#he better be cooking something up with them in it together
sincerelyneo · 2 days
sunflower vol 6 | l.hc
“i couldn’t want you anymore, kiss in the kitchen like it’s a dance floor”
💿now playing: sunflower vol 6 by harry styles
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❯ summary: Let’s make dinner together, he said. I’ll behave, he said. Honestly, you should have known that was a lie because when it comes to you, Haechan is never on his best behaviour. That’s why he’s sneaking sly touches every time you complete a step in your recipe.
❯ pairings: haechan x fem!reader
❯ genre: established relationship, fluff, suggestive content
❯ words: 1.4k
❯ tags: tooth rotting fluff, domesticated fluff, swearing, kissing, pet names, literally just hyuck being so boyfriend and them dancing in the kitchen together.
an: i’m a firm believer that harry styles wrote this song about haechan
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Hyuck bursts through the front door with a sense of urgency, unable to contain his excitement. It's been months since he last saw you, his girlfriend whom he's more than just a little obsessed with, and the door feels like just another barrier in his way. He thought his job, which requires him to tour for half the year, was obstacle enough.
"Baby, I'm home!" he calls out eagerly, scanning the apartment for any sign of you. Disappointment flickers across his face when he doesn't immediately spot you waiting for him with open arms.
The honeyed tone of his voice instead echoes from the living room to your bedroom, drawing you to him like a magnet. Without wasting a moment, you rush down the stairs and wrap your arms around his neck.
You melt into each other effortlessly, as you always do. Your bodies seem custom-made for one another, fitting together perfectly. You've missed his touch, his warmth, in a way that FaceTime calls could never fulfil. Nothing compares to the physical presence of your Hyuck.
You plant a gentle kiss on the soft skin of his cheek before pulling back to meet his gaze. "You weren't supposed to be home for another four hours. What's going on?"
"I got an earlier flight because I missed you so much," he replies with a grin. 
You shake your head, but a smile still tugs at your lips. You've never encountered a man more smitten and in love than him. It's endearing, really. It's the kind of love his friends would tease him about if he didn't take so much pride in it.
You run a hand through your hair, trying to process the fact that he's here in your living room. You're happy, of course, but you had hoped to be all dolled up for his arrival, not standing in old pyjamas after months apart
"Well... are you hungry? We could order takeout if you want. You can tell me all about that tour that's kept you away from me for what feels like forever," you suggest with a smile, and his eyes soften at the invitation
"Babyyy," he whines, catching you off guard a little. His hands slide to your back, pulling you in by your waist as he plants a kiss on top of your head. "Can't we make dinner together?"
You raise an eyebrow, pulling away to look up at him, his hands still wrapped around you. "By 'we,' you mean me?"
"Of course not. You know I make an excellent sous chef. Restaurants should be grateful I chose music instead of culinary arts.” 
You shake your head, with a grin. "We never get anything done when we cook together. Remember last time?"
He smirks, recalling the memory. "It's not my fault you asked me to get something out of the fridge, and when I turned around, you were bent over the counter showing your ass to me. I couldn't help myself."
You give him a deadpan look but he only smirks more.
"And if we're being honest, I remember you loving it." His arms cross over his chest, the satisfaction in him beaming from knowing that you know he's right. You did enjoy those steamy cooking sessions, but not right now; you're hungry.
"Please, baby, I missed your cooking. Nothing any restaurant can make compares to your food," he pleads. "I'll be on my best behaviour."
And although you know better, and you know that there’s no such thing as "best behaviour" with Lee Donghyuck, you still can't resist. And so, you give in. 
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Surprisingly, everything goes well. Hyuck isn’t too much of a distraction; instead, he follows your instructions without protest. He grabs ingredients, chops vegetables, and even compliments the head chef— and nothing catches fire.
Progress is being made.
That is until your boyfriend finishes the little tasks you assign him and wraps his arms around your waist while you chop ingredients.
“Hyuck… you promised—”
His plush lips melt against your neck so delicately that you nearly chop off your finger—though Hyuck won’t let that happen, gripping your hands to steady them. He chuckles softly, his lips quirking against your skin.
“I know what I said, Y/N,” he teases. “I’m just trying to help.”
“You’re not trying to help; you’re trying to distract.”
He laughs, “You know… I bought a new record while I was on tour. It has that one song you love.”
You pause, setting the knife down and pressing your hands against the counter as you turn to face him.
“Oh yeah?”
He nods, “I think we should play it while you cook.”
“I thought we were supposed to be cooking together?” 
Hyuck simply chuckles as he heads over to the record player in your kitchen and sets the record spinning. Soft guitar notes fill the space, and despite your need to focus, you can’t help but smile.
You watch as he dances across the cool kitchen tiles, a smirk on his lips, until he stands behind you. His hand finds your elbow, gently pulling you backwards.
The laugh that spills from you is warm and Hyuck matches it as his hands drift down your arms to your hands, fingers threading together before he pulls you back into his broad, solid chest. 
Strong arms cross your own chest, and the two of you start to sway against each other. The music is quiet and grainy and mixed with the sound of your feet creaking on the floor. 
The two of you float back and forth—a stream of sunlight streams in through the high window. You close your eyes and let the light shift across your eyelids. Hyuck’s lips find your ear, singing softly. The sound was gentle and sweet and you could hear the smile in his voice.
“I’ll never forget the moment I realised I love you.”
You sink further against him, your voice humming as you ask, “Yeah? When was that?”
“The minute I saw you,” he breathes. “You were dancing so carelessly, and I knew then—you were my person. You’ll always be my person.”
You’re grinning like an idiot despite rolling your eyes as you let go of Hyuck’s hands and turn around in his arms. You slide your palms up his chest to wind around the back of his neck, pressing your foreheads together. 
“You’re so cheesy.”
“And you love it,” he responds easily, smiling with his eyes closed as he continues to sway with you in the tiny kitchen of your tiny apartment. You nod, leaning forward to knock your noses together gently with an exaggerated sigh.
“I do. And I love you. I wouldn’t want to spend a minute loving anybody else.”
Hyuck hums, pulling you in closer and starts walking you backwards slowly until your hips rest against the counter. He dips down, curling his hands around the backs of your thighs and effortlessly hoists you up to sit on the edge. You open your eyes and run your fingers through his hair, twisting a perfect little strand around your finger just the way he likes it.
He looks back at you, eyes filled with patience and love. Then he leans in, drawing you into a soft, lazy kiss—because he’s finally home, because he can, because he loves doing it, because it’s all he ever wants to do from now until forever.  You melt against his chest, pressing up into the contact. When you break apart, Hyuck rests his lips against your temple, swaying gently with you in his arms.
“I’m so in love with you,” He says softly.
You rest your cheek against his shoulder and brush your nose back and forth against his neck as you close your eyes and smile.
“I love you too, Hyuck.”
You linger in the warmth of his touch until the sharp beeping of the oven interrupts the moment. You pull away slightly, frowning at the oven’s display.
“Ugh, I forgot I put that in there!” you exclaim, glancing over your shoulder to see smoke beginning to curl from the edges.
Hyuck chuckles, but there is no concern creeping into his voice. “Can’t believe my first meal home is going to be charcoal.” 
You rush to the oven, Hyuck close behind. As you open the door, a plume of smoke escapes, and you cough. 
“This is totally your fault! What happened to you not being distracting?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
He shrugs, leaning down to plant another soft kiss on your lips. “What can I say? I’m obsessed with you.”
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katsuki bakugou x reader
katsuki, japan’s number 1 hero, discovers his fiancé’s dark past and questions everything.
themes of abuse and violence. please read with discretion 🤍
part 1/2
inspired by florida!!!
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all you had to do was beat the charges.
first, the body. he’d laid there, mouth foaming and blood pouring from his neck. you had checked his pulse. the deed had been done. standing over him, your eyes wandered to any means of disposal. ultimately, you decided to let them discover it.
second, the evidence. you made sure to use gloves and specifically used his favourite rocks glass, the one he’d drink out of before heading to see you. you’d leave it on the coffee table next to the couch where he currently laid. maybe they’d believe this was his doing, if luck was on your side. you’d write a suicide note on his behalf- you hadn’t thrown our those gloves yet, anyway.
third, the getaway. because you weren’t going to let them drag you away with his body in a bag. the weight of what you had done would do nothing but shackle you down. yes, you’re haunted, but right now you had to act just fine. your heart was tied up with laces and crimes.
and your cheating, abusive, husband seemingly died out of nowhere, supposedly committing suicide on his own accord while his young marital partner disappeared? well, no one asks any questions where you’re headed now.
you did your best to lay it to rest. meanwhile, japan mourned the loss of a seemingly good and innocent pro hero, to whom you now widowed.
✧.* ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚ ✧.* ✧.* ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚ ✧.* ✧.* ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚ ✧.* ✧.* ⋆.˚
3 years later.
most of your life had been running and hiding. the thought of settling down anywhere, in a city where you were nothing but a mere guest in. you didn’t trust trust, you didn’t trust happiness. all until meeting katsuki one day.
the thought of ever loving a despicable, power-hungry pro hero set off sirens in your head. but there was some allure about katsuki that made you forget the shadows of your past.
little do you know, he fell for you first and he fell harder. it was impossible not to be enamoured with him- a gorgeous, 6 foot tall blonde with a cocky attitude and fierce determination. who you, at first, wrote off to be a shallow douchebag, but who turned out to be the sweetest, most chivalrous gentleman you had ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
perhaps your favourite thing about him were his dreams. the things that drove him to be better. his determination to be a good hero, to be the symbol of peace like the ones who came before him. theres a certain light in his crimson eyes that you can’t miss. he shines bright in this light, dazzling your heart and daring you to love him.
so, after just 2 years of dating, you and katsuki are now engaged and living together. the public knows of you, with both adoring and jealous fans by your side.
it gave you this rush. loving him was passionate as sin. every time you’re with him is one hell of a time, even if its something simple as watching a shitty movie together or folding laundry after work. only occasionally, you’d look over your shoulder, making sure no one was following you.
right now, he’s in the kitchen with you. you’re seated on the counter while he cooks, letting you taste-test everything. the glint of your engagement ring looks stunning in this light. katsuki’s happy to be the first person you’ve been married to. at least, he’s happy believing that.
though, somethings different about him this time. he’s quieter, his mind ruminating on something.
he looks at you, the love of his life, seated on the counter wearing his clothes, and wonders how you could be capable of lying to him.
he sighs, putting down whatever he’s doing. he wants to know the truth.
“babe.” he starts, not fully facing you. your ears perk up at the sound of his voice. “yeah?”
he walks over to you, looking you in the eye with his beautiful red eyes. you could sink in them.
“i’m the first man you’ve ever committed to.. right?”
he asks, though it’s something you’ve told him time and time again. previously, he’s wanted to know for some insecure reasons. you’re his one and only, and in the past, he’s just wanted to know you’re on the same page. it’s something you’ve told him everyday.
“yeah.” you smile, hiding behind that facade. “why do you ask?”
he takes a step closer, looking at you. his eyes are pleading, because he wants you to tell him otherwise. please, tell him that what he’s heard isn’t true.
“i wanted to see if you’d lie to me.”
your heart drops.
“what… what are you talking about?” you almost laugh, nervously. that anxiety creeps up your throat. its pathetic the way you thought you could even keep this up.
he sighs, running a hand through his ashy blonde hair in stress. it was wishful thinking, believing that he, a pro hero charged with investigating and bringing justice, would never find out about your crime. for a moment there, it felt good. like you were really gonna get away with it.
he walks past you, rummaging around in his bag before putting the files on the counter next to you. evidence. the man you had taken out, and links that suggested you had done it. your hands shake, seeing how its all stacked against you. looking him in the eye was out of the question.
truthfully, he isn’t sure who he’s looking at. he knows he loves you, but love has never before made him question everything like you’re doing to him. he sighs before continuing.
“kirishima showed me everything.” he says. “he and his team were investigating this case in a city nearby here. i didn’t think much of it until he told me you married the guy, and left right after he was pronounced dead.”
he looks at you, into the face of the person he loves more than anything. he’s begging you to say no. he’s begging you to be innocent.
“did you do it?”
you swallow hard, eyes darkening as you think of your options. was it worth it to lie anymore.
please say no. he thinks. please tell me it isn’t true.
“…i did what i had do.” you whisper, finally confessing.
and his worst fears are confirmed.
his heart sinks, furious as he looks at you. he’s trying to discern if this is the person he knows, if this is the person he loves. his voice is shaky, hands trembling with unbridled rage he tries to keep under control.
“why.” he says, not a question but a command, like venom. you almost flinch at his tone, though you can’t say you blame him. he person he’s set on marrying hid something so huge from him for years.
“its not what you think.” you insist, truthfully not knowing where to start. you cringe at the way your voice cracks when you speak.
his eyes narrow looking at you. “then what is it? you committed a heinous fucking crime and i’m suppose to think its for a good reason?”
god, if katsuki knew half of how hard you life had been. he had a hunch you were going to lie to him again, and it only made him angrier. “tell me the truth. i wanna know-“
“i had a husband before you.” you cut him off. he decidedly holds his tongue, surmising that he’s finally getting the truth from you. so, he waits. impatiently patient.
“i was young, and i had just run away from home.” you explain, the memories of your past crawling back up your throat. “my father was a creepy, rape-y bastard. couldn’t last another second in that house.” you say.
his heart aches at that. he had some idea that your childhood was less than ideal, but the thought your own father did that to you was more than he could bare. though he’s angry, he knows you didn’t deserve it. “i’m so sorry.”
you simply nod, praying for mercy as you continue. “so… i ran away. there weren’t a lot of people who could help me, or who could bring me in. i stayed on the streets most nights.” you sigh, wishing you could run into katsuki’s embrace. on other day, he’d gladly shield you away from all this hurt.
“and then… i met this guy. a hero, believe it or not.” you chuckle bitterly, much to your fiance’s chagrin. the thought that the bastard who did this to being someone like him made him sick.
“he got me a job, and helped me get back on my feet. i fell in love, as stupid and naive as that sounds.” you say. “…and when he asked to marry me, he said it’d only be on paper. that it’d just be so i could have shelter, food and water. i felt like he saved me.”
katsuki nods, still trying to process all of this. “but he didn’t save you… did he?”
you shake your head.
“turns out i married my father.” you say, darkly. he bites his lip, suspicious confirmed. those abused as children are more likely to move on with someone else abusive, after all. its sad cycle that he wishes he could remove you from. though it seems you had your own way of doing that.
“i was gonna die in that house.” you whisper, voice cracking at the seems. “so…”
you can’t even finish your sentence.
he isn’t an idiot. he can connect the dots. but even though the climactic end of your sentence is obvious, he still can’t quite wrap his head around it. he still loves you, though he’s mad as hell you kept this from him.
“i laced his whiskey and watched as it killed him. after, i… i packed my things and left town. took his money, too.”
his silence is killing you. you wish he’d say something, that its okay- though its not. that he still loves you- though he shouldn’t.
you speak again, maybe trying to fix this mess. “i know its wrong. i know its fucked up. i shouldn’t have.”
he lets out another breath, eyes noticing the way your hands shake. those hands, the ones he’d hold in his own, had blood on them.
“and why didn’t you think to tell anyone? no heroes, no police?” he has the nerve to ask, though its a valid question.
you snap, tension breaking as you push yourself ofd the counter and away to face him. “because i don’t TRUST you fuckers!” you cry, yelling while tears spill from your eyes.
bakugou stared right back into your eyes as you said that, and his expression immediately hardened again. he was angry all over again. for one, he already knew you didn't exactly trust heroes, albeit except for him. but this just hurt him. he knew that he himself was a hero and would protect you with his life.
so why couldn't you see that?
“i’m going to give you one more chance to re-think what you just said.”
but you stand your ground. “no.” you say, shaking your head. “i was abused for years and no one heard my case. i was dismissed and shunned for years until finally, i ran away. and when i did, i was stupid enough to trust again. to trust one of you power-hungry assholes! and how did that end!? with me being scared to come home everyday! with my husband using me like a god damn punching bag!”
his expression immediately drops at your words. hearing what you went through as a kid hit him like a truck. but, on the other hand, he was still so angry. he wanted to tell you that not all heroes are like that, that he wasn't like that.. but the anger was overpowering both his thoughts and his feelings as he listened. he wants to tell you that it’ll never happen again, but his emotions slip it before he can say that.
“and because of what happened with him, you think we're all like that?!” he roars back.
“its different for you and me.” you say, tears refusing to subside. “every-time i’ve let my guard down i’ve been beaten. nothing good comes from trusting.”
so, he wonders if you ever really trusted him. why agree to marry him if you supposedly didn’t believe in trust, or in love? he feels his whole world begin to crumble around him.
he can see now, putting those signs together. your hesitancy when you first met. your trust issues, your reluctance to speak on your past. it all made sense now, and he hated it.
“thats why you were so hesitant to let me in, huh?” he asks, looking at the ground. he’s struggling to keep calm, between his anger towards the monsters of your past and a little towards you.
“you thought i’d be like him?” he asks, and that question physically hurts your heart.
“no! i love you!” your voice cracks like its a lie. both of you notice that.
suddenly, i love you was like the worst thing he’s ever heard.
“and its worse because i’m a hero too, huh?” he asks. but you can’t answer that. instead, you opt to look down, letting your tears soak into your clothes.
“thats not what i thought.” you say, though you aren’t exactly sure who you’re convincing. “i promise, i know you’re different.”
and he is different. katsuki bakugou was nothing like the demons you had fought in your past. he was bright, and warm, and his love felt like home. more specifically, a home that was about to be torn down.
“then why didn’t you tell me, huh? why keep this from me for years?” he asks, still wanting answers.
to this, you almost scoff. it should be obvious. “how do i tell my boyfriend, who is the #1 hero in the country, the pillar of justice and peace, that i murdered someone? that my own hands took someone else life!?”
god, he’s livid. he can’t even look at you, though he admits he kind of understands why you hid it. he believed you were an angel.
“..and you have the nerve to think i’d stop loving you over it!?”
that answer made his anger hit a new record. He grabbed your arms, pushing you against the wall. he held you against it, his grip firm on your wrists, his eyes filled with anger as he looked over your face.
“do you really think I'm like that? do you really think after everything we've been through I'd just stop loving you that easily?”
he was yelling at this point, but he could also hear his voice break slightly as he spoke. he’s crying too.
“you’re hurting me.” you firmly speak.
the fear on your face makes him realize what he’s just done.
exactly 2 seconds after his question, he lets go, backing away. he stutters to himself for a question, seeing what he’s done like a knife through his chest. maybe he wasn’t any better. maybe you had a right to not trust him.
“i’m… fuck, i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.” he says, trying to wipe away your tears. he stops as you flinch away from his touch, only making him hate himself even more.
he loves you, and all he’s wanted to do was protect you. he’s angry, yes, but the last thing he’s ever wanted to do was hurt you. he’ll never forgive himself for that.
silently, you grab your jacket and keys and leave the apartment.
part 2 soon! 🫧
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mya-valentine · 2 days
Headcanon: Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, and Sero With a Tomboy Girlfriend
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Eijiro Kirishima
Kirishima loves how active and energetic his tomboy girlfriend is. They often work out together, whether it's lifting weights, sparring, or going on intense hikes. He finds her strength and endurance super manly (in a good way).
They both have a similar laid-back fashion sense, preferring comfortable, athletic wear. Sometimes they accidentally match outfits—both rocking ripped jeans, tank tops, or graphic tees—and Kirishima thinks it's awesome!
He absolutely loves her tough and no-nonsense attitude. She’s not afraid to stand up for herself or others, and Kirishima admires her for it. He often tells her how much he appreciates her confidence and how "manly" it is.
They have a fun, competitive dynamic. Whether it's arm wrestling, who can do more push-ups, or even something silly like video games, they love trying to outdo each other. It never gets too serious—it's all in good fun and usually ends in laughter.
Kirishima respects that she’s independent and doesn’t always rely on him. It’s one of the things that makes him proud to be with her. He knows she can handle herself in tough situations, but he’s always ready to back her up if needed.
Despite her tough exterior, she has soft moments with him when they're alone. She may not be super into public displays of affection, but when it's just the two of them, she lets her guard down and shows her affectionate side.
Kirishima loves that she's a tomboy but also encourages her to embrace any feminine side she may have. If she ever feels like dressing up or wearing something girly, he’s her biggest hype man, complimenting her endlessly and telling her how beautiful she is.
Their dates are often action-packed, like going to the gym, hiking, rock climbing, or even playing a sport together. But they also enjoy simple, laid-back hangouts like watching movies or eating at casual spots, where they can just be themselves.
They constantly boost each other’s confidence. She admires his strong sense of loyalty and determination, while he’s always blown away by how fearless and bold she is. They’re each other’s biggest fans, always cheering each other on.
She isn’t afraid to playfully roughhouse with him. They’ll have mock fights or pretend wrestling matches, with her catching him off guard with her strength and him being impressed every time.
Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugou loves how his tomboy girlfriend doesn’t take crap from anyone, including him. Her bold attitude matches his own, and he respects that she can hold her own in any situation. He secretly loves when she challenges him, whether it's verbally or physically.
They don’t do the typical cutesy stuff. Instead, their relationship is more practical and straightforward, which Bakugou prefers. They show affection through actions rather than words—like cooking meals for each other or working out together.
His girlfriend is his go-to gym partner. They push each other to do better, constantly competing to lift more, run faster, or last longer during a sparring session. Bakugou loves the fact that she’s strong and doesn’t mind sweating it out with him.
Their relationship is full of teasing and banter. Bakugou’s always making sarcastic remarks, and she fires back just as easily. It keeps things fun, and he secretly enjoys how she keeps him on his toes.
She’s not afraid to get dirty or take risks, whether it's during hero training or in everyday life, which he finds incredibly attractive. Her tough, no-fear attitude complements his explosive personality perfectly.
Bakugou is fiercely protective, but he doesn’t coddle her. He knows she can handle herself, and he respects that. If someone underestimates her, he’s the first to step in with a smirk, proud that they’re about to get proven wrong.
He loves how independent she is. She doesn’t need him to fight her battles or help her out of tricky situations, and that makes him even more attracted to her. However, he’s always there if she does need backup, and he’ll go all out if anyone crosses her.
Bakugou doesn’t mind that she prefers a more casual, tomboyish style—he actually thinks it suits her better. He loves that she doesn’t feel the need to dress up or wear makeup just to impress people, and he secretly thinks she looks badass all the time.
While she’s tough and tomboyish around others, she has softer moments with Bakugou when they're alone. He may pretend not to care, but he appreciates these rare, quieter times, and it’s when he lets his guard down as well.
Dates with them are far from conventional. They prefer things like hiking, going to arcades, or intense training sessions over candlelit dinners. They both enjoy pushing their limits and trying new things, so dates often turn into mini competitions.
Though Bakugou won’t admit it, he loves how low-maintenance she is. There’s no pressure to be romantic or overly affectionate, but when they do have small intimate moments, it means a lot to both of them.
They’re both fiercely competitive, which shows up in nearly everything they do, from sparring to everyday challenges like who can finish their food first. Bakugou finds her drive incredibly attractive and enjoys that she’s always pushing him to do better.
Bakugou never underestimates her, knowing full well she can take care of herself. He’s genuinely impressed by her strength and skill, and though he might not say it often, he’s proud to have a girlfriend who can go toe-to-toe with him.
Denki Kaminari
Kaminari loves that his tomboy girlfriend is super chill and easy to hang out with. They can joke around, play video games, and tease each other like best friends. Their relationship feels effortless and fun.
He’s always making playful remarks about how cool she is, calling her “badass” or “dude” in a light-hearted way, and she teases him back just as much. Kaminari is super comfortable with her, and their banter is nonstop.
He adores her tomboyish look and compliments her on it all the time. Whether she’s rocking jeans, a hoodie, or her favorite sneakers, Kaminari thinks she looks awesome no matter what and often tells her how cool she is.
They’re always playing video games together, and it’s one of their favorite things to do. They’re equally competitive, and the trash talk is endless, but he secretly loves when she beats him because it makes him proud to have such a skilled girlfriend.
Kaminari loves that she isn’t afraid to get silly with him. They’ll pull pranks on their friends or each other, crack jokes, and just generally have a lot of fun together. Their relationship is full of laughter and light-hearted moments.
Kaminari finds it super attractive that his tomboy girlfriend is tough and strong. He’s in awe when she shows off her strength during training or battle and will often hype her up, calling her “the coolest” or “super strong.”
He tries to teach her about random things like the latest memes, but he loves when she teaches him how to do traditionally “tough” stuff, like fixing something or showing him how to do a specific workout. He’s always impressed by her skills and sees her as the ultimate role model in those areas.
Kaminari is all about low-key affection, like quick hugs, shoulder bumps, or leaning against her while they’re hanging out. He loves how laid-back she is about PDA, and they have a very relaxed, natural way of showing affection.
He loves that she’s always up for an adventure, whether it's trying out a new activity, pulling a harmless prank, or exploring a new place. Kaminari feels like they’re an unstoppable duo and calls them “partners in crime” whenever they’re getting up to something fun.
While he loves her tomboyish attitude, Kaminari also encourages her to explore other sides of herself. If she ever wants to wear something more feminine or experiment with a different look, he’ll be her biggest cheerleader, telling her she looks great no matter what.
Kaminari’s naturally flirty, and while his girlfriend isn’t one for super romantic gestures, he knows how to get her to blush with his playful and cheeky remarks. She might roll her eyes, but he knows she secretly loves it when he flirts.
While she’s totally capable of taking care of herself, Kaminari still has a protective side. He’ll step in if anyone underestimates or disrespects her, though he usually does it with a smile and a bit of charm, knowing she can handle things on her own but wanting to be there for her anyway.
They bond over music, and she often introduces him to new bands or more rock-heavy genres, which he loves. They’ll go to concerts together, and Kaminari gets super excited seeing her vibe with the music.
Kaminari plans dates that match their mutual laid-back energy, like going to an arcade, attending a concert, or trying out a new skate park. Their dates are always light-hearted, fun, and full of activities that let them be themselves.
Kaminari loves that she’s not super serious all the time. They can be total goofballs together, whether it’s making ridiculous faces at each other or joking around during training. It’s one of the reasons their bond is so strong—they can just relax and have fun without worrying about being “perfect.”
Hanta Sero
Sero loves how laid-back and down-to-earth his tomboy girlfriend is. Their relationship is easy-going, and they’re always super relaxed around each other, never feeling the need to impress or be overly formal.
Sero is big into skateboarding, and his girlfriend probably shares the same passion. They love hitting the skate park together, challenging each other to do new tricks, and having friendly competitions. He’s always impressed by her skills and brags about her to his friends.
Their dynamic is full of fun, playful teasing. Sero constantly cracks jokes and loves when she fires back with witty comebacks. He appreciates that she’s got a sharp sense of humor and can take his teasing in stride.
He thinks her tomboy style is awesome and even likes that she doesn’t spend hours worrying about her appearance. Sero often borrows her hoodies, and they swap hats or caps, making their style blend even more.
Sero is a master of pranks, and his girlfriend loves to join in. They’re always scheming together, pulling harmless pranks on their friends, and laughing like crazy afterward. She might even prank him occasionally, which he finds hilarious.
He loves that she’s active and isn’t afraid to break a sweat. They’ll often go jogging, do some skate tricks, or even help each other during training sessions at school. Sero admires her strength and loves how they motivate each other.
Sero’s super chill about affection, and his tomboy girlfriend is the same. They don’t do over-the-top gestures but rather small things like leaning on each other’s shoulders, playful nudges, or stealing his cap and wearing it. He thinks these little things are even more meaningful.
They’re the perfect partners in both training and daily life. Whether it’s navigating their way through a group battle or figuring out where to eat, Sero loves how smoothly they work together and that she’s always got his back.
Sero loves that she isn’t into traditionally “girly” things. He finds it refreshing that she’s confident in who she is, whether she’s joking around with the guys, being competitive in sports, or doing her own thing. He’s proud to be with someone so unapologetically themselves.
They often challenge each other to little competitions, from who can nail the best trick on their boards to who can tape the other in place first using Sero’s quirk. The lighthearted rivalry keeps things exciting and fun between them.
Sero loves that she doesn’t feel the need to act differently around him or anyone else. If she ever feels insecure or tries to tone down her tomboyish nature, he’s the first to remind her how amazing she is as herself and encourages her to own it.
They’re always up for trying something new and exciting, whether it’s rock climbing, hiking, or exploring a new city. Sero loves that she’s adventurous and that they can share in fun, spontaneous activities together.
Sero shows he cares through small, thoughtful gestures like making sure she’s comfortable or offering her his jacket when it’s cold. His tomboy girlfriend appreciates these little things, even though she’s totally capable of taking care of herself.
He loves that she’s not afraid to let loose and be goofy with him. They’ll pull faces, make ridiculous jokes, or have spontaneous dance-offs when they’re alone, and Sero enjoys how easy and fun their relationship is.
While his girlfriend might not be overly affectionate, Sero doesn’t mind. He loves their quiet, subtle forms of closeness—like sitting together, sharing headphones, or just hanging out in comfortable silence. They don’t need to say much to feel connected.
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lucedilunax · 2 days
Why are you doing this to yourself? - Q. Hughes
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pairing: Quinn Hughes x girlfriend!reader
summary: Quinn's girlfriend relapsed to her old habits after his comment
warning: mentions of cheating, mentions of eating disorder, mentions of throwing up, mentions of sex (nothing graphic), swearing, angst, hurt/comfort
words: 2.4k
note: my first ever published fic!! I used a name instead of Y/N because i don't feel comfortable writing without names so sorry for that. Also, english is not my first language so apologies if there's gonna be any mistakes. I'm proud of this piece and I hope you'll enjoy reading🤍
if you are struggling with eating disorder, please talk to somebody, your family, friends or even to me, you are not alone in this!❤️‍🩹
Zara never had been in a healthy relationship. Since high school times, all her boyfriends were abusive towards her. As a teenager, she got into  love-hate relationship with food. Always blaming herself and her look for not being good enough to have a partner. When she had been multiple times cheated on, she truly believed that’s because she’s fat and unattractive. The truth was that she was looking normal, like every teenage girl but her low self confidence let her believe that she’s the problem. Zara was skipping meals and when she ate something, she felt guilty and was forcing herself to throw up. When she graduated high school, she came back on right tracks. Yes, she still was struggling and had episodes of skipping meals but it got way better than it was back then.
When Zara met Quinn, she was impressed by how well spoken he is and very respectful towards her. She truly started to believe that she deserves to be loved. He was always giving her compliments and her confidence was growing. She never told him about how shitty exes she had and her problems with eating. She didn’t wanted a pity party from him. She truly believed that she’s a new person thanks to him. After a year of dating, Quinn had been named a new captain of the Vancouver Canucks. Zara was more than happy for him because she knew how hardworking person he is. Although she didn’t expected him to ask her to move into his apartment.
“Honey, I was just thinking that maybe you would like to move in to me? You already spent most of the time here and your work is closer from my place than yours. Plus with me having a new role in club, our schedules might go crazy and I want to spent every free minute with you”. Quinn casually said when they were laying on the couch watching a movie.
“It’s a huge step in our relationship Quinny… but I’m ready for it. I would love to move into your place”. Zara said and kissed his cheek.
Next week, the couple was packing Zara’s things from her place to later put them in Quinn’s apartment. Most of the things were already in his place but they still had to pick up the rest. They life living together was like a honeymoon until Quinn got into fixation about healthy food. He was always cooking for both of them and tried to keep balanced diet. Zara started having flashbacks to her life from high school, when she was trying to keep being super healthy but she said nothing to Quinn. One day, she haven’t ate breakfast because she was running late and later, completely forgot about lunch. On her way back to their apartment, she decided to buy pizza for dinner because she wasn’t in a mood for cooking. Zara ate the whole thing on one sitting finishing projects for work. When Quinn came home after the game, he saw the box. He thought she left him some of the pizza but it was just an empty box.
“Wow, you must been really hungry that you ate whole pizza and haven’t even left ma piece”. He joked, hoverer her face fell down when she realized that she ate an entire pizza this afternoon.
“Yeah, I haven’t got time in the morning to eat breakfast and later forgot to go and grab a lunch.” Zara admitted to him ashamed.
“Honey, we talk about it. You have to eat healthy”. Although Quinn meant eating three meals per day but she interpreted this otherwise.
“I know, I’m sorry”. She went to hug him and started asking him about today’s game just to change the topic.
He haven’t missed the way her face fell when he joked but decided not to mention this. Next days were hard for Zara. She had all time in her head Quinn’s words. Every evening when she was getting ready to take shower, she was looking on her body in mirror’s reflection. She started to see how her thighs got bigger and how her stomach wasn’t perfectly flat. She started to wear baggy clothes to cover her body from the world. She was also pushing Quinn away when he wanted to have sex with her. He saw those changes but he thought that she’s just overworked and tired. He haven’t asked anything but tried to be supportive as much as he could.
When Quinn had to left her for a roadie, Zara completely lost it. No one was there to make sure she’s eating proper meals. She started skipping breakfast. On lunch, she was only eating salads. When she was at home, she haven't cooked dinner. She thought that’s the best for her to started looking more attractive for Quinn.
After a week, Quinn came back home and decided to buy them takeout food from their favorite Italian place. He knew, she probably haven’t ate dinner and was waiting for him to eat together. When Quinn stepped into their place, he met unfamiliar cold. Zara wasn’t there to kiss and hug him like she was always doing when he was back from roadie. He saw her sitting in living room and watching a movie.
“Hi honey. I hope you are hungry because I bought us carbonara from the Italian place you love”. He said and kissed her forehead.
“Actually, I’m not hungry babe but feel free to eat yours. I’ll just eat it tomorrow”. She said.
“Okay. Have you ate dinner already?” He asked concerned.
“Well no, but…”
“Then take your pretty ass to the table because you have to eat”. Quinn said surprised at her words.
“I’m really not hungry Quinn”. She started getting irritated at him.
“I’m not playing with you Zara. You either gonna eat with me or I’m gonna force you to do it”. He said firmly.
Knowing that she’s in a lost position, she gave up and went to sit with him at the dinner table. She ate half of her portion and excused herself to the bathroom. In that moment, she was delighted that the bathroom is far from the living room and Quinn couldn’t hear her. Feeling the guilt of eating pasta, she forced herself to throw up. After she was done, she brushed her teeth and came back.
“I can’t eat anymore Quinny. I’ll pack the pasta and bring it to work with me for lunch". She said, knowing that she’s gonna throw the pasta to the trash the minute she leave the apartment for work tomorrow.
“Yeah, sure. What about bath together and just laying in our bed. I’m so tired”. He proposed.
“Sounds like a plan babe.” She went and kissed him.
Two days later, when Quinn and Zara were making out, he started to pull up her hoodie. She stopped him. Quinn finally decided to confront her. He was done with her not wanting to be intimate with him. He also saw that she wasn’t eating breakfast at home, always excusing herself with running late.
“What’s happening with you lately?” He asked in the nicest way he could.
“I don’t know about what you are talking about”.
“Cut the bullshit. I know you are skipping breakfast. I am not dumb not to see you always acting, like you are late and not eating breakfast when we both know it’s a lie. Also, I don’t know what I did wrong to you, but you always push me away when I try to have sex with you. So tell me, what’s happening”. He started getting mad at her with every minute.
“Quinn, I’m telling you, nothing is happening”. She was too ashamed to admit to him her problems and decided to lie.
“Fucking hell Zara. I know you for almost two years. We live together. I know you like the back of my hand. I know that something is wrong with you. You know that I’m here for you to listen and help”. He tried so hard not to yell at her.
“I’m not gonna stand here and listen to you accusations. Everything is fine!” She screamed the last sentence and left, feeling guilt for not telling him truth.
After the argument, both of them were giving each other cold shoulder. She stopped eating at all, even the salads for lunch. He wanted so hard to find out what’s going on with her but after her reaction, he decided not to push her and wait until she tell him.
Couple days later, he accidently walked into the bathroom when she was taking shower. When he saw her, Quinn thought he’s gonna cry. Her ribs was visible through her skin. She looked so skinny that it started to terrify him. He left and went to their bedroom thinking how he should ask her about it without getting into another argument.
“Hey, can we talk?” He asked unsure of her reaction.
“Sure, What’s up?”
“I saw you in the shower”.
“Oh”. That’s all she could say.
“Look, I know something is happening with you and I don’t want to push you but your body looks unhealthy. Why are you doing this to yourself?” He said not knowing where the conversation will take him. She sat quietly for couple minutes before she spoke to him.
“Can you promise me that you won’t get mad at me when I tell you?” She haven’t been looking at him, she kept her eyes on her hands.
“I promise honey”. He saw that she was playing with her nails and decided to replace it with his hand.
“I have a weird relationship with food. I’ve been struggling with it since high school. Every guy I’ve dated cheated one me and I thought it’s my fault. I started eating super healthy but when I saw it’s not getting me anywhere, I decided to skip meals. When I ate something, I felt guilty about it and forced myself to throw up. After graduation, it got better. Sure, I had episodes of skipping meals when I was triggered but it was getting better”. She said with her tears rolling down her face.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry to hear that”. He hugged her tightly and started to smoothing her hair. After couple of minutes, he decided to ask.
“What was your trigger this time?”
“I don’t think you want to know”. Zara didn’t wanted to make him feel guilty.
“I want to know”. He said softly.
“Remember when you get back home the other day and saw the empty box of pizza?” He nodded.
“This was my trigger. When you pointed out that I ate the whole pizza and said that I have to eat healthy. I felt that you’ll find me unattractive and will cheat on me like others”. She said completely ignoring his presence. He signed, mad at himself for even saying that.
“Zara, I’m so fucking sorry for making you feel this way. It was never my intention. I was just joking but I see now how hurtful it was for you. Please forgive me”. He said with voice full of guilt.
“It’s okay Quinny, you didn’t know”.
“It’s not okay. God, I made you feel bad and I’ll never forgive myself for that”. After couple seconds, Quinn asked again.
“When I brought the pasta after I got back home from roadie and forced you to eat with me, did you… Did you throw up when you excused yourself to the bathroom?” He asked not sure if he’s ready to hear the answer. When Zara haven’t said anything, he knew how big damage he had done.
He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. She was crying into his shoulder when he was whispering apologies into her ear.
The next morning, Quinn made breakfast for both of them. When she saw the plate, he was fast to explain.
“I know you struggle now but I want you to eat something. I’m not gonna be forcing the full meal into you and you don’t have to eat all of it. At least try. Step by step”. She felt the love and respect in his voice and decided to bite a little bit of the toast. Before she left, he gave her paper bag.
“I’ve made you lunch. Again, I’m not forcing you but at least eat the granola bar. I love you.” He kissed her cheek.
“Thank you Quinny. Love you too.” She said and gave him a kiss.
Quinn started reading books about eating disorder and was learning everything to know how to help her and not make her feel even worst. He wanted to be the best boyfriend to her knowing that he’s responsible for her relapse into old habits. When he had time, he was preparing her favorite dishes. He made one cupboard in the kitchen with her favorite snacks. Never pushed her to eat full meals but wanted her to eat something.
When Quinn had to leave her for roadie for the first time since she told him about her relationship with food, he was scared. He didn’t wanted her to skip meals while he’s gone but he also knew that he can’t ask her directly if she ate. He decided to face time her every time he knew she was supposed to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner just to check up on her and see if she’s eating at that time.
Two weeks later, Quinn came back home and could smell a steak. He was surprised because he haven’t saw Zara in the kitchen for the past two months. The minute he entered the room she said.
“I thought you might be hungry. I’ve cooked you steak with fries”. She said and went to hug him.
“What about you honey?”
“I already ate dinner”.
“Zara”. He said knowing that she’s lying.
“I’m joking. I’ve made myself pasta with pesto”.
“Good that you have jokes on you but please, let’s not joke about it”. He said firmly.
“I’m sorry Quinny”. After seeing his reaction, she felt bad for even joking about this.
“Hey! Don’t be puffy, it’s fine. I just want to be sure you’re fed and healthy”.
“Ay, ay captain. Now let’s eat before it gets cold”. She grabbed his hand and went to the table with him. After they ate dinner, he said.
“It was delicious honey. I’m so happy you’re back on right tracks. I’m proud of you and I mean it”.
“I don’t know if I would make it without your support. Thank you for everything. I love you”. She went to kiss him but he deepened the kiss.
“Quinn I have to do the dishes, can it wait?” She asked.
“Oh hell no. I haven’t had my time with you for two months and I want to show you how much I love you and how much I adore your body. I want to make sure my girl knows that she’s gorgeous”
He lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom where they had fun all night long.
Thank you so much for reading! This means a world for me❤️
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strnilolover · 2 days
.✦ ── Bakery Owner Matt Headcanons ── ✦.
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♡ small headcanons on what it’s like dating bakery owner matt!
⚠︎ warnings : sfw and some nsfw
♡ requested : yes here! <3
♡ a/n : this is my first head-canon ever, bear with me please
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!Bakery Owner Matt who sometimes while you’re working, will sneak up behind you and plant a soft kiss on your cheek, knowing it will make you smile and laugh, even if you’re focused on your tasks.
!Bakery Owner Matt who loves having his you in the bakery because you’re the perfect taste tester. Before any new recipe hits the shelves, you’re the first to try it, and your feedback is what Matt trusts the most.
!Bakery Owner Matt who would regularly invite you to the bakery after hours for baking dates. He’d teach you how to make your favorite treats, but it often ends with both of you covered in flour, laughing and kissing between trays of cookies.
!Bakery Owner Matt who always smells like fresh bread, sugar, or vanilla, and you love burying your face in his chest to inhale the comforting scent. It’s like being wrapped in the warmth of the bakery, no matter where you are.
!Bakery Owner Matt who is fiercely protective when you’re at the bakery. If a customer flirts with you or gives you any trouble, he’ll be polite, but you can tell he’s tense. He’ll make it clear that you’re with him through subtle touches or a possessive arm around your waist.
!Bakery Owner Matt who will do late night pastry runs to his bakery, or just bake you something at home. Whenever you’re craving something sweet late at night, Matt has no problem making a batch of cookies or cupcakes just for you. He’ll even deliver them to you in bed with a cheeky smile, knowing he’s spoiling you.
!Bakery Owner Matt who watches out for you in small, thoughtful ways. He’ll make sure you’re eating, ask if you need to take a break, or make you tea if he senses you’re feeling overwhelmed.
!Bakery Owner Matt who is not big on fancy gifts, but he loves making things for you — homemade jam, bread, or even a full dessert table for special occasions. Even for your birthday, Matt doesn’t just buy you gifts; he creates entire desserts dedicated to you. He’ll spend hours perfecting the flavors and design to match your tastes, and his face lights up when you love them. His love language is baked into every gift he creates for you.
!Bakery Owner Matt who teases you when he wants you to taste something. Spreading frosting or melted chocolate on your lips, only to lean in slowly and kiss it off, tongue darting out to lick your bottom lip in the process.
!Bakery Owner Matt who during long shifts, might suggest taking a quick break in the break room. Only for him to have you pressed up against the shelves or walls, quickly discarding you of your clothes and fucking you.
!Bakery Owner Matt who loves food play. He’ll spray whipped cream on your tits, slowly sucking it off of your hardened nubs. Or he’ll drizzle melted chocolate along your skin in patterns, his tongue slowly following the trail. He’ll even let you try a few on him, as long as it’s his own stuff of course.
!Bakery Owner Matt who has a thing for kitchen counters, no matter where you are. When you’re cooking together at home, he’ll lift you up onto the counter, standing between your legs as his hands grip your thighs. Eventually forgetting all about the cooking or baking, abandoning it all together as he fucks you on or against the counter.
!Bakery Owner Matt who might get jealous if you’re eating sweets from a rival bakery. Closing his store a little early just so he can bend you over the counter in the main area, fucking you senseless as he has you try to eat his baked goods. Showing you just who the better baker is.
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© strnilolover
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romanarose · 2 days
hey! i just saw your supportive logan fic for writer gf, and i was wondering if you would be open to writing something for chronic pain? the (gn! if possible!) reader having severe chronic pain, mostly in their legs, that prevents them from walking sometimes when a flare up is particularly bad. the reader just kinda feeling hopeless and so tired because there’s no cure to their condition. just really soft cuddles and comfort, ya know?
totally chill if this isn’t something you’re up for writing or isn’t the vibe! <3
thank you!!
Hi friend!!! I suffer from fibromyaglia and i fucking SUCKS so yes, I'd love to write this for you! GN read is 100% good, i'll write all kinds of readers.
Here you go!
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Supportive Logan Thoughts: Chronically Ill Partner
Logan Howlett x gn!reader
Summary: Logan takes care of you
Warnings: Chronic pain
When Logan came in after work, the house looked exactly the same as he left it, from the banana peel on the counter from breakfast to your shoes you always took off in the middle of the hall, which (lovingly) drove him a bit insane. It's not that he expected you to do housework while he was gone or anything, but it was a sure sign that no, you weren't feeling better.
"Honey?" Logan called.
Logan opened the bedroom door to find you in the dark, only lit by the dim glow of the TV playing reruns of your favorite show. He took a seat down on the bed, brushing the apple of your cheeks. "Hurting pretty bad, is it?"
You give a little nod, looking up at him. "Sorry, I didn't get anything done..."
"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it."
A little whine escaped your mouth, lip quivering. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have too, Lo, you just worked a ten hour day-"
With a playful smile, Logan pinched your lips together, making you giggle a little. "I'll survive doing a few dishes. You rest, I'll make dinner."
With a little kiss to your forehead, Logan did his best to prepare something you'd like. He was no chef, but after being alive all these years he was no idiot, and could cook pretty well. Plus, this was far from the first time your pain and exhaustion mad it hard to do anything. You liked to cook for him, but Logan liked to return the favor too. He liked taking care of you. He liked cooking for you and helping you bath and nursing you when the days were too hard.
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" He enters the bedroom again. "I lied, there's no eggs. Or Bacon. But I did make soup."
"Soup!" You exclaim, happily sitting up.
"There yuh are..." Logan smiles at seeing you animated again.
After you eat, Logan carries you into a warm bath, gently rubbing down your soapy body in a massage, careful with the tender spots. He works on your legs where he knows it hurts the most, making sure to massage the feet too, where he knows pain can start.
"You're really sweet, you know." You mumble sleepily. Doing nothing all day really takes it out of your when your own body feels like it hates you. "I know you pretend you aren't. But you are."
"Oh, I know." He teases. "You should see me at work. I can't get shit done because I'm smelling every damn daisy out there. I've been written up 3 times."
You can help but laugh at the idea of your big, hunky boyfriend laying on grass, kicking his feet as he smells a wild flower, his boss in the background shaking his fist.
"Oh I bed. Do you also break for butterflies?"
"Every damn day. Can't go a block without hitting my breaks. Hard to get anywhere."
You're giggling now, feeling better as Logan drains the bath. He starts to towel you down before picking you up and carrying you to bed.
"Thank you. For all you do for me." You snuggle up next to him watching your silly little shows. The pain is a little better, but still hurts.
Logan's lips are kissing your neck and face. you know he's not trying to initiate sex, just showing how much he loves just existing with you. "I like doing it, baby. I know it seems like I'm bullshitting you, but when it's for someone you love... really there's nothing easier."
Thanks for the ask!!!!!! feel free to send more in!
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Entry 21: A Crowbar Called Love
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GIF Credit: @carmen-berzattos
Bearblr Promptober Day 21: Drunk Confession
Summary: Carmy's girlfriend (who he calls Darling) drunkenly confesses something that sends him into a tizzy; that she wants to have his kids.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of trauma, self-doubt, evolving Dad!Carmy, maybe the start of a breeding kink(?), fem reader/generic lass who is a trauma surgeon, she/her pronouns. (822 words)
Notes: All journal entries will be titled as such and tagged with #cb journal.
Thank you for reading. Thank you to @carmenberzattosgf for putting together this prompt list. Sideblog for commentary and yapping: @m-z-shoroi
Also, if random letters or words are black/white instead of the colors they should be, that's Tumblr being dumb, I've been fighting it for days.
21 Oct 2024
She said she wants to have my babies, and I honestly don't know what in the fuck to do with myself.
How did I get here?
What the fuck did I do to earn that?
I'm a fucking disaster, why the fuck would anyone think I'd make a not-shitty dad?
And she said it in front of Richie and Nat. That asshole is never gonna let me hear the end of it. This is what I get for taking my eyes off the cider for five minutes. Richie probably didn’t even fucking measure before spiking it.
Fuck. My. Life.
I have no business having kids, I'm just gonna end up like ma! No! No! Abso-fucking-lutely not!
Okay, yes, they'd be cute, but this is a terrible idea!
I can’t stop fucking thinking about this. The adoration in her eyes, the way she whispered it into my mouth, the way she pulled my hair and repeated it—whined it—until my brain checked into reality in a confused state. Carmen, I wanna start a family with you. I love you so much. I want babies. Carmy… Carmy, please? Please, can we talk about kids?
It’s the next morning, and I woke up an hour before my alarm, invaded, besieged, strangled by thoughts of cradling her belly, of feeling little kicks against my palm through her soft, supple skin. The thought of baby shoes while I stared at my own, hand trembling as I dragged it through my hair and tried to recompress so I could make it through a workday. What was more was that I couldn’t stop fucking thinking about how wonderful of a mother she’d make. She’d be sweet, kind, understanding, protective, a great advocate, teacher, counselor. I thought of being home with a kid in my arms. Nat’s daughter is so precious, so innocent, so pure. I could have one. A few. And I could do better than ma or dad did.
I wanted to do better than ma and dad did.
I wandered back into the bedroom, leaned against the doorframe and just watched Darling snuggled up in bed, her face buried in my t-shirt, a cute little croissant under the covers. There existed in my mind, sometime before then—couldn’t figure out exactly when it changed—this looming understanding of this arrangement being temporary. This relationship was a ticking clock, a sword dangling over my head by a horsehair, and in all likelihood, I was going to fuck up, and she was going to leave. It seemed like an inevitability. But permanence, comfort, routine, it crept up on me. Could I imagine an existence without Darling? Did a future without her even exist? Did I allow myself to love her so completely, so deeply, that my forever was staked in the ground with her?
Two kids. And a dog. Our own house. It’d be nice if one of them liked cooking, but I wasn’t going to be upset if they wanted to try something else. I’d support them trying new things. I’d reduce my hours at The Bear, too, so I could be around to hug them and read them bedtime stories. My vision abruptly blurred. Droplet of warmth fell from my eyelashes and drew a streak down my face.
Of course, I was fucking crying again.
Ever love someone so much that it hurt? That the love embedded itself so deep into you that it burrowed roots in the same places that all your fucking trauma lived? That it crumbled and frayed the armor of bitterness, apathy, hatred, and anger you’d been using to hold yourself together against the assault of being alive and being so many things the world didn’t like—short, sensitive, warm, caring, quiet, shy? For your curly hair, for your features, for your weird fucking quirks and habits? The world stabbed you in the fucking kidneys for daring to exist, and you walled off yourself behind protective mechanisms to stop the knives going any deeper than they already had, from piercing the softest parts of you; and out of nowhere, this little thing called love shows up as a crowbar and jams under that armor with no ceremony and certainly no warning. It fucking hurts at first. It hurts like you can’t fucking believe or imagine, and it scares the shit out of you because if that armor comes off, you feel like you’ll die, but eventually? Eventually, the armor starts crumbling away, and you feel the saccharine mercy of love in all the places that the armor hurt. Yeah, you thought your trauma was the thing that inflicted agony all these years? Your fucking armor wore chasms in you all the same.
This wasn’t a contest, baby girl, but you win. I surrender. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts, and I can’t get enough of it. So, yeah. Yeah, we can talk about kids.
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yuri-is-online · 2 days
hey so can I have a scenario with Azul where he has a s/o and that s/o and him get along really well but this s/o also isn’t afraid to just be blunt and upfront with him about stuff? Their first meeting is him and the tweels doing something bad to this s/o, really bad, not like an annoyance. and they threaten to boil the three of them, actually being scary and meaning it. They’re being held back by their friends. S/o also scared people who aren’t their friends in the back though. After the bad first meeting, the second meeting goes better cuz they kind of try not to push s/o buttons, s/o is way nicer and ends up partnering up by the teachers orders with Azul and s/o comments on Azul being really smart and is super genuinely sweet and really smart themselves. They make a pretty good team working together? Does he and tweels ever apologise? If so s/o is like “It’s ok. Im sorry for saying I’d cook you. Realised a while ago that was messed up”? How do you think Azul would go about a relationship like this?
Hey so my requests are closed right now, so while I won't write out a full scenario I will answer the question I think you are asking?
I always write my reader as Yuu, so some degree of bad first impression is always going to be present. The scenario in Book 3 is something very bad and not just a mild annoyance; I don't think Azul likes being seen as the bad guy? But to a certain extent threats (even ones like being boiled alive) aren't really special to him because he hears them so often. I think he tunes them out when they come from someone like Yuu/the prefect because he does not see you as an actual threat. He takes someone like Leona more seriously because as a fellow Dorm Leader and a Prince, he has the sort of clout to hurt Azul's operation and reputation. The twins are a bit different, I could see them being a mix of amused and irritated with such an insult. After Azul's overblot it leans more towards amusement as they decide they like the initiative Yuu showed in out smarting them (not that they intend to let it happen again.) I really doubt there is much Yuu could do to make the twins not want to press their buttons, Jade in the most recent event mulls over the logistics of fucking with Malleus and Floyd quite literally presses a button Leona tells him not to.
Azul sees romantic love as something to capitalize on, I don't think he's thought terribly much about falling in love himself. If he stopped to think about it, there's a decent chance he might be afraid of it. He is the child of divorced parents, and he does not seem to have much of a relationship with his biological father. His relationship with his mother and step-father is good, at least from what he tells us, but he is not comfortable talking about or labeling his relationships in an emotional sense. He doesn't even refer to the twins as his friends even though that is very much what they are to him. When it comes to romantic relationships, it doesn't really matter what the person is like; there is going to be a lot of denial on Azul's part that what he feels is romantic love. He might very well deny it to the point of losing out on a relationship and deny that he is in pain until the day he dies.
Something I turn over in my head a lot is Azul's line when you upgrade his vignette/episode level. He tells you that someone as compassionate as you will be taken advantage of, and when that happens you should come see him. That's sort of how I approach writing him with a significant other. He wishes to take advantage of that person's kindness and monopolize their compliments, but at the same time he is deeply suspicious of attempts to take advantage of him and so plays down all attempts at the end of the chapter to compliment him. He would go about a relationship like the one you describe the same way he would go about any relationship: slowly and in denial about the appropriate label until he is forced to break.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 days
Hey so do we think that now Buck isn't freaking out about Gerrard at the 118 anymore that he has now swiveled on freaking out about his hot pilot boyfriend?
Like the boy is totally incapable of being 100% at ease and needs something to be concerned about...and as work is good,and his sister is good...by process of elimination now it's Tommy Time.
and the joke is nothing is actually wrong, it's just Buck being Dramatic AF because things are going well for him on all accounts for once and he's like WTF is this sense of peace I have.
You know I think you might be onto something.
His friends have their daughter back, his pseudo dad is back at work, his sister is happily married and everybody is healthy (sure his best friend's life is still a hot mess but you can't have it all)
And then there is his hot pilot boyfriend who is absolutely smitten with him (and vice versa) and he can practically feel the I love you coming every time they're together (which is about 99% of their free time), and maybe Bobby sees him smiling at his phone at a text from Tommy and says something like "it's good to see you so happy".
And then he's like "I AM happy... surely this can't last???" and manages to convince himself Tommy is about to break up with him for Reasons because he doesn't get to have nice things.
So he spirals and ends up talking to Maddie at work who is like "you're happy... and that's a bad thing...??" And then Josh gets involved too (because he loves a bit of gossip on his coffee break) and he goes "you have a hot guy who is crazy about you, what exactly is the problem here??"
And buck is like "it's too GOOD! Good things don't happen to me! And everything else in my life is good so now SURELY Tommy will realise he can do better and break up with me! I told Eddie we were going to look for hot chicks when he accidentally crashed our first date!
Maddie *voice of reason*: But that was months ago and you're still together. He even came to my wedding straight from work, and it really wasn't me or Howie he wanted to see.
Josh *shrugs* : and if you don't want him anymore, half of LA will be lining up around the block to take your place.
And Buck is like "you're no help" and spirals some more, and actually convinces himself Tommy is going to break up with him when he asks him to come over for dinner.
And Tommy's made his favourite, bought a nice bottle of wine, there's candles and music playing and it's just nice, but all Buck can think it "oh he's trying to let me down gently" because Tommy cooking them a nice meal surely can't be anything but him getting dumped.
Only at the end of the night Tommy DOESN'T dump him, hasn't said anything even hinting at that, and is just his own sweet, gorgeous, amazing self, but Buck is still convinced he's going to get dumped and goes "IF YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK UP WITH ME, JUST DO IT! I CAN TAKE IT!!"
And Tommy is just Confused because that's the last thing he wants. "I was going to tell you I love you! And I was kind of hoping you'd say it back"
And they talk about Buck convincing himself he doesn't deserve nice things, and eventually he tells Tommy he loves him too, and they kiss and everything is right in the world again.
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nanasdream · 1 day
can you do a zb1 ot9 realizing they’re in love with the reader???
hi anon! Thank you so much for your request. I hope you like It. I didn't do them in age order, I hope that's fine- also English isn't my first language, so please let me know if I made any errors.
part 1: gyuvin, hanbin, ricky, gunwook
gyuvin: He knows what love is. He loves his siblings, he loves his parents and he loves his members. Love for gyuvin had always been something that made him want to tear up the world for them, love was something that made him want to put the entire universe at the feet of his loved ones. That's what love was to gyuvin. Love was a feeling that made him want to spend all his time doting on them. That was until you came into the picture. He didn't want to tear up the world for you, nor did he want to put the entire universe at your feet, because to him you were the wrold, the universe.
Being with you made him want to be better, it made him want to live, made him smile, made him feel safe and made him want to never let you go. The universe was no longer something he wanted to put at your feet, for how could he put you, his universe, at your own feet? It wasn't a pin-drop moment, or maybe it was, he doesn't know it too well. All he knows is that his view of love changed once he saw his younger brothers cuddled up in your arms. He couldn't help, but look at his parents who were sat together cuddled up with his sister, wondering if one day he could start a beautiful family with you.
Maybe that's when he fell in love with you or maybe it was when his sister asked you to do her hair, or maybe it was when his brother introduced you as his sister to his friend. Maybe it was when you came to his house when his brother was sick and he was out with his parents, when you came to take care of his brother without making it a big deal, cooking for him, helping him eat and taking him to the doctor. Loving him like your own brother and never failing to adore all of his siblings. Maybe he fell in love with you when he walked back into the house with his parents and saw his brother asleep clutching your finger, his sister asleep on your shoulder and his other brother cuddled into your chest, clutching onto his shirt that you were wearing, which wrapped around your body like a dress.
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hanbin: He only ever existed. He woke up and smiled. He ate. He took care of his hygiene. He entertained fans. He did what was expected from him.
However, you changed everything. He started to learn how to live and enjoy his life. You made him live. You made him want to feel and look good. You made him enjoy talking to his fans and being an entertainer. For this he was very grateful.
It's not your job, this was never your job to take care of his family and hang out with his sister. He didn't ask you to do all the things you did for his family, helping out at the café and going climbing with his sister.
On your first date it started to rain heavily, soaking you two, he had asked if you wanted to go to his house and dry up and you happily took the offer. You took a shower and got dried off. Maybe if Hanbin took a shower first the sight he saw would've changed. Or maybe it would've stayed the same. The sight of you giggling with his sister and mother. He swore he felt his heart almost burst.
Hanbin thought maybe it was him liking you more, but no, it was much deeper.
He was falling in love with you.
He realised it was love when he started checking himself in the mirror more often, when he would make sure he smelt nice, when he would anticipate your replies and see your reaction when he told a joke. He only ever wanted to make you smile and laugh. He wanted to give you the comfort your presence gave him.
Seeing you smile at his jokes gave him the confidence that he could keep you happy. He couldn't help but smile imagining you walking down the aisle, he knew it was too soon to think about that, but he was confident that you're the only woman he will ever love and want to spend his life with for eternity.
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Baking shouldn't be hard. He had seen you bake all the time and you made it seem effortless so why was he struggling. Measuring the weight of the flour was so annoying. When he put 1 teaspoon of extra flour it would make the measurment slightly higher, however when he took a pinch of the flour out, somehow the measurment went too low? It was a pinch. How does that change the weight so drastically?
"What are you doing richard?" He jumped hearing your voice behind him.
Richard was a nickname you had given him. You told him that he looked like he would be a rich man named Richard and the name stuck ever since.
He turned around to face you only to freeze seeing you look at the state of the kitchen. An opened pack of sugar on the floor, 2 bottles of milk on the floor, the milk leaking out of one of them, dirty dishes piled up in the sink. He expected an outburst, you yelling at him and telling him how stupid and irresponsible he is, but all you did was pick up the stuff on the floor and put them in the bin-bag that was next to ricky.
"What are you tryna make babe?" You asked pickng up the pack of sugar and putting it on the counter.
"A birthday cake for you.." He whispered. You froze dead in your tracks. Ricky panicked seeing you freeze in your tracks. Did he do something wrong? Do you not like cake?
The sound of sniffling got his attention. He got closer to you, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist. "I'm sorry for the mess, I should've been more careful-"
"No...no, I'm not crying because of the mess Ricky." You got his arms off your waist and turned around to face him, holding his hands, looking down at your feet. "It's just, you remembered my birthday and decided to bake a cake for me." You hiccuped, "I'm crying out of surprise and gratitude, you didn't have to bake me a cake baby." You said looking up at him. His heart broke seeing you so vulnerable and looking so small.
"Why would I forget your birthday anyways? You're my girfriend and I love you." Silence. No one spoke.
"You..love me?" You asked, unsure you heard him right.
Did he or was that just something he said in the heat of the moment. He started to struggle how to breathe. Your hand left his hand, to stroke his face. Seeing your pretty hands holding his, he realised he loved you. Seeing your face scrunch up in worry he realised that it wasn't the heat of the moment making him say those 3 word, it was something that was long overdue. He looked into your eyes, smiling seeing your teary eyes looking worried. He smiled squeezing your hand. "I love you y/n."
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He knows exactly when he fell in love with you and realised it. Who would've thought it would be during a late night debate?
"Gunwook, my love, ceral before milk does not make me a monster or a weirdo." You said rubbing your temples.
"I disagree, it does make you a weirdo, why would you want soggy cereal?" He asked throwing his hands in the air. "What's next, you overcook your ramen?" He chuckled cracking his knuckles.
"...well-" "NO, please Y/N, tell me you're joking!" He exclaimed looking at you with a shocked expression.
You stared at him smiling sheepishly. "Well, I get sick easily so I like to warm the milk before putting the cereal in." You pouted looking at him. "And with Ramen, well, I don't like the ramen being hard so I over cook it so it can get soft and easier to eat."
"You're still a weirdo."
"I will punch you Gunwook." You treatened him raising your fist.
"You think your 5 foot self can punch me?"
"5"2 Gunwook, put some respect to my height. And I may not be the tallest individual out there, but I'm very strong." You said putting your fist down and getting into the boxing stance trying to intimidate him. You knew it was useless, he would never be scared of you or believe that you were strong.
"Yeah, well-" You shut him up by kissing his chin. You saw his cheeks turn rosy and ears get bright red. "You're so short that you can't even reach my lips huh?" He teased you in a hushed tone. Seeing you get pouty, grabbing his arm going on your tiptoes trying to reach his lips only to lose your balance as Gunwook moved the arm you were relying on away from you causing you to fall onto his chest. His strong arms wrapping themselves around your waist to keep you steady. Gunwook always knew you were beautiful, but seeing your cheeks turn red and biting your lower lip was a vision he couldn't forget. The girl that made it her life's mission to make him blush was now blushing because of him.
It was weird seeing you blush, but it was something he wanted to be the reason behind.
"Whatever, I'm going to sleep." You said putting your bowl into the sink and going to your shared room. Gunwook came right aftr you left and got into the bed facing you.
"I love you y/n."
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taylorrussellsgf · 22 days
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Taylor, Ayo and Luca front row at Loewe ss25 last week!
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captainfairygodmother · 3 months
You know what I really love that should be explored in even more Merlin fanfics?
Immortal Leon. Like, you've just got Merlin over there sulking about while he waits for Arthur to return. Then there's just Leon, living his best immortal life, doing the most randomest shit known to mankind
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deus-ex-mona · 23 days
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when the slowburn makes the ship extra cute~~~
#kimikawaii this week for sure!!!!!! (has been saying that since july)#ik the nghy payoff will be ✨sweet✨ but it’s kinda funny how hw are slowburning nagisa’s role in the series as a whole#mans has a grand total of 3 songs to date and only 1 has a cv ver#place your bets what do you think will come first? nghy duet or ariken duet#t h o u g h. ariken is also kind of a slowburn but we all knew they’d get together since ijiwaru release (shoutout to the og miku ver)#some say that ariken is still not canon in the novels to this very day#can’t believe we got arisa’s future career aspirations reveal before ariken canon in the novels smh#but i digress!!!!!!!!!!!! nagisa needs more action and attention!!!!!!#he did have kind of a ‘the bus came back’ moment with the izumo collab but we never saw his face again after that#(full cast merch doesnt count bc p. much everyone’s included in them except for the school nurse and kako)#so. all im saying is: slowburn nghy by all means. just dont slowburn nagisa’s character arc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#now that mona mania has cooled off (to a degree) and chizusweep has mellowed out (somewhat) it’s shiranami’s time to shine!!!!!!!!#y. yeah. ik it’s harder to market him bc he’s a literal average (albeit handsome) joe but that’s part of his charm!!!!!#i mean!!!!! he can cook!!!!! he stans ft4!!!!! he’s devoted to the girl he loves!!!!!! he’s a dreamboat!!!! what more could you ask for?#but. i do have to say that nghy developments have been kinda awkwardly handled as a whole… esp with heroine ikusei#i think nagisa should’ve been introduced in heroiku or something… since he was planned from the start of hiyori’s development…#maybe they were trying to pull a ‘2nd love wins’ kinda parallel with kthn? but the ascana retcon made everything awkward huh…#i think it could’ve worked out in the mv-verse. like if they’d placed heroika+sukiuso after the fight+make up in herotaru#so the timeline would go smoothly from heroiku -> herotaru -> heroika#with hiyo realising that she’d be better off focusing on work and track after the asuka debacle + chizu fight#like a ‘forget romance!!! i gotta work hard and run hard!!! omg wait nagisa wdym you love me???’ kinda thing#but the [redacted] anime p much cut + pasted the asuka arc with the nagisa visit and. hm.#is this just an excuse to blame the clumsy handling of the nghy arc on the [redacted] anime? m… maybe…?#but it all still could’ve kinda worked out if they’d shifted the timelines around a little. y’know. since sukiuso mv has nagisa visit in oct#idk i think having hiyo learn how to doll herself up from lxl for her first crush (asuka)#and then using what she learned to yassify herself to meet up with nagisa would’ve been neater?#like a ‘hey look nagisa :) i applied what i learned from my pals :)’ kinda thing#or maybe chizu and juri could’ve helped her with the nagisa dressup scene post-herotaru fight… but i digress!!!!!!#hmmmmmmmmmm… well. this has gone way off topic… anyways nghy canon and cute that’s all byeeee#the dude from gamushara
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
#man ive never seen an eating disorder kill someone else besides a parent infecting a child but my nana is really trying#shes like 1000% orthotexic. will not eat anything not filled with vegetables or fat. and my grandpa is 87yo with a heart condition currentl#in the hospital for covid bc thry went to Christmas church and dont believe in being vaccinated and my dad is so frustrated#bc he knows his mom is not gonna give his dad hearty foods. he needs to eat like protein shakes and meat and ice cream. anything thats not#her cooking which sucks on top of being extremely healthy. except its not healthy bc they dont eat a balanced diet#so its my nanas eating disorder killing her husband and shes so fucking frustrating. im like 99% sure she has obsessive compulsive#personally disorder bc she fits to a T and has zero insight. she may have full on 0cd bc talking to my dad he has more obvious 0cd#compulsions than i do. he used to say phrases before going to bed and would take 2 steps across the floor to prevent bad things from#happening. so like im pretty sure my nana is where i get my perfectionism and 0cd. god. i wish i could express how fucked up she is#like my dad said at least he had a stable home to grow up in but like she has zero sympathy for other people. cannot look past herself. wil#not wear a mask bc she doesnt care enough abt other ppl. my dad was like: u would not have survived in that house. which is fair bc i am#barely keeping it together coming from a stable home with two sympathetic parents who i know love me#and like its sad that they're suffering the effects of buying into the fox news bullshit and its killing them#but also. genuinely. i think theyre not very good ppl. theyre the type of people who think they're better bc they're religious. white. and#thin. and theyre not better thsn anyone. their grandchildren cant stand them. well cant stand her at least. papa is just quite so its hard#to say what hes thinking. apparently he was confused last night and saying something about eating dinner on the golf course. which sounds#nicer thsn being in the hospital lol. ugh. he seems not long for this world tbh. may he pass peacefully to b with his 1st wife who died of#brain cancer at age like 20 or something. so it goes. bleh. how many funerals are intended for me in the next 5 years? hopefully none but#that seems improbable with the unspoken drain circling that seems to b going on in this family. old age and like almost 10 years of cancer#defying the stats but for how much longer?#i dunno. its just so weird to watch these things happen and not talk about it directly to the other ppl who see it#i worry that ill come off as too callose or inappropriate bc i have that tendency when something bad is happening but thats everyone else#excuse? idk i just feel like its better to talk abt things#unrelated#ed mention#i tell u this so i can say these things to someone and also bc if i were u. i would like to hear the drama#bc im nosey and i assume other r too ;-]
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came0dust · 1 year
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i cannot keep drawing this dude on my phone but god do i love drawing him (+ bonus colors)
#my art#sketch#samsung notes#castlevania#alucard#i was doing gesture-y drawings but i drew him with a sword and shield and then i just wanted to Draw Him and. hes doing something to me man#i need to play sotn but im determined to play at least the first few games in order but i still havent beat 1. i fell out of it 😭😭😭#i want so badly to have a proper understanding of his character so i wont just be drawing like 'man.. pretty.... hair.. flowy...' forever#but also i refuse to make an educated guess on his characterization bc it will Not be educated. my exposure to him is so narrow#and also mostly forgotten. most of it was years ago and what i do know is surface-level at best. any nuance will literally be speculation 💀#but i Need to draw him. for my enrichment. hes so designed. so it ends up being just. Mysterious Handsome Man Looking Somewhere#seriously holy Shit. the more i absorb his design the more i have to draw him. ayami kojima was Cooking in the studio like damn#by the way these last two posts were scheduled. about two days after i did both of them give or take. i did this the night before last post#im trying to pace myself a bit better (its not really working 💀)#for context: the colored version was literally not even a thought when i originally put this post together#i did it the day after making the sketch and then three days later (the earliest you will see this) the post posted#oh shit right that means#medibang paint#shoutouts to multiply layer mode i would not be able to just do this without being able to keep my sketch#if i had to redraw it i would not have done the colors lol#anyways stream wandering ghosts bye bye love and peace 🤞
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
not that id ever want a job, and in reality if me and sans lived together hed probably be the one mostly responsible for our income on account of his countless fucked up jobs, BUT. i love the thought of sans being a cute shitty little househusband sending me off to work with a kiss and a lunchbox except the lunchbox is just, like, a compact bomb of as many sausages and a gross slurry of a million fucked up condiments as he could fit in there
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