass back, you were feeling too good you felt as if you weren't even in control, the way your body moved lewdly against him was inhumane and unlike you. You'd never felt the need to be near someone like this, like you yearned for his very touch, for him to cum inside of you. Oh. God that sounded so good, the thought of his warm thick cum spilling and spreading inside of you made you squeeze around his cock even more.
Just when you felt as if you were going to cum you felt the need leave. He had pulled out of your cunt with a groan, his cock twitched from the cold ajr hitting the leaky tip. He looked down at your pussy squeezing around nothing, god you were so fucking needy and that made him go feral. He could practically smell the delicious scent you released. Your tail twitched fastly, catching his attention. He had asked you before questions about your body and if anything felt different, he hadn't asked about your tails however, he was curious if it was sensitive. Out of pure curiosity he pushed his thick cock back inside of you, and yanked at your tails, his tight grip on your ears never leaving.
He used them to bring you back more into him. You let out a high pitched moan as your arms gave out, your body felt like it was on fire, throwing your ass back against him while your thighs burned from the work.
“fu— m'cum— cumming!!“
You couldn't control it, it just ripped out of you. The feeling was far too strong to hold back or even pretend not to acknowledge you groaned while sobbing, tears falling from your face due to the extra stimulation. He cooed in your ear, coaxing you through your orgasm while never letting you in the way he fiddled with your tail, his other hand leaving your floppy ears to go to your clit, rubbing it slowly while speeding up his hips.
"nngh~ izu— Izu-"
You couldn't speak from the immense pleasure, it began to hurt due to overstimulation. You sobbed and hiccupped against the pillows as he drilled his cock into you, he groaned and grunted behind you moans leaving his lips as well.
"shit...- fuck— god dammit, u/n I'm gonna cu- cum again.. shit take it, fucking take it all.."
Again?! He'd already came?? Maybe that's why you thought about his warm cum spreading and claiming every spot inside of you. Because he already did.
You couldn't move or even speak, the way he bucked his hips into yours, stuttering and rhythm becoming uneven. He threw his head back with a moan as he came again, tears welling at the corner of his eyes. He felt so good, your fluttering walks squeezing and convulsing around his soft turning cock.
He collapsed beside you without a word. His eyes closed as he tried to steady his breaths, he hasn't felt this good in so long, it's been a while since he'd last been with anyone. He took pride in his job, he'd wanted to be a hero since he was a kid, however it did take him away from a lot of things, including interacting with people and making new friends.
He needed this and he's glad you gave It to him. He turned to check on you to see you had already passed out, he rubbed your back lightly making you shiver underneath his touch. He got up to assure you were alright, making sure you water was refilled and that you could be clean, he grabbed a warm damp towel to clean you but before he did he got a good look at the two loads that were fucked into you, slowly oozing from your still convulsing lips. Fuck this was a sight to see, he was afraid he'd never get to see it again. He hates what he did but, he had to save this moment forever! A picture to remember this morning by! After all, you won't be a bunny forever.
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AN: this was very fun to write actually, I've recently been in a chokehold w top!izuku there's something ab him being mean or js taking care of me that gets to me.
Dividers by @anitalenia
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
A Series of Firsts
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: You and Miguel are ready to become parents and you must now go through a series of firsts together.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
No warnings. Just pure fluff. Mentions of pregnancy. Dad girl Miguel. Protective dad Miguel.
First Kick
“What colour should we have on the walls?” Miguel asked one day.
“Too much.”
“Red and blue?”
“That’s too… spidey.”
You giggled at his remark. “We’ll just pick a neutral one and let her decide as she grows up.”
“That’s settled, then,” he murmured, resting the side of his head on your baby bump as both of you lay comfortably on the bed.
“Fingers crossed for a zebra pattern in purple and green,” you teased.
“She can have whatever she wants,” he said simply and you knew he meant it.
Warmth spread in your heart, realising Miguel would give her anything she’d ask for. Even the moon.
As you rolled a single strand of his hair around your finger, you gasped abruptly and halted.
Miguel shot up straight in full alert mode. “What is it? Are you okay?”
You nodded, running both hands along your belly, waiting to feel it once more.
He immediately picked up on the meaning of your sudden silence and placed a splattered hand next to yours.
It didn’t take long for a second kick to be felt and you watched his face awe. “Does it hurt?”
“No,” you whispered adoringly at his concern.
He paused briefly. “That was a strong kick.”
You placed your hand atop his. “She’ll take after you, then.”
First Time Meeting
Jessica placed the little bundle of joy into his arms as soon as the spider-nurses were done checking the vitals and dressing her.
“What is this?” Miguel asked with a light scowl, shifting to have the sleeping baby face you.
Even through your post-labour exhaustion you managed to giggle.
She was dressed in a red and blue suit-like onesie that had Peter’s face printed onto the fabric as rainbow coloured words read ‘my 1st spider suit’.
“Remind again me why we let him choose.”
“You know how Peter is,” you said softly. “It’s a very cute gift.”
Miguel didn’t seem all that convinced, but brought her back against his chest protectively.
You watched as Miguel’s hardened face immediately softened in adoration and, for a couple of minutes, he just stood there, rocking her lightly in his arms.
“She’s… tiny,” he concluded, fingers probing around her hand. “She’s perfect.”
He raised her slowly up to his face and he planted a soft kiss to her forehead, earning a sudden yawn.
“Welcome home,” he whispered to her, completely transfixed. “I’ll always protect you.”
Something inside you stirred. This big grumpy man with volatile moods had just been disarmed by a tiny baby.
That was definitely a sight to behold.
First Sleepless Night
“We’re not having another baby.”
Miguel let out a measured sigh in agreement. “Ever.”
The two of you lay sprawled across the large bed, facing the ceiling as the first rays of sunshine began to lit up the room.
Your daughter had finally fallen asleep after hours of fighting against it, nearly driving both of you crazy in the process.
As you readied yourself to slide off the mattress, you felt Miguel’s hold on your wrist stilling you.
“Don’t move,” he whispered. “Please.”
You groaned inwardly. “I need to go pee, Miguel.”
Sleepy and bloodshot eyes met yours. “It took us hours to drain her energy… hold it in for a while,” now that was a desperate tone if you’d ever heard one from him.
You heaved a long and heavy sigh, feeling his thumb gently rubbing at your pulse point in sheer gratitude.
“Yup. No more babies, O’Hara.”
“Maybe one more?”
You shot him a death glare and he swallowed hard.
“… or not.”
First Scare
You paced around the apartment, having already lost count of the amount of baby monitors that Miguel had spread all over the place.
“This is a bit too much, no?”
Miguel was checking on the sleeping baby through the orange-tinted screen of his dimensional travel watch when he turned to glare at you like you had just said the most abominable thing ever.
“You can never be too careful,” he said in disbelief.
It was to be expected, really. Miguel was always obsessed with security no matter the context, so you couldn’t really say this surprised you.
“Even the watch?” you asked in awe.
“Of course. It’s a looped system that transmits directly to both our watches,” he said with a nod. “Any alteration in her bedroom trigers an alarm.”
Ever the scientist.
His eyes dropped to the hologram on his wrist and he let out a gasp.
“She’s gone!”
Your heart nearly collapsed as a feral Miguel immediately set himself on all fours towards her bedroom, clawing at floor.
“Miguel!” you called after him in a hurry.
Once you reached the open door, you were presented with Peter holding your daughter as Mayday chuckled happily, seated on his shoulder.
“Peter!” Miguel growled, yanking your daughter from his hold and bringing her close to his chest defensively.
“Miguel! We were just paying a visit,” he chuckled. “Cute baby, by the way,” he turned to you with a smile and a flick of his fingers.
But Miguel was having none of that. “Out!”
Mayday stuck out her tongue at him right away, a habit she had yet to let gonof whenever Miguel was around.
“Lyla, why wasn’t the alarm triggered?”
The AI appeared by his shoulder at once, filing her nails. “You forgot to activate the security system, boss.”
First Word
“Pa~pá! Say it. Paaa~pá!”
“Cheater!” you exploded as you entered the kitchen in large steps.
Miguel turned to face you as your daughter giggled.
“We promised to let it be something spontaneous,” you lifted an accusing finger at him. “Cheater!”
He lifted both hands defensively. “I’m just giving her some help.”
In truth, you weren’t upset with him in the slightest. He had been such a constanr presence in his daughter’s life even through an exhausting amount of work around Nueva York.
You feigned indignation crossing your arms across your chest.
Miguel picked her out of the baby chair and walked towards you with a tentative smile.
“I’m sorry.”
Your front broke right away as he leaned to nudge his forehead against yours. “You’re still a cheater,” you accused, not able prevent your lips from curling into a smirk.
“I’ll make it up to you.”
Your daughter started clapping enthusiastically. “Petaah~” and then burst into laughter.
Miguel looked down at her in shock. “What?”
It was almost comedic irony that the first word your daughter said was Peter, which had Miguel sulk for a couple of days.
First Steps
You missed kissing Miguel with no interruptions. Having some alone time in between taking care of your daughter was not easy to come by.
So whenever there was an opening, you’d both make it count.
He had your back pressed against the cold surface of the bedroom wall in no time, framing your face with both hands to deepen the searing kiss.
You melted into his touch right away, yearning for more.
Miguel broke the kiss momentarily to check his watch, panting lightly. “She’s still in the living room.”
You sighed in relief as he took your lips in his once more, hungrier this time. Both of your hands were resting on his firm chest, enjoying the way his muscles rippled under your touch.
Miguel hummed into you, swallowing your gasps and moans.
Your eyes were about to flutter shut when you detected movement out of the corner of your eye.
Panic took over and you immediately pushed Miguel away with a yelp.
Standing by the door was your daughter, gripping the frame with tiny hands, barely able to keep her balance.
Miguel offered her a kind smile. “Hey, you… come here.”
Your heart was hammering hard in your chest as you struggled to even your breathing.
She broke into an amused chuckle, wobbling in Miguel’s direction as he dropped to one knee. “Come here,” he encouraged.
But she would only take a couple of steps before her legs gave out under her to have her sit on the floor.
This was evidently very amusing as she kept trying to mimic her first attempt in between laughter
Miguel exchanged a proud smile with you and, for the first time in a long, you didn’t mind being interrupted.
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Can you write something where the reader takes care of Logan, like after a mission or he's simply in a bad mood so the reader cooks his favorite meal, they shower together (nothing smutty just intimacy) and then cuddles running their fingers through his hair and on his back, pretty pls?🙏
The mission had been a disaster from the start. A simple recon turned into a firefight, and things went downhill fast. Logan wasn’t one for following orders to the letter—he’d always trusted his instincts more than any plan. But this time, those instincts had led to a mess. The team had barely made it out in one piece, and when they did, the anger was palpable.
Scott had been the first to start shouting, his face flushed with frustration. “What the hell were you thinking, Logan? You were supposed to wait for my signal! We could’ve all been killed because of you!”
Logan’s jaw clenched, his temper simmering just below the surface. He hated being called out like this, especially when he knew he was right. But he also knew when to pick his battles, and right now, he was too damn tired to fight back.
The others chimed in, their voices blending into a cacophony of frustration and anger. Logan took it all in stride, his expression darkening with each word, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he turned on his heel and walked away, his fists clenched so tight his knuckles were white.
By the time he reached his room, he was seething. He slammed the door shut, locking it behind him with a sharp twist of the bolt. The quiet of the room did little to soothe the storm brewing inside him. He paced back and forth, the adrenaline from the mission still coursing through his veins. His hands itched to hit something, anything, but he knew better. Breaking things wouldn’t help—not this time.
After what felt like hours, he finally collapsed onto the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. The anger was still there, but it was mixed with frustration and a deep sense of weariness that had nothing to do with the mission. He was tired—tired of the fighting, the endless missions, the constant struggle to keep his demons at bay.
But before he could let the darkness swallow him whole, there was a soft knock at the door. He didn’t respond at first, hoping whoever it was would get the hint and leave him the hell alone. But the knock came again, this time a little more insistent.
With a heavy sigh, Logan pushed himself up and unlocked the door. He half-expected to see Scott or one of the others, ready to continue the argument, but instead, it was you. You stood there, holding a tray with a steaming plate of his favorite meal—steak, cooked just the way he liked it, with a side of mashed potatoes and a cold beer.
Your expression was soft, understanding in your eyes as you took in the tension still radiating off him. “I figured you could use a little something to eat,” you said quietly, holding out the tray.
Logan stared at you for a moment, the anger in him ebbing away slightly at the sight of you. He hadn’t expected anyone to reach out, especially not after how things had gone on the mission. But you were here, offering him a small comfort in the form of a hot meal, and it was enough to take the edge off the worst of his frustration.
Wordlessly, he took the tray from you and stepped aside, letting you into his room. You followed him in, closing the door gently behind you, and watched as he sat down at the small table in the corner of the room, his movements stiff with lingering anger.
He ate in silence, but you stayed close, your presence a quiet reassurance that he wasn’t alone. The tension in the room slowly eased as he worked through the meal, the familiar taste of the food grounding him in a way nothing else could. By the time he finished, some of the storm in his chest had subsided, leaving him feeling more exhausted than anything else.
Logan set the tray aside and glanced at you, his expression still dark but softened by a flicker of gratitude. “Thanks,” he muttered, the word rough but sincere.
You smiled gently, stepping closer to him. “You’ve had a rough day,” you said softly. “How about we get you cleaned up?”
He didn’t argue, just nodded, and allowed you to lead him to the bathroom. The room was warm, steam already curling up from the shower you’d started for him. Logan stood there for a moment, his shoulders slumped, and you could see just how tired he really was—how much the weight of the mission, of everything, was bearing down on him.
You stepped behind him, your fingers working at the buttons of his shirt, gently peeling it off his broad shoulders. The tension in his muscles was palpable, his body coiled tight from the stress of the day. Once his shirt was off, you helped him out of his pants, leaving him standing there in just his boxers.
Logan’s breath hitched as your hands moved to his back, massaging the knots in his muscles with firm, soothing strokes. He let out a low, relieved groan as your fingers worked out the tension, his head dropping forward as he let himself relax, if only just a little.
“Come on,” you murmured, guiding him to the shower. He stepped in, letting the hot water cascade over his body, washing away the grime and sweat from the mission. You followed him in, the water soaking through your clothes as you pressed close to him, your hands running up and down his back in slow, comforting motions.
Logan’s breath hitched again when your fingers found the tight spots in his shoulders, kneading the tension away with practiced ease. He let out another low groan, leaning back into your touch, his head tilting to the side as he closed his eyes and let himself be taken care of.
You worked the shampoo into his hair, your fingers gentle as they massaged his scalp, working the lather through his thick, unruly hair. Logan melted under your touch, the anger and frustration from earlier finally slipping away, replaced by a deep sense of calm.
Once you’d rinsed out the shampoo, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, your cheek resting against his back as you stood there together under the warm spray. Logan’s hand found yours, his fingers lacing with yours in a rare moment of vulnerability.
When the water finally started to cool, you guided him out of the shower, wrapping him in a thick towel before toweling yourself off. Logan didn’t say much, but his eyes were softer now, the hard edges of his anger dulled by the care you’d shown him.
You led him back to the bed, pulling back the covers and guiding him to lie down. Logan hesitated for a moment, then turned, settling on his side with his back to you. It wasn’t often that he let himself be this vulnerable, but tonight, he needed it.
You slid in behind him, your body fitting perfectly against his as you draped an arm over his waist. Logan let out a soft, contented sigh as you started to rub his back in slow, soothing circles, your touch gentle and comforting.
The darkness that had been weighing on him all evening finally lifted as he let himself sink into the warmth of your embrace. He wasn’t used to being the little spoon, but with you, it felt right. Safe. Loved.
“Thank you,” Logan murmured, his voice thick with exhaustion and something else—something softer, more vulnerable.
You pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck, your hand continuing to rub slow, gentle circles into his back. “Anytime,” you whispered, your voice filled with all the love and care you felt for him.
Logan’s breathing slowed, his body relaxing completely as he finally let go of the last of his tension. With you wrapped around him, he felt like he could finally let down his guard, if only for a little while.
And as he drifted off to sleep, the last thing he felt was your gentle touch, a quiet reminder that even in his darkest moments, he wasn’t alone.
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