unlock-xp · 5 months
“So, what did you do this weekend?”
That question took you off guard.
A groggy mind slowly turning its gears again muffles the question. Sleep deprived, no thoughts. Head empty.
You hadn’t even thought about the concept of explaining to your coworkers what could’ve possibly taken up a seemingly random weekend. Much less about how you’d be utterly useless for the day. And even less about why you would even bother to show up.
Forty-eight hours of chaotic planning, development, ideas, failures, hijinks, etc. Starting with an evening of high-energy grindsets strong enough to convince the most mythical of engineers to leave their castles and bless us with the riches of their fast prototyping. Their high-end mechanical keyboards controlling the push and pull of our hopes and dreams with a simple pull review.
Of course, we would treat them with a fine glass of designer tears farmed from the realisation that they might actually have to touch a Unity UI, served together with a fine plate of lovely looking high poly dishes (which would’ve been perfect were it not for the artist that forgot about the exporting guidelines).
As a side dish, we’ll air-fry the abandoned concepts on the floor where the theme was announced. Its withered flowers tasting of sour regret mixed with sweet daydreams, freshly plucked from the train ride to here. Goes well with a glass of anticipation (locally sourced, definitely sweat).
Of course, to top it off, we would have some of the sauciest sauce. Richly flavoured with the media literacy of a well-read shut-in and stocked with the fruits of the labour of a well-disciplined hard worker. And spiced with the zesty sparks of a debatably well-rested loose cannon of a nerd.
None of it will be finished. Perhaps not even halfway. But an over-scoped project is a dinner meant to be shared. And who’s better to share it with than the people crazy enough to cook it with you?
When the sleep deprivation hits and the lingering smell of gamers slowly wears off, you might think about other weekends. Ones where you’d have stayed home, binge-watching your blorbos. Ones where the word code wouldn’t even dare show up on your phone.
I hope that, when you consider the seemingly meaningless suffering you’ve gone through, you remember the just-as-stinky peer sitting next to you, using 4 hours of Eurobeat to crunch through nights of bug hunting, ngon culling, and entry-level scripting. So, when people ask, you look at your well-filled stomach of experience and answer them truthfully, with all your heart:
“I had fun.”
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thoughttriloquist · 3 years
So it seems to me like the standard Christian philosophy of "don't listen to that type of music, it isnt godly," or "you need different friends cuz the ones you have don't uplift you," is the exact same teaching as the common one now about seeking higher vibrations in your life and quitting the stuff that drags you into lower vibrations.
Same story just different names.
Same motive just different games.
Call it God, or the Universe, or a higher plane of existence, or whatever else you want to call it. It's all the same stuff. If "God" screwed you over but the Universe looks out for you, then probably it wasn't God to begin with. Check what you got told God was or what perceptions you're bringing into that relationship based on other people's tall tales.
Or if the Universe keeps throwing shit at you but your higher self keeps you grounded, then guess what, it's probably not the Universe screwing you over. Check that relationship too. Those lingering perceptions and transferred biases played you for a fool.
Maybe you think that all this higher vibrations stuff is the devil implanting ideas into your mind, but God keeps you safe from those temptations and shortcomings. Same story here. Probably check those perceptions and verify you aren't just ignoring your higher self trying to point out areas you need to do some self improvement. And get that relationship between you and your head checked out by a professional. Those ideas mean business, and you're gonna need backup!
Anyways, just some shower thoughts.
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lodgeveronicaa · 4 years
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Just did my civic duty. Please remember to vote! Also, it's very handy and important to know who your Supervisor of Elections is and where their offices are. In case you decide to drop off your ballot, etc.
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apollosys · 7 years
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some of us! drawn by @maxpawb
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captainkogane · 7 years
what didn't you like about season 3? I liked Lotor, and the alternate universe concept as well as clone shirk and younger zarkon. now I had the "this is only 7 episodes, not the full season in mind" but I didn't like how they had Keith willingly leave his team behind when he had that character growth in season 2s BoM episode. they put Keith down a lot for characters like lance to shine, and Lotor to show his cunningness. talk to me captain
There were a lot of things I didn’t like and I had some expectations that S3 would draw my attention and interest back fully on Voltron again, but yeah - haha. Not happening, so far. Er, putting this under “Read More” simply because rant. /sighs
Some things I didn’t really like however, were basically:
Everything felt super rushed and the pacing was horrible; there was too much going on in one episode, imo. 
The portrayal of Keith - I guess, which I felt was really … Dumb? I get that the way he reacted was supposed to be because of Shiro’s absence, but it just made Keith seem really dumb, illogical, and like he can’t do anything right unless Shiro is there. He came off very dependent but not really only that, it just seemed that his angst and anger wasn’t executed very well because I didn’t really … I don’t know? I sat there and was like, for a moment, “Wow, this is the Keith - the character I really adore?” It just seemed as if at first, Keith came off as a very fun, complex character because he wasn’t just your impulsive, hot-headed loner - he had issues with being abandoned, he’s a bit socially awkward, able to joke and laugh, loyal and trustworthy, etc. – but with the portrayal of him in S3, it just felt like the horrible, stereotypical emo boy fanon!Keith was real - like, everything he had in S2 just went down the drain all of a sudden. Especially his time piloting the Black Lion. It was just ??? Alright, so I understand that he’s not going to be the best leader straight on, but come on. The characteristics in this show is just so inconsistent. 
Switching Lions was done pretty poorly and seemed pointless, imo. I just - ??? I’m already cringing at people making the whole, “Lance is in Keith’s shadow now” because really? Not even that though, but I just don’t understand ??? Like, I honestly don’t see a reason as to why Allura can’t be accepted as the Red Lion? I had high hopes for her because I viewed Keith and Allura as very similar. Lance being accepted as the pilot for Red Lion didn’t make sense? I don’t really see how he proved himself either? He literally tells Keith that he doesn’t want him as leader, thinks Keith bringing up how Shiro chose him as the leader as Keith having an ulterior motive, and then suddenly, he’s so accepting just because Black Lion accepted Keith in front of him? S1, Allura states that Red Lion is the hardest to earn the trust of - well, damn.Keith, risks his life to prove his worth to Red LionLance, sees Keith get accepted by Black Lion despite how ten minutes ago he was being bitter about it - instantly gets accepted by Red Lion  Amazing. 
Lance’s development was shitty. Like, he doesn’t even develop through the episodes, he just randomly changes after Keith gets BL and he gets RL. All of a sudden, he’s supportive, the voice of reason, the person who puts his hand on Keith’s shoulder to give him reassurance and it’s like, okay - throughout the series, we are literally shown Lance being a dick to Keith for no reason other than having a misconception about Keith’s character (envy, inferiority, jealousy) - and now, he doesn’t even address that. His development doesn’t address it at all.It’s obvious that Keith would be involved with Lance’s development and I wanted them to settle the problem between them that Lance instigated, but with how S3 developed it, they just swept that under the rug. Honestly, I don’t know how anyone could be satisfied with that but you do you. I mean, maybe I’m just a salty Keith lover, but S3 swept Lance’s bad sides under the rug and just showed how logical and reasonable he was and supportive and just how insecure he is without actually … Letting him … Develop it. It just … Happens. Like, he’s a different person ten minutes later.
Lotor and the Paladins; it seemed like the writers didn’t know how to show just how different Lotor was from his previous version and that he is now, smart and cunning - intelligent with hidden agendas without dumb-ing down the Paladins? LOL? The whole baiting scene was just ???? Lance points out they’re being pinned against each other, Keith screams at everyone because he’s angry and frustrated, and then - Pidge, Hunk, and Allura have no idea what to say or what they’re doing. Meanwhile, Lotor is just apparently too damn smart. Honestly, I really like him a lot! Tbh, I just didn’t like how ??? His scenes were kinda’ … I don’t know, it just didn’t stand out for me. 
For some reason, it seemed like no one really cared about Shiro’s disappearance but Keith? Everyone was already ahead and making jokes about wanting to be BP and it just seemed kinda’ weird? Like, they comforted Keith for a second and then they were just - shrug, shrug, shrug. 
I actually don’t care much for the clone!Shiro plot. 
Er, the fact that they made Shiro’s absence such a big goddamn issue for Keith and then, once Shiro’s back, it’s just sorta’ like, lackluster in the reaction Keith has? 
Yeah, that’s all I can think of right now. There were of course, some good parts as well? I enjoyed the Lance and Pidge moments, the Lance and Allura moments especially, and I like the idea of Auxia and Keith being foils (since she was apparently leading the battleship thing they made with the comet). I think I’ve come to love Zarkon’s character more than Lotor, actually, and felt that the background they gave Zarkon made him so … Easy to sympathize for, like, oh, everything makes sense now. The Lance and Keith moments were actually quite nice to watch. Sorry if this answer was a bit disappointing. I’m pretty bitter right now but I’m still going to stick around. Thanks for the ask! Have a good day/night. 
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What about the other snakes around you? How did they treat their fellow kind?
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"I suppose how humans treat humans, it is helpful to have an ally that can communicate with your enemies however. I always provide a warm welcoming home for any stray snakes!"
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werebeastbones · 7 years
anyways people that say “there are two genders & unless you’re a woman you’re a man” are gross & need to stay approximately 9000 ft or more away from me thanks
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qingxin-s · 4 years
sweetness.gif : tag for @femboyferris​
star.txt : tag for @lostchildonaboat​​
ren.mp4 : tag for @woomyvoomy​
crystal.txt : tag for @zmieciony​​
light.txt : tag for @logixlight​
petal.jpg : tag for @strabbie
​🌸anon : tag for the 🌸 anon
la lorenza : tag for la lorenza anon​
blog tags:
faves.mp4 : things i adore
sweet dreams.txt : goodnight posts
speech.wav : announcements about the blog
long.txt : tag for long posts, feel free to block
game.wav : tag for rb games, feel free to block
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unlock-xp · 5 months
You don't even know how much we've lost
Forever shitting and crying about the loss of the XP office. I don't think that the people who haven't experienced it know what kind of mind-boggling experience it was for those 1,5 years and how much it capsulated the core vibe of XP.
The momentum, the construction, and every bit of love that went into it made it truly a unique experience for everyone who was there from the start.
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As a little bit of backstory: Very early on during the conceptualisation of the association, we got in contact with the office manager of WARP Technopolis, a breeding ground for underground artists that housed many studios and spaces including Spacebar. They were super stoked about our association.
So stoked, in fact, that when we were visiting the building, they basically told us:
"Here's some empty space. Build a wall, and the room you create will be yours."
So, we got to work.
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Over the next few months, we slowly built up a space where we handcrafted the vision of what XP should be. Long meetings were had in scuffed makeshift rooms about the foundation of the association, its structure, and planning out its first events.
It was wild to see the association we were creating truly manifest in real-time. Every addition to the space was a sign of XP growing and it was beautiful.
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So much love for the community was expressed in these spaces. Everything we worked on here was all done with passion and love for our peers, and for the future students, we'd provide for.
We used it professionally, we used it recreationally, we let other students host their private events, we let people rest during busy nights, we let people party during boring nights, we let people live and exist in this room that became the central spirit of XP.
And when the big nights came—large events where people stayed until late—we laughed and cried, experienced new things, and met new people. We wouldn't shut up about it for weeks afterwards.
Things went by so fast. Every day was an adventure to be had. It felt like laughter and joy was amplified in the office. People felt at ease, they felt seen. It was their space.
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Photography: Marlene Mahn
The last XP game night at the office was hard to swallow. It was one of the busiest we've ever had. New freshmen, alumni, and friends of friends came to experience everything we had built there one last time. The office was at its peak in terms of looks and equipment, and we couldn't have hoped for a better end of an era.
If you've experienced XP during these exhilarating times, no matter how engaged you were, tell its stories. Reminisce with your friends about the times you've had. Show freshmen pictures of the adventures. Share this beautiful expression of our community So that one day we might build another temple, together.
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akmus · 6 years
happy eid mubarak ✨
happy eid mubarak to my fellow muslim mutuals/followers!
its already 12am here, and my country already made eid announcement. since its one of the main festive celebration in my country, i am going to be away for atleast a week or two. my blog will be on queue, and i’ll be reblogging stuffs only (only if im on tumblr)
since i’ll be spending most of my time at my gramps’ and i miss to spend my time with my relatives (like really guys, im super sociable irl lol) i won’t bring along my laptop (in that case, i won’t be giffing at all and i know i haven’t giffing for a long time on this blog)
this post will be reblogged for atleast everyday, though i have to go back and forth from my main blog to this blog lol. have a nice day! 
p/s: i love you guys ❤️
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svtnz · 6 years
happy eid mubarak ✨
happy eid mubarak to my fellow muslim mutuals/followers! 
its already 12am here, and my country already made eid announcement. since its one of the main festive celebration in my country, i am going to be away for atleast a week or two. my blog will be on queue, and i’ll be reblogging stuffs only (only if im on tumblr). 
since i’ll be spending most of my time at my gramps’ and i miss to spend my time with my relatives (like really guys, im super sociable irl lol) i won’t bring along my laptop (in that case, i won’t be giffing at all) 
this post will be reblogged for atleast everyday, incase anyone didnt see this. i hope you guys can tag me on any posts because i think i might missed them out. i know that no one even care about this, but some might do! have a nice day people! 
p/s: i love you guys ❤️
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lodgeveronicaa · 5 years
Tits up! Season 4 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! Can't wait!
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captainkogane · 7 years
when you see this, post three lines from three WIPs
tagged by: @pepperpaprika encouraging: @vikthot | @flusteredkeith | @slavshiro | @theyullenator | @keithnip | @amusingmurff | @youkobandit | @dalucablight | @riverbanks | @vitusoftheyin | @crowlines
1. One fine Christmas Eve, Lance decides to take his life and things don’t exactly go as planned. 
“You want to die, you say,” the man states nonchalantly, tightening his grip on Lance’s wrist, “But here you are, begging to live before you even hit the ground.”
“What the fuck,” Lance chokes out, repeating the words several more times as his body dangles back and forth in the air, “What the fuck, what the fuck, who the fuck are you - shit, let me go, asshole - “
“What,” the stranger cocks his head to the right in amusement, ignoring the poor struggle Lance makes in an attempt to free his wrist. Instead, he merely gestures downwards at the busy street with his free hand, cool gaze settled on the boy he held with ease, “You gonna finish what you started?” 
2. Zombie Apocalypse AU, Pidge and Keith are roommates. 
“God,” Keith groaned, snatching the card before opening his door, “Don’t talk like that, you’re hanging around Landon too much or whatever. What do I put? How much?”
“Premium and like, twenty dollars worth,” she slammed the door shut, “Want anything? Kit-Kats? A hot dog? Hot Cheetos? The vanilla Starbucks shit you drink too much?”
“That vanilla Starbucks drink and two chicken taquitos,” Keith answered, popping open the gas compartment top. He slid the card in, eyes following Pidge’s back until she was safe behind the glass doors.
3. MMORPG!Bleach AU, ft. Ichigo, Mizuiro, and Keigo (eventually becomes GrimmIchi w/ a life or death situation) 
“I'm dying! Guys, please, I know deep down in your cold little hearts you must somehow care for me!”
Ichigo leaned forward, “If it's just you and me, maybe I'll get lucky? There's a PvP set I have for open-world and it's almost completely at plus fifteen enhancements save for the boots.”
“If it’s just us, there would be no one to fight for it,” Mizuiro agreed. “I’d say it's a win-win. You wouldn't even have to tank. I could probably heal you through the damage easily. DPS the shit out of it and it'll be down in less than two minutes.”
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do you have a family?
“I…Not exactly per say…” Qiu Long looks off in the distance, somewhat at a loss for words.
“I.. was not really “raised” in the wild..I mean… I had many other snakes around me but… Ah, how do I put it?” Her phone vibrated on her desk, temporarily rescuing her from explaining the that past she often preferred to forget.
“Ah, I apologize, it’s time for me to go out into the city and learn, I’ll talk to you later.”
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werebeastbones · 7 years
oh wowie I miss my team
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