#a conversation with ike is inevitably going to end up with someone offended sooner or later if the wrong topic gets brought up
ceaselessblade · 3 years
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Mint Blend - An invigorating mint blend that revitalizes and refreshes all who partake. (10g)
Conversation Topics: 
A new gambit...  /  Potential training partners...  /  A word of advice...  /  Overcoming weaknesses...  /  Close calls...  /  Equipment upkeep...  /  Evaluating allies...   /  Overcoming weaknesses… /  Exploring the monastery...   /  A place you’d like to visit… /  Reliable allies...  /  Someone you look up to...  /  Sturdy weapons...  /  Is Byleth the Ideal professor...  /  The last battle...   /  Working together...  /  Your ambitions...  /  Capable comrades...  / Hopes for your future…  /  Survival skills…/  The view from the bridge… /  The existence of Crests...  / Strange fish in the pond… / Monastery’s security... / Cats… /  Dogs… / Giant beasts… / Curious moving devices… / Soren… /  Rhys…  /  Maria… / Lucina… / Marth… / Blue lions…/ Assassinations... / Mercenary work… /  A strong battalion...  /  Mighty weapons... /The art of napping…
Disfavored Conversation Topic:
Hey, haven’t I seen you somewhere else before...
Tea Time Dialogue
“I’m not really for teatime, but I suppose I could spare a short chat.” (Favourite Tea) “Mint? Don’t mind if I do. There’s a lot of these just outside that forest. It doesn’t hurt to get a pick-me-up whenever I drop by.” (Rose Petal Blend) “This... ugh-- is way too sweet. And I can’t get it out of my nose. No thanks.”
Introducing Own Topic
1. “Have you met Soren yet? He’s a little prickly, but I assure you that his talents are second to none. Just give him a bit of time. ” Answer: Nod, Praise
2. “ I’ve found that Fodlan steel happens to have unique qualities making them more suitable for repairs. It’s rare that you’d be able to repair so readily with a used ingot…” Answer: Nod, Chat
3. “ Have you found any new combat styles lately? I’ve found so many new ones here. Care to introduce me to something new? ” Answer: Chat
4. “The mandatory prayer sessions are a little bit much… I’m ready to snooze. Shouldn’t you not have them if you’re not of the faith?” Answer: Agree, Disagree (Just don’t stay silent)
5. “Hey, it’s just a hunch, but haven’t the missions been a little weird lately? I get that strange things happen, but I haven’t seen that many weird contraptions one after another before… What ARE those, anyway?” Answer: Chat, Sigh
6. “The best way to clip those giant wolves is to string them like this. You go under them and hit this part here, and that sends them down… ” Answer: Chat, Nod.
7. “Care for a spar later?” Answer: Nod
8. “Knowing what’s around to eat helps more than most people think. That way, you can survive, even if you’re out in the middle of nowhere!” Answer: Praise, Nod, Commend
9. “Fodlan has a strict method to its fist and blade. I’m not sure if I should accost the Monastery teachers for help. I don’t really think I’d get an answer as a student. ” Answer: Disagree, Chat.
“Hm? Hey, are you looking for weapons? I can tell you where they are, you know.” “Did I step in something? What are you looking for?”  
“Thanks for the chat. This wasn’t so bad! If you want to meet up again, let me know. I’ll get back to training!”
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