#he also brought in alcohol in a water bottle and we shared that bottle and drank during class so that was probably not epic. well i got Vash
kn11ves · 7 months
sometimes i remember that i was in jrotc. jesus fucking christ i hate the army
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iwritefandomimagines · 9 months
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pairing: jamie tartt x reader
description: you and jamie never saw eye to eye. when keeley offers to set you up on a blind date and it’s him that turns up, you’re irritated. but you’re soon to find out that maybe she’s right… maybe he has changed.
warnings: enemies to lovers if you squint bc there’s not much angsty content it’s more implied, swearing, alcohol consumption, fluff at the end because that’s my mf baby
author’s note: i live and breathe enemies to lovers jamie tartt content so this is sooo self indulgent and fluffy ish at the end.
“You have got to be fuckin’ kidding me?”
You’d already been reluctant when Keeley Jones begged you to let her set you up with someone she knew.
Your best friend had been going on at you about needing to ‘get yourself out there’ for ages now — and the only reason you had given in to her request was so that she’d back off a bit.
But now, as the one and only Jamie fucking Tartt approached your table, your dress felt especially clingy and your palms felt especially sweaty.
“Y/N,” Jamie smirked, having always enjoyed getting under your skin, “You look fucking stunnin’, and really fucking happy to see me.”
You rolled your eyes as he sat down, “Why the hell would Keeley set me up with you of all people?”
Jamie pushed his hair out of his face, and you couldn’t help but take his whole look in as he removed his jacket and adjusted his shirt.
Okay, he may have been a massive prick — but not even you could deny that he wasn’t exactly a chore to look at. Just a chore to listen to.
“See, Y/N, I hear ya voice complaining,” he quipped, leaning forward to rest his chin on his palm as his other hand waved over a waiter, “But you’re still checking me out. Like what you see, eh?”
Before you had a chance to snap back at the walking irritant in front of you, the waiter was at your table taking your drinks orders.
A large glass of wine to cool your nerves would do nicely was what you had decided before he’d arrived — but now a bottle seemed more appropriate.
Of course, when you asked for this Jamie just smiled smugly, “Yeah, you know what? Me ‘n the lady will share. Bring us your most expensive bottle of Pinot Grigio, yeah?”
You tried not to cringe at his mispronunciation.
You sighed, sipping at the table water you’d already been brought as the waiter nodded and rushed away.
“Now where were we, love?”
“You were being arrogant, I was still trying to figure out how I’ve ended up sat opposite you… Just like old times.”
Jamie scoffed, “Oh no, I was simply observin’ that you checked me out. Don’t worry, love, I was checking you out too. Like I said, you’re stunnin’.”
You hated that he could so obviously see his words had affected you — a crimson blush immediately staining your cheeks as he quirked his eyebrow in acknowledgement.
“I can think that you’re attractive and still think you’re a prick, Jamie,” you shrugged, a small smile on your lips as he screwed up his face, “I do have eyes.”
He licked his lips, “See, makin’ progress already. Never admitted you fancy me before, but if it helps, love, I fancy you too.”
You scoffed again, “I said you’re attractive, not that I fancy you.”
“Same thing,” he shrugged, leaning further forward, “Look, I know you think I’m a twat, but I’ve been working on how not to be.”
You looked at him for a moment, not sure what to make of his words.
He’d always been an egotistical arse, always convinced he was God’s gift to earth, and his shameless flirting whilst also being an arsehole had always just grated on you.
You’d had some semblance of a crush on him once, almost admiring his confidence (and of course how gorgeous he was) but his attitude had led you to a prickling disdain for the man instead.
He knew he got under your skin, so he would flirt outrageously and nitpick at things you did and said to piss you off and rile you up.
Keeley had insisted he took the whole childhood ‘if they’re mean to you they like you’ bollocks all too seriously, but you’d brushed that off considering the fact that he was still very much lapping up any and all female attention he received elsewhere.
Given that you only attended events as Keeley’s friend, it hadn’t been hard to avoid him since — deciding that it wasn’t worth letting him get to you.
“So Keeley’s been saying,” you narrowed your eyes, “I know you flirt with, like, anything that breathes, but I’m surprised you’re not more disappointed by her decision to set us up.”
It was Jamie’s turn to scoff now, his eyes never leaving yours as you felt suddenly shy under his close watch.
“She didn’t set us up, I asked her to.”
You furrowed your brows, confused as to why the fuck he’d do that. Sure, he’d flirted with you before but you were certain it was just to piss you off.
“I knew you didn’t like me, ‘cos you only know the old Jamie Tartt,” he pouted, and you fought the urge to chuckle, “So I asked her to pretend it was just some mate of hers she wanted to send you on a blind date with. Just to see if you’d give me a chance, ya know?”
You were almost touched by his words, but still remained wary about his intentions, “Why— what made you that determined for a date with me?”
He laughed, a big loud laugh that drew the attention of many surrounding tables.
The waiter returned now, interrupting you again.
He poured you both a glass of wine and placed down the wine cooler as you and Jamie thanked him whilst never looking away from each other.
“For the third time tonight, you’re fuckin’ stunning Y/N. And I like that you never took my shit back then. Just figured it was time to try me luck and see if ya’d change your mind about me,” if you didn’t know him better, you’d think he was nervous, “‘S why Keeley’s been talkin’ me up to you so much. She’s known I’ve had a thing for you for, like, ages.”
You were gobsmacked — not only by his confession, but the sincerity his voice held.
“Why’ve you not reached out sooner, then? I haven’t seen you in months, not since the last charity gala,” you bit your lip.
You remembered that night very well, given that you’d almost shared a drunken kiss with him until you came to your senses and left the party.
He only smirked again, “You remember the exact last time we saw each other, huh?”
“Alright, alright,” he raised his hands in defeat, “I was gutted you didn’t kiss me at that party, even though it’s fair that you didn’t. Keeley told me you deserved better than how I’d been treating you, but that she knew if I got me shit together we’d make a good couple. So I waited ‘til me shit was, well, together. And now here we are. With my shit sorta together.”
You were almost speechless, “Jamie— that’s, well, that’s actually really sweet.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, “Glad ya think so, love. Been hard as fuck and I’ve almost called you a fuck load of times, too, but Keeley and Roy have been really good with helping and that.”
Now you were really surprised, “Roy’s been helping you work on yourself? Fuckin’ hell, things must have changed since I last saw you!”
Jamie laughed, pursing his lips as he shrugged and let out a breathy sigh, “He won’t admit it but we’re, like, friends now. Don’t tell him I said that though. He’d go fuckin’ mental.”
“Oh I know,” you chuckled, “But I hope you’ve been doing this for yourself as well, not just trying to change to make other people happy.
The smile on his face spread warmth through your chest, and you could feel the walls you’d built up to protect yourself from Jamie’s old self beginning to crumble.
Your face was lit with a smile now, a wide and sincere smile that you could tell boosted his confidence about this whole elaborate plan.
“Nah, it’s been good,” he nodded, “And you’ve never smiled at me like that, not even when we first met and you were trying to be nice before I fucked things by being all Jamie Tartt. So I’d say it’s, like, more than worth it, to be fair.”
Your smile only widened at that, and his matched it almost exactly.
“I don’t even know what to say at this point, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not actually glad I’m here now,” you bit your lip, maintaining steady eye contact with him and placing your hand on the table.
He was quick to place his own hand atop yours, “‘M really glad to hear it, Y/N. Can we treat this like a fresh start or whatever? Like a real blind date? Want to show you I’ve changed properly, that I’m a new Jamie.”
You giggled, poking your thumb out to rub the back of his hand with it, “Sure. I’m Y/N Y/L/N, and it’s nice to meet you. Sorry if this is forward but you look really good tonight, stranger.”
He beamed like a proud child at those words, “Jamie Tartt. You look fuckin’ phenomenal, Y/N. Since we’ve like, never met, this might be weird,” you rolled your eyes with a laugh at how seriously he was taking the starting over thing, “But I hope this ain’t our only date.”
“Play your cards right, Jamie Tartt, and it won’t be,” you smiled, standing up and leaning over to press a soft kiss to his cheekbone.
“Because, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, I hope it isn’t either.”
eeeee i hope you enjoyed that, i love jamie tartt a ridiculous amount so couldn’t help myself ! here’s my masterlist if you want to read more of my jamie fics or any of my other stuff!
also kinda feeling a part two where you’re secretly dating and turn up to a richmond squad event with him? let me know if u would like that!!!
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kobymeppo oneshot. late night thoughts.
Helmeppo tried not to wince as Koby said his name. He fidgeted with his hands, attempting to listen to what Koby was saying. But, the other boy's words were starting to sound like TV static over his own racing heartbeat.
He snapped back to reality. "Oh. Yes?"
"Sorry, you just seemed so out of it." Koby said awkwardly, clearly a bit buzzed from the alcohol they were sharing.
Helmeppo silently thanked the heavens that his face was already flushed from drinking. He picked up the bottle and took a small sip. "I suppose," he murmured, feeling embarrassed.
The two remained silent for a minute before Koby spoke again.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
"Hmm?" Helmeppo quickly replied, turning to face him.
"Ah, sorry, I mean Luffy. Do you think he'll make it through the Grand Line?" Koby said bashfully, looking down at his hands.
Helmeppo shrugged slightly. "Sure."
Helmeppo found it difficult to ignore the fact that Koby brought up Luffy in nearly every conversation they had. Even more challenging was trying to overlook the underlying tone in his voice when he did so. He didn’t know what exactly the tone was but the sinking feeling in his gut told him he wouldn’t like it.
The night seemed to drag on… the drinking had long since finished and the two were peacefully sitting on the deck looking up at the big night sky. It was quiet, only their breath’s and the waves breaking the hush of the dusk. Koby’s eyes were glossy as he looked up and Helmeppo could tell he had drifted off into his own world. He looked his fellow cadet up and down… eyes lingering on the gap between their hands.
Realizing this, he sighed quietly and ran a hand through his blonde hair, pinching himself on the back of his neck. “Get a hold of yourself.” He scolded himself. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small notebook and a pen.
Journaling was a hobby he had picked up since joining the Marines, he was hesitant at first but had come to find word vomiting his emotions was the best way to deal with stress. Right now he had a lot to write about.
How to begin this. Well. The thoughts have come back. I tried to ignore it. I really did. But I notice how I tense up everytime he says Luffy's name, I just get so... jealous.
Maybe I'm reading into things but, Koby has to like him right? Like I'm not crazy am I? I feel crazy. I'm crazy about him. Ugh. I really have to give it up. Why would he like me of all people hah.
It's really not funny.
But to me, he's like the North Star.
He closed the book and set it down beside him. His racing heart was beginning to slow as he took a deep breath.
“You getting tired?” A voice suddenly asked.
Helmeppo’s head snapped up and he saw Koby staring at him with a polite smile on his face. Helmeppo glanced away. “Uh, yeah. Pretty worn out.”
“What were you writing?”
“Nothing.” Helmeppo stuttered defensively, tilting his head up.
Koby let out a noise that was halfway between a laugh and a sigh. “I should’ve expected that reaction.” He said, dusting off his uniform as stood up. “We should do this again.” He added.
“Y-yeah. We’re friends now so… whatever.” Helmeppo replied, feeling his heart in his throat. Koby nodded and began to walk towards the cadet’s sleeping quarters. Suddenly he paused and turned,
“Show me your writing next time, okay? I’m curious.” He said quietly then quickly left the deck.
“Not a chance,” Helmeppo said under his breath with a soft smile. He grabbed his notebook, ripped out the latest page, and tossed it overboard. The crumpled paper landed gently on the surface of the water, then, in an instant, disappeared into the navy blue abyss.
author's notes: My first Kobymeppo fic! Ever! I also haven't written in like 3 months so this is kind of shit. Headcanon that since Helmeppo hasn't really ever had a friend he can't tell Koby is just genuinely concerned for Luffy. Silly silly boy.
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yujo-nishimura · 11 months
The Escape - Part 15
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14
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A smile graces your lips as you seize the moment, stretching your hand out to gently touch his, the proximity between you mere centimeters. Your heart races with anticipation, fully aware that opportunities like this may not present themselves again for some time. Acting on your desires, you lean closer, carefully pressing your lips against his, being mindful to avoid touching his distinctive clown nose.
In that electric moment, you feel his initial surprise, followed swiftly by his reciprocation. He leans into the kiss, parting his lips, allowing you to delicately explore the contours of his tongue and lips. The intensity of the connection leaves both of you breathless, and you reluctantly break the kiss, still in close proximity to Buggy. Whispers escape your lips, barely audible.
"I want you to treat me better, Captain," you murmur, your words carrying a blend of vulnerability and determination. It is a plea for respect and a request for him to recognize your worth and accord you the dignity you deserve.
The clown, too baffled by your words and your actions has fallen silent again, you start to think he is only good at anger or being boisterous, but showing vulnerability was his biggest weakness. 
You give him some time to recover from the shock and sit up straight again. You smile at him now gently, wanting to make him feel safe. 
He cannot handle your kindness, your intimacy, he stands abruptly up, walking to his desk, hiding his blushing face. He takes off his hat and his coat, hanging them both now at a hook next to the door. He moves back and forth, probably to shake off the intimate connection you just shared. You can really see how overwhelmed he is. It was probably easier for him trying to kiss you when you both were drunk the other night. From his desk he hands you the tray with the food and the water. “Let's start with this then. I will show you that Buggy the clown is not only funny, but can also be kind.” 
You take the tray from him, thanking him and emptying the water glass in one quick gulp. 
“Want more?” 
You nod and he is relieved that he can leave the room and the temporary tension between you two, taking the glass, unlocking the door and stepping out. He leaves the door unlocked, finally starting to trust you again. 
After you have eaten you feel better, still sitting on Buggys bed you have tried to clean off the stains from his pillow you had caused earlier with your tears. Buggy came back with two glasses of water and a bottle of rum, offering it to you after you emptied your water glass. You politely decline and he just takes a big sip from the bottle, his face immediately relaxing at the taste of the sweet alcohol. 
“What are we going to do next?”, you ask innocently, smiling at him again. You kind of start to enjoy this completely helpless Buggy, craving for it and trying to avoid your affection at the same time. 
“Next I want you to open this!”, he says, throwing the bag at you he had brought with him into the room earlier. It looks like a big package but it is rather light. Carefully, you untie the string that binds the bag, anticipation building within you. The moment you catch a glimpse of the vibrant, shimmering green fabric, you know exactly what it is. Gasping in awe, you unfold the dress, allowing its vibrant colors to cascade across the bed, creating a mesmerizing display.
"How did you...?" you manage to utter, your voice laced with surprise and curiosity, unable to fully comprehend how he could have known your affinity for this particular garment.
“I saw you in Loguetown in front of that shop. The sparkling in your eyes when you looked at this dress told me everything.” 
You were speechless, not only did Buggy find you in Loguetown but he also had followed you and realized how much you admired this dress.  You immediately stand up and to Buggys shock and embarrassment you take off your trousers and your shirt, turning around in front of him to grab the dress just wearing your underwear. “Gah, I told you to stop acting so shamelessly!”, he yells and detaches his hands from his arms to quickly cover his eyes. You cannot wait to feel this beautiful fabric on your skin, as you close the zip on the side and adjust the layers you feel like a new human - the sadness from earlier completely washed away. A dirty mirror hangs in the captain's cabin, you walk towards it, turning three or four times in front of it. This dress fits perfectly. 
“Thank you, Captain!”, you finally utter and turn around to him, who has been staring at you, sitting on the chair. 
"You truly look stunning in this," he breathes, his voice filled with awe. Moved by his words, you feel another blush creeping up your cheeks as he takes a step closer, his hands gently resting on your waist. However, his hesitation is evident, as if he's unsure of how to proceed in moments of intimacy like this. The effects of the alcohol have granted him a touch more courage, yet he remains cautious.
In response, you reach out, encircling your arms around his neck, locking your gaze with his. The memory of the earlier kiss lingers, and you refuse to be the one who always initiates such moments. Though desire stirs within you, you long for a sense of equality and reciprocity. You want him to kiss you as well.
"I won't wear it right away, though," you explain, your voice tinged with determination. "It might hinder me while working on deck."
His voice turned hoarse, both of you frozen in each other's embrace. "Working on deck?" he repeats, surprise evident in his eyes.
"Yes," you confirm, a sense of purpose infusing your words. "I believe that's what I'm meant to do as a member of the Buggy Pirates."
His eyes widen, a genuine smile spreading across his face. Carefully, you release your hold on each other, collecting your clothes and tidying up his bed. Expressing your gratitude, you bid him a goodnight before leaving the Captain's cabin, making your way back to your own room aboard the ship of the Buggy Pirates. 
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Chapter 2
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pairing: bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x twin sister!reader, kendall adams (oc) x bradshaw!reader, (eventual) jake ‘hangman’ seresin x bradshaw!reader
characters: bradley bradshaw, y/n bradshaw, kendall adams, penny benjamin
word count: ~1.6k (i know, it’s weird for me too. but i’ll make up for it in chapter 3)
warnings: drinking, mentions of cannon character death, pregnacy, please let me know if I missed any
a/n: yes, the gif is kendall from big time rush, but he is also our sweet sweet guitar boy 
series summary: daughter of goose and carole and twin sister to bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, y/n bradshaw also got her papers pulled when she tried to enlist in the Navy. which turned out to not be as bad as she thought.
chapter summary: when y/n and kendall go to visit bradley in california before he goes to flight school, they’ve got a big birthday surprise for him ;)
ch 1  ch 3  ch 4  ch 5
************* (21, turning 22)
You and Kendall decided to fly up to California to spend your birthday, and about a month up there, since soon Bradley would be off to Maryland and you would have limited time to see each other.
You knocked on the door to your childhood home, Kendall holding both your bags while you bounced in anticipation. Bradley had no idea you were coming, you hadn’t been feeling well the past couple weeks and he assumed that you would stay home so as to not get others sick.
You knocked once again, hearing a small groan and footsteps speeding up behind the door. “I’m coming!” 
The door swung open and Bradley stopped, dropping his water bottle. 
“Oh my gosh!” He picked you up and spun you around, “What are you doing here? I thought you were sick?” You shook your head, “Nope. It was just a little something, it went away like a week and a half ago.” He looked at Kendall and brought him in for a bro hug, “Good to see you, Ken Doll.” Your boyfriend laughed, “Good to see you too, Brad Squared.”
You smiled and moved to pick up your bag but both boys stopped you, “Nuh uh.” “Nope.” 
Kendall swooped up your bag and Bradley moved to let you in. “I can carry things, you know.” “Not when we’re around.” You shook your head, “Ken, my room is this way.” You walked him through the house and to your room.
When you came back you found Bradley on the back porch.
“See you didn’t change my room,” you chuckled as you leaned on the railing. 
“You kiddin’ me? You woulda kicked my ass if I touched your stuff.” “Yeah, but what about when you bring girls over?” “I go to their place.” You just shook your head, “Ever the player Bradley.” “You know it.” “Gross, I was kidding.” You gagged and shoved him.
You both came back in and Kendall was already on the couch. “See you’re comfortable already,” you plopped down next to him and his arm went to your waist. 
“Hey, I was thinking about going to the Hard Deck, just hang out. Talk to some friends.” You nodded and craned your neck to look at Kendall, “I’m down.” He pursed his lips and nodded, “Yeah sure.” Bradley nodded and checked his watch, “Okay, we could go about 6? Gives us like 3 hours to hang out and get ready.” You smiled, “Beach?” The two guys shared a look, “Beach.”
Later, you, Kendall, and Bradley walked into the Hard Deck. “Wait, we didn’t decide on a DD,” Bradley mentioned. You raised your hand, “I’ll be DD.” “You sure?” You nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure. You two have fun.” Kendall rubbed your back as you went to the bar.
“Hi, sweetie, what can I get you?” “Um, two beers, bottles are fine. And what do you have that’s non alcoholic?” The bartender threw the towel over her shoulder, “Well, I’ve got lemonade, sweet tea, soda, and water of course.” “Okay, I’ll take a lemonade, please.” “Comin’ right up.”
She gathered the beers and sat them down. “So, you’re the designated driver?” She questions as she pours the lemonade, while nodding towards the two men. You nodded, “Yes, ma’am.” “Which one’s yours?” You chuckled, “Technically both.” She rose a brow. “The one with the stache is my brother, the one in the bright board shorts is my boyfriend.” She nodded, “Got it.” 
She glanced back at them, brows pinching in confusion and her eyes widened in realization.
You followed her gaze, seeing that she was looking at Bradley and then turned to her. She looked at you, “Wait, are you Goose Bradshaw’s kids?” 
You nodded, pride in your chest hearing your dad’s call sign. “I should have known, he looks just like him.” You chuckled, “Yeah, the stache and the shirt, it’s crazy.” “You, little miss, look like your Mama. But I can see your Daddy in there too.” You laughed, grabbing your drinks, “Thank you, Miss…?” “Penny, Penny Benjamin,” she told you with a smile. 
Your jaw dropped, “Wait, you’re THE Penny Benjamin?” “One and only.” “Wow, we heard a lot about you growing up.” She cringed, “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.” “Well, it came from the one and only Maverick, if that’s any hint.” 
“Just don’t tell me you followed in my footsteps,” she begged, a chuckle right behind it. You shook your head, “I haven’t dated a Navy man, no. Not to say I didn’t see my fair share of football players, before settling with my guitar player over there.” She smiled, “That’s good. Have fun, girl. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything.” You nodded, grabbing the drinks and walking away before turning right back around. 
“I still need to pay for these.” You laughed, sitting the drinks down and pulling out your wallet. “First round’s on me. I’ll start your tab on the second round,” she threw you a wink before tending to someone else. You smiled and grabbed your things and went to the table.
After a few rounds, you all head back to the house for a shower and then settle in the living room for a movie.
“What are we watching?” You asked as you squeezed your hair with a towel. 
“I’m thinking of Spider-Man, but I want you to pick since you didn’t drink and it’s also your birthday,” Bradley said, moving out of the way of the dvd and vhs collection. You gave him an appreciative smile and sat cross-cross in front of the cabinet.
“Speaking of drinks, I’ve got some. I got beer, wine, and I think there’s Crown in there,” Bradley said pointing to the kitchen. “I’ll take a beer,” Kendall said, moving his gaze from you to your brother. 
He snapped his fingers, “One beer, got it. Y/N, you want anything?” You shrugged while looking through movies, “Got Dr. Pepper?” “Uh yeah I think so. Want that with anything? Like I said, I got Crown.” “Just the soda is okay, thank you Brad.”
Your brother tilted his head before glancing at your boyfriend, silently asking if you were okay. Kendall just shrugged, shaking his head. Bradley nodded and decided to chalk it up to you not wanting to get sick.
You decided to go with your brother’s choice, having no problem watching a superhero movie. “Okay, now that that’s in, I can get comfortable.” You go to sit down but stop, “Snacks, I need snacks.” Kendall laughed, giving your butt a small pat when you walked by. “What do you want, Babe?” He shrugged, “Whatever you got.” You nodded and went to the kitchen.
“Brad, do you have cookies? Like Chips Ahoy or something?” He just nodded and pointed to the cabinet. 
You opened it and gasped, making Bradley jump. “What?” You reached in and grabbed the box, “You have the ones with M&M’s in them! Yes!” He laughed and shook his head, watching you reach in and grab something else. “And you have goldfish.” “Yeah, I’ve got popcorn in the microwave. What movie did you pick?” “Spider-Man.” 
Your brother looked at you, squinting his eyes, “Really? Y/N you don’t have to pick what I pick just because I picked it. It’s your birthday too, I want you to have fun.” “Bradley, I want to watch it, I promise. If I’m not having fun, I’ll let you know. Okay?” He nodded, “You promise?” “Promise.”
The movie ended and both Kendall and Bradley had fallen asleep. You looked at the clock, 2:30 AM.
You got up and decided to go to the back porch.
As you looked up at the sky and watched waves roll by, arms wrapped around your middle. “Did I wake you?” Kendall shook his head, planting a kiss on the back of yours, “No. I woke up and thought you had gone to throw up in the bathroom.” You shook your head, “No, I’m okay. You should go to bed though, I’ll be in in a bit okay.” He nodded and gave you a kiss, “Happy birthday, sweet girl.” “Thank you, baby.” He gave you another quick kiss before retreating to the bedroom.
You looked up at the sky and sighed, your hand splayed out on your stomach. 
“I wish you guys could have met him. He’s great. He makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the world. When I’m with him… it’s like the world doesn’t even exist. Dad you would have loved him, he’s funny and respectful, makes your little duck feel like a queen.”
You sighed, “I’ve always dreamt of a love like this, a love like you and mom have.” You decided to let the tears flow instead of holding them back. 
“We miss you, Bradley and I.” You choked on a sob, hand gripping at your shirt. “Your two little chicks aren’t so little anymore. And in about 9 months, you’ll have a little grand-gosling.”
“Wait what?” Your brother's groggy voice made you jump. “Geez, Bradley! You scared me.” 
“What did you say?” You gave him a small smile, “I’m pregnant, Brad. You’re gonna be an uncle.” That really woke him up. “Wait, really? Are you serious? Like you aren’t playing a joke on me right now.” “I’m 100% serious.” “Great balls of fire! That’s amazing!” You were scooped up in a hug, laughing at the use of your dad’s old catchphrase.
He sat you down, “So that’s why you felt sick. And why you weren’t drinking.” You nodded, “Yup.” “When are you due?” You shrugged, “Around February.” “When did you find out?” “About two weeks ago. We think it happened right after graduation.” “Okay, I don’t want to think about that.” 
You laughed and so did Bradley. “Why don’t we get some sleep and tomorrow we can go see the Kazanskys? Then maybe a beach day? Go see mom and dad?” You nodded, “Sounds perfect. Goodnight, Brad.” “Goodnight Duckie.”
well, would you look at that. another bradshaw is on the way
do you think the little gosling is gonna be a boy or a girl? 
top gun tags <33 (i will put these in the comments as well): @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​
lmk if you want to be tagged :D <33
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catherinnn · 2 years
Three is a crowd
You and Eddie were secretly dating, but the thing about keeping it a secret for so long, is that if one of Eddie's friends finds himself crushing on you too, they'd want to tell you eventually, to see if you'd want to be with them too... or ...the one where Gareth likes Eddie's secret girlfriend.
Eddie Munson x fem!reader (with mentions of Gareth x reader)
warnings: implied sex but no smut, both angst and fluff, cursing, alcohol consumption, a little bit of insecure!Eddie at the end but she quickly makes him feel better, so much drama bc I am dramatic.
3.5 k words.
a/n: tumblr isn't showing my fics :'(((((
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Eddie and you started dating a month ago. You didn't tell anyone yet because you were still on testing waters. Since you two had been very good friends before, you hung out with Eddie’s friend group a lot, not just with the guys in corroded coffin, but also hellfire, and you and Eddie hang out with your friend group, also known as Steve and Robin. You didn't tell anyone yet mostly because you didn't even know how serious your relationship was getting. You preferred to date for a while and see how it turns out, that way, if it doesn't work, you can just move on as always and it wouldn't be awkward since no one would be able to make it awkward, because they would never know something happened between you two.
Tonight, you were going to Eddie’s house for a movie night. When you got there, the guys from corroded coffin were still there too, they had been discussing some things about the upcoming shows they were doing at the hideout.
"Oh, hi guys" you greeted and they all greeted back with a hand-wave.
"Hey Y/n" Gareth also said.
"We were just finishing here, and then we can start a movie and order some pizza" Eddie told you. "Go on and pick one while we finish with the last details of the show"
You grabbed some of the movies that were next to the TV and sat on the couch next to Gareth, since it was the only one available.
"Oh, that's a great movie, have you seen it?" he asked you.
"Yeah, we saw it the last time we had movie night" you signalled between you and Eddie. "It's good but I prefer back to the future"
"Oh, yeah, I liked that one too, especially the part where Marty-"
"Gareth, are you even listening?" Jeff interrupted him.
"Sorry, yeah"
"Do you agree?" Eddie asked him.
"Umm, I mean..." he started.
"See? You weren't listening" Eddie smiled at himself for catching him. "Princess, stop distracting him or I'm gonna have to seat you somewhere else"
You only laughed and kept watching the options of movies for tonight.
"Alright, what were you saying?" Gareth said more seriously this time.
Eddie flirted with you in front of the guys often, even before you started dating. But only now, you complained about it when you were alone, fearing that they would start to get suspicious. But he didn't listen.
Like a few days later, at Dustin’s birthday party. Steve had brought some beer for the older friends of Dustin, obviously. The thing is, him along with your boyfriend drank more than they should.
You were talking with Robin and Max when Gareth came up to you.
"You want another beer?" he asked you.
"Oh, no thanks, I still have some left here" you lifted your cup.
"I could have some more" Robin told him.
"Oh um... OK" he wanted to share the bottle with you, but, guess it would be weird if offered you but refused to share with Robin. "So, um, Y/n, do you have any plans this weekend?"
"Yeah, we have Eddie's birthday, remember?" you said confused since Gareth was invited too. He couldn't have forgotten, right?
"Oh, yeah right! It just... slipped my mind for a second there"
Eddie and Dustin had almost freaked out when they found out their birthdays were a week away from each other's. And they promised that when Dustin turns an appropriate age, they would throw a party together.
"Do you have a present yet?" he asked again.
"Yeah, I got him another leather jacket, since the one he has now isn't fitting him anymore, and I bought him a cassette of a Black Sabbath album he didn't have"
"Oh, he's gonna love it! You're great at presents, I didn’t know that"
"No, I just think it’s because I know him enough to know what he likes"
"I'll make sure to get to know you enough so I can get you a good present too" he tried to be smooth, he really did, but he forgot a little detail.
"My birthday is in like... 8 months at least!" you laughed.
"Well- m-more time to get to know you then!"
"You already do" you didn't know why he was acting this weird, maybe he had had a little much to drink too.
And speaking of drinking a little much...
You turned around at the scream of your name and you saw your boyfriend.
"Y/n, hiiiiii" He said coming closer to you while he tried to grab you by your waist. You moved his hands before he could though.
"Hey, Eds"
"Steve!!! Come here!!! Y/n's here!!!" he shouted.
"Heeeeyyy" a very drunk Steve showed up.
"Hi, Steve"
"She's so pretty" Eddie said hugging you. You tried go act surprised so it wouldn't be so suspicious.
"Well, aren't you drunk?" you joked.
"Maybe, but you’re still pretty"
"You know who's pretty?" Steve said. "Dustin is such a cute little guy!!! And he's getting so big, it's his birthday today!!!"
"That's true!!!! Let’s go get him!!!"
Thankfully, Eddie and Steve went running to Dustin before he could say anything else.
But still, later that night, when it was time for us to leave, Eddie was still flirty and tipsy.
"Eddie, you're not gonna drive like that" Jeff stopped him.
"I'm fiiineee"
"You can't even walk straight" his friend took the car keys from his hands before he could reach the van. "I'll drive you tonight, you can come and pick the van up tomorrow"
"But I told Max I was gonna take her home" Eddie complained. "And Y/n too"
"I'll drive them too, don't worry, I already have to take Gareth home, so it's no problem" Jeff said.
"No, Jeff, it's fine, I'll stay over at Eddie's tonight, someone should help him or otherwise, he's gonna end up sleeping on the floor and Wayne will be pissed" you offered.
You all got into Jeff's car. Max had called shotgun before we could even reach the car, so Eddie, you, and Gareth ended up in the back.
"You sure you don't want me to drive you home Y/n, it's really no problem" Jeff offered.
"It's fine really, I've already stayed over at his house a million times, so don't worry" you said.
Eddie laughed "Y/n's gonna sleep with me"
You looked at him weirdly and changed the subject before he would say anything else.
Until you got home, Eddie had already fallen asleep on your shoulder, you were talking with Gareth when Jeff announced that you had reached your destination.
Jeff accompanied Max to her door while Gareth and you woke Eddie up and took his hand to take him inside.
"You're gonna be alright?" Gareth asked you.
"Yeah, don't worry, once he sees the bed, he will be done for the night" You assured him.
"Alright, but if he gets too much just call me and I'll come help you"
"OK, thanks Gareth, and thank you Jeff for driving us!"
They said their goodbyes and went home.
"Alright, now, let's get you to bed" you said to Eddie.
"You gonna come with me, pretty girl?"
"Yes, honey"
"Alright, but don't tell anyone" Eddie whispered. "It's a secret"
"Alright" you whispered back and took him to his room.
He tried to throw himself into the bed but you stopped him.
"Eddie, you have to change first! You're gonna be uncomfortable in your jeans"
"Can I just take them off?"
"Sure, yeah"
He wiggled out of his jeans and proceeded to take his shirt off too. OK, just boxers it is then.
He laid on the bed but with his head slightly up, looking at your every move.
"Can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?"
"You already know you can, I'd prefer you naked, but do what you want"
"Thanks, Eds" you laughed and started to strip, since you're already dating and you trust him more than anyone, you didn't have to change in the bathroom. To this, Eddie stayed looking at you, he really thought he was being discreet, but it was the most he could do being drunk as he was, because in reality, he was staring with big doe eyes and his mouth slightly opened, as if he was in an awe.
"Don't drool" you joked once you finished and got into bed with him.
"Sorry" he whispered and then grabbed you by your waist to pull you closer.
You laid your head on his shoulder and his arms stayed at your waist hugging you. You fell asleep in his arms.
Once you woke up, you were obviously not in the same position, now on your side with his arms still wrapped around you.
You stayed like that for a while, until Eddie woke up too, a few minutes after.
He groaned and his hands went to rub his eyes.
"Hey, pretty boy" you whispered once you turned around to face him.
"Hi" he simply said before hugging you once again, cuddling and getting ready to sleep some more.
"Eds, we should get up already, we slept all morning"
"Let's sleep all day"
"If you get up and go take a shower, I'll join you" you offered and obviously, he got up immediately after you said that.
Once you got out of the shower with shaky legs and hickeys all over your cleavage, you started making breakfast, more like lunch since it was already noon, and you were both starving.
The night before Eddie's birthday, you went to his trailer to spend the night with him. You knocked on the door and your boyfriend opened up. You kissed him, already getting excited because in a matter of hours he will turn 20.
You heard a cough behind you two. You didn't realize Wayne was there too, of course he already knew about you two, it would have been impossible not to, giving that he lives with Eddie and he sees you at the trailer all the time, cuddling on the couch, sleeping over in the same bed, and all of those things. Your surprise of seeing him here was because he usually worked at night, but he had stayed tonight in particular to be with Eddie on his birthday, he changed shifts with one of his co-workers just for tonight.
"Hi Wayne, sorry I didn't see you" you greeted him.
"It's fine kid, It's good to see you"
"Yeah, you too"
"We were just about to have dinner, have you eaten yet?" he asked you while he stirred something in a pot.
"No, I haven't"
"Good, hope you like pasta"
"I love it"
You sat next to Eds and had dinner all three of you. At first you thought you were maybe interrupting a family moment between them, but Eddie had called you and invited you to come over.
The truth was, Eddie felt so happy at that moment, dinning with his uncle and girlfriend, because you hadn't really talked about you two yet, but he felt like you were one of the most important people in his life at the moment, and he really wished you would stay in that position for a long long time.
When the clock struck 12 am, Wayne hugged Eddie tightly and you showered him with kisses. After some minutes, his uncle said goodbye so he could go to sleep since he was very tired already. You stayed with your boyfriend, both cuddling in the couch, you were laid stomach up with Eddie lying next to--almost on top of--you, his head on your chest using your breasts as pillows. You were both chatting, you would give random kisses on his face sometimes while playing with his hair, you both felt so safe, so comfortable.
"I wanna stay like this forever" He admitted.
"Me too"
He lifted his head slightly so he could look at you. He wanted to say something, you could tell.
"What?" you asked. But he shook his head, brushing it off. "Come on, tell me"
He stayed in silence for what felt like eternity but in reality must have been a few seconds.
"I wanna tell everyone" he simply said. "Want you to be mine, officially"
"I'd like that" you smiled.
He sat up straight. "Really?"
"Yeah" you laughed and sat up with him. "I'd really really like that"
He kissed you sweetly, smiles on both of your faces. It almost felt overwhelming, but in a good way, it was hard to explain. Or maybe it wasn’t really, but you didn’t even want to think of the four-letter word that came to mind. Maybe it was too soon, you didn’t feel scared about the feeling per say, more of how he would react to it, to you feeling it.
The next day was spent tidying Eddie’s place up, decorating a bit with some balloons and stuff—you also spent some time ‘celebrating’ his birthday, showing the birthday boy how much you appreciate him, as one does.
That night, after all the boys from hellfire, along with Steve, Robin, Max, etc. arrived, everyone started eating, drinking—if they were the appropriate age to do so because Steve wouldn’t have let them otherwise—and just hanging out, having fun.
You were laughing at something that Dustin was arguing about with Steve and Eddie, what you didn’t realize was that you had an audience.
“Go on, talk to her” Jeff said to a rather nervous Gareth.
“She’s already there with them, I don’t wanna be so obvious”
“Oh, come on, you’re dying to tell her, go on man! Tonight is the night”
“Yeah, I know, I wanna tell her tonight but... let me wait a little more, I’ll talk to her in a while”
“Stop postponing it, you did the same in Dustin’s birthday and by the end of the night, you hadn’t told her anything” Jeff insisted. “Who knows? Maybe tonight you’d be the one who takes her home”
“Yeah, right” he brushed it off, but in his head, a little part of him was hoping for that to be true.
After some more convincing from Jeff, Gareth finally got up from the couch and approached you.
“Y/n? Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure, Gareth, what’s up?” you said and walked with him a little further from everyone else.
“Um… There’s- there’s something I’ve been trying to tell you for a while, but, I guess I’m tired of postponing it or trying to throw hints at you, and I should just… say it”
“Y-yeah, tell me” you got serious because of how nervous he looked. To be honest, a little suspicion of what he was going to say came up to your mind—but no, it couldn’t be that.
You could hear everyone in the living room from the trailer, maybe someone did something funny or Eddie was calling everyone for the cake. You didn’t pay it any mind, just stayed focused on Gareth rambling trying to find the right words, but you thought again—no, it wasn’t that.
“Y/n, I- I’ve- have”
“Everyone! Come here!” you could hear from the living room, but you both ignored it.
Gareth took a deep breath. “I like you Y/n”
You stayed there, looking at him.
“You- what?”
“I like you, more than just like, I’m- really into you”
“Y/n, there you are! Come here” Eddie appeared and spoke before you could. He took your hand and took you to the living room where the cake was in the middle on the table, with everyone around it, paying attention to Eddie next to you. Gareth sighed and walked over to where everyone was, at the other extreme of the table where you and Eddie where, but he wasn’t looking at the birthday boy like the others, he was looking at you.
You were still in shock, not really paying attention to everyone singing Happy Birthday, nor to Eddie blowing the candles, you were just thinking—what. the. fuck.
You snapped out of it when you heard everyone clapping and you joined in slowly.
“Thanks guys, but um, before we cut the cake I wanted to tell you all something very important to me,” he looked at you “Y/n and I... we’re dating, we have been for a while but we wanted to make sure it was serious before we made a big deal about it. But we have been dating for over a month now, and we decided it was serious enough to tell you, finally”
“Oh my god!” Robin was the first one to react, before you even could.
“I fucking knew it!” Dustin shouted.
“Oh yeah, ‘cause you always know everything” Steve fought.
You stopped listening, everyone started talking all at once.
“Hey” Eddie whispered in your ear. “You OK?”
You saw his face of concern, forgot about everyone else there, Dustin’s and Steve’s shouts, Gareth’s confession, everything.
You smiled at him and kissed him.
‘Cause it was him, it had always been him, and you hoped that it would keep being him forever.
“I have to talk to you later” you whispered to him, lips still on top of his. “But I’m fine” you kissed his cheek. “God, I like you so much”
You parted, still looking at him smiling, his face now with a big smile thanks to your words, you winked at him and then proceeded to cut the cake so everyone could grab a slice.
“You never told me! I can’t believe it yet” Robin told you once you finished with the cake and everyone’s attention stopped being on you.
“I know but, we really wanted to see where it was going before we told everyone”
“He’ll treat you right, I’m happy for you guys” Steve stepped in.
Before you could respond him, you spotted from the window at Gareth being outside.
“Sorry, I’ll come to talk to you later, I have to do something first”
You went outside after him, and saw Jeff with Eddie and Gareth.
You walked closer to them.
But what you didn’t know was that Eddie had asked Gareth what happened when he saw his friend standing there with a serious face. Gareth just looked at him with regretful eyes. Thankfully, Jeff stepped in for him and explained to Eddie what happened a few seconds before he announced the big news.
“Seriously?” you heard Eddie ask.
“I’m sorry-“ Gareth started but then he saw you standing behind them.
They all turned around to look at you.
“I should… give you some privacy” Jeff excused himself and walked back inside.
There were a few seconds of silence, Eddie looking at Gareth and then at you, you looking at Gareth, and him at the ground.
“You- you like her?” Eddie asked again, still confused and in shock.
“I’m sorry man, I really didn’t know you were together”
“You don’t have to apologize” you assured him. “I’m- I am really sorry about this, and that you had to find out this way after you told me”
“You told her?” Eddie spoke again. “You- you told her… you-“
He realised what that meant, Gareth was just telling you because he wanted to know if he had chance to be with you.
“Eddie, I’m really sorry, I promise, if I knew about you two I wouldn’t have tried anything with her” Gareth assured him now.
“You-“ Eddie took a breath and ran his fingers through his hair, he turned to you this time, talking to you now. “You? What happens now?” you could hear his voice crack, he just got nervous. “What- what do you want now?”
“Are you asking me which one I want?” you asked him incredulously. “Eddie I- Gareth, can I talk to him for a second?”
Gareth nodded and went back inside, thanking you in his head for telling him to go away, he had an idea of what you were about to say, and he didn’t want to witness it.
“Eddie, I should have told you sooner, I should have told you when I first realized. I’m in love with you, you idiot”
He sighed again and immediately hugged you.
“Fuck, I got so scared there for a second”
“I don’t even know why” you laughed.
“Shhhhhh” he said before kissing you.
You stayed there, kissing, losing yourselves in each other.
“I love you too by the way” he said and pecked your lips. “Really, really love you so much”
After that—and a few kisses more—you went back inside.
You talked to Gareth properly, without making him nervous or uncomfortable. You had to tell him tough, you loved Eddie, and apologised for everything you made him go through tonight. He obviously said he understood and apologised to you too and later to Eddie.
After that night, every time you and Eddie were around Gareth you tried to be more subtle so you wouldn’t make anyone uncomfortable. And eventually, that awkward story between the three of you, became a funny story, something the guys would make jokes about, once they knew Gareth was over it.
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storms-path · 2 days
FFXIV Write 2024: Day 24 - Bar
In another time and another place, another woman so similar to the Warrior of Light, but so very different, is sizing up a newcomer at her favourite watering hole.
Storm had seen her fair share of folks make their way through Hhusatawhi in her tenure as sheriff. The railway’s construction had brought a lot of would-be tourists her way, and while most of ‘em had come and gone without issue, there were some that thought to take whatever they felt like on their way out. Or get a little too drunk on the local moonshine and start a fight. Or get to thinking one of the locals would appreciate getting stolen away in the night.
This one was different. She held herself with an unusual grace, kept a wary eye on the people around her, and carried a gun large enough to make damn near anyone think twice about crossing her. She was also taller than some of the larger ‘tenders, overshadowing even the gruff Xbra’al who was at this very minute pouring her some of his top shelf swill. And she can hold her liquor, too. Storm couldn’t deny she was intrigued. Professionally, of course. Besides, she’d just been relieved by the deputy. She could afford a moment to chin-wag with a tourist.
Her heavy boots gave her away, but Storm wasn’t interested in stealth. Experience (and a chipped horn) had taught her not to sneak up on an armed woman. Thunder had been apologetic for weeks. Mom took one look at my horn and laughed her ass off. “Pour me a shot of that, before you go straining your back putting it back up there,” Storm said as she slid into a stool near the newcomer.
Dim though the bar was, she was still able to get a better look at the mysterious visitor than she had at the doorway. Marble-pale skin, eyes of jade, hair purpler than even Storm could claim, and a nose that was damn-near vertical. But it was the lips that caught Storm’s eye. The way they twisted into a slight, almost imperceptible smile when Storm took a seat near her. The way they glistened from the glass of alcohol that had recently passed between them. The way they-
Storm definitely didn’t flinch when the dusty tumbler was slammed onto the swill-soaked wood in front of her. “Try not to make a fool of yourself this time,” muttered the bartender as he took Storm’s hard-earned coin from her. Storm scowled at his back as he turned to put back the bottle.
“Go jump on a rusty nail, Stannik,” she muttered under her breath. Not quietly enough, apparently, because the newcomer chuckled softly and raised her glass in Storm’s direction. Storm hastily raised hers in response, hoping the darkness of the bar hid her blush. Not now, dammit! You’re here to scout her out, not invite her to bed! She should have called in Thunder. She would have, if her fool sister hadn’t vanished into the desert a few days back. She’d be back when it suited her, but it didn’t stop her family from worrying about her all the same.
“Stannik,” murmured the enigmatic woman. Her voice was softer than Storm expected, with a strange accent too. A mixture of Yok Tural and something else buried beneath. It was, as far as Storm was concerned, deeply unfair that she could get any more attractive. “That’s a Bozjan name, is it not?”
That caught mean ol’ Stannik’s ears. “You know of my homeland?” he asked? Storm had never heard him so gentle. The newcomer nodded.
“We get a lot of travellers in Tuliyollal,” she replied. “Had a pair roll through their lately with our new Dawnservant. One of them swore she’d had a hand in liberating it.” The newcomer smiled again, taking a swig of her drink. “Though to hear her companion tell it, they were simply the tip of the spear.”
Storm couldn’t believe it. Was Stannik, the brick wall of Hhusatawhi… crying? “Shit,” he managed between tears as he roughly wiped them away with a furry arm. “That’s the best news I’ve heard in years. Tell you what, you get another shot of that on the house.” He turned to face Storm, eyes full of murder. “Not a word of this to anyone else, sheriff.” There were few people in town Storm could honestly say scared her, but Stannik was one of ‘em. Though that was only because he’d been around long enough to see her and her sister before they’d even grown their scales and tails. More than once he’d spoiled her chances by spilling some childhood secret of hers to a pretty lady.
Storm nodded mutely, which was just barely good enough for Stannik. He turned back to his bottles. Storm gave the old man a fond smile behind his back. He’d been the first to endorse her as sheriff, and the first to offer his assistance with the abductions of last summer. Rumour had it he’d even given her parents a stay under his own roof until they found their feet, though neither he nor the senior Eagles would admit to it. Still, he was a good sort. A solid sort.
The scraping of glass across wood caught Storm’s attention. The newcomer had slipped into the seat next to her with a sly smile. Bold, this one. Watch yourself. “Sheriff, huh?” the woman said with a smile. “Guess I’d better watch myself around you.” Her smile was disarming, and infectious too.
“Ha. Just don’t go causing trouble ‘round these parts and you’ll have no trouble from me.” Storm raised her glass again. “Name’s Storm. Pleasure to meet ya.”
The woman raised her glass in turn, clinking it dully against the other. “Gem,” she replied. “Singing Gem.”
Storm had no idea what she was in for, as she had what turned into a very pleasant conversation with Singing Gem. If she had, she’d have turned tail and run right there and then. Or clapped the lawless Gem in irons. But she didn’t have the slightest clue. She didn’t even feel the jaws of fate snap tight around the pair, sealing their futures in blood.
But that is another place, and another time, and this glimpse into her grim fate is just that; a glance. And besides, Storm Eagle is no stranger to rewriting her own fate...
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jhilsara · 7 months
Please keep posting more!! I'm loving it so far <3
Can I ask why Erik doesn't use Princess as MCs petname anymore?
Hello! I'm back with another part! 4?
But I don't have Erik use Princess strictly just because I personally don't like it and it kinda nauseates me to write it. I'm not gonna yuck your yum, but it just isn't for me, I can do any other pet name but Princess just gives me the ick for some reason.
~Beach Episode~
It’s finally summer and summer means vacation.
Two weeks into June and MC is itching to do something. LIZARD TIME
She’s been lounging in the sun in the backyard reading and Erik is tanning next to her.
Matthews in the grass holding a portable fan on his face and Damien’s sitting in a chair with a big sunhat listening to the audiobook of the same book as MC for their little summer book club
James was inside making a light lunch and Sam was just coming home from working out.
“Oh, I see we’re all outside today and no one invited me?” Sam “You were working out. MC mentioned sun bathing and that was all I needed.” Erik “Except its hot as balls out here!” Matthew whines. “I wish we had a pool!” “The beach could be nice.” Damien “Oh my god I haven’t been to the beach in ages!” MC jolts up in excitement. Sam laughs and ruffles her hair. “Calm down no one said we’re going.” MC pouts. “Who said we’re going somewhere?” James “Damien suggested we go to the beach.” Erik “…why not? We could go next week.” James “Seriously?” Sam James shrugs, “I don’t really want to sit in a week-long meeting with her dad glaring holes into my head. Pushing back the meeting will also just piss him off so this is a win for me.” “So…. The beach?” MC “Why not? I’ll get the flight scheduled for us. We can leave Sunday.” James “Finally, a vacation!” Erik
They get on a short flight to end up in Savannah GA and Tybee Island.
They get a connecting room with 4 beds in total. MC sleeps in her own and Sam too…mostly cause he’s a bed hog and will kill anyone but Damien.
It takes the group very little time to throw their things down in the hotel before running to the beach.
James goes to spend his first day looking for sharks teeth.
Erik is sunbathing and listening to his own music.
Matthew and Sam are swimming together and probably trying to drown each other.
Damien is sitting next to Erik listening to an audio book and drawing in the sand.
MC starts by sunbathing with Erik and Damien
She’s laying on her stomach, sunglasses on, and stretching over her towel. “It’s so nice out today!” MC “Perfect weather for a vacation. I’m already looking at restaurants with patios for this evening.” “Damien can you hand me a seltzer?” The cooler hidden under the umbrella is filled with alcohol. Damien grabs one to hand to her. “Make sure you eat with those. The sun’s hot today you’ll get dehydrated.” Damien mentions. “I’ll be fine I brought sandwiches in there too!” MC
After baking in the sun and 3 seltzers and 2 mini sandwiches she’s dozing off on her towel.
Until water starts dripping on her face.
She looks up and sees Sam hovering over her, dripping the ocean all over her.
He’s smiling at her and shakes his soaking wet hair like a dog, all of it landing on her. “Ew! Sam gross! I was almost asleep!” She sits up and swats at his legs. He just laughs and sits next her, making her scoot over on her towel to make room. “Did you not bring your own towel out here?” MC He’s pressing his wet body against her and reaching past her to grab a seltzer and a sandwich. Her face is tomato red. “Yea but you’re already here and sharing is caring or whatever.” Sam “Well you’ve now soaked my towel.” She says irritated trying to hide her blush. Sam inhales his sandwich, “Perfect, so you can get in the water now.” He gives her a toothy grin. She rolls her eyes playfully but agrees. “Only if you help me reapply sunscreen to my back I can’t reach.” She reaches back to grab her bottle and Sam’s face blushes. “Uh yeah. Totally. Can do that, yup.” Sam She reapplies her sunscreen and waits for Sam to finish his drink. She sits still and waits for Sam’s hands on her back. Sam gently massages the sunscreen on her back and actively is avoiding the intense stare he is getting from Erik. Erik and Damien are just like… mmhmm definitely no sexual tension with these two idiots
Matthew, Sam, and MC are in the ocean and actively attacking each other with salt water.
Matthew’s trying to jump Sam to throw him in the water, but Sam just tosses his over.
Sam captures MC by the waist and pulls her further into the water with him.
“Sam! I don’t wanna go that deep!” She tries to wiggle out but he keeps her locked in. “It’s fine I won’t let you go promise! Just want some distance from Matthew he won’t swim this far out.” Sam “Fine but let me at least hold on to your neck, I feel unstable.” MC Sam easily adjusts her, she’s facing him now, arms locked firmly around his neck and he’s holding onto her waist with one and under the crook of her knee in another. “Is this, uh better.” The playful nature has left and they both are flushing. “Yeah… uh” she swallows hard, “This is better.” They have stopped moving out deeper and Sam keeps them afloat as they drift with the waves. “You guys are too far out and Erik’s stressing out! Get back over here!” Matthew is yelling at them but also getting hit by the wake. Sam groans and throws his head back in irritation, “We’re coming!” he shouts back. “Jesus, can’t get a second of peace around here…” he mutters. She’s chuckling and shoves her face in his neck. “Not really no.”  Back on the beach Erik lectures her and Sam but they’re barely listening. They are laid out on their towels catching their breath. James finally comes back to the group with a container containing a few sharks teeth. He looks like he’s happy so probably a success. “Back to the hotel to clean up then dinner?” James suggests to them. “Yes please!”
Between 6 people and 2 bathrooms they all take turns to get ready. But it is a race to see who gets to shower first.
The restaurant they pick is chill, fresh seafood, and an amazing patio. She is sitting in the sun and her sundress gently floats in the wind.
Everyone talks about their great day and what the plans are for tomorrow. 
They’re only staying for 3 days but they are ready to fill it with activities.
Mc, Erik, and Damien plan to go to some of the strip outlets and shop most of the morning/early afternoon the next day.
Then her afternoon MC is making everyone play a family game of cheesy beach mini golf.
To say they were competitive was an understatement. They were FOUL
James is actively keeping score, but also actively trying to knock others balls away from the hole. Erik is the only one playing fair and just trying to get this over with. Sam will hit the ball way too hard and has broken two different objects on the holes. He also is constantly accusing James or Matthew of cheating. Matthew is either trying to ruin Sam’s game or he’s just obnoxiously good at getting a hole in one. Damien is also way too invested and definitely ruining everyone’s game by blurting out whatever strategy they think of.
MC is just trying to win by pinning them against each other, but also actively going before Sam and bending over just enough to peak her ass out of her skirt. Damien at least doesn’t blurt out her plan there. But every time he is actively giving her a look of disappointment.
She feels a least a little shame when he does make eye contact with her.
The last day on the beach they all go back to the ocean to basically rinse and repeat their events of the day prior.
MC does start her day planning on getting day drunk though.
By mid afternoon Sam comes back from the water and he does sit on his own towel this time. He sits next her and leans back on his hands soaking up the sun.
MC is 5 drinks in and feeling t i p s y
It’s only her and Sam by the group’s belongings. Matthew and Erik and trying to teach Damien how to swim and James is halfway across the beach hunting for sharks’ teeth.
She readjusts after Sam sits down. She flips over onto her stomach and uses her arms as a pillow and lays on Sam’s legs.
“Comfortable?” Sam jokes MC just mumbles in agreement getting herself comfortable. “Hey doofus, I’m talking to you.” Sam She smacks his leg lightly. “I hear you. I’m just resting my eyes.” Sam pushes her hair out of her face and looks at their trash bag seeing the cans. He laughs and looks down at her, “Are you drunk?” he asks her. “Nooooo, I’m just a little tipsy Sam. I’m fine, I just need a nap.” She keeps her eyes closed as she snuggles closer to him. Sam raises a brow and pats her head. He looks up and sees Erik coming back to them. “Yea well you’re gonna take a nap inside.” Sam “But you’re so comfortable!” She whines. “Yea but you’ll be comfier inside, on a bed.” Sam chuckles standing up and easily helps MC up to carry her back to the hotel. He puts her on his back and she easily wraps her arms around his neck. He hoists her up and hooks his arms under her legs “Only if you nap with me like last time.” She mumbles. Sam rolls his eyes, “I’ll shower first and if you’re still awake I’ll lay with you alright?” “No. You’re just gonna trick me into passing out in the bed without you.” She pouts. “Caught me red handed.” Sam smirks “Please Aomaris.” She whispers into his back. A chill runs down his back and his grip tightens a little. “Yea.” He swallows hard his mouth dry, “I’ll lay with you for a bit.” “Yay!” She nestles more into his neck making his heart race. “Yea, yea, you win.” He mumbles red in the face. Sam drops her onto the bed and she bounces softly and giggles to herself. He rolls his eyes but is smiling at her joy. He turns and sees her smiling broadly up at him. It’s like the sun with how bright she is. She makes grippy hands at him. He laughs, “What are you, 5?”  She pouts but continues, “Just get in the bed already I’m tired.” He listens and nudges her over as he gets in.  “You’re so pushy!” She doesn’t respond and just throws her arms over him, wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer to her. Se rests her head in the crook if his neck. Sam goes rigid and doesn’t move at all. They’re still in their swimsuits and her breasts are wrapped in a bikini pushing against his chest. She peeps one eye open to look at him, his brain clearly trying to catch up. She sighs. “Sam you can hold me you know?” He chokes for a second before responding, “Uh yeah, just uh, didn’t want you to think I was being handsy cause you’re drunk.” She moves herself back to look him in the eye, “I’m not drunk, and any buzz I had you just ruined. Sam, I’m asking you to lay in the bed with me and hold me. Okay?” Sam almost chokes on his own spit. He’s blushing. “Yea, uh yea. Got it.” He hesitantly wraps his arms around her waist. She settles back down and gets comfortable. Her eyes shoot open before she can actually try to nap, her heart beating a mile a minute. “Unless you don’t want to and I’m totally forcing you to do this, oh my god.” She lets go of him and uses her hands to cover her face from embarrassment hiding in his chest. He starts laughing loudly. Sam grabs her and rolls them over so he’s flat on his back and she’s laying directly on top of him. He grabs her hands and moves them down from her face. He’s smiling at her and still laughing, “MC, I’m good. I want to hold you, I’m nervous I wasn’t expecting you to just throw yourself at me.” Her face goes tomato red. He’s still holding her hands so she can’t move them to hide her face in embarrassment. “I did not throw myself at you!” Her voice pitches in response. “I’m teasing you, calm down.” He’s laughing still. “Saaaaaaaaam!” she groans in irritation. “Calm down doofus,” he pulls her hands up to his lips and kisses them. “let’s just take a nap now alright?” Her face is still burning hot but he lets go of her hands and flips them onto their sides and throws the blanket over them. He grabs her waist and pulls her into him. She sighs and readjusts wrapping her arms around his waist and settling herself under his head. “You’re such a dick.” She mumbles into his chest. She feels him chuckle and tighten his grip and kisses the top of her head. “You like it.”
They sleep until everyone else comes back in from the beach and its Matthew that wakes them up. Well more like his very noisy presence wakes them.
When he comes in he throws his stuff down and starts talking loudly, he doesn’t even notice the two sharing a bed, or that they’re very asleep.
When he does notice he gets l o u d e r. Making all of the brother notice.
Sam throws a pillow hitting him square in the head.
They end their vacation having a nice dinner at one of the nicest restaurants.
Sam and MC sit across from each other almost in their own world the whole night.
They go home the next morning and things between MC and Sam and definitely different.
That was the beach mini episode that I added in. Diana comes in the next part but I also reworked a lot of that and slide into the second game pretty quickly. There's more notes so just let me know! This does make me wanna sit down and actually write more. I need to finish parts of the notes/draft though... I'm not positive what I'm doing with the second game completely yet.
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mygloviesme · 1 year
cool about it. || myg
no. 2: breaking a sweat about it
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predebut/debut!yoongi x female idol
summary: kanako is an established idol with a growing career and a secret relationship with a producer from her label, haneul. when she’s asked to work with yoongi and rm to create a track for her, she gains unexpected feelings for a certain upcoming rapper. with her increasing fame, her controlling boyfriend, a set of six boys who seem to have grown an attachment to her, and a new boy who’d give her the world, how will she figure out a way to balance it all?
(definitely inspired by boygenius)
word count: 2.5k
genre: ANGST, friends(?) to lovers, slow burn,
chapter warnings: toxic relationship (not w/myg), mentions of alcohol, small mention of oc getting groped
inspo song: night shift by lucy dacus.
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FEBRUARY 16TH, 2012, 3:00PM
I plop on the floor and pick up my water bottle, taking a rather large swig before wiping my mouth and laying my head back. My chest moves fast as I try to collect myself. The rehearsal room is quieter than I thought, the only sound being my quick breaths and muffled music that’s still going. It’s a week before my new album launches and I get back to performing, interviewing, and switching to my other persona. The one that isn’t anything other than happy, the one that’s so glad to be here. 
I bend my knee to rest my head on it, closing my eyes for a fast minute. Just to rest. To clear my head and feel like a normal person. Like I’m back home. 
The door swings open and I’m met with a group of boys, all ready with water bottles and workout clothes. I shoot my head up and gain my composure, trying to act like I wasn’t moping. It takes them a second to notice I’m here, but almost like instinct, my eyes find Yoongi. He doesn’t have much of an expression if any at all. Not like he saw me over a month ago being absolutely devoured by Hanuel. He immediately goes to talk to another member like everything’s normal. 
I stand up quickly and grab my things, “S-Sorry.” I mutter and bow, rushing out the door before they get the chance to whisper a hello. I take one more glimpse at Yoongi before I’m out the door, and he catches my eye too. 
The moment is quick but it gives a sort of reassurance, an odd one. The simple acknowledgement has me spiraling as I walk back to my dorm.
Would it be better to know that he knows and he cares, or would it be better to know that he knows but he doesn’t care? I want him to care, for some reason. Like he could talk to me about it, like he could tell me everything I needed to hear. 
What am I even saying? 
FEBRUARY 22ND, 2012, 9:34PM
It’s the day before my album launches but Haneul insisted we grab dinner. At 6pm. He also insisted he invite some of his own friends, whom I had never met. The friends don’t arrive until later, but when we started, it was actually fun. He smiled and shared words of encouragement and urged me to order whatever I wanted. Mid-way through he brought out a gift from his pocket, a small box that contained diamond earrings. 
I had never expressed I wanted earrings, nonetheless diamond earrings. I was grateful for the gift. Eternally grateful. But I couldn’t help that all it was...was flashy nonsense. Did he actually ever listen to me and my desires? I shook away those thoughts, afraid they would spoil my meal. But it’s those exact thoughts that keep me awake at night, that linger in my brain like an undiagnosed disease. I put them off and we continue dinner like normal, smiles and laughter exchanged like a normal couple. Because that’s what we are, right?
A few moments and courses pass until he gets a text. He smiles, “My friends are here.” he says. He gives me a pat on the back, leaving me with a weirded expression. He stands and waves his arm to a group of men and women, all much older than me. I get a feeling in my stomach, the first impressions one. Especially because I don’t know who these people are and they could very well spill to the tabloids about me and Haneul.
But again, he seems to mind much less than I do. 
“Oh Kanako, hello! I love your music!” One of the women says and I hear a chuckle from a man behind her, “It’s hardly music, no offense Kanako. You know how it is.” He holds a hand out as if trying to console me. The table erupts in laughter, including Haneul, who I give a slight look to. He looks down at me then back up to the table, passively. He moves his hand from mine and takes a sip from his glass. I wait as if we’ll interlock once again but he doesn’t. I wait, wait, and wait. But he never does. If anything, he brushes me off whenever I try to touch him. Like he’s embarrassed. I feel a dark flush in my cheeks, suddenly the walls caving in on me. It’s like I don’t know anyone here, not even Haneul. 
“Oi, isn’t your little girlfriend not even old enough to drink?” Another man says, causing a domino effect of howling amongst the group of people. “Hey, hey…she’s old enough for something else. That’s all that matters, right? ” Haneul says, making me back away from him in disgust. 
“I don’t think she liked that one, bro.” The same man says, covering his mouth to contain his laughter. I look at the different people sitting before me, as if trying to connect to any one of them. As if trying to say help me. But they all think it’s funny. They think I’m some source for their jokes. My breath decreases and I feel much smaller than I usually do. They talk amongst themselves and I look down to my hands, trying to escape the situation by simply daydreaming. 
Thinking of home, my mother, my bed. Sleeping and being unconscious, if I’m being frank. I try to drift off. But a hand…a hand is on my thigh. I turned my head slowly, wishing that somehow Haneul was the one on that side. That it wasn’t a complete stranger. But to my luck it’s a stranger, another one of his friends. The man looks at me with a sinful grin, “So Kanako,” He begins, but I shake my head and get up aggressively. The table shakes from my sudden movement and one or two glasses tip over. 
“What the fuck, Kanako?” Haneul yells. I grab my purse and my coat, sneaking past everyone to leave. He grabs my wrist, making me think of that night. My birthday dinner. His soju breath and sweaty palms. Him yelling at me, cursing at me. Making me feel bad at something he did. 
“You’re never going to change, are you?” I whisper, a slight crack in my voice from attempting to hold back my tears. His eyes dart around the table, as if his facade is cracking, his perfect mask, ripping at the seams. 
“Baby..come on..” He trails off, but I dash out of the restaurant. 
Everything about this night is too familiar, the biting air, the cars, the glowing buildings. I hold myself in an attempt to self-soothe, my breath hitching up to my throat. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. But all I can think of all those other times he’s mistreated me, each memory burning into different parts of me. Will these wounds ever heal? How long is it going to take for him to stop treating me like this? Is this really what I deserve? 
I’ve wasted so much of my time thinking of how I can better myself for someone who doesn’t even care about me. And then an awful thought creeps in my mind, like a monster behind a closet door. 
He’s the only one who can love the real you, the fucked up you. Isn’t that right?
I sit on a bus bench, shutting my eyes closed. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. I purse my lips tightly, wishing I could call my mother to protect me from monsters again. I wish I could walk to her house, only to sneak inside her comforters while she holds me. To have her check under my bed and kiss me goodnight. 
Goodnight? I check my phone, 10:52pm. Shit, I have to be up by 8am. 
“Kanako!” A familiar voice calls out. I turn my head and see Haneul, his button up loose and untucked, his hair ruffled and his cheeks red from the cold. 
I stand up and hold my hand out, “I cannot deal with you right now. I need to get home.” I say. 
He walks closer to me, taking my hand and interlacing it with his. I look down at our fingers, remembering just a second ago he was refusing my touch at dinner. I let go, gently this time. 
“Baby let me fix this. I’m sorry my friends were acting like dicks. They just didn’t know what to say or how to talk to you because you’re so-”
“Young? I know, Haneul. And you do too. You know what you are?” I spit out.
He chuckles and throws his head back in amusement, “What, Kanako?”
I clench my fists together, “You’re a fucking vampire. You’ve sucked the life out of me, you know that? I’m NOTHING now! I’m…I’m…” I pause. Holding my hand on my belly as my breath quickens. He fills the space between us again, his hand trailing to my face. 
“But you love me.” He whispers. My eyes follow his and I part my lips. 
“It’s killing me, Haneul. I can’t. Just…” I stop and turn away from him, stuffing my phone in my pocket and walking away from him. 
He calls out to me multiple times, but never follows me. Never stops me. I wipe my tears away and continue my path, wanting to leave him far away from me for as long as I can. The love I have for him is breaking down, the only thing bringing me back to him is the feeling I get when apologizes to me. We get tangled up in this mess over and over again and I convince myself I’ve learned something every time I leave. But our mess is so magnetic, I feel like I can’t feel the ground when he loves me properly. When he swears up and down that says those words just because he loves me, when at night he worships me like a god. When the curtains are closed and he cries in my arms because he knows I deserve better. 
When he’s asleep in my embrace and I can’t stop looking into his face, wondering if this is what his mother thought when he grew up to be a fucking monster. Devastated, heartbroken. But he was just a boy once, one who needed and seeked for love. But that’s not my job. To fix him, I mean. 
It never was. 
And how did he end up being the one who needed healing? Apologies? How was it that at night, I was the one that held him? I’ve kissed his forehead so many times and have consoled his cold, beating heart. I’ve ran my fingers through his hair and wiped the hot tears from his face.
I remember when he let me drive his new car even though I had just gotten the hang of driving just weeks before. He tossed me the keys so confidently and beamed at me like I was the love of his life. Wasn’t I? I felt so special when I placed my hands on the sleek, black wheel. He placed his hand on my thigh and gave it a loving squeeze as he watched me drive through the barren road. It was just us. 
He used to give me so much, but now all he does is take. He takes, takes and takes. I gave up all my blood for him and now I’ve been hung up to dry. How could he possibly want more? I wrap my arms around myself, tightening the grip. Wanting some sort of comfort. My eyes look to the cars and pedestrians still out. I wonder what it’s like to not deal with something like this, to be a normal person walking down the street after a night of clubbing and fun. But I remind myself to keep my head down, just so no one recognizes me. It’s one thing to be recognized by fans, but another to be caught by them with mascara down your face. 
I attempt to walk faster, time fleeting and the night growing darker. I need to get home or else I know I'll sleep in tomorrow, and I cannot, under any circumstances, be late to performing my first show of the year. As I walk, I accidentally manage to shoulder-check someone. 
My body jolts back from the force and I look up, afraid of who I’d see. I don't know what’s scarier, someone I know or a complete stranger. I rub my shoulder and meet eyes with-
“Yoongi?” I say, not realizing I said his actual name which he’s never told me. Hopefully he doesn’t remember. There’s someone else next to him, someone I saw in the rehearsal room as well, earlier this week. He looks much younger than me and Yoongi, which catches me by surprise. Yoongi’s eyes widen slightly and his mouth parts, “Ah-Kanako. What’re you..” He trails off, looking me up and down. 
Usually I’d be blushing but because of my current attire and the status of my makeup, I’m more self-conscious. I maneuver my hands that settle in my pockets to move closer together, attempting to cover myself up. Although I’m not sure why, it’s not like I'm naked. “I just got done with dinner.” I state simply. 
I’m also not sure why I’m so defensive at this moment. I look at the boy who stands next to him, “Oh, Jungkook. This is Kanako-well Kanako, this Jung- nevermind.” Yoongi fumbles, which makes me crack something of a smile. Jungkook grins, “I, um, really love your music.” He says nervously. His comment is genuine and kind, but it only takes me back to dinner. Nothing can scrub my brain of what happened tonight, unfortunately.  
“Thank you Jungkook. I appreciate that.” I express, my hand stringing from my pocket to my hair, trying to busy myself to seem less awkward. As I run my fingers through my hair I feel tiny droplets. Then medium droplets. Then, a pour. 
“Oh shit.” Yoongi mutters, looking at Jungkook. The boy throws his hands over his head as the rain doesn’t hesitate to cascade onto us. “Rain, I thought it was supposed to be snowing?” He shouts over the loud droplets. 
Yoongi looks around and sighs, “W-We have to go home, do you need a ride?” He asks, looking into me like he really doesn’t want to be asking me that.
I bite my lip and stare off for only a moment. Haneul would lose his mind if he saw me in a car with these two guys. But I'm cold, in the middle of Seoul, and I can't take any chances.
“Um, yeah. Probably.” I reply. 
JANUARY 22ND, 2012, 11:45PM
Yoongi parks his car and sighs, leaning back into his seat. He seems to sigh a lot. I grab my things and prepare to leave before hearing Jungkook, “Hyung, Kanako’s dorm is all the way around the building.” He speaks. I’m unsure of what he’s insinuating, but I stay still in my seat. 
I look over to Yoongi who is almost unwanting of eye contact with me and I suddenly realize what Jungkook means, having me and Yoongi speak at the same time. 
“It’s okay, the walk isn’t too far-”
“We can let her stay in the dorms-”
We both pause and finally look at eachother. “Well-” He says, running a hand through his hair. My lips part just slightly. Am I really going to stay with seven guys I barely know? What kind of person does this make me?
"You guys, I mean, we all can get in a lot of trouble over this." I attempt to shut down this wild notion.
“It’s alright, we just have to be quiet.” Jungkook gives a reassuring smile. 
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click here for read more of this story!
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dylansslutt · 3 years
moving on/ j.m & r.c
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Summary: you dated rafe a little over a year, things ending when he got too much on drugs. he wasn’t a bad boyfriend, it just was the fact he wasn’t the one for you. when you continue your friendship with sarah & the rest of the pogues you get involved with someone that made you feel stronger than your previous relationship, but someone isn’t so happy about it.
Authors note: a lil idea I had. Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: cussing, mention of alcohol and weed, situationships, fighting, male hitting female abuse (random), typical pogue things
you were moving on from rafe; even though you hurt a lot, you were determined to make yourself be okay. luckily, sarah became a quick bff, including kie besides the two’s drama at first.
ending up around the rest of the pogues a lot, you grew a relationship with each person. john b was like a annoying brother, someone you were grateful for. (also secretly envying his and sarahs relationship, they’re like soulmates.)
pope was a best friend all the way, him consulting to you about his feelings towards kie; or the stress he felt about school. him also allowing you to rant about your emotions towards your ex, or life in general.
jj maybank... boy that was a different relationship. you told yourself after rafe, you were done. just focusing on you, your life, your goals. man oh man, did that get messed up. at first jj teased you, messing around/ lightly picking on you. you began to let your walls down around the boy, especially when one night he showed up after a incident of him an his father.
you two never got deep though, which was weird when you both went to eachother for many things. yet, jj never talked about his dad, life, or issues. and you never spoke up your parents, rafe, or issues.
you sat on sarahs bed, scrolling through your music playlist as she finishes her makeup. “okay eyeliner or no?” you glance over, her eyes holding up the liquid pen. shaking your head, “nah, we are getting fucked up tonight. you’ll either sweat if off, or cry it off.”
she laugh, “your not wrong. i have two bottles of some clear stuff in my bag im bringing.”
kie texted saying she’ll meet us at the party. i glance up at sarah, “you close to being done? jj just texted and him and john b are on the way, and kie is riding with pope.”
sarah stood up, “yes, how do i look?” she twirls.
“hot, if you weren’t taken, i’d claim you.” you wink, moving to put your shoes on.
“im grabbing a water bottle before we leave, you want one?” even though its her house, she nods grabbing her stuff. you make way down stairs, freezing when you see rafe, kelce, and topper at the kitchen.
ignoring the boys, you grab two water bottles. you go to leave the area, but rafe pulls you to the side.
“hey, can we talk?” his eyes plead into yours. you shake your head, “now is not a good time rafe.” you pull away, barely giving him a second glance as you head outside, waiting for the van to pull up. not wanting to be in the camerons resident anymore.
you sat in the back with jj, laughing as he jokes spill out his mouth. you tried not letting the encounter with rafe affect your night. you lean over taking the lit joint out of jj’s mouth, puffing it a few times.
“lil’ lady, tsk. tsk. tsk.” jj jokes, grabbing the joint back.
“oh hush, i brought you your favorite.” you pull out his favorite whiskey. his eyes widen, “ to think id be drinking cheap beer. god y/n, your a godsend.”
he leans forward kissing your cheek.you giggle, leaning back feeling the heat rush to your cheeks.
“no big deal.” really wasn’t, you have a spot that sells you anything.
you felt the road shake as you pull of to the side, parking on the outskirts of where the party was. the familiar scent of seasalt filled your senses, you step out of the van.
your bag on your back as jj puts his arm around your shoulders. “you gonna share your weed tonight right?” you glance up at the boy.
“for you? yes of course? anyone else nope.” you giggle, “sounds good to me.”
you were however many shots deep, passed tipsy after the third round of beer pong you won. leaving the table, you glance around the crowd of people, in search of the boy on your mind.
“y/n.” the sound of his voice made you make a face. wrong boy.
you turn towards the voice, eyes landing on a fucked up rafe. ‘for fucksake’ you mumbled, ignoring him walking off in the opposite direction.
“wa-wait, y/n.” his arm wraps around your wrist turning you around, “ just wait, please.”
you glare at the boys hand on you, “i have nothing to say to you, rafe.” he gulps as you start to pull away., “i ge-i get i messed up, okay! i know that, but i’ve been step-” you interrupt his speech, his grip getting tighter.
“you did, you messed up. it’s over, and stop grabbing me.” you yank your arm free, storming off not even letting him catch up.
you come across a cooler full of drinks. you reach down grabbing a white claw, “hey!” a hand touches your arm, you jump.
jj glances at you confused, “you good?” you nod, laughing at yourself. “yeah, i just thought you were rafe for a second.”
his eyebrows furrow, “he bothering you?”
“no!” you rush out, “no, uhh he just kept trying to talk to me but i shut him down. not in the mood for that shit.” you glance at the bottle you got him, half of its gone. “you drank a lot, jay.”
he shakes his head, “not enough you mean! im good- im real good.” you watch the boy, he seemed honestly not super drunk. “okay just dont make yourself sick.” you eye him down.
he salutes to you, “yes mam.” you roll your eyes, “i need to get on ya’ level.”i mutter sipping my drink.
he laughs grabbing you around the shoulders, pulling you into his embrace.
“we should do some’ fun.” you pull away from him, he was sweating. “like what?”
he shrugs, “no clue.” your eyes land on kie, “you make up your mind while i go speak to kie real quick.”
you walk off without letting him respond. you didn’t realize how tipsy you were until the sand beneath your feet made everything more difficult.
“who’s sober?” kie rolls her eyes, “pope duh.” she points at the boy who was in some conversation with a girl.
you nod, “well im not fucked up enough, come on.” you drag her back towards jj.
“jayyyy...” you drag his name out. “hmm?”
you look up at him, “i wanna smoke.” he nods shuffling through his stuff. he passes you a paper, “hold this.”
“do i need to roll?” he stares at you for second, “you can roll?”
you flip him off, “duh? the fuck question is that. gimme that.” you snatch the grinder out of his hand.
“i always roll the stuff i bring. what you think i did? buy prerolls or somethin’?” your eyes flicker up at him.
you set everything up, pearling the joint. not going unnoticed by jj, who’s in awe at the sight. “i don’t know.” he shrugged.
“done.” you smiled holding it up. “ a girl that can roll. hot” he mumbles making kie shove his head away. “fuckin’ fool.”
you giggle, snatching the lighter he held in his hand. you took a few puffs before sarah and john b plopped down besides y’all.
“sarah! just who i was looking for.” you give her a cheeky smile.
“my dear, you ask. i come.” she mocks a random accent, her hands intertwined with johns.
“refill please.” you pass over your cup. she pours you up with vodka, already handing over your chaser. lemonade was a good choice with vodka. or so you thought.
“why don’t you ever drink whiskey?” jay stares at your cup.
“i do, just not often. two, i get too ho-” you stop yourself mid-sentence. everyone didn’t need to know all that. jj eyes stayed on you for a minute, until the next conversation carried on.
“That’s why I like to drink it.” He whispers in your ear, slyly turning back to the conversation. Your body got hot, was that? Did he just?
okay that was hot.
After ab 30 mins of everyone chatting, drinking up. You had to pee. “I need to pee.” You whine into Sarah’s lap.
“I’ll walk with you.” You and her getting up, walking hand in hand. finding a good spot no one could see, yoi both hid behind a group of trees.
You finish up and make way back to the scene. As you giggle at Sarah, a group of whistles interrupt yall.
“Wooo ladies. Looking good tonight, how about a drink?” A tall brunette boy laughs out, cup held high.
You roll your eyes, “we good!” Sarah threw the boys a thumbs up.
“The fuck?” You mutter softly to her. You both continue past the boys until Sarah’s arm was grabbed.
“Well, that wasn’t nice. We offered you a free drink.” The guy looked down at us. you move forward, grabbing Sarah pushing her behind you.
“And we declined, in a polite way actually.” You glare up at the guy.
“Really?” He laughed. “Was she nice to us, drew? Alex?” he glance back at his friends.
They shook their hands, no. Your eyes glance around the beach. Not seeing jj or John b anywhere.
Sarah’s grip on my arm tightened. “See, they agree. You weren’t being nice. When someone-“ he pulls you close to him, his arms around your body.
“Offers you something, nicely. You do it.” You try shoving yourself away from the guy. sarah makes a move but another boy got up, only a few feet away from her.
“This isn’t the 1950’s dude, we don’t have to do shit we don’t want too.”
You finally stumble back after kneeing him, Sarah’s arms helping you stable out. You turn around not even bothering to talk back and forth, this situation was already getting out of hand.
Sarah caught on and kept walking, you following behind. “We need to get to everyone. I don’t like those guys.” You mutter out feeling your buzz slowly come back.
“That scared the hell out of me.”
You felt your arm being grabbed again, “you lil bitch!” 
your body flew around, the guy backhanding you. you dropped to the ground with a thud, the only thing registering was the fact you felt dizzy, and heard ringing.
“john b! JJ!” sarahs screams brought me back to reality. your vision focuses on the guy laughing above you.
you smile, blood stained your teeth. “you hit like a lil bitch.” you spit on his shoes.
his foot came in contact with your stomach, the breathe knocked out you. you sat there gasping, air not finding its way in. you groaned, finally getting some air into your body.
you gasp as someone lifts your head. “y/n?”
you focus on the face in front of you, sarah crying. you look past her, seeing jj beating the guy who hit me up. john b on top of the other friend.
“watch o-” your voice catches as rafe comes into view swinging at the dude who was about to come behind jj.
“come on. we need to get her out of here!” kie’s face appeared. “guys enough! lets go!” she screamed over the fight.
sarah helps you up, your stomach and ribs scream in agony. you made it a few more steps, before your knees went weak. “i-i can’t carry her.”
you were so tired and dizzy, the pain was unbearable.
“i got her.” rafe spoke up, “fuck no. i’ll take her back to john b’s.” jj voice spoke, stepping forward picking you up bridal style.
“im tired.” my eyes flicker close, too tired to keep them open anymore,
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Corpse Husband x fem reader
Summary: Y/N surprises Corpse on his birthday
Warnings: a few swear words
Word count: 1,818
Author’s Note: happy early birthday Corpsey!! I thought about writing a birthday fic and this is what I cam up with, I hope you guys enjoy it. Also please tell me I’m not the only person that remembers Mario Super Sluggers, one of the best Mario games and I stand by that, that’s all. 
Corpse was never big on birthdays. He hated the attention it brought on him, he hated the idea of celebrating himself like that. He stopped recognizing his birthday when he was fifteen. Never acknowledge the day as something special. Until he met Y/N. Three years ago he met Y/N through social media and she was the first person he felt comfortable enough to show his face to.
The two were never romantically involved, per say, but they definitely had romantic feelings for each other. Their friends were big on teasing them about their feelings for each other, Felix and Sean always had a field day with this. Their friend group thought it was peak comedy. Even Corpse would admit that it was hilarious listening to Sean try to impersonate his voice.
Y/N and Corpse first met on his birthday, he invited her to come over and hang out. She happily accepted the offer. Ever since then Corpse has started to look forward to his birthday because he knew they would spend all day together. He knew he would be happy and smiling the whole day because of her.
He was laying in bed watching one of Dream’s Manhunts. He lifted his phone from his side table to begin to scroll through Twitter. It was the same old tweets and not a lot of tweets from his friends, quite boring. He reached to place it down when he saw a phone call from Y/N. His pinked lips curled up softly as he spent a few seconds admiring the photo of her in his merch hoodie that he took.
“Y/N, Hey,” he said while putting the phone on speaker. He cleared his throat while he rested the phone on his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Corpse,” she whispered, a small whimper left her lips. Corpse furrowed his eyebrows as he adjusted the pillow under his head.
“What’s wrong, Hun?” he asked.
“I can’t make it tomorrow, my car won’t start and my brother came to look at it and it looks like I need a new battery and possibly an alternator, I’m so sorry Corpse, I really wanted to see you,”
Corpse let her finish talking while he felt his heart sink at her words. She was all he was looking forward to seeing for weeks. He spent a few days cleaning his apartment, making it spotless. He went out to the store to buy her favorite alcohol and other snacks. “It’s fi-Don’t worry about it, it’s okay,” he whispered. He tapped his finger against his laptop while clenching his jaw.
“We will still celebrate your birthday, I promise, we will still have a good day, okay?” she offered.
“Yeah, of course, it’ll still be good. Yeah, we can-yeah we can do something over discord,” he explained while he tossed his computer to the other side of his bed as he slowly pushed himself off the bed.
“Are you mad?” she asked, her voice was barely audible.
“No of course not, it’s something out of your control, it’s okay I promise,” he responded while he left his bedroom. His gaze looked all over his freshly cleaned apartment, that never looks this nice and put together, “I was just excited to see you is all,” the words fell from his lips without realizing. His eyes widened as she was silent on her end of the phone.
“I was excited too,” she whispered. After a few more minutes they ended their phone call with a quick shared goodbye. He rested his phone down on the counter as he continued to frustratingly clench his jaw. His gaze shifted towards the bottle of Vodka in the corner of his kitchen. He sighed while he reached for it and quickly untwisted it. He brought it to his lips and took a quick sip of it. He cringed as he set the bottle down on the counter while twisting the lid back on.
“How does she like this shit,” he muttered as he shook his head again at the after taste. He walked towards his bathroom, while dropping his head slightly.  He rested his phone and his watch down onto the bathroom counter. He looked into the mirror briefly before shifting his gaze back towards his feet. He started to take off his clothes to get into the shower and to try and rush the end of the day. He wanted to try and sleep to get Y/N off of his mind.
He was surprised when he woke up when he realized he did in fact fall asleep for a while. It was late past nine o’clock when he reached for his phone on his side table. He opened Twitter to see hundreds of thousands of birthday tweets from fans. His face softens as his lips curled up into a smile.
Over the years his fans would tell him happy birthday, over social media but this year felt different. The constant messages rolling through slowly started forming tears into his eyes. The amount of endless love he always received from his fans always made him feel better and slightly more secure than last time. His eyes filled with more tears as he saw his friends tweet sweet little birthday messages. A few tears slipped his eyes as he began to reply to their tweets and private messages.
He raised his hand as he wiped his eyes. He shook his head as she slowly stood up from his bed while he kept his phone in his hand. The birthday messages and wishes were a quick and short distraction from the one person he wanted to see. The one person who made him excited for his birthday again. He sighed as he opened his fridge, taking a bottle of water.
The silence in his apartment was heartbreaking, despite the love and appreciation he felt from his fans and his friends, he was still alone. He never wanted to remember the feeling of being alone on his birthday again. He loved the joy and love he felt from Y/N when she would spent the day with him. He wiped his eye as he rested his phone beside his bottle of water when it started to ring. He quickly cleared his throat as he answered the phone.
“Open the door,” she spoke. Corpse’s eyebrows furrowed as he stood silently while he waited for her to elaborate, “Open the door, please,” she continued. He chuckled nervously as he kept the phone to his ear as he wandered towards the door. He looked through the peep hole to see Y/N standing holding a small cake. He chuckled as he pulled the door open. She smiled widely when she saw him. His smile was as wide as it could go as he was at a loss for words. His body was tense as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Happy birthday,” she whispered as she stared towards him. Corpse slowly brought his phone down into his hoodie pocket as he reached out for the cake.
“I thought you couldn’t come,” he said as he walked towards the kitchen. She placed her phone into her jean pocket as she kept her gaze on Corpse.
“Suprise?” she let out while she ran her fingers through her hair. He chuckled as he turned to face her. He leaned his body against the counter while he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Come here,” he said, barely audible. She rushed towards him delicately wrapping her arms around him as he slowly did the same. He took a long deep breath as he ran his hand slowly up and down her back. His eyes shut as he fought off the tears of joy filling his eyes. He sniffed, as she pulled away from him.
‘Are you okay?” she asked as she stood in front of him, anxiously playing with her sleeves. He nodded as he chewed at his bottom lip.
“I’m just happy you’re here is all,”
They sat together with a half eaten chocolate cake with a half a bottle of wine, with Mario Super Sluggers on the TV screen. She leane her head back laughing as she watched Corpse try and get Bowser to get to first base. “Come on, come on, come on, Oh fuck that!” he yelled through a few chuckles. Y/N gets Diddy Kong to get Bowser out. “Oh come on Bowser you’re supposed to be all strong and shit what is this bullshit,” he complained while he sat back down on the couch. She leaned her head back as she began laughing hysterically.
“I think it’s just you, Hun, this aint got nothing to do with Bowser,” she explained. He shook his head while laughing.
“I am so good at this game, it’s definitely Bowser for sure,” he continued. They played the game for a few more rounds, there was tons of trash talk and laughter shared. A full bottle of wine and a few vodka sodas later they were both drunk and still making their way through the cake sitting on the coffee table.
“I’m so glad you came, honestly would’ve been a shit day without you,” Corpse said as he took another fork full of cake and he slowly brought it to his lips.
“It’s been a great day, it’s always a great day with you, Lovely,” she turned her head towards him. He tilted his head to meet her gaze. A small chuckle leaves his lips as he stares into her eyes, admiring the color. “Why are you laughing?” she chuckled as she spoke quietly. He shook his head as he pressed his lips together.
“That’s a new nickname,” he whispered. She furrowed her eyebrows as she tilted her head back slightly, “Lovely,” he hummed before leaning slightly closer to her, “I like that one.”
“I’ll start using it more then,” she said while she turned her head away from him briefly, “Lovely.” He smiled widely as he rolled his eyes playfully. He lifted his hand and wiped his hair away from his eyes as he reached into his pocket for his phone. He opened his camera. “What are you doing?”
“Smile,” he said while he held the camera facing her. She furrowed her eyebrows and laughed nervously. She smiled towards Coprse. He took a few of the photos and held his phone up as he looked towards her through the phone. He admired her smile, the way her nose scrunched up slightly when she did. He slowly lowered his phone as he kept his gaze towards her.
“What,” she let out nervously, her lips still curled upwards. He shook  his head as he reluctantly shifted his gaze back to his phone. He went to Twitter and picked his favorite one. He captioned the photo, Great Birthday with my Lovely :).
He drunkenly posted without thinking about the repercussions that would’ve occurred.
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hansolmates · 3 years
champagne lane | 06
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banner made by the iconic @dnrequests​ / @dee-ehn​
summary; you and jungkook have your own little celebration by the lake pairing; dilf!jk x best friend!reader (f) genre/warnings; angst, longing, pining, mc is a homebody, unrequited love (or is it?), potential idiots 2 lovers, best friends 2 lovers, mentions of sex, alcohol use, profanity w/c; 1.4k a/n; yes im excited to say part one is done! as i was thinking of the title i was like “wow this really sounds like mc and jk had s*x” but they not tehy’re not omg >_< also i know that sometimes it feels like things are omitted with sena/jk’s drama and whatnot, but i think that’s the fun of it since it’s a drabble series! you can envision and put the pieces n’clues together to see how far severe their relationship is. part 2 will start on tuesday, enjoy your weekend!  [day by day masterpost]
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A little beacon in the moonlight, Jungkook watches you curl up by the lake, your head popping up right where the moon leaps over the water. Making sure the baby monitor is connected up and running to the guest bedroom, he sneaks around the kitchen island, on a mission to find his peace offering. 
“You literally ran the party from top to bottom, why the hell are you still up?” 
You look up from the little nest you’ve created in the outdoor patio glider, and Jungkook holds up a chilled wine bottle and two champagne glasses. 
Holding up your phone you reply, “I just got off the phone with a cousin of mine. Figured I’d enjoy the view for a few minutes before heading off, but a nightcap won’t hurt.” 
Jungkook carefully pours the amber liquid in each of your glasses, making sure the bubbles don’t overflow at the lip. He sits gently on the swing, making sure not to jostle the two of you. Gently brushing his fingers to yours to hand you your drink, he gestures to his glass so they clink together softly. 
He watches as your body curls underneath the blanket you brought, feet disappearing and brushing against his thighs. Planting one foot on the soft grass, Jungkook gently swings the both of you into a soft rhythm. 
“So, did you like the party?” 
“Of course, I’ll never forget it,” Jungkook smacks his lips together, enjoying the warmth the sweet liquid brings to his face, “did you?” 
Jungkook genuinely hopes you had a good time. Everytime Haru smiled, tried something new, jumped like a maniac in the bounce house, Jungkook would turn around half-expecting you to be there and share the moment. Sena was there, and his parents were there, which was also great. But it was you that searched town to search for all the new desserts Haru would like, you that booked the bounce house, you that made Haru so happy on her special day. 
“Yeah, I’m happy no one poked the bounce house with those lamb skewers,” you relax against the swing, kicking your bare legs. “Would kill us if we didn’t get that security deposit back.” 
“I felt like I had a little too much fun,” Jungkook scrunches his nose, eyes clinging to the beautiful reflection of the moon-filled lake, “you did way too much work, you know that?” 
You continue to swing your legs mindlessly, “You had a crazy year. You deserved to be happy with your daughter on her first birthday.” 
He doesn’t understand how you could downplay how awesome you are. Amazing, completely. Even dressed down in a ratty old college t-shirt and shorts, you still are a dynamite human. 
“So, where’s Sena?” 
He almost forgets about the events that conspired not two hours ago. He slumps forward, his shoulders feeling heavy as he reflects on his last conversation with Sena. 
“She left,” Jungkook shrugs, swirling the honey in his glass, “got a call from her manager and took the first flight out of here. I think it’s decided,” Jungkook affirms, “she’s not coming back.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” and you truly sound sorry. You put your finished glass down on the ground, and you reach over to put your free hand over his, “I know how much you wanted this to work,” you bite your lip nervously, “and I may have told her off today at the party. So it could be partially my fault.”
This interests Jungkook greatly. He raises a brow, running a hand through his dark chocolate tresses. “You, telling someone off? And I had to miss that?” 
"It was probably for the best," you rub your neck sheepishly, lowering your head, "I just told her that if she wants to be part of you and Haru's life, she needs to be all in or all out. I'm sorry if that's overstepping—”
“You’re my backbone,” Jungkook slices through your rambling, pointedly looking at you and hoping you'd reach his eyes. 
“It’s just one party, Kook. No big deal—”
“No, you’ve always been my backbone, you know that?” Jungkook says, tone serious, “I know, it’d be selfish for me to expect that you’ll be around forever. I thought maybe you'd be around for a week after I called you, but twelve months later for some reason you're still coming around," he chuckles, "but honestly? I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone but you, including Sena." 
"Kook, you don't mean that—”
He squeezes your hand purposefully, "I do. Even if I date and find someone new, I still want you to be a part of Haru's life. Thank you so much, for taking care of her." 
"Oh Jungkook," you lean your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist. The warmth of your skin seeps between his sweatshirt, and he subconsciously tenses at the intimacy, "you know that I'm not doing it just for Haru. I'm doing it because I care about you too." 
"Fuck, don't make me cry," he half jokes, but he's thankful you're looking at the moon because he does feel his eyes grow wet. He shoves his cheek against the crown of your head, relishing in your touch. Of course, the intuitive person you are, you squeeze tighter around his body when you sense his need for affection, "so, we're good?" 
"Yeah, we're good." 
The two of you relax against each other's warmth, silently admiring the beautiful night. The stars manage to seep its way through the navy blanket in the countryside, illuminating the backyard with speckles of glitter. Jungkook doesn't know how long he sits there, swinging lightly with you. 
A familiar ring tone startles the both of you apart, recognizing the familiar chime coming from the baby monitor app. 
"It's Haru," he gets up, grabbing empty glasses and wine, "probably needs a change or something." 
"Oh, can I please do it?" despite being tired through your bones and muscles, you pop out eagerly and follow him inside, "I barely saw her today."
Jungkook smiles fondly, "Of course." 
The both of you pad barefooted into Namjoon's house, careful not to wake up the other guests. In Jungkook's bed, there's a pillow fence casing Haru around the perimeter of the mattress, making sure she doesn't fall off. 
She isn't crying or anything, just awake. She kicks and swings her body around like a starfish, suddenly interested in the lace trim blanket that looks transparent around her ankles. 
"Hello bubby," you whisper excitedly, using the rocker on the wall to bathe the room in a low yellow light. 
You don't think twice, scooping Haru in your arms spinning slowly around the room. You do all the checks, running your fingers over her onesie for any drool or sweat, you pinch her diaper to see if it needs to be changed, and most importantly, you give her a little kiss in greeting. 
"Bu bu," Haru says, a big smile on her face, “Mama!” 
He watches from the doorhenge, as if he's intruding on a moment. Jungkook half-expects you to correct her. He watches your expression carefully, ready to take Haru away from you if need be. 
But instead you snuggle her tighter and murmur, "Yeah, I'm here." 
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For some inexplicable reason, Jungkook is still awake. You’ve occupied his guest room, snuggling with Haru. The bed is big enough for the three of you, but he’s still plagued with thoughts, caught by how picturesque the two of you looked, warm and comfortable. 
“Yo,” Yoongi is sleeping on the couch, dressed in only his boxers and an oversized sweatshirt. He stumbles into the kitchen, reaching for the water container and a plastic cup. 
Jungkook watches Yoongi pad through the island, as if he’s walking through molasses, thick with sleep. He’s gotten to know Yoongi more closely up until Sena left during her first visit, not intentionally, only because whenever he invited you, Yoongi attached himself at the hip. 
Jungkook supposes Yoongi is a good guy, even after the heartbreak in college. He still holds a minor vendetta to that for hurting you, but since you’re all smiles and laughs he supposes he can call it a truce. 
Yet his bittersweet thoughts materialize without a second thought, “Are you and her dating?” 
Yoongi doesn’t miss a beat, chuckles as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, “No.” 
“Oh, are you planning to ask her out?” 
“Why not,” Jungkook’s face falls, so much with disdain Yoongi fights the urge to reel back, “she’s a great woman. Any guy or girl would be lucky to have her.”
“Yeah, but not the woman for me.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You’ll figure it out.”
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missluckycharms · 3 years
What about nobody knows their secretly dating, but they’re always flirting. So one day all of their Friends are at a club and y/n gets on the dance floor and starts twerking and Harry comes up behind her and starts grinding and tapping her ass and all there friends are whistling.
This Little Secret Of Ours.
A/N: hiii! I made this into a best friends brother! Harry blurb and I also changed a few things. I hope you don’t mind! Enjoyyy !!
**I will be getting around to all your requests in the next few days, please be patient !! Thank you !! **
Warnings: suggestive content, mature language, alcohol consumption, Harry is a cheeky lil shit.
It started when Y/N was nineteen and Harry was turning twenty one. It was never meant to happen, but what could she do? She was attracted to him, and he was to her.
They have a connection that you cannot look past no matter how hard it would be for them to be together, they needed to make it work.
And they did, they’ve hid it from everyone for nearly two years now. No one even suspects the pair is together, they never leave anyone have any suspicion on if they might be together. They even go as far as having some little fake argument just to keep up the “we hate one another” image in front of all of their friends — Y/N’s best friend being in that friend group, Harry’s sister.
The only way that this works between the two, is because Harry has his own flat, he bought it recently and Y/N as basically moved in, she’s rarely at her shared flat with her other best friend — always saying she was visiting family for days at a time, but she was really hiding out in Harry’s small one bedroom studio apartment together, cuddled up under blankets away from the world.
Every Friday their friend group has a tradition: they all meet up at the local night club and catch up on their lives, talk about their week, have some drinks and just have fun. As they’re older, their lives are getting more hectic and they have less time together, so this little meet up each week gives them the chance to feel like teens again.
Today is like every other Friday, Y/N is in Harry’s getting ready, the pair fighting over the one bathroom, Harry running in ahead of her for a shower as she “takes too long” and she “has to shave her bits and bobs!” And it “takes for ages!” Y/N always fires back with her usual response: “you’ve long hair too! You don’t see me complaining when you take ten years to apply your hair masks and then give two washes of it all!”
That small argument happened nearly an hour ago, Harry laughed back and slammed the bathroom door in her face as she stands in only his bath robe, her towels in hand along with a new packet of razors she picked up on her way over here. She rolls her eyes and huffs turning around to head back into his bedroom.
“Might want to give it twenty minutes m’love, I used up all the hot water” Harry says calmly, walking out of the steamy bathroom in only a towel slung around his waist and another towel drying the ends of his long curls. Y/N looks up from her phone, her eyes narrow as they only have three hours to get to the club.
“This is why I go first!” She yells out, flopping down onto the bed in annoyance at her boyfriend who’s laughing while running some curl cream through his wet locks, his eyes focused on himself in the mirror.
“Gives you twenty minutes to have some Harry time!” He says wiping the residue of curl cream into his towel, his smile wide as she looks at him from where she’s laying on his bed, her lips in a pout and her brows furrowed in anger.
“I had plenty of Harry time this week, you were like a kid! Barely got any time to even pee!” She yells as Harry just laughs at her angry self, loving how cute she looks when her lips pout and her eyes roll with her pretty eyelashes framing them. He adores her, all of her.
The twenty minutes is spent by Y/N being tickled by Harry as she yelled and laughed loudly while he teased her for being ticklish, her body squirming on the bed as he hovered above her with his fingers tickling her ribcage causing her to loose control of her whole body and melt into a puddle of flailing limbs and loud screeches. Harry eventually let up his tickling, allowing Y/N to finally shower and start to get ready. He’s currently sat on his bed, ready to go in his black and white silk button up, black skinny jeans and some black leather boots. Y/N is currently curling her hair and applying some makeup as she stands in her outfit: a simple black silk dress with black heels.
“Look so beautiful m’heart, love the sparkly straps on your shoes” he points out when she’s finally ready, Harry sliding his phone into his back pocket to get a closer look at his girl, his hands snaked around her waist as he pulls back to rake his eyes up and down her body carefully, his lip between his teeth as he observes her.
“Thank you H, you don’t look too bad yourself. New shirt?” She asks reaching up and tugging on the collar a little, only three buttons done up on the whole shirt leaving his tattooed chest to show through with his many necklaces — what was more eye catching was how sheer the fabric was, allowing his butterfly and other tattoos to be visible when light is shined onto him.
“Bought it last week, more sheer than I thought but hey, who doesn’t want a front row seat to the nipple show? Huh?” He asks shaking his chest at Y/N, her eyes rolling as she slaps his chest playfully as he pulls her in for a kiss.
“Can’t kiss you until we’re back here, which won’t be for like, God knows how many hours” He mumbles against her lips as they kiss one another passionately and slowly, their hands roaming one another’s bodies as they take in every detail of each other.
“You always take me into the bathroom for a quick fuck or a make out session, don’t act like you don’t do that” she fires back with a tug to his bottom lip with her own teeth, a groans escaping his chest at her action, his hands squeezing her ass a little as he pulls her more into him.
“Keep talking like that and we aren’t going anywhere baby” he says lowly, his tongue licking over her bottom lip as she smiles against his lips, her hands roaming his chest, then his stomach and then down to his crotch, giving him a tight squeeze when she feels how hard he’s getting, Harry lets out an involuntary moan at the feeling, his hips pushing into her palm as she licks over his bottom lip slowly as she goes.
“Come on big boy, we have somewhere to be” she says pulling away, fixing her dress and wiping her lipgloss from Harry’s lips, her eyes looking at him innocently as if she didn’t just tease him and get him hard two seconds ago. He groans as she grabs her handbag, throwing a wink over her shoulder at him as she trots towards the front door of the apartment.
“You coming?”
“Unfortunately no” he says sighing, looking down at his erection in his tight skinny jeans, Y/N rolling her eyes at what he means.
“Harry, get out into the cab” she says tapping her foot against the floors, her phone buzzing with messages from the Uber driver that he’s outside and not waiting any longer than five minutes.
“Fine” he sighs, grabbing his house keys and sulking his way towards the cab, Y/N apologising for the delay and Harry just pouting like a toddler beside her as they head off to their night out with all their friends.
The night has gone smoothly, Harry and Y/N sitting at opposite ends of the table they’re all sharing in the booth, their eyes catching one another’s every few minutes but their slight eye fucking flies under the radar due to how dull it is in the club. Their friends are chatting, laughing and singing as they all sip their drinks and talk about nonsense, Y/N being dragged into conversation about how her job as a florist is going by her best friend Jada, while Harry is dragged into a conversation by their friend Chase about nonsense due to his drunken state — Chase loves to pre drink and now he’s drunk as fuck.
Harry is nodding and smiling along to Chase’s words, his fingers fiddling with his beer coaster in boredom, all he wants to do is have drunken chats with Y/N about nonsense like they usually do when they drink at Harry’s place, the pair having a bottle of wine each as they dish out random facts and stories from their childhoods and Harry’s one year long college experience — he dropped out because he couldn’t handle not being around Y/N, she was too far away from him and plus, his dorm mate was a nightmare.
He’s brought out of his small daydream of half listening to Chase while also mumbling along to the words of the song that’s blasting through the speakers in the packed nightclub, by his phone buzzing in his back pocket, he takes it out and keeps it under the table on his lap, looking down to see a notification from Y/N. He doesn’t look up as he opens it, his eyes widen at what the message says.
Y/N: mind if I shake my ass on the dance floor?
Harry: don’t you dare, your ass is mine and mine only. Don’t think about it baby love.
He looks up to see her looking at him, her lip between her teeth as she locks her phone, him mirroring their actions as they stop their small conversation. Her eyes are dark with lust, a tug pulling at the corners of her lips as she leans over to whisper into Jada’s ear. Harry watches her like a hawk, legs spread under the table, arms crossed over his chest and his head thrown back against the wall of the booth as he narrows his eyes at his girlfriend, her own challenging smile getting thrown back right at him.
Jada is the first to move, then Lola and then Y/N, leaving Harry at the other side being sandwiched between Chase and Niall, Niall is currently on the phone trying to speak to his landlord about a busted pipe in his house, but instead of going outside he insists to stay in here, he has a massive fear of missing out. That’s Niall for you. Harry watches Y/N like a hawk, his eyes never leaving her body as she holds onto both Jada and Lola’s hands, their smiles wide and they mouth along to the words of the song,
Her eyes are on him every now and then, her hips swaying as she dances with her friends, others around them dancing aswell as Harry doesn’t take his eyes off his girl on the floor, the lights flashing about and illuminating her every now and then as she moves to the beat of the song.
Harry’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets when he sees her bend over and begin to shake her hips, causing her ass to jiggle about as Lola and Jada spur her on, slapping her ass a little as she laughs loudly, looking over to Harry who’s now stalking his way to the dance floor, pushing past the crowd of people. Jada nearly slaps Harry when he picks Y/N up by her waist, flinging her over his shoulder as she laughs loudly, Harry shaking her head as barely anyone on the floor recognises what’s happening due to how dark it is, Jada and Lola following hot on Harry’s heels as he carries their best friend like a sack of potatoes back to the booth.
“What was that for?!” Jada yells slapping her brothers chest and bicep, her brows furrowed in anger as Harry now holds Y/N close to him his hands around her waist as they both look at Jada with small smiles.
“She was showing off what’s mine” Harry says with a smile, looking down at Y/N who scrunches up her nose with laughter, pecking his lips lightly as they both finally get to show love to another in public, in front of everyone.
“I knew it!” Niall yells nearly falling over the table, Chase whistling and clapping as he nearly passes out due to how much he’s moving right now.
“Only because I told you!” Lola fires at Niall who rolls his eyes looking at them all, Jada stood beside the pair not knowing what to say.
“We all had a feeling, we were just waiting for you both to say something; there’s only so many times we’ll believe your bra just some how ended up in Harry’s car” Jada says rolling her eyes with a smile, Y/N burying her face in Harrys chest in embarrassment over the story.
Jada hugs the two, immediately running up to order a round of shots in celebration of the new couple — well, not that new, but now they’re officially together in the eyes of everyone else. They couldn’t be happier and they couldn’t be more grateful that Jada didn’t lose her shit.
“Guess this little secret of ours is out, huh?” He whispers to her, her smile wide as she looks up at him with her arms slung around his neck holding him close.
“I guess so, boyfriend”
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milazka · 4 years
not the greatest feeling ever | 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝.
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the less i know the better masterlist
main masterlist
summary: fuck it, i’m not doing a summary, i’m so bad at it. oh! there’s smut btw.
warnings: smut, cursing, mentions of blood, underrage drinking
last thought: i’m proud of this one, took me a lot of time to write, but i think it was worth it! enjoy your reading! love, milz.
─── ° • ❀ ───
The gentle breeze twirls her golden locks in all directions. She hums the lyrics of You never can tell, having watched Pulp Fiction for the hundredth time last night. Her irises are fixed to the slightly damp roadside covered with fresh fallen leaves from this morning rainstorm. The last rays of sunlight caress her baby-like skin as they disappear into the horizon, painting the sky in a mixture of orange and rose. 
“C’mon grandpa, you’re slow as hell!” she teases Marcus, turning her head back to stick her tongue out at him. Standing on his skateboard, he sends her the finger, scraping the pavement with his over-used black vans to gain speed and eventually catch up with her. 
“That’s how the turtle won the race, dumbass,” he gently nudges her shoulder with his hand as he rides his board besides her. She gives a sharp turn of the handlebars to move her tires out of the sand and back on the pavement, giving him a death glare. 
“I almost fell in the ditch, shithead!” he simply laughs, his head falling backward. His dark colored hairs, normally slicked back, are ruffled by the warm September wind, giving him a laid back look that fits him perfectly. She adores hearing his laugh; it's one of the purest and most delightful sounds. It was only recently that she heard him laugh again, having not heard it for months after the day they lost the third musketeer of their trio. It was one of the hardest moments of their lives, but sharing this kind of experience brought them closer than ever. Charlie was there for him when he hit rock bottom, stroking his back while he cried on the shower floor, freezing water running down their damped bodies. She was also by his side the first time he went to therapy, soothingly squeezing his hand before he entered the office.
“If someone had to fall in a ditch, it would be me.”
“You know that Max and I made bet on how long it would take you to fall in a ditch?” she replies, checking his reaction at the corner of her cerulean eyes. He grins. 
“How much did you bet?” he curiously asks, one eyebrow arched. 
“Fifty bucks,” his eyes almost snap out of their sockets. He stops, stepping off his board.
“Fifty bucks?! That’s insulting, thought I was worth more than that,” he shouts as she makes a u-turn, retracing her steps, stopping in front of him.
“I’ll give you half of it if you wait ‘till June,” Charlie sarcastically says to him, elbows leaning on the handlebars of her bicycle. He caught a glimpse of light in her gaze; a twinkle of amusement he always finds in the corners of her softly crinkled eyes when she smiles truthfully.
“Deal,” he winks at her, drawing a small laugh from her slightly parted lips. He picks up Charlie's polaroid from the basket at the front of her bike, signaling for her to ride so he can immortalize the moment for her. Marcus knows she keeps those famous polaroids in an old converse box as a source of happiness; they're memories of moments she doesn't want to forget. 
He takes the little camera to his eyes, snapping a picture when Charlie turns her head to the side to look at him, smiling like there is no tomorrow. As the picture is slowly developing, he hears a squeal of tires and a squeal of surprise from the distance. 
“Fuck Charlie!” he shouts, running towards her as she sits, holding firmly her right forearm. His heart tightens at the sight of her painful face, her traits are torn by pain and he can see tears gathering at the corner of her squinted blue eyes. Marcus hates to see her in pain; he knows she's not the type to complain about anything so when he sees her azure eyes filling with water, he knows it's serious. 
“You got a few scratches,” he whispers, running his eyes over her legs and arms. “We’ll go to your house and clean you up, okay?” she nods, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Marcus tucks his skateboard under his arm, grabbing the handlebars and seat of Charlie's bike simultaneously.
─── ° • ❀ ───
“Hold still,” his hazel eyes are focused on the mid-depth cut on her forearm. His bushy eyebrows furrowed, giving him a severe, almost cold sober look. She takes a big gulp of the rich whiskey she borrowed from her father's secret stash. 
“Oh fucking hell!” she swears between her clenched teeth when the rubbing alcohol makes contact with the exposed flesh of her forearm. “That’s not the greatest feeling ever,” she whimpers, her forehead resting on his shoulder covered by his green olive shirt. 
“I know, angel, I know,” he runs his hand through her blonde hair, gently stroking her scalp in a soothing way. She keeps her head resting against his shoulder, holding back the tears that threaten to run down her flushed cheeks.
“I’m usually the one taking care of you,” he knows it refers as much to all the times he fell off his skateboard as it does to when he hit rock bottom when their friend passed away. Charlie isn't used to being taken care of; she has always been able to look after herself without anyone's help.
Crying is for the weak.
She swallows her tears, putting her mask back on with a slight smile.
“Your new neighbor saw me fall,” she changes the subject, pausing to take another gulp directly from the whisky bottle. “Great way to make a first impression,” a light laugh escapes from her lips, but she halts when she notices his gaze turning away almost discreetly. “What’s wrong?” 
Over the years, she has learned to read him like the palm of her hand; she knows he looks away to the left when he is hiding something from her and that he scrapes the back of his neck when he is embarrassed.
“I-I had sex with her,” he blurts out, avoiding her gaze while he still applies pressure on the bandage covering the wound on her forearm. 
“Holy shit,” her eyes widened, not expecting this kind of disclosure. “Wait, what about Padma?” 
“You know she is not my girlfriend, Charlz,” he sighs, finally sustaining her non-judgmental azure irises. It' s one of the things he likes about her; she never judges him and even if she did, he wouldn't know since she hides it so well. 
“Was it good?” she does not insist about Padma, knowing perfectly well that she is the first one to know. He doesn't answer, looking thoughtful as if a million thoughts are running through his head. He steals the bottle of alcohol from her, gulping down a few ounces of the throat-burning liquid.
“What aren’t you telling me, Marcus?” 
He shuts his eyes, exhaling loudly.
“I don’t know if I was good… God, I don’t even know if she came!” her heart tightens; he looks distraught and she knows that this is a big deal to him, after all, he just lost his virginity. He breathes heavily, his jaw as tightly clenched as his fists.
“Show me.” 
“What?!” he opens one eye, eyebrows furrowed as if he was questioning if she was being serious.
“Show me what you did, I’ll tell you if it’s good,” 
“You’re drunk, Charlz…I don-” he stops as soon as her silver rings coated hands grip the hem of his olive shirt, grazing the soft skin of his lower abdomen with her fingertips. Sitting on her knees, she brings her head up to his neck, pressing her lips against the skin. The feeling of her wet lips on his burning skin sends a shiver running through his spine. 
“I’m sober enough to remember everything and give you my consent,” she whispers to his ear and he almost moans when she slightly nibbles his lobe. Her hands slips to the back of his neck, forcing him to hover over her as she lies on her back.
Both his hands are lingering on the buckle of her belt, struggling to undo it. She clutches his chin with one hand, plunging her reassuring gaze into his. He looks nervous, his hands trembling slightly when he takes off her jeans. She presses her lips to his Adam's apple, feeling him tense up at first, but relax as she sensuously slides her tongue up to his sculpted jaw.
“A-are you good with two figers?” he nervously asks, his right hand resting on the edge of her panties. 
“Yes,” he hesitantly slips his hand into her panties, parting her legs with his other hand before sliding his index and middle fingers up and down her folds.  She can see him blush when an almost quiet moan escapes her lips at the feeling of his fingers inside her core. He pumps them in and out slowly, as if he was afraid to hurt her.
“Try to curl them in a ‘come here’ movement,” she demonstrates with her own fingers. He nods and mimics her actions, making her whimper under him. 
“That feels good,” she encourages him. “What did you do next?” she softly asks, rubbing her thumb against his cheek to sooth him. 
“Hum, well, we-um, you know, did it,” he says, blushing like a little child who just got his first kiss with the popular girl. 
“You didn’t go down on her?” she asks, looking quite shocked. He seemed clueless. “I mean, you didn’t use your mouth?” 
“Uh no, should I have?” 
“You boys really know nothing about female pleasure,” she sights. “Try watching lesbian porn next time, you will learn A LOT more,” He almost chokes, not expecting to hear this come out of his best friend's lips while his fingers are still inside her. They've always been comfortable with each other, but not to the point of talking about the kind of porn they listen to. The idea of her best friend watching porn and getting herself off almost made him cum in his pants.
“You do know what a cunniligus is, right?” 
“God, Charlz, I’m not five years old! Yes, I know what it is!” he exclaims, his ego lightly bruised by her question. 
“Well, show me then, playboy,” she challenges him, a cocky smile slipping on her lips. the alcohol going slightly to her head.
He pulls her to the edge of the mattress, kneeling at the foot of the bed between her legs. His lips kiss the skin on the inside of her thighs, sucking it until he sees a dark red mark appear. He gets rid of her underwear in the blink of an eye  before placing her legs over his shoulders. He darts his tongue out of his mouth, licking a long strip between her folds without giving her the chance to acknowledge what was going on. He stops once his tongue rests on the bundle of nerves, licking around it in a circular motion.
“Fuck,” she moans. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“You really think I've never watched lesbian porn?” he teases her, biting the inside of her thigh, making her body jolt. He dives back his head to her core, sucking her clit into his mouth.
At leats he know where the clit is.
"Oh my god Marcus," she moans, squirming against his grip. He places his arm over her lower abdomen, pinning her body against the mattress. She can feel his two fingers sliding back into her core, the sudden feeling causing her hips to buck up against his face.  
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me, hun?” he praises her, fingers curling inside her just like she taught him. She could barely feel herself, letting out a series of high-pitched moans as Marcus tongue was working on her bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she whimpers, her head pressed down against the matress. Her fingers tangle in his dark hair, tucking at the roots as she let out a cry, the euphoric feeling taking over her body for a moment. Marcus looks up to see her eyes shut tightly, her legs shaking on his shoulders. He can feel her core pulsating around his fingers as she comes down from her high.
He took a mental picture of her, engraving this moment in his memory forever.
─── ° • ❀ ───
taglist; @cognacdelights @ellegotohell @janedartist
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football-rambles · 3 years
New Years Day - Ben Chilwell
If you’re reading this on new year day, I wrote this in adavance, so if I was drinking it wouldn’t be crap...but its crap so here we go. 
based on the queen herself Taylor swift 
Happy New Year x
credit to the gif owner
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You woke up with the biggest headache from hell, that you were sure you were heading for death. Your mouth was painfully dry, and even the slightest movements made your head throb. Your body ached as if you did a gym session. When you finally opened your eyes, you saw the sunlight that was illuminating the room. You groaned as you placed your hand over your eyes.
“Y/N” a voice spoke softly.
As you shift under the blanket, you say, "No, go away.". It was a sofa so there wasn’t much room to move without the fear of falling off.
Memories from last night came flooding back – You had gotten drunk at Mason’s New Year’s Eve Party. Declan convinced you to take a shot, and that made a second shot seem like a wise idea too. That then made it a smart idea to drink what Mason was drinking. There had been tequila in it? Probably rum? All the alcohol in the house might have mixed. After that, your memory was a bit hazy.
“I’m going to kill Dec.” You spoke, into the pillow as your voice was muffled.
“This hangover is his fault, and Mason’s. I hate them both. "Ow." You cry in pain as you still bury your head under the blanket.
“That sounds nice.” Said the gentle voice. “How about you have this water, it has Alka-Seltzer in it to take the edge off.”
You’re eyes have finally opened. There were bottles and cups scattered around, as well as streamers and confetti, because someone from Grealish had brought it and now the house was littered with bright colors that clashed with the décor.
Everywhere you looked there were empty bottles, cups. Someone must have spilled alcohol somewhere as you could smell it. If you moved, would you be tempted to vomit from the smell?
Sitting in front of you was Ben. With the glass of water in hand, Ben on the other hand didn’t drink but let Declan and Mason convince you to drink whatever was in Mason’s cup. With the morning light streaming in, it reflected to where Ben sat. He looked amazing in the light.
“I’m hungover.” You tell him the obvious, as the horror begins to creep in. You wanted to make a memorable impression. You did not want to get drunk off some mixed alcohol drink, especially in front of him. You are pretty sure you even kissed him at midnight. It was a blur after that.
“You are.” Ben chuckled as he nodded in agreement. “You were very drunk last night and now we’re even.” He smirks.
While you were unsure what he meant by that, you pushed yourself up from the sofa and accepted the water. Taking a sip felt like an Olympic sport."what do you mean?���
“Y/N!!!!” Ben screechs, loud enough to make you wince. “The first time we met, was at the Christmas party, and I was super drunk! I was so embarrassing, but now you’ve gotten drunk in front of me, we’re even. It’s perfect.” Ben shrugged, smiling at you.
It felt far from it. You must have looked terrible right now, you felt terrible, but you just nodded and swallowed another mouthful of water.
“I’m so sorry.”
“We got Dec and Mason in a room together.” Ben laughed. “They were pretty drunk last night too. Lauren and Mason’s girlfriend Emily left them too and went and shared a room together, leaving Dec and Mason.” He chuckled.
“Declan also told everyone to leave the cleaning to him, which somehow I think he will forget.” Ben says as he looked around.
You looked around at the disaster of a house, and noticed a spot next to the coffee table, a blanket screwed up on the floor, and a sofa pillow.
“Ben, did you sleep on the floor?” You spoke, feeling guilty.
“Where you're on the couch and I didn’t want to wake you up…Everyone else claimed the bedroom, those that stayed anyway. And I be damned if I was gonna have to share a bedroom with Mason and Declan, dealing with their hungover asses.” Ben explained as he looked at you.
“What?” He asked, noticing your look.
“I should have slept on the floor,” you choked out.
Ben shook his head. “Why? I could have slept on the sofa with you, but I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You looked at him and nodded, as you looked at the mess and put the water on the table, next to where Ben was sitting.
“We should start cleaning up for Declan, I’m sure he’d appreciate it, after he’s recovered.” You say quietly.
Ben looked at you and raised an eyebrow. “You want to clean up? Now?”
“Of course! I mean...it's what I’d want someone to do for me. I’m obsessed with cleaning anyway, I’m the next Mrs Hinch.” You say in hushed tones as your head hurt.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” You asked, dreading that something stupid you did the night before was about to haunt you again.
“No!” Ben said immediately. “I- I mean you don’t have to do that. I can do it.”
You bite down on your lip. “Oh. Ben Hun, I’ve seen your cleaning” you teased.
Ben smiled and looked at you for a few moments “well don’t worry about that for now the guys should be up soon”
“Yes” You nodded letting out a laughter at the thought of Declan and Mason. “But you’re a great boyfriend! I mean you brought me a hangover cure, you slept on the messy floor like a gentleman,”
“Held your hair back when you threw up.” Ben added.
“I did what?”
“Before you passed out, you threw up” He gestures to the bucket near the sofa.
“God, I’m so sorry.” You groaned, as you hid your face behind your hands in embarrassment.
Ben smiled and leaned to kiss you, as he gave a kiss to your lips, before frowning “Ewww, you still taste of alcohol with a hint of vomit.”
“Yeah, what the hell was that stuff Mason was drinking?” you asked, ignoring the comment that was just made. “it was disgusting.”
“I think Dec and Mason threw in every alcohol that was in the house to be honest.” Ben said. “Next time don’t drink anything that you didn’t pour.”
You hugged into his as he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, you nodded into his chest “You can count on that.”
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hwangsies · 4 years
in the middle 
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader x lee felix
genre: bestfriend!au/ roommate!au, established relationship (hyunjin x reader)
warnings: some pining, felix is a confused bisexual, alcohol consumption, throwing up due to alcohol consumption, hangover, swearing, smut as in: slight voyerism & exhibitionism, unprotected piv, some mxm (just making out), virgin!felix (sorry i couldnt help it ksiohdbkk), softdom!hyunjin, switch!reader, sub!felix, shy!!!!lixie, oral (m&f), fingering, praise, minimal degradation, light spanking, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms
4.7 k words
enjoy <3
Felix is positive he’s going to hell, he shouldn’t be looking at his roommate and best friend like that.
“loosen up a little, lixie” you almost yell for him to hear you over the loud bass ringing in both of your chests.
Speaking of chest, shit, he’s staring again. But its not his fault, your boobs were staring at him first.
In the tight black v neck crop top that you decided to wear to todays frat party, your décolletage simply looks ravishing, especially alongside the black leather mini skirt that rounds out your ass so perfectly and exposes your thighs deliciously.
He looks at you, smiling at your hair whipping around as you swing your head to the strong bass.
“you need to drink more, you’re no fun” you grin, tugging him off to the side into the kitchen of your boyfriends frat house.
Oh yea, your boyfriend, hyunjin.
He should hate him for being so lucky to have you as his girlfriend, but he simply can’t.
Not when Hwang Hyunjin is probably the best looking but also the sweetest guy on campus.
The only guy maybe rivalling him would be seo changbin from the year above him … anyways, nothing is wrong with him.
Quite the opposite, which is why felix became good friends with him even before he met you.
And now almost a year later of hyunjin and you being together and felix being the token best friend/ third wheel, he still doesn’t know who of the two of you he’s into more.
“there we go” you coo, lifting the shot glass to felix’s lips and watching as the bitter liquid passes his lips.
His face contorts in disgust even before he manages to swallow the liqour “that’s awful” he groans, at which you laugh and pour yourself one.
“you have to fold your tongue back and just-“ you end your sentence with quickly throwing your head back and downing your own shot.
Felix grins when a short lived shudder washes over your body at the aftertaste “right” he mocks, grinningly.
A playful punch is delivered to his shoulder before a familiar voice interrupts your banter.
“drinking without me? the audacity” hyunjin grins as he makes his way over to you.
“well, it’s not our fault you take so long to get ready” you stem your arm into your hip sassily “or should I say admire yourself in the mirror for so long” you quip, cocking one brow up; laughing and squealing when hyunjin picks you up slightly and blows a raspberry into the exposed skin of your neck as a response to your teasing.
“the black hair looks good” felix finds his voice after hyunjin had put you back down and pressed a kiss to your lips.
His plump lips stretch into a bashful smile, a little dimple appearing in his left cheek “really?” he runs a hand through the long dark locks for good measure, at which you softly hit his chest.
“stop fishing for compliments, jeez” you giggle, hyunjin huffs and wraps his arms around your waist from behind.
“don’t be jealous just because lix likes me better than you” he rests his chin on your shoulder and cheesily winks at felix.
He manages to let out a somewhat not-awkward laugh even though his heart starts racing and he hopes the light is dimmed enough for the both of you not to see his red cheeks.
“oh, please there is no way he likes you better than me” you roll your eyes playfully “right, lixie?” you bat your lashes at him, crossing your arms and conveniently pressing your chest together.
Felix’s eyes flicker to your breasts before he catches himself and laughs “you guys are annoying” before grabbing one of the shots you poured earlier and bringing it to his lips hastily.
In the corner of his eyes he can see hyunjin whispering something in your ear at which you giggle and nod before you turn around to kiss him.
“I’ll be outside real quick, have to ask minho hyung something about the plumping issue” hyunjin sighs when he and felix lock eyes before pressing a kiss to your head.
“watch her” he points at felix before leaving, for him to make sure you don’t drink too much since you have the tendency to do so.
“sure” felix lips quirk upwards shortly before he takes your shot glass and downs the fluid in there as well.
“hey, that was mine” you laugh incredulously but he ignores you, pouring himself another one.
“what has gotten into you?” you giggle and take the bottle from him to pour one for yourself.
“I thought we’re gonna party” he grins already feeling a bit drowsy.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, snickering “oh yea we are”
“oh,let it out” felix’s head hammers in pain as he feels your hand smooth down the expanse of his back before he rests his cheek on the frat houses toilet seat multiple hours later.
“quite a party hm?” he rasps, eyes closed. You huff “you could say that”.
“I’m sorry” he apologizes quietly.
“for what?” you brush some hair out of his face before standing up and dampening some toilet paper in cold water.
“for ruining your night” he sniffles a little.
“aw no, you didnt” you sit back down next to him, gently wiping his forehead with the cooling tissue “it’s almost over anyways, plus I barely knew anyone” you console him before the door opens.
“here you go” felix hears hyunjins voice and thinks he wants to die of embarrassment, first you have to baby him and now hyunjin sees him like that as well? shit.
“thanks babe” you mumble before leaning down into felix’s peripheral again, holding up his jacket; which hyunjin brought, felix assumes.
“lets get you home, yea?” felix nods at you question, not wanting to cause anymore trouble.
“you think you can walk?” hyunjin asks concernedly when he sees his friends pale face.
“yea yea” felix nods, slowly getting up, with which hyunjin helps him.
Once the three of you are outside the frat house, hyunjin wraps an arm around felix’s waist to help him walk straight.
Felix looks down to where hyunjins hand curls around his waist, holding him up; has he always been this strong?
“I’ll just sleep at your place okay?” hyunjin asks you.
“yea, okay” you nod, holding felixs arm as the three of you walk “you don’t have to though, we’ll be fine”
“eh, I’m not gonna let you two walk home alone, plus I haven’t seen your room since you redecorated” hyunjin winks at you.
“alright” you chuckle.
Felix wakes up in his own bed, in his clothes from last night; somewhat thankful that you decided not to undress him.
When he tries to sit up a sharp pain rushes through his skull, his hand lifting to his forehead as he groans.
“fuck” he swears to himself, as slowly as possible he gets out of bed to get rid of his jeans and put on some sweatpants.
Walking out of his room, he hears your giggles coming from behind your door, right across from his own.
He swallows the same dull feeling he always feels when he’s with the two of you and makes his way to the kitchen to get some painkillers and water for his head.
After putting the empty water glass that he just chugged with an advill into the sink he drags his feet back to his room.
Halfway there, he cant help but overhear a soft moan coming from behind your door and stops in his tracks.
There, another one followed by a faint ‘fuck’ which sounded like it came from hyunjin.
Its so wrong, what he’s doing. Those are his bestfriends having sex and he’s standing outside their door like some creep listening to them getting it on.
He should be disgusted by himself, yet he feels his cock stir in his pants when what sounded like your bed creaking and you yelping out your boyfriends name halls through the door.
Before felix knows what he’s doing, he’s gently pushing open your door, just a slit.
And there you are, hyunjin is sitting on the bed with you on his lap and your legs wrapped around his waist.
His cock fully hardens when he watches hyunjin help you lift yourself up and down on his length as he moans out for you.
You are facing the door but your eyes are scrunched closed and your head is thrown back in pleasure as your boyfriend sucks at your neck, your arms wrapped around his, nails digging into his broad shoulders.
Felix doesn’t even know where he should look; should he look at the barely there view he has on your tits or the way your ass and hips jiggle every time they come down onto hyunjins thighs. Should he look at the way hyunjins arms bulge with every lift of your body or the way his shoulders and back muscles ripple.
His gaze returns to your face and his heart drops because you are looking him dead in the eyes, he stumbles back and roughly bangs the door shut with him in shock.
“fuck-fuck” he chants to himself, almost scrambling into your shared bathroom and locking the door.
His heart races like it never has before as he paces through the bathroom gnawing on his thumb. Totally ignoring the way his cock throbs in need of attention.
Why didn’t you say anything? Did he only imagine you seeing him? Is he going crazy?
He turns on the shower before undressing himself, the only thing he knows right know, is not having an answer to any of his questions.
"good morning sunshine" hyunjin presses a kiss to your cheek and your eyes flutter open, the warm sensation you feel in your panties getting more intense thhe more concious you get.
"wha- mmh" you arch your neck and hyunjin giggles into your ear, kissing the corner of your mouth before you turn your head and capture his lips with yours.
His fingers keep rubbing you over your panties when you push the covers off of the both of you.
He kisses you feverishly, kneeling himself in between your legs and staring at the wet spot that formed on your panties, thumb still rubbing over your clit.
"please" you whine, wiggling your hips "dont tease"
Hyunjins eyes sparkle up at yours before he flashes a smile "i'd never" he leans down, dragging his tongue over your panties.
A little too loud of a moan tears from your throat as your hips buck up.
"shhh" hyunjin teases, pulling off your panties "you're gonna wake the entire building" you giggle when he smacks your butt.
"aw fuck- baby" your fingers instinctively tangle into his dark locks when his tongue starts dipping into your wetness.
His hands are wrapped around your thighs, holding them securely to the side of his head when he sucks on your clit, your back arching in response.
“taste so good, baby” he smacks his lips, hooded eyes peering up at you, when you hold yourself up to watch, he licks a bold stripe through your wetness.
“shit” your eyes roll back when you groan, dropping your head momentairily. “fuck me, right now” you hold his cheeks.
Hyunjin grins, pressing a wet kiss to your clit before sitting up and pulling down his boxers.
You lick your hand and fist his length, twisting your wrist a few times when he leans down to kiss you.
Replacing his hand with yours, he lines himself up with your entrance; groaning when he pushes inside.
“so wet baby” he punctuates each word with a kiss to your lips.
“so perfect, fuck!” you moan at his words, relishing in how he fills you up as you bare your neck for him to drag his lips along.
He rolls his hips into yours, kissing your lips at the same sensual pace.
“wanna-“ you gasp.
“what do you want baby” hyunjin breathes “tell me” he mumbles, cupping your cheek.
“wanna ride you” you crade his cheeks before connecting your lips.
“come here” the bed creaks under both of your weight when hyunjin positions you in his lap and you wrap your legs around his waist.
You cry out when sinking down onto his length again “hyunjin! shit” you claw onto his shoulders.
“I got you, love” he mouths underneath your ear, sucking on the sensitive skin.
“you’re so big” you gasp, tucking your face into his neck which entices a soft chuckle from your boyfriend.
“you’re doing so good baby” he runs his hand down your back before gripping onto your hips when you start bouncing up and down to the best of your abilities.
You throw your head back when his cock drags along your magic spot inside of you, closing your eyes when he starts sucking another bruise into your skin as you roll your hips.
“fuck-y/n” hyunjin moans agsinst your skin when your walls tighten around him.
Your mouth agapes in pleasure and you lift your head up, opening your eyes to see felix stare at the two of you, doorhandle still in hand.
You feel your self clench even more around hyunjins lengths when you see how felix is drinking in hyunjins form.
He gulps and locks eyes with you, face visibly paling as he gets startled by your sudden eye contact, launching back and ramming the door closed.
“what the-“ hyunjin turns around, halting his movements.
“fuck” you hear from outside your room, hyunjin looks back at you.
“is that-“
“felix, yes, he was watching us” you feel blood creep into your cheeks at which hyunjin grins. 
“Is that why you just got so tight around me?” he giggles when you feign being appalled by his accusation.
“mmhm, what? Little slut likes when felix watches how good I fuck you, yea?” hyunjin mocks and hoists you off of him and onto your hands and knees.
“mmh-“ you whine when he delivers a smack to your right butt cheek “maybe”
“did you mean what you said earlier?” hyunjin asks, running his fingers up and down your side as your head rests on his bare chest.
“what?” you peer up at him through your lashes.
“that you liked it when felix watched us” he recalls, playing with a strand of your hair.
“I never said I did” you trace your finger along his pecs, he huffs.
“but you also didn’t say that you didn’t” he counters, a moment of silence filling the room.
“would you think its weird if I did?” you scooch up a little to look at him better.
“no…” hyunjin hesitates but continues when you lock eyes “I like lix, trust him” he mumbles.
You nod “yea, me too” as you tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear.
Felix has been sneaky and successful the past few days when it came to avoiding hyunjin and you.
Hyunjin hasn’t been over since what happened the morning after the party so he didn’t worry about him. You however are still his roommate and best friend, so avoiding you is a full time job which he doesn’t know how long he can hold up.
The door to your shared apartment opens and he steps inside, exhausted from a long day of classes.
When he slips out of his shoes, he hears the tv getting turned on.
“shit” he silently curses, that means you’re in the living room and are going to see him running past you to get to his room.
Still, he tries to be quiet and hopes your peripheral vision is as bad as his avoiding techniques.
Rushing past you, he barely makes it to the corridor that leads to both of your rooms when you say his name.
“felix” you never say his full name like that, he slowly turns around to see you sit on the couch in baggy sweatpants and an oversized shirt, he assumes to be hyunjins.
“yea” his voice cracks.
“come here” you pout a little, patting the couch next to yourself and signalling him to sit down.
Felix sighs heavily before obliging to your wish.
“listen I’m sorry-“ you start but he interrupts you almost immediately.
“woah wo- what?” he furrows his brows “I literally spied on you getting it on and you’re sorry?” he feels like his eyes are going to pop out of his skull at any moment.
“I’m sorry, y/n, and I know I have to apologize to hyunjin as well” felix says, looking down at his hands and silently hoping that you don’t think of him as a creep.
“I’m not mad at you lix” you speak gently, placing one hand over his “and hyunjin isn’t either”
“really?” felix asks doubtfully, to which you nod.
“I promise, we like you a lot lixie” you swipe some hair from his forehead and his breath hitches at the minimal skin contact, feeling his cheeks heat up.
“but- i-“ he stutters but before he can finish his sentence hyunjin walks through the door.
“hey” he beams when seeing you and felix, quickly taking off his jacket and shoes and joining the two of you.
“are you joining our marvel marathon?” hyunjin smiles and felix swears he’s blushing again.
“uh- no” he’s stammering, feeling like he’s going crazy.
“we were just talking about how we are not mad at him or anything” felix sees the look you give hyunjin, wanting him to talk.
“oh, yea. no lix seriously don’t avoid us anymore, its no big deal” hyunjin places his big hand on felix’s shoulder and gently rubs it down his arm.
“yes it is!” felix finally snaps, getting up and looking at both of your shocked faces. He knows that you don’t know this side of him, that you only know the sweet and caring side and not the ‘frustraded / so damn angry at himself’ side.
“wha-“ you try to speak but he interrupts you.
“do you guys even realize how hard it is for me to be around you in general?” he stares at the both of you, seeing how your brows furrow.
“all I can think about is how you guys are perfect and made for each other but also how I cant even choose whom I am more jealous of” he breathes heavily.
“am I more into you?” he gestures towards hyunjin before whipping his head to you “or you? I don’t know!”
“and now I saw you guys- damn” he interrupts himself by frustratedly running his fingers through his hair “fuck, I just made a complete fool of myself” he mumbles, fiddling with his fingers.
You and hyunjin exchange gazes before hyunjin extents his arm towards him, at which felix sighs “I don’t want your pity, guys”
“no, lix come here” hyunjin wiggles his fingers, smiling when felix slides his smaller hand into his.
Felix feels his heartbeat intensify when hyunjin pulls him back onto the couch.
“we like you too, lixie” felixs head whips your way as soon as the words leave your lips “you’re always there for us, always have our backs” you run your hand over his chest as his eyes flicker down to watch your ministrations.
“the next time you want to watch, you can just ask to join instead” hyunjin grins and felix swallows harshly at the idea of being pressed in between the two of you.
“a-“ he starts but clears his throat because his voice cracks “are you serious?”
You nod eagerly “of course, why not? Could be fun” you grin at him.
“unless we read you completely wrong and just made you super uncomfortable, then just forget we ever had this conversation” hyunjin scratches at his forehead bashfully.
Felix’s thoughts run wild as he imagines the three of your bodies entangled in various positions, blinking to get the images out of your head.
“okay-um” you voice catapults him back into reality “sorry” you remove your hand from his chest and scooch away a little “I didn’t want to make this awkward” you shake your head apologetically.
“no!” felix blurts out all over sudden, making you flinch a little “sorry” he mumbles, placing his hand on your knee, hoping you don’t think he’s a nut job.
“its not! I- I would like that” he blushes as he plays with his fingers before he feels the couch next to him shift.
“how about” hyunjin speaks as he stands up “we postpone our movie marathon then” he grins as he holds out his hands for you and felix.
You giggle and get up before intertwining your fingers with your boyfriends, felix smiles hesitantly before sliding his hand into hyunjins free one and following the both of you to your bedroom.
“you wanna kiss me?” you ask felix, grinning when he nods rapidly.
Hyunjin sits down on your bed, watching as you lock lips with the younger boy and feeling his cock stiffen when he lets out a whine; probably because you did that thing with your tongue that hyunjin loves as well.
Felix’s face feels hot, he doesn’t know what is riling him up more, you kissing him or hyunjin watching him so intently.
“don’t forget about me, my darlings” hyunjin speaks softly, grinning when you lock eyes with him.
“undress for me” he orders, at which you let out an excited squeal and pull your oversized shirt over your head, dropping it to the floor.
“fuck” escapes out of felix’s mouth, at which hyunjin chuckles.
“you know, lix, they feel as great as they look” he locks eyes with felix, nodding at him to urge him on.
Felix tentatively raises his hands and gently cups your breasts, his breath hitching when your press your own over his and make him squeeze your boobs.
“fuck” felix repeats, making you giggle “your turn”
At this, felix becomes bright red. What the hell did he think? He couldn’t just have a threesome with his two biggest crushes ever when he had never had sex before.
“uh-i- I’ve never done this” he stammers.
“us neither, lixie” you smile understandingly.
“no-“ he sighs “i- I’ve never had sex before” ashamedly looking at the ground as hyunjin and you exchange somewhat shocked looks.
“I get if you don’t want to continue I mean, you didn’t ask for this-“ hyunjin interrupts him.
“if you want to continue we can, we have no problem with it, lix I promise” he assures his friend.
“yea-I uh-want you to be my first” felix mumbles.
“you’re so cute” you coo, cradling his cheeks and pressing some kisses to his freckly cheeks at which he squirms a little and giggles as well.
“back to the good stuff?” hyunjin tilts his head, felix nods before shakily exhaling.
“relax” you whisper, smiling when felix grips the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head, he feels the blood rush to his cheeks when hyunjin mimics him and he has a full frontal view on his muscular torso.
His gaze averts back to you when you guide him to your bed.
“sit down” you nod to your headboard, where he scoots up to sit against, watching as hyunjin pulls you down for a kiss, moaning when you grab his bulge over his sweatpants.
“take off your pants” you moan to felix when hyunjin kisses along the side of your neck, felix nods and chokes out a ‘yeah’ before shuffling his pants off.
He strokes his cock as he watches hyunjin squeeze your chest and suck one of your nipples in his mouth.
You moan, rolling your head back before your eyes land on felix’s hard length.
Hyunjin plants a smack to your ass when you get off his lap to crawl in between felix’s legs, grinning at him before you connect your lips with his.
Running your hand down his torso before replacing his hand with yours, hyunjin slowly removes your own sweatpants.
You moan against felix’s lips when hyunjin dips his head and licks a stripe up your wetness.
“fuck” you moan, looking back at your boyfriend.
“gonna suck lixies cock, baby?” he grins, squeezing your right ass cheeks.
“yea” you nod, looking back at the boy in question, cheeks flushed as a nervous puff escapes his puffy lips.
“you want that?” you ask, looking up at him before pressing kisses to his abs.
“y-yes, please” he nods eagerly at which you hum satisfactory, twisting your wrist around his length.
“so polite” you tease him, licking a soft stripe along the underside of his cock at which he hisses ”I like it” you grin, slowly taking him into your mouth while hyunjin scissors two if his fingers inside of you, the thumb of his other hand rubbing circles into your clit.
Hyunjin watches how felix bares his neck and his eyes scrunch together in pleasure, he lifts his hand and lets it hove over your head.
“you can pull on her hair a little, she likes it” hyunjin encourages him, winking when he blushes with the realization hits that he’d been watching him.
But he does what hyunjin tells him and gently places his hands in your hair, pulling on it when you moan around his length.
“oh fuck” his head falls back against the headboard before he opens his eyes and his gaze falls on how hyunjins arms flexes with every drill of his fingers.
“m’gonna cum, fuck” you pull yourself off of felix as you yelp out in pleasure felix extending his arm to touch and squeeze your jiggling breasts.
Suddenly hyunjin stops and you let out a disappointed whine “make lixie cum and I’ll make you cum” hyunjin sneers, punctuating his sentence with another smack to your butt.
You whine but get back to work, bopping your head up and down and letting felix thrust up into your mouth occasionally.
Hyunjin continues to pump his fingers inside of you slowly, feeling how painfully hard his own cock is getting when felix moans about being close.
“cum for us lixie” he urges the younger boy on, pressing his thumb to your clit again so you would moan again.
And you do, the vibrations from your throat sending felix into bliss, hot ropes of cum filling your mouth.
You gasp for breath after swallowing his cum, groaning his disapproval when hyunjin removes his fingers from you yet again.
Felix’s chest heaves with the intensity of his high as he watches hyunjin cume up behind you and pull you up.
You arch your neck back to look at him “did you swallow?” he asks, gently holding onto your throat at which you nod with big eyes.
“show me” you obediently open your mouth and stick out our tongue for him before he kisses you.
“good girl” he mumbles.
Felix can already feel himself getting aroused again, wishing he getting praised by him as well.
As if he could read felix’s mind, hyunjin turns to him “you’re a good boy too lix” and before he can stop himself, a little whine slips past his lips at the praise.
Hyunjin grins “come here” at which felix scrambles and gets on his knees to be at eyelevel with the both of you before hyunjins hand finds his jaw and brings their lips together over your shoulder.
You bite your lip at the sight before taking the opportunity and marking the side of felix’s neck, said boy feels like he’s flying.
Hyunjins tongue intrudes into his mouth, your soft lips are all over his neck and before he knows it he’s hard again.
Your hands wander down his torso before quick fingers wrap around his length again.
“already ready to go again?” you softly giggle when the boys break their kiss, a faint string of saliva connecting them to each other.
Hyunjin grins “you wanna fuck her?” nodding at you “help me make her cum?”
“yes-yes, fuck” felix nods “please” he adds, remembering that you said you liked it when he was being polite.
Hyunjin sits in felix’s previous position and makes you sit in between his legs with your back to his chest.
“y-you’re on the pill, right?” felix asks you carefully, you just smile “yes, lixie I am”
“okay” he smiles back.
Hyunjins big hands spread your legs for felix, who experimentally brings up a finger to run it through your wet folds.
“once you’re in this pussy, I promise you wont want to leave” your boyfriend quips and you playfully slap his shoulder.
“fuck me, lixie” you turn your attention back to felix, making him nod and line up his length with your pulsating hole.
“oh my-“ his eyes close when he pushes inside for the first time.
“that’s it” hyunjins gaze is fixed on where your body connects with his friends, his hand squeezing one of your breast as he listens to the both of you moan.
Felix’s first few thrusts are shaky but soon he finds a rhythm, holding you by your waist as he bottoms out again and again.
“fuck-I wont last” he curses, his hips stuttering when hyunjin kisses his lips once more.
“faster, lixie” you interrupt their kiss with your plead, arching your neck and clawing onto hyunjins arm when he starts rubbing at your clit once more.
“fuck-please don’t stop” you cry out when you feel hyunjin sucking at your neck, felix is breathing heavily; trying to hold out but he feels himself fall once more as he spills his cum into you.
You cum a few seconds later, your walls clamping down on his length and making him groan in overstimulation as you tremble with the aftershocks.
“fuck” you pant, prying hyunjins hand away from your sensitive bud at which he chuckles and complies, pressing a kiss to your hairline.
Felix and you are still catching your breaths when hyunjin breaks the silence.
“you better still have some energy left, ‘cause we are far from done”
a/n: imma edit tomorrow cause i havent had dinner yet and tumblr frozee and now im mad and hungry omg im haangryyhfichfpweh anyways hope u liked it i’ll add tags later cause like i said im maddfhnfhpiernhfp3rj
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