#he DEFINITELY would have won
Heh, so uh, funny story! My job was busier than I expected yesterday (and today) so I thought I’d have more time to do this and I didn’t! BUT FRET NOT, FOR IT WAS MADE ANYWAY! Anyway, I’ve accepted my schedule for uploading these will be irrregular, but I’m gonna do it anyway, I’m having fun inflicting my little guys with The Horrors.
I should probably mention my interpretation of Volo isn’t immortal, he’s just a ball of spite towards the god that abandoned him and he will become a ghost type to make sure Arceus never gets peace if he has to.
Warnings: I don’t like Cogita, uh.. aftermath of Pokemon battle gone wrong? They’re okay (I don’t like killing off characters) but yeah, they were outmatched REALLY badly, so. Animal injury. Also animal attack aftermath (not super bad just exists).
Day 4: Swaying
Volo feels.. empty.
His one chance at reaching his goal was snatched away in an instant by outsiders who had no business poking their noses in this. Giratina’s gone- which is his own fault, he had lashed out at them unfairly.
And to top it all off, all his Pokémon were hurt pretty badly in that fight. They had been outnumbered and outmatched, and by the time Volo had the chance to pull his Pokémon out of that fight, they had already given all the fight they had.
He hadn’t made it out unscathed, either. Apparently, Cheri is a zoroark, and he’s also blessed by Arceus, which explains a LOT.
So Volo has a huge set of gashes in his arm that he’s only just managed to wrap tightly enough to stop the bleeding, he’s light headed and he’s almost fallen over a few times in the trek down the mountain, his Pokémon are all hurt pretty badly, and they don’t have a place to stay.
He doesn’t want to go to Cogita. She’s been getting worse as time goes on, and he’s already feeling terrible enough without her quips about.. well..
His entire existence, really.
But he’s sure everyone will know about what happened by the time he gets down the mountain- the siblings had taken off on various flying Pokémon in three different directions. So that takes out both the clans and town, and the Guild, too, since he’s fairly sure Ginter is in town today and will hear of this.
It’s a good thing he had thought to grab his discarded bag. He can at least find a cave or something of the sort, heal his Pokémon, and then..
And then what? There’s nothing else for him here.
Volo takes a deep breath, pushing through the spots in his vision. I don’t care how long it takes.
It could take decades, or even centuries.
I WILL find a way to make this work.
I just need to do more research.
Clouds are starting to gather, threatening rain, and Volo looks up, frowning. It wouldn’t be good to be caught in this, it’s going to be a cold night and he doesn’t want to get sick.. Well. Better hurry, then.
He finds his way to the nearest clear spot, setting down his bag and getting his tent set up as quickly as he can. He has to take time to rest every few minutes, leaning against the nearest tree and catching his breath.
Gods. I’m so cold..
I’ll have to find a Blissey later..
..There HAS to be a way to fix this, right? I’m beaten, but I’m not dead. Giratina’s gone, but there’s other ways to capture a god. I don’t need Giratina’s help, I don’t need anyone, I-
Toge jumps out of her ball, weakly squeaking, and Volo feels his heart drop as he rushes to her side.
“Hey, precious girl,” he murmurs, gently brushing a few of her disheveled feathers back into place. They’re stained with blood and dark-type energy, and he frowns. “Are you okay?”
Another quiet squeak.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to fix this.” He sighs, getting to work finishing setting up the tent. He ignores how standing is starting to put spots in his vision, he needs to get this done before they all get soaked.
It takes a while, and little drops of rain are starting to fall, but once the tent is up, he helps her limp her way inside, letting the others out of their pokeballs too.
They’re all hurt. Luca’s burnt in a few different places from fire and electricity, and Volo’s going to guess he’s lucky if nothing’s broken, with how savagely the bird Pokémon attacked him. Trouble’s shivering, far too cold for a fire type, the rocks in her mane cracked by water and ice. Shark is covered in shimmering wounds, most left by a sylveon. Dried leaf-like skin is flaking off Nightshade, who is burnt even worse than Luca is- even Spiritomb is flickering. Their keystone is, thankfully, intact, but there’s not much power in their disc.
That’s not even mentioning the scratches and bites covering their bodies.
Arceus, I can understand sending people who could defeat me in battle, but why send such strong opponents? Why so many?
This isn’t just a defeat, it’s cruelty.
Luca and Toge are the only ones awake. Luca stands, taking a moment to catch his balance before staggering to Volo’s side. Volo holds his arms open as the lucario falls into him, and he feels a rush of guilt as he pulls him close.
“I’m sorry,” Volo murmurs. “I- I shouldn’t have made you all part of this, I..” He sighs, hiding his face in his free hand. “Gods, I am such a fool. I should have realized those three were sent by Arceus, had Their divine blessing.”
Toge squeaks, pushing her way under his arm and resting there, and Volo sighs, staring at the ground.
I really am a joke in Arceus’s eyes, aren’t I? They didn’t even send an adult to deal with me. They sent children.
Sure, they are good battlers, but even so, they’re still CHILDREN.
Perhaps the fact they were sent was a testament to their strength.
Or maybe it only proves how little Arceus really thinks of me.
Volo starts digging through his bag, pulling out bandages, potions, and revives. Whatever the case, I have more important things to worry about right now. Like making sure my Pokémon survive this.
He starts quickly treating the wounds that need the most immediate attention. He doesn’t have a lot of potions on him, but thankfully, he has enough to fix the majority of the worst damage, and he does that before waking the ones who are still knocked out. Then he gets to work bandaging the rest.
I’m glad I thought to stock up on bandages the last time I got a chance to.
A sudden chill brushes through him, and he unpins his shoulder cape, quickly pulling on his merchant outfit. He might hate the job, but at least the clothes are warm.
It doesn’t help much, but his arms are covered and he’s a little warmer.
He lets out a quiet sigh. “..How are you all doing? Is it cold?”
Most of his Pokémon seem okay now, if maybe a little lightheaded, but Shark and Nightshade are both pretty cold, and they look at him with pleading eyes.
“Right. Here.” Volo holds out their Pokeballs, and the garchomp and roserade hurry to jump in. Tucking those to his chest to hopefully keep them warm, Volo sighs, pulling the other four close.
..I’m going to fix this. We all deserve a better world, and damn what Arceus does, I’m going to find a way to make it.
I’ll find a way to do it if it kills me.
(Edited for Hemlock’s name, nightshade didn’t exist at the time in Japan I think based on my research but hemlock did. Also some formatting fixes.)
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vonlipvig · 1 month
if i was making scandal s4 i'd have a psychological horror cyrus subplot where he's periodically haunted by a rotting, zombie-fied ghost version of james every time he continues to support the administration in his usual immoral ways, both serving as a representation of his guilt over his loss, and the constant reinforcing of his sunk-cost fallacy way of coping. but because this wasn't relevant to olivia's journey they didn't include it.
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penroseparticle · 4 months
irreplaceable rant? to the left to the left
My irreplaceable rant is essentially:
When Beyonce wrote Irreplaceable it was like a giant stepping on an ant. Even in 06 she was shaping up to be a Juggernaut. B'Day launched at number 1 I believe? She was blowing up. Well established, producing bop after bop after banger after banger. And We bought Irreplaceable because we, fully, were on board. Beyonce COULD have another you in a minute. The mythos of Beyonce was taking shape. She was Beyonce, you were some guy. To the left.
When she wrote Lemonade it was like. Oh there are stakes now because whether you think Jay Z is great or not or a garbage dude or whatever, he's at least closer to her level than just "some guy".
Like. Of course she could have another you in a minute if you were some dude. But could she have another Jay Z in a minute? No, categorically she could not, and to say otherwise is to tell yourself fun lies because you hate cheaters or men or whatever. I am a firm believer that Beyonce is one of a kind and cannot be replicated in our lifetime as a cultural phenomenon, artist, creator, singer, you name it she is. incredible. But I'm also not going to pretend Jay Z wasn't in some ways just as singularly, powerfully monolithic with popculture just because most of this website understands rap less.
She writes the Sistine Chapel about him because like it or not, she wants to. She looks at him and sees things you could only dream of creating and I for one am just happy to be here, and could care less what you think about Beyonce's specialist boy who is the catalyst of some of the best music I've heard in the past decade, and also someone who MADE some of the best music I've heard in the past 20 years as well.
Beyonce's first solo recording was 03 Bonnie and Clyde, btw. As in, she was a feature on a Jay Z song before even releasing Dangerously in Love. Which. Also prominently has a Jay Z feature. In the lead single. That arguably launched Beyonce's career. Why would she ever write songs about the man who helped her launch her career that she has been married to for 16 years. A damn mystery.
And for the record, if she wanted to make the most beautiful art in the world about literal garbage, so the fuck what. We hate Duchamps The Fountain on this website now? Irving Penn spent years taking extremely detailed, well composed photos... of actual trash. Like Mud Glove. His photos were hanging in the Smithsonian a few years ago. Turns out beautiful art that says something, even something about trash? Still beautiful.
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whysamwhy123 · 6 months
If something could go right for Ricky in AEW any time soon, that'd be great 😥
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dutybcrne · 7 months
When getting married, Kae's ideal wedding fit is something that heavily blurs his gender presentation. Is it a suit? A dress??? Is he the bride?? Groom??? Who knows? Definitely not anybody getting a good look at him-
#hc; kaeya#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Ambiguousness dialed up to the MAX#//The most important part is that he looks GOOD#//And leaves his partner mouth agape; that too ksjbgd#//If he can leave them breath and speechless; he'll be more than happy with his outfit choice#//Deffo WILL playfully tease them during the vows for sure#//Suuuubtly adjust the collar/opening at his chest to draw attention to it; or otherwise shimmying his shoulders ever so slightly to do so#//Cock his head and give them a coy little sultry look as they speak; batting his eyes as he purses his lips juuust a lil bit#//ESP if he Knows it's gonna make them wanna get back at him later#//Definitely would want to go All Out on the decadence; for accessories; materials; makeup#//He doesn't usually want to splurge so much on himself; even with his presentation on the daily#//But for his wedding; he would LOVE to go all out#//It's only one of the BIGGEST MOMENTS OF HIS LIFE; after all#//Esp considering how much it would take to actually GET him there and give in to actually marrying his partner; his anxieties considered#//It's IMPORTANT#//It's a different story if the wedding happens to be impromptu lmao#//Like the Potc scene with Will; Elizabeth; and Barbossa jbdgkg#//My favorite thing ever lol#//Propose to and marry him mid-battle; and he will be ECSTATIC#//Blood-spattered; bruised; disheveled and all; he wouldn't care; he'd be SO happy#//Might have to anticipate consummating the marriage IMMEDIATELY after the fight's been won tho kjdnbkgft#//He'd be so lax bc there aren't family and friends to present to; it's just him and his partner#//Which honestly may mean less stress for him in the long run; lbr#//Prolly the most ideal sort of wedding for him#//Where he doesn't have to think; lets himself get carried away by the emotions and his partner's joy/excitement#//Just FUN and THEM#//and a little chaos; that too lol
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prototypelq · 5 months
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I'm slowly tackling Root with friends (I love this board game so much, I haven't won a single game yet and I'm still just having too much fun to be sad about that), here are fun moments from our last play (we've managed to play Two matches this time!)
a quick explanation: Root is a war board game of forest might and right, and it revolves around different factions of the woods, which are represented by different animals.
First picture - a Big flock of birds has tried to conquer a Cats-controlled clearing, we are about to have a fight of 10 vs 5 warriors fight for that spot. Birds roll 1 on the combat dice, and Cats roll 0 on the defense dice. Basically, both platoons of warriors at both sides mutually agreed to not fight on that turn xD
Second picture - Peaceful Worshippers of The Great Dragon have been slowly gathering followers in this clearing (because it's my second lizards game and I dunno how to play them). There is a stranded lone Cats warrior, which cannot leave this clearing, and Otters who the lizards are trading with. Basically, we have a three out of four factions in the clearing coexisting peacefully is this war game (the rest of the forest was a cats-induced massacre).
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ashendalia · 6 months
I don't know what to do with myself so all I end up doing is starting off somewhere thinking about how Griff deserved so much better than what he was given in his life
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mageofminge · 8 months
do you guys ever have nightmares about getting a fish tank only for the fish to die within the day you get it due to some really horrible and also easy to avoid errors?
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
LAPoem's Mirotic cover................ Cassies wake up this is our Forestella moment
#tvxq#dbsk#yes i got my hands on the Immortal Song performances what are you going to do about it#finally some real f*cking music from real f*cking musicians that sh*t f*cked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! severely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#pulling some Mozart countertenor sh*t shut the f*ck up#now i need an actual Forestella cover bc they would kill it but Woorim's in the military like he hasn't already served by#1. marrying Yuna and 2. merely existing. f*ck them fr we have been robbed#don't get me started on KARDI's Rising Sun cover Yunho was living his best dream with that. JD1 and HUG was cute af#but then again the original is cute af so#ASEUL subunit Wrong Number Cassies we also won with that Yunho's girlfriend has returned!!!!!!!!!! Seulgi has returned#stable vocals amen and amen. put it on Spotify i'll stream the sh*t out of it#ONF and KYHD......................... definitely turned it into a ONF song. like pre-release single off comeback album ONF song#i'm too emotionally attached to KYHD to give their version multiple listens tho sorry kids. good job#ZB1 went for a very 00s hiphop tape vibe for TWUA (closer to the original) which was nice. except these boys are not sexy in#any way despite the choreo they look pocket sized in that leather. i would not hesitate before putting them in my pocket#they won the the Immortal Song ep tho which uh. not sure how that happened but ykw i'll give them the win they're cute + they're#rookies and they came out here and got in studio Cassies to like them. congratulations
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spacetrashpile · 1 year
ok, so since it seems like today’s session of limited life is gonna be the last (martyn said it himself!), now feels like a good time for this poll:
sorry i had to group the past winners there’s 11 people left and polls only let you have 10 options
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hauntingblue · 8 months
'You don't look like a criminal, buy me lunch after the combat' lmao rebecca is luffy approved
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only4soo-won · 2 years
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Literally throwing a dinner party to cheer up his men, doing exactly the opposite of what Chagol is assuming and on top of that, making an arrangement of 10k extra troops to give them a warm welcome in their next arrival....
Like, Sir just what you've taken HIM for?
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wonder-worker · 9 months
how do you think the Lancasters stood the best chance at winning the war?
Imo, if they'd won at Mortimer's Cross or Towton, the Yorkists would be finished.
A lot of the WotR depended on military victories, tbh. We tend to get distracted by fancy discussions like "Who had the best claim?"* or Propaganda Roulette 101, but the fact remains that it was ultimately military victories that sealed the deal and got rid of opposition**. Everything else was pretty wrapping on top of the already-won or to-be-won prize.
*The most useless debate of all **The exception was Richard III's usurpation but that was a fairly unconventional and entirely unexpected usurpation, and in any case it was a military defeat that ended his reign.
#ask#wars of the roses#Remember that the Yorkists were on the brink of total defeat by the end of 1460#The Duke of York and his second son were killed; and his heir was only 18; the King would soon be reclaimed from their grasp#If they'd lost in 1461 their cause would most likely be over#A fairly analogous example would be the Battle of Bosworth - if Richard III had won Henry Tudor's cause would be finished#(and he'd probably be dead)#If the Lancastrians had seized London they'd have a huge advantage but might also encounter some difficulties#including a potential siege and hostility from the aldermen and public. But a military victory would seal the deal#Also I think I've mentioned in some tags before but imo it's clear that the Lancastrians stood a monumentally better chance at#consolidating their power/support/reputation if they won in 1461 rather than 1471#A 1471 military victory would result in victory but would also bring with it a whole host of other problems in terms of consolidation#(Among others: the inevitable head-on national clash between Yorkist and Lancastrian lords in terms of forfeited and restored estates#which had been postponed by Warwick but would undoubtedly take center stage once the royal family was properly established#and would almost definitely result in the eruption of widespread rivalries and resentment from the affected parties;#foreign and domestic policy with regards to the promised war with Burgundy which was very unpopular with the English patriciate; etc)#(That's not even getting into whether Warwick would survive or not and the equally complicated possibilities in either scenario#or George of Clarence: whether their victory would be before or after he switched sides and what that would mean for him)#There's also the obvious fact that Henry VI would still ultimately be King - and that can take VERY different routes depending#on the wider situation#In a completely alternate scenario if they had established themselves when Edward IV was still in exile he would be out of reach#which would over-complicate matters even further#(I'd be personally curious to know if they took any action against royal claims through the female line considering this was a HUGE#aspect of their gendered propaganda in the 1460s to try and delegitimize the Yorkist claim...Henry IV gave them an obvious precedent)#a 1471 victor would also be devastating on a personal level for everyone involved considering Henry's imprisonment and#Margaret and Edward's almost decade-long exile before it#It would be significantly more devastating for Edward IV's widow and four frighteningly young children - especially considering#that unlike Margaret or Anne Neville they lacked the active/direct connection of powerful foreign or national relatives#All in all - It's difficult to say but it's clear that a path forward in 1471 would be tremendously hard#A victory in 1461 would not only forever end the Yorkist challenge but would also ensure a far smoother aftermath for the Lancasters
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bomnun · 2 years
among the 292738 other reasons cube needs to go to hell and burn is for making pentagon work their asses off september/october/november 2022 for a comeback that the company possibly never was going to be able to afford to pay for and cancel/postpone anyway
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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It's a problem for me how every frame of his face needs to be a painting. I paint way too slow for this kind of workload.
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wheucto · 1 year
fun fact! assuming the hotel cost 200,000 dollars, it would take about 11 years for OJ to have his million dollars run out due to food expenses alone
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