#he brings his customized suit everywhere and I love him for it
artemispt · 6 months
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wakasaz · 7 months
Becoming Wakasa’s yakuza wife (。♥‿♥。) Gosh I just know he enjoys spoiling you in every way. Especially on your honeymoon night (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Ღ Pairing: Wakasa Imaushi x fem!reader
Ღ cw: [n]sfw, 18+, mdni
Ღ an: not proof read
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Ღ The wedding was small and intimate. You wore a white dress and Wakasa wore a black suit with a purple tie. The same color as his eyes.
Ღ Wakasa looked at you with nothing but love in his eyes. He thought you were the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. He couldn’t believe you were finally going to be his wife.
Ღ When he proposed he had taken you back to the first place you two had met. He spent months trying to find the perfect ring but decided to just have one custom made for you as nothing he was seeing in stores was good enough. You always said how much you loved his eyes so the ring is a perfect match to his eye color.
Ღ You cried when you turned around and saw him down on one knee. You didn’t even look at the ring, throwing yourself at him and saying yes over and over as tears ran down your face.
Ღ You and Wakasa exchanged vows that you each wrote. He told you about how much he loved you since the day you met and that he knew you would be the one. You told him he was your best friend and how you love him more than anything and you couldn’t wait to be his wife.
Ღ After exchanging vows and I do’s he pulled you into a heated hiss dipping you in the process. His tongue swiped your bottom lip and you opened your mouth for him. Your fingers found his hair pulling on the multicolor strands causing him to moan into you.
Ღ You and Wakasa couldn’t keep your hands off each other at the reception soon deciding to sneak away while your friends danced.
Ღ Wakasa carried you into the hotel room. Kicking the door shut with his foot. His lips were on you the whole time. Kiss and nipping anywhere he could reach. He sat you on the bed gently before loosening his tie. His lips found yours in a heated kiss and he crawled on top of you deepening the kiss. His hand found the end of your dress sliding up to your panties feeling your wetness. You moaned into him as he started stroking you through the fabric.
Ღ After teasing you for a few minutes he pulls away bringing you with him. His hand finds the zipper on your dress slowly undoing it. Your dress lays at your feet. Wakasa groans seeing you didn’t wear a bra then his lips are on you. He takes one of your buds into his mouth kissing and licking until it hardens. After teasing the right side he switches to the left before kissing down your stomach as he drops to his knees. “I need to taste you” He says against you. He licks up the center of your panties and eats you through them, teasing you. You whine telling him to take them off and he chuckles against you.
Ღ He stands staking his tie off and placing it over your eyes tying it in the back as he guides you to lay on the bed. You go to kick off your heels but he stops you. “They stay on” he mumbles against your lips. All you have on is your panties, garter, and heels. He kisses and licks down your body till he reaches your center. He slowly pulls your white panties off, being careful not to move the garter. He put them in his pocket.
Ღ His is biting your thighs, giving attention everywhere except where you crave him most. He laughs when you impatiently whine and wiggle trying to get it to move. He kisses down your leg until he is at your center where he splits you with his tongue, teasing, licking, and sucking. He eats you like a man starved. His finger finds your center, curling at just right spot before adding a second. Your moaning and crying out his name. You want to take the tie off so you can see him but every time your hand goes to it he smacks it away telling you it stays on. Your hands find his hair where you pull trying to ground yourself. You feel like your release is coming. Wakasa always did know exactly what to do with his tongue. You blame his oral fixation, you swear he has.
Ღ Another flick of his tongue and curl of his fingers and you are releasing all over his face, Screaming his name as you find your bliss. Wakasa swears you taste devine. The best thing he has ever had in his mouth. He continues to lick, overstimulating you. You yank his hair pulling him up to you. His lips are on you in seconds. You can taste yourself on his tongue moaning into the kiss.
Ღ Wakasa strips before he is on you again, entering you slowly. You both moan at the feeling. Your pussy always did squeeze his cock just right. He starts out moving slow so you can adjust before picking up the pace. He is squeezing any skin he can find with his hands, having to be touching you at all times. Your nails scratch down his back pulling a hiss from him.
Ღ It’s not long before you both find your release at the same time, Wakasa filling you up just to pull away and watch it drip from your center. You whine at the loss of contact. He chuckles, removing the tie from your eyes, kissing your lips before flipping you on to your stomach.
Ღ “We’re not even close to done yet, baby.” Yeah, it's going to be a long night.
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Can you please write a fic where Thorin falls in love with a human girl, but he thinks she is disgusted by his looks? 🙏
Hi there, Nonny!! I know it took me forEVER, but here you go and i hope you like it! 💜
The Harp
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Summary: You and Thorin are friends, but then you find out his feelings for you run deeper, and he’s holding back because he feels he is not good enough for you.  
Pairing: Thorin x fem!Reader (post-sack of Erebor, pre-quest for Erebor)
Warning: None. Just fluffy fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 4.7k
He came into the dining room at the same time each evening and always sat at the same table—the one in the far corner, which was also the darkest corner of the room. He was polite, but kept to himself and you noticed how he always sat with his back to the wall and rarely did his eyes pause from scanning the room. 
The other diners eyed him with just as much suspicion but then again, they all eyed each other with suspicion as well. It was second nature to this lot, as they came from all four corners of Middle Earth. No one was actually from Emyn Vanya. No, every warm body had come from somewhere else to this tiny village on the outskirts of everywhere and yet somehow in the middle of nowhere. Some came to start over. Some came to forget. Some came to do both and some were just passing through. But everyone was from somewhere else and almost no one wished to discuss where that somewhere else might be.
You couldn't help but notice him, for he was a dwarf and the Grey Gander did not see many dwarves in their dining room. And not only that, but he was a handsome dwarf, to boot, with black hair, touched here and there with hints of silver, that spilled over his shoulders in a long tangle of curls. His most striking feature was his eyes, however, for they were the most piercing shade of icy blue you’d ever seen. There was a hardness within those pale eyes, one belied by his polite demeanor and deep, if soft, voice. 
Night after night, this man came in alone. He sat alone. He spoke to no one other than you when you approached to take his order, just as you did this evening. He was polite, if reserved, and spoke only when absolutely necessary, which was an interesting change from the patrons who grew louder and more opinionated as they dove further and further into their cups. 
“Welcome back,” you said with a smile as you approached him. “Might I fetch you a drink to begin?”
“Thank you. A tanked of ale would suit.”
“Of course. And do you know what you’d like or are you still trying to decide?”
He looked up at you with those striking eyes. “The hunter’s stew.”
His order never varied and you were certain you could just bring him a bowl of the stew without asking, which was why you couldn't resist a bit of playing with him. “I think we should start calling that your usual. Perhaps we should change it on the menu itself.”
That earned you one of the dwarf’s rare smiles. “I am not so certain that is necessary.”
“Well, you’ve been in here eight of the last ten nights and have yet to order anything different.” You couldn’t help teasing him. You sensed a hint of sadness in him, one that might explain the hardness in his eyes. And while it was a bit of a risk, teasing this man you didn’t really know, you had to admit, his smile made the risk worthwhile.
“But,” you added, taking your teasing further than you normally did, “you would have to tell me your name first. I certainly cannot ask to rename it Dwarf Stew. That would give the wrong impression, don’t you think?”
A darkness flashed through his eyes and you knew you’d overstepped. Your mind raced as you struggled to come up with something to smooth over his obviously ruffled feathers, knowing your employer would be furious if your flippancy drove away a paying customer. “I mean… that is… I apolo—”
“No,” he interrupted softly, shaking his head, “there is no need to apologize. And you’re right, it would sound odd. So, I suppose then, it would only be fair to tell you my name, wouldn’t it?”
Your heart beat a little faster at that. Perhaps it was but your imagination, but his voice sounded lower than it normally did. Lower and bit growlier. Had he, by any chance, noticed you the way you’d noticed him?
No, that was madness talking. Very few people noticed you aside from being their serving girl. You tended to blend into the background far too easily and since so many people in Emyn Vanya were only passing through, they paid little heed to you.
Still, that didn't stop you from replying, “It would, yes.”
To your surprise, that earned you a laugh. A genuine, honest-to-goodness laugh and one that sent flutters through you as it rolled across the small table in your direction. Like his voice, it was low and silken, and those flutters made you forget your own name for a moment.
“Very well,” he nodded, his eyes meeting and holding yours, “I am Thorin.”
You offered your name in return and added, “It’s wonderful to make your acquaintance, Thorin.”
“And yours as well.”
Heat climbed into your cheeks and you ducked your head, saying, “I will be back in a few moments with your ale,” you hesitated, then added, “Thorin.”
“I will be here.”
Thorin sat back as you darted off and couldn't believe his cheek. What had possessed him to even think to flirt with you? Your interest had to be only because he was a paying customer, because there was no way a woman as beautiful as you could possibly be interested in him. 
The first time he stepped into the Grey Gander, he’d noticed you at once, noticed how easily you smiled and joked with the tavern’s patrons. Your laughter was a silvery melody that made everyone turn in your direction and smile even if they had no idea what it was that made you laugh. 
He noticed everything about you—from that amazing smile and intoxicating laughter to your beautiful eyes and easy grace with which you moved about the crowded dining room. You never seemed impatience, or irritated, and even when someone gave you a hard time about something, you never lost your temper and somehow managed to defuse the most volatile of situations. 
The second night he’d come in, he’d witness such a scene, almost reaching for his sword, propped against the table, when the giant of man actually grabbed you by the arm. He had no doubt he’d have intervened if you needed it, but you didn’t. You smiled at the man as you peeled his fingers from your wrist and very sweetly informed him that if he touched you again, you’d turn him from a rooster to a hen in one fell swoop. 
It was at that moment, Thorin lost his heart.
A foolish notion at best, as you would never feel about him the way he did you. Why would you? He was a dwarf. He had no home. He had been in line for a throne, but now supported himself by moving from place to place, taking work where he could find it. 
That was what brought him to Emyn Vanya. His trade was blacksmithing and the village needed one. So, there he was, in the dining room of the Grey Gander, admiring you from afar and wishing he stood a chance at winning your hand. 
It was just as well, for what did he have to offer you? A king with no kingdom was no better than a pauper, really. Not to mention, he certainly couldn’t compete with the men of Emyn Vanya, who were all taller, slimmer, and far more attractive than he certainly was. You would be a fool to even consider him.
But, he watched you from afar, watched as you moved from table to table, how you brought a beaming smile to the face of an old crone, how you soothed angry children bickering over a toy, how you made a crying infant smile by making silly faces until they could do nothing else. 
How you focused on him as if he was the most interesting man in the room and not, for lack of a better phrase, a homely, homeless refugee. 
If only…
He sighed as you approached with a tankard in one hand. His heart beat so much faster when you met his gaze. His mouth went as dry as the plains between his lost kingdom of Erebor and the city of Dale after the dragon Smaug torched it from one end to the other.
You set the tankard before him. “Your supper will be ready in but a few minutes, Mr. Thorin.”
Mr. Thorin. He smiled, shaking his head. “No Mister. Thorin is just fine.”
“Oh, well that wouldn’t be proper now, would it?” Your eyes almost sparkled as your easy smile curved your lips. “After all, we only just met.”
“This is true,” he nodded, reaching for the tankard. Then, on impulse, he added, “Perhaps you might join me one evening?”
You looked taken aback and he immediately berated himself silently. You fool! What is wrong with you?
But then you smiled. “I think I would like that. I have an off night tomorrow. Would that work for you?”
He was stunned, not only by your agreement, but by your suggestion. No woman ever approached him that way. He’d always been the one to ask. You were bold and he admired that. So, he nodded. “That would work just fine for me.”
“Wonderful. What time?”
“Half seven?”
“Half seven it is,” you told him. “And I’ll be back in but a moment with your supper.”
What were you thinking? How could you just blurt out an invitation to him that way? He must think you a harlot, or a wanton woman for doing so. 
But at the same time, as you smoothed a hand along your skirts, you had to admit, you looked so forward to seeing him without having to wait upon him. It was a nice change of pace for you. A break in the monotony of your life that was work, sleep, and more work.
You’d told him where you lived, a rundown little flat above the florist’s shop, and at half eight, when the knock came at the door, you nearly jumped clear out of your skin. Then, laughing at your foolishness, you hurried to the door, before he thought you’d changed your mind and left. 
You smiled as you pulled open the door. “You are early.”
“I allowed myself extra time in case I found myself lost. I’m still new to these parts and this town takes a bit of getting used to.”
“If you remember the streets run east and west, and the avenues run north and south, you might fare better.”
He bobbed his head. “I would, but there are three florists on this street alone.”
“It is a very competitive business in Emyn Vanya.”
“So I’ve noticed.” 
You hesitated a moment and then stepped aside. “Come in.”
As he stepped over the threshold, you tried not to dwell on how shabby your flat was, with its scratched and scuffed hand-me-down furnishings. After you paid your rent and made certain there was food on the table, there was not much money left for luxuries such as nice furniture. Normally, it didn't trouble you. This was your home and you thought it cozy, if a bit rundown. But, when you tried to see it through Thorin’s eyes? 
You saw exactly how awful it must have looked to him. Threadbare sofa. The armchair had a hole in the cushion thanks to a broken spring, which meant that not only was stuffing peeping up from the hole, one received a nasty poke in the backside, should they think to sit there. 
And of course, there was that awful water stain in the far corner. You had no idea from where it had come, only that no matter how much you tried to paint over it, it bled through. You’d given up trying when paint fell into the luxury category.
But, he reached up for the frogs at his throat and then whisked his cloak off to drape over his arm. “This is lovely.”
Lovely? You looked about, wondering exactly what he found so lovely about it. “It’s a bit… ah… worn, don't you think?”
“Lived in, is how I would describe it.” He smiled at you. “Homes should be lived in. That is how they become such. Otherwise, they are but houses, flats, nothing more than buildings.”
You looked back at him. “Lived in?”
He nodded. “Lived in.” 
Then he looked back at you and for a moment, you were rendered speechless. Did he have any idea whatsoever as to how handsome he truly was? Because if he did, he certainly did not act as if he did.
Of course, you kept that to yourself, especially when that night, a deep friendship was born. You had dinner together on the nights when you weren’t working. You spent off days together, sometimes running errands with each other, sometimes just doing nothing. He had a knack for the acrostics printed in the village newspaper and the two of you spent your share of days or nights looking up which answers you thought would work. It didn't matter. He had quickly become your dearest friend and while you loved that, you’d also begun thinking that perhaps there was a bit more to your relationship than only friendship.
It was too bad he’d never given any indication at all that he saw you as anything more than a friend.
So you stayed quiet. Autumn gave way to winter and the Yule holiday was only a few days off when you made your way to Thorin’s forge at the northern end of town. A bitter cold wind whipped down the narrow alleyway where his shop was located and you didn't have to look to know you were near it. The carved wooden sign identifying the forge creaked on its hooks as it swung in the wind. Through the swirling snow, you could still make out the word etched into the wood. 
Beneath that word, Thorin had carved symbols as well, and when you’d asked, he’d smiled and explained that they were a language called khuzdul, which was his native language, actually. He’d attempted to teach you some of it, and showed nothing but patience as you fumbled over seemingly simple words. Little by little, though, it became easier and left you wishing you had something like that to share with him. 
But then you found something. One night, over several goblets of wine, he confessed that he once played the harp, but had lost his when he’d lost his home, but that was all he would say about either the harp or what happened to his home. So, you’d saved a bit of your pay each week and put it aside and then went to the music shop at the far end of town and found what you’d hoped would be a suitable replacement harp. It wasn't a big, grand instrument, as those were far beyond what you could ever hope to afford, but you hoped he’d like it the same. You couldn’t remember the last time you were so excited and impatient to give someone a gift as you were this one, which was why you braved the worsening weather.  
So there you were, at the far end of a gray-shingled building with a roof in need of repair, listening to the almost melodic sound of metal striking metal. The closer you drew to his workshop, the warmer the air grew and as you rounded the corner, a blast of heat hit you square in the face. It was a welcome sensation as your cheeks felt quite numb from the cold. 
He had his back to you and heat shot through you at the sight of him, shirtless in deference to that blasted heat, the muscles in his back and along his shoulders bulging as he held a piece of iron in one hand, a hammer in the other. The clang rang through you when he brought the hammer slamming against the iron, again and again and you couldn't help but just stare. 
Your eyes roamed over his naked back, heavy with obviously well-earned muscle, and inked with black lines of varying sizes that covered his entire shoulder, stretched across his back, and into the opposite shoulder as well. You had no idea what the symbols and lines meant, but they looked very similar to the ones carved into the forge’s sign, so your guess was they were dwarfish runes or words.
The heat in the forge was brutal regardless of how cold it was beyond the walls. Sweat prickled along your back as you stepped closer. You didn't want to startle him. The iron with which he worked began with an orange glow, but slowly, as he pounded it flat, the glow faded and when he set down the hammer and used a pair of tongs to pick up the flattened piece and thrust it into a tub of water, steam actually rose from the tub.
He jumped, letting go of the tongs as he spun around and now heat shot up into your cheeks at the naked chest you found yourself staring at. Like his back, his chest was just as broad, with black hair swirled from one nipple to the other and down across his belly. More symbols had been inked across it, meeting with the design on his left shoulder.
“I am so sorry,” you stammered, tearing your eyes from that impressive sight to meet his startled blue eyes, “I was trying not to startle you.”
“What are you doing here?”
You hugged the package close. “I had to go and pick something up and thought while I was out, I’d stop by.” You peered around him, at the iron still resting in the water. “What are you making?”
“A sword.” He reached for the towel draped over the workbench and swept it across his forehead. “You should not be in here. It’s far too dangerous.”
“I will come no closer then. But tell me, who commissioned the sword?”
“No one. It is mine. I work on it when I’ve a bit of free time.”
“Might I see?”
“It’s not even close to being finished.” He came around the bench and stood before you. His black hair was damp at the temples. 
“You don't have to stop on my account, you know.” You took a step closer to him, the urge to reach out and touch him so powerful, it nearly overwhelmed you. You wish you had the courage to tell him how you’d come to feel about him, as you’d had when you’d left your flat. You’d left there full of fire and determined to confess your feelings for him, but unfortunately, by the time you reached his forge, that courage evaporated like the water in the tub had. 
“It would be rude of me to continue.”
“Not at all. I think it would be fascinating, watching you work.” 
His gaze shifted slightly to his left and you followed it to see what he looked at—a heavy dark gray henley lay draped over a chair by his desk. Without thinking, you shifted the package to one arm and reached out to catch him by the upper arm as he stretched for his shirt.
“Wait, don’t,” you said, shaking your head.
You nodded. “I—what is this?” You traced your fingertips along the thick black lines curving his shoulder, unable to believe your own brazenness but unable to halt your touch as well. 
“It’s my… my… it’s a raven,” he managed, his voice deep and huskier than usual. He cleared his throat. “The symbol of my clan, and my family crest.”
You could not keep yourself from tracing along those lines as little by little, the image of a raven wearing a crown slowly showed itself to you. You’d held back from telling him how you felt for so long, now that the opportunity to perhaps go beyond friendship had presented itself and you were not about to let it slip by. But… you had to be careful. It was a delicate matter and that called for delicate handling. The last thing you wished to do was destroy your friendship with him.
With that, you lowered your hand “It’s lovely.”
“Thank you.”
“This is for you, by the by.” You pressed the package toward him. “I know Yule isn’t for several more days, but when I went to pick this up, I grew far too impatient to wait.”
He stared down at it. “What is it?”
“Well, you have to open it to find out.”
He took the package and slowly unwrapped it and then just stared, his blue eyes growing shiny as he murmured, “How did you know?”
“You told me, silly.” You nudged him with your shoulder. “Remember? We were talking about how my neighbor plays the harpsichord and how awful it sounds and you told me you once played the harp. So, I asked Mr. Trumble if he could find me a harp for you and he did me one better. He made this.”
“He—” those blue eyes met yours, wide and incredulous—“made this?”
You nodded. “He did, indeed.”
He gazed down at the harp, and then back at you. “I—this—this is beautiful. I thank you.”
“There is one condition to it, however.” You nudged him once more. “You must play it for me.”
“Oh, I couldn't now. I’d be far too rusty.”
“Well, once you flake off all the rust.”
“Fair enough.” He offered up a smile brighter than any you’d ever seen from him. “You shouldn’t have done this, though. Save your wages, don’t spend them on me.”
“I didn't mind.” You shrugged as if you spent that kind of money all the time. “And it’s Yule, so it was but a small sacrifice.”
He stepped closer. “This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me, you know. I will treasure it. And you.”
And with that, he leaned in and to your surprise, pressed his lips to yours. You froze at first, caught by utter surprise, as this was the last thing you’d expected him to do. For one maddening moment, you wondered if perhaps you were just imagining it.
But then, his lips moved softly against yours and your toes actually curled in your sensible boots when he brought his hands up to cup your face, and you knew that this was, in fact, actually happening. And how wonderful it was! The sensations that rippled through you were soft and sweet, the crisp, coarse hair around his mouth tickling at first, but then you found you didn't mind it so much as it was a caress of its own. 
Your head did a slow spin, his kiss leaving you lightheaded and when your hands came to rest on those massive upper arms of his, your fingers pressed into muscle that greatly resembled stone of their own accord. You were afraid your weak knees might buckle on you at any moment.
His kiss was slow and sweet, teasing and gentle and when his lips parted and his tongue swept gently along yours, your head spun even faster. A rush of heat swept through you. Your lips tingled. Your heart beat harder and faster and it took every bit of will you had to not melt right into his arms. 
When he drew back, his eyes were soft, swirling with an emotion you couldn’t quite place and he seemed as breathless as you were as he murmured, “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time now.”
He nodded. “I do and I did and now I just want to do it again.” Then he paused, a hint of sheepishness creeping into his smile, into his eyes, “Unless, of course, you’d rather I didn’t.”
“No, I’d not rather that at all,” you told him, smiling as you curved a hand against his cheek. “In fact, I’d like it very much if you would do it again. And again. And I think you should keep doing, no matter where we might be.”
A low chuckle rumbled up from the depths of his chest. “So, I am not about to send you screaming into the snow?”
“Are you certain? I mean,” he rubbed his bearded jaw ruefully, a sheepish smile coming to his lips, “I know people whisper about me and poke fun at me behind my back.”
“They whisper about you because they are fascinated by you. And no one pokes fun at you. I know they think you’re quite an excellent smithy, judging by what I’ve heard. And I won’t even tell you what the women say about you.”
To your surprise, his sheepish smile faded and a darkness came to his eyes. “I can only imagine.”
“Have I said something wrong? I thought I was complimenting you. Do dwarves not like to hear how handsome they are thought to be?”
“Handsome?” He snorted as he shook his head. “That’s kind of you, but I’ve seen my own face and that is not how I’d describe it.”
“Well, perhaps you should but have Mr. Sinclair examine your eyes, for you are not only handsome, but very handsome.”
He stared at you, clearly not believing a word you said. “Thank you, but you are just being kind, as you’ve been since we met.”
“Thorin,” you caught his hands in yours, “I’ve been wishing you’d notice me as more than simply your friend, that you’d kiss me, and perhaps I’ve been too brazen in taking the first step. If you wish me to leave you alone, I will.”
“Leave me alone?” His eyes went wide and he shook his head once more. “No, no, I don’t wish that at all. In fact, I—”
A scarlet flush swept up into his cheeks and he went quiet. You waited for him to continue, your heart hammering away at your ribs. All you wanted was for him to pull you into his arms, to tug you flush against that massive chest, and kiss you until you forgot your name.
“You what?” you asked softly.
“I lied. About the sword.” He smiled then. “It’s for you, actually. For Yule. I meant it to be a surprise.”
“For me? But I don't even know who to wield one.”
“Worry not, for I will teach you. When the weather breaks.”
“You did this for me? You would do that for me?”
He nodded. “I would do anything for you, you know.” His eyes softened then as he smiled. “I love you.”
This was the last thing you ever expected him to say and you could only stare at him for a long moment, as your stupid brain forgot how to process words. The best you could muster was a whispered, “What?”
“I love you. I’ve been wanting to tell you for some time now, but how could I when I thought you would be embarrassed to be courted by me. So, I relegated myself to knowing we would only ever be friends, but now…”
“Embarrassed to be courted by you? Are you mad, Thorin? Are you absolutely and completely mad? Because you would have to be to think any woman alive would be embarrassed to be courted by you.” You shifted to wind your arms about his neck. “And no one has ever made something for me. At least, not something as beautiful as a sword. So, if I didn't already love you in return, I would have most definitely fallen at this moment.”
He smiled. “So, all this time, it would’ve only taken a sword to win your hand?”
“I’m a very simple woman, Thorin. You should know that by now.”
Your heart skipped a beat as he eased his arms about your waist, pulling you flush against him. He leaned closer, his lips just brushing yours as he murmured, “I’ll keep it in mind.”
You tried to think of something witty to reply with, but then his lips met yours once more and rendered words unnecessary.
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Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketchy-loo6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @msjava1972 @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
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mrsdesade · 10 months
silly date with the God of Mischief (headcanons part.1)
Timeline: before and during Thor Ragnarok
TW: no one/ just fluff
Pairing: Loki x fem!y/n
Note: this is my first time posting my stuff like this please be kind, English isn't even my native language so I'm trying my best; hope you enjoy 💚
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first of all, he's THE gentleman par excellence, from your first meeting until your relationship becomes official
he's the one who always listen to you without judging even If you did the most horrendous and atrocious things
he loves teasing and moking you sometimes, but absolutely in a lovely way
HOLDING YOUR HAND everywhere, everytime, always, in private, in public
his main love language is physical contact
if you decide to bring him to the Earth sometimes, he's not used to the human customs and traditions so the situation might become quite funny
on a coffee shop date he let you decide for him because he might feel disorientated, he's gonna love the jasmine green tea with vanilla you ordered for him
all the humans around are probably looking at him because...well... you're dating the man who attempted to conquer the planet many times
but he doesn't care so much, he has only eyes for you
"humans are so strange... don't get my wrong you're incredibile,but them...uh."
"Loki, you know that I'm not a human."
"oh yes, right, sometimes I forget that." (liar, he knows everything about you)
MATCHING OUTFITS, he offers to buy some clothes that resemble and match with his black suit
be ready to have a full wardrobe of luxury brand and a lots of jewelry made with Asgardian gold (and filled with his magic)
you can make fun of him calling him sugar daddy because he always pay everything for you and of course he doesn't understand the joke
"did you call me...sugar...what?"
on Asgard he loves looking at you with their traditional clothes on when you're walking in the Palace, without saying nothing, just admiring you
he never admit that but he find so funny when you're trying to read the Asgardian language on his books (he's definitely making fun of you when you misspelled something)
he read poetry and poems for you
he show you little magic tricks for everyday little things
If you can use magic or you have specific abilities he's 100% interested on learning more about you and studying your powers
ask you to exercise with him for learning using his knifes
wants you to feel secure and protected, always
at the night he loves staying with you besides the lit fireplace when there's a thunderstorm outside
he hides his spicy thoughts really well (maybe I can do here a specific post)
"close your eyes, I'll be here until you fall asleep; you don't have to pay attention to anything except my voice and my embrace, goodnight my dear."
For now we're done! Hope you enjoyed and as well I hope to being able to do a part two really soon 💚
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waltwhitmansbeard · 14 days
“You’re freezing cold” with Keyleth/Vax/Gilmore?
24. "You're freezing cold."
Vox Machina knows that when they get back to Emon, Keyleth and Vax are going to disappear for a while. It's just what they do. The rest of them trudge into Greyskull Keep to eat and rest, sore from whatever misadventure they've just survived, but the resident lovebirds flit off to Abdar's Promenade, to Gilmore's.
They've still got the frost of Issylra on them when they arrive, making a mess of the entrance to the magic shop. Sherri shoos them in, clucking about how they'll scare away customers, and they oblige her. They shuffle through to the magically-enlarged suite that Gilmore calls home, and Vax doesn't even bother to knock before pressing inside.
"Gods above, Sherri, can a man not even eat lunch without—" Shaun cuts himself off when he sees them, grinning sheepishly and soaking wet.
Keyleth waves. "Hi Gil!"
In a flash, they're surrounded in a cloud of pinkish purple magic that ushers them forward unceremoniously. "You're back!" They're delivered to him, and he presses one warm, broad hand to each of their faces. "You're freezing cold. Where in the heavens did you go?"
"Vesper Timberlands," Vax says simply. He shakes like a dog, sending particles of ice flying.
With a snap of Gilmore's fingers, the dark hearth leaps to life with brilliant purple flame. He kisses Keyleth's forehead and slaps Vax's ass. "Go. Sit, get warm."
Dutifully following orders, Vax says, "I heard something about lunch...?"
Shaun rolls his eyes on his way to the kitchen. "It's always one organ or the other with you."
"I didn't hear you complaining the night before we left."
A beautiful charcuterie board floats on a giant spectral hand toward where Keyleth and Vax are stretched out on the floor. "That's because you were using the one I like best."
Keyleth stuffs a fistful of cheese and crackers into her mouth, her skin glowing from both the fire and the banter. "Ge' a 'oom."
Vax immediately sets upon her, pressing a thousand annoying kisses across her face and neck until she's laughing so hard that cracker crumbs spray everywhere. Gil returns with warm cider and glasses and plops onto the couch. He'd missed this, the laughter and the joking and the kisses and the life that these two bring with them. So much darkness they see out in the world, so much death, but they always come back here to remind Gil of all the joy there is in this wide, scary world.
When Keyleth's free of their boyfriend's torment, she sighs and leans against Shaun's leg. "We really did miss you, you know."
He cards his fingers through her lovely hair, careful not to snag his many rings. "I missed you too. I always do." He pauses. "How long do I have you this time?"
Always some great emergency, always a world in need of saving. It's a chore, really, loving heroes like them.
Vax stands from the floor, leans over Gil, and places a long, lingering kiss on his lips. "As long as you'll have us."
Not that big a chore, really. "Forever it is, then."
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
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a/n: another one! hope you guys like these loool cus im just queuing them up without really looking at how good they're doing lol ooof neway next on the list is our boy! i know he has at least one fan
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warning: gender neutral reader, mentions of drug trafficking, mentions of stalking, mentions of breaking and entering, non consensual touching while reader is asleep
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
it was just another day at the creamery
and by another day at the creamery, ryuu meant that it was another day that the drugs were selling slowly. so slowly that ryuu was needed more here at the shop than he was at the docks
it wasn't as if he didn't enjoy hanging out at the shop though, especially since the aesthetic was fun and he liked serving the nice customers
it just wasn't his usual fun
(looking back, he'd totally be grateful he was there when he was there because oh my god he couldn't imagine not being there)
usually, either the shop was super busy or it was super dead, there was no in between. and there was usually only two workers. today, it was ryuu and ryouta. ryouta, however, was in the cooler, getting hotboxed so it was just ryuu
the shop was literally dead dead so ryuu was sat himself on a stool and was reading a manga he picked up on the way to work that day
the door dinged and he looked up and it was like the entire world went into slow motion
if he was in an anime, there would be the pink filter, with flowers everywhere and his eyes would be really sparkly and-- you get it.
you'd probably order some ice cream or get some flavored milk and it doesn't matter what you order cus ryuu would literally praise the hell out of it
rum raisin? the most genius choice! rum raisin is so good oh my god, holy shit, of course he was in love with you! you loved rum raisin!
cotton candy? the most aesthetic choice! oh my god, if you love cotton candy, does that mean you love him, oh myo god--
vanilla? a classic! nobody could ever go wrong ever with vanilla! why, did anyone say anything because if anyone ever said anything to you, he could do something about it--
all of that aside, when you go to pay, he'll literally be kicking himself under the counter, trying to get himself to talk to you but he's an absolute weeb so he won't be able to talk to you at all
and it'll be the most mad he's ever been and he's never hated himself more than he does at that moment honestly
thankfully, fate has something else in store for him...
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"Hey, the band-aids and stickers on your face are really cute." You gesture to your face as you wait for him to push buttons on the register.
When he heard your voice, he definitely faltered. Were you talking to him? You were talking to him right? Cute? Him? Cute? He was almost scared to look up. Still, he looked to you and you were smiling so sweetly and gently at him that his heart stopped in his chest.
"Oh, yeah, they cover up some gnarly burn scars." He blurted out, the tip of his finger fiddling with a peeling corner of a sticker as he pressed the back button on the register to fix a mistake he accidentally made.
Great going, idiot. Way to bring the mood down.
"Oh, I think they look great anyway." You weren't put down at all! His heart soared as you continued to talk to him! "And the style... it's Decora Kei, isn't it? Like, Japanese street fashion?"
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you really were meant to be!! there's no way you weren't flirting with him now! he'd totally check you out (both at the register and also maybe with his eyes a little bit) and, after, he'll write his number down
what really hit the final nail in the coffin is when you comment on the manga and tell him u liked it and that u hoped he liked the ending cus u liked the ending and that u thought the manga suited him
a lot of times, a lot of people judge him for the stuff he was into and the manga he read
they said it didn't suit him cus he was a muscly thug and he shouldn't be into that kind of stuff and it always brought him down but then, there u were! saying it suited him! u were so perfect for him!
as soon as u left, he'd totally drag ryouta out to take over for him and then he'd follow you
he already left your conversation to chance! he can't leave anything else to chance! he has to make sure that he keeps an eye on you
like yeah, you were in love with him and he was in love with you but what if something happened to you before you could text him?
takes down your address, your car license plate (if u have one), your home phone (if u have one), your cell phone number, etc but he patiently waits for you to text him back
he is but a mortal man though and, if it takes you too long to get back to him, he might get too impatient
he has your address after all! he might just visit at night, when you don't know he's there, just to check up on you, to see if you're okay, to see why you haven't messaged him
he'll check if you still have the receipt he gave you
if you threw it away, he'll tuck it safely back into your wallet or place it crumpled onto your desk, somewhere you'll find it and think oh, i definitely left that there!
if you keep him waiting even longer than that, well, a man has access to you sleeping! he might get even more impatient! and then who knows what'll happen....
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After what felt like the hundredth night, it was way too easy to jiggle the lock to your window. Ryuu needed to take note of that when the two of you got together and you finally officially invited him over.
Maybe he could pretend to suddenly notice it and offer to fix it for you-- Or, maybe, for his sake, he should keep it broken--
Before he could continue that train of thought, his eyes landed on your sleeping figure and he felt his cock chub in his jeans.
Oh, you were so ethereal in your sleep; so unguarded and innocent, just laying there without a care in the world. He'd never tire of the sight.
Your hair was all messy and haphazard! He wanted to fix it for you, wanted to kiss the drool at the corner of your mouth, wanted to do so much!
He settled for laying beside you. He laid on his side, his head resting on his elbow and his knees pressed together. He was turned to you, of course, his brown eyes trying to take in every single detail on your sleeping face.
Before he could do anything, you turned in your sleep! Towards him! You were shuffling closer, your cute little nose wiggling as you dreamt about something, your arms pressing into your chest and your legs splaying open! You were so.... vulnerable!
Ryuu's mouth watered. Still, he wouldn't do anything... to you at least. His fingers itched to do something but, for now, he tucked your hair behind your ear, let himself map the skin across your arms, your legs, your hips, your waist.
He'll jerk himself off to this image of you spread and open. Then, he'll leave.
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it'll definitely keep escalating and escalating til he won't be able to hold himself back
and the entire time, he won't see anything wrong with it because he thinks you love him and he loves you, that the two of you are consensual soulmates, meant to be together for the rest of your lives!
if you do end up calling him up and having a date with him, he ends up being the perfect boyfriend! he's sweet and kind and caring, if not a little bit overprotective... but who doesn't love a boyfriend who cares a bit too much?
just don't wonder why he knows the layout to your apartment a bit too well
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After so many nights sneaking over, this night was child's play. Ryuu didn't have to jiggle the lock this time; it was so easy to open that it slid like butter for him.
He should probably be more worried about that. He was more focused on the thought of seeing you.
And there you were, still as gorgeous as the first night he snuck in. This time, he didn't have to tip toe around! This time, he could take off his shirt, his pants, he could push your stupid comforter away, he could slip in behind you.
This time, he could touch you.
He wrapped his arms around you, one of his calloused hands cupping your chest while the other pressed against the inside of your thigh, trying to push your legs open for him.
At first, you only squirmed against him, your hips pushing back and forth. It certainly didn't help with his growing erection. The way your ass pressed against him made him grind back against you, his cock hard in between your ass cheeks.
Then, it seemed you realised what was happening because, like Sleeping Beauty, your eyes finally fluttered open and met his. He smiled at you, all handsome but coy "Good morning."
"Ryuu?" You groaned out, one hand coming to rub at your eye so cutely before lowering to grab at your phone "It's not even morning."
"I know but I missed you." Already too impatient, Ryuu reached in between the two of you to free his hard hot cock to sandwich it in between your soft naked thighs "Just a few rounds and then we can cuddle, I promise."
You sighed before pressing a quick kiss to the underside of Ryuu's chin, all too used to how insatiable your boyfriend was.
"Wait, how'd you get inside?"
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jayswritings13 · 3 years
Disney: Beach Vacation with Cruella, Facilier, & Bruno Madrigal
Request: "Hii!! :D How are you?? i wanted to request Cruella, Facilier and Bruno madrigal HC of them at the beach with their S/o? like vacation maybe, thank you!! :))" by Anon
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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Cruella de Vil
She is not one for the beach.
You often joke that it's because of her pale skin and that fact that she burns easily, even while under the umbrella.
Getting her to come into the water is like pulling teeth.
The furthest she will go is up to her mid-thigh with a lot of coaxing and pleading from you, but if you splash or anything, she will immediately pack up and go home.
Despite all of that, Cruella does like that she gets to show off bathing suits and other swimwear accessories while at the beach and sometimes accompanies you just to do that.
"(Y/N), daring!" Cruella called out, grinning big once she catches your eyes on her, "What do you think?" She gestured to her hat.
"It looks great."
"Great? Darling, I look fabulous!"
"If one drop of water gets in my hair because of you, you are walking home!"
Although given her driving record, maybe that wouldn't the worst thing, but you decided to keep that tidbit to yourself.
Due to this, she isn't one for crowds
Cruella often takes it upon herself to find and book vacations where there are reclusive beaches, where most of the time besides a few others who have made the same arrangements, it's just the two of you.
She always brings this huge umbrella to sit under because she burns so easily.
"You want me to apply another coat?"
"Oh yes! I have that event next weekend and I can't afford to be sunburnt," Cruella said, "Or peeling."
If Cruella ends up getting sunburn anyway, she will assign you to aloe duties, because in her words, 'you're the only one who isn't an idiot.'
Though once the sun goes down, Cruella is all for walking by where the tide hits the sand.
"This was actually kind of nice....." Cruella admitted.
"See? I told you that you'd like it." You said, "Plus, you needed a break, you've been holed up in your office for days."
"Thank you." She mumbled.
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Dr. Facilier
Getting him to come took a lot less convincing than your thought it would.
You didn't think much of it until you both actually arrived there and Facilier immediately went into business mode on the other tourists.
"Is that the only reason you decided to come?"
"No....." he trailed off, ignoring your gaze. "I, of course, wanted to spend time with you, cher."
"This is the most amount of time we've spent together all day."
"What can I say? Foreigners love my magic."
He does join you after a few more customers, but only after a majority of them left or weren't interested.
Facilier immediately drags you into the water and loves every second of it.
He's never been to the beach often due to money and other issues constantly straining on him, but he does not waste a second of his time there once he's done with his customers.
He loves it more than he thought that he was going to, and is already planning on how he's going to slip it into a conversation with you so that this outing happens again in the future.
He spends more time and energy on making a sandcastle than he's proud to admit, especially when his shadow then decided to know it down.
You swore that you'd never seen Facilier so angry before than in that moment.
"Wasn't this nice?"
"You should take a vacation more often, Faci."
"Y'know, I can't do that, cher."
"I know, I know. Too many plans in motion and shit like that." You said, "But maybe one once in a while."
"We'll see." He said.
"I'm gonna make it happen." You mumbled, "You'll see."
But for as long as you were going to be around him, you were hellbent on getting to enjoy a vacation more than he was previously.
Which was never, so it can only go up from there.
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Bruno Madrigal
"Isn't it like a beach all the time with me though, mi corazon." Bruno grinned, "With the sand everywhere?"
"It's not the same. You'll see when I take you." You smiled, "Besides, you should feel right at home. There's sand for miles."
"Ha-ha" Bruno laughed dryly.
"You're spending too much time around Mirabel." You muttered, chuckling, remembering how the girl had just done the same thing not too long ago to you.
With Bruno getting back in the Casita officially, even if he had lived within the walls for years, it still called for a celebration.
Or in your words, a little vacation.
It would be a short one though, as you know how much Bruno is gonna miss his family, who didn't want to impose on your vacation.
"I told them that if any of them wanted to come, they could," You stated, walking with Bruno up towards an empty spot on the sand. "I guess that they didn't want to or they couldn't."
"I know, I know. I guess that I just haven't been too far away from the Encanto like this before, mi corazon." Bruno said and you immediately knew what he meant.
Even while 'away', Bruno wasn't really away from his family, living within the walls of the Casita for years.
"We're only gonna be gone for a day. I promise."
"......I guess a day away couldn't hurt then."
Bruno actually ended up loving his time there. He pretty much felt more at home with the sand being there, even if he was slightly on edge about having mini-visions right then and there.
Though once you dragged him into the water, his fear of having intense and multiple visions wasn't as intense.
Bruno also makes sure to bring some of Julieta's treats with the two of you, just in case something bad happens and either one of you needs to be healed.
"It's nice to see you this relaxed." You hummed, glancing over at Bruno from your spot under the umbrella. "The past few months have been a lot, I'm sure."
"Well, uh, it's nice to be back." Bruno said, "Well, officially, that is. Sneaking into the kitchen was easier when all of the niños were younger, especially Camilio." Bruno chuckled, "He's almost caught me so many times."
"I'm glad that you don't have to do that anymore." You then grinned, "And that you can come out on days like these."
"I'm glad too." Bruno said, "And I'm not just saying that because I can finally walk around town without too much fear of others accusing me for their bad prophecies." Bruno smiled slightly.
"Not everyone was scared of them."
"I wasn't." You stated, "I never really understood it, but I'm glad to see that it stopped for the most part."
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Greetings! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) Hope your day has been going well! Was wondering if I could send in a request? From the tea prompts- (hope this is correct) Could you maybe serve Dainsleif, Kaeya, Zhongli and Diluc some Earl Grey, matcha, English breakfast and hibiscus tea? Thku and I'm so sorry if this is abit long Isksnx
a/n: Not long at all! Thanks for the request!
Link to the tea prompts :)
tags: gn!readerxDainsleif, Kaeya, Zhongli, and Diluc, Khaenri'ah spoilers, Zhongli spoilers, Kaeya spoilers, Diluc spoilers, angst if you squint, mostly fluff, children.
hibiscus tea; what’s their favourite place to take their s/o?
Answered here<3
Dainsleif has been so many places and seen so many things that he doesn't really have one specific location. Everywhere has some sort of meaning for somebody like him. As a result though, he would thoroughly enjoy his partner's favourite place and the meaning it holds to them. Dainsleif always goes back to it, even on his own, but definitely with his partner.
Too many places. Zhongli is a bit of a history buff, so anywhere in Liyue with rich history, which is all of Liyue, is an ideal date location to bring his s/o. From the blue of Luhua Pool to the flower fields in Qingce Village to just a walk around the Harbour. Zhongli is more attached to the stories of these locations than the locations themselves. Has an attachment to Guili Plains and picnicking there though...
His favourite place is back home to the Winery. Man hates being seen. Besides that obvious one though, he does quite enjoy spending time with his partner at the large tree at Windrise. Thankfully at night its quite quiet and always lit up by fireflies. He'll even catch some in a jar for his s/o. It's quite funny to see him try to chase them around.
earl grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
Flirty as ever is the Cavalry Captain as he lays the charm on thick for his person of interest. Though the moment they flirt back, wow he is flustered. That's how one knows its more genuine. He'll gift them small trinkets, ask them to go drinking with him, or even go out of his way to bring them places if the tavern isn't for them. Ultimately, pretty normal courting methods.
He pulls out some weird ass dated Khaenri'ahn courting customs that I could not begin to describe. Gives them flowers that definitely aren't any flowers they could recognize. Fan of the back of the hand kiss. He's very bashful when courting somebody, he hasn't done this in a long time, and do people still 'court' anymore? Dainsleif doesn't really know. He is doing his best, please take this 4th bouquet this week.
Also pulls out the dated courting customs but these ones are Liyuen and at least somewhat recognizable. Has a 5% chance of remembering his mora for once when taking them out. Very polite, always shows up with a gift of some kind(usually homemade or flowers he's picked himself) If they have parents he is going to befriend them.
As a noble, he knows how to court, he knows very well how to court. He simply does not have the time and he simply cannot be assed. Will ask them to dinner, will present them with a gift, will tell them he'd like to pursue a relationship halfway through dinner. The End. There is no courtship there is only Diluc asking them out over some grape juice.
matcha tea; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
Thinks about this for a very long time. All that ancient plot stuff and whatnot. Buys the ring and looks at it every day for at least a month. He knows he loves them, more than anything, hell they have his loyalty, wherever they put it, he will too. Remember those dates at Starfell Lake? The late night picnics? Its on one of those, under the light of the Anemo statue, surrounded by crystalflies does he pop the question. He doesn't do the whole dropping to his knees thing, he's already incredibly flustered and nervous. Kaeya wrote a whole speech.. He forgot halfway through. Help. Kaeya.exe has stopped functioning, he's so in love.
Thinks about it for even longer than Kaeya. Jfc, Dainsleif if your lover is mortal they're going to die before you make a decision. Forges the ring himself once he finally decides to do it. Its quite pretty, has an engraving as well. Dainsleif was going to propose traditionally, dinner, drinks, flowers, on his knee with a speech. Easy. But that seemed... Unworthy of his partner. So instead he arranges a cute little scavenger hunt. Something fun. It does end with dinner, drinks, flowers, and him on his knee. Dainsleif even ditched the usual 'fit for a rented suit. He cleans up quite nicely and wow his face is.. red. Composure? Gone. Take this ring, please.
Childe bought the ring. Zhongli is a God living as a Mortal. He is still immortal. He still has a long long life ahead of him. And once an appropriate amount of time has passed, he's ready to move to the next step. Marriage has more than likely been discussed between him and his partner before he proposes. He makes a whole day of it! Sleeping in, breakfast and tea in bed, some shopping in the afternoon, dinner at the Pavilion, and as dinner wraps up and they wait for dessert, Zhongli will slide off of his seat and onto his knee. His speech is perfect, the ring fits perfectly, and dessert comes out right after. Its perfect.
Thinks about it forever 3 electric boogaloo. Again, given his status, there's just so much attention involved and he doesn't like the attention. He'd love to marry his partner, and again its probably been discussed beforehand. Eventually, with some prodding from one annoying lovely brother, he gets the ring and starts planning how he wants to do it. Yeah, good try Diluc. Unfortunately he left the box on his bedside table for his partner to find! Stumbled over his words as he tried to explain, face getting redder with every passing second. He tried! He really did. He'll take them out to dinner later<3
english breakfast tea; would they want a family?
Mmm.. He'll get back to them on that one. He needs a LOT of therapy first. Like.. In the same vein as his adoptive father, he attracts a lot of kids looking for a figure to look up to. But would he adopt them?? If he were more mentally sound maybe. He simply doesn't know and thus won't risk it. He can step up when needed though, really.
No. That's it. Just no.
Kind of conflicted about it, depending on his partner, there's just a lot of ways this can go with his whole divinity thing. Definitely lots of conversations about it. Consults his partner's opinion the most out of everyone here.
Mm... He'll get back to them on that one 2 electric boogaloo. Realistically he's got a legacy to pass on, but does he care about it? No. Also daddy issues, he doesn't want to be like his dad and abandon his kid when they need him. So he's very conflicted. Eventually though, he would like a kid or two. It just takes a while to get there.
↳tags; @fadinganchornight
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stylesberries · 4 years
Rainbow Cardigan
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Summary: Harry loses his favorite cardigan. You learn how to knit. (Based on the JW Anderson cardigan knitting trend.)
Genre(s): fluff, a sexual innuendo
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning(s): mentions of sexual intercourse.
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Harry’s sense of style is one of the main things that make people around automatically drowns to him. High waisted flares, custom Gucci suits and newsboy caps - Harry in a nutshell.
His style is so distinctive, that even if his face and tattoos were covered, people around would still recognize him just by looking at his outfit.
You, of course, are one of the many fans of Harry’s style. Being his girlfriend had its benefits. Getting to steal his clothes was, obviously, on top of the list.
“Sweetheart!” Harry calls out for you from the bedroom.
You got up from your place in the living room, following your boyfriend’s voice. You knew that if he just wanted to tell you something, he would’ve texted. He clearly needs you to come up to him, so that’s exactly what you do.
Going up the stairs, you kept thinking about who could be the killer in the new detective series episode you’ve been watching.
When you reached your bedroom, your eyes trailed right to your worrying boyfriend, who was walking in circles around the room with his brows furrowed and in deep thought.
“Love, is everything okay? You seem upset.” You gently started.
He really looked frustrated, and you had no idea what was the reason behind it. He would always take every hardship light-heartedly, knowing that everything can be solved and everything can be fixed, and if that’s not the case, he would say, “Well, that’s what life’s about, isn’t it? It can’t always be easy. That’s the beauty of it.” Your mind started walking in circles just like your distraught boyfriend, thinking about anything that could’ve caused him to react this way.
“Y/N, I think I lost m’rainbow cardigan.”
Then it hit you. He really loved that cardigan. It wasn’t just adorable, warm and cozy. He wore it for your first date, and being someone who imbues everything with meaning and gets emotionally attached to things, his reaction wasn’t surprising to you.
“My dear, I’m sure we will find it. Come on. I’ll help you lo-”He cut you off full of sadness and frustration.
“I’ve already looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I’ve looked in every room, on every shelf. I looked under every couch, just in case. I even checked the stove. Like, come on, it could never be there, but I still looked! I don’t know what t’do. I always take it along wherever I go. If I am here and it’s not - I lost it. I fucking lost it. Y/N, what do I do? Where else could I look?” He was full-on bawling now. You couldn’t help but cut the distance separating you short and hug him.
“Don’t worry, Har. We will find it. I know how much it means to you. We’ll find it.” You kept repeating it. Although, your voice was muffled by his hair, he caught every word leaving your mouth.
“I cannot lose it. I can’t. What if it’s lost forever? How could I let it out of my sight?” The sight of him so genuinely saddened by the situation made you let out a sigh. You were full of compassion and understanding, trying to remember the last time you saw the poor cardigan. Failing to do so, you turned to your crushed boyfriend and tried to get information out of him.
“When did you last see it, baby? Do you remember?” You carefully asked, trying your best not to push him even more. Judging by his appearance, you knew that he could easily beat himself up for losing the cardigan to a point of having an anxiety attack, and that was the last thing you wanted right now.
You watched him slowly breathe air in and out, trying to slow his heart rate down.
“I haven’t seen it for over a week. The last time I’ve seen it was at the studio, I think. I put it on t’go there. It was cold that day.” He explained.
You remembered exactly what day he was talking about. He went to the studio early and you missed him a lot, so when he came back home you jumped on him, which later on led to a heated make out session. The thing was that you didn’t remember taking the cardigan off of him that day.
“Har.” You tried to be as gentle as you possibly could, but you knew that there wasn’t anything that could make him feel better about losing something so dear to him.
“Yeah?” He took a step back and looked at your saddened face.
“I’m afraid you came home without the cardigan.”
After having your crying-your-eyes-out-because-of-a-piece-of-clothing session, you were determined to find the cardigan. Knowing that Harry just went to the studio and back that day, you did the same. Harry asked everyone working at the studio if they’ve seen the cardigan, and with every new person your hope withered more and more. As you asked more people and tried to track the cardigan down, you realized that it was probably lost on a bench he sat on by the studio, to drink his morning coffee. That meant that you’ll never see it again. Understanding the hopelessness of the situation, Harry gave up looking.
Seeing your Harry walking around the house completely destroyed by the situation, you couldn’t help, but think about a way to make him feel better.
He would skip his morning runs to sulk in the bed, cuddled up in the blankets with his feet tangled with yours. Harry was never one to skip any part of his daily routine, so you understood how attached he was to the lost cardigan.
One night, after you both finished your dinner and went to watch some rom-com in the living room, your grandmother called. You apologized to Harry and answered the call.
As you gave her an update on your life these days, Harry cuddled closed into your side and let his eyes close.
Your grandmother asked you about everything, starting from what you had for breakfast to how your university project was going.
In couple of minutes Harry started lightly snoring into your ear. Next thing you know she’s telling you about the new blanket that she knitted.
Then an idea came to your mind. You’ll knit him a new cardigan.
Next day was spent shopping for yarn and needles and watching knitting tutorials. The fact that Harry was out in the studio made it even easier for you to bring your ideas to life.
In the beginning you found it a little hard, but with a little motivation you knitted a couple of colorful squares, just like the ones in Harry’s precious cardigan.
The image of the cardigan mostly came from your head, but whenever you needed a reference you could type “Harry Styles Rainbow Cardigan” into Google and freshen the memories.
It took you some time to get the cardigan together, knitting every little square with the other, making sure everything is as neat as possible.
You felt bad for lying to your sweetheart, but you had to admit - it was fun running around hiding your surprise from him.
When the cardigan was ready, you took a look at your creation.
Although, it wasn’t the same as the one you both had so many memories with, it was made with love, coming straight from your heart.
You finished the last touches at about 7 o’clock, and Harry was supposed to come home a bit later today due to a meeting with the management. You waited for him until late evening and found a box to put your little creation into.
After folding the wrapping paper around the box and tying a bow from the ends of the yellow ribbon, that was now wrapped around the sides of the box, you laid down in your bed and picked up an unread book to finally finish it.
In an hour or so your exhausted boyfriend stepped into the house. You could head his steps coming from outside of the bedroom. By the time he came back home, the book found its way back on the side table, as you wrapped the blanket around yourself to mimic the warmth of missing Harry.
Harry walked into the room slowly, making sure he doesn’t step on certain creaking planks in the floor, not to wake you up. He carefully undressed himself and folded the corner of the blanket to get under it. As he carefully positioned himself next to you, you turned around, making sure not to take him by surprise and scare the living shit out of him.
“You’re so late, love. Did something happen?” You asked, hoping that everything was okay with the upcoming tour. Your mind didn’t view anything else as a possibility because you trusted him completely. You knew you had nothing to worry about, as he proved his loyalty to you enough for you not to have any doubts about it.
“Jeff kept me a bit late, m’precious. We were going through the tour schedule. I’m sorry I made y’worry, baby.” He wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed a kiss on your temple. You let him shower you with more and more kisses, before you remembered the box you hid in the closet. You eyes abruptly opened and Harry caught the look of realization on your face.
“What happened, bean? Not in the mood?” He made sure to ask you.
You got up from the bed, pushing his hands off of you, and walked right to the closet.
“Baby? Is everything alright?” Harry was confused over the way you were acting.
You left his questions unanswered and grabbed the box, after opening the doors of the closet looking for it. You walked back up to the bed, but now from Harry’s side. He seemed completely oblivious of what was coming next and, obviously, awaited for an explanation.
“It’s a present. For you.” You now let yourself smile at him, after putting on a show to freak him out. You let out a laugh after seeing Harry look insulted by the way you played with his feelings.
“You’re a meanie. That’s not cute. Was gonna make love to you just now, but I am no longer going to do so.” Harry ended the dramatically long sentence with a theatrical frown.
Despite the little show he put on for you, he couldn’t help but keep looking at the box, laying in front of him.
“What’s that?” He curiously asked.
“Open and see for yourself.” You moved closer to him, with only the box separating you.
Harry carefully unwrapped the bow, making sure he doesn’t rip the paper you carefully wrapped. Something so small, almost unnoticeable, but another thing you loved about this man. There was love in every little gesture and move of his. He could’ve just torn the paper and the ribbon off, acting on his curiosity, but he didn’t. He knew you took time to make it look pretty for him, and he wouldn’t ruin your creation, even if it’s just wrapping paper.
When Harry got to opening the box, he looked up at you, as if asking for your permission. You nodded, smile grazing your face.
As the lid came off the box and the bright colors of the carefully knitted cardigan started gleaming from the light, coming from the lamp on the bedside table, Harry’s facial expression turned from curiosity to utter shock. Noticing his surprise, you chose to speak up.
“I made it myself. I knew how heartbroken you were after losing that cardigan, so I thought - maybe I could knit it for you. I know it’s not perfect, but it would make me very happy if you kept it.” You nervously blabbered, thinking that he didn’t seem as happy as you thought he would be.
“You knitted it yourself?” He looked up at you in shock with tearful eyes, as his hands finally let themself touch the buttons of the item.
“I did. I watched tutorials on YouTube. Thanks to those, I learned how to knit.” You joked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
“You learned how to knit to make this for me?” His voice turned raspy, as it always did when he got emotional and he looked like he desperately needed a hug.
So that’s what you gave him.
“Come here, my love. Please don’t cry. I didn’t knit it to make you sad. I wanted to make you happy.” You cooed into his ear.
Harry held onto you with such need and desperation, that you haven’t seen him show before. He squeezed you closer, his hands still keeping hold of the knitted piece.
“You made me so happy. You make me so fucking happy.”
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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blunaowl · 2 years
nurse!Elsa AU: Hug It Out
It was early on Friday morning, and the café was almost empty. Very few customers were drinking in; a small group of tourists looking to get a head start on seeing the sights, and some construction workers who had ventured further than the greasy spoon at the end of the street. Occasionally, the silence would be broken by the mumbles of a suited and booted office worker stopping for a triple espresso on the way to catch the tram.
Well into her usual morning routine, Aunt Cass had her back turned to the counter as she checked invoices and delivery sheets, keeping an ear out for the bell above the door. The groan of chairs scraping across the floor and the heavy footsteps that followed told her the visiting workers were on their way out, and she responded with a smile and a wave as they called out their thanks for the pastries over the door bell. She’d just reach the end of this sheet before she went and collected their plates-
The bell jingled for a second time, and she heard much lighter footsteps this time. So much for finishing the sheet, Cass thought as she placed the paperwork back down, leaving her pen pointing to the next entry to check. Expecting to see yet another half asleep customer, Aunt Cass turned, her eyes instead landing on a half asleep girlfriend.
“Elsa! Good morning!” Aunt Cass grinned, always happy to see the young woman who was slowly becoming the daughter she never had. Her look morphed into one of concern when her greeting didn’t bring about Elsa’s signature lopsided grin. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
Elsa nodded mutely, dull blue eyes never meeting green for more than a fraction of a second. Her voice was quiet, disheartened, and so very tired. “I’m fine… is Tadashi up? I’ll… I’ll go, if he’s not, I don’t want to bother h-… n- never mind.” She gave up almost immediately, tugging her backpack higher up onto her shoulder, turning to leave.
“Elsa, wait! He’s up. He’s been up all night, actually, working on a project in the garage.” She walked around to the front of the counter, putting an arm around her shoulder and steering her through the open hatch, “Go on, go and see him. I’ll bring you both some coffee and breakfast in a bit, okay?” Elsa nodded again, and Aunt Cass walked her most of the way, before a customer demanded her attention. She waved him off momentarily, making sure Elsa made it to the garage door.
Elsa hesitated for a moment, before opening the door and walking in, her feet dragging slightly. Her bag finally fell from her shoulder, and Elsa let it fall to the ground. She reached behind her to push the door shut, with barely enough force to leave it ajar. She looked up at a sudden outburst, seeing Tadashi hunched over a table, headphones on, circuit board, wires and actuators everywhere, now grumling at the offending piece of… something in his hands. There was a small patch beneath his feet that was free of metal dust and rubbish, indicating he hadn’t moved from that particular spot in a while.
His back was towards the door, the music that was originally supposed to be calming blocking out all external sound. He noticed a slight dimming of the light from above him, a warmth behind him replaced the irritating breeze that had been tickling his back, and it was only when a pair arms came into view from underneath his own he realised he was no longer alone. He straightened up slightly and suddenly, his back muscles protesting at the hunched position he had been in for hours, as the stranger’s arms surrounded his waist, a familiar body pressed up against his back, and a head came to rest on his shoulder.
He abandoned his project, problem forgotten, and tugged his earphones out. The platinum blonde lock of hair that fell over his shoulder confirmed his suspicions. “Elsa?”
She stuck to him like a limpet, not budging an inch at the sound of his voice. She loosened her hold around his waist ever so slightly when he started to turn around to face her, tightening it once more when he had completed his 180.
"Elsa, what's wrong?" Part of him was irritated at the interruption; another part was grateful for the distraction. But mostly, he was concerned by his girlfriend's silence.
His oil covered hands were suspended in midair, still clutching onto a soldering iron and some pliers. He slowly let the soldering iron down by the power cable, flipped the power off and flung the pair of pliers over his shoulder.  With only a moment's hesitation - and a mental note to once again ask Aunt Cass how to remove oil from a hoodie - he hugged back, engulfing Elsa in his strong arms. He pulled Elsa even closer to his chest, and her grip tightened in response.
They stood for a few minutes, unmoving and silent, the only sounds in the cluttered garage the quiet whirring of Tadashi’s computer, and slow steady breathing. Elsa could hear Tadashi’s heartbeat in her ear, and slowly felt her heartbeat slowing to match it. Tadashi closed his eyes, his attention focused on the warm exhales of breath on his chest. He looked down when he felt a long sigh, and realised that both their grips had lessened, arms resting on hips, rather than clamped around chest and shoulders.
“Els’?” His voice was slightly hoarse from the dust hanging in the air, overuse from shouting at inanimate objects, his tiredness suddenly manifesting in a long yawn.
Elsa tilted her head upwards slightly, sounding as tired as Tadashi, “Sorry… I just needed a hug.”
“Bad shift?”
“Not… not really. I mean, I dunno, I…” Elsa sighed heavily, and Tadashi ran his hands down her arms, taking her hands, and pulling her over to the sofa. He said nothing, aware that pressing Elsa would do nothing but make her shut down. Instead he put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close. Elsa kicked her sneakers off and tucked her feet underneath her, while Tadashi pulled a toolbox over by the handle, using it as a footrest. They sat in silence for a few minutes, his head resting on hers, waiting patiently for her to open up, whilst also taking the time to push all thoughts of work from his mind.
"... I suck.”
That was unexpected. Tadashi looked down at her–or at least her hair–with a frown. Rather than immediately trying to rebut her statement, he tried a different tactic. “... at what?”
“At my job. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought becoming a nurse would be a good idea."
Tadashi smiled knowingly; he knew self-doubt well, having worked through it on his own, and with his friends. He waited a moment, to see if he needed to start asking for more information, or if she would elaborate on her own. He didn’t have to wait for long.
“Couldn’t even record stupid obs properly. Then the attending asks me a simple question and I just freeze in front of everyone- I swear the patient was looking at me like it was my first day on the job. My mentor must’ve thought I was such an idiot-”
“What’d your mentor say?”
“Nothing! Just… answered the question for me, then I had to go see another patient.”
Tadashi hummed in response. “Attendings, those are the top doctors, right? The specialists.”
“Right. They’re ones that go around with a cloud of interns and residents following them.”
“Uh huh. And you are a… third-year nursing student, yes?” He couldn’t hide his smile any longer, and it only grew as she looked up at him with a slightly peeved expression, “You’re not going to know everything right now. Even when you’re qualified, you’re still not gonna know everything- you can’t know everything.”
He knew he was winning whatever internal argument she was having with herself, he could see it in her face, the slight head tilt and the way she avoided looking at him because she knew he was right. “I remember in classes when Callaghan would single people out and ask the most difficult questions he could, just to see how flustered he could get them. Looking back, definitely not the best teaching style, but…
“I learned how to delay answering. Give myself the breathing room I needed to think of the answer, or work out where I could find it. I appeared more confident, which… well, eventually it made me feel more confident.” Tadashi gave Elsa a squeeze, and the release encouraged her to rest her head back down on his shoulder.
“If I’ve learned anything from working on Baymax, it’s that you can’t learn nursing purely from textbooks. There’s that human element to it that just… it can’t be explained. You have such a huge capacity for love and care… no one can teach that.”
He allowed a moment’s silence to let it soak in, before quietly adding, “and if I’ve learned anything from you and your study buddies, it’s that some of the doctors working in that place are real sanctimonious jerks.”
Elsa let out an indignant snort, and his grin spread from ear to ear. Tadashi rested his head on the back of the low sofa, scooting down and getting comfortable, Elsa nestling into his side.
“Why did you get into robotics?”
Tadashi’s eyebrows rose at the question, his lips pursing as he contemplated his answer. “Well… did I ever tell you my dad was a doctor?” He felt Elsa’s head shaking against him, and continued, “He worked in family medicine. A visit to the doctor’s office was just a trip to his study for me and Hiro.” He chuckled, remember the first time he visited an actual doctor’s office, and Hiro wondered where all the tea cups and biscuits were hidden. “I wanted to go into medicine because of him, but when he and mom died… I dunno.” 
He sighed, returning Elsa’s slight squeeze. “I remember how often dad would be away at work, or at a conference or something, just… at work. I couldn’t do that to Hiro. I had to be there for him. I’m just glad I caught the SFIT robotics fair that year, or who knows what I’d be doing now.”
“Hopefully not swearing at inanimate objects…?”
Tadashi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, remembering his earlier outbursts - he just hoped Elsa hadn’t seen more than just that one. “Yeah…”
“What were you working on?”
“Nothing exciting. Seriously!” he said, when Elsa turned her head up in curiosity. If he was getting so worked up about it, surely it was important, right? “It was just a simple circuit board, something I would’ve knocked up in minutes a few years ago… but I kept soldering the wrong connections. Burnt out one of the chips. Dumb mistake.”
“Fixable?” Elsa’s voice was quiet now; having given up on trying to stay against Tadashi’s shoulder she had made herself comfortable with her head on his lap, and was beginning to doze.
“Fixable. Ish.” Tadashi stretched slightly, letting his eyes close. “I’m sure I have another chip lying around somewhere. I’ll find it later.”
Sleep first.
So this has been a WIP since... *checks* ... 2015, and I wanted to post a thing, so HERE YOU GO!
Based on the illustrations linked above and the chat copied below. Dedicated to @thearendork-blog, who likely bestowed upon me my Skype name of the time.
Disclaimer: US medical professionals (hi) sorry, please don't hate on me but I couldn't be bothered to fully research the nuances of the US medical system. :3
[21:54:38] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: with like, Elsa and Tadashi both having a really shit day
[21:55:00] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: and they both just rant it out, and get probably AAARRRGH, but then they hug and it's just melt.
[22:02:50] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: it might work well as a nurse!elsa one shot
[22:03:07] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: Elsa's on a night shift
[22:03:22] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: Tadashi's spent the night working at home, and he's getting epicly frustrated at his stuff
[22:03:45] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: He's busy ranting at nothing (or perhaps Baymax, but nothing would be funnier)
[22:04:03] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: and Elsa gets home, drops her bag, barely manages to close the door
[22:04:21] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: walks over to Tadashi and just hugs him
[22:04:33] thearendork on Skype: and he's like
[22:04:39] thearendork on Skype: what's wrong
[22:04:47] thearendork on Skype: she probably had another shitty day at the hospital
[22:06:17] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: when she hugs him, he gots his hand full of stuff, maybe even like, covered in oil or something, but she won't let go, so he just drops it on the floor and hugs her back XD
[22:07:54] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: and when she's finally hugged it out (or at least a lil' bit), Tadashi leads her to the sofa or the bed, and they just sleep, not even like, getting changed, just, "I need to be with this person, I don't want to let go"
[22:08:37] thearendork on Skype: she might even start questioning why she became a nurse
[22:09:27] thearendork on Skype: and tadashi says because you have such a huge capacity for love and care or something
[22:10:07] thearendork on Skype: elsa could return the question to tadashi
[22:10:18] thearendork on Skype: like why'd you get into robotics
[22:10:11] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: maybe tadashi could bring up wanting to be a doctor beforehand
[22:11:02] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: wanting to follow in his dad's footsteps, but then just like, unable to after his dad died because he had a duty to his brother
[22:11:46] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: Elsa has the same duty, but because Hiro was younger, Tadashi's even more protective
[22:11:51] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: because he had to play dad
[22:13:19] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: the ficlet might end at the point they go to bed
[22:13:40] sarah soulcrusher | bloody brit: but a longer fic would continue with "why the hell did I become a nurse I can't do this."
[22:14:36] thearendork on Skype: anxiety ahoy!
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beomcoups · 3 years
Bad Alive
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𝐅𝐨𝐫 @𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 ‘𝐬 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐪𝐮é
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mafia!boss Kun (NCT) x mafia!boss reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, fluff, angst, mafia au, friends with benefits au, childhood 
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: R (18+)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), rough missionary, nail digging, squirting, mentions of violence, guns, swearing
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 3.6k
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: The rival boss is a bad kind of player, with thousand dollar shoes. He's the final obstacle in your three year journey to the top of your group. It would be a piece of cake - if he wasn't your ex-lover.
𝐀𝐍: A massive thank you to @darknytemare​, @sunshinekims​ and @lovey-simone for beta reading for me 🖤
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You first spotted him surrounded by his crew and women in the VIP, leaning over the rail. His eyes watching the club like a hawk, the scene unraveling before him. His honey blonde hair cut short into an undercut, well-tailored suit, and nice smile caught you off guard, as you usually don’t see these kinds of men in this club.
“Who is that?” You ask the bartender, pointing in his direction.
“Oh, that’s Qian Kun; he is the owner of this club,” the bartender says matter-of-factly.
“Do you mean Qian, as in Qian mafia?!” your voice unexpectedly rises, earning a few looks from the people around you.
You turn around and sneak another look at him, watching the ladies laugh at his every word, clearly loving the attention. Rumors spread quickly about the club being owned by a mafia Don.
“Shh! Are you trying to get yourself killed?” He whispers, working on a drink for a customer. Naive was your best ploy and to get where you needed to be you had to be coy. “But yes, it has the affiliation. So be careful.”
You nod and take a swig of your drink, finishing it completely before making your way to the dance floor. You already knew who Kun was. His reputation exceeding him, just from his looks alone he wouldn’t be expected. His looks made him look innocent almost, knowing the things his mafia did to people who weren’t needed anymore, you knew you had to proceed with caution before you went into action.
 Kun wasn’t an ordinary guy; he is the Qian mafia head after inheriting it from his father a year ago. Being the daughter of the rival mafia, the Zodiacs, had its perks. He’s not a total stranger to you, as you grew up to be childhood friends and eventually lovers, losing your virginities to each other as you both became adults. You wanted a relationship, but he didn’t want anything serious; he just wanted your friendship and to fuck you ravishingly whenever he could.
 You were okay with that for a while until you moved out of town and stayed away for three years. Since then, your families became enemies over a bad drug deal. The severity growing by the minute. Moving back recently brought on memories but that’s what you intended on keeping them as. Your father knew you were ready to take over the family business. So forth your here now attending to some routine affairs, before everything could be complete you had to cut down the biggest threat:
This was the final task, one you planned on exploiting until the last minute.You find a spot dancing with the strangers, the EDM sounds booming through the place. You get lost in the moment, allowing your body to move however you wanted it to, almost forgetting your task at hand. Your hair covers your face, but you can see your surroundings, and you notice one of his men and another childhood friend, Hendery, approaching you with his hand for you to shake.
“Come on, Hendery, we’re not strangers,” you forgo his hand and give him a hug. “How have you been? How’s your mom?”
“She’s good. Stubborn as ever,” he adjusts his tie, trying to hide his goofy grin. “Kun wanted me to bring you up to him.”
“I know,” you say, cocking an eyebrow at him. You look up in his direction, and Kun is smirking at you, holding a glass and lifting it up in your direction.
“If he wants me, he’ll have to come down here and fetch me himself,” you shrug, going back to the music. “It was nice seeing you again.”
Hendery nods and goes back to Kun, who gazes at you once more before removing the women’s hands touching his shoulders and making his way towards you. You liked this cat and mouse game, making him chase you around until he finally caught up and had his way. It’s unfortunate that you have to end his life in order to be the boss, but you’re not looking for love; you just want his body one last time.
Kun approaches you, and oddly the wind almost gets knocked out of you; he’s more handsome than the last time you saw him, and you can tell his very expensive suit was tailored just for him.
“Y/N… It’s been a while,” he greets me, kissing my left cheek.
“Yes, yes it has,” you agree, fluffing your hair off your shoulder.
“You look good,” his eyes wander all over your dress, biting his bottom lip.
“I know I do,” you grin seductively, pulling him to the crowd. “Dance with me.”
You take his hand and guide him to a spot on the dance floor, seducing him as you grind your body on his, allowing his hands to grace your hips. His cologne is strong enough to fill your senses of him, but you can still keep aware of what’s going on around you. His men are entertained by the women in their view; the security is placed at each exit door, making it harder for you to sneak off without being seen.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” Kun questions you, your heart skipping a beat.
“I’m dancing, “ you respond coyly, turning around to face him. 
“You don’t miss me?”
He scoffs and pulls you closer to him, his hands firmly on your ass.
“It’s been three years, and you just show up here? I don’t buy it,” he challenges you, matching your rhythm to the beat.
You look deep into his eyes, and you know he means business, but you keep your poker face focused on the mission at hand.
“What if I was here to see you?” You whisper into his ear. 
“How would that make you feel?”
“You’d have to show me that you wanted to see me,” he buffers.
 “How are you going to do that?”
You lean in and kiss him, slightly tugging on his suit, pulling him closer and under your spell. Your tongue makes magic with his, your body burning up from the sexual tension you have been harboring.
“Does that answer your question?” You tease him, nibbling the bottom of his lip.
“Maybe…” Kun trails off, motioning to his right-hand man, Ten. “I’ll need more convincing at my place. Meet me in the back alley; there is already a car there.”
You watch him say something to Ten before grabbing his coat, and you make your way to the back entrance, a black car already heated and ready to go. Kun has never been a man of a lot of words, but you know the steamy dance session has him wanting you, and you would be a liar if you didn’t admit you wanted him too. You might be holding some small feelings for him, being an old lover and someone you grew up with, but the family business comes first, no matter the cost… right?
“Are you ready?” Kun’s hand brushes your back, chills taking over your body.
You nod as our feet touched the cold ground, his home was calling.
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“Your place is nice,” you observe as you walk into Kun’s penthouse.
You take off your heels and set them on the hardwood floor, walking into the spacious living room with a grand view of the city. The kitchen isn’t too far with a built-in bar attached and just based on what’s in front of you, you know this place isn’t cheap. Kun is rummaging through his wine rack and comes with a bottle of red wine and two glasses.
“Thank you. Are you thirsty?” Kun asks, pouring some in his glass.
“Yeah. I’ll take a little sip,” you grab and sit on one of the stools.
He pours some wine in a gold-trimmed glass, and you thank him, taking a small sip like you promised. You don’t like wine much, but you need something to calm your nerves and the heat brewing in your core. 
“So, are you finally going to be honest with me?” Kun interrogates you, almost catching you off guard.
You stay composed and take another sip, finishing it entirely and setting it down on the island bar. 
“What makes you think I’m not being honest with you?” You counter, slowly walking towards him. 
“Come on, Y/N,” he scoffs, brushing his hair back with his hands. “It’s been years, and I haven’t heard from you. Let alone a goodbye, and now you just show up here and flirt with me? I know you better than that.”
You know he’s making sense, and you think of a quick lie to cover your tracks. You taking over the family business is on the line, and despite the small feelings you still hold for him, you cannot fuck this up. 
“I promise I came to see you,” you swear, waving your hands dramatically. It is the truth after all.
“Do you still have feelings for me?” Kun starts, loosening his tie. “I told you years ago I’m not the relationship type. That hasn’t changed.”
It is your turn to scoff, letting out a hearty laugh from the pit of your soul. 
“I’m in town because I have some family stuff to attend to. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, and I wanted to see what’s been up with you,” you wave him off. “But obviously, this is a lot for you, so I’m going to go.”
You make your way to the door and grab your shoes, willing to walk outside in the cold barefooted until your ride came. That didn’t happen, however, as Kun grabs your arm, backing you into the wall. 
“You’re still dramatic as ever,” Kun states before bringing his lips to yours.
You kiss him back, tearing open his shirt, buttons flying everywhere as your hands rub across his chest. His big hands lift you up, carrying you to his massive bedroom and setting you down on the bed, 
“Strip,” Kun demands, unbuckling his belt. 
You get up, slowly lowering each strap on your dress, pulling your dress down until your breasts and thong were exposed. Kun pulls you to him, kissing you once more, leaning you back onto the bed. His lips trail to your stomach, leaving soft marks while he lowers your panties with his other hand. 
“You’re the same way I remembered you years ago,” he whispers. “You are still as beautiful as ever.”
“Yeah yeah,” you brush off his words, your breath hitching as his lips meet your sweet spot. 
Kun smirks and leaves a sensual kiss, your back arching as he is tasting your sweet nectar. Your hands are grasping for his hair; the rapturous way he makes your body feel is astral projecting you into paradise. His tongue takes a long swipe on your sweet pussy, his ravenous lust coming out of his pores as he tongue fucks you.
“My god-” you choke on air, your stomach coiling under pressure at your release. His nails dig into your ass, and you come undone, your honeyed essence dripping down his chin as he drinks you in. You beg him to stop, but he continues his onslaught, causing you to cum again shortly after. 
“You are going to suck me dry,” you rasp, out of breath. 
He finally pulls away, licking his lips, a sly grin plastered on his face as he lifts your leg up, slowly rubbing his shaft.
“Wait,” you attempt to sit up. “You don’t want me to do it?”
“No,” he eases himself inside of you. “I don’t have time for that. I need to feel you.”
You know you should have asked him to put on a condom, but the moment he climbed over and plowed into you, your sense of reasoning went out the door. He fucks you likes he missed you, rapaciously pounding into you like a street whore, and you return his aggression with your nails dug deep into his back. He cups your mouth with his big hands, kissing you and taking your energy away as you reach your peak once more. 
“Go ahead,” Kun grits his teeth. “I want to feel you all over me.”
No second later, you splash everywhere, squirting all over him and his sheets, surprising yourself as you have never done that with anyone before. He finishes shortly after, releasing his hot load on your stomach, kissing you tenderly until he was well spent. 
“Phew!” You collapse on the bed, your vision blurry, and your energy depleted. You hear him chuckle, and you roll your eyes, slightly annoyed at his arrogance. He’s obviously picked up a thing or two while you were gone, and you wouldn’t mind doing this with him again if only you didn’t have to kill him. You hear him leave and go into the bathroom, and you sit up, looking around for what you can find on him before he gets out. You notice a planner on the nightstand, and you rummage through it, finding his schedule of the week, and you make mental notes. You hear the sink water come on, and you quickly put it back and get back into the position before he comes out.
“Are you tired?” He comes out with a hand towel, taking care to wipe his semen off of my stomach.
“A little,” you admit, your body sinking comfortably into the bed. 
“Well, stay the night,” he suggests, disposing of the hand towel and coming back into bed.
“Eh,” you sound unsure. “I’m not trying to put you out of your bed, and I don’t want you getting ideas.”
Kun shakes his head, pulls you closer to him, and you lay back down. “I’m not the one who was in love years ago. As long as you know this isn’t going to be more than this, you can stay as many nights as you want.”
“Yeah, sure,” you say sarcastically, nuzzling into the pillow. “I’m not the same girl you grew up with. You’ll see.”
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It’s been five months since that night, and things started to change. He was still the Kun you grew up with, but softer. He was still a shrewd mafia boss and ran his business with an iron fist, but with you, he was sweet. His eyes shined when you walked into the room; he continued to fuck you mercilessly and doted on you like a princess after. It became more than fuck sessions, the calls wanting to know about your day and randomly showing up with dinner. If you didn’t know better, you would think he was falling in love with you.
You would be a liar if you didn’t admit to yourself that you started to have some feelings for him and you enjoyed his company, but as much as you want that companionship, the mafia comes first, and he has to go. You’ve been getting heat from your family, who wants this charade to end so you can finally take your place at the head of the Zodiacs. You pushed it off longer than you’d realize, and after the insistent nagging in every meeting, you decided tonight was the night. 
“Hey,” you let Kun into your condo, dressed in a white tee and gray sweatpants. You invited him over, making up a lie about someone following you home. Your hair is pinned into a bun, and you just got out of the shower. You have had to kill before, but this was different; you never had to kill someone you cared about. 
“Where did you say he was following you,” Kun asks, looking out your window. 
“I was leaving the warehouse, and I noticed this sedan was following me,” you fake a sigh, more so to calm your nerves. “I went a long way home and was able to lose them, thank God.”
“Mmhmm,” is all he says, and he continues to look outside and around your place, checking to see if anyone else was inside. You act completely natural, flipping through the channels until you find something semi-decent to put on the tv, not that you’ll be watching it much.
“You know you didn’t have to call me over here,” Kun plops on the couch next to you, laying his head on your nap. “You could’ve called one of your guards here.”
“I know,” you shrug, playing in his hair. “But I wanted you over here. Is that such a bad thing?”
He perks his lips up, and you kiss him, the sweet taste lingering on his lips that has you wanting more. His hands take out your bun, allowing your hair to fall down your face.
“I’m glad you asked me over,” Kun whispers, leaving the last kiss on your nose. Your heart is touched, and you start to feel tears form, so you make a motion that you are getting up and go into the bathroom, leaning against the door. You wish there was another way to be in charge and still have him. You went into this cold-hearted and not wanting love, but here he is, sucking you in again like years before. You take a long look in the mirror before reaching underneath the sink for the pistol you kept hidden there. Your hands are searching for it before you bend and look for yourself, grabbing it and taking it out of its case. You take a deep breath and open the door, Kun on the other side startling you. 
“Jesus!” You exclaim, clutching your shirt. “You scared the shit out of me.”
You walk past him into the kitchen for a glass of water. You feel your face hot from embarrassment, and you gulp your water down, ready to face what’s to come. 
“Are you okay?” you hear Kun behind you. “You seem a bit off.”
It’s now or never, you say to yourself. You clear your throat and pull out the gun from behind you, aiming for Kun’s head. Instead of looking shocked, he sighs heavily, taking a seat on one of the stools. 
“It was only a matter of time, I suppose,” he surmises, raking his hands through his hair. 
“I’m sorry,” your voice is small, fighting back the tears. “I wish this could have ended differently.”
“It can be different,” he pleads. “Let’s leave this life behind. Run away with me.”
You look at him incredulously before bursting into laughter, your voice bellowing throughout your kitchen. You two were both born into the mafia families; it’s either them or death. No way you can just leave without being hunted down. 
“You sound crazy,” you scoff, scratching your left temple with your gun. “You are just saying that to get out of this.” You cock the safety back, ready to pull the trigger. 
“Have you ever known me to be a liar, Y/N?” he asks, slowly getting off of the stool. “I knew you were sent to kill me the day you showed up at my club. No way you just randomly showed up to see me.”
You keep your poker face, but your heart is pounding at his revelation. You thought you covered your tracks, keeping your i’s dotted and your t’s crossed. What happened?
“Come on, I’m in the business Y/N. I already know how this goes,” he points out, moving closer to you.
“So if you knew, why haven’t you stopped me?” You move your finger to the trigger, something he notices and stops dead in his tracks. 
“I fell in love with you,” he confesses. “I went into this thinking that I could have a little fun before we eventually would have to square off, but you made me want love… You reminded me of the times we were kids and growing up together, and it feels good. I don’t want to lose that.”
The silence is deafening, the tears you were blocking pouring out of your eyes. 
“I know you feel the same,” Kun steps slowly to you again, entering your personal space. “I know you want to leave this life behind.”
You hate that he is right, and if you had the strength, you would end it right here and now. But his eyes are showing a vision of love, an alternate reality where you two can be together without having to look over your shoulders; A life of leisure with your childhood sweetheart, the love of your life. 
“But how could this even work—”
You’re cut off with his lips pressed against yours, almost knocking you out your senses. You give in to his feelings, setting the gun on the counter and placing your hands on his neck, deepening the kiss. 
“Let’s find a way to end this together,” Kun’s voice is shaky, his eyes peering into your soul.
You nod, sniffling as you turn around and reach for a paper towel to dry your face. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
That’s the last thing you remember before the gun went off and everything faded to black.
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imaginationjunkie · 3 years
Dancing with our hands tied
Jason Todd x Reader
It’s kinda soft
Thought of these songs while writing, so give them a listen while reading!
Note: Jason’s 25 and the reader is 21
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I was always a fan of the over the top charity galas Bruce Wayne threw. The elitists in their flashy riches, extravagant decorations and endless varieties of food, and a certain Wayne brother in a suit. It was all very amusing to witness.
I felt like a princess walking down the stairs with Tim every time, who refused to ever get an actual date. So I’d been stuck being his unofficial date for the 5 years that I’d known him. Not that I minded much; he was my best friend after all.
I chose a simple flowy dress tonight, blood red in color, silky like water. The subtle eyes that followed me through the evening didn’t go unnoticed.
But my eyes followed just one sight. A sight that erupted the unwanted greenness of jealousy as I sulked in a corner, celebrating turning 21 recently with a champagne flute in hand.
I felt him before I saw him. Warmth soothed my skin at his presence, despite the fact that I was unfairly mad at him. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend.
Easier to say than do, and thus all the salt in the world seemed to be in my tone as I spoke first.
“Where’s your date?”
Jason Todd’s eyes might’ve been cool blue, but the feel of them didn’t match the description. The side of my head felt like it would burst into golden flames under the intensity of his stare.
But they were the good kind of flames, the best kind of flames. It was almost miraculous, the way I managed to keep my calm.
“She bailed, something about her sick grandma,” was his soft response.
“What’s with the tone?” He leaned closer, hot breath teasing my cheek. Jason had gotten awfully bold since the first time we met, when he couldn’t even look into my eyes straight.
“Is it jealousy I sense?”
I tried to be subtle about my sharp inhale. Judging by the stutter of his lips as he suppressed a smirk, I failed.
But why hide anymore? I was never one to hold back anyway.                                                                                                                          “Yes, it is.”
It was my turn to take his breath away. I turned my head, challenging him with my stare. But I was too tangled in his game to play in charge. He had me, and he knew it. Right?
A smile filled with swirls of mischief and satisfaction designed his lips. Yes, he definitely knew it.
It caught me off guard, the unfiltered beauty of it. Of him. Watching Jason Todd smile, really smile, was not for the weak hearted.
“Then I think you’ll be happy to know that she wasn’t a date. Just a friend.”
Eyes the color of a swirling blue sea, a face handsome enough to cause heartache. Why’d it take me so long to realize that I could never resist him? Not even in a million years. Not even if Ryan Gosling came offering himself to me.
A little too far?
Maybe, but it’s true. What to do?
I was just about to walk away from him, refill the empty flute of champagne to bring back sparkle to my uneventful evening. A large hand wrapping around my wrist stopped me.
“Let’s dance,” he said with the softness of tulle, pulling my frame closer to his larger one. Close enough to smell his cologne. Like a creep in the street, I subtly took a slow sniff of it.
It’d never stop amusing me, how a man who seemed as rough and rugged around the edges as he did had so much softness in him.
And smelled so. damn. good.
“M’kay,” I agreed, following as he led the way to the ballroom. Or so I thought.
“I thought you wanted to dance?” I inquired, looking back at the flashing dance floor full of people we left behind.
“I do.” His eyes twinkled as he looked back at me, still walking to God knows where with my hand in his.
“We literally just crossed the dance floor, where else on earth do you plan on taking me dancing?”
“Who said anything about a dance floor?”  Jason smirked, coming to a stop in the garden behind the manor.
Even though it was off limits to Bruce’s guests tonight, the garden looked particularly beautiful. Strings of fairy lights decorated the flawlessly kept greens and flowers, courtesy of Alfred. The pool lights were on, and a surreal soft blue glow lit up the water.
It matched Jason’s eyes.
But that wasn’t all. Long fingers tilted my chin up, and a gasp reverberated the air as my eyes met the mystical view. Stars glittered the midnight canvas endlessly, and in the center of it all sat the full moon like a queen.
She was regal tonight.
My mouth was slightly open in awe, and Jason’s fingers on my chin softly closed it as he chuckled.
“I’m guessing you like the view?”
“Like it? I might as well marry it!” I exclaimed, eyes wide with glee as I gripped his shoulders.
“Dick used to bring his, ahem, lady companions to charm them back when I was Robin. I’d always barge in and interrupt to interrogate about the last woman I saw with him,” he laughed while recalling the memory.
“Did it work?” I smiled back and stood closer to him, the fronts of our bodies slightly touching. My hands had come down to rest on his chest now, and while my eyes were up roaming the sky, my soul’s attention was solely on him.
He shuffled with something in his suit pocket. “Did what work?”
“Dick’s method of charming the ladies?”
“Judging by the walks of shame Alfred and I had to witness every morning after each Wayne gala, yes. It very much did.”
I felt Jason put something in my ear, and finally looked down from the stars to his eyes in confusion. It was an airpod, and I watched silently as he put the other one in his ear.
“I promise I’m not a creep or anything, but I stalked your Spotify playlists and found one titled ‘dancing under the stars’.” He confessed. In a very un-Jason like manner, he looked almost sheepish.
He didn’t look at me as he pressed play and pocketed his phone. Almost immediately ‘Dancing with our hands tied’ by Taylor Swift came on, and he took my hand in his.
Tingles shot up the pit of my stomach as his free arm wrapped around my waist, fingers resting on my hip. We swayed in beat to the music in our ears, eyes on eyes.
I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason Oh, twenty-five years old Oh, how were you to know,
The lords, and anyone who knew me actually, knew how big of a swiftie I was. The fact that he had put in the effort to pick the absolute perfect song to dance to had to be the most romantic thing that ever happened to me.
I was completely mesmerized. Guys like this only existed in the encasement of my stash of romance novels; but time and time Jason Todd had proved that idea wrong. Every one of his gestures, one after the other, seemed to catch me off guard more than the previous one.
“Wanted to do this since I was 17,” I breathed the fresh air in, craning my neck to rest my chin on his shoulder. This right here was all I needed to relax. This was my very own customized form of peace.
“Yeah, Tim let it slip when he got drunk on your birthday and started blabbing about how you’re growing up in front of his eyes,” he laughed and pulled back to twirl me.
I crashed back into his chest softly, grinning at his revelation.
“It’s so hard to believe you guys are best friends, that Timmy’s actually capable of having normal human conversations other than his usual nerdy blabber,” Jason continued, pulling me even closer to him while dancing.
No objections were made from my side as I obliged (obviously), staring up at his eyes.
They were like an oceanic maze, too easy to get lost in. Too dangerous to get lost in.
“He’s a good friend. Awfully robot-like at times though, and he always smells of coffee.” I breathed with a chuckle as the air around us got intense.
The gold of the fairy lights hit his eyes, making them shine brighter than the stars above I let my hands grip the hairs on his neck, watching carefully as he took a sharp breath in response.  
If there was something Jason and my relationship, whatever that it was, didn’t lack, it was moments like these. Moments where we had a conversation with our eyes, expressing how much we wanted to kiss each other, how much we wanted to stay frozen in the present and relish in the feel of our undeniable chemistry.
It had been going on for way too long, and even Tim was getting tired of us not taking the leap of faith.
Initially he was pretty against it, but when he saw exactly how much I felt for his brother, his blessings for us suddenly started pouring in.
“Uhuh,” Jason hummed. An electric sensation buzzed the air around us as the chorus hit, and all the space between our bodies vanished. Butterflies went haywire in the places of my body he touched. He was everywhere.
But we were dancing Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied Yeah, we were dancing Like it was the first time, first time
“Stop me if you don’t want it,” he harshly whispered, brows furrowed and eyes clouded with desire as he tucked a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
“I do,” I whispered in response, knowing exactly what he meant.
His breath hit my lips, forehead fell against mine in a moment of desire and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me.
It was needy and rushed and a thousand other adjectives, but it was my most perfect kiss. It would always be my most perfect kiss.
Jason’s muscular arms encircled my waist as he pressed me up against him, gripping my sides and lifting me to stand on his feet. My own arms wrapped around his neck, and a sneaky stutter of a moan escaped my lips, earning me a groan from him.
Passion burned us under the cool night air as we kissed and kissed and kissed, all thoughts of oxygen forgotten in our haze of need.
But even our passion couldn’t defy nature. We pulled back to breathe in as much air as we could, but instead of diving back in towards each other’s lips like I expected us to, Jason simply stared at me with eyes that now looked navy from being hooded.
It was a stare of a few seconds that seemed like hours as his thumbs brushed the side of my face. The fire of need from a while back was gone, but the desire wasn’t.
We both tried to calm ourselves, but an unstoppable part of me leaned up to press a kiss on his cheek. He blushed.
“Wanted to do that since you were 17,” he said cheekily, hands tracing my back as we now let ‘Wonderland’ by Taylor amuse our ears.
“Liar,” I grinned. “You couldn’t even look at me back then.”
“Yeah, because I’d do this if I looked at you for more than 5 seconds. I had no plans of going to jail for getting handsy with a minor,” he replied, leading us to the wooden benches Bruce had installed in the garden a few weeks earlier.
I lifted a teasing brow, masking my shock at the fact that he wanted to kiss me even back then.
“And how’re you so sure I would’ve let you get handsy with me? For all you know I could have kicked you in the balls myself.”
“Don’t act coy, you could never stop staring at me when you were over,” he smirked, sitting down on the bench and pulling me to his lap.
I hesitated for a second, my brain getting lost in the fact that after months of banters and unbelievable tension, interruptions and two sided pining, I was finally in this position. Where we were able to be open about our want for each other.
Sensing my hesitation, his smirk dropped. “This is okay right?”
I snapped back to reality, taking his nervous expression in. Yes, this was real. And I wouldn’t waste a second of the time God gave me with Jason. I smirked and ran my fingers through his dark locks, making him close his eyes.
“Of course it is, just thinking about how long it took for you to man up and kiss me,”
“Excuse me, you could’ve-”
I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He responded almost immediately, putting his hand on my hip as I sat sideways on his lap. Unlike the first one, this kiss was sweet and slow. We were cherishing the night with it.
“About damn time, I thought all my teeth were gonna fall out due to old age before Todd here grew some balls,” the sudden voice of a certain sass filled Wayne interrupted us.
My magical night with Jason ended with him running after his kid brother Damian, teasing him about kicking his ass.
But that was okay, because I was happy. Jason was happy. The long wait for him, for us, was worth it.
Even though he gave off the impression that he couldn’t care less, I knew that the reason he hadn’t made a move was because he wanted Tim to be completely fine with us being a thing.
Alongside being friends with Tim, I became friends with his brothers and Alfred over the years. I knew of their nightlife, and everything that went on behind the polished doors of the Wayne Manor. I knew Jason well enough to know that his tough posterior and damn care attitude was just a facade.
Being with Jason wouldn’t be a walk in the park, and I knew that too. He was reckless and intense, impulsive and careless.
But he was also sweet and passionate, and his love would brand you like a tattoo with it’s depth. I was willing to give my 110% to make it work with him.
Because even fairy tales take sacrifice and effort to get a happy ending. And I’d do about anything to make sure I earned mine.
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laurentspup · 3 years
New B*tch (Sugar B*by Laurent AU) 
Me: I’m gonna start plotting this AU
also me: here is more horny drabbles wooooohhh!!
“Jokaste is coming today?” Laurent asks as he casually walks in Damianos’ office. He doesn’t knock despite being Damianos’ subordinate. He is, first and foremost, his baby.
Damianos looks up at him and gives an effortful smile despite the grimace that paints his face. He welcomes seeing Laurent, not so much the news that he brings. He looks grim, Laurent notices, but still delicious as ever. His suit jacket is discarded on the coat rack behind him, leaving him in his maroon dress shirt, buttons almost popping off his chest. His beefy biceps scream to be set free as he puts down the pen he is holding, every movement Laurent watches carefully, licking his lips. He badly wants those biceps around him, not now though, now isn’t the time to be horny… yet.
“Yeah… she’s now Kastor’s secretary, so it can’t be helped.” He rubs his face exasperatedly as he explains to Laurent.
He feels pity for Damianos. Jokaste truly hurt him with her decision to be a backstabbing liar and cheater. According to the news outlets, they had been dating since Damianos was pronounced heir of Ios Corp. five years ago, but she was an ambitious woman, thus, she decided to double her chances with Kastor. If only she didn’t get caught.
Damianos just wants to move on, but everywhere he goes the world throws her back at him. As he said though, it can’t be helped. Jokaste becoming his half-brother’s fiancée truly made the family dinners more awkward. Her constant presence looms at him like a buzzing fly that won’t leave. Laurent badly wishes he can slap that fly dead. He hates that they have to keep seeing her and her cheating face, but that’s just how this game was played. 
Since Laurent’s job encompasses more than his secretary duties, he puts down the iPad that holds Damianos’ schedule and walks behind his desk. He automatically pulls back to give Laurent space to sit on his lap. It came naturally to them now, Damianos accepting the fact that Laurent will do whatever he wants. If what he wants is to sit on him in his office, then Laurent will be given whatever he desires. Laurent knows it, that Damianos is wrapped around his fingers like the diamond-studded ring he has given him. Though he isn’t quite sure why, he’d rather gracefully accept gifts than exhaust himself to find out.
Laurent straddles Damianos lap and wiggles over his cock that reacts a little too quickly. 
“Baby.” Damianos warns, putting his hands on his waist and squeezing. God, Laurent loves how those hands grip his waist. Pushing Damianos’ buttons always results in a really good time for him. 
Still, he ceases wiggling on Damianos’ lap. He understands the unspoken command and gives in right away. He can be good when he wants. As a reward, Damianos’ right hand gently touches his cheek and caresses it with his thumb. Immediately, he melts with the touch. Really, whether Damianos is soft or rough on him, he gets turned on. 
“You look so pretty today, baby.” Damianos tells him.
“I know.” Laurent answers, never letting his eyes stray from Damianos’ own.
“Your neck’s a little empty, though.” Damianos’ hand moves to his neck, gentle fingers sliding over his throat.
“It is.”
“Let’s fix that.” He reaches over him to get something on the table. Laurent’s head is now beside his neck, so he licks it. “Behave.” He complies. 
Damianos leans back to his position, not showing what he got for Laurent yet. No matter what it is, Laurent is excited. He loves anything Damianos gives him, especially since he knows it is never short of a thousand dollars.
“I had this custom made for you.” He says as he raises his hands and fits a choker over Laurent’s neck. He reaches over the desk again to grab a mirror, one he readied for Laurent.
“Daddy.” Laurent says when he sees his reflection. He touches the choker. It’s a simple, thin, gold band with a crown pendant. It feels heavy and expensive. “It’s beautiful.” 
“It’s real gold.” Laurent expects nothing less. 
“I love it.” He says, then he leans in to kiss Damianos. He adores this man. Where else will he find anyone who will give him anything he wants just because. Damianos knows he likes jewelry, likes being pretty, and he gives Laurent’s all the finest things so he can be just that. 
“I’m glad you like it.” Damianos says as he leans back and touches the crown pendant. Laurent looks at him like he gave him the moon. If he asks for it, he knows Damianos will give it. “I can have them make you more.” 
Laurent leans in again and kisses Damianos savagely. He runs his hands through his hair and goes back to grinding his hips. Damianos groans. Lust starts to consume him. This time, he lets Laurent grind on him, hands on his hips guiding, instead of stopping. He bites Laurent’s bottom lip which makes him moan. 
“Quiet, baby.” Damianos commands, gripping his ass. He lets out a moan again. Damianos kisses him harder. 
They continue to breathe in each other, forgetting the space they are in. Damianos is the boss anyway, no one should enter without telling his secretary first. Luckily, his secretary isn’t even out there.
Laurent starts to unbutton Damianos’ shirt when someone knocks on the door. Hesitantly, Damianos pulls away from him. He pants while touching Laurent’s forehead with his own. His thumbs massage over Laurent’s hips.
“It’s your two o’clock.” Laurent whispers, eyes closed. He’s still grinding on Damianos. He can feel both of their hard cocks. He wonders how much it will take for one of them to lose control.
“My secretary should tell her to come in.”
“Hm. He should.” Laurent leans back in, not caring at all that there is someone waiting outside.
Damianos kisses him back while chuckling. She knocks again. 
They pull apart once more, Laurent fitting his head in the crook of Damianos’ neck. He’s still grinding his hips, trying to find friction and release. He doesn’t leave his lap. Damianos doesn’t make him. He doesn’t even still Laurent’s grinding. He is hard too, just as desperate as Laurent. 
“We really should let her in.” Damianos says, not moving to do anything.
“You’re right.” Still in the heat of the moment, an idea pops into Laurent’s head. He raises his head so his mouth can get close to Damianos’ ear. “I’m going to do something.”
Again, Damianos just lets him. Slowly, he slides off his lap and kneels on the floor. He’s in between Damianos’ legs under his desk. He looks up at him and winks. He doesn’t look away as he leans his head close to Damianos’ erection. His eyes grow wide when Laurent kisses over the fabric.
“Laurent—“ Damianos puts his hand on Laurent’s head.
“Shh.” Laurent starts touching his still clothed erection while kissing it. “This is my thank you for the necklace.”
Damianos’ office phone buzzes. “I’m here.” An irritated voice announces.
“Tell her to come in.” Laurent instructs, lips on Damianos’ cock, tongue poking out to tease. He wants to unzip it. He craves the warmth and girth of Damianos’ cock in his mouth. If only Jokaste isn’t here to interrupt.
Damianos, under Laurent’s spell, as if Laurent is the boss here and not him, immediately complies. He clicks a button on the phone. “Come in.” His voice is hoarse.
Jokaste opens the door angrily. “You have a shitty secretary.” 
The secretary mentioned immediately stops stroking Damianos’ cock, then slowly and gracefully stands up from the ground. He faces Jokaste and with a straight face, swallows, licks his lips, and wipes it sensually, heavily implying what he just did— even though he didn’t, but she doesn’t need to know that. She stops walking. He brushes dust off his knees. 
“Oh? But didn’t you quit and sucked off his brother’s dick?” Laurent comments. Damianos coughs his laugh. 
Jokaste doesn’t react. She leisurely walks, acting like she still owns this place. “So you’re his replacement cocksucker?”
“Yes. His previous one didn’t satisfy him.” She doesn’t bother Laurent. She can start a fight all she wants, Damianos isn’t hers anymore.
“Am I interrupting something, then?” She asks, sitting on his couch. The center too, as if she is a queen on her rightful throne. It’s fine. Laurent’s throne is Damianos’ lap. She can’t reclaim that. “By all means, continue.”
“And give you a free show of the dick you gave up? No, thank you.” Laurent sits on Damianos’ lap again. He looks at his daddy who watches them both quietly. He is a man caught in a stand-off between two vipers. “Sorry about that, daddy.”
Damianos looks at him and smiles kindly.  He touches Laurent’s cheek. Laurent isn’t sure if he’s just putting an act in front of Jokaste. “That’s alright, baby. I had a good time.”
“I have to go now. Your two o’clock is waiting.” Laurent kisses Damianos’ cheek. 
“I thought you weren’t giving me a show?” Says the two o’clock. They didn’t spare her a glance.
“I’ll see you later, baby.” Damianos kisses Laurent again as he stands up.
“Buzz if she starts something.” Laurent says as he walks to the door. 
“I will.” 
Laurent looks at Jokaste one last time before going out. She’s staring at him too. 
“I’m sorry that Kastor’s dick doesn’t satisfy you, that's why you have to keep showing up here.” He steps out and lets the door close on its own, not bothering to hear her reply.
Hope you liked it!
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glowingbadger · 3 years
You may have a little Lorenz Prompt as promised. As a treat. Here goes~
Lorenz taking thorough notes to surprise his s/o (is it the blog owner? the reader? some random character? It doesn't matter~!) with the most lovely, romantic date imaginable based around everything they like. He wouldn't put in this much effort to TRULY impress someone, but you're worth every step and more.
Enjoy where this takes your thoughts~!
(and pls don't eat it, Tumblr)
Y'know what, I've had a shitty day and I just finished writing some darker content- so I am going to ~indulge~. Normally I try to make my Reader character as broadly relatable as possible, but today we're going with MY preferences and interests because I WANT A NICE DATE WITH LORENZ GODDAMNIT
Lorenz (FE3H) x GN Reader - perfect date
Fluff - SFW
Today simply has to be flawless- the Gloucester heir will not accept any less. Not when it comes to you. Of course, Lorenz holds himself to high standards in all things, but the thought of providing anything less than perfection for you is one that pains him to even consider. Especially now that he'd finally gotten the courage- or, rather, found the right and proper time to ask you to spend the day with him.
You approach him at the Monastery gates not long after noon that day, and find your pace slowing as you eye him before he's noticed you. Without his usual elegant set of armor, you can appreciate the way constant marching and training has toned his slender frame- and appreciate it, you most certainly do. Though he soon turns to face you, and your eyes dart back up from a rather ignoble place to meet his instead.
"You're as radiant as ever, I see," he says with a warm smile. He offers you an arm and you take it, replying with a grin,
"You've already got me for the day, Lorenz, there's no need for flattery."
"'Flattery' implies a measure of falsehood," he says with confidence, leading you towards town, "and I could never bring myself to lie to one so lovely."
As your time together proceeds, you can't help but feel that, some way, somehow, Lorenz has some kind of psychic insight into your preferences. Everywhere you turn, whatever your heart could desire is immediately available and set before you with hardly any negotiation at play. At the first flower stall you find, Lorenz takes a moment to exchange words with the owner while you admire the sprawling array of colorful blooms; and by the time he's returned, he's holding a woven crown of delicate little white flowers. With an admiring smile, he carefully places it on your head, a hand trailing down a lock of your hair as he pulls away to observe you.
With a shy grin, you perform an exaggerated curtsy, prompting Lorenz to laugh fondly and take you by the hand. He twirls you slowly under his arm, watching you all the while, then says,
"They suit you every bit as wonderfully as I'd thought."
"They're my favorites," you reply.
"I know- erm, that is- I know of a superb bakery down the block this way," Lorenz seems a bit red in the face, but you chalk that up to nerves.
He's not wrong though- this bakery is something else. The selection and quality of ingredients is on an entirely new level compared to the Monastery's dining hall, and you find yourself overwhelmed even reading down the list of items posted to the wall. By your third pass over the full range of options, the words are starting to dance in your eyes- but a warm touch at your arm shakes your focus. Lorenz leans close to be heard over the rapidly growing crowd at the bakery's counter,
"Might I make a recommendation?" you nod, and he goes on, "I happen to have it on good authority that there's an item not included on this menu that you may like. It incorporates three different treatments of Brigid cocoa, if that is of any interest to you."
Your eyes light up and you can practically feel the rich sweetness across your tongue already.
"That sounds incredible," you reply, enraptured by the very thought. When you start to ask how he'd heard of such a thing, Lorenz has already turned to speak to the worker taking orders, and your words drown among the crowd of customers. The speed at which he acquires this mythical pastry only fills your mind with more questions. How did he manage to purchase an off-menu item so quickly? Wouldn't the cost of something requiring those many luxurious imported ingredients be astronomical?
But then, Lorenz returns to your side and guides you out of the crowded shop, and the sight of the delectable chocolatey treat in his hands dashes all other thoughts from your mind. He hands it to you wrapped in a handkerchief, and you can't help but immediately plunge in for a bite.
"Mmmm-!" you wear an expression of pure bliss as your mouth fills with sweet, savory chocolate, "Oh- Lorenz, it's so good!"
When you glance up at him, he's watching you with a strangely heavy expression. Once more, his fair complexion is painted a light red. You tilt your head curiously, and he seems to resurface from whatever thoughts had taken him for the moment.
"Here- you should try some," you break off a piece and hold it up to him.
"Are- are you certain? I had intended for you to enjoy it to your heart's content," he stammers out, evidently still a bit flushed.
"I want you to get to have some too. Please?" You hate to resort to puppy eyes with him, but it's hard to argue with the results. He leans forward and accepts the piece of pastry from your hand. You don't shy away from him in the slightest, and so a brief brush of his lower lip along the tip of your finger simply can't be avoided. Lorenz does his best to move past this without acknowledgement, and you two enjoy your treat together as you take in the bustle of the town around you.
The day continues in kind, with Lorenz apparently having painstakingly arranged every element of this date from start to finish. At a local seller of antiques and luxury goods, he secures permission to view and explore rare and dazzling paintings from around the world. Here, he's rather uncharacteristically reserved. Wandering the storage area like your own personal art museum, he watches you with evident warmth as you exclaim at the rich and varied pigments, the innovative expressions of human form, and so on.
After this, he brings you to a tavern at the far end of town, where he's reserved the second floor exclusively for you two to enjoy a quiet, intimate meal together. By this point, you've finally gotten around to considering just how much gold must have gone into this singular date.
"Lorenz," you say cautiously, "are you sure it's okay to go through all of this and spend so much just for-"
He raises a hand to cut you off, then replies,
"I assure you that it is," he takes your hand in his, holding it warmly from across your private table, "wealth has no value that we ourselves do not assign to it, and I have chosen to spend it on your pleasure. I can think of no greater use for a bit of coin."
The rest of the early evening is filled with pleasant chat and the occasional subtle sweet-talk. As you discuss everything you've seen and experienced that day, Lorenz engages you with surprisingly astute comments and observations. He's always at his best when he feels permitted to simply talk with you, as one person to another, free of the pressures and expectations of his birthright that he shoulders without a thought.
The sun is steadily lowering behind the hills and walls of the surrounding town by the time you make your way back together. As you walk hand in hand watching the Monastery gates rise ahead of you, Lorenz clears his throat abruptly and says,
"If I may steal you away for just a little while longer, there was... actually someone I thought you'd like to meet."
"Oh? What an honor," you say with a smile, "Do I get any hints?"
Lorenz gives a good-natured chuckle and says,
"Only that I think you'll get along splendidly."
And of all places throughout Garreg Mach's grounds, you begin to recognize that he is leading you towards the stables. You've met Lorenz's horse before- a lovely mare with a calm and agreeable temperment. If not her, then...
"Eloise?" Lorenz calls out in a gentle voice, "Eloise, come say hello- Ellie? Come now, don't tell me you've chosen tonight to become bashful..." at his call, a svelte black cat with delicate little white paws comes trotting out to meet you. Your heart positively aches and melts at the sight of her eagerly approaching Lorenz with clear comfort and familiarity.
"Lorenz, you... have a cat?" You say with obvious disbelief.
"She's one of the Monastery's strays, to be clear," he says, "She helps with the mice in the stables. Evidently, she had become quite fond of my preferred horse- and so eventually became fond of me as well."
Fond seems an understatement- she very clearly adores him. With a chorus of happy little mews, she circles his legs and rubs against him until he crouches down to offer her his hand. As he does, a shred of parchment flutters from his pocket onto the ground. Eloise targets it like a seasoned warrior and pounces at it with gusto. With a laugh, you kneel down to retrieve whatever this paper she's captured might be.
"Now Eloise, none of that- you must behave genteel-like with guests."
As he firmly lectures the cat, you glance at the paper in your hand. Nearly every inch of it is covered in an elegant, curling script that you imagine must belong to Lorenz. It looks like a... list of some kind. As your eyes scan down the page, you begin to recognize a pattern. Your favorite flowers, favorite desserts, favorite types of books and places around town- plus, to the side, the word "cats?" underlined several times. For a moment, you simply cover your mouth to hold in a snort of laughter. Then, you come to kneel beside Lorenz as he's failing to convince his feline friend to stop swatting at his hair.
"So- you've been taking very thorough notes lately." you say, nudging his arm playfully. He turns to face you with an immediate look of panic. Lavender eyes widen and glance down to the parchment in your hand, then back to you. He visibly deflates and says,
"Goddess- you must find me such a fool-"
You press your lips firmly to his before he can say another word. With a soft noise of surprise, his eyes flutter shut and he leans into your kiss. His lips are wonderfully soft, and the subtle scent of his cologne surrounds your senses as you tilt your head to seal your lips to his more firmly. You're not certain how long you remain like this, but only the dull ache of kneeling on the dirt and the incessant sound of Eloise bapping her paw against the paper in your hand bring you back to your surroundings. When you part from him, you brush aside the silky curtain of his hair to run your hand along his face, and say,
"I had a wonderful time today, Lorenz- and it means the world to me that you put so much thought into this. But next time, you don't have to study so hard, okay?"
For a moment, he seems speechless. Then, he gives a shy chuckle.
"You have bested me yet again, it would seem. How can I ever hope to become a man worthy of you when you are ever more lovely with each passing day?"
Eloise gives an insistent chirp and rubs once more against his leg, evidently tired of distractions from the attention she feels she's owed. Your smile widens, and you scratch her ear fondly.
"I think there's at least two of us who like you just as you are, Lorenz."
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madtickler39 · 3 years
Welcome to Club T’s
One of my fan favorites from the old blog, enjoy:
One could look at Emily and assume her life was perfect A nice home, well off family that was well known in California.  Naturally blonde hair, a petite little figure and long legs all around a smile that could turn a man to stone. Going to movie premieres, sports events and mingling with LA bigwigs, Emily was never long without something to do. Oh dont get me wrong, Emily never complained. She loved her family, loved her friends, loved her job. She’d never complain for a second. But still something was missing.  That’s why Emily found herself where she was, in a taxi outside a new and mysterious club in downtown LA.  She stared at the door for a long time before the driver finally asked “Are you gettin out or what?” Emily came back to reality and paid the driver, and stepped out of her car as confidently as she could.  What she couldn't sell her blue dress and black heels could. She walked into the club like it was nobody’s business, and was an instant bombshell to the eligible young men at Club T’s.   What made her walk into this particular club that night? Well, to understand that, we have to go back a little bit.  Emily had a friend named Stephen, and one time not too long ago Stephen did something she couldn’t get out of her head.  He tickled her.  It wasn’t her first time being tickled, not by a longshot.  For some reason, the feeling she got when he finally stopped kept coming back to her head like a drug, needing to come forward again and refusing any lesser pleasure. She had no trouble finding a man to do anything she wanted, but for some reason this one request proved elusive to her charms.  After a brief search on the internet, she found out that club T’s was the place to find what she wanted.  It wasn’t easy to find out how to get in, the people she was here to see were very secretive.  The main club was just like any other club. The music was too loud, the drinks were too expensive and you couldn’t see or move anywhere.  After a few minutes of moving around she found the specific corner that housed the VIP section of the club, she said the codeword to the bouncer, and with a smirk he let her in.  It was the look a wolf gives a deer after a day without food, and it unsettled her. Inside, the VIP area was another world.  The clothes were different, the lights were a bit brighter, and you could hear yourself over the music.  The men were dressed in anything from suits to T-shirts while the girls were wearing some pretty revealing clothing, anything that exposed the belly, shorts, mini skirts and few of them wore heels.  They wore colored wristbands, green yellow and red.  Green was an open invitation, yellow required an ask, and red meant not to approach.  Emily had a yellow wristband, fastened around her ankle like the website advised. There was more seating space than at any normal club here, couches and chairs everywhere.  The dance floor had some people, but others were chasing each other around the floor, and in a couch by the corner a man had a captive girl in his lap.  Her hands were bound and her feet were in his lap.  As he grabbed the toe of her sock, her bound hands came up to her face to conceal her smile and she shook her head.  He grinned evilly and slowly pulled the sock off, revealing her bare foot. At the edges of the dance floor were a few suspended cages, each with a girl inside and a person outside sticking a feather duster in.  Emily asked the bartender “What’s all that about?”  A cute redhead in a black corset said “Those girls work here.  The customers pay to use the feather dusters for a time.  They can also pay to remove clothing or lower the cages.  It breaks the ice for the newcomers.  Speaking of, is this your first time?” “Why yes” said Emily looking around. “Is this actually for real?” The bartender, whose nametag read “Sam” said “It sure is.  I can lock you in that cage if you’re too nervous to get started on your own?”  Emily blushed, and suddenly a voice came from behind her that said smoothly “Sam, hasn’t your boss told you not to mess with the new talent? Or do I have to tickle you for your tips again?” Sam blushed now, and backed towards the liquor shelf nervously.  Emily asked the tall, suit clad stranger “What?”  He said “Oh you haven’t heard? If you find their service in any way lacking, you have to give them the oppurtunity to get their tips tickled back into them.  That’s why she wears a corset, her pits are her worst spot.”  She hissed “Damon!” So you weren't kidding on the website” Emily asked. “This really is a tickle club.” Damon said “Oh yes, but if you want to see come by when Sam brings my bottle of Dom.  She needs a good tickling to earn her tips back after that hiss…”  Sam gulped.  She’d done it now.  Damon slapped down a 20 and said “Whatever the lady likes is on me.” Sam fixed Emily a drink and grabbed a champagne bottle, but Emily hesitated as Sam left.  Sam looked over her shoulder and said “You comin? This is what you wanted right?”  Emily finished her liquid courage, and followed Sam to a door labelled “Barefoot Room”  Upon entering, Sam said “It’s quite literal, no shoes allowed inside.”  Sam quickly kicked off her pumps and went inside, and Emily removed her peep toed heels to join her. “You learn quickly Emily” Damon smiled as he smiled at Emilys little feet as she flexed her toes “Im just amazed” Emily replied blushing as she felt Damon's gaze on her toes “Theres nothing to feel scared about Emily" Damon smiled as he took a sip of his drink. “so tell me what brings you here”” Emily took a deep breath, and then she started “It all started when my friend Stephen tickled my feet a few months ago.  It felt...well I guess how a normal person feels being tickled.  Sure, the laughing was fun but when it was happening I just wanted him to stop after a few seconds...afterwards I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I tried forgetting it, distracting myself.  Anytime I was alone with my thoughts, I thought of that sensation and how badly I wanted it back.  So I found this place...and here I am.” “And here you are.” Damon said.  He saw Emily look down nervously and said “Emily, come sit by me.”  She came and sat down next to him hesitantly, and drew her feet behind her knees, where Damon couldn’t see them.  It was all she could do not to blush.  He asked her “Sam needs to be tickled if she wants her tips from me, where should she be tickled?” “Her underarms” Emily replied without hesitation.  Sam shut her eyes and raised her arms, beginning to breathe heavily.  She begged “Please be gentle.” Damon looked and raised an eyebrow “you answered that quickly for a newbie; I think we may have a little sadist here.  Sam, I think we should let your new friend here do the honors” Emily looked nervous again, and said “You want me to tickle her?”  Damon nodded silently and said “If you'd prefer I can tickle her.  The whole time you watch her suffer knowing that it's coming for you next…” She was up in an instant, and facing Sam directly.  Sam felt her breathe and winced, that gave Emily an inexplicable pleasure.  She pounced. Emily dug her nails into Sam’s underarms, and Damon smirked as she screamed.  Sam was able to hold her arms up for a few seconds, but within 15 seconds they came down reflexively.  Sam laughed like crazy but Emily wouldn't let up.  Sam tried to turn away, but Emily kept at it, and pulled Sam closer. The punishment became a wrestling match soon as the girls came to the ground, with Emily straddling her hips.  Emily leaned forward and pinned the poor bartender’s wrists over her head and blew on her underarms, which drove sam into a mad fit of giggles.  She begged “HEHEHEHE Stop teasing!” Emily couldn't tell you why she said this, but she shouted “This is club tease!”  Before she could sink her nails back into Sam’s smooth hollows, Emily burst out laughing “HAHAHAHAHA!” And lost her grip. Sam scrambled out from under her, and went to Damon, who was holding Emily’s ankle, with his other hand gently stroking her sole.  She giggled gently with each stroke of his hands.  He patted Sam on the butt and said “That’s enough sweetie.  Call me when you get off work.  For now I have some soft, pretty feet to break in.” This comment made Emily blush, and wiggle her baby blue toes.  As Sam walked out of the room and grabbed her shoes, Emily looked down, anticipating the tickling.  The tickling was slow, methodical.  He was really tickling her brain more than her sole.  Reminding her that he could do what he want, control her body against her will.  He could make her laugh whenever he pleased.  All it took was a foot and a finger.  He had the finger, and the foot may as well have been a plaything of his.  It was in his grasp and she wasn’t getting it out. Emily remained on all fours(or threes, not counting the foot that belonged to Damon at the moment), and giggled when Damon wanted her to, otherwise she just accepted the breaks and caught her breath.  Sometimes she would look back at Damon, nearly melting him with that forced smile.  Other times she looked away and tried to just take it. During a break, Damon rubbed her sole with his palm and commented “I see you took the website’s advice and got a pedicure.  How recently?”  Emily giggled “A couple hours ago hehehe.”  she heard Damon inhale deeply and felt his lips rub along her sole now. His lips tickled ever so slightly. She giggled “hehehehe are you smelling my foot?” She read many of the men here also had foot fetishes, but never expected to find herself here tonight… He replied “You used a vanilla scented lotion.  It’s my favorite.”   “EEP!” She squealed, something had pinched the ball of her foot, and one look back at Damon licking his lips told the whole story.  Could she really drive him so crazy with just her feet? This could add some fun to the tickling...but before she could finish that thought, her mind commanded her to laugh again. Emily fell flat on her belly as she felt a warm, wet sensation streak across her arch.  She turned her head to the side to release peals of laughter, and started pounding the carpet with her fist.  If Damon’s finger was mean, his tongue was just cruel.  Emily was at once suffering and feeling an indescribable ecstasy.  All she could do to cope was laugh, and between breaths beg “Hahahaha! Stahahahahap!” Emily got herself a momentary respite from Damon’s tongue, but only because he needed it to taunt her.  His fingers returned to gently stroking her arches as he taunted “Oh you don’t want this to stop.  If you did you’d pull your foot away.  Look.”  Emily flipped over and saw that his hand was open, only cupping her heel.  He tickled with all his fingers slowly, and she reflexively pulled back a few inches, then paused. Emily hesitated a few seconds, it tickled so bad but there was just nothing like it.  Her foot slowly slid back into his grip, and his hand closed around her ankle.  She gasped, what had she done? Damon taunted “See? I knew you liked it!” And he tickled her sole all over again with his fingers, making her laugh even louder, wondering why she gave her foot to him.  He lifted her foot up to his mouth, but there was resistance from her tight little dress.  Damon lowered her foot and said “Emily, your dress is lovely but if you want to have more fun, it may be best to change.” Emily blushed again and said “I don't have a change of clothes.”  Damon began stroking her instep and commented “Not to worry.  There is a private changing room in here with spare clothes, better for our activities.”  Damon helped her up, and opened a wall panel that led to a cozy changing room. Emily removed her dress and placed it on a hanger, then found a pair of little pink shorts and a white tshirt to put on.  The shirt was awfully short, and only came down to her ribs, leaving her midriff vulnerable.  The shorts were quite short, revealing her long tanned legs. She emerged a little sheepishly, but Damon gushed over her, making her blush for the umpteenth time tonight.  She came up to the couch where he sat and requested “Where do you want me?”  She felt his eyes combing every inch of exposed skin, searching for a spot to make her squeal.  She felt uneasy, but exhilarated. Damon grabbed her by the hand and sat her on the couch next to him.  He draped her legs over his...and once she breathed out he lobster clawed her knees.  Emily shrieked, breaking down in helpless laughter as she tried to sit up and reach his hands. After a few moments of squeezing her legs and knees, Damon began to gently scribble his fingertips all along her thighs and up towards her hips.  Emily’s laughter went up in pitch as Damon reached her hips and pinched, and he licked his lips looking at that bare midriff. Damon gave Emily a break to catch her breath, and breathing heavily she sighed “hehehe that was fun.”  Damon had an evil smirk on his face, she asked him “What is that look for?”  Damon said “I’m going to have that cute tummy of yours next.  But I’m going to give you a choice, my tongue or my hands?”  Emily’s eyes bugged out, and she couldn’t possibly choose between tortures for a moment.  She thought about her feet, and his tongue was much worse there.  She answered “Hands.” Damon smirked, had she chosen wrong? What was he playing at?  She didn’t have time to think any further as ten fingers began wiggling along her midriff, and her tummy exploded with ticklish sensations.  She let out a loud belly laugh, and cursed as her hands wanted nothing more than to seize his and make it stop.  Despite this desperate need, her mind would not allow them, making them twitch up and down her sides in a comical fashion.  The game changed utterly when Damon managed to wiggle a finger into her navel, making Emily scream like a banshee before breaking down in frantic laughter.  She tried to get him off of there, but her hands were swatted away by his free hand.  This was almost as bad as her toes, or that tongue! Maybe she should have let him use his tongue after all… After a minute or so of her navel being explored and prodded, Emily couldn’t take anymore.  Her begs became more desperate, and Damon heard it in her voice.  She cried loudly “Uncle! Hahahahahaha! Please! Mercy! Hahahaha!”  Damon stopped rather quickly, but Emily didn’t manage to stop giggling for another minute.  He rubbed her belly during this time, and at last she recovered.  She propped herself up on her elbows saying “That was wicked...I’ve never felt anything like it before.”  Damon smirked, and said “I bet not.” Before they could say anything else, a blonde woman and a brunette with golden brown hair came into the room dancing with each other, kicking their shoes off as they entered.  They plopped on the couch opposite Damon and Emily.  The blonde said “I told you if we danced Damon would get us a snack!”  Emily covered her face nervously as she blushed like a teenager, and would have curled into a ball had Damon not held her knees.  The brunette asked “Who’s the tickle toy?”  Damon said evenly “Girls, this is Emily.  Emily, that is Shay, and Blair.  Two tickle slaves of mine, who need to remember what happens when they don’t use their manners.” Damon continued “Emily is new, and I think she has had enough for one night.  Blair, why don’t you tie Shay’s arms over her head?”  They got to work, enjoying themselves and clearly under the influence a bit.  Emily asked “So what, just like that we’re done?”  Damon smirked and said “For tonight, after I do one quick thing.  If you want another session I’ll see to it that you can contact me.  Sit tight.”  Damon got up and tested Shay’s bonds, who was standing on her tiptoes in the middle of the room, suspended from a chain.  Damon produced two more cuffs and said “Your turn Blair.”  She giggled as she assumed position for her restraints. Once they were restrained Damon instructed Emily “Give me your sole” holding his hand out.  She placed an ankle in his hand, and he produced a pen.  He slowly and painstakingly wrote something on Emily’s sole, but she couldn’t tell.  All she could do was laugh and scream until he finished.  It felt like an eternity of that ball point pen stroking her arches, but it was bliss for her.  When he finally finished, he pecked each of her soles goodnight and she left for the evening.  She inspected her sole before putting her shoes back on, and it read Damon’s number and address.
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volfoss · 3 years
Team Bucciarati pet headcanons:
(long post under the cut)
Giorno Giovanna:
He would definitely have pet frogs and in his big office, probably a really big terrarium
I think he'd have probably a few frogs but I can see him having an Asian painted frog and a reticulated glass frog
He would be the actual best frog dad and I can see him letting them just chill on his shoulder during meetings
Would probably get random frogs off the street too so his frogs don't get lonely
He'd name them slightly goofy names or let one of the gang name them
When Giorno gets overwhelmed from work, he'll just put some gloves on and hold the frogs for a bit
He has a lot of experience caring for them, because as soon as he realized he could have a pet, he went into research overdrive
Gio is also in change of taking care of Coco Jumbo, and dotes on the turtle a lot! At this point his entire room is nearly a terrarium.
Pannacotta Fugo:
Pannacotta really admires ferrets because of how smart and mischievous they are but didn't feel like he could take care of one because of how he struggles to control his emotions
He brought it up offhand after Narancia got his gerbils and Narancia had no hesitation to help Pannacotta care for a ferret in exchange for help with schoolwork
They went to a lot of pet stores until they found a rescue with a few ferrets left
The second he laid eyes on this adorable white ferret who was napping, Pannacotta's mind was set, this was the pet for him
The ferret immediately snuggled right up to him when he held it
The whole way home (Giorno drove), he was brainstorming names
The first night, he woke up panicked as Purple Haze was out and just watching the ferret, but watching the ferret run around the large enclosure that the gang worked together to get built
PH seemed oddly peaceful but that didn't help Pannacotta feel less worried that it was out, but as the night went on, he found that spending time and playing with the ferret made him feel more comfortable around it in general
Narancia Ghirga:
Definitely a gerbil and probably begged Bruno to take him to a pet store to get one which then turned into two because he couldn't resist the two he found
He would probably keep one or both in his pockets around the house and sneak them little scraps of Bruno's cooking at the dinner table
His favorite thing is seeing them use the toys he got for them or when they sleep on top of each other
Would probably name them adjectives, like Stuzzichine or Coccolone and give them semi ridiculous nicknames
Would keep them on his lap when the gang has a movie night and loves when they fall asleep on him
Trish Una:
Trish really likes lovebirds and has an affinity for birds which she found out when Giorno made her a bird out of paperwork for her birthday
She had to go and get another one so they could play with each other. The trip to the rescue had involved the entire family since no one wanted to turn her down when she looked that excited.
Trish took a while picking one out, as she needed to make sure that they would get along with the bird at home, but she settled on a very cheerful peach-faced lovebird
The entire ride home, the bird was leaning into her head pets and being generally noisy
Trish likes to sing or hum and the birds will chirp along with her
When she works on schoolwork, the birds will perch on her shoulder often times to try and get her attention, which makes schoolwork take a long time. She absolutely loves doting on them
Trish takes the absolute best care of them and gets them the finest things!
Guido Mista:
Dog has 3 legs bc luck
Guido adopted a stray Doberman Pinscher on his way back from a solo mission without telling anyone, other than Giorno who was about to head out when Guido was sneaking into the base
Obviously he couldn't just leave the poor thing there when it was looking at him with those eyes, and he was fairly certain that the actual zoo they had in their base would not be helped by a big dog, but he wasn't going to let Vivian ( he had already named her after the main character of his favorite movie) limp around with no home
Giorno helped smuggle her in since barely anyone else was home, and sent Narancia off to get some dog supplies while he helped Guido get Vivian settled
They helped get her all clean, which was difficult with her tail wagging at a rapid pace, and water was all over the bathroom by the time that they were done
The two of them got the dog all comfy on Mista's (very ugly and questionably patterned) bedspread and she snuggled right up to Guido the second he laid down
The Sex Pistols love the dog too, and find themselves resting on her when she sleeps since Vivian is so warm and riding on her back when she's being played with
Guido is already used to giving the Pistols food, but now he also has a dog (although he doesn't give her a ton of human food) to feed
It doesn't take too long for the rest of the group to realize there is a big dog, especially when Guido trains Vivian a lot during the day or is outside playing with her
Giorno has offered multiple times to make a leg for her missing leg, but Mista insists she's fine without one (and he won't admit that the tetraphobia makes it hard to think about her having 4 legs instead of her 3)
Vivian gets along well with the rest of the pets, thanks to a lot of training and steady introductions to everyone else
Bruno Bucciarati:
He and Leone have had cats for years, although he's constantly the instigating force to bring new animals in (including all the kids pets), he has a massive soft spot for strays
He's the very best cat dad and has blankets quite literally everywhere possible to give the cats as many options to lay and built cat ledges for their windows so the cats can bask in the sun
Has a lint roller in the car because the cats love, love, love to lay on his clothes when he sets them out for a shower. He learned his lesson with his lingerie and does not have that set out after one of the cats clawed into it and destroyed it
Bruno can and will walk the cats if the weather is permitting
He just started bringing the strays home one day, and Leone didn't notice until the 2nd cat started clawing up his pants while he was wearing them
Bruno, in contrast to Leone's bad names, gives the cats some extremely cheesy nicknames and has no shame using them in public
One of the strays that they brought in initially was a very young kitten, and he stayed up all night (ignoring the meeting/job he had the next day) to care for it and make sure it was alright
He SPOILS these cats rotten and they have multiple cat towers around their room because of that
The cats also have customized collars and they are all color coordinated
Bruno really relies on the cats if the memories of somehow surviving the fight become too strong, as the cats can really sense when he's stressed and huddle around him
The cats really like to bat at his zippers, so he makes sure to change out of his suit when he knows he'll be home for the rest of the night
Leone Abbacchio:
So. Many. Cats.
As much as Leone gripes about the fur on his clothes, he loves when the cats come in and keep him company when he's winding down for the day with a good book
He swears he doesn't mean to keep adopting cats but they tend to show up at the base or Bruno sneaks another one home
He has a few blankets piled up under the windowsills so the cats can lay there, but often finds them all on his bed or trailing behind him
He tends to feed strays when they come but tries to not get attached
Has the actual worst names for them and refuses to change even when the rest of the family judges him for it
He often wakes up surrounded by cats or having one lay on his face
Leone and Bruno have had cats for years so are practiced cat dads by now
The kids often will just come and grab a cat if they need a stress reliever
Leone will not admit it but he wakes up early to feed the cats wet food and tries to be stealthy about it
As for cat breeds, most of theirs aren't purebred, but their cats that they know for sure are breeds are semi close to being a Bengal and a Cornish Rex
He keeps toys for them in his bedside table to make sure they don't wake him or Bruno up in the middle of the night with wanting to play (they do anyways)
If he's sitting anywhere, there's a very high chance there's a cat on his lap or laying on his chest if he's reclining
All of the cats are incredibly attached to him and when he's on a mission, they'll wait in a group at the front door until he returns
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