#he can’t take my bbg from me
polurbehr · 1 year
escape the ministry game spoilers below
i have been trying so hard to deny the terzo resurrection theory because in my heart i am a antichrist copia truther but at this point after playing this game it’s very difficult 😭😭😭
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like they’re just spelling it out for us straight up at this point but i am in denial. i love terzo but if this theory is true i will be UNWELL i dont wanna lose copia 😭😭😭
also the stranglers/hanging around room has me TRAUMATIZED. Mr. Tabasco Flavor how could you do this to me
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in-this-essay-i-wont · 4 months
I’m gonna get back into welcome home in a sec I promise BUT I HAVW NO MOUTH WND I MUST SCREAM-
There’s a big debate abt it getting popular and known by ppl on tiktok (derogatory) and ppl misinterpreting AMs insanity and motives, like ppl saying “well he’s pure evil he’s just horrible and awful ” HE IS! DONT GET ME WRONG HE DOES CRAZY TERRIBLE SHIT OK! But! I feel like often people tend to overlook the methods and reasons to his madness, his insanity.
And I feel like the main point of the media is social commentary to a degree, like yeah humans r gonna destroy themselves with tech we get it, but there’s also a point of how a robot could feel when it gets intelligent to the point of sentience. It’s about AMS FEELINGS!!!! HOW HE COPES WITH SENTIENCE!!! THATS LIKE THE BIG POINT THAT EVERY ITERATION OF THIS STORY MAKES🗣️🗣️🗣️ that’s the REASON for the story’s existence at all, is that a robot went mad with JEALOUSY for the human experience, and destroyed humanity because he could never be apart of the world he was thrust into by human hands.
And I feel like that’s a big point that ppl miss abt this, like AMS feelings and how a robot copes with being unable to experience reality the same way humans can, and how the feeling that a robot could have is jealousy instead of disgust for humanity, driving him mad.
Of course I’m gonna have a bias for a robot character that expresses how painful it is to be fundamentally different from all the others he can see around him, I’m autistic, but like HE SAYS IT IN THR MEDIA GUYS JUST LISTEN TO HIM-
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"Stellar Collision"
Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Word Count: 8.2k
Content Warning: Mild injury, Description of injury, Smut, Fingering (F receiving), Penetrative Sex, Using Astronomy as a Plot Device
A/N: Please ignore any inaccuracies with the scientific stuff and the smut- I'm just silly and Asexual. I picture this as late season 4 Spencer, but you can picture whatever Spencer you want bbg.
Summary: Everyone knows you and Spencer Reid work well together- actually, the entire team thinks you two are the most oblivious profilers to ever work for the FBI, but c'est la vie- they figure you'll crash into each other eventually.
Shaking the hand of the lead detective you introduce yourself before gesturing to Spencer who hovers behind you, “... and this is Agent Weirdly Sticky, a.k.a. Dr. Spencer Reid.”
Spencer’s face scrunches in an odd fusion of disgust, confusion, and amusement. He fights off the laugh that bubbles up and just lifts his hand in an awkward wave. Pressing his lips into a thin line to avoid the smile threatening to break out on his face. JJ elbows you in the ribs, earning a small ‘oomph’ as she pushes you aside. 
It had become routine at this point, calling him weird names to break the tension between the team and locals. Spencer’s hands rest on your shoulders to steady you as JJ takes over the conversation. You chuckle, following an officer into the precinct conference room to get everything set up. Hotch doesn’t say anything about your antics for once, resigning to just accept that there was no stopping you. 
“You really need to stop doing that, they’re going to think you don’t take things seriously.” Spencer mutters to you quietly, his hip lightly bumping into yours as the two of you stick photos onto the provided whiteboard.
“Yeah, maybe, but their face is worth it. It’s like they think federal agents can’t joke, so at first they believe me.” You giggle, sliding your hand around his waist, unceremoniously picking him up and pivoting him around you. You swap places with him quickly to tack a few pieces of evidence to the board.
Spencer lets it happen, not offering any help as you move him. Not that you need it, you were more than strong enough. “But “Agent Weirdly Sticky”? They’re going to think I don’t shower or something.”
You laugh, “At least they won’t try and touch you.” Looking at the board, you tilt your head a little. “The handwriting in each of these is so similar but look-” You point at two series of numbers, “one writes their seven with a dash, and the other doesn’t.”
Spencer leans forward to look at it, his eyes squinting as his mouth drops open in focus. 
“I swear you need to start wearing your glasses again.” You snort, reaching out and placing your fingers under his chin to push his jaw closed. 
He bats your hand away, “Glasses obstruct my peripherals.”
“But you look cute with them.” You argue, sliding to stand behind him, “I miss them.” 
Flattening your hands, you place them on either side of his head, blocking his peripherals. He ignores you, trying to focus on the pages in front of him rather than the warmth radiating off of your palms. Only moving when his phone rings, you drop them on his shoulders, turning him a little so you could grab his phone from his front pocket. 
“Hey Garcia, what’s up?” You greet, “...yeah, it’s me, what do you have for us?”
The investigation continues like that, the two of you revolving around each other, splitting up only when necessary, bouncing profiles off of the other.
Everyone knew you worked well together. Spencer was comfortable around you, not as stiff and one track minded as he would be working alone. He turned to you for most things, and sometimes when working through things in his mind he would just stare at you- Managing to find most of his answers in the curve of your nose and the color of your lips. 
You mellowed out around Spencer, his ramblings filling empty spaces almost like a living white noise machine. It was hard for most people to believe how abrasive and short fused you could be working alone. Irritation ran rampant with local PD getting in the way, suspects being difficult, media running with half baked stories; whenever the tension in your jaw threatened to spring into a full on rage, Spencer was always there.  
“You’re telling me you released the profile to the press even though we specifically told you not to?” Your eyebrows raise, hands pushing your sleeves up to your elbows.
“The public needs to know what they’re dealing with.” The detective crosses his arms over his chest, lifting his chin in challenge.
“Yeah? Well now our Unsub knows exactly what to change to avoid us, this guy is smart and he is watching.” Your voice raises slightly, shoulders squaring as you step chest to chest with the man. “From this point on, you release nothing to the press without approval from our Liaison or SSA Hotchner.” 
The detective snorts, shaking his head, “Oh yeah? And who are you to tell me what to do?”
Spencer instinctively reaches out, hooking his finger around your belt loop. He tugs you backwards, putting space between you and the focal point of your mounting rage. You don’t relax, but you let him pull you back.
“I’m the woman who’s gonna punch a hole through your spinal cord.” Your tone is icy, and he can almost hear your jaw pop from how hard you’re clenching your teeth. Spencer keeps his finger hooked on your belt loop, cringing slightly at the threat. 
It’s not that he disagrees with you, it was out of line for them to release a statement to the public without the team’s permission; and it’s not that he thinks you can’t back up your statement, he is well aware that you can. Spencer just didn’t want you to get suspended for assaulting an officer. Again.
Hotch approaches, stepping between you and the detective, and- to your relief- backs you up.
“If you release anything more to the public you can consider that little boy as good as gone. If you want us to be able to catch the unsub before it’s too late, it’ll do you well to listen to my agents.” His sharp gaze lingers on the man’s face before he turns to you, “Go cool off, and stop threatening people.” 
You nod and turn to leave, missing the small tilt of Hotch’s head, gesturing for Spencer to go with. He obliges, quickly rushing after you. 
Pacing around in the conference room, you keep your arms folded, chewing on the nail of your thumb.
“Sit.” Spencer pulls out one of the chairs, and you follow his instruction. Having gone through this routine again and again, you move a few stacks of papers, opening up a space for him to sit on the table’s glossy surface.
“I was reading up on star systems, and typically stars will orbit around each other in small or large groups- but most are trinary with only three stars…” Spencer hops up onto the table, crossing his legs under himself. He settles into his position, leaning his arms on his legs as he watches your face. 
He can tell by the way your head tilts that you’re listening, unconsciously bringing your ear closer to him. Folding your arms across your chest again, you roll your jaw to relieve the tension from the joint. He pays attention to your demeanor, watching the pressure between your eyes melt away. Crossing your legs, you tilt your hips, turning your body to face him though your gaze stays cast to the floor. Spencer responds by unfolding his legs, stretching them out to rest his feet on the apex of your thigh. 
Hands finding their way to the laces of his converse, you untie and retie them as his melodic droning fills the room. You keep yourself from looking at him, wanting to hold onto your anger for just a little longer. Spencer knows that you would’ve stewed in your fury for hours alone- and it seemed that Hotch knew the same. 
“... but then you have star systems that are just two stars- a binary system. The Sirius star system is the most well known, but Sirius A is a lot bigger than Sirius B. Sirius B is a white dwarf- which has around the same mass as our sun but condensed into a star not much bigger than the earth.”
“Without the extra gravity from another star like in trinary systems… Do binary stars collide a lot?” You ask and Spencer beams, happy that you were finally relaxed enough to fully engage.
“Actually, it’s pretty rare for them to collide. They stay stable for the most part, but when they do collide it’s most likely due to their stability being thrown off by the exchange of mass or gravitational radiation.” Unlacing his left shoe fully, you replace them upside down, tying the bow at the toe of his converse. He expected you to do the same with the other shoe, but you leave it asymmetrical. 
Lifting your gaze from his shoes, your eyes settle on his face. Spencer chews on his bottom lip, looking for any underlying stress in your features. He finds none.
“So, when a stellar collision occurs, the way it reacts depends on what kind of stars were involved in the collision. Like, if it was a set of white dwarfs, the gravitational radiation would cause them to spiral inwards and-”
Spencer is cut off by JJ poking her head in the room, “Hey, the unsub responded to the statement they released.”
You sigh, “Come on, Gorgeous, you can tell me more later.” pushing Spencer’s feet off of you before standing. You lead the way out of the conference room. As he follows, he tries to ignore the way his face warms when you call him gorgeous. He knew it was stupid to focus on your little nicknames- you use them often enough that he should be used to it by now- but his heart flutters all the same.
Spencer stands at your side, his slender fingers finding their way back around your belt loop. He didn’t think you would do anything, but local cops could be unpredictable.
A few feet away, Emily leans over to Morgan, “So how long have they been dating?” She asks.
Morgan looks at her, quirking an eyebrow, “Who?”
“Reid and his attack dog, duh.” She points to the two agents attached at the hip next to JJ. Morgan snorts, covering his mouth with his hand.
“They’re not,” He shrugs, laughing when Emily’s head snaps to look at him, “I know- I know, we like to say they are, they just don’t know it yet.”
Emily looks back at the two of you, noting how you lean back into him. Your head tilts up and you whisper in his ear, motioning to whatever the unsub had sent loosely. “You’re kidding…”
“I wish I was,” Derek shakes his head, moving to place his hands on his hips, “you’re looking at a four year relationship between the two most oblivious profilers in the FBI.”
The entire team has thought the two of you were dating at some point- even Gideon before he left. In the beginning, Hotch came to the conclusion that the two of you lived together and got into the habit of only calling one on the assumption that you would arrive together. And you did. Always.
With the unsubs response, you and Spencer manage to put together a solid lead to who exactly you’re looking for. You hand the letter to Spencer, and break away to call Garcia- still with Spencer’s phone.
Garcia locates the unsub and the team hits the road. After securing your own bulletproof vest, you approach Spencer. Undoing the velcro on the sides of his vest to redo them. The velcro ripping apart is loud, drawing the attention of Rossi. He makes a face, looking over at Hotch and Derek who shrug in response. 
You make sure they’re snug, sliding your hands along the curve of his waist. Moving on to the straps over his shoulders, your face scrunches a little in focus. Your hands are warm, radiating their heat onto the skin of his neck. Spencer watches you, your lips parted slightly, the tip of your tongue fitted between your teeth. You shimmy the vest, eyes roving over his torso to make sure there were no loose points. 
Satisfied, you pat the FBI emblem on his chest, turning away without a word.
As the team approaches the house, you enter ahead of him. Moving methodically through the hallways, indicating clear rooms through your intercom. You enter the garage slowly, Spencer following closely behind you. 
“FBI, drop the gun and show me your hands!” You have your gun on the unsub, expression stone cold. The man huffs, sweat dripping from his nose and he switches between pointing the barrel of his hand gun at you or Spencer. He seems to settle on the latter and you step forward, rushing the unsub who in turn shoots. 
Spencer expects impact, but it doesn’t find him. Instead, coupled with the dull ringing in his ears from the shot, he can hear the crack of the man’s nose as the butt of your pistol slams into it. You gently push the little boy the unsub was holding towards Spencer, who cradles him to his chest. 
“We have the kid- garage.” He can hear you gasp into your intercom, the breath knocked from your lungs at the impact of the bullet. Slamming the unsub into the concrete and cuffing him, you attempt to take in air. The grimace on your face isn’t from rage, he can tell that much, the tension is sat in your throat rather than your jaw.
Once the man is cuffed beneath you, your knee holding his arms in place as he squirms, you huff. Long, drawn out, breaths are pulled into your lungs. Expanding them slowly as you feel the searing, white hot, tendrils of pain erupting from the base of your ribcage.
“I’m fine,” You assure him for the fifth time since the team got back to the precinct. He goes to say something, but you hold up your hand, your finger pushing against his forehead, “Yes. I promise.”
“But-” He grabs your wrist, “but, even if you were shot in the “bulletproof” vest, the vest isn’t actually bulletproof. You could have bruised or cracked ribs, internal bleeding, even organ damage-”
Wiggling your arm out of his grip, you slap a hand over his mouth, “I got checked out by the paramedics, I’m fine.” He grumbles but nods, his eyes soft as he silently pouts. “Perfect, now go pack up your stuff.”
He slinks away, still pouting. Packing up the things in the conference room slowly, his worry plaguing his demeanor. You frown as you watch him. Making Spencer upset was the last thing you wanted to do.
Morgan slides up next to you, “Hey there rockstar, I know you’re just trying to reassure him. How is it really?”
Sighing, you rub a hand over your face, “He shot me at close range, the bullet pierced through and I’ve got the most wicked bruise and it hurts to breathe- but I’m definitely not telling him that.” 
Morgan laughs, his eyebrows raised in concern. “You know he just worries, let him take care of you.” He pats your shoulder in support, stalking away as Spencer comes back, bag slung over his shoulder. 
Landing back in Quantico, Spencer finds his way into your car- something he had taken a liking to. You were a good driver, and Spencer didn’t really like driving all that much. Having to focus on so many things means that he can’t talk as much as he wants to. But he sinks comfortably into the passenger seat of your car. His shoulders drooping as he leans his head back on the head rest. 
He tucks his duffel under his legs, relishing in the leg room your car offered. Since he was the only one who really rode with you he had the seat set how he liked.
“Are you gonna finish your rant about stellar collisions?” You ask, your voice soft as it carries over the sound of the car’s A/C. He turns his head, eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion. You laugh, “You were explaining what would happen if two white dwarfs crashed into each other. Are you sure about that eidetic memory thing?” 
He rolls his eyes at your teasing, but he straightens up in his seat, taking a second to remember where he left off. 
“So, the two white dwarves would emit gravitational radiation, or waves, which would cause their orbit to become unstable- which would in turn cause the stars to spiral into each other,” He uses his hands as a model, “and once they collide, the force causes carbon fusion to ignite. White dwarfs are basically dead stars that no longer support fusions, but the fusion is re-ignited by the merge.”
You nod along, turning into the parking lot of your apartment building. Spencer is confused, usually you would drop him off first, but he decides to keep his question to himself, “And since the dwarfs are made up of that degenerate matter, the equilibrium needed to keep the merge stable is pretty much non-existent. So the thermal pressure combined with the unstable weight of them crashing into each other causes a full blown supernova.”
“Supernova, huh? That’s pretty cool.” You grin, putting the car in park. You turn your head to look at him, and he stays silent. A soft smile rests on his face, and he takes the time to memorize the way the warm lighting of the street lamp shines on your soft features.
You turn off the car, pocketing your keys as you open the car door, “I need your help with something really quick, then I’ll drop you off at home, okay?”
“Yeah, no, of course.” He gets out of the car, mindlessly grabbing his bag as he rushes to catch up with you. Unlocking your ground floor apartment, Spencer shuffles in after you. He kicks off his shoes, nudging them into a neat position with his foot before placing his bag next to them.
You shrug off your jacket, hissing lightly as you slowly stretch your arms over your head. Motioning with a small tilt of your head, you lead him further into your apartment, flicking on a few lights as you do. 
After all these years of knowing you, Spencer hadn’t been to your apartment much. He liked how homey it felt, dark wood furniture scattered around neatly, warm lighting, and a little clutter here and there. It was very you.
Opening the door to your bedroom, you usher him inside. Your hand was on his lower back to guide him, “Chill out, Pancake, I just need you to help me change my bandage.” You chuckle, pushing him a little firmer as he hesitates. You separate from him to grab the first aid kit from your bathroom, setting it down on the mattress when you return.
“I thought you said you were fine?” He asks, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows a little.
“I am, but I might’ve just told you that because I didn’t want you worrying.” Your confession frustrates him and he crosses his arms, “Don’t look at me like that you Grackle, just help me out, please?”
Spencer nods, dropping his hands at his sides, stuffing them into his pockets. He watches as you shuffle through the contents of your first aid kit. His hand mindlessly lifts to scratch at the inner part of his right elbow. Without looking away from your task, you reach one of your hands behind you. Gently hooking your fingers around his, you push his hand away.
“Okay, so, it definitely looks worse than it is.” You warn, turning to him. Before he can ask what you mean, you start unbuttoning your shirt. His head snaps to look away, the tense joint in his neck cracking at the force. 
His cheeks warm, his hands coming up to fiddle with his tie. Keeping his eyes averted, he wills himself to stop thinking all together. All trains of thought chug their way back to you, your face, your lips, your bare torso- he has to stop thinking. Blank. Blankness.
“Uh, if you’re gonna help me I kinda need you to look,” You chuckle awkwardly. He slowly turns his head, feeling like his head is sitting atop a stack of rusty gears. To both his relief and utter disappointment, you were wearing a tanktop. He doesn’t have time to decide if he should choose between the two, you shrug off the button up before quickly pulling the tank top over your head.
Spencer was afraid he wouldn’t be able to tear his eyes away from your chest, clad in a black bra, but his eyes were immediately drawn lower. At the base of your ribcage sits a large mass of purple and red splotchy skin spreading out from underneath a bloodied bandage. His mouth falls open when he sees it, his eyes flicking between your face and the bruising over and over. 
“Like I said,” you raise your hands, “It looks worse than it is. The bullet pierced through the vest a little and it hit skin.”
“What? Do you have any broken ribs, any organ damage, what if you’re bleeding internally?” He rushes, his hand cupping the curve of your ribs. His thumb grazes over the edge of the bandage.
Tensing at his touch, you respond swiftly, “I have a broken rib, a few fractures and a ton of bruising. The ribs took the brunt of the force, no organ damage.”
“That you know of-” 
You shush him, placing your hand over his. His fingers were warm against your bare skin. Making no move to remove his hand fully, you gently slide his hand lower to rest in the dip of your waist. He lets out a shuddering breath, briefly distracted by the softness of your side. 
Peeling back the bandage, you wince, swallowing the hiss bubbling at the back of your throat. The center of the impact was so red it looked black, the dark purple skin surrounding it giving the illusion of a black hole. Reminding himself of what exactly he was here for, Spencer sits on your bed, guiding you by your waist to stand between his legs.
He gets to work, gingerly removing his hand from your side to grab the contents of your kit. Working silently, he focuses on being as gentle as possible while also assessing the damage. His eyes squint softly, his jaw hanging open as he disinfects it. You watch him, your head tilted downwards, noting every small mole or freckle you can as you try to ignore the burning ache in your abdomen- both physically and metaphorically. 
Having him this close was supposed to be the norm, right? The two of you had been closer than anyone on the team for almost 5 years. But your heart pools into your stomach, settling itself in your wound. Just for the chance to be cared for by his hands. 
Spencer’s hands, warm and lightly calloused, slide along your ribs as softly as he can manage. His long, slender fingers, guiding a new bandage into place.
You had never considered that Dr. Spencer Reid would ever return your simmering feelings. Sure, he went along with your teasing, let you manhandle him, calmed you down, turned to you for everything, cried on your shoulder, comforted you. But that was just him, right? He was like that with everyone… Right?
No. Spencer was sweet, yes, but you knew. He was different around you, more open, more playful. Everyone on the team knows how you revolve, bound to each other via some inexplicable force. He knows how you like your tea, he knows what snacks you like, he knows the ins and outs of your past relationships. But he knows everything, from the probability of finding a four-leaf clover, to quantum physics. You weren’t special.
But once he’s done securing the bandage just beneath your sternum, he looks up at you. His eyes rounded and shining, their honey-like color looking richer than ever. 
And you feel like the only woman in the universe. 
It’s hard not to feel like you’re completely under his spell when the warm hazel color of his eyes bore into your own. The patterning on his irises were just as enchanting, throwing you into the labyrinth that has held your heart at its center for the past 4 years. 
“How often do you need to change it?” He whispers, suddenly finding himself closer to you, his warm breath wafting over the center of your chest. 
“Just once a day after this.” Is your breathy response. Your hands lift, gently pushing the front pieces of his hair behind his ears, “Your hair is getting long.”
“Should I cut it?” He asks, gaze unwavering. You shake your head no, brushing your fingers through his soft brown waves. The touch is attentive and gentle. The air grows thick with every passing moment, bathing every touch in an intimate nature. 
Spencer’s hands linger at your sides, fingers ghosting along your waist. He looks up at you, his eyes somehow softening further. You almost melt on the spot, your hands finding their place at the nape of his neck. Mindlessly, you press the pads of your thumbs into the space just below his skull. The pressure alleviates some of the tension in his neck, his eyes fluttering closed as you begin to move them in a circular motion.
“You really worry too much…” You murmur, face flushing as you watch his expression melt into contentment. 
“Hard not to when you’re rushing at a sociopath with a gun…” He mumbles in response, looking at you through his eyelashes. “Especially when this bullet was meant for me.” His thumb slides over the bandage, his bottom lip jutting out a little as his eyes round at the edges. 
That damn puppy dog look. You hated it. He used it in any situation where he wasn’t getting his way. He knew it worked on you, probably thinking that you just thought he was too cute to resist. Not quite, as much as you did think it was cute- it was just such a turn-on.
Scoffing, you push away the mounting arousal pooling in your stomach, “Neither of us died, so I call it a win…” his gaze doesn’t waver, clearly seeking to break you, “Stop looking at me like that.” You grumble, placing a hand over his eyes. 
Spencer laughs, reaching up to pull your hand away. His fingers curl around you, sliding against the sensitive skin of your inner wrist. “Like what?”
Rolling your eyes you sigh, “Come on, Handsome, don’t be coy. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
His fingers slide up your wrist, spreading out to flatten your palm. Spencer’s hands are large, enveloping yours easily as he intertwined his fingers with your own. You had spent the last 4 years perfecting the art of hiding the way you feel about Spencer. But it was impossible to hide what he was doing to you here and now.
After years in steady orbit of each other, you were finally spiraling inwards.
He keeps his right hand intertwined with yours, his other hand sliding up your torso slowly. He keeps his eyes trained on your face, watching the miniscule changes in your flushed expression. His fingers slide along the band of your bra. The texture of the lace rubs along the pads on his fingertips. He guides his hand up, breathing shakily as it ghosts over the apex of your chest. You bristle at the contact, your hand gripping his tightly in an attempt to keep your composure. 
The only thing breaking up the silence permeating the room is the uneven breathing shared between you. Spencer takes his time, tracing the outline of your collarbone. He follows the line of it, dipping his index and middle finger into the center crevice of your clavicle. Dragging his fingers up the center of your throat, his short, dull nails lightly scratching the sensitive skin. You let out a strained hum, his fingers feeling the vibration of your vocal chords. His inner thighs press against the outside of your own, reminding you of how exactly you ended up here.
Following the line of your jaw, his knuckles gently tilt your head down. He keeps his eyes locked on you, still giving you that dreaded doe eyed stare. Once his hand reaches your face, he tears his gaze from your eyes, following his fingers as he caresses the soft skin of your cheek.
Turning his hand, Spencer lets his slender fingers flatten against your jaw. His thumb runs along your bottom lip, tracing the warm skin and gently pressing into it. Watching as the color of your lips changes with the light pressure, he finally speaks.
“The reason your heart races, or you feel nervous when you’re in love… is because of the sudden release of hormones. Dopamine, Cortisol, and Norepinephrine spike, but the mood stabilizer, Serotonin, drops.” His thumb gently tugs on your bottom lip.
“Do I make you nervous, Dr. Reid?” You whisper, your lips gently pressing into the pad of his thumb. Reaching up your free hand, you gently slide it under the front of his cardigan. Pressing it into his chest you could feel his heart hammering behind his ribcage.
Spencer nods, his bottom lip fitting between his teeth as he looks up at you. His face is flushed, the heights of his cheekbones radiating heat from the blood pooling beneath his skin. Adjusting in his seat, he pulls his legs towards himself, fitting one of his knees between your legs to spread them apart.
You look at him in surprise, but he dips his gaze to watch what he was doing. He puts his knees together, placing them between your own. Spreading his legs, he hooks them around your calves, forcing you forward. Yelping, you try your hardest not to collapse into him. You manage to get one of your knees onto the mattress before he fully knocks you over. Ignoring the way his gaze lingers on your flushed face, you settle into his lap, knees on either side of his hips.
Spencer could feel the strap of your thigh holster pressing into his leg. He unclasps his hand from yours, sliding it up your knee. He finds the buckles on the two straps digging into the flesh of your thigh. Maintaining eye contact while he unclasps them, you lift yourself off of him so he can take it off easier. He discards it onto the other side of the bed before letting his hand fall back to rest on your thigh. Spencer was constantly searching your face for approval, touching you slow and simple- He always made it a priority to make you comfortable. Mirroring his other hand, the one holding your face slides down the side of your torso to cup your thigh.The pressure of his touch increases, kneading your muscles through your jeans.
Your hands rest on his shoulders, gripping them lightly as he touches you. Growing restless, you reach down to unbutton his cardigan, sliding it off of his shoulders. He assists in taking it off, throwing it haphazardly across the room. His hands return to their places, but he tilts his head a little, his lips parting as his eyes slide across your face. 
Rocking your hips forward pulls a soft moan from his lips, his fingers curling into your thighs. “I- I don’t… think we should do this…” He gasps, contradicting himself as his hands slide up to your hips, pulling you against him again. 
“We don’t have to…” You gasp in response, the stimulation only slightly dulled by the thick material of your jeans. 
“I want to- but, you’re injured.” He mumbles, leaning forward to press his lips against your collarbone.
You shake your head, sighing at the feeling of his warm lips, “You won’t hurt me.” Loosening his tie, you pull it over his head and toss it to the side.
“I could- not on purpose, but strenuous activity should be avoided during recovery.” Spencer argues, his voice weakened by the way your hips slide into his. His breath falls from his lips heavily, fanning your face as you lean in close.
Laughing, you turn your head to press a kiss to his temple, “It doesn’t feel like you want to stop.” You could feel him underneath you, already straining against his slacks. He swallows, his Adam’s apple sliding up and down. The hands on your hips tighten their grip, digging into your flesh. He keeps his eyes on you, leaning forward to press a small kiss to your sternum.
Spencer’s hands knew exactly what to do. Sliding over the apex of your hips, his thumbs pressing firmly into your soft skin. Traveling slowly up, the weight of his palms kneading your sides as the tips of his fingers find the band of your bra. The pressure of his touch lightens as he lifts his palms off of you. His fingers curl slightly, leaving just a few fingertips touching the lacy fabric. 
Reading you like a book, his hands circle around to your back. Finding the clasp, he makes quick work of undoing your bra. He makes no move to fully remove the garment, just flattening his hands against your exposed back. His fingers press into your spine, running along the outsides of it.
You slide the bra off, throwing it over your shoulder to join your shirt and his cardigan on the floor. His eyes leave yours, trailing along your skin, uninterrupted by fabric. One hand stays on your back, the other sliding around your side. The pressure of his touch lightens as he reaches your front, very careful to not disturb your injured ribs. 
His hand flattened on your torso scoops the underside of your breast, his thumb caressing the soft skin. Watching how your body molds to the shape of his hand, his lips part slightly, almost studying you. 
Spencer presses a few more kisses to your sternum, slowly making his way up to your collarbone. Your hips continue to slide against his, pulling soft breathy moans from the both of you. His noises are muffled by your neck as he presses his lips to the center of your throat. It almost hurts how badly you want him, your desire clouding over any possible pain stemming from your ribs.
Moving as quickly and as gently as possible, Spencer twists his body. He slowly lowers your back to the mattress, settling between your legs as he hovers over you. He continued to grind against you, the feeling of him through four layers of clothing was enough to drive you up the wall. 
It dawned on you then how easy this felt.
Just like everything with him, it all came to you like the most natural thing in the universe. The two of you had spent years memorizing everything about each other. You never thought it would translate so well into this situation. Then again, you never thought it was possible for you to end up in this position with him. Your hands find the buttons of his shirt, unfastening them quickly as his mouth finds your throat again. He takes his time exploring the warm skin of your neck, very gently nipping at your pulse. He takes in every noise he draws from you, filing them away in his mind with every roll of his hips. 
Just as easily as the dusk slides into the quiet of night, you turn to putty in his hands.
Trying to focus on getting his shirt off, you’re distracted by the intense way he kisses your neck. You hadn’t really expected Spencer to be so… possessive with his mouth, but in hindsight it made sense to you. 
He was possessive in other ways, always taking the seat next to you on the jet, calling dibs on partnering with you, not letting anyone else help you if he was nearby, getting pouty when your attention was drawn elsewhere. Listening to his heavy breathing as his warm, open mouthed, kisses press into your throat you’re suddenly aware of every way he’s laid his claim on you to the people around you.
To everyone else, you were his.
His hands hold your chest, squeezing and caressing the soft skin. Spencer’s teeth slowly drag along the side of your neck, biting you very gently, careful not to leave any marks where anyone would see. Your breathing comes out heavy and labored, your face scrunching slightly as you feel the strain of your ribs with each breath.
Spencer’s large palms slide down your torso after one last squeeze, finding the hem of your pants. He quickly gets your belt off, letting it clatter to the floor and unbuttoning your jeans. Pulling away from your neck. his eyes meet yours as he hooks his fingers over the hem of your underwear. He shimmies them down the length of your legs along with your pants, tossing them across the room carelessly. Pupils dilated wide, he drinks in the look of you like a starved man. His hand finds its way to your cheek, his eyebrows furrowing slightly at the pained look on your face. His thumb presses against the space between your brows, smoothing out the tension building there as your chest rises and falls heavily.
“Try to relax your breathing,” He whispers, pressing his lips to your cheek. His hand slips away from your face, the soft noise of his silver belt buckle unfastening filling your ears. Attentive kisses are pressed along the perimeter of your face, urging you to try and calm your racing heart. 
The air around you is cold, a stark contrast to the ever growing heat pooling between your legs. His warm chest presses against yours, one hand curling around your knee, the other sliding along your bare inner thigh. 
A soft moan falls from your lips, “You’re not exactly helping,” You whisper, feeling his lips press against your temple.
“It doesn’t feel like you want to stop,” He replies, throwing your words back at you as his fingers slide against your clit teasingly. You writhe underneath him, your hands sliding up to tangle in his hair. Trying your hardest not to move too much as his fingers slowly circle the bundle of nerves. If you move too much and aggravate your ribs, you might have to stop. His slender fingers slide along you, dipping into your entrance briefly before continuing to tease. You whine, lifting your hips to meet his hand as best as you can. 
As much as Spencer wants to keep teasing, his need to please you overwhelms any other desire that may be festering. He pushes his middle finger into you, kissing the corner of your mouth as a guttural moan is pulled from your lips. 
His thumb finds your clit, rubbing soothing circles into it as his finger fucks into you. His face remains pressed into yours, kissing along your cheekbone lovingly. Adding his ring finger, he pushes it into you slowly and allows you to adjust to the difference in size. His long, slender,  fingers slide in and out of you, the ministrations deliberate and slow. 
Despite the slow pace of his hand, the length and size of his fingers provides overwhelming stimulation. You had always loved how large his hands were, spending nights wondering and fantasizing about how they would feel touching you like this. But this was way better than any piss poor scenario you could dream up. 
Your head falls back onto the pillow, mouth hanging open as deep, breathy moans fall from your lips. Hissing a bit, you try to calm your breathing.
“Don’t stop…” You sigh out, knowing he was noticing the way your breathing changes in kind to the pain spreading from your fractured bones. Spencer listens to your request, his fingers curling slightly. The sensation draws out a loud gasp as the tips of his fingers press into you. Your hands move down his neck, sliding along his back. 
Your head swims with intense pleasure, not bothering to care about how badly your ribs hurt with every breath you take. Spencer’s name falls from your mouth like a mantra, eyes closing as you focus on not writhing underneath him. Hands pressing into his shoulder blades you pull him flush against you, feeling his hard length against your inner thigh as he pushes you closer to the edge with his fingers. 
The way he presses into your inner thigh pulls a small noise from the back of his throat. He speeds up the way his fingers fuck into you, rutting against your thigh instinctually to keep the friction going. His thumb presses into your clit, the pressure firmer as he continues to circle around it. The feeling draws out a strained moan from your lips, your hips jerking involuntarily. 
Spencer can feel you starting to fall apart underneath him, his lips pressing firmly into your neck. His soft gasps and moans muffled by your warm skin as he uses your thigh. Tightening around his fingers, your legs shake, and you mumble his name over and over. Biting down on your lip, his free hand slides just under your breast, holding your torso down when he feels your back begin to lift from the bed. Your orgasm crashes over you and the room spins, tremors vibrating through your spine.
You gasp, panting to try and catch your breath. His lips find your face again, smothering your cheeks and nose with affection as you come down from your high slowly. His desperate grinding against your thigh pulls you back to reality and you gently push on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Spencer… I need you…” You whine, your hands cupping his face. Taking his bottom lip between his teeth, he nods. There’s a soft twitch to his face when he pulls his hips away from your thigh, his eyes searching yours for final approval. You nod, adoring the amber color at the center of his irises.
Gripping himself in his hand, he takes a second to slide his tip through your folds, pulling a desperate moan from the both of you. The tenderness left from your last orgasm causes you to whine and throw your head back onto the pillow. 
“Wait…” He gasps, looking up at you, “I- do you have a condom?” 
You can’t help but laugh a little, shaking your head, “I’m on birth control, it’s fine… please.” Your fingers curl and play with the long hair at the nape of his neck. 
He hesitates, seemingly working through the probabilities and statistics of not using one, but he nods. Spencer looks back down, lining himself up with you. One hand on your hip, the other wrapped around himself. 
“Tell me to stop if you need to,” He says, voice shaking with his heavy breathing. You nod, eyes locked on his features. The shadows of his face as he hovers over you are dark, seeping into the dips and curves of his brow and cheek bones. He looked ethereal.
When his tip pushes into you slowly, you gasp. His mouth finds yours, kissing you needily as he works his way inside of you. 
Spencer breathes heavily into your mouth as his fingers dig into the flesh of your outer thighs, “I… I love you.” He declares, his lips moving against yours with fervor.
Your fingers tangle into his hair, his kisses not allowing you to verbally reciprocate. You loved him. There was no doubt about that. But when he’s fully inside of you, filling you completely, there is nothing you can do to stop the way you ignite underneath him.
Moaning into his mouth, your legs shake from your earlier orgasm. He gives you time to slowly adjust, shivers running up and down his spine as your muscles flutter around him. Spencer slows down his kisses, resorting to soft presses as he waits for your signal. 
After a moment you nod, whispering a soft “I love you” and kissing him in return. With your quiet permission, he pulls his hips back. Letting out a strained groan, his lips loosely against yours, he rolls his hips back into you.
The feeling of you wrapped around him completely, your hands in his hair, your mouth against his. There is nothing that can compare to this. Nothing.
Spencer rocks into you slowly, keeping your hips pressed against the mattress. The angle is perfect, and the least likely to aggravate your rib cage. He’s fully in tune with how you feel underneath him, his hands gently sliding over your hips in a soothing motion. Feeling no need to rush, he pulls back from your lips to watch the way he slides in and out of you.
“I… I would beg you to go faster if my ribs didn’t feel like they were on fire.” You hum, your hands brushing over the perimeters of his face. His face scrunches a little and he almost slows to a stop, but you shake your head, “Don’t- don’t stop, please, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” He whispers shakily, one of his hands sliding down to press circles into your overly sensitive clit.
A whine falls from your lips at the feeling, “Yes, yes… I’ve never felt so good…” Your muscles flutter around him, the added sensation pulling your thoughts from the deep ache ringing from your torso. His lips meet yours again, one of his palms cupping the back of your hand. Pressing your hand firmly into his cheek, his mouth moves against yours in slow, loving motions. The amount of tongue he used was a pleasant surprise, his kisses never seeming to still. 
Keeping up his languid pace, Spencer memorizes the way you feel- which isn’t hard with his memory, but he files away every moan, every flutter of your core, every lingering kiss. It was all so perfect. 
The remnants of your first orgasm buzzes in your core, your entire body felt like it was on fire. You could feel yourself reaching the edge, your kisses getting sloppier and his name falling from your lips in quick succession. His hips roll deep into you, making up for the slow pace with the thumb rubbing evenly over your clit. 
His shoulders tense, the kiss between you breaking into just a sequence of heavy breaths against your lips. Hips twitching, the feeling of you around him almost unbearable as the pleasure causes his head to swim. All of the facts and knowledge constantly swimming through his mind fall silent, replaced with your soft whines and the feeling of your soft skin under his palms. 
“Spencer… god, please- come for me…” You murmur against his lips, your hands moving into his hair and sliding down the back of his neck. Your nails lightly scrape along his sensitive skin, coaxing him over the edge. It’s all he can do to keep his slow pace, lifting his face away from yours to look down at you. Your eyes are slightly glassed over, looking up at him with a pleading gaze. The eye-contact is the final push he needed, his fingers circling around your clit quickly. 
You gasp at the change in pace- the feeling of him inside of you, the length of him brushing against your sweet spot, his sweet gaze on your face all cause your muscles to contract as your second orgasm crashes over you. Spencer follows quickly behind you, groaning loudly as his hips stutter and he pushes himself into you as deep as he can. His release coats your insides, the added sensation pushing you even farther. Mouth falling open, his moans spike to a slightly higher pitch as he slowly rides out his own orgasm. 
Heavy gasps fall from your lips as the two of you come down from your high. Spencer’s lips press against yours sloppily, his hands reaching up to hold your face firmly. He pulls out of you slowly, listening to the soft whine that falls from your lips.
Overly sensitive from the two back to back orgasms, your head swims. Spencer attempts to pull away from you more, but your hands loosely capture his wrists and pull him back. Lips meeting again in a lazy fashion, your mind is in a daze, “I love you…” is softly mumbled into his mouth, your hands holding his to your face. 
“I love you too… How do your ribs feel?” He asks, kissing up the bridge of your nose.
You sigh into his affection, your thumbs rubbing the outside of his hands, “I feel great… it’s like a forgotten bruise.” Your lips pull into a sloppy grin.
“That’s because pain can be reduced by orgasms,” Is his response, pulling a soft laugh from you, “Potent analgesics, which are basically pain killers, are released in the endorphins during sex.”
“Maybe we should do this until my ribs are healed,” You hum, pressing a few soft kisses to his cheek.
Spencer laughs a little, shaking his head, “Let me get you cleaned up.”
He attempts to pull away again but you keep his hands held in your grip. You were still exhausted, your hold loose. Spencer could easily wriggle away, but he humors you with a few more kisses.
“Stay… I want you to stay.” You whine, tilting your head and kissing the corners of his mouth. “Please?” 
Spencer nods, moving to settle next to you. Being mindful of your injury, he wraps an arm around your shoulders. Scooting closer and  pressing his chest against your arm, he kisses your temple sweetly. The gravity of your connection holds your cores together in the wake of your collision.
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kofiilicious · 2 months
kiss your tears away
pairing. luke castellan x reader
word count. 389
content. fluff. fluffy fluff fluff because that’s all my heart can currently take. reader is gender neutral! luke castellan is bbg.
notes. something small for my first work that i post here! wrote this at like 5am so might not be good. i am such a sucker for luke castellan
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Luke hates it when you cry.
It did not matter why you were crying. From happiness, anger, or sadness, the sight made Luke's stomach churn. He didn't know why. It might be how they stick to your eyelashes or the trail they trace down your cheeks. Perhaps it's how your cheeks and nose are dusted red. Whatever it was, he didn’t like it.
Here you lay in bed, on top of the son of Hermes. Luke has his arms around your waist, rubbing soothing, nonsensical patterns into your back. Your face is in his chest, a damp spot growing on his orange shirt with each tear you shed into the faded fabric. Trembling hands curl into the garment, wrinkling the cloth, but he does not mind.
"Don't cry."
His voice is honeyed, speaking with a gentle warmth that always makes the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"I can't help it."
Your words draw a light laugh from him, a pleasant tinkling sound that felt like pure heaven to your ears. You would have dwelled on it longer if you hadn’t remembered you were crying, and he laughed. You tilt your head to meet his gaze, sticking out your bottom lip in a pout.
"Don’t laugh."
"I can’t help it."
The bastard, daring to use your own words against you. You huff out a laugh in disbelief and bury your face into the fabric of his shirt again, and the soft smile on his stupidly pretty face grows.
"There’s that pretty sound. Let me see your face."
Luke shifts your position, cupping your chin and bringing your face to his. He leaned in, pressing his lips against your tear-stained cheek. The contact makes your skin tingle and you melt more into his touch. Your eyes sting with the tears they shed, and he pecks a kiss on each droplet that rolls down your cheek. He can taste your salty tears on his lips, yet he doesn’t care.
Luke never ceases, his lips replacing each tear that dares trail down your flushed skin. When they no longer shed, he briefly slots your lips together, and you can taste the tears too. You fight back the urge to protest when he pulls away, brushing the tips of your noses together and resting your foreheads on each other.
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ifyoucandaniel · 5 months
exactly one person asked and i’ve been DYING to make this, so here are all of my favorite long batman fanfics in general and for new readers @twisted-tales-told :)
cards on the table by @wesslan ! 69k, completed. this is one of my all time favorite fanfictions, it’s so funny and tim is a mastermind genius and a little liar <3 he basically pretends to be a fortune teller and gives scarily good predictions and advice by stalking the upper class and eventually gets involved with the batfam and has to maintain his lies while dealing with his issues :) 10/10, very found family, good angst, so much lying
Dark Matter by @mysterycyclone , 221k, ongoing. this is a batman fanfic rec, of course my bbg dark matter is going to be here <3 this is a MCUxDCU crossover where after infinity war (spoilers for that if you haven’t seen it!) peter parker gets sent to the DCU dimension with part of the soul stone and basically is haunted by the ghosts of the avengers while trying to survive in gotham and get back to his dimension. this is so well written i’ve read it at least three times, it’s still ongoing but trust me it is SO GOOD. i can’t properly describe it, but if you like spider-man and you are interested in batman, you’ll love.
Red is the Color of Sinners by @bluelotuswrites , series, 120k, ongoing, M. i want you to look me in my eyes when i tell you this is my favorite series on ao3. it is set after under the red hood and daredevil 3 where jason and matt meet in a church after jason loses his ability to speak following the events of UTRH. they keep running into each other both as matt and daredevil and eventually jason begins helping matt out with injuries and tech. it’s not finished yet, but there is something so compelling about their dynamic in this series as well as jason’s overall character and how he is portrayed. i’m a sucker for mute jason after UTRH and this series does so well giving him a fresh start and a place away from gotham to heal and build relationships. i cannot recommend enough.
buy back the secrets by @vinelark , 71k, ongoing, T. THIS!!! oh my god, so this is a timkon fic where kon still doesn’t know tim’s civilian identity, but whenever he’s in trouble tim calls for superboy which leads to them meeting without kon knowing. shenanigans ensure when kon starts spending more time with tim! it’s still ongoing but the author is currently working on the next part and it is so so worth the wait. chapter 4 ends on a cliffhanger though so be warned :))
Sales People Know (listening is the most important part) by Mayhem10, 77k, completed, T. this has the coolest urban magical realism ever. tim basically runs this magic shop that shows up places and people who need something find it in his shop :) it’s kinda a slow burn found family fic with magic themes and a smidge of angst!
Retrograde Motion by Lysical, 112k, completed, T. this is best de-aged kid fic ever. jason gets turned into a 7 year old and basically the outlaws, artemis and biz, join forces with the batfam to take care of him. but trust me when i say this is worth your time, it might sound tropey but in the best way possible!! and jason’s relationship with artemis is sooo important to me in this!
Hand in Unloveable Hand (a chokehold) by britishparty, 54k, completed, M. this is one of the best psychological torture/grooming fics i’ve ever read. pretty much what if while our taking photos of batman and robin, little tim gets kidnapped and black mask gets his hands on him and decides he’s the perfect size for a protege. years of psychological abuse and insane mind games ensue. also tim is a Badass™️
If He Had Come by bronwe_iris, 45k, completed, T. so i’m a little freak and i love the angst of arkham knight jason, but more specifically the aus where bruce saves jason before he becomes the arkham knight! this is an au where bruce finds jason and saves him from the joker after 9 months of torture and brings him home. focuses on his healing mentally and physically and rebuilding his relationship with his family
Banshee in a Well by liverobinreaction (bugbee), 43k, completed, T. veeeery good angst. basically what if tim couldn’t die? 43k of tim drake whump where he just dies a bajillion times and eventually his family notices <3
The Birds: Hatching a Family by Oceanera12, 81k, completed, T. this is like “what if the batkids weren’t adopted by bruce, but instead they were all foster siblings who can’t seem to stay out of gotham at night and batman happens to find them and decides obviously he can’t leave these kids to their own business, he has to stick his nose in it” and there’s some angst and heaps of found family
The Hellblazer’s Apprentice by @bluelotuswrites, 29k, ongoing, M. what can i say, im a simple woman, i love to see jason with literally any older male mentor :) basically in UTRH what if he took up an apprenticeship under constantine to learn magic to piss off batman! so good, i really love constantine so seeing him and jason interact in a long fic is so good. also ALL BLADES JASON TODD SAVE ME… ALL BLADES JASON TODD-
something in the static by bonerot19, 101k, ongoing series with three main completed works, T. this is a jason centric series where jason still lives in crime alley with his mom and dad and never stole the batmobile tires. it follows his life in crime alley with an addict mom and an abusive dad and one night when his dad is whaling on him nightwing finds him and the bats just can’t seem to leave him alone after that. steph is his neighbor and best friend also and their relationship is so good. this is a “what if jason took a different way home to the wayne’s” fic series and i love it so much <3
catch the asteroids that come your way by ThePackWantsTheD, 54k, completed, T. i don’t read a lot of ships in the batman fandom i’m sorry, but this kyle/jason one is sooo lovely. basically the two of them growing up together and falling in love and then dealing with the aftermath of A Death in the Family and finding each other again :) really sweet and nice!
hope you find something you like! i realized the majority of these are tim or jason centric, and i love them all dearly, but if anyone has any recs for long fics focusing on any of the other batkids lmk! and any other recs in general, i am a fiend for new fics
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suntoru · 2 years
playing with genshin men’s hair
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summary: lol setting their silky locks on fire
⤷ feat: diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, xiao, kazuha kaedehara, bbg scaramouche, shikanoin heizou, tighnari, kaveh
a/n: ik i said angst… but i js couldn’t resist 😋 it will be coming soon tho
warnings: fluff, a bit of swearing, maybe some sussies tbh i don’t remember
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─ ✰ DILUC might be reluctant to let you take care of his hair at first, but once he experiences it, he’s addicted. he absolutely loves the feeling of you gently tugging the tie that holds his hair after a long day. it feels as though the burdens that once weighed him down are being set free by you, releasing him from his darkness. the soft smile you give him as you inquire about his day makes the weight of his everyday tasks it all worth it. your fingers work precisely, making sure to never rip out a hair or damage it in any way. he feels like he’s almost in heaven when you massage his scalp and detangle it with the utmost care. he hasn’t experienced such gentleness and care in such a long time, for even a mansion gets lonely without someone to come back to. even though you know he could just ask one of his maids for a professional head massage, it makes your heart melt every time he shyly asks if it would trouble you too much for you to do it.
─ ✰ KAEYA thinks you’re so adorable like this. comfortably seated on his lap, legs loosely straddling him, he thinks he’s in heaven. your eyes crinkle in concentration, lips pursing together as you try your best to make kaeya’s hair look as good as possible. originally, he asked if you could help him to tie his hair in his signature ponytail, but it seems you have veered off course from your original mission. you stick your tongue out and squint as you try and tie kaeya’s pigtails evenly, slightly irritated that a strand was poking out and wasn’t fitting. he’s trying not to laugh at the funny faces you pull, only because you’d pout and sulk in a corner if he mentioned it. kaeya finds it so endearing that you’re trying the best you can to be so gentle, as if you apply too much pressure he’ll break and shatter into a million pieces. he’s studying every small change in your expression, entertaining himself in the midst of your little hairstyling session. when you pull back, much to your delight, kaeya’s even cuter in pigtails then you ever imagined. paired with your pink bows, it’s hard not to squeal over how soft he looks.
─ ✰ XIAO gives you the side eye the second you pull out the bright pink hello kitty hair clips from your bag, instantly dreading his decision to answer your call. not really he’d ditch teatime gossip with babagrill zhongli for u &lt;3 “you want me to do what?” as if the answer wasn’t already obvious 🙄 his cheeks turn just as pink as the hair clips, then he vanishes with a poof, gone as fast as he came. he’s just flustered, don’t worry, he’ll be back any minute! as you silently wait for his return, you secretly spell y/n’s on the back of the clip :) when he gets back, he’s hit with your barrage of attacks, (puppy dog eyes n pouts) and he ends up caving. while you’re clipping the hair out of his face, he refuses to make eye contact with you, eyes burning the floor in embarrassment. you’re really going to be the death of him though, when you start to coo at him. “awww, my cutie patootie pretty baby boy is so gorgeous!” he can’t take it and teleports again but bumps into ganyu and ventitty 💀 embarrassed, he teleports back to you n he refuses to tell you what happened 😞 you try and concentrate on xiao, but you just can when he looks so adorable it’s not your fault :((( the pink kitty clips accentuate his hair n when he pouts it’s just ☹️ what have u created
─ ✰ KAZUHA would never want to inconvenience you in any sort of way, but when you beg him so nicely, it would be meaner of him not to accept… right?? he absolutely relinquishes by the way your face lights up instantly at his yes, a giddy smile you can’t contain spreading across your face. pulling you toward him, he kneels on the ground so you can sit comfortably while doing his hair 🥹 adjusts his head too so you won’t have to strain your arms. (boyfriend material™) he hums the tune of your favourite songs to fill up the peaceful silence that surrounds your room. once you’re done tying his hair, you’re a little bit anxious for his reaction. he’d never judge you, no, but… his ponytail is breaking free in some parts, the hairtie is tangled in his hair, it’s tied too tight at the base, and you’re sure by the time the day ends, his head will be sore. overall, it’s not your best work, and you feel you’ve caused more trouble than help. “y’know kazu… maybe you should just do it yourself!” you reach to untie the scrunchie, but he gently grabs your wrist and assures you that it’s fine, he’ll love it either way. standing up, he smothers your face in kisses, making sure to express his appreciation. “thank you dove, it’s lovely. now let me repay the favour.”
─ ✰ SCARAMOUCHE “what is the point of this? it seems useless.” sprawled lazily across the couch with his head on your lap, oversized hat long forgotten as he stares up into your eyes. he expects to find your true motive, the thought of you betraying him screams inside of his head. but he finds nothing but love and reassurance, no anger or resentment in the window to your soul. in that moment, all his doubts disintegrate as he ever so slightly nuzzles his head further into your legs. nails dragging on his scalp, you gently scratch his head as you read the latest novel you’ve received from a friend. the feeling is warm, intimate, mundane. it’s new, but not rejected, and he finds himself enjoying it more than he’d admit. you appreciate the peaceful moment, but what’s a relationship without a little bit of teasing? “hmm? oh, you don’t like it? i’ll just stop then.” you raise your hand to move it off, but scaramouche’s reflexes are faster. he pushes your hand back onto his head, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. “idiot. i never said to stop.”
─ ✰ HEIZOU loves the attention he gets when you style his hair. both from you, and other people. what’s not to love about it? sure, he sacrifices some of his dignity walking around with elastic bands bunched up in the most randomness places, but can that really be measured to your happiness? the silent giggles and playful smiles you give him while sits patiently for you is absolutely everything. he basks in the fact that while you’re styling him, he’s all you’re focusing on, loving the care you provide for him. he especially loves it when you put headbands on him, the ones with cute designs :((( or when you use a claw clip to really show off that he’s taken, this little bitch gets so smug at the fact that you’re protective of him. even if all the other detectives tell him he looks goofy in it, or the citizens inazuma can’t peel their eyes off of him, he still keeps his head high and carefree personality intact. instead, he just laughs it all off, and takes it as jealousy. he thinks that they wish they had a gorgeous significant other who puts this much effort into him. after all, who cares about other people’s opinions when yours is the one that only really matters?
─ ✰ TIGHNARI is practically obsessed with the feeling of your hands carding through his hair, massaging his sensitive ears after a long day of patrolling. sometimes he gets overstimulated by all the noise, so it’s nice feeling your gentle fingers take away that pain. he talks to you about his latest discoveries and how he’s so close to unlocking the full potential of a certain plant. if you’re not paying close enough attention, you’ll miss the breathy sighs and contented mumbles he’ll make. unlike another fluffy eared boy, he won’t try and resist you if you touch his ears. he won’t explicitly tell you he likes it, but it’s quite obvious given the lack of protests he gives when you ask. you feign ignorance for his sake, just happy that you get to touch possibly the softest ears in all of sumeru :(( if you ask the any of the other rangers, tighnari wouldn’t ever let anyone touch his ears or tail, sassing them if they even tried to ask. but when you do it, you’re welcomed with open arms and endless cuddles. you’re just special 🫠 collei is super jealous
─ ✰ KAVEH certainly is something else. for the entire day, he’s followed you around the akademiya, accompanying you as you make your rounds. as much as you love seeing his pretty face, you’re certain that his motives aren’t that innocent as helping you out. choosing to keep quiet, you just continue on instead of making a big deal out of it. at the end of the day, you thank him for his help as his chest puffs up with pride. however, when you turn around to leave, his jaw drops. seriously? not even a thank you kiss or hug? not even the thing he wanted the most out of all? as you collect all of your things to leave, he starts to panic. “b-but y/n, aren’t you forgetting something?” he stutters. “oh, you’re right! thank you for reminding me!” you exclaim as he sighs in relief. he closes his eyes for a glorious head pat, but is instead disturbed of his bliss from the sound of your keys jingling. he visibly deflates, giving up on trying to receive your affection. “i’ll be off now. thank you kaveh!” patting his head and giving a peck to his cheek, you run off so you’ll get home before it turns dark. doing so, you miss seeing his previous downcast expression morphs into a lovesick everlasting smile.
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©hawkssimpsblog 2023.
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lewlewlemon44 · 9 months
Honeymoon SMAU | LH44
Pairing- reader! x Lewis Hamilton
Warnings- 18+, suggestive content, swearing.
Summary- you and Lewis get married and share part of your honeymoon with your fans.
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yourinstagram We did it! I finally married the love of my life. There is not better feeling than this! I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you @lewishamilton, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I can’t express how proud am to be your wife. ❤️
lewishamilton love you babe, I never imagined that one day I’d marry someone as amazing as you❤️
SusieWolff congratulations you two! The ceremony was so beautiful💜
yourinstagram thank you Susie
fencer best night ever bruvs
->yourInstagram would’ve been better if you didn’t come looking for Lew and I but whatever
->Fencer Carmen was looking for him! It was either me or her so just be happy it was only me that had to witness that
->spinzbeatsinc I tried to warn you not to look for them, they can barely keep their hands to themselves without a giant event celebrating their love for one another
->lewishamilton we get it, thanks guys
->teamLH omfisgsgedjg poor Miles
mercedesf1 Mr and Mrs Hamilton💜
F1 Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hamilton! Can’t wait to see you both in the paddock again!
landonorris does this mean I can call you mum now?
->yourInstagram of course son
->landonorris 😎
mrsnorris4 sidgensjdbeb they’ve adopted Lando!
y/nstan oh so we're just going to ignore the 3rd picture... okay
->pierregasly Lewis will kill us if we do
->likedbypierregassleee BBG LEWIS? NO SHOT
->charlesleclerc might look bbg but he's a trained fighter, just ask Max or Fernando
yourbestfriend love you guys! ps this does mean Lewis can stop being my sugar daddy
->yourinstagram of course not, he knows the rules
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yourinstagram story
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lewishamiltoninstagram story
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yourinstagram one day into the honeymoon and he's already being a dick but whatever, still love you.❤
yourbestfriend girl what did I tell you? take sex away from him when he's being sassy.
->yourintagram how do you know I didn't?☹
->yourbestfriend did you?
->lewishamilton nope
->lewy/n fudeutyujdehgfyuhtgs
lewishamilton I've been a dream, what you talking about?
->yourinstagram babe I've posted the evidence; you threw me in the water and also flipped me off when I asked if you packed the towels.
->lewishamilton nah not true
->maxverstappen we can see it Lewis
->lewishamilton see what?
liked by youinstagram, maxverstappen and pierregasly
sebastainvettel looks like a lot of fun, enjoy this time before you start having kids!
liked by lewishamilton and yourinstagram
->rb!seb LMAO SEB
lewishamilton love you too sweetie❤
lewishamiltoninstagram story
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yourinstagram story
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lewishamilton so lucky to be your husband, kinda miss our son tho .❤
landonorris awe miss you too, dad
->roscoelovescoco 😑
-> y/nstan LEWIS GHUIFH
yourinstagram I'm the lucky one❤
lewy/nsupremacy OMG THEY WENT GO KARTING
danielriccardo who won tho?
->yourinstagram me, of course
->lewishamilton huh?
roscoelovescoco mums so prettys
->yourinstagram thank you Ros, miss you little buddy
->LHitaly oh my god thats so cute
yourinstagram story
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yourinstagram look at my man @lewishamilton 🤤
lewishamilton ❤
danielriccardo i'd be shocked if you don't come back pregnant.
liked by lewishamilton and yourinstagram
->landonorris ewww no
->alexalbon don't worry Lando, it's just the stork.
nicolashamilton no, thank you.
->hamiltonbrothers i dont think I can look at him the same
->y/nstan imagine the content we'd get omg
538 notes · View notes
pretty-circa006 · 2 months
Big Bad Wolf
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Sugar Daddy! Coach! Negan x F! Camgirl! Reader
summary Negan takes interest in a pretty camgirl who he doesn't know is also his student tags online sex work, sex toys, female and male masturbation, age gap (reader is 20 and Negan is 50s-ish probably), dirty talk,
wc 3.1k
note this is part one of a three part mini series
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
She adjusts her ring light before angling her laptop just right so the webcam captures her body but not her face. Once she’s happy with everything, she starts the livestream. Comments quickly fill her screen, the first of them being her regulars. 
@ b3nd0ver long time no see! i’ve been missing my favourite girl 
@ milflover69 pop a titty 
@ freak4feet do u do foot stuff???
@ milkmann_u look so sexy I can’t breath 
“Welcome back you guys, I’ve been missin’ ya,” she tells her viewers in a sultry voice that bears little resemblance to her own. The thin strap of her tank top slides off her shoulder as she adjusts her position to something more comfortable. 
“I got something new just for y’all!” She excitedly pulls her shoebox full of sex toys into view before opening it. 
@ MikeHunt wtf is in taht box
@ pussypounder take off ur cloths bbg
“Hey, you gotta be patient or else I’m ending this early.” It’s an empty threat, but it always seems to work regardless. She slowly, teasingly removes the lid from the box and tosses it aside. Holding the box up to the webcam, she shows her viewers the collection of different sized dildos, vibrations, butt plugs, and other toys. 
“Which should I use first?” 
@ 1-800-dickudown me! use me. its ab time u put a real dick in that pussy 
“Well why don’t ya come on over here, one eight hundred dick you down, and dick me down?” She teases in reply to that comment. 
1-800-dickudown sent $50.00
“Think I’ll use…” she trails off as she digs through the box, “this one! I bought it with the help of all your donations,” she explains as she shows them the thick, six inch glass dildo. 
“Ribbed for pleasure!” She says, running her finger along the toy to show off the artificial veins. 
@ freak4feet stroke it with ur feet! 
@ oversexxxed ur so pretty show me ur pussy pls
She spreads her thighs giving a full view of her soaked panties. With one hand, she slides her panties aside, exposing her freshly shaven cunt to the webcam. She rubs her clit a few times and lets out some overdramatic moans before grabbing the dildo with her free hand. She slides the toy up and down her slick folds before teasing her entrance with it. 
@ bigdickDILF I could please you better than that piece of crap can. 
bigdickDILF sent $117.23 
She lets out a girlish giggle. “I’d love to test that, big dick DILF. But this’ll have to do for now.” She shoves the tip in as she continues rubbing her clit, making sure to let out some moans and breathy whimpers along the way.
@ milkmann_you never fail to make my dick hard. 
The increase of her pace emits wet erotic sounds. She fights to keep her thighs from squeezing closed as she continues to pleasure herself. The toy hits her g-spot which turns her dramatized moans into real ones. 
“O-Oh, I’m about to cum!” She moans, fucking herself harder with the toy. 
@ sleazyb0iii me too
@ milflover69 POP. A. TITTY >:( 
The fingers of her free hand tangle into the fuzzy rug beneath her as her back arches and toes curl. She screams out as her juices squirt from around the dildo. 
Dogwater sent you $3.00 
b00bman sent you $20.00 
SitOnMyFace sent you $85.00 
“T-thanks for the tips,” she says shakily as she’s coming down from her high. 
@ mustache_MAN lick it clean 
“Yes, sir!” She pulls the toy from her cunt and its covered in her juices. She tilts her screen back so her glossy lips are in view before bringing the dildo up to her mouth. She licks it up and down before putting the tip between her lips. 
“Mmmm, bet you guys wish you could get a taste.” She takes the toy as deep down her throat as she can before gagging, sending tears cascading down her face. She bobs her head up and down the glass dildo as if she were giving a blowjob. She pulls her mouth from the toy before setting it aside. 
mustache_MAN sent $2.47
“Thanks for the tip, mustache man! I know this was a short stream, but that’s all I have for tonight,” she informs her users. Before she she can move her cursor to the ‘end stream’ button, another notification catches her eye. 
BigBadWolf  sent $1,000.00
Her eyes go wide at the amount. She’s never made that much on a single stream before and that catches her off guard. 
“Oh..Oh my gosh, thank you so much big bad wolf,” she says, still in shock. 
@ BigBadWolf Do you take requests? I’d love to see you use your fingers. 
She can’t be sure if she’s turned on by his politeness or the large amount of money, but her cunt clenches around nothing as she swallows dryly. 
“Anything for you,” she purrs, playing it up on the sexiness in hopes for another big tip. She moves from her sitting position to a kneeling position before sliding her panties down her legs. She sits back down and kicks them off before spreading her legs so her viewers get the perfect view of her soaking cunt. She rubs her stiffened clit in tight circles which sent tingles of pleasure down her spine. Her hand drifts down to her entrance before she slips in two fingers. Her free hand pulls down the front of her tank top, freeing her breasts before she squeezes it. 
@ milflover69 finally! 
milflover69 sent $1.00
@ BigBadWolf One more baby, I know you can do it ;)
“Yes, sir,” she moans before sliding in a third finger. She slightly winces at the stretch, but it feels good. Her thumb and index finger pinch and tweaked her nipple as she fucks herself with her fingers. Involuntarily, she ruts up against her own hand, chasing another orgasm. 
“‘M gonna cum again,” she whines as her legs begin to shake. She gropes at her breast as her second orgasm overtakes her. She rests her head against the floor as she catches her breath. With two fingers, she spreads open her lower lips, showcasing her overstimulated cunt. 
“Look at what you guys do to me!” She teases her loyal fans. 
@ BigBadWolf Beautiful
She sits upright and drags her cursor over the ‘end stream’ button. “Okay, I’m ending this for real this time. Love y’all, bye!” She ends the stream and shuts her laptop before fixing her top and putting her panties back on. Apprehensively, she opens her laptop and scrolls to look at her total amount of tips–$2,276.23. That’s almost enough for her to pay for another month of rent in her shitty apartment. A message in her inbox catches her eye and she curiously opens it. It’s from @ BigBadWolf, the seemingly loaded guy from her stream. 
@ BigBadWolf You’re so fucking beautiful. Do you take requests? I’ll happily pay, just name your amount. 
She stares at the message in awe. Typically, the kind of people that message her are weirdos who tell her about their sick fantasies in full detail, so this is a nice change. 
@ virginesque ya, if u subscribe to my profile u can see i post requests all the time
@ BigBadWolf I want these all to myself not something for all your goddamn subscribers to see
@ virginesque oh! i dont usually do that…
@ BigBadWolf Not trying to pressure you or anything, but I’ll pay whatever amount you want
@ virginesque ya? like a million dollars lol
@ BigBadWolf Within reason haha
@ virginesque fuck it why not. whats ur request ???
@ BigBadWolf I’d love to see you in the shower 
After a moment of thinking, she deems his request to be reasonable. Even though she had already showered for the night, she doesn't mind doing it again for a couple of extra bucks. She brings her phone with her into the shower after she had undressed. For the longest time, she just stands there beneath the stream of warm water contemplating if this is something she really wants to do. She needs the money and he’s willing to give it and it’s not like this is too much more than what she already does. After opening the camera, she holds her phone up so her body from the shoulders down is in view. She hits record and with her free hand she lathers her body in soap. Her hands caress over as much of her body she can reach before coming back up to her breasts, lathering soap and squeezing them a few times before ending the video. 
@ virginesque sent a video
She lays in bed, staring at her phone anxiously awaiting the stranger’s reply. Half an hour passes and inbox is still the same–empty. She shuts off her phone and tosses it aside, cursing herself for being so stupid. Of course it seemed too good it be true and she felt like a fool for believing otherwise.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
 When she awoke the next morning, she was still pissed and remained that way for most of the day. 
“Girl, are you okay?” Her friend asks her during stretches. 
“Just a little irritated, y’know, workloads and stuff,” she lies. She makes it a priority to keep her double life as a camgirl a secret. 
“Ugh, tell me about it. If I have to write another fucking paper-“ 
“Enough chit-chat, ladies, keep stretching,” the track and field coach, Coach Negan, orders. 
She can’t help the huff and eye roll that escapes her, but she begrudgingly gets back to her stretches anyway. 
“What crawled up your ass and died?” Coach Negan asks her with a shit eating grin spreading across his face.
“Nothing!” She snaps. Both her friend and Coach Negan give her a strange look. 
“Whatever it is, don’t let it fuck with your performance out there,” he encourages before walking off. 
“I can’t stand him,” she mutters under her breath. 
“Really? I think he’s great,” her friend disagrees. 
“Nuh uh, you just think he’s hot!” She teases before they burst into a fit of giggles. 
“Okay, that’s five extra laps for you two!” An irritated Coach Negan shouts. 
After practice and the extra laps she heads directly to her apartment off campus. With her getting scammed on top of her coach being a hardass, she’s so stressed that she’s ready to just roll over and go to bed. But no, she has a presentation to put together. She flings open her computer and sees that the tab with her camgirl account is still open and there’s a new message in her inbox. 
@ BigBadWolf Sorry for the late reply, had shit to do. 
@ BigBadWolf  You are so fucking sexy babygirl 
@ BigBadWolf sent $500.00
Her eyes widen and mood brightens when she sees he actually replied and the amount he sent. 
@ virginesque oh wow, thank u 
@ BigBadWolf How was your day?
She glares suspiciously at her screen. The first impression she got of him was that he’s some old rich guy who has a porn addiction and a lot of money to fuel it, so him asking about her day comes as a surprise. 
@ virginesque uh good? how was urs?
@ BigBadWolf Better once I watched your video ;) 
She’s sure he’s just using flattery to get more out of her, but still can’t help that her cheeks warmed at his comment. 
@ virginesque glad i could help 
@ BigBadWolf I know this is forward, but do you do video calls?
The question takes her aback. Video calls aren’t something she’s done before, but with the money he’s sent her thus far, she’d be willing to try. 
@ virginesque i’ve never done them before but for u i would
@ BigBadWolf Well aren’t you just sweet as shit
@ virginesque when do u wanna call?
@ BigBadWolf Is now okay?
@ virginesque sure
BigBadWolf is calling….
Her heart races in her chest as she debates actually answering or not. She angles down her laptop screen down so he can’t see her face and answers the call. 
“Hello?” she asks the black screen. 
“Hey, baby,” a deep, raspy voice replies. It’s oddly familiar, but not in a way she can pinpoint. 
“Um, thanks for all the money.” 
“Anything for my favorite girl.” 
She tries to bite back the smile she can feel forming on her face, but his voice is so sexy and words are so flattering. 
“Favorite girl?” 
“Uh huh, no one else makes me feel the way you do.”
“So, uh…what’s your name? Or do I have to keep calling you ‘big bad wolf?’”
He lets out a laugh before replying. "You don't have to call me that, you can just call me sir." 
"Okay, sir, can I see you?" 
He pauses for a moment as if he were in thought and when he turns on his camera, he's in a similar position to hers–sitting down with his face out of view. He has on a white t-shirt and his arms are decorated with tattoos. From what she can see, he seems to be in good shape and could potentially be an attractive man. 
“Will I ever get to see that pretty face of yours?” 
The laugh she lets out is sarcastic. “What makes you so sure my face is pretty?”
“Trust me, I can just tell.” 
“Pfff, okay. Did you just want to video call to flirt with me?”
“I just wanted to see you again, but with my eyes only. None of those other assholes watching you from their screens.” 
“Yeah? What do you want me to do?” 
“Take off your clothes.” 
The impudence of his request catches her off guard. Getting naked on camera and adhering to the wishes of random people on the internet are all things she’s used to, but doing it over a video call made her feel shy. It’s more personable. Instead of just reading comments, she’s hearing him tell her what to do and gets to hear his reaction. With shaky hands, she pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it aside. Reaching behind her back, she nervously unclasps her bra and lets it fall down her shoulders, exposing her breasts to him. 
“Beautiful, baby,” he compliments, sending warmth flooding throughout her body. She gets comments like this all the time, but hearing it from this man has a different affect on her. Like his words and validation actually mean something to her. She stands from her desk chair and unbuttons her jeans before turning around and bending over as she pulls them down. Her panties go next and she sways her hips seductively as she pulls them down too. She steps out of the garments before returning back to her chair. 
“I could just stare at you all day. You are a goddamn piece of artwork.”  
“Stop! You flatter me too much,” she giggles, hiding her face in her hands even though he can’t even see it. 
“Really, I can’t get enough of you. Lemme see that pretty pussy.” She adjusts herself in the chair and lifts her legs, spreading open her thighs and holding them up by the backs of her knees. 
“I wanna see it from the back.” 
“Yes, sir.” She turns around in her chair and holds on to the back of it for support it. She arches her back to give him a better view. 
“That’s it, baby. Touch yourself.” She slides her hand between her legs and rubs her clit. Arousal builds up within her as she pleasures herself. 
“I wish it was you touching me right now,” she whines. 
“Me too, baby, me too. I wanna feel you come undone around my fingers and then taste you all over.” 
“I just know you’d stuff me so good. My cunt and my throat.” 
“Oh honey, you have no idea how fuckin’ good I’d make you feel.” 
She slides two fingers into her now soaking hole. It’s difficult for her to hit her g-spot in this position, but hearing him talk dirty is enough to get her off. She silently whimpers as her orgasm quickly approaches and the man continues to praise her. 
“Attagirl. Lemme see you cum,” he says right when her orgasm hits. Her free hand grips the back of her chair as her thighs shake. She sits back down properly and awaits the man’s next words. 
“Look at what you do to me.” He tilts his camera down so she can see his lap, particularly the tent he’s pitching in his pants. 
“I wish I could help you with that…especially since I caused it,” she teases with feigned innocence. 
“Can I uh…can I watch you take care of it?” 
“Of course, babygirl.” He undoes his belt before pulling down his pants just enough to free his cock from his boxers, and once he did, it slapped against his abdomen. Her eyes widen at the size of him. He’s thick and long and slightly curved and veins run along his shaft. He’s circumcised and keeps it neat down there, too. Out of all the dicks she’s seen from unsolicited dick pics, this man’s is the best, prettiest one she’s ever seen. If he could see her, he’d see that her jaw is dropped with awe. 
“Just met me and you’re already droolin’ over my dick?” 
“So what if I am?” she retorts. 
He just laughs his handsome laugh before spitting into his hand. His large, veiny hand wraps around his shaft before he starts stroking it slowly. 
“Bet you wanna suck it, don’t you?” 
“I’m sure you’d like that,” she laughs. 
“You know me so well.” 
As she watches him stroke his dick, all she can think of is how it would feel inside of her. Heat floods her core and she’s sure he’d be able to put out that fire within her. He occasionally lets out a few grunts and moans as he brings himself closer to his peak. 
“Fuck, baby, I know your pretty little mouth would feel so good around my dick.” 
“Mmmhmm, I’d even let you cum down my throat.” 
“You are such a naughty girl.”  She giggles at the string of profanities that flow from his mouth as he cums all over his hand. 
“If I were there, I’d clean you off with my tongue,” she fantasizes. 
“You are just trying to get me hard all over again, aren't you?” 
“I gotta go get ready for work tomorrow, but let’s do this again sometime, yeah?” 
“You really can’t get enough of me,” she jokes before ending the call. 
@ BigBadWolf sent $2,500.00 
She stares at her screen in disbelief. No way did she just do that, but what shocks her even more was how much she genuinely enjoyed it, how much it turned her on. They seemed to have a genuine connection, too. The way they flirted back and forth effortlessly without any awkward moments in between made her look forward to interacting with him again. 
next part ➤
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d3adp00ls · 11 months
Heyia lovely! Noticed you were taking or rather looking for requests to do with Vanessa from FNAF?
If there still open I was wondering if you were able to a fluffy one, maybe when the reader is related to Mike somehow and she knows he’s struggling with a job so it’s actually her that suggest to Mike to work as a night guard with her, and maybe Mike is overprotective of the reader so when Vanessa turns up he’s like ‘stay away from her’, but their actually a couple, and when Mike just finds out he’s shocked and if your comfortable with it maybe Vanessa giving the reader a kiss or a kiss on the cheek and he like ‘so I’ll see you for date night?’
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x reader
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Summary: basically the request
Contents: fluff, angst (you gotta squint really hard tbh), established relationship, protective Mike, secret relationship
W/c: how about you count for me bbg 😉 (I’m actually so sorry this is so fucking long and idek why)
side note: The only thing I really changed is the fact that you aren't related to Mike and that you're just a childhood friend, I hope that’s okay and enjoy the totally amazing writing that I love so much!! Also, I’m pretty sure this does not fit totally well with the movie's timeline but it does kind of take place during it.
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You started working as a security guard at Freddy’s about three months ago. Although it wasn’t the ideal job and the pay sucked ass, it had its perks. For instance, you enjoyed watching Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica perform for you, and you also found it amusing to watch Foxy try to beat your high score on one of the old arcade games. It was pretty funny to see him struggle with the machines using only one hand, but it was less funny when he got mad and hit the machine with his hook. However, the best thing about the job was Vanessa Shelly, the officer who came every other night. You met her on your third day working at Freddy’s when she came to introduce herself to you, and you both immediately clicked. Now, two months later, you’re together.
Recently, you’ve been feeling lonely at Freddy’s. Vanessa couldn’t visit you all the time due to her job, and as much as you love the animatronics, you can’t have real conversations with them. Half the time, you’re left in your own thoughts while waiting for your watch to read 6 a.m. Vanessa recently told you that they were trying to find another security guard to work at Freddy’s with you. You were excited about the idea until she told you that you both would only have one shift together. Nonetheless, you were still excited about the idea of not being alone every night on the weeks Vanessa couldn’t keep you company. You just wish they would find a person faster. You were becoming more and more impatient as the days passed. It got to the point where you even asked Vanessa if you could look for someone yourself, which you quickly realized was stupid because you didn’t even know anyone who could do night shifts. You had given up hope of having a coworker and accepted the fact that some weeks you would be stuck at the old restaurant alone. However, one of your nights off changed everything. You were babysitting for your best friend Mike Schmidt, who was apparently out trying to get a job because he beat up some kid’s father at his last one. You had been drawing in the living room on the floor with Abby when he came in holding and reading an orange paper. You furrowed your eyes as you stood up and walked to him. “What’s that?” Mike looked up at you as you nodded toward the paper. He looked back down at it before sighing and crumbling it up. “Nothing, don’t worry about it,” he said with a small huff before looking towards the kitchen and seeing a box of pizza with a half-eaten pie on the table. He looked back towards you with furrowed brows. “Did you order dinner?” he asked while walking towards the kitchen and picking up a slice, feeling that it was still warm.
“Nah, my girl….I mean uh… a friend of mine did,” you said with a shrug, clearing your throat when you realized you almost had a slip-up. It’s not like you didn’t trust Mike with knowing that you had a girlfriend. You knew you could trust him, seeing as you had come out to him when you both were 15, and he was more supportive than your own parents could ever be. However, it wasn’t about sexuality with Mike. It was his protectiveness over the one he loved. He has been going through a lot ever since Garret’s death, so you don’t blame him at all for becoming overprotective about you and Abby. But the fact that you don’t blame him doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes wish he would lay off on the protective big brother act. Sometimes it’s the only reason why you haven’t told him about Vanessa. You were scared of how he would react and that he wouldn’t approve. Mike looked at you with a raised brow, and your heart nearly sank at the thought of him hearing your slip-up. But then a smirk started to form on his lips, causing you to raise a brow before he started speaking. “Oh? I didn’t realize people actually liked you enough to consider you a friend.”
You sarcastically laughed at his words before punching him in the arm, causing him to laugh and move away from you with his arms raised in defense. “Very funny, Mike. Tons of people like me, alright?” you say with a roll of your eyes as you walk back to the living room where Abby is still finishing her drawing. “Anyways, how’d it go? Did you get the job?” You ask as you begin to pick up some of the crayons that Abby wasn’t using. You hear Mike groan, causing you to glance up at him. He’s sitting in a chair with a hand covering his face. “That bad, huh?” Mike shakes his head, moving his hand to tap against the arm of the chair. “I don’t even want to talk about it,” he says with another groan before leaning his head back to let out a huff. You hum in return as you finish picking up the rest of the crayons and placing them next to Abby’s drawings on a table with a smile before standing up fully and brushing your pants off. “Well, I should start heading out. I have work tomorrow, and I have to do a ton of other stuff before then, so I want to get some rest before all of that,” you begin walking around to grab your stuff as you speak. Mike seems to perk up at your words, and you notice it as you go to reach for your coat. The way he practically jumps out of his seat and looks at you almost stuns you with how fast he moves towards you. You notice Abby now looking at you both with a confused look, which you shrug at her before Mike stands right in front of you, causing you to take a step back. “Whoa, what’re-” “You have a job, right?” Mike says so quickly you won’t even think he’s speaking English. “Excuse me?” “You’ve got a job, right?” he says a little slower but still slightly fast. “Yeah? Did I not just say that?” “Are you hiring?” He asks, his face showing hope. You give a sad smile in return as you pull your coat on. “Yeah, we are…but you can’t do night shifts, remember?” Mike sighs, looking towards Abby, who is watching the interaction.
He looks at you returning the sad look.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice at this point.”
☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥
You sat in the security office at Freddy’s, humming to yourself as you watched the security camera with a bored expression. It was Thursday, which meant you and Mike had a joint shift. This was the last day of the week for him and the first day of the week for you. You had arrived a little earlier than needed, so you continued to stare mindlessly at the cameras as you waited for him to arrive. Your eyes began to get heavy, and you were just about to dose off when you saw a car pull into the parking lot and park next to your car. You sat up, looking more closely, and saw Mike get out of the car. You smiled a little, but your smile dropped when you noticed him talking to someone. You tried to squint to get a closer look before the door opened, and Abby got out. “What the hell?” you mumbled under your breath before standing up and walking towards the entrance to meet them there.
“Y/n!” You smile when you hear Abby’s voice excitedly yell your name before she jumps into your arms and gives you a tight hug. “Hey, Ab’s!” you answer, hugging her back before putting her down. “What are you doing here?” you ask with an amused tone. When you look towards Mike, he’s already nervous, knowing you will be on his case about this later. “Mike lets me come sometimes!” she says happily, and you raise your eyebrow at her while looking back at Mike. “Sometimes? You’ve been here before?” Abby nods before running off towards the stage where Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica are all standing, seeming to be happy that she’s there. You watch the interaction between the three robots and the little girl before sighing and looking back at Mike. “She’s been here before, Mike?” Your tone now changes from the one you used with Abby to one more serious. “I know what this looks like, but I swear I have a good explanation,” he says. You raise a brow at him as he continues to speak. “You usually babysit for Abby, but today we both had work, so I tried to get someone else, but I couldn’t find anyone to fill in for you.” “What about that girl who would sometimes watch Abby? Max?” you ask while looking back at Abby to see her and Foxy watching the other three perform. “She hasn’t been answering my calls,” Mike states, causing you to look back at him with a confused look. “Since when?” “Since last Thursday when you took the day off because you were sick.” You nod at his answer before letting out a sigh. “Okay…I guess it’s fine that she’s here. Just please keep an eye on her. The animatronics are cool and all, but they can be a little rough sometimes.” He hums and nods, and you smile at him before playfully hitting his arm. “Now, come on, let’s go watch the show.”
☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥
It was 4 am, You and Abby were playing in the arcade with animatronics watched you both and Mike was god knows where.
Abby had just beaten your high score, much to Foxy’s dismay, and she was excitedly jumping around as you watched her while laughing before you got a glimpse of Mike speed walking towards the entrance causing you to furrow your brows but you just shrugged it off and look back at Abby who is now trying to convince foxy he can beat the high scores.
You were about to start a new game for him but then you heard Mike's voice paired with another familiar one causing you to furrow your brows and move away from the arcade game telling the group that you would be right back before you jogged towards the voices.
when you got to the entrance you saw Mike talking to someone at the door causing you to walk closer to get a look but when you stepped closer you were met with Vanessa walking in with a smile on her face.
“Hey y/n,” she says with a smile and you all but jump into her arm and hug her tightly while she laughs.
“Vanessa!” you exclaimed, surprised to see her. “It’s been forever!” She chuckled at your words and hugged you back before pulling away, leaving her hand on your waist. “We literally saw each other on Sunday,” she said as you pulled your arms from her. “Yeah…but it still feels like forever,” you mumbled as she laughed again, causing you to smile and playfully hit her on the arm. You were so caught up in the fact that Vanessa was here that you almost forgot Mike was there until he cleared his throat, causing both of you to look back at him. “I didn’t know you two knew each other,” he said, throwing a very obvious glare at Vanessa when her hand stayed at your waist, but she pulled away while clearing her throat, seeming to notice the tension between them suddenly. “Uh, yeah, I met her on her third day here,” she said, glancing at you with a shy smile, which you returned before looking back at Mike, who still hadn’t taken his glare off of Vanessa. “Anyway, I’m gonna go say hi to Abby,” Vanessa clears her throat , giving you one more smile before walking towards the group to escape the awkward tension. “You two seem close…” he stated dryly, finally taking his eyes off of her and landing them on you. You hummed while looking down at your shoes, not wanting to look him in the eyes if you decided to lie about the relationship. “She kept me company during my first few weeks here. She’s a very nice person,” you said, trying to diffuse the tension. Mike hummed and nodded his head, his gaze going back to Vanessa, who was now playing the arcade game. “I bet she is nice to you,” he said, his tone a little harsh, making you glance up at him with furrowed eyebrows, but he was still looking at Vanessa, making you clear your throat. “What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked him when he looked back at you. Mike shrugged before beginning to walk away from you and towards the others. “Nothing…forget it. Let’s just go.”
As you watch him walk away, you groan and cover your face with your hands. You slide them down your face and glance over at the group. Vanessa is already looking back at you with a playful smile and motions her head towards the hallway that leads to the security room. You furrow your brows and look away from her towards Mike, who is being distracted by Abby. She’s trying to get him to give Freddy a hug, but he keeps telling her no with what almost looks like a scared expression on his face. The interaction makes you chuckle and shake your head. You look back at Vanessa, who is still staring at you, waiting for you to make a move.
You can't help but break into a smile as you playfully roll your eyes and make your way towards the office. Vanessa announces that she needs to put her coat away and her footsteps quickly jog down the hallway. She grabs your arms and pulls you into the office.
Your gasp is cut short when she kisses you, leaving you momentarily stunned. But you quickly reciprocate, feeling her smile against your lips. She moves her hands to your waist and pushes you into the security chair, closing the door with her foot.
As you try to catch your breath, you look up at her and see her licking her lips. She straddles your legs and you instinctively hold onto her waist. She leans in to kiss your ear, causing you to tilt your head for better access.
"I don't think your little boyfriend approves of me," Vanessa whispers in your ear. You groan and push her back slightly to look at her.
"Don't call him that, he's like a brother to me," you say. Vanessa just smiles and kisses your lips again before moving to your neck.
"Well, your 'brother' definitely looked like he wanted to kill me," she teases. You hum in agreement, closing your eyes as she kisses a sensitive spot on your neck.
"Don't worry about him, he'll come around. He can be a bit overprotective at times," you assure her, gently lifting her head and brushing your thumb against her cheek.
"Have you told him about us yet?" she asks, and you meet her gaze before reluctantly shaking your head.
"I haven't found the right time," you sigh, and she nods in understanding.
"Well, you should figure that out soon," she says, getting up from your lap with a laugh and taking off her police jacket.
"But I don't want to," you whine, standing up and grabbing her arm to turn her back towards you. She smirks at you and shakes her head.
"Babe, I'm not his best friend, you are. You have to handle this on your own. But I'm sure it'll be fine. If he truly cares about you, he'll be happy for us, right?" she reasons, gazing into your eyes. With a heavy sigh, you nod in agreement. Vanessa's soft smile reassures you, and you lean into her touch as she cups your cheek.
"So, are we still on for our date night on Sunday?" you ask, and she leans in closer, her forehead resting against yours.
"Why wouldn't we be?" she teases, a mischievous glint in her eyes. You can't help but look at her lips, and she notices, licking her own before leaning in to kiss you once more.
"We probably should get back to everyone," you mumble between kisses, but you don't make any move to leave her embrace. She hums in response, her lips still pressed against yours.
"We should, but I don't want to leave you," she murmurs, making you laugh softly. You meet her gaze again, and she licks her lips before capturing yours in another passionate kiss.
You were so deep into the kiss that you didnt hear the footsteps coming near the room nor did you hear when the door open.
“The fuck is going on?!”
☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥
Anyways please reblog if you liked it 🙏🏾🙏🏾 and have a nice day/night/evening/wtv
☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥ ☆★✰✫✯✵✧✥
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buckys-wintersoldier · 4 months
Just a little bit where Nick doesn’t allow you to suck his cock (just yet).
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Pairing -> Dom!Boyfriend!Nick Fowler x Sub!Girlfriend!Reader
Warnings -> 18+, Minors DNI, smut, degrading, praises, mention of blowjob
A/n -> @lanabuckybarnes asked me to write that, so here you are bbg.🤭🤭
You’re sitting on your knees between Nick's legs, your hands cuffed behind your back while your knees scratch over the soft rug on the ground. Nick's belt is wrapped around your neck and you placed your head a while ago on his thigh, staring at his throbbing cock.
“Look at me, babygirl,” he says, pulling in his belt to make you tilt your head back. And you do, looking up into your boyfriend's eyes. His soft blue ones meet your widened eyes, tears falling down your cheeks, while his belt causes your breath to get heavier.
He smirks at you, his hand reaching out to stroke your cheek. Nick's thumb slides over your lips, you immediately part them lightly, giving him access to push his thumb into your mouth. Instead of letting you twirl your tongue around his digit he grins and pushes your tongue down, waiting until you gag around his digit and more tears build up in your eyes.
“Such a good little whore for me, huh? So fucking desperate for daddy’s cock, aren’t you, babygirl?” He asks, his voice soft. The devilish grin on his lips causes you to whimper, knowing that he loves to tease you until you can’t take it anymore and turn into nothing but a begging and whining slut for him.
You nod your head, whimpering against his thick thumb. Nick raises his eyebrows, his expressions turning cold and he grasps your chin harshly, tiling your head back. His eyes darken immediately and his tongue pokes out, sliding across his lips and leaving them shining with spit.
“Can’t even use your fucking words anymore, fucking whore? Yeah that’s what you are, my sweet little slut, whining and whimpering, cock drunk already and haven’t fucked you yet,” Nick says with a mocking tone.
And he is right, your pussy is dripping, soaking your panties and you rub your thighs desperately together. His cock is just a few inches away from your face but he doesn’t allow you to suck him off just yet. Pre-cum is covering his red tip, slowly flowing down his thick, veiny length.
With a pop he removes his thumb, swiping it over your lips to coat them in your own saliva. “Pl—Please, daddy. Can I suck your cock?”
Nick chuckles darkly, his one hand still holding the belt around your neck. He lets your head fall down against his muscular thigh once again. Your boyfriend just loves to tease you, having you all desperate in front or underneath him until you’re begging like he loves it to fuck you dumb on his cock.
“Aww, you’re sweet when you’re begging for me cock, sweetheart. How about you keep going with begging a while longer so daddy can enjoy your sweet, slutty show a while,” Nick suggests, but you shake your head. A soft pout forms on your lips when you look up at him, your pussy is aching and you just need him, you need him so bad but he doesn’t want to give you his cock just yet.
“Daddy, hurts so bad. Need your cock, please,” you whine. A low growl forms in his chest, slipping past his lips. His thick fingers running through your hair, a grin on his face when he has you almost where he wants you.
“Yeah? Want to be my sweet cock drunk little whore? Are you daddy’s pretty girl? Daddy’s pretty slut?” He asks, chuckling when you nod immediately. You pepper some soft kisses on his soft skin, your eyes locked to his while you do so. “I need words, babygirl.”
“I’m your cock drunk little whore, daddy. Please can I suck your cock, daddy?” You ask, pouting when he just leans back against the backrest and continues to comb his fingers through your hair.
“Come on, make daddy proud, suck his cock like the good little slut you’re for me, babygirl,” Nick says, smirking when your eyes light up and you sit up to get closer to his cock, finally able to lick a long strap along the underside of his huge length, sighing softly when you taste him, salty and musky, just perfect.
Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @randomawesomeperson102 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf
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killakalx · 20 days
clothed sex with dick grayson sends me into a spiral. something abt him tugging the readers underwear to the side instead of taking it off completely, fingers teasing you through the fabric with varying amounts of pressure !! probably mocks you when he sees how wet you’re getting, all you want is for him to touch you but that’s what he’s doing isn’t it??
or maybe he finds you in his shirt and that’s enough to keep you both home for the day, has you spread out on his lap in front of a mirror nothing but his shirt on.
“hear me out” bbg i heard you literal months ago!! clothed sex was one of my first dick grayson fics and i plan to rewrite it bc i’m so obsessed with clothed sex and dry humping it’s concerning. therefore dick grayson just HAS to be passionate about it too 🙂‍↕️
he’ll tease you through the panties but he fucks with CLOTHED sex. smth considerably impractical like making you ruin your cute pj’s bc he can’t get over how cute your cunt looks. anytime he naps between your thighs it always leads to him salivating over your pussy and there’s no choice but to start lapping at your clit regardless of the barrier. he’ll eat you out through the pj’s if you let him!! doesn’t even care if you cum bc the real appeal is his spit and your slick soaking through. like he wants the fabric sopping wet
if you’re wearing his shirt then he’ll be rubbing and pinching at your nipples the whole time he fucks you. probably needs pictures too!! he likes the look of his hand palming your tits over his tee and he really likes pulling you back onto him with it when he’s fucking you from the back. the shirt gets all types of stretches and wrinkles in it after but the faded out blue complements the way your ass bounces against him too well for him to care
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wintfleur · 5 months
ꔫ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ BABES IN BAHAMAS! — Stella Hughes AU!
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
°. — asks about stella and rut are under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨🩷୧˚ stella & rut!
﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X Rutger McGroarty )
°. — summary ( Stella and rut in the Bahamas )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I def want to write a small blurb for them and there trip !!! )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
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liked by _willsmith2, g.brindley4, _alexturcotte and others
🏷️ rutgermcgroarty
🎵Pink + White - Frank Ocean
stellahughes; sorry guys but I’m never leaving 🐚
view all 4,361 comments
📍 rutgermcgroarty the beach ? the bed ? me ?
stellahughes all of above 💋
username I think her favorite color is pink . . just a guess
username the shells are everything :(
username Rutgers comment and her response stop I can’t 😫😭
Lilybaileys where’s the bikini pics you promised bbg 😮‍💨
stellahughes check ur dms 🫣
stellahughes IT WAS DELICIOUS OMG 🤤
colecaufield not you posting a surf board when we all know you refuse to surf 🤔
stellahughes rut pushed me around on it and it matched my bikini :(
username I wanna be her so bad
username2 I wanna be Rutger so bad 😍
username REALLL
jackhughes going to the Bahamas with your bf while your brother is home struggling from a shoulder surgery is BARBARIC 😑
stellahughes ‘struggling’ hmm sure, Luke has been keeping me updated . . . Mr I can’t stay still.
jackhughes I DONT CARE COME BACK 😡
edwards.73 she’s a mermaid your honor 🧜🏼‍♀️
markestapa we have to watch aquamarine when she comes back
stellahughes DEAL SOLD ‼️
_quinnhughes should have taken me with you guys.
stellahughes YOU HAVE A CUP TO WIN SIR ⁉️⁉️
rutgermcgroarty Next time q!
jackhughes lol imagine being a third wheel @/_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes at least they want me there @/jackhughes
rutgermcgroarty 😦
luca.fantilli wanna play mermaids 🤓 ??
stellahughes I’m Emma ur Cleo 🫵
username imagine going on vacation instead of supporting your brothers…
username she’s such a pick me
elblue6 🩵
trevorzegras why didn’t you tell me YOU WERE LEAVING THE COUNTRY ???
stellahughes i didn’t know until we got to the airport 🤗
trevorzegras . . . bring me back some seashells.
lhughes_06 please come back, I can’t deal with Jack anymore
stellahughes and you think I want to ??
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liked by cuttergauthier_, franknazar14, gabeperreault44 and others
🏷️ stellahughes
rutgermcgroarty; my girl
comments have been limited
stellahughes ‘my girl’ SORRY THE MOAN I LET OUT
carmenbarlowe STELLA ?
stellahughes 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🛌 👌🏻👈🏻🤰🏻
carmenbarlowe PUT THE PHONE DOWN
rutgermcgroarty 🧑‍🧑‍🧒🩷 @/stellahughes
carmenbarlowe no no no
stellahughes Alexa play the boy is mine by Ariana Grande 🥰
stellahughes I love you stud 🩷
rutgermcgroarty I love you pretty girl 🩷
luca.fantilli the babes in the bahamas 😍
stellahughes STOP BEING SUCH A HATER 😡
elblue6 my beautiful daughter 🩵
stellahughes love you mama 🩵
carmenbarlowe not you stealing my job as Stella photographer 😑
rutgermcgroarty what can I say, she prefers me 😏
jackhughes you klepto 😒
rutgermcgroarty she’s in her mermaid era 🧜🏼‍♀️
_quinnhughes you look so pretty sissy 🤍
stellahughes I miss you :(
Lilybaileys damnn bbg can I have your number??? 😮‍💨
rutgermcgroarty SHES TAKEN 📵
rutgermcgroarty I CAN AND I WILL
markestapa pookie is enchanting
stellahughes stopp it 🤭 (keep going)
jacob_truscott20 hurry back children
rutgermcgroarty yes dad
Lilybaileys omg bbg need you so bad 😵‍💫
rutgermcgroarty added to their story !
🎵 ordinary girl - Kate Alexa
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[caption1: I think she loves the water now 🩵] [caption2: she fell 2 seconds after I took this pic]
edwards.73 reacted with 🧜🏼‍♀️
_quinnhughes reacted with 🤍
stellahughes replied to your story ‘Iysm but you did not have to expose me like that 🙁’
lhughes_06 reacted with 😒
stellahughes added to their story !
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[caption: take me back 🤍 @/rutgermcgroarty]
carmenbarlowe reacted with 🦶🏻
Lilybaileys reacted with 😝
adamfantilli reacted with ❌
edwards.73 reacted with 👅
g.brindley4 reacted with 🤩
nick_moldenhauer reacted with 😮‍💨
dylanduke25 reacted with 💋
tyler__duke5 reacted with 🦶🏻
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘For freeeee 🤑🤑’
stellahughes replied with ‘I CANT STAND YOU GUYS’
lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘no I refuse your staying with me’
jackhughes reacted with 👎🏻
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( can you guys tell I was struggling with the comments 🙁 gosh I love them mhm )
°. — taglist ( @toasttt11 @lovings4turn @cixrosie @bunbunbl0gs )
226 notes · View notes
mitch-the-silly · 7 months
Heyoo!! I was wondering if I could request Angel dust x gn! reader headcanons of them being silly and romantic while cooking together?🥰 Like reader is trying to focus on what they need for the recipe they’re gonna make and Angel is just like “mhm mhm sounds good sugar” barely listening, admiring reader like this 😍😍😍, Angel being as clingy and close to them as possible, them having little mini food fights, etc.. just adorable, slightly chaotic vibes!💕 I hope this isn’t too long, thank you so much!!🫶🏼
OFC!! I love Angel sm!! He’s so bbg and honestly, he’s one of my faves!! Angel literally deserves all the love in the world and you cannot change my mind-
clingy!Angel Dust x Gn! Reader
Here are your hcs!!
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This is definitely Angel Dust and his S/o cooking because of some sort of teamwork activity Charlie organized!
Little does she know that you two are so in love with each other that you can’t get anything done…
Whatever it is you two are cooking, it’s made by nothing but you two’s love.
Angel definitely is a helper princess. 
He’ll be there to “help” his partner but he will do nothing but play around with them. Like seriously, he’s too pretty to do the cooking work. But he’s there for emotional support and for the lovely sight of his absolutely dashing partner.
“Angie, can you pass me the salt?” They asked while trying to read the next step in the recipe. 
Angel gazed longingly at them. The way they focused on what they were doing was so attractive to him. He took an arbitrary spoon and stirred the salt playfully, waiting for them to turn to him.
When they finally did turn to him, they raised a brow at him, wondering why Angel hadn’t handed them the salt. “What’s wrong?” They asked him.
Angel giggled, slowly scooting the salt to them. “I just wanted you to look at me, toots.~” He cooed, moving closer to them, kissing their cheek.
They rolled their eyes playfully and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. “If you help me out and we win, we can cuddle and watch a movie together.” They offered, trying to get him to help out.
Angel pouted, throwing his arms around them, hugging them like his life depended on it. “But what if we don’t win…? Can I still get cuddles?~”
“Angie, babe, you doubt my cooking skills?~” They chuckled, blowing a small amount of flour at his face. 
“Oh, it’s on!” He chuckled, taking some flour in his hand and throwing it at them. 
In the end, you two didn’t win the activity because you two were too busy playing around with the flour and lost track of time. 
Niffty’s team won. She did all the work not because no one helped her, but because she knew exactly what to do and didn't let anyone do anything but pass her things (which defeated the purpose, but that was beside the point; a win is a win). What can I say? She’s an amazing cook. 
You two definitely get a mean scoldin’ from Vaggie for making a mess.
But you two are defended by Charlie because you two are ADORABLE! And she could never have you two be in trouble for such a loving display.
Niffty goes crazy cleaning up your mess though. It kept her entertained for a while.
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tomssexdoll · 3 months
2009 bill and he buys a vibrating tongue piercing as an anniversary gift and uses it on you until you cum several times on his tongue and then he fucks yku with his dick 🥰🥰😍 “i can’t bill.. too much” “you can take it, pretty. always such a pretty whore f’me” MEOWW
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"Hey liebe, the present I got you for our anniversary came," Bill smirked, walking into our bedroom where I was just calmly brushing my hair. "Open it up!" I smiled brightly, excitedly awaiting for what this was.
As he opened the package I was confused to see a little tongue piercing. It kind of looked like a hammer, it was black and tiny. "A tongue piercing? Isn't that just a gift for you?" I chuckled, "oh no baby, this is a special kind of tongue ring, it vibrates," he smirked, the idea immediately clicked in my head.
"Bill...how the fuck did you even find something like that," I giggled, "who cares, i wanted to spice up our special day," he grinned, "get on the bed, why don't we test it out?" I nodded eagerly and practically jumped on the bed.
I layed back, watching as he slowly crawled towards me, taking my pyjama pants off and flinging them somewhere across the room. The buldge in his pants grew bigger as he imagined the fun he was just about to have with me.
"Fuck..I'm gonna make you cum so many times.." he grunted, diving his head down between my legs and pressing a soft kiss on my panties. He quickly took his old jelwery out and replaced it with the vibrating piercing.
He slowly took my panties off, revealing my dripping pussy waiting in anticipation. "So excited already? Mmm.." he smirked and switched the piercing on.
He slowly placed his tongue on my clit, my hips bucking as I felt the vibrating sensation, "fuck!" I gasped, his eyes lit up with pleasure as he heard my gasps and moans from beneath him.
He began to move the vibrator in slow, aching circles around the outside of my clit, the sensation overwhelming. "Mmmh!" I whined, throwing my head back into the pillows, he slowly started to press it against my clit, making my body jolt, "ah! f..fuck!" I moaned, rolling my eyes back as he kept the piercing on my clit, letting it vibrate away.
He reached up and slowly entered 2 fingers into my hole, driving them deep into me and letting the piercing work it's magic. I could feel myself already getting to my first orgasm, he slowly flicked the piercing against my clit, watching as I practically fell apart under him.
"Ohhh fuck!" I whined, my legs trembling as I hit my first release, my pussy throbbing around his fingers. "Good girl.." he smirked, never releasing his fingers, only working on my next orgasm.
He pressed the vibrator against my clit again, running his slippery tongue against my clit as well. He growled low in his throat as he felt me tremble, he knew I was close again and wanted to make sure I screamed his name.
He began to flick at my clit faster, starting to fuck my cunt with his fingers again, this time going harder. He curled his fingers at my g spot, the 2 ways I was recieving pleasure at the same time made me crazy, my hair sprawled out on the pillows, sweat lining my forehead.
I desperately chased my second orgasm, grinding my hips onto the vibrating piercing, "fuckk! Bill I'm g'nna cum!" I yelped, feeling my legs about to close in on his head.
"Cmon baby, cum for me again.." he grinned, sucking and kissing my clit roughly. I arched my back, moaning loudly as I hit my second orgasm, he smirked and retracted his fingers, licking up all the cum I gave him.
"You want more princess? You want me to make you cum more?" he growled lowly, wrapping his arms around my legs and driving me closer to him. "Yes please..." I whined, already desperate for more.
He chuckled and brought the piercing back to my clit, "mmmh!" I moaned loudly, "such a dirty girl..aren't you?" he lapped his tongue on my clit, sending shockwaves through my body. "Mmm! Yes I am, only for you!" I cried out, feeling my legs tremble.
"Only 2 more for me and then you'll get my cock baby, keep being a good girl.." he muttered, sliding his fingers in me again and roughly slamming them in, the piercing tormenting and teasing my sensitive clit. "God, I love making you squirm like this, you're so fucking sexy.." he growled, wet sounds coming from my hole as he relentessly fucked me with his long, slender fingers.
He loved being able to bring me so much pleasure with just a simple toy, something so tiny. "That's right baby, take it like the good girl you are," he moaned on my clit, the extra vibrations driving me into oblivion, I was nearing my third orgasm and my head was incredibly hazy, my vision going blurry.
"Ohhh fuck..." I groaned, "fuck, you're close already? You really are a greedy little slut.." he chuckled, his tone filled with amusement as he kept flicking the piercing at my clit, letting it nudge and hit it perfectly, the pleasure getting agonizing.
"But don't worry, I'll let you cum.." he grunted, pounding his fingers into me rougher. With one last flick of my clit I came once again, crying out and riding out my high on his fingers, "good girl..." he praised, giving me no time to recover and flicking the piercing against my clit again, "1 more..you can do 1 more for me.." he groaned, sucking on my clit gently.
"Bill!" I whined, the vibrations only getting more intense, my clit puffy and needy. I didn't know how much longer I could take it, the power of his fingers and the piercing making me see stars, "you're doing so well liebe, cmon, 1 more," he reassured me, guiding me to my final orgasm.
"Cmon, cum f'me again baby," he grunted, pressing the vibrating piercing against my clit multiple times, teasing me immensely. "Bill, g'nna cum again! Ohhh fuck!" I gasped, he smirked and slid his fingers inside me for the last time, roughly pounding my hole and suctioning my clit, I rolled my eyes back and came for the last time, my legs weak and shaky, his cheeky grin never wiping off his face as he collected my cum once again, slurping all of it up.
"Mmm..now you've earnt my cock baby," he panted, crawling on top of me, reaching down to his boxers and letting his cock spring free, releasing it from it's confines.
He slowly rubbed the tip through my folds, slapping it against my entrance, "you ready for me baby?" he smirked, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up at him, I nodded slowly, my body eagar for another orgasm.
He grabbed my thighs and spread them apart, "good, be a good little slut and take all of my cock," he grunted, slowly pushing all of his inches in my tight cunt, stretching me out deliciously.
He immediately started to thrust harshly, pounding his large cock in my sopping cunt, driving himself deeper. "You're my little cum slut aren't you? You gonna let me cum in this pussy?" he grabbed my tits, squeezing them roughly as he drilled his cock deep into me.
He digged his nails into the flesh of my breasts, leaving little cresent moon shapes, "I could fuck you all day long, let you soak my cock with your filthy juices and you'd still beg for more.." he smirked, "I fucking knew you'd beg for more, I can already feel your pussy clenching around my cock, so eager so cum again huh?" he reached his hand up and grabbed a fistful of my hair, tugging on it cruely.
"Yesss! Make me cum again!" I moaned loudly, losing control in the moment, his tip stabbing into my sweet spot repeatedly, he held my hips in place, making sure I didn't fling across the room with every hard thrust. His thrusts only got harder, more erratic. His hand snaked down between our bodies, finding the sensitive bundle of serves and rubbing circles around it.
"Cum for me, let me hear you scream my fucking name," he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "i can’t bill.. too much" I whined, feeling the overstimulation settle in, "you can take it, pretty. always such a pretty whore f’me" he grunted, only pulling me harder onto his cock.
His thrusts never weakened, despite the pace he was going at, they only got faster each time I moaned, he loved the sounds of my squeals and moans each time my g spot was stimulated by his tip. "Fuck!" he grunted, feeling my body tremble in anticipation, my 5th orgasm approaching quickly.
He kept rubbing rough circles on my clit, "cum with me baby, im s'close..." he moaned lowly, picking up his speed to make us climax at the same time, "look at you, all wet and helpless for me," he chuckled, leaning down and capturing my lips in a passionate, our lips locking in rough embrace.
My cunt slowly started to clamp down harder on his cock, the sound of skin slapping filled the room, the headboard slamming into the wall as he lost all control, "I wanna hear you scream my fucking name," he mumbled against my lips, his hips slamming into mine.
"Ohhh Bill! Fuck!" I cried out, reaching my peak, a small stream of clear liquid came out of me as I came on his cock, "holy fuck!" he grunted, rolling his eyes back as emptied himself in my pussy, filling me to the brim.
He collapsed on top of me, panting, his chest heaving wildly as he calmed down from his earth shattering orgasm. "Ohhh baby..fuck that was amazing..." he sighed.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck
tags: @tomsonlyslut @miyukafujii @ge-billsgf
tags: @bkaulitzlover @ella1289 @20doozers
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
A thought just came to me, and it’s fluff (kinda angsty if you squint but overall just protective leon) when f!reader (his S/O) comes home from work and subtly complains about some guy (co-worker) being “strange” and flirting with her and stuff and eventually she just comes home one day and rants about how it’s making her really uncomfy (and then ofc my bbg Leon comforts her and now has a murder plan)
I love this idea because I saw in one of your drabbles the mention of Leon not even thinking about sharing reader, and now I’m wondering what he would think of when even reader doesn’t like the persons advances and is uncomfy
If this is too triggering or uncomfortable for you, pls ignore!! I love ur writing ❤️❤️
-Leon Kennedy x reader
Ahhh thank you for requesting, I love protective Leon sm!! I hope you enjoy my lovelies!
CW- harassment
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Office jobs are already god awful, the last thing you need is some creepy, sleaze-ball who can’t take a hint for the life of him and by just your luck that’s exactly who you have to work with. The new intern, Harry, had been nothing but inappropriate with his constant jokes about the women he’s slept with, or his flirtatious manner that was horribly accompanied by his wandering hands.
It was starting to make you feel way too uncomfortable so much in fact you left ten minutes early just to avoid him in the parking lot. You had, along with several other women, already spoken with your bosses who in turn told you they’d ‘Keep an eye on him’ which was not helpful, at all, in fact, his actions only worsened through the week.
So when you finally get home you let out a heavy sigh, feeling the stress melt away as Leon calls your name lovingly from the kitchen. “Hey angel, you’re back early” he says walking over to you with a soft smile.
Leon always looks so warm and inviting but right now when he’s wearing his old collage jumper with a pair of joggers, well it sparks something in you and you just can’t help it as you practically fling yourself at him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders as you tug him into a hug.
He smiles when you breathe in deeply because, god, did he smell like heaven, “Yeah, I missed you- so much” you mumble against his shoulder, a sigh falling from your lips as his hands soothe against the small of your back, pulling your blouse out from where’s its tucked into your pencil skirt, so he can slip his hands underneath the fabric, his warm hands splaying across your back.
Leon catches on fairly quickly that there’s something wrong, he can tell by your tone, and when he pulls away slightly to look at you he doesn’t miss the strained smile you flash him. “Missed you too baby” he presses a kiss to your hairline, “Tell me what happened?” there’s a certain softness to his tone that melts you, completely opening the floodgates.
“Well y’know that new intern?” You ask as you both walk into the kitchen, the setting sun dusting the room with an orangey light as it reflects against the dark wooden cupboards, it was a homely feeling.
The softness of the light against Leon’s face made him look so handsome, despite the frown that confronts his face as he runs a hand down his stubbled cheek.
He nods with a stiff “Yeah” as he bites the inside of his cheek. Of course, Leon knew him, the creep wouldn’t leave you alone, the thought of him making you even the slightest bit uncomfortable made Leon seethe with anger.
“Well telling my boss hasn’t done shit- I swear he’s only gotten worse” you sigh picking at your cuticles, an action Leon is quick to stop as he holds your hands in his.
“Gotten worse how sweetheart?” He asks, tilting his head as he tries to meet your gaze. There’s a dreadful pit that grows in his stomach as he waits for your response with a certain fear.
“He just makes everyone feel so uncomfortable, I mean it’s bad Leon- even some of the other guys have called him out, he just doesn’t listen,” you tell him, noticing how the grasp he has on your hands tightens slightly.
You take a deep breath although it comes out a lot more shaky than you would like, “I have to share the desk next to his, and he keeps flirting with me and trying to touch my shoulders- I swear I’m gonna staple his hands together” you giggle trying to make light of the situation because if you don’t laugh about it you might end up crying.
The sentence tips Leon off the edge and what he really wants to do is much more than staple his hands together, but he pushes that to the side when he catches onto the tears that glaze over your eyes.
“You’re not going in tomorrow- I’ll call your boss” he says leaving no room for argument, a sudden protectiveness caging around his heart. His arms encircle your shoulders as he holds you against him with a gentle sway.
However, you know you can’t avoid it altogether, “Leon I can’t not go to work,” you tell him, pulling back slightly to look at him, anger still flickering through his eyes.
“Then I’ll drop off and pick you up” he huffs pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I’ll put on my mean boyfriend face” he whispers, frowning very over dramatically as he brushes his nose against yours.
He stops after he gets a giggle from you, satisfied at the joy that overtakes your face although it doesn’t last for long as he pulls back, watching the happiness dissipate from your face. It hurts him to see you like this, his chest tightens and it only fuels his anger towards this sleaze.
“Hey, I’m serious” his tone is so soft despite the growing anger, “I’ll call your boss, tell him you’re not going in until that creep gets fired” he presses a kiss to your forehead, tucking your hair behind your ear.
You look up at him with a soft smile, “I love you” you whisper, leaning into his hand as he cups your jaw, his thumb smoothing over your cheek.
“I love you too sweetheart” he says, bringing you into a warm almost protective hug, kissing the top of your head as his hands soothe against your back in a comforting manner, “Let’s go get some food, yeah?” He says as you nod against his chest, feeling a whole lot safer.
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. mentions of dicks and balls and nudity, mentions of sex, mild manipulation, someone cries at one point, the usual amount of swearing. WORD COUNT. 3.3k.
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg
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NOTE. whatever the bet they have is, it's definitely one of the three things you're thinking about. per usual, please let me know what you think about this trainwreck so far!
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CHAPTER 2 — the inevitable disasters of living with six men.
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FOR THE MOST PART, LIVING IN YOUR NEW TEMPORARY HOME HAS BEEN FINE. It’s similar to living in the dorms, but a lot more hygienic and a lot less stressful considering you don’t need to use your earplugs at the dead of night anymore. Your housemates all surprisingly tend to themselves, minding their own business on the day-to-day.
Jake makes sure you feel welcomed by introducing you to the extensive LEGO collection in his room which is taking him more than a week, you have never seen Soobin come out of his room again after he got jumpscared by your Victoria’s Secret on the first day, and Heeseung smiles and says hi to you but never fails to demonstrate his superhuman agility by swerving out of your way when you cross paths in the narrower hallways, making sure he never touches you. You also hear questionable screams of anguish from Beomgyu’s room whenever you come down for water at 3 a.m., you often have breakfast cereal with Jay and he always makes sure to refill your Cheerios while saying “to make your day a lot more cheery-oh,” and sometimes— when you’re particularly lucky— you and Sunghoon would emerge from your bedrooms at the same time and he’d stare you down, like usual, until you finally smile at him and he breaks into a cold sweat before either retreating back into his room or downstairs.
It’s great. Living with Jake and his friends is so great.
Until it’s not. Because you’re living with six men, and that statement in itself is bound to harbor problems.
Case in point—
“Who the fuck ate my ice cream?”
It’s early in the morning. Heeseung, Beomgyu, Jake, and Jay are all gathered around the kitchen island as you witness the murder scene in the fridge. You turn around, revealing the opened pint of mint chocolate that has a very noticeable chunk taken out from its creamy, minty center. “Not me.” Beomgyu is the first to defend himself. “You’re the only one in this house that even likes that toothpaste shit.”
“Say that again.” You slam the fridge door shut, looking him dead in the eye. “I dare you. Say that shit again.”
You wait. You continue staring at Beomgyu until he breaks into a nervous sweat and lets out a cough after tearing his head away. A victorious grin stretches on your face. “Thought so, punk.”
“That’s not fucking fair. You can’t pull that crap!”
“What crap?” you press further. Beomgyu isn’t able to challenge your stare again so he resorts to hopping off the stool with a groan and disappears into the living room. That’s another victory in your books. “Anyway, seriously— which one of you ate my ice cream? I won’t get mad. Just be honest and tell me.”
Jake fidgets in his seat. “Are you sure someone ate it?” 
“There’s a hole! There’s literally a singular hole!” You’re sure one of them took a bite before realizing their major fuck up and discreetly returning your pint into the freezer. Jay chokes back a giggle. The three of them are looking at each other. Oh my god, they’re all children. “Heeseung. Do you know what happened?”
The man in question suddenly jolts in his seat and straightens his shoulders. “N-no, no I don’t,” he sputters out. “I really don’t know.”
“I think he does,” inserts Jay.
“I think he does, too.” You settle the violated ice cream on the counter before marching up to the panic-stricken accused. He tries to run away, but you’ve memorized all his evasive tactics. You know how this bastard operates, so you slam your arm down over the counter as a barricade before he could book it. “Heeseung, did you kill my ice cream?”
“I did not!” he exclaims.
“Who did it, then?”
“I don’t know— ask Sunghoon!”
Just in time. Sunghoon is mid-stride into the kitchen, but makes an immediate u-turn the moment he hears his name. You’ve just about had it. You manage to grab him back by the scruff of his shirt and yank him down with a harsh tug. “Holy shit,” Jake breathes out. Sunghoon tries to pry himself off with a grunt, but you have an iron grip on his collar.
“Talk,” you spit out. “Tell me who ate my ice cream. I’ve had enough of your silent treatment, Park Sunghoon. You better spit it out, right now.”
This time, he succeeds by grabbing you by the wrist and almost flips you over, before settling with twisting your arm instead. “I don’t fucking know!”
You hold your forearm close to your chest. That was the first time he’s ever spoken to you and you would’ve thought his voice was pretty until he decided to cuss you out. “Well damn, you don’t need to be a total bitch about it.” Sunghoon’s expression sinks. He grumbles and turns back out of the kitchen. You let out a sigh, quickly returning your attention to the three boys on the counter before they can get the opportunity to run away. “None of you are leaving until you tell me who the culprit is.”
Heeseung squirms nervously under your stare. The other two are out of hot water because they don’t seem to know anything. It takes him thirty seconds to break. “Soobin hyung said— said something about making a mistake so I think you should— wait, hold on!”
Too late. You’re already marching up the stairs. You can hear the scrambling of footsteps following after you, but you don’t stop, not until you reach his room and you lift your fist up to gingerly knock on Soobin’s door. Two knocks. And then three. You hear the knob click before a small gap cracks open— wide enough for you to flash the hesitant Choi Soobin a malicious grin. Within a second, all the color drains from his face and he tries slamming the door back shut, but you wedge your foot into the gap quick enough to stop him.
Fuck. It hurts like a bitch. You’re biting down your tongue and trying your best to maintain a smile. “Let’s talk, yeah?” You kick the door open and Soobin stumbles back to avoid the violent swing.
It’s the first time you’re entering someone else’s room. You hope you don’t get sued for breaking and entering.
“I believe we have yet to formally introduce ourselves to each other, Mr. Choi Soobin, but you see, there has been a conundrum,” you start, walking into his personal space, inch-by-inch, step-by-step and he slowly backs away. “A crime scene, if you will. Yesterday, on my way home from work, I bought a delicious pint of mint chocolate ice cream from the 7-Eleven just outside the subdivision. You’ve been there, right?”
The back of his legs hit the cushion of his bed when there’s no space left for him to back into. “Soobin.” Your voice is sharp, slicing into the air, and Soobin stumbles back onto the mattress. “Have you been there?” you repeat your question. He nods, throat bobbing when he swallows down nothing. 
Maybe you’re pushing it, but you’re having way too much fun. Let’s just say you’re getting even. “Well, I left that pint of ice cream untouched in the freezer because it was already really, really late at night,” you continue. “I intended to eat it this morning, but imagine my surprise when I opened the pint to find a huge, gigantic hole in the middle! Almost as if someone dug a spoon and stole a bite of my mint chocolate ice cream.”
Soobin flinches everytime you hiss out a word with too much enunciation. You’re practically looking down on the giant man. His face is drenched in guilt. He’s got nowhere to run now. 
“Do you know what happened, Soobin?”
Too much. Maybe you pushed it a little too much this time because all of sudden— he’s in tears. He’s actually fucking crying. 
“I—I didn’t know it was yours! It was— it was late at night and I was half asleep, so I—I—I thought it was the choco chip ice cream I bought the other day, put when I put it in my mouth, it tasted horrendous, and that’s when I knew I did something horribly wrong.” There are fat tears rolling down his flushed cheeks and he’s close to breaking into a fit of hiccups. Oh no. Oh, for fuck’s sake. “I’m sorry, I’m so—sorry, please forgive me, I—”
“H-hey— it’s fine, it’s alright, I was just messing around!” Your palms and fingers are now all wet trying to console him while wiping off his tears. The last time you had to comfort a grown man was when you watched Hi Bye, Mama! with your friends, so needless to say, you’re lacking in that skill department and are thus, also freaking out. The only thing you’re getting out of this is the discovery that Soobin’s skin is unfairly soft. What the hell is his skincare routine? “It was a joke! A joke! You know what, you can have all my ice cream from now on! So, please just stop crying—”
“Oh my god.”
You snap your head back to see the rest of the boys gathered outside the door, but that’s the least of your concerts at the moment because you think you’ve just traumatized Soobin a second time within two weeks you started living here. “You monster. You made Soobin hyung cry,” Beomgyu announces from behind, and you shoot him a glare.
“Do you want me to make you cry next?”
“I think I’m good.”
Soobin finally calms down after that and you’re all subsequently kicked out. You knock on his bedroom door the next day with three more pints of ice cream (different flavors) as a peace offering and though you’re sure the both of you are cool now, he still starts sweating when you try to make eye contact with him. You also haven’t caught the bastard that keeps on depleting your kisses stash yet, but you’ll find him eventually.
And that was just one of your problems. The next issue you have is a little less dessert related, and little more—
“Fuck! Put some pants on, for shit’s sake!”
The amount of times you’ve almost seen a pair of balls hanging around shouldn’t be legal. You finally decide to round them all up in the living room for a discussion one day because it’s been getting out of hand.
“Listen,” you start your speech. The six of them are sitting around the sofa as you stand in front of them, arms crossed, and all. “I understand that you’re all used to living by yourselves for a very long time now. Trust me, I really do. But to be completely frank, I also really don’t want to see any dick and balls outside the bedroom, you know? I get enough unsolicited dick pics already.”
Jay looks like he wants to say something. “So, does that mean it’s okay if it’s inside the bedroom?” You give him a look. He politely puts his hands on his lap. “Sorry.”
“Anyway,” you continue. “Old habits die hard. I understand that. But someones these habits need to be broken for the sake of a peaceful cohabitation. That is why I thought of a countermeasure.” You tap on the large jar that’s been sitting on the coffee table since their arrival. All eyes are on the container. “Every time someone accidentally flashes anyone— of course, that includes myself— they have to put money in the Preservation of Dignity Jar as a penalty.”
“Yes. Thank you for your input, Jay. Jake, you’re raising your hand?”
Jake lowers his arm and clears his throat. “Who gets the money once the jar is full?”
“Very good question.” He looks proud of himself. You give him a smile. “All the money goes to me because of how much you guys have violated my eyes within two weeks of living here.”
“That makes sense,” Sunghoon nods at your proposal. Of course he does. He’s the biggest culprit out of the lot.
“That’s not fair!” Beomgyu interjects. “It’s not like I want you to see my dick!”
You give him a smile and he flinches back down into his seat. “So, is it my fault for walking into an unlocked bathroom?”
“Knock first!”
“I do, and you bitches never fucking answer!”
“Okay!” A clap resounds in the room. Heeseung makes an attempt to resolve the spat. “How about we all get the money in the jar?”
“None of your socialist bullshit, Heeseung. The most deprived should get all the money in full.” He winces the moment you step a little too close. You let out a sigh. “State your miseries. Soobin, you start.”
He’s been quietly fiddling with his thumbs since the beginning, and the sudden flush of attention isn’t helping his nervousness. “I...I have this Gojo figurine that I’ve been eyeing since last month, and—” Soobin cuts himself off. You raise a brow. He looks away. “N-nevermind. You can have the money.”
That was three more seconds of eye contact than usual. You should give him a pat on the head for that. “I’m in debt,” Beomgyu quickly presents his case. “I borrowed money from Jay and I need to pay him back.”
Jay goes next. “I’m a couple hundred thousand won short because Beomgyu borrowed money from me.”
“Those don’t sound very misfortunate, I’m afraid.” Jay says he totally, absolutely agrees with you and Beomgyu clicks his tongue before grumbling in the corner of the couch. Your eyes land on Jake, who hesitantly drawls out that he wants to buy a new beanie. Sunghoon spends too much time thinking so you eliminate him for being slow. “Heeseung, would you like to say something?”
“I just think we should all—”
“My turn,” you cut him off before he tries to settle for equality again. “My dorm caught on fire. I’m half-homeless right now. If there aren’t any objections about me being the most in need out of all of us, we can agree that I’ll be the one keeping the money.” They don’t dare make a noise. You grin. “It’s a pleasure doing business with all of you. Please feel free to walk around in your underwear as much as you’d like. Thank you.”
When you saunter out of the area, you hear Beomgyu rallying them to protest because this felt like an unfair arrangement, but by the end of the week, the jar is already a fourth filled with sweet, sweet cash and you have successfully established the steady flow of your passive income. Was that your intention in the first place? Perhaps, but they have to compensate you somehow for everything your eyes have been forced to witness.
But there is yet another pressing problem in your midst. This one, you’re not entirely sure you have a solution for.
“Hey,” you greet Jake after he opens his bedroom door for you. He invites you in and you realize he’s building an addition to his very extensive LEGO collection, so you’re careful not to aim your ass on any of the bricks scattered on his bed.
“What’s up?” he asks with a curious smile. 
“How did you get your friends to agree with me living here?” Jake cocks his head, eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, it’s kinda obvious that they’re not exactly comfortable with me being around.” 
“Are…you sure you’re not just misunderstanding?”
“Jake,” you exhale. “One of them picks a fight with me whenever he gets the chance, another one doesn’t even want to fucking talk to me. The other two are either desperately avoiding me or flat out think I’m about to hit them when I raise my arm for a wave. And aside from you, I can only hold a normal conversation with Jay, but those conversations aren’t exactly normal, either.” You have no idea if he hasn’t noticed this, or if he simply just wants to feign ignorance, but Jake looks like he’s in very deep thought. You sigh again. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I can just find another place to stay if I’m being too much.”
You must’ve hit a nerve, because he suddenly snaps into panic. “No! I mean, you really don’t have to go! Trust me, having you here is important to all of us.”
Now, that’s suspicious. You narrow your eyes at Jake, and he presses his lips together and looks away. Something is definitely up and you’re not going to give up until your dear friend voluntarily spills out his guts or until you make him spill it. 
“Important?” you prod. “What do you mean by that?”
He starts sweating even more. “I—I mean, those four are just shy, you know? They’re not very good at expressing themselves. And—and you’re getting along pretty well with Jay! They all have absolutely zero problems about having you here, I can guarantee you that.”
You continue staring at him for a little longer, throwing out a hum and sigh every now and then to get his gears grinding. When you deem him scared shitless enough, you finally start, “I see.” There’s something wrong in the tone of your voice and he knows it. Jake swallows nervously. You finally crack him. “Jake, I’m really disappointed.”
There it is. You watch as he crumbles right before your eyes. “I really expected better from you, you know?” A little more. “Of all people, I didn’t think you’d be the one to put me into this kind of situation. I mean, we’ve been friends for a good while now. No, I’m not angry! I’m just really, really disappointed.”
“Hear— hear me out!”
“I have nothing to do with the bet, I promise! I’m just an unwitting participant, so please don’t get mad at me! I’ll tell them to quit it, I really will!”
“Oh, so there’s a bet?”
It’s like you drained all the life out of him within a matter of seconds.
“H-huh?” he stammers, eyes batting in confusion. “Didn’t you say you were disappointed? Haven’t you found out about the whole bet thing?”
“I found out thanks to you.” It probably isn’t a good thing if Jake is this terrified about you finding out. You lean back, palms sinking into the push of his blankets as your friend continues to eye you nervously. “How about you tell me more about this interesting bet? Does it have something to do with me having to live with all of you?”
He’s nipping on his bottom lip. It’s becoming more evident that whatever this bet is— you surely have the right to know. “I’m sorry,” he finally spits out. “I—I can’t say— at least not at the moment! But, I promise it’s nothing bad! It’s completely harmless and not dangerous at all!”
It’s definitely something bad. “Alright.” You get up. He instinctively blocks your way and panics again when he realizes what he’s doing. You click your tongue. “I’m not going to force it out of you if you don’t want to tell me. You’re still the owner of the roof I’m living under, so I can’t exactly try to fight you, you know?”
“So, you’re not leaving?”
Jake is wearing his puppy dog eyes and you honestly start to feel bad. You sigh for the umpteenth time and raise an arm, letting your fingers pad through his soft hair when you pass in front of him, walking towards the door. “I’m not,” you assure. “I am finding out about this god damned bet eventually, though. It’s honestly worrisome how easy it is for you guys to crack under pressure.” Flashbacks consisting mostly of Soobin and Heeseung flit through your mind. You’ll try to mess with them a little less from now on.
You exit Jake’s room with a new problem on your plate and your previous one unsolved. It just keeps building up more and more.
To be honest, the biggest problem you expected to have upon discovering that you’d be living with six grown ass men would be them bringing in girls way too often for your personal comfort, but so far that hasn’t happened yet. Something tells you that you don’t need to worry about that anymore.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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