#he also wants to tell you maria is very good. lucina is too
ceaselessblade · 3 years
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Mint Blend - An invigorating mint blend that revitalizes and refreshes all who partake. (10g)
Conversation Topics: 
A new gambit...  /  Potential training partners...  /  A word of advice...  /  Overcoming weaknesses...  /  Close calls...  /  Equipment upkeep...  /  Evaluating allies...   /  Overcoming weaknesses… /  Exploring the monastery...   /  A place you’d like to visit… /  Reliable allies...  /  Someone you look up to...  /  Sturdy weapons...  /  Is Byleth the Ideal professor...  /  The last battle...   /  Working together...  /  Your ambitions...  /  Capable comrades...  / Hopes for your future…  /  Survival skills…/  The view from the bridge… /  The existence of Crests...  / Strange fish in the pond… / Monastery’s security... / Cats… /  Dogs… / Giant beasts… / Curious moving devices… / Soren… /  Rhys…  /  Maria… / Lucina… / Marth… / Blue lions…/ Assassinations... / Mercenary work… /  A strong battalion...  /  Mighty weapons... /The art of napping…
Disfavored Conversation Topic:
Hey, haven’t I seen you somewhere else before...
Tea Time Dialogue
“I’m not really for teatime, but I suppose I could spare a short chat.” (Favourite Tea) “Mint? Don’t mind if I do. There’s a lot of these just outside that forest. It doesn’t hurt to get a pick-me-up whenever I drop by.” (Rose Petal Blend) “This... ugh-- is way too sweet. And I can’t get it out of my nose. No thanks.”
Introducing Own Topic
1. “Have you met Soren yet? He’s a little prickly, but I assure you that his talents are second to none. Just give him a bit of time. ” Answer: Nod, Praise
2. “ I’ve found that Fodlan steel happens to have unique qualities making them more suitable for repairs. It’s rare that you’d be able to repair so readily with a used ingot…” Answer: Nod, Chat
3. “ Have you found any new combat styles lately? I’ve found so many new ones here. Care to introduce me to something new? ” Answer: Chat
4. “The mandatory prayer sessions are a little bit much… I’m ready to snooze. Shouldn’t you not have them if you’re not of the faith?” Answer: Agree, Disagree (Just don’t stay silent)
5. “Hey, it’s just a hunch, but haven’t the missions been a little weird lately? I get that strange things happen, but I haven’t seen that many weird contraptions one after another before… What ARE those, anyway?” Answer: Chat, Sigh
6. “The best way to clip those giant wolves is to string them like this. You go under them and hit this part here, and that sends them down… ” Answer: Chat, Nod.
7. “Care for a spar later?” Answer: Nod
8. “Knowing what’s around to eat helps more than most people think. That way, you can survive, even if you’re out in the middle of nowhere!” Answer: Praise, Nod, Commend
9. “Fodlan has a strict method to its fist and blade. I’m not sure if I should accost the Monastery teachers for help. I don’t really think I’d get an answer as a student. ” Answer: Disagree, Chat.
“Hm? Hey, are you looking for weapons? I can tell you where they are, you know.” “Did I step in something? What are you looking for?”  
“Thanks for the chat. This wasn’t so bad! If you want to meet up again, let me know. I’ll get back to training!”
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sentofight · 2 years
It had been years since the future kids joined Hunter when he returned to the UEG after they had been found on Ylisse. It took them a while to adjust to all the advancements that they had now found themselves in. There was so much to learn: hover cars, space travel, the multiple UEG colonies. Not to mention learning a whole new language. In the UEG it was called ‘common’ as it was spoken by all the colonies. It mixed the languages of the world prior to the UEG’s foundation. Fortunately, it had similarities to the Ylissian languages. Then there was also the fact of the many different jobs that were in the UEG compared to Ylisse. Maria had found her calling in the field of medicine like her mother though her specialization was in elderly care rather than battlefield medicine. Thomas had become very popular on the Holonet and had grown a large fanbase to boot. He had been invited to numerous events and talk shows. He was truly living the life of an influencer. Even with all these choices however, it seemed that nothing could dissuade her from the warrior’s life. She had joined the UNSC with the goal of becoming a Spartan like her grandfather. He had advised against it and warned her that this wouldn’t be like the combat she was used to in Ylisse, but she persisted. Stacy had offered her advice on how to pass the tests that all UNSC recruits went through. She had passed with flying colors and after some training in the marines was recruited to the Spartan-IVs.
Today was Lucina’s birthday and Hunter was going to meet her at the UNSC base before her training but had instructed her to go see Stacy first. Stacy was at her firing range when Lucina arrived. She was currently looking through her inventory when she heard the front doorbell letting her know that someone was here. She turned and a smile graced her face.
“Ah Lucina! It’s good to see you!” She said as she went to bring the new Spartan into a hug.
“Hunter tells me that you’ve been accepted into the Spartan program! That’s no small feat. Oh, it feels like just yesterday when I was giving you advice. Anyway, I won’t keep you long. Don’t want to be late for your first day of Spartan training. I know that today is your birthday, so I got you something for when you go to the Avery Johnson Training School.”
She soon went to where the register was and pulled out a custom combat knife. Embroidered into the hilt was her family crest. Returning to Lucina’s side, Stacy gave the knife to her.
“Happy Birthday sweetie. I figured this might be a little more useful to you during training and out on the field. Now go get to training Spartan. When you get back, I want to hear all about it.”
She waved as Lucina left to go to the UNSC base nearby. At the base, Hunter was waiting for her near where the shuttles to the Avery Johnson Training Schools were going. He looked over to see her arrive and moved to meet her.
“Hey kid. Congratulations on getting into the Spartan program. It’s going to be a tough couple of weeks, but I know you’ll pull through. Before you go, there is a video you need to watch.” He soon handed her a Holopad with a video all set up and loaded. On it was Chrom and Rebecca standing in front of their bed in their shared room.
“Happy Birthday honey! Your grandfather has told us about you joining the UNSC and even being accepted into the Spartan program. I’m so proud of you dear! When you finish training, I want to know so we can plan a time to come see you and your siblings. Don’t let the ODSTs give you too hard a time. You’ll have a wonderful time. We love you. Tell Maria and Thomas we said hi!”
The video ended after Chrom’s message to their future daughter. When the video ended, Hunter put the holopad down on a nearby table. He then pulled Lucina into a hug for a little bit before letting her go.
“It’s time to go now. Your training will be rigorous but when it’s over you will be given a suit of Mjolnir powered armor like mine with some choice in its style and color. Happy birthday kid. We’re so proud of you.”
He watched as she went on the ship with the other Spartan recruits and then waived as it took off. The next time they saw each other, they would both be called Spartan.
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BLAZE IT! 20/4 LUCINA’S BIRTHDAY ! | send send! | @pieman1112​
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What a day, Lucina was so excited that she barely slept the night before. Rushing through her way, today was unlike other days! Y-yes, her birthday, but it was the day she is sent to finally get into the Spartan training! Hunter did have a long chat with her about her choices but there is nothing he can and do to change her mind. It was set on becoming one. To be honest, she was not keen on using a suit to fight, she liked the get in up and close combat but hey, the suit is just extra. The more she learns, the more she can be of use of everyone--she can protect them better than ever!
Had it not for Stacy, Lucina does not know how would have she fared in this new world and in her new life goal. She has a lot of respect for Stacy, not only she is pretty and strong but smart and caring. She felt a like mom and a good friend when Rebecca is away from her. it was a nice feeling to know you are not alone.
“Grandpa!” Lucina waved to Spartan as she hurried to him. “Today is the day!” smiling brightly at him. God, she barely could contain her happiness. “Stacy? Oh, right. I should. Okay, I’m going can you hold onto my bag?” leaving her stuff, she made her way to where Stacy is. Of course the firing range. Where else would she be? “Stacy!” Lucina chirped seeing the other. A light giggle to the hug, yep this is ...she is going to miss this, isn’t she?
“Yes! All thanks to your advice, Stacy. You believed in me, too.” gratitude contoured the young and soon-to-be spartan’s face. “O-oh, you um really didn’t have to ...” but color her curious. A soft gasp followed upon seeing the combat knife, “That’s..thank you...Thank you, Stacy. I’ll be using this for sure.” and the one her grandfather had given her. They really worry about her on their own ways hehe. They are adorable. “Okay, promise! I’ll make you proud, Stacy!” and with a nod, she turns and heads back to where her grandfather was.
“Sorry! am I late?” she slipped the new knife into her bag so she does not lose it, and turned back to her grandfather. “Heh, I’ll do my best to make you proud, grandfather!” her eyes and soul were burning with passion. Oh, she is going their to excel alright. “Hm? Video..?” once the start button was hit, a warm smile tugged her lips. Her parents...god...she misses them. Heh, look at her father. Bet he is still uneasy about her joining the Spartan program but he is keeping it to himself. He’s being adorable and silly. Nothing bad is going to happen to her. I mean, she understands his worry ... She’s supposed to be in line of the Exalt but at the same time, this is also her way of showing she is trying to learn and grow up. Her mom on the other hand, looks so excited and is about to literally jump out of the screen to hug her. God how much she loves them. She wouldn’t know if she is not fit to be spartan until she tries, yes? 
Nodding and tearing a little bit at her parents warm messages, Lucina rubs her eyes before handing the holopad and listen to her grandfather. The hug though made her cry even more. Clinging to Hunter for a little bit, she sniffed and tried to contain her emotions. “O-okay...sniff... I--...I’ll do my best....G-Grandfather... tell mom and dad that they’ll hear good news soon.” nodding to him, she picked her stuff and boarded the ship. 
Waving at him, she mouthed ‘Love you!’ to him with a smile.
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
Story of luck in FE Heroes
I didn’t knew what to post for a long time (except inktober, but I’m in the 6th day...oops) So I decided to tell a really, REALLY lucky story that happened to me in a week in summoning heroes for FE heroes.
I literally kept my orbs for a banner that kept my attention, i was expecting a Halloween banner, but the performance arts banner came as a surprise (a very welcoming). so I was ready to spend all my orbs. I’m a f2p user, so I was really eager in keeping all my orbs...I have 132 orbs to spend...
So the banner came out, and after lunch i sat with my boyfriend and start summoning...
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THIS WAS MY FREE SUMMON!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. But kept summoning. Then another unit came and ruin my rate:
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO! MY RATE! ;_; I was so mad I got him. I don’t hate Abel, he’s a neat character and a good fodder for sword breaker...but I wanted Shigure ;_;
But, just as my luck was shattered before my eyes...another miracle appear in the next summoning session...
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Well.... I sure wasn’t expecting THAT! So i was happy that I got my third dancer :3 (the other are Ninian and Olivia). So I kept summoning avoiding the blue ones this time around. But after summoning a bit more...this appear:
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Wait, what???? I....WHAT???? Holy smokes I was NOT expecting THAT! The thing is though, she came with bad IVs, and I don’t know if merging her with my neutral lyn or give swift sparrow to my +speed sonya... help in this one please.
So I was kinda happy at this point....and kept summoning...and another poof...an another miracle appeared in front of my eyes.
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YES!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES! JUST WHAT I NEEDED TO COMPLETE MY ARMOR EMBLEM TEAM! (for those who don’t know, my armor emblem team is effie, hector, black knight and now I have Amelia :3) And the best part I got her with GOOD IVS! She is now in my defense team. (If you see my team, it consist of Shigure, Hector, Amelia and Black Night)
Also that day I got Merric and Clair at 4 stars, 2 unit I still didn’t have, so lucky me.
On Monday nothing eventful happened but I got a Jakob and a Maria at 4 stars, 2 unit I was missing, so yeah, completing step by step my collection :3
Now the banner of threaten speed came, and I was happy because Takumi was in it and I wanted him SO bad. So I summon, and saw two colorless orbs. Went with one of them, saw smoke...and...
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....I don’t know if I call myself lucky or unlucky. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have her so I was happy somehow. So I tried the other orb...and I cannot fucking believe what appeared...
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You cannot be serious....YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!!!! WHY!!!! WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! I WANTED TAKUMI YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE!!!! ARGGGHHHHH! Now I have a Mist lying around not knowing what to do.
So I waited a bit longer. And saw on Thursday that 2 banners came. I tried on the block a and got....a 3 stars Henry. Wasn’t that sad though, I like having Henry for fodder, so I was kinda happy.
So I went to the other banner and tried the block b. I chose a red orb (I REALLY WANT A ROY, I need his ability to pass to shigure or ninian). Smoke pop, but it was taking a bit too long to the unit to appear...then a cutscene appear...
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What do you say to this? I have no idea what to say right now....I just saw my screen and lay on my back. I just.... wow. Didn’t expect to get Lucina AT ALL! Now all I’m missing is Brave Lucina and my Lucina collection is complete (and yes, I did pull a Bunny Lucina, she was my first 5 star (and I started in March 30).
So I was having 18 orbs lying around. Decided to complete a chain challenge and have some fun again seeing if I could pulled something. First 3 star Frederick. Ugh, I love Frederick...but not so much in fe Heroes. Then got another orb, smoke, and what appeared was...
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HOLY SMOKES! I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW! THIS WAS MY SECOND 5 STAR OF THE DAY! AND FROM THE FREAKING BANNER! I love Azura, still need her normal one, but I was so happy I couldn’t believe my eyes. So what I did was I tried again, pulled another one but not luck (3 star Gunther).
I looked what I had. A saw the red orb and roll with it. I REALLY NEEDED ROY! So I clicked....and I literally scream because I couldn’t believe what I just pulled...
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I swear I did not hack the game! :c And I swear I am a F2P user!!! I haven’t been this lucky since the mini Tempest Trial banner! :c .... Don’t kill me please...
So yeah...I got really good units...but I have 0 fodders right now.... Can you please give me advice how to build these units?
Shigure: I was planning in giving him Triangle Adept. Lucina: I have her with +3 atk, Desperation and Threaten Speed. Young Tiki: I have 0 idea how to build her properly :c
I also don’t know what to do with that Sonya, Brave Lyn and Mist. Do I merge them, give their abilities? Help please.
And who are you going for tomorrow at the Voting Gauntlet? I’m team ninian all the way :3
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