#he gently set the baby in a trash can in a public park like in 'killing eve' dhsjfjsjfj
shootinwebs · 6 months
( angel texting charlie )
angel: alastor just threw his new phone out the window lmfaooo
charlie: Why??? Again???
angel: i texted him and told him how i accidentally got pregnant when i was 14 and how i flushed it down the toilet lol
charlie: ANGEL??????????
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niksixx · 4 years
~Part 3. I hope you’re loving it.~
Pairing: Axl Rose/Vince Neil x Female Reader 
Warning: Vince hits Reader 
A/N: Please reblog for me :) 
*Picture is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
Tag list: @littlemisscare-all @curly-hudson @julessworldd @madamsixx @headlight-queen @metalheartofgold @ginny-baker-sixx @mickmarstookmyheart @gunsngunners @bex-tothe-rescue
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The ride home to your house is eerily quiet. In the passenger seat, Vince leans his head out the window, slowly breathing in the cool air while a trash bag hangs between his legs.
Eyes focused on the road, your grip on the steering wheel tightens as Vince empties the contents of his stomach into the bag. Knowing that Vince isn’t phased by his antics fuels a fire in your bones.
As you park the car, Vince stumbles out to the curb. You throw open your door, locking the car, before walking past him. He mutters under his breath, most likely a string of curses, steading himself on the metal railing before throwing his body against the door.
On your couch is Mick Mars, book in his lap, glass of water on the side table. He turns his head, blinking twice at Vince who ignores him and heads for the shower, before gazing at you.
You lock the door, throw your purse, and slide down the door, face buried in your hands. You should have waited until you went to your room to let the tears fall, not wanting to drag poor Mick into your relationship drama. The boys had witnessed plenty of the fights between you and Vince, and most of the time they were at a loss for words on how to help. Nothing would be different this time.
Mick lifts you to your feet, arms wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you in. You go slack against him as he runs a hand up your back, dusting a sweet kiss on your head. “I’ll deal with him tonight. You rest, okay?”
You nod as Mick stalks off toward the bathroom, waiting just outside for Vince to finish up. In the fridge is a brand new bottle of Chardonnay, which you pop open, pouring a generous amount into a glass. From the kitchen you spot Nikki and Tommy in the pool, beer in Nikki’s hand, cigarette in Tommy’s mouth. It wasn’t unusual to find the boys in your house while you weren’t home.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you kick off your shoes and slide open the doors to the pool deck. When the boys see you, they stop laughing. Setting your glass off to the side, you roll up your work pants, dipping your legs in the heated pool water.
As you guzzle the sweet wine, Nikki and Tommy exchange looks before swimming over to you. Tommy rests his arms on your legs, Nikki squeezing your arm gently.
“Half the time I’m too embarrassed about our fucked up relationship to say anything,” you mumble, licking the leftover liquid from your lips. “But I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“AA?” Tommy suggests, blowing a smoke ring.
You shake your head. “He won’t go on his own. I can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do.”
Even if he was forced, Vince wouldn’t thrive in rehab. The people in rehab want to get better for their friends, their families, for themselves. Vince? He wants no part of it.
“He thinks he’s invincible, and he’s not,” you whisper solemnly. “Who drinks a whole bottle of Jack and then gets behind the wheel?”
“If it helps, I tried to take it away from him at the studio,” Nikki offers, pointing to a bloody cut on his eyebrow. “I mean it didn’t work and then he punched me, but I tried. Really did.”
“Dude,” Tommy warns, shaking his head. “Not really helping, my man.”
“And then to make matters worse, he sees me with Axl and then--.”
“Wait, Axl?” Nikki asks, eyes widening. “Axl Rose?”
“What were you doing with him?” Tommy questions, frowning.
You’d never told them about your childhood best friend. For one, they wouldn't approve. And God only knows what would happen if they met Axl in the street after finding out you were once close to him.
“Axl and I go way back,” you confess, swirling the wine as the memories resurface. “He was my first best friend. We were friends all through high school too, that is until I left to move here. Since then I hadn’t spoken to him. I actually bumped into him today while I was picking up lunch. First time I’ve seen him in seven years. We went back to the store to eat lunch together and I lost track of time. And then in comes Vince.”
The picture is ingrained in your brain. Vince stumbling in. The anger and rage on his face. The surprising calmness on Axl’s. And even though you couldn’t see your own face, there had to have been a mixture of panic and horror.
“You know this gives Vince even more of a reason to hate him, right?” Nikki asks. “He’s not going to let you near the guy.”
“I don’t care,” you state, standing your ground. “I finally have him back in my life. I won’t let Vince ruin my friendship with Axl.”
“Your what?”
Slightly sober, Vince struts onto the deck in only a pair of silky white shorts. Mick follows sheepishly behind, avoiding your gaze.
“What are you doing awake?” Standing from the pool, you give Vince a hard look. Nikki and Tommy heave themselves up onto the deck, coming to your defense if necessary. “Go to bed, Vince.”
“Since when are you friends with that self righteous prick?” He questions angrily, lips curled in a snarl. “He’s nothing but trouble, Y/N. Stay the fuck away from him.”
“You don’t even know him!” It was just like old times. You coming to Axl’s defense. Only this time, he wasn’t around to witness it.
“People talk, sweetheart. This is Hollywood. You think I don’t know about him? About his fucked up childhood? How his step-dad used to beat the shit out of him? About how he was bullied his entire life? The guy’s got pent up rage brewing, Y/N. He’s a fucking hothead.”
“He’s nothing like you try to convince me he is. I’ve been friends with him since I was ten years old, Vince. I was the fucking person protecting him. We were best friends until I moved to California.”
“Oh so he’s a pussy too,” Vince concludes, arms crossed over his bare chest. “And you’ve been here for seven years, baby girl, and not once did he try to contact you. He’s a dick. Open your eyes.” Vince spits, disgusted that you’re defending him.
“He didn’t know where to find me, you asshole!” Tommy’s hand lightly squeezes your shoulder, but the touch isn’t comforting. Shoving his hand off your body, you step up to your boyfriend, who leans against the side of the deck. “The sad part is, he tried. When Axl moved to LA, he tried to find me. Asked anyone and everyone if they knew who I was or where he could find me. And if it wasn’t for you and your stupid fucking label keeping me hidden from the public eye all these years, I would’ve had my friend back.”
Vince groans dramatically, hanging his head. “Goddamn it, the same fucking conversation. You know why you have to stay under the radar.”
“It doesn’t mean I like it or agree with it, Vince!”
Mick holds out a hand. “Hey, guys, maybe we should take this inside--.”
“God, don’t I mean anything to you?” Your voice cracks. “Don’t I deserve better than this?”
Vince hangs his head, hand on his hip. “I really don’t know what you want me to do.”
Grabbing his chin, you make him look at you. His jaw clenches under your touch. “I want you to fight for me. I want you to say ‘fuck the label’ and treat me how I deserve to be treated as your girlfriend. Take me out in public, show me off, kiss me when the cameras are on us. Goddamn it Vince, I want you to love me. Why can’t you do that?”
Mick stares.
Nikki whistles.
Tommy elbows Nikki.
This isn’t how you imagined your night. The last thing, the very last thing on this Earth you wanted to do right now, was fight. Your bed had been calling your name ever since you set foot in the house. It’s eight-thirty at night and you’re exhausted. You should have just gone to sleep.
Vince had no answer. Shaking your head, an empty laugh falls from your lips. “You know what? I’m done. I’m done doing this with you. I deserve more than an alcoholic boyfriend who can’t stand up to his label, and who treats me like I’m his bitch. I deserve better. Even Axl fucking knows I deserve better, and he hasn’t been in my life for seven years,” you say, stepping back. “Maybe I should date him instead.”
Vince does the unthinkable.
When his hand collides against the side of your face, the wine glass shatters against the wooden deck as you stumble. Nikki catches you as Tommy leaps over your body, towering over Vince to shield you as Mick grabs Vince’s shoulders, watching the scene unfold in horror.
“Are you fucking crazy?” Nikki shouts, pulling you to your feet, pushing you behind him. “Are you kidding me, dude?”
“You think you’re tough hitting a woman? Huh?” Tommy taunts, shoving Vince’s chest. “Huh?! Get your shit together, man!”
Reality hits Vince as Tommy continues to shove him. Choppy breaths leave his lips, eyes wide, jaw dropping. He swallows nervously, glancing at his hand, before his eyes lock back on you. “B-babe?”
There’s no hesitation as you push past the four men, throwing open the deck doors, snatching your purse, and sprinting for the front door. They’re all shouting for you, but Vince’s voice is crystal clear as it stands out.
“Baby, wait! Please!”
He chases you out the door, but you’re already running down the street, legs on fire.
“I’m sorry! Babe! Please, come back!”
You run. You run as fast and as far as your legs can carry you, weaving in and out of people crowding the sidewalk. A few call out to you, asking if you need help, but you keep running until you end up back at your store.
And as soon as you reach the store, it begins to rain.
And then you break.
Tears mixing with the rain, you collapse on the pavement, letting the water soak your body. Your hair is damp, clothing drenched, and you don’t even have any shoes on. You’re a mess, physically and emotionally.
You remember that your car is still parked on the street from having to drive Vince’s back home, and you run to it, settling in your seat as the rain pours down from the heavens. You’re alone, and the sound of your cries is louder than the thunder that accompanies the downpour.
You can’t go home. Not yet. You don’t want to see him, you can’t. Your cheek still burns from the sting of the hit, and if you see your boyfriend again tonight, one of you may end up dead.
The notepad. It’s in your purse.
You fish it out along with your phone, dialing the numbers with your thumb. Holding it to your ear, you choke back a sob as the man on the other end of the line picks up on the second ring.
“Are you home? Can I come over, please? I need you.”
In the corner by the TV, Izzy Stradlin sits on a chair strumming his guitar as Steven Adler lounges on the floor, drumming furiously on the TV stand with two wooden salad spoons. Slash is lying on the couch, hat covering his face, while Duff sits at the tiny kitchen table, enjoying a platter of buffalo wings all to himself.
Their heads turn as Axl walks through the door, more jubilant than he was before he left to grab lunch almost four hours ago. He shrugs off his shoes, fishing around in his back pocket for a pack of cigarettes.
“Where in the hell have you been?” Duff asks as he bites into a wing. Untying the bandana around his head, Axl lets his hair fall, shaking it, and runs a hand through it. “You left at two. It’s almost six-thirty.”
Axl’s smile broadens as he heads for the couch, pushing Slash’s legs to the side. The curly haired guitarist grumbles and flips him off. “I ran into an old friend today.”
“Oh yeah?” Izzy asks, setting his guitar on his lap, full attention on Axl. He’d always been that kind of friend. The one who stopped everything and listened if someone had something to say. “Who?”
Steven and Izzy exchange a look before Steven pipes up, “Wait. The Y/N? From high school? Like, I came to LA specifically to find her and couldn’t after all these years and somehow magically ran into her today, Y/N?”
Axl nods. “I ran into her at the restaurant and I swear my heart stopped.”
“Spoken like a lovesick fool,” Slash groans, flipping Axl off once again when he knocks the hat off his face. “First time you’ve seen her in what? Seven years? What’s up with her?”
Axl grabs a cigarette from the pack, lighting it. “She owns a bakery on the Strip. Cute little shop, not much business though. It’s a shame. She’s damn good at what she does. I tried one of the little chocolate cakes on display? Best damn cake I ever had.”
“I wonder what her cake tastes like,” Steven mutters to himself, snickering at his own joke.
There was a sparkle in your eyes whenever you talked about your bakery. It was your passion. From the decor inside the shop to the variety of desserts, it was clear that you dedicated so much to your little business. If only more people knew about it.
“She look the same?” Izzy asks.
Axl’s mouth twitches. “She’s even more beautiful now than I remember.”
“Oh fucking barf,” Slash teases, sitting up from the couch, brushing hair from his eyes.
“You smashing that?” Steven grins, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Izzy rolls his eyes.
“Do you think of anything else?” Duff questions, shaking his head as he chucks a chicken wing bone at Steven’s head.
“Okay first off, no,” Axl points a finger.
“But you want to smash her?” Steven challenges, pointing a spoon right back at the singer.
Axl glares. “Just say fuck, Steven. Fuck. And second, Y/N isn’t just any girl to me. She never has been.”
“Then quit whining and go after her,” Izzy says, pursing his lips. “You’ve been in love with this girl since you were sixteen you told us.”
“Yeah and there’s one big fucking problem, Iz. She’s dating Vince Neil.”
Slash turns. “The bitchy blonde fuck from Mötley Crüe? Are you kidding me?”
“Their label is keeping their relationship on the downlow. Apparently it’ll fuck with Vince’s image if word of their love life gets out.” Axl sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face.
“How does that make sense?” Duff asks, standing from the table. “Wouldn’t it harm his image if they let him run around like a madman and shag a bunch of women?”
“You’d think,” Axl agrees, holding up his hands. “But apparently, that’s the kind of image they want their frontman to have. All I know is I need to get Y/N out of that relationship, and fast.”
Axl had promised himself he’d never interfere with any of your relationships. Now, he was considering going back on his word. You weren’t happy. He could easily tell by the way your body tensed around Vince, from the sheer terror in your eyes when he was mad or cursed or raised his voice.
“Look man, I know you’re in love with the girl, but is that really your place?” Steven asks, serious for the first time that night. “What if she really loves the dude? Who are you to try and ruin something good for her?”
Axl shakes his head, leaning forward on his knees. “He drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels and drove drunk to Y/N’s store. It might not be my place, but I’ll be damned if I sit around knowing she’s in harm’s way and I don’t do anything about it.”
“Ah, shit, sorry about that fellas,” Duff says, slapping his guitar. “Take it from the top?”
Axl nods, yawning, before checking the time on the clock. Eight-thirty and it feels like two in the morning. To wake himself up, he goes to the fridge for ice water, only to be interrupted by the screeching of his phone.
He picks it up. “Hello?”
“Are you home? Can I come over, please? I need you.”
He knows your voice without even needing a greeting. It’s soft over the phone, and Axl’s gut tells him something isn’t right. “Yeah, of course. Is everything okay? You remember the address?”
“I do. I’ll be over in ten minutes.”
You hang up quickly, startling him, before he hangs up and turns to his bandmates. They look at him curiously. “Y/N’s coming over.”
Your wet feet slide against the metal stairs as you ascend toward the address Axl had given you earlier that day. Looking from door to door, you shuffle down the chilled hallway, warming your arms, until you find yourself out front of apartment 6C. Christ, this place was more like a hotel with all the damn rooms it had.
You knock timidly, but loud enough to be heard.
The door opens. Axl stands in front of you, gray cutoff covering his top, white sweatpants on his legs. He looks warm, comfortable, and you want to hold him. His face falls when he sees your soaking wet figure and bare feet.
“Hey sugar,” he says softly, and it tugs at your heart. “Let’s get you inside.”
And when you step foot inside the apartment, you're greeted by four other men, all staring at you as if they’d never seen a woman before.
The first blonde shakes his head. “Damn, bro. You weren’t kidding. She’s hot.”
You laugh slightly, looking at Axl, moreso to see his reaction. His cheeks are noticeably pinker. “Steven, fuck off. That’s not even what I said and you know it.” He turns back to you shyly. “These are my bandmates. From left to right, meet Steven, Izzy, Duff, and Slash. Guys, meet Y/N.”
The one named Slash steps forward, giving you a nod. “Wanna see my snake?”
Oh, he’s bold. “Um...is that like...code? For your penis or something?”
And they all burst out laughing. Even beside you, Axl lets out a chuckle.
“No, he literally has a pet snake,” Izzy says, hiding a smile.
Oh. Whoops. “Then, sure. I guess so.”
A smile spreads across Slash’s face. “I like her.”
Axl wraps an arm around your shoulder, leading you down a hallway. His room is surprisingly neat, with only a few hats and bandanas scattered around. He rummages through a drawer and hands you a tee shirt and sweatpants. Without thinking, you begin to pull off your damp clothes.
“Uh,” Axl licks his lips. “I uh-.”
“Don’t act like you haven’t seen me change before,” you tease, turning your back to him. “And don’t act like you’re not enjoying it, either.”
“Hey, you won’t get any complaints from me,” Axl grins, eyes roaming over your backside.
Fully dressed, you spread out your arms, showing off the new attire. Both the shirt and sweatpants are extremely comfortable. And they smell like him, too. “How do I look?”
Axl swallows the lump in his throat. If he wanted to name all the ways you looked absolutely beautiful, you’d both be there all night. “You look like you belong in my clothes.”
You give a half smile before following Axl out into the main room. The rest of his bandmates are in different parts of the apartment, and they all give you smiles as you walk past them.
“Y/N, are you hungry? There’s some left over pizza in the fridge.” Izzy offers, pointing toward the kitchen.
“Damn it, I was planning on eating that for breakfast tomorrow,” Steven pouts, chucking what appears to be a wooden spoon at Izzy’s feet.
A chuckle falls from your lips as you settle into the couch, instantly relaxing as a blanket is draped over your shoulders. You look behind yourself just as Axl comes around to the front of the sofa, settling back in the spot beside you.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” He asks, grabbing another blanket for himself.
You shake your head, positioning yourself so that your head rests gently in his lap. It was something you did as kids. Whenever you were upset but didn’t want to talk about it, you’d settle into his lap. He’d let you lie there for as long as you needed, always making sure to scratch your head or run a hand through your hair. It was his way of letting you know he was there.
And just like when you were young, Axl’s hand finds your hair, lightly kneading your scalp. Your eyes flutter shut briefly, sinking into his gentle touch, and when you open your eyes, Steven and Izzy are standing to leave the room, sending not so subtle winks in Axl’s direction.
When it’s just the two of you, you’re finally at peace.
Until Axl asks the question. “Does Vince know you’re here?”
Chewing on your lip, you pull the blanket closer to your neck. You could only hope that Axl would leave it alone after you answered. “He’s the reason I came here.”
Why Vince truly hated Axl was a mystery. He’d never explicitly told you. Thinking about it, you couldn’t even come up with a reason.
“Did something happen?” He presses. Not that he’s nosy, but because he cares.
Sitting up, you tug the blanket around your body, legs curling in a pretzel. Axl watches you carefully, and the three words he never expected to hear crash into him like a wave on the shore. “He hit me.”
Blood drains from Axl’s face. He blinks twice, letting the words settle in his head, before sitting up straighter, body locking. “He did what?”
“It’s no big deal,” you brush it off. You had to. If not, you’d be a puddle of tears on his couch. “It was an accident. I said something and it triggered him. Plus, he was still a bit drunk from today. I instigated everything. It was my fault.”
Axl feels rage ignite in his body, fists clenching as he listens to you wrongfully blame yourself for Vince’s actions. His fingers twitch, itching to meet with Vince’s face, give him a taste of his own medicine. Because no one, no one, laid a hand on you and got away with it.
He grabs your jaw and you flinch. He sees it now. The outline of a hand on your cheek.
He softens his grip but makes sure to keep your face close to his own. Tears gather in the corners of your eyes, but he knows you won’t let them fall. “I’ll make him pay.”
“No, listen to me,” he says, forehead against yours. He’s breathing deep, heavy, angrily. “I swear to you, I will make him fucking regret the moment he put his hands on you.”
The roles are reversed. Once the victim, now the protector. In this moment, this very instance where your bodies are only an inch away, noses brushing against each other, lips centimeters apart, you see Axl in a whole new light.
And there’s now a part of you that wants to find out what would happen if you pushed forward gently and kissed him. Would he pull away? Kiss you back?
But you don’t find out. Instead, you’re the one that pulls back, fingers twisting around his wrist to keep his palm flat against your burning cheek. There’s something between you. You felt it the second you bumped into him at the restaurant. A certain force, a pull, bringing you together.
“I can handle him, Axl.” What you’ll say isn’t clear. It could end in tears, in a fight. Or, on a brighter side, it could end in forgiveness. “When I see him tomorrow, I’ll just—.”
“You don’t need to go back there,” Axl says, almost pleading. If he has to get on his knees and beg he’ll do it. He’ll do anything to make you stay. Keep you safe. “Stay here with me. You’re more than welcome here. You know that.”
His heart, his caring soul, his love for you shines through. He’d turned into such a wonderful, handsome, courageous man, but even you could still see some glimpses of the boy he used to be. He wants to protect you, but he’s nervous. Nervous for you. “I want you to hold me. Can you do that?”
He nods, quickly kissing your forehead before he pulls you down, nuzzling the side of your head as you sink into the couch. It’s a tight fit, but he manages to wrap both arms around you. You’re safe this way. And after a few more moments of talking, and Axl promising that he’d come to your home tomorrow to help you bake the cupcakes for Lei’s son’s party, you fall asleep blissfully in his arms.
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bird-in-a-cage · 4 years
18 or 45! 💖
Thank you for the prompt! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you but I’m sure this will more than make up for it. Also two in one day? Look at me go!
My ask box is always open if anyone wants to drop a prompt from the list or just spout an idea off the dome!
I’ll get around to doing both. But here’s one just for now.
#18: “This is… exactly what it looks like”
Sailor Boy
Billy knew Steve’s routine as if it were his own, written all over his arm in permanent ink. He knew Monday was inventory day, Tuesday was delivery day. Wednesday and Thursday were Steve’s days off. Friday and Saturday Scoops Ahoy stayed open late, to coincide with the mall’s longer opening hours due to the movie theatre on the top floor, owners of the nautical based ice cream franchise clearly hoping that maybe movie goers would want to sneak in a cone or a tub mid flick.
Friday was when Billy finished early. His last swim class was at three. He could easily be done by five, shower just enough of the chlorine smell off his skin, change and be parked at the mall by six. He had taken the same route so many times now he could do it with his eyes closed, knew every stop sign, the rhythm of the traffic lights. How the cops liked to hide behind that low billboard on Maple to catch potential speeders heading out of town.
Even if he’d spent all of Thursday with Steve, rolling around his parents fucking mansion like the both owned the place, Friday was Billy’s favourite day. Friday he got to see his little sailor boy at work. Steve hated his uniform, he wasn’t shy about ever saying so. Hated the dumb hat, hated the dumb shirt that got itchy after two days of wear if it didn’t get washed in between, hated the socks he had to wear up to just below his knees that would constantly fall down, hated the fact his whole uniform felt wipe clean even though it wasn’t in the slightest. The one thing Steve hated and complained about most though, were the shorts. They were long and baggy and unshapely.
“It’s like wearing a sown up trash bag man, honestly!”
Billy loved those shorts. He loved the deep but not navy blue of their colour, he loved the white stripe that ran along the bottom of each cuff, he loved the deep pockets than ran much further down Steve’s thighs than they had any right too, he wasn’t carrying all that much around with him day to day, but most of all Billy loved the elasticated waistband. Always hidden almost halfway up Steve’s stomach the shorts were so big on his skinny frame.
Well, not skinny. Just skinnier than Billy. Steve still had plenty of muscle definition even if he was eating spoons of ice cream all day now, stealing maraschino cherries straight from the jar and rolling them with their juice in little cups of chocolate sprinkles, swearing blind he’d invented the greatest semi-healthy snack of all time just because at one point it had been a fruit.
Billy also knew that 6:15 was when Steve’s little work friend, that smart mouthed girl with too much eyeliner, went on her final break even though the store shut at eight. He knew to time it so good that sometimes he’d stroll in and Steve would still be talking like it was still her.
This day wasn’t one of those days. He strolled through the big open doors, that stupidly cheery music playing on a constant loop that must have driven Steve completely mad sometimes, to find him scooping up ice cream to display on their tubs. The place was dead. It always was. No one ever left the movie theatre mid picture to come down two floors just for ice cream, when the concessions were right outside. He kept scooping and piling even though Billy knew he had seen him. The corners of his lips twitched just a little then damped back down. Hiding a grin. Billy could play this game. He leant over the counter, pressing his chest up to the glass, knowing it would smudge just a little. No longer perfectly clear. Streaked with the last stubborn remnants of suntan lotion a crappy public shower couldn’t remove. Steve raised his head after a few long minutes into their stalemate and was still trying not to smile.
“Sir,” Oh he had on his customer service voice too, Billy loved that, it made the game more fun and he couldn’t hide the grin it caused to grow on his face. “Can I help you with anything?”
“That depends,” he pushed himself off the counter and slowly started spinning around the container of rainbow sprinkles, unscrewing the cap. “I’m looking for something specific.” He sucked on the tip of his finger and rolled it in the first layer of sprinkles until his fingertip was completely coated. Billy knew Steve hated when he did that. Both hated and loved it. Hated it because it was kind of disgusting, but loved it, cause, well, Steve was kind of disgusting. Under all the rich daddy’s boy front he was willing to try some kinky shit and Billy just drank up every last drop he could squeeze out. Billy wiggled his sprinkle coated finger around, watching Steve’s eyes follow it around like fish to bait, growing darker by the second.
“Well, I think I can be of some assistance….” he spoke calmly, and walked around more to the side of the counter. Billy matched his steps. He wasn’t quite over the invisible ‘employees only’ line just yet.  They locked eyes and Steve’s were nearly black with desire. He took Billy’s hand in his cold ones, they had just been in a freezer after all, and he pulled gently. He popped Billy’s sprinkle covered finger into his mouth and let his eyes get hooded, in the way he knew drove Billy crazy, especially when that perfect wide tongue started cleaning up the sugar speckled digit and with his pretty boy pout sucking further down to the second knuckle, then the third with clear intent, firm muscle sweeping back and forth and around Billy’s rougher skin, rendering his brain fucking mush every time.
Steve let the finger go with a wet, but soft, pop, letting his eyes open again. Billy glanced a look down and there was a definite tent in those hated shorts. They both crashed together at the same time, kissing feverishly as Billy pushed and Steve pulled, both of them stumbling through the swinging door and up against the wall next to the always empty notice board. Billy pinned Steve up to it, knocking the cap off his head in the process as they kissed deeper, licking into each other’s mouths and sharing the taste of chemically coloured sugar. Steve’s needy hands found Billy’s hips easily and pulled, hard, letting out the sweetest little desperate moan as Billy’s thicker thigh found its way between his own. Billy let Steve’s lips go, kissing over his jaw heavily, and moved his leg higher, tighter, to ring out more delicious sounds. 
His little sailor was always so cute trying to be quiet, especially at work, but Billy knew him inside out. Had made it his job to know every button Steve Harrington had, how and when to push them, which threads to pull at to watch him completely unravel. One of the first things they ever did, out in the quarry in the back of Billy’s camaro, Steve had humped his thigh like a bitch in heat. Steve loved his thighs. He was never shy in showing so. They were one of the big flashing buttons to push, to the point of Steve couldn’t come to the pool if Billy was on shift or risk popping a semi then and there just seeing a flash of red covering not very much leg.
Like this though, pressed up against the wall, Billy had all the control. Steve was pliant, warming his cold hands on Billy’s sun soaked stomach under his shirt, going over his abs with needy thumbs. Billy worked his thigh harder. Steve groaned biting his lip so not to let it all come streaming out loud and hot. He started grinding his hips at long last, all the layers of fabric between skin doing nothing but adding deliciously painful friction, as Billy nibbled his earlobe. 
Yeah, Harrington had a lot of buttons. And god if they weren’t fun to press.
Deep down Billy wanted to ruin Steve for good. Even if what they had, whatever it was, wasn’t a long term plan and just a way to blow off steam for the long hot summer months, Billy was determined that no one would ever rock his little sailor’s boat like he could. No one would ever make Harrington come like he could, no one would ever make him cry out in the middle of the night with his peachy ass burning with hand marks like he could, no one would make him choke on a cock behind the arcade in broad daylight where they could be seen at any moment and still have those swollen come shiny lips beg for more like an angel’s prayer like he could.
Whether he knew it or not, Steve was going to be ruined for the rest of his days.
Billy growled next to his ear possessively. His sailor melted and ground his hips harder, starting to get desperate so soon. God if that didn’t make Billy’s dick kick something horrific in his jeans.
“Needy tonight huh baby?” Billy grunted roughly in his deepest voice, the one he knew that if Harrington had a pussy, it would make him gush buckets and ruin those shorts. “Did I not do a good job filling you up yesterday?” Billy pulled Steve’s hips off the wall to get his hands on that perfect peach, where he knew it must have been difficult to sit down all day, what with how red and sore it looked the night previous. He felt Steve’s hips stutter for just a moment, hissing around a moan as his body wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or pain or both it wanted to express. Billy wanted to laugh. He did keep singing harder god please harder so had no one but himself to blame for the mess he was in.
“Too good,” Steve sighed out as Billy worked his hands down the back of that elasticated waist, past his own briefs Steve had stolen that morning, grabbing handfuls of tenderized meat and squeezing rough. The noise Steve made was exquisite, his hips starting to rock again faster and stronger, pushing forward and pushing back in equal measure with no set rhythm. Billy loved when he was like this, his little plaything, teetering on the edge of no return.
“Let me see baby,” he muttered, dripping with heat and desire. “Don’t wanna get your uniform all messy. Captain will be mad.”
Steve scrambled to push his shorts and briefs down just enough for the thick, gleaming head to pop free but the rest still be trapped and untouched, pushing his shirt up over his stomach, fingers trembling and lips quivering around a sound that couldn’t be kept quiet as Billy’s sucked on but now dry digit found his sailor’s well used hole. His cock throbbed visibly between them, pushing out more shiny clear liquid that threatened to stain Billy’s pale denim jeans. God it made Billy’s mouth water. And if he wasn’t rock hard before he definitely was now.
But later. That was for later. They were running out of time.
Billy worked his thigh harder still, trying to keep up with Steve’s erratic hips which was no easy job, drinking down his noises of pure ecstasy, until his whole body stuttered and tensed and he came with a cry that couldn’t be contained, creamy white come splashing up his torso and staining his already pale skin. Billy smirked like the devil, kissing Steve deeply as he tried to pant coming down, taking his hands out of his boy’s shorts, only just managing to tuck him away and let his shirt fall over the mess when the door swung open and there was eyeliner girl, right on time. As always.
Steve had the dignity and had regained just enough mental function to look embarrassed, even if he was still panting like a mutt trying to speak with Billy all up in his space, greedy for it all. No one laid eyes on his sailor boy.
“It’s… fuck… I’m sorry Rob…” 
She stared back blankly at the two of them, setting a Burger King milkshake, if Billy had to hazard a guess it would be strawberry flavoured, on the counter they had back here, simply saying “You’re scraping the freezer tonight,” before going back through the door from where she’d came.
Billy didn’t let Steve stand back up straight away, even as he knew the messy spatter of come was starting to dry and cause the uniform to stick to his slender body. He cupped Steve’s cheek and kissed him, rough but sweet. As sweet as Billy did really. Steve melted for it each time. Another button. Another step of ruining.
“I’ll be waiting,” he said, getting Steve solid on his feet before letting go and walking away like he wasn’t painfully hard. The girl scowled at him blankly out front, especially when he took a cherry from the jar and grinned with it between his teeth while holding the stem, walking backwards out of the store and giving her a two finger salute from his forehead.
Billy walked with purpose back to his car out front, having parked in his usual spot near the back where it wasn’t under one of the tall lights that illuminated most of the area, getting straight in to sit on his backseat and wait. He checked the time on his watch and lit up a well needed cigarette.
He had 45 minutes to wait for his little sailor to pull into harbour. 
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thegreenfairy13 · 4 years
We Only Come Here To Sleep
A new Gobblepot fic cause I need to do something on the weekend. 
Summary: Three infants have been murdered and their bodies have been found at various places in Gotham City. The public, as well as the mob, want to see a culprit for different reasons. After everything Jim Gordon has been through, one wouldn't think an ordinary case would take its toll on him. But it does.
Read the first chapter on Ao3 or here: 
In the end, it wasn’t one of the Riddler’s elaborate schemes, or one of the Joker’s ludicrous plans. It wasn’t Bruce Wayne and his determination to become a vigilante, or even the Penguin and his golden empire of crime. In the end, it was a usual case, an ordinary crime that did James Gordon in.
Gotham City seems to know only two seasons. Through most of the year, there’s an icy wind sweeping through the city, biting into the grim faces of her inhabitants. Most of her days are dark, giving the impression of an endless night.
But then comes the summer. And for a few weeks, Gotham will be tinged with yellow. But it won’t be a bright summer showing off clear skies painting the city with gentle colors. No, it will be harsh and brutal - like everything in this godforsaken city.
The sun will be beating down, baking pavements and glass-facades until each breath in the overheated air will be painful, until each step will be a battle. And the light! It’s never a bright yellow, but a color reminiscent of piss. It suits this pain-filled place, though.
Jim Gordon curses under his breath as exists his car. When putting his feet on the ground, his soles practically fuse with the ground. A wave of hot air hits his chest, and Jim can instantly feel the sweat covering his chest, causing his shirt to cling uncomfortably to his upper-body. Reaching for his sunglasses, he gestures for Harvey to follow him.
The heavier man pulls a face when being ordered to leave the chilled cocoon of his car. Jim ignores him. Sighing heavily, he nods towards the other officers already crowding the scenery.
Despite the buzz, he feels alone. Out here, Gotham is at her worst. For miles and miles, there’s nothing to see but the grey of the concrete and colorless sand. It’s a place where people disappear in the filthy water never to return again. Jim is certain his colleagues will lay him to rest out here one day in the future - he wouldn’t blame them.  
After taking a few more hesitant steps, Jim hears the sand crunching beneath his shoes. If he closed his eyes for a moment, he could easily pretend to be somewhere else. At a proper beach maybe, under a benevolent sky. Instead, he thinks how annoying it will be to get the sand out of his shoes.
“Where exactly are we?” Harvey asks with a slight growl, startling Jim.
Jim tilts his head. He contemplates giving his partner a snarky reply but thinks better of it. So instead of pointing out that he didn’t spend the car-ride blindfolded and handcuffed, he explains, “Common ground.”
Sucking in a shuddering breath, Harvey tilts his head. “That’s bad.”
Jim doesn’t reply, simply grits his teeth. ‘That’s bad’ doesn’t even start to cover how bad this could be.
One of the younger officers picks up on their conversation. Confusion written all over his face, he addresses Harvey. “What do you mean?” he asks.
Huffing out a humorless laugh, the experienced cop indulges the lad. “That’s the land between the turfs.” Pointing across the river, he elaborates, “That’s the Valeska turf.” He turns slightly to the right, “The Siren’s oasis.” Making a full turn, he points vaguely in the direction Jim is standing, “Tetch’s outdoor amusement park for the hopelessly lunatic, right beside the Scarecrow’s House of Horror.”  
At last, he circles his partner fully. “The Narrows,” he says then, ignoring the slight pang of pain on Jim’s face deliberately. “None other than the Queen rules this shitty piece of the city.”
Taking a deep breath, he finishes his quick initiation to Gotham’s inofficial districts. “But they all pay their tribute to the Penguin.”  Adjusting his sweat-sodden fedora, Bullock spits on the ground. “And this crap place? That’s no one’s ground. If a body is being dropped here , the rogues passed their judgment. Together.”
The young police-man gulps. He stares at Bullock and then back at the riverbank where the coroner is already busy taking samples. “So they…?”
Pushing the lad aside, Jim steps forward. “So if a body ends up here without permission here, that means the mob will interfere,” he states grimly.
Approaching the riverbank, the Commissioner finally takes a good look at the corpse before him. Despite all the horrors Jim had been through before, nothing could have been able to prepare him for the sight before him.
For a long moment, he merely stares, unmoving. He has seen corpses before, has been the cause of untimely deaths more times than he’d like to admit, but this is new.
No, in fact, it isn’t. Jim has been confronted with this kind of death before, has tried his very best to suppress that memory as best as he can, but given the context, this is new .
Looking up, he nods for the coroner to start elaborating. Never before has Jim missed the previous forensic, Edward Nygma, as much as this very second. For once, he wishes for someone to wrap up harsh truths in distracting riddles. Jim would give up his year’s salary and then some, if the forensic would give his mind an opportunity to wander off, to focus on something else than the task at hand.
What he gets, though, are simple facts. “Infant. Male. Probably not more than a couple of days old. Maybe not even that. Probably strangled. No severe trauma,” he rattles on, unfazed by the tiny body lying on the dirty ground. Maybe she hardens you to this point.
A baby. Just a little, innocent baby. Jim can hardly breathe as he stares down at what has been a living being, if only for a few hours. His skin is already peeling off due to the merciless heat, turning black and blue beneath Gotham’s sun. Jim wonders if it was rosy, once. He stares down, unable to look away, takes in the little knobs of fat on its upper arms and legs, and tries to suppress a sob.
Somebody should hold this little thing in their arms. It should still be alive, making happy noises, as one gently pinches those tiny rolls of fat. It should squeal with delight, and only cry if it’s hungry.
At last, Jim has to turn away. This is not right. Nobody should discard a child as if it was trash. Especially not here, at this godforsaken place.
His fingers itch to pick up the small body, to hold it, if only for a moment, the way it deserves. In another life, he would know exactly how to go about it. He and Lee would have awaited their child’s arrival with excitement. Would have picked out a crib, toys, rompers, and books, maybe. They would have laid in bed, Jim’s hand on Lee’s belly, waiting for their kid to move, knowing full-well it’s still shielded from this city, from her .
This reality never happened, though. Will probably never happen to Jim, for he doesn’t deserve such happiness, he knows that. But still. It’s unfair. This infant lies there on the ground, discarded like trash, and it’s everything someone like Jim has ever wished for.
He bends down, almost touches the tiny cheek before remembering he’s still a cop. Swallowing heavily, he disguises the motion by wiping the sweat from his forehead.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder. “You alright, partner?” Harvey asks quietly enough that nobody else hears them.
Jim’s chest constricts, he has trouble taking a breath, and still, his jaw is set tight. Nobody but Harvey would ever catch on, would note that anything was wrong. Jim is thankful for the warm hand, the solid weight on his shoulder. He’s grounding him in his pain, forcing him back to reality, when all he wants to do is float away and wallow in his grief.
“Of course I am,” he replies, a tad bit too quickly.
Harvey arches an eyebrow at him, but doesn’t reply. This is neither the place nor the time anyway.
“Won’t you finally pack up the evidence?” he snaps when the coroner gives them both a look that is too curious for Harvey’s taste. The coroner squints in disdain, but does what he’s told. After all, Bullock has a natural authority to him, he’s a character only Jim questioned successfully so far, and today, he’s glad for it.
They get back into their car, where it’s cold and sterile and death is but a memory at a riverbank. He blinks as he tries to wrap his head around what he just saw: an entire life, wasted in the sand. Neither of them talks as Harvey drives back to the city, back to the living.
Finally, Harvey glances over at Jim, now and then beating nervously the devil’s tattoo on the steering wheel. “That’s the third,” he whispers.
“I know,” Jim replies. He’s too exhausted to say anything else. Over the course of the last three weeks, they found three dead infants. All scattered around the city. The first two had been siblings according to their DNA-analysis. Jim wouldn’t be surprised if the third one is related to them, too.
“You want me to drop you off at the weasel’s place?” Harvey asks, and Jim flinches.
“What am I supposed to do there?”
The other man shrugs. “We found it on Common Ground.”
Jim hums in agreement. “Doesn’t look like a mob-job, though.”
Tilting his head, Harvey acknowledges the statement. “He could still know something,” he states petulantly and both men know he’s reaching for straws there.
“This case is getting to you,” he adds after a moment. Jim rolls his eyes but can’t find it in him to disagree. “You could at least get a free drink.”
The blonde snorts. “I think I’m outta favors.”
Harvey scratches his chin. “Still. Maybe one of his goons has seen something.” He clears his throat, looks over at Jim. “And it wouldn’t hurt for you to let off some steam. You always seem to be better off after pushing the Penguin around for a while.”
Jim sputters. “That’s not true!” he protests.
Holding up his hand, Harvey interrupts him. “It is. Go there. See what he knows, rough him up, arrest one or two thugs. You’ll feel better.”
Horrified, Jim stares at his partner’s face. “You make it sound like I’m harassing an innocent citizen for nothing. You’re still aware we’re talking about the Penguin?”
Harvey snorts in response. “That’s exactly why I’m suggesting.” He clicks his tongue against his teeth. “Not accusing , just to be clear.”
Jim falls silent as he clenches his fists. He’s so damn tired, he doesn’t even want to put up a fight.
“He’ll find out anyway,” he demurs. “And he’ll want answers. You don’t simply drop off a body at the riverbank and expect Cobblepot to keep his hooked nose outta your business.”
“This is a police investigation,” Jim snaps back, unfazed, and Harvey’s jaw drops.
“Even after becoming the Commissioner, you still sound like a petulant rookie on some days.
Leaning back against the seat, Jim closes his eyes. Even before today, he had been exhausted to the point of not being able to sleep properly for weeks. This city just won’t let him.
And now there’s a body on Common Ground.
This city doesn’t seem to rest when it comes to her sinisterness. If Gotham doesn’t want to swallow her entire population whole, she now goes for her most vulnerable inhabitants. Jim wishes he could for once simply search for stolen paintings or chase a burglar. But no, there’s always something bigger, or something more diabolical lurking in the shadows.
Jim’s shoulders slump as he gives in. “Let’s do the paperwork first,” he suggests, cause he’s still the commissioner. “And then we’ll inform the Penguin like the good, little cops we are.”
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wildmichaelflower · 5 years
HI RAYE ❤️ my first request is from your prompt list is - “My heart tells me to kiss you, my head tells me to walk away.” With Calum please 🥺 Sending you many hugs, gay!sos buddy 💕
Sorry for getting to this four months later!!!
5.  “My heart tells me to kiss you, my head tells me to walk away.”
Word Count: 2,190 words
Content Warnings: Calum Angst (With happy ending), Unplanned pregnancy, Breakup over text, Crying
 Calum never understood why you had chosen to broke up with him, especially over text, and especially when you two were engaged to be married in a year. In his mind, everything was perfect, until he was getting off rehearsal and the message from you knocked the wind out of him.
‘Calum, I’m leaving. I’m sorry, but I’ve decided that this isn’t what I want. I’m leaving tonight, I made sure your neighbor can take care of Duke until you get home, but by the time you read this I’ll be moved out of your home. I left my key, and the ring, on the table. Don’t call me, this number will be disconnected shortly after I send this. I wish you the best in tour and I hope you find someone who knows how lucky they are to love you.’
He blinked back tears as he struggled to comprehend the message, rereading it again and again, hoping the words would change to your usual ‘i love and miss you’ text he was used to getting. He immediately called you. hoping this was some joke you were pulling.
“I’m sorry,” the automated message greeted him, “The number you are trying to reach has been disconne-” Calum didn’t let it finish, he didn’t want to confirmation to hit, and he definitely didn’t want a robot to apologize to him. 
Instead, he shoved his phone back into his pocket.
“Hey mate,” Ashton gently slapped a hand onto his shoulder and whispered, “Everything alright?”
Calum shook his head, finally letting the tears fall and sobs emit. Wide eyed, Ashton pulled his best friend into a hug, biting his lip as Michael and Luke hurried over.
“Th-they’re leaving,” Calum cried, “They disconnected they’re n-number and left me. They don’t love me anymore.”
The boys did their best to comfort their friend through his endless sobs. 
“Should we cancel tonight?” Luke whispered but Calum shook his head, pulling his head away from Ashton’s chest.
“No,” he wiped his sleeve across his eyes, “No, the show still goes on. I just need to take these next few hours to process this.” He took a deep breath, doing his best to hold in the tears.
The boys nodded, giving him one more hug before giving him space. Calum tried to get a hold of everyone who would know where you would be, but no one seemed to have an answer for him, and he couldn’t bear to tell them that you broke up with him over text so he just said he’ll try again later. 
The concert was hell, Calum knew he played like shit, but the only thing that made him give a damn was that he let the fans down. As expected, stan twitter was buzzing about his performance, many wondering what had happened to the bassist. That alone was enough to not want Calum to be on the site, that, and the fact that your name would be dragged into it, and it wouldn’t take long for fans to realize you deleted your social media presence. Instead, he chose to head right to the bus, drink a couple beers, try your number one last time before getting the same damn automated apology, before settling into his bunk and sobbing himself to sleep. 
The boys hated seeing him like this, they had thought you were meant to be his for life, and they were just as shocked as him to hear of you leaving. When they were sure their heartbroken friend was asleep, they took their own turns trying to contact you, but they reached the same results as Calum. 
The next morning, Calum woke up to a phone call, and he too eagerly sat up, hoping it was you and the whole thing had been a nightmare, but his face fell when the caller ID said Management.
“Hello?” The bassisst grumbled into the phone.
“Hey Cal,” the sympathetic tone of one of their managers, Linda, greeted him, “I heard about what happened last night, and I know the last thing you want to do is talk about it, but in the next few days you will have to make a public statement if you are still engaged with-”
“Yeah, I know,” he cut her off, not ready to hear your name, not this soon, “I’ll post something on twitter, just give me some time to prepare.” 
“OK dear,” Calum could hear her small smile in her tone as she used to pet name she gave to all the boys, “I’ll let the team know, and if we need to cancel, just let us know OK?”
Calum took a deep breath, “Yeah, but we’re so close to finishing. I wanna power through it and go see Duke and get used to being in the house without [Y/N].”
“OK.. Just let us know, alright? We’re all here for you.”
Yeah, but I want her, Calum thought sadily to himself before responding, “Thanks Linda, I really appreciate it, you’re the best.”
He let Linda say her goodbyes before she hung up, and the rest of the tour was a blur to Calum. He kept the same pattern of getting up, going through his day, going to concerts, going to bed. The last two weeks of tour passed and before he knew it, Ashton was driving him to his Los Angeles home. Calum said nothing the whole way there, and Ashton knew this was going to be hard. 
“Listen man, if you want, I can grab Duke and some of his things and have you stay with me,” Ashton glanced at his friend in the seat next to him, biting his lip as Calum shook his head.
“No, part of moving on is getting used to what’s gone. I’ll call you if I need company though, I promise.”
The older man sighed but nodded, knowing Calum had to get through this in his own way if he was going to get through it all, but he walked him to the door and gave him one more hug before going back to his car.
With a deep breath, Calum unlocked the door and teared up at the sounds of Duke running to greet him.
“Hey bud,” he smiled as he sunk to his knees to pet his furry son, letting him lick all over his hands and face, “I missed you too.”
Duke barked happily and headed into the kitchen where his food and water awaited him. Calum followed, noticing the note on the counter from his neighbor. 
Hey Cal! I was last here around noon to let Duke out and I plan to be back around 4 in case you wanted to rest. If you are back before then, just shoot me a text so I know not to come over. I know you don’t wanna talk about [Y/N] so I didn’t say anything when you were on tour, but I hid her ring in the drawer with the bills. Also, and please don’t think I was being weird, I took out the trash when I first came over to take Duke out and noticed a pregnancy test in one of the trash bins.  [Y/N] knows now I know, but I knew you also deserved to know, you know? There’s something else I need to tell you, so when I come back at 4 I’ll tell you then.
Calum felt shock after shock as he read the letter. You were pregnant? Is that why you left? And what did the neighbor have to tell him that they couldn’t write in the note? He checked the time on his watch, seeing it was almost 3:30. He could go over and knock now, get the anticipation over with, but he remembered his neighbor car wasn’t in their driveway when Ashton dropped him off, so he settled on taking a quick shower and making a snack. He was grateful he knew what drawer not to open, the ring had too many memories he had spent the last two weeks getting over. 
It was 4:10 when he heard a knock on his door, and Calum hurried to leave his pizza rolls on the counter before rushing to the door, biting his lip when he saw his neighbor.
“Hey. Rian right? Thanks again for watching Duke while I was away... I could take him on his walk, but I did want to talk about the note you left.”
“Yeah, that..” Rian bit their lip, “So you know she was pregnant, but she left me her new number in case anything happened to Duke while you were still on tour, and her new address to send her letters too.. I talked to her before writing the note, and, while it took time, I convinced her that she had to be honest with you, in person, and she gave me permission to give you her address, if you still wanted to talk to her.”
Calum gasped, nodding, but trying to process the words. He thought he had lost you forever, and he still might have, but to get to see you again and know why everything had happened. He deserved that, and he knew that, no matter what happened at the end of the night. 
Rian wrote the address down and set it in his hand, “No matter what happens, I hope you both get the closure you need,” they smiled weakly, gave Duke some small pats, before leaving. 
The pizza rolls now abandoned, Calum grabbed Duke’s leash and his phone, quickly typing the address into the GPS before walking out with the small dog to the car. 
The Maori man had a tight grip on the steering wheel, driving past familiar sights as the map took him to an apartment complex close to where you lived when you two first met. 
He parked on the street then grabbed Duke’s leash before getting out. Taking a deep breath, he looked for your apartment number before knocking.
“Coming!” Your familiar voice rang through the opposite side of the door and Calum couldn’t believe this was actually happening. After weeks of agony, he was going to see you again.
You checked the peephole, biting your lip when you saw the man you called your fiance, still the handsomest man you have ever seen, standing with your furry son. Slowly, you opened the door, doing your best to give a small smile.
“Calum,” you greeted, “Hello..”
“Ba- [Y/N]. I know, about the baby, and I’m sure that’s why you left huh.”
Tearing up was already more than enough to confirm his suspicions, but he let you explain yourself.
“I’m sorry,” You sniffed, “I knew you would be a great dad, but I was so scared in the moment that I was going to ruin your career and your fans would hate me that I made you leave the band to raise a baby that was unplanned so I left and I had hoped that things would be fine but they’re not fine, because I hated myself for what I did to you and to me, and to our child. I’m not asking you to forgive me, the fact that you came to let me explain myself is enough.” You sobbed and placed an instinctive hand on your stomach as you waited for him to say something. 
He took a deep breath and tried to calm Duke, who was riled up by your tears, before whispering,
“My heart tells me to kiss you, my head tells me to walk away.”
You sobbed but nodded at his words, “Which one will you listen to?”
He bit his lip, “The same one that told me to drop out of high school to form a band with my best friends,” he smiled softly as he stepped inside and he watched as you stepped back, not in fear but to let him in, “The same one that told me ask you out in that bar we met all those years ago, the same one that told me to come here, even after I thought everything was thrown away.” He gently wiped the tears from your cheeks as Duke settled at your feet and as he leaned in he whispered, “The same heart that knew it would never stop loving you.” He pressed his lips to yours gently, not fighting the smile as you returned the kiss with the same passion. 
“You, me, and little one now.” you sniffed and smiled, “No more separating, no more heartache.”
He nodded in agreement, “No more walking away,” he smiled, “Only kissing.” He pecked his lips to yours one more time before sinking to his knees and whispering to your stomach, “Hey baby, it’s daddy.” He looked up as he heard you sob again, but returned the smile you gave as you assured him they were happy tears and he gave gentle kisses to your tummy.
“Only kisses,” he mumbled into your skin, sealing the promise with a small peck to your belly button before looking up with his own happy tears. 
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
perfectly wrong | jm
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↳ genre fluff, domestic, friends-to-lover, dad-to-be jimin
↳ words 3k
↳ summary --Giving birth is a spiritual moment for any married couple. But things are not usually cinematic or fulfilling in real life are they? Especially for a love story that begins like this...
↳ warning horrible description of labor, use of vulgar words in public setting, car sex, platonic friendship that progresses to something more, cute things to do with Jimin at home (that you can’t irl), alcoholism
↳ namjoonchronicles’ honorary tag list @kai-tashi @joon94net @yourlocalalien @mentallycryinghanriver @septemberalien @yoongiseesaw 
↳ special thanks to @fangirlaholicxx & @/majestikblue for helping me out on this one! 
↳ song lsd ‘no new friends’ 
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Nothing could have prepared Jimin for the chaos a labor room could possess. He couldn't feel his hands; his mind and heart had gone separate ways. Sweat trickling down his back and he's sure that his shirt is drenched by now. His lips are blue and his wife was gripping his fingers to the point where they all turned purple. Her shrills threw his sanity out of the window and he had probably pissed his pants by now. He realized he wore different sandals on each leg and his shirt is inside out.
"This is all your fault!" you screamed, the pain is unbearable and you've grab hold Jimin's hair in the midst of labor. "Push, madam, you have to keep pushing..." the young doctor calmly instructed you, ignoring the fact that Jimin is screaming in pain. "Let go of my hair, let go of my hair...honey, my hair," Jimin whimpers but you aren't about to listen to him, not when the pain of the contraction was ripping through your being is all you feel.
Labor feels like a helicopter going through your nostril with it's propellers still spinning. To add to the misery, contractions leading to labor is best described as all the menstrual pain you've had since puberty till now, coming all at once. Yes.
"I learnt today that putting it in isn't as easy as pushing it out..." Jimin blinked rapidly. "Fucking hell Park Jimin!" you grouched, inhaling air through your teeth, biting your lower lip. "No cursing in the labor room please..." the nurse warns. "The baby isn't out yet for us to watch our words..." Jimin dashed.
"I see the head! I see the head, keep pushing... madam," the doctor glanced sharply at Jimin, "Sir, your role is to motivate your wife..."
Motivate your wife... Motivate your wife. The doctor's words repeated in his head.
Dear readers, you must be wondering why Jimin is so dense and appears to be out of character. Easy, Jimin is out of character. You see, his wife and him weren't lovers at all. They're friends. Best friends. And it all began on a rainy night on a rundown one room studio apartment Jimin owned.
He was having a partner in his living room, serving her cold drinks. He wasn't at all invested in their 3 days rendezvous, he just didn't want to spend the night alone. Sipping cold beer on a hot night with a decent girl felt enough for him. Jimin didn't want to fret all night wondering what you're doing. After informing him you had a blind date, you pretty much didn't speak much. You had been acting strange the last few days, not returning his calls or texts, and like common extroverted Libras,  he searched people who would. He has many other friends, he convinced himself. His plan was simple, half-way through the movie, he'll have his way with the girl, take it to the bed and make love til morning comes. He checks his phone, just in case. No new notifications.
0 message(s). 0 missed call(s).
But halfway through the movies, while she's sneaking her hands underneath the elastic bands of his Calvin Klein briefs, he felt wrong. So he told her to leave. He didn't know why, and she looks upset but he couldn't bare a half-hearted fucking, not tonight. It was unusual for him to feel that way. Jimin is alone, resuming the movie and crumpled the aluminium can with his bare hand before tossing it to his trash can.
To soothe the rejection he placed on himself, Jimin draws the curtains, so he could have a little more privacy. On his way doing so, he realized it had just started raining. With violent thunder rolls and flickering lightnings in the night sky, he saw a taxi by the streets he live on just exiting. Thinking nothing of it, he draws the curtain anyways.
Standing in the rain, hair plastered on your face, no umbrellas, drenched blouse. Makeup running down your face, smeared lipstick, cheap eye liner tainting your cheeks, pooling at your chin. Shivering cold. Puffs of air escaping your mouth. Your quivering lips, shaking hands and racing thoughts seems to find an odd calm when you stare at the entrance of Jimin's apartment. When taxi driver asked you where you were going, you blurted this very place. Of all places you could go, your mind took you here. Must have been out of habit, must have been out of your mind, or must have been your unconsciousness taking over. Must have been something in your head, to think that this place was the safest.
It was odd.
When you brought your feet on Jimin's stupidly psychedelic doormat, and raised your knuckle to knock, it was almost effortless. In your most unpolished condition, in your fragile strength and most bare, you brought yourself to Jimin. He swung the door open with a confused expression on his face. You lift your head, eyes spilling tears on each side, quivering lips that stretches to a broken smile with your last bits of strong.
"You went to the blind date, what are you doing here? What happened?" Jimin asked.
You dropped your head at once, gave it a half-shake, shrugging, "Can't you tell?"
Your smile breaks and the tears spills uncontrollably, so you brought the heel of your hand to your head and shook your head again. Witnessing this, Jimin begins to take his arms off his cardigan and wrap them around you before giving you a hug. His hand slid down the back of your head, thumbing your wet hair. His eyes is wide like he  still couldn't process what was happening. But he did what he had to.
He took you into his bathroom, give you a little privacy to undress. Sniffling, nose reddening. Turning so you face his back, he hands you his T-shirt and trade them with your wet clothes without looking at you. Warm towel, you climbed into the tub and turned the showers on. He doesn't have a shower curtain because he's used to living alone. And the door to the bathroom was uninstalled because he sold it to get a coffee machine. He lives alone, he doesn't need that much privacy. Until today, that is. Not wanting to fight with you like always, he took your wet clothes to the laundry room located across the hall. He throws them into the machine one-by-one.
Black panties. Blouse. Jeans. "B-cup, black. Hmm, quite nice," he tilt his head, thumbing the insides of your bra with an impressed face, nodding at the new fact he found out of you.
"Jimin, you have convenient store panties, don't you? I bought one of  your night stands, a pack, I'm sure..." you raised your voice, kneeling by his messy bed, drawing the bottom drawers out. First thing you saw is packs of unused condoms, you used the tip of your fingers to find your way to the said panties. "Yeah, it's in the bottom drawer with many condoms," he leisurely stride back to the space he intended as bedroom.
You slide one of them on and walked out with no pants since the t-shirt Jimin gave you was long enough to cover your thighs. Jimin came in with a hairdryer. He has you seated on the floor, his knees next to your shoulders. "Your shampoo smells nice, what is it?" You asked him, not wanting to start the story to the disastrous date just yet. Jimin is great at playing along when it comes to that. You've been friends long enough to understand the boundaries. And one of that is to not ask more than what is told.
"Sakura flower extract, $14.00 on the website, plus deliveries," Jimin continues to dry your hair, lips pouting at the frail look of your hair. His fingers are entangled with fallen hair but he didn't complaint. Because he knows that you knew. You weren't exactly healthy these past few years. "Jimin," you gently called. And he hums back as a reply.
"Is there something wrong with me?" you picked your toenails, hugging your knees and heard the hair dryer turned off. "I think there's something wrong with me, no, I know there's something wrong with me," you added, convinced that you're either cursed or under qualified. Jimin is a romantic, he is. He is almost always prepared to nurture your broken heart with his sweet words, but with you, it never seems to be enough. That's why you guys are just friends. As the years passed, your irreconcilable  differences, your bickering, your  stubbornness just annoys him. And put two people with praise kinks together, it's a recipe for disaster.
Although Jimin is a fucktard when you first knew him, he proves to be a great listener, attentive and full of affection. And by fucktard you meant, he was too shallow for your stupid deep heart. But you find yourself in his bed, waiting for your jeans to dry. Next to him. Giggling, laughing with your eyes up his ceiling.
"You ever wonder if all of our friends' marriages are in shambles, but they try so hard to keep it a secret...?" Jimin chuckles, resting his head on his wrist, while laying on his back. "I secretly hope it is. I'm sick of saying, Congratulations on your Wedding, attending their weddings with rabid food and lying to their face saying it's delicious when it's not, just to make them feel better," you rested both hands on your stomach, feet dangling on the edge.
"No one asked you to come," Jimin sneered. "Their invitation arrives to my house," you darted. "Then come up with a lame excuse!" "I'm not a shit like you."
"Trust me, you'll live better if you just don't give a fuck," Jimin threw an advice out of nowhere. "If I do that, I won't have friends and be stuck with you," you rolled your eyes up.
And that's when it hits you.
"No new friends," you whispered. "We don't need new friends," Jimin lifts his body from the bed and waddled to the laundry room.
Staying in his room alone felt weird so you followed him. "Yeah, but they're all married and covered with baby puke. New friends sounds good," you caught the jeans he threw you and walked past you, brushing shoulder, his bangs poking his brows at every step.
"Get dressed," he shot. "Oh no I'm not drinking. The last time I went with you, I almost died," you whined, trailing him out to the living room, "I don't have clothes."
Jimin yank open his closet and took the last hoodie, still wrapped in plastic. The one he intend to give you on new years, but you're a country away. So you never knew. Behind him, you were jumping in your jeans. He throws the hoodie over your head. He took his black leather jacket and black baseball cap to pair his white shirt and damaged jeans.
"Stop throwing things at me!" You roared, "Whose are these?!" "Someone left it behind my house," Jimin lied. "It looks basically new," you huffed while poking your head through the neck hole.
You don't know where you're going but Jimin made it clear to have you worrying only about the music in the car and not the destination. First, you stopped at McDonald's drive through to get burgers. Then he killed the engine and had the burgers and soda on the hood of the car. He starts trash talking about his coworkers and mimicking the way one of your mutual friends talked, making you laugh. Then he impersonates a corrupted cop badly who asked him for money because Jimin didn't turn his headlights on.
"It sounds like the way you impersonated Namjoon, to be honest," you shove a handful fries into his mouth to shut him up. "Namjoon is such a cool dude, it annoys the fuck out of me," Jimin spoke through mouthful of unprocessed cholesterol.
Jimin did the chicken dance for you to show one of his encounters at the club. There's literally no one else on the parking lot, but the space is still wet from the rain. The only light is coming from the huge McDonald sign. Next, he brought you to part of town where the park was empty.  Balancing yourself on the bleachers, arms spread wide, you guys were talking about the relevance of Spiderman movie doing a remake. It begins with,
"Spiderman, Tom Holland or Tobey Maguire?" Jimin asked. "How dare you make me choose... I haven't watched any with Tom so, Tobey Maguire," you answered. Jimin clutched his chest and made a bad impersonation of Tobey crying. "Stop, OMG! It wasn't that ugly!" you jumped off the bleacher and pushed him.. Jimin stumbles, hopping on one leg and giggling. "Are you serious? You should watch both. Tom does acrobats," Jimin added. "I'm not a fan of Spiderman..."
Jimin eyed you up and down, "You watched Inside Out at 22, crying in the cinema who are you fucking with." "Don't take my Disney Pixar movies in this Marvel argument you shallow fuck," you shoved both hands into your hoodie front pocket, shaking your head, looking ahead.
"That's a new space," Jimin pointed. "The skateboard place?" you passed, "It's been there forever." "Really? I want to go see," Jimin picks up his pace and begin jogging to it. You had no choice but to go after him.
It's littered. Jimin changed his mind. You pointed at the swing.
Metal rattling, your feet barely touching the ground. The chains creaking, rusting at the ends. Jimin is behind you. "You ready?"
"Yup, push!" you smiled ear to ear. "Here goes," Jimin warned.
For that brief moment in life, you felt content. A childlike memory comes back to life and you have Jimin here. Someone you would have never expected to be here. Looking up at the moon, where the dark clouds have cleared, the stars seems to double in number in this forsaken city, the longer you watched. The speed dies and Jimin sat on the swing next to you. His knees spread, elbows rested on the kneecaps, chewing mints.
"For someone driven by goals, our life are pretty fucked don't you think?" Jimin starts, and you almost dropped to hear something so sentimental coming from the flightiest man you've ever met in your life. "We planned everything so concisely, and in a timely manner. But love doesn't come as planned, and you're stuck living life aimlessly," Jimin blew hot air to the ground. "At least you're fucking people and is good looking," you popped the lollipop out when you talk, and then pop them back in, "I have five dates over the course of five years and never got a call back. The sixth one I went to a few hours ago, said I was too ambitious. I remember his face when he told me that I was going to be single forever with that blunt attitude of mine."
"Then you should have shoved a fork in his ass," Jimin straightens up, holding the chains that hangs the swing before twisting them to face you. "I did, I did so until his eyes reddened and ran out the restaurant and into the taxi. What happens after that is  a blank, Then I was at your apartment. Felt like it was the only safe place I have."
Long pause.
"He was my last chance at love, and he proved me that I was unlovable. Because I was being me. But what else would I have become Jimin? I don't know how to be anyone else but me," your voice cracks but forced out a smile. Always forcing out a smile. Always wanting to appear strong. Always with that fragile strength.
Jimin took you to an outdoor cinema. One of Audrey Hepburn's movie was playing. Both of you took the seat in the back of the car, and lowering the front seats down so you could see better. When Frank Sinatra begins to fall for Audrey Hepburn, and they got into an argument that results in a heated kiss, you felt Jimin's lips on your clothed shoulder. Saliva pools in your mouth and you gulped nervously. Struggling to focus at the lines the spectacular actors are throwing, your mind starts buzzing, as Jimin boldly tugged your hoodie from covering your head, gently. He motions closer and you felt yourself, freeze and holding still. He didn't stop there, with the hoodie no longer covering your neck, Jimin brushes his lips while inhaling your scent. He exhales shakily, like he is letting his lust feeding into it's desire but still staying exceptionally respectful.
You brought your hand to rest on his knee, sliding up his thigh. He nuzzles his face close to your nape, looking up at you with his doe eyes, silently asking permission. Rubbing your cheeks on his, he took them as a yes. With it, he presses his plump lips onto your neck, giving it a gentle suckle before trailing kisses along your jaws. Easily, he lifts your hip so you could straddle his lap, sitting directly on his clothed hard-on.  He nibbles your lower lip, teasingly. Smiling into the kiss, and whispering hotly against your lips, "You can grind on me, it's okay."
Within the next 30 minutes, when the movie shows the credits, a guard came over to hover his flashlight to the heavily fogged window of Jimin's car. "You have to leave, we need to lock the place down," he said. Shirtless, Jimin wind down the window just enough to reply, "Okay, sir." Jimin climbs to the driver's seat and drove back home. "I need new panties, it's soiled," you hummed from the backseat.
"Yeah, you need to get dressed," Jimin puts on his shirt in a hurry and kick his jeans on. "You're a pretty good kisser," you commented. "Pretty--you mean excellent," Jimin sounded offended as he drives hastily through the empty street. "It was pretty good," you corrected him.
"It was a tight space, I could do better than that, you'll see," Jimin scoffed.
Jimin pushes you on his bed the moment he arrives to his apartment. "This time, we're doing it properly," he ran his tongue along his lips.
Fast forward a few years later, after finding no new friends and stuck together, sex as  a bonding time, you finally decide that maybe you had found a fabricated version of a soulmate and it had been Jimin all along. You were too stubborn to admit and he was too afraid to show his softer side. This relationship is not perfect, and he might never fit your ideals, but neither do you, so why not give it a try? And if it wasn't meant to be, then why does the sex felt so good?
Frustrations, deceptions, the voices shouting, the breaking plates. Even though your entire existence could split his brains in half, he couldn't bring himself to leave. It's crazy. When you both are skin to skin, everything wrong you did that day felt like dust. Cold shoulders, brief words. He is just full of life and having many casual friends and you're a homebody who prefers to read a book while he's out for drinks. He comes home late and you're in bed early. The differences strikes ordeal sometimes. Sometimes he's not even open for discussion. He lashes at the first sign of difficulty and storms when the expectation isn't reached. He has quite a temper, but so do you.
Park Jimin is a hot head. But when he's jealous, he doesn't hide.
"Who was that man?" "Not you." "Did you wish  he's here instead of me?" "Sometimes I do. I don't love him, but he's there and you weren't."
"I told you I was coming home..." "I waited for 3 hours. You were just 20 minutes away! Where did you go?"
Jimin pushes his bangs back and walked away to open the fridge and slammed the door. Sending everything inside rattling against itself. He snaps the beer can open in front of you and downed them in a few gulps, crumples the empty can with his bare hand and tossing them into the sink.
"Drinking, like I told you," Jimin arched his eyebrow at you, mocking. "Don't come near the bed, you reek of alcohol," you shouted.
But it isn't always like that. Sometimes Jimin listens. Sometimes he is patient enough and everything feels right. He cooks rice, a simple dinner. Help you sort out your dresses for work the next day. He stays home to continue sewing. He's a fashion designer taking orders from home. He wears a full rimmed glasses and would work days without sleep. Passing him a kiss on his cheek, neck and shoulder from behind as he sat on his tailoring table, you'd leave work with coffee he packed for you. Coming home to an empty house is normal.
Like today, Jimin returns after a short jog, to see the rice still in the same amount as he left it. He reveals the table with its food untouched. He saw the bed empty and began ridding his shirt and left his pants on before he opens the door to the bathroom to see you in the tub, relaxing. "Why aren't you eating the food I made?" he asked, accusatively.
"I will, later. I felt like I need to shower first," you hummed, head resting on the brim of the tub, "I had a horrible day... A fucked day." Jimin rids of his pants next before climbing in the tub with you, passing a kiss on your lips, "I need a shower too...and we can cuddle. I'll make you feel good."
It always starts with a cuddle. And now, you're pregnant. In labor, screaming your head off.
"It's a girl..." the nurse hands Jimin the wrapped baby. Jimin was visibly nervous and you've lost all your strength. "Why is it so warm? Why is she so warm?" Jimin stammered. "Jimin, please. Because she came out from me, idiot," you sighed.
Jimin carries the baby awkwardly, unable to process the situation at hand that he is now, written on the baby's identification card, "Baby's Father : Park Jimin."
"You need to be reliable now, you can't run off. This little one is depending on you," you hummed as your husband sat by your bed, holding your hand between his and he beamed before hiding his face behind your intertwined hands. You saw his shoulders shake, his cheeks wet. You thumbed his tears and smiled warmly.
"I want to learn how to be a good father. I have to," he mutters. "I saw the baby shoes you bought and tried to hide; you're halfway there, already," you felt him rise up to lean over and gave you a forehead kiss. His wedding band, your wedding ring; who would have believed two idiots who hated marriage eventually have kids together. All the friends you both roasted always knew you two were roasting them. Now that you're married yourself, you're in for a life long teasing. That idiot Park Jimin was an idiot. But today, he is still an idiot, but an idiot you love.
"That's definitely my lips..." he pointed, "Nine months inside mom. Looks like dad." "You should be thankful I'm strapped to this bed with this IV drops."
This perfectly wrong marriage, might just be perfect for you. Fin.
copyright © 2019 namjoonchronicles do not repost, leave feedback xoxo
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mymoodwriting · 5 years
The Choice Is Yours
F!Reader x Vampire!Yuta
Genre: Vampire Dystopia
Warning: Abuse, Degrading, Non-Con, Masturbation, Pet Play
Words: 3.4K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Epilogue
Prompt: Good behavior goes a long way when a new world order is established within hours and humans wind up at the bottom of the food chain. As luck would have it you were claimed by a vampire named Yuta, so you’re saved in a sense. Many would say you’re in a rather unique situation, and despite its perks it wasn’t really something you asked for.
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 “Don’t worry, I’m not going to bite you.”
 “You aren’t?”
 “No, you were sedated, so the drug is still in your system. I’d rather have a taste of you when you’re clean.”
 “So… you don’t like… blood laced with drugs…”
 “My kind really doesn’t, it’s an unwanted flavor and drugs in general tend to taint your kind over time.”
 “So… what do you like?”
 “Right, we should go over the basics.”
 “The basics?”
 “Yes. For starters, the sun is no bother to us.” Yuta pulled open some curtains, basking in the sunlight. “We just tan easily. Garlic isn’t harmful, and neither is a cross, and a steak, wood or silver, won’t kill us.”
     He was suddenly back on the bed next to you, smirk on his face. Before you could react he grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you above him with ease.
 “Super fast and super strong too?”
 “Yes, very observant. All of our senses are also heightened, touch, taste, smell, etc.” He laid you down. “Aren’t you gonna ask about my weaknesses? Or how to kill me?”
 “What’s the point? You’re stronger and faster, besides, I don’t think you’d answer me honestly.”
 “Clever. Any other questions? Maybe I’ll answer.”
 “Can you… control people?”
 Yuta laughed. “No, we can’t mind control humans, if we could we would have ruled the world a long time ago. Now, how about a house tour.”
     You weren’t given a chance to answer before he took your hand and got you off the bed. It wasn’t surprising to see he lived in a mansion, bigger than anything you had ever seen. You were in awe of it all. He showed you the library, the kitchen, the game area, the dining hall, the pool, the theater, the garden, everything, all while he held your hand tight. He was very excited, very happy to show you all he had.
 “You’re free to roam the house, no place is off limits to you, you just can’t leave the mansion grounds.”
 “Isn’t that… a bad idea…”
 “To let me have free range of the house. What if I try to escape?”
     Yuta chuckled and took you to the front door. He stepped out with you and you could see the gate a few feet away. It seemed like a fence surrounded the perimeter of the house and outside those walls there was nothing but nature.
 “Where would you go?”
     It was quiet and it seemed like the house was miles away from any form of civilization. Besides keeping in mind that Yuta said it had been a global takeover, there really was nowhere you could go. Instead of answering his question you focused on the van parked out front, humans being loaded off. You didn’t recognize any of them being from the van that brought you, but you did recognize someone. Xiaojun was standing with a clipboard by the vehicle, taking notes on something. A question came to mind, one that maybe you didn’t want the answer to but you had to ask anyway.
 “Why… why did you do it?”
 “Do what?”
 “You know what.”
 “Sassy, I like. Well, we had been planning it for a few decades now, needed to wait for the right moment and had to get somethings in order first.”
 “Why. Not how, why.”
 Yuta scoffed. “You humans were ruining the planet for starters. Besides, you’re just children, fighting amongst yourself and hurting each other. It wasn’t hard to see you’d all be better off under our care. Now there won’t be any starving or homeless humans.”
 “We’ll just be your slaves.”
 “That’s harsh and not true. You’re more than welcome to run away when you want, but I can’t say you’ll be alright wherever you end up.”
 “And where will I end up?”
 “Well, if you’re not a house servant, you could end up working as public labor.”
 “Public labor?”
 “Yeah, fixing up buildings, picking up trash, secretary, I don’t know, whatever is needed. But, given your youth and beauty, I’m sure you’d wind up a breeder.”
 “A what!”
 “What? You think we’d just let your species die out or something. We need you after all.”
 “Do you have… that sounds so disgusting and terrifying!”
 “We know how troublesome of a process it can be to reproduce for you humans, well those of you who actually carry the child. Breeders are well taken care of throughout the entire pregnancy.”
 “I’m joking silly.”
 “If you ran off you’d surely get caught, and they’d check your blood, see that you belong to me and bring you right back. Although I could have you disciplined then brought back or sell you off to the state and see what they’d do with you.”
 “My blood… is my ID tag?”
 “Yes, better than branding you right? We’re more advanced than you ever were.”
 “I can tell…”
 “Yuta!” Xiaojun came over. “All the house servants are counted and present.”
 “Lovely. Where’s YangYang?”
 “He’s in the back making sure the servants are comfortable and will be there when they wake to brief them.”
 “Ah, okay, tell him to stop by when he has the chance, I want to introduce him to y/n.”
 “Of course. It is nice to see you on your feet.”
 “Thanks.” You gave him a smile. “It’s nice to see you too.”
     He excused himself and went off. You looked at the gate again before Yuta pulled you back into the house.
 “Are… is Xiaojun and the others… who aren’t dressed in white… are they vampires too?”
 “Wait, they’re human!”
 “I didn’t say that either.”
 “Then… what?”
 “We call them halfbreeds.”
 “Half… so they were once human?”
 “But their not vampires.”
 “Correct. They still need human food and the blood of their sire to survive. Other than that they’re similar to vampires in every other way, except for their bite. It’s only enjoyed by their sire, if a halfbreed bites a human it would only hurt.”
 “Good to know. So, how does one become a halfbreed?”
 “That’s not important.”
 “Then how do you become a vampire? Were you once human?”
 “Also not important.”
 “Okay, so, where are the servants?”
 “Their living quarters are below in the cellar, why?”
 “Well, isn’t that what I am? Where I’ll be staying. I figured with the personal welcome… that I’m your personal… servant?”
 “Oh no, that’s not your role.”
 “Well… I’m here so it’s not labor… and if I’m not a servant then…”
 “Vampires can’t procreate, not with each other or with humans, neither can halfbreeds. So before you think of it and freak out, you’re not a breeder either.”
 “Then what am I here for?”
 “You’re mine.”
 “And what does that mean?”
       Your back was suddenly pressed against a wall, Yuta leaning into the crook of your neck. Shivers went down your spine and you gently tilted your head to the side, breathing heavy. Yuta chuckled over your actions.
 “You can feel it can’t you? You got a tingle, you want me to bite you.”
 “Sh, I won’t just yet.”
       He grabbed your head and pulled you close, giving you a kiss on the cheek. He didn’t move though, keeping you pinned against the wall, cradling your head.
 “When a vampire feeds directly from a human, it’s quite pleasurable for both parties involved, but it can get messy, and it’s dangerous.”
 “D… dangerous?”
 “Our bite is euphoric and addictive. Most of us prefer a blood bag though, so, you humans don’t have to worry. We’ll draw some blood every few months and make sure you stay nice and healthy. Although, biting humans is still fun, so some of you were fated as feeders.”
 “Yup, there are places around where we can find some feeders, others might have a few at home.”
 “But… you said the bite was addictive…”
 “Yes, feeders are the only type of human junkie we’d let exist. After a while they become so giddy and compliant, rather brainless too but they’re very happy.”
       Your mind was still processing everything, trying to understand what it meant for you, and then it finally dawned on you. Once you realized what your fate was you started to squirm, wanting to get away from him. He only held you tighter, leaving you very little room to move.
 “Easy there, easy, you won’t end up brainless silly, promise.���
 “Let me go!” You were sobbing. “I don’t want this!”
 “What you want doesn’t matter, so behave yourself or do I need to discipline you so soon?”
       You stopped struggling, giving up but the tears kept flowing. Running away didn’t seem like such a bad thing, regardless of the consequences, so you put it in your mind, the first chance, any chance you got, to run, you’d take it.
 “How about we get you some food? I’ve had lunch prepared.”
 “I’m not hungry…”
 “Hm. I’ll say this once baby, so listen close. I know you’re hungry, you just got off a sedative, and given your role, you need to say nice and healthy, which means you need to stay well fed. You’ll love the food here, but I’ll have no problem feeding you everything in smoothie form. So we’re gonna go have some lunch, and you’re gonna eat. Whenever a meal or snacks are prepared for you, you will eat, understand?”
       You also hated how good the food tasted. You didn’t say anything about it but Yuta knew you liked it. He took the time to ask about you, which you certainly found pointless, it’s not like what you did in your life mattered anymore. At least the conversation could go both ways and Yuta seemed like he’d always give you an answer.
 “So… you need food?”
 “Not to survive. It’s just a luxury we enjoy, food does taste delicious after all.”
 “Are… are you gonna kill me?”
 “Wow, you want me to answer that? Really?”
 “Yes… I mean… surely you’re gonna kill me… us humans probably only taste good for so long…”
 “True, you do have a set expiration date, but it doesn’t have to do with taste. We don’t need you humans overpopulating, but don’t worry, it’ll be very peaceful.”
 “That… I guess that’s comforting… so… do humans outnumber you?”
 “Does that matter? Are you going to take up arms and fight us?”
 “No. I doubt we’d win.”
 “Oh really? How come?”
 “We don’t know your weaknesses, how do you fight an enemy when you don’t know how to hurt them. You were planning this for years, surely you have contingencies for a possible uprising, and you can easily release that toxin you did when you took over again.”
 “True, but amuse me, say you knew how to kill vampires, and the toxin wasn’t in play. Do you think humans could win?”
 “There’s still too many things to take into account and I don’t have enough information to give you a proper answer. Surely not all humans would want to fight, or would be capable of fighting. Knowing and actually being able to kill you are two different things. I would assume doing so would still be very hard considering all the ways you’re stronger and better than humans.”
 “We’re better than humans?”
 “You already believe that… and I’d agree…”
 “Very honest indeed, I appreciate that. So you don’t think you humans would win.”
 “There’s always a chance, no matter how small, but I’d be more concerned of what came next, after we won. How do we rebuild our world…”
 “You’re just adorable.” Yuta giggled. “You think far more logically than any other human I’ve met, but don’t worry your pretty little head, that’s not going to happen. You’ll be nice and happy with me.”
       You went quiet again, staring down at your plate and forcing yourself to finish what was on it. Someone else suddenly came into the room, you didn’t recognize them but you knew they weren’t human. Yuta looked up when they entered and smiled.
 “YangYang, there you are, I want you to meet y/n, they’re my special little guest. They have free range of the house, but I do hope you can look out for them and keep them out of trouble.”
 “Of course, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
 “How are the others?”
 “Resting comfortably. They should be up soon.”
 “Good, do tell me if any of them cause trouble.”
 “Yes, sir.”
       Yuta stuck by your side the rest of that day. You kept a smile on your face despite it all, despite the terror you felt being in that house. Even though you seemed to be special to Yuta you still had to dress in white. Others were certainly wearing work appropriate clothes, whereas yours clothes seemed a bit more formal.
       You eventually saw other humans around the house, halfbreeds close by. They were probably being told what their new life was going to be like. It was definitely unsettling for everyone, but you felt worse by their looks. Some glared at you, probably over the fact that they knew Yuta was the owner of the house, their owner, and you were holding his hand. Although you were more nervous when night came.
 “Come on, you need to clean up.”
       Yuta took you into the bathroom, a huge tub in the room. He started filling the tub and then grabbed your shirt, starting to pull it up but you quickly grabbed his hands. A chuckle escaped his lips. You knew you had to let him go, but you didn’t want to be stripped naked by him.
 “I can do it myself.” You suddenly blurt out. “I’m… I’m-”
 “Oh I know you can, but whatever I want, I get, my little pet. So if I want to strip you, I will, and I have no issue ripping off your clothes. Now I’d very much prefer not to tear your clothes off, so, what’s it going to be? Are you gonna be good?”
       You swallowed nervously, letting go of his arms and lifting your hands up, making it easier for him to take your shirt off. He certainly took his time taking your clothes off too, clearly wanting his eyes to take in every inch of your form. You did try to cover up but Yuta grabbed your hands, shaking his head.
       You dropped your hands, letting him look at you. You felt so dirty, no one had ever seen you naked, not even those you had once dated. So for some absolute stranger, a monster, to get to see you so vulnerable, tears came to your eyes. He chuckled again and wiped them away, helping you into the warm water.
       You felt a bit better in the tub, the bubbles covering you up, so you weren’t completely exposed. You figured he was going to simply wash you the way one would clean their pets, but then he started taking his clothes off. You got tense, wanting to say something, but the words were caught in your throat. Before you knew it he was in the tub with you, pulling you into his arms, your back against his chest, sitting between his legs.
 “You’re so quiet sometimes you know.” Yuta put his chin on your head. “I wonder what’s going on in your head.”
 “It’s alright, I know you won’t always be chatty.”
       He just held you for a while before grabbing a sponge, starting to scrub you down. It was definitely a first, you weren’t one for a bath, didn’t have the time, and you’ve certainly never taken it with someone else. Yuta was very gentle with you, being very slow and precise, as if you were a delicate porcelain doll.
       At some point you started smiling. You smelled like flowers and your skin was very soft. You relaxed against Yuta, letting him scrub shampoo and conditioner in your hair. You played with some of the bubbles, forgetting your own reality, that is until you felt Yuta’s hand trailing down your chest. You suddenly got tense.
       He didn’t hesitate to start touching you, making you jerk back against him. He laughed in your ear, kissing your cheek, but his hand stayed where it was, moving gently to please you.
 “What’s the matter? Haven’t you been enjoying my touch?”
 “This… this isn’t…”
       Yuta didn’t let up, a heat growing in you. You had your eyes shut tight, biting your lip and trying not to make any noise. You knew that’s what he wanted, and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Once his fingers started teasing your entrance you snapped, grabbing his hand and actually making an effort to stop him.
 “No… no please don’t…”
 “Hm, and why not? You’ve been enjoying everything so far.”
 “This…” Tears pricked your eyes. “I don’t-”
 “Don’t worry, I won’t, I’ll save that for another time.”
       You were a bit relieved but then he kissed you, his tongue pushing past your lips and exploring your mouth. His hands kept pleasuring you, and you hated yourself for enjoying his touch. When Yuta pulled his lips away you let out a moan, blushing, he got what he wanted, which brought a smile to his face.
 “Very good. I wanted to hear you make those noises. You know what would make this better?” You felt him brush his fangs along your neck, making you jump. “You’d be such a mess if I bit you right now.”
 “You… you said…”
 “I know, I’m just teasing.”
       He smiled and kissed down your neck, bringing you closer to the edge. You shouldn’t want him, but he was making you feel so good. You didn’t hold back your moans, to wrapped up in the pleasure to care about your own dignity. You’re breathing started becoming uneasy as you got closer to the edge. Yuta knew you were close, and he leaned in close, whispering in your ear with his sharp voice.
 “Cum for me my pet.”
       You shook in his embrace as you reached your high, crying out his name without meaning too. He kept playing with you as you came down, taking advantage of your over sensitive state. He kissed your cheek, going down to your neck, easily leaving marks.
 “You did very good.”
       Reality started settling back in and you felt embarrassed, you felt pathetic for giving him exactly what he wanted. You wanted to get out of the tub but he held you down.
 “Easy now, easy, you enjoyed yourself, you can’t deny that.”
 “I didn’t want it…”
 “Then why did you scream out my name?”
 He chuckled. “Stay.”
       He got out of the tub, drying himself off and then putting on a bathrobe. You stayed where you were as he ordered, staring at the water. After a moment his hand was in your field of vision. You looked up at him and then took it, letting him help you out. You stumbled a bit but he made sure you stayed on your feet.
       You stayed quiet as he dried you off and then wrapped you in a towel. He led you back to the room, having you sit on the bed. While you waited he dressed himself. Once the robe fell from him you looked away, you didn’t want to admire his beauty. He was a monster, you couldn’t forget that.
 “Here.” Yuta set down some white clothes next to you. “Get dressed, I’ll be back in a bit.”
       You didn’t move until you heard the door close. You looked around to make sure he was actually gone. You stood up and dropped the towel, getting dressed. You stared at the white, wiping away your tears. You were getting so tired of crying. Your eyes were then drawn to the window, the first time you got to see the night sky in this new world.
 “Beautiful right?” Yuta was suddenly hugging your from behind. “The sky.”
 “Come on, let’s get some sleep.”
 “You… you sleep?”
 “I don’t need much, perhaps four or five hours, sleep is just another luxury to use really, but you my little pet, require more, so come now.”
       He took your hand and led you back to the bed. You pulled your hand away, staring at the sheets.
 “Wait… you want me to sleep… in the same bed as you?”
 “Where else would you sleep?” He caressed your cheek. “I want to keep my pet close.”
       You didn’t get to protest again as he got you into bed with him, his arms wrapped around you. It wasn’t until then that you realized he was rather cold. You curled up a bit, pulling the sheets closer to you. Today had certainly been a strange day, and you had no idea what tomorrow would bring.
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writerpeach · 6 years
Dahyun's Lesson
Twice Mina/Dahyun
5993 words
Categories: male reader, smut, threesome
NSFW 18+
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“Tokyo's really pretty, isn't it unnie?” Dahyun asks Mina while staring at the nighttime skyline through the large hotel window.
“It is! Not as pretty as you though,“ Mina replies, remote in hand, scanning through the Netflix menus, trying to find something new to watch.
Dahyun groans at the cheesiness and sticks her tongue out at her.
The two girls had sent you on a hunt for something to satisfy their hunger, it was past midnight so room service wasn’t an option anymore, and there weren’t a whole lot of places that delivered this late either.
“Shouldn't he be back by now? I'm starving,” Dahyun asks as her stomach growls, as if it was agreeing with her.
“He's not used to the street layout, it's much different than Seoul and he's not as confident in his Japanese as he should be, maybe he got lost. Let me message him and find out.“
Before Mina can unlock her phone a loud click signals your arrival as you enter the room with an assortment of food containers and cups.
“Sorry, I had to go to three different restaurants to find a place that carried watermelon juice for you Mina.“
“That was really nice of you, any kind of juice would had been fine baby, you didn't have to go to all the trouble. “
“It was worth the effort, I know how much you like it. Besides now I'll never forget how to ask for it in Japanese.”
“You're such a dork,” Mina says as she laughs, showing that cute gummy smile of hers as she grabs the cup and has her first sip of the sweet fruit beverage.
Moments go by as empty styrofoam packaging and plasticware is sprawled out over the hotel room table, Mina gathers it all up and deposits it in the trash can, sitting back down and having another drink of her favorite fruit juice.
“That was really good. I think, maybe we should work some of that that food off now?”
You and Mina flash bedroom eyes at each other, Dahyun catches the not-so-subtle innuendo and the sexual tension that could be cut with a knife, deciding she's somehow overstayed her welcome, even though she was sharing half the room with her older Japanese member.
“I guess that's my cue to leave. I'll go see what Sana unnie is doing and leave you two alone. “
Mina laughs. “Already? You don't have to leave you know. In fact, you could even stay and… watch us if you wanted to to. Maybe, we could even teach you a thing or two?.”
Dahyun coughs and nearly chokes on her cola.
“Wait, what? Wouldn’t..that be weird? I-I wouldn’t I just get in the way?”
“No, of course not baby girl, the extra set of eyes is certainly most welcome. If you’re uncomfortable with it that’s totally fine, but I’m sure neither one of us would mind the addition of an audience. “
You nod your head in agreement, “Not at all. We’ll put on a show for you.”
“O-okay... if you insist.” Dahyun tries to not put her nerves out on display.
“We do.”
Dahyun makes her way to the leather chair in the corner right by the bed and plops down in it. Mina grabs you by the hand as you both approach the front of the bed just in front of her.
She cups the side of your cheek and kisses you softly, her lips smack against yours, the taste of watermelon juice still lingers and without warning she shoves her tongue in your mouth, wrestling around your own. Mina takes control and pushes you up against the hotel window, pressing your back into the cold translucent pane as Dahyun looks on.
Mina strips you of your shirt, throwing it beside Dahyun and kneels before you, unbuckling and unzipping your pants, making quick work of them and yanking them down to your ankles.
She rubs your hardening cock through the fabric of your black cotton boxers, desperate to free itself from the burdensome cloth. She digs her delicate fingers into the elastic waistband and pulls them off, freeing your now rock hard erection as it feels the cool air for the first time, you step out and kick both counterparts, sending them away.
Dahyun gasps at your size as Mina shoots a devilish grin at her, she brings her warm tongue to the base of your cock and edges upwards, giving slow, small flicks and lathering up your cock nicely, she reaches the head of your cock and swirls circles around it, brushing against your slit wildly.
She strokes your cock until convinced you’re fully erect, bringing it in into her slick mouth, wrapping her soft, plump lips around your head and squeezing tightly, you can’t help but notice that Dahyun can’t seem to keep her eyes off of your erection.  
“It’s okay to look, baby girl. His cock is really nice isn’t it? ” Mina asks the purple-headed girl with a smile on her face.
Dahyun nods, still too nervous to speak. Mina brings your cock back into her slick mouth, working your length with her hand, twisting around and stroking it as she brings her left hand to your balls and fondles them gently, Mina knew how much you loved ballplay, the sudden pleasure makes you gasp, the sensations were fierce and blissful, and there being a third body in the room enjoying the show only added to it.
Not before long your shaft hits the back of Mina’s throat with ease, she begins bobbing her head up and down as her saliva coats your cock, Dahyun was almost shocked at the natural ability Mina had able to fully take your cock inside her mouth and deepthroat you.
“Fuck, that’s so good Mina, don’t fucking stop.”
Mina’s blowjob is sloppy and wet, her tongue flicks around the underside of your head wildly, with every stroke of her mouth more and more ecstasy fills up your body, threatening to overload you. Under different circumstances she might have taken her time with you, making you squirm with anticipation and buildup but this time she wants to show off to Dahyun.
“You’re really good at that unnie.” Dahyun finally speaks up.
She’s unable to respond as she’s balls deep in your crotch, so you speak for her.
“Mina has had a… lot of practice. She really knows what she’s doing.”
Mina was terrific at sucking cock, she had picked up lots of experience in the past few months, blowing you in almost every possible location - hotel balconies, multiple cars, various bathrooms including the ones at JYP entertainment, the dressing room to her favorite lingerie store, the list goes on.
She even had the audacity to blow you in a public park down by the Han river late at night, you'd almost gotten caught by two middle-aged ladies out for an evening stroll, she had to do her best to convince them the reason your pants were down by your ankles was because you had just spilled hot coffee all over yourself, and were trying to soothe your legs with the pretend ointment she had stashed in her purse that was actually just Mina’s moisturizer. It was a good thing Mina acted as well as she gave head.
“Have you given a blowjob before Dahyun?” Mina asks as she pauses the magic she was performing between your legs.
“Uh, a few times, I don’t think I was very good at it though.“
“You can’t be that bad, come here and try. I’ll guide you through the process.”
Dahyun stands up and takes the position, kneeling in front of you as Mina scuttles next to her. She pulls her purple locks back and out of the way, granting you easier access to her mouth.
Mina instructs the girl, “Just start with the tip, baby girl. Use your tongue first.”
Dahyun does what she says and meets her tongue to your tip, slowly painting broad strokes around your swollen head, swirling around in random directions, watching as Mina looks on in approval. Her soft fingers take hold of your cock as she steers it into her mouth, sucking the tip of your cock ambitiously, trying her damndest to make you feel good.
Your breath shudders as she looks up at you doe-eyed. “Does that feel okay?”
“It feels really, really good, keep doing what you're doing.”
Dahyun reattaches your sensitive tip to her mouth with more force, her pace increases as she becomes more confident in what she's doing, eager to please you.
“You’re doing good Dahyun. Try to keep more eye contact,” Mina says, coaching her.
Her eyes meet yours, strands of purple hair fly wildly as she establishes a rhythm, bobbing her head up and down, mimicking what Mina was doing moments ago, for someone who didn’t seem to know what she was doing her blowjob felt amazing, those soft lips applying more and more pressure that send waves of pleasurable sensations throughout your body.
Dahyun’s mouth felt slightly different from Mina’s, her red lips weren’t as plump but they had a softer feel to them, her tongue was wetter, and the inside of her mouth felt just as warm and pleasurable, if not more so. Dahyun looked so, so pretty with your cock in her mouth, the pink and purple streaks of color in her hair really contrasted nicely with the pale tint of her skin.
Mina barges in and presses her tongue against the base of your cock, slicking up your shaft and sending new waves of sensations. Before you can even acknowledge her movements she dives face first into your balls, bringing each one into her mouth and slurping sloppily. Mina's hot breath on your balls was heavenly, it drove you crazy enough to want to finish on both of their pretty faces, but you exercised some self-control.
“God… that feels so good.”
The sight of the gorgeous women kneeling before you, tongues and mouths wrapped around every part of your shaft was a mind blowing feat that causes your head to unconsciously jerk back, the delight emanating over each and every part of your body was putting you in a daze, you need a moment to take it all in, as you weren’t sure when, if ever, you were going to have such a more perfect experience in your life.
Dahyun becomes more adventurous, and before you can blink more than just your head has moved past her lips, warmth surrounds your hard cock as more of it fills up her slippery mouth. Her mouth glides up and down, as Mina’s tongue wanders all over the base of your shaft. Before you know it Dahyun has taken you halfway, but she struggles a bit and has to back off, as a trail of spittle from your cock carries over and lands on her chin.
Mina looks at her concerned, “Don’t take more than you feel the need to baby girl. You don’t wanna gag yourself. “
“Okay. Am I doing okay so far, unnie?”
“You’re doing wonderful. Do you need a break? I’m fucking wet, and I need get fucked by that cock of his. ”
“He’s all yours, Mina unnie. “
The two girls stop their movements, allowing you to finally catch your breath.
“How do you want me baby?” Mina asks seductively, biting her lower lip.
“From behind, need to see that tight ass of yours while I fuck you.  Dahyun, you can get on the bed too so you can get a closer look.”
“Oh, o-okay.”
“If you want, you don’t have to. But you’re going to miss out.”
Dahyun moves to climb on the bed, but Mina puts a hand on her shoulder and stops.
“Wait, Dahyun, come undress me first.”
She gulps and looks back at you, as if asking for your approval, you give a quick nod for her to go ahead.
Dahyun reaches up and unzips the dresses’ oddly placed front zipper, Mina helps out take each arm out of the straps before pulling it over her head.
Her hands tremble as she unbuttons each button, she tries to calm her nerves before exposing more and more of the older girl’s bare skin, she reaches the last button and removes it, unveiling it off her shoulders. The length of the shirt was long enough to cover up Mina’s lower body, and with its sudden disappearance Mina is left in nothing but a black lace bra and mint green underwear, the two colors paired up nicely against the creamy white tone of her body.
The younger woman in front of MIna is spending maybe a little too much time staring at her chest, ogling her as she reaches behind her the girls back, trying to unhook her bra, pulling at her straps everywhere but to no luck.
“Unnie, where is it?”
Mina laughs, “Sorry, it’s in the front.”
Still ogling Mina’s now exposed breasts, round and perky in shape, she looks away quickly as soon as Mina’s eyes meet hers, as if she had just been caught cheating on a test.
Mina's hands meet Dahyun's who brings them to her own breasts, using them to cup them, staring directly into her eyes.
“Do you like what you see? You’re practically drooling baby girl. It’s okay to stare, It would be rude of you not to. Have you ever undressed a woman before, Dahyun?”
She shakes her head no, still refusing to make eye contact.
“You’re cute when you’re nervous. Let’s get this pesky underwear off me now.”
Dahyun captures her fingers into Mina’s waistband, pulling the colorful garment down and off her hips, and dragging it away, uncovering her delectable shaved pussy as it makes way down her toned legs and hits her bare feet.
Mina’s naked body looked radiant in the light, her body was small but had the perfect amount of thickness in her legs and thighs, her breasts sat shapely on top her chest, perky and firm, not too big but not too small either. Her stomach was just magnificent and mouth-watering, you had indulged on several occasions in licking whipped cream off her tight abs, as well as other sugary ice cream toppings.
The two girls climb up on the bed, Dahyun sits on the pillows while Mina gets down on her hands and knees to face her, her feet are at the edge of the bed and her bare ass is facing you. She looks at you behind her and licks her lips.
“Fuck me baby.“
You stand behind her sprawled, naked body, taking a hand to her right cheek and giving a firm squeeze. Mina’s ass was honestly flawless, sculpted perfectly with just the right amount of curves, were Dahyun not here you most likely would have opted for anal sex instead, but that was probably too much for the mostly innocent girl to handle so soon.
You run a finger through the lips of Mina's pussy, collecting her slick and just as she said a few minutes ago she was already dripping. You tease Mina’s glistening lips with your cock in one hand, spreading them open with the other until you’re satisfied she’s wet enough to enter, with one grandiose movement you thrust deep inside her tight pussy as she cries out in pleasure.
Immediately you feel her walls clench around your cock, her lips squeeze tightly as her juices help lubricate your cock, you grab her narrow waist and impale yourself further and further, her pussy stretches out to accommodate your size until you bottom her out, pulling her body into yours with every thrust.
Meanwhile Dahyun feels anxious, a pool of wetness forms between her legs, threatening to ruin her underwear underneath.
You pick up the pace, giving deep, long thrusts inside Mina’s silken pussy, your balls smack onto her warm flesh with every thrust, filling her to the hilt. Mina’s normally soft, quiet voice was now booming, soft moans became loud ones, echoing around the surface of the expensive looking hotel room.
For a brief few seconds you actually forgot Dahyun was still there, the tightness of Mina’s wet cunt dominated your mind, it was the only thing you could process in the moment.
Dahyun savors the sight in front of her and bites the fingertip of her index finger, everything was a lot to take in for her. Mina was one of her closest friends and coworkers, she had seen her every single day for over three years, some of those times without clothing, but not like this. Here Mina was, naked and bent over in front of her, her face was contoured with pleasure and she was being fucked unrelentingly by someone who was equally close to her, if she had to admit it she was pretty fucking turned on right now.
Mina’s cries and moans break any tension Dahyun had building.
“God, that feels so good baby, you’re so fucking deep, Fuck! Pound that fucking cock in me, fuck me until I cum.”
You’re fully embedded inside Mina’s tight cunt now, every deep thrust inside her felt better than the last. You piston her tight hole with every inch of your cock, her walls were squeezing around you more and her breath was becoming more shallow by the second, you could tell she was getting close. Sweat begins to mist over Mina’s soft skin, the two of you are quickly becoming drenched in it, with every fluid movement of your hips your bodies meld together like gum.
You make eye contact with Dahyun before finding a good rhythm to fuck Mina with, you grab onto her soft, smooth shoulders for support and really pound her pussy, you feel her clench even tighter around your cock. Mina is so awash with pleasure that she buries her head into the sheets to try and dampen her moans but its seemingly fruitless, the pleasure just keeps building and building in her abdomen, boiling over past her breaking point.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna fucking cum baby, I’m gonna fucking cum all over that cock!”
Mina succumbs to the pleasure as she cums hard, her orgasm hits with an intensity she wasn’t expecting, her hips buck as her whole body trembles, she grips the sheets with clenched fists tight, her dripping cunt pulses around you, becoming impossibly wet as she rides out her climax, you slow your thrusts down to almost to a stop, helping her catch her breath and recover.
Dahyun looks awestruck, the sight of a woman, even one she was deeply close to, losing herself and orgasming hard in front of her for the first time was a bit of a shock, she actually felt a tinge of jealousy and desperately wanted to experience that same euphoria.
Pretty soon she would get that chance.
“Fuck...baby…that was so good.” Mina’s voice relapses into a whisper again, she can barely move with bliss, much less speak.
“It’s time our Dahyun got some pleasure of her own don’t you think baby? Why don’t you have a seat for a change this time?”
You pull out of her slowly, as Mina’s tight, slick pussy lets go of your cock, you occupy the same chair that Dahyun was in earlier.
“Dahyun, come here, come lay in front of me, baby girl.”
“Y-yes, unnie.”
“We need to get rid of these annoying clothes.”
Mina moves quickly, seizing the bottom of her red striped top and lifting it up and over her head, exposing a light pink cotton bra, simple in nature. Mina pounces on the girl, diving into her mouth, surprising her with the sudden movement but she doesn’t resist. Both of their lips clash together as Mina cups her right cheek, tongues playing with each other unexpectedly, Mina is taken back a bit at the other girl matching her levels of passion.
Dahyun wanted to be touched more than she thought, even if she would never admit it. Mina breaks the kiss and moves her lips down to the left side of her neck, kissing every spot, placing soft, gentle pecks before diving in, nipping and suckling at the bare skin, intent on marking her and turning her skin a beautiful shade of dark red.
She reaches behind Dahyun to undo her clasp, using one hand and refusing to stray from her neck, she sheds the garment off her body, throwing it halfway across the room.
As if she tasked with a mission to have Dahyun completely naked, Mina makes quick work of her plaid skirt, unzipping the metal zipper pressed against her right thigh, yanking it off her and tossing it, landing almost in the same spot as the discarded bra. Underneath was a matching set of underwear, the only difference was the wet spot that had soaked through the front part of the fabric.
"Look at you baby girl, you made a mess didn't you?"
Dahyun doesn't say anything as her face turns crimson red.
Mina presses her palms flat on Dahyun’s stomach, trailing her delicate hands upwards across the smooth, pale skin, making way to her small, yet infinitely perky breasts and cupping them, kneading each one before walking her fingertips to the center of her mounds and playing with her sensitive nipples, pinching them lightly, causing the girl on her back to gasp.
Continuing her ambush on the pale girl’s chest, Mina kisses the area just below her neck, right under her collarbone, before bringing her mouth to Dahyun’s left breast, flicking strokes with her tongue against the sensitive nub, swirling around it and suckling it. She advances to the other one, never leaving her hand from the former, fingertips still rolling the spit-drenched nipple in between, as she indulges in tasting her other bud, slicking it up just as much as the other one, causing her body to twitch.
Mina inches slowly down Dahyun’s body, leaving a path of kisses on her stomach, pressing her lips firmly enough to leave a light outline of pink lipstick. She reaches the mecca of her body, hooking fingers in the waistband of her cute pink underwear, hauling them off her hips and dragging them down her legs, relieving her of the garment as she flings them at you like a slingshot, landing squarely in your lap.
Dahyun's naked body was utterly gorgeous, paleness blanketed her soft skin from head to toe.
“Are you ready?”
“I-I think so.”
“Keep your legs open for me.”
A devilish smile washes over Mina, she stares intently into Dahyun’s pretty eyes before opening her mouth again.
“You’re all mine, baby girl. I’m going to ruin you.”
Right before diving into the feast between Dahyun's thighs, Mina ties her hair up in a makeshift ponytail, keeping her hair out of her eyes. She tries to calm the girl down by rubbing her warm, milky white thighs, she could sense the nervousness.
Dahyun wasn't a virgin, she had sex before but it wasn’t a pleasant experience, he was rough and cold, he didn’t give a shit about her needs, not even bothering to eat her out, and certainly didn't make her cum.
"Just tell me what you like baby girl, I'll do whatever you want." "I-I don't know unnie, I've never even touched myself before." Dahyun's voice was weak and shaky, her lips were quivering. "Okay then, just tell me what feels good, and I'll keep doing it to you," Mina says in that soft, quiet sultry voice of hers, smirking ear to ear.
Settling into position, Mina nudges Dahyun's body, rotating slightly to ensure you have the perfect view, you sit back in your chair and relax, eagerly awaiting the masterpiece that was about to take place for your eyes only.
Mina marks her inner thighs gently with kisses, warming her up, she's already so sensitive that her body jerks. She runs her hands through Dahyun's dark pubic hair before cupping her arms under her thighs and pulling her closer.
Mina brings the middle finger of one hand and teases it up and down her slit, gathering the slick that forms suddenly. She gently introduces the same finger inside her warm entrance, feeling the resistance of her tight walls as they constrict around Mina’s digit, as if she was being pulled in and not letting go. Mina looks at you, content with what she finds.
“She’s so fucking tight baby, she’s going to feel so good when you fuck her. I’ve barely touched her and she’s already drenched. “
She brings her ring finger to meet with the former, driving further into Dahyun’s tight pussy, her juices help lubricate MIna’s slim fingers, assisting her to thrust in past her knuckles.
“How does that feel baby girl, are you okay?”
Dahyun’s breath is becoming shallow, “It feels really good unnie, keep going.“
The two fingers slipped inside Dahyun push in deeper, until Mina fills up her pussy to the hilt, rocking back and forth, finding a rhythm, Mina fingers the girl aggressively, not intending to stop anytime soon as they curl and twist inside with every flick of her wrist, she begins to moan softly, taking in each and every sensation.
“Look at her baby, she’s so fucking wet, she’s going to be nice and ready for that cock once I get through with her. “
MIna was through with foreplay, and wants to desperately taste Dahyun, she dives in between her creamy thighs, using her tongue to give her pussy a long, satisfying lick from bottom to top, hovering on her clit for a few seconds before making her way back down.
She replicates the move again, and again, and again, tasting her juices on her taste buds,  satisfied with the sounds coming out of Dahyun’s mouth, implying she must be doing something right.  
For the first few minutes Dahyun is completely speechless. Mina buries her face deep in between her succulent thighs and begins to eat her pussy out wildly, with the lust and hunger of a wild animal, it was like she had something to prove, that she was an expert at giving oral sex to both genders. Even as Mina was face first buried in Dahyun’s crotch she still somehow managed to look elegant.
Dahyun’s whole body shudders, the pleasure Mina was giving her below was unlike anything she had felt before, with every touch of Mina’s wet, warm tongue, she loses herself more and more, trying her hardest not to be overcome with the constant sensations surrounding her body.
A particularly loud, messy slurp comes out of Mina’s mouth, making Dahyun squirm even more.
“God, Dahyun, you’re so fucking delicious, I should have done this a long time ago.”
Mina gives her mouth a rest, finding Dahyun’s hardened clit and capturing it with her thumb, pressing into it and rubbing up down first, then circling it, never once letting up on the pressure, the sensitivity completely drives her up the walls.
The sight in front of you really was something else, you take a few moments to yourself, the blood rushing to you loins incessantly ensured your erection would never cease until your future climax. Mina was doing her best to make sure Dahyun felt as good as possible, needing her to share the same pleasure she had just moments before, it was by far the most erotic thing you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Do you want a taste baby? You should really taste this sweet pussy of hers, it’s so fucking good.”
“Of course, I’ve been waiting.“
You take up Mina’s previous position as she moves beside you, you give little time to recover before snatching Dahyun’s sensitive nub into your mouth finally, suckling and nuzzling on it, tasting her sweet nectar for the first time. She tastes tangy and sweet, a bit like the duality of pineapple.
Dahyun takes in the differences in technique, Mina ate pussy with a more gentle approach, savoring every lick and taking her time more, you opted for a more forthright method, you liked to dive right in, sloppily, both ways made Dahyun completely squirm.
What seems feels like seconds but in reality was minutes go by, just as you feel yourself finding a nice rhythm and really start to enjoy the taste and feel of Dahyun’s warm, wet pussy, you feel a soft hand on the side of your cheek, and Mina pushes your face away playfully.
“Ok, you've had enough baby, I wanna make her cum myself,“ Mina grins devilishly, unwillingly to share her with you.
“You're so greedy .”
“I know.”
Mina dives right back in to the treat between Dahyun’s legs, holding onto her thighs for dear life, downright devouring her pussy, suckling at her clit wantonly and slurping up every single drop of her sweet juices that leak out, not wanting any to go to waste.
“Fuck! Unnie!”
The sudden swear word takes you both by surprise, it wasn’t something Dahyun did often, if ever. Mina was intent on driving the girl to the edge, far past the brink, all the way to her first orgasm.
Dahyun abruptly feels a pressure creep into her abdomen, every second that goes by it grows stronger and stronger.
“Mina unnie, I-I, I-m, Mi-na...”
Dahyun has been reduced to a shaking, quivering mess, she’s coming apart, and can’t even form full words anymore.
“You're about to cum, baby girl. Just relax, and let it happen. It's going to feel real good.”
The pressure in Dahyun’s body completely boils over, her orgasm strikes like a whip, her hips buck wildly, she scrambles to cling onto the back of Mina’s head, closing her eyes as her whole body convulses as the euphoria takes over her whole body. Mina tries her best to help Dahyun ride out her orgasm as she keeps contact on her clit, bathed in her delectable juices all over, her face glistening as the luminescence hits.
“How was it baby girl?” Mina looks up and asks, lips and chin completely drenched as she watches Dahyun slowly catch her breath.
“Good...really good. You’re amazing, unnie.”
Mina turns to you, grasping to back of your head and kissing your lips deeply, the taste of Dahyun’s nectar still fully on her lips.
“She’s all yours baby. Come fuck her. “
Mina gets out of the way, as you move forward, caressing Dahyun’s thighs, aiming your hard cock towards that gorgeous, shimmering pussy of hers, running your tip over her clit before pressing against her welcoming lips, eagerly anticipating that first feeling of penetration.
With the gentlest movement you part her lower lips with the head of your cock, thrusting inside and feeling her warmth wrap around your shaft before your tip disappears inside her slick pussy, she jerks back in response, eliciting a sultry moan from her mouth. Her lips preemptively hug your dick tightly before they yield their grip, her juices dowse your shaft in them, allowing for additional penetration.
You enjoyed the subtle differences between each woman’s body, Mina was extremely wet, it didn’t take much before her body gave you easy access, whereas Dahyun was extremely tight, much tighter than other Twice members, so much so that it almost hurt yourself to penetrate her.
“Does it feel good, baby girl?” Does it feel good being fucked by that thick cock of his?” Mina asks, already knowing what the answer is.
“Fuck, it’s so good, unnie. I-I-”
“Tell him what you want him to do to you.”
“Fu-fuck me deeper. Much deeper. I can take it. “
“You heard her, baby. Fuck that tight little pussy of hers nice and deep.”
You do as told, thrusting far in the depths of her tight pussy, filling her with every inch your cock before you bottom out, pulling out all the way and thrusting deep back in, fluidly and in one movement, all the way to the hilt. She cries out at the sudden lack of emptiness, gripping the sheets as the pleasure hits her hard.
“Don’t stop. It feels, so, so good.”
Dahyun’s words are a mere whisper now, with each deep thrust she heads further along her second orgasm of the night. She lets herself go, wrapping her thigh around your waist, shedding off the timidness and full embracing the pleasure deep inside her.
The two of you become silent for the first time of the night, taking in each other’s pleasure, as both of you begin to feel close to climax.  
Mina, tired of being a passive participant, lunges for Dahyun’s neck again, moving her body at an angle as to not get in the way, plunging her mouth against the soft flesh on the girl’s right side this time, licking and suckling every spot, not as roughly, one love bite was plenty for the time being.
The soft lips pressed against her send her spiraling towards the peak of her pleasure, within moments everything crashes around her, she constricts around your cock tightly, flooding your cock with wetness as her body repeats the process.
“Fuck, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum again!”
Her orgasm is more intense this time around, every part of her body spasms, her moans are no longer quiet but shrieking, luckily Mina is there to guide her through it, comforting her as she comes down from her high.
Her aftershocks still vibrate around your cock, quickly becoming the catalyst to your own orgasm, the pressure building in your balls was no longer possible to stop.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, so, fucking hard.”
You pull out of Dahyun at the last possible second, her freshly fucked opening was shimmering and glossy with juices. Your cock unexpectedly winds up in Mina’s hand, she wanted to be the one who strokes you to release, keeping the running tally of two bodies she would deliver to orgasm that day as she aims your cock over Dahyun's body.
“Cum for us baby. Shoot that hot load all over her, you've earned it. “
What was two or three strokes later you erupt, thick white hot cum ejects from your cock, the first stream of creamy goodness lands between her tits, with the rest hitting her stomach, glazing her abdomen. With each spurt you feel relief, looking down at her midriff painted white, almost blending in with the color of her pale skin, Mina strokes you until the aftershocks in your body subside, allowing you to recover as you crash to the bed beside Dahyun.
Mina is not letting a drop of your sticky cum go to waste, licking it off from Dahyun's glimmering stomach and cleavage, gathering it all on her tongue before advancing towards her face, planting a deep kiss and sharing your hot cum with her before the two women lock eyes and both simultaneously swallow their portion.
“Teach me more things, unnie.”
“Whenever you want, baby girl. Next time I’ll show you how to eat pussy.”
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themelonsins · 5 years
Whirlwind [sickfick holla]
okay this is based on this post I made a while back u know but it was so cute that I had to write something for it now anyways i love dimitri but i love torturing him much much more. theres also a lot of canon events mentioned and if theres any confusion of those im v happy to answer
Warnings: stuffing, emeto, mentions of decapitation (?)
Things for the University of Supers Honors College were in a complete spiral. The constant villain attacks, Scarlet going missing. The most devastating occurrence was the death of Audrey’s second head-Twoey. Not only did this leave Audrey out of commission for weeks on end, but severely depressed as well. So, the gang-save Scarlet and Xavier who, upon her return, decided there was much they needed to discuss as a couple-decided to take Audrey to a nearby amusement park to brighten her day. They’ve missed her smile oh so dearly. Dimitri orchestrated the whole thing-spoiler this day doesn’t end well for our well meaning Russian baby.
“Ready to go, Audrey,” Dimitri slung his shoulder around his green-tinted, mutant friend. The top of her head was wrapped with a sort of bandage, for safety precautions. The female smiled, her sharp canines glinting brightly. 
“Yeah, I’m ready to have some fun after being cooped up in the infirmary for weeks,” Audrey breathed deeply, watching as Jesse came forward, Audrey’s purse slung over his shoulder. “I’m gonna ride with Jesse, do you mind? I mean, I know this was your plan.” Dimitri just waved his hand, giving Audrey his most handsome grin.
“Nah, of course. Jesse’s a handsome guy, of course you want to spend a car ride with him,” Dimitri winked at the two, a blush forming on the apples of Audrey’s cheeks and a slight one on Jesse’s. “Don’t kiss him too hard, he’ll make you never want to stop.” Audrey burst out laughing, and Jesse froze in his tracks, face exploding in a bright red shade. Rie hit Dimitri’s chest as he laughed in a rhythm with Audrey. Pulling Audrey’s arm, Jesse let out an embarrassed blush as he pulled Audrey down to the door. 
“You’re dead Romanov,” Jes yelled as he was opening the door, Audrey’s giggles loud from behind him. 
“Love you!” Dimitri called back. “Ready, Rie?” Dimitri’s electric gaze followed Rie as she skimmed through her purse.
“Yep! Let’s go.” She beamed, skipping out the door. Dimitri smiled at her while she skipped, though something was bubbling in the pit of his belly as he followed suit.
The car ride to the amusement park wasn’t doing the dull ache in his stomach any favors. Any bump in the road only made it worse. The heavy rock music, altering between RnB tracks provided a nice distraction from it. Listening to Rie’s beautiful voice belting to the track of No Scrubs by TLC, Dimitri chuckled while his stomach let out a loud, ugly gurgle. 
“Whoa,” He breathed, a smile on his face though that gurgle forced a ripple of pain to pull through his stomach. Turning the music down, Rie looked at him with a devilish grin on her face. 
“Wow, Romanov, hungry?” She teased, waiting until they were stopped to start poking at his, already, sensitive tummy. He giggled a little, though the poking provided more pain than a ticklish sensation. “Do you want to stop and get some food?” 
“Nah. Nope,” Dimitri shook his head, starting to drive once the light turned green. “I can wait, don’t worry about it.” Rie snorted.
“Whatever you say, Sparky.” Her smile was almost contagious, yet he definitely felt that whatever war was raging in his tummy wasn’t due to hunger.
When Dimitri told you getting off that first roller coaster was the worst experience of his life, he wasn’t exaggerating. The twists and turns, the loops, only made the nausea so much worse than it was in the car. He hid it fairly well with cheering and yelling, yet he stopped a good way through because he was too scared that bile or vomit would fly out of his mouth and onto Audrey who was in front of him. Walking off, the after effects of the coaster were hitting him hard. He felt dizzy and like he was about to throw up everywhere.
And Audrey jumping on his back with a loud giggle didn’t make matters easier. Yet he mustered through with a smile. 
“That was so so so much fun, Dimitri!” Audrey laughed loudly, Rie and Jesse trailing behind her.
“Yeah it was,” Smiling, he held his hands on her waist to set her down gently. Yet she couldn’t help but bounce. Hahnna and Ezra found their way to the group. Both of them decided sitting out on more endorphin rising rides would be best for their weak stomachs as they both had really bad motion sickness. Maybe Dimitri should join them. 
Nah. Nope. Not gonna be a pussy. Not today.
“How bout a few more rides before we go get something to eat?” Rie suggested, which was met with an agreement from the group. Dimitri remained silent, the mere mention of gross, greasy amusement park food made his stomach churn in a not so fun way. 
“Can we go on baby rides, please?” Hahnna requested with a smile and absolutely no one could say no to that girls sweet smile. Honestly, Dimitri never loved a suggestion more. 
The baby rides, as Hahnna called them, provided a really nice relief onto his struggling tummy. Every time they walked to a new ride, he’d rub small circles into his abdomen, hoping to provide more comfort. To no avail, but the heat of his hand radiating through his shirt felt lovely. 
This was the part of the day he didn’t want to happen. Dimitri didn’t want to eat anything, he felt so awful. While his friends were ordering food, he had every intention of paying for Rie and not actually getting anything. 
That idea received a good amount of backlash from his dear friends.
“Dimitri you haven’t eaten anything all day,” Ezra pouted, putting his hands on his friends shoulders.
“Yeah, besides, your stomach was growling like a caged animal this morning,” Rie teased, rubbing a circle into his belly. Dimitri had to hold back a groan from how nice her hand felt on his achy stomach. He watched her brows furrow, yet didn’t think anything of it. Swallowing back whatever he was feeling, Dimitri caved. He ordered chicken tenders, the lightest thing they had and what would hopefully be gentle on his stomach. 
The laughter and conversation they had while they ate was such a wonderful distraction from the pain. Though, every time he swallowed food into that absolutely pain filled belly, Dimitri could feel the ache grow and feel the bloat starting. His part in the conversation started to dwindle. Instead, he focused on rubbing his belly in smooth circles, and doing his best to not unbutton his pants in public. Though it wasn’t long before a loud belch rippled past his lips. In response he covered his mouth, a blush forming on the apples of his cheeks.
“Bless you!” Hahnna smiled, doing her best to joke around with Dimitri’s no-doubt embarrassment. Rie looked over to Dimitri, concern glazed over in her eyes. Audrey laughed, waving her hand back and forth.
“I’ll give that like an eight point five,” She joked with a smile.
“I’ll take it.” Dimitri joked.
Dimitri’s walking pace to the next ride most certainly slowed down, and the only one who noticed was Rie, who kept her speed low to match Dimitri’s. When she was this close, she could hear how angry his tummy was. It was gurgling loudly. 
“Are you okay?” She asked, sliding her arm across his waist. He leaned into her, grateful for the balance she was providing. “Something not agreeing with you?”
“I’ve felt so sick all day, honeybee,” Dimitri admitted, running his hand across his bloated belly. 
“Sweetheart! Why didn’t you say anything?” She gasped. “Sit out from this next ride Dimitri, now.” Dimitri shook his head, getting in line for the ride against Rie’s will. 
That was the worst mistake Dimitri made on this day. Everyone had their endorphins rushed due to so many loops and turns, but all Dimitri felt was the urge to yak. They were all talking and laughing, but all Dimitri could hear was white noise. He spotted a trashcan and that was it. That was the end for our smooth as butter Dimitri. Instantly, Dimitri began to vomit. The little he ate coming right back up along with bile and water.
“Oh my God, Dimitri,” Jesse yelped, running to his best friends side, a cool hand running down his back. This only helped everything come up easier. “What the Hell, man?” 
“Dimitri are you okay?” Audrey asked, running to his side. Her hands felt up and down his stomach, feeling the bloat. “Oh, Sparky you’re so bloated.” Dimitri couldn’t respond, the vomit coming up his throat prevented any words. Tears began rushing down his cheeks. “Don’t cry. Oh sweetie, don’t cry.” When Dimitri pulled away from the trash can, his hands felt numb and he slid onto the floor, groaning in absolute and utter pain. 
“How long have you been sick?” Hahnna asked, kneeling in front of him.
“All day,” Was his hoarse response, hand raising to wipe his lips with the back of his hand.
“Baby,” Jesse huffed, pushing Dimitri’s bangs out of his sweaty forehead. 
“I’m so sorry Audrey,” Dimitri choked, and he felt like crying more. He ruined this day for Audrey. “I didn’t want to ruin this for you.”
“You didn’t.” Audrey hushed him, cupping his cheeks. “Rie will you please take him back to the dorms?”
“Like I’d do anything else,” Rie smiled softly down at the sickly boy in front of her.
The car ride home was silent. Dimitri was curled in the back seat, trying to sleep but, like earlier, the bumps in the road made him feel so much more sick. She lead him back inside, and lay him gently on the couch. This was all in silence. She grabbed the heating pad, plugged it in and laid it on Dimitri’s aching belly. It was still so bloated, even if it was empty. Kneeling beside the couch, she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Feel any better?” Rie asked.
“Slightly,” Dimitri breathed. “I still feel like my stomach was wringed out but,” sighing he curled into the couch. “My tummy hurts.”
“I know,” She cooed, rubbing circles into his lower belly, not covered by the heating pad. The doors to the common area opened and the group rejoined Rie and Dimitri in the common area. Audrey held a giant teddy bear in her arms as she walked in, Jesse with ginger ale.
“Hey,” Audrey smiled. “I’m so sorry your sick, sweetie,” She sighed. “So I got you this bear. You’ve been so sweet with what happened to me. The least we can do is take care of you.” Jesse set the ginger ale on the table.
“This is for when you feel a little better. Just to get something in your system,” Jesse offered, arms crossed. Dimitri smiled.
“Thank you guys, I appreciate this but,” Dimitri burped in the back of his hand. “Can I just take a nap out here?”
“Of course you can!” Audrey beamed. “But expect a load of belly rubs and cuddles from us when you get up!” 
“I’m looking forward to it.”
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 178: One Less Problem
Snow released a calming breath, as they spent their short lunch break together outside the Courthouse. It was a warm day and they had sneaked over to a park bench nearby. The press was occupied so far with interviewing Clayton, who was soaking up the limelight they were shining on him. That was just fine, for Snow and David wanted nothing to do with it and were thankful the reporters hadn't noticed them yet. Instead, they focused on each other and spending a few quiet moments together. Snow sat in his lap, resting her head on his shoulder, as they talked softly and occasionally exchanged kisses.
"I hate that you had to relive all those nights that you spent in that cell," he mentioned.
"I know...but it's over now. I just wish it was over for you too. They're going to grill you," she feared.
"I'll be fine, because I'll have the same thing that you had," he replied, as he took her hand and looked up at her.
"I'll have you to look at and you always give me the strength I need to do anything," he responded, as he gently cupped her beautiful face, as she sniffed.
"My darling...what is it?" he asked.
"It's silly," she replied. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Your feelings are never silly," he reminded.
"It's just...we don't deserve any of this," she said.
"Of course we don't," he added.
"I just mean...the things they are publishing about us in some of those tabloids…" she lamented.
"Snow...those publications are pure trash," he chided.
"I know...I know...that's what I keep telling myself. But Charming...you didn't read some of the things they are publishing about you. I mean, I always thought men were the only ones that objectified women...but…" she trailed off. He sighed.
"Snow...I don't care what they are saying about me. I'm yours," he said.
"I know that...I know you have never had eyes for another woman, but then I think back to all those nights when I was crying for you and I wondered if you had been cursed to be with someone else," she muttered.
"I wasn't...I was pining for my Margaret, which we both know is really you," he replied.
"Which isn't completely fair to you. If I really was gone...I'd want you to be happy," she confessed.
"And I would find happiness in seeing you through our children. But moving on? Snow...that's not possible for me. The sun and the moon set with you," he confessed.
"I know...it's the same for me," she revealed.
"Then are you really bothered by what they are saying? I know this is a different kind of adversity than we've faced before, but are you really letting some gossip mongers question how much you mean to me?" he asked.
"I know how much you love me...I've never questioned that," she insisted.
"Then what is it?" he asked.
"I just feel like that if you were cursed to be with someone else and I had come back into your life, I would have wrecked it completely," she replied.
"I won't deny that it wouldn't have been a mess, but my darling, you know that I'd always want you. No matter how many cursed memories they managed to put in my head...my heart would never forget you or the way I feel when I'm with you," he said.
"I know...and I would never doubt that, but when I read how they were claiming you got saddled with a mess like me, I wasn't sure I could deny that," she murmured. But he shook his head in vehemence.
"You are not a mess and even if you were, you are my mess. Do you really think you're not enough for me?" he asked in disbelief. She sniffed.
"I guess my time in Dr. Samdi's care did more damage to me than I thought," she replied tearfully. His half heart broke at that and he kissed her fiercely.
"Then when we get home and we will...I want you to start seeing Archie, but there is one thing I can tell with absolute certainty right now," he said, as their lips parted and he looked soulfully into her green eyes.
"Not enough for me? You are everything I'm ever going to need or want beyond my wildest dreams!" he exclaimed. She sniffed and smiled at him.
"I know...I've never doubted your love. I think everything just got to me and then those stupid articles were right in front of me and you know it's like a train wreck to me. I have to read them and then the things they were talking about...I mean they were discussing you. You know, how handsome you are and certain things about your anatomy...and what kind of lover you might be," she said. He rolled his eyes.
"Oh God…" he said in disgust and then sighed.
"I know...I told you it was beyond silly. I'm used to other women looking at you...they just usually make sure I'm out of earshot before they start...discussing you," she added with a giggle. He sighed.
"Well...look at it this way: they'll never know, cause baby you're the only that's ever gonna know the answer to those questions," he said, as he wriggled his eyebrows at her, making her giggle.
"I am," she realized, as she kissed him.
"Mmm...you don't think I've had insecurities about whether or not I'm good enough for you in the past?" he asked. She sighed.
"I know you have, but you shouldn't," she protested.
"You're a Princess...and everyone knows that I'm not a real Prince. They call you the fairest of them all, for Gods sakes. Believe me, there were times when I wondered why you chose me. You don't think I've never noticed the way other men look at you?" he asked. She shrugged.
"I never noticed. I guess we have both always been too busy absorbed by each other to notice any of that nonsense," she replied.
"Exactly...they can print whatever garbage they want in their trashy magazines, but we know the truth and that's why I'm not afraid to get up on that stand today. Because all people are going to hear is the truth about how much I love you and how you were stolen from me. And how evil that man is," he said, as he kissed her passionately again, making her swoon and feel lightheaded.
Unfortunately, it was nearly time to go back and the reporters were now finished with Clayton, only to hone in on them and during a kiss no less. David growled low in his throat, as the intrusive reporters snapped photos of them kissing and Snow in his lap, no less. They stood up and he kept his arm firmly hooked around her waist, as they hurried back toward the courthouse, even as they volleyed their ridiculous questions.
"Detective Nolan...do you have a response to Mr. Stavros' invitation to his gala tonight?" a reporter questioned. Snow and David hurried along back to the courthouse without commenting, knowing that anything they said would be taken out of context.
"Detective...it was indicated by Mr. Stavros that he may seek damages against the department for defamation of his character, citing you as the main reason. How do you respond?" another questioned and he clenched his fist, as they kept walking, especially when they saw Seraphina there, known as reporter Phoebe Cooper in this world, intent on harassing them, especially his wife.
"Detective...if you and your crazy wife have nothing to hide, then why do you continue to refuse to talk to us," she asked. Snow squeezed his hand and her eyes pleaded with him not to respond.
"It doesn't matter what they say, my love…" she whispered to him. He sighed and they hurried inside the courtroom and the press was thankfully barred from entering again. But he knew what faced him on the stand, however, he would face anything for her and his family, especially if it meant helping to make sure Clayton went to prison.
"Court will come to order," the Judge stated, as she slammed the gavel down. So far, the Judge had remained biased for the most part, but knowing that her real identity was that of Madam Leota made him skeptical that it would stay that way.
"The state may call their next witness," she continued.
"Thank you, Your Honor. The state calls Detective David Nolan to the stand," Amara announced. Snow squeezed his hand and he went up to the witness box.
"Detective...can you please describe the first time you met Clayton Stavros?" she asked. Weaver had warned him about this question and fortunately, the curse had created an entire background between him and Clayton that had been inserted into police records upon the inception of the curse, so David made sure he read through everything to make sure he knew all the facts and that they would match the records. The events they were going to discuss never actually happened, but David knew Clayton wouldn't refute any part of it, for he would seem like the crazy one if he told people how they had really met and how Clayton himself was hundreds of years old. He knew the Collector would go along with this narrative to protect his own interests and David could only hope that in turn, it would help put him behind bars.
"It was years ago and I was a very young detective. I was involved in stopping illegal contraband from coming into the country down at the docks. Among the illegal items were artifacts and items that we determined likely belonged in a museum," he explained.
"What did you do?" Amara asked.
"Those involved in overseeing the items being brought into the country were arrested, but we quickly determined that they were just underlings. Captain Weaver determined that the artifacts were in fact stolen from museums overseas. That's when he assigned me to investigate," he answered. He knew this story was fabricated, but Clayton wouldn't refute any of these claims, for it was not in his best interest for people to discover who he really was.
"And where did that investigation lead you?" she asked.
"It led me to Mr. Stavros and his museum. He was intent on adding these stolen artifacts to his collection by any means necessary," David revealed, as the two men glared at each other. Part of him wished he could tell the truth and everything Clayton had put them through. He wished he could tell them that the hell they had put his wife through at the hands of Dr. Samdi was only the tip of the iceberg. He wished he could tell everyone that this man had kidnapped them, held them captive as living trophies, seen to his own torture he had endured to protect his family, and then his forcing Snow to crush his heart to cast a curse to save everyone. But this was the real world where, as far as they knew, magic and curses didn't exist. But evil did and he was determined to make the jury see the evil that he saw beneath his stupid, smug grin.
"Did you arrest, Mr. Stavros at that point?" she asked.
"No…" he replied.
"Why not?" she asked.
"There wasn't enough evidence for a warrant. Mr. Stavros is very good at keeping his own hands clean while he hires other to do his dirty work," David answered.
"Objection, Your Honor. Detective Nolan's opinion has no validity here, nor does the grudge he holds against me client!" Chad protested.
"Sustained. The Jury will disregard that last statement," the Judge ordered.
"So...you've never been able to formally arrest Mr. Stavros on criminal charges of smuggling and grand theft, due to lack of evidence?" Amara asked.
"Correct," David stated.
"And you believe your numerous attempts to catch him created this bad blood between you that ultimately led to his participation in the abduction of your wife and son, as well as his forgery of documents stating he was your wife's brother, in order to keep her in Dr. Samdi's care?" she asked.
"Yes...he wanted revenge on me and he knew the only way to truly hurt me was through my wife and my family," David answered.
"Objection...speculation," Chad interjected.
"Sustained. These are not essay questions, Detective. Please restrict your answers to yes or no," the Judge ordered.
"In fact, you believe Mr. Stavros sought retaliation against you just after you discovered your wife and son were alive and proved he forged papers, is that correct?" Amara asked.
"Yes," he answered.
"Can you tell the Court why?" she asked.
"Just after I brought Margaret and Bobby home where they belonged, a man broke into our daughter's room and held her at knife point," David responded.
"Objection...relevance?" Chad questioned.
"I am getting there, Your Honor," Amara protested.
"Overruled. Make your point quickly, Counselor," the Judge ordered.
"How awful...do you think this thug was sent by Mr. Stavros in revenge?" Amara asked.
"Objection Your Honor!" Chad protested.
"Withdrawn...no further questions," Amara replied, as she took her seat, while Chad approached the witness box.
"Detective Nolan...is it safe to say that you're incredibly angry at my client," Chad questioned.
"Of course I am," David answered.
"Do you want revenge on my client?" Chad asked.
"Objection Your Honor...it is not Detective Nolan that is on trial here," Amara protested.
"It's a valid question, Your Honor. The witness just admitted his anger toward my client," Chad argued.
"Sustained, the witness will answer the question," the Judge ordered.
"No...I want to see justice done and that means that he goes to prison for what he did," David responded. Chad shrugged.
"Some would say there is a fine line between justice and revenge. I know if it were me and someone took the woman I loved from me...I'd certainly want more than justice," he surmised.
"Objection...again, Detective Nolan is not the one on trial!" Amara interjected.
"Overruled. Change your line of questioning, Counselor," the Judge ordered.
"My apologies again, Your Honor. Your wife testified that Dr. Samdi's claims of her dissociative identity disorder is completely falsified, yet before her alleged abduction, it was a tumultuous time in your marriage, correct?" Chad asked.
"No...our marriage has never been anything but solid and amazing," David refuted.
"Let me rephrase then. The tumultuous period involved a man stalking your wife, which Dr. Samdi referenced in his memoir as a possible cause for your wife's dissociation from reality," he replied.
"My wife did have a stalker; a Professor that she worked with and her rejection of him caused him to get violent. Mr. Stavros used that situation as a ruse to take my wife and son on the night of that accident," David explained.
"And the accident you are referring to is the one in which this Professor drove his car off a cliff with your wife and son inside and subsequently the event that led you to believe they were dead?" Chad questioned.
"Yes," David answered.
"Yet there is no real evidence that my client had anything to do with the doctor that committed this horrific act," Chad stated.
"No...but he used it to take Margaret and Bobby, leading me to believe they were dead!" David exclaimed.
"Allegedly," Chad corrected.
"He forged documents that gave him custody of our son and power of attorney over my wife. Not alleged," David argued.
"Yes...and how did you obtain my client's DNA in order to prove those documents were forged?" Chad questioned. David glared at the man, knowing exactly where he was going.
"So illegally?" Chad pressed.
"No...I obtained it from his museum, which is a very public place, as he always advertises," David retorted.
"That seems to be splitting hairs," Chad accused.
"Objection! The Detective followed normal police procedure in this matter and obtained the DNA from a public place as stated," Amara argued.
"Your Honor, the state cannot prove that Detective Nolan obtained his sample from an actual public part of the museum and not say a more private one," Chad argued back.
"Neither can the defense," Amara stated.
"I'm reluctantly inclined to agree with the district attorney, but the state is teetering on the edge here," the Judge warned.
"Your Honor, I move that the forgery charges against my client be thrown out," Chad proposed.
"There is no basis for that, Your Honor. The sample was obtained legally," Amara argued.
"I will review the validity of the sample in chambers after today's hearing and determine such myself," the Judge decided, as Chad moved to continue with his questioning.
"Detective...is it true that you would do absolutely anything for your wife?" he questioned.
"Of course...she's everything to me, as are our children," David answered.
"So it wouldn't be too much to speculate that you would employ any means to obtain that DNA sample, even if it meant doing so illegally to protect her from Mr. Stavros?!" he shouted.
"Objection...he's badgering!" Amara protested.
"Withdrawn...no further questions," Chad said, obviously a bit frustrated and David was the one that got to smirk smugly at the Collector this time.
"That will be all today and we will pick up at nine am tomorrow morning," the Judge ordered, as she dismissed them.
"What the hell...I thought you said you could discredit him," Clayton growled.
"Most of the time I can. Cops are usually easy to get juries to mistrust...but he's different. The jury just eats them up and are obviously enamored by the romance between he and his wife. He's charismatic...so much so that the Jury seems willing to ignore how he got the DNA and focus on the fact that he did it for love," Chard surmised.
"Yes...he's quite charming," Clayton agreed distastefully.
"A trial scientist would find all of this absolutely fascinating," Chad replied.
"Well, I don't find it fascinating!" Clayton growled.
"Relax...the Judge may still rule in our favor on the forgery charges and I've done my homework on this Cassidy Gold that you are accused of putting a hit on. He's a small time thief...and I found someone that will testify that Weaver helped him out financially," Chad replied.
"And you think it will be enough to get an acquittal on the murder charges?" Clayton questioned.
"They have Cassidy Gold's word as their evidence and little more, nor do they have substantial proof of any business mis-dealings or smuggling on your part," Chad said, as they exited the courtroom and saw that Amara was speaking with Weaver, looking very pleased. She walked up to them and handed a file to Chad.
"What's this?" he asked.
"New evidence that the state will be entering in tomorrow and witnesses that will be testifying tomorrow," she replied. His brow furrowed, as he looked at the file and she walked away.
"What is it?" Clayton asked, his smug demeanor finally cracking slightly, as he couldn't hide the trepidation in his voice.
"A problem," Chad replied.
"I can't believe this," David lamented.
"Baby...it's not your fault," Snow soothed.
"The Judge might throw out the forgery charge, Snow. That was our ace in the hole. The rest of our case is circumstantial, because we haven't been able to get any evidence that he was calling the shots when he put that hit on Neal...Cassidy," David said, correcting himself at the last part.
"But we might have just got a huge break," Weaver interjected, as he motioned them to a nearby conference room to discuss something.
"You found evidence?" David asked, with rapt attention.
"Not me...you can thank Belle and her love of research. I don't know how she did it, but she kept digging until she found something," he replied.
"Apparently, the FBI has been quietly investigating the stealing of several prized artifacts obtained illegally from the Yucatan Peninsula, most significantly, Jade statues that have been dated back to the Mayans. Recently, these were supposed to find their way into a museum, but were stolen without a trace," Weaver reported.
"Clayton," David surmised.
"His daughter has been busy since we got to this land two years ago, but they recently caught a break and a video surfaced. My guess is that someone in his operation got careless," Weaver responded.
"Do you think we can connect it to Clayton?" David asked.
"It would be a stretch, but I have called in a favor and two FBI agents have agreed to help us if I can convince a Judge that this photo of Cecily is enough to get a warrant for his museum," Weaver replied.
"That's great...but will a Judge see it as enough evidence for a warrant?" David asked.
"No...but that's where the FBI comes in. Remember those two agents that were trapped in our town years ago?" he asked. Snow's eyes widened.
"Angela and Nick?" she asked. He nodded.
"They weren't specific, but they have something on a Judge here in Seattle, and are willing to overlook it if they can solve this smuggling case. They'll get the warrant and because I asked nicely, they're also going to testify that they believe Clayton was involved. It may be enough for the Jury to convict on the existing charges. And even if it isn't, the FBI will be going after him and his daughter," Weaver said. Snow and David smiled.
"That's amazing...we got him," David said, as he remembered something else he had just said.
"Wait...they agreed to help, because you were nice? That doesn't sound like you," he quipped.
"Charming…" Snow chided.
"What...it's true. He's not nice and I have no tact. Those are facts," he joked. Weaver rolled his eyes.
"Belle was nice...and I reminded them that Regina and your kids didn't have to help them get their hearts back after they helped bring Yzma to town," he clarified.
"That sounds more like it," David agreed.
"The important thing is that it will, with any luck, neutralize Clayton. Then we just have Facilier and Gothel to deal with, as well as breaking the curse and getting home, of course," Weaver replied. Snow blew out a breath.
"I know I'm always the optimistic one...but even with Clayton out of the picture, that's daunting," she mentioned. He put his arm around her and kissed her hair.
"I know, my darling...but we're going to defeat them all and we're going to find a way home, I promise," he stressed.
"But right now, we're going to let the legal system work for us against Clayton and we're going to go watch our daughter do what she loves," he said, referring to the recital that would be starting in less than two hours. She smiled, as he kissed her tenderly and she then hooked her hand on his elbow. They followed Weaver out the back way of the Courthouse at that point and left this behind for today. If there was one thing about them, it was that they were able to be happy, as long as they were together, no matter where and their love always seemed to win out over anything.
"This place is so different from Storybrooke," Elsa mentioned.
"I know...I definitely miss home," Leo replied, as she squeezed his hand.
"You must miss the reserve so much," she said. He nodded.
"I do...I'm worried that I'll never see it again," he replied.
"No...we will see it again. We'll find a way to get home to the future. Remember, Anna, Kristoff and I managed to get to the past, which means there is a way back to the future," she assured. He sighed and kissed her tenderly.
"You have no idea how grateful I am that you're here. I...I hate what happened during the curse," he lamented. Elsa took his hands in her own.
"What he did to you...he had no right. He's lucky someone else got to him before I could or I would have made him pay for what he did," Elsa said.
"The important thing is he's gone and you're right, we will find a way back," he agreed, as they continued on and soon arrived at Iris' school for her recital. He knew his parents, siblings, and Regina would be along to. They still had a lot to figure out, but he knew his parents were right; taking time to see Summer do something she loved was exactly what they all needed.
Regina looked up at her sister, who had been texting quite a bit for the last hour, with Chad she assumed.
"Are you sure you're okay with working for me tonight?" she asked. The redhead shrugged.
"I'll be fine...it looks like Chad is going to be working late," she muttered.
"Oh? Problems?" Regina inquired and Kelly rolled her eyes.
"If you must know...his client may be facing more than he thought and there are new things for him to go over," she replied.
"That's too bad...for Chad anyway. If it means Clayton Stavros is going down, then that's a bonfire I'll be bringing marshmallows to," Regina replied. Kelly scoffed.
"Smug doesn't look very good on you. Chad doesn't lose many cases," she warned.
"Maybe not...but this is one he should lose," Roni replied, as she left the bar to attend Iris' recital. She was anxious to talk to Snow and David too, especially if there was something new in the case against Clayton. She hoped beyond anything that might actually make him pay for all he had done. Then the next obstacle was getting Zelena to remember who she was and finding the amulet, before Gothel could get her hands on it. She blew out a stifled breath
"I hope you found that smoking gun, Weaver, because if Clayton goes to jail, that will be one less problem in our way to going home," she murmured to herself, as she merged into traffic.
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gwynne-fics · 8 years
Pictures -- Rachel & Hyo-Shin
not ready
Choi Young-Do bent down and removed a knife from Kwan Do-Woo’s throat. Hyo-Shin wanted to gather his thoughts faster than he could. He came here to catch this man attempting to kill Kim Ha-Sun. Hyo-Shin moved her to another city, another life, but kept everything in Seoul in her name so this trash would make a mistake and he could put him back in prison. “What are you doing here?”
“What do you think?” Choi Young-Do had a drawl that never failed to make him feel stupid and lazy. He looked up at Hyo-Shin with a smirk that just infuriated him. “This is not your job.”
“Why did Rachel send you?”
Choi Young-Do gave a quiet little laugh as he sheathed his knife and put it in his pocket. He didn’t bother to wipe it off but Hyo-Shin saw no sign of blood on his clothes. It should surprise him but after everything he learned about the gun from Chang-Soo, Hyo-Shin didn’t have the energy to be surprised.
Hyun-Joo got back from her conference today. She hadn’t debriefed them yet.
“Please consider,” Choi Young-Do said lazily, “That if you call for backup or tell anyone what you saw, you will have to explain yourself. A man is dead but this was clearly not a death deal. He pulled a gun on me. I can claim self-defense. I’m not sure what you can claim.”
Fuck. He didn’t complete the deal. They knew next to nothing about how a death dealer took the life force of their victims. The eyes were still intact. Choi Young-Do reached into his suit jacket and pulled out his phone.
“I’m sorry to wake you. I’ve got a situation. Lee Hyo-Shin...had a similar idea. No one has seen us yet.” His brows lowered and Hyo-Shin noticed how many of the streetlights were out. It was a like a giant cloak of darkness covered Choi Young-Do. It was the same on the CCTV footage Park Hee-Nam gave to the task force. “He had a gun. I’d rather not tax my wife tonight.” Young-Do sighed and scratched at his eyebrows before he hung up.
“Why did she send you? It isn’t going to work. I’m not going to—“
“Clench your ass or you’ll shit yourself.”
“What?” Hyo-Shin’s chest burned and he felt himself yanked to another location. He felt buildings and cars and lights move around him. He smelled nearly all of the city. Sounds of…people…nearly deafened him. He fell to his knees and vomited when it all stopped.
“At least he clenched,” Choi Young-Do said. “I’ll call a maid.”
It took a few seconds for his vision to clear. He’d only been in the penthouse suite once, to comfort Rachel, but he recognized it immediately as he got to his feet. Rachel stood a few meters away from them. She was beautiful. She was always beautiful. But there was a burn mark on her nightgown, over her left breast, and he watched her wipe her hands free of…ash?
Eun-Sang stood next to her, her hand on Rachel’s stomach and lower back. “Everything’s fine,” she said with relief. “Nothing went wrong.”
Rachel smiled over at her. “I told you it would be fine. Hyo-Shin is here. My life, our daughter’s life, we aren’t in danger when he’s home.”
He flinched and forced himself not to look away from her. Rachel hugged Eun-Sang and kissed her cheek before the kindness left her face. “I would like some privacy, please.”
There was only a slight hesitation before Choi Young-Do and Cha Eun-Sang left them. Hyo-Shin ran his hand over his mouth and wished he knew what to say to her. She just stood there, considering him, and his discomfort grew.
“This is not my home. Rachel—“
“It could be,” she said lightly. “It will soon be the only safe place in this world for you. Does it bother you to have someone else clean up your failures?”
“You cannot do this!” He crossed the few steps between them and took her by the shoulders. “You have to stop! Hyun-Joo went to a conference, all about death dealers, just so she can make her case against Choi Young-Do stick. She is coming for you, Rachel. I’m doing everything I can to discredit her but you have to stop.”
Rachel gently touched his cheek and tilted her head. “You are the only one who can place Young-Do next to that body, my Eros.”
“Don’t call me that.” He gripped her fingers and intended to push her away. She’d called him that when she didn’t have his name and was simply…hers. “It makes me uncomfortable.”
“I do not want you to be comfortable. I want you to come home. I promise you, this would be your home. I could stop punishing you and we could be happy, Hyo-Shin. Stay tonight and tomorrow with me. See what it would be like to be my husband.”
He wanted that more than anything. He wanted to kiss her, to make love to her, to be with her. He wanted to quit his job and just…be hers. But that wouldn’t protect her. He was in love with a woman who found men for her brother to feed on. He wanted her to stop. Hyo-Shin wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.
“I can’t. You know why I can’t.”
“I am telling you it is possible.” She took his hand and put it against the side of her belly. She was almost eight months along. She would have their baby soon. He knew she would never let him be a father without being her husband and it brought out a broken sob when their daughter started kicking against his palm. If he’d known, what he had to lose, the moment he looked at her in Zeus’ bar, Hyo-Shin never would’ve flirted with her. He would’ve walked right out and told Hyun-Joo to fuck herself. What kind of man deceives his soul mate the way he deceived her? What kind of man doesn’t stop when offered a career changing case at the expense of the best possible life being handed to him? His revulsion with himself must’ve shown because Rachel made a sad sound. “I am making it possible. Hyo-Shin, my love—“
The elevator dinged and a cleaning woman came into the suite. It cut Rachel off and they both broke apart. The maid swiftly and deftly cleaned up the mess he made when he landed at Rachel’s feet. Then she was gone and he remembered that there was no absolution for him. His chest burned and he wondered if there would be another tally mark. The three she gave him a month ago had faded. He would touch them when he showered and they always felt tender. “How did you even find Kwan Do-Woo?”
Rachel sighed sadly and pulled away from him. He felt cold in the wake of her. She sat down on the couch and the only correct response was to kneel at her side. “Your statistics and cases are a matter of public record. Anyone can find them. Kwan Do-Woo announced to everyone that he would kill her. Her family all knew. It could be anyone.”
She was right. She was better at creating reasonable doubt than he was at predicting what she would do. “How did you know I would be there tonight?”
“I always know where you are.” She looked so worn as she leaned back and closed her eyes. Hyo-Shin fretted at this exhaustion plaguing her. Was it really his fault or had she expended herself with the…Shit. She could pull people through space. Even if they did convict Choi Young-Do of being the Death Dealer of Seoul, they could never guarantee his sentence if Rachel could pull him to her.
What kind of a range did she have?
Hyun-Joo was right. It had to be both of them.
And he couldn’t do it. Even has his mind came up with a hundred different ways to link Rachel to these deaths, to link Choi Young-Do to his murders, and end this horrible battle, Hyo-Shin found his line. Not her. He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ears and watched her fall asleep. He curled his fingers in her nightgown and bowed his forehead to her hand.
“I have to protect you,” he whispered. “I will protect you. That’s why I can’t come home. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Rachel.”
She made an adorable cranky noise. “I’m cold, Eros.”
He picked her up and brought her to her bed. He made sure her nightgown wouldn’t get caught in her knees and that her blankets weren’t too tightly tucked around her. Hyo-Shin stared at the bassinet she had set up within reach of her bed. He took off his suit jacket and sat down on the ground next to the nightstand.
He braced his forearms on his knees and tried to think through the possible consequences. He hadn’t been careful of the CCTV cameras. He knew he didn’t have a good enough excuse to be in that neighborhood. He’d mentioned to a few people that he was frustrated with the rumors coming out of the prison.
His fellow prosecutors didn’t understand. Once a case was done, it was done. He used to be like that. It was only after all this complication with Rachel that he even thought to look into the past. Hyo-Shin tried to take a deep breath but he was startled when Rachel’s bedroom door opened.
Eun-Sang stood there and crossed her arms under her chest. “Get out. If you’re not going to give her what she wants, if you’re not going to stay until at least the baby is born, get the fuck out of here.”
He didn’t want to leave but he got to his feet anyway. “The baby is healthy?”
Her face twisted in fury. “No,” she hissed. “Your daughter is not healthy. How can she be when she can’t feel her father loving her mother?”
“She isn’t even born yet—“
“You’ve seen what Rachel can do. You aren’t that stupid.” Hyo-Shin looked away from her and down at Rachel. The ever-present lump in his throat hurt as he swallowed. “You disgust me. You only consider changing your mind about your ridiculous morality when it comes to your child. Rachel is worth more than your neglect. Get. Out.”
“Eun-Sang,” Rachel said quietly. “I brought him here. He doesn’t have to leave.”
“Yes,” Eun-Sang said fiercely. “He does. I can’t watch it anymore, Rachel. He is killing you and I can’t watch it. Cut his tie to you. Please.”
“No,” Hyo-Shin whispered as Rachel slowly sat up. “No. I need it.”
“I don’t care about what you need,” Eun-Sang snarled as she stalked up to him. He took a step back. He did not want her to stop his heart again. “You obviously don’t give a shit about her. If you did, you would have been at every appointment. You would’ve come after her. You would’ve gotten on your knees and begged her to forgive you.”
“I don’t deserve it.”
“Said like a man who cannot love.” Her fingers hovered in the air between them and he prepared to feel…wrong…when she touched him.
“Eun-Sang!” Rachel scrambled out of bed and Hyo-Shin would never understand how she got between them so quickly. Eun-Sang gave a soft cry and curled her hand back as something forced her back several steps. Rachel’s fist was against her heart and Hyo-Shin smelled fire in the air. “I’m sorry, my wonderful and amazing sister, but I cannot let you hurt him. You lost your garden today. Please don’t take it out on him. He is not the one who wronged you.”
“It isn’t about that! Rachel, you can’t see what I’m seeing.” Eun-Sang began to cry and Rachel went up and wrapped her in a hug. “You can’t see what Bo-Na sees either. I cannot lose you. Not to this trash.”
Hyo-Shin picked up his suit jacket and put it on. He ignored the way Rachel’s face crumpled. “This cannot be my home,” he whispered. “You cannot force them to accept me when I don’t even accept that I have a right to be here.”
“They will get over it,” Rachel whispered. “I cannot protect you from what is coming until you accept that I am your home. Stay tonight and tomorrow. You will see what I can do.”
His phone vibrated and he used the distraction to keep from making a choice. He would always wonder how Rachel knew what was going to happen. There was no way she could make something like this happen on purpose.
There were four fresh bodies, three clearly death deals, two of them linked to his cases, and Kwan Do-Woo. When he looked up at Rachel she smiled coldly.
“Tell Jeon Hyun-Joo she is not ready to enter this game.”
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