#he gives warm hugs 🫂
puppy-fae ¡ 26 days
I wish I was the same badass that told my christian ex boyfriend that I worship Satan since he said I was going to hell for being queer.
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strang3lov3 ¡ 28 days
Bad Habit
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“Don’t you ever start smokin’. If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it,” he said, exhaling smoke. “I will make you fuckin’ regret it.”
After Joel catches you smoking, he gives you something else to put between your lips. (7.2k)
Tags - dbf!joel, neighbor!joel, pervy/sleazy yet comforting Joel, cock from a man who could be your second father, smut, smoking, dubcon elements, blowjobs, masturbation, joel jorks it, oral sex, unprotected piv, creampie, joel makes you smoke until you’re sick to your stomach, vomiting, gratuitous use of the nickname ‘kiddo’ because I am who I am, dubcon, the other stuff Fic help - thank you my dearest @noxturnalpascal for editing <3 and @pinkypromisepascal for giving me your eyeballs and leaving lovely comments, my other main squeezes for brainstorming with me!! @endlessthxxghts @beefrobeefcal A/N - heddo!I sorry for the delay on getting this out. fic posting will continue to be sporadic and weird for a while so thank you for being patient <3 i hope you all have a safe week and I love you very much 🫂💕 definitely didn’t skip class to finish this and watch gilmore girls btw so if you hear that rumor about me it is bullshit it is not true at all
The cool, late-summer air blows gently on your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as you sit next to your open window, headphones on, Fiona Apple’s When The Pawn… playing in your ears. You take a long drag of your cigarette and let it fill and burn your lungs, then blow the smoke outside. The sun is setting, the dim light making everything in your room look like a black and white movie, even your own hand in front of you. You love nights like these. 
Eyes gently shut, you’re lost in thought when a tapping on the glass startles you. You gasp when you see Joel, his big hand clutching a large garbage bag. He must have seen you on his way taking the trash out. 
Joel’s your neighbor, he’s been your neighbor all your life. He’s your dad’s closest friend as well, and had a heavy hand in raising you. You used to eat at his house for dinner on Sunday nights, a tradition that’s lasted to present day. As a teenager, you’d spend days and nights at his house when you and your dad weren’t getting along, needing some space from each other. Joel was always a safe person for you to go to. His guest room practically became your second bedroom by the time you graduated. Joel taught you card games, and would make you root beer floats while you played round after round of Rummy. 
Joel was actually the first person to introduce you to smoking. Unintentionally, of course. You can remember him always smelling warmly of tobacco, smelling it on his hair, skin, and clothes when you’d hug him. When you were younger, he told you once, cigarette in his mouth, “Don’t you ever start smokin’. If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it,” he said, exhaling smoke, “I will make you fuckin’ regret it.”
“Hey, trouble,” Joel drawls. “You ain’t ‘sposed to be smokin’ that.” 
Joel reaches for your cigarettes and pulls it from your mouth, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. He examines it, chuckling quietly at the feeling of the stickiness of your lipgloss on the rolling paper. He brings it to his mouth, then takes a couple puffs before stubbing the cigarette out on the sole of his shoe, then disposes it in his garbage bag. Your dad doesn’t need to see your old cigarette stubs when he’s mowing the lawn. “Don’t let me catch ya again,” he warns, then presses a warm kiss to your forehead, mustache tickling your skin. “Get some sleep. G’night, kiddo.”
This isn’t the first time Joel’s caught you smoking. The first time he did, you were probably around eighteen years old. You remember that it was around Thanksgiving, the leaves were still falling off the trees and the air was chilly. It was an evening when Joel and your dad were hanging out in the kitchen, watching a Bears and Cowboys game on TV. Rooting for the opposite teams, your dad and Joel were barking at each other, getting loud and rowdy. There was no escape from the noise, so you snuck out of your bedroom window and just started walking. Joel left his garage door open, so you decided to hang out there. You admired the posters on the wall, Nirvana and The Rolling Stones. Different liquor brand artwork, picked up from when he used to work as a bartender. The garage never changed, always had that faint smell of cigarettes permeating the air. 
Cigarettes. They were on the workbench in the back of the garage, a pack of Marlboro reds just sitting there, waiting to be smoked. To the left of the pack, a little white Bic lighter. You weren’t sure what came over you at that moment but you palmed both items, then peeked over your shoulder to make sure you really were as alone as you thought you were. You held your breath and focused hard, and found that you were able to hear the faint sounds of Joel and your dad yelling. You were in the clear. 
You opened the worn pack of Marlboros and pulled out one of the cigarettes, the first time you ever held one in your hand. You rolled it between your fingers, inspecting it, before you brought it to your nose to smell the tobacco. With trembling hands you placed the cigarette between your lips, and as you fumbled with the little white lighter, Joel’s warning played over and over again in your mind. If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it.
But Joel wasn’t there. And what Joel didn’t know wouldn’t kill him. So you lit the cigarette and inhaled, then coughed a bit at the sensation. It was harsh, made your throat feel itchy and scratchy. You didn’t like the way the smoke burned your lungs and you couldn’t wrap your head around how Joel - anyone, for that matter - could become addicted to something as unpleasant as this. You took another puff for the sake of experimenting and you were met with the same experience. Unpleasant. But by the third or fourth drag, you felt the beginning of that headrush everyone talks about. A lightheaded, hazy sort of feeling. Now that…that wasn’t quite so unpleasant. You could see exactly how cigarettes could relieve stress. Taking another puff, you thought maybe you’d steal one or two more from the pack, save them for the end of the week. Smoke them when you’re home from school, before your dad or Joel could see you. And then you’ll shower real quick, wash your hair and brush your teeth and toss your clothes in the washer and -
“The hell do you think you’re doin’?” 
You pulled the cigarette out of your mouth and stubbed it out in a nearby ashtray on Joel’s workbench. “N-nothing.” 
“Bullshit, you’re smokin’,” Joel bit, approaching you through the open garage door. “So help me god, kid...” He snatched his pack of cigarettes from you, along with his lighter. “Stealin’, too. These are my smokes. What the fuck’s the matter with you?” 
“Joel, I’m sorry. I-” 
“You ain’t sorry, yet. Get in the truck.” 
“Get. In. The fucking. Truck.” he seethed. He wore such a threatening scowl, and his face and neck were red, veins bulging in his skin as his anger grew. 
You scurried into his truck that sat on the driveway and Joel followed suit, slamming the door shut before turning the key into the ignition. Even the truck sounded angry as it roared to life. Joel shifted into reverse and drove you down the street, to the nearest gas station. “Stay there,” he ordered. 
You awaited his return anxiously, picking at your nails. Joel returned with a new pack of Marlboro reds and drove back to his home. “Garage,” he said. 
“But my dad-”
 If I catch ya with one of these in that mouth of yours, I’ll make you regret it.
Joel made good on his promise. He sat you down in front of the workbench, right where you were before. He lowered the garage door until it rested just about a foot off the ground so that the smoke had somewhere to go. Then he sat in front of you, hit the pack of cigarettes on his palm five times before unwrapping the cellophane and opening the pack. Joel took one cigarette out and flipped it upside down in the pack. 
“What are you doing?”
“Christ almighty,” he sighs. “You’re so fuckin’ young. You pack the cigarettes first, so they burn smoother an’ longer.”
“Yeah, oh. And then you flip your lucky - just the one cigarette.” Joel pulled the upside down cigarette from the pack to demonstrate. “Old World War II tradition, if I’m not mistaken. ‘Sposed to be a good luck charm.” 
Joel pulled one cigarette from the pack for you, placed it between your lips and lit it. He could see the confused expression on your face as you inhale and exhale. 
“Just you wait,” he said. “I promise you, this is a punishment.” 
“You’re gonna sit here with me and smoke every last cigarette in that pack. I don’t care f’your lungs start to burn and you feel sick to your stomach, you’re smokin’ ‘em all,” he said. “Now get to it.” 
Joel watched you as you smoked cigarette after cigarette. He was right, your lungs did start to ache and hurt and your stomach had begun to feel queasy from all the nicotine. After about the sixth or seventh, you had figured out that you could make things a little easier on yourself by not breathing in the smoke all the way, just let it hang out in your mouth instead. 
“I started smokin’ when I was around your age,” Joel said as he lit another cigarette for you. “Couldn’t ‘a been older than seventeen.”
You nodded. 
“Why’d you pick this habit up, huh? You know these things aren’t any good for ya.” 
“I don’t know,” you sighed, ashing onto the garage floor. “I just…I don’t know. Stressed out.”
“‘Bout what?”
You shrugged. “Just everything, I guess.” 
Joel nodded. “I get it,” he said. “But there’s other ways of relievin’ stress that ain’t smokin’.” 
“Like what?”
“Well,” Joel began, looking down at his lap. “The cigarettes are causin’ that brain of yours to release those feel-good chemicals. You gotta find something else that feels good, hon. M’sure you’ll figure out what that means.” 
 You felt your cheeks heat up at the implication of how to get your endorphins flowing, but you knew he wasn’t wrong. You nodded shyly. 
“Now keep smokin’.” 
“Joel,” you whined, coughing dryly. 
“Keep it up,” he threatened, “I’ll make it two packs.” 
What felt like hours passed until you finally made it to the last two cigarettes in the pack, and you felt ill. “C’mon,” Joel said. “Last two. I’m smokin’ the last one with ya, and then we’re done, both of us,” he promised. He lit his cigarette first, then yours, and then took a drag. You did too, though it was agony. 
“I don’t feel so good, Joel,” you told him, clutching your stomach and squirming in your seat as the nauseating feeling in your stomach worsened. 
“Good,” Joel retorted. “Means the punishment’s workin’. You ain’t ‘sposed to feel good.” You looked at Joel with glassy eyes, your skin a little damp with sweat. “You okay, sweetheart?”
You shook your head. Your stomach churned harder, you felt your mouth salivate as your heart began to beat faster. There was no more staving off the feeling - you dropped your cigarette and sprinted inside, making a beeline for Joel’s bathroom. Joel followed close behind and rubbed your back as you emptied your guts into his toilet until you were dry-heaving. “Oh, I know, I know,” he whispered, patting you gently. “You’re gonna be okay.” 
“Fuck,” you groaned, lifting your head up and leaning back to rest against Joel. He flushed the toilet for you, then helped you up so you could rinse your mouth out in the sink. 
“It don’t feel too good, huh?” he murmured, stroking the side of your face. “You’re gonna be a good girl for me? Gonna quit smokin’?”
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I’m done.”
“Attagirl,” Joel smiled. 
Joel offered you some Pepto-Bismol and guided you to his couch, where he held you and talked. After about forty-five minutes, he sent you home. Your dad was none the wiser, probably passed out on his own couch after the game. Joel kept your secret under the condition that you’d quit smoking for good, and he quit too. In all honesty, he was shaken that it was his cigarettes you’d stolen, and disturbed by the fact he was the one to introduce you to tobacco - your dad didn’t smoke, never has. He had unknowingly introduced you to it, of course, but Joel still held himself responsible. Joel meant it, smoking that last cigarette with you. He decided that night he was quitting cold turkey. He was done.
You should have been done too. You shouldn’t still be doing this. And that pack of Marlboros in your purse shouldn’t be there, you should have thrown it out the other night when Joel caught you smoking out of your window. But you’re in Joel’s backyard, cigarette between your fingers as you listen to the sounds of the family barbecue taking place in your own backyard. 
It was just too much. Your family increases in size every year, be it a new partner, new family friends, new children. And your family is loud. Every conversation happens using raised voices, even if no one is speaking in anger. Boisterous laughter, dogs barking, shrill squeals of excited kids running through sprinklers. There’s no escape from it at all, unless you’re to escape it entirely - so that’s exactly what you did, and why you’re at Joel’s house instead of your own. You needed a momentary reprieve. Separated by nothing more than a thin fence and yet it makes all the difference. Joel’s backyard is quiet, serene. He keeps his fence lined with flowers that he had you pick out at the nursery, he has a nice deck with a comfortable patio furniture set. You rock back and forth in one of the chairs as you smoke, promising yourself after this cigarette - or maybe just one more - you’ll go back to the party. 
The glass patio door slides open, causing you to jump and scramble to put your cigarette out, but you’re too late. Joel’s always a step ahead, somehow. “What are you doin’, kiddo?” he asks in a low, accusatory tone. 
“Nothing,” you lie. 
“You’re smokin’.”
You hang your head. Joel sits in the chair next to you and holds out his hand, palm facing up. You sigh and place your pack in his hand. “I’m sorry.” 
“Uh-huh,” Joel says. “Why’re you still doin’ this? You’re poisoning yourself, sweetheart. It’s breakin’ my heart.” 
You shrug. “I don’t know,” you admit. You open your mouth to speak again, then exhale when you give up. 
“I want you to try,” he urges. “Jus’ talk to me, hon, you’re not in trouble right now. Tell me what’s goin’ on.” 
“Okay,” you nod. You take a deep breath, then begin to explain. “I want to quit, Joel. I do. I tried gum and patches…”
“Go on. I’m listenin’.” 
“They worked for a while, I guess. I was even able to stop entirely, get past the nicotine withdrawals. They weren’t even so bad.” 
“Right,” Joel nods, “But what?”
“It’s stupid.” 
“S’not stupid. Keep tellin’ me.” 
“I missed the ritual of it all, if that makes sense,” you confess. “ Lighting it, holding it. Watching the smoke. Feeling it in my mouth.” You find the courage to look at Joel, and he’s not making fun of you for your admission. He’s nodding along, listening intently. “It’s sort of soothing.” 
“I get it,” he says. “I do.”
“You do?”
“Mhm. S’called an oral fixation, sweetheart. Means it calms ya down to have somethin’ in that mouth of yours. You heard of it?” You shake your head no, and Joel explains further. “Same reason some people bite their nails or chew on straws. Jus’ somethin’ people do.” 
“Mhm. You should try keepin’ your mouth busy with somethin’ else.” 
Your mouth goes dry, and you feel yourself becoming flustered. “Joel…” you whisper. 
“Quite the imagination you got there, huh?” he smirks, nudging your knee with his own. “M’not talkin’ about that, dirty bird. Do you have a sweet tooth at all?”
“Um,” you hum, “I guess.” 
“I got a sweet tooth myself,” Joel replies. “C’mon inside.” 
Joel leads you inside, and he doesn’t bother to sneakily throw your cigarettes in the trash. He makes sure you can see it, hear the thud of the pack hitting the bottom of the can. You stand in his kitchen as he opens his freezer and rifles through some items. “Pick a flavor,” he says, “I got green apple, grape, cherry, and lemon.” 
“Cherry,” you answer. 
Joel pulls out a cherry-flavored popsicle and unwraps it for you. “Open,” he says, then places the cold, sweet and tart ice on your tongue. Your hand brushes his when you grab the wooden stick, watching him. You can see the way his pupils dilate when you suck on it, how his chest rises when he sucks in a deep breath. Joel feels his cock begin to thicken in his jeans and abruptly clears his throat. “So, uh, anyway,” he stutters, “It helps to suck on somethin’ sweet. I’ll keep my freezer stocked with these for ya, you just let me know if you have any flavor requests. You help yourself anytime you’re havin’ one of your cravings.”
You pull the popsicle from your mouth, your lips stained red. “Thanks, Joel,” you smile. 
“You’d best get back to that party, hon. I’ll catch up with ya in a minute, nature’s callin’,” he teases, quickly excusing himself into his nearby bathroom. He hears you giggle and whine, “Gross,” as you leave his house. Joel watches you through the frosted bathroom window as you sneak back into the party. He’s palming his growing bulge, pressing his hand firmly against it until he can’t see you anymore, then quickly unzips his jeans and pulls out his cock, leaking and hard. He spits into his hand and strokes himself, his rough palm sliding up and down his thick, veiny cock, squeezing hard. He pumps himself and groans when he comes, spilling into his palm and on his fingers. Joel washes his hands, tucks himself back into his jeans and makes his way back to the barbecue. 
You’re in Joel’s truck. It was a long day of work, the phone was ringing nonstop and you could hardly catch a break, though Joel gave you extra time on your lunch to make up for the crappy day. He has you helping him out with his contracting job, having you answer phones and schedule estimates and whatnot. He likes having you around, giving you a little money to burn as you expand your resume. 
At six, Joel tossed you his truck keys and told you he’d be right out there, but that he’s gotta finish up with a client real quick first. “Go ‘head and start up the truck for me, hon, I’ll be out there soon. Shouldn’t be more than ten minutes,” he promised. But that was an hour ago, and it’s beginning to get dark. You’re itching to leave. On days you work with Joel, he’s your ride. Oftentimes it’s a blessing as he’s the one paying for gas and driving through traffic, but other times, it’s a curse. You’re on Joel’s time, itching to leave and he’s…doing whatever he’s doing.
You’re getting that feeling again. You’re not sure why, but it’s been happening more and more lately. You’ve been absolutely craving a cigarette recently. Just one, maybe two. You shouldn’t have done it, but you bought a pack at the gas station. Promised yourself you’d save it for special occasions but after this pack, you’d be done. For good. 
You’re just dying for one right now. Turning the pack over in your hand, you watch, anticipating seeing Joel leaving the building. But it never happens. Fuck it. You take a cigarette out of your pack and place it between your lips, and just before you light it, you stop. You look around in his truck, see if he’s got a straw from a fast food restaurant in his glove box that you could chew on, maybe a toothpick. At least you tried. It certainly doesn’t help that it smells like cigarette smoke in here anyway, what with Tommy always smoking when he drives with Joel. You resign yourself to lighting the cigarette, inhaling that smoke you missed so much. That familiar burn doesn’t quite hurt the same way it used to and in fact, it’s a welcome pain now. You love that tingly, heady feeling of the nicotine entering your bloodstream. You exhale the smoke out of the window of the truck and close your eyes. 
You think about lots of things, what you’re gonna eat for dinner when you get home, what movie you’re gonna watch. What flavor popsicle you’ll steal from Joel’s freezer. You think about which vibrator you’re gonna use between your thighs, which ones are charged and which aren’t. 
You’re not being subtle. Shamelessly blowing smoke out of the window, Joel can see you. And in fact, he’s been watching you. He’s fuming as he walks toward his truck and opens his door, startling you and causing you to drop the lit cigarette on your lap. “You are un-fuckin’-believable,” he seethes as he leans over you to pick it up off of your thighs and tosses it out of the window. “In my truck? Are you fuckin’ serious?”
“Joel, I’m sorry–”
“Shut up,” he interrupts. “You pissed me off. I don’t wanna hear it.” 
You shrink into your seat and stare at your lap, anxiously circling your thumbs around each other as Joel breathes deeply. He leans back in the driver’s seat and pinches the bridge of his nose, groaning angrily. 
In Joel’s head, he counts backwards from ten, attempting to let go of some of his rage. He looks at you, your eyes are big and pleading, those plump lips of yours are pouting, just begging, aching for something to fit snugly between them. “What am I gonna do with you, kiddo,” he whispers, reaching for your face and cupping your cheek. Fuck, that goddamn soft spot he has for you. “All sorts ‘a trouble you could go an’ get yourself into and you pick the one that’s makin’ you sick.” 
You nod, feeling guilty for putting Joel through this stress. You know he’s right. You’re gonna drive him to pick up the addiction again himself.
He rubs his calloused thumb back and forth over your cheekbone, looking at you with those big, brown eyes of his. They’re sparkling under the diminishing daylight, looking darker than they usually do. He’s so handsome. He’s always been so handsome. 
“Maybe you need to get into a different kinda trouble,” Joel murmurs. 
You pause. “Like what?”
“You know what kinda trouble,” he answers softly, assertively. You look down at his lap and notice that with his free hand, he’s begun palming his crotch, cock hardening in his jeans. “Somethin’ else to satisfy that fuckin’ fixation of yours.”
Joel unzips his jeans and pulls his cock out, half hard and growing. “Gimme your hand,” he instructs. He doesn’t wait for you to comply, and takes the pack of Marlboros you had forgotten you were holding out of your hand. He takes your hand and first spits in it, then wraps it around his cock, his fingers wrapped around your wrist as he helps you stroke him. His cock grows to full length in your hand, so thick and hard and meaty. “On your knees, now,” he says. “C’mon. You know what you’re doin’.” 
You sink to your knees and Joel slides to the center of the seat so you’re as close to him as can be. He spreads his legs apart and you slot yourself snugly between them, a hand on each one of his thick thighs. It feels surreal, being in this position. Joel senses your nervousness, and you look so vulnerable on your knees for him. Poor thing. 
He leans forward a little to tangle his fingers in your hair and then pulls you down, ushering you toward his hard cock. “Open up f’me,” he says. You part your lips and he presses the warm, blunt head against them. You open your jaw wider and he pushes you down on his cock, filling your mouth entirely. “Nice an’ wide. That’s it.” 
Joel keeps pushing you down, past the point of comfortability and you choke and sputter on his cock when he hits the back of your throat. “Just relax a minute,” Joel says. “An’ breathe through your nose, kiddo. You’ll get used to it.” 
With his hand tangled in your hair, it’s less of you moving of your own volition and more of Joel guiding you, making you take him down your throat the way he wants you to. You like that. As your head dips lower and bobs back up again, you swirl and drag your tongue along his shaft, tasting that heady, musky flavor of his cock, the salty precum when your tongue slides over his small slit.“Yeah, you know what to do,” Joel groans. “Ohh, that’s it. Good girl.” 
You feel his cock pulsing under your tongue, a welcome experience. There’s something so intimate and satisfying about learning all of the exact, fine details of what Joel’s pleasure looks and tastes like. He rolls his hips to meet you where you’re at, taking control of his pleasure, doing all the work himself. Sweat is beginning to gather on his body, dripping down his temples and gathering on his soft tummy. He can’t help but feel a little like he’s taking advantage of you right now, but he doesn’t feel bad enough to stop. In fact, it turns him on more. Joel thinks that maybe it even turns you on, too, what with the way you let out quiet, sweet little moans. “You like it, don’t you, baby?” 
“Mm-hmm,” you hum. 
“I know you do,” Joel coos. “Feels good, don’t it?”
You nod your head, moaning as you slide your tongue along his length, swirling it around his head before dipping lower again, your nose buried in those thick curls spattered around the base of his cock, dampened by your saliva. “What a mess you’re makin’,” Joel murmurs, enjoying those wet, sloppy noises you’re making. “Such a good girl f’me, you’re takin’ it so good.” 
You reach for his balls, cupping them and rolling them gently in your palm, eliciting a sharp gasp from Joel. “Oh, fuck,” he groans, “That’s it, kiddo, keep doin’ it jus’ like that. Goddamn.” 
Joel basks in the feeling of being inside your hot, wet mouth, feeling you suck and slobber on him, the dizzying feeling of your tongue teasing his shaft and his head. It’s all so soft, so slick and warm. He can feel it in his stomach, his balls begin to tighten as he approaches release. Joel takes your head in both of his big, masculine hands and fucks your mouth hard. “Oh, Christ,” he hisses. “Fuck, ohhh, fuck.” 
With just a few more deep, frenetic thrusts, Joel comes in your mouth without a warning, just a guttural, deep groan. He paints your tongue with his hot, salty spend, ropes and ropes of it spurting from his thick, twitching cock. He fucks your mouth through his orgasm, his thrusts turning slower, more shallow in time as you take every last bit of his come, swallowing it all. 
“Up,” he tells you, his voice raspy. “C’mere.” 
You sit next to Joel as he comes down from his high, his deep breathing beginning to regulate. Joel looks at you, wipes a bit of his come from your bottom lip with his thumb and pushes it inside your mouth, where you suck the digit and lick the spend. “S’all you needed, huh? My cock in your mouth?” Your face is hot and a little damp with sweat, your lips all swollen as you nod, a little sheepish. “No need to be bashful, sweetheart. S’okay. F’it works, it works.” 
Joel adjusts his jeans and turns up the air conditioner, then scoots back over into the driver’s seat. He pulls you close to his body, tucking you into his side as he shifts the truck into reverse, then drives out of the parking lot. “When that fixation of yours starts actin’ up again or you’re gettin’ nicotine cravings, you to come to me. Will you do that for me, sweetheart?”
You nod. “I will.” 
“Good girl,” he says. “I’ll get ya taken care of.” 
Your craving for a cigarette hits as early as the following night. To test you, Joel had surreptitiously dropped your last pack of cigarettes in your purse last night in his truck. You only noticed a little bit ago, when you were digging through your belongings to find your lip gloss. You could smoke them if you wanted to. You do want to. You could be sneakier about it, go for a walk and smoke somewhere Joel won’t see you. 
You slip on a pair of sneakers and throw a light sweatshirt over your shoulders, then walk out of your room and past your father in the living room. “Where you off to, sweetie?” he asks. 
“Just for a walk,” you answer quickly. To be honest, you weren’t expecting him to be awake. It’s late and the TV’s on, which usually means he’s sleeping. He can’t stay awake through any movie or TV show. 
“Mm,” he hums. “Be safe, honey. Come back soon, I don’t like you out too late all by yourself.” 
You promise your dad you’ll be back soon, then leave out of your front door and make a left. As you walk past your yard, then Joel’s, you realize he’s in his garage, tinkering with something at his workbench. He doesn’t see you, and you could walk on by without him noticing, smoke your secret cigarette and he’d be none the wiser. 
But you’d feel guilty. You feel guilty for even thinking about it. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, contemplating. Maybe Joel’s right, that you need to get yourself into a different kind of trouble. You used to feel thrilled when you’d drink underage or smoke when you shouldn’t have been. But Joel’s cock down your throat, on your knees for your dad’s best friend, a man who’s like a second father to you…Well, nothing compared to that thrill. 
You walk up Joel’s driveway and quietly into his garage, he’s got an old CD player on and he’s listening to Nirvana. “Joel?”
Joel turns to look over his shoulder and smiles at you. “Hey, you.” 
“I…” you struggle to get the words out. Joel nods in understanding, he knows exactly why you’re here. You’re such a good girl for him. Always been a good girl.
Joel pauses his CD player and takes your hand, then leads you inside his house. When you’ve finished sucking his cock, he tells you he’s glad you came to him and that he’s very proud of you. On your way home, you throw that pack of Marlboros away. And for once, you really are done. 
You suck his cock the next week at work, when you’re watching Tommy take a smoke break through the window next to your desk. You’re on the phone with one of Joel’s clients who’s been giving both you and him trouble all week, and you’re reaching the end of your rope with this guy. He’s old, impatient, and speaks so rudely to you. After you’ve argued with him in circles for about twenty minutes, he interrupts you and demands that you put him on the phone with a man. You’re livid. “Absolutely, sir. Let me place you on a brief hold and I’ll transfer you to my boss,” you tell him as sweetly. You press a few buttons on the phone and slam it on your desk, then march into Joel’s office, slamming the door and then locking it. 
Joel’s eyes light up. He rolls back in his chair and reaches behind himself to twist the blinds shut, then unzips his pants as you drop to your knees .
The routine happens day to day, week to week. Joel notices that there are days when you suck his cock aggressively, like you’re angry or you’re restless and antsy. But after a few weeks, they don’t quite feel that way anymore. You focus on his pleasure, and not your need to curb an addiction. It felt satisfying to have Joel’s cock down your throat before, and that certainly helped to satisfy your particular fixation. You’re more satisfied now at the notion of bringing Joel to absolute ecstasy, memorizing the way his breathing changes when you trace your tongue along his shaft and around his head. You’ve begun kissing up and down his length, gently sucking his balls and kissing his thighs, his tummy. You used to grip his thighs tight, digging your fingers into his flesh, but you hold his hand, now. It’s passion, adoration, maybe even love. You deserve the same pleasure, Joel thinks. 
Your dad’s out of town for a few days, he’s staying overnight in some city a few hours away for some work conference. He had stocked the fridge with different snacks and had tasked Joel with making sure you have something hot and filling each night for dinner, so you’ve spent the past few evenings at Joel’s house. 
 You’re on Joel’s couch, watching old reruns of Will and Grace on TV as Joel does the dishes. When he’s done, he joins you on the couch. When the show pauses for a commercial break, Joel mutes the TV. “Wanna talk to you ‘bout somethin’,” he says. You turn your attention to him. Joel’s hand drops to your thigh, and he scratches your skin lazily. His touch sends a jolt of excitement to your core. “You’ve been real good f’me, you know that, don’t you?” 
“What do you mean?���
“You know what I mean. Been a long time since your last cigarette, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you reply, “Couple months, I think.” 
“S’what I thought,” he whispers. “An’ it’s why I wanna do somethin’ for ya.” 
“Do what?”
“Well,” Joel begins, inhaling deeply. His hand goes higher with every pass, fingers closer and closer to the apex of your thighs. You’re starting to feel hot. “I think it’s awful unfair ‘a me to be leavin’ you high and dry the way I’ve been. Not very gentlemanly, huh?” 
Joel’s fingers are wiggling beneath the fabric of your shorts, gently skating along your thin cotton panties. “Joel,” you whine. 
“I’m gonna make it even,” he murmurs softly into your ear, his hot breath tickling your neck. Joel drags the tip of his sharp, aquiline nose over the curve of your ear, then gently bites your earlobe, causing you to squirm. He smirks at that. “Gonna taste you.” 
Joel hovers over you, laying your body across his soft couch. He kneels as he hooks his fingers around your shorts and panties and pulls them down and off your legs, tossing them on the floor. 
His warm, big hands slide up your legs until he reaches your knees, “Spread your legs for me, sweetheart,” he says, and you part your thighs for him. He spreads them wider, pushing your knees toward your chest. Your nerves are on fire as he slides your shirt up your chest, exposing your bare body to him. “C’mere,” he mumbles, dipping his head low to kiss all over your torso, up your belly until he reaches the soft flesh of your breasts, nipping at the skin there before he sucks a nipple into his mouth. 
“Joel,” you gasp, your hands reaching for his head, fingers tangling in his thick, graying curls. He smirks against you as he kisses his way across to your other breast, repeating the same actions and kissing, licking down your stomach until he’s hovering over your pussy. Under the soft, warm light in the room, he admires your body. Your chest is rising and falling with shaky, nervous breaths. Your legs spread wide gives Joel the perfect view of your pussy, curls framing the shape of your cunt. Skin darkened and glistening wet, pearly ribbons of arousal delicately decorating your slick folds. He can’t wait any longer, he needs to taste you now. 
Joel quickly pulls his shirt off and unbuckles his belt, then kicks his jeans off where they join the rest of the discarded clothes on the floor. He settles on his stomach and pulls your body close to his face, his hot breath fanning over your damp, aching pussy. To tease you, he kisses his way toward your center, inching closer and closer to where you need him most yet not giving all the way in. “Please, Joel,” you whine. 
“Ohh, I know,” he rasps. He kisses the other thigh, then uses his thumbs to spread your soft folds apart for easier access and licks one long, fat stripe up your pussy. “Oh my god, yes,” you gasp. Joel chuckles at your excitement. He traces up and down with his tongue, his nose buried in the hair that covers your mound. You rock your hips into his face and he holds you tight, limiting your movement so that he holds all control. He’s feeling generous, and you’re going to take all that he gives you. 
“Fuck, right there,” you whimper when he licks your clit in circles. His tongue dips lower, circling your tight, wet hole before dipping inside to taste your sweet arousal. Joel hums in pleasure, he loves everything about this - the way you writhe and moan, how your dripping pussy feels against his face. He dips his tongue and swirls it inside of you before replacing it with two of his calloused, weathered fingers, rhythmically curling them inside you so that he’s hitting your g-spot. 
You’re moaning, babbling his name along with some other dirty words as Joel licks you and pumps his fingers, soaking him so intensely he thinks he could drown. He’d be happy to. There’s nothing he loves more than eating you out right now, passionately lapping your cunt like you’re the first meal he’s had in days. Your moans are becoming quicker, more frantic as you reach for his free hand and suck and bite his fingertips - always needing something in your mouth. He knows you’re close. Joel focuses on bringing you to the edge and sending you over, unwaveringly fucking you with his fingers and his tongue as your thighs are trembling and twitching, then squeezing the sides of his head as you come hard for him. “Joel,” you cry loudly. 
“Yeah, s’it. Give it to me, kiddo. That’s it,” he praises, “Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl.” 
Joel works you through your orgasm until the feeling subsides, and then pulls away from you. As you steady your breathing, you close your legs gingerly, hips sore from the position Joel held you in. Joel holds your knee, preventing you from moving any further. “Where do you think you’re goin’?”
“You made it even,” you breathe, reaching for his hand and placing yours on top.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. We ain’t square yet,” Joel spreads your legs again, then reaches for his cock. It’s rock-hard, the tip is blushed and swollen as he pumps it with his fist. “You gotta come on my tongue a couple more times than that before we’re even. And-” he grunts, adjusting his position before lowering himself over your body. He wraps your legs around his waist and notches his tip inside of you, “M’only a man. I’m gettin’ mine tonight too.” 
With that, he begins to push himself inside you. That slow, deep slide inside your cunt has him groaning in pleasure, Christ, you’re fucking tight. And so warm, soft, and wet. You squeal a bit as you adjust to the feeling of his cock inside of you, his cock splitting you open. “Shhh…” Joel quiets your moans. “Give it a minute, kiddo, you’ll get used to it.” 
You watch Joel as he slowly pulls out of you about halfway, then inches his way back inside you incrementally, little by little until your face relaxes and you let out that first sigh of pleasure. “Oh, there it is,” Joel coos. “Right there, huh?”
You nod, then wrap your arms around Joel's broad shoulders as he sets a steady pace. It’s slow, but not quite gentle at first, before it builds to something faster and harder. He rolls his hips at the perfect angle to have you squirming and writhing in pleasure, the head of his cock kissing that sweet spot inside of you over and over. You bury your face into him, biting softly where his neck and shoulders meet. His skin is so soft, slightly salty under your tongue. 
“Fuck, good girl,” he praises, kissing the side of your head where your hair is slightly damp with sweat. With each of his thrusts, you feel every inch of him. The scruff on his face brushing against you, his weight on your body, his skin on your skin, his pubic bone grinding against you. He fucks you passionately, sometimes quickening his thrusting, sometimes slowing it down, fucking you with longer, slower strokes. You bask in the sensation, entirely consumed in it all, in Joel. “You’re doin’ so good.” 
You rock your hips to match each one of his thrusts, needing more friction against your clit. “M-more, Joel,” you beg. “I wanna come. Please, Joel, make me come again.” 
Still fucking you, Joel spits onto his fingertips and wriggles his hand between your body. He searches for your swollen, sensitive bud and then paints steady circles into it, using the motion of his thrusting to help bring you to the edge once more. “Right there,” you tell him. “Don’t stop, please.” 
“I know, I gotcha,” he says. “Go ‘head and come for me, baby. Come all over my cock.”
You’re right there, right fucking there as he rounds your clit again and again with his fingers. Your reaction is more intense than before; your moans are louder now, pleading, more urgent. Your brows are knit together, mouth wide open when you go quiet - you’re gonna come, and it’s gonna be long and fiery and intense. 
Pure, unadulterated pleasure is all you feel when you finally reach your climax, moans and whimpers falling from your lips like honey until you’re crying Joel’s name, begging him as he fucks you through it. Begging for what, you don’t know. “Joel, Joel, Joel.” 
Your orgasm propels Joel’s own, and he’s growling into your ear as he spills into you, milking himself entirely. His come feels so warm inside you, so satisfying. “Oh, fuck me. Jesus, hon,” he groans. “Ohhh, god.” 
His thrusts slow, slow, then stop. He whimpers a little when he pulls out of you, then sits back on the couch. His head resting against the back of it, he turns to you. His eyes travel down your body, where some of his spend drips from your pussy. He pushes it back inside you, finger buried all the way to the knuckle, then pulls you into his side. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” he says, his voice low and gravelly. 
You look up at him, “Why?” 
Joel smirks. “ Could use a cigarette,” he answers. “Hits the spot right after sex.”
“Fuck off,” you giggle. “You said we’re done.” 
“We are done,” he affirms. “But our deal’s still in place. Which means…” Joel gently pushes you onto your stomach, then pulls you up by your hips. “We’re goin’ for another round.” 
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If you enjoyed, please reblog/send an ask with some nice comments! Your words keep me motivated to write.
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kumkissed ¡ 1 year
Your writing>>> I love the way you write slightly subby aot men, can I pretty please get some for Ony and Connie?
Tysm baby! Ask n u shall receive, I'm writing this before I sleep so it won't be the best sorry! 🫂
Adventures w Ony n Connie!
c/w: creampie, slight sub ony, slight sub connie, slight dom reader, ain't proof read, made w my love n affection,, consumption of aphrodisiac, PRAISE HEAVY
Ony's been beating your shit in from behind the past 20 minutes, your face being flush to the sheets muffles the moans you're letting out. "Ma, lemme hear you please" you roll your eyes biting your lip to further silence your moans making him frown and whine. He reaches down pulling you to his chest, hoping it gives him more access to hear how's pleasuring you.
In return he only receives light grunts and slight moans here and there “Fuck…you feel so good.” He moans in your ear, your pussy tightening at the sound making you no longer able to keep your moans to yourself. “You’re making me f-feel so good pa keep going.” Ony bites his lip at your praise, eyes almost rolling back at the sound of your voice “Only I can do this ma, O-only me.”
He hugs you even closer, going deeper than before and it has you seeing straight stars. He’s leaving you a babbling mess, and he can’t help but grunt and moan at the sounds you’re making. “You’re soooo good for me Ony” you practically scream out (neighbors will b at ur door in the AM), it’s then Ony stills letting out a feral growl as he cums deep inside you. He continues to thrust until he’s too overstimulated, opting to stay deep inside.
"Ima be good just for you Ma I swear."
You can recall how many times you and Connie have came now, after eating that aphrodisiac chocolate your homegirl gave you, you just wanna eat Connie (and his cum)all up. And that's exactly what you do. Riding him like never before, both you and him are overstimulated but you can't get enough. "That's e-ennghough mamita m'k?" He practically begs you, tattooed hands attempting to move you off of him get slapped away. You tilt your head with a frown sticking your bottom lip out "But Con... you said you would fill me until m' satisfied!"
He's nothing but flustered at your reaction. Even when he tries to stop himself he finds himself thrusting up into you, knocking the air out of you and filling you up with his warm speed once more. "I'll give you whatever, j-just take it all." Brown eyes interlock with silver ones before you lean down, sucking a mark onto his neck causing his eyes to roll back; indirectly causing a particularly harsh thrust.
You moan in sync with your lover, feeling your walls get painted once more has you in a frenzy "fuucckk con you're the best" you moan into his neck as you cum on his dick. In a daze, you've stopped riding him but he hasn't stopped thrusting. Slowly, you push yourself off of him; seeing those silver eyes look like they're begging for your appreciation, your admiration. But he's so deep it's leaving you breathless, your only option being to rub your body against his own. Your boyfriend is a sucker for physical attention, the action has him thrusting even faster, cumming in you again. By the look on his face y'all gone be here a minute.
"Am I satisfying you mamita?"
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nahoney22 ¡ 11 months
How about how the bad batch boys (female reader) react to you giving them unexpected HUG? 🫂 because we all need a hug in our lives 😊 as fluffy as you can make it please! Congratulations on 4000 followers 😊
Unexpected First Hug
The Bad Batch X F!Reader
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warnings: Mostly fluff, maybe a mention or two of reader feeling down/homesick. First hug with the Bad Batch. Some mutual pining if you squint. Female reader but can probably be read as GN too. Crosshair reunited with brothers. Not proofread.
authors note: thank you for the request! Enjoy some hugs 🫂
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Echo 🤍
You missed him.
Actually, you found yourself missing him. deeply. But Echo's decision to go with Rex and Senator Chuchi had filled you with pride. However, as days turned into weeks, the void left by his absence grew more noticeable.
When you said your goodbyes, something felt incomplete. Perhaps words left unsaid or a simple handshake would have sufficed. But in the solitude of your bunk, thoughts of him kept creeping into your mind, and you couldn't help but picture him right beside you.
Then came the day when Echo surprised everyone by announcing his return to Pabu. Excitement surged through your stomach, eager to hear his tales and, most of all, to just be close to him again.
What neither of you expected, judging by the surprise on Echo's face, was when, as soon as he hopped off the gangplank, you raced over, outpacing even Omega and Hunter, and embraced him.
Your arms encircled his shoulders, your chest flushed against his, and Echo stammered your name in astonishment at the unexpected impact.
“H-Hello,” he appeared flustered by the emotion, and yet, the hug, something you'd never shared before, just felt so right.
“Hi, sorry I just,” you pulled away yet your arms lingered around his shoulders, “really missed you.”
You see his eyes widen ever so slightly and a shy smile etched on his face. “Oh, well, I missed you too.” He says softly, hands ever so gently placing onto your hips. “A lot.”
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Hunter 🤍
“Hey, come with me.”
Hunter's voice pulled you from your thoughts as you observed Omega playing outside. You turned to face him on the gangplank, watching as he disappears inside.
You followed him back into the ship, a curious brow raised, inquiring about his intentions.
As you walked, you asked, "What do you want?" But Hunter remained tight-lipped until he stopped and faced you, arms folded. "What do you think?"
You stood before him, perplexed. "What do I think about what?"
"Your new helmet," he replied with a mischievous smirk, moving aside to reveal - of course - a brand new helmet.
For weeks, you'd been pestering Hunter for some equipment, just to enhance your safety and readiness on missions. His responses had usually been along the lines of 'maybe one day' or 'not right now,' which was understandable, given the constant struggle for credits.
Your excitement couldn't be contained as you exclaimed, "No way!" You eagerly picked up the helmet, admiring its design and paint job.
Hunter asked, "So, will that do?"
Instead of a simple "yes," you showed your gratitude by wrapping your arms around Hunter's waist, drawing him into an embrace.
Hunter felt his skin warm at the unexpected contact, and he awkwardly patted your back, his mind racing with thoughts of doing more, but uncertainty held him back. "I'll take that as a yes then," he chuckled softly, instantly missing the warmth of your touch as you pulled away.
In his own thoughts, he berated himself, thinking, "Idiot!" for not giving you a proper hug in return but seeing you ecstatic with your new gear was enough to satisfy him.
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Wrecker 🤍
"Hey, are you comin'—what's wrong?"
Wrecker's voice broke through your thoughts at a vulnerable moment. You were overwhelmed with homesickness, and as you sought solace, Wrecker happened to discover you wiping away tears from your cheeks.
You put on a brave face, replying with a soft laugh, "Oh, nothing, don't worry. Just homesick." You felt grateful as he quietly took a seat beside you.
"Yeah, bet it's not easy being away from home when you're with us lot!" Wrecker said with a sheepish grin, but your smile didn't quite reach your eyes. Sensing your distress, Wrecker gently wrapped his arms around your shoulders, and despite your efforts to contain your emotions, tears began to flow.
Your lips quivered, and tears streamed down your cheeks. You turned into Wrecker, wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled yourself close to him.
The contact initially stunned him, and he wore a shocked expression, but as he felt your tears on his neck and saw you burying your face, he sighed softly and embraced you just as wholeheartedly. His large hands gently rubbed your back, offering you the comfort you desperately needed.
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Tech 🤍
"I believe I have something of yours," Tech announced as he walked into the cockpit, instantly piquing your curiosity. You couldn't quite recall giving him anything of yours, so you shot him a confused look. In response, he raised your datapad and playfully wiggled it in the air. "You should be careful where you leave things, especially during missions."
Your stomach plummeted, and your jaw dropped. You felt foolish for being so careless. Hunter had always stressed the importance of keeping your gear with you. The potential consequences of someone finding your device and tracking the others' locations weighed heavily on your mind. In a hushed tone, you asked, "Does Hunter know?" To your relief, Tech shook his head.
"I thought I'd do you the decency of giving you a warning. If it were Hunter who had discovered your oversight, the consequences would have been far more severe." Tech's reminder left you both relieved and also sincerely grateful for his discretion.
You stood up quickly, taking the device from Tech's grasp, and expressed your gratitude, saying, "Honestly, Tech, thank you. You didn't have to do that."
Tech remained nonchalant, replying, "I'm aware." But then, you took a step towards him. He watched you curiously, not used to being so close to you and especially as you gently wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled yourself into a hug, chin resting just in his shoulder.
He nearly dropped his own datapad at the unexpected physical contact, feeling his heart thump in his chest at the unfamiliar sensation. Tech had never been hugged before, and having someone he was growing fond of embrace him was certainly intriguing.
"Thanks again," you whisper softly in his ear before pulling away, leaving him in a state of surprise and curiosity.
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Crosshair 🤍
You had been sitting there for a while, twiddling your thumbs and contemplating how to express your immense appreciation for Crosshair after the day's mission. He had saved you from a dangerous situation, and thanks to him, you were still alive and kicking. However, Crosshair was known for his intense and stoic demeanor, and you hadn't seen much gratitude directed his way since reuniting with his brothers and Omega. But, you wanted to change that. It was about time.
As you watched him at his makeshift shooting range, knocking down old canisters and bottles, you slowly made your way beside him.
"Don't say anything," he stated without even looking at you as you approached, causing you to pause with your words caught in your throat. You had anticipated this reaction from him, but you still felt the need to express your feelings.
"Don't," he interrupted, lowering his rifle and glancing over his shoulder at you, his steely eyes piercing through you. "It was... nothing," he grumbled before turning his gaze away.
To him, maybe.
Disheartened, you turned to walk away, but an impulse tugged at you. You turned back to him and boldly wrapped your arms around him, pressing your cheek against his back.
Crosshair took a deep breath and stumbled slightly in his spot. But he didn't push you away. In fact, for a brief moment, he lowered his head and allowed the embrace. He hadn't felt this level of comfort in a long time. His rifle fell to the ground, and for a moment, he considered resting his hand on your arms, to touch you in return, but he resisted, not wanting to reveal his vulnerability at that moment.
"Alright, get off," he finally said after just a few seconds.
As you let go, he looked back at you however and there was just a faint hint of a smile. "You're welcome."
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Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @imalovernotahater @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @photogirl894 @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness 🧡🧡
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marshallsgirl ¡ 7 months
Marshall revealing his new song to Y/N
Pairing: Eminem x FemÂĄReader
Recommended song: Remind Me - Eminem, In Too Deep - Eminem
Author's note: Hey, guys! I was so bored and I wrote this. I may delete it later or idk. Hope you all enjoy it. I love you guys so much! Sending all of you a warm hug🫂🤍
"I have a surprise for you" Marshall said to me as he enter the living room. Inmediatly I turn off the tv and give all my attention to him. "Guess what" he said.
"The song is complete!"
"Whoa baby!"
Here's the thing. He told me he was writting a song about us, but that's it. He didn't talk about ever again. Even if I asked him about it he had changed the topic. So, I was very nervous about it. Because this has happened before. It was with the Revival album. That one song called Remind Me. That one was for me. I still remember when he show me that song.
" did you...That's my fav rock&roll song!" I said when I heared the beat.
"Yeah, that's the song you kept singin' and singin' while you're cooking" he said wanted to laugh at me.
I loved that song. Perfect combination but it was crazy. I mean...he did that for me? He united rock&roll and rap that was so crazy.
"Damn, that's crazy babe" I said.
"See y/n, u make me do things I normally wouldn't do"
"Awww, I love it and I love you baby!"
So, this time I was really nervous because I've been singin' a lot and very different genres. And Marshall...Well, he is so crazy. I didn't know what to expect.
"Are we going to the studio?" I asked him ready to go change if needed.
"No, let's just get in the car". So, we got inside his car. "Are u okay?" suddenly he asked me.
"Yeah, I'm good! I need to hear your song!"
I got too excited and I get very excited when I'm nervous I don't know why, but It's like I got a lot of energy all of the sudden. Anyways, so he says:
"Okay, okay but you need to know that I just got the final mix and I haven't heard it. I mean I know the entire song but I didn't hear the final mix yet" he explained.
"Wait, let me just make myself comfortable" I said while adjustin' my seat a little bit.
At this point he doesn't even hide that he's laughing at me.
"Yeah, ready"
"Wait, look at me" he ordered and I obey. "I love you"
"Okay, now play the song!"
"Yo, say it back!" he replied.
"I love you, babe!"
And so the music started and he is lip singin': "This could never work, " is what we said at first. But whatever this is, it's working. But we're in two different worlds and (yeah) I'm not your husband (nah), you ain't my girlfriend. All I know is that (what?) When I'm with you, I'm a different person, yeah. And I ain't never met a chick as perfect. Girl, you're a ten, so here I am (yeah)
I literely screamed and Marshall had to stop the music.
"No, keep it goin'!" I argue.
He laughed and let the music continue: ...Can't tell if I'm cheating on her with you or cheating on you with her. But really, nobody's at fault, can't help who you love. Hope they don't ever hear us talk
'Cause we both are getting sloppy. Probably subconsciously part of me's hoping we get caught 'cause I'm not happy here (nah)
With her. Rather have you (yeah) Rather have me too. 'Cause you're not happy there (you're not happy there) With him. Rather have me (I know, but) We just in too deep (I'm in way too deep)
Marshall started singin' it out loud and I was vibin' with it the whole time. It was a good damn song. Honestly, I loved it. It truly was about us, about the start of our relationship, but there were a few things that weren't true like me havin' a wedding ring. It should say: I got a wedding ring. So it's her instead of you.
"That's it. What do u think?" he said not being able to stop smilin'
"Please, play the song one more time"
And he started to laugh again.
"Are for real? Did you loved it?" he was surprised.
"Yes, I love it!"
"Y/n..." he laughs again.
"Marshall! You're being so freakin' annoying. Play the song one more time!"
"Yo, you are just sayin that. You didn't loved it!"
"What? I do love it! Marshall!"
"Okay, okay"
He played the song again.
"I'm gonna cry" I said.
"Yo, you're hillarious!"
"That song is good as hell!"
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nickssidewitch ¡ 2 months
🌬️*~Meet The Sturniolo Triplets’s Spirit Guides~*✨
Here is the long-awaited post where I introduce the fandom to the spirit guides of the triplets!! These guides protect them in their individual paths, sometimes intervening as a collective. I will not be sharing some of them because some are personal family members of this lifetime that have passed on, and some just don’t want to or like to be known! It’s per their requests! But, they’re not any less significant in their triplet’s life paths!
🪁 Nick’s Spirit Guides:
The Tall Androgynous Figure: If you’ve seen the movie Soul, this spirit kinda remind me of the first Jerry. They’re the leader of the group, and surprisingly either soft-spoken or just does not speak all of the time. They communicate to me the most using gestures. They act as a humbling tool for Nick, and allow him to stay grounded. There are some things they like to keep censored from the physical world about Nick, so they’re there to help keep Nick’s secrets safe and secure. They usually give me the big 🤫 whenever I channel sometimes 😭🤍 which is fair!
The Little Girl: Oh my gosh, you guys don’t understand how absolutely adorable this one is! Ugh, she’s just a doll! She’s so shy, but whenever she does speak, it’s something so emotionally profound. She communicates to me by tugging on my shirt (not my actual shirt, it’s a mental one 😭) for my attention, or she’ll draw something for someone if she likes them! She is there to help Nick heal his inner child because he still needs that reminder time and time again. He’s been through some shit, not necessarily in the physical world, but more-so mentally and spiritually, and the little girl is there to remind him to go through a safe and healthy healing process.
The Short and Loud One: He is so loud and forthright with his opinions (which is where I can see Nick gets that from 😭). He’s not a leader at all, but the way this one can SCREAM, you would think he is one. He’s kind of like Anger from Inside Out, or Terry from the Pixar movie Soul. He helps Nick to stay opinionated and open about his thoughts because I feel like Nick was scared to be open as a child. He came around Nick’s younger years to give him that strength to be loud and forthright.
The Literal Legend (reference to an Ayesha Erotica song; she’s the one who wanted me to call her that 😭🤍): She is exactly what she says she is. She always has a lipgloss or lipstick in her hand and gorgeous lips, and walks around like the world is hers (and Nick’s). She gives Nick his confidence and unapologetic bad bitch energy! She’s the one who sits down with him to watch Rupaul’s Drag Race when he has no one else to watch it with, just do he doesn’t feel alone and so he can feel the same energy those queens give 😭😭🤍
🐬 Matt’s Spirit Guides:
The Old British Man: I would say he’s one of the leaders in his group of spirit guides. He’s snarky, blunt, and can be a bit mean, but he means well in Matt’s case. He knows what Matt wants and how Matt can get there. But, sometimes he doesn’t intervene because he wants Matt to make mistakes in order to grow. He’s more of a disciplinarian type of man, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Matt. No, this man adores Matthew, and will do anything in his power to ensure that Matt takes the proper steps to enlightenment and evolution.
The Warm, Humble Lady: She’s such a kind, warm, and beautiful lady. I see her with long blonde hair and arms always extended for a hug. 🫂 I see her adorned with beautiful flowers and there are some dogs and cats surrounding her space. She gives me woodland fairy vibes! 🧚🏾‍♀️ She has some ability to humble Matt and remind him of his roots. She acts as sort of a personification of nostalgia and everything about home. He’s probably seen her in his dreams and visions, but doesn’t really remember her. She’s telling me that’s intentional 😭🤍
The Military Man: He comes and goes, but he might be a relative of his from a long time ago or from a past life. He loves Matt’s energy and has stuck by his side since he was around 8 or 10. He’s Matt’s protector in a way, and he’s able to bring Matt a sort of strength that he might need to get through certain situations. I feel like around those ages I mentioned, that’s when Matt needed strength because he was experiencing something terrible, and that’s when Mr. Military Man stepped in. He’s not authoritarian at all like the Old British Man; he’s actually quite chill and always has a smile on his face unless he’s concerned about Matt’s wellbeing. (The Military Man is so handsome with a great smile btw— oop I didn’t say that 🧍🏾‍♀️)
The Older Grandmother: She is a grandmother maternal figure for him who is also a sense of nostalgia and peace for him. She makes him feel warm and comfortable, like a warm quilted blanket by a fireplace. She just exudes grandmother energy, and I have a feeling she knew him in a past life as well.
🐯 Chris’s Spirit Guides:
The Runaway Slave: This spirit guide was very surprising to me because I’ve never channeled a white man to have a spiritual guide that’s black or was black in a past life? But that’s what she is, and her story is quite a sad yet beautiful one. She was a house slave that ran away from her plantation successfully and lived up until the Jim Crow era and then died when she was caught in one of the Northern U.S. states. She reminds Chris of strength and resilience. She is a figure of responsibility and respect, and Chris needs that a lot of the time to stay humble.
The Circus Entertainer: This spirit guide was either an acrobat or weightlifter back when circuses were all the rage! He makes Chris as happy-go-lucky as he is 😭 He never fails to give Chris a reason to laugh or smile. I think this entertainer has been through a lot and knows what it’s like to be overworked and not be able to smile. That’s why he’s there to help Chris get a break and have a laugh every once in a while. That’s why Chris sometimes laughs or smiles very randomly 😭🤍
The Tallyman Accountant: He’s a doozy 😭 He does not speak at all. He just takes notes of everything and tallies everything that happens. He helps Chris remember things because he knows Chris’s forgetful self needs that sometimes. That’s all I can say about him!
The Bubblegum Girl: She is fierce, bold, and vivacious! Her hair is in pigtails and she loves vibrant colors like electric blues or bubblegum pinks! She seems like such a skater-girl rebellious-type. She’s short and spontaneous and loves to have fun and cause havoc. Maybe that’s where Chris gets it from 😭😭🤍. She’s there to allow him to have fun, and is also sometimes his wingwoman when it comes to his social life. I love her energy so much 😭🩷.
They have other guides as well, but those are the major ones I can channel at the moment!! 🥰🤍🤍✨
You guys can say hi to them if you want! They would love that!! 🥰🤗
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whiskersz ¡ 7 months
heyy! I’d love to request something for Hazbin Hotel if there’s still space in your inbox! I would like a ficlet of Angel Dust x gn! reader in which he comes back to the hotel after an awful day with Val and just breaks down when he sees them. Then reader can take care of him, give him a hug and prepare a warm bath and comfy clothes for him because he must feel uncomfortable wearing his “work clothes” after such a bad day… I just want to hold him and wipe his smudged makeup off and tell him that everything will be okay 🫂🫂
obv feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t inspire you!
Hey there! This is...kinda long, hope that's okay!! (1k words or so) Also had a mildly irritating day today so writing this was therapeutic, even though I started this yesterday. Anyhow, hope you enjoy :3
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Angel x Gn!Reader - Solace
First came the thunder, then the blaring sound of a car door being slammed close. It was a particularly gloomy evening in Hell, heavy drops of rain battered against the walls of the Hazbin Hotel, which seemed uncharacteristically quiet besides the occasional cheery tune sang by Niffty, who was still dealing with cleaning.
Your head shot up at the sound of the tires of the limousine screeching outside, and you quickly threw your phone aside as you guessed you would be dealing with more important matters tonight, seeing as your boyfriend Angel had returned later than usual.
That was never a good sign.
Picking up a random umbrella from the stand placed near the entrance of the Hotel, you swiftly opened the door after pressing the button on the little remote designed to unlock the gate outside.
The air was frigid, yet you still made your way towards Angel, who seemed to be trudging himself more than walking. As you shielded him from the rain, his baggy eyes met yours, and he immediately threw himself in your arms, wetting your clothes with the rain water he was soaked in.
“Shit, they didn’t even give you an umbrella?” you hissed, walking him inside; “What happened today Angel?”
You didn’t think he could’ve furrowed his eyebrows more. Tears prickled his eyes as he answered you;
“Let’s not...talk about it.”
The lack of pet names in his sentence and wiliness in his voice concerned you greatly. Even Husk refrained from offering him a drink, focusing on the glass he was rinsing instead.
Angel didn’t even bother saying hello to the rest of the residents of the Hotel, opting to stay by your side as you led him to his room. Once you finally closed the door and you could have a moment of privacy, he let a sob escape his mouth, and you immediately wrapped your arms around his figure.
Despite being taller than you he still hid his head in the crook of your neck, holding onto you for dear life as you gently drew circles on his back with one hand and massaged his scalp with the other. You could feel that his hair was a mess, wet and tangled, yet you still placed kisses on the top of his head and whispered sweet nothings in the hope that he’d calm down.
He tried letting himself fall onto his bed, but you steadied him;
“Baby,” you murmured, “you’re soaked. How about a bath first, hm?”
His clothes were also not the most appropriate for cuddling and resting, you noticed.
He gave you a weak nod and reluctantly separated his body from yours, letting you hold his hand and walk with him to his private bathroom.
You had done this before; your hand reached for the soft pink chair he had placed behind the door and dragged it near his bathtub, then for the various products Angel usually used when he took a bath or a shower. Shampoo and conditioner for his hair, his comb, body wash, his sponge and finally his fancy bathrobe. You neatly placed everything within arm’s reach and turned on the faucet, turning your gaze back to Angel.
“I think it’s only fair if I take care of you tonight. If you’re okay with it, of course?” you asked him with a soft smile. He returned it.
“Of course. It’s just...”
You didn’t fully get it at first, but then he gestured to his body with one set of his arms, holding himself with the other, and you finally got what he was trying to tell you.
“I told you so many times love. I’m not disgusted by you, I’m disgusted by...what he does to you.” Your mind dared wandering to Valentino, and you asked yourself what he could’ve done to your partner that night. You decided not to dwell on it for the time being.
Angel let out a sigh, starting to undress. You had seen each other’s bodies many times before, but you still turned around out of respect and focused on your nails until he was done and inside the bathtub, which had been filled with warm water in the meantime.
Your gaze fell on a little box placed on the edge of the tub; opening it, you fished out a spider web shaped bath bomb; in the corner of your eye you could see Angel’s expression brightening a little, and a smile naturally grew on your face.
“I think you deserve some fun.” You stated, plopping it into the water, which immediately started fizzing around it.
Angel relaxed, leaning his back against the wall behind him, and slid slightly deeper into the water as you sat down on the chair you had dragged nearby earlier. Silence temporarily filled the bathroom as you both observed the bath bomb shrink, tinting the water a bright pink with sparkles.
Soon afterwards you found yourself going through your usual bad day’s routine with Angel; gently wiping off the smeared makeup on his face, massaging the shampoo on his scalp – you were the only one allowed to touch his hair like this – and talking about your own day to him as he washed his body to distract him from the bad thoughts he got just from the sight of the rope burns on his wrists. You had to bite back a vexed insult directed at Valentino when your eyes fell on those.
You decided to prepare some comfortable clothes for him as he dried his hair; settling on a cute but comfortable pink sweatshirt and shorts of the same color, you neatly folded them on his bed and sat beside them, noticing that someone had dropped your phone off while you were busy bathing with Angel. Most likely Husk, you thought; you mindlessly scrolled on your socials until you heard the bathroom’s door open.
Angel emerged from it, fluffy hair held back from his forehead by a headband and his body kept warm by his bathrobe.
“Oh, you’re done. Here’s your clothes sweetheart,” you handed them to him, and he thanked you with a kiss. Your attention returned on your phone for a short while as he was dressing himself up.
You heard him sigh at some point though; you curiously looked up at him.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, worried.
“Would it be too much sugar...to ask for cuddles tonight?” he asked with an uncharacteristically shy smile.
Throwing your phone aside you shook your head, and opened your arms as an invitation. He swiftly took it and climbed into bed, positioning himself in your lap. Your arms draped across the small of his back and he breathed out contently, nuzzling his head against your shoulder.
You both listened to the rain outside incessantly falling down, and you softly leaned backwards until your back touched the mattress. As Angel’s breaths steadied and he began quietly snoring you looked down at him, your heart filled with warmth.
I’ve got you now, you thought, breathing in his scent; he can’t hurt you as long as you’re with me.
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sage-green-matcha ¡ 1 year
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When physical touch is Ethan’s love language <3
Content includes: fluffffffff!
A/n: i need Ethan 🥹
Ethan's arms lazily wrap around you, pulling you in tightly. His skin was warm against yours, his nose taking in the scent of your shampoo.
“What’s with the sudden affection?”
“Am I not allowed to hug you now?” His chin vibrated above you, sending a small tingle down your spine.
“I didn’t say that” Your voice came out mumbled as he tucked his head into your neck, his lips placing small and gentle kisses on your skin.
“Okay Eth, thanks”
“You’re welcome” You could hear the smile in his tone, his arms still not letting go of you.
He smiled, knowing that you pretended to not like the affection he was giving you.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it Y/n. I wake up and you’re all over me” He teased you while letting go of your waist, and he was right. His arms let go and you felt cold, missing his touch.
“I do not! It’s too hot in the bed. I don’t even snuggle up to the blanket”
He just rolled his eyes, knowing he would wake up with your arms tangled into his, a pretty morning smile on your face.
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emotionoitme ¡ 1 year
i keep thinking about the scene in safe in your skin where he kisses her on the cheek and then on her forehead... would you mind writing aftercare with carmy? im so enamoured with how you write sweet boy carmen :')) im the 🫂 anon btw
i love that scene! 🥺 a softie in denial fr
here’s a much needed fluffy headcannon for you sweet friend <3
i imagine carmen just completely collapsing after sex, burying his head into the reader’s neck, hips slightly stuttering as he tries to remain as close as possible.
his hands smooth up her sides, grasping at the dewy skin, finding the strength to sit up and deeply kiss the tired girl, the intensity and heat of his lips conveying all he feels too tired to say. she moans, tapping his chest as a signal to pull out. he slips out of her, trying to keep from making a mess all over the duvet.
“stay right there,” he softly commands, rubbing her thigh, standing and walking to the bathroom. she watches as he comes back with a damp washcloth, coming in between her legs and beginning to gently clean her off. it’s warm, and she shivers at the sensation, her nerves still tingling from moments previous.
his eyes glance up to her, “this okay, baby?” thumb soothingly rubbing circles into her leg. she nods, closing her eyes, relaxing at his touch. carmy finishes cleaning her, then pulls away, standing to toss the washcloth in the laundry bin. he turns to retrieve them water from the kitchen when he feels a hand softly grab his arm.
“where are you going?” she asks in the sweetest voice he thinks he’s ever heard, drowsy eyes scanning his face.
“you want some water?” he softly returns, bringing a hand to card through her hair, smoothing it down to the side of her neck. she leans into the gentle touches with a mew.
“mhm,” she nods and brings his fingers to her mouth, kissing over the tattooed knuckles. his heart pounds at the simple action. “can i get some clothes?” she asks.
“you already know you can,” tone gentle, finger brushing over her lips. he leans forward to capture them in a quick kiss, then stands again. “i’ll be right back,” he leaves her with and walks to the kitchen.
upon returning, he finds her at his dresser drawer, pulling out an oversized black shirt, one that had a band on it and a small hole in the side. he watches as she slips it over her head, the hem falling around her thighs and concealing her nudity.
“drink,” he asserts, handing the glass to her, hand coming to rest on her hip. she finishes the water and sets it down on the nightstand, unexpectedly jumping up into carmy’s arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. he lets out a surprised laugh, hands coming to her upper thighs to support her. she hugs him close to her, peppering kisses along his cheek.
“can we watch a movie tonight?” her tone sweet, hopeful. his hand moves up, squeezing the upper curve of her thigh. smiling at her small gasp, scanning her face, an overwhelming surge of emotion overwhelming him. he had never been more confident of a person before meeting her.
“i love you,” carmy whispers, watching her expression go softer. the girl leans in and presses her lips against his, arms circling around his neck.
“i love you,” she returns in between kisses, “so much, carm,” grip tightening around him, giving him a few deep kisses before their lips separate.
“let’s go watch a movie,” he says, beginning to walk to living room, holding her closer.
he feels a warmth in his chest, his face, almost as if there were a light shining through his skin.
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kyojurismo ¡ 1 year
I don't know If this counts as an Emergency Request and I know I've already made like two, but can I have an emergeny request?!
I'm just now realizing how freaking messed up I am with comfort and knowing when I need help and Why I want and hate physical contact so much!
I'm terrified when people start yelling and I get really shaking and -twitchy when people start raising their voices becuase I associate loud voices with "physical punishment"
I hate asking for emotinal support becuase I'm afraid of being pushed aside and scolded. I'm now realizing why I want to be hugged with so much force and just scream!
I'm asking for Kyojuro, Tengen and his wives, Akaza and Sanemi in a scenario where fem reader is remebering her home life as a child so she suddenly gets really jumping, twitchy, emotinal, and anxious, but refuses to admit she needs help becuase actaully aknowleging it terrifies her, but then she hears someone loudly yelling and breaks down just wanting to squeeze and scream and becuase her family relationship, she doesn't know how to react when she is just genuinly comforted.
Please, I'm really wanting some comfort right now, even if its just ficton.
▸ ANSWERING. i’m in super delay and i deeply apologise. i’m not sure i actually did justice to this kind of feeling… i hope that’s okay and that it’ll help you a bit <3 i’m sending you a big big hug 🫂
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. kyojuro rengoku x fem!reader, tengen uzui & wives x fem!reader, sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader, akaza x fem!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. this is my first time writing for akaza i’m shaking, tension, crying, childhood trauma, angst but with comfort, not proofread ofc. lemme know if i missed something !!
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kyojuro is checking senjuro's training, giving him advice and such, while you're cleaning the living area. you remember a moment from when you were young, casually: it's your mother scolding you because you're crying, then your father is here too... you sigh heavily and shake your head, as if to get rid of that memory.
you're unconsciously trembling the whole time, but keep on cleaning. every noise starts to get you more and more nervous, until you hear shinjuro calling kyojuro's name from his room, his tone always so rude, that you break down.
you fall on the ground, hiding your teary face and heavily shaking. kyojuro notices and is soon by your side, checking on you. senjuro goes to their father instead, avoiding him getting angry.
"y/n, what's wrong?" he asks you, trying to gently move your hands from your face. "i'll... i can handle this," you quickly reply, pushing him away. kyojuro frowns, not truly understanding the situation. "i just need to finish cleaning," you whisper and try to grab the cloth you were using to clean the table before kyojuro stops you.
"why are you crying?" he tries again, searching for your eyes. "i'm not crying!" you snap at him, not really making him back away. "baby..." it is as if you're crying even more at this point. kyojuro pulls you against his chest, circling you with his arms.
he's warm, his perfume is comforting and familiar, his big hands are caressing your back gently, soothing you. "w-what are you doing?" you ask, trying to move in his embrace. "i'm comforting you. you're not alone, darling," he caresses your wet cheek and smiles down at you. "i'm here for you, when you're feeling good and when you're down, you don't have to push away your feelings, or else it will get worse."
you stare into his glowing eyes, listening in silence. you've never felt like this before. you were used to force yourself to simply push forward when you were feeling down or overwhelmed, your parents never truly comforted you and kyojuro doing it so loving made a new wave of tears streaming down your cheeks.
"it's okay, let it out."
[the memory is pretty much the same for the tengen & sanemi too]
you let a plate fall on the floor, making hinatsuru, who's standing by your side, jump. "wait, don't move..." she says, before kneeling down to gather the broken pieces before throwing them away. "i'm so sorry," you say on the verge of tears.
hina simply shakes her head and smiles at you. "we have plenty of plates, honey," she chuckles, before resuming washing the rest of dirty dishes.
you follow her example and keep drying the now clean dishes. in the back of your head you hear your father shouting at you for breking something and you jump, making another plate fall and break. hinatsuru turns towards you, nothing your distressed expression.
"lord tengen is gonna get mad... i'm so sorry, hinatsuru!" you cry, even though deep inside you know tengen rarely raised his voice at the four of you. "oh baby... don't worry about the plates, no one will scold you for breaking them," she tries to assure you, taking your hand.
makio comes into the kitchen, noticing the broken plate. "what happened?? someone tried to attack you?!" she raises her voice due to preoccupation, checking the whole area to make sure nobody is there to hurt you. "an attack?!" here comes suma. "hey!" tengen enters the kitchen too, to see what's the matter.
"he will get angry, he will scold me again, he will..." you curl up on the floor, cutting your hand with one of the broken pieces but you can't notice it. you're repeating the two phrases over and over, hina and tengen are the first to notice.
"there's nothing, calm down," makio pushes suma away, sighing. "but what if he’s hiding?" she cries, looking around nervously. "don't be dumb, how can he hide when there's five of us here?!"
"shut up!" hinatsuru shouts at the two, making you flinch. tengen moves closer, moving you away from the broken plate and checking your hand. "dumb baby," he whispers while carefully removing the splinter. "don't get mad at me please," you're crying at this point.
"i didn't wanted to break them, i swear!" you scream right into his face while more and more tears stream down your face. "i don't care about a bunch of boring dishes," tengen assures you deathly serious. "get of the kitchen," he orders the others, who quickly obey and say nothing.
tengen notices you're shaking while staring at the ground. "hey, it's okay," tengen cups your cheeks and kisses your forehead, trying to calm you down. "i... i don't know what to do," you whisper, simply staring at his face. "you’re very nervous baby, why don’t you try breathing with me?”
you follow his suggestion and once you’re more calmed tengen hugs you, cuddling with you. he leaves a few kisses on your head while holding you.
“this is… so comforting,” you mutter against his chest, surprising him. “t-that’s the point,” he stutters, noticing how you never actually asked for help and are the one who’s rarely seen seeking this kind of treatment. “you’re okay, darling.”
you’re walking by his side while you two go back to his mansion. he just finished training with iguro and you clearly see he’s a bit tired from the past few days.
when you walk past a little group of slayers, you don’t notice at first but they’re arguing about something. when one of them shouts you jump, bumping into sanemi’s side. “what?” he glances at you and notices something isn’t right. the following screaming and shouting stress you even more, while memories from your childhood take control over your mind.
“what’s wrong?” sanemi asks you, stopping mid track. “n-nothing, i’m alright,” you reply, as if you weren’t clearly shaking and on the verge of tears. “yeah, well that’s bullshit.”
you meet his eyes and flinch back a bit, scared of actually opening up. “i just want to go home…” you try to avoid talking about it and resume walking, moving rapidly. sanemi grunts in response but follows you, staring at you.
once you reach his mansion you’re quick to get the dinner ready, hoping to distract yourself, but you’re failing. sanemi follows your every action and it makes you even more nervous.
if i speak about it, he would push me away and start hating me, stating that i’m weak.
“okay, i’ve had enough of your shit,” he snaps and stops you. he grabs your hands and makes you turn towards him. “you’re all twitchy, you’re holding back tears and you’re clearly distressed. what’s wrong? someone hurt you?” you shake your head, knowing that you would end up crying if you speak. “y/n, i just want to help alright? but i can’t do that if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” sanemi gets more worried as the time pass.
you notice it and you start crying, feeling bad for making him worry so much. “jeez,” sanemi pulls you into an embrace and you hide your face against his chest. “i’m so sorry!” you raise your voice, crying. his hands caress your back slowly, trying to calm you. “it’s okay,” he assures you and rest his chin on your head, keeping you close to his body. “i-i don’t know how i should react, i just don’t know,” you grip his uniform and sniff, shaking a bit. “just let it out, baby.”
sanemi keeps comforting you, making sure you know that he’s here for you and that it’s okay. it’s okay to cry and ask for help.
[i opted for a nightmare in his case, akaza is visiting reader during the night]
you’re turning in your sleep and sometimes little wails leave your lips, you’re sweating. akaza enters into your house and reaches the bedroom. you wake up right before he enters the bedroom and quickly wipe your tears, catching your breath.
dreaming your parents scolding and yelling at you is the last thing you expected. you’re feeling as if your every next move would be the wrong one and someone will appear to scold you, making you feel small and useless.
“you okay?” he kneels beside your futon and notices your status. “mh, i just had a nightmare. it’s okay,” you reply, trying your best to get over it soon. “you wanna cuddle for a while?” akaza asks, a gentle smile appears on his face. “oh, um… why would i?” you genuinely ask, confusing him a bit.
“well… i think humans like being comforted after a bad dream,” he scratches his neck while chuckling lowly. “i-i’ve never done that… i mean, i don’t know how…” you stutter and start crying without noticing. akaza frowns and raises his hand to wipe away your tears. “let’s do that, alright,” he says before laying down beside you. he circles your body with his arms and holds you closer to his chest. “t-thank you..?” you whisper, letting him do whatever he please.
akaza caresses your hips slowly, kissing your cheeks every once in a while. “i love you,” he mutters against your skin. “i’ll always be with you,” he promises. you scoot closer and smile, taking one of his hands into yours.
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. well i hope it wasn’t too bad because it started to suck for me lol lol lol
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like-a-diamondinthesky ¡ 11 months
love songs | skz
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pairing... bf!skz x gn!reader (separately) tags... headcanons, fluff, super soft, song recs!, incredibly self-indulgent 😊
stray kids members as my favorite filipino love songs
wc... 1.3k words a/n... hi sorry i'm super obsessed with romantic filipino songs and i wanted to share them with you!!! i translated the titles but i heavily recommend looking at the translated lyrics if you plan on listening to the songs bcs theyre so good i melt every time i swear! i hope you're able to enjoy and share my appreciation for my native language 🫂🫂🫂 (let me know if you're interested in a f2l version cos i've got some ideas brewing haha)
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ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° CHAN → when i met you - apo
this song is from the 80s and it’s a classic! the whole song is in english and it’s about how one’s lover opened their eyes to a beautiful romance
i once saw a tiktok saying chan is so “first love trope” coded and i AGREE. he gives first and forever vibes. your love is just so pure and overflowing with meaning yk?
i feel like he’s so used to taking care of others and when he meets you the tables are turned cos all of a sudden you’re the one smothering him with love and care and he’s like 😮
you redefined what love means for chan and that’s what made him fall so deeply in love with you
he has a newfound appreciation for life and he’s always looking forward to tomorrow because another day alive is another day with you. also, each day he finds himself loving you even more than the day before
♡ you gave me a reason for my being and i love what i’m feeling
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° MINHO → tahanan - adie
tahanan is tagalog for the word home, and this song fits minho because you are his home
this song is about one’s lover being the brightest aspect of their life and i definitely believe that’s how minho would feel about you
everyday he looks forward to going home, not to the literal physical structure, but to you. he feels safe and so so so loved when you’re right by his side
minho is a big softie on the inside, and he shows it to the public sometimes, but it’s 100% out on display when he’s with you. like he’s so smiley and giggly and lovey-dovey when it’s just the two of you it’s insane
he’s actually sooooo clingy like he’s attached to your hip pls. he’s constantly pulling you into hugs honestly. and he loves them so much it makes his heart feel so fuzzy and warm
labis ang ngiti kapag ika’y ka-harap ♡ i smile the most when you’re in front of me
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° CHANGBIN → paraluman - adie
the word paraluman refers to someone with indescribable, god-like beauty
this song is about love at first sight and being completely engulfed in one's beauty
and you can see that from changbin through how he looks at you with literal heart-eyes 😍 no matter what you’re doing. you could quite literally be doing your skincare and in the reflection of the mirror you see him smiling at you with admiration painted all over his face.
changbin holds you above everything and everyone. you are the sole reason for his existence like every fiber of his being belongs to you.
he literally praises the ground you walk on. he’s so drunk on your love like he will do anything and everything for you. you are his muse, his inspiration, his god.
namumukadkad ang aking ligaya sa tuwing ika’y papalapit na ♡ my happiness blooms whenever you’re near me
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° HYUNJIN → mabagal - daniel padilla, moira dela torre
mabagal means slowly, and this song is purely about one wanting to slow dance and cherish every moment with their lover
hyunjin wants to cherish every single millisecond with you. and dancing happens to be one of his favorite ways to do so.
he will randomly pull you from wherever you're sitting and lead you in a slow, loving, passionate dance
he's such a hopeless romantic, he's a goner. he falls in love with you all over again whenever you have your hands on his neck and his hands on your waist. you’re just gazing into each other’s eyes and talking in hushed tones.
your conversations while dancing hold so much meaning for the both of you. you could talk about something lighthearted or deep, either way it always ends with you expressing your deep love for each other once again
hawak kamay, pikit mata, sumasabay sa musika ♡ holding hands, closed eyes, in sync with the music
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° JISUNG → uhaw - dilaw
directly translated, uhaw means thirsty
and lord this boy is THIRSTY for your attention (but it in the best way possible!) he hopes that you think about him as much as he thinks about you
this song is about being head over heels in love, and that's how jisung feels about you. the way you talk, the way you smile, the way you show kiss him. he’s obsessed with every single part
he wants to know everything about you, he wants to be around you 24/7, he wants to be the one you rely on. honestly, he just wants you
the chorus is like i’m so in love with you but i don’t really understand why. that’s jisung. he isn't exactly sure why his heart yearns for you to the point it sometimes hurts, but he doesn't care as long he gets to spend his whole life with you
bakit uhaw sa’yong sayaw, bakit ikaw? ♡ why do i thirst for your dance, why for you?
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° FELIX → unang sayaw - nobita
in english, unang sayaw means first dance and this song is about the happy memories of falling in love
felix gets so giddy from everything you do and this song captures that perfectly. his heart does cartwheels every time you look at him and he smiles so wide when you’re with him that his cheeks ache
sometimes the feeling of love overwhelms him so much he just needs to let out a little scream HAHAHA like he needs to let everyone that he’s yours and you’re his 💞
usually, he would tell you that the sun reminds him of you. but one time, he told you that you shine so brightly that it surpasses any star in the whole multiverse and he melts every time he’s with you
he doesn’t mention it, but every time he recalls the journey you’ve gone on together, it ensures him more and more that he wants to marry you one day.
sa ilalim ng kalawakan, pangalan mong isisigaw ♡ under the galaxy sky, i will scream your name
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° SEUNGMIN → mundo - iv of spades
the song mundo emphasizes the importance of pure, committed love. mundo means world and it has two uses in this song
for one, it’s used in a way to call one’s lover their whole world. i fully believe that that’s how seungmin sees you. you are his whole world, his everything
and for two, it expresses forgetting everything else except each other; forgetting the whole world around you because what matters is the love that you share
seungmin wants to be your shield. he will protect you and listen to all the problems you have, making sure that you know that he’s by your side every step of the way. you'll never be alone as long as he's alive
he’s not very big on words so he shows his love through actions, and i think that’s very fitting to the meaning of this song
limutin na ang mundo nang magkasama tayo ♡ forget the whole world when it’s just the two of us
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° JEONGIN → come inside of my heart - iv of spades
idk if many people know, but this song is in fact by a filipino band! come inside of my heart is about reassuring one’s lover that they are the love of their life, even if they don’t always express or show it very well
jeongin is big on quality time and subtle acts of love and he doesn’t really use his words to tell you how much he loves you. because of this, he sometimes worries that you think he doesn’t love you when that’s not at all true
instead of “i love you,” he prefers to send you playlists of songs that remind him of you. or maybe he’ll leave some of his hoodies at your place so that you can wear them without asking him.
there are times when jeongin wishes you could see inside his mind and his heart so that you would understand how much he loves you (a LOT)
you’re constantly plaguing his thoughts and his heart. he genuinely believes that his life revolves around you because you’re just that significant to him
♡ come save me ‘cause you’re the only one for me
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
taglist: @jinnixxn @elllisaaa @captainchrisstan @laylasbunbunny
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! Š like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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bubacorn ¡ 7 months
hc: Vessel is bad at receiving compliments and being told that he is loved (hug inspired by this one, @ghxstly-death put it into words perfectly. thank you, Eden!🫂)
Thinking about Vessel who can't accept compliments, not because he doesn't believe them (that too), but because he'd heard them so many times in the past related to small, unimpressive things. Not 'I'm proud of you', just 'You did good', an automatic response to any and all achievements. He did good. He didn't know what 'good' meant, but apparently, he did that. He has no idea what was good about what he did, so he continues to push himself, to not be a disappointment. If he does good, then that should be enough, right?
He tries for great, for excellent, for something more, but he always gets 'good', unrelated to the effort and time he put into something. He knows he shouldn't wish for more specific compliments, or anything else, really. He should be grateful to be regarded. Everyone around him is so busy, they can't possibly have time to listen to him talk about how in reality, he has no idea what he's doing. How things sometimes just click but he can't tell if what he did is actually worth anything or it was just pure luck. How he doubts himself at every step but learned to hide it, because he has to be good. And good means coping and dealing with things by himself and quietly, because then he will be told that he did good and who wouldn't want to be good?
Vessel who hears 'I love you' for the first time (said with actual love behind it for the very first time) in a really long time from II. He wouldn't tell the other that, but it's clear from the surprise and the hopeful longing in Vessel's eyes. His friend told him he loves him and he doesn't know what to do with that, so he hesitantly steps to him and begins to lift his arms in question. II's heart squeezes at his shyness, after all, the other has spent months alone in the manor, so it's understandable that he would have grown unaccustomed to touch. But then II has to pull Vessel against him, because the man sort of hovers his arms around his frame as if he doesn't know how to approach a hug. Like he isn't sure what is expected of him and what is too much.
Vessel is surprised when II squeezes around his torso, when he brings one arm around his shoulder and the other to his neck, trying to bring Vessel down towards him, like he wants to protect and shelter him. That's strange, but Vessel finds that his arms want to stay wrapped loosely around II a bit longer and just as he starts to pull away, II again says "I love you, Vessel", and Vessel's brain freezes. II squeezes him tighter and Vessel feels so warm and strangely loose (he's afraid he will unravel if he stays too close for too long) and small even though he towers over his friend. His friend who is now holding him and who apparently loves him.
The only thing in his mind stumbles from his tongue in the form of a quiet "Why?". He didn't do anything exceptional. He was showing II an arrangement and said he wasn't sure if it was any good, letting his fingers dance over the keys, feeling like he was stumbling through music. He felt like it captured that familiar insecurity, and he liked it and hoped II would like it, too. Even if it didn't make it into a song. Then II said he did like it, that it feels like Vessel is unsure but it gives the melody a unique flavor, and that Vessel was great for translating that feeling into music.
"'Why?' ?" II's answering question is filled with such disbelief that Vessel wants to hide. He said something inappropriate, something secret that had previously only been dwelling in his mind, in a dark corner, and now he feels exposed. Why did he even open his mouth? Not good. Definitely bad.
Vessel is slumping against II a bit, like he doesn't know how to hold himself upright anymore, like he needs support. II must feel it, because he's still holding him, and it's been minutes and Vessel tries to squirm away, to save any dignity he might still possess, and II lets him slip out of the embrace, but his arms linger like he doesn't want to let go of his friend. His friend who just blurted out the worst response to a confession of gentle affection. Vessel looks so worried when he catches II's gaze and he immediately averts his eyes and takes a few small steps back, unconsciously gravitating towards his piano for protection, a sense of safety.
"You're my friend, Vessel," II tries approaching the man with soft words, "You're kind and considerate and a damn good musician," Vessel stops backing away when the back of his legs hit the edge of his piano bench, but he's still looking at the floor, "You pour your heart into writing and playing and it's amazing to see. You're committed, but patient and you help me every time I need. Even when I'm too embarrassed to ask," II tilts his head and steps a bit closer to try and catch Vessel's gaze, "I know you don't see it and I'm sorry that you can't because it's true. I would never lie to you about this, Ves. I love you, you're my best friend," Vessel presses his lips together, so II adds, "Not just because we live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. You're the best friend I've ever had. And I'm glad Sleep led me to you."
Vessel gives him a look that shows he tries really hard to believe him, and adds in such a low voice it's almost a whisper, "I love you, too," as if he's embarrassed to admit it. But it's not embarrassment, II realizes, it's disbelief, it's some sort of deep shame about needing someone else, of relying on anyone else but himself at all times. And it makes sense, considering Vessel's nature, but II could never put it all together, since large chunks of Vessel's past were unfamiliar to him. He could have guessed based on how the man acted, but he didn't want to assume anything. It felt disrespectful. Vessel would share if he wanted.
"And I'm really glad you found me," just a beat of silence, before he adds, in an even quieter tone, if that's possible, "And that you stayed," Vessel risks a bashful glance towards II, and sees him blink rapidly, shocked by the implication of the other's words, before he shakes himself and steps closer to Vessel. He searches his face for apprehension, but doesn't find any, so he gently puts his hands on Vessel's upper arms and sits him down on his bench. Before Vessel can react, II has his arms wrapped around him, one around his shoulder, and the other's hand cupping the back of his head and cradling it to his front.
"You're important to me, Ves. You're special and precious and I love you," II's fingers caress the man's shoulder and card through his hair, "I want you to know that I'm here for you any time, okay?" Vessel is still stunned and he's sure he's going catch on fire if he gets any warmer. II twists a lock of hair around his finger, "Okay?" Words form and die in Vessel's throat so he just nods, rapidly, almost hurriedly, and II lets out a small chuckle. "You're amazing, you know that?" he nuzzles into Vessel's hair for a moment to murmur, "And adorable," II sways with the man in his arms a little and Vessel is sure he will combust. His face is flaming against II's shirt and he tries to suppress the half grimace-half grin on his face and feels unreal. "C'mon. Tea break?" II smiles down at him and offers a hand. Vessel can stand on his own, but doesn't reject the offer. He likes the warmth of II's hand and he can always use the stability and the reminder of the other's presence. II soon replaces his hand with a mug of tea, but it's considerably colder to Vessel. The contrast is especially palpable when II brushes his knuckles against Vessel's as he's handing him his tea. The mug is warm, but II's skin is burning against his. But it's not bad. It's a good burn. It makes Vessel feel alive. Seen. Loved?
Vessel learns that he doesn't have to prove himself to other people to receive love. Love is not something that has to be earned in their home. Love is not a reward, not something that Vessel has to work for, then be disappointed that in the end, it isn't actually given to him. He tried being good in the past, being silent and keeping his head down and being a good kid, but the warmth and the unconditional love didn't come. He still tried, though, he always tried his best, but apparently that wasn't enough. Or there wasn't actually love at the end of that tunnel. It was just a play of light. But that would have been cruel and Vessel would like to think that people in his past weren't intentionally unkind to him (he won't admit the truth to himself for a while).
II often tells Vessel that he's proud of him. For speaking up. For telling him when he's having a bad day. For asking for distance when he needs it and closeness when he feels like he will drift away. For admitting to messing up, when he falls back into bad habits of self-destruction and isolation. For doing a grocery run by himself even though he goes home almost shaking and has to spend the next hours under a blanket on the couch, because it was simply too much. For crying when he talks about memories that he tried his hardest to forget but he just can't. For asking for help and letting II help him, even though it's hard. It's really hard, and Vessel apologizes for it, for being fucked-up and broken and damaged goods. For wasting II's time and being a burden, a needy, greedy thing. Wretched. Minus human.
But II tells him he loves him and that he could never be a burden. That he will always be worth it, he always has been, and that he's sorry that people in Vessel's past couldn't see it. Couldn't see him for all that he is. For the friend who pays attention to little details so he can show his friend how much he values him. For the guy who bakes his friend a complicated cake for his birthday because he off-handedly told him he can't even remember what it tasted like, even though it used to be his favorite. For the amazing composer who can capture emotions one doesn't realize one has. For the hard-working, curious kid who thought that being obedient and not questioning authority was the way to earn praise and affection. For the little boy who thought something was wrong with him, that he did or didn't do something and that is why he couldn't feel loved. For the child who cried and cried, silent and under the cover of the night, hoping that no one would hear (and secretly hoping that somebody would and they would come and save him from the gaping emptiness that made its home in his chest, way too big and scary for a boy that little). For the boy and then the man who couldn't cry anymore but thought that that is more than alright, at least he can finally keep it all inside. For the partner who allowed himself to be vulnerable with someone he trusted. For the partner who made sure his other knew he was always welcome, even though his brain sometimes tried to tell him otherwise. For the partner who grew comfortable with expressing casual affection so much that terms like 'darling' became second nature to him (and for the way he blushed when II told him that). For the man who learned to accept that it's okay to admit to not being okay, to need someone, to want to not feel alone, to feel cherished, to have his feelings validated. For the man who can tell his partner anything and does, because he knows he can speak his mind and that there will be someone who listens.
II wanted to see Vessel. Vessel let him. Even before he showed the uglier and less than perfect parts of himself, II loved him all the same. It was never about being 'good' and silent and compliant. Vessel is good. Vessel is not good. He's amazing. He's perfect. He's wonderful. He's cherished. He's incredible. He's valued. He's seen. He's listened to. He's heard. He's finally, finally loved. Has been for longer than he dared to think. Will soon be by more people than he thought possible.
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merakiui ¡ 8 months
I LOVE YOU CHUBBY AZUL I'll give you all the hugs and kisses you precious thing 🫂
If you ever write a fic for him I'm gonna eat that up like it's the finest meal ever made ><
HE'S SO PRECIOUS!!!! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) chubby zuzu deserves the world!! Body worship with him....... soft, sweet sex with lots of kisses and praise. orz orz WAAAAAA omg and maybe a royalty au. Prince Azul who is self-conscious because of his appearance and no one wants him (they're all missing out anyway!!!). But then he meets you, a prisoner kept in the dungeons, and you see him and are immediately down bad. Azul just thinks you're acting so that you can potentially convince him to pardon your crime and let you go, but that's not the case. You are so whipped for the tako prince hehe. <3 cue you trying and failing to rizz him up while he remains endlessly suspicious, but your attempts are effective because he's slowly starting to warm up to you!!!!
Or!!!! Fwb dynamic. Azul who wants to get laid, but he knows it's impossible for someone like him and you do sex work, so he figures you're the most qualified to be the one who takes his virginity. He's nervous, but you assure him it's okay. You work with all sorts of clients and body type has never mattered to you. You think everyone's beautiful in their own individual ways. Azul thinks you're just saying that to flatter him and refuses to believe it as the truth. What was originally intended to be a one-time thing happens again and again. Azul pays you handsomely for your time and you always bring him to cloud nine. Meeting after meeting, he's starting to fall for you. >w< it's hard to keep it strictly transactional and he's scared that you'll never want to see him again if he confesses or starts acting too romantic. Besides, you're just doing your job. You probably don't even like him outside of these arrangements. Which is so very incorrect. You like Zuzu, but you also don't want to ruin your arrangement with him if he doesn't feel the same.
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abcthv9597 ¡ 1 month
Seeing Yoongi think this way hurts so bad! All these people have caused him enough pain and damage, I can't believe he really had to write such things! You never disappointed us Yoongi nor damaged your memories you made with the boys! Please don't believe all those people! I'm so fucking angry and sad, I can't explain you how much! I want to bang my head against a wall I can't believe they made him apologize again and feel this way...
All these people need to pay! I'm so disgusted by everything!
I can't believe that he really thinks something could change in his relationship with the other boys because we already know they have reassured him and told him nothing bad happened! That they will be as they were before and love him no matter what! But with the bullying all these people still do to him is understandable why he is not believing anyone. Still, this is so hard to watch, I don't know how many times I cried...
We need to show Yoongi that no one saw those pics and videos! Not even an ounce of them appeared on our timelines, we didn't search for them nor opened any articles! I don't know if he really knows this!
I wish all these people that harrassed him, bullying him and continue to do so never know peace, happiness again, to always remind themselves what they did to an innocent person! I know this will turn back to them and I hope it happens soon and it's 100+ times worse than this!
We all have been hurt by what Kmedia did to him and by the suffering and pain we know that he's in with the so many times he apologized but the one who has been hurt the hardest and most of all is only Yoongi! And it's a torture knowing what happened, what keeps happening and how he feels. I really wish I could reassure him myself and give him a warm hug. All this bullying these boys have endured all these years is disgusting and crazy. I can't believe a country is treating its national treasure this way. BTS was, is and will always be good people no matter what anyone says! And they were, are and will always be 7 no matter what anyone says!
Let's hope this is the last time he apologizes and I hope he is seeing all the support all over Twitter, Weverse and the charting of his songs in the charts! I just wish he can get over this as smoothly as he can and to not leave him any pain or doubtness about everything. In June of 2025 I hope he will be the Yoongi we know, always love and support!
Min Yoongi we will always love and support you no matter what! Same for all the boys. I pray that you will be physically and mentally well, not hard on yourself and to know that the boys and us support you and don't blame you🙏🏼🫂💜
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htchnr ¡ 1 year
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⭐️= fluff. 🫂= comfort. ❤️‍🩹= hurt/angst + comfort. 💔= angst + no comfort. 🔥= smut w/o plot. 💋= smut w/ plot. ✉️= request.
percentages are how far i've gotten!
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kindly do not take these ideas! they are WIPs, so i am actively writing them. you can always ask if you could write something with a similar idea, but ask first. and if i say no, then respect that please!
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༺★ anything for you , Aaron comes home late to find you asleep on the couch — you tried to stay up for him, but clearly were too tired. so he sits down beside you, telling you about his day when you wake up. ⭐️ 95%
༺★ i want you to give in , based on a scene where Hotch and Reid meet up to talk with a serial killer (Chester, s3 e14). Chester taunts the three of you, but due to some personal stress between you and Aaron, Hotch isn't having it, ready to jump Chester if the opportunity presents itself. 💋 60%
༺★ warm shoulder , you fall asleep on the jet against Hotch's shoulder. ✉️⭐️ 0%
༺☆ decency , based on s1 e22 where Elle is arrested, except now you were arrested in you underwear and detained. Hotch was on the phone with you while being detained so he rushes over. he's pissed when he finds you handcuffed to a table in your underwear. ⭐️ 0%
༺★ wash away the pain , based on this tiktok, Hotch comes home to find you sitting in the shower, with your clothes on hugging your knees. so he joins you, holding you until you're feeling better. ❤️‍🩹 0%
༺☆ mistakes like this , this was a mistake — is what you should be feeling. but the way he's thrusting into you, the way his hands drag and grip across your body feels too good for it to be a mistake. but you know damn well you'll at least partially regret this in the morning. 💋 0%
༺★ eyes up here , Aaron wearing grey sweatpants and you just can't keep your eyes off of him. ✉️🔥 0%
༺★ such a foul smirk , Aaron blowing his load on your face or chest, all while being the cockiest asshole ever. ✉️🔥 0%
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hoonfication ¡ 10 months
━━━ 「 what if the reader ended up w/ ALBEDO instead? 」
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NOTES this is for the people who wanted albedo as the endgame 😞 I’m so sorry for what I’ve done 🙏 this is my apology pls forgive me 🫂
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky. "[Name]," Albedo uttered softly. You hummed, turning your head to meet his gaze.
"I'll wait," he declared suddenly. Confusion etched across your face, you questioned, "Wait?"
He nodded, "Until you're ready to open your heart again."
"Until you're finally ready to love someone else again," he clarified with a gentle sincerity.
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"I've been thinking," you said. He looked at you, curious. "Hm?"
"I think I'm ready," you muttered. He stared at you in shock. "Really?"
You nodded. "I think I'm finally ready to love again."
He smiled and pulled you in for a hug. "Thank you for giving me a chance."
After pulling away from the hug, he still held you close. Leaning in, your lips were inches away.
"Can I?" he asked.
You nodded.
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# IN WHICH — xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong. seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
# TAGLIST — @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts @yelleloww @chalksdreams @plinkuro @fangygf
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