#he does NOT live in my neighborhood last i heard i didnt even know he had moved back from upstate
sydmarch · 1 year
was like I've spent too long looking at a screen tonight let me do a 20 min loop of the neighborhood while it's still twilight & TELL ME WHY I CROSSED PATHS W MY EX LMAO???
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igreu-simmons · 1 year
im so f**king tired of everything
the self help shit on social media is bullshit if you cant even utilize that stuff in your day to day life. Im so done with staying at home and doing absolutely nothing. I'm use to making new friends every year but the friends that I made last year were truly bad for me so I cut them off but now I am alone. I havent spoken to anyone in so long and I am literally losing it. Even writing a post like this feels like shouting in silence but atleast I get to publicly yell about it (stepping outside of my door and trying to yell will just get people to make weird looks at me).
My friend said one of the worst things you can do is introducing your friend group to a different friend group. I don't know how legitimately the friend who told me this was since I only met him online. I dont know if I am currently living in a day and age where making online friends should be normal but to me it is not. Anyways i heard him out cause he seemed like he was speaking with experience and expertise regarding this topic and he said that.... well honestly I dont remember what he said. I dont think he elaborated anymore on that but my imagination and overthinking skills kicked in to try to figure out why mixing friend groups would be so shit.
So, I looked at my specific circumstances. One friend group was this group of friends I met online during the covid online schooling year. Some of the guys I met from one of my classes introduced me to their old neighborhood friends a few months after and I started talking more and more to them. With the online
Explaining all of that was important because that is why I am alone today. Does a part of this state of being "alone" come with loneliness, yes, but I would like to thing that this is something that I am familiar with and something I just havent seen in a while. What the problem is is that I am feeling the most experimental and rebellious right now and I can't do anything about it. Yes I have been known to be kinda extroverted and loud, possibly even confident online when talking to random people, but whether that was a product of the lack of consequences of my actions and possibly tying the words I was saying to me as a person, its very possible and possibly true. I want to run and I want to fall. I want to do the things that I feel like I have been training my whole life to do and have mentally trained myself for to "slay". I dont even care if I have a childhood or teenagehood, me running will always be my teenagehood.
But again, I feel trapped. At this point its a waiting game where I just have to sit and suffer. Then, you might be asking, what is the point of sitting down and writing your complaints if they are going to go away soon? Its the fact that I have to sit and suffer through the wait in the first place. I have waited for many things in my life. Results to exams which I had studied for, results to exams which I hadn't studied for, the consequences to my mistakes whether it could've been fixed by eraser or by having better friends that I didnt feel peer pressured by. I have waited for so many things that were to be revealed in the next following hours or things that were in the distance future. But right now is the first time that I had felt like I was wasting my own time. My own time anxiety was compounded with the fact that my suffering was not just me learning to experience a different emotion for the sake of getting out of my comfort zone. My suffering was the bad choice that was presented to me when the good choice was also there right along. It was this summer when I started to feel like my life was truly in the my own hands and I could make something of it myself, and yet I was still stuck at home.
This could be a blessing. As much as I love being organized, maybe I was not to be trusted. Instead allowing myself to learn like how I wanted to, learning about life would cause there to be irreversable problems to my perfect suburban life. Really I had many things that the other kids had but I just wanted to do something on my own.
I would like to say that all of this is just in my head but in the same way that I feel the need to be shouting this in an online post and making a mark in physical space, this has been taking a physical toll on my body. I havent been able to eat properly and some days sleep properly in the past few days and plates of dinner I had tried to convince myself I would finish are laying in the room next to mine because they have officially started to smell. When your brain can't find a way to directly fight the thing it hates, it compensates by ruining something else that was doing fine in your life. I wish I could say that I am going to try to eat better by whats the point of fixing something if nothing is gonna change anyways?
this post is incomplete and shares the surface level of the thoughts that linger through my mind during this year's summer months. I will be doing my best to finish the thoughts that I have started in the near future
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thekillerssluts · 3 years
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My Relationship to Performance Has Changed
A great rock-and-roll show means openness, confrontation, and a kind of danger, and those ideas right now feel too heavy to lift.
Last October, before the second pandemic wave took off in New York City, I had one last band practice in my backyard in South Brooklyn. Five of us were working on songs from my new solo record. Normally we’d play in the basement, but it’s pretty low-ceilinged, and we’d read Zeynep Tufekci’s recent Atlantic article on viral spread, so we were all hyper-focused on air circulation. My bandmate Sara had contracted COVID-19—and recovered—in March, but the rest of us had no immunity. Besides, we suspected that we were in for a long winter and might as well hang out outdoors.
It was warm in the sun. After hauling the drums, keyboards, keyboard stands, guitars, and amps outside and plugging everything in, I hadn’t wanted to bother setting up microphones, so we had to play softly to hear ourselves harmonize. When we paused for lunch, someone leaned out of a fourth-story window in the apartment building next door and yelled: “Are you done or are you just taking a break? I have things to do, but I really miss live music!” “Me too, man!” I called back. “Should be just a break.”
Six months and a difficult winter later, the break is ending. I’m seeing more and more Instagram posts for shows that aren’t just wishful thinking. Low-capacity indoor shows are popping up in New York. Outdoor—maybe even full-capacity indoor—concerts are coming this summer. Am I ready to play? Ask me every other day and the answer changes. I’m torn. I’m desperate for sound engineers to get back behind the board and bartenders to start earning tips. I want venues to thrive again, both as places for art in neighborhoods and for the sake of the network that keeps music culture alive in America. I want my booking agent to feel excited again; he loves music so much. And I want musicians to make a living. So many people have been so screwed by the past year. I guess I just want everyone to get paid.
But the actual performance; the rebuilding of the sonic cathedral, as Dave Grohl wrote last spring; communally reaching for rock-and-roll transcendance? I’m not there yet. I’m not concerned that I’ll get sick. I received my second vaccine shot at the end of March and am ready to high-five strangers on the subway. My hesitance has an element of crowd-shyness, which we’ll all get over. But in my own performance, I don’t know how to meet this moment. A great rock-and-roll show means openness, confrontation, and a kind of danger, and those ideas right now feel too heavy to lift.
I used to think of performance in purely aesthetic terms. In the movie La Strada, a clown wearing angel wings does a high-wire act across a crowded piazza. For his finale, he brings out a table on the wire and, while balancing, tries to sit and eat a full plate of spaghetti. The heroine of the movie watches him with an almost religious ecstasy. When I first started performing, I strove for transcendence and stupidity, high concept and low art. My focus was on keeping myself in the air.
When my band Arcade Fire was playing mostly to people who hadn’t heard us before, we felt that the best way to get them to open up was to blow the windows and doors out. At an early show in Lawrence, Kansas, my brother, Win, bashed Styrofoam tiles out of the venue’s ceiling with his mic stand. We pushed as hard for an audience of six people (two of them my parents) upstairs at AS220 in Providence, Rhode Island, as we did in front of tens of thousands in the desert at our first Coachella show (during which I accidentally cut Win’s guitar cable in half by repeatedly smashing a cymbal into the ground).
At a certain point, as people got to know our music, my relationship to performance changed. The energy from the crowd was greater than anything coming from the giant speaker stacks. The audience wasn’t a challenge to overcome, or an opponent to conquer. We became a team. Not in an abstract, lovey way but how a sports team operates—pushing one another to do better, sometimes failing, sometimes frustrating one another, sometimes just joking around.The high-wire act of live performance—Will the music come together?—was still there. I’ve even sometimes tried to make the metaphor real, climbing arena scaffolding with a drumstick in my teeth and a drum strapped over my shoulder to play 30 feet in the air. Some of our crew members hate it—“Will! You have children now!”—but climbing up there doesn’t actually feel that dangerous, and a little nervousness is good. I’m reaching for primate simplicity and catharsis: The crowd needs tension to experience release.But now I have no desire to make tension. I want people to feel safe and comfortable, and I wonder whether creating a feeling of danger and openness is antithetical to that. I know that cultivating a perception of safety and actually making people safe are different. On tour, in a big venue, every night our management and local security have a briefing. It’s partly to set a vibe—People are here for music. Everybody be chill. If some teenager sneaks into a closer section, please let them. But the briefing is also serious—where the medics are located, what the escape routes are. Most of the time, these safety measures are invisible. I worry that post-pandemic precautions, as welcome and necessary as they are, will be depressingly visible. Some elements, such as temperature checks, will be inane. Some, such as requiring vaccination, will be important. Regardless, they will also set a tone—not You are entering a place for music, but You are entering a secure location. Dancing is hard when you’re looking at your feet; singing is hard when you’re thinking about everybody else’s breath. I bet the crowd could get over this. I’m not confident I could. With limited capacities and tight procedures, I worry that the stage will feel like the VIP section of the VIP room at a members-only club. Sterile, lonely, all of us chillingly aware that we are part of a ticketed event.
I have another concern that’s hard to shake. After this pandemic year, I’m more aware of the responsibility I have not only to the people who buy tickets, but to the driver making deliveries to the show and to the family of the woman working arena concessions, people who really don’t care about what I’m doing onstage. Vaccination numbers will grow, and the pandemic will end, God willing. I’m not worried about the spread of the coronavirus in particular. But these links of responsibility remain. The analytical part of my brain turns off when touring starts. Before scrambling back to normalcy, I want to make sure that this sense of connection becomes embedded in how I think. I would really love to just be a musician—but I’m also an employer and a player in an industry that has chewed up and spit out plenty of people, especially in this past year.
My hesitations are all about shows, though, not music. Over the past year, I’ve rarely played music with others—a few practices and filmed performances; work on the new Arcade Fire record in November; a handful of Zooms with bandmates to help a school’s PTA fundraiser or support a candidate in the city-comptroller race. But in all of those instances, I’ve experienced an ease, a rightness to the communication—not through the screen with whoever was listening, necessarily, but the people I was playing with. That connection felt restorative, like having a night of deep sleep that repairs parts of yourself you don’t know how to access.
I know people are ready for live music, ready to forget themselves in a wash of sound, ready to loudly talk with their friends over the song they don’t like that much. And so, for heaven’s sake, go to Neumos in Seattle when shows come back. Go to the Hideout in Chicago. See your favorite band, or somebody new. Plenty of artists don’t share my nervousness. I don’t want to add worry to the world; I’m just figuring out my new relationship to performance.
The magnolias are out in New York, and some of the apple trees are blossoming. Temperatures are creeping past 60. The vaccines keep rolling out. The future seems more possible. If I miss an emotion from live shows, it’s not any moment of transcendence. I miss the time just after, when, dazed and excited, you still feel the reach of some universal gesture, but the only thing concrete is the people around you.
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ushijimasgirlfriend · 4 years
so this is my first ever writing any of these so im sorry if its bad.
contains: angst, smut, heavy degradation, rough sex, slapping, kinda really mean ): this also contains usive of drugs, toxic relationship LIKE CRAZY.
this includes only ushijima sorry.
so you come home high off pills because you have been so depressed and had a bad day. ushijima knows about your fight with drugs and he hates it. not because hes a goody two shoes it’s because he cares for you, a lot.
so when you come home high off pills you dont even try to hide it you just try and avoid him but he was waiting for you because he was made dinner for you. he heard you come in and welcomed you but he never heard you say anything back.
he goes looking for you around the house and he finds u laying on the floor of the living room, he already knows.
his first thought is to yell at you, so he does. he says what the fuck are you doing. you struggle to look at him because you dont know where he is. you looking around and see him with a dissapointed face, which took you back in junior year when your father first found you off drugs. you get scared at the face he makes and instantly apologize.
hes so mad. you say im sorry am i annoying you, ill go to the other room. he instantly snaps, what the fuck y/n! you dont even look like yourself. get the fuck up off the floor. you say you’re making me nervous stop ushijima. he says no and pulls you up aggressively by the wrist and dragging you to the bathroom. you scream and yell ow to-toshi! stop that youre hurting me. he doesnt answer but he slams you against the wall and throws you on the floor yelling in your face so now you’re coming home high off drugs again?! i thought you stopped that. you laugh in his face not able to control yourself saying sorry i didnt mean to just today okay? ushijima just stares at you in disgust. thats bullshit he then continues to drag you to the bathroom.
once you get to the bathroom he forces you too look in the mirror, look at yourself, you look stupid. you’re nothing but a body only good for drug abuse. you stop your breathing and stare yourself in the eyes, you start to sob uncontrollably. you tell him to let you go but he only grabs you harder. you let out a scream and he whispers in your ear ‘what a fucking disgrace. leave. get your shit and leave.’ he lets go and throws you out the bathroom while he closes the door locking himself in.
you cant hear anything but silence. he screams but all you can hear is pain. did i do this to him? hes right i have to leave. but you cant get yourself to get up. tears still falling down your cheek. you yell and bang on the door ‘ushijima let me in please’ he doesn’t respond so you fall on the floor crawling up in a ball. you hear him whisper form the bathroom ‘i did everything for you. i tried everything to help you.’ you bitch he yells and you can hear him punch a whole in the wall. your eyes widen and your hand goes over your mouth because you dont want him to hear your sobs.
he opens the door grabs his keys and walks to the doorway. ushijima please dont go im sorry i’ll just leave so you can stay. i need you, i need your help. please you look at him as if he is your last resort. and he is. he just looks at you and says get up. you try your hardest to get up but cant do it, the pain, your body doesnt let you. and you know it’s because of those pills. after trying so hard you look up at ushijima you see him walk towards you. he puts you on his back and brings you outside and locks you out.
you thought he was coming out with you. you dont even try to knock or try and get in you just go to the backyard and you cant even walk right. you get in from a window. you cant hear anything in the house but you know he is in there. you look around the house quite as possible. you find ushijima with his head in his hands. you whisper his name. he looks back and says i knew i should have locked that window. he gets up passes by you and you look back and you see him stop in the middle of the hallway he turns back with his head down, hes coming back for you. he grabs your wrist and you can see his bloody hand from when he punched the wall. you dont say anything.
he brings you to the bed and says strip. you do as he says in complete silence avoiding eye contact. when you’re done he says look at me. you look him dead in the eye as you see him undress. you try and break eye contact but he slaps you and says ‘you fucking druggy i said look at me’ you cant believe he even touched you. you sob, you guys hear nothing but your sobs while you continue to look at him.
when hes done undressing he looks at you and says your cheek is red, its your fault. you punch him but it doesnt effect him. youre weak compared to him. he pins you to the wall and says you cant do that. youre going to get punished for that. im not even going to lie y/n, your hair looks amazing today but all your fighting ruined it. you whimper choking out a small ‘sorry ushijima’
he slaps your bare thigh and bites your neck. he pushes you on the bed and says look at me y/n. im hurting you i know, but give me consent. you look at him and nod your head. you think to yourself how did this even happen. im totally fucked.
you look down in fear and see his hard as fucking rock cock. you look up at him and hes staring at you. ‘i know you want it, i’ll give it to you.’ he then grips your thighs and you see that hes about to eat you out. he then without any warning blows on your sensitive clit, you jolt your body up. he takes his big hand and bushed your body down ‘do not move.’ you try your best not to move as he enters his tongue into you. as he is moving it in and out hes rubbing his thumb on your clit. you moan non-stop. as you reach your climax you yell ‘ushijima i-im gonna cum’ as he hears that he stops what hes doing and says okay.
you realized hes edging you on. you yell and say why would you do that ugh! ‘you want my cock? huh right? you slut say it.’ you finally say yes ushijima please i want you cock so bad. he then shoves his cock all the way in. you yell so loud you think the whole neighborhood heard. he didnt let you adjust to his size at all. he covers your mouth and says ‘shut up and take this fucking dick.’
he starts thrusting in and out faster and faster as you hear him moan, which only made you feel better. he says ‘this is what you get when you make me like this. this is all your fault this would have never happened if you were just a normal girl.’ you start tearing up and he notices and ignores it. still thrusting in and out, faster and faster. you yell ‘im going to cum toshi, please go faster.’ he does ‘cum with me baby.’ as you both reach your climax and cum on his dick as you feel him fill you with all of what he has.
he looks at you while tears are falling. ‘clean up, you look dirty’ while he whipes off your tears. he gets up and throws his oversized tee-shirt at you thats smells exactly like him. he then throws on boxers and brings you to the kitchen where he still had the dinner prepared from earlier. ‘dont fucking do that again y/n or i will go crazy.’ you just nod as you drank some water.
omg okay so im sorry if this was too long, bad, or even way too much for some of you guys but ive been wanting to see one of these really bad so i made it myself. sorry if i made any of you guys uncomfortable:,(. even though i know ushijima would never do this to a woman, this was just the point of the story ig ‘ushijima in a toxic ass relationship’ can you guys PLEASE tell me how you feel about this bc its my first story ever hehehhe. anyways maybe even put in some recommendations. also sorry if there were typos lol
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smitti4thecity · 3 years
Imagine you are reading something and it ends like this?? Can a writer do this to people? Can a writer survive writing like this? And more importantly what is this?? Read along and hey follow along... time to take the brakes off of story telling and introduce the first of many in the "UNTITLED FOR NOW" series...
Untitled for now begins with three characters: Teapot, Treyein and then we have Jug. The opening scene features a cry for help from Teapot and a sad confession of guilt from Treyein... and we start to examine the characters beginning with Jug.
Teapot – Hey Jug? You busy
Jug – Never too busy for you
Teapot – Thank You for your kind words
Can you come over, I would rather talk to you about this face to face.
Jug – GPS says 25 minutes, see you about 2000hrs
Jug has no idea what he is about to walk into and that does not matter because in his world his friend of 22 years needs him and has prioritized her over all things.
Meanwhile Teapot was fuming.. IVE HAD ENOUGH, the jokes, the innaprorpiate touching has to stop, enough is enough and she must escalate things before she finds herself in Wednesday’s episode of SVU.
Text message from Treyein comes in, Teapot begins to read it..
Treyein – look tea, I have decided to check myself into a rehab facility, I recognize in myself that I have demons in my past I must let go of or I will never manifest into the beautiful person I am inside.  I hope this move inspires you to somehow take your leap towards greatness.  You have so much to offer the World and I truly will pray nightly that you live in your gift.
Teapot – My life will never be the same because of you – you have literally taken my (knock, knock, knock) throws phone on the bed.
Teapot – opens door and greets Jug with a hug
Jug – well hello, nice to see you too, you look nice, nails done I see you tea... pot!! knowing damn well I love the white tip nails..… wait!!! what is this??? some sort of setup???. Are you about to tell me we are dating? What did I walk into.. you sittin around lookin all good..... smellin like YSL and lookin even better than you smell.  Look, three letters woman!!! I DO
Teapot – laughing and smiling, no no no no no, we are not dating
Jug – sigh of relief and disappointment, don’t act like if I didn’t really try and holla you wouldn’t oblige
Teapot – shrugs, grabs Jugs hand… more serious now – come in, lets talk things right now for me are….. tear drop
Jug – hugs her closely, sweetheart what is wrong? What is going on? Jug silences his phone, takes off his shoes and hurry’s back to teapot.. grabs her face – look at me? I’m in the moment completely with you – talk to me.
Teapot – I need some time, just be here with me, tell me how you are doing? I will tell you I just need some time to gather myself…
Jug – Well look it doesn’t really matter how I am doing.. Please, you cannot hold this inside of you it is going to drive you down a dark road
Teapot – I know I know I know… just please you go first.
Jug for the first time in his life was asked how he was doing? Jugs mind instantly drifted to where it all started for Jug...
It was hot outside and Jug had to walk home from two a days football practice – now Jug lived below the hill and practice was above the hill so Jug started his journey towards the bottom. His feet draggin.. head down.. he all dirty with the long day face going on…sweaty.. smellin like last weeks practice…whoooo Jug was hurtin that day..… not even halfway into the walk a voice yells out of one of the homes:
Voice: Hey N WORD!!!! Get outta my neighborhood..
Naw I’m just playin, the Voice didnt say that..
Not even halfway into the walk a voice can be heard saying..
Voice: Whats up g? And there she was.. Teapot!!
Teapot goes outside with her wifle ball bat and says you hungry I got some pringles inside.
Jug: with all the life brought back into his body from that statement, Yes I am.
Jug went inside and banged some pepperoni pizza pringles and enjoyed some good conversation.  That day 22 years ago jumpstarted an unbelievable friendship that stands stronger each day that passes.  Jug was introduced to an entire different world on that day he had never seen a two parent home, food in the pantry and refrigerator, candles smelling all good, a garage, Jugs life changed that day.  Jug would have to eventually walk down that hill and go to his home but Jug was completely in that moment wit tea and Jug was and has proven to be forever grateful for the value meeting teapot has brought to his life.  Jug provided entertainment and Jug is good at it, you know the sober guy that’s loving life, the only one on the dancefloor, singing and talking the loudest like hey look at me.  That is Jug, the go to guy for anything you trying to do good or bad because Jug has lived.  Jug travels the country for fun, he has made a living by traveling to countries and providing some of the most epic memories in travel history.  You look at Jug and just automatically get inspired ladies love him, businesses respect his word and opinions. Jug has the President’s personal number and thats him -- the only person that can make the impossible possible – it is so important to have those people in your life that can connect with every age group and just find a common ground between different parties.  You just have to see this man to believe this man.
Growing up Jug went to the community academy that required Jug to spend 7 days at the academy and he would go home for a total of 16 hours and after the 16 hours Jug would head back to the academy to finish out his next 7 days he did this for 6 years in lieu of elementary school.  Well in year three at the academy Jug was minding his own business and Jug went home for his 16 hour leave period and Jugs mom pops Jug in the back of the head like “wtf” Jug?
Jug: Momma what
Jugs Momma: Boy you been cutting your hair?
Jug: no momma
This continues for two continuous weeks and Jug is completely clueless because when Jug looks in the mirror all he sees is a billion dollar smile that he would sell his self short on if he grins... the dreamy eyes authors make up words to describe.  “Let’s call it hazel”
Jug was winning, fresh lineup, clothes was bummy but hey they all wore the same uniform, so LG.. F is the problem.
Jug strolls into his momma house on  summer leave that next week, and Jug momma put the paws on Jug.  You know the whoopen where you gotta go find the belt and you gotta find the one momma talking about or you gonna get hit wit the wrong belt and told to go find the other one…
when yo momma say “go get the belt” vs. “go get MY belt” the difference and  the tone in those two statements are completely different and has two different sides of the type of ass that gets whipped.  
When you get “the belt” only a little bit of ass is getting tore up so you good… when momma says get “MY BELT” well that my friend is all the ass.
That’s one of them beat downs that go like...
Boy (pop) didn’t (pop) I (pop) tell (pop) you (pop) to (pop) stop (pop) cutting (pop) yo (pop) hair (pop)
Huh? (Pop)
Get done you got snot bubbles, had two socks on now one of them outside underneath the car the other in the freezer stuck to the ice tray like its been there for a week.. yeah that type of life
Well a couple days later Jug was in his room iceing his buns when he hears his mothers voice scream out for him under his breath you know what Jug is saying so insert something you’d be saying in lieu of my sentence.
Jug gets up and goes in the other room and his Momma looks at him as if he were a newborn with all the love and desire a mother does and says to Jug.  I scheduled you a doctors appointment I have been talking to some people and they say I should …. Jug interrupts his Mom…
Jug: who is they Mom because if you are about to say what I think you are about to say then I need to meet them immediately.
Jugs Momma: Well what do you think I am about to say
Jug: Well, with all due respect momma - - I think you about to say …. Takes a deep breath and
That …
That umm…
Jugs Momma: say it son, you can tell me
Jug: you sure?
Jugs momma: yes son, you can say whatever it is you are thinking
Jug: I was going to say that I think you are about to say that “they” told you to stop beating my @ and like I been tellin yo xxxx xxx I ain’t been cutting my fxxxx hair, shoot”
Jugs momma: yes son its called alopecia.. wait a second Boy who you talkin.. you know what. Go get the belt…
Jug: sighs and drops his dobber and starts that stroll to the belt room and just as he takes a step momma gone say
Jugs momma: you ain’t gotta go get the belt but you better watch yo mouth, don’t know who you think you in here talkin to like that.. done lost yo mind.. clearly.
Think you talkin to boy.. I…
See when momma told Jug “boy … I” Jug was always curious to know – You’ll what? But Jug is a smart person… Jug takes his Loss… later in life someone told Jug the same phrase .. “boy…I” and Jug being the curious character he is.. Jug said it.. you’ll what? And to Jugs surprise Jug got muffed in the face and Jug would go on to never be curious again about what boy I… means.. because if someone tells you “Boy….I”
That means they are going to muff you.. so take your L.. or say “Boy..I” back to them and get ready for a muffing contest because boy I means nothing more than Boy I will muff you..in the face..
Jugs Momma: Yes son, in grown peoples words that is what I’m saying to you, and "they" is just people that gossip.
Jug: I don’t know momma, I don’t like gossip
Jugs Momma: not like that gossip, boy, shut up, you going to the doctor so go get ready.
School years begins Jug is bald, and Jug gets clowned every single day and Jug laughed along, soaked in the attention and listened to what the kids were saying.  Laughed louder than the other kids, complementing the very kids that were talking so bad about him and Jug had no choice because Jug couldn’t fight and Jug was lost, confused.  Jug knew why they were talking about him but didn’t know how to make it stop so Jug took L’s day in and day out until one day… The King of all Joke makers connected with Jug on a “I’m too great of a jokster to waste time talkin bout yo globe head self” type level...and that Jokster looked at Jug and Jug looked back and it was like the torch was passed to Jug.. and in that moment Jugs mouth opened and said one of the most legendary bars in the history of joke telling.
Jug: If you don’t get yo old…..
.. now “if you don’t get yo old” is the perfect setup however it is tricky to pull off but if you pull it off you are elevated to a different tier of joke telling…and Jug did it...
Jug was invicible from that day forward.. everyone loved Jug and Jug loved everyone.. For years the very kids that talked reckless to Jug was in the laugh of a joke (blink of an eye -- get it?? Laugh of a joke?? No?) Jugs biggest support system.  
Jug transformed that day into a legend, and in that moment Jug knew it was his life’s gift to spread love joy and happiness all over the world and that led to him winning a unanimous decision presidential election.. Yeah..He was not even on the ticket, everyone in the country wrote his name on the ballot..the most unqualified candidate in the history of life ...thats a whole nother story....
Jug has just been asked the most important question in his life, no one has ever asked Jug how he is doing? Jug has made a living by connecting with people and for the very first time in his life Jug must complete one of the most important steps in overcoming and that is answering one very important question.
Teapot – Jug, you okay you kinda went to another place for like 14 minutes, I have literally been calling your name… it was like you were not even here at all – I mean one of the first things that you said to me was that you are in the moment with me… I know that look Jug, I’ve never seen it on you… but Jug!! I know that look.. what is it..???
Jug – tears begin to form
Teapot – NO!! NO!! NO!! No Jug, you do not get to cry your way out of this one… Now open your mouth .. use your words and you get in this moment with me… and you tell me what is going on…
Jug – wipes them tears away that almost dropped, drops his head and unleashes this:
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claimingtheflame · 4 years
Lincoln Trail Mental Health Facility Part 1
Once again I want to reiterate that a lot of these posts are diaries I wrote never finished. Some of them jump around in my life. The story is about something that took place several years after D left
I remember the moment I turned in the paper. It was nothing. The last question asked my thoughts on the final death of Juliet. I sympathize. To this day I do. Many people probably do. She ended her life because she was in the grip of a mythic tragedy. Who could walk away from such a fate?
Except. Even though this is exactly how I felt, my teenage brain did not yet have the skills to articulate this. I ended up writing something like "I feel what juliet did was right. The world is ugly and filthy and who wants to live in it without someone you love." Because I was an edgy goth kid.
This would send me into the clutches of my own sort of tragedy. A brutal, destructive storm began churning that friday that would completely knock me out of my stupid unlaced combat boots on monday.
It happened like this. I walked into first period, Biology. I sat next to Adam, my closest friend. A knock came shortly after the period started and it turned out to be a senior girl who wanted me to be escorted to Mrs Mudds office. I did not know who that was. It turned out she was a counselor. She had coppery hair and a long, perky, somewhat simian face.
In this story, there is a long list of incompetant people who should not have had their jobs, and possibly should have been in prison. Mrs Mudd is not one of them. As much as I dislike her to this day. Maybe she did really mean well. Maybe she was just swept away by the drama of the whole situation. This is Elizabethtown KY after all.
We talked for a few hours. Looking back, I really don't think I said anything to her that should have been construed that I was depressed or suicidal. We talked about a secret place I visited in the woods behind my neighborhood. We talked about various religious beliefs and about music I listened to. Either way, my mom picked me up from school and I was somewhat excited for the break-in monotony.
We have drove to Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health Center , and I really didn't know what was happening. I had friends who had gone, but I didn't really believe that's why we were there until I saw the look on my mom's face as we walked in. There was a serious feeling of betrayal then. Like God woman haven't you put me through enough. This was an unfair thought. My mother is the second person blameless in the story. I would find out later that basically everybody from my school was telling her I was planning on killing myself quite literally. Mrs. Mudd had apparently told them that the place in the woods was my planned spot to die. I had self-harmed in the past. It was all pleasure related though and I thought it had nothing to do with my mental health. Either way it had been months prior to this, but it added to the Snowball Effect.
I'll admit that I didn't really understand my own mental health at this age. I had just been released from D's clutches only a few precious years earlier. I had no clue what was going on. I was going through a suspended childhood in many ways. All that said, Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health System did not help or address any my mental health issues. Let me reiterate. Aside from some experimental self harm 6 months prior(I received counseling, was evauted, etc), at age 15 I was pretty well behaved. I rarely got in trouble. I certainly never acted disturbed. Lincoln helped nobody who actually went there. In fact I barely escaped with my life and sanity. This is not a dramatic statement. This was a terrible place, as you will learn.
I was obviously scared the moment I walked into this place, all the stories I heard. We were buzzed through a security door after a few accusatory last looks at my mother when I went in quietly. I heard if you resisted or yelled that they gave you a shot in your ass of some kind of sedative. I did not want to give anybody the satisfaction roughing up the goth kid and shooting them in the ass. This was a short-lived Triumph. I would learn quickly that this place was not for me and that there was some horrible mistake pretty early on . I was led to a room and told to take off my clothes down to my underwear. I was told to turn around in front of this guy, who nodded with approval after watching and told me to put back on my clothes. I was wearing really baggy SpongeBob boxers. I guess I could have gotten away with hiding something into the facility. That's the thing. I wasn't a f****** delinquent. Not yet or not anymore depending on how you look at the chronology of things I did as a teenager. Anyway I do remember a kind moment here. The guard escorted me down a hallway and a girl smiled at me brightly. "It's really not that bad here." She said. I smiled and shrugged. This was more of a kind gesture than I realized, I would find this out later.
I was then led to the office of the first real fuckup in this story. This would be my counselor. I don't remember her name. She was somewhat nice to begin with. I'll call her mrs. Wannabe because later she would read a bunch of poems about her Native American ancestry. This extremely blond, blue-eyed woman with a square German face and freckles. Me and Wannabe would talk for about 30 minutes and she would send me on to my actual psychiatrist. I do remember this man's name. I will never forget it. His name was dr. Kodali. We can call him King fuckup. Fuckup prime.
He was a small man, with a small mustache, and skin the color between a beet and a russet potato. He spoke in broken English. He asked me why I thought I was there. I told him about the paper I wrote. He smiled and said " yes we all say things we don't mean. " he asked me if I follow the rules at home. I said yes as long as they are within reason. He laughed at me and said " my own daughter thinks several of my rules are not within reason. Children come to learn to obey. " we did not talk about depression, and this statement would turn out to be significant in many ways. It would come to outline the failure of this institution to children who actually suffered depression. Which I will admit that back then I might have been suffering from. Certainly anxiety. But who doesnt, to some degree?
Let us frame our Shit Pit King with what I didnt know about him before I explain my own experiences. He received kickbacks for pushing certain medicines. This is an important detail. He had been accused on several occasions of over-prescribing meds. He was widely hated as a doctor, and I can't believe he still has a job.
During my first visit, he was mostly dismissive. Interrupted me and laughed at me often. He was mostly interested in my behavior. If I acted up. If I respected authority. Literally nothing about suicide was discussed. So why did this guy prescribe meds at the end of our conversation? He picked up the phone, called my mother, and gave her the dosage information. I narrowly escaped this medicine, whatever it was, due to a surprising hero figure in the story who we will discuss later.
He dismissed me and I was sent to "group" for the first time. This is nothing like "support groups" you see in Lifetime movies. It was a huge room, an obnoxious amount of desk chairs crammed in a circle. Boys on one side. Girls on the other.
I immediately dislike this. It feels tense, and I feel scrutinized. I try to ask a girl near me if I can use one of her pencils. She folds her arms and rolls her eyes. " I can't talk to him." She says to the ceiling. This gets the attention of the counselor of the group, who is actually just an early 20-somethings aide of some kind, there are a few of these. This one I call Nick neckbeard. He says " we are here to work on our problems, not to date. " I am immediately embarrassed. I definitely wasn't trying to date anybody. I let it go but it does set the tone.
Since I am the new kid, a round of introductions is done. Not a lot of these people are notable other than the fact that a lot of them are in here for drugs. Some are in here as an in-between stage between Juvenile Detention and Society. I get the distinct feeling that most of the boys are here for drugs and violent crime. I reflect bitterly that I am in here for writing a stupid paper.
There are several thug wannabe types, maybe two or three other white guys that aren't like that. One obvious skinhead as well. It's split in half racially. Five white Boys & 5 black. There was a round of introductions. Most were there for, as mentioned, substance abuse and violent behavior. The skinhead boasted of being in because he stuck foreign objects in his body. He stabbed himself with pens and various utensils. Another boy was in for desecrating graves. The girls were almost exclusively substance abuse. There was one Arab girl that was in there, and though she talked much I never quite understood why except that I knew she definitely needed to be in there. She either talked incessantly of sex or repeatedly told this story about a "bad doll" that lived in her house- all in broken english.
So this was the introduction to the place. Honestly yes, I would have problems with the other patients. That's really out of the scope of the story though. They are mental patients. What do you expect?
The true problem with Lincoln trail was its staff and overall structure. Such a problem was this structure that it would break me down to that kernel of a child you see on all the other stories on this blog. Such that Lincoln trail would reduce me again to that boy child whispering a question to the darkness: "Why am I being punished?" It would make me know, through recognition and reinforcement of abusive themes I was already familiar with, that I was not in a safe place.
The first night I felt this first blow through humiliation and guilt. It was a simple thing really. We were sent to bed. A corridor with a small basket on the outside of each door. A female counselor was pointing each of us down the hall to our rooms. When my time came, she pointed vaguely down the hall to the right side. I tried to ask for clarification and she shouted "Right there!" And my immediate reaction to being chastised like this was to go to one of the rooms with my belongings. She did not stop me.
I noticed one of the wooden bed frames(they were double rooms with single bathrooms) had no mattress. My roommate was a boy my age. He had close-buzzed haircut. He seemed politely surprised. I shrugged and got in the shower. When I turned the water off, I heard yelling on the other side of the door.
The boy was yelling angrily that he did not know who I was and that he had nothing to do with me. He was explaining that I came into his room unbidden and to no fault of his own. I dressed quickly and came out of the bathroom as soon as possible. A middle-aged blond woman grabs me by the arm and began leading me out of the room. When I asked her where we were going she did not say anything but tightened her grip and sat me down in a chair. This woman becomes important later. Five minutes later Dr kodali came into the office with my other counselor, both looking at me sternly.
I apologize for not knowing the exact words of the conversation. Basically the boy was supposed to have his room to his self. He was gay and had been known to have had sexual contact with other patients. They grilled me hard about whether or not I was gay and deciding whether I should be disciplined. Dr kodali somehow remembers that that my girlfriend had given testimony(positively) over my mental health and he seemed to leave it at that. The blonde lady didnt seem convinced.
When she led me back to my(actual) room, she took the liberty of going through my clothes and belongings. She confiscated basically all of my clothing, saying that it would distract patients(black jeans and tees...none of my flashier stuff). She confiscated my copy of Cannery Row, all my homework, and my shampoo. She really let off on me while doing this. Talking about how sneaky I was and if I was planning anything with Chester(the gay guy) that she would know.
This was Day 1. I would kneel beside the bed that night and pray(I just prayed to 'the goddess' back then), just to feel peace inside. I was so put-upon about the stupid clothes. They were my armor, in a way.
The next day would be a lot worse. I'd learn a lot.
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fluffyseapancakes · 6 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a fic where reader finds out that Peter is ticklish and peter is like "you better not tell tony," And then reader secretly DOES and then later comes back in and pretends they didnt do anything, and then peter is suspicious and when he finds out they told tony his little secret, He starts chasing them and reader hides from him and he like teasingly calls out how he's gonna get them or something and then he finds them, then TICKLES! (lThank you! ♡)
SO CUTE, I hope you like this!
You grimaced as your bare feet touched the wooden floors when you got out of bed. It was a bitter cold day in December and all you wanted was a warm cup of hot chocolate to jumpstart your day.
Pattering your way to the living room in your robe, you heard the familiar sounds of Assassin’s Creed coming from the TV. JARVIS had turned on the heat and you enjoyed the warm blast of air hit your face as you entered the room.
“Good morning Peter,” you smiled, your best friend turned around to look at you.
“Morning Y/N,” he grinned back, he immediately turned his attention back towards the TV and you shook your head. Peter has been coming to the Stark Tower to train every morning and evening, including on the weekends. You’ve watched him grow and mature as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but he was definitely still a fifteen year old teenage boy. He would arrive at the tower an hour or two early so he could play on Tony’s state-of-the-art video game system, Tony had offered multiple times that he would buy Peter the same system so he could play at home, but he always refused because he didn’t want to raise questions from his Aunt May.
You excitedly shuffled your way into the kitchen and opened up the pantry, to your relief a box of hot chocolate mix was waiting for you on the lower shelf and you quickly grabbed it. As soon as you moved it off the shelf, you noticed it was suspiciously light, you opened up the flaps and peered into the cardboard box.
Your eyelid twitched as you stared at the box of lies. What kind of monster leaves an empty package inside the pantry? You swore there was a packet left last night and the only people who religiously drank hot chocolate was you…and Peter Parker.
“Hey Pete?” You called out, still angrily clutching the empty box in your hands.
“Yeah?” He was focused on the game and didn’t even notice that you had walked over and was sternly standing next to him.
“Did you happen to have a cup of hot chocolate this morning?”
“Die!” Peter shouted at the game, “Yeah, it was really cold on the way here.”
“So you’re telling me, you took the last hot chocolate packet, left the empty box in the pantry, and didn’t bother to tell me that we’re all out?”
“I guess, what’s the big deal Y/N?”
A frown stretched down your face and you felt your fists close slowly. Don’t punch him, you whispered to yourself, it’s not worth explaining the black eye to Tony. You knew you would actually never hurt Peter in a million years, but that thief needed to be punished. You combed through your brain for ideas and suddenly one popped up, you weren’t even sure if it was going to work but it was better than nothing.
Peter was still completely engrossed in the game and didn’t notice you crouching down next to him. Silently counting to three, you attacked his sides and wiggled your fingers as fast as you could. He let out a hilariously loud squeal and dropped the controller, he collapsed onto the floor and you quickly straddled his midsection so he couldn’t escape.
“You’re ticklish!” You laughed joyfully as you wildly tickled all over his upper body. He cackled and his face turned a deep red, you realized that he was incredibly sensitive and you wondered how no one knew about it. You noted that his ribs and sides were the most ticklish, especially when you turned your fingers into claws, and his belly was most sensitive to feather-light touches. His high pitched giggling and snorts were absolutely adorable, but you knew you should stop before he passed out.
“Y-you better not tell Tony about this,” he stammered out, his hair was a complete mess and a goofy smile was plastered on his face, “the Avengers will torture me.”
“Yeah sure,” you laughed, but you already had a devious plan formulating in your mind.
“Hey Tony,” you basically ran up to him, Peter was done with his training for the day so he had hopped into the shower before participating in movie night with the Avengers. Tony was in his workshop and making some adjustments to the Spider-Man suit when you broke his concentration by barreling through the doors.
“What is it Y/N?” He wiped his greasy hands on a rag and turned to face you, “If this is a complaint about tonight’s choice of movie, bring it up to Bucky.”
“It’s not that,” you couldn’t help but smile widely, “I know a secret about Peter.”
“Spill,” Tony’s full attention was on you and he crossed his arms, “he seemed distracted today, is it a crush at school?”
“Peter’s ticklish.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” he bursted out laughing, silently relieved that it was something innocent and nothing that related to Spider-Man.
You turned around to see Steve Rogers standing by the door, he had an amused smile on his face and raised an eyebrow at Tony’s outburst.
“We’re all waiting for you two upstairs, what’s the hold up?”
“Y/N told me something very interesting about our favorite Peter Parker,” Tony grinned and Steve leaned in with interest, “he’s ticklish.”
“Oh no way,” he laughed, mischievously rubbing his hands together, “this is going to be fun.”
Bucky ended up choosing Grease for movie night, much to everyone’s surprise.
“What? Guys can watch chick flicks too,” he had defended.
The Avengers settled in their usual spots on the couch, but tonight Peter was sandwiched between Tony and Steve. He didn’t think much of it, but he started to get nervous when they were sitting awfully close to him. You plopped down next to Steve instead of your spot on the floor, Peter gave you a questioning look and you just shrugged innocently.
You’ve never seen Grease before so you found yourself getting immersed in the film. The songs were catchy and everyone was humming along to Summer Nights, you wondered if you could fight in the long skirts the girls were wearing. While you were silently calculating the air resistance and the chances of the skirt getting caught on something, Peter’s loud squeal made you jump out of your seat.
“What the hell was that?” Nat clutched her chest and everyone’s eyes fell on the blushing teenager.
“It’s not my fault! Mr. Stark poked me,” he stammered.
“Man Y/N was right about this one,” Steve chuckled.
Peter slowly turned to you with betrayal in his eyes.
“You told me you were going to keep it a secret!” He shouted accusingly.
“We never pinkie swore to it so it was void,” you slowly got up from the couch and bolted to the door.
“Oh no you don’t,” Peter sprinted after you and quickly put on his web-shooter, before you reached the exit he fired a stream of web around your legs, making you crash to the floor.
“That was not fair,” you groaned as Peter straddled your hips with a smile.
“It wasn’t fair when you did this,” he suddenly dug his fingers into your belly and you screamed at the ticklish sensations. He copied exactly how you had tortured him earlier and you were silently kicking yourself for underestimating Spider-Man. Your hysterical laughter overpowered the movie and the Avengers decided to watch you being tickled to pieces by Peter. His wiggling fingers finally hit your ribs and you nearly bucked him off from the electric shocks that went down your spine.
“O-Ok I’m sorry!” You screamed, you were sure you were going to pee or pass out from the torture.
“Then I get an entire box of hot chocolate to myself,” Peter slowly counted your ribs and your laughter was starting to turn silent.
“F-fine,” you managed to barely wheeze out. He stopped tickling you and laughed as you tried to get back your breath. Everyone suddenly remembered about the movie and turned back to the large flat screen TV.
“Aw man,” Bucky groaned, “we missed sexy Sandy.”
The Avengers’ laughter filled the room and you weakly cracked a smile, now that everyone knew about you and Peter’s sensitivities, life was going to be a bit interesting at the Stark Tower.
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pixelburied · 5 years
excuse the cropped weirdly pictures; my family/pet's foster parents are great at snapping a sneaky picture of me curled into an unattractively slouched (relaxed) fetal state. which i'm self-conscious about because it's an unattractive position for pictures even tho i am quite pretty (but they are also cropped because im just also private as hell, sorry lmao). 
bonus tho: said pet is laying ontop of me, face buried in my shoulder, twitching in her sleep as we speak!
--- but anyway. onto the actual submission:
so yeah. i saw your post! i'm here to address your call for dogs. but i dont have anymore pictures of my dog, Cash. however, i do have stuff about my cat, Allegra. 
i dont have any of them together cuz Cash lives at my family's house and Allegra lives in my apartment. and we're p sure he'd try to eat her and she'd scratch the hell out of him, so we don't try to let them meet. but, just like how Cash continued the legacy of us adopting another big slobbery dog with possessive seperation-anxiety, Allegra does fit all the criteria of those same personality traits we are such a beacon for. so i hope youll accept it as comfort nonetheless
here's a story about my cat who acts just like a anxious, cuddly, and slobbery pupper. i even bought her a pet ID tag that's shaped like a bone to honor that joke lmao) Allegra: "the honorary and tiniest mastiff" and named after the allergy medication
i got Allegra just this last year. she was a stray. now, for context: there are lots of outdoor cats in my neighborhood and they all hate strangers (they aren't feral tho, they have collars). but they all avoided my old house though because of Cash. so Allegra, newly abandoned, took advantage of that safety(?) by constantly hiding out around my family's house whenever she felt endangered
before that point tho, where i vaguely realized she existed but had no idea of what her strategy had been: i knew the cats of the neighborhood would run 15 miles away at the sound of people. but i am a small bean of cliches, so i always say "Hi kitty" anyway. even if them running away breaks my heart. and on that day, i was on my way to work for the opening shift, not early per se but i had enough time for starbucks if i wanted (and i did want) and i saw the vague mass of a cat on the lawn. predictably, i went "Hey kitty". but i also kept walking to my car due to said expectation of cats running and not wanting my heart to have that little break
and allegra did run. she just ran at me, full speed. i almost kicked this sudden HURLING THING in my peripherals like a football out of fight/flight + anxiety, except i have the aim of Charlie Brown so i thankfully missed her terribly. she was purring up a storm and crying pathetically. tho she's a Siamese, so they talk (read: complain) a lot anyway so maybe she wasn't crying. i always call her talking "crying" anyway tho cuz of the whiny pitch of it so such is a moot point. the real point was: she was ridiculously friendly
then, one morning, she was especially incorrigible. she wouldn't let me go into the car without her jumping inside too and kept scenting me, my car door, and all my equipment for this art class i was going to use for my presentation. a presentation that was a huge chunk of my grade that i couldn't be late for and Allegra was going to make late for. i had to trick her into thinking i was going to run away from my car, to which she zoomed ahead to cut me off, except i had actually done a fake-out and had really ran into the driver's seat and was already starting to slowly reverse out of the driveway. she had the sense to not go after a moving vehicle, thank god. my family texted me she cried outside our front door for hours later though. my art class that semester met once a week, so it was a 4.5 hour class that started at 7AM. and even tho that day had been a presentation day and we had less than 15 students, we still went over 3 hours. she cried during all of it. i used the "free time" to make sure i bought a cat leash and a cardboard cat carrier. but when i came back, heard no crying
i tried to get one of my neighbors to hold onto her for the afternoon. i couldnt leave her in my old house; i had family members i lived with who were terribly allergic. but i swore, so long as someone held onto her for my shift, i could take her to a shelter after. she was just so friendly and obviously new here, i just needed someone to put her somewhere safe (we lived by the freeway, by a train, by the main alternative to the freeway, and by two dog parks). but nobody really could hold onto her, so i had to hope she'd show up again when i came back from work. she didn't. i left her food out anyway.
i took her to the Humane Society Shelter closest to us because they have a microchip scanner. and she did have a chip! that was completely empty! apparently, that's a thing!! the guy there asked if i was going to keep her then, and i hadn't really thought that far. i had made the mistake of naming her and thinking she was cute, and she had done the legwork of being a cuddly motherfucker who purred constantly whenever i was around
she'd only ever appear in the early morning, when i was on my way to my shift or a midterm. about a week or two passed like this with me having no idea where she was for the rest of the day. turns out, according to said allergic family members, Allegra actually never left the house. she would hide on our roof or on our back porch's clutter or in our droopy lawn plants (like our sweetgrass) to hide from the outdoor cats or other dangers (she's a smart cat who hates the sound of cars and would hide whenever any one was particularly loud)
i'm pretty sure she's plenty well-cared for tho. in fact, i'm almost positive she's a very spoiled cat. for example, i have backups of everything x2. i have one of everything in my living area and a copy in my bedroom, should i need to close her in there when allergic family members are over (i also carry all the big allergy medication brands as a back-up in case i get a visitor who forgot to take their medication, which includes me being stocked with allegra the medication lmao) and then i also have a back-up of all her stuff in my closet should anything break. i always make sure all my windows are open when i leave for class/shifts so she can have "Cat TV" since birds do fly around the area. she has a ton of toys (she has a toy box actually) and i bought her multiple hideaways (like her shark pictured here; she also has a cactus that's pretty cute). also, ontop of having a good breakway collar, her microchip now reads my information. but yeah, im still working on the money to get her one more of everything for the house we visit for the holidays so i don't have to carry everything. i do a lot of research still-- on both cats and Siamese-- to make sure i am doing everything to make her happy, since her world is just me and our apartment now
i called out for her-- i had long since started calling her Allegra as a joke, because its a name of a popular allergy medication and so much of my family was allergic-- and shrugged sadly when she didn't come out. i had just put my stuff down to get my key out when i heard a familar crybaby. turns out, she had been sleeping in our sweetgrass and i had woken her up. she ran over and i called my family to take my things inside while i used the rest of my day to get her to a shelter. i put on a cat harness+leash before trying to out her in the cardboard box. don't buy cardboard boxes from Pet Co. they're shit. she broke out of it Alien style before i had even fully reversed out of the driveway. i had to improvise her leash into a seatbelt instead
but yeah. i say my favorite gremlin is dog-like because:
she has an overbite, so she looks like she's got her lip jutted out in a pout all the time. what's dog-like about it is this makes her slobber whenever she's excited or content (and i've grown up with mastiffs, who slobber so much you need 2 rags per room dedicated to their slobber)
hesitatingly, i called my only family member that was semi-local to see if he would be okay with fostering her until i was going to move (which was less than 6 months away) because, otherwise, i wasn't going to be able to keep her. and she was definitely going to be adopted immediately. he and his wife said of course, without hesitation. they were both huge cat lovers and they were, emotionally, my closest family members; so i had kept them in the loop about my cat quest. and they had already discussed potentially fostering Allegra, knowing my request was a possibility (read: probability). he drove over from his workplace to pick her up, with his own carrier, and drove the roughly 2 hours from our house back to his
she meows when people are at the door and greets them by begging for pets
she loves shoes. she steals my tennis shoes because she loves the laces and she will try to swat at them when im tying them. her claw getting stuck and forcing me to not continue has worked to make me late multiple times. but she also will lay down around my friends' feet and rub her face against their shoes, flipflops, and toes. one of my friends likes to joke that allegra has a foot fetish. she also can and will put her face into my tennis shoes and try to sleep like that. that's my bastard baby
i visited their house about once a week. except during finals, where i didn't visit for two or three weeks since i didnt have any exams so much as i had projects. (allegra was PISSED at me when i came back, my cuddly kitty refused to come near me and would run away when forcibly placed on my lap. she even swiped at me. by the next visit, she was grumpy but happier. by the one after that, everything was back to normal) i really liked visiting those family members too; it made us even closer. though it still annoys the male how much research i do about cat-care (as opposed to just accepting everything everyone tells me as gospel). i researched even down to "how to best pet a cat". i did this since, due to said allergic family members, i had never owned a cat and therefore didnt osmosisly process how to best care for one. i've also never been fully fauthful of people's advice that's based on "This is how we've/the media always done it". my history with mastiffs showed that not all breeds are the same and that you do have experts to utilize within your phone, and they are experts over peers for a reason. so i looked up dumbass questions like "how to best pet a cat" since i'm not an expert and Jackson Galaxy and friends are right there in my phone
she wants to play constantly. she loves tug of war the most, but anything involving chase has her going at full-speed
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ive spoken to fellow cat-owners and mastiff-owners about this, and i thought this was interesting: when she isn't playing, she's sleeping. which is what mastiffs and cats do. and when i get up, she follows me. which is what our mastiffs do. and while i do stuff, she sits and waits by the doorway or else walks around my feet until i tell her to sit out of the way. which is what our mastiffs do. and then i go to sit down again, and she lays down as close as she can and goes back to sleep, which is what our mastiffs do. apparently, none of my friends cats do this; their cats just, at best, wake up to watch them leave and then their cats go back to sleep in the same place regardless of if they come back
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Allegra likes to sleep at the foot of my bed for bedtime, at least for a majority of it
but, regardless if my worries, allegra seems happy! she cuddles with her claws out all the time (not sticking into my skin, just out) which is a sign of contentment. she'll also use her claws to keep me in place, like a fucking seatbelt (example pictured in post); it's where her claws will dig into the furniture and i cannot get up because of her, the possessive piece of shit. but she also gives me tons of Slow Blinks of I Love You. and she always runs to greet me at the door. and it's really funny how, anytime there's guests over, she tries to make it obvious that she's my favorite over (usually through politely tapping my leg with her paw to ask and recieve pets, and then giving everyone a very Cat Surrounded By Knives grin cuz i havent petted any of THEEEMMM lmao) she's hilarious
she doesn't like to be carried unless it means she's going with me somewhere outside the house. then she's as well-behaved as a chihuahua in a purse
she licks my hands all the time. and she licks my face to wake me up (at 4AM, Allegra, go aWAY)
she loves smelly clothes. the shoe part should tell you that much tho. for our mastiffs, we would leave them a smelly piece of clothing between washes to comfort via smell. Allegra, in a similar vein, was not impressed when i bought a laundry basket with a lid (almost carrying her to the communal laundry room once was enough, thank you!)
in the same vein as the clothes: she also loves blankets too. the more Me Smelling the blanket, the better (aka she doesn't like brand new blankets until its been like. month two or three of use). this is largely because i love blankets. but she kneads them, purring, even if im not using them. and when i am, she takes my using them as an invitation for cuddles
she sits whenever i tell her "NO" like 'who me? i was not doing a bad. i am but small creature'
she asks for a daily walk. she doesn't like the idea of being an outdoor cat. she just wants walks. like, she has lived several months not going outside and has been super happy. she made it clear on her adoption day that she was done with outside. she was perfectly content with being an indoor cat! still is, in a way! i ruined it. for myself. me. i was worried she wasn't being stimulated enough, so i experimented taking her on a walk and now i have created a monster. now she sits by the door and cries until i get out her harness and leash. which she hates her harness in a "no ball, only throw" kinda way. but she has also proven hates going outside alone since she is now ALSO scared of everything (remember those outdoor cats Allegra The Stray would hide from? how they would run away from strangers?? yeah. now that she has a Person, Allegra's turned into one of Them now). yeah.. she runs the fuck away (or as far as she can with a leash) from people she sees on her walks now. and it is pretty obvious she hates cars and dogs too, because when i have walked her outside of our new complex she is too petrified to move. like, she freezes even when just being close to a street. she likes our complex's janky carpeted hallways between the apartments, and she likes the ability to hide behind my legs. being an outdoor cat is something Allegra has decided she is not a fan of. if i try to change things up scenery-wise, she always asks to go home as soon as possible and runs into the apartment if our walks turn too much into what her life was before being adopted (aka. streets/cars, lawns, people walking). she wants walks. she LOVES and BEGS for walks. but not be outside. walks. even though she still hates her harness lmao
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and that's Allegra! she's aproximately 2 years old, i've had her for less than a year, and she's assumedly a purebred Siamese cat. and she's also my ESA, or Emotional Support Animal. if applicable, a cuddly and loving pet is helpful for keeping mental health more stable. in my experience of getting one, it was fairly easy to get it permitted; especially a cat because they're super easy to get registered as compared to a dog. i am lucky enough to have regular physician as my doctor that empathizes with mental health and knows it not to be her area of expertise so much as the patient+their therapist (but also i have a history of attempted treatment on my medical record since i was 16), so my getting registered was literally just me asking for a doctor's note and her giving it to me near immediately. i can't take Allegra with me to classes or resteraunts or anything, nor do i even want to, but it forces apartments/hotels to HAVE to let me board with my ESA and to do so without an additional fee. however, i don't know if that's how ESAs work internationally or even in all of the states of America, the country where i live. but it definitely helps to have someone who needs me to get up everyday, who can never trigger me, who makes me laugh with their hijinks, and who cuddles with me regardless of if i have had a good day or bad day. Allegra is especially good at her job by being especially attentive whenever i am anxious. even if it's just me getting a little bit anxious because i'm late in turning an assignment in but have logically decided it doesn't matter because the assignment is only 2 points anyway, just turn it in late and don't focus on it; and she starts patting my leg almost continuously asking for pets inbetween rubbing herself on my legs. it's why i let her get away with never paying rent. i'm really glad she chose me. we both got really lucky with that decision ♡
i don't want to assume your situation, so i won't recommend an ESA for you so much as just remind you that they exist. i hope this all helps you feel supported and encouraged to continue to find the small wonders ♡♡♡
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jerek · 5 years
i mean for gods sake in canon garrosh calls sylvanas a bitch and implies shes no different than the lich king but in my version she was killed by a misogynistic warlock, literally demonized after her death, and mourned in a Cringy but to my younger self quietly poignant scene by a version of garrosh that only truly comes into her femininity in remembrance and admiration for the woman who she feels alienated from in both nature and values but also spent so much time with, giving an honest ear to her cruel, world-taught views.
I mean for gods sake how did i write this. I accidentally wrote Garrosh as a nonbinary lesbian with a crush on a homophobic woman. Half of what i just detailed was a metaphor for things I would later go on to experience.
And i know this was some lesbian shit because it didnt end there. My version of garrosh was a physically imposing masculine lesbian, but she herself had an alternate version.
The alternate version was smaller, more normatively feminine, and drawn as an animal. In some branches of the story, she’s a reincarnation of the main lesbian garrosh, in a world where everyone else is reincarnated as a symbolic animal version of themselves, but in the main branch she never spoke, never interacted with anyone, and haunted Nagrand like a ghost.
Also let me talk about Nagrand. Fucking nagrand. When she got there is when the REAL feminist theory started. There were three main plot points.
1. it was revealed here that sylvanas lived on in a sort of afterlife. Not the empty blank void that Blizzard sent their favorite misogynist caricature to, to reflect the way they wrote her, but a dreamlike world that floated between the lines of the universe’s rulebook— surrounded by a perpetual rose-gold haze.
Sometimes it was a grassy floating island, with a single tree and a little pool of water, sometimes it was a modern driveway and a street and a park based on my own neighborhood, and then.
Sometimes they’d travel to the furthest edge of the afterlife, and there would be no great gate. Instead, there would be a silver strip, like a metal tightrope, and Sylvanas would walk her down it on their tiptoes, with only one of each woman’s arm extended for balance because the opposite hands were holding each other.
it was a dreamlike world, and until she gave up her life and met her there, she could only ever dream of it.
2. She did, eventually.
it was for garrosh. not my female version, because she had a different name that i would randomly change, but the male garrosh, the canonical garrosh, the garrosh who was meant to escape into the timeline she found herself accidentally in.
she saw him as a big brother, but at the same time, not. he was worse than her, and she knew that, but much like sylvanas it itched in the back of her brain that she could change him, that she could show him a new way like anduin tried to, that if this giving calm existed in her it surely rested dormant in garrosh.
because after all, like a nb lesbian and her favorite male character, she and garrosh were the same person.
garrosh was killed, and she sought revenge. wielding two axes— her own, and that of garrosh, she strode up to thrall and thrust her heart to the sky as she was struck down.
she went to the afterlife, and there sylvanas would sleep atop her chest, under the tree.
3. but before that…
you know how i joke about anduin being a lesbian??
i also used to have a virulent hatred for varian, from my version of anduin— another extended metaphor, this time for how neurodivergence affected my school life and my online life back in 7th grade.
and anduin snuck off.
almost every other day, he’d sneak off; sometimes to the animal world, where instead of being reincarnated he emerged from a dark, underground labyrinth in elwynn to a world that had never heard the words “prince of stormwind”— and unknowingly, he emerged transformed into a wild, half-maned feline.
sometimes to nyalotha, where he could rest, where he could recover, where in a single psychic scream he could eliminate the pull of duty and become not what he perhaps should have been, but what he was nonetheless happy to turn into.
sometimes back to veiled stair, sometimes he would burn the valley of four winds in his black-hole suspicions— he would drink too much of something shadowy purple— and he would sleep well knowing High Queen Proudmoore would understand that though destruction is a choice, one far easier than creation, sometimes the only real choice is whether to do something stupid or just stand by.
but this time, it was him and my version of garrosh. him, and her, and varian back in stormwind.
and he would ask her— why?
she would be silent, and keep bandaging his wounds from the local wildlife. they would heal eventually.
but he wasn’t the only insane, stupid one around. like a child younger than himself, sometimes she would leave their makeshift tent, and sit in the bushes, and sulk.
does it matter, one dream showed me her asking; my thinking, if it only lasts a moment?
he didn’t understand yet, but this wasn’t the branch where he ran from the same problem— a mix of his upbringing and the failures of his brain.
she would ask— “if i feel nothing for any longer than a few minutes,” in a tone i eventually thought betrayed who she was meant to represent— “how do i know that this momentary despair, this momentary rage even matters?”
“does it matter why, if i can do good only because i forget so often my evil nature?”
she would plead— smite her, burn a hole through her eyelid as was done to sylvanas, and remove what makes her this way. what makes her any way.
perhaps when she was redeemed, honorable by both orc and human standards, she would allow herself to die.
only one tear a night fell from my version of garrosh, and though they were both unstable, anduin learned from her. she was his mentor, his aunt, his idol, and his replacing parent.
when the si:7 found him, he was alone. he was scratching in his sleep at reddened pustules around old wolf-bite scars she had helped to close, and they took him back. as they do in every branch where he survives, by trap or by net or by silent cooperation.
through the fevers, he traveled back to stormwind. through the nausea, he embraced his father.
relishing the pain of red pox all over, pain body-wide that had never let itself exist without hellscream, he stabbed his father in varian’s own throne room.
this is how it must end with wrynn kings.
he didn’t know whether the guards slew him or arrested him. he saw only a thin strip of silver, splitting the evening sky, and knew soon he would be there with the woman he felt was truly worthy of being his family.
he experienced what she did. the weight on his heart, closing his throat as he tried to get people to see why he does what he does— why he sees the world the way he does, why it doesn’t mean he’s just a naive idealist waiting patiently for reality to beat it out of him. why it doesn’t make him stupid.
being haunted by himself. the dark face of the moon she was to him was small, and spindly, and though it was striped, unlike a lion, it wore a thick, soft mane from the top of its head down to its chest. he didn’t think the dead could laugh, but here he was— because what stalked him wherever he went was so much like her. big, and strong, and when he was alone daydreaming instead of performing for the crown, he imagined it free from the alliance.
dreaming of what could be. even with his own garrosh, he felt a familiarity that ate at him— how deep and warm his voice, how bright his eyes, how quick his temper— and how breakable he felt, from the moment his father woke every morning, to that moment in draenor where he saw another towering figure in solid stance, with hair long and tied, stare down at him and ask— who are you?
and with her, he could answer that.
i am what i am, he would tell her, the moment his soul untangled from his form, and there are no words in my language to describe me.
except for one, if his new mother would see fit— if orcish surnames could pass the grave he might feel around him were he able to move.
she had once called herself garrosh, because she thought she was him.
now, though it would take courage, as all things seemed to take when done her way— he would ask if he was a hellscream yet.
honorable to orcs and humans alike.
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lycanthrotea · 5 years
“ugh Sorry again for this I’d like to be spending the rest of the night with you but my work schedule is not something I have much control of.”
“It’s all right! I know how work is, don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah but hanging out with people is so better than working. “
Videl slumped onto the bed, reluctant to leave for work until who knows how early in the morning. at the very least it made Odd chuckle in amusement.
Anyways”, He began to stand , and fix up his shirt ,“ I told Liana not to bother you I don’t think she would but just in case. You know, I would prefer if you were just a little bit nicer to her but considering your condition I’ll let it slide for now”
“Sorry.. “
Videl Stepped over to Odd’s bedside and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it chief I’m not angry. But yeah it’ll be tomorrow before you know it so try and get some rest all right?”
After saying goodbye he grabbed the bag from The bed frame and headed out. Although he would’ve preferred staying home, he didnt hate his part time job. Getting there though was a bit of Pain considering he lived in a quieter wooded area right outside the city And the fact he wasnt Very nocturnal but
Videl walked for about 10 minutes before he reached The edge of the neighborhood. The soft lights coming from the houses were no more But he had the moons to illuminate the way. He walked a little further to reach the carriage stop by the road. It wasn’t the most used stop considering it mainly Served the residents of the More upscale neighborhood so it cost bit more but that Really meant nothing if you live there. Videl took out A few coins from his pocket and inserted them Into the pole by the stop, Causing a faint light to glow From its lamp and Triggering the mechanism that would call his ride. He put his bag on the bench and proceeded to sit down and wait taking in the night air. Not something he often did As this was routine, But the air Was starting to become cooler as autumn Turned into winter. He was more than ready for that weather as It is most invigorating for him, Even if the amount consumed was pretty negligible he always liked not having to waste any magic keeping himself cool, also he had a new coat he wanted to show off. Oh And warm winter dates, lots of snuggling, extremely important. The thought made his heart flutter.
The sound of gallops over the stone road Could be heard from a distance, Videl Threw his bag over his shoulder and began to stand as A large Varic demon drawing A carriage drew near. He was quite familiar with her by now and Uttered a “hey” As she grabbed the key on her neck and held it towards the pole Get the money he had put in earlier and take her pay. Videl Brought out a little bit more As a tip.
“Eisthel Street, But if it’s too busy just drop me off in the Market stop As usual.”
He hopped into the carriage and the driver began running once more. He rested his eyes, Mainly to Continue indulging in the fantasies of good cuddles and kisses and dates. Akua technically is visiting every day to check on Odd, And they have been Taking advantage of whenever he is resting his room home for a little more quality time. But it’s nice?? And what else was he going to do in the next 20 minutes?
When he got to his destination which was fortunately was the one closer to his job. He thanked the driver and after watching her leave went through the back alleys, Making sure not to be seen. When he got to the door he made sure to do the special knock, three times a pause two times a pause and then four times. He heard his boss give him The all clear, and he produced a key to unlock and enter.
“I’m assuming you’re early for the coffee huh?”
“ yeah got up a little bit early today.”
Videl entered the back room kitchen, there were bottles everywhere today, Specifically dirty ones. He put his bag on a chair and unzipped it to start changing into his uniform, just the dress for now. A long black Fitted a line dress does that ends right below the knees. Long sleeves of course, just the traditional work garb, Made of fabric thats pretty good for working with less safe substances. there is a still a fair amount of coffee left in the coffee maker so he took whatever was left and mixed it with some milk and sugar began to chill it in his hand.
“ How’s the kid?” Asked Von. Attriche from the other room.
“Oh He’s been all right. Better than A few days ago but still pretty febrile. He seems pretty anxious sometimes but I can’t do much about it since he doesn’t wanna talk. Kind of why I would’ve liked staying at home but.”
“ I need someone to clean all those jars.”
“I noticed .” he said with a sigh. He washed his cup as soon as he finished drinking put on his gloves and began one by one cleaning each jar. And he had to make sure to do a good job too, any residue could be disastrous mixed with the wrong substances. It took him 30 minutes to finish. Listening carefully in case anyone might enter the shop. no one did, it is getting late after all but emergencies happen, a stressed out parents might Burst in desperately hoping they carry the right medicine already bottled and ready to be sold. Happened last week, startled them enough that they almost messed up the brew he was concocting. Once finished he checked the board for tonight‘s work. Unsurprisingly frost bane is highest priority. Winters become extremely coldAt times and a city like this has many traveling in and out. It’s can be exhausting for the user to consume too much too often but it’s always good to have a flask on the coldest of days. Having magic affinity towards ice meant that Videl is the more adept at infusing the mixture than other demon, so he wasn’t surprised to be tasked with making them. Aphrodisiacs, always in demand, and poisons for outdoor pests before harvest season end. After he Noted the days work he put on his mask and hood, secured it tightly and entered the shop.
Outside it only says apothecary just a shop that people who know go to not that it doesn’t get a fair amount of customers it’s right at the edge of the market place after all. Most of the shop is just the work place, A lot of leaves, animal remains and potion bases in jars all over the wall. The tall counter that divides the work area from the tiny customer area hides the long work desk where are most of the ingredient preparation is done, chopping crushing, measuring, extracting certain parts of it And so on. Gives a place a weird scent, that changes day by day depending on what’s being produced. Most of the work area floor is covered in cauldrons, whether They are small ones on tables, or the very large one for concocting large batches usually for base mixture. Special attention needed not to overheat or let them boil over get them on yourself especially when you are monitoring multiple. Keeping track of which cauldron needs which ingredients or what type of magic infused how fast it should be mixed what it should look like.
It’s a lot of work so late (as is tradition) that required much training, but Videl as much as he would not admit it enjoys it, especially since he can do so without anyone recognizing him. AlSo wearing a very nice black dress fashions important on physically and mentally exhausting jobs.
He grabbed a few jars set them By a medium sized cauldron and went to work.
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imakemyownworld · 6 years
When The Party’s Over pt.2
Part One
This is longish.
It is only a second part and Im setting some foundations for the fic therefore there’s not much of Ethan here but more of my (Bellas) struggles and relationship with Lucas. Somewhere in the middle of this I realised it was half biographical. I always had the strong urge to write about my own life and experiences as I never talk about them (as Bella) irl. I promise the next part will be all about E. :)
Also, if you do read this, please give me some critiques. I know it’s not nearly perfect and I would love to get some feedback. I just recently made this tumblr after being a fan of Gray and E for a good while now and I’m so happy I did. All the people I see here seem so genuinely interesting, funny, creative and nice. Thank you ! xx
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Exactly one week has passed since I last saw Ethan. He sent me some messages but I didn't reply, I knew he was busy making a video and that he is going home tomorrow to visit his family for Thanksgiving. My family group chat was going crazy though. My sister who is living in Europe couldn’t book a flight and I wasn't replying to any messages. I just couldn't find the strength to do so, so I figured I'll just show up tomorrow morning, get through the weekend and come back.
I spent the rest of the day studying and scrolling through every possible social network then went to sleep ignoring every text I got.
I'm there in an hour. Xx I texted the group chat as I sat down in my car and turned the engine on. I skimmed through other messages. Ethan was complaining about something Grayson did and Ivy had boy issues. Did I want to see a text from Lucas? Sure, but I never expected one. It's Thanksgiving and everyone is with their families.
I met Lucas two years ago at a film festival in Los Angeles. I was there because I love cinema and Ethan managed to get me some tickets and Lucas was studying film at university near by. At that time I was probably at worst with my depression and anxiety as I just started taking classes at my university. He asked Ivy and me if we wanted to go to the after party and we didn't think twice about it. I never thought I would be someone who does drugs, I was always strongly against it. But he made it seem so normal. He was handsome, to me. He was skinny and every shirt was too big for him. Later I realised those shirts were fine before, but he lost weight. Still, there was something about him. He was mysterious, he loved photography and he talked about movies non stop. He acted cool but I could tell how passionate he is about things he loves. Both of us had something dark in us but neither one of us wanted to talk about it and we understood that about each other. From the moment we met and our friends started hanging out each other everybody already thought we were together. We would tease each other all the time while dancing and hanging around but since we were both kind of distant when sober we were scared to do anything about it. All until one night he kissed me. He kissed me like it was something we do all the time, but it wasn't. He didn't acknowledge it the next day and I remember freaking out about it with Ivy. Next time I saw him it took me every singe atom of bravery in my body to ask him about it. I remember it like it was yesterday. I called him and we separated from our friend group, we walked along the beach in Venice on a chilly summer night.
“Do you remember that we kissed?” I asked him in the middle of his sentence. He froze for a bit and then he made the grimace I couldn't decipher. 
“No” he said quietly “When?” he was looking at me and I could tell that he felt horrible. I tried to look as if I don't care and I was ready to brush it off.
“At the club, last weekend. It’s fine, I just wanted to clear that up. I wasn’t sure if you didn't want to acknowledge it or just don’t remember” I turned around to get back to where our friends were.
“Stop” he took my hand and I felt relief “Im really sorry. You know how I am, I go overboard sometimes and I do things...” he stopped talking. Do things he usually wouldn't? If so, I didnt want to hear about it. I pulled my hand from him.
“...do things I would usually be scared of doing” he said almost painfully. Knowing him today, I know how hard that must have been for him. After that things started heating up between us two. We were never together, we knew that would never work out as we couldn’t communicate normally when sober. But we silently cared about each other, even though we never said it out loud.
At that festival after party we were dancing when he handed me half of the pill and kissed my cheek. I looked at it for a while then looked at him. He was dancing and smiling, seemed so carefree. If someone told me a month ago I would be holding that in my hand I wouldn’t believe them. Even then it looked so wrong in my hand. And then I took it and it was the best night of my life.
We kept on partying like that every other weekend. We didn’t know much about each other but we also knew everything. We would take something then hook up and sleep for what seemed like hours, or minutes. Sometimes I was so out of it I didnt know if I was dreaming or not. We shared those times together, he was the only one I wasn’t ashamed to be around like this. He understood.
My dad opened the door for me and we hugged.
“Hello beautiful”
“Hi dad” he smelled like mom's cooking. I did miss them. “Smells nice in here”
“I feel like there's enough for the whole neighborhood”
I got in and the table was already set up. My mom hugged me and instantly started talking about my sister. How sad she is that she isn't here. I said something back quickly and sat down.
My parents were an unusual kind. They always had my back and supported me through everything as far as school and university go. But I was always the one who had to be home by midnight or not go out at all. I had to lie that I was having a sleepover so that I could go out and have fun with my friends. My mom still believes I never tried alcohol in my whole  life and Im twenty. We were also never the kind of family that talked a lot about feelings and things going on outside of school. I could never talk about boyfriends with my mom or fights I had with my friends. This caused bottling a lot of emotions through my whole life. Ethan had to beg me to talk with him to find out why I was miserable at times. He was the one person I would actually tell what was going on. I never got along with my sister either, we were just two very different people and I always thought: If I met her randomly I would never want to be her friend. Seems harsh, but she was selfish and stubborn, always only looking out for herself and not giving a fuck if she was hurting someone else in the process.
Lunch was actually amazing, my mom made my favorite meals. They crashed on the sofa soon after and started watching some terrible movie and I went to check in my old room.
I must have fallen asleep while watching youtube because it was dark when I opened my eyes. I came down to the living room and heard mom and dad talking in the backyard. I took my moms phone to check the time.
I miss you. It said. William.
My head felt blank for a second. I quickly turned the phone back off.
William was my moms ex boss. I sat down and my head started spinning around. I combined the pluses and minuses, filled in the blanks. Things started making sense. My mom became very sensitive to anyone touching her phone a while back. Before, she never cared about it. I gathered strength and opened the message. It was the only one in the conversation, everything else was wiped clean. I quickly marked it as unread and put the phone back. Fuck.Is my mom cheating on my dad? My head started spinning even more. Poor dad. Should I tell anyone? I can’t tell anyone we can’t even say I miss you to each other let alone Are you having an affair? My poor dad loves mom with all his heart, he does everything for her and she was never truly in love with him. My sister and I realised since we were teenagers that mom acts cold with dad. She doesn’t like it when dad shows her any kind of affection.
“There you are!” mom barged in and I almost jumped in my seat. “You okay? Mike and I were just talking about going for a walk, you’re coming too”
“Ugh, I just woke up” I wasn’t sure I’m mentally ready for that walk.
“Exactly, you need to stretch”
The whole walk I was thinking about my mom. The time when I thought my mom was always in the right was long gone, but this was on a whole new level. How can I take her seriously ever again? She lost all the credibility. How can she pretend to be happy with my dad? If I told him about this it would ruin him. If I told her...Nothing seems like the right option. I don’t want my family to fall apart. We are a bit dysfunctional, but this seems like a scene from a movie and I cant take it. I had to get out of there.
When we got home mom brought us pie and turned on the TV.
“Guys, I’m sorry but I need to get back today. I have a seminar to write” I was nitpicking the pie on my plate.
“Write it here?” dad proposed and it seemd like a reasonable idea “You can take my laptop”
“Yeah but I don’t have my books. Sorry. I might come by next weekend if Emma books that ticket” I smiled at them. It was so natural for me to act like this around them. I was hiding things from them my whole life.
My mom argued with me for a while but she soon realised my mind was set. When the movie finished I took some clothes from my old closet and said goodbye to them. I felt so sorry for my dad, I hugged him tightly and he even said I love you to my ear. I haven’t heard that sentence in months.
I dialed Lucas’s number while driving down the highway.
“Hey danger” he answered almost immediately.
“Hey. Happy Thanksgiving. What are you up to?” I tried to seem chill but my voice was almost cracking.
“Uh, not much. Classic Thanksgiving laying around”
“You up for a sesh?” I was always afraid of him declining me which is why I was rarely the the one to ask him stuff like this.
“What, now? What’s wrong?” he asked that in the most monotone voice but I knew it meant a lot coming from him.
“Lucas.” I sighed and my voice broke down at the end of his name. He was silent for a moment.
“Pick me up. Im sending you the location”
I felt relieved. We haven’t hung out alone in a while and I missed it. I needed an hour to get to him, he was at his parents place. The house was actually very pretty. I know his parents are divorced and his mom remarried, he doesn’t talk about them much but I get the feeling she is worried about him and he doesn’t like that. And now I’m dragging him out on a Thanksgiving weekend. Suddenly I felt even more terrible.
Lucas sat in the car and I was just looking through the windshield.
“Bro, what happened?” he took the aux cord and connected his phone.
“I just realised I dragged you out and you were with your family and it’s Thanksgiving.”
“Yes. Because I love spending quality time with my perfect family. Come on, there’s not a lot of dealers working on Thanksgiving you know that?” Soundtrack 2 my life started playing through the speakers. He loved that song and it made me depressed. After that, he never once asked what had happened, he knew better and I appreciated it.
“Dealers? I have everything in my flat”
“Not this” he smiled devilishly to me and typed in the address in his phone.
“So in one hour you managed to find the guy? Seems to me like you were just waiting for my call. What are we taking?” I was driving down his neighborhood. We were the only people on the street.
“Been waiting on this for a while. You’ll see”
The address wasn’t that far away. I parked and he left, came back two minutes later.
Church was the most trashy techno club in the area, it was a dump but it was always open and the atmosphere was always great.
We parked near the club and started drinking rum that he brought from his place. I was doing my makeup with the help from his flashlight and my front camera. I took the cropped top from the back of the car and put it on. I felt wrong to be happy at this moment but I was. I was with him and I knew we were going to have fun.
“You gonna tell me what it is now? You know I’m not doing heroin or anything like that”
“Jesus. Of course not” he pulled the baggy out of his pocket. “Ketamine”
I had zero clue what that is. Everything I knew about drugs came from Lucas.
“You’ll see later.” he says and I can’t believe I have so much trust in him to just get on with it but at this moment I don’t care. He takes out a pill from his pocket and breaks it in half.
“You have a whole pharmacy out there” I say and swallow the pill.
“Shut up” he laughs. We are both pretty tipsy by now as we start walking to the club. I pay for the entrance and we’re finally there. This is where I felt at home. How weird is that? The lasers, lights, annoyingly loud house music. The music I could never listen to sober, it drives me insane.
I opened my eyes to see Lucas sleeping next to me, sun was shining through closed curtains. I fell asleep again and I dreamt about last night. Dancing, kissing Lucas and him kissing me. I dreamt that I woke up and walked around the apartment. I showered. Was that a dream? I was asleep again. It was nighttime. Lucas and I were rolling around the bed desperate for each other, desperate to feel something, anything.
It was night when I finally definitely woke up. I checked the time on my bedside table. It was 3am on Sunday. Lucas was sitting on the window next to the bed smoking.
“Hi” I wanted to say but all I said was a weak I
“Morning” he turned his head to face me “Magnesium next to your bed. Drink it”
I took the glass from the bed table and wasted a good three minutes to take two sips. Lucas was looking at me the whole time with a massive grin on his face.
“I need to shower”
“You showered three hours ago” he said and I looked at him confused.
“So I wasn’t dreaming?”
He shook his head.
“Did we have sex? Like, in those three hours?” I asked not looking at him.
“What? No. Did you dream about that?” He threw the cigarette in the ashtray and went under the covers. I just looked at him and he smiled again.
“When did we get home?”
“Around 7AM. We slept through the whole Saturday. As far as I remember” he removed all of my hair from my face and made a bun out of it.
“I don’t even want to know what I look like”
“Do you remember the night out?” he prompted himself on the elbow to face me.
“I don’t know. We were dancing?”
“You..” he stopped and lied back down “I didn’t want to give you any more, of anything, because you had too much” coming from Lucas this meant something because I’m usually the one to stop him from going too far “So you just disappeared and..”
“What?” I hated not remembering anything.
“I dont know. You took something and you came back after ten minutes totally out of it. We stayed for and hour after that because you didn’t want to leave. After that I got us in an uber and we came here.”
I didn’t say anything.
“Look, something obviously happened during the weekend, I won't ask but you should know better than take something from strangers. You scared me” he glanced at me. I remembered the moment. I was acting like a brat. It must’ve looked ridiculous. I left him and found some girls snorting something in the bathroom. We talked for a while, I think one of them was coming on to me. I said that I was here with a friend but he didn’t want to give me anything so they offered. I had no idea what it was. What was I thinking?
“Im stupid” I told him about what happened “Im sorry. I found out that my mom is having an affair. But, I also suspected that for a while now. My mind was spiraling and I guess I overdid it”
We were quiet for a few moments.
“I’m sorry” he turned to face me and we stared at each other for a while.
“Is it bad that I love the high so much that I’m not at all regretting any of this? It’s the only time I feel happy”
“I don’t know” he answered “If you think I’ll reason you, you asked the wrong guy. I’m in the same spot” we both smiled, but his eyes were filled with sadness. I wonder if mine were too? We would only talk like this high. Our sober conversations didn’t exist, they were empty and meaningless. We hid behind walls that would come down every once in a while, and I cherished those moments. I kissed him softly and fell asleep in his arms soon after
I woke up at noon, Lucas was still sleeping and Im pretty sure he was missing a class, as I was. I wondered if he stayed because he wanted to or because he was taking care of me. I rarely got to see the sensitive side of him that I longed for. I would try and push his buttons sometimes asking him ridiculously touchy-feely questions and he would just laugh it off and tell me to shut up. But I saw in his eyes that he wanted to tell me things but didnt know how to. I knew for a fact that he didn’t have the best relationship with his parents ether, they didn’t speak about things and even if they wanted to I can’t imagine Lucas opening up to anyone, especially his parents.
I remembered almost all of last night. Lucas wasn’t having fun, he was mostly looking after me. I was usually the one giving him water, asking him if he was fine because he would look like a zombie. Sometimes I would only go out because I was scared that no one would be taking care of him. When we started hanging out we were both fairly knew to all of this but I could see how fascinated he was with all of it. I was too. My world went from black and white to technicolor. My, usually, messed up head that was overthinking everything and anything felt blank. It was just living in the moment, swaying on the dancefloor with the people you love.
But seeing him at his worst was painful to watch. It wasn't fun anymore, it made me see the dark side of things. When the high wears off you feel ten times more depressed and ten times more eager to go to the next party, and then the next one. Until your life just becomes waiting. Waiting to get high and drunk and feel things.
Realizing that made me never want to do drugs again, but that would last a couple of days. What scared me was that I knew that even after last night, when Lucas saw me at my probably lowest, he would never think about leaving it. It was captivating, appealing to him. It didn't scare him at all.
I was taking a shower when he knocked at my door.
"Bell, you have a visitor. I’m going out okay?" I soon heard a door swing shut. A visitor? I had come up with at least ten people who would come here after me not looking at my phone for three days straight and I was scared to see every single one of them. God, I hope it wasn’t Ethan meeting Lucas.
I dressed and got out of the bathroom to see Emily standing behind my kitchen counter. She wouldn't even be on the list of fifty people to come here. What was Ethans girlfriend doing in my apartment? And why didnt I clean up a bit?
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3rddrawerdown · 6 years
One And The Same (Part 4)
Warnings: Fluff and angst(?)
Pairing: Peter Parker/Spider-Man x Reader
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Peter woke before you did. You were still snoring softly in his arms. It was adorable, really. He wanted to squeeze you closer, but hesitated. How would you react? Did you even want him in bed with you? Did you even know he was there? It had been late when he joined you, or maybe it had been early. He wasn't sure. You fell right asleep after you had calmed down. For the last year or so, Peter hadn't been sure where you stood with each other. You'd been friends for so long that something more had never really been on the table. Then, one day, he noticed how your waist cut in from your hips, just so. He noticed how your shirt fell a little differently, complimenting your new curves. You were his best friend, repackaged. The perfect package. He felt guilty at first, about his newfound feelings, but he managed to keep them to himself. Lately, though, he was being thrown mixed signals. Especially the day prior. When you had handed him that daisy, and told him about the extra tray of pies, it hadn't been uncharacteristic, but it was almost like the level of flirtation had been ever so slightly elevated. When he put his arm around you to walk to class, the way you leaned into it didnt feel quite as platonic as it always had been. Then the arm brush in the cafeteria? Everything was so subtle. He had convinced himself that he was imagining things, when you had pushed him to ask his longtime crush, Liz, to homecoming. But then, you had had such an intimate evening. Given, the situation had certainly been anything but normal. Regardless, he had held you, held your hand, kissed your forehead. Now he was in bed with you. This had to classify as more than platonic... right?
You began to stir, rolling over in his arms. "Mmh. Hey, Peter." Suddenly your eyes opened wide. "Peter!" You sat up, accidentally pulling the sheets off of him in the process.
I was almost too shocked to find him in bed with me to notice his shirtless torso. Almost.
Peter fell backwards out of the bed in his haste to give me my space. "I, you, last night..." he trailed off, nervously running a hand through his hair. "I woke up and heard you crying... so I came to, I dunno, help. I-I guess I fell asleep, too." Now he stood in all his shirtless glory, and I couldn't help but struggle for a moment to find my words. Then I remembered Liz.
"Oh, geez, what would Liz say?"
Peter's face scrunched in confusion. "I'm not dating Liz. I just asked her to homecoming."
I raised an eyebrow, incredulously. "First of all. Isn't that the point of asking her to homecoming? Aren't you trying to further this... into a relationship? Second of all, if someone had asked me to homecoming, I would be particularly pissed to find that he or she had been in bed with someone else the night prior. Just saying."
Peter grabbed a pair of jeans and threw them over his boxers. "Well, I'm sorry for coming in, last night. I was only trying to help."
Suddenly, I felt guilty for my harsh words. Why was I pushing him away? Because my feelings aren't mutual, I reminded myself. He was only trying to help. He wasn't trying to get close because he had feelings for me. Which means this kind of thing can't happen, especially if he's going to have a girlfriend. That thought put my stomach in knots. "Look, I appreciate it. That was the best night's sleep I've had in a while, honestly. It's just, stuff like this can't happen if you're going to have a girfriend."
He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said, looking down at his t-shirt, finding the sleeves. "We'll have to put off Friday movie nights, too, because they'll probably be date nights," he said, coldly.
A pang of sadness ran through me. Then I hardened. "Yeah. I guess we will." I ripped off his t-shirt, not caring if he saw me in my bra... and forgetting I wasn't wearing pants. I threw it at him and hastily put on my hoodie and jeans.
He caught the shirt in one hand, wearing a guilty expression. "...Y/N, I'm sorry, I didnt mean-"
"Whatever Peter. It's fine. Have fun at homecoming."
"You're not going?"
"I don't exactly have a date, and I'm not about to third wheel with you and Liz. Plus, I'm not particularly excited about being in your presence at the moment."
"Y/N! Wait!" You stormed out of his room, and he heard the front door slam. He felt bad as soon as the words had left his mouth, but it was too late. He looked down at the shirt in his hand before falling on his bed, covering his face with his arms. "Uuuuuugh," he groaned. The shirt smelled like you.
I stormed home. Mom and Dad were at work. I lay on my bed, staring at the back of my door. My homecoming dress hung there, full of hope.
"Ugh." I rolled off the bed and went to the window, crawling out onto the fire escape. I made my way up to the rooftop, where I sat on the edge, just watching the city live and breathe below me.
There was a faint thud behind me. Turning to look, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
"Hey, there." Spider-Man made his way to the rooftop edge, where he joined me in sitting.
"I didnt expect to ever see you again. I mean, except for maybe on the news, but you get my point." I couldn't believe I was speaking so coherently. I was sitting a foot away from THE Spider-Man. Sometimes I couldn't even speak around Peter without stuttering or losing my train of thought.
Ugh. Peter.
"Well, I was in the neighborhood and happened to see a lonely girl sitting all by herself on her rooftop. I couldn't pass through without checking in, right?"
"I'm not going to jump, if that's what you're worried about."
"That's the general concern, but I believe you. Something does seem to be bothering you, though. Want to talk?"
To Spider-Man? Was that even a question? Of course I wanted to talk. "Don't you have lives to save? Criminals to catch? Basically anything more important to do?"
"What's the point in being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, if you can't sit down and be friendly every once in a while? Besides, the city can manage itself for a little while, and I'll... I'll know if something big happens. Lay it on me." He brought his knees up to his chest, like a kid. His mask, believe it or not, was very expressive. The eyes on the suit widened, as though he were listening intently.
I sighed. "Well, you brought this on yourself, you know." I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and continued, "I shouldn't really be upset, I guess. My best friend of, geez, as long as I can remember, really, asked someone to homecoming. I mean, I urged him to. He's had a crush on this girl for a while now, and she totally gave him, like, the look. I told him to seize his opportunity, and he did. I'm happy for him, but now I dont have anyone to go with. I don't want to third wheel with them, not to mention we... kind of had a fight and I don't think he wants to see me, anyway."
"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Spider-Man turned toward you, crossing one leg in front of him and dangling the other off the roof. "Guys can be confusing, and incredibly oblivious."
"I guess... maybe I'm not ready to be around him, either. I dont know. I think I need some space." The wall-crawler's shoulders slumped, barely and near-unnoticeable.
"So you're going to skip the dance to avoid him? That doesn't sound fair to you. You should go."
I laughed. "With who? My nonexistent other friends?"
Spider-Man jumped up on the ledge, posing as The Thinker. "What if, hear me out, what if," he straightened, " I made an appearance as your date. Briefly, mind you."
I gaped at him. This couldn't be real. "Did you just ask me to my high-school homecoming?"
He stood a little taller, crossing his arms. "Maybe I did." I could hear the smile on his face. He uncrossed his arms and moved toward me. "I mean, I'll only be making an appearance, but I'll be the-" His next step would have been fine, had it not been where the ledge had a large chip. His foot slipped and he fell off the side of the building.
"Spider-Man!" I leaned over the edge, hair catching in the breeze.
"I'm okay!" He clung to the building like only he- or his namesake- could. He made his way back up to me, and I knelt at the edge. "Anyway. I can't be there the whole time, but I'll stop by for a minute or two. If you would like."
"I would love." I hesitated before leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Thank you."
"I-it's no trouble. I-I'll see you tonight." He made a move, not unlike a swimmer jumping off of the block into a backstroke.
I leaned over the edge and watched him swing off from building to building. My stomach was full of butterflies as I checked the time. I squealed excitedly and entirely uncharacteristically, and hurried back to my room to get ready for the evening.
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Peter walked into the school with Liz, pulling his shirt collar up to ensure it covered his suit. He scanned the room for you, to no avail.
"Peter?" Liz touched his shoulder.
"Huh?" Peter turned.
"I just said my friends are over there," she pointed. "Shall we?"
"Uh, yeah." He followed her, continuing to scan the room as he went.
They stood around, for a while, talking, but Peter wasn't really there. "Do you want to dance?" Liz leaned into his ear.
Peter jerked back, surprised. "Huh? Yeah, sure."
Just then, the gym door opened and he froze. You walked in, hair cascading in wavy curls down your back. You wore a royal blue, floor-length gown. It was simple, plain even, but the strapless bodice hugged your upper torso just right. The fabric transitioned from fitted to loose, falling so perfectly from your waist. He was somewhat entranced by the movement of your hips underneath as you walked.
Peter thought back to this morning. You, in his bed. You, in his white t-shirt, your black bra just noticeable underneath. You, ripping it off, standing before him in just the bra and your underwear.
He tried not to think about that as he watched you stride over to the punch bowl. You poured yourself a glass and took a sip. Over the glass of punch your eyes met Peter's, and you turned, pointedly looking away. Peter felt excitement tainted by a touch of sad guilt. "Hey, Liz, why don't you go request a song? I'm going to run to the bathroom."
Now that I knew where Peter was, I knew where to avoid. I continued to sip my punch until something occurred to me. I never told Spider-Man which school I went to, or what time to be here. I came for nothing.
"Hey, loser." Michelle walked up next to me.
"Hey. What are you doing here? I didnt think this was really your scene."
"It's not." She didn't offer an explanation. "Where's your boyfriend?"
"My what?" For a split second I thought she was referring to Spider-Man, but that quickly passed. She couldn't have known about the rooftop chat, and boyfriend would have been an incredible stretch from what we were. Damsel and hero at worst, acquaintances at best. She must have meant Peter. "Oh, Pete's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend. But we're going through a... rough spot. He's here with Liz."
"You both need to accept your feelings."
"Excuse me?"
"Yup." She left me with that and disappeared into the crowd.
Were my feelings that obvious? Not to Peter, obviously. She must have been crazy to think he shared those feelings.
Preparing to leave, I leaned over the punch table to toss my empty cup in the bin. I was still bent over when I became aware of all the stares and whispers. I straightened, unsure.
Peter had passed the bathroom, rather than enter it, and exited the building. He checked to make sure the coast was clear before scaling the side of the school. Safe on the roof, he had pulled on his mask and shed his tuxedo. Now he was on the ceiling of the gymnasium, scanning for you. You were still over by the punchbowl, now chatting with Michelle. Michelle seemed to be finished and was walking away as he reached the ceiling above you. Slowly, he lowered himself, upside-down, just behind you. Everyone in the gym had seen him, at this point. Everyone, that is, except you. He cleared his throat.
"Miss, I must say, you look absolutely ravishing tonight."
You spun around. "You're here!"
"I promised I would be." Peter let himself down, gently and gracefully.
"I know, but I forgot to tell you what school I went to! I was about to leave. How did you know to come here?"
Peter was grateful for his mask, because his expression alone would have given him away. He had to think fast. "I have a sort of sixth sense. Like, a heightened intuition. Anyway," he cleared his throat. "Would the lady care to dance?"
"Does the gentleman sling webs?"
"He does." Peter held his arm out to you.
"She would." You took it, and he escorted you to the center of the gym.
"I know this one," Spider-Man said, as the song changed. He leaned in, "follow my lead." He placed a crimson hand on my waist and picked up my right with the other. "Ready?"
I felt warm from his touch and could feel the heat in my cheeks. "As I'll ever be," I spoke softly, placing my left hand on his broad shoulder.
The song was slow, but intense, and he led me well. Step by step, the gymnasium occupants could do nothing but stare at what transpired before them. Soon, I was able to predict what he would do next, and dancing was as a single entity. We twirled and spun, my dress melting into the blue of his suit, furthering the illusion of singularity. The comfort I felt with him went beyond the aspects of protection and safety; it felt as though I'd known him far longer than a meager twenty-four hours. The song was gearing up to end dramatically, and Spider-Man planned to do it justice. He spun me out, and I extended my arm, retracting it as he pulled me back in. He then lunged, using my momentum to dip me, as the song came to a dramatic close.
The claps began slowly, as the students came out of their shock, and soon the gym was roaring. Spider-Man pulled me up, seamlessly. Pressed against his chest, his masked nose was inches from mine. Suddenly, he went rigid, cocking his head to the side. He looked back at me and bowed, dramatically. Then, he lifted my hand to where his lips would have been and spoke, "It has been a pleasure, miss. Unfortunately, duty calls." With that, he turned and slingshot himself with his webbing toward the doors.
I shook myself out and told myself I'd reflect later. I didnt really feel like talking to anyone, and the whole gym was whispering excitedly. I pushed my way to the doors, catching a glimpse of a wide-eyed, gaping Liz.
But no Peter.
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mssoncerae · 5 years
Always talked about how supportive some of my son’s family members were. My son’s father isn’t the best father in the world but he has some family members that a very positive and drama-free. I’ve mentioned these two women Aunt Julia and cousin Shawna a couple of times on my YouTube channel. Shunna asked to be on my channel with me a few times and I told her no. I didn’t want her harmed. Then one day we decided to do a live stream to smooth things out between me SaDonya and Priests but hours before we could even do that SaDonya participated in a hateful live stream with geriatric troll LaVonya Edwards AKA bomb cherry. It disappointed Shunna and I so we decided to no longer do the live stream. But of course Shunna and I still have a positive relationship and Aunt Julia still supported my son. I will always have a level of respect for these two women because they care for my son.
It saddens me to say that unfortunately my adoration for them has been used as a tool to cause more drama.
Today Lavonya Edwards took to her Youtube channel and maliciously posted pictures of Julia with her husband along with pictures of Shunna. Accusing ME of exposing them. How does that makes sense in this demented troll’s mind? She’s posting their pictures, first and last names but its ME exposing them? How?
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That’s so sad. Priest and SaDonya trusted LaVonya Edwards on numerous occasions. When I advised them both not to. Yet they did it anyway and now Priest’s innocent family members are being exposed. I’ve mentioned Priest’s family members including his sister who was mean to me. His mom who I loved until I found out she decieved me. As well as Priest’s brother and Grandmother. However I would never post pictures of them or reveal their real names. It’s unnecessary.
The question is how did LaVonya Edwards get images or information about either of these women without me releasing any of their personal information? She didnt get it from me. I can barely stand the broad. I’d never give that goofy broad information about anyone. The only way she could’ve got this information was from Priest or SaDonya.
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LaVonya Edwads is one nasty webcam porn phone sex hoe who has been stalking me for too long.
This is the foolishness I have to deal with on a regular from complete strangers who will do anything for attention. Then guess who is in the livestream spreading lies….Minister Jap
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Yes….that clown….still trying to push the false narrative that my daughter is pregnant. She is NOT pregnant. She is a virgin.
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During the stream while a picture of Aunt Julia and her husband is malisciously posted Minister Jap says when my daughter first came to Cali she visited Planned Parenthood. What a moron. She never visited one. She knows about them because teens are taught they exist from their Health teacher in High School. Also they are in affluent neighborhoods here in California. We see them here all of the time. My daughter has never been pregnant. My daughter has never had sex.
On top of that someone from a blocked number called my daughter’s father yesterday claiming my daughter is in danger and it’s because I’ve doxxed people. Doxxed is a famous term trolls use on YouTube. I’ve heard that bullshit term used nowhere else. My daughter’s father had no idea what it meant. This FEMALE troll told him I post people’s addresses and SSN. The only person who keeps accusing me of that is this woman. All that digging LaVonya Edwards did to find Shunna and Julia. I’m sure she put that same energy into finding my daughter’s father. But if someone was to do any of this to her she’d be crying victim. The second someone shows her this same disgust in return she’ll be somewhere crying her eyes out.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
This is so sad to me. It gets worse. Inside of this livestream she is spreading another ridiculous rumor that was started by another content creator.
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I would never harm my children. I was never beat up during my pregnancy nor did I inflict pain on myself during that time. If I truly didn’t want my son so badly that I wanted him no longer alive I would’ve simply got an abortion not punch myself in the stomach. When are y’all gonna stop with this stupidity? Never? Ok I’ll do you one better and detach myself from the bullshit.
I will continue to post any nonsense that includes stalking or harassment of any kind that I am aware of so that authorities can keep up with this stuff.
Check out my latest livestream about this issue.
LaVonya Edwards Is At It Again Always talked about how supportive some of my son's family members were. My son's father isn't the best father in the world but he has some family members that a very positive and drama-free.
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
February 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 28th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Zenchav by Draco Plato.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Zenchav by Draco Plato~! (http://khyatix.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
flips through chapters quickly
just say all the scenes cause as the creator its the one time you can get away with it XD
Draco Plato
I'm sure I have a favorite
shiz everything exists on a neutral plan of emotion
for my favorite scene im gonna pick that time everyone was pursued by spiky chia pets and oziel and ara argued to the point damian snapped his finger at them and told them to focus.
Draco Plato
I was leaning towards that myself too
damian did what we all wanted to do deep down in that moment
Draco Plato
I love the finger snap
I always enjoy drawing the damon and lyall scenes the most
I like chapter 14 but I think it was a bit hurried seeming overall.
I picked up the pace for webcomic time but I think I should have slowed it down a bit there
that was my favorite chapter to draw recently tho cause damon and lyall
I think... My favorite scene is a toss up. I really liked Nadia and Damon's meeting -- Damon's priorities are basically mine: "OOO SPARKLY" http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume1/ZenchavVolume1#p=98 But I also really liked how crushed Damon was when he burnt up Liberty's body. http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=157 Can't do anything else? Well, at least I can make sure nobody asks too many questions right~?
Draco Plato
I have so many mixed feelings about damon burning his daughter's body
like was that a GOOD decision? it's so morbid
I always get a laugh out of that
It felt pretty emotional
and yessss
I really like the first volume a lot, to be honest. The art in it has a lot of character which helps the black and white pop
Draco Plato
yeah I agree! Whenever I re-read it I think the early chapters actually have a lot of charm to them
I used to be really bothered by the flaws but that doesn't really bother me now
Yeah They're cute! And... Damon was... very angsty in volume 2's start
Draco Plato
hahah his brief gangster look
it was nice to see damon grow up from an innocent boy into angst rage machine into hi everyone im stay at home dad who makes jam
it is pretty fun when you get very... uh... ...I don't know the term but when you pull the expressions pretty far and make them somewhat more cartoony
Draco Plato
yeah! I agree. I think I pushed limits a bit more in the earlier chapters. Honestly I think my disdain for drawing shines through too much now
I mean, it all looks great, lmao
"Oh, I like it when you touch me" -- Sayeth Lyall, volume 2, page 12
Draco Plato
Aaaaaaaaaaah, I feel so awkward about those early scenes
where lyall's feelings start shining through
Lyall honestly just needs anyone's affection
another scene i like is http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=42 where damon and lyall are flirting sort of and rex just shows hes watching and hes very bored. i think it was a great way to bring rex back in while also paying off on all that tension buildup of him coming back.
Draco Plato
he just needs damon's affection
...Damon's hair is also kinda kelpie-ish, so I meaaaaaaaan
Draco Plato
yeah I liked that scene too!! and that's true, I hadn't thought he looked a bit like kelpie there
I'm kinda with what Dark said about wtf is going on with his hair in chapter 5
like yep, that's why it lasted a very short time that look
oh i remember my fave scene now
What did Dark say?
Draco Plato
i need to find it
she wasn't a fan of the chapter 5 damon hair, which I agree with since I'm not a fan of it either
I don't dislike it, he just seems very... ...high stress right now
i like to think damon's early life is characterized by phases. you got the angst phase, the emo phase, the cute kid phase, the weird flirt with your uncle phase
all business, no play
Draco Plato
there it is, the scene that always haunts me in re reads
oh that's true Rebel, it very much is
cough There's inappropriate jokes that one could make about coming in handy
But I'm not going to make them tonight
Draco Plato
I just...that line in retrospect is so BAD
But it's Lyall~
Draco Plato
i think that's the only time he really had pedo bear vibes
maybe not the only but the biggest
http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume2/ZenchavVolume2#p=38 This page, Lyall's like... "This woman's going to kill me, Damon, and everyone in this neighborhood"
Draco Plato
there's also that time
What does Nadia do, anyway? Is she actually a mob boss? I know she's gonna be different in the upcoming video, but... >:D
Draco Plato
Lyall thinking she's a homewrecker there ruining his chance at future happiness as Damon's husbando
Yeah she's the head of her mafia
her backstory is actually the same as the animated version but without the interference
that's my song for lyall in chapter five
"I feel like I've known her" -- "Oh, yeah, last time around, she tried to kill you a buncha times, and I heard she's gonna do it again."
Draco Plato
"Also, she's your sister. Or will be. Different lives and all."
Draco Plato
It just gets worse
I wonder what their entanglements were like in previous lives >:D
you know what other scene i like? this scene http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume2/ZenchavVolume2#p=48 where lyall tells damon he didnt love liberty. partly cause it was cute seeing damon be this angsty adult and get hit with the reality stick in such a way hes still little boy shocked that this is a thing that could happen. and it was also nice cause lyall revealed something in an angry outburst and thus one more truth was added to the truth pile
Draco Plato
i really should have made a chart for Nadia's lives, the main one I know that has her and Damon together before that life is when she was Lili's sister
Oh Oh I like that scene too!!
I would be interested in seeing Lili's sister
and aaaaaaaaaaaaa, yes. Lyall: Truth teller in bad situations
Draco Plato
I can always feel a mini heart attack when Lyall says he didn't love her
cause I know how much that hurts damon
"you made my mother a whore and you didn't even CARE?"
Draco Plato
Lili's sister doesn't have much to her, she married Muir at the same time as Lili but ended up leaving and letting Lili and Muir be alone
Damon was too pure then, lol(edited)
he was really hung up on the sleeping with his mom thing for a long time
I can't blame him, especially if he thought it was gonna damn Liberty to hell
but nope, just ends up with her coming back one day as a cute smol girl
Also... Lyall has no last name. JUST TAKE DAMON'S! nau
Where did the nickname Sha come from by the way?
Draco Plato
actually why didn't he take Liberty's last name
Oh!!! Lol nobody has ever asked before
She wanted to call him a shark but he lacks the bite so she dropped the k
looking back on this nickname it doesn't make much sense lmao
I think it originates from an earlier version that made more sense
i like to think that lyall not taking a last name was his way of rejecting the permanence of their situation. but also not having a last name sounds helpful when in the mob. "Hey Joe you gonna kill that Lyall fellow we were ordered to kill?" "Which Lyall?" "I don't know man. Let's just pick one."
Draco Plato
altho how common a name is Lyall
"but joe theres like 20 other lyalls" "just kill them all"
Draco Plato
omg XD
It soon became the great Lyall purge of 1930
Draco Plato
Lyall: I don't have a last name because I'm waiting to marry you and take yours
Lyall probably used that pickup line a few times
"I don't have a last name, but why don't I borrow yours for the night~?"
Draco Plato
sadly i don't think that's one he'd use since it's rather personal to him
also i'm not sure what y favorite scene is theres a lot of them lol
Draco Plato
it's okay, my mind went blank too
and I should know all the scenes
pick a volume, flip through, find your favorite
Draco Plato
i know cali's fave
which one
QUESTION 2. As shown in the comic, Apus has been going on quite a recruiting spree. How do you think Damian will adjust to his new life situation, especially after what happened? How will Damian deal with Damon joining the Demon Council? What do you think the story is with Firosofi and Euripides? Will they adjust to their life there and will the others adjust to them? Will recruiting Draco go smoothly, or will matters be complicated because of Draco’s situation with B.I.T.E.? What do you think is up with Earth suddenly recruiting so many demons and non-humans all at once? Lastly, do you think Amai will learn to do field work, and how might it change her?
Draco Plato
i'mma delete that one for gore tho
Damian's going to angst a lot when he finds out his dad's on the Demon council. And then be like "MY FATHER BETRAYED US" And worry a lot. And continue to be grumpy until he becomes older Damian.
i feel like damian will go crazy and become numb to all the weirdness
and then take wizard drugs
become damon
But also they're just gonna ship him off to the future to hang out with his dad, soooo
Draco Plato
i feel like these questions would have been good for me to ponder before writing
OoO spoils Damian's immediate future, lolol
Ooop, Damian, you're gonna sleep with that hot bird-brained nurse~
Draco Plato
why is the Earth recruiting all these people, I just figured apus was understaffed
aaaaaah that spoiler!!!
their romance took a flight
It definitely did... You could say their hearts fluttered like little wings
Draco Plato
Vivi was born from a little egg
not that it's relevant but it's cute
i like to think Earth just felt like it. was bored and said "you know what would be funny? is if i put all these demons at apus and force the people i 'hired' to get along with them. this sounds like a fun social experiment."
Draco Plato
I mean I feel that's about as hard as she thought about it
but now I feel I should think of a good reason and make it seem like I had something deep behind it
Vivi was born from an egg, eh? :3
I'm kind of curious now
plot twist, apus is just earth's ant farm but with people and demons
Draco Plato
omg XD
anytime someone mentions an antfarm I remember the one my bro had, where all the ants came dead except one and that one ant worked hard to bury all the other ants(edited)
rip ant
burying it's brethren
Draco Plato
antfarms are SAD
just burying all your dead kin
symbolically damon will be the ant
and we'll pretend this was a metaphor
Apus as an ant farm? I guess The Earth hasn't changed. She's just gonna try to burn it next time Damon shows up
Draco Plato
nah tho, Apus is meant to protect the earth
we just dont know
Draco Plato
but she allows the demon council too
and is an aid to rex
so the earth plays both teams
news reporter interviews the earth "Miss earth? why did you create apus?" "lol idk i just wanted to"
ya know consider earth talks to both sides, its more like these are her little play soldiers and she got more from the store so she could have an epic battle.
Cadence got her planet in the end
Draco Plato
her being the earth is totally karma for having made a planet
and not being it's planet seed
i just imagined like a fight going on and someone jumping at someone
but in realityits just earth throwing one of her play soldiers at another one
She doesn't seem to hate it at least. She's probably like, "heh, I'll show you whose Karma fucked them up"
Draco Plato
I think the rational was that she wanted to see which side would win out
the planet itself is neither good nor evil, a neutral party
if a planet becomes totally good or totally evil it will end
because it must exist within duality
so that makes me think her ultimate goal would be to make it either totally good or totally evil so that it can die
since that would be freedom in a sense for her soul
Yes, beautiful, perfect earth
she don't care which time wins, just so long as someone does
she finally got it
a shame Samantha couldn't think big tho
Draco Plato
so much of Soul Hymn is still in the air tbh, especially with Sam
unless she's working with Decebal...
Draco Plato
cause I thought it'd be fun to make her more of an important baddie
"Yeah, I'll let you be the planet seed if you help me out*
Draco Plato
fffffft, being a planet seed is the last thing she wants
Sam wasn't really listening, she heard "You get a planet"
Draco Plato
it may be fun if sam is an antagonist to both erik and decebal
since if she regains her powers she'd be quite a formidable foe
maybe lets bring the topic back to zenchav at this point XD
"you get a planet and you get a planet"
Draco Plato
Decebal becomes Oprah
Damian will not be pleased Damon joined the DC
but hey he gets to spend time with his daddy
i guess
Draco Plato
I actually don't know if they'll ever meet face to face during that time tho
damon and rex i mean
Draco Plato
Damon is so happy about that, yeeeeah
my question implied damian adjusts at all. which i would argue damian doesnt adjust to anything. just sits in eternal grump land.
damon got new clothes already
id say thats a great dad
Draco Plato
LOL you make an excellent point Rebel
but they're not blue see, they have to be blue, so he's sad
Question: Will we get to see Mr. Philosophy get a sword
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
Firo has two swords
i think Amai will be fine with field work cause firo can do all the heavy lifting metaphorically speaking. or ya know he could sip tea and wave at her from afar
Draco Plato
Firo actually can't kill anyone because it would be too kind a death for them
Then he gets to be mad at Dakin and Amai all the time :3
one to put jam on his toast and the other to poke things
Draco Plato
this is true, firo will do way more heavy lifting than Amai
buuuuut Amai will probably have plant powers like Dakin
which wasn't in the story originally so tentatively she'll be a bit more bad ass when she awakens to that
firo doesn't get mad
by that implication amai doesnt know she has the plant powers?
Draco Plato
if firo gets mad that's gotta be something really really bad
nah Amai thinks she has no powers atm
she's been very sheltered
would he get mad if someone cut him off on the freeway
Draco Plato
No O_O
he is inhuman!
Draco Plato
He got mad once as a kid tho
say if it isnt so
Draco Plato
kid cut off his ponytail
off with his head
Draco Plato
yus O_O you don't touch Firo's hair
but he probably wouldn't get mad at that now
but there is a time when he will get mad
maybe more than one
He didn't even get mad when his life was threatened, so
I mean
he's a pretty chill dude
will it be at damon for damon being a little rex puppet murderer?
I almost wrote "Chill dad" and then I was like
Draco Plato
oh firo having his life threatened was like a tuesday, no biggie
nah he won't get mad at damon
Firo: I'm not mad at you, Damon. Just disappointed.
Draco Plato
that'll happen
Damon: But I looooove him father
damon goes home and rex tells him the same thing, that hes not mad, just disappointed. only then rex kills some kid or something.
Draco Plato
Rex just makes Damon's wounds heal slower
when he's mad at him
you know
thats a lot more tame then i realistically expected
good on rex
sorry, I got distracted reading OoO again
Poor Damian
Draco Plato
yeah, damon is the fave
slightly less of a jackass than he couldve been
Draco Plato
ffffft, that's a good reason to get distracted, lol
Rex to damon's other siblings is pretty swift to kill
so they have to tip toe a lot more
I think Damian is pretty lucky
got to go to school in the future, meet all those kooky people
damian at apus is interesting tho since there's more reasons than just damon at the DC he's sour about
on the otherhand, he got to go to school and meet all those kooky people and deal with a huge jump in technology and his dad being a wizard. it may perhaps contribute to the grump.
you mean like liberty being dead O_O
Draco Plato
nervous laughter
shes fine
its just jam
QUESTION 3. In recent events, Damon has been forced by his father to join the Demon Council. What activities do you think Damon will be doing for the Demon Council? Will Damon manage to fit in there, or will he stick out too much? Will he at least be able to get along with his new sister Theia? As time passes, do you think Damon will come to agree with Rex’s ideals? Or, do you think he’ll stay steadfast in his own beliefs? Do you think Damon will find out Damian is alive and with Apus? How might this change his actions in the future? Also, how might his relationship with Lyall change him? Do you think Rex will keep his promise of not hurting Lyall? Finally, will Damon reconnect with Purusha’s life to escape the darkness?
wait, I'm mis-remembering things... Who is Dakin's dad XD
Draco Plato
Amai is his mom
firosofi more like
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
it's complicated
was so surprised when there was a Firo in Baccano
i think rex will make damon think hes gonna make him do really bad stuff, but he just makes him sit down and play chess all day
Draco Plato
Rex: Damon, I want you to be the greatest chess master to ever live. Damon: Father....I hate to break it to you but that's never going to happen, I'm an idiot.
damon can probably play chess
maybe damon will get super good at chess cause chess is half just about remembering the patterns and knowing the best move for each pattern.
and damon can make little dresses for the chess pieces
Draco Plato
Lyall would make very pretty chess pieces
Draco Plato
Lyall is very good at chess
Damon would make them regal clothing, befitting their stations in life
rex walks in sees his chess set all mangled with pretty dresses
Draco Plato
damon says plz he's not that much of a loser
I think Damon's ideals already died long ago
he mostly just wants to not die and not have Lyall die
he'll get better one day
Draco Plato
when he goes insane
What will damon be doing at the DC ponders
eat donuts
Draco Plato
a mystery
hes gonna make up for lost time. go on fishing trips with rex. fight over a stuffed animal with theia, etc. etc.
Draco Plato
Damon can't taste donuts tho
Nggh, I missed it
plot twist DC means donut council
Draco Plato
omg XD
yer right on time cheshire
Draco Plato
oh yeah, him and Theia will wrestle all right
we still have an hour left to go
Too bad I didn't read all of it...
Draco Plato
that's okay~!
it is 400 something pages
I usally do tho
Ah well
Draco Plato
no worries~
Well, that's fine Cheshire! You can chime in about what you did read
or are you just here to talk about how much you didn't?
I'll talk! I confess!
So, I think it'll be interesting going forward, to see what happens more with Firo and his buddies -- mostly because I read the original draft once upon a time, and Amai is very dear to me. XD I wanna see her do more stuff! Yell at her mom! Ask Pavonis why he's such a stick in the mud
its also fine to just live read and comment your feelings as you read, @€heshire777 ~!
Draco Plato
awwww, I'll make sure to put her in more knowing that ;3;
So uh, is Pavo's original... backstory... still valid
Draco Plato
yus I think so
wherein he was so in love with Earth and...
you cant just ask pavo why he's a stick in the mud. mostly because i expect itll wind up like that time he tried to explain apus to damian and damian was just like "whaaaaat"
Draco Plato
he lived in ancient greece sometime
Pavonis: You know what, you're clearly not going to get this, go see the nurse
Pavonis has no middle ground either. Either he's with Earth and Apus, or he's a demon, helping Rex commit atrocities.
Draco Plato
pavonis has a really really thin line between good and evil
pavonis would be evil for the earth
he wouldn't second guess it
http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Specials/ZenchavSpecials#p=64 I see you, Sotiris (http://khyatix.com/world <- see the dark reddish brown-life)
Draco Plato
i really like that special
and it's plot based too
but sotiris looks like a freakin chef there
I keep wanting to do more with Minos, now that they're at the DC I'm hoping I can have him show up
i do think thats the best of the specials. just cause it was nice to see lyall before he became a bitter old house wife who was jilted by rex.
do that
cause with this special in mind i want to see minos and lyall interact
Yeah! I wanna see what's happened to Minos -- Rex didn't kill him for that but I do wonder what he'd have done to him
cause for lyall its been eons, for minos probably not that many eons
Draco Plato
yeah!! it actually hasn't been that long for Minos since lyall was pregnant with rex's kids
before then Lyall and Minos used to whore around together
Rex disappears for a few minutes, comes back with Lyall and an extremely scarred Damon
Draco Plato
i mean they never slept with each other but they'd pick up women together
It's actually probably been a few years since Theia got there
but between rex dropping lyall off and picking damon up that's probably a few days at the DC
if Rex bothered to wait, which I think he did cause he changed his clothes
but in one of my stories that may just be an hour later
Rex goes to get some tea
remembers, "Oh yeah, I should pick up Lyall."
Draco Plato
and change my clothes while I'm at it :>
that's just damon tho
altho rex is pretty fashionable
So anyway, there's reincarnations, time travel shenanigans, and lots and lots of suffering for Damon.
the changing clothes is just part of their genes. encoded on their dna.
And we're just getting started
Draco Plato
Lyall can do that
he often makes clothes with his powers
since he can make any organic material so he makes it soft like fabric
maybe its a rule in the DC. no outfit is allowed to be worn for over 3 hours.
Draco Plato
nah, that's the rule in OoO
7 times damon?!?
if it's a joke nobody will blame the creator for clothing ADD
i wonder if therell be a love triangle between damon, lyall, and minos.
Oh my
Draco Plato
Oh nooooooo
minos is an asshole so probably not
amongst other reasons
but alternatively will sotiris and theia ever have a thing
Draco Plato
I honestly don't know atm
well theyd at least be a sexy pairing
and lyall could make "hey stop touching my daughter maybe" faces
Having read Out of Order, I kind of can't wait to find out about how Damon and Claire meet in this life. I've heard rumors that it is ... bordering on "not good"
Draco Plato
oooooooh, it's fun!
I really like randolph and claire at apus
they were actually with each other longer than they were with damon
not as a couple of course
and Damian is older than both of them, lolol
well maybe not randolph, i dunno, it's a toss up
one day after many people die, damian will sit there going "wait a second im the older person here"
Randolph and Claire were a duo?
Draco Plato
oh gawd no
but they both worked at Apus together
Claire was raised there from age 13 and Randolph took care of security
Randolph had his own room that he stayed in almost exclusively but people have to visit him cause he's the techno master
uh room being where all his security systems are
claire was a field worker though
so basically claire and damian would visit him and bicker
QUESTION 4. An ominous tone seems to be setting in on the future. What do you think Pavonis meant in saying that Firosofi’s arrival signaled “certain things were set into motion?” Does it have something to do with the declaration of war that Oziel claimed recruiting Damian would be? Is it something else entirely that has more to do with Firosofi, Damon, or someone else? Of the characters we’ve met, who in Apus and who in the Demon Council do you think will clash first? What do you think will happen? Overall, do you think the conflicts between Apus and the Demon Council will ever be solved? As a last bonus, what time periods do you think we’ll see in the comic considering it involves time travel?
Firosofi's going to take over the story soon, and we're gonna see him go face down his destiny... And reclaim his last name...
wait wait
this is why lyall didnt have a last name
theyre going on the quest together
Firosofi X and Lyall WHY
Draco Plato
and something Z
Draco Plato
will they ever even meet
who knows
o wait zenchav
Draco Plato
what time periods would people want to see
There we go. The mysteries of the plot, explained.
Draco Plato
i have some up in the air atm
Draco Plato
I'd honestly like to see some mid-2000s Damon. Baggy jeans, Anime hair... Debating who's better: Trunks or Vegeta
Draco Plato
That we will see!!
already in there
(It's totally Trunks, by the way.)
damon: ugga ugg lyall: ugga ugga damon: ugh >_>
Steampunk Damon
Draco Plato
I do love trunks but i love vegeta too
steampunk would be pretty awesome
I think I can do that
Damon WOULD go for a Steampunk aesthetic
Draco Plato
he totally would
He's going to have a hell of a motorcycle collection, lol
Next world they go to in OoO will be a steampunk world, totally
Draco Plato
Claire's original clothing aesthetic was supposed to be steampunk too
but it looked too out of place
that'd be good for OoO tho, i'll think about it for that
cause I have it kind of wide open atm for where it's going
oh I know where i can fit steampunk into Zen
i cant think of a good time period so im just gonna go with ancient egypt. where someone can sneak into a tomb and write a message in the hopes it confuses the heck out of future archaeologists
Draco Plato
goth will be in the animated version!
ancient egypt would be interesting, I hadn't considered that
i remember an older version I had them live in ancient persia for awhile
Ancient Persia would be awesome!
Some of the clothing they have in pseudo-historical Bollywood films... it's so pretty
Draco Plato
Chinese would be good too!! I was just appreciating their clothing the other day
Damon will go to india at one point
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7K4vGYL9zI Allow me to share this song with you
Draco Plato
that actor does such a good job in that movie too
thats good damon gets to go to india. i think it will suit him ;3;
It also fits the overall reincarnation theme, too, I think
Draco Plato
cavemen would be so weird XD
I like weird
if lyall went with him, cavemen would murder him cause thats 0 tech zone
Draco Plato
oh yeah, that's right Firo is from India too
Lyall says that sounds like where Rex would send him
Ok, and lost you again...
Firosofi's one of the recently introduced characters -- he's more clearly introduced here: http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=63
That's just about where I'm at
Draco Plato
oh yeah~!
he's also Haranasa
If you say so...
Well, Draco would be the one to say so... as the creator
are we going to get to see oziel more? i need more oziel spunk in my life.
Draco Plato
coughs I'm honestly not sure what Oziel's future is in the story atm
but I can add him more if you want
I know some other people liked him too
ah both names at once there, lolol
Who was that again? (edited)
more i just think theres potential between him and damian. cause of the whole ya know, you got my sister murdered
Draco Plato
that fellow is oziel
He's cool
Draco Plato
yeah I agree Rebel, I've been thinking that should be explored more too
I always like Oziel's hair
I like Ara better
Draco Plato
fun fact he was in a wheelchair for a portion of his life
and I wanna know what the fuck Ara did to get his future lives the way he did XD
Draco Plato
(But this... is not... in Zenchav yet... I'm speaking partly about stuff that I know that is... spoilers...)
OK Draco, Draco
Draco Plato
Ara ara ara, ahahah
if you could pick one character that's not Damon to make super sparkly
who would you choose
Draco Plato
Atlantis would be cool
Draco Plato
Firo was originally the main
Atlantis is a great idea
yeah I can use atlantis
atlantis would be cool
I'll just keep suggesting stuff as long as you'll let me
Moon base
Draco Plato
loooooool, would be too sailor moon
Draco Plato
awwwwww ;3;
I really want more firo now
I never get to draw him
but i'll be in the most recent chapter
Viking era?
Draco Plato
That's a good idea too, I could do that
I used to love Norse mythology
altho marvel kinda eeeeehed me a bit to it
even tho i like marvel
Yeah. same
Marvel nut
Draco Plato
me too
well....I haven't read all the comics
cause there's ALOT
Oop, cell service
i was just about say draco, youre gonna be stuck drawing firo for quite a while now in this upcoming arc.
Draco Plato
laters, Cheshire :3
Not as much as I'd like cause he mostly stands in the BG
which means I'll cut him out of panels a lot for drawing time
buuuut I think the chapter after he really stands out
and tbf shading his hair sucks so much
this almost sounds creepy. draco and amai talking in the forefront, firo just in the background of the shot smiling at the reader all the time, as if to say i see you.
Draco Plato
that'd be so in character for Firo XD
this is why he can't be the MC
actually I think most of it is Draco talking to his peeps tho
I dunno maybe I'll add in more firo
cause him just standing there in the BG of chapter 13 was kinda lame too
maybe he and draco can at least share a warm hug
i wanna see them hug
Draco Plato
>w> well that will probably happen
draco can leap onto him in a bear hug
Hugs for everyone!
i cannot picture this bear hug. although i can picture euri and amai being like wtf
COMIC TEA PARTY- THURSDAY BOOK CLUB END! Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Draco Plato, as well, for making Zenchav. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Draco Plato’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read the Comic: http://khyatix.com/
Draco Plato’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/khyatix
Draco Plato’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KhyatiX
0 notes
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hey lovelys !! it’s ya girl rachel here sliding in to the game completely unorganized despite the fact i’m an admin? tbh, sounds about right !! anyway, i’m SO glad that you all decided to join our little roleplay and make our efforts worth while. now, before i get TOO sappy i’m going to proceed to introduce my two little shitbags. you know the drill, under the read more is all the infos !!
i’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet, but the likelyhood is i’m going to excessively ramble because i have a tenancy to do that.
TROIAN BELLISARIO? oh wait, that’s HUNTER LOCKWOOD from room #A110, the FEMALE TWENTY-TWO year old FLORIST. haven’t they been a resident for SIX MONTHS now? I’ve heard that they are COMPASSIONATE & INTELLIGENT, although resident whispers say they can also be NAIVE & EASILY MANIPULATED. i swear everytime i hear MEDICINE by DAUGHTER they always seem to come to mind!
grew up in a VERY sheltered household, her dad is a cop so she basically grew up hearing him complain about all the kids her age and all the petty little crimes or things they did and basically it made her terrified of being that kind of person bc she didn’t wanna make her dad annoyed with her like he was w/these people
she had an older sister who legit was like ?? light of her life tbh she aspired to be her so so sOoo much because she thought the literal world of her
her sister was a writer n started up a website when she was in highschool that was basically like.. different columns with different themes like ‘whats in right now’ or what events were happening in their neighborhood/school or study tips ya get?
so smol hunter was also a writer n a pretty good one like a journalist n whatever 
and so one day big sis invited her to collab and basically they ran the site together
tbh i like to think it’s was probs pretty popular bc her sister would of been outgoing asf and probably had a lot of friends
fast forward a couple of years and welp 
basically her sister got killed by a drunk driver and lmao bc i hate myself her dad is a cop aka...... he was called to the scene fuck me up why do people let me do this 
but the death kind of majorly fucked up her family a lot? like u think her dad was overprotective before?? it got ten million times worse because the last thing he was gonna do was lose another kid
but like, minus all of that like the house just became really quiet and her family weren’t as close anymore
hunter is legit such a compassionate person, so seeing her parents in pain she bottled all her own emotions up  and put them on a shelf for another day and rather than mourning she took care of her broken parents 
which is honestly the worst thing she could’ve done because she still to this day has never fully mourned the loss of someone that legit meant the world to her and it’s just ?? kinda fucked her up a lot
after it happened she pushed kinda everyone away? like she had a friendship group and a boyfriend and she just kinda shoved them out of her life because she was like nope lol 
instead she took it upon herself to try and fill the role of being the ‘star child’ like her older sister was. she has a tenancy to completely overwork herself tbh, or will literally say yes to anything? 
wHICH TBH YEAH OKAY she’s a literal doormat and while her family aren’t like super toxic her dad is kinda..... a dick? but in a way you can’t really notice it
but he pretty much uses her as a doormat and she’s completely wrapped around his little finger like he still treats her like a little kid and she’s not allowed to break his rules and she’s just very very terrified of disappointing him so she isn’t really living her life to the fullest because she’s too focused on being this pristine little good girl 
she lived at home til recently and tbh her dad highkey hates where she’s living because it’s not the nicest place and he’s always trying to get her to move and offers to pay for it if she does
her mom owns a couple of florists, which is how hunter got the job; she’s been working there for a long ass time and tbh she actually enjoys it? she’s basically head of the store she works in tbh. 
oh also she refuses to write anymore bc it reminds her of her sister
also has a long haired german shepard who is love of her life she’d die for that dog
this got so long i’m sorry i’m trying to fit everything in rip
okay so, hunter is 100% a person who overthinks literally EVERYTHING and after tisby died it kind of became impossible for her to sleep? i mean tbh she’s probs lowkey an insomniac, she would go days without sleeping and just be a general zombie 
but her doctor gave her like.. sedatives?  basically a medication that would help her sleep but sleeping is so much easier than being awake when you’re legit despressed asf despite the fact you don’t show it so she kinda... got... addicted??? 
lowkey still takes them sometimes because she’s a rly bad sleeper tbh she thinks to much idk
also hates cars now and tries to avoid them like the fucking plague 
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VICTORIA JUSTICE ? oh wait, that’s CARTER HASTINGS from room #A210, the TWENTY-THREE year old BAKER. haven’t they been a resident for THREE MONTHS now? I’ve heard that they are AUDACIOUS & ALLURING, although resident whispers say they can also be OBDURATE & FIERY. i swear everytime i hear WREAK HAVOC by SKYLAR GREY they always seem to come to mind!
ima try make this one considerably shorter okay
ya’ll don’t udnerstand i almost just left it as that tbh
okay so basically homelife growing up was lit she had a mommy n daddy who loved her v much and loved eachother until one day they didnt
which by that i mean mommy dearest found daddy-o fucking her bestie in their bed and it messed her up as fuCK
things just went super downhill from there basically carter just kinda raised herself bc her mom was kinda just ?? gone in the head a lil ?? like she doped herself up so much she just wasn’t entirely herself at all anymore 
carter just got into bad crowds because she was viewed as that kind of person tbh dirtbag aesthetic asf
she’s on parole rn and has an ankle monitor on for the next like six months bc she’s a bad human and got caught up in this drug scheme that was going on and they all got caught for it 
literally tried to flirt her way out of the situation tbh like she does with everything
if she can bat her eyelashes and dirty talk her way outta something she’s sure as fuck gonna try
probs doesn’t give a shit about ur opinion of her
has a shitty temper and will literally fight anyone at any time about anything 
idk man she’s just super problematic and i hate her fucking guts
i mean both herself and actual baked goods 
it just kinda happened on accident like she got hired in this place after she got put on parole bc it was part of the deal she got a good job n wahtever but it turns out?? she lowkey had an undiscovered talent
is the type to bake at 4am and will probs knock on ur door asking for flour or to use your oven or something 
makes lit pot brownies js js 
ya’ll this is a tOTAL trainwreck, but i’m too excited to just post it and get to plot with you all !! so on that note, please please lets plot? i plan on shooting everyone a message about plotting but if you wanna beat me to it be my guest tbh.
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neopuff · 8 years
riverdale ep 1-3
these twins always make me >___>
oh yeah i knew jason was gonna die
this is very artsy
i thought he was murdered
oh......a mom for veronica
what is a...chocolate shoppe? and why? does it sell? burgers?
is veronica the new kid
the gay kid gweiopubgoewgnew
the acting in this is terrible
the archie actor is clearly not a real ginger so i approve of this casting lmao
“to pass time i started composing poems in my head” shut up archie
archie: says anything betty: amazing!
betty: ive been thinking about us- archie: is that a hot bitch i see
“we do, both of us, together”
oh....archies dad
thats not archies dad
archies dad got that fat gut
“im a sophomore’ BITCH NO UR NOT
im still dying theyre supposed to be 15 gwenpiubgewo;gwe
“gay, thank god, lets be best friends” im gonna piss and die
love these pussycats
“ive had every flavor of boy except orange” its better that
im pissing im
shes the music teacher
why wouldnt they just make up a new teacherniogwepng;ew WHY IS SHE MS GRUNDY!!!
archies dad/veronicas mom have a....history
“chose the rich kid”
so many divorced parents
outdoor cafeteria
when will i see a high school that has one of these forreal
i assume its a west coast or south us thing
kevin: refers to cheryl as a widow me: i called the JOKES
“is cheerleading still a thing?” “is being the gay best friend still a thing”
the dialogue in this show is terrible its so funny
im glad betty/ronnie is a good ship
grundy is all turned on by archies music
this is so gross and im DYING
“i dont think thats a good idea” cuz u fucked a 15 year old bitch
theyre not talking about the fucking
did cheryl murder her brother
why doesnt just one of them say it and not mention the other
bitch ur the only one who’d get in trouble ur an ADULT
that was so lackluster
like yeah....not the kind of heat i meant :\
im glad cheryls the villain i always hated her
veronica: i know who u are [has known her for 2 minutes]
this dialogue is so unnatural and bad its cracking me tf up
get WRECKED cheryl
veronica: betty and i come as a matching set
i bet u do
time for football
“what you got something better to do” dont be rude
“why did you defend me” just accept the kindness u fool
i like mr lodge
this is very awkward
was polly a character in the comics i dont remember her
“both of us” gewinouogbewgew
in the headspace
“archiekins” gweinouobgweo;ngew
“cheryl blossoms cheerleading squad.......”
bettys mom is so annoying
she sounds familiar
mr lodge just sent a lotta money their way
why did the coach call his dad
he said hed give him a day
impatient ass
archies dad is just like :\
these actors dont look related at all
which is funny to me
oh good its the pill in ibiza song
i love that veronica is the speech giver in this show
moose/kevin gwiuebogiwgew
where is REGGIE
my SON
openly talking about the illegal secrets at a big party
i just realized reggie is the asian guy
i didnt hear his name and couldnt figure out who tf that was gweopiubgwe;ngwe
im a fool
whered ronnie go
dancing with the gay guy, god
“i have this fantasy of us as a power couple” who asks someone out like that
this is super awkward
cheryl is gonna murder...everyone
they could just
“cheryl blossom truly is...the antichrist” just all her a bitch like a normal person
“we’re not just friends we’re best friends” shut up archie
hes NEVER FELT for betty
if these two make out i s2g
once they kiss cheryls gonna open the door
foolish children
ronnie dont DO IT
what how tf would she know they made out
did they not come out at exactly 7 minutes
ok but wheres betty
oh hey jughead
i like jugheads not-crown
now shes goin straight for love
“of course i love you” hes being so...obtuse
ok now its about not being good enough
did they find jayjay
and look at that
he got shot in the head
probably by his sister
its obvious cheryl did it
im sure theyll switch it up like somehow it was secretly jughead
but it was cheryl
ok ep 2
why were they even fuckin at 6 am
cant believe they made moose gay
i forgot his gf’s name in the comicsniguwebgew
the actor that played jason was so uggo
maybe someone shot him for being so openly incestuous with his creepy sister
i know its like plagueing archie now but i feel like this should help him
“are you up?” “no” “youre killing your mother”
he went to grundys house
and hes shirtless
“you could be expelled” “we could go to jail” NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS WOULD HAPPEN TO HIM!!!
pedophilia is not a two way street
bettys mom is...the worst
betty plz dont talk to your bitch mother about your life
i love archies eyebrows
i hope this is the end of archie/betty forever
“sardonic humor”
bye jughead
is kevin not out to his dad
“the yellows for friendship” sure
veronica is so aggressively into this friendship
the otp stays together
betty u are a fool
that is your future WIFE
hi mr weatherbee
cheryl is wearing a spider pin gewoinubgewlngkew
archie and mr weatherbee just gonna
make eyes
jughead: archie you KILLED him
no jughead i was just fucking the hot prof
jughead: ew
kevin moose is your new bf
“fate throws us together” ok
why is he rejecting moose
because hes in the closet???
hes clearly trying to come out cmon
everyones terrified of cheryl now so thats good
bettys mom
“i ship it” why
“moose has an official girlfriend...mitch” i feel like i heard this line wrong
oh, betty
dont cry sweetums
“im supposed to say yes” THE DIALOGUE
ronnie is trying so hard with these dramatic white ppl
they couldnt even keep weatherbee fat
is this channel afraid of fat ppl
does this bitch just sit in her empty ass music room all day
is she not really even a teacher
bitch get a dog and leave teenagers alone
this is not high school cheerleading
one of the girls here actually looks like a high schooler
cheryl just called herself exoticgewiongewiogew; CUZ YOURE A GINGER? BITCH
i die
betty why
betty dont do this
cheryls a crazy ho
i know theyll make up by the end of the ep but still
“like we were meant to be best friends” gweniguebwg
2nd grade tutor
“oh, little archie-” little archiewgn;klew I DIE
references are what i live for
i cant believe betty let cheryl into her house
wheres her mom to scream and chase her out
there goes that
betty dont let her into ur HOME
whats betty doing
terrible thing to say
are they not friends because archie stood him up
i guess bettys mom coulda killed jason
“sometimes a friend is better than a boyfriend” actually, always, not sometimes
oh reggies finally doin something
gonna keep up the reggie/jughead rivalry
“you wanna d the right thing” the way archie said that made it sound like he wants to fuck her and she doesnt want to
but whatever
so does jughead and bettys friendship not exist in this universe
nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions
this dialogue is still awful its so funny
i hope it never improves purely for my amusement
out door pep rally...
good shit
cheryls having a Time
god the kid that plays jason is so uggo
bye cheryl
finally getting a genuine emotional response from her
were they gonna fake his death for attention but then he was actually dead
make up
veronica is over here like “betty and i were destined to be friends” and betty is like “im sure we wont know each other in a week”
aww archie and jughead back 2gedda
does jughead know betty or not
wheres the jughead/betty brotp of my past
veronica and jughead: interact me: yes...
im glad that, unlike in the comics, archie is not dating both girls at once and then also every other girl he meets
where ya goin weatherbee
i doubt a school like this would have a chalkboard instead of a smartboard
did she do it
im sticking with my fake death for the attention theory
im enjoying this show
but i dont think i could take multiple Dramatic Teen Shows
how could cheryl be wearing that skirt in public school
“the plan was bananas”
jason just wanted.....to leave
thats fine
who got shot
in my neighborhood it wouldve just been the hunters
is archie gonna have a shiner for the rest of the show
is betty not poor as shit in this universe?
i shouldve guessed from her moms outfits
“a lois lane type like you” nice and ronnie can be clark kent
omg leave grundy alone so she can die in hell
why didnt you just say that you were alone
a date....
hes hot
good call, ronnie
“hes kind of a player” dont be racist, betty
he is hot as hell tho
awww “juggie”
finally jughead and betty are 2gedda
jughead you need shit for your college applications
oh right, dilton
“im not ten years old” but you are 15 which is not very different
so if chuck is in the show is nancy gonna be around too
ronnie/chuck is a good ship
“to OUR relationship” shut the fuck you youre a pedophile
the sticky maple....
chuck was cute
ronnie is gonna tear him apart
why does chuck have to be a dick!!! chuck was always a nice guy
betty: [COVERS FACE]
destroy him
why is chuck a villain im bothered but also hes the worst destroy him
this terrible au version of chuck is terrible
“nothing is off the table...except for my body” weiugblewnkg
i love the pussycats
is this every other girl chuck did this to
its ethel
hi cheryl
go away
whose this kid
ok jughead
dont steal his ice cream
dilton shot a gun gwoinegbpweo;nglwe
survivalist?!?! DILTON
why do the pussycats roll their eyes at josie
“a bnd with b&v”
did they find...ze book
so the football players dont even fuck the girls its just about getting a date and a selfie???
cheryl, doubting her brother
just take the book
why not...just take the book
bettys rly lucky her mom isnt violent
(for now)
she looks super awkward in that
the sound of bettys lil demons in her head
“and a hot tub....”
this is such an awkward conversation
just imagining this with real 15 year olds is ridiculous
oh hey ronnie
chuck youre so fucking stupid
shes wearing a swimsuit and heels this is CLEARLY A TRAP
black is not a good hair color
ronnie: im so turned on
i just realized why archies dad is so familiar
he was on generator rex AND clone high
love it
part of me always liked archie/josie
15 is not late wtf
“slut shaming...its what they call it when sluts get shamed” wow
when does bettys mom get murdered
are they gonna burn him
shes fine shes just pissed
dads gonna support u now
must be NICE
gweoniugbweo;gew bettys face when ronnie said she called chuck “jason” was so funny
are they gonna do some she went off her meDS OO---OOOHHHA AAAHHH TERRIBLE BEAST
#burn it
cheryl tryin to make up for ze past
i still hate her idc
omg when does grundy get murdered too im done with this pedophilia subplot
dilton you fool
im happy juggie and betty are hanging out
dont mention ms grundys car
im tired of this pedophile plz shoot her next
ok im all caught up
whens the next episode
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