#he cares so dang much it makes my heart ache
Dude I frickin love Vegetta so much, everyone was like "Vegetta is gonna kill Forever! He'll declare war for what he did!!! >:(((" but that's just not the type of person Vegetta is. He's a chaotic bastard, yes, and he can be unpredictable sometime, but something Vegetta appreciates above all else is honesty and respect.
Forever expressed both to him today, in the lore and outside of it.
Forever didn't have to confess what happened with Leonarda. In fact, Foolish actively discouraged him from telling Vegetta because even he expected Vegetta to react badly, but Forever is, in his heart of hearts, a very kind and honest man, and Vegetta knows that. Even before today's lore, Forever not only reached out to Foolish to apologize, but Vegetta as well. And yet his voice still shook when telling Vegetta about it when in-character
But Vegetta wasn't angry. Vegetta tells Forever he is a good boy, and that they’re all friends. He of course predictably adds: "Once is an accident, but if it happens again: boom boom boom, pow! Destruction!" but then he gifts Forever something in the name of peace, gives him a hug, then kisses him goodbye (something Vegetta only does with friends / people he cares about)
I've talked about it before, but the communication on this server is so good. Everyone's inclined to de-escalate situations, regardless of how serious it is, and they all have so much respect for one another. I really love it.
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shinobusupremecy · 9 months
I was thinking, demon y/n who Shinobu knew before y/n became a demon, and by a chance encounter they reunite and both recognize each other
sorry if not enough info
Shinobu x gn!demon reader
A/n: I think this info is great! Thank you for requesting anon! Sorry for making you wait so long😅
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”Shinobu! Do you know where my uniform is?” Shinobu looked at her door and back at the letter she was writing to Ubuyashiki, contemplating which one was more important to prioritize.
’Oh the hell with it’ setting down her pen she walked out into the hallway. Taking turns to where she assumed she heard your voice.
”Ah there you are Shinobu! I can’t find my uniform, do you know where it is?”
”Shinobu! Do you know where my uniform is?” Shinobu looked at her door and back at the letter she was writing to Ubuyashiki, contemplating which one was more important to prioritize.
’Oh the hell with it’ setting down her pen as she walked out into the hallway. Taking turns to where she assumed she heard your voice.
”Ah there you are Shinobu! I can’t find my uniform, do you know where it is?”
”Have you tried asking Aoi?” You shook your head and Shinobu heard you down the hall yell a triumph ”yes!”. You ran back to her with your uniform on.
”Great! Now off you go!” You turned around with a deadpan expression. Shinobu giggled at your expression.
”I’m just kidding, but please. Be careful” You nodded and with that you sprinted away. 
“Are you sure we’re on the right way Suki?” Your crow looked immediately offended and started to peck you.
“I always go the right way!”
“Okay okay, if you say so! It’s just that the map doesn’t really match the surroundings!” Your crow continued to peck you obviously offended by what you are saying. You continued to make your way through the mountain, the tall trees looming over your figure and let little to no light pass through.
The day turned to evening and then to night.
”Dang it! Have we really gotten lost!?” You yelled out in frustration, turning the map in every way, shape and form you could.
You leaned your head back and sighed in frustration.
”Well we have done it now Suki, we are headed the wrong way” you shook your head and the crow looked just as defeated as you did.
”D-demon lord Muzan” your ears perked up at the sound and you began to hear voices. You treaded carefully and saw a demon bowing to what looked like to be the demon king. Your breath caught in your throat and you snuck behind a bush to listen in.
”Is this the best you can do? Is this how many humans you can just eat?”
”Please lord Muzan! I swear I can be stronger!” The other demon got up and brought up his arm to which Muzan sliced, his arm landing right in front of where you hid.
You held your hand over your mouth as you made sure the hand didn’t move independently and that you weren’t being spotted.
”You haven’t grown strong at all. If you would have reacted quicker” The demon king replied.
”You had potential, I will admit that much. What a pity” The demon tried to protest but it was quickly silenced by a clean cut from the neck by Muzan. The demon's body laid there motionless and you have heard well enough.
You slowly got up to leave before he se-
”I know you are there. Pretty rude to just listen into a conversation no?” You felt your blood turn to ice and your heart sunk to your feet. The demon king had a calm expression as he looked at your terror stricken face.
You were so scared that you could barely move but with much effort and will you took up your katana against him.
He simply rolled his eyes before it looked like he teleported away, you looked confused before he appeared right before you kicked your side. You felt immense pain and ribs cracking before you flung against a tree. Your head collided with it leading to you feeling an aching pain from your head.
You hissed in pain before opening your eyes to Muzan crouching down to your level.
”Yes that is what I thought. Even if I face you, you demon slayers always take up your katana like that is going to help you” Before you could say anything he stabbed his finger through your forehead and you felt something enter through it.
”You can have my blood as a gift here for your bravery” Muzan chuckled.
Your crow Suki began to panic, fluttering her wings frantically. Muzan quickly got annoyed and with his hand cut off Suki’s head.
”Suki!-” And with that Muzan left you there.
Your body reacted quickly to the blood and you withered in pain. Veins were practically pulsating from your body, your nails grew long and sharp and your teeth turned to fangs.
It took a while before the pain finally subsided (reason being your body fought against the blood and transformation, not adding that tho into the final, Shinobu explains that)
You laid on the ground, your body exhausted and you could barely move. Tears from the pain and now sorrow you felt you come to accept the fact that you are a demon, the ugly thing you swore to kill and not become, yet here you are.
Shinobu looked at the time for what was the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
”Shinobu, you seem worried, is something the matter?” Aoi asked. Shinobu hunched over her desk only sighed and turned facing Aoi.
”I have a bad gut feeling and I can’t focus”
”Aren’t you sure that ’gut feeling’ is just you being worried? They’ll be fine, I believe they are capable enough” Aoi replied, setting a plate of cut apples in front of Shinobu. ”Here, if you eat a little maybe you’ll feel better”
”Hm, maybe. I will just have to wait and see” Shinobu took a apple slice and munched on it as her thoughts continued to drift away to you.
Night turned into morning and you had already moved to the shade.
You scooted to your crows dead body. Taking the head and the body you buried her beneath the soil, you prayed and held a silent minute for your fallen friend.
You sat there for a moment of silence before taking your katana and looking at your own reflection through it.
”There’s no way I can go back. Shinobu will kill me and worse she might not even recognize me” You vented to no one in particular. Alone as you were you sat there on the forest ground reflecting your life. Weirdly you didn’t feel hunger or any urge to consume anything. You looked on the ground and saw the sunlight creep closer to you. You got up and dusted yourself off.
’No point in sulking’ You concluded and began walking to nowhere in particular.
The sun shone down on the butterfly estate and through the window to Shinobu’s room. She got up and rubbed her tired eyes.
‘Hm, it seems like I fell asleep again’ She looked down at her unfinished paperwork and pushed it aside.
She got up and got herself ready for the day, tried to freshen up and eat breakfast. Aoi was already in the kitchen.
”Any updates on Y/N’s whereabouts?”
”No nothing. Shinobu, I think you are worrying too much. They should be back by tomorrow and if something happened then their crow would fly back here to tell us” Aoi said chopping the vegetables.
”Hm, that is true. I guess I will just have to wait then”
And wait she did but to no avail. Demon slayers looked around for traces of you, where your mission had been but they found nothing of you and with that, Shinobu had no choice but to come to terms with the fact that she lost you.
2 years later (to the current kny timeline)
The past 2 years have been a lonely one. You never dared walking around where humans were, afraid that your instinct as a demon would take over and that you would lose control. So you have just been hiding away in forests, hunting animals, stealing from empty houses and surviving by scraping the bottom of the barrel. You practiced your speed a lot, for when the day came you encountered a demon slayer or a hashira and could run away.
Shinobu still think of you at times. She hopes you are alive, even if it had been 2 years. You were never confirmed dead and no one found any blood or traces of you, she never lost faith.
After an exhausting mission, all Shinobu wanted was just to pass out on her bed and fall asleep for a year. Yawning, she walked through the dense forest with her sword strapped to her hip.
She looked up and from the distance she saw h/c hair, it looked alot like…you. She ran forward and you who heard running footsteps quickly turned around. Shinobu came half way and both of you stared at each other in shock.
”Y/N? Is that you?” You didn’t waste a second, you turned tails and ran the other direction.
’Shit shit shit! She recognized me! She recognized me!’ Practising your speed in those 2 years really came in handy now since when you looked back it looked like Shinobu was struggling to keep up.
”Y/N! Come back!" Shinobu yelled and you ignored her, picking up your speed.
Even after all these years, you couldn’t face her, maybe it was a shame or how angry Shinobu would have been, how angry you thought she would have been. 
All these thinking and all this dilemma made you fail to realize that Shinobuwasn’t behind you anymore. Jumping from the trees above she finally jumped down at you, right in front of you. You quickly covered your face with your arms and there her shoes were planted but her weight and force made you fall onto your back.
”Stop! Stop get away!” Your hands and arms frantically tried to shove Shinobu off of your stomach while she tried to grab your wrist and calm you down. She finally got ahold of them and firmly pushed them on the ground beside your head.
”Y/N! Calm down! Please!” You both panted, the adrenaline in both of your bodies seemed to disapparate.
”Shinobu…” You muttered out and she gave you a sad shocked look.
”What, what happened to you?” Shinobu asked and got off of you. You couldn’t hold it in anymore and tears began to run down your cheeks.
”I-I became a demon! The demon king turned me into one when I overheard him talking to some other demon” Arms quickly encased you into a hug and you tightly hugged her back, your hands clinging onto the back of her haori as you cried into her shoulder.
"I didn't come back because I thought you would kill me" You confessed and hearing that made Shinobu's heartstring tug.
"I would have atleast hear you out first...I could never raise my blade first and think second when it comes down to you" With her hand she had at your back she drew patterns and circles to calm you down.
The relief that you felt from that sentence made you cry harder and you clung onto Shinobu tighter while she just continued on drawing patterns behind your back.
After a while when you had calmed down you wiped your tears but you didn't dare looking at Shinobu.
I'm glad you're alive" Shinobu said and smiled.
"Thank you but...I can't go back. What will the demon slayers say and- the hashiras!? What about them!? They'll kill me and-" You rambled on and began to spiral down into panic.
Shinobu had her finger under your chin making you look at her.
"I will protect you from them. You would be happy to know that there is a little girl who is just like you. A demon who doesn't eat humans"
"How do you know I haven't eaten humans?"
"If you had, you wouldn't be sane like you are right now. As soon as you consume a human you are done for"
"Ohhh" You still were doubtful and that was evident on your face.
"That demon girl has already been in trial and she came out unharmed, we can do the same with you except you have me as your defender" Shinobu smiled and pointed to herself and you couldn't help but smile back, feeling hopeful.
"But before that lets get you to my estate. I am sure everyone will be happy to see you again and you need to rest" Shinobu helped you up and you hugged her again.
"Thank you, thank you thank you!" You hugged her tighter. Shinobu chuckled.
"You can thank me when we're at the estate, it's getting cold" You nodded and held Shinobu's hand. You both walked onwards with the future never looking as bright as it did now.
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seungiee-sunshine · 1 year
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Paring; Lee Felix x reader
Genre/theme; Dark & Yandere
Word count; 1.2K
Warnings; implied kidnapping, yandere themes of possessiveness and violence (Let me know if I missed anything.)
(A/N; This is the first drabble/writing piece I've ever done in only the third person, so I'm sorry in advance if it sucks. Also, I pretty much rewrote this a two in the dang morning, so I'm sorry if there are typos.)
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩��͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
"You're mine. You. Are. MINE." He screamed as you rushed out the door, trying your best to avoid tripping over your own feet. It had been months since you had set foot outside, and what felt like forever with the man now chasing after you. 
You can't let him get you again. was the only thought in your mind as you ran, and ran as fast as your legs would allow, from the building that once separated you from the rest of the world and caged you in with that psycho.
"I'll get you again, my love. Just wait, I'll find you, and when I do, I'll make sure you are never able to escape again!" was the only thing you could hear as you maneuvered your way through the city streets. His nagging voice constantly rang in your ears as you ran. Soon enough, his sultry voice, hoarse due to sleep, began to slowly fade into nothing more than the sound of dead silence. Complete and utter silence
The lack of sound in the stagnant night air seemed even scarier than his screaming at you or the thought of being taken once more from the man you used to pride yourself on loving so dearly; at least he loved you the tiniest bit; the cold air filling your lungs, meanwhile, did no such thing.
You had to admit that although you hated being stuck in his home, it was better than being out here in the cold all alone, with not even a thought occupying your mind other than to run as far away as possible, even if you had no idea where you were going or where you were in the first place. At least with Felix, he would bake you brownies and care for you, doing anything and everything to make you feel comfortable and content.
But that was only him acting; you couldn't fall for his facade any longer; he was a maniac, a psycho, someone with a few too many screws loose, and you couldn't help but wonder...
What did you do to make him snap?
What happened to the man who used to make you brownies after a long day of hard work, the man who used to love to go on long walks in nature and explore?
The man who had held you captive, the one now chasing after you, was no longer the man you used to know. Not the sweet and caring person he once was. What he was now was nothing short of a monster.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
As time went on, your legs began to ache, and your heart felt as though it was going to implode as it tried to supply oxygen to your extremities. Even with all its hard work, your limbs still felt numb, and your lungs continuously burned and ached for more air.
Although your body was at its limit, you couldn't stop, not when danger could've been right around the corner. The only thing that was going to stop you was your inevitable passing out.
You were a fairly athletic person before, but now your heart and body were unable to put up with the stress from the situation and all the exercise you had forced upon them. It almost brought you to tears at how little you could do now. If only you had realized it sooner, maybe you would've been out of this mess already.
Now was not the time to get lost in your head or lose focus; you were already on the verge of losing consciousness. You didn't need to add insult to injury and make this whole thing worse.
You put it off as long as you could; soon enough, however, you dropped to your knees and held your head in your hands as the world around you spun in circles.
The only thing that caused you to stand, even in such a weak state, was the clacking shoes on the pavement behind you.
There was no one else out here, and if it was who you thought it was, you couldn't just sit there and let him get to you without putting up a fight, or, well, a sprint in this case.
Although your motivation was there, your legs were far too weak to hold you upright for too long, and so not before long you once again ended up on your knees, tears streaming down your face as you thought about how you weren't going to be able to get away. The stinging pain in both your knees from the rocks digging into them is the least of your worries now.
With as much strength as you could muster, you crawled forward, palms and knees scraping against the pavement. The pain only made moving harder, but you had to continue to try and get away. Or this whole escape plan would've been for nothing. The least you could do was make it to the street. Even if there were no people driving around, someone could've possibly seen you, saved you, even...
As his foot came into contact with your ribs, you cried out in pain and landed on the ground, tears falling from your face as you blankly stared up at the night sky.
You were too exhausted to run; your body was weak, and your consciousness was teetering on the edge of a metaphorical cliff. Now there really was no hope, and the only thing to do was just wait for him to take you back home, as he had done many times before.
Even when you thought you had managed to break free, he proved you wrong every single time.
It was like a never-ending loop of believing you could get free and him finding you and then taking you back home, only for the cycle to begin again. Maybe he was entertained by such things and let you slip out of his grasp for just a moment only to show that he was the one that was in control all along after all.
It was like a sick game of cat and mouse, except the game never came to a close, and the cat continued on playing with its supposed dinner...
The man was now hovering over you, a smile grazing his soft features. In some way, it was something that made him seem less scary, more approachable, and more kind. Given his true nature, however, the opposite can be said of such a smile.
The seemingly kind gesture chilled you to the bone. You knew he was upset, and there was no telling what he would do to you if he was angry. The words he spoke not a moment later only made the feeling of dread in your gut worse than before.
"Darling, you should know by now that you can't run from me." He spoke with a deep chuckle following his unsettling words.
"Now it's time we head back home, my love. I'm sure you're exhausted from all that running." He started sorrowfully, as If he actually cared, and then continued on with his voice, harnessing a much more sinister tone.
"But don't worry, my love, you won't be able to run for much longer."
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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God Margaret you are like so pretty?
So yeah on the final day of the game, I'm gonna shoot my shot, why not
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.... oh. dang. /tugs collar
I mean, I expected nothing less from her, she was the one who started the Empress SLink really, not me. She had that fucking incredible line, something like "Entangle me in your string of fate," it was gorgeous.
I'm mostly sad Margaret isn't even more of an option because I find her really interesting and very, very charismatic. Being around her feels like being around someone who is much more important than you are but she still decides to grace you with her attention.
As an Empress, she's an interesting choice. The Empress is seated, is passive in her observation of her kingdom, but holds a wand aloft. And Margaret's was certainly instrumental in using power to illuminate the path for Reverie. She makes for a rather cold temperament, but her efficacy cannot be argued with.
Also she KISSED REVERIEEEEEEE. gosh. golly.
Character Accuracy to Their Arcana: Six out of Ten.
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OH RISE. You know I have no idea if I would say I "liked" Rise but my got was she like.... the exact chaos the group needed. Teddie and Rise both brought a tremendous amount of energy to the team, both joining at the same time too.
I really admire how decisive Rise is. Which, of course, Lovers, obviously. She may struggle to figure out what exactly she wants, but once she does, she already has her shoes tied tight and is headed forward. And her journey being set up from the start with her Shadow, how there is no such thing as the True Self, and how that continues to be the core of her arc was really very fucking good.
Character Accuracy to Their Arcana: 10 out of 10, honestly.
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Marie is great but does suffer a lot from being added into the game. There is a very inorganic element to her. However, given what we learn about her, that she's a creature of the other world meant to doom humanity, that she's almost a cuckoo bird in the human nest, it... sort of makes perfect sense, doesn't it? That she feels so Off.
That's making excuses for the game honestly but I'm gonna do it because while the way she fit into the game was always very pasted on, her voice acting was honestly great and smoothed over a LOT of issues I had with her. Like, I could sit here and point out the flaws but why? I like her enough.
Character Accuracy? Abstain, as I'm not very familiar with the Aeon.
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I feel like i don't even need to say anything about Kanji. I'm willing to wager if you could make a pie chart of every dialogue box I screencapped, Kanji would have an outsized percentage.
I came into Persona 4 Golden with carefully calibrated expectations. I Fully expected to be deeply disappointed in Kanji's writing. But he started out amazing and he literally never ceased being amazing. This is the guy who punched his own shadow and affectionately told him to get up because any shadow of his could take a punch. This is the guy who makes "very elaborate" dolls for sad children. This is the guy who is willing and ready to beat up someone if that'll save them. He's the heart of the fucking team and he hits like a mack truck. I love Kanji.
Character Accuracy to Their Arcana: Solid 7 out of 10. I still think Dojima would have been a better fit but Kanji's dedication to taking ownership and care of his community is very Emperor.
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shut up kanji you aren't allowed to make me cry twice in one playthrough
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Best Girl Yukiko.
God, she is so weird. She's so heartfelt. She's so funny. Her arc makes a tremendous amount of sense. She's selfish and mean, she's generous and kind. She got drunk off the atmosphere in Iwatodai. She never talks about Chie as much as Chie talks about her. My heart aches for her, and I hope she's made the right decision to stay. I hope she'll have the strength to leave later if she discovers it wasn't.
I hope she and Kanji become best friends.
Character Accuracy to Their Arcana: 0 out of 10, she and Yosuke shoulda swapped.
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dangraccoon · 1 year
Hello. It's @clone-anon
You were sitting on a bunk when Tech approached you and asked, "How can I help?"
You looked at him questioningly and he continued. "I know you are in a great deal of pain and I wish to help. I would be happy to get you something to eat, massage the offending area, or simply give you company if you like."
A smile crept across your face and he sat down next to you.
"I can't get any real relief," you said, upper body aching. It was clear that the very act of existing was draining you of energy.
"May I?" He held his hands above your shoulders and neck. When you nodded, he sat behind you and started to gently rub the area that seemed to bother you the most. Just the simple contact from someone caring made you feel better. Tech asked you to tell him how much pressure to use or where to move his hands. He didn't want to make it worse.
When you'd had enough, he brought you something to drink and helped you lay down comfortably.
"If you wish to lay against me or need pillows adjusted, I'm right here."
He sat on the end of the bunk with his datapad out, researching other ways he could suggest helping.
You reached for his arm and said, "Just stay with me. I don't want to be alone."
He looked at you and smiled. "You never will be."
I’ve typed and retyped this message out so many times; words cannot describe how much this means to me. As someone who deals with a significant amount of pain, this really hit home for me. I’m not sure who I have to thank for this lovely work of art, but you’ve brightened my day. From the bottom of my heart, as written above, “someone caring made [me] feel better”.
Love, Dang
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Three step programs to help get your favorite fallout companion to love you / become your little bitch
Part three.
Is your Piper finding it hard to enjoy her usual shenanigans? Is your Piper experiencing the a dreaded writers block and lack of motivation? Is your Piper struggling to balance working a full time job, travel with her trusty dusty Blue popsicle and be a big sibling/full time parent to her little sister? Has your Piper been in a withdrawal of sorts after spending an ungodly amount of time in the diamond City slammer thanks to the corrupt government run by the shiny freshly packaged life meddling fuckers known as the institute? Lucky for you this three step program will help get your Piper back to her nosy reporter kick-ass bad bitch self!
Step One: Mayor Mcdonough? more like mayor Mc-done-for! It must have taken the institute a long ass time to make not one, but two faces for him! Kill the fuck outta the cowardly double crossing pretentious douche bag!
Step Two: You wanna know what would help your Piper? No more late night abductions! take the fight to the institute by any means necessary.... (besides the BOS ofc)... Why tf do they even replace people? Probing? Dissection?....... news flash institute normal people have this thing called a heart! who tf knows why the creeps prey apon the people of the commonwealth. What your Piper does know is their gonna need an ass transplant once her foot is done with em.
Step Three: Okay so this might sound totally domestic (and less violent cuz damn that sounded like a bad psycho trip...) compared to the last two steps, but something that will totally help your Piper is.... A writers nook. Filled with real printing supplies. Old world novels, or even better creating new world novels with your Piper! One of the many things that historians claim makes a "civilization" is the production of unique works of literature (or something like that don't sue me if I'm wrong I'm quoting my freshman year history teacher and a bitch snoozed in that class) ... so technically, though a soft approach, your helping pave the pathway to a better future one line at a time.
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(We can not be held responsible for any offensive news articles your Piper may write once she has her mojo back. If your Piper is experiencing an increased number of threats please contact your local Cait to open up a can of whoop ass)
Does your Nick have a case of depresso espresso that he just can't seem to solve? Is your Nick a melancholy mix of man and machine still trying to find his way in life after approximately 80 years of mixed experience? Is your Nick obsessing over fixing other people's problems to avoid his own? Is your Nick screwing his dang hand at the most inopportune times? (Like dude when a we're playing chicken with a super mutan suicider is not the time to screw your damn hand! Fucking Lydia had more tact than your ass) Luckily for you we have just the evidence you need to close the case on your weeping widow tin man!
Step one: Go on the annoyingly long hunt for all of Eddie Winters encrypted holotapes. Once every nook and cranny of every police station in massachusetts has been searched go kill the fuck out of that murdering bastard! You know what they say.... "If you can't fill the hole in your aching neon heart blow a hole in someone else's!"
Step two: Sarcasm galore! The more sassy the better! How can you be a saddy if your sassy? No but seriously witty remarks are your Nick's love language.
Step three: Generosity. Though it may be true the wastland will never be able to go back to the utopia it once was, but you and your Nick will be damned if you don't die trying to make the world a better place. If one small act of kindness is all your Nick is rembered for then he did well in life. Even if that means that act of kindness was giving Sheffield a damn nuka-cola.
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(Okay so I'm not sure how I'm gonna be able to live with myself knowing that I'm the reason that this exist... Please forgive me for I shall never forgive myself.... okay but seriously why does the after look like my ex....) Ps I never noticed he had a cute chin dimple/dent before... I love it so much! He's so adorable.
Is your Preston still haunted by the series of unfortunate events that followed him from quincy to concord? Is your Preston suffering from survivers guilt and rain? Well have we got just the thing for you!
Step one: Find some way to control the weather! How can your Preston ever be sad if it's never raining?
Step two: Take your Preston on villager saving sprees! Rebuild the entire commonwealth.... it would be rude and inconsiderate of your Preston to even think about being happy when all those settlements still need your help.... what better way to remind your Preston of the good little sunshine boi he is than taking care of that settlement over there..... lemme mark it on your map for you!
Step three: Put a stop to all the meanies of the commonwealth.... Raiders demanding resources from settlers? gotta die. Super mutans eating settlers? gotta go. How can your Preston truly be happy if even a single living breathing soul in the commonwealth isn't? Your Preston has a big fat bleeding heart on his sleeve.... but hey the second you showed him any kind of human decency he clung onto you like a piece of raider stuck in a deathclaws teeth.
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(We can not be held responsible for all the settlements that will be marked on your map.... But hey at least it's not raining.... babe!)
Hey so not gonna lie I could keep this in the draft and edit it for the rest of eternity, but at this point I think it's time to stop obsessing and post lol. Hope you enjoy or at least tolerate it like me!
Part 1
Part 2
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cdroloisms · 4 years
Sooo... how about that reveal that c!Sam wasn’t feeding c!Dream? I mean, we all knew it was coming, but still. The auto food dispenser probably broke or smtg bc when c!Sam came down, c!Dream asked if he was there to give them potatoes. (Also with him being shaken up by learning c!Tommy is alive, c!Sam might not remember or care to feed c!Dream, who has none of his stores of potatoes left.) So, assuming the dispenser is broken and he doesn’t know, why would he come down in the first place? 🟩⛏?
hello anon !! yeah that reveal ,, dang, we already knew that c!sam had presumably been starving c!dream, but to see not only c!dream but c!sam confirm it as well as it having lasted AT LEAST a week ,, d a n g . they are Not pulling any punches in this arc (which, i mean, judging on the q stream, isnt exactly surprising anymore,, but still)
in the prison guard stream, we see how the dispenser works - it’s not automatic as much as it’s remote, as c!sam or the prison guards still need to press a button in order to dispense food. he also says “i havent even been around to feed the prisoner” or something along those lines in tommy’s stream, so we can conclude that the decision to deprive c!dream of food after c!tommy’s death is INTENTIONAL,, which i mean. again. yikes. 
anyway, here’s a snippet of c!dream finding out that the “automatic” feeder isnt as automatic as he might’ve thought - here, the dispenser + crying obsidian are installed at around the same time, so it’s between bad and sapnap’s visit
tw: starvation, disordered eating, abuse, mental illness, self-hatred, toxic relationship, gaslighting, disturbing imagery, dark content, c!sam/warden!sam critical (again, be careful with the content warnings)
Dream stares up at the hole in the obsidian, barely able to make out a glint of metal in the dark chute. The dispenser, just as expected, doesn’t respond to his glare, refuses to whir and click in the way that indicates food, and Dream bites his tongue, mumbles curses under his breath.
“Prick,” he blows a breath through his gritted teeth, only more irrationally angry when the dispenser, as expected, ignores him. “Some automatic dispenser, Warden.”
The walls don’t respond. Nothing responds, here, besides the dark dark thoughts swirling in his brain, and he thinks he’d prefer it if those didn’t - or maybe he doesn’t, because company is company, even if said company is the same litany of blood anger revenge pain you deserve this you deserve all of this you have destroyed the world now lie in the bed you have made pounding at the base of his skull. He drags his hand down his face; every minute is an hour, and every hour is a minute. Time has no meaning when your only frame of reference is eternity.
Even so, even he can tell that it’s been a long time since he’s had food, even by his usual standards - several days, at least, because the ever-present ache of hunger in his gut had swelled into something angrier, demanding, no longer as easy to ignore. Another stabbing round of pain nearly sends him to his knees, and just as he always he does, he clings to the feeling, gathers it into his hands, grabs it by the edges and directs the sharp edges into the words he spits at the indifferent walls. Let the Warden hear him - what can he possibly do?
Just as it always does, the fury in him peters out, drains, leaves him alone in the middle of his cell. He sinks the ground, arms wrapped around his stomach; a part of him wants to laugh at the irony. Some people think of silence as emptiness, void; he knows now that it’s anything but. Silence is suffocating, thick, so present that anything he says seems to get lost within it seconds after leaving his mouth. It grows and pushes into his limbs, becomes a weight tied around his throat, expands into the air in his lungs like a slowly inflating balloon until it’s pressed into every corner and space of the cell, every corner and space of him, taking up so much room that he can hardly breathe around it.
The hunger hollows him out, and the silence fills the space that’s left; Dream wonders how much more there is for him to lose before he’s completely empty, just a husk filled with the same liquid misery that drips down the walls. He wonders if anyone would care- laughs. As if.
“Dream.” The intercom crackles; Dream perks up at the voice, spine straightening against his will, and his hands tighten into fists as he realizes - prime, how pathetic is he, now? The voice deepens, becomes more insistent. “Prisoner.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Or maybe I’m not; you better come and check, yeah?” A humorless smile tugs at his lips, and a static-filled sigh comes through the speaker.
“This isn’t the time for games, Dream.”
Dream rolls his eyes. It’s not exactly the time to be a dick, either, but you don’t see me complaining. A flutter of something warm, joyful, rises in his chest at the sound of something- someone, other than his own voice, and he strangles it with a hand wrapped around his own throat - he won’t let them break him, won’t let himself become desperate enough to crave the attention of a man that hates him - he won’t- he can’t-
“Do you need something? Or were you yelling at the wall for no reason again?” Sam’s voice is steely, indifferent, on a knife’s edge between apathy and anger. “Don’t waste my time, prisoner.”
Dream bites down the snarky reply sitting on his tongue, breathes in, out through his nose until the fury is no longer blinding.
“Your fancy automatic jig is broken. The potato one. It’s not- working.” The hunger fogs his mind, makes it hard to think. He feels caged and weak and pathetic and he hates it.
“That’s because it’s not automatic.” Footsteps echo on the speakers, Dream tapping along to the rhythm before he realizes and stops himself, and a moment later the familiar whirring and clicking of the metal box comes from behind him and a small pile of potatoes fall down and splash into the water. “There. Is that all?”
Dream feels the fury rise, again, but doesn’t quite to keep the words back, this time.
“So what was the point of the whole automatic feeder, asshole? You’ve changed nothing! What’s the difference between that thing and you coming over to my cell besides that you’ve wasted a couple stacks of redstone? Congratu-fucking-lations, you’re a goddamn genius-”
“It’s remote now, so I don’t have to come into your cell.”
“Oh, so it’s just the good ol’ Warden looking for more ways to make the prisoner suffer, huh? Should’ve figured, you fucking self-righteous prick-”
His mouth shuts with a click, a flash of fear searing through his muscles, white-hot, and by the time he’s blinked back the ringing in his ears the silence has stolen all the words from him, once again. Pathetic, he screams in his head, but his jaw remains firmly locked in place - the Warden’s won, per usual, and they both know it.
“Is that all?” He sounds impatient. Part of Dream wants nothing more than to never hear his voice again, and the other half of him rails at the idea of being alone with his thoughts once more. All of him hates himself, and all of him hates the silence; they’re the only two constants in this place. “You’ll have to speak up if you want anything.”
“How- long was it, since you last gave food?”
Static for a moment, then another. “It’s only been about a day.”
“You’d know if you took care of your clock instead of destroying it, prisoner.”
“I’d know if you were less of a fucking prick.”
“Behave, and you might get it replaced.” The Warden’s breathing is harsh, almost labored - he must be angrier than Dream thought, then. “Speaking of which, you won’t be getting any for a day after this stunt.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared. It’s not like you don’t do this - what, every other day?”
“Do you want food or not?”
Dream’s teeth grind against each other; he breathes in, out. He hates this, hates the potatoes, hates the Warden, hates himself. Hates the way that a part of him recoils at the thought of making the Warden angry at him, reaches desperately for a chance to earn his clock- his approval. Attachments are weakness, he tells his traitorous heart, knowing that it, as always, will fail to stay away.
“Yes. Thank you.” The pleasantry burns on his tongue, tastes worse than the bitterness of raw potatoes that seems to be the only thing it knows, anymore.
“Good-bye, prisoner. Don’t make me come into the cell.”
The intercom cuts off with a click, the space that the static made immediately filled by silence. Dream watches it blankly, jaw sore from how tight it had been clenched, and begins to work his way through the first potato, nibbling at the pale flesh just enough to tide over the worst of the pain.
This is fine, he tells himself, and the walls stare at him impassively. He’s not sure they believe him.
He’s not sure how much longer he can believe himself.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
in my arms | jisung x reader |
Pairing: self insert, female reader x han jisung 
Genre: fluff n smut 
Warnings: switch!reader, switch!jisung, established relationship, explicit language, oral (m&f giving and receiving), teasing, body praise, pretty dang fluffy ngl, cum swallowing, back scratching 
Word count: 2.3k
this drabble is inspired by jisung’s most recent vlog where he was just chillin’ and being so soft and cozy I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it huhu I hope that you enjoy my first post ever  ♡
“You’re not falling asleep are you?” You gently nudge jisung’s head where it was resting on your shoulder. You didn’t have the heart to tell him, but you had spent the last 20 minutes or so trying to ignore the pins and needles that the weight gave your arm.
“--nO!” He squeaked, then rather sleepily rose his head leaving you to try to shake your arm back to life in the least conspicuous way possible.
“I though you said that this was your favorite movie?” You brushed a few rogue strands of his warm brown hair out of his eyes, letting your fingers linger for a moment to savor its addictive softness.
Jisung pouted while he fixed his baggy white tee collar which had fallen under his collarbones. His eyes didn’t catch you sneaking a peak.
“I wouldn’t sleep through my favorite movie.”
“Really?” You cocked an eyebrow up with a growing smile, meeting his eyes which had become as baggy as his shirt.
“Didn’t I tell you? I’m pretty sure that I know every line from that movie; I used to watch it all the time growing up.”
You chuckled a little at his oh-so-common habit of forgetting the little things. “I’m pretty sure you have told me that before.”
“And I told you how I wanted to learn the piano song as well? And--”
“--and it was too hard for you to learn?” You snickered, “You’ve told me that as well. Someone’s sleepy brain needs to get some rest...can you put the laptop over on the desk for me real quick?”
“Sure.” He nodded, and tore off the fluffy down comforter off of the two of you. You had wished that he had given a warning considering the sudden blast of cold air that met your bare legs when he did so. At the same time, you could never stay mad at him for long, not when he looked like that.
Jisung looked perfectly cuddly in that moment--even more so than usual. His long white tee made it look like he wasn’t wearing his boxers at all, and his hair was perfectly tussled into an adorable looking mess from resting on you. You looked down to his legs and all you wanted was to have them entangled with yours. He turned to return back to bed when you noticed that the little mole on his right collarbone had made an appearance. You made a note to give it a kiss as soon as you got the chance.
As soon as Jisung was back in the bed where it was all toasty, everything felt right again. “Reach the light?
“M’kay.” You answered to twist the switch.
Once all of the lights were off, the two of you sunk into each other, completely wrapped up as close as you possibly could be, skin on skin, the softness of fabric; you could feel him gently breathing from where he had pulled your head into his chest.
He sighed deeply, exhaling. You were half expecting him to concede and tell you that he really was feeling tired, when he whispered the exact opposite. “Well now that I’m awake I can’t fall back asleep.”
“But I thought you said you weren’t sleeping...?” You let out a breathy laugh which made him draw you in closer.
“Shhhh.” He hushed. Jisung then took his hands to the back of your head where he began to play with your hair, massaging your scalp slightly. The sensation was amazingly relaxing and you started to feel your own eyes grow heavy...
You whispered into the dark room, “Mmm that feels so nice.”
“I...heh...don’t get mad at me for this one but...I’m kind of...you know...”
You pulled your head back, knowing exactly what he meant.
“Right now?”
“Is there like a reason, or something? I mean, I wasn’t really doing anything--”
“--There doesn’t need to be a reason...honestly.” Even in the dark of the room you could feel his little nervous smile. “But I mean, we’re in bed, and I’ve got you: so soft and warm all around me, in my arms...are you surprised? You just do that to me.” Jisung’s hand migrated over to rest on your cheek, carefully caressing it with his thumb.
The more that he talked about it, the more you lost yourself in him...as usual. He really had an effect on you as well. You suddenly became even more aware of your legs intertwined and the pressure it created.
“We don’t have to, or-or we could keep it short, I know that you have work tomorrow.”
“Are you trying to convince me to mess around with you right now?” You asked with a creeping smirk in the corner of your mouth.
Jisung shied his head away slightly. “Kind of.”
Upon his words you felt it. Down where you had nearly straddled your legs around him, he was growing harder and you could feel him lightly throbbing. It was a lot to show just for talking.
His breaths quickened and he pulled your head in closer to his, ghosting his lips over yours letting his hot breath tickle your skin. You knew that he was aching to touch you, and you, him.
Jisung whispered on your lips, “Do you want to?”
Your response was quickly given to him when you crashed your lips into his, and he returned with so much hunger, you could have thought that he hadn’t been kissed in months--but of course that wasn’t true. The truth was you could never keep your lips off of him. He knew what it was like and how diligent you could be, making sure that he was covered in them, nothing untouched, and it drove him crazy.
You swung your leg over his hip, and pulled him into you with your thigh as he grabbed a huge handful of your skin to steady himself. His fingernails dug into you with a delightful sting, and you kept working on his mouth, dragging your lips over his both slow and fast, whatever he wanted, it was what you did. Your tongues met in the middle of the heat and slicked over each other with a taste that sent you reeling. Jisung moved his hands to your back where they snuck up your shirt and he traced gentle lines all over. To sweeten it all, you grinded down into his lap, seeking a sensation that your now soaked underwear craved.
“--fuck.” Jisung gasped into your mouth.
He hastily tugged your shirt to the side, lending eager hands to fondle your breasts while his lips never left yours. He had decided to slow down his pace a little bit as he ran over your mouth more, being careful like he didn’t want to scare you. His fingers started to twist your nipples lightly and they quickly hardened. Below your hips, your whole core started to whine with desire for the warmth of his mouth to give it attention. Jisung pinched your bud just right, and it sent you gasping for air against him.
“You like that?” He jested for a second, even you could still see his bright smile in the darkness of the room.
You nodded quickly, hoping he would keep going if you said less.
“God.” He marveled at you for a minute. “You’re just so--”
“--Are you about to say something cheesy Han Jisung?” You lifted your arms to trace the outlines of his shoulder blades behind him, giggling.
“You’re everything.” He leaned down to plant a kiss on your forehead before letting his hands get back to work. He buried his head into your neck, fluttering kisses everywhere that he could only pausing to suck lightly. “You’re...my...everything.” He got out between kisses.
“You’re my...Jisung...” You tugged at his back while he kept flicking your sensitive buds between his fingers. When he was doing so you couldn’t keep your thoughts straight. You wanted so badly to tell him a million words and more about how he was your whole world too, but all you could manage was, “Please...more.”
“You want more baby?”
He swooped down to bring his mouth to your hard bud, twisting his tongue around it while he cupped it too. With his tongue flat he looked up to you with his gorgeous brown eyes. From how good he was at just this, you could feel yourself getting closer by the second. Your legs crossed tightly to try and relieve some of the pressure. You scraped your nails up his back, getting impatient and eliciting a low groan from him.
“I’m ready.” You prompted and he immediately knew what you wanted, you didn’t even have to say a word.
Jisung cascaded kisses down your stomach, giving some well planned ones to your waist when he got there to give special attention the the stretch marks there. Ever since you had mentioned not liking them, he couldn’t keep his lips off them.
“Gorgeous.” He calmly said, and settled between your thighs.
Your body jerked when he took his thumb to lightly rub circles into your clit, bringing little moans and gasps from your lips. Jisung mischievously snickered to himself over the power that he held over you. He would stop rubbing every few seconds just to hear you whine. At last he pulled your underwear from your legs and you felt the touch of his fingers directly on your clit; he used his other hand to pull your leg back, digging into it like before and it made your whole body shiver. At this point, you had absolutely no control over the sounds coming from your mouth. Wherever he touched, you felt electric.
He darted his pointed tongue around your clit in circles, then would switch to lapping at it agonizingly slow. Over time, your whimpers became more and more desperate.
“Do you wanna cum?” He asked with cockiness laced in his voice.
Your thighs had began to shake without warning. “Ye-yes.”
“Then do it. Cum for me.” Jisung commanded, returning back to his work.
Your mind went completely blank once your orgasm hit you hard. It came it waves, and it only made you shake harder.
After a little chuckle in spite of himself, he brought himself back up to give you more kisses, holding your face is his hands once again.
You came down, feeling more energized than before, and even more desperate to do one thing.
“Your turn.” You commanded of him now, shoving him to his back, leaving a surprised look on his adorably squirrel-like face.
You hastily pulled his shirt up to ravage his chest with your mouth, dragging your burning lips all over the skin and tasting every bit of him that you could. From the sensation he appeared to melt into the bed, taking in shaky inhales while he tangled his fingers in your hair. Just a bit farther down, he was still throbbing under his boxers.
“You ready?” You quickly asked, and he nodded back, teeth catching his bottom lip.
He helped you snag off his boxers, revealing his dripping member pink and ready. You thought to yourself how it just was just so fucking cute when he was excited like that. Instinctually your mouth started to gather with saliva. You decided to use your hand first, pumping it slow and hard, just as you knew that he liked it.
“oh shit--” He moaned out. The words got caught a little in his throat, and that only made him sound even more heavenly.
His eyes were closed, but yours were drawn to him as you kept going. Watching him like this made you feel a surge of confidence that was like a drug. You could do this to him.
“Look who is asking for more now?” You grinned.
“Y/n. please. You’re driving me fucking crazy.” His grip tightened on your head.
“You want it like this?”
Without a warning you brought your mouth down to the tip and started licking around it in long strokes and bringing it in just slightly, you didn’t want him feeling all of you just yet.
“oh god.”
“Feels good?”
“Yes. Fuck yes. Just--keep going.”
You teased him for just a little longer than you usually did, just to see what would happen. Of course you should have expected, the longer you waited, the more of a mess he became.
“Y/n, fuck, please.”
You finally caved. “Well since you asked so nicely.”
You brought your head all the way down, taking him completely in and squeezing with your hand just as hard. You hollowed your throat down to take in as much of him as you could without gagging: over the past few months you had perfected it.
“shit-I’m close.” Jisung hissed and buckled his hips.
You took his announcement as an indicator to speed up, so you did. Jisung’s moans and frustrated sighs fueled you further with how beautiful and downright erotic as they sounded. When he came it was unreal, his breaths were so fast one after the other it was almost like he was suffocating with his own pleasure. You held him firmly in your mouth as he finished throbbing, not sacrificing one drop.
As soon as he had a moment to breathe, he pulled you back into his arms and attacked you with kisses all over your face, it didn’t matter where; he was smiling through every one of them. He would pull back then to admire you one more time and your hair which was now in knots thanks to his grip from before.
“that was...”
“Yes.” He grinned and gave you a peck to your forehead. “And now I’m tired. I guess we succeeded in more ways than one.”
The two of you put your clothes back on from the light of phone flashlights then crawled back in, sweeping the comforter over top of you once again.
“Jisung?” you nuzzled into him, inhaling his comforting scent all around you.
“You’re my everything too.”
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divinefireangel · 3 years
hiii i love your work !! if requests are still opened id love to see sf9s reaction to reader being tall (like around their height) and can you maybe mention how the boys would react to the reader being insecure because of it ?? <//3 i hope that makes sense ahhh !!
TMI: In my daydreams I imagine myself being taller (around 6ft) lol. I have like multiple AUs and stuff in my brain, so to fit in better I think me being tall makes it easy. Also we love tall people anon 🥺👉🏽👈🏽💕.
Warnings: Insecurity due to height. I'm going with reader being group average aka 6 feet tall. Fluff! Reader and member are dating? Ig they are.
Surprised bunny!!!
Cause dang you being tall just makes you sexy in his eyes
He love love loves sharing clothes with you!!!
I just know for a fact that he enjoys hugging you from behind
It's his favourite thing ever
Especially when you are standing
Cause he can perch his head on your shoulder
Loop his arms around your waist
And still be able to kiss your cheek easily
When you do end up feeling insecure cause of your height
He'll just stroke your hair and tell you that you are beautiful
You are different from every person on earth
And you being tall just makes you even more gorgeous in his eyes
He becomes a baby cause you're tall
Like the sweet compliments all the damn time type baby
"You look so amazing"
"Your legs looks great"
He loves playing with your hair so much
He loves hugging you close even more!!
Every time you kiss it's just dramatic
Straight up
Like one arms around your frame pulling you close
The other gripping the back of your head
He finds it so convenient that you're tall!!
Since he gives you many many compliments, you won't feel as insecure
He will not even leave space for that lmao
I can see him being super carefree with his movements
He doesn't need to think twice before leaning his head on your shoulder
Cause your height makes it easier for him
His favourite thing ever is to dance around with you
Hands never leave your hips
I'm telling you he's obsessed with it
Mans works out a lot
So his clothes will be big on you
You're gonna drown in them lol
He will notice immediately when you start to feel conscious near people
Then he'll abandon the whole world to come and hold your hand
Squeezes it tight to get your attention
His eyes will not leave you for the rest of the day
Such a baby omg
The primary form of skinship he knows now is hugs
Only hugs
Even in public he will unapologetically hold you in his arms
He also expects you to hold him
Just loop your arms around him and he'll be happy
All pouty when you don't pay him any attention
To seem a bit intimidating he will flex his biceps lmao
Oo he will pick you up randomly
Just for the thrill of it
Loves loves loves going shopping together!!!!
He will spoil the shit out of you
Heck he will insist on buying you heels just to infuriate people who think you are tall
Supportive bb through and through
Won't ever let you think you aren't beautiful
He will want to do everything together
Like cooking
Getting ready
And showering
Especially showering
Definitely writes a bunch of lyrics romanticizing your height
Can't help it
Always has his cheek on your shoulder
Seeing what you're doing while pouting against it
When you tell him about your insecurity due to your height
He will make you both tea
Sit you down on the couch
And talk the negative thoughts out your head
Tells you how you being tall makes you both look really nice next to each other and that he can cuddle you so easily because of it and stuff
Just overall reassuring boyfie everyone deserves
Well he's the happiest person to ever exist aww
You know he's damn proud of everything you do
And super supportive of EVERYTHING
He loves how he can just flop down on you without worrying about hurting you severely
He loves how even though you are taller than most, you are still small and cute in his eyes
He loves when you stand on your toes to kiss him or hug him
He loves when you look up at him with the biggest smile ever
He loves how he doesn't need to bend down to take selfies with you
He loves spoiling you so much OMG
That cute bag you were talking mindlessly about the other day?
Well would you look at that, it's on the bed!
The expensive watch that you loved because of the delicate design? Yup that's your birthday gift
He's so happy that he's found you
Mans will cook so much for you
No jokes he treats you like his sugar baby 😂😂
He aches for back hugs and forehead kisses
Since most people can't reach his height, he doesn't bother asking
But with you, he will not even hesitate one bit
His love for you blinds all your insecurities
I mean, he won't even give that thought one second to stay in your mind
Because he's the only one on it
Yoo Taeyang:
You know Pinterest couples?
Well you are one now 😂
Matching pajamas
Matching jackets
Matching jewelry
Matching shoes
Matching what not
Teaches you a few simple dance moves so you can make such videos for Instagram or TikTok
What he likes to do most is just take a walk around the city
Hand in hand
Coordinated outfits, obviously
And just talk about everything
Adores your eyes a lot
Thanks you for being tall for him 🥺
He has a million selfies with either him kissing your cheek or you kissing his
He's obsessed 😂
Somehow you being tall just motivates him to workout a lot
So that he can carry you like a baby when you start to feel upset
You know how he consoled Inseong during kingdom?
By holding his hand and telling him sincere words of encouragement? 🥺
He'll do the same for you
Then he will get you ice cream
His fav activity with you is going from cafe to cafe and trying their coffee and pastries
And those are your weekly dates too
He's the type of bf who will wear heels for you
Nothing is uncomfortable or too much when it comes it you
He won't ever admit it but his heart grows 10 times bigger when you pinch his cheeks
Mainly cause your height is an added advantage
And he feels ever more loved because he thinks that smaller s/o means they need his protection a bit more
But s/o of same height will be able to take care of him too
Okay tall means you're taller than him
And he's so chill about it
Someone talking shit about how he should be taller?
Well he shuts them up with his wit
Or if they tell something about you being shorter?
Oh man they dead ⚰
If you've noticed, Chani starts to wear bigger clothes once you start dating
Yes they are comfortable on him
But damn he's a fool if his heart doesn't skip a beat when you wear them
Ooo he also loves wearing your hoodies and scarves
Cause they smell like you
The only times I can see him being a small spoon while cuddling is when he's upset or you're tall
He will also purposely be even more cute than usual around you 🥺
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
History of Us Part 18- A Nightmarish Memory
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
If you don’t want to see History of Us content blacklist #hopelesshou
Warning for mention of non-major character deaths
Masterlist Kofi
By the time you leave Shoto’s room to go back to yours, you’re pretty exhausted from the day’s events. The movie night distraction had certainly helped but you still keep thinking back over Rei and Endeavor’s conversation as you change into your pajamas and climb into bed. You know you’d never betray Shoto. Having him back in your life has been one of the best parts of transferring to UA. Your mind wanders back to earlier when you’d caught him staring at you. You’d brushed it off as disbelief that the two of you had finally hashed things out but even still you must admit butterflies had filled your stomach when you’d caught his gaze. You shake your head as if doing so will physically dispel the image and force yourself to close your eyes. Eventually you drift off to sleep.
Instead of dreaming you find yourself in a nightmarish memory. You’re eight years old again at your kitchen table eating breakfast when your father comes in already in his hero costume. “You’re coming with me today,” he announces in a tone that brooks no argument. “She’s a child, there’s no reason for her to go to work with you,” your mother protests. Your father levels a murderous glare at her but before he can berate her you pipe up “It’s ok, I wanna go.” Your mother gives you a sad and skeptical look but you insist “I mean it! I’m a big girl I’ll be ok!” “See? She says she can handle it,” your father tells your mother before turning back to you to command “let’s go.” You desperately want not to but little you hops out of your seat and follows after your father.
The contrast between your father at home and your father at work is extreme. At work he’s the charismatic Black Storm, the counterbalance to Endeavor’s grumpy and standoffish image. “Aww this your little girl?” one of the sidekicks asks, kneeling down to your level. “Yep! My pride and joy. Isn’t she the cutest?” your father gushes with an amount of care in his voice he’s never had for you at home. “What’s your quirk sweetheart?” the sidekick asks you. “I can heal stuff with this hand! And, uh, use dad’s quirk with this one,” you explain. “Dang a perfect hybrid? That’s rare,” the sidekick whistles. “Nuh-uh, my best friend is just like me,” you counter proudly, which only makes the sidekick chuckle. “And who’s your best friend?” “Sho-chan!” you beam. The sidekick sends an amused glance to your father as he explains “She means Endeavor’s kid, Shoto.” “Like father, like daughter, huh?” the sidekick laughs, ruffling your hair good-naturedly before rising. “Well meeting should be starting soon, Endeavor just got back from patrol. I’ll meet you in there!” the sidekick says before waving goodbye and going off to the conference room. Your father kneels down next to you before grasping hold of both of your arms. From afar it may seem like the gentle touch of a loving father, but his grip is tight, a silent threat. “No matter what happens in there you are not to look away. I want you to watch every minute of it. Got it,” he instructs. You nod obediently although his tone scares you. “Good. Let’s go,” he declares before grasping your hand and all but dragging you to a conference room.
Your father seats you at the head of the conference table while he sits to your right, a fact his coworkers find adorable. The meeting begins as soon as Endeavor arrives, closing the door behind him. It’s supposed to be a boring old briefing. Endeavor summarizes his patrol before handing it off to your father who begins by showing footage of a neighboring city on a large screen at the front of the room. You barely pay attention until you hear gasps of shock. You look over to see fires raging as explosions go off throughout the city. The look of glee on your father’s face is a stark contrast to the looks of horror and fear on the others in the room. “What’s the meaning of this?” Endeavor asks, rising suddenly. Your father doesn’t respond, instead he turns to his friend, eyes completely black with an unsettling grin on his face as multiple villains storm the room. As violence breaks out, your father lunging for Endeavor, you quickly scramble to hide under the table. You’ll be in so much trouble for disobeying your father’s orders to watch but you don’t care as you scrunch your eyes closed and cover your ears against the screaming and shouting.
You jerk up in bed, chest heaving. “It was just a dream. It was just a dream,” you tell yourself like a mantra to try and calm your racing heart. It’s been a long time since you’ve had a nightmare about the day of your father’s arrest. Endeavor and your father had been the only other survivors of that meeting aside from you. No one had even found you until medical teams came in to recover the bodies of the fallen sidekicks. Your father was carted off to Tartarus along with the other villains who’d assisted him, leaving you and your mother to deal with the fallout alone. The next day, while your mom was at work, you left the house in spite of her warnings, desperately seeking out the comfort of your one and only friend. You’d already been on the verge of tears when you arrived at the Todoroki household and began pounding on the door. Endeavor loomed tall above you, his gaze filled with disgust and rage. “C...can I see Sho-chan?” you had asked timidly. “No, he doesn’t want to see you,” Endeavor told you. “Why not?” you asked. “He’s afraid of you. He doesn’t want to be friends with a villain,” he replied before slamming the door in your face.
It was all downhill from there.
You had spiraled further and further down until your mother had been forced to move you away. The memory alone is enough to make you want to cry. You pull your knees to your chest and bury your face in them as you try and fail to banish the painful memories from your mind. Your heart aches for that younger version of you whose heart hadn’t yet hardened and learned how to protect itself. After a while of sitting there in misery, not daring to fall back asleep, you remember you’re not alone anymore.
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You don’t move from your position on the bed until you hear a soft knock at your door. When you open it Shoto is stood on the other side looking sleep mussed in his pajamas, hair slightly wild. It’s a cute look on him, one you may have appreciated under different circumstances. “I’m so-“ “Don’t. I’m happy to be here for you,” Shoto cuts you off quietly but forcefully as he slips into your room and shuts the door behind him. Without another word he climbs into your bed and then looks at you expectantly. “Are you going to join me or are you just going to stand there the rest of the night?” he asks. You feel your eyes water as an almost overwhelming feeling of relief and gratitude crashes over you. You immediately join him in bed, curling up against him as he holds you tightly.
Black tendrils of smoke curl off the right side of your body as you let yourself cry into his shoulder. For the first time since you were a child you allow yourself to fall apart, knowing that Shoto is there to hold the pieces together until you can assemble them back yourself. You grieve for the last of your innocence that your father ripped away from you that day. You cry for the lonely child whose mother had to work all day and whose only friend was kept away. You allow yourself to well and truly release all the pain you’ve held onto for so, so long until your sobs finally dissipate to sniffles and eventually to silence. “Do you want to talk about it?” Shoto asks quietly. “Yea... Yea I think I do,” you admit before confessing exactly what had happened all those years ago.
Shoto listens, face impassive even as his own emotions wreak havoc in response to your story. Guilt for not being there when you so desperately needed him. Rage at his father for being the reason the two of you were separated for so long. Disgust with your father for dragging you into his massacre. Frustration that, despite being his first victim, you’ve been treated like you were your dad’s accomplice. Shoto has never wanted to fight both his father and yours more, but he knows that’s not what you need right now. You don’t need him to go fight the Big Bad. Frankly, you’d probably be offended by the notion you need defending. So instead he just holds you through it until you’ve shared all that needs to be said. “Thank you,” you finally mutter as you reach the end of your story. “I’m always here for you. I always will be. No one and nothing is going to separate us again,” Shoto asserts determinedly. “Promise?” you ask. “Promise,” he swears.
A/N: (y/n) never uses the 🥺 emoji because she thinks it’s too soft, but for Shoto she’ll make an exception ❤️
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso @sunaispretty @mindofess @todoplusultra @oliviasslut @lapysllazuly @immah0e4fictionalmen
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
k u r e n o s o h m a
b o i l i n g p o i n t🔞
“Mr. Sohma. Mr. Sohma, can you walk?” the man didn’t answered, face remains intact with his working desk, few cans of beer scattered around his room. He had been drinking and the reasons for it were unknown.
Unknown? I mocked myself for it. You were the cause of his misfortunes and sadness for the past months.
“Please, help yourself, Mr. Sohma. The bed is just right there,” averting my gaze from his blinking pair when they met mine, I gave his weight a push and led him towards the bed. It creaks, catching our combined weights as we settled on it.
I undone his polo, giving him space to breathe, “Mr. Sohma, I still don’t remember it.” But my heart does remember you. It can recall the warmth of the love you’ve been telling me like all those scenarios just happened yesterday.
“Please, stop blaming yourself,” this tired face, longing eyes and lips that deserves attention, are meant to be worshipped, not to carry burdens.
Lips that couldn’t speaks, eyes that tells stories, Kureno Sohma, had suffered enough.
“Y/N, I failed.” tears hanging on the edge of his eyes.
“You can always try, Mr. Sohma.” It’s always hard to forgive oneself, right? “Give yourself time to heal.”
“The memory you’ve had been trying to make me remember, what was it?” Kureno’s face softened. The tears on the edge finally rolled down his cheeks.
I got the answer for it but I want him to confirm it.
“I tried killing you on your eighteenth birthday.”
Akito’s mellow timbre rings in my head.
“The bond was strong it defeated his love for you that when I asked him to take your heart, he had willingly struck a knife in your chest.”
“Kureno,” I called his name softly. There was an inconsolable smile on my lips after that, “did you marry me because of your promise or it’s because you love me still?”
I thought it would take him forever to construct an ideal answer but he was quick to respond.
“I keep my promise because I love you,” Kureno lowered his head, load of tears streaming down his angelic face.
I may have lost hundred of memories with him from that incident a decade ago, but no ounce of love had skipped my heart since then.
“I love you, Kureno.”
My heart is swelling with so much love for him that I care no more if he was the one who put a large-scale scar on my chest. Kureno suffered as much as I did and I don’t intend to cause him more pain.
Our lips touched each other when I went for a kiss he found hard to return. I inched away from his face, feeling a little down. Does my kiss disgusted him?
“I–I’m sor—” he cut my apology by slamming his lips on mine, swiping slow his thin ones against my lower lip that I didn’t notice was quivering due to the aggressive contact.
There’s nothing to hold on to asides from his exposed chest and shoulders, so I resorted to holding on to my knees as the kiss deepens. My mind was blank. There were no records of him and I doing this kind of thing. Nothing resurfaced. Could it be our first kiss? It might be. Kureno was the one who’s moving and taking full control of the situation. I just sat here, gripping my knees as I feel his every little movements. His kisses were sensual and hot against my trembling mouth that cannot even return the favor.
A string was formed when our lips parted, breathing closed on each other mouth, I asked, “ever kissed a statue?” Kureno laughed, connecting our lips again, breaking the string. I tried to mimick his lips motions but I ended up having every corners of my lips wounded by his unintentional bites between our kiss. Damn. I’m a bad kisser.
“Your blood tastes like honey,” he seemed pleased by my errors that he managed to turn my full face red when he licked his lips with my blood on it.
I turned away to hide my face and swollen lips but Kureno forced me to face him by removing my Radiohead shirt. He did it so easily and fast that I looked so dumbfounded when he lain me on the bed, topless. I don’t wear a bra at home, so he feasted his eyes on my not-so big bosoms.
“Just to be fair with you, wife,” Kureno slid his tops off his body and joined me on the bed, covering our bottoms that he started undoing while staring straight in to my soul.
The first touch was chilly, perhaps due to the newness of the situation for me. But when his toned abdomen and ‘that’ touched mine, that’s the moment I felt it rising. The heat.
My head fell in defeat, eyes fluttering from the high temperature consuming my awareness. His room was darkened from the absence of lights but Kureno made no mistakes of where he should touch first. It went straight to my chest, tracing the thin gash that a knife created. The moonlight peeked into his room at the Sohma Estate, shining brightly at us.
“You’re beautiful.” It felt genuine, his comment. I held his face near the scar. His hair tickling my neck.
“You are, too, Kureno.” I smiled at the moon. Our silent witness towards the boiling point.
My hands grabbed his hair for support. His slick tongue ran along the length of the scar, nipping the top skin near the crook of my neck. He breathed there, melting the cold by his warm breath. Kureno raised his head, trying to get a hold of my failing eyes.
“Look at me, Y/N.” He held down my wrists on both sides of my head, pinning them with gentle force, “I can stop—”
“Don’t.” I hope the determination in my eyes was enough to make him continue his business.
He spoken no words, just his lips launching down to mine as a response. I parted my lips for him, letting his tongue to intrude my mouth he tasted awhile ago. Kureno breathed sharply inside my mouth. I may have stirred him by sucking his bottom lip. He did that to me, I was just returning the heat.
“Kureno!” his right hand surprised me. I felt it above my chest, squeezing, palming with great pressure. My head turned to the other side, slipping away from his mouth that landed on my jaw. He kissed me there. Gnawing the fluffy skin that extends downwardly to my neck.
“Kureno... Kureno... ” I kept crying his name as he keeps nibbling my neck and eventually, sucking the part he chooses to leave his mark.
He moaned, hummed and breathed throughout the movements. Mesmerized by his own masterpiece. I heard him commending my soft cries and patience. He even said I looked magnificent with all the red marks he imprinted on my neck and shoulders.
I knew it would come. The part where we need to establish a connection between us. The duvet hanged tightly around his torso as he hovered over me, parting my thighs with his knee, I felt him there, leaning down the entry point.
Kureno rised my legs high enough for him to handle. My whole body was trembling from anticipation. It would burn. It would. He put it atop the flesh, testing the readiness.
He claimed my lips again. Moving down my neck, finishing onto one of the buds that aches for his touch.
“Kureno...” I felt it again rubbing atop of my core. He placed my hand on his chest. Wrapped my legs around his hips and lastly, encouraged me to grab on his wrist and I came up with an idea.
When it came, the burn, the heat, the suffocating pain that fired up my whole senses, I bit his left wrist hard as he pushed into it.
Kureno’s lips gaped apart and his head snapped backwards when he reached the end of the passage.
I sobbed underneath him, squirming from the pain that hangs around.
“Bear with me, wife. You’ll get used to it.”
He withdrawn his wrist from my grip and removed the pillow beneath my head, caging me whole inside his arms as he holds me down by my shoulders. I felt small underneath him, completely overpowered by his strength.
“It’s consuming me, Kureno aah!” it burns and burns and burns that without uncertainty, I was sure it was bleeding from the sudden stretch. My sobs turned out as a loud cry, giving Kureno a hard time to adjust and move freely.
His palms soothed my sides, squeezing only when needed. Gave full attention on my chest and with those gestures, it’s too late for me to realize that he’s already easing his way in and way out.
“I will seed this land of yours and you won’t waste a drop, understood?” Kureno turned out to be a supreme one and he actually left me astounded by whispering all the dirty things he would do to me. That I belong only to him and he’ll never let me go again.
I should be embarrassed by all of his dirty talks and how he manhandled me right after my body adjusted from him but it turned out to be just fine and surprisingly, caused the numerous build up of my arousal that night.
The sun was up and far beyond the horizon when I decided to have my meal after our heated night. Kureno brought me a toast and iced cold fruit juice. It felt awkward having him watched me eating the food he served.
“Tell me when you need some medication, wife.” I would be needing some, look at me, beaten in a good way and overworked. Kureno pushed my hair behind and checked my neck. He tsked but with a grin.
“I just wanna sleep all day, Kurenohmmpp!” I gasped from his unannounced action. Stealing the toast between my lips using his lips. Our lips partly touched each other and dang! His eyes turned into the darkest hue.
Kureno loosened the lace of the hoodie I was wearing and playfully pulled a portion down, revealing my shoulder blade, “tsk, but I plan keeping you awake all day, wife.”
The heat just won’t die down in that darkened room.
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Opposites Attract
Request: hey may I request a one shot for your Peter Pan story if yes can you, use my real name (Zai) instead of Y/N if you please and can you have me pans total opposite like sweet, shy everything he would hate but in the end he falls for her and becomes really protective
Pairing: Pan x Zai
Warning: None
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Part 2 >
It was so surreal, everything around me seemed to move in slow motion as if I were a character stuck inside of a movie, high pitched ringing pierced through my ears and stung my brain like a thousand tiny knives pricking it. An uncontrollable tremble grabbed a hold of my body refusing to let go, toying with my muscles as though I were nothing but a puppet on a string dancing for the demon that now had possession of my tiny frame.
The air was cold, so very cold, nipping and scratching at my fare skin as I silently sat on the leaf-covered floor. So many questions ran through my mind, too many to count, too many to keep ahold of. What was this dark place I had found myself in?
Dirt and pinecones filled my nostrils as I took heavy, deep breaths in and out, in and out, in and out.
A pair of eye's shot daggers at the back of my head, sending shivers to travel up and down my spine. The knotting in my stomach became apparent, growing tighter and higher by the second. I tried my hardest to fight off the fear which coursed through my veins and stole my heart, but I couldn't. There was no power in the world, no bribe was big enough, and no prize was worthy enough to get me to turn around and meet the eyes staring at me.
As time passed I felt more and more eyes creep up behind me, taking their place and just silently watching. That's when I heard them, footsteps, shuffling, whispers in the night running through to cold air from person to person, or perhaps from monster to monster.
"What have we got here boys?" A jovial voice sounded, too old to be a child's but it held the power and wisdom of a thousand lifetimes.
"We-we think it's a girl, Pan." Another said.
Pan, so that was the creature's name. In any normal circumstance, someone might jump for joy at the sign of another person, but this was no normal circumstance and the confirmation of other people only made my skin crawl. Every red flag was waving and alarm bell ringing, I was not safe, not one bit.
"She might be dead, or unconscious," Someone sounded, "she hasn't moved in a while."
Whoever this Pan was leant down close to me, so close I could feel his breath travel down the nape of my neck. He placed two gentle fingers on my pulse, paying for a second.
"She's not dead," He confirmed, "James and Dan set up a tent for her, Felix see if she has any wounds and take care f them if she does."
It was Clear Pan had authority over everyone else there as if he were some kind of mayor or leader, the boys named did nothing to displease him as their footsteps grew quieter and quieter.
"Where are you going, Pan?" A rather deep, husky voice spoke, curiosity dripping off every word yet he was confident in his ways. Maybe he was somewhere higher up on the food chain in this strange land that he had to power to question and possibly even disobey.
"To ask the shadows why they bought a bloody girl to the island." His tone had changed, sounding more aggravated than intrigued.
There were no other words exchanged between the two and I could feel myself being lifted off the cold ground, I felt weightless in the arms of this stranger that I was too afraid to look at.
Perhaps I would become a burden to the boy, but I had no energy left to think about that, I had no energy left to think about anything. I wanted nothing more than to drift off into a peaceful sleep but my body would not allow it for the danger had not yet passed, it kept trying to fight and fight but finally lost the battle and sleep had won out.
I woke up, my head pounding like there was no tomorrow. I found myself in a white tent, laying upon a mattress, only a thin blanket keeping the cold from consuming me. Swinging my legs over the side of the make-shift bed I walked towards the fabric flaps, sunlight poured into the room as I pulled them back, almost blinding me.
A tall figure hovered over me, blocking out the sun. For a split second, he looked like a dark, black giant but once my eyes adjusted I took a closer look at his face. Is pale blue eyes stared at mine for what seemed like a few minutes, becoming familiar with my brown ones. I noted down the scar that ran down his cheek, how did he get it?
"Pan," He called, "she's awake."
My eyes averted to the boy, who looked no older than seventeen, quickly stalking towards us. Panic flashed through my body enduring my paralyzed, there was nothing I could do but watch as they got closer and closer despite the urge of wanting to run and flee.
His eyes stood out to me the most, the vibrant green colour seemed to radiate off him, capturing and gaze and holding it there. This boy had power, that much was obvious, what scared me was how he used it. There's no doubt in my mind that he could mortally wound or even kill me if I looked at him the wrong way, the safest route is to be obedient otherwise I could end up dead.
"Follow me." He said sternly, I didn't dare speak, I didn't dare to even breathe I just nodded my head in his direction before silently following after him like a little lost puppy.
One step after another I felt more and more eyes scanning over my body, however, I would never meet anyone's gaze. I wouldn't dare give any of these people the satisfaction, after all, they still need to tell me how I got here in the first place. I felt like an animal caged up in the zoo, just a pretty and unusual thing for them to stare and gawk at, all the meanwhile missing my home.
A pain shot through my chest, a deep aching at the thought of my family and friends, at the thought of everything I had left behind.
"Sit." The leader spoke, snapping me from my thoughts.
I complied without any issues, placing myself onto the wooden stump poking its head out of the ground to say hello to the golden, glowing sun beaming down on everything below it. I hadn't noticed just how beautiful this place was in the day time, the lush green trees, the birds tweeting, the odd deer walking by before scattering and running off from the wild people whom they shared the land with.
I felt his strange green eyes watching me, finally, I had worked up enough courage to look into them. They were filled with wonder and amazement, much like a child seeing snow for the first time.
"You can start by telling me your name," The boy's thick British accent becoming prominent.
"Zai," I whispered, nearly audible but he heard it and so did the forest.
"Zai," He repeated as if he were testing out how my name sounded on his tongue, "Cute. Now, what are you doing on my island?"
Oh, so it was his island.
"I don't know," I said, my tone sickly sweet but the boy in front of me could tell I was being genuine.
"You're a strange one aren't you?" He claimed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear an act that made my cheeks turn a deep shade of red as I desperately tried to hide my face from his view.
I should be afraid, I should be terrified, running for the hills and never looking back. There was danger behind those vibrant green orbs, so much danged but for some reason that only drew me in more. The very thing that should make me leave is the same exact thing compelling me to stay, how can that be?
I had never been one for diving into the deep end or taking risks, I liked to be in control of my fate and how everything played out, I know this boy could never give me security so why am I being pulled closer and closer t him?
He's attractive yes, as if he were chiseled by the God's themselves, but it's more than that, it's deeper than that. The risk, the excitement of it all is what drew me in and managed to hold me there. Maybe staying here wasn't as big of a heartache as I previously thought.
"Well I guess that's irrelevant, I'll be sending you home now." He announced.
"What makes you think I want to go home?" I asked, standing up defensively.
He raised a single eyebrow at me, the expression on his face caused me to shiver, "So you want to stay little one?"
I could feel a smile creeping its way onto my face at his words, "Perhaps to do, I could be of use to you,"
I desperately tried to come up with a list of jobs I could do just so he could let me stay, although I was still scared I had this feeling deep inside on me. Way down in my bones as if I were meant to be here as if my soul belonged here.
"I can cook." I blurted out.
Only to be met with a smirk, "My boys can cook too."
"I can clean," I said.
"So can my boys." The leader retaliated.
"Can they?" I asked, raising my eyebrow to him, mimicking his previous actions, he gave a low husky chuckle to my somewhat sassy comment.
"Oh, I'm sorry princess, is it not up to your standard?" The boy smirked in return, toying with me a little. He could sense when I was on edge, I knew he could, maybe a skill he had picked up in the years that he had been alive.
"Please, I'll do anything, anything you ask of me!" I pleaded, hoping and praying that he would allow me to reside here with him.
"It doesn't matter what you want." His demeanor suddenly turning nasty at the flip of a switch, the green eyed boy stalked closer and closer to me until my back had been pressed against a tree, leaning down he whispered, "I don't have girls on my island, you're weak I have no need for your kind."
I felt my blood being to boil, this misogynistic-
I held myself back from doing something that I regret, out of the fear that I could possibly end up dead at any second.
"Maybe they are where you're from," I said in a low yet innocent tone, my words sounding like a smooth lullaby slipping into his mind, "But I am different."
"Fine, I'll be interested to see how long you last around here." He stated, "I'll get Felix to show you around."
He took a few steps back, giving me the space that I craved. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in until now. Pan's comment not only sprinkled fear and dread into me once more but also seemed to excite me as if I had something to prove to these people. One thing was apparent, they were not people I wanted to play with or tourment. I was better off just seeing how this plays out and trying not to end up dead in the process.
Within the day I had circled around the island twice seeing all the beautiful sights and scenery as Felix, who is the second in command around here, told me what was what. His explanations were only met with a nod as I was far too shy and nervous to open my mouth around him or any of the boys for that matter. Luckily for me, Felix wasn't much of a talker either, we spent most of our little adventure in awkward silence.
The more I explored the more I wanted, no longed to stay here. The crystal blue seas, the majestic waterfalls, the tall towering trees, and the white sandy beaches. This place seemed like paradise, shame the people who inhabited it didn't radiate the same energy.
The once pale blue sky turn to a dark navy as tiny, white sparkling dots hang high in the sky, a roaring fire was situated in the middle of the camp the boys all sat around eating, laughing, and having a good time. They all seemed so happy, yet the damage behind their eyes was apparent, they all had the same look behind them.
I felt a presence sit down beside me, "Zai," they spoke, to which I said nothing. I didn't turn my head to look at the person whose voice I had heard not hours before.
Before I knew what was happening a hand was placed under my chin, forcing me to look in their direction, "It's not a wise idea to ignore me, little one."
"Sorry," I whispered, I knew he heard my faint words but I wasn't entirely sure they made that much of a difference.
"Funny, just hours ago we were having a perfectly fluent conversation and now you seem so shaken up you're hardly getting your words out, tell me, why is that?" He knew what he was doing, it was apparent, he knew he had the upper hand, he knew I was still scared.
I shrugged at their so-called king, not giving him the satisfaction he craved, he wanted me to squirm, but I wouldn't allow that to happen.
As the days went by my shyness didn't disappear or get easier, in fact, it seemed to get worse. I was on edge, especially around Pan, it wasn't hard to tell that the boy was ruthless.
It was hot, the sun beaming down on the island. We all slowly walk deeper and deeper into the forest the boys not only thankful for the shade but excited for the activities ahead. Pan had promised us a game of target practice, something that I had learned I was terrible at.
Silently, I watched from afar as the boys took turns shooting apples off one another head. Of course, there were many injuries but they loved the thrill of it. I got many stares, none of which I paid any attention to, but what riled me up the most were to comments.
"What's she even doing here?"
"Why would Pan allow a girl into the camp?"
"Look at her she wouldn't even hurt a fly."
"She doesn't have what it takes to be one of us, she's too sweet."
"I wish she would just go back to where she came from."
Biting my tongue, I tried not to let their words get to me. Sometimes I fantasize about those boys tied to a tree, no means of escape or survival, I would pull the arrow back tight, stretching the string of the bow before letting go. The arrow would soar through the air before landing deep into their skulls with a satisfying think, bullseye.
I could feel the wicked smile on my face grow as my heart became that little bit darker. What was wrong with me? I had never wished ill will upon anyone before, so why was I starting to know. Maybe it was the island, supplying me with anger as if it were some kind of git, some means for survival if in a wretched yet beautiful place.
Suddenly, everything stopped and silence grabbed hold of everyone around. My interest was peaked, I rose from my makeshift seat to see what was going on. There the leader of the lost boys had one of his very own pinned to a tree by an invisible force, choking and spluttering as his legs kicked and kicked.
I wasn't sure what had brought this on, but my gaze was held hostage by the scene unfolding before me, the boy begged and begged apologizing relentlessly, but none of that mattered to Pan. We all stood there and watched, some boys with tears in their eyes as their friend asked for mercy and was not given it, I almost felt bad for the boy until I had realized who it was.
Adam, the little ring leader of the group of boys who liked to push my buttons.
We all looked on as the light slowly left his eyes, his cold body slumped to the floor, no one dared to move.
"Fun's over boys," His powerful voice boomed, echoing all over the forest, "Get back to work."
One by one the boys went back to camp, they were shaken up, but not as bad as I was. I still felt a sense of remorse for the poor boy, but the more I reminded myself of all the things he said the sad about it I felt. I still wasn't able to take my eyes off his lifeless body until there was no one else around apart from Pan.
I looked up at him, but no words left my mouth, they were all choked up in my throat. The smirk on his face let me know he was proud of what he had accomplished a minute ago, what kind of a monster was he?
He left, leaving a wink as his parting gift to me.
A cold shiver ran down my spine, I didn't like what he had done and worst of all I didn't like how he had just made me feel.
I hope you guys like part 1!!
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ladecena · 3 years
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A Mother's Love🤍
It was lunchtime, but Alliah was not in the school's cafeteria. It was always too crowded and noisy, and the food wasn't the best anyways.
Instead she preferred playing intruments to her heart's content in one of the empty music rooms. Today it was one of her favourites, an acoustic violin. It was one of the school's few undamaged ones, so she handled it with care and hoped no other student would accidentally break it.
Her stomach growled, but she knew the money she had on her wouldn't be enough to buy even a cheese sandwich. To make matters worse tommorrow would be the last day of school before the one week of school holidays, she had no idea how she would be able to survive being home with her mother for the entire time.
She would just go to the library for the entire day or something, was what she concluded.
Maybe she could read up on other types of guitars like last time, or just indulge herself in a random story.
For now, she made the best use of time by practicing a difficult piece she memorised on the piano in preparation for a competition in a few months time. It was being hosted at some rich private school, but she was easily able to enter.
After all she was considered a musical genius. If she was able to at least place in the event then she would win a large amount of money as well as being sponsored by a famous musician who was to attend to be a judge. That would mean she could finally helped her mother for their needs
A ringing in her pocket distracted her from her thoughts, and Alliah rushed to pick up without even checking who it was.
"Hey...Are you Alliah De Guzman by any chance?"
"Yes? Who are you?"
"I'm Officer Dela Cruz, I'm very sorry to inform you of your mother's death."
"W-what? How?!"
"A hit and run case I'm afraid."
So it what’s happened to me now.
"Am I... going to an orphanage then?"
"Well that hasn't been decided yet. My team found out you have other existing relatives, so we'll contact them to ask if they're willing to adopt you."
She had other family? Her mum had never told her that.
"I-I see..."
"You'll be picked up after school by me, and once again, I'm very sorry for your loss."
Officer Dela Cruz then hung up, Alliah feel very upset after hearing about her mother's death. Because all this time she’s only have is her mother
Alliah’s thought she would come home to a woman who would huged her when she arrived, and the mother who loved her for the rest of her life.
For now, her only worry were these so called relatives. Alliah knew she had a biological father, but had been told once that he had died years ago.
A few hours later...
After school had ended, Alliah waited by the school gates before getting in a police car which pulled up, she was glad it was late since she didn't want to attract attention.
The driver was a petite female who seemed to be in her early thirties and wore a blank face; Alliah assumed she was Officer Dela Cruz.
"Hello again Alliah, I have some more news to tell you, positive this time."
Her other family decided not to adopt her and she could stay by herself?
"Your brother agreed to adopt you immediately, and even paid for your flight ticket to the city he lives in for tommorow!"
Dang it. Wait a second...
"I have a brother?"
"Yes, six older brothers to be precise, I just contacted the eldest one." After seeing Alliah De Guzman she added, "I'm sure it won't be bad."
You try having lots of older brothers you've never met before and see if you like it, lady.
"Anyways, for now, let's go to where you live and you can take what you need as quickly as you can."
Alliah wanted to tell her that it wouldn't take her long since she didn't have much, but then decided against it and helped the officer with directions to the block of flats where she lived.
As soon as they arrived, Alliah could feel the woman's concerned look on her. Let's just say the girl didn't live in the best neighbourhood, and the building was pretty old and run-down.
She quickly got out and ran to the flat she lived in. She found that the door was left open, by none other than her beloved mother.
Upon entering, Alliah was so upset and starting to cry out loud, and instantly hit with the usual stench of cannabis, but ignored that and went to her tiny bedroom. She pulled out a small suitcase from under her bed, and filled it with the few possessions she had. In her schoolbag, she put in her books, music notes and pieces and their pictures with her mom, as well as her sleeping pills.
Once she was done, she dragged her stuff back to the car and finally sat back down into the front seat while crying.
"Before we leave for the airport, are there any friends or places you want to visit Alliah?"
She shook her head, of course she didn't have any friends! It was safer that way, no one could risk finding out about the conditions she had lived in.
The Officer simply nodded and drove them away, and Alliah plugged in her earphones and listened to some Music.
Going through the airport was a bit long, but she didn't mind since it was her first time and she was quite to board the plane. Once she reached the waiting area, Alliah was sipping on a cola Officer Dela Cruz had brought her, and began to stress over meeting her new family.
What if they don't like her? Or they think she's not good enough?
For all people, why does my mother die? And then what happened to me now.. Alliahs thought.
"Officer...Can I ask you something?"
The woman glanced up from her phone and nodded.
"What if I don't like it at my brothers' home? Can I come back here instead?"
Officer Dela Cruz frowned before saying, "Well it's not as simple as that. I'll come in a week or two's time to see how you're finding it and if it really isn't working out- by that I mean things like if there's signs of abuse or the financial situation is bad- then you can come back."
"Ok..." The response hadn't been quite what Alliah expected, she thought a simple 'I don't like it here' would be enough for her to avoid living with these people, but there was more to it than it seemed.
"But hey, once you're 18 there's no stopping you from going or doing what you want, right?"
"I guess. Thanks Officer."
With that Officer Dela Cruz continued scrolling through her phone.
An hour or so later, it was time for Alliah’s flight. It was quite late at night and the plane was due to land in the morning. She shared an awkward but warm hug with Officer Dela Cruz before pulling back.
"See you, and thanks for the cola Officer."
"Goodbye Alliah, and just call me Mel."
Alliah changed her mind, Mel was not as bad as she had initially thought.
While alliah’s in her way to her new family they start to think about her last conversation with her mother.
Alliah’s Conversation with her mother ..
'I really like the sound of your voice everytime you say you love me, baby.'
Alliah smiled softly and stared at her mother eyes, the eyes of the woman whom She have loved for years. She still looks beautiful even with the wrinkles on her face, or with her hair turning into gray.
Alliah’s smiled even more as She reminisce their memories back to the good old days, the days when their still young and strong, the days when their still fully able to get along.
Alliah bent down and searched for a black pen and a paper to write on inside her backpack. While she sits still, silently, calmly taking in its beautiful scenery.
When Alliah finally found the things She needed, She placed it on her lap. Then, She waved her hand which got her mother attention.
"I love you," She uttered and waited for her mother response, wishing she would respond. After all, she has always loved to hear they say these words since She was a kid.
But maybe, She got her hopes too high again because she just stared at her with a knotted forehead, as if she's confused.
Alliah gulped down the longing that She felt, trying so hard to stop her self by crying even when her chest aches too damn much. She still can't understand what I'm saying, she can no longer understand. I've been trying, I've been wishing, I've been praying every single day, begging Him to make her understand me again. Nothing happened.
I held the pen and wrote something on the paper. Then, I handed it to her, now with a big smile plastered on my face. For this queen should not see any signs of weakness from me.
She took it immediately and looked at the paper for a while. And suddenly, tears started to fall from her eyes. I almost panicked, thinking that I made her feel upset. Maybe she sensed it, or maybe she knows me this much that she shook her head before I could even ask her what's wrong.
Without a word, she hugged me. She hugged me really, really tight, making sure that I'd feel her unconditional love with this simple act.
"I love you."
I've been telling her these words for years and I'd still say it over and over again, even if she couldn't understand what she hears anymore.
"I love you, Mama. I will never get tired of loving you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
While thinking of it Alliah’s started to cry again and thinking what happened next with him without her beloved mother.
- MariaGrasya🍃
June 11, 2021
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crazy-bi-btch · 4 years
Exploring ( Sweet Pea X Reader)
Summary: Sweet Pea and Y/n have a dirty secret that can lead to trouble.
Paring: Sweet Pea X Reader
Warning: NSFW, MA, smutttt like alottt, light BDSM
Word count: 5k
A/N: Okay  so this was a request from a long time ago and i like how it started so I want to make a second part to it! Hope yall like it!
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-Present time-
“ We need to talk!” Cheryl grabbed my arm, pulling me into the nearest empty classroom. I flinched as she pressed on the fresh bruise. Her eyes widened, “ Take the jacket off!”
I sneered, “ Damn, Cheryl— don’t think Toni would like that.” She glared at me and I caved in. That's it. Our secret will be brought out by Ms. Cheryl blossom. I told Sweet Pea, not to leave a noticeable mark. But of course, this is Sweat Pea I’m talking about. Shit. I annoyingly took my serpent coat off and Cheryl’s eyes widened and a small gasp left the poor girl.
Now how the hell do I tell her that the serpent that is the most trouble in the gang is secretly fucking me behind everyone’s back.
“ Jesus! Y/n What the actual—” 
“ I can explain.” I rush over to her to coax her from making a big fuss. She was furious. I mean she’s the biggest feminist I know beside Betty and Veronica.
“ Did the ghoulies do this to you! WHO DID THIS! IS THIS THE BOY—” I clamped my hand over her loud ass mouth. 
“Shhh!” She mumbled under my mouth and rolled her eyes crossing her arms. 
“ No one beat me up! It’s this boy—”
“Is he hurting you because I can send some serpents, his way!” She practically stomped, her frown very visible. I sheepishly remembered every single bruise and mark and how they were made.
“ It’s...a sex...thing” I mumbled avoiding her glare, she clearly couldn’t hear me.
“Huh?” Her arms crossed and an annoyed face pressuring me to spill my truth.
“ God dammit Cheryl I’m having kinky sex..” I whisper-shouted, a blush invading me as I heard myself admit it. 
She looked like she was about to faint. “ That-” she pointed wide-eyed, I nodded, pulling the coat over my bruised arms. She turned around, rubbing her temples.
“ With who? And what the hell is wrong with you! It looks so-” I cocked my eyebrow at her
“ YES!” She exclaimed concerned, I giggled softly.
“ Don’t kink shame me Cheryl Blossom because I know damn well you and Toni go all 50 shades of gray.” She blushed but was ready to counterattack like always.
“ But I don’t bruise her— visibly!” She pointed out again, I sighed and hugged her.
“ Look, I know you’re concerned… but I’m fine... We have a safeword and it's fun!” I reassured her as she hugged back.
“ Okay… I trust you! But I don’t know about him. Who is he?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows at me. I smirked at her. 
“ That’s a secret I’ll never tell..” I giggled and ran out the classroom, but not before hearing her classic  groan of annoyance.
-48 hours before-
Saturday. It was finally here! Your phone rang, waking you up from your deep slumber.
“Fuckkk…” I groaned, half asleep as I blindly looked for my annoying phone.” Hello.”
“Hey.” My stomach flipped and my eyes shot open. Sweet Pea.
“ Hey.” I smiled softly as his voice gave me the energy and brightness enough for the day. Then I realized, today is our ‘appointment’.
“ Just decided to call you and let you know I’m excited for today.” The smirk in his voice is practically oozing. I rolled my eyes playfully.
“ Oh really? What is so special today?” I acted coy with a hint of playfulness, his demeanor fell as his voice cracked. 
“ Don’t play with me y/n.” He hissed softly into the phone, it sent a shock straight to my core. I bit my lip. 
“ Sorry Pea...I can’t meet with you today. I have another meeting with someone else tonight.” I teased, laying back into my pillows like a cliche teenage girl in a teen-drama movie.
He groaned, clearly angry, “ Who the fuck….— In a minute Fangs! I swear to god y/n if your fucking someone else.”
“ Yeah I am….and he takes very good care of me… he’s my daddy..” I edged him even more, the game suddenly starting now. The small sigh and chuckle that he released gave my heart a kick. He was jealous.
“ He sure does huh?” He teased  his voice suddenly deeper and lower. “ I have a surprise for you tonight. More like a gift.” Then the background noise became more noticeable.
“ Oh really?” I questioned—suddenly curious,  he then changed the subject signaling Fangs and the others were around.
“ Yes, Doug, 6:00pm I know! You and your stupid stash. See you then.” Sweet Pea gloated with laughs of the boys echoing through,” You better pay up a little more than last time.” The last part was definitely for me. Then he hung up. 
I squealed in excitement as I tossed and turned in bed. It sucked being friends with benefits, in secret may I add. It’s extremely hard and exhausting, but we knew that. We both found that in sex we weren’t getting what we wanted. We weren’t fulfilled. So on a drunk night as we were the last up in the trailer as everyone else was passed out drunk. We played a stupid game.
“ Never have I ever faked an orgasm.” Sweet Pea slurred, laughing at nothing, barely able to sit still. 
“ Shhh! Be quiet! Umm… Yes I have!” I stifled a giggle as my finger fell from the rest that were propped up.
“Ohh I want to know!” He teased taking another swing of his beer. I pretended to zip my mouth and throw the key making us laugh.
“ My turn, Never have I ever wanted to try something new in bed.” I giggled like a 13 year old as I slurred it out. Pea shrugged and put his finger down. I exaggerated a gasp pointing at his finger.
“ Sweet Pea is kinky!” I laughed but shushed myself.(Very drunk may I add) “ Me too!” I exclaimed. And we both fell silent as we both stared at our 3 fingers remaining up.
“Never Have I ever wanted to be tied up during sex.” His voice serious and dark. And I was suddenly quiet. 2 fingers were left.
“ Never have I ever wanted her to call me daddy.” I sighed out, praying for him to drop a finger. If not then that would be embarrassing. But his finger fell.
“Never Have I ever wanted to be choked.” His signature smirk came out as he realized his power over me now. I was left with one finger. I gulped.
“ Never Have I ever wanted to fuck my bestfriend.” I croaked out, both of our expressions falling. His finger fell. “ We’re tied.” I sighed as I stared at his lips. He gulped and put his hand down, ending the game. Our eyes say everything. We wanted this….bad. 
In an instant we both crawled toward each other meeting in a fiery kiss, breaking the innocent friendship we had and entering a whole new dimension. 
End flashback
We snuck around, doing all of our deepest fantasies. We were exploring our sexual fantasies. BDSM, nothing bad with that right? Except that it was ruining our friendships around us. We were lying to them. Making them believe we have suddenly become enemies. That we couldn’t stand each other in public, at times hurting each other's feelings.
My trailer was farther to the sides from our friends trailer which made it easy for Sweet Pea to come to me. Plus, I had to put soundproof padding in my trailer room, my excuse for when friends came over. “I’m working on my singing career from home.” They believed it. 
Boys were too afraid to hurt me, or not be hard enough. But Sweet Pea… He lived for that. We fit perfectly. 
I finally decided all that overthinking and reminiscing was not gonna keep me as excited. Unless, I looked for the old iphone in my drawer where we kept our...videos. We filmed moments but only on this old phone and it NEVER leaves my drawer. We vowed it was for us but mostly for me when things happen and we can’t meet up.
I logged into it, opening the photos and started looking through all the different videos. One was that one time on Valentine’s day when he got me a new toy. It was cute and simple, but the ribbon that tied the box was long enough for my wrist to tied together also. That night was rough, safeword was used once because he didn’t let me come for the 4th time! The way he degraded and fucked my on camera seemed to always trigger those vivid memories for moments like these.
Just as I was about to pull my pants down and ease my ache, my phone dang—cutting my mood. 
SP: Red or Blue?
That was a strange message.
Y/n: Red? Why
SP: you’ll find out ;)
Okay now this was gonna kill me! 
I went on with my day cleaning the trailer, taking a shower and shaving, taking my birth control (Sweet pea pays for it and also plan B for just-in-case moments) and finishing any homework I know I will not do tomorrow because I will be too sore to do. It was 4pm and I was feeling bored out of my mind. Usually he comes earlier so we can actually do friend stuff like hang out and watch a movie but today was different. I decided to change into a cute red lace set since he did ask what color I wanted. I did light makeup and curled my hair. 
“ Damn, I look fuckable ass fuck.” I commented as I saw my reflection. Some light green on my thighs from the previous week slowly fading. A quick idea popped into my head.It would piss him off, but it would be good to let him know. I took my phone and texted.
Y/n: Wyd?
SP: Doing some serpent stuff, missing me already?
I scoffed at his cocking response.
Y/N: Maybe… Anyone around you??
SP: No...I’m in the truck waiting for them? Why?
 I jumped up in excitement and positioned myself by the mirror in the perfect angle to get a glance at everything pretty much. He’s gonna be furious… but I won’t mind. I made sure to send them quickly. Sitting down in anticipation.
Sweet Pea stared at his phone after not getting a response, it made him a little suspicious and antsy for the boys to hurry from the daily drop off service. But when he saw two pictures pop out, his vein by his temple was practically about to pop. She knew the risks. What if he wasn’t alone? They would have seen! And bam no more sex. He locked his phone and honked 4 times and the boys came running out ready to leave.
“ Yoooo Sweet’s what's the rush!” Fangs and the other laughed, he sternly glared at them.
“ I got shit to handle so can we go!” Fangs nodded but stifled a laugh as they drove away.
He didn’t respond! What the hell. He may be too busy. I decided to wear an oversized shirt and walk to the living room where I watched Friends pass the time. Then my phone rang. It was Sweet Pea.
SP: You're in trouble.
My heart raced, I got up and ran to the room making sure to get everything out, lube, handcuffs, ribbon. I sat on the bed leg shaking slightly. Then I heard the familiar steps that led up to my trailer door. His spare key twisted into the lock. Just in time. The butterflies in my stomach flutter all the way down to my thighs and core. He came in taking his boots and coat off. His footsteps coming towards the room. And I froze putting the best puppy eye dog eyes that would not save me. His face was serious, leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed. 
“ Hi.” I sheepishly spoke. I took a deep breath.
“ You know what you did was risky, right?” He barked, I got up making my way towards him, but he backed up slightly. 
“ I’m sorry.. I thought since you said you were alone...I missed you.” I crossed my arms defeated and looked down at the floor. Maybe what I did was out of line. Fuck this isn’t a relationship where you can send nudes Y/n! These were dick appointments, that's it!
I sighed defeated, “ If you wanna reschedule that’s fine… It was out of line—” I turned away from him only to be yanked up against him.
 His hot breath fanning against mine, a bruising hold on both my arms.” Why would I pass up the opportunity to punish you.” Just like that, I was putty in his hands. Like always. He made sure to forcefully take the oversized shirt off throwing it somewhere, to reveal what the photos told him. He watched as I stood flustered, shocked, and blush red. His hot gaze is enough to get me going. He sat at the edge of my bed and pulled out a small box from his leather jacket. It was black. He signed for me to get closer so I did. I towered over him slightly as he handed the box a smirk on his face. I eyed the box suspiciously.
“ Open it.” He urged so I did. My mouth fell open slightly. It was a red butt plug. What the fuck. I looked at him dead in the eyes.
“ I know you said you weren’t ready for anal...but I thought this would help ease us in. Literally.” he chuckled darkly. I was speechless. It was hot, and uncomfortable to think that it would end up...there. I sighed shakily. He caught on to my nervousness.
“ Remember at any time you can stop me.” He reassured, making me smile softly. Besides the sex, he always was my friend never pushing me to do anything I didn’t want. I nodded and took it and placed it by the nightstand where the lube and other stuff were. I walked back easing my way to straddle his lap and take his leather jacket off. Our gaze is soft and friendly for now.
“ I’m sorry again you know.” I sighed my hands working on any knots in his shoulders, his eyes fluttered shut as he relaxed under her. Deep down Sweet pea would be a sub for her if it meant it started with massages. 
“ It's fine.” He sighed, seeing him vulnerable for a brief moment made me ache and even more wet than I was. I pushed my body fully up against his, arms draping around his neck. His eye opened to meet my dark ones. My hips grounded down on him, “ I’m ready.” I sighed, that was enough for Pea to grab her hips forcefully gripping them down to make her feel the hard-on she caused. 
“ You made me hard in the fucking truck,” He made one of his arm free to hold her chin forcefully to make her stare at him while he spoke. Y/N yelled softly as she tried to keep her eyes from rolling back as he rutted his hips towards her. “ I couldn’t get out of the truck, I had to drop them off.” 
“ That was the plan daddy.” I moaned, making him growl in frustration. He pushed me off him, hand in my hair as he yanked me to the mirror where I took the pictures. It was a long full body mirror by my bed. His body flush against my back, one arm still in my hair and the other racking his ringed up fingers against my skin. 
“ You’re gonna look at yourself, and learn why you don’t tease me.” His lips on my neck as his finger roughly yanks the lace bra cup down, making me squeal. The electric feeling as his cold finger massaged my breast made me dizzy.
“ Pea…” I sighed rolling my eyes back, head limp against his shoulder. His grip on my hair wakes me from my bliss.
“ Look!” He barked, making my goosebumps jump out, his neck went back to work. His arm slowly going back but skimming down to where I needed him the most. I knew he wasn’t going to give it to me that easy. “ Please...Daddy” I whimpered as he barely grazed the skin on my thighs. He bit harder on my neck as he pushed his leg between my thighs, hand dipping into my core. I let out a shaky gasp as he went straight for my clit.
“Fuck.” I gasped watching as his fingers teasingly moved circles around it. My hand reached to cover his for support, for once he didn’t intervene.  And the other reached to his hard on that was covered but prominent against me. Pea couldn’t help but let her touch him, he watched as her hooded eyes watched as he slowly touched her. But the moment her hand gripped his hand he yanked it away and tsked her. He walked away from her taking his shirt off.
I stood stunned and breathless, the ache only growing by the minute. I turned around and followed him by removing the rest of the bra. And pried at his muscular back. Kissing it softly wrapping my arms around him.
“ You just don’t know when to keep your hands to yourself now.” The ribbon in his hands as he turned around. Fuck. With one shove I was on the bed with Pea crawling up to tie my wrists together above my head. 
“ C’mon Pea…” I whined as my hips bucked towards him for any friction, fuck was it painful. He smirked down at me.
“ You  know that's not how it works right?” I groaned in annoyance. His face came down close to hers as his hands wrapped around her thighs and as pulling her flush against him again. 
“ Pea kiss me or so help me—” His mouth was instantly on mine, nothing fluff about it. open , hot kisses as my hips wildly looked for him. His hand suddenly smacked my ass leaving a deep red print.
“ Shit-” I cried against him, his mouth moving against my jaw, his tongue leaving a hot trail down to the valley of my bare breasts. I resisted against the restraints as his ringed fingers and mouth attacked my breast.
“ Your squirming even before I touch you, you're so needy.” He laughed against my skin. I blushed madly arching my back towards him.” Answer.” He hissed, as his hand rubbed hard and rough circles against my clit. I bit my lip trying to talk.
“ Yes..ugh...Daddy..fuckkk” I moaned loudly as his pattern quickened and his finger flicked my nipple. The overstimulation nearly brought me to the edge, he watched me from above how breathlessly I squirmed, threw my head back and clamped my thighs around him. Just as I felt the brink, he pulled away. I whimpered out in pain, feeling empty again. Sweet Pea made sure to leave any mark all over her body avoiding her whimpers and cries for his actions. His fingers plunging into her abruptly, at a vicious pace that made her scream. He made sure to stare right at her as she exchanged glances to his actions and his wicked smile. “ You want hard, rough? That’s what you want right?” he spat gritting his teeth as he felt her wall clench and contract against his fingers.
“ Oh my goddd…. YES!” I screamed staring deep into his evil eyes, “ Daddy harder please!” My head thrashing back as I felt my legs convulse and shake. I wanted to come so bad, and the wet sounds that came out of me were not helping. My fingers were placed on the covers as they remain tied up above me. “ Not yet.” He whispered softly against the shell of my ear as he stopped again. I shivered as my body tried to recover from another withdrawal, eyes shut in pain as my clit throbbed from lack of release.” Please….Please.” Tears at the brim of my eyes, searching into his for a little bit of mercy. He only ignored me and turned me around chest into the mattress and ass up. The lube coming in contact with my asshole sending a jolt up my spine. At this point anything that would give me some pleasure was acceptable. Pea made sure to adjust my wrist and tie them again against my back, and my face on the mattress. He then kissed my head as the tip of the plug made contact with me. I hissed softly as he slowly pushed it in. Surprisingly, It wasn’t as bad as I thought. 
I sighed as I felt somewhat full as it sat in me. “ Damn baby.” He mumbled, I could practically picture his face. All flustered and vulnerable at her position and gleaming core. 
Not long after his hands held my tied arms in a tight grip as he grinned against me.” mhm.’” one hand constantly smacking my ass till my buttcheek felt numb. I really won’t be able to sit tomorrow. “ You're such a slut begging for me… for this… Can’t even wait till I get home.” He seethed as his rough jeans rubbed perfectly against me and the plug. 
I moaned loudly, “ Pea fuck me please! Anything I promise you anything but fuck me please!” I yelled in frustration as I tried wiggling my hips to get any extra friction. He grunted in defeat and practically sighed in relief as I heard his belt unbuckled and the bed suddenly becoming light behind me. I tried looking around to see him, but only his hand made sure to push me further into the mattress. “ You wanted this, so take it!” He roughly shoved himself into me with no warning, a loud gasp ripping through me followed by a choked moan. His size always felt like the first time, painful and blissful at the same time. “ FUCK!” Pea moaned as he steadied his hips as he made sure to feel that moment, being deep in her, ass up, red ribbon around her wrists like a present, shit it was perfect. He pulled out and back in bruisingly fast, hands back on her arms.
“ Shit shit shit!” I screamed out my eyes shut as he hit the right spot constantly but grazed the plug as he pulled out.
“ You look….so gorgeous right now fuck.” He grunted as Pea focused on not coming anytime soon but rather feeling every inch tighten around him. Just for him. Only making his grip on her arms terribly harder. The pain and pleasure as he bruisingly fucked her from behind only made her squeeze her eyes shut, her mouth wide as she felt the familiar knot about to explode. 
“ I’m going to cum! Holy shit please Pea let me cum pleaseee!” I begged as Pea made sure to rub hard and fast fingers against her clit. 
“ Come on baby, take it, squirt for me baby.” The profanities and the way his voice and body worked around her did just what he asked.
“ Shit shit shit!” I cried out as my legs shook and fluid leaked out around Pea’s finger.
“Fuck.” He growled and made sure to keep fucking her through her orgams, nearing her to the next one. 
I screeched softly and huffed as he kept his bruising pace, “ Pea oh my gawd Don’t stop! Fuck me!” Sweet Pea practically came then and their but pulled out to control himself. 
“ No, NO!” I cried as my wrist withered to pull him back. Pea shakily sighed, stroking himself softly. He watched as she squirmed and whimpered trying to be set loose. He untied her wrist sending a buzzing feeling of excitement through her as she propped herself only for a second. Pea made sure to pull her around by her hair. “ You really are prettier all tied up, huh.” He teased. 
I widened my eyes, “ No! Not again!” I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss and flush against my hot skin. The feeling of his skin against her finger pads was heavenly. It was rare to be able to touch him, and when he let her, she loved it. Her mouth on his hungrily as her hips bucked against his hard on. Pea grunted against her mouth, his hands moving from her breast where he quickly pulled on her red nipples and down to her bruised hips. “ You won’t be able to walk for a week baby girl.” He whispered as he teasingly rubbed against my swollen nerve. A weak moan only for a response. He slipped in easily and then faster, digging his mouth onto my neck as I scratched his shoulders. “ Ohhh, Yes….Mmmm” I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist as he pounded so hard into me, practically into the mattress. 
Pea made sure to come up to see her face as she practically cried at her second painful release. Seeing her silently watch in awe as her eyes rolled back, it brought him to the edge.
“ Come on cum with me, Come on!” Pea yelled his chin forcing her to look at his furious face, only adding to her orgasm. Pea made sure to keep his pace as she yelled his name and tears ripped through her as she threw her head back. As she saw white, Pea went balls deep and stayed in as he came in her, his groans and moans muffled into her neck. She made sure that with the little bit of energy to wrap her fingers into his damp hair, easing him down from his own high. Pea made sure to pin her arms away from him, scaring her slightly at his abrupt move.
“ I’m not done with you.” He made his way down to her core, instantly going to her almost numb and in pain clit. 
I hissed as his lips and tongue wrapped around me. I didn’t have the strength to cum again, I almost wanted to call the safe word just for my sake to rest but the way Sweet Pea looked up at her, in between her thighs. Pea knew exactly how to make her cum and he wanted to see her cum underneath him all over again. “ Shit...Fuck.” My hands grabbed handfuls of the sheets as I rocked my hips against his hot mouth and tongue. 
To make matters worse, he purposely groaned and hummed against me, I never felt like cuming so fast in the times being with Pea. Each time he knew her better enough to get her on edge in seconds. His hand made sure to hold down painfully hard on her hips as she chanted his name.
“ Yes...Yes yes yes!” I back arched and watched in awe as his tongue did wonders, followed by his thumb that flicked and rubbed so hard I lost track of time. Pain ripped through my abdomen to my core, ready for a painful orgasm. It was so much. “ Pea! I can’t I-” I cried and sure enough my body cracked under him, fluid squirting out as tears fell out and high pitched moans echoed into the room. Pea pulled himself up to watch her tears stained cheeks, suddenly nervous it was too much. “Hey, Are you okay?” His soft voice made me crane my neck back to see his worried face, with a wet face may I add. I smiled weakly and wiped his cheek with my thumb. “ You are unbelievable Sweet Pea.” He smirked laying next to her as they both sighed. 
I was exhausted not wanting to move or speak. Just stare at the ceiling and acknowledge how great her body felt, for now. 
“ Wait I have to take something—” His hand pulling my ass to the side, “ Relax, I don’t wanna hurt you.” I scoffed but was cut short by the feeling of the plug coming out. I hissed softly and turned back around on my back.
“ I should get you a bath running before I leave.” Pea said as he kissed my semi wet cheek and got up to find his clothes. I watched as he pulled on his underwear and jeans and disappeared into the bathroom. I was smiling. At him. Here I was catching feelings over something we told ourselves was nothing serious. I pushed myself up to distract myself only to be extremely sore. I tried propping myself up to walk to the bathroom only to fall on my knees in pain. He really fucked me till I couldn't walk. I burst out laughing making Sweet Pea walk back into the room extremely confused. 
“ Come help me up weirdo!” He went over to pick her up but just ended up carrying her bridal style. He laughed as she groaned but laughed also. 
This was nice, their company and well the sex also. Sweet knew that it was temporary and he reminded himself that everyday. Deep down he was a romantic, and he knew his soulmate was out there. But for now he just wanted to explore himself a little more and who else to help than his best friend. He hated leaving her after, something in him told him to stay, but he was enough of a gentleman to know that staying would only send mixed signals and ruin everything. So he stuck to the plan.
“ Well, I’m gonna head out, and I’m sorry if I went overboard—” Pea flinched as he saw the bruises show up around my arms and legs, the water instantly healing some pain. I sighed sinking deeper into the tub. Pea kneeled next to me, waiting for some goodbye gesture. I looked at him smiling, “ It was great, plus I'll be fine...but,” I held his hand that rested on the side of the tub. “ Can you stay...to hang out?” I watched his reaction change from content to flustered. It’s insane that friendship intimacy was weird to us but seeing each other naked wasn’t. 
He coughed and looked at his clock, “ I don’t know—”
I patted his hand, “ Pea it’s fine, it was just and offer.” I casually played it off, waiting for his response even though it did hurt to see him turn me down. He stood up and sighed in defeat. “ How about this. I have to do some stuff to do with fangs for a night delivery, and if everything goes smoothly...I’ll crash with you.” He looked down at my surprised face. He chuckled at my silent response.
 “ Oh- Yeah sure! Sounds good.” I cooly said somehow suddenly interested in the bath water. 
“ Alright see you later!” I said before leaving entirely with the sound of the door closing, I sat in the water somehow happy but nervous that he easily accepted my offer. I giggled to myself, but was cut short by my sore body.
“ Fuck, this is more painful than my Serpent initiation trial.” I mumbled softly. 
Somehow I managed to get out of the bath, with wobbly legs, and into my soft pj pants and tank top. It was 8 pm, my eyes sleepy and my body tired. I laid in the wrinkled up bed, forgetting that someone would be coming back. 
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imgoingtocrash · 3 years
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Made of Iron, Born of Fire: The Fanmix 
by @imgoingtocrash
Listen on Spotify and 8tracks
Read the series on Ao3
AKA: A labor of love for @savvysass’s birthday!!!!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said because we’re both incredibly sappy people in our Author’s Notes? Writing this series with you has brought me so much joy in the last two years, and I never could have hit over 100k words without you. Here’s to whatever we write next in the series...and all of the WIPs we’re working on right now...and only god knows what’s next for us personally and professionally...and most importantly, to you on your Birthday. Thank you for being such a good friend, in both fandom and outside of it. I’m so, so thankful to know you and love you. 🥰
Director’s Cut Below, because we all know I love talking about this series, and yes, that does extend to why I picked these songs. (And also maybe because these song choices only make sense in my brain and hopefully Savannah’s?? Who knows! Feel free to ask questions if you want but let’s be honest this series and fanmix are most importantly for us, because we love the series so dang much.)
My Wildest Dreams by Ron Pope
I spoke in riddles and in rhymes, but my time with you has taught me to simplify, you’re not quite what I pictured you would be, you’re better than my wildest dreams.
We’ve talked about this one before, and I’LL TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN!!!! Ron Pope is so good imo, and this song wowowow the father-child feels, but especially with Tony and newborn Peter a la A Foreign Feeling and A First Time For Everything.
Big & Scared by Raleigh Ritchie
I want to be better for you, let me do that now, you’re my favorite human, so you should be prepared, I’ll help you get through it, when you’re big and scared
We’ve mentioned Tony’s thoughts about legacy multiple times by now, and I think this song really represents Tony looking forward to the person Peter could be become and that “breaking the cycle” mentality of supporting Peter even when he’s not a perfect father.
Legacy of Sadness by Ron Pope
irrational as it may seem I guess I’m sorry, even though I know that none of it’s my fault, it is easier for me to count my blessings, than to cry for every single thing we’ve lost
I have 0 shame putting these two songs by Ron Pope almost back to back because they’re the opening and closing of an album dedicated to his child like...it’s so perfect for Tony and this theme of reflection on who he is and who Peter will become/is becoming and all that entails.
this is me trying by Taylor Swift
They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential, and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that
I wrote something...very sad but also soft recently??? and this is for That it’s about pre-CW Pepperony being separated and the road to them trying to come back together including Tony working on himself and I love it!!! It hurts really good!!! This whole song is perfect for it and I can’t wait until people get to read it.
Be Good When I’m Gone by Four Year Strong
I'm sorry I can't stop to listen, but I've got so much to do and I've got some place to be, the house looks like the aftermath of a hurricane, I hope it stays that way
Tony being a busy parent but doing his best to make time for Peter in his life and making that time count has been something super important to illustrate to us, especially the transition from being a CEO to being a superhero and how that changes how Peter sees Tony’s absence over time.
I Won’t Back Down by Johnnyswim, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, and Penny and Sparrow
Tony puts on the original version by Tom Petty in Home Is Where The Heart Is, but I think this cover has a very slow, emotional undertone that’s really great too. The interludes, if you didn’t catch it, have all been featured in a fic previously.
Let It Matter by Johnnyswim
So if it matters let it matter, if your heart's breaking let it ache, catch those pieces as they scatter, know your hurt is not in vain
Pepper in Never Tell Me The Odds ALL DAYYYYY. She’s the emotional rock of that fic (and of our Ironfam TBH) and it’s all because she allows herself to feel her feelings and encourages the Stark boys to do so as well.
Simmer - Acoustic by Hayley Williams
And if my child, needed protection, from a fucker like that man, I’d sooner gut him, cause nothing cuts like a mother
Post-Home Is Where The Heart Is...y’all know Pepper’s not that mad about what happened to Obie. Also just Pepper when someone hurts her family?? I always write it as her sort of putting all of her emotion into something she can control and doing it well, so, this song is all about that.
Tightrope by Nia Hendricks
one step after another, keep holding on to each other, don’t look back, move on and let go, that’s how you walk on a tightrope
Pepperony trying to navigate their relationship and the insanity of superhero stuff and also co-parenting. It’s all excellent, I love them so much, I enjoy writing it so much!!!!
Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan
Never got the chance, to say a last goodbye, I gotta move on, but it hurts to try, how do I love, how do I love again?
This song is tilted towards romance, but if you’ll remember, we’re a Pro-Tony Survives Endgame AU series, so it’s not about THAT...but well...Infinity War sure will hit something fierce for certain non-romantic relationships in this series, huh?
The Bones by Maren Morris
Call it dumb luck, but baby, you and I, can't even mess it up, although we both try, no, it don't always go the way we planned it, but the wolves came and went and we're still standing
Post-Endgame Ironfam!!! Tony and Pepper married with their kids, their family and HAPPY...THIS IS WHY WE DO ALL OF THE ANGST...FOR A FAMILY...WE LOVE THEM
Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas
Considered Pepper and Peter’s ‘song’, as it’s referenced multiple times in the series, and was one of the bigger solidifying moments of their mother-son relationship as a whole.
Mundane by Hardcastle
And I’ve been sinking into silence, dwelling on my thoughts, and in these months, I haven’t felt that most conversations have left me anything but blue
Peter’s selective mutism was something very special to us when we originally had the idea, and making sure we talk about it and utilize it in the right way is something we’re still working on, particularly with the Therapy Fic we’re brainstorming atm.
survivin’ (One Eyed Jack’s Session) by Bastille
What can I say? I'm survivin', crawling out these sheets to see another day, what can I say? I'm survivin', and I'm gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine, I think I'll be fine
Spoiler Alert: Peter’s not fine, like, a decent amount of the time. But he’s sure trying, and we love him for that.
Jacob from the Bible by Jake Wesley Rogers
Mama, don't worry, it took me years, to say I'm sorry, to see your tears, Mama, forgive me, I grew up too fast, but it's not on you, it's in the past
Mostly part of Peter growing up to become a hero and realizing what his parents--particularly Pepper--have gone through for him to become the person he is today, but that sometimes he still doesn’t feel like he’s making them proud enough.
Compassion Is a German Word by To Kill A King
Don't be so arrogant, you ain't no different to anyone I've met, we're all the heroes in our own film, or maybe the villain in someone else's
Spider-Man being an excellent superhero boi!!! Being kind and good!!! We love it!! Also, I put a TKAK song on...a LOT of my playlists, because I think they’re great.
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
And I'm so sick of seventeen, where's my fucking teenage dream?, if someone tells me one more time, "Enjoy your youth", I'm gonna cry
I mean...this song is such a Teenage Mood...I had to do it...
In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning by Frank Sinatra
So, I had this cute little scene in my head that went with this song for SO LONG but there wasn’t really anything for it to fit into so...yeah that’s part 2 of Savannah’s Birthday Gift, a little soft Baby Peter drabble. Fluffy Goop from top to bottom. That can be read here.
Home by Phillip Phillips
Just know you're not alone, 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
...I know it’s not original, okay? It’s found family, it’s great, I don’t care!
Comes and Goes (In Waves) by Greg Laswell
And this part was for her, and this part was for her, this part was for her, does she remember?
This song is good family angst in general BUT these specific lyrics made me think of Mary and that they never forget her in their lives despite the other stuff going on (because we refuse to let them).
I Have Made Mistakes by The Oh Hellos
I have made mistakes, I continue to make them, the promises I've made, I continue to break them, and all the doubts I've faced, I continue to face them, but nothing is a waste if you learn from it
No one in the Ironfam is perfect, but they all do their best to try and grow even when they’re scared they’ll never be able to. The ups and downs are all par for the course of this series to us.
Easy Days - Demo by Bastille
Cause I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days, everything was so simple then, little fires burned away
Strife is a part of life, and the family in this fic growing through their loss and struggles and moving ahead as a unit to get to a better place is super central to making the fic what it is...but it’s easy for them to remember the old days before being superheroes and wishing it was simple again.
North by Sleeping At Last
Let the years we’re here be kind, be kind, let our hearts like doors open wide, open wide, settle our bones like wood over time, over time, give us bread, give us salt, give us wine
The way Tony went from feeling so alone to having an entire built family that’s so full of love and everything he never dreamed of...*screams into my pillow* I love this series so much thank you and good night!!!
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halpertstuna · 4 years
motorbikes and mazes - jj maybank
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A/N: thank you for requesting! i hope this is what you meant, enjoy <3
and i’ve already said this before but PLEASE, don’t hesitate to send me requests, questions, messages whatever you want. i would love to make friends and mutuals on this platform plus i love feedback and would really like to hear your opinions(:
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summary: motorcycle accidents aren’t that rare, you just never thought you’d get into one, especially not with your boyfriend.
pairing: jj x reader
word count: 2,426
warnings: cursing, blood, mentions of injuries (nothing too graphic), a bath(? idk if that’s a warning lmao i’m sorry), angst, fluff, platonic John B., Pope, Kie and Sarah.
oh and probably typos cause i suck😎 and i’m too lazy to go over this again 😔🕶🤏🏻
-> masterlist <-
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(gif credit: @ptersparkers )
The sense of mortality.
When riding a motorcycle you truly are aware of your mortality, your life is in your hands and if you act carelessly, it could be over.
JJ was fully aware of that, which was why each time you were sat on the back of his motorbike, gripping tightly onto his torso, he was extra careful.
He knew motorcycles scared you quite a bit, ever since you were a child your mum told you how dangerous they were, and as a result you were mildly intimidated by them.
You trusted JJ more than anything in the world and you knew he would never put you at risk, he cared far too much.
And as true as that is, some things are just out of his hands.
It was mid December, the wind outside howled, causing the tree near your bedroom window to rapidly tap the glass.
You laid in bed, drawing, as you awaited a text from your boyfriend, JJ, telling you he was outside.
Like every thursday, the pogues made plans to meet at the chateau for movie night. It was your turn to pick a movie and you were thrilled, you wanted to watch the maze runner series again, so you saw this was a great opportunity.
Just as you were adding final touches to the sunflower you drew, the screen of your phone lit up and with the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of JJ’s contact name.
You swiftly got off the bed and slid into your beat up vans. You made your way down the stairs and slung your, more accurately JJ’s, jacket over your shoulders, slipping your arms through the sleeves as you shut the door behind you. You skipped down the porch steps, approaching your favorite blond boy, whose hair was rumpled from both his helmet and the wind.
You ran your hand through his golden locks, gently tugging, as your lips met the warm skin of his exposed neck, greeting him with intimacy. He smiled at your antics, kissing your temple sloppily, then handed you your helmet and put his back on.
As soon as you placed it on top of your head, you hoped onto the pillion seat and wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his build back. You placed a soft kiss on his shoulder blade, missing the grin he gave you.
He turned the key in the ignition, starting the bike and the two of you rode off.
The wind whispered through your hair when all of the sudden you felt droplets of rain fall onto the exposed skin of the nape of your neck.
Neither of you thought too much of it, as you were already half way there and it was just a couple of drops. But not long after, the rain got violent, and the road got slippery.
JJ knew it was dangerous to ride a motorbike in such weather conditions and so he searched for a place with shelter, in which you could wait until the rain came to a halt.
“Hold tight” he shouted and you obeyed, tightening your grip and holding onto dear life. “JJ we have to stop it’s getting dangerous” you affirmed, voice laced with fear. “I know, I’m looking for a place where we can wait out the storm” he explained.
The pouring rain was bucketing down harshly and the drops covered JJ’s visor almost completely, blocking his sight.
As a result he didn’t see the puddle you were heading straight to.
Lifting up your head, you peeped over JJ’s shoulder, noticing the puddle.
“JJ! LOOK OUT!” You alarmed him, but before either of you could process anything, he lost control over the bike.
The wheels slid, you reluctantly took a wild left turn, losing balance and hitting a tree, causing the bike to flip over to the side.
JJ lunched forward, slamming his ribs onto the twist-grip, then hitting the ground, his shoulder breaking his fall, delivering all of his weight to it causing him to whimper in pain.
You on the other hand, weren’t so fortunate.
You spent your entire life frightened by mishaps like this one, certain that if you were ever to be in a vehicle accident, nevertheless a motorcycle, the only thing you would be able to focus on would be the pain.
But to your surprise, it wasn’t.
To be honest you couldn’t focus on anything, because the second you tried moving, you felt a dull pain wash over you, and your eyelids suddenly felt like they weighed 800 tons.
The pain traveled through your body, and you could feel it in your bones, it completely drained you of any power you had left from the adrenaline. You blinked slowly and heavily.
JJ rushed to you and placed your head on his lap, taking off your helmet and brushing the strands of your disheveled hair out of your face. He noticed there was blood on your forehead, caused by a tree branch after your visor was torn off. It made him absolutely hysterical.
You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak, all you wanted to do in that moment was sleep. He immediately called 911, waiting for an ambulance as he brushed your hair ever so lightly, terrified of hurting you more than he already had.
The sight of your delicate, weak figure shattered his heart, he kept telling himself this could have been prevented. If only he listened to you, if only he had accepted back then that motorcycles are dangerous. You looked so fragile, vulnerable, and worst of all, in pain. He couldn’t stand the thought of him being the reason.
He noticed you started closing your eyes for longer periods of time and it caused him to freak out even more, if possible. “Y/N?” You tried responding but the tiredness just wouldn’t let you. “Hey! Don’t close your eyes- don’t you dare close your fucking eyes!” He seethed, furious at himself for putting you in this situation.
The last thing you remember was the faint sound of sirens and a sharp pain in your arm, then your vision went black.
The next thing you knew you were on a small, lumpy bed, you shifted uncomfortably, the smell of cleaners enveloped you and you were woken up by the sound of someone shutting a door, audible sounds of chatter came from the other side of the wall. The bright recessed light coming from the ceiling blinded you and you squinted your eyes, feeling an indistinct ache in your head.
You felt giddy and let out a frustrated groan farrowing your eyebrows causing a sharp pain above them. You hissed in pain, then touched your forehead, where you felt a thread, figuring out they stitched up a deep wound.
You casually moved your hand to scratch the odd itch on your elbow, but your fingertips were met with solid plaster instead of soft skin.
You looked down at your right arm and noticed it was in a cast, and your ankle swathed in a bandage, which got stuck under the engine, fracturing it when the bike flipped over.
“Well that’s just fucking great” you muttered under your breath sighing in exasperation.
“Shit! JJ!” you squealed, panicking as you scanned the room. You were so distracted by your pain that for a second you forgot he was there with you.
Five seconds barely passed by and the door was swang open revealing a worried JJ.
You sat up, relief washing over you as he rushed towards your bed and cradled your head tenderly in his arms, squeezing you ever so slightly, as if you were made of china and he was scared that if he added any more pressure, you’d break.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, his voice mellow, calming you down.
“Well, my head kinda hurts and i feel a bit nauseous but pretty numb overall” he stroked your hair as you spoke. “It’s because of the medication” a doctor chimed in as she entered the room “you’re on quite a lot of pain killers”.
“Oh, well, thank you so much for helping us” you trailed off, “but we really should get going”, not wanting to stay there any longer than you had to since hospitals gave you the creeps.
“Actually, I’d prefer you stay here overnight for supervision, both of you” mentioned the doctor before leaving you and JJ alone in the room.
“Well, you heard the lady, guess we’re sleeping here tonight” JJ noted plopping down on a chair beside your hospital cot. “Na-uh” you scoffed, struggling to get off the bed “there is no way in hell i’m spending the night in a hospital”.
JJ gave you a concerned look “but the doctor ordered-“ “no no no, she recommended, see the difference?” you cut him off, motioning with your hand that you need help standing up.
JJ felt so bad he didn’t even argue, and you knew he would be able to take care of you if anything happened during the night.
The two of you started walking, well, he walked, you limped, clutching onto his bicep for support, as you searched for the exit for what felt like forever, all of the corridors looked the same and you were worn out.
“Dang, I just wanted to watch the maze runner, not be in it” you whined and he chuckled at your despair filled tone.
Eventually you found your way out, recognising the VW you’d grown to love so much, parked in front of you. The doors opened and four frames of what you made out to be your friends came running straight towards you and JJ, clasping you in their arms, careful not to hurt either of you.
“What are you guys doing here??” You asked, giggling at the intense feeling of your heart swell.
“I’m JJ’s emergency contact. The second we got a call from the hospital saying you two got in a motorcycle accident, we rushed here” John B. explained, “We were really worried” Sarah added as you made your way towards the van.
“I’m just glad you two are okay” Kie admitted helping JJ lift you into the van. “Yeah, both of you got really lucky” Pope pointed out, “I’m surprised the doctor didn’t ask you to stay overnight”
“Oh she did, I just really didn’t want to” you confirmed, eating the piece of chocolate Sarah handed you knowing it’s your favorite, as John B. started driving towards the chateau.
“Are you crazy?! What if you have a concussion??” Pope yelled panicking, astound by your stupidity, not a surprise “You know they ask you to stay overnight for a reason! The adrenaline your body releases after an accident can mask symptoms of an injury!” He revealed.
“Well that’s why we keep you around, Dr. Spock” JJ joked causing you all to laugh.
When you arrived at the chateau, you and JJ went to the spare room, both desperate for a shower. He helped you with your cast, sealing it with a trash bag and assisted you in stripping out of your clothes. He washed your body for you, and felt horrible knowing you won’t be able to do it normally by yourself for a while.
When you got out of the shower JJ wrapped a towel around his hips then helped you wrap one around your torso. When you turned to him you noticed he had a huge bruise on his abdomen.
You grazed your fingers over the the dark purple swollen skin, brushing it gently, then let your fingers skim over JJ’s wounded shoulder travelling down to the palm of his hand, linking his fingers with yours.
You averted your gaze to his eyes only to find them already on you, filled with awe and remorse as a single tear escaped one of them.
You immediately opened your arms pulling him to you, as close as you possibly could. He buried his face in the crook of your neck sobbing, littering your clean skin with his salty tears.
“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault” he apologised, he could never describe the feeling of guilt he had, knowing he hurt the one person he loves most in this world, the one person he never wanted to see in pain, let alone be the reason for it.
“J, this isn’t-“ “no this is! If only I’d listened- y-you wouldn’t be hurting, and we wouldn’t have bumped into that stupid tree in the first place-“ he started swallowing his words “I don’t know what I’d do to myself if I ever lost you- I-“ he choked on his own tears.
You knew nothing you said mattered cause he wouldn’t listen, he was far too convinced this was all on him. So you just held him tightly for as long as you could, you tried soothing him by placing tender, lingering kisses to his nose, cheeks and forehead speaking only in a hush tone, reassuring him “it’s okay, I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere”. You stayed with him like that until he calmed down.
The two of you got dressed and headed towards the living room where you were met by the others spread across the couch. ”Aren’t you two tired?” Kie asked signaling you to sit. JJ plopped down on the couch beside you, letting you lean your head on his unharmed shoulder.
“Oh sweetheart, in the last five hours I managed to get in a motorcycle accident, go to the hospital, get drugged by so many pain killers, which by the way are still affecting, I managed to escape the labyrinth I was in and get to the chateau alive with a broken arm, fractured ankle, not to mention my stitched forehead and now, I will watch the maze runner. And all of you are going to sit your asses down and enjoy the goddamn movie with me, because I fucking deserve it, thank you very much” you finished your rant of breath.
They all looked at you with wide eyes and parted lips, slightly scared. “Yes ma’am” John B. agreed and turned on the tv. One movie turned into two and eventually you watched all three movies until the sun came up. By the end of the last one, you were all in tears. You fell asleep on the pullout couch on top of each other.
Maybe you were in physical pain, but being surrounded and cared for by your favorite people made you forget all about it, they made you feel whole.
A/N: by the way i decided to make a taglist!
feel free to add yourself <3
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