#he is loving and kind and sometimes drinks wine while lecturing you about how bad alcohol is
snorting-ramen-dust · 3 months
the perpetual pain of finding fanfics of characters where their dialogue and actions are the epitome of “He Would Not Fucking Say That”
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
your roommate hcs are so cute, can i request for naib, demi, tracy, andrew, kurt, patricia, and victor?
:0 holy crap yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed the roommate hcs!! Me and the other mods hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting :))
(i added melly because why not? lmao hope you don’t mind.)
Part 1!
Naib Subedar
This man deadass didn’t know you were living with him
Even when people told him about it, he wasn’t rlly paying attention and didn’t rlly care
Your stuff in his room? He thought it was his or someone just broke into his room and left it there
When he saw you on the toilet however, he just freaked out.
“Why the hell are you shitting in my room!?” “Your room? I’ve been living here for 2 months!”
Once he found out you lived with him, he made sure you knew what was his and what was yours
also, since he’s very protective of his things-- you being one of them-- he would totally get jealous if he caught you tallking to someone that wasn’t him.
he would probably give you the silent treatment and act like a pissy baby
He hates it when you touch his stuff
especially his photos, the photos were special to him because they were of him and his army friends.
You’d sometimes catch him looking at the photos with a longing in his eyes, it was highkey sad.
having you live with him meant lots and lots of training
he made sure you were always prepared for matches and that you don’t get downed early
when you got downed early however, He would scold you but he would still rescue you anyways because he’s soft
“You’re such an idiot, you’d better do better next time! Or else I’ll kick your ass.” 
one time he got cocky while kiting because you were watching him
he forgot to turn on his elbow pads and face palmed into the wall.
“...You saw nothing.” He turned around, a bit woozy from hitting his head on a wall. He flipped the hunter off before stumbling wooshing away
When you first get to know naib, he’d probably come off as intimidating and menacing
but once you get to know him--the real him--, you start to understand that even though he may be tough on you, its because he wants you to be the best
he has good intentions
During matches he’d let you handle yourself and made sure you didn’t rely on him too much
One time you needed to shower but you ran out of your shampoo so you used his.
When he questioned you, you simply responded “What? You don’t need it anyways, you’re bald!”
He didn’t rescue you the next round.
should’ve seen that coming
though he forgives you when you braid his luscious long existent hair for him
Kurt Frank
The amount of times you almost stepped on this man is astronomical.
he would constantly be in his tiny form because he would lose a lot of his things
his tiny form helped him find his things easily
Though when you first moved in with him, you had no idea what his ability was
so when you first saw a tiny version of your roommate you thought he was just a weird doll
until you heard him say a tiny, “Hey can you move your ginORMOUS foot? You’re stepping on my book.”
You fucking screeched and took off your shoe to try and kill him
After he explained to you about his ability you calmed down a bit and spared this tiny man but only this time!
Frank loves books, he probably filled your shared rooms with stacks on stacks of books
You’d often see him tiny, waving at you while you’re decoding
Once you overhead Kurt arguing with First Officer over who was the rightful owner of some sort of treasure map
They fought for days,
kurt would constantly complain about it to you
turns out it was just a game on the back of a Cereal box.
sorry this is short like kurt
Tracy Reznik
Would be a little awkward at first, but the awkwardness slowly fades away when you both make bad jokes
she gives me childhood best friend vibes
Has her doll sitting in the corner of your shared room room, it’s lifeless eyes scare the living shit out of you in the dark you try not to make eye contact, afraid it’ll curse you or smth
if she was mad at you she would move the bot in a way that looked like it was flipping you off you off in your direction before you went to bed.
Always making little robot things that are super fun to play with
Loves sharing her things. Has no problem with it
you wanna wear her clothes? sure
you want to wear her underwear? evEN BETTER-
Pulling all nighters, trying to get her machines to work like how she wanted it to work.
Would live off of kraft Mac n cheese and junk food in the modern day
Pretty hyper, chugs pink monster energy drinks while pulling all nighters, also, in the modern day
would probably be a bruh girl
Her room is a mess, covered with blueprints and scrap metal
her room is practically a safety hazard
Sometimes she dresses her doll up a bit, putting wigs or her old clothes on it (which scares you half to death)
Once she made her doll dress up like her
and you almost went up to it to ask what it wanted for dinner.
Has a photo of her and her dad
You never wanted to bring it up, worried it might make her upset :(
Sometimes she’d feel really guilty about being downed in the first 30 seconds
please comfort her, she feels super bad
She always relies on you to rescue her
She gets really happy and thankful when you body block for her but she still gets a bit concerned when you do it randomly
“i wasn’t even kiting-” “Protecc the mecc.”
Demi Bourbon
Always out at the bar
Smells like alcohol constantly
tipsy 24/7
she’s never 100% sober
You have to hold her hair out of her face when she comes back to your shared room to hurl
Likes bringing back hard vodka or weird flavoured alcohols back for you guys to get wasted try together
Room is bit cluttered, but she doesn’t have much in her room since she’s always out in bars or matches
Usually latches onto you like a parasite when she’s drunk.
it gets a bit awkward when her face is a bit close to yours,
“Are we about to kiss right now-? BLeurghgrhgherrgh.”“...*audible sigh*”
You’d go to her expecting her to heal you like a normal person but no
instead she shoves dovlin down your throat
She likes to do your makeup, and always adds a matching beauty mark
unless you don’t wear makeup, then she’d ask you to do hers 
always loves how she looks afterwards
more than sometimes demi would get into bar fights, 
so you know she’s about to throw hands when she starts takes off her earrings-
10/10 would fight for you <3
She’s gives me cool wine aunt vibes
Probably a lesbian too (check out our Demi smut fic ;))
Or bi, idk
Just straightn’t
She’s really good at hyping you up, especially when you’re taking shots
Andrew Kreiss
Would be very shy at first, opens up a little when you get to know him
Totally a night owl, can’t sleep at night from all the guilt and “what if’”s
if you see this baby awake at night, hug him, he really needs it
You’ve never seen the other side of his face
How does he see with hair in his eyes?
He’s albino, which is super dope
Sometime you fear he’s thinking about burying you
You always see him thwacking Luca with his shovel
Barely talks
Room is moderate
He doesn’t want you to find out too much about him
He may seem bland, but he loves sweet food
You’d bake him cookies and other sweets
He’d act as if he’s not embarrassed and brush it off
“Are you blushing?”“No, I-I’m sunburnt.” “On your face?” “....I stare into the hot red sun sometimes because it eases me.”
to keep his lie going, every time he catches you staring at him he would fry his eye balls by staring into the sun until you left
partially the reason why he can’t see well
When he’s not looking, you stare at him while he’s eating the stuff you made because he looks so happy :’)
One time you found him down in the dumps so you made him a cup of coffee, and when you handed it to him you said-
“Depresso espresso?”
*sniff* ”..are you oka-” “IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE”
he actually cried
it was such a nice gesture(?), that he started ugly crying
You’d ask him if he wanted hugs during matches when you see him get stressed
He’d be flushed and kinda confused
hug... him? why tho lmao
he’d definitely agree tho, to be fair, with some hesitation 
if y’all ever cuddled in bed, i feel like he’d be a little spoon
poor boy needs the comfort, he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be little spoon tho
he just wants to be close to you
Victor Grantz
You love playing with his dog, Wick
Super nice and polite, but a little guarded
The type to be too afraid to call people out when they do something wrong but would totally trash them in his head
You write him little letters everyday and leave them on his bed to make him happy :))
He’d a be a little spoon
Wick would always join you guys while cuddling
Kisses would be soft and gentle
Usually sends you the first letter in matches
Loves to cuddle
He bb 🥰
You always get him a birthday present AND a Christmas present
You also get a gift for Wick
He loves giving you surprise hugs
Likes to read with you while cuddling
Literally a cinnamon roll
Once he was eating a cinnamon roll
And you whispered
“C a n n i b a l i s m .”
He was very confused
and kind of scared- were you going to eat him?
Patricia Dorval
Room always smells like herbs
She could literally smoke weed and you’d think it’s some magical healing herb
it magically makes you feel better
Always there to stun the hunter when you’re ballooned
The mature one
Her room is organized, with boxes labeling what herbs and magic stuff that are in them
You were cooking dinner for the day and you accidentally used one of her fancy herbs in your soup
She didn’t realize until she tried the soup
She wasn’t mad just disappointed
She lectured you on how you shouldn’t touch her stuff or use it for cooking
Gotta admit tho, the soup was pretty good
she acts like the mom everyone wishes they had
totally the type to be like, “dude we should think this through.” before doing something risky
and then five seconds later, “cowABUNGA MY DUDES”
one time she caught kreacher leaving the mens washroom without washing his hands
seeing as she was the mother of this manor, she had to protect her children from diseases
so she yeeted her monkey skull at kreachers head, cleanly knocking him out
and everybody cheered.
Melly Plinius
When you heard melly was going to be your roomie, you couldn’t have been more excited.
you finally had a victim for the many insect pick up lines!
So you decided to make some good first impressions by waiting for her in your room.
so when she arrived to your room and greeted you, you happily greeted her back, and slipped in the pick up line.
“Hello, my name is Melly. I believe I will be your ro-?”“Yeah nice to meet you too, say, what do bees make?”
She kinda thought you were a bit rude so much for first impressions
“...Erm, honey?” she replied hesitantly
... okay maybe you weren’t thaaaat bad.
after that she kind of developed a teensy crush on you 
so it was hard living with you because of her crush, since she was constantly flustered 
you loved her reactions, she constantly got red.
it was funny watching her try to keep her cool and fail.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 06 (first part)
(Masterpost)(Episode 05)
Warning: This contains spoilers for All 50 Episodes
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Bad Boys Bad Boys What You Gonna Do
Nie Huasang’s brought his nuts, and someone’s brought wine, so the boys are drinking in Wei Wuxian’s guest house. Finally he gets to drink some of the Emperor’s Smile wine that he’s been doing all those product placements for.
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Boys, get a bowl or something for your shells, were you raised in a barn?
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Wei Wuxian hits on waxes poetic about the wine, and Jiang Cheng tells him to shut up. 
Wang Zhuocheng’s raw-fish-eating face may have failed him, but his drunk faces do not disappoint.
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Wei Wuxian teases Jiang Cheng about his list of standards for a chick: She should have natural beauty, be virtuous and caring, from a good family, not too talkative, with a gentle voice, and not too capable. Also she should not spend too much money. Drunken running ensues.
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Cue Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin
(more behind the cut)
Much of the fandom has decided this list is a good fit for Nie Huaisang himself, and it sorta is. But he is both talkative and unvirtuous, what with all the current sneakiness, and all the eventual murders. 
This also definitely doesn't fit Wen Qing because she's capable as hell.  
This list is, however, a 100% a match for Jiang Yanli. Not in a weird, Jin Guangyao way--a lot of men want to marry a woman like their sister.  In a gender-divided and generation-divided society, a man’s sister might be the only woman he’s ever known well. Jiang Cheng adores Yanli and she’s his ideal model of a woman, as opposed to his mother, who...isnt.  
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All these robes and talismans over the door do nothing to stop Lan Wangji from strolling in.  
Okay so - Lan Wangji is the senior disciple of the Lan Clan, yea? There is no way that patrolling the guest area is in any way his job. He is just walking around here at night specifically to see what Wei Wuxian is doing.
I already did a gifpost of the boys and their totally nonsexual horseplay, over here. I’ll just add, for sad factor, that Jiang Cheng is play-choking Wei Wuxian when they’re all on the bed, and later in the running-and-crying episode he is gonna for-real choke him. Foreshadowing! or maybe just coincidence!
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One fun thread running through the young-cultivators episodes is that Nie Huaisang is legit terrified of Lan Wangji while also having a major aesthetic crush on him. Look at how flustered he is here, trying to act sober while also checking him out. 
Lan Wangji is shocked and visibly upset - what are you guys doing? This is not his busting face, this is, for a moment, his vulnerable and disillusioned face. He is super not used to what normal people are like. 
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Wei Wuxian doesn't lie or otherwise try to get off the hook, which has got to have Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang grinding their teeth in frustration. He invites Lan Wangji to join them for a drink. LWJ cites a the “no drinking on campus” rule and WWX tries to convince him to chill. 
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Then we have this lovely coordinated faint by the boys, to get out of going to get punished. Nie Huaisang has been practicing fainting in front of a mirror just in case he ever needs a skill like that in the future. 
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Wei Wuxian keeps trying to turn this into a date. Eventually Lan Wangji is so upset he admits he can’t take all three of them by himself. 
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Then the boys run away fake-barfing and Wei Wuxian hits Lan Wangji with a talisman. 
Steal His Agency That’s What You’re Gonna Do
What Wei Wuxian does to Lan Wanji here is definitely wrong. But it's not entirely a disaster.  It allows some crucial information to be shared between them, and it results in Wei Wuxian getting the utter shit beat out of him and never doing this again. I mean, he continues to mind-control his enemies and their eventual corpses, but he doesn't intentionally violate a friend or ally's autonomy in the future. Uhh not counting that whole golden core surgery-without-consent situation. And probably some other situations I’ve forgotten. He improves slightly, okay? 
It’s important to note, incidentally, that the Lan rules about drinking and other “vices” should not be viewed through a Christian lens. The Lans are neither puritans nor ascetics (look at their clothes, furniture, and jewelry, for starters). Being drunk is forbidden probably because it’s a loss of self-control. 
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Speaking of self-control, mad props to Wang Yibo for being able to have zero physical reaction to fingers snapping in his face.
Drunk Lan Wangji
Under duress, Lan Wangji knocks back a cup of wine and promptly passes most of the way out. 
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Wei Wuxian puts Lan Wangji into bed not unkindly, but pretty much like a sack of potatoes. Compare this to how tenderly he handles Lan Wangji the next time he’s drunk. 
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WWX tells LWJ to call him Wei Gege, and giggles. Is this a term of endearment in this context? So far the various boys are calling each other -xiong, not -ge or gege.  In Western media, men calling each other “bro” is basically saying “no homo,” but brotherhood and sisterhood in C-Drama is often a way of indicating stronger love than friendship, without saying whether it's sexual or not. 
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They finally start to have a conversation, and when Lan Wangji explains that no-one can touch his headband except, etc etc, Wei Wuxian stops trying to touch it. So at least he's not a handsy bastard in addition to all his other faults. 
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Wei Wuxian tells Lan Wangji that his clan is boring and women won't want to marry him. Lan Wangji says that's fine. On one level this is the show acknowledging that he's gay, but I think he's responding in a gender-neutral way; he doesn't want to marry anyone. Marriage, from his perspective, is the literal worst. 
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We don't know how he felt about his father, but he definitely loved his mother deeply, and she had a profoundly unhappy marriage, in which her husband did not provide companionship and her children were taken from her.
A note about all that: The dynamics of heterosexual marriages in The Untamed are not based on contemporary companionate marriage. Sex and reproduction is a wife's job in this world, and giving a gentry woman the option to choose her husband is radical. Wei Wuxian is the only one who dares say that Jiang Yanli should have a choice when Jin Guangshan casually tries to give her to his son in front of everyone.  
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OP made this today but will totally reuse it when episode 23 rolls around
So Lan Wangji’s parents' marriage was extremely problematic but not necessarily for the reasons it would be in contemporary terms. Having signed on to marry Lan Dad, Mom would have expected to live together and get laid regularly (important for health, in some traditional views, regardless of love/no love) and to have the company of her children. Instead, she was isolated. Lan Dad wanted to have it both ways and so even though he loved her and apparently hooked up with her sometimes, he didn't do his duty by her. She didn't love him but she did her duty. 
Wei Wuxian continues to not get it, calling Lan Wangji dull and babbling about Lan Wangji’s parents until he realizes that LWJ is an orphan like him. 
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A nice shift happens here. Once the penny drops, Wei Wuxian doesn't ask a single additional question - he just sees - by reading Lan Wangji’s face - what the deal is, and shares his own story to show he understands. 
This is the first time Wei Wuxian mentions being chased by dogs, which is kind of a big deal, because why was he left all alone when his parents died? 
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Why didn't anyone take him in before Jiang Fengmian found him? How isolated are independent cultivators in this world? 
Tea Time
Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen are having tea, and the Lan Clan is so uptight they don't touch each other's teacups. I don't know what this thing is called so I'm going to call it a tea speculum. 
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Lan Qiren is back from the cultivation conference and says the red crack plague is happening over in Qinghe where the Nie clan lives.  Lan Xichen fills him in on the water demon, specifically saying Wei Wuxian figured out the connection to the red crack dudes, and explaining who WWX is, as if Lan QIren hadn't already thrown stuff at him and threatened to eventually kill him. 
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Fun fact that I just noticed this week so didn't make it into earlier posts: In Episode 46, when Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are in the Jiang ancestral hall, WWX says he was often punished to kneel there, and LWJ said that they heard about this in Gusu.  
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So when WWX came to Gusu he already had a reputation as a troublemaker, and the Lan brothers were aware of it.   
Busted and Beaten
A Lan snitch comes in to say that Wei Wuxian has successfully corrupted Lan Wangji, which really shouldn’t cause as much surprise as it does.
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“Wei Wuxian got drunk”
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“Lan Wangji got drunk”
Lan Xichen takes a moment to consider carefully whether Wei Wuxian is a good friend for his little brother and whether perhaps he was too hasty in throwing them together. Ha ha ha no he doesn’t. 
On the punishment porch, Lan Xichen tries to lecture Lan Wangji in a calm way, but Lan Qiren wants to beat him and Lan Wangji wants to get beat. Wei Wuxian can’t understand why Lan Wangji doesn’t let him take the blame for the drinking. 
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Lan Qiren goes way the fuck overboard with this punishment because he's angry--losing control and losing his sense of proportion--and Lan Xichen is shocked. The drone camera watching from above is also shocked.  
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Lan Qiren has a few (very few) redeeming qualities, but his extreme rigidity and chronic resentment of anyone he perceives as bad are serious problems. His nephews are both struggling with complex moral quandaries as they get older, and he is absolutely no help to them in resolving their conflicts.
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This is definitely...a style of parenting & teaching, but you can see how poorly it works, with Lan Wangji straight up saying “fuck it” after many years of conformity.  Lan Xichen is devoted to the middle path and tries to be obedient. But he is actually not walking anywhere near the middle path, as he gets pulled into colluding with a murderer at the same time as getting dragged onto his brother’s carnival ride. These men need parenting that isn’t so, uh, fucking stupid. (Yes, grown adults still need good parenting; watch Go Ahead if you doubt me) 
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Wei Wuxian initially yells and falls down when he gets hit, but then he sees Lan Wangji is taking the beating without any reaction and he tries to do the same. 
Jiang Yanli gently lectures the boys, blaming Jiang Cheng for Wei Wuxian's drinking.  Jesus Christ, he's the younger sibling, could you just NOT, Yanli?  
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Both boys ask Yanli not to tell their parents. The boys bicker about who's at fault and then Wei Wuxian shifts to baby voice and starts whining to Yanli about the pain. 
Yanli tells him to suck it up, and says after school she'll -- ok and I know this will be a surprise for everyone -- make soup for them. The boys immediately get back on the same team, which is team Please Put Meat In the Soup.
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There's a nice character building moment for Wei Wuxian here. When he sees Lan Xichen he initially turns away to avoid running into him, but then he adults-up and goes to face him and greet him, giving him a half of a bow because of the pain, the pain. Rather than complaining about his punishment he meekly asks if he's broken another rule. 
Lan Xichen tells him that he did wrong but that Lan Qiren’s punishment was too harsh, and then in what is one of my favorite Lan Xichen moments, invites Wei Wuxian to use the cold spring to heal, but doesn't invite Jiang Cheng to go with him even though Jiang Cheng also was beaten. Lan Xichen, Matchmaker Auntie Extraordinaire. 
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Then he answers Wei Wuxian’s question about his mom by saying she was just like Wei Wuxian and drove Lan Qiran up the wall. Jiang Cheng's reaction to that is really sweet. He does enjoy Wei Wuxian at the same time as being constantly irritated by him. 
Lan Xichen does his patented “breaking off in the middle of saying something and leaving out a chunk of the story” maneuver, although this time he doesn't include a flute solo. 
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OP is mildly obsessed with Xuan Lu’s shoulders in this outfit. Also Yanli has an interesting sword, that's got some wood carving similar to Subian, but without the organic look, which OP only noticed because of screen capping Xuan Lu’s shoulders.  
Club Ruohan
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Wen Qing continues to be pretty and slightly evil at this stage, sending magic fire notes to her boss using this talisman that is definitely floating in the air and not just hanging from a string. 
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Wen Ruohan is in the mosh pit with his zombie groupies while he reads Wen Qing’s extremely vague status update and says "it all makes sense." 
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Reach out and touch faith
Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode
Writing Prompt
How did Wei Wuxian’s parents die?
Admin Notes
I’m going to start spacing out my “first part” and “second part” posts by a few days.  I’ll update this post to link up the second part once I post it, and my masterpost is always up to date. 
Also: if you want more of my original content but don’t want to follow my whole blog (not following is fine!), I keep a pinboard of fun stuff at the top of my blog. I try to post original content at least once a week.
Continued in the second part later this week!
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writtenbynightlock · 4 years
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synopsis: college kept your life busy. the miya twins also have a life of their own. with your secretive nature, things became complicated.
genre: angst, fluff, friends to lovers
wc: 1.9k
warnings: college au, series, post time-skip spoilers
Part 3 | Part 5
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The sun shines brightly through the windows of your apartment, disturbing you from your slumber. You covered your head with a pillow, blocking out the light. As you were getting comfy and falling back to sleep, your doorbell rang, making you groan. You didn’t want to get out of bed as your body felt like it has been trampled. Your muscles were sore and your head was pounding.
Standing up still in your dress from last night, you suddenly felt dizzy, making you sit back down on your bed. You hated being drunk. The things you did from last night were all such a blur memory. It sometimes gets you scared. You could only recall a few events. Scanning your room, it seems normal - just like how you left it yesterday afternoon. You can’t help but feel paranoid. Whenever you were drunk, you often do crazy things that was so not you. The last time you got drunk, you puked on Osamu’s t-shirt as he was trying to get you home. The last time you got drunk, you found your phone in the microwave with melted cheese on top. You can’t even remember putting it in there. You ended up buying a new one and got a lecture from Osamu for you to stop drinking and how you wasted quality cheese and for breaking your phone, while Atsumu just laughed his ass off at the story.
All in all, the twins were always there whenever you go out drinking because if you weren’t accompanied, you probably would have already died in a ditch somewhere. 
You squeal as you heard another ring of the doorbell. With a sigh, you stood up carefully and made your way towards the door. Opening it, you saw Kaori with a bright expression on her face, which was the opposite of you really because you looked like you just came out from hell. 
“Kaori-chan, what brings you here?”
“Good morning love! I brought food to help you with your hangover. May I come in?”
Stepping aside, you let Kaori enter your apartment. You do remember attending Kaori’s birthday party. You do remember having dinner and talked to her friends but it ends there. You pretty much don’t remember what happened after that. 
“H-how did you know I have a hangover?”
“Sweetie, I think you’re the only person I know who could empty a whole bottle of wine alone.” Your eyes widened at this. 
“What?! A w-whole bottle?!”
Kaori’s eyes widened, shocked at your reaction before letting out a chuckle. “You heard me. Do you not remember last night?” You can’t help but feel baffled. Sitting down, you intensely stared at the table thinking long and hard. This sends another pang in your head, making you hiss.
“Hangovers are real fckers. My head hurts so bad.”
You say as you hold your head, massaging it. Kaori then hands you in some medicine and water. You thanked her and drank it, hoping it would cure the pain as soon as possible. You desperately want to remember what happened last night but you’re afraid to ask.
“Did something happen when you got home last night? You’ve got some pretty interesting marks on your neck, (Y/n)-chan.”
Kaori says with a smirk as she points her chopsticks to your neck. You automatically held your neck, confused to what she meant.
“What are you talking about?”
“Take a look at the mirror love.”
Anxious, you quickly went to the sink of your bathroom and there it was. Multiple hickeys were scattered on your smooth neck. A look of horror morphed on your face. You rubbed your eyes again, in attempts and hoping that you were just seeing things but it was still there. Red marks were scattered on your neck and collarbone. Your heart started to raise in your chest. You tightened your grip on the bathroom sink, thinking intensely.
What the fuck happened to me last night?
Who could even leave those on your neck? You didn’t have a boyfriend and Atsumu- Your heart stopped for a moment. Were you totally wasted last night? The images of you and Atsumu suddenly fills your head. The way he was being gently as he kisses you. The way he hugged your body as you sat on his lap. This made you feel the heat creeping up to your neck and cheek. It doesn’t make sense. Was it just a dream? 
“No. It couldn’t be.” You say with an exasperated laugh before you took another glance in the mirror. You noticed how your make up was neatly removed. Was it Atsumu that brought you home last night? If he did, how did those love bites ended up on your neck? He wouldn’t. You two are just friends. He wouldn’t take advantage of you.
Walking back into the kitchen, you sit down on the seat awkwardly, not looking at Kaori. She giggles at your troubled expression, “I’m glad to hear that your night ended on a good note.”
“Oh god!” You exclaimed, pulling your hair, hoping that this was just a freaking dream. You just want to die right there. The suspense was torturing you. You don’t want to think about it right now. It can’t be your ex boyfriend. You didn’t even remember seeing him last night.
“Kaori-chan. What happened last night?” Kaori glances at you, a sudden worry appeared across her face.
“Please don’t tell me you’re one of those drunkards who doesn’t remember anything.”
“Unfortunately, I am!”
Kaori let out frustrated sigh, rubbing her temple before looking at you. She hesitated but continued. Kaori told you everything, on when you arrived at the venue with Atsumu. On when you and Kaori took pictures and had dinner together with the boys and her girl friends. On how you and the rest of the girls gossiped and how it led to Shioko ended up being with Nakamura, on how your ex cheated on you while you two were still dating. On how you confronted Nakamura but somehow you got slapped in the face by Shioko. On how Atsumu took the initiative in taking you home and that was it. That’s her side of the story. It was so much to take in but somehow you felt a bit relieved knowing that you were no longer have any relation with Nakamura. It did hurt though, on how he was seeing another girl while you two were still dating but it doesn’t matter anymore. You two broke up. You didn’t love him. You were just drawn to his good looks. You made a fool out of yourself. You didn’t take care of yourself. 
“You really don’t remember when you got home last night?”
Kaori’s eyes then landed on the couch before a sigh left her mouth.
“I think I have an idea on what happened” says Kaori as she stands up and walked towards the couch, grabbing the grey blazer and giving it to you. You looked at it with a confused expression before it hits you. It was Atsumu’s blazer. You could smell his scent from it, so fresh and zesty, like lemons. You then looked at Kaori again, “So...”
Kaori slapped a palm on her face before she looks at you with a weird expression, taking the blazer away from you and sways it in front of your face.
“Atsumu’s blazer. The hickeys on your neck. Both of you were intoxicated with wine last night. A man and a woman alone. That leads to the possibility of?” Kaori sings, waiting for you to answer but you just stayed at her blankly, making her roll her eyes. 
“You and Atsumu were making out yesterday missy! It’s the only plausible explanation!”
You felt your cheeks heat up and the redness creeping up your neck. You don’t want to believe it. If it was true, then you really messed up big time. You just put you and Atsumu’s friendship at risk. You can’t afford to lose it. You always had fun when you’re with Atsumu but knowing you possibly gobbled up his face last night makes you just want to bang your head against the wall a thousand times.
“B-but why?!”
“I don’t know. That’s for you two to figure out. You need to talk” says Kaori with a knowing smile.
“What? No! I’m not just gonna straight up ask him like ‘hi Atsumu, were you the one who sucked my neck last night?’ Atsumu wouldn’t do that! We’re friends for goodness sake. We don’t have that kind of feelings for each other.”
“I don’t know about that sweetie. Your neck tells a different story” says Kaori, chuckling in amusement. 
“Maybe this is just a rash from the wine-”
“No sweetie. I know a hickey when I see one, or in your case, hickeys.”
With that, you just remained silenced and ate your breakfast or lunch rather since you woke up pretty late. As Kaori keeping a conversation alive as she discusses her new designs for their upcoming fashion show exam, you suddenly recalled something. You remembered how you went to the bathroom to vomit in the middle of your make out session. The mortified look on your face made Kaori stop talking and raise her eyebrows a you. 
“Oh my god! I messed up big time.” 
“I puked in the middle of our kissing.” Kaori gasped and covered her mouth. 
“Oh that’s not good.”
Puking in the middle of a make out session is definitely not a confidence booster. That situation could mean two things - either the thought of kissing that person was making you sick to your stomach or it was just bad. 
You panicked at this. Knowing Atsumu, this would definitely offend him. Atsumu is a confident man. He may not mind other people’s opinions but the people closer to the golden-haired setter affects him. It brought butterflies to your stomach just by the thought of Atsumu’s red and soft lips moving against yours. 
Who knew his lips felt so good on your skin?
Deep down, you were always thankful for the twins but somehow Atsumu has a special place in your heart. With his charms and fun personality, any girl could fall for him. You weren’t too confident with yourself and you had to endure the twins’ popularity in high school. You were always the target of being bullied by other girls. They would often bump your shoulder while passing the hallway and tweet about you, though no name dropping but you know it was you. 
When you entered college, you were still vulnerable about it. All the emotional damage that you’ve been through, Nakamura was more of a comfort person to you at first, the fact that he’s the person who has shown romantic feelings for you, but it all went downhill as months passed by. He worsened you. He brought you more emotional and physical damage. 
You hated yourself for it. You went into a relationship when you were still vulnerable. You didn’t take the time to heal but you wanted help but it was the help that you mistook. Why were you so in a rush? 
Am I really that desperate?
How were you supposed to face Atsumu now? What were you gonna tell him once you two meet? If it’s true, how does this change your relationship with him now?
One thing’s for sure, you are in a mess. 
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Taglist: @softiebadbitch​
77 notes · View notes
ineloqueent · 4 years
Starstruck: Part 7
Brian May x Fem!Reader
This is Part 7 of a multi-part fic. Click the links below to read the Masterpost, the previous part, or the next part of the fic :)
Masterpost / Part 6 / Part 8
Summary: When studying at Imperial College in the 1970s, your path is crossed by a beautiful boy as much in love with the stars as you.  
Warnings: swearing, drinking, angst
Historical Inaccuracies: none that I can think of!
Word Count: 4.3k
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⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
The sun made you wonder. Made you wonder why it was shining in the first place. How wretched of it to shine so prettily when you felt so miserable.
It was a misery too out of reach to be pacified, for it was not the obvious sort, the kind in which you cry and shudder and feel like you’re suffocating. This was the kind of miserable in which you mope, staring out the window in a daze, and the only thing you are aware of is the frown on your lips; you opt for bitterness with every word and thought. This is the miserable where you feel detached and lost, like you exist in one universe and your feelings in a neighbouring dimension.
Brian hadn’t spoken to you for over a week.
It had rained every day since.
When classes had resumed the following Monday, Brian didn’t smile at you when you chanced a ‘good morning’. He merely pressed his lips together and ducked beneath his curls. That was how you knew he was avoiding you.
On Tuesday, Brian failed Carmichael’s test. This you knew because he ripped it in half as he stormed out of the door, following the lecture And he was glowering. You’d never thought that timid Brian could even have the ability to glower.
On Wednesday afternoon, Deacy called you.
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me and Rog for tea today?”
You bit your lip slowly. “Just you and Rog?”
“Yep!” he said. “I’ve told you that Veronica’s just gone up to see her parents for a couple of days, and that I’m working so she thought it best for me to stay behind, haven’t I?”
“Yes, you’ve told me,” you replied. “And Heather went with her.” Heather and Veronica had grown up in the same town, and so Heather, behind due to visit her own parents, had boarded the train with Ronnie.
“Oh, yes.” John paused, then asked hesitantly, “Are… are you okay with just me and Roger, for tea I mean?”
You breathed quietly in relief.
“Y/N? Who are you avoiding? You haven’t fallen out with Heather, have you?”
“Oh, no no,” you assured him.
“With Veronica, then? Surely not.”
“No, Deacy, she’s lovely.”
“She likes you too. You get along well. Maybe you should go shopping together or something sometime,” he babbled.
“Yeah,” you answered distractedly.
“Well, you have our number. And you know you’re always welcome over.”
“Thanks, Deacy—”
But Deacy was still trying to work out who it was you were supposedly at odds with. “Not Roger!” he cried. “That’s why you’re not sure about lunch. You and Roger are arguing, aren’t you?”
“No, Roger and I are fine, John.”
“Oh, good,” he sighed. “I was worried for a moment. And I’ve already had to diffuse so many fights this week, in the band, y’know.”
“Yes,” he sighed, “you wouldn’t believe it. So many. It’s like cats and dogs at the moment. Not sure why. Yelling and throwing various instrumental gear. Drumsticks, microphone stands, cables… clumsily. Almost an amp, yesterday.”
You winced, “That sounds, uh, violent?”
“Actually,” he considered, meanwhile you pondered the reason he was jabbering nineteen a dozen, “they’ve all sort of been started by… Oh dear.”
“What is it?”
“Oh, Y/N, dear,” he said in a pitiful tone. “You’re avoiding Brian.”
“Am not!” you exclaimed.
“Are you not?” He sounded genuinely surprised this time.
“If anything, he’s avoiding me,” you grumbled, because at this point, Brian deliberately turned his head away when you passed him in the mornings. He seemed so pained by your presence that wondered if perhaps there was something more to the death of his aunt, if you had unknowingly poured salt on a second wound.
“Well…” began Deacy, seemingly at a loss. “Well, why, if you don’t mind me asking?”
You rubbed your eyes tiredly. You’d not been sleeping well for the past few nights, awake and alone with your pestering thoughts. “I asked where he’d been, when he disappeared off to god knows where the other week.”
John’s puzzlement was apparent. “And?” he said.
“And nothing. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“That’s terribly odd, Y/N. I asked. We all asked. He said he’d been up to visit his parents when they lost power in a storm. Whole phone lines came crashing down, apparently. Too much of a mess to get any sort of communication through to anywhere, and he figured we wouldn’t worry badly.”
You shook your head, then remembered that you were on the phone. “That can’t be true, Deacy. And even if it were, we did worry, remember?”
“I suppose we did worry,” Deacy conceded. “But what do you mean, that can’t be true? Did he not tell you the same thing?”
The air gasped from your lungs.
He hadn’t told anyone.
Except you.
“No, Deacy,” you said. “He— he said… His aunt died.”
“His aunt died.”
“Yes, I heard you, Y/N, but… He lied to us?”
“Or he didn’t tell you the whole truth,” you suggested. It was something you did often; you didn’t like to lie, but naturally, you didn’t want everyone to know everything.
“I suppose. That’s just so terribly unlike Brian,” John said concernedly. “He doesn’t like lying.”
“Um… who do you know that actively enjoys lying?”
“Oh, Freddie’s near-pathological,” Deacy said off-handedly. “But Brian’s got more of a moral compass than I have!”
“That’s slightly concerning…” you remarked. “So, how is Freddie?”
“I talked to him and he said he was well,” Deacy related, “but now I’m not so sure. He’s seemed a bit off lately. Something to do with Mary, I think.”
You frowned. “Yeah, I think something’s wrong.”
Deacy sighed. “I’m beginning to think the only people who are okay are Veronica and myself.”
“Roger isn’t okay?”
“He’s usually the person Brian takes his temper out on.”
“Tell you what,” said Deacy, “come to tea at mine at seven tonight and we’ll talk more then. I imagine you’ve got lectures to get to.”
“Just finished with the last one for today, but some studying wouldn’t hurt,” you replied. “I’ll see you at seven.”
“Okay, see you at seven. Bye bye, Y/N.”
“Bye, Deacy.”
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
You spent the rest of the afternoon studying. Or rather, you tried to study. The formulas and theories and diagrams mostly swirled across your page today, as much a spiral galaxy as the Milky Way. You speculated your lack of sleep and your lack of water could be the cause. Or maybe your lack of interaction with other humans. No Heather, no Freddie, no Roger, barely John. And no Brian. It was a wonder you’d not yet become a total hermit.
At six thirty you threw on your scarf and coat and went out the door, a bottle of wine in one hand.
At six thirty-two, you had boarded the tube and remembered that the scarf wasn’t actually your own. It was the rainbow scarf. You nestled your face into the wool and fibres tickled the tip of your nose, subtle scents of coffee and lilies shrouding you in their homely warmth.
You missed the owner of that scarf.
At seven precisely, you rang the Deacon-Tetzlaff doorbell.
The door swung open and John Deacon beamed at you. “Ah, Y/N! You’ve made it to my little party.”
“Careful, Deacy,” you admonished, “you’re beginning to sound an awful lot like those old film villains.”
“I think I’ll need more evidence than that,” Deacy kissed your cheek in greeting. You returned the gesture and went on inside, offering the wine bottle which he accepted cheerily. He was just closing the door when there came a shout from the street.
“Hold the door, will you, Deacy?”
Roger had arrived, dressed extravagantly in a fur coat and thin, orange-tinted sunglasses.
“Bit over the top for tea at mine, Roggie?” Deacy laughed.
You nodded to Roger’s sunglasses. “Surely those aren’t necessary.”
“They just complete the look. And honestly, you two are daft. Coat’s for warmth. It’s bloody well snowing.”
“Snowing?” you and Deacy repeated, leaning out the door.
Roger was right; little flakes fluttered down from the dappled grey sky, dusting his hair, and now yours as well.
“And so it is,” John said with another laugh. You held out your hand and let the glittery while specks fall into your palm. Despite your love for warmth, you liked snow. It was like catching stardust.
“Brimi would love that analogy,” Roger kissed your cheek as well, and you realised that you’d spoken aloud. You swallowed, settling your features back into a mask of nonchalance.
“He wouldn’t love that fur coat, though,” you tapped Roger’s sleeve.  
“Hello to you too, sweetheart,” grumbled Roger.
“At the moment, he doesn’t love much at all, really,” Deacy remarked as he shut the door when you were all inside.
“Yes,” Roger echoed the sentiment, “can we discuss that? He’s a right bore.”
“More than usual?” John joked.
“God, yes. Thinking of throwing my bloody hi-hat at him next time.”
“He didn’t get the message from the drumsticks?”
“Apparently not. Went past his house this afternoon. He’s still moping.”
You tried not to think about the fact that you were the reason why Brian was moping. Meanwhile, John and Roger bantered on as you hung up your coat and— and the scarf.
You missed the majority of the conversation, having drifted into the abyss of your own thoughts once more. It was becoming a bad habit.
“Champagne? Oh, perfect!” John was saying. You’d reached the kitchen. “And it’s Moët et Chandon, too. Fred would be proud of you.”
“Funny, it was actually his idea,” Roger mused, closing his sunglasses around the collar of his shirt.
Deacy’s eyes widened as he pulled a tray from the oven. “Freddie better not have suggested anything else.”
Roger raised his eyebrows. “What would he have suggested, John?”
You wondered whether Roger was alluding to Freddie’s dampened temperament of the past many days, his tearfulness on the floor of a public bathroom, his obvious discomfort when you spoke of Mary.
Deacy waved an oven mitt and squinted through the steam that rose from the loaf of bread he had pulled from the oven.
“Deacy?” you said when the latter did not answer.
“Food’s ready!” he said brightly, and you all gathered around the kitchen table, Roger’s question forgotten.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
You’d eaten your fill of John’s homemade risotto and bread, which was quite a large portion. Deacy was an excellent cook, in contrast with the likes of Freddie and Roger, neither of whom knew how to boil an egg.
“That was lovely, Deacy,” you said, positioning your knife and fork at twenty-past four.
“Agreed,” Roger nodded from beside you. “I’d ask you to give me the recipe,” he addressed Deacy, “but you know I can’t cook.”
“Oh, yes, we all know, Roger,” John sniggered.
“Freddie can’t cook either,” Roger pointed out petulantly, as though this made up for his own downfalls as a twenty-four-year-old who had moved away from home without learning certain basics.
“So, why are we here, Deacs?” you said.
“Mm,” said Roger. “You never call meetings, John. That’s always Freddie. And if it was about Queen, you would have actually invited the other two idiots over. Not Cinderella, here,” he elbowed you in the ribs.
“Ow!” you yelped. “Better Cinderella than an idiot, though.”
Roger narrowed his eyes at you. “Then dress the part. Otherwise I’ll have to take back the title.”
“Dress… in cinders and dirt, like you have?”
“This is an expensive shirt!”
“Hey!” Deacy interjected, but you and Roger only paid attention after he stood and tapped his knife to his wine glass.
You looked at Roger and grinned. Roger waggled his eyebrows; he had the same idea. You took a breath—
“Speech! Speech! Speech!” you cried together.
Deacy rolled his eyes. “How I put up with any of you is a wonder. Might as well not tell you, now.” He made to sit down.
“Well, I wanna hear it,” Roger pouted.
“Yeah, go on Deacy,” you patted his side of the table.
He tried not to smile, but he couldn’t. He glanced down at the tablecloth instead, adjusted the cutlery on his plate with two fingers, then inhaled slowly.
“You’re not dying, are you?” said Roger. You elbowed him to shut him up.
“Right then,” Deacy straightened up. “Y/N, Roger,” he toasted you each with his glass and you smiled back bemusedly. He paused for dramatic effect. Then, “Ronnie’s pregnant!”
Your mouth fell open.
“Oh, Deacy, you sly bastard,” Roger stood and clapped his friend on the back.
Deacy rolled his eyes again, but he was still beaming.
“John, that’s wonderful!” you said. “Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Deacy replied, pleased as punch. “Freddie and Brian found out by accident, and they were both busy tonight anyway, and I wanted to tell you before Veronica came back because she was going up to tell her parents,” he gushed, “and by then Freddie wouldn’t have been able to keep the surprise a surprise anymore.” Deacy practically shone, he was truly so happy. You couldn’t imagine more of a family man than John Deacon would be. He doted on Veronica and would dote upon his children even more.
Roger suddenly laughed, and you and Deacy looked at him. “Now I get it,” he said.
“Get what, Rog?”
“The champagne.”
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
Thursday, you woke up with a violent headache. You had definitely overdone the champagne last night.
You rolled over to turn off your alarm clock, but instead rolled over the edge of a sofa.
And kicked Roger Taylor in the face.
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N,” Roger groaned, pulling his fur coat up over his face. He had used it as a blanket for the night, rejecting Deacy’s offer of actual bedding. “If you wanted to sleep on the floor, you could just have said so, not kicked me awake to take my spot.”
“I was perfectly fine with the sofa, thanks,” you mumbled, rubbing your temples.
Roger sat up blearily. “God, what a headache,” he complained.
You nodded in agreement, your eyes screwed shut.
“Good morning!” John appeared in the doorway to the living room.
“Shhhhh,” Roger hummed.
“Not my fault you never learnt to be responsible,” Deacy shrugged. “Can I interest anyone in coffee?”
“May I order some silence?” you asked. “And a black coffee, please.”
“On my way,” Deacy left for the kitchen.
“Yes please, I’ll have a cup,” Roger called hoarsely after Deacy. “With one and three-sevenths sugars.”
“One black, one with one sugar?” John called back.
“One and three-sevenths sugars, please.”
“Three sugars, Rog?”
“No, one and three-sevenths.”
“Seven sugars?!”
“DEACY. One and three-sevenths!”
Laughter trickled through the kitchen door. “I’m just winding you up, Roger,” Deacy returned to the living room.
Roger sighed. “Well, thank god. I was beginning to rethink our friendship. You should know how I take my coffee.”
“We’re not married, Rog. And if you really felt so fondly about me, you should have told me so before I took my girlfriend to bed sometime last year.”
“Which was far too long ago.” Roger took his mug of coffee when Deacy offered it to him. “You take a long time to fall in love with, Deacs. Couldn’t possibly have beaten Ronnie to that chase.”
“Speaking of rethinking our friendship…” John muttered.
After finishing your coffee, you swore at the time the clock on Deacy’s mantlepiece displayed, made your apologies, and rushed off to your morning lecture.
And still Brian would not even look at you.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
At nine o’clock that night, you sat down in your armchair by the fireplace and made two phone calls.
First, you called your mum.
Then you called Brian, who had neglected to turn up for the evening’s derivatives-and-guitar session.
Three guesses as to who took your call and who did not.
You went to bed soon after that, but sleep would not draw you away until two hours past midnight.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
On Friday evening, two of your housemates decided to get shit-faced. As Heather and Roger had taken up residency in your room, you decided to join in the getting-shit-faced.
Joan and Paulie were waiting for you in the kitchen and cheered when you entered.
“Our favourite Y/N!” Paulie hugged you, and Joan grinned from where she sat atop the kitchen counter, already holding a poured drink.
“What’s the occasion?” you asked. But this was apparently the wrong question, because Paulie’s bright eyes turned suddenly tearful.
Joan hopped down from the counter and wrapped an arm around Paulie’s shoulder.
“Just some hypocrite called Paulie a slag,” Joan sipped her drink. “Now we’re celebrating the fact that little Pauline here packed her first punch, eh, sweetheart?”
Paulie blushed crimson, and it was clear that she was not on her first drink either.
She turned to you, “What’ve you come to celebrate, Y/N?”
You laughed bitterly. “Perhaps my wasted heart.”
“It’ll be a large drink, then?”
You nodded, and Paulie frowned sympathetically. Joan stuck you a glass, filling it to the brim with alcohol.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
It was midnight, but tonight, there was no magic in the hour.
You sat in the window seat and leaned your head against the wood of the window frame.
The heating was broken and it was raining ice outdoors. Sleet. Yes, that was what it was called. Your muddled brain struggled to keep up with your racing heart.
You’d left Joan and Paulie in the kitchen, because the thing about Joan and Paulie was that they were mad for each other, though they appeared to be the only two people in the world who were blind to the phenomenon. Tonight, however, they’d made some discoveries regarding that area of their lives. They’d stopped drinking early on and had begun snogging instead, so you’d taken a bottle of mulled wine with you to the window seat and now sat drinking alone in the darkness.
Or perhaps the darkness was what you were drinking, and what was drinking you.
From the cinema next door to the house, you could vaguely hear laughter, and the smell of popcorn lightly permeated the air that drifted in through your open window. It was no longer raining, and the sky with its spatter of stars was once more dimly visible above the silhouettes of London in the nighttime. The mulled wine was made of elderflower and blackberries, and it had heated your cheeks and filled your head with poetry and your eyes with a mist.
Swirling the wine in your glass, you imagined this was what it would be like to live on the cusp between tragedy and comedy in a Shakespearian work.
“Doubt thou the stars are fire,” slipped the words of Hamlet from your lips, “doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.”
You sighed and wished for the night to grow day as you stared out the window, searching for planets and solar systems you knew very well could not be found by the naked eye.
The rainbow scarf warmed your skin.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
Saturday, as went without saying, was characterised by a fierce headache. Again.
And with Sunday came the Sunday Blues.
Well, really, you’d had the All-Week Blues, but Sunday did not care about this; you could now add the coming week of studying and assessments to your list of worries.
You listened to Freddie’s records and mindlessly memorised every word, every line. The music was your anchor, as it had always been. But it was now more so than ever.
You hated feeling worthless, but there was nothing you could do to not feel so.
Freddie and Roger and Deacy and Brian, they had each other. They wouldn’t have missed you, you told yourself, and it was only fuel to fire that Freddie did not trust you enough to tell you what it was that was going on with him. Then there was Heather, and Heather had Roger. And then Joan— Joan had Paulie. And Kate’s friends were Amélie and Jenny. No one was yours alone.
No one was yours at all.
And the fact that Brian May so actively avoided you just proved it all— who needs you?
Who needs you, it was in his lowered eyes.
Who needs you, it was in his silence.
Who needs you, it was in your head.
It was all only in your head. But sometimes, it was difficult to discern the world from your head.
So you picked up your guitar to prove your head, the world, wrong.
The strings stung your skin, and the memory of gentle smiles ghosted along your pulse where fingers had once applied their tender touch.
Your misery rose a wave and crashed as anger.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
Two more weeks cycled past on bell-less bicycles; they passed utterly without consequence.
February had yielded March, and snow had melted to an incessant rain. But the rain fostered new leaves and flowers, and turned London to all the colours of the rainbow in the glory of Spring.
It would have been pleasant, to leave classes and hurry through warm, sprinkling rain and spots of sunshine, for but the claustrophobia that the gaze of a tall and blushing young man provided you with, in every waking hour of your life, whether in person or by way of imagination.
You waited for everyone else to enter the lecture hall, hanging back so that you would be the last.
When the final dawdler had passed into the hall, you approached Brian, who, of course, was holding the door.
“Bri,” you began gently, willing him to look at you. He didn’t. “I shouldn’t have asked. I’m sorry.”
“You’ve already said that.” He radiated hostility, but you felt uplifted by the fact that he’d acknowledged you at all.
“I know. But I meant it. And I mean it.”
His eyes flicked over you. “We’re going to be late.”
He let go of the door.
You grasped the handle before the frame could smack you in the face. The edges of your patience were tampered with by his gaze; they had now become short and sharp.
If he was going to behave so pettily, then you would stoop to his level.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
It began as stealing Carmichael’s questions before Brian could answer them.
Then it was politely saying ‘good morning’ to everyone you encountered, except Brian.
Then you temporarily overcame your hatred for mornings in order to arrive at the lectures early, before Brian. You held the door for everyone. Until he arrived. Then you let go and went inside.
On the third morning that this occurred, Brian glared at you and you sneered back.
How quickly you had gone from friends to… to rivals was slightly disconcerting.
Freddie seemed to think so too. He invited you to rehearsal one evening, and though you clenched your jaw at having to be in the same room as Brian Harold “Petty” May, Freddie begged and pleaded and wore you down.
But when you arrived at one of Imperial College’s unused lecture halls that evening, Brian was the first person you saw, and at the sour twist of his lips, you huffed and stormed back out the door.
Freddie and John were calling after you, and you vaguely heard Roger ask Brian what the hell was wrong with him. Yet, you kept walking.
And then you ran.
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
I’d had it with Brian. I really had.
So caught up in that bloody head of his, and for what? What had Y/N even said? What could have been so bad? She, like the rest of us, had naturally been worried by Brian’s disappearance, and he owed it to us, to her, to let us know that he had been at least physically all right.
I’d gotten it out of Deacs that Brian had lied to us about where he was the other week, and I’d been furious— how could he lie to us? Brian never lied.
I’d been good and well ready to knock him about a bit, that was what I’d been, and I had threatened to do just so, before Freddie materialised, as he often did, and pushed me back onto the drum stool before I could go anywhere. He demanded to know why I was so pissed off, and John explained.
Freddie frowned. “Yes, that is rather unlike him. And he’s utterly miffed, constantly. Looks about as cross as a cat caught in a rainstorm. Has done for fucking weeks.”
“Yes…” John folded his arms over his bass. “It’s got to stop. We’re not getting anything done.”
“We need to start working on the next album, and with him in this state, he won’t write anything of use,” said Freddie in agreement. “His muse is sadness, not anger.”
“That makes one of us,” I grumbled. “Gimme his guitar and I’ll write you a song, right here and now.”
“I would, darling,” Freddie sighed, “except that you’d probably destroy it, and you know he never lets it out of his sight anyway.”
Deacy ran a hand through his hair. “We have to intervene.”
“Mm,” said Freddie. “There’s only room in this band for one hysterical queen.”
“Any ideas?” Deacy asked. “Freddie?”
“Not a thing, dearie. Got enough troubles of my own, right now.”
I was about to shake my head, no, when I remembered a trick I’d pulled on two of my mates back in school, years ago.
I smiled. “Oh yes. I’ve got a plan.”
⁺˚*·༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺
A/N: I definitely wrote Joan and Paulie to resemble John Lennon and Paul McCartney, oops :)
taglist: @melting-obelisks​ @hgmercury39​  @stardust-killer-queen​  @topsecretdeacon
Masterpost / Part 6 / Part 8
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lovelyirony · 4 years
this is just a re-do of a post with a prompt from anonymous, so don’t worry if it looks a bit familiar! 
As Bucky is running away from government agents trying to snipe him for killing a politician, he supposes Natasha’s argument for him being suicidal might have the tiniest bit evidence behind it, which he previously argued it didn’t.
As he slides underneath a car, he debates whether or not she’ll find out about this one. He feels a buzz from his phone in his pocket.
Yeah, she knows.
He shoots one of the agents, nicking him in the knee. Oof, that’s gonna be a fun story to tell his grandkids about why they can’t climb on his lap. But he needs to get away, and that involves potentially shooting through a car.
Potentially turns into definitely and there’s enough of a distraction that he can commandeer a car, drive at least ten blocks away, and ditch it to run on foot, calling Natasha.
“You got my location, right?”
“Of course, you fucking idiot,” Natasha curses. “You…god I hate you sometimes. The job’s at least done, right?”
“Yeah. I’ll have to lay low, though. Which sucks because my apartment is right in the city.”
“I already have a punishment and idea for you in one.”
“I…what is it?”
“Sam’s picking you up. Tell you when you get to base. Bye.”
Bucky groans.
She must be really pissed at him.
Sam picks him up in the shittiest economy car in the world.
“I hate you for picking this one,” Bucky groans.
“A stupid decision grants a stupid car, that’s why you’re getting picked up in the 1995 Ford Fiesta of shame,” Sam says. “Nat’s real mad. And I also think you’re going to hate your next assignment.”
Bucky’s not sure what’s gonna happen. He’s hoping he’s not on latrine duty.
Oh, it’s so much worse.
“Protection detail?” Bucky asks. “And undercover? All at once? Nat, come on. I bet we don’t even need undercover.”
“You both are doing undercover because you both fucked up,” Natasha says. “And since apparently you don’t know how to act, maybe this will get you better lessons.”
“Cold,” Sam hisses.
“I will legally ask you to shut the fuck up,” Bucky growls out.
He packs his things. Realizes that Sam got to choose the name so his name is Roger Stevens. Fucking shit. (Steve, of course, approved this. Because Steve is an asshole.)
“Why does she even need a protector?” Bucky growls out, driving to the house. It’s in suburbia.
“Because she fucked up and whoever she pissed off might send more than she can handle,” Natasha says.
“We’re hinging my being here on a ‘maybe’?”
“And because you got caught by government agents, which would be a rookie move,” Natasha says. “There’s a reason that I can still go my same nail salon for five years and now you have to get your hair cut somewhere else. And why you got a wedding china set and you have a backstory of being married.”
“I hate you.”
“A lot of people do, take a number.”
If it helps (and it mostly doesn’t), Sharon Carter is also not happy. She is in the house with the most dangerous look Bucky has seen.
“So I’m stuck in this fucking hell house with him?” Sharon asks.
Maria Hill is her boss. Woman is a scary, competent human. Bucky wouldn’t cross her.
(Then again, you also shouldn’t cross a certain redhead who could make you disappear within twenty minutes, maybe thirty if it’s a surprise. But he did.)
“Keys are by the front door, hope you know your address! Bye!” Natasha says. “Don’t kill each other or we lose the deposit!”
Maria Hill smiles. Of course the only time Bucky’s ever seen her smile is at the suffering of others. How typical.
So then they are left alone.
“Let’s read the cover story,” Sharon says. “And I don’t need protection, Maria’s just paranoid.”
Bucky snorts.
“Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.”
Sharon sends him a sharp look.
They meet while on a cruise.
Bucky fucking hates his life.
“A fucking cruise,” he mutters. “As if I would ever step foot onto any of those fucking–”
“We had a beach wedding?!” Sharon cries out. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it!”
They are both in a bad mood.
It’s also awkward because this is a house. They have decorations. They have tea towels.
And a neighbor comes to visit.
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” she says brightly. “My name is Karen Tent, so lovely to meet you both!”
She then invades the house with her Tupperware. Literally speeds past them and it’s not like Sharon judo-chop her throat or anything.
“What a lovely house you two have!” Karen cheers. “Of course the color palette is a little bit drab, but I’m sure you’ll change that soon enough. When Linda told me we had new neighbors, I could hardly believe it myself, but here you are! Now, how did you two meet? Have you married yet? If not, I hope that you are living apart, you know.”
“The rings are in boxes,” Sharon answers smoothly, noting that they’ll need to ask Maria where the fuck the rings are. “You know how move-ins are. I’m Melanie Stevens, this is Roger Stevens. How nice to see you so very unexpectedly.”
“Well, that’s what neighbors are for!” Karen answers, her voice shrill as ever. “I brought over my famous cookie bars. Everyone says they’re good, and I believe they always are. Tell me Melanie, what do you like baking most?”
“Yes dear, tell her,” Bucky answers, smiling. “I seem to remember…lemon bars?”
“That’s right,” Sharon says, sending Bucky a smile. “They are really good. Just delightful.”
“Oh you’ll have to bring some over!” Karen responds. “Now, let me tell you a little bit about the neighborhood…”
She talks for a fucking hour. Bucky wants to drink. So badly. He saw the wine on the counter.
Sharon, to her credit, keeps trying to use certain “end” phrases. Karen either knows it and knows she won’t be budging, or will not ever take a hint in her lifetime.
“And you simply must not ever play loud music in your backyard,” Karen says. “We’ve had a couple of problems with the Richardsons, but nothing a few calls won’t fix.”
“You called the police?” Sharon asks.
“Well yes!”
“Oh my god,” Bucky mutters.
“I am sure that’s not exactly the measure I would have done,” Sharon says. “But I am tired and don’t want to get into it now,” she says quickly, noticing Karen’s “confused” expression.
“I say we need some time to rest, today is gonna be a lot of moving,” he says. “So nice of you to stop by, Karen. I’ll return your dish as soon as possible.”
Karen is ushered out the door, placated with two waves, and they both groan.
“I’m gonna fucking hate everything after this,” Sharon mutters. “My name is fucking Melanie. Maria knows…” she trails off, facing the very real boxes that were obviously packed with dishes and miscellaneous items.
Bucky finds four spatulas. He doesn’t know why there are four.
“What the fuck,” he mutters, noting the incredibly cheesy salt-and-pepper set.
“Welcome to married life,” Sharon says sarcastically. “We’re gonna have a blast.”
Dinner is spent with Sharon trying to convince Bucky that she’s “fine” and in “no danger” at all.
“Who did you piss off?”
“Oh my god. You’re screwed.”
“He’s a lapdog, I’m not screwed.”
“He’s the lapdog of Pierce. You’re screwed.”
Sharon thunks her head on the table.
“Can we at least repaint the bedrooms? They suck.”
“If you think I’m sleeping in a separate room you’re dead wrong,” Bucky says. “You have a target the size of New York on your back. Uh-uh.”
“You will sleep on the floor and get out when I shower or change,” Sharon threatens.
“Of course.”
“Good. Then it’s settled.”
Married life is not so bad. Except when Karen and the rest of the neighbors tend to visit or talk to them for about fifteen minutes on the lawn.
“It’s your turn to cut the grass,” Sharon groans, flopping on the couch. “If I have to hear Kevin tell me one more time that you should be treating me better, I’m going to explode. He’s trying to lecture me on how to cut grass.”
“On it,” Bucky says. “Your turn to go get groceries, I ran into Karen and her kid last time. I think she wants me to stop buying so much hummus.”
“Not our fault it’s good,” Sharon mutters.
And then, of course, avoiding the various assassins that are sent out at random intervals and at public locations (including their own house) while convincing the neighbors that there’s nothing going on.
This involves pretending an agent of Hydra is their cousin.
“This is Jen, she’s visiting for the day!” Sharon says, squeezing “Jen’s” wrist hard enough to make her stay quiet. “We have so much to catch up on, you probably won’t see me or–or Roger again for the day! Ha ha!”
“Well where’s her car?” Linda asks, looking around the neighborhood. “I don’t see anything…”
“She’s a hippie environmentalist, she walked,” Bucky answers. “Jen, let’s go catch up in the house, yeah?”
“Yeah,” the agent squeaks out sadly, knowing exactly what is going to happen.
She’s delivered tied up in rope on the steps of Maria’s office with a note of “please stop this from happening we’re planting azaleas.”
Maria snorts.
Bucky starts to think they’re getting too attached to this. It’s been four months.
He started a garden. They’re growing tomatoes.
He also notices Sharon a little bit differently.
Because she drags him out of bed.
“Legally? You have to go to brunch with me. Illegally? You like the breakfast burrito too much.”
She’s scarily competent with anything that could be classed as a weapon. Or their groceries.
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky yells at her as she throws the jar of tomato sauce. “I am not cleaning that up!”
“Tough shit!” Sharon answers, dodging a bullet. “It wasn’t even the good kind of tomato sauce!”
“It was fine, sweetheart!” Bucky growls out.
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me in the middle of a battle!” Sharon yells. “Strictly after!”
“You’re the weirdest fucking married couple,” one of the agents wheezes out as Bucky is holding him as a sort of shield.
“Thanks,” they say in unison, grinning.
The punishment for them both doesn’t exactly turn out as planned, both Natasha and Maria agree. In fact, it is almost worse.
They are both reckless, subvert orders, and get along like a house on fire by the end of it.
“You can still be together, we just need the house back,” Natasha says.
“Thank god,” Bucky groans. “I get to stop being Roger and I get rid of Karen in one fell swoop.”
Sharon untenses her shoulders while she’s sitting at the kitchen table.
“Can I keep the knife set?”
“No,” Maria says. “I’ll send you a link to where I got it.”
“Why can’t I keep it if you can get another set?”
“Steal it,” Bucky stage-whispers. Sharon grins back at him.
“You have the best ideas, babe.”
“You are not stealing anything,” Maria scowls.
“Sure we aren’t,” Bucky says easily.
“You stole my heart,” Sharon sing-songs, knowing damn well it’s going to make Maria barf.
“Aw babe…” Bucky says, holding her hand. Natasha fake-retches.
“I hate you both,” she declares. “And I won’t be there for your actual wedding.”
“You made us tell people we had a wedding on a beach, were you assuming that you were getting an invitation?” Bucky asks.
Sharon snickers, getting the last of her bags out into the car.
“Where to now?” she asks him.
“I think that there are some apartments we can look at…”
“We’ve made a collective monster,” Maria decides, blinking. “We Frankensteined this.”
“We did,” Natasha says, staring at the house. There are still little bits of glass. An unfortunately busted can of beans where someone had been knocked out and they had “conveniently” forgotten to clean it up from yesterday.
Well. Sharon and Bucky are going to cause havoc on the world. Maria and Natasha just hope they can cover the other while doing so.
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megbox · 4 years
2020 Year in Review
Previous Posts: (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012) (2011) 
2020 is a weird year because as the world goes through something collectively extremely traumatic and that is radically changing the structure of our lives, our workplaces, the way we connect socially, our mental health… our response to disease…. SO MUCH ABOUT THE WORLD…. And yet the day-to-day of living in a pandemic is so… mundane. I am privileged enough to have that opinion. I have stayed securely employed and it is privilege for my main reaction to something as intense as this pandemic to be boredom. But really, 2020 was a year of absences. It was a year spent largely alone, in my own company. It was a year that forced me to rest. It was a year that made me feel so terribly lonely but also forced me to get acquainted with myself and enjoy my own company in a new way. And it was a year of running. 
I would also like to thank Connor for making this post happen by reminding me to do it and not to break tradition. 
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January & February 
I am combining these months because they were not altogether all that memorable. My resolutions, as I noted on Twitter on January 2, were to 1) Keep running and 2) Learn how to make fresh pasta dough. I can safely say – mission accomplished on both fronts. 
On January 14, I had the privilege of presenting a suicide intervention lecture to students at the medical school where my brother goes. By that time, I’d done a million of these presentations so nerves aren’t really a factor (imagine that! Me, no longer remotely afraid of public speaking…), but this one meant a little extra to me. My brother is so highly accomplished, and I am so proud of him, and I enjoyed having an opportunity to show him what I do and make him proud of me. I wore my favourite dress and did my hair all nice and he described it later as “exceptional.” It was a really, really good feeling. The first weekend of February, Ali and I had planned to go to Jasper. We wanted to go for a hike or two, and get super stoned and go to the planetarium. A huge blizzard hit Alberta just before we were supposed to leave, so we ended up having a staycation here in Calgary. We rented a hotel room, went swimming, drank wine, went to Japanese Village, had drinks in the lounge and then later to a punk rock band roulette night at the Palomino and finally crawled into our giant hotel bed and fell asleep to Remember the Titans… of all movies. It was the kind of night where you simultaneously feel 18 and 35 years old. 
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March was when the pandemic really started to become real. I don’t know exactly why, but I did not take the threat of coronavirus very seriously until the last minute. My coworkers would whisper about it in the hallways and I just rolled my eyes. But then, people started deciding they would work from home, the number of us in the office dwindled. The vibe was bad. Nobody could really focus. They held meetings at 8am and 4pm every day just for COVID-19 updates and we all waited with bated breath for them to finally tell us to go home and not come back. I really feel like I didn’t acknowledge the true implications of this virus until we got the official work from home order, and I had to tell my boss, my laptop at home is too old to run this software, I need a work tablet. My first official work from home day was March 23, 2020. I don’t remember much about that time except that the general sense of panic and anxiety made my job a lot busier, and it is hard to do a job like mine from home because it is hard to counsel or reassure clients through anxieties that are hitting you just as hard. I coped with wine, a lot of running, and listening to Ben Gibbard’s afternoon live streams where he would play acoustic versions of Death Cab songs and other covers. He played New Slang by the Shins one night and I burst into tears. I also coped with teaching myself how to make fresh pasta dough, and enjoying what was, at that point in the pandemic, the novelty and fun of Zoom. 
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In the absence of being able to have a party for my birthday, I decided to be obnoxious and do a “challenge” on my Instagram story. I asked my friends to record a distance run and/or walked and send it to me as a birthday present. My actual birthday ended up being a cold and windy and pretty miserable day. I ran 12km myself, came back home and watched both Magic Mike and Magic Mike XXL, and then went to my parents’ to celebrate both Scott and I’s birthdays with our family. My friends dropped off presents to my door and drove past my house and honked and I felt very loved and appreciated. I drank a lot of Prosecco with my brother and we listened to Kacey Musgraves. 
It was also in April that I become “acquainted” with my neighborhood running nemesis. I put acquainted in apostrophes because I have never actually spoken to him. On one fateful run in April, I happened to catch up to him on my regular route. This was at the height of the COVID fear and so, while I would usually just pass someone on the sidewalk, I went out into the street. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and SPED UP. WHICH IS SUCH BAD RUNNER ETIQUETTE LIKE DUDE I’M IN THE ROAD LET ME PASS YOU. And then we ended up in this like, all-out 100m-finals-at-the-motherfucking-Olympics sprint challenge when all I was trying to do was go for a leisurely training run. And then I finally passed him, turned a corner and had to like collapse on to my hands and knees to catch my breath. Since then, I see this man running all the time. Sometimes while I am also running, sometimes from my car when I am driving through my neighborhood. He’s like… 16. And we are very competitive with one another. I hope to one day actually say hello to him. I both hate that guy and have to thank him for the motivation. 
I ran my first half marathon on April 13, 2020. I was very hungover because I had stayed up quite late with someone on Zoom the night before on a virtual “first date” that had gone much better than anticipated. I don’t know why but I woke up the next morning in such a good mood that I decided I would go for a long, slow run. I got to 18km and figured, what’s 3.1 more? And so, I did it. The first thing I did upon finishing was call my mom. The second thing I did was contemplate calling an Uber to drive me the 2km left to my house. The other notable thing in April is that Maddy moved back from Australia, begrudgingly and a LOT earlier than planned, because of COVID. 
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May was kind of a blur. It was the first month of the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee, which I signed up for while coming off of the high of actually running a half marathon all by myself. The GVRAT was fucking awesome. It was created by Lazarus Lake, of Barkley Marathons fame. The ask is to run 1022.68km between May 1 and August 31, an average of about 8.3km per day. Well, you could run, walk, or hike. This is the actual distance it would take you to cover the state of Tennessee. Myself and about 20,000 other weirdos from around the world signed up for this challenge. I figured I would never get a chance to run in a Lazarus Lake race for real, and being home all the time opened up a lot more opportunity for training. It was one of the very best things I did for myself in 2020. So May involved a lot of running, because I was fresh and naïve and fully intended to be ahead of the curve. I was running about 10-12 per day, sometimes more, and not taking any rest days. 
In between these runs, I spent a lot of time going on long, ambling quarantine walks with Maddy. We would either go for a long walk or she would come over and we would get absolutely hammered in my backyard playing beer pong just to pass the time. We would send snapchats to our exes and make TikToks like 18 year olds. I know we never really said it out loud but having eachother during this time made these months bearable. We were lamenting the loss of a summer, and Maddy’s time in Australia, and all of the expectations we had for ourselves. We were watching our friends in relationships move in together or get closer due to the quarantine. We needed companionship, and stupid things to laugh about, and love, and distraction. And I can genuinely say I would not have gotten through this quarantine period if it weren’t for the nights I spent shooting Pink Whitney and dancing to Party in the USA in my living room with her. 
May 13th was my one year anniversary of working at the university. It felt good to have accomplished so many things in that time, and have moved up already in my job, and to have a full-time, permanent contract.
And May 16th was when I ran my second half-marathon as part of a virtual challenge put on by a friend of a friend. My parents came and sat in lawn chairs in the park while I did loops. They cheered me on and filled my water bottle for me when I ran out. They’re my number one supporters and I love having a family that does that kind of shit for me in the face of something arbitrary like a virtual half marathon challenge. I knocked 7 minutes (!) off my original time. Amazing what not being hungover can do for your fitness levels. 
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I don’t remember many important things about June, other than Maddy moving to Banff. It was depressing but I was also happy for her and happy to have an excuse to go out there and visit. I went the very first weekend after she moved. Halfway through June I seriously contemplated quitting the GVRAT. My shins were bruised, I was dreading every single run, and I could not fathom doing it for 2.5 more months. I was dragging behind in the standings and losing my motivation. 
I spent a lot of time with friends reading in parks. Sometimes, often, with wine. I met a stranger in Canmore Park and ended up kissing him. He was lovely. 
Ali and I had one really good day in June where we went to the Farmer’s Market and then came back to her place and watched Ru Paul’s drag race for like eight straight hours. It was one of those days where we hadn’t seen each other in so long and you just feel totally high off of friendship and absolutely everything is funny and you just can’t stop laughing. I vividly remember it as one of the best days of the year. 
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Again, July kind of passed in a blur. I did a lot of hiking, and a lot of running… keeping up with the GVRAT. I hiked Picklejar Lakes, Castle Mountain, Little Beehive Lookout. 
I went to Banff for a weekend to hang out with Maddy. We had a predictably wild weekend with her roommates and friends. We had dinner at Chili’s (hell yeah) and then went to High Rollers for beers and bowling. The “thing to do” at that point for all of these Banff people was to meet at the “rec grounds” aka public firepits and drink. The police would generally leave you alone so long as you weren’t being rowdy. I sat next to an Australian named Josh at a picnic table and later took him back to my hotel room and he gave me the world’s most unbelievable obvious hickey. Maddy and I sweat out the tequila shots the next day with a long ass hike, and then had a nap before her brother came and took us climbing at the Sunshine slabs – an activity I was not very good at but I wanted to be good at. It was the kind of weekend where you feel like, okay, I definitely indulged my wild side. And you drive home just like totally exhausted but smiling. I sent Maddy’s brother a voice note on my way into town thanking him for taking us climbing and saying it was nice to see him.
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Okay – August was actually really eventful. Like most of the year’s events happened in August, honestly. A lot of running and hiking. I did Ha Ling Peak for the first time, and we did a 30km hike to Aylmer Pass one day that was a fricken GRIND. I spent the long weekend in Saskatchewan. We went to a cidery, and I ran laps around my Dodo’s acreage, and then we got to visit Wakaw Lake and reunite with our old next-door neighbours. We took the boat out and went tubing and lit fireworks and had an amazing dinner and honestly it was like reliving my childhood in the best, best, best way. I fell asleep on the car ride home. 
I went camping with Ali in Sylvan Lake. We got ice cream and cooked fish tacos over the campfire. She told me that Cody had a date planned for the day they took possession of their house, that she wondered if he might ask her to marry him but didn’t want to get her hopes up in case it didn’t happen and ruin what otherwise was supposed to be a celebratory day. Spoiler – he did ask her to marry him  I was running when she called me. I was listening to Epsilon by Kygo, and now when I hear that song I always think of them. I stopped my watch and just openly bawled on the street out of happiness for them. 
Steven successfully defended his master’s thesis. We went camping in Waterton to celebrate with Matt, Kennedy, Regan, Scott, and Rie. They brought cake. We did a sunrise hike. I slept in the back of my Ford Escape. 
On August 27, Ollie passed away. It was both expected and unexpected. He had been having some issues with seizures. The vet didn’t think it was anything to be too concerned about, he was old and it wasn’t uncommon for them to happen. It happened suddenly. I had a terrible sleep that night, and woke up in a cold sweat somewhere between 3 and 4 am. In the morning, my mom called me and told me the news. He had a giant seizure in the night and was crying and yelping. They woke up and took him to the emergency vet, they made the executive call to put him down to prevent any further suffering. He died right around the time I woke up in the middle of the night. I like to think that was his way of saying goodbye, maybe. I cried all day. Well, let’s be honest, I cried all week. I burst into tears at the mere thought of him. He was such a good and lovely dog. He was so loved by us. He had a good life. It is always sad when we lose pets so early. They bring so much joy to our lives, and still when I go to my parents’ place the first thing I want to do is call for him or pet him. I hope he is running around in whatever the pet afterlife is. I miss him. 
And on August 31, I ran my last kilometre of the GVRAT. I finished with 733.78 run, 83.18 hiked, and 205.09 walked. 
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September was a nice break from running. I got to start coming to campus one day a week, on Thursdays, which was good for my mental health and work productivity. I got to spend September long in Vernon with Maeghan and Madison at Michael’s family’s cabin. They took us boating and made us meals and didn’t judge us for drinking margaritas with Michael’s sister literally all day. It was the best. It was the epitome of every summer weekend you dream about. I was so happy I got to go. 
I met a boy in September. It’s always September, isn’t it? It feels weird to write about him. Like, that makes him significant. But. He is significant. And I met him in September. And it was unexpected. Last minute. And essentially not a day has gone by since that day in September that I have not thought about him.
I also joined a Calgary Sport and Social Club team with my friends for softball and it started in September. We played two games and then I tore my hamstring running from second to third base. I tore… my hamstring…. Running like 30 metres…. After a summer of literally running 10+ km every day. I… it was the worst day ever. Softball itself was amazing and so fun even though I really do suck at the sport but highly recommend Rec League C-level beer league softball with all of your best friends. There’s just no way that isn’t fun. 
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A lot of pouting about my hamstring, I went to two physio sessions and then decided to just start running again. I’m bad. I’m a bad example. Don’t do what I do… but also…. It worked. 
I went to Victoria to visit Sydney over the Thanksgiving weekend. We went to a Thanskgiving potluck party at my old coworker’s place. It was a nice experience to be the new people at a party, to have a room full of new people to meet and who ask you questions about your life. We got really drunk and they tried setting Sydney up with one of their roommate’s brothers, and gave us lipstick to try, and poured us tequila shots. We had such an amazing meal. It was honestly so fun. We laughed in the cab the whole way back about how we were going to need to debrief that evening HARD the next morning. We watched a lot of All Gas No Brakes, and went for dinner and brunch and I limped up Mount Doug with my hamstring. It was a very very chill weekend, like we spent a lot of time just lounging at Sydney’s apartment and doing nothing. Because that is the kind of friends we are. It was so relaxing and lovely. I was sad to leave. 
Karla, my roommate, left for New York at the end of October. Her aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and she and her mom made the executive move to go there to basically be with her for the end of her life. She wasn’t going to be back until December. I was happy, because it’s nice to have a place to myself, but also sad because Karla is lovely and I knew it was going to be a stressful situation for her. 
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November / December
I am combining these two months because they have also been largely uneventful. In fact… I don’t know if I could really tell you anything significant that happened. We’ve been in a lockdown. I’ve spent my time playing piano, watching Netflix, listening to podcasts, basically doing all of the things I usually do when I’m bored. Lots of Among Us. Lots of outdoor things… skating… more running. We’ve been in a lockdown since early December. Time has dragged on since then. I spent Christmas with my parents. Scott and Rie stayed isolated, because Scott is in and out of the hospital for school. My mom and I watched shitty Christmas Hallmark movies and made fun of the guys who star in them. We drank a LOT on Christmas Eve and both spent Christmas with a wicked hangover. My dad and I ate edibles and I was launched into the stratosphere. I spent New Year’s Eve with Boy from September. We played beer pong, and card games, and he tried to use a coat hangover to pick the lock on the mysterious room that my landlord keeps locked. We spent most of the night kissing, honestly. I was happy to spend the last moments of the year with him.
Honestly... at this point... who really knows? 
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hees-theman · 4 years
Mistake at the First Sight (Chapter I)
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Female!Reader
Genre: Romance, Enemies to Lover
Warning: Cursing, a bit of physical fight
Summary: You’re a transfer student from London and Park Seonghwa thought that you don’t know Korean language. Little did he know, you are actually a Korean who moved back to the place you were born.
A/N: Thank you for supporting this series. It means a lot to me. Also, I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes hhh. Enjoy.
<< Prologue
After struggling for a few days, trying to stay focus in the class without falling asleep or getting distracted by mobile phone, it’s finally Friday and you’re in the last class of the day.
“Alright, that’s all for today,” your lecturer said. Everyone in the class let out a sigh and mentally cheered. They can now go back to their own room and do whatever they want with their life. For you, it’s either music or sleeping.
That is until Jiyeon suddenly grabs your arm while you are putting back your stationaries to where it belonged. You turn to look at her and you can the sparkles in her eyes.
The very same sparkles that will appear every single time she needs something from you. Just at the thought of it makes you groan in annoyance.
“Let’s go to a bar tonight,” she said. Your eyebrows immediately frown and a confused sound came out from your mouth. What’s wrong with her? Is she crazy?
You hold out your hand to put it at Jiyeon’s forehead and you do the same to yours with your other hand. It’s now Jiyeon’s time to be confused. You shake your head a bit. No fever.
After confirming that your friend is not sick, you put your hand down and turn to look at her with an unimpressed expression. “That’s not the kind of Friday night that I like, Jiyeon.”
Jiyeon’s lip that was curled up into a wide grin now slowly turned into a pout. The eyes that were holding galaxy earlier now turned into a puppy eye. Once again, you shake your head at her behavior, but this time you did it mentally.
“Please, Joo. You’ve been here for a month now but we still haven’t hang out together,” she pleaded.
Her words got you thinking. It is a fact. You won’t deny it. Although you’ve been here for a month, you have never really hang out with anyone from your university. Heck, you don’t even know half of your classmates’ names. You really are THAT unfriendly.
“Please, Joo. Let’s go to a bar tonight. I know the best place,” Jiyeon begged once again.
You let out a sigh in defeat. What’s the point of you coming back here and not have fun like everyone. A little fun sometimes can be good for you too. A little fun won’t hurt, right?
At that decision, you look at Jiyeon from the corner of your eyes and nod your head, earning a wide grin that almost makes her eyes disappear from her. She then wraps her arms around your neck and pulls your head into her chest.
“Thank you, Jooyeon. You’re the best.” You did nothing but smile softly at her and pat her arm. She made the right choice, right? It’s the right thing to do, right? But, why do you feel slightly wrong?
As soon as the door was pushed, you can hear the music from the bar. Jiyeon turn to look at you and hold out her hand for you to take it.
Both of you enter the bar and let the door close on itself. Your eyes roam around the place, studying the interior. One thing you love to do when you’re entering a place is observe the place. For you, the atmosphere tells everything about a place.
By observing this place, you can say that this place is not as chaotic as you thought it would be. The music is quite slow but still enjoyable for the customers. A lot of people in here are just drinking and talking with one another.
Maybe, just maybe, you will come to this place again if you ever need a drink alone.
That’s what you thought until your eyes land on a group of people that you barely know but still recognized. Some of your classmates are here, including that guy.
At the sudden realization, you turn to look at Jiyeon who is now looking at you with an apologetic expression.
“What’s the meaning of this, Jiyeon,” you asked.
Her eyes shift from left to right, trying to search for an excuse or construct the best sentence that she can. She knows that it’s her fault for not mentioning about other people joining but she knows that if she tells you, you will refuse to come with her.
She bites her lips and look down at her feet. “I’m sorry, Joo.”
At her words, you turn around to face the door. But, before you can grab the handle, Jiyeon’s hands hold your hand, stopping you from moving further and turn your head to her.
“I know it’s my fault for not telling you but they really want to get to know you,” Jiyeon said. Although you are furious and you just want to go back home, you still open your ears to listen to her explanation.
“Actually, San planned this. A lot of us want to get to know more about you. But, most of them are shy – and scared a bit. Since I’m the closest one to you, they asked me to come and invite you. I know that this is basically forcing you but their intention is good.”
You turn to look back at your classmates’ table. You can see that they are laughing, some drinks on the table, some drinks on hands. They all look so happy and cheerful.
“I don’t mind if you want to scold me but, let’s go meet them. I know deep down in your heart, you want to get to know everyone too. You just didn’t know how. Take this as the first step, okay?”
Your eyes turn back to look at Jiyeon. The fire inside your heart slowly fades away. Her words are true. You are not that good at making friends so you don’t really talk that much with other people. You tend to feel like you’re an awkward person whenever you’re trying to hold a conversation with anyone.
However, you do want to know your classmates’ name. Their likes, their dislikes. You want to make friends with them.
“Fine. I’ll let it go just this once.” Your words brought happiness to Jiyeon. You can see through her face that she is overly satisfied at the fact that you agreed to join a table with your classmates.
With her holding your hand, both of you walk towards the table, surrounded by males and females from your class. Everyone at the table turn to look at you. The faces that held no expression suddenly lit up at your presence.
“Introducing, our transferred student, Kim Jooyeon,” Jiyeon said and everyone clapped their hands. Some of the guys even let out some howls and whistles.
Jiyeon pulls you with her and bring you to an empty seat that was reserved for you and only you. Everyone is so excited to see you, except for one person. A tall, handsome guy, no other than Park Seonghwa.
He has his drinks in his hand. His eyes scan your outfit just like how he scanned it few weeks back. The way you dressed are different tonight. Black leather jacket, white graffiti shirt tucked in black tight pants that showcase the length of your leg and paired with a black 2-inched-boot on your feet.
His eyes move back up just to see that you’re wearing a black choker around your neck. A burgundy wine lipstick that you wore really matched your skin colour. The eyeliner makes your eyes slightly bigger than normal and your hair isn’t in ponytail like how it used to be. You let it flow down your back.
His tongue glides along his lower lip unconsciously at the sight of you. You look even more attractive than you already did and he didn’t even know that’s possible. Maybe the quote “nothing is impossible” is a fact.
Right at that moment, your eyes meet his. He clears his throat, trying to hide the fact that he was staring at you earlier and turn his head to the other side as he bring his glass to his lips.
Your eyes can’t help but to scan him from up and down. The way he dressed was almost the same as yours. Black jacket, plain white shirt, black pants and black shoes. However, that is not what attracts you the most.
It’s the way he styled his hair. During your last encounter with him, his hair was down. He covered his forehead with his bangs. But, tonight, his forehead is shown to everyone in all its glory. You would be lying if you said that didn’t make you feel something.
Actually, it makes you feel hot. He looks hot tonight. The way his adam apple moved as he swallowed his drink wasn’t helping either. If it wasn’t because of the statement that he threw at you few weeks ago, you’re probably hitting on him right here and right now.
A light tap on your right shoulder awakened you from your thoughts. You turn your head to your side to see a guy smiling softly at you. You can see there’s a slight dimple on his cheeks.
“Hey, I’m San, the one who asked Jiyeon to bring you tonight.” Right. You were forced to this place. You almost forgot that you were about to kick your own ass out of the bar if it weren’t because of Jiyeon begging at you.
“I know that you thought that we won’t be here but the sole purpose I did this is to welcome you properly. It’s been a month and we barely know each other even though we’ve seen each other every day in the class. I hope you can forgive Jiyeon for that.”
His words make you turn your head to look at Jiyeon who is currently talking to the other girls happily. The sight of them laughing warms your heart. It’s something about you. Somehow you will feel happy when you see other people being happy.
“It’s okay. At least she’s happy,” you said as your eyes still looking at Jiyeon and her friends. San’s smile widen slightly at your words and gesture.
“Well, I hope that you will enjoy tonight,” he said. You turn your focus back on him as he raises his glass and cheers it on the air. His action makes you let out a light chuckle.
Maybe coming here tonight isn’t as bad as you thought it will be.
It’s been three hours since you last came in here and almost everyone is quite tipsy by now. You’ve known all of their names by now. You guys talked and played some games to get to know each other better.
You put down your glass on the table and excuse yourself to go to the toilet. On your journey, you had to pass by a group of boys just beside your table. You continue to walk straight to get your business done, oblivious at how they stare you down.
“That chick is hot. I bet I can get her on my bed tonight,” one of the boys spoke up.
Seonghwa, being the one who sit at the end of table and the nearest to the boys, listened to their conversations. His hand grips around his glass tightly but not enough to break it, trying to stay calm at their explicit talk.
“I bet she won’t mind if I do her roughly,” another male said – and that is the cue for Seonghwa.
He slams his glass on the table and turn to face the table beside theirs. He is so furious. There is fire in his eyes. He scans each one of them, studying their faces. If looks could kill, they will all be dead by now.
“Who the fuck said that?” His tone is low. He is trying to control himself. Everyone around the place didn’t dare to do anything. They just watch the scene, not knowing what to do.
One of the guys stands up and put his hands in his pocket. He looks at Seonghwa with challenging expression. “Me? Why? What are you going to do,” he said, fueling Seonghwa’s anger even more.
Without thinking, he punches the guy straight at his cheek, making him fall on the floor. The sudden reactions from Seonghwa make the girls gasp and the boys get up from their seat.
The guy touched his cheek before looking at Seonghwa and stand up, facing him once again. Heavy pants can be heard coming out from Seonghwa. Without wasting any seconds, the guy punches Seonghwa back at the same place he got punched.
All of a sudden, they got into a physical fight. Seonghwa and the unknown guy keep beating one another as their friends trying to stop them by pulling away. But, that didn’t work. Both of them are too furious to stop. As if a beast is fighting a beast.
You, who were oblivious of what was happening, walked out of the toilet normally before witnessing the scene. Your eyes widen when you recognized one of them in the fight. Park Seonghwa. What is that idiot doing? Is he seriously fighting someone?
You walked up to him and grab his arm, trying your best to stop him along with his friends. However, it didn’t work.
“Park Seonghwa!” You yelled at the tall guy. Your hands are still around his arm.
At the sound of your voice, both of the males stop fighting with each other and everyone around them turn to look at you including the person you yelled at.
It is now your turn to get mad. You pull him back by the arm and push him to the side. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?!”
Seonghwa looks at you as he breathes heavily, his fist clench tightly. His eyes turn to look at the guy sharply before nodding his head at the guy’s direction.
“This son of a bitch was having explicit thoughts about you,” he said angrily. You turn your head to look at the other guy who just turned his head away, refused to look at you.
Your eyes linger on the guy for a while before you turn back to look at Seonghwa. You walk towards him and stand in front of him.
“Then, that’s my fight with him. Not yours.”
Seonghwa was about to open his mouth to speak but you already grabbed his hand with yours and pull him with you out from the bar, leaving everyone in the bar dumbfounded and confused at what just happened.
For a while, the bar was in silent. That was until San came face to face with the guys from the next table.
“Next time, don’t mess with my friends.”
With that, San and his friends, including Jiyeon, walked out of the bar.
                                                                                                  Chapter Two >>
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doyouever-daydream · 4 years
Friends with Kids.
A/N  I re-watched Friends with Kids for the firs time in years and I came up with this, if you, like me, love rom-coms I highly recommend it, therefore if you don't want spoilers for the movie, go watch it and then come back here to read this! For the sake of the story there might be some OOC moments, don't kill me. Also there are many time-jumps so I hope it’s not too confusing. English is not my first language so bear with me, I try my best, I'm still working on it. I enjoyed writing this so much! I started last month and it was a blast so hopefully you enjoyed it as well, if you did, let me know! Thank you for reading this super long oneshot. P.S. This is the first work of the Movie AU series that I've been planning (if you pay close attention, without intending to I wrote a couple clues about others stories I'm working on (Movie AU's as well) 👀
P.S. 2 You should go and check this post and this post and help if you can ❤
ALSO this is another entry for my @cmbingo​ card, the square is Friends to Lovers.
Summary: After seeing all of their friends having kids, Penelope and Luke decide that since none of them seem to have found their person, they agree to have a child of their own. Having a kid with your best friend can't be that bad, right? (Movie AU: Friends with Kids)
Pairing: Penelope Garcia x Luke Alvez (with a little bit of Jemily 🤭)
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of sex, bad jokes, SLOWBURN, some angst I guess, some grammar mistakes.
Word count: 15410 (y’all told me to post it as a one instalment lmao 🤯🤯🤯)
Masterlist (You can also find this and other fanfics in my AO3 acc )
Luke didn’t need to look up to know that Penelope was finally down in the lobby, the sound of her high heels gave it away, he pocketed his phone and got up, ready to go and meet their friends.
“Hello chica” He kissed her cheek and she returned the gesture.
“Hi newbie, I’m sorry it’s so late, I got caught up at work, let’s go”
“After you” Once they were outside their apartment building, they called a cab, eager to get to the restaurant and catch up with their friends.
“How was work?” Penelope asked him as she put on lipstick.
Luke shrugged “Same as usual, nothing exciting happens, what about you?”
“Terrible day, I can’t wait to drink a couple glasses of wine” Luke snorted and raised an eyebrow “Or five”
“It’s Friday so I’m also thinking about getting a little tipsy” She placed her lipstick in her purse and rested her hands in her lap with a smile on her face.
“It’s been so long since the eight of us have gone out to dinner, I miss everyone”
“I know, I don’t think I’ll recognize their faces anymore” Penelope rolled her eyes instead of going along with it.
They remained in a comfortable silence the rest of the time, saving everything else they had to say until they were with the rest. Penelope and Luke saw each other much more often than the others, mostly because they lived in the same building, just an elevator ride apart, Penelope’s place was on the third floor while Luke’s was on the seventh. Another reason as to why they didn’t see each other that much was because half of the gang, Matt, Kristy, Derek and Savannah were now parents and they didn’t have as much free time time as before.
Once in the restaurant, Penelope walked as quickly as she could, Luke following close behind careful to act if she tripped or something. Penelope’s smile fell just a little when she only saw Emily and JJ sitting at the table.
“Hey, you guys are here” Emily and JJ quickly rushed to them, and after a round of greetings and hugs, the four sat down.
“Where's the rest of the gang?” Luke asked, looking around to see if they were by the bar or coming from the bathroom.
“Yeah, we can’t be the awesome eight when there are only four of us here” Penelope stated as she nicely signaled the waiter to come over.
Emily bit her lip and looked at JJ “They called to inform us they can’t make it tonight” The blonde woman informed them.
“Kristy’s not feeling well and Matt has to be there to take care of the kids and Derek and Savannah couldn’t find a sitter” Emily added carefully watching Penelope, they all knew she had been looking forward to this dinner for a few weeks now.
“Oh” Penelope forced a smile “It’s ok, I get it, things happen” Under the table, Luke took her hand and squeezed it, she looked at him and smiled a little less forced this time.
“We’ll be the fabulous four tonight” JJ raised her glass and Penelope remembered she hadn’t seen them in a few months so it was still exciting getting the chance to see them.
“I’ll drink to that” They all proceeded to order their drinks and dinner, ready to make the most of the evening.
They spent the next hour and a half talking about how life was, JJ and Emily told them about the trip they made to Italy to celebrate their three years of marriage, Penelope told them a funny story about a blind date gone wrong, Luke shared he was getting promoted at work, overall life was good for all of them and it made the evening much more pleasant even though four of their best friends weren’t there.
“There’s this guy at work who I think would be great for you” JJ commented while eating her dessert.
“I don’t know if I should trust you to set me up anymore, last time was horrible” Penelope replied remembering the last date she had with one of JJ’s prospects for her.
“No, this time it’ll be better, I promise” 
“I think you’d like this guy, Pen” Emily said while sipping on her glass of wine.
Luke nudged her with his elbow “Come on, chica, let JJ set you up, it can’t be worse than the time the guy bursted into tears when you told him you were a Libra”
They all laughed, followed by a loud sigh from Penelope “God, I missed this so much, being with you, laughing at my terrible luck when it comes to dating”
“I missed it too” Emily interjected “Being together not laughing about your love life”
“I gotta say it” Luke started “I love our friends’ kids so much but I miss the times when it was just the eight of us, you know?”
Before JJ or Emily said anything Penelope spoke “I know, I mean I’m also super grateful those little sweethearts joined the fam but on nights like these I get all nostalgic reminiscing the pre-babies era”
JJ and Emily shared a look and both Penelope and Luke knew something was up “What’s that?” Luke wondered.
Emily took JJ’s hand “Well, one of the news we wanted to share tonight was that JJ and I are adopting” Penelope and Luke were wide eyed “We actually started the process a few months ago but didn’t know when we were going to be matched and we didn’t expect it to happen soon but we’ve been matched, it’s sweet one year old girl” JJ finished telling their news to their friends.
“Her name is Emerson and she’s coming home with us in a couple weeks” Emily waited anxiously to see their reactions.
Penelope was the first one to speak “Oh my God, you guys, congratulations, a new addition to the fam” She was genuinely excited with her news and so was Luke.
“It’s great to hear this, you’ll be amazing moms” He turned to Penelope “We’re getting a new niece”
“I know, I know, look about what we said earlier-” JJ cut her off.
“Oh, it’s ok, we know kids aren’t really your thing so it’s alright” Luke was the only one who noticed how Penelope’s face changed for one second, she quickly smiled again, hoping no one noticed the flash of disappointment in her face at JJ’s words.
After saying their goodbyes and promising to reunite once Emerson was settled with JJ and Em, Luke and Penelope took another cab to go back to their apartments. She was silent and Luke didn’t know if it was a good idea to ask what was on her mind, he debated whether or not to start a conversation.
Before thinking it twice he started “So was it true?” Luke questioned and Penelope tilted her head.
“What do you mean?” Luke licked his lips.
“What JJ said about kids not being your thing” Penelope sighed and bit her lip, of course Luke had noticed her expression when she heard their friend saying this.
“She was referring to both of us, Luke” She tried to avoid answering his question.
“I know but in my case she’s wrong I would like kids” She looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smirk in her face.
“I didn’t know that, newbie” Luke shrugged “I honestly assumed you were the no kids kind of guy” 
“Are you kidding me? My mom would never forgive me if I never gave her grandchildren” Penelope laughed imagining Elena, Luke’s mom, lecturing him to give her grandchildren.
“So you’re doing it for your mom then?” 
“No, I really wanna be a dad, someday, a tiny human that’s half me, that would be great” She patted his shoulder.
“You’re right, that would be great” He looked at her expectantly “What?”
“What about you, Penelope? Would you like to have kids?” She pressed her lips together.
“Yes, I would love that” She admitted after a few seconds of being silent “The thing is I have no one, sometimes I think I should’ve said yes to Kevin when he proposed, I’d have children by now”
“You’re gonna find someone” She rolled her eyes “You will, you are gorgeous and an amazing woman” 
“Have you ever wondered if you’ve already met your person? You know, the one you’re gonna end up with?” Penelope questioned.
“No, I haven’t met my person, I know that much, but I will and so will you, Pen, you’ll see” He put his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder, starting to feel sleepy, they remained like that until they got home, said goodnight and went to sleep to their apartments.
Almost four months later, Luke and Penelope were hosting a baby shower for Matt and Kristy, it turned out that time they had cancelled dinner with them was because Kristy was having a hard time during the pregnancy.
Everyone was there, including friends they hadn’t seen in a while, all of them with their significant others: Spencer, Tara, Alex, Kate, David, Aaron and Elle.
At one point of the party, Penelope escaped from the conversations about marriage and kids, and she stood in a corner trying to go unnoticed, during the entire gathering Luke had kept an eye on her, since they were planning the party, he noticed the subject was still a sensitive for her.
“We did good” He said as he leaned against the wall.
Penelope looked around his place, everyone seemed to be having a good time “Yeah, I think it turned out pretty well” He offered his glass of wine, it was almost full “Thank you” 
“I’ve always known we were a dynamic duo” This earned him an eye roll from Penelope, he expected her to say something else but she remained quiet and so did he.
She took in the scene of her friends with their children, the look on their eyes were like nothing she had ever seen before, she knew these people from a very long time and there was always a huge difference between the before and after having kids.
“I want this” Penelope said out of the blue.
“Ok” Luke said unsure as to what she was referring, he thought about it for a second “I can plan a birthday party for you next year, Pen”
“Not a party, I want to have a baby” He didn’t know what to say to that but just in that moment JJ walked over to them with Emerson in her arms.
“This little one is looking for her fairy godmother” Emerson reached her arms to Penelope and she happily took the one year old in her arms.
“Did you, little Em?” She kissed her goddaughter’s head “I was missing you too” The baby babbled, content to be with her auntie.
“I’ll go grab some cake” JJ turned around and walked towards the kitchen and Kristy came to join the three of them.
“Thank you guys so much for this” She offered a warm smile “I promise you we’re done after this one” She announced while she rubbed her round belly.
“Oh don’t mind us, you have as many babies as you guys like” Luke joked and when they laughed, little Emerson joined them with a giggle.
“No, we’re definitely done, it’s your turn to find someone and start giving us nieces and nephews, right, Emerson?”
“I think this one will get a little sister or brother before we know it, Em and JJ are over the moon being moms” Penelope stated.
“I know” Kristy agreed “It’s been really touching seeing them in this new phase” 
“I hope someday you guys get to see me being a mom” The nostalgia was obvious in her voice.
“It’s gonna happen” Kristy assured her “And I can’t wait, Penelope” She smiled to her and then proceeded to go with her husband.
Seeing Penelope with Emerson and the rest of their friends’ children left him thinking, after the baby shower was over Penelope stayed to help him clean even when he told her to call it a night and go to  get some rest, but she refused, they spent the next couple hours tidying up the place, once they were done Luke offered to order takeout but she didn’t accept and went to her apartment.
Luke tried to get some sleep but he kept turning and tossing in his bed, his thoughts not letting him rest, he tried everything but ultimately failed, he looked at his alarm clock, it was almost 2:00 AM. Unable to get his idea out of his mind, he got up and walked towards the elevator, he needed to tell Penelope what was happening on his mind.
Once he got down to her floor, he stood outside her door for a few minutes thinking maybe it was too out of line to make her the proposition he was thinking about. He pressed his lips together and rubbed his palms in his pajama pants, trying to muster enough confidence to knock on her door.
  He sighed and knocked a couple times.
Luke tried a few more times, wanting to tell Penelope what he was thinking about, after all it was his best friend, if she didn’t accept, they could laugh it up and continue as if nothing happened. 
Penelope opened the door “What’s up, Luke?” She put on her glasses as her eyes adjusted to the light.
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Penelope yawned.
He stared at her and took a deep breath “I want a baby” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Are you… Drunk?” She questioned and he shook his head.
“I want to be a dad” He blurted. 
“Ok? Well I know everyone calls me the fairy godmother but it’s not like I can make a baby appear and give it to you”
“What if you could?” Luke objected.
Penelope let out a frustrated sigh “Are you high?”
“No, Penelope, you want to be a mom and I want to be a dad, we haven’t found our person but we’re best friends I thought maybe we could try this” 
“How would that even work? Luke, what the fuck?” 
“Look, there are different types of families, two best friends having a kid and then finding their person doesn’t sound too crazy to me” He insisted.
“Are you being serious right now?” Penelope wondered, trying to examine his face to see if he was messing with her.
“I am” He walked to her and took her hand “Think about it, we’re best friends, we have a baby and we split everything 50/50 costs, responsibilities, and it will be good because we’re not attracted to each other, we won’t get to have married couple fights and all the complicated part” He offered a small smile to his friend who looked at him open-mouthed trying to process everything he was saying.
“I need some time to think about it” Luke smiled when he heard those words and let go of her hand.
“Alright, that’s ok” He walked towards the door “Let me know what you decide on, you know where to find me” As he was about to leave, he turned around and quickly walked to her to hug her.
“Go to sleep, Alvez”
“Garcia-Alvez has a nice ring to it” He whispered in her ear before she swatted at his chest, he rushed to the door and closed it behind him, leaving Penelope standing there, shocked at his proposition but also thoughtful, she walked to her bedroom and snuggled once again in her bed, trying to regain her sleep before Luke came to disrupt her mind.
Penelope and Luke were busy with work for the next couple weeks, until one night she texted him if she could come up to see him, he instantly replied with a yes and Penelope was on her way with an answer to his proposition. She let herself in and walked to his living room, he was watching TV.
“Hello stranger” He patted the couch, inviting her to sit beside him.
She plopped next to him and Luke put his arm around her without taking his eyes from the screen “How’s… life?” 
“Good I guess?” He quickly shot her a look with an eyebrow raised “How about you?”
Penelope played with her hands “Did you mean what you said that other night?” Luke turned to her and took the remote control turning the TV off and giving her his undivided attention.
“About having a baby with you? Absolutely” His voice was firm and his face was serious.
“I’ve thought about it” She looked at him and he was waiting for an answer.
“And?” He questioned with raised eyebrows.
“Ok” Penelope stated in a whisper.
Luke smiled “Ok?”
“Ok” She returned the smile “You are right, there are different type of families and two friends having a kid doesn’t sound like the worst idea”
He leaned forward to her “Should we get to it? Like now?” Penelope jumped.
“No, not now but soon I guess, I’m not sure” She was suddenly self conscious, thinking that in an attempt to have a baby together, they’d need to have sex.
“We could do those fertility tests to know when you’re ovulating” Penelope looked surprised.
“How do you know about those?” She asked with amusement.
“What? Because I’m a guy I can’t know? Come on, Pen, I’m a modern men” She chuckled and looked at him waiting for the truth.
“Ok I saw it on a movie but I do want to know more about this, I plan on being there for you during the pregnancy, Lamaze classes and all”
“Alright, we can talk about all of that later, I’ll just go have dinner now” As she was about to get up, Luke took her hand.
“Don’t go, we can order something or I could cook something for you”
“Didn’t you already had dinner?” He nodded 
“But you can have dinner here, you don’t need to eat all by yourself”
“Alright I’ll go check your fridge, I’m sure there’s some leftover takeout I can eat” Penelope went to the kitchen and Luke started to look for something she could also enjoy on the TV, this was their routine, having dinner at each other’s apartments whenever they could, talking about life, family, dates they’ve been, adding a baby to their dynamic didn’t sound like the worst idea.
“We are having a baby” Penelope announced to their friends, Luke was a little bit terrified of Derek’s reaction to the news, Penelope and him were very close.
“So you’re finally together?” Savannah said with a smile on her face.
Derek who was sitting beside his wife started grinning, he knew this day would come “I’m happy for the both of you”
“Uhm, no, we’re not together, we’re just having a kid” Savannah’s and Derek’s face changed into frowns.
“Oh” Savannah said smiling again, trying not to show her confusion, she wanted to be supportive of her friends, especially Penelope, she was Derek’s best friend.
“So how far along are you, baby girl?” Derek wondered with a more serious expression.
“I’m not pregnant yet, we just decided to have a baby”
“It’s because we both want to be parents so w-we came up with this idea” Luke added.
“Well, that’s great, isn’t it, babe?” Savannah squeezed Derek’s knee for him to say something supportive.
“Yeah, yeah, it is” He tried his best to offer an honest smile “Hank would love to have another cousin, especially coming from his fairy godmother”
Penelope smiled at Luke reassuring him that everything was ok, he had expressed his concerns over Derek’s reaction but as close as Penelope and Derek were, this was her decision. 
Later that evening Penelope offered to help Derek to do the dishes and he was glad he would have a moment alone with her.
“Are you sure about this, baby girl? The whole having a baby with Luke thing?” She noted the worry in his voice, she finished drying the last plate.
“I am, it’s not like we are getting any younger” She shrugged and leaned on the kitchen counter, he shot her a concerned look “Hey, if you weren’t married I’d go to you for this” She joked nudging him with her elbow “Just imagine your DNA and mine, that kid would be something else” They both laughed.
“I can only imagine how that’d conversation would go” Derek commented while drying his hands.
“I actually can’t, I mean Luke was really the one that came up with the subject”
“Was he now?” He asked with an arched brow
“Stop it, it’s not like that” She rolled her eyes “We’re friends, that’s all we are and all we’re going to be”
Derek shook his head and let out a sigh “Alright, if you’re sure then just know you have us for support, questions, help, anything you need, sweetness, and I better be godfather”
Penelope got teary eyed, it was really important to her to count on Derek for this new adventure, he was her most precious friendship, so listening to him saying those words made her feel more at ease, she was sure of her decision but that didn’t mean she wasn’t terrified of the changes coming up.
Soon all of their friends heard the news from Penelope and Luke, Matt and Kristy were very supportive, mostly because in their eyes those two belonged together, they thought that maybe for them the baby had to come first then they’d realize how perfect they were for each other despite their differences. A contrast from Emily’s and JJ’s reaction, JJ had always been super protective of Penelope, and she thought this was a terrible idea where Penelope would end up being hurt, Luke was her friend as well and knew he wasn’t a bad guy but raising a kid with someone was complicated even when you were in a serious relationship with someone you were in love with, Emily wasn’t a fan of the idea either, someone was bound to get hurt and no matter who, their kid would have to pay the consequences, they didn’t explicitly voiced their concerns but neither did they applaud their decision.
Kirsty, JJ brought their kids at Savannah and Derek’s for a playdate, and it was only a matter of time before the subject was brought up.
“So what do you guys think about Pen and Luke’s plan?” JJ asked watching Hank helping Emerson to get the toys she wanted.
“Well I hope she gets pregnant soon, so their baby can be close to this little one in age” Kristy replied while rubbing her stomach.
“It’s gonna be interesting” Added Savannah while taking a sip of wine.
JJ squinted and looked at them “Don’t you think it’s crazy for them to go through it? Penelope is too sensitive, I’m not even sure she’s not feeling something for him already, what if she gets her heart broken?”
“It may not be ideal but…” Savannah shrugged her shoulder and pressed her lips “It’s their decision and I don’t think anything we say will change their minds”
“They want to be parents, they are planning this and seemed excited, I don’t think it’s the worst thing”
The blonde woman remained silent, she was still unsure it was the right choice but everyone seemed to be on board so she tried to be supportive of Luke and Penelope, hoping with all her heart they they’d prove her worries were silly and that they would make it work.
The day had finally come, they were trying tonight and Penelope was a bundle of nerves, Luke on the other hand was excited, lately his desire to be a father was getting stronger, all of his co-workers talked about their experiences in fatherhood and even though they shared both, the good and the bad, he was anxious to experience it firsthand.
“Alright I’m ready” Penelope announced as she entered his apartment in her mermaid nightie and fluffy robe with unicorn slippers, Luke smiled at the sight of her, soon with all the confidence she had mustered, Penelope straddled his waist.
“A ‘hello, how are you?’ would be nice” He joked and she lost all confidence, the blood traveled to her face and she stepped away from him but Luke took her hand and pulled her so she was sitting next to him “I’m kidding, it’s j-just I don’t know, I’m using humor to lighten up the mood”
“I’m mortified, Luke” She admitted with closed eyes “We’re having sex”
“It can’t be that bad, I know it won’t be bad” Penelope opened one eye.
“How could you know?” Luke shot her a smirk and a wink.
“If we’re comfortable enough to have a baby together then I’m comfortable enough to confess I’ve had some dreams”
Her eyes shot open “LUKE!” Penelope’s voice raised with surprise.
“That’s exactly how it sounded” He joked and if Penelope wasn’t red before she was now.
“Oh my God, stop, I don’t know if that makes me feel better or not” Luke laughed, not really understanding why she was so worried.
“Come on, chica, it’s gonna be alright” He placed a strand of her out of her face.
She sighed and sat up straighter “Ok, let’s do it”
Luke caressed her cheek “Are you sure?” 
Penelope swallowed and nodded, he went on to kiss her and after a few seconds she started laughing.
“Pen, this is not helping my confidence” He commented as he pulled away, Penelope rested her forehead on his.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, you know I laugh when I feel awkward” Luke softly placed his hands on her shoulders and got up.
He extended out his hand to her “Let’s go to the bedroom” Penelope looked hesitant “If you don’t feel like doing this today, we can do it some other day, it’s ok”
“No, I want to, it’s just… Weird” 
“So I shouldn’t have lit the candles or put a million rose petals on the bed then?” Penelope rolled her eyes, he was teasing her to that one time a guy had done that and it was a huge turn off for her.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, I hate your mouth so much”
Luke loved to mess with her “I bet you a hundred bucks you won’t be saying that in a few”
“Fuck you, newbie” Penelope spat.
HIs hands signaled to himself “Be my guest” This time he saw the eye roll on her face accompanied with annoyment and he decided to stop his teasing “Alright, alright, look, I know you like fresh sheets and I even used that softener you like, let’s go to bed and… Do this”
“I need a minute” She went to the bathroom and Luke sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for her, he licked his lips, hoping she wasn’t regretting everything, soon Penelope came back and stood between his legs.
“Ok, shut up for real this time and let’s do this” She placed her hands on each side of his face.
“One baby coming up” Penelope facepalmed “... In nine months, th-” She kissed him in an attempt to shut him up for good, Luke immediately responded and placed his hands on her hips.
Once they were done, they remained on his bed, both were hopeful that everything was on their side so within the next couple months they could see a positive pregnancy test, Penelope’s awkwardness was all gone, she figured she was making a big deal of the whole thing, having sex with Luke wasn’t bad and she actually had enjoyed it more than she thought she would.
“Shouldn’t you lift your legs up or something?” Luke suggested.
He didn’t see her rolling her eyes “Is this another thing you saw in a movie?”
Luke turned to her “Maybe”
“Let’s go to sleep Luke” She turned to the other side and fell asleep easily.
That night Luke had another dream with Penelope, except this time, in his dream they were a family, they were even married and had twins, he woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it, he remembered the joy he felt in his dream and allowed himself to imagine how life would be if that scenario became a reality, after a few minutes he shook his head, Penelope was just his friend, there was no interest in being more than that from either side.
They decided to give it a few tries, to increase the chance for them to get pregnant, the next times weren’t awkward except for one time where Luke came in unannounced.
“Pen” He called for her entering her apartment “Chica, let’s get to baby making, there’s a game I really want to catch later” As he finished his sentence he reached Penelope’s living room only to find her sitting there having dinner with a guy, Luke’s eyes widened, she was going to kill him probably.
“Uhm, I think you already have plans for tonight” The guy said while getting to his feet.
“Wait, Joe, it’s-” Penelope didn’t know exactly what to say.
“No, no, it’s ok, I’ll go, it was nice meeting you” He hurriedly got his messenger bag and walked out of the apartment.
Luke immediately apologized “I should’ve knocked, sorry, I’m really sorry” Penelope waved him off.
“A mutual friend set us up, she insisted a lot and I ended up saying yes” She sighed “But right now, I’m not interested in dating, not when I’m trying to have a baby with my friend, so it’s ok” He still felt terrible so he decided to skip the game and stayed to have dinner with her.
“Pen” Luke squeezed her hand “Are you actually gonna take the tests or are you just gonna stare at them?” She looked at him.
“Maybe if I stare them long enough they’ll get some sort of vibes from me and show us if that week of trying worked or not” He smiled sympathetically, six weeks had passed since that week and Penelope avoided taking the pregnancy tests, even though her period had been late, she was scared of seeing the results, Luke was understanding and supportive, he had a good feeling but he put himself in Penelope’s shoes.
“Come on, let’s go” He took the bag of pregnancy tests he had bought and tried to guide her to the bathroom but she didn’t move an inch “It’ll all be ok”
“What if it’s not?” Penelope asked in a whisper.
“Then we’ll get through it, together” She felt tears coming to her eyes, she was terrified of the results, whatever they may be, she knew they would have an impact to her.
Luke was open to keep trying if the results were negative but he didn’t know what Penelope wanted so he wanted to know what the tests actually ended up showing before bringing up the conversation. A few minutes later, he was waiting outside the bathroom for her, he was starting to get worried, she was silent.
“Penelope, can I come in?” No response, that didn’t help his nerves “Ok, I’m coming in” When he entered, he saw her face filled with what he believed to be surprise.
She barely smiled “It’s positive, all of them are actually” Luke’s lips spread into a wide smile.
“I knew I had a good feeling about this” He hugged her and kissed her hair, they were going to be parents.
The next few months flew by, soon they were getting ready to welcome the little one, true to his word Luke had been with Penelope as much as he could, whenever he wasn’t at work he was beside her learning together, reading books, attending classes, building baby furniture, reading Penelope’s favorite children’s books to the baby, feeling the baby kick for the first time, discussing names, imagining how life would be once the baby arrived.
None of them had been really interested in meeting new people during the pregnancy, until Phil, Luke’s friend insisted on setting him up with a doctor, after much insistence Luke accepted, not without asking first Penelope for advice on whether he should go out with her or not.
“She sounds great, you should do it, it’s been an eternity since you’ve gone on a date” Penelope mentioned rubbing her belly “I miss listening to your disastrous dates stories, they are quite entertaining” Luke glared at her and handed her the ice cream pint she had asked for.
“Ha-ha, you’re very funny” He pursed his lips together “I think I’m gonna tell Phil yes”
Penelope winked at him while licking ice cream off her spoon “Great, I’ll help you choose a nice outfit”
A week later Luke was out with Lisa, Phil’s friend, she was really nice, easy to talk with and gorgeous, she didn’t seem to freak out entirely when he brought up that he was about to be a dad, he was actually enjoying the night, for a second he saw that she seemed distracted and looking behind him.
“I’m sorry, Luke” She cut him off “I think there’s someone trying to get your attention” His brows furrowed as he turned around to find Penelope carrying her hospital bag, this immediately made him panic as he rushed to her.
“Are you in labor?” He took her by the shoulders and examined her.
“Yes, my water broke” Luke was in shock for a second “An hour ago but it is until now that the contractions are getting frequent and…” She placed her hands on her shirt and clutched the fabric  “...Stronger” 
“Oh my God, you should’ve called me the minute it happened, let’s go” He tried to take her hand but she managed to remind him to give an explanation to the nice woman that looked at them with empathy in her eyes.
Soon they were settled in the hospital room, Penelope wasn’t ready to push yet but both her and the baby were doing fine.
“You were supposed to go into labor in two weeks” Luke was scared this was a sign something was wrong but after some tests, doctors and nurses assured them everything looked normal.
“I guess we already know newbie junior is antsy like daddy” 
“We don’t even know if the baby’s a boy”
“Oh newbie is gender neutral, I’ve been calling them this without actually thinking it’s a boy or a girl”
Luke smiled and started to push some strands of hair out of her face “You’re being a champion, Pen, you’re handling everything amazingly”
Penelope laughed as she took deep breaths “Oh, don’t be fooled newbie, I’m freaking out and I might pull one of those ‘what have you done to me? I hate you’ lines just like in the movies” 
“I’ll take it, chica, you can even punch me if you want, so I can experience at least a little bit of pain with you”
“I’ll keep that in mind” She joked.
Soon Penelope started to push and not even once she cursed at Luke, he held her hand, cleaned the sweat off her forehead and kept encouraging her to trust her body, Penelope was exhausted and sometimes she felt like she couldn’t go through it but then she remembered that after all the pain she would finally look her baby in the eyes and fall in love like she had never done before, she tried to remember everything she had learned from her doula, and within the hour she heard her baby’s cries.
Luke swore it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, while Penelope’s eyes focused on the baby who was being all cleaned up.
“Congratulations, it’s a boy” Doctor Kim said as she placed the newborn on his mother’s chest.
“Hello you” Penelope whispered with tears on her eyes, and Luke stood over her head watching his son “You couldn’t wait to meet us, little one” The small baby fuzzed.
“It’s alright, we couldn’t wait to meet you either” Luke said while seeing him open his eyes for a brief moment before he closed them and nuzzled to her mom’s chest.
“He’s here, Luke” She stated without taking her eyes off her boy “We did it”
The following morning, the new parents were still living in their own bubble with their son, he was healthy and so was Penelope.
“Ok so we agreed on Bowie, right?” Penelope tried to see if Luke would budge.
“No, sorry chica, we didn’t”
“Alright, Ziggy then” Luke laughed softly, she kept suggesting those ever since she got pregnant.
“Ok…” She tapped the baby’s little nose “David it is”
“What about Julian?” He suggested and Penelope felt in her heart that was perfect for him.
“Julian” She bit back the smile and thought about messing with him for a little “I guess we’ll go with your suggestion”
“Hey, I’m trying to-” Penelope finally looked up to him and smiled widely.
“I’m kidding, I love it, he looks like a Julian” His tiny lips turned up in what looked like a tiny smile “See? Jules agrees” She passed the tiny bundle to Luke and he happily held his son.
“Hello young Julian Garcia-Alvez, we love you more than you could ever imagine”
Later that day Derek and Savannah came to visit, they couldn’t wait one minute more to meet the new addition to their lives.
“Hello, hello” Savannah announced as she carefully opened the door and peeked her head “We’re here to meet the handsome boy”
“Ah! We were waiting to see you” Penelope was beaming at the thought of her found family meeting her boy “Come on in”
Derek entered eyeing the three of them, he was glad for her best friend, she had always wanted to be a mom and now she had finally become one.
“Look at that, my baby girl had a baby boy” Derek saw the tiny baby in Luke’s arms, he was familiar with the look on Luke’s face, it was one of pure love and adoration, the one he had for Hank when he had been born.
“Let me present to you to Julian Garcia”
Derek raised an eyebrow at Penelope “It’s Julian Garcia-Alvez but I guess Luke’s too lazy to say the full name”
Luke didn’t even seem to hear them mention his name, he was to absorbed in his son “I love the name, he’s gorgeous, congratulations guys” Savannah squeezed Penelope’s shoulder.
After a conversation about how Penelope had to interrupt Luke’s date and how was Julian’s birth, all while his auntie held little Jules, Savannah suggested Luke to go and get some tea and muffins, she wanted to give Derek and Penelope a moment so they could have a conversation of their own, ever since she had started dating Derek she knew him and Penelope shared a really special friendship and that sometimes they needed a moment just them alone to talk about life.
“We’ll be right back” Luke glanced at Penelope and Julian and smiled at them before closing the door behind him.
They remained silent for a few minutes as they only focused on Julian who was now wide awake.
“How are you feeling?” Derek asked softly.
“I feel like I’m in a dream” She admitted “I can’t believe this sweet little boy was given to me”
He placed his hand in the side of her face “I already know you’re gonna be the most amazing mom to Julian” Penelope leaned into his touch.
“Thank you for being there, both you and Savannah were the two people that were the most supportive, I’m still not sure JJ and Em are totally on board with this and Matt and Kristy they have five kids now so we don’t get to see them much but you and Savannah were always there for us”
“And we plan on continue being there for the three of you” Penelope couldn’t hold back her tears “May I?” She carefully handed Julian over to him.
“Can I confess something? I’m scared about how this is gonna go, I mean with Luke, how we’re gonna make this dynamic work”
“Baby girl, are you sure you don’t have feelings for him?” Penelope smiled.
“I love the guy, I mean he’s the father of my baby but no, there’s no feelings there” She was being honest but still Derek felt uneasy, thinking the situation could change and Penelope would end with a broken heart. 
“Ok, well I’m sure you will make it work, maybe it won’t be easy but both of you are very determined and at the end of the day it’s this little guy you’ll be doing everything for so I’m sure you’ll be ok”
“Oh, chocolate thunder, you always know what to say” Penelope stated seeing Derek smiling at Julian “I wanted to ask you something, well, Luke and I did” 
“We were wondering if Savannah and you would like to be Jules’ godparents?”
“Oh, Penelope, I would’ve disowned you if you hadn’t asked, of course, we would be honored to be his godparents” 
“I love you, Derek Morgan” She reached out for his hand.
He looked at her and squeezed her hand “And I love you Penelope Garcia” He looked down at his new godson “I love you too Julian”
That day after Derek and Savannah, Luke’s family, and the rest of their friends had visited them to meet Julian.
Penelope came out of Julian’s room, she had put him down to sleep, already knowing he was going to wake up in a few hours, three months had already come and gone, neither could believe how fast time was passing by, they had adjusted quite nicely.
“Ok, I have some more things I need you to store in your apartment” She signaled some things next to the door, they were some coats, a pair of skis, shoe boxes, even her ukulele was being forgotten at the moment and since it was taking space it had to be stored on Luke’s place, they had been doing that ever since they’ve brought Julian home.
“Have I ever told you you own way to many shoes?” Luke commented rubbing his eyes.
“All the time” She smiled “I still don’t care”
“Alright, I’ll take them now and don’t worry about waking up later, I’ll come down to feed him” She raised an eyebrow.
“Are you sure?” 
“Of course, it’s around 2 when he wakes up, right?” Luckily for them, Julian was the greatest baby, he easily fell into routine, he woke up around the same time each night, so Luke had alarms and he came down so it wasn’t only Penelope waking up at night.
“Ok, goodnight”
For Luke it felt as if he had just closed his eyes when the alarm went off, he quickly got up and went to Penelope’s place, he opened the fridge to find the different bottles, each of them were labeled:
One glass of wine.
Couple of Margaritas.
Stressful day.
He snorted and grabbed one of the bottles labeled as ‘pure’ and proceeded to warm it, he didn’t hear any crying when he came in so he assumed Julian had yet to wake up demanding to be fed, a few minutes later the three month old woke up and Luke was ready to feed him, he sat in the rocking chair with the baby to his chest, once Julian was done with the bottle, he burped him and sat a little bit more with him, he loved those moments were he could hold his son and sing the lullabies his mom and grandma used to sing to him when he was a kid.
He was loving being a dad and co-parenting with Penelope, he practically lived there, he would leave only at night but even then, he’d come back and sometimes would end up crashing at the couch waking up at Penelope’s. Luke placed Julian on his crib and left the room, as he walked out of the room he saw a photo of the three of them in the hallway and smiled, everything felt right.
Luke hurried through the stairs, he was coming home from work and Penelope was calling him nonstop to get home, he didn’t wait for the elevator and took the stairs, once he opened the door, he was met by a crying Julian and a crying Penelope.
“I’ve done everything and he won’t stop crying, he hates me, Luke” She said through her sobs.
Luke felt bad for Penelope, she was more sensitive than usual, the hormones were to blame, he went to them and took Julian in his arms.
“I’m his mom and he already hates me” She cleaned her tears off her face.
Luke started to sway him from side to side “He can’t hate you now, wait until he’s sixteen”
“LUKE!” Soon Julian stopped crying in Luke’s arms “How the fuck did you do that?” She asked in surprise.
“Oh, I don’t know I guess he loves me but he hates you” He saw the tears on her eyes “I’m kidding, I’m kidding”
Penelope sighed and sat on the couch “I’m returning to work soon and we don’t have a nanny yet”
“I know, I asked around some of my coworkers and they recommended me some agency” She smiled.
“That’s great, but we need to be clear on something” He looked at her with a frown “You can’t fuck the nanny”
“Penelope! I wasn’t planning on doing that”
“Ok, just saying, newbie”
By the end of the week they had hired Max to be Julian’s nanny, Penelope was faced with another challenge, learning how to manage going to work and being a mom, soon she discovered it was hard but she could handle it, she missed going to work, seeing her co-workers and having an excuse to actually put on some decent clothes and makeup.
 Matt, Kristy, JJ, Emily and their six children were visiting Luke, Penelope and Julian, they hadn’t seen them since the hospital, they were curious to see how ‘the experiment’ as Emily called it was going.
“I’m not gonna lie, I think the reason they didn’t invite us over sooner it’s because they’re having a hard time adjusting” Emily spoke up.
“You think? I don’t know” Matt replied.
“I mean it wouldn’t be a surprise, becoming a parent it’s not easy” Kristy added to Emily’s comment.
“We’re about to see” JJ said as they all stepped out of the elevator, it took five seconds for Penelope and Luke receive them, he had Julian on a baby carrier close to his chest.
“Hello!” They said in unison, after a round of hugs and greetings, they went to the living room.
“Please, get yourselves some drinks, I made some tapas, I’ll go get them” Penelope announced and JJ joined her in the kitchen.
“Hey, everything looks great” She meant it.
“Thanks, we manage to keep everything in place but Jules is about to start crawling so next time you won’t find a tidy place” Penelope laughed.
JJ frowned “Is Luke living here?” 
“No, well, kind of, he spends a lot of time with Jules” She shrugged it off, it wasn’t a big deal for them.
“Penelope…” JJ sighed “What’s this that you have going on?” Penelope rolled her eyes at her words, it wasn’t the first time she questioned it and certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“We’re raising a baby, he stays over, sue me” JJ’s eyes widened “No, he stays over but nothing happens, I’m not attracted to him and he’s not attracted to me, it’s all fine” 
“Ok, then it’s time for you to get yourself out there again”
“Actually I’ve been thinking about it”
“Say no more” Her friend winked at her and Penelope just went long with it, JJ said about a co-worker of hers that sounded dreamy. Once they returned with some appetizers, everyone was settled, Luke had taken the older kids to the other room where they put on a movie for them and gave them some sandwiches and toys so they could be entertained.
“It looks like you’re doing amazing, man” Matt said as he placed Rose on the ground, she was eager to follow Emerson,
“Yeah, it is, Pen and I are convinced we got very lucky with Julian, he’s great”
“Wait until he starts walking” Emily commented while she watched Emerson closely, she was walking around the adults, observing what she could grab, unfortunately for her, the apartment was childproof so there was nothing she could really play with other than Julian’s toys and her own.
“I know I told Luke that by then I’m sure I’ll have to give up my high heels” Penelope said while sitting down next to him and absentmindedly resting her hand in Luke’s thigh “Can you imagine me running around a kid in five inch heels?” They all laughed and Luke placed an arm around her, everyone could see the look on his face as Penelope continued talking, Matt and Kristy shared a knowing look and JJ was just starting to think Penelope was lying about “nothing going on”.
The rest of their visit went by quite quickly, all of them enjoying their time together, at some point, Penelope realizes it’s their first time her and Luke can relate to the parenting experiences and struggles, even though Derek, Savannah and Hank couldn’t make it, her heart fills with joys as she sees most of her found family together.
“You’re almost there, buddy” Luke was sitting on the floor, multitasking, he folded laundry and watched Julian as he tried to stand using Luke’s arm as support.
“Breakfast is ready for my favorite guys” Penelope announced carrying two plates “Here, put these on the coffee table, I’ll go get Jules’ plate” She leaned down to carry him “Come on little guy, let’s get those hands clean”
While Luke and Penelope both sat on the floor, Julian used the coffee table for support and finally managed to stand up and grab some of his breakfast, he was a good eater, they stared at him, amazed by the little boy who owned their hearts.
“Can you believe he’s almost nine months? He’s getting so big” She sighed nostalgically.
“I know, I feel like in no time he’ll be going to preschool” Luke added as he took a bite of his own breakfast.
“Don’t even start” Jules looked up to his mom “Yeah, baby, what if we slow down a little with this whole growing up so fast? Can you do that for mommy?” Luke was also looking at Penelope, he was thinking about how wonderful the last year and a half of his life had been, since finding out about the pregnancy to that very moment, he felt extremely content to have Julian and Penelope in his life.
“Ma!” He exclaimed and went back to grab a fistful of scrambled eggs.
Luke smiled at his son then he turned to Penelope “You know? I don’t think it’s been that hard, all of this”
“Right?” She took a sip of juice “I feel the same, we make a good team, newbie”  Just as Luke was about to say something else, Penelope’s phone dinged, she quickly took it and smiled at the screen, he remained silent and took Julian and sat him between his legs and put his plate in front of him so he could continue eating his breakfast.
“You’re done, Julian” He said to his son as the baby looked up to him with wide eyes “Yeah, it’s gone, it’s all in your tummy now, come on, let’s get you changed”
“Oh, I can change him, don’t worry” Penelope took her eyes off her phone.
“Alright, I’ll go wash these” He said as he took the dishes into the kitchen, trying to think who was Penelope texting.
A very happy Penelope entered the kitchen carrying a very happy Julian, they went to stand beside Luke as he finished drying the plates.
“You’re in a good mood” Luke stated trying to seem nonchalant.
Penelope couldn’t hold back the smirk “I am, I need to tell you something” She sat Julian in the kitchen counter “I’m going out with someone tonight”
Luke wasn’t sure why he felt a stinging sensation in his heart “Oh” He couldn’t think of something else to say.
Her smile soon changed into a frown “Is that ok? I thought this was my free night, but if you’ve got plans I can- “ Luke interrupted her.
“No, no, no, no plans at all” He tried his best to fake smile “It’s great, I’m happy for you, who’s the lucky guy?”
“His name is Sam, JJ set us up, we’ve been texting these past couple weeks and we decided to go out today”
“Great” Luke said without looking at her nor sounding very cheerful but Penelope failed to notice that.
Later that evening Penelope was a nervous wreck, she had facetimed JJ and Emily to voice her concerns about going on a date, she felt like she didn’t even remembered how to go on a first date, she remained sat on her bed, with her robe on, looking at the outfit her friends had helped her choosing, she thought about calling Derek, he was great at helping her when she wasn’t feeling her best self, as Luke passed her bedroom after putting Julian to bed, he stopped and saw that she didn’t have the happy look she had that morning.
He opened the door a little bit more and peeked at her “Hey, how is getting ready going? Everything good? Did he cancel?”
Penelope quickly looked up “No, it’s just that I’m nervous” As soon as she said she felt a little embarrassed “That’s stupid, isn’t it? Oh God” Luke entered and sat beside her and took her hand.
“Not at all, it’s normal to be nervous before going on a first date, but I’m sure you’ll be fine, from what I gathered he’s a great guy”
Her eyebrows raised “Did you eavesdropped my conversation with the girls?”
“Pen, you were literally sitting across Julian and I”
“Oh, that’s true, sorry, I was a little distracted then” She confessed running her hands through her hair.
“Should I prepare some tea for you and your nerves?” He suggested, not liking to see her stressed and thinking she shouldn’t be worrying, it was impossible she wouldn’t blow the guy’s mind, she was a catch.
Penelope placed one hand on the side of his face “Luke, that would be wonderful, you are a gift” 
“Alright, you continue getting ready and I’ll bring your tea in a moment” Just as he was about to leave, Penelope called him “Yeah?”
“Nevermind” She sighed and stood up to start doing her hair.
“Penelope? Come on, you can tell me anything” He leaned in the door frame, waiting for her to say something, instead she turned around and opened her robe, she was in her underwear.
“Do you think my body is ready to, you know, get out there?” Luke ignored the sensations the image in front of him caused to his body and walked to her, putting his hands on either side of her face.
“You are beautiful, Penelope, don’t ever think you’re not, you could’ve gone out on a date the next month after having Julian for all I know” She blushed and looked down “I mean it, you are the whole package, you’re smart, kind, witty, and sexy as hell so stop doubting yourself and if for some reason this guy doesn’t seem to be into you, then we’ll tell JJ, her friend is out of his mind” He kissed her hair.
“You really have a way with words, Alvez” She managed to look up and smiled “We need to find you someone as well” He pressed his lips together and that’s when he knew he didn’t want someone else, he wanted Penelope.
As he prepared her tea, he sat on a stool and tried to think when his feelings for her had changed, he was sure he didn’t feel that way before, or maybe he was but didn’t realize? He was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t listen the kettle whistling, he rushed to it so it wouldn’t wake Julian up but he was late, he went to get him and later appeared in Penelope’s room with Jules attached to his hip and nuzzled in his neck in one arm and a mug in the other.
“Here you go” He said placing it on her vanity. 
“Oh thanks” She glanced at him through the mirror “And thanks for getting him, I can’t exactly stand up fast and move freely with these attached to my boobs” She laughed.
“It’s ok”
“Isn’t this sexy?” She joked “Hair curlers on my head, makeup half done and pumping breast milk” Penelope laughed, she felt much more relaxed after Luke’s words.
He managed to smirk, it was an amusing image but in that moment it was also a beautiful one to him, even though in some part of his heart he felt it was wrong seeing her getting ready to go out with someone else.
“Your mom doesn’t believe what I tell her, Jules, please don’t be like her when you grow up” Penelope swatted his stomach.
“Hey! Don’t put my baby against me” She reached to Julian and Luke got him closer to Pen “Go to sleep, my sweet boy, I love you” The sleepy baby barely registered his mom kissing his forehead.
Luke put Julian to sleep and half an hour later saw Penelope walk out the door, he tried to watch TV but got distracted every few minutes by his thoughts who were set on Penelope and how her date was going, he glanced at the clock every frequently and even at the door, hoping to see her come in and say she wasn’t going out anymore because she had realized it was him she wanted to be with.
He leaned back on the couch “Stop, Alvez” He said to himself, he thought about calling Matt but it was kinda late, so he decided against it, after what it seemed like an eternity, Penelope walked through the door, she quickly took off her shoes and coat, she didn’t see Luke until he spoke.
“Hey, how was it?” He said rubbing his eyes.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you”
 “It’s ok, I wasn’t sleeping well anyway, so did you have a good time?” Penelope smiled widely and nodded.
“JJ was right, he’s amazing, I-I think he could be the one, and I know it sounds precipitated to say that but...” Luke felt his heart break and couldn’t even focus on what she was saying, he felt his world starting to crumble down “Luke? Are you hearing what I’m saying?”
He snapped out of it “Yeah, yeah, I’m glad, Pen, uhm I guess we won’t have to complain to JJ about it” He rubbed his palms against his jeans and got up “I’m gonna call it a night, I’m gonna go up, ok? I’ll see you guys tomorrow”
“Ok, have a good night” She replied with the smile that had never left her lips since her date started, she really felt a connection with Sam.
A few weeks passed by and Luke called Matt to ask him if he wanted to go shoot some hoops with him, Matt found the urgency in his voice odd and was sure it was a bad sign, he agreed and met him at the basketball courts they frequented. As they started, Luke tried to tell him how he had felt ever since Penelope had started seeing Sam, he was going around about other things without saying what he actually meant.
At one moment when Luke tried to take the ball from Matt, he abruptly stopped and went to the bench signaling Luke to go with him.
“So you have feelings for Penelope” It was a statement not a question.
“That’s not what I-” Matt rolled his eyes.
“Cut the bullshit, Luke, I wasn’t asking, I know for a fact you do, it was bound to happen and that time we all went to your house, you looked at her the way I look at Kristy, the way Derek looks at Savannah”
“You should’ve told me then, maybe then she wouldn’t have gone out with mr. Wonderful”
“Hey, it wasn’t up to me to get your stubborn ass to come to terms with your feelings, it was something you had to figure out on your own, unfortunately you did until you saw her with someone else” He drank water as Luke sat beside him running his hands through his hair.
“Should I talk to Derek? Ask him some advice?” Matt snapped his head at him.
“About what? Winning her over? I hate to say this but if she’s happy with this Sam guy, you shouldn’t interfere” Luke looked at him feeling almost betrayed “Dude, I know she’s feeling very happy, she’s talked to Kristy and she seems hopeful to see where it leads”
Luke sat with his head in his hands, not liking what he was hearing but knowing Matt was right, Luke himself had witnessed Penelope’s new happiness and excitement over the relationship “Why do I have to be so fucking stupid? Imagine if I had known before, maybe it would’ve been us in a relationship” Matt patted his shoulder.
“Hey, their relationship is fairly new, no one knows, maybe they’ll be done in a few months and you’ll have your chance, don’t lose all hope but don’t interfere”
He sit up “I guess you’re right”
“You should try and find someone as well, give it a try and see where it goes”
“Yeah, maybe I will, I don’t know” Matt got up.
“Alright, let’s resume the game ‘cause I’m beating your ass, Alvez” Luke rolled his eyes and followed his friend.
A few days later, after getting some groceries Luke had encountered with Lisa, the woman he was on a date with the day Penelope had gone into labor, he remembered how nice she was and they agreed on meeting again sometime, soon after that they were dating and although he knew he still had feelings for Penelope, she was very happy with Sam, he had met him and he hated the fact that there wasn’t much to dislike about him. He was amazing to Penelope and Julian, he was attentive, very respectful, kind, and the list went on, Luke was starting to come to terms that maybe Penelope and Sam were going to become permanent at some point and it did hurt him to think about it, but then he remembered he had Lisa, who was also an incredible person that was very understanding of his co-parenting situation.
It was almost New Year’s and the entire gang were going to a cabin to spend it together, it was the first trip since Julian was born and Penelope and Luke brought significant others, everyone was excited to spend the holiday together.
Penelope was packing her suitcase for the trip, Luke had packed Julian’s the day before so she only had to worry about her stuff, she remembered Luke had her skis and went up to ask him if he could take them in his car. As the door opened she was met with a smiling Lisa, the one year old in Penelope’s arms squealed happily.
“Isa!” He extended his arms to her and Lisa looked at Penelope to which the blonde nodded and allowed Julian to go with her before asking to be down.
“Pen! You’re here, are you ready?” Luke greeted her.
Penelope swallowed unable to get her eyes off Lisa who was helping Julian to walk “Uhm yeah, almost ready, I was wondering if you could take my skis?”
“Sure thing, I already loaded them in the car”
“Alright, we’ll get going” Penelope announced wanting to have his son back in her arms.
“Hey, if you want we can take Jules” Luke suggested and before Penelope could say anything Lisa spoke.
“Oh, absolutely, we could do that” Penelope gave them a tight lipped smile and clasped her hands together.
“Alright if you want to, it’s alright, I mean, if you’re sure”
“Of course, he’s the sweetest boy, aren’t you Jules?” Julian hugged Lisa’s leg and Penelope felt something she didn’t know how to label.
“Ok then, I’ll see you guys later”
“Wait Pen, I’ll go down with you to get Jules’ stuff” Luke walked with her to the elevator and for the first time in years, there was an awkward silence, at least that’s how it felt to Penelope whereas to Luke was just a normal silence.
“Is it okay that Julian goes with us, right?” He turned to her.
“Oh, yeah, totally” She mirrored his actions.
“I’m really looking forward to this trip, it’s the first time JJ, Em, Derek and Savannah are gonna meet Lisa” Penelope shot him her best forced smile and nodded.
Luke was in fact, telling the truth, his relationship was in a good place, he felt hopeful about a future with Lisa, she was very clear by telling him that she was looking for something serious and it came as a surprise to him when he found himself telling Lisa, he was also expecting to be with someone for the long run and that they should work towards a relationship of that kind, he was finally moving on from Penelope.
Or so he thought.
The cabin they rented was beautiful, it was big but cozy at the same time, everyone, adults and kids, were excited to be spending the next few days there, getting to know Sam and Lisa a little bit more since everything indicated they could eventually be more present in their lives. Matt and Kristy entered carrying, what it seemed like twenty bags, followed by their five kids, David holding little Rose’s hand who was excited to be walking in the house.
“The Simmonses have arrived” Derek yelled as he walked over to them to help with their stuff.
“We have and we are ready for the kids to be with their uncles and aunts while mom and dad rest” Kristy joked placing the bags on the floor.
“You definitely deserve some relax time, you guys are saints” JJ said hugging the kids.
“Where are the others?” Mat asked.
“We’re here!” Penelope announced appearing from the kitchen walking hand in hand with Sam “I’d like you to meet Sam”
“Oh we’ve heard great things about you, it’s great to finally meet you, I’m Matt, this is Kristy, and these are Jake, David, Lily, Chloe and Rose” Sam shook hands with the married couple and high fived the kids.
“Nice to meet you all, I was looking forward to finally see you, I have two boys myself that are actually your age I think” He said to Jake and David “So if you want to play something maybe I can join you” Both kids eagerly nodded.
The next couple days, almost everyone seemed to be having a great time, except for Emily and JJ, they seemed a little bit off but no one dared to ask why, it was only at moments they would be quiet than usual and seemed to be a little bit out of it, they tried to put pieces together but no one seemed to have a clear idea of what was going on, they didn’t look distanced from each other nor from Emerson, so they tried to not interfere.
“Oh, I’m happy to see you’re feeling better, babe, are you joining us for breakfast?” Penelope said to Savannah who had missed previous breakfasts.
“Yes, I’ll be down in a minute” She replied while tapping Julian’s nose.
Penelope went down and found Sam helping the kids with their breakfasts, it was a funny and sweet sight, Jake, David, Chloe, Lily and Hank gathered around him as he placed pancakes on all of their plates.
“Look at you JJ, you finally got it right with Sam” Kristy teased her, JJ had the worst record setting up Penelope and it was a never ending joke between the group of friends.
The blonde woman rolled her eyes and smirked “If you ever decide to have a kid, Pen, I must be the godmother” She half joked.
“I don’t know, maybe eventually” Both Kristy and JJ snapped their heads at her “What? I think this is going somewhere, he has two kids, I have one but I don’t know”
“I can’t believe there’s something you don’t know, Pen” Luke’s voice made them turn around to see him walking from the hallway, having listened only the last part of what Penelope was saying “Good morning ladies, I made some coffee if you want”
“Thanks Luke, where’s Lisa?” Kristy questioned.
“Oh, she’s getting ready for the day, she’ll be out in a few”
Once they were all sitting in the large dining table, Derek called their attention, both him and Savannah had big smiles on their faces.
“We would like to tell you that next year we’ll need a bigger cabin” Savannah taking her husband’s hand.
Derek continued “There’s going to be not one, but two new Morgans causing trouble” The entire group erupted in cheers and congratulations, JJ’s eyes went immediately to her wife, she knew her and knew that it took everything in Emily to smile, they were going through some stuff.
Part of the group had decided to go skiing while the others preferred to stay at the cabin and drink some hot chocolate, Matt, Derek and Luke walked a few feet behind Sam, Lisa and JJ.
“So Morgan’s party of five? How are you holding up?” Matt asked Derek, he remembered the surprise, nervousness and excitement that came when receiving the news he was going to have twins.
“Oh man, I can’t believe it, I still am processing all of it, Hank’s four so I’m not even sure I remember exactly how life with a newborn is, let alone two” All along Luke and Matt noticed how his features softened.
“I bet you and Savannah will get the hang of it” Luke assured him.
“You know we got you guys, so anything we can help with, I’m sure there’s some stuff we have that we don’t use anymore but it’s in great shape that you could use” Matt added and Derek felt thankful for them, all of them.
“Now that I have a son maybe you’ll finally trust me to babysit” 
“I’m not sure, we’ll see, we’ll see” Derek teased him and Luke scoffed.
“I vouch for him, Derek, I’m actually sort of proud of you, dude” Matt turned to Luke “It’s really warming to see you with Julian”
“I gotta agree with that, I was just messing with you Luke, what Matt is saying it’s true, I’ve loved to witness both you and baby girl, as parents to Jules”
“Thanks guys, it means a lot to have your support and to have you as a part of Julian’s life” Luke spoke from his heart but he also needed to point something out “Not to end the soft moment here, but did you see Sam’s face the other night when you called Penelope ‘baby girl’?”
“Oh I did, it took everything in me not to burst into laughter, Kristy actually kicked me in the shin beneath the table” Luke laughed.
“Honestly I’m so used to it that I didn’t notice but Savannah did and she told me to do something about it but Penelope assured me that she had explained everything to him and that he seemed fine with it, but I’ve toned it down a lot, I don’t know, I think this could be it for Penelope you know?” Luke swallowed, he had thought about it but wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Matt spoke up “They seem to be very serious, I like him”
“I guess I do too?” Derek shrugged, his mind remembering how just a few months ago he was convinced Luke was the one for Penelope, Luke and Matt eyed him curiously and that made him rephrase his words “I-I do like him, it’s just I’m super protective of her but he makes her happy so yeah” Luke refrained from offering his thoughts on Penelope’s relationship, he wasn’t sure what he made of it, how he felt, just then Lisa called out for him and he remembered he had an amazing woman in his life.
It was finally New Year’s Eve, the kids were all asleep and the adults were planning on enjoying dinner and drinks together, they were halfway through their dinner when Sam brought up an interesting subject.
“I have to say, I’ve been curious how did you come up with the idea of having a child together? Whose idea was it?” He wondered genuinely interested in listening the story.
“I… Don’t remember” Penelope tried to shrug it off, not wanting to discuss that in front of everyone.
“It was me actually, I had the idea, she had talked to me about wanting to be a mom and I wanted to be a dad and next thing we know we had Jules” Luke replied nonchalantly.
“The truth is he wanted this genepool for his kid, I mean, can you blame him?” Penelope joked while signaling herself.
“And have you thought what exactly are you gonna tell him when he’s older? About his parents being with other people” Lisa inquiried, her tone wasn’t rude at all.
The rest listened and focused on their plates, that was until a tipsy Emily decided to jump in the conversation.
“Oh, I want to listen to this, I bet they didn’t think about it”
“Well we might have talked about it once or twice but didn’t came up with a plan exactly” Penelope replied nervously, thinking it wasn’t any of their business, except Luke and hers.
“I’m sure you’ll do great, at least you were always aware that you were going to have the conversation, I never believed I had to until I got divorced” Sam interjected, regretting bringing up the subject.
“No, but that actually makes more sense to me, I mean why you decide that you’ll bring a child into a world with someone you don’t love” The alcohol started to make Emily talk way more than she intended to
JJ tried to stop her, she took her hand “Babe, stop” Emily shook her hand and ignored her suggestion.
“You were in love with your wife I assume, I understand shit happens, people get divorced all the time and have to talk about this with their kids but doing it deliberately? I can’t fucking understand it”
Luke cleared his throat “Em, with all due respect, that’s how you think but-” Emily cut him off.
“No, not only me, everyone on this table believed you were crazy for doing this” She slurred “We all thought having a kid with someone you don’t love wasn’t the brightest idea”
Penelope who had remained silent, couldn’t hold it anymore and started to speak “Ok Emily but how are you so sure we don’t love each other? I’ve known Luke for more than half of my life, he’s one of my closest friends” She took a deep breath trying not to raise her voice and continued “He has been there through the good and the bad more than any of you have, sure it’s because we’ve been practically neighbors for years but that doesn’t make it less valid, I know pretty much anything there is to know about him and I love him for who he is, I know why when we first met him he was kind of a loner, I know he’s not a great cook but he does a mean lasagna, I know he’s loyal and honest and has one of the kindest hearts ever, we have the same values, we have the same sense of humor, I know his position on just about everything and I wholeheartedly agree with him, what better man could I have possibly chose to be the father of my son? Huh? So please refrain from giving your opinion on something that’s not your business at all, Em” Luke seemed to be at loss of words, many different emotions were going through his heart, for a second he forgot why was Penelope telling all of this, because of Emily, and everyone else seemed to fade into the background, he wasn’t moving on with his life, he was deeply in love with Penelope Garcia.
“Well-” Penelope cut Savannah off
“And I know, I just know that no matter what happens in a year or two or ten, we’ll be fine, because we love each other” She finished feeling how her pulse had quickened.
Emily snorted “Alright if you say so, but let me tell you something, you seem fine now but life gets complicated, friends” She addressed the entire gang “You don’t know it yet but it does” She rushed to their bedroom and JJ goes after her not before muttering apologies to Penelope, Luke and the rest of their friends, everyone is uncomfortable and confused by Emily’s outburst.
Penelope is excited to see everyone and celebrate Luke’s birthday together, she’s rushes out of the cab to the restaurant, only to find Luke in the waiting area of the restaurant.
“Hi, happy birthday” Luke hugged her “Where’s everybody? I thought I was going to be the last one here?” She breathed out.
“Oh, it’s just us tonight” Penelope frowned but didn’t say a thing “Julian seemed really happy to be with his grandma” Luke tried to change the subject so she wouldn’t question him. 
“Aw, he does love her, how’s your mom?” He took the chair out for her and then proceeded to take his sit.
“She’s doing alright, she asked me to say hi to you” He passed the message, knowing his mom wouldn’t forgive him if he forgot to do so.
“I should go and visit Elena one of these days, talking to her always lifts my spirits”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
“Yeah, I’m sure she’d be thrilled to see you, she loves you, Pen” He leaned against the table and took her hand in his.
“She’s the sweetest, really” She adjusted her glasses and opened the menu “And where’s Lisa?” 
“No Lisa tonight, she’s on duty” He lied, rubbing his beard. 
Penelope pouted “Oh, I’m sorry, Luke” When he saw her sympathetic look he decided to cut the act.
“Don’t be, because it’s actually not true” Her face filled with confusion.
“Oh no, what happened?”
“Nothing, everything was great, she’s great” Luke looked down and felt it coming.
“Then what’s wrong?” Penelope asked with a furrowed eyebrows.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m sure my mom would’ve loved her but…” He looked in her eyes and once again grabbed her hand “All I do when I’m with her is think about you and only you” Penelope mouth fell open, she felt the air removed from her lungs “I didn’t want her here tonight nor anyone really, I broke things off with her, I wanted my family with me and I realized you are my family” His voice broke “You and Julian are everything I need to get through life” The moment Penelope realized there were tears on his eyes, her own vision became blurry, she moved her chair to be next to him and leaned her head in his shoulder. 
Next thing she knew Luke was lifting her chin and searching for her lips, she pulled away even before their lips touched “Luke, I’m with Sam”
“Oh, yeah, sorry I should allow you to talk to him before-” Penelope closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“We’re moving in together” Luke forgot how to breathe for a moment “I met his kids a few months ago and we’ve been talking about taking the next step ever since and we found a great place, I’m sorry, Luke”
He looked confused “But what about all you said that time Emily questioned us?”
Penelope look dumbfounded “I-I, it wasn’t a lie, I meant everything that I said, I love you but I-I’m not-” She took the hair out of her face “I love you so much as a friend, I thought we were on the same page, I don’t know what-” Luke let her go and got up, he needed to get out of there “Luke, wait” Before Penelope could walk to him, he was gone, and she was left there not knowing what to do of his confession.
The truth was her and Sam were in a great place, they were looking forward to start a life together, they had even discussed marriage, Julian loved him, she loved Taylor and Benji, Sam’s kids, everything seemed to fall into place with him.
The next months after that, Luke and Penelope barely spoke unless it was regarding Julian, the times where they would just spend weekends together with their son were long gone, Julian still spent a lot of time with his parents just separately, Penelope was starting to pack their stuff, she felt terrible and she wanted Luke to lash out at her, to tell her off, yell at her for taking Julian to another house, instead all Luke ever did was remain distant, she couldn’t blame him but she missed her best friend.
Penelope sighed “What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” Derek said, he had offered to help her packing the last stuff before she was out of the apartment.
“Do you think I’m making a mistake by moving in with Sam?” He frowned, not knowing exactly where that was coming from, she had seemed when she told him and Savannah the news.
“I think you should do what makes you happy, if-” Penelope didn’t let him finish his sentence.
“Do you think I should’ve given Luke and I a chance?” Derek’s eyebrows raised, he was surprised at her question.
“Why are you asking this?” Penelope bit her lip and then sat down on the floor, since there was no couch or chairs left, and proceeded to tell him what had happened a few months ago, as Derek listened he didn’t have it in him to be surprised by Luke’s feelings nor Penelope’s second guessing her decision.
“Look, baby girl” He started as he cleaned the tears falling on her cheeks “I still think you should do what makes you happy, and follow your heart, you shouldn’t do something because you feel obligated to, you know? Moving in with Sam because you already leased the house or give Luke a chance because he’s the father of your son” Derek wrapped an arm around her “There’s nothing more I want than to see you happy, whether is with Sam, Luke, only you and Jules, look, even if you wanna go back to what’s-his-name let’s go live in a farm guy?” She laughed through the tears “I want you to be happy and I’ll be there for you, ok?”
“Ok” She managed to say “Kevin, he was the one that wanted me us to go and live in a farm”
“Alright, well if you wanna go live in a farm I’m sure Julian will love all the free space to run around” They laughed and Derek kissed her forehead, hoping she’d follow his advice and go with whatever made her truly happy.
Penelope was meeting Emily for drinks, she entered the bar to see Emily already sitting there, she greeted her and they started to catch up, it had been a really long time since they last saw each other, once again, life making it complicated to hang out more often.
“So” Emily started “I don’t think I ever actually apologized about that one time” She felt embarrassed reminiscing her behaviour during that New Year’s.
“Come on, Em” Penelope waved her off “It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything”
“No, but I do, I was- we were going through a difficult time, JJ and I were going through the adoption process for Nick and we weren’t getting matched and there were a lot of setbacks, that’s why we didn’t tell any of you at the time but it was difficult for us and of course, JJ was way better than at handling everything and I just let out my frustration that time when it wasn’t my place to say anything, I was an asshole to you” Penelope placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t say that, Emily, we all snap sometimes, I’m sorry you were going through that but now you have Nick and he’s a great kid” Penelope smiled remembering the curly boy.
“I didn’t mean anything that I said, I mean, we did have our doubts but you proved it was possible to do what you did”
“Oh no, I actually think you were right, it’s a bit of a mess right now” Penelope looked away.
“I... Know, and even though the situation is not great right now, I’m sure you’ll get through it” Emily gave her a sympathetic smile and Penelope nodded “I gotta say one more thing though, I’ll never understand why you guys didn’t even try”
The blonde woman just shrugged, at that point neither did she “It’s just, we’ve been friends for half of our lives, it would’ve been, I don’t know, weird? We’ve seen each other at our worse and our best, he’s like always been there” As much as Penelope tried to convince herself it wouldn’t have worked out, she never actually did it.
“Babe, I don’t see how that’s bad” Emily commented taking a sip of her drink, her words echoed in Penelope’s head.
Luke opened the door and Julian immediately launched himself at him.
“Daddy!” He clung onto Luke’s neck while Penelope awkwardly stood there.
“Sorry I couldn’t pick him up tonight” Luke said, looking at Julian instead of her, he was still hurt but really trying to move on this time.
“Don’t worry, it’s ok” Luke expected to see her turn around and go back to her place but she remained there “I found this at my place, it’s your birthday present from last year, you never actually got it so I thought I should bring it” He saw the bag in her hands and it just reminded him of the day he had gotten his heart broken.
“Oh, Penelope, I appreciate it but I’m fine, I don’t need anything”
“Please, I insist” She offered it to him and Julian was fast take it.
“Open it, daddy!” He started to kick his legs so Luke would put him down.
“I’ll open it tomorrow, bud, it’s time for bed now” He could see Julian was not happy about it. 
“NO!” Julian dropped to the floor “Open it! Open it!” The terrible twos were not a joke, he started to throw kicks and Luke kneeled to his level.
“Jules, it’s time to go to bed, come on” He grabbed him in his arms.
“Open the pwesent” Luke sighed.
“I’ll make you a deal, we open it and then you go to bed” Julian seemed to calm.
“I’m gonna get going now, good night Jules, have sweet dreams, my love” She took a step to them and leaned to kiss Julian’s head, when she was about to step away she grabbed her sweater.
“Stay!” Penelope softly took his little hand and let herself free from his grasp.
“I can’t, I gotta go, baby” Julian started to cry.
“Maybe you can stay and help us with bedtime” Luke suggested, Penelope silently agreed.
They walked towards Julian’s bedroom and Penelope felt like an outsider, it had been a long time since she had walked inside Luke’s home, once they got there, she helped Julian to put on his PJ’s while Luke watched them and untuck his bed covers. 
“Pwesent!” Julian said once he was underneath his blankets, each of his parents sat on either side of the bed next to him.
Luke opened the bag and put out something that look like a binder? Photo album? ‘Luke + Jules + Pen’ was engraved on the cover, when he opened it, he saw it was a scrapbook, it had photos of him and Penelope when they first met back in college, ticket stubs of that time when Penelope was in different plays, from when all of the gang had gone to see the Yankees, Luke’s favorite baseball team, photos of them with their friends and then it was Julian’s first sonogram, photos of Penelope pregnant, photos of their baby shower, their first picture the three of them that Savannah had taken at the hospital, all of it was filled with memories.
Luke closed it abruptly, it was all too much for him “Alright, bud, it’s time for you to sleep, we’re picking up Roxy from the shelter tomorrow, remember?” A sleepy boy nodded and just when Penelope and Luke thought they had won, Julian spoke again.
“Mommy, stay!” Penelope tried her best to smile.
“I have to go to your other home, remember?” Luke noticed how Penelope’s voice faltered and decided to back her up.
“Julian, remember what I told you about your two houses? That only the most special little boys get two, so Mommy needs to go and take care of your other house”
“I want Mommy to stay!” He demanded, starting to cry again.
It took everything in Penelope not to tell him that he wanted to stay as well so she just held him and sang the lullaby Luke used to sing to him when he was a baby, it didn’t take long until he fell asleep, Penelope kissed his forehead and silently left the room with Luke behind her.
Before she could speak Luke beat her to it “Drive safe, I’ll take him to you on Sunday” He said and Penelope could only nod as she walked out of the door an to her car.
She sat there for a few minutes, not realizing tears were rolling down her cheeks, when she calmed down she started to drive home, it took her ten minutes to decide she was not going home, she made an u-turn to go back to Luke’s place.
She knocked, unsure what she was going to say but trusting it would be the right thing.
“Penelope? Did you forget something?” Luke asked, confused as to why she was back.
She walked right past him into his apartment “Remember when I asked you if you had met your person?” She said with tears in her eyes.
“Yes” He breathed out.
“We both said no” Penelope stated “Can you ask me if I’ve met my person, please?” Luke felt some sort of anger form in his chest.
“Why? So you can tell me it’s perfect Sam? I don’t under-”
“Please” She interrupted him “Please ask me”
“Have you met your person?”
“Yeah, I have, for a long time now, but I was an idiot and I didn’t realize it until just recently” She said through her sobs, Luke forgot how to breathe, playing her words over and over again “When I found your present and looked through it I realized it’s you, it has been you all along, Luke, you’re my person”
Luke didn’t waste no time and kissed her, feeling his heart being mend with every second that passed, when they pulled away, he asked “What about Sam?”
“He’s been out of the picture for months” She admitted and Luke resumed their kiss only to pull apart immediately.
“You’re my person, Penelope, always have, always will” He choked out.
“I love you, Luke” She caressed his face in her hands.
Luke closed her eyes, her words giving him a joy he didn’t knew existed “I love you too, Penelope” 
“So… Can I stay?” She chuckled through her tears.
“Only if you stay forever” Luke answered and took her in his arms, planning to make up for all the lost time where he wasn’t able to show her how much he loved her.
“Home, let me come home, home is wherever I’m with you” 
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
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btsskinnylegends · 4 years
Masquerade | The First Sighting
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Pairing: Reader x ?  |  Reader x BTS  | Solar & Reader
Word Count: 2687
Genre: Uni life, a tiny bit of suspense & supernatural, Comedy and a tiny sprinkle of fluff. 
Warnings: Just some Cursing. 
| Prologue |
A/N: WOOW!! Thank you everyone for the likes and as well for the follows. Wasnt that active so I didnt notice, and wasnt able to welcome everyone that followed me!! But welcome everyone! :D
Here is the first chapter, I hope you guys will enjoy it!! English isn't my first language rather my third so if you find any inconsistencies with the grammar or something else. Do tell me so that I can improve for future chapters. I hope you will enjoy it!! See ya till next time! And if you have any questions send them my way!! 
The first day of the new semester was truly a beautiful day.  The birds were chirping their songs that somehow sounded even more melodious than usual, the grass was greener and you couldn’t even spot a single cloud on the brilliant blue sky. Everybody seemed to enjoy the perfect weather, all but one. You. 
There you were trudging along the campus path cursing the sun for existing. Miserable was the word to describe you. With a large coffee in hand that was bought in the campus coffee shop and that cost you your lunch for the day. Your wallet may weep, but the cost is small if you want to stay alive and survive the day. You weren’t even sure if you were going the right way or the person that you were walking with was a friend or a stranger. In conclusion, you are whole ass mess.  
One glance at you and even your 88-year-old grandma would have known that you drank yourself piss-drunk. All of the classic signs were there, the big black sunglasses the almost covered your upper face and made you look like a fly. The matted too much hair-sprayed hair that was put in a bun, but looked like something that the cat threw up. At least you had put on the nice outfit that you had prepared the day before. 
Going back to the thought of who you were walking with because at is point it was too awkward to even ask who they were. You decided to lift your head from the hunching that protected your tiny little head from the cruel, cruel world. 
You decided to inspect them to see if anything jogged your memory. You took a long good gaze at them, and it was a good thing that you wore your big sunglasses or you would look like a Furby on crack with your eyes. Okay, so it, was a she. Good start, you thought to yourself. Also, she is very pretty another detail added. Her name, what was her name? You pondered to yourself.  
“KIM YONG-SUN “. Almost like someone whispered the name to you. Whispers that you sometimes heard and stopped to faze you along time ago. But they were a bitch to hear when you were having a hangover.  
“Yong-sun, tell me again why did I drink that much.”, you asked your companion. You really hoped that she was someone you knew and not a serial killer or something worse. Because of your current state you were very easy prey. 
“You forgot my name again didn’t you?” she said to you with a pointed tone. The stare she gave you was one of great disappointment, mixed in with fondness or at least you hoped it was. You looked away in shame. She huffed. 
“First of all do not call me Yong-Sun, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Solar”, she told you. She doesn’t seem to be a stranger by the way she scolds me, you thought to yourself. But couldn’t she be a bit quieter? Btw Solar what kind of nickname is that? Was sunshine taken or som… Your thoughts decided to drift away. 
At this point, Solar again looked at you and was completely done with your bullshit, and decided to take action. To you, though it would be an act of betrayal which you would not forget.   
She snapped her fingers in front of your ears. 
Alas, you were to slow to defend yourself and truly suffered the most grievous of wounds. A headache that was on level 8 but now skyrocketed to level 50. That your head was still stuck to your neck and had not decided to explode and scatter all over the campus ground was truly a miracle.
“Oi, Sunflower what was that for.”, you said to your friend with your tone beyond irritated and sending a glare down her way. Let’s just say you remembered who she was, and it did nothing to soothe your headache opposite actually it upped it, again. Then you also remembered that you had on your big sunglasses, so the glare you sent her was meaningless.  This whole morning is starting to feel pointless. Why were you up again? 
“Well, looks who is remembering her friend. Btw how did you forget that literally we said hey to each other 30 minutes ago, we even rode the bus together and you are telling that you even didn’t know who I was but decided to follow me for the last 10 minutes or so.” her tone was exasperated and defeated. It was too early for this bullshit she must have finally decided. 
“How many times do we have to go through the same idiotic situation.”. So this is an occurring situation. Well, that’s not reassuring at all, you thought and grimaced. Now you were even more confused than before, and it did not help that your companion scolded you at every opportunity she had. Enough is enough.  
“Listen sunflower, - 
“Its Sola - 
“Whatever sunflower, listen now is not that I love your voice I actually do it gives me the good tingles, but for everything that is holy can you quiet down a tone. That’s all I am asking for.” and she answered back with a fine. 
“Now, do you have any explanation to why I am an amnesiac that can’t even remember her own name, and where the fuck am I going?”.  
“Well let me see?”, she pondered sarcastically. “Could it have something to with Seok-Jin´s bet about who is going to do most shots in one minute or Seok-Jin´s other bet who could drink a bottle of wine the fastest and then recite Yakko’s Nations of the world perfect! Wait there is more! Guess who decided upon all of that to smoke some blunts, which again she was dared by Seok-Jin.”.
“This Seok-Jin person sounds like a bad person.”. 
Solars expression said it all, no words were needed. 
You stopped walking and stood still. The memories from last night hit you like a truck and that headache that was level 80, let’s just say the scale is broken. Causing you to drop to your knees and crouch. 
“How am I alive?”, you asked Solar. 
“Trust me it is a question that I have started asking myself almost every day now.”, Solar answered.
 “You are lucky, now hope that luck will help us be on time for the first class.”, she said while pulling you up.
You had somehow survived the day but unfortunately, you still had one more class. To describe how you were feeling at that point would be miserable and gutted. Looks nothing had changed from this morning. With only one class left, you somehow found the energy to seem alive. As for your appearance, you wouldn’t be surprised if people thought that the zombie apocalypse had finally come. 
Instead of sitting on that bench that was strangely beckoning you to lay on it. You decided to head right over the room where your lecture would take place. Fortunately for you, the lecture was just cross from the building that you were exiting from.       
Looks like you arrived a bit early, which worked in your favour for picking seats. The backseat will perfect for you “to concentrate on the lecture”  and not do something else like sleep. No, you would never, perish such a dark thought. 
You put down your computer and made yourself comfortable. Although not too comfortable of course, you had to stay awake. You had some time kill before the lecture started so you decided to scroll through your phone and it looks like infamous enabler had finally decided to wake up.
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After that thrilling conversation with your roomie, you still had time to kill before class. How early did you arrive at the lecture? Deciding not to look a horse gift in the mouth, a little nap would not hurt. Just for a couple of minutes, you thought. It’s not like you will sleep, you just going to close your eyes and rest your head a little (which still had that horrible headache but not bad as before). So you just did that.
Something that was supposed to be a little shut-eye turned into a nap, a deep nap. Slipping deeper and deeper into the world of dreams. Unfortunately for you, the lecture had finally started. Unaware and sleeping on the desk with your arms folded in front of you, and at that sitting furthest back in the room you safe from your professor’s eyes.  You would also have gotten no attendance from this lecture, had it not been for your nice bench mate who answered for you instead. 
“.... hey… up…”, you heard someone whisper. Ignoring it to be apart of your dream. You continued your slumber.
“...wake up… lecture… started”, now the voice was poking you. What an oddly annoying whisper. 
Okay, now you were being shaken. Alright enough is enough, you were going to ask the persistent whisper what it wanted.
“... what do you want.,”, you said quietly hoping it would shut up the voice once and for all. 
“The lecture has started, and you probably don’t want to be asleep for the introduction.”, the voice answered you back. Now that you think about it the voice wasn’t all that bad, it was actually a very soothing voice. Very charming. 
“Hey, don’t go back to sleep!”, the voice said annoyed. Which seemed a common theme for people interacting with you today. 
“NO, wanna sleep”, you even whined. The voice didn’t respond and went quiet for a bit. You thought he had finally left you alone, so you went back to sleep or so you tried. For you could not stop thinking of that voice. He was so persistent a second ago. Why did he stop? 
Starting to feel curious, you wanted to see the face of the voice annoying you. So slightly turning your head around, you opened your eyes. 
The sight that you saw left you speechless. A quiet wow left your lips, as you couldn’t tear your gaze away. 
You weren’t exactly subtle with your gaze, so it wasn't a surprise that the boy caught you staring. Your eyes locked and it felt like an electric current went through both of you. Or maybe it was that pesky headache again deciding to show its head (hah!). The thought of sleeping was long gone. The only thing that mattered was this thing between you and his captivating eyes.  
His pretty brown eyes with a speck of black and gold in them. That somehow held hundreds of tiny universes in it. Sparkling, everlasting and mysterious. Even if you tried to tear your eyes away it was like you were hypnotised by them. If you looked somewhere else an invisible force would pull them back to him. Did you know this man? Because he felt so familiar. He felt like a lost piece to a puzzle finally put in place. Like you had known him your entire life and you felt comfortable to a level that Solar hadn’t reached yet. 
To say he didn’t look confused either would be an understatement. His face read total confusion yet some kinda warmth. 
Deciding to put an end to this “moment” or what you could call it. You asked him a question. 
“Have we meet before?”, you whispered to him.
“No, I don’t believe so.”, he whispered back to you.  
“You sure because it would be hard to forget such a pretty face.”, both of you said in unison. Both of you cringed and couldn’t help to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Then both of you remembered that you were sitting in class, so you tried to keep it quiet and not disturb the lecture. Also start to pay attention to the introduction. 
Did you pay attention to what your professor was saying? No. Did you spend your time sneaking glances at the boy that was sitting next to you? Yes. Were you ashamed, yes and no? You felt shame for acting like a little schoolgirl with her first crush. The unbothered though said enjoy the ride cuz you only live once sister. It was the part that you listened to the most.
Now, what was his name for you couldn’t call him boy any longer in your head.  
“JEON JUNGKOOK”, the whispers said. Well hello there Mr Jeon, nice to meet you thought. 
The lecture finally ended, did you know anything that was going to play in the future course plan. Of course not, you didn’t even remember which course this was. 
Just as you finished your thoughts, the man that had plagued for the last hour or so decided to turn around. 
“So are we finally introducing each other,” you said to him. 
“I guess we are.”, he answered back while sending you a small smile. That little smile drove your heart into overdrive. Stupid heart, shush he can probably hear your hard banking because soon enough you will jump outta my cheat, you thought. 
He reached out his hand to shake yours. Your hand easily dwarfing his, but it felt nice. Although his hand was very cold, must have bad blood circulation. 
“My name is … JK”
“................... Jeon Jungkook. I know.” you said proudly. 
“Wait how did you know my name?” he asked and actually seemed frightened by your knowledge of his name. 
“Well … it’s a little party trick that I have. I can just look at a person and know their name.” 
His frightful expression only deepened with something darker mixed in. You sense the danger decided to lie to save the situation. 
“I’m just kidding I saw it on the attendance list, and it must have stuck on me. And if you look at the cover of your notebook, your initials are written there so it wasn’t that hard to figure it out.”, you said while your manner screamed easygoing. When in a hard spot deploy your charm, is what your mother always said to you and it also seemed to work this time. Maybe Sunflower was right, you did have lady luck on your side. For after you had said it, Jungkook or as he liked to call himself JK, relaxed immediately and a bigger smile was shown. 
If you had only known that his name was never on the attendance list…
“Want to guess my name now?”, you joked to further ease the situation. 
“Let me guess?”, JK said while pretending to pond. 
“Could it be …” as he said your name. Now you understand how the person feels when you guess their name. It is a creepy feeling. 
“Deciding to steal my party trick now, huh. And it was going so good for us also.”. you let out dramatically, all the while falling over dramatically.  
“You know you are reminding me of someone.”
“That can’t be possible there is one person iconic as me and that is me.”, you proudly stated. 
You asked him for serious this time, how he had known your name. What if he had your little “gift”. Turns out the dude had just read your name on your notebook. And out flew that magic you sarcastically thought.  On a positive note, you exchanged social media accounts and numbers. 
“What did you put my name on as.” jk asked. 
“Wait, what??”
“Well you don’t seem to like your full name, and I don’t like your nickname it is too simple. Trust me don’t take it personally I do it to everyone. So yes, Jan.”
“You’re a strange one.”
“Not really just today it seems. I think all of my common sense has left me.”, you smiled at him. Jungkook froze still. 
“Well gotta go, it is finally time for me to enjoy the greatest pleasure of life. Sleep. Bye, Jan.”, you shouted at him after finally leaving the auditorium. As you left you heard a small wow, and goodbye. 
You still had it you thought to yourself, feeling proud. 
Now, what did the roommate of yours make?
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iamartemisday · 5 years
Darcyverse Drabbles- Hooked on a Feeling
“Oh crap.”
“What did you do?”
Darcy tried not to look at Jane, but those stupid hypnotic red eyes of hers were impossible to resist. If this were a hundred years ago and Darcy was some nobody off the street, she’d be dead right now. Dead and completely bloodless.
“So… I was working on that birth control potion I told you about, and I think I got some of the ingredients wrong?”
Jane raised an eyebrow. “Wrong how?”
“Let’s just say I hope you didn’t touch it.” Darcy jumped when someone knocked on the door. “Oh no. This is bad.”
Darcy leaped out the window before Jane could say a word. She ran around the building, hoping to avoid whoever had come for her. It would be difficult from here. She wasn’t the most physically fit witch around and running for too long left her winded.
Indeed, by the time she’d made a full lap around the building, there was already someone behind her. When she turned to look, it was Scott Lang.
“Darcy wait!” he cried out as he gained on her. “I just want to tell you how I feel!”
“You don’t feel anything! It’s a damn love potion!”
“No it’s not. I love you!”
“Oh goddammit.”
Scott, Clint, and Maria Hill were all chasing her. That last one was a bit of a surprise, but then again, hadn’t Hill made out with Sharon Carter while drunk that one time? Speaking of which, she really hoped Sharon wasn’t here today.
“Darcy, please! We love you!”
“Yeah, what do you like about me?” she called over her shoulder.
“Everything! You’re pefect!”
“Why am I perfect?”
“Because you are!”
“Because the goddamn potion is telling you so! Goddammit! How did it get out??”
Meanwhile, Jane was bursting into Loki’s room. “What the hell did you do?”
“Oh hello, Jane,” Loki said, sipping some wine. “How about dinner tonight. There are some foolish would-be physicists trying to discredit your work in Madrid. I know you’ll enjoy them.”
There were now sixteen heroes and agents chasing Darcy. She didn’t even know half of them, but they were all way too fast. 
A portal opened up as Stephen Strange reached out for her. “Come with me, please.”
Darcy took his arm without thinking. When he pulled her into his house he immediately kissed her. It was only somewhat unexpected and Darcy couldn’t push him away no matter how hard he tried. At least he was good at it.
“Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let’s get you fixed up.”
“Thank you so much for doing this,” Darcy said as they mixed together an antidote. “But why did you kiss me like that?”
He shrugged. “The potions’ effects are pretty strong. I knew I had to get that out of my system if I had any chance of helping you.”
“You mean you were under the spell, too?”
“...are you still?”
“So right now you’re just…”
“If my self control was any worse, you’d be naked right now.”
That actually sounded okay.
Later on, when the antidote had been distributed and Jane was off lecturing Loki about how wrong it was for him to play such a trick on Darcy (either that or she was banging him and drinking his blood), Darcy enjoyed a nice lunch with Dr. Strange at Avengers headquarters.
“Damn, that was rough,” she said. All around her, people were milling about, barely sparing her a second glance. “Kind of glad to be ignored again, though. I don’t think I could’ve handled being the popular girl in school.”
Dr. Strange smiled. “If it helps, you are a great witch. That potion you created was amazing.”
Darcy blushed. “I just went by what the book said. I mean I added a few things here and there, but, you know…”
“You should give yourself more credit,” he said. “In fact, I was hoping you’d like to get together sometime and we could discuss some things I’m working on.”
Darcy blushed even harder. “I’d like that.”
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victoodles · 5 years
Corruption (Crowley x Angel Reader) Part 1
I finished Good Omens yesterday and I wrote this today. The second part (aka the filth) will be coming soon! Also on AO3!
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Goody Two-Shoes
That’s what he'd been calling you for the past 6,000 years or so. You were a rule-abiding angel - obediently following orders with no questions asked. Always with an eager flap of your wings. Past tense, however, is key here.
Now you found yourself lazily draped over the arm of a demon’s throne in his own abode, white dress pooling around your thighs. A cup of wine in hand, held up in the air as you idly swished the liquid. You felt like a girl in one of those oil paintings you saw during the Renaissance.
Like ‘The Venus of Urbino’
Crowley chuckled, bemused but humored. “Like the what now?”
“Oh! Nothing,” you said, forgetting the thought with a swig of your drink. You hadn’t realized you’d actually spoken aloud.
He had recently turned you on to the joys of wine: Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet, the list goes on. Those uppity Archangels had created a trend amongst the humans. They claimed the stuff was a vice, abhorrent, and immensely sinful. How drab.
Later on, they passed it down the angel hierarchy as gospel, essentially condemning it. It was clearly meant for slothful humans with no faith. You made it a priority to avoid it at all costs, lest you eternally displease your overseers.
However, it seemed Crowley was to be much more...persuasive than the hogwash lectures from Gabriel and Michael. The influence they had over you was unraveling, as much as you tried to deny it.
For this, Crowley seemed to find quite a bit of fun in teasing you throughout the centuries. He ruffled your feathers, quite literally. You had always been by the books - no ifs, ands, or buts. After all, the higher-ups did assign you to tote after Aziraphale once he “lost” his flaming sword. Keep him on the straight and narrow. You hadn't expected the infamous snake of Eden to be along for the ride.
Crowley had quickly made a game with his friend on how many times in one conversation he could make you scoff in contempt. His current record was seventeen.
But the tit for tat was never malicious in nature like his kind was so inclined towards. Much like Aziraphale, he thoroughly enjoyed your company and the banter along with it.
Perhaps even a tad more than Aziraphale.
Try as you may, you couldn’t fathom why the angel would ever keep the company of a demon like Crowley. Demons and angels went together as well as one could expect of fire and gasoline. But despite all your angelic instincts, you decided to keep their friendship (and yours) out of your reports to Heaven.
And as much as you tried to remain prickled towards him, you soon found yourself inching closer and closer to Crowley.
“So I told Cain, ‘In my humble opinion, I think Abel isn’t worth his sheeps' shit.’ I thought he would take it out on his brother’s herd, not beat him to death with a rock,” Crowley explained with an exasperated sigh. “Alas.”
Appalled but not surprised, you clapped a hand over your mouth. “You aided in creating humankind’s first killer?!” Pride tugged at the corner of Crowley’s lips at your declaration.
“Well when you put it like that, it sounds far more exciting doesn’t it?”
You threw a velvet cushion at his head - he dodged it with a laugh. “Crowley! That’s terrible,” you squealed. Crowley leaned back on his palms along his stone table, shrugging nonchalantly.
“In my defense, Cain did receive protection and promises of vengeance from God afterwards,” he said as if it were something to boast about.
“Only for the price of everlasting exile,” you barked back dryly. Crowley regarded you from behind his sunglasses, a devilish (no pun intended) smirk on his face.
“Oh sorry, princess, I forget how positively tame you are in comparison.” Pink rushed to your cheeks at the emphasis on your new nickname. He had a plethora of them -  sometimes a new one for each day of the week.
But the innuendo behind this one had your wings twitching against your back, eager to hide your newfound bashfulness. It was a habit you inadvertently developed whenever Crowley decided to get especially cheeky with you.  
“E-excuse me,” your voice wavered, rising an octave with each pronounced syllable. Crowley’s simper only grew. He brought the bottle of wine on the table to his lips, ignoring the glass he had already poured.
“You’re not exactly the most anarchic, princess. Peace and order appeals to you too much to have any real fun,” he mocked with a click of his tongue.
How dare he!
You turned your nose up at him, “I’ll have you know, Mister Crowley, that I can be quite adventurous.” As if to prove the sentiment, you raised your glass at him. “See? I’m drunk, with a demon!”
That last point was made to really drive home the fact of how bad you were. Crowley was not impressed. He took a hearty sip from his bottle, rolling his eyes in the process. Your frustration only grew at his dismissal.
Crowley regarded you as he drank, loving how the remnants of your blush left your cheeks an enchanting shade of red. You always seemed to captivate him regardless of circumstances. To say he was attracted to your purity, amongst other things, wouldn’t be too far from the truth
A purity he selfishly wanted all to himself.
The demon found himself quite enamored with you for reasons that would be too...saccharine for someone of his ilk to admit. But when you look at him with your big doe-eyes, the heart he swears he doesn’t have beats just a little bit faster. Though he persistently insists it’s just to appear more human when Aziraphale inquires.
He can’t help it. The moment that innocent gaze turns into a fiery glower, he swears he’s never seen anything more intense in his existence.
Sultry. That’s the best word he can use to describe you right you right now. Pursing your lips on the rim of your glass, you attempt to quell your agitation with wine. Your free arm hand loosely grasps the back of the chair, head lolled. He took note of how much leg you were showing as you gently swung your feet back and forth. There wasn’t an ounce of virtue in your posture.
If he didn’t know any better he would’ve thought you a succubus, attempting to disarm and seduce him.
A thought crossed his mind as he released the bottle from his mouth with a pop.
“You know,” he began, slowly licking the remnants of wine off his lips. You noticed, and tried to ignore the thrumming in your chest. “I bet you’ve never indulged in any of the other physical pleasures humanity has to offer,” he said lasciviously.
Plush feathers tickled your spine as you desperately tried to contain your wings. You lurched forward in your seat, choking on wine while he has the gaul to snicker at you.
“The audacity-“
“Well have you,” he cuts you off before you can chastise him. You’re taken aback by how forward he’s being. Petulance then fills you.
“O-of course I have,” you sputter pathetically. He quirked an eyebrow, silently asking you to continue. You face forward, straightening yourself out in a sad attempt to gather more composure.
“...There was a sweet Parisian lad who took me to Carnaval way back when. He tried to teach me to dance and, well, you know how the saying goes. In the end he graced me with a kiss on the cheek under the moonlight. Oh, it was all rather romantic.”
“Quite the little minx, ain’t you? I feel like a sinner in church just listening to ya, princess,” Crowley huffed, throwing back another gulp.
You were burning up more than you knew possible. While other ethereal inhabitants may choose to partake in certain...activities, you decided to stick to modesty. To be chaste. It’s how all proper angels should be!
“And I suppose you have then,” you grumbled, defeated.
With that, Crowley’s demeanor shifted. Previous inhibitions gone from a simple question.
He placed the bottle back down, removing his sunglasses in the process. Serpentine eyes, half lidded and glowing a faint yellow in the evening light, bore into you. His legs spread tantalizingly.
Another pang against your ribs.
It suddenly ceased when he pushed himself up and began to saunter over to you.
“Why yes,” he said sensually as he approached.
“Have.” His hand found a perch on the ornate backrest as he towered above you. He pushed your legs apart with his knee and stood between them. You inhaled sharply, your glass slipping from your grasp and shattering harshly on the floor beside you. Neither of you paid the mess any mind.
Crowley chuckled darkly, daring to lean in closer. “Lust, quite an enjoyable thing really. Lucifer truly did the world a kindness with that particular circle of Hell,” he mused, looking downward almost fondly. His free hand caressed your cheek, featherlight.
Ironically, you felt heavier. The weight of your unspoken attraction to the demon was crashing down upon you. You tried, for countless years, to subdue any unseemly desires. An angel could not intimately coexist with their mortal enemy, a demon.
It had always been a challenge the more attached you became to Earth. To Crowley. Your efforts were tumultuous, yet overall successful. But now, in this moment, it was unbearable.
Again Crowley slid closer, noses mere inches apart. The sweetness of the wine still lingered on him. “Skin on skin. A heat in your belly that can only be satiated by submitting to carnal urges. Kissing, biting, fucking,” he purred against the shell of your ear.
An unfamiliar shiver wracked your body; you’ve never been this close to another soul before. The rumble of his impish laughter sent that same shiver lower that time.
Those eyes, snakelike but bewitching, they had to be putting you in some sort of trance. It was intoxicating - may it forever bound you within it’s honied depths.
Those eyes.
Behind them was longing, need, warmth.
“Tell me, Angel,” his thumb traces your plush bottom lip. “Would you like to know?”
“K-know what?” The words were barely a whisper.
The devil always hears.
You planted your own Garden of Eden and reached for the apple of your own accord. The snake hisses with delight from beyond the underbrush.
“Would you like to know what it’s like?” His lips are almost upon yours now, waiting patiently for what they knew would eventually come.
Temptation is a cruel master.
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Red Army Types HC
Edgar Bright: 
Being the absolute tease that he is, he could lean heavily towards two kinds of personality types
Easily embarrassed types will give him the reactions he so desperately wants to receive. He could possibly border on sadist with how much he wants to make your cheeks flush with heat and have you squirming your seat from his words.
Or Edgar would do well with someone who can counter his advances with an equal amount of teasing. Being caught off guard and having to stay alert for an offensive attacks would thrill him. 
As far as hobbies or activities go, Edgar is open to anything. Being the master of many subjects, he is a very willing teacher, even willing to teach you swordplay if you so desired. He specifically loves doing things where he can put his hands on you, if only to tease you further. 
So long as you are willing to spend time with him, Edgar will do pretty much anything you ask. 
Least favorite personality traits would be someone who is lazy and inactive. He would not turn away a lady on that alone, but it would do little to cure his boredom just sitting around headquarters. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Candy Making
Jonah Clemence:
Refined, elegant, high-class. All of those describe our lovely Queen of Hearts. Quite complicated and contrary in his own personality, it might be easier for him to list all the things he distastes in a women, but we might be here a while.
Jonah needs someone who can accept him for who he is, but also inspires him to be more honest in his feelings, rather than a woman who wants to change him.
Personality wise, he would want someone who can read between the lines of what he is saying, so that he doesn’t have to explain himself. Though, you sometimes play dumb in order to rile him up and see him get blushy.
He would love a woman who has a mind of her, and is willing to speak it at appropriate times, even if it means disagreeing with him. He has to deal with fake smiles and fake people in the high society of Red Territory, and having an honest partner would be good for him. Having strong morals and strong convictions that you both stand by is also a plus.
Jonah wants to spoil his partner, so someone who can accept gifts without fussing at him each time would sit well with him. It wouldn’t hurt him to be turned away occasionally for going overboard with his spending but he will inevitably buy you gifts, and as such, accept with them with a smile. 
Biggest dislike in a woman is someone who is sloppy in any aspect of the word. A messy room, unseemly attire, or poor self care would send him into a lecture or a coma. He doesn’t want to dictate everything you wear or do, but basic self care is something he doesn’t want to have teach you.
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Strawberry Picking 
The sweetheart of the Red Army with little experience with women. Zero is wary of love and the meaning is hard for him to understand as he did not grow up in an environment where that was taught to him. 
As such, he needs someone who can teach him what it means to be in love gently. Stronger personalities can intimate the boy, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. He is open to pretty much any personality type.
Hobbies can include a wide range of things, but a creative partner is something that would draw him in. Being able to watch you paint, draw, write, play an instrument, etc. would enthrall him, and he may even ask you to teach him. 
He would like someone who wants to be outdoors with him, as he is fairly active even when off duty. Enjoying nature and going for hikes on his off days would thrill him.
A kind and caring individual is a major plus for him. You don’t have to be a saint, but having a open heart for those around you, whether it be simply complimenting a chef on their food, or helping the elderly carry their groceries, will make him happy, as he wants to put as much good out into the world as he can. 
A personality type that might clash with him is someone who is overly pushy and/or manipulative. Zero himself might not see it happening. He could easily be in a relationship where someone is using his kindheartedness to their advantage, but there is a lurking Jack who will put an end to that very quickly. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Volunteering at the Animal Shelter! Walking and playing with the dogs would suit him best.
Kyle Ash
The usually hungover doctor swears by alcohol and the light it brings to people. He loves to go out and mingle with his friends or meet new people. However, drinking is not a requirement to be with him. He would not be bothered if you didn’t drink at all. 
He simply wants you to be with him. Going out to the bar to meet Oliver and Blanc, going on house visits with him, any time that he gets to have you with him is a good time for him
Personality types that turn him on would be someone who is full of life and wants to have a good time. Even if you don’t drink, go out with Kyle to the bar and surprise him with your witty humor or silly dancing. Someone who can make him laugh will fit well with him.
On the flip side, Kyle would also want someone he can take care of. Being a doctor, and having his views on living life to the fullest, he would be there to take care of you in your darkest hour. You don’t have to pretend to be okay, because he can pick up on your mental state easily. 
Not quite fitting in with Red Army standards, someone who isn’t afraid of being loud and fun, and not being the standard prim and proper ways that is expected of a Red Territory resident would suit Kyle just fine. Being able to let loose and enjoy whatever you like without inhibitions is what his life motto is all about. Unless its endlessly eating sweets and then he will lecture you but with love. 
Something that might turn Kyle away would be someone who is so strong willed against going out or very self-centered. It could easily drive a wedge between the social butterfly of the bar and yourself if all you cared about was staying home and doing nothing, or not caring about yourself or others at all. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Wine Tasting (maybe even in another country!)
Lancelot Kingsley: 
The stoic leader of the army and typically a hard man to read, Lancelot is much more composed and laid-back in his personality when it comes his lover, not his army. 
Personality traits that attract him is a woman with a strong will, and an equally strong resolve. Being wishy-washy in your decisions would not sit well with him. 
That being said, he wouldn’t be opposed to someone who relied on him for protection. He is the leader of an army, a master sword wielder, and he would not let anything harm you. Don’t be afraid to run him in times of need. 
Staying indoors is no problem for him, so having a partner who wants to lie in bed, and is just content being in each other’s arms would suit him. He doesn’t need to have elaborate dates to be happy with you. Lancelot might try to monopolize all your time to be alone with him, so be careful.
Not having any hobbies of his own, besides working himself to death, Lancelot would be fascinated with anything you find mildly interesting to do. He would endlessly question you about the book you were currently reading, or have you explain the reasoning behind your hobbies. In the end, he would want to learn as much as he can, and he might even ask you to teach him a thing or two, just to spend time with you. 
A turn off for Lancelot would be someone high maintenance and/or bratty in the bad way (this is sfw so I won’t get into the good way ;) )  He already has to deal with so many things within his army during the work day and coming home to someone who would argue or want to constantly nitpick about him would not be good for his health. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: A Mini Vacation to a hot springs!
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
the move in ll alison & aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron & @alison-haynes
Mentions: @romanbeckett @luca-regio
When: August 13, 2020
Where: Alison’s penthouse
Triggers: none but they kind of argue a little
Description: Alison tells Aaron that Luca is moving in
if it wasn’t already made clear, Aaron was bad at having tough conversations. And Ali has started a lot of tough conversations with “I gotta talk to you”. One of which had been to tell him that they were going to have a baby. So naturally, Aaron was freaking out. He let himself into his friend’s penthouse and kicked off his shoes. “Des!!” He shouted. He could hear his kid screaming in her playroom. He rounded the corner into the kitchen to find the singer baking. Typical. “Hey.” He smiled. “Don’t leave me in suspense. What did you want to talk to me about?” Of course he’d been anxious about it all day.
Alison knew that this conversation wasn’t going to go over well, but she was hoping maybe Aaron would surprise her. But that didn’t stop the blonde from baking his favorite cookies to butter him up for the news that she was going to be telling him. “Maybe i wanted to leave you in suspense.” She teases, pushing the tray of cookies forward, “I think you should have a cookie before we talk, and remember the cookie while we talk.”
He chuckled at first, but his face faltered a bit when she told him to have a cookie. Great. He grabbed a cookie and took a tiny bite of it. Delicious as always but she wasn’t fooling him. “Do I need wine with this too?” He raised his brow. He was only half joking.
Alison wanted to tell Aaron that Luca would be moving in, and she knew that information wasn’t going to settle well with her friend. Alison quickly made her way over to the wine cooler, “I can pour you a glass.” She offered, pulling a bottle out. The longer she could push the conversation out, the better. “It’s not like I’m drinking any of it.”
The businessman shook his head. “No. I’ll pour a glass and you stop stalling.” He told her, bluntly. They were blunt like that with each other. It’s what they needed. “Go ahead.” He knew she was stalling. He probably knew her better than almost anyone. And if she was stalling, he knew he probably wouldn’t take very lightly to what she was about to tell him.
“Okay—,” she said, taking a deep breath. She couldn’t stall when it came to him, even if she liked to believe she could. “Before I say anything, I want you to know that this isn’t up for discussion, but I did want you to know. So please, I don’t want to fight.” Alison poured herself a glass of lemonade, before taking a seat at one of the barstools at the counter. “You understand I don’t want to fight, right?”
Aaron started heavily chugging the wine he had just poured for himself. A little nic was most certainly needed for this conversation. He did want to get a little snarky with her because of the ‘not up for discussion’ comment but then he remembered his track record with these things. “Okay.” He said, simply.
Alison sipped her lemonade for a moment, before glancing to Aaron. “I want you to know-,” that Luca is moving in. It should be that easy to just tell Aaron, but Alison’s heart was pumping and she was scared of Aaron’s reaction. Another deep breath and finally out came the words, “I want you to know that Luca is going to be moving in. We thought it would be easier to raise the baby if we were living together.” Her words came out fast, and then closed her eyes tightly, waiting to hear what rage would come from Aaron’s mouth.
Aaron cleared his throat down and slid the crystal wine glass away from him on the counter. He wasn’t really surprised to hear this information, but that didn’t mean he was exactly happy about it. He didn’t exactly want his kid to live with an ex con. “Okay.” He repeated. He thought of a million things to say. He didn’t want to come off as a complete asshole....but he was Aaron so naturally he didn’t think twice about what came out of his mouth next. “Ya know, Ro moved in with me right when he started dating and it ended up being a really bad decision.” Fucking hell, Aaron Hart.
When Aaron said okay, Ali’s eyebrow raised. That wasn’t anywhere close to what she had been expecting. But— she had said that it wasn’t up for discussion because it wasn’t. Luca was moving in, no ifs ands buts or maybe. But then his next words seemed more like Aaron. He couldn’t just be happy for her, that was impossible. A sigh escaped her lips, “I’m in my second trimester of pregnancy, Aaron. It’s not exactly right when we started dating. And the situation is completely different, Aaron. We are having a baby. Trust me, it’s not a bad decision.”
“hey, I was just throwing that out there.” He threw his arms up a little bit and tried to act as casually as possible. He sighed and thought for a moment. “Look. I’m happy for you. I’m not thrilled Des is living with a man I barely know though. Who was in prison not that long ago. I won’t lie. But I trust you. I do.” He said, genuine. He was still hesitant though.
She was sure he wasn’t just just trying to throw it out there, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue with Aaron. He was taking it much better than she thought he would.  Alison looked to Aaron, giving him a small smile. “Thank you. I’m glad that you can trust me with this. And I’d really appreciate it if you can stop bringing up the prison thing. That is in the past. And now we’re focusing on our family, I don’t need the kids knowing about that past.” She mentioned. Alison knew she didn’t have to bring that up, but she really didn’t like that Aaron always brought up Luca going to prison.
Aaron just rolled his eyes when she asked him not to bring up the prison thing. because. No. Just no. He had way too many issues with that. So many things could go wrong. “By past you mean last year, right? I’d hardly call that his past.” He spat. Then took a big deep breath. “I’m not gonna fight about that with you. You know where I stand on that and who know why I’m not thrilled about Des living with him. Aaron finished his glass of wine and set it next to the sink. “There’s literally no way Des isn’t going to find out about it though. The kids at school are absolutely going to be talking about this. It’s probably better if you get ahead of it now rather than her being taken off guard at school and asking a you questions about it later. But that’s up to you and your boyfriend.”He said, coming off a little more snippy than he anticipated. “Destiny Louise, it’s time to go!” He yelled up to his kid.   “Look.” He said, facing his baby momma. “I don’t want to fight.” He said, calmly. “I appreciate you telling me who my kid is going to be living with.  But I’m not going to just not bring it up because it’s the reason why I’m uncomfortable with her being around him. Living with him. I could lie to you and say that I’m not, but I am. It’s not going to change anything. I know that. But I don’t lie to you, Alison. I lie to a lot of people. But not you.” He said, pointing to her.
Sure, Luca has gone to prison, but Alison always believed that people could change. Luca had proved that to her, he wasn’t some hardened criminal, he was just Luca. The guy she was head over heels in love with. She knew that Aaron had every right to be upset about it, but she thought they were past that stage of this. Her eyes rolled, “He’s not in prison anymore, is he? Therefore it is in his past. The constant judgment of his character isn’t charming, Aaron.” Alison and Aaron had been friends for a long time, and no one had ever come between them, but he needed to really understand that Luca was here to stay. “You need to understand that he is the love of my life!  He isn’t just some guy that will eventually just go away. He is the father of my child, and he will be my husband one day, Aaron. And I don’t enjoy the constant jabs.” Alison sighed, “Oh yeah? The six year olds at school are going to be talking about my boyfriends past? You know, I find that hard to believe, Aaron.” Alison felt her eyes welling up, she hated how emotional she was. “I’m sorry that you’re uncomfortable with it, but you’re going to have to learn to get comfortable with it. Because guess what? His past isn’t going to change, and his future? His future is with me.”
“Alison.” Aaron begged her. He really just didn’t understand why he was getting so upset at him for just doing what any best friend and dad would. “Ali. Their parents are going to tell them. And they are going to tell Des. You are in the public eye. It’s only a matter of time before the story breaks.” He informed her like he was giving a damn lecture in front of college students. “Ali. We’re not fighting. I’m not doing this again with you.” He said, as noticed her getting emotional. “Stop.” He said, calmly as he put two grounding hands on her shoulders. His future is with me. what the fuck. He opened his mouth to ask her what the fuck that was supposed to mean, but had to bite his tongue when their kid walked down their stairs. He smiled. “Hi angel.” He said softly, then turned his attention back to Alison. “Just know that I’m worried and sometimes it comes off wrong. But I’m just worried that’s all. I trust you but that’s not going to stop me from worrying. Please understand that.” He begged her, and gave her a peck on the cheek. He grabbed Des’ back pack of toys from the countertop. “Say bye to your mom, baby girl.”
The last thing Alison had wanted to do today was argue. She wanted to be an adult and give Aaron the heads up that Luca was moving in,  and she wanted that to be the end of it.  But of course, that wasn’t the case, not one single bit. Alison did know that eventually Luca’s past could get out there, and it could blow up, but as of now it hadn’t. “And that is something we’ll cross when we get to it. Right now, it’s not out there and we don’t need to cross it.” She didn’t need that information getting out there, and right now not too many people seemed interested in Luca’s background—besides Aaron that was. She took a deep breath trying to hold back the tears that stung  in her eyes, but then saw Destiny. She pushed a smile onto her face.  She glanced back to Aaron, “You don’t have to worry, you know I wouldn’t do anything to put Des in jeopardy or myself.” She mentioned but then knelt down to hug her daughter, “Have a good time at daddy’s, okay?”
Aaron completely disagreed with the blonde. He believed that they should be forward and honest with Destiny about everything. Not best around the bush. Des deserved to know. But that was a conversation for a different day. One that he needed to be involved in. “I know, Ali.” He muttered. He swung his daughter’s bag over his shoulder and grabbed a hold of her tiny hand. “Good night, Ali. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
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notrodolphus · 4 years
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Full Legal Name: Rabastan Entlain Lestrange  Nickname(s): Rab, Rabunctious (from himself), Rabblerouser (from himself), Mr. Vanity (from himself), Ugh Him (everyone else)  Age: 18 Gender & Pronouns: cisgender male, he/him Sexuality: disaster poly pansexual prince.
Date of Birth: 11 August 1960 Horoscope: Leo Hogwarts House: Slytherin Nationality: Dual Citizen of the UK and France  Occupation: Having received explicit permission to do whatever the fuck, Rabastan has decided to do exactly that after graduation. It’s not like he actually has to earn money. In his heart of hearts he would love to do something relating to animals (professional hippogriff cuddler?) but, realistically and -- more importantly -- easier, modeling is a path already paved in offers for him. There’s an endorsement opportunity for Rogues Robes that he’s been considering for a while.   Summarized in One Word: Extreme
Faceclaim: Rome Flynn Height: 6′1″ Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Noticeable Features: Broad, giddy smile with a side of dimples. Also dat ass.  Typical Outfit or General Fashion Sense: loud patterns, has never once worn a solid color that wasn’t offensively bright, and a distinct preference for androgynous styles. He clearly borrows (enlarged) blouses from Narcissa when he’s looking to be formal. Does not own sweatpants.   
Hometown: Rabastan was born in Paris, France but spent most of his childhood traveling everywhere else. The estate in Wiltshire, however, holds the fondest memories of playing with friends from other important families while their parents were busy doing whatever parents did. The expansive, lush, secluded hills were the perfect playground for them to teeter within that delicate balance of growing up too fast and not at all.    Financial Status: disgustingly rich  Spoken Languages: French and English, bits of Italian and Spanish from his travels. He’s also fairly decent at Mermish, but doesn’t know it because the Great Lake mermaids refuse to let him know it.  Bad Habits:
Drinks too much
Addicted to nicotine  
Never brings his own quills, if you sit next to him bring extra or he’ll annoy you about it the entire lecture
Cannot stop himself from touching other people’s stuff
Will not be the one to move out of the way if you’re on the same path coming from opposite directions
Mother: Melisende (née La Trémoille), a pureblood witch and Beauxbaton alumni. Met Tiernan Lestrange one time when she was fourteen, and married him when she was eighteen.She is a fixture in every society event and created the Protego Omnis Foundation in an effort to fund and research magical maladies as well as spread awareness and the potential dangers of muggleborne diseases.
FC: Anika Noni Rose Father: Tiernan Lestrange, youngest son and heir of Corvus Lestrange VI and Clarisse Tremblay. Works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries. 
FC: Colman Domingo  Sibling(s): Rodolphus Lestrange. Despite their wildly contrasting differences, Rabastan loves and looked up to his brother immensely. He only competed with him in childhood because he thought it would be the thing that brought them closer together. He trusts Rodolphus’ judgement more than anyone else’s in the world and would follow him anywhere.  Pet(s): A very fat, very tiny fieldmouse named Señor Mortimer von Theobald. Usually found in Rabastan’s pocket or scampering around in his little ball that Rab got one of the Ravenclaws to make for him (charmed to repel owls, cats, and acromantulas).  Grandparent(s): Corvus VI and Clarisse Lestrange have since retired to the Paris family estate where they drink wine all day and prepare for the time they will willingly waltz themselves down to sleep forever in the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise Lestrange Mausoleum.  Cousin(s): Wiped from any significant record, Corvus Lestrange VII, the eldest son of Corvus VI and Clarisse, does not have children and if he did Rabastan would never have met them. ‘Do not associate with burnt stains on the tapestry’ is a rule he actually follows. 
Wand: English Oak, Unicorn tail, 13’’ and supple Patronus: While Rabastan has the capacity to produce a patronus he does not yet have the skill to produce a corporeal one. He’s got a plethora of memories to choose from though, as anything and everything that can be remotely deemed ‘happy’ is bathed in blindingly amplified light. If he ever manages to focus down enough to learn how to cast a full one, it would be a hummingbird.  Boggart: Rodolphus, but colder and harsher than ever. Rodolphus, but in an image of strength and power and darkness that he can’t ever hope to mirror. Rabastan doesn’t like thinking about it much, but when he’s drunk and spacing out sometimes his mind wanders and begins to piece together the distressing realization that his greatest fear is that he’ll never be of the same caliber as his older brother, that he couldn’t keep him from going too far down that path – and that that might just get him killed someday. OWLS:  
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Herbology - O
Charms - E
Potions - E 
Transfiguration - A, begged McGonagall to consider him into the sixth year NEWT class but dropped it in the middle of the semester 
Defense Against the Dark Arts - A, continued through the NEWT course anyways because the professor in their sixth year was a family friend
History of Magic - E
Ghoul Studies - E
What Kind of Magic do They Excel at: Magic that he can feel is what Rab loves the most. It’s why he does pretty well in Charms despite his careless view on studying; magic that feels like an accomplishment, that has fantastical results intrigues and captivates him. He loves to take pleasure in what he can do. 
MB Type: Entertainer - ESFP-A Entertainers love the spotlight, and all the world’s a stage. Utterly social, Entertainers enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. Though it may not always seem like it, Entertainers know that it’s not all about them – they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions. People with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, Entertainers are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. Entertainers are welcome wherever there’s a need for laughter, playfulness, and a volunteer to try something new and fun – and there’s no greater joy for Entertainer personalities than to bring everyone else along for the ride.
Enneagram: Type 9 - 98% Match Type 9 is also called The Peacemaker. Nines like to keep a low profile and let the people around them set the agenda.
Type 7 - 88% Match Type 7 is described as The Enthusiast. Sevens want to have as much fun and adventure as possible and are easily bored.
Type 2 - 87% Match Type 2 can be described as The Giver. Twos want to be liked and find ways that they can be helpful to others so that they can be loved and belong.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. They don't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, they would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, they’re not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.
Archetype: 47% Performer Taking center stage comes naturally to the Performer, whether at the water cooler or in front of an audience. They are magnetic and know how to inspire.
37% Caregiver Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
16% Tastemaker The Tastemaker is always on top of the trends—or starting their own. Their sense of style is second to none and their taste, impeccable.
Temperament: Sanguine Sanguine people are boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional, social extroverts. In our distant past, the sanguine members of the pack might have played a supportive, encouraging, social role. They would have been the glue that kept the group together. In modern society, you might see them as entertainers, singers, dancers, or perhaps simply as the energetic people at parties.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
91. “I only ever thought there were two kinds of love: The kind you would kill for, and the kind you would die for…but you, my darling, you were the kind of love I would live for.” sharon/bucky
As Bucky is running away from government agents trying to snipe him for killing a politician, he supposes Natasha’s argument for him being suicidal might have the tiniest bit evidence behind it, which he previously argued it didn’t. 
As he slides underneath a car, he debates whether or not she’ll find out about this one. He feels a buzz from his phone in his pocket. 
Yeah, she knows. 
He shoots one of the agents, nicking him in the knee. Oof, that’s gonna be a fun story to tell his grandkids about why they can’t climb on his lap. But he needs to get away, and that involves potentially shooting through a car. 
Potentially turns into definitely and there’s enough of a distraction that he can commandeer a car, drive at least ten blocks away, and ditch it to run on foot, calling Natasha. 
“You got my location, right?” 
“Of course, you fucking idiot,” Natasha curses. “You...god I hate you sometimes. The job’s at least done, right?” 
“Yeah. I’ll have to lay low, though. Which sucks because my apartment is right in the city.” 
“I already have a punishment and idea for you in one.” 
“I...what is it?” 
“Sam’s picking you up. Tell you when you get to base. Bye.” 
Bucky groans. 
She must be really pissed at him. 
Sam picks him up in the shittiest economy car in the world. 
“I hate you for picking this one,” Bucky groans. 
“A stupid decision grants a stupid car, that’s why you’re getting picked up in the 1995 Ford Fiesta of shame,” Sam says. “Nat’s real mad. And I also think you’re going to hate your next assignment.” 
Bucky’s not sure what’s gonna happen. He’s hoping he’s not on latrine duty. 
Oh, it’s so much worse. 
“Protection detail?” Bucky asks. “And undercover? All at once? Nat, come on. I bet we don’t even need undercover.” 
"You both are doing undercover because you both fucked up,” Natasha says. “And since apparently you don’t know how to act, maybe this will get you better lessons.” 
“Cold,” Sam hisses. 
“I will legally ask you to shut the fuck up,” Bucky growls out. 
He packs his things. Realizes that Sam got to choose the name so his name is Roger Stevens. Fucking shit. (Steve, of course, approved this. Because Steve is an asshole.) 
“Why does she even need a protector?” Bucky growls out, driving to the house. It’s in suburbia. 
“Because she fucked up and whoever she pissed off might send more than she can handle,” Natasha says. 
“We’re hinging my being here on a ‘maybe’?” 
“And because you got caught by government agents, which would be a rookie move,” Natasha says. “There’s a reason that I can still go my same nail salon for five years and now you have to get your hair cut somewhere else. And why you got a wedding china set and you have a backstory of being married.” 
“I hate you.” 
“A lot of people do, take a number.” 
If it helps (and it mostly doesn’t), Sharon Carter is also not happy. She is in the house with the most dangerous look Bucky has seen. 
“So I’m stuck in this fucking hell house with him?” Sharon asks. 
Maria Hill is her boss. Woman is a scary, competent human. Bucky wouldn’t cross her. 
(Then again, you also shouldn’t cross a certain redhead who could make you disappear within twenty minutes, maybe thirty if it’s a surprise. But he did.) 
“Keys are by the front door, hope you know your address! Bye!” Natasha says. “Don’t kill each other or we lose the deposit!” 
Maria Hill smiles. Of course the only time Bucky’s ever seen her smile is at the suffering of others. How typical. 
So then they are left alone. 
“Let’s read the cover story,” Sharon says. “And I don’t need protection, Maria’s just paranoid.” 
Bucky snorts. 
“Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.” 
Sharon sends him a sharp look. 
They meet while on a cruise. 
Bucky fucking hates his life. 
“A fucking cruise,” he mutters. “As if I would ever step foot onto any of those fucking--” 
“We had a beach wedding?!” Sharon cries out. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” 
They are both in a bad mood. 
It’s also awkward because this is a house. They have decorations. They have tea towels. 
And a neighbor comes to visit. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” she says brightly. “My name is Karen Tent, so lovely to meet you both!” 
She then invades the house with her Tupperware. Literally speeds past them and it’s not like Sharon judo-chop her throat or anything. 
“What a lovely house you two have!” Karen cheers. “Of course the color palette is a little bit drab, but I’m sure you’ll change that soon enough. When Linda told me we had new neighbors, I could hardly believe it myself, but here you are! Now, how did you two meet? Have you married yet? If not, I hope that you are living apart, you know.” 
“The rings are in boxes,” Sharon answers smoothly, noting that they’ll need to ask Maria where the fuck the rings are. “You know how move-ins are. I’m Melanie Stevens, this is Roger Stevens. How nice to see you so very unexpectedly.” 
“Well, that’s what neighbors are for!” Karen answers, her voice shrill as ever. “I brought over my famous cookie bars. Everyone says they’re good, and I believe they always are. Tell me Melanie, what do you like baking most?” 
“Yes dear, tell her,” Bucky answers, smiling. “I seem to remember...lemon bars?” 
“That’s right,” Sharon says, sending Bucky a smile. “They are really good. Just delightful.” 
“Oh you’ll have to bring some over!” Karen responds. “Now, let me tell you a little bit about the neighborhood...” 
She talks for a fucking hour. Bucky wants to drink. So badly. He saw the wine on the counter. 
Sharon, to her credit, keeps trying to use certain “end” phrases. Karen either knows it and knows she won’t be budging, or will not ever take a hint in her lifetime. 
“And you simply must not ever play loud music in your backyard,” Karen says. “We’ve had a couple of problems with the Richardsons, but nothing a few calls won’t fix.” 
“You called the police?” Sharon asks. 
“Well yes!” 
“Oh my god,” Bucky mutters. 
“I am sure that’s not exactly the measure I would have done,” Sharon says. “But I am tired and don’t want to get into it now,” she says quickly, noticing Karen’s “confused” expression. 
“I say we need some time to rest, today is gonna be a lot of moving,” he says. “So nice of you to stop by, Karen. I’ll return your dish as soon as possible.” 
Karen is ushered out the door, placated with two waves, and they both groan. 
“I’m gonna fucking hate everything after this,” Sharon mutters. “My name is fucking Melanie. Maria knows...” she trails off, facing the very real boxes that were obviously packed with dishes and miscellaneous items. 
Bucky finds four spatulas. He doesn’t know why there are four. 
“What the fuck,” he mutters, noting the incredibly cheesy salt-and-pepper set. 
“Welcome to married life,” Sharon says sarcastically. “We’re gonna have a blast.” 
Dinner is spent with Sharon trying to convince Bucky that she’s “fine” and in “no danger” at all. 
“Who did you piss off?” 
“Oh my god. You’re screwed.” 
“He’s a lapdog, I’m not screwed.” 
“He’s the lapdog of Pierce. You’re screwed.” 
Sharon thunks her head on the table. 
“Can we at least repaint the bedrooms? They suck.” 
“If you think I’m sleeping in a separate room you’re dead wrong,” Bucky says. “You have a target the size of New York on your back. Uh-uh.” 
“You will sleep on the floor and get out when I shower or change,” Sharon threatens. 
“Of course.” 
“Good. Then it’s settled.” 
Married life is not so bad. Except when Karen and the rest of the neighbors tend to visit or talk to them for about fifteen minutes on the lawn. 
“It’s your turn to cut the grass,” Sharon groans, flopping on the couch. “If I have to hear Kevin tell me one more time that you should be treating me better, I’m going to explode. He’s trying to lecture me on how to cut grass.” 
“On it,” Bucky says. “Your turn to go get groceries, I ran into Karen and her kid last time. I think she wants me to stop buying so much hummus.” 
“Not our fault it’s good,” Sharon mutters. 
And then, of course, avoiding the various assassins that are sent out at random intervals and at public locations (including their own house) while convincing the neighbors that there’s nothing going on. 
This involves pretending an agent of Hydra is their cousin. 
“This is Jen, she’s visiting for the day!” Sharon says, squeezing “Jen’s” wrist hard enough to make her stay quiet. “We have so much to catch up on, you probably won’t see me or--or Roger again for the day! Ha ha!” 
“Well where’s her car?” Linda asks, looking around the neighborhood. “I don’t see anything...” 
“She’s a hippie environmentalist, she walked,” Bucky answers. “Jen, let’s go catch up in the house, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” the agent squeaks out sadly, knowing exactly what is going to happen. 
She’s delivered tied up in rope on the steps of Maria’s office with a note of “please stop this from happening we’re planting azaleas.” 
Maria snorts. 
Bucky starts to think they’re getting too attached to this. It’s been four months. 
He started a garden. They’re growing tomatoes. 
He also notices Sharon a little bit differently. 
Because she drags him out of bed. 
“Legally? You have to go to brunch with me. Illegally? You like the breakfast burrito too much.” 
She’s scarily competent with anything that could be classed as a weapon. Or their groceries. 
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky yells at her as she throws the jar of tomato sauce. “I am not cleaning that up!” 
“Tough shit!” Sharon answers, dodging a bullet. “It wasn’t even the good kind of tomato sauce!” 
“It was fine, sweetheart!” Bucky growls out. 
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me in the middle of a battle!” Sharon yells. “Strictly after!” 
“You’re the weirdest fucking married couple,” one of the agents wheezes out as Bucky is holding him as a sort of shield. 
“Thanks,” they say in unison, grinning. 
The punishment for them both doesn’t exactly turn out as planned, both Natasha and Maria agree. In fact, it is almost worse. 
They are both reckless, subvert orders, and get along like a house on fire by the end of it. 
“You can still be together, we just need the house back,” Natasha says. 
“Thank god,” Bucky groans. “I get to stop being Roger and I get rid of Karen in one fell swoop.” 
Sharon untenses her shoulders while she’s sitting at the kitchen table. 
“Can I keep the knife set?” 
“No,” Maria says. “I’ll send you a link to where I got it.” 
“Why can’t I keep it if you can get another set?” 
“Steal it,” Bucky stage-whispers. Sharon grins back at him. 
“You have the best ideas, babe.” 
“You are not stealing anything,” Maria scowls. 
“Sure we aren’t,” Bucky says easily. 
“You stole my heart,” Sharon sing-songs, knowing damn well it’s going to make Maria barf. 
“Aw babe...” Bucky says, holding her hand. Natasha fake-retches. 
“I hate you both,” she declares. “And I won’t be there for your actual wedding.” 
“You made us tell people we had a wedding on a beach, were you assuming that you were getting an invitation?” Bucky asks. 
Sharon snickers, getting the last of her bags out into the car. 
“Where to now?” she asks him. 
“I think that there are some apartments we can look at...” 
“We’ve made a collective monster,” Maria decides, blinking. “We Frankensteined this.” 
“We did,” Natasha says, staring at the house. There are still little bits of glass. An unfortunately busted can of beans where someone had been knocked out and they had “conveniently” forgotten to clean it up from yesterday. 
Well. Sharon and Bucky are going to cause havoc on the world. Maria and Natasha just hope they can cover the other while doing so. 
As Bucky is running away from government agents trying to snipe him for killing a politician, he supposes Natasha’s argument for him being suicidal might have the tiniest bit evidence behind it, which he previously argued it didn’t. 
As he slides underneath a car, he debates whether or not she’ll find out about this one. He feels a buzz from his phone in his pocket. 
Yeah, she knows. 
He shoots one of the agents, nicking him in the knee. Oof, that’s gonna be a fun story to tell his grandkids about why they can’t climb on his lap. But he needs to get away, and that involves potentially shooting through a car. 
Potentially turns into definitely and there’s enough of a distraction that he can commandeer a car, drive at least ten blocks away, and ditch it to run on foot, calling Natasha. 
“You got my location, right?” 
“Of course, you fucking idiot,” Natasha curses. “You...god I hate you sometimes. The job’s at least done, right?” 
“Yeah. I’ll have to lay low, though. Which sucks because my apartment is right in the city.” 
“I already have a punishment and idea for you in one.” 
“I...what is it?” 
“Sam’s picking you up. Tell you when you get to base. Bye.” 
Bucky groans. 
She must be really pissed at him. 
Sam picks him up in the shittiest economy car in the world. 
“I hate you for picking this one,” Bucky groans. 
“A stupid decision grants a stupid car, that’s why you’re getting picked up in the 1995 Ford Fiesta of shame,” Sam says. “Nat’s real mad. And I also think you’re going to hate your next assignment.” 
Bucky’s not sure what’s gonna happen. He’s hoping he’s not on latrine duty. 
Oh, it’s so much worse. 
“Protection detail?” Bucky asks. “And undercover? All at once? Nat, come on. I bet we don’t even need undercover.” 
"You both are doing undercover because you both fucked up,” Natasha says. “And since apparently you don’t know how to act, maybe this will get you better lessons.” 
“Cold,” Sam hisses. 
“I will legally ask you to shut the fuck up,” Bucky growls out. 
He packs his things. Realizes that Sam got to choose the name so his name is Roger Stevens. Fucking shit. (Steve, of course, approved this. Because Steve is an asshole.) 
“Why does she even need a protector?” Bucky growls out, driving to the house. It’s in suburbia. 
“Because she fucked up and whoever she pissed off might send more than she can handle,” Natasha says. 
“We’re hinging my being here on a ‘maybe’?” 
“And because you got caught by government agents, which would be a rookie move,” Natasha says. “There’s a reason that I can still go my same nail salon for five years and now you have to get your hair cut somewhere else. And why you got a wedding china set and you have a backstory of being married.” 
“I hate you.” 
“A lot of people do, take a number.” 
If it helps (and it mostly doesn’t), Sharon Carter is also not happy. She is in the house with the most dangerous look Bucky has seen. 
“So I’m stuck in this fucking hell house with him?” Sharon asks. 
Maria Hill is her boss. Woman is a scary, competent human. Bucky wouldn’t cross her. 
(Then again, you also shouldn’t cross a certain redhead who could make you disappear within twenty minutes, maybe thirty if it’s a surprise. But he did.) 
“Keys are by the front door, hope you know your address! Bye!” Natasha says. “Don’t kill each other or we lose the deposit!” 
Maria Hill smiles. Of course the only time Bucky’s ever seen her smile is at the suffering of others. How typical. 
So then they are left alone. 
“Let’s read the cover story,” Sharon says. “And I don’t need protection, Maria’s just paranoid.” 
Bucky snorts. 
“Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.” 
Sharon sends him a sharp look. 
They meet while on a cruise. 
Bucky fucking hates his life. 
“A fucking cruise,” he mutters. “As if I would ever step foot onto any of those fucking--” 
“We had a beach wedding?!” Sharon cries out. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” 
They are both in a bad mood. 
It’s also awkward because this is a house. They have decorations. They have tea towels. 
And a neighbor comes to visit. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” she says brightly. “My name is Karen Tent, so lovely to meet you both!” 
She then invades the house with her Tupperware. Literally speeds past them and it’s not like Sharon judo-chop her throat or anything. 
“What a lovely house you two have!” Karen cheers. “Of course the color palette is a little bit drab, but I’m sure you’ll change that soon enough. When Linda told me we had new neighbors, I could hardly believe it myself, but here you are! Now, how did you two meet? Have you married yet? If not, I hope that you are living apart, you know.” 
“The rings are in boxes,” Sharon answers smoothly, noting that they’ll need to ask Maria where the fuck the rings are. “You know how move-ins are. I’m Melanie Stevens, this is Roger Stevens. How nice to see you so very unexpectedly.” 
“Well, that’s what neighbors are for!” Karen answers, her voice shrill as ever. “I brought over my famous cookie bars. Everyone says they’re good, and I believe they always are. Tell me Melanie, what do you like baking most?” 
“Yes dear, tell her,” Bucky answers, smiling. “I seem to remember...lemon bars?” 
“That’s right,” Sharon says, sending Bucky a smile. “They are really good. Just delightful.” 
“Oh you’ll have to bring some over!” Karen responds. “Now, let me tell you a little bit about the neighborhood...” 
She talks for a fucking hour. Bucky wants to drink. So badly. He saw the wine on the counter. 
Sharon, to her credit, keeps trying to use certain “end” phrases. Karen either knows it and knows she won’t be budging, or will not ever take a hint in her lifetime. 
“And you simply must not ever play loud music in your backyard,” Karen says. “We’ve had a couple of problems with the Richardsons, but nothing a few calls won’t fix.” 
“You called the police?” Sharon asks. 
“Well yes!” 
“Oh my god,” Bucky mutters. 
“I am sure that’s not exactly the measure I would have done,” Sharon says. “But I am tired and don’t want to get into it now,” she says quickly, noticing Karen’s “confused” expression. 
“I say we need some time to rest, today is gonna be a lot of moving,” he says. “So nice of you to stop by, Karen. I’ll return your dish as soon as possible.” 
Karen is ushered out the door, placated with two waves, and they both groan. 
“I’m gonna fucking hate everything after this,” Sharon mutters. “My name is fucking Melanie. Maria knows...” she trails off, facing the very real boxes that were obviously packed with dishes and miscellaneous items. 
Bucky finds four spatulas. He doesn’t know why there are four. 
“What the fuck,” he mutters, noting the incredibly cheesy salt-and-pepper set. 
“Welcome to married life,” Sharon says sarcastically. “We’re gonna have a blast.” 
Dinner is spent with Sharon trying to convince Bucky that she’s “fine” and in “no danger” at all. 
“Who did you piss off?” 
“Oh my god. You’re screwed.” 
“He’s a lapdog, I’m not screwed.” 
“He’s the lapdog of Pierce. You’re screwed.” 
Sharon thunks her head on the table. 
“Can we at least repaint the bedrooms? They suck.” 
“If you think I’m sleeping in a separate room you’re dead wrong,” Bucky says. “You have a target the size of New York on your back. Uh-uh.” 
“You will sleep on the floor and get out when I shower or change,” Sharon threatens. 
“Of course.” 
“Good. Then it’s settled.” 
Married life is not so bad. Except when Karen and the rest of the neighbors tend to visit or talk to them for about fifteen minutes on the lawn. 
“It’s your turn to cut the grass,” Sharon groans, flopping on the couch. “If I have to hear Kevin tell me one more time that you should be treating me better, I’m going to explode. He’s trying to lecture me on how to cut grass.” 
“On it,” Bucky says. “Your turn to go get groceries, I ran into Karen and her kid last time. I think she wants me to stop buying so much hummus.” 
“Not our fault it’s good,” Sharon mutters. 
And then, of course, avoiding the various assassins that are sent out at random intervals and at public locations (including their own house) while convincing the neighbors that there’s nothing going on. 
This involves pretending an agent of Hydra is their cousin. 
“This is Jen, she’s visiting for the day!” Sharon says, squeezing “Jen’s” wrist hard enough to make her stay quiet. “We have so much to catch up on, you probably won’t see me or--or Roger again for the day! Ha ha!” 
“Well where’s her car?” Linda asks, looking around the neighborhood. “I don’t see anything...” 
“She’s a hippie environmentalist, she walked,” Bucky answers. “Jen, let’s go catch up in the house, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” the agent squeaks out sadly, knowing exactly what is going to happen. 
She’s delivered tied up in rope on the steps of Maria’s office with a note of “please stop this from happening we’re planting azaleas.” 
Maria snorts. 
Bucky starts to think they’re getting too attached to this. It’s been four months. 
He started a garden. They’re growing tomatoes. 
He also notices Sharon a little bit differently. 
Because she drags him out of bed. 
“Legally? You have to go to brunch with me. Illegally? You like the breakfast burrito too much.” 
She’s scarily competent with anything that could be classed as a weapon. Or their groceries. 
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky yells at her as she throws the jar of tomato sauce. “I am not cleaning that up!” 
“Tough shit!” Sharon answers, dodging a bullet. “It wasn’t even the good kind of tomato sauce!” 
“It was fine, sweetheart!” Bucky growls out. 
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me in the middle of a battle!” Sharon yells. “Strictly after!” 
“You’re the weirdest fucking married couple,” one of the agents wheezes out as Bucky is holding him as a sort of shield. 
“Thanks,” they say in unison, grinning. 
The punishment for them both doesn’t exactly turn out as planned, both Natasha and Maria agree. In fact, it is almost worse. 
They are both reckless, subvert orders, and get along like a house on fire by the end of it. 
“You can still be together, we just need the house back,” Natasha says. 
“Thank god,” Bucky groans. “I get to stop being Roger and I get rid of Karen in one fell swoop.” 
Sharon untenses her shoulders while she’s sitting at the kitchen table. 
“Can I keep the knife set?” 
“No,” Maria says. “I’ll send you a link to where I got it.” 
“Why can’t I keep it if you can get another set?” 
“Steal it,” Bucky stage-whispers. Sharon grins back at him. 
“You have the best ideas, babe.” 
“You are not stealing anything,” Maria scowls. 
“Sure we aren’t,” Bucky says easily. 
“You stole my heart,” Sharon sing-songs, knowing damn well it’s going to make Maria barf. 
“Aw babe...” Bucky says, holding her hand. Natasha fake-retches. 
“I hate you both,” she declares. “And I won’t be there for your actual wedding.” 
“You made us tell people we had a wedding on a beach, were you assuming that you were getting an invitation?” Bucky asks. 
Sharon snickers, getting the last of her bags out into the car. 
“Where to now?” she asks him. 
“I think that there are some apartments we can look at...” 
“We’ve made a collective monster,” Maria decides, blinking. “We Frankensteined this.” 
“We did,” Natasha says, staring at the house. There are still little bits of glass. An unfortunately busted can of beans where someone had been knocked out and they had “conveniently” forgotten to clean it up from yesterday. 
Well. Sharon and Bucky are going to cause havoc on the world. Maria and Natasha just hope they can cover the other while doing so. 
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