#he gave us all our gay awakenings
gummy-sharks666 · 9 months
Thinking ab Sid Arkale rlly got me bricked up and crying at the same time
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Chrom propaganda:
“Chrobin (Chrom x player character) is so many tropes in one oml. You have friends-to-lovers (Chrom and Robin are canonically best friends according to Nintendo), enemies-to-lovers (Robin is heir to the Grimleal cult, the enemy of the Halidom of Ylisse which Chrom is the prince, and later king, of), there's amnesia, time travel, official next-gen AUs, changed dialogue to lore important events in the game if you marry Chrom, and Nintendo keeps teasing us with the ship. Cheery prince who knows when to be serious, very strategically smart but very bad at communicating, a guy that can comfort you when you're down, make a fool of himself when you're not around, and he's just generally a very sweet guy. Also please consider the fact that you get to watch a cutscene of him dying in the prologue and despite the horrors he's just so supportive of the protagonist. Chrom doesn't care about where you came from or who you're related to, he cares for YOU. He gets KILLED by the protag and he reassures them that they did nothing wrong and pleads with them to get out, to a safe place. I lost my soul to Chrom, I physically can't play this game without romancing him.”
“He eats oranges with the peel still on, he's an absolute himbo. Also the writers accidentally made his daughter canonically trans so he definitely supports trans rights. And technically you can only marry him if you play as female Robin but their dynamic is still just as romantic if you play as male Robin (they literally call each other their other half and m!Robin and Chrom have a valentine's day duo unit in the gatcha, and in the anthology manga m!Robin asks Chrom to make polygamy legal so he can also marry Chrom's wife and they can be a family) so most people play the game with the gay mod so they can still marry him as a guy. He's incredibly stupid ("yeah, let's set all our ships on fire then walk through a volcano, you're so smart, Robin" "I know you've had prophetic visions about killing me and our daughter came from the future to warn us it would happen but I'm sure THIS TIME it won't because of the power of our bonds") but also really sweet. In the summer DLC they're fighting on a beach and when he sees Robin get excited over a weird creature they found he immediately forgets about the battle and starts trying to make a bunch of crafts (and failing) and cooking food (and failing again) and writing "Chrom and Robin were here" in the sand so that Robin could have some nice beach memories. I'm obsessed with this man”
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
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hp-hcs · 11 months
I really like the way you wrote gay Mattheo. Could I request another fic from this "series"? Thanks in advance 😘
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 7 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
ENGLISH AIN’T ALWAYS ENGLISH (Chapter Three of Gay Awakening) — british! mattheo riddle x male! american! reader
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basically the pair realize their cultural differences
“Here,” you grin, plonking down on the couch next to Mattheo and holding out a cut-out paper turkey shaped like a handprint. “I’m thankful for you this year.”
He took the paper with a baffled expression on his face. “…what?”
“I’m thankful for y- oh. Right. England. Sorry, American holiday, I forgot.”
Mattheo blinked. “You have a holiday where you give each other paper fowl?”
“No. Well, yes, but- y’know, it’s complicated.”
“I see,” he said slowly, in a way that suggested that he did not, in fact, see. “Is it like your… Freedom Day? America Day? Er… what’s it called again?”
“Independence Day. And not really. Sort of. It’s complicated.”
“Well, then what does this holiday celebrate?” Mattheo asked, somewhat amused as he shook the paper turkey to emphasize his point.
You hesitate. “Well…”
“It’s not good, is it?”
“Ah. Why the turkey?”
“Americans make abhorrent amounts of food for Thanksgiving. Turkey is the main dish, usually.”
“Thanksgi- oh, is that why you said you’re thankful for me?” He looked quite pleased with himself for deducing that.
“Yeah,” you laugh. “It’s a pretty odd cultural event, I guess. We eat a shit ton, watch football, have to see our homophobic relatives; it really is a wonderful holiday.”
“Football? Like the… muggle sport? Where you can’t use your hands at all?”
“Oh, no. I’m talking American football; where they only use their hands. And like, tackle each other and shit.”
“…right. Anyways, back to the turkey day. When is it? Is it today?”
“Nah, it’s in a couple weeks. It’s the fourth Thursday of every November.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“Y/N, could you hand me a rubber?”
Mattheo looked up at you after he didn’t hear a response. You were sitting there, dumbfounded, mouth hanging open slightly.
“Jesus Christ, ‘theo, that’s one way to be forward.”
Your face was burning in embarrassment as you fumbled for words. “Please tell me that means something else in snobby Brit.”
“What, rubber?”
“A… a rubber. You know, to remove errors?” He gave you a baffled look.
You paused. “…I mean you’re not wrong.”
“No, I’m not…?” He trailed off before shaking his head and laughing. “Oh, Salazar. Tell me what it means in American.”
“A rubber is a condom.”
Mattheo looked startled, a pink flush rising in his cheeks. “A rubber- it erases, Y/N. Pencil lead.”
“Then why wouldn’t you just call it an eraser?!”
You’re both silent for a moment, with matching blushes, before you both crack up.
“Oh, god, you don’t wanna mix those up, huh?” You get out between laughs.
“Hey, ‘theo, you oughta read this A&E article. It’s hilarious.”
“Hilarious feels like an odd term to use, Y/N,” he says, looking puzzled.
“American,” you say reflexively, after months of these vernacular conflicts. “Stands for Arts & Entertainment.”
“Ah,” Mattheo nods, used to your immediate explanation. “Accident & Emergency.”
You both snicker.
“Oh, man. Looks like Enz and Nott went on a bender,” you snicker.
Mattheo raises an eyebrow wordlessly.
“Got absolutely shitcanned.”
“What the hell is an aubergine?”
“A vegetable. Purple?”
“An eggplant?”
“Americans really suck at naming things.”
“Like you’re one to talk, Mr. Pants-Aren’t-Actually-Pants-In-British.”
“You’re still mad about that? Well, I’m still disappointed from when you made me ‘biscuits’.”
“Oh, shush.”
had a very awkward conversation today with a british friend and we had that eraser/rubber mixup ourselves 💀
thank you for requesting, you a real one homie <3
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. Most of these shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Chaser Game W
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We've reached the stage with this one where I'm just gonna say we should keep watching for the ratings and enjoy the pretty gifs.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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I got to watch episodes 5-8 of the new season this week, and I promptly lost my mind over how good this show is. It somehow got even better between seasons; the creators have some things to say about the experiences of women under heterosexual patriarchy. I already wrote about Kasuga's family trauma storyline and how much it meant to me, but these episodes also gave us Nomoto's ongoing queer awakening and journey to define her sexuality, the introduction of a new queer bestie in Yako, a better understanding of Nagumo and the careful and steady deepening of her relationship with the gals, a new confidant for Kasgua in Fujita, and Nomoto and Kasuga inching ever closer to defining what they are to each other. The world of the show and the support network around our leads continues to expand, and I am loving every moment. This drama is excellent and I cannot implore you enough to go to @furritsubs and catch up.
My Strawberry Film
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Kicking off the last Drama Shower show of the season! This is a high school story featuring a classic trio—the Pining Gay, the Chaos Bisexual, and the Budding Lesbian. Obviously, I love them. I like the mood of this one—it's quite a tonal shift from the last show in this series—and the color grading is blue, blue, blue. And there's a mystery afoot as they try to track down the beautiful girl captured on film. Looking forward to more!
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
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I continue to love this show, though I am not entirely sure how I feel about the turn things took with Mizuki this week. I did not really want this to go the full blown love triangle route; I am more interested in a version of this story where Sakae and Soga try to figure out these adult complications from the foundation of being in a relationship, not with the constant interference of a third party. So few dramas are willing to get the couple together early and let them face things together rather than constantly playing the will they, won't they game, and I was hoping Sukidoya was going to be one of them. That said, I like that Mizuki is sticking around in the story because he's an interesting character, and I like the conflict with Soga's job (we have a preponderance of Japanese shows about unreasonable work conditions airing atm) and the temporary nature of his time in Osaka. That he's worried about eventually leaving tells you all you need to know about how much he likes and respects Sakae. If he felt casual about him he would not be worried about complications that far down the timeline. Let's see where they take this love triangle thing next week; I'm hoping it will be brief.
Perfect Propose
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Great episode this week, and I love the way they continue to deepen the backstory for these two. Hiro being the first person to need Kai rather than pity him makes so much sense for their dynamic and why Kai would be so attached to him. And of course, when Kai returns the situation is the same; Hiro definitely still needs him. I love that they took a source of shame for Hiro and turned it into a reason why he and Kai are so compatible. Kai wants to take care of him—and he's not the only one! Loved seeing Hiro's coworkers express concern for his well-being and recognize how this job is grinding him down and breaking his spirit. It was so validating to hear from another high performer that the job is miserable and he should quit. It has nothing to do with failure; as Kaneko said, it's about seeking the life he truly wants. He sees Hiro's talent and knows he will not be able to flourish in this hellish work environment, and I thought it was so kind and compassionate of him to try to help Hiro see that. Also shoutout to Hiyori for sitting her ass back down and missing the last train when she realized prime gossip was about to arrive to her table, she's just like me fr.
Ossan's Love Returns
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We are clearly in the drama spiral for the season now, and this show seems to be coming for my beloved Kurosawa. Thanks, I hate it! But the show found its humor again this week even as the sad plotlines for the side characters continued, and I was very happy to see it back in top form. I loved this story with Maki and Haruta caring for Goro for the week, and how it affirmed for them that they are actually not interested in having children. I told @bengiyo and @twig-tea when we saw last week's preview that Maki seemed like the type who wouldn't like children, and I was glad to see that affirmed by the show, and crucially, that he didn't change his mind via the power of Goro's cuteness. Not all people want to be parents, and it's so nice and refreshing to see a loving couple decide they just want to focus on each other, and that you can like kids and spend time with them without needing to have one of your own. I loved, too, that we got some focus on Chizu's struggles as a single mom, and her family rallied around her and made it clear she has support. Takegawa's sudden not-at-all-selfishly-motivated interest in polyamory was hilarious, as was Chief's journey to figure out what was causing his stress—until it wasn't, of course. I was glad Chuoko was with him when he got the news. And I am really hoping that rooftop kiss was Kiku's goodbye, and we will be seeing him move on from Izumi soon.
Bonus: Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai 
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Shoutout to @my-rose-tinted-glasses for giffing this show and reminding me I still hadn't seen it! It was not accessible to me back when it came out and it fell off my radar for awhile. I watched today and thought it was just delightful. A short, sweet, warm hug of a friends to lovers high school bl with two very lovable leads. I highly recommend checking it out.
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drowninginblox · 6 months
HideDuo HCs bc we are going through it
The March drought is getting to me y'all. I don't know about all y'all but the anniversary isn't the best thing ever, especially with the Hatsune Miku incident.
I think we deserve a little treat for being dedicated to our favorite roommates. Hence these ramblings.
The following applies to the OSMP characters, not actual streamers themselves. This is gonna be very all over the place, overall cursed, and is projecting. I hope yall enjoy-
Can play any sport, but hates all of them (except for ice skating, he fucking loves it but he'll never admit it and he can't skate for shit)
Has read fanfiction before
Knows about dreamsmp lore but doesn't know what it all means in context, very much "Did you know a guy fucked a salmon and had a fox as a child?" "He started a country later? The fish fucker???"
Is into more fru fru coffee drinks than he lets on. Like- fuck yea 9/10 times that mother fucker be drinking that shit black, but he loves some good pumpkin spice- tooty fruity-cuchie deluci frappuccino. He'd only give in around sunny tho.
Was a smoker for a hot minute, quit tho when the ashes nearly lit a TNT. Hasn't picked it up since
Is a slut for pig step
Has read The Art of War
Had a celebrity crush on Philza. He still has it but it's defo diminished since he knows him personally.
Showers daily. I don't care that he's a war-torn mf, that man loves taking showers and will never pass up the opportunity to get one.
Has a poster of Miku Binder Jefferson. Someone gave it to him as a secret Santa present and he has no idea who or what to do with it. He's tempted to burn it but he's kind of afraid of it. It's so cursed that it shows up in his nightmares.
He thinks about Forever a lot more than he wants to admit. He's afraid of the possibility of turning into a monster since he was exposed to the black concert a lot. He understands the fear is irrational since it was long ago but the intrusive thought lingers.
He's thought about marriage in general and with Pac. He'd never admit it but he planned out everything from the venue to the music to the vows. He'd easily swipe it all away if Pac said he had an idea of what he wanted it to be like.
is fluent in Morse code
Knows sign language
Hearing aids mf
Has a family somewhere out there, one that he lost or left only to be dumped into TB2T
Loves crosswords, especially during breakfast and right after Ramon goes to bed.
His favorite smell is cinnamon and cocoa butter
Believes in Herobrine
Can't do long division to save his life
Hates the sound of Velcro
Likes the Pacman TV show
Smells like cinnamon and cocoa butter
Has too many scars from the cats he's owned over the years.
Married Mike for tax reasons in the past. They play it up that they're bitter divorcés from time to time
Doesn't shower as often as he should, not because he hates it but because he has a long routine and enjoys baths far more
Enjoys tea and coffee equally
Gay awakening was Rufio from Hook
watches Reading Rainbow as an adult
paints on his prosthetic all the damn time
Has a Post-it note collection. He barely uses them but he has a rainbow of them and each color represents a member of the island.
Has a sticker collection
Always carries small snacks for his pocket dude (I heard about this through the wiki, apparently Pac has a pocket boy? If not then he does now lmao) mostly gummy bears and crackers
Is afraid of the ocean. Idk why that just sounds right for him and if it is it recontextualizes the date he had w fit lol
knows Morse code
Knows some phrases in American sign language (fit is teaching him / is learning for fit, whichever is cuter)
Has hacked into a government-locked server, left lobster porn in place of any files he took. Idk which government it was or why he did it, but he did and they haven't recovered since
Is the type to listen to Jon Bellion and Talor Swift. No, i will not elaborate
Has very vivid daydreams. Aside from drugs and PTSD, he has some really nice ones all on his own. Mostly about Fit tbh.
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gatheringbones · 11 months
[“The way I told my mom was less than ideal. I was home on a school break and talking to Jessie for about an hour on the telephone. My mom kept knocking on my bedroom door, telling me to get off the phone. I was totally frustrated and came storming into the living room. She said something snide like, “I don’t know who this Jessie is and why you have to be on the phone with her for so long.” “She’s my girlfriend! And I’m bisexual!” I shouted angrily. I don’t actually remember what she said after that.
Telling my gay father was a lot less dramatic. He just said some thing like, “That’s great—whatever makes you happy.” Interestingly, he wasn’t jumping for joy over me joining the team or anything.
Jessie and I didn’t last very long; we really were better off as friends. I don’t think people, including me, realized how serious I was—this wasn’t an experiment or whimsy—until I met Jen.
Jen was the Big Dyke On Campus. She was a senior, super intelligent, opinionated, really out. Everyone knew who she was because she was a big-time activist, very outspoken about things like sex, SM, and porn. She also went to class dressed in men’s shirts and ties. This was no friendly, sporty lesbian that everyone found charming. She was a butch dyke, brazen in her gender and style, and I was drawn to her. She was frantically finishing her honors thesis when we first met, and so our early encounters were at the library. I remember kissing her for the first time on the library steps and feeling such intense desire that I thought I would explode and shatter into tiny bits of flesh at her feet. She was a brilliant flirt, so self-assured, so deliberate and generous with her words, so powerful at casting a spell on me. Consumed by her, I wanted to surrender, to give her everything. She was the smartest, fiercest lesbian I knew. And then she was my girlfriend.
Jen used to read On Our Backs and Susie Bright’s Lesbian Sex World to me at bedtime every night. (She was even in charge of bringing Susie Bright to speak on campus that spring.) We were so connected, so engaged in the relationship. Every single day, there was something new to learn, share, discover. I did so many things for the first time with Jen. Jen was the first girl I ever lived with. I experienced the tremors of my first earthquake in bed with Jen and her yellow lab. I had my first taste of what now is my favorite all-time food at the hands of Jen: sushi. Jen was the first woman to fuck me with a dildo. Jen was the first woman to tie me up. The first woman to spank me. To fuck my ass. She topped me for the first time, I bottomed to her for the first time, and we switched. We watched fag porn together. She was the first girl I ever fucked with a strap-on. She was the first girl I ever stripped for. Jen was the first girl I ever bought a tie for. Jen brought me to buy my first pair of Doc Martens. She was so articulate about her desires and her politics, so sex positive, that I felt like I could tell her anything. She was my lover, my mentor, my dyke teacher, and so much of who I am today came from her.
Before her, I felt closeted not only about my desire for women, but my desire to explore the myriad possibilities of sex. Coming out finally gave me the freedom to do so. I was never tortured or miserable with all the boys I’d been with; in fact, physically, they were pretty satisfying. I couldn’t always connect with them on an intellectual or emotional level, so I always felt like something was missing. While I was sexually precocious with men, I never tried new things, experimented, voiced fantasies—being a dyke totally coincided with my overall sexual liberation, and the two awakenings became intrinsically linked.”]
tristan taormino, from this girl is different, from a woman like that: lesbian and bisexual writers tell their coming out stories, 2000
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guywrestlingaddiction · 2 months
What Turned me Gay (not really): Pro Wrestling in the 90's
Pro Wrestling truly hit it's golden age in the 90's.  It was a time when sexy guys tied strings around their biceps and men intimidated each other by oiling up their pecs.  There was something magical about this time. The combination of colossal egos and a fresh crop of young jobbers each week created a spectacle that will never be replicated.
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Ravishing Rick Rude and Stunning Steve Austin v Flyin' Brian and Sting
What turned me gay (not really) ...  This post, inspired by the sidelineland.com blog, takes a tongue and cheek look into "what made me gay (not really)" and my journey of discovery would not be complete without examining Pro Wrestling in the 90's, an era that definitely turned me gay. 
The Background It all began with an image.  I can't recall who or even which network it was on but there he was.  A jobber, trapped on the ring post getting hammered away by a vicious heel.  Now while I can't recall his face, I do recall the feeling it left with me.  The taught and fit jobber, the sweaty bodies, the satisfied smile on the heel. My young emotions screamed one thing; I needed to watch more of this.  
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Not the Jobber in the corner I remember but sexy Lee Scott will do.
It helped that my older brother was also into wrestling.  Together we'd watch and celebrate or rag on each other depending on if our heroes won or lost.  But there was always one wrestler I fixated on, one man I obsessed over for reasons my young mind simply couldn't comprehend. That man was Ravishing Rick Rude.
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Grabbing that chest won't save you!
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Ravishing Rick Rude and Stunning Steve Austin v Flyin' Brian and Sting (WCW)
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Ravishing Rick Rude v Hawk (WCW)
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Ravishing Rick Rude v Ricky Steamboat (WCW)
That long, muscular body, that alpha energy the man gave off, but above all it was those abs of steel.  You could not tear me away from a Rick Rude match when he was flashing those abs into my television.  Rick Rude awakened something in me before I even knew I liked guys.  That persona and masculine energy was something I simply wanted more of.  With that incredible body, those sculpted arms, that tough guy mustache all worked to scramble my young brain; Rick Rude definitely turned me gay.  
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Rick showing us the goods
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Ravishing Rick Rude resting his head on a jobber
Then came another bombshell, one that a lot gay men out there could not get enough of, that is the one and only, Alex Wright.  
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The one and only, Alex Wright
Tall and smooth, while also deceptively scaling the ropes between jobber and heel, Alex Wright was Pro wrestling's first Twunk.  The man was a stealth wrestler.  A man you'd expect to be riding around in a convertible listening to techno music, but then something would flip and that man would bring the heat.
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Alex Wright v Brian Pillman 
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Alex with Paul Roma
My favorite Alex matches were the few when he got to dominate.  It was almost like waking up from a spell, all those pretty muscles in that huge imposing frame weren't for show - the man was simply so drool worthy you'd forget how imposing the guy could be.  
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Alex Wright fights back (sometimes)
Alex Wright was my first male lust and was all my youthful urges personified as a pro wrestler. The man absolutely turned me gay.  
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The one and only Alex Wright!
What made this time so great to me was that it was a moment when pro studios excelled at fostering young talent.  Guys like Mark Jindrak brutalizing a young jobber, a kiss of the knuckles punch to take down Lee Scott, or in the case of Evan Karagias, being on the receiving end of the beatdown.  It was the perfect collision of over-the-top silliness with raw manly emotion.  This era simply had something going for it that I can't quite explain and haven't seen since.
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Mark Jindrak vs. Elix Skipper (WCW)
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Mean Mark (The Undertaker) v Lee Scott (WCW)
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Paul Orndorff v Lee Scott (WCW)
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Evan Karagias v Chris Jericho (WCW)
In spite of the beautiful smooth bodies shoved through my television, a stand out moment from my youth was witnessing the great Arn Anderson tearing down some poor jobber.  It was like hearing music for the first time and realizing that beauty does not always equal pretty. For me anyway, the sight of a no-nonsense, tougher-than-your-dad heel like Arn Anderson in his prime was undeniably beautiful and wrestling once again revealed something about myself that I didn't understand at the time but would later come to relish.
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Arn Anderson v Alex Wright (WCW)
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Arn for the Win! Arn Anderson v Eddie Jackson (WCW)
They say, often when you think you're at the end of something, you're actually at the beginning of something else. This certainly held true as the decade drew to a close and something seemed to shift in pro wrestling. While the same sexy, hard bodies still clashed in the ring, it felt like a part of what I once loved had moved on.
Or maybe I moved on. You see, Pro Wrestling in the '90s may have been the spark that turned me gay, but before I knew it, I was fully embracing myself as a gay man. Your formative years are funny like that. No matter how much time passes or where I am on this journey, I still can't shake that image of a faceless jobber trapped in the corner, somewhere back in the '90s.
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little-reader · 1 year
“The Son of A Monster” Ch. 2
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Carl grimes x Male!Reader
Warnings; Death, blood, Slow-burn Sexual tension, Gay awakening (For both), Cursing, Negan is Readers dad, Enemies to lovers story. Fighting. Zombie apocalypse
The people talked. They looked, and glared, but didn’t have the guts to say it to your face. And since you were there to watch Carl, you lived with rick. On the couch, that's the place you said you would sleep. He gave you a blanket and a pillow that night, not speaking at all.
You sighed and laid back on the pillow that was stiff and uncomfortable. You shifted. You shifted and shifted, and shifted before sighing and stung up, throwing your legs off of the couch and over. You took your shirt off and stood, cracking your neck. This is how you slept most of the time.
You walked on the porch, around this time it was cold outside, leaving your skin a breeze of chills. Sitting on the porch steps, you picked up your boot and reached inside, grabbing the pack of cigarettes. You grabbed the lighter from the other and lit the cigarette. You breathed in and closed your eyes, dropping your head and breathing out.
You hummed, looking at the sky. You sing a nursery rhyme your mother used to sing to you. She always told it to you, to get you to sleep, your panic attacks, anxiety, little things like that. Or she just sang it because she liked it... “There once was an ugly duckling…” You whispered. “With feathers so stubby and brown.” You smiled and sighed. Deciding not to finish the old song. You got up, walking barefoot around the neighborhood.
That morning Simon picked you up to go to the hilltop. He was running the shots there now, and you were the picker. That means, you decided, not Simon. He ran the people, you ran him.  You walked into the old museum and got introduced to Gregory. Your people started to spread around, as Simon put his hands on his hips.
“Hello!” Gregory said. Nodding
“Hello, your Gregory.” He stated, looking at the man.
“Guity as charged.” He said, walking to the center of the room. “Welcome to hilltop Colony.”
You huffed, looking at the place and the decorations. “Thank you,” Simon said, going up the stairs halfway and looking around. “You, uh, make yourself at home,” Gregory said.
“This isn’t a social call.” He said, coming back down the stairs. Gregory stuttered, denying what Simon said. “We need to talk.” He said with a smile. “And it's getting a little claustrophobic in here, right?” Gregory awkwardly nodded. “Let's talk in your study, I want to see that painting.” He said, looking upstairs. “Can’t remember who told me about it, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter much anymore. Don’t know if you heard what happened.” He said
“W- What happened?” You rolled your eyes, waiting patiently for him to hurry with his conversation.
“Well, those people you used to deal with. Our brothers and sisters in arms and operation, well, they’ve been removed from the field of play.” Simon said, looking around. You watched Gregory pet his white beard and look confused. Now if that wasn’t sketchy. He knew something. Your head tilted as you thought. 
They both continued to talk in the study, you following behind him and the men outside the room.
You sat in the chair as Simon went about the painting and Gregory kissing his ass like it was black Friday.
You waited, as he kept talking, then stopped. “Simon, get to the point. I'm not in the mood for you blathering.” You said. Stabbing your knife on the table. “And get your feet out of my face.”
Gregory looked at you in school. “That’s a little rude for a kid.” He said, making you smile. 
Simon leaned forward, moving his feet and going over to you. “Ah, you have introduced ourselves to Y/n. He’s my boss. Or well, the head boss’s, Negan's kid.” He said, watching Gregory's face drop. “He’s your Negan for now, and I’m also Negan when he’s not here.”
You stood, “Get finished here, I’m taking dan’s bike.”
“Ah, dan bike is down, we have enough room in the Negan truck, but you’ll have to ride back with us.” You huffed and left, a few men trailing behind you as they carried things around. You walked around the walls, feeling the bark and wood on your fingertips. You leaned down, watching the wind blow slightly on the flowers. You picked the purple flower from the ground and shoved it in your pocket, leaving for the truck as they called for you.
You started driving, only to get stuck all night on the road because of a walker. You snuck to the back of the truck in the middle of the night, just to sleep and pick through the boxes for something to eat. You awoke with the sound of people whispering and the truck moving. You rubbed your eyes before squinting. “Hey-” Your mouth was instantly covered by a hand, you pushed the man away, looking Carl in the eyes… eye. 
“Shut up!” Carl said, pointing a knife at you. You yelled in the other man's hand, shoving him off of you before grabbing your knife and trying to grab him, he turned and threw you off your feet and onto the outside ground. “Fuck!” You yelled as you watched the truck speed away.
You were fucked. You checked the trucks around the place you were dropped, one you found that worked, but barely. You made it halfway before it broke down and ran the rest of the way. By the time you got there, there were men on the floor being cleaned up, and your father “Delt” With it, bullshit. 
You walked the stairs until you reached, what others called, the “Whore house”. You pushed open the door and stepped inside before looking around. “You bitch.” You said, pointing at him before stalking over to him, grabbing his collar, and ignoring your dad. 
“Now, now! He is a Guest!” He said, Looking at you strangely. 
“He kicked me out of your fuckin’ truck.” You said, wiping the dirt off your shirt, which was in fact ripped into shreds. “Look at this shit.” You mumbled, taking it off and throwing it at your dad.
“Go to the infirmary, get those looked at.” He said, looking over the room. “And take Iris with you.” Iris, a girl your age, was something Negan set up for you. She was your wife, and your dad insisted more but you refused, most of the girls here were either much younger or much older. Plus they weren’t your type. 
“C’mon babe,” you said, heading out the door with her following closely. She hung on your arm loosely as you passed by other saviors bowing their heads at you. Like the others, she wore a black dress to show off her body, and ballet flats along with see-through stockings with small pink flowers sown into them. 
You knocked on the doctor's door, coming in without a second thought. “Hey doc, I need you to check on a few of these cuts, Do you mind.” You didn’t need to ask, all you had to do was sit and wait. You looked over to Iris who was patiently waiting for you to finish and sat on the bench nearest to you. “I want you to come with me, there are nice people there, plus new friends.” You spoke up, looking her in the eye and she looked up hesitantly. “You can bring your things too, I might know someone you can stay with. Plus, you cont have to dress like that all the time. Jeans, t-shirts, button-ups, things like that.
She only nodded, looking at the doctor before looking down. You sighed as the doctor finished and sent you on your way. Well, your way down to the “Hell Fire”. It's a nickname you and a few others use. A man was strapped to the chair, you knew him, though you didn't care. Iris looks into your chest as your dad put the iron to the man's face. You rubbed her shoulders as you stared, not at the man or negan, but at carl. The grimace and slight anger in his features. 
The man passed out in his chair as your dad laughed and mocked him. “Go get your things ready, there's a suitcase in my closet,” you said, she nodded and left. You walked over to Negan as he talked to Carl and a few of the men. “What are you gonna do with him?” You asked, interrupting his conversation. 
“Well, I'm gonna take him home.” He said. “And you, plus, he’s your responsibility.” You looked at carl and then Negan. 
“That’s bullshit.” You muttered and started to leave. Your father grabbed your sleeve. 
“You don’t talk to me like that boy.” He said, shoving up back. You glared at him and left out to the trucks and helped started them while getting your motorcycle. 
“Hey pal, your Wifey's coming.” Said one of the men. She came with two suitcases and a backpack. 
“Hey,” You said, lifting the two cases into the trucks and sliding them back. “Your riding with me, I don’t exactly trust those men.” You said. “Nor my father.” 
“Okay.” She simply stated. You helped her onto the bike and placed the helmet on her head and turned the engine on, driving out into the roads.
Chapter 3
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strange-stranger · 2 years
So I have really loved Willow so far - it’s like if Our Flag Means Death had a baby with A Knight’s Tale and then that baby got really into D&D and was also super gay
And this isn’t so much a criticism of Willow as it is a criticism of the condensed 8-episode seasons that are now standard across the industry, but
I really wish we got to spend more time with the characters. And I really wish we got to see them grapple with the literal earth-shattering events that they just keep quipping through
Kit was going to be forced into an arranged marriage, had her brother kidnapped, found out the depths of her family’s dark legacy, is trying to figure out what happened to her dad, and is doing this all in the middle of a gay awakening
Jade was going to be the first woman to train with the Shining Legion before her life’s goal was interrupted by a quest for her secret love, had to kill her father figure, and then found out she’s been lied to her entire life about her heritage by the people she trusted most
Graydon was also going to be forced into an arranged marriage, with hints that he is struggling with his father’s sinister intentions, has issues feeling worthy and competent, and now has to come to terms with ANOTHER possession nearly resulting in the death of ANOTHER person he cares about at his hands
Elora goes from kitchen maid to literal chosen one and savior of the world, but nobody around her seems to believe in her or support her in her growth, except for Graydon who then tries to kill her
Willow gets dragged out of complacency and mediocrity and suddenly has to train and protect Elora despite knowing that he’s a hack, and then his best friend dies
Boorman is… Boorman
I wish the season format gave us more day-in-the-life episodes where we get to see the characters work through these things with themselves and each other, instead of all the character development being a throwaway sentence and then they move on to the next bit of action
Anyway, watch Willow because it’s worth watching
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 months
IATCOD Chap. 28; Plan in motion
*Author's note*
This was a chapter long in the making due to life getting in the way but I finally got around a week ago to finally get this chapter done. Not a lot of action in this, just some plot settings to get ready for the main action that'll happen the next few chapters. But I hope you all enjoy this chapter no matter what. And yes I had to use the death whistle from Puss in boots the Last wish so credit goes to Dreamworks for that. 
After Cain had returned back to Hela's chambers and told everyone what Druig had suggested, there was silence in the room. Everyone pondering in concern, fear, and denial.
"And you're sure there is no other way?" asked Gandalf.
"It has worked one other time. With Fili and Kili sons of Dis, nephews of Thorin Oakenshield. Hela gave to them the very gauntlets she wears that holds our kins celestial stones. When Sauron took full control over her body, the stones used both their bodies as a host to banish Sauron's spirit from her very body before releasing them."
"Bofur and my uncle Oin did tell me that tale when I was still a lad. Never before had they been both in awe and struck with terror at the sight of what happened that night."
"I too was there when it happened. Never would I have thought that two Dwarves could hold the power of nine Celestial gems and live." Said Legolas recalling that night at Bard's house.
"But Merry still needs time to heal. He's not ready." Proclaimed Pippin worriedly.
"And the raw power of a Celestial's stone is nothing to be trifled with. I have seen what gripping a celestial stone can do." Aragorn said with a distant yet horrified look in his eye as he remembered one incident with some wild men in the North when they came to take out the remaining members of the Dúnedain.
The chief of the wild men had foolishly thought he could take Thena's stone for himself to enhance his weapon's strength and durability. But when he went to take the stone from Hela's gauntlet after ripping it from her arm, his body began to crack and burn like firewood.
His screams sounding like something both unholy and holy at the same time. His eyes became soulless white and gold until his body exploded into a pure light before Hela managed to contain Thena's stone once again.
"How do we not know that the same could happen to Merry if he takes hold of Druig's stone?" continued Aragorn.
"He wouldn't have suggested Merry if he didn't feel some sort of connection to him. Trust me Aragorn, I don't like this either but we are running out of options and out of time." Cain said as thunder rumbled once again and the red lightning began to flash in the sky once more. Cain and Aragorn turned to Merry and Aragorn said to him.
"The choice is yours Merry." Everyone turned to the hobbit who still looked exhausted from his Black breath recovery. Merry slowly stood up, Pippin tried to help but he held his hand out to refuse help. He slowly walked to the center of the room and said to everyone present.
"Since starting this quest back in the borders of the Shire, Pip and I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. But even then I didn't care, all I wanted was to see Frodo away from the danger. Only to find out that he must bravely face the danger himself to destroy the biggest threat to our home. And Sam, loyal hearted that he is, he willingly without a second thought vowed to go alongside Frodo even if it costs him his own life. Boromir died to save Pippin and I. Without a second thought, he kept bravely fighting until his last breath took hold. I have lost—many of my friends, and thousands-nay millions more all over Middle Earth will suffer if Hela is not awakened. If there is a chance to free her from her curse, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to play my part in saving Middle Earth."
Everyone took to heart of what Merry had to say. He walked back over to Druig's stone and called for him once again. The black onyx stone glew bright until a golden light shot out once again and appearing before him once again was Druig.
"You have made your decision." He spoke down to the young hobbit.
"I have." Replied Merry.
"Then what say you, Meriadoc Brandybuck?" Merry took a deep breath before exhaling through his nose and he said.
"How do we save Hela from herself?" A slight grin came across Druig's face then he told Merry.
"Take my stone within your hand, once you feel the full strength of my power coursing through your body, press the stone to the crown of your head. And we shall become One mind, One body, One soul."
"You both shall become one? But will Merry still be there? Your soul won't overwhelm his?" asked Pippin.
"He has accepted the terms young Peregrin Took." Druig said turning towards the other hobbit. "Time is of the dire most essence now, and we must bring her back now before it is too late." Druig's spirit then shot back into his stone and the glow of the stone faded.
"He's right Pip. If we're going to do this, it has to be now. If Hela is truly dying from this spell, Druig and I need to act now. And we've already lost a day already." Merry and Pippin looked at each other then after a moment of staring at each other, Pippin gave him a nod.
"Pippin, come join us." Cain said as he took out his knife and he slide the blade across his palm. Pippin walked over towards the others who were now starting to huddle on the other side of the room.
Using his blood, Cain drew along the floor a Celestial rune circle to protect everyone within the tower from any Celestial power outbursts. Everyone stood within the circle while Merry stood over the table where Druig's stone rested.
He turned to the others as Cain now began to wrap his wounded palm and he gave the young hobbit a strong nod. Merry nodded to him and took a deep breath as he reached out and took the stone within his bare hand.
As he grasp the stone into his palm, Merry's arm began to slowly crackle open like lava seeping through Mount Doom itself, he fell to his knees in agony as the power of the Mind celestial began coursing through his veins. But he kept a firm grip on the stone as well as holding his enclosed fist with his free hand.
The group watched in despair as Merry was forced to endure this pain alone. Pippin softly whimpered and said.
"We have to make him let it go! He's hurting can't you see he's in such agony!"
"No Pippin, we cannot interfere at this point." Gandalf warned him as he held him back.
"Merry?" cried out Aragorn. Merry continued to grunt and cry in agony.
"Merry talk to us." Cain ordered. As Merry continued to groan and pant in agony he finally spoke up.
"I'm fine. I'm alright." Slowly he raised his enclosed hand as he felt the full power of the Mind Celestial coursing through his entire body. But even with such power coursing through him, it was causing the gem to feel so heavy, he could barely lift his own arm.
However Merry knew he had to do what Druig had told him. Using his free hand, he guided his enclosed fist towards his head and with a cry, he open his palm and pressed the stone into his very head before a flash of light and wave of red energy shot out hitting the barrier but knocking down all the furniture in place. Then Merry fell onto his back with a thud and Druig's gem embedded into his very skin.
"MERRY!" cried Pippin as he ran through the barrier. Everyone crowded over him but Cain warned them.
"Don't move him!" Gimli held Pippin back as both Gandalf and Cain knelt over the unconscious Merry. Cain used his enhanced senses and could hear Merry's heart beating normally. "His heartrate and breathing is normal." Gandalf waved a hand over Merry's face.
"And his spirit is still in-tact." Suddenly Merry's eyes shot open but they glowed the same golden light that Druig produces whenever he used his mind controlling abilities. Cain and Gandalf backed away as did everyone else as Merry now stood up but there was a difference to the way he stood. He looked down at his hands and he said.
"I almost forgotten what it's like to have an actual body."
"Is that you Druig?" asked Cain.
"No, it's Sauron. Of course it's me." He turned over to Pippin and said, "And don't worry Pippin, Merry's still here. I just need to take control when performing the spell. However I do need to request something of you all. Performing this spell, requires my full concentration and power. Both Merry's body and Hela's will be completely defenseless, so someone needs to stand guard over us in case time runs out." They all turned to one another before Haldir spoke up.
"I'll do it." Everyone turned to him and Haldir said as he looked to Cain, "It's what Hela would've done for me." Cain nodded.
"I admire your heart and loyalty to my sweet Hela, but you'll need a better weapon than your own. Take Aeglos and place the tip of the blade to Thena's gemstone. It was once the host of her powers, and should any Deviants come to the tower seeking her or my power, you'll need the power of the Celestial of War to aid you." Druig told him. Haldir nodded then Merry walked over towards Hela.
He stood over the head of the bed and placed his hands on each side of Hela's temples. Golden light emanated from his palms and bounced between his palms and Hela's temples which also began to glow. Soon the small glow from Merry's eyes grew bigger until his whole eyes were nothing but a pure golden light.
"It's happening. Now it's up to him and Merry. The rest of us will continue to get the people down below and prepare for the Deviants as well as the Celestials of Sauron's attack." Said Cain. As the others began to leave the tower leaving Haldir alone, Cain said to him, "Haldir," the march warden turned to him. "Take it from someone who has tasted vengeance for over 2 Ages. When Nergal shows himself, do not engage him alone. You will wait for us to aid you in taking him down, understood?" Haldir turned his head with a narrowed, hateful look in his eyes. "Understood?" Cain asked in a firmer tone.
"Go help the others in getting the people to the lower levels of the city. They've suffered enough at the hands of a leader who could care less about them." Haldir said as he went over and took Aeglos from Hela's side.
Cain turned but had a suspicious look on his face as he left to join the others to help evacuate and prepare Gondor for the oncoming Deviants.
Within Hela's mind, both Druig and Merry walked through a dark chasm with the only light coming from the very floor they walked upon. However the floor itself was a sea of souls glowing a pure blue light.
"Is this really what's inside Hela's mind?"
"We're only at the gate. Everyone has their own unique gateway into their subconscious." explained Druig.
"So what is it that we're looking for?"
"A tree. A very large tree."
"A tree?" asked Merry unsurely.
"Being the Mind Celestial I've come to see that in everyone's mind, no matter the race or species, the gates of their minds hold a very special tree to which I've called them the Tree of Life. Each branch representing a person's memory or thought. It's what makes them the person or creature that they are. And if my hunch is correct, Hela's tree may not look like it once was." As they treaded through the ankle-deep water, Merry began to grow weary of the souls that were moaning and weeping.
"Who are all these people?"
"The souls that had been lost but could not move on. Remember Hela is the bridge between the Seen and the Unseen world. Souls pass through her in order to move onto Mandos' halls, even under this spell they continue to come to her. But they're trapped here until she gives them her blessing."
'You are correct.' A voice spoke up. The boys stopped and Druig stood in front of Merry protectively as a spirit soon raised itself up from the water before taking the shape of King Theoden.
"Theoden King?" Merry gawked.
"Hello Meriadoc." He then turned to Druig and said, "And you must be her twin brother Lord Druig. Hela told me many stories of you and your sister Makkari the Speedster when I was a lad." Druig nodded and Merry said.
"Theoden King, we're looking for Hela's Tree of Life, can you take us to it?"
"I can but I must warn you. The spell that has imprisoned not only us but Hela herself has grown too strong. If you dive too deep into her mind, you too may also suffer the same fate as she."
"That's a risk we have to take. I won't leave here without knowing my sister will be okay." Answered Druig firmly. Theoden's spirit looked at both of them as Merry gave him a strong nod.
"Very well." He faded back into a spirit ball and began the light to guide them through the darkness and towards where they needed to go. Eventually they came upon a grand willow tree that stood nearly as tall as Treebeard himself, but just as Druig had thought, the lush green vines had been dried up and were starting to crumbling.
Within the vines were small thought bubbles that would normally be as bright as bubbles should be, but they were now dimmed and grey with faded memories hazed over.
"This is Hela's Tree of Life?" asked Merry.
"Yes. But it's worse than I imagined it would be." They walked up to the tree as Theoden's voice spoke to them.
'Remember, dive too deep and you too may suffer the same fate as she. Though I do hope you are successful in returning our Hela home. Good luck.' His spirit then dove back into the sea of souls. Merry walked up to the tree and touched the main trunk. He could feel just how malnourished the tree was.
"Any ideas on how we can fix it?"
"It's not up to us, it's up to Hela. Only she can mend her own Tree."
"But how are we going to find her?" Druig walked around Hela's tree until he had found what he'd expect to find. Glowing in a haunting green and black aura of magic was a large mushroom that was attached to one of the roots of Hela's tree. The light pulsating and almost sounding like a heartbeat but what had Druig in awe was the mushroom was showing a vision much like Hela's thought bubbles on the vines of her trees had.
"I think I might have found her." Merry came around and knelt down beside him. The two of them stared at the mirrored image of what looked like a large green pasture (much like the Shire) and Hela was out folding laundry. "You ready for this?"
"Let's do it." Answered Merry. Druig took his hand and together with their free hands, they reach out and touched the mushroom all while their eyes glowed a pure gold. The second they touched the mushroom, the black and green aura shot out like lighting trying to fend off Druig's and Merry's touch. Both the Celestial and the Hobbit groaned and cried out in pain but they kept a firm hold on the mushroom. Until they were encompassed by the green light.
"Merry? Merry! Wake up!" Merry's eyes shot open and he saw Druig kneeling over him. "Easy there halfling." Merry held his head in pain as he let out a small groan.
"What happened?"
"We got absorbed by the curse and sent into this false world. I must say I'm impressed by your mental stamina, any normal person would've crumbled by now. Think there might be a future for you being a Mind Celestial." Druig held his hand and helped Merry onto his feet.
"Hela once said I would make a clever one."
"And for myself I can see why she said that." Merry gave a slight smile before asking.
"Now that we're here, how do we find Hela? This place is nearly as big as the Shire."
"We just start walking. Hopefully we'll come across her. And we may just find out just what exactly this curse is doing to her." The two then proceeded to walk once again onward this time through the peaceful green pastures.
Back in the real world, Cain was standing along the very edge of the city where Denethor had leapt to his death. He could sense the very change in the air from the darkened clouds, the difference in the lightning and the very air seemed denser as if a dark spell had once again been placed over all of Middle Earth.
"We've gotten the last of the civilians gathered in the lower caves. And Faramir and Gandalf finally managed to work out the protection spell Hela had made for the city. It should be up later tonight." Aragorn said behind him.
"With all that Denethor allowed to happen, this city doesn't need to suffer twice at the hands of a bigger threat than orcs, trolls and wargs." Said Cain. Aragorn stood beside him and said.
"They'll find a way to bring her back."
"It's not bringing Hela back that I'm worried about." One look on Cain's somber face and Aragorn knew what he meant.
"You fear for Haldir's mental state at losing Hela."
"Grief—is a powerful feeling. Especially if it's fueled by rage. I may not be able to physically see his eyes but I can sense his heartbeat. His deep, sharp breaths through his nose, and the anxious ticks he's now been having at the tips of his hands, especially since he took hold of Aeglos."
"You fear he might turn into what you became." Cain solemnly let out a deep sigh. Aragorn placed a hand to Cain's shoulder and he told him, "He may not know it now, but he'll need your guidance before the end. Who better to understand what he's going through, if you can find the way, he will too before the end."
"I hope so Aragorn, I really hope so." Aragorn turned and headed back inside the palace leaving Cain to stand alone once again. However Cain felt a dark presence behind him and he withdrew his axe and his blade soon met with another and a voice said to him.
"You can even sense Death coming for you. Impressive."
"Deimos." The two of them uncrossed their crossed their weapons. "Why are you here?" Cain sneered lowly in the tone he's always used for those who were impure of heart.
"Apologizes for interrupting your little brotherly love session with Isildur's heir, but I had to come see for myself what wasteful plan you all have tried to come up with to save yourselves." Deimos chuckled sinisterly.
"You underestimate them. Even in their darkest hours, until there is no hope remaining, the Fellowship and the people of Gondor will continue to fight till their last breath."
"It's a waste. You cannot save them from the inevitable. Without Hela's power, the Deviants will take each race of Middle Earth, one by one until all is nothing but shadow and stone."
"And what do you three get out of all this in the end? If all is meant to be shadow and stone, what will you and your brothers do?"
"What Perses and Nergal want is up to them. I, however, have a different score to settle." Cain heard as Deimos unsheathed his second sickle. "As I'm sure you're aware, each Celestial while cut from the same cloth based on one's powers, there are the Celestials gifted with sub-level powers. A power solely focused to one main power."
"Yes. Like those celestials who could only control one element, or be able to see into the future."
"Hela had her time to be the high Celestial of Death, but she missed the whole point of her existence entirely."
"How so? By teaching that death shouldn't be feared? That it is another path to the next life."
"That! That right there!" Deimos snarled in distain. "You actually believe that death is a merciful, that it's something to be fully embraced and accepted like how you view Life. No, no, no. Death should be feared, uncertain, and permanent." He emphasized on the word permanent as Cain could feel his red eyes cutting right through him.
"You've come for me." Cain realized.
"Now you're catching on." Deimos then began to circle around Cain like a predator, eyeing him as he continued, "When you were brought back by the desperation of your brother Ikaris, you didn't value what he had given you. And while I find the very idea of resurrections and reincarnations absurd, what I loathe more than anything in this world are those who think they can cheat Death."
"As you said, it wasn't my choice to be brought back to life."
"You don't think I don't know how throughout the first 100 years of your banishment you tried to end your own life? And yet with each time, you survived."
Cain's heartbeat escalated, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, a cold chill ran up his entire body. He could hear the blades of Deimos' sickles cut across the cobbled stone beneath them.
"But here's how we can rectify all of this. When the time's right, I will come for you, and you and I shall face off in a duel to the death. See who truly has the blessing of the Valor on their side. You do that, and I swear to not harm a single hair on anyone else's heads."
"You really think I'll trust you to do that? After the way you beat Haldir and Hela nearly to death."
"A mere demonstration for what I have in stored for you. They were just so I could get to you. You agree to fight me, and death will only come for you." Deimos then let out a soft yet haunting whistle and when Cain turned around, he could sense that Deimos was gone, only hearing the brief whistle before it too was silenced.
Almost as if he had been strung up on strings, he collapsed to his knees, his heart still racing in such fear that he only felt when he came before the Nine Nazgul.
In Hela's mind, Merry and Druig continued walking along the grassy over hills until they came to a quaint little cabin. To Merry it almost resembled Frodo and Bilbo's home of Bag-end with a similar green circular door but it was a big-people sized home.
It had a small front deck with a porch swing, and the front yard was covered with wild flowers. A gazebo that looked exactly like the one in Lothlorien stood at the side of the cabin.
"Is this what Hela dreams about?" asked Merry.
"She was never one for riches or grand castles. When we were children, she always said she'd get herself a cabin and plant wild flowers as far as the eye could see." Said Druig. "But even so, this is still a prison so don't get swept by whatever you see. Remember Theoden's warning." Merry nodded as the two of them soon heard the sound of arrows being twanged from an bow around back. They heard the arrow hit a target so they came around to see someone who looked like Haldir doing some target practice.
Instead of the normal Marchwarden uniform or even armor, he donned on a simple dark green tunic and grey trousers. Haldir notched another arrow into his bow and released it and it split the arrow that was already in the target.
"Can he see us?" Merry quietly asked.
"No. This is an illusion, they usually can't see nor hear us."
"Even if this were an illusion, we Elves can hear the flutter of a humming bird's wings 10 leagues away." Haldir actually responded to them. He turned towards them and greeted with a warm smile and a bow of his head, "Welcome Merry, and back already Druig? It's not even been 20 minutes since you left." Merry looked up at Druig worriedly. While Druig's eyes expressed shock, he turned to Merry and told him telepathically.
'Just follow my lead.' Druig cleared his throat and said, "Well you know how it is. Big brothers and all, can't leave you two alone for one second."
"Even after all this time we've been married, you still can't trust us alone. Though I can understand, being an older brother myself. What can I do you both for?"
"We're actually here for Hela. Is she in the cabin?" Merry asked the Haldir illusion.
"Unfortunately you won't find her in the cabin. At this time of the day she's down at the farm just over that hill. What do you want with her?" there was a hint of suspicion to this fake Haldir's tone but Druig plainly said.
"Just received a message from Keoghan about the Midsummer's ball tonight. Apparently Kingo once again burned the cake and they need Hela's help since she is the best baker out of all our kinsman."
"Very well. But I must warn you, one of the cows just recently gave birth. She'll be on the fight if you anywhere near her pen."
"Thanks for the heads up Haldir. Good day." The two of them bowed to Haldir the Mind Celestial bow before heading over the hill where Haldir said the farm was at. "Tell me you caught the way he got suspicious on why we needed Hela."
"I did. There was also something in his eyes that gleamed the same color as the spell that shot out around us when we touched that mushroom on her Tree."
"You are indeed a clever hobbit Master Merry." They soon came up and looked down at a large farm. With large shire horses running freely around the wooded area in the back, large mountain dogs helping log around eggs, crates of apples and corn, and ducks and chickens waddling about the farm grounds.
As they walked through the farm grounds, they heard soft humming coming from the stables. They slowly walked in and soon found Hela brushing a white stallion's mane humming softly.
"Hela?" Merry called out to her. She jumped and smiled.
"Merry, this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting you till next month for Pippin's birthday. And Druig, back so soon. Let me guess, you thought Haldir and I were having another sweet rendezvous at the gazebo that you walked in on just shortly after we began courting." At that openly suggestive statement, Druig's cheeks went red as he said.
"No but thank you for that unholy image that is now seared into my brain." Hela giggled and said as she stroked the stallion's nose. "So what brings you both here?"
Merry turned to Druig wondering if they should break it to her now since looking at her, it seemed like they had found the real Hela. Druig was torn because the last time he had seen his sister this happy was when they were children. After Sauron came fully into power by the time the three of them came of age, Hela always held such a burden on her shoulders. Like the weight of the world fell on top of her weighing her down and taking her innocence away bit by bit until all that was left was a hollowed shell.
Here she seemed—happy, relieved even. No wonder why she's refused to awaken from such a dream. But he knew she had to, but they had to approach it delicately at first.
"Keoghan reached out to me halfway on my journey telling me that Kingo burnt the cake for the midsummer's ball again." Hela let out a sigh and shook her head.
"That Kingo, he can put on a show with Sprite but when it comes to drawing or cooking, he's hopeless. And I thought Apollo had banished him from the kitchen?"
"He did, and that banishment is still in affect but you know how Kingo is."
"He always finds a way." Both he and Hela said together. "Sorry Snowmane, afraid this grooming session's gonna have to be cut short." Snowmane huffed and let out a shocked whinny. "Don't blame me, if I don't go stop Kingo, he could blow the whole castle up." she got out of Snowmane's stable and walked pass Druig and Merry. "C'mon, we better get a move on. I'll have to tell Haldir first of where I'll be heading."
"Actually we just told him that before we came to find you." Merry said.
"Oh well okay then. That's one less thing to worry about." As they stepped out, Hela raised up her fingers and let out a sharp, loud whistle that almost resembled an eagle's scream. They waited for a bit until finally a real eagle's cry was heard and swooping down was Hela's great eagle Icarus. "Hey Icarus, think you can carry Merry to the palace?" he let out a soft trill before lowering himself down for Merry to climb on.
Druig nudged the hobbit forward and Merry raced up and with Hela's help, mounted on top of the great eagle.
"But what about you?" asked Druig.
"Why would I need Icarus to fly?" Hela's normal dress soon morphed into the Starlight Celestial armor. "Being born a Starlight Celestial, I never need aid in flying again." As Hela shot up onto the air like a shooting star, Merry and Druig looked at each other worriedly before Icarus soon took off following behind his mother and Druig used his levitating powers to fly right beside Merry and Icarus.
Another night was passing even through the dark, thunderous clouds that covered all of Middle Earth. Gandalf, Aragorn and Cain all stood along the balcony near the throne room as Cain said.
"One more day to go, and the Deviants will return to Middle Earth."
"Any word of Merry and Druig's progress?" asked Aragorn.
"I had just met with Haldir, no changes." Gandalf replied solemnly. "I know Merry is strong and Druig is powerful but I fear they may not bring our Celestial of Death back in time."
"We still have time." Aragorn stated. "All we can do now is give Merry and Druig the aid they need. We've coded the protection spell, the second we see those demons appear, we activate the spell."
"It won't just be the Deviants we'll need to worry about. Nergal, Perses and Deimos will also need to be stopped. I fear their goals are more than just what Sauron had intended for them. And if they try to stop Merry and Druig from helping Hela, Varda help us all." Cain said as thunder once again rumbled in the sky and red lightning flashed in the sky.
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vanillashusband · 7 months
OC F/O ask game!!
Talus time B)
🔮 - does your f/o have any talents? bonus points if it's something more niche/uncommon!
Like I mentioned in this post about Talus, he has great aim. So he also likes playing darts and is pretty great at it! His mechanical enhancements probably give him an edge, especially against me who has terrible aim hjgfhjff
🌈 - is your oc f/o queer? what labels do they use, if any?
All my ocs and oc f/os are some flavour of queer, are you kidding? /lh hjghfjgf But. of course Talus didn't start out as queer. He was actually straight, or so he thought he was. In the beginning he is a "ladies man" usually hitting on any pretty girl he comes across, but even then he doesn't feel a lot of romantic feelings towards them and just likes playing around and soaking in the attention. He was very adamant about saying how he's "NOT GAY" when it came to our partnership, even going so far as to be actively nervous when he found out I was gay because "he thought I would hit on him". And while I did have a small crush on Talus, seeing his discomfort and him being straight made me lose my feelings for his sake. But he sort of does a flip, missing that attention and admiration I gave him, as selfish and kinda shitty as it was for him to think like that hjghfjgf Long story short I am Talus' bi awakening <3 and he's Bisexual Demiromantic!
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hetamyutism · 2 years
My Main 8 Hetalia Sexuality/Gender Headcanons!
(These are just my opinions and views!! I love all headcanons, regardless if ours differ)
Feliciano Vargas (He/She, but really fine with any)
Genderfluid Bisexual (AMAB)
Has questioned his sexuality and gender multiple times throughout his life
Has always been fine with doing “girly things” and wearing feminine clothing, since he was raised by Roderich, who thought for a very long time that he was a girl
Since he is genderfluid, usually his gender fluctuates depending on the day, but her pronouns usually stay the same, though he doesn’t usually mind what you call her
Prefers masculine compliments usually, but he won’t complain!
Bisexuality comes with a lean for girls
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Ludwig Beilschmidt (He/Him)
Transmasc MLM
Ever since he was a kid, he never really felt comfortable in his own skin
When he became a teenager, he started confiding in his brother, Gilbert, who is also transmasc, in regards to his dysphoria
Working out became a very good dysphoria reliever
Still struggles with dysphoria sometimes to this day, but has become better at coping with it
Has awesome top surgery scars!!!
Masculine compliments
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Honda Kiku (He/They/It)
Transmasc AroAce
Never really gave any thought to his sexuality or gender, as they never really felt any romantic or sexual feelings/desire towards anyone, but this does not mean he is opposed to it
Their sexuality and gender just kind of came to him over time, it’s never really changed whatsoever, they just finally found a way to describe itself
Doesn’t like to admit it, but he picked up on it/it’s pronouns because of Yao (who I will get to shortly)
Also doesn’t really care what you call them, but he prefers gender neutral compliments
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Alfred F. Jones (He/She)
Bigender MLM (AMAB)
Much like Kiku, he kind of didn’t give thought to his gender
He literally kind of discovered the label of bigender and was like, “What?? This is so cool, just like me for real”
Isn’t very open about he gender, but he is unapologetically out as gay
…Even though she makes those “I AM NOT GAY” jokes and will try to convince you he isn’t
He indulges in girly things in private, he gets a little embarrassed if someone catches him doing these things because he is insecure, but feels euphoric when someone doesn’t judge him
He would prefer if you stuck to just using he/him mostly, but will get really happy if you refer to her with she/her none the less
Gay dads Francis and Arthur had a very strong impact on him. Alfred looked up to Francis in regards to their gender expression, and he looked up to Arthur for his sexuality expression
Masculine and feminine compliments work! Prefers masculine, but loves feminine as well
He is serving cunt and loves wearing fake nails by the way
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Arthur Kirkland (He/Him, but doesn’t mind They/Them usually)
Transmasc MLM
Kind of always has just identified as a boy since he was smaller and nobody really questioned it
Not the most dysphoric person, but he definitely feels it sometimes
Francis was his gay awakening, he will NOT admit this, but he doesn’t even need to. It’s literally so obvious to everyone
He didn’t really start connecting with masculinity until the British Punk Revolution, where he really started going all out with his sexuality and gender expression
Mellowed out since then, and really does cringe at some of the things he did, but he does fondly recount that he wouldn’t be as “gentlemanly” as he is today of it weren’t for that wave of rebellious behavior, which really helped him set his identity in stone
Also has really cool top surgery scars!!!!!
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Francis Bonnefoy (Any and all pronouns)
Intersex Transfem Pansexual
Gender has MAJORLY fluctuated over centuries, but has always been pansexual (you know, attraction wise, since the label didn’t exist LOL)
Has always loved dresses and other things seen as “girly”
Isn’t dysphoric, he loves himself and embraces her identity
His pansexuality doesn’t have a preference for anyone specifically, but when he sees men he giggles and kicks his feet
Taught Alfred and Matthew early on to embrace themselves for who they are, they can love who they love and there’s nothing wrong with it
Any and all compliments appreciated!! He likes being called prince/princess though..
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Ivan Braginski (He/They)
Nonbinary Aro/Ace Flux MLM (AMAB)
Has never really cared about labels or expression, he is what he is
He has times of romantic/sexual attraction, but it fluctuates and he can go from being pretty interested in it to being absolutely repulsed at the idea of it
Has a hard time with romantic reciprocation as it is. Can’t really fathom the fact someone is capable of liking them like that
Has no attraction to women whatsoever, never has been attracted to them
Kind of really shy when it comes to telling people he’s gay
He loves masculine compliments the most, but if you call him pretty or beautiful, he will absolutely lose his mind
Considering he grew up with his sisters, he grew up doing some “girly things”, so he does still like doing some feminine things.
Him and Alfred get along in that aspect, they relate to each other about being kind of insecure about their identities. They also do both indulge in some girly things. They probably both giggled and kicked their feet while laying on their stomachs and twirling the phone cords they had during The CW (I’ve been keeping most shipping bias out of this, this can be interpreted as platonic by non America/Russia shippers!)
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Wang Yao (It/She/They)
Intersex Agender Loveless AroAce
Kind of like Ivan, also hasn’t really cared about how it expresses itself
Just really likes the idea of being genderless, she has never really felt connected to any binary gender
AroAce, isn’t repulsed by the idea of sex and romance, but they would rather not partake in any of it. Isn’t attracted to any gender, sexually or romantically
Uses she/her simply because she thinks the pronouns are super cute
Gender neutral compliments, but doesn’t mind feminine ones
Guys I kind of don’t even have an explanation for this because this HC is really personal??? HELP I AM TRYING REALLY HARD TO EXPLAIN
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OK I AM DONE!!! I will probably do more later for other characters like Gilbert and Lovino because I LOVE gender/sexuality headcanons FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOURS WITH ME PLEASEEEE 💗
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Okay so i did explain to him that the uk version was the original and his comment to that was a very simple ‘not to be a bitch to the tea people but Brian is better’ and then I told him that Charlie Hunnam aka the hot guy from Sons of Anarchy was actually in it and i wish you could see his face! Literally jaw on the floor/wide eyed and he sat like that for a good minute. But that lead to him then going on a 5-10 minute rambling about how Charlie and Aiden worked together in the movie King Arthur so now Gale and Randy have to reunite as well. And i fully agree with him.
Listen, it’s been days since he found out about Gale being straight and he’s still shocked. We did watch the Prom episode and he literally paused on him and went ‘come on..he can’t…man’ he’s literally having a similar reaction as Mikey did to Hunter. It’s kinda funny ngl. As for his ‘i think’ moment, I honestly have no clue what Gale did to him. Our uncle did say to our mom that if this is how he comes to a certain type of realization that he will never let him live it down because my brother made fun of him for realizing he was gay due to young Hugh Grant. So i think out of everyone, my uncle is the only one who is actually hoping my brother had an awakening through Gale.
I have a love hate relationship with the proposal (my brother only has like 2% love for it, the rest is hate but whatever) but the ‘my prince’ thing started a fight in the house when we watched it. Cause to me it was a cute moment but for some reason is felt a little awkward to me. I think cause the whole thing felt out of character, idk how to explain it. But my brother while having an ‘awww’ type of reaction, swears that Brian would never and that the reason for Brian’s expression afterwards is because Gale was trying not to laugh. So his hatred for the proposal is insane.
As for the B99, both of us have seen in multiple times and he put it on last Saturday because he wanted to watch some comfort shows. And then on Wednesday we were watching the Halloween II episode and when the episode ended with Holt winning the heist that’s when my brother got a text from his friend about Andre. It was the worst timing ever. So for the past few days B99 is the only thing we’ve watched.
Btw our family has this tradition where for Christmas we give each other 3 presents. 2 that are good/useful and 1 that’s something random/weird/sometimes bad. And last year he gave me 2 different photos of himself as a present and the 3rd one was a box of condoms (that was his ‘bad gift cause lesbian ha ha and photos of him are always a good gift duuh’- this was his actual explanation). So I’m genuinely considering giving him your blog and the knowledge of the fandom/what i did :/ as the 3rd gift. I told my uncle and cousins and they all think this is a great idea, which leads me to believe its a bad idea BUT i guess we will find out. He does know fandom exists because he’s been watching edits but he doesn’t know about fics and tumblr. So I’m going to slowly let him him know this week. Wish me luck even though i think he’ll handle it okay…ish
UH YES GALE AND RANDY NEED TO REUNITE IN A FILM. Your brother is so wise about this.
I’m lmao literally about his reaction to Gale being straight is Mikey’s reaction to Hunter being straight. So he’s being half drag queen half Italian about the news.
Your uncle realized he was gay to a young Hugh Grant? I’m dyinggggg! My spouse came out to their parents in their bedroom which was papered floor to ceiling with magazine cutouts of Sandra Bullock. And I had Jennifer Anniston all over my room. I guess my point is, we all have the celebrity that makes us go Oh. Oh.
I do think Gale was trying not to laugh, I mean he really looks like he’s about to crack up. The for my prince line is the worst. And if I was Justin — well a lot of things if I was Justin, but I would say no on the basis of that line alone and make Brian go get assessed for a stroke or something.
I watched Halloween II the night I found out about Andre! I watch B99 every night as I’m falling asleep. ACAB and all that but it is my comfort show.
One year my in-laws did a white elephant gift exchange and my BIL thought we were all doing gag gifts so he got boxer briefs and socks printed with his face on them. My spouse “won” them and they’re now in our sock and underwear drawer. All this to say, I think your brother gets to learn about his tumblr fame for Christmas. This year is an in-laws year for Christmas (we alternate, my parents are still salty about 2020 being their year) so if you want to send me updates, I will welcome the distraction. I love my in-laws (and especially my niblings) but I am an only child and my parents are quiet and visiting my in-laws is 8 adults, 3 children, and one dog under one roof and no one is quiet and it is A LOT for me.
I think he’ll handle it okay. Just make sure he doesn’t let the fame go to his head.
Also, Brother Anon if you’re reading this because your sister revealed that she’s been sharing your reactions with the internet - HELLO! YOU ARE VERY POPULAR IN A TEENY TINY FANDOM ON TUMBLR WHICH IS A VERY PARTICULAR TYPE OF FAME.
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hotgothmommy · 2 years
Looking back, I think I always knew. It was quiet at first, buried deep down inside of me, like the lost sock in a pair, perpetually swimming amongst an impossibly large pile of unfolded laundry. It started with little things, like making my G.I. Joe action figures hold hands. When I got older, it became moments spent lingering a little bit too long in the men’s underwear section. The final straw was Cedric Diggory. But when I reminisce, the skinny jeans stick out the most. They dominated my wardrobe, and they were the catalyst for my first ever encounter with the word.
Impressively, I had managed to avoid the word for my whole life until one fateful day in the fourth grade. I had just finished using the bathroom, and as I washed my hands, Turner approached. He was at the top of the fourth grade recess hierarchy, and he always dressed like he was trying to win a Kurt Cobain lookalike contest. He passed me as he walked down the hall.
“Nice jeans, fag,” he said, sneering.
Time stopped. My heartbeat got loud. My ears became hot. I didn’t even know what the word meant, but his sheer conviction in saying it made my insides squirm. Was this some sort of new slang I hadn’t heard of, meant only to insult skinny jeans wearers? Turner disappeared down the hall, as though he had more insults to deliver elsewhere, and I stared at myself in the mirror. I repeated the word in my head over and over. I looked it up when I got home that day. In a way, I was relieved. Surely, Turner was confused. After all, I didn’t like boys. I pushed it out of my mind, and that weekend, I begged my mom to take me shopping for new jeans so that Turner wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
I didn’t let myself think about it for years. Sure, I stared when our neighbor’s son mowed the lawn shirtless, but I figured that was normal. I never had a crush on any of the girls at my school, but that was just because none of them were my type. One day, I would meet the perfect girl, and all would be right in the world. In the meantime, surely there was no harm in me constantly replaying that scene with Chris Evans where he was only wearing a towel. But deep down, it lingered, and with every vapid middle school girlfriend I forced myself to endure, the reality began to set in. I told myself it was temporary. It was just something a select few people went through because God was testing them.
My dad scoffed at boys holding hands in public, and he told me not to talk to anyone harboring same-sex tendencies. The pastor at church looked me right in the eye as he detailed the violent and dramatic deaths of gay people in the Bible. Fire and brimstone didn’t sound so bad—at least it would be quick. I tried my hardest to escape the feeling, but it was like a bitter taste in my mouth that never went away, no matter how many times I brushed my teeth. After a pivotal viewing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, I gave in. Robert Pattinson’s jawline was powerful enough to awaken something in me long repressed, and my life was never the same.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
First of all, how are you??? I've been busy with projects and my final exams that start next week, and I've felt a little anxious and down these weeks, so I'm so looking forward for these two weeks to be over
Also, I've lately been rereading IALS whenever I'm feeling bad and it always makes me cheer up, so idk what that says about me...
But let me tell you!!!! So, we share facilities with another school, right? But they use them in the evenings. Idk if this is common for other countries, but it's really common here
Well, idk what they do or study, but a group of them have been staging a play, and my friends and I have seen a few rehearsals bc they also practice in the morning. It's a musical from what we've gathered, and it's also kind of... ehm, sensual, you could say lol (idk how they managed to convince our directors bc they are so fucking horrible, but good for them)
Thing is, Sarah and I know one guy from there, so last Friday we were there watching them rehearse, and he waved at us to come sit as an audience because they had prepared chairs and everything. We obviously agreed, and went to sit thinking we were just going to sit and watch from a better angle what they did...
Buuut, we didn't know how the play started, so we didn't know the actors had to get closer and closer to the audience until there were just inches of space... And we didn't know they had to just stand and stare at you to make you nervous... And we didn't know they couldn't talk and could just rarely give the smallest smirk... And that they had to look at you in a more flirty way, before the music started and they began to dance...
So you can imagine it took us by surprise😂. The actors started to get closer and Sarah, as the sunshine she is, was just making conversation with them like "you have beautiful eyes" "oh, your eyes are really pretty too!" "Hi! How are you?"
And I, as the bisexual mess that I am, was just furiously blushing and laughing nervously jshdjdkdksks
And there was this one reaaaally pretty girl that came closer and stared at me. There were just INCHES between us and my laughter died and I just nervously swallowed but she just gave the smallest smirk and looked down on my hands, so I looked down too and she traced my hands with her fingers, looked up again and just slowly walked away...
So yeah. I don't know how I ever thought I was straight😂😂😂
Me 🤝 You - reading IALS to feel better lol.
I'm good! The month from hell is over and now I have better control of my work hours and projects (for now lmaooo). Most of my projects are winding down so I'm looking for new exciting projects so hopefully, i will find something I like ;)
and omg you got roped into an immersive play - those are my worst nightmare sdkjnfks. it ain't for the introverts - and the gays lol. but i am glad you had fun 🫢
also every ask you send me is basically 'how did i ever think i was straight OR everyone else knew i was gay but me' and i love this theme let's keep going.
hope the exams are going well and you are taking good care of yourself bebe ♥️
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theforgottendrummajor · 3 months
Before the Season (1.5)
I'm back, much sooner than anticipated. Mostly because I need to rant, like, ASAP. And since there's no one else that will listen to my feelings (I don't have therapy for two weeks), you're the lucky winners! Aren't you so thrilled?
Remember how I said that I wasn't sure of my sexuality, all I knew was that I really like girls? Yeah, it's time to get into that. I came out back in 2021, but didn't realize I had a crush on a girl until about a month after I figured out my sexuality. Kind of a weird order for things to happen, I know, but I don't read into it too much. All I know is the fact that I'm very, very queer.
I guess I do need to go into more detail than originally planned for this rant to have its full effect. Currently, I say I'm bisexual, and I've never been uncomfortable with that label. It's always felt like it's fit me and I've always felt secure in my sexuality.
Until now.
Three weeks ago, I was reunited with my long distance best friend- we'll call her Cecily- and that's when things began to get a little crazy. Yes, I know she's straight, and yes, I know she has a boyfriend, and yes, I know I have a boyfriend. But for the glorious long weekend that we were reunited, it honestly felt like we had our own little relationship. Summer fling. Situationship. Whatever you want to call it, I don't care. But we had everything from slow dancing to her favorite song, to taking pictures of us almost-kissing, to a fake engagement with the ring that she wears every day (unfortunately, I gave said ring back after our fake engagement), to a conversation about our types and what we look for in people.
I just have to say, the way that we both perfectly fit what the other was looking for was CRAZY. Except for the fact that she claims to be straight, and I'm very much not a man.
So that happened, and I went home, and ever since then, we've kept in contact, as we do, only it's been amped up this time. We've moved on to sending each other Instagram Reels and such- the cheesy, romantic kinds that are meant for people to send to their significant other. You know, the "send this to the most beautiful girl you know" type of reels.
Here's the thing. I've hardly seen my boyfriend since I saw Cecily. I saw him the day that I left the place where Cecily and I had spent the weekend together, and I think that's the closest to discomfort that I've ever felt in our relationship. It just felt like I was jumping back to hanging out with him too fast, and it didn't feel right.
With Cecily, everything feels right.
And I've been joking- to myself- for the past few weeks or so, that I get the best of both worlds. Hannah Montana type shit. I get the boyfriend that cares about me, and I get the gorgeous best friend who I have a homoerotic friendship with (and I'm almost 100% sure that I'm her gay awakening, she just hasn't realized it yet).
But if I'm being completely honest, I'm not sure that the whole Hannah Montana thing is what I want.
Just now, I was texting with my boyfriend- we'll call him Joey- and everything just felt so wrong. He was so bland, and I didn't want to annoy him, so I was walking on eggshells with every response I sent, and at one point, he got so bored of me that he just went to bed.
At least, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. He didn't even give me time to respond.
And as he was doing this, one thought crossed my mind:
"We need to break up."
I stopped myself before I could say the full thing out loud- I don't want it to feel real. But at the same time, I'm now stuck in a cycle of "Do I love him or do I just crave the security of being in a committed relationship?"
Because right now, it's too late for me to say anything but the truth. So here it goes. I don't think I've ever been in love with this man. Sure, I've said that I love him, but I think he feels stronger for me than I've ever felt for him. And now, I don't know what to do.
Dating Cecily isn't an option. I'm well aware of that. If it was an option, Joey and I wouldn't even be together. It would never have occurred, it would never have been a question.
But losing Joey... damn, the way that would disappoint so many people. All of my friends were betting on us getting together for years, now. And I had so many worries about dating him back then, worries that I now realize I was so right to have, because those are the exact things that are causing problems. I feel like I can't stop seeing the red flags in him, and I genuinely have no clue if it's because I'm not interested in him because he's a guy, not interested in him because I have this resurfacing crush on someone else, or if I'm out of the honeymoon phase of the relationship and seeing him as a fully rounded person.
I saw this thing on Instagram saying that you're supposed to give something twenty-one days to think about it before you make a huge decision, especially one that could impact your life in such a drastic measure. So I'm trying to do that with this. But we're going on Day 19 of 21, and I have a huge date planned with Joey next week, and I can't decide whether or not I should do something before then. Maybe it'll be the deciding factor, the thing that makes or breaks the relationship.
The good thing is that I barely have to see him this summer if I don't want to. And we should only have one class together once school starts.
The other good thing is that I'll still have my long-distance friends, who I know for a fact will have my back, even if my school friends don't. Because everyone at school loves Joey. Everyone thinks he's the greatest guy to walk the face of the Earth. And as his girlfriend, shouldn't I think the same way?
Alright, if anyone has any advice, please help a girl out. Maybe I'll read the lesbian masterdoc tomorrow.
See you on the field (or not).
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