#he goes ‘i didn’t know that’ and i’m like well :) yep! my whole life!
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inkykeiji · 2 days ago
just told my boyfriend’s whole family that my dad’s a drug addict!!! :) during family dinner!!! :)
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the-froschamethyst4 · 3 months ago
Barrage Catch Up
All of my Previous COD men Headcanons for Barrage
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What the Cod men would drive:
2024 Ram 3500
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Barrage screams big truck, I mean big truck asshole guy, buying parts for his truck to sound like an obnoxious asshole
So his truck would be a 2024 Ram 3500
He mainly got to big jobs, truck things
Does he tailgate people? Not anymore, you’ve yelled at him to not ride peoples ass on the road
He also bought it for when he goes hunting, he could load up as many deer or turkey he could get
Will it be messy when the kids get in it? Yes, but he cleans it out
Name a Woman:
“Love can you do me a favor?”
“Huh?” Barrage was online looking at bows for hunting.
“Can you name me a woman?” He pauses.
“Name you a woman?” He turns and looks at her.
“Yep, any woman.”
“Just because.”
“Okay…Scarlett Johansson.”
“Oh yeah…why?”
“See I knew, I knew this might have been a trap but I did it anyways. I chose her because you told me to name a woman, you didn’t-“
“I’m kidding, no need to get your panties in a twist, Barrage. I’m just saying-“
“Leave me alone.” He pouts.
“No, I’m kidding.”
Do I think the COD men would make good fathers
Barrage scream good dad on the outside, inside…I’m not sure
You tell him you’re pregnant and he doesn’t know what to say
Barrage also screams boy dad, he wants a boy and only a boy, but his first is a girl and he loves her, adores her, has the same black hair as him and the eye color of her mom, he is a perfect mixture of both of them
His life is about to do a whole 180 when this baby arrives
When the baby does come, he’s so gentle, gentle as he’s ever been
He named your daughter, named her after his great grandmother Addison, her name is Addie
He comes homes from deployment and doesn’t come in without taking his mask off first, he wouldn’t dream coming in the house and scary his daughter
Nicknames I think that will make them fold:
With Barrage I feel like there is no nickname that will make him fold
You try to call him baby or babe once, and he ignored you thinking you were talking to someone else
Now who would you be talking to when it’s just you two in the house
You called him Lt before and he questioned if he liked that or not, nicknames are not his thing, you’ve said his real name before and he felt like he was in trouble then feel horny
When Your child comes out to him:
Barrage screams “you are gay, get out” but that is so not true
Your daughter was scared to even say anything, she told Y/n but thought Barrage will never know for any reason, but today was the day
Sitting Barrage down your daughter was a mess already crying and Barrage barely knew how to handle that
Barrage comforts his daughter then she gets the courage
“Yes, honey?”
“I…I have something…to tell you…”
“Okay? What is it? I’m a bit nervous.”
“…it’s not bad, I promise.”
“Okay…go on, honey.”
“Daddy…daddy, I like…I like girls.”
“I do to-“
“No, dad, take me seriously real quick.”
“I am honey.”
“No, dad, I’m a lesbian, I like girls, I have a girlfriend and have one for 5 months now.”
“Oh…well…I’m glad you told me honey but…you know I don’t care, I’ll still love you, you’re my daughter for Pete’s sake.”
“I know but it was just so…so…difficult.”
“I know hon…but don’t ever think you can’t come to me for anything.”
Their career change after the military
Honestly he’s not leaving the military
His whole life is military
My favorite animal
My favorite animal is my aggressive Doberman husband when a jackass cuts him off.
The next clip was of Barrage getting out of the truck slamming the door and marching his way to the truck in front of him and you could see the fury within Barrage’s eyes
The same Doberman husband when his daughter goes on her first date
The next clip was of Barrage basically threatening the dude taking his daughter on a date pointing his pointer and middle finger at his eyes then back at the boy
You tell them about the older men you liked:
“Who now!”
“Pedro Pascal.”
“I know, I know, he’s too old for me, I’ve heard it all before no need to tell me.”
“When did you-“
“Like him…umm~ I’m not sure.”
Making love casualties:
Making love with Barrage was always so amazing and so much fucking fun
Barrage held Y/n close to his body, kissing her neck and sucking on her neck
He chuckles into the kiss and he starts rolling trying to get Y/n on her back but what he didn’t realize how close he was to the beds edge
One more roll and both of them ended up on the floor
“I didn’t realize how close I was to the edge.” He says rubbing his head and kisses Y/n’s temple as an apology
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ducktoo · 4 months ago
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
33. Renov-log
Note: Jeez, we’re close to the end now…
Masterlist here
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After months of touring, recording, and relentless promotion, the girls of aespa finally had some downtime. Considering that Whiplash would be their last release of this year and their world tour success, they managed to snag a good break.
To be exact, 2 weeks.
Naturally, they decided it was time for a major change:
Renovating their dorm.
Of course, Y/n, who had barely recovered from the last leg of their tour, suddenly found himself roped into this mess once again. Because despite having muscles on their own, they just want to hang out with him more.
It all started innocently enough. The girls were gathered in the living room, flipping through catalogs, each with vastly different ideas on what their “new space” should look like. Y/n sat at the head of the table, already feeling a headache forming.
“Are we seriously doing this?” Y/n asked, glancing from one girl to the next, noting their determined expressions.
“Yup,” Karina said, not even looking up as she circled a bright red couch in a magazine. “We’re over this old setup. It’s time for something new.”
Winter chimed in with a deadpan tone, her face buried behind her phone. “I’ve been staring at that peeling wallpaper for two years. It’s haunting my dreams at this point.”
“Ok, you should’ve told me that earlier, Jeong.” Y/n sighed.
Ningning grinned, bouncing in her seat. “We need more colour. And a karaoke machine!”
Y/n blinked at that last part. “A karaoke machine? Why?”
“Yep,” Giselle said, casually pointing at the list in front of him. “Right next to the beanbags and mini-fridge. Oh, and let’s not forget, we want a cozy reading nook by the window.”
Y/n rubbed his temples. “This is getting out of hand…I don’t study architecture here.”
Winter strolled in, looking like she’d just had the most brilliant idea. “We should film a vlog about the whole renovation process. You know, a ‘Day in the Life’ kind of thing. It’ll be hilarious watching Y/n try to maintain some level of sanity.”
Y/n’s head snapped up. “Wait, what now?”
Karina and Ningning shared a glance, their mischievous grins widening.
“We’re doing it,” Winter declared. “Vlog day tomorrow.”
The next day, the real madness began. Furniture deliveries were scheduled, paint samples were splattered across walls, and half the dorm was covered in dust as the renovation began. But to make things worse, Giselle, true to her word, pulled out her camera, ready to document the entire thing for their channel.
“Alright guys, welcome to today's 'Reno-vlog'!’” Giselle announced with far too much enthusiasm. “We’re going to make this place look brand new, with the help of our lovely manager, Y/n!”
Y/n appeared in the background, balancing a stack of paint cans. “I didn’t sign up for this,” he grumbled, before nearly tripping over an extension cord.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” Karina laughed, zooming the camera in on his frazzled expression.
“I’m fine,” Y/n muttered, but the slight panic in his eyes said otherwise. “Just… someone please move the cables.”
As the girls split up into teams, the dorm turned into a scene straight out of a comedy show. Giselle and Ningning took charge of painting the living room, while Karina and Winter were busy assembling furniture. Y/n? Well, he was stuck in the middle of it all, trying his best to keep everything under control.
“Giselle! That’s not the right shade of blue!” Y/n yelled from across the room as he glanced at the paint sample. “You picked ‘Ocean Breeze,’ but that looks like ‘Misty Sky!’”
Giselle shrugged, completely unfazed. “Eh, blue is blue. It’ll look fine once it dries.”
“Right… because drying magically changes the colour.” Y/n sighed, shaking his head.
Meanwhile, Karina and Winter struggled with an IKEA bookshelf in the corner.
“I’m telling you, this part goes here,” Winter said, holding a screw in one hand and a wooden panel in the other.
Karina looked equally as confused. “Are you sure? It looks upside down.”
“It’s not upside down,” Winter huffed, trying to force the pieces together. “I’ve done this before.”
Y/n watched from the doorway, shaking his head. “I give it five minutes before that thing collapses.”
Sure enough, the bookshelf stood triumphantly for about three minutes before one of the sides gave out, sending the entire structure crashing to the floor. Karina and Winter just stared at it, shocked into silence.
“Told you so.” Y/n deadpanned.
Ningning, however, was quick to pounce. “I got that on camera!” she cackled, pointing her phone at the wreckage.
“Thanks for the moral support, idiot,” Winter grumbled, crossing her arms.
Y/n raised his hands defensively. “Ya, you’re the ones who refused to look at the manual.”
Karina smirked, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “He’s right, Minjeong. We should’ve listened to the professional.”
Winter rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. “Fine, fine. Y/n wins this round.”
“Of course, one of my various W” The victorious manager patted his shoulder.
The painting was no better. The girls had chosen a variety of bright colors, each with a specific vision in mind. But when Ningning knocked over an entire can of ocean-blue paint onto the living room floor, Y/n nearly lost it.
“Yizhuo!” Y/n yelled, staring at the growing puddle of paint. “That was oil-based!”
Ningning winced, backing away. “Oops?”
Y/n sighed, already calculating how many hours it would take to clean that up. “I’m going to need a mop... and therapy after this.”
Giselle, ever the opportunist, swung the camera towards him. “And here we have Y/n, reaching the breaking point of this renovation project.”
The girls snickered, their laughter only growing louder as Y/n tried—and failed—to clean the paint with a completely inadequate rag.
“You know,” Winter teased as she filmed the scene with her phone, “this would make for some quality blackmail footage.”
"Another one?!" Y/n looked up from the floor, narrowing his eyes. “If that video ever sees the light of day, I’m throwing all of your new furniture out the window.”
Winter just shrugged, a sly grin on her face. “Tsk, whatever. But I’m still keeping the footage.”
Despite the setbacks, the renovation eventually started to come together. The walls were painted (after several attempts), the furniture was somewhat assembled, and the dorm slowly began to resemble a place they could all live in. It wasn’t perfect, but it was theirs.
Karina gestured to the new couches proudly. “See, Y/n? I told you it would look good.”
Y/n nodded, admiring the final product. “It actually does. You guys did well.”
Ningning, of course, couldn’t let him off the hook that easily. “Don’t forget, we captured your meltdown on camera for the vlog.”
“Yeah, Y/n, you were like this close to pulling your hair out,” Giselle added, laughing.
Y/n rolled his eyes but smiled despite himself. “Great. I’m sure that’ll be the highlight AND the thumbnail of the video.”
Later that evening, after the chaos had died down and the renovation halted for the day, Y/n found himself in the kitchen, trying to salvage a snack from the fridge. As he fumbled around, Winter quietly walked in, leaning against the counter with a playful smile.
"Whatcha doing?" she asked, her voice soft but teasing.
"Just... trying to find something edible," Y/n replied, pulling out a carton of milk and sniffing it cautiously. "I'm about to get triggered out there."
Winter chuckled, watching him with an amused expression. "You know, you didn’t do too bad today. Kept your cool, mostly."
Y/n grinned, shaking his head. "Mostly, huh?"
There was a beat of silence between them, and Y/n couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. Ever since the "smooch prank," and his permission approved by the other girls, his feelings toward Winter had been... complicated.
He wasn’t sure where they stood or if it even meant anything to her. But he found himself increasingly flustered whenever she was around, her presence lingering in his thoughts.
Winter seemed to pick up on his awkwardness, her eyes narrowing as she leaned in slightly. “What’s with that look? You’re not still mad about the prank, are you?”
Y/n stammered, suddenly unable to find his words. “Uh, no. Not mad. Just... thinking.”
"Thinking about what?" Winter asked, tilting her head with curiosity.
Y/n nearly choked on his words. “Uh... nothing important.”
Winter smirked knowingly. “Sure, nothing important. You’re such a bad liar, Y/n. Just say that you like my kiss.”
Before Y/n could respond, Karina popped into the kitchen, breaking the tension. “What’s going on in here? Are you two conspiring without us?”
“You want me to?,” Y/n said quickly, though his voice cracked slightly, betraying his nerves.
Karina raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. “Uh-huh. Well, just make sure we don’t find out you’re plotting a new prank on us, Minjeong.”
Winter flashed an innocent smile. “Who, me? Never.”
Y/n cleared his throat, desperately trying to change the subject. “So, uh, how’s the vlog going?”
Ningning entered the kitchen just in time to answer that. “It’s gold. The fans are going to love it. Especially the part where you nearly passed out from stress.”
As the night wore on, and the chaos of the day finally began to settle, Y/n found himself back in the living room, alone for a moment of peace. He sat on one of the new couches, admiring the final result of their hard work.
The dorm wasn’t perfect—far from it—but it had character. And despite the hiccups, it had been fun, even if he wouldn’t admit it to the girls.
Winter suddenly appeared in the doorway, her hair slightly tousled from the day’s work. “Mind if I sit?”
“Of course,” Y/n said, scooting over to make room for her on the couch.
She plopped down beside him, pulling her legs up underneath her. “You look deep in thought.”
Y/n chuckled. “Just thinking about how close I was to explode in front of you all.”
“Aish, your exaggerated too much,” Winter groaned, but with a soft smile on her lips. “But it was fun. I mean, look at what we did.”
Y/n glanced around the room, nodding. “It does look great…surprisingly.”
There was a brief moment of silence before Winter spoke again, her voice quieter this time. “You know, you’ve been pretty amazing through all this, idiot. I don’t think we say it enough.”
Y/n blinked, caught off guard by the compliment. “Mhm…I’m just doing my job.”
“Still,” Winter said, her eyes meeting his. “We’re lucky to have you.”
Y/n felt his heart skip a beat, unsure of how to respond. Before he could muster a response, Winter flashed him a soft, genuine smile that made his heart skip another beat. Her sincerity was something he wasn’t used to handling, especially after all the teasing and chaos the group usually stirred up.
“..Since when you look so womanly…,” he finally said, scratching the back of his neck nervously before ruffling her hair.
"Yaaaa" Winter groaned.
“I’m lucky to have you guys too. Especially you, Jeong."
Winter’s smile grew, but the moment quickly turned awkward when Ningning’s voice echoed from down the hallway. “Hey, Y/n-oppa! Jeong-unnie! You better not be do some funny behaviour in there!”
Y/n groaned inwardly, thankful for the interruption but also wishing for just a little more time to figure out how he was feeling. Winter, on the other hand, chuckled softly, standing up from the couch.
“I guess that’s my cue,” she said with a light laugh, giving Y/n one last glance before heading toward the hallway.
“Goodnight, idiot.”
“Goodnight, crybaby” Y/n replied, his mind still whirling with the events of the day.
The next morning, the group wasted no time getting back into their usual antics. After the emotional (and slightly awkward) moment between Y/n and Winter, everything seemed to return to normal — well, as normal as life with aespa could be.
Ningning had already started editing the footage from the day before, giggling every time she came across a particularly chaotic scene.
“Y/n, you look like you’re about to combust,” she teased, playing a clip where Y/n was holding a mop, surrounded by spilled paint and half-assembled furniture.
“I WAS about to combust,” Y/n grumbled, sipping his coffee while trying to avoid looking at the screen. “That paint was everywhere.”
Giselle leaned over Ningning’s shoulder, pointing at the screen. “Oh man, this part’s gold. The bookshelf disaster. I still can’t believe Winter and Karina thought they could build that thing without instructions.”
Karina, who had just walked into the room, waved them off. “It was a learning experience.”
Winter, following behind Karina, raised an eyebrow. “A learning experience in failure, maybe.”
The banter continued as they all sat down for breakfast, but Y/n couldn’t help but steal glances at Winter. There was something about the way she carried herself, so casual yet so sincere, that kept him thinking about the night before. And the prank. And the way she had told him they were lucky to have him.
It wasn’t the first time Winter had caught him off guard with her softer side, but it was the first time he’d felt… different about it.
After breakfast, they got back to work on the final touches of the dorm renovation. Y/n found himself in the corner of the living room, trying to assemble a coffee table that had more screws than should be legally allowed.
Winter joined him, kneeling beside him as she attempted to help with the assembly. “Need some backup?”
Y/n chuckled. “As long as you’re reading the instruction, sure.”
Winter gave him a playful nudge, grinning. “Ya, I’m a quick learner, trust me.”
They worked in relative silence, but every now and then, their hands brushed as they both reached for the same tool. Y/n could feel the tension building, the air between them thick with the unsaid.
“So,” Winter said suddenly, breaking the silence, “you’ve been a little quiet lately. What’s going on in that brain of yours?”
Y/n hesitated. He wasn’t ready to lay everything on the table, not yet. “Just...wondering what’s after Whiplash and stuff.”
Winter didn’t seem satisfied with his answer but didn’t push further. “Well, we will be alright, but everything is fun now that you’re with us.”
“You said it all the time now.”
“Aish, can’t a lady show her appreciation?” Winter glared, but a giggle followed after.
Y/n’s stomach flipped again. There it was, that sincerity that always caught him off guard. “Thanks, Jeong.”
With the renovations nearly complete, the group decided it was time to finish up their “day in the life” vlog. Ningning, as always, took charge of the camera, while the rest of the girls threw themselves into creating as much chaos as possible.
Karina and Giselle staged a fake argument over who got the better new bedroom setup, complete with exaggerated yelling and finger-pointing. Ningning, cackling behind the camera, zoomed in on Y/n’s exasperated face as he tried to mediate the “fight.”
“I’m not a therapist,” Y/n groaned, rubbing his temples. “Can’t we just focus on finishing this?”
Karina crossed her arms, playing up the drama. “No, Y/n! Giselle needs to know I deserve the bigger closet!”
Giselle gasped in mock offense. “Oh, please! I have way more shoes than you do!”
Y/n sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why do I feel like this is going to be the entire vlog?”
Winter, who had been standing off to the side, caught his eye and gave him a small, knowing smile. Despite the chaos, she seemed to find the situation just as amusing as he did.
Later that day, after the cameras were off and the renovation was finally—mostly—done, Y/n found himself back in the kitchen, once again trying to find something to eat. Winter quietly entered the room, as she often did, leaning against the counter.
“You're stealing my snack zone at this point” she teased lightly.
Y/n chuckled, pulling out a box of cereal. “Damn right. This is my domain.”
Winter smiled softly, watching him for a moment before speaking. “You’ve been handling everything really well, you know. The renovations, the vlog, the constant chaos.”
Y/n shrugged, trying to play it off. “I’m surprised my hair is still here.”
Winter’s eyes lingered on him for a moment longer before she pushed off the counter and stood a little closer to him. “Ya, You’re doing great, Y/n. You’re... important to us.”
Y/n froze, his heart doing somersaults in his chest. He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he just nodded, suddenly very interested in pouring cereal into his bowl.
Winter didn’t push further, but as she walked past him to leave the kitchen, her hand brushed his arm, sending a spark of warmth through him. He couldn’t help but watch her retreating figure, his mind racing with thoughts he wasn’t quite ready to confront.
That evening, the girls gathered in the living room, excitedly presenting Y/n with a small box wrapped in colorful paper. They had been out earlier that day, under the guise of running errands, but it seemed they had been plotting something else entirely.
“…What’s this?” Y/n asked, holding the box carefully as the girls watched him with expectant smiles.
“A gift,” Karina said, grinning. “For all the hard work you’ve done. Also it’s a bit over 1 year anniversary since you became our manager.”
“Oh.” Y/n widened his eyes. With all the tour planning and nonsense, it slipped his mind that it would’ve been a bit over a year since he first started as Aespa’s manager. Or maybe it was because it wasn’t work but rather just reuniting with his childhood friend and have a fun and inseparable (yet annoying) group.
“I didn’t even realise it has been a year already.” Y/n was awestruck.
“I mean…you did went through a lot. It makes sense you didn’t notice, oppa” Ningning chimed in.
"…I'm not getting fired, am I?"
"Of course not, open it!" Giselle groaned.
Y/n glanced around at them, suspicious but touched. He carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a sleek new watch. It was simple, elegant, and exactly his style.
“Oh sht damn,” Y/n breathed, genuinely surprised. “This is... amazing. Thank you, guys.”
Ningning grinned. “We figured you needed something fancy after all the chaos we put you through this year.”
Winter, who had been standing quietly to the side, stepped forward, her eyes locking onto Y/n’s. “And just so you know, this wasn’t a prank,” she said softly, her voice laced with sincerity. “You really deserve it.”
Y/n’s heart fluttered at her words, and for a moment, he forgot all about the chaos of the day. He was just... happy.
"Just gonna say it…" Giselle smirked. "Minjeong suggested it."
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chosen-hero-inari · 4 months ago
Whumptober Day 20: Shoulder To Lean On
When your sky falls
Ena’s hands are shaking as she takes the letter from the Shibuya art contest up to her room. It’s just like last year, but this time, she’s way better. She’s been practicing more, getting tips from her dad, doing art in all sorts of contexts, actually going to class?
This year will be different! Actually different!
So, trembling, Ena takes out the letter and scans the words at the top of the carefully printed letter.
Thank you for entering the Shibuya Art Contest.
We received many excellent entries, and upon careful examination, we're sorry to inform you that you did not place at this time.
Ena collapses onto her bed. All that practice, and still? She’s still not good enough? A whole year later and she still didn’t place? She’ll… really never be good enough, will she?
There’s a soft knock on her door. God, it’s Dad again, probably. He knew she was entering, said he hoped she won something, but it’s the same as last year all over again.
Akito’s voice comes through the door. “Ena? I’m gonna come in. Don’t throw anything.”
Ena doesn’t even have the strength to yell at him when he barges in, and he doesn’t say anything either, just sits down next to her on the bed.
Akito grabs the letter out of her hand. “So, didn’t win anything?”
“You don’t sound surprised.”
“Well, we figured if you won you’d already be downstairs bragging about it. Dad wanted to give you a pep talk, but Mom talked him out of it.”
“I don’t think he knows how pep talks work,” Ena says, but her heart isn’t in it. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey, you remember that Tono guy?”
Ena rolls her eyes. “Yes, I remember that you happened to bump into the half-brother we never knew about.”
“I never told you how we met though.”
“Something something singing, something something?”
Akito flicks her on the forehead. “Nah, actually he kicked our asses in a battle. He was so far ahead of us at that point, I couldn’t take it. I went into training mode, nonstop, like I used to do with soccer.”
“Running laps and stuff?”
“That, doing a lot of solo practice, doing more solo shows, not getting enough sleep, making everyone who knew me deeply concerned for my health, almost collapsed a couple of times, you know how it is.”
“Right,” Ena says. “But your friends told you to stop being an idiot?”
“They did, but before I admitted they were right, I rematched Tono, and you know what happened?” Akito laughs. “He kicked my ass again. He called it a tie but no matter how much I practiced he still wiped the floor with me, and everyone knew it.”
“So, is that your point?” Ena asks. “That we both suck and practicing doesn’t help?”
“What I’m trying to say is I got past it because I had my team to help me. And at the end of the day, we surpassed RAD WEEKEND, and that never would have happened if I gave up after that second battle.”
Ena closes her eyes and leans on his shoulder. “How’d you get past it? Seeing the wall and instead of thinking about how tall it is, start thinking about how to get over it?”
“Support from my friends, knowing I couldn’t spend forever wallowing,” Akito says, “seeing my big sister get back into art after losing an art contest.”
“Hey, we live in the same house and you pretty much work here, it’s hard not to remember what goes on in your life.”
Ena manages a weak laugh. “Yeah, ok. I guess you’re right. I mean if you can do it, I certainly can.”
“Think if I still look sad enough Dad will buy us takeout for dinner?”
“Only way to find out is to go downstairs and talk to him.”
“Yeah, yeah ok.” And Ena gets up, and starts moving forward.
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gebediahhhhhhh · 5 months ago
I’ve seen a lot of people analyzing Lydia’s behavior in BJBJ, not only on tumblr. And a lot of posts about Lydia’s anxiety being illogical miss one certain point: anxiety IS illogical. As someone who spent enough time treating my depression and anxiety issues (and also abusing my medicine at some point) I can totally get her behavior. Let me explain.
WARNING: I’m not an expert in anything I’m talking about, this is just for fun and based on my own experience with mental issues. Also I’m very sleepy and English is not my first language.
When people analyze Lydia’s behavior, they usually have 2 points:
1. Lydia is afraid of ghosts in general; she’s getting anxious because she can see dead people.
2. Lydia is afraid of Beetlejuice specifically.
While the first one is more logically understandable, I don’t think it’s the thing. To me it was obvious that she was afraid of BJ and her panic attacks happened only when she saw him. The second one, though, makes less sense considering the events of the second movie, when Lydia summons BJ and she’s just like… annoyed. She looks at him and goes ew. I didn’t see panic. Which could be just her being calm and collected in the face of danger, but I don’t believe Lyds is like that, sorry 😭
So that leaves us with her reactions being kinda… inconsistent. Yeah! So let me introduce you to my hot takes:
- Lydia is mentally unstable and has big anxiety issues which lead her to panic spiraling about certain topics.
- Lydia is NOT afraid of ghosts in general (at least consciously), but seeing them still messes her up.
- Lydia’s only human and her memory of the first movie events is not perfect.
Let’s talk about this.
In the first movie we clearly see Lydia being depressed and suicidal. Here everything’s clear, I think. Depression at a young age can mess your brain big time and I doubt she got it medicated until she was a whole ass adult.
In the same first movie Lydia obviously doesn’t feel distressed around ghosts (except for BJ, because he’s a weirdo). She willingly spends time with Maitlands and dances with football players and in general she’s okay with ghosts.
From the second movie we get that she can see any ghost because of her gift. I can only imagine how many ghosts she’s met during these 36 years. Probably even before her show started, she would always randomly see dead people in all kinds of places. Some guy killed himself in this building 50 years ago? Yep, Lydia can see him haunting the place. This ability surely doesn’t bring comfort to one’s life, especially after you grow out of your teenage years and talking to dead people is no more considered a quirky thing.
Now back to her fear of Beetlejuice. In the first movie, he terrorized the Deetzes, but didn’t do anything harmful to Lydia specifically. The whole wedding thing must’ve been pretty scary though, I don’t think many people acknowledge that. In her place I would absolutely be terrified. But at the end she seems fine and cheerful, which could be a sign that she isn’t traumatized but all this ghostly stuff that much. So what could’ve happened for her to react to BJ like this?
What I’m thinking is, human memory is not perfect. It tends to blur some things, especially uncomfortable ones. And depression is known for causing memory issues as well. I, personally, barely remember my teen years. And I’m definitely younger than Lydia and saw far less shit in my life. So I’m just thinking that, for the past 36 years, her memory of encountering Beetlejuice might’ve gotten more vague and kinda replaced with… Maitlands’ stories about him.
We don’t know when exactly did the Maitlands leave, but I assume Lydia did spend with them enough time. I already saw a very good in-depth post about Lydia’s fear of Beetlejuice being fueled by the Maitlands’ experience of him being a pervy freak and whatnot. Yes, I agree!!! They absolutely did tell Lydia about all their afterlife experiences, including their first time summoning Beetlejuice. So Lydia must’ve known about him being extremely fucking weird.
Now, imagine: you’re a woman with many mental issues. Your job includes regularly seeing dead people who might look really disturbing and behave in a potentially dangerous way. You have many relationships issues as well and now… You start seeing a freaky ghost from your teenage years. What do you remember about him? Oh, not much:
- he hurt your dad and scared your family (which might have been funny when you’re 16, you do start seeing things differently when you grow up).
- he was acting absolutely disgusting towards your friend.
- he tried to marry you.
I don’t blame Lydia for freaking out. And considering she has anxiety, I can totally imagine her brain going different directions with thoughts how Beetlejuice might hurt her specifically. Been there, done that. I believe her seeing him at the studio wasn’t the first time, and her reactions just kept escalating because she kept thinking about him being a supernatural entity who can murder her, rape her, hurt her daughter, hurt her parents, etc.
But then she summons him and he’s… normal. I mean, relatively normal. You know that feeling when you’re afraid to make this really scary phone call, but when you finally do, it turns out to be not that scary? I imagine that what Lydia experienced, just ten times more intense lmao.
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Nova’s Notes - Dracula Daily - June 24
Another horrifying day in the life of Jonathan Harker. Let’s get to it, shall we?
So it seems that Jonathan and Dracula are still having their little chats, but Dracula, in a rare move, called it a night early and locked himself up in his room. But, Nova, he’s a vampire — I thought vampires went out at night??
I know right? Jonathan thinks something’s up as well because he immediately goes up to the South window (recall this is where he saw Lizard Fashion for the first time) because he knows “there is something going on”. He also knows the Szgany are actually working on something inside the castle — which he obviously can’t see, given his locked-in status — but he knows it’s not good because he can hear sounds of mattocks (like a pickaxe, but wider) and spades.
“I had been at the window somewhat less than half an hour, when I saw something coming out of the Count's window. I drew back and watched carefully, and saw the whole man emerge. It was a new shock to me to find that he had on the suit of clothes which I had worn whilst travelling here, and slung over his shoulder the terrible bag which I had seen the women take away. There could be no doubt as to his quest, and in my garb, too! This, then, is his new scheme of evil: that he will allow others to see me, as they think, so that he may both leave evidence that I have been seen in the towns or villages posting my own letters, and that any wickedness which he may do shall by the local people be attributed to me.”
So….yeah this isn’t good. Not only is the Count stealing his clothing to prevent him from being comfortable enough to get home, he’s stealing his identity too!!! Another way to isolate Jonathan from the villagers and spread rumors -- only this time they will be ones of horror, not ones to laugh off The worst part is, Jonathan doesn’t even know what Dracula is going to do when he gets to the village, he just remembers that bag had a child in it and he knows it’s not good.
It’s interesting that this is what causes Jonathan to kind of wake up a bit. For the past few entries, he’s described everything matter-of-factly: first the initial joy of escape, then when plans go awry — numbness. He doesn’t get mad, he doesn’t show complete despair (except for that one time), he just kind of — doesn’t mention how he’s feeling. Which is unusual for Jonathan because he, unlike other protagonists of his time, does tend to mention how he’s feeling.
Here, he sounds angry. Whether it’s because Dracula is off to steal another child, because he’s disguised as Jonathan or a mix of the two, one thing’s for sure: Jonathan is angry.
“It makes me rage to think that this can go on, and whilst I am shut up here, a veritable prisoner, but without that protection of the law which is even a criminal's right and consolation.”
Yep, rage! Also, I know this is serious and he’s totally right to be mad that he’s locked up and can’t even be protected by law or whatever — but I can’t help but laugh a little bit at the fact that he’s thinking in lawyer terms even now. Like, of course he is, but still: lovable nerd behavior and I’m here for it.
On the serious side though, it’s sad that he’s having to think of himself as a criminal here when he didn’t do anything wrong. He was literally here to do a job — which he finished a month ago — and he’s now a prisoner. Of course he would be righteously indignant!!
So while Jonathan waits for the Count’s return, he notices some specks flying around and is soothed by them in a…hypnotic way. Hmmm…
Also if you’re wondering what “embrasure” means (I did!) it’s basically the recess of a window. So he’s kind of just chilling in the alcove of the window while this is happening. As for “gambolling” (usually spelled gamboling, I think), it’s a fancy word for running about or jumping about playfully. Thanks for making me break out Merriam Webster, Jonathan!
However, the sound of howling dogs makes him start to struggle from this dreamy hypnosis and as he does, he notices that the dust motes are making weird shapes almost like those three women that almost bit him a while back…once he realizes this, he’s broken of the spell. He screams and runs back to his room where he can’t be taken under again.
A few interesting things of note here:
I wonder if this is why Jonathan felt so sleepy last time when he was in the room with the three women. Perhaps they put him under a bit of a hypnotic state and he just fell asleep before he was able to see the dust-transformation thing. He was probably also just tired though, lol.
It shows that these vampires can transform into phantoms as well, which we saw a bit of when Jonathan literally saw through the Count that first night on the way to the castle. I wonder if it takes time for them to make this transformation though, since it seems he’s watching them for some minutes before this happens to the point where he can distinguish their shapes.
I wonder too if part of the reason Jonathan is safe in his room from the women is because they need the moonlight to teleport and his window isn’t facing the moon. Jonathan describes his room as having “no moonlight” so perhaps? We do know that Dracula probably banned them from the room (since he warned Jonathan that was his only safe place), so that’s the more likely explanation. He just feels safer since it’s away from the moon's view. Just an interesting thought on this vampire lore!
“When a couple of hours had passed I heard something stirring in the Count's room, something like a sharp wail quickly suppressed; and then there was silence, deep, awful silence, which chilled me. With a beating heart, I tried the door; but I was locked in my prison, and could do nothing. I sat down and simply cried.”
:( So I assumed Jonathan had ventured out again to explore again (which would have been very brave of him, considering what just happened), but considering he says he was "locked in [his] prison", I think this was just something he could hear through the door of his room.
A few points here:
The Count's room has to be very close to Jonathan's room in order for him to hear that. I don't know if we had gotten that bit of lore before, but good to know that the Count has intentionally positioned Jonathan's room close to his own in order to know every move he makes.
Did Dracula lock him up just because he ventured out after dark again? Perhaps, but if Dracula goes into a bit of a frenzied state when he feeds, he might actually be doing this for Jonathan's protection.
It's very courageous that Jonathan, after the encounter he just had and knowing what was probably going on in the Count's room, nonetheless tried to open the door at all. Would he have been able to save this child from their fate? No, I doubt it. The child had gone silent by the time he tried it. But it speaks to his bravery nonetheless. And I know that he wanted to do something, because he uses the words "could do nothing" before he begins crying. At this point, Jonathan's breaking point is not about himself: he's used to having horrible things happen to him. But hearing what is likely another child subjected to this horror with him helpless to do anything but hear it? It's too much for him.
After a time, Jonathan has to go to the window again because he hears the cry of a woman. Sure enough, a woman who looks like she's been running is in the courtyard and what does she do when she sees him?
"she threw herself forward, and shouted in a voice laden with menace:— 'Monster, give me my child!'"
This proves Jonathan's entire theory correct. Dracula went into the village -- disguised as Jonathan -- and stole a child!!! He didn't make this subtle, either, just for this reason. He wants them to see. He wants the blame to go to Jonathan.
This leads into another horrifying situation. So we know that Dracula needs to feed, right? And this is the second time we've seen him take a child. Is he exclusively feeding on children?
Well, maybe, but not because he exactly wants to. Here's the issue:
We know the villagers know how to protect themselves against Dracula. The fact that they give Jonathan all of those vampire-repellent gifts is evidence of that. It would be hard for him in this case to just take an adult from the village because they likely know what he looks like and they constantly wear the equivalent of Vampire Raid on their person.
However...children are easier to fool. Of course, the parents will warn them and teach them about Dracula, but there will always be the few kids who don't listen. All it takes is one moment of them dropping their guard and...well, you can imagine what comes next. I also imagine Dracula occasionally tries to build trust in the younger children who might have not seen him before when their parents aren't looking. Contrary to popular belief -- Dracula in this iteration CAN go outside during the day, he just loses most of his powers. So, if he does see these kids, he can ask them for a small favor here or there. That way, when he approaches them at night (which could be done in a multitude of ways), perhaps they're not scared before he grabs them. Perhaps they don't scream. It's hard to say exactly how Dracula plays these games, but I think he does. Because he seems to think of conquering humanity as a game and feeding on children is just one of the steps.
That's my logic for why he might be feeding on just children here.
But Nova, you may be asking yourself, that's absolutely ridiculous! Why wouldn't the villagers rise up against Dracula if this was happening? Well, a couple of theories:
Perhaps they take on the attitude of "as long as it isn't my child, I won't worry about it." A depressing and rather cold attitude, to be sure, but a survivor's attitude. Dracula has forced them into this because in order to survive, they can't question or rebel against him. That makes the innkeeper's wife who gave him the crucifix hold even more meaning if the rest of the village holds such an unfeeling attitude. To my second point...
Who's to say they hadn't tried that before and failed? Remember, Dracula's castle is guarded by wolves that he controls at will (shoutout to that one scene in Dracula 2020 where he asks nuns to choose between him or the wolves...chilling) and there is the possibility of his castle having a spell over it that causes people to pass out (still not sure if that's how it works or if Dracula himself made Jonathan sleep that night in the carriage). Either way, just getting to the castle itself is difficult to navigate, not to mention breaking in, finding Dracula with his locked doors and the Lizard Fashion. Plus there are the roommates to consider. Even if they're prepared for all of that, it would be all but impossible to successfully put an end to his reign of terror.
All that said, back to the present.
"She threw herself on her knees, and raising up her hands, cried the same words in tones which wrung my heart. Then she tore her hair and beat her breast, and abandoned herself to all the violences of extravagant emotion."
This is painful to read. Jonathan knowing that he's not the cause of her pain, but being blamed for it and seeing her in agony over the loss of her child. While I know it wouldn't do much good, I think it says a lot about his character that he doesn't attempt to point her to the true culprit. He knows she's in pain and lets her be angry at him. And for the woman to see what she thinks is the man who's taken away her child watch her from the window must be an agonizing experience! How much pain she must be in! She takes it a step further by running out of Jonathan's view and banging her hands on the door. That's when things get worse.
"Somewhere high overhead, probably on the tower, I heard the voice of the Count calling in his harsh, metallic whisper. His call seemed to be answered from far and wide by the howling of wolves. Before many minutes had passed a pack of them poured, like a pent-up dam when liberated, through the wide entrance into the courtyard. There was no cry from the woman, and the howling of the wolves was but short. Before long they streamed away singly, licking their lips."
I suppose Dracula has had enough of this display of genuine human emotion (the terror! /s) and calls in the wolves. It's a testament to how strong the woman is that she doesn't give the Count the satisfaction of screaming in pain. I have nothing more to say here except Dracula, sincerely, I hate you and everything you stand for!!!!!!
"I could not pity her, for I knew now what had become of her child, and she was better dead. What shall I do? what can I do? How can I escape from this dreadful thing of night and gloom and fear?"
While this first part is understandable, it's quite unlike the Jonathan we've come to know. It's darker, more...cold. I'm not saying it's bad, but it shows how far he's been pushed emotionally that he's saying this. It's almost scary and it won't be the last time we see him this way.
As for the second part, I believe when he references "thing", he doesn't mean the place -- he means Dracula. I think it's good that he's back to this questioning like he was when he first starting seeing the Horrors because it means he's back to feeling emotion again, which might kick him back into gear for escape. He's going to need it.
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likeburningcoal · 8 months ago
LMK season 5 Episodes 3-4 spoilers below the cut!
SWK is very grumpy about the headache he will presumably be having this whole season. Tang, your loud rambling is not helping (JK ILY)
“I didn’t think they were real!!” Tang, you should’ve learned by now, assume any super powerful thing is real until proven otherwise.
Sketch plan section!!
Monkey king brand band aid
Hype man M-M-M-Mei!
I love MK’s little Nüwa drawing!
“It’s burning!” Tang, you guys survived the Samadi fire incident, I think you’ll live
Toasted peach!
Also SWK making sure Tang gets to do the lore dumb is adorable. And Tang is so happy he gets to do it!!
Lots of painted style, love it!
“There’s always a temple” “m-mmhmm, yep”
“Sounds like Tangy’s on board!” Sandy, I love you so much, you deserve so many good things. Hold on while I grab some silver star stickers from Shifu Subodhi just for you.
As someone who just got home from a hiking trip in the mountains, I feel you MK, stairs are the worst. I wouldn’t climb all that either.
Alpine Sandy!!
Tang can’t climb either those weak ankles though!!
Pigsy questioning is MK knows ‘trial by fire’ is a metaphor is hilarious considering he raised that boy, he’s probably the one that taught him most of the metaphors he knows.
Li Jing sitting by his magic tracker muttering ‘hmm, yes, they will use magic and I will find them’ is absolutely what SWK is picturing.
Cloud doesn’t count as magic I guess.
Pigsy, you have to carry him! His weak ankles!
“It’s just my good fluffy boy! Loophole baby!” Alright, cloud as SWK’s pet fics are needed now.
Well if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions.
Pheonix!! Fenghuang to be exact!
MK mocking SWK about the “trial”
Creation flashbacks?? Also since MK was like made directly by Nüwa doesn’t that like, make him the equivalent of royalty? Hand sculpted monkey right here.
“Classic final boss aesthetic” he’s not wrong.
Is MK prophesied to fix the pillar or is this a past life kinda situation?
“I’m feeling confident!” Traps!
The return of smarty kid!!
SWK got free acupuncture
Lots of references this season!
Grumpy SWK
“They represent my many many dads!” They acknowledged it!!!
I love how SWK is the only one with any damage, thus indicating he keeps taking the blows for (the likely oblivious) MK
“First time was just a city, don’t get cocky”
“You know you just gave me a third path I have to choose from right?” “Bud! You know what I mean!!”
“I thought maybe we’d find a map that we’d never end up using” so be fair, you did use the Samadi fire map.
Oooh! Flashback!!
Oh I do not like the implications of this.
This was a legend of Zelda dungeon. They even got a shiny stone at the end.
SWK is in denial, but also he’s right.
They made it just in time to turn around.
Did anyone have Tang’s weak ankles on their season five bingo card?
So Nüwa made MK to be there to fix the pillars of one ever got busted again, right? Like we’re gonna find that out and it’s gonna be a big moment of MK realizing he’s not Chaos but was created to stop it. Then it’s gonna be a “you can choose how to be, you don’t have to be what you were made” thing from SWK because MK goes super self sacrificing. Calling it now.
One of these days the end credits will change to MK.
Episode 4!! I’m probably gonna pause after this one to give me time to really soak in the season and watch some more tonight (I saw as if I’m not planning on rewatching this multiple times)
Decisions are not MK’s strong suit.
“Kid takes one how to write seminar and now he wound shut it with macguffins.”
Sandy sees MK getting overwhelmed and steps in!
“I love this new commanding Sandy” “didn’t know big blue had it in him” he’s been reading a self help book.
Sandy training! Mo standing guard!
Sandy training is therapy I hope
“Yeah that was a lie”
Have I mentioned Sandy is my favorite?
“Breadstick shoulders”
Sandy: MK you need therapy. Sit.
“I’ve got my trauma bottling process down pat!” That’s the problem MK
As someone who only recently started meditating, Sandy is actually explaining ways it’s helpful really well. So PSA that if you have anxiety, especially if it’s like mine and your mind continuously makes up scenarios that will never happen and you rarely feel yourself in the present because of it, try meditating! It can really help!
MK is also me.
Sandy MK bonding was not something I expected this season but it was something I wanted so badly!
MK that is not a demon that is just a snake (probably?)
Secrets tunnel!! Secret tunnel!!
Sandy’s little worried marker thing!!
Stone snake!!
Sandy looks so offended that the tortoise questioned MK’s worthiness.
“I am not ready for the test” “be here now” “but I don’t wanna!”
Sandy getting a hug until MK meditates
“Hey get off my Sandy!!”
Sandy being so supportive despite the circumstances!!!
Ooooh! MK vs Monkey MK in the mind!! Monkey MK taunting!!
“You like it” dang the voice acting for that line was nice!
MK going into monkey form to try and protect Sandy!!!!
“There’s parts of all of us we don’t like, but it’s always still us.” Sandy hitting with the deep quotes.
Still in monkey form!! With it controlled!!
Sandy angry for MK’s sake!!! “Was it enough? Was he WORTHY?!”
I’m pausing for a second because this episode is so far one of my favorites. It’s so good. I need a minute.
I want more backstory to Sandy.
“Pigsy always said you were this rage filled guy and…I just never believed it”
Mo is a good guard cat!
Mei destroyed the car this time!
I’m sorry Sandy, you deserve a lasting vehicle.
This episode is probably gonna sit next to Amnesia Rules as one of my favorites (I love Sandy too much guys)
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jayde-jots · 4 months ago
does the celestial family know about their mother cosmo? She’s such a gorgeous character you made ❤️
Also, after Nexus got thrown into space, I assume she had like a space shuttle and snatch him outta there cause it’s cold. She decides what’s best for him, is to have a new better life. He been through so much and dealt with so many problems, to think he could handle it all with his siblings, that was a terrible mistake knowing the pressure he was under by old moon. She permanently erased his memories and gives him a new name. The old moon memory storage chip was out during the whole process. After that, Monty arrived at the space station and asked for old moons storage chip, took it then left. Nexus wakes up moments later and cosmo happily raises him in secret. New moon is new reborn as nexus now :)
Man I had started a whole AU involving her, from her first meeting Sun and Moon when they were still in one body to current day. I like your idea of her just resetting Nexus and erasing his memories but character wise she wouldn’t do that. My idea was that she’d step in after Sun captured Nexus, have a one on one talk with him and keep guard while Sun was at work.
After Monty came in at that one point to talk to Old Moon I’d think she’d make the choice to then remove him from Nexus’s head. She’d personally commit to Nexus’s therapy under a sort of psyche hold, transporting him to her personal residence to keep a better eye on him and to keep him isolated from the others for the time being while he heals. So while Earth is like a general therapist, Cosmo is a Psychiatrist.
One thing I haven’t mentioned about Cosmo is that she tries to adopt or parent any version of her kids, this goes as far as including Ruin. And it wouldn’t be the first time she’s taken in one or more of the other bad Celestial’s that Sun and Moon disagreed with. When Eclipse version 1 was first dispelled out of Sun’s head, Moon said he was ether badly damaged out in the forest somewhere or gone, in this AU I’d say he’d be badly damaged and she’d go out to find him and repair him, taking him back to her place for supervision and some personal one on one time. Before that she absolutely would’ve done her damndest to love both Eclipse and Lunar, she’d help Eclipse with smaller non-harmful projects like teaching him how tools work for the first time, and she’d teach Lunar how to make his own bean bag, go shopping with him to buy the materials for it and so on.
Sun, Moon and Lunar wouldn’t be happy about it that she chose to save Eclipse but she’d promise them that he’d be the biggest form of grounded she could muster. Which for Eclipse might as well have been boot camp for the marines. She’d also adopt Bloodmoon, asking Moon to create a sort of blood alternative that she could substitute. I have a design for him that I’m working on as well, bear with me on that one.
Then would come Eclipse V.2 with added Solar Flare. She’d be fast to try and snatch them up as well, showing that Eclipse that the original didn’t perish and is actually with her. Eclipse would still do nothing with the star once he got it, and once New Moon managed to come up with a plan to get rid of the star Cosmo would go as far as to follow Clipse V.2 to Nice Eclipse’s dimension to make sure he’d survive but to also make sure that the star got destroyed. But unfortunately this’d kill Cosmo in the process. Needless to say when V.2 came back through the portal with a body full of blood and burns on him, the remaining fam weren’t happy.
Until Cosmo would come back as the animatronic she is now. Yep! Cosmo first started out as human, and ever since V.1 Clipse had started going down a darker path than she would’ve liked, she’d asked Old Moon in secret to have a device that would take pictures of her brain so an AI consciousness of her could live on as an animatronic should anything come to happen to her.
So the whole Celestial family was pretty shocked when she came walking into the Daycare like nothing had happened, and then would proceed to dog pile her with hugs and tears.
I’d rant more but this is already pretty long. So yeah, Cosmo wasn’t always human, she’d be adopting 2 versions of Eclipse and the OG Bloodmoon, and then Eclipse V.3, BM V.2, Ruin, Solar and Earth would be showing up. I got a lot to draw for them all. Hope this fills in more about who Cosmo is.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years ago
MAG 142 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: mowing the lawn.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what happened there in the opening title? The recording of "Episode 142" sounds sooo different than the rest of these. Seriously, check it out, compare it to others. Was something different in the recording set-up? Is it just that Jonny didn't fully slip into his episode-title-voice...? Hm...
MARTIN: "Okay, uh, well, uh, yeah, actually; I’m a – I’m a manager. Go on." Hell yeah, fake it till you make it! Martin's made it!
STATEMENT GIVER: "There’s, uh, there’s been… I’m being harassed." MARTIN: "O-kay, um. Just, uh, just let me grab a form. Uh… one second. ... Oh, okay, okay, um… What – Would you mind telling me what happened? Uh, what they did?" STATEMENT GIVER: "He." MARTIN: (sigh) "Did he – Did he look like he hadn’t slept in about a week?" STATEMENT GIVER: "Mhm. Yep, uh" MARTIN: (overlapping) "Right." All Martin needs to know is that it is about harassment and it’s a "he" and Martin already knows who's this about.
"About five years ago, we were doin’ some work under Kentish Town. It was pretty nasty. Do you know what a fatberg is? No – uh – it – Don’t worry; Don’t look it up – Seriously, don’t." *Looking up fatberg* (I google surgeries, injuries and diseases all the time, how bad can it be?) So yeah, it's not gross to look at. There are a lot of pictures with smiling workers in the sewers proudly presenting the biggest fatberg they've found like it a huge fish they just reeled in, it’s actually very cute!
I like how the statement giver is rambling and stuttering, pausing to think and choose the next words. Especially love the stopping and starting differently and stopping again etc. It feels very genuine like a traumatic event that someone recites and it's hard for them. (Also I love the accent^^)
"Look, life went back to normal, I – I was fine. Until – about two weeks ago." That makes this especially shitty... She could have moved on.
"He just… keeps staring at me, like- oh, properly staring, like it is super intense. And, and real… weird? Like he knows me, but I sure as hell do not know him." What did Jon say last episode, "But I know you"...
"He says he works here, at the – the Magnus Institution, and I say what even is that, and he says he wants my story." Why would Jon tell her, that he works here? Jon pulled a few impulsive stunts, but this? I think this was deliberate. He wanted to be stopped because he can't do it on his own. (Also we, the audience, needed an excuse to hear about this, but it works very well for the character!)
"His eyes, like – His eyes were li-like drinking in every fragment of my misery. I can’t – It – (pause) And then it was over. And he looked – He looked at me like he’d just eaten, like, a perfectly cooked steak. You know what he said, he said 'Thank you.'" Very good picture that she paints here.
"And he’s there the whole time, just… watching me. Watching me scream and thrash and – (inhales again) He’s all eyes. He’s all eyes." He’s not all ears, he’s all eyes! xD Also Daisy already said something similar in MAG 136 when they talked about why their shared dreams have stopped. She said "Not of you and your weird eyes."
Speaking of others talking about these dreams. I think this episode was also absolutely necessary for us as audience. We know Jon makes them dream of their encounter with the Fears over and over again and that he's there to watch it. But until this point we never really knew what this meant for the victims. Until this point we have never heard how much those people suffer.
"But I feel like I’m seeing him when I’m awake, as well?" And this is new. Probably gotta do with Jon getting stronger and stronger?
"Every time I do, every time I get that – panic just rising up my throat, I see him. He’s there. Not when I look properly. But just at the edge. The corner of my eye." Remember MAG 74? "Your vision goes strange when you don’t sleep for a long time. I think it’s something to do with changing pressure on your eyeballs. You start to detect faint movements on the edges, on the periphery." For us, in rl this is a normal side effect of sleep deprivation. But here in TMA it's of course more than that.
STATEMENT GIVER: "I, I – I can’t. This place – I – I can’t be here." First that encounter with the Buried. Then Jon Archivist-ing her. And now she's come to the temple of the Eye. She felt it. Like, what Sergeant Walter Heller felt in MAG 53 when he was with Gertrude in the Archives. This intense feeling of being watched.
There is something about this, that people don't think of when it comes to the consequences of giving Jon a statement. Or at least I haven't read it anywhere. Sleep deprivation kills you. Slowly, very slowly, but it does. And for someone who can't go to sleep without having these nightmares, this is probably inevitable. Either by insomnia caused by the fear of going to sleep, or by not getting a restful sleep.
Following up on the consequences of sleep deprivation, I've once read a fanfic about the second half of S4, where everything goes just a bit more wrong. It was very hard to read, but also very good. If anyone's interested, it's this one here, Sinking Feeling: /works/26181109
MARTIN: "I mean, it’s not him, is it. Not – not really." Aarg... do I count this for the not really-counter? The stuttering "not" makes it feel a bit differently... I'll go with it! Not really-counter of S4: 8!
MARTIN: "I – can’t believe he’d choose to do something like that. No, no, I – I can’t think like that, though, I, I can’t let myself, because if, if he’s already gone, then all of this is just –" He's doing it for Jon and him alone. It's always been like this and it will continue to be like this. Martin's vote in MAG 199 is because of that very same reason. He doesn't care about others, probably doesn't care about himself. All he cares about is Jon.
MARTIN: "Mind you, Peter’s not wrong. It really is easier than actually just trying to communicate with people." Yeah... communication is hard, I get it...
DAISY: "Do you mind?" MARTIN: "Can – Can I help you…?" I think Daisy didn't get the memo that Martin is a one-man-show now xD She walks in with such a casualness...
MARTIN: "No one really talks to me anymore." DAISY: "‘Cause they reckon you’re working for the bad guy?" MARTIN: "Pretty much. Don’t you?" DAISY: "Oh, I mean, you’re definitely working for something evil, but – so are we." MARTIN: (inhale) "Yeah. Seems there’s plenty to go around, these days. (pause) It doesn’t bother you?" DAISY: "Didn’t use to." MARTIN: "And now?" DAISY: "Bothers me less than trying to go alone. At least – now it’s on my terms, better than being blackmailed into it." Very interesting conversation about how to come to terms with "doing evil work" or at least being complicit. Motivation, excuses, coping and such.
MARTIN: "It’s alright. Wasn’t you. (he inhales) Not really." Not really-counter of S4: 9!
DAISY: "No, it was. I hate a lot of what I did back then; doesn’t mean I’m not responsible for it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t me." Again, the conversation fits the theme of the episode. Daisy didn't know what was going on with that statement-giver, so it's not the obvious "We're talking about it because we just heard that statement". Martin was just wondering if it's really Jon doing it. And he doesn't want to believe it's actually Jon's choice to hunt down live statements. And here comes Daisy and she tells him the exact opposite. It was her. It was him. There is a reason why people are drawn to certain Fears. They've always did things that fit the theme of that particular Fear. It just gives them power to pursue this even more and it becomes a spiral of getting more wanting more.
Martin is so standoffish this whole time. And he's probably getting more annoyed that Daisy doesn't get the hint.
MARTIN: "I just – For god’s sake, can he not stay safe for like, like ten minutes?" DAISY: "I don’t think that’s an option for him anymore." Oh yeah, that episode was in dire need of a joke. Sadly it's gallows humor...
DAISY: "Not like there’s normal trauma, you know? But it’s pretty common. The most important thing becomes control, engaging on your own terms. Even when it’s stupid or dangerous. Anything to not feel helpless." MARTIN: "Oh, god." DAISY: "And of course, for Jon, there’s survivor’s guilt in there, too. He thinks he’s not human. Makes him very… self-destructive." Thanks Daisy, that's exactly was Martin needed to hear right now xD I wonder if this contributed to shape Martin in a way to say "no" to Jon in MAG 154. Martin didn't really believe Peter, we know that. It's probably one of Martin's daydreams that Jon comes to him and asks him to elope. But after the coffin and now this Martin probably thinks it's just one of Jon's self-destructive rash ideas especially because of the involved eye-gouging... Also yes! Trauma causes you to not feel safe anymore and therefore control becomes such an important part of your survival.
DAISY: "When Basira and I were partners, I’d see this happen sometimes. She can read a situation like no one I know, always seems to know the right move, but for all her research, she never wants to put a plan together. I think she just hates all the… unknowns, the… variables. (sigh) Contingencies. If she spots an advantage, she’ll grab it, and trust herself to figure out the details as she goes." This can go the other way as well though, so the opposite of what Daisy describes Basira to be. It can also result in overthinking and hyper-vigilance, so especially putting a plan together, thinking of all the variables and then plan those through... But I guess that's a bit boring in a story, if the characters just wait and wait, where’s the action in that?
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electricbluebutterflies · 1 year ago
Prompt: “ it's nothing. hurts like hell but -- i've dealt with worse. “
Post-s2-grayspace Kabby. We're playing a little loose with medical plausibility but I did twist my ankle as a tiny human (roughly 20 years ago) so I'm just going with that memory and hoping it's close enough. PG-ish and also on ao3.
If nothing else on this planet manages to kill him, she just might.
This is not a new emotion or desire for Abby – if anything, its frequency has lessened. But other details have changed too, the dramatic personality shift she’s trying to make her peace with and worries was somehow her fault, and-
Most of said personality shift makes her life easier. The fact that Marcus is now impulsive and a bit passive-aggressively suicidal undoes all that goodwill real fast when it flares.
She is not trying to take up his former mantle of paranoia, but it seems that every time he leaves the safety of their compound for more than about two hours, regardless of whether he’s alone or with others, something goes wrong and it becomes her problem. Injuries happen, she gets it, there’s a whole new world everyone is trying to get used to, but most people don’t…
She of all people understands the unwillingness to accept new physical limitations, but it’s like he’s not even trying, like he can ignore that damage and be okay, and then that doesn’t work and she gets stuck dealing with the damage. Just like always.
This time, he thinks he can hide it – he’s learning, perhaps, that these little adventures are becoming the only times she lets herself get mad at him. This time, he comes back moving just slightly wrong, just wrong enough that only someone who pays too much attention to his habits would notice a change, and-
“With me,” she says, and she will at least give him the mercy of not going at him with an audience, as much as that would probably be the most interesting part of five different people’s days. “Now.”
Perfect compliance – this too is becoming normal, this new and frightful willingness to actually listen to her that was absolutely not present six months ago and they’d all be a lot less fucked if it had been and this is no time for what-ifs and-
“I can’t imagine I missed anything that vital in less than half a day,” he says once they’re behind a closed door, not quite making eye contact and clearly trying to distract her. She forgets sometimes that he knows her habits just as well, and hers haven’t dramatically changed recently so that’s even easier, and-
“You are at least aware where you are right now,” she mutters, almost a question. “Turn your head for five minutes and someone tries to cause the apocalypse by accident, again.”
“I know you have more important things to do than-“
“Sit down and shut up for long enough for me to-“
“It’s nothing,” he says in that avoidant voice that used to mean something entirely different between them. “Hurts like hell, but… I’ve dealt with worse.”
Goddamn right he has, Abby thinks and won’t say. At least there’s nothing visibly wrong, at least-
“Make this easier for yourself and tell me what happened before I start removing your clothes until I find it.”
Apparently that’s the necessary level of directness today. Marcus leans down and undoes one of his boots, and… yep, ankle just slightly swollen, sizeable bruise, that’d explain the movement issues, that’d also explain-
“And what exactly did you do?”
“Ground looked level. It wasn’t.”
She kneels down and gets her fingers on the injury, feeling the damage. At least he didn’t manage to break anything, probably just a twist, still unpleasant but not-
“I’m going to wrap that,” she murmurs. “You need to rest it for a few days. I don’t care if-“
“I’m fine. I can’t-“
Abby leans up and glares at him with every bit of fury she can put into her facial expression. “Do you see yourself right now? Do you see these colors that human skin isn’t supposed to-“
“Fine,” he repeats.
“You are supposed to be my other half here. And that means it ruins my life if you go out and hurt yourself any further because of stupid masculine bravado or your barely concealed death wish or-“
“I don’t rest well. You of all people know that.”
Yes, she thinks, the number of times she had to physically tackle him despite being in more pain herself because their combined recovery situation was designed more for supervision than actual enforced healing sure was a time, she’s amazed that even worked, and-
“But I’m the only person left you’ll listen to,” she counters. “And I’m not saying bedrest – I’d like to, but I know you. I’m saying for the next three days your world consists of your normal indoor haunts and ideally not a lot of movement between them, understand?”
It’s not the compromise she wants to make, but she knows how far she can push. And if he spends most of his waking hours on the couch in their shared office, that means she can supervise him and make sure…
Oh, nevermind. Trying to save that man from himself is always a losing battle. She’s known that since she was fifteen. Decades later, she still tries anyways.
“Stay where you can see me,” he correctly interprets. “Understood.”
She moves away for long enough to find an adequate bandage and wraps it around his ankle as tight as she can, just enough structure to control further damage. He’s lucky he didn’t manage to do worse to himself, but it’s probably only a matter of time before-
She’s never actually considered the possibility of her life without him. She doesn’t like that thought.
“There. Is that…”
“I’ll deal.”
It’s not the answer she necessarily wants, but it’ll do. This is no time to actually voice her worry, and-
“I need you,” she repeats anyways.
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spacefinch · 1 year ago
MSB character headcanons: Dorothy Ann
Huge Star Trek fan. Her favorite series are TOS and Voyager, and her favorite character is Captain Janeway.
Has a pet Maine Coon cat named Teddy. She named him that because he’s big and fluffy, like a teddy bear.
Is always torn between just enjoying a sci-fi film and getting annoyed with the scientific inaccuracies. She is usually able to let it slide, since she’s been on some wild adventures as a student in Ms. Frizzle’s class.
Cannot for the life of herself remember any good jokes. Carlos keeps trying to teach her some jokes, but D.A. has trouble memorizing them. Facts and figures are much easier.
The one time D.A. does crack a joke on screen (“We’re on the ‘erode’ to ruin” in Rocks and Rolls), it’s the first time she’s ever done so without having to consult a book. And of course, Carlos is very proud of her.
By day: serious science student. By night: writes fanfiction on AO3. She goes by the username “stellar-falcon.”
Doesn’t want anybody to know she writes fanfiction. Unfortunately, it’s becoming harder and harder. The whole class loves stellar-falcon’s Star Trek fics and they keep up with their stories almost religiously.
Also has a pet parrot named Dinah. Dinah is older than D.A. herself!
She’s from a fairly well-off family.
100% autistic. Loves infodumping to anyone who will listen. Never goes anywhere without her book bag, which I’m pretty sure is her comfort item.
On her friendship with Carlos: (I ship the 2 of them btw)
Right off the bat, the two of them were rivals. Sure, they were also friends, but boy, were they competitive.
For the longest time, only Phoebe knows D.A. has a crush on Carlos.
Said crush developed very gradually. D.A. and Carlos tend to bicker a lot, but after a while, they find they actually enjoy each other’s company.
One thing they have in common is that they both like birds. Unfortunately, Phoebe knows this, and keeps trying to set them up for bird-watching dates.
Phoebe: Hey, D.A., are you free this weekend? I’m going birding at Walkerville Swamp.
D.A.: Sure, I’d love to go! I’ll get some great observations for my bird journal.
Phoebe: Great! See you on Saturday!
Phoebe, a few minutes later: Hey! Carlos! Do you want to go bird-watching with me on Saturday?
Carlos: That sounds fun, but I’m kind of busy. (Lying)
Phoebe: ….
Carlos: Fine, I’ll come. But both my siblings are coming.
Phoebe, thinking: hmmm. That complicates things.
The next Saturday:
Everyone: Arrives at the swamp, but separately.
Phoebe: D.A.! You made it just in time! There’s a whole bunch of cool birds here!
D.A. : Whoa, cool!
The two of them: *nerding out about birds and other swamp wildlife*
Meanwhile: *Carlos and his two siblings (Mikey and Maria) are looking for birds as well*
Phoebe, seeing them: Hey, glad you could make it! We found a big flock of black-necked stilts here!
Carlos: This, I have to see! … Oh, wow!
Carlos, D.A., and Phoebe: *nerding out about birds*
Phoebe: *sneaks away, leading Mikey and Maria with her*
D.A., not noticing at first: *talking about swamp birds* Isn’t that cool, Phoebe? Phoebe? Where are you?
Carlos: Huh. I don’t see her, either. She must have wandered off. *notices that his siblings are also gone* WAIT A MINUTE!
D.A.: Did Phoebe just—
Carlos: *sigh* Yep.
D.A.: I’ll get her for this!
They still laugh about the “black-necked stilt incident” long after it occurs.
More notes:
Runs a science-themed blog on Tumblr. Completely separate from her fanfiction account. She didn’t make a sideblog for her fanfiction. She made an entirely different account.
Enjoys having “girls night” with Phoebe, Keesha, and Wanda. What this means is watching movies, playing card games, trying on clothes, etc…
There’s also a fair amount of scary storytelling that goes on during the girls’ sleepovers.
Usually D.A. hosts the sleepovers, since her house is the biggest and has the comfiest guest spaces.
Everyone is still trying to solve the mystery of who stellar-falcon really is. Mikey has a pretty good guess, but surely it can’t be D.A.? Surely it’s someone else who’s writing these really good Star Trek stories….
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thegreatzombieartisan · 2 years ago
I agree with most of what you wrote the Tolkien fandom. People dislike this or that. And trying to make shows into fan service.
I didn’t particularly agree was your take on the whole “touch the darkness” and how it’s “arrogant fan fiction.” Is it really bad for show runners to add their own creative input?
To be fair, PJ’s movies were far from perfect adaptations and did have some of his preferences. He sacrificed psychological and spiritual depth of the books for more action oriented films. I particularly disliked the addition of crass humour, e.g. reducing Merry and Pippin to comic relief. But that’s neither here nor there. Overall, great films.
When PJ’s films came out, readers understandably had a harder time excusing the changes and enjoying the movies for what they were, but their voices drowned in the joy of the new larger audience.
Now we have a situation where new adaptation has to somehow please book fans and movies fans.
One thing the Rings of Power dis better than PJ was diversity. Good People are white and “bad guys” are all dark skinned in LotR trilogy was just cringe. But of course that’s a problem too.
Bonjour / Hi!
Thanks for your patience. I went on vacation, had work stuff, and forgot to reply to my post. Also usually Anon Asks merely “passionately” disagree without offering arguing points. One of the last refuted the idea of Sauron masturbating. People have opinions.
On PJ trilogies. C’mon, without comedy duo!Merry and Pippin we’d never have “Fool of a Took!” Jk jk. I’m not recalling crass humor in the LotR films. TRoP definitely does. Yep, the films are less action-oriented. But if you recall, they were shot all together to save money. PJ was on a budget. It was crucial that Fellowship be successful because he needed to reshoot a lot of scenes but didn’t have the money. Action has a a bigger pay-out than spiritual depth.
On adaptations & diversity. Some decisions with PJ’s films weren’t great. To Tolkien, “black” symbolized corruption of the spirit. Orcs and Nazgûl are symbolic and described as “black” but not literally. Tolkien was openly anti-prejudice. That being said, White supremacists (hate groups) love LotR. Men of the West who are lighter vs. Sauron’s darker-skinned less advanced “Men of Midnight”? Well Tolkien had his blindspots. Gotta consider political/cultural climate. PJ tried more inclusion with The Hobbit but only as extras.
I assume your last sentence references people disliking the TRoP diversity. It’s expected. Many people have unconscious biases on what a hero or leader looks like. I’m a woman in tech, well I know. It’s often (but not exclusively) obfuscated behind lore or Elf hair disagreements, etc. Not a fandom thing. It’s a people thing. Pity that online is a poor medium to facilitate meaningful discourse that leads to changing views.
On fandom. What’s fandom but one step from the general population? In a true community, members have a shared understanding on definition of terms, engagement, rituals, and accountability, etc. Does a fandom have that? I wager fans whose ideologies, worldviews, cultural norms, beliefs, etc. are reflected in the mainstream are more likely to assume consensus. Fandom is like a nebulous city. A Tumblr space is like a neighborhood. A discord room can be a community since it’s contained and allows for moderation. Are you tracking? Adjust engagement expectations accordingly.
Must adaptions aim to please both book readers and film fans? Impossible! That goes for anything in life. Fans have opinions. Consider/incorporate, don’t consider/incorporate. We’re still showing up, sometimes even when it’s blah being served. Here’s the thing: Amazon marketed the show to a broad general audience. Many general viewers were legit confused with story points that relied on lore references. I point to Amazon execs for this inconsistency.
Understand that Amazon’s business model uses original productions in part to increase traffic to its storefront. Naturally there’s an incentive to target broader audiences. Also the culture relies heavily on cutthroat metrics for decision-making. It undoubtedly put writers in an untenable position.
In response to your “touching the darkness” question. To be clear, it’s not “bad” because it’s not a moral issue lol. It’s inevitable a creative’s beliefs will influence their work. As previously shared, I find the theme compelling. It’s merely inconsistent with devout Catholicism which is a a huge draw for me personally. But not everyone. Like if the manner (not the decision) Galadriel rejects Sauron is meant to be an act of empowerment, she’s not a Tolkienesque heroine. It is what it is. Still gonna keep watching because its nonetheless entertaining.
On “arrogant fan fiction.” It was an out of context reference to an interview TRoP show runners did where they claimed to have improved upon Tolkien. Look, when you say things like that, you gotta know what you’ve started lol. It’s great seeing lore fleshed-out. I’m glad Miriel is more than a beautiful prop. To me personally, that + Haladriel, and a few other things were better than canon. Otherwise, show runners need to take a stadium amount of seas lol
Happy to carry-on via Asks but feel free to DM. I don’t bite 😌
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a-wonderful-book-world · 2 years ago
Neon Gods Review
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Summary: He was supposed to be a myth. But from the moment I crossed the River Styx and fell under his dark spell... he was, quite simply, mine. Society darling Persephone Dimitriou plans to flee the ultra-modern city of Olympus and start over far from the backstabbing politics of the Thirteen Houses. But all that’s ripped away when her mother ambushes her with an engagement to Zeus, the dangerous power behind their glittering city’s dark facade. With no options left, Persephone flees to the forbidden undercity and makes a devil’s bargain with a man she once believed a myth... a man who awakens her to a world she never knew existed. Hades has spent his life in the shadows, and he has no intention of stepping into the light. But when he finds that Persephone can offer a little slice of the revenge he’s spent years craving, it’s all the excuse he needs to help her—for a price. Yet every breathless night spent tangled together has given Hades a taste for Persephone, and he’ll go to war with Olympus itself to keep her close… A modern retelling of Hades and Persephone that’s as sinful as it is sweet.
Thoughts:   It’s been a while since I’ve written a review of anything, but this book just sparked inspiration in me. Well, It Ends with Us did, but that’s a conversation for later. Neon Gods was brought to my attention through Tik Tok and Instagram. I’ve seen people talking about it for a while, and during a trip to Books-A-Million I thought it would be worth a shot.
Now, there are things about this book that I don’t necessarily like but not enough to take off a whole star. This book was fantastic, fun, and sexy don’t get me wrong…. But it also lacked something. I feel like the story was just filler for all the sex Persephone and Hades were having and it was a little disappointing how fast everything happened. I was hoping their story would continue in the next book… UNTIL I FOUND OUT THE NEXT BOOK ISNT EVEN ABOUT THEM!!!! I was so upset! How is the book only going to be about a month-long fling and then after everything, finish with a happily ever after? It took so much away from the characters, they threw away all of their ambitions, all the rules gone, then suddenly everything’s okay? Look, I enjoyed this book thoroughly but COME ON!! I’m going to assume there will be more for them because that is bull.
Anyway, I should have expected the story to be lacking when the characters themselves were. Now I know a lot of people know the story of Hades and Persephone, but I do enjoy being led into the story and the characters and not being told “yep here’s the crew.” I like the author to assume I know nothing about them and introduce the characters to me, ease me into the world they’ve built but I didn’t really feel that. I didn’t really care about the characters and honestly couldn’t really imagine what they would look like. There was no sense of danger, and I feel that I already knew how it would end.
I was easily able to overlook it since everything happened so quickly. About 130 pages in they were already doing the naked tango basically.
I’m going to be real. The main thing that attracted me to this is because ACOTAR is my favorite series, and they are similar in the sense that it’s a beauty and the beast story. I wouldn’t have read it if not. But then when we got down to the nitty gritty of the characters, what little we did get, Hades was really giving Christian Grey. I personally was not feeling that at all. It pulled me out of the story and was just plain distracting. Persephone was giving every American blonde. It was BORING! But the smut really saved it.
That is the reason this is rated so highly. Occasionally, I love a good smutty story. I just wish the story had some meat. I liked it well enough though, to buy the next book Electric Idol, so we’ll see how that goes.
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thatonesquintern13 · 2 months ago
episode ten - bring me to life:
• hello its been months and the new season starts this week so here i am 😁
• season finale 🫣🫣
• did a re-read of the last ep so i kinda remember what’s going on. questions i have for this ep are, who is the twig snap and who painted the ‘my katherine’ portrait okay let’s go
• oh we’re opening immediately on kat running to thomas. sure (- 1814 -)
• he struck a deal with cyrus goodwin in exchange for jacob, i knew it!
• “i didn’t mean to shoot you at the pond” okay why didn’t you say that TO BEGIN WITH
• “i was aiming at cyrus” oh? 👀
• kat how many times do we have to tell you, what happened will always happen! this isn’t your fault!
• “i would never fault you for emerging into my life” damn, killer line.
• “something to remember me by” you’re literally in the history books dude
• the coins will probably make a come back though
• getting a thomas/kat kiss but not a suzanna/kat kiss how rude
• oh they shoot him right there on the beach….. okay.
• - present day -
• war flashbacks fr ):
• oooh the gun is at the herald!
• wait she got that at lingermore right…
• the point!
• what’s this guys name…. the cool guy that kissed alice in the house while *nsync was playing….
• “i guess i was worried that if we did the whole ‘get to know you’ thing, you wouldn’t want to know me anymore” coolguy you’re being so mysterious it’s turning suspicious again please give an ounce of nuance.
• kacey! the token theythem!
• still shamelessly flirting with alice barking up the wrong tree bestie 😪
• okay i don’t know if i knew it was kacey’s dad who bought the landry farm but i guess that makes sense considering they’re the only goodwins we know lolll
• wait did kacey not know this? why are they being weird now too
• ELLIOT!!!!
• that is three customers who have come to the counter and not ordered a thing monica is going to fire you alice
• “we can talking about it after your shift” “😧” “or we can talk about it now…” yep that’s fatherism
• sam ☹️
• dell! and the horse that’s definitely not colton!
• “[the horse] belongs to you now. that’s why i’m thinking of getting a new one” “are you sure that’s a good idea? you couldn’t keep up with this one” lmaooo
• wait i don’t remember what happened between than why is there a silent treatment.
• “i think i’m happy [about selling the land]” okay well i’m not so get it back (she is also not, to be clear)
• back at the point!
• alice you’re just. like. ya motha. it’s not your fault! we promise!
• she’s getting fired for sure 😭
• oh alice goes back again! soon question mark?
• - 200_??? -
• baby elliot!
• 2008!
• “i just finished teacher’s college so there’s nothing keeping me here. i’m leaving, alice” i forgot he also had just moved back at the beginning of the series!
• so maybe we meet his wife 👀
• what do you mean dell is in north carolina…
• wait. did alice leave work to do this jump? LMAO
• “maybe the pond sent you back so we could make amends and have a real goodbye.” “no! it has to be more than that.” “i’ll try not to take that personally” their friendship is so funny
• baby kat!? she hasn’t been here in a year!
• tea transition to present day katelliot!
• she’s about to break his heart bc she k*ssed thomas 😪
• “it happened. thomas was executed.” elliot: mm /: anyways! coins!
• “it’s not about the coins, el.” it probably will be tho kat you don’t know.
• “sore-ry” 🫵🏽
• “i really try to fix things, but i just end up breaking them” nooo kat 😭😭
• (coming back after reading the previous episodes to say that this is exactly what elliot told her she did early in the season im sick)
• - 2008 katelliot -
• “i wanna fix things, el. with you and my mom” okay well she did kind of break both these things maybe she has a point.
• “just when i needed you both” like the avatar.
• (also back from the re-read to say this was not the only time i referred to elliot as the avatar lmao)
• “well, i’m sorry that port haven doesn’t just freeze in time until katherine landry decides she wants to come back.” doesn’t it though? who in that town has ever moved on 🤨
• (and like, elliot you of all people should know it is literally frozen in time for people to come back to like that’s the whole thing)
• “how’s [your life]? how’s the baby?” literally where is alice. she let BRADY take care of her ALONE!?
• a picture of baby alice 🥺🥺🥺
• i can tell they used a real baby picture of sadie laflamme-snow bc that is a picture taken in 1999 if i’ve ever seen one.
• baby kat is losing her identity to motherhood ):
• “brady’s this amazing dad, but maybe he’s too amazing?” well.
• alex hook really studied her chyler leigh handbook for this role bc she gets her mannerisms PERFECT
• poor alice hearing how terrible her mom felt the first FIVE MONTHS of motherhood. she’s gonna blame herself again 😭
• wait maybe not bc baby elliot is reassuring both of them with this speech 😭😭
• he loves those girls so much i fear
• baby elliot the man that you are 🥺 he’s sacrificed so much for the landry girls
• baby kat is giving dell a plane ticket to minneapolis (won’t use it) and a picture of alice (barely knows she exists) 😫
• “i want my mom back, elliot” 😭 okay remember this in 16 years
• “i’m not gonna be here” dell is never getting the ticket and picture is she ):
• victor!?
• TRUSTING VICTOR??? yeah she ain’t getting em
• the only person to not blame themselves for anything is actually to blame for everything victor augustine i will always hate you
• (i don’t know if he gets the envelope to dell yet but i assume he doesn’t)
• “a landry asking us for favors yet again. it’s insulting” okay well suzanna loved katherine so now what
• i also. have forgotten my port haven history so i don’t remember what other favors they asked
• oooh elliot didn’t tell victor he was leaving!
• “you’ll never escape this place. it’s in your blood.” okay he was right about that one thing
• “bye elliot. see you soon” 🥺
• - present day -
• i knew dell was not happy!! brady please be a better lawyer and get her out of thissss
• yeah dell sorry you really are being too stubborn about this!! let someone help you!!!
• present day elliot and alice hug! and a thank you!!!
• he literally saved them 🥹
• “now we just have to figure out when vic gave dell that ticket” “wut” literally elliot
• okay i feel like elliot knows that vic didn’t give dell the envelope….
• “that is a theory.” oh yeah we’re getting mad scientist elliot back
• (i’ve had subtitles on for this show every ep and they repeatedly switch the spellings of names. dell, suzanna, kacey, and now finn*! i’m sticking to my original spellings idc)
• the finn factor - does the pond let others jump in tandem with a landry (i.e. jacob -> finn -> kat)
• (though, i kinda assumed finn was jumping by himself LOL)
• does the pond hate augustines!?
• oh the pond doesn’t hate augustines, it just only goes back in time! the augustines are just the only ones down bad enough to try it 😪
• the pond: you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? you exist in the context of all that has come before you 😌
• “so.. hypothetically, you could go back” “oh, it’s just a theory alice. (😏)”
• “what if this is a gift i could give to you?” “the pond has rarely felt like a gift to either you or kat” the man is traumatized alice!
• omg omg omg they’re jumping father daughter pond jump it’s happening
• i feel like if we’ve learned anything it should be that we have to tell kat before we do any crazy jumps but sure what do i know
• how is the pond almost frozen! canada is so crazy.
• idk alice didn’t you almost die last time you jumped in the almost frozen pond 😭 maybe we should wait for summer
• “you have to do that every time!?” LMAO
• i can’t believe i got this far into the hiatus without knowing elliot successfully jumped
• - present day -
• kat visiting her ghost bf at the cemetery
• aww elijah and rebecca landry ):
• she didn’t even get a full headstone 😭
• hey she died a day after my birthday ):
• me and kat gasping at the same time okay cinematography!
• swear i have said this before*
• *okay i went back in my posts and i actually said this multiple times.
• - jump!elliot and alice -
• jacob’s bike and colton’s truck are there so this is 1999 or earlier 🥺
• colton really was just The Man of All Time he genuinely cared for every person he encountered even when it was someone sopping wet coming in from the pasture (many such cases)
• and he loved elliot. he wanted the best for him always. 🥺
• - present day -
• jumpscare (sam)
• and dell and coltonhorse
• (it’s funny that i called this horse colton all season and then chyler, sadie, and evan did an interview where they said the weirdest theory was that the horse was jacob LMAO)
• oh its not coltonhorse its new horse
• horse as a metaphor obviously
• don’t apologize to him dell, he should mind his business (she should have taken the money)
• - 1999 -
• colton giving elliot Dad advice 😭
• he basically called elliot his son.
• “for my daughter sure, but more so for her best friend that i mentioned” okay so colton knows this is elliot and he definitely knew (will know?) AdultKat was his katherine and that alice is Alice right……
• also in my previous post re-read it’s mentioned that elliot could not fix the boat but suddenly he’s handy manny in this loft with colton lolll
• “you built all of this… for him?” “with him” oh 🥺 that’s how he knows 🥺
• “i just wanna cherish this last year we’re all together” it would’ve been easier for this show to just come to my house and shoot me
• elliot what happens will always happen sweetie there’s nothing we can do 😔
• “don’t- don’t forget to take a camera” augustine’s observe! they document!
• sorry you can’t convince me colton doesn’t know this is his elliot.
• - present day -
• kat is looking at suzanna’s portrait we’re connecting dots
• no, it’s the way she literally went in to that cemetery looking for coyle’s grave and then immediately found suzanna’s and forgot all about him okay
• “you can miss me, then” still a line of all time wow
• not the loose stone??? what is in there???
• you remembered the fabric of suzanna’s dress…. 🤨📸
• a book!
• the founding of port haven original original copy ‼️
• “to my katherine” omg omgomg
• “your’s forever, suzanna” 🥹🥹🥹🥹
• suzanna’s legacy lives on!!!
• i hope this means more of her in the next season
• - 1999 -
• colton 🥹
• the whole fam together and alice and elliot getting to witness it 😭😭😭
• “i had a guy from town give me a hand so that it’d be ready for tonight” this show has never heard of a plot hole
• one last look 🥺
• why does he look like that…..
• - present day -
• why did elliot just randomly remember this!?
• i knew we couldn’t trust vic
• bruh no way that envelope landed BEHIND THE DRAWER
• dell never got the ticket!!
• okay but what if dell gets the ticket and still doesn’t use it that’s worse.
• also if that happened thennnn you wouldn’t have had to send the letter at the beginning of the series!
• okay season three plot lines i see you
• elliot better be there
• yeah explain to mirror ghost colton why you’re inviting a BOY over delly 😤
• “i’m not sure i’m ready to let you go, col.” “you don’t have to. remember me. love me. miss me.”
• ROMANCE!!!!!! 😭😭😭
• is that not kinda exactly what suzanna told katherine….
• “it’s all okay, delly. i’ll always be with you. and your heart is big enough for the past, the present, and the future.” COLTON LANDRY THE MAN THAT YOU ARE 🥺😭💔
• not alice had to parent trap her mom and grandma just to get them in the same room 🥴
• okay so she’s not using the pond to give the ticket to dell she’s just doing it in the present day! smart.
• alice is the glue!!!! she’s bringing these two back together!!!
• (they will be torn apart again by the jacob news i fear)
• *josh peck voice* victor.
• “you mean you wanted to see me? after everything we said?” “i missed you.” 😭
• “i wanted reach out to you so many times. to see my baby being a mother. but i stopped myself” “why?”
• i think this is taking a turn…..
• “because i didn’t think i deserved you.” (bc kat literally said that…)
• “i though you didn’t want to see us.” “if i woulda got that ticket, i woulda been there in a heartbeat.”
• alice is playing colton’s guitar againnnn 🥹
• and is this? an original song???
• “find my way back home” *leo pointing meme*
• kacey??? give it a rest buddy
• what do they have for dell 🤨 did they convince their dad not to buy bc that would be baller
• wait whose ring is that 🤨
• “look who’s here! it’s good to see you!” “it’s great to be seen” okay lgbtq representation slay
• but also feels like it might not be so good to see them idk alice is suspicioussss
• wait their dad really isn’t buying anymore! we are on landry land once again!!
• kinda shady but idc
• what do you mean you sent your kid to do this business deal i don’t believe you kacey
• a landry never gives up hope iktr we will get through this 🙂‍↕️
• “best intern ever!” “your only intern ever” so silly
• kat finally gets to talk about suzanna’s book! and the jacob pages fitting in the almanac
• kat should just go ahead and assume alice was there at every important moment of her teens and early twenties. would make everything make more sense.
• complex! mother daughter! relationships!
• “do you have any photos of kacey?” i know it’s to look for the ring but… enemies or lovers! who knows!
• elliot’s at family dinner!!! (and so is sam🙄)
• “well even though we get to keep the land, i don’t have any money to farm it” “well never say never 😏” elliot to the rescue once again
• wait no thomas?? to the rescue??
• we’re selling the coins??
• okay why did sam’s ears perk up at the fact that they’re from the 1800s… a little too interested if you ask me
• “i picked them up at an auction… i think” very cool very casual.
• “you just like saying that word” friendship!
• bro the landrys have never been more back 🥹
• i think the writers thought they were not getting another season lolllll but it’s okay i’m so grateful they prepared just in case
• “i’m so grateful to be here with all of you.” except you sam you can choke
• nooo sam and dell chit chat.
• “i’m glad you’re my neighbor. i like knowing you’re next door.” whatever 😒
• katelliot couch time!!!! here we gooo
• “suzanna lived a long life” and she was in love with you don’t forget to mention that
• “but not long enough to see a world where a woman’s name can sell a book” 🥺
• “i time traveled” okay no build up to that i like it
• “i had my five more minutes, kat” 🥺
• “i should never have blamed you for what happened to your dad. and i should never have left town.” finally a real apology we are sooo back
• “i want you to chose me” AUGUSTINES INVENTED ROMANCE I THINK
• but here’s the thing kat had some pretty complicated relationships in 1814 so idk we might have to figure that out
• nope it’s joever again.
• “i hear your words- i hear them. i just- i need them to just sink in. is that okay?”
• why are we at the pond katherine….
• “if i had lived, what would you have done?” “i don’t know.”
• i don’t love this ghost colton parallel by the way. don’t disrespect colton like that.
• “maybe i could have loved you” WRONG HISTORICAL FIGURE KATHERINE!!!!!
• “but i love someone else” present tense 👀
• don’t tell me we get two thomas kisses this episode i swear ✋🏽
• “i’ve come home” WHAT
• okay wait bc technically the present is jacob the man’s past…… so.
• so no suzanna? *throws cellphone down and jumps on skateboard*
• alice why do you recognize this ring
• and why is kacey wearing it
• oh alice also has it????
• is that kat’s ring from brady????? i might need to rewatch that ep to see it
• IS KACEY FROM THE PAST (doesn’t makes sense unless it does idk. i also think cool guy is from the past)
• okay well elliot got a victor ghost (he’s not dead) so i wont put much merit on the ghost thing.
• but he also got a colton ghost real devil and angel on his shoulders here
• the renos baby!! tear down that wall!
• “let there be light” JUST LIKE COLTON SAID IN THE LOFT 😭
• oh we’re bringing jacob just right back to the farm okay.
• feel like we could’ve stopped at elliot’s first and figured out a plan
• “that’s home.” 😭😭😭😭
• suzanna mention 🗣️🔥
• i knew that gunshot was suspicious!!!!! did he kill cyrus omg
• it’s too late kat already said she loves elliot
• ARMOR!? this is the silliest thing this show has done lmaoooo
• he does… get executed tho. like it’s in the book…. i-
• did he fake his death!?
• okay i guess we’re really doing this???
• jacob is coming home?,,,
• “i wish dad was here to see this” he very well could be!
• hey why are we back at adult elliot snapping the twig 😀
• colton was literally first guess about the twig and i knew he knew who everyone was wow wow wow i can’t believe i have no one to share this with
• “come, i know it calls to you.” 👀
• is this little boy colton omg
• “remember what i said, it will always take you where you need to go.” OKAY YES WE’VE HEARD THIS
• “but you need to stay here for now. it’s not your time” WHEN IS HERE WHEN IS IT HIS TIME
• “but why grandma? i want to try.” “you just have to be patient, …. colton.” BROOOOOOOO
• this is crazyyyyyyy
• fin.
📺: the way home - season two
season one recap 🩵
episode one - the space between:
• watching the ‘previously on’ like i didn’t just spend the week recapping it
• thought this was jacob and dell but it’s just another little boy and older lady
• “it will always take you where you need to go.” 👀
• picking up where season one left off. kat and dell were literally JUST healing and now where back to murder boarding
• oh we’re just immediately jumping into the FROZEN pond
• it didn’t work!
• kat you know that’s not how it works !! just get out before you freeze!!!
• oh god now alice is in the pond
• oh god alice is back okay
• so much just happened oh my god
• a note for kat on elliot’s door ):
• me and elliot squabbin the next time i see him 😤
• (did anyone else’s school use the word squab around like 2015?? 2016??)
• “if i’ve learned anything these last few months it’s the worst thing to waste is time.” i gUESS!
• now how can a dog time travel 😭 the pond is SICK for that
• “the pond is done with us, allie. we have to be done with it.” we’ll see
• they’re making a pact to stay in the present
• time jump! seven months laterrrr
• hello?? DECODE PARAMORE?!?!
• and kat is jogging through the woods like is this twilight???
• passed elliot’s (still empty) house. hayley williams is right, how did we get here 😭
• ofc kat is listening to decode she’s an emo millennial
• if you think about it this kinda is like twilight. she’s gonna jump off a cliff next probably
• dell landry: bee keeping age!!!
• where’d the horse come from? 🤨
• “hey, boy. who are you?” oh so neither of us know okay
• oh! it’s the last day of school!
• not spencer from school pulling up
• and maybe zoe from school? hard to say
• alice is leaving!? oh going to the states with brady
• “that’s the thing about shared custody, eventually you have to share.” rip /:
• ugh r*chel mention
• “i am screening your next guy! these last two, they’ve been so very disappointing.” LAST TWO!?
• oh she meant brady and elliot 😂
• “brady only disappointed in the later years. we don’t.. we don’t talk about elliot.” yeah still too soon formerly nemesis monica
• lol so new guy leaves (suspiciously 🤨) and kat is like “okay fiiine i’ll take over the herald and hire myself back!! if i must!!!”
• and good for her!
• oh someone’s died 😰
• evelyn goodwin??
• oldest member of the most prestigious (and wealthiest) family in port haven. an institution, dell says!
• linger?more?
• oh elliot has the AUDACITY to send post cards 😤
• yeah, alice you’re right to roll your eyes at him!!
• we’re getting so much landry lore!
• but also more evidence for my jacob is his own ancestor theory
• the landrys were a founding family of port haven with the aforementioned goodwins
• dell talking about HAPPY MEMORIES OF COLTON!!!! 🥹
• we’re throwing a summer partyyyy
• landry ladies kitchen dancing 🥹
• ruined! by brady calling 😤
• oh so kat and alice are on the same wavelength as me. no wonder kat knows so much about her great great whoevers
• they stuck to their word, no pond!
• “yeah, well. elliot’s not around anymore to give us those pearls of wisdom.” “when are you gonna let that go?” no, no. hold that grudge, alice.
• “elliot promised that he would always be there to help, and when we needed him the most […], he bails.” just like the avatar 😪
• can’t help but notice the herald is brighter now that new guy is gone.
• now i know brady isn’t trying to blame KAT for the shared custody thing
• are we ever gonna be introduced to rachel bc now it’s getting suspicious
• “alice is no distraction, she’s the glue” she really is huh 😭
• ooooh evelyn goodwin put the herald in her will???
• kat is going to ✨lingermore✨
• (i’m guess that’s the goodwin estate?)
• “no wonder you turned the herald into a weekly, you’re always here” okay dell kinda ate with that one 😭
• “i’m going up the hill” me: kate bush?
•but also: *eerie music change* “i’m going with you.”
• okay now i’m scared of lingermore
• oh something has Happened here…
• sorry, evelyn saved everything to open a museum and her son was just like “eh oh well. gonna sell.” ??? hate men.
• oooh but now the herald gets it all!!
• now kat has the entire history of port haven at her fingertips! finding jacob has literally never been easier.
• oh something Sinister has Happened here… 😰
• alice! step away from that pond! you promised your mother!!
• oh she’s just coming to say goodbye ):
• girl back up that’s literally how you fell in the first time!!
• oh it’s LITERALLY how she fell in the first time? the bracelet hello???
• i do enjoy that when i gasp now it’s actually stuff i am surprised about
• is dell gonna have flashbacks of her own of this place now?
• she’s just sad about evelyn ):
• you know. this was kinda how dell’s future was looking before kat and alice showed up…
• yeah how is kat supposed to get all these boxes back to the herald
• UM
• why’s this portrait look just like kat 😀
• what did evelyn know 👀
• aww the jewelry dish
• we are immediately back to kat and alice keeping secrets from each other 🫠
• she’s a runna she’s a track star 🏃🏻‍♀️
• oh! note’s gone from the door! is elliot back???
• omg he’s back
• “well kat landry!” “oh… elliot augustine…” okayyyy
•god, kat might as well have just said “you look hot” that would’ve been less embarrassing 😭
• (and he does, she was right.)
• why is elliot being weird
• wait. just realized this man LEFT in the MIDDLE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR??? elliot there’s a TEACHER SHORT- wait they’re canadian…. is there a canadian teacher shortage??
• um but still. in the middle of the year, dawg??
• okay elliot when have you ever “imposed” on the landrys be so for real
• omg kat get up girl you are not playing it cool rn
• “i will never understand why she took elliot’s travels so hard” bc they’re besties??? (also bc that’s her stepdad but we apparently are keeping that a secret)
• dell didn’t notice that kat and alice were literally time traveling but she DID clock kat and elliot and that is, once again, so southern of her.
• “i haven’t seen you wear the bracelet in forever! i was beginning to think you lost it.” hehe about that…
• no actually WHY is elliot so… off i’m starting to not trust this… like go back to the caribbean if you’re gonna be like this
• “somebody had a glow up.” lmao rita!!
• “looks like elliot had what the kids call a hot boy summer” RITA!!!
• oh so alice didn’t know about katelliot and is really just mad bc elliot is her bestie!!!
• “and besides, there is no us, really. right?” ELLIOT YOU’RE THE BIGGEST DUMB DUMB THERE IS
• fumbled the bag
• he didn’t even say GOODBYE!? god what is with these men
• “great party, dell.” 😭😂
• “you better get out there and get a lobster before rita pilfers them all” lol okay great callback
• “[the farm] will always be here waiting for you.” 🥹
• fireworks for colton 😭😭😭😭
• flashbacks for everyone 🥺
• i miss colton landry
• ugh how long are kat and elliot going to pretend they don’t love each other
• alice is connecting dots
• colton and baby elliot 🥺 the club house is always there for him to have a space 😭
• “don’t waste any time, kid. because it’s never guaranteed.” and elliot thought that was a joke?? i-
• *branch snaps* “did you hear that?” WHO CAME BACK 🫵🏽
• “i saw that look between you and elliot. are you two together?” alice you’re far too late
• alice you didn’t ruin anything, sweetie 😭
• kinda rude that i grew up an hour from the beach and never went to a summer bonfire beach party in high school. (i didn’t go to parties in hs who am i kidding)
• oh! we’re being haunted by our past! cool.
• an elliot mixtape!!! IN THE CLUBHOUSE
• aww elliot’s here.
• with a STRONG candian ‘sorry’
• oh they met alice after the last summer cookout… interesting
• i thought “traveling” was a euphemism. but he actually meant time traveling lol
• “i’m sorry i didn’t say goodbye. i just knew if i saw you, i wouldn’t go.” OKAY AND WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN SO BAD
• just sitting on the bed nothing crazy
• grey’s anatomy training 😏
•making out with all for you playing in the background. gonna cry actually.
• elliot apologizing right away 😭 okay there’s the awkward guy i missed
• “i’m not your problem anymore” WHY WOULD SHE SAY THATTTTT
• the sad part is, they could just go right back to how they were. like elliot is so willing to be that sounding board for kat.
• but. he blew it. super hard. complete buffoonery.
• “welcome home.” damn she’s cold
• baby nick!!!
• ugh elliot was gonna make his move RIGHT before kat met brady 😭
• so i guess spencer from school and zoe from school are??? no more???
• alice is still hung up on nick 😭 girl he’s old let it gooo
• why are they making her sing rn
• now look you’ve made her get stage fright again. (it’s definitely not the ghosts of her mother’s past coming to haunt her…)
• kat and dell finally getting the mother daughter relationship they deserve??
• is the house called lingmore or lingermore… i need to look this up
• the subtitles are telling me lingermore. dell’s accent is just thick lmao
• oh! see, dell thought evelyn reminded her of herself too.
• “i wanna build back our relationship. i wanna get to know you again.” yup yup yup 🥹
• kat has also noticed that dell is talking about colton and jacob in a positive light now
• “no more regrets, only resets” dell would kill on facebook
• ugh, i know Something is going to happen and it’s gonna ruin everything we accomplished in this scene
• um why are we back at the “did you hear that” scene 😰
• WHO IS THAT!?!?? 🫵🏽
• colton???? new guy?????? JACOB!?!?!?
• oh my god
• the blurry polaroid!!
• alice and kat sharing their secrets! season of healing!
• kat don’t let her manipulate you like this!
• okay or do. whatever.
• wait elliot send that text 😭 you gotta be the one to fix this, dude.
• neighbor!? who is this man???
• they better not be trying to give dell another love interest 😤
• could be elliot’s dad tho? but i doubt it
• suspicious buyer of the neighboring farm????
• the new buyer isn’t going to lease the fields sooo what does that mean 😅
• dell is going to be losing money?
• don’t tell me that horse jumped in the pond 🤧
• mother daughter pond jump 🤪
• “it’ll take us where we need to go” what could go wrong! 😀
• has present elliot been LYING to present kat this whole time??????
• if i got sent to 1814- hold up who is that
• not the gun
• grey’s anatomy training (dying in a horrific way)
• um. okay 😀
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leviathans-watching · 2 years ago
mfil - 04
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-` ♡ ´- a/n: thanks to those liking, reblogging, and commenting!! much appreciated ^^
*NOT CLICKBAIT!!!* when asmo learns that you, the newest exchange student has a youtube account and following somewhat comparable to his own, he decided right then and there not to like you. however, after an unfortunate (and misleading) exchange goes viral, he has no choice but to fake date you in order to save face. will asmo crush you and put you into place like you deserve? or are those funny feelings in his stomach not hate, like he had thought? like, subscribe, and maybe fall in love (with this smau) to find out!!
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asmo takes a deep breath, stepping out of his car. he’s just got to give you your uniform and then he can leave.
but wait, what if you try to keep him? or are so overwhelmed by his presence you want to take a pic? oh god, he’s going to have to force a smile, isn’t he?
as he gets close to the door to diavolo’s castle, it swings open before he can knock, and barbatos welcomes him in.
“hello, asmodeus,” barbatos says, that all-knowing (and all-infuriating!) glint in his eye. “here to drop off the things for mc?”
“yep!” asmo says, sensing a chance. “and i’m actually in a hurry so can i just leave them with you? i’ve really got to get going.”
“i’m here!” a voice calls, and he sees you practically run into the room. you’re dressed simply, unlike his completely put-together and gorgeous outfit, and your hair is a complete mess. resisting the urge to fix it for you, he offers you a charming smile.
“you must me mc. i’m asmodeus. pleasure to meet you.” as he speaks, he calls upon his charm, eyes glowing pink.
“nice to meet you,” you return brightly, offering a hand. somehow completely unaffected by his powers.
swallowing a scowl, asmo forces more charm into his voice, taking your hand delicately and pressing a kiss to the back of it instead of shaking it. you jerk back slightly but recover admirably. annoyingly. whatever.
“thank you so much for taking the time to drop this off,” you blabber on. “i know you’re probably really busy and what not, but i appreciate it. you’re literally a lifesaver.”
“well, of course i’d help our newest exchange student,” asmo hums. “especially since you’re so cute~”
you laugh. laugh! at him!
“well aren’t you a charmer,” you say. “i was warned about you, and i guess the rumors are true. you’re just as flirty in real life as you are online.”
“you’re a fan?” asmo asks, acting like he hadn’t spent the last hour doing a deep dive into all of your accounts to see if you were following him, if you’d liked his posts, et cetera.
“i wouldn’t call myself a fan,” you dismiss easily. “but i’m definitely aware of your online persona. a lot of my fans are also fans of yours so i see your name pop up in my comment section sometimes.”
“oh, yes, i saw that you also do youtube,” asmo says. “diy videos, yes? how cute.”
as if you didn’t even notice the barb he just threw your way, you smile. “thanks! i’m still pretty new to the whole thing, but it’s been really fun so far.”
asmo returns your smile, lips thinly pressed together. “well. as nice as it’s been to meet you, i really must be on my way…”
“oh! yes, of course!” you exclaim. “again, thank you so much for dropping this off,” you say, gesturing to the neatly folded uniform asmo has deposited onto the nearby counter. he’d taken the liberty of switching the shirt lucifer had selected for a larger size and wondered what you’d do to combat that on the first day of school. petty? maybe. but fun? definitely. “i really appreciate it! i hope we’ll see each other around at rad.”
“mhm, i’m sure we will!” asmo chirps. “and you’re welcome. i hope you enjoy your time here. and good luck on your channel! if you ever need any help or have any questions, let me know. i am kind of an expert.” unlike you, he implies.
“oh, definitely!” you reply, again not even seeming to register his snark, or his attempt at using his powers. what is wrong with you?! “i’ll keep that in mind. have a good day!”
“you too!” he says, sickly sweet, then takes his leave, only letting his mask fall once he pulls out of the driveway. i’ll show you, he thinks angrily, coming here, acting all famous… i’ll show you.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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canirove · 2 years ago
Ben Chilwell Imagine | one | Christmas Edition 🎄✨
Author's note: Did I schedule this go up on Ben's birthday, but had no idea it was his birthday until this morning? Yep 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈😂
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"Opening on Christmas day... What an idiot" I scoff, checking my phone for the millionth time in the last... ten minutes?
My boss had had the amazing idea to open on Christmas day, saying that since all the other coffee shops would be closed, we will get all the costumers. But we've been open for almost two hours, and no one has come in. No one.
I've cleaned everything, double checked that we aren't low on anything, and even made myself a coffee, which probably isn't ideal when you keep in mind that I've been working here for barely three months. But that also is the reason why I'm the stupid one who is working on Christmas day, and not any of my co-workers. Because I’m new.
"Are you open?" someone says from the door, making me jump, my phone slipping from my hands and hitting the floor.
"For fucks sake."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's ok, I'm fine. My phone, not so much" I say, picking it from the floor. The screen has crashed, and it doesn't turn on. Great. There goes all the money I have saved.
"I'm so sorry" he says again. "It's all my fault."
"Nah, don't worry. What can I get you?" I say, looking up to see who is talking to me.
"The blackest coffee ever would be wonderful" he says with a smile. And it is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. His whole face is the most beautiful face I've ever seen, to be honest. And one that looks very familiar.
"Yes, coffee. That's what you serve here, right?" he chuckles.
"Yes, sorry. It's just that you are the first costumer we've had today."
"Opening on Christmas morning is a bit weird."
"Yeah, well. My boss thought it was the best idea ever" I say while I get his order ready.
"You've saved my life, so I will forever be on your debt."
"Long night?"
"And early morning" he smiles. "I'm kind of late for work, and I've only had time to put some clothes on before running out the door. I didn't even brush my hair."
"Thank God for beanies" I say. I think I've never seen anyone look this good wearing one. Though he would probably look good with anything.
"Thank God for them, yes" he laughs. "Can I get something to eat too?"
"Can I be brutally honest?"
"Go ahead."
"If you care about your stomach, don't buy anything here. It's all from yesterday, I just warmed it a bit."
"You love working here, don't you?"
"With my whole heart" I say, making both of us laugh. "But my mum made like the biggest carrot cake ever last night, so if you want a bite..."
"She probably made it for you."
"Yes, for me and the whole neighborhood. Wait here" I say, walking into the shop's kitchen and coming back with the cake.
"You weren't joking" he laughs.
"I was not. Here you go, let me know what you think."
"Oh my God!"
"Good, uh?"
"Best thing I've ever had" he says, eating it in just two bites.
"Do you want some more? Maybe to go?"
"I don't know if it'll make it to the car" he chuckles, getting out his wallet.
"Wait, this is more than the double of what that coffee costs" I say when he gives me the money.
"It's your tip. You deserve it for the coffee, the cake, and the chat" he winks.
"Ok" I say, feeling my cheeks get warm. "Thank you."
"Merry Christmas and good morning!" my boss says, walking in and ruining the moment.
"Merry Christmas. And thank you" my beautiful man says with one of his smiles.
"Merry Christmas" I say, watching him leave.
"Was that... Was that Ben Chilwell?"
"The football player! That was him, wasn't it?"
"Maybe?" I say. He did look familiar since the moment he walked in. "Let me google him."
"I don't think that'll be possible" my boss says when he sees the state of my phone.
"Someone just left this for you" my boss says when I walk in the next day.
"For me?"
"Yep" he says, handing me a package. "Have you given anyone this address?"
"No..." I say, inspecting the box.
"Well, now it's time to work. You can open it later."
"Holy shit" I say when I finally make it back home and open the package. Inside it there is a brand new phone and a letter.
Hello, carrot cake 😜
Hope the rest of your day got a bit more interesting after I left. Since your phone died because of me, Father Christmas left this at my place for you. And because I have the feeling your boss recognized me when he walked in, I also added a little something else. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I would like to see you again. And not only because I'm still dreaming about your mum's carrot cake. My phone number already is on your contact list, text me and let me know.
Merry Christmas, Chilly.
"Holy shit" I say again. I met Ben Chilwell. The Ben Chilwell, Chelsea and England player. And he just bought me a new phone, and got me tickets for his next game because he wants to see me again. Me! Best Christmas ever? Best Christmas ever.
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