#he didn't really... want anything? as far as i can tell his motivation was 'randomly obstruct other plotlines so they stretch out longer'
fuckspn · 10 months
genuine question. because i've watched a solid 12 episodes of this season in 3 days and still don't know the answer. what on earth did asmodeus contribute to the plot of season 13
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arziaisfrench · 1 year
▪︎ IPKKND Ep 64 : Arnav throws Khushi out of his house then brings her back !
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"I don't want to see this girl's face. Sometimes she gives her resignation, sometimes she sells her sweets in a party, how many excuses she makes to come here and today, you brought her here?"
Arnav is losing control because he feels like she's toying with him. It's humiliating to him. He doesn't think clearly because of the intensity of the despair he feels at this moment and of course because he doesn't trust her yet.
After all, they barely know each other. Love and passion entered them without giving them the time to get to know each other and learn to trust each other. It's a very delicate and dangerous way to fall in love.
> I find a song  (Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes) that describes in my opinion, so well Arnav thought process when it comes to his own way to protect himself from love and therefore from Khushi (at least this part of the song) : "I'm never gonna let you close to me Even though you mean the most to me 'Cause every time I open up, it hurts So, I'm never gonna get too close to you Even when I mean the most to you In case you go and leave me in the dirt"
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"The girl who insulted me, who dares to talk over me, who has argued with me is standing infront of me in MY house!" Just when Arnav was shocked and hurt hearing Khushi summarizing how he misunderstood her just after he risked her life, Khushi has the same reaction here when she hears him recalling everything she said to him.
"With her talks and with her innocent face, she might have won your hearts but not mine. I already saw her real face. She's the type of girl who can do anything for money." Gosh I really could feel how Khushi felt so humiliated, so denigrated and so belittled by his words. 😭 Imagine hearing the man you fell in love with telling this to you ?! And she can't even defend herself, she'll let him disrespect her cause she needs money to help her family ! 😥
"No matter how much you try, I won't let you succeed in your plan. I won't let you make space for yourself in this house. Now stop it. It's enough."
He accuses her now very obviously again to try to seduce him for his money, IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY. This is a huge evidence of the fact that his panic attack here is very much a thing, he has always made sure in the past that his family doesn't know how involved Khushi might be in his life or at least his intimate life.
"I won't let you access to my heart that easily ! Who do you think you are?! I'm not your toy! I'm not that weak." He's suspecting her again. Arnav doesn't believe in coincidences. And therefore, the thought of not being able to stop his feelings for her, even while doubting or knowing she might have bad intentions scares him so much ! He feels so helpless. Just like her ! He wants to take control again. So as he always does, it takes actions.
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Seeing her leave just as he asked, but in tears breaks his heart. Because her tears hold a sincerity he can't deny. He realizes how randomly and deeply he just hurt her. Her tears don't lie.
His impulsivity fades away immediately after understanding how far he went, after realizing he made her cry. He doesn't doubt her tears (for now 👀) and he hates seing her turning her back at him. It hurts him very much. He doesn't regret asking her to leave. But he can't stop himself from feeling sad seing her leave.
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Then, Asr wanting to follow the plan of action he made in his mind (to maintain a distance with Khushi cause he's sure at this moment she is having secret motive to stay in his life while pretending to not care about him), orders Anjali to let Khushi go away. But she refuses, he then reminds her that it's HIS house.
Anjali is shocked and angry. She didn't expect him to be willing to hurt her over something (in her eyes) not that deep (Khushi's presence in their house). I understand Anjali's anger here. She blackmailed Khushi to save her family from separation. She knew she was doing something wrong, she felt guilty but still did it for the sake of Arnav. And she expected him to do the same for her, to try to ignore (what she thinks is his) hate toward Khushi to save their family. She doesn't know that Khushi is actually the woman he loves.
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"this is MY house !"
It's very VERY rare for Arnav to talk the way he did to Anjali. He was furious and definitely rude to her. This is how his feelings for Khushi makes him lose control of everything in a dangerous way. No one is spared, not even Anjali, the most important person of his life (for now). And I think he inherited this way of loving from his mother !! 👀 (I'll explain futher in the futures recaps, you guys are not ready for my new theory haha !!)
Arnav realizing how much he hurt Anjali, immediately tries to correct his fault. Fearing Anjali will be too furious and disappointed at him, he goes to Khushi's house to "ask" her to come back.
And he's deliberately showing off money to hurt her pride but also to make sure to be convincible enough without having to apologize to her (his trashy behavior of course is driven by his misunderstanding of her motive toward his "money" and "power").
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Poor Khushi, she has been so disrespected by Arnav but she can't refuse his money. She needs to help her parents. She once again feels so helpless and humiliated.
She will burry her feelings and tolerate as much as she can. She doesn't have a choice anymore.
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But he then realizes why she accepted Anjali's offer : she needs to help her father. He realizes he misunderstood her motives yet again.
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He's trying to pretend what he just heard didn't affect him, Asr makes sure Arnav's real emotions aren't showing too much !
Notice how the director focusses on Khushi closing the doors, I think it's the clue that tell us she's now closing her heart to any kind of doubt she used to have about their mutual attraction.
This whole scene is in a way the last proof she needed to secure her thought of him being a bad man (for now).
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(Sanaya Irani's acting in this scene was incredible ! You could really feel how heavy that new humiliation weighted on Khushi's heart !)
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living-d3ad-gh0ul · 2 years
Wednesday 30th November 2022, 11.10pm
Its taken me a few days to write this post. I've been trying to make sure it's just right. I've also been busy with work, but I've thought about him the whole time. The first time I read his last post was actually when I was on my way to see Pale Waves, the same day he posted it. I've started writing a new song since too. I only have words right now, but it's shaping up okay.
I'm not sure how to reach out either. I don't want to do anything that would spook you or that you wouldn't like or be comfortable with. I like these posts too and I read yours all the time too, it really does feel like having a conversation. I still remember how you go "Awww" at something really cute and your laugh. I still remember how you say my name. God, I love how you say my name. I've replayed your voice in my head so many times, you wouldn't believe. I bawled my eyes out when you said you'd heard my Wicked Game cover. I didn't know you still looked at those. I'm so glad you do. I still listen to your things you sent me too..
I remember how I was so frustrated that night on the train and didn't know what was going on, but you stayed talking to me and kept me calm and made me smile. I wish you could have been there too, but even being far away, you did so good. I also remember staying awake as late or as early as I could, just to talk to you. I can't believe you remember my favourite colour, my birthday and all these little details about me. I'm sitting here laughing and crying as I type this because I'm just so in awe of you. I can't believe you're real sometimes. You. Amazing and brilliant and smart and fantastic and beautiful you.
You described some different things about yourself. And all I could think the whole time was "I bet you are still as handsome". I wear glasses now too. And I have more tattoos. My hair isn't red anymore, it hasn't been for about a year now. I let it go back to my natural blonde for a while and cut it short because it was damaged from dyeing it so much. It's getting longer again and once it's healthier, I probably will go back to red. You know how much I love my red hair. I hope you would still like it blonde, still like me how I am now. I really wish I could show you a picture and show you all my tattoos too.
I'm sorry that the people around you aren't being supportive of what you want to do with your life. It hurts to hear that. I wish I could be there for you and support you and help motivate you and encourage you to do whatever makes you happy. I suppose I can do that from here too, but I just wish I could be close to you right now, so you didn't feel so alone. I could tell you so many things I've wanted to, do so many things I've wanted to and thought about, dreamed about over the years. I *am* so proud of you. More than I can properly articulate. Change is so hard, but sometimes change can be good for us. Please keep going, E. I know you can do it, you can do anything. You can do absolutely anything because you're you. And you're capable of it all. The world is yours. Go and get it, darling.
I'm sitting here listening to this song as I write the last of this post. It randomly came on shuffle, and its so fitting that I'm sat here, writing to you, and one of our favourite bands comes on. It's rainy and really fuckin cold here right now too and I'm just about to go get ready for bed. I hope this post wasn't too long, I'm sorry if it was. I hope you're smiling right now, like I am. Your posts do give me comfort.. so much.. more than you know.
I'm going to post a video of when I went to see Pale Waves on Sunday too, soon after this..
Looking so long at these pictures of you, but I never hold on to your heart.. Looking so long for the words to be true, but always just breaking apart..
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sk2lton · 2 years
hello! 💘 can you do general hcs on how it would be like to have epel, sebek, and cater as your best friend? thank you 💗
being best friends with epel, sebek, and cater!
꒰ note: please forgive me if this is ooc! i tried my best to keep it in character but i haven’t written in weeks and my city is still trying to recover from the large storm so i’ve been tired! please enjoy tho<3 im glad to be back and have the motivation to write! ꒱
— warnings: gn! reader, none
— characters: epel, sebek + cater
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✿。 epel
— having epel as a best friend would no doubt be interesting. it would take him a while to consider you as his best friend. nothing against you or anything, but it probably takes him longer to form a close bond. there's no rush anyway. nonetheless, once you're best friends he's not letting you go! you can decide whether or not that's a good thing.
— he'll talk to you about his problems a lot because he really cares about what you think. even if he doesn't end up listening to any of your advice, he's still glad he consulted with you. obviously, he'll do the same for you and your problems too. as your best friend, he wants you to feel happy so if something is ever standing in the way of that, he's sure to solve it to the best of his abilities.
— he shares his lunches with you, especially if you didn't bring one or don't have enough money to buy lunch. he's also the kind of friend who would order for you if you were too nervous too, however, if you were just too lazy to then he probably wouldn't! epel also has traditions with you as his best friend. these traditions are usually on holidays, and they're things like dressing up as x and watching y movie with snacks!
✿。 sebek
— sebek wouldn't even realize he thinks of you as a best friend until you call him your best friend, then he's suddenly like, "oh, we're best friends. that's the word for it." he doesn't talk very much about problems or stuff like that, however he's fine with listening to you rant. he doesn't really think he'd give the best advice, but he'll listen and occasionally speak up.
— he really likes doing things with you whenever he's free. it doesn't matter what it is, but there's nothing more entertaining than having fun with your best friend, right? additionally, he'll go out of his way to acknowledge when you've done something well. he's also the first to notice your personal improvements (such as grade, going outside more often, whatever it may be), even without you telling him!
— sebek wouldn't really express his care towards you unless you were away from him for more than two days and suddenly he's in shambles. who else will hang out with him? who else will entertain him with stupid things? however, he would be reluctant to admit he missed you. but it's obvious by the way he acts when he sees you again.
✿。 cater
— as your best friend, cater subsequently is now your biggest supporter, whether you like it or not. he's constantly there to remind you how amazing, funny, or intelligent you are, whether you need assurance or not! when something goes wrong, he's the first one to the scene to help you out. no matter what it is, he'll be there for you. you're his ride or die and there are no exceptions to that.
— he's the type of best friend to just randomly show up at the place you live, his bag in hand, and announce he's sleeping over. so, sleepovers are mandatory. he also does every single magicam best friend trend with you and posts it (with your consent, of course!).
— cater likes to brag that he's your best friend. to him, being somebody's best friend is a title that far surpasses anything else, and because of that, he would drop everything instantly to help you. he also has entertaining ideas whenever you're hanging out. they're usually random and on the more spontaneous side, but even so, they're never scary.
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Light on me Ep 5&6
Okay, I think "Light on me" is becomming my most favorite show of the year so far. I love all the characters because they feel so very real. Each of them portray a different kind of personality and their complexity fascinates me. Tae-Gyeong looks like he's so smart with people but at the same time, he - of course - doesn't know more than people show and tell him. This show does such a great job in showing how much and how less we show of ourselves. They are always at school or at least not at each other's homes. They are always outside, so we don't know more private stuff about them than they say and show. We, as the audience, see them through the filter they put on themselves, the filter we are all putting on ourselves. And I find fascinating how authentic it is. It is not weird, we don't know more. Still, we are curious but just up to a certain extent, then there's a line we don't cross and from which we know, is not necessary to cross. Everyone of us has people around them they only meet in explicity one part of their lives like work or school and "Light on me" shows exactly this kind of group of people. Randomly thrown together, getting along very well but not oversharing and only knowing as much about each other as necessary. Is it even necessary to know our surroundings more than what they are around us? I don't think so. And this realism gets to me and my most favourite shows are the ones which are realistic or contain realistic actions and reactions of characters.
When it comes to filters, Da-On is a pretty interesting character. He obviously hides his other emotions behind a smile and doesn't dare showing his weakness.
"I'm a bit distracted right now, so let's talk later. Pretend you didn't just see that."
He always talks nicely, keeps calm and stays friendly no matter what happens. It's his protection but also his greatest weakness, making himself hide even more and feeling even more lost. Even after rejecting a girl who told him to not treat everyone so nicely because it leads to false hope, he continues smiling shortly after. This obviously hurt him and got him thinking but he doesn't dare showing and sharing it. He has to learn vulnerability doesn't equal weakness. But that's a fight he has to have on his own first because that would mean letting his guard down plus not living up to expectations the outside doesn't really have but he has of himself. It's a false picture he draws and I was that kind of person myself and letting go of this is hard but you are rewarded with more love from your friends, so it's really worth it. But yeah, Da-On puts on a smiling filter and switches topics whenever something sad comes up, like his parents.
"I've never been complimented."
He isn't eager to talk about his parents and doesn't like them very much, but he doesn't seem to realize, he's a bit like them.
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He doesn't talk about his inside as well, putting up a smile for the world to see and like him.
Shin-Woo is putting a filter onto himself as well. He doesn't hate Tae-Gyeong, more like the other way around. But to protect himself from any possible heartbreak, he choses to push Tae-Gyeong away and makes him hate Shin-Woo. This tells us a lot about him being shy and a loner. He's hardly coming out of his shell and has a hard time expressing his feelings. Not like Da-On, he is easy to read for the audience, but harder to understand for Tae-Gyeong. Unlike Da-On who is easygoing, Shin-Woo expresses his thoughts in other, more subtle ways. He hides himself pretty good, because no one knows anything about him, just like no one knows anything about Tae-Gyeong. They are the real mysteries of the show and that's why they like each other. Both are interested in lifting the veil of the other.
Shin-Woo actually takes a step forward later, making Tae-Gyeong understand him better, since he gave signs Tae-Gyeong somehow misinterpreted.
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Touches and affection
Da-On definetely likes Tae-Gyeong. He always seeks an excuse to touch him.
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Tae-Gyeong is mostly flattered by it and also very confused. Even though he says "I can't just be friends with Da-On" he never touches him back.
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The feelings are just one-sided here. Tae-Gyeong obviously sees something going on between them, he can't name, but dooesn't really want to have. I still don't quite know what he meant at the end. Yes, it's about him and Da-On being together or nothing at all but Tae-Gyeong coud've meant them ending up being nothing because he rejects Da-On when it comes to a confession. Tae-Gyeong seems to enjoy Da-On's company not in a romantic way.
Shin-Woo and Tae-Gyeong make the most progress here. First, they got closer when they were on the phone in the evening, but greeted each other very awkwardly the next day. This week, the touching becomes more and less overthought.
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Tae-Gyeong is the first to touch Shin-Woo at a random, mostly out of rage, but it still counts because physical contact is always a sign no matter in which cotext. It always means some interest, if not romantically, then on a friendship-basis. But with people like Tae-Gyeong and Shin-Woo who are both socially awkward and hardly open up to others, touching is a big deal. Like I said, Tae-Gyeong doesn't touch Da-On, which adds even more meaning to him touching Shin-Woo.
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Shin-Woo touching Tae-Gyeong willingly has the same amout of meaning. It means he overcomes his fear and acts on his feelings. The jealously mostly lurred him out of his shell, but the motivation doesn't count that much here. After avoiding Tae-Gyeong at first and then being awkward about it, he chooses to be more casual with Tae-Gyeong. He must have come to realize that Tae-Gyeong really doesn't understand him and since he can't just stand by watching Da-On, he stops being mad. I mean, Tae-Gyeong was pretty intimidating in the cafeteria...
"I don't hate you" totally breaks the ice and Tae-Gyeong can see him a bit clearer now. They talk like real high school kids... Nervous and awkward. Tae-Gyeong isn't like this when he's around Da-On. Da-On doesn't make him blush when he's around or let's him forget what sentences are, so he doesn't turn away to flee the scenery. I love Shin-Woo not being any better and even worse at talking to his crush. He's so overwhelmed afterwards.
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So this week we discovered the filters all of them put on themselves because that is something humans do to appeal as a socially chameleon. Also, we learned about the importance of touches and how much they mean in real life.
An honorable mention here: I heard at the beginning, when there are scenes with Tae-Gyeong and Shin-Woo, there's light, happy music in the background whereas scenes with Tae-Gyeong and Da-On don't contain any music. But at the end when Tae-Gyeong and Da-On stand outside, there's suddenly music which I'm afraind doesn't verify my theory of Te-Gyeong rejecting Da-On later on...
A last analysis about the scene at the very end because it shows a lot about the characters:
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You can see here, Da-On touches both of them but they don't touch him. This underlines how much meaning Tae-Gyeong and Shin-Woo's intentionally touching has. They let others touch them because it would be unfriendly to just deny an older person. Also, Da-On is BETWEEN Tae-Gyeong and Shin-Woo, do I have to say more? And Shin-Woo obviously looks at Tae-Gyeong who looks up to the sky like Da-On instructed, so that's of course forshadowing about the upcoming conflict. We already have this love triangle, so let it play out in the chaotic way it's gonna be.
Yeah, that's it because Tumblr doesn't allow more pictures in one post.
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creambunnie · 5 years
♡ Love You More ♡
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WayV Xiaojun X OC (Y/N)
angst fluff . ENJOYYYYY
a/n : it has been a long time since i've written such a long imagine. i hope you guys love it!
you wrapped your finger around your mug of hot chocolate and had a sip as your boyfriend!Xiaojun stared at you lovingly. you placed your mug down and looked at Xiaojun with a nervous look. Xiaojun grabbed your hands and squeezed them gently.
"do you think i will make it?". you asked your boyfriend anxiously.
the both of you just graduated from college. Xiaojun already had a stable job at a big tech company, while you, who graduated with a performing arts degree , were auditioning here and there for dramas and shows to land on your first tv debut. you auditioned for romance, action and even horror! you didn't really care about the genre,you just wanted to experience the real deal and improvise yourself till you become a well-groomed actress.
Xiaojun rubbed your hand with his thumb and nodded his head. "i believe an actress as talented as you could make it! if they don't cast you though, it's alright. it's not you, they are the ones who are at lost.". Xiaojun comforted. you scrunched your nose up at his cheesiness and squeezed his hands.
"are you sure you're not just being nice to your girlfriend?". you asked. Xiaojun laughed and shook his head. "of course not! i really mean it. you are very talented! remember when you acted like you were in pain just to get a kiss from me?" . Xiaojun comforted again but didn't forget to tease you . you pulled your hands away and slapped his hand playfully. "ahh why did you have to remind me!". you whined which made him laugh with adoration at your cuteness.
after the short cafe date, you and Xiaojun went to the audition venue by cab . Xiaojun was your moral support. he had always accompanied you to your auditions and comforted you when you were rejected. he would motivate you to do your best and be better each audition.
you were at the waiting room, anxiously waiting for your turn. Xiaojun was sititing beside you while holding your hand in his to give comfort . you on the other hand, tried rehearsing your lines for the last time. you became more nervous when the staff told that you would be going in in about 2 minutes.
"ahh babe i am so nervous!". you mumbled as you faced your cute boyfriend. Xiaojun gave you a small smile and carresed your hair lovingly. "i believe in you , sweetie. you are going to do your best! i promise to treat you to ice cream later after your turn alright?". Xiaojun pecked your lips one last time before you were called. He gave you a soft goodluck as you followed the staff.
you were given quite a good feedback from the judges and they told you they would contact you about the results soon. you went out of the hall to the waiting room earlier with a good feeling. you were about to run and hug your boyfriend but was greeted by his close friend instead.
"oh Hendery! are you here for the audition too? oh and did you see Xiaojun?". you bombarded him with questions.
Hendery chuckled and rubbed his nape. "actually Xiaojun was the one who asked me to come here and walk you home. His mother called him earlier because of something urgent. he really is regretful that he had to leave . ". Hendery tried his best to explain to you as politely as possible. your head dropped as you stared at the floor below you.
"oh.. i understand. family is definitely more important. no worries!". you exclaimed as you looked up to Hendery.
Hendery frowned when he saw your teary eyes. He hated seeing his friend sad so an idea popped into his mind. Hendery grabbed your wrist and pulled you along gently. "times like this call for food! i am starving and i bet you are too! let's go!". you giggled and let Hendery drag you.
Hendery brought you to a small restaurant which was a few stops away from the audition venue. "i always come here with my sister. i'm basically a regular and kind of the owner's favourite,so order anything you want alright. it's on me!". Hendery said and winked. you chuckled at his actions but ordered anyways.
you actually had fun hanging out with Hendery. he was a sweetheart , and a dork too. he would crack jokes randomly which brightened your day up. you always hang out with Xiaojun and his friends but never with any of them individually. it was a refreshing experience eating out with Hendery. after talking and eating, it was finally time for you to go home. Hendery walked you home like how he was asked in the first place. you thanked Hendery for the day and apologised for troubling him. Hendery only responded by shaking his head no and smiled widely. he wished you a goodnight sleep before walking away . you smiled back and went in your apartment.
you lived alone since college years. your parents' house were quite far but you do visit them regularly and they visit you too.
you plopped yourself down on your bed and check your phone. you gasped when you saw text messages from your boyfriend. you were having too much fun you didn't even look at your phone.
hey babe.. i am really sorry but i have to go first. i asked Hendery to accompany you back home. stay safe <3
did you meet Hendery? how was the audition? text me as soon as you see this alright ♡
babe, are you mad? i am really sorry, i am going to make it up to you!
please reply me ㅠㅠ are you home yet? nothing bad happened to you right?
- 10 missed calls from ♡BaobeiJun♡ -
you sighed as you saw the texts. of course you were still upset about earlier. but you didn't want to be the annoying girlfriend and tried your best to pretend that you were okay.
To : ♡BaobeiJun♡
sorry for the late replies babe. i didn't check my phone earlier. yeah i am home, Hendery sent me home like you requested. he also bought me food because we were both starving. i am not mad, don't worry :)
you threw your phone on your bed as you changed into your pyjamas. a few seconds later, you heard your phone chime, indicating that you just received a message.
that is great! i should treat Hendery some time too to thank him. i am glad you are back safe. i was so worried when you didn't reply back :((
you chuckled and rolled your eyes at his text.
To : ♡BaobeiJun♡
i am really sorry hahaha , so you wanna tell me why you had to leave earlier?
Xiaojun then explained to you that his mother called him earlier to ask for his help. Apparently , his childhood friend, named Weiwei, was on a business trip here and Xiaojun's mother asked him to welcome her at the airport. you also got to know that the girl was going to stay at Xiaojun's family's place for a few months because renting an apartment would be bothersome.
you were now feeling more upset actually. he left your side because of another girl? and worse, the girl is staying with him for a while? you were furious, yes. but you were more insecure. you trusted Xiaojun but you just couldn't help yourself from being jealous. i mean, which girlfriend wouldn't? you were tired as you read his explanation and decided to end the conversation with a goodnight.
you switched your phone off and wrapped your whole body with your warm blanket. you tried getting rid of all the bad thoughts and fell asleep in anxiety.
you were woken up by the front door bell . you groaned as you sat up and checked the time. 10am. you groaned again and cursed whoever it was who disturbed your sleep as you walked to the front door. you opened the door but was greeted by no one. you groaned again thinking that it was just a prank but was startled when Xiaojun's head suddenly popped up out of nowhere. he leaned down so your eyes were parallel. he chuckled at your shocked expression and gave a peck on your cheek before inviting himself in. "i texted you but the messages weren't delivered so i figured your phone was dead. i came to really make it up for yesterday". Xiaojun explained.
you finally snapped out from your shock and grinned. you felt like your anger towards him yesterday evaporated just like that. you hugged him and buried your face into his chest. "you don't even know how much i wanted to hug you like this yesterday after the audition. i was overwhelmed with my emotions and the only one who could calm me was you. but you weren't there.". you mumbled sadly. Xiaojun felt guilty and carressed your hair.
"i am really sorry. i promised to treat you ice cream right? jajan!!" . Xiaojun pulled away and showed you the tubs of ice cream he bought.
"i was thinking of a movie-cuddling kind of date today.". Xiaojun said cutely as he tapped his chin with his finger. you giggled and pinched his cheeks. "i am up for it! but can you let me go shower first?". Xiaojun nodded and placed the ice cream tubs on the dining table. "sure, i will just prepare the couch alright!".
after a nice shower,you joined Xiaojun who was sitting on the couch with his phone. he put his phone on the table as he saw you approaching him. but you saw that he was texting Weiwei earlier. you decided to just ignore your jealousy and took the ice cream tub Xiaojun handed to you. Xiaojun then pulled you closer so you snuggled into his chest and enjoyed the ice cream. the both of you watched a romance movie and imitated the cheesy lines. you would giggle everytime Xiaojun peck your head when there is a kiss scene.
"you know, i heard that the 2nd movie is released next week!". you said and took a spoonful of your strawberry cheesecake ice cream.
Xiaojun hummed and pecked your head again. "it's a date then!".
you turned to him with a wide smile. "really?". Xiaojun chuckled and nodded his head. you squealed and pecked his lips. "i can't wait ! it's been a long time since we've went to the cinema together.".
Xiaojun carressed your hair lovingly before putting down his finished ice cream tub. "how about i go and take some blankets so we could cuddle here?". Xiaojun suggested. you nodded excitedly as you stood up to give him space.
as Xiaojun went to your room, you saw his phone lighted up . you peeked and saw notifications from Weiwei. you rolled your eyes and turned his phone around so you wouldn't get distracted. you quickly finished your ice cream and cleaned up before lying down beside Xiaojun. Xiaojun wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. you leanee your ear on his chest and sighed in relief as you relaxed ,listening to his heartbeat. "i love you sweetie and i want you to remember that forever.". Xiaojun whispered and pecked your forehead. "i love you too baobeijun,". you whispered back. the two of you cuddled in silence and soon fell asleep .
it has been a few days after the cuddle date. you haven't really see Xiaojun after that because he was kind of busy with work. you did texted and called each other but you missed him being with you physically. you sighed and just decided to focus on your work. yeah, you has a part time job at a small bookstore. you still had to make income anyways. so while you practised to be an aspiring actress, you still worked hard in earning your own allowance and not only depend on your parents or boyfriend.
you were keying in some things on the computer when the bell chimed, indicating a customer's entrance.
"welcome!". you greeted as you saw a cute girl entered. you were about to ask if she needed help when the door opened again, revealing your handsome boyfriend. you gasped and smiled widely.
"Baobe--". your words were cut off when the cute girl earlier linked arms with Xiaojun. you frowned deeper when Xiaojun didn't even bother to push her away. you quickly gave a small smile when Xiaojun walked towards you with the girl and waved at you cutely.
"babe, this is Weiwei! and Weiwei, this is my girlfriend, y/n !". Xiaojun introduced. you forced a smile and stretched your hand out for a handshake. but your tired arm was ignored as Weiwei hugged Xiaojun's arm and whined. "when we were little you said we were gonna be together!". Xiaojun only chuckled awkwardly and rubbed his nape. he smiled apologetically to you in which you just shook your head . "Xiaojunjun! let's go eat!". Weiwei saidly in her high-pitched voice which hurt your ears. Xiaojun nodded and looked at you, who was looking at the couple sadly.
"i'll see you soon, okay babe?". Xiaojun said softly as if you were the most fragile thing there. you smiled and nodded. before you could speak, Weiwei pulled and dragged Xiaojun out of the store.
you wanted to just cry out loud but you held yourself back. Xiaojun has been to busy with work and couldn't spend even an hour with you but here he was spending his free time with another girl. you knew she was just a friend and you trusted Xiaojun. you love Xiaojun. but it hurt you how he was being oblivious of your painful heart . you decided to push aside the thoughts and focused on work. you were grateful there weren't many customers on that day . you were not really in the mood to entertain others . half an hour before the store closed, the bell chimed indicating a new customer. you continued packing up books and your things while the customer looked for their desired books. you were packing your bag when the customer placed books on the counter. "hi , i would like to ask if the last volume of this comic is still available?". you quickly turned around at the familiar voice. the customer blinked and chuckled. "i didn't know it was your shift ,". Hendery stated. you gave a small smile and nodded. "yeah i was just covering for my co-worker. ". you said softly. you quickly looked at the comic he was purchasing and keyed in the code in the computer.
"the last volume is sold out . but the new stock is coming tomorrow! you could come by if you like and i could reserve one for you.". you explained.
Hendery grinned and nodded. "sure,i'll purchase these first and come back again tomorrow!". after settling his books, it was finally time for you to lock the bookstore and head home.
you switched off everything and quickly closed the store down. you gasped when Hendery suddenly stood in front of you. Hendery chuckled at your reaction . "i was thinking of dinner. together?". Hendery suggested. you chuckled and shook your head. "i'm actually kind of fu--". your lie was cut off when your stomach growled violently. the two of you stared at each other before laughing. "alright, how about hotpot and some beer? at the same place!". you suggested this time. Hendery smiled widely and nodded. "i'm paying this time so don't worry about what you want to eat alright!". you said again . you tried making yourself happy but your lifeless eyes could never lie Hendery. Hendery decided to just play along with you and waited for you to open up yourself. he hated seeing his friends hurt but he hated forcing people more.
you were on your second bottle of beer, you were not really drunk but drunk enough to cry outloud the feelings you've been hiding since afternoon.
"i know she is just a friend but why is she getting more attention then me? your girlfriend? am i just dumb for crying or are you dumb? why does Xiaojun have to be so kind towards other girls? this is unfair!". you whined and downed another shot .
Hendery kept quiet and let you let out all your feelings. he thought it was finally time for you to cry out everything and feel better .
"Hendery, is it really childish and petty of me to be jealous like this?". you turned to your friend and slurred your words. Hendery only sighed and tucked your hair back behind your ears to have a clearer sight of your red face. "no i understand. you shouldn't feel bad for feeling this way. i can't help you much but i am here for you when you need me.". Hendery comforted. you nodded at his response before falling asleep right after . Hendery quickly stretched his arm out before you could knock your head on the table. Hendery sighed as he combed your hair neatly with his fingers. he understood Xiaojun for taking care of his childhood friend but he was disappointed Xiaojun made you feel like this. Hendery decided to call Xiaojun to pick you up. He felt like it was only right for him as a friend to help his friends out.
A few minutes later,Hendery tried waking you up. you woke up with a groan and clutched your head. "are you sober enough to walk?". Hendery asked as he held your shoulder. you nodded and stood up slowly. Hendery helped you and walked out of the restaurant with you . the moment the two of you stepped out of the restaurant, Xiaojun ran towards you . "babe!". he exclaimed as he took you from Hendery. your head was still spinning but you figured Xiaojun's face. you turned to Hendery as he gave you a small smile. "rest well, alright?". Hendery said before excusing himself.
"why did you drink so much babe?" . Xiaojun asked as he piggybacked you. you leaned your head on his back and sighed. "i was sad. i was angry. i was tired.". you replied word by word. you felt the wind as Xiaojun walked on the empty street, bringing you home.
"do you want to tell me why?". Xiaojun asked softly. your heart broke. of course you were sad and angry because of him. but his sweet and innocent self just couldn't realise that. "i love you Jun... i hope you do too. please stay with me.". you breathed out, holding yourself back from crying. Xiaojun stopped in his tracks for a bit but continued walking right after . "of course i love you too. i am here always, by your side.".
you fell asleep on his comfortable back as you felt assured.
you wore Xiaojun's favourite baby blue blouse and styled your hair simply with some light make up. you were excited for your movie date. you were at the cinema , waiting for your boyfriend. he promised to be there half an hour before the movie starts. but coming to 10 minutes before showtime, he was still not there. you tried texting him but the messages were not delivered. maybe his phone battery died, you thought. you tapped your foot nervously as you scanned the place for your boyfriend.
4 mins
you sighed and held your head down sadly. *did he forget about our date?* . you were about to exit the cinema when someone called your name. you turned and were greeted by Hendery. he really was like your guardian angel. there whenever you were sad.
"are you here alone? what movie are you watching?". Hendery asked. you smiled sadly and shook your head. "today was supposed to be our movie date but Xiaojun is not here. i tried contacting him but he didn't reply. i think i should just go back.". you explained.
Hendery frowned at his friend's actions. He really was disappointed in Xiaojun.
"how about we watch a movie together? hmm i was thinking, Dora The Explorer?". Hendery suggested, trying to cheer you up. you chuckled at his unique choice of movie and nodded. "that is a great idea! let's go!". you agreed and grabbed his wrist to buy the tickets.
during the movie, Hendery suddenly heard soft sniffings. He turned to look at you and sighed . you were wiping your tears that were flowing down your cheeks non-stop. it was obvious you were crying because of Xiaojun, the movie wasn't even a sad one. Hendery grabbed your hands and squeezed them to comfort you. he then pulled your head to lean on his shoulder. "it's okay sweetie, it's okay. i am always here to comfort you.". Hendery whispered as he carressed your hair. his sweet words calmed you throughout the movie. you were sorry to Hendery for always being stuck in your relationship, but you were also grateful to have him as a good friend.
after the movie, you went to the ladies to freshen up . Hendery waited for you and invited you to dinner. "how about we go to the usual? i kind of like the concept of having our hangout place.". you said as you walked out of the cinema with Hendery. Hendery chuckled but agreed to your suggestion anyway. dinner made your day. you decided to totally ignore your thoughts about Xiaojun and spend quality time with your now new bestfriend. you and Hendery shared a lot of things with each other , from cute childhood stories to epic highschool memories. you also found out that the both of you were big fans of Attack on Titans and Tokyo Ghoul. Hendery promised to lend you his AOT mangas as you promised to recommend him other great animes and mangas. the day eventually ended with Hendery walking you home. "thank you so much for today Hendery. i am very thankful to have you as my friend.". Hendery smiled at your words and patted your head. "i am always here if you are im need of a friend. the restaurant is always open for us to have more fun.". you thanked him again and bid him goodnight as you entered your apartment.
you plopped yourself on the couch and fished out your phone.
omg babe... i didn't realise that my phone was turned off >○<
i overlooked the date for our movie date .. i am really sorryyy
my mom asked me to bring Weiwei around the city. i agreed because i thought our date is tomorrow...
i am really sorry babe,, please reply my messages
babe? i understand that you are mad at me...
are you at least safe back home?
you threw your phone on the couch as you stood up. you decided to just ignore his texts. you were really mad. not just because he ditched you on the most awaited date, but he ditched you as he spent time with another girl. you knew Xiaojun was just being kind but is he really dense to not draw the line? you didn't want your relationship to be ruined by a girl who suddenly appeared in your life. you thought your relationship with Xiaojun was strong , but recent incidents made you doubtful. you washed up and went to bed straight away.
you woke up the next morning feeling a bit better after a goodnight sleep. you were having your light breakfast when you heard a knock from the front door. you groaned as you weren't expecting any guests.
you opened the door only to push it back close as you see his face. but before the door could close fully, Xiaojun held onto it with his leg. "babe please let me in.". he begged. you contemplated for a bit but opened the door anyways. you quickly walked away before he could hug you. Xiaojun followed you to the kitchen as he called out your name softly. Xiaojun wrapped his arms around your shoulders but you harshly pushed him away and faced him.
"Xiaojun. i am tired. please, i am tired of being mad with you and settle my feelings with a hug from you. this is not that simple, Jun. i love you , i really do. but the amount of times you've hurt me in these 2 months is more than the whole 2 years that we've spent together..". you confessed.
Xiaojun tried to pull you into a hug but you rejected. you wiped the tears that were flowing down your cheeks as you continued. "why do you think i was drunk the other night? you think i wanted to feel depressed like that? you think everything was back to normal when you came to pick me up?!". you didn't intend to raise your voice at him but your emotions were unstable.
Xiaojun was startled at your outburst. he looked at you with teary eyes. you sighed as you sat on the floor and pulled your legs before burying your face in between them. your sobs echoed through the silent kitchen. you felt Xiaojun moving closer. he squatted beside you and wrapped his arms around your body before pulling you into his warm chest. "i'm sorry , i'm sorry, sshhh i'm sorry, i love you babe, i really love you . i'm sorry i hurt you, i love you really. i am here now and i promise i won't leave you.". Xiaojun whispered in an attempt to comfort your broken heart. you finally gave in and cried out into his chest.
a few moments later, Xiaojun carried you into your bedroom. he lied down beside you and pulled you closer. you buried your face into the crook of his neck and sniffed in his scent. you relaxed in his arms as you calmed yourself down. "i missed you so much,". he mumbled as he pecked your head. the two of you lied down in silence, enjoying each other's presence and calm breathing. Xiaojun was about to fall asleep when his ringtone startled the both of you. you slowly pulled away from him to give hin space to sit up. Xiaojun rubbed his eyes cutely as he searched for his phone. you couldn't help but giggle at the cute sight and although you were still a bit mad, you didn't hold yourself back from giving him a quick peck on the lips. Xiaojun froze at your sudden action before slowly reaching for his phone. he was used to receiving kisses from you but he was suddenly shy after the fight , his ears turned red . you giggled at his reaction and nudged him to do something about his phone. "i--i'll take this call for a while okay?" he stuttered. you nodded before lying down back on your bed.
after the short call, Xiaojun turned to face you with a guilty expression. "babe.. i really want to spend time with you but this is urgent. Weiwei is having troubles with settling her project and i have to go help. i am really sorry babe.". Xiaojun explained and apologised.
you sighed, just when you thought it was back to normal, everything was about to be ruined again. "it's urgent right? let me walk you to the front door.". you said as you got off the bed. Xiaojun gulped as he sensed your sarcasm. he followed you out of the room like a puppy. "i'm really sorry babe.. how about i take you on a date on Saturday?". Xiaojun tried to persuade you. you gave a small smile and pushed him out off your apartment gently. "i can't. i have plans.". you replied and quickly closed your front door. you heard Xiaojun knocked for a few minutes, begging you to open the door but he then stopped when you ignored him . you figured he finally gave up and went to settle his urgent matters.
babe... what plans do you have that i can't spend time with you?
you rolled your eyes at his message and were tempted to just throw your phone on the ground. he had been ignoring your daily life activities because of his own but had the audacity to suddenly act caring when you finally gave him the cold shoulder. you ignored his message and decided to text Hendery .
To : Huang Guanheng
hey Hendery, i was thinking if you could accompany me this Saturday? i am finally casted for the drama i auditioned for recently and this Saturday is our first shooting. i am quite nervous to go alone...
you waited for a few seconds before Hendery replied.
-Huang Guanheng-
oh sure!! just tell me the time and place ,alright?
you smiled at his response and quickly informed him the details. you were glad he didn't ask about Xiaojun . he really was a friend with good sense.
the day finally came. you met up with Hendery early and decided to get some breakfast together. "you can do it , y/n . don't be too nervous or else you wouldn't be able to focus. here drink some hot tea, to calm you down.". you thanked him for his advice and comforting words. after the short breakfast, the both of you went to the shooting venue.
the site for the rehearsed scene was outdoor. the hot weather was not really helping with your nerves. you practised your lines as much as possible as the stylists prepared you before you were called to the site. you were only a side character but your character actually plays quite an important role in the drama. Hendery gave you a supporting pat as your turn came.
you did a good job with your lines but your co-actor kept on making mistakes. because of that the scene you were in had to be filmed for a few times. you tried to be consistent in the quality of your performance but the hot weather made you exhausted. you were sweating like mad that the stylists had to wipe them for you every few minutes.
the director finally gave a break time, asking your co-actor to calm his nerves and practise his line again. you were glad the director was nice enough to be patient with him . if you were the director, you would have screamed at him. you saw Hendery waving at you as you walked towards him . Hendery's smile turned into a frown as he saw your pale face. he quickly caught you as you stumbled. "are you okay?". he asked as he tried supporting you to stand up straight. "i am a bit dizzy," you managed to reply as you clutched your head. just as you spoke, your body felt weak and you fainted. Hendery's eyes widened as he wrapped his arm under your body and carried you. "ambulance! somebody call the ambulance!" .
Hendery : Dejun, your girlfriend just fainted . she is admitted to the hospital now.
Xiaojun : what? tell me the hospital address, i am on my way.
Hendery : alright, come here safely .
Hendery ended the call as he sat beside your bed. he carressed your head and sighed. a few minutes later, Xiaojun arrived . Hendery stood up and greeted his friend. Xiaojun gave Hendery a brotherly hug and went to you who were still sleeping. he held your cheek dearly and pecked your forehead. "what happened?". Xiaojun asked Hendery softly. "she was at the shooting site earlier--". Hendery's words were cut off by Xiaojun. "wa-wait, she was casted ?". Hendery frowned and nodded. "didn't she tell you?" . Xiaojun looked at you sadly and hesitated a nod. "kind of...". Hendery nodded before explaining further. "she fainted after her turn. the doctor said she was too stressful and dehydrated . that was why she fainted. but the doctor said to not worry, a rest and lots of water can make her feel better.". Xiaojun sat beside your bed and held your hand. "i see, thank you Guanheng.". Hendery nodded and stood beside Xiaojun. Xiaojun stayed by your side till night. Hendery stayed too. he was worried about both of his friends . "Dejun.. you've been here since afternoon. why not we go take some fresh air and have dinner ? y/n wouldn't want you to fall ill too.". Hendery patted his friend's shoulder. Xiaojun contemplated for a while but agreed to his friend's suggestion . he pecked your hand for the last time before leaving the hospital.
"which restaurant is still open at this hour?". Xiaojun asked as he checked the time. it was late night. Hendery grinned and patted his back. "i know the perfect place.".Hendery sat on his usual spot while Xiaojun sat on yours. the owner greeted them and passed the menus. "Guanheng! you didn't come with your girlfriend today?". Hendery blinked at her question as Xiaojun stared at Hendery. "you have a girlfriend?". Xiaojun asked. Hendery shook his head and tried to reply the owner. "no no auntie, she is not my gi--". his words were cut off when the owner exclaimed. " ah y/n ! she isn't here today.". Xiaojun's expression was unreadable. Hendery gulped and shook his head. "may we just look at the menu and order ,auntie?". the oblivious owner smiled and nodded before going back to the counter.
"this is just a misunderstanding Dejun.". Hendery started as he stared at the menu that he had memorised by heart. Xiaojun was silent for a bit but smiled . "i understand Guanheng. don't worry. why not we just order?i am starving!!". Hendery knew Xiaojun was just pretending to be okay. Xiaojun and you were really soulmates. hiding your real feelings. Hendery nodded and ordered some food.
the meal was silent and calm. both too occupied with their own thoughts. after the meal, Xiaojun paid for the food and thanked Hendery once again. "why not you go home and rest? i will be with y/n.". Xiaojun said in a matter of factly. not really as a suggestion. Hendery nodded and bid his friend goodnight before going back home.
Xiaojun stayed with for the whole night. you woke up to see your boyfriend sleeping, head on the edge of your bed. you carressed his soft brown locks gently as you stared at his calm sleeping face. Xiaojun's eyes opened slowly as he sat up. he grabbed your hand and pecked them before asking. "are you feeling better ?". you only nodded and squeezed his hand. "did Hendery call you?". Xiaojun hummed in response. his other hand balled into a fist as he heard his friend's name. "the doctor said you can discharge after you eat your breakfast. he said to drink lots of water and rest well.". your eyes widened when you realised you were at job when you fainted. you quickly searched for your phone to check for any messages. "missing Hendery already?". Xiaojun asked with gritted teeth. you looked up from your phone and frowned. "what?". Xiaojun smirked and scoffed. "nothing.". you turned back to your phone and read the text from one of the staffs.
-we hope you have a good rest. we are sorry for not considering your condition , we will update you about the next shootings. for now, we just want you to have a good rest- .
you sighed in relief as you finished reading the text. you thought you were going to be replaced by another actress. you placed your phone down and looked at Xiaojun who was staring at you. "have you eaten?". you asked. Xiaojun shook his head and rubbed his face with his hands. "i'll eat later after sending you home. i don't have the appetite to eat.". you frowned at his answer and placed your hand on his cheek as you carressed them gently. "please eat well. i don't want you to fall ill.". you said softly. Xiaojun gave a small smile and nodded.
in the cab on the way to your house, you leaned your head on Xiaojun's shoulder as he rubbed your interwined hands with his thumb. you jumped when you heard your phone ring.
*incoming call from Huang Guanheng*
you looked at Xiaojun as he nodded his head letting you answer the phone.
Hendery : are you home?
You : i'm on my way home in the cab. I am with Xiaojun.
Hendery : that is great . rest well okay? and y/n .. did you not tell him about the drama?
you kept silent at his question. Hendery called your names a few times .
You : i will alright. don't worry .
Hendery : he is your boyfriend,he should know.
you nodded your head as if he was in front of you.
You : okay okay, stop nagging, gosh.
Hendery chuckled at your response and advised you one last time before ending the call.
Xiaojun squeezed your hand right after you kept your phone. you leaned back onto his shoulder before calling his name out softly.
"babe,, i wanted to tell you but i was mad the other day. i actually got casted for the drama that i auditioned for the last time.". Xiaojun was quiet for a while. he carressed your hand and pecked your forehead. "congrats babe. see, i told you you would make it. you are talented.". he whispered. you smiled and pecked his cheek as you thanked him. you decided to just relax in silence as the cab took you back home.
you plopped on your couch as you arrived home. Xiaojun locked the front door and joined you on the couch. you switched on the TV and searched for fun shows to watch. "hey would you like some tea?". Xiaojun offered. you smiled and nodded . Xiaojun went to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of you. he thought this gave him some time to gather his courage for the words he was about to say . he hoped the tea would calm the both of you before the storm comes.
he placed both cups on the coffee table. your eyes were still stuck to the TV as you sipped on the hot tea. you turned to Xiaojun when he suddenly lowered down the volume of the TV. Xiaojun gave a small smile as he reached for your hands. he gave them a squeeze before starting his speech.
"y/n. we need to talk. i don't think this is going to work between us..". you frowned at his words and remembered what he said earlier. "is this because of Hendery? Xiaojun. i've been patient for almost three months now when you have to entertain Weiwei but just because of your jealousy towards Hendery , you want to break up? Hendery is just a friend! ". you asked , obviously disappointed with him . Xiaojun shook his head as he pulled his hands away from yours. "it's not just jealousy, okay?!". you were startled when he raised his voice. Xiaojun sighed and ruffled his hair roughly. "it's not jealousy...". his voice was back to his usual soft voice. "it's a realisation. i realised that Hendery can take care of you better than I can . he treats you better than me. you deserve a man better than me.". you frowned at his what you would say nonsensical excuses.
"no... i don't want to break up with you. i love you Xiaojun! don't you love me too? you promised me you are going to be by my side always.". you said as tears trickled down from your eyes. Xiaojun wiped his own tears as he looked into your eyes. "i do.. i love you. i love you so much therefore we can't be together. i love you so much i don't want to see you hurt . i love you so much i want you to know that you deserve better. i love you... but we are not meant to be with each other.".
your palms turned into fists as you hit his chest. "you stupid jerk! that doesn't make any sense! if you love me, stay with me! don't give up on me!". you shouted as you hit him. Xiaojun grabbed your wrists as he pulled you into a hug. "i love you. this is for your best.". he whispered and pecked your forehead for the last time . Xiaojun stood up and went out of your apartment, leaving you crying on the couch.
- Xiao Dejun -
Guanheng, please take care of y/n .
Hendery cursed under his breath as he read the message from his friend. "what did this idiot do this time." Hendery mumbled as he rushed to your apartment.
Hendery arrived at your house a few minutes after Xiaojun left. the door was unlocked. Hendery quickly went in only to be greeted by your sleeping figure on the couch. he locked the front door and went to you. Hendery sighed as he saw you tear-stained face. he wiped your dry tears and carried you to your room. "she was just healing and you decided to break her again.". Hendery mumbled as he placed you on your bed. you stirred in your sleep and woke up slowly. you saw Hendery standing beside your bed with a worried look. he sat on the edge of your bed and held your hands. "he is an idiot. i am going to talk to him later alright? he is going to make this wo--". his words were cut off as you shook your head. "no Hendery. he is not going to turn back anymore. i know him. this is what he wanted. he thinks this is the best choice.". you tried to say but broke down right after. Hendery sighed and pulled your head towards his chest. "i'm here. i'm here. it's okay , just cry it all out. maybe this is for the best afterall. you are precious y/n and i am here to protect you always.". Hendery comforted you.
"and the best actress award goes to , Y/N !!".
the crowd cheered as you stood up from your chair, surprised that you had won the award. you bowed to your seniors and juniors as you walked up to the stage. you received the plaque from the announcer and went to the front to give your winning speech.
"first of all i would like to thank my parents for always supporting me . i thank my fans too for loving my works! i will work harder and improve myself better and better. i would like to thank those who i have worked with. without them, i might not even have the chance to be an actress and moreover, win this award. not to forget , i would also like to thank this amazing person, my friend, Hendery. thank you for being by my side all these years especially these past 4 years. he is a really good producer so check out some of his musics alright? lastly, thank you once again!". you felt your legs tremble as you went back to your seat.
♡Huang Guanheng♡
good job sweetie! and thank you for mentioning me, i am happy i could be by your side.
you smiled as you read his text. you looked up to the stage when you heard the MC called a familiar name.
"before we end the show, we would like to invite this show's biggest sponsor, from the company DJX , Mr Xiaojun , to accept our appreciation gift.". you gulped when you saw the handsome man on the stage. his previous brown locks were now blonde. his smile was still the same like before. but his features were more defined as he matured throughout these years. you gave a small smile when he looked at you and quickly looked away . *you've moved on y/n. don't give in to him.* you thought to yourself.
you were standing at a corner with a glass of fruitpunch, waiting for your manager to bring you back. you didn't really enjoy after-event parties but attended anyways out of politeness. you were looking around when you saw Xiaojun walked towards you. you looked up and accidentally stared right into his brown orbs. Xiaojun looked away as his ears turn red. it's been 4 years but you were still as beautiful as ever. he missed you. you still made his heart skip a beat. you smiled as he stood in front of you. "it's been a while, Xiaojun.". the way his real name rolled off your tongue hurt him . he nodded and finally looked at you. "so you and Hendery are together now?". he asked. you chuckled and shook your head. "he is just a friend. a brother. i told you before, didn't i?". you replied with a small smile. Xiaojun looked down sadly but looked back up to you. "y/n. i'm really sorry...". you chuckled again and patted his shoulder. "let the past be past ,Xiaojun. i actually wanted to thank you for all the bittersweet memories. they really help me alot in my acting . experience is what makes it easier to stay in character.". your words hurt him. like how his words hurt you 4 years ago. before Xiaojun could say anything, you were called by your manager. "oh looks like i got to go. see you when i see you!". you waved at him before leaving the ballroom.
Xiaojun sighed as he stared at your back walking away from him. he would be lying if he said he didn't regret leaving you. his life has been nothing but miserable after breaking up with you. he focused on work to distract himself but his soul was empty. before he could leave the venue, he heard the DJ introducing a song. "before leaving, the actress y/n had requested this song. she hoped all of you enjoy it.".
Xiaojun decided to stay and listened to the song you love .
I’ll love you more
If you’re gonna do that, don’t come to me
If a person like me is gonna be erased anyway
Our love that was written down on a white piece of paper
Was clear just like my tears
Just stay by my side for one day
Because this awkward break-up still feels like a dream
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
And let you go
Words that sounded affectionate like a friend
Words I want to hear several times a day
Words saying you love me
It makes my breath stop and heart race
But only your voice sleeps in my memories
Just stay by my side for one day
Because this awkward break-up still feels like a dream
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
Until you come back
You silently stop in place
With eyes, telling me not to forgive you
I guess this really won’t work
Now all there’s left is this crappy break-up
I try to catch you but you get farther away and disappear
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
And let you go
{ NU'EST - Love You More }
Xiaojun wiped his tears that flowed down without him even noticing.
i know it's too late... but i love you . i have always been loving you . i should've have loved you more instead of leaving you. i love you .
i hope you guys enjoyed this~ my feelings were overwhelmed when i wrote this hahaha anyways, do like and comment ! i love to hear to your feedbacks ♡♡
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breathebangtan · 5 years
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Ch. 4: Lurking
Genre: FallenGuardianAngel! Jimin, Supernatural
Members: Jimin
Pairings: Jimin x y/n
Synopsis: love is an uncontrollable feeling, even for those who were meant to protect, and only protect. Nothing more and nothing less. Yet somehow, there was always outliers.
Warnings: Slight manipulation and a small accident
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: Hope you all enjoy! Please like and reblog if you do!
Ch.1 | Ch.3 | Ch.5
My weeks were usually uneventful, aside from the occasional accidents here and there. Like this morning for instance, when I didn't tie my shoelace tight enough. I accidentally tripped on it and fell down the stairs. Luckily, I was only three steps away from the ground, only ended up with a scraped knee. Jimin, of course, took care of my wound. I was late to class, but at least my knee wasn't burning, thanks to him. I hadn't realised just how much my guardian would be around me, now that I knew who he was. He gave himself full reins on my life. Sitting in the empty seats next to me in class, giving me the answers to tests, literally telling me where to walk because he was afraid I'd get hurt again. Maybe I was over exaggerating though, he wasn't with me 24/7, or at least he wasn't visible to me. But he was a little overbearing, about everything I did that could potentially harm me.
Not that I could blame him, my track record wasn't in my favor by the slightest. He let me be once he thought I was fine on my own, which was nice. I was grateful that he trusted me. The week came to an end sooner or later though, and my double date was getting closer. Jimin seemed to feel funny about the whole thing, sat on the edge of my bed as I did homework, asking me for details. “Where will you guys be going, anyway?” I could only shrug, I didn't know either. Rae had only stated that it would be a double date this Friday, and that was all the information she gave me.
“I wish I knew that too, but Rae didn't give me any specifics. Hopefully the guy isn't a douche.” I giggled to myself at the last part. “Are you sure you want to go out with some random dude you haven't met?” He questions me, and he successfully inserts doubt into my mind. It doesn't go unnoticed by me, however, the fact that he's trying to push me away from the whole thing. At least it would seem like it. “I mean, Rae knows him. Why? Do you not want me to go out?” I question his motive but he just shakes his head.
“It's not that, I just know you don't like socializing, much less dating. It just seemed odd to me that you gave in so easily. That's all.” He smiles, and I brush it off. His excuse was pretty valid. Even I was astonished at how surprisingly okay I was with this, even somewhat excited. Albeit, very little. He spent the rest of that night watching me study, helping me here and there before he disappeared. There was nights when I couldn't sleep and he'd stay with me, until I could. On nights like that one however, he'd disappear randomly, and I wouldn't see him until the next day.
Finally I was home, after a long day of work. Maybe the fact that work was stressing me, was the same reason why my excitement for tonight was growing slightly, and I gave in. Spending the remaining hours, before the double date, preparing for it. I tried my best to look presentable, yet casual. A simple pink knit sweater, that was torn at the bottom, making it barely reach past my belly button, that paired with a denim skirt and black sneakers. I hoped I wasn't underdressing myself, nor over dressing. I was just so nervous on what my first impression would be, and I wasn't sure why. Maybe the comfort Jimin had given me, was changing me.
Just as I thought of him, he chimed in out of seemingly nowhere. “Is that what you'll be wearing?” He asked, as I finished applying the last bit of makeup. “Yeah, is it too much? It's not enough, is it?” I questioned. My tone made me seem desperate though. I always disliked feeling desperate, which made me shake my head. “No, you look perfect.” He smiled at me, I was relieved as I looked myself over in the mirror.
“I just think it might be too revealing.” He spoke in a quitter voice, with a tone I couldn't figure out. I tilted my head slightly, in questioning. Too revealing? It's just my legs, but it's nothing bad, right? “Are you sure? It's just a skirt.” I asked him as I looked at my mirror, contemplating what to do. “I'm just saying, it's supposed to get cold later tonight. Are you sure you want to be wearing a skirt? I don't want you catching a cold.”
He might be right, I didn't want to get cold later. As much as I didn't want to go, I didn't want to not enjoy it because I was cold. Besides, I was slightly excited, I didn't want to ruin it for myself. “Should I wear jeans instead?” He was quick to nod his head at my suggestion. It was cute though, making me giggle as I went to grab a pair of jeans from my drawer. After successfully changing in my bathroom I walked back out. He wasn't in the room anymore, I figured he'd left and grabbed my purse. As if on cue, Rae called me. I didn't hesitate to answer her call. “I'm outside, are you ready!” She screeched full of excitement. How could she not be though? She'd had a crush on Henry for the longest time. Just another reason why I wanted to be on my best behavior tonight. I didn't want to jeopardize her chances with him. “I'll be right out.”
I was thankful that Rae had a car in this moment, because I wasn't sure how far our date would take place from my apartment. I was sure that walking wouldn't be ideal though. The only reason Rae had a car now, was because her parents finally took the next step and bought a new car. Resulting in Rae receiving their old one. “So, have you guys decided on what we'll be doing today?” I asked her as she drove down busy streets. The moon was high up in the sky, shining as bright as it could, but still overshadowed by all the street lights. “Yeah, we're going to the boardwalk. Ride a couple rides, play some games. It'll be fun, plus it'll be easy to get to know each other.” She happily cheered. She was always so bubbly, in contrast to me. I always wondered what made her befriend me, we're so different. Maybe opposites do attract.
“Well, it does sound exciting.” I looked out the window, looking at all the stores and cars passing by, all the people out shopping. The city was booming with activity right now, it was Friday night after all. Not too long after, we made it to the location. Just as I expected, there's a huge crowd of people. I guess the incident from last Friday night did have an effect on me, because I was worried that in this large crowd of college kids, that jerk would be too. I prayed that he wouldn’t and got out the car, sighing slightly. I guess my thoughts were obvious, because Rae questioned me. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.” She looks over my features as she walks closer to me. I can only smile at her, nodding. I was determined to make this night amazing for her, without having to worry about me. “Yeah, of course. I think I’m just a little nervous. I mean you never told me who my date will be, or what he’s like.” I try to act like that’s what’s bothering me, and nothing else. Not a complete lie though, I was curious as to who she paired me up with, what he was like. Which didn’t really matter because I wasn’t thinking of being in a relationship or anything, but a fun date couldn’t hurt, right?
“Oh, you’ll have so much fun together, I just know it!” She responds as she ushers me into the swarm of bodies that are running around, enjoying their night. “That doesn’t really help me, but okay?” I let her lead me to wherever, guessing she and the boys probably agreed on a specific spot to meet up. We quickly end up in front of a booth that look like it sold tickets and passes for the rides. Rae didn't bother to get in line, instead opting for cutting half of the line. “Um, Rae… What are you doing? Shouldn't we go get in line back there?” I question her, but quickly realise why she had done so. We ended up in front of two guys, laughing with each other. One was Henry, who didn't take long to notice us. “Hey! You guys made it.” He smiles at us as Rae smiles shyly, going in for a hug, which he reciprocates. Next to him is someone I haven't seen before, which wasn't unusual as I didn't socialize much. Aside from parties at least, which wouldn't help because the alcohol made everyone's faces blurry.
He stuck his hand out to me, smiling widely as he introduced himself. “I'm David, it's nice to meet you. Rae was boosting about you all week, it's nice to finally see why that is.” I blush slightly, a light giggle escaping my lips. Wasn't sure if it was because I found that funny, or if It was a nervous laugh. “Well, she hasn't mentioned you at all. So I'm excited to see what mysterious you hold.” I smile as we step closer to the booth, the line making progress. He laughs at my words, “I'm an open book, so you won't have any trouble. Trust me.” He smiles and I nod my head. I had to admit he was a very good looking guy. “I'm Y/n, by the way. So, do you go to school with us? Or?” I ask him, trying to make conversation, I just hoped that it wouldn't get awkward. I couldn't count the many times I made small talk with someone, and I somehow made it awkward. “Yeah, I'm studying law now. To be honest though,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck, “I wish I could pursue something else, but my father is a lawyer. He wanted me to be one as well.” He comments.
“I see, that's always hard. Have you tried talking to him about it?” I questioned him, and as I did I realised he most likely has, but it wasn't like I could retract my statement now. “Of course, but he's insistent. I just wish he could understand that it's just not for me.” His shoulders droop slightly, in defeat. We take a couple more steps. “No, I totally understand. We only have the one life, we should do what we like and be happy.” He smiles genuinely at me, his mouth opening to say something, but Rae interrupts us. “You guys, I’m getting a little hungry.” She pouts cutely, we all smile at her.
“We could eat something before going on the rides. Although, I don’t know how much of a good idea that is.” I contemplate my own suggestion, as I realise that eating before going on any roller coaster isn’t exactly ideal. It could lead to an unwanted accident. “We could eat something light, maybe a snack. You know, just to tame your hunger.” David chimes in. I agreed with him immediately. As we were all agreeing, the person in front of us had finished buying tickets, we walked up to the booth after they’d walked away. The girl behind the glass window spoke up. “What can I get for you?” Her tone was bored, it’s not that she was rude, but you could definitely tell she didn’t want to be here. I didn’t blame her, working Friday nights, in a ticket booth, watching others having fun wasn’t ideal.
As much as I hated myself for what I was about to do, I tried not to think about it too long and just did it. “How about you guys go and get something to eat for Rae, David and I will buy the tickets.” I say as I give Rae a little push. “Are you sure?” She asks but I just nod and turn back to the girl behind the window. I didn't want to be alone with David, but I also knew Rae probably wanted a little alone time with Henry, and I was determined to make this date the best for her. David and I decided on what free passes to buy, and walked away from the booth. The loud laughs of the people running around the boardwalk filled the night. “So how did you meet Rae?” I ask David as we walk around, looking for our friends.
“Oh, we were friends when we were younger. We use to live in the same town. I saw her on campus not to long ago and we started talking again.” He explained to me, I was glad in away. At least it meant she knew him pretty well. He wasn't just a complete stranger. “Oh, so you know her since she was a kid. Has she always been this bubbly?” He laughs at my question as he nods his head. It was a good thing, she's always been the bright person that she is today. “It's quite endearing, isn't it?” He wasn't wrong at all, it was the feeling I always got when she got excited about things, or acted like a schoolgirl fawning over Henry.
“So tell me about yourself, I mean Rae talked a lot about you, but it's not the same as hearing you say it.” He leads us further down the boardwalk, where I see Rae and Henry near a pretzel stand. “Well, what are you interested about?” I realise that I’m making myself sound mysterious in away, but I just genuinely don’t know what to say. Aside from Rae, I never really had to talk about myself. I mean I didn’t even with her, we just gradually figured each other out the more we spent time together. I thought that was the norm, but I guess not? “Anything, are you from here?” He asks. We’re getting closer to the other two, that Rae sees us and waves at us to hurry.
“No, not originally. I use to live two cities away from here, but I moved here on my own for school.” He nods taking in the information. “Just like Rae and I, I guess it’s not that uncommon for students to be out of town.” It really wasn’t, I was sure around half of students were out of town. It was just such a common thing. We finally reached our friends, Rae handing me a pretzel. “That’s for you,” She says, in a sing song voice. “and this one's for you.” She hands David another. I take a bite of it as we walk away from the stand. Out of nowhere Rae starts jumping excitedly and we all laugh at her antics. “Oh my god! Look!” She points at a carnival game, the cliche knock down the bottles and you win a prize ones. She was usually really good at these games, but I figured that she’d want the typical date experience where the guy wins the prize for the girl.
“Hey, why don’t you go win her a prize?” I suggest to Henry, trying to set in motion my plan. He looks like he wants to respond, but David picks up on my intentions and pushes him forward. “Come on, win the pretty lady a prize.” Henry gives in and pays for a game. I was starting to notice how nervous he was, they were comfortable with each other, and he was confident. Even so, he would do slight things that made it apparent that he wanted to impress Rae. Which of course, I was happy about, because that could only mean he liked her as well. “Do you want to come up to the ferris wheel with me?” David seemed like a nice guy, from the small sentences we interchanged, but I was here for Rae and to have a good time. I feared that spending too much alone time with him would make ideas in his head.
“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I stuttered out, rubbing my arm awkwardly. “Why? Are you afraid of heights?” He asked, I could tell by the tone of his voice he really wanted us to go. “No… I just…” My voice caught in my throat, as a new thought came to mind.
It’ll be fun, he’s cute. I couldn’t help but agree with myself, but I was still silent. Not sure if to say yes to him. The thought brought along an unpleasant and odd aura. A sudden emptiness left inside me, but I was totally fine with the vacancy within me. It was as if I could become addicted.
I’m so lonely, he’d be perfect. Everything I need. My lips turned into a smile on their own. It’s time to live my life, and he’s the one to do it with. My voice rushed out of my mouth, “On second thought, this should be fun!” I hooked my arm around his and pulled him along, yelling over to Rae that we’d be back as I ran off. David laughing beside me as his steps picked up. I couldn’t argue with myself, even if I wanted to. I just went along with my instinct. Thankfully the line wasn’t long. Barely anyone was waiting, we were up and in the ferris wheel in no time. David helped me sit down, and in my head I marked down a point for his chervillry acts. When he sat down, I noticed he tried his best to give me space. Something if never Do was my next move. I brushed my hand over his, leaving some fingers lingering over his.
His slight smile was evident. The pink hue in his cheeks forming was utterly cute to me now, the wind pushing his hair back as he looked to the side. “I know we just met, but you seem super nice and I’d like to spend more time with you.” He scots closer to me, my head leaning on his shoulder. “That would be nice, you and I.” I say in a dreamy voice. A familiar scent came to me in that instant. Vanilla and roses mixed with lavender. Such an amazing scent, one I could lose myself in. It was utterly familiar but I couldn’t place from where, not in this instant at least. “What made you change your mind, back there I mean. When I asked you to come up here.” I shrugged slightly. Even I wasn’t sure what that was, all I know is that I did and we were here now.
“You seem like a nice guy that I’d like to spend time with.” I didn’t want to let him down, and it was a complete lie. I hooked my arm around his again, sliding closer. “Maybe we can make that happen.” He suggested and I nodded my head In content. We spent the rest of the time in peaceful silence. Until the ride stopped, our cart at the very top. “Wow, look at all those light.” I pointed out at the city, everything looked so small from here. He laughed at me slightly, “The view is amazing, isn’t it?” He looked out as well. Our eyes opened wide suddenly as we felt the ferris wheel shake. My heart started to palpitate quickly, as a more violent shake was felt. My breath hitching in my throat.
“Are you okay?” David asked, as he kept his arm in front of me, gripping the metal handle next to me. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I told him, as I dared to look forward, to see what was happening down there. The all too familiar feeling came to me. Only accomplishing for me to look like crazy all over for Jimin. However, I couldn't find him anywhere in the crowd of onlookers on the ground. “Be careful, you’ll fall.” David said protectively, and as he did Jimin’s presence became much more unbearable.
“Where are you?” I whispered to myself, gaining a strange look from David. “What was that?” He asks, confused making me shake my head. “Nothing, I just don’t understand what went wrong down there.” My sentence barely making it out as the ferris wheel rushes to rotate. A scream escapes my lips, my body slamming against David’s, which I was quick to hold on to for dear life, wishing it was Jimin instead. But he wasn’t making himself visible to me.
I’ve got you. Jimin’s voice filled my ears as the ferris wheel came to a halt and started to slowly move. My breath was irrational but I was trying to stabilize it. Finally, our cart reached the bottom and it all stopped as we did. I didn’t even wait for the man to open the gate on our cart, I unbuckled myself and opened the gate, running out. I didn’t even stop to wait for David, rushing to where Jimin was in the crowd. I wasn’t even sure how I knew where to find him, probably our connection. Either way, I crashed into him, hugging him with all the strength that I still had in my body. A stream of tears falling down my eyes.
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Space Butterfly
This is the origin story of Technical Officer Signal and how he joined the Roanoke Society.
So, of course he should have just stayed home and play his video games. He should have just told the guy no. But of course his bleeding heart had to take over when the guy started crying over his missing kid sister. And now here he was, in the welcoming circle of a cult that was notorious for causing problems and being weird.
He had been roaming the deep web like usual one night, searching for any problems that needed to be fixed and trolling the trolls. That was when he was messaged by a local hacker that he knew vaguely. The hacker said his sister had been missing for nearly a month and he still couldn't find her. So, Dodger stretched and started digging. When he found her it was in some teens found footage type video that had been posted on a forum about a cult. And of course he was talked into going and getting the girl.
This sect of the cult had never killed anyone. And the entire cult was based around a peaceful space butterfly or something like that, Dodger didnt really pay too close attention. The entire cult just liked doing pranks that inadvertently hurt people. He just wanted to grab the girl and get out. But with his big mouth and tendency to ramble he got himself inaugurated into the cult with ease.
After the ritual was done and the celebration began, Dodger walked up to the girl he was supposed to be saving, Sarah. She was standing alone with her cup of hot cocoa, sipping it lightly to warm he on this cold evening.
As he approached she smiled brightly, cocked her head to the side and said, "Shaboozy," in greeting.
Dodger did the same, as he had been instructed to do when greeting other members of the cult. And then he started some small talk with her. Nothing too odd, just a few questions about her life with the cult and things like that. She thought he was trying to hit on her, but in reality he wanted to know if she was going to put up a fight when he inevitably dragged her away from this corner of the woods.
She reported that she hadn't been with the cult long, only a few weeks. Which lined up with her missing persons report. So, he started prying about her life before the cult to see if she would get homesick and want to leave with him. But as she started to reply, a large grey headed man came out of the bushes.
"Everyone stop where you are and put your hands up," said the grey headed man. He was hovering his right hand above a gun of some sort, Dodger didnt really care. He just put himself between the strange man and Sarah.
The leader of the cult stepped forward. "Who are you? The police? You can't arrest us we aren't doing anything wrong we are just having a party. We arent even making that much noise!" said the leader rapidly. Dodger could tell he was nervous.
"I'm not here to arrest anyone. I'm here to get all these underaged kids back to their parents." Said the grey headed man.
By this time, Doger could see that there was a tall, dark woman standing behind him. He had to admit she was really hot.
There was a murmur of talking from the other cultists. Some of the younger members spoke up and said, "Why?" "We don't want to go back!" You can't make us go!"
"We can get the actual authorities involved and they won't be as nice in getting you home." Said the dark green haired woman.
"Party's over kids. You are going to get in our van and we will take you home. You are being taken advantage of even though you don't realize it." The grey headed man said in he really gruff voice. He was stern but gentle enough that it was persuasive.
"I don't trust two peeps that just randomly show up in the woods with guns and want to take away kids to who knows where." Dodger piped up, his voice squeaking a little with fear. He grabbed Sarah's hand and started to walk away from the two strangers.
"Says the guy who joined a cult" said the sexy woman under her breath.
As they walked, Dodger slowly quickened his pace, dragging Sarah behind him and widening the space between them and the strangers.
"Stop!" commanded the tall grey headed man.
"Nope!" Dodger yelled as he started to run with Sarah behind him into the the forest. He didn't look back as he ran, clutching onto Sarah's hand.
"Where are we going?" Sarah asked as they ran into the darkness of the forest.
"To my car." Dodger yelled back to her.
"What? Why?" yelled Sarah as she ran, slowing slightly.
"I'm taking you to your brother." Dodger said out of breath, running on pure adrenaline.
"What?! Isn't that what those people wanted to do." Sarah asked.
"I guess. All I know is I'm not lying about my motives and they might be." Dodger said, looking back at Sarah.
They came into a clearing and they slowed to a stop, both breathing hard. Dodger looked behind them to see if they had been followed and didn't see or hear anything.
"How do I know you're not lying now?" Sarah asked as she breathed hard. Leaning over with her hands on her knees.
Dodger was in the same position. "Why... the hell... would l join... a stupid cult... that's full of kids... if not to... save someone?" He panted. He could bearly hear himself think over his heavy breathing, his heartbeat in his ears, and the distant humming. "Wait, huh?" He said as he righted himself. Dodger looked around and saw a light flying towards them through the trees.
"Shit!" cursed Dodger. He then grabbed Sarah's hand again and started running again.
They didn't get far when the drone that was flying towards them caught up and shot a rope net at them, trapping and tripping them. Both Sarah and Dodger fell when the the net wrapped around their legs. Dodger looked up at the drone and raised his hand at it. He snapped his fingers and when he did the drone short circuited and fell from the sky. He then got himself and Sarah free from the net, but it was too late. The strangers were there standing over them.
"How did you do that?" Asked the green haired woman.
"Uh... I've always been able to do stuff like that. Change the tv without a remote, turn on my computer from across the room, a short circuit  drones with a snap. I don't know what it is, I just learned to control it." Dodger rambled, which he does when he's scared.
"And you were helping this girl back home?" asked the tall man.
"And I was doing a fine job of doing it before you two showed up." Dodger huffed as he stood up, brushed himself off and helped Sarah up.
"Right." Said the strange man skeptically. "You're coming with us too."
Dodger sighed and slumped his shoulders. "So it's going to be kidnapped by two weird returners of children. So be it. Cuff me." He said dramatically as he put his hands together in front of himself.
The two strangers looked at each other with an eyebrow raised then back at Dodger. The man shrugged and reached behind him and grabbed handcuffs from his belt and clamped them over Dodger's wrists.
The next few hours were boringly filled with driving and the two strangers who introduced themselves as Agent Sentinel and Agent Archivist, who dismissed the question of who's agents they were, knocking on doors of the families of the children that had joined the cult. Dodger said goodbye to Sarah who thanked him for trying to get her to realize that she needed to go home and got off the van. Then the next few hours were the two proclaimed agents asking Dodger about his powers, how he found out about the cult, what he does for a living, which he reported he was unemployed at the time, and why he was on the deep web in the first place. Halfway through the drive, Dodger realized these weren't just questions to pass the time. These so called agents were interrogating him.
As they ended their interrogation that took a few hours, Agent Sentinel turned on a road that led to a giant manson. He parked the van out front and turned to look at Dodger who was sitting at the back of the van. "Well Mr. Bain, I think we have a proposition for you."
As Sentinel finished his sentence the front door of the manor opened.
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captainkogane · 7 years
what didn't you like about season 3? I liked Lotor, and the alternate universe concept as well as clone shirk and younger zarkon. now I had the "this is only 7 episodes, not the full season in mind" but I didn't like how they had Keith willingly leave his team behind when he had that character growth in season 2s BoM episode. they put Keith down a lot for characters like lance to shine, and Lotor to show his cunningness. talk to me captain
There were a lot of things I didn’t like and I had some expectations that S3 would draw my attention and interest back fully on Voltron again, but yeah - haha. Not happening, so far. Er, putting this under “Read More” simply because rant. /sighs
Some things I didn’t really like however, were basically:
Everything felt super rushed and the pacing was horrible; there was too much going on in one episode, imo. 
The portrayal of Keith - I guess, which I felt was really … Dumb? I get that the way he reacted was supposed to be because of Shiro’s absence, but it just made Keith seem really dumb, illogical, and like he can’t do anything right unless Shiro is there. He came off very dependent but not really only that, it just seemed that his angst and anger wasn’t executed very well because I didn’t really … I don’t know? I sat there and was like, for a moment, “Wow, this is the Keith - the character I really adore?” It just seemed as if at first, Keith came off as a very fun, complex character because he wasn’t just your impulsive, hot-headed loner - he had issues with being abandoned, he’s a bit socially awkward, able to joke and laugh, loyal and trustworthy, etc. – but with the portrayal of him in S3, it just felt like the horrible, stereotypical emo boy fanon!Keith was real - like, everything he had in S2 just went down the drain all of a sudden. Especially his time piloting the Black Lion. It was just ??? Alright, so I understand that he’s not going to be the best leader straight on, but come on. The characteristics in this show is just so inconsistent. 
Switching Lions was done pretty poorly and seemed pointless, imo. I just - ??? I’m already cringing at people making the whole, “Lance is in Keith’s shadow now” because really? Not even that though, but I just don’t understand ??? Like, I honestly don’t see a reason as to why Allura can’t be accepted as the Red Lion? I had high hopes for her because I viewed Keith and Allura as very similar. Lance being accepted as the pilot for Red Lion didn’t make sense? I don’t really see how he proved himself either? He literally tells Keith that he doesn’t want him as leader, thinks Keith bringing up how Shiro chose him as the leader as Keith having an ulterior motive, and then suddenly, he’s so accepting just because Black Lion accepted Keith in front of him? S1, Allura states that Red Lion is the hardest to earn the trust of - well, damn.Keith, risks his life to prove his worth to Red LionLance, sees Keith get accepted by Black Lion despite how ten minutes ago he was being bitter about it - instantly gets accepted by Red Lion  Amazing. 
Lance’s development was shitty. Like, he doesn’t even develop through the episodes, he just randomly changes after Keith gets BL and he gets RL. All of a sudden, he’s supportive, the voice of reason, the person who puts his hand on Keith’s shoulder to give him reassurance and it’s like, okay - throughout the series, we are literally shown Lance being a dick to Keith for no reason other than having a misconception about Keith’s character (envy, inferiority, jealousy) - and now, he doesn’t even address that. His development doesn’t address it at all.It’s obvious that Keith would be involved with Lance’s development and I wanted them to settle the problem between them that Lance instigated, but with how S3 developed it, they just swept that under the rug. Honestly, I don’t know how anyone could be satisfied with that but you do you. I mean, maybe I’m just a salty Keith lover, but S3 swept Lance’s bad sides under the rug and just showed how logical and reasonable he was and supportive and just how insecure he is without actually … Letting him … Develop it. It just … Happens. Like, he’s a different person ten minutes later.
Lotor and the Paladins; it seemed like the writers didn’t know how to show just how different Lotor was from his previous version and that he is now, smart and cunning - intelligent with hidden agendas without dumb-ing down the Paladins? LOL? The whole baiting scene was just ???? Lance points out they’re being pinned against each other, Keith screams at everyone because he’s angry and frustrated, and then - Pidge, Hunk, and Allura have no idea what to say or what they’re doing. Meanwhile, Lotor is just apparently too damn smart. Honestly, I really like him a lot! Tbh, I just didn’t like how ??? His scenes were kinda’ … I don’t know, it just didn’t stand out for me. 
For some reason, it seemed like no one really cared about Shiro’s disappearance but Keith? Everyone was already ahead and making jokes about wanting to be BP and it just seemed kinda’ weird? Like, they comforted Keith for a second and then they were just - shrug, shrug, shrug. 
I actually don’t care much for the clone!Shiro plot. 
Er, the fact that they made Shiro’s absence such a big goddamn issue for Keith and then, once Shiro’s back, it’s just sorta’ like, lackluster in the reaction Keith has? 
Yeah, that’s all I can think of right now. There were of course, some good parts as well? I enjoyed the Lance and Pidge moments, the Lance and Allura moments especially, and I like the idea of Auxia and Keith being foils (since she was apparently leading the battleship thing they made with the comet). I think I’ve come to love Zarkon’s character more than Lotor, actually, and felt that the background they gave Zarkon made him so … Easy to sympathize for, like, oh, everything makes sense now. The Lance and Keith moments were actually quite nice to watch. Sorry if this answer was a bit disappointing. I’m pretty bitter right now but I’m still going to stick around. Thanks for the ask! Have a good day/night. 
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