#he died at like 6 from kidney failure
medicinemane · 6 months
Well, spent like the last hour sorting the big box of paper I'd filled from a bunch of storage room boxes, and putting it into like... books, magazines, mail, shit I don't feel like dealing with right now
(The random shit box with like old drawings and stuff... it doesn't close, so I'll have to go and repack it, maybe sort it further)
Anyway, also went down and resorted the stuff I'd given mom to sort and instead of a box with just random mail and a box with random magazines, I removed the magazines all together back up to this floor, and I took out like... 20-50 pieces of mail, like less then a third of a much smaller box and I set that out
Fucking sucks having to like... artisanally arrange junk mail in the vain hope that my mom will finally feel up to sorting through a couple old envelops but... best fucking shot I have I guess
Also, found something I thought she'd really want. Years back one of the cats died who she was really close with, I know she's still upset about it (I am too, but... who cares, you know?). Anyway, I found an unopened little puffy envelope that items get mailed in
Inside I found this little pendant type thing that's something like... "I loved you then, I love you still, I always loved you, I always will, to my cat", going around in a circle around art of a cat
So I figure she's want it and I'm like "by the way I found this" (and for some context, she always fucking sits in the dark with nothing but the screen for light) and she recoils in disgust and it's like... what? Do you think I set some fucking dead bug on your thing you put your keyboard on? (No, she later said it looked like a parasite out of a star trek episode which... yeah, I totally have access to literal aliens from star trek)
So I'm just kinda like... no, this is something you want, and I got the light on and I read it for her cause I knew she wouldn't be able to read it, and she was just kind of like... "oh... ok..."
Man... I was trying to be nice to you, fuck me I guess
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dandymaximilian · 2 years
If The Lamp's theory about the DHMIS world being a sort of purgatory is true, then this is what I think life might've been like for Duck and Red Guy before joining Yellow Guy/David.
(TW: mentions of suicide)
Was a Sergeant and an Air Pilot in the British Mililary during WW2, hence why he is so fixated on it. As shown in DHMIS 2, Jobs, and Death.
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Forged medical/enlistment documents, which lead to many deaths, a fact he tried to suppress in his mind, as referenced in "Worm in Our Brain" song.
Developed PTSD after the war, filled with regret over his actions during it. Wanted to establish a "digital currency based on respect" to make up for his actions.
Had constant fighting within his biological family, though he was in denial about this, as shown in Family.
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Always wanted to be a father figure, but he never had the chance, hence why insists on being "the father" in Family.
Had a fascination with space, conspiracy theories, and the rapid expansion of technology, as referenced in Jobs, DHMIS 2 and possibly Death.
He had a blackbelt in Karate, as shown in Death.
Was a fan of James Bond, as shown on his poster in his "customized area" in Transport.
Secretly performed drag at underground bars for money, as shown in Family in his infamous crossdressing scene.
Won a tournament at some point, as referenced in Death.
Had bouts of rage due to PTSD, often resorting to biting others. (Yellow Guy would compare this behaviour to a dog whenever he visited his father, hence why Duck appears as one in the flashback in Transport.)
Witnessed Yellow Guy/David's death in a nearby (retirement?) home next to Roy. (Next to another full house/orphanage? Possibly the origins of the teachers?) As shown in the flashback in Transport.
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Developed diabetes at some point, and died from kidney failure (a lack of water). Both are referenced during Death and Electricity.
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Red Guy:
Worked a 9 to 5 office job that he hated and felt pressured into working, as shown in DHMIS 6. Eventually he climbed up the cooperate latter, becoming the boss, but he was still miserable, as referenced in Jobs.
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Lived in a small community in England in the 40's by himself. As referenced in Transport, where Red Guy subconsciously wants and tries to return to "Clayhill."
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Mostly lived an uneventful life.
Enjoyed puppet shows, junveille songs, and child-like hobbies, but he was rejected for this interest. He ended up developing a sense of apathy as an attempt to fit in, as referenced in DHMIS 6.
Enjoyed cooking as a hobby, as referenced in Death.
Often attended bars, where he would try to express his creatvity through dancing and singing. Unfortunately, he was frequently booed off stage, as referenced in DHMIS 6.
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Was another witness to Yellow Guy/David's death.
Died as a result of suicide because of repeated rejection by his peers/family, drowning himself in a nearby lake, as referenced in Death and Family.
On a final note, I think Lesley might've worked at the Vaccum Cleaner Shop before she died? I think it would explain her fixation on inanimate objects. The figurine even looks like her.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A Michigan teen who doused her sleeping father with a chemical drain cleaner because he was too drunk to drive her to a hair appointment grinned before the cameras when she was sprung from prison after just 506 days.
Megan Imirowicz, 19, faced a possible life sentence when she was found guilty in June of tossing lye powder on her dad, Konrad Imirowicz, 64, while he was sleeping, the Oakland Press reported.
The attack caused extensive chemical burns that required his feet and part of his leg to be amputated, as well as infections and kidney failure.
He was unable to recover from the severe injuries and died after five months in the hospital, on March 6, 2022.
Imirowicz denied throwing lye at her dad and claimed she had thrown some bread at him to wake him up.
Prosecutors said she attacked him because he was drunk and was unable to take her to a hair salon before her 18th birthday party, according to the outlet. Imirowicz was sentenced Tuesday to one year in jail, with credit for time served — meaning she walked free after the hearing. The teen was also given five years probation for the crime.
The young woman, smiling at the cameras, admitted she was shocked when she heard the slap-on-the-wrist sentence from Oakland County Judge Victoria Valentine, Court TV reported.
“I was praying for a miracle today and that’s what I got,” Imirowicz said.
“I’m really happy I get to go home with my family. I’m scared to feel anything about my dad right now. I miss him a lot. I’m not ready.”
After being greeted by her sister Morgan and brother Ian, who had pleaded for leniency, Imirowicz headed to a local McDonald’s, where she ordered Chicken McNuggets and French fries, according to the outlet.
Earlier, Imirowicz made a tearful plea in front of the judge as she read from a statement.
“Nineteen years ago, I was placed into the arms of the first man to ever love me, the man I’m lucky enough to call my dad. Growing up he became so much more, he was a storyteller, a tooth fairy, a friend, and hero, through it all the one thing never changed, was that he was mine,” the Groveland Township woman sobbed.
“One of the biggest things overlooked in this case is that me and my siblings lost my dad too. That loss has severely broken us,” she added. “The prosecution has tried to make me look like a monster but that’s not me and never was.”
Imirowicz also quoted the Bible.
“The evil are ensnared by the transgressions of their lips, but the righteous escape from trouble,” she said, quoting Proverbs 12:13, Law and Crime reported.
Her mother, Julie Conrad, also asked the judge to go easy on Imirowicz.
“We were a broken family before this began and now, we are even more broken, while her (Megan) age and her body is 19 years old. Her maturity and emotional level are not that of an adult,” she said.
Chief Assistant Prosecutor David Williams told the Oakland Press that “this was not the sentence we advocated for, however, the judge ultimately decides what sentence will be imposed.”
Megan was the second child the couple had adopted and was brought home to her older brother, Austin, when she was just a few days old.  
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writer-and-artist27 · 2 years
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with? + chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
(hugs) Thankie for the ask, Carim. It means a lot when sleep seems a bit elusive at the moment from runny nose.
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
If I had to pick three specific things out of all the jewelry I've been given over the years, it's the following:
A gold watch that my mom gave me that Di Thuy used to wear when she was alive. It's a bit loose on my wrist, but it's still sitting on my desk, ticking accurately. It's one of the last things I have of her.
A Buddha necklace that my brother originally ordered from Amazon that he gave to me. When Ong Ngoai/grandpa passed away, my brother inherited the jade Buddha necklace he wore up to his death, because of how said jade had helped my grandpa live longer than his 6 month expectancy from his kidney failure, so I inherited the original silver necklace. Having a Buddha of my own helps with good luck - especially in keeping me centered. It helped me not cry when I was let go from my previous job, actually.
A necklace my real life Robin/boyfriend of 7 years gave me about 1-2 years in our relationship, being a translucent pendant that holds an angel-wing formed heart. The word "Love" is carved into the front, and I remember him telling me, "you're the angel in my life." I want to do my best to keep being that way for him.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
For physical gifts? Artwork, writing of any kind (fanfic or actual books is fine), and practical gifts such as shoes, drawing materials (colored pencils, erasers, markers, etc) and clothes. I still have the ao dai my grandpa bought me before his death, and I don't plan to toss that out anytime soon.
The most important thing for me when it comes to gifts, though? It's the giver spending actual time with me, choosing to take a day out of their lives just to keep me company. It's time like that, going out shopping or exploring anime merchandise that makes me happy.
Memories are just as valuable to me as the physical gifts.
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thestarlightforge · 3 months
For Gus and Claudia
We can have spirit bonds with animals, I think. You don’t always bond with pets in your soul, just like you don’t always with people. But sometimes, we do.
I don’t know that I believe in “heaven,” exactly. But my childhood dog, Gus—a little white west highland terrier—came to visit me last night. A dream where we were walking with my family’s current dogs, and he was just there. He died in 2017. He was rarely clean in life, his coat a shaggy gray from rolling in the dirt. But he looked clean, fluffy and happy. He always does. He visits from time to time.
Our family has had several cats, too. I’ve loved them all, of course. But Claudia was special. A regal black with lush, medium-short hair. A white diamond on her breastbone, at the base of her throat, where she most liked to be petted. Declawed in the front and acclimated to indoor-outdoor before my parents adopted her, thus her premature death of borderline kidney failure at age 14, she was the most feared and fearsome warrior in our neighborhood nonetheless. She protected me from everything. When my folks put a screen door on my bedroom as a toddler, she tore through it to get to me. I would come home from school or baseball practice, or finish my dinner or homework inside, go to the front door and call, “Hey Clauuudia! I’m going to bed!” and she would come trotting up the street. She died when I was at school one day, in the sixth grade. My mom said she drifted off to sleep in her arms, a month into terminal illness, and she was buried in the garden by the time I got home. I sat in the dirt for hours that day, in front of the tiny cross made of sticks my mom had fashioned, and finished reading aloud the book I had been reading her every night that final week. I do not remember the book, but I do remember the dirt on my clothes. One of our last nights together, I cut off one corner of my childhood security blanket and one corner of the red plaid quilt she always slept on in my bed, told her they were hers, and said she would always be the best cat in the world to me. She walked on my back at night, kneading the knots before I was big enough for scoliosis surgery. The one picture I still have of her, which sits on my nightstand, is of us on our old living room couch together, before my sister was even born; she sat beside me, and I had one arm, already crooked from fractures, rested over her shoulders. Rain or shine, chaos or calm, she slept with me every single night of my life from my infancy until I was twelve years old, when she died—except for a couple nights that final week, when she slept with my little sister so she would know she loved her, too.
I’ve loved all my pets. My cat, Dany—also black, but with a tail crooked like my bones, a kindred spirit—is like a son to me. When I have nightmares, they are often of him getting injured or lost—as I would be without him—and he often sleeps on Claudia’s quilt. But sometimes, they are special. Sometimes, spirits are special. Our pets, friends, family chosen or by blood.
I have not seen Claudia in many years. I doubt this is because “only dogs go to heaven.” I think she is an astral warrior, now, trekking with Artemis across the stars, huntress goddesses on mighty missions. She has not visited me in a long time because she has important things to do. She will visit when she can, and in the meantime, when I catch a glimpse of sky dark enough to make out stars, I feel she is out there and I love her still. I was hers when I first learned how to dream, but she died before I knew who I was—before I could label how I loved, what I wanted, or what genders rested inside me. I hope she knew. Perhaps she did. I can only hope she knows how much I love her, hope she remembers our blink of time together fondly, and hope she is proud of me—that she finds me brave enough, and we will meet again someday.
I cried as I wrote this. It has been more than a decade, but some days, her absence aches as much as when we parted ways. If you’ve read this far, thank you for spending a little time with them—my Gus and Claudia. They were animals, but they sat with me through the hardest of times. There is something to being remembered, I think. Why wakes hurt, but they are sometimes called “celebrations of life.” Grief and separation can be sad, raw, painful—they can lap away at you, waves knocking you down. But they remind us of deep joy, also. Of the magic of spirits and connection. Of how lucky we are to live and to love.
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skqmsdjaak1lh-2ghl · 1 year
나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마
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Its venom is weaker than that of bees, but it is covered by the amount of venom instead. On the other hand, this blog argues that bee venom is strong on average, but wasp venom is strong when only extraneous peaks are calculated. Academically, it is correct to see that the poison of bees is stronger.
The stinger of the longevity wasp is about 6 mm, which is slightly longer than that of common wasps. Because of this, they can inject more venom than other wasps when they attack and sting their enemies.
In general, the components of longevity wasp venom are not much different from many other wasps and bees, but there is acetylcholine, which makes the pain 나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마more severe, and there is mandaratoxin, a neurotoxin that other wasps do not have. This neurotoxin paralyzes the muscle nerve by blocking the sodium channels of the muscle nerve. Even for people not allergic to bee venom, multiple wasp stings are lethal enough (a single wasp cannot inject so much venom to be lethal, but a swarm or multiple stings can be lethal). If you are allergic to bee venom, the prob나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마ability of death due to anaphylactic shock increases rapidly, so you need immediate first aid and transport to the hospital.
Lee Seung-yoon said that he almost died of shock after being stung on the shoulder by a wasp during the filming of I am a Natural Person.
Longevity wasps sting and spit out poison, but if the sting doesn't go in, they just spit out the poison. 8 minutes 30 seconds to 9 minutes 7 seconds So, those who coll나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마ect wasps' nests wear protective glasses to collect them. This is because longevity wasps can cause blindness if they spray poison into their eyes.
In Japan, it is said that about 30 to 40 people die from being stung by long-lived hornets every year. According to Chinese tradition, medical treatment is required for 10 or more stings, and immediate emergency medical treatment is required for 30 or more stings. It is a middle opinion. Occasionally, when stung by a wasp, it is fatal enough to cause kidney failure.
Due to the enormous amount of venom, there are cases where the poison remains even in the dead body of a two-month-old wasp. #The wasp is in fact the top predator나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마 in the insect ecosystem, and it can even injure the wasp, let alone an insect that preys on it. There are only large hemlocks and stag beetles.[47] However, adult wasps consume only flower nectar, fruit nectar, and tree sap, and animal protein is consumed only through the solution provided by the larvae. Although leatherback dragonflies have been known to be natural enemies of longevity wasps, most of the photos of hunting wasps on the Internet are small wasps with a sim나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마ilar body shape and color, small wasps, yellow wasps, other wasps, or twin wasps. Although the Japanese paper did not directly mention the predation relationship between the two, there is also a paper in Europe that explains that species similar to giant dragonflies are preyed on by wasps. As a longevity dragonfly document.
Of course, there are cases where long-lived dragonflies also hunt long-lived wasps.[49]
According to the paper Biology of the Vespine Wasps, dragonfly predation was reported only in one case with extremely low probability in Japanese hornets and overall.
There is also a rumor that fly hawks hunt long-lived wasps, like the giant dragonfly above. In fact, there are photos of longevity wasps hunting royal fly hawks, but there is no data to the contrary.
Originally, it is rare for a fly hawk to target prey larger than itself, and a king fly hawk with a length of about 20 to 28 mm is difficult to deal with a heavy giant wasp that is about 35 mm in length. Flyhawks that can hunt longevity wa나쁜엄마 다시보기 1화~2화 (14부작) JTBC 드라마sps must be large species that live in North America and exceed 5 cm. As of May 2015, long-lived wasps have settled in North America, so there is ample room for the native species of fly hawks and long-lived wasps to meet.
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Daniel Johnston who Died: September 11, 2019 in Waller, Texas
Daniel Dale Johnston (January 22, 1961 – c. September 11, 2019) was an American singer-songwriter and visual artist regarded as a significant figure in outsider, lo-fi, and alternative music scenes. Most of his work consisted of cassettes recorded alone in his home, and his music was frequently cited for its "pure" and "childlike" qualities.
Johnston spent extended periods in psychiatric institutions and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He gathered a local following in the 1980s by passing out tapes of his music while working at a McDonald's in Dobie Center in Austin, Texas. His cult status was propelled when Nirvana's Kurt Cobain was seen wearing a T-shirt that featured artwork from Johnston's 1983 cassette album Hi, How Are You.
Beyond music, Johnston was accomplished as a visual artist, with his illustrations exhibited at various galleries around the world. His struggles with mental illness were the subject of the 2005 documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston. He died in 2019 of what is suspected to have been a heart attack.
Johnston was born in Sacramento, California, and grew up in New Cumberland, West Virginia. He was the youngest of five children of William Dale "Bill" Johnston (1922–2017) and Mabel Ruth Voyles Johnston (1923–2010). He began recording music in the late 1970s on a $59 Sanyo monaural boombox, singing and playing piano as well as the chord organ. Following graduation from Oak Glen High School, Johnston spent a few weeks at Abilene Christian University in West Texas before dropping out. He later attended the art program at Kent State University, East Liverpool, during which he recorded Songs of Pain and More Songs of Pain.
When Johnston moved to Austin, Texas, he began to attract the attention of the local press and gained a following augmented in numbers by his habit of handing out tapes to people he met. Live performances were well-attended and hotly anticipated. His local standing led to him being featured in a 1985 episode of the MTV program The Cutting Edge featuring performers from Austin's "New Sincerity" music scene.
In 1988, Johnston visited New York City and recorded 1990 with producer Mark Kramer at his Noise New York studio. This was Johnston's first experience in a professional recording environment after a decade of releasing home-made cassette recordings. His mental health further deteriorated during the making of 1990. In 1989, Johnston released the album It's Spooky in collaboration with singer Jad Fair of the band Half Japanese.
In 1990, Johnston played at a music festival in Austin, Texas. On the way back to West Virginia on a private two-seater plane piloted by his father Bill, Johnston had a manic psychotic episode; believing he was Casper the Friendly Ghost, Johnston removed the key from the plane's ignition and threw it outside. His father, a former U.S. Air Force pilot, managed to successfully crash-land the plane, even though "there was nothing down there but trees". Although the plane was destroyed, Johnston and his father emerged with only minor injuries. As a result of this episode, Johnston was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.
Interest in Johnston increased when Kurt Cobain was frequently photographed wearing a T-shirt featuring the cover image of Johnston's album Hi, How Are You that music journalist Everett True gave him. Cobain listed Yip/Jump Music as one of his favorite albums in his journal in 1993. In spite of Johnston being resident in a mental hospital at the time, there was a bidding war to sign him. He refused to sign a multi-album deal with Elektra Records because Metallica was on the label's roster and he was convinced that they were Satanic and would hurt him, also dropping his longtime manager, Jeff Tartakov, in the process. Ultimately he signed with Atlantic Records in February 1994 and that September released Fun, produced by Paul Leary of Butthole Surfers. It was a commercial failure. In June 1996, Atlantic dropped Johnston from the label.
In 1993, the Sound Exchange record store in Austin, Texas, commissioned Johnston to paint a mural of the Hi, How Are You? frog (also known as "Jeremiah the Innocent") from the album's cover. After the record store closed in 2003, the building remained unoccupied until 2004 when the Mexican grill franchise Baja Fresh took ownership and decided that they would remove the wall that held the mural. A group of people who lived in the neighborhood convinced the managers and contractors to keep the mural intact. In 2018, the building housed a Thai restaurant called "Thai, How Are You". Thai How Are You permanently closed in January 2020. The building remains empty
In 2004, he released The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered, a two-disc compilation. The first disc featured covers of his songs by artists including Tom Waits, Beck, TV on the Radio, Jad Fair, Eels, Bright Eyes, Calvin Johnson, Death Cab for Cutie, Sparklehorse, Mercury Rev, The Flaming Lips and Starlight Mints, with the second disc featuring Johnston's original recordings of the songs. In 2005, Texas-based theater company Infernal Bridegroom Productions received a Multi-Arts Production/MAP Fund grant to work with Johnston to create a rock opera based on his music, titled Speeding Motorcycle.
In 2006, Jeff Feuerzeig released a documentary about Johnston, The Devil and Daniel Johnston; the film, four years in the making, collated some of the vast amount of recorded material Johnston (and in some case, others) had produced over the years to portray his life and music. The film won high praise, receiving the Director's Award at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. The film also inspired more interest in Johnston's work, and increased his prestige as a touring artist. In 2006, Johnston's label, Eternal Yip Eye Music, released his first greatest-hits compilation, Welcome to My World.
Through the next few years Johnston toured extensively across the world, and continued to attract press attention. His artwork was shown in galleries such as in London's Aquarium Gallery, New York's Clementine Gallery and at the Liverpool Biennial in 2006 and 2008, and in 2009, his work was exhibited at "The Museum of Love" at Verge Gallery in Sacramento, California. In 2008, Dick Johnston, Johnston's brother and manager, revealed that "a movie deal based on the artist's life and music had been finalized with a tentative 2011 release." He also said that a deal had been struck with the Converse company for a "signature series" Daniel Johnston shoe. Later, it was revealed by Dick Johnston that Converse had dropped the plan. In early 2008, a Jeremiah the Innocent collectible figurine was released in limited runs of four different colors. Later in the year, Adjustable Productions released Johnston's first concert DVD, The Angel and Daniel Johnston – Live at the Union Chapel, featuring a 2007 appearance in Islington, London.
Is and Always Was was released on October 6, 2009, on Eternal Yip Eye Music. In 2009, it was announced that Matt Groening had chosen Johnston to perform at the edition of the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that he curated in May 2010, in Minehead, England. Also that year, Dr. Fun Fun and Smashing Studios developed an iPhone platform game called Hi, How Are You. The game is similar to Frogger, but features Johnston's art and music. Johnston played it during its development and liked it, although he was not familiar with the iPhone.
On March 13, 2012, Johnston released his first comic book, Space Ducks – An Infinite Comic Book of Musical Greatness at SXSW, published by BOOM! Studios. The comic book ties-in with the Space Ducks album and an iOS app. Johnston collaborated with skateboarding and clothing company Supreme on numerous collections (consisting of clothing and various accessories) showcasing his artwork.
On March 1, 2012, Brooklyn-based photographer Jung Kim announced her photo book and traveling exhibition project with Johnston titled DANIEL JOHNSTON: here, a collaboration that began in 2008 when Kim first met Johnston and began photographing him on the road and at his home in Waller, Texas. On March 13, 2013, this photography book was published, featuring five years of documentation on Johnston. The opening exhibition at SXSW festival featured a special performance by Johnston along with tribute performances led by Jason Sebastian Russo formerly of Mercury Rev. The second exhibition ran in May and June 2013 in London, England, and featured a special performance by Johnston along with tribute performances by the UK band Charlie Boyer and the Voyeurs with Steffan Halperin of the Klaxons. On October 10, 2013, Jason Pierce of Spiritualized hosted the New York City opening of the exhibition, which included special tribute performances led by Pierce and Glen Hansard of The Swell Season and The Frames.
In November 2015, Hi, How Are You Daniel Johnston?, a short documentary about Johnston's life, was released featuring Johnston as his 2015 self and Gabriel Sunday of Archie's Final Project as Johnston's 1983 self. The executive producers for the film included Lana Del Rey and Mac Miller.
In July 2017, Johnston announced that he would be retiring from live performance and would embark on a final five-date tour that fall. Each stop on the tour featured Johnston backed by a group that had been influenced by his music: The Preservation All-Stars in New Orleans, The Districts and Modern Baseball in Philadelphia, Jeff Tweedy in Chicago, and Built to Spill for the final two dates in Portland and Vancouver.
On September 11, 2019, Johnston was found dead from a suspected heart attack at his home in Waller, Texas, a day after he was released from the hospital for unspecified kidney problems. It is believed that he died overnight.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
o great robin, tell us about organ failure. i wanna know what happens when someone's pancreas decides to nope out
ok so I’m on a stepdown ICU which means you’re not quite sick/unstable enough to warrant being in Intensive Care but you’re also not well enough that you can be on a regular floor bed. I’m on a general Medical floor (as opposed to Surgical, Peri-Op, etc) so we see patients with lots of chronic issues and comorbidities in addition to acute issues. 
Top things I see: DKA (high sugar, need insulin drip and education), Sepsis (blood infection, antibiotics and wound care usually), CHF Exacerbation (heart failure, usually fluid overload so diuresing), cancer (chemo, radiation, surgery, preventing secondary issues from killing them) HTN emergency (high BP, get them on BPs meds, diuresing), various respiratory illnesses from Pneumonia to Covid (o2, antibiotics, steroids), AWS/COWS (alcohol or drug OD, gently getting them past seizure threshold with benzos) and Pre/Post- Transplant d/t organ failure.
Listen, modern medicine is amazing but transplants suck. They save lives but the a) exhaustive work up to transplant b) anxiously waiting for transplant c) going through the surgery d) the rigorous process of keeping the transplant e) the very likely possibility of rejection/failure within 5 years is just... not great. The failing organs/transplants we see on my floor most often are liver, kidney, lungs and occasionally the pancreas which can be paired with kidney transplant. Hearts have their own unit bc that shit is cray (they just... leave the chest open after surgery in case they need to go back in. They essentially cover the open chest with saran wrap. This image haunts me and I want nothing to do with that shit)
Kidney transplants usually are the easiest with the highest chances of success. I’ve had patients come in with transplants that have been going strong for a decade. Lung transplants are tricky and its so hard watching people do bad both before and after the transplant, watching the grief in their eyes when they realize the transplant isn’t a magical cure all. I think livers are the worst for me, liver failure (both alcoholic and NASH) causes swift physical and mental decline in which the patient can become a whole other person. Most of my liver patients have tried to physically fight me at some point, in between vomiting and having their abdomen swell to terrifying proportions from ascites. We pulled 8 liters off a man’s belly about a week ago. That’s 4 two liter soda bottles my friends.
When I first started my job, we had a lung transplant work-up on our floor. She was with us for an entire year, too stable for an ICU but on waaay too much oxygen to go home. We loved this lady, walked her around the unit every day shape which took almost an hour because she had to go so slow less we overwhelm her crappy lungs. She got transplanted and we celebrated only for it to not take well and her to spend another year in the cardiac ICU when her new transplant caused heart failure. We heard she died during Covid times after never leaving the hospital for 2 years. It still makes me sad to think about her.
Some people just live with chronic organ failure, too unstable to risk surgery or deemed by the powers that be not to be a suitable candidate for whatever reason. We have maybe a dozen patients that we see every 6 mo or so for exacerbations of these issues that we can’t really treat the underlying cause so we just patch a bandaid over the failing organ and send them away until next time. One lovable frequent flyer said “it’s good to be home” one of the times he was wheeled up to us from the ER. 
TLDR: organ failure sux but so too does transplant, they’ll both cause you misery. Kidneys are fab, livers make you punchy, lungs make you sad.
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dramione-tea · 4 years
recommendations & little snippets of myself
by Cassiopeia Candles ( Instagram: @casseopya.candles )
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note: click the title in order to be directed to the desired fan fiction.
- for the dramione shippers, I wish you luck! 
Unrequited Love  [ casspiane ]
“Darling, I wished you knew,” 
Draco Malfoy x Original Characters (OC)
1. Love Never Dies. [ rosebuds_ ]
Rachel Farrell, pure blood witch, family of Gryffindors. First year is not the best for Rachel. She struggles trying to fit in and be accepted by those around her. Falling for Draco Malfoy, Rachel has to overcome a wave of obstacles. She finds it difficult to be accepted by her family and turns to the Malfoys... Which was undoubtedly one of the biggest mistakes she made. Find out what happens to Rachel and what truly changes her life.
- Literally binge read the whole book during my 6th grade examination. ( I know it was bad for me ) But hey I didn’t fail.  
P.S. Don’t be like me. 
2. midnight of the masquerade [ seraphilims ]
a story in which two people realize masks only hide the appearance - not the heart. 
- Love the story plot.  I’ve read this thrice in different years. 
3. Imperio [ pansyparks ]
The younger sister of Cedric Diggory, Arden, is a Slytherin who doesn't fit in. Draco Malfoy, a wealthy Slytherin bully. The two come together, and Arden realises that being a Slytherin isn't so bad after all; but with a few bumps in the road for Draco, can they stay together?
4. Dear Draco [ malfoyuh ]
❛stay a little longer❜
- 15 year old me were in tears, so was my heart.  Rate it as 5/5.
5. Let’s Kill Tonight  [ Bambey ]
Rebecca Rosewood's life is dramatically changed when she becomes a Death Eater. With blood on her hands, she is summoned by Voldemort to go to Hogwarts and extract information from the famous Harry Potter, finding herself hopelessly attracted to Draco Malfoy at the same time. But it all gets a little too much when her past finally catches up with her...
- One of the first fan-fictions I’ve read about Draco.
6. if looks could kill [ WhenInDoubtSleep ]
In times like this, the truth can rewrite the past and alter the future. In an attempt to find herself amidst the deceptive lies and horrible truths, she finds Draco Malfoy instead. She honestly just wants to make it out of the year alive...and maybe with a few less kisses from the blond git. Love story set during the sixth year at Hogwarts.
7. Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [ oxNeverShoutNeverxo ]
8. Who Are You?  [ TheBlondeAdventurer ]
Draco Malfoy. One of the most arrogant teenage boys in Slytherin's house. He struts through the school and doesn't miss an opportunity to cut someone down, just as he has been by his father his entire life. Now enter Elena Crowe. A quiet girl who tries her hardest to stay out of trouble, and one of Ravenclaw's best students. She always has the best answers and never fails to help someone in need, even if they may not deserve it. In their sixth year at Hogwarts, Draco finally runs into Elena, whom he has never seemed to notice before. Elena does her absolute best to stay away from him, because all he can be is trouble, but Draco finds amusement by forcing himself into her life. For what reason, he doesn't know; but what he does know is that he enjoys bantering with this quiet girl, because even she can get riled up and fight back. But Draco will see that Elena is a lot more than what she may seem. Soon he will be battling morales, his past, his family, and both of them may end up facing off in the final battle not with Lord Voldemort, but each other.
- To be completely honest, read this one more than 3 times. 
9. Unwanted Legacy [ writtenbyciara ]
" admit it, you care about me. "
- Recently read this months ago and found it quite interesting. The author’s writing style is different from the rest as her words make you visualize more on what is happening. 
- Book 1 & 2 is complete, while book 3 is still on its way. 
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger (Dramione)
1. We Learned The Sea [ floorcoaster ]
Draco Malfoy turns himself in after a very successful career as a Death Eater, then enlists Harry and Hermione to help him in a scheme to bring down the Dark Lord.
- This gave me the feels.  Draco’s personality in this is far most different from the books and other fan fictions.
2. The Bachelor  [ Fluff ]
Hermione's mother is pressuring her into finding a boyfriend. On a whim, she applies and is accepted into the wizard version of The Bachelor. But what happens when The Bachelor is none other than Draco Malfoy himself?
3. Defending The Dark  [ Cece Louise ]
Almost three years after Voldemort's defeat, Hermione Granger is a Ministry-appointed Defense Inquisitor. Her next assignment: defend Draco Malfoy. She's sure there must be some mistake. Confronted with mysterious memories, candid conversations, and confusing feelings, she is plagued with uncertainty. Just who is Draco Malfoy? And does he deserve a second chance?
4. Graveyard Valentine  [ Bex-chan ]
Hermione thought she was the only person in the world who would spend Valentine's Day in a Graveyard, but she was wrong. He's there. Every single year, with his gloves, roses, and answers. Dramione Valentine's Day one-shot. Post-Hogwarts. 
- All time favorite.
5. Eighteen Months  [ Istalindar ]
When Hermione is diagnosed with a magic allergy and kidney failure during the summer, everything changes for her, friends, enemies..life.
6. Love Me Twice [ Bex-chan ]
'"They tore her apart and then wiped me out of her mind to send me a message. To mess up my life. To break..." he trailed off. Blaise nodded his head with understanding. "To break your heart," he finished for him.' Dramione. One-shot.
7. The Wrong Strain [ Colubrina ]
Everyone knew what veela were. Veela were magical creatures, breathtakingly beautiful, who captivated men with a single look. It would have been nice to have been that strain. Instead, Hermione Granger was infected by another. Instead of captivating all men, she was captivated by one. She'd die without him. She was already in almost constant pain. 
8. Entwined In Time  [ TheSummerNightingale ]
When Hermione and Draco get put into detention together, a potion mishaps throws them back in time: into the Marauders' era. As they begin to adjust to life twenty years into the past, the two become drawn together, sharing the bond of the future as they are forced to work together to return to their own time.
9. Destiny [ Annie Lockwood ]
Hermione's wedding night is everything but perfect for the young witch. Her new husband and long-time friend, Ronald, is passed out drunk and she thinks upon her life leading up to that night. Hermione falls asleep, despondent and alone. When she wakes up the following morning, she is still in bed with her husband. But it isn't Ronald Weasley.
10. Silencio [ AkashatheKitty ] 
One late night, hate turns to lust.
11. Clean [ Olivie Blake ]
Malfoy's handsome face was contoured into a condescending smirk. "No faith in that giant brain of yours, Granger?" She looked up at him defiantly. "Maybe I don't have faith in you!" she said, raising her voice. Malfoy only looked at her. "You'll find I'm very surprising."
12. Marked  [ Olivie Blake ]
Two dead. Three missing. The Order is down a leader and another innocent takes the Mark. Where is the Chosen One, and who killed Draco Malfoy?
13. The Fallout [ everythursday ] 
Hermione learns about growing up through the redemption of Draco Malfoy.
14. Every Day, a Little Death [ LovesBitca8 ]
It has become common knowledge that Hermione Granger cannot have an orgasm. Many have tried, none have succeeded. Can Draco Malfoy offer his assistance?
15. familiar faces, worn out places [ LovesBitca8 ]
“You are at St. Mungo’s. You were in a coma.” He looks me over again, taking a pause. “I am a Healer here now,” he says, like it explains something. My fingers stretch, drifting across his sleeve. He looks down, like I’ve thrown mud at him.
Forcing my vocal chords together for the first time, I whisper, “What’s your name?”
16. Kiss Me, Haunt Me, Kill Me [ LovesBitca8 ]
"So," she said, and her voice was just as he'd remembered it, "you've chosen to haunt the castle as well?" She lifted her brows. "I'm dead. What's your excuse?" ~*~ Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts as Potions Master to find the ghost of Hermione Granger floating through the halls.
17. Ribbons Down Her Back [ LovesBitca8 ]
The unintentional annual seduction of Draco Malfoy through a series of ribbons and bows - or - Christmas Fluff with a dash of Secret Santa.
18. Manacled  [ SenLinYu ] 
Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.
19. The Library of Alexandria  [ SenLinYu ] 
 The Library of Alexandria is not for just any witch or wizard. Many bookworms may try but few are permitted to pass through its doors. The books residing there are ancient and powerful and, if one happens to make a mistake, the consequences can be rather—novel.
20. A Slow Cruel Descent + A Fragile Ascent  [ SenLinYu ]
A Slow Cruel Descent
The war grinds on and Hermione Granger, the lead intelligence for the Order of the Pheonix, is captured. Unable to crack her through interrogation without risking her mind, Voldemort conceives a cruel method of breaking her that involves a reluctant Draco Malfoy.“He stared at her in disgust.She looked—broken.The fire she’d still had when she was dragged in was now extinguished. Her eyes were locked on his face like she were memorizing him.“Stop staring at me.” He snarled. “You stupid bint. You’re supposed to be so clever. They can’t break you with torture but a fucking potion reduces you to a sniveling traitor.”
A Fragile Ascent
The War is over. Voldemort is dead. And Hermione Granger is broken.
21. Sweetly Broken [ LadyKenz347 ] 
As the dust settles following the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco’s confidence, belief system, and world are shattered.In an attempt to mend his broken pieces, he turns to vials that take the pain away. But once the high’s are no longer so high and the lows get so much lower, Draco has to start a journey of healing and redemption that often hurts more than it helps.
22. Truth, Lies, and Storytelling  [ BreathOfThePhoenix ]
“Hermione,” Harry took a deep breath and flipped the book over to see the back cover, “why is my name on this?”“Like I said, someone is writing about us. The film we just saw was based on that book,” Hermione tapped the cover of the book on the top of the stack, “and it was incredibly accurate.”Harry passed the stack of books over to Ginny, holding on to the first one. He turned the title of the book over in his head, mumbling the words quietly to himself.“Harry Potter… me… Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Philosopher’s stone. Hermione, this feels weird. Am I the narrator?”When Hermione and Draco uncover a familiar new film called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” they learn that the wizarding world may not be as well hidden as they thought.
The latest in magical advancements is an enchantment that reveals the bearer’s romantic compatibility with another person. Effectively eliminating uncertainty from dating, the charm can tell you whether or not you’ve found The One with a precise, Hermione Granger-approved calculation of traits and preferences. It’s a foolproof method of predicting relationship happiness. It’s also, for Hermione, positively dreadful news.
24. Isolation [ Bex-chan ]
He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!"
25. Hunted [ Bex-chan ]
Forced to work together when their old schoolmates start dying, Hermione & Draco must overcome their differences to solve the mysterious deaths. The tension in the office is getting rather...heated.
If you reached to this part. 
Feel free to message me on instagram if you ever feel the need to fan girl, I do too most of the time. 
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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20 Doctors And Nurses Share The Creepiest Last Words Uttered By A Patient Before Dying
I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter). One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?”
It still haunts me years later.
I’m an RT and had a vented trach patient in angio have the same thing happen. Vent waveforms got a little funky showing she needed suctioned. I walked up to her and saw bright red blood just start shooting up the vent circuit and immediately obstruct it.
I immediately said “she’s hemorrhaging” and the vascular surgeon said “no it’s just a little blood” thinking I was referring to his access site in her groin.
I popped her off of the vent and blood just started pouring out of her trach, mouth, and nose. She looked at me and said, “just let me die.”
The puddle of blood was about 6 feet in diameter on the floor within just a couple of minutes and I was covered from the chest down.
I’ve seen some shit, but that was the worst,
“But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about 2 hours later.
I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit. My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.
I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks.
He died the next morning. It really messed with me.
I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems.
“You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing”
Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU. We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed.
He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die.
Dad had MS. He’d had it since he was 18. Diagnosed at 20, married my mom at 24, had me at 29, died 15 days short of 45. Six months before that, he was put on hospice. He and Mom were discussing funeral arrangements, and my mom jokingly said, “You know Tim, the best thing you could do would be to die on a Wednesday. That way we can have the body prepared on Thursday, the viewing on Friday, and the memorial on Saturday, so more people could come.
The morning we got the call that it was time, my mom, two sisters, and I were about five minutes too late. After we said our goodbyes, the nurse pulled my mom aside and asked if that day had any significance. It’s not even 6 am yet, so Mom doesn’t even know what day it IS much less if it’s important. The nurse tells her it’s May 21st. No… nothing is coming to mind.
The nurse told her that the previous day he kept asking what day it was and they’d tell him it was the 20th. He’d look irritated but accept it. That morning, he asked what day it was, and they said, “It’s Wednesday, May 21st.” He smiled, squeezed his favorite nurse’s hand, and was gone almost immediately.
It was Memorial Day weekend, and we did just as he and Mom had planned. And despite many friends being out of town for the holiday, we had over 250 people show up at the memorial service, overflowing the tiny church more than it had ever been filled. To his dying day, he was trying to make things easier for our family. I miss him.
My grandfather on his deathbed said “they have no eyes,” still give me chills.
“Get home safe, little one.” It wasn’t what he said – he said the same thing to me any time I had him as a patient for the evening. It was how he said it. He gave me this look and pause like he knew. The DNR’s in my experience, always know when it’s time. It’s creepy.
Checked in on a patient before the end of my shift and she was in good spirits, had been joking with me the whole time. Her condition was tenuous (new trach) but she had been positive throughout. I asked how she was doing and she replied by singing “The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be” and wished me a good night.
I came in the next morning and she had coded and died overnight.
Came into an early shift and was handed over a patient who’d been very anxious and had a panic attack overnight. He was anxious all morning but obs all fine, ecg fine and so I just asked someone to sit with him to keep an eye on him/reassure him for me. He gets worse, really panicky, heavy breathing, he’s on his side in the fetal position.
Drs will be in in 10 minutes so I tell him I’ll get them to him as soon as they come in but ask if he’ll lie on his back for me to help his breathing. He tells me he won’t make it until they get here and that he won’t face the other way. Obs still all fine at this point but he’s more agitated so again I suggest he move position for comfort and that’s when he says, ‘I won’t make it until the Drs get here. If I turn to face the other way I’ll die’. He repeated this a few times to me.
He arrested literally as the Drs walked in and he died on the side he’d been refusing to turn to. I’m convinced he knew.
I’m an apprentice funeral director. We went to a nursing home on a removal and as we were walking down the hall one of the patients got antsy and opened the door to his room and saw us walking with the stretcher.
“I’ll see you next week boys”
And guess who we had to pick up the next week.
I found one of my “comfort measures only” patients standing at the side of his bed. It surprised me because he had been mostly unresponsive during my shift. I helped him back into bed and he asked me why all these people were in his room.
He suddenly became quiet again and I noticed he wasn’t breathing. He was a DNR so there wasn’t anything to do to try to bring him back. Looking back he may have been talking about me and the CNA that was helping me get him back into bed, but who knows what or who he was seeing the last minutes of his life. Still creeps me out a little when I think about it.
I had a cousin that had cancer and died when he was a little kid. He once asked her mother why all these people visited and she said: “Because your cousins, aunts and uncles love you very much and want you to get better” and he answered, “I’m not talking about them, I’m talking about the ones that visit me at night.”
My first hospice case. She was on morphine and started mock smoking. She looked at me, took my hand and said “please” in the most pleading voice I’ve ever heard. I sat with her body until the corner arrived. She has no friends or family. Only her lawyer showed up. I’ve only done one hospice case since.
I’ve commented this somewhere before but it’s stayed with me! I’m an RN and while I was a student I was caring for a lady who had end stage renal failure, had a DNAR and was shutting down. We were having a little chat, well I was chatting away while helping her put on some lotion, when she stopped, looked over my shoulder and said, “Bill’s here love, I’ve got to go” and swiftly stopped breathing. Read her old notes and Bill was her deceased husband.
DNR patient was on comfort cares. Was on a high dose of morphine and hallucinating. She would alternate between grasping for things not there and trying to climb out of bed. She was too unsteady to walk so my job was to sit in the room and make sure she was safe. She tried to get up and I went to ask her what she needed. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down towards her face and said, very angrily, “kill me”. That one fucked with me for awhile.
Back when I was a CNA this one resident fell off a bike for exercise in pt and seized, they came to and became lucid and said, “I think I’m dying,” but everyone in the room assured her that wasn’t going to happen, she seized up and was dead within minutes.
Last year: my grandfather started desperately pleading for his life with his German captors from WWII
The doctor present was smart and said in German: “You are free, Herr Caticature. You are free.” And then he died.
I actually have 3 that stick out in my mind. An 83 year old woman that said “My mom’s here. Are we going?” She died a few minutes later.
Another older lady said “I think I’m going to die today…” we took vitals, everything seemed fine. She was stable. She had a heart attack a couple hours later. Not her last words, but the last she ever said to me.
The last one is definitely the creepiest. A nice old lady who told my CNA she wanted to wear all white. When asked why, she said “The man in black is here.”
She looked in the corner of the room. The CNA looked, but there was no one there. That’s when I came into the room. We asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said “he’s in all black, and he’s got a top hat on.” Then she whispered “and his eyes are red” while her eyes moved across the room to directly behind the CNA, like she was watching him move closer to us. She died later that night. But it was unexpected. That room creeped me out for a long time after that.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
San Antonio, Texas -- A Texas mother is accused of starving her 6-year-old daughter to death about a week before her seventh birthday.
Stephanie Jimenez, 39, was arrested Wednesday and charged with injury to a child by omission.
The deceased child, Samantha Jimenez, lived with her mother and five siblings in east San Antonio and died in October 2021. Despite nearly turning 7 years old, Jimenez only weighed 31 pounds at the time of her death, according to News 4 San Antonio.
Investigators said Stephanie had called 911 and said Samantha had hit her head and was throwing up. Paramedics arrived to find Stephanie unresponsive and pronounced her dead at the scene.
Responding officers noticed that the victim was "small and thin for her age” while the mother and the remaining children seemed to be in good health.
Samantha tested positive for Covid-19 and suffered from kidney failure as well as pneumonia, an affidavit said. Her hair had a severe lice infestation, and she was found to have a “buildup of dead skin residue due to lack of hygiene,” the affidavit said.
While speaking to investigators, Stephanie said she would “lock herself in her bedroom and let her six children do whatever they wanted to do,” according to the arrest report.
The mother also said she couldn’t take Samantha to the hospital because she had “no help” and said the malnourished child had not received any medical attention for a couple of years before her death.
"I feel bad. I feel horrible, knowing I could have done something,” neighbor Jeremy Bernal, who lives close to the victim’s house, told KENS 5. “Something could have been done, just knowing it's only a few houses away. I know what it's like to have kids and I love my kids and I would go to the end of the world for my kids."
The father-of-three said he finds it hard to accept how the child suffered neglect to the point of death.
"It's just horrible that she had to go something like that, experience so much trauma. Stress. Anxiety. Worrying. Trying to keep faith and hope. It's a very horrific story. Very unfortunate," Bernal added.
"I hope that the world knows her name, at least, that people could pray for her. That's her name, Samantha. I will pray for Samantha," Bernal went on to say. "I will hug my kids tighter and hold them closer to my heart."
The remaining five children in Stephanie’s house have been in state care since Samantha’s death, according to a spokesman for Child Protective Services.
Stephanie is being held in custody and her bail was set at $200,000.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 years
First Lady Friday🍷: Florence Harding
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Born: August 15, 1860 in Marion, OH Died:  November 21, 1924, Marion, OH Years as First Lady: 1921 - 1923
1. Florence Harding was the wife of president Warren G. Harding, the 29th president of the United States. They got married after the failure of her first marriage when she was 30 and he was 26, a bit of a scandalous age difference at the time.
2. Growing up, Florence’s dream was to become a concert pianist, and she became good enough to attend the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. After becoming estranged from her first husband, she taught piano lessons during the day to earn money, and enjoyed roller-skating and bicycling during the afternoons. She officially filed for divorce after her husband attempted to rob a train in 1864.
3. She was the daughter of an entrepreneur, and helped her father manage his business from a young age. She was also an avid horse rider, and preferred riding horses to driving in cars for most of her life.
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Florence with a video camera
4. Florence’s father strongly opposed her marriage to Warren and thought he was just using her to improve his social status. He tried to end it by threatening to shoot Warren at the courthouse, and also helped spread a rumor that Harding was of African American descent, which would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
5. After getting married, Florence made the decision to not wear a wedding ring because she considered it a ‘symbol of bondage’. Though it was extremely unconventional for the time, Warren supported her in her decision.
6. At the time of their marriage, Warren was the owner of the newspaper The Marion Star, which Florence immediately became invested in. She was widely acknowledged as the driving force behind the paper and was responsible for hiring the first female news reporter in Ohio, despite the intense backlash she received for the decision.
7. Florence was an avid animal right’s activist, and was a member of the ASPCA, Animal Rescue League, and the Humane Society. She credited her love of animals to her relationship with her horses.
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Florence Harding with her dog Jumbo.
8. Though she was initially wary of cars, she became a bit of an adrenaline junkie later in life and enjoyed driving fast down long empty roads. In 1921 she got backlash for almost crashing into a telephone pole at 50mph, which was considered a reckless speed. For comparison, in 1920 the Ford Model T has a top speed of under 30mph at the time.
9. Much like Nancy Reagan after her, Florence regularly consulted astrologists when it came to big decisions in her life. She also consulted psychics, and decided to become more involved in Warren’s presidential campaign only after visiting one who correctly predicted that he would win the presidency and also die in office.
10. She suffered from kidney ailments all of her life, and treated her condition almost exclusively with homeopathic medicine. She was expected to die on several occasions, but somehow always managed to recover. During one particularly bad kidney flare up that she was not expected to recover from, she stated that she ‘refused’ to die because her husband still needed her. 
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11. Rumors of Warren’s black ancestry affected his career throughout his life, though they were unsubstantiated. Because of this, Florence and Warren often tried to appear neutral regarding racial issues, even though both were relatively progressive for the time.
12. After Warren died of a heart attack in 1923, Florence lived another year before finally succumbing to renal failure. 
Note: Despite rumors of Warren Harding’s heritage, DNA tests in 2015 proved that he was not of African American descent, and all rumors of such were probably slander.
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Cosmic Love: An Astrologer’s Notes on Eclipses
Solar and lunar eclipses are spectacular events for those who enjoy watching the sky, but did you know that they also act as major triggers for life events? Essentially, a solar eclipse is a maxed-out new moon, while a lunar eclipse is a maxed-out full moon. For those of you who are familiar with the phases of the moon and their meanings, this means that a solar eclipse would signify a big new beginning, and a lunar eclipse would signify a majorly emotional ending.
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Eclipses can trigger a huge number of happenings, good and bad. You can get an idea of what exactly will happen by looking at the house and sign placement of the eclipse and what it activates in your chart. Speaking of which, only eclipses that aspect your natal chart directly will impact you significantly. We all may feel the intensity of these astrological events but only those who have an aspected planet or point can truly feel the weight of the eclipse, in particular those with an aspected Sun, Midheaven, Ascendant, or Moon, as they are the most significant.
If you don’t already, begin tracking eclipses, specifically those that make close aspects to a natal planet or point, and see if anything happens around that time. Events may occur on the exact day of the eclipse, or they may be dragged out. For a solar eclipse, you can expect to feel the energy of the eclipse about 3 to 6 months beforehand, and it may last for well over a year afterwards, especially if the eclipse aspects one of the more important placements noted above. For a lunar eclipse, there’s a slightly shorter time frame of about 2 months before and after the eclipse for major events to take place. However, you may feel the effects of a lunar eclipse well beyond 2 months after the eclipse took place.
Eclipses run in cycles like the planets do, and they go through one family of signs at a time, based on the qualities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). It takes about 7-8 years before a sign family will repeat itself, and roughly 19 years for an exact degree of a sign to repeat itself. This means that in the course of a year, there can be anywhere from four to six eclipses in the same sign family, with the potential to affect you significantly if any of these signs are emphasized in your natal chart.
Now let’s get into some examples of eclipse-triggered events. I’ve collected research on a handful of different people’s charts during different eclipses and they’ve all been affected in different ways. To start, I’ll use my family as an example.
On July 27th of 2018, there was a lunar eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius, exactly conjunct to my brother’s natal Uranus. This triggered a major health crisis for my brother, as well as an emotional crisis as well. On the night of the eclipse, he was admitted to the hospital with severely high blood pressure and was going into kidney failure. Now, keep in mind that my brother was only 20 at the time – much too young to be dealing with these kinds of health problems! Mars was conjunct to the lunar eclipse as well, and transiting Uranus was making a square to his natal Uranus, further aggravating his condition. Uranus rules the nervous system, and the nervous system controls the blood pressure. Mars rules the blood, and Uranus was in Taurus, ruled by Venus, which rules the kidneys. All the stress on these planets from the lunar eclipse triggered my brother’s high blood pressure, which runs in our family on both sides. And because Uranus was involved, activating his 4th house of home and family, he felt a deep need for personal freedom as well. At the time, he was living with our parents and having many arguments with them. He had been planning to move out for a while, but this lunar eclipse solidified his decision with all the stress it caused him at home with our parents. Four days later, he was released from the hospital and the doctors had prescribed him medication for his blood pressure that he will be taking likely the rest of his life. This is the nature of an eclipse (causing life-changing events) and with Uranus involved, it was very unexpected and abrupt.
Rewind to a solar eclipse in March of 2006 in Aries, this one activating my mom’s natal Mars in her 12th house of hidden enemies. This was right around when my parents were fighting a lot and just before they got a divorce. This solar eclipse triggered many arguments between my parents, some even a bit violent. This event is pretty self-explanatory, with Mars being the most aggressive planet in its own sign, placed in the 12th house. This would translate to an abundance of anger and excessive arguments with a man in the native’s life, which is exactly what happened. My dad became an enemy to my mom, an enemy that she didn’t expect to discover when she married him. This eclipse also loosely activated my mom’s Neptune in her 7th house of marriage, dissolving the marriage over the next few years in court. On the other side of the story, the same eclipse activated my dad’s natal Pluto in Virgo in his 8th house of shared resources. Natally, Pluto here would point to a partner who is obsessed with money, and before the divorce, this might not have been the case, but after the eclipse triggered my dad’s natal Pluto, the fighting ended up being primarily over finances and child support. This eclipse triggered a series of court battles between my parents obsessively fighting over money. My dad ended up having to pay my mom a large amount of money in child support over a span of about 5 years. This same solar eclipse in March of 2006 also triggered my natal Sun by opposition, indicating the loss of a male figure in my life. This manifested for me as a temporary loss of my father, as he moved out and I saw him less often.
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In my own experience, I’ve dealt with many significant eclipses. However, one stands out more than the rest. In November of 2013, I had just started school at University, when I met another student through a ride share group. This student seemed to be just another freshman guy starting school and didn’t pose any threat to me when we met. However, the eclipse on November 3rd that year triggered my Midheaven and Mars, bringing a major change in my life. Later that month, the student invited me to a party and I went. Being a college party, we were drinking and socializing, but as the night progressed, he started acting more and more possessive of me. I had barely known him a week or two, but he was acting like I was his property. He kept tipping my cup back, forcing drinks down my throat, and as a result, I lost consciousness later on in the night. He dragged me upstairs onto a bed and proceeded to climb on top of me to assault me. What’s interesting about this eclipse though, is that it was a solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, which rules obsessive behavior, taboos, and sex. Activating my Mars and Midheaven in my 11th house, this translates to me as a life-changing physical event (sexual assault) occurring in a social setting or related to a new acquaintance (11th house). Saturn was also involved with this eclipse, conjunct the eclipse by 2 degrees. Saturn implies a long-term effect, and in my case, I received an ongoing diagnosis of PTSD, and my depression was magnified during that year after the incident, as Saturn can cause major depression also.
I’ve observed my friend’s charts and their life events related to eclipses as well. In June of 2012, there was a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, directly triggering one of my friend’s natal Mercury and Uranus. On the other end, the Sun was also activating his Chiron. This was the day his brother died in a car accident when he was hit by a drunk driver. Mercury rules siblings and Uranus rules unexpected events and accidents. As you can imagine, Pluto was transiting his 8th house, activating his North Node in a trine and his South Node in a sextile as well.
Someone I knew even was imprisoned after a series of eclipses activated his natal Sun and Moon in Libra as well as his Mercury in Scorpio. It was deserved- think justice- as Libra is a fair-minded air sign and rules judges. Uranus was also involved in the eclipse, conjunct the Sun, indicating a loss of freedom. Pluto was squaring his Sun exactly at the time too.
On a more positive note, eclipses can trigger very positive changes as well! In another friend’s chart, I’ve seen a solar eclipse activate her Venus in her 1st house (Leo) in a conjunction by 2 degrees and her Midheaven exactly by trine in her 9th house (Aries). She was rewarded with a new job teaching young children in China- this is her Midheaven being activated in the 9th house of distant travels, and the eclipse is coming from her 1st house of Leo, the sign of children. She even made a significant connection to one of the students who made a noticeable first impression on her second day there. The student ended up being one of her best students!
Sometimes there can be large amounts of money involved when a solar eclipse activates specific houses. One friend of mine inherited $100,000 from his grandmother when she passed, right around the time of a lunar eclipse that activated his natal Saturn (grandparents) in his 2nd house of finance, from the 11th house of large amounts of money. The Sun was activating his 5th house of fun and pleasures, so as a result, he went on a major drug/alcohol/stripper binge (Neptune was squaring his natal Moon at the time as well) where he encountered many fake friends who used him for his money. The 11th house is friends and acquaintances as well as huge dream amounts of cash, and his 11th house falls in Scorpio, so there was definitely manipulative behavior involved.
There are many other kinds of events that eclipses can trigger as well. Depending on the planets, houses, and signs involved, there may be marriages, engagements, pregnancies, divorces, promotions, traveling, moving homes, major health issues or improvements, surgeries, educational developments, major accomplishments… The list goes on! Just think big, though, as that seems to be the theme with eclipses. During my research, I asked each of my friends what the most significant time or moment in their life was, and almost every single one of them had an eclipse as their first answer. They recalled the exact month and year, some even the date, and it came immediately to mind. When I went to check the dates of that year’s eclipses and compare them to their natal charts, sure enough, there was an eclipse activating something in their chart.
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So next time you hear of or get to witness an eclipse, no matter where it is in the world (as these cosmic events affect all of us), think to yourself what in your life might change or be disrupted. What might evolve or take action? Or even better, consult your natal chart and try to figure out exactly what will happen, guided by your intuition!
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andromeda-sapphire · 5 years
Eclipses in Astrology:
(EDIT: This is an article I wrote for my old blog back in 2018.)
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Solar and lunar eclipses are spectacular events for those who enjoy watching the sky, but did you know that they also act as major triggers for life events? Essentially, a solar eclipse is a maxed out new moon, while a lunar eclipse is a maxed out full moon. So for those of you who are familiar with the phases of the moon and their meanings, this means that a solar eclipse would signify a big new beginning, and a lunar eclipse would signify a majorly emotional ending.
Eclipses can trigger a huge number of happenings, good and bad. You can get an idea of what exactly it is that will happen by looking at the house and sign placement of the eclipse and what it activates in your chart. Speaking of! Only eclipses that aspect your natal chart directly will impact you significantly. We all may feel the intensity of these astrological events but only those who have an aspected planet or point can truly feel the weight of the eclipse, in particular those with an aspected Sun, Midheaven, Ascendant or Moon, as they are the most significant.
If you don't already, begin tracking eclipses, specifically those that make close aspects to a natal planet or point, and see if anything happens around that time. Events may occur on the exact day of the eclipse, or they may be dragged out. For a solar eclipse, you can expect to feel the energy of the eclipse about 3 to 6 months beforehand, and it may last for well over a year afterwards, especially if the eclipse aspects one of the more important placements noted above. For a lunar eclipse, there's a slightly shorter time frame of about 2 months before and after the eclipse for major events to take place. However, you may feel the effects of a lunar eclipse well beyond 2 months after the eclipse took place.
Eclipses run in cycles like the planets do, and they go through one family of signs at a time, based on the qualities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). It takes about 7-8 years before a sign family will repeat itself, and roughly 19 years for an exact degree of a sign to repeat itself. This means that in the course of a year, there can be anywhere from four to six eclipses in the same sign family, with the potential to affect you significantly if any of these signs are emphasized in your natal chart.
Now let's get into some examples of eclipse-triggered events. I've collected research on a handful of different people's charts during different eclipses and they've all been affected in different ways. To start, I'll use my family as an example.
On July 27 of 2018, there was a lunar eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius, exactly conjunct my brother's natal Uranus. This triggered a major health crisis for my brother, as well as an emotional crisis as well. On the night of the eclipse, he was admitted to the hospital with severely high blood pressure, and was going into kidney failure. Now, keep in mind my brother was only 20 at the time - much too young to be dealing with these kinds of health problems! Mars was conjunct the lunar eclipse as well, and transiting Uranus was making a square to his natal Uranus, further aggravating his condition. Uranus rules the nervous system, and the nervous system controls the blood pressure. Mars rules the blood, and Uranus was in Taurus, ruled by Venus which rules the kidneys. All the stress on these planets from the lunar eclipse triggered my brother's high blood pressure, which runs in our family on both sides. And because Uranus was involved, activating his 4th house of home and family, he felt a deep need for personal freedom as well. At the time he was living with our parents, and was having many arguments with them. He had been planning to move out for a while, but this lunar eclipse solidified his decision with all the stress it caused him at home with our parents. Four days later, he was released from the hospital and the doctors had prescribed him medication for his blood pressure that he will be taking likely the rest of his life. This is the nature of an eclipse, causing life-changing events, and with Uranus involved, it was very unexpected and abrupt.
Rewind to a solar eclipse in March of 2006 in Aries, this one activating my mom's natal Mars in her 12th house of hidden enemies. This was right around when my parents were fighting a lot and just before they got a divorce. This solar eclipse triggered many arguments between my parents, some even got a bit violent. This event is pretty self-explanatory, with Mars being the most aggressive planet in its own sign, placed in the 12th house. This would translate to an abundance of anger and excessive arguments with a man in the native’s life, which is exactly what happened. My dad became an enemy to my mom, an enemy that she didn't expect to discover when she married him. This eclipse also loosely activated my mom's Neptune in her 7th house of marriage, dissolving the marriage over the next few years in court. On the other side of the story, the same eclipse activated my dad's natal Pluto in Virgo in his 8th house of shared resources. Natally, Pluto here would point to a partner who is obsessed with money, and before the divorce, this might not have been the case, but after the eclipse triggered my dad's natal Pluto, the fighting ended up being primarily over finances and child support. This eclipse triggered a series of court battles between my parents, obsessively fighting over money. My dad ended up having to pay my mom a large amount of money in child support over a span of about 5 years. This same solar eclipse in March of 2006 also triggered my natal Sun by opposition, indicating the loss of a male figure in my life. This manifested for me as a temporary loss of my father, as he moved out and I saw him less often.
In my own experience, I've dealt with many significant eclipses. However, one stands out more than the rest. In November of 2013, I had just started school at University, when I met another student through a ride share group. This student seemed to be just another freshman guy starting school and didn't pose any threat to me when we met. However, the eclipse on November 3 that year triggered my Midheaven and Mars, bringing a major change in my life. Later that month, the student invited me to a party, and I went. Being a college party, we were drinking and socializing, but as the night progressed, he started acting more and more possessive of me. I had barely known him a week or two, but he was acting like I was his property. He kept tipping my cup back, forcing drinks down my throat, and as a result, I lost consciousness later on in the night. He dragged me upstairs onto a bed and proceeded to climb on top of me and assault me. What's interesting about this eclipse though, is that it was a solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, which rules obsessive behavior, taboos and sex. Activating my Mars and Midheaven in my 11th house, this translates to me as a life-changing physical event (sexual assault) occurring in a social setting or related to a new acquaintance (11th house). Saturn was also involved with this eclipse, conjunct the eclipse by 2 degrees. Saturn implies a long-term or chronic effect, and in my case, I received an ongoing diagnosis of PTSD. Also, my depression was magnified during that year after the incident, as Saturn can cause major depression.
I've observed my friend's charts and their life events related to eclipses as well. In June of 2012, there was a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, directly triggering one of my friend's natal Mercury and Uranus. On the other end, the Sun was also activating his Chiron. This was the day his brother died in a car accident. A drunk driver hit him. Mercury rules siblings and Uranus rules unexpected events and accidents. As you can imagine, Pluto was transiting his 8th house, activating his North Node in a trine and his South Node in a sextile as well.
Someone I knew even was imprisoned after a series of eclipses activated his natal Sun and Moon in Libra as well as his Mercury, Jupiter & Venus in Scorpio. He has this Scorpio stellium in his 12th house, and Saturn was closely conjunct the first lunar eclipse in Scorpio (which triggered his Mercury) to set off this series of events. This Saturn conjunction to his natal Mercury represents a loss of freedom indicated as a consequence for impulsive actions (Mars was opposite the lunar eclipse, also triggering his Mercury in a hard aspect). It was deserved, think justice, as the next year and a half while he faced imprisonment in court, the eclipses were activating his Libra Moon, Sun and then Midheaven. Libra is a fair-minded air sign and rules judges. Pluto was squaring his Sun exactly at the time too, and Mars joined in on that square on the day he was convicted.
On a more positive note, eclipses can trigger very positive changes as well! In another friend's chart, I've seen a solar eclipse activate her Venus in her 1st house (Leo) in a conjunction by 2 degrees and her Midheaven exactly by trine in her 9th house (Aries). She was rewarded with a new job teaching young children in China - this is her Midheaven being activated in the 9th house of distant travels, and the eclipse is coming from her 1st house of Leo, the sign of children. She even made a significant connection to one of the students who made a noticeable first impression on her second day there. The student ended up being one of her best students!
Sometimes there can be large amounts of money involved when a solar eclipse activates specific houses. One friend of mine inherited $100,000 from his grandmother when she passed, right around the time of a lunar eclipse that activated his natal Saturn (grandparents) in his 2nd house of finance, from the 11th house of large amounts of money. The Sun was activating his 5th house of fun and pleasures, so as a result, he went on a major drug/alcohol/stripper binge (Neptune was squaring his natal Moon at the time as well) where he encountered many fake friends who used him for his money. The 11th house is friends and acquaintances as well as huge dream amounts of cash, and his 11th house falls in Scorpio, so there was definitely manipulative behavior involved.
There are many other kinds of events that eclipses can trigger as well. Depending on the planets, houses and signs involved, there may be marriages or engagements, pregnancies, divorces, promotions, traveling, moving homes, major health issues or improvements, surgeries, educational developments, major accomplishments... The list goes on! Just think big though, as that seems to be the theme with eclipses. During my research, I asked each of my friends what the most significant time or moment in their life was, and almost every single one of them had an eclipse as their first answer. They recalled the exact month and year, some even the date, and it came immediately to mind. When I went to check the dates of that year’s eclipses and compare them to their natal charts, sure enough, there was an eclipse activating something in their chart.
So next time you hear of or get to witness an eclipse, no matter where it is in the world, as these cosmic events affect all of us, think to yourself what in your life might change or be disrupted. What might evolve or take action. Or even better, consult your natal chart and try and figure out exactly what will happen, guided by your intuition!
I hope you enjoyed this article!
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on Im sitting here bored and waiting for time to pass.  I cant go to bed until like midnight because I forgot to take my morning pills and didnt take them until noon.  I have to take them 12 hours apart so it looks like a late night for me, at least I can sleep in tomorrow.  Because of my previous manic episode November/December they added Zyprexa.  I started seeing things...crumbs growing legs and walking across my table or moles on my body turning to bugs and burrowing into my skin.  Yikes that is fucking hard.  My doctor wants me to keep taking it, shes saying the reason I am seeing things is because I am extremely triggered from Delilahs death.  I mean shes not wrong.  Delilah my two month old niece died a month ago tomorrow. I miss her.  I miss my brother.  He is so broken.  I never got to hold Delilah I never got to meet her because of the pandemic.  Her death came 2 weeks after the death of my moms husband.  (Not my abuser).  My therapist thinks its normal that I am having such an intense reaction to all this.  I dont know yall, this sucks though. My legs are on fire.  I decided this year to use lent as my own little time to challenge the fuck outta myself.  So I am following the low carb/high fat plan on itrackbites and I am walking 5 miles every day during lent.  I am also completely off facebook for the next 40 days.  Theres other things like an unpacking challenge and declutter challenge.  I am on day 3 of 5 miles per day and my legs hurt so bad.  I know I should take a rest day but I told myself I would do it every day so I dont really wanna break it.  If my legs hurt too much tomorrow I will decide then.  Until that decision is made I am popping pain relievers (advil) and telling myself ‘no pain no gain’ or whatever that saying is.
Jeff and I started a new little date night thing.  Its more of a family night thing but its mostly just for him and I. We started the Marvel franchise in timeline order.  We have watched Captain America, Captain Marvel and today we watched Ironman.  Jeff has seen all of them, I havent.  Captain America and Captain Marvel were new.  I loved Captain Marvel.  I still think Captain America is overrated lol.  Idk why.
I downloaded the Peanut app and have met two friends!  One is an hour away and doesnt drive or anything so I am not really sure how much we will hang out.  The other one lives behinds the boys’ elementary school.  I am really excited to actually hang out and see if we click as well in real life as do in text.  She seems awesome.  I feel like once Covid is over we will know a couple people.  We will see. My sister and I made plans for our families to spend Easter together.  My niece (the one who was paralyzed in the accident) is at an incredibly high rate for death due to Covid due to her injuries.  Finn is high risk/immunocompromised.  We both spend all our time in social isolation (no one in or out, grocery deliveries)  We get together a couple times a year after we take covid tests.  We havent seen her since mid-january and I miss her and my nieces and nephews (and her husband) terribly.  So they are gonna come spend Easter weekend here and its Santanna’s birthday on Easter.  I am excited.  She has 5 living children and my 6, it turns out to be a fun time.  I will have a huge Easter Egg hunt and goodies bags for the kids to be given to them on Friday night.  So, I have that to look forward to.
My brother started dialysis last week.  My heart breaks for him.  He is in high spirits and my mom says hes really making progress as far as learning the machines.  I am so, so proud of her and the work she is doing for him.  She buried her husband and her granddaughter and was told her sons kidneys were in total failure and he needed dialysis in a fucking month dude.  She stands facing the storm unwavering.  My mom and I have our issues but I cannot help but look at her and think maybe, maybe I got my strength for her and the long line of Elliot women who came before her.
Not really sure what else to put here y’all.  I really would like to get back to using tumblr as a place to brain dump but its probably still really fucking toxic so.
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aswithasunbeam · 4 years
Someone @aaronburrssexdungeon said that Theodosia Burr Alston probably spent her last birthday (21/6/1812) worrying about her son's health (he died 30/6/1812 from some kind of fever, Wikipedia said malaria). Since you are my most reliable source on the 18th century, do you think that person is correct?
It’s possibly true. Aaron Burr Alston did die of a fever, likely malaria, on June 30, 1812. I’m not sure exactly when he first began showing symptoms. Malaria can cause seizures, coma, respiratory distress, and kidney failure, and acute infection "may kill a child directly and quickly.” (x) If he was symptomatic on Theodosia’s birthday, he suffered for nine days before he died. When Theodosia wrote to her father with the news on July 12, 1812, she reported: “A few miserable days past, my dear father, and your late letters would have gladdened my soul...I have lost my boy. My child is gone forever. He expired on the 30th of June.” (x). That she refers to it as “a few miserable days” may mean it wasn’t a lingering illness, which could mean she had a more enjoyable last birthday. Regardless, the two dates are tragically close in time.
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