#he is a uh. totally normal traveller. yeah definitely.
spectralscathath · 5 hours
Tour Guide to the Unexplained- A Gravity Falls Fanfiction
Chapter 2- Blue Light Fright Night
Stan and Ford didn’t expect much when getting shipped up to Gravity Falls to stay with estranged family. Not a party-hating ghost, not new friends and new enemies, and definitely not the Mystery Shack and their lying uncle who runs it. But with Ford’s smarts and Stan’s punching, there’s no mystery they can’t solve.
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"I can't believe it," Ford scowled as he restocked the snowglobe shelf. Little mini Mystery Shacks mocked him as they sat beside glass-encased Waddleses. How did Grunkle Dipper even get question mark-shaped glitter for these? "Gnomes on our first day- then we don't see jack!"
"Maybe we fought the gnomes so well they told the rest of the forest to be scared of us?" Stan polished the body parts jars on the other side of the aisle. 
"I think you're giving yourself too much credit."
"Hey-" Stan kicked him in the shin. Ford kicked back without thinking, focused on trying to get all the snowglobes lined up perfectly. "Maybe we're just looking in the wrong places? It's only been three days since gnome-pocalypse."
"We're not calling it 'gnome-pocalypse'. It was only a hundred or so gnomes. An apocalypse would require at least a thousand." He was rounding down as well. 
"Fine. What are we gonna call it then?"
"So are you guys coming to the party tonight?" Carla interrupted as she came around the corner, her nametag pinned to the front of her pink shirt and a flower in her hair. 
"Party?" Ford looked at her, setting down the final snowglobe. 
"Yeah!" Carla beamed and did a little dance in place, hopping from one foot to the other. "It's at the high school gym- the local sheriff sets up one every month for all the teens and it's super fun. You should totally come and meet all my friends- it'll be awesome!"
Ford's breath caught in his throat, an indescribable mixture of wonder and excitement filling him from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. A real invitation to a real party. They'd never had one before! And here Carla was, offering an invitation like they were normal . Like it didn't matter that Ford had six fingers and Stan had the school record for detentions. 
"Yeah, we'll definitely be there!" He blurted out immediately, unwilling to let the opportunity of a lifetime slip by. "Wow, this is so exciting- Stanley, our first party!"
"Have you… never been to a party before?" Carla's face fell. 
" Pfft - of course we have," Stanley jumped in, waving a hand. "He just means in Gravity Falls, yunno. Jersey parties are really different so-"
"Oh, totally. But get ready, a Gravity Falls party is gonna knock your socks off!" Carla was all smiles again. Ford could see the reason why Grunkle Dipper had her as a cashier, she had a very upbeat demeanour that seemed popular with the tourists. The way she talked to them, able to get them smiling and laughing and telling her stories about their travels, she made it look so easy. Like talking to people was easy. Ford wondered how she did it. 
Maybe if he asked, she'd let him observe and record her interactions for science?
"Earth to Sixer-" Stanley poked him in the face and Ford spluttered, swatting at his hand. "You okay in there?"
'I'm fine!" Ford looked around and adjusted his glasses. "Where'd Carla go?"
"A tour finished so she's gone to do her charm offensive on getting them to buy junk," Stan shrugged. "Are you sure you want to go to a party?"
"Yeah!" Was that even a question? "Don't you? Why did you lie to Carla? We've never been invited anywhere before."
"Listen, Fordsy," Stanley put an arm around his shoulders. "When people invite you to do stuff you haven't done, you gotta pretend you have, or else they'll think 'wow, what kinda losers are those guys, never going to parties'. You wanna be in the in-crowd, go along with the popular decision if you don't wanna stand out."
"How do you know that?" Ford scrunched his nose. It seemed unnecessarily complicated, wouldn't honesty be the best policy in any conversation?
"Just makes sense," Stan shrugged. "Now Carla won't be thinking, 'those guys must be lame', she'll be thinking we're cool dudes back home."
"But we're not?"
"Yeah, but you shouldn't say that." Stan patted his back. "Do you really wanna go?"
"Of course! This is a chance to meet the wider population of Gravity Falls, and I bet with all the anomalies in this area, I won't even be the weirdest thing anyone's seen today!" He'd always wanted to go to a party. Like a regular kid. Maybe Gravity Falls wasn't so bad. 
"You're not weird," Stan scowled. "If any of them give you trouble I'll hit them."
"Stanley, mom said one week. You still have three more days." Ford reminded him. 
"Blegh-" Stanley stuck out his tongue. "Now we just gotta convince Grunkle Dipper to let us go."
"Why would we need to convince him? Surely he'll understand how important this is to our preteen social development."
"Not a chance." Dipper didn't even look up from the pasta sauce he was stirring. 
"What?!" They yelled in unison, Ford looking like all his dreams crashed and burned and Stan slamming his hands on the kitchen table. He hid a wince. Toughen up, Stan. Be a man. 
"It's a cop party, no nephews of mine are going to a cop party." 
"Grunkle Dipper, do you have something against cops?" Stan had to ask.
"I didn't agree to more questions."
So the answer was a yes. Cool. 
"But Grunkle Dipper-" Ford whined. "We've never been to a party before and we told Carla we'd be there. Please?"
"Okay, here's the thing." Dipper turned around and pointed his pasta spoon at them, pajama pants and a threadbare sweater on. It was silly. It had a puppy on it. "Grenda throws these parties once a month for all the teens in town, and because everyone's kids are there, all the townsfolk treat it as a social event. It's loud, annoying, and seriously not worth your time."
"But we could be party rocking in the house tonight." Ford said it with all the sincerity in his soul and Stan wanted to know how his nerd of a brother had found out about songs that weren't from the 1700s or whenever.
"What?" Dipper's face scrunched before he shook it off and went back to mixing pasta sauce and spaghetti. "Let me explain: I don't 'like' or 'trust' most of the people in this town, and the feeling's pretty mutual. Why don't you just have a party here? This is a house, it can- it can 'party rock'."
"Can we invite people?" Ford perked up.
"Grunkle Dipper!"
Stan hid a snort-laugh as he watched, studying Dipper more so than Ford, head tilted to make sure he didn't miss anything. There had to be a magic word of some sort to get him to agree. He didn't trust the townspeople, hey?
"If you don't like anyone here-" he cut off Ford's rant about the 'psychosocial development of twelve-year-old brains' before it really got going- "then the smartest option is to bring us into town when everyone's gonna be there." Stan shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world, playing up the casualness. 
Dipper looked at him with suspicion. "What's your game, kid?"
"That way you can point out who to avoid and who we should keep an eye on so we can recognise them. I mean, we're gonna need to go into town eventually, might as well get it over with."
"... Alright, that's not a bad point." Dipper nodded, brow furrowed. Stan gave him an absolutely angelic smile, well practiced for when mom busted out the camera for family photos, and Dipper's brows furrowed harder.
"So can we go? Carla invited us as well, it would look bad if we went back on our word. And you said you wanted us to have a good summer."
"Okay, okay, okay." Dipper groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, serving up three plates of spaghetti as he joined them at the table. "You can go, but if Sheriff Grenda asks about me, tell her I'm dead or whatever."
"Yes!" Stan punched the air. "Yes!"
"What?! How is that the conclusion of this?" Ford looked stunned, mouth hanging open.
"Your brother drives a hard bargain, kid," Dipper pointed with a plastic spork. All his cutlery was plastic and Stan thought it was weird, no metal, no forks. But  it was the durable, colourful kind used for camping. "Eat your pasta and we'll get this over with."
Stan shoveled the pasta into his mouth, enjoying the taste of victory. Whaddaya know, for once Stan got them the win. That was never gonna happen again.
Ford's excitement only grew as they drove into town, staring out the window and trying to see anomalies in the dark. Stan kicked the back of the empty passenger seat and tossed his head back with a groan. "Why are we listening to BABBA?" 
"Because I love this song." Grunkle Dipper turned it up a notch and sang along, badly. Ford winced at the falsetto of "Dis-co Girl! Coming through! That girl is you!"
"Get me outta here!" Stan's next kick used both feet. "If you're listening, save me, Paul Bunyan!"
"Calm down, Stanley, we're almost there!" Ford could see all the cars parked outside the high school, and a giant RV with GIDEON across the side that towered over everything else. "What's that?"
"First people in this town you need to avoid: Gideon Gleeful and his lil b-" Dipper growled, cutting himself off before continuing- "Bud Gleeful. Gideon's the worst, they're just a creepy pair. Just got back from touring America with their fake psychic act."
"Okay." A fake psychic. Just like their mom. Ford missed her, she promised she'd call every week but it didn't feel like enough. "Anyone else?"
"Preston Northwest is about your age and a piece of work?" 
"I thought you'd have more enemies." Stan grinned mischievously.
"Those are just the child ones." Dipper hooked an elbow over his seat and looked back as he reversed into a parking space, wearing one of the baseball caps from the gift shop with a pine tree logo. His denim jacket and pajama pants clashed terribly with his 'dog playing basketball' sweater. Ford hadn't seen him wear the same sweater twice, but they all looked decades old, handknitted, and far too irrational for him. Perhaps he had some ancient sweater collection?
"How many adult enemies are there?" Stan unclipped his seatbelt as the truck stopped. 
"Don't you have a party to go to?" Dipper waved a hand at them. "Have fun and don't die or something. I'll be here when you want to leave."
"Thanks, Grunkle Dipper!" They chorused and hopped out, Stan racing around to Ford's side of the truck. 
"You ready?" He took Ford's hand for a second, and Ford snatched it back, trying not to think about his hands. It was gonna be fine, this wasn't Jersey. People here would like him. 
"Race you in?" He offered instead, shoving his hands into his pockets just in case. 
"You're on." Stan grinned and took off. He might have been better at punching, but they were both pretty fast from a childhood of dodging bullies. Usually it was a tie. 
This time Ford got there first by mere seconds and paused, able to feel the thud of the music inside in his ribcage. Of course- soundwaves were physical, that only made sense. He was about to lift his hand from his pocket before hesitating. His first party. Did he want to start off with a bad impression?
Stan caught up and pushed open the door. "After you, Sixer."
Ford smiled gratefully at him, stepping in as the smell of dry ice and cheese flavouring hit him. The gym was big, all the bleachers tucked away, and while there was no disco ball, someone had set up projector lights that sent rainbow shapes and lazers everywhere. The room was surprisingly full, and Ford had a sinking feeling they arrived late. "Were we meant to be here earlier?"
"Don't worry- it's cool to arrive late, I heard." Stanley stuck by his side as they stood in the doorway. "Should we find Carla? She's the only person we know here, I think."
Ford had a thought. A bit of a mean thought. Did he want his first impression on people to be Stanley as well? Not that Stanley was bad, Ford loved his brother more than anything, but his nicknames might give people the wrong idea, and the other way around- Maybe Stan would want to meet people without having to talk for Ford as well?
"We can split up, do a sweep on each side, and meet on the other end of the gym." He felt guilty saying it, but he couldn't help being interested in what would happen if he made introductions on his own for once. It was an experiment. 
"See who spots her first so we can talk to her, good idea." Stanley nodded. "Race you there."
He took off through the crowd to the right, leaving Ford to his own business and taking the other. He didn't move as fast as Stanley, keeping his hands in his pockets as he avoided the major crowd and skirted the edges. His head swivelled like an owl's as he looked around, trying to see anyone who might be safe to talk to. 
He saw something sparking near the wall and immediately remembered the various dangers of electrical hazards, resolving to check it and report it to the nearest grown-up- oh, but if that was Sheriff Grenda, Grunkle Dipper said not to talk to her-
Ford didn't really want to do what Dipper said, but… what if he got angry at them for disobeying?
More sparks. He blinked, regaining his focus, and sped up, noticing they were tucked beside the folded bleachers, hard for people in the crowd to see, hidden by the fog of dry ice. 
There was someone there. Two someones. Ford drew closer, in time to see a blowtorch light up and be lowered to a piece of metal. 
"What are you doing?" He blurted out, the two teenagers looking at him. It was hard to make out clear details in the dark hall, but the one leaning against the wall held a plastic bag of sliced bread, and the boy on the floor had a welding visor over his face. 
"Hi there!" The boy stood and flipped his welding mask up, revealing round glasses, a thin face, a long nose, and a friendly smile. "I'm Fiddleford McGucket, local inventor."
"You're an inventor?" Ford smiled. "Me too! I mean- I'm branching out into the field, I'm currently working on a magnet gun."
"Well that sounds mathematically feasible, I reckon." Fiddleford offered a hand to shake, absolutely covered in bandages.
Ford stared at it. "Uh- won't that hurt if I touch it?"
"I've got an un-nat-ur-al-ly high tolerance to pain, doctors say," he laughed, singsonging each syllable in a playful Tennessee twang. "Don't mind the bandages, all from my thingamajig building."
Ford hesitated just a moment longer before he pulled his hand from his pocket and shook Fiddleford's hand.
"Why, that is a mighty fine case of polydactyly you got there." Fiddleford complimented. 
"Th- thanks." He stuttered, in utter shock. No one had ever actually complimented him on it before. Most people didn't even know the term. "You too- I mean- not polydactyly, just thanks?" 
"Thank you kindly, and this here's my friend, Tad."
"Hi, I'm Tad Strange." The deepness of the other boy's voice had Ford reeling. Was that natural? He looked barely older than Ford, with shiny black hair and very neat clothes. He had to be the most nondescript person Ford had ever seen. "Would you like some bread?"
"Uh- okay?" Ford took some of the offered bread. Plain white sliced, from a grocery store. Was he meant to eat this without anything on it? Well- okay, he could try. "Do you carry this everywhere?"
"Of course. It's my emergency bread."
"Oh. Cool?" It didn't seem normal, but maybe it was for Gravity Falls? His hypothesis was correct, he was an anomaly in a town of anomalies! He could fit in here! "I like your voice."
"Thank you." Tad smiled. Ford liked his diction, how deliberately he spoke, how even his voice was. It seemed so calm. "It broke when Tad Strange was seven."
"If we're talking about weird body things, I'm double-jointed?" Fiddleford offered and pulled out a pair of black goggles, a matching pair to the ones Tad had pushed up into his dark hair, hard to see. "Here, put these on, I'm working on improving Tad's phone. I reckon I can really spruce it up."
"Tad Strange would like jetpack capabilities." 
"Yeah! I'd love to help!" Ford's smile was so wide it hurt at the edges, so excited he feared he may explode. Not that it was scientifically possible. 
Was this how easy making friends could be? 
Stan plunged into the crowd like a superhero charged through henchmen, keeping his head cocked in case he heard Ford get in trouble. He had to be always ready for bullies, Ford could have all the hope he wanted, as long as Stanley protected him. 
He squinted through the dark, not able to see too much in the weird party lights, lots of pinks and blues and kinda dark. He didn't really like his glasses much when he had to wear them, they were nerdy and made bullies throw stuff at him. He could see most things anyway, just blurry, and as long as he could get the gist he could work with the rest. 'Sides, no point in him having glasses anymore, amount of fights he got in.
A hand grabbed his shoulder and he swung without thinking, catching air. Carla's laugh was bright and cheery. "Easy, tiger! Didn't mean to surprise you."
"Sorry." Stan mumbled. He wasn't as noble as some of the boys back home, who didn't hit girls. Seemed insulting to Stan, if they wanted to fight they should get to fight. But Carla wasn't like the girls back home, he didn't want to hit her. 
"C'mon, my friends are this way." Carla took his hand and pulled him through the crowd. Her hand was warm around his, and she didn't even hesitate. Known him four days and still took his hand. Wow, she was nice.
She pulled him to the snacks table, piled high with chips and chocolates and one very big lady in a cop uniform serving punch. Carla let go of his hand and spun around to face him, her skirt twirling as the lazers made the sequin design on it sparkle, and Stan suddenly got why Shermie used to get so weird around girls. Holy Moses.
"Stanley Pines, meet my besties!" Carla gestured at the group. One girl was spinning in place with an eye closed, two boys were having a string cheese war that looked more like flirting than fighting, the other girl was filming, and the last boy was cheering everyone on. "That's Shandra, Susan, Daryl and Edwin, and Tyler! Everyone, this is Stan!"
"Hi." Stan nodded at them, getting a nod back from the girls and Tyler. 
"And- wait, where's your brother?" Carla looked worriedly at him. "Didn't he come?"
"Course he did! Just went to scope out some of the party," Stan played it off, even as he looked around. What if Ford was already getting picked on? "He'll catch up."
"Okay, cool!" Carla looked up over the crowd and brightened. Didn't seem possible but she managed it. "There's Bud! Hold on, I'll get him." She dove into the crowd again, leaving Stan with her friends and no idea what to do.
He grabbed a random bar of candy to eat to avoid having to make conversation, shoving it all in his mouth in one go. He accidentally made eye contact with the cop and looked away too fast. That was probably suspicious. What was it Grunkle Dipper said? Don't speak English to cops?
Carla came back to the group with a wave, her hand entwined with another boy's. "Okay everyone! I need to introduce you all to my new boyfriend, Bud Gleeful!"
Stan was real dumb. Shoulda seen that coming, obviously Carla had a boyfriend. Little weird that it was one of Grunkle Dipper's enemies, but it was Stan's own fault that he got all weird just because the prettiest, nicest girl he ever met thought he was worth being kind to. No point being disappointed because he got stupid. 
"What a delight to meet you all," Bud smiled cheerfully, his brown roots visibly showing through white hair dye. Stan turned his back and started eating more candy.
The other teens offered a chorus of uninterested 'hi's, still focused on their cheese fight. Looked like Blubs was winning, if the goal was to spray as much cheese as possible in his mouth? 
Stan was starting to get why Grunkle Dipper didn't bother with the town, he was not impressed so far. Except by Carla, but she worked in the Mystery Shack so she didn't count. 
"And who might you be, lil fella?" Bud drawled from behind Stan, which had his hackles up and his fists clenched, ready for a fight. Bud was twice his size, but so was Crampelter, and Stan had won that last fight. He wasn't weak and useless anymore, he wasn't the wimp that cried after just one hit, not now that he could fight.
He turned around, feet shifting into the stance from his boxing lessons as he looked up at the bigger teenager. "I'm Stan. Who wants to know?"
"Why, just 'lil ol me'-" he spoke it like a quote- "it's merely just- well, small towns, I tend to know near-everyone. But I don't recall seeing you here before."
"He and his twin are Dipper's nephews and they're in town for the summer," Carla smiled, clinging to Bud's arm. "They're here all the way from New Jersey, how cool is that?"
The other teens looked a bit more interested hearing that, looking at him like he was an oddity, something to gawk at. Was this how Ford felt? All the time? 
"Yeah, what about it?" 
"That's quite a distance," Bud whistled. "Would I be right in assuming you're staying in that old shack in the woods?"
"Where else would I stay, smart guy?" Stan mouthed off, focus narrowing to who else might be coming in for a sneak attack. Crampelter had friends, maybe Bud did too. "My Grunkle lives there."
"Yes, a so-called man of mystery," Bud clicked his tongue. "He's quite a shameless fraud, wouldn't you agree?"
"Coming from someone who's dad is a fake psychic?" Stan aimed for what would hurt, because it hurt when he thought about it. "What a liar, bet you can't trust anything he says."
Everyone gasped. But they didn't know. He loved his mom so much, so much , but she lied so much, just because, even when there was no reason. She didn't mean any harm, but… 
"Hey now, that's not true!" Bud snapped, getting angry, and Stan regretted saying anything when he saw the look on Carla's face. She looked at him like he said something bad. He did say something bad. He was a bad kid, everyone knew it. 
What was he doing? He was ruining the party, he was making everyone upset, and Ford wasn't here, Stan needed him and he wasn't here, and why did he instantly make it a fight? Because Dipper said not to trust someone?  What was wrong with him?!
He had to get out of here. He pulled a smoke bomb from his pocket and hoped and prayed he got it right- got something right- and threw it at the ground. 
It shattered with a flash and a POP! and sent up a cloud of smoke and sparkles that had everyone coughing, and Stan bolted. 
He ran, sticking to the walls and the shadows, passing a supply closet as he looked for Ford. Where was his brother? 
He was rounding the bleachers when he heard Ford laughing. At what? He slowed his steps, peeking around the corner to see Ford holding a blowtorch and soldering something, laughing and talking with two other boys. He looked like he was having a great time. Without Stanley.
Stan felt the bottom drop out of his stomach, fists clenched tight and shaking with that energy he got in fights. Ford had some sciency name for it that Stan couldn't remember right now. 
Ford was fine. He found people who liked him. Just like he wanted. Stan was tempted to go over there and say hi- but if Ford wanted that wouldn't he have come and got Stanley? Ford always wanted to show off cool things he found, he dragged Stanley all over Glass Shard Beach, so this must mean Ford didn't want to show off his new friends. 
Stanley could take a hint. Heck- Ford would probably be better off with friends who were smart like him. Stan just caused trouble, everyone knew it. 
He backed away, genuinely considering sneaking out to go sit with Grunkle Dipper. Even if that meant listening to girly pop music. 
Nah. Still not desperate enough for that. He still wasn't sure if Grunkle Dipper even wanted them around, Shermie had been the one to push for the trip. Even brought the bus tickets. 
Everyone else kept making decisions and Stan kept having to deal with them. He scowled and found the supply closet again, because at least Carla and Bud wouldn't find him in here if they wanted to get mad at him for causing problems. 
He closed the door behind him and shoved over the nearest thing, sending janitor supplies clattering to the ground as he yelled, just to get the energy out. "I never even wanted to come here! Ford did, not me!" 
He turned and punched the drywall. "I hate stupid parties!"
The drywall cracked. Cracked more. Fell away to reveal a big boxy safe hidden behind the plaster, rusted and covered in dust and cobwebs. Stan had a suddenly cold feeling, a looming sense that he'd done something very stupid. 
A girl's voice whispered in his ear.
"Me too."
The screaming started as Dipper chewed a pen, brainstorming new attractions for the track. He caught the smell of ectoplasm in the air, able to recognise it instantly, and shoved open the door to his truck, sprinting towards the gym as a pale glow began to surround the building. 
He could hear the panic of the townsfolk,  his focus set on the door as he raced the ghostly energy, trying to get in before it cut off the gym from the outside world. The boys were still in there.
"No, no, no, no-!" The ectoplasm covered the door right as he reached it, the handle chilling his fingers as he failed to yank it open. He kept trying to jiggle it open before he switched to banging his fists against the glass. "Kids!"
"My lil Buddy-boy!" He heard from behind him, Gideon Gleeful running in his bedazzled suit, his white pompadour bouncing with each step of his wingtip shoes.  Dipper ignored him and braced his shoulder against the door, trying to shove it open. Now wasn't the time to start fighting his nemesis. Maybe? He could multitask.
"Hold on, son!" Gideon panicked before turning to the crowd, hand on his bolo tie. "Everyone, please! I need you all to step back and let me use my psychic abilities! Step back, everyone!"
Dipper felt himself step back before he could snap at Gideon to back off, watching Gideon raise his hand to the building.
"Spirit! I compel thee! Release our children and be banished from this place!" Gideon's voice boomed out bombastically, bringing his TV psychic bravado to the real world.
Nothing happened.
"Oh no! Something's blocking my powers! My innate abilities! That I definitely have!"
"Yeah, yeah," Dipper snarled and pulled a glove from his pocket, yanking it on as he stomped to the door. "Hey, ghost! Open up!" 
He drew back his fist and punched the door, the ectoplasmic coating jiggling like jello before it started to wobble faster, energy building up. Bad sign.
Dipper had enough time to swear for real before the ghost blasted him away from the building and into darkness.
One minute Ford was helping solder an ignition wire, the next the walls were glowing and tables and chairs were floating in the air. Snacks were flying, aimed at people's heads as screams filled the air, and Tad had to struggle to hold onto his bread as it threatened to fly away too. 
"What's happening?" Fiddleford clutched his hands together, rubbing at his spindly fingers. The rest of the party were freaking out, some rushing the doors, others trying to hide, some freezing in fear. 
Ford? Ford felt alive . This was it, the weirdness he knew was here. 
"Hold on, I may have an answer-" but the diary was so uncool-looking, what if his new friends didn't want to be his friends because of it? 
"Ford!" That was Stanley! "Ford, Ford, Ford!"
"Over here!" He responded without hesitation, because that was his brother calling and Ford would always answer. 
Stan rounded the bleachers and skidded to a stop, worn sneakers nearly losing traction on the smooth gym floors. His eyes were wide and he almost looked scared. Couldn't be true though, Ford had documented Stan's phobias and fear responses. Paranormal activity wasn't meant to register. "It's bad! It's really bad!"
"Wait-" Ford adjusted his glasses. "Stanley, did you do this?"
"I didn't plan on it, Sixer!" Stan flipped a switch into anger, shoulders hunched defensively. "I think it's a girl! I heard a voice!"
"A voice? So not only is this clearly paranormal activity of some form, but it's aware enough to manifest vocals and self-identify? Fascinating!"
"Uh, Ford? Who's this?" Fiddleford tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh!" He'd completely forgotten they were there, so caught up in the supernatural. "Fiddleford, Tad, this is my twin brother, Stanley. Stanley, these are my friends, Fiddleford and Tad."
"Hi. I'm Tad Strange. I like bread."
"Yeah, great to meetcha, the nerd book , Ford, what does it say ?" Stan made a swipe for Ford's jacket, where he knew the book was. 
Ford backed up. "I don't- I haven't looked yet!"
"Why not?!"
"Because-" laughter, vicious and dark, rang out around the room, and Stan whirled, hand out like he was protecting Ford and his friends. Ford stared as Carla lifted into the centre of the room, her eyes glowing white from within and her arms outstretched.
She spoke with a voice that wasn't hers. "Sixty years I've watched you all party! Now tonight will be your last!"
"Hey!" Sheriff Grenda stomped forward and pointed at her. "You're under arrest for possession! Get outta that teenager!"
"Adults," the ghost scoffed, crossing Carla's arms. "You threw this party? Then I'll throw you!"
Carla pointed as Grenda was enveloped in pale light before she seemed to- rip apart? But it looked wet? But there was also no blood or anything, her matter was just rearranged? That was so cool! Oh- and bad too, right.
"Where did she go?"
"It turned her into a disco ball!"
It had. Ford had never seen a disco ball with a face before. He wanted to take so many notes.
"Back behind the bleachers, c'mon!" Fiddleford dragged both the twins to the corner he and Tad were hiding in, sitting them down as they hid in the shadows. It wasn't much of a hiding spot, but the panicking crowd likely drew more attention. 
"Poindexter!" Stanley grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "You gotta focus! How do we stop this?"
"Okay." He pulled out the diary and started flipping through, face burning. He hoped Fiddleford and Tad didn't laugh at the sparkliness of it. "Ghosts, ghosts, I know I saw something- here!"
He cleared his throat and began reading the sticker-covered page, googly eyes pasted onto a drawing of a happy ghost.
"Dear diary,
I fought a ghost today! It was crazy! He was really cute, definitely dreamy, but he was also a major meanie who wanted to destroy town, so dateability: questionable. 
Good thing I saw some of her ghost hunting tapes, otherwise I wouldn't have kicked ghostly butt! I bet this one would have counted as a Category 5, so kind of a ghost wimp. Lemme list the categories before I forget! Womp womp!"
Ford scanned through the categories before he found it. "This must be it! 'Category 8: Haunted Buildings- these ghosts are stuck in one place and make reality go all whoa! But they can't actually hurt people permanently and you can totally work things out with them by talking about their feelings, awwwwww' and then there's a heart drawn in? And people hugging?"
"We're all gonna die," Stan decided. 
"Stan, you have to tell me how this happened. Maybe there's a clue there."
"I just hit a wall." Stan shrugged, looking away. "Same as always."
"Perhaps we should ask the ghost what it wants?" Tad offered as a solution, looking abnormally calm while Fiddleford was having a silent freak out next to him, rocking back and forth and carding his hands through his hair. Ford felt a bit bad to see him so nervous, he must not have encountered an anomaly before. 
"I think it's pretty easy to tell what the ghost wants, Strange." Stan snarked.
"Yeah, that bit's obvious," Ford agreed. "It says that Category 8s aren't unreasonable, so maybe we can convince it to leave everyone alone?"
"We have to get it out of Carla," Stan agreed and took Ford's hand. Ford blinked at him in surprise. Stan must have really been scared, they hadn't held hands in a while. His fingers were trembling. 
Ford didn't let go this time. Not if Stanley needed it. He squeezed his twin's hand and pulled them both out of hiding, the room nearly empty from everyone being turned into party favours and posters and stuff. Carla's body floated, items swirling around her like a tornado, her flower missing from her hair. 
"Hey, ghost!" Ford yelled as he and Stan stepped up. "We wanna talk!"
"Oh?" Carla's body raised a hand and they were both floating. Ford felt Stanley's hand go tight in a death grip, hard enough to hurt. His fear of heights, Ford had to do something. The ghost continued, making Carla's face angry in a way that didn't look right. "What do you possibly have to say? Here to defend parties like everyone else?"
"I- we wanted to ask why you're unhappy!" Ford blurted out. "We want to try fix it!"
"How can you fix it? You were invited to this party like everyone else, I bet you've been to lots of them, everyone has! Everyone but me!"
"No we haven't!" Ford tried to convince her. "Tell her, Stanley!"
"I-" Stan's eyes were scrunched shut, face pale and sweaty. "We haven't! Look at us, we're losers! Who'd invite us anywhere?!"
Everything in the gym stopped spinning. Then it all crashed to the ground, Stan and Ford included. Stan immediately dropped to his knees and pressed his face to the floor, while Ford landed a little steadier. He placed a hand on Stanley's back and looked up at Carla, or, more accurately, at the ghost that had appeared, holding Carla up by the shoulders.
She looked like a normal teenager in retro clothes, just with thick glasses like Ford. 
"You're losers like me? But you don't look like it!"
Ford held up his hand and wiggled his six fingers. "I'm definitely a loser. And my brother…"  they both looked at Stanley, currently muttering 'sweet Moses, I love you ground'. 
"But if you're losers, then why are you at a party?" She scowled and adjusted her glasses. "Especially when one of you hates them."
"Huh?" Ford looked at Stanley, feeling betrayed. Stanley didn't like parties? But he was the one who convinced Grunkle Dipper, and said they'd been to lots to Carla, and-
And, Ford suddenly remembered, dodged the question about wanting to go in the first place.
Stanley looked away and swiped his nose with his wrist brace. "Whatever. So what if I do?" He pointed at the ghost. "Why do you hate them?"
The ghost gave a very big sigh and Ford braced for backstory. "No one in this town ever invited me to anything."
"Even all of the parties that were meant for everyone, I would get an anti-invitation. An unvitation ." The ghost floated just above the ground, looking sad.  "So one day, I decided that I would ignore my unvitation and go to a party meant for everyone."
She tilted her head. "Unfortunately, that party was to celebrate Gravity Falls' Annual Heavy Object Tossing Competition, and a safe landed right on me."
"That can not be a real thing-"
"It's real!" Sheriff Grenda, in disco ball form, yelled out. "I've won it eight years in a row!"
"Okay…?" Ford shook his head, resolving to ignore that. "So you've been here ever since?"
"Yes. I've watched people party for sixty years here!" The ghost began to turn red and catch fire. "And still! No invitations!"
"What if we invited you?" Ford offered.
"Or Carla!" Stan blurted out. "Carla over there, you just possessed her. She's super nice and will invite anyone. She invited us, for cryin' out loud."
"Oh. Okay." The ghost floated over to Carla, sitting on the floor staring blankly into the middle distance, hugging her knees to her chest. "Hi Carla! Can I come to this party?"
"Uh…" Carla looked over at them, frazzled and ruffled. Ford nodded as hard as he could while Stan gave her very emphatic thumbs up. Carla looked back to the ghost. "Sure...?"
"Great!" The ghost snapped her fingers and everything went right back to normal. People turned back into people, Grenda was no longer a disco ball, and the music started up again. "I've always wanted to go to a party! Whoo-hoo!"
"Can I ask you a million questions about being a ghost?!" Ford asked now that the danger was gone, pulling out a spare notepad and pencil, not noticing Stan walk off.
Stan picked up Carla's plastic flower and held it out to her. "Are you okay?"
"I'm not sure?" Carla accepted the flower, putting it in her hair. "I think my whole worldview just changed."
"Yep." Stan hesitated, fidgeting with his wrist brace. "I'm sorry I said mean things to Bud."
"Oh. Well- thanks, but I think you need to apologise to him, okay?" Carla smiled at him and stood up, brushing off her skirt.
Stan nodded and scuffed his shoe against the floor. "I will."
"Thanks. You're a good kid, Stan." She patted his shoulder. "And for the record: I don't think you're a loser, you or your brother. Jersey doesn't know what they got."
"Kay." Stan agreed because how was he meant to argue that? Not when Carla was smiling at him like she believed it, like she wasn't so cool. "Thanks, Carla."
"Carla!" Bud shoved through the crowd, flowery shirt looking a bit rumpled. "Are you alright, dearest-darlingest?"
"I'm fine, really!" Carla beamed, taking Bud's hands. "Stan and Ford saved me."
"I can see that." Bud shot Stan a filthy look. 
"Hey, Bud." Stan shoved his hands into his pockets, having to drag the words out of himself. He didn't like apologising much. Usually it didn't help things. 
"Can I help you, Stanley?" He made it sound utterly frigid. 
"Sorry for what I said about your dad and stuff. It was mean." Stan looked away, looking at Ford, who was introducing the ghost to Strange and McGucket. At least he was having fun. 
"I… suppose I'm also sorry about what I said about your great uncle. It was uncalled for." Bud tugged at the collar of his shirt. "Perhaps we should call a truce?"
"Sure. Truce." Stan stuck out his hand, too late realising it was his braced hand. 
Bud took it, squeezing way too hard and making the bones hurt. Stan didn't flinch and dug his nails in as an answer. 'Truce'. Sure. When Carla was around, at least.
"Yay!" Carla did a happy dance. "The power of friendship wins again!"
They both put on a smile for her, immediately shooting daggers at the other the moment she wasn't looking. Looked like they'd be hating each other in secret. Stan could live with that.
"I'm gonna go check on my brother." Stan yanked his hand back and walked off, already sick of Bud Gleeful. He was joining his Grunkle's rivalry on the side of his Grunkle. 
They found their Grunkle Dipper snoring in the back of his pick-up truck, having one of those old people naps he usually had in his armchair. Ford poked his face with a pencil, not expecting him to bolt upright and immediately fall out of the truck with a surprisingly girly scream.
"Augh! Dipper down! Dipper down!"
"Grunkle Dipper, we met a ghost!" Surely he saw the building glow, right? He'd believe Ford now!
"Huh?" Dipper rubbed his head, accidentally showing off the birthmark on his forehead of the Big Dipper constellation. He picked up his cap and set it down, blinking blearily up at Stan and Ford. "You what a what?"
"Met a ghost. Fought her, invited her to a party, whole shebang," Stan yawned. "Can we go home now?"
"I made friends!" Ford already had so many plans. "Can they come over for a sleepover tomorrow? They already called their parents and asked!"
"Sure and sure?" Dipper dusted off his pajamas, surprisingly dirty for a nap in his truck, and Ford noticed something.
"What's that glove?"
"Glove?" Dipper looked down before he noticed the blue glove on his right hand. He made a weird face before he pulled it off. "Uh, it's a- a compression glove? Yep! That thing! For my old man arthritis. Flares up sometimes. 'Cause I'm old."
"Aren't you fifty-seven?"
"I'm whatever age a senior's discount at the movies is," Dipper snarked, and Ford scowled. That felt sorta illegal. Definitely unethical.
"I like your moxie, Grunkle Dip," Stan complimented as he clambered out of the back of the truck. "So did you see any of that?"
"Any of what? I've been sleeping." Dipper blinked innocently.
"Oh, come on!" Now Ford really had to find proof of the supernatural. Time to build a gnome trap.
He reached for Stanley's hand again, resolving to talk to him later about stuff. Stanley squeezed his hand back, smiling at him before he yawned again. 
Ford yawned in response. Okay. Tomorrow. They'd talk tomorrow. Stanley shouldn't have to feel like he needed to hide things, not from his brother. 
Mystery twins forever, after all.
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hazele-omega · 2 months
Hello Tumblr I present to you a redraw of a piece from 2023, feat. Chaos (NMS avatar character) fighting a corrupted sentinel
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I really liked the concept of the original piece and figured I should give it another shot now that I have Lighting Skills...
Original/comparison under cut
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Sort of Halloween ask go
What sort of mythical creature eg satyrs, selkies, would the mercs be?
What Mythical Creatures Would The TF2 Mercs Be?
Hell yeah! That's such a cool idea 😭 Some of these might not be very well known because I wanted to pull some from specific countries for the mercs that don't come from America:)
Also, apologies if I mess up any folklore!
Demo would be a redcap, I don't know, guys. I can just picture this man hiding out in ruined castles, creating chaos and staining his little cap red with the blood of his victims because he's a silly like that. Now, Redcaps normally can't be reasoned with, but if you happen to be wandering through Scotland, keep a bottle of something good on you and you might just figure out a way to make friends with him.
Engie would be Mothman, I mean, I already think mothman is a very wholesome protector of sorts, rather than the omen of bad luck everyone thinks he is. Mothman doesn't cause bad things to happen. He warns people that something bad will happen, and I think Engie would totally do that! Engie also just radiates moth energy to me for some reason, like I think he really likes bright lights.
Heavy would be the leshy. I think he'd be such a good character to be assinged to rule over the forest. The leshy is seen as a malevolent being, but is actually rather kind depending on the humans that it encounters, the leshy protects children more or less abandoned by their families, bringing them to a part of an ethereal forest, so I honestly think it's a really good fit for him!
Medic would be an Alp. So I feel like Medic already cause a people nightmares, so being a German version of a sleep paralysis demon is very fitting for him. Also, with manipulating dreams and creating nightmares being an Alps main power, I can't help but think of Medic while researching the folklore. Also, also, some people categorize them as demons, and let's be real, anything to do with demons fits with Medic.
Scout would be the Goatman, I think he'd have so much fun haunting one bridge, scaring, or just chilling with local teens who come to visit him, but then scaring the piss out of anyone who's serious, or just hiding away when someone with a camera comes around to prove of his existence. He'd just be one of the best suited (next to Pyro) to be a cryptid.
Sniper would be a Yara-ma-yha-who, a frog like vampire creature, that, and I quote, "waits for an unsuspecting traveler to rest under the tree. The creature then drops down and uses its suckers to drain the victim's blood. After that, it swallows the person, drinks some water, and then takes a nap. When the Yara-ma-yha-who awakens, it regurgitates the victim, leaving them shorter than before." I have no other explanation for why this fits Sniper than I think it's funny as hell and weirdly in character.
Spy would be the Dames Blanches, uh fem Spy mention!? Kidding, half kidding? Anyways! The Dames Blanches tend to lurk in narrow places, like ravines, forests, and bridges. While not being a benevolent spirit, if you come across one, it might require you to dance with them or help them. I think Spy would definitely find himself lurking on a moonlit bridge, requiring a late night dance for you to pass
Soldier would be the Jersey Devil purely because from what I know about them, they cause absolute chaos, and Soldier is insanely good at that. Also, the Jersey Devil is incredibly good at scaring humans and is known for its piercing scream, I wonder if we know anyone like that. No, but being real, he'd be a great fit for the Jersey Devil, but would probably become the first proven cryptid, to be honest, he'd just be to willing to get near people.
Pyro would be a Fresno Nightcrawler, like??? Have you seen them?? Especially fan art of them? Pyro could be twins with them, from the gaunt stare to the vaugly shaped body, I think Pyro might just actually be a Fresno nighcrawler that wiggled its way into a gas mask and suit one night. It probably wouldn't be the first time a cryptid tried to join the other mercs.
OUGH, THIS WAS SO FUN 😭 another short and sweet one! I love mythology and folklore, so getting to look into it super fun! Did you guys know that I wanted to study cryptozoolgy before I realized that ot would tank my entire science career 😮‍💨 oh well, at least i can always find a platform to talk about them on tumblr! I really hope you like this Anon! 💖
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musubiki · 1 year
btw idk if someone already asked this but do they say ily right away??? do they hook hook up right away??? i need the deets
YOU KNOW THIS IS SOMETHING I SHOULD HAVE SOLID ALREADY BUT I DONT YET!!!!! i DO know that lime definitely wouldnt let a large amount of time pass between when they hook up and when he tells her hes in love with her (in either order it happens on the same night. now way hes gonna be regularly sleeping with her and still be like "but what if she doesnt like me...")
at least the version in my head i have right now, they dont get together until the post-game (after the main storyline)!! after the witch king is defeated and everything is FINALLY, for the first time since mochi became a witch, quiet and normal. (im putting the rest under a read more bc its a bit long, its just me rambling about what happens) ->
i think he would tell her during the little dinner celebration they have after the witch king is defeated. everyone is there, the witches and their guilds and sulluvan and even the merchant takes a night off to party with them (strange). mochi is outside with pom, pom probably scolding her again on "this is the way you shouldve handled the fight so all that bad stuff wouldnt have happened. you shouldve been more resourceful as a witch blah blah blah--" and lime has to come rescue mochi from poms scoldings. grabs the cat by the neck and gives her to coco (coco likes snuggling pom against her will. shes the friend that grabs cats and forces them into hugs while the cat struggles and meows)
so he stays out there with her for a bit (alone 👀), chatting about nothing. eventually he asks "So now what?" since they always had something going on. and mochi says "Now...we can finally just. rest. run the shop and help people where we can. normal witch stuff." and starts rambling about how theyll still do commissions and fun adventures and travel around and stuff but for the most part, everything will be normal and theres nothing they cant handle anymore. and after shes finally done talking lime just goes "...will you go out with me?"
(the woman was too stunned to speak meme). its a mix of emotions cuz theres a 5% chance hes joking but the look on his face is so serious. and its also not a total surprise given their very blurred line relationship but it still stuns her to hear him say it.
and in VERY tcwg fashion, of course somehow gets interrupted before she can answer him. coco or sulluvan or SOMEONE starts yelling from the house "HEY THE CATERING GUY IS HERE AND NEEDS MOCHIS SIGNATURE AND OSCARS ALREADY TRYING TO EAT YOU NEED TO HANDLE THIS ASAP!!!" and lime is ready to kill somebody. the rest of the night mochi cant get a second alone with him and every time they make eye contact across the table they both get flustered.
the next day lime probably had to report in or something and mochis groaning to coco about "Noooo i didnt even get to respond what if he hates me!!!" and lime stressing over "Was I too forward...? No way right..??" (hes not overly stressed. at that point hes decided to just be dedicated to being unapologetically in love with her. he has a PRETTY good idea that shed say yeah but in the off chance shes like "nooo" then he decided to love her anyway and just be there for her)
so as soon as he comes home mochi is like "Hey!! Lime!! so uh!! I just remembered I need to go hunting for ingredients in (insert remote getaway she has access to)!! I was wondering if you wanna!! Come with me!!" the whole time red-faced and fidgeting with her braid. lime, bag in hand goes "I'm ready. Lets go now." (pom is like "mmm adventures yum" and mochis like "ahah....just lime." and forces her to stay there)
when they get there (via mochis magic doorway portals), and lime sets his stuff down, and mochi is there stammering and red in the face trying to get her words out, mumbling like "Lime! Uh! About yesterday!! I wanted to!! Um!! Well!! I wanna--//"
and before she can even get proper words out, he grabs her by her waist, pushes her against the counter and kisses her. its one of those deep, passionate, hands-all-over-her kisses. and when he breaks away from her, he nuzzles her hair and presses his forehead to hers and tells her he loves her. he tells her EVERYTHING. how he thinks about her day and night, he misses her when he has to leave, he loves her laugh and her smile and the softness of her touch and the feeling of her warmth on him, and he loves the tone of her voice and the way she cares and does little things for him, and every time he looks at her it makes his whole day. and he tells her how just knowing her has made him a better person and he wouldnt be anything without her. and how hed love her no matter what or no matter how long or no matter if this is something she wants or not, hed love her anyway.
he gives her little kisses between each thing he tells her, and by the end of it shes crying (getting back to the thing i was talking about a few asks ago). she hugs him tightly around his neck with her tears dripping on his uniform and tells him shes loved him her whole life and was always terrified to tell him because she didnt want him to leave and she knows how he generally was with other girls who have crushes on him. as soon as lime hears the "I've loved you my whole life" thing though, his response is "WHAT?! THAT LONG?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING?!!" and feels a tinge of being pissed off that he couldve had her this WHOLE TIME, to which she responds "I WAS SCARED!!"
and he smirks at her and says "God, you really are literally a scaredy-cat." and shes still crying lowkey so just leans forward into his chest and muffles out a "Shut up you jerk." and he just stares at her for a bit, stroking her hair and planting little kisses on her head, and asks "...do you really love me?" because hes still in disbelief and this doesnt feel real, to which she reminds him that she (as a witch) will always always always love him and never stop loving him for the rest of her life.
so lime kisses her again. and again., and starts escalating it because god knows now that he has the green light there is NOTHING stopping him from having her. probably lifts her up and carries her into the bedroom to have his way with her
(funny tidbit though-- they were originally gonna stay there for like a week because lime wants her all to himself for a while to get all the s*xual frustration out of his system. he thought once he finally gets to be with her then he would have a better grip on how much he wants her, but in fact it makes it worse. so they end up staying there for like 2-3 weeks and even then they had to be forced to come back because oscar was tired of running the shop by himself and they were fucking up the business)
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fastandtheformula1 · 1 year
Hey, so I have a prompt for you! Totally get it if you're uncomfterble with writing it so no pressure!
Was wondering if you could write a 5sos fanfic where one of them self-harms and the others one by one experience different situations where he is acting weird and suspicious and they talk about it and figure out he self harms and talk to him about it
I'm Trying
a/n: if you are struggling with anything in this realm, please please ask for help! also, i am not trying to romanticize or desensitize this subject. please skip over if this is triggering for you, thank you.
summary: calum self-harms and the boys find out.
pairing: 5sos
warnings: self-harm, mentions of blood, depression/anxiety, slight cursing.
word count: 2286
again, if this is triggering for you, i HIGHLY encourage you to skip over this piece.
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not my gif!
Being a musician was difficult. Especially when he had a crowd of more than 20,000 people staring at him. Their eyes glaring at him eagerly and analyzing his movements, watching every single thing he did. 
Calum loved playing the bass and had dreams of one day making it onstage in front of a crowd. From what seemed like endless nights and early mornings, Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael had finally landed a record deal. It took a lot of hard work, but eventually he and his bandmates got to a point of success and played wherever they could. 
At first it was all fun; interview games, traveling the world, and hanging out with people he loved. Calum just wanted to play bass and spend time with the people he felt the most at ease with: Luke, Ashton, and Michael.
However, over the years it turned into more of a hassle for him. Calum started getting little panicked moments on stage, which was something he could get under control. The next few years were like that, him attempting to speak during a talk break, but only feeling his pounding heart and the thousands of eyes that watched him as he tried to formulate the sentence he wanted. The little voice in his head would surely criticize him for the embarrassing moments onstage, reminding him of his voice cracks and award transitions back to the show. Unfortunately, these moments turned into full-blown panic attacks onstage, which sometimes prompted him to jog offstage and gather himself for a moment.
Calum had known himself and what made him anxious, but he never thought it would be the thing he loved. He always brushed off the idea of his anxiety stemming from music, since that was often the one thing that kept him going. Lately though, it seemed to him that the reason behind his anxiousness and worry was music. 
Ashton came home to the guys’ shared apartment, throwing his keys on the kitchen counter as Duke ran up to greet him. The house was still, since Michael and Luke had gone to the studio to work out a song idea they had. Ashton knew Calum was home, so he went looking for him. 
Ashton leapt up the steps, peaking through the Calum’s doorway noticing Calum holding something shiny. He couldn’t make out exactly what it was, but it was small enough for Calum to hold in between his thumb and pointer finger. Calum was hunched over the side of the bed facing the wall, a sight Ashton had never seen before. 
“Cal, are you good?” He said, softer. 
Calum jumped. Fuck, he definitely saw the blade. Shit. He quickly slid it into his pocket, praying to God that Ash didn’t see it. He shoved his face into his hands pretending to have a mental breakdown. He wasn’t far from it; they happened almost every week, but he figured that would be a good cover up for something far worse. His heart was pounding since none of the guys have ever caught him in the act, or even the moments leading up to it.
“Are you okay? You seem out of it.” Ashton sat down beside him, making the bed sink. 
Calum scrambled to find an acceptable answer. 
I’m good. 
No, too happy. 
I’m alright. 
Too suspicious.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, ‘m fine.” 
Calum slapped on a smile like he normally did, acting like his “normal” self. Ashton took notice of Calum's quick answer, making a mental note about it. 
“What were you holding?”
Cal panicked. Would he tell Ashton the truth? How was he going to explain this? It’s not like he could just tell him what was going on; it was too complicated. Ashton never got as much anxiety and stress as Calum did with this stuff. He’d never understand. He’d think Calum was weak and couldn’t handle the pressure, and then they’d kick him out of the band and never speak to him ever again-
“Calum.” Ashton’s eyes landed on Cal’s which were glued to his hands. 
“Oh, I, uh, I found a new pick for Mike to try on his guitar… found it online.” Cal lied. 
“Can I see it?”
“No!” Calum screamed. “No, I, uh, want it to be a surprise to him.”
“Oh, okay.”
The boys had come from a late night of writing in the studio, arriving home around 2 a.m. The three boys were tired and seemed like they would knock out after taking a shower and getting ready for the night. Cal’s mind, though, was obliterating him of all the failed attempts at trying a new chord for one of their songs throughout the day. His anxiety never seemed to rest, even at the late hours of the night. After the boys ate something substantial, they all said good night and went to their respective rooms.
After everyone went to bed, Calum absentmindedly grabbed his razor and went into the downstairs bathroom so as to not wake up the other three. He slid out the door to his bedroom and glided down the stairs in the darkness. He carefully shut the door and locked it; hoping no one would notice he was down here. 
Whenever Luke had had a bad dream, he’d always fiddled with his guitar until the scary thought that perturbed him went away. He’d often get nightmares when the jet-lag caught up with him or when he’d been getting home late. Tonight it was the latter option. 
Luke carefully trotted downstairs trying not to wake anyone up; he was always afraid he would when he had nightmares. Guitar in one hand, he made it to the living room where he’d dabble in his obsession with his instrument. About an hour went by, Luke grabbing his guitar and sleep starting to call his name. His foot landed on the first step, but then he noticed a slight glow coming from the closed bathroom door. He decided to check on one of his roommates, quickly figuring out it was Calum. 
He softly knocked on the door, whispering, “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine, go back to bed.” Cal answered. 
“Calum? You’ve been in there a while. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes. I just feel a little sick. I’ll be fine.”
“Cal, you’re worrying me. Let me in,”
“No, I’m-”
“Calum!” The singer whisper-shouted.
Calum knew he wouldn’t be able to get rid of him by just saying he was okay. He deepened his voice and put forth all his effort so then he’d scare Luke away. “I said I’m fine. Good night.”
Luke was taken aback by Calum’s sudden sternness, shaking his head and mumbling an “Okay, sorry” as started upstairs. Something in his heart was telling him to fight against him, though. Calum had been acting strange lately, and Luke couldn't pinpoint it. He almost brought it up to Michael at one point but then decided against it. 
The boys were about an hour and a half away from starting their pre-show rituals in Singapore, when an incident occurred between Calum and Michael. 
Calum had been sitting in an empty stairwell with his thoughts and his despised razor for about 45 minutes.The weeks leading up to tonight were stressful for him; tonight would be the band’s biggest night of this tour. He felt his heart leaping against his chest, Calum desperately trying to calm his nerves, but his thoughts go the better of him.
I can’t screw this up. I need to play my best. 
I can’t let the band down. 
I need to do well. 
Calum carefully pressed the blade against his arm like he did many times before. He knew this was a very unhealthy and detrimental ritual he did before almost every show, but something about it was a release for him. 
Meanwhile, Michael had been looking for Calum for the past 15 minutes, wondering how he disappeared from existence. 
“Cal, where did you-?” 
As Michael yanked the door open, the blade dug into Calum’s left upper forearm -Cal knew if he did it on his wrist someone would see the scars, causing endless panic and articles in the 5SOS world- resulting in him yelping in pain. The too-familiar pain ached down Calum’s arm as the blade hit the floor, its sound clinking in the stairwell. Michael knelt down towards the bass player assessing what had just happened. Though Calum had talked his problem through in detail with Michael before, he’d never seen a fresh scar. 
His voice was filled with terror and awe. “Calum, your arm-” 
“I know, man. I know. It- ah, fuck.” Calum clenched his arm with his other hand, seeing the blood drip down to the floor. He drilled his eyes closed, hoping that when he’d open his eyes Michael would be gone, but when he opened them again Michael was still sitting in front of him like the good friend he was.  
Michael knew of Calum’s secret, and tried getting him help for it. He’d almost arranged an appointment with a psych ward shortly before they started touring again, and told Cal he could say he needed to see his family and unplug for a while. Calum politely declined, saying that he was ‘fit for tour’ and that he could handle everything. 
Michael took a breath and stared at his best friend. "Cal, you can't keep doing this, it's not healthy." His words were truthful, but still hurt Calum nonetheless. 
“You think I don’t know that?!” Calum cried. He shot up from his hunched figure and started for the door. Reaching for the door handle, Cal turned his head towards Michael and breathed:
“I can’t keep living like this.” 
Calum bolted out the door towards his dressing room, running for some kind of support, some kind of comfort, some kind of safety. 
In the process, he accidentally rammed into Ashton in the hallway. Calum hit him so hard that he actually fell to the ground, causing him to land on the floor. 
“Whoa, easy there, tiger.” Ashton joked, reaching out his arm down to pull Calum up. 
A frantic Michael burst into the room after Cal, breathless and shaken. “Calum!”
Ashton whipped his head, surprised to see Michael. While Ashton was distracted, Cal pushed himself up from the ground, in the midst placing his arms behind him, trying to hide his arm from Ashton and now Michael. Tears brimmed Cal’s eyes and mentally prepared himself, knowing that this was about to be more than Calum apologizing to Ashton for running into him.
Luke popped into the door frame, hearing all the ruckus. “What’s going on?” 
Calum subtly wiped his eyes, tears starting to escape from them. He couldn’t do this right now. All he could hear was the frantic heartbeat in his temple, and the voice in his head screaming at him to shut down and close off his best friends. 
Michael had enough of this. He knew Calum too well and knew that he wasn't going to change his habit anytime soon. So, he decided to speak up. 
“Calum, you know I love you man, and this is your issue, but…” 
He shook his head and pleaded Michael through his eyes not to do this right now, but Michael didn’t care.
Calum needed help. 
“...either you tell them or I will.” 
 Luke said, his eyebrows furrowing together in concern. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
Calum dropped his gaze to the floor and hesitantly brought his arms forward. All three pairs of eyes landed on his arm as Calum lifted his sleeve, unveiling the fresh and old scars that scattered along it. There were about 10 cuts or so, ranging from shorter, barely noticeable lines to longer, deeper ones. 
Luke and Ashton’s stomach dropped, hating the way they both didn’t know what was happening with him. They felt guilty in a way, mentally kicking themselves that they possibly could have contributed to Calum doing this. 
The new cut was somewhat healed now, so it wasn’t as gruesome as Michael had seen it before, but it still pained all three of them to see that Calum’s obsession was somewhat current. 
“Cal,” Ashton started. 
“There’s other ways to cope.” Luke chimed in. 
“I know that!” Cal’s voice boomed in the room. “I’ve tried all the shit you guys have tried, but nothing helps.” His voice sounded beaten and tired amongst the quiet room. 
In a fit of anxiousness and a bit of annoyance, Calum started for his dressing room again, but got blocked by Luke’s tall, strong stature. He fought and fought against him until he felt Luke’s strong arms against his body, feeling the contrast of his warm skin against his.
“It’s okay, Cal. You’re safe.”
Ashton made his way over to Calum and Luke. “We can get you help.”
Calum lied so plainly it was routine for him, “It’s fine, guys. I’m okay.” 
“You’re clearly not.” Michael said, crouching down to meet Calum's eyeline. 
“Please let us help you, mate.” Ashton said, following after Michael’s action. 
All three of their gaze finally got through to Calum. Broken sobs erupted from him, the boys’ message clear as day. They wanted to help him. Though they didn’t know exactly every emotion Calum was experiencing, they understood a fraction of it because they were in the same boat. All four of them had different experiences with anxiety and their own personal journey with it, but then it hit him: 
They boys would always be there for him. Whether he thought so or not.  
Cal thought about how lucky he was that there were people that could and wanted to help him, and finally decided to accept their help.
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forgottenluck · 1 year
@treasurechcst (any of the girls work for this! I wasn't sure who to choose so uh.....yeah LOL)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
He's not grumbling as he hangs out underneath an awning, patting himself dry. He totally didn't just get drenched randomly. Totally wasn't steaming, either.
he's normal. Totally normal. Just an absolutely totally normal traveler--
So no. He's not grumbling under his breath in his native tongue about how the one drawback to this village was a woman who could control the weather at her own emotions, which made it extremely hard for him to tell when the weather was going to change. It's in his own language, his native tongue....so he's earning quite a few odd looks as the strange syllables fall of his lips.....but he pays them no mind.
Normal. He was normal. He wasn't steaming, wasn't burnt by the random water he'd experienced. Definitely. Not. Burnt.
Finally he seemed to realize that someone was watching him, and he looked up, blinking a few times in surprise.
For once, words escape the Kitsune, and he briefly wondered why the other was stareing at him. Did he accidently leave his ears out? No...No, that wasn't it. Oh. Oooooh he'd been--His eyes glanced down at his arm, still red but thankfully no longer steaming, and shoved his sleeve down, pulling it behind his back and forcing a grin on his face.
"You seem to have caught me at a bad time, but it's all good!"
He's still stumbling over the words...but getting better.
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fillxsargeloverfan · 24 days
A Mystery Adventure Chapter 29
“Hmm…Good timing. The, mmm, V-Wave season is upon us, so I thought I’d slap something together, hm?” said Quagsire once we got to the Paradise Center. The board behind Quagsire quickly caught Dunsparce’s attention. “What is it? This thing?” he said. “It shows the V-Wavecast.” Gurdurr says. “The V-Wave…cast?” says Tepig confused. “What? You don’t even know about that? Hmph! Fine. Then I guess the great Scraggy will do you dimwits a special favor and-” says Scraggy. “Hmmmm?” says Quagsire.
“Eep! Er, no, I mean-I’d just love the chance to tell you all about it…Uh, for starters…the wave type changes every day. That’s no different from how the weather works, right? Normally you kinda wonder about what the weather’s gonna be each day, right? So any twerp in the know will check the weather forecast. Same for V-Waves. The V-Wavecast’ll tell you the wave types for the next coupla days. In other words…It’s like a weather report just for V-Waves. Oh, just look at the stupid board already, wouldja?
You can see the different types, right?”
“It’s true. Today’s a Fighting-type wave and…tomorrow’s Electric…and then Water.” says Tepig. “I get it! And since today is a Fighting-type wave…Fighting-type Pokémon have an advantage. Since I’m a Normal type, I’m always weak to Fighting types. That means that if I want to go out adventuring today…I guess I’d better be extra careful around Fighting-type enemies.” said Dunsparce. “But then tomorrow’ll be an Electric-type V-Wave! You won’t always have it so bad, Dunsparce…And then I’ll be the one gettin’ an extra shot of power! Hah!” said Emolga.
“Mmm-hmm. That pretty much sums it up, hmm? You all should, mmm, use the V-Wavecast just like that.” says Quagsire. Just than the ground started to shake. “Wha…What is that?!” said Tepig. “Up there! It’s gonna crash!” Gurdurr said loudly. We all look up to see a big thing headed near us. “It’s headed right for us!!!” said Emolga. “Eep! Run for it!” said Scraggy as we run as fast as we can. The thing then crashed and a Victini appeared. “Ta-daaa! Victini’s here!” said Victini. “Wh-what just happened?” said Tepig. “Well, if it ain’t Victini! What’s with the flashy entrance, huh? And crashing down like this…That mean you’re opening shop here this year?” said Gurdurr.
“Yup. Right here. I decided. Without asking. Lucky you, huh? V-Wheeeeeel!!!” Victini explained. “Gurdurr, you…know this guy?” said Tepig. “Sorta. Though it’s not just me. Everyone here knows him. He’s called Victini. He always shows up when V-Wave season rolls around.” Gurdurr explained. “And…what’s that thing?” Dunsparce asked. “That? That is my precious…V-Wheeeeeel!!! It’s the tool of my trade. Totally. Spin this right here and you can change today’s V-Wave.” Victini answered. “Wha-! Do you mean you can change the V-Wave type?” Tepig said.
“Yup. With my trusty…V-Wheeeeeel!!! You sure can. Definitely. But it’s all up to luck. No guarantee. And the…V-Wheeeeeel!!! Can only be spun once a day. With only one chance, you’d better not blow it. Nope. But if you make enough money, who knows? You could pick any type you like! Or maybe not. Find out for yourself! V-Wheeeeeel!!!”
“Victini! It’s been ages, hasn’t it?” said Virizion.
“Ah! Virizion! Long time, no seeeeee! You’re living here now. Obviously.”
“And you’re just as lively as ever, aren’t you? But…you know, the whole…V-Wheeeeeel!!! And striking a pose thing? You may want to tone it down or other Pokémon could get annoyed, you know?”
“Yeah. You’re right about that. I get it. I’m gonna stop. Absolutely. Maybe. V-Wheeeeeel!!!”
“Ford? And Tepig? Victini might seem a bit much, but…He’s a really nice Pokémon, deep down. He wanted to help out the Pokémon who are inconvenienced by the V-Wave…and that’s why he travels around the world with his V-Wheel, you know?”
“Yup! I go around and around the world! Around and around and around! And my V-Wheel goes around and around with me!” Victini starts to laugh. “V-Wheeeeeel!!!”
“Well, anyway, you should probably only use the V-Wheel when you really need it. In other words, only when you feel you absolutely MUST change the V-Wave, OK?”
“Yeah. You’re probably right about that. Ford! We can only spin the V-Wheel once a day, so…let’s think carefully before using it, OK?” Tepig replied. “Yep!” I said.
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 4 years
Aberration - Chapter 2
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Yay, here’s the second chapter of my new AU! It’s a little shorter but I promise chapters will get longer as we go.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Now, on to your next subject. Inmate 04, Eijiro Kirishima." You flip the page of your inmate profiles to see a picture of a red-haired man. "He is of a higher danger level, so make sure to keep your guard up. And for the love of God, under any circumstances…
Do not touch him."
Only slightly acknowledging his warning, you look down at your notes, eyebrows shooting up in surprise at the words on the page. "He suffers from Erotomania? Interesting…"
Aizawa nods. "Ah, yes. A very rare condition indeed, especially in males. The affected person strongly believes that another individual is in love with them. This delusion develops and persists despite clear evidence to the contrary."
"That's a very exciting find. I can't wait to meet him." Your eyes light up, quite intrigued.
Aizawa sighs and gestures with his head. "Follow me."
Kirishima's room was only a few doors down from Tokoyami's. Once again, Aizawa presses his hand to a key code and you hear the door unlock, following a buzzer. You slowly make your way into the room. It mirrors Tokoyami's down to the last detail, the only difference being a redhead was currently doing pushups.
He barely acknowledges a person stepping into his room, eyes flitting to your form and back to the ground. It takes him a moment to realize it was someone new. As soon as he does, his eyes widen and he springs onto his feet, slightly startling you.
"Oh! Hello there! You're new!"
You nod your head and smile at the red-head. "That I am. My name is Y/N and I'm the newest scientist at this facility. My role here is to get to know and observe you all to help further our findings for a cure." You choose to leave out the 'friends' part, as something about him makes you weary. You don't need anything being misinterpreted.
"Hello there, Y/N! My name is Kirishima!" He takes a step towards you but is suddenly stopped by a lower force. You look down to see his ankles chained to the heavy-duty bed frame, connected to him by quirk-canceling cuffs. You look back up to see him looking at you intensely, with a shark-toothed smile. "Man, you're really pretty!"
You swallow thickly, but keep your smile. "That's very kind of you to say, Kirishima. Now, if I may." You take a seat at the desk like you did with Tokoyami. Kirishima follows suit and sits across from you on the bed. His smile never wavers, making you slightly uneasy. You ignore it and turn to a blank page in your notebook. "Now, if you could please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
He gives you a chuckle and points to himself proudly with his thumb. "I'M Eijiro Kirishima! I'm 22 years old and my Birthday is October 16th!"
You giggle softly at his extroverted personality. "Ahh, same birth month as Tokoyami." You mumble to yourself. His ears perked up and his smile faltered slightly.
"You met Tokoyami already?"
"Hm?" You look up and smile fondly. "Ah yes, I have. He was the first one. A very nice young man."
You look back down at your notes, failing to see Kirishima's eye twitch slightly. He returns to his signature smile as you look up at him again. "And what is your quirk?"
"Oh, it's so cool! I can harden my entire body to an extreme. I can make myself a shield or a weapon! Pretty manly, am I right?" Kirishima wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to chuckle.
"That is definitely a unique one, Kiri." You, once again, fail to notice the way his eyes light up at the nickname, too busy looking down at your notes. "Now I see here that you've been charged with Stalking and 2 counts of second degree murder. Is that correct?"
"Yup! Although I don't understand how it would be considered 'Stalking', when she always knew I was around. She was okay with it, too! I mean, we WERE in love, you know." He furrows his brows.
You raise a brow and write down everything he says. "Care to continue explaining what happened? Why were you brought into this facility?"
Kirishima sighs and rests his chin on his hand, a dazed look on his face. "Well, you see. There was this girl. We were totally, completely head over heels for each other. You've probably heard of her, Kim Hyuna?"
Your eyebrows shoot up. Yeah, you heard of her. She is one of the biggest idols around right now, extremely pretty and extremely talented. She has millions of fans from around the world. You already can see where the direction of this story is headed.
He continues with a wide smile. "We used to go out on dates everywhere. To the mall, the salon, even to her dorms. We were so in love." His dazed expression turns sour. "Then that stupid boy shows up outta nowhere. He took her from me. He dared to take something so precious from me. So, I couldn't take it anymore and, uh, kinda killed them."
You watched him rub the back of his neck sheepishly, like the situation was no more than a mere broken dish he dropped on accident. You nod your head carefully, writing the last bit of information down. Clicking your pen, you look up and give the young man a fake smile.
"Well, that's it for today, Kirishima. I must take my leave, but I'll be back to run some tests soon."
Kirishima frowns and quickly stands up. "W-Wait, already?"
You gather up your notes and clipboard. "Yes, unfortunately. I do have some other patients I need to get to before-" as you go to stand up, your foot gets caught under the chair leg and you trip. You accidentally fall forward and into something hard. Looking up, you realized you fell against Kirishima himself, your hands splayed out against his chest.
His eyes widen, staring down at your hands against his chest, something shifting in his eyes. Before you're able to pull your hands away, his own reach up and snatch your wrists, holding them in place. A blush appears on the apples of his cheeks.
"Y-Y/N. I-I had no idea you felt the same."
Your eyes widen in fear. You attempt to tug your hands away, but his iron grip tightens into a bruising force. "Kirishima, I would advise you to kindly let go of me. Please, don't misunderstand the situation."
His grin widens, showcasing his sharp teeth. Red eyes bore into yours with a wild look. You hear the door buzz behind you and a flood of voices coming in. You feel a pair of arms reach around you and hands grip your elbows. Two pairs of hands each grab Kirishima by the arms and force him to release his grip on you. You watched two of Aizawa's assistants hold down a struggling Kirishima as you were forcibly dragged out of his room.
Once safely outside, you were spun around to meet the eyes of a fuming and worried doctor. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Aizawa's eyes travel along your body, doing a quick examination to make sure nothing was injured.
You nod your head and rotate your slightly bruised wrists. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up."
Aizawa sighs. "Didn't I say NOT to touch him? His obsession tends to solidify with physical contact."
You wince. "I know. This time it was an accident. I tripped and he just happened to, uh, be the 'wall' I fell against." You think back to the moment you fell against Kirishima. His chest felt almost rock solid, not like a normal human body would be. Now you're thinking that his quirk leaked through the cuffs and that thought scares you.
"Nobody said you were clumsy when you were hired," he sighs and runs a hand down his tired face. "There are still 9 other inmates you need to check with. And 6 out of the 9 are above Kirishima's danger level. Are you still up for it today?"
You shake out your hands and nod your head. "Yes! I am. A little scare never bothered me. This is my job."
Aizawa hummed in reply and flipped through his clipboard, stopping on a page. "Inmate 09, Keigo Takami. Mafia leader. He's a level 7 as well, but doesn't have delusions like Inmate 04 does. While he's very dangerous, he's a little more tolerable." Aizawa hesitates before continuing. "Er, minus the excessive flirting."
You sigh and flip through Keigo's information. "Oh goodie. Well, let's get this over with." You follow Aizawa to Keigo's door and once it buzzes, you enter the pristine, white room.
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @silverqueenie @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused @themotherofmoons @ihaveakoreanseoul @1-800-multifandomness @tragically-here @andyronii @sunnnyshark @henhouse-horrors  @dabis-s-whore 
(If your name is bolded, I couldn’t tag you)
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specialagentsergio · 3 years
side effects may vary
summary: An unexpected side effect brings you and Spencer closer—literally—when he’s prescribed a medication to help relieve his chronic nightmares.
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
category: fluff
content warnings: prescription drug use, one small sexual reference, discussion of tornadoes (spencer gives a small infodump)
a/n: i wrote this for @imagining-in-the-margins‘ “there was only one bed” event. when i saw the “medication makes someone sleepy” prompt, i had to take it, because this happens to me regularly lol.
word count: 2k
It’s become a habit for you and Spencer: every Friday night you can, the two of you get together and watch a movie or show. It’s always at your place because he doesn’t have a TV, but he doesn’t mind—you have the better couch anyways. He thinks he could stay on it forever, especially on the nights where you don’t watch anything at all and talk for hours instead.
He made the mistake of mentioning this Friday night tradition to Morgan once. He’d questioned just why, exactly, Spencer liked going over to your place so much. Spencer hadn’t realized Derek was teasing him until he’d already come up with the lame excuse of your couch being really comfortable.
Morgan had chuckled. “I think it has less to do with the couch and more to do with the person who owns it, kid.”
He was right, of course, but was Spencer going to admit his silly little crush? Absolutely not. Especially not to Derek. He just continued going to your place every Friday, stubbornly ignoring the smirks and eyebrow wiggles sent his way from the man.
It’s one such night a few months later when an alarm on his phone goes off, making you both jump. He nearly spills the popcorn everywhere in his scramble to turn it off. “Sorry. It’s—wow, it’s nine already.” As usually happens when he’s with you, he’s lost track of time. It’s why he set the alarm in the first place.
“You have somewhere to be?” you ask.
“Um, no. I just…” he trails off, leaning forward to dig through his satchel at his feet, searching for the white paper bag he picked up from the pharmacy earlier in the day.
You don’t ask aloud, raising an eyebrow instead. It’s you providing him with an out—you’ll let him pretend he didn’t see it if he doesn’t want to answer the question.
He sighs, pulling the little orange bottle out, a prescription from the psychiatrist you’d coaxed him into seeing. “It’s just, uh… it’s supposed to help with, y’know… dreams,” he explains quietly.
“Nightmares,” you clarify.
“Yeah. That’s what the alarm was for.” He pops the cap and looks at the little pills inside. “To remind me.”
“We can finish this later,” you say with a gesture towards the TV. “It’s okay if you need to leave.”
He shakes his head. “She said to take it a few hours before bed. There’s plenty of time to finish.” Not that he cares that much about the show. He just doesn’t want to cut his time with you short.
“The bottle says it can make you drowsy, though,” you say, pointing out the little flap on the side of the bottle he hadn’t noticed.
“It won’t,” he dismisses nearly immediately, shaking a dose out into his hand.
“You can’t know that.”
“I’m a chronic insomniac. I’ve tried medication before. It doesn’t work,” he says firmly.
“If you say so,” you say, unconvinced.
“I do.”
“Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The words on their own typically imply annoyance or resignation, an insistence that the speaker knows better, but from you, all he can detect is amusement. And if he didn’t know better, he’d say your slight smile conveyed affection.
“Oh, I won’t,” he replies confidently, and takes the dose with a sip of water.
That confidence turns out to be misplaced.
It doesn’t happen quickly. You finish watching the current episode and he insists on another. About halfway through it, he starts to feel… different. A little… foggy and unfocused. Any movement he makes feels slow, and his eyelids are getting heavy. Try as he might, he can’t quite keep them open. He’ll rest them for just a minute….
“… encer. Spencer.” Something pokes his arm and he grumbles, shifting away.
“It’s over.”
He blinks a few times, slowly reacquainting himself with his surroundings. Credits are rolling on the TV screen; he's about to ask why they look slanted, then realizes it's because he's slumped to the side. He pushes himself back to sitting, a delayed "oh" leaving his mouth. He rubs the sleep from one of his eyes, and catches your expression in the other.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything!" you protest but the little laugh punctuating your words gives away what he knew you were thinking: I told you so.
With a sigh, he begins gathering up his things, pulling his bag into his lap and untying his shoelaces so he can put them back on.
“What are you doing?" you ask.
"Um, going home?"
"You can't ride the Metro like this," you say. "You're half asleep."
He tries and fails to suppress a yawn, but still insists, "I'll be fine."
"Spencer, I don't like you riding the Metro this late even when you're totally lucid. You know that."
He does. You often express such worries on your Friday nights, offering to let him stay with you. He always declines. Your couch may be comfortable when he's sitting, but it's not long enough for his legs horizontally.
He also worries about what he might say in his sleep. He's been playfully teased by team members often enough already. The last thing he wants is to ruin your friendship by expressing his feelings for you in his sleep.
He's got one shoe on and is about to put on the other, but you snatch it away. "Hey."
"No,” you say firmly. "You're staying here tonight."
"Take your shoe off." You flip the TV off, stand, and stretch. "And come to bed."
His mouth drops open a little. Come to bed. Did he really just hear that? You say it like it's the most natural thing. It sounds so...domestic.
He really likes it.
His eyes follow you as you walk to your bedroom. You stop in the doorway and look back to him. "Come on."
He's in a bit of a daze as he walks towards you, not realizing he's still wearing one shoe for a few steps. He clumsily kicks it off, then follows you through the bedroom door and into the adjoining bathroom, where you provide him with a spare toothbrush.
Normally he wouldn't want to share toothpaste with someone. He's even refused to do so a few times on cases when his little travel-sized tube has run out, instead going down to the front desk of whatever place they're staying at for a replacement, no matter how tired he is. But tonight he doesn't even think twice, just takes the tube when you pass it to him. It simply feels...normal, as if you and him do this every night before bed.
I could get used to this.
Spencer's still a little groggy from the medication, so it isn't until he’s standing in the bedroom that he realizes that there’s a problem. "There's only one bed."
"Um, yeah," you reply. "What, did you think I had bunk beds?"
"No, I just..." He's not sure how to explain it when you're pulling back the covers like it’s any other night. "There's one bed... and two of us."
"That's correct. It's a queen. It's made for two people," you point out. You sit down on one side, then pat your hand on the other.
He slowly approaches the bed, but hesitates, twisting his fingers a little. Your expression shifts, and he blinks. Surely that's not a look of disappointment he's seeing?
Your voice is quiet when you speak. "Spencer, if you don't want to share a bed with me, you can just say it."
"What? No!" he exclaims. "That—that's not it at all."
"Okay, then, what is it?"
"The opposite,” he says with a nervous laugh. “I can't believe you want to share a bed with me."
"Why wouldn't I?" You say it so simply; he can hardly believe it.
"Well, because I'm... me," is the reply he comes up with. "I'm annoying, and I talk too much, and my limbs are all long and weird--"
"I don't think you're annoying, Spencer," you interrupt. "We wouldn't be friends if I did."
"Oh. I guess... I guess that's true. But my arms and legs--”
"Are fine,” you reassure.
“I…” He’s a little too out of it still to think of something else. “Well, okay.”
“Since that settled..." You smile up at him. "Would you get into bed?"
He can't help but smile back. "Okay."
You both settle in. Right before you turn off the light, he speaks again. "I talk in my sleep," he says quickly, heat rising to his cheeks. "Just thought you should know.
"So I'm gonna get your fun facts in the night, too?" you ask, the corner of your mouth turning up.
"Maybe." He fiddles with the collar of his shirt. "Derek says every night is a toss up between that or gibberish…”
You laugh. "Noted."
You turn the lights off and silence falls over the room as you both find comfortable positions. The medication definitely hasn't worn off; sleep is quickly approaching him again. He feels a light touch on his arm. It trails down to his wrist. A slight pause, then you're sliding your hand into his. On instinct he winds his fingers through yours. He hears a content sigh right before he drifts off.
Morning light spilling through the curtains wakes him up. He takes in a deep breath and stretches. He feels amazingly well rested; more than he has in a long time. And he had the best dream about you….
Spencer rolls over, then jumps a little—you're right there next to him, awake and looking at him with a soft expression.
"So it wasn't a dream," he says aloud.
You smile. "No, it wasn't.”
"We slept in the same bed," he says, dumbstruck.
"We did."
"You... held my hand?"
A nod and a bashful smile. “I did."
"Huh." He's quiet as he processes this and gathers his memories together. There's a question that comes to mind, but he doesn't know if he’s brave enough to voice it. Instead, he asks, "Did I sleep talk?"
"You did," you reply. "You told me the widest recorded tornado was 2.6 miles wide."
"The 2013 El Reno tornado," he says automatically. "It’s also the second most powerful tornado recorded. It occurred on May 31 of that year. Though it officially ranks as the widest tornado on record, current Doppler estimates of the 1999 Mullhall, Oklahoma tornado indicate that it may have been 4.3 miles wide."
You blink. "That's terrifying."
Spencer winces. "Sorry."
"It's okay." You hesitate a little, biting your lower lip, then slowly reach out and take his hand. Again, his fingers thread through yours perfectly.
He looks down at your joined hands, then back at you. His question from before returns. "What does this mean?" he asks quietly.
"It means..." You take a deep breath. "I like you.”
He frowns. "I know that. That's why we're friends."
"That's not what I meant." You squeeze his hand as if to remind him that you're holding it. "I meant that I like you as more than a friend."
His eyebrows shoot up. “Really?" he squeaks.
"Really," you confirm. "If you don't feel the same, I understa--”
You're cut off by him leaning forward and pressing the lightest little kiss on your lips.
"I like you as more than a friend, too," he says softly.
You give him the most wonderful smile. "Then get back here and kiss me properly."
Spencer obliges. He's never cared less about morning breath.
You scoot closer to him when you break apart and push his limbs around slightly to get into an embrace. "Finally," you murmur into the skin of his neck.
The sensation makes him shiver. “What do you mean?"
"I’ve been trying to get you into my bed for weeks."
He nearly chokes on his own sharp inhale. "I—what?"
"Not like that," you clarify. "I just wanted a good opportunity to confess. I figured you'd be too comfy in bed to run off right after I told you."
“You think I'd run off on you?"
You shrug. “You tend to remove yourself from a situation if your feelings get too intense. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but in this case, it’s the last thing I wanted to happen, you know?”
"Yeah, I get that,” he says. "I promise not to do it with you, though. About anything.”
You lift your head to look him in the eyes. “Kiss me again."
Spencer does.
tell me what you thought here!
smut follow up: hands to myself
general taglist: @calm-and-doctor​ , @spencerreid9​
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Pretty Please
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader hears something surprising from her next door neighbor, and it throws her off. Category: Smut 18+ (masturbation, thigh riding, penetrative sex, oral sex-male and female receiving, semi-rough sex, dom!Spencer) Word Count: 6.9k Warnings: Nothing except the smut listed above and strong language. As always, if there’s anything I missed, let me know what I should include in the warnings! I want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you!
There's no way she heard that right.
In fact, she was pretty sure she'd made it up. She was tired, delirious, and she'd only imagined hearing what she heard.
Just to be sure, Y/N sat up in bed, put her ear against the wall just above the headboard, and listened, concentrating as hard as she could to confirm or deny.
And sure enough, the next thing she heard was, "Fuck, yes!"
It was muffled, definitely not as loud as it could have been, but if things continued the way she thought they would, it was going to get louder. Unless, of course, her neighbor was mindful, knowing that someone could probably hear what was going on. Though, for some reason Y/N doubted that.
Just to be extra sure what was happening, she stayed glued to the wall, listening carefully.
There was some muffled movement, but it could have been just about anything. Nonetheless, her heart was beating so fast, and it beat even faster when she heard what came next.
A loud female moan, unmistakable and utterly pornographic, made Y/N close her eyes immediately, her heart practically jumping out of her chest. Her first thought was Okay, he's watching porn. Everyone does that. Not without headphones, but it's completely normal and I should stop eavesdropping and go about my own life because this is an invasion of privacy.
Her second thought was ...Oh.
Because she was dead wrong.
The next thing that sounded through the walls was, "Yes, Spencer, just like that!"
Y/N's eyes shot open and she almost had a heart attack.
Her next thought was Good for him...
She and her neighbor hadn't really gotten to know each other that well. All she knew was that he had a job that kept him away from home quite a bit, either from travel or just late nights. He was shy and rarely talked to her when they met in the halls or in the parking garage, or even in the laundry room. Which is why it was so surprising to Y/N that he was having sex—and decent sex at that, from what she could hear—right next door.
Not that it would have been impossible for him to get it, of course. He was hot as hell, and it shouldn't have surprised Y/N as much as it did that she was hearing what she was hearing. It had just never happened before.
She was about to let it be, glad that her neighbor seemed to be having some fun, and it truly wasn't any of her business what he decided to do in his spare time. Though, the next thing she heard sent her into a tailspin.
"You like that, baby? You like when I hold you down and fuck you?"
Y/N almost hit her head against the wall. Instinctually her legs crossed, as if it would prevent her from being turned on. Which was stupid, considering every nerve in her body was on fire hearing those words come from Spencer Reid's mouth.
No fucking way, Y/N thought, slowly shifting her position on the bed.
It was a stupid idea. Probably one of the dumbest things she's ever done. But she closed her eyes, and as the woman's moans became louder through the walls, every slap of skin on skin getting louder with them, Y/N's right hand drifted under the waistband of her panties and got to work.
She couldn't help imagining what was going on. And it was rare that she could get off on just imagination alone, but this time she had the helpful addition of sound to aid her. Every time the woman moaned Spencer's name, she moved her fingers faster, alternating between rubbing her clit and completely fingering herself. And sometimes Y/N would make inevitable tiny whimpers of her own, careful not to give herself away.
She was almost to her climax when she heard it. The thing that pushed her over the edge.
"Fuck, you take it so well, pretty girl."
That one sentence, added to the impending orgasm Y/N was experiencing and the fact that she was picturing Spencer's face so clearly in her head, caused her to let out a loud moan and throw her head back against the wall with a loud thud.
So many feelings happened at once. Pain, because fuck, hitting her head on the wall without expecting it hurt like hell. Pleasure immediately after, because despite everything, her fingers stayed working, instinctively nursing herself through her orgasm. And finally embarrassment, because she definitely shouldn't have been eavesdropping on her neighbor's sexual encounters and she's positive they'd heard her intrusion.
All noises ceased for a total of two seconds before Y/N came down from her high and the sex next door resumed like nothing had happened.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck, no, Y/N thought as she scrambled out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Her head still hurt from hitting it against the wall, but that was the least of her concerns. More than anything she wanted to crawl in a hole and never return. And sure, maybe there was a small chance Spencer and his.. friend hadn't heard you, but it was practically impossible. There was no way they hadn't heard it.
Y/N peed and washed her hands, tapping her foot nervously against the cool tile the whole time. Eventually she calmed her breathing and decided that she'd just have to live with it. I mean, it's not like I'm friends with him anyway, she thought. I barely see him enough as it is, and I can ignore him like there's no tomorrow and nothing will change. Right?
And so she washed her face and got ready for bed, trying desperately not to think about how badly she'd embarrassed herself.
And then as she curled under the covers (with earbuds in just in case) she thought, Maybe I'll make him some muffins tomorrow and say I'm sorry.
The last thing she saw before she closed her eyes was Spencer's face.
"What's wrong? Can't take it?"
She practically burned with pleasure, every inch of her body overly sensitive and completely fucked out. But she'd let him have whatever he wanted.
She cried. She tried to tell him that yes, she could take it. But tears and strangled moans were all she could manage as he continued to fuck her into the mattress.
"You gonna cum?" He asked, like she could form words.
She cried out again in answer.
He leaned forward, wiping tears from her face, and whispered, "Go ahead, pretty girl."
That was the last thing Y/N heard before she woke up, eyes shooting open and hands clutching the sheets so tightly her fingers ached. She let them go and tried to wiggle them back to life, squeezing her eyes shut and taking a deep breath.
"Oh, dear Lord," she muttered, stretching out and realizing that the past 10 hours of her life were going to haunt her for a long time.
I'm gonna have to move, aren't I, she thought sarcastically, sitting up slowly and rubbing her eyes. Though, right now it sounded like a good idea.
Y/N gathered some clothes and went to the shower, refusing to think about last night or the dream she'd woken up from. Instead she lasered all her attention to thoroughly washing her hair, body, and face. By the time the water was running cold, she stepped out, dried off and got dressed, brushing her teeth and then leaving the bathroom to turn on the coffee pot.
Before she could, there was a knock on the door.
Oh no, was her first thought, because naturally the first thing you do at any minor event after severely embarrassing yourself is panic. What if that's him? He's going to get mad at me for eavesdropping. The first thing I'm going to do when I see him is blush and panic. Fuck.
Y/N thought about ignoring it for a second. For all Spencer knew, she could still be sleeping. She could have fled the country immediately after giving herself away. She could have died from a heart attack, literally embarrassing herself to death. She could ha—
Knock knock knock.
"Shit," Y/N muttered to herself, adjusting her freshly-washed hair and praying she looked okay. If it really was Spencer at her door, she wanted to at least look like she was moving on with her life and not thinking about last night every waking second.
She ran to the door, took a deep breath and opened it, sure enough revealing Spencer Reid in her doorway, wearing a kind smile and holding a small something in his hand.
"Oh... Spencer, hi," Y/N said, pretending to be happy. Not that she wasn't ever happy to see him, but today of all days was most definitely not a good time. She only prayed he wouldn't get mad at her for eavesdropping.
"Hi, Y/N. Sorry for being here so early, but I, uh... thought you might need this."
He handed her what was in his hand, and it rattled, confusing her. She took it and flipped it over in her hands, studying the bottle.
"Yeah. Seems like you hit your head on the wall pretty hard last night, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Her stomach dropped. "No."
"No... You're not okay, or no, you don't need it?"
Heat rushed to Y/N's cheeks and all she could manage was another, "No."
She only sounded slightly terrified.
But before Spencer could say anything else, Y/N looked up at him and almost started to cry. "I'm so so so sorry, Spencer, I didn't mean to hear, it just happened, and I couldn't help it, and I tried to be quiet, I really did, but it just slipped, and I feel really bad, I'm so sorry, I—"
"Whoa, whoa, Y/N, slow down. It's okay, really," he laughed. "I'm not upset or anything, I just... Truthfully I feel kind of bad for not thinking of anyone hearing. I didn't realize the walls were so thin, and had I known I probably would have... Gone about things differently. I didn't mean to embarrass you."
Y/N's heart raced, but she was even more shocked by the fact that he was apologizing. "Spencer, don't be sorry. I embarrassed myself, really. I shouldn't have been listening anyway— what you do in your apartment isn't any of my business, and I messed up."
He smiled and shuffled on his feet, trying to avoid looking at you but failing. In the end he shrugged and leaned against the doorframe. "Well, in any case, I really do hope your head doesn't hurt too bad. That was a loud thump."
Y/N laughed nervously, turning the bottle over in her hands while looking at the floor. "It doesn't hurt anymore. Feels better now that I've slept it off... Thank you, though. I... I appreciate it."
"You're welcome."
She looked up at him and almost started crying again, still completely embarrassed over the whole ordeal. In an attempt to not cry, she cleared her throat. "Um, I was just going put on some coffee if you... wanted to come in? I can make some eggs or something too, if you're hungry. Y'know, to say I'm sorry?"
Spencer looked like he was about to tell her not to be sorry again, but she gave him a look that said don't you dare, and he settled on nodding instead. "Sure, I'd like that."
"Wow. These are great."
Y/N smiled, watching Spencer eat a bite of the eggs she'd made him. "Thank you. It's a family recipe. Nothing too special, but my mom always made them for my brother and I before our first day of school every year."
He smiled. "That's nice. Really, they're great. Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem... Look, again, I really am so—"
"Y/N, stop. It's okay, really. It... happens. You don't have to be sorry."
She nodded before taking a sip of her coffee. Spencer ate some more of his eggs and the two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, before it got completely unbearable.
She didn't want to keep bringing it up, but something forced the words out of her mouth. "So, your... guest... Is she your girlfriend?"
It took Spencer a minute to realize what she said, but eventually he cleared his throat, some color forming on his cheeks. "Oh, uh... no. No, I'm single. She and I had just met at a bar downtown. I don't usually do that. Go to bars, I mean. Though I suppose I don't really have one night stands all that often, either, but my co-workers and I were out last night after a... pretty rough day at work, and... before I left we met at the bar and it just kind of went on from there."
"Oh... Well, I... I'm sorry work was rough. Seems like you... handled it, though. Got over it... I mean, like, you knew how to take your mind off of it, or make it better or whatever."
Y/N froze after she said it. Immediately after, she shook her head. "God, I'm sorry. That was dumb. I shouldn't have said that."
"No, I get what you mean, it's okay, really," Spencer said quickly, seemingly amused. "It, uh... It really did help. You know, sex is a good stress reliever. The endorphins it releases puts you in a better mood and calms you down, and studies show that regular sexual activity can aid in decreasing high blood pressure during stressful situations."
"I... didn't know that. Sounds helpful. Especially with your job, I imagine."
He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "What about you? Is your job stressful?"
Y/N shrugged, kind of glad that the conversation moved away from sexual nature. Though, she supposed the reason it was there in the first place was kind of her fault. In any case, she told Spencer about her job. "It's not as stressful as other jobs can be, but I just got a promotion so all the responsibility is a little daunting, I guess."
"I'm sure you're fine," he complimented, setting his mug down. "Though... If you do ever find yourself beginning to buckle under the stress of your job, sex is a good way to keep your spirits up."
It was a joke. A reference to their conversation, the whole reason they were in this moment in the first place. So why did Y/N respond with, "What, is that your way of offering?"
I'm just full of stupid shit lately, aren't I, she thought, immediately hating herself for saying it. Things were going well, and Spencer didn't seem mad or annoyed after the whole incident, and now she was positive she'd made everything worse.
But nothing could have prepared her for what came out of his mouth next.
"Maybe it is."
She looked up at him and saw that he was completely serious. His eyes bore into her, staring her down like he was trying to compel her to say something, to do something, to put her under his spell. Y/N swallowed, trying to speak, but nothing would come out.
Oh, now you have nothing to say? Good going, Y/N...
Nevertheless, he waited. His eyes remained glued on her, tilting his head to the side and raising his eyebrows as if to ask her, well?
Eventually, she settled on, "You mean it?"
Spencer nodded slowly, staring at her with an intensity she hadn't experienced in forever. "Only if you want to."
Immediately Y/N thought back to last night. His nasty words replayed in her ears over and over again, repeating themselves like a mantra— You like that, baby? You like when I hold you down and fuck you?
And under his burning gaze, Y/N felt like she was on fire. Her lower stomach bubbled over with desire and she imagined him fucking her like he had in her dream.
It's almost like he knew what she was thinking about. Because right before she could tell him she wanted him, he laughed softly to himself. "What are you thinking about, Y/N?"
Her name on his lips sent shivers down her spine. "W... What?"
"Tell me. You're thinking about having sex with me right now, aren't you?"
She could barely breathe. But she managed to get out a strangled, "Yes."
Spencer smirked and stood up, walking around the table but never taking his eyes off Y/N. She swallowed and stood up too, meeting his eyes and tilting her head up to look at him— really look at him. His pupils were full-blown, his lips formed into an amused smile as he reached out to touch her face. She fluttered her eyes closed and leaned into his touch, a small sigh involuntarily escaping her lips.
"How long have you been thinking about me?" Spencer asked quietly, yet the tone in his voice rather demanded an answer more than asked for one.
Y/N opened her eyes to meet his, and almost crumbled under the weight of their intensity. "S-since last night."
He hummed in response, running his thumb over her chin and up to her lips, just barely touching them. "Have you ever thought about it before then?"
She couldn't lie to him. "A few times."
That got a full smile out of him, but it disappeared rather quickly as he stepped even closer and gripped the side of Y/N's face in his right hand, his fingers barely weaving through the hair behind her ear. She gasped and looked up at him, silently begging for him to kiss her. To push her onto the table, or choke her, or something.
"Tell me what you want," he demanded, keeping that even, soft tone. It sent another chill through Y/N's body.
She could hardly breathe. Could hardly form words.
Spencer slipped his hand behind her head and gripped the underside of her damp hair, tugging slightly as she whimpered. "What do you want?"
"I want you to fuck me," Y/N gasped out, completely and utterly entranced by his looming presence.
"Now?" he asked, his own way of really making sure she wanted to go through with this.
"Yes," she breathed. "Yes, please, fuck me. Please."
The look he gave her after she said it was purely dirty and unlike any thing she'd ever experienced. She decided then and there that if that was the reaction she'd get from him for begging, she would beg him for anything any time.
Not to mention, the way he kissed her was enough to make any man or woman fly into the sun. Both of his hands found themselves lost in her hair, pulling her head to his and practically massaging her scalp as he glided his lips across hers with a slow burning fever that made Y/N's body completely succumb to him. She melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer, reaching up to twist her fingers through the ends of his hair, admiring how soft and perfect it felt on her skin. Once Spencer's tongue swiped over her bottom lip and softly pushed into her mouth, it was well and truly over. Y/N was done for. He could do anything he wanted and she wouldn't turn him away.
He pulled away for a moment, taking her bottom lip between his teeth before moving back in and angling his head in the other direction, kissing her deeper and causing a groan to slip from her throat.
Y/N desperately clung to his neck, wishing he could do this to her forever, but then he took one of his hands away from her head and brought it to her lower back. He completely pulled her against him, one of his legs slipping between hers and putting the slightest bit of pressure to her crotch.
She whimpered, causing Spencer to push himself against her harder, the two of them completely attached. He brought his knee up just a little, and Y/N instinctively ground against it, desperately wanting to feel any type of friction she could manage. It warmed her whole body to the core, being completely embraced by him, and in a matter of seconds she was more desperate than she'd ever been.
She pulled her face away from his reluctantly, breathing heavily and still grinding against his leg. "Please," was all the could think to say.
"Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" Spencer whispered, peppering her neck with wet kisses as he brought his leg up higher, giving her more access. He leaned his butt against the table for support, until eventually he gave in and sat down on it, bringing her down to sit on his thigh.
Y/N hesitated, halting her movements for a second before he gripped her hips and moved them forward. "Go ahead, pretty girl. Ride my thigh."
She groaned at the nickname and obliged happily, grinding down and rocking her hips against him. He continued to kiss her neck, occasionally biting down and sucking at different spots, sure to leave marks.
He hadn't even really touched her yet, and Y/N was absolutely dizzy, high on kisses and his hands burning into her hips. She felt her stomach start to coil as an orgasm came to the surface, her legs clenching tighter around him.
"You close, baby?" Spencer muttered against her neck, right under her ear. He took her earlobe between his teeth for just a moment before rocking her hips faster, bringing his leg up just a bit higher to aid her. She shoved her head into his neck and cried out his name, somewhere between a whine and a moan.
Within a matter of seconds Y/N was shaking around him, panting his name over and over while he brought his leg just a tad higher, bringing her over the edge. Her mind raced, coming to terms with what just happened and what was about to happen, and it made her tremble again, sending one more shockwave through her lower body before her hips slowed to a stop.
Spencer slid his hands back up to her head, bringing her face to his once more and kissing her. As if she wasn't already so out of breath. But it didn't matter. She only cared about his mouth and the way it captured hers like it belonged there, like it knew she was his for the taking. And she really believed that was true.
Y/N still straddled his leg, but she wanted to give him the same release he'd given her, so she attempted to climb away and moved one of her hands down to his belt.
Spencer stopped her hand and pulled his face away from hers. For a moment she thought she'd done something wrong, and she was about to apologize, but he pulled her close and stroked her hair with his hand, tilting his head to meet her gaze. "Not yet, pretty girl. I want to taste you first."
And without another second passing by, he moved the hand that grabbed her wrist between them and snuck it into her shorts and panties. Y/N jumped a little, but only because it felt too good for her own good. Her eyes fluttered shut when his middle finger grazed her clit, but his other hand gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. "No. I want you to look at me, okay?"
She nodded, and then whimpered when he slipped a finger inside of her. She lifted herself up just a little so he had more access, and sure enough his finger slipped in and out with ease.
She wanted more, but he took his hand away, and the glimmer in his eye when she pouted, visibly frustrated, sent her into another small fit of tremors.
"So antsy, pretty girl," Spencer laughed, slightly amused. Y/N would have said something, but all words escaped her when he brought his fingers to his mouth. His tongue poked out to taste-test before he completely took them in, holding eye contact with her the whole time. As he sucked his fingers clean, Y/N felt herself growing desperate again, and she ground against his leg once more.
Spencer laughed and brought his fingers out of his mouth, resting them on her hips. "You're being awfully quiet, Y/N."
"I... I don't... Is that a bad thing?"
"Not necessarily. But you didn't have a problem being loud last night."
It brought color to her cheeks. Her first instinct was to apologize but she knew he'd chastise her for it, so she didn't. Rather, she embraced the opportunity and pulled herself closer to him. "Is that what you want, Spencer? You want me to be loud for you?" Her voice was soft, somewhat contradicting what she was saying, but she looked at him through her eyelashes, biting her lip as if asking for permission.
And now it seemed like it was his turn to groan, though it came out as more of a growl as he pushed her away from him, grabbing her arm and leading her through the apartment. All the rooms were built the same so he knew where to go. He didn't take the time to scan her room, though if he did it was fast. Y/N barely had any time to react before he pulled her to him again and kissed her roughly.
As his fingers weaved through her hair again, Y/N decided to take a chance, snaking her hands down to his belt. This time he didn't stop her, his lips opening and granting her access to his tongue as she unbuckled the belt. She unzipped his pants and pushed them down his hips, but they only got about an inch down before he pulled away from her completely, leaving her empty again.
She whined, and he smirked.
"What is it, Y/N?" he asked. "What do you want?" His tone was almost condescending, like he knew exactly what she wanted.
She didn't like being teased. "I just want you," she stated, whining a bit to prove her point.
He seemed to contemplate his words for a moment before he spoke. "And... you think I should just give you what you want? After I caught you eavesdropping on me last night?"
He was only saying it to see her flushed. To embarrass her and make her shy so he could make it better in the end. She knew that, knew better, and yet it still worked. "I'm sorry," she pleaded, getting down on her knees in front of him and looking up at him with just as much desperation as she could manage. "You know I feel really really bad about it, just please let me make it up to you. Please, Spencer."
When all he did was look down at her, amused and still, Y/N batted her eyelashes and grabbed the waistband of his pants and underwear. She waited to pull them down until he did or said something, but all he did was stare. She couldn't tell if he was making her wait or if he was waiting for her, and she was afraid of making the wrong decision. But, deciding that she'd been in enough trouble in the past 10 hours to last a lifetime, Y/N took a chance yet again and pulled Spencer's pants all the way down.
Still unsure of what would happen if she continued, Y/N scooted closer, but kept her eyes locked on his. She batted her eyelashes and ran her hands up his thighs, eventually wrapping around to his ass. She brought them up his lower back and around to feel his stomach before sliding down to the front of his hips. She stopped them there, gliding her thumbs over his skin in small circles as she pleaded once more for good measure.
"Pretty please."
Spencer gave in, bringing his hands to her hair and pulling her close. "It's all yours, baby."
The words sent heat straight to her lower half as she flicked her tongue out to taste the head of his cock. His eyes fluttered shut at the contact, and Y/N took that as her opening. She looked down and marveled at him as she took him completely in her mouth, slowly but surely, getting herself acquainted with his size.
Once she set a steady pace, she looked up at him and found that he was absolutely wonderstruck. His eyes practically sparkled as they fixed on her, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth in pure adoration and fascination. Y/N took this as encouragement, bobbing her head faster and slacking her jaw as she let him hit the back of her throat with each thrust forward. She gagged once and pulled herself off, bringing her hand up to jerk him for a few seconds before using her mouth again. This was a cycle that continued until tears were streaming down her cheeks and spit was leaking down her chin, and every time she looked up at him, Spencer would groan and tighten his grip in her hair.
Eventually he stopped her, pulling her off of him and panting. "Come here," he whispered, and Y/N got up off her knees, standing up and wiping some of the spit from her face. It didn't feel all that sexy as she was doing it, though the way he looked at her made her feel like she was the only thing in the entire world that could bring him joy.
He reached forward and wiped some of the tears from her cheek before kissing her, groaning into her mouth as he did so. His still hard cock pressed against her leg, and she groaned, too, before he pulled away.
That dark glimmer returned in his eye when he spoke. "Take your clothes off."
Y/N didn't have to be told twice. Immediately she threw her shirt off over her head and tossed it to the ground as Spencer stepped out of his pants. His eyes travelled down to her breasts and she noticed him swallow, his Adam's apple bobbing a few times before he looked back up at her face. Keeping eye contact and softly biting her lip, Y/N hooked her fingers around her shorts and underwear and slid them down her legs until they reached the other clothes on the floor. She kicked them to the side and tilted her head up.
She thought he might kiss her again, but instead he nodded his head towards her bed. "Lay down on your back."
As Y/N had learned pretty early on, she was quick and eager to obey, and so she did as she was told, laying down in the middle of the bed, her head resting on her pillows and the rest of her body laying flat, eagerly awaiting Spencer's next move.
She watched him as he took his shirt off, leaving him completely bare, and before she had time to admire him, he bent down and grabbed something from his pants.
A condom, Y/N realized as he made his way to her.
"You really came over with the intent to fuck me, didn't you?" she mused, unable to stop herself.
He laughed at her words, climbing over her and leaning down to press his lips to her neck in a soft kiss. "Wasn't it obvious?"
No, she thought to herself, but she didn't say anything. Though even if she wanted to, she couldn't have, because Spencer's mouth moved down her neck and to her chest. He licked a small circle over her right nipple before enclosing it entirely in his mouth, and Y/N arched her back off the bed, running her fingers through his hair.
He laughed again, taking her nipple in between his teeth before releasing it and saying, "I love how fucking responsive you are, pretty girl."
Everything about what he was saying and doing to her sent Y/N into a tailspin. Before she had time to respond, he moved his mouth to her other breast and got right to work, repeating the process.
One of his hands trailed down her body, just light enough to leave goosebumps it its wake, until it reached where she really wanted him. As if to prove his last statement, Y/N's hips bucked upwards to feel more of him, and Spencer laughed against her chest, removing his mouth from her and using both of his hands to steady her hips, pushing them into the mattress. "Can you be still for me? Use your words."
Y/N sighs and bites her lip before answering. "Yes. I can be still."
"Louder, Y/N. You promised you'd be loud for me, remember?"
If she wasn't wet before, she definitely was now. And she thought about just repeating her words louder, like she was expected to, but then something in that stupid part of her brain said to push her luck. And so she laughed back at him.
"No, I didn't."
Spencer seemed shocked. This was the first time she'd blatantly disagreed with something he said. "What?"
He seemed a little mad, but Y/N acted innocent. "Well, I asked you if you'd like me to be loud for you, and you just pulled me in here. You didn't answer me, and I didn't promise anything."
She was scared of what he would do or say, but that turned her on even more.
And without warning, Spencer jammed two of his fingers into her mouth, forcing it open and pressing them down on her tongue. "Well, sweetheart, this is me telling you. You're gonna scream my name until the whole city can hear how needy you are for me."
She almost choked on his fingers, but he took them out and slid them down her chin and neck, leaving her completely breathless. He waited a beat before laughing to himself. "Aw, see? Look what I do to you, pretty girl," he mused. "You're so submissive."
Y/N wanted to argue, but she wanted him more, so she whined and tried to move him closer, to which he laughed again and caressed her face. "That's what I thought. Now be a good girl and wait a second while I put this on, okay?"
For fear of disappointing him, Y/N replied with, "Okay," loud and clear.
He smirked, unwrapping the condom and starting to slide it over himself. "Fast learner."
And in an attempt to patch things over even more, she batted her eyes like she knew he liked, acting patient and innocent though she was pretty sure they both knew she was the exact opposite.
It paid off in the end though, because Spencer rewarded her with a sweet kiss as he ran the tip of his cock over her pussy, just barely entering. He teased her like that for about a minute before she started to get antsy, and yet he didn't let up. He raised an eyebrow at her, and catching on she reached up, grabbing the sides of his face and blinking once before talking. "Please, Spencer. Fuck me."
"Atta girl," he praised before moving forward and entering her. Immediately Y/N moaned, her mouth open and eyes just about rolling to the back of her head. Her hands slid up his face and through his hair, weaving her fingers through the soft waves as he set a steady pace, letting themselves get used to the feeling of being wrapped up in each other like this. For a moment it seemed like he forgot his promise to fuck her so hard the whole city would hear her screaming his name, but after a while, he apparently decided that she wasn't being loud enough.
"Come on, Y/N. You can do better than that."
She wanted more than anything to tell him that if he fucked her harder then maybe she would be louder, but infinitely realized that A) that was a surefire way to get chastised, and B) if she was louder, he would fuck her harder. He was going to make her work for it, and in the end she didn't mind that at all.
So she told the truth. "Fuck, Spencer, you feel so goo— ahh!"
Almost as soon as the words left her mouth, he quickly adjusted and fucked her faster, and aside from the overstimulation, it was starting to feel reminiscent of the dream she'd had last night. She wasn't crying but she felt like she could, every fiber of her being burning alive with pleasure. She felt her orgasm rising to the surface, but she didn't want this to end yet. Maybe if she was lucky Spencer would keep going after she'd finished, though at this point she was just happy to let him fuck her for any period of time.
That being said, he slowed his movements, making each stroke harder and more deliberate, and Y/N yelled out his name, hoping to get more.
"You close, pretty girl? Hmm? You wanna cum?"
The strain in his voice sent another wave of pleasure coursing through her body. He was close too, she just knew it.
"Yes," she breathed, before repeating it louder and louder. "Yes, yes, yes!"
She was just about to fall over the edge when Spencer laughed and pulled out of her, leaving her unsatisfied, empty, and confused.
"What?" she breathed, looking up at him.
He slid the condom off and tossed it aside before jerking himself off over her stomach. "Only good girls get to cum. You should have thought of that before you eavesdropped on me."
And then he came all over her stomach and chest. She would have been more angry, but the whole sight in front of her was hot as hell. Who was she to complain? She watched as his face scrunched up in pleasure, his mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut. His hair faintly stuck to his face, and his hips jerked into his hand until eventually he was spent.
Y/N whined at the sight, completely turned on feeling his warm cum coating her skin and also utterly frustrated for not getting off.
Spencer opened his eyes to look at her, and she thought in that moment it looked like he would burst into flames. As his gaze raked over her body, covered in his cum and so obviously desperate for release, he licked his lips and got down, spreading her legs wider and opening her up to him.
Y/N didn't get to finish her thought, because Spencer was immediately eating her out like a man starved, running his tongue through her pussy, occasionally flicking it over her clit. As expected, the louder she got the more he gave her, and at one point he started fingering her at a relentless pace, curling his fingers up against her g-spot while circling her clit with his tongue.
He brought his head up and looked at her through his eyelashes as best as he could, barely catching a glimpse of her face, completely contorted in pleasure.
"You wanna cum, pretty girl?" he teased, slowing his fingers torturously.
She whined and then threw her head back, pleading. "Spencer, please!"
He only got a little faster and then gently flicked his tongue over her clit again, to which she yelped and fisted the sheets.
In turn he moved faster. And she got louder. Faster and louder, faster and louder, until finally he gave her what she wanted.
"That's it, pretty girl. Cum for me."
Right after he said it, Y/N arched her back off the bed and fisted the sheets even harder, actually screaming his name until it came out as incoherent sobs, eventually dwindling down to whimpering and panting as he aided her down from her high.
Spencer's movements slowed to a stop, pulling his fingers out of her and pressing one final kiss to her clit before removing himself from her completely and coming up to lay down beside her.
She stayed there on her back, arms clutched at her sides, breathing deep and eyes almost heavy like she was about to fall asleep. He brushed her hair away from her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. She could taste herself on him, and it excited her. When he pulled away, she turned her head to look at him and smiled.
"I'm definitely going to have to invade your privacy more often if this is what the end result is."
Spencer laughed, his hand brushing lightly through her hair. "So that was okay? I'm sorry if I was kind of mean, I—"
"I'm gonna stop you right there. If I was really truly mad about anything you did, I would have screamed at you, not for you. Trust me. You're just fine. That was... perfect."
"Good... And you know I was just teasing you about eavesdropping, right? I'm not actually upset about it."
"No, I know. I still feel kinda bad about it though."
"Well, you shouldn't. If anything... something good came out of it, right?"
Y/N laughed, scrunching her nose as he looked at her. "Right."
After a moment, Spencer sat up and looked down at her stomach, a smirk on his face. "I'm gonna go get you a washcloth."
"Good thinking. And while you're at it could you also grab the Advil?"
He was on his way out the bedroom door, slipping on his underwear before stopping in his tracks. "Oh no... I- I didn't hurt you did I?"
"Oh! No, you didn't. I just know that I'm going to be sore, and walking will most definitely be a problem. And I am not getting out of this bed for the rest of the day, so Advil will definitely help. Thank you for that, by the way."
Spencer laughed, leaving Y/N to admire him as he walked away.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Pregnancy scare with the Batboys?
These all happen at different times in their lives. Dick at 24, Jason 26, and Tim 20 because I feel like that’s the ages they’d like have this.
Warning: it’s gotta little bit of everything. Fluff, smut, convenience story robbery, blood, one little crude sex joke.
“I stopped at the store and got everything we need before the store comes in. Even got those pad tampon things you use,” Dick said waving the box proudly. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the box.
“And what prompted that?” You asked, eyes narrowed.
“A coupon deal on them,” Dick answered and you laughed.
“That makes more sense. Let me put these up and I’ll cook dinner,” you said, walking to the bathroom.
“Nope! I’m cooking,” Dick said happily.
“Okay,” you said planning to help him anyways.
You walked in the bathroom to put the box in your usual drawer only to find it full. When was the last time you needed one? You did the math and realized that it’s been almost 2 months. With your university schedule being crazy and Dick got hurt a few weeks ago, you’d forgotten all about your period.
You skin chilled at the thought. What if you were- what if you were pregnant? You were too young. You were 24 but it felt too young. You were only dating. You hadn’t gotten to the kids talk yet.
“Hey babe, where is the- what’s wrong?” Dick asked from the doorway. He looked at the package in your hand and the matching one in the drawer with confusion.
“Uh, I missed my period last month,” you said and his eyes widened. “I completely forgot.”
He looked at you frozen. “Wait- are you saying you might be...”
“Maybe,” you answered. “We gotta get tests and everything. And stress can mess it up. And we’ve been using protection every time.”
“Yeah. I’ll run to the store, okay?” He said before hurrying out the door. You sat on the toilet with the box still in hand. What if you were pregnant? Dick was a good guy but he didn’t exactly have a ton of money. He was a part time gymnastics teacher. You were in college.
“Okay I got 4,” Dick said, back in record time. He gave you the bag and watched you.
“Get out of the bathroom.”
“Oh right,” he said, leaving and shutting the door. You could hear him pacing as you took the tests. You unlocked the door as you waited for the tests to finish. A neat little row of absolute terror on the side of the bathtub.
“Are they done?” Dick asked anxiously.
“No. We wait two minutes,” you said almost hollowly with stress and he nodded roughly.
“If you are... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for whatever you decide. No matter your choice,” Dick said holding your hands. You gulped.
“Yeah. Thanks. I can’t believe I forgot,” you said with a little laugh. He hugged your shoulders.
“Things have been crazy,” Dick said with a shrug. Your phone alarm went off and you quickly looked at all of the tests. Negative. You both relaxed. You sighed in relief.
“That would have been crazy,” you said with a laugh. Dick laughed a little too. “I am not ready to be a mom.”
“Yeah. Same. I’d need a better job and a better place. Not that there’s anything wrong with our apartment but it’s too small for a baby,” Dick rambled on. He stopped when he noticed your little grin. “You know, I meant what I said. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you.”
You didn’t answer but pulled him in for a kiss that Dick eagerly returned before finally pulling away because you were in the bathroom surrounded by used pregnancy tests and boxes of menstrual products.
“I’ll clean up while you get dinner started. Yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Dick said with a kiss to your cheek.
You’d been thinking about it for a few days with a sense of denial. Your period was late. And you were mentally freaking out. You were too young. I mean, you were 26 but it felt too young! Your relationship was too new! You had been dating for 2 years but it felt too fast!
You hurried down to a corner store that you didn’t normally visit near your apartment to grab some tests. You jumped a little when the bell on the door rang as another customer entered the store. You had been too worried and stressed about picking from the 7 different types of pregnancy tests. Were they all the same or totally different? You just wanted to know ‘baby or naw.’ You grabbed three and put them in a hand basket.
“PUT your hands up where we can see them,” a man yelled and you froze before looking up, your hands above your head, basket on your wrist. “Take off any jewelry and pull out your wallets. We’ll be taking those,” a man in a ski mask said. There were a total of 12 customers and 2 shop clerks.
You carefully pulled your crossbody bag off your shoulder and held it out. A man grabbed it roughly from you and you made a tiny noise that made him smile. He looked you over and you wanted to shrink away.
There was a loud crashing noise as the side glass was broken and a man with a pair of guns blazing stood in the middle. The bright red helmet let you know that it was Jason and you almost sagged in relief. Almost. He pointed the gun at both criminals and shot at their knees. The rubber bullets hit them both in the knees and they fell before you could even move. He quickly punched them both in the head and they lost consciousness. Jason roughly tied them up by the register and everyone started to leave the building quickly while grabbing their things.
Jason grabbed you and pulled you from the building and up to the roof, basket still on your wrist. He rolled his helmet off and looked you over.
“Are you alright?” He asked holding your face in his hands. You grasped his wrists.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” you reassured him. He looked you over before his eyes fell to the basket. Jason froze as he looked at the contents. A candy bar and 3 pregnancy tests.
“Are you? Why do you have these?” He asked, looking at your face quickly. You sat the basket down.
“Maybe,” you answered quietly. His mouth opened a little as if you speak but he didn’t. “I mean, I’m late.”
“Okay. Alright,” he said nodding. “We just need to test first. God, you were almost shot and you might be pregnant.”
He pulled you tightly in his arms until the armor pressed against you. Jason’s lips pressed against the side of your head. For one of the first times, he looked scared.
Back at your apartment, you could hear Jason pacing as you took the test. You unlocked the door and he came in, staring at them. Neither one of you spoke before the results came in. Negative. You breathed a sigh of relief.
“I would have been there for you. No matter what. But I’m glad that it’s negative. We should plan this stuff, you know? My job... it’s too dangerous,” Jason said carefully.
“I know. We can’t,” you said with a dry smile.
“I’d quit. If you were. So that you and the baby would be safe,” he said and you quickly looked at him.
“You shouldn’t have to,” you said.
“But I would.”
Tim’s hands were tight on your hips as he thrust in your from behind and you couldn’t stop making little noises. God, were you always this tight? He could barely control himself and the second you clamped around him in pleasure, Tim came as well. Both of you panted as he roughly and slowly thrust through your highs. Tim pushed in deeply before stopping to catch his breath and then pulling out.
“Fuck,” he said in a terrified voice. You turned to look at him confused. “The condom came off.”
Your eyes widened at the implication. “Did you- did you finish inside?” You asked as cold panic flooded your body. You were only using condoms at this point in time.
“Yeah. Definitely,” he said, looking down and in literally any other situation he would have loved the sight before him. His cum leaked out of you and Tim winced.
After a few minutes of trying to finally get the useless condom out, you were almost in full freak out. You were only 20. You couldn’t get pregnant!
“I’ll get plan B. Unless you don’t want it,” Tim said looking at you.
“Good idea. We definitely need that,” you said nodding. “But you can’t go to the store and buy plan B. Timothy Drake-Wayne buys plan B. Playboy like his father Bruce Wayne? I could just see the headline. I’ll go.”
“Smart,” he said. You quickly took a shower and threw on clothes before running down to a pharmacy. Your heart pounded as you asked the pharmacist for a plan B but she simply gave you a box that you paid for. You took the pill before even leaving the store and threw away the evidence as if someone cared what you did.
That night you had some nausea and cramping but were fine otherwise. Tim was extra nice in the next few weeks as you both waited to see if your period would ever come. He put in effort to see you more often and stay off his phone when you were together. Finally you woke up one morning with cramps where actually pleasantly happy to see that you had finally started to bleed. That didn’t happen often.
You told Tim who sagged in relief. He didn’t even know how much tension he held in his body before releasing it. He kissed your cheek and you laughed a little.
“Never buying that brand of condoms again,” he swore.
“I’m making an appointment to get birth control,” you said and he quickly turned to you.
“Really? No more condoms?” Tim said hopefully.
“It’ll take a little while to start working but yeah,” you said with a little smile. “Then I can be your Twinkie instead of your toaster strudel,” you laughed.
“Wow. I wish I could time travel to unhear that,” Tim said covering his face with a hand while laughing.
“You know that’s a good joke,” you laughed pushing his shoulder.
“...yeah,” he said with a grin.
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captain-mcdavid · 4 years
three times to fall - nolan patrick
Tumblr media
word count: 2k
smut: yes | no
summary: three times the reader realized they might have more than just friendly feelings towards nolan.
warnings: steam, swearing, alcohol (this is like the first thing i’ve written here since gpp, so bear with me, it might not be that great)
the first time
It was getting harder and harder to keep track of your group of friends in the crowded stadium, you stumbled along, your head turning left and right frantically as you looked for a familiar face. 
You slowed your pace, mouth twisting in confusion when a finger hooks through your belt loop, yanking you back into a solid chest. “Watch where you’re going,” Lips graze your ear, a recognizable deep voice whispering while hands slide to rest over your hipbones, guiding you through the crowd. 
You turn your head back and up to look at Nolan, his blue eyes zoned in on moving the two of you through the crowd. His hands stay solid on your waist, and the longer they sit there the hotter the skin starts to feel. You pull forward a little more, trying to distance yourself, hoping that maybe Nolan will let go, but his fingers just tighten on your skin making you picture things you really shouldn’t be picturing with one of your good friends. 
Suddenly Nolan jerks you to the left, and if it weren’t for his solid grip on you, you’re sure you would have tumbled over, but thank god you’re able to stay on your feet in his presence. Just literally, though. Definitely not metaphorically. Your mind trips over almost every little thing he does. 
“There she is!” You hear Leah before you see her, she appears as people clear the small corner your friends are tucked into. “Couldn’t keep up?”
She teases you and you feel the rumble of Nolan’s laughter against your back, reminding you just how close the two of you are. 
Instinctively your hand lands on his wrist, and you swear you feel an actual spark.
“We’re gonna head to the exit on 170th, it’s closest to the cars.” Leah says, and you nod.
Your ears are still ringing from the music but you hear Nolan mumble, “Sure,”
And then the group keeps walking, Nolan still behind you, his hands still on your hips and you heart still beating way too fast.
What is happening?
the second time
Standing against the wall you watch as the other party goers do shots, acting rambunctious and carefree. A small laugh escapes you when you see Travis throw his beer can on the ground, stomping on it mercilessly for no reason.
Another wave of the loopiness that pushed you to seek space in the first place hits, so you wander down the hall, pushing into the first room with a bed.
It’s clean, but a fast clean. The type of tidying someone does when they’re in a rush. There’s hockey memorabilia everywhere, and when you see the photo on the bedside table you realize that you’re in Nolan’s room. You feel odd being in here but you slouch onto the bed anyway, feeling better as soon as you’re off your feet.
You lean to look at the pictures on the bedside table, smiling at the sly grin Nolan sports in almost everyone of the photos. Since the concert you had been thinking about him more than you should. It wasn’t normal to view a good friend like this, one that you’ve known since elementary school.
You’ve watched him grow up. And somehow you started seeing him less as the goofy kid that kicked everyone’s ass in gym class hockey, and more as a man. A hot man. With a good sense of humour and an extremely charming smile.
Your head snaps towards the door when you hear his voice, his lazy grin lets you know he’s not serious so you smirk in response, giving him a nod, your heart rate picking up.
There are a lot of things running through your head at the moment, and you’re very close to saying every single one of them, but you’d need one more shot to do that.
He runs his hand through his hair as he walks over to you, and your filter loosens enough for the words to slip out, “Can I play with your hair?”
Nolan laughs and you giggle along with him while he sits beside you on the bed. “You wanna play with my hair?”
You nod, biting your lip as you crawl menacingly towards him. His eyes widen and he inches further away, grabbing at your wrists when you try to reach for him.
“No,” He laughs, pushing you away.
You sit back on your knees and frown, “Please,”
He scans you with furrowed brows for a moment before sighing and nodding. You scoot behind him with an excited squeal, signalling his loud laugh, and a flutter of your heart.
You wouldn’t do it- any of this really- if you weren’t intoxicated, but knowing that you can blame all of your embarrassing actions on alcohol. Throwing caution to the wind you move so that your legs are on either side of him, you’re not expecting him to, but almost instinctively he leans back into you. With a grin you run your hands through his locks and he makes a fake moaning noise.
“I’m gonna braid it,” You whisper, separating the hair into three chunks. You’re surprised by how soft it feels in between your fingers. You’re focused on braid and you’re nearly halfway done when you feel a light touch on the bottoms of both of your feet. It’s an uncomfortable tickle that makes you fidgit, both your legs coming to wrap around Nolans torso.
Realizing the weirdness of it all you’re about to move your legs but Nolan holds them there. “What are you doing?” You ask, wiggling your feet in his lap.
Nolan stands suddenly and you gasp, grabbing his shoulders quick so the other half of you doesn’t fall behind. “Nolan put me down!”
He spins maniacally squeezing your calves relentlessly while you shake with laughter. You jerk one leg free finally nearly falling when it hits the ground. Nolan drops your other leg and you use all your strength to shove him. You’re expecting more than him just lazily falling onto the bed, but that’s all you get despite what you though was an impressive output of strength. “Asshole,” You murmur, moving closer to push at his chest, but he catches your wrist with a smirk, yanking you right into him.
You’re nearly chest to chest, and you’re extremely confused as to what’s going on but you let it happen anyway, moving easily as he guides you to straddle his lap. You have a staring contest for a minute, but the look in his eyes is so intense you need a break, so you reach your hands into his hair again, running your nails along his scalp. His eyes flutter shut, hands coming to rest in the back belt loops of your jeans.
“Nolan,” You whisper, and it sounds like a question, cause you’re seriously wondering what the hell is going on.
He opens his eyes and hums a response, one of his hands moving from your back to your face. His thumb catches your bottom lip and he sweeps it down, watching the way it moves.
Your heart is no longer beating steadily at this point, because you can’t believe that this is happening. But it is, and he’s definitely leaning in closer. When he kisses you the first time it’s gentle, so soft you’re not even sure it actually happened. Your lips mould together lightly, almost like he’s afraid of your reaction.
When he pulls back and your eyes flutter open, lips still parted he stares back, his gaze flickering between your own and your mouth. You swear you see the slate color in his eyes darken before he connects your lips again, harder and more urgent this time.
His lips are so soft and inviting, the way they work with your own makes you feel like your entire body is buzzing. His tongue licks into your mouth and you instinctively lean into him, your hands sliding down to the naps of his neck. Tugging lightly at the hair you slide your other hand below the fabric of his flannel and t shirt, trying to get as close as possible.
Nolan pushes at your bum, queuing a roll of your hips against him. The low moan that your movement entices has you pulling away with a gasp, fuck he’s hot.
You observe him with wide eyes, his swollen lips and heaving chest. He tilts your chin up forcefully, exposing your neck. He bites into the skin gently, and you want nothing more than to lean back in and kiss the life out of him, but sober you is fighting for the steering wheel, which is why you blurt out, “What are we doing?”
“Making out,” He mumbles, words muffled against the skin of your neck.
“Just making out?” You reply, your hand gripping harder at his hair. You’re like pushing him into you, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Do you want me to do more?” He whispers, pressing his lips right below your ear.
“More...?” It comes out breathy, you’re totally engrossed in what his mouth is doing.
“Yeah,” He starts, kissing down the column of you neck before dragging his tongue back up. “More.”
A loud moan escapes you at his actions, and he chuckles against your skin. “I’m gonna take that as a yes,”
Then he’s standing up, but you’re prepared this time, holding onto him easily. His teeth are dragging across your collarbone now, while he strides across the room, he kicks the door shut and then turns back to drop you onto the bed.
His lips travel down your neck and chest, and when his hands slide up the fabric, and just when he’s about to pull it off, the door busts open, almost as fast as it just closed.
“Nolan!” Travis yells, completely oblivious to the fact that he’s literally on top of you. “Beer pong, let’s go.” And then he leaves.
The room goes silent and all you and Nolan can do is stare at eachother, the earlier moment completely ruined.
“I should um-,” Nolan starts, and you nod, frozen underneath him. He just nods and then stands from the bed, looking back and forth between you and the door before he nods awkwardly and then leaves.
What is happening?
the third time
“We are not watching that!” Rachel barks, yanking the DVD case from Nolan’s hand. 
“Slap shot is a classic, but fine.” He grunts, flopping down onto the couch beside you.
You shift away from him a little, still not sure how to act. More chatter ensues, and you give input every once in a while, rolling your eyes at your friends incapability to choose a movie. Finally, someone decides on the Avengers, and not everyone is happy of course, but the opening credits start to roll anyways. 
Ignoring the five people already on the couch, Rachel parks herself directly in the middle, squishing everyone up against each other, groans and swears are heard from all of you but Rachel just waves you off, making you roll your eyes. 
You feel Nolan shift beside you, turning so he’s more on his side giving you a little more space. “Here,” He mumbles, hand finding your leg and adjusting you so you were in the same position, your back pressed to his front. He’s practically spooning you, your right shoulder pressed to the back of the couch. You’re stiff against his body, and it’s like he can feel it, cause he rubs his hand back and forth against your thigh.
You haven’t talked about what happened at his party, and Nolan seems to be acting like nothing has happened, but you can’t brush it off that easy. Not after all these feelings you’ve been having.
To your surprise he doesn’t move his hand, it stays in it’s place a few inches above your knee. Leah chucks a blanket over the herself and the two of you, making Nolan’s very noticeable PDA less noticeable.
As the movie starts, your friends chatter and jost at eachother, but it dies down eventually, everyone quieting to watch the action.
You eventually relax too, leaning back into Nolan instinctively, your eyes drooping the longer the movie plays.
At some point the noise around you mutes completely, Nolan’s warmth and steady breathing lulling you to sleep.
You don’t wake until the movies over, your friends all nudging on the couch to get up.
You shift, trying to appear less groggy but then a hand slides from your leg to your waist, and Nolan pulls you back against him.
“Tired?” His low voice rumbles behind you, and maybe it’s that you’re still tired, or maybe it’s that you just want to feel him behind you, but you nod, leaning even further back.
He chuckles, his head falling to rest on yours. And then your friends turn to face you all cuddled up, and the both of you are straightening up immediately.
You stand, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. “Good movie,” You say, and everyone laughs.
“Oh please, you watched maybe five minutes of it,” Leah quips, and you make a face back.
“Ready Nolan?” Trevor asks, pulling his keys out of his pocket.
Everybody else heads to the door as well, giving hugs on the way out.
Nolan reaches out to give you a one armed hug before he walks out the door, and it’s so quick you almost miss the way he kisses the corner of your mouth, winking before he walks out.
You’re left standing there in complete shock, which seems to be a very common emotion when you’re around Nolan lately.
And all you can think is what is happening?
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
October 3rd
word count: 1,535
prompt: distraction
summary: sapnap wants to show karl an extraordinary cave that he found. however, a creature lurks in the shadows, and it wants to thwart their plans… or does it?
I loved writing this one, might be one of my all time favorites. you guys are really in for a treat. :)
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
If there was one thing that Karl knew about Sapnap, it was that he could be extremely unpredictable. It was almost like he had a different group of personality traits every day. Some days, he would be more affectionate. Sometimes, he was less confident and loud like normal. However, if Karl had to choose two traits to describe him in this very moment, they would be hyper and adventurous.
“I swear, you should’ve been there when me and George found it! It was so cool, I could’ve stayed there for hours.” Sapnap rambled on, walking in front of Karl. “You’re going to love it.”
“Wow, you seem really excited about this.” Karl, who was the calmer of the two currently, observed as he walked behind.
“Well, of course!” Sapnap grinned, a bounce in his steps. “I’m excited for you to see this!”
Karl smiled softly. Seeing his fiancé so happy made him happy in return. He looked at the trees, stretching high up in the air. If the woods they were walking through were beautiful, then this cave had to be breathtaking.
Suddenly, Sapnap stopped walking. Karl didn’t even notice until he bumped into him, and noticed that he was now standing still.
“Uh… Karl? Did you hear that?” Sapnap turned around, looking at the time traveler with nervous eyes.
“Hear what?”
“That noise. Did you not just hear that?”
“…No. I didn’t hear anything. What are you talking about?”
“I just heard a noise. It…” Sapnap paused. “It sounded like a monster.”
“A monster?” Karl asked, now a bit on edge. “What kind?”
“I dunno, it just…” The other sighed, looking onwards. “It’s probably nothing. Look, we’re almost at the cave entrance. Let’s just keep walking.”
The happy, bubbly mood in the air had suddenly shifted to a heavy, ominous one as the two lovers wandered through the woods. Sapnap would keep insisting that he was hearing a noise, but every time, Karl would hear nothing. It was honestly making him a little bit concerned.
“Alright… this is it.” Sapnap let out a shaky breath, the pep in his step completely gone.
Karl looked up, noticing the cave entrance. The entrance itself was a big hole in a hill, and it led down. There were a few torches on the walls at the entrance, but everything else beyond that was pitch black.
“Um…” Sapnap looked at the dark abyss, grabbing a torch from off the wall and handing it to Karl. “Is… Is it okay if you go in front?”
The other’s eyebrows furrowed with concern. Sapnap was so… happy, just a few moments ago, and now he was scared. Karl could tell he was trying to act calm, but he was clearly nervous.
If Karl could describe Sapnap today with a third word, it would be fearful.
“Yeah… I can.” He nodded, holding the torch in his hand, and lightly holding Sapnap’s hand with the other. The two of them walked gently down the steps of the cave, holding each other’s hands, making sure not to trip over anything. Karl, leading ahead of them, felt his partner’s hand slip away, and his heart skipped a beat. “Sapnap?”
“Sorry, I keep getting distracted.” Sapnap sighed. “Are you sure you don’t hear that?”
“I don’t hear anything!” Karl exclaimed, getting more uneasy by the minute. It was true, he really didn’t hear any sort of monster noise. He hadn’t once for this entire journey. What he did hear next, however, was the noise of Sapnap falling over.
“Sapnap?!” The traveler whipped around, running behind him to help his friend off of the ground. However, when he went to help him up, no one was there.
“Sap? Oh my honk, where did you go?”
He was behind him one second ago, and he wasn’t there anymore. Karl was alone in the deep, dark cave, with the torch as his only friend.
And then, he heard it.
A low, rumbling, growl.
A monster.
Karl didn’t know what to do in that moment, so he did the first thing that came to his mind.
He turned around, torch in hand, and ran back up to the entrance. He ran as fast as his legs could take him, and the light at the end of the tunnel showed more and more. He made it up to the top, sticking the torch to the wall and putting his hands on his knees, panting heavily. He couldn’t remember the last time he ran that fast. But where was Sapnap? He was right behind him. And now he wasn’t. He needed to find him, as soon as he could. It was the only thing on his mind, he couldn’t do anything else before he found-
Karl felt two hands grab onto his sides, and he turned around in a stumbled panic as he let out a loud scream. There was Sapnap, right behind him. And boy, did he find Karl’s reaction hilarious.
“Sapnap! What the honk?! You scared me!” Karl placed a heart on his chest.
Sapnap, on the other hand, was in hysterics. He clutched his stomach, laughing loudly. “Ihi’m sohorry, Ihi’m sohorry! Ihi cohouhuldn’t hehelp mysehelf!”
“I thought I was going to have a heart attack.” Karl sighed, stepping closer to Sapnap.
“Ihi cahan tehell! My mohonsteher nohoihise reheahally scahared yohou, huh?”
Karl looked at his giggling companion, confused, until it hit him, and his eyes went wide in realization. “That was you?! Sapnap!”
If Karl could describe Sapnap today with a fourth word, it would be mischievous.
He wanted to be annoyed at Sapnap, he really did. He wanted to discipline him for giving him the scare of his life, but he couldn’t do it when he was being so cute. His smile could light up any room.
And his laughter… could bring joy to anyone, no matter the situation.
“You found that funny, huh, Sapnap?” Karl asked, crossing his arms and stepping closer. Sapnap nodded, a snort coming from him as he still laughed. “Well, I’ve got something really funny to show you then!”
Sapnap giggled, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity. When he felt two hands grab onto his sides and furiously squeeze, he giggled more, a girlish squeal escaping his lips before he could stop it.
“DuhuHUDE! Nohohoho!!” He wriggled around, but Karl held onto him firmly, squeezing relentlessly.
“Dude, yes! You totally deserve this for scaring the honk outta me.” Karl responded, an equally wide smile on his face as his squeezes moved upwards, starting to now squeeze at Sapnap’s ribs.
“Noho I doHOHON’T!” He screamed out, sinking towards the ground. Karl only grinned and followed him down.
“Yes, you do! It was very mean.” Karl faked being upset, fingers bouncing along his fiancé’s ribs like a piano. Sapnap was in a giggling frenzy, shoving at his hands and attempting to hide his pink face.
“Y’know, it’s almost like you’re more ticklish when you’re already giggly. Which is very convenient right now.” He smiled.
“YeHEHEahah, fohor yoHOHOU!” Sapnap yelled out, the blush on his face growing deeper. Karl shook his head, stopping his fingers.
“You keep talking back to me, it’s so rude! Looks like I need to put you in your place, mister!” The time traveler had a soft smirk on his face, reaching a hand down and slowly pulling up Sapnap’s shirt. When he felt the fabric moving, Sapnap’s squirming increased drastically.
“WAIT! Wait! WahAHait! Dohon’t! Karl, Kaharl. Come ohon, dude.” He pleaded, the evil look on his fiancé’s face filling his stomach with butterflies. “Yohou dohon’t have to doho this. Kaharl. Karl. Wait. Wahait. KARL, DOHON’T! KAHAHARL-”
A high pitched scream cut Sapnap off, preventing him from saying any more as the feeling of a raspberry rippled through his tummy. After he screamed, high pitched, bubbly laughter spilled out of him like a waterfall. And just when he thought it was over, he felt another one and shrieked with laughter, throwing himself against the ground.
If Karl could describe Sapnap today with a fifth word, it would be adorable.
“KAHAHARL!! PLEHEHEAHAHASE! IHI CAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IHIHIT!” He screamed as his limit was being reached. Smaller raspberries started to be planted on his stomach instead, and then, they were reduced to small, slightly tickly kisses, each one accompanied with a “mwah!” sound.
“Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!” Karl giggled along with Sapnap as he planted kisses all over his tummy. He finally finished, grabbing Sapnap’s hand and helping him off of the ground once he was rested up.
“Sooo… is there actually a cool cave around here? Or did you just bring yourself out here to scare the honk outta me?” Karl asked.
“No, there actually is a cave. I did want to show you, we just got distracted. You still wanna see?” Sapnap offered, grinning when Karl nodded.
Just as Karl had done before, Sapnap grabbed the torch from the wall with one hand, and held Karl’s own in the other. He excitedly led his lover down the cave path, reaching a railroad with two minecarts.
That day, Karl reaffirmed two things he knew about Sapnap.
One: He was definitely an unpredictable person.
Two: Karl wouldn’t change that trait for the world.
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Ok I totally want to hear more about this survivors au/Delores is real! How do the siblings handle having this different version of Five? Five may be better adjusted but he still has to heard his family around like a bunch of stray cats. What happens when Hazel and Cha Cha show up? How do they find out that Vanya causes the apocalypse and how does Five handle that revelation?!
here is the thing, i think the survivors au has the potential to be HILARIOUS
no one knows how to handle a well-adjusted five, and this absolutely includes the commission
So you mentioned Hazel and Cha-Cha?? Five in this au was not nearly as absolutely feral as he is in the show bc he knows how to interact with people - he was raised by a competent adult and a weird best friend and they occasionally saw other survivors as well
please picture old Five hanging around the water cooler and chatting with Hazel
the other funny thing is that Five is competent passing - he is well adjusted emotionally but functionally?? Hazel is out there complaining about dental being cut and office parties and budgets and Five is there sipping his drink having never filed taxes in his life. Five doesn't know what the fuck a dental plan is, he was a child soldier and then lived in an apocalypse.
So please picture for me Hazel being like "okay I know corporate wants us to keep what we're being paid to ourselves but fuck that, workers unite, what do you get paid as a legend old timer?"
and five is like "you're getting paid? i get to not get tossed back into the apocalypse, I think"
"but what about expense forms? what about medical care?"
"I'm like 80% sure i'm being experimented on, actually." Five says nonchalantly, "Don't get me wrong, my idea of medical care is fucked by being a child soldier but I'm pretty sure regular people don't have electrodes attached to their heads every time they get a checkup. Could be wrong though! My ex-dad used to monitor my brainwaves while I slept so like, my idea of appropriate shit is fucked, you know?"
This is a Five who was raised by Rick, he is polite to his coworkers. If Dot asked him if he wanted to grab lunch, Five would have gone and grabbed lunch with her or politely said that he couldn't.
Cha Cha only ever talks to Five when she wants to talk shop, so they've had a couple of conversations about weapons but not much else tbh, Hazel just tends to be more personable
So when they're sent after Five, Hazel is much more hesitant to kill who he perceives as a "work friend" and also is definitely thinking about all the times Five casually revealed a way the commission was being highkey shady about him, such as the potential experimentation, no pay, working under duress etc. He's much more easily turned against the commission because he's even more primed to say "fuck the commission" than he is in canon
Hazel out here like "how did Five break his contract when Five wasn't even being paid? I kind of want to read it."
Hazel out here like "I would unionize if I didn't think the commission was anti-union enough to send literal assassins after me if I suggested it :/"
meanwhile with the siblings
Five just. talks over them a lot and makes so much sense that it's actually really hard to argue with him, and he's weirdly considerate of his family's obligations
Like Diego is like "i have to go see Patch" then Five is like "that's great I'm proud of you buddy, it would actually be really handy to have some law enforcement read into the situation if you think she's up to the task. that goes for everyone by the way! If y'all have people you trust, more bodies would be super helpful I think"
the entire family, collectively, who have like zero trusted social links: uhhhhhhhh
Diego, with this weird permission, probably?? Does? Awkwardly attempt to read Patch into the situation? Patch is, obviously, like "what the fuck, Diego" but probably goes with him to the mansion (????????) because she's concerned and then meets his fucking whacko family with their superpowers and suddenly everything is 100% more realistic
Five is just like "yes hello I'm aware I look like a child, i'm actually in my late 50s or early 60s (apocalypse time amiright) because of time travel stuff. Yes I am Five Hargreeves who went missing in like 2002 or whatever. anyway it's lovely to meet you, i'm so glad diego has someone he trusts, and considering my sibling's shifty looks when i told them to invite anyone they trusted this genuinely makes me concerned that Diego is the most socially well-adjusted of them."
"That cannot be possible." Patch says, like someone who has met Diego Hargreeves.
"You haven't met the rest." Five says sympathetically, "In our defense we were raised in isolation as child soldiers."
"That... explains so much." Is all Patch can say to that, "But you seem..."
"I'm adopted." Five waves away.
"We're ALL adopted." Diego grits out, very aggrieved by this and also not sure if he likes the fact that Patch seems friendly with Five, or at least is listening to him?
"I'm double adopted."
However! With the recruitment of Patch, herding Diego becomes like 90% easier.
Honestly the worst to herd are probably Luther and Allison? Luther because he's Number One and resents Five taking charge and also resents Five's casual dismissal of Reginald and also suspects that Five (or at least the commission) has something to do with Reginald's death?
Allison because she is torn between following Luther and helping him and helping Five but also calling Patrick and Claire at every possible moment while ALSO trying to repair her relationship with Vanya. She's flighty - she'd bail on a Five-apocalypse-assignment if Vanya mentioned being hungry or if Luther called or anything like that
Vanya likes to be included and, if asked, would probably drop as many current obligations as she can. Like she would probably cancel her teaching if Five genuinely and sincerely asked her for her help, which he does because he's 100% sure Dolores would manifest in front of him and smack him if he dared even imply someone without powers wouldn't be helpful
Vanya is like "I'm not sure if i'll be helpful - I don't have powers ):" and Patch is like "wtf are you talking about - my superpowers are Gun, Backup, and Reading Comprehension and i am like the most useful member of this team right now"
Vanya gets a confidence boost just from hanging out with Patch honestly, I think they should be friends
Klaus is thrilled to be included are you kidding?? He says he does it for money but he's just happy to be there and also as one of the most emotionally intelligent siblings he is mildly concerned about the fact that Five looks like he's about to cry and also emotes
Five also gives Klaus positive reinforcement, hugs, and Five absolutely weaponizes the I'm not mad, but I believe that you can do better and I'm going to give you more chances because I love you and fully believe that next time you'll be amazing way that Rick used on him.
I feel like Five ends up saying something along the lines of "I understand that x is really important, and we're definitely going to look into it. Is it something that needs to be addressed right now, or is it something that can wait until after April 1st? If it can wait, I can write it down here on this list so we don't forget. If it can't wait then we can figure out a time to address it and help you" a lot
Like Grace malfunctioning and potentially killing Reginald?
"We don't have to make this decision right now." Five says patiently, "Because Grace is a robot, we have some options. Living with a robot who is potentially malfunctioning and homicidal is dangerous, but Luther saying that means admitting that Reginald might have made a mistake or error with Grace's programming or upkeep. I haven't been here for a long time, but I remember Reginald being very precise. Regardless, this isn't a choice between permanently shutting her off or not. We can shut her down temporarily until we can fully address the issue. We can ask and see if there is a 'system reboot' option or some sort of system check that Grace can undergo. We can try find and hire an expert to take a look at her programming to find the issue."
Five gives this speech while like, organizing the weaponry in the house on a table very nonchalantly
Five out here making buzzer noises at his siblings arguments like "yeah no that's a false dichotomy and a strawman's argument, want to try again?"
(Look apocalypse nights were long and they had games that were literally about arguing pointless shit like ranking types of chairs or the best way to break out of a prison without powers and things could get heated)
"Who died and made you boss?" Luther demands.
"Uh, the world? Were you not listening?" Five asks, looking very purposefully confused.
It gets even MORE delightful when Five reads Rick into the situation because a) he promised and b) his siblings really have like, no connections jeeze
Rick fully believes that this is his son from the future, like Five introduced himself, but Five skipped out on a few key details. Such as being adopted.
So Rick spends a solid chunk of time just staring at Five, who looks basically nothing like him, trying to think like, who is his mother ???? if we save the world will Five stop existing? why would I name my child 'Five'? Does everyone have powers in the future? was there like... a radioactive apocalypse? would radiation give future humans superpowers? when did my life turn into a comic book? am i even allowed to ask these questions? will knowledge of the future fuck things up?
and then when Five comes back and is like "what is up everyone this is my dad Rick who will be joining us, he doesn't have any memories of me thanks to time travel but if anyone is mean to him i WILL kneecap them"
"Your DAD?"
Five does kidney punch Klaus for saying that Rick is a DILF but otherwise everyone just is like, warily looking at this Normal Dad Man in confusion because?? This is the dude who raised Five, who they watched take out like an entire commission team by himself yesterday? He looks so. Normal.
Rick is very confused and like, wonders if he's supposed to be the team mascot? But Five keeps involving him and asking his opinion and in return Rick enforces snack breaks and makes everyone sandwiches and has gentle talks with everyone
Every time Five notices someone about to blow he just lovingly makes sure that that person is alone in a room with Rick
Luther ends up crying on the sofa with Rick gently patting his back as Rick calmly states that Luther seems like he's put a lot of time and effort into his family and making his father proud and that since Reginald isn't here to say it, Rick will have to be the one to say that he's proud and that they've been dropped into a difficult and stressful situation - so soon after Reginald's death when they're still grieving! - and he's doing so well
Luther, experiencing unconditional positive paternal regard for the first time in his life: i don't know why i'm crying so much
honestly this is just a comedy of juggling the gang, having impromptu therapy sessions and discussions, investigating the apocalypse and the eye, leonard trying to meet vanya continuously and failing because she's constantly surrounding by family or rick/patch, the commission trying their best to bust up the dream team/isolate Vanya/kill or remove Five, while Hazel lives out his romcom dreams with Agnes and also says "fuck the commission"
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ladydorian05 · 4 years
A Christmas with you~
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Oh god...where do I begin, okay as of today Dec/24/2020, the movie We can be heroes isn’t out yet, so everything is just from my imagination, interactions, personalities and everything else that may sound slightly canon, it’s most certainly NOT canon. I hate using ‘Y/n’ on reader inserts but this time I had to. Thank you @din-damn-djarin​ for being my beta for this fic, I really, really appreciate it. Go check out her fics, I adore her Neigbor Marcus Pike series, it’s SO good. 
This is a monster of a fic, where did so many words come from?
Hope you guys like it.
Thoughts are in italics 
A Christmas with you~
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!reader
Summary: You’ve been in love with your best friend for years, what you don’t know is that he’s also in love with you. Could a little push from one cunning young girl help you both get together during the most wonderful time of the year? (sorry, still suck at summaries)
Warnings: Reader’s superhero name is “Striker”, why? Because my brain thought it sounded cool, I jump from POV to POV, one plotting child, best friends to lovers, a pair of pinning idiots and implicit spiciness.
Words: 7K something
It was no secret to any of the members of the Heroics that you had no family to spend the holidays with.
In a way they were all your family, you were all a close-knitted team, but sometimes, it just wasn’t the same.
Then, there was Marcus and his daughter. He had been there from the moment you joined the team he became a very close friend, your best friend. Most of the time you got partnered with him, especially when it came to reconnaissance missions, you worked well together, you trusted each other and always had each other’s back.
Eventually, you began to feel differently towards him. You were no fool, you knew what you felt for him was definitely more than simple fondness, attachment or admiration. Your heart rate increased when he was close, his smile makes you smile, you would do anything for him, anything to keep him and his loved ones from harm’s way.
He’s always been so charming and handsome and a total gentleman. There had been times where you had wanted to take the first step, confess your feelings to him and see where that would take you, but you couldn’t; at first because he had been a married man about to become a father when you met him and then when his wife stopped being a part of the picture, well you just wanted to be there for him as a friend, he had enough on his plate raising Missy on his own, he didn’t need you to dump all of your feelings on him.
He was doing amazing on his own, but you wanted him. No, you wanted both of them, Marcus and Missy, to know that you would be there for them whenever they needed you. Besides, you were just friends, he’ll never see you as anything more.
“That will be all for today, everyone’s dismissed. I wish you all a happy Christmas eve and remember to keep your locators close, we all know how crime rates increase during this season. I'll see you again here until the 26th” Ms. Granada said, taking you out of your thoughts and officially ending the debrief meeting.
Every year, during the holidays, most of the team got a leave from duty, beginning early on Christmas eve, until the 26th; that was if no major crisis happened that required the whole team, otherwise only a handful of volunteers were left on patrol duty during those days.
Seeing as you’ve never celebrated the festivity, you always volunteered to be a part of the patrolling team. Not that your teammates had never invited you to spend Christmas with them and their families, they had done it on multiple occasions, not wanting you to be alone, time and time again you had reassured them that it was alright you didn't mind spending the night patrolling.
In truth, you always declined because you didn’t want to intrude, the celebration was all about family and spending time with loved ones, you knew your friends had good intentions but you just didn’t want to feel like you didn’t belong there, like you were invited to tag along out of pity.
Eventually, the invitations stopped coming your way, and while it hurt a bit that they gave up on you, you were also relieved for not being put on the spot again and again having to decline their generous offers.
But this year, unbeknownst to you, a scheme was beginning to brew inside the head of one young girl, to make you change your plans for the night.
Missy wasn’t blind, she knew there was something between her father and Striker, even before she learned that her father was a superhero.
When she was younger, she had shipped his dad’s alter ego and Striker. They always looked so in-sync on the tv, like the perfect duo, but now that she gets to watch them both in real life? She had no doubts, they liked each other.
And it wasn’t just when they were in costume, Striker had always been around ever since she could remember, all of her birthday parties, her school festivals, even helping her dad every time some mom came up with the idea to have bake sales at school over and over again; what’s wrong with that woman?
She had noticed all the constant glances, the here and there ‘accidental’ brush of hands, even the full-on staring; just like right now, during the debrief, her father’s eyes kept straying from Ms. Granada to Striker and every single time he turned his attention back to the meeting before he could notice how Striker had been doing the same thing. Oh yeah, they were both pining for each other.
The problem was that they were SO stubborn, she’s been trying to bring it up to her dad, but he would immediately change the topic of the conversation with some question about school or any upcoming mission, it was frustrating!
She wanted him to be happy, she wanted both of them to be happy, and being superheroes was dangerous business, she wasn’t about to wait until something happened to either of them, as dramatic as that would be, for things to move forward. Like always, it was up to her to give them a push.
“You know, if you keep staring at her like that she’ll burst into flames.” One good thing that came with the pair of pinning adults was that the whole thing made them so easy to tease, and she loved to tease her father.
“I think you're mistaken, that would be something Lavagirl could probably do, not me sweetheart.” With a chuckle, Marcus puts a hand on her head to ruffle her hair. “Ready to go?” Changing the topic, again. This time she wasn’t about to let it go.
“Not yet. Actually, there’s something you haven’t done.” Missy crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Oh, really?” Marcus smiled as he mimicked his daughter’s stance. “And what is that thing I haven’t done?” he said with amusement.
Missy smirked. “You haven’t asked Y/n if she wants to come home and celebrate with us. “The smile on Marcus' face disappeared, a stunned expression replacing it.
“Yeah, you should invite her, we can all have dinner together and maybe she can stay and open presents with us.”
“Uh…Missy, sweetheart I don’t think that’s a good-“
“Oh, come on, dad! It’ll be great! It’s not as if we’re doing something REALLY special tonight. Please?”
“Sweetheart, she’ll probably say no, you know she never comes to Christmas parties.” His hands moved from his chest to rest on his waist as he spoke.
“Which is why you should invite her over. We’re not throwing a party; it’ll be just the three of us. And even if she says no, you won't lose anything just by asking.”
He wouldn’t know what to do if she rejected him. How cliché of him to fall in love with his best friend.
He had slowly fallen for you, so much so that by the time he realized what was going on, he was already a goner.
He had always known how beautiful you were, your smile, the way it illuminated your whole face; your eyes, your nose, your lips. He noticed how you were always helping people, inside and outside your Heroic persona, he also noticed how you tried to dismiss your own worries, not wanting to ‘burden’ others with them.
If only you would let him do for you the same things you do for him. He would love nothing more than to share whatever problems weighted down on you. He also knew you never accepted invitations to any Christmas celebration, at first, he had thought maybe you were being shy, being the new member of the team and all that, but year after year you always declined every single invitation from your teammates, he had always hated the thought of you spending the holidays on your own, patrolling the city.
He had never tried to invite you himself, back when his wife was around, they had always traveled to her parent’s house so it was useless to ask you to tag along, and then, after she left, it had been difficult to even try to celebrate.
If he asked you to come to Christmas and you said no, if you rejected him…well what hope could he have that maybe, just maybe he could find the courage to confess his feelings. But the probability of them being unrequired scared him so much. Should he risk it all?
Missy didn’t need to be a telepath to know what her dad was thinking, he was thinking too much and that normally resulted in him chickening out, well this time she wouldn’t let him.
“Or do you actually like the idea of her spending Christmas patrolling the city in a cold night most likely on her own?” This time she copied her father’s stance, silently challenging him to a staring contest, she had this in the bag, her dad had never won a staring contest in his life.
“You can be so stubborn when you want to, little lady.” Marcus said after a few seconds, breaking eye contact.
“Who do you think I got it from?” She said with a self-satisfied smile on her face.
“Come here.” Marcus pulled her in a hug. “I love you; you know that?” he said, leaving a kiss on top of her hair.
“I know, I love you too. Now stop stalling and go ask her.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh, you’re also bossy.” He squeezed her a little before letting go and walking towards y/n.
“It’s called leadership!” He shook his head laughing, well, at least he was doing something right, god knows raising Missy almost on his own hadn’t been easy.
You had been waiting to see which teammates would be staying with you this year to agree upon a schedule, when you noticed Marcus approaching you, he stood in front of you with a wide smile making his adorable dimple appear.
“Hi there.” He greeted while rubbing his hands together, one of his nervous ticks.
“Hi there yourself, everything okay?” It was weird, you could see how tense he was and he kept shifting from foot to foot.
His eyes widened and his head kept moving as he nodded. “Yeah, yes, everything’s alright.”
“Okay.” Now this was a Marcus you didn’t get to see often. Normally he was so self-assured, he always carried himself with confidence, even in the face of danger. “Are you excited to go home and spend a whole day with Missy?”
“Of course, it’s been some time since we’ve had the chance to spend a whole day together.”
“I’m glad you got the chance, she’s been working so hard, you both have, you deserve some time off.”
And so do you. He thought.
“You know, you’re right, you should also take a break.” He frowned. Marcus could see the bags under your eyes. You had also been working harder, pulling more time than the others. You did this every year during this season and it always pained him, while everyone else went home to their families you didn’t even hang your suit and equipment for a night and a day off, no, you made sure to keep everyone safe.
“I don’t know, not many of us volunteer for patrol as it is, and I don’t have any plans for the night or tomorrow so, why not?” You looked down at your feet. It was the truth, why bother taking a break, only to go to a cold empty apartment? You could find a better use of your time like this.
Marcus, swallowed, steeling what little resolve he had, it was now or never.
“You know, we- Missy and I that is. We were wondering if…maybe, if you don’t have any other plans; and of course you can say no, but it’ll be great if you said yes, and it’s nothing formal-” You watched him with amusement as he kept rambling, “It would be just the three of us and well, pizza and movies and junk food, staying up until midnight and opening some presents. Don’t worry, you don’t have to actually bring anything, it’ll be fine with jus-“
Shit, why was he talking so much, and why wouldn’t his hands stop moving!? Something like this hadn’t happened to him in a freaking long while, since he first invited a girl he liked on a date, like twenty or so years ago!
Leave it to you to have this kind of effect on him, only you could reduce him to a babbling idiot, if this kept going on, he wouldn’t be able to actually ask you the question.
Oh my god! What is he doing!? Missy stared at her dad as he kept talking and moving his hands around while you just looked at him with mirth and confusion.
She had to do everything in this family, didn’t she?
“Would you like to join us tonight and maybe even tomorrow?” Missy interrupted her dad before he could keep on talking.
 Marcus hadn't been so grateful to his little girl than in that moment. “Umm, yeah, would you like to join us?” Marcus looked at you with a smile and hopeful eyes.
“Oh…OH!” You were speechless, you weren’t expecting an invitation this year, least of all an invitation from him. While it wasn’t weird for him to invite you to special occasions, he’s never once tried to invite you to spend Christmas with him. You always thought this time of year was special for him and that he preferred to spend it alone with Missy. “I-I…”
“Please say yes! It’d be fun, we just sit in front of the tv and watch movies while eating junk food!” Missy jumped in hugging you. She wasn’t scared to use her resources, every single one of them, if that meant that y/n agreed to the invite; she’d even use the puppy eyes if she had to, she had to exploit that one before it stopped working.
“I don’t know, we can’t leave the city defenseless…” Puppy eyes it was.
“Pretty please! I’m sure it’ll be fine, you always stay on duty, they can manage one year without you!”
Oh no, not the puppy eyes! You stared at Missy’s brown eyes, they looked so much like her father’s. You shifted your gaze from Missy to look at Marcus only to find him doing almost the same expression. God damn it! Not him too, he’s too old for that face to work, why is it working!?
What the hell, it’s not like you didn’t want to.
“Okay, I’ll join you guys”
“Yes! You’re the best, see ya later!!!” Missy gave your middle a squeeze before running out of the room, leaving you and Marcus staring after her.
“You mister are way too old to be pulling the puppy-eyed look, you should be ashamed.” You turned to see his smug face.
“I’ll keep using it for as long as it keeps working.”
“What a disgrace.”
“So umm, does six work for you?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to let the others know I won’t be a volunteer this year. See you then.” With a smile you gave Marcus a quick hug before approaching one of the members of the Heroics that, much like you, always volunteered and was the one in charge of making the schedule for patrol rounds.
“Yeah, see you.” Marcus said shaking his head, long after you had left his side. He needed to get a grip of himself, if not, he would have a long night waiting for him.
Even if Marcus said not to bring anything, you hated arriving at a friend’s house empty handed, even if it was Marcus, especially if it was Marcus; so you made sure to grab a couple of things on the way to your apartment. Some bags of everyone’s favorite chip flavor and enough ingredients to make some cinnamon rolls.
You took a quick shower once the glaze was done and the cinnamon rolls were in the oven. With one towel around your body and another one around your hair; you stood in front of your dresser debating on what to wear.
It’s not like this was a date; as if. So why worry so much?  Still, you kept on throwing clothes on your bed, you told yourself enough by the time you were seriously contemplating putting on a dress.
You put away the mess you made, leaving out a nice button up shirt and a pair of comfortable dress pants, the ones that had actual pockets, you finished your look with some comfortable boots, you were probably going to end up taking them off at some point so you also put on some cute Christmas themed fuzzy socks.
Satisfied with your choice, you decided to put on a baggy T-shirt to take the cinnamon rolls out of the oven and to prevent the glaze from dirtying your clothes when you poured it on the buns once they were cool enough.
You were fifteen minutes late by the time you got dressed, packed everything up, and grabbed the presents for Marcus and Missy that you had wrapped up a week ago. You send Marcus a message saying that you were on your way.
Marcus went into full panic mode when they got home an hour and a half away from the time he told you to arrive, they lost too much time lining up to pay at the supermarket, he insisted on going once he remembered he was out of your favorite candy, he also got a bag of chocolates and some sodas.
For a moment he contemplated getting some beers, but soon dismissed the idea, he wasn’t that much of a drinker and he didn’t like to drink in front of his daughter. Besides this wasn’t a date, of any kind, just his daughter and best friend; who he had been in love with for a long time now, spending some quality time together.
Shit, he forgot about the pizza!
“Missy, go take a shower and change into something more comfortable but nice and then come give me a hand, we need to set everything up in the living room” He said as he dialed the number from the pizza place the three of you loved.
Missy took the grocery bags to the kitchen before doing what her father asked her to do, but in reverse, that way there was a chance that you would arrive while she was still getting ready leaving the two of you alone for a few minutes.
She opened the chocolate and candy bags dumping the contents into two different small bowls, she listened as her father finished ordering the pizza on her way to the living room where they had a slightly bigger tv than the one in front of the breakfast table, she left the bowls on the coffee table in the middle.
“Missy, I thought I asked you to do something else before setting everything up.”
“I know, but we’ll finish faster this way, you need to take a shower too. Can you get the glasses from the cupboard?”
He sighed but went to the kitchen to get the aforementioned glasses.
“Hey, did you order the potato wedges?” Missy asked, taking one of the soda bottles and putting it inside the fridge.
“Yup.” Marcus answered, passing her the second bottle. “Give me a hand with the plates please.” He bumped her with his hip as he passed her.
They inspected their work for a moment before going to their respective rooms to get ready, Missy decided to take her time choosing her clothes, she even contemplated whether it’d be too much to take a bath instead of a shower.
Never before, in his whole life, had he gotten ready for ANYTHING as fast as today. He almost pulled out a suit from his closet before doing a double-take and grabbing a nice shirt, some black denim pants, and his favorite sneakers.
He decided to forgo any kind of hair product and only dabbled a little bit of cologne on his wrist and neck. On his way to the living room, he stopped by Missy’s room to knock on her door.
“Are you ready darling?”
“Not yet!” Was her muffled response.
“Okay, I’ll be in the living room, take your time but remember we’ll have a special guest over.” A special guest? Come on Marcus, she’s been here multiple times before, she’s like part of the family, maybe not in the way he wished her to be but still.
“Okay, dad!” A special guest!? Really!? He was hopeless, did he even notice how obvious he was? Why hadn’t he done something about it yet? Y/n could easily slip through his fingers by the time he decided to actually make a move. She needed to up her game.
 Marcus kept staring at the clock as it read five minutes past six, leg bouncing. Maybe his clock was wrong, maybe he didn’t put the right hour, maybe it was forward by a few minutes.
God, he was a mess, he needed to calm down, it was just Y/n, his best friend; she’s hung out with them before, on multiple occasions, except…well she wasn’t JUST Y/n, she never was and never would be.
She was everything, she became everything to him in such a short time that sometimes it scared him. If he had to be truly honest with himself, he needed to admit that he began to fall for her the moment they met, he fought against it for years, he was married with a baby on the way for god’s sake.
He had loved his wife and he would’ve never cheated on her, but he also couldn’t deny the connection he felt with you from day one, he had never felt something even remotely close to it with anyone else.
If things had been different, he would have told you about his feeling’s way sooner, he had been selfish, he knew he couldn’t afford to lose you, he lost his wife, Missy lost her mother, he couldn’t lose you too if you didn’t feel the same, that would’ve destroyed him when Missy needed him more than ever.
So, instead he kept it silent, holding on to the hope that maybe, someday, he’d be able to act upon his feelings for you.
He was startled by his phone chiming in his pocket, the first thing he noticed was the hour, quarter past six; and the second, your message. ‘I’m on my way.’
He sighed, you would be there soon, could he maybe try to hint at something tonight? Well, if he didn’t, maybe he could bring ‘that’ out.
Fifteen more minutes later you were finally ringing Marcus’ house doorbell, not for the first time, you were happy with the proximity of your apartment complex to his house.
“Hey! Why didn’t you use your key?” Marcus' smiling face greeted you. “Oh, I see why.” You were holding a container in one hand, balancing two gift boxes on top and the cloth bag with the chips in the other.
“I kind of couldn’t even if I wanted to.” You laughed.
“I told you, you didn’t have to bring anything but yourself; here, let me help you.” He took the container with the cinnamon rolls from your hands. “Come on in.”
“As if you didn’t know me Marcus, I never come here with empty hands.” You followed Marcus to the kitchen after closing the door behind you.
“This thing is warm, what’s inside?” he had left the bag and the container on the counter, he also put the boxes aside.
“Well, you have two options, you can try to guess or you can open it.” You said with a smile, taking the bags of chips out to fold the bag they were in.
“I know it’s warm, is it something sweet?” so guessing it was, you loved to play this kind of game with him every time you brought baked goods.
“Can I smell it? Am I allowed to do that?” he asked, eyebrows raised and a big smile on his face.
You faked a thoughtful look before nodding. Marcus lifted the container close to his face and took a deep breath.
“Cinnamon?” His eyes opened wide in delight. “No way, don’t tell me! Are these, you brought cinnamon rolls!? Holy sheesh!”
You laughed at him, you knew he loved cinnamon rolls so you made them as often as you could, you even gave him the recipe but he claimed that they just didn’t taste the same when he made them himself. You thought he was just too impatient to make them and preferred to just eat them.
He opened the container to keep the bread from getting soggy because of the condensation inside it.
“My god! They look delicious, I swear could kiss you right now!” What!?
 FUUUUCK!!! YOU IDIOT! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!!! he froze up, there was a moment of silence between the two of you before it was thankfully interrupted by the doorbell.
“The pizza is here! Just in time.” He said with maybe too much enthusiasm. The delivery guy deserved a big tip, he just unknowingly saved his ass.
 Did you hear correctly? Did he say kiss? That’s what he said, right?
No, well yes, he did say it, but he probably didn’t mean it like, well...THAT. It was just an expression, he was overjoyed you brought him food and you were just thinking too much into things. Yeah, that was it, you were thinking too much.
“I heard the pizza arrived! Don’t start without me!” You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as Missy appeared around the corner. “Hi y/n!”
“Hi Missy.” You opened your arms towards her for a hug that she walked right into.
“You got chips, nice. Wait do I smell cinnamon rolls!?” Like father, like daughter.
“Ah-ah-ah! Don’t touch those, little lady. Those are for later.” Marcus said stepping into the kitchen. “Now, come on, I left the pizza on the coffee table.”
“But dad, they’re WARM.” Missy argued, stressing out the last word.
“Don’t you think it also hurts me to leave them there? We can reheat them later in the oven.” Marcus said with his hands on his hips. Missy looked like she wanted to say something more, so you decided to cut in.
“Mis, why don’t you take the gifts I brought and put them under the tree? We’ll be there in a minute.” You said handing her the boxes.
“Okay, but I get to pick the first movie!” Both of you watched as she walked out.
“I swear this girl.” Marcus huffed running a hand through his hair.
“Don’t you dare finish that thought Moreno, you’re just as bad as her when it comes to your precious buns.” You said shaking your head.
You hear him gasp as you walk to the fridge, knowing he probably stashed the drinks there. “You wound me!”
“Uh huh, let’s go before she decides to start eating without us.” You grabbed one of the cold bottles of soda inside the fridge and made your way towards the living room. “Don’t forget to bring the chips.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Together you made your way to the living room.
Missy decided to sit on the carpeted floor right in front of the coffee table, that way her dear pining love birds would be forced to share the loveseat.
“What took you so long? I hope the big box is for me, also I already picked a movie.”
“Don’t be impatient, you’ll find out soon.” You said as you ruffled her hair a little, leaving the bottle of soda on the table close to the glasses.
“Oh no. Sweetheart, we forgot to move the couch.”
“It’s okay dad, you two can have the loveseat, besides this way I’ll be closer to the snacks.” Don’t be suspicious Missy, you don’t want to ruin this perfect chance. Phase one, getting them to sit together: complete, phase two is on hold.
“You sure you don’t mind darling?”
“Nope, can I start the movie?”
Oh god, they were going to be really close to one another.
Calm down, Moreno. You’re fine, this is fine. It’s your best friend. He reminded himself for the millionth time that day.
He didn’t know what was wrong with him, maybe it was because this was your first Christmas with them and all the domestic stuff was getting to him.
He turned to look at you “After you.” He said gesturing towards the loveseat with his hands.
“Thank you. What are we watching Missy?”
“First Home alone, The Santa Clause, Arthur Christmas; you know, the classics with a touch of new stuff.”
“Let’s begin then.” Everyone sat in their respective places with a plate and a slice of pizza.
As the evening progressed, he found himself using the ‘stretching move’ to put his arm around you, when he noticed you weren’t bothered by it, he willed his body to relax and enjoy the company of his favorite people in the world.
 As the movies kept playing on the screen and the snacks disappeared little by little. You felt yourself get more comfortable.
For a moment you let your imagination run wild; for a moment you let yourself believe this was a normal occurrence, family movie nights, cuddling with Marcus on the loveseat, going to sleep beside him afterward, waking up beside him, help him raise Missy…
You needed to stop this, as wonderful as everything sounded inside your head you knew none of that would become a reality.
“Okay, it’s getting late,” You got startled by Marcus nudging you softly with his shoulder before pausing the movie, you hadn’t even realized you leaned into him “don’t think that I’ll forget about your bedtime just because Y/n is here.”
“But dad!”
“No, come on, let’s open some presents and then I want you to go get ready for bed. I can see your head nodding from here, you’re tired, go on choose one.”
Phase two: Leave the love birds alone, has officially begun. Missy thought, wishing for her dad to finally take the opportunity to climb that last step. Phase three of her plan, officially having you as a mom, depended on it.
“Okay,” Missy said pretending to be disappointed “Y/n, which one is mine? The big one?”
“Sorry Mis, It’s actually the small one.”
“’Oh’? What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t you have faith in me?”
“I do, but what cool stuff could possibly be wrapped in such a small box?”
“You’ll see once you open it, sweetheart.” Marcus left the remote control on the table and returned to his previous position on the loveseat, arm around you and all.
Both of you watched as Missy broke the wrapping paper and opened the wooden box taking out what looked like a smart watch from inside it.
“Oh! It’s one of those cool watches!” Missy exclaimed with surprise.
“Yes and no.” you said, leaning in towards her.
“what do you mean?”
“This one’s special, see I got Tech-no to make it especially for you. It does work like any other smart watch, but you’ll be able to use this one even if you don’t have a Wifi connection or aren’t close to any phone tower.”
“What!? How!?”
“It’s linked into one of the Heroics main recon satellites, it has a GPS function that’ll show you the map and your location no matter where you are, it also has the emergency button. It’ll alert your dad, me, or the Heroics mission control station. It has many more functions, I think, but that’s all I remember. Tech-no included a manual, you’ll get it once you turn it on. Oh yeah! Almost forgot, aside from being able to use conventional charging cables, I don’t know how but he also included solar panels.”
“OMG! I can’t believe it!! It’s the best gift ever!! Thank you!!!” Missy jumped from her place on the floor to tackle you in a hug.
“You’re welcome, I thought it could come in handy now that you’re in the saving the world business with us.” You said with a laugh.
“Hey, Missy, you still want the big box? We can exchange.” Marcus said with raised eyebrows.
“No way! This is mine, I’m gonna go charge it. Thankyousomuch, goodnight, bye.” With that Missy took off running towards her room.
“Hey, don’t forget to brush your teeth!” He reminded her.
“I won’t!”
You both heard the door to her room slam close.
“Wow Y/n, you didn’t have to.”
“It’s no big deal Marcus, you know how much I love her, and I worry. She’s too much like you.” You said staring at him.
“Wha-what’s that supposed to mean?” He said feigning offense.
“I mean it in a good way! She’s kind and selfless, headstrong, brave, and so intelligent. What we do is dangerous, and now that she's exposed to it, well, knowing her she won’t stay behind anymore. All we can do is give her the tools to keep herself and her team as safe as possible.”
Could you be any more perfect? He knew you loved his daughter, it’s always been clear to him, but could she love him just as much?
“You know now I have to try and top that gift next year, right? There’s no way anything I got her this one is going to top yours.” He said with the most serious face he could muster.
“That was the point.” You answered with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Mala.” he said, squinting his eyes at you.
“You think I’m bad!?” you gasped, “I’ll show you bad mister.” You stand up from your seat, you walk in your Christmas themed socks; boots long forgotten in favor of comfort; towards the tree to take the gift you brought for him. “No present for you, I’m going to keep it.” You said smugly .
“Now that’s not fair.”
“Oh, I think it is.”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“What? What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”
“I said I’m sorry, oh benevolent woman! Goddess of the amazing Christmas presents! I kneel before you.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed at him.
“The things I have to do for a present.”
“You didn’t really kneel.”
“You serious?” he asked flabbergasted.
“No. Now open your gift before I change my mind.”
Marcus eagerly tore the paper apart, revealing a thinner wooden box than the one Missy received. Inside, Marcus found an old throwing knife.
You stared at him, holding your breath as he opened the gift, it wasn’t some cutting edge piece of tech, but you knew how much that knife meant to him.
He was speechless, he instantly recognized it the moment his eyes laid on the engravings of the blade, this had been one of his father’s throwing knives. While not exactly a superhero, his father had served in the army as part of a special secret division. He had preferred knives instead of guns. And he taught Marcus everything he knew about them, that was the reason he had chosen to fight with swords, in memory of his father.
But how, how could you have gotten hold of one of his knives, they had been lost during his last mission.
“I-I, how-” He swallowed hard “How did you find it?”
“Well, I remembered what you told me, about your dad, what he did and a-about your dad’s last mission and well, remember last time I took some days off a few months ago? I did some research and found the town he had gone to. I asked around and I found this old lady, she treated your father’s wounds at some point during his mission and he tried to pay her by giving her one of his knives, she never sold it. I told her about you and well, she insisted on returning the blade to you.” You finished your tale a little bit breathless, he became really quiet when he opened the box.
He couldn’t believe you remembered that, it’s been so long since he told you about his father.
Had it been a mistake to search for the blade? Did you overstep? Maybe you should have told him before going on that trip.
“Marcus, I’m sorr-” One moment you were trying to apologize to him and the next you were being enveloped in a pair of strong arms.
“Thank you.” He said breathless, leaving a kiss on top of your head. “This means so much to me.” You just smiled and hugged him back.
You stayed like that, relishing in the feeling of his arms around you, holding you tight to his chest.
This woman, this wonderful, amazing, beautiful woman… fuck it, he knew what he had to do.
You felt a pang of sadness and longing as Marcus’ arms began to retreat from around you.
“Wait here. I-I need to go get something.” You watched as he left the box with his gift on the table, stood from his seat and disappeared around a corner.
 Calm down, calm down, it was just a hug. You told yourself.
Marcus came back to sit beside you a minute or so later holding a small baby blue box with a white ribbon on top in his hands.
“I-I’ve been waiting for the right moment to give you this. It’s nothing like what you gave us but…I hope you like it.” He reached for your hands and left the box in your palms.
Upon a closer look, you noticed the box came from a jewelry store, an expensive one at that. You opened it carefully, not wanting to damage the little box. Inside the box, lying on a silky looking piece of fabric, you saw a beautiful heart shaped golden locket, there was a flowery design with some vines on the surface giving it some texture.
“Marcus!” You gasped. “You didn’t have to; this must’ve been really expensive.”
“Go ahead, open it.” You did as he said not lifting the heart from its silky bed. Inside, you found a small picture of Marcus, Missy and you.
You remembered that one was taken during Missy’s birthday last year, in the picture the three of you were laughing, your faces dirty with cake frosting from the small war that took place moments before his mother had taken the picture without them noticing.
“Marcus! This is beautiful, thank you so much!” You were about to hug him when he raised a hand to stop you.
“There’s more.” You were confused, he was acting a bit strange, you noticed he was tense as you looked from him and back to the necklace. “Turn it around.”
Once more you did what he said, closing the locket you took it in your palm noticing something engraved into it. On the back you found that it was indeed engraved. It read:
‘For the holder of my heart~’
It’s now or never. He held his breath as he watched you read the words. He began to worry when you didn’t show any kind of reaction.
“What?” you whispered, it can’t be, could this mean, did he, what?
“I-I was going to wait to give it to you, I had this elaborate plan, I wanted to ask you out, take you to a nice restaurant, then maybe we’d go to a park or something. I also thought of giving it to you on your birthday, but then we got kidnapped by aliens and I lost the courage, because what if I ruined everything? What if I ruined our friendship just because I fell in love and you didn’t feel the same? Then things would’ve become awkward and we’d stop hanging out and eventually we would’ve become strangers and I never want that to happen, I want you, I want you in my life, in our lives and I can’t imagi-”
“Marcus.” You interrupted him. “You love me?”
“More than anything.”
“How long?”
“Long time now.” You nodded slowly. Your brain still trying to process everything he just said, but mainly repeating ‘he loves me!’ over and over again.
“Can you... help me put it on?” you gesture to the necklace still in your hands.
He nodded, taking it in his hands as you turned around for him. He didn’t understand what was happening, you were still here, you asked him for his help to put his gift on, so that was something good, right?
“Done.” He said stunned as you turned around to face him with the biggest most beautiful smile he’s ever seen.
“You love me?” You asked again. Your voice, now full of emotion, a stark contrast from the flat one you used a moment ago.
“You really, really love me?” now he was getting confused.
“Yes Y/n, I love you, you and only you.”
“Good. Because I love you too.” He barely had time to react before your lips were on his and just like that, time stopped, right there, in that moment, there was only you, the feeling of your lips on his, the pounding of his heart, the feeling of your hands, your fingers as they carded through his hair.  
He couldn’t get enough of you. He pulled you closer to him until you ended up straddling his lap, his hands on your hips, your lips moving in perfect sync with his as if it wasn’t the first time you kissed. His senses overwhelmed by you and how you made him feel.
Suddenly, you leaned back, ending the kiss with a smack; much too soon for his liking; leaving you both a panting mess.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamt of you saying that, of you feeling the same way.” You said breathless, giving him a small peck when you finished talking. 
“Oh, honey-is, is it okay if I call you that?”
“It’s more than ‘okay’ Marcus.” You said laughing.
“I’m glad, because I’ve been dying to call you all kinds of beautiful names. And me too, honey; I’ve imagined countless times telling you how I feel about you. I’m so sorry it took me this long to tell you.” He pulled you in, claiming your mouth again, in a kiss more intense than the first one making you moan. You felt his tongue lick your lips, silently asking for entrance, letting go of your inhibitions you let him explore the insides of your mouth, your own tongue tangling with his.
This time he ended the kiss, making you whine from the loss of contact.
“I want you, but tell me to stop, and I will.” He whispered in your ear, “Tell me if it’s too soon and I’ll stop.” he sucked on your earlobe before leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin there.
“Don’t you dare stop Marcus.” you gasped, “Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough?” you asked as you ground your hips against his earning a groan in response.
He returned to your lips for one more hungry kiss before outright growling “Hold on tight, honey. Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable.” His hands slid from your hips to your ass, supporting you as he stood from the cushions making you squeal in surprise. Your arms went around his neck as you tried not to fall backward.
“Marcus! Warn me next time.” You admonished him “What about Missy? What if she hears us?” You ask as he begins to walk towards the part of the house you knew led to the bedrooms.
“That’s why we’re going to my room, so we don’t have to worry, it’s soundproofed. Now like you said, we’ve waited long enough.” He squeezed your ass before latching his lips on your neck again.
He stirred awake, with the feeling of your hand drawing mindless patterns on his naked chest. With a smile, he remembered what happened last night when he finally confessed to you, and what happened after as well.
He let his eyes open, slowly, letting them adjust to the little morning light that managed to seep through the curtains. He turned his head to look at you, your head resting on the hand that wasn’t drawing shapes on his chest.
He smiled at you, lifting one of his hands to hold yours, lifting it from his chest to place a kiss on your knuckles.
“Hey. Merry Christmas.” You greeted him with a smile.
“Merry Christmas indeed. Did you sleep well, honey?” he asked, lowering your hand in his and resting it on his chest right over his heart.
“Better than ever.” You gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment before leaning in at the same time to share a sweet, slow kiss.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” He mumbled against your lips.
“Who would save the world if we did?” You managed to ask between little pecks to his lips.
“I bet the others can do it just fine.”
“Okay, well, who would keep Missy out of trouble?”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us can keep her from that.” he stared at you, before saying your name. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marcus.”
You stayed in bed, in each other’s arms, until one of you remembered that neither of you turned off the tv last night, and he remembered the cinnamon rolls had been left on the counter in the kitchen.
Once dressed, Marcus in his pajamas and you in one of his shirts (that almost made the both of you stay in bed longer) and a pair of pants that he let you borrow to keep you comfortable, you set out to clean the living room.
When that was done, you set to work together inside the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone, reheating the cinnamon rolls and making fresh coffee.
The two of you were soon joined by Missy, whose only reaction to the two of you being now together-together was a very happy, very exasperated ‘Finally!’.
He looked at his little family with a smile on his face as he sat down on the table. He could finally say that this Christmas he finally received what he’s always wished for, what he’s been yearning to have for years.
Your heart.
Tag list: @mindless--ramblings​ @oloreaa​ @16boyfriends-and-me​ If anyone wants to be added or removed from the taglist, or wants to only be tagged for certain characters, please let me know.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
NHS ghost travels to the past and the only ones who can see him clearly are baby!NHS & NMJ
on ao3
“Would you believe that I’m a saber spirit?” the ghost asked. “Or maybe an ancestor?”
“No,” Nie Mingjue said. He did not put down the exorcism talisman.
The ghost sighed. “Well, it was worth a shot.”
Before Nie Mingjue could do anything more, the ghost rushed at him – taken aback, Nie Mingjue flinched, and when he opened his eyes again the ghost was gone.
He still pinned the talisman onto the swaddling wrapped around his baby brother, who was grumbling in sleepy dissatisfaction at having been nearly woken up.
He wasn’t taking any chances with his brother’s health.
“I’m actually not dangerous,” the ghost argued. He’d figured out that if he hovered high enough, Nie Mingjue wouldn’t be able to get at him – though he still flinched whenever Nie Mingjue threw rocks at him. He must be a relatively new ghost. “I know it’s difficult to believe, but I’m here to help.”
“Sure,” Nie Mingjue said. There were plenty of pebbles next to the place where laundry got done, and he could grab one without being spotted whenever he dunked the clothing in. “I believe you. Come down here a little closer, I’ll believe you some more.”
The ghost sighed.
“Just give me a chance, okay?”
“I have good reasons –”
“Don’t care.”
“If you come any closer, I’ll douse you in a male virgin’s urine,” Nie Mingjue said. “Ghosts are supposed to hate that.”
The ghost huffed. “Like I’m dumb enough come near you when you’re swaddling the baby anyway.”
“I’m leaving, I’m leaving! Just put Baxia down already!”
“You need more salt.”
“I thought ghosts hated that, too?”
“Maybe it’s rock salt ghosts hate?” the ghost asked, floating over Nie Mingjue’s shoulder. “I don’t think I have anything against proper seasoning.”
Nie Mingjue huffed, rolling his eyes, but he did add a little more salt.
“Ah ha!” the ghost exclaimed. “You are starting to listen to me!”
“That’s when the recipes says to put it in,” Nie Mingjue said. “I was always going to add some more of it in then.”
“I don’t believe you! You were definitely listening!”
“Listen, if I was a normal ghost, your father would have totally gotten rid of me, right?”
“Never said I thought you were normal,” Nie Mingjue said, soothing his brother to sleep in his arms with soft murmurs and a gentle voice that did not come naturally to him. “I said you were a pest. Did I ever say anything about being normal?”
“…no, I guess not,” the ghost conceded. “Damnit, I thought I was onto something with that. Also, shouldn’t a nursemaid be doing that?”
“Can’t be trusted,” Nie Mingjue said.
The ghost frowned, then blanched. “Right, right,” he murmured. “I nearly forgot, what happened with – uh, what happened right around that time. That would have been recently, too, wouldn’t it? You’ve always remembered it better.”
Nie Mingjue didn’t say anything.
“Still, you’re only seven. Even if they were scared to hire a nursemaid for fear of letting in another assassin, shouldn’t someone else be doing this?”
“I’m eight,” Nie Mingjue said.  
“The point still stands. Surely one of the servants..?”
Nie Mingjue sighed. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’re at war,” he explained. “Everyone who can swing a saber is out fighting it, and that includes the servants.”
“I thought it was too quiet,” the ghost said, half to himself. “I haven’t seen anyone else in – okay, actually, now that I think about it, I haven’t seen anyone.”
“War,” Nie Mingjue said.
“You’re eight,” the ghost said. He looked upset. “How could they leave you alone like this? You make your own food, you do the laundry, you take care of – this is ridiculous! There must be people who are too old to go that could help…there must be other children! Where are the other children?”
Nie Mingjue didn’t say anything.
Nie Huaisang needed his sleep, after all.
“I refuse to let this go,” the ghost said. “Even if – especially if – a whole bunch of the other kids died or something, even if all of them died, which they didn’t, there’s absolutely no reason for you to be left alone like this.”
Nie Mingjue sighed. He’d hoped that the ghost would let it drop, but apparently, no.
Apparently, he was going to have to engage.
(Nie Huaisang waving his hands at the ghost, burbling happily, had nothing to do with that decision.)
“You assume they left me,” he said. “You have it backwards.”
“I ran away,” Nie Mingjue explained, and the ghost’s jaw dropped. “This place was abandoned because of the war – too awkward an outpost to be worth it for either side – and I took my brother and we came here, just me and him and Baxia. I’m planning on staying until the war’s over.”
“But why? You’re the heir.”
“Yeah,” Nie Mingjue said. “That’s why.”
“It’s ‘sang’ as in mulberry leaves, right?” he asked. “For his name? I heard you whispering it to him.”
“I - yeah, it’s mulberry,” the ghost said, blinking at him. “And ‘huai’ as in ‘to hold’…but you know that already, surely?”
Nie Mingjue shrugged.
The ghost stared at him. He didn’t blink, which was typical of ghosts, but still a bit unnerving.
“You named the child, didn’t you,” the ghost said. It wasn’t a question. “You take care of him, you raise him, you’re refusing to return home…it’s war, you said. Because of the massacre of the junior generation that everyone pretended was an accident but wasn’t, because of Mother’s death from that assassin pretending to be a nursemaid. People do things when they get angry, during war. What was going to happen to – to the baby?”
“Massacre at his conception, declaration of war at his quickening, assassination at his birth,” Nie Mingjue recited. “That’s three bad things; bad luck comes in fours, and we really can’t afford to lose this war. Newborns die easy as flipping over your hand, and maybe the next one won’t be so unlucky, won’t be a calamity star – that sort of thing. It was too dangerous.”
“Oh,” the ghost said. “I never knew.”
“Of course you didn’t,” Nie Mingjue said. “Who would have told you? I would’ve killed them, first.”
The ghost twitched, and stared at him.
“I like Huaisang,” Nie Mingjue said. “It’s a good name. Even if how you got it is a bit circular.”
“Someone murders you,” the ghost – Nie Huaisang of the future, as Nie Mingjue had long ago figured out, but it was easier to keep thinking of him as ‘the ghost’ – said, sitting with his back against the wall and his knees pulled up to his chest. It’d be a sad and pathetic sight, except for the way he was sitting on the ceiling. “I was trying to come back to stop it from happening…maybe even prevent our father’s murder, too, if I could. That happens when you’re fifteen, by the way. You have to inherit, and spend the rest of your life avenging him.”
“Do I succeed?”
“That’s good, then,” Nie Mingjue said.
“Don’t you want to know more?”
“Why? Are you planning on going somewhere?”
The ghost uncurled himself from his dramatic misery to float down until his head (still upside down) was floating in front of Nie Mingjue. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.
“Ghosts that resolve their business are liberated,” Nie Mingjue said. “Maybe I like having you around.”
“One day you’re going to save the world,” the ghost told him.
“Today, you already have,” Nie Mingjue replied.
“Maybe I never went back in time,” the ghost said. “Maybe I’m just dead, and this is one of the eighteen hells, punishing me for everything I’ve done.”
“Are you having a bad time?” Nie Mingjue asked. He himself was having a good time: Nie Huaisang wasn’t crying, for once, and he had him sitting in his lap, a stick wrapped in his little baby hand (supported by Nie Mingjue, of course) waiving in the air in the rudimentary beginnings of proper saber forms.
“Well, no. But then again, ‘everything I’ve done’ wasn’t that bad, and all done in the name of filial piety – I even bought already-dead cats – well, except for little Mo Xuanyu. He deserved better than he got from everyone, me included.”
“None of that made even the slightest bit of sense to me, you know,” Nie Mingjue said. “But if you feel so bad about it, I promise to change it this time around.”
“No, you don’t understand,” the ghost said. “If this is the underworld, then you wouldn’t have the chance to change it. We’d just repeat this over and over again, forever!”
“How many times has it been for you, then?”
“Well, only one. But it could be the beginning of many times! Or – or – maybe I’ve forgotten the previous times!”
“Seems like a pretty stupid punishment if you just forget about it,” Nie Mingjue said.
“…hmm. Good point.”
“You’re prone to anxiety, aren’t you?” Nie Mingjue said to the Nie Huaisang in his arms, who made an expression that was clearly his best effort at smiling. He was still building up those facial muscles. “We’ll have to work on that, in this life.”
“Okay, so, positing that this whole living in an abandoned outpost is a real thing that is happened and is still happening, which I’m still not convinced of –”
“I don’t seem like the type to run away?”
“…you were always very righteous.”
“Sometimes, righteous people do stupid things,” Nie Mingjue said.
“Remind me to tell you about someone called Wei Wuxian,” the ghost said, now thoroughly distracted. “He’s more or less the walking, talking incarnation of that…”
“Did he have a sad childhood?”
“What? I mean, I guess so? His parents died, he lived on the streets for a while, developed a fear of dogs, but then he got rescued by Jiang Fengmian and adopted, so – are you taking notes?”
“How else am I supposed to keep track of all these names?”
“Maybe you should go pick up Meng Yao. If you’re planning on changing things, I mean.”
Nie Mingjue squinted at the ghost, who was supervising the stew he was making. It was meat, for once – a pheasant that had conveniently gotten scared to death. The ghost had gotten very creative in how he could help out despite his general incorporeality. “Isn’t that the name of the person who eventually kills me?”
“Well, yes.”
“Why would I go help him?”
“…he had a very sad childhood?”
“If I adopt everyone you say had a sad childhood, there won’t be a junior generation anymore,” Nie Mingjue pointed out. “They’ll all be Nie sect.”
“And it would be better for them.”
“Annoying for me, though.”
“ – and that’s what demonic cultivation is,” the ghost concluded. “Why do you ask?”
“I have absolutely no reason to be interested in a type of cultivation specifically designed to make dead creatures do what I say, including shutting up whenever they’ve started talking in the middle of the night,” Nie Mingjue said, yawning. “None whatsoever.”
“It’s not that late, it’s only – hmm. Oops.”
“It’s not that different from what I do with Baxia,” Nie Mingjue argued.
“What you do with Baxia eventually kills you,” the ghost argued back.
“I thought you said I was murdered?”
“Through an existing weakness!”
“Without which the world will end, so it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine at all!”
“I’m just saying, it would be –”
“No! I am not letting you demonically cultivate with me, and that’s final!”
“Your older self is so annoying,” Nie Mingjue told Nie Huaisang after the ghost had stormed off. Through a wall, no less, and that was purely to be especially dramatic about it since Nie Mingjue knew that he knew where the doors were. “Such a pest!”
“If we’re going to do this – I can’t believe we’re going to do this – we’re doing it slowly,” the ghost said. “You hear me? Slowly. I don’t care how much of a cultivation genius you are.”
Nie Mingjue nodded.
“And no one ever finds out about it, okay? No one. If someone happens to see me, you need to lie and say that I – that I’m –”
“A saber spirit?”
“Shut up.”
“Baba!” Nie Huaisang burbled, or at least something that sounded vaguely similar. He was probably a few months too young for actual speech, though.
“Da-ge,” Nie Mingjue corrected, just in case.
The ghost sniggered. “So much of my childhood is suddenly explained, you have no idea.”
“I think I’m going to tell him to call you mama,” Nie Mingjue said thoughtfully. “What do you think that’ll explain?”
“You’re depressingly good at this,” the ghost said. “I mean, everyone always said you were a genius, but you’re really good at cultivation.”
Nie Mingjue shrugged.
“I still think you should hold off on the demonic cultivation aspects.”
“We’ve already agreed to disagree,” Nie Mingjue said. “And knowing demonic cultivation helps me refine my cultivation of Baxia as well – I can filter out only the finest resentful energy for her.”
“You make it sound like cat food.”
“Since you also thrive on resentful energy, what does that make you?”
“A mouse, surely.”
“Nah. Hedgehog.”
The ghost acted as if it had been stabbed and fell over backwards.
Dramatic bastard.
“There’s a person outside,” the ghost said. “They’re at the edge of the boundaries.”
Nie Mingjue could feel his shoulders stiffen. “What are they wearing?”
“Nie colors. I would’ve taken care of it myself if it was a Wen.”
They’d had an incident with a Wen squad coming too close, once.
The ghost, strengthened by Nie Mingjue’s demonic cultivation and the bond he’d formed between him and Baxia, had ripped the cultivators in the Wen patrol squad to pieces before they’d gotten too close.
Nie Mingjue had told him that he appreciated the enthusiasm, but to try to keep the mess down a bit next time. All that blood had attracted predators willing to feast on human flesh, and Nie Huaisang was still small.
“What boundary?” he asked, and went to go look down at it from one of the windows. “Oh.”
“Is this going to be a problem?” the ghost wanted to know.
Nie Mingjue looked at the man walking up. “No,” he said. “No problem.”
“What does he want? Is he going to make trouble for Sangsang?”
“No,” Nie Mingjue said. “Just for me.”
He waited outside the door, Baxia in his hand.
His father came to a stop a reasonable distance away. “What will it cost for you to return?” he asked.
It was about what Nie Mingjue had expected. They were a practical family.
Nie Mingjue didn’t have memories of his future life, and the ghost didn’t remember this period of his previous life: the months they had spent together in this abandoned fortress, the way Nie Mingjue taught him to smile and to crawl, fed him and changed him and slept with him to calm him, the life they had shared in the world without the ghost.
Still, he had asked the ghost the questions he had wanted answered, casually dropping names into conversation with the ghost to judge his response, and he figured out what his answer must have been in that life before.
He’d asked for the heads of those that had directly threatened Nie Huaisang, and an oath that the sect would honor Nie Huaisang as the heir, that he would be sect leader following Nie Mingjue. He’d gotten what he’d asked for, but what had been meant as a gift had in the end only been a burden – the ghost wouldn’t have been so desperate to come back to this time if it wasn’t.
He wouldn’t make that mistake twice.
He smiled.
“I’d like to make some changes,” he said, thinking of all the people that the ghost had talked about – all the ones who had sad childhoods. Many were the children of the other Great Sects, which would make things tricky to start – most people didn’t want their children raised by outsiders – but he’d thought of ways to make it work, and he knew the investment would ultimately bear fruit. His father, ruthless as he was, would understand that part of it, at least, even if he didn’t understand the rest. “Back me in full, or lose me forever.”
This was even more of a gamble than what he had asked for in his past life. A few heads, even of loyal servants, didn’t matter much, compared to blood – a blank slate was a far more dangerous request.
His father looked him over, and Nie Mingjue knew that he was calculating whether it was worth it. Whether it was Nie Mingjue’s head that he should take, this time, since he himself was still young enough to have more sons. But Nie Mingjue had learned from the ghost all the secrets he’d known about his own future cultivation, added to it the demonic cultivation he’d deduced, and he was, in the end, a genius.
There was a reason he was confident enough to make the request.
“Very well,” his father said. “I will back you.”
They told everyone that the ghost was an ancestor.
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