#he also has a toyhouse page
morticrows · 2 years
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New vampire guy on the block. He’s a vtm oc and I currently have. No use for him! But I love him anyway <3
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
!! Cw // blood + knife ... Yeah that's pretty much it ahaha !!
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overthinkingtaleblr · 9 months
I thought I didn’t draw Johnny Ghost that much
I was wrong.
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celestialmancer · 4 months
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timegears-moved · 1 year
writing a huge post for dylan's backstory because i was thinking about it in the shower but letting it rot in my drafts
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rassicas · 2 months
hello! was reading your toyhouse pages for cress and verna, they were a really fun read and the complicated dynamic btwn the brothers is just SO good and i like how they affected each other... the little tidbits abt each of them make their mannerisms easy to picture ^.^ i was curious if there was any particular reason why cress dislikes splatfests (or if there's any tangential musings you have abt him)! hope you have a great day!🧡
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time bc i had a specific image i wanted to send with it but could not find for the life of me whoops<3 anyway i found it. i made that bit of lore about him because i thought this image was funny and fitting for him
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the fact he doesnt care for idol music is something he keeps a bit of a secret LOL i think beyond that though he still sometimes participates in and has fun splatfests if he has friends to play with. this also reminds me that i still havent repaired their toyhouse pages ummm whoops i should do that
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risen-from-stardust · 1 month
Myr'kvi has a ref now!
He also has a placeholder toyhouse page and a spotify playlist
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Yes i've fallen bad for this boy and I blame a certain person around here for it. Yes he's a shapeshifter too
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zenythycal · 11 days
Toyhouse <- Their call out post
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Screenshot for those who don't have it and I will also include a transcript in case it's hard to read! (It'll be under the read more!)
Thank you all for taking time and listening to my friend, I know and trust them. I think it's DISGUSTING to make false accusations like this. As a victim of stalking and grooming myself I am sickened by this persons actions and I hope my friend Adder can finally get away from this. Send them love and support for me!
Also do not harass the person. Last thing we need is more stress, just help spread this around.
Transcript for those who cannot read the screenshot:
"EDIT 1 : STOP stalking my account. I am not the one reaching out to you. If I want to warn my friends, I can do so In peace. 
Hi yall. this is directed towards the pressure community mainly, but I do encourage anyone who sees this to steer away quickly as possible. 
before we dive in, i am professionally diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) from these events, I relive them almost daily. Back in June, as you all have seen on my bulletins, shorelinesiren, known as JD, Jacob, whatever, made a callout post on me, calling me a pedophile and a groomer. I have cleared my name, but the damage is still there to this day. (as of 9/12/24) I am neither, as I was groomed myself when I was a younger teenager. Its also worth mentioning that I voluntarily when into a psychiatric hospital to get better. Jacob released the callout post while I was still in the hospital, recovering, unable to DEFEND myself. He made the callout post to roughly 3k people, through his now defunct avatar discord server and his also defunct instagram. 
My relationship with jacob was strictly monetary as he used me for money. He managed to get me to spend $300USD in ONE MONTH on his adopts, art, and merchandise on his Etsy store. While Jacob ran his Etsy store, He had stickers made for Palestine, which all profit would go to charities/reliefs/supports. I have never seen a receipt of his donations, In dms or the 2 servers we had.  Since then, he's moved accounts 3 times and deleted his 2 avatar servers. Jacob has shit talked his "closest" friends, his brother, and server members to me. While we were friends we used to shit talk server members, mainly 3 people. Danny, Rose, And Teylu. Jacob had said disgusting things about his so called friends, calling them names, talking about how needy or annoying they were and especially how much Danny and Rose were dick riders. Specifically how Danny would suck up to each admin/mod, and How Rose was annoying, opinionated, and how she would constantly ask for admin/mod privileges. Teylu got the worst of it, as they were described constantly as weird, annoying and a beggar.  As for me, I conformed to fit in with Jacob's group. I always have felt it was never a genuine friendship. I've always had the sneaking suspicion that he talked about me behind my back to his friends, while I wasn't around. Only now I feel I can confirm it, since I have found out he stalks my page, and my other friend's page, as well as their partner's.  (I only recently posted about him again since I found out from a friend that he was using my art without crediting me.)
Jacob has a cult like following. Anyone following him is willing to defend him no matter what. He stalks my instagram account through his admin/mod team. I only know about this because when I posted on my story about him not properly crediting me and essentially saying "Jacob I know you can see this, you need to credit me for my art, even if commissioned" He then deleted the art from one of his character's profile, instead of crediting me.
 After that, I had an EXTREMELY toxic altercation with one of his followers, who I'm assuming has a parasocial relationship with him outside of commissions. I also encourage you to stay away from this user, Mothbone_s, who had dmed me back in June when the original post was made and said ; "You're 19 dude grow tf up you're continuing drama no one else cares about like a fucking child." I responded (huge mistake), calling them a glazer, and got back 3 PARAGRAPHS. Mothbone_s had to say "womp womp your a grown ass adult who thinks harassing a minor so long that said minor is an adult now and doesn't give a fuck about you is embarassing Ghost." cont 1, "No one actually gives a fuck you the way you think, we could actually give less of a fuck if you curled up and died right now because we least wouldn't have to deal with you continuing old shit everyone has moved on from" cont 2. "you aren't hot shit, you ain't scary mf, you're just some internet goon with no job, no life and an unhealthy desire for control and attention. now that your not getting it back your trying to take it back yo again in some miserable attempt to make a statement when all your doing is looking like a fucking idiot" cont. 3 "you ever dm me again i'll tell you straight up about how i actually feel about you, you pathetic piece of shit. go be a creep somewhere else and stop thinks harassing the enemies you made by being a fucking lunatic" and replied to the me telling them to mind their own business like an actual adult. cont 4, "if you were an actual adult you'd grow the fuck up and stop dwelling on shit from June" cont. 5, "like, you're a proshipper, you're a dirty pedophile who enjoys little kids and beastiality" cont. 6, "nothing you say is gonna scare me, bitch you ain't scary. you're a zoophile a pedo and a groomer" CONT. 7, "you ain't the big dog bitch so dont lil sis me". 
I have never interacted with this user before. I don't even remember who they are LOL.  Goes to show how toxic Jacob's fanbase is. Makes me wonder if Mothbone_s is projecting. but anyway, It's important to me that you all stay safe and stay far AWAY from both of these people, so you don't hurt like I have.
Moving onto a different topic, Jacob has also plagiarized names and fanclans. My mutual, Donquixotte, has had their original gator fanclan plagiarized. There was no direct changes, everything was almost identical. From the coloring of characters, down to the design of the body and attributes. everything was the same. Jacob has taken so much from other people, I wouldn't even call it inspiration. 
To the pressure community, as well as JC'S AVATAR community, please please PLEASE, steer away from these individuals. They are severely wrapped up in their own delusions. 
Be safe. 
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bughazard · 3 months
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New second sona :) I'm not 100% sure on the name yet but I'm going with Dax for now. He works in a record shop.. you can check out his toyhouse page if you're curious for more info! I had fun with the HTML :) ID under readmore in case the ALT text doesn't work for you!
[ID: Digital art of an anthropomorphic doberman in a neutral stance, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand held up like he's waving.
He is wearing a black shirt with bleach-dyed splatters at the bottom, a black jacket with the sleeves rolled up, black jeans with extra pockets near the knees, and black boots. The jacket has a variety of pins and patches on it. He is also wearing a chain dog collar, a watch, kandi bracelets, and more kandi on his boots. He has three sets of piercings in his ears.
There is text on the image pointing out key details of the design. Of note is text that reads: "Add pins and patches as desired! Types of art he would wear: Gay/trans, space/aliens, and punk."
The background is a few shades of light blue, and there are a few white stars around the character. End ID]
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meatmel · 5 months
PUNCH OUT OCSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im finally taking up the courage to post my guys. Say hello!!!!!!
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John 'The Eagle' Whacker! [the ref is outdated a bit.] 27. he/him! Hes from New jersey, Trenton! and hes very proud of his country!!! USA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is purposefully meant to look like a eagle! You know that line aran ryan says, about little mac having cheeseburgers in his gloves? Thats exactly what john has in his gloves. sweaty greasy cheeseburgers. He still eats them, inbetween matches too! Docs first reactions to this in the intermissions for the first time is always an "ew..." hes a little bit of a wimp despite thinking hes the #1 american man. his hair occasionally spikes up like a cat when he dodges your attacks! considering him being an egg and not knowing hes transfem yet.. but thats for another post, hehe https://toyhou.se/26347946.john-whacker-the-eagle
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Blue jay! France, paris. shes 25! she/her gabby jays daughter! a bit of a reckless [but fair] fighter. shes really competitive and became the champion of her circuit because of that. shes johns gf [future wife.] both share the theme [and a love of] birds! shes a redesign of an old oc from 2021:) https://toyhou.se/26790872.blue-jay
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Cesare Dracula! [usually just goes by The Dracula] from Transylvania, Rome. said to be hundreds of years old, hes in his 30s in human years. he/it he speaks italian but also some english! [and other misc languages.] since hes met a lof of people over his lifetime who use many many diffrent languages. he has bat wings tattooed onto his back, because he himself can transform into a little bat! he was my first punch out oc:)) https://toyhou.se/26347826.cesare-dracula
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and finally, Radio - Active. [he/it] most of his information is unknown. but he speaks very little and mostly does ASL most of his attacks are dance based, kinda like disco kid! but with a lot more kicking. his face mask is hiding something. [facial deformity, if you knock it off of him he will be pissed.] he doesnt know that nobody would mind much about it, hes just self conscious he has so many infractions if you were to count them up [though they do not come close to aran ryans infraction count] multiple tattoos!!!!!! he loves getting them https://toyhou.se/26375708.radio-active
thas everybody:) i have a few that are still in the works, but these are the ones i have mostly polished up. make sure to check out their toyhouse pages too, because ill try to update them consistently! and add whatever drawings i make of them there, hehe
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allmentalyart · 1 month
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💚Dark Green!💚
Todays post is part two of the themed headshots! As you might have noticed, I let the people from my Instagram page vote for the next colour! Green was the winner!
Who are these lovely 4 beans you might ask? Let's introduce them :D
1️⃣ is my lovely depthwing/mudwing hybrid Neptune. I have posted about her a long time ago on my Instagram, back when my art style was still different (for those who know me from there). Regardless, here is a bit of info on her: Neptune is a cook at a local restaurant in the Depthwingkingdom. She is quite shy, so her home is a bit away from the kingdom. She prefers to keep to herself on her little farm, when she isn't working. I got this lovely bean from niko_draws_too_much on Instagram
2️⃣ is Python! I got the lovely Mud/#rainwing hybrid from ghostfire_draws on Instagram Well, anyways Python is a 57 year old (dragon years) leather tanner! He is most skilled with crocodile and cow leather, which is why his main diet consists of these two animals. The prey he hunts is mostly ending up in is leather tannery and kitchen! He supplies to different leather workers in the Mudwing Kingdom
3️⃣ is Tangleweed! Another Depthwing, tho this time not a hybrid. I got them from niko_draws_too_much on Instagram. Tangleweed is a soldier and regularly patrols the borders of the Kingdom. It's not rare that he encounters Neptune there. The two actually get along quite well, cause both of them are more of loners and therefore know how the other is feeling about too much social interactions! Another little fact: He is the father of my Depthwing Dolphin!
And 4️⃣ is Trefoil. I got him from DeathhDreamerArt on Toyhouse. Trefoil is the local builder of the village he is living in. The young Leafwing has built at least 50 % of the buildings of the newly found village and therefore has quite the good reputation. When he isn't working, Trefoil mainly uses his free time to help out his sister Clover with her little gardening shop
✅Likes, shares and comments are highly appreciated
❌I own the copyright to these artworks! Any usage of it without my consent is prohibited! I don't consent to the usage of my art for AI or NFTs! Stealing and tracing is obviously also prohibited!
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mintybleh · 4 months
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did some makeup for my boy isaac <3
he's so dear to me already HELP, also just please ignore the failed makeup attempt in the speedpaint, no idea what the hell I was thinking there, it looked so cursed, his look now is definitely,, better
alsoooo he has a toyhouse page now!! (he has funky lore, read it if youd like) https://toyhou.se/27526696.isaac-execraan
enjoy the speedpaint :)
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coopster3d · 3 months
Meet The Reverend! [TF2 10th class OC]
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Character Description:
The Reverend is a religious fanatic hailing from Southern Italy, where he was raised in a commune by a group of reclusive nuns. Where, according to him, he was taught the basic necessary skills for life, which include but are not limited to: Small sword combat, butchering, and Ecclesiastical Latin. It is unknown how exactly he was ordained as his denomination remains unclear. He often fails to mention that throughout his travels, he's made some adjustments to the standard Bible, adding his own footnotes, amendments, and even on occasion, pages which he believes are the true gospel, taken from a multitude of other religions, leading to a mishmash of ideals and beliefs full of unexplained rituals. Within the team The Reverend plays a heavily supportive role, serving initially as on-base staff in the form of a “Therapist” to the Mercs, which unfortunately or not, was not clearly conveyed leading to a sacrificial killing in the Intelligence Room. Now, he is a full time member of the Mercenary team!
Character references:
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Character Loadout:
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Primary: Thurible/Censer
A golden lantern, which, when held, creates an aura around The Reverend. Teammates in range, when damaged, contribute to a shield meter. When full, the user can activate a direction shield [stylized as a building mist which hardens into a thin shield the size of three heavys stood shoulder to shoulder] that protects against projectile damage and protects The Reverend from "Hell-fire" [Pyro's flames] while active. In order to use this effectively, The Reverend has to directly put himself in front of the front line, only properly using this shield when putting himself in a direct line of fire beforehand. When not activating his shield, The Reverend uses his lantern similar to that of a flail, creating a mid ranged weapon which is used to protect himself and others in a select radius around him.
Secondary: The “Mercy Kill” Dagger
Modeled after a sword used in early battles to put soldiers who were suffering grave injuries out of their misery in a quick and efficient way, The Reverend uses it similar to The Medic's Ubersaw. Instead of contributing to the lanterns meter, it instead contributes to its own meter, which, when full, can be used to activate The Reverend's "Dying Wish." [Inspired by Priests being seen as undertakers, guiding souls to heaven or otherwise while on their deathbed.] When used, The Reverend can target a specific teammate under half-health and for a short time grants the target guaranteed Crits, but does not heal the target, nor protect them from any damage type other than the one the target themselves is dealing. [I.e. Heavy receives a buff against bullets, Pyro-fire, and Demo- explosives]
Melee: Bible/Rosary
The Reverend is against the use of guns and prefers to get up close and personal with his damage dealing. [Used as an excuse to personally "send people off" to the next life while praying for their soul.] He either uses his Bible to bludgeon his victims or, on occasion, wraps his Rosary around his knuckles to boost his hand-to-hand damage.
Support Slot: Holy Water Mister
Modeled after a garden mister used for plants, the bottle is instead filled with Holy Water blessed by The Reverend himself. Mechanically used to rid teammates of ailments, such as Jarate, Pyro's Fire, and works to undisguise enemy Spies. [This also has an ammo limit similar to Pyro's flamethrower]
Extra Links!
Below is the link to his Toyhouse! This will have all updated information and a gallery with completed credits, details, ect.
Honestly, take your time getting to him, and if you need the document link, I'm more than happy to provide it, but I'm proud of the Toyhouse. All of the drop downs and buttons work, so feel free to look around when you get the time.
FOR TUMBLR: Check the #the Reverend tf2 tag on my profile
LINK TO THE PAGE: https://toyhou.se/26605018.the-reverend
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years
Hello, welcome to my blog! Where I draw often and ramble about my characters. Please know and respect that I have hyper-fixations, and may change what I'm interested in.
If the links don't work for you, click and drag them to your URL bar. You should be able to use them that way.
CLICK HERE for a guide to my speech bubbles.
If it was done correctly, THIS should be the main body of the story in one Chrono link.
My Artworks
Comics (Mostly Non-ask)
Relating to the Original Mewtwo (Nicodemus)
Specific Story Focuses (Sorted Chronologically):
Pregnancy with the Twins
Midas and Monique
Lav and Mewtwo Meeting
Relating to Rosemary
By Lavender's Hand (Randy's "Ghostification"--DEATH WARNING toward the end!)
Side blog dedicated to Nico and Jovie's story
Pokemon IRL Side Blog meant as a Slice of Life blog run by my Trainer, Jamie Wild Rennard.
Please read THIS If you're lost on their relations,and THIS for a rundown of Randall's situation.
My ToyHouse Characters page, where you can look at my characters' profiles! (A lot of stuff is a work in progress.) Names below also link to their specific pages.
My blog is home to the story Linden Roots. Randall Linden was once human, but through a horrific mishap, his memories were taken in by his friend, a Mew named Mo. Mo, having his own memories overwritten by Randy's, now lives Randy's life in his place.
Randy lives in Paldea with his shiny Mew Mate/Wife Akoya, her Mewtwo daughter Lavender, their twin Mew children Momo and Midas, and Akoya's half-brother Persim. Others in the household include Sulfur the shiny Lucario, Linda the shiny Roserade, Tol the shiny Chimecho, and Jerry the Pichu.
While he and his family are generally friendly and open to questions, Randy is sensitive about the events surrounding him becoming a Mew.
I do want to warn that this story touches on heavy and potentially uncomfortable subjects. I appreciate interaction, but please respect my artistic decisions. Thank you!
If you'd like to read the story of getting Akoya IRL, click here.
Voice Claims with samples here if anyone's interested. :3
This project is meant to be for fun, primarily my own. I will not be able to answer every question, and will prioritize the ones I find most fun, interesting, or an immediate concern. (Or, on some occasions, use answers as foreshadowing :3)
If anyone's interested, I also have a Twitter and a DeviantART, though I haven't been very active on them recently.
Because people have asked me before, I currently have no interest in doing commissions.
For my character references, click "Keep Reading"
The mod's 'sona/s:
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NOTE: Randy has now transformed into his new look, so the old refs are largely obsolete. (Human form is physically the same except for his head.)
I plan to make some new, up-to-date refs for EVERYONE come 2024, but for now I'll throw in some makeshift refs for his new look.
(Old obsolete Randy here)
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(New form)
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Timeline and Family tree:
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How Lavender is different from other Mewtwos:
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bl0ss0m-dr4wz · 6 months
Intro 2.0
> Hello! I’m Blossom! But I also go by Bloom, feel free to call me whatever you want as long as it isn’t mean spirited.
> I use he/him, they/them, star/stars and she/her pronouns (no preference) I’m also a bisexual and genderfluid.
> KEEP IN MIND WHEN INTERACTING WITH ME! I am extremely sensitive and overapologetic, even in situations when I did nothing wrong. I’m a diagnosed autistic and I need tone tags when talking with somebody, so if I misinterpret something. I’m so sorry in advance. I’m also severely epileptic and depressed.
> My interests are: Cookie Run, The Amazing Digital Circus, Billie Bust Up, Homestar Runner, Pokémon, Kirby, Murder Drones, Pikmin, Mixels, My Singing Monsters, Monkie Kid, Super Mario, Yo-Kai Watch, Brawl Stars, Invader Zim and Dog Man.
> Tag guide:
#my art - [art I drew, either old or new.]
#oc art - [from reference sheets to doodles to angst, we got it all! just as long as it has my ocs than it counts]
#my animation - [it’s mostly animation memes but I’m counting them.]
#my edit - [edits created by yours truly as well, usually varying between silly and angst]
#my fic - [oops! all angst! /j jokes aside I love writing these. Mostly angst but there IS some fluff and humor in there]
#headcanon - [they vary from silly to serious LOL but most of them are serious]
#reblog - [reblogging someone else’s post, self explanatory]
#nonsense rambling - [talking about a interest I really like]
#wip - [works in progress for art, animation, edits and writing]
#plans - [plans for future projects like bigger pieces of art and AUs]
#asks - [asks directed towards me, also self explanatory]
#shitpost - [memes or low effort art I drew]
#important - [announcements regarding the blog or serious stuff going on outside of the blog]
TOYHOUSE - Bl0SS0M_DR4WZ (huge wip)
ALOE, CYBORG AND ION ASKBLOG - Ask the science Cookies
OLD ART SIDEBLOG - Blossom’s Art Archives
STRAWPAGE - https://bl0ss0mdr4wz.straw.page
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neotomiccccc · 11 months
As it would turn out I’ve never posted about my oc Adalhard on tumblr before… I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, but now seems like the perfect time for introductions! :3 More info about him on his toyhouse page!
Long story short… he’s silly :3 He’s only been a vampire for about 2 in-universe weeks and he’s already attempted to commit vehicular homicide! Silly Adalhard! He also has a playlist that you can listen to here ^^
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