#he cannot escape him
tenderhungering · 3 months
here come your pride and joy / the comic little drunk/ you call your boy / making everybody smile / who takes your pretty plan / and then becomes a disappearing man / after a little while
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bananafire11 · 4 months
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Doodle before im off to sleep
Jax, please don't eat the newcomer
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tadpole-art · 2 years
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Someone please get this boy to bed
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hypewinter · 1 year
Danny felt a familiar tug in his chest. Not another summoning. The cultists never quit did they? Danny was going to ignore it. Just like all the rest. He figured they would try blood sacrifices but then he didn't experience the familiar tang in the air that usually wafted through his nose. That had peaked his curiosity. So he leaned into the summoning a little. Not enough to be summoned but enough to get more senses. He heard..... he heard crying! What? Why was he hearing crying? He leaned into the summoning just a little more. That allowed him to see, albeit vaguely. He caught the glimpse of a form within the circle. It was small. It was...... a child. A child? A. CHILD!? Those cultists had really thought since blood sacrifices didn't work to try a whole human. Danny's blood boiled. He had been content to ignore them until now but no more. He was taking care of this. NOW. With that, Danny allowed himself to be fully summoned. The cultists immediately fell on their knees.
"Oh great King, you have finally answered our plea," the apparent leader said.
Danny ignored him and immediately scooped the child up in his arms. He gently rubbed circles into the child's back, whom he now knew to be a boy who couldn't be older than 8. He felt his rage flair. They had tried to sacrifice an eight year old! Danny didn't even bother listening to the cultists. Instead he dispersed his power throughout the room, allowing all the souls sacrificed over the years to gain form.
"Feel free to exact your revenge," he said simply.
Then he turned and opened a portal, tuning out the screams as he stepped through.
It took a while, but Danny finally managed to calm the boy down and convince him he didn't want to eat him. Once he did, he asked for the kid's name.
"It's Richard Grayson," the boy answered. "But my parents called me Dick."
Danny didn't miss the past tense. Were his parents dead? Danny's mouth set into a firm line. If he found out those cultists had anything to do with this- His train of thought was cut off by the sound of sniffling. Right, Dick. Danny would handle the cultists later. Right now, he had a little boy to comfort.
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starry-bi-sky · 3 months
thinking about Dan in CFAU and just how different he needs to be (in my opinion) in order for Danny's whole thing to work. Canon Danny with Dan's influence, would never even consider thinking of killing anyone even after losing people close to him because he'd be scared of becoming like him. CFAU Danny however has been festering in this hurt and anger for years and wants the Joker dead and is plotting it. I don't think he'd do that with Dan's influence.
I explained how Rath came to be in this post here. Things happened in TUE as normal -- Danny's family dies, he lives with Vlad, Vlad rips out his ghost half. The difference here is that not only was Danny in a grieving state (something exclusive to banshees that the post goes into) but he also doesn't end up fusing with Vlad.
What happens instead is that Danny's ghost half, consumed already with grief and now enraged by being murdered and lied to by Vlad, destroys him completely and disappears into the ghost zone. He traps himself unintentionally in a negative feedback loop of grief, and as a human spirit banshee, cannot mentally handle the constant agony and sorrow he's experiencing. What happens is that he ends up driving himself insane with misery.
So the difference here, ultimately, between Dan and Rath, is that at the end of the day; Dan is fully aware of his actions. He knows what he's doing is wrong, and delights in it. He acknowledges his lack of humanity and feels no remorse in doing what he does.
Rath? He's... not. Not really. Dan is a hulking mass of muscle; tall, towering, terrifying. He loves what he does and does what he loves. Rath, however, appears as a scrawny young boy in raggedy clothes far too big for him, hunched in on himself while dirty, unkempt hair curtains his face and hides whatever he doesn't have ducked down in his curled-in form.
Rath is locked in a constant, unending state of sorrow and misery. He, for lack of better words, is unable to perceive the world around him properly and lashes out terribly and violently at anyone or anything that catches his attention. The only thing that he knows is that his family is gone, his other half is gone, that everyone he loves is gone, gone, gone.
He is a zombie apocalypse wrapped up in the form of a malnourished child, wandering the world in search of people who are not there, and becomes furious if you're not them. He is constantly crying, but he's been crying for so long that he's all but lost his voice. Meaning anyone trying to keep an ear out for him has to listen for soft, pained gasps and quiet whimpering, and wonder if the sound they're hearing are hurt survivors, or the very thing they're running from.
As a result, Rath's influence on Danny isn't that he's scared of doing something bad and becoming like him. He's scared of losing control of himself and dooming himself and others to eternal misery. As a result, he's adamant that things that he's done were not done out of pure emotion, but were active choices he made.
Up to and including killing the Joker. There's enough grief and rage behind his views on him that anyone could argue, especially knowing that Danny's a ghost, that he was not in the right mind when he did it. He was blinded by his emotions and was not in the right mental capacity, he had no control over himself. It'd work as a convincing argument.
If it weren't for Danny himself arguing against it. Killing the Joker was a choice he made, fully and willingly. It was autonomous, premeditated murder and he won't accept anything else -- it was not a fit of passion, it was not act of insanity, it was a decision. He won't accept it being anything else but revenge either, and if anyone tries to claim that it was a necessary evil he will yell at them. He didn't do this for the betterment of the public, that was just a fortunate side effect. He did it for himself and Jason. If you wanted it to be a necessary evil, then you should've killed him yourself. It was a selfish evil and he knows it.
In the end, Dan’s existence would prevent Joker’s death. Rath’s existence only solidifies it.
Rath's complete difference from Dan is one of my favorite parts about this au even if he never makes a direct appearance.
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syn0vial · 6 months
funniest part about the bounty hunter wars by K.W jeter is how palpatine thinks he's screwing boba fett over by hiring him to take down the bounty hunters' guild, completely ignorant to the fact that boba is a sicko who thinks making himself public enemy #1 of every bounty hunter in the galaxy sounds like the most fun he's had in ages.
it's literally like,
palpatine: that fool boba fett doesn't know that he is but a pawn in my nefarious plot to sow desperation and discord among the bounty hunters of the galaxy. he will be completely unprepared for the torrent of violence and retribution he is about to unleash upon himself. how wonderful it is to make a creature complicit in the workings of its own destruction! >:) boba, like 2 pages later: i can't wait to sow desperation and discord among the bounty hunters of the galaxy 😊 it's going to be sooo fun when my actions unleash a torrent of violence and retribution against me 😃 can't wait!
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Every time I draw a Kenshi chibi a year is added to my lifespan
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jagalart · 5 months
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My first ever portrait of Stede (which is a crime, how did it take me so long!) done for Our Flag Means Zine, which got released this weekend, so I don't have to keep this a secret anymore 🔥 thank you SO much for having me, I love the zine and I'm honoured I could participate!
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legendoflozer · 2 months
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cottagecore wars strikes again
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Pansy: love in idleness, remembrance, immunity, loving thoughts.
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Sydney Rockrose: acceptance, you are loved, you are not alone.
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Cornflower: knowledge, protection of home, new home blessings, new friends, new love, delicacy.
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glittter-skeleton · 3 months
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Ten being into blondes specifically will never not be funny to me
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mars-mell · 4 months
Yee Haw (but Gavin)
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gracieheartspedro · 1 year
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I cannot get over this gif i’m so so so so sorry 🧎🏼‍♀️
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scarletackrmn · 7 months
In Beast World, you see Tim in the big ass crowd of heros as Starfire is telling them about Starri right? and then he doesn’t show up again at all, even in the Gotham side issue.
Like we searched long and hard to find out if anything happened to him. We see a lot of the other family, and then comes the last issue and there he is in the background of a group thing like wtf?
My wife, our comic book store guy, and I have collectively decided that he just decided to fuck off to another universe for this whole thing and then return at the end like no one would notice.
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princyvish · 7 months
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I really wanted to draw these aus again... featuring another au, the eldritch koby au :]
Some of these doodles are from like. January i think. Dunno if my art style changed enough. Eh. We ball 🏀
All aus made by @moonelnone :3
I am positively in love with all the aus moonel makes istg
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autismmydearwatson · 9 months
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seth-burroughs · 8 months
I don't think that the reason why Number One's homunculus came out perfect and everyone else's was defective is that No1 had a ""Superior"" extra wrinkly guinness record brain or whatever the fuck. It's most likely because, you know, the UG facility's research was probably way better funded and carefully, well, researched, and picked out just one individual to focus on cloning -- on the other hand, KW's Project: Homunculus was unbelievably fucking rushed because Huesca wanted so bad to have one over the unified government he just started raw dogging the experiments and collected the DNA of almost every single person in that city because even if their homunculi do come out a bit undercooked at least they've got the numbers babyyyyy take that unified fuck. I think more thought and care went into building all these damn clone pods we saw for all of them than their actual creation. "something unexpected occured in our efforts to find suitable DNA" -> "i will die in approx. 20 seconds and STILL I won't admit I any% blind speedran playing god and failed due to the easily foreseeable consequences of my abysmal choices. It's actually a dna skill issue on those defects fuck them pinkies my final message. goodbye"
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