#he can switch if anything
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humanityinahandbag · 4 months ago
I don't care what anyone says. I keep seeing Dom-Eddie this and Top-Eddie that.
I accept nothing less than Eddie learned about Queer culture and immediately put a handkerchief into the wrong pocket just because he thought it looked cool.
You cannot convince me that at some point an experienced gay who assumed Eddie was all dom and tough wouldn't stop in his tracks and watch this boy call over a group of people just so he can show them that Steve can benchpress him like a sack of flour.
You absolutely cannot convince me that Eddie doesn't make a character in D&D that's based after Steve thinking he's being so subtle about it, when in reality everyone knows it's Steve because Eddie spends a good ten minutes describing how strong and amazing and good the character smells.
It also doesn't help that he invites Steve for the practical demonstrations.
"Hey Steve!" he'll shout over everyone's heads towards the other boy sitting on the ratty couch reading a gossip magazine.
Steve would perk up. "Yeah?"
"I'm trying to demonstrate how this orc might throw someone over their shoulder." Eddie will never admit he swoons, even while he twists his curls around a finger and swings his feet under the table. "Could you...?"
"Oh! No problem!"
"He really doesn't have to," Gareth will say, weakly.
"We can envision it, we really can!" Lucas adds.
Eddie's already got his shining eyes set on Steve, vibrating out of his skin while Steve gives his muscles a preemptive stretch. "Yeah, but I really want to make this experience immersive. Now, fair knight, give me my uppies."
Everyone in Hellfire is so happy that Eddie is happy but they're absolutely suffering.
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saltymarshmall0w · 3 months ago
Danny is "in denial" about the Waynes being vigilantes
Danny is really grateful for the Waynes taking him in and all but it’s just… it’s really obvious they’re vigilantes. Do they WANT him to find out? Why?? To join their battalion?
Hell nah. He’s already got enough going on trying to keep in check the many shades in the city.
Danny simply pretends to be oblivious about the Waynes being vigilantes. That's a future Danny problem.
It turns into Kyle levels of denial, where he ends up pretending he thinks the vigilantes are actors hired by the city to cover up all the ghosts haunting Gotham.
And obviously, the city bases them on the infamously growing Wayne family. It's so sweet of the Waynes to volunteer to dress up as their character for public appearances.
Meanwhile, Bruce has banned outright telling Danny even though it's been nearly a year of him living with them. So what if Danny glows sometimes and has full conversations with invisible people in dark alleyways, everyone has their quirks! so, the Batkids have resolved to just "accidentally" leave their mask on after patrol or make tactical plans loudly about taking down Penguin's latest scheme with Danny a room over.
“Is Dick coming to the Gala?” Danny asked as his head swiveled between his phone and the mirror as he attempted to tie his own tie. How did his mom always make it look so easy?
“No, he is going out as Batman tonight, since Father is unable to.” Damian responded. He may as well be blasé about their identities, seeing as Fenton was obviously both completely aware of their identities and completely in denial.
“Oh, man. Does that mean one of the “rouges” are going to attack the gala?” Danny asked, “It’s probably going to be that Two-face guy, huh? He hasn’t made an appearance in a while and his character arc with “Brucie” hasn’t made any progress in a while.”
“Nonsense, there is no predicting the mindset of a criminal like Two-face.” Damian ignored Danny’s disbelieving scoff as he maneuvered his newest brother to face him so he could take over the task for him, else they would be standing there all night. “Besides, Drake is in charge of security for the gala and will do an adequate job securing the venue. If you are afraid remain by my side where I can protect you.”
Damian tightened the tie around Danny's neck and stepped back to let Fenton pull his own collar down.
"That's very sweet of you, Dami." Danny reached up a hand and mussed up Damian's newly-gelled hair, garnering a growl and a shove from the boy. "But you should do normal kid things during the gala, like accidentally saying rude things to old ladies, or complaining about how bored you are, and don't forget to prank all the evil billionaires."
The “I told you so.” Danny brazenly mouthed to Damian later in the evening from where Two-face held a gun to his head was as infuriating as it was distressing.
(Kyle Weston is the fanon brother of Wes Weston (also a fanon character) who’s whole thing is that he believes in conspiracy theories like Wes, but doesn’t believe in ghosts at all to Wes’s frustration.)
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owl-bones · 3 months ago
if i had more time/energy/motivation i would write a fic that's UT Sans/Reader and seemingly very normal and slice of life
but you notice tiny little quirks and oddities around Sans and it's slowly revealed that it's actually Dust and he's taken this Sans' place to get close to you
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cementcornfield · 21 days ago
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A Series 💚
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rainyraisin · 1 month ago
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I love incorrect quotes‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯🔥🔥‼️‼️
Set during Sonic 1 when Tom is still actively annoyed by this kids existence 😭😭😭 Even though I adore their dynamic when Tom is actively trying to be a father to Sonic, I also love when he’s just begrudgingly being a dad (he’s enjoying their time together he just won’t admit it yet)
(More yapping in the tags bc I’m an absolute yapper it’s what I’m built to do)
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suntails · 1 year ago
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allastoredeer · 11 months ago
*Turns on megaphone* Lucifer Morningstar is a Service Top! ...That is all.
Can we all readdress the fact that Lucifer is a canonical switch? I understand liking bottom!Lucifer, I really do, but let this man top. As a RadioApple fan, is it really too much to want Alastor to get properly railed 😩
I suppose I'll have to be the change I want to see in the world, but I still wanna read/see it.
I'm pretty sure this is why I've been consuming so much RadioStatic content lately. Their dynamic is amazing AND Alastor gets to bottom. It's perfect.
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epickiya722 · 23 days ago
Jumping off my other post, I will admit that the whole "Izuku forgot about the river" is something that seemingly came out of nowhere for me.
I never understood it.
I get that we haven't seen him talking about it, but how is it acknowledged that Izuku is an "unreliable narrator" and he doesn't talk about all of his feelings... but then when he doesn't mention the time at the river, he has forgotten about it?
He doesn't mention some things, but that doesn't translate to he forgotten anything.
It's like not mentioning your favorite color all the time and people assume you don't have one or you don't like that color anymore.
In fact, episode 7/chapter 9 alone proves Izuku doesn't forget anything, especially from their past. That episode has him narrate their childhood except for when we get to the river scene, but that was because to show Katsuki's POV on that day and why he started to resent Izuku.
It's not that Izuku forgot that day. It's just he saw it differently from how Katsuki did.
While Izuku saw he was helping out a friend, Katsuki saw it as someone thinking he was weak.
I don't know, I just never got the thing about forgetting the river when Izuku clearly is the last person to forget anything. Especially, when it comes to Katsuki.
It's just emphasized a lot with Katsuki because it was the day he begun really resenting Izuku and soon later regrets it.
It's definitely just a fanon thing. And just me, but some of the things the fandom does agree on when it comes to Izuku, I don't get.
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dayshorizon · 9 months ago
ABAcelsus keychain designs 🗝️🩸
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I love this dedicated wife and her axe husband 🩵💛
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viscerat · 1 year ago
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i think this would fix him
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morganbritton132 · 2 years ago
would steve ever insist that eddie comes to basketball games with him just so they have an excuse to get those good seats right at the court that famous people and celebrities usually get?
Eddie is not Steve’s go-to person if he wants basketball tickets.
He goes to Lucas because every doctor knows a doctor that knows someone with season tickets they never use. And also, Steve kinda wants to go to the game with someone who, you know, will actually enjoy being there.
Eddie’s undying hatred of all things sports is, well…undying.
But Steve’s been a Pacers’ fan since the first time his dad shoved a basketball in his hands and taught him how to shoot. He has watched them lose in the playoffs every year that they make it to it, but he’s convinced. 2014 was going to be different.
He just can’t get tickets. He spent all day trying to buy them online and failed, and all the resale tickets are for seats that suck or way over his paygrade. Him and Eddie pay for their own hobbies out of their separate bank accounts, and Steve can’t afford the absolutely ridiculous price that’s being asked so…
“Please?” Steve asked, big puppy eyes and adorable little pout. He knew what he was doing and so did Eddie. “Pretty please? I never ask you for anything, Ed…Okay, fine, except for all the stuff I ask you for, but this is different. It’s a small price to pay to see my team win.”
“Your team that has literally never won in the history of all time?”
“How many championships does Leg-less the loser elf have?” Steve asked.
“…It’s Legolas,” Eddie said. “And he was a part of the fellowship that kinda saved the world.”
“So was I,” Steve pointed out. “And I deserve this.”
Steve didn’t ask for courtside seats. He didn’t ask to be sat among the rich and famous. Hell, he didn’t even ask Eddie to go with him. He just wanted to see if Eddie had a connection that could get him a ticket for a seat that wasn’t in the nosebleeds.
Steve doesn’t really believe that the tickets Eddie showed him are real until they are sitting in their seats – their seats that are courtside and five feet away from Paul George warming up. Steve is so excited to be there that he pretty much misses Eddie shaking someone’s hand right in front of him until he’s nudged in the shoulder, “Babe, you know, Sandy, right?”
“Yeah, totally,” Steve says absently, sparing a glance in the direction Eddie was gesturing before looking back out at the court. It takes him a second for his brain to register who he was just looking at and then, “Holy shit, you’re Sandra Bullock.”
She is just as beautiful and as nice as Steve has always thought she was, and she’s amused by him which makes Steve blush. She holds out her hand to him, “And you are…”
“I’m…” Steve trails off, only picking back up his train of thought when Eddie laughs loudly beside him. “Steve. I’m Steve. Uh, Harrington. Eddie’s – I’m – we’re together, by law.”
“We’re married,” Eddie grinned, throwing his arm over Steve’s shoulder, and wiggling his wedding ring at her. “Still working on how to tell people, obviously.”
She congratulates them and talks to them a bit about the game (bring Steve out of his starstruck stupor), and even buys them champagne as a late little wedding gift. It’s a blast.
Eddie spends half the game flinching every time the ball bounces a little too close or a player nearly ends up in their lap, but Steve is loving all of it. The other half of the time, Eddie is having Steve explain what’s going on and who the players are, or he’s talking to the guy next to him.
It’s some square jawed model type that Steve doesn’t recognize and also, doesn’t like. He’s a little too friendly with his husband, especially when he curled a piece of Eddie’s hair around his finger. When the two of them end up on the kiss cam together, Eddie doesn’t even get a chance to register it before Steve pulls him nearly out of the camera frame and kisses him.
Later, fans will make jokes about the pictures of that night because it’s very clear that Steve and Eddie switched seats.
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kittykatninja321 · 1 year ago
What I’ve realized is that everyone has their own personal Batman. Is Batman kind and compassionate? Is he a brooding tyrant? He’s been written all sorts of ways for 80 years so it depends on what you want out of him
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ltlemon · 19 days ago
anyways. he called her renée....
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good-beansdraws · 1 year ago
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Mutual left this tag on one of my Fuuta analyses and yeah...
Part two of "Fuuta’s central theme is invasion of privacy and he has extreme anxiety over being watched, so it's interesting that we get to pick him apart and see all his worst, most private thoughts" :(
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sarasade · 1 year ago
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daydreaming about making a proper multipage Viravos fan comic some day.
I've inked several pages of this story already -Though I don't know if "story" is the right word for it since it's mostly PWP with some of my fave Viren/Aaravos character dynamics shoved in, including their first time (in a flashback)
I'll post it as I finish the pages. I've inked like 6 pages already (these are the pages 1-2 I think) I still find Tumblr's guidelines for sexual content really confusing so I'll probably just post a link or something
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ploverpaw · 9 days ago
If they really lean into an intentionally flawed Starlingpaw for more than one book i will be happy
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