#he got outed as a wizard and lost his job 😭😭😭
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timeskip · 2 months ago
My FICTIONAL BOYFRIEND (Cain Knightley) is on TV now (Mahoyaku has an anime and episode 1 came out the other day. it's kind of mid in terms of being an adaptation but it's the FIRST OFFICIALLY TRANSLATED MAHOYAKU THING EVER SO WE WIN) and you can watch him be really really charming and earnest and a little dumb and also he should hold my hand. No time for him to have homoerotic moments with the man who stole his eye. He needs to hold MY hand. Mine. My hand. The yume fanservice with him having to touch people's hands for Reasons that will appear in several episodes further into the anime was for ME.
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halevren · 1 year ago
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 9
i got a new job and I felt sick last night so. I'm watching this very late. it has been tough avoiding spoilers but I Have Done So
hiiii one and all!!! hii intrepid heroes!!!!
i have been told stuff happens this episode. I'm so excited
"You're mad we're not doing drugs."
"I think this might be gorgug's worst day of his life."
so much happened last episode
totally healthy adult activity.
I love the projections
I think Brennan is loving being the vulture king
"One answer and it's Riz."
"I'm so glad I died on that battlefield."
A crisp 500 dollar bill
I love this so much
This is so silly
"Hey, I'll kill you, you fucker." "kiss him!"
"Can you bring his parents up here—" "NO."
"Feels like five"
"You wanna be in our crew?"
Kristen is really trying to get her friends to romance the vultures.
"Are you a God of some kind?" "I don't mind man."
This season is just Brennan breaking the PCs
oh good god
"Summons 1d4 vultures, they are not under your command."
no bring us back to the vulture dimension im obsessed with it
18 damage 😭😭😭
"I'm going to think about that for days."
"get out of my yard."
(Brennan rolling too many dice.)
the little fireball that could!
Concentration lost 🔥🔥🔥
is Ruben only able to give bardic
what are we making dex saves for.
"I'm dead from shame."
So many dice for Fabian
"Don't worry I got the ones out guys" Emily 😭😭😭
"I'm actually a huge fan."
so now that grix is destroyed does that mean there's no principal?
Ruben's frantically calling for Wanda
"I'm real right?"
"What happened? I was taking a shit."
"Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?"
Adaine is still dead on the ground
grix is untampered with
I miss ayda
29 investigation 🔥
24 points glowing red
Rage connection!!
"Can we get some hot sauce before we leave?"
"Found another glass of water"
Fabian finally getting his kisses in.
Nat 20 history rat check
"You know thats triggering for me!"
Rat stores
"There's not a rat world under the school."
Rat World!!!
oh god fig gave Fabian a bardic
sexuality inclusivity for cassandra!
aww..... fabian took bardic from fig earlier...
"You are. Cursed."
RIZ NAT 20!!!!
Force damage...
Three hours????
ah yes another use of the identity spell!
"You could multi class into wizard!" "Yeah, add it to the fuckin' pile."
There's something under the tree?? glyth???
I think Fig's bad luck is genuinely effecting Emily too with all these bad rolls 😭😭😭😭
Did.... Did the rat grinders kill Lucy???????
let adaine use the diamonds. finders keepers
divine intervention........
Kristen will have to work so hard to get cassandra back
spies tongue curse???
"Call an adult?"
"You were such a good teacher, I'm sorry I just got a C..." 😭😭
level of exhaustion :(
elmville police departments always on fire
did he just take the dirt like a line of drugs?
one becomes a 10 which becomes a 19
*head in hands* "is it okay if I ask you about your case, mom?"
"So I'm unbelievably wealthy. And me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide. So....."
Group IV time, or group shock therapy.
Gorgug putting barbarian first
"We need a word."
Gorgug talking to Porter is so funny
ok. wait this is actually kinda sweet between Porter and Gorgug
"I feel lucky to have you in my class." 😭😭😭😭
The Last Stand exam?
oh god. 4 stress tokens
I wonder if the intrepid heroes are aware of the 5 stress token
"I'm in a lot of school."
Gorgug looking into building a time machine real as hell
Oh my god gorgug is still on the owlbears
"Okay I think I have to lie down."
I'm going to fight the wizard teacher
"I love my life. Everything is perfect."
10 CATS??
aelwyn and adaine bonding 😭😭
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 5 months ago
I have started Like A Dragon! I've actually already made it to chapter 5.
Why hadn't I made a post already, then?
Well, there's no sugar-coated way to put this so... let's just rip off the bandaid now.
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I haven't really enjoyed myself playing this game this far. Yet. Maybe I will at some point. But for now I honestly just haven't had much to say in terms of what's happened in the plot besides the beginning. I don't hate the game, it's just that it hasn't been able to really hook me in yet.
I'll keep going since I've heard this game is one of the generally more loved ones in the franchise. And I know RGG loves its slow burn.
I hate to be a Negative Nancy, but I wanna be totally honest. I doubt y'all would want me to lie about how I feel about the game.
More about all that right at the end of the post. I will list my positives and negatives when it comes to this game (and talk about the battle system) down there.
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I know this type of thing is common in RPGs, but I like it all the same. Neat little game mechanic. There's quite a few different ones here, but it's cool.
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An interesting background for a main character. Yeah, being an orphan is more than common. But being raised by the employess in a soapland and the townsfolk around him? That's really out there - in a good way.
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This was very sad. Ichi lost 15 years of his life to the joint and got nothing in return. The shock and disappointment on his face when he was released and there was just. No one waiting for him.
And after that, all that awaited him was just... betrayal. That's just brutal. I fully understand why Ichiban went into Total Denial Mode for a while; it must have been a totally incomprehensible and shocking situation.
-He got out of prison after 15 years and where he expected to find his family waiting for him, he found nobody. AND he suddenly had the freedom of choosing what to do, when to do it and where to go after 15 years. That can be scary.
-He witnessed how much the world and general society had changed in his absence and probably felt very confused.
-He saw his home totally wrecked and abandoned.
And now his mentor and beloved patriarch, the one who saved his life. The man he would have happily been ready to die for at any moment. That man had changed completely and acted like he didn't know Ichiban.
Yeah... the denial, frustration and desperation are totally valid.
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Oh dear. Well, Kiryu wasn't there anymore, the Tojo upper brass kept changing and there was constant conflict within the clan itself. It was just a matter of time before Omi would take advantage of the situation.
I hope Majima and Daigo are okay. Or at least alive ;-;
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*Faint sounds of Majima cackling in the distance*
Oops. Majima better hope Ichi doesn't find out who the driver was lmao. I feel bad for Ichiban, but I also love how this single random idea of Majima's still has these consequences that are brought up, even after all this time.
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God bless Nanba. He's a sweetheart. That's all I can say about him. I also kinda like Adachi. I'm not attached to these side characters yet, but they're neat. I think they'll grow on me eventually, it's just that I tend to be slow when it comes to becoming attached to new characters.
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Legends say that if you pull this bat out, Shinada will appear in front of you and ask for some money....
I did play through the whole soapland thing and then some. I don't have much to say 😭. We do have a woman fighting with us, finally after all this time! #Girlboss
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I would honestly happily die for Nancy. No questions asked.
-Interesting premise
-The different jobs satisfy my hyper-optimizing, excel-sheet-making, micromanaging self
-Funny enemy titles like "Piss Wizard"
-Free full heal spots my beloveds❤️
-Voice acting (in the Japanese dub at least) is excellent
-Substories have been fun!
-EXP yield is... not optimal; grinding takes FOREVER unless you go fight higher-level people than yourself, but then the battles can take ages. Job exp grinding especially feels about as pleasant as pulling teeth.
Am I supposed to grind in this game?? I've started to wonder about that since it's such a slow process. I have absolutely no idea. Have I missed a thing that helps exp gain??
-Unless you get lucky with the ability to find treasure, money yield can be tight at times, too. Which is rough, considering the cost of gear with 4 team members (and probably backup members later).
-The premise is cool, but the stuff I've played through in terms of the plot after leaving Kamurocho hasn't been very interesting to me this far (early-to-mid chapter 5) :/
-Substories don't give you EXP 😭
How about the elephant in the room - the battle system?
Well. I'll come out with it straight away; I'm very, VERY picky when it comes to turn-based combat. Shin Megami Tensei and Persona have unfortunately spoiled me too much, so this game had some unfairly MASSIVE boots to fill. And it didn't quite fill them. My bar is way too high and I acknowledge that 100%.
I get that they didn't want to make the system completely "passive" by just having to select moves and it all going smoothly from here. But I dislike the timing-based quick time stuff in the middle of attacks and perfect guard. I can pull off the attack dmg boost thing most of the time, but perfect guard is just... it feels way more difficult to pull off than Tiger Drop in any previous game. It's very frustrating. I frankly feel stupid, having this difficult a time with it.
Grinding is further hindered by spread moves being kind of unreliable - if the enemies are spread out, you're only hitting a single foe. For now. Maybe there will be better moves later on.
Idk if it's just me, but characters' MP pools feel very limited compared to the cost of the moves combined with how little damage you do at times? Maybe it's just the fact that I'm in the earlier parts of the game, but I feel like I have to be replenishing MP constantly.
I like how all the different types of gear can have additional special effects. It's neat.
All in all the battle system feels... very laborius. I can work with it! Absolutely. I'm just not the biggest fan.
God, I wish I could just gush about this game and sing its praises, but that's not happening yet by a long shot. This far? Maybe a 6-6.5/10. I hope my opinion changes for the better as I progress; I really wanna love it as much as other fans seem to.
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sleepyforestbeast · 4 months ago
What're Emi and the gang like? Is Emi the (pushy) leader type? :D Did they keep in contact with Husk as they got older?
Thank you for the ask!! 💖 this is gonna get so long I'm sorry haha
The gang lives in the port city of Iljak in a country called Chondath (Forgotten Realms lore though the campaign I'm in is home-brew)
Emi- Emi is the defacto leader of the group as the most outgoing human, she can slip through a crowd quite easily and talk her way out of most situations. While she has the group doing doing odd jobs for the thieves guild, she hopes to raise enough money to get the gang (who she sees as her family) out of Chondath and into a neighbouring country that treats the poor and non-humans better (ie not kill on sight for the latter) and ideally wants to get into the magic item trade as a legitimate business like her family.
Emi herself is a bastard, her mother was a foreign merchant and her father is a minor royal. They had intended to marry but her father's family got involved since it wasn't a marriage that would benefit his family. Emi's mother became his mistress in secret and they had two children, Emi and Gus but when the royal family found out they dragged Emi and her family's name through the mud and had Emi's mother killed. Emi and Gus were hidden just in time by their uncle, who still lives in the city unable to leave having been stripped of his wealth and title so he spends his days drinking and Emi takes care of him when she's not with the gang.
Husk knew Emi for about 5 years before she was caught stealing and killed as punishment, this caused Husk and the gang's lives to spiral after losing their best friend and Husk lost contact with everyone after being found out as a fey and sent to the wizard's tower.
Gus - Gus is Emi's younger brother who likes to cause trouble and has less of a moral compass than Emi. He and Husk have been rivals ever since they met but it mellowed out to something more friendly as they got older. Gus has a knack for pushing people's buttons XD
Andi - Andi is a tiefling and the oldest of the group, he works for the thieves guild but spends his free time making sure Emi and the gang are safe. He was originally from a merchant family who were trying to hide his tiefling appearance and spent most of his life in luxury at the cost of his freedom. He escaped that life and his helping Emi with her dream to move to Turmish and start a business there. I have a comic with him here XD
Sonni - Sonni is a young orphaned girl the gang picked up a few months before Husk, she's shy and rarely speaks but is very sweet. She is very nimble and makes a great thief and a wonderful dancer XD
The twins - despite them being created the same time as the others i haven't settled on names for them 😭 these two are half-elven and were born in a small village bordering the Chondalwood forest and were left to their human father to raise but due to Chondath's distrust of even half-elves, they had a rough time growing up, eventually the twins fled to the city under the belief they might have more chances in Iljak but unfortunately the city was stricter and worse it's treatment of non humans. Emi found them soon after they arrived and they've been with the group ever since.
Those are the main members, other kids have come and gone but this is the core group who have stayed together since Husk arrived :D
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ihrtmichael · 29 days ago
If it’s ok with you imma live type my reactions to Quest for Camelot haha
cute exposition and animation style
Solid time jump transitions that’s sick. Cool vocals I didn’t realize this was a musical
HE ATE THE SWORD?? Oh no he stole it. I bet it’s that evil redhead dude
Wizard man! Ok falcon attack slay. Oh no the sword!! I see here this is the plot. Hm.
It’s giving “fatherrrr when can I go out on my ooown”. I’m loving her mom’s hairstyle tho
Oh hellll nah I hate these chickens already WOAH FIRE WHY ICKYYYY MANN ITS THE REDHEAD AGAIN I KNEW IT oh and now he’s singing. What a comically evil villain. He’s built like an ugly Kronk Icky green potion??? Actually such a cool evil magic.
Ok she’s off on the adventure now!
Girl lost her horse so quickly
Wait it’s so cool to see his fighting style like how he relies on the falcon and other auditory cues? That’s so cool. *google search* CARY ELWES???
I swear if this axe chicken keeps showing up…
The forest magic is really cool.
Talking dragons??
Oh now the little dragons are singing a song. (Imma be so fr I skipped it)
I swear half the cast sounds like Americans who vaguely remember they ought to be doing an English accent
“But no more singing” “what about interpretive dance?” TOOK ME OUT
Wait that backstory is actually sweet, shows how much Kayley’s dad was an inspirational knight
Ok I gotta pause for now but I’ll send you a part 2
putting this all in one post (and under read more) just to make it neater 😋
Part 2! Magic falcon theory? Who is he and why did he join with Garret hmmm (also still can’t get over that he’s voiced by Cary Elwes) Mmmm training sequence where they have to be physically close to each other my beloved look at them go ICKY REDHEAD MAN JUMPSCARE ICKY Aww and now she’s holding his hand?? They’re in a bigass footrprink what GASP OH NO WHAT HE GOT SHOT WHAT THE HECK OH MY GOSH I GASPED YES KAYLEY BE SMART GOOD JOB Why Kayley’s mom kinda…. (She’s voiced by Celine Dion?? Huh???) Whump scenes my beloved. Girl you gotta actually patch up the wound those leaves ain’t gonna do much (edit: magic. Obviously) AGAIN HIS SINGING VOICE IS A JUMPSCARE WHY DOES HE SOUND LIKE THAT AGSKAHDKSHDA Ok the song is cute and all but. I’m sorry I don’t see the chemistry 😭😭 Again tho I LOVE the way the forest magic looks, the flying leaves are so cute Oooh giants. WOAH the way they animated them?? I think it’s 3D but I first thought it was claymation. Looks a little weird but it was new technology. Cool eye though I cannot believe that worked. Op- spoke too soon. Wait what?? WHY IS THIS EVIL REDHEAD AND HIS GRIFFON EVERYWHERE. Weird fourth wall break from the dragon hello there sir. (I couldn’t tell where I recognized the dragon’s voice but apparently it’s the same guy who voiced Mr Potato head? ) I cannot tell whether Kayley has an English accent or not lmao Oh no is he staying behind?? Ok vaguely touching on social commentary how society is not supportive of disabled people. “I don’t belong in that world” “You belong in mine” was crushing tho. Love the reprise Girl how did you not see them approaching you it was a WIDE OPEN FIELD. No wonder you got captured girl The dragons can fly nowwww Cool action scene. Ruber is so eueughhhh Garrett driving is iconic actually Ooh reversal now he’s gotta be here “eyes” that’s cool. DID THEY SET THE GRIFFIN ON FIRE?? OOOO SHE SAID THE LINEEE GET HIS ASS GIRLIEEE Oh my gosh brutal takedown that’s horrifying good Lord Yayyy they saved Camelot HER DRESS IS STUNNINGGGGG YAY SHES A KNIGHTTTTT dance scene wheeee. Ok cute romance romance etc etc but like society is still. Not overly accepting of disabled people? Ok IT WAS MERLINS BIRD?? Lmao “just knighted” is adorable but i do appreciate that they don’t end up married they just get to go off on adventures that’s sweet That was so fun! I can def see why it’s a lot of people’s childhood favorite
but THIS IS MAKING ME GIGGLE AND SMILE SO MUCH PLS JFKDSHLFAJKSHADSJK i am so so happy you had fun with it !!! she's def v silly and kinda Messy but i enjoy it a lot 🤧 it still boggles my mind they got david foster, cary elwes, and CELINE DION ??? i mean i guess the 90s was the beginning of Celeb Voice Acting in animated movies but especially for a film that isnt disney and so it probably didnt have the craziest budget in the world... what strings did they PULL. also did you recognize the song "the prayer" ??? like... the andrea bocelli song "the prayer" 😭😭😭😭 that song "the prayer" do u know "the prayer" ???? i'm a huge andrea bocelli fan and it blows my miND that song was written FOR THIS MOVIE. AND HE SINGS IT IN ITALIAN DURING THE END CREDITS. THIS MOVIE IS AMERICAN THERE IS NOTHING ITALIAN ABOUT IT DSKSAFD;ASDF ?????? this song is being performed at graduations weddings funerals and it originated from a random warner brother's movie... we love it. such oscar bait but they bagged the nomination and it hits to this day so they kinda succeeded. the other songs are HUGE hits and misses tho... like i totally agree with skipping the dragon's song skksks what a major miss lmfao but i do have a soft spot for "on my father's wings" and "looking through your eyes" !!! 🤍
and YES GARRETT i think it's so cool they gave us a blind hero in this movie!! i cant speak for people who are actually blind but i think he's written so well and he's so cutie and cool 🤍 i love him!!
dont quote me on this cuz i cant remember where i orginally heard/read this, but i'm like 90% sure they wanted kayley and garrett to be married at the end but changed it last minute which is why kayley has a very bridal looking dress and the sign says "just knighted" rather than "just married" skskks it's soooo cute!!!
also what's so funny... i have no memory of actually watching quest for camelot as a kid. we definitely had the VHS tape cuz it was probably my brother's, but i really only remember seeing the commercials for it (cuz those commercials would play during the previews on the other VHS tapes 💀)
GOSH pardon my rambling and i def didnt hit all your points but trust i loved reading all of your thoughts!!! i am so so happy you enjoyed it !!! 🥹🥹🤍🤍
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stupidstrawberrystars · 2 months ago
ur not doing it on purpose 😭 i’ve been “mentioned” in sooo many of ur posts now rueeee. i’m obviously not bothered :) free extra marauders content, still hilarious tho. oh tumblr is totally plotting to make me a multishipper. it all makes sense nowww.
ONE- it’s not the ruining of a friendship rueee 😭 every now and then in the seven years they’d run into each other, become best friends again for a day, feel the possibility of falling back in love, try to keep in touch, one of them would panic about falling back in love, and back off. They were never gonna work long distance until they were mature and they were never gonna be just friends without hurting themselves.
YES and over the years their mothers tried to secretly set them up ALLLLL THE TIME but it never works… until Hope sends Remus the skl advert and he goes for the job.
i agree, the shift SHOULD be gradual. But also not. They’re becoming friends again easily and hanging out all the time and Remus is for sure just friends with James whereas James is panicking about falling for Remus again and ruining their new friendship. And then one day Remus wakes up and oh he’s fallen in love with James because of course he has. And James was basically falling the entire time so.
(i love remus in denial and james finding remus attractiveeee. but also I want james to be flustered over remus’ personality being hot too, if that makes sense 😭)
(it would make a perfect long fic but i cant wirte those rueeee even if i had time which i don’t)
OMG I LOVE THAT and remus felt like he let those kids down when the skl was shut down.
TWO- I fully agree, remus would graciously lose but not with his friends. I mean he would graciously lose but he’d work damn hard to win first. Especially with Lily I think they’re both mega competitive but mainly only with each other.
i would love to write their wedding 😭 I COULD MAKE IT HALF MUGGLE CIVIL PARTNERSHIP AND HALF HINDU WEDDING (my friend told me the weddings are called vivaha but she could’ve been lying, so i’d need to research). cause then it’d remus and james, and just personally I headcanon remus as atheist so- but he’d love to do a wedding for james’ culture for sureeeee.
YES YES I WILL. Okay ppl say viktor and jayce are regulus and james but they’re not they’re remus and james. in arcane, their country is split in two, Piltover (rich) and Zaun/Undercity (Poor) this is relative obviously as there are rich in the poor area and poor in the rich. Point is, an old war meant the two districts split and now they hate each other. And the people in Zaun struggle a lot for food and stuff and in the show there’s a drug epidemic that goes round. Jayce is from piltover, not the highest in society but semi respected. He is a genius who wants to invent magic using technology because when he was a child his mother and him were saved from death (they got caught in a snowstorm) by a wizard/dude with magic.
magic is feared but jayce really wants to make it. his lab is broken into and his work (which wasn’t approved, ie illegal) was discovered and he was taken to the council room where he was stripped of his work. When hes looking at everything hes lost and considering suicide, Viktor walks in. Viktor is from the undercity, a few years old than jayce and also very smart. He sees Jayce’ genius and helps him break into the room that his work was locked in to retrieve it and work in secret. They do and they figure out the missing piece or whatever and invent hextech. A thousand year old council member then tells them to destroy it because it looks dangerous, but jayce ignores this, because everyone fears magic.
He ends up integrated into high society as him and Viktor attempt to build the “hexgates” an invention that will practically be a portal to other lands so piltover can be rich in trade again. He’s named the golden boy and piltover becomes the land of progress. Viktor hides, Jayce wants to announce him as his partner but Viktor hates the attention, he’s from the undercity and has a disability, he needs a crutch to walk and is getting progressively sicker and sicker (side note arcane does disability representation soooo well there’s so many characters and I-). Jayce always said his plan was to help the people of the undercity, but everyone else encourages him to make weapons (except for viktor and mel, I haven’t explained her but I can laterrrr). Viktor hates weapons, fully and completely. He’s a caring person tied to the human experience. And he’s dying. Viktor is found sick and Jayce cried by his side in bed. Viktor goes on to discover that the arcane can cure injuries, cure dying things. It can help so many people, heal the world, and then Jayce goes “it can save YOU.” but viktor doesn’t think he can finish it in time. Long story short jayce gets caught up in council shit and makes a hammer which he uses to try and stop a rebel uprising in the undercity cause a character called jinx did a giant attack on piltover. He kills a child with the hammer by accident. Viktor tries to use the arcane to heal him and then he like, absorbs part of the arcane, and then it kills his assistant Sky. Jayce comes to his senses a bit, promises viktor he’ll destroy the arcane (who’s terrified cause it killed sky and he cares abt ppl) and tries to come to a civil negotiation to end the war. Then this jinx character (who is fascinating btw) comes back and sends… basically an atomic bomb, at the council room of piltover which kills most of the members. Mel has magic powers she didn’t know abt and that’s how she and jayce survive. Viktor is there and he doesn’t.
Jayce doesn’t destroy the arcane he uses it to try and heal viktor. OMG ok that’s s1. there’s two seasons. i’m getting soooo off track. They’re variants of moonchaser cause 1. personality. 2. vibe.
I kinda wanna keep going, it gets crazier, viktor tried to heal ppl but goes insane and becomes a god and then jayce has to kill but after failing confesses his love instead and that’s the whole of s2 but if ur invested I shall explain i’m immense detail :)
u have some amazing puns rue 😭 (I love themmmm)
I FORGOT TO TAG U AGAIN OMG @moutainrusing
Eden (6128 words) by mezzaniine
(i’m persevering with my brainwash-you-into-loving-pale agenda…😭)
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