#he could have been MAYBE a little bigger in stature
I just watched The Imitation Game and it further reaffirms my feeling of Matthew Goode being the perfect casting for Matthew de Clermont. I can’t see him in anything anymore and not think “vampire”. Don’t get me wrong, the series had some great casting (Diana, Gallowglass, Marcus, Jack, etc.) but Goode was just *chefs kiss*.
Like most people, I don’t normally like to watch stuff based on books before I read them, because I like to come up with my own interpretations before they’re forever warped by actor portrayals. And I tried for DOW — I started the book but half way through I got too excited and convinced the hubs to watch the series with me. Then finally I went back to finishing the trilogy after the series. And I kept waiting as I read the books to be disappointed that Goode was in my head, but that never ever happened and I wish there’d been more to the show because I would have loved to see him and Teresa Palmer fully act out the books exactly like Good Omens did lol. But that’ll never happen and if it did they couldn’t bring back Goode (and Palmer) and that’s just unacceptable.
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comfortless · 5 months
dog hybrid recruit König thots??
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. more loner x loner because it is a treat for me. fem (afab) reader. König is a man just with ears and a tail. vague smut.
He’s the one that was never picked.
So maybe you’re too busy for a puppy hybrid, but maybe you’re a bit too lonely for an empty apartment. You don’t have the space for a big, excitable dog. The cats and bunnies are in high demand, too, there’s no shot of you adopting one of the cute, softer things within your budget. So you settle for a dog. The only dog left at the shelter.
His papers state that he comes from Austria, aged twenty-five and never been put into an actual home before. He’s endured some rigorous military training: scenting, tracking, breaking down thick doors with only a shoulder and an efficient push. A hunter through and through. Then, following his merits: erratic, jumpy, impulsive, and more than a little aggressive.
This dog doesn’t growl, only bites.
The paper sits crumpled in your hands as you eye the dimly lit hallway to your left. Posters of information line the beige walls to either side, some with photos of proud kitties and dogs, hand-in-hand with their companions and cheery phrases printed above in a bright, yellow cursive.
If anything, those are the ones that give you the final push to adopt this unloved, discarded experimental soldier. He’s only been given this one very last chance before… You would rather not think of what comes if you’re to turn away and leave him to rot and wither here. It must have happened a dozen times already: ambitious families looking for a more intriguing addition only to lock eyes with this pitiful thing and shake their heads ‘no’ for him to be put on death row like this.
“He’s scary,” the clerk reminds you once you’re finally led down the hall to the tiny room your new pet— no, friend, must be kept in. It was easy to think of them as something else sometimes. Animal instincts as prevalent as their claws, teeth, and fuzzy little ears. But you didn’t need a pet, there were an abundance of shops for those. You needed a good soul to spill your guts to and maybe pet from time to time.
“I’m sure he’s fine.”
The poor thing is locked away to fester in what more closely resembles a cell than anything resembling a home. A steel door with a thin, narrow gap in the middle like a peephole keeps him locked in tight. Peering through that narrow gap, you only then seem to realize just what an impulsive decision you’re making.
König is exactly what the clerk said, continues to say next to you as she searches for the correct key on the ring. He’s bigger than any other hybrid you’ve seen before, built narrow at the waist but broad and deadly where it matters most; arms like narrow trees and thighs larger than your head, all muscle and intimidation, even with the cute, perky ears peeking out of the top of his helmet. He was definitely used for guarding and killing, and how a man his stature could even begin to fail that was unknown to you. Not that it was necessary. At most, he may need to shoo a scuttling pest out of the front door and put away a dish or two.
When the door swings open, the clerk offers a hesitant nod before dismissing herself back down the hall, and you’re left stood with a pair of blue eyes locked directly onto you.
König assesses with a tilt of his head and a slow ascent to his feet. He’s clad in layers of black, an empty vest where magazines or grenades must have been in place prior. Hell if you knew. He should have been given a fresh change of clothes after being discharged and sent to this place. A proper bed, too, considering the only furniture in this barren place seemed to be a cot that could never hope to hold him.
If not for the swaying of his tail, you might even find yourself nervous, but he does well to try and look approachable, even greets you with a thickly accented tongue beneath that hood. A simple, “Hallo.”
“I’ve adopted you,” you explain, and it sounds ridiculous. You can’t just adopt a full-grown man. Maybe a puppy or some hybrid child, never a man better suited for a gladiator pit than a home. “I mean that… if you want to come home with me, you can.”
He gives you a huff, a burst of breath that pushes the hood out from his face and a near imperceptible roll of his eyes as a step is taken toward you. It must sound stupid, even to him, but the wiry tail at his back does not cease its wagging. No matter how stern the glimpses of his face seem to look and how alarming his size may be, he’s nothing but an eager pup it seemed.
“Richtig… Then let’s go.”
Life with your big soldier turns out to be remarkably easy.
The first few weeks are dedicated to stoking up some sort of bond and rationing out chores. Simple tasks to see how he adapts, and small rewards in the form of pets along the velvety fur of his ears and scratches beneath his chin. The walks with you seem to be his favorite and tend to be long, but he remains right at your side the entire way. The only barking to be heard comes from nosy passersby that warn you to keep your beast on a leash, but you let him be reasoning that it wouldn’t do you any good at all. Your strength was that of a tiny rabbit’s by comparison.
König is clean enough from his prior military training and does as you ask without complaint. Even things you don’t request, such as your laundry are taken care of before you ever even return from work. He’s overbearing on those evenings, when you’ve been apart and he sates himself drunk on the scent of your perfume still clinging to the collar of an old sweater. Excitable and sweet, though, when he curls at your side while some movie plays on the television screen.
It amazes you how easily he’s shifted from stiff to adoring in a matter of days, but it’s rare to have a moment to yourself now. The hybrid is insistent on pulling you up into his lap when you’re curled on the couch, or rushing behind to hoist you up and pin you between an expanse of chest and the kitchen counter with drooly licks against the side of your neck and cheek. Biting, too. You try your best to bully that out of him, flicking at his ears or shoving against his face, but there’s always a mark left behind.
When a coworker gives you a mischievous grin and asks if there’s a new man in your life at the sight of a purplish bruise against your throat, that is when you decide that a collar may actually be nice. Weave your fingers between leather and skin and give König a sharp tug when he gets too rowdy, maybe that would teach him. Spray bottles and warnings spoken through giggles just aren’t enough.
You find one that you think might fit at a shop specializing in hybrid needs. It’s thick and well-made, a black leather hold to match that big scary demeanor that he tries his best to uphold. The cutesy silver bell attached to it is just a bonus. At least you would hear him coming the next time he insisted on peppering you in kisses with his tail a blur behind him.
He greets you at the door as always, unlocks it for you and pulls it open before you ever even make it to the top of the landing. It’s cute how giddy he seems each day when you return, how he doesn’t hesitate to walk right up to you with his hands at his sides, his own silent request for a hug or some form of affection whilst staring down at you and mumbling a “hallo” like the most awkward gentleman in the entire world.
“I got you a present,” you excitedly tell him instead of blessing him with your usual embrace, lifting up the little gift bag with a smile.
When the collar is retrieved from the bag by a massive hand, König does not mirror your enthusiasm. Any light in the placid blue of his eyes seems to extinguish, smothered and fizzled out to pave way for a look of the purest disdain. He rolls the leather between both palms, only then regarding you with as a heavy sigh stirs up from his chest to whistle past the open mouth beneath the hood.
Maybe he would have preferred something with spikes. Something heavy and intimidating with a tag that read “FUCK YOU” in red, painted letters.
“I don’t wear collars,” he finally says, flatly.
Or maybe a muzzle would have been best…
“You do now, big guy,” you challenge with an airy laugh, slipping past him to cross into your home. Tidy as ever, he’s been working today it seemed. The bulb in the living room has been replaced, a few pieces of furniture rearranged. It all just looks… cozy. More habitable now that someone else lives here too.
König follows you inside with his head lowered and tail pushed between his thighs. The collar rests in one hand, fingers curled over it so tightly it almost seemed he wished the damned thing to dissipate into dust.
“Nein. I won’t wear it.” The door is locked behind him. It’s the first time he’s refused you anything. Even cleaning up around the kitchen wasn’t met with a rejection. It’s odd, almost uncharacteristic for him.
“I just thought…” You would want to be mine. Properly. With a nice symbol of it right around his neck, with a sturdy leash to lead him by, with…
Any thought in your head puffs into a plume of smoke back there behind your eyes when you feel two hands grasp at your shoulders, push you back towards the wall to hold you there. Hugging, lifting, cuddling up against, even licking… those things were commonplace. This was foreign and surprisingly rough; there’s no give to his hold, no room to even try to move away as his head lowers to stare you straight in the eyes.
“I killed my last handler.”
“Did you…?”
That confession should have sent icy dread to the pit of your stomach, should have spurred you to claw and kick and bite. Surely the shelter would have known, could have warned you too. That would have spared you from looking like a terrified little rabbit now, yet a part of you knew it wouldn’t have changed a thing. König sort of… belonged here, as if written in some silly reading of the stars.
His ears flatten against his skull, large hands trembling where they hold you in place. The dam begins to crack as his eyes grow glassy, gaze far away in a concoction of pain and contemplation. He stares through you, not at, reliving something you dared not ask for an explanation for. The whys and hows die on your tongue.
And there’s nothing scary about him anymore.
There’s only a wounded soldier here.
A good boy.
Your hands rise to flip up the hood, rest it over the top of his head to cup his jaw in your palms, stroking over his cheeks with both thumbs to soothe and comfort. His unwinding comes immediate, hands slipping down to your lower back to pull you in closer.
You don’t apologize and neither does he. Everything just falls back into a comfortable lull, some fuzzy droning from both sides as you wish one another good night. He walks you to your bedroom door, the very best he can do to prove that he’s not some mutt with froth coming from his jaw. You bite your tongue to prevent yourself from encouraging that he sleep next to you.
“You’re a good boy, you know that?,” you tell him as you lean against the door in preparation to push it closed. “The very best there is.”
He doesn’t respond, but the tail behind him wags at a frantic pace from those words alone.
The following morning is different.
There’s food on the table and coffee already brewing by the time you cross from your room into the kitchen. The air bears the scent of sandalwood and geranium, a forgotten candle sat burning on the countertop. You eat your breakfast of too-sweet pancakes and prep your coffee to go all while the shower runs from somewhere down the hallway.
He usually waits, tells you goodbye before you’re off to work, bites at your neck and asks which will be better: a movie after dinner or some fresh air. Instead, there’s a note attached to the door. Something simple and mischievous, a scribbled, lopsided heart and some phrase in German written with handwriting so sloppy that there was no hope of your still sleep-addled mind translating it.
You chalk it up to him being fully adjusted in this new space, let him go about his business while you go about yours.
It would be a walk tonight.
Arriving home twists what is simply different into the realm of bizarre. No hugging by the door, it sits closed and untouched since you left this morning. You inhale something heavy, trepidation or maybe a bit of yearning there, while you fumble with your key in the lock. A click, a push, and then everything just changes. There’s no crashing and burning, only a very firm and insistent buzzing that rises to your chest, because the sight inside is just…
Your König.
The hood has been discarded and set aside on the polished wood of a nearby table, the little bell collar sits right along his throat. It jingles when his ears perk and his tail begins that gentle sway, swishing with every step that you take into the apartment, rampant and unyielding when the sparkles in your eyes cluster like the tiniest, most insignificant stars.
No apologies, but this was something better.
“Gut?,” he asks you, kneels before you with the cutest stare that you’ve ever seen on a man. Constellations sit there waiting to be mapped, and your giant puppy waits for just a little praise.
You stroke his ears first, then dip your head to press a kiss to his cheek.
“The best boy,” you tell him.
“I have a present for you too.”
No protest comes when he herds you out of the door, still in your stiff uniform with your hair a mess. The sun begins its setting out on the horizon, bathing the world in purple and gold. Trees with spring blossoms and wildflowers all abloom tinge the air in something sweet. It’s not your usual trail, and König doesn’t walk at your side this time, only ahead. You watch him fondly as he grazes his fingertips against the blooms hanging from branches just overhead, how he shies away from the curious nesting birds in bushes as to not startle them.
It isn’t the usual trail, but he walks it with confidence. There are no people out so late in the day, and apart from the occasional quip between the both of you, the setting only bears the sound of the chiming of his bell and a few night birds beginning to call. Peace morphs to something greater when the sun tucks itself away and sets the stage for a bright, waning moon. There’s a small clearing, a meadow cut straight through by the dirt path you walk, and only then are you pulled aside.
“Here,” he huffs against your chest when your back meets soft grass and a hazy, spring sky is painted out above you.
Maybe you’re not the best with men, but there have been signs.
So many in abundance that the pitiful squeak that leaves you when his nose finds its way up your skirt is only an embarrassment. König must have found it charming, reaches for both of your hands as he laps at your sex through the thin lace of your panties until your body grows tense and your nails leave little crescents on the backs of his hands.
The words don’t come, they don’t have to when he speaks them for you, little whispers and coos into your hair when any barrier between you is discarded with the descent of a zipper and the sound of tearing lace. There’s an outpouring of thanks in the form of a tiny, fragile, “I missed you.”
The night birds calling washes out each sound that escapes from either of you then, only outdone by the symphony of impact when König loses himself entirely to you. Limbs curling around narrow hips and a broad back, pools of blue so shimmery and pretty they outdo even the moon hanging above locked onto you. He doesn’t look away even as you try to bury your face into the width of his shoulder, only then guides you back down with a gentle hand and a muffled, needywhine.
“Good boy,” comes as a mere peep when he fully sheaths himself and laps at the corner of your mouth as you speak. The praise only causes him to still, pries the words from his panting mouth and reduces them to a series of pleasured, stuttering groans.
“What did the note say?,” you ask him in the silence that comes comfortable once the act is done, nestled into a pair of strong arms with a cheek pressed against an expanse of chest.
“Oh.” König laughs breathily, coming down from the height of both love and need.
“That you found home?,” you ask when he pets at your hair, twirls strands between his fingertips. “Because I think that I may have, too…”
“Something like that.” He shrugs, loosens his grip around your body for a mere second before pulling you in closer, tighter to him, as if letting go would end the world entirely. “Heaven.”
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Perfect Size
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: reader is described as short, name-calling, swearing, Daemon being a horny menace, soft!dom! Daemon, talk of impregnation, talk of pregnancy, pregnancy, smut
Summary: It was Daemon’s life mission to remind you of your size difference, in every aspect of your shared lives.
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A/N: This is part of the wonderful @targaryen-dynasty 3K celebration, congrats by the way!!!! I had so much fun with this prompt. Enjoy everyone and enjoy the other wonderful and talented writers' fics. 3K Celebration Masterlist
My masterlist
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The gods make humans in their image. They make them grow until they see them as perfect. Or so your Septa used to say whenever you were frustrated about your small stature. And it was no help that the greatest rake of the realm, Lord Flea Bottom, the Rouge Prince himself, made it his life’s mission to remind you of how small you were.
As children, you had been a bit taller than him. He had a problem with it. The need to be bigger than a stupid girl was great. His growth spurt came and he nearly towered over you, looking down at you with a smirk on his lips. “How is the weather down there?” He would often tease. “Just fine.” You would retort back. “I hope your small brain will get enough air up there. A shame if you lost more of it.” Was your sarcastic comeback.
The older the two of you got, the taller he would get and you would only grow a few inches if you even grew at all. First, he was slightly lanky. His muscles had yet to grow. He would remind you of a newborn horse whenever he would stumble over his two long feet as he trained with his sword. Often giggling to his dismay.
“I will cut your head off, and then you will be smaller!” He would shout in anger when he saw you snickering. Daemon’s temper seemed to grow with every inch he gained. You enjoyed it immensely when it would rise because of you.
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As young adults, it was fairly certain that you would grow no more. If you stood behind one of the large dinner chairs you could easily hide behind them. Everything seemed to dwarf you.
Daemon prided himself in the knowledge that he was taller than you. Towering over you like the Hightower in Oldtown. And he never passed down the opportunity to remind you. “Shouldn’t you be with your nurse, little one? I think you got the wrong room. The nursery is that way.” Or other things.
You would glare at him. Often kicked his shin when no one was watching. He would yowl in pain. Jump around and hold his leg. “You little pest.” “Maybe you should get your head out of the clouds.” You teased back.
But there were the times he would call you more affectionate words associated with your small stature.
“Why the sour face, my little love?” He mumbled into your ear as he stepped out of the shadows. He had been hiding from his grandmother and her attempts to put boring and plain noblewoman under his nose.
A huff of annoyance escaped your throat. “Mother forced me to wear this ridiculous gown.” You seethed. Your teeth bared like a wolf snarling.
Daemon found your discomfort rather amusing. You looked like a pretty doll all dressed up. Your hair braided into the style of the land you came from. The gown so unmistakably the colours of your house, shining in the light of the candles.
"Oh, no - you're a lady and you have to wear pretty dresses and jewels and oh no, how horrible!" He teased you lightly. He leaned his head on top of yours. A habit he adopted quite recently. Loving the way you fit under him.
You snorted, very un-ladylike. But he was used to your characteristics. You were not one of those up-tied, boring wenches who tried to turn his head. He would rather gauge his eyes out before he gave them a second of his attention.
His attention was only worthy of one woman. And she was right literally under his nose.
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He leaned down, just next to your ear. His hot breath fanned over the sensitive shell. “Do you think it would fit?” You could feel the smirk in his voice. You turned to him with a confused look on your pretty face.  It stayed that way until you felt something. You felt it, him. Hard as a rock, pocking you through the fabric of your wedding gown.
Your face grew hotter than the flames of Caraxes. Your body stiffened as you felt him softly rub against your buttocks. He only laughed lowly. His chest vibrates, sending chills up and down your spine. “You scoundrel!” You lowly scoffed. Your heart beating faster.
Not from his antics. Oh no, you were used to them by now. About the whole banquet finding out about Daemon’s little innuendo. “Oh, little love. I am your scoundrel now. It was ordered by the Queen herself.” He chuckled darkly.
She hit his shoulder lightly. “Stop it!” You tried to reprimand him. But your words fell on deaf ears. “Oh, my little love. How funny you will look with my seed growing inside you.” He began to whisper his lewd words. “You probably won’t be able to walk, so large your belly will grow.”
Your body grew hotter and hotter. It didn’t help that he had you pressed to his chest. His erection pressed against the cheeks of your perfect ass. His hands wander lazily over the front of your dress. Stopping over your belly before wandering further down.
“Oh my little love, will it even fit in your little tight hole? Or will I have to mould your little cunny so only my cock can fit inside?” Your breathing hitched at his dark, lustful words. Daemon’s predatory smile grew at your body's reaction to his scandalous words whispered so softly into your ear.
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He often wondered if he was unfair to his wife. She was small, her body had nearly strained from the weight of the beautiful two children she had already given him.
He was right at their wedding feast. Her swollen stomach looked too large for her body. It hadn’t been long before the first signs of pregnancy made themselves known.
From the small bump only three moons after they conceived. He still can remember how his hands could cover it until she was seven moons pregnant. She had been ordered to rest. To not exhaust herself too much.
Daemon, looking at the image of her laying in their bed, their little one nestled in her belly. The sight did things to him. Things where his darkest desires seemed light in comparison. Oh, how he had spent his days behind her, driving himself into her tight cunt instead of sitting in a boring small council meeting. His wife and unborn child needed him, and he needed them.
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“Another one?” You looked at him from where you stood. Children’s toys in your arms as you helped your daughters clean the room for the day.
Daemon just shrugged. “Why not? Add another one to our hoard. What about you girls? Do you want another sibling?” He crouched down so he was level with Alyssa and Visenya. Both girls looked away from their task to clean up the solar, screeching with joy as their father spoke to them.
“They are tots, Daemon.” You protested. Picking up more of the girls’ toys. “They will agree to anything if you say it with enough enthusiasm.” Daemon chuckled. “Oh, I think they know what I am saying, elillus (honey).” He smirks softly. His eyes roamed her body without shame.
“It has been so long.” “It has only been a few hours. You had me in the morrow.” You snapped back. Cleaning your daughters’ toys from the floor. Putting it into the chest designated for their toys. “I did not mean our coupling, prūmȳs ñuhus (my heart). I meant another child. The girls are six and four.” He mumbled gently.
She looked up at him sitting in the armchair at the edge of the carpet where the girls were playing moments ago. His violet eyes were dark as he watched her like the hunter his prey. “I don’t know, valzȳrys (husband). You heard the maester's words after Visenya’s birth.”
Daemon saw the change in demeanour. He nearly had you, only a small push. “It is your choice, ābrāzȳrys (wife). I do not want to force you.” He stood up, kissing your forehead before helping you with cleaning the toys up.
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You were tossing and turning in bed. Nothing seemed right. Thoughts swirled through your head. So many voices at once.
You wanted to scream. But you would only wake up your family.
“Tell me what is keeping you from sleep, ābrāzȳrys (wife)” Daemon's gravel voice rang through the room. He sounded tired. His back turned to you.
“It’s nothing.” You whispered. “Bullshit!” Daemon groaned. Turning to face you. “It feels like I am sleeping next to a bloody sack of kittens. What is it.” He tiredly glared at her. Knowing full well what was going on.
“You’ve gotten into my head, you menace!” You growled out. Pouting at him. His usual smirk grew on his lips, a soft chuckle escaping. “Apologies for that, ābrāzȳrys (wife).“ „You are not sorry, Daemon.” His grin widened more. “You know me so well.”
A huff escaped your lips. “Why must you torment me so?” Daemon sat up on his forearm, looking down at you. Your hair was splayed out in a messy halo. A bright smile adorned his face as he saw the light, tired glare and the pout on your lips.
“Oh, little love, I vowed to be the bane of your existence since we played with the small dragon figurines our daughters’ play with now. And ever since it was announced you would be my dear lady wife I swore to torture you even more.” He softly nipped at your collarbone, his large hands coming to rest on your rips, just under your breasts.
“Let me help you with your decision-making. Let me enter your little cunny and stay there when I cum. Let my seed fill your womb once more.” His imposing frame loomed over you. Covering you like a blanket.
“What if the maester is right?” “The maesters are cunts who want to see me unhappy and you in doubt. They told you after Alyssa you could not carry another child. Two years later they said the same after Visenya.” He kissed your shoulder gently before his expressive violet eyes stared at you. “What is your body telling you?”
You bit your lip gently, A small rumble going through Daemon’s chest at your gesture. But he restrained himself. “I want another one.” You whispered gently.
A smile broke greater than before out on his lips, his dimples showing. “I will not let anything happen to you. The moment your body is resisting, I will get you moon tea or whatever is necessary.” You nodded gently.
His eyes darkened with lust. “Now before we can even discuss the pregnancy, we must make it happen.”
He lifted himself so his arms were on either side of your head. “Oh my sweet, I longed to fill up your little cunny. Seeing it overflow with my seed. Stuffing it back in.” He laughed gently as you shuddered.
With haste born of his pent-up desire, he ripped all of your clothes off your and his body. You gasped softly, scolding him for literally ripping your nightgown. “I never liked it anyway.” He mumbled against the skin between your breasts. Slowly moving down to your stomach.
He worshipped your body, caressing your thighs and hips. Squeezing the flesh around them, even gently nibbling on it.
He kissed each and every lightning-bold-like scar. Mumbling with every kiss a small thanks. These were the marks of his children. Evidence of your brave sacrifice.
He went further down. His lips ghosted over the soft locks, his eyes watching you heave out breaths of anticipation.
A loud scream ripped from your throat when you felt his tongue plunge deeply into your wet core. The eagerness of his lapping overwhelmed your senses. His nose ever so lightly brushed against your pearl. Teasing it to shoot lightning throughout your body.
You came undone. His tongue, nose and two of his digits working in tandem to torture you. And it worked. Your back arched off the bed. Loud cries of his name and pleas for him to stop accompanied your downward spiral into the abyss of your pleasure.
He stared down at you hungrily. His vibrant eyes were dark with lust. He looked every bit the dragon he ought to be. “Little rabbit.” He growled out. “Sweet, little rabbit. Trapped beneath the large dragon.”
He leaned down again. Like Caraxes would decent upon his pray, Daemon came down upon you. Devouring you once more.
He held your thighs wide open as he ploughed into you. The wet sound of skin slapping against skin rang through the room. His large hand wrapped around your delicate neck, softly pressing against it. Your breathing coming out in small pants.
“You should see yourself, little darling. My large hand is like a necklace on your throat. I can nearly wrap it around.” He chuckled darkly.
His words elicited shivers to run up and down your spine. This action causes your body to tense slightly. Daemon roared as he felt you squeeze his cock. “Seven fucking hells, woman! Do you want to kill me?!” He panted out. Driving his cock deeper inside you. The stretch is a familiar pain. But not too unpleasant. He had prepared you for him. And he would hate for you not to enjoy your coupling.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in a soft, sensual kiss. It was so different from the way his hips moved. So slow and loving. “I am not hurting you, am I, my little darling?” He whispered. You shook your head. “Nothing I am not used to from you.” He grinned, nipping at your lower lip, “That’s my good girl.” He whispered.
He picked up his pace. His hands on your thighs clawing into your skin. His knuckles are white. He groaned and grunted, looking down at you with an intense stare. Your own moans and cries mingle with his. Creating a symphony of pleasure.
He came with a roar of your name, his face buried into your neck. Panting heavily next to your ear. Your own climax is triggered by the feeling of being filled with his potent seed. Both your eyes closed in bliss.
He stayed inside you even as his member softened inside you. The grip on your thigh remains tight. Like he needed to be grounded by you.
Your arms wrapped tighter around his neck, softly caressing his head. He hummed gently, letting you know he loved what you were doing. “Do not dare to stop.” He mumbled gently into your neck. You continued with your caress. Softly petting him like he was a dog.
He fell asleep like this. His spent cock inside you, keeping his precious seed inside you. His body acted like a blanket. Your hand in his hair.
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capslocked · 7 months
male reader x sana & miyeon
21k words
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Within some reasonable tolerance, the two are carbon copies. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Doppelganger, twin, deadringer - they always tell you, they don’t see it.
But when they stand together it always comes across like two shadows stitched into one silhouette; the slope of their noses, their mouths; the way their hair cascades down past their shoulders.
You’ve learned to recognize the twitch at the corner of their lips before a laugh - how they speak in the same inflection and pitch and tempo, the same cadence coloring all their syllables. Even in their figures there is something uncannily familiar: that petite stature, that grace; they both have perfect posture, an ingrained elegance, like something handed down generation to generation. And of course - the height. The hair. The eyes. The same-damned-smirk.
Here's a hypothetical: if Sana's DNA, then Miyeon's RNA. They're both two separate ways of reading the same thing, and they both have it in them to transcribe the same hot load of proteins over all their pretty faces.
"Oh, that's like a sex joke," Miyeon says to Sana, frowning slightly, "right?"
"I don't know." Sana hums. "Protein... like sperm?"
You sigh, rub your thumb at your temple. This is why, normally, you wouldn't take ditzy to bed, but there's all this history between you and Sana that proves otherwise. The dirty truth is: you’ve been taking ditzy to bed for years. And Miyeon’s right there. She’s all bright eyes, blonde hair, tiny little waist, the perfect height to get two fingers in her cunt and the rest of her in your lap without you even needing to shift your arm into something more uncomfortable. God forbid.
She pulls back the curtain of silk-glossed-hair spilling over her cheek and tucks it neatly behind her ear. Okay, fine. So maybe you really do have a type.
"Yeah," Miyeon decides. "I think that's a good pun. Cute."
She glances sideways at Sana; something flashes between them, imperceptible. They've been doing this sorta thing for a long time - long before they ended up in their current living arrangement. This machine of synchronized, unvoiced communication.
"Cute," echoes Sana, delighted, and she lets her eyes flick back to yours. "Baby, are you, like, gonna give us lots of protein?"
"First of all, we’re fast approaching the point of diminishing returns on the whole protein spermaestria," you muse, wryly. Sana beams. "And again, the point I’m trying to make, Sana: you two are identical."
"Not in spirit," says Miyeon, automatically. "Or intellect. Or appearance, either."
"You can't just claim that," says Sana, matter of fact. "He means physically. I have bigger tits and a better ass.”
There's no argument from your end. And not only because the cab driver hits a speed bump or a pothole or perhaps a small child way too quickly that sends you all lurching together into the seatbelts.
Miyeon finds a good hold in the handle over the door - it saves her - and you wind up steadying Sana. For a split second, it's both their shoulders leaning on yours: Sana, then Miyeon, then Sana. Back and forth. Back and forth. The three of you still end up sprawled halfway out of the seats and onto each other in the cramped cab, tangled all together.
"Please, explain it then," implores Sana, hushed slightly. "Go ahead, I'm sure Miyeon's dying to hear it."
"Look, it's not a perfect one to one mapping," you say, running your hand through your hair and putting on your patient professor-in-front-of-the-class face. "For example: Miyeon's cuter-"
"Thank you," chirps Miyeon, sweetly sardonic, before you can even append anything else to the statement. Sana’s already there with a noise of mild protest.
"I mean, I'm a full inch and a half taller than you."
"That’s an unfair advantage. You've gotta be the dumbest person I know."
"Funny," chides Miyeon, swiveling her gaze onto Sana. "You could barely talk when we were fucking your brains out on your birthday. He's dating you, not me, remember? If anything, you're the one sporting an unfair advantage."
"Okay, well," Sana counters, reasonably, "when you can barely get a sentence out from choking on my boyfriend's cock, who the hell is supposed to call it?"
You ignore that. Miyeon is having more difficulty; her face has flushed cherry red and her hand's white-knuckle-gripping the side of the cab's passenger door. 
"For what it’s worth," you cut in, placidly, "I don’t think there’s any clear answer."
"Nonsense," they both reply, simultaneously and satisfied - like wind up toys. And that's the way the conversation tends to go when you get them alone like this. Identical, you pause to think again after spilling out from the back of the car and onto the curb outside the girls’ apartment.
All the things they say are word-for-word - they walk the same, eat the same, smile the same, tilt their heads the same. In those moments where you don't speak, it feels like watching some two-headed monster, an entity constructed from equal parts of both. And it isn't just the physicality at play. They've got that eerie ability to read each other, speak for each other. It's strange: their habits, the way their eyebrows arch, the set of their shoulders. It all syncs right up, matches seamlessly.
It's really fucking uncanny.
"Um." Sana twists one slim wrist back and forth until the key turns in the lock. "So, is it, like, wrong of me that I kinda just wanna skip the dinner part of this and watch my roommate get wrecked in the middle of our living room?"
"Depends," you answer, before you can let yourself dwell too much.
“Just a complete and utter carpet dive,” Sana says, shouldering the door open and flipping on the lights. “It’d serve her right. She’s being annoying.”
Miyeon scoffs, sticks out a bare, pale leg - it ends in a nail polished fire engine red, the strap of a stiletto sandal - and blocks your way inside. "Hey," she protests, lightly. You are not the only object in the equation - you are merely an item to be held against them; it's not about you, not in its most abstract shape. Miyeon and Sana are competing - vaguely for your affection, but more so just for affection in general. It's an ego thing, if nothing else.
"I'm an angel. I'm precious."
"Get your pretty feet out of his face," warns Sana.
"Ugh," says Miyeon. And then, "so short-tempered when you're not getting away with everything."
"Whatever, princess." Sana gestures, airy and flippant. "In any case: fuck off, or go get fucked."
This has become some kind of weird custom, admittedly. Miyeon does exactly as her best friend requests. She floats down the hallway and toward her room.
"Can't get good service around here anymore anyway," is what she tosses over her shoulder. Her fingers run up the door frame to her room and hang there, briefly, before she glances sideways back. You and Sana, now giving her your deservedly undivided attention. There is no split focus, no point of overlap. Her hair falls loose past her shoulders; her shirt clings a little to the muscles of her arms, her ribs. The point of contact between her skirt and her upper thighs. Those impossibly big eyes. She's gorgeous. You rarely ever let yourself forget that. There's something devastating about the set of her face, about how her body is absolutely fucking perfect, all curving lines and smooth planes - tits that fit right in your palm, the dip of her stomach, the pretty shape of her ass - she’s tiny, and in a way, that means you can do anything to her and manage to get away with it. She’ll let you. She’ll ask you to do it all again. 
"You two are more than welcome to follow along, if you feel so inclined,” Miyeon adds before she opens the door to her room, steps through, and lets it shut behind her.
"Yeah." Sana runs her tongue over her top lip, staring you straight in the eye. Her smile is slightly predatory, all sharp teeth. "If you’re so inclined."
(For anyone wondering about things like premise or backstory, here’s a useful memory:
Sana has a new roommate. They've been living together for two, three months. She's still not over the fact you didn’t ask her to move in, and you're still not ready for it. Your answer hasn’t changed. You like your apartment the way it is; the two of you need space; it's what the kids call cohabital parity and no, the ring's not in your wallet and it's not even bought yet; stop nagging me. It'll happen when it happens. 
It's one of those plainly beautiful evenings in early July or August - a weekend probably: the living room is bathed in the sort of low, radiant sunset that can go on forever, all of summer stretched out, leisure and sunshine. Sana had talked her way into getting you to take her somewhere highbrow and a little out of your budget. She can talk her way into just about anything; that's her brand, her bad habit, her good fortune.
"We're not going to be able to get our tickets," you're explaining into the loud blare of a hair dryer. And to paraphrase, "what the fuck is the point of making reservations if we’re going to be so reprehensively late?"
Sana's juggling the curling iron while fumbling with an eyelash curler and applying mascara and rearranging earrings all at the same time, and you think about reminding her, again, that it doesn't matter what she looks like if you never actually, you know, leave - but then the hair dryer switches off.
“Hey.” Sana ignores the concern and swivels to ask which earrings match which necklace - two pairs are laid across the countertop; they look exactly the same; you love her, desperately, but for the record, you've never been any good at telling jewelry apart. Neither the knowledge-set nor the motivation; she looks fucking gorgeous in everything regardless-
The front door clicks then, and Miyeon bursts through with the force of an entire hurricane - and promptly stops, dead. You forget what the hell she said, but the story was: she'd just gotten back from the worst date in her life. She's in tears, sobbing. It's a mess. She's a mess. You can't leave.
She falls right into Sana's arms. Then Sana throws a pointed, triumphant grin your way, and says to Miyeon - and you remember this, word for word, verbatim - "Aw, baby. Don't worry. Let us take care of you. We'll make you forget all about him, okay?"
This is the long and short of it: Miyeon arrives, in tears. You never make it to dinner and a show. And the night ends more or less how it started - with Miyeon still pretty much crying, but only because you two won't stop. With your fingers, your mouths. Sana knows what her tongue's doing; Miyeon is loud - and responsive. She's gorgeous too. She's so into it. She needs someone who is genuinely in love with her, who isn't going to try and push her around. You slip your cock into her and that's pretty much it, a different kind of curtain call; Miyeon gets Sana's thumb rolling at her clit and, yeah - she's fucking gone. She cums on your cock like she’s dying, like you’re killing her. It's as simple as that.
Now, there are several instances of which this is the case, in chronological order:
a.) The first time, in Sana's bed.
b.) The second time is in the back of Miyeon's hatchback. Tight fit for three people. It's a do-not-recommend.
c.) The third time, when they want to try blindfolding Miyeon while she rides your cock in the living room. The girl can't see shit, you break some IKEA furniture you can’t pronounce the name of, and the condom comes off during the whole process. There’s this unsettling, world-rocking possibility in which you get Miyeon fucking legitimately pregnant via oopsie-daisy. So, you and Sana wind up spooned up with Miyeon between you two and discuss the eventuality, should it arise - what you will all do in the future, the consequences, what Miyeon and Sana will say to Miyeon's and Sana's families - what the fuck you'll tell the rest of your friends, let alone the press - and then, deciding together: hey, well maybe this is actually a really bad idea.
d.) The fourth, fifth, sixth and every time after that where you realize that you're just gonna roll it all back and pretend like this is completely normal. Two's company, three's kind of a fever dream - but this is the platonic ideal of groupthink. It works. It just does; you know how to fit the pieces together now. How to read her body language: the one-two-one rhythm, Sana and Miyeon and then Miyeon-and-Sana; where their hands are, where they're moving; Miyeon's choked little sobs and the breathless gasps when your cock is deep inside her; all the unintelligible murmurs passing between the two of them that you can't understand - but none of them ever really matter. The important thing is that she's put her two front teeth in your left collarbone while you fuck into her slow and deliberate, in a way she can really feel. You cover Sana's mouth with your palm, your fingers pressed against the pulsing heat in her pussy, and you make them both cum over and over until they’re eyes are screwed shut and they’re counting stars.
That's about it. That's all the things.)
"I call it being spoiled for choice," Sana says, pausing only momentarily to decide in the mirror of Miyeon's makeup vanity whether or not to take off the bracelet on her wrist. 
The glint that strikes off the metal is gold in the bedroom lights, all warm yellow and sparkling silver. Sana narrows her fingers, pulls it off, on - like you've caught her trying on clothes, the latest fashion in a store front window. A stylistic consideration. It matches the rings on her third and fourth fingers. She decides that it suits her. 
"Lo and behold," Sana continues, "we have a real situation on our hands. In your hands. Whatever, you get my drift."
"Your cock," adds Miyeon, smiling like sunshine. She’s tracing you over your pants with her thumb, and she’s got her doe-eyed grin on, the one that promises something sugar-sweet, kneeling between your thighs at the edge of her bed - the slightest dishevel of her hair, kiss-swollen lips. God, what a picture. Her pupils flare when her fingers reach the top button of your pants. "And what's worse? I'm going to die if I can't have at least, you know. A couple minutes alone with it."
"You'd figure out a way to die either way," Sana muses. She leans backwards in Miyeon's desk chair, tugging idly at the hem of her skirt.
They're not usually dressed alike, and that's the weirdest part - Sana's never had Miyeon's particular taste for the tiny gauche dresses and white converse shoes and glossy nails, not unless it’s some matching outfit that she's being bullied into. Today's no different: the soft fabric of Miyeon's slip of dress barely stretches down to the line of her thigh. The hem starts just below the boundary of innocuous and everything else. She’d been hiking it up all evening. And the straps lay so thin across her shoulders that one little tug in the wrong spot would probably send it skidding all the way down to the floor.
That's the main thing on your mind when you get one in between your fingers.
Miyeon simply shoulders the other, rolling it down to hang loose, leaving the dress hanging off the gentle slope of her chest.
"Pretty," you say out loud.
"I know," she says, holding the grin.
She can make the world smile, it's infectious - and your gaze follows the path: from the blonde-shiny hair spilling over a collarbone, to the peeking line of her bra, to the flutter of the bottom of her dress at her hip. You catch the subtle lace trim, the little patterns embroidered into the waist, and decide her body's a gift - and wrapping it is something divine, something meant to be ripped right to shreds. If no one else is willing to volunteer, then it'll fall on you. Sure, sure, sure. You can be thanked later.
"Lose it," you request, quietly.
"Mr. Impatient," is what Sana sniffs out, scoffing. She's lounged back on the other side of Miyeon's makeup counter. Her heel taps away at empty air, bouncing off the end of her foot, that hot little fucking rhythm she's had going since her partner in crime got in your lap and kissed you right down into oblivion. "You want to get her naked and get inside of her, huh?"
"Is that not why you dragged me here?" you counter.
"Oh, don't put this on me." Her expression slides right into the mischievous smirk you're familiar with. Miyeon’s often sporting the same one.
"He wants to bend you over, princess," she tells Miyeon, and you hear the wistful sigh through her parted lips come out like permission. "Not that I can say I'd blame him. When's the last time you've taken cock again?"
"With him last week." She throws the response to Sana. They look, more than anyone, to be in sync in their one-upmanship.
"Hmm," says Sana, and she’s looking right at you. "Check how tight that dress fits over her hips, don't you just want to tear it right off of her?"
"He's not doing that," says Miyeon, but there's the lilting tease in her voice that signals precisely the opposite. She wants it: wants it like sugar and soda, salt water taffy; wants to be stripped like skin, bared to the bone. Her knees spread, just a little. "Not yet, anyway. Right now," she adds, hand fluttering towards the inside of her thigh, supplying touches right over the lace, "I want to suck his cock."
"Such a slut," Sana teases, tilting her head.
"You'll get yours," Miyeon insists, before pulling your cock out of your boxers with a small smile, curling her fingers around it, leaning forward. "God, this thing." She has the head under the palm of her other hand, and a wet-tipped promise on her lower lip.
You thread your hand into the hair aside Miyeon's temple, gentle and what will seem in a moment: paradoxically-tender. 
"Imagine what it'll do to your mascara when I fuck your mouth."
Miyeon licks her lips. You reckon she’s completely aware how it comes across - the wicked fantasy she is.
"I'm imagining what it'll do to you when she chokes," Sana retorts. 
“When he fills up my throat,” Miyeon says, hungry.
Sana sighs, sounding utterly wistful, and she fixes the same unrepentant look on you. "Poor Miyeon is just starved for cum tonight. Aww," she remarks, sweetly, "The poor thing. Do me a favor won't you? Fuck my pretty little friend in the face."
"Well," is all you get out before you look up at Sana. "Yours too, honey."
"Hardly, the same," Miyeon cuts in primly, glancing sideways at Sana. There is some snobbishness implied; there are ways Sana and Miyeon have always found to subtly measure themselves against one another, to best each other - all of these ridiculous acts and anecdotes. Like their voices aren’t replicas of one another - and in constant disagreement over whoever is currently claiming to be the original.
Miyeon prissily tilts her jaw up. "Your ego might actually be the worst part about you, Sana. That and your tits."
"Guess he just loves all the worst parts," Sana quips, rolling her eyes, "and every time you call it into question I fall in love with him a little more."
She's got one foot up now on the seat of the chair and she's running her fingers, delicate and teasing, around the press of her panties. It's not a voyeuristic thing, she's told you, it's less about watching Miyeon get fucked than it is about knowing exactly what it looks like when she herself gets spread out beneath you. She watches you and Miyeon, she watches her best friend and you, and she touches herself and it's perfect. There's a few seconds, long and warm, before she lifts her fingers away, then sucks them into her mouth with a grin. Just the slightest taste.
"But seriously," she says to Miyeon. "If you're gonna do something - then do it. Don't be a tease. We both know the answer, anyway."
Miyeon swallows. You hear her. You watch her lips wrap around the head of your cock and pop off, wet and shining, and her head rests in the curve of your palm.
"I’m working on it," Miyeon allows, lowly - she pumps her fist again around you, careful with the motion; this little twisting tug. "Fuck, it's not even the fact that it's fucking huge, or. Like, it’s not because I’m dying to get stuffed by this, or because I’m sitting here thinking: oh my fuck, I’m gonna feel so full with this thing inside me."
You have her hand under her chin, thumb stroking gently against her cheek. Her eyes return to yours when you put a little more pressure in your grip. She’s fantastically pretty, and the gleam of lust and want in her irises has you probably too eager to play along. 
“So then, what could it possibly be?”
"It's-" Her cheeks darken pink beneath her blush, stumbling through a mouthful of ums and uhs as her eyes make tiny departures back to your waist until she finally gives up and just stares again.
Sana sits up a little in her chair.
"Look, this is the prettiest cock I've ever seen.” 
You and Sana almost snort in unison.
“I’m serious.” Miyeon rubs a semi-circle over the head with her thumb, glancing up at you beneath her mascara, and then to the base, back up. It jerks, almost like reflex, in her grasp; she huffs in delight. "It’s, like, perfect in every way. And, god, everytime- I’d just about do anything to feel it inside me."
“You’d beg?” Sana asks, eyebrow raised.
“I’m about to get down on my knees and grovel, honey.”
"Should've just said," Sana laughs - Miyeon chews her lip, half-exasperated, and drops a kiss to the tip that makes Sana's expression simper - "you’re halfway there. Want him to cum in that sweet mouth?"
"Want him to tell me what he's going to do," says Miyeon, frilly. "Every last detail."
Lips stretching open, fingers splaying, curling around the weight - she dips her head to rest her cheek on your thigh and kisses the underside of your shaft. She’s practically like liquid. Flowing and easy and gorgeous, always gorgeous, too far gone to form a full thought. That much is obvious. And why shouldn't it be - your hand's already snagged up, your thumb's already wiping the hair out of her eyes. She turns to let it sit against the edge of her cheekbone. "You really need an incentive? Want you to fill me up so I can-"
"Swallow," you supply, simply. “Swallow everything.”
"Yeah," Miyeon presses into the curve of your cock. She doesn't wink, not really; she doesn’t need to. "I like you. You always know exactly what to say."
Her hair brushes a feather-light caress up the skin of your thigh, mouth a vision of sin and pretty red lipstick. "Open," you command, quietly, and she follows your orders exactly - mouth dropping, head tilting, eyes drifting closed - her lips glisten with saliva and you could shove your cock into that mouth, easy. Just push in and wreck the inside of her - spit on her chin, feel her throat clench up as she gags and struggles around your cock. God, if that isn't a thought that can do a number on the base of your spine.
"Easy," Sana supplies, like she can read your mind. That wouldn’t really surprise you. “Leave some of her make-up for me.”
There's the quick hiss of an inhale, Miyeon's mouth stretching open. Her jaw going slack. You feel the long, wet suck of skin and spit, and her eyelids flutter as she settles in. She slides her tongue and adjusts, makes soft, raspy, throaty noises while her lips slide down the first few inches of your cock. It’s funny - Sana had made the same sound earlier in the day - and it's really not like it's an awful comparison. They both let on gorgeous little noises when they're sucking cock and it makes sense because it's the same cock. Same skin. Same person.
You're not, however, about to do something so pedestrian as compare notes. Not on them. Not in the fucking slightest.
And Sana, god - Sana doesn't just watch. She knows better. She's not even the one taking your cock in her mouth but there's the insistent presence of her: a fingertip diving down past the crotch of her skirt, a quiet moan, her wrist jolting in a repetition of short, sharp strokes, the kind she likes to use on herself: precise. Deliberate.
"Miyeon," you whisper. "God, just - it's your fucking mouth, you-"
The hand on her face strokes the side of her head - a push-pull. A chance to break off - she doesn't - so she ends up with a rougher grip tangling through her hair and you guiding her head further down the length of your shaft.
Miyeon loves the pressure on her throat. You know that. And, yeah, she fucking hates choking on it but somehow in her mind, they're different. Opposites. Because with the way she's going, a little cough will burst free in a few seconds time. That’s your signal, you’ve learned, that she'll let you slide yourself to the hilt. Just keep the wet tip lodged there until she starts gasping around it. It'd only take a minute.
Two tops.
And well, that's the compromise: your patience for a throat fuck is infinite. She's staring up at you with upturned brows and that pretty-please pout on her slick-wet lips. She's making her best effort but, christ. Fuck.
Her eyelids flicker once.
Then close.
"There," you breathe down to her, your knuckles finding her cheek, smoothing over the sharp curve of bone there. Your cock is slotted right in her hot little mouth and you're starting to feel like maybe you really did hang the moon and stars in the sky after all. Her lips press around you. Sink, up, down. "Such a good girl, sucking my cock, looking up at me- god, all dolled up, it's not even fair, Miyeon."
Miyeon can be many things, and presently among them: a filthy, obedient angel.
She pulls up. "I try," Miyeon breathes right at the tip. Her tongue darts out. She swirls, and swirls, until it’s back under the tip of your cock again, soft.
You're too predictable, or you're too forthcoming, or here’s the thing about a woman's intuition; Miyeon wants to tell you something more, she wants to let you know how fucking unbelievably hard you are in her hands right now; she wants to laugh at you for getting caught up and dumb but she's not letting your cock slide free. This suckle of her lips, right at the crest where you're most sensitive and leaking precum right into her mouth - this press and pull is as close to conversation as she can get. So what. You love it. She loves it: the reward is in the ricochet. You look at her and her cheeks hollow and the flash of her pink tongue gets wet and warm under your head, the slit of her mouth stretching to take every ‘totally fucking perfect’ inch of your cock.
And then her lips tighten and she just-
"Christ, Miyeon-" You whimper it right down to her, your voice lost in the shiver of her throat, all tight and wet around your cock. It's like your vocal cords have been stolen right along with the air in your lungs and everything feels floaty, warped and red and blanketing you with Miyeon's hard-worked rhythm:
The scissoring flick of her tongue as she strokes the base with a firm fist. The other hand resting on your hip, feeling your hips jerk. She wants this, the part where you let go and stop thinking. The part where she opens her throat, lets her saliva flood to pool against her palm, and wet the tip of your cockhead before letting it slide right back in her throat. Your shaft flexing into her heat, the sound of those gags.
She just-
She just goes on like that, sucking your cock while the flat of her palm skates a little tighter. Up, up, down - up-
"Miyeon," Sana says, now on her feet and shadowing in closer, leaning. And that's it. Sana knows too. She kneels down next to her, gets a finger under her chin, and delivers in a uniquely cold tone: "hands behind your back, sweetheart. I want him to cum in your gorgeous little mouth."
You nearly choke, ironically. You're already grabbing so much of her hair: all those smooth silky strands threaded through your fingers.
You thrust and pull. She gags. She fucking chokes.
Spit collects, rolls down the corners of her mouth and gathers on her chin. You can see the mascara threaten to run tracks along her pretty cheeks, the way the makeup smudges so dangerously close to her bottom lid. "Yeah?" you say, so softly, but you can't - can't seem to look anywhere else, or take anything back - so, what, her jaw's just gonna go on being that perfect little shape, and she's gonna be a brat for it. Okay. That works. She looks good choking. You can see the slick glint of her pink mouth stretching taut on your cock, your cock jerking and bobbing on the pad of her tongue; it's not real - no, this is completely real. The ball of your foot slips along the floor.
It's instinct. You can't help yourself; a groan spills out of you, half-sighed
Sana's whispering right in her ear; not that you can make anything out of it over the noises from her mouth, her fist all wet, pumping. The tick-tock bob of her hair. Sana's hand is on the back of her head and then - pushing the last inch down, and down, her nose buries right into your skin.
“Mnnph.” Miyeon, gurgling: your cock pressed all the way down the line.
"Fuck," you spit, holding her jaw in place. "Fuck, Miyeon-"
She looks up at you, her eyebrows cinched, the graceful lines in her picture-perfect-face pulling around you - blissed out. She stutters in place while you dump a hot load of cum into her mouth.
And she adds a cough as you pump everything directly onto her fucking tongue. It’s more than she anticipated, judging by the leak. How your cum rolls down from the corner of her mouth.
Sana drops a kiss onto her temple as she takes you in and out of her mouth again, until she presses her lips firm and hollows her cheeks. Miyeon's fingers caress your balls like there's some part of you that isn't giving her fucking everything already.
"Come on, princess," says Sana, kissing her way along Miyeon's neck, the tops of her shoulders. There is not an angle to Miyeon's elegant features that she could take that could possibly be anything short of priceless. "Show him how you swallow."
The image is obscene, for one thing. The utter filth in that satiated hum; there’s another. 
It's your white-hot cum dribbling past her swollen, fucked mouth. Miyeon swallows like the good girl she is - takes a breath, stares, and then finishes, a gulp, an extra breath, her whole face now a shade more flushed. Sana kisses her on the cheek and suddenly it's perfect: they're both staring right at you. Your throat has to unclench, reboot and the air in the room just tastes so good and your chest is heaving; you just- fuck, you can't breathe-
"Shit," you exhale. It comes out like a small explosion. "Uh-"
The side of Sana's mouth slants and then Miyeon grins: it's her cheek, dimple; that crescent moon thing and oh, this is the point. Sana slides a hand over the gentle curve of her stomach, then sets her open mouth over Miyeon's still-lips, slipping in close and - kissing. Their mouths melt together like it's the most practiced thing, tongues a second later, and Sana is stroking your cock in her fingers; the expectations clear in every little coaxing flick of her slim wrist.
"Do you have any idea," Sana sighs against her lips. The two of them, blinking up at you, like good little things - sweet enough. "How fucking wet you both have me?"
And Miyeon, shameless as she is disastrously pretty, reads right between the lines. "Where do you want it?" Her mouth tilts up to the side. A wicked smile. "He can cum all over us, no? And I have this skirt with an awfully short, pretty lace. We don't even have to take our clothes off, really, I can just-"
Sana gets an eyeful - Miyeon - before cutting her off, silencing with the wet press of her mouth, and suddenly their kiss goes frantic and quick. They're rolling apart: hands tearing up their clothes. Off. Off. Off.
Your cock stirs. It throbs. Fuck. Sana’s barely intelligible in the space between their tongues. "I could lay flat,” she’s saying, “with my legs open, and-"
"-with him on top of you, pressing inside you - so he could hold me down, and then pull all the way back out, to leave a thick load on your clit-"
"-and when he has to pull out-"
"-probably cum all over you too, the best view-"
"-or all over the rest of me, while I touch myself-"
"-and you just have to imagine how good that'll feel, while my thighs shake and we ride it out, you and I-"
Their faces - both flushed and dampened with the strain, both breathtaking. Their eyes are hooded, lashes a-flutter. They'd made their own decision, didn't even bother with yours. A mutual vote of two-to-one: you're going to fuck them in turns. You’re going to fuck them together. You're going to edge yourself in one cunt and fill the other. They're both going to take it, and wear it, and then use each other to make you cum again. Good. Okay, any questions - and they want it rough? 
The answer’s a two-part chorus. Yes.
Not even an hour later, Miyeon is playing, of all fucking things, Candy Crush, legs draped lazily across Sana's lap, both of them kicked back on the couch, dressed again like the best girls you've ever seen. "The amount of money they make on this app-" Miyeon complains, waving a lazy hand. A long strand of blonde brushes against the corner of her mouth before she swipes it away again with an irritated sigh. She's just sitting there, knees folded, blithely bitching about a game of match three on her phone. "And they send these fucking blocks just to mess with me," - another swipe. Her hair sticks against the fresh gloss coating her lips. "It's literally just a waste of human-fucking-potential."
"It's a game for children," you offer.
"Then why is it marketed at adults, hm?" She's absolutely serious. "Sana plays it too."
"Mhmm," Sana agrees, not really agreeing at all. Her eyes are closed; you're sitting next to her, and she's taken up your leg as a makeshift pillow, lying down with her arm resting on her forehead, so casually disinterested in anything other than the quiet thrumming of your presence by her side.
It's insane that they're like this: like they're not constantly checking their phones for texts, like you don't all have lives. You're almost - dare you think - having a semi-regular conversation. Now If for a moment you could ignore how they both look like the human embodiment of sin-
"Miyeonie," Sana says.
"Sana," Miyeon returns, flat.
There's not even a movie playing on the living room TV - just the netflix menu; it's volume is at a sort of white noise. A subtle buzz clicks on in the air conditioner.
"You know how you're supposed to go out with that guy next weekend."
"You mean the date you set me up with." Miyeon pauses, tongue caught between her teeth. "Where I have to put on a pretty little dress. And smile. And laugh at all his jokes."
"You know the one."
Miyeon jumps on Sana's train of thought. "You want me to send you some pictures when it's over."
Sana turns it over in her head a few times. “Maybe,” she says, finally.
A genuine exchange perhaps. No fighting, no bullshit, no riptide of pure unbridled sexual frustration.
"Or," Sana adds, simply, "you skip the part where you sabotage the small talk and come back to our apartment." She blinks. "End up getting us both."
“You’re suggesting I’ve been ruining dates on purpose?” Miyeon, incredulous, runs her fingers through the hair at the top of her head, gentle, almost like an admission of guilt. "You're out of your mind. Why would I do that?"
The fragile peace never does last long. Sana looks at you again. Holds onto the eye roll. "Why, indeed."
"I don't follow," Miyeon says; something, a tic, a tell, causes the muscle in her brow to stutter.
"She's suggesting that you'd rather be in bed between us than on a date with some guy whose face we've only seen once," you cut in. Sana looks over. "It's come up a few times."
"Okay, so what?" Miyeon takes a breath. Her mouth a rictus twist. "You're trying to get me to admit it out loud? That I like to get fucked by my gorgeous bestfriend and her pinterest-board-of-a-boyfriend more than I'd like going to a mediocre concert downtown with some dipshit who just wants to see if I'll stick out this 'goddess' routine for a month or two and then bounce for someone else. Wow. Sherlock and Watson, coming through for the killshot. Take me straight to jail."
"We never got around to those cuffs," is what you make mention of. It's not particularly helpful.
"Don't pretend," Sana says instead, "you don’t like to play both sides. Or that the trad-wife fantasy of yours is somehow subtle."
“There's nothing shameful about knowing exactly who you are, or wanting something," Miyeon insists. She tilts her head towards the two of you. A different angle. Her words come out sharp and hot: "some of us have the decency to let our friends know exactly what they want."
“Okay.” You laugh out loud, half out of nervous habit. "Well obviously there’s some sort of rhythm here - I’m just not dumb enough to think I can put a finger on the pulse."
"Then this is, what, some sort of elaborate plot for my heart?" Miyeon's chuckling to herself, but in the space of a blink her voice is more tender. Her arms folding in close. "Is that the plan, finally catching me-"
"Next week." Sana sits up. "There's a trip coming up, something kind of international." She picks at the hem of her sweater, and looks at you.
“What the hell, exactly” - you card your hand through Sana’s hair - “does ‘kind of’ international entail?”
"Ms. Prada has a modeling campaign to attend," Miyeon intones. "She also needs someone to take care of the jetlag, is what I assume this is about."
Sana waves her hand in the air. "I'm saying we book you an extra ticket. Rent a room at a nice hotel. No work. No phones. Just us three, and the best sex you've ever had."
“I wasn’t even aware I was going to that,” you say - almost as an aside.
“You weren’t.” Sana leans more of herself into you. "You are now."
"Is this how you're going to woo me? The grand design?" Miyeon's hands are fiddling in her lap. Sana’s pressing in. Closer. "All the sex and leisure I could ever ask for?"
“It sounds ridiculous when you say out loud,” Sana answers, curling into her. “But, yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
Miyeon laughs like it’s a lost cause. Genuine, throaty - like music.
“Simplicity doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Miyeon.” Sana kisses her, slow. Quietly, "you could even pack a swimsuit," and there's this beat, the rise and fall of Miyeon's breathing that might lead anywhere: "though I doubt we touch the beach at all."
“You’re pulling on all my heartstrings, Sana.”
And there you are - etching your names onto the calendar. Reservations and bookings and promises of everything and anything and exactly where you all want to be.
It's Miyeon that finally admits, "you know part of me can’t resist the idea."
"Then, this weekend." Sana's fingertips trace circles on your hip, the tensing pull of muscle. You're aching and exhausted and content: drifting in the tide, a catch of the day, some soft, dreamy wave of consciousness, nothing specific, just the moment passing through all three of you.
But you do get it. There's this obvious snag in your heartbeat, too.
Because Sana is grinning; her fingertips, tapping. Your stomach's fluttering too. A little ghostly clutch of hope in your chest and it's such an embarrassing notion. You're getting swept away - pulled under - and it's Miyeon, splaying out beside Sana, her hand reaching out to you with her palm turned up. It's a promise, and the force of her can - and has - moved mountains.
"I pick the hotel," Miyeon's voice is deeply firm and sure. She’s got a fistful of Sana’s pajamas. "You two can sort out the lingerie."
Sana's mouth curves a perfect grin. She's kissing her again: wet. Heavy. It's not a no, if she was ever expecting one.
So that's your reality: what used to be two dalliances - separate but not distinct - now share one headspace, and there's enough rapport just in the group chat alone. You've all been messaging back-and-forth for weeks; Miyeon playing the game where she's the steady one in your life, the knot you're going to tie down when you can finally afford it (and in every way she can imagine). You find it entertaining. Sana seems mildly amused. And Miyeon will call you on the phone, sometimes. A chat-off. About nothing and everything. What you should bring on the trip. Where she's going to eat dinner before you meet her at the airport. Et cetera. Et cetera.
// Miyeon 1:21 AM > hey. I'm all finished packing. how's the bedroom looking?
// 1:26 AM > absolutely wrecked. no survivors
// Sana 1:27 AM > It’s fine. We stripped the sheets, got the box from the closet. Have the video you wanted as well. Call the laundry service in the morning and get the floor washed too. You know. So, nothing comes out of the security deposit.
// Miyeon 1:29 AM > a threesome that destroyed an apartment? say it isn't so
// Sana 1:34 AM > didn't hear you complain during.
// 1:38 AM > strict instructions, right?
And then sometimes, during those conversations, Miyeon will send an aside just for you:
// Miyeon 1:40 AM > strict? please. do whatever. I'm like so good at following instructions
That's Miyeon. The paradox of being submissive - you never, ever treat her gently. She never really wants you to. Sana's mid-reach over your chest to turn off the lights when she glances down at Miyeon's text, then promptly scoffs. The two of them don't always have the most conventional dialogue.
"She's one hundred percent serious by the way." Sana rolls on her side, away, but the nightlight beside the bed just manages to illuminate the slope of her ass - curved in the silk nightie she'd thrown on before bed. You want to crawl between the fabric.
"I never really doubted that. She's got a very specific... demeanor.”
“You’ve noticed.”
“Um,” you say. Sana’s turned over her shoulder to blink at you. “Kind of a dark streak. Like something in her is craving-"
"To be broken to pieces? Oh, it's fucking bliss for her when she's vulnerable and the tension cracks." 
“I was going to phrase it a little more indirectly than that, but yes, I suppose that’s the gist of it.”
Sana shrugs. 
"The girl lives to be chased is what it is.
It's just Sana and her perfect legs and smooth, creamy thighs right there, ready for you to touch, ready for you to fall apart over. They brush your calf, your thigh - so you are kind of distracted. 
“And she feels most wanted when she's choking, getting used, right at the point she can't decide if another inch is gonna kill her or drive her up the wall. No air in her lungs, nothing under her own control." Sana flops, presses against your side, one leg tossed on top, arms curled around your neck. "Pretty obvious, all things considered."
"Sounds a bit familiar, no?" you tease, and reach back to draw her against the front of your body. 
She curves, twists into your embrace. Her hair is half up, half down - wide eyed like a fantasy made manifest. You're always gonna give in, even when Sana doesn't deserve it. 
"You get me. It’s the best. Please, go nuts with the idea."
“Huh, birds of a feather.”
“Sure, whatever,” Sana brushes a kiss against your cheek, presses back into your hips to feel your hard length strain between your boxers and her ass, softening only because, god, she's a real human fucking treasure, "so maybe Miyeon and I have a certain… similar temperment to us, maybe that's true."
"Yeah," you breathe. Your arms wrap around her, the heat in her core now evident from the outside. "That's what I've been saying."
Sana doesn't respond to that, not directly; her palms drag, smooth, over your fingers. "Fuck me to sleep," she suggests instead. "We've got an early flight."
And so you do. You'd pulled your cock from your shorts the second she pressed her ass into your waist and claimed her place as your other half, the little spoon. There's a few beats, a few breaths, where you'd rocked against her clumsily, lining yourself up, and she'd braced the two of you:
She'd arched her back, got an arm over her head to tangle a hand into your hair and keep you right where you were - your lips against her neck. Until it's just this soft-rhythm, all easy thrusts; one arm underneath her, the other around her hip, finding and spreading and - easily - gliding into her cunt.
Sana sighs a lovely sound right next to your ear: your name, some hushed curse. Her hand is wrenched back into whatever group of muscles she can find. And you listen to the gorgeous little tritone of oh shit, oh god, oh fuck when you make her cum. The displays of indulgent affection in her throat, then the ruddy mess of you working her to a wreck of pleasured exhaustion until she collapses into a hot-faced, sleepy daze. All cozy between the sheets, the duvet - you’d fucked her from the outside in; made her relieved and relaxed, all loose and calm. Sana curls into you with her moans still staining the cool side of her pillow and the snugness of her cunt wrapped around your cock.
You drift off just like that, snug inside her. Sana is, as always, impossibly warm.
On your phone, there are some choice text messages:
// Miyeon 2:18 AM > jesus
// Miyeon 2:18 AM > can you guys like please
// Miyeon 2:18 AM > PLEASE
// Miyeon 2:18 AM > fuck any quieter
Okay, so it's not perfect. But you're about ninety-percent sure Miyeon had used every fiber of her willpower not to float across the hall and take her spot between the both of you. And it's probably for the best. You feel pretty rough when the alarm starts blaring as it is.
The room Miyeon picks out isn’t exactly small, nor was she minding the purse strings. There's a wide expanse of living area, a massive bed in the back; the ensuite and bath beyond that has a walk-in shower large enough for all three of you and room left over. On the walls is gentrification-colored paint, a gray laminate flooring to match; there is not one speck of dust. It feels every bit the palace it is on the outside - the gables and mansard roofs and the Juliette balconies - gothic, or neoclassical. Something vaguely European, with all its rich furnishings and pristine fixtures to boot.
Sana and Miyeon step into the space with all the familiarity of royalty.
"Warm in here," says Sana, appraising; her black chiffon, nearly translucent, fans about her hips with each tiny sway. In her white pumps, she's already a perfect tease and she hasn't even touched herself yet. "Smells good, though."
Miyeon's heels echo behind her like gunshots against the floor, and it's really not ever fair the way a skirt wears her. "The listing said something about a hospitality kit, and essential oils - there should be a basket of things. Do you want me to start the water?"
"Let's settle in a little first," Sana suggests, and without any fanfare, the first thing she does is draw the gauzy curtain closed.
There's an itinerary; it's an ongoing event. Technically it all started in the airport terminal when Sana slung her arm around Miyeon's waist and her hand went straight down to her ass. She just gave it a little squeeze. In the moment, nothing terribly remarkable, but then again, Miyeon didn't tell her not to. They walked through security like that and picked out drinks together from a terminal cafe before doing a circuit, fingers linked. The way Sana looks at her now - Miyeon sees - is how she's always looked at her. That is maybe, the whole point.
"Come here."
Sana's tone is smooth as silk, her mouth an inviting pucker, gloss-dewy and delicious. The bow is even tied at the back: Sana's collar is fitted snug. It sits tight at the base of her neck with the silvery cord loose across her shoulder, knotted down near the apex of her spine. It's simple, classic. All soft fabric and no frill, with an absence that invites eyes and wandering fingertips: she hasn't worn a bra. No strap lines. Her body has the sweetest outline and the warmest curves and god, the skin she's not showing is as good as what she is.
"So," you say out loud. It hits you: there's no cameras, no urgency. No obligations. "We came all the way here just so Sana could have sex, huh."
It's really always about the two of them.
"Good sex," Sana corrects. The table next to her catches the flat of her palm as she settles herself against the surface, one leg crossing in front. The slit in her dress rises in the movement: enough of a hint at the soft thigh underneath. You see her do this every once in a while and her body doesn't lie; this is an implicit act of seduction. But when she looks back up, her smile goes shy and her voice follows suit: "I promised our princess that we'd spoil her a little."
You say, "she's right there," at the same time Sana adds- "which is kind of impossible when she's still wearing her clothes."
Miyeon makes a big, showy production of crossing her arms in a huff. You could do anything; flip a switch; knock her flat against the wall, and Sana would hold her down with a hand at her throat and a kiss her like fire and gasoline on her tongue and no one would have a single word to say to complain.
You could have. Would have. But Miyeon finds her fingertips on the ridge of her clavicle, the barest swipe. She pulls at the top button of her shirt and the seam unlatches: a single reveal, a gradual, fluid movement in the dip and fall of a one inch gap. Just enough skin to make you and Sana swallow.
"Oh?" Miyeon grins. She stares at you with that coy smirk, biting her lip; an invitation for a kiss. For a fuck. You cross the gap, with every intention of making good on it; only, Sana slips in behind her - stops her midway in undoing the next button - and places a hand on the nape of Miyeon's neck, cool.
"She really can be a brat, can't she."
"Only because she gets rewarded for it," you admit, and as soon as Sana touches her, Miyeon is looking up with that same face she gives you when she gets on her knees, ready to be just your little pet, your desperate, whimpering thing.
Sana leans into her ear: "maybe because she knows she can't stop thinking about you bending her over, every chance she gets. Isn’t that right, pretty girl?"
They've always been like this, you think. Growing up with money and cars and ski vacations in the Alps: that sort of thing. It's been a long, slow, build-up and this was always the payoff. It is, without a doubt, just the slightest taste of luxury. Sana pushes, and Miyeon turns up to her mouth with a slow, dangerous whisper. "Isn't it kinder to say it as it is, instead of dancing around it for weeks-"
"For months," corrects Sana, and then sliding into a far more generous tone, "mouths, fingers- or his cock?"
"Maybe," Miyeon lifts her chin like she's readying to kiss, "all three."
Her voice drips - purses her lips, and you're there again: at that fateful exchange. Everything about Miyeon has the power to sink its claws deep. Those heels on her dainty little feet, the stockings climbing along her thighs. Everything.
"Miyeon." That comes out harsher than you'd have thought.
"What can I say? I'm not a patient person." She's got that wild, starry-eyed look to her. You could tame her. You could dominate her - your throat is so dry. The room has the faint scent of citrus, like lemon rind and verbena - a kind of lightheadedness settling over you all. "So, why don't you..." She's blushing, holding her arm up as she skims a finger down this slow path along your torso, finally hooking it into the top of your pants. And now, it's very, very clear she isn't wearing a bra either. "Make things a bit easier."
There's an entire lexicon of everything you'd like to do, so it's best, maybe, that you settle for: "Sana, be a doll."
"Anything," she says; she doesn't hesitate. You like the easy give.
And it's kind of amazing. All three of you together and, sure, the way her fingertips tighten, sliding under the curve of Miyeon's chin and then pulling the linen shirt down from the backs of her shoulders - this is a choice you can all agree on. One that pulls on the elastic band hugging the cut of Miyeon's waist, makes the material drag and ride up the front of her legs. Her belly. Sana has the gift of being able to kiss so perfectly on the back of someone's neck that you could easily forget she can get a little mean, too.
"What is it, baby." Sana asks; a challenge, not a question. "Come on, love. You know it's true. Why don't you let me show him how sweetly you moan with just a pair of fingers in your cunt."
"Please do."
"You're practically wet just saying it. You want it that much." Her voice goes thin, then deep again: a stark contrast. "Show him the mess you've made."
Miyeon's hand is in all the way in your pants; you feel hot. Like the room's air conditioning should've kicked on a lifetime ago - you're trying not to think too much on the way her slender fingers start to wrap themselves around the shape of your cock and your mouth falls open, because she can just - fuck - do that-
They turn to each other like mirror images over the slope of Miyeon’s shoulder, exchanging some secretive wordlessness in the privacy of their smiles and soft, muted laughter. Miyeon's on the toes of those pretty pumps to lean in, closer, further, and Sana lets her.
Which is exactly how it happens: Miyeon kissing you. And she really kisses you, sweet, delicate - and somehow all-consuming. It sets off this chain reaction, a wildfire of unbridled desire: that thread in Sana that can be almost violent, and one that Miyeon always manages to bring to the surface of her skin. Because now Miyeon's gripped and pinned, and Sana, bless her, pulls the fabric of her own dress up over her head until she's naked alongside her. Working towards a common goal. Here's two hands. Here's two more. They're helping you out of your shirt. It's pretty easy from there. You're all unraveling together, just falling apart - Sana and you, working in tandem to unclasp the pearl snap buttons trailing up and down the sides of Miyeon's sinfully short skirt, peeling back the cotton. Miyeon holds the swell of your cock tight in one hand, pumping, while Sana rakes her nails over Miyeon's breasts; both girls taking off the final scraps until every article of clothing is tossed to the floor.
And Miyeon here is simply unbelievable. Your hands are all over her. Her razor-fine waist, her thighs. Her lips. Those soft tits, and that cute mole above her nipple. Because even her imperfections deserve the same lavish attention.
You kiss her, and kiss her, and you can't help thinking how filthy it feels. This wet mouth and tongue, everything you could want in the slide of her mouth - just, messy-perfect and a bit sloppy; how her whimpers leak out in soft, a tight inhale. You cup the side of her jaw as your hips grind into her and a low, uneven sound escapes you. Sana's small fingers wrap her ribs to grip a breast, knead the supple curve and supply her thumb to the indent. It's really, so soft, and warm, and then wet: your precum dribbling over her knuckles, rolling down. Miyeon has her head tilted to let her jaw lean into your palm - she smiles, and laughs like it's nothing - like you're not there, towering over her lithe little frame. Like the head of your cock isn't brushing into her bottom rib under all the twists and jerks of her wrist.
"Your cock is so hard," Miyeon threads into a sigh, in that throaty, almost melodic voice. And then she laughs because she knows exactly what it’ll fucking do to her. "And fucking heavy. I thought I was going to get a real good look earlier in the airport," she confesses.
"Let me guess." Sana presses a kiss to her temple from behind; a lull in the scene. You fuck yourself gently into the curl of her fist. "You've been thinking about it this whole time. About getting him inside you. With that naughty little mind of yours running at a million miles an hour. God, that must've been such a tease, getting stuck with just the thought while we sat through lunch, and the flight-"
"Don’t forget right now-" Miyeon presses in. Her breath is hot against your neck. "While we're talking."
"Princess," Sana says into her ear, and it makes her tip her head - until she’s revealing the pale skin of her neck. God, yeah; maybe she really is nobility. "I'd be hard-pressed to leave you wanting. Your body's all wound up for us."
"She's fucking soaked," you confirm, like you aren't pointing out the most obvious thing in the room.
Miyeon bites her lip; you're gripping your shaft, urging her wrist to go faster. "This is the part where you turn me inside-out, no?" Miyeon is a walking fucking cliche and she knows it, smiling all slyly with her teeth. She says it so damn casually: "so why isn’t my pussy getting any attention, really. I wonder, I wonder-"
"Trust me, neither of us are interested in teasing," Sana assures her. "We're going to fuck you until you can't remember your own name. And then we'll fuck you some more."
You push down hard on her collarbone, and in that same instant Sana drops her free hand below and runs the flats of her fingertips along the plane of Miyeon’s tummy - until Miyeon tilts her hips - everything else still, almost lazy. Her feet leave the floor and then come back down again. The momentum of the fall ends up being enough to jostle the three of you towards the nearest wall where Sana's back is kissing the cold drywall. And you're already there - pressed into both: Miyeon's palms flat against your chest as you haul her thighs around your waist.
Hoisted, lifted, cradled between you and your girlfriend - who by the way is inching two fingertips under the top of a lacy-banded thong, slipping beneath the white trim, to finally (oh, god) pull her hand away and slip it into Miyeon's parted mouth. "Look at you." A hum in her chest. "The most beautiful, perfect-"
(You push your cock into her, and hand to god, you swear Miyeon's voice breaks like a bottle over pavement.)
"And all for us- your slutty little pussy is already so wet- Miyeonie, we've barely even started.”
Just think. The code word system you've been employing for months - "We were actually thinking... if you're not doing anything else... what's the harm in the two of us getting more familiar with you." - has proved exceptionally reliable in getting Miyeon out of her clothes and into your lap, but here's where it all vanishes into thin air. Sana's mouth is hovering over Miyeon's shoulder; her body, caught between the two of you. And she's trading in on the implied permission to tell you more directly:
"She needs to cum all over that cock, babe. Fuck her pussy until she’s creaming, won't you."
"Right." You groan in tacit approval, hands holding firm onto the firm swell of her hips - that round little ass, the dimples you can feel the dip of, just under your thumbs. She's already thrown her arms up around the back of your neck when your cock slips inside her, to tug you in; this wordless begging: need, need, need.
It's not even a totally new sensation. Nor is it even the first you've ever been inside her, but god - Miyeon takes one deep breath, and on the second inhale, you sink another thick inch of your cock into her slippery slit: she's completely, gloriously bare, just this slick heat that only opens more and more and more. You draw back, thrust in, and there's this sopping sound, all wet press, into the soft muscle - you don't even remember pulling her panties to the side. But they're bunched into the crease of her thigh and that's rather convenient.
Her breath hitches as she slots down onto your shaft, again - in rhythm - like a total dream. "Fuck, that's so tight," she grates, her voice rough and gutted; something like, 'I cannot believe you feel this good.'
-and they groan in unison when you pick up speed. All of it. Together.
Because it's not just Miyeon's perfect cunt wrapping you up tight, squeezing and pulsing, even better on the backstroke - but it's the way Sana is catching your lips in the space over Miyeon’s shoulder. That you three can play each other with the promise that every last moan or gasp or the single, resounding thrill of pleasure will find a perfect partner: one for your mouth and one for Sana's fingers at Miyeon's collar bone, a tickle along her hip, pressing an insistent fingertip around and around in small circles, dipping into the give.
Her body's shaking so much through every push and pull. Fuck. She's so small - and you're the one filling her. Fucking her. Breaking her. Pressing two girls into the wall like you've earned the right. You're splitting Miyeon apart so that Sana can fill the spaces you leave empty and vice versa: and she's so, so desperate, the little noises she's making, "Please," like it hurts. "Fuck," like it's the best feeling. "Keep going, please, fuck- don't stop."
"See, baby? It feels better when you just give up, doesn't it?" Sana's got her fingers down further between Miyeon's thighs; you can see her swipe upwards. Hear the wet sound. She says, "there," into her ear. "Nice and slow, while he fucks that cunt, and I rub you like this, we want to keep making you feel good. So take what you need, hm. I don't hear you-"
"Oh my god," Miyeon moans. And she means it - feels herself dripping all over you. "I need it. I need it, I-"
"Come on, darling," Sana chuckles, soft and low in her ear.
"N-need," Miyeon chokes.
And what kind of idiot wouldn't take their palm off her breast, or undig their fingers from the round of her ass for even a second. It's having her in the palm of your hand. With one foot dangling against your thigh and the other tangled up above you, the stretch in Miyeon's body is entirely for the convenience of letting you fuck her to pieces.
"There it is," Sana is murmuring into your mouth again, and that’s a reward of its own, her wet, full kiss at the junction between Miyeon’s neck and shoulder as her thumb digs deeper into the curve of the girl’s thigh. You listen to Miyeon moan your own name, uttered like it was written by god and meant to form on her lips as it tumbles down through the ragged mess of pants and gasps.
“Fuck, baby-” You press harder. “Your pussy feels incredible- how you suck me right up like you're the good girl you love to pretend you are- like a perfect toy," you breathe, "-all nice and hot. Licking, swallowing around my cock, getting dicked out for my enjoyment-"
"Yeah, yes," she pants out, the total capitulation. "It feels so fucking good."
You feel the mindless, blissful roll. A rhythm in the give of her thighs as you slide home again and again. There's a clink from the bracelets on her wrists; her hair falling into her eyes; there's the sheer ecstasy written all over her pretty face when Sana reaches one hand to start drawing slow circles on her clit. 
"You're just fucking me so god-damn-good." She’s breathless; you’re taking everything from her. The poise, the finesse, the dignity.
"Of course we are," Sana supplies, and it's fitting. You're both holding her up. You'll be the ones tearing her down.
Miyeon's arms tighten around the back of your head, arching, squeezing, and there's that feeling that always accompanies Miyeon: like she's completely melting you to her core and turning your brains into fucking mush. Everything from her tight little pussy to her breathtakingly pretty eyes to the way her spine flexes to meet the pitch of her voice - it's fucking ridiculous, that she's even real in the first place - let alone that your cock is buried so deep in her cunt you think you can hear her sob. Or that all five-foot-two of her is making these tiny desperate noises as you use the width of her hips to bounce her harder onto your cock. 
Sana's long fingers slip and press - they're not touching anything except the swell of her pussy, just this ghostly brush of a light, almost chaste graze. It's enough: a touch like that, and fuck, another-
Miyeon cries out.
“I'm going to cum-"
"Say it again," Sana's whispering, "tell us what you need," and in a sort of coup-de-grace-style-of-climax, she bites at the skin over the top of Miyeon's jaw and slips a fingertip right onto her aching clit. Presses down. "You're such a fucking slut, Miyeon, such a gorgeous cocksleeve-"
She's actually whimpering, the poor thing. Eyes squeezed shut, toes clenching; everything is trembling, tense with release. You’re fucking her into a puddle of a person, and she’s holding her lip between her teeth like it might do a goddamn thing. It makes sense; the tightness, and wet and heat is what she knows.
"Go on," Sana answers her, and it's like her words slice the voice in Miyeon’s throat to shreds, "cum all over his cock. So. Fucking. Good, baby," a hard push through every syllable as her teeth snag into the shell of her ear. She rides the boundary of degradation and downright debasement because she knows that’s how Miyeon will absolutely cum for her. For you, for both of you. "Do what you're fucking made for, and just take it, pretty, lovely, you can’t live a second without having his fat cock and my fingers in you, can you? You look like a filthy little angel like this, I swear."
You’re both on the same page, telling her over and over - shh, shh, you take that cock so well, feel that cock fuck you apart, baby, and all you have to do is cum - only, you’re paying homage to the title: you call her princess. Sana takes the opposite approach. Tells her, "you want everyone to know, don't you, what a goddamn fucking slut you are. You filthy, dirty little thing-"
It works. They both work, and so does everything else.
Your blood has gone totally hot. Like molten lava. Boiling over and about to spill.
The last thing Miyeon says: "Oh god - I'll be good, I'll do anything, I'll be your slut - Sana - anything-"
And it's one of the best lines to ever leave her mouth.
"-for this beautiful cock and these fucking perfect fingers, shit - fuck! Right there, right there, right-fucking-there-"
You fuck deeper, harder. The orgasm ripping through her muscles lets you leave marks and bruises you’ll be coming back to all weekend. Miyeon's face falls against the crook of your neck, mouth pressed there - you can feel every gasping inhale, the open-mouthed warmth of her body. It's you that whispers a shudder, half-voweled - "Miyeon," and she’s already there, so ready - it's kind of crazy how everything about this girl works so intricately and precise, like her very design was to take you to the hilt and melt all over your cock, because Miyeon's response comes as a mind-blanking:
"You can," a muffled whine in her throat. "Do it. Cum inside me. I want to-"
Sana’s eyes flare like she can feel that cable snapping, too. How your mind is all white noise. The torque of blood rushing through your head. You're thrusting deep into her well-fucked cunt with all the strength you can muster, your hips stuttering in the follow-through. When you catch the smile in her lips - the curl in her lips like she knows you’re about to spill everything, like the perfect siren’s call- you hear Sana over her shoulder: "fuck her. Use her. I think she wants to feel it in her fucking stomach - you know, the whole reason we’re here-"
You cum inside her - there’s no question - filling her tight hole up. Shit. You actually cum all over her too.
In fact, you manage to drag yourself all the way out from Miyeon, the wet quivers and hot aftershocks, all so Sana can get a good visual of how you’re fucking ruining her: the loose rope of white that streaks up her tummy, splaying out beneath her breasts. The absolute debauchery; it’s even more pornographic when your fist pumps another splatter of cum right onto the swollen lips of her pussy. Miyeon moaning on impact.
Sana supplies her own soft gasp, scraping the air past her teeth, tension hanging in the silence - and then you bury the rest of your load back inside her cunt.
And here's a feeling that's going to stick with you for a while. Beyond the fireworks in your pulse - the shake-ripple that leaves you with nothing, no muscles, no brain matter - you slide your cock through her cunt again, and again - just to feel how your cum pushes back out. And she's watching, she’s letting you watch: how messy she's become. Her tits. Her sweat-dewed thighs. How every second seems to bring its own unique ache. 
Really, you’re left only with a near mental blank. “God, Miyeon-”
You have just the barest capacity to consider the way Miyeon's trembling frame clings hard - pulling her ass cheeks down flush against your hips - your thick cock completely seated, stuffing her fucking cunt as she goes weak and submissive. You hold her there, suspended as your orgasm softens inside her and Sana hums along your lips, the soft coos spilling into Miyeon's ear: "what a messy, nasty girl. Princess needs to be full and leaking everywhere, doesn't she. How many creampies do you think you're going to ask for?” Sana laughs. “How many will ever be enough? I hope he gave you something worth begging for."
It's not really surprising how a feeling can hook its teeth into you when you're cumming like that. Subjugating the deepest reach of her sopping cunt to fulfill your own filthy fantasy. 
And look: Miyeon is soaked - soaked and wrecked and pliant. You kiss her and kiss her, and Sana kisses you, kisses her too, all of it muddled up - and your mouths are a mess. Your hands go into her hair, onto her ass; there's cum down her thighs and all over the floor. The smell of you three: her slicked arousal and your sweat and Sana's expensive perfume. 
Here, come come - Sana is a flurry of activity; she's helping Miyeon out of her second heel after you'd fucked the first one off her foot without bothering to get the strap unhooked. There's her careful proclamation of, "thank god the walls aren't paper," as you practically carry Miyeon to the edge of the sofa, this dreamy vision of messy hair and a royally-befit-blush. In the whole world, not once has Miyeon looked like anything less than nobility.
And now's no different, really.
You sink down onto the plush, tufted fabric - a chair whose shape might confuse you if Sana hadn’t told you earlier it was explicitly built for fucking, or whatever it is you're doing. She's smiling at you, settling her face right onto your shoulder and peering up.
"Sana," she says wistfully, but looks right at you. "My legs are still a noodly-mess. Could you turn on the jets in the tub?"
"And leave the two of you unsupervised?" She jokes. "Never."
Miyeon sticks out her lip. Pouts, almost: "it'd just be a second."
"She's only asking for a minute," you add in.
Sana rolls her eyes. "And since you've suddenly turned into two hopeless idiots, it can't be trusted. If I'm drawing a bath," a flick of the gaze, "the least you can do is join me. A chance to recover if nothing else."
Miyeon, being Miyeon, has already dropped her face down to your lap, curling up with your cock at her lips. When she gets her first, tantalizing, almost chaste little swipe at the tip, she smiles all impressed with herself. With those big brown eyes, her fingertips skating delicately along your stomach, and her dark lashes beating slow - all of Miyeon, right now, is on purpose, calculated. Precise. 
Her voice is even worse: "she wants her own go first, don't you think?"
Sana watches where your fingers thread into the ends of Miyeon's silky hair, just the gentlest twist and tug. How you have her mouth ready and open, waiting; how Miyeon glances over for approval.
"Well," Sana turns a cheek, "he's already so worked up." Her dark eyes look towards you - a mock frown. "I don't know if we can convince him otherwise."
Miyeon's throat clicks - she's not choking yet, but left to her own devices, she will be. Her expression melts into an almost-gasp as your cock fills the empty space in her mouth. There's that plush little gag as she opens, lips wet. You rock your hips, and then you get to watch her nose kiss the trail leading up the smooth plane of your belly.
"I could go for a soak," you admit, with Miyeon drooling on your cock.
Because Sana's doing that thing where she turns around, has the smug look over her shoulder. Makes a slow, teasing movement that leads your eyes from her pretty face all the way down the cut of her back, until finally she's pushing the soft waves of her hair into one hand so that her ass is perfectly presented-
And jesus, sure: the sloping hips, the inviting lines - the sharp points and soft edges, where she is and isn't; her cupped fingers come up to her own chest, just to show off the heft of her tits, hanging heavy. Everything is sensually posed. You're only a little bit mesmerized. Her figure has always had the cut of a pinup model. Curves like a siren. Her waist to hip ratio is - oh-fucking-kay, maybe you could do it right now - bend her in half - get her fucking sobbing until you kiss her quiet and cum so deep in her cunt it's all she can think about for days-
You realize then you're pulling too hard on Miyeon’s hair.
Not meaning to, or maybe too eager.
Hey, you have a pretty girl sucking life back into your cock and one more giving you bedroom eyes from across the room all ready to sit on it; you never said you weren't trying your best.
"Careful, honey. I'm getting impatient." Sana's hand traces the wallpaper trim in the hall, a sweeping path; a vague reminder as she disappears down and around the corner. You hear the squeak of the faucet and then the sound of her light footsteps. And then it's just an echoey and unapologetic, "one day I might not let you have all the fun," followed by, "my goodness-"
Sana, appraising her reflection in all likelihood. All bright smiles
You turn back to find a second set of eyes staring back, full of hunger, as a wet, messy heat wraps around the base of your shaft and follows to the top with the flutter of her tongue - and then all the way to the back of that tempting throat. Miyeon's moving at the tempo you'd put her at. You appreciate that. But you lift her jaw and hold the side of her face so she's looking straight at you - and as soon as you pop yourself out from between her lips, you say, "you'll let me taste Sana, too, won't you, baby?"
(Miyeon's never been good at saying no - to anything. That doesn't change here in the slightest.)
The way you laugh is easy and sweet. You kiss the space over her temple. "We've always been in this together, Miyeon," a soft tease. "Go ask her nicely, and I bet she lets you clean me up," before adding, "maybe, after you lick all the cum out of my girlfriend's tight ass."
And Miyeon simply grins. The promise of that sloppy fucking mess. She's ruined herself time and time again over far less.
"Oh," she says, "you know how good I look with cum dripping down my chin.”
It's kind of impressive how shameless she can be. So fucking blase - what are friends for, anyway.
“Shall we?"
You scoop Miyeon right up into your arms and, upon standing, swing her little body around in front of you. And she knows that's the sort of thing she shouldn't enjoy: being manhandled, told what to do, having someone lift the choice off her shoulders like that - but that doesn't stop her from tangling herself up around your neck and tilting her hips back into you in that playful-fake, overly innocent-cute mien - where she says in this tiny whisper, "are we, you think?"
Your mouth lands on her ear, nips the softness there, "behave yourself, sweetheart."
And then a low, breathless laugh escapes her: "when's the last time that was even an option."
(For the record, the answer is never, and you're probably actually so fucked - it's kind of hilarious to look back at it, and think, because how could any two people who have spent as many weeks (months) as you, putting all the right pieces into the right places, get all the stars align at once? The idea that the three of you are hooking up and nobody's getting hurt, murdered or hung out to dry is statistically improbable; and the likelihood that anyone in this presidential suite will survive the weekend without breaking at least four limbs in various places is rapidly dropping with each passing hour. You've been taking the old adage and clutching it against your chest - 
It can't be a sin, if it makes you happy.)
Past the door, the first thing you notice is that Sana's hair is all pinned up. Always pretty like that.
However it doesn't change the picture a whole lot. A few inches more bare skin isn't exactly a big difference when there's the whole, naked, porcelain expanse that spans the soft length of her shoulders, along her hips and waist, and runs to her feet. It's still kind of incredible. The hourglass shaped silhouette. All the natural curves finding relief in the right places. Model-esque, that sort of thing. And, yes: her tits, the absolute heaven-sent frame of her ass and those amazing legs.
It goes without saying.
She's there with her back arched, an arm perched on the granite of the counter. So relaxed. An elegance only afforded to the very lucky or the very rich. She lets her head fall back, the fine curve of her chin canting above a neck that you would've been biting kisses into just moments ago if she hadn't put herself in full profile to take your breath away.
"Show off," Miyeon mumbles, and then whispers to you, "sorry. My body can't do that, like-" she indicates - with a weird wobbly hand gesture, about the height of Sana's pelvis. "Whatever that is."
Sana tilts her head forward and meets the glance you give her reflection.
"Hmm," is her eloquent contribution to the airy room, woven into the pitter-patter of bathwater, lapping at the surface. "Now why am I left to wonder why there's no one making good on my requests, huh."
You cross the space; get close. And Miyeon stays curled up against you, doesn't let you slip away as you walk over, doesn't let go. She kisses the front of your shoulder, hums softly.
"My bad," You say. It's very believable. You sound a bit winded; kind of a wreck, but your sincerity shines through in that sort of 'I'll fuck it better' kind of way.
"Excuses, excuses." A dismissive shrug. "The water's perfect. But if you insist," and the sultry drop of Sana's eyelashes is deliberate, an invitation. Her breath is caught as your mouth finds the space between her neck and shoulder blade - the place where she's gone all pink, "I'd hardly pass up the chance for you both to eat my pussy first."
And look: it's not a lie, per se, but the natural instinct for Miyeon-logic is just to provide the justification, "the faster we get you a cumming, squirming, desperate mess-" her hand slips to cup the junction of her jaw and the crook of her throat. "-the sooner it'll be 'til he fucks me senseless again."
"We have a long way to go to get even, sweetie," argues Sana. "Last time, you were both pretty self-absorbed."
"We'd never ignore you on purpose," you whisper into the crook of her neck, and Sana turns to let you follow that deep, velvety mouth as the kiss flows across her lips. "You're absolutely necessary."
"Only by accident, then. That's a little bit worse," snarks Sana. The reprimand dies down into something soft as Miyeon lets her tongue trail flat over a nipple. She shudders.
"If I keep going, maybe you can forgive us?" You watch her eyelids flutter open, a haze of ecstasy passing behind her eyes. You keep an arm at her hip, wrap around and press flat until her whole flat tummy is pinned against your cock.
"Mmm," Sana hums. It's that sultry note she likes to let trail from the very end of her throat. "Ask me again after you get me off. But slowly: I want to savor every detail."
Miyeon traces kisses across Sana's rib until your girlfriend presses two wet fingers to her mouth. Easy.
"Then you should probably do something about her," you say, and - as if in agreement - Sana twists her hand into the cascades of her Miyeon's hair. You lean into her shoulder. She sighs; exhales, deeply, while her back is shimmying further backwards into the countertop.
"And you should help her make it up to me," Sana chimes, her voice clear and melodic, every inflection playing right at home in her vocal cords. "Two mouths are better than one, and I have so many other places you should be kissing."
Sana has a verifiable gravitas, for one, and when she's not hiding in plain sight behind the bubbly-bright act she likes to put on, it's nearly impossible not to fall in line behind her. This isn't to say you couldn't win her over either; it's a pretty small crowd here. But you choose one direction and watch her skin pink up and turn to red; you grab a wrist and it goes cold and white. Every last part of her is so damn expressive. The point is that she doesn't need you to make a fool out of yourself to know you're into her - or vice versa.
(Or. You're such a goddamn sucker, as Miyeon likes to remind you with a scoff, a little eye-roll, and then her hands on your belt. At least, before everything else: the knowing smirk, the dangerous suggestion).
You let your fingers find the backs of Sana's thighs as she spreads her knees apart, and there, you're reminded of the one thing. That of all the ways these two girls are identical, you've never found a comparison that really works. Not by any useful measure.
Miyeon has all the softer features: a bit dainty, the doe eyes and the lone dimple, like a doll with an aw-so-cute factor, whereas Sana is all sharp, clean angles; the sculpted muscle in her calves and thighs, the firmness and muscle underneath - which, yeah, definitely not the worst trade off. Don't get it confused, both girls crave your approval; both prefer when things get rough and sloppy. Describing either as anything but the most submissive holy-shit-take-me-now-I-need-you type, when put under the slightest pressure is laughable.
Not when Miyeon lets you use her like a toy. Or when Sana tells you exactly what you need to do to fuck a baby into her (hypothetically speaking; she gets a little silly and dumb around the edges whenever she's about to cum and her brain starts tripping over her tongue). Neither will hesitate when given the option of having your hand on the side of their throat, pinning their wrists to the headboard or the shower wall, fucking them until they go liquid and collapse in your arms, shivering, whimpering and begging, their pussies pulsing around your cock. In fact, there's really no hard or fast rule at all. But here, you recognize, is a great point of difference -
"Baby," you murmur into the inside of Sana's thigh. You leave a mark with your lips that you’ll come back to. "So. Fucking. Gorgeous-" right as Miyeon starts pressing her mouth against her cunt. "Aren't you, baby? The most beautiful girl. And all of this is just mine?"
Listen - the praise kink your girl has is actually pretty textbook: Sana wants to be called sweet, she wants to be complimented, rewarded, and all that good stuff; she wants you to talk to her the way everyone who sees a flash of her skin or a sway of her hips wants to - the best parts of adulation, arousal, love, without any of the side-eye of it being totally obscured in a crowded venue.
To the point. 
She wants to hear each and every you're sexy, you look hot, your ass drives me crazy. She wants it on the gruff in your voice, how it gets a little rough at the edges. Tell me you're mine. You make me so hard. This is just the very essence of who Sana is, and you have learned that you need to give as well as take: feed her a tiny ego boosting here and there, and she will completely throw herself at you in return.
Miyeon watches you run your tongue over her cunt like she’s taking notes, and it’s clear you’re more than prepared to give it all up to her. There's always been this veneration, this reverence for every inch of her, a pull towards her - her eyes, her mouth, her wrists, her long beautiful legs, the place where the skin of her thighs meets - you've always had this insane fascination with Sana, this need to know what she'd taste like or sound like. At any given moment.
"Oh," Sana pushes Miyeon closer, moaning. "Yours. So yours, baby."
The moment you both have your tongues working at her - tasting, the sweetness of her dripping down onto both of your faces, making you lick your lips and kiss each other so Sana gets to watch - Miyeon hums approvingly. Lets out this very performative, "isn't she just the best?"
And it isn’t that you can't find the right word - divine, wonderful, heaven, incredible, without any flaw - there just isn't much room to read into the fact that you and Miyeon are both sunk to your knees on the bathmat, kneeling in worship, in adoration - sucking on Sana's clit. The imagery sells itself.
"We'd never forget the important things," Miyeon continues, dreamily.
She's trading with you the folds of Sana's dripping pussy and the outline of her lips for her thigh. You pick up where she leaves off, and that earns you Sana's hand raking through the back of your hair, pressing you so close you can hear her heartbeat in her pulse; her blood burning through the very spot.
“That's how you make me feel, baby: so fucking good. Amazing." You taste it. You chase it. There is nothing like her cum filling your mouth. "Pretty. Mine. All mine."
“Yeah, okay - sure - that feels really fucking good.” 
Sana's orgasms always start slow; a slight adjustment of her hips, the rub of one calf against the other, she's never been the quiet type but there's not quite the screaming or yelling just yet. Her jaw is set.
"You're, uh-," she adds, failing at anything else.
Miyeon tries for it. That edge of danger; not in pain or frustration, but, "there you go, sweetie: you sound so fucking pretty when you're worked up. Just tell us - the words, we need the words to make it good, baby."
"Fine," says Sana, tilting her head down, breathing deeply, and she makes a sound that's neither a whimper nor a laugh, but a crossroads of both. "Right there, oh my god, you are so fucking dangerous, holy shit. Oh, please. Please. You two- just, please, don't you dare- just a little bit - mmm. Why do you have to be so good at that?"
"Right?" Miyeon laughs out loud - like you're the one missing a vital point, like it's your fault your face is buried in her folds. “I used to think guys just didn’t like doing it. And then, well-"
And you drag your tongue flat and up over her pussy, right through that whole slicked up slit, your fingers still pumping in and out, and then you flick it just hard enough to-
"-yeah," she huffs, panting.
Miyeon presses her thumb into the mess of Sana's cunt, and it causes Sana's whole body to shudder apart - you lift your face to breathe, or to promise, "we can go for hours if you want, taking turns making you cum," before pressing into her again, and Sana's only got so much patience and stamina when you're two steps ahead of the curve, because her legs are practically going to wobble off her body.
"Poor, pretty baby," Miyeon murmurs against her, and she's talking like she’s taken all the control now. Operating in that cycle of push and pull.
And to her point: Sana is whining, gasping - every bit as hot and bothered and needy. She's whispering please and not giving up her requests.
"Fuck. Okay, sorry-” she apologizes. For some reason.
Your nose keeps getting bumped, her cunt is grinding down into your chin. That is fine. If it keeps on like this, your whole face will be soaking wet.
"I'm going to just- going to go ahead and cum, I think- so fucking. Yeah, keep on going just like, shit, please: my pussy is fucking throbbing."
This is the easy part, if you've read the rest right. If the hours and the minutes, and all the passing days: you know which direction the pieces are about to fall.
Sana arches her spine, rolls her hips into your face, and when you swirl your tongue all over the wet heat at her core, the sound she makes is music: low, throaty and delicate. Your mouth is attached to her clit still when you look up over the hand you have steadying each tremble in her diaphragm. And possibly as a sort of vengeful maneuver, Miyeon is shoving two fingers under your jaw and far enough into Sana's pussy that each curl of a knuckle is all that’s left to find Sana cumming right onto your mouth, your chin. 
She wants to scream, to cry out, but her mouth joins her face, in that frozen expression of anguish, of an absolute that perfect pleasure.
"Shh, shh, it's okay," Miyeon consoles, standing up, leaning in - close, really, impossibly close; she presses their foreheads together, murmuring against Sana's ear, whispering what-do-you-need, there you go. Baby, that was perfect. They each know the song and dance. They can shamelessly recite each other's lines. Miyeon slides an arm to the small of Sana's back, one across her shoulders, and Sana leans against her with this gorgeous look of a perfect, mind-numbing orgasm on her face, her eyes bright, her lashes fluttering - a sheen of sweat across her forehead; your stomach falls and bottoms out; you can't not be fucking attracted to these two. Miyeon smooths down her hair, reassuring her. Her hand reaches lower, wraps around her, pulls.
The bath is well filled at this point, water near overflowing, and Sana is equally fucking soaked. This storm of wet and hot beneath your lips. You clean her off with the broad stroke of your tongue and don't spill a drop, because the noise she's making - it sounds like rapture, ecstasy. She's half-delirious, panting, with her hands gripping the sides of your head.
"Where," she gasps, trying her damnedest. You have the best girls in the world, you really fucking do. Miyeon rubs the heel of her palm against the soaked, red hood of her cunt. Sana lets out a sound halfway between a gasp and a groan; the arch of her hips chasing Miyeon's touch; "you, are you two - god damn, if I hadn't already-"
"Shhh. My poor girl. You're not thinking about his cock just yet," and those are Miyeon's slender fingers coaxing your jaw free from Sana's cunt, prying her free from you so she can sit alone at her throne. "They always keep lube in these kind of places," Miyeon reaches into a drawer, fumbling about. It takes a moment for it to register that she's actually talking to you. "It usually looks like some body oil, you know the nice massage kind, in these tiny bottles. Help me look, will you?"
It does not take long - hotel management understands what these rooms are for. The scandal and the romance and everything in between. Because Miyeon finds what she’s looking for in the next drawer down: a sample-sized container of massage oil, something slippery and organic. It smells vaguely of lavender.
"Look at me," Miyeon tells you, and Sana is absolutely listening along too. It's all very seamless: Sana and then Miyeon. All the synchronized parts. Their signals have some sort of feedback even if you're not always actively aware of the things they pass back and forth.
Miyeon guides Sana onto her shaky legs, turns her toward you - So you swallow, hard, and run your thumbs into the crease of her ass - you're kneeling, still, still totally naked and wet all around the jaw. "Eat her ass, and I'll keep her cumming until she can't feel anything else."
You shift your weight and run a kiss along the tender skin at the back of Sana’s thigh. The contact has her bracing a hand on the counter for support.
“And then-” Miyeon says, with a gleam in her eyes like she knows what the fuck she wants. She slides back down to the floor until Sana is pinned between a rock and a hard place. Her two favorite people in the world: namely, your hands gripping Sana's hips, and Miyeon's tongue all over the aching little clit you'd just had your mouth wrapped around moments ago.
"And then?" you provide, hovering a kiss onto the beautiful round of Sana's ass. Her fucking cheek. You have to slap it. Just a little. And when you watch it ripple back and forth with your handprint there, a spot of pink already blooming, well, she has to be giving you a sultry look that demands to know when it is exactly that you are going to stick your cock inside of her, and it is absolutely just impossible to look anywhere else.
"And then," Miyeon supplies, "we're going get that beautiful cock in her ass so you can fuck her brains to mush."
"Thanks I guess, for the explicit permission," you scoff, and here you drop your lips, trail them into the crack of Sana's ass, up and down, teasing the taut stretch of her hole with the tip of your tongue.
"Someone has to take responsibility for-," she pulls on Sana's leg and stretches it forward, repositions her ever so slightly. She sucks Sana's clit into her mouth with an exaggerated sort of satisfaction.
You wait for Miyeon to continue, and then realize with the unshakeable notion: she isn't going to, because it's too damn much trouble. There is no reason to pull apart the premise and not the girl straddled between your faces. The only option is to follow her lead, and to worship Sana. To trace every crevice of her, lick between her ass and the sensitive, clenching heat of her pussy.
"Can we, like, take a timeout-" Sana's mouth is slurring into the skin of her forearm. Her upper thighs are quaking, quivering as you sink your teeth in. Her head's gone all heavy as a slutty little moan rings out and straight down her lungs.
And maybe the realization is setting in. You and Miyeon are going to fuck her until you all can't think - until you're nothing but primal urges, nothing but bodies with beating, pounding hearts; and every thought in Sana's head will be to the two of you; to Miyeon, whose hand finds the front of Sana's stomach and guides her pelvis into rolling forward and grinding into her mouth, to you, with your tongue lathering and lapping at her asshole, and running your hands around her hips until her whole body's shaking, "oh fuck, my god-" 
(The writing is on the wall. You and Miyeon are going to fuck her until none of you know where you end, where the other begins.)
Sana tries again, and the question ends in a deep, rumbling, "don't you want, Miyeon, wouldn't you rather just really, fucking love, having his thick cock stretch you apart," - she swallows - and when she glances behind her back and finds you watching her, there is just pure, unadulterated arousal burning through her eyelashes, over the flare of her ass.
You catch the fucking bow of her lower lip wobbling as she adds, a little more pointed and a lot more determined, "when you're, fuck, begging and screaming for his load? To be his cumdump, his little bitch," it's like she's got her heart set, and her mouth can't stop moving fast enough, and "to do whatever he wants just because it makes you look and feel so damn hot?"
You can hear Miyeon's mouth smacking with the way it works, the way she is swallowing, gasping. You can hear the sound she makes when her mouth goes loose, and says, agreeing, "you're going to love it Sana, every god-damn-inch, you always do" and Sana is falling apart again into your grip, moaning, and then "it's so much better. All the stretch, that tightness. But she needs your fingers first.
You can hear Sana gasping too, dripping a mess into the place where her pussy and ass meet. Miyeon licks a wide strip from her core all the way up and kisses it. Lick. Kiss, lick - her hands pulling Sana closer by the hip - kiss, kiss, lick - pulling her mouth around your girl's clit. So close to the place in Sana's bubbly cheeks, where your mouth supplies long sucks and soft kisses - so close you can practically taste the scented flavor in Miyeon's lip gloss.
"I can't- shit. Hold on, guys," Sana whispers. It's her nails scraping against the granite. "You need to-" and then the loud, dull thwap of her knee knocking into the cabinet. 
She's cumming again - this time, loud and guttural, but another really beautiful sound - her cunt pulsing hard into nothing while the air hangs in limbo, Miyeon's tongue circling her clit, your palms around Sana's beautiful, round ass. You're half convinced they'd be fine with being locked away in some tower. Forget the world and its obligations. Or, rather: let the world stop spinning; leave only this.
There is not much talking from then on. 
Mostly whining, whimpers and pleas to: not stop, yes, there, yes, please, fuck, and Miyeon wraps her fingers around you - almost the same thing she did when you were pumping your cum into her quivering cunt earlier, asking, please, may I-?
Sana bends herself over the counter, like something instinctual. The perfect bend and arch in her spine, the bow of her knees and the press of her thighs. Inviting, pleading. You can feel the tingle, the stiff tension in the muscles, when you reach out and lift her ass; it gives so easily to your touch. Your palm, her cheeks. There's a beautiful flush as the pink starts to run, fade, and reappear along her back, and - fuck, okay, seriously-
Miyeon's there, kneeling next to you: stroking her fingers up your length. She’s kissing you too. It’s hard to think.
But the sound of the cap coming off the bottle comes like an alarm clock, pulling you out of a dream.
Miyeon sits on her heels, smiling into the press of your lips as the bottle she procured tips out. Clear, viscous and smooth into her palm. When it becomes a lot of dripping; she swirls it against your cock - her knuckles wrapped around you, running and twisting into every curve, sliding her whole grip with long, calculated strokes.
"I don't think she's in any condition to keep a tally," Miyeon announces, "so, why don't you decide?"
"Meaning?" you're panting; your brain keeps working to formulate complete thoughts.
"Meaning," she slips her tongue against yours, slides her teeth and draws into your lower lip, "you should totally pound her gorgeously tight little ass" - another kiss, mostly on your lower lip; almost a bite - "and then you should dump that massive load of yours" - a shudder rolls through her shoulder and leaves a whisper in her wake - "right inside mine."
There are about eight thousand words in the English language but what you say is, "fuck."
Because she's right: Sana is blathering the moment you stand up and let your hands reach around, grab hold of her full, rounded hips. She’s not in any state to protest or complain about matters of equality or correspondence. Her lips and tongue are barely even fit to say anything but yes-yes-please-anything, oh god.
Which, okay, whatever: of course, whatever the fuck she needs - whatever they need - you pull at her hips until it's there, your cock sandwiched between those full, warm ass-cheeks, the perfect amount of pressure to get you so fucking hot, and Sana's not shy about rolling her hips to keep you pressed to the surface, rocking into your balls until her cunt's making slick, wet, hungry noises and she's just one endless, groaning moan.
"Love feeling your cock," Sana mutters; and there is a, "please, fuck me, baby- please?" thrown in for good measure.
"Please do, you're like - you're like ridiculously gifted," Miyeon adds, always the right touch of caustic.
Sana's eloquence is short lived, because the second you give her ass a squeeze and Miyeon presses her thumb against Sana's cunt, her voice catches on her throat.
She sounds perfectly winded, completely out of breath, a tiny, sexed-up growl running through the notes as she speaks to her reflection in the mirror. Miyeon laughs. She can hardly get her own shit together when you lean up and grab a breast in hand, or start leaving slow-but-steady bite marks along the back of her shoulder blades; like it's all-too funny when you pin Sana to the counter until she starts to beg in that please, please, please tone: when every syllable and gasp is hitched and short.
"She doesn't want gentle," Miyeon tuts, finding her place next to Sana, holding her chin in her hands and catching the expression on her face. She presses a thumb into Sana's mouth for no reason other than: they're so soft. Wet. Pink and full, parted around her fingertip. "Isn't that right, baby?"
Your gaze follows their hips, swaying. And from this angle: identical. The hair, the jawline, the arch of the throat and shoulders, the elegant twist and fold of their limbs, the eyes, the blush, the smile, and the legs. They don't have to look exactly the same: their presence is near identical - Miyeon's the cuter one, sure. It's been established, but fuck, the look on Sana's face as you spread her asshole with just a finger is fucking dangerous. You're going to lose your mind. Both the flat tummies and the beautiful breasts and their matching hard nipples - and the fucking two best asses the world has ever seen. A line up over the counter: Miyeon and Sana, side by side; their reflections looking at you in tandem, wearing these same expressions. The eyes begging, asking and insisting, the pouting lower-lip and the glassy sheen of their eyelashes.
You tell them: "how am I supposed to" - you run the thick-glistening head of your cock along the pucker of Sana’s tight ass, grind your hips into the friction - "focus when you two look at me like that?”
"Um, just give up," says Miyeon, grinning; and then, when your jaw snaps closed and there's the obvious shift of your hips as your length strains through your body's need and pulls you closer to that incredible, tight, dark hole: "god, there you go. That is so fucking hot."
So, it's just like this:
They watch each other. The mirror is right there; every want, every motion. 
And then, yeah, a low and throaty, "is that it?" - Sana nods into Miyeon's hand and smiles, with just the slightest hint of something that could resemble a blush - "why we always come back to him? Because, really-"
"Mmm." Sana hums agreement, dazed and drunk in her words, the slow breath of air you push out of her chest as your cock starts to sink in; the deeper the intrusion, the lower your names become - just murmurs and sighs and sounds: "god, yes, god-"
Her pussy starts to drip onto the tiles, her slick collecting at Miyeon's knees as Sana takes you all the way: and you hold, once you're all the way in; once that gorgeous little puckered rim has stretched around your entire width; there's just the smell of the room; lavender and rose and citrus - Sana's endless arousal - and you hold, and hold on tight - and your muscles shiver as Sana draws the first rocking motion of her hips.
The smallest, lightest grind.
"Jesus fucking christ," you curse, because the heat around your cock is excruciatingly tight. A slow-burning, tingling-aching pleasure as the flesh inside Sana's ass moves up and down the length, drawing out inch by inch of skin - until your entire cock is nearly pulled out.
You're the one that drives all the way back in.
Sana gasps. She runs her hand through her hair. She tries her damndest to remember what words are, clearly coming up empty.
"Baby." Miyeon is kissing her forehead, her nose, her lips, and coos praises in her ear. She sinks her fingers into the curve of Sana's immaculate ass, pulling on the soft cheek, showing-
You are speechless. It's just: that next stroke. And another. Your cock slipping in and out with each pass, so easy once Sana sighs, licks her lips and leans into your rhythm, there, all at once and then faster. And she looks in the mirror, because of course; of course she watches Miyeon run her hand all over her front, the perfect tits and a pretty stomach - your thrusting keeps up until every thrust has her hips rolling forward and snapping back, chasing her own momentum; chasing that thick, hard, stretch of cock and that beautiful pleasure-pain as the force and pace rocks her, pounds her so her entire body has to curl against Miyeon's chest for support, so that she's going a little weak in the knees.
"How is he?" Miyeon's tone gets wicked in these situations, a lot less innocent. She gets excited, giddy. "Pretty, handsome, stupidly attractive," her voice picks up a playful lilt, and she gets you grinning - it's only the start. "And he's all yours. But how's the cock, huh? He's gaping your ass so pretty. Your hole is so fucking open around him. It looks incredible, doesn't it?"
Sana reaches for the side of her ass, presses her fingertips to her skin: pulls and splits a fingernail into the tender flesh where her ass and thigh meet - right above her cunt. You snap your hips into hers and watch your cock disappear. Every motion gives, slurps and sucks until you're hilted inside her.
"Feels, mmmm - fuck." Her chest is fluttering, every part of her so fucking flushed, her blood running beneath the surface so every single inch of her skin is saturated with her own need, her want.
"Feels so good," you growl, your vision gone dark around the edges. Miyeon's there, vaguely, smirking into Sana's jaw, licking at the sweat, scraping her teeth along the skin to bite down, pull- "she's so fucking tight. Gripping the hell out of my cock. Like, it feels unbelievable, you know."
"Babe," she cries, though you give her no respite - you use that little sliver of slack and pull out far enough that she'll know it when your cock is hammering into her ass, a little more aggressive, and you start with quick, hard pumps that echo throughout the room - not for your pleasure or hers: just to hear it, listen, you're driving up so far into that perfect, gorgeous ass that it sends her tits rocking and rolling with every bounce of her chest; her moans, her babbling incoherence, are, again - it's like a drug - and Miyeon's smiling. And also, getting herself off.
"So pretty," Miyeon says into her temple, "with his cock fucking open your ass." And she has her fingers swirling, swirling, in little patterns around her cunt, grazing over a wet clit, like the way you're pounding Sana's ass and dismantling her whole consciousness is absolutely the most arousing thing ever, like Miyeon could stay and watch forever, like Sana's the most beautiful person in the world, and Miyeon would be right here with her every second - whispering praise in her ears - "god, babe, if I could, I would never pull his cock out. You take him so well, don't you? You're just made for it. He could stretch you out over and over and we could, you know - be fucked silly - no thinking - for, like, forever. All day long."
Sana's fingers claw, gripping at the bowl of the sink, while Miyeon has her hand glued to her clit, playing herself.
Miyeon doesn't wait - but she asks anyway - and of course: she's leaning up, in, nuzzling Sana and saying: "yes?"
"So," is all Sana gets out before gasping, because the sight, it's too much to not let yourself feel a little power drunk, and there is a sudden thrust that practically turns the poor girl's voice into a croak. "Yes. Fuck - fuck-"
You don't really have any clue where this is coming from but: "Miyeon, here, take this cock. Come get what's yours you fucking cocktease," and, whatever - who needs thoughts? Your girlfriend's already bent over the bathroom counter, your fingers holding the smooth curves of her ass apart, her beautiful body opened all up and pink.
Miyeon ruffles her hair as she finds the perfect angle, knees knocked up against the drawers, and she's got more oil spread onto her own puckered rim.
You know your girls: Sana is desperate for your cock, Miyeon lives to be used.
"I love how fucking cock-drunk she gets," Miyeon laughs, and then - the moment you've shifted from one gorgeous hole to the other - her mouth slackens, her eyelashes flutter: "shit. Holy - didn't really realize- oh wow."
"Kinda distracting?" you tease, knowing full well you're just going to lose your own words; watching a gorgeous ass swallow your cock; being told to keep giving and take, just as much: the warmth in your own core, your cunt, clenching hard - an aching pulse - the excitement coursing through your veins and this, this whole sensation of being connected: your bodies, all-encompassing and present, three whole units, joining at the hips, being forced back together-
"-you feel fucking, so tight. That's how the fucking joke goes, right?" Miyeon manages: to talk, still, even with a cock in her ass and your teeth and tongue painting pretty marks up the ridges of her spine.
Sana is catching her breath, brushing her fingers through her hair staring wistfully.
"Gives you two so much to talk about."
"Now don't even start- I really like it, alright."
Sana gives her ass the worst slap but your balls hit her cunt on the following thrust. Miyeon's so fucking tight you can barely breath. And her laughter tinkers off into a very pretty string of obscene moans from the way your cock spears into her, all at once: the flat, wet, throbbing sounds of a tight ass taking a thick cock without stopping, stretching and sliding with an increasing ease the longer it goes on for, until you're snapping your hips so far forward they're slapping Miyeon's ass and gripping, squeezing the round shape of her waist; until the movements are just you, the heavy weight of your balls against the hot wet skin between her legs.
And god damn it, she's got to start with:
"Forgot how much you stretch me, Jesus - baby, it is a really gorgeous cock you've got," - and that is when it hits, and her hands fist up, trying to grab at something, anything: "oh my god."
"You are such a whore," Sana laughs, but not unkind, because Miyeon can only grin in response, with your cock pounding out into the red-hot, clenched walls of her asshole. And then: a nice, hearty sigh.
You find yourself asking, almost by impulse, "isn't she, uh, tight. God."
And, fuck: you were thinking how insane it is you two ever managed without the third party. How now, not fucking Sana and Miyeon's glorious, matching asses side-by-side would drive you fucking crazy, and maybe that's why it's really the best news. How when your cock slips out of one ass, and slowly nuzzles into the other - how when you all three watch the pretty faces in the mirror twist and turn into a look of such pure fucking bliss - you just sort of-
That's Sana: with Miyeon pressed chest-first over the marble counter, Miyeon's cheek and nose flush against her face, their arms twisted, bodies crossed at the wrist and wrist - their skin shiny-red with exertion. They're the closest possible position: mirror images of the other, and - with the slightest push -
And it's pretty. It's fucking, you know.
"Perfect," you groan. "This is it. Look at you, the both of you - god - it's like. It's not normal to be as beautiful as the two of you are. Right. So, you know-"
"Hey," Sana is a little faster on the uptake when you're fucking Miyeon and her ass within an inch of dying, "your face. You look like you're close, are you close baby?"
The blood's starting to sing in your ears. Miyeon's forehead keeps bouncing into Sana's - their sweat, mixing, her skin peppered and blotchy pink from where she's gotten a little bit lost in her own head, her hips moving of their own accord, her body tensing, relaxing. You can read all of her movements, recognize her signals: the way she moans louder than usual, the way her cunt trembles against you, the way her ass squeezes, holds, lets go-
You pull out. Just to keep yourself from blowing, just to pull on your balls, to look and watch the perfect view. And Sana reaches back - a warm hand wrapped around you.
You feel her palm wrap around your cock, coaxing another serving of oil - like she knows just how rough it's going to be to start again.
"Just," she pants, leaning into Miyeon so you have to rut around to find your way back, "until the end."
There's something so pleasantly mind-numbing about the moment when you ease your cock into the sweet-soft ring of muscles again and she's just stretching and pulsing and grabbing all around you. The way you keep going: she's holding herself, giving her asshole a squeeze, a stretch - her lips kiss a sound onto the side of Miyeon's shoulder and she nods, gasps, breathes out heavy and pained, like the rest: a total fucking rush.
You watch Miyeon lean further, a beautiful shift of balance between the two. Her hands clamp around the sides of Sana's thighs for support, and the longer you pound into her, the deeper your cock sinks, the closer the pressure becomes as their heads turn in, looking to the same place, their foreheads knocking, and-
"Knees," you growl. You're holding your cock in your first - demanding: "Get on your fucking knees."
Sana smiles first. Then Miyeon. And when the lipstick smears against their cheeks, you don't have it in you anymore to think clearly. The line between your imagination and your fantasy is so blurred: you want their mouths moaning into eachother. You want Miyeon to clean the taste from Sana's lips. You want those cunts grinding, their clits making contact, and for one of them - fuck-
So: "I need the both of you."
And it's your name falling off of Sana's tongue when the tops of her shins hit the tile floor - she's kneeling, she's pulling Miyeon by her waist until the three of you have converged into this beautiful, glistening, open-mouthed trio. Sana kisses Miyeon hard while you cum all over the image: the contrast of their soft, wet, hot tongues against one another while your harsh grip pumps along your slick, throbbing length. It feels like a knot unraveling, a tension snapping loose, your cum landing on their cheekbones, their temples, between their lips - It's a long, slow roll through the valley of your abs - Miyeon licking into Sana's panting mouth and swiping through the streak of white you just pumped out into her fucking hair; the messy collision of lips, swallows, tongues; the faint, slow sounds, the slickness-
"Look," she breathes. You can hear the way their words hitch when their fingers hook eachother, guiding through the mess across their skin, dipping through the sticky cum, circling the plush pout of their bottom lips; and it's Sana that grabs Miyeon by the wrist, bringing her hand forward; sucking, running her mouth in a lazy path all across the width, "that's all, fuck, I need to. Wanna taste all of it."
You just groan.
Miyeon is slumped into the lacework of Sana's limbs, swapping the tastes between her tongue and the space of their breath; while her own thumb caresses the raw, stretched opening of her ass. Sana whispers things, incoherencies, into Miyeon's hair: kisses at her temple, strokes the muscles of Miyeon's back. Feeling how they shiver, they heave, they fall - exhausted and flushed in the heat of one-another's embrace. She licks the words across Miyeon's cheek and follows with her nose trailing Miyeon's jaw, and your cum's smearing a streak onto Miyeon's bottom lip, before their tongues have tangled themselves into another messy, well-fucked kind of collision.
"Good girls," you mumble, kissing Miyeon's knuckles, and helping Sana to her feet.
Your legs are a lot less shaky than either the two of theirs, but it's okay, you pick Miyeon up and set her on the sink; and then turn on the tap for the both of them, since they'd need a wash and some salve.
"Now, what?" says Sana. She's smiling; a washcloth at the ready; some dribble of soap from the bottle.
Miyeon gives her a smirk from over her shoulder, turning away just enough to flip her hair; the ends brush across her jaw. It's a cute little quirk of the eyebrow; the upward twinge to the corner of the lip; it's a motion that knows every muscle, every detail.
"Depends," says Miyeon, sharpening up her tone just the littlest bit, "the bath looks like a tight fit for all three of us but," and there it is - the mischievous glint; the curve in her hips, her mouth, and, of course - you notice the way her eyes drop to the stiffness of your cock. The way her voice purrs, all light, but a lot more intent: "Did you see the shower? It's absolutely gigantic."
"I saw the detachable head," Sana throws out. A teasing little comment, one you remember - that sends a pretty deep shudder down your stomach and thighs. Your cock twitches, hard and - okay, good thing Miyeon booked the room for a week and then some. The view is pretty great: watching your cock get rock-solid in under five seconds. Watching them kiss the same knowing look, sharing the private joke. Watching their hips swing, watching them slide the glass door: Miyeon in front and Sana from behind.
It's in unison that they both turn over their shoulder and ask, "won't you help us test it out?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be right there." You shake your head, "so thirsty," even though, you know you're equally to blame.
It's that tiny whisper of "don't look at me like you don't have cum in weird places either, hm?" that Sana gives you, while Miyeon is washing her hair, rubbing and sliding along the locks. "I'll help you with the spots that are hard to reach, come here."
It's that little, meaningful, mischievous curl in Miyeon's lip when the water's pouring, and your breath falls across her skin. The way her hands reach out for you, even when Sana takes her chin and plants a firm, messy kiss across her mouth. It's the same gesture Miyeon's making, using Sana's forearm for support. How she runs the palm of her other hand along the back of Sana's thighs, slipping and pressing forward to guide, nudge. She pulls Sana onto her toes, aligning their bodies. It's in the little laughs they share, the wet smacks of lips, the soft little hums they make when tongues slip over, into the open.
It's here too, that you first ever get them confused, just a momentary slip up of "Sana, could you grab the towel-" or some equivalent, when you glance away at the perfect wrong moment and you're left just a little puzzled, still mostly entranced by the sight of the steam on the glass and their fingertips drawing patterns into it as they lean in for another kiss, or a moan-
"Oh," Miyeon says, delighted, "I'm supposed to be her, right?"
They're fucking-
Sana is less enthused. "Stop. I do not. Am not."
- identical.
"Look, I didn't mean-"
Miyeon laughs to cut you off and skips the argument. She winks, and somehow that makes it worse.
It's there too, the look of regret when your fingertips curl into the skin of her breast, your thumbs a tease against the rigid nubs of her nipples and the texture of her pretty stomach. They don't realize how much you really love their matching expressions. So, they don't mind the mixup, and besides: you just follow Sana's guiding hands and let your lips ghost-kiss, so gently across Miyeon's thigh. It's impossible to imagine a version that isn't one and the other, the two of them, here, with you: sharing kisses, offering the gentlest, slowest exploration, teasing and tugging a gasp of a response.
"Hey," Miyeon muses, "does that mean you'll keep your cock warm in me once we go to bed and feed me a steady stream of ice cubes between all the sessions, mm?"
Sana raises her head in faux offense and drops back into the comfort of Miyeon's thighs. "Jeez-us christ," Sana huffs; "one day with him and she thinks she's me. Have mercy."
"She isn't?" you ask.
Sana sighs. "Um. Not even close."
Miyeon beams at the both of you. She even runs her fingers through Sana's hair, doting - affectionate. "She'll come around to the idea eventually, don't worry. Until then I'm more than happy to take on the role. It can't be that hard, yeah? Just to be all - naughty-sexy-sweet-oh, look, a surprise, i’m actually ready to get fucked six ways to sunday-"
-you get an eyeful of whatever they are doing, this time just, fucking-
Sana only says, "it'll have to take an exceptional amount of patience on both your parts."
-gorgeous, lewd, completely fucking filthy.
"I got a lot, babe."
The second Sana opens her mouth, it's followed with: "pfffht."
It's just, who wouldn't give them whatever they want? Whatever they ask? There's a list out there: no doubt the both of them, gagging. Throat-deep. In their little skirts. Panties. Naked and straddled, just, across their hands. One, maybe. Or both all the same, or still a different preference. One behind the other and taking turns. Something - and this is important, here:
"Look," they say, eyes wide up at you and blinking - on the same fucking beat no less, "you can trust us, okay?"
(Gentleman and distinguished scholars: the list, by the way, only ever gets longer.)
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mushies-stories · 9 months
Little succubus
Demon!Ghost X succubus!Reader
(Little succubus- prolog)
summary: Ghost was a demon who deals with business on earth. one of the strongest and most feared. ya know, all that. reader is a shy succubus who thought she was fallowing a human home until she finds out just how wrong she was. Ghost however doesn't seem to mind; in fact, he thinks it might have been fate that dropped you in his lap. ALSO Ghost has horns. :3
Warnings: SMUT 18+, fingering, oral (F receiving), orgasm denial, unprotected sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, claiming.
Authors note: It's mostly... maybe edited but i will be going back and checking things out because by the end i got tired aha.
word count: 6061
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“Well little succubus, just what were you planning on doing?”
You swallowed the thump that had formed in your throat. Words still never left your mouth, too scared and embarrassed. He could see you the whole time. It was just… mortifying you thought.
“Well?” he leaned in closer, eyes like steel as he stared you down. You couldn’t help the high pitched yelp you let out when he lifted one hand up to reach for you. The demon let out an amused grunt and pulled his hand back. Your tail came to wrap around your legs. “What is it little succubus, ya scared?” his tone was condescending and you swear he was smirking under that mask. 
If it wasn't already evident by the way you cowered farther into the couch, body shaking ever-so-slightly, the small nod of your head gave him the answer. 
He nodded slowly before standing back to his full overpowering stature. Eyeing you for another moment he let out a soft sigh and shook his head before rounding the couch and taking the spot next to you. He takes up most of the open space and when he spreads his legs out he takes the rest. You flinch when his legs press against your knees. “So.” he rests his arms on the back of the couch, eyes coming to focus back on you. “Followed me home thinkin i was a human man, that it?” he asks.
You nod again but this time added a little ‘mhm’ with it. You couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of panic that was starting to really set in. He was a demon and a much bigger one than you. Even sitting so close to him was almost suffocating. 
Your eyes were so big, so full of fear and glistening from the tears that were beginning to form at the corners of your eyes. “You don’t do that very often do you?” he asks, watching your every move and listening to your racing heartbeat. He knew the answer already, no, you didn't. You were too shy and much too scared. Most other succubus would be trying to use their looks and charm to get around the situation. Some don’t even hesitate to throw themself right at his feet, offering their bodies to use as an apology. But you? Oh no. You were so scared you couldn’t even move. A little doe in the headlights. Perfect little prey.
When you spoke, your voice was so quiet. Ghost figured if he wasn't already giving you his full attention he would have missed your words. “No…only when I have to.” you answer. 
One brow raised at that. “That so?” He eyes you up and down, checking out your body and face. Even though you decided to wear a dress you were still mostly covered. The tight sweater you wore also didn't stop you from shifting in your spot under his heavy gaze however. “y’er grown.” he said with a little gesture to your body. “Yet y’er so timid and easily startled, even ran away when I took a shower.” Ghost recalled. He had to force himself not to laugh out loud when you scurried away from his room.
His intense gaze was hard to keep hold with, instead you drew your eyes down to your lap.
Ghost didn’t particularly like you shying away like that but it interested him, you were peculiar for a succubus. “Little mouse, you shy away so easily. Why is that?” he asks, wanting to know how you got like this.
You spare him a quick glance and a shrug, his scarlet eyes felt so heavy. “Always been this way.” you mumble. 
A gruff laugh fills the air around you. “How's that working? Being so timid and scared has to make it difficult for you? Needing the pleasure of others to feed. Even trying to be with another of your kind.” Ghost speculated. The last part made your tail twitch a little in annoyance. He was right about all of it. It did make it hard for you. Ghost had noticed this tiny movement, it let him know he was reading you like an open booking. You just got more interesting the more you accidentally revealed about yourself. For a long moment it's silent. You didn't know what he was thinking but the longer he didn't say anything the more anxious you were getting.
“What's your name, little mouse?” he asks, breaking the silence.
You hesitate to answer, not sure if making it easier for him to know who you were is a good idea. Not seeing a better option, you settle on complying. “Y/N.'' You tell him.
“You couldn’t be a virgin, right Y/N?”
Your eyes snapped to him and you could see his grin growing from under that mask. Your lips parted to say something but no words came out. Why was he asking you something like that, why did he want to even know. Your tail curled just a bit tighter around you.
“Oh little mouse.” he chuckles. Of course, and you just happened to stumble right onto his doorstep. His cock twitched at your blushing face, this just had to be fate. right?
What you being a virgin meant doesn’t go over his head, not even for a second. Since you were a succubus and a virgin; only feeding when you needed too for necessity then you would be severely touched-starved by now. Ghost was a strong demon, his power unmatched by most and comparable to only a few. A little demon like a succubus could barely withstand being around him for too long without feeling the need to submit to him. He would bet that right now your panties were becoming a mess just by his presence alone. That was probably what led you to him in the first place.
Your whole body felt so hot. He was looking at you like you were some kind of prey. You wanted to run but the dampness in your panties was growing and it was starting to get hard to ignore it. “Why are you disguised as a human, who are you?” you ask, wanting to change the subject from yourself to anything else. 
He didn't answer you right away, he seemed to be thinking about how to answer. “You may call me Ghost.” your eyes widen as soon as his name is revealed. “As for what I'm doing on earth, well that is  none of your business little mouse.” Ghost explained, with eyes of steel and steady tone.
You nod slowly in understanding. Yeah, it really wasn’t. Ghost was a very strong demon, well known, one of the strongest and one of the scariest. If you were scared before you were terrified now. Ghost wasn't even his real name, he was a demon who roamed care free in the shadows.
Ghost let out a soft sigh and relaxed his body a little into the couch, showing you he wasn’t going to pounce on you. “Relax love, ain't gotta be so scared.” even though the sight of your eyes prickling with tears and shaking body made his cock beg to be stuffed in your little virgin pussy. “Not gonna hurt ya, you're just a curious little thing.” he tells you. 
You take a breath and relax your shoulders a bit. Your body felt tight from trying to stay so still. You tilt your head a little to the side in confusion. “About me, but I'm nothing special… I really should just leave.” You hated how weak you sounded, voice uneven and evidently full of fear. 
She shook his head. “I don't think so, I think you'd like to stay.” his eyes were challenging, wanting to see if you deny it, lie and pretend like you're not soaking wet for him. “Right little succubus? You want to stay and see what a real demon can make you feel like. Bet your little untouched pussy is crying for some attention yeah?” 
His words were dirty and they made your face feel like it was on fire. “But… I have no idea.” you tried to explain how truly little experience you had. You only knew the dreams of the few humans you have interacted with. “Why would you want to be with someone like me… I'll only disappoint you.” as you spoke your eyes fell back down and your voice was nothing more than a whisper. You feared that if you let him in like that or anyone else that they become unhappy the moment they realize you lacked experience. 
Ghost didn’t like this, he didn’t like seeing you fall apart about yourself. He knew having you to himself would be everything he’s ever needed. He wanted you and only you, something drew him to you. He just wanted to reach out and pull you against him and keep you there. After a minute of silence he decided the gentle approach wasn’t to his pacing. 
With a grunt he gripped a massive hand around your ankle and dragged your smaller body so your legs draped over one leg. “W-what are you doing?!” 
you let out a quiet yelp when his hand gripped your hip, helping bunch up your dress a little. You drew your knees together to keep him from seeing anything. His hood on you was gentle yet firm enough to keep you in place. “I can smell your arousal little one, you're soaked for me right? Let me help you, let me make you feel good. All you have to do is say please.” he tells you, determined to devour you.
You blinked a few times. He was right, your panties were soaked and your skin tingles where his hand had touched your skin and being this close to him made your head spin. Your lips parted to speak but you didn’t even know what you'd say. Could you really admit to him that you craved him more than anyone you have ever come across. Your body burneing for his touch and the whole new sensation was  becoming so overwhelming. 
Ghost was growing tired of your resistance. You both knew what you needed and he wanted nothing more to give it to you. “Too shy, little mouse.” His voice is dark, a little ominous. He moved so slide your dress further up your thigh. You reached a handout to stop him but hesitated before actually touching his hand. Something about the way he looks at you, his skin on your own; it was something you didn’t even know your body was craving so bad until now. He watched your face as his hand slid between your thighs and pressed his middle finger right against the damp spot on your panties. You shuddered and he chuckled. “Panties are soaked mouse, pussies begging for something to be stuffed inside. Bet your body is just aching to be touched.” his voice seemed to get even gruffer, lower and he leaned closer to your ear. “Say it and I’ll make you feel better love, just gotta say it for me.” he says, hot breath fanning your already warmed neck. He messages his finger into your folds so your panties can collect more of your slick.
For a moment just you gasp and shift a little as he teased your needy cunt, making you wish more and more that your panties were not in the way. You looked at him with big eyes when your lips parted once again to speak, this time you managed enough courage to get a single word out. “Please.” you squeaked the word right when he had pressed down harder against your clit.
By the way his eyes crinkled at the corners you could see that a wide grin had spread across his face. “Good girl.” he said before both of his hands found your hips and adjusted you quickly so your bottom half was on the edge of the couch and you were sitting properly against the back. He gets on his knees in front of you and rests his large hands on your thighs. Your eyes become transfixed on his hands, seeing how much of your thighs they can hold. Pushing your dress up past your hips he practically groans when he can see the mess you’ve been making of yourself. Your arousal filled his senses and made his cock twitch against his tight jeans. When you look at his face his eyes were now only rimmed with red. He hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties and yanked them down and you let out a little yelp at the sudden action. Your hands gripped at your dress where it was bunched around your waist. 
Your brows raised when he hooked both arms under your legs and hiked them over his shoulders, Your cunt in full view for him now. Your tail shifted against the couch at your side. “What are you…” your voice gives out at the sight of him raising his mask above his nose. His lower face is bare for you to gaze upon. His eyes locked onto yours as he planted a kiss to one of your knees. Your own eyes kept trailing down to his lips as he peppered the soft skin on your inner thigh. 
“Smell so good, all wet and needy for me.” he mumbles against your skin before giving you a little nip. A hand released your thigh to your pussy so he could glide a finger through your folds. Your lips part with a small gasp when he circles your clit. Ghost kissed and sucked little purple marks on your soft skin while he toyed with your pussy. Then, without saying a word he lowered his head between your thighs and his tongue swiped up your dripping heat. The sweetest moan Ghost thinks he’s ever heard graced his ears. His thumb rubbed circles onto your clit while his tongue licked up your arousal. 
He couldn't suppress the groan when you whimpered and gripped his forearm. “Ghost, that feels… mmm feel so good.” you say with a sigh. His tongue was teasing your entrance, swirling around and pushing in just a little. 
He pulls his face back and rests his head against your leg. He focuses on your face when he abandons your clit and strokes his finger over your little hole. Your eyes were getting droopy and the blush painting your cheeks. “Just the beginning little one.” he chuckles and pushes a finger into you. 
Your eyes fluttered as he sank into you. Just one finger felt like such a stretch for your little hole. You knew you didn’t have to worry that much. Since you weren't a human it, but rather a succubus who wasn't a sexual creature by nature your body was meant for this to some degree even as a virgin. He pumped into you a few times, admiring the way your eyes fluttered the more pleasure you started to feel. You gasped between sweet moans that fell from your lips when he added a second finger. 
“Doing so good.” his voice was still deep but the edge to it had softened. He seemed so scary moments ago but when he's between your legs and looking at you with lust blown pupils. Even though his body still dwarfed your own it was comforting being wrapped around him while his fingers worked at stretching you out. 
When he found the spot that had your back arching he curled his fingers. Your eyes felt like they crossed and your toes curled. “Oh… Gho-ost, please.” you mewl his name. It felt like your stomach was twisting and tightening. Nothing like you’d have felt before, it was so much more intense now. Just as you were letting yourself fall into bliss it was ripped right from your when he pulled his fingers from your core. “W-wait.” you stuttered and blinked your eyes a few times to bring back your focus. A small pout forms on your lips.
You looked at Ghost who was smirking at you. “Sorry love, I promise you’ll cum just not yet. So sensitive I can't help but want to play with you.” he tells you. His hand rubs your thighs softly to help you calm down. 
He brings his fingers with you slick to his lips and takes one long swipe up his fingers. He groans and waste no time finding your clit with his lips and sucking softly on the bundle of nerves. At first he was just teasing, slow and gentle, only licking and sucking your clit. He was getting you all worked up until your arousal was dripping onto the couch. Your chest heaved and your head lulled back against the couch as you watched him. While he gripped and held one thigh still on his shoulder, the other that had been resting on your waist tightened a little, making sure your hips can't wiggle around. He sucked your clit into his mouth much harsher than he has before and your hips bucked against his arms. You can't help the loud moans that escape you. He let your clit go so he could slip his tongue into your fluttering pussy. His eyes were practically closed as he took you in. the way your body reacted to him, was so wet and needy for his touch was pushing him farther into a state of pure need and desire. 
He lapped at your pussy and slid his tongue along your gummy walls. His arm held you still the more your body began to wiggle and shake. “Ghost! Please… please it feels so good.” you ramble out. Your eyes were fluttering shut and that same intense knot was swelling in your stomach again. 
Ghost relished at the sound of his name falling from your pouty lips. So desperate and good asking him to make you cum. He wanted to watch you cum, he really did but wanted your first time cumming like this to be on his cock. So he pulls away, leaving your dripping cunt pulsing and fluttering around nothing and calling him by the right name. The moment he tasted you, heard you whimper and moan for him he knew you were his. He wanted to claim you and you him in every way he could and your pussy cumming on his cock for the first time is just how he wanted to start.
“Noo… please.” your voice was broken as you begged, nail digging into his forearm without noticing. 
When he looked at you his eyes showed a hit of remorse for leaving you to suffer again. But your disheveled shelf sweater falling from your shoulders and tail twitching at your side. “M’sorry little mouse.” he said it with such a tender voice you wanted to believe him but the ache between your thighs was unbearable. 
“Why… hurts Gho-”
“Simon.” He says, cutting you off.
Your head tilts a little in confusion. “S…Simon?” 
He nods and lowers your legs from his shoulders. He raises a hand to your face, capturing your chin between two strong fingers and guiding you forward. Your face to face with him, his lips only a beat away from yours. “Thats my name, since you’ll be crying it every time i fuck you.” he tells you, voice growing darker again. 
Your eyes widen at the intention behind his words. “Every time?” your voice was so small, you didn't want to sound hopeful.
He nods again and gives you a small soft smile, his hand cradles your cheek and strokes it gently with his thumb. “Sweet little thing, you're all mine.” he leaned in and practically slammed his lips onto yours. 
They were rough and the kiss was firm, his hands moved to your sweater, pushing the sleeves down your arms. He nipped at your bottom lip so you'd part them and with the opening he claimed your mouth with his tongue. Your head felt light and fuzzy, arms reach out for him and find his shoulders. When your hold on him tightens and you start gasping for air is when he finally pulls back. 
He bunched the end of your dress in his hands. “Arms up.” He says. You follow his instruction and lift your arms up lazily, like your limbs were just a little too heavy for you, you were already so lost to him. He lifts the fabric over your body and tosses it to the side. He looked at your bare chest with a crooked smile, delighted he didn’t have to waste time taking some useless bra off to see your perfect tits. With just his fingertips he trailed them along your lower abdomen, looking at the clear skin above your sex, your body shivered at his touch. “Gunna fuck that pretty little mark onto your body.” he growls before quickly grabbing your thigh once again and hoisting you up with him. 
You yelped when your naked body was pressed against his fully clothed one. Your body is now buzzing in anticipation, with the promise of getting your mark you were more than ready. He walks you to his room before doping you on the black sheet of his bed. Your chest bounced on impact and it caused you to wrap your arms around yourself. You felt so much more exposed with the way he towered over you, looking at your body with hunger in his eyes. 
Your eyes trailed down to see his erection and he was clearly big. Your eyes widened just a little but you really tried to keep calm, you would be fine, you told yourself. Ghost chuckles and your eyes snap back up to him. His hands hook into the waistband of his sweats and pull them past his hips. Once he was free you took another peak. He was big, that was obvious. Long and thick veins ran thick from his shaft. You swear your mouth was watering, the thought of him stretching you on his big cock had your head spinning. He was so big you knew it would still hurt, at least at first but pleasure would be what follows soon after. 
Kicking his pants aside he stocks over your body onto the bed, caging you in with his arms. He leans down to connect your lips again but this time doesn’t waste any time in claiming your mouth. At the same time he's pushing your legs apart with his and pushing the head of his cock through your slick folds. He pulls away for air while he grinds his cock against your heat.
Your body was aching, your fingers grip the sheets next to your body. You want nothing more than for him to finally stuff his cock inside you. “Please… hurt, need it please.” you beg, you breathe uneven and shaky. Your tail rests along your leg, wanting to curl around something. 
Ghost dipped his head lower and nipped at your neck softly. “Ask me correctly, Love.” He tells you. He wraps a lard hand around one breast and messages the smooth skin. Your nipples harden under his calloused hand. “Tell me who you want to fuck you little Mouse.” he rasps against you skin. He starts sucking and biting while his fingers start pinching and pulling your nipple before moving to the other. 
Your body was so sensitive you had to force your brain to work through the fog of pleasure he was causing. “You, Simon ple-eas I need you.” you plead, as tears start to prick the corners of your eyes. You needed some release and fast. 
Ghost’s cock twitches against your cunt then sits up enough to look you in the eyes. He smiles and strokes your cheek with his thumb, again trying to sooth you a little. “Alright, see there we are Love. M’gunna make you feel really good.” He practically coos at you. You nod a little frantically, not wanting to wait any longer. With a grunt he pulled your hips closer and abruptly slung your legs over his biceps. He pressed the tip of his cock on you pulsing heat, right at your tight little hole. Slowly he pushed the tip in, watching it pop in before starting a brutally slow pace at sinking into you.
Your brown knit together and your lips part but no sound comes out. You were too focused on breathing as his cock filled your pussy. “Big.. Simon, so big.” your speech was stained as he finally bottomed out. The tears at the corners of your eyes finally released and slid down your face.
Ghost leans down and licks one of the tears, your wince a little at the sudden action. “Pretty girl, crying over my big cock. Pussies squeezing me so tight and gushing around me.” he teases. “Gonna make you cum on my cock everyday love, make sure this little pussy knows who it belongs to.” He groans and starts pulling his hips back. You gasp and whine when you're left with only the tip. Gripping your hips he sank back in and started a slow rhythm, letting you get used to his cock.
Your tail instinctively inched closer to his arm and coiled around it loosely, just enough to feel a little more connected to him. You could feel every little movement and vein on his cock as it dragged against your walls. It felt good but you wanted to feel like it had earlier, when he denied you your orgasm. You wanted to cum, your body still aches from you loses. “Simon, please I want more.” you told him, eyes half lidded and swollen lips forming a small pout. 
His hips still for a moment, you were captivating like this. Under his mercy, dripping and begging for him “Such a good girl, asking so sweetly. Tell me what you want, what do you need me to do for you.” He urges.
You take a moment to formulate your thoughts. You wanted everything he could offer. While his cock rocked slowly into you it was his lips parting in a soft grunt that sparked a need in your head. “Face, I want to see…” you trailed off and your eyes shifted away from him. You were unsure if it would be okay to ask, you didn't want to upset him.
Seeing the hesitation ghost snapped his hips into you a little rougher, getting your attention. “You can say it little one, whatever you want.” Ghost had quickly come to term with the enjoyment he gets from hearing you confess to him. Your delicate little voice asking and begging him to help you. 
With a deep breath and shaky breath you nod. “Can I please see you?” you ask.
A wicked smile spreads across his face. He stills his cock, making sure to keep you nice and full of him before releasing your hips and making your tail let go of his arm. He tangled your hands together in one hand and held them above your head. “Wanna see the big scary demon huh?” he quips with a chuckle. The only response he got from you was your walls clenching unbelievably tight around him and a desperate broken whine. “Alright, needy little thing. You may see my horns.” he growls. With his free hand he hooks a thumb under the bottom and pulls it over his face. What little hair he had fell out, damp with sweat. You felt his body pulse around you and hot cock twitch inside, then a moment later horns were merging from his head. Big and curved back. His eyes were glowing, the only light in the room coming from the moon outside. 
Your eyes scanned over his features, momentarily becoming dazed at the sight of such a demon before you. “Beautiful.” your voice barely a whisper. 
Ghost chuckles and rolls his hips, bringing you back to reality. “Beautiful huh?” he repeats your words, a little surprised at your choice of complement. “Now for what I want, yeah?” he says with a grin. He begins a steady pace with his hips. He held your hands in place and focused back on your chest. Pinching and massaging your breasts while he started to move faster, snapping his hips a little rougher. “Need to make you cum love, need to see that pretty little mark form.” he tells you.
You wrapped your legs around his thigh and your tail followed, urging him to go deeper. You turned into a moaning whimpering mess under him, you knew he was holding back, still being gentle with you by the strained look on his brows. You were grateful for it, you would gladly take whatever he had for you but for tonight, tonight you needed it like this. 
He smiled at your fucked out face, fulling drunk on his cock. His cock throbbed against your walls, so tight and pulling him back in every time he pulled out. He released your hands and leaned back so he could watch your body move every time he pounded into you. “Taking me so well, so fucking tight.” he huffed. 
The pleasure was growing again, that intense feeling starting to build up and up. “Si-” you choked out. 
He watched you, felt your legs twitch against him. He knew what you wanted to say, could feel it. He dragged a hand down to where your bodies connected and started slowly circling your clit. His thumb sends waves of pleasure through your body and makes your back arch into his touch. 
“Please, Si… please I want to cum.” you practically sob, remember how it felt when he denied you earlier. “Please can I, can I c-um Si please!” you beg, desperate for your release.
Ghost looked at you with soft eyes and a mock frown. “Oh Babygirl, of course you can.” he tells you, voice gentle and calm. “Cum for me love, cum all over my cock.” he encourages you, pushing you closer to the edge with every thrust and harsh swirl to your clit. 
Finally, you could feel it, your orgasm crashing into you, sending you to a fuzzy blotchy world. Your eyes roll to the back of your head before closing, strangled whiny moans fall from your lips without hesitation. “Si-Simon! Mmm… good, so ohh.” Your pussy clamps down impossibly tight around his length, causing him to still his hips and cock inside you. Your stomach starts to burn with more and more pleasure, feeling like your orgasm is never going to end.
While your eyes are closed and you're lost in the intense feeling, Ghost is watching you intensely, watching you fall apart until your lower abdomen starts to glow red. He felt it burn under his fingertips while he continued to abuse your swollen clit, he pushed down a little, feeling the tip of his cock bulging, the pressure on your newly forming mark making your cry out and trash a little under him. “That's it, doing so good for me little one. Cumming so pretty like this on my cock.” Your pussy gushes around him, slick dripping and making a mess under you.
The feeling became so intense that blotches of black blobs started to fill your vision. You couldn't hear anything, but you could feel a warmth on your cheek. You blinked a few times; your eyes must have been closed because your sight was starting to come back. “Simon…” you mumble when his face becomes clearer. 
He chuckles softly and pushes some hair from your face. “There you are, lost ya for a second.” he says. You can still feel his cock, keeping your pussy nice and full. 
You give him a weak smile while you catch your breath. “That was… I’ve never.” You couldn't find the words.
His hand ghosts over the new mark above your sex. His hips started to move again, he couldn't wait any longer. He needed to fuck you now, fuck you until he empties himself deep in your cunt. “Getting your mark always makes it more intense, burned with pure pleasure.” He notes. You nod. You knew that, you just didn’t know it would be that strong and overwhelming. He didn't take more than a minute to focus back on plunging his cock as deep as possible into your dribbling core. “Need you to cum again for me Love.” He tells you, now gripping your hip with one hand and holding himself above you with the other. He slammed into you, much harsher than before. “Need to fill your pretty little pussy up, need you take my cum.” he growled. 
You nod, feeling the pleasure already building. “Yes, wanna cum again Si, please.” his lewd words and brutal pace was enough to have you right on the edge again. The lingering sensitivity of your mark makes it so easy for him to rip loud desperate moans from you. The sound of his cock slamming into you and your flick hole fills the room. “Wanna feel you inside Si, want you c-um.” you moan.
Ghost leans down Locke's your lips together, needing to taste you. Your arms came to wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer. He ate every moan and whimper you let out. When your pussy pulsed and calmed down around him, he couldn't suppress the deep guttural groan he made. He pulls back a fraction for air, his hips snap harder into you. 
“Fuck, gonna flood your cunt with my cum. M’so close.” he groans and huffs as he fucks into you. something primal growing in him as your pussy squeezes his cock, never letting him pull out too much. 
Your walls clamp down and your legs shake uncontrollably around him. “Ohh, ohh! Si~” you moan. Keeping your eyes locked on him was hard when the pleasure threatened to force them closed. Your orgasm came without warning, you let out a shaky high-pitched moan and clung to him for dear life. 
Ghost’s was so close, your pussy trying so hard to milk his cock. “Just like that, fuck… pussies clinging to my cock.” he says through gritted teeth. With a few harsh truths he was painting your walls with his thick cum. He pressed into you, making sure to empty him deep. “Oh fuck, taking all of me so fucking well.” he praises, eyes lidded and brow sheened with sweat. His hips finally stilled with his cock still buried deep. His cum leaked out around him, dripping down and onto the sheets. 
He leaned back and admired the mess you both made of his sheets. Your hair was a mess and your face was flushed. He rubbed your thighs, legs no longer wrapped around him but now laying slack at his sides. He looked at your mark, the pretty heart and that adorned your skin. He grazed his fingers over it and smiled when you twitched at his touch. Still so sensitive. 
“Thank you.” your voice was so soft. Your eyes were half lidded and threatening to close on you. A small content smile on your lips. 
He shook his head. “No need to thank me, Love. not yet anyways.” he grinned teasingly. “You did just hand yourself over to one of the most powerful demons in all of hell ya know.” he informs you again. 
You wanted to giggle at that but the sound died in your throat when he started to pull out. “Si-Simon wait, please.” you asked hastily. He stopped and raised a brow, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. “Too much, go slow… please.” you plead. 
Ghost held back his laughter with a sigh. “How about we do this.” he offers and slips back in, even though it was now soft it still felt like it took up all the room in your pussy. He gripped your thighs and raised you onto his lap. “Why don't we take a bath and make sure your pussy is completely satisfied.” the look on of pure needy and desire in your eyes was all he needed. 
It took a while to get you both cleaned. Begging him to fill you up over and over prolonging the soak in the large tub. He didn't mind; however, you were just perfect for him. Needy and cock drunk for him. He was never letting you go now.
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corruptedcaps · 5 months
Hi this is Maddy and I’m going to try the new confidence booster supplement from CC Industries called ‘Power’ and document it here. My boyfriend Alex is a scientist with the company so this is currently experimental but he assures me it’s safe. So this is me with zero days of Power.
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Hi it’s Maddy again and this is day three of taking Power. Not seeing much difference yet. I think maybe my ass has gotten smoother and bigger? Let me know in the comments.
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Hi it’s Maddy and this is day seven of taking Power and I’ve been feeling more confident and assertive. Thanks for all the compliments on my butt in my last video, that’s really helped my self esteem. Also maybe related but I seem to need my glasses less and less.
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This is two weeks of being on Power and I think I’m really starting to feel a difference now. Like check out this cute outfit, I would have never had the confidence to wear something like this before. Comment below with a score out of 10 for how I look.
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Maddy here and this is one month using Power. As you can tell it’s had some major physical side effects. My boobs are bigger, my skin is clearer and my lips are more full. It’s certainly been a hit with my boyfriend who suggested I up my dose. I’m not sure if I should but what’s the worse than can happen?
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It’s me, Maddy, and this is what two months of Power looks like. I’ve never had the confidence to own a sun bathing suit before but now, well, I think this little number speaks for itself. My boyfriend was right, the double dose makes me feel and look even better. Other guys have noticed too, but don’t tell my boyfriend he has competition.
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It’s me, Madi, naturally, and here I am looking like perfection after three months of Power. I’ve had a few changes in the last month. I got new clothes, new makeup and even a new car thanks to biggest change in my life, my new boyfriend Chad. He’s rich and handsome and knows how to treat a woman of my stature, not like my loser ex. Message for all you queens out there, don’t settle for frogs.
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It’s Madison here to update you all on my four months of having Power. I’d also like to address the comments from my last video. The comments that say that I’ve become bitchy and superficial lately. I’d like to apologize to all the babies out there who are envious of me and want to take me down. You’re never going to take me down. Which reminds me, today I hit a milestone of 1 million subs!
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Listen up, Madison is speaking. I know plenty of you jealous bitches have signed a petition to get CC Industries to cut off my supply of Power and somehow you losers won them over but I have plenty of Power stocked up. You think I’d give up this feeling after just five months? I might even start upping my dose!
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I have big news for all my loser followers, your Queen is getting married. Not to Chad, I dumped him last week for my new man. Well not new exactly, it’s Alex my ex. I was burning through my supply of Power more than I thought and I knew Alex could get me more, but he was too moralistic and lame so I spiked his drinks over a few weeks with my remaining doses. He’s so fucking hawt and mean now. Power gave him the drive to take over CC industries so now I get all the Power I could ever want but I don’t like to share so we won’t be releasing it anytime soon. If I could do all this with only six months of Power, imagine what I’ll accomplish in the next six.
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mlm-ficcollection · 1 year
Jasper Hale X Male! Reader (part. 1)
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(I couldn't live with myself, leaving you all with the old version of my fic when I have an updated one. So here you go, updated fic! Meaning, that if you've read something similar to this on here, or something exactly like this on Ao3, then it is mine. This is part one of, if everything goes as planned, three parts.)
(Part. 2)
"This is (y/n)."
The voice sounded blurry to him, as if he was underwater. Where was that ringing coming from? Was it even ringing? He wasn't sure, might as well just be him, might as well just get tinnitus because honestly, that would just be typical wouldn't it. Why was it so dark?... Maybe his eyes were just closed.
Memories, memories (memories had to be the key to figuring this out, right? Right.) - what was the last thing he remembered? He was in town to go shopping. Working late left him to do his groceries in the evening. It was dark, at least past 9 pm, and there weren't a lot of people out on the narrow cobbled city streets. No people. That's how he liked it.
A group of broad and tall statures with guns came out of nowhere. The rest of it was blurry- there was shouting, three rounds of bullets being fired, and then he felt the impact of his body hitting the ground. He remembered losing his vision, and feeling himself stop breathing.
And now he was here. And he realised he was not exactly sure where 'here' was. And he realised he should be dead (why wasn't he dead?).
He could hear distant arguing. But maybe they were right next to him. He wasn't sure of anything at the moment, not that he was sure of much usually. 
Parts of what was being said were comprehensible.
"....isn't safe..."
"...let him die!..."
"...what could I..."
(Y/n) opened his eyes just a little, only to be blinded by a heavenlike light. Squinting, he could see that the room he was in was very white, almost sterile. However, he had a feeling this was no hospital room. Then again, he was still not even sure where he was.
A groan escaped him as he felt his head start to pound, nausea rising in his throat. The people talking suddenly stopped, their attention on him. He couldn't make out any of their faces if he wanted to, and honestly, he didn't care much for that right now - not with his splitting headache. It would be absolutely lovely if they could give him something for the headache though. 
A wave of pain washed through him then, burning at his nerves and spreading through his body like a wildfire spreading through the woods. He hissed, body contorting and arching as the stabbing agony continued rocking through him, numbing every other sense he had.
"Stay with us-!"
"-me the morphine-"
And (y/n) passed out again.
The next time (y/n) woke up he was in a significantly more comfortable state. There were no echoing arguing voices around him and no pounding in his head as if it were splitting open. In fact, he could hear the distant sounds of birds chirping and the wind rustling through leaves. Was he in the woods? He'd just been in the city.
His throat felt scratchy, though (is this how those people in desert movies felt like?) And as he opened his eyes he was pleasantly surprised by no little sterile rooms, coupled with no blinding lights. Slowly, he sat up.
His eyes focused, and he glanced around. There were giant windows all around him, and outside of the glass was, indeed, a forest. A fucking forest (?). Not to mention, he couldn't remember ever having this good eyesight. (It had been one of his favourite problems to neglect - opticians are expensive.) 
And he also realised that none of the windows were open, which was odd, seeing as he could hear the birds as though they were right next to him. Could be some weird new glass, though. People do crazy things with glass nowadays. 
The living room, which he assumed was where he found himself, was bigger than his whole studio apartment and decorated with minimalism in mind it seemed. It honestly looked like the home of an eccentric rich man. If this was a kidnapping it was the highest class kidnapping he'd ever heard of. Five-star rated kidnapping. 
(Y/n) wasn't a very big fan of minimalism. (Then again; not his house.)
As the young man stood up and absentmindedly roamed around the house, he realised that he was... Seemingly alone. Awkwardly peeking into every room he came across and calling out only seemed to confirm this; his own voice being the only thing echoing back to him in response.
He wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad sign in this situation - first time being kidnapped and all.
Finally (y/n) ended up in the kitchen. Yeah, some water would definitely soothe the dryness in his throat - motherfucker, had they fed him a desert when he was out??
He sighed and reached up to tug open a cabinet, and stumbled back, caught off guard as he tugged the entire cabinet door off of its hinges. He stared at the door in his hands with wide eyes. (The fuck?? It's not even heavy...)
He hesitantly put the door down, squinting at it suspiciously and assuming the hinges or the wood was very weak or something. Maybe there were even termites in the wood. He grimaced at the thought of termites as he grabbed a glass for himself, and went over to the sink, grabbing ahold of the sink handle and pulling it back.
Only to yell out in shock as he pulled it off the entire handle, separating the handle from the entire fucking sink, with water now spraying out of it.
He put the glass down (dropped it on the counter) and grasped at the hole, desperately trying to stop the water from pouring out and soaking him and holy shit was it wet holy shit holy shit- 
The clearing of a throat behind him split the silence. His head snapped in that direction, wide eyes staring over his shoulder only to see a blond man in a doctor's jacket, sporting an amused smile on his face. 
Behold the aforementioned rich man, I suppose.
"Uhh... It was like this when I found it."
The man tilted his head, and did not seem convinced.
After around two hours of explaining the situation, there were three things (y/n) was now sure of.
1. (Y/n) had almost died earlier, and the man in the room with him, Carlisle, suspiciously surprisingly nice for being a rich man, had saved him.
2. He had saved him by turning him into a vampire. He was now a vampire. A fucking vampire.
3. He had been invited to live with him and his other kind-of-but-not-really adopted kids, who were also vampires. It was some sort of clan situation. ("- you mean like, as in a gang?" "(y/n), no-") 
The offer was extremely kind. And the mansion he was in currently was a palace compared to (y/n)'s apartment in the city. Thinking about the sheer size of the mansion was a good distraction from the fact that vampires and vampire clans were real, and had apparently been for a long fucking time.
He also knew that he had pretty much wrecked this man's kitchen. He was ignoring that fact as well. Besides, they were vampires, they didn't even use the kitchen!
Carlisle was nice to him. The doctor had a calming... Feel to him, and explained the situation in a soothing, practiced manner, that showed it was clearly not his first time explaining this. (Y/n) needed that, because he was just about one more life-changing fact away from having a breakdown. Carlisle explained that (y/n) was free to go should he choose, but also explained the dangers of being a lone vampire. ("I-I mean I haven't even met the other people here, I don't know if I can-" "That's alright, if you want to wait until you've met the others that's perfectly fine.")
And also. That thirst in his throat, was a thirst for human blood. (Y/n) violently recoiled as Carlisle stated this, though he couldn't deny the way his throat itched more at the idea, how his mouth seemed to water with venom at the mere mention of human blood.
Carlisle was very clear that there was one condition for letting him stay; he had to drink animal blood instead of human. (Y/n) had agreed quite vigorously. ("Yeah, duh, fuck yeah I agree."). (Y/n) didn't like the sceptical look Carlisle gave him at that. He got the sudden feeling that it wasn't that easy.
Their conversation was cut off as a door opened across the house, and the rest of the stoic family walked in, quietly. (Y/n) stood up hesitantly, preparing himself for a round of handshakes that never came. None of the 'hi, you must be new here' or the other normal things you'd expect meeting someone for the first time. They simply watched him back. He couldn't help but feel intimidated. Were all vampires like this?
"(Y/n)," Carlisle thankfully took the word, "these are the other members of the family."
The young newborn took his time to examine each one of them, glancing away from time to time and pretending he had the dignity not to stare. (This is so fucking awkward, holy shit.)
There was a kind-looking woman who approached them, standing next to Carlisle and smiling encouragingly at (y/n). 
"Esme. Carlisle's wife." She introduced herself, exchanging a disgustingly adorable look with her husband. Suddenly he felt like he was intruding, so he averted his gaze to the rest of the family.
The rest of them stood quietly in front of him in a line, almost giving off the feeling that they were standing guard. Which was a little bit odd. Did they usually do that? Carlisle had told him how dangerous newborns could be. He wondered if they were watching him for any sign of danger, if they were tense and ready to pounce on him.
The position made it easier for (y/n) to inspect them of course, but surely they could have said something...
From left to right: There was a blonde woman, eyeing him suspiciously. That was fair, he thought; he was new after all. He wondered if Carlisle had forewarned them at all. They didn't seem all too surprised, so he must have. (Y/n) smiled hesitantly at her and his gaze quickly drifted to the man next to her.
This man was... Big. Broad and tall, he practically overflowed with mischievous energy. He smirked back at him as their eyes met. It was possible it was because (Y/n)'s gaze might have lingered a second too long on the man's physique-
The newborn heard a snort from the guy next to him. He looked over at the guy confused, raising an eyebrow.
This man had a typical short-sides-long-on-top-haircut, as well as prominent sideburns. It was certainly... A haircut that one can have. His eyes were glued to the floor, an amused smile on his face, as if laughing at a joke only he knew. (Y/n) found it... Slightly infuriating. The red hair on his head was eye-catching though, he had to admit.
Next to him was a short girl who looked as though she came from a fairytale; like she might grant you three wishes. She grinned gleefully at (y/n) with big sparkling eyes, and (y/n) smiled back, relieved at the almost immediate acceptance he felt from this person. This was maybe the closest thing he'd gotten to a greeting from these people.
(It struck him then that all of them were... Attractive. He wondered if that was part of being a vampire. Was he hot now? He had to look in a mirror.
Could he look in a mirror?!)
He heard Carlisle speaking next to him, introducing the members and cutting his spiraling thoughts short.
"This is Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, Alice, and-"
Lastly, there was a man.
He was undeniably very handsome, with his dirty blond curly hair and pale skin (which they all had- was that a vampire trait??). His eyes carried the same yellow tint as all the others in the room- but his were different. They seemed to look into him, not through him the way Rosalie did. He felt seen.
The man in question stepped forward and offered his hand for a handshake (finally a normal fucking greeting. Holy shit.) and introducing himself before Carlisle got to. 
"Jasper. You're the newborn, right?"
He spoke with a Southern accent, which was... strangely attractive on him. (Y/n) tilted his head, observing him as he spoke, not avoiding the piercing eye contact. 
It did however take all of his self-control to not reply with 'duh' to this question.
Instead, he shook his hand, nodding slowly.
"Yeah, that's me... The-the one and only."
Carlisle appeared next to them all of a sudden. (Y/n) liked to think he hadn't noticed his approach because Carlisle moved very quietly, and would adamantly deny getting lost in the moment.
"Jasper has... Experience with newborns. He will be helping you control your urges and figure out how your body works- as you have already noted, your abilities have changed. "
He explained, looking between (y/n) and Jasper. (Y/n) nodded silently, not taking his eyes off of Jasper while Carlisle spoke, and Jasper all the same. Therefore neither of them noticed the knowing look that was exchanged between Edward and Carlisle, nor the curious glances between the rest of the family members, or the wide grin on Alice's face.
The gentle sounds of a forest filled his ears, and the smell of dirt and nature filled his nose. It was pleasant, not like the oil and smog that festered in his nose and drooped down his throat in the city. The increased sense of smell was, in this case, definitely a good thing about being a vampire.
It was currently only him and Jasper, out in the woods, a place they had frequented the last week while waiting for the vampirism in his body to 'calm down' - a thing it apparently needed to do before they started trying to control his strength. 
(Y/n) thought it was ridiculous, honestly. So what, he broke a measly kitchen door. That didn't mean he was outrageously strong. American houses are practically made of cardboard anyway! But yet... 
"Pick up that log."
Jasper broke the silence as he pointed to a fallen tree, speaking with that lovely accent of his. If only what he said wasn't so incredibly stupid.
(Y/n) scoffed out a laugh in response, arms crossed over his chest.
"Are you joking? I can't pick up a fucking tree! I'm a vampire, not fucking... Superman!" He sputtered, gesturing wildly to the trunk. 
Jasper rolled his eyes and walked past him, over to the fallen tree. The newborn scoffed at him, shaking his head and looking away. Is this guy fucking crazy?
There was a creaking sound, and the next time (y/n) looked over the man had picked up a tree, and was now effortlessly holding it over his head. He looked at (y/n) with a slightly annoyed expression, that he certainly couldn't care less about because Jasper was holding a fucking tree over his head.
(Y/n) was speechless. This guy is fucking crazy-
The dirty-blond man dropped the tree to the ground, casually dusting off his hands as he wandered back over to (y/n).
"Not only are you a vampire; you're a newborn. You're at your strongest point. If you don't learn to control your strength, you could very well accidentally kill any of us."
He stated, crossing his arms over his chest and gazing out over the forest. (Y/n) watched him with shining eyes, amazed and slightly overwhelmed by the situation he found himself in.
The newborn simply nodded dumbly, closing his mouth and walking over to the fallen tree. He swallowed nervously, glancing up at Jasper. The other man offered no support but a piercing and expectant gaze - and somehow that was enough for him to fully know that Jasper believed in him.
Before he knew it, he was holding a tree over his head. He let out a surprised laugh, not caring about the dead leaves falling around him like snow, and looking at Jasper with wide eyes. He dropped the tree to the forest floor with a thud.
It became clear that he actually wasn't human anymore. He couldn't be. Not with the way his skin sparkled beneath the sun and the way physics seemed to bend for him. He wasn't human anymore. 
Maybe he was Superman after all?
"So, we have to figure out what to tell your family, your relatives etcetera..."
It was hardly two weeks into his stay as Carlisle went through the steps of living like a vampire, keeping his eyes fixed on (y/n) with a slightly worried look on his face. Something told the newborn that Carlisle found this to be the hardest part of transitioning into a vampire. 
The group was currently in the living room, and dusk had fallen. (Y/n) found the house to be more homelike during nighttime - the lamps cast a yellow glow that reminded him of fire and made the whiteness of the interior seem less... Constricting.
The topic of (y/n)'s family made the newborn freeze up beneath their excruciating gazes, and he felt a chill run down his spine. He wondered if he had grown pale or if he just felt like he had. He probably couldn't grow pale, could he? No blood and all.
This was an unavoidable subject, the one of his family. Yet it was one he would be more than happy to ignore for the rest of his life - because with the subject of his family, there would be explanations needed, questions answer that he really would prefer not to answer right now.
(Y/n) glanced down nervously. He wasn't sure whether he actually wanted to have a conversation about them. Not now, not yet.
"I-it's fine, they won't mind."
He looked up at Carlisle with a sorry attempt at a reassuring smile on his face. Carlisle frowned.
"They threw him out."
(Y/n) sputtered and spun around, coming face to face with Edward. Edward, who had just told everyone he had been thrown out, abandoned by his own family. Had he any blood his cheeks would burn in shame by now. That stupid mind-reading was getting annoying.
He shot him a glare. Edward merely shrugged.
Fucking asshole. 
"Yes, thank you, Edward."
When he turned back to Carlisle, Jasper was now standing next to him, arms crossed over his chest and with an equally as concerned look on his face as Carlisles. This fucking guy just seems to manifest, he thought.
"Why would they do that?" Jasper mumbled in confusion, more so to himself than genuinely asking. 
"It's because-"
"Edward don't you fucking dare." (Y/n) quickly shot a fierce glare back at Edward, warning him, before looking forward again. He glanced between Jasper and Carlisle (looking just as concerned as before), and then looked down, taking a shaky breath.
This could end badly. It had a track record of ending badly. He didn't want it to end badly. Not with them.
He sighed as he trailed off, digging the heels of his palms into his face and trying to clear his head. Coming out never really did get easier did it? 
"just-... Okay just give me a moment."
"He's gay."
"Edward I swear to fucking mother of Christ-"
Carlisle had to physically stop him from getting into a fight with Edward that night.
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sirenscriptures · 6 months
primarchs + fantasies
summary: basically just a ramble thirst post because i want to drag 30k/40k into my already mess of a blog. i’m still figuring out certain pieces of characterization/lore so be patient with me here <3 i am suffering this brainrot and dragging you down with me!
warnings/notes: nsfw themes (18+ only), fem-bodied depicted reader, mentions/depictions of exhibitionism, of course size difference, hints of breeding kinks, slight mention of blood drawing, bondage/rope play. (these are partial fantasies i think they’d have but also they are genuinely so touch starved i think even the slightest form of physical intimacy could make them combust. in a good way.)
featuring: lion el’jonson, fulgrim, leman russ, magnus, sanguinius, mortarion, and horus lupercal (pre-heresy)
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lion el’jonson
look, if there’s one thing each of the primarchs could use in some way, it’s a fucking break. lion is definitely one of those primarchs. the man has always been on high alert, and has never truly known how to relax. that is, until he bonded with you.
the fact he’s found himself so close to you is quite a milestone of sorts. being a primarch of many secrets, you can assert that he isn’t someone who trusts easily. he doesn't let many others know what his deeper thoughts contain, not even some of his own blood.
however, it’s almost like he’s a different person in your presence. when he’s with you, he feels a profound sense of peace, like he can shut his mind off from his usual stressors and worries. especially during your alone time.
but it’s when he’s completely alone (a rare occurrence) that his thoughts tend to wander more than usual. it isn’t a total shock in the slightest when all he can think about is you. but when his thoughts are crowded with curiosities of what sounds you’d make while on top of him and how you’d feel wrapped around him…yeah it gets a little concerning to someone of his stature.
the thoughts of you like this start small…then they bloom into much more , to the point where if he even looks your direction when in this state of mind he’s a stuttering, flustered mess. a completely rare state for a primarch to be caught in, yet here we are.
so, it’s safe to say that while lion isn’t one to deeply “fantasize” like some of his brothers might, his intrusive thoughts about you certainly have a habit of spiraling and he has to physically slap himself to snap out of it.
in terms of fantasies, where do we even start with fulgrim? ever since you let him get close to you, whether that be on a personal or physical level, it was like opening pandora’s box. when you get him started, there is no going back.
it doesn’t have to be much to get him started with you. just your beauty alone and seeing you smile at him could get his dirtier thoughts racing. (horny bastard <3)
the fact that you were totally oblivious for a while of the power you held over him was amusing at times. though he was much bigger than you, he often thought about what you would do if he let you take the reins over him.
even just the thought of your soft hands running over his bare body could make him shiver. he could picture perfectly how beautiful you’d look if he had you on top of him. but he could also picture how beautiful you’d look if he had you in front of a mirror.
the way your delicate frame would lean against his chest as he fucked into you, massive hands roaming all about your perfect body…
most of the time he has to stop himself from thinking any further, for just the thoughts alone aren’t enough. maybe he’ll show you what he means when you’re alone with him in his chambers.
leman russ
if you want to delve into literal ferality, it is absolutely leman’s brain. and his actions, of course. so it isn’t far fetched to say his fantasies about you are in the same realm as his normal thought processes.
now, just because he is one of the more “feral” primarchs doesn’t mean he lacks complete restraint. but when it comes to you, let’s just say his restraint goes a bit…out the window if you know what i mean.
when his mind does wander and you’re not around, he tends to imagine showing you off. exhibiting how well he can pleasure you and how good you look while he does it to you. he doesn’t mind those of his legion seeing him with you like this, and even when you two are alone during these moments, he almost wants someone to see.
he would love to display the way he makes you whimper and squirm around him while rutting into you. though, he won’t let anyone get the wrong idea. you’re his, and he won’t let you forget that in the slightest.
but that’s not even half of what he’d like to do to you. and you can tell so blatantly in the way he teases you, unashamed of who’s around when he makes his usual remarks. but at the same time, he does it all out of love. he knows how annoyed you get from him pushing your buttons all the time, but he can tell you wouldn’t change it for anything.
magnus the red
for someone who sees most physical intimacy as a “waste of time” like a few of his other brothers, he certainly doesn’t stick to that thought process when it's you he's thinking about.
with magnus being as knowledgeable as he is, it genuinely frustrates him when he can’t figure out at first why he feels this way about someone like you. yet the more time he spends around you, and the more you show how open you are to learning from him and that you actually listen to him, the more these feelings start to increase.
in a strange way, he feels comforted by you. though when he’s closer to you than usual, these feelings of comfort seem to…deepen into more than he first expected.
even though he can’t pinpoint it at first, he finds that every time he’s away from you, the want for your presence grows within him like some sort of hunger. yet, it’s now laced with the craving to feel your touch.
his mind is generous in being able to envision you beneath him, body trembling with arousal as his touch travels your bare skin, admiring and caressing every inch of you. all of his senses are ablaze; the craving for your touch, voice, scent, everything becoming too much for even someone of his stature to endure.
shaking away these thoughts is much more of a challenge than magnus would first anticipate. but now that he’s come to this self discovery, he doesn’t want to waste anymore time merely thinking about it.
while sanguinius is the more compassionate of the primarchs when it comes to overall personality, don’t let that fool you. when this man gets down, he’s an absolute freak.
on a serious note, the one thing sanguinius loves is spoiling you, on all levels, of course. but he just has a little bit of extra fun when he gets to do it to you physically. he does love when you return the favor, but if he’s being completely honest he likes it more when he gets to please you.
when he’s with you in an ordinary setting, he doesn’t let his more “sinful” thoughts take over. out of many of his siblings, he is certainly one of the most restrained and can control himself when it comes to feelings such as these. one of the lucky ones, he supposes.
but despite being able to hide it, you do make it quite difficult at times. it can be anything that triggers that burning within him—the way you unsuspectingly bat your eyelashes when you stare at him, or when you look so bashful when he greets you with a kiss on your hand. or even when you accidentally brush up against one of his wings. and you aren’t even aware you do so much to him physically…
yet there’s not much that gets him going quite like the thought of driving you absolutely mad with pleasure (much like fulgrim if we’re being honest here). whether it’s the thought of how you’d react to his head in between your thighs until your legs tremble uncontrollably, or how pretty you’d sound when he drains just the slightest bit of blood from your tender neck…
sometimes he’s left heavy-breathed at the thought, and you’re not even in the same room as him. if only you were aware of the effects you had on him. though, something inside sanguinius felt as though it wouldn’t be a mystery for much longer.
believe it or not, mortarion is not a total stranger to these kinds of thoughts. though, it’s much more intensified since you’re the only person he’s had these thoughts about.
with mortarion being one of the more distant and reserved of his brothers, his sex drive is one of those things he’s never had to deal with since he’s never felt this way about anyone else before. so it’s no surprise how easily pent up he can become.
even just the slightest things you do can get him electrified, and the poor, touch and affection-starved soul doesn’t even fully understand why. the way you smiled at him with genuine fondness from a distance the other day? he’s still thinking about it for weeks. the way your hand gently brushed against his face by mistake? still has him reeling even when he’s in your presence.
the way his thoughts of you overwhelm him is far from easy to deal with, and you immediately notice the way his behavior changes in response to these newer sensations.
it’s so much worse when he’s away from you for long periods of time, though. his mind is racing with everything from how beautiful you would look tied up in various positions; the imprints of rope staining your soft skin, to what sweet sounds he could get you to make in response to his mouth in between your legs.
his poor legionaries when they have to deal with him in this state…he’s so helplessly tuned out from everything and they have not a clue what’s going on with their primarch. but he won’t have to worry much longer, for he’ll be venting his sexual frustrations out on you when you’re both reunited.
horus lupercal (pre-heresy)
honestly, what doesn’t horus think about when he’s thinking about you? not many people can make his mind wander to even the most dangerous of places like you can. while he isn’t sure how this all started, he is far from complaining. honestly, what doesn’t horus think about when he’s thinking about you? not many people can make his mind wander to even the most dangerous of places like you can. while he isn’t sure how this all started, he is far from complaining.
the way he is around you is his usual self, but his thoughts about you aren’t restrained in the slightest. you’re so captivating, and while he wants to hang on every word you say to him, he can’t help but fantasize in the process.
horus doesn’t expect you to have a very strong effect on him at first, yet he’s proved wrong very quickly when he’s away from you. when he’s finally alone is when it hits him.
he thinks about how much he’d love it if he had you all to himself. he could imagine spoiling you in every way imaginable, but especially physically. he could imagine all the noises he could cause you to make, and all of the sensations he could make you feel. but most of all, he could imagine breeding you—filling you up with his seed to where you know that you’re his.
from there, you’re the cause of all of horus’ sleepless nights until he gets to see you again…
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bloodywickedvamp · 2 years
Two's Company - What The Hell Is Six?
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Poly!Lost Boys x GN Reader x Michael
Series Masterlist
Summary: Reader is dating Michael Emerson and they're fed up with his uncharacteristic behavior towards his family and them since moving to Santa Carla. They decided to finally confront Michael on the boardwalk with an audience of 4 in attendance.
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: angst, heated argument (?) more so the reader just yelling, maybe a little gaslighting if you look hard, cursing
Hi! This is my first fic so any notes or critiques on how I can improve my writing or any notes at all are greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy! This may or may not turn into a multi-part fic. I have a bigger idea for it but we'll see if i have it in me to do it lol. Also, let me know if I missed any warnings and i'll be sure to add them.
Dividers: @saradika & @firefly-graphics
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Michael Fucking Emerson...
The man I love more than anything has become someone I don't even want to know.
After moving to Santa Carla from Phoenix he changed so drastically I still can't seem to wrap my head around it. We've been together for a few years now and I became so close to his mom and brother that it felt natural to accept when he offered for me to come with them and stay for the summer once the time came for the move.
After his first few nights on the boardwalk is when I noticed the shift. He went off on his own as I was hanging with Sam or Lucy and wouldn't come home till the very early hours of the morning. He was rude and snippy to the questioning from his mom. Harsh and mean to Sam, more so than the typical sibling bickering and teasing that they engaged in. He'd keep his distance from me, like he could barely stand to be around me at all and completely blow me off any time I tried to talk or spend time together. It's only gotten worse and I'm at my wits end with it.
After having a tearful heart to heart with Lucy about his 180 in behavior I decided to take matters into my own hands whether he likes it or not.
I start my journey to the place that I've begun to despise, associating it with the 'new Michael'.
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Finally, I spot my elusive brunette exactly where I thought he'd be, on the boardwalk but to my surprise he's also surrounded by a group of intimidating looking bikers. Two rowdy blondes, one with an impressively long curly haired mullet and an eye catching custom patchwork jacket adorned his somewhat smaller, muscular stature. The other untamed boy, with wild hair to match and a dark fishnet top that leaves almost nothing to the imagination, is nearly bouncing around the others with glee at whatever they're discussing. Next I notice a tall, dark, and handsome brunette to their right who takes the cake at revealing outfits with the lack of shirt and wide open leather jacket. With the slightest of smiles he's leaning against presumably his own motorcycle observing the rest of his group and the crowd at large. Lastly, to the right of the brunette and the left of Michael, there's a bleach blonde mullet you couldn't miss for miles a top the most intimidating looking one, wearing a too-stuffy seeming trench coat for this Santa Carla summer heat.
In a normal circumstance I would have slight hesitation to approach the group alone so boldly, as I find myself doing now, but I couldn't care less who's around. At this moment the only person to be feared on the boardwalk is me. I'm on mission for some answers and god help the poor soul who fucks with me right now.
As I take my final few strides towards my boyfriend they all notice me. The four unknown boys go quiet as they take me in curiously, a determined walk, pissed off expression, heavy breathing, and clenched fists.
"Michael fucking Emerson!" I erupted, jabbing my finger in his chest, coming face to face with the wide eyed boy.
"Hey baby-" He tried cautiously.
"Oh good you actually do remember you have a partner"
"Look I know you're upset and rightfully so but-"
I hold my hand up to silence whatever bullshit was about to spill from his mouth. "No no no, I'm still talking and you're listening." He nods his head slowly, afraid to set me off even more, if that's possible. I hear rather than see snickers to my right from the others.
"I don't know what's been going on with you and why you've been treating everyone in your life like shit but I'm sick and tired of it and I want answers. Now." The words spill heatedly from my lips as my anger intensifies from the inevitable release pent up over the past few weeks. Michaels mouth opens whether in shock or to interject, I don't know but I cut him off before I can find out.
"It's one thing the way you've been treating me - and trust me we'll get to that" I accentuate with a pointed finger in the air and back down after. "but it's a whole other thing with Lucy and Sam. You barely talk to or see Sam anymore and he's devastated, you're his best friend and he misses you. Your mother does absolutely everything she can for you and Sam. She upended her entire life in Phoenix to give you both a fresh start - since the move you've done nothing but push her away every time she tries to talk. That woman is the sweetest person on this planet and I'll be damned if you think I'm going to let you walk all over her anymore." Huffing at the end of my tirade.
If Michael's eyes got any wider they would've popped out of his head. Maybe the middle of the boardwalk wasn't the best place to do this but I couldn't contain it anymore. The nice approach hasn't worked and he needed a good telling off.
"You're right, everything you're saying is right but maybe we could do this more privately" Michael offered while trying to gently grab my upper arm to pull me somewhere else. With a worried look in his eyes he glanced at the boys then back at me pleadingly.
"Oh I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you in front of your new friends? Who I've never met or heard anything about by the way." I argued back while also taking the time to look them over, up close now.
They all seem to be enjoying themselves watching Michael's berating. Smirks and giggles passing amongst the group as they share knowing glances between them and at me, like they're having a secret conversation only the leather clad bikers can understand.
Piercing blue eyes land on me as bleach-boy flirted "You're a fiery little thing aren't you? I can't believe it's taking this long for us to meet, Michael, how come you didn't introduce us sooner?" He jabbed, finally tearing his eyes away from mine towards the conflicted brunette in front of me.
"You know why David." Michael states matter of factly. His grip on my arm tightening ever so slightly, voice husky with something primal I've never heard from him before.
"Can't imagine why you'd want to hide a babe like this away, it just doesn't seem fair." The tallest blonde beamed at me starry eyed and grinning cheerfully. He moved closer to reach out and stroke my hair quicker than I could register, taking in a small almost imperceptible inhale from me if I wasn't paying close attention. Releasing a contented sigh before I was pulled back towards Michael.
"Don't touch them, don't even think about it." he sneered.
"Come on Mike, we aren't going to hurt 'em. Right Paul?"
"Right on Marko." Paul jested as Marko playfully elbowed him.
What the fuck is happening and who the hell are these guys? Jumping into the one-sided argument between me and my boyfriend to start flirting? Are they his friends? Last time I checked friends don't hit on their friends' significant others, especially right in front of them so shamelessly.
"You never mentioned you were dating someone." The other brunette tacked on to the conversation speaking for the first time. Giving me a once over with those alluring brown eyes, hungrily.
I stared daggers back at the boy holding me in a tight grip, ripping my arm away to mock "Wow, why am I not surprised." I desperately try to steal my emotions to keep the hurt and betrayal from coming to the forefront.
"You don't understand and I don't even know how to explain but you have to believe me it's for your own good." Michael again pleads for my compassion. It's too late for that.
"Of course I don't understand you don't tell me anything anymore! You blow me off, ignore me, and I assume these four are the reason for your revamp in personality." I fumed, gesturing to the group. Chuckles are heard again, at the end of my outburst.
"Are you cheating?" I suddenly asked
"What no-" Michael sputtered in surprise.
"Did you meet someone else?"
"No of course no-"
"Did you do something that could hurt Sam, Lucy, or I?"
"NO babe-"
"Then I don't see what could be so bad that you feel the need to push us all away and act like this. The only reason I'm still standing here putting up with this is because I deserve an explanation and I promised Lucy I'd get answers out of you. So start talking." I sassed.
With a defeated sigh he raised his hands in surrender "Okay Okay, walk with me to the beach and i'll explain everything to you, alone." Emphasizing his final word with a sneer towards David. David only found that amusing as he quirked an eyebrow and took out the cigarette resting behind his ear placing it between his lips and lighting it. He inhaled and blew out a cloud of smoke stating "You sure about that Michael? You're already on edge, we wouldn't want you to lose control and hurt our doll now would we?"
Our? I barely had time to register or retort back at the presumptuous claim before Michael grabbed my hand and stormed off to the beach, steam basically pouring out of his ears.
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To be continued...
I feel alright about this so far. Again it's my first ever fic post so you know...it is what it is. :)
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thepenultimateword · 9 months
Secret Santa 2023
For this year’s secret Santa I got @watercolorfreckles (I know you got mine too, but I promise I used a randomizer!) I’m sorry this is late, I’ve been traveling and just writing every chance I can get. I got a little overambitious and wrote several scenes instead of just one, so hopefully it doesn’t feel choppy and you like it!
"Hero's shy medic is the unsung and unappreciated glue that keeps the team together, magically repairing their every injury with her power to heal. What happens when Villain finds out how the hero's broken bones are always so quickly mending, and kidnaps the medic to utilize himself?"
Henchman was waiting in baggage claim when Villain arrived. His violet-dyed hair, thick mess of scars, and tall stature made him stand out against the crowd, but he still waved his whole arm over his head as Villain came through the doors.
Villain's glove creaked feelingless against his suitcase handle. This was getting tiresome. Probably for Henchman too. It was ridiculous that he insisted on picking him up from the airport every trip instead of looking for a new employer.
"Any luck?" Henchman said, seamlessly transferring Villain's bag into his own hand.
Villain's insides twisted. Maybe he should fire Henchman. That would force the underling to think about himself. Though Villain couldn't deny his reluctance to lose such loyalty. He wasn't sure he actually had the strength to enforce his own abandonment.
"Nah." He rubbed his numb hands together and forced a lighthearted tone. "Just another waste of money. I spent three weeks meditating away the damage, only for the so-called "power guru" to say I don't want to be healed. Apparently, if I did, I would have been able to banish the "bile" from my body."
Henchman gave the suitcase wheels a little bang against the ground. "Morons and scam artists.”
"Yes, well, it was a 50/50 shot in the first place. How's my bird?"
Henchman grimaced. "Still eating very little. She has stopped beating against her cage, but now she's very lethargic and despondent."
"You've tried cheering her up? Good food, nice things?"
"Yes, but she's not very chatty. Maybe we should have waited to get her until after your trip. This would have gone better with...some stability."
The automatic door swooshed open, and they stepped out into the chill winter air. Villain blew out a long cloudy breath and watched it disappear into the dreary, gray city landscape. Everything was so temporary. Here one moment, gone the next.
"The opportunity was too good," he said. "Besides, we couldn't leave her with our friend."
Hero had enough of an advantage without also having a decent healer on his side. No matter how many hits Villain divvied out, the heroic team always got back up unscathed. Perhaps without their golden goose, Villain could actually turn the tide. And maybe... Villain didn't want to get his hopes up, but maybe she could do something more too. He knew that Henchman knew that was the main reason he’d stolen her away in the first place. By this point he was just pretending to himself that there was a bigger purpose behind it all.
The crosswalk sign beeped its permission to cross the street, and Villain scanned the lot for Henchman's car, spotting its orangey paint job near the front.
"I am concerned she's been doing poorly this whole time. Why don't we stop by her enclosure first."
Henchman nodded and very kindly played along with the act that this was truly concern over an asset and not another cowardly excuse for himself. “I don’t think she’ll be very pleased to see you.”
She’s not going to help you.
“That’s alright.” Villain slid into the passenger seat. As Henchman loaded his suitcase into the trunk, he muttered under his breath, “I don’t have much left to lose.”
Villain called her Birdie.
Of course he knew her real title as Hero’s medic, but the nickname just encapsulated her so well.
So small. So skittish. Always flitting around the outskirts of a fight, the great folds of her medic’s cloak flapping at her sides like wings as she lighted briefly at each fallen party. The color was supposed to mark her as a noncombatant, take any targets of her back, but she had the instincts to remain wary always. Most villains didn’t follow the rules, and the gray was as likely to get her killed as not.
So why continue to wear it? Villain wondered, watching her through the one way glass of her cell's wall mirror. It was really more of a mini apartment than a cell--sitting room, bedroom, bathroom. The sitting room was the only room Villain could view into, but he doubted whether Medic knew that. Perhaps it was riskier to give a hostage so much blind space, but anyone worth keeping around couldn't be kept like any regular prisoner. Though, from the looks of it, Medic wasn't exactly grateful for the thoughtful accommodations.
She sat with her face buried in her knees, grey cloak nearly swallowing her little curled up body whole. He'd asked Henchman to prepare daily clothes changes, and the peeking green edge of sleeve implied she'd been taking them, but the cloak remained the same.
Villain moved around to the front of the cell and drew back the bolt on the otherwise regular door, taking a breath before swinging it open with a flourish. “Hello, Birdie.”
The woman leaped a little, head shooting up and fixing him in the inky black pools that were her eyes.
“Sorry for the delay." He locked the door behind him as casually as he could manage. "I’ve been out of town. But now we can finally chat."
Medic blinked then turned her chin into her shoulder.
Villain plopped down on the couch a couple feet away from her place on the rug. "Apparently you haven't been eating properly. Is the food not up to standard? Can I get you something else? Any favorite meals or treats?"
Medic didn't turn or respond.
"Hmm...what do birdies like. Worms?"
The healer's lip curled a little but still nothing.
"How about chocolate? Steak? Fruit tarts?"
Medic only tucked her chin tighter.
"Alright, I get it. The nice treatment doesn't work on you. Unfortunately, I don't have a mean treatment. Not for you at least. I can't asks favors from someone by relying on fear."
That got her attention. She still didn't unfold, but her eyes watched him sideways. Wary but curious. What could a villain need from a healer. He must have his own, so why her? She didn't need to speak for her thoughts to clutter the air.
"No, I can't just tell you," Villain said with a loud sigh. "You might go tell that precious hero team. I know you're quiet, but I don't believe for a second you're that quiet."
Medic swiveled her shoulders ever so slightly. "How...?"
Her voice was not so birdlike. Short yes, but like a rasped breath than a chirp. Still...
Villain grinned. "The very best of ways: by pretending I knew what you were thinking. Throw out a guess and you'll be right 80% percent of the time. That's also a guess by the way, I haven't actually researched the subject."
Medic retreated back into her cloak.
Either he was totally unhumorous, or Medic was just that hard to entertain. Then again, she'd seemed interested by the prospect of a supernatural ability. She'd only clammed up again once she got the simple explanation for her question. She should've already known his Gift from the fights she'd witnessed, though he had held bad considerably this last year.
"You're not like other medics," he said, redirecting the conversation. "You have a Gift, don't you? And don't deny it, I've seen the recovery your patients. Scarless, rapid, perfect. One fight I saw a hero putting full weight on what, minutes previously, had been broken femur."
"And that's why you want me?" Medic squeezed her hands together, nails digging into the back of her knuckles like each word spoken aloud pained her. "Because I'm better than your medics? You want me to turncoat?"
"Not entirely. I took you because your good, yes. So good you've kept that ragtag trash hero team up and running way longer than it should have ever been allowed to go. Hero needs to be stopped."
"I'm going to the statue unveiling tonight." He watched her face closely. "I'm going to break it. And while I'm at it, break him."
"He's not that fragile," Medic said, her voice hushing a little further, and her brow furrowing.
"Ah, you know because you've tried?"
"I know because I' m his medic and I know how much treatment each fight requires." It came out quite a bit snappier than Villain expected and Medic must have realized it too because she set her jaw and looked away again. "I can't help you."
Villain pushed himself back to his feet. The declaration was firm, but hardly the denial of a truly devoted team member. Or maybe he was just reading to hard into things. Medic was shy. Maybe she wanted to make herself clear in as few words as possible. But if there was a chance only her fear was holding her back...
"I'll let you know how it goes," Villain said. With that, he made his way back outside the cell, bolting the door behind him with fumbling fingers. He flexed his hands a couple times, as if to warm them back to full function, but they felt as clumsy and disconnected as always. He shoved them gloved into his coat pockets.
Don't think about that. You have a hero to fight.
Villain couldn't feel his shoulders. He'd definitely overdone it. He'd overestimated his ability to fight with his arms as damaged as they were and he had relied too much on the power he'd been so careful to conserve.
He stumbled hard against Medic's door, sliding weakly to his knees. He didn't know why he came here. Henchman was probably having a fit searching for him after he'd bolted. Most of those heroes laid in shattered pieces at the scene. Or at least, parts of them did. Villain had found long ago that his Gift--the power to turn whatever he willed to stone--could be used strategically. The loss of limbs was usually enough to make a hero retire, no need to end a whole life. He wouldn't have minded ending Hero, but once again, the leader was the only one who escaped unscathed. Too this day Villain had only ever managed to take a pinky. It was a wonder no one found that suspicious.
Villain slammed his fist against the cell door, or more like tapped. He stifled a sob. “I don’t want to die.”
Not yet. Not without bringing down Hero’s deceit.
Villain strained to reach the bolt, fumbling it twice before finally jostling it outward. He practically collapsed onto Medic’s rug.
Dark spots clouded his vision but suddenly cool hands were running trails down his face.
No wait, the door…he needed to close…why was she still here?
“Uuughh…” Villain rolled into her knees. “It did not go well.”
“What did he do?”
“Besides use every other person as a shield?”
“I mean to your face.”
Villain squinted up into Medic’s dark eyes, so deep and concerned and…and infinite.
“My face,” he mumbled.
“Are these bruises?” Her fingers trailed a second time down his cheek. “It looks painful.”
“It’s in my face?” Villain barely restrained a wail.
“Villain,” Medic said firmly, her quiet rasp getting almost loud. “What happened? Do you need healing?”
Villain’s throat felt thick and swollen, too sticky to get out words. Of course he needed healing. But if she couldn’t help him…he didn’t know if he could take another failure. He didn’t know if his body could take it.
He extended his hand. When Medic only stared, he nodded at the black, fitted glove.
Medic’s thumb worked under the edge. Villain felt nothing but he imagined her fingers felt just as gentle as they had on his cheek.
She gasped.
Villain glanced at the bare skin for only a moment. The once caramel colored palm now a deep ebony. Like something rotten. Like something dead.
Villain cleared his throat, fighting the words upward. “All powers have a price.” He forced himself to look at blighted appendage. “Mine’s is killing me.”
Medic turned his hand over in her own. “How long?”
“Always. It used to just be a little. Nails. Hair. Parts I could cut off. Then it hit skin…and it won’t stop. I can’t feel; I can hardly move. And no one…” He choked. “I’m going to die. All from trying too hard to rid the world of Hero, and I couldn’t even finish him tonight.”
Medic rested her fingers on the cuff of Villain’s sleeve, eyes meeting Villain's with some unspoken request for permission.
Villain nodded.
Medic's nimble fingers gently picked at the button, freeing the fabric and rolling it up to his elbow. Villain’s eyes widened along with hers. What had once had been dark veins was now as pitch black his hands. From the nothingness in his shoulders it was probably no different above the elbow.
Medic felt gently at the half-petrifaction. Most people, even his most loyal were afraid of the blight. Henchman was unfazed, but the previous medic had quit rather than admit they didn't want anywhere near Villain. And yet Medic touched him willingly.
“You can’t fix it, can you?” Villain said, practically plead. He didn’t care anymore. Even with the doubt in his gut and in his voice. He just needed help.
“I…I might…” Medic said.
“But Hero wouldn’t like it.”
Medic ducked her head. “It’s not that. Well, no…you’re right, he wouldn’t, but he wouldn’t have to know. And there are no specific rules that say I can’t heal a villain, it’s just…”
Villain blinked groggily up at her as she chewed her bottom lip.
“Like you said, all powers have a price.”
“And this one is too much,” Villain said.
“Yes, well, no. I don’t know.” She glanced toward the open door. “Maybe there’s a better healer…”
Villain closed his eyes, practically sinking with resignation. “No. Already tried. I don’t think I have the energy to search anymore.” He clasped numb fingers around his numb arm. “Or the time.”
A long silence stretched between them.
“It’s alright, Birdie. Fly away.”
It didn’t matter who she told now.
Medic pushed him carefully off her lap, clothes rustling as she rose. Two steps sounded toward the door way and then stopped.
“I’m not supposed to…but I’ll do it.”
Villains eyes shot open. “You will?”
Medic sucked in her lips but nodded. “Just…don’t tell.”
She knelt beside him, long gray cloak fanning out around her. The second glove peeled off easier than the first, and she held both hands in hers.
He’d always wondered what it felt it like to experience one of her gifted healings.
It was warm. Like drinking something hot. It spread from head to toe, and the numbness leeched out little by little. The skin lightened from black to charcoal from charcoal to heather grey from grey to brown.
Medic’s hands turned soft in his grip. He squeezed them lightly, his mouth parting in disbelief at the feeling of pressure of warmth of regular mobility. When he sat up, it came easy. Tears sprang to his eyes.
“You did it! You actually did it! Medic, you are—“
He stopped at the sight of her slumping figure. Sweat rolled down her temples, her face was flushed, and her teeth were grit as if in agony.
Medic only shivered.
“Birdie. Birdie, are you alright?”
Villain reached out, but she lurched back, stumbling toward the back corner. Veiny blackness spread from her fingertips, trailing up the creases in her skin. Her shoulders trembled. A small vein popped out of from her forehead. And she glared at the blight. Not like someone afraid of it, but like someone who’d like to peel it off and throw it away. Or burn it.
“No!” she cried and slammed both palms against the wall mirror with a feral cry. Immediately the glass crackled and, like a rolling wave, turned to cold, hard stone.
The black faded from dark ebony to a tan spot only
A few shades darker than her skin. She still glared.
Villain gaped. “You… That’s what I do. How did you do what I do? Did I…? Did you…?”
Medic’s eyes darted toward the door.
Villain jumped in front of it first. “Hey hey hey! I’m not going to tell!”
Another guess but apparently the right one because Medic’s shouldered untensed a fraction.
“I’m not going to tell,” Villain repeated. “I just… How?”
Medic wrapped her cloak tighter around herself. Her eyes had taken on a glazed shine suspiciously alike to unshed tears.
“It’s not exactly healing,” she murmured. “More like stealing. Taking injuries and making them mine.”
“The price.”
She nodded. “But this sort of injury…made from a Gift, it doesn’t work the same. It’s more like a build up of power concentrated in one place. And now that it’s mine…I can do what I like with it.”
Villain cocked his head. “And that’s…bad?”
“I don’t work for Hero,” Medic said. “I’m on the team because he’s supposed to watch me. Stop me from doing things like this.”
“Becoming too powerful?”
“Becoming a villain.”
Villain might have laughed if she didn’t actually look so scared. He took her hands carefully, savoring the sensation of skin on skin warmth once again. He fixed her with a hard stare that she seemed uncertain to hold or shy away from. He smiled, the first real one in a long time.
“What’s wrong with villains?”
Medic swallowed, looking away but not pulling back her hands. Her voice came out very quiet. “I guess…not everything.”
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divine-misfortune · 5 months
Mushy May, day 1. Cuteness aggression
Rating: Everyone
Words: 1,133
Summary: Dew gets fit for his new uniform with the other water ghouls, and Mist couldn't be more proud of him.
Water ghoul bonding time.
Many thanks to @forlorn-crows for organizing mushy may :^)
“You need to stop wriggling around or you’re going to keep getting pricked,” River warned through clenched teeth, the thin silver pins held between them bobbing as he spoke. 
Dew frowned at his reflection in the mirror and then found River's dark gaze staring back at him. His eyes narrowed when Dew dared to heave his shoulders in a sigh, giving the charcoal fabric a bit of a tug to pull it taut around his skinny frame. He wanted to throw his head back and groan, air his frustrations, but knew better than to. Especially when River was equipped with multiple sharp objects, he was dangerous enough unarmed. That didn't stop his tail from lashing to and fro, Dew could hold his tongue but not his tail it seemed. 
“I've been standing here for ages, how are you not done?” 
“Because I take pride in my work, thank you very much” River bit as Dew's tail knocked against his leg. 
Behind him, he watched Lake move to River's side. Oddly gentle as he tucked a strand of inky hair behind River's ear before leaning in to whisper something Dew couldn't quite catch, punctuating whatever comment he'd made with a kiss pressed to his temple. It seemed to force the soured, irritated expression from River's face, and Lake shot him a half grin in the mirror. 
“I get it, oh I hate having to play dress form for him too, but we'd have been done ages ago if you could just hold still a little bit. This would go sooo much faster.” 
“How's the man supposed to work when you keep squirming like a tadpole?” Mist tutted at him from her place on the couch, and Dew turned to look at her.
If looks could kill.
“You're supposed to be on my side,” his voice pitched into a whine and Mist snickered into the back of her hand. “Maybe if the man hurried up I wouldn't be so restless!” He huffed, shoulders dropping once again. 
A sudden sharp prick in his hip caused Dew to yelp and made his posture go rigid. He jerked away from River only to be pulled back so he could properly pin the fabric in place. He tried to hide it by ducking his face down but Dew could see that smirk. A glimpse of shiny white fangs. He hissed between his teeth, silent curses thrown at the two older water ghouls playing innocent as they continued to work.
“Oh that was on purpose you dick!” 
“The last five have been on purpose, dear” River said, sort of sweetly, sort of venomous. It was always hard to tell when it came to him. 
Mist turned her face away. Forced to in order to hide a proper laugh from her protege and his big sad wet eyes, lest his pout cement itself to his face - permanently sporting the look of a kicked puppy. He had an almost adorable quality to him like this, despite the fact Dew was bigger in stature than her, he looked small. The uniform, still not exactly sized to fit yet, didn't help. Too much fabric on his scrawny frame. Surrounded by two taller, bigger water ghouls, Dew looked dainty in comparison. No more than a guppy.
She remembered the day she was fit for her uniform. To say she wasn't just as restless would be a lie, but she didn't dare to fidget when Delta was the one holding sharp objects. At least he had been more time efficient than River. Mist couldn't exactly blame Dew for moving so much, it was an exciting and daunting moment for him. It had been for all of them. 
Traditionally, she would have been the one to fit him for his uniform. Mentors almost always were the ones to do it, a sibling had once compared it to being a graduation of sorts. Mist would have liked to, and it was a bit of a jab at her pride that she couldn't. Her own fault, really. She just never got the hang of the whole sewing thing. 
Water had popped in to be part of the moment briefly towards the start, but couldn't stay. He'd tussled Dew's hair as he gave him a once over before departing. Dew still hadn't smoothed any of that pretty silver hair back into place, River hadn't let him lift his arm long enough to do so. Delta was the only water ghoul, former water ghoul, who hadn't made an appearance which stung ever so slightly. More likely than not, Delta was lending himself to Omega. Assisting in Aether's tailoring. At least she hoped that's where he was. He'd been drifting aimlessly a lot more these last few weeks. 
Her smile faltered at the thought, and Dew tipped his head to question the sudden change in her expression. Mist shook her head. Silently dismissing whatever concern she'd evoked as she pushed herself to her feet, finally truly taking in the sight of him. 
Her face softened, he had an awful habit of making something inside of her melt without trying, and this moment was no different. She stepped close and took his face in both hands, turning him to look at her. Dew's skin was just as cool to the touch as hers, but he felt warmer the longer she held him. 
“Oh droplet, look at you,” Mist sighed fondly and his eyes flicked away. He was awful at holding eye contact when he got flustered. “All grown up and about to be on your own.” 
“Mist-” Dew mumbled, color warming his cheeks as River and Lake began to snicker. 
“What? Can't I be proud of my little shark pup?” She squished his face between both hands, knocking their horns together. “Finally getting to see you through your rite of passage.”
“You're being sappy, it's gross.” 
“I think I've earned being sappy!” Mist forcefully shook his head side to side with a huff, “look so handsome in your uniform I could just eat you up.”
“Mist!” He whined, pawing weakly at her. Pink spreading to the tips of his ears. “Stoooop-” 
River and Lake's laughter was harder to ignore, adding to his ever growing embarrassment. Mist shot them both a glare before turning her attention back to him. Whiplash, sharp stare becoming gentle. Adoration. He clearly wanted to bury his face in his hands and let the floor open up to swallow him whole. She chuckled and pecked a little kiss to the tip of his nose, pinching one of his reddened cheeks before finally relenting. 
“Fine, fine, because you hate letting me have my fun.” Mist waved him off and traded places with the other two ghouls, letting them work to get Dew safely out of the pin-filled cloth with minimal injury. 
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As it Comes Back to Me
Natasha Romanoff x WinterSoldier!Reader
Summary: Your whole life you'd been living for a mission, whether it be protecting your family or fighting just to see the next sunrise. If you didn’t slow down though, you stood to lose someone you couldn’t live without.
Takes place during the events of Captain America: Civil War.
Word Count: 8,000
A/N: I spent way too much time writing this instead of studying for class.
“Hey kids,” you said, walking up to wrap your arms around Steve and Bucky. You’d just  been promoted to Major and had been sent back to the states to escort a fresh round of recruits to the front. There was a big event tonight though which begged for your attention. Howard Stark was showing some new invention or other of his. You’d never been too interested in what the scientists had to say, but there would be plenty of girls out looking to be asked to a dance.
Steve, your little brother–both in age and stature–looked less than thrilled at your return. “What’s wrong, buddy?” You asked, shaking his shoulder.
“It’s not fair,” he protested, shrugging out of your embrace. “I should be heading out with you and Buck tomorrow. I want to fight. I know I can help.” You felt for Steve. If it was him and Bucky standing in uniform and not you, you’re sure you’d be missing out on a whole lot.
“I know, I know. I’m sure you’d give them Nazis real cause to turn and run,” you said, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold a rifle properly.
“Yeah,” Bucky added. “Ya know you should’ve seen him earlier today. Fought off some punk in an alleyway with a trash can lid. Kicked his ass real good if you ask me.” 
“Bucky,” Steve said. “Ya said you wouldn’t tell.”
“Oh, right. Sorry, what I meant to say was that Steve got beat up and I had to come rescue him.” The soon to be sergeant ruffled your brother’s hair.
“No, I know what you’re really upset about is that I’m stealing your boy here,” you said, nodding at Bucky.
“Yeah, yeah, enough. Now come on, I wanna get a good look at the car. All the posters were sayin’ Stark could make it fly.” Steve began to weave his way through the crowd, giving you no choice but to follow. 
“I’m worried about leaving him here all alone, ya know?” Bucky said, a crease forming between his brow. 
“He’s tough, and he’s smart. Always has been, you know that. Honestly, if they should be sendin’ anyone to fight they should be sendin’ him instead of us. But spirit’s not gonna win a fight, ya gotta back it up with somethin’. Point is, he’ll be fine on his own. Maybe if we’re lucky when we get back he’ll have found himself a nice girl to care for.” You smirked at Bucky. 
He ignored the jab as he waved at a group of nice looking girls. You waved too, flashing a smile and admiring the way their skirts fit. “Hey girls!” He shouted. As they made their way through the bustling crowd, he turned to you again. “I just worry about him. I care about him a lot and I can see how torn up he is about us gettin’ to go when he can’t.” A frown appeared to dim the light on his face. “What if he does something stupid while we’re off?” 
You clapped him on the shoulder and said, “You worry too much Barnes. You ought to save some of that for the war.” 
Giggling, the girls–the names of which Bucky had supplied earlier and which you had promptly forgotten–siddled up. The one nearest to you was a brunette with a yellow skirt and a white flower in her hair. She took your hand and pulled you right up to the front row. “Come on soldier, the show is startin’.” 
You smiled and let yourself get lost among the din and the spectacle. 
From beside you, Steve waved at you and said your name.
He said your name again, and again. You finally tore your gaze away from the TV monitor mounted in the corner of the room. Steve was much, much bigger now; even taller than you. You were still adjusting to the change. Although he still had the same kind gaze that came with naturally always wanting to do what was right, and believing others wanted the same. You wondered if you had been like that once too. 
“We need to get him out of there,” he said. Your gaze flicked back over to the security footage that showed Bucky restrained in a mobile holding unit reinforced with metal supports and bullet proof glass. You had thought he was dead, and turns out Steve had thought the both of you were long gone. And apparently, fate wasn’t done with any of you yet. Bucky looked drastically different. His hair had grown out to his chin and he had lost the boyish swagger and proud glimmer in his eyes. But beneath the bulk and hardened exterior you still saw your friend.
“I know. Something doesn’t feel right about this,” you said. A year ago you had been similarly detained. But you were held in the Avengers Compound and were surrounded by friendly faces. The people here were not so sympathetic. You could feel the passing judgment not just on the Winter Soldier, but on you as well. 
“Maybe we could talk to Tony again,” Steve said. 
From his seat across the table Sam shook his head. “Did you not just hear him tell us he was fully committed to kissing the government’s ass? Steve, I understand this whole ‘peace at all costs’ approach, but I have a feeling we’re not going to get our way by talking this time.” 
“Sam’s right,” you said, mouth twisting into a defeated frown. Through the glass wall of the office you were sitting in you watched a certain Avenger weave her way through the crowded room. You were torn, but Natasha had made her choice. “We’re going to have to consider punching our way out of this one. I got off lucky, but things are different now. The whole world is watching what will happen to him. Compromise isn’t an option anymore.” 
Hands on his hips, Steve sighed. “Well, we aren’t going to be able to grab him and get out of here. And we need our gear back if we have any hopes of not getting locked up in a real cell.”
As if sensing your staring, Natasha looked over. Quickly you averted your eyes and suddenly found the tabletop very interesting. But you knew she had caught you. Just a couple of weeks ago you had been spending your mornings going out on runs with her and your evenings watching her try and fail to play chef. She could go on for hours talking about the world and bringing you up to speed. You didn’t know what was more interesting; that the world had turned upside down or the way her voice sounded as she helped you make sense of it all.
And you both enjoyed the newfound freedom neither of you believed you’d ever see nor deserved. You had thought you knew her well enough to predict which side of the so-called Sokovia Accords she would be on. Turned out maybe you didn’t.
Sharon Carter walked into the sound proofed room, hopefully bringing more news. She seemed to have a soft spot for Steve, and you and Sam by extension. She was also the only person here that seemed to want to communicate with the three of you.
On the screen a man sat down at a table across from Bucky. He shuffled some papers around and faced your friend as if in conversation. You stood with your hands braced on the table and watched intently. A glove covered the shiny metal of your right hand. Under your sleeve, the flexible steel plating melded with flesh just below your elbow.
You knew visual without audio would only get you so far, but you’d be damned if you could figure out how to turn it on. 
“The receipt for your gear,” Sharon said, handing a slip of paper to Sam. 
He took one look at it and scoffed. “Bird costume? Come on.”
“I didn’t write it,” she said, trying to hide a faint smile. Now was not the time for jokes. Noticing the attention on the TV screen she pushed some buttons on a control panel and the audio switched on.
The camera showed a modestly dressed middle-aged man. “I’m not here to judge you,” he told Bucky. “I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?.” He glanced down at his notes and removed his glasses amicably. From another angle, part of the screen detailed an uncomfortably close profile of Bucky’s face. After a moment of silence, he went on. “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.” 
“My name is Bucky,” he answered, still not making eye contact with the man.
“Who is that man?” You asked, wary of the stranger who was supposedly the only person authorized to make contact with the Winter Soldier.
“He’s a psychologist sent by the United Nations just to conduct a primary evaluation. I’m not familiar with him personally,” Sharon said.
Steve studied the blurry photograph of Bucky that had been taken after he set the bomb off in Vienna. “Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?”
“Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?” Sharon supplied.
“Right. It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.” You could see the gears in his brain turning. Steve had always been the intuitive one.
“You’re saying someone framed him to find him,” Sharon said, catching on.
Sam spoke up, unsure of where your brother was going. “Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing.” 
“Sam has a point,” you said. You were all too familiar with the Winter Soldier program. If you didn’t want to be found, you had the ability to make yourself dead to the world. “We were trained to blend in, to hide in plain sight. Even if he had to run, no one man would ever be able to find him.”
“We didn’t bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads,” Steve asserted.
“Yeah, but to your point,” Sharon said, nodding at you. “That doesn’t guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.” 
“Yeah,” Steve breathed.
So there was a mole in the government, and he was probably in the building. Your gaze narrowed and you watched the people milling about outside your little bubble with a new suspicion. Whoever it was was obviously already ten steps ahead, you would have to wait until he made his next move. Beside you Sam stood from his seat, eyes similarly flicking from the screen to the windows and back. Steve looked like a racehorse ready to spring from its stall. 
From the corner of the room, the conversation continued on through the speakers, even if no one was paying much attention any longer. “Tell me, Bucky. You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?” The man asked. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You fear that…if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don’t worry.” 
The CIA agent, Captain America, the Falcon, and the Wolf Spider were too busy looking for a threat aimed at themselves to notice what was going on before them.
In the secured, private room five levels below the surface, Helmut Zemo received a message on his phone. A package of his had been delivered. Looking up, he wiped the false pretenses of innocence from his face. “We only have to talk about one.”
For a moment the room was plunged in darkness before emergency lights bathed the building in a red glow. The monitor with the video footage remained black. You looked at Sam. Now was your chance.
Steve looked to Sharon and she spoke without hesitation. “Sub-level five, east wing.”
No sooner than she had finished were the three of you bolting from the office and back the way you had been escorted in. You flew down the stairwell, concerned only for Bucky and getting to him before it was too late. But even super soldiers could only descend a dozen floors so fast. Heart racing, you jumped down the last flight, only to be met with a sign on the wall that read ‘Sub-Level 5; West.’ 
Without pause you pushed through the nearest doorway and wound your way through the maze of hallways. “This way!” Sam shouted. You and Steve rounded on your heels and went sprinting after him down a narrow corridor that served as a connection between the two wings of the building. The soft glow of emergency lighting lit the way, but between flashes the basement levels were pitch black. In the final stretch you overtook him and spilled out into another landing.  
The doors to the room on your right were destroyed. A dozen guards lay spread out on the floor unconscious. The chamber was completely silent, but you doubted the chase truly ended here. You knelt and checked the pulse of the agent at your feet. He was alive. 
“Help me. Help,” a voice cried out from further in the room. You picked up a discarded pistol and tucked it into the back of your waistband.
Steve was closer to the man than you and wasted no time picking him up and pinning him against the wall by his jacket collar. “Get up.” You’d never heard him sound so furious. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“To see an empire fall,” the man replied vaguely. After staring down Steve he turned to face you with the gleam of a predator in his eyes.Your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Steve, we need to find Bucky,” you said.
The echo of footsteps rang down the hall as Sam caught up. Right as he stepped through the door Bucky came lunging out of the shadows, metal fist swinging for Sam’s face. Sam ducked just in time to avoid getting his teeth knocked out. Instead, a fist-sized chunk of the concrete wall blew away into pulverized chunks. But by the time he righted himself Bucky had already launched another attack. This time he grabbed him by the jaw and threw him all the way across the room to crash into the holding unit. The impact was enough to knock him out cold.
Steve looked torn between chasing after Bucky, checking on Sam, and further interrogating the psychologist. 
“Go,” you said, nodding toward Bucky. “I got him.”
Steve launched himself at Bucky and pushed him back out into the hall. 
You pulled the gun and trained it on the guilty party. Outside the exaggerated sound of two super soldiers fighting reverberated back to you. The shuffle of quick footwork followed by the concerning crash of a metal fist colliding with a wall at inhuman speed. 
“Your name. Now,” you demanded.
“My full title is Baron Helmut Zemo. But I think the more important question is, who are you?”
The brawl in the hallway had stopped, and the renewed silence made you uneasy. “Enough with the games.” You flicked the pistol toward the exit. “Move. I’m taking you upstairs.”
He began to pick his way slowly across the room. “Okay, you’ve got me beat. But I just need to know one thing. Steve seems to think you’ve miraculously been returned to him the same as before he became Captain America.” It bothered you, how Zemo felt he had the right to use your brother’s name. “Show me what you hide from them, Wolf Spider. Show me who you really are.”
“Shut up,” you said, annoyed with his riddled speech. But before you could make another move, Bucky came ramming back into the holding room, kicking right at your stomach. The impact forced you to take a knee and as you scrambled to stand up, Zemo pulled a slip of paper from his pocket and began to speak. “Мрамор.” 
Even over the rushes of blood pumping through your veins and the stomp of Bucky’s boots on the ground, you still heard it. Like a heat-seeking missile the word wormed its way into your brain and you faltered.
Panic seized you. You needed to get to Zemo. “Bucky, stop!” You yelled, desperate for any way to get around him for even a second. As you tried to stand he planted a foot and your chest and pushed you to the floor. The air left your lungs in a gust as your back slammed into the cement. The gun went flying from your grip and skittering across the floor. “Dick move, Barnes,” you said in a strained whisper.
“Восемь,” Zemo said, sounding closer now even though you couldn’t see him. You clamped your hands over your ears and screamed. Taking a chance you bashed your metal fist into Bucky’s knee and charged for Zemo. “Жжение.” His voice sent you careening off course as if repelled by his words. Fighting for any last scrap of control you punched the wall until your knuckles left bloody streaks. You counted back from ten in your head, jaw clenched so tight it was close to shattering.
Your defenses broken, Bucky reengaged the fight. You scrambled, narrowly blocking his punches from beating your face in and counting you out. You reassessed and went on the offensive. You’d have to take him out before going for his handler.
Easier said than done.
“Рекрут.” You fought even harder, even as a fog crept up the back of your mind. Where was Steve?
“Снегопад.” Another nail in the coffin. He landed a punch to your face and a deep split opened on your cheek. You barely felt the blood run down to your chin.
“Пять.” You managed to land a right hook on Bucky’s weak side. You capitalized on the small victory. Seizing him by the shoulders you grappled with him for a moment before sweeping his leg from under him. He fell with a thud and you lined up a kick to the side of his head. You’d apologize later.
“Увядший.” The Wolf Spider crawled up the back of your spine, jaws gnashing at your brain for control. Your attention slipped for a fraction of a second. But that was all the time the Winter Soldier needed. He seized your ankle and pulled you to the ground. Before you could get your bearings he clamped his fist around your neck and threw you against the wall.
“послушный.” The Soldier rammed his knee into your stomach and you doubled over in an attempt to suck air back into your lungs. The room spun and the lights blurred together. A male Sokovian accented voice was all you could hear above the ringing in your ears.
An arm snaked around your throat from behind and forced you to stand. 
“An impressive attempt to be sure. But I’ve found that dogs can always be tamed.”
A fading voice in the back of your mind yelled at you to fight. Halfheartedly you tried to twist out of the Soldier’s hold.
“Одиннадцать.” A dam had cemented itself and separated you from your body.
“Пекин.” Your breathing became even and you looked to the man before you for instruction.
“Солдат?” He asked.
“Я готов отвечать.”
Natasha Romanoff walked through the chaos-ridden office, catching up to Tony Stark. Your swift absence hadn’t escaped her notice. She had almost chased after you herself. She’d desperately been wanting to talk to you since the Accords had been dropped in the team’s lap, but you had made yourself scarce since. She could tell that her decision had upset you, even if you were as unlikely to tell her so as you were to turn your back on Steve and Bucky. 
“Please tell me you brought a suit,” she said. Because a fight against three super soldiers would be much easier won with a trick of their own.
“Sure did,” the Iron Man replied. “It’s a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button.” He stopped his nervous rant. “I’m an active-duty non-combatant.” Fancy speak for the government not being comfortable with his access to the greatest weapon’s system on the planet.
Sharon Carter ran up to them, an earpiece providing information Natasha nor Tony were privy to. “Follow me,” she told them. 
They made their way downstairs onto the ground level. “The Winter Soldier has been unleashed,” Agent Carter said. “He’s on this floor in the lobby, probably trying to escape.”
“That’s a no-can-do from Agent Ross. We need a plan. Nat?” Tony looked expectantly toward the Black Widow.
“Why is it always up to me?” She asked, even as a plan formed in her mind.
“Because everyone knows my job is to look good and provide charity for you free loaders.”
Natasha narrowed her gaze at Tony’s watch. “Which outfit is that a part of?”
“It is as practical as it is fashionable. Glasses too,” he said.
“Tony, you’ll come up on him from behind. Get his attention, and try to disarm him if you can. Carter and I will be right behind.”
“I don’t remember volunteering to be the bait, Romanoff.” 
Natasha motioned for Sharon and they picked their way around the edge of the sun-lit lobby. Civilian workers fleeing for their lives rushed around them in a current, but the women stood as solid as stone. The sound of combat reached her ears before she was able to see into the main lobby. A metal fist pounded against flesh and man after man crumpled to the floor. The snap of a bone being broken and the subsequent screams. 
Natasha rounded the corner into the foyer just as a terrible supersonic blast flooded the area. Tony had stunned the attacker if only for a moment. To her horror it wasn’t Barnes standing there, but you. She couldn’t see your face as you moved to pummel Tony, but she knew what she’d see. A figure of a ghost from the Red Room flashed before her eyes.
A gunshot shook her out of her stupor and she ran after Sharon into the fray. You elbowed Tony in the face before punching him in the gut hard enough to send him flying into a table several feet away. 
Before you could finish the job Sharon ran at you, forcing you to block a kick and a jab. You wound up an answering punch that would’ve cracked her sternum but she ducked away and you missed. As you recovered, Natasha lodged a knee into your stomach before crouching down to jab you in the groin. She didn’t want to fight you, but she would. All it took was one look into your eyes to separate the Wolf Spider from the person she knew you were.
Sharon landed a roundhouse kick to the head but as she wound up for a second assault you caught her leg and hurled her down onto a table. The legs broke underneath with a clatter. 
As you were turned around, Natasha took the opportunity to seize you from behind and flip herself up onto your shoulders. With anyone else she would’ve been able to floor them from this position. But the Wolf Spider intimately knew all of the Black Widow’s moves. All those years ago, you had taught her much of the combat she still used today. 
She rained down blows on your head as you crossed the lobby. She grunted as she threw her fists down over and over in a vain attempt to get you to drop her. Instead you carried her to a table and slammed her down. Before she could recover, you clamped your hand around her neck and choked her out. 
Scrabbling at your metal forearm, Natasha’s face burned red. She felt her windpipe being crushed under your grip. But even under the eclipse of death’s shadow, the scariest thing was what they’d done to you. She knew you’d tear yourself up about it later, and worse she knew no one here would understand.
On the verge of passing out, she managed one last choked whisper. “You could at least recognize me.” Maybe, as Natasha’s heart was shattered in two, she could pass some of that anguish onto you.
If anything you only squeezed harder and she felt the strength waste away from her muscles. 
Seemingly out of nowhere you were shoved off of her. She gasped and pulled as much air in as she could through her bruised throat. All she could manage was to stare up at the ceiling and blink away the spots from her vision.
Rallying, Natasha pushed herself up and saw Tony standing over you with his mechanical gloved hand extended. She coughed and asked, “How?” 
You were on your knees, hands clamped tightly over your ears and fingers digging into the back of your head.
  “Lucky guess,” Tony said. “Think of it like a dog whistle, but for super soldiers. And also like blow your head off levels of loud. Had to estimate the frequency after getting beaten half to death. But it looks like I’ve outwitted the killing machine.”
Natasha was frozen. You’d just about suffocated her, but a large part of her still wanted to yell at Tony and tell him to cut it out. “Does it hurt?” 
“Well, it’s no symphony, I can tell you that.” 
She threw a glare in his direction.
“I don’t know. Ballpark? Somewhere between a migraine and an ice pick through the ear.”
A dozen more security personnel came flooding in. They rounded in a circle around you and half of them readied their guns. The rest assaulted you with tasers. You fell to the floor in a series of violent spasms and Natasha looked away. 
“Let’s get this one ready for transport,” one barked.
“Natasha, are you okay?” Tony asked.
“I’m fine,” she said, voice still raw.
“That psycho almost killed you.” He always got assertive when he was worried. “You see, this is why we need the Accords. To keep chaos from breaking out in refuges of peace for godsake.”
Natasha looked back at where your limp body was being dragged away. She wished she could go back to before any of this started. She was terrified that she had missed her chance to tell you how she felt. “He’s not a psycho.”
“Then you and I have very different definitions of the word.” 
“Stark.” The disappointed voice of Secretary Ross called.
“We have the Wolf Spider in custody sir.” Tony adjusted his tie.
“And Barnes, Wilson, and the other Rogers are all in the wind. One out of four is three less than I expected of you.”
But Natasha had had enough of Thadeus Ross for a lifetime. She walked away wishing that you were by her side instead. Isolated from the beaurucrats and politicians and the bridge with Steve having been thoroughly burned, she felt lost. All around her the pieces of the life she had worked so hard to build lay scattered. The overwhelming urge to hit something surged. How did she get here?
You sat by Natasha under a tree in the forest behind the Avengers’ Compound. The chirping birds and the rustle of wind through the leaves were the only sounds that broke the silence out here. Everything at the compound was a blur of light and rush of movement all the time. You couldn’t get two seconds without someone needing something from you. So you had developed the habit of sneaking out and picking a random direction to pass an afternoon. 
Natasha had a book in her hands. Today her hair was pulled back in a braid and thrown over her shoulder. You liked when she put it up because you could see her face more clearly. 
“He talked a lot about the past, and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy,” she read. You ran your hand through the grass and dirt absentmindedly. “Are you listening?”
“Yeah, of course.” You had been listening, but not to what she said, but how she spoke it. “It’s just I’ve read Gatsby before. Jay is a dreamer, but he still loses everything. It’s not fair. He didn’t know any better but to follow his heart.”
“That’s not how I see it,” she replied. “Listen. ‘His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was’.” She shifted closer, leg almost bumping your own. Uncomfortable with the proximity bordering on affection you subtly moved away. “Jay is chasing a life that he can no longer have. And in the process he ruins himself, and the woman he loves. He should’ve known better.”
Overhead the branches had become indistinguishable from one another and instead blended together as one entrapment. The fading orange glow cast by the setting sun reminded you to start heading back. The woods would be near impossible to navigate without the light. You stood and reached a hand out to help Natasha up. She grasped it tightly and instead pulled you down to her.
“You should’ve known better.” A haunted despair paled her features.
The crack of fracturing bones echoed throughout the lonely clearing and Natasha cried out. Your hand had begun to squeeze hers tight enough to crush it. You willed yourself to let go but your stubborn metal fist refused to obey. 
“You destroy everything you love, even if you never say the words out loud.”
A bullet hole slowly materialized in the middle of her forehead. Blood seeped down her face and she smiled a bloody smile. 
“You should’ve stayed dead.”
You jerked yourself awake with a gasp. The dream faded from your mind almost immediately, as had the once before where you’d been stuck in a cave, and the one before that where you’d slaughtered an entire family.
You took a second to examine the unfamiliar environment. The cell you were in was bright and clean, and the camera assured there was no privacy. Across from you was an identical unit. In fact, the entire room was just an octagon of prison cells. 
You rubbed at your face, only for the movement to be followed by a metallic clanking. Both of your wrists were manacled with thick iron cuffs which were anchored to the wall with a chain. Your left wrist was chaffed and dried blood coated your hand. Alarm surged through you. 
No, you would rather die than play prisoner and puppet for anyone else again. 
You stood up, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. But when you tried to step away from the wall you were yanked back, not by your wrists, but by a chain around your neck. Coughing, you fell back against the wall and pulled at the tight restraint. All you succeeded in doing was irritating the inflamed skin underneath. 
“Hey buddy, are you okay?”
You snapped your attention to the voice. You didn’t recognize the guy who had spoken, but the man in the cell next to him looked familiar. Your head throbbed as you tried to remember. He had short brown hair and sat hunched over on a bench, just watching. 
“Fine,” you said. Your voice sounded about as shitty as the rest of your body felt. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Scott. You actually don’t know me cause we haven’t met, but I fought with your brother. He’s a really nice guy. Of course you know that.” You shot him a glare. “You know what, I’m just going to shut up now.”
Confusion spun your battered brain around even further. Your brother. You had a brother named Steve. Steve was small so you had to–wait, that wasn’t quite right. Steve’s strength had caught up to the size of his will. He was a soldier. The Soldier. Солдат. A fresh pang wracked your head. No. A captain. Captain America. 
The room felt cold but your hand was clammy. Sweat dampened your hair as if you had caught a fever. You squeezed your eyes shut. Why were these lights so damn bright? Where were you? 
“Hey, what’s going on? I can’t see into the cell. Is he back?”
You knew that voice. You trusted it as well as you may trust anyone. If only you could think harder. You opened your eyes and again saw the familiar-looking man. The name came to you this time. “Clint,” you said.
Hope cleared some of the melancholic fog that had marred his features.
“Where are we? What happened? Where’s Steve?”
When he spoke, it was reserved, but you could tell he was holding back. “Steve called me. The Avengers fought. Some of them are picking up the mess. The rest of us landed our asses in here. You though…you were already here when they brought us in. I wish I could tell you why.”
“It’s Sam,” the man in the unit directly to the right of yours said. He banged on the wall for effect. “You were with me and Steve back in Berlin. Bucky was controlled and he went after us. He knocked me out and by the time I woke everyone was gone. I met up with Steve and Bucky outside, but you were gone. I’m sorry. If we would have known…”
“It’ll come back eventually.” Even if you could barely remember your own name now, somehow you knew this. The memories always came back, especially the bad ones. 
“I should tell you, this isn’t the first time you’ve woken up,” Clint said. Scott looked away. “The first two times you didn’t say anything or acknowledge us. You just pulled away as hard as you could until you made yourself pass out.”
“Great,” you muttered under your breath. So they had all received a front row view of the mindless monster you were. “What is this place, anyway?”
“They call it the Raft. It’s an American prison unit that they dropped into the middle of the Atlantic.” Barton’s voice had taken on an undercurrent of anger. “It’s where they stick the worst of the worst.”
“Is anyone else here?” You asked.
“Wanda. Probably. I don’t know, they put her in a separate transport.” Your heart dropped. Why would they bring her into this? She was just a kid. And with her powers, you could only imagine what they were doing to keep her locked up. 
You didn’t ask if there was a plan. The atmosphere here wasn’t exactly revolutionary. You drew your knees up to your chest and rested as best as you could.
Sometime later–you were sure the room had been built to be purposefully disorienting–the door slid open with a whir. In walked Tony Stark, his left arm in a sling and sporting a terrible black eye.
Clint stood up and began to slowclap, finally finding a target to take his anger out on. “The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He sknows what’s best for you, whether you like it or not.”
The goading worked, drawing Tony’s attention away from you. “Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they would put you here. Come on.”
He spit on the ground in defiance. “Yeah, well, you knew they’d put us somewhere, Tony.”
“Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey.” Stark gestured at the barred cells, gaze catching on you for a moment. “You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for…”
“Criminals?” Clint walked closer to the glass of his cage. “Criminals, Tony. Think that’s the word you’re looking for. Right?” The two estranged teammates stood eye to eye.  “That didn’t used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. But here we are.” A long time ago that didn’t used to mean you either. 
“Because you broke the law.”
“I didn’t make you.”
Clint turned his back on Tony. “La, la, la, la, la…”
“Alright, you’re all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don’t understand, why didn’t you think about them before you chose the wrong side?” Realizing he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Clint he walked away. 
Barton rounded on him. “You gotta watch your back with this guy. There’s a chance he’s gonna break it,” he said, slamming on the glass.
“Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark,” Scott said with as much menace in his voice as he could conjure. You wondered how a civilian like him had gotten wrapped up in this fight.
“Who are you?” Stark walked right past him and onto Sam’s unit.
“Come on, man.”
“How’s Rhodes?” Wilson asked, not as willing to bite as Clint had been.
“They’re flying him to Columbia Medical tomrrow. So…fingers crossed. What do you need? They feed you yet?”
You couldn’t see Sam from your cell, but you hoped that he’d tell Stark off too.
“You’re the good cop now?” He asked sarcastically.
“I’m just the guy who needs to know where Steve went.”
“Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you’re gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me.”
Stark messed with his watch. “Oh, I just knocked the ‘A’ out of their ‘AV’. We got about thirty seconds before they realize it’s not their equipment.” You looked up at the security camera in the corner of your cell. Could he really do that? “Just look,” he went on. “Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes.” A little picture of a clearly dead man appeared out of thin air. “Clealy, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.”
“That’s a first.”
“Cap is definitely off the reservation but he’s about to need all the help he can get. We don’t know each other very well. You don’t have to…”
“Hey, it’s alright,” Sam interrupted. You wished you were in his eyeline so you could shake your head no in silent protest. But you didn’t have the energy or mental capacity to pick a verbal fight right now so you stayed quiet. “Look, I’ll tell you…but you have to go alone and as a friend.”
Sam spoke so quietly you were sure without super hearing you wouldn’t have heard. “They went to an old Soviet-HYDRA bunker in Siberia. The fake doctor is going to unleash five more Winter Soldiers.”
“Okay. Wilson, I won’t forget this,” he said with fake malice in his voice to impress the cameras. 
He turned to you next. “Rogers.” He saluted. Shame burned your face. You felt like a wild animal on display. And Tony Stark’s presence wasn’t exactly a comforting one since you presumed he was largely at fault for the team’s current predicament. “You’re not going to go all Terminator on me again, are you?”
You stared at him blankly, not moving from your place on the floor in the middle of the cell. 
“Really? Nothing. I just came up with that one. Any messages from you to your brother I can deliver when I find him?” 
“Tell him after all this he needs to get his ass as far from trouble as possible. Tell him I’m right where I should be.”
“How about I just say you’ll send him a postcard?” He quipped, walking away.
“Stark,” you called. “Lay a hand on Steve and I will find you.” 
He didn’t turn back, but he gave a thumbs up on his way out.
You don’t think you could ever tire of the view before you. For most of your life you never believed you’d travel outside New York City, but here you were on the other side of the world. The waters below the ship were as blue and clean as great artists imagined in their scenes. The current lapped gently at the hull and you let the sound wash through you. Ahead, snow-capped mountains rose into the cloudy sky. The buildings and streets you were so used to being surrounded by in the city were replaced by miles of undisturbed woodland. The sky was overcast, but calm for now. Mist hung in the air and clung to your jacket. Maybe it would storm later, maybe it wouldn’t. You found peace in the apprehension. 
“Hey,” Natasha said. You hadn’t heard her come up. She joined you at the railing and pushed a phone into the water.
“How’s the Good Secretary?”
“I’ve got him chasing his tail in D.C. We are officially in the wind.”
Steve and Natasha had broken you out of the Raft three days ago. Since then you’d decided to split up while the heat died down. He had wanted you to go with him, but you couldn’t look at your brother without feeling crushed by six decades worth of guilt. You still thought he would be safer without you, but you couldn’t escape the disappointed look on his face. Hurting him was like kicking a little puppy.
“Steve would love this place,” you said. Natasha took in the view while you admired her. Her hair was down and flowed past her shoulders. The wind blew strands of it about in a way that told you God indeed played favorites. “He loved to draw. And he was damn good at it too. Kid used to draw everything. Our old apartment, back alleys, the sky. He wouldn’t know what to do if he saw all of this.” 
“You’re worried about him.” 
“Really? Was I being that obvious?” You were tired, but you smiled anyway.
“The first time I met Steve he couldn’t make heads or tails of the shirt on his back, much less anything else humanity had changed. Yesterday, he was piloting the most advanced jet on the planet. Sounds like he’s the same resilient kid you grew up with. Except now he can throw a man a couple dozen yards.”
“I think he could literally be invincible and I’d still worry,” you admitted.
“I think that’s how family is supposed to work. And if it helps, he’s got Sam to watch his back.”
“Why did you volunteer to come with me?” You asked. You bit your lip nervously and scanned the grayish-blue horizon. “I almost killed you. I mean I would have killed you if Stark hadn’t…” You’d opened Pandora’s Box and couldn’t stop all of the guilt from pouring out. “And all those years ago in the Red Room, what I did to you. Why don’t you hate me?”
“Because I know who you really are. And that wasn’t you. Never was.” She said it so fervently that you almost believed her.
“But that’s just the thing. It was me. All of that blood is on my hands. If something happened to you, that would be on me.” And I don’t think I would survive without you. You left the rest unsaid, but it hung in the air just out of reach. “All he had to do was say the goddamn words and I lost it.”
“And you came back.” You found your mind wandering off into the mountains afar. “Hey look at me.” She laid a hand on your shoulder and brought you back from your reverie. Her warm breath fanned across your cheek. “You’re okay. We’re okay.”
“I can’t shake this feeling, Nat.” You heaved a shuddering breath. “That horrible voice is always in the back of my head. I’m so scared that one day it’ll drown me out.” Your eyes hurt from the force of holding back tears. “Please don’t let it drown me.”
Natasha wrapped her arms around you in a supportive hug. “I’ll never give up on you,” she said. “You can always come back to me.” You cautiously hugged her back and draped yourself over her. You concentrated on what was around you. The smell of the sea-salted air, the warmth of her body, the churn of the boat's engine.
You let her go and cleared your throat, rubbing harshly at your eyes. “Me too,” you said. “I mean, I’m here for you. ‘Til kingdom come.” You’d always fight for her. Truth is you had been for a long time now, you just didn’t realize it. 
“You’re not the only one who’s done unspeakable things,” she whispered, as if preoccupied with reliving some awful memory. You weren’t the only one with demons intent on ruining any scrap of peace.
“Aren’t we quite the pair?” You inspected her hoodie and all of its familiarity. “Is that my sweatshirt?”
“No,” she lied, even as she messed with the ends of the sleeves that went well past her hands.
“Mhm. So did you bring any of my clothes for me or…?”
“I didn’t know if I was ever going to see you again,” Natasha said. Her voice was shaky with frustration and pent-up anxiety. “I was so worried. I thought that this would be all I had left to remember you by. I kept thinking that we would get into the Raft and you wouldn’t be there.” 
“I’m sorry,” you said. The week and a half you were locked up for you hadn’t thought about where she might be. You told yourself you were too preoccupied with Steve and Bucky to otherwise focus. But you knew to think about Natasha was to admit you cared deeply for her. That was a battle you weren’t ready to surrender. “I didn’t know.” But maybe now was the time to lay down arms.
“That’s right you didn’t know. You didn’t think. That’s the problem you think you’re invincible and you run headfirst into danger time and time again.”
“I can take care of myself.” 
“Except it’s not just you anymore, Rogers. There are people that care about you and how you act affects them. When you make a stupid move it’s not just you who suffers the consequences.” Her voice cracked under the weight of the words.
“I can’t just sit around when something goes bad. You can’t ask me to do that.” You had so much time, so many lives to make up for. And that came about by means of action.
“I thought that you were dead. Don’t you understand that?” Natasha’s eyes were full of sorrow and accusation. Your cheeks flushed and you stared into the icy waters. She had every right to be mad. “When they dragged you away I was sure they were going to execute you. Again.” 
The reference stung. When the Red Room found out you’d broken your programming they’d practically beaten you to death in front of Natasha before shipping you back to HYDRA. The scars still burned in your dreams.
An apology formed on your lips. “I know,” she said. The bitterness had burned itself out of her tone. What was left you couldn’t describe. A profound understanding, edges brightened by the hope of a fresh start.
An unspoken something lingered in the cool morning air. 
Natasha grabbed your gloved hand and intertwined her fingers with yours. She leaned over and rested her head on your shoulder. A warmth bloomed in your chest. 
You thought that, just maybe, you’d found where you were supposed to be.
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castlevaniacentral · 11 months
The sunrise may never be mine
Chapter two.
‘ oh fuck me ‘
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Bloody hell.
Crosses, your body was littered with the rosary, you had wrapped your torso in it. Heck it was smart, holy relics do weaken vampires. But in this case it was making it hard to maneuver you. From the steel that laced your slim arms, confirming to its thin frame and the crucifix that sat just above your left hip.
“Well…this seems to be more antagonizing for me than you.” Alucard grunted out before lifting your shirt at your side, narrowing his eyes he ripped the fabric off your body strategically. He could only go in pieces after all. Pulling it from its confinements, he slipped it off before immediately getting to work on the wound that he caused to your side.
Sighing softly he stitched the wound closed, before dressing it. It felt like he has sighed over a hundred times over the passed hour. One he had another human in his home, and to make matters worse you seemed to know some sort of magic.
Quickly his eyes darted over the little small scars over your arm and torso. Your body trembled on the bed, and your face contorted into unreadable expressions before a pained one took its stay.
Clearly you were pained by something, maybe not so much your body right now because you were unconscious. But it seemed you were having a bad dream, while he could dress the wound. Your memory he wouldn’t be fix.
A soft scoff escaped his lips, why was he even considering helping you anyway. Once he dressed this wound for you. You’d be on your way.
Wrapping the bandage over your side, he glanced back at your arm once more, it seemed to be slightly off from the other one. And upon further inspection it seemed to had been your arm was broken but— you were using it and it didn’t seem like it then?—
He gently ran his cold finger tips over your bare forearm before picking it up inspecting it. It looked like your body had attempted to heal itself, though from your living conditions it couldn’t quit get it right. But how long had it been like this?
Foremost the bruising…it didn’t seem fresh, and when you fought you didn’t show much discomfort. This had to be dangerous, risk for blood infection maybe. He could see the attempt at the terrible wrap- had you been using the armour as some sort of splint?
He furrowed his eyebrows gripping your arm, forcing the bone back into its correct position. Suddenly your body jolted causing alucard to pause mid action to inspect how you were feeling. Clearly you felt that, even in your deep snooze. But there was no better time to do it than when you weren’t aware
Rewrapping your arm with a proper splint. He stood straight looking down at your awfully thin stature. A women your age should have been much more bigger than this. Your ribs poked through your skin and shoulders boney.
The will in you to fight was honestly surprising. Discarding the ripped fabric, alucard decided to wipe your bare skin down from the wetness of outside and your sweat. Whatever you were dreaming about it made you vocal, a soft groan and whimper escaping your lips ever so often. The trembles of your body could have been contributed to because of the cold
Covering you with the blanket he turned to leave before taking one last glance at your sleeping form
“Oh fuck me.” He grunted out leaving you alone in the room.
You were back at the manor once again, but this time you had done something wrong. You had broken the mistresses vase. It wasn’t a favourite of hers and to be quite frank she didn’t really like it either, but the opportunity presented itself for her to punish you. And so she did.
Having you whipped mercilessly as you were tied to a tree, the smell of bark filled your nostrils. Had it been any other way this smell would of been ok, but for the stance you were in the smell of this bark was disgusting. And leaning your head into it for some relief from the slashes didn’t quite help. You quietly sobbed knowing that if you made too much noise the torture would continue.
And with each slash you felt the skin on your back tear, the blood trickled down your spine, tickling your lower back sending a wave of discomfort and tenderness.
You didn’t meant to do it. It was an accident you had stumbled over from weakness before colliding into the table. You were hungry and over worked but tried not to complain. But finally your body gave in for a mere second. And look at what it brought you…that’s what you get for being weak.
You abruptly sat up, pain shooting through your body at your sudden movement. “Agh” you yelped out, Clutching your side with your left arm. Your body was in agony and the sudden decision you just made was ever so possibly one of the worst ones you have ever. Slowly trying to lie back down you let out deep exhales.
Where the hell were you? Where was ash? What was this place? Did you die? You clutched your side with the arm that didn’t tremble in pain.
Your head shot over to the door that opened the blonde male from earlier returning with a tray with a bowl on it.
‘Oh no’ you thought scooting yourself over, before falling off the bed in attempts to escape him. Falling with a loud thud. You huffed out, he was going to chain you up again. You were going to be a slave all over again. He was going to seal away your powers and lock you in the basement. And when you were bad you were going to get tossed in the dark well and forced to stay until-
“Do not be afraid.”
Your thoughts were silenced once he called out to you hearing the tray settle onto the night table that was beside the lavish bed. He walked around the bed before stepping closer to you, “your wounds will reopen again. I took my time bandaging it. Don’t make my attempts go to waste” he stated coldly before reaching down for you helping you up on the bed once again
Your eyes welled up with tears as your body trembled. Not only were you in pain but now you were scared, “please I don’t wanna be slave!” you said between sobs “please let me go”
Alucard stared at you his brows contorting into confusion before slight irritation, “I don’t have any use for slave. There’s nothing you can provide that I cannot provide myself. You’re useless to me” ouch
Helping you up on the bed he set the pillows up behind you for you to lean back up on. “I’ve brought you food. Eat this” walking back over to the table he picked up the bowl holding it towards you. With a shaky hand you reached out to clutch it. Watching you he guided your hands to hold it securely.
“I don’t care about your history or how you ended up here. Once you’re in good condition. I ask that you please leave”
You looked up at him before down at the bowl he handed over. It appeared to be a porridge of some sorts “thank you.” Was all you could stated tiredly, using your good arm you raised it to wipe the tears from your now swollen face.
Alucard didn’t respond to it instead he turned his head from you. Before standing up abruptly to leave, “has your wound reopened from your fall?” You looked down before shaking your head, “no, good.”
You said before starting to eat your food. “I’ll bring you clothes to cover yourself up” yes your body had been out bare, not completely your breast had been covered by bandages you had managed to find to give yourself support. But oddly enough you didn’t cower in shame upon him seeing your fame.
Because this was normal, usually the masters would buy the slaves naked to see if they had any infirmities. You weren’t allowed to cover up when you were demanded to strip, but innocently your mind thought nothing of your bareness being out for him to see. It wasn’t like he was inspecting you.
Surely there was nothing about you that would have attracted him anyway. You were different looking.
When was the last time she ate a full healthy meal? Alucard thought to himself quietly. Upon her sitting up and being able to see her clearly now. He understood that this girl was in no good position in the livelihood sense. She was starved, her bones peaked out from her smooth skin, and she looked malnourished. Upon that her body was littered in scars on her back and arms.
He didn’t pry about it, and he refused to ask. He didn’t want to risk feeling any sympathy for her and ask her to stay longer. To be Frank he wanted her out just as fast as she came in.
And her language, it seemed to be broken as well-‘Alucard no, you can’t get involved again’ his voice reminded him, ‘remember what happened last time’ he stopped in his tracks before glancing back at the girl. There wasn’t an evil bone in her body, she was like a child trapped in an adult one.
Oh right he had to clothe her, “I’ll bring you clothes to cover yourself up” he stated watching as she hastily ate. She hadn’t even shuffled to cover self up in shame or embarrassment, it’s almost as if this was normal to her
Walking out of the room he shook his head in irritation.
Why was he doing this again?
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xylianasblog · 10 days
Worthy of You
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Pairing: Agedup! Spider x MetkayinaFem Reader
Synopsis: In a place where being human was basically frowned upon Spider Socorro was determined to show you that he was worthy of your love. He’d fight tooth and nail to show just how much he belonged with you and apart of the people.
Warnings: Slight angst, Mutual pining, Eventual Smut, fluff, self acceptance, mentions of courting, comfort, brief mentions of passing Metkayina rites, Mentions of jealousy.
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The next morning after returning to his marui spider woke with a new found sense of determination. He figured he’d learn to play to his own strengths, using what he could of the navi and turn them into ways to fit his smaller stature.
First he started with fishing. The nexts and weapons were much bigger than him and he had yet to make his own tools, but with a work he made it work. He practiced in the early morning, catching fish little by little. Each time he caught more the next day, contributing his share with the clan.
Then came the sparring, spider had finally figured out that he needed to make the fighting his own. Learn to work the Metkayina movements into his own, ones that didn’t put too much strain on his body. This took time, yet after each failure he pushed away the depressing thoughts. He refused to let himself fall prey to self destructive thoughts that lingered in the back of him, he wanted to prove to himself that he could do it. Learn the ways just as he did with the Omatikaya.
Day by day Spider taught himself new things amongst the clan, found new ways to prove himself and help out.
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The months that had passed were tedious, yet spider felt good either way the work he had done. His body had filled out even more, his chest and muscles expanding. His body now fit for the water.
The time with you had been scarce but spider remembered everyday what he was working towards, especially in moments he saw males from the clan presenting you with courting gifts. Spider hated the thought of someone else coming in to snatch you away, just when he was learning to accept his differences and his improvements as a human. Knowing you adored his human features have him
The confidence he was missing to achieve the things he needed to do.
Little did Spider know was that you denied any potential suitors, you had spent time away in your marui working on gifts for spider when you weren’t doing your duties within the clan. Despite the scarce moments you two shared you saw his improvements. Saw the way he seems to grow into himself, and only the great mother knew the thoughts that clouded your mind as you watched this small tawtute slowly grow even more into his body.
You were not a stranger to his stares, you felt his gaze on you enough times to understand that maybe he felt the same for you. Just as you hoped your stares gave away your feelings for him, but you were sure spider wasn’t smart enough to understand. Hopefully your gifts would help him to understand that if the chance arose youd accept the tawtute as your mate.
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Faster than he could have prepared for the time came for spider to prove himself to the clan. This was his chance to prove that he belonged, that all the hard worth over the past months have been worth all the blood, sweat, and tears. It was his turn to show the clan, he was determined to pass his rites, to finally be welcomed as a Metkayina and earn his own tattoo. A show of his dedication to not only the clan but to you, all of this had been for you. His proof of self worth.
The clan gathered around Spider, listening as Tonowari explained the events in which the trial’s spider would have to pass. He could not connect, no tsaheylu but that did not deter him from this. It only fueled him to fight harder, to show.
He belonged with the clan. With you.
Before spider could go off to begin you caught him by the arm. “Tawtute.” You muttered. “Spider I have made you gifts. Do well and once you return for your celebration I shall ask for your time.” Simple.
It was so simple, and as spider gave you once last glance he was filled with a newfound sense of purpose.
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Spider had returned from the last trial, his own hunts to prove it. Fish bigger than his body lay by his feet in the sand. Cheers of the clan sounded; deafening him momentarily, he had done it. Have proven himself. Showed that he belonged.
Everyone hurried off to prepare for a feast, a well deserved feast for the tawtute who had long been gifted by the great mother herself. He had proven his worth amongst the clan, the weight of his hard work finally lifted off his shoulders and for once he felt like he could breathe. No more doubts filled him mind, gone were the thoughts of self hate because he couldn’t have the one thing he longed for. Instead his thoughts were replaced with self praise.
He was proud of himself and his work. The effort that took to show he had what it took. And as you dragged him away from the fest to your home you spoke worths of praise, sweet praises that had his heart fluttering and his mind going blank.
Spider watched as you sat before him, a breathtaking smile on your face as you showed him the hand grafted fishing gear you had worked hard on. Perfect for his size the only thing he could focus on was the way your hands cupped his face and you uttered the words he had longed to hear.
“I see you.”
➳༻❀✿❀༺➳ ༻❀✿❀༺➳ ༻❀✿❀༺ ➳
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @etherialblackrose @blue-slxt @justcaptiannoodles @neteyamyawne @oakbuggy @eywaite @luvv4j4ybe11 @quicktosimp @cardi-bre91 @torukmaktoskxawng @rivatar @thepeonysbackup @tallulah477 @anemonelovesfiction @erenjaegerwifee
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Kiszka Creek | Josh Kiszka X F!Reader
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Warnings: None really, just heart-exploding, feet kicking fluff!
Word Count: 2K
Summary: It's the first time you're visiting Josh's house "as a friend," but you both want so much more...it just seems every time you want to tell each other how you feel, nerves snatch the courage from you. This time, maybe it will be different.
“It’s so pretty back here,” You said, looping the thongs of your sandals between your fingers, watching your bare feet as you tiptoed carefully around the rocks, sticks and leaves that lined the creek in front of you. 
“Jake and I used to spend hours over here in the summer.” You looked at Josh as he walked across a fallen log, crossing from one side of the creek to the other. His arms were stretched out beside him in a careful balancing act as he spoke. “Sam, not so much.”
“Josh, please don’t fall,” you pleaded, trying your best not to be a hypocrite as you teetered into the cool water. 
“Trust me, I’m an expert when it comes to Kiszka Creek.” He finished the sentence with a perfectly stuck dismount on the other side. He offered you a boyish grin that seemed to say, ‘I’ve got the universe in my hands. I’m unstoppable.’ The creek was in a lightly wooded area behind his house. Tall pine trees allowed for shady cover over the stretch of water, offering bright dapples of sunlight through the canopy of leaves overhead. You made your way a bit further into the water, letting your toes feel the first chill of the cold stream. It was crystal clear with no sign of contamination. Under the glassy surface, you could see hundreds of rocks worn into round orbs that had been embedded into the earth from many years of constant current. The longer you looked, you began to see the tiniest minnows swimming in schools, migrating to areas where the current was weakening. “We’d come back here and swim all the time,” he said, wiping his brow. “Mom would yell at us from the back door to come back inside once the cicadas started. We’d bicker and beg for more time. Jake always made me do it because I knew how to soft-talk Mom, and most of the time, it worked.” He looked up at you as he walked along the other side of the stream, his toes digging in the silt and sediment, flipping over eroded rocks and pebbles as he spoke. “ We’d swim, build forts with tree limbs, watch and collect tadpoles, catch frogs…complain and argue…talk about girls.” You watched him as his cheeks reddened slightly with blush. You looked away.
“Want to get in?” he asked, eyes moving between you and the cool water. 
“Uh…” you hesitated, thinking about the possibilities of hidden creatures despite the clarity of the water. 
“Or are you scared?” He picked at you, stepping into the shallow drift, trudging toward you. 
“No, I just don’t want to get eaten.” You said matter of factly, crossing your arms over your chest, looking into the water suspiciously. Josh let out a belly laugh. “What do you think this is? I promise no river monster is going to come out of this tiny little creek and eat you. If anything tries, I’ll kill it first.”
“Josh, you can’t even kill spiders in the house, let alone monsters.” He made his way across the creek, holding out his hands for you to take. 
“Take a chance, Y/n. Come on.”
“I-I don’t even have a bathing suit,” you contested, taking a step backward. 
“It’ll be fine, relax. I’m sure Ronnie will have something you could borrow.” You wore a simple white tank top with a lacy bralette underneath, paired with a pair of thin linen shorts.  You and Ronnie were similar in stature, although you were a bit bigger than she was. You’d just have to hope that you’d find something and that she wouldn’t mind that Josh volunteered her clothing to you. Josh still held out his hand for you, wiggling his fingertips as if to entice you to join him. You took his hand and he led you further into the creek. You felt the water edging up your legs, the chill causing goosebumps to dot every inch of your body. The water felt miraculous. When you looked down, you could see straight through to the bottom. You watched your toes wiggle as you disrupted the silt that had settled, and you observed the weak current carry it all upstream, leaving the water still remarkably clear. You waded as a pair into the deeper part of the creek. “Be careful not to rely too much on the bottom. It gets slippery right around here,” Josh warned. His arm snaked around the small of your back, and you could feel your neck and cheeks beginning to flame from his close proximity. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice. “Just keep your legs kicking.” You did as he suggested, lifting from the slick rocks as the water edged further up your body, the buoyancy lifting you from the bottom.
“Ew, it’s gross down there.” You felt sliminess in between your toes, and it took everything in you not to squirm frantically. 
Josh took your other hand and helped you drift forward so that you were swimming directly in front of him. “One time, Jake slipped on these rocks and broke like two or three of his toes. Dad made him suck it up and walk it off. He actually went like that to school for a whole day before calling home from the office,” he said with a grin. “Mom chewed dad out so badly, he might as well have slept in the shed in the back.”
“Oh my god, that sounds like hell,” You admitted. 
“Trust me. Jake milked that injury for months,” Josh said. “I guess it makes up for a lot of the stupid shit I’ve done in my life.” 
“Like what?” You asked.
Josh smiled, pulling you closer, his lips pulling wider and wider across his face. You struggled to keep your gaze trained with his. “Like this,” he answered, bringing his fingertips to your face and leaning forward to kiss you. Only, he never stopped leaning. Your lips connected with his as he held you and you felt your body floundering backward into the water, still connected within the kiss. Air bubbles filled your sight, most likely from Josh laughing stupidly while under water. His arms held onto you securely as he turned you, lifting you with him so that you were back above the surface facing him. You sputtered as the water poured down your face. You punched him in the chest. 
“You’re such an asshole!” You were annoyed, but admittedly, the sight of his wet body halted you from any further upset. You couldn’t help but grin as you smoothed your hands over the top of your head. 
“Sounds so good when you say it, honey,” He said. “Sue me.” He shrugged, irking you further. Without warning, you threw your feet to the bottom of the creek, despite his warning. You launched yourself upward, throwing your body on top of his, pulling him into the current. This time it was you that was giggling. You felt the water infiltrate your sinuses, the burning sensation pounding through your head. You came up out of the water coughing and spitting.
“Oh my God, Y/n! Are you okay?” Josh asked, grabbing you by both elbows, pulling you to him. You nodded after a moment. 
“I’m fine. I’m perfect.” As if it were a movie–a scene from the Notebook, no matter how tacky it sounded–silence ripped through your embrace, filling your shared personal space with an unspoken dialogue. The trees above rattled in the wind, shaking down ill-fated leaves. Cicadas began to roar from deep within the woods, and you could hear the water trickling around the added obstacle of your bodies. Your eyes cascaded down his body in slow motion. His hair that usually curled around his head in a halo was smoothed flat, water dripping down from the ends and off of his ears to continue its journey down the rest of his body. His white t-shirt that usually hung from his body was now plastered to his skin and you could see his nipples through the shirt as well as the fit contour of his chest and abdomen, his happy trail evident through the wet fabric. He was just as guilty, his gaze disconnected, tracing the shape of your breasts beneath the thin t-shirt you wore. 
“You know those mistakes you were talking about?” You asked finally, breaking the heavy silence. You stepped forward toward him, finding solid footing despite the warnings he had given. Perhaps it signified the truth and rightness of the decision you were about to make. Josh nodded slowly. 
“Yes,” He answered simply, and you watched him swallow, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly. You found his hands and pulled him closer to you, an arm’s length apart. 
“I don’t think this is one of them,” You said slowly, wanting him so badly to make the next move. You watched the water around you ripple with the slow movement of your bodies. You watched as his irises ignited with an intensity that was only matched with the bright rays of golden hour, cutting through the branches and across his face, illuminating his beautiful features. 
He shook his head slowly, which made your heart suddenly lurch with embarrassment and dread before he finished. “Neither do I,” he finally answered, drawing you in closer. You felt the warmth of the summer breeze drift along your skin before it was replaced with Josh's fingertips, caressing your jaw so tenderly. You closed your eyes as he leaned forward, tilting his head to place the first real kiss upon your lips. He touched you so slowly and thoughtfully that it took everything in you not to spring forward, wordlessly begging for more–but he made you wait, his lips hovering just above yours, the heat of his breath wisping against your lips and cheeks. Then he took your lips again, this time with more intensity, the tilt of his head dancing with yours, moving in natural rhythm to the increasing intensity of the embrace. You inhaled him through every kiss, your hands migrating to rest on his shoulders before moving to his chest and up to his neck, feeling the solidness of his body before you. You stood there for what seemed like forever, intertwined in an embrace that you both had secretly pined for for so long. When you finally broke from the kiss, you felt the pressure of his lips still pulsing against your lips, the soft graze of his beard a memory on your skin. 
“Wow,” you said, rubbing your lips together, feeling the unconscious grin spreading across your face. 
“I wonder what took us so long,” Josh said, rubbing the back of his neck in nervous habit. “Hope it was worth the wait.” He said, his cheeks flushing lightly. 
“Definitely,” You said, taking his hand in yours again, squeezing it tight. 
“Are you guys done?” 
Your heart almost sprung out of your chest. You spun around. Sam was standing on the far side of the creek. “Mom sent me to find you two. Dinner’s done, but well–” he said, eyeing you both. “Shall I give you time to get decent?” 
“Sam, we’ve got it. Tell Mom we’ll be a little late to dinner. Something important came up.” You felt Josh wrap an arm possessively around you, and you couldn’t help but smile, your heart feeling impossibly full. 
Sam scoffed, but his faint grin told a different story that perhaps he was happy for his brother. “I’ll stall Mom, but you owe me.” 
“Thanks,” Josh murmured dismissively before turning you back against his chest, leaning in to kiss you once more. His lips pulled tightly into a grin of true happiness as he kissed you. Kiszka’s Creek may have been a childhood memory to Josh, but to you, it had become one of true adult longing. You silently vowed to yourself never to forget the warmth of the breeze drifting around your body, mingled with the cool chill of the water against your skin and Josh’s lips pressed for the first time against yours.
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underthetree845 · 1 year
Armin/Reader (Drabble)
Cws: AFAB Reader, Reader is Eren’s twin sister, mentions of bullying, pre-timeskip, not dating (yet), friends to lovers, childhood friends, first love, crying, slight angst, hurt/comfort
About 2.7k words
Summary: Armin kind of breaks down and reader comforts him.
A/n: I had this idea a while back about Reader listening to Armin go on one of his passionate rambles about something he's interested in and then he feels bad, apologizes, and Reader comforts him and tells him that they love listening to him no matter what, so that's what this is:
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The longer he spoke, the more impossible you found it to make yourself look away. The animated way he waved his hands, the excitement in his tone, the fact that he had chosen you to share his excitement with, and that little sparkle in his eyes; that’s how you could tell he was truly passionate about something.
It started when you two were just kids. Armin was more than used to others berating him for his ideologies and calling him a heretic. The other kids often took advantage of his small stature and left him beat up on the ground to make themselves feel bigger. Those memories gave you a repulsing feeling in your stomach that made you clench your hands into fists.
However, all this time you’ve known Armin, he’s never lost that glint that appears in his eyes. “I didn’t lose, because I didn’t run,” he would say when you found him afterward. Although you didn’t quite realize it at the time, Armin has always been ideological and wise beyond his years. He holds onto ideas of the future with an unwavering hope, like a fire that never goes out.
You were the first friend Armin ever made, followed by him meeting your twin brother Eren shortly after. You were the first person to reach out their hand, the first person who didn’t call him a heretic for talking the way he did. The first time Armin showed his book to you, he was scared. The outside world was a sensitive topic, and he knew all too well that not everyone took very kindly to the ideas and “unorthodox” dreams he had. The first time he saw your eyes sparkle with interest when he introduced the subject, he felt something thump in his chest but could not pinpoint the feeling it gave him. Nevertheless, it made him feel closer to you, safe with you, to know that there was at least one person in this living hell who cared to listen to him speak with such a sincere smile on their face.
You sighed deeply and rested your cheek in the palm of your hand as you leaned on the table in the library you were seated at. About ten minutes ago, Armin had burst through the doors, hastily apologized for being late to your study session, and begun to ramble excitedly about his time spent with Survey Corps Commander Erwin Smith. Despite their considerable age difference, the two compliment each other nicely when they work together. You have a feeling Armin looks up to the commander a lot. Apparently, they had been discussing Hange’s most recent discoveries with Eren’s titan shifting ability and theorized about mapping out a plan to retake Wall Maria. You knew immediately why this excited Armin so much. Although quite far into the future, if such a plan were to ever come to fruition, it would mean that he would get to see the sea. Out of all the things Armin read about the outside world in the (illegal) book he had inherited from his grandfather, the sea had always been what fascinated him the most. Even the way he spoke about it now sent butterflies into your stomach and a warm feeling filled your chest. You were interested too of course, but something about listening to Armin talk about it made it a million times more engaging.
You found a smile making its way onto your lips as you listened to him speak with such passion. It was adorable as it was admirable, you really hoped to experience that dream together someday. To see the ocean together. Maybe even tell him how much he really means to you…
Unintentionally, you had blanked out on the last two minutes of what he was saying, accidentally getting caught in your own thoughts as you watched him.
Armin cut himself short on what he was saying upon noticing your seemingly dazed-out expression. His heart sunk in his chest, feeling guilty for having subjected you to his ramble and failing to take notice of your disinterest.
“A-ah, sorry Y/n,” Armin chuckled apologetically, “I’ll stop now. I guess I got carried away.” He gave a forced smile and looked at the floor, dejection clear on his face.
You blinked for a few seconds before hastily clasping his hands in yours, leaning forward urgently.
“No no, Armin!” you ushered, mentally slapping yourself as you tried to recover the moment, “Please continue! I promise I’m interested.”
Armin felt his heart skip a beat at your sudden action, but the instant was overshadowed by his clouding self-doubt.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it Y/n…” Armin trailed off, looking off to the side as his feigned smile began to fade. Why are you so stupid? Armin mentally scolded himself, You love her, don’t you? You should be able to pick up on her body language better than that.
Armin began spiraling into an endless rabbit hole of harsh self-criticism and hate, you could tell by the look on his face. Your eyebrows twinged in sympathy, personally understanding the suffocating feeling all too well and knowing that if you had been a little more careful, Armin would have been kinder with himself. Not that you minded, but you found that it was often difficult and painful to get him to break these undeserved thought processes, and the earlier you stopped them, the better.
“Armin, I love listening to you talk. I adore it,” you insisted, giving his hands a squeeze, “I look forward to it every day, always. I mean it.” Although Armin felt touched by your words, he had managed to convince himself that the only reason you were helping him was out of pity. He didn’t want to just be some codependent weakling to you. He wanted to show you that he could be more than that; and that started with right now. Letting you know that you didn’t need you to pretend to like something you didn’t want to for his sake was something of a start.
“Y/n, don’t worry about it, just forget it,” he said in a forced tone of reassurance before placing a practiced smile on his face. Armin didn’t want you to feel bad for someone as undeserving as him. He had always felt like a burden to his friends, for long as he could remember. Some of his earliest memories were of getting rescued from bullies on the streets of Shiganshina by Eren, Mikasa, and yourself. Needing to be saved and being too weak to give anything in return was a feeling Armin had grown to hate. He would rather die than be a burden, and he certainly didn’t want you, of all people, to be shackled down by someone like him. “What were we going to go over today?” Armin asked, trying to change the subject back to your planned study session.
You pursed your lips in distaste when he dismissed the feeling, a new determination rising in your chest. You loved Armin more than anyone else in the world, and you would not allow him to treat himself this way a day longer. “Armin, look at me,” you commanded with a new air of seriousness in your voice. He snapped his head up to face you, your sudden tone taking him by surprise. “You are not a burden,” you stated, your tone adamant and laced with compassion. Armin felt a nail to his chest, both appreciating and wincing at the way you always seemed to be able to read his mind. You noticed the cracks in his expression, and had to stop yourself from cupping his face in your hands to lovingly lean your forehead into his. “Armin please…” you said weakly, your expression softening, “talk to me. You’re the most precious person in my life. Tell me how you’re feeling.” You heard Armin inhale sharply before hesitantly meeting your eyes and knitting his eyebrows together upon seeing how truly you wanted to be there for him.
He breathed shakily, biting back the urge to just collapse into your arms. “I don’t deserve this...” Armin replied, barely above a whisper, but you heard him loud and clear. His answer shook you to your core. Him, being undeserving of… comfort?? Why? As much as you raked your brain, you could not produce a single reason as to why your precious boy didn’t deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer.
“Armin that’s not true…” you whispered, sympathy clear in your voice, “Why do you think that?”
“Because…” Armin choked, fighting the sting of tears in his eyes, “You all do so much for me. I cannot count how many times you, Mikasa, and Eren have saved my life. If I’m that much of a hassle to take care of, why don’t I just die?!” Armin’s voice was louder now, his breathing growing frantic as he removed his hands from your grasp to wrap his arms over his chest protectively. Your expression had grown shocked, hurt, sympathetic, loving, you weren’t sure what swirl of emotions was currently swimming in your stomach, but you knew you had to comfort the trembling boy sitting in front of you. Before you could reach your hands out, Armin continued, “I’ve never done anything but weigh you all down our entire lives. A-and that time in Trost, I just froze! You and Eren almost died because of me! What is wrong with me?! You’re all so strong so why don’t you just leave me behind? I don’t even deserve to be here. Why are you all still by my side?! I don’t understand it…” Armin’s voice broke, tears beginning to stream down his face.
It was then that you cracked. With zero hesitation, you stood up from your chair and scooped Armin to his feet to envelop him in a warm hug. Armin’s eyes widened and it took him a moment to process the situation before he melted into your embrace, burying his face in your neck. Tears continued to pour from his eyes as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you in return. You closed your eyes and rested your chin on his neck, rubbing comforting circles into his back. “Why can’t you see yourself the way we do?” you sighed lovingly, trying to get Armin to understand, “Not everyone’s value is measured the same way. We save you from titans because we love you. You’re a sweet, loyal, and amazing person, Armin.” His cheeks flushed pink slightly at your words but he stayed silent besides small sniffles and let you continue. “I honestly believe that you’re the most valuable member of the 104th cadet corps,” you stated, “We would be lying dead somewhere without your strategies, and completely lost without your deductive skills. You are in no way a burden. I know the Commander certainly doesn’t think so. You never have been a burden, and never will be.” Armin let out a choked sob at the end of your sentence and pulled you further into himself, clinging onto your form like you were his lifeline.
You shifted slightly and gently led him down a familiar aisle in the library. The floorboards creaked under your feet as you walked, beams of sunlight getting dimmer the further you went. You two had spent so much time in this section, the shelves that held the closest thing to theories about the world beyond the walls that you two could find. Once you got to the end, your hand reached out and turned the knob of the familiar oil lamp that had lit the pages of yours and Armin’s books so many times. You approached the brown cushioned chair hidden at the end of the aisle and sat the both of you down on it, with you leaning against one corner as Armin nuzzled into your side.
His form was tense, shaky and unsure whether to give in or not. You sighed and pulled his body into your front, resting his head in the crook of your neck and beginning to soothingly run your fingers through his hair. Armin felt a hot flush on his cheeks as he continued to cry. He had never meant to break down in front of you like this. Here he was again, burdening you with his emotions, so why couldn’t he stop himself from melting into your embrace? Armin let himself relax, putting his weight on you as he rested his arms around your waist, gripping onto you as if you would disappear at any second. In that moment, as Armin nuzzled close to you, felt your warmth, enveloped himself in your loving embrace, he was reminded of the things he felt when you two first met. Your kind hand, your sparkling eyes, the genuine compassion you showed him. The feelings you gave him had only continued to grow as you two got older. Armin often found his gaze drifting to you without realizing it or absentmindedly playing with your hair at meals or during a lecture; both of which often resulted in him being teased by Eren or the other guys. You had an innate ability to calm him down instantly, but still make his stomach do backflips by simply giving him a smile that he swore could light up the world. Armin couldn’t describe it, you just mesmerized him in every way possible. You seemed to silence the voice in the back of his mind that always told him he wasn’t good enough. He wanted to be close to you, he wanted you to be happy, he wanted to be allowed to keep loving you. He would do just about anything to be standing on the warm sand beside you right now, a cool breeze blowing through your hair as you two look out onto the sea, a huge lake filled with so much salt that merchants could spend their entire lives and still not collect it all.
You smiled softly when you felt the boy relax, draping your other arm around his back as you continued to run your fingers through his hair. “Armin… I’m always right here, okay?” You said quietly, a comforting tone in your voice, “I won’t ever leave you. You couldn’t make me if you tried.”
Armin let out a light chuckle at your comment, and you felt yourself grin softly in satisfaction at being able to bring a smile to his lips. “Thank you…Y/n,” Armin whispered, letting his eyelids sink closed. He felt himself growing suddenly tired. Maybe getting so worked up had worn him out, or maybe that was just the spell your embrace had put him under. Either way, Armin began to feel his consciousness slip away as he rested, cuddled comfortably up against you.
You wore a content expression, actually beginning to feel a sense of drowsiness in your head as well. You rested your head on top of Armin’s, closing your eyes and basking in the perfect feeling of the little pocket dimension you two had created. Once you heard Armin’s breathing even out, you smiled warmly and leaned over to look at his sleeping face.
There was a moment of silence as you took the time to admire him. Although his eyes were puffy from crying, his hair was a tangled mess, and his nose had gotten red from all the rubbing, you still found your heart melting at the sight. It was moments like these that were your favorite. Ones where you got to see Armin as himself and nothing but himself. All his perfections and imperfections laid out for you to see, combined into one boy who never failed to meet you with kind eyes and the most beautiful, genuine smile you had ever seen. A boy who made your heart fill with warmth and could always shine light on your rainiest of days. “I love you…” you whispered quietly, gently pressing your lips to Armin’s forehead. Honestly… his questions were ridiculous. How could it be anyone but him? You rested your head back on top of his, and if you had continued to gaze at his face for a moment longer, you would have noticed the pink tint that creeped up into his cheeks.
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Thank you so much for reading!
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